HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1946_09_27VOL- 66, No. b, PICKERING, ONT. ' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 Authorized as Second Class Matte;
..Bab. Rate 42.00 per year; T. S. 112.60 W. C. Murkar and Soeh, Publishers ` "� � % •_ Post Office Department, Ottawa --
tT Ser v�
ce for Pickering Townshi Childr n fmmunization ,
a a i nePart of flatiLonwwide Fight t Disease_
Immunization Program For The nearest to you. /� r
Township °f Pickering School Time St George's Church, Pickering /.Iohns- ManvAlle Plant Construction Pickering Village
_SEPTE'MBFIR 30. - OCTOBER 8, September 8& : SUNDAY, SBPT, 29. 1946 - Now Under Way at Pt. Union _
Rev. E. G. RoWnson, Rector to the News b Hi h. Creek Corr.) i
- Balsam No. 7 � 1.50 P. M. ( Y g ,
Preventable Diseases. Diphtheria, Sgt. Kay Watson is spending a -
Mt. Zion, No, 13 1.30 p•'m, Harvest Thanksgiving Services Ca- istruction few days, at -her home here.
Smallo Cough, Scarlet Fever Cedar Creek, No. 14 2.00 m, 0f the new Johns -. y
Small Pox, yet, 800 children' a, lives p' will be held on Sunday at 11.00 And ( Manville Plant at Port Union has Mrs. Cronk has returned hccn4 `
- - - C�- gemont. No. 15 2.30 p, m. =
were lost last year in t;arhadu. October 1. -� - -7;00 Special preacher at the mon- � commenced, at 'the crner of Dan- ��r spending a ¢north with her-son
Increase in Diphtheria cases: Pat` Altona, No. • 17 1.00 P. m.• m8 service, Kev. s✓. �_ forth Road and the Pickering Tow -n-- -ann family in Detroit.
eats inquire about re- inforcing dose. Atha, No. 16 1,30 P. m_ Th., Rector of The Church of The LiSe; Stearn shovels, bulldozers and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mitchell, ace -
Proviacisl Dept, of Health outlines Resurrection, Toronto. In the even , other equipment are harp at work ompanied by Mr. and Mrs Holmes, `
7th Con.. No. 1'L . 2'00 p. m. peat the week-ead, in
ing, the Rector will conduct the ser- 1 and it looks as though it will be a of Vancouver' s
' the procedure for -the prevention of -- - Oet4hiber 2. .. . :
Diphtheria: vice and preach. Sunday _School .4 !really large from the Amount - Montreal, returning via Ottawa and i
Green River, No. 11. 1.00 g. m. factory -- -..
1. Infants 6 to 12 months of, age Whitevale, No. ,8. 200 P. m, 10.00 a, m. AlI sae cordially invited i of ground being levelled off North .Ba y 1
shohvld receive a full course of Brougham, No. 10. 8.00 p. nh, to attend these services Mrs. J. A. Bushby has been in the
Last Member Of 'Pioneer Family, city' during the past week assisting .
Diphtheria Toxoid October S. Money- Webster Josepb B, Gormley, Passed Pin the care of her parents, Mr. and
Z At the age of 18 montlw*, this Greenwood, No. 9 1.00 P. m. ' Mrs, Day, who both, have been con-
ehild should receive a re- inforsirhg Kinsale, No. 2, 1.80 p, rn. Dr, Stanle Russell officiated at The last member of one of Pick - fined to bed.
,. t dace. Audley, No. 5. . 2.00 p- m. 'the viarriage of Miss Dorine Web - ering Township's pioneer families, Dr. Donald Copeland, of Grixnaby,
A. Another before the dose should Brock Road, No. 6, 8.00' p, m, ster, Toronto, to Mr. Wiired Mon- Joseph B. Gormley, passed away visited, his parents, Rev. R. C. arid.
be given before the child enters October � p '
school. „ney, . Pickering, in , the chapel of suddenly, at -his home in Dunbarton Mrs, Copeland, on Sunday last.
Again, at the end of a 8 41• Cherrywood, No. 7. 1,00 g• m, Deer Park United Church, on Friday last Wednesday evening. He'was in The Oshawa Presbytery met in. .
A Rouge, No, 3W. 2.06 m
B• eveni.�g, September 20, John J. his 71st year. the United Church 'here
A year should period, the re- inforci ng dose, s pct 7, Weatherseed, F. R. C. O., was at Born youth of Pickering Village, with F. M. Chapman, Chairman of
should be repeated. Dumbarton, No. 34 -.1-00 p• nL the organ, and Theodore Everson, I at the Lake #amore, on the farm now 'Presbytery, this year, presiding, The"
Y4rnr own doctor will give your child Base Line, No. 2. _.8.00 p: m._ .tenor, Bang "The Lord's Prayer" and - ;occupied -by George •- Match; he ate-= Woman's Association served dinner. ,
the inoculations to prevent these dig- lZct+uber Q- - wwLher sacred number. ended the Base Line school. He Messrs Bill and Cecil Sparrow ;
eases, or he may be inocuisted ai Pickering, No. 4W. 1.00 p- rn, ' The bride, who was given away farmed near there until .about 20 spent a day at their homes here• last
any of the following sabools by the Pickering, No. 4E. 2.80 P. m• by her brother -in -law, Ed. Smith, years ago, when he retired to Dun- week,
Medical Officer of Health, Dr. N,, Union, No. 1. 300 P• m• of the staff of Western Tech., wore barton. His brother, Dan, pre -dec- Some the local 'students of the
P. Tomlinson. Chose the school th" Pickering, No. L 3.45 P. in. a suit of Royal blue, and hat, bou- teased hicn over , a year .ago.. Mr. University started back to studies
Women's Missionary Society quet s--hd blouse were pink. � Gormley had many friends in this this week -,we wish theca success.
McGuire Fan* Given Send -Off They spent a brief honeymoon in itownship, and his stories of the We publish a lot. of wedding atorr .
hearty By Friends and Neighbors Bud'falo, and then back to work. I pioneers here, that he had learned ied-- oarnetimes we write them up.
_ The regular meeting of the W. M.
S. of the United Church • aril] be the bride to her teaching job in from his grandparents, were of from details given us, sometimes w
the bouts L M Mor- Toronto, and the groom to War great interest to many. He knew the bride or her parents will do it,
A farewell party was held on held
Wednesday evening by friends of ley, ab Thursday afternoon, October Assets at Aim.-Corr. Pickering township and its people, and now and again the groom does
Air. and Mri. Charles McGuire, who 8, at 230 o'clock. The Chapter for well. He was a member of the Un- that crate, -
-are leaving to take up residence. Local Prize a! $5.00 To Winner Of ited Church
_ study will be presented by Miss E. _ -
Oshawa. The gift of a lamp was Women's Institute Poster Contest- His widow, the fortmer Elsie Mori.
made as a presentation, and an ev- Murray. All ladies are cordially in- : ison, survives him. �j �j Q y
vited to attend. Answer to Roll The funeral was held in Erskine `re V hurehe4s
.ening of dancing and cards was en- Call "Thankfulness ". In ccrnmemoratiart. of the 50th -
Joyed by those present. -Mr. and Anniversary of the founding of the Church, with Rea, A. E. Holley off- O_ _`' -- • 4
Mrs. McGuire have lived 'in Picker- Deputy -Reeve Wmx H. Westney Women's Institutes, the Federated relating Pallbearers were. Garnet Pickering United Church - -
ing for many years, and will be Addresses Rotary Women's Institutes of Ontario are Courtice, Benj. Woods, Anthony Rev. Robt. C. Copeland, B. A.
missed by their many Pickering launching a Poster' Contest through - Lawson, James Mitchell Walton An- Minister
friends Deputy -Reeve W. H. Westney ad- cut the Province-. _ _- nis and Sidney* Morrish. Interment - ;SUNDAY, SEPT. 29, 1946
- - - _-_. --- ';dressed the local Rotary Club this It is the wish of the con=ittee was made. in Erskine. Cemetery. 21.00-A. M.
week, the guest of Rotarian Miles that the Pickering Branch accept
Smith Sunda School .Anniversary
'The 'Women's Institw* P Sm - Taylor s
S. Chapman. the responsibility of launching this On Sunday next, at 11 a. cn. the
His address consisted of facts and contest in our local communit and Annual Sunday School Annive
On Tuesday, September 34, the figures en Saturday, September hl at Service will. be held. Speaker: Rev .y
gores concerning the Ontario Coon- provides the prison The best poster Centennial United Church Highland
Pickering Women's Institute met at t Council slid the count -The frorn each branch Institute will be - I John McLaclan Whitevale. Children.- e
y y Creek, the marriage was solemnized
the home of Mrs Lawson, with the county, which is 70 miles long and sent on to the District for compet wilt assemble in the S. S, room at +4
of Doris Rebeecs Taylor, daughter ,4
Presidentr b(ae H3ttcihison in hire 30 miles wide, has been d4e*elopirhg ition and judging. The District, it is 10.45,' and john . with the congrega-
chair.' There were tkrt women re- of Mr .and Mrs. John Taylor, Rouge 4
y P rapidly ors s tourist section is the 'hoped, will provide prizes. The best Hills, ,to Alexander Gordon Smith, tion in worship at - 11.00. Come sod .4
-"at and the meetine� was interest- worth end during the past three District posters are to be sent on to son of Mrs A. Smith Toronto and join with the Sunday Soot in an
ilktg_ and aroused good
discussion. 7s• the Provincial Board Prizes will be the Late Mr.: A. Smith iburherly of. hour of fellowship. Parents are ur- ,4
Mrs. Kingston was in charge of the I T'herie are siren reeves and given by the Board for the best Uxbridge. Rev. A. E. Holley offic- g� to attend and bring their little y
program Civics , and gave a most eight deputy - reeves comprisk(g this provincial ,posters. ones of pre- Sunday School. age,
interesting paper covering two reap•• ` council, and from these the Warden Rules of the Contest isted. » ... '
Baskets of varicoloured gladioli
' prtant phases of her subject "Can - s is chosen. From the men*6TS cam•• 1~_-Apen to anyone in catnanunity 7.00 p: M. - Evening Worship
adianizatio t, and the F`satschise".{� are selected, ettth as: Educe- 2 Size . of poster 14in. x 22i:r,, or
and- write asters icirme43 the yreu,.b for the- ceremony, Mrs. A. B. Gib -
-13f Trustees an n Iul in Yithe e duties amd tion, Roads sins Bridges, Finance, 28 x 22, , presided at NOTE - All Church Servlice:; Back
eon cousin . the bride e
, Assessment, Re- forestation, County 3. The poster must have stated on the organ and Mr. Neil Pennyco ok on Standard Time "is Corning
Miss Louise Rorke, after paging a 1 Gaol, The ISnance Committee have it the date of the celebration- Sunday'.
•' sang 'The Lords Prayer' and dur- _ +1
svaran tribute to the efficiency and the "biggest headache of them a'1' June 18 1947• the place--0. A- i4
-= generosity of our school pmsbeves, in budgeting :for the year, among C. Guelph; the.them4�- We trees- the �sig:ung of the register, r +�I
;spoke briefly on what the Womeat's the -different townships that make are the Past --We Face the FffF Because - - Dumbarton halted Atnrei
Given in marriage by' her father, Rev. A. E. Holley, B. A., B. M
Institute can do .for the school. Mrs. up the om, ty. ure "; and the words "Women's the bride wore is gown of white Minister {
Rector greatly a gave two sales which "Roads and Bridges" have, charge Institute ". slipper satin' on princess lines with : SUNDAY, SEPT, 29. 1946
were greatly enjoyed of the 200 miles of county roads and d,. The final date for accepting the sweetheart neckline The deep yoke, 9.45 a m. - Church School During the business took after aiI tindges that are over posters for the ProvixiaT Contest 1
feet in le froat panel and long pointed sleeves 11.00 a. m. - Worship t.
srtait correspondence ison Iiet3+! SO ngtb- They also look is November 30, 19#6•. The branch wvere of lace. Her long embroidered "Fundarneatals Of Our Faiih"6
,,qu&rters was read which lead to the ' after will bridges -idth a 301 -foot and district Inatitutes will set -
m veil of tulle illusion was caught #o (5) "A bay Set A'Qart "•
::apps' tment of two ectrimi'ttees. , .,. flood width, if they are :asked -to. their dates accordingly.
a halo of lace and seed pearls and _ dr
Mrs, Kingston, Miss Richardson thand 'The -new county assessor is work- b. Judges will be chaser by the she ��,� a cascade of red roses _ _Cerhten;rial United 'Chareb
mss. Hall to decide whetim the w- ing'with 'towns'hip assessors •to have Branch Institute, the District, and- and gladioli, , -
ranging of a Short Course . in Sew- equaTised • assessment -here, bur this the Provincial Board to judge the Highland Creek ;
%, 1br girls was advisable, avid 5i ] vot likely be in effect 'for su. respective Mrs. E. J. Walsh, sistei of the y,
posters. as matron od honor, wore a� ',' E. Rolle B. A., B �
4so, to chose a leader_, at4ao a tea- Other year. In 3aehe, a catrt►ti wveed 6. The posters become tine , . r :. 1, ' ' ariinister _
s Urw was, formed..- .- :1�'I-ts. .' ., . :.:sr, , L. , w... e,h,4n,i��i.�.1 co inverses of tine >;sr+. ressye and -say b�asl� princess gown_ of green_ taffeta. with, 9UN-DAY, -- BEPT, 29: -194A 4-
. . xortae, rocs. W. E. McEschntihr�s: ?�- al , -:1 inape�, -sags. oy ahem , vi �,LLL : :.. ;.. :,.,��he --6�Eh -
sweetheart neckline, short sleeves 115 P. m. .- Ra!ly Da_y • in- Sunday
gunk Smith and Mrs Hnlaehr,T�, and long gloves to match and Carr- School. Parents are urged to --
" is There are three gov4!inrm} actors Anniversary. red a bouquet of ariauve gladioli ,pet-
rrange the Poster Comipetiti°m over the County. They are: the Dept, 7. The posters • to • compete. in the. als. Also attending* be at this Rally.' ;1
apansored by the Federated Warn- of Hig�►aps, the Dept of :Ptunicipal Provincial contest must be Bent to a the bride were. 2.30 p: m. - Afternoon Worship ;
's Institutes of Ontario. The terms Affairs 'and the Mun;r.•pal f aard: the Wacnen's Institute Branch, of Miss Charlotte Miles and Miss Lorna '�1`un�iatiteatals Of Our Faith* :
will, be sees under sepprate treading. li1r, Westmey's addteas wars inter - the Dept. of Agricihltttre, Portia- Burchell, as bridesmaids in similar (5) "A 'Day Set Apart"
It may be of interest to anyone in e9ting 2M in otm�ia+e. ment Buildings, Toronto, to arrive gowns of gold and orchid taffeta ld -
with bnuquets of harmonizing glad- Audley United Church
the corntrzanity who enjoys muldT►g Rotarian Ray Roble bas charge of not later than November 30, 1946. 1011 petals and wearing haloes to SUNDAY, SEPT, 29. 1946
a poster. the next rnee�ting.. The local prize will be $5.00 and . 30 m, _ H '
-.--. _ the best three posters wily be sent
•. match. ►2• P. arvest Home Service -
Cecil Alcock, Toronto, was best Rev. John McLachlan, W'Ihitevale- !
on to the District coanFetition. The , plan and the ushers were John Guest Speaker
_ name of the judge will be announ- Walsh and Sidney Burchell, y the choir with Mrs. Peg¢,
Commenein On , ' ced later, but it will probably be an ' Greenwood, sistin
g' Following the ceremony, the rec- d, g•
artist from Toronto.. eption was }held at the home of the ;� `:`:
All posters are to be handed to bride's sister, Mra. J. E. WaIah, of Monday Evening, Sept. 30.
Sul'aC�ay, September 29. ! Miss Jessie Rorke, on or before Oct- Pickering, Receiving with the bridal `Salina presents- their drama "Eyes
Ober. 31. Alan, all posters are to be of Love" in the church at 800:
■ the Property of the Institute. party were the brides mother, in a
draped gown of blue embroidered '
oa c h i n St, Paulo, Church, Dumbarton
�� : ,.... . •In Memoriam k .jersey with gray hat aieii.,acc SUNDAY, SEPT. 29. loon
ell SUN EPT, 29
easoriea to match and a corsage of 2.00 p: nth •- Sunday School
SLEEPS - In loving memory of a dear ersar t ' gladioli petals and cornnowr- � -
Q era; and the btrid a ' 3.00 p, m, - Evening Prayer and
_ - - BUSES a and mother, Mabel Sleep, who e o m s mother in Sermon.,
_ ;aposed away, Sept. 25, 1937. navy crepe with matching hrrt and You are invite to oom'e and worsldi
... , ' = ,We do not forget her, we love her accessories and corsage ,of i?u►k with trs. Ay
WILL OPERATE UN EASTERN STAN., TIME too dearly, tipped gladioli petals
For her memory to facie from our Mr. and Mrs. Smith left for their 'Presbyterian Cb>m�, a
Present Time Table On This Route Will Remain fives like a, dream; honeymoon in the Halibtrrton High- Bev. D. pk�
In Effect, ' Our lips need not speak when oily f land,& Tlie bride wore. a, dress of. yl ;
hhE4rte thourn sincerely, g�1 rayon suede with, green co}t . Mrs. P. N. Spmit, Orgsslst Al
and' hat and br, adeemories.
dray Coach Lines' __ Por grief often dwells where it S `NDAYw%EPT- -29, 1946_-
M heldom it sees. Toronto. their home in 2.00 p. rni. - Sunday Samml !j
_ .. .. 8.00 Cbvvch Worelft
11 : i}
• ..- ^ ^.rte -- -- — -
-" Frozen Pie Dough -i Wash Your Walls Bird Has `°tweeze=s"
�Llahty Guaranteed Good For Months And Starch Them!
The woodcock is the only bird l
Pretty soon you'll be able to mix Stop! Don't wash that wall in the western hemisphere whose
` ' • dough —the kind that goes infso - fro-ti the top dowit Wash it from upper bill is movable so that the
cakes and pies, not the pocket — the bottom up. And when you fin- beak can be used like a pair of
for use six months later, that is. ish, starch it so it'll be easier to tweezers to grasp food below the
if you ever feel the need to mli - clean next time.
dough that far in advance. Th; is what the men said. They surface of the ground. I
- This enlightening information were janitors from 1`3 states who
— came ttom Sven Young, research took ., course at Columbia .Univ-
expert for a food processing tom• ersity to learn that cleaning is ar After
• - pony who addres>ed a ronferenee science. not a chore. the
- . of Canadian restaurant. operators It's' like .this, they theorized:» 0th
and told them they would have When you tackle a wall from the
first crack at this newfound mix- top down. some of the dirty solu- c .
- ing method. tion oribbles on the . soiled wall
Mr. Young said ezperimen:s below, 1'eaving a streak even after
• ! �,,,` w ■' :" Ile - - - had shown that dough kept in a the wall is cleaned. But if you
t - _ frozen state, for six months could start at the bottd and some of _
_c to aill -dts- _flavor when formed into the - solution ruses- dcwn-- the - -wall,
rolls a: pie crust. it•'s easy, to rinse , ff and wop't
_.. _:... _ For a slick finish, boil ordinary
were surprised and disappointed i
when they save you and y.Qur fa- - starch in water for 20 minutes,
thee aboard it.' - -' then; cqo' Thin the jelly -like sub
'T �� AS U RIB �- - stance with water to cream con
" I can understand that, she re -;
sistency. Applied with a wide
plied, 'but when —whgn I ordered brush, +t' dries to an invisible film.
a� TWE SEA them away, they didn't act as if— When you, wash the walls • again; i
:.' ,. $
if he stopped and f waed starch '(instead of paint) comes off '
E. W - again. "But s-you a said they were
-• ... - • - �,'' COPg6 B�Bb . _ _ with the dirt, a -
_ , ~ ` sea scavengers and pirates." she
SYxoPSJb added, nodding. "I suppose that
more liercely than ever upon the means they intend to take the
eMAPTTSA Vs A few momenta _
later a young woman comes out. leader., schooner anymay, kmiulk or• tin-
$$hhe takes the old man below. When . "I'll give you ten seconds to lawfully."
Tucu and kis crew tie up and pre.
rare to board the ship, she orders get over that rail," she • said in a "I'm afraid so, Captain Tucu,
them to coat oft, Tucu refuses, say - menacing voice. "If you're .not. imagine, isn't fire kind to be eas-
ing that the old man, who was the
captain, had invited him aboard. gone by that time. I'll kill you like ily discouraged. If he's decided
Dick, aboard the tugger, hears the I would a dog." the 'schooner's worth it he'll return
".trend of the conversation.
Black Burley thrust a head later. Besides," soberly, "he has
CHAPTER VI -above the bulwark. A bullet bur- another reason for making a sec �+�
It was a bold challenge, deliv- keel itself in the woodwork so near and attempt."
eyed in a voice, that never quaver- that he dropped out oE.,sight again __'What is that ?" she asked. --- --
ed. Dick smiled his admiration "Onel" began the girl , "Twol" He .laughed and shrugged his ,
She was capable of handling the -Tucu growled and showed his shoulders. "For one thing he'll
situation. He made a. bet with him- teeth: but his eyes were upon want to get even with me for in- - `
self that she would force the men Dick, whose interference . had terference, and second to get hold
back through sheer will power and aroused him to furious hatred. "I'll of those jewels I told hire; about" t
bravado. cut y'hrart out, y'traitorl" he (To Be Continued)
But neither the girl nor Dick
breathed thickly. _
had figured upon the craftiness of "Three! Fourl" '• counted the
old Tucu. Anticipating some such girl STARTS WORK IN JUST 2 UCONO:
holdup, the half breed had been
playing for time until two of his At the seventh count, Tucu
men could work unobserveloag, picked himself up: slowly - and
the side of the schooner and climb painfully, made big way over the
aide. Dick returned to the disarm- w
up the rigging back of the girl.
Neither of them was aware of this eel Caribs, and with 'their own .
' her father, the demented knives as weapons drove' them in-
--until - '
Y disappear-' I ,
-skipper of the schooner, suddenly _ to the sea.' When the :
enemies he hurried to the girl's t'
turned up 'again and'announced. his ed, leaving the deck cleared of all ,. • +v.;'
- +�. •._
reseiice with lee.' He had seen :. �' :•iti
p B assistance. She was peering over
• . the two Caribs crawling up and -
------Instead of repelling the men rush-
the side of the schooner to see if / -'C • R )r :� _
ed to offer assistance. the ':crew Were leaving in "their
— s . r boat. + .>-
"Comt aboard mates I" 'he cried. "Keep back!" Dick warned "I fought of p pack of by shoppers to bag !/iii
'"I'll help ye. It's a great prize I've "They may -shoot l" . . N�j !pW I 9 �ryry 9 :
irked up—io much money that I She nodded and stepped cam- e / / " package of crisp, erundis, defklous Grope -Nuts Flvkesl"
_ p t Bravo. Sh'•�Archibaldf And rd be- and banes: iron for the blood: and -
don't know what` to do with it. tiously behind the bulwark for . ttt.M't* "yss !five you if you said you fought other iood.esaeatials" -_
Come aboard, an' I'll show ye." • protection. Dick glanced around taa�"t',,.tst through a jungle full of lions for tbat -
The gatise was up. The girl turn- for some - weapon. A loose spar. a° '" . multy-rich. sweet-as -a -nut ns Tor of "Those two golden grains wheat and
eel a horrified gaze at her father. as . heavy as. a man, and twenty P'ast's 4npe -Nuts Flaked!« meted barley are combined in
O And of course, Gentlemen, we must They're specially
' ga GENtIt1+lE J *SrIRIN IS Grape -Nuts Flakes.
and then swung back again just in feet long, attracted his attention. blended, baked and toasted for savor.
g g MARKED THIS WAY remember that Grape- Nuta.Pubm an
time to see Tucu make a leap for Picking it up, he carried it to 'the the y masvevotialy - crispness, easy digestion." _ -
side of the schooner, ,and with a supply earbohydntee for
• _ the deck. As it determined to pun-- enet•Ey; pea•• "Let us repair, to the breakfast roam -
Ish him for his audacity, she op- heave threw it outward so that it ' ISoUE 39 -194t� teins for muscle: phosphorus for teeth and shoot a glant economy pselmge."
ened fire at short range. With s test grazed the top of the rail. : -
growl of pain, the half breed drop- Et rolled over with a clatter, _
Peel to, the deck, with one arm carrying everything with it. There
limp and useless. was a growl and scream below
that informed him his ruse had
'Damn her. Break her neck, _
33urltyl" he growled. succeeded. In its descent the long
spar had Inocked three Caribs in-
_ :.But Black Burley. had no inten -
- - -tion -of facing the gun pointed at to the sea, and falling on the lug• - ,r
ger'a_ small boat nearly smashed
behind the bulwark, crowding the .bottom out of it.
- -those back of him into the water. - Captain Tucu evidently_ decid- — -
_ . She would have driven them in ed that retreat, until he could re- '
as their boat at-- the point of her organize his forces and plan s -
gun if 'the two, helped on deck by new attack, was the better part o!
the old skippsr..had not attacked wisdom. He bellowed a command _ .... -
An, the rear: When she saw them to his men to putt'siway —from the a
running toward hit, 'she' gave a schooner, and -a few moments Is-
little cry of alarm. and for the ter Dick and Captain Bedford's
first time seemed to lose her daughter saw the boat returning to
- nerve. the lugger. r +, :* "I see 'brisk' I hear 'brisk'. -•_� ~ -
r' r i _.._ '• '• _ I
Best of all I enjoy 'briskk' wherever
'Tucu raised his voice at the two : "I go. At home y
"�1ie've got rid of them for a , at m friends. -
:. Caribs, ur to them' to the flank time' Dick said, glinting- in the , j Lipton's Tea with, that grand,
direction of the lu er, "but bristE flavour pleases every- y:. ��
attack. The crash of the pistol gg _ they'll return"
one." -
had evidently stunrted Captain y' -- :
Bedford, for he stood helpless'and 'She nodded, following 'his eyes: Put a new aleasure in Four r
'dc open. Chen turning to him again,. she teacup. Change now to .y,' "''•
Dick at this juncture decided to asked' "Were you. with them ?" • Lipton's Tea with, that x' -
cast his lot in with the girl. The "Yes," he admitted, 'but not of - br-rs4kllavour, never dull-or
-two "Caribs had to pass close to ., them." -' di p .in s.
sapp o as always.
him. When the first came abreast fresh, lively J and • full- bodied „
She frowned and raised her eyes .. , always sarisf)ing.
- - ` • of• his- hiding place,- he. shot out s . inquiringly. 'They ;Picked me up
leg and tripped him. The second ,. " -
a few days ago, he explained. I -
partly stumbled 'over' the first. 'was -about dead —been in the wa- y
Quick as a flash Dick landed a ter for four days and : nights.
h" blow with his fist on the point of When they rescued me," 'he add- :.
`the man's jaw, and completed the ed, smiling at the recollection of -
ifall. wasn't In a mood to inquire - ..
` Both vreie armed with long for credentials. I was glad to get
curved knives that for ugliness any help, Later I found out what
_ could not be beaten Before either _•
could recover from the surprise, they were.
he relieved them of their weap "What are they:" shs asked
ons. Then giving the first one a quietly.' _
kick he ran in the direction of the •gtuoagDieaq- 'u;kujigslj gpv3,, i
-girl,. who, with Tucu, had been ers, sea • scavengers, pirates — al`- � - • . ' "_ • .
watching him - with amazem_ , rat . •• anything and. everything."
'Keep them covered!" Di ^k "I see," she murmured thought-_
called. "I'll take care of thest, fully. "Then you think they want
two. Shoot the first head, that bobs to. steal this schooner ?" "
"They took it for an abandoned
Encouraged by the assistance derelict at first," he replied truth -_
that` had to miraculously come IP - fully,., and, of course, as such k
her, the capt'ain's daughter turneJ was their legitimate- prize_ They -
hZE TALKS . , .:, - Vermont Marvel
- V O C E �0 F' H E PRESS she interest of pi city lad
who is spending a part of the sum-
_T on his grandparents' farm in
Vegetable Dishes _- q Vermont is a hran.d -new calf. He
Egg Plant Creole New Housing Slogar , • .Distance after, in the cases in which, for any Wrote his father and mother last
A medium a plant The U.S. Army is selling gliders � During the past twenty -five reason, parents are unable to loos '
week that he wished they were
6g P there to watch it grow. "It's get-
_ Boiling salted water at i7b. They are packed is crates years the world has had to revise after their children, specific sad' ting bigger every day;' he said.
0 tablespoons mild - flavoured fat for delivery and the lumber in the its ideas about distance. War and effective assistance could be given
P - and then, as if despaired of con-
,,.I small green pepper, 'chopped crates is worth from $270 to $700. deduction may now travel from - Brantford Expositor.
p pped veyiag any sense of the solemn
ll Small onion 'chopped uy a glider and build a home, one country to another in leas than "Some-
Peed wonder of it all, he added,
flour should be a slogan over there. an hour, as we very well know. But
Restful Runaway times twice a day.
K teaspoon salt, - -St. Catharines Standard. exchange of information and opin. -The New Yorker.
lion can be carried on just as quick - Alongside planes that try to bore
1 tablespoon brown sugar Universal Language b. through mountains, and trains that
.large tomatoes (peeled and
chopped) OR "The world needs a universal - Peterborough Examiner. try to pass on a single track, the HEMORRHOIDS
old- fashioned runaway horse was
P cups canned tomatoes language,' asserts a writer. But, positively restful. 2.Special Remedles
�i bay leaf, crushed mister, the world already has a The Better Way - Edmonton Journal. by ffe Makers of Meets Ointmad
universal lag ua e. It's one spoken J Bleedi Pile Remedy No. 1 Is for Protruding
cup brudcvea - sold -in Tube, with p
- �__ "The best way to iaise the elan- Bleeding Dues, and is, ,
when money talks. Record. lord of living`tn this eounfry and-- - — - No' ppue+tion. Price lac. Mecca
- crumbs--*-'.---- - 2 i■ for Bsteraai 1
_'. i tablespoon utter OR _ _ -__; y0Y' BACK tebiagPales.S ft
provide for the welfare of the chil. s Tar, and is, for or Extal tree only. Prise saes,
.8 tablespoons rated cheese 3rder by number from your Druggist
Delicious Proof dren is to so order the national
Peel and dice egg plant. Coos economy that there. may be steady ACHES,,-,- -
There are worse places to live is jobs at decent wages �Ufff�
for 10 minutes in a little boiling, ges for all. There- `
spiked water. Diain: Place in greas- than Canada. Here we pay 25 cents Backache is oftaa t,,W by �y fey
.ed baking ish. Melt fat, add fora high -grade brick s ice cream. ANINIr ��i�
g green In, l�cw York the same thing �0O' �e °�0°ys see out°forderesws
Pepper and onion and saute 2 min- ,: J� � and Poisons remain in the system Then costs $l. daebe, rheumatic
rtes. Add flour, salt and sugar. ��, � pale, ii alaould try this curry effective medicine ,
blend well. Add tomatoes. crushed -St. Thomas Times- Journal. � herbed rest or that 'tired out' feeling MV to relieve pain and tired, nervous,
soon follow. To malty figs. of such days — when
bay leaf 'and cloves, and conttntte keep, � �1eJf due to female functional monthly
- -J socking b minutes. Pour the -- - Sucker Trap _ ' ply-a" Dodds Kidney hills. aivturbances. Worth trying,
tomato sauce over a Why put in jail, if he is caicha a ', hab[t-form- aye /� fP,N��N„e
egg plant and an imaginative guy like that chap '' •1°ti1e�1e , tOMPOUNp
'top with bread crumbs which have reported to be selling atomic bomb with the -red band' Sold ererrAmrs, 135
'been combined with • the butter or y y HOW TO RELIEVE
stock- around the country? Wh
,crated cheese. Bake in moderate not examine the dopes who buy
'over, $60 deg. F, for 20 minutes.
SIX servings. the stock? I THROAT PILE TORTURE
• - St. Cstj,annes Standard. ��.,� QUICKLY AND EASILY
Apple and Squash Casserole I t
If you are troubled with Itching re piles or
- ' A Mess, Anyway rectal ■oreae.s do not delay treatment and
�e iNi cups diced, cooked squash c-�� em the risk o� letting till■ condition become
iCanadian mines say they need foreorflmc � chronic. Any itching or soreness, or
cups, sliced sour apples a of stool is nature's warning �'af'd
100,000 men, and we are told,at the _ Ndisury fort 7` � n�dDropee
�S cup brown sugar same time that construction, so �/R1CK I t eat N r For his Purpose s'o"� at ogee. of N�
Ii strips side bacon, diced - -` vital now, is being held ;up by lack LOW V� O from a : gist an�`,� as directed.
-- -- teaspoon :alt of workers. Meanwhile we have 12 ewes' ' '!k �ysi -- «� to � I. used ill �y eels a
'i4 e■Wrts lie � itehi Viand soreness and aid in
ArranSe half the squash in greas- 60,000 urea idle through strikes. Mi■i>wt, 7% spot, Bold So l -
: 'ed casserole. Cover with half the Truly this country seems to be to use ishi��yly
lq. S g g the halght offoIIj for as piste 4o rblc at m(a1
•PP Sprinkle with half the sugar doing its best -or worst -to throw aed chronic pile conditioe when such a Am
r salt and add half the bacon. away its birthright. QtNUIHE ASrIRIN IS v s samedymmy had atswha■msllcast
MARK[D THIS WAY !� fiem -Road sad am ant entirel
est with remaining ingredients. Ottawa Journal I�w.d wit the results, your drugglat wt� -
er and' bake in moderately Plow ream your �sy.
11v�e�ttnn, $25 deg. F, iot $0 minutes.
Vacover and bake until apples are s'�y oa w�eu +i Enjoy sayi ■s At - --
Molt and top is browned, about is j dlPr a7`. Begin Hotel J E V E R ,
M,butes longer. /y
Potatoes In Greets Pepper • 0wery RoomBTwith mall /( AW.Sf4E
:bower and Telephone f+ WON'T ! �
1) large green peppers • single. aa,im ■p- sleiY,CuT 17 TIP c You LL 14AVE - - Double. S3Jd up
tablespoons !at US ALL IN'
• tined rood, Dialasand Dame- _ -- ou GOWN/ *-�
0 tablespoons flour _ Iau Nigh i17 , / s• THE WATER _.
- YOU'LL AT f J/
' A sup milk __ _ _ - sherT � �t;u t4i�it+ea Tt� BOAT ( � IF YOU DON'T
teaspoon salt t wAycm owr `,- _
dash of Peeper - -_
3 cup grated eheest --
• -cups diced cooked potatoes ROOMS BEAOTIFCL1.y - —
FtRFIyHF:D $1.50 up
_ flVpish PePPcrs, cut is hat! length- •V i7V �® jar-
and remove seeds. Parboil'. un-
Bred, In salted water until ten-
p� / r
Or but not soft Praia. Melt fat. � $ �• � � -_ • _ - _ _ - -
flour and blend well. Add milk, • - =
g constantly until mixture
ens. .Add salt, pepper and ,-
ease. Stir until cheese is melted: -
- potatoes and heat over low - HOTEL METROPOLE teas,
t until hot Serve In green pep- =AQABA FALLS
uses. six servings. __xr -..."a = `_�. ■�. � - .
- HARK, / a ,•MT WAS IF Wa0 SEEN
• t _ - . 4 : • I� �� , k- s=ue= __ _... : • ;
0 -
SS .
• 6 -13W
POP — Unmistakably - - By J. MILLAR WATT
Mcleaecd by The Bill 8yadiest% J ;•: •: ;,, .; : -
- ' '�• 6 i -
rK 1
` . .
. 1
Y- a• `Ns4 - �` . J N•
.f RCp -.,' - ar_4?• - . -._,_. °'. .w� ^•. ,.. .,.! .. w -'•' _ F^.4 .+ .1 r _ :�•i e. sr. -.-...
t;.u3s,i,ed Advt's - -.DA FORTH BUS LINES LTD. Spring Is Here ! ! Maple Loaf Fire
�b 0 - .�� '. ew LOON TO THAT GOOF NOR 1 1
plan . ' easonab e. Apply Mrs. ' hal�y Servi -' - m iJ ralice CA.
V'"..:m�+ ", Puker�ng. a Call Us For Free Estimates - --
tt EFFECTIVE MAY is, 1948 - --
uau ex. sun. a Lally ex. Sat. Svn -ZdO 'lfeais 1� .,, ..., �)
"R SALE •- frame house, two- y - i tIw or Phone
;..car garage, on highway, 18 miles Sun. A Hol. Hal:- Sus. .k Hot. only Hot. J. & G. C�aseoi a Cheap lRstes for harm ana.'Ceaatrj
- from Toronto. Waite Box 200, Pick- ' Clarem.)at 7.15 8.15 12. 15 3.45 8.00
wring, Sept. 27 Brougi am 7.27 8.27 12-27 3.57 :8.12 Buildings
Bray Hatchery has a few started Green River 7.35 8.35 12.35 . • 4.05 8.20 a hone . 743 windstorm Insurance on• Boiidqy
chicks oa hand. And chicks for de- �� Hill 738 8.38 12. 38 4.08 8.23 Whitbyy �t. wind�ilk g! �p
livery November, December, should Malvern 8.05 9.06 1. 06 4.35 8.50
' be or3erad now. Get in touch with Return Leave A.M. A.M. P. M. P.M: P.M. Automobile Inanrsnrx of AN ICla�lt
nckering Milling Co. Toronto 9.16 10:00 5. 45 2.00 8.4b
WOR SALE - Table, . sideboard, six Daylight Saving Time Parcel Express Grover 60
56, Oxford 1381 RON GIB SON Bowman & Rowe m
chairs, oak, $18.00. Mrs Rodd, Roar TRANSPORT bank, Phone Pick. 55 R �: SET THOS W TIRES NOW! TRANSPORT. UAW
SALE -- pigs, 8 weelra o �
woos Br+oe. Cherry wood. -- -
- - - -- Furnisbied Housekeeping 1lioonea Q A R'f d��i -
small bungalow wanted by t$ay =Dunlc p Tires -- 'Fisk Fires = �EOVINa
teacher in Pickering, Dunbarton or - - ' SAND G R i V N', G $ VIN H�' Thed''tre
Rouge Districtr•itnmediateIy, Berns- ., 'Exide Batteries ac,o:t
¢ fee White, R. . R. 2, Pickering.
_ APPLES FOR SALE F'6sss 2fs! StoLBi�YlllE
All grades, Blenhiem Orange, Snows, Peerless Motor Oil Toronto wn �� '� s
Northern Spies. Arthur Taylor, - ;
- Phone aJtoafmile a"
Caerrywood Oct. 4. - - ;
_ -LAXO Cereal D fen � Night At �. -
.: FOR SALE - •several g� d� � . '.�RON. WATSON, " .
cows. Alban Swan, R. R. 2 Pick-
FOR SALE - 100. Barred Rocks, B -A Service Station _ ��`
pullets, 6 mos. old: Apply . (wasylyk, Helps i. o SEPTEMS�i 27 and 28 ,
Station Road, South Oct. 4. (UNDIIBB NSiY' MANAGE
: pbme Pkkerbss a Keep You Mom And Dad
Of Household. Furniture • Weld: Special Hygenic Production
The undersigned has receive ins - y �+ n wt A *� p r �' Universal News (!�
'tructions to sell by public auction at PICKERINO MEAT MARKET • • • • : -
Lot 23, Con. 4., Pickering Twpi.�+
- �' - Sold 8t- -- -- MONDAY _ TVHSDAY -
;. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30► . FRANK R. 8319 -
-dw following property belonging to . SEPT. ,30, OCT. 1
PALL D. KNUDSEN Quality First - Service Sold
your grocer 996 � Or" Rhapsody In Blue
;Chesterfield, good. Floor lamp; R' - WZ. BUY THE REST - YOV MAKE THE TEST" �v0 CAL ue
C. A. Victor cabinet radio, new; El- A Robert Aida Joan Leslie
ectric clock; Slide -out couch with - Phone Pickerir 3U
mattress, good; Oak dining -roccn . all IT ...Co. f° Pickering
suite, complete; Moffat electric 0 CLBI
stove; Large kitchen table; Small Wm.
• M C E A C H N I
:kitchen table; Eectrfc toaster; Two NotMe Yolu
g F
"high chairs; Bedroom suite, complete 1�"UNERAL DIRECTOR CARP)1lbiTERING R• P. L. �..0ds, Private Ambahmm"
Pfisae Matt 3e 7e
with dressing table; De-Forest man-
iM Bab 's lelvste Asbalance Swvke PLUMBING radio, good condition;
bath tub; Cooking utensils; dumber Day or Nit :. ROOFING - DttNBARTON M
odd dishes; Baby's crib, new matt- Wo :too sell Brantford Roofft - - Markham. On
_ ress; Electric fixture, new; Baby's ;, Phone Pick. 13 Materials, Empire Bathroom Phone Pickering 77 R 5
bath outfit. Small stand; Child's Equipment. Dom Water and goid
•writing desk; Child's commode chair; Pickering. Ontario g5�+ Beatty stable Used Clothing t sterfl do=.
JL hogany chair; Electric alarm m
clock; Sheep skin rug; Sun lamp, p 'n'� Claremont Locker 'd and wooed Ilse nowe a
stogy _
.•. see
w, with carbons; Electric iron. •- Snildiisg. ldatedab �� of b4* dlsss �
:Coal beater; .Quantity paint; Quan- CAFTTERIA � - ,System - �ppoek d sew�lesther costs t�i�i
,City lead; 100 Feet half inch pipe
- '. "and couplings; Hand seeder; Wbeel- required Nr Ajax Division work QuaraslosM 8tandard Sin Rocker 19.00 A Yeas windbreakers, and XonW farahlbd
barrow. Numerous other articles. University. of Toronto •�-O Cutting Room and Chilling Room s � � �O�k pss� �
' ' ' ' LIVING QL� AltTERS NROV IDED p1 Available Free To Customers a� � eD°�
Sale a! One P. M., A Sr. T. in addition to meals and uniforms F. ' J. �0 SOME LOCXEIRS AVAILABLE -mow
L Turner, Clerk Terms, Cash APPLY EMPLOY'MEN'T OFFICE
. m Bond 3creat West. Ps6aws�, Oat '
A. S. FARMER, auctioneer _ CAFETERIA BUILDING We de �� � &+ kiss. TAYLOR - LOYS T
Aajx, Ontario. _. __ -_ _ _.__ PHONE CLASEMOPiT 19W s: 1� WANTED
c Phone Pickering iSJ'y DEAD ;HJRSES AND CAT1111
We Solicit Your Boa eon Yor tree PICK np phone
-Tor Sale - $° (jo-orso 'jQv4d .: Tr Track Farr's � Elevator DICKERING :: -:: :: B 81
..Again this year, good winter • lhrr's Ele otter Claremont. Ontario'
' 1'I'CK4' RING .. .. .. .. �
apples are in short supply. The' Sign Painter BROOKLIN
• . We advise you to get your - ' Phones Res. 38J - OtGee =W •CLAREXONT� .. • ... • .. 9 •R 14
alts, 'Rallviijix .Vxd Windox.s .71 SS er'iaUy
' :order in now,•and.enake sere of '8 - C'A AGATCOURT .. ?,ems y44
your winter's supply. • STOP 31 KINGSTON ROAD 3RBORO 2474 We solicit your patronage for
- DAVID LENNOX.,e �, Pouitry, Hog a.. Dairy FeedA We pay the phone charge/
-' Pickering, Ontario Western Oats and Barley Whole GORDON YOUNG LTD
One mile west of Pickering on No 2, or Chopped anr' Delivered
To onto ;iPbone Ad. 9d9d
Highway. 1Fun For All The Family -
'• Fresh Salt in Lge. or Sm. Cakes
: - -• Rolled Roofing and Siding` OLD HORSES WANTED
- DUNBARTON • vntter your "not or shove e�ko e - Campbell Midk Ranek Pays
i ;
IWANIS Try Fan's 81 p.c. Dairy Ration $15.00 AT YOUR FARM
Radio Service _• _
(opposite Wood's Store) - - • = Claremont, Out.
I~`irpeio a' =e:ce done on1 - _
makes of radios. Radios 'called for
and delivered if requested. '
Open Monday through - Saturday : O ' ° Monster
from 8.30 a. mr -- 9.00L,
- 9.00• • P. M. ; :' .. v R K
with the exception of Wednesday - Old 1 •
• . eetn8s Irov>�Dw'rloxs yme Dance
:. evening. Trida �t�ida - BTABLE ON
R. & RATTEW� ' a.� ..�..�,, IN cEI�.N'r wow -Fri. Sept. 27 ..
I Radiotridan Ex- Serviceman _
x Martin's -'s
� � Orval Shea Caller PIi RERINa =Careenwood, Ont. -
• Dancing . ,
JEWELLERY .. ... If n Adanisaio9s
. - 1P'BQl� Pitalit. iL =12:30
�A } KAISER io MMemoriam Oshawa
Open for business for repairing `. ELECTRIC PROUSE --In loving memory of our
- _ dear mother, Bernice Lehi Proue%
FRIDAY, SEPT. 20. - Specaal At " ndance Prizes Given aes<ae and Barn Wiring who passed away, Sept. 24, 1941.
To day recalls sad vw nories
All work fully guara:iteed ESTIMATES GIVEN Of a dear Mother o
Away FREE every- hour on the hour gone to rest,
o C`� C� And the ones who think of her toda
e . jl J 1. . R. cti6¢� Are the ones who lobed her beet.
PRIZES INCLUDE: Electrolux, Mido Watch, Radio, Bulova Watch AAways - loved and remembered by
(Next Door'to Public Library) Two $25.00 Awards, Half doz. •pair Nylons, Pair of Blankets, Presto a her son Clinton, and 'daughter-Jim.
Cooker, Set of Dishes, Waffle Iron, and a Parker "51 ". acKmti+s9� Ont., nt ,law, Helen.
r ■ - -
Total Proceeds For Service Work in Oshawa A SIHC
=:_'^"v . .. ,.w... s...ti. ., •i..< �: �:.Jd' . 5 ,� : L•'S!.":._r.',' ,.._ _ � : ,. .. '� ±r y . � t:i.'..... , -- .-.. , _ � � ,' a ., .._ - .. '1
c bongaet of Butterfly rases A whits
LA R X111 �J N T ttephsnatis. _ Y
Following a reception held it the
• • home of the bride's parents, the W✓SIMs MAC= THE :.
Mr. and Mrs Len Pilkey and farm- • last February. He wao a member of ; couple left. on a Wedding trip to � BRATTY WASHER SPORE
ily of Oshawa, spent the week -end the United Church Well known in ; New York and Wadhi- igton• 'Tor
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Murkar and the district, Mr: Jones was a good travelling Mrs. Annie wore a poudre 1119 SMVICE TRUCK
daughter Marilyn, 'called on airs. farmer and was well liked by the , blue ensear�le trimmed with Arctic �rnipt _
Sao= on Saturday last. I peop a of the ccanmunity.. He is sur- ' fox fur, a matching hat and black -. Lour Cot* Cain
jwith Mrs. Luther Pilkey. vvved by two sons, Edward, at home accessories. Upon their return they' in
Grant, of Ottawa; three will take up
Pilkey spent and Dr. Gran residence L4 Ottawa. Gonad s .FLICKERING
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
the week -eihd with friends here. daughters, Alma (Mrs. J. S. Pal - Out- of•town gues'is included the Wt�a and district, on
Mr. and Mrs. A. L Hooey, of fraeran) ' of Sudbury, Gladys (um bridegroom's parents, Mr. and lbv. gash THURSDAYS
Woodville spent Sunday with Mr. E. A. Bock) of Leaside, and Mrs. Charles Annie. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. - —
and Mrs, Don Hedges. j W. H. Pugh) of Dublin, -Ont. Annie of Dunbarton, Was Evelyn gard. 1801 Telephone Pickering 12W
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, of Dun - ` Funeral services were held from Annis, of Toronto, Mr: • and Mrs. Co..d.r• -
.parton tilled on Claremont friends I the late residence on Su.-hday, with Howard Quackenbush, of Fort Will-
Rebuilding or' write Toronto Store -
W& Sunday c i Rev. Luffinan, of Greenwood, off - ism, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McQueston, Service
Mr. Bob Fuller spear the week - ` iciating. Interment at Salem Cem- of Montreal. Asa owned and operated L►y. I
:.sad at Orr Lsks, as the guest of etery, __ - ` r — BMtttl Wasker StOe --
lir. F41die Orte>" ,White ale 384 -388 DUMNT AT. J• l RICHMOND
Mr. Stewart Graham, • of To
TOROWTO -T•I. RAN. S4i0 f ;
spent the week -end with his parents ,BROUGHAM (by Mrs. Edith Parka) --
here. (by Mrs. T. C. B wn ) 1. .
Don't forget the regular Friday i Mrs, M, Griffin, W hitevale, and
sisht dance, starting- tonight- I Mr. and Mrs. Brodie and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. ,Frank Turner, opened
Mr. pied Morley and son' Victor, I Brodie Sr., of Gormley, called on their homes recently for "Cottage given the Evening Telegram for the ; Dance At
krrho are working ,in Toronto, spent Mr, and Mrs. M. Hamilton during Prayer Meeting". Miss Kathryn Tur- B. W. Victims' Fund and Christmas I --
'tke week -end at hoarse here, the week. ner was the Devotional Leader.
Cheer. for British children. A de- ' _ --- - C - aremont -
Mr. and Mrs, James Peddie and 1 Mrs. Mary-Knox, 'of Oshawa, was ! Mrs. George White and Mrs. l..es- lightful lunch was served following
!Carry, and Mrs. Bacon, spent `. at hcane on Sunday. i tie Randall, the English brides in .the meeting. � f ir]: Sept 2
ftada} -with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs. D. R. Witter and daughter, 'our village, were the recipients of - z
Day, Toronto. of Montreal, and Mr. and Mrs- E. many lovely gifts when a shower �� bland Creek CANCELLED
Jl Sacred Concert will be held in L Crocker and Mrs, R. W. Witter, ; was held in their honor last Friday g : owing ,to the death of Mr.
tiro Baptist Church next Monday of Toronto, were at )lire. Mary afternoon at the public library. The (by MrsM Goo, Huu) Wm. Cowie
evening, when the Broadview choir Watthewa' this week. room was tastefully decorated with-
of the Salvation Army will enter - The daughter of Russell Brodie : pink and white crepe paper stream- Wednesday evening a few of the (this ad'rt. altered since comm-
with a program of iastrumen- visited her aunt, Mrs. Philip, over ers, and after receiving the gifts, local yourh� People. enjoyed dancing cueing press run).
tai and vocal numbers. Mme will be - the week -end. ( the brides made very gracious re. � to Max Boag's orchestra 'at Mussel-
program of good talent and well Mn,. W. J. Brown, Who hat been marks in thanks to the well- wisiwra 'man's Lake at the York County ,'every ,lay. In about two Reeks it is
=worth your attention. caring for Mrs. Brown part of the for their bAure happiness. Junior ftravere' Annual Fall Dance. Planned to bald Open House when -- .__ - -- _ - - -�
_ Mrs. Conners and Mrs. Lansdale past week, returned to Toronto, on Little Beverley Hornshaw was Friday night, the Official::Board the publi• can see this new and up- - -- -
aft spending a few days with their Sunday. hostess at a birthday party. resent- of our church met to discuss ways to -date home of education.
fiends ' in Toronto and other points, On Friday, Mrs. Brown bsd a ly. `� ' &M means of building up our church
We are pleased to report that ,surprise, when her 86- yr.ar-u'd 6, -- Mr. and Mm-A. E: Flerning were to what it should stand for 'in the - -- --
Mrs. Frank Goetick, who is in the their, George J- Smith and Mrs. visitors. at the Rideau Lake near community. It was pointed out then, - :Greenwood ?
.Riverdale Hospital, is somewhat im- Gordon Smiths of Sty Thomas_ North Ottawa. Thev were the Imatg of are one - thousand rs. r. w, trhDson)
proved, J�_ Dakota, arrived for a visit. Mr. Mrs. Fleming'a sister, Mrs. Pesdle- claiming allegiance to the United
Regular service mil =the United Smith is enjoying meeting old ton. - _ Church so there is morn to be dose These will not be any service held.,
Church, next Sunday marung, but, friertda . and acquaintances of sixty Mrs. D. B. Annie . entertained a t if even a an percentage of this on Su:hday. All withdrawn ow-
evening. service has been with- years ago- whi'e ago in hoiwr of. Mrs - -David III number is to be brought into the ; g to Mt, Zion Anniversary The
drawn, owing to the Baptist Church Mr, and Mrs. Mi. Forsythe, of Miller, of Toronto, regular worship of Centennial. W. M. S. of the circuit will hold the
Anniversary Services. markham, called on Mrs. Brown on Mr. Austin Metcalfe represented . Saturday evening a group of our October meeting at the parsonage
jliies Jennie Pilkey is improving grhnday. -- his company at a Physicians' Con- young folk gathered at the Hull's ; on Thursday afternoon, October 8, ,
after her recent illness. The W. M. S. meeting was held st vention in London a week ago. for a social time in - bon, ire of one at 2 p. m. All ladies will be mada
the hccne of Mrs. F. Carrie, -on Miss Myrtle Gorrell and Miss Jean of our young ladies wha. recently ''welcome:
'Baptist Church Anniversary Thursday, with a good attendance. Fleming, Toronto, were week -end celebrated" ' a birthday, The eyanPsthy of their ma.�y tom
Services. Octow 6, A very pleasant afternoon was en- guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Sunday afternoon Mr. Holley tors- munity Mends is extended to Mr. :
On October 6th, in the Baptist oyed, -hg, tinned his series of talks on "Faith" bU el in the death of his wife
poet A. E. Flemi �' Y •
Ctrurch, there will be anniversary- Rev. Totten, a former minister of Mr, and Mrs. Willi2m Hilts have and -' L"sed the question "What is who passed away on the 17th. -They
communion service in the morning.' the Greenwood Circuit, spoke, in our been rej=oicing in the f=act that their a Chh'Whpptian" in which he pointed out had bought a home here two years
ands special service in" the even- church on Sunday, as Representat� entire family bas been with them the ty for living according to � last. spring. She always had a
ing for the ''o'd- timers ": . Farther ive of the Lord's Day Alliance. just" lately. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Our IiR
eta . • rt -chile said kind word for all. Al-
" K
_aeRails will be printed Wert week. 'Hilts and two little eons fraaa the At Y. P. U. Sunday ev°sdr'g I'°ie though not well enough - to go to
West have been here, an have Mr. Graham was in charge and discussed the community meetings, she bad
Alfred Lee Dies suddenly and . Mrs. Lawrence Hilts and wee the Catechism of the United C=hurch, made many friends and will be
"P'rrneral services were held on Dunbarton son Billie, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, T Proved s very apt subject and missed by - ail. A number of friends _
Monday, for Alfred Lee, of Clare- (bY Mrs. E. J. Annis) Hugh. Hilts, of Port Perry were also Provoked a good deal of discussion Rent to the city for the funeral os
mont, who died suddenly at his- - ', visitors with Mr. and Mrs, William among the mernbere. In pact, the reg- lgOh
ulcer program was go interesting Con
home here on Saturday - morning The sympathy of the community Hilts for the week -end. Congratulations to Miss Jean Pegs
Last. He was in his 47th year- is extended to Mrs. Gormley' in the Mr. Bruce Buckles is attending they did not find time to 0 on to who is now a student at Victoria
Born L-1 Claremont, he attended ping of her husband Joseph B. the University of Toronto. the special study of "Abundant Liv- Co' lege, Toronto,
school here and had lived in this Gormley, also to the family of the Mrs.- J. McLachlan, Miss Helen isg " • There are two small groups Mr. and Mrs, S, Corbett and dau. _
community ever since. Following late Mrs, Ada Frances Newman in Metcalfe, Mrs.. Ida Metcalfe and planning to use this Study Book ghters attended the funeral in Tor -
sebhooi, he worked on a farm here the sudden passing of their- mother. Mr, ' Austin Metcalfe were visitors and the second will get under way onto, on the late Wm. Haney, who
. s „ . tonight, at the home of Mr. and
for some years befAre entering the in Cobourg during the week -sad. gh • had recently visited Greenwood, His -
employ of Pickering Township, a - :' Annie -- Fenton ... ' Mrs. McLachlan called on her Son Mrs. Jack Collins. sudden passing was a shock to his
podtios he has held for the past Glebe United Church was the there. Sunday afternoon, . Rev. A. E. friends. .
seventeen years, in the Road Sup- scene of a wedding on Saturday af- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Johnston Holley officiated at the baptism of Callers at the Rose Disney bane
eriatendent's Dept- A kindly, quiet ternoon at three o'clock when Miss celebrated their wedding anniversary Margaret Hannah Closson, baby recently included Dr. and Mrs. ]dills,
man, the worked hard, and was well daughter of Mr. sand Mrs. Elbert of Whitt and Mrs. L, Diane and
'viargaret Elizabeth Fenton, laugh- lately. Y Y.
liked by all who knew him. is per- ter of Mr. send Mrs. George W. Fen- - ,Mrs. Hugh Pugh entertained out- Closson
family, of Oshawa
enta send arse ehsler reset ' , him Mr.- nd Mrs. S. Jones have been The man friends of Mrs, S, Dix
P ton, became t=he bride of -Hr- Clras. ' of -town guests last week. Y
some years ago. He was a member Arthur Annis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mr`s, Harold Lindsay entertaining their daughter. and hope for a speedy recovery from her'
of the United Church. He is sur- ,Charles Annis, of DuroL.aArin, Orit. spent the week -end in McKellar. son-in -law, Olive and Ed. Israel, of illness. ,
vived by one brother. Rev. Frank Fidler offl t*W • $t the Mrs. Roy and Mrs, J. McLachlan Guelph, this past week -end. Olive The friends of Mr. and Mrs, Ver-
The ftmeral wee held frmn'the re- cereaaany, and the weLlding music were guests in Springville of Dr. and •are missed from our group non Short met in the hall at the :
sidence on Monday, th Rev. I. E. was played by Mr. R; W. Mitchell, and Mrs. C. S. , Reddick, when they since they went* to Guelph to live park last Saturday ev_ening and gsys
,Kennedy and Rev, W. L. Wenharn with Miss Miriam Spaatt as soloist. held 'open house" last week. and we were bePPY have -them them a miscellaneous shower.' _
officiating. Interment was'made in The bride was Slush in marriage Mr, and Mrs, Johnston op Toronto back with us'even for such a short The Mission Circle met at the.home_, -
Claremont i:nign Cemetefy. by her father, and attended by, Mrs. visited last week with Mr. and ,Mrs. time. Of Mies Mildred and Gertrude Cor-
y f Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cramp an- bett on Wednesday
Donald - Adamson as rjiatron -ot -non- VanBlaircome. 18th. Y evening, P'�
Samuel H. Jones Buried Sunday or, Mr. Clayton Peacock was best Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Heal had as pounce the marriage of their dau-
Samuel H. Jones, a resident of • man, and the ushers' were Mr. Her- guests on Saturday evening, Dr. and ahter Marian, at Ocean Side, Calif-
' vey Fenton and'Mr. Carman Morris. Mrs. A. E. Armstrong and Dr. and ornia. Marian has been working in BIRTHS
the 8th concession a 1 his life;; was Washington since early -i3 -the-- year. } - • • -. � buried on Sunday last, lbllowi. -wz F ", t,p* wnR. the bride chose wr,R -M, WatesB, all of Toronto- -d new has decided to make the U, On Monday, September y 23, 1946,
his death on Thursday. He was in -,a model gown of white lace over Dr. Armstrong is Secretary of the at Toronto ,East General Hospital,
his 82nd year, and had been ill for satin Boned with a- drop - should- Foreign Mission Board of the United S. her permanent hoarse, sP
some •tine. er effect outlined in satin, long _Church of Can$da,' and Dr. Waters September 23rd is a big day in Mr. and Mrs. William Henderson
Born on the .farm on which he �.�ves, and a graceful skirt extend - is the Regiet.,ar of the Toronto Highland Creek with the opening of (nee Jessie Baker), a daughter, Lor-
passed away, • be attended school ing in a slight train. Her finger -tip Bible College: the much -ta ked -of Centennial Road chine Elizabeth. ;
at Mount Zion, and ' later farmed veil of illusion tulle appliku_ed with • • •
School. This is a very modern build- i
the present place until about twelve lace was ganged cram a coronet a�hitevale Women's Institute h+g, housing five class rooms, the Firemen's Dance
years W. His wife predeceased kiln headdress, and she carried a cascade.- (by Mrs. Y. Randall) latest in washroom equipment and -._-
offices. It is understood there will' Fri. Oct. 4
- -- Dr. A. S. Arthur, of Christie St. be approximately two hundred pupils
in attendance as the overflow' inters :: BROUGHAM HALL: ' jt '•
Hospital as guest speaker at the West Hill and Eglinton Avenue
regular monthly- me• nj of the 911 W.
I. was thoroughly enjoyed oy alb schools will be brought out by bus John Rdmnier's Orchestra
present. Visitors from Markhar.•h and
Cherrywood were entettaineri. , Pr. i
k4ur spoke of Che l). V. A. work ��++��' LL
c tober 39-141`501 at Scarboro House. How each vet- r south OntarlO ;
eras was dealt with individually and
helped a'so on
his swial divabil•:ty
Ftilay, October 4. Saturday, October S. M1 • ...he also had $ ve.�p 'interesting }
York Co. Black and White Show District Red and White Show discussion on "child progress pro-9- ' N G MATCH'
Dist. Guernsey Breeders' Show Horse Show, including 4 horse teams = Shirley Anthony and 1 art- : a
Judging Contests by Jr. Farmers Judging Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine a re Buckles rendered piano solos. ��//'''�� i
Races: 2.28 and 2.206 Pony Races ' and Poultry, Mrs. J. Deline read a IsaPer oa - THURSDAY VCT i0
Horse Shoeing Contest Races: A24 and Free For All ° "Publicity" which wag the top=^ for ! • • ;
High School Girls' Trumpet Band :Pony Races the month, Mrs. J: Mina, ,if Cherry=
BIG MLItAY with Rides and Shows ' wood was guest soloist. 'flail Cull ON THE FARM OF
was answered by work accomplished
Monster Dance Mena Sat Ni ht Co the Institute,-for "Home grid I
>, � Country". It is surpnis'.nt when ,re- �ELMER J. POWELL..•
.,corded, the amount of work lone by
Admission 36 eta. Antos, 85 ate. Children Free -
small groups when banded together. ONE MILE SOUTH OF COLUMBUS, ONT.
R._H, Crosby,_Markh -a n,e— 1_A_g d- amount Qf -money was raised _
1 for various obfe-e ts, one • item of $] 40
•,Y' ••S'" .'.. „:..y. C .. ', • .. � ; `. - •/ _ . �, .. _ _ Lie u'� .
. ,<umWc amr
b .F'
-es w par ton. ]Puente Really Dull- Dropping a Brick
and abusing Pat for his care-
iAne i
Wild Creature -So- and -so is one of those fel- Pat was stacking bricks for the Pat stood it for a 'while, then i
lows�� rho has more money than bricklaj rs on the top scaffold of shouted down:
MA44Eiv brains,, is he not ?" asked Brown a high building. One slipped out "You're making plea of noise d
Hi MMNTAL 61 On the shelt-
ered side twoRMAN of his friend Black of his hand a)nd' fell on the head down there over nothing. Shuns,
beast 62 Angers KIRK "Yes; and he is not rich either," of one of his (workmates below. it wasn't on your head half a
�9 Skin Arabian 11�11 1 VERTICAL Ireplied Black. The victim naturally started be- secondl"
U Great Lake 2 city Begging For Rides
114 Roam �8 Chuacteris- � $$1 $ - ..
z6 Dry tie areas I _ COAST -TO -COAST
16 Black bird • 4 Charge for . 19 Paid notice 44 One - (Scot-)•- • — We wonder bow many hitch-
28 _
services 114 Waken 45 Image hikers would stand on a street
-. - HS Area measure'25Rich man 46Horae's neck corner, begging Passers -by for the KELLOGG'S ARE CANADA'S - - --
X Compass point 6 Girl's toy 16 Prohibit Bair price of a meal or a drink, says m
: E1 Shouted 7 Bad 17 God of the sky 47 Beholdl the Kingston Whig - Standard. We
32 Siamese 8 Symbol for 28 Employ 49 Head also wonatr now many of them
"measure neon 20 Moccasin 50 War god realize that they are begging just O' e
!8 Railroad (ab.
9 Kitchen -90 Piece out •52 Observe
.- pan-
25 Negative utensil l!1 Harden -� ' S5 Threefold - -:- s much as the bums and p
a h a
Sp sluggish 10 Prayer 87 Sinewy '(comb. forts) handlers who thus cadge their liv- - - . - -- :f
Uream it Get up 89 Subjugate 57 Symbol for ices off others. They aren't beg-
129 Window parts 12 Paradise 42 Fish tantalum , ging food •or drink, but they are or
�.• 32 Any 17 New York 48 Musical 168 Selenium '. begging transportation. And any- -•
1141 We (ab.) instrument (symbol) one who begs is a beggar, be it
f 3 t (Egypt) j 'L 3 '} 6 T 6 4 10 II • UL money, marbles or chalk. any m e a Ele hant 1
• L
`ab) " y i `hie Pills Nei ed v
Stellar i0 s' ► r2 1' an time.
- - " 40 Wtehirrllwind ■y Sore Back" y
41 Soul (Egypt) •� 2 says Montreal man. Fat rt
42 Male swan b 29 sl -1 had rbewmatic aches and stiff Want an idea that will help you
44 It is a wild iae4- coa�ld hardly straighten mp
az3 3+1 �s bending. A him add save time and work —and at
48 Station (ab.) Pills ... now I'm ever m the same time keep meals more
D1 Invective 3 - 6 such better". -I.F., Montreal. interesting r our family?
5$ Amb moss than 40 ears Gin Pills g Y , .
�, °io y yl ��� •• s� elw ., of . Thousands feature Kellogg's
M Mammal
'46 Flower 42 4'! 1NS �i +,s 49 so
Get rt�aeksse today. Uie not only for breakfast but for -74"k
67 Units of DOS" `�`;` m`rir quick snacks anytime of dayl
weight — 51 5t �WSi sNF S Rr�siar' alas, M Mlk PaA q
cseneey .ts.. M nw Pep, Corn Flakes, All-Bran, n tan is� _
- 69 Network 36 Si i9 :hce Krispies, 'Bran Flakes, - - - --
'�eo N sidmame for �— w �, _ Krumbles and All -Wheat ,o a,
Peter :s e - .all made by Kellogg's, the oy -
greatest name in cereals! a aaP.
Z'Lu r . uy. .....Aive in -sue` _
08001 tL IR11f SIN 1 ,
Teachers Pay ice on United States railroads bas _( c.Nev.aoracatw.utntt.aAVE
- A minimum salary of ;1,200 f�,i
about one InHe of boikr tubing. s a a ■ i s
teaehtrs of elementary grades w;-+
= Asked by the Federation of Wom- _. -
go Teachers' Association of On-
:. at their recent convention In - -
It was pointed out that many
11"chers are on the ;1,100 mini- _
- imam, aid want the increase -
ai►ach time as the ;1,300 minimum,
• •y'proved by the Canadian Teact- I - _ - - . - -' - -•
ers' Federation, is made available.. - -
aATI014AL >!SW FCI:LY AU- , y - .
do Success Rota( Soil Mov- '
-' i Scrapers are now available
Immediate delivery. Has many
-.' - -
ea such as Quic>clz escavatlna -
- - -- ' rading, leveilin land. road main= --
-. e
Cinln6, etc. A else for every farm -
ilnd Caterpillar Tractor. Built to -
t _
.last a lifetime n a r 1 a - __-
and L price
�a es this implement a necessity. -
Wytte for folder and prtees. Hough
s Collins. W f syton Avenue. To-
ton o. -
_ ..' Wecause sue are a moderate le da has
Come through the war with perhaps the least dislocation of any . .
- NEW AND Uasly _ -- -
of Every Descripeioo. _ -' :.nation actively involved'. That is a remarkable tribute - -- -
t..' Phone EL. 1271 - -
it. W. PETRIE CO. LTD both to the overall policies of our Government and to the
14'1! Kest at. W. - TeresM
- "We BUT s sa's.Ir
fundamental wisdom of the Canadian people.
And It holds out a glorious promise for the future: +
But. to snake that promise come true in the days ahead we shall
,have to continue to live up to. our principles of moderation. -
- We shall have- to continue to think, act and live — moderately.
To give in to the natural desire for immediate enjoyment
of everything and anything presently in all supply 1-
a : J2' "'�"2Ssr "" / 'can result only in inflation and disaster. - - • '�
ONLY osuos Im
Iwo fS not our Way ,
.9 ears 0Id —and = _ e House of Seagram suggests that each 'day's enjoyment
- fit as a diddle -- - - -moderate so that the rich promise of Canada'1a tomorrow
- ;- • -
Run Up and Down Stairs can be fulfilled ... to the full. -
!'I feel in duty - mound; writes Mrs. _
A.J.W., "to express my gratitude for the " •'
better- ehan�zpected results my father
has obtained from Kruscben Salts. He
is ninety-two old and is as fit as a
Y years _
>Sddle. Hecan nip about, and run up and -
down stairs. His friends marvel why it Is
- _ -'be Is always alert and never feels loci..
always tWls V regular does of them, hSalts�in my, •ffi✓lTlt' ✓I1X01 !!! 1��` r a��ji v .(�,,,/,„"� I ,
Srst cup of tea every morning. We
always recommend Kruschen Salts to all _
our friends. To my idea, no family
z. abould be without Kruschen."
- -(Mrs. A.J.W.) e r '
Most people grow old long before their ■
time, and many of them neglect that
vital need of health -the need for ,
Attternal cleanliness. T E HOUSE O SEIGRAM
The majority of these people could _
feel so much better and brighter ... yes,
feel more spry, too if they would
2onow the Kruschen plan for a while. �-
9himply take a small morning does of ;p
. 8rmchen Salts-in -tea, coffee or hot •• e' :' '* . ' ' I►• 1 _ _ -
water. That's all there is to it. Lessen the dose or discontinue altogether -beet
you are regular. After that take when
yon need it. Two sixes 2bo and 75c at
silty druggists• Ask for Kruschbm
Iclrs especially for delivery Oc- clay loam, fifteen acres, wooded, academic, for SS. 1,, 1Henwood, Tem. r
Der - November '(many poultry- balance grass. Immediate posses- iskaming, Ontario; salary 1,200'
aDers do) we Would suggest you Sion. Elizabeth Weir,, Winghtta, duties commence Sept. 8rd,hoaei Before giving you Our latest Something else that looks Corr -
b us have your order soon. Rigbt Ontario. Liskeard 3918. Mrs. Emily Batty. views on sport - although we sidembly out of place, to a follow
woe, ow we've n limited supply of 8ecy.- Tress, Thornloe. Ontario.. knew y
rted chicks for immediate deliv- FARM 250 ACRES. 280 TILLABLE. 1 you can hard! wait - we er of baseball, is the name $uatou
M�yy� Bray Hatchery 130 John N. solid brick house, good out build- think ov should hear this pathetic Americans a aarin as a
.,Iton, Ont, Ings, good wells. School vap to Y p pp E partici-
Public and Continuation School. WANTED' litt' • tale which, if nothing tist,- pant' in that great Frinual , straggle
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Co- operadve cheese factory in dis- has* the merit' of being absolutely for gold and for
tract, Hydro available, 25 miles QUANTITY OF LARGE WILLOW glory - in that order
south of Ottawa. Apply N. Crowder, trees. Hanger Limb Company, 86 true and unadorned. If it wgre - the the late and still lamented
P E R A T E PROFITABLE MAIL Mountain, Ont. King Street West, Toronto, Ont. fiction
rder business. Splendid opportunity. , we would probably tag it Ring Larduer dubLrc the World's
or detail 37 write Buckeye Specialty, with some such title as "The M s Serious. For, ladies seed
' .. Box 877, Wooster, Ohio. ' y - (,cots, if •--
buildings, well drained. Hydro In- humor for pleasure and profit. De- n
stalled, good wells, 1 mile from tails Literary Mosaic„ Guelph, Ont lery of the Missing Chair: As it you can personally recall the last
ACCOUNTING 'BY MAIL town, schools, churches, creamery; is, you can write your own.' Also time a Red Sox team had a I[a-mi in -
with or without stock and Imple. POR MY OWN HOME I AM LOOK- find your own moral. those doings, you 'ctrtainiv cannot
TO SMALL RETAILERS AND BUSI.. ments. Apply to Eugene Ouellette, ing for a pair of Dresden figures or
Ross men who cannot afford to hire R.R. 1. Alexandria, Ont. Dresden candelabra and Dresden • • eo hope to 'pose as a junior notch
a regular bookkeeper we offer the miniatures. I will day generously if longer.
perfect bookkeeping and tax serv- You can oblige. Please write to Anyway, in a fairy swank dis•
ice. write for details, HAIRDRESSING Mrs. Lawrence Saunders, 323 Wal- trict. in the City of. Toronto stands « {
mer noud. Toronto, Ontario.
MAIL CONTACT LEARii HAIRDRESSING THE a Hotel that is furnished in highly hor it was 'way back in VA Y;
ACCOUNTING Robertson method. Information on WA1TPD YOUNG SIN41NG CANA- Ornate fashion —One of .. those - __just about hen folks. u'cre_bope-
8sosu 800, 21 Klai St. E:, Tomato. request regarding' classes. Robert- rtes, young Love Birds (Budgies), r
son's Hairdressing Academy. 137 small breed puppies. Top. prices J '[ is so flossy that the Clients are fully looking fort +aid to the e'ud
Avenue Road, Toronto. paid. Write full particulars, Doug- tOC, awed to squawk even if utg of a World War :utd frcCl -
DYEING AND CLEANING r las Pet Shop., 279 Danforth Avenue, y
HELP WASTED Toronto, beverage. served Happens to wear predicting that thus nce'er could
_ HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS a collar. two inches tall. And be anothtt oue, th:,t Eiostt ci I..ed
dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for HOUSE TO HOCct: 5rALESMA\ FOR '
Information. We are glad to an- 1� c among. the furnishings of.the lobby Sox and Lhica�c. tub. bi,i0e�ct, ;t' - - - - - --
Inf r your. Questions, Department paste soap, hand cleaner. houaPhold NEW AMBASSADOR .
8. Parker's Dye Works Limited, cleansing and purify7ng products, of this Hotel are-some very swell out for irate recell.Is %circle ttu�Id ,
791 Youge Street. Toronto, Ontario. Write Licht), Products, Kitchener,' „ npWi,t 166,ki0 highly modernistic chairs' a ,
Ont. 8, g appear only. t•:r� �n,all .ch•.tra� to
1- 11INTER --AD SETTER (,EXPERT_ * * • ' qay, each player on the
ELECTRICAL EgUIPMENT .� ? ":." ''v: r taint gett:ug �I1',lid- ncc'r at(OU
enced) wanted by daily newspaper,
also', competent makeup man. Apply ✓;': Well then, on his way hooter - - +
ifE.VY "CYCLOHM" LIGHTING as his' cut The ,t :nncr. tiff s• tJie
Pleats Box 113, c3 Adelaide w., Toronto. ward one evening just after chuck,
ton powered by Briggs & Strtt- g 1 liustons,, under Lc' Bariukt .vl'i.�
gas engines, A, C. or D. C. 350 1d10TI'T'E (OPERATOR WANTED Ing•out time, * Our Hero, w1t[le '
to 2500 watt British gas and Diesel for dally newspaper. Apply Sox 112,'"` " on did some t• aagin[ in ho. nn
cc sot n
passing through tFiis lobby,' + +as
tionare from marine -to type. h. p. ank, T3 Adelaide 1�'„ Toronto. t taljing iota gaIM's to tt'.�- '• -,r-
raonary or marine type Air, tank, greatly strltck by _the 'b'eauA _ an��-_ Cubs. - radiator or hopper cooled, Large iFA\iTED AT ON ('114. RIXGLF, lths: (e{1- - -1+}
stock of three phase motors. From middle -aged man t.> sadist on dairy attractiveness of said chairs; and.
oil, who - at one titter (fit,
stock A.C. or D.C. Weldfng macb- and mlrik farm. Apply In person or - without further ado, picked up one sots Of
Ines, electrodes and accessories. write W. E. Miner, Kingsville.,Ont. P ruching for those• -anew
1New' gns - engine -driven portable :' of ,thorn and carried it streetward. Maple. Leafs. And it is inlercl� u
self - priming' centrifugal pumps no person —= not evert the UAi- -- - - - -- - -- -
7000 gals, per hour. Total weight MFDICAI. r,ssl to note-that one, of hlr, (iarr,.++ .'
f0 tbs. Operates 5 hours.one gallon ' formed doorman - saying hiut t+'innin6 hu(iere +t a: a- !:•rgr.lt 'tPUt,
�165,001. Farmers, lumber and fish. A TICIAII-- EVERT' QI'FFI:RF:R OF "play," or even appearing to take
ag industry - to most cases - tax IRhvurnatic Pains ,r Nru;fW, 'should named GcorFe licttn:.n t:nttt, Brie _
and duty. elempt. Write for prices .- try Dixon's Remedy, Jhunro'a Drub the slightest notice. Questioned slit out the Cuh'.nne notbinL. $n
t mired. �tme. " 235 Elgin, Oitax,,. Postpaid later by friinds about its reason
Montreal - Toronto - Halifax - 31 '. -- ._.-- -- - tllc -opener, and shn, we .fwh:. L '
Rouyn - Winnipeg. - or motive for such an odd procr late[ O:► became 'turfy tell I :I"- %y.t
1111t• :1'MATIs" — ARTIIRITIs. it F= lure, all our Hero could say was. -
11.'cP your%elf at hnmP —A natural aF :':hitter
*ought. ROTOR! lilts, USED product. I'll tell you ho*%w. Clyde C. "Fell it seemed like a good isles a
�' �Aout;ht, sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys. „
brushes. Allen Electric Company e'rodle, 6 -u -24th St. S.E., Puyallup• at the tints,"
1<'a�h, !+tatter vi tact tl,cre tt:,s a 1!cr
• Il.td.. 2YS Duttartn tit.. Toronto. Unt toe, Americaq t,; ;�,m Pin lice• fr'�: •
ELECTRIC MOTORS RHEUMATISM He had gone about two blocks World Series ever i;!a%.("d Ili, 10ai
410 C1l'LE. %I:W i HORe3F1'uWF.n INTRODt'LING A NWA A11AZING Hume Wrong, Canadian Under along the street before a full sen-, R:6 Sox managed by -Ju,'tt,i and up, 3 phase, 220 & 550 volts. Ithcumalle -p.aln Salve to rurferere secretary of State for External of his sciibewhat peculiar position n',' Joltn = C'ollrns, brrtinl; N're t -
Imsnrdiate delivery, Early delivery of Itheutantirm - Arthritls - 14cfatica Affait {, has been named the d0- assailed him. "There I was at ten r'
of 25 cycle. Wilbury Products Ltd... - Neuritis: This "American Rheuma , ta►ke's PtctslcL•FlICt'o-
"•f180 Main. Toronto. tic Fair. Salve" de+etoped Psperial- minion s ambassador to the United o'clock on a Saturday night." he
ly and after consistent rnaearch 1• - States. He is no stran>{er to Wish- Y• g tc three ill a bra' fife out of
ELECTRICIANS av,ulnbte to you pow.. Th1y special intrton, having served as first sec- says. "All , the furniture. stgres .;r;::ca:', I hip c.a. n''rit: 'i Ca the
Introductory trial offer is Infix- rota and co closed loo ago, and me with an
STORES ONLY _ pent,Lre but the relief obta'•ned is rY ulyielor at the Can- g g fan: of that era as ab�tsi -
Write for our catalogue on floures- r prlreless. Take advantage of this adian Legation before it was raised armful of chair that didn't .belong ini., as noes that tlr.t 4r't ,ltd ;
cent fixtures, desk lamps, bed ,peclal trial otter at a saving to to an embassy, and as a member of to me - a 'cha.' which, with its Brines had been sc'trt
lamps, 60 cycles only. Also loasters, > vu. Available now in Canada. One het!tsta i
irons, Glve 1C,P.T.B, Ncense Rum- once contalnrr for only st.Ud lr the Pacific War Council during chromium and irisnmings, "setmrd pit ann in arni in N:ent.
bar. Gordon - Harris Supply Co,,. you suffer fromr Rheumatism -Arch- World War 1I, to shine out bigbu and brigtt►ei,_ he today. And, y�hct .flee- fpllu+rnir
Reg'd . 5354 R "averley 9f., Montreal - bjnitn 9 3alnda rPatI� Neuritis lPtferrom- eve
Walkln every street light I came to And year fk +r'etn= ❑'tut h: ri r:' • se_d n: -
FOR SALT: relief —" American Rheumatic Pain R' Stick Buffs - coming toward me in the distance '
halve" In what you need. Prove It B the Astterican - challctli;rd VIC
in Yourself as chemist's tests's have Het in Cancer War I could see a Policeman who look- '
iI mi(;hty �itw l.rf� Gi:eul� 'o ,
' ATTENTION NOVELTY proves. Write direct to American - - -- . - -
= Ttrug & Clr.mtcat Co.. 2223B Bloor �- -- ed not less than Icn feet high and Sc les, ht. t,ager Jun hlc(,ra +%
a i'
"-5 DIFFERENT VA1111017F,S IN St. %Veal.— Toronto, Ontario. Can - -The Panting nstitute in Todon-_ four feet thick. snootily replied �1w•
one apple 'tree. Also McIntosh on- g p hr rc(tts�d .t• _
ads, tend, money order or loosest
hardy rootatocks,' Black sold Red to is.a':f a fresh a l to� Ontario-=- At -_ _.e *` -
Currant Plants for commercial and not. No C.0.1t,abr stomps Please. Arta _ e- danger the standrnF of lies term
«sidcnts, particularly in �lfestcr� bt ...cndin "._ it n t .t "ntino,
private planting In the newest va- On Came flee'. Officer — ap _ `. 'i%• "I. `
PHILLIPS PAR. CHA- N 4 V Ir Y O It HP:'a)tn AROIiT Onta -io, to renew their hunt ial 1ealrse club" and the + +Bole thin
$EACGL'AY PILLAGE, . Dlitnn's leurfti. and Rheumafic Pain proathed - and stopped. K
Remedy? It givra good rrmult., walkiaq stick hugs Eggs of- t9ec wa• ofl . 'The mcrer ' fact. of a
bfunro'a rtruaJMrP, 733 Elgin, "\ \'steles got there buddy" e:c- _ _
�L'TO PART% AND ACCESSORIF,!r p bug ala valuable in Cancer re- a (of any «:.cot
Ott,rtt•a. i'OSt std sl.00. manned the Voice' of the Law.
✓tor all cart, Price List on requean search, The' utslitvte reeelve9
--- ,3?tst.on rings for all motors at pre- - deepe-1 suspicion in• its tone.
ei' f. o'e "'n %,t' "
twat prices. Dept. W., Canadian Auto MI'%TCAI. IN46TRUNF,\TS 6,D00 bugs from its first appeal " a' Soft t -nne fut Aueh a reason e
(Parts, 3" Queen St. W, Toronto. but an official said that 100,000 A e fust'wor it at a f3,,:gr' game, ,re . �
o-'14PO A N44u1)lUTGToN aura, plied our Hero, inspiration sun h, t.
CONCRETE BLOCK sells, eccnanges musicat ins- needed. -bfost of the 6,000 caret dent flashing to his aid in timeot and hon the n�.rtd ha. Piogrrcra,i
mrnta III Chnrch. Toronto 2. from-the Tillsonburg, • London ant Y 8 - - - -- t
MACHINE hiitchtlt districts and the institute desperate need. "Nice going, bud." -
OI.1' /►RTUMiTIF,P VOR WOMF,M said the Policeman, proceeding on -
lslaay ro build, low cost Sell blocks, 5ugge. a concentrated search Canada May sore
build house, barn, etc., economical- his way with tread majestic "I.
1ty. Free details. llSasterprint Co- these The bugs cluster on - -_
23E A HAIRDRESSER twigs which may be- broken off don't Refer seem to have any luck World A%eat Supply
Toronto 14, Ontsrio. JOIN CANADA'S LEADING %CHOOL at them Bingos mvsclf. Pp y �
— 6000 PULLETS -- Great - Opportunity, Learn and shipped, express collect, to •the
► Hairdreaaing institute, =- * • -Canada may 'be asked to store
'4000 Ready to -Lay Pullets, also Pleasant dignified p'rofesslon: good,
pveral thousand i to 6 months old. wages, thousands successful Marvel Jersey Cattle So that's all there is to our tale wbcat stocks of 10(1,000,000 bushels
-, "These pullets all raised on clean. graduates. America's greatest, sys- ` except that b latest re OT' — Or more for international use if
free range with plenty of space and tem. Illustrated catalogue free. P y P - --
tender green feed, under the most Wrtte' or call, The first post-war shipment of Our Hero hasn't been; able to proposals for a world food hoard,
ideal conditions. 'Send for Price MARVEL HAIRDRESSING pedigree jersey cattle is shortly lO think of any method Of smuggling now under consideration by, the
List and full particulars. z 14CHOOL3 =
-- OIL Bi1RNERS 359 Bloat• St. W., Toronto leave the •Channel Islands for the furniture back to its owners United 'Nations Food and Agricuf-
- Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton stock +arms in Canada. Elaborate. without stirring. up possible tro'i tural Organization, are a
New pat type oil brooders, new pot k 74 Rideau' Street. Ottawa. g approved.
type range burners and heaters• precautions ar: being taken to ble; or of any explanation pian► board plan emphasizes the
!Prompt delivery or book for later. PATZXTS safeguard the cargo which consti• ible enough -for his wife to accept need of establishing buffer stocks
WEIN BROS- Exeter. Ontario, tutes probably the largest and cer as to how he ever`, acquired such of food for use in the event of brill-
Patent ;IRSTUNHs. Est ! shed COMPANY 0; ' taint the most valuable consign- an article in the first instance, let ger' anywhere. Purchase of sur• �
PEDIGREED PERSIAN KITTENS Patent So1lMtors, Established 1670• Y g - y " --
blues and black. 8 Hees venetian 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of ment of cattle ever ko leave Jet alone why he brought it home, pluses to maintain such stocks -
blinds - Ivory, 36 inch. Mahogany fnformatlon on request ,
parlor cabinet. 18 inch steel bed, sey. where it looks,greatly out of place: would issis't in stabilizing prices.
springs, spring mattress, irood cop- I•RRSOlIAL
dition. 12 dinner knives and fo ka,
1847 Rogers. Box 624, Picton, �nt. BATTLE SCENES OF INVASION
StEGISTERF.D BROWN SWISS �eartfietr and- -battle - •route In-- North -- - -YOUR �: /�� �p�-- /���._p�_ b' �'(�, ���,r. '•c
8erd for Bale. 81 head, one bull two •West Europe including interesting CHOICL ) VEML Of -�HOS - OLJT- SLLLLRsg -
ears, 21 milk cows, 8 two year old shots of England, France. Belgium.
Holland and Germany.-For set mall '
�elfera, bred, it yearling, 8 heifer this ad and $1.00 to Sgt. Major
aalveio 5 bull' calves. San -O -Vat Lezack, "106 St, Cross St., Winnipeg. 'WHEN YOU JOIN THE
Tarm, 20578 Lakeshore Road,
d'Llrfe. •Quebec. Elgbteeb miles 3 `' _
from IiTontreal, PHOTOGRAPHY i� j -- -- -
Lo ke at the present . QUALITY AT ITS BEST
of sood used trade -fn tires '(gtlaran- 'OUR YEAR ROUND FAST SERV- -
teed' to be In excellent shape), ice and fine quality work will -=-No fees of dues! Membership is free in the only book club that brings you
SW X 16 $5.00 please you. For' aatisfactlon try Im- ' newly printed, current books by outstanding authors for only $1.00 each
pedal. 6 or 8 exposure films, de- tie dless of the re ar retail rice. Y'on receive s fie boot on ioixiiw
All orders shipped C.O.D. Special veloped and printed, 30c„ s gm p 3
oqufDment for vulcanizins Truck IMPERIAL PiTOTO SERVICE and all other mom ership ptivileges.
and Farm Tractor Tires. Station 1. Toronto. �^
PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Daps. -, 103 Send street, Torenls 2, Canada _
1FWO FEMALF. AND ONE MALE. Any Size Roll -• 6 or 8 Exposures •tv' " ,
thoroughbred Irish Setter puppies: DEVE�,pPED AND PRINTED i6c, Please enroll me as a member of the Doubleday One Dollar Book W. C. McDlarmid, Beverley Park,' i MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c ,• We Recommend Club. I am to receive, every other month, We Book Club masadme a
R.R, No. 1, Norland, Ontario. Size 4x6" in Beautiful Ease] Mounts The Bulletin" and all other membership privileges. It is understood
Enlarxements 4x6" on ivory tinted THE FOXES OF HARROW that I will purchase a minimum of six refection► within a ar at the i
member's price of only' s1.0o each plus 20c postate and band
ORGAPTI7,ED AND FULLY mounts; 7xT In Gold, Silver ony In'comdderation of this agreement you will rend me N once free a copy
squippeu twain "tiorT,- r09ff- rig- Dtlild @ra_ Oassiati-walntit Or Black ]�1Dony by Frank Yer'by . of the t @le checked iaelow, also send me at $1.00 an additional titles
supply and tinamitbing business..
-finish frames, ti9e tack. It enlarge- -- I have checked. (Check titles 'desired) Y
Two storey brick and concrete moot co]ogred, 49c tack. 1•he swashbuckling story of red - headed,' '
buildingt 110 x 20' with five -room Reprints Made From lour ❑ BEFORE THE SUN GOES ❑ LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN
apartment. Lbeated on main thoro -' Negatives se. 'EIaCD devil= may -gear; Stephen Fox Who con- pbN,H �r
lore in Toronto. Also garage build- DEPT. M ILiUefed NrW Orleans Witil 1116 fVlfag- \ U CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE
Bunsiness now one, gatenothoiusand" Print 1Na�mfi and ftAddressTPlainly• Mrs ............... ............ ;:,......... ;..,...
trucks. Rolling equipment, four 2' lgering` audacity, gambled his woy to -' -
wealth and Wer, and won the low
dollars monthly Owner wishes to
"tire. As a , of the city's titres most - desiralble M(.r cPl.u.v l►rinrl
going concern torte. SPECIAL OFFER - FREE ENLARGEMENTS WITH women.
jj.sss•o thousand dollars. Box 114, '!3 Street and Ne.,..,...........,:..:... .....................•.......... ........:...:..................
•�delatde W.. Toronto. G
each 6 -8 exposure roll for 25c, Re• _. Zone No'_
I WHOLESALE CATAi.OGL'R, work. Crystal Photo` tguar -teed Retail ltriet 'is0 .. . - -•
' I prints ic. Fast efficient guaranteed R4f�Y101' city ................ .......... .:...................
(terchanta and Ittorekeepers only. Dundas West. Toroht6. - SMK CLUB MEMBERS ... PAge F " - • ` , -
►} r Free Wholesale Catalogue. r STAMPS PRICE -- enly $1.00 �'" '..
old W.P.T.B. License number for occu Nee...,.,.. ............. e- ............. i 1 ....:.......:
pp Under 2
�r Inv -up Merchandise 'Co., Balfour
bAg., Montreal li, Que. CANADIAN AND F o R >m I G E Q N E D O L L A R BOOK C L �J g i
atarrl a. mint an us �� ..,�`� -U g L • .
Ifi3Ulti 3! -I94b we �uy stamp. C�tu�� - �an�o7i,
IA Albert. Vlctorlsvlllo. Que:
r.n^ .. .1�lc' "+:s.; P. _ '• .....�' - ..sf.,r'...�i ."' m _ _ _ __,. .. .,. •� _ `. �• ate. -_ • .. ,. .-.° _ .. •.�. +u' ... -.� ,. .. �. - _ .._ .._ �- ..._ \ a 1rt .tf.
'•'�`- .actively engaged is his not of oo1oT _.. _ i ._ —., _'. _ _ -'_ _' _•�-
Rouge H etching for the Daily Star. Mr.
"0 ; (By James Blackwell) ,Brynaert is a clevef painter in oils C Y R I L E. M O R L E Y
>.; • m well. His many friends wish him ^� r. _ M Bch a Iron -
2+7ew that we have had a drop of many more y�eare iYis hale and INSURANCE-,AND — .
rain and the dust has settled cuff- hearty useful living•
idsntly so we can see our front gate The heartfelt sympathy of the dis- REAL ESTATE _
---1 again, - we are, taking a quick glance trict is extended to Mrs. Albert - - --' -.--�A CONVERTED Jar W - --
faroand the eoromuniRy to .see what Hull in the loss of ter mother, Mrs.
)JA Newcau, who passed away this week. Hebrew Ch ristlAll Hour
Seeing the nurn'ber of children go-
l� to and from the school one Quality Drugs
would wonder how the building could LOCALLY HEARD
. •; acconi¢nodate them all. The base- Accurate Dibpeaaing .y..
I �,t has been divided into two ' - C K T B - Dial 1550
roans Rnaking• four rooms in all. The _ ?Veterinary Remedies • • T. B.
S one hundred and forty children are Our 'trucks pan yaw way every . A GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS � at 710 A. M- - Monday to Saturday
being taken care of by our new prim- , . - -+._ at 8.45 A. M. Sundays
t•cipal, Mr. Roy Pollock, assisted by - - Reliable Photo Finishing _
. (Miss White, Mrs. Blackwell and COAL, CORE. Address, P. O. Box-747 Los Angeles, Calif.
Aitkins. Complete Cosmetic Line FOR JEWS. and GENTILES
- The conwnunity ' wss sorry to -see ' —WOOD, . CE 1lI EYT, - - - -- .
1dr. and Mrs, Marquis leave for t3AND, GRAVEL, - -
k their new home at Meaford. Joe and - -- -� $TORE URS -
- were affectionately And _ Sudinedd Sireet�r�
Emny, as they be 1 Week Days 81A. ]L 4 P. X
iknown -to all their friends, will BUILDERS SUPPLIES
•' Worely missed. They are the type of also local sart8 a work Baioday � 12.80 P. N. - 6 P. iM. GORDON F: 08$ORNE
tpeople who are good for any place $ - • • • • , �!'!• E. R3CharQaOn
they care to settle. We bavealso pissed in @toe* a fuU C. L, V.
The Dights have sold 'their name LUM of MAPLE LEAF ]tILLING _ _ aI• R. Boyesy DISTRICT' >1dAxAGEB O REAL i2TSTlRAhfc'a at the corner of the Altona Road 00310PATIY � - - __EXPIRE LIFE -- - oo NHY�AKACII��i®
'and the let Concession. They are
planning to stay in the district• The A. W, MITCHELL Phm. B. r �,.�, An � •��ae�s/ �.�
sew owner will take possession in _ -
- Reoroswtadves � _
....the spring. T�T'REB.ALL STORE
The First Concession is having
Pickering. Ot!'Fi.. Rods D. Ynnro iM Plels�isig w �--�
' a going over at the west end. Fb - Tries tam lea. 69W PHONE PIC3. 6ii _ ._ _ �•
1 W. H. Curds
Tom PadQin •.,
The Wil at Petticoat Creek has been Murvyn gee, Oshawa �• •�•
considerably lowered. It's good news Ralph Gulliver, Oshawa
Indeed for the folk in the valley to
_ :have their part of the road passable d'siep8oae. • 622 _ Wiitby, fit' kith 1Me r
this winter, /� - -- - -
A note of .interest from Wood- _- -- -- _MAW I, I Ad iver
Y Ian& Road is that *r. Geo. Bry- IRtr$lIiBED ATi1CTIONI� and Ad mw
baert, at 80 years of age, is -still
_ ... VALUATOR 8i� Od Piet i f !t
- •. - - . .. .... _ • dales . , ,, � , •'.. i Any�era - - ,. ,..... -
Ladies'& Idlea's Wear ! _ . Clarke Prentice
_ 614 Dandas 9t. by, Oat
List Your Properties For Sale IJOZNSZD AUCTION
Children's Plav Suits &Overalls wish
.one• „a.,w,,,K- .7 # CYRIL E. MORLEY ��.�° of P. M fa■►
. •. -.. _ to Best Pwer
ttsaranteod Bepair .BWV* o " .
p t We Have Waiting Buyers With der /cd C. A. & 3P, and ad the Li
- Vq Make as lsodel Boot' & Shoes - , Cash, For Homes With small J. H. Pea141ft formeei F,,.ri..
AcreW, Farms; or Village and p ( 7
ARTHUR FIELD � Self -serve Groceteria '. � as "w`
Property staelc 8alas a Hpodaltz, a# Plde W
Ressen" Baba _
''' � - . pa�o w LIil�v
Nile il e ►7 CHAP 1 �' 1 A 1 �f Basriste� Solicitor Notary ftwe
Permanent nagging Pain C. •C �RICHARDSON
- -- - -- - -
PIPES, ELBOWS'-FOR YOUR - - - -- tr am
Tea ' sad
. •.'....:, _� ..:._' - - -- _. ._ s the iaer 871 y St. Toronto
ST01'ES and. FURNACES. -
...... ,. _ -� .. that Fraj oil Cuntinental Life
Bay T nto
+ a _ __ .. - IKsrves. It may be Your Eyes _ ?
(Black and Oslvanized> - P�cker� Hardware
.:. t
COAL SCUTTLES C..H . T U C K. Q PT. D. Your on My Gaarwow .
- - -- - Try, "Chimr - v - soot.- T. - ey Blochr, Opp F. H• MCK� E -
- -' Destroyer -�'. • :,:odern way TO GENERAL HARDWARE OSHAWA _ A -
Crean Chimneys, Furnwes and -' PAINTER L}ECORATOLtE -
Flue. -rho" 1616 CKEAfio G 5
HARDWARE "Willoughby Farm Agency
p4�one Pirkeri 1a 46 g Office =- Toronto J. L (Bud) STEWART, B. A.
- - -- - - -- 168 Yonge 3t. AD4805
"LargP.at and Oldest in . Barrister, SolWtor, Notary
J. S. B A L SL ON PICK ER LNG - Established Forty
Yews" RIVER BEND tiF��A�RM9 /
-- •. �.• � .. _ — - _ - - -- =
CONSULT OUR ACTIVE C11 DEPT. .7,'Qreenwood Road
- �..
- _
Phone'- Pickering 17 R 1a
Quality Meats
- Fish in Season Sellers & Atkinson
...THEATRE A - F. J. Donevan
Phone gin. ZOIW2 sf,nrf. 290
urz� z�r:S �l- `Fruits & Vege� abler :. .I. icensed B. A, a sG
Healthfulky Air-conditioned
shlitio,�ed SILK'S MARKET Auctioneers 866 � strset�East �s awa. oi.t
• • �URSDAY� FRL, SATL'RiiAY - - -�
+ �`E iF�M�ER 26, 27 and 28: _ 25 Years Experience
• _ 'Two Shows .. 7 aid .9 P. X. ' - -- MOW'
-� - -sales S Notice
/atmday Matinee at 1.80 P. ]L- - .- - coain�'ted na ere.
8peciali:ing in F`asm stook.'
:ftniture and Property Bales. tommstlw own bows sell
l� me ofu. personally listed sad >itoew - yaio w Oeie
-- : -- - -' -� As+gialt Sbbgis
t NTED _ -- as -.y
Barbary Coss -= Prom Pt Service - Aawt suss w .
:_ n
Joim • Wayne - and Ann - Dvorak - YOUR EGGS
'Well Bsor+i..«.
Reasonable Rates,.
""Ay, TUESDAY, WEDN'SDY ffighFat Market Prices' Paid PHONE 290 STOUFFVIILLE "N. M. Gordon i
&EPTEMBER $o, OCT. 1, 2
Last Complete Show At 8.15 P. M. :What are You Receiving
. So Goes My . Love : t~ OR YOUR EGGS. The LIMITED �o.
! Jiyrna Loy and Don Ameche Our quotation Sat. Aug. 17, was GRADE A. LARGE 47c.
_ An AddF•i Attraction - Alpo the Best Market forYour Scarboro ' �.Iunction
aWULL JOY ROGER$ ' TELEPHONES - Howard '1117, and Scarboro .M
Along Navajo Trail > and Dressed L,o�,ber
p -- — i `.HOC S r `LAMBS- CALVES g� 'wllM
D% Gabby Hayes and Dale Evans ' Frames Sasl Doors &slsoir.
- Inierloe Trims' moaliiap '
ol'av M CI�iICKENS [ENS Soft and Hardwood 1>7ooiiag
SBDAT FRI SATURDAY _ _ _. Brict Insulated Ming Cadargsain.8bingLa 8Ldb1W
:OCTO$ER. $, 4 sad 8 PICK�G FARMS LTD* Wallboards XmI< L" cedar Ile6iagls.
GEORGE FQRMBl' - 1 Asphalt 8bbgiss 'wll -
SL"Walb Prodnefet ` Ha:eby Tfle -
_ ONTARIO PHONE 886 Day or Night &a • Wool 1"Wadw Omni" aid law Iowa Wa0w. "r zi
_ :. • . ,.... _._, ;IIURTIN O for a PM& pun -
• - . -st�l t7R P.
ti ,. All grades of s-