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VOL. 66 No. 16. P'ICKERING, ON-T. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,. 1946. 4 �� - Authorized as Secona Class Matter fiMb. Rate 42.00 per year; U. S. 32.110- W. C. Murkar and Soa, Publishers _ Post Office Departmen., Ottawa_ ' 1. lake Innis - - lected - Reeve Of - Pickerin g Towns. A .. , L -.— -- — _ - -� - V4 ! a ority V ote of 252 •�I't Cis oil I i_iais . :,unauo. s iii n■ Mills 11=01111 The election in 'Pickering Town- G. O. F. Study Commurd; News Scarce Brock Road Christmas Concert l ROTARY ship on Monday, brought out to Recreation The Edi• ,or- Type - setter liavmg to — I �°119, one of the smallest numbers (By Cal. Braun) take 'Monday off to help with the The Annual Concert of Brock Rd. The Rotary Club had another, of i -interested voters is many years. election, shows up is this issue — Schoot Section will be held on `v'i'ed- their '`classification ta'.k:l" oii Mon- - Pickering Village itself was much Court B� °hits \o• 152F, C. 'O. F. back to normal next w•ee_k. ; nesduy, Decamber 18, admen. `'5c S-day evening when Rotarian Frank below 50 percent. The only of'..ce,in--Picker*g, held their regular �smh- 'rouse presented some information the Township Council 'being contest- I ly meeting with Bro. Jack Bryant.. the known (but little know;!) t ed, was that of Reeve- D. Bake A«.- I C. R., presiding.' a detai;ed report - ,Audley Com• .!uni'ty . Club Ce'.ebrates ity well remembers how 'li t „ nis has been our. Reeve for the past was given by` Bro. A. Lisl"man, the Twentieth At:niversary With Party well it went over so .that repeat r- m ;stories o� the 'steel square two years, and that office was chair�rran of Coru :;unit Welfare, I furrnanc.s were called for local:y, the carpenter's golden. rule, an in- 'hail I s rumcni tl.at guides him in prac- sought by Dr. N. E. 91cEwen, ..vh., } regarding-the work done by his. A suecess`ut businesst:_an in a w•hila earls from , outside made x has again been defeated after sec comas ittee during the summer, He nei,lhburing city , attending a fungi- record in its presentation, it via, tica'.ly every move he makes. 1n ftte oral attempts ,again this year by reported that several meeting hau lion in Pickering re.ert,y, r_snarkcd no trouble t{) purchase a piano for Itt,rited time at his,dispospl, he was the present Reeve. been held, in conjunction with other I to the writer, that he had been born the chureli and the presentation of able to introduce just enough to let in Pickering, but, to date, , in the township, where as a boy he it to. the church was the first of !his .�el,u�s -rc; embers know that this not a great deal had been we had. known �'er;,,bud-v in a large the many acts of service. instrument is much more than just Annis McEwer )�� At the presnt ti- Lish- ' radius, and that now he did not see A printed constitution was drawn y e tool used in helping to saw tins No, 4 East 34 21 one familiar face, The 'costs of the u and a declaration of pol'.c mad =, ,end of a board oft square, mast stated that two groups includ • g'.- P y r. Harry Curtis, amateur-profeasion- Pick. Village 60 116 ing the Canadian Foresters i'rom, ' past niaetiea seem to rise from the to -shish every member had to sub- al wt+, +l address the next meet,- Liverpooi '21 62 Pickering were operating bow'.ing old swimming hole, and the knarled scribe when entering. Pro ceedure fig. Monday, Dumbarton 49 94. leagues in Whitby, and that pract- apple stress on mazy a negle.ted was to be on parliamentary rules. Rouge ! 61 48 ically all healthy. recreation had to farmstead, as he passed along the` All actions of the Club were to rest Canadian Girls In Training t Cherrywood $6 23 be obtained outside of the ca: court- once familiar side'ines of our de- on purely democratic lines, which Kinsale 41 6 ity This having the effect of break- } lightful 'township (not the---same would stress individual initiative The C. G. I. T. meeting was op- Brougham 117 52 ing down community_ _ s__n __Grit and j backward tou nship with the high and collective com-ibutions• to the sued by the President The Sects - Whitevale 17`t 24 training, so necessary to our econ- taxes we've been reading about. Ed.) Rood of the vicinity, t'S�•y,•'a and Treatitire*'s rep"rta wa� —i[i, omic and social welfare. This to I So quickly does the changing time i Thus a Club that has stood longer given, followed by the Business Ciaremoat 82 some degree was offset by the for- cover up the familiarities of place than many neighborhoods can bust The Worship Period was taken by. — -- = Alton 77 5 mation of a Youth Club in Picker - and faces. Even a passing of fire of, with a -wealth• of accomplished Nettie W;onzek and Joanne Pypsr. 789 63' inq, which +vas ttpervisEd by the Yew is a neighborhood effed+a a deeds and assistance of which the A Vesper Service will be held rn - Order, but until all Clubs slid Sa - ; change of personnel that is lament- community -is juWy proud. No won- , the United Church on the evening of ieties united under a broad lard a ed by many when they reflect on der then, that at a recent gathering December 15. Dory Planes No Blame Driven strearnlined program, not a great friendships of today. Go over the at the home of Percy and Mrs. The C. G. 1. T. will repeat their deal wouid be accomplished. The lists of residents on any two mile.. Neale, it book; the form a a Carol Singing from door to door :- eying inquest on Wednesday ev- death of Otto Schro speaker concluded his. remarks by stretch of our 'eading concession wedding anniversary with its sand gain this year. — J. 21, the coroner's jury swing a concrete illustration of I lines. and cou,1: the number of dir- led cake wid festive finery, Althotsgh der, on Sept. what -could be done. •While lining ir; ect representatives of our pioneer the night was conflicting with some Pickering Urdted Church W. M. S. places no biame - on either of the � =esulta will be other ,affairs, a fairly large crowd drivers concerned. The jury consist- �� Africa, the natives decided to i peoples and the drivers of: Messes Mow #y Black (fore.). t- build a church. Through hard Rork startling., And this 'marked move- attended. About half of the past The regular meeting of the W. M. Ron. Watson, Chester Butt, Norman di'igeace and rigid ' econccr_y they ment is being speeded up by the presidents of the Club were there- S. was held at the home of Presid- Woad and Robert Stroud. aoewwalate+d 1700 pounds (Ster.). recent war displacement& of popula- Many of these found it difficult +to ent Mrs. M. S. Chapman, on Thurs- Expert Robert Syr udl Crowsi Att Two Englishmen were hired to tions. thikk on their feet. before they got day afternoon. December S. The re- ' orEx Alex. Ball, brought out the handle the project, but shortly they And yet, each of these communit- Me. training of society, but who oil port of -the Nomirading Committee fasts that, the car, rough by the disappeared with the funds. Not lea had their local interests and soc- this occasion made creditable re- Was moved and adopted. After the thwer, in Which rise deceaby had d1 ayed, the natives again set to Mal get- togethers In no part of the marks and oontributed to the M`iew Business Period, the Christmas Can- - berr+ a passenger, and the half -tan 'Rork, and today the church stands township is this more noticeable of the tvuienty years o! service. Dick die-light Service was presented by track driver b Edward Outman, had as a n/ownent to vision, and faith than in the Audley neighborhood. Winter, George Puckrin, Ben Brv- Mrs. Frank Baser, assibtea by eight y a group 'af people, not nearly Our pioneer families had their own ant, Arch. Bell, Fred Puckrin. Giard•' both skidded due to the g'r'�v � members. Many visitors were eves•• - b t h ki the roads sto had collided i � fortunate as we are' The speaker church siedvities. their little red Winter, Percy Neale and Dick Win- eyt. and a social b4f -hour enjoyed; The aicideri occurred about one- pointed out that Europe today ;a school hou =e gatherings and liter- ter Jr., the present President, made at the clMse of the meeting. half mica West of Dumbarton, just I reaping the result of indifference ary societies. their wood, paring, addressee when each strewed the East of White's sideDun -arid selfishness of the people who. building and quilting bees, -while the good the Club had done for the corn- - p A N C I N C" f&ned to take an active interest in i . national poHdeal contests alter mushy and the help it lead been to Every o--,e in the two vesicles re PRIZES calved injuries to some degree. des - �r community life. (( undid the good fralternat spirit fos- each. Regrets were received from '.eased having broken ribs and intern- Good and Wel:are aaa handed by 1,ternd by theme local agencies. Jack Bryartlt and F. M. Chapman. . FUN al injuries. cuts and bruises. ruptut- i Rma. Br i Collins and A. Moore, and 1 The old Grange in the ws mnti" the latter having helped fill ottt the ,ing ther 1 blood vessel teadir- both proved beneficial and instruct- and eighties contributed much in first years presidents term when BROUGHAM. SAT., 14TH from the hest Coronet Dr. V. E• ive. ; neighborhood spirit. for it v:•as of no the elected one was away on basin- '_ } t Bro, In Hicks, F. S,, Court sect of politics. Following that, the ss, and -who was president about k%V E R V DODV CONI E " It Cartwright presided. Ivan e • - tr 'Rrinitby, was extended a i�(,arty wet- s ,Patmns of lnduatty provided local ten years later. .Four former sec - � @ , seine by Bro. J Ery-ant, and in his ; groups that embraced everybodv in retaries were present and spoke also: wile Qurches7 Funeral Services Held For Mrs, address he read a most interesting . i2a social rounds of meetings, Fach Mrs, Clemence, Mrs. Bert Bryant, i Mary Watford, tC1anemorefl article on Neutrality, comFiled by 1 of these activities numbered wane- airs. Everitt Bryant and Mrs. Dick • . —.^, tl the High Court Chaplain, Bro, Hus- times as many as a hundred pe ,)ple Winter. Other past secretaries who !3lickering United ('hard, Funeral services were held ia8t sec The coermittPe in cherge for t%e.! at a merthly °gathering here- were not present, number among Rev. Robt. C. Uopeland, B. A. - ' Saturday for Mrs. Mary waiford, next rneeung Bros, Holo :huk, E,,. The sent of the wrotor car at them, Mrs. Hortop, of Orangeville, Minister who pureed away at the home of her Bryant and G" Johnston. .i •the beginning of the century, was a Mrs. Jack Spencer,. Whitby, Miss ,.S. NDAY, DEC. •15, Fis'er-Mrs. Adam Spears, Whitevate, I Congratulations were extended to ;..dicor¢anizirg inf'uence 'on local ?*Lary Neale, Toronto, Mrs. Fred � 10,00 _, m, - Sunday School Ont.,, afters lingering illness. She Bro, Harry Cooksr n -on tt.e. birth of society. These country ve�n1P, a-ho Puckrin and' :Mrs, Kay Walker, cf 11.00 a: m. - Advent Service was in her 7.1th year. a son: and s}mpat'ip is ertAnd'�d to gIory in their. ru -gPd i tdi��ri,•a }in �, Port Perry. 7.00, P. m. - C. G. I. T. ,, Burn in Pic:-.. ring Township, she Bro. Cecil Lockwood ?''d Ivan Far- li�tvan M move father a rie'd for Bil V�'i ~tern, �vho has always been Christmas' Service _ has lived here most of her life. She nett. «•hope riot *1'pr and w� :`e •have ;their amu ement-. Su r.ss, res'ded in Tor^nto for several years rp var-ies, areal stalwart in the athletics of Vesper Service at 7,00 P. M. been confined to hospital, 4 siAi,ghirt= parflikq and wedd'n- ann- the Club, and who is•not actively. On Sunda evening December 15, and then moved to Claremont. She -- -- Y ; was a member of the Baptist Church 'Rfiat We Thick About Ill ivercariPC ahcnri n t restlPS= suers- connected with the Junior Farmers the .Canadian 'Girls In Training will t: rPs, until tins, #irzt great wnr broke movement in Brooklin; called upon g. there, and of the Women's Missi,•n * a �r it, r ^� 4ral vP'+r9 wore the members •to assist these young hold their lock in P Vesper Unite Circle. _ a .4 number h ^Ve heF'n 'Pak'niz o� ,au' P at 7.00 o'clock in Pickering United She is survived t,y three sister=•• what we thought %bout the "inrid• needed to get down to Qrtr�Mn r•uh people by assisting them in sending Church. All parents and mend ar Mrs. Spears, Mrs. R. P. Worthy; o! r " at tho C• + tt T til Par'y Mon Wing main. in samples o! the soils of their` cordially invited. : Toronto and Mrs. Sam. Stephenson, day morning (probably becamse, w, - It was fist at 10,`s 'time tlfit a • fields f'or analysis so as'to make oaf Oshawa; one brother ja Toronto,. are pcFiTi"rs tc-o-). Wt think this— few people at a choir practice in- the rock o! agriculture leas hazard. Dunbarton United Church _ The funeral was held from the anv rPnorter vino Pf:$- b`ng warn- he little frame church act Aoldl -v, o .The. District Representative, F. � 4 Te.StdP.11 "i°_o? hoc -Meier- in.Rill +PVB�. ad vh�` -tvP �'�roaa °t 1_. -ot ... 1,. looked a !2ynd fOT w morn 91,••n.i•n+ , life. A piano was needed. H�-w to not being able to attend. Minister i• with Rev, R. L. Wenham, her pas- • welcomed, still ignor,-s the off'ic#a SUNDAY, DEC. 15, tor, officiating. Tnterment took place order, sous• by t•repazed for pry let it wga the query at one Friday IL was recounted that Clio sett-- 9.45 - Church School t -at Claremont i.nion Cemetery. t`,i�y ),•, •nav, meet. .Practice. "Why not toy a drama ?" - ities of the Club have not been lim- 11.00 - Morning. Worship. 1rhane• -- �trt*gested one. And t1�e idea causvltt, iced to sending flovwers to the sick, "Advent ". "Let us go even now Aui to .appeal' to the *hol- r -mnr• or ance to unfortunate ones, lotto Bethlehem and see this thing mity, some organization should tie but have been in the nature of in- which is come to pass". p p ! formed, suggested another. S6 then fluencing legislation by the local .- - torney_ enera7 and there floe- decided to form some township, by the Province acrd by centennial United Chtntreh ^ :� sort of community stiort�rship, the Fedcr+al authorities, Whose acts Highland Creel[ ' A meeting' was called of all who are always the result of opinions f ;v:.:.e interetsted in the neighborhood and demands prom- the people.• A• E• 73olley, B. Ay B. D► C E SL' E Eta BLACAW"ElL imnrovemenit At this meeting con - It is true that some mistakes have sinister , listing of active church'1'rtembers, been made. Ordy a deed man maker SUNDAY, DEC, lb, _ 1.15 - Afternoon Sur0ay School will speak on 'smgers, unattached residents. other tiro ,mistakes. Selfishaesai Personal 7.00 - Elvening Worship - re'•it;ioua a�iltPrerts and nearby peo- ambitions, pleasure seeking and The minister will discuss the — "LIURR c�NiRRI pie, it was dPCided to form a com- .,iques can ruin anp aggregation _ "Meaning of Advent ". ravnity club. non - sectarian and non' of citizens, and the Club has always 8 g0 -young People's Union �� political, They . named a skeleton had the foresight to curb any such °t►,, < :. `� o���R'� executive to do the sonde work in things before they -wrecked its good the organization. R. P. Winter was name. Thus ft is that the Club is Presbyterian Ca,urch, Picldrring r over the C.B.C. Ontario Trans-Canada Network Rev. D. MarsLaU chosen the first president, with Mra. still going strong, They are now R 4 Minister Gladys Pratt, as Secretary. Arid the planning another drama to carry oil 7 frem 8.00 to L30 p.m. -name thPv chose -gas "Audrey Corn- their contributory good measures in Mrs. P. N. Spratk. Orgaubk i a� , " 2.00 p. m. - Sunda School {' THURSDAY, �°C iAb�l' 1 ZLII munity Club". That was in the Fall . the cornm ytnity. The annual meeting y '�. of 1926. takes place . on Monday evening, Entertaiaaent Enthusiastically, all the members December 9, wren it will be held, The annual Christmas Entertab- F LtSTE�f Ta ST�Titi�1 .4 - TOIinNTO went to work in dralcing , constit- at the school house here. H►eryone meat of the Presbyterian Char& : I'E n 0 t 1 : R !N G, NEW,', <. ution and proceeded at once to put is basked to come out and see that will be held on Thursday, Dge mbetr on s p!a '`Tine Villa:re Doctor" tlRflB this peat twenty years will force a 19, at 8 P. M. ` the one chosen and the whole vicin- good start on the next. Everyone Wldleome _ ' rle 8.i _ ,5„ -!v "•N • �t - , r• - - •`.?.x!'P Y, ^af ^!}TL.: •^"_ Vp}' 1 --,+r. , _ Y� - - _ _ - - - 5, �•.,,'. ,��:°' „�- '•'.`fa.'S?�"+FCx +- 3°�',�- �'.i., .'�•i.•:1;_ a' �,�,: S-a aX;.. �. s+: ,.'�.' •.f�..+�.r J'." �, 4r°' T � ..-• '.,c rte'-. r_�,, 'i'•�•'' - �',G, � AW - - IN6 PRODUCTION, NOT PIRCHASQuay Tea - s a School The* POWER, H TO PROSP ERITY, cbristian Love Builds P ; _ ; l aA :° B OF M - PRESIDENT - ASSERTS Golden Text. -Now the Lord In - the spirit; and where the spirit of -- _ -- -- - -,_ -- - __ -- - - -- _ the Lord is, there is liberty. - 2 Corinthians 3: 17. -. Pardon by Paul ..Deposits At Peak,. Near 13/ Billion - Dollars 100,000 New Accounts To Total 11 /2 Million t • RAN G E PEKOE •• Philemon was a very prominent INCREASE IN LOANS REFLECTS . man of lofty and exemplary Chris - i WAR -TO -PEACE TRANSITION " ' Though a slave-owner-he was a" ' I man of lifty and exemplary Chris - tian character, Montreal, Dec. 3. —One of the "immediate and urgent Now— __ Onesimus was a slave of •Phele- tasks" confronting Canadians is to put a sound foundation of IM mon and apparently hats' been guil- production under the present high level of purchasing power, ty of some dishonesty toward his George W. Spinney, C.M.G., president of the Bank of Montreal, master and had fled to Rome. Hear- said at the recent i 29th annual melting of the bank. , - / ii.g that Paul was, there he went.to At the sane meeting, the bank's and capacity for effort will be seri- hear him - preach. Onesimus was general manager, B. C. Gardner, re- ousiv undermined. converted by Paul's preaching as viewed the progress of the bank "It is good." he said, "to stand ' his master had been in the, old during the year and revealed that on one's own fret -good for the TIVIASU RIB Lphesian days and thus became Paula demand for baiikine services had reached unprecedented levels. De- individual and good for the national fibre." child whom he haf begotten "bonds posit accounts had increased by General Manager's Address �y=. S" in his ". Now P I is send- in back to his m' ter for him 100,000 during the year to reach- 1,SUU,000 or 4u per cent' more than !n his report, :tar. Gardner told deposits high to decide what to d with him. in 1938. of at a new year of $1,736,000,000. an ircr�ase of . < =.. • ' . George rye L� . W Blsh The Roman law -was very vere �' Mr. Spinney expressed guarded i it and co ifidence in the soil' of C a a $$1123.000,000 over the previous Year. _r_•_ _ '• _ -. - - -... -- r d regarding runaway slaves but Paul to meet economic conditions of the e expressed the grew that this growth was "a tribute the thrif BrxOYtfili • CHAPTER a�'ti Caytasn Bedford I ain't oin' to lie here an more " g Y , knew that Phelemon, as a Christi- an, would act justly.' Paul would 1 future, but added that he noted a number of popular beliefs- about p p and. common sense of our eo ie, p p recovers his reason. min practiced eye quickly discerns an island. By ' " he. added I got. to get on deck y have the right "to enjoin' Phile- such conditions which now were "an and a strong bulwark against the inflationary potential of an increas- careful cpaneuvering they bring the schooner safely Into a cove on the Ye've had enough on yer hattda, Ott_ 1._ mon with "all boldness" to do the absolute hindrance to a clear- sighted appreciation of the fu&2- ed money supple'." - d.l,.,.J. ' -- - gnugh. -_ Now it's my turn on I'm well enough to take a ' befitting thing,.: nut with cnar- acteristic tact and courtesy e be- y mentals of progress and welfare." He as one belief "the , a ransiuvrb �. vm warruuv ctr peacetime producti, n was reflected _- CHAPTER XVII watch." seeches rather than commands• gave such still prevalent idea that purchasing in the higher level of commercial loans, Sir. Gardner saic:, and added = A noise from the cabin inter- Protesting and laughing through- " A Brother Beloved power rather than production is the that "current loa. s d discounts 'n, to led, and Rose turned swiftt P y "it's tears of pure happiness, she helped Great was Paul's love for this main spring of employment, income P and material well- being, Canada at $277,000.000 compare Father. He needs me." ' - Dick remained on the •dick, him dress, and then with an arm is hia led him deck. Dick runaway slave who had been born "Sioney is, after all, a claim on with $202,000,000 at October 31, tt145. This represents a general and watching the tantalizing object with g g one of on felt his assistance was superfluous, again b his g y preaching, and won- the productive resources of the coit�munity ��'e cannot, as a jive' ifierl increase in advances to veteran seemed as derful his tenderness toward him: Paul speaks of him as "m people, become wealthier simply by manafatturers, merchants, builders, farmers and primary producers,. - -hose suddenly came out of- the strong and vigorous as if not ►tog y child" and as "the fait obtaining. more money_ .for produc- ",9:4t sons sans a.bin, and approached him is great agitation. He reyes were glistening, had happened He permitted Rose v an a ve brother." i .. . nu or formula can produce wealth and has shown considerable expansion, P - - and her whole face seemed aflame to pamper and direct him 'but not without a twinkle in his eyes. Onesimus' had done wickedly in well -being without work, enterprise and the assurance of reward" reflecting the increased availal,;lit,y of civilian goods and the resume- with some powerful emotion that g at to endure it, I reckon, k robbing Philemon and running Discussing the fact that millions "of'man 'betn tion of normal family living. This i� .t..,.fformed her into a radiant ores- -:_I he remarked to Dick.. "She thinks away but Gad' had made even that -days of production had includes a substantial number of ' =tore. to work for good, for Philemon and lost.durinA the past year, bar. Spin- .!sans to veterans to assist in their "Dick," she called eagerly before I'm i baby, and-" for the salvation of Onesimus. ney i;tid -that "no one sector.of this plans for rehabilitation." reaching his side. "Dick, it's hap- "You've been sick, Father, and-„ would now be infinitely more valu- complex unity called Canada can The General Manager observed j - coed -the miracle2 I can hull p Y Bnt' I ain't any more!' he blurt- able to Philemon as a "brother be suffer without all other elements feeling the pinch, We have a vested that many ,branches were suffering from lack of adequate space but believe it, but -" vigorously. ed out vi orousl If I had that lored" than as a "slave ". interest in each other's well-being." 8•" indicated that, although certain _ She stopped, trembling all over, mutinous crew or that Captain ,Jesus "Paid All' - Questions High Taxation Speaking Mr, Spinney measures had been taken during he her hands clasped is the attituJe of H• Teen I'd treat 'em to somethia' Paul takes alt of Onesimus' obii- of taxes,' said "i suggest that the concept of part year,, the full program of the bank would not be into oper- prayer. was by her side instant- . , 1y, more startled by her happiness they wouldn't forget. I ain't forgot " gations to Philemon upon himself. high taxation as an anti - inflationary put ation until the urgent • need for • than b an fear that he had seen _ Y Y how to use my fists. - He clenched them to emphasize. = s the Lord 'Jesus has taken all of our obligations to God 'upon measure in peacetime may be Jar from valid Wartime taxation housing,' particularly 'among the veterans. had been met. t written there before.' his words. Despite his boast, how- Himself, and God has consented. was an important -, weapon in the Commenting on the work done ' - "What is it, Rose;, he asked anx- ever, he was a little unsteady on Onesimus had. no need to meet fi ht against inflation, Bt. have we h the Bdan Since tonheeal,w staff iously, catching one of her flutter• his ffet, and walked like a man un- Philemon now, as much as he had do already more than a little evi- dense that high taxatior- in peace - ing fir. Grdner said, "It is our constant ing hands in both of his, der the infuence of liquor. He - sinned against him: and we need time is likely to have an entirely aim and endeavour to ensure that • "It's Father;' she breathed softly, clutched at the rail and stared now have no fear of meeting- God. opposite effect?" our employees are compensated _ - "Is" he-is he- dead ?" r across the sea Jesus had assumed the full measure Of social ,security measures Mr. fully as well as those in comparable The question came out befor ehe - lugger?" he de "Where's that ingg of our indebtedness to God. He Spinney said he believed that a cer- positions in industry and com - time to pink -abru t -,had think-abruptly, and - " paid it all' -tarn amount of social security plan- merce. While is recent rasa Der' 'Without premeditation. n a t m led trueulen ty: _ _- tong had a place in tart Canadian policies havq been subjrctrthe "Deadt- "Over - there," replied Rose, economy, but that if it is to sup- limitations ward the of she repeated, and then ' laughed softly. "Deadl 'Not He's Pointing. Until U -Boats Attacked plant the rsonal integrity that hoes hand in hand with providing "then salaries of individual members of the staff are reviewed and increased , Just come to life. He's sane again, ""' then none of them had "Queen Elizabeth" for one's future. I believe periodically in recognition of effi- Dick,- He knows me- remembers glanced is the direction of the pus- that we will tend .too become soft, cunt service and advancing. to- �tverythingl He's - he's - "_ =ling object that had caused them so that both incentive to enterprise spnnsibilities° The tears bubbled from her eyes so much debate. but when their eyes focussed on it now they gave The Montreal Gazette said it had received from the Cropley Colter - Modern Etiquette Q an nauncernrnt as the time when and rolled down her. cheeks; but ' - they were the tears of joy and relief a little start. Captain Bedford Lion of Ship Reference in the, By Roberts Lee the i11 be "at home." S 10. . s. Y ry and not of fear desperation, Dick grunted and recovered his voice Smithsonian Institute, Washing-' _ The full name should be used. - held one hand and supported her a first "Ye call that a ship!" snorted. ton, a manuscript revealing that the liner Queen Elizabeth w..s at- w n; Should -the relatives of a idow "firs." trembling trembling form with an arm. "Great Jehosophat, ain't tacked b a U -Boat while sailing y g or divorced woman use be- her she laughed hysteric- "I'm silly!" g y ye got eyes! That's land! An islandl southward with troops off the Cape lore name when sending out invitations for _ . ally, smiling through the tears. But He glanced with eyes of scorn at • of Good Hope' in June. 194_. or announcements her second wedding'- sfa ne I can't help p it. And I don't care! I the others, but they were so ab- The manuscript, which deals .• if a hotel employee, or taxi 1 - 'can cry for happiness, can't I? sorbed in their discover: they with the career of Captain Ernest driver. demand, a larger tip- than _ He barly resisted the tempta- e never heeded it. During their ab- Fall, a former commander of the Queen Elizabeth, said the ship the one offered. should one com- = FAST RELIEF lion to sweep her into his arms poutin ti p& and kiss the g p Bence below, the freshening wi nd had driven the dexrlict so close to veered shay ;ly to tvaae torpedoes Ply: 3. How many courses should the "Come," she added -a-.moment the object that naked eyes could fired by the raider and continued at tall speed. Following the menu for a formal dinner contain? , hy • _ _• at- tack, the Queen -Elizabeth ' HEADACHE; and see -the miracle.„ • _ com- pleted her voyage to Suez unhin- to a wedding, is it obligatory to e ` e .. It was an island rising abruptly dered and debarked 11,'300 troops sill on the bride shad, bridegroom /2 �o►u *S ��� In the cabin Dick found a much from'the sea -not one at your coy- - for the desert campaign. as soon as they return from their OfUGS�ORF1 changed man lying on the bed al -girt, palm- fringed islands of honeymoon? where he had helped put him the the tropics, but, of rock - buttressed S. Is it necessary for a woman - night before. The feverish red had headland that caught the breaking S>� Crop Cut g p to remove her glot'e to 'order to died out of the face, and the eyes, surf and hurled it back shattered shake hand's? 6. Is it to only the inspecting him critically, were 'as into !oars. Perhaps a mile or two Australia'sr•sugar, crop this sea proper use' ? initials on personal calling cards. _ sane as any man's. The blow of in width, and fifty feet high, it non will be more than 100,000 tons the Carib's bludgeon -had restored offered a safe a-,yt,,m }up.- - lessihan last- year because of the Answers: - tl -to Captain Bedford h;t wrecked sailors in the stormiest drought in Queensland. 1, \o. 2. \o: the amount of had partly prepared him for meet- weather, could a safe• landing be, the tip is entirely optional. 3. Five :. ing Dick by explaining briefly the effected. - reckon on more'n a week of fine or six. courses, with coffee. 4. Yes, series of events that had taken "We're drifting straight toward weather.!' he said. "An' we soon'at'ter the date given on their t' place while his mind was under a the island," Dick remarked. "In a about all we can doAo get off afore — cloud. He - extended a hand sud- ccu le of hours T reach it, An P y that.'',:..' den! and said: Y. danger of being wrecked on these Dick's curiosity to land on the 1 nu �t 111 bin i"> •le, lea AI ^,, ; ;�^`:��., V:• "Y're saved my little girl's life, . I cocks ?" island and survey the scene from The St. Regis Hotel M. _ understand. Then -theh ye can "I! we could work around to the the top of the cliffs was greater :count on me as an everlastin' friend." other side o' the island," muttered "we'd -b tfian an fear of future disaster. Y • b:.rr, IIi .n"I I'1� lug tough "I don't know what Rose's 'been the'skipper, be safer." After "I'm going ashore,' he announced. •h.,Nrr awA 1'rlrPMwwr �Ieslr, s�so wn— N - telling you, Captain, but 1'11 bet much awkward and diffi -. "«'hat 'fur ?" growled the ski npohle . rs °'" w • Game. _��w s /V�i �/i - never told you how she saved cult manoeuvering, they brought "Ye won't see anythin' but water Iwod \iahlg�,r'"' How You Feel" -she my, life. •Le`t me tell you." the ship to safety in a sheltered an' an island, an' ye can sic them �ch�•r.�,i,,,. „1' e:wrue. '�� , so e e cove. here.' rr1 toA sI:ta I know because I have been that ' .The girl placed a hand before It was a pparent that the sea The island may be inhabited on wa myself. 1 have been so chron- yy ' ically tired that 1 thou ht 1 would' -� _ • _ -his lips, but he removed it, and shelved abruptly downward at the base of •the cliffs, and so ion' as g the other side." Captain Bedford "Ye never feel well in, owever, � I Cases went into details of their adven- the schooner kept a few snorted'. IM 41!1,14 n1 °.AI TIPULIA found that Dr. Nerve Food .. ;� tures that she had either omitted yards expect to find a hotel an' a ship - r•1 Itvt-n,•n , $1.50 ur soonxavemenewpe and energy and _ - .. or slurred over. At the end, Cap- from the wail of rocks she a satin' to take ye home put me on my feet.' i tain Bedford sat u P was was safe from all harm unless a Dick shook his head and laughed ]'iced feelirga, indigestion and lass by Dr. ., „ , -. I reckon now, he said, I m all storm broke. This was not likely to ., �o, but 1 m curious to climb up o sleep are qu,rkly relieved , Chases Nerve Food. cured. That little girl o mines just occur for some days for the wind there and get a look. 1 won't Ask for the like -just like her mother." had blown itself otrt in the two ,Ix gone long. r'' "` new econ- only size bottle of , ' "Then 'btr mother must have recent tempests. When' lie was near the summit "s " been a weniea," smiled Dick. ' s �, _ he increased his pace, eager tr Dr. Chase = „ "She wan 1 " was t he solemn mn rct Ca p tai n Bedford d wan anxious to get a glimpse se over the top. Nerve Food "tort. begin making repairs so the Betty To Re Continued. "'' HOTEL METROPOLE The captain straggled to his feet could sail out of her prison at the iIA1:Ato.r 1 At.L� 60 pole- 80ete' "= 180 ;respite Rose's protestations. "No, earliest possible time. "We can't ISSUE 50-1446 g'e't' - r'•r•le 14TAT14ix pt[!t-�LN - 4 .. .>, •1. •. • .. ti'- ^i.- .'-ww. :y'7: .. r.i� _„f�'... .i�* _.,�. . -a•_ _ _ _ sT':ti._ti s. - ,.��a.':. —.1,' ^;�;:.x- a'�- diF..q y,�. _ .r. �,. _ .+'E 'i •'s _answer to II Puaido Suck Tirpitz ( R M p N CHRONICLES QF GINGER FARM HARNESS & COLLARS • ' A N A N e rm T By Gwendohne P. Clarke Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop HORIZONTAL wings N N R M S - M i s Well, there should be a little ' evidence of fleshing up more about $taco Harness Supplies ^ 1 LI.GEN I o ` :n Pictured Brit -60 Moved ► T WILLIAM L E C T more butter on,. the market now, rapidly because of having their _ We sell our floods only through " ish Ayer, Wing 'through air K ►`�' But definitely 1 You se?e, we at mash mixed with milk instead of our local Stator L#atber Commander 62 Mend T SIMP50N A G E - Ginger farm have gone out of the water. Goods dealer. The goods are S• B. — 64 Celebration - - 5 SiT l - —_ ' milk bus'ne,s and into the cream. However, when ' we decided to fight, and so are our prices _ 5 Part of plane 65 Evaporate • s I u k p' F That is something I have, been We manufacture, in our fac. T 8 His squadron 66 Wagon, R N make this change there was. ode tortes — Ham „ ,, J e Col. e: ` QA was successful VERTICAL E S 5 N T r L i T 1 wanting Fortner to do for some big fly in the ointment. We couldn't lays, Sweat Pads, Horns Blan• " time but —welt -shipping milk when— _ make a job of it without •buying— -ketsr --and' Leather Traveller + lri - -ing the 12000 pounds 23 lY;lti +g metal 4S Cavity one is short of help looks the Goods. 1nsL�t on $tseo Brand Tirpitz to 2 So be it! 25 11 i a new cream separator —the old e ng 47 Unemployed easier, also the Financial returns one was really past praying for. Fade Marked Goods, and no destruction 3 I est (ab.) substance 48 City in Russia appear to be better. ePt aati�fa tinn Made only tv >> 13 Sign 4 Explosive. 27 Upon 50 Not matched So we bought a new separator - 14 Great Lake I • say "appear" because that and while we were at it we got one SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. (ab.) 29 And (Latin) (Scot.) really is a debatable question. In with' a - -� 1 S Operatic solo S Us 30 Boat paddle 51 He heads an power motor ' attached. So 42 Wellington 3t 13•, reroute 16 Northeast 6 Important 31 Compete — squadron hard cash the weekly cream cheque now we are really set, although I WRITE FOR CATA{.OGUF (ab.) metal .33 Make a.' t52 Exist at present prices cannot compare might add a separator is. an ex.� 17 Toward 7 Eeyptian river mistake .55 Sum up with a milk cheque at all. But pensive piece of machinery and re- { !9 Oleum (ab.) 8 Germanium 34 Even (cbntr.) 57 An then there are so many angles to - presents the, price of a good many 20 Any (symbol) 38 Dined 59 Near consider. Personally I find a little cans of cream. Maybe if the price g 2 YEARS 21 Transpose 9 Forbid 39 Rhode Island 60 Frequency skim milk around the house is of butter p <; ' (ab.) 10 Either _ ' goes u it will hurt less • • (ab.) modulation quite an aFset. So often I have if a few people remember that. We have been making and at- 22 Eaters 11 Tiny part 40 Iron (symbol) (ab.) wanted to make things in the past ding TraMes for elghty -twe - . 24 Eaters - 12 Prevent 41 Long fish 61 Weight (ab.) and didn't because they took too years. You can pis" yoarsdf in 25 Tellurium 18 Lyric roem 43 Slight bow 63 Measure of much milk. Of course I could have ours with the assurance of (symbol) '20 Snake 44 Five And five area S A F E S receiving skilled and consden- - 28 Fish eggs used whole milk but —many of you tbns attention „ 28 Vegetable I 2 3 5 6 1 $ 4 10 11 12 will know how it is--a milk -ship- Proteet sour BooKS and Cds13 the nasal coder° � of of c p ping farmers wife doesn't use any spent FIRE .and, THIEVES. We meehsmicai wee' _ SI 80 Stove art • ;3 ' ,$2 Woody plant I'I 15 more milk than she has to, °speck- bays a size and type of Safe, or 33 Three -toed ($ ,. - .� ally if 'the carts are down a bit. Cabinet. for any purpose. Visit _ - -- i es, or write for prices, etc., to sloth Most shippers are on a quota basis 36 Musical note. 3 +I '—'and those cans must be filled no Devi. tic, 37 Erect 5 6 7+ matter'what. 40 Plant 28 .�.&i.TAVLOR UMITM � 42 Metal ,•) ;I:,,.a al>vua esgla+- (�m I-CCU uevice _ sting th is just grand to have a . �S�{•1..a 45 Him S ` 14a Front St. I- Toronto �e 62 - - - - -- — 46 Song bird }, tittle cream for special occasions. Establiabod III 4,9 Behold! 91 last week when Second Niece was 31 International' 4 3 here we hard fruit and whipped language q'1 cream for dessert. And was that 132 Paid notice ever a treat'! Now please, dear b 'o friends, don't write and tell me we ----- --3�Sodium it 95 , p 57 should be ashamed to be so extra- # t (symbol) vagant; that there are people 34'Egypttan sue '8 5 i 63 .. starving in Europe and that the . • � ¶ Sad sy 3 cream ' we used should properly lit Pertaining to have gone into butter. That is probably all very true, but you . , - know, we don't intend to lira on -,r whipped cream K& And surely it is hardly an ex- r • y '� IT "T JLJM TALKS travagsnce to make use of the �'• iL►�' fruits —in this case the cream- -o( ;Dicobac Drought cut down Australia s one's own toil? That is, it it can C 16 A I ! T ][ A i D "33t sheep pop"lation by 29,008,00o in be used to advantage. in four years top to April, the Aus- And of course we are not the - -- 4 a4.✓ tralian statistics bureau reported. only ones to benefit in this change Appetiser Is 1944. ISAII 00o sheep died and . over from milk to cream. The put. — (Tomato . Juice; Grape -Ale or 'R8", same in 1#43 and early lets are daily ly increasing their out- Fruit Cap) - 311 Australia _ now has #•,3#a,. prt of eggs as a result, and the Itoast Turkey, Chicken or Goose on sheep' cockerels, shut up to fatten, show ! : „ y Giblet- Cubttr Dressing " Waalted Potatoes Brown Gravy _ Mashed Turn and Peas Cranberry .e 4E."°;: ':t ?z�' "f,E6' 041 MR • :: s: , x•• : „ o- p + Vii;.. 1 ii, errs use oc. Currant Je11y ".. '., -, ' .' .1t•,;:,;,., a:;:. >s:.!4;::.e'•�'^•. - - . I- ethic° whit Russian t - — — ddtag with iffy Sa ce � K ! _ - or Iiiiince Tarts _.. _ - t � AIL _ - -. _ ... • ^•, -11 _ ... Coffee 0 - ,�..�d _jCarrot and } k � e.! %.. '� ones �YW- iW1OiR Ni X;::. .�-.`ri•t .. i1.i•.. •�'i I1•.•. • :.rl:..;.. - rogm - .:l,.:35`.}:{: :F,yyy.'13"•�.• • '•�1' ::, �{ 'd71.1.1•;1t�•s• }S;:fY::' -,11•' '.%k,. •• �A...: ; ..;..� i K `�xii K•1 K: tad potato � . cup ftya nrod _�: ..,":: ..:.. �•.. , .:.. ones tea °actor ' - - r.= 1;:�r:iii.�i`:ao-.^ .. _ s•'� _ . i3s crape ram - ' ^K•.;•. ' 1 ?{ 9 � currents ettP •�.... ::i . 11 sop mixed peel, chopped � 2% cuita all-purpose Or I% c"i parry flour`. ra 't n - ''7tth ayyal_�f_�—�v� tsespoess teaspoon cloves tftMmm K• 1 . - I soda - i1f.':�%� i'i:rKkk:S:' i'e47 •:•o-ui :••iii Cr _ eam tat sugar. h ore ! fir• i' .. Add beaten . e then to g potatoes. t n carrots a fruit. t floor _ .- t. Mix rti sift , d ft ' �• -. ;.; salt' and s - 'cea and W ad r - d to firs; t is "ay st to r 1 'I e alternately - rna el t it w h water hr y .. , which' c soda has be dissolved. t d aoly - :it :I 'Stood well. Turn into eased - •�>::: -::::� •'� - _ S anon 1 filling d em s; tw two-thirds l dt full. . . :sud Ream -steadily for 3 hours. 34 flu• NCIT _ _ -- �•^ sic;. -- ' - ' available, increase the amount of raisins used.;I;'.(: Fluffy Sauce I isi;.'ciEiEEEa >i. : -- ! tablespoon s sugar _ • i tabl floor eiPobu - . 3S cup water a tablespoons i F' cranks e e 2 t easpoon e rind I egg white orange Combine sugar and flour.. Add :. . ' . _ � . . • ._ ' •- wateYa aptly. _ Cook over boiling := -.witer 'until smooth and thickened, !' stirring- constantly. Just before ' serving (while still hot), add, Waage juice and rind and poor ,t i mixture slowly over stiffly beaten egg white. Blend well and serve ; ® _ „_. -... . - Immediately. Makes about 1 %-cups sauce. i Irtail 134 c ;graai juice _ - � r�YT -' -�� , - ` _ • 3 "Y 2 %claps tinter alt Chill ingredients thoroughly, mix - 1► �`� Y .. K',. MAXWELL HQUSE contains choice and serve. Ice ' may be added if -- HOUSE •�7 desired. Makes s +nos. Latin- American coffees. It's blended by a and Roasted ! expert Radiant asted to develop fully every / � , Rust`, it is estimated, has claimed ,atom of extra Savor and 600dneas. • 40 per cent of all 2,000,000,000 _ tdH_7j ;' Ions of pig iron produced in the A Produd of oonorol Foods r' Vast one -half century. .7c.,n . .. M S . te�aa'' - '.t` . •3 ✓ry `','r 'A:• - r': .:r,: wii.. .. .�"�• .. 4n � ' :9 "rte � .. .. .r "�{i•w•. .. ---•- _ -' ..-:- _ _' � -= �,s. - ... ___ _ .. �r•t•...... ..,_ a _. _ ._ _ ,, �� r - �;..� _ _ _ _ - _ Ma die Fred Puekrin; Auditor, F. M. Chsp- Wmi ter Is : !ere ! !' KAISER �IlCi33Ll 1CLi Adv t s . x .�u man; E ,tertainment t omnuttee t;ltsediiwd Advt. hates �° ldy rstrntc ou• ur►pman/ Mrs Jordan, afSss May lsrowa, 1rOOlt TO THAT ROOF NOW I I words ur ACA14 wc_d charged, Mina Mildred Brown, Mina Coils " �ECmC , Over 20 words, lc. per word The school concert and closing Neale. Flower Committee: Mrs. A. Cal! Us For Fr•• Estimates -- -- , ,I , , .. , , . ,i will be held at the school house here Bell, comiener, Mrs. C. Bryant and A40 Years L..,, „C ,....) - noose and Baru Wirise FOR SALE - approx. 5404 feet of on ibe evening of December 18. All Mrs, wm Brown. Pianist, Mrs. A. J. 'OTIMATEB GIYESI inch sheeting and four -by- fours. A. the ratepayers are - invited to .enjoy J • & G. Gaseoi e a - Dixon , cor. Rosebank'Road and No- Bell. A discu:isio:} as to methods to -- - - ; the evening with the teacher Miss increase the usefulness of the Glut 2 Highway. Brown, and her pupils to the community resulted in many Phone 743 ' : FOR BALE -brood sow, second Mr. Jordan is ,recovering from his good o.�s being put forward winich litter due to farrow about ten days. recent attack, and hops to be Weil will be worked out this year. Miss Whitby, Ont. A ►go._zs feeder pigs. W,u_•sd 1L,01 Lb& enough to resume his work after the M. Brown explained the workings -- - ce . PHONE PICK. 129 'S. Faiibairn, km o, , o,PmF-.L B' W _ phone IU4 R 2. Mrs. Jordan attended the funeral the new President, made a very fav- RO #T ^ r �;O *' - - FORD Roadster for Sale. 1981. - of the late Mr. Spratt, at W�►itby ourable impression on his desire. to jr lcil l� phone Pick. 96 R 12. on Monday last. be oP service sad to keep the Club TRANS POp T - STANLEY FOR SALE - play pen and baby Several of our young men have on its. toes. The next meeting will a\ - carrisge, both in good condition.- obtained'work at Ajax for winter be held at the hawse of R. P. and i$ANSr'OR`I' `phone Pick. 99 R 3 or 2. and are following an hour schedule Mrs. winter in Japuary when a -' FOR SALE - model B. Allis. Chat- similar to the wartime work. speaker on Rural Life, and discuss• QAR'L'A®Fi T � �at Ce i mere tractor on robber; also two The Baaaar-- -held by the wo¢nen �f :ions will take place. It is urged . • MOVING Holstein heitlers due Jas 1, anti the local church, whs held at the that everyone in- the vicinity make two Holstein heifers, due is Feb beautifully- decorated Biggo`tsville it a point to be , there. A vote of SA D as kQ C; G gTnK s Stouffvffie aaary. Ivan .Barrett, _ Whitby, Ont.. school last week and was attended tha}sks to Rho retiring officers was At�tooart 35 - : phone 2195. by about 80 persona. The local worn- passed. The attendance prize this Pyonls M1 Phone 3902111twil s us ' •FOR.. SALE - 50 pigs; also fox - en are to be congratulated upon time went to Jos. Jordan. A usual Toronto AD 66p3 - rodL 58 -A U Sstuiday aides at 2 P. A �} hound 14 months old. M. J. Harlock, their labors. Mrs. Pegg, of Green - treat of candy was distributed to 13rougi>san. Phone Picts. 88 R 21. wood, in opening the affair, said, every child in the community. The -- o mm Open Fah iIPt� � s� _ . ORDER HILLSWX Cli -Wlib tim;Ux, that it a'as Just such unselfish usual ,dainty luncheon followed. Cereal FILIDAY - SATV1fiUA? . groups of) women all across Canada and save time. Canada APP S+ that were holding the front line - MARLENE and DIANNE" i HPICF,3[BE8 13 sad 14 ?breeders pullorum tested. of service to others. The sale of (Prize- Winners) �^'� �+ ��le���� - - } IN BIG DEMAND work was succeashsl. :'Miss n7jlSle all` ?�b�` %jFA Hakhery in eq)APbed to fill All C',rsnr�tii.wrn s Juvenile Vora a d • It its repvrteti i3,at toe Property _. Dancin Team - 8. and 11 gears Sonny Tufts Veronica Lake orders. Wide choice breeds,' cross- of the echow house hag now g north - - bref• $°t eha -aged hands a a good figure and accompanied by pianist -�Kee i YOU - - . - JOHNNY COMES FLYING HOME ORDER NOW timt one of our Chinese allies has Now booking Engasgements Remember - every, egg .has a good the land for greenhouse- Martha . Stewart. 8. Cra>ye : j Moir) assured. Agent is Box 144 or Phone 2R7 ell! - Um,,o� News 'work � GaM Milk% Ptebuing The Co *++irmnity Club Met at the • • • - ----ado furaiabed summer cot - school house on Monday evening and Concert ! ! r1[OiriDAY - TU?.BAAT• C tags for sale. To be moved to your elected offieet s for the ennui ,g - - - .- _ Old at -- property in close'vicinity. Located yam•• After President Dick WSnter, Brougham Hall ..DECTT9BER 10• and 17 at Rouge Hills, east side near lake. Jr • ILad Seretary Miss June Bryant your grocer's, or The Postm,�n ,,WYite Miss.A- Fitzgerald, 9 Ding had beard the reports of ,the year, a Ave., Toro. , .:,.... which abed a healthy static of �"hi urn. Dec. 26th ' LAXO �CE��EAL Always rings Twice •� affairs With •a f9naneiai balance o. Y W - - nearly $80. F. 3L Chapman -as -Best ' C aneert In Years - Cost C&RD .O�'.: 88 �., called upon toy condlsctr, the election: ; Stars, of Stage and Radio i ost Pick+ei�ng Lana Turner John Garfield _ _ The results were: Pres.; Bill Win- }` To el +a of- P1kRering. ter; let, Vice - Pres., Douce Bryant; : Sponsored' by Brougham *iie " Co. It Township: 2'nd Vice -Pre &, Jornt• Barter; Sec- Claremoa 'Locker °WE??NESDAY - TiiUHSUII! I si ee ly Jh>mk: tbka .Rat Treasurer, Mss. R. P. Win. -:: Admission - 40c..a,d 20e. thcos• ter; Aa•h Bel, W. Bman Don't Miss This Treat- ECE)IdBER 18 and 19 ' of Pickerinit s #+qr , - - ' System triunes p tine s4s -eketing Cornered - me Reeve tof. 194V Nor, Standard Size Leckeir $9.00 A Year a -- - - -D;"83.AKE Atitils : •7DANFOKTH -- B' LINES LTD•. i Gaffing Room sad Chillies Boom ')Xck �'aw�ell' Michelins Cheirei - Electors sf >'ickesing: -' Available Free To Cua'tomms My thanks „to those who so eriIl. :.' : ; . Daily Service SOME LOCKERS 'AVAILABLE How does the label on year News -0 read ? - are you in arrears? ingly helped me on Election Day. Dail • cx. Sun. & Daily ex. Sat. Sun A i O 12.00 I sat not your Reeve, but I can Bun. A . .'i: Hol. Su:t. dt Hol. only Hol. ��Y+ -�O� • L�✓YS �r year in advance still fight and work for the beat Claremont e. ,i . .8.1a 12. 15- . 5.45 8:00 f'HONR CLAREMONT 19W or 191 $'•��+ H laaN interests of Pickering Township. Brougham :- 4..'7 8.27 12. 27 :.8.57 8.12 _ NML E. McEWE.N,• Green River r.�o �s .s.� =s• so 4.ao a..� - -_ We Solicit Your Business - Boa'gh3 sad Q O. F. Bowling Fri. Dec. 6th. Cosset Hill 7.88 ?3.88 12. SS +4.08 823 f -?Tied Clothing sterilised, dame- - r Malvqrn 13.05 9." 1. 06 .4.35 •8.50 Farr s Elevator and ,rased ilka ere,.. Gre, . ;. � stoelt of � can WW The Busy B's. took all 3 points Roftsxs LeaveM• A•M• P. M- P.M. P.M. Fasr's Elevator Claremont, Ontario -, „ and pasta. Also a gsW from the Darters on Friday - evening Toronto 9.18 10.00 15. 45 2.00 9.46 stock of net► hsttther assts aai . f • but gained nothing on the Hepcats Daylight wing Time Parcel Express Grover 6660, Oxford 13M Res. SSJ - O �W es►d gesw tssk6- who also Won their, games, from We solicit your pal +mage for kW of �1 reasonable DY�Ma � the Blower. Chester 01 p nts and . I: IEKERING MEAT MARKET �°'�`�''� ��� `� DtUrr Feed ,� be � - _ ;den's Double with •S01 rata and Nonna Bentley took the Ladies' Western Oats sad Barley Whole n Bad Streot we& Odom& ' o or Chopped am Delivered _. Double with 8 -8 points. FRANK R. SMITH 8aaindidg ;Points �. - ilepcats _ QUal3tY First - 'Service Aim ash Salt is Loa or stn. Cakes �I1 /ANTE D Buap B's. x4 Rolled Rooting and Siding . flutters "W= BUY THM RBBT YOU a[ABE THa: TF.BT DE?10 ;H JRSC�S I1ND• Ci1rma •: Blowers 5 : ' �' brdor your out or stave sob _.... ..: _. _..__ . - -= - -- - -- ' Phoao Pickering 80 - - PICKF,ltING pit . p p l9a ALE R>;GISTEIi -- - - Try Fares 31 p c. EWry Ration .. T7 it 8 ChtretnOnt, O♦r. 'PICKf+JRrYG .. 96 $ >Zl ,December 14 - suction eels of wood Noti e to You PICKMRI.NG .. • • .. • • � ' l� lots. About 10 acres of standing tim- 'OUNBARTON _ BROOKLIN bur, vroperty of J. WiUke, Station C tarlRPalBiZ'SBII:A CLAREMpNT�.. .. .. 9 R 14 i tread and Base Line: Mixed txssber R adio Service c1 xTiNA AGINCOURT .. $burs 20" to be std in quarter-acre lots. Par . o to Wood's Store) PLUICO p We pay the 'phone charges ties +tUoa^ed until April "ist, to re si PPS ROOM(; -WORK "�•e wood. Good road for trucks. „rbymmer Shoe Repair we ales son Bsaatiord Hosfaag - - GOitDON YOUNG LTD A 'Terms Cash. Sale at � O�cl� Ht.THGZSg RADIO BA 1'1'E'RIES 'lbrosto PLoaa Ads 3fM !Wm. MAW, .autaiotteer, .afaterlaL, BffiPb's Batbromb CELLAitB - FOUNDATIONS • • -Mec, 13. RECORD PLAYERS, TTCh '_- io pmet'd.• Duo Waolse t STABLE OE . Open Monday' through Saturday .•SFxtems, - Beatty BtaW a , • �,� Q 112+1 QUIT WORK ` p�P . sad OLD HORSES WA?MD Saug Don. McLellen'3 from Is.al a. �. - - with the exception of Wednesday _� ?' 'i so Cosegbell XiM xsnc� - E R V iC E STATION �e S9atlnatsa fi.. $15.00 AT YOUR FAitat a �ioreneriy Acktord's) A. 8. - RATTEIM _ Wotle .aaratllaM'. __//����..�� -- v- G�eeUw y Vint. FH9• T AGDXCAL'RT- ._IS,i12 - - - r1CKERtNG- - 11640hietan )6x- Serwieestaa �. J. P��,RQ�i COLLECT , + rHONt :.rcrctu,iN. t two: _. pl�Natt !'I�. 7 8 n For Pickup :.T _ Read The Pickering News W. * do batkat of an kinds _ LhtPIfRiAL OlL.PRO.DUCTS Lver-y Week Phone Piekerh}g NJ " Quality Drugs �► } w~y Tice Repairs _ Grease and Oil •� �t A`�cus3ie- Di,,pea4dns :A Batteries for Sale Charging WAS MG MACHINE f _ _ Claremont K THE -Volorinary Remedies - .� - 'VICE - 3EATTY WASHER STORE 'A GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS S. T HOPK06 -Fri.: -Dec. 13 f :� ' ..SERVICE TRUCK _ Dep.ndai I. Reliable Photo Finishing Bruce Gould and His Orchestra Prompt _ -calls G • As: Low Cast - - -;. - Complete Cosmetic Lin. - •+ iri 14id�T1i83lOn .iaC. `-' A. i �� CarW4 8 PICI{ERING s a , ,A OU N'TANT . . � � Old.it a.-id district, on `v M, 1vIcL'ACHNII AI�DITOR Washer THURSDAYS - ... 'STORE HOURS Weep -Day's - 8.80 A. M..- 9 P. TEL FURNITURE DEAL" INCOME TAX RETURNS ifae'd. 1901 Telephone Pickering 12W - - FUNERAL DIBEM01% PREPARED Sunday 6 12,10 P. M. -.5 P. 13L ._ .. .. • • • t - Ptwate Ambulance Service Rple e o r write Toronto Store Day or Night 'King Service JTe$, Pwned an b y . t OSHAWA - Beatty Washer Store _ _ 3. IL RICHMOND Phone Pick. 3 284-389 DUPONT :T. ►Phm. I�• • • rHONE: OSHAWA 112-7. TORONTO -Td. RAN. 940 -- _ P1Ckerii , THE REXALL STORE rRONa PICK. 48 v� W fir_ .•'` LARcEMO.NT _- Euchre L1nouACetAe nt. — °�! mine 1_. -- -__ ra Of the 'are Jane US- ��e were visitors ^l � Dlrs. B. Harve. J . •ent to Toronto U4 .o!rbe bole rs with Miss Ruck ear "The Christ h alas Story" pres- Cemetery here os December 4. �� :i -' •.. �- f - ented • at •the Church of the Holy The Pot Ludt Miss Kathleen Gostiick, of Toronto . 4 Mr. Jess Warden is still in. very Trinity. �Ppes' held by wai at her home here for the end r health. Special Announ•rrnPrr -the a�ke t .Frie'� Bible Doc y Chas in the Town of the week - Mr. and Mrs: Norman Linton but at time of writing, is resting a ,.r° ^t - success. The �. :'.' col Cr�:cert on I3eceai- 9' ccenfortabl but Will remain for ob- of the Sun;Lay Sc:iooi Concert leas pictures `.The Berms Road" were ber 19 Ppent Sunday with Mr. and MrB. Y t been cl° :nged to the 20th of Decesn- ve` instructive. , for the children -th-.y are Don. Hedges, Bervation for a coupe of weeks 1'y now practicing. -- Mr, and Mrs. Bert Gibson, of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Smith, of ' 1946.. Rev. L `E. Kennedy is again con - Ed. McFadden, . of Toronto spent . The M: S. vPill meet at the d1shawa, spent Sunday with Mr. visitors to Mrs. T.' Brown before home r° Mrs. B ducting his weekly Payer meetings the week -end with hone folk. she left for Toronto where she has Bruce Ritchie on for prayer and worship. ev, Hoffman led the eer 'ce of nd Mrs. Charles Hardy, ' Wedne lay, Decarsper 18, instead of + -«�. p' }Mr. Gordon Scott, of Windsor, none to recuperate at her son's the ;141 'I'huraday. Mrs Geo• P}y_n ��(,�� Praise at Locust Hi•1 Chun_ last - 1' fir Beier acorn, or Leirloi, rice v, k will b. assistant hostPSQ, Roll Fall , �E�'+ 11 1L morning, in the abse_:ce o! The Euchre held by the Women's ? A. Scott, Fenelon Falls, and .Mrs. --i verse from Math-,--.-. 's the regular pastor. Sisk, of the West, ape-it Sunday Institute on Wednesday last, was a are coza� ally invited !to, attend and Thb Ladies' Aid will ,meet at the' On Wednesday last a crew c 1men- ge success social and financially. parti�ip ;te in the' Christmas pro me of the President, MMrs, Mel. went to Whitevale• to help tmi abers - - -- -- 'with Mr, and Mrs. George* Scott �' y ho Miss Be Pretty, f Toronto who d tables played and several g" of the Fir -t ••`'te Dra * ?r, on Wednesday, De,-- Baptist, Church lay the � y' ' who did not wish to, a chatted. gym' pent Sunday with her mother hers play y' Mr. and Mrs. E- H-- ".; ce :el:ra ^ni`,er.- 18,- at' 2.;•0, wo d -�.r Ro:i t'i b *; p,,,- `he new church. Mr. Porter will be in Brou- The Prize - winners were: Mrs. S. Cali -` level'. You are invi Am Fors; e, of Uxbridge, re. �� Hopkins, Mrs T. Norton C, Witne ' W their �� Wedding Ahniveresry � Led to � dK gram `for business" on December r otl Deco nber 5th. attend. turned hcmte after spending a cou. and N. Burton. Watch for the neat F pie of weeks' with her son GEna. i s. lf[r, and -bars, a Hann, of Whit flit. and Mrs. Edward Cinnamon - - -- __- •of Carievale, Sask., spent Sunday at - .. _ • . - a' ,� bhe home of Rev. W. L, and Mrs. - Wenhsm. 1 The collection for the children's -- party of the Beverley Street Miss- -ion, was made on Wednesday by the a r Wission Circle of the Baptist Church 'The a'rt'icles collected wore left at Kra. Judson Ward's, b - Miss- B_...thr Ilm- film, Toromo, • -- - _ ' _ 'spent the week -end with her par- _ eats here. ' - - -- Wieek- enders at home included-- - •Wss Georgina Forsyth, bliss Eiken - - Cooper, Vic. McLeod, Harvey Coates, ONCY :Bilt Bi:atead, !fist Chareh wilt 'be held on Friday, December 20: SAVE - -- - - -- - - -- - - -. The annual meeting of S. S. 156. .15 will be held. on December 2G„ a - - - it .ia hoped LFt!re will be a ZLECTRICIT ■ �- _ t Local stores have their win -loa-s Aecorat d for Christmas a -d people arse getting ready for the holiday. _ -A Critical - _ - - - : ` . power shortage now exists in Southern Ontario. - Savings in " Csntherg Tweedie the use of electricity -will be needed on the part of 11 citizens in order - A quiet w'eddi- t took p!nre in the _ ° - to avoid serious- difficulties during the present wint period, and Hydro ` t nitsd Church :Manse last SatuTdzr _ - -- _ y -when Rando'ph ' Cruthers Qos of -. is asking all consumers to conserve electricity wherever possible ip order Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Crutherv, of - :to relieve this situation. - - _ -- "Claremont, was united is marriage to Miss Evelyn Tweedie, of Wh ;te- .T, wale. Th..w couple were attended by '.� - THE DAILY PERIOD DURING WHICH - - - Brough- am. and ?lira. 'fi the Hid, ng trip SAVINGS SHOULD BE EFFECTED IS am. Folio «ling the wedding trip � - M' .. they niil reside in Claremont. Rev, - - - `L E. Ke=edy officiated, .:,BETWEEN $ A.M. -AND, P.M. P. M.r AND D - - ' ".. • " I T I O N S ARE E PARTICULARLY Clsrew Annual Schocl, beeting T'he rat e a� era a id e'eczcrs o ACUTE BETWEEN _ 4 P.M. AND Z p,ft - - = _ - • -- .: �c•hnoi Section No. 15, are urged to__- - - - - attend the annual school meeting to be bold at the school in Clare- -' Factories and industry are asked to switch from day to night opera. mot, on Thurhool mess will 26, e Lion, in whole . or in part, wherever possible; and also to. effect all. " ° at 10 a• en. School business will be •_ . � •' power _ • • ''! presented ibr diseasslon, and the ; . _ savings practicable. Street lighting should be reduced to the lowest - - : - level consistent with public safety. ,-election of one Trustee to fill a re- ` _ . _ Bee Ckrnmont news in front per. BROUGHAM t _ 'THIS IS -NOW YOU CAN HELP i s' .(by firs, T. C. Brown) 0 Tliminate" the use of ekctrici sigrW billboards and stone windows j. from d a.m. to is Tb 2401 Annual Ideecin'g of the p.m. 'Brougham Citizens' League and • Eliminate all Christmas derotatitre lighting us" Saftuxk ►, D . , , 21st and again January �, .i�iremen, was held in the Fire IisU. • ' - -_ ' - - - after an _- Oa Tuesday eve--una, December 3, with a large tad ino¢sted at tad- . � 'Kira off lights - . when not . required, .• once. The President, W. Slack thank- Use the n+iaimum sum .� ed the Committee for their sugp} - good vision, tonarsteat .u• - bier of light is flee �.iag -ream, with -" ort, and wished to retire. The Tress- nrer, lac Carter gave a favorable t' 10 Do not use electric air heaters and Sratkea Osport showing a. nice balance on - 9 Use el y heated seater sparingly and check lesidng hot water s r _hand; The Chief - gu-. -e a report ►+ , the year's work, sad ' moved Ono a Lo nut use range ele ne—bb on "high" when —a kmver heat will serve, :. and turn off all elements a• won as this public meeting recommend that �- possible. .the, intoning officers consider the - Cook oven p i ay. - meals p flea as possible and avoid the .4 purchase of a new fire truck, which of surface elements. uw led to a lively discussion, The mot- - ,r = ± ion was carried Guest speakers were: • urn the radio on only for ,r'• w, s desired; if not listening, turn it-off. W° C. Willson, bL B. Bark and D. l • 8peraia eiectne toasters and other smWj appliances only as B. Amis, All spoke favorably on the work of the Fire Brigade The foil- ' •' = :. - . owing Officers were' elected for the - -- e•uiuing year - Pres., R. D. Miller, The electric : _ power shortage .is a general condition following sir years _ : Vice-President, D. L. Maus; sec- _ of War and arising from the fact that it was impossible to proceed with - retary, D. A. Beer; treasurer, Frank - the development of sufficient new ;~ f Carter; Fire Chief, II E. Annie;, power sites during the war because of Baguty, M. A. Annie; .Second' the' requirements for war production. Since the war, -the critical shortage -. _.._. "Deputy, A. _J.. - -Gray : DireetorQ ;. T, o men and materials, has seriously delayed the development of new G. Philip, Manson BLUcott, Wes. >' Slack; M. B. Burk, Fred Cassie, Ross rCes of power. Raine and M. Harlock; Auditors: G. ; - Duncan .and Win. Ellicott. The Commission has beet' 'educing loads within its direct eontro[, Mrs. E. Car%o'n, ind her small _. Wherever .possible. These reductions are not enough, and it is now ' daughter, Ly nd, met with a serious . necessary to� appeal for assistance on the part of all consumers.. ' accident on Saturday evening when ..:. _' - the door of 'the car in which they 'Hydro appreciated the splendid voluntary a istanCe on the part of _ were riding sprang open and the - - . ss - _ ItS baby seFnned iLbout to fall nut. In. _ consumers during the war and_ believes . that similar co- operation will attempting to save her, the young beOrthCOm _ 7 rnother also fell out, possibly saving 8t 'this. time. i u the clu'ld -from -injury by breakhig her laIl. Taken tc. Pickering by a THE HTDRO - ELECTRIC POWER passing motorist and later tn. the _ COMMISSION Of ONTARIO k Oshawa hospital, the baby's coedit- � • � • A Ion was not considered serious a:- \ _ -- 4 though she remained in tospital for a flew days. Mrs. Carson remained unornstious, 'tor most of Sunday _ ,� - 'J � �` ''� -••-• n � ' �=..1" . , .. .. .,s • .:P' - .. .-._ .. .f ��a.s.�.-•��•+.�: F' :rc5r � m.y r�as.•a. Y _. 1�..e_� :zy e.^, -,,. _p i •� - -.._ .. ' � ', .- ' : a'. .. u THREE WISE DOGS growers in Southwestern Ontsriw t- + Sugar hest Indnatr�► Importaat This sugar beet industry is of great importance to a sound and "' l s • 1 "" • � ` � p ermanent agriculture in South - ?o Sound , F ermanent A culture western Ontario. It is a good crop ' for the farmers to grow, as part t Y �ls Editor's note: A few weeks beets grown to operate them both: _oi —their rotation, because it feeds o an article an .he sugar beet It takes 2KOW tons of beets o -� and cleans up the soil and' leaves ' t " ' industry in the United fates operate the Wallaceburg plant at ai S p it in excellent condition for other capacity and 240,000 tens for the appeared on this page. Fo1- crops. It also plays its part in Chatham plant. providing a . longer working lowing is a review of the in- - — - s� r This year there was still a lack son for farm labour, providing em- �- • du.stry in the Province of of sufficient sugar beets to operate ployment at seasons of the year ' n x �-0ntario, by M. McIntyre when other work is not available + Hood, Director of Publicity, the two plants, although the pro- �', duction was much better than in on the farm. It is also important to the industrial life of the South- Ontario $Ontario Department of Agri- 1945. 'The total acreage for 1946, culture, of sugar beets, was 23,375 acres, western section of the Province, ' compare since the operation of the sugar After reaching a low ebb m the d wt h 17 66U a c r e s P la n fed in 1945. This acreage provided a processing plants means consider - year 194], the sugar beet Industry crop 'for 1946 of .210,000 tons of able employment in the Chatham _ of Ontario has since that year beets, or 8,98 tons per acre, aver- area. showed a steady upward trend, and _ ;• pared with ]61,000 tons, or an aver- . -;- this year of 1946 has seen a subs age of 9.30 tons per acre in *the When Columbus first set foot on dtantial measure of recovery, with previous year. the western hemisphere, in the the largest acreage and the larg- i3ahamas, he thought it was japan. est production" within a six year While the situation has been im- period. The recovery is by no proved to the extent indicated by means complete, nor has produc- the above figures, it is not yet good tion returned to its pre -war levels, enough. . This season's beet crop FOR but the movement in the growing is all being processed at the �Sr of sugar beets for processing into Chatham plant of the Canada and ` p sugar has been definitely upward, Dominion Sugar Company, and j I _ thanks partly to the subsidies paid will provide .,ufficient raw material by thL Ontario Government, and for a run of about $a days dura• jps GET it is hoped that within the next tion, which is approximately five -' two or three years it will have re- sixths, of ;, full capacity run. Cur- GENTLE REUE mUlIC7CMON turned to normal proportions, w rest stimates, on the basis of sugar raft ftuftft 0 WHITE R= - -. _ that the full capacity for the manu- content, are for an output of 53,- - - -` facture of sugar from beets in the 000,000 pounds of granulated sugar, factories of Southwestern Ontario about 10,000 or 11,000 tons of dried may be utilized. - beet pulp, and from 1,800 to 1,600 _ tons of molasses. How 110 �� -- — World Shortage of Sugar . An appealing event at the Royal Winter Fair's Horse Show was Good Rotation Crop" tine demmtrati et of shepherding by Win. Martin, Maple Creek, The production of sugar rne__ - - Sask., and his three faithful and intelligent -- For this years crop, graarers ale _ lfigent Border Galilee world over hq� "f OT •rite last few receiving approximately $13.00 per 1Rhsmn& tt� soy h'6eo by years been far short of require- = ton for beets delivered to the fac- osom tale adA a Mud ments. For the whole year of 1943, ANN be asttaxtad by do s Y tones, and $12.23 per ton for beets - _ the shortage of sugar as compared delivered to outside kideer11A. amid asesse wiesewronsim11 '� O I C '� O F THE PR ES with the norms! requirements of points. R his Trod pea, aek ift by ht - S � the world Beached the staggering � Buskin the gross value of the crop Tra.t uhaatarlie i� ti key yar total of 2,400,000 long tons. to the per acre $117.00 and $]10,00 re- idlers i gwi eserifise. Gee a" no face of that situation, and with spectively• so that with 23,376 ji�a axe ink l acres planted, the sugar beet crop aM as little improvement ethcted in 2946 ad esew bettas. - -- ' Too Jbabae Jrl"d it is essential that every sugar -pro- represents appio =imstely two and �sLst tleiTe esa l tat -Vkat a lot of us have forgotten three quarter million dollars to the ducin -The War Department of the g area in the world do its _ fe that while it is heroic to the United States got oft on the wrong best to increase production. So far ler oath country in time of war, foot by cheapening the system as Canada is concerned, it ie im- if is Just as necessary to five for - perative that thie country produce ,� i through authorizing too man i Me= LO!l 411 Mats connt.y iii tidte of peace. as much as possible of its awn 96& pftw Woodstoelf Sentinel- Review. medals: it strikes at the value of sugar aside. w that it will draw all awards when a aoidier can wear a correspondingly esetatfer amount Here Is a line of six .ibbons though he has from better equipment trade never, been within bomber range hoer the sadly diminished world A bank is Dayton. Ohio. has sago pool. Normally. Canada pro- A client wrotol -- of the sore of action. set op a window at the side of its ducts only about 20 per cent of its ■eve .tetra pinata to centre 216 building so that motorists - can — Detroit hews. own requirements of about one bit - taws, Toronto. Detroit n.a as lib se 'drive up and make deposits or cash : Son sad saw w t►t+etsn >. aa+t as ettean • pounds a year, but that Der- made u aw st$co r..m.e cheques without tearing their Bus. A statistician tests' as that it Casings is attained only at the A0EXT3 WANTED — Chatham News. would take 19 centuries to spend a maximum production. Since 1941, MBRRICI VILLS - billion dollars at the rate of $1 a sugar beet production has been fir BNOINEERINO CO.. LTA - N itver minute. So to keep our money below normal, although since 11143 ]tlat•ta_lrville. Om. _ t lalrza only am-fourth of a from being tstf+ea by moths we - second to wink the eye --and years throw in a war every now and rhea, OntarWil Sugar Plants and years to explain it to 1ht ad set rid of the stunt at ti,e rate - - 1[issat of a billion a month 'There are in Southwestern On- o _. —St. Catharines •Standard tario two sugar plants. one at Chatham and one at Wariaceburr, L N COMP operated by the 3e3 -Do Canada - s REPORT BARS HUTTON WILL WED AGAIN! minion Sugar Company, Limited. Since 19.11, only one of the plants 300 BaY Stree t _ ... - ... has been able to operate, because -... _ _ _ A p there have not been enough sager TORONTO - -� a Presents a Weekly 'Review of News, Economic Trends - and Items of Current Interest By Sw"t and coal in aAy Pike John Collingwood Reade Xoltesanist, News Analyst and Radio Comrnentatoe - This comprehensive survey will be embodied 'in the regular service which provides detailed information on mina and tsar- kets prepared by our statistical department. The combination Will prove entertaining, informative and invaluable to A who =a� seek to improve their status by the .intelligent investment of ` 1 ftutds: We will point to the pitfalls as well as the opportunities ' -> of market speculation.. If you would like to receive thin service _" — -- _ -- without obligation Csi]• in and trail the _attached coupon. - - H. N. HANSEN A COMPANY, - -' ' F Investments, : :;,...... : :;..: 300 Bay Street, Toronto. : Barbara Hutton, left, heiress to the Woolworth five - and -ten for- , igc „,lca,cn: emte. wiu marry Count Alain D'Eudville, right, head of Moot and ' ..Chandon, world's largest champagne producers, according to the hindiy send me without 'obligation your wpektir ��n tom• Svanieh 0. f!La y =et+iousiy was married to Georgian Prince Alexis bldivatd; Count Aattgwitz- Revendow of- CANADA'S Name . .:..r..... ........... : Denmark, father of her 20- year -old aon, Lance; and Cary Grant, i STANDARD PIPE. TOBACCO � Address ....... ............. .................. W screen stun .L REG''LAR FELLERS- -Don't • Push • . ..” = -_' ' .. ' , - -- • = ' � :.' By GENE BYRNE5 . - - i JEST STEP RIG"T IN, FELLERS!. -- - = - - -- -- r •• ^^ I %V*#*" G1Ng ALL THE GENTLEMAN INSIDE WILL 19V1 A FREN - - "W A PitESENT TAKE CARE OF YOU! TNIS IS ON OF PINHEAD'S. PINHEAD : Jay TO eCW )A WN1►T � ME ! JEST MENT10N MY NAME ' r 5ENT ME A &WILL EG4 i AIMf PINFI N IN HISSEtF! tlr�reR cps t _ t .►!/ 13 tt10LS! Q13�6/ 1tUFM�LSIS VIM/ _ MR ow ^ u UCLA SSIFI ED ADV ERT I SI N� Hoy -IDEA ,Jet Ammer f The World's • first jet - propelled • AGENTS WAISTED FOR SALTS HAIRDRESSING airliner - the British Lancastrian •WANTISD, RELIABLE AGENT To ALL COTTON QUILT PATCHES, LEARN HAIRDRESSING TOE Nene- flew'from Parts to London. ]sell baby chicks for honest and re- at1kia designs in washable cat- Robertson method. Information on today in 41 minutes, nine minutes - Olable hatchery. Royal Farm and ton prata.rlght rainbow colors. request regarding classes. Robert- IHatchery. St, Jacobs, Unt. Refund better than its time on the outward guaranteed. The Home son's Hairdressing Academy. 187 Mall Order House Reg'd., 5629 St. . wenne Road, Toronto. flight. NAVY CHICKS Vrbalp St., Montreal. M PULLETS ALL AGES FROM 34 BIG BOX RED BERRIED CHRIST - HELP WANTED " STAINLESS WATCH ; weeks up to laying at reasonable max Holly 11.25 delivered. Xma1 WANTED - BRICKLAYERS FOR' BRACELET price.. Fill up your pens, egg prices Gift House Bulb assortments from large batter of \V I1 sett Ovens. No are good. Fall hatched chicks for $1.60. Three good bulbs Intro duc- lost time, y work pnstde heated Immediate delivery. Free catalogue. Cory offer 10c. Golden w -ex • -a- c, building, long lob. Experience In `t ;; E25.00 value for =1.00. Men's adJust- •r"arto, otch Chlekerlea, Guelph �:ew weatminster, B.C. fire brick work not necessary. ? ?:',r able stainless steel lightweight Phone 51112 Hamilton or write to :}w bracelets. !deal for Xmas gifts. Box 210, Hamilton, Coke Oven JrOR IMMEDIATE, DELIVERY WE FOR SALE COmD &ny of Canada Limited. c/o of Price 8100 postpaid. Refund guar. eve dayold and started chicks, Steel Co. of Can. Ltd.,- Hamilton anteed. eavy breeds. Now's the time to or- BROODER STOVES Works, Hamilton, Ont. LIFE LONG BRACELET MFG, ter your pullets to get the big eggs ppest July, Bray Hatchery, 130 John NOW 19 THE TIME TO ORDER WANTED - MAID FOR HOUSE- &1-4 WINDERMERE, TORONTO, N" Hamilton, Ont, your Superflame" Ull Burning Brooder Stove. Our shipments of work or cooking. Modern home, IfOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER these stoves will arrive on or about good, wages, small family, State _ top Notch chicks for the 1947 sea- January let, 1947 age, experience and referEnces. son. Early ordering protects you Model 652 has a 52" heavy rs, P. R. Hilborp, Preston. Ont. against }' y gslcan• - Phone- 630 - t �o- .00.- poaattrle .rise - in- prtcea, lf- '�tst=fi tiover�tfietrnomeTattc neat none •. peaces drop you get full benefit. An, trot, automatic draft regulator and frder now assures you of the breed down draft cap. Maximum capacit} HOUSEKEEPER. MIDDLE - AGED, ► 1 - bf chicks you want on the date 1000 chlcka -Price $29.90. KlndI% working man's home, country town: 'you want them. Healthy, husky, send $5.00 deposit with your order I child: full charge. Richard Haahr, ' Approved Top Notch chicks make a Balance 171.0 D. Express Collect. Whitney, Ont, high degree of productivity certain.' your nearest station. JAL Wo ld conditions continue to pro- IIF.AVF.R VAI.I,EY CREAMERY EXPERIENCED DAIRYMAN AND vide a sure and profitable market. Clarks! m, 11unnA farmhand, married; free house. t3et off to n flying start with an Box 604, Burlington, Ont, " early shipment of Top Notch chicks. ?.,. bred to highest standard by the CLETRAC CRAWLER THATOR 30, COOK HOUSEKEEPER WANTEDi moat up•to -date methods of pre -re- with hydraulic bulldozer, Apply good wages., modern country? lecttoa and handiing. Write to -day Poole Bros., Lambeth, Ont. home. Box 111, 7E Adelaide W., To- A new 10-volt infra -red lamp that for a free catalogue. Also ready to ronto, lay sad is pWleCax Top Notch -Bt -One -sp0v Chlckerles, Guelph, Ontario. 0 COMBINATION BUCKEYE ELEC- MACHINERY where the heat nears 1500 degrees, tr(c Incubators for sale cheap, Set- Fahrenheit was recently displayed ting capacity 12.000, hatching ea. MACHINES WANTED, SLCVMED at the O of the Chicago II. ' ' BEST C�-IN 25 YEARS paclty 4,000, 25 or G8 cycle. ADDIy opening g-• Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Joint Sash Machines, Elbow Disk luminating Laboratory by the Yell. that 1s what all Rainbow Sander, Sash Relisher, -Chain ]tor. Westin hoses! Electric Corpora- -buy Chtric boyars are saying when they Fergus, Ontario. riser. Box 111. TE Adelaide St. W, g 9 , Rafnbo� Chicks. All breeders Toronto, tion. The young lady above is are 149 percent free from pullorutar ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPPIES BY demOtistrating how ]amp's heat - - -= Order your cblcks now direct from the famous imported sire PIES an this ad and not be disappointed. Roger." Price from 175 up. Wired - MEDICAL es light] cigaret. Men and -women !n Cities, ells Tom Barron Leghorns $12.00 per orders receive preference. J. S. _ laggs and farms. across Canada 00. Pullets 124.00. 1#arred Rock Charlton, E7 Port St., Brantford. PEOI•LE ARE TALKING ABOUT have gained financial independ- ixad ;♦12.00 par 100. Pullets $21.00. Ont. the good results from taking Dix- Fussy Crococ le *net,- 1p8de steady high profits White Rock Nixed 315,00 per 100. oa's Remedy for Rheumatic Patna for rtiiemselves by raising Royal Pullets 626.00. Brown Leghorn _ and Neuritis. Munro's 'Drug Stoi•e, -- - zed 111.00 per 100. Pullets 325.00. FROM STOCK NFW1 C.G.E. 995 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. Chinchillas. It Can be a full or '- Unor* -Rock !Mixed 112.00 per 100. Welders, A.C.-D.C. Welding Rods- A le -foot crocodile in a private a Dart-time occupation-and -like U lets 125.00. Red -Rock Hybrid accessories - A.0 -11_C_ Mo1ers; 2S e-r - BEF.SLF.Y'1 BITTERS, HER DAL Zoo- Ts - -SO - fasttdi -sus if Won't feed al! businesses where rewards �+ 18AA par 100. ockors 8Mua Ste: -tto cc s �lectrlc Hoists, 5 to 10 Tonic• removes the cause of vari- john Robinson. are higher i - ;OQprices Dn cockerils Guarantee Lon. Rex" spot welders, 5 to Y50 anti. owner St. g er than usual, It cy- percent `live delivery to your K.V.A_ Gas engine generator plants, cone• ulcers, neuritis and nervous- cleans its teeth with an ordinary Quires serious application and btation. 11.00 down, balance C.O.D.- British air cooled gas engines. Gas ners. Mrs. T. Van Camp, manufac- a substantial investment. It ainbow Hatchery, Chatham. On- engine driven pumps, 7000 G.P.H. turer, 398 Eglinton Avenue E., To- toothbrush. Robinson, a master torte. Worm reducing gears and speed - in. ronto. 12: _ 13 a high class business enteo- butcher, keeps the zoo, oat of the rize..It ' creasers. Texrope V belt drives, also P You can qualify - it _ couplings, 32 volt D.C. motors and largest ' rivate collections of ani- ]M LAYING AND READY TO LAY POSTS ECZEMA SALVE 8 D you have capacity for manage- couplings, Hampshire pulleta for immedl- grinders, Windcbarginx generators, mats in Australia, as a hobby. ment - then under the gutd• . ate delivery, Also other breeds 14 6 -12 -32 volt, ALLIANC E ELEC- Banish the torment of city aczems, sacs of the Canadian Chinchilla weeks up to laying[ Fill up your, TR1C WORKS LIMITED. Montreal- rashes and weeping skin troubles Company this Can be your o¢ - -�_ patio, eggs are in big demand and - Toronto-Rouyn Post's Eczema Salve• will not_dlmap TAxiDF7iMt pp kes are good Free catalogue. nlpeg- Vancouver, point you. -- portunity for financial lnde- 1 Also Fall hatched chicks for imme- - - tching scaling funning eczema, A9 "1•F;N'17uN DF:F:1i HUNTVJ43 - DendeaCe, Yattr'tOta1 initial 111- i tllate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hat - FLOWER BULBS FOR INDOOR ache, ringworm, pimples and ath. Have your trophy mounted by Can- vestment for the finest breed• a- eherles Limited, iPergus, Ontario.- lete's foot will respond readily to ad.'s Leading Taxidermist. Finest growls Gladiolus, 6 for 11.10; this stainless, odorless ointmooL workmanship at reasonable prices. tag stock - the Royal Chin- Dutch Hyacinths 1 for 81.10; Ro- regardless of how stubborn er We tan Deer Hides into Leather china strain - Is 5,150.00 a pair, lie SUSSEX I HAMP10HIRES 13e man Hyacinths• 11 for $1.10; Paper hopeless they may seem. suitable for Gloves, W.Indbreakers, As You see. the capital Invest. !BOOK :JCR ORDER NOW FOR White Nsrelsmes, 10 for $1.10: Snow- drops, 24 for 1.10; Crocus, 24 for PRICE 31.00 PER JAR etc. Oliver Spanner A Co Ltd. 26 A ment Is substantial, but the diva- flPRINO CHICKS without Inlay at $ Elm St- Toronto Bends for your time and effort thew rice&. Mixed Chicks 13e Pal• $1.10. Growing instructions &nclos- 441bd Post Free on Receipt of Price , Note 22C. Cox' !c. Leg horn Y Ramp- d. L rHatbulb , postpaid, Kuyper'& POST'S REMEDIES TRAPPING are high. If you can qualify up ��l1hires -Mixed 18c. Pulleta Age. All C to this point, with Common -senstt preeders pulloram tasted under Gov. ASS Queen St E Corner of Logan management you Can be sue• d- •rnmaut approval Order now to In. FOR SASKATCHEWAN HOTELS. Toronto. MINK FOX - WOLF TRAPPERS. : sure deliver when required. Son- trap for bounty year round with CesstuY. No special ranch. equip- vials r Farms, Ranches, Stores and bust- D Chick 8atchery. Box 1'64. El- basses of all kinds, write C. R ITw EXCELLENT. RICAL RESULTS best gland scent syat-em money eon meat or experience is required. mira. Out Gingrich Klellander. Real Estate. after taking Dixon'. Remedy for buy. Particular■ free A E. Fisher. Our personal guidance is •your Regina. Bask. Rheumat -!c Patna and Neuritis. Box 420. Calgary, A11 erta assurance of success, Chinchillas NOW IS THE HIRST TIME TO OR- Munro's Drug Store. 336 Elgin. Ot- are Clean, hardy. The weight o[ der your 1947 Tweddle chicks. We taws, Postpaid $1.00. TEACHER WANTED a full grown- female Is approx. 1= guarantee you against price rise HOSPITAL. imately 24 OL - which Is your and sasare you of full tfenefft of Maternity and. Medical $0 bed Gov- TREAT YOURIIELF AT HONE BRANT COUNTY - PROTE.%TANT assurance Of convenience In any drop In price Before delivery, srument Licensed fully •Quipped. with electro- magnetism for Arth- teacher required for South Dam- J By ordarin now, You are sure to near No. S and 24 Highways• Could rttls. Rheumatism, Insomnia• Va-ri- totes TOwnrh {D't4cl1ool Ares, Dtvi- tsrla�g' Chinchillas are vegy r have the kind of chicks you want be operated by two aursea. good cote Veins and other clrculatorl sion 1, Brant County. ApplicantL ns, which means low -Cost _ when yyon want them. Twaddle turnover. Owner leaving Canada 7 ailments. Free expplanatory pampL. will State gvallffcations,. name of feeding and readily ava11ab1! - Chick Hateherle& Limited has been miles to nearest hospital. For tzu11 lets from Coopeltemedles, Yong& previous school Inspector and sa:- food. Chinchillas bear the serving satisfied poultry raisers Information a-Dyly Box 329, De1ht. Street, Toronto, ary expected. Wtllfam Cop*, 'Sec„ year after year for ;8 years. All pal world's most valuable fur. Your Twaddle chicks are approved, rats- St. George, Ont. n%rket is unlimited, Stock is --- - .ad � Pa lilks�r'um tooted stack af. MUSICAL INSTRL'S9MNT\I required for ! known IivatrPlity and high produc- I RAVE STILL A FEW POEAB- W A NTF:D breeding yea" h homy for tion. They are hardy; healthy, prof- ants lett, _and some bantams, and FHED A. I4UUD1lri4:TUIS BUTS, g Purposes. which Lf your Itable birds. Our system of selection black cockers. F. Hodder, Fiesher- sells. - lexchanReo mustest Instru• WANTED TO BUT OLD BARNs assurance of a successful future. _ and inspection before delivery as- ton, (Stet, manta Ill :hared. Toronto t and barn formes, large sixes pro- BY selecting the Royal Chan- s�res live delivery. All popular terred. Write or phone Boirden & Chula strain, 1 breeds and some cross breds to Gross Furniture CO. Ltd., Walker - YOU get the finest choose from, oozed or straight run. IDEAL, CHR19TUAS .GIFTS -BABY lll•t•utiTDNI'1'IF . FU14 WOMEN ton. ,Ont breeding stock. Your animals Bead now for our free valuable Bvdgles (talking strain) eobalts, are Insured and guaranteed to catalogue and early delivery price- ereenS, lime - greens, torquols sky A'1'1'! NT1UNt HIGHEST PRICES litter In One year by Canada's flat. Also laying and ready to lay blues, also albinos. Famous 1ielody EE A HAIRDRESSER paid for feathers, feather ticks, al• largest Chinchilla Ranch. You .' pullets for immediate deliver !1� canaries (selected singers), foreign JOIN CANADA'S LEADINti SCHW1 so sewinst machines• any condition., Can start and make money with Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Llmlted, finches, Gold and tropical fish, he Great Upportunity, Lsaru Write King Feather Company. Fergus, Ontario. ors and thermostats, air pampa, pany. 661 one pair - our FREE literature whit& mice and rats• guinea pigs Hairdressing CitiRford St- Toronto, Ont tells how. Why not write t BABY CHICK BUYERS angora rabbits. Mall orders given wages tit thousands fed proles +ion, Rood odayt prompt attention. Melody Bird & wagro, thousands successful Marvel There is no obligation. fast dip HT ORDERING YOUR 19.41 BABY Pet Co., 809 Dundas St., London, graduates. America's greatest eye- WANTED TO nl: \' TRAI"ruR ANY the coupon below and mall now, � aChlcks now, you guarantee yourself Ont, tam. Illustrated catalogue' free make, good small grain thresher, delivery date and also obtain an Write or call. self - propelled combine, one -way c early order discount Fl s after you NOW iDi CANADA, PUPL'LARLY MARVEL HAtRt1REFSINQ disc !!pert Houston. 60 Emma St., y chicks from brooders government sdvertlsed LEKTRULITE cigarette 858 Rloo CRex1W , Toronto Chatham. Ibanded and pullorum tested. Write lighters. Flameless, wickless, wind- Car 1947 rice list and catalogue. Branches: 41 Kina.Et.. Hamilton SHIP YOUR POULTRY FARM :Canadian Cltlnshilla Co. _ p proof, fllnileas. Works like car �IHlfld / a4onkton Poultry Farms, Monition. .tighter. Guaranteed unconditional. & 74 Rideau street 'Ottawa I # 319 •IrY ST., TORONTO Ontario. ly. ;1.95 F.B.I. rO Box 97, Ben. G. EGGS. TO H. G. BUTT Montreal. °48 Scnrborough Road. Toronto, �. ]eve WA. 1411 1 PA' 97111TB Highest prlcea. Write for quota• # D GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST tion ,C (Read what Mr, Brondhursf of Joll- - TIRES FF:TItiERSTOle 11A l 4:14 ! 4:t1M 1•A V 1 a NAME . •.. • ................... atte, Que., says about our chicks Patent Solicitors Establlahod 18411. ! We are overstocked at the present 14 King Wert. Toronto Booklet of Lod- le, nll'OOD, ELM, BIRCH A April U, 1916- "The 208 chicks re- and Maple, alto Itaaawood, Po iar,' sADDBE$$ ;, ;•..�.•,.�..�.�,�.�� of good used trade -in tires (guar.. Intormhrtno on regrtert y...: 4sefved In splendid condition, not one anteed to be In excellent shape). Pine and white Birch' Bolts. ood. 0 e dead and only one died since. The.). prices. For farther particulars /�a��a.�..����������ee�a/ are the most vigorou's bunch of chfcks 600 X 16 $5.00 t•RR %OiAh write to The Oakville Basket Co, I ever received 'and L. have been All orders shipped C.O,D. Steel&) Limped. Oakville, Ontario, - Order handling chicks for over a years e equipment for vulcanizing Truck "ELiJAH COINING Is F. FOR F Order now and get the beat- Here and Farm Tractor Tires. Christ." Wonderful book free. Me- _ J are our prices, Barred Rock Mixed, BEACON TIRE, corner Queen and giddo Mission, Rochester, 11, N.Y. 812.00• Pullets, $21.00; White Leg- York Sts., . HAMILTON, Untaria.' - - ffttorn. Mixed, $12.00: Pullets, $24.00; _ • hits Rock Mixed._ )16.00 Pullets, -ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN FREE OPPORTUNITIES BY MAIL. 6,00; Brown Letrhorn Nixed. We put your name on mailing bets 14.00• Pullets, $25,00; Hybrid# of C rinadlan and American firms ock -Red Mixed, $12.00• Pullets, TOBACCO FARM, B4. ACRE`, eem- with new ideas; l'nder no obliea- {21.00 Hybrid Leghorn -Rock Mix • . pletely tiled, near St. Thomas, 3' Lion, lust send name, address. FBI, ad, '811.00- Pullets, $25.00. You also kilns, greenhouse, 2 large barns, Box 97, Station G, Sontreal. ® • i get free c1ilcks. Goddard Chick Hat- nice house with Hydro and water ;Y. i shery, Britannia Heights. Orit. illness forces sale, R. H. Leggett, t•NOTUI:ItAPH\'. s 29 Bloor St, E., Toronto. 3c 33_ `_ • • • ' All-C.Q. F`10 .IVF.ARr - CE[CK% LhenomLITY. QUICK MATURING. 100 TONS OF PRESSED HAY AT- IMPERIAL QUALI•1-Y '15 _ f ' D11mer one egg production. Cus- $15.00 per ton. Pressed fn the field - OUR y Comer after customs! report these with a new type Hal' Baler that by QUA[ -ITY AT ITS BEST,p try reeuitx --- - fi9L`_ r'$ BPnY 7.`arm .ovine ♦h. rn �. Ql'It \'•�li(i 1119111-N(1 F'A� n - • ibe bier} ei rw... Chicks. Get our free catalog that nutritious teed. Chas B. Cralg & Ire ands fine uuni t,v work will < : helps Youaprodueehmore nrn belt Son, Nort{i Gower, Ont. plea.e.You, For satirf ;,ction try Im• _ ,,,: isarue�verNealcramksllaRtlriwmhlsS ;'- ter profits. Also get our free cR1- perial. 6 or 8 exprno-nre firms, de ..,r pressure pvap which by .very text and ender. Big Rock Farm, MIIIeRochea, velope•d and Orinted. E6c ;R'.^, ;. _ yeas of aaa Is proved to be fie most ; WIGGLE. FISH & MAGNETIC PUPS, , � - - -- - Ont, Ideal Xmas Gotta. "1Vlggle Fish iMl•F:R1Al. PHOTO SERVICR efficient and dopendeb(& spray pip �• swims madly about lashing has Station 1 Tnrnnto r1 sign. Every Ifwelia pump, ryes Of 100 CHICKS FREE rs1'ulia.nt colored body like the 'r- else, Is 4lssignotl and Iwilf In tM sally '•tl ffghtingest'-9aee wet. self win din TURN YOUR ••SNAP%^ INTO MON. With every order of 100 pullet no springs to break. Everyone _ e1'•- -_50�c to 110.00 - pa.ld.. Parftculnrs. _ WeY' " chicks we gIva 300 free chicks (our from baby to grandpa loves him - Prudential Press, Toronto 1. a �..•� E� "Wine denvera ite Wp rated - choice). Barred Rock . Pullets price 50c. Hotsy & Tbtsy the Merry ] 4�paaity and pr"svre at slow s r•`;..r: ; > i peed.. Nis White Rock Pullets $25.95 bia�net[c Pups._Dogggone fun for Every Hordle will perform for beyond rye White t.eghorn Pullets 324.95 Old and Young, You can make em XMAS CARDS FROM *� «os ^ales. The various pelts t Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.95: Red• dance, lump, whirl and wriggle a rr - ' ' ` - - -raM ^S In amt _ _ -- •- - Rock Hybrids, $21.95. Leghorn..' People go wild about them, Pric SNAPS"-12 FOR 79c - "'• _. feHaralepu- p- cyli^aerx, plungers, etc. Rock Hybrids, $25.95. All chicks 50c Also Jitterbug 50c. Roy aster tmemvehlw sold are from bloodtested stock „o., Box .1081 W., Winnl Winnipeg, blar Your gegatives make' the most SerNlertlna►h•rspraypvrmps back by high pedigreed stock. $1.0] D original and pieasinig Vhilstmal �',_ of equalradm8, Hardie builds a sprayer books you rorder, Balance C.O.1, CRrds you can get - cards that v acres" and ov eb in rmam Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hatch. WELL LOCATED AND EQUIPPED friends treasure -nnd the cost t• every reams •ryl y - _ ' ary. Chatham, Ontario country store with dwelling, mall. Select g r*Rt sizes and s Iea.Writefarcatalog. 4 g, gay your fa•vorlte see a• '6 I tY k.� station, electricity, telephone, lnrt;( tives and send them to up We'l i ;5, "" °'' ITheHas+rleM .Ce „Hvdaen,Mich.,U,S.A. a 4 lot. Would accept farm as part return 12 attractive greeting card. ° _ ?` OFFER TO INVENTORS payment, some terms If required, with your pieturps printed on- i ' fs, C. W.-LEWIS :1 Owner must Reek outdoor empld}•• Find pnvelopps for mnlline -till fo i „so•;. Distributor, Grimsby, Onfmfe. ;•"x AN OFFER TO EVERY IN\ F:N'1'Olt meet, Box 112,• 73 Adelaide \Pest 74c, flrrlpr party. ` 4,. Lint of inventions and full Infor Toronto. (2 1'hotnR on (L,lpnrinrs 2$c.) a mat on sent free. The Ramsay Co. pF.l•T. M. Registered Patent Attorneys, 27fi I ` ; Bans street, Ottawa, Canada F't'rt� STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE FOxf:% AND FURS Itilir sp.0 AFI� 'Pox ISb, 1•ar4 4►ff{re A. Teroaie ;. s DVF.1N(G AND CLEANING made Into neckpieces, collars am (Print Nanie raeF`Adrt p. +i, I'Inlnlyr • O d ; capes. Take advantage of this ofIe r ' - HAVF. YOU ANI'TiiING NERD% before rtsinR prices take effect Jnr ': dirties or cleaning?' Write to us fol - 1, 1947. Oliver Spanner g co l.tri COMET PHOTO SERVICE - 1mf0t•oaUoa. We are glad to an 26A Elm Street. Toronto. Quirk 51.11 Aervtre, tvLrk guarar �i+1ia>` ;`• - swat your auestlons. Departmen' teed, 75c per roll Reprint& !r erw• _ IL Parkerti Dye Works Limited 5 z 7 roMured Iii rotd+r- mount. 7 PERFECT dR�1TA 191 Tongs Street. Toronto, OOtarlo ISSUE 50- -1946 Box 4, Postal Station U. Toronto ,__,_ _._ .-'' '� b_,7 , �° �:. ;,• R Hi land Creek W'' that ]6,.. Joh3 11m1ar, S yrepari• ,a .weodid Chrybaaa NOTICE I I I ai Route Hills, is making a speedy cone _eCWROPRACnC . Oar met5 ass year W" WU7 (by Mrs Gee. Hull) i! rlecovery iraat her recent Operation. i ,STECXLEY der Gloria Ormered, 3rasioas Coaven -� + HEALTH CLINIC J On Monday night!, the Hobby er, was in charge at Y. P. U. this C CJri'4i� y iii, aN _ - 9imcoe st_ - -N. Qs�s Ont. COAL, 00 ". Club met and.-Agreed it would be week and led a • discussion on the �`` - -- - better to hoid -their meeltings the subject "Are Miesionaries Nacess- PHriY.RAL DIREC20W- - Drugless Treatments including ___W4X)_D1 O + MBNT, same.night each week so Monday aryl ". Private AvabWafto Chiropractic, >a r'epy :BAND, GRAVEL, -- night is the . permanent meeting Mr. HoIley's sermon topic • was- • ryas Marie. IIMQ or Mineral vapor Baths nit, aad tl3e instructor will visit "The Uafaariliar Christ ". T ] i�M - 4IId every other week lew irg enougl, ._. - -• Prncticing 24 Years: ER,Q t . work to be finished up the follow - _. rim Lei -' 3L?ILD QUPPLIF ��,.. �Greenwo�d -.. jLA. -Cji, t. ..-' .. - inmeeting-.-The 4he - -group hnp also local cartage work, have some pictures `rom rho (By Mrs. F. W, Gibson) 1 We havealso placed in stocl6,a fug National n11m Board, so watch- Jur - - �Y/11 . The Mission Band held their meet CY R I L E. M O R LEY L x of mAPLE LEAF wIL'LM nevm y, December 20, has been set ing on Saturday last at the' home of •il CG1fPAQQY IrBEOs _ - aside for the Sunday School Christ- Joanne Mordea. CQuttfle.f'r' I N S U RA N C E l A IV D PLmas -- Y.rda R4: Ba. hew Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Disney visit- REAL ESTATE Party, Movies are being show, ��• �r- a��ons A W MITCHELL for enterWnment with a charge of Mrs. W, F. Gibson on Thursday. C",r, A. •, 25 Cents for Adults and Children last, also Mrs. Hugh Militr and } PHONE 67 PICK. ..-Pickering, 01A. of the school free. Santa Claus has Ruth, a1 °in��^ ' promised' to be on hand and presents Mr- walker Jr., of Torqnto, visit- will be. distributed for all. ed his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. The members of the W, A. are Walker on Sunday. We are pleased to learn that Dies. asked to remember Thursday, Dec- sk ember o is their Annual Meeting John Middleton is getting along so GORDON F. OSBORNE A E. Richarason and Section of Officers, and a good well after: her illness and confine- • turnout is hoped for. went to -the Oshawa Hospital. r C. L. U. The Y. P. U. are having a Christ - Th? Farm Forum met at the home in simple, but rich de- 7" - DISTRICT MANAGER - GENERAL INSURANCE mss Forty at the home of Lois of Mrs. Green and Edna -on Mon- xign, we can furnish ..} _ . REAL ESTATE Graham, - on Saturday, Dec. 21st, d: •: c : eeing, anemori816 that will 4♦ CONVEYA�CIN© with d strrbution of gifts from the Don't . forget the Sunday School .'. please from every EXPIRE LIFE An old establish�'agency, ready ' tree to be one of the highlights. Kay Chr::.-:.-as Tree and Concert with s standpoint. In dignity ' - Insurance Company to serve. Goode ham and Gloria Ormerod are Santa Claus at the Sunda. school on of appearance. our work :. phone Pickering 0o In charge of the Entertainment` Thursday evening. December 19. will stand out through J r Representatil►es Las` week Commencement Exer- Come spd hear the Sunday" School the Age• D. Munro A class were held at Scarboro Colleg- Put on a first -class proAr•am. `'No Greater Tribute" � � H. Cards _ {� .�• �r date and 'Gloria Ormerod received The W•'A• � on Thursday, Dec. N. W. STAP70RD Tom Puekrin ,,- her Upper School Diploma; We off- ember 12, in the S. S. rooms. st an � er her our co>�atulations. The W. M. S. field their annual ���yor� �� Ralph Gulliver, Oshawa � _� r meeting and election of officers on �� �vissr _ _ Thursday lash set Mrs. Greed's The Pia. 468 Whitby, Out. _ fib 6Z8 Whitby, Oal. DR. P. L. .LOOS. new President is Mrs. Milton Pegg. _ Mrs. W Crummier is visiting her .�T Breagknmq Ont Fkt 6 a b friends in Pickering, Whitby, and -W M,-MA YY_ - VE"lF.RINARY SURGEON' �_ _.. _ Oshawa this week: DL 120022D AVCTIONIUM tea The public .Groot children are VALUATOR KEN AND CLARK E - - -- - - Pbaars Pickering 74 R 6 - Bales eondseW Anywhere ri`Z' =G"''E - - -- -- • _ - �_ Phone or Write AUCTIONEERS Maple Leaf Fire S4 Dundee tby. ° - ice.wed and Authorized for the '� Counties of Ontario and York. Farm Stock, Implements Howe. Insurance CO." o. hold Furniture, Real Estate ` 9T:ita or f'hasis � � Sales our Specialty at Ressonabto = Make�Chapman s Your Christmas Deal Service :�_ Cheap Rates for P'arra ind Comrtry Price of One. the - - Wiad.tarlm• I. �.,,.• ., on .:. '` � She in eerie P.rssanaa Nagging rain t P. O a. b PP g t MM rkhomPP. 0. �phoene marit 206 WhAmlls, Silos ate. " tlns TM the Tamper and AutomoUl�A s at AU KI,e. See our Chinaware Dr 'Good �tices have bees estabiialed ' ! y Ner"m R may be Your E'7a auctioneers since 1890. _ _ . Bowman & Rowe Xmas cards, Seals, a `c. e . H . T u c K. O PT . D Barrister ,e,�, xflw, rablle Come in and look around �°"' �'°��" °°'' ° C• C. RICHARDSON GVT THEM NOW 1 - . I OSHAcWA ` _ PIPES, ELBOWS FOR YOUR w _ I ' o i SWILP . 611 Centlnental Ufa Bldg STOVES and FL7RDIACE$. ;: C ]II_ `# i� ,i .& I plrnnr t5:6 ETi Bar .St. Toronto ' N----1, ■ - -- .(Hlack anti Galvanized) t i' COAL SCUTTLES T + Seller8 & Atkinson Yew Satlsfwdoo ;mil► Caaeaat« Tip `'Chimney Sweep" soot Phone Asia. 8eiw2 - ft"di. 'MO Destroyer ---The Modern Way To Clean Cha nevs, F'urnrtces, and ( - iCensed FAINTER 8 DECORATQR Flues. Tick ` H e rd - IS°rt s6 a e _ Auctioneers T U Q BICYERiNG ONTARIO - ...: LL V i r� U t7 B - - -- - - _ - - - - - - i- 25 Year's Experience HARDWARE GENERAL HARD WARE Sales condu..•ted anywhere . ` J. I. (Sod, S'i'EWART; B. A. Phone. Fk -ker• 46 Specializing in Farm Stock, I 'a3 - -a ar d lrrr,it ire ar,d Property Sales. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary + •� i. T PLIES jol Sales uer!onally listed and RIVER BE FARMS n7lJ [ LILr.7 -. Advertised. Bills prepared and I puarc�i 1 (Greenwood Road 1 Prom t erviCe Pho re - Picicern * •17 R 13 = SOP' - �. ! •J S. P ., : C N - r. Reasonable Rates ... _ �,PI "�; F : z t�+�; .F. J. [)onevan ti ;3 Pf nVE 2.I .. ._ I�.•�� ATRE . '0 9TO1Fb'VI.t,LE • �r B. A., B. Sc. +CTtT�i2�'L'TY ual�t'y ]-eats -,, RAD {Q 'cJt {��'V {Ct Ontario Land Surveyor _ • L _ _ AtiF icing Stre. A. East, Oshawa. C)at - Healthfully Air- diHoned i )Ell lil ��++ d — _- 'rHL'RSD.ay. T.. .A'I'L'ADAY - -_ .7Ea3t7i7 _ � -- f • } DECEMBER IZ,t 4and 1.1 .:r... cults & �eQelabl ' M�tNO`.4Ctiati5 J A. WIL ►_OUCN8Y Two Shows 7 allj N Y. Ai. i -j� ° gr tl dluug ,by Farr. .•1 a •a.r• &tarday Matinee at`L30 P. M. �ILI 'S MARKET - a.a ' irxd Office - T` ".ii n A PHI►CO KIl1p V ... ... vtiVb _V her, �.e L - �liaranLeeq ti'pa/T 9a.�/ldl "Y aTgeSt s••d O'dl,at in Phone Pickering 26 y, a Aaj !!lake or Mod" Canada Est; h) (shed Forty C Years" . _ R aao. v�tin� -- - -- - :� R T H I) R �" I iG L. L CONSULT OUR ACTIVE CITY DEPT. -- __� -• - _ FOR THAT HC ME IN THEC11Y PHONE 62 R 3 Claudette Cotbifit Wayne We Want Your Poultry &Eggs - - oil L I�I ta__a, nil �s Jie �. i_I uu "i ruses r�. i sitONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDi3'$DY°' �iVVE SELL DIREC TO THE CONSUMER: _ BE DECEMBER 16, 17 and 181 I - 10 "J C:A V BE ASSURED OF THE HIGHES4 MWE MAFKi:T PRICE FOR THESE PRODUCTS ' he Coo ' _Last Complete Show At 8.20 _ _ . r . �.. - - - LIl1I[TED . - - Evil -3' � - _ - Janie Gfis fVlart ied Y.: � _ , Cset - CI-'IICKEN : ' -..-.-.Sc arboro . .!unction Joss Leslie and Robot. Hutton S ,..PhAne - TELEPHONES -- Howard 1114, and 8ear►oro R[36 , I __"HOTEL RESERVE11 - Our - -- FOWL . ♦r hitby " 1 ' Rough and Dressed Limber MWwork James Mason 1�u�.ie Mannheim Prices LICKS X336 Framds Saab Doore Serwas - f _ Interior Trim MoukUn I TpIU$SDAY, FRI., SATURDAY - �--- . >p - CALVES Soft and Hardwood IMooring j Brick Insulated Siding Cedargrain &bingN Siding • r DECEMBa.i� i$, 20 and 21 _ , i i Q WaIRmarda Rock Lath Cedar SkingW r ? Sunciow,r� iOG.S - :. - ' Asphalt 8binglas 7.tic Rooting � �: •- ' � '. \ ' :, _ .. .. Prod>sets flare Tile .. I�" i � - _ cErrE Tll�rrl�Y, PI KERING FARMS LTD. � Wee! Iam"on cement ow 4" - Weeping I* : Nwar pipe Bruce Cabot t.eorae Sanders , WHMY, ONI AIGO PHONE -336 Day or Might "' jux 1N- sENOUR 100 } s. PU$E PAINT All grades of F. C• Cedar Shingles' }