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VOL. 66 No. 8 PICKERING, ONT. FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 18, 1946 Authorized as Second Clang Matter
Bob. Rate ;2.00 per gear; W. S. #2.60 W. C. Xurkar and :ba, Publishers ' ` 1•`�' 4e• Post Office Department, Ottawa_
Pidering Townshi Pheasant P
Shoot To Be
. , � _ .._.._:• � �' W• �• ••• 'On •Oct '26th . _ .. .. ' .• ;...,- : - _ _ - .._• _• • .:{
Ober Z5ith .&
PER DAY Whitevale Mrs. Robert Johnston entertained Flower Show Here Well Attended i r
various members of her family on Pickering ♦ iff It ge
'. RESIDENT LICENSES -. at 25c. (by Mrx, Edith. Parks) 'Thanksgiving Sunday. The Chrysanthemum Show of the
may be purchased from any anew.- The Wccnen's Missionary Society Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe; Markhamm, Horticultural Society was well att- i Mr. and Mm Poynter, Mr. sod
!ber' of the .Township Council, or .lid the Whitevale United Church met and Mr. Stanley .Tweedie, of Dixie, ended here on Tuesday night, when , �• Parmenter, ,of Toronto, were
-Robin Gordon, Pickering; Silas on Wednesday afternoon, October -ere guests at the home of Mr. Mr. James Blackwell and Mrs. F. ! the guests of Dr, H. T. and Mrs,
w Tool, R. . R. 1, Locust, Hill; Roy 9, is the Sunda School room for
Y and Mrs. John Tiveedie. Bassett turned in the greatest nurn- . Fallaise and family on unday.
Morrish, Cherrywood; 'Lloyd Pegg their autumn Thankoffering meet - Mr. and Mrs. Ted Clover, of Tor- ben of exhibits. The sweepstake Mr' aT� Mrn• �1 Ottewelr have
R. R. 2, Claremont; Edgar Smirk, ing. There were many visitors, pre- onto, have been the guests of. Mr. prize for Open Display, was. won by returned from their wedding trip,
Claremont, or Clare Balsdon, R. sent from Milliken and Mazkh.sn j d -Mrs. Wm. Hilts. :Miss Joyce Morley. " Measr� _E, O_ and hati,e taken up _residence in the
Mrs. J. Tweedie, of ' Whitevale t =ek r Roffey - Apartments Ch
R. 2, Picker]ng,- - -Miss Doris Wilson was home from Stallon and A. Mills showed several , arch St. -
• • • • charge of the Worship Service, Montreal for Thanksgiving, displays, but were not entered for �• and Mrs- A. W. Mitchell
- - -. -- NON- RESIDENT LICENSES, at while Mrs. Macklin, Agincourt, Rev. J. D. Parks ana Mrs. M, E. competition. spent the week -ead in the north
42.00 each, may be purchased from: spoke on a Chapter from the Study Parks, of Toronto, were visitors in- The program included a talk and country, combining business with
Sid. S. Pugh, R. R. 1, Locust Book. Miss R.eesor, of Markham, Whitevale last Friday. pleasure. -
- Hill Ont., - one mile east of . the sang. The closing Portion of the pro- y pictures a the' :nationally) known -
g P Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Yates, 'of 'John S. Hall, expert Horticulturist; The �Y friends of Mr. Jack
was given b the Markham Mi ton, were Thanksgiving guesta and, vocal numbers by Mrs, Tunnell, I Brown, of Toronto, who underwent
. =
village of Whitevale. gram Y Y Pen - 1,a critical 6 -
Society. A social hour was spent at of Mr. ,an:3 Mrs, G. W. Hamlin. soprano, Dunbarton, and Peter Kais- , peration on his eyes a
.Highland Creek ! the meeting's conclusion. Mr. Russell McROhan, of Toronto, er, Pickering, Pete accompanied by few weeks ago, will be glad to
(by Mrg. Geo. HuU) I First Baptist Church Sunday called on friends in Whitevale dur- Phis vocal teacher, Cyril Moss, of ' know his sight is partially - restored
School was very gaily decorated in ing the week -end. I Toronto, who also played several and hopes are held for further re3- j
Friday night about eighty young Autumn Finery on Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nevin, Miss'1 piano numbers. Peter's friends here. toration. A real-topic has been, the
people from various spots in Toron- Sunday in celebration of this season L. Nevin and Mi3s Augusta Fleming, I are •interested in his progress in ' oval- of his pLre..ts from Scot-
to East Rural Presbytery gathered of the year. The Misses Doris and I all of Toronto,'ha%v been recent. his vocal work.. , .he has a . very �'d, who 'plan to spend some time
At Centennial for their Armual Fall Catharine Hilts opened the service I guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Flem- promising voice, and of the many with- him. T� well -known book, on
Rally. Each local Union made p with piano music. and Mr. and Mrs. I ing„ I characteristics adopted by singers, the life of Captain Brown (Jack's
- - -nine tag depicting as far as Po- Hannah - brought the message in ; APPLES FOR SALE ' Pete's voice, is admired,, and he � father), .is one of the most interest-
ible their own mane, and Peaches song, as did the Senior Girls of the I f alenuld go far in the world of music. I Ing volumes we have ever read.... 3;
'peon the awaid --a 1946 -47 Prog- Sabbath School, The speaker for the ! Spy apples for sale, Apply, Mrs. j i Arabian Nights hasn't ,a thing on - "
F. White, Liverpool. 25
swam Annual donated by Centennial, morning was Miss - Franklin, a Dea= rP°O + ; 'it.. , .he was the only skipper who ,
for the most appropriate. The guest coneas ,of First Baptist Church Sault ! Dumbarton Acme end School Club
could Pilot a ship through those
Encouraging Anniversary Services ! _(by Mrs. S. T. Jordan)
speaker was Dr. Bob McGlone, roc- 'Ste, Marie, Mies Franklin brought South °Pacific Islands without a -
United Church On Sacgday
+ - entl retutrted from his work. to her 1`slteners a very. .fine object- _ - -' �' = chart. he. - _
_ � -- _- -- --- w thorn arc � moll
'China. Dr. McClure stressed the - -star- Ira ,
1 _ TNa T11— har1•nn Romp And-S-11 nn1 Mr, and Mrs_ W_ A C .
itev, fir. irsnauroiig, 3eci�rr.ar °y us
Necessity for personal service and A Christene-ning service was held.! Club and other members of the on vacation, don*" East.
I the. p ointed out that Canada and United in NMite, ale United Church Sunday United Chhurch of ►Canada, gave two community were given a happy Mr. and Mrs. Wren, Heron spent
&&tag were the only two countries evening, October`.13, when John ! interestinv addresaaa-'at the sisniv- j time and Weiser roast, topped OH the Reels end writ the focrner's par-
who had came out of the war un- Edward, Case was baptised by Rev. "With a grand Sing -song including ! cuts, at Bro�klin. -
easary services in the United,Church
tleat3eed as 1hr as actual damage John MacLechlan, The baby is the here on Sunday last. Drs Armstrong, I the 'singing -of' some old - fashioned Miss Grimbiy, Whitby, formerly of
was concerned, therefore we should youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh hymns„ Peikering, was honoared wild a
in his work, has been a world -wide -�
be the leaders in the days to come.. Cave, of Whitevale, traveller with, a resultant wide ex- The Club's bank account. has in- birthday party last Friday evening,
Aline Colborne, Missions Convener The United Church will he'd an- creased "by 517..•..not bad for a -at the home of Rev, E. G. and Mrs.
for Toronto Conference,' was also n1ve perience. His -two sermons were
,,vary services on Sunday, Oct- largely on his own work, and made I short notice get - together, which goes Robinson. She was the recipient of
agr guest and brought greetings Ober 20, both afternoon and evening, ! `to show that the Dunbaarton Hoare �Y beautiful gifts an that occag-
'froTn the Conference Hteeative. and on October 21 the annual con- g strong appeal. to Christianity, ion- ,
%- and- School Club really do get
Singing with Evelyn Lapp of Cedar gregational supper of this same which might be summed up in a Mr. -and Mrs. Don, Ke
�G.rOve is always a pleasure and this church . will. be enjoyed. r statement made million at the evening sec -
things done --sod is jig timre tc�o, rnp, = Totem
j yed onto, spent the week -erid with their
was uo exception. A worthwwhile :Mr, Wilbur Johnston's barn and Vice th "wo d.... Christians con- parents - at Pickering and Whitby,
trot the world ....wealth, money „.. • • .LOST
evening was brought to a c, ose.witb adjoining build -ngs appear quite ; ! t.. Mr. Piers ,)n Baker spent -the week -
„ :natural resources.. what are we go- Tan top coat and brown hat, left in
a worship ser ice .led by Lois Gra- smart and "snappy” in their new I ,,, end with friends at Port Elgin.
barrn,. assisted by the GooderbuM *tout of paint, ! ;mg to do about it . i Victory Grill last wee c Finder
:sisters and Mr. Barnes at the organ With lio litis seelcin victims Centennial choir members were please lease• at News Office. Mr, Robert' Ruddy left for three
Po rrLY g _ _days at Quebec this week, where
-the pleasing .guests in the choir loft - -
Sunday evening, the choir journey- in'our neishboring Markham Town they are showing cattle.
at the evening service, with solo- ed to Pickering to provide music ship, the prayers and hopes of the ists: Mrs. 'Levi Annis and Messrs -- Frank Hall Sr, Celebrates -- Mr. Bill 3foCoa-an left on, Mnrday'
for their anniversary services, At Whitevale folk go out to these anx- ' Nintieth Birthday for a job in Winnipeg,
Chas. Closson and •Jack Coliins,
home the Y. P. LT. carried on with ions parents. We know several of FOs McF.we . is spending big
The Board of Ste�:ardc. had set -' - -
Bill LeGros in charge, who talked these mothers and fathers person- ! ,� objective of 8,1000 for the annual Mr' Frank Hall Sr,, celebrated vacation in Stratford. _
about Iris hone Province, and the ally, and so -we share their anxiety every- person- canvass conducted on his 90th. birthday last Sunday and
'West, in general:- and eve want -the," to know we are ; � a dinner was given at the home of
Plans have been dra*n up for a remembering their children r Sunday afternoon, We understand
.�kQ �ijt[il'C'ifCeS
prs3,e his son to coansnernorate the Oscar- _
hike for Monde afternoon, Thanks- 0,111 that when all returns are in, and
Y y' all calls S-A� --been ma4e, that ob ilia, Four generations gathered to" _ _
giving Day.. iollawed by supper at Babies -ar,e� agai i invading our I celebrate and pay � their respects to O _.t� �
jecti�Y will here tie n reached, j
lire church, news coiurnn, and they are: the new Mr, Hall. He is a former resident IPlekerina United Church i ' -
• On Thursday, t th, the sun-
Plans are also eider way for a daughter.. of Mr, and Mrs. Irving of Pickering. Rev. Robt. C. Copeland, R. A.
iversary concert beheld, the
im er Hallowe en .Party in,. rise city :�;hea (the former Leona Dixon•), , of all- ladies' chorus irnico 'giving, I T Minister -
with a chartered bus to provide the Cherrywood; and' Mr, and Mrs. w, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20.
the variety _programe ewe hear. they --Greenwood 10.00 a. m. - Sunday School
- transportation. �' - M. Ryan's new .daughter, o!' Cedar are good. Tickets are now on sale.'
This Friday npXht, the Presbytery ' Grove, Mrs. Ryan is a daughter of 1 • . (By Mrs F. W. Gibson) - 11.00 a. m. - Morning Worship
is starting a training school for T. ; Mrs. Wm. Michell, 7.00 p. m. - Evening Worship
p,' U. leaders, at -Stouffvil'e lii�h It's nice to see Mr. W. Medltnd ` � The Mission Circle- were invited � 'LANTERN SLIDES',' _
School, and it is hoped some of crar back with os again. It is hoped his •Court oil �.EVlalon ' by Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, Oshawa
local ny- rnbers will be able to att- =' nth is somewhat improved., to Mrs. Hugh Milrer's of Pickering, -
end. Subjects to be studied are - At Convocation in McMaster Un- pTT • . for Lheir.tnecting on Thursday ev-
_.Tn NOTICE is hereby given en .1g last. Danbarton United Chard
"Youth sad Yliarriage °, " Missions", iversitp. Harrsiltoa, on Frjda tven- �t the First Silting of the Court Mrs. Green and Edna spent the Rev. A. E. Holley 3, A_ B D.
"Culture ", "Bible Stvdv". with lead ---hw, October ii, Rev, A. J. Heal ►of Revision of the Municipality of holiday with fritnds in Toronto. Minister -IL-ML
ers such as Rev'. L. E. Atkivsm, ,of received his B. A- Degree, argil also the Township of Picbering for the The many friends • of Mr. Ivan • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20.
Uxbridge: Rev, .Roy Hick, Aurora, ` ,Brien Scholarship in Philosophy, and 31evision of the • Assessment Roll McLean -wish him a speedy recovery 9.45 a .m. - Religious Education.
Muriel Bamford, R. N., Zephyr and Psychology. The reception and lun- lof the said M`u,-nielpality for the- ,fl wn- his• recent illness, Time. A Class for Every. Boy and
others. This is a, worthwhile lent- eheon for the graduates waa geld in 'y,ear 1947, and for bearing that may The abundant harvest of tomatoes Girl.
.ure, sand it is hn»od many young the University. Several, of Mr, and to duly -fr7ed against. the said ass - and canning corn for factories ra • • • ! '": ; , --.'�
people whir's take advmntage of it. Mrs. HesYs Whitevale friends alt- Qa 11 ...:n •rr.e i.es,.e.. �.. _,.. + s _
_r�ext-yors, Y P • n�wsn r.. in scaled the gradusfin„ ; Y h ld- iir -tL; T��:s], -at--A heir regular wotlt now. 11.00 A. M.
charge of Bob Snelling, Cithi-sshiP "Cottage Prayer ' • Meeting" was ' Brougham, Ontario, on Mr "day, the' • Mrs. S. Blakeley, of Toro:rto, Rev, George Dix, B. A., B. Dt • + :
Convener. }veld last Tuesday evening, October°= F4s+ourth Day of November, Nineteen spent the holiday with Mr. and I Wieshington United Qnwt- '
The imal Sunday it _.tire month, 7,. at the Green Ricer }soma ei -Mies ! -six. Rt Or* Mrs. Fried Byers, I Scarborough, Ong ► the choir amin goy visitinst -and . Marge Wilson. The leader of the o'clock in the afternoon, I%e C. G. I. T. will hold their 7.00 R an, - Rev..A. E, Hoff 'r
--sib- at-- Chesrywood- four their amn -- - Devotional -- Period was - Mrs.- 41arm- - - -:BF --WF iC-H -A-LL PEIi:SONI S -Ht n - regular- of the A 'cordial' i--sritation is extended to -
- fversary services, ah. Visitors vrere present frncn Ajax erected will please take notice and - Missies Raine on Saturday afternoon everyone to join.us on this annivsi�, `.,
Friday aft-tnrnnoll this week rbA and Toronto. govern themselves secordingly, —�1t• the W. A. meetixg feat week sar -occasion.
W. M. S, are holding a rally at Miss Myrtle 6orrell, and Miss it was decided to hold a supper' and --
Centennial at 2.30 p, m. with Mrs. . Jean Fleming, of Toronto, spent the . -' L. T. "HNSTON, concert on Friday, Nov. 1. Panic- -
Vrnest Thomas, of the Conference na.nksgiving week -end at the home Frbngham, Out. tietober 1F 'Q46 l alas next week's issueti Centennial United C1110"k
Lib�rntur branch as speaker: Many of Mr, and Mrs. K. C 'Donnelly. "
Highland Creep 1
neighlwring groups have been M- Rev. Harry Wilson and family, of • .__ _ . _._ .___ _ __ _ _.- _._�- ._.._�_T �'• A. E. Holley, B. A., B. a '
- - �diaister _
• wiled and i'• is hnnod a ;nnececsfvl King, visited friends in Whitetpie -_
nfterneon aril reru,t, during the past week -end. ANNIVERSARY CONCERT j-
5 PSUNDAY, OC� n C m y�
Afternoon church 'S
- - Z30 p, m. Worski School
■ ■ r Rev. A. E. Hbl]e Service
Special Hallowe'en Dance :: M i rn i c o La
dies' "' :� h ' 430 p, ni.= aYottisg People's Ugion
o r Every mernber and adherent of the <�
-- _ _i sped. Church ix RigMand Creek `
_ , _ ..ckerin • United Church is p17E1at cordially invited to *06e - '
rou ha-` 1 - g
=- _ _ - Thu, rl. Oc#. Z4 - �.byteervlm ai _ .
_ _ stew. -�
Th]WS,, t - B. ?f[arahssII
c ode r . � 1st . •
i[rg. P. N. �d
John Remmer's 6 Piece Orch. -^ SUNDAY; OCTOBER ft
Admission: 35c. and 20c. $:00 p: o. _ %� �°" '
m arch
W6111114 s
. . •', -
- .,�. Q. Host _.Can_ I _tetttporuiIy stop _
". P ;W Begws His fl9iaistry Barnabas trade a trip to �'arsua a leak in the wash tub?
• and succeeded in his mission. Un• A. Press firmly some ordinary'
- -• � -- . .:Acts 8: 18-49; 11: 9b-45; - der their combined Leadership the' soap into the crack from the ��ut-
Galatians 1: 17 -94. - _
• _ - church at Antioch assembled regu• side. This will prove satisf: ry ,
__ _ � Ooldea Teat - Straightway - in the• lady for worship and' s�•stematic until a permanent repair eau be ".�
• � .� synagogues he roclaimed Jesus, y• _
P bible stud ,made
_ _= that He is the Son of God. -Acts •Fora whole year Barnabas.. and Q• How_ can I prevent • waste
• _ _- - _ _ _ •� � � •' - � ` . - 9: 20, • • • .. 1 Paul wrought with such manifest when melting chocolate? ��
• -Profession of Faith power and success that the disciples A. Much of the chocolate is vast- I
• _ _ •Profession of Saul'y new -found in their loyalty to Christ now first ed because it sticks to the -sides �g !)
_ • _ • - faith immediatelq followed his bap- 'received the designation of Christ- and bottom of the container. '['his "
". tram. During his stay in Damascus tans• can be prevented by greasing pans
` •r -- T - - '• ■I. �� -•� — - he preached in the synagogues de- Paul then went into the solitudes thoroughly before putting in the
• • -- `. -i- � � °-° -_. �� � - staring that Jesus of 1\azareth is of Arahia where, alone witn God, chocolate. -, _ "._ -____ : �+
' O - - , the Son of God. • . - his whole past was adjusted •to his Q• How can I cork glue su that •
' - •� � _ ,�, The di cipl�s were aniazed at the new faith and purpose. Then he re- the cork will not stick and break - 1
• __ _ marvelous change whicH had taken turned to Damascus to preach until when the glue is to be used again? '..
place, in the arch - persecutor of the driven out by persecution. A. .Rub• vaseline or cold cream - ��, ;�
.- _ churches. But steadily Saul grew in pain Prodaitns the Gospel on the cork before inserting' into
^ � � � �� - - power, aiming his attacks particu- It was three years after his con- the bottle. •.
lady at the Jews with positive version that Paul went u to Jeru- J• How can 1 clean black. felt?
_ _ proof that Jesus" is the promised p A• By using a'half cup of cold .,
- - �� TN� ��� - Messiah. s31em. As a , 'storm ' of persecution tea mixed with a teaspoonful of
_ ' - - _ _ a
_ _ gainsy him he
' - -. •_• __ _ - _ - P epara on fo fur her m ni try eft fort) Inat � count
. Waj811 ,. • - 1 t � ere a How can 1, iron over buttons? "
• _ - By George E. ... - .
._ -_.___ ,__ . • ____ - -_ _ _ w wasrmadet�du�ing the tperiod lofsre- a call t t A. To a Turkish towel into
er a mmo
is •e ry 1 Q
y _ - pre shed until ed o ass'st ld
" -• - "- -•" - -. � --- tirement in Arabia.. Barnabas in the great revival at
se�•eral thicknesses and lay thr �;ar- _
• � CHAPTER lii� Captain Bedtord tripped him, and brought him to the _ .persecution Follows - Antioch. He declared that he was ' meat with the buttons face down.
_ _ . _ had gone crazy some days before _ deck with a crash. _ ., , Persecution followed Paul's 're• "unkno�r�et, by •face." But that did Iron the garment on the ��•rong
Dick appeared on the scene. Dlck In fallin his head struck some- turn to Damascus. He not stop Paul. 1�'ith his fiery zeal
and Roae spend the night watching B preached so side. The buttons wit# sink -into
- for the return o; Tucu and hta Ca- thing hard and unyielding. Ashow- � effectually that he raised the ire of they, soon knew that the Former the towel and tl�e work will be '
' rlba. _ er of stars flashed before .his eyes, •the Jews who would not accept his enemy of, the. Gospel tiyas now its smoothly finished. • ' y'
- - - � CHAPTER IX _ . and with a sigh he lapsed into un- doctrine but could not answer his firm proclaimer. � Q, How can I remocr putty' 1�
" `- . " eoasciousness. argument, Infortnation, however., .:. - _ • stains from glass? ,. _
' -Dick walked slowly forward ��•hen •Dick recovered, and his reached Paul in .time for him to es- �+ A. Rab vigorously with a cloth
' � again, keeping a more watchful eye ` wits returned to hi'at, the Caribs cape martyrdom through the aid of Blg Toe TO Goy— . � di "
his fellow disci' � piled in strong, hot vineFa"r. .
- _ is the dirtetion Qf the lugger, and were in full possession of the plea. - _ �� 3 �Ot BeBLltlfU� _
listening for any strange sound. schooner. I•fe needed no, further - Proclamation of the gospel -•
- - - - Our spies who kee track of 7
- .- •" - Four times he made his• circuit •verification of" this than his own throughout, Cicilia and in all that P YOU RE TOPS in the - • .
- _ helpless condition. Trussed•'up sr- - "region followed Paul's settlement such .things tell us that a. major � -
_ _ "- sad stet Rose, who reported- every- surety, he was tying on his back, for• four or five years "in his native g p nding its fhe world fa2n>tl 8 e6tisnatioII when
" .• •thing quiet and peaceful aft. Then char a is im a 3r
- pa the fifth round, he was delayed -with his fact turned up to the city of Tarsus. �}'
of women's shoes -whin the fall ou serve delicious li'1E8][-
a tittle moonless slry. and winter styles appear It will be � _
by a noise in the water that Power of Paula Ministry diff;cult to i5nd an open -toed shoe well HOUSe Coffee. It e _
--°- - - " ' eountled 'auspicious. - ` " •. �. ' To- secure Paui as his assistant, in a carroad. bought 8214 enjoyed by •- - it
.. � A . groan escaped his lips ---a
.. �b'tiesi hr- reached their meeting Of course women always have more ea le . th8n an
• _,,_ ��_ __ ;_ _. t, groan of meataf agony.'Ther`r ere- - p p 3"
pv;n:, .- -He - treasure he's picked up, we'll leave." and probably always will wear other brand of coffee ill
iztica #nd taken the schooner -so „ y, - _ ---
_ _ waited intp3tiently for her, but Ziihat treasure. - - w #rat pkasrs tlsem, regardless of - .. .' - --
-- "' -."- when she did not a easily that their defense seemed like the word. ..
ppear he grew- _ Captain Tucu -winked and Laugh- •male protests. comments the Wia-
- •a farce.
anxious. There eras a chance• that � ed. "Y'don't know ngthin' 'bout it, nipeg Tribune. They follow the - �.
He groaned again. This tiros a oppose, 'Tain't fike1 -- - 'heered mode ha it even if •does __ _
' : : " hr's own• delay had caused the trou- - -I s y- y pp y j! give -° -' °'•"'-" -
. foot prodded hits in the ribs, sad � ��� *� �"
blr. She had not waited for hisu. him, an' his daughter -ata t said them the appearance of just having 1�1Y "
- L'nwillin to a black face was- thrust into his.
g go back until assured - nothin' to ye.' been certified for the looney -bin,
Dick recognized the crafty one of
- - ` - -`oE her safety, he lingered until she * * * It ma have struck the mere �•BAJ� ""' - •
' "` - °' appeared pearl ten 'minutes later: Captain Tucu, leering with triumph. .. - Y ..t�����
y Dick was puzzled and mystified: male as queer "that the women who "
Dick stared at him. Hr shook his head finall "I don't world die with mortification on
- - - - °I missed you;" he exclaimed in "Where a Captain .Bedford's y
• a whisper, "and I couldn't go back • know what you're talking about. finding a hole in the heel o! her . �; ��' ��
_ daughter:" he asked. '"Did she get If there's an • g
' - �ntlou shouldn't have done that. #. Tecu amtIed cruelly. realizing he - y treasure on the stockin is quite calm. about her � ", -' i
- _ " hurt'. schooner, I don't know of �t." big toe sticking through a hole is , ! o-: '• � "
- - she 'growti�d. "Something may have Tecv was; unconvinced. Y lay her shoe. - - _ _ �I
he had another weapon-of torture there an' think .about it. btebbc •y'11 - However; Elte satae mats is •happy
• �pprned forward whip you were in his hands. "S#rr ain't dead x�
• - here.' ,,... remember, or we'll find it' that within tha next few - months �,` ' . �• •. '
„_ _ net- i:her, he grinned: "tiVe're keepin' t'Vhen he walked away - in the women will again btcome great toe `• '
` - '' }'ll -hurry "'back, "' fie replied in her in the cabin -sae an' -� Black gloom, Dick had ample opportunity
�r COnSCloaa and withdraw them from .Y '1
- relife. "But wait for me on th.e next Bui-tey." to reflect. Thera -came to his mind � ;•�. '
circulation. He has learned that _ _
:- trip. I must know you're safe." _ • �' • * a "vague remembrance that "in [sin 'feminine beauty tapers off sharply ', ,,, - -_ -. �
_ _ •. •-- She•rtodded,'artd Dick harried to The intended sigmiicance of the crazy •chatter Captain Bedford had in the big toe area. Indeed, tapped � ;' >:: -
• - snake up for lost time. In his baste words' aroused Dick- to fury. "lf trade reference to a prize -a tress- off with a chipped enamel job on "�"'!I"'
.. - he, ryas careless and tripped along u Lurt L•t•r, Tucu, "'he said slowly, u =e -he had found. Perhaps old the nail, most -big toes could be
- '_ with more speed than caution:, He "or insult her you`ll pay with your Tecu in his wild avariEc had taken - classi -fled as plain. Toecaps cannot � , ' ""
- was still thinking of she girl -when a Nfe: This is war between you and the captain aeriousl and believed t - _ _
come back" too soon. �
- � - black shadow rose up to confront me. Lea�•e her out of it.' there was such a thing aboard the - • ' - ' " - ' � ' g � •i
him. Startled, and not sure that it '•�i,'hat'll_• y'do if 1 promise;" he schooner. ,ISSUE 42- 1915 _ �I
wasn't an optical•illusion, ha paused asked, smiling warily. _ - _ - - •
�`• instead of Yaising his.gun to fire -an "'Anything you' ask.° -
alarm. , , - ••Y'11 stick -to y'bargain, an'-show" _
- � That merittntary• hesstation was rot where them jewels was dropped. � - - - - - • - . - •- - � - ' • � "
. _ - - his misfortune. By the-time he was overboard:' _ - - - _ . -. - - - -,1!" , , "' -••._ :. - . - ° _: _ " ' .1
- " -- eoncinced a burly Carib was facing •'Yes." "" - - - -" - - -- - - -
• -
- :. `, itim on •the •deck of the schooner, -•'y'tried _. to trick "me once; ;, - I ` _:: - = - - - - _ -" _ - _ II
- -.; :� two other, dark forms had apron '_ �nwt��•+h •here "rn' ye'tt do it =:. :.:.' _ _ - - .- • . _- �I
- out of the gloom back offiim. I3ic� •agar -� -�n• �'a;ord ain't worth nothin'. -. - � - - -- - -- .� -' - "" - _ - -- - -
- � -Wised his gun to shoot, but a hand I'd cut y'throat if I thought -" ° - - - _ - •
- • - knocked it .upward, while one of the "No, I didn't trick you," Dick - • " _ - �_- � _ - - -_ s - --
- long, powerful hairq arms of Black" interrupted. "I interfered only wben - • - - _ '
._ •� _
-.. •- �. -
. .
o :.: .
Burley encircled his neck and - - -
•� you began 'war on a woman, That �`" - - - -
"' crashed the wind out of him. � -' -
• wasp t part of- our bargain.' - I _ ... '.
• -• ,Dick heard the crash of his own The half -breed parsed, watcfiiag _ - � . � - • .• '
- " � , •gun in "the air, and as aq.echo of, it his prisoner with doubtful eyes. "I _- � �op -
- a" ^'�'' '{* � wasn't makin' no "war on women ° � - � '
- - - -
_ • * _ * he said f5nalty. "Cap'n Bedford ia- t d b�� • '• _ : . .
_ . 'lie fought with all the ferocity of vited me aboard his schooner, an' _ _ _• _ _ - ' - ., ��tst a� $S's° - = _ _ - '
' pre imbued by s higher - instinct •that -" - _ - �.. .. of th_ . -- � -
than self - preservation. Biting, hit- "He's crazy, you knew..He wasn't , ' • "• pb� ��� - t� . — •- - _
'ling and kicking he gave his burly responsible. The schooner wa's is _ - � � � ... -� may$ ++ 'b +�ht�� ego � °�b=� _�-• :
- •� B p • d lea
- statagonist more that he bargained c_otttmand of his daughter." - , ; ���p ":•� � '___ __
-- ' _ , for. There was an even chance of "He ain't so crazy that he don't `• �� • ` : peso +.. �•sv+' Z.�4 0 �,a�.c�� �$
etis wriggling- away- fr;, ;:.:L;. ,,,,�,�: .,....�...� sorrre tirrngs-, was the �o:S ,�.� t°'" a
>> �� ��
•`1 arm «heir another Carib retort, • .. .r: ..., that -- - -- `' <!:� �a �etr +bftsk�s4t�� i dvx1� ¢ t•'�� - - : _ .___._ -•__
. - ... `�� �'�:.`:: ; ><: ; 1 ��-� ce• a yQ�- aeli�b` .. .. ., "
� � •� � • • i
• when You feel slug�ah sad logy, simply.
' -' talre 7 to 4 tablespoonitt]s o[
"- Dldillr of MagaesL with water at V
" • You71 be overjoyed with the wsq this
. proved laxative- satadd helps You waka �
- - _ ;:�' tip feeling bright and refreshed. PhsY'
• - ' , a+orks effectively, -Yet it is woad
- ... _ • ..,gentle. Pht7h'ps' ia�litlt of Magnesia i.ler�o+va �;;
•. to sdence sts one of the fastest asutnl-
• - isersoFe zcesestomachaciditylmasval - mil'
. Get geauiae Phillips' at your drttRist
" - -aaY. Remember ... �Qfl
- • - ..-
OF '.�, ,
al °
i OS ...
,, _ _ • , _
• •• ,
.. �� ..
,. _
___�?.�� .. ,. _.. ._ _._ �� - __ . - [. _..0 -vi - ::- �YYI,... II Ihi� _ � , _••. Y .11.141 i it ,.,r .. _ _
Anrwer to Prevlouw Puiil! Atomic Bomb
~'T ,(� blights of the dews
i •, K' �t a T + I I IR� E Grows Obsolete =
•,,;1,5 Pictured 1 Bend _ T SCOl1TM6 4 N Newly Developed Poison. b Farm Strike Suspended No Packinghouse Strike •
U. S. Capitol 2 TOO 0WI 2 1 M Swifter Kiler 'Man Atootllie A heavy flow of agricultural pco- Threat of a packinghouse work-
• architect $News notice ARE 5 ,Bomb ducts rolled toward markets and ers' • strike was finally removed
8 Writing tool 4 Period S ` A E T 1 distributing centres as leaders of when ,the United Packinghouse
9 Musical S Girl's name O o 0 6 The scientists of the world seem 60,000 Alberta and SaSk:.tchewan Workers of America (C.IsO) and .
�N�AI 05 O
sound 6 Slight bow 21 Winglike part 35 Permit to be in the process of surpassing farmers announced the indefinite
the Swift Canadian Company siga-
y 11 Ovei' (coutr.) Tim 39 Was seated the highest and most deadly suspension of the month -old de- ed an agreement.
13 Finish 8 By 22 Short letters 40 Speck achievements • of the atom bomb, livery strike ' for parity tietweea
10 Negative 24 Eradicate says the Winnipeg Free Press. The farm costs and returns, r
14 British tschoo112 Grain 42 Stove part
15 24 bolus 16 Paid notices 26 Legality '' •43 City in Russia United States Chemical Warfare At Ottawa 'a a joint A.F.U.U.F.C. 1
16 Skill 17 8e is in 27 Individual 44 Scheme Service announces the development delegation continued negotiations '
89 Australian
45 Beverage of a new poison, so powerful that wit hlede'ral authorities on union
17 Centimeter _ charge
of bi=d 47 Pull a particle of it, no larger than a demands.
` (�') the U. S. — 30 ,Certified pub- 49 Erbium cubic inch, or roughly an ounce, -
l8i.tlte 198e arranges He accountant (symbol) could kill every person living in Auto Output Up / r
20 Beverage for __ to be (ab.) 50 Abstract being the United States and Canada. And 1
33 Ocean �s 'sad
22 Sodium '
((symbol) hown 51 Dined it would kill, the experts aaY� U.S, production of ca
trucks in the past week set a new
3 Tellurium , � } � 5 6 i ; "silently and swiftl•c " post -war record of 91,599 vehicles,
(symbol) y b It i`
New, Killers a ,substantial gain over the revised ( "
25 Type of ship Dr. Gerald Wendt, who announc- count of 83,270. in the previous
- 128 Tropical palm 13 ►� 5 ed this discovery, says of it: ''If week, but material shortages. will J
=1 a� ellmffi� _y�orld_�E'a* .III. ;;�...�s. -which we - considerabU, _trim- Octob-e -r- output --
32 Press down 6 19 Sop Z']- pray will never happen, it will. be schedules, Automotive News re-
83 Sualry _
34 Customary r: Z3 M , `'�uh0° a war in which most people may ported. r NEW I -
36 .he�p� die from silent, insidious anti -hu- �_
32 lectrical en. Z'~'-1' 7 man weapons that make no sound, rlazieY To Die Oct. 16 LOW POLES '
gamer (so.) 31 `?, 32 1 '� give no warning, destroy no forte 22hblets ...
An unimpeachable source re- Ztybtas ... tle
39 Donkey or ships or cities, but can wipe out 100tablets_710
41 Behold? 39 35 human beings by the_ millions." ported criminals will benexecutedN one
43 BODO ' The new killers, it appears, are in at' a time. and not all together, on +t
"' "36 37 ' " GENUINE ASPIRIN 15
r44 Strike Iightly + V visible, microscopic in, size, capable ecq�`
Oct. 10, the final day, of, the period MARKED THIS WAY
;48 Turn 9 'f0 'H sfL ±,' ' 1n , ! 4t' 4S of spreading to reach every living for- carrying out the death sen- -
81 Every enemy —and they can be easily and tenses.
162 Also w6 t7 'I9 cheaply prepared'by any belligerant Some of the condemned men
68 Sea , St S3 15y who has as much as a brewery and
- - '!bs pedal digit the skill to operate it "If," says Dr. were reported writing Ietters and .
Double documemjs for posthumous release. In�nediste Delivery
Wendt, "any small nation. is tom-
potent is biological warfare, a,large AND MIXERS
_ ._ _ - -,- _ - -- - -. +:. -�.•^ Frith_ at bombs, Prefers Soldierly Death HAND
may. be helpless before it." Grand Admiral Raeder has ap. '
pealed from the Nuremberg decree PULLEY DRIVE
of ] CBR�KILES ep Gains And Losses life imprisonment;. he wants a
"soldierly" death sentence instead.
i - dwendnrme P. CUrke . _ Of Steel Strikers 4 ft. and 6 ft. Power Mixers
of GIhi MA FARM - Over Top of World � ttrea with air cooled
�.. . � . +� Motors. _
The 10.500 steel workers who After flying across the top of
went on strike July 15 at Hamilton, _
Sydney 'and 'Sault. Ste. Marie Iasi the world and establishing a new ENQUIRIES INVITED
Maybe there has been an Octo- sumably of heart failure. That y d, S.
- _ _ _L_ ___ -
between $4 and S4. millions in ''line distance record, Colonel C S �,ntLna>, o
_ om as warm as this one before but left us with Perch and Prince, and __ -- 31T --I;'1 C„;,st ti9,31t
I certainly don't remember it. In wally lust erch, although other wages, and cost rile country o.a mil- - MACHINERY
laet It isn't warm —it is er ft. ht horses have, pi course, been par- lion man hours of :production, says fortress, rile Pacusa6 Dreamboat,
- -ihe �iisaaCi3�IOac. AND OTHER I'
hot. It seems so queer —hot weath- chased to take the place cT-.tFe E t, with just enough s to
4r and aututmn leaves. It just old ones. It will take the Hamilton work - Egypt, CONSTRUCTION
- . w s » ers slonr,_225 weeks at the new
keep from making a "dead stack
" doesn't make sense.- - -Put then there _ _ - -- landin "With a crew ot-mar, fir -;
Isn't much that does make sense maximum rates to gain as much as g °• EQUIPMENT
Perch was quite a character, No they would have done had they flew 9,422 miles from Honolulu to 4
these days, so maybe the weather- matter what horse he was hitched stayed at work and accepted the Cairo in 39 hours and 35 minute's.
;man is pust sort of keeping in step, ■p with he always had to be a little company's offer. The ship',s average_ speed, of 240 Wettlaufer- Welker - 4
However things are straighten ahead, it was the same last thing miles an hour tope that recently Industries Ltd. "
Jug up a little bit: the steel strike at sight or first thing in the morn- established by the navy's "Trucu-
snd the farmer's delivery strike ing. He seemed absolutely tire- ly, which eve thought was more ktu- lent Turtle" which averaged 215 1290 Say St. I
both having come to an end it is less and yet always looked
half- mane than keeping the poor old miles in the flight from Australia to Toronto A.
- possible there will- be probably starved. But he wasn't —he couldn't thing around to suffer and eventu- Boeing Aircraft officials. :Phone Midwt7 9617 +�
something a little more like peace, be on the oats that he ate. When ally die. the United States, according -to
on the home - front — providing the he wasn't working Perch was quite But still when an old horse goes - .4
erstwhile strikers can be persuaded contented out in the pasture. He something of yourself goes with it _
er atop fighting among •themselves didn't • worry about anything or and when it is the last of the orig- '
.aaybodY. unless he thought he had inal stock it is like losing part of «I
_ been left to pasture too long with the farm, "i
Then of course,, we are all anx- out a -drink in which case he didn't Buy the new
iously, awaiting the findings of the bother to wait our convenience However 'wt haven't been lone-
Royal Commission act up to i■- but would jump the fence and help ly for'horseg just lately. A neigh- Canada S a Q i n g S Bonds
quire into the production and distri- himself. In fact he- could jump bor's team has been visiting us .
bution of whole milk. Which re-. any fence he wanted to if he fek quite frequently, crossing over two
minds me—a funny thing nearly lice it but strangely enough he The best inve8tment for Caaadiasu.
happened the other morning. L of his own fields and then into
never bothered unless it was fora ours. One day the young lad came - De tionat :50 to ><l,tN10
to get our daily quoin Of special reason, For instance, in after the truants and they give. '
milk f €om the barn. The truck his later years, Perch was allergic him quite a run for his money. But ■
picked np the cans before I even to cold water, so, rather than walk eventually he got them home. Then i Write °rhO°e °OM' "
thought of it. "Well," I said to through the creek to get home he . .
we went into dinner. Came, out =
myself, "it looks as if we shall' made a' detour 'by jumping a couple and the horses were nowhere in - King W� i
know what it feels like to buy fif- of fences. Even this fast year when sight. Which wasn't surprising =
Toronto f Wits Od,' Gundy & CiompanY '
teen- cent -milk for once in- our he was past work, he could still since they were back in our field Limited i
Ihres, "' And to fell you the truth take a fence like a colt, Yes, poor againl - Telepkorte ELai+s 4341 ,
I didn't quite relish the thought, old Perch was still young in spirit That's the- time when a farmer _
But Partner saved tht day. He right up to the very end even . -- "
'is glad to have a boy.
remembered I hadn't been after though he had "heaves" so badly
!t and brought me some up in the he sounded more like a tractor _
_�_�__., snilk pail, so we were able to brink than a horse and was so thin you r
eight -cent milk all. thin-
ness - + +�
_ could count his ribs. The y
* . • was not lack of food but lack
- •• - ` " . •` of teeth to chew it with. In cold � - •• _ ''
!~ There are still plenty of farms weather he also hair' �a, habit of
ieftn in hands in this neighbour- _ ��(yetU.,g . ^ . ^a ^.,. hano�hl�
hood and when a farmer sells out to get up again. , Horses can suf-
wt know just about what a
let -
just a lot that way so there was
} _
:down feeling it must give him. But only one thing to do and Partner-
to J
the other day I came to realise had it done— swiftly and painless -_ L
that it is possible to have that saint —
sense of loss but on the instalrfient
plan. You nee, we had to come ~�'• - o'�
��� to the 'Parting of'the wa. s with IIBe DteII
Perch, one of the good old faith- the _
• :.><nla with which we started farming House CO$ee� The choice ... - _ �. .. ..
in Ontario. In fact hb was the Latin - American coffees it
one remaining ,link �s s
struggles in this game of farming, pAIItaiIIS each contribute'
OIIttCibnte ,ekes better i�ltette
Perch, along with his team -mate, some ej>leeial qty to en.. _ , --
Nell, served us welt ,through good �,e you coffee that is cong-
tinles and bad. Then ,about five Y -
-years ago Nell dropped dead in pletely satisfying. _
ber tracks while ploughing, pre- - -
-- PUP —Lazy Man': Way - - - .- -- - - By J. MIILL.AR WATT - -'-
_ -- - r .coNtr xNow WHO
BUT HE "' r
. r.
�'?•�♦'� !•ice i }:•'.::�
'.pw: :. • 'r}
Y L.
:•7 f'
• {yy r
l:•':::: %:•: r'
N -
,C tilt ►r1 �vL V - t� v �.. i L V l \ .its i.. �:.
._. _.. ..
.; ... . ,
_� .. _ _ m .. - -- - - -- _ -
_ -� : _ � . •� :..� _.... ,. .- � rehires Ci dsdales :.�.. :..... .
Re . � Accred _
,, . . ,� � - : - � � _ .. •- �. -- • ' � ' .. � : :Tractor, Poultry,' ImpYements -� .: -.. _ � . - . - ': . � Co.`..
u � ... .. -- the property o! ,' \ .. � ., � � Farm wd
. _ . >,l; - .. - anon =& ion . �. � _
,� P � 13i1os eta. -
- : a � -. - � LbT 6, CON. 3, A'. YORK, DON : MILLS I2D., AT SCHOOL HOUSE ' -- , • - .. � . �� °� � 8�
.. -� .. - ..- . � _ . � ,r ... • . - - -- � : i &ROW!
. 1� '... � �� Tuesda October ��22 • � • � . , . .
. ..
_ . .,.
_ .. .__ _-
�.` � - REG. C!.YDE:IJAS.E Ht)RSES Donti ^ale Mary s'.L�ne• 260249, fe- Aug. 22, 1946; Sire: Burnside" jack; 100, Feet endless drive belt; 2 !_ _
• •' �Bl :ck mare, 9 yra. , Reg• Ensign male, Tatoo AMR ;1W right ear, Royal Ace, 249859; Dam: - Donvale Small belts; Scaffler. ... 1•
B Duchess, 60687, Sire.- �Torrs '�' hors July 30, 19=tL; Sire :- Gladuen Carrie 2nd, 245438; � - stns
� _- ,.• ;� � sign ,(anp) :' -6881) t'lL�oll, D:.� ": Hill Black,)✓rince, 'L5Q :;0�; Lam: Bul! calf, born Aug. 21, 1946; Sire:, HARNESS 1
-- - � =-- �Culra�'en'Qu�'n 587591; lloavale Queen Mary 18834; $red - Burnside Royal Ace, 249859; Da,m Set wagon harness, Set wagon bar -
- - '�' -�. ' •Black colt, born June 21 1946• Sire: Sept. lZ ' 1946. .- Donvale
Mary's Irene, 2602.19; nesa for twin neckyoke; No, of col- lff Vj�E
- - s � ' -- Craigallion (imp) ; Dam:- b:nsign � � �---' , ' - Lars, lJridtes etc. � .
:. � �nchess- 6�-nl; Don�•ale Qu ?en'sEdith, 260250, fe- Royal Blood (imp)• 201451; Dam:- - �nftwille 348 1 "
- Is Bay Mare, 8 yrs., Reg., Castle Hill '.male, Tatoo AMR1,rY right ear, -born 1'surnside iuc:icy irar�L�g ;,tJt; --3 =r ;--- rOI,T�T -
R�'- --and T�@ i -�F-'T
- - � �- Belle, 61121. Sire: "Bing. Ernest Oct. 14, 19.12; Sire: -- Gladden Hack 747; _ knee at `L Y. ]�. ,
- ', � _ 2 Brooder houses, 10x12, one Teal
'L•iUJts. D4�.1 :: - Minnie Lauriston Prince, 'L52300; Dam: - Donva.e - ` good; 2 Brooder shoves with hov- "ach NiSht A,t t'i�
� •- � P _ 59016;• _ _Queen, 235- tEiEi; Bred Sep. 25, 1946; Guerns•2� Heifer (grade) born Aug, ens; 2 Incubators; Water fountains, - liATt"RUAY .
_ __ ,' Bay G•eldinU, b yrs; Sire. -Toms - BO, 1945; ,bred July 12, 1946; - Feedzrs etc., 50 Hens, 2 Geese and :•;g 18 and 19 -
' � =`Cold Dui.; Dam:- •1'�Iin :pie Footman Donvale Quepa Elizabeth, 27135, ..' •,one gander, Number pullets, N. H. - - --
- . „ � -�ug5, femala, born Nov lfi, 1943; Sire:- (Reference only) Burnside- Royal- xL. S:;• Dumber ec,�rvns; o Luc'xs an3 lades
' ' Minnie Burnside Ho al Ace 249859• Darn: Ace 2�4cJ859 male born Jan. 14 one drake• '
. ._ _ $ay Mare, 10 yrs., Reg., Y , , . Quantity of ESg crates,
• Footmrazs, 59995; Sire:- Br• -. �: Donvale Queen Mary, 188334; L'red 1942; Bred by ];. R. Ness and Sons, fillers, etc, �Sd Jean Rogers ?
• � - :. t;,.a., r�,..n a•: (ir.�p) `?tSUt3 (20.877) -July 9, 1946; Howick, Que„ Sire: Nether Craig HAY and, G'RAI}t
- • , D; � n • -P 11; Herald 58397; 131Pi.Ei1ENTS Quantity mixed hay; _ Quantity of _ �al News __
- • •- • _ REG. AYRSA[RE CATTLE Donvale Carrie 3'rd, 27.1386, {em+�le, Massey- Harris Paee•:�alcer Tractor, wheat straw; Quan +it}c cyst F +*Rw; ,,,., TUESDAY
• - Accredited and will be Federally- born Jan. 13, 19.14; Sire:- Bur^1G'd,e ' No, 108218, in good condition; W�at- Quantity fall x-heat (Da+wson);'ri ''
I - • Blood !ested by ti*ue of sale loyal' Acs, 249859; Darn:- Donvale erloo Champion Thresher, '14x36, 16 quantity Erban oats; Quantity of R 21 and 22 ,
' � Dorsvale Lady A"ice, 188335, female, Carrie 2nd, 212521, bred Sep. 12th, in. elevator, a000 condiiiwi; bIassey- Fsyrlg barley. _��+v
,. �___ �� - l 1
._ born Nov 1946, _.._____ _ ___Hams No, 8•cutti bog, complete _
_ ,,... ---, °--� Tstoo AbIR in right ear, .
- - - - rag '
'".� -•"r - -.. __ �-�10, 1Q35:•= Burnside Satisfaeti�, -..... - .- _ - --=- - -- -with pipes; Bissell T'ra,etoY double '. FLiRNi`J?[,'RE- �• � _ _ :
-• - - � � - � 185536, AR 1918, Class A; Dam' - T%F''vaFe Oi•arifie I ily; 2Rt7.t5, female, disc, No. 30, 7ft, -cut, pu�•chassd Two Pandora ranges; rK' � RAY Millard
O an and __
Harneibel, Carrie 4th, 163701; Bred born July 12, 1944; Sire:- Burn - sew in .19.16; I. H. C, tractor plow, pipes; piano; Two ice - t'efI•igeratora.
- - _ - -. - July. 24, tp Blairegoa•rie Chsrnpi, -n., aide Royal Ace, 24,9859; Damp -- 2 furrow adjustable Ace bottoms, - THUR�DdY
- - - - 293110• _ . - Donvale Carrie 2nd, 245438;, -bred near new; Fleury tractor plow, 2 - MISCEL�.ANEOL -S �' - �' � and � _
. - i ___ Isla :regc,�e :ice Champion, 94110, - in August. - furrow; Frost an;1 'sVood spring ,Large steel water trough, 3x3x21 y
- - - -- .i - - -Hrc :� -; r,z :. I-�t „ iVI* U31 -'n .r;g t _. ._ =_ . •_.:- -. tooth cultivatoi,(tractor) Frost and lo:ae i Roll of Harm fence, raw; �A _ • 1$ s Suet
.. .� ear, burr. August 1, 1945; Sire;- Donvale Royal Lady, ?97578, P�mate, Wood .tiff tooth cultivator (tractor) quantity barb wire; Tivo electric
. _- - . �T �� :nAa4� -k wr.'1c3 Chamulon: 27R, born blar. 6, 1945: Siren - Burnside �°+ n4 .i,..� t,�.- ... --�,� � --,r; S.:t of fencers; Number ceaag pests• :�iurn- :r aad t:. ratnct
- _ - - _ _- : -2.1_' t t • _ n m:•- $lairagon-rie Ace, '?- t9R59; Dacr�: - Donv�sle Lady drab harry >��•a, 1 : ec; Land rol er, `L beg cider barrels; 3 Lo 'rag chains; .• INYESTIGAT08 '
• � D a, 2:,8,:i7:'Att fe:r�ales Barry h's :+,Tice, �8a3$�; bred �. 8, 1946; _ aiwms, aieeT; - :Gi- _ft: -I3 -disc feriiiiz -:hum- ear o��hei clisina;- Qu�tity__oi - -
_ "- - - - er and seed drill, good; M. H. 7 ft. lurrsbQr; Silo, 12x26 with rods; Two th E. von SLto}seim
- � :ec v ice. •-
- . - - -- - - - - - Doavale Royal Carrie, '�9 ?581. fe- binder, tractor hitch, gand sa new;. bales bag string; Miscellaneoti► '
- - ' F1a•��•ale C'u^era :1'larr, IR�3'i4, f m-le male, born Aug, 30, 1945; Sire: -, :?4F. fi. hap lnad-r: M H, horse cul- .blacksmith tools; Frame � building ' ..�,1� � *tTV�
• � Teton; A:?�IR 2N in right ear, bor:� Burnside, Royal Ace, 249859; ' Dam :. tiaator; bI. H, sawiag machine; M. 1?x26; Cistern pump; 2 H. P, Wag- j�j i'ii�iL�l
- tics: i�- -1�5;- Sire: -�.��s £e '$ - Donvale Carrie. 2nd, _�•l.i•1;38= �•L.._.- faun - .wagon .g,za.r, .grand: M. H- � °r °"°,. +T;r ,for• 2.Iro -
_ t1_�otfl _(wet- __ ;t- DtitS[�t .
-- - � - I.�c;io Comul .'2nd, 11s�85.4, AR o6'? :ti a. 9 manure spreader, good; S¢t +et)•; Forks, shovels, hoes, bags and --i-
' : Claims A' 1')a *� : - ^`en"' � "''b''' Dom ale Royal Edith, 29 ?582, female o,f 14I'. H. 91oop sleighs, gcod; Wagon other useful articles too numerous _ ._� � u t j
- -- - - - �� •- _ O +,ra+n 2nd, 116357: Bred Augur; 1J. boas Dee. 27, 1945; Sire:- Burn- gear 4Speight); Rubber -tired Stag- to mention,
- '. ; ' . ,
_ _ •_ _ __' �� .' 1948; � ` ' ` II ~ s s de Roy 1 Ac�z, 49859; Dam:- on; Two fiat rack:,; Two Ciiaiham _ � 3� '_�
Donvale Carrie 2nd 2.35488, •'.: D "nvale .Queen's Edith, 260250; :.,fanning mills; Fleury ten and ha'f HOGS '
' fe.'r11 Minch grinder; Gehl hammer mill, Reg. Yorkshire sow, Donvale Jean ��• �nt•
•. .' • _ ? - ' Tatoo A M It 3t' right ear, b��rn S-�p- Domale Royal Queers, female, bcirn 'near new, corrTplete bagger, 2 Lon- 4Z, 305•f41, -born May I4, 1945; Sirs '
- - _. . - - ` goy - -- .�- }Prrsber' -0; 1940; S}re:- Avalon Max _. 19.16; Sife:.- Burnside Royal ,ice, den hay cars; 2 Horse fork � rop.�s - Ho�vfieid Monarch 64W, 254445; -. ;� g�,_�
• --• it - •'�.19A514: Calved Aug. 22; 19.16;• Dam 249859; Drrn:= Donvale - -Queen ' apptor: 180 feet; Hay fork; Sling Dam: Don Alda 20!V, 236100, bred+ � stettl�ssf
' - .Z, - - Do-wale Carrie, 212521;, - &I"ary, 188334; chain; 4- Wheeled trailer and stock Reg. Yorkshire sow, Donvale Mary, I� ps�� ss
' � H - � : '• lack; 2- Wheeled trader: 2 Cutters; 2Z, 305440, born May 14, 1945; lit- � Mib �+]�� �
_• _•: _'_ ai � = �Dnwa!e .Princess Alire`?*+d, 28b744N- 'Donvale Roval Margaret,. female, - Set light b•�b sleighs; Bugav; Har -. ter grate to above; .bred. - '• , ply, Also. � `�
"- �' bi _ � ee,�,al °. bnrn :Vlar. 2a, 1 ^ad; Sir:, born Junk 4, 194f,; Sire:- Burnside row cart: Walking plow; Beatty tit- Yorkshire. sow-, supposed to farrow t• ��� oosb �
- �r - Turnside Ro�•al Ace, 24nR5g; gym;: -Royal Are, 2.79859; I?am :- Dospale ter - carrier and bucket; Turnpike Nov, 10, 1946; - A sod �tj+ �.
•• �1�m�al� T'��cess Aline, °35.167, bred Margaret Rose, 252304;. shovel; '1<I. H. • Zo, 9 Cream Spar- 13 Good feeder hogs; 7 �•ovd -r -- -� �� pAML a/
-a � ' - - � - bulp 9, 19.16. � Donvale Roy ai Carol, female, born slog; $catty churn; No, 3; Pump � er hogs. - _ - - -
• . � .- TER3iS CASH- Nn .. .
_ _ . '• � ,� .: •Reserve as .farm is soli - -Sale at 12:30 Sharp - _ - Celrks: J. I;r. Smith; G. b',': � ,i3tsaee W oseawar, Ole
,. �... -.
- - . - � - _ I:EN and CLARi+ PRENTICE, auctioneers - ;Milliken P, O., p�sones: ;4iark. 206; Agincourt 52W3 • '; �
- - . - - - - = - ...- - ° � - Koppoeite wooa•a �toeej � - lt'1.Ux�tl+u3 •. ._.. • : Fart's Elevaior G7aremoat, Oatsrla DEAD FEJRSES 71ND C71T 1'LQ
.... ALL rsotss havingYcisi3tte against A"OOFI1Vd � - ;
Pe ",Former Shce Repair � ,. � Pboaes Rea. 88J � OtYles 38W F'or tre0 1Cg a 1:iQl18
_ the Estate of. 'DONALD ROBERT • I 9Ys also sell Brantford Nook p - p �
. � P BL:IiGESS RADIO BATTERIES ymur p; ee PICI+ERING .. .. • . .. 77 8 6
- -- BEATOAT late od bhe Towr�hi of - ,Materials, Empire Bsthroo� We solicit trona for
Pickering, in the Cou.�ty of Ontario, 1RECOR�D PLAYERS, ETC. FqullDmast, Dae+o Wst;sr _ Poultry, Hog and Dairy F.eda . �pICKERING .. .. .. .. 88 $ Sl
,.:- Advisory Clerk, Township of Picker- --Sf stems, Beabt7 BLaW � .. . .
• - -: •sng, deceased, who died on or about Open bioridl,y' through Saturday -.. - Equipment, at►d - ! Western Oats and Barley Whole � PICi+ERING ., .... 8Y
' _ 'the 13th day of July, 1916, are here - from 8,30 a. rn - 9.00 -p, m. Build )ilatsiais - of Glsopped am Delivered '.BROOKLIN .. , ' . • .. 6i
_ . .: � � "• CLAREMONT � , , , . 9 ,R 14
: by notified to send particulars of with the exception of Wednesday - ' '-' .. - -. I Fresh Salt in Lge. or Sm. Cakes AGINGOURT .. .. , , Zone ZM/4
' '• Fame to the undersigned Executor, g• E>tla+ates 1?4ts '.:' � -. ,
evenin VGe a •the hcne char e�
• _' � �' on nr before the 25th day of 'Oct- - =•,,�, BI. RATTER' � • -wort GaaraestesA � Rolhad Roofing and Siding p 9 . p 8
_ - obrr, 1946, after which date the - .- , _p _ ..CORDON YOUNG LTD I
_.•.; .,
' -' Radiotri 'an Ea- Serviceman ' • � Ordes yogi' nut ar stove cola � '
= ` -' `= � ' Estate a-ill be' distributed, with re- e� �t * '
• � f 1C 7 i� 1� � CiF Toronto "Phone Ad. >�d
- gard �,nly to the clams of :which �� nuur.�.,�■s r = -. �� -= iry a o.t'r s. r..,. Dsity-- 8ttio7, -.. _.:........_.. ........_. I
'.'thc.ur:d•rsi L•..,,_...._ tt:en =mod ThP Pickering \ewe ! -. -
• gned. � :,t- �-n�Qr she 1 "We do building of stl tlads
ha�ne. notice, and the under:;^ ed -' Ir �, �, Claremont. Opt. .
�. a w,.ti.�„s a
Executor will not be liable to bray "F.ve�y Feex � °- ---- ----a- _ WANTED
' ' . - - : person of •whose claim hP she 11 nr+t - - -
tthen have notice, _ _ .. Tourist - e Truck � � � � N T Campbell b[isOc Ranch Pats
r Signs � �Pg� ��� rl Lettering X15.00 AT YOUR FARM
. � Dat��l at Toronto this 30th day of � O
- ;..,.__- SeptFmber, .1946. � . : - -: i he SZ�II Painter - -- - -- PHONE . COLI,ECtJTRT 18J18
1� a 11 � . �! !jo i i n e a4 T:� --,�G ,L , , ' c�°Rer� -•f DEI.i.AR�3 - .FQUNDATIONS - -- _ .For Picking �
' ,William James i,., - ... ---- .••..�- �- -..� -- .
' ; .. _ 37Z Bay St. Toronto, Ont, 1. ., STOP 31 KINGSTOlr' ROAD � SCARBORO 2474 STABLE OE - '
' Executor -
. � • • ' �: - .. PI�BE SIN i . _. . - '�� - - . � _ -. - - . -.: ..� .. . - Dance tit . �,
. ..: - • .... �. ®' � � .Claremont '•
. ' dE 9vEL• LE R � WaSHIH6 MACBINE TxE - . ....- •- .'• Q . ,
' � � - S� 1 jC� � BEATTY WASHER STORE• ' -- � Fri. OCt• � Z S .
- . - ,`, '� >.dew. , - ,ssRVICE TRUCK _ Greenwood, �'Ont. h
WATCH and CLOCK i�empe - , • .• ,. j1�80Na �� 7 H � Bruce Gould sad Hrs Orc setts
• .. - REPAIRIA'G - -• Lev Ced - - -� calf ...
• .,A1dQnias }on 3bc.
in -
.. 11 t � ,' Ceaada'. _ ' _ DICKERING } KAISER .. � �� �• - .
J Oldset �; •�a.�d district, on - � . ' , . WM. 1�CEACHNIE
= ' � : �'HURSDAYS
. , � ,, ; �E��Y 8ter. ..: - _- • : ELECTRIC � -
.id - , , -. , . - !'7Mt.�. x .�Aa. DR,AlLER . , .,. .
S& � E.Yd. It?Ol .: Telephone "Pickering 12W :- �. _ •. ,lUNERAL D]t$8�,T01L
ILYIJlMW�' i � -Horse and Barn Wiring ' -_ •
. •-•,Novelties - Arriving Soon _ Con,plet. � or write Toronto S4ors' ,.TiSTIMATEB GIVEN .. '• �tprtvate A�atbalanes $alter .
• ��� - ' All work full '� :, R•bacldins - - - ' - - . -• Day or NIthL � __.. _
. Y guara:itead Ssrvies c�j �•
. owned and eperatxd by .. - �,. �. Jiai�as� . - � -
- . , - 0 I Beath Washer Store .. '. , . • .. _ . � 'hone Pick. 13
.. � �lQ�1t nQ 334 -383 DUPONT fT. _� -' � Jr 11L RICHMOND -. • I •
- � :' � TORONTB -Td. RAN. 5460 `?"�- . _..� ,.1 .T icPmcsw� �+tt. �1��!Lngs Vh�AI�iO
- ..•. - (Neaot Door to Public Library) - - � , . , ' 'PHONE PI(,'H. 1Zg _
• - � � ',
� •
. I�. nul,ll,. .� III �� I .., .., ..I,... ull, ��YJ .. II u�ull ibis ,.11 i ..II.! I
PULLF, - FIgO]/ L_.$EFIt:+ TO
laying. Fall hatched chicks, for im-
mediate delivery, ,Free catalogue.
i Wfor 1947 day old pricelist. Top
h Chlckerles, Guelph, Ontario.
11Ygry November or December, ur-
der now. Ask for pricelist and Fall
Bulletin, Bray Hatchery, 130 John
".IN. Hamilton, Ont.
to laying. Also Fall hatched chicks,
2,._PL dell very, Free catalogue.
It is not too, soon to order your
1947 chicks. Write us. Tweddle
Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus,
' BU91NFi%!I / /l'1'lrtl-Nt'l'IF.%
opt ola Gold Jewellery, Go!d teeth,
s onds, Sterling Silver, etc. 100
per cent premium on golly coins.
I3atiafaction guaranteed or parcel
returned vrepair. Kirby Company
Jewelers, 13% Queen East, Toronto,
ness men woo cannot arfurd to hfr.-
a regular bookkeeper we offer th.
perfect bookkeeping and tax serve
•Ice Writp fnr detalls
Rouen 300, 21 King St. E., 'Toronto.
dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for
Information. We are glad to an-
ewer your questions. Department
H. Parker's Dye Works Limited
791 Yonge Street. Toronto. Ontarie,
blerchuntq and storekeepers only.
iernd W.P.T.R. License number for
our Free Wholesale Catalogue.
Penny -up Merchandise Co.. Balfour
Bidg., Montreal 18, Que.
ble markings on head, reeistered.
Apply. Mrs, Louts Earrett, Salford,
ed, good pasture, good buildings,
silo. Seven acres bush. Orchard,
two windmills, lots of water Pos-
ses,sion anytijne. Price $8.060, of
tivitb stock, crop and implements,.
$13,000. Apply forth half lot-7. con-
cession 5, Brooke, Lambton Coun-
ty, one mile east of Inwood, or.
write Tom Stevens, R.R. 1, Atvina-
ton, Ont.
'n Western Ontario, 216 acres, close
to Dutton. All under ctiltivation.
rood soil, well fenced and drained.
Splendid buildings Nice ' brick
house in grove of maples and pines.
Filtered running water and. elec-
trir•!ty in house and barn. rmme-
dtnte possession. Full' equipment
and livestock optional. ALSO, near -
by, l,f desired 300 arras pasture land
with some black muck or celery
and onions, at low pri
1010 Canada PIdC., \1"in"or. Ont.
rloy loam, fifteen acres, wooded.
balance grass. Immediate posses-
sion. Elizabeth Weir. Winghant,
acres + J ue % oun y o Ox-
$Millions$ You may play for fun.
Pari - Bookie Racing Game $1.00.
VANDYKE, 601213 Middleton, HuaiIngton Park, Calif.
stamps, mint a-nd used, on approval.
We buy *tamps. Claude Langlois,
IA Albert, Victorlaville. Que.
selection flee approvals. Refunded
if not fully satisfied. No trash. A,
Bloom, 5347 Yew, Vancouver, Can -
'ad a.
use the best trapping system and
gland scents money can b.uy. Write
for particulars to A. E. Fisher, Box
420, Calgary, Alberta.
ed, share expenses, fond of animals
and country. Wedd, R.R. 1, Thed-
ford; Ontario.
1947 hatching season. Flocks culled
and bloodtested free of charge un-
der Government supervision Guar.
anteed preminm pLus hatchability
,Premium paid, For full details write
itox No. 95, • 73 Adelaide 1Y.,. To-
$50 cash and up Daio for good qual.
ity sporting rifles and shotguns:
.inspection at Your convenience;
out -of -town inquiries invited. Ivan
A. Flatman, 125 Dawes Rd., ToroD-
to. Phone OX- '17.9?.
ford 3 1 -2 miles north od the Village _
ELECTRICAL EQUiPMENT of nrumbo, Farm all under cultiva- Buddhist Priests
tion and in good condition. The ++ f•+e+�-•e•
i N G '1' buildings consist of a large L shape
!plants powered 3 "Briggs tit Strat- steel bank barn with cement stalls In China On Strike
and steel ataunchith cement mile
,._ ton:' engines, D.C. 850 watt, f125.00 and hen house with southern ex-
- - - -- - -- - -- — farmers price 1115.00, 500 watt ' posure on second floor. Two storey The world -wide strike wave
1x;0,00— farmers 3150.00. 1500 watt atone house to good state of repair,
- 350,00— farmers $320.00. $oo watt Farm equipped with h3dro. Early probably - reached a high -water BY FRANK MAN14 HARRIS -- - — -
• F' ! 1ah as and Diesel Dess ton. For further particulars -
snglnea 1 -y, ;i - H.P. light- ;,ppl mark in np- country Malaya a few _ ( "A Six Bit Critic' )
weight, air cooed, portable, twin The Ca■adn Permanent Trust Co.. days ago,, says The Christian Sci.
cylinder — 1 H.F. — $135.00 2- W'eodxtoclt, Ontario. If that oh -sot genial Quizmaestro ing -coach Sadowski, who has been
S $225,00, 8 li.P. $330,00. Diesel sacs Monitor. Chinese Buddhist on an
engines 4 H.P. and up $450.00 and y of the innumerable question- on no less than four, World Chat» -
Hw11tbHra INC priests who are paid the a uivalent and - answer -adio' programs hap- pionship outfits.. -But we can predict
up, From- stock A C. or D.C. Weld- q
Ing machines, electrodes and ac- Of $10 a alontb, plus food and lodge
eeasortes New gas engine driven LEARN HAIRDRI.%%FNG THE pens to ask ; -Ou which sport an- --that it will outclass any team that
portable self-priming centrifugal Robertson method. information on ing• announced they would conduct
g nuall draws the
request regarding Y greatest number ever wore Toronto uniforms in any
pampa 70000 gal. per hour, Total $ B classes. Robert- n0 more prayers until they were
weight 90 lbs. Operates 5 hours A ton's HRoade sing o cademy. 187 paid $1. NO of cash customers, don't go making sport from. at least one standpoint—
one gallon- 1185.00. 8 volt wind- s week extra for special the mistake we y, that of
= ehargers with tower $60,00. 32 volt _ prayer meetings. The laborer is , personali would personal altitude.
large capacity $260 00 also trans- HELP WANTED' probably worth have pulled if we had ever b4en in + + '
'tormers, rectifiers, worm gear re- Y y of his hire. But a .similes, Heaven forbid, posiron. Something that has puzzled 4i
ducers. Texrope V belt drives, spat HOUSE TO HOUSE SALESMAN Full wouldn't it be a great turn of events
weidefs• 32 -volt' RC. motors and pa -te soap, hand cleaner, hpusehold if the Buddhists let the priests -go For we, in our ignorance, would for some time past is the'way the
_ bench grinders, etc. ALLIANCE i cleansing and purifying' products. undoubtedly' have.. taken a stab at Younger male generation appears .
XLECTRiC WORKS LIMITED. Writs LI lity .Products, Kitchener, on striking and learned to pray for either soccer, horse - racing, or. base to be stretching upward. Like. ilex
Montreal Toronto - Halifax - „ Ont, themselves? Old' Timer who could remembq
Rouyn - Winnipeg - Vancouver. ball; and none of these is .the an-
W.INTED. , AN EXPERIENCED swtr that will +win you the Grand the days when ladiees' knees were
FOR SALE: farm hand, aingFp, Industrious. will- * T �+
ing. no Intolerable habits. Wares - -V.a7. Timber Stand Prize of a diamond - handled: putty- considered 'way uptown, we' cat
tar at $60 per month, yearly n
tract, clean ome, start �lovx >mber. ;calf plus .tucn -tubes of SmelIo well recall when, a ,giant six feet
t-4-3 DIFFERENT VAl11ETIF:S IN Box 118, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. The timber resources of the Unit- Goldfish Polish. = -- .. high was accounted quite tall, and
tno apple tree. Also McIntosh on Ont. ed States -are steadily declining, ac- * + + six feet two was exctptional. But
ardy rootstocks. Black and Red COUPLE VOW FAMILY OF s cording o figures issued .'recently For we flow learn that it 'is. the 5 ever Hi h School
Currant Plants for commercial and adults. Wife, cook - general, hug- g g Y nowadays, y g yard
private planting In the newest va- band — houseman and. handyman. .- by the American government, and " comparative' newcomer on 'the "you peek into seems to be densely
tteties. PHILLPS FARMS. CHA• Able to drive- car. Modern separate there is 40 per cent. It" standing sports scene, basketball, thitt tops..'- `populated with juvenile skyscrapers
- TEAUCUAY VILLAGE. QUE. living gnarter>a. - References requir.
ed. Bayview Avenue,, near .Thorn- saw timber now than there was 30 them all when- it tomes to paid at whose heads just miss bumping
AUTO PARTS ANb A'CCEssORIRh hill, 7 milers from Toronto, -Box 117, _ years ago. The cause of - the- -4e- tendance and also, probably, for into low -lying Clouds. .
for all cars, Price List on request, 73 Adelaide W.,' Toronto.
' Piston rings for all .motors at pre• cline is given as the failure to the number of athletes who play it. ttLL�
.Bear prices. Dept W., Canadian Auto ME :t1144A1, adopt proper conservation meas- And while many sports have their Million For Airport
Parts. 389 Queen St. W., Toronto. - ures," roots ilf the far- distant'past, it -vas
FRUIT uric E!Ir THE PRINCIPAL' .,Newfoundland hat acquired Gas
ip1+1DAR POaTt —ALL SIZES FROA! Ingredients to Vixon•s Remedy for as recently a 189V that a Y. f,C.A,
4r tb 10" tops Write Harvey &nor- Itheumatic Patna; Neuritis. Munro'$ instructor first hung two peach• der Airport from Canada for $1f-
iris, Highland ' Creek, Ontario, . or Drug Store. 335 Elgin. Ottawa. Aioe4,000, Newfoundland Utilities Do-
__.. phone .Scarbgro 603. _ baskets at opposite ends of a gym,
WANTRII --E VERY SUFFERER of V turned the boys loose with an old, partment spokesmen disclosed.
;BAGS. SPRINGER SPANIEL PCP- Rheumatic Pains .or Neurals to try I soccer ball .. Annual operating costs of the
-- ples, registered, 8 months old, Dixon's Remedy., Munro'$ Dru , and s0 started the
ehasnpton stook.: males. ;$35: _ fe_ More, Ess Elgin, Ottawa, Postpai� whole thin Airport, the rstand's Great Atlantic
!males i - °+• J, McAfee. :S8 Aileen 1.00, g. (And, by the way, jolt
.Ave., Toronto, MU, 5005, a week or. so Ago -we fancy that we Terminal, are e�tirnated at 1300,000
bought one of those same original
au fresh from the sea coast of _. baskets at opposite ends of a gym, You YY !If t•:■1or Stnrt■a At
ova Scotto, Detlnom •Informs- that the same 'original peaches; but t' �t 8 Hotel
!elan for stamp, Economy Dfatrfbu -' sells, sxchaogsa •tttuatcai Castro- tlmat is the danger
". 'tors, Kingston, Ont, _ xrtents III Church. Toronto i ng Of looking for s
fruit bargains too late on a Satur-
old, (ALE FOXHOUND, 13 months ROOMS nFACTIFI'I.I.Y day night.) p Every Roots With Bath
old, 323; crossbred' either collie BE A HAIRDRESSER F1'Ril�ttE'n $1,50 u + M « shower and Telepbotse 1i
__. tups, 6 months old, either pe =, 110; P 0 Single, $2.60 ■■-
it -80 Savage ritle, In good service- JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCI406L Hers .it Canada — except fee i Double, 69.60 ■p
` able condit[on; with rear beep sight Great Opportunity. Learn few sots such as Edmonton— a Good Food Dtai■s sad Doe-
bud case, $60. Lid. Johns, sues Hairdressing
profession, basketball.-although ,widely played, lax wirbil7
burst, Ont. Pleasant dignified proteasiort• - Dh"hOur■t at CstriteS
wages, thousands successful Marvell has never been any great shakes as
ID'OZ AND DEER HOUND, 6 YEARS graduates. America's greatest exit. Tel. RA. 4134 tctator
old- 211.00. 1 Fox, Hound Pup, 4% tem. Illustrated catalogue free i 5 P p*itime: but this is
monits old .$19.00. Fred Davtes, Wrfta or call. principally because of lack of pro -.
SCHOOLS per seating accotitodation. But the V H !•
Ili$ "E. DUCKS. TURKEYS FOR 35$ Bloor St. W., Toronto way folks o for it elsewhere is
Mlre.diag purpose. Orders must be Branches: 44 King St- Hamilton - g
�Ei "Rideau Street. Ottawa.. HOTEL METROPOLE KEn by ,aj, look at '
Ie t :v.W l.v:em er. en or tee— gllare
�-� -aMY HEAD !
_ ................ -- - eKer.. f1, Rangers
pricelist today. The J. P. Tanton NIAGARA FALLS �1-ir F e gt
Co Summerside, Box 86, P,E.I. PATENTS —max te" sot lip "iel ,
OPP. — C.1f.R. STATION play what is sometimes laughingly � tea, .I ,,.,,moo,
MODERN OLD TYNE COWBOY FRIHERSTU1fHAUGA ! CUYPA3aY' Called hockey; slightly over 15,000 � days. 1• srirru
`'.Records. Large stock, prompt de_ Patent Solleltore. Established 1320: is full house for that great winter etc, ` *h
livery send for tree, listing. Ed- 14 King Wsst.iToronto. Booklet of sport' et
wards Music House, .684 Mount r"I'Mrmatfon on request , y they regularly pack in :
hleaaltnt Road, Toronto, Over 1800 for basketball games,
and turn them away in droves.
3�aDDies, tricolor, and sable and * + + - 5.
white, Strathisla strain. Arnold R. IMPERIAL QUALITY IS Insfanfine j
McEvery, Ballinafad, Ont. QUALITY . AT ITS BEST There is also a record of a basket -
MACITSTERED SPRINGER SPAN- OUR YEAR itOUND FA-ST. SERV., ball tourney where the average at-
" : 9e1 female liver and white 3% yea. ice and fine quality work will • tendance per 'game topped • 23,000.
Y female 7 months, not registered. please you, For satisfaction try Im• This of all laces in the world was
...Garfield Boldt, Kinmount, Ont, . perial. 6 or 8 exposure films, do I x p ,
• veloped and printed. 30m at Peiping China; so it would ap-
• IMl'F.RIAi. PHOTO !tF,RViCE ' ' '
Safe -Tee Soot Destroyer Station -t. Toronto. r pear as though the game Mr. Kai-
If your stove or furnace 3causes FILMS DEVELOPER ;e6- CENTS. smith invented t0 keep his Y.M.-
'trouble due to soot, poor draught or Guaranteed one day service. No x i C.A. boy's oft the streets has travel- ORDER
awake. We guarantee our soot de- waiting. Bay Photo Service, North led quite some in'slightly more than
stxoyer to remove soot from any B ■Y. 1'
ecal burning stove or furnace pipes !w SO years.
and chimney. , Gives better draught DAILY SERVICE, FREE 4 X d Elf- �2 Tpr x�fiT pg11tSOTOgp * • • -- 4 PHOEBE STREET, TORO
and more heat, eaves fuel.. Pack- lartrement with each 6 -8 'exposure.
age contains approximately 30 ap- Roll 2bc. Reprints 8c. Crystal Pho- Just how 'fast and exciting
lications. Enough soot destroyer to Service, 1500 DundS modern as as ecome, c 4
a W. Toronto. d basketball h become, Young M*n and Men-s pleated
�e last one stove or furnace all wool trousers.. . plain brown
==winter. Send money order $1.40. zens of Toronto and points adjacent and herringbone . . brown and
S: Postpaid anywhere, in Canada, Use XMAS CARDS FRO(ftl! Easy �Vay to Treat g grey. $&
weeks it not satisfied money re- q tE will soon have a chance of findin 85
de d. J. R Kernohan Mfg., Box ENAPS —1'Z FOR 79C •• • Out. For, starting next month,•that goys' wool suits with shorts ,
393• Forest, dnt. Your negatives make the most .Sore PalIIfil� Piles city is going to have one of, she 11 blue,' grey and brown. bises '4:
original and pleasing Christmas b, d and 7 ........... 8.75 r
"PEEDIE" ELECTRIC MOTOR. Cards you can p g plate it the
get — cards that . •very D•r•e■ in professional teams in the Interns- ;
The toy motor`•that features high friends treasure —and the cost is C•n•ds suirwles leem sore, Itxhi, gt nt t tional Basketball Association, with Boys' breeches all -wool
-speed, one cell operation, non -slip, small. Select your favorite nega- piles to a shook home r"m•dy with the ' ' i1
Cr s, weighted base Limited nom- rives and send them to us. We'll Dr•■xis• of a reliable Srm to relied the cost weekly games in —you might have double-knee belt winter
pn o! tM resat it weight- .. blurs and brown .
N at only $1.75., postpaid. Thou- return 12 attractive greeting cards the 7•u an not s• with guessed it -dear old Maple Leaf g ' '
sand �pjglld Crafts, Box 94, Brock• with your pictures printed on— Sises'4, 5 t and 7 any Mile, - d• jelopea for marling --all for �°° iO d n =�. H • bottle Gardens, where life is just one o • • 53•..
O d otHam- and ess as Hsra.Roid Man's. sleeveless pullovers
r er early. ;s ■n internal treat�t, ••s7 and plsannt droned. thing after' another and the trine, sand grey and blue
o ' TIRES (2 Photos on Calendars 25c.) muwand "Walt■ a»gxrwynot3osd. weary turnstiles tfever get &.' chance Sixes , small, mi um- and I& a
rsNii�stv�dd bbddddasss
to catch u on their rest.
'MPs are overstocked at the present STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE �� Is ���'th• �+ p " "' ' =Z•�S
of good used trade -1n tires ( guar - paiafuipiletu nonh•elov rleavingtherZO
Box 1221, Posit office A. Torerto
- (surged to be to excellent shape), ur•mbraaw clean and t� Got a bottle of * * o Prompt delivery. Qrairty
$Print N•nme, anti AAAr�aa Pia {n1F1 "ani andil fee yemgd[ what teed or mose7 refrs�ed.
600 X 16 X5.00 a�ssss How good this team will prove in
All orders shipped C.O.P. Specl *I PERSONAL. yo ursq,P�waytltds is to end yourself of your miwry. action, we're not going to stick Our— Money Order or C.O.D. Mailing
and Farm Tractor vulcanizing ng Truck FINEST WATCHES REPAIRED. liable fix , d ng bust es tins uedd b a ee. s'alued„nteck Out by trying t0 pro- Free
ras. doing Msl■ew K Gtad• for tier
- . tMACON TIRE, corner Quee and prompt service. Capital City Watci• 20 tea», It you sea h bled with sere, Iteh. phesy; although the pedigrees of
'fork Sts., HAMILTON Ontario, Hospital, 155 - Eccleft 9t., Ottaw' . Ing. painful piles, ft.a - *•W must help tea
ONTARIO•%' MOST MODERN Ontario, 30 years experience• quickly or the small the pryers look very impressive on
NQUIPP$D TIRE DROP OW4 w/udai turoiasa Mp ,
_ - paper, especially that, of the play- 388Ug 42 --7946
Ann Wilkins, 4, and Patrick Murphy, 5, elected king and queen of
the harvest festival recently stated by New York's Children's Aid
Society, pose happily amid corn grown on their city rooftop "farm ".
They're members of group of pre- schoolers who grew vegetables in
h'*- • L. a..,r the societys ouuaing.
- � ._..... ._ imp-,. ,.� __. �.: .....v!.� ��ibYlYla- rfril� . -._ __ — _.�_.�.. •�
PULLF, - FIgO]/ L_.$EFIt:+ TO
laying. Fall hatched chicks, for im-
mediate delivery, ,Free catalogue.
i Wfor 1947 day old pricelist. Top
h Chlckerles, Guelph, Ontario.
11Ygry November or December, ur-
der now. Ask for pricelist and Fall
Bulletin, Bray Hatchery, 130 John
".IN. Hamilton, Ont.
to laying. Also Fall hatched chicks,
2,._PL dell very, Free catalogue.
It is not too, soon to order your
1947 chicks. Write us. Tweddle
Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus,
' BU91NFi%!I / /l'1'lrtl-Nt'l'IF.%
opt ola Gold Jewellery, Go!d teeth,
s onds, Sterling Silver, etc. 100
per cent premium on golly coins.
I3atiafaction guaranteed or parcel
returned vrepair. Kirby Company
Jewelers, 13% Queen East, Toronto,
ness men woo cannot arfurd to hfr.-
a regular bookkeeper we offer th.
perfect bookkeeping and tax serve
•Ice Writp fnr detalls
Rouen 300, 21 King St. E., 'Toronto.
dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for
Information. We are glad to an-
ewer your questions. Department
H. Parker's Dye Works Limited
791 Yonge Street. Toronto. Ontarie,
blerchuntq and storekeepers only.
iernd W.P.T.R. License number for
our Free Wholesale Catalogue.
Penny -up Merchandise Co.. Balfour
Bidg., Montreal 18, Que.
ble markings on head, reeistered.
Apply. Mrs, Louts Earrett, Salford,
ed, good pasture, good buildings,
silo. Seven acres bush. Orchard,
two windmills, lots of water Pos-
ses,sion anytijne. Price $8.060, of
tivitb stock, crop and implements,.
$13,000. Apply forth half lot-7. con-
cession 5, Brooke, Lambton Coun-
ty, one mile east of Inwood, or.
write Tom Stevens, R.R. 1, Atvina-
ton, Ont.
'n Western Ontario, 216 acres, close
to Dutton. All under ctiltivation.
rood soil, well fenced and drained.
Splendid buildings Nice ' brick
house in grove of maples and pines.
Filtered running water and. elec-
trir•!ty in house and barn. rmme-
dtnte possession. Full' equipment
and livestock optional. ALSO, near -
by, l,f desired 300 arras pasture land
with some black muck or celery
and onions, at low pri
1010 Canada PIdC., \1"in"or. Ont.
rloy loam, fifteen acres, wooded.
balance grass. Immediate posses-
sion. Elizabeth Weir. Winghant,
acres + J ue % oun y o Ox-
$Millions$ You may play for fun.
Pari - Bookie Racing Game $1.00.
VANDYKE, 601213 Middleton, HuaiIngton Park, Calif.
stamps, mint a-nd used, on approval.
We buy *tamps. Claude Langlois,
IA Albert, Victorlaville. Que.
selection flee approvals. Refunded
if not fully satisfied. No trash. A,
Bloom, 5347 Yew, Vancouver, Can -
'ad a.
use the best trapping system and
gland scents money can b.uy. Write
for particulars to A. E. Fisher, Box
420, Calgary, Alberta.
ed, share expenses, fond of animals
and country. Wedd, R.R. 1, Thed-
ford; Ontario.
1947 hatching season. Flocks culled
and bloodtested free of charge un-
der Government supervision Guar.
anteed preminm pLus hatchability
,Premium paid, For full details write
itox No. 95, • 73 Adelaide 1Y.,. To-
$50 cash and up Daio for good qual.
ity sporting rifles and shotguns:
.inspection at Your convenience;
out -of -town inquiries invited. Ivan
A. Flatman, 125 Dawes Rd., ToroD-
to. Phone OX- '17.9?.
ford 3 1 -2 miles north od the Village _
ELECTRICAL EQUiPMENT of nrumbo, Farm all under cultiva- Buddhist Priests
tion and in good condition. The ++ f•+e+�-•e•
i N G '1' buildings consist of a large L shape
!plants powered 3 "Briggs tit Strat- steel bank barn with cement stalls In China On Strike
and steel ataunchith cement mile
,._ ton:' engines, D.C. 850 watt, f125.00 and hen house with southern ex-
- - - -- - -- - -- — farmers price 1115.00, 500 watt ' posure on second floor. Two storey The world -wide strike wave
1x;0,00— farmers 3150.00. 1500 watt atone house to good state of repair,
- 350,00— farmers $320.00. $oo watt Farm equipped with h3dro. Early probably - reached a high -water BY FRANK MAN14 HARRIS -- - — -
• F' ! 1ah as and Diesel Dess ton. For further particulars -
snglnea 1 -y, ;i - H.P. light- ;,ppl mark in np- country Malaya a few _ ( "A Six Bit Critic' )
weight, air cooed, portable, twin The Ca■adn Permanent Trust Co.. days ago,, says The Christian Sci.
cylinder — 1 H.F. — $135.00 2- W'eodxtoclt, Ontario. If that oh -sot genial Quizmaestro ing -coach Sadowski, who has been
S $225,00, 8 li.P. $330,00. Diesel sacs Monitor. Chinese Buddhist on an
engines 4 H.P. and up $450.00 and y of the innumerable question- on no less than four, World Chat» -
Hw11tbHra INC priests who are paid the a uivalent and - answer -adio' programs hap- pionship outfits.. -But we can predict
up, From- stock A C. or D.C. Weld- q
Ing machines, electrodes and ac- Of $10 a alontb, plus food and lodge
eeasortes New gas engine driven LEARN HAIRDRI.%%FNG THE pens to ask ; -Ou which sport an- --that it will outclass any team that
portable self-priming centrifugal Robertson method. information on ing• announced they would conduct
g nuall draws the
request regarding Y greatest number ever wore Toronto uniforms in any
pampa 70000 gal. per hour, Total $ B classes. Robert- n0 more prayers until they were
weight 90 lbs. Operates 5 hours A ton's HRoade sing o cademy. 187 paid $1. NO of cash customers, don't go making sport from. at least one standpoint—
one gallon- 1185.00. 8 volt wind- s week extra for special the mistake we y, that of
= ehargers with tower $60,00. 32 volt _ prayer meetings. The laborer is , personali would personal altitude.
large capacity $260 00 also trans- HELP WANTED' probably worth have pulled if we had ever b4en in + + '
'tormers, rectifiers, worm gear re- Y y of his hire. But a .similes, Heaven forbid, posiron. Something that has puzzled 4i
ducers. Texrope V belt drives, spat HOUSE TO HOUSE SALESMAN Full wouldn't it be a great turn of events
weidefs• 32 -volt' RC. motors and pa -te soap, hand cleaner, hpusehold if the Buddhists let the priests -go For we, in our ignorance, would for some time past is the'way the
_ bench grinders, etc. ALLIANCE i cleansing and purifying' products. undoubtedly' have.. taken a stab at Younger male generation appears .
XLECTRiC WORKS LIMITED. Writs LI lity .Products, Kitchener, on striking and learned to pray for either soccer, horse - racing, or. base to be stretching upward. Like. ilex
Montreal Toronto - Halifax - „ Ont, themselves? Old' Timer who could remembq
Rouyn - Winnipeg - Vancouver. ball; and none of these is .the an-
W.INTED. , AN EXPERIENCED swtr that will +win you the Grand the days when ladiees' knees were
FOR SALE: farm hand, aingFp, Industrious. will- * T �+
ing. no Intolerable habits. Wares - -V.a7. Timber Stand Prize of a diamond - handled: putty- considered 'way uptown, we' cat
tar at $60 per month, yearly n
tract, clean ome, start �lovx >mber. ;calf plus .tucn -tubes of SmelIo well recall when, a ,giant six feet
t-4-3 DIFFERENT VAl11ETIF:S IN Box 118, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. The timber resources of the Unit- Goldfish Polish. = -- .. high was accounted quite tall, and
tno apple tree. Also McIntosh on Ont. ed States -are steadily declining, ac- * + + six feet two was exctptional. But
ardy rootstocks. Black and Red COUPLE VOW FAMILY OF s cording o figures issued .'recently For we flow learn that it 'is. the 5 ever Hi h School
Currant Plants for commercial and adults. Wife, cook - general, hug- g g Y nowadays, y g yard
private planting In the newest va- band — houseman and. handyman. .- by the American government, and " comparative' newcomer on 'the "you peek into seems to be densely
tteties. PHILLPS FARMS. CHA• Able to drive- car. Modern separate there is 40 per cent. It" standing sports scene, basketball, thitt tops..'- `populated with juvenile skyscrapers
- TEAUCUAY VILLAGE. QUE. living gnarter>a. - References requir.
ed. Bayview Avenue,, near .Thorn- saw timber now than there was 30 them all when- it tomes to paid at whose heads just miss bumping
AUTO PARTS ANb A'CCEssORIRh hill, 7 milers from Toronto, -Box 117, _ years ago. The cause of - the- -4e- tendance and also, probably, for into low -lying Clouds. .
for all cars, Price List on request, 73 Adelaide W.,' Toronto.
' Piston rings for all .motors at pre• cline is given as the failure to the number of athletes who play it. ttLL�
.Bear prices. Dept W., Canadian Auto ME :t1144A1, adopt proper conservation meas- And while many sports have their Million For Airport
Parts. 389 Queen St. W., Toronto. - ures," roots ilf the far- distant'past, it -vas
FRUIT uric E!Ir THE PRINCIPAL' .,Newfoundland hat acquired Gas
ip1+1DAR POaTt —ALL SIZES FROA! Ingredients to Vixon•s Remedy for as recently a 189V that a Y. f,C.A,
4r tb 10" tops Write Harvey &nor- Itheumatic Patna; Neuritis. Munro'$ instructor first hung two peach• der Airport from Canada for $1f-
iris, Highland ' Creek, Ontario, . or Drug Store. 335 Elgin. Ottawa. Aioe4,000, Newfoundland Utilities Do-
__.. phone .Scarbgro 603. _ baskets at opposite ends of a gym,
WANTRII --E VERY SUFFERER of V turned the boys loose with an old, partment spokesmen disclosed.
;BAGS. SPRINGER SPANIEL PCP- Rheumatic Pains .or Neurals to try I soccer ball .. Annual operating costs of the
-- ples, registered, 8 months old, Dixon's Remedy., Munro'$ Dru , and s0 started the
ehasnpton stook.: males. ;$35: _ fe_ More, Ess Elgin, Ottawa, Postpai� whole thin Airport, the rstand's Great Atlantic
!males i - °+• J, McAfee. :S8 Aileen 1.00, g. (And, by the way, jolt
.Ave., Toronto, MU, 5005, a week or. so Ago -we fancy that we Terminal, are e�tirnated at 1300,000
bought one of those same original
au fresh from the sea coast of _. baskets at opposite ends of a gym, You YY !If t•:■1or Stnrt■a At
ova Scotto, Detlnom •Informs- that the same 'original peaches; but t' �t 8 Hotel
!elan for stamp, Economy Dfatrfbu -' sells, sxchaogsa •tttuatcai Castro- tlmat is the danger
". 'tors, Kingston, Ont, _ xrtents III Church. Toronto i ng Of looking for s
fruit bargains too late on a Satur-
old, (ALE FOXHOUND, 13 months ROOMS nFACTIFI'I.I.Y day night.) p Every Roots With Bath
old, 323; crossbred' either collie BE A HAIRDRESSER F1'Ril�ttE'n $1,50 u + M « shower and Telepbotse 1i
__. tups, 6 months old, either pe =, 110; P 0 Single, $2.60 ■■-
it -80 Savage ritle, In good service- JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCI406L Hers .it Canada — except fee i Double, 69.60 ■p
` able condit[on; with rear beep sight Great Opportunity. Learn few sots such as Edmonton— a Good Food Dtai■s sad Doe-
bud case, $60. Lid. Johns, sues Hairdressing
profession, basketball.-although ,widely played, lax wirbil7
burst, Ont. Pleasant dignified proteasiort• - Dh"hOur■t at CstriteS
wages, thousands successful Marvell has never been any great shakes as
ID'OZ AND DEER HOUND, 6 YEARS graduates. America's greatest exit. Tel. RA. 4134 tctator
old- 211.00. 1 Fox, Hound Pup, 4% tem. Illustrated catalogue free i 5 P p*itime: but this is
monits old .$19.00. Fred Davtes, Wrfta or call. principally because of lack of pro -.
SCHOOLS per seating accotitodation. But the V H !•
Ili$ "E. DUCKS. TURKEYS FOR 35$ Bloor St. W., Toronto way folks o for it elsewhere is
Mlre.diag purpose. Orders must be Branches: 44 King St- Hamilton - g
�Ei "Rideau Street. Ottawa.. HOTEL METROPOLE KEn by ,aj, look at '
Ie t :v.W l.v:em er. en or tee— gllare
�-� -aMY HEAD !
_ ................ -- - eKer.. f1, Rangers
pricelist today. The J. P. Tanton NIAGARA FALLS �1-ir F e gt
Co Summerside, Box 86, P,E.I. PATENTS —max te" sot lip "iel ,
OPP. — C.1f.R. STATION play what is sometimes laughingly � tea, .I ,,.,,moo,
MODERN OLD TYNE COWBOY FRIHERSTU1fHAUGA ! CUYPA3aY' Called hockey; slightly over 15,000 � days. 1• srirru
`'.Records. Large stock, prompt de_ Patent Solleltore. Established 1320: is full house for that great winter etc, ` *h
livery send for tree, listing. Ed- 14 King Wsst.iToronto. Booklet of sport' et
wards Music House, .684 Mount r"I'Mrmatfon on request , y they regularly pack in :
hleaaltnt Road, Toronto, Over 1800 for basketball games,
and turn them away in droves.
3�aDDies, tricolor, and sable and * + + - 5.
white, Strathisla strain. Arnold R. IMPERIAL QUALITY IS Insfanfine j
McEvery, Ballinafad, Ont. QUALITY . AT ITS BEST There is also a record of a basket -
MACITSTERED SPRINGER SPAN- OUR YEAR itOUND FA-ST. SERV., ball tourney where the average at-
" : 9e1 female liver and white 3% yea. ice and fine quality work will • tendance per 'game topped • 23,000.
Y female 7 months, not registered. please you, For satisfaction try Im• This of all laces in the world was
...Garfield Boldt, Kinmount, Ont, . perial. 6 or 8 exposure films, do I x p ,
• veloped and printed. 30m at Peiping China; so it would ap-
• IMl'F.RIAi. PHOTO !tF,RViCE ' ' '
Safe -Tee Soot Destroyer Station -t. Toronto. r pear as though the game Mr. Kai-
If your stove or furnace 3causes FILMS DEVELOPER ;e6- CENTS. smith invented t0 keep his Y.M.-
'trouble due to soot, poor draught or Guaranteed one day service. No x i C.A. boy's oft the streets has travel- ORDER
awake. We guarantee our soot de- waiting. Bay Photo Service, North led quite some in'slightly more than
stxoyer to remove soot from any B ■Y. 1'
ecal burning stove or furnace pipes !w SO years.
and chimney. , Gives better draught DAILY SERVICE, FREE 4 X d Elf- �2 Tpr x�fiT pg11tSOTOgp * • • -- 4 PHOEBE STREET, TORO
and more heat, eaves fuel.. Pack- lartrement with each 6 -8 'exposure.
age contains approximately 30 ap- Roll 2bc. Reprints 8c. Crystal Pho- Just how 'fast and exciting
lications. Enough soot destroyer to Service, 1500 DundS modern as as ecome, c 4
a W. Toronto. d basketball h become, Young M*n and Men-s pleated
�e last one stove or furnace all wool trousers.. . plain brown
==winter. Send money order $1.40. zens of Toronto and points adjacent and herringbone . . brown and
S: Postpaid anywhere, in Canada, Use XMAS CARDS FRO(ftl! Easy �Vay to Treat g grey. $&
weeks it not satisfied money re- q tE will soon have a chance of findin 85
de d. J. R Kernohan Mfg., Box ENAPS —1'Z FOR 79C •• • Out. For, starting next month,•that goys' wool suits with shorts ,
393• Forest, dnt. Your negatives make the most .Sore PalIIfil� Piles city is going to have one of, she 11 blue,' grey and brown. bises '4:
original and pleasing Christmas b, d and 7 ........... 8.75 r
"PEEDIE" ELECTRIC MOTOR. Cards you can p g plate it the
get — cards that . •very D•r•e■ in professional teams in the Interns- ;
The toy motor`•that features high friends treasure —and the cost is C•n•ds suirwles leem sore, Itxhi, gt nt t tional Basketball Association, with Boys' breeches all -wool
-speed, one cell operation, non -slip, small. Select your favorite nega- piles to a shook home r"m•dy with the ' ' i1
Cr s, weighted base Limited nom- rives and send them to us. We'll Dr•■xis• of a reliable Srm to relied the cost weekly games in —you might have double-knee belt winter
pn o! tM resat it weight- .. blurs and brown .
N at only $1.75., postpaid. Thou- return 12 attractive greeting cards the 7•u an not s• with guessed it -dear old Maple Leaf g ' '
sand �pjglld Crafts, Box 94, Brock• with your pictures printed on— Sises'4, 5 t and 7 any Mile, - d• jelopea for marling --all for �°° iO d n =�. H • bottle Gardens, where life is just one o • • 53•..
O d otHam- and ess as Hsra.Roid Man's. sleeveless pullovers
r er early. ;s ■n internal treat�t, ••s7 and plsannt droned. thing after' another and the trine, sand grey and blue
o ' TIRES (2 Photos on Calendars 25c.) muwand "Walt■ a»gxrwynot3osd. weary turnstiles tfever get &.' chance Sixes , small, mi um- and I& a
rsNii�stv�dd bbddddasss
to catch u on their rest.
'MPs are overstocked at the present STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE �� Is ���'th• �+ p " "' ' =Z•�S
of good used trade -1n tires ( guar - paiafuipiletu nonh•elov rleavingtherZO
Box 1221, Posit office A. Torerto
- (surged to be to excellent shape), ur•mbraaw clean and t� Got a bottle of * * o Prompt delivery. Qrairty
$Print N•nme, anti AAAr�aa Pia {n1F1 "ani andil fee yemgd[ what teed or mose7 refrs�ed.
600 X 16 X5.00 a�ssss How good this team will prove in
All orders shipped C.O.P. Specl *I PERSONAL. yo ursq,P�waytltds is to end yourself of your miwry. action, we're not going to stick Our— Money Order or C.O.D. Mailing
and Farm Tractor vulcanizing ng Truck FINEST WATCHES REPAIRED. liable fix , d ng bust es tins uedd b a ee. s'alued„nteck Out by trying t0 pro- Free
ras. doing Msl■ew K Gtad• for tier
- . tMACON TIRE, corner Quee and prompt service. Capital City Watci• 20 tea», It you sea h bled with sere, Iteh. phesy; although the pedigrees of
'fork Sts., HAMILTON Ontario, Hospital, 155 - Eccleft 9t., Ottaw' . Ing. painful piles, ft.a - *•W must help tea
ONTARIO•%' MOST MODERN Ontario, 30 years experience• quickly or the small the pryers look very impressive on
NQUIPP$D TIRE DROP OW4 w/udai turoiasa Mp ,
_ - paper, especially that, of the play- 388Ug 42 --7946
Ann Wilkins, 4, and Patrick Murphy, 5, elected king and queen of
the harvest festival recently stated by New York's Children's Aid
Society, pose happily amid corn grown on their city rooftop "farm ".
They're members of group of pre- schoolers who grew vegetables in
h'*- • L. a..,r the societys ouuaing.
- � ._..... ._ imp-,. ,.� __. �.: .....v!.� ��ibYlYla- rfril� . -._ __ — _.�_.�.. •�
f 1
. ,,..• ,
... ,
.. ,
-. .
_ •.
- zn
"; "' "'4 � - �ritrah Build H'DLD EVERYTHING � �'�feteoritea are usually so small � »�� "'"`•
. � • VOI(:E OF r1,1 !� ■ E l 1' /1.�� . �ew �OUi @i - that they,are burned up long before •.. i 'y'
tlie}• reach the ground.
. Of Aluminum � - - - — � "�a
-- , .• .. • . - - pe
" A ;rrraft construction technique ;;� '. YoiU CAN BUY eu rb •
Of No Value _ iFantastic Footwear - � and materials are being used by a 11'Iaxwell HOUSe Coffee is - _'
- ' •, ' U.S, 1i�ar Assets are offering for \ \'on't. men louk tunny ,when, as British •airplane plant to produce - �,•�\� —_ - either & Su T- YaCUUrn � "�"
• sale 600,000 compasses for which it one expert predicts, they adopt high aluminum houses which cost E5,4t10 �� 1� we;'
has no present use, as they only tell heels? But not as funn }• as some of and can he put together is less / ,;,�, Tin 111 Drip Or Regulsr '
' '• you where you're going, not where the girls do clopping around in than two hours. __�_ -_ - -
... = you are_ those sloppy, •heel -less contraptions \Vith this latest in prefabricated � "� � Grind, Or 111 a G�assirte-
_ - Stratford Beacori- Herald. they are wearing nowadays. housing, Britain hopes to replace � :'' `�' " "?C??'�'
- \l'indsor Star. 4,SOO,oUO dwellings or about one 3: ?�, <° .Lined fag in 811 All Purr- ; -.;
' � - Look Pleasant, Please :c - '.� •' in three destroyed during •the -war. ,:pOt3e Grind.,
• -' � - Simple and Dull Some 4,000 have been produced • >:���� - .
- Tourists, says a cynic, are people ti so far. The completed houses are ,•.I ' ''-'•e�;:i;;!r•
•'' who motor two thousand miles in How ,simple life would be if peo• � � • ' � • DaK _ . i
' - • order to take pictures of themselves pie wanted and were content with Called'.. "Airohs." � • . � y! � •,.
•standing by the car. only what they actually needed!" The house leaves the � factory � "' � 5tA � � _
• = Peteiboron h Examiner: ' 'exclaims a columnist. � es, indeed- complete in four sections, with all � ��pt�
g its electric tivirin 'and plumbin in
° ., •_ how simple and how dull! g g ,., - ' � '
• - - Kitchener Record. Place ready for connection. Built- - � � ,
- - =------ - -, - -- :Price of Old Age - � in' wardrobes, cupboards and shot- oonl.,.u...rlwlnetwo. T."..mk�.,:.wc - � !
• '• A lady of • 96, living in Chicago; , - - •� - :- air clothes- airing cIosei are in- is � • . .
Bad Crossing, Record .• included.. ion sure like your comfort— �;;
attributes her longevity to the fact - � -- - --
' - - � that she has never been "Tiothered- -This province tops the_ list for Heating is combined with hot- breakfast is bedi"
- 6y a man." That's quite a price to Canada with fatalities at level water production; a choice of coal ". -•• - � ''�
-� pay, if we may say so. crossings during the• past three and gas or coal and electricity be- _•_
- - Peterborough Examiner. }'ears. ing offered as fuels. The Airolis
Labor And Farmers - •``°'�"`
• o = Guelph :lfercury: are' designed to be temporary, but ' __... -.._. _-
••- - - 3t's Wonderful � - . . _witk reasonable..maintainance, it is = , -The Pact • of the matter is that ' -� {
• That Hat estim9ted ,that they could be made
• : -The only countries that haven't __ •• -' - - the economic aims of labor and the 1YfW LOW
to last at least 3o years. PRICES
• ;ny industrial troubles are those '.Ko diplomat is Cncle'Hemenway, economic aims of agriculture are, -
The design Calls for a living
- ' - � that haven't any industries. True who, gbserving his wife's new hat, .and. always ha��e been, diametrically i 2 „bt•r. '
„ room, targr and small bedrooms, tae _
• snaugh, and those that have Indus, said he didu t realizt Hallowe'en kitchen, bathroom and hall. They -r• opposed. The farmer wants cheap =� rew•r�
- trial troubles becav__se they have was so close at hand. ,,.- r „rra „ +iy t,Pc��, prp.t„r�od � the factory •goods -to which lab °r is � _
Industries will ahortlq have no in- - Clvistian Science Monitor. rate of 350 a week, with 5,500 al -. , - opposed.' The labor man wants too��un ' °' -
- dustriea and consequently no Purtq- - ,ready on order. _ c'heap food -to which the farmer • � _ i
- -• er industrial troubles. Peace, ain't it � ' - i4'opposed. It was thus }•esterday: GENUINE ASPIRIN IS - -
.. - +wonderful! - ' �' - � it will be ao tomorrow.- Calgary MARKED THIS WAY ”'
' - '” •r- Ottawa Citizen.• Scientists ace shun }•s taking ail �OnR KOng StBya - � � i;erald. - •' •-
_ • the fun out of everything, They are Brltl$11 Fleet BBEe -
_:. _ � .
rotes Q e sChron c ttiTeer � elpn. - - '
•_ .- __ ._ -__. _ _._ ueb c ie• le ra h. _'\'ice- .4dxnirat Sir Denis .Boyd, - - � -
.. - -- --
Motor Trail of Death __
.- - -- - --
' - • - • : 1 Were rs a recklessness on the - _ -, • -. - - t- -- � •- - - _ -. -s -_ - -: - - - , • •
___ .. _ - - Corriaiander in Chief • British Pa- - - � _
- h'ghways of Ontario_Shia vtar be- — - Impossible - �� - � -cific Fleet, confirmed in Kanking _ ,__ _ .. • -. � � _ . _...__ _ _ . _
• yond anything of the kind ever ex- - • that Hon ICoa would continue to• - � � - � - • - - -
_ . - ; � _:. •perieaced before. A greatly fattest _.Science cracked t�e - atam._bat - - _ . g K _ -- �. �/ � � � - - -- _ -_ _ - - • - -. -:_- - __ _- _.._ -. _ --
nobody -could do an thin about • � the Pacific 'Fleet's' headquarters' � _ !� ••: r �'° s fi}
-+ed number of motorisb appear to }•. g � �. - - . -. _ -
- � _ •- and Sin a ore its main dockyard. .- - � �,
• ltavt gone "speed - crazy" overnight. those army biscuits we remember. g p � - - r
-St. Catharines Standard.. � Admiral Boyd, said- the Pacific �-/ ,�,
-' Tht results are inevitable.. The • • i •• - _- __ - - --- -
- �� saotor car is leavin a trail of death Fleet -already wan scaled down to ---- � - -
- - -� sad disaster in Ontario in 1-994 - _. Took OfE Ersough prewar strength, the -minimum re- -- ���` �
...... - gvired. to cope with any possible - - -- --
..- -. that is appalling. ,.... "It is hi h time." said the refor• - • -- � � "� - _':- - -
• - Guelph bfercury.� , g emergency in the area.
.... . _ .., , .. met, "that we had a moral awak• Part of his farce was stiff detailed - . �� - � '�
;;, ,, ,;, ,;, ,, -., - eaing Let us gird our loins. Let to the United Statgs Navy corn- i y ' • _�
- - Na Tradain Valan us take off 'our costa. Let us bare mand based on Japan, he,said. '' ! ,,� - '� � .
' ' .our arms. Let us -'• _.
- • � . - Frof. George A.' Pound. [: never- - � . • � .. • _ .
.. -_ -_ ____.Wily of Minnesota, figures�a farm- "Hold on I" exclaimed a tall. �- The Diffareaca
er'e wife is worth 189,000 to him- this woman near the plaf£orar. °If °'So, 'pour non is is college? How - � ' , ' ,• ". - .'
• bf she's a good one. However, he thin is to be a moral awakening, is he making it ?" _ _ - _- _• • _ •
._ laa •s aothia about trade -in values: doa'C you dare to take off aaother "He isn't makin it. I'm making � � - . " " • '
- : } - Stratford Beacon - Herald. tlringl" it and he's spending it" - '� � - -
-. _ �, -..
--- -- I .. _ ..
• `T�
� -
, _ = :: - - _
- I - �` � I ,III'' �� � - j �• '. __.. -- _. -
. .. - - "• i � � .fie !�. •!"• � � ' - ._ � ._ � .�,�b,,,,� '\ \ ' - -
- . ' a � - _
.. , r
_ -
•'^'+^1 -
_ _ ., err � - _ ::_ ; ::-
.._- __..Y_.. �, -� ..._ �
..- - - - -- -�- �! a -- - -
[L(`.n��, � � ,,
r - ` � _- - -
-- _ • • !When -you- win your farm for the ant timr, ma�Ce' �-
. ` ' • ~. -- � ' � •� °""'""""' �"�"" �""''' "*'""' ""'" """"'' � - • � sure that the job is designed to take can of t -- -', " ' . -_- - •
.. �•� � f,,.(:,K jr ,� Tt» 1'MNeM hr leslanes -M wN wwn� d Vhsq. ., - pnsen .
.. .•
• .,.
.:. •
• -� ��•� � �a�d future needs. That is the economical way ..:
• `�•,••, s- ,`�:,�y ��� � ' -� . - � _the only way to het your Full money's worth_cnd to -
. ... • ..., .:•_. ' .. - ti. All.w.ees. M's s...nr –.n� �tv.l. -a �.la sh.ps _ - - - .. ._
• :.. .# t. th. tMnk.n.ai n» c«+nr. - .prbRt a y u shOYld- �TOm.. f'1 ...�ro.. serVic+: �lecf[l� .
- - � - � '� wiring, like a horse, can be �icient and a�i only . � � • `�'
. �_ _
_ _ - .. .. .., - , . - yrtrhen. adequate for the keaviest load it may haw � � ,1_
'' . -= " -. - � _ AN EXTRA chegw wery �slecond - .. _ . , : ' ...: - • -� . , �. •• • • to •carry... _ • : ' .: - _ � .. - . � . ' �
- - - i -, •• - �.
`. - - �.Yoa may receive Government cheques. You txa cash them without charge _ � '- ... The safe way is to have wiring done by cl eom. . - :1.
_ - • � .. -s1t tray branch of any chartered bank in Canada: In one year some thirty -sir - - - pehnt electrician. He may advise a little extra first• - •. ; .:
'� , .' • - - - ,million cheques were• issued for Family Allowances, the Armed Services; � . ;_ cost for heavier win and mon outlets and switches � , •
- �- � • - � -- -• • •�theie dependents, Pensioners; employees of Crown Companies sad the likd � - - �; but he will save you time, trouble and •the expense •' '
' _ � - More rhea one for everyaecond of the day and night! ' . _.. • ' -'. of re- wiring later• on, ._' , -
. ....Can you imagi�le the sxp�nse to taxpayers if this money had so •bi .'• _ � ... ;._ -_ .,�o mafter what appliances and' motors -you start' - _ ' _ - � f- � :.�,�
. • _` • ''• .d3strl -bated in crib throagh thousands of special pay oBces � t a sad the '- - ._ with, you •will be wanting to add •more electrical
•. . -.- -- -- -- -- '.3aeoavenieace of having to go >;o such offices to ga your money? .. . , ' money= savers, work - savers and conveniences as time , -.' - . -- � �..yy
. - • �,;._ioken in Str de � ' ••• .. ' . � � • - goes on. You can do that, if you' start right with •'- '•• • `
.• .,
.. .. .: .
• - - -' -�• � . ..Your bank performed many such public services throughout the was sled. � ate wiring. .. - ' ..': ' `
adequ j�
• .. -" 3s. continuing to do so: It is taking these additional tlasks In stride :�s - : _ , your Hydro Rural Superintendent -will gladly • •• "� • - • � � -'�"
- .. •.: � ... ;oompeceat to play. iu part, is ,mewing- Canada's Reeds of the future; � - - ., _
-- :- � —�.... . • -- m - • • •' .. advise ,you as to good sacral wirin _.- �•';
g g pretties. •His •�
• _ .. _ _ ._ ... - . . • � • � .' advice and a' competent elechical contractor to do �• • • •• �` r
Y_. •..:. • .,•, '', ' � 'r. ,. � b w y ur assurance of satlsfa .. -
.y • .__ — _ ''' .. :. � the jo itt be o best ctian. ... . _ ._ . :�
- - - - - - �.,., r r .f� ., - - _ . :�
• _ � - - ��
�- I I I .II II
' , ;8R0tJGHA M almost had their breads savious of Day with relatives in Toronto. = .. XoncB 1 l 1 _
�: =' �, . their good fortune, The president, Ross and Mrs. Willson spent Sun- CHIROPRAy'I'iC _ .
(by, Mrs. T. C. Brown) thanked the guests for giving them day with the formier's parents - STDCKLEY Ore �� >0� s'� � deg
time and talent, and friendships The chureb was beautifully decora- HEALTH CLINIC ' j I . .
Brougham %'omen's Institute were renewed over teacups, awy 'det for the Tha- dogiving Service COAL CORE.
~ " 146 Simcoe St, N. Oshawa, Oat,
It Visitors Day at Brou- willing hands assisting in passing Rev. Mr. Kennedy gave an earnest r
'#� -on the occasion of the October the refreshments. And, according to and thoughtful message on "Stew- mg1ean Treatments including WO ODr CEMENT,,
_!nesting of the Branch, and all -the- -.plw, the gifts were received for srd�ip" and the choir rendered Chiropractic, -Tberopy BANDS aRe Y8`�,
• officers and a good number of the the English branch. The response appropriate male. The infant son Mineral Vapo the
asemsbers Said "Welcome" i=i no ua- ', filed a splendid 11-pound and
sp pound box of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller, and — Practicing 24 Y
certain manner when the ladies Later which was packied by Mrs. lthe little daughter of Mr. and Mrs - BUILDER% S'UPPLI�8
1 drawn Clarernont, Kinsale and White- P�►one 224 ;
vale came in goodly number, and Sheppard and Mrs. Burk and sent Harold Barclay, received the Rite 11190 load YBttBge w0l�
away with very good .wishes from of Baptism at this service. -
• !bringing with them Rev. Mr. Luff- all concerned. , The October meeting of the W. M.
We haw!ealso pissed in snot* s full -
, man and Mrs. Lufftnan, who ar+e s • s • -
I con Varativ�e newcomers to these S. will be 'held at the .home Mr$. C Y R ! L E. M O R L E Y Lars
17 0 parts, now residi-�g in Greenwood. $he hef wishes of the neighbors Dean Marrs. COMPANY FUM
and c _:' are extended to Mr. 1 N S U, RAN�C E IA N D Prom« Y■naa Im aea. ow -
Business on the agenda was chief- and b.�s• Ted Fallowa who werE REAL ESTATE
'•ly relating to the Sewing Course to married recently. Pidker6ng Township Pheasant
°be held on Nov, 4 to 8, to which all Mr: and Mts. Bert Smith and baby • Shoot — October 25 and 26 ' ' j 1 r
- -.ere invited Bring .all the necessary visited the Robertson's on the 17th. PHONIE 67 PICK.
Pickering, DIItr.
1 articles required to make a gar- The Misses Rowney, of Toronto
1 meat; and be on hand at 1.00 P. m- were with Mrs. Brown for Thanks- �A'I'
at the Township Hall, Brougham, - �/
I take time out for a p'.eaaant, prof- Mr. giving-
ad a visitor fra¢n Ajax .I. CENT,. SALE Sudihe�� �ireLL�r
. _ stable four days, at this Modem Tripp pP J e. , ILI. -- over the week -end.
'Tress- making Course. Mr. Ben Carter; of Green River OCTOBER 23 - 4 - 5 - 6 GORDON I*: -OSBORNE.
- A donation of $1.00 per member E.
was voted to the Adelaide . Heedless was with the A. Gray family last — EXCEPTIONAL VALUES _ C. L. U.
E R>�CilOT(1S(JtT -
'Foundation Fund, end Mrs. Harvey week. - ]N DRUGS, TOILET GOODS - -DIST'RICT MANAGER �gNEBAL ID13iTRANCF _-
reported, the decision reached at ti}e Miss June Pratt, of Audrey was a REAL ESTATE -
Weer -end guest of Miss Sarah Mal- EXPIRE LIFE (O VWANCINa
Red Cross meeting. More about this. and SUNDRIES
- - later. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker, o! . I , ,. , . G«�pagy An cod entab Lagene, >�!
Miss Brown; District President, Pickering, called oa a few friends to
M gave a very interesting report of here on Wednesday. -$TORE HOURS - - - Rosa D, Munro - Pltions Plcioerhrg
- the address given at the Officers' Orri - —
Rally, at Brooklin, Li September, en Mr. a Mo s . o , B - ee
rig r of ow�+rnan ' W k Days -• 8.80 A..lti - 9 P M. Currie r
" Ville, once a resi,%nt of Brougham, Tom Pueirin
titled How to Conduct Discuss- .�..
passed sway after a long illness. Sunday ' 12-� P. M. - 6 P. l]I. Murvyn Keane, Os}iawa
• ions ". It was of distract value to Through the ears Mr, McGregor 'Ralph Gulliver`, Oshawa
hear Miss Brown' because so few g y g • s • • Insurance d an Thin V
had been able to attend this rally. kept in touch With Brougham folk Welephome, 528 Whitby, Out
I• . , and was al�vaya a welcome visitor. � _ - -
utr Yew ..
During the entertainment period J • R • B y .
= - - -- everyone enjoyed the humorous Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Gannon and -_- 0.7 e$f -- - - - - -
-- - h+ldrea and Mrs Mary Knox, of _ - -- YY MA r w��
_ . dreading gi�;eer by Mn.' Johnston, of Oshawa, and Mrs. Dan Gannon, of Phln• Be D — - 12GENSED AUCTIONEER and Adder P'�a
n , fin were Brougham visitors
- - i Z
Clasemo t the a songs of Mr. H 'b rt Brougham, OW Pier U
all n on ougha
Luffrr►an, accompanied,. by Mrs.. VAL>JA B .
Luffdan Mrs: Wagg's • "a'rs and o Sunday. REgeLL STORE have „....._ .. _..,.
n p THE E sal« conducted Anywhere
` - graces" while she told about a very Hiss Bate spent Thanksgiving PHONE PICK. 68 - Phone or Write
bashful aran's courting, and Mrs.: did Dundaa . 8t. East. Whitby, Ont. Clarke Prentice
Goeden's reading about the young List Your Properties For Sala
couple who failing to find a place -with For he Cio SH o • AIIC'1'IO mid
r to live in, went to the slums, and � � � CYRIL E. - MORLEY �� of York ay Qg►
- -- - r - , - - We Have Waiting Buyers Wits^ to Corp. Hen Pars
For Homes With Small ties tit C A.- S. jr., ,mm at tips �'
- RA Dl O • -SERVICE l .
Cash, J. (formal, Psee►flas
Acreage, Farms, or Village, ) Farm and ha=s
�� - Properly stook asks a Spedeft, at Fills a>r Rosman" Rafts,
4 _ _ ad� 7 -- FiiN.�Z AYill. N W 1, iiil.40.
L es 8c Men s Wear -
: - ~- ....�....•�• Childr en''s Play Suits & Overalls _ per 13�i�dto� Nate, r+arda
Guaranteed R"atr SWAM pwManos mooing Psis C. C..131 Ct l A R DS4 N
_ -Boots & Shoes - - t� Prai9 the Temper_ and •
-,- - - - Ann Maw o: Mad.l S� 0!1 — C. , „ �.,. I Life �s .
-.. -
_ St. create
ARTHUR FIELD � . Self -serve . Groceteria :.. �. K� i,r may >�. Year sr••.
' C . H . TUCK. OPT.-D. Your satistacdon
PHONE U It = : = - My Gamommass,
GET' i .,: ' �i 0 ! 1 J► i a i Dlaoa7 Sloci4 Opp F a H • MCK F �i
STO'V'ES and FURMACES. - -- _... -- - -- _ . - - - — —, - ,Phone 1618 l6arz $6 -
(Black and Galvanized)
Try ''Chimney Sweep" Soot I ing Head Office a Tmonttoo
1 Destroyer -•The Modern Way To I d wa r e/ J. I. (Hud) STEWART, B. 7G
y C'ean Chimneys, P`urnaces and _
158 Yonge St. AD(o606
.. •'Lrrg�t and Oldest in � Barriesar, Solicitor, Notary
—Flues - = I ENERAL HARDWARE -= Canada - Established Forty `. RIVER BEND FARMS -
_ . ALVIIV HUSHBy -' .
., — ..
Greenwood Road -
- - Phone- Pickerinj 48 -- a.7iJ PP LIL+�7 _ Phone = Pickerii►a 17 lR 13 f -_
Seders & Atkinson
_ lw - V
• • .. -_ - . _ • '' Phone
:.... _ . .. Agin $0 2 sa�aff. 29p .. Done van .
= Sg A I S , ON PICK Eft ING L. icenaed A, B.
. � ,_ - � _ _•.. __ - - -- �AuctionPers o.�ris � �.. ,
so King street, East, Oshawa, ow.
THEATRE Year's ted aience
uaty Meats _ 'gales condu, -ted anjwhere. !� - Notice '
• „ w 3TTBY _ �f hsA In Seaso l - !'arc nand in Stock, Vesaete.ti«i star. Ha«, .:.
11Lalthfolly Air•cenditioned I ►a� ►�personglly listed and
'MURSDAY. FRI.. SATURDAY Fruits & Vegetables
a Buis prepared sad '• t —Made to Osisa
t brim
1 OCTOBER 17, 18 and 19 : . y ? - An"
Two Shawn - 7 and 9 P. LM. �r
sattaday Matinee at 1.30 P. M. :- - • - . -Phone Pickering 2e - Reasonable Rat -
• Idea Girl -- - - - , - _ - -- -- _ -- .PHONE 290 STOUFFVItd.L
N. M: Gordon
i -'Jess Barker and Julie Bishop
- An Added Attraction - - ��
r , The coo
Richard Dix and Lynn Merrick �* *R
- Y UJ EGGS _i Y
'. 1L8ND.iY, TUESDAY, WEDN'sDY - .Scarboro Junction
Hi Best Market Prices Paid
OCTOBER 21, 22 and 28 g : TELEPHONES — Howard 1117, and Searboro an
► ,Two. Shown At 6.30 and 9 P, M. Also the Beat Market for Your ti
- Rough and Dressed Lumber Millwork
Saratoga Truck I _ - - F:am�e Sash Door.
_ -L VE -; Interior � >r�a _
r ,Gary Cooper L -grid Berman :� Soft sad .Hardw& d Flooring
- HOGS LAMBS- �,ALVES � insulated ding y I
'P!!<D�RSDAY, FRL, SATURDAY I - Wallboards. Rock IA* Cedar si ftlaa ,
• 'CHICKENS - HENS ! _ Asphalt �
._OCTOBER 2•i, 25 and. 2S �. � - - ,
i — 7 -
I YRiARTH Q Rock Wool - Insaladast - Cfte t and rim'
• +�sv i
rG><lda - -MAC � UR his � PUPA VADIT
_ - rrri n r, ONTAW PHONE $36 Day or Night _
with Glen Fond _
Ali grades ' of F. C. Cedar Shingles