HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1945_09_21r...., • ,.RN .T,. -•+9•v- � ." a•: w .. . � ^1l •.• .. u��, s .. .: ,„r+.wr� .-�w+", '...... .. '' .. .. , .r .. .�.. .. v, a• , v':ir^." :F,.... ..0 ... w .:. . ,, �t�. ..�;,. - t r 5^ Y-.;' �A:., i!yC i•S .. .+k��. ,5.: f. J'. `'Y� '. .-. +r, *A.j•." �L., ... ,w r ...n.. �,. .a .y,p :i44yy Fr� :'�; .,{ C "•d 1' J ..} d .1'/Y- ,r"'1'e, ... .:..,.� "` ' �1." _' ' xis � •♦ � r ti'• ♦ : H. .. ... ... aw. F .- • ', ' _ 'Sid,- ; - � .. ' ' '. ` OL.FXV y 1DICHERING, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPT. 21, .2946 No. 4 P�cker�n-Isownshi - ;Park At Rosebank fficially io penber 29Th Vr OPENING OF TOWNSHIP Sgt Stephen Gfik Returns Frost Pieloering WaRmen's Inditute To ROTARY,STREET DANCE Pickering Village PARK AT ROSEBAN'K 'Saturday afternoon, September E9.. Orrersests Last West -end Meet Tuesday, Sept. 85., Pickering Village, October 17. - ..._. Mis fruit and vegetable show Spon- A 'veteran of two wars; Sgt. Step- The Women's Institute will- ince[ Mrs. James Andrew, of I:oglon, gala ---.Leslie•--Byers _ _ Ont„ is visiting friends here. sored by the Pickering Horticultural hen Cafik returned haome from Brit- -on Tpesday, Sept. 25, at 2.80 at the _ Society will be held at Rosebazik on �, atter more than five years with home of Mrs. N. E. McEwen, Rev. Robt. C. Com_ MT. Clarence Silk has been cowed the Toronto Scottish, of which all A subject of interest to all "Poet Copeland, Pickering to his home during the past weal[ as Setwday September but one month was spent overseas. war Planning for our Community vatted Church officiated at the a result of an seciden4 when a ' Vstluable prises will be 'given for Yoe „ ceremony, at the Manse, on Satur. piece of glass became imbedded in Firm, 'Second and Third in each He served as a cools, in -England Centre will be discussed by Mr. W. day, September 15, 1946, when Mr. his leg, when a window is the cat and evidence of his ability C. Marker. Robert Leslie, of Whithy, - Ontario,' was broken. mClsas- The exhibits to beeonas the culinary of .the society,and to be is the fact that his sort Ray used Assistant Hostesses: Mrs, Freak f was united in ma _ � mage to Miss Mary �'. Carman Barrett had the frost --.off—t oc eeds to -be -spent to -spend his . leaves • at his father's Smith and Mrs. Chas. Baker. � improvements to tae Park, �P where "he could get good Byers, o!. Ajay, Ontario. lender o! his car smashed in wt m'- A% car struck him as Ttabes- em4 es must be - in by four Ineals". Before Sgt Caflk's return, ,Fredealek R� SOUTH PICKERING TO HAVtE da A}l; y morning, as he was palling out e�cledt; at the. comaivaity pavilion, the ' two spent a Ieave together in ,A,DDITIONAL POLLFNG asci will be judged by -a well-Vhown North Queenderry, Scotland; ' with His many friends in _Pickering will FACILITIES onto the highway. local gardener• . , ' Wt. Cafiles sister. regret -to learn of, the of Tickets for the Rotary Car are on - AlYaough he was on the eondnent Frederick Ruston who wing the �- Y m- sale at the Naive Office. if you � 1ia yak, conducted by ]dr. Allay ..Deputy -fie' .e� W. H. We tine have not yet iMeyer, Principal of the Scarboro on o� one occasion (when he took employ of the . Boyes' Drug Co., formed the News this week of the obtainable hexa hayed one, they st'e Dhoffs school, will commence at five over supplies), nevertheless his during. most of theoeriod in which creation by, the townsbiD council of stay was far from dull. ]tiny were the proprietor, Jack Boyes was with a polling sub vision at Daabarton Mervin Gould has been coat- o'clock, to be followed immediately lined to her home home through illness. bp -The opening of the Park . by his -asrrow escapes during the Lou- the Services. to be gown as "8A" sub-divislon. oar Please, Ma D. Blake Amis. Tae don "blitz", and once it was nee- y last at the Genr Owing largely to the demand Mise Edits Murray, who has been He died on Friday b3' spending tate summer in Weatexw . - raapessatatfve oomlmittee will out- eseaxy to enter hospital wito a bad eral Hospital, Toronto, with funeral the" greatly increased number of Canada Is now back at her home with line the purpose of and plana for case of "nerves", servicesan Monde and interment in ratepayers that -area, a part of y � the Nieces Rorke here. the Mark, and a few prominent cit- 'When he returned, he didn't rec- Mount Pleasant Cemetery, He -was the former No. 8 (Liverpool), and Mr. and Mrs, M. S. Ciiapnoan, and leas will end. ognize his son Norman, although 2141 82 years of age. a part of No. 4 (Rouge) have been also a group of the mesabers of the Tables and benchm'witl be on the knew Berty immediately. His Large. He is survived by one son, Harold, -taken from the two .former sub -div- -y,• P. U. of the United Church calf- - gromda • and everyone interested . is . collection of souvenirs included of Toronto his wife predeceased inions to form the new, and located ed an Rev. M. R. and Mrs. Jealtitt- - Imited to bring'their picnic and en- some heather and a picture of the hien in 1928. in between tae two present stations. son, at King, on Sunday. wedding in vrhieh he and Lottie Ttl[r. and Mrs. Difurksr and Jay the evening. Lsmyre took Pmt, April South Pickering Ratepayers Elect L. apt. R3m.OvDutm Returns From ` daughter 21ave taken up residence on Your aaofla=tfittae finds Cant to pub- Although cooks are officially liah a full list would be an impoo- Officers At Annual Meeting = Maple Ave., A jaz- Craig received it3an on the Editor in spite of his `fro'"- to their stations, it must his discharge from the Canadian be agreed that after serving his A fair therm of ratepayers Ia-Cpl• Wm, Dunn, RCE. ,o! Dun- offer and desire to eo-operate, so, gathering p sera 'of barton returned home from overseas I, Navy last week, we state] chat a' class will be made' country for three years in tae last the South Pickering. Association air fir. and airs. YonPilis had ail - - war and since August 2, 1940, in 1 Last Week alter five year's service: for every type of .bruit and veget-' _ tended the Annual Meeti:ig test His brother, Spr: Norman Duna re- their . guest at Bokar Farah, Miss able exhibited in six quart baskets, this- one, Sgt, C.afik is entitled to Thursday evening at Orchard Inas. { turned on another ' ship the salmv. ' Brigitte Askonaa, B. A., Bsc.,. Ass- _ with inn exception of marrows, hub- some time at home with his family Mr, Horace Brown, Past Presid- ' week. is.ant at Allan .Memorial, Montreal, bard squash. watermelons etc., when DANCING 8.80 SA DAY ' eat of tae- Association - acted as - L• -Cpl.' Dunn served in France,j- Mrs, Caflk had the misfortune to the class will be for the once best. MGHT-GREENWOOD PARK Ch' s for the evening. In a re- I. Belgium, Holland and Germany. Ere . receive cuts and bruises on the face, A Any Qorticultural product worthy. port to the Association, `Mr. Brriwn escaped injury, arms and legs, when ah6 fe1J down ped j ry, although he was ss, of exhibit and sale for the fund will Mm Allan Miller Returns After. stressed the •importance of "snore the thick of the battle .-much of the:. stairs .'on. Sept: 11th, a few hours be given ' a class, but . in case Of _Tyro Yearn la Hudsoa Bay Area police. for the township" and advoca time. He -is fhe son of - Mr.- and Mrs. after nor husband's return. single entries, First Pa�•iies will notted at Fort ted tae nomination of two asmeribers ' Elliott Dunn - Btord his been received' that Jim - Dumbarton.. v of -the Agsociation• to enter the Mun- Ma^Rano i5 expected, home shortly. be' gi ea• unless the article is o! After linin two p y _ snffident merit. - Harrison, calf way up the East iripal Council contest at the Ja-�mary I�oNh. Pickering Red Cross -. Chief Constable J. B. Irvine is This _ Coast son ay, Mrs. - - - -- --- -.. --- . _ .. , - - iaow- get behind• it And put, it Miller (pee Dorothy Salter) retarts• doing away with sectionalism in this Word' has been received from Mrs, co a much-needed reit, p; Birkett, Work Convener, that they? Another ,attempt. to rob the Ajax over. -'Phe Committee township.' Officers elected for tins ' , ed to Pickering last week. - . j coming year' are: President Horace' is need for quilts in regular sizes Markateria roved almost fruitless Nr, and. Mrs. Miller kit two P Sptary" Street Fair and Dines Brown; 1st Vice -President, Ronald and cot quilts, also that -many .pairs when two -men, entered the , back Pickering, October 17, Harrison, -where h for the dost at white; 2nd Vice -President, A Skid -of - socks are lacking to make up - door late Tuasda evening. Accord- -- Hason, where he was stationed Y g• ' . . f _ more; Secretary; E. R. Hmiah; tiie hundred pairs due. faom this in to the ro rte �; era M Ziso.i- - as a radio techriicista In 8a inter- $ p P ' , Recording Secretary, Mrs. T. Jacobs; Branch. the only loss was a few ci Birt-Dawwm% Dept. of VetemaW view with the. News, Mrs. g[iller re- garettes. - Affsks 'Speaker at Rota"lated that, avail came in to the post Treasurer, Mrs, W. Hume; . Five ' An,enthusiastic group in Brough' Both -local -schools were - closed b' Executive Members - Wm McLean, air are busy on the -boys' shorts on Monday owing to furnace repairs twice a year and supplies once a Mrs. E. R. Hannah- Wan. Pa ne•. J. ,.which. were a left -over from the .bei The - gaast of Wm. A. Goody, ,year. _ > Y . ng carried out. Skidmore and Mrs. Ron ' White. spring quota. But it: takes more than - so the .Rotary Club, Mr. Be Depart- Fish, deer and partridge Were the. enthusiasm to get down to sewr.� With the ��jua �,�Q� son, Toronto Brandi of the Depart- meat mens, while the rest of their - g' �/ ` /` „ metrt of Yetazans' Affairs, described food cashed and -dehydrated. For Other Picketing Men Hdme Feaim while canning etc., still remains to for the members the machinery in recreation, Mr. and Mrs. Miller 1Nw Services �e Week be done, but the need will increase use end the set-up for the adenine-: hiked, skated and skied.. Daring the with the colder weather, and it- is ':ckering United Church Ivmi Baker, RCNVR-, of tine West ho that more wceaen- will be- of 'the rehabilitation pro=zami •summer the mean temperature was P� The annaial..Ra1Ty..Day Service sill _ Coast; 'Don Spragge, from ,Over-. come active members of Red Cross be held on Sunda morning next at as is practice. by the Federal (Ivo- abort 70 and in the winter stayed esaa; Cary Robinson, Overseas, and as the realization ws of the acute 1 00 o'clock. The service. -will .be �ertttnatt, T1tFr. Dawson has a very around 95 below sawn. - B'i'o ;. - - - thorough trnowledge of the entire Four families aeress the river • Harold Scott, RCAF., who did a lot distress prevailing, held in the main auditorium, with proatae:s, and presents a description from the poet, and Mr. Mi)ler's two of special miasivn piloting of the The five units of this Branch arethe Sunday School children occupy- of the sdheme in .,a comprehensive • assistants were the easy other white. larger type, craft in .several `theatres urgently asked to complete the work Ing, the front pews. The presenbefl mariner. He believes Canada to kava persons up there. 7be Eskimo vill- of the war. they now .have end turn' it in to Rally Day Order - of Service will be population Mrs. Birkett. A get-together meet- used, and an appeal to ahead is ,the � generous and workable age, beside them had s _ plan for the re-establishment of heli of about 20. The eakimos trapped THE MtiNICIPAL CORPORATION Mg is. being planned to be held' at . addressed -particularly to t'he par;. - - service personnel of. any of the Allied . foxes for a living, end often bait- of the Township of Pickering, in. the Mrs.. Harvey's, _ Broug'hasan, ' ..Watch ents, but also, to all others to join 4iatianta. 1°rovisions 'for tris ate. eyed with Mrs.• Miller, trading a ,County std Province of Ontario for the date and plan to attend. in this annual children's service, establishment is definitely away a- fish or partridge for a pound of tea; .head of Stat following the last war. or some • flour. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given As a manner of assisting the nat- Except when the • Mane ot- b6ot that the Council of the said Munic ion and the Department, he appealed %&.a in,, t4eir.• only connection with ipal Corporation, of the Tams iip of to the local community,. to try and the outside world was by radio: Pickering, will, at a meeting thereof - place as many alien as possible in They .iatened to -the BBC news ev- to be ' held on Monday, the 5th day cry. a urs the • w-ater the 'of November •1945 at the ao r of � e muni •-returned nen i'• ng F , u he found, preferred to establish co0d get the ioron►o statluns, but one o'clock in the afternoon; -in the - themselves in their Home community not in the summer. Council Chamber, in the Municipal t MEN FROM TNE, ARMED FORCES FOR,. FARMIN:B Livia in a frame 3iouse, they Building, . in the Villa ' swherever possible, and suggested 8 Village of Brough- - _ that _the cities -were ,veryyoor loc burned about 15 toss of coal s year. am, consider a Bylaw for closing, t Any personnel in the Armed Services, wishing to be i ationjS at the aro hent to secure em ar s re pink-up;_selling and _conveying released for farm -work at anv ocriod of the Tea ; shaulif ployment. He also made one ob- mer.•alike. to a purchaser or to purchasers that now be advised to:- 'hrvation that replies to the state'. came f Tithe the postay e;toMSenneterre iller r d� of the original allowance for um Rork, statin t farm ent often . heard in some circles (s) Apply o their Commanding Officer, for release for g pas experience, giving reasons that "private 'enterprise- can not be by plane wad from thereto Toronto FIRSTLY/ --Northerly part of tae' - for regwst.. expected to employ even returned by. trai t. Her ;iusband' .is expected sideline between Lots 22 and 23, in _•.. (b) .Give location, type and size of farm, wherever pots men, when they have no' employment to arrive here within the nQxt ,two the Second Concession, and r (c) If possible, •submit a letter from a parent or former Yor them". _ weeks. He will likely be posted to SECONDLY= -The Third Conceas- + "- firm employer and a letter fnom'municipal asr other In spite of Mr. Howe's _"two jobs, another station in the near future. ion ' Line commencing at the 'sideline - ' - ' - - ' . '-official in home locality, iP4icatin8 need for services. every " between Lots 22 and 28 �'� Agricultural Labour Survey Committees have been set u for eve huhu , we predict a tram- , p . �endous task for those shouldered THENCE, �- . Easterly; approxim- the Federal Department of Labour, Eo co -o rate >ovit6 )with the task of finding employment �' Sa9e �� Returns How ately 950 feet to a given road.. „ g p Bi a Armed Services in the release of men for -operate work. �• '.-_; for s, million men. Easily, careless- ALL PERSONS interested or - - A display of coloured lights, flags whose , lands may or mieat These Committees represent the Provincial De t ly made statements before the end e t be piej- Mad= amnen z and a sign reading "Welcome Home of Agricultuie, the Armed Seivices and the aN dosiai of hostilities, was the privilege of udicialy affected by the passing of Sam heralded `the return on` Taes- such proposed Frmploymew Service. They . -are prepared to advise government -ewe now meat face the day o! Pte. Sam Kaiser, after two p Posed Bylaw, are required w fir, or Service personnel on .any problems eonceni: cold, hard !acts, and make Cite best to attend at the said meeting, when_ years overseas as a clerk in the . Ing such releasgs. For furdtet iaformatioa write ops - they will be heard in person, or by o! it, and, -the returned man ie going y; yy $CASC. Atter spending one year the Counsellor` or Solicitor with res- Agrict�rJtur°1O Bursar�y are of Mobi,i�. to have tTte ..greateS-t _straggle of the }n England and one year in France, - ... tion Registrar, at Chsriottetevvn, f Hsliiax, St. Jong lot- spite of promises,- he-til-v�my sae thereto, upon petitioning - " Belgium, Holland and Germany, be to heard. Qom +Montreal, Kin Toronto, London, Port mach an ria own from now on. Sam contracted a skin disease which ARhur, Winnipeg,Regains 4 , Bdmsonton, or Vancouver: Ross Irwin has chat" of the lowered his category and resulted in DATED this 12411 day ad September, meeting nest week. - his being sent back to Canada after '1945, DEPART -Or L"Otrit four months in hospital. "W"aile in Mr. Al. Sparks Jn, is at house transport work," fie stated, "I saw L, T. JOHNSTON, Clerk Il1{i1�iR]3Y �'�� A I`facNAbfARAi, here with his mother atter being re- a great deal of the British Isles and of the Municipal Corporation of the Mlalsur of Labour ia&w..o o Deputy Mme leased frolm the ROAF. the Cont'iasat." "� �� ; �; kw I Township of Pkkorizw -` .. Dieting Dot says her struggling - with dress measurements certainly should encourage her to whittle _ down. THE' SPORTING THINS . REG'LAR FELLERS—A Double-header By GENE Bllt'RRi S 9- WMMEP. Is SW/ELLI THIS SWIMMIN, WELL -4'G4MA _ � evegY DAY SAVES ♦iURIXY f10ME=-I•VE I (I 'ta � + r ME T", TRAUDM OF 'OMA MUSIC LESSOM r TAVJW A BAT41 AW YOVLt IM HAFF A HOU2! SEE O -l- NEvER K CH ON Tt�� Y•� _ ( '::;� ii X' �C,�'• %T _ `✓' I J j, HOW 1t d4Zi1S. TOMORREft i ' "� (� •.- ------ _-- .. ... _ –You, said a majority, rules in- eur car pool — so. we just voted ourselves Ufa memberships." _ ', _ .1 :'ales ,y' r '�•wDR• ° isf� _ r Shares of the Company -earned $2.92 per share - - -Press- Japan Must Pay Voice Of tliC - It Should Be 16.v Li 1942 PONTiAC TORPEDO _ in 1944, compared with the dividend of ;1.25 paid = Australia; beheaded by the. Japs in has dug up a' piece of pemmican For (`ghastly Crime SEDAN WILL DV SOLD 1'O -HOLD- Is -t•T11MAt'H ANn THREAn woHu,4 1. the of 111-hetllth overt. New Guinea'In 1943,- one of the ' THAT IS, IF WEyCANme ..the Encyclopedla Britannica', f' ace red!'"The Japgnese," it soya, often are caur• ll ager Nn nne'tm- In humnnr. eg �ieturn of Oven 4.70 per share. graphs to come out of the war was When we Wa - – o - of that stuff to kill weeds in the lawn, "are essentially 't kindly -hearted laughter -loving people, taking 11f9 y and estimated to be iso years ofd° - - foun8 in the• pockets of a dead vee won't dodge our responsibility easily and not allowing Its petty - A. Massey -Harris Company Limited—'the largest Our butcher has a big cache of this3r Jap, says The' Ottawa Journal. It showed a blindfolded white, officer No, sir we'll asking Ecr to the walk right up to the counter and walk Ills unnecessarily to disturb the equanimity." — Ottawa Citizen. _ `manufacturer of agricultural implements in the kneeling in front of ranks of grin- demand boldly- .."Give .us -.some a 21 ACRES FKWT FARM, 16 ACUER 21 — British Empire —was eatablished in' 1847. .'abu%p se offer a return ed over 4.70 ping Taps, in front of him- a lap- dichlorophenoxyaceticacid;" -- -- -- IT'5' MG how the 11011 rtrnvr offensive odor inrtnnfiy Or t+nttle nttnwr ower�t nonmrn ability premium paid. For full del- vntte fox 39, 73 AdelaSda officer with the sword of decapita- —Windsor Star producers of excellent wool. Un- _ The 6y4% .Cumulative Convertible Preferred - tiorl polaed for .the fatal blow. Now it is announced the `offieer was = - —o— THE SAME STUFF 4iRadiant Roast" used 3111 • — _ �: M ms's a SMBU my Shares of the Company -earned $2.92 per share NORIlH' BAY DISTRICT— 160.- deed: Good Lieut. William Newton,' V.C. of A farmer near Roblin Manitoba, mannfaeturnng aacwe 16.v Li 1942 PONTiAC TORPEDO _ in 1944, compared with the dividend of ;1.25 paid = Australia; beheaded by the. Japs in has dug up a' piece of pemmican House Coffee brings out . SEDAN WILL DV SOLD 1'O -HOLD- and fishing. Total price $5100. it -t•T11MAt'H ANn THREAn woHu,4 1. the of 111-hetllth overt. New Guinea'In 1943,- one of the which"Ts extremely dry and tough, the flavor alid goodness of . often are caur• ll ager Nn nne'tm- In humnnr. eg WANTLD = per share. 1n HeaDeler, Thankslriving 23c, b for ' Proceeds most ghastly Crimea of the' war, and estimated to be iso years ofd° this fine �ltend. Every bean - bEtri Kinsmen Service CherltfeP, Rend Kinsmen 'for, tickets to Kinsmen CViib, Box" ' l4culn�s—Freer Write lltnlo�ney'• , and one. for which certainly Japan Our butcher has a big cache of this3r L)diaE.Pinkhsm'sVegetableCoelpoand 428=C.Z.." Hesp'eler, Ont. At the current market rf about i263�i, the .' alvei pay. sttiff, but he calls it steak: is roasted ev43nty, all 21 ACRES FKWT FARM, 16 ACUER 21 RAiIMEF.RA' P'1x1T RA1.81 ilhf• .'abu%p se offer a return ed over 4.70 etinsuompanyingnefvous ti high. —.Peterborough Examiner. 11011 rtrnvr offensive odor inrtnnfiy Or t+nttle nttnwr ower�t nonmrn ability premium paid. For full del- vntte fox 39, 73 AdelaSda _ Isbutf>tfeeli wbenduetofunetionsl �— producers of excellent wool. Un- dwelling with space above for 3 nrna 0tnrr' retrPwfl _ - To W.; Toronto. parlod k disturbances. It's one of the ' ~ --^Mail- ingn'ries receive prompt attention - _ _ U.. S. TAKE. Off% TR The JapsDOUB have -trouble pro oun'c tslMteffective niedicinesfor this pusp0ae. Pinkham's Compound iii s wetttref $le: Older 'stock reasonnble. J. W••• Noble. Box 6, - Ktrklnnd •Lake, _ READ THiS-F,VFRY SUFFERER WANTED TU'- PURCHASE PUL - tett, from 8 •weeks n>, Ontario. " recol6smend all Follow 4� 7yy the shrewd buyer.. R. Vu}kov. should t r y Dixon's Aemedy: . (1ohd paid.. laying. t. D ing the letter t"—anconsideringWe ISSUE 38-1845 r' Mgnro's T1ruF• "tnre, 333 Elgin. !Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 73 To. fon Ros 88, 771 Adelaide W. 7b- to dela ronto _ The American flag that flew, over the certain kind of a fix they're in, - -_ "' -- 36 Kine Street iI'est the Capitol in Washington on the the handicap is doubly serious. FOBBES : Wood, Gundy & Company T,... day of Pearl Harbor last week flew —Ottawa Citizen 1.il3tited TdgAma Eht6ia 4.U1 over Tokyo, says the New York —o— Times. It was the flag that was OR APOLOGIES FOR SAME YELLOWKNIFE ` flown over -Rome July 4, 1944, and - If you believe in signs, those y over Berlin July 20, 1945.. It had affairs in 'the millinery shop win- GOLD NNES,t LTD. been selected by President Roose- do's are Fall hail. . 'Piker-' •,' ilWer A Piller , lliot Bad — Hitler s velt as the symbol. of Americes —Stratford—Beacon-Herald. {No Personal Llahil-ity?---— trilmlph ..over. her enemies. With -1. Bid 40, Ask 45 With Girl-Friend...Income 6000 00 ' ' 0 the dramatic ceremony of its rats- French Cows Killed 'Adolf Hitler received an annual ing Duet the burned -out ratan. -of this last Axis capital its mission Destruction of milk cows has Circular on- request �CCC11tItICs< _ Arthur Ksaneber stilet payer g• Income of ;2,640,000, secret Ger- was fulfilled. been high in certain parts of. _ a .at Hitler's personal necessities tnan budget figures disclosed 're- France, particularly _ is Normandy from 1932 to 1945, said the Faeh- cently. In the third year of the The event- was ..the highlight of and eastern coastal &rear where Telephoag 'ELpin 4104.4106 = - -' - -'—'- r' e'er liked to play Santa Claus .to war his income rose to nearly ¢6; the formal occupation of- Tokyo 'the fighting was heavy. It is esti- . 'Rout Ctiiborne Street, his bodyvwd and household ser- 000,000 as A result of his special by Gen, Douglas MacArthur, mated that Normandy lost about ' tsats flat was a piker in his gifts benaflts from German wartime Supreme Commander for the Allies; 80,000 cows and that 50,000 were Toronto 1, Ont. :to his• -girl-friend, Eva Braun. taX4- . and his men. ' 4 killed in, the eastern.dls'tsteta. Kanneberg and his, wife, Who h _ s was Hitleen housekeeper, i w -'b- --- ----- -` tug questioned . in an internment BABT CHICK' - FOR SA;.E FARMS FOR BALEEnsIhTG-- eamp by United Stales intelligence :PULLETS 13 WEEKS UP TO '26 PU BE;�REW SPRINGER SPANIEL #6,000—BUYS CHOICE 1,00 ACRES LJDRE alarm irSaINU on L'Rob -,�c�: weeks. Pnzp broods and hybrids. Pu les, ; male, not ellgtbla for 1n Sunaidale, good bullding8. near plegia tae on. reggeat ta8ardtolt classaa, Kanaeberg satd.Ahat Hitler liked Day old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery; Free circular. -cegl on. Tan dollars. Also male, one year, ellsibTe for reg- school, highway, Stayner Was- ago Beach, water. Immed- Robertso 'r Halydresslos Avad- tel poke around In -the kitchest and - - Top'_ Notch Chickerles, _.Guelph, lstration; R. IL Bean. Rout* 6, good late possession. Ill health reason smy 137 venue Road. Toroata _ - kelp prepare meals for his lavish Ontario. Napanae.- Oat -,salting. Arthur -Glbson,-Stayner, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS parties and that he doted on brew- ing his'own tea from native plants. Tb AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT, HOTEL, -:LICENSED, LARGE GAL- Out FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS• musical lnstru- $4.500 BUYS A 250 ACRE FARM.. a f "I did all Of Hitler's buying — order your October -November chicks early., We've a very few loaage: $?0,000 cash full prlca. includes bulIding, -furniture situated 1% miles from the town ' of Perth` and % mils from school; sella, exchanges menta. ill CDurch. Toronto 9. Mo- many thousands of Christmas -s�rtxd �' ham' Bey HatcherT, 1.110 John N., Hamilton, Ont _ equlPment: ,leo other hotels, ice business, tourist cabins, poultry situated on it is a large frame house, and stable room for to OFPGRTUWITI84 roil WOMEN parcels as well as the household farm, bakery, restaurants . and head 'of stock. There is a never "-seeds," Kanneberg said, -"and I number Rood forma. Apply Jamas tailing supply of spring wa,(sr. BE A HAIRDRESSER - - "aaow he never gave his sweet- ga FREE RANGE PULLETS- PURE breeds and byarids 12 weeks up D. Campbell, 20 Bramley SL, Port Hope, Ont This Is a good dairy farm. .there 1s enough wood on. ii to pay tot JOIN CANADA'S L.EAURdU 8CHWL' ae&Tt. Ela Blanes, more than a to laying. Also day old chicks g. it. A. J. Croskery, Perth, Out. Great Upportudlty, Learn Hairdressing ldmple jewel."' - - hatched order for Fall delivery. Fran catalogue. Tweddle Chick REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS, PEEL COUNTY FARM, 100 ACRE& pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Opt six weeks, very choice breading, less without Daypts, Wm. Camp- good buildings, hardwood bush i- spring creek, hydro available; graduates° Amerlea'a gresteai sys- bell, Cornwall. Oat Caiedoa Village 2 miles. AD1>9 � tam, illustrated catalogue tree. , Write or call Rt:SINES! OPPORTUNITIES CHINCHILLA AND NEW ZEALAND ppremiaa' only no lettV. ers° W T CaAedoa, Ont Phone MARVEL HAIRDRESSING E"EWhite PACO OPTIMIST HOME Rabbits for sale. Good stock. reasonable. Writs Wylie -121. . 1$-131. SCHOOLS i3$ BLWR W. TtlRUNTO A "MAY BE YOURS" 36cZathron, McArthusa MJlIs, Oat,Branches: RIG'S' LORI[ kc 74 Rldssou P rail nitafwi�u - USCRiAR PALM ALSO PARTICIPATE IN $60.00 monthly Bond draw. Other prises, YWEETOLENE SUGAR SUBSTI-- _ 104 ACRES FARM, - eolL New atter barn In, 1937, near - ly new 8 roomed frame house. PHOTOGRAPHIC -� Details' on receipt. Shama• 11.00 lute; equivalent- to 90 pounds Hydro, water In both each or 6 for $5.00. Send for sugar. $1.00 postpaid. Boz 61 -AA, dinning house and barn. 8 acres bush, WINDSOR PHOTO FIIjISHERl3 �/A� shop" to St 'Catharines ODtim{Ut Club, Catharines, Digby, Nova Scotts driving shed Lad hen coop. good give you better pictures. Try our i p losrtex finish and see the dif- Bos 446-H., St. fences, 25 aeras bay and pasture, and eight ezggat7re__ -` WMISPEW-- -- �atit!'i0. - -------- �__._ WATERLOO SEPARATOR 86 X 44 with Ebersole Feeder and Cloves d #8.000, at least ${.000 , fn. cash° - rwrwnrw• Jf= rolls developed and printed 30c, reprints 03c each. Windsor - - 1 /nstaatine Tablet ' $10,000, HOME Recl*aner. Also Waterloo Sepa - 10 miles from Guelph 3 miles from Rockwood. 6 miles from Photo iniabers, Box 490, Wind- BUILT ANYWHERE IN c CANADA • -atop J8 X 50, roller bearings. Will -sell or trade on' Combine. Minto Acton, 1 to school. Mrs, d. Halcovftch, R.R 4, Rockwood, ;.—YOUR ,brings FAST RELIEF to winner's specifications. or lrobl*, R R. 1, Leamington. Ont , . 'YOUR WORK IS 10,000 to cash will be awarded lucky wanner. Ala* chance on WONDERFUL" Tots suer mldscttlai afebse #100 monthly draw, Wlaaar is Vill eligible for house draw. All SURPLUS ARMY STORES 100 ACRES DAIRY- FARM LEVEL -CUSTOMER SAYS - �pdns, and have been relying tui slow- .;proceods los children's welfare. Army Petrol Cana, capacity 9 Imp with carrying handle and sandy- clay loam, near Na. !high- way, good buildings, 2 steel root'which and the prompt manner In is ` jaelyag, sotsmtlmes inet[ectiw remedies Ticketa $1 each -;-12 for $10. Mail remittance to Sudbury Kiwants gallons: heavy brass ca p• Just the thing for Darns, hog house, hen house you return ,work greatly, appreciated." lllo btiag you a measure o[ relietrila!!1 . Club, Box 63. • carrying extra gasoline, water, anti- house, garage. new cement stables; Any Size Ro11—t" or 8 Exposures 6n about the Instantine 144WWey to , freeze or any liquid. Prfas_79c sash. silo, drillled well, hydro pressure system, good paying asparagus DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 260 IA relict from simpie ". fns DYEING AND CLEANING -'Used Ldnd Mine Boxes, 8% = 8% x bed, close to town and villaaea• 'all Don't risk losing plcturea. Send Youaee,fast•actiagIaatantinetablets e. -actuicombinationof !B" long. Price $1.39 each. conveniences.- Price :417106. your film rolls to lar'You threeptovm ]LAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS Ueed'Ammunition Boxes, 13. x 11 x (Phone, 66 R 11, Princeton. J. C. CANADA'S LARGEST ANE? Wsdicinalingredients, scientiitallycam- dyeing or cleaning? Writs to us to l8" high, double hinged cover, 18 Two heavy carrying iGriep. FINEST STUDIO e �ponnded to felleve , ala prompt for .formation. We are `lad Depart- Br► pteel. , handles. Price $1,75 each. 103 -ACRE FARM GOOD SOIL, Get Better Pictures at LowerjCbs -Cosi• ,rel �y with which l Instanfil11e tebJd ww .1 dLimited. 1:g answer your questions. ment H. Parkter'■ Dye Works 791 Tongs Street, To- _.- - All-purpose. metal containers. 17" stone road, 2 utiles train town. Box 245 Dunnville, Ont. Prompt mail service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER you tsdtoste IWi#1 You can Count Tonto, high x 10% x 5%, with sitp=en cover ---- 'SALE, piety Style Album With Prints ea Instandne,s triple -action to work fon and canvas carrying strap. Price >, 200 ACRES FOR CLAY loam, spring creek, good house,, size■ 16-20-127 it 29c film - A t'aeae ways to give you fdst 1:e11C::h= FARM MAOHiNSIRT MOR SALE- .79c each., $6.95 ,g Dol well, wln4m111. Charlie Bell, (40 extra) Is sent with roll PRICES ON �; V'Folding Mean Tables, price NoDleton, Ont. SPECIAL NEW BRIGGS a STRAIT AIR- each 6' Folding Benches, $2.20 each. FRAMING ARID COLORING i. Sp4ted11y 4taN pain. -coated. gasoline'engineL Most up- to -date engine made. Low cost C.O.D.—Transportation charges ex- FARM, 100' ACRES, 4� MILES Enlargements 4 x $" in beautiful L�2.MI � �� eM pals. Dealers orders invited. Scope tr16 from Seaforth, Ont, % mile from easel mounts, 8 for 350. Framed. 7 !" 10 ~' r w i. Reduce depfessted }NllwO. Berea Co., Box $52. Ottawa. Oat. Writ* The Alison Machinery Com- Limited. 208 8lmcoe St, To- highway, fenced and •drained, mostly under cultivation: never- on ivory tinted. mats, x Gol Silver, Circassian Walnui of dd,, _ �^! of" 11111141, StintYlafhep "IM. n pray rdoto 3B, Ontario. failing stream at back; large" Black Ebony finish frames, 690 edch. ". "yI=ING" CREAM SEPARATORS ,', bank barn with overflowing well; If enlargement c lored. 790 each. p Lrtaatine neva pampers paiit.Tt - and repair parts are always 8 -roomed concrete house with DLO PICTUR198 RESTORED wn iks tact to bring needed comfort. Ra atallable either at your local Up TO DATE DRUG .814DRE hard and soft water inside: also -We can restos say old photograph ' _ - >Mmber Instantine. too, whtYtevec you -• -dealer or direct from Swedish Separator. Co. ,Tjmlled. 790 Notre- equipped with Soda Fountain ServSce Lnd Souvenir Shop. Good Vrage. Write or phone Lorne. S. Webster, Seaforth. Ont or snapshot and make any, pumper of DTlnts or enlargements =, 6�Q the Dame West, Montreal 3, 4100. bastness all year round. Reply to : The s requires the . 641 a 4611 Or ion tkroet. You can get• Pottru Pharmacy, 110 Main St., 100 -ACRE FARM. LOT 18, CON. 13,, Workdomir led artists. but the work of asona Instantineatmiydrugstore. FOR SALIM Ltchute, Que., 46 mlies from Enniskillen IbwnahiD. one mile Send us your .Snd cost U reasonable. Montreal. off No.. 21 Highway. Eight -roots us picture, and tell .un. what you want QUANTITY OF LARGE WILLOW trees. Hanger Limb Company, is brick house, full basement. -Barn 40 ft. by 60 ft., finished oft with done and we will tell you the cost before doing the work. "i• Sing' Street West, Toronto, Ont. ELECTRIC MUTURS, NEW, USED belts, cement mangers and steel stanch - STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE — bought, sold, rebuilt pal- lays, .brushes. Allen Electric Cam- tons. • .12x40 concrete silo, Good machine abed -and granary. Good Box 129, Postal Terminal A. Toronto PIANOS, OUR SMALL NEW PIANOS PIANOS, pasy Ltd., 2326 Dufferin':St.. To - clay loam; well tiled. 25 acres Print Name and Address Plalaly on. =,+ + will be available shortly. Beautl- Tonto. hardwood bush., Apply Walter, Orders. '�'ej+'�w - ful fie 'design and tone. Circular' - etaatled promptly. Factory Mason Clark, Wyoming, Ontario. TIME QUAUTY - $treetRWe t,cb Toron Limited,, 649 Slug ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND AND REPAIRED. EX- 'HELP WANTED, NESTED • SERVIC>: sled SATISFACTION PIPE WRENCHES, RIDGID TRIMO pert workmanship. Moderate Lloyd M. Bettger, Moak- WANTED— EXPERIENCED -FARM )Coot .[Slurs properly developed and - J " Stlllson 14: 18: and 24 inch at .20' per inch 36 and 48 inch•at .25 per prices. Aon. Ontario. help. Steady work offered on large Dairy Farm. Modern build- p Minted. # OR 8 EXPOSURE RUTAA 330 Inch. 'CUM30NG WRECKING CO. Ings and equipment. Accommoda• REPRINTS 8 for YSc �� LTD. 1678 Windsor Ave., Windsor, FARMS FOR SALH• tion furnished on premises, Apply or FINEST ENLARGING .SERVICE _ Ont, at farm, Oriole (Lanalh9l _, You may not .get all the films you 76, 'ACRES FOR SALE, GOOD 8 phone Agincourt 87W1. Write Box 161, Lansing, Wynyatee Farm. want this year, but -you can get all the quality and service you desire - iZ Tt3>tlteK �Y—�^' 2� as '41 BUICK SEDAN buildings, 2 -miles to Barrie, 25 by sending your films to yw led, flaw enowfnvShoorob • WILL BE SOLD FOR $1.001 TO acres wheat, 12 acres clover, acres ploughed. Plenty water; MRDICAL IMPERIAL P'ROTO SERVICE Rtatlon t, To polder of lucky ticket at Picker- well fenced; hydro available. Ing Rotary Fair, October 17. Send for five' ticket's to Box 200, Possession Oct. 1; $3arr dawn. Apply Earl Barron, Barrie, Ont, DTXON'n REMEDY—FOR NEURt PAT601fTs 11,00 itis and tattc Pains. Thous= Pickering, Ont. ands Patisfled. Munro's Drug tlaffe 6'ETHERSTUNHAUGH h COltil'ANY • , ms's a SMBU my NORIlH' BAY DISTRICT— 160.- deed: Good Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- $1.00. Patent Solicitors, Established; 1390•: 14 Hing West. Toronto. 16.v Li 1942 PONTiAC TORPEDO acres, free and clear road to property. Good hutltlnR paid = Booklet of latormatlon ono ' re- SEDAN WILL DV SOLD 1'O -HOLD- and fishing. Total price $5100. it -t•T11MAt'H ANn THREAn woHu,4 1. the of 111-hetllth overt. er of winning_ ticket. to be drawn Day. - you, want a gyfet property In a 60.d.. to erax, Rive' me n often are caur• ll ager Nn nne'tm- In humnnr. eg WANTLD = 1n HeaDeler, Thankslriving 23c, b for ' Proceeds place call. Sev stat rnpre properties to Geo. lYiKI?t,• 903, lie voi ..itho net , find . out x this 1P your ti mthlet Totererllly Dar- HATCHING EGGS WANTED FOR - bEtri Kinsmen Service CherltfeP, Rend Kinsmen 'for, tickets to Kinsmen CViib, Box" same district. Canndn' Bldg:. Windsor, Ont, l4culn�s—Freer Write lltnlo�ney'• , 1948 hatching aeat+on.'Flocke cull- _ L)diaE.Pinkhsm'sVegetableCoelpoand 428=C.Z.." Hesp'eler, Ont. Remedies S;perinlirtr Tnrnnte ! U and Qov4ern edltree of charge uuat!r ¢overnmen eu erhatch r not only helps relieve monthly pain but 21 ACRES FKWT FARM, 16 ACUER 21 RAiIMEF.RA' P'1x1T RA1.81 ilhf• Gyaranteed premium, piu'e hatch ­ etinsuompanyingnefvous ti high. ANGORAS OF . Qt?ALiTY. H1GB of fruit trees; new moderns -room rtrnvr offensive odor inrtnnfiy Or t+nttle nttnwr ower�t nonmrn ability premium paid. For full del- vntte fox 39, 73 AdelaSda _ Isbutf>tfeeli wbenduetofunetionsl �— producers of excellent wool. Un- dwelling with space above for 3 nrna 0tnrr' retrPwfl _ - To W.; Toronto. parlod k disturbances. It's one of the related trios, two months old, additionnl rooms: lnrge enclosed tslMteffective niedicinesfor this pusp0ae. Pinkham's Compound iii s wetttref $le: Older 'stock reasonnble. J. W••• Noble. Box 6, - Ktrklnnd •Lake, vernndn, • double "rage, 2 wells, Hydro modern conveniences,.Si o READ THiS-F,VFRY SUFFERER WANTED TU'- PURCHASE PUL - tett, from 8 •weeks n>, Ontario. 600 te' ms to Putt. A bargain for of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis ' all Follow 4� 7yy the shrewd buyer.. R. Vu}kov. should t r y Dixon's Aemedy: . (1ohd paid.. laying. t. D ISSUE 38-1845 School 'Rd. Niagara -on. the Lake, Out. Mgnro's T1ruF• "tnre, 333 Elgin. !Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 73 To. fon Ros 88, 771 Adelaide W. 7b- to dela ronto _ • — c �.Rasst�lyd Adyt's M: MINIMUM 1111011011 - — — . TOroato AD 6ba8 -- Pick. 68 -a 'WANTED _ `.girl oc woman to do TANLEY Attend ToThat. Ro fo ,��ght housework. Five uil week.RON GIBSONGoldsmith, Printa•s' Guild _Theatre ..FOR arming, cab Arad tin Before It's' Too.LateTRANSPORT _ with warnung, cabinet; tin enamelbath tub and grey enamel sink. Mrs. - _ . M. Smith, Pickering (former W. " _ _ .. _-.-. _ - TRANSPORT - Stou i Vill _ Crummer residence). Phone 69. 0o Of =Alf -Finds- - HELP . - .WANTED ---dairy farmer, :• - ��'^_ one Stoaffville 348 _ g g Doors Open Each Night �U! :.� single, experienced-anilkis machine, MOVING tractor, good dome and high. wages - ' Estn* nates -Free =- = $RIDAY - SATURDAY to steady and' reliable man. Boka: SAND G R A.V E L STONE SEPTEMBER 21 and. 22 . Farm, Whitby, Highway 2. Phone . = . - - "Whi% 950 or 827: Distance.No Object � WANTED Practicall Yours • LIGHT 'CARTAGE - and trucking +` - DEAD HORSES AND CA7"fLS work wanted. Ex-RCA;F man with �' - Claudette • Colbert Fred MacMurray - converted army truck. _ Vic. Reid, Experience, .Gives S.ltisfactirli. For' tree picii. Lip phone - "SALUDOs AMIGoB" 'f Cherrywood Road, Dunbarton_ . phone i ��'rr BROOKL]N 1 R 23. 9 of o & G. Gascoigne _ PICKERING • • • • • . • • 'b 65 Disney Cartoon FOR SALFk-dairy cows, springers. PICKERING ..• • •• • • • •_ , ,06 Universal News Jobe C. Moore, Lot 26, Con. 4, 'ROOFING .CONTRACTORS WHITBY, ONT. -- Pickering. -. Sep. 28' . I OURT .:..s 2144 - SDAY ' AG NC one . - MON p DAY TUE ---Established 40 Years ___--.__-Phone 743, Whitby •fie pay the : phone ebargeE SEtPTEMBER: 24 and 2b _ WANTED -.$1800 on First Mart- _ - - gage on $6000 property, 5 percent. t .CORDON YOUNG LTD - :George In The News Office Box 479. Sep. 21 Toronto Phone Ad. WOO _ -- -BULLDOZER for Rent. Telephone - - - - - - Horne Guard � Scarboro 7232 - Sep. 28 Buck -wheat 1111ante _ -- - FOR. SALE --choice Shorthorn bull, _ _.- d G�aremOnt Meat = - year amd half oldi. Dr. N. E. Mc- �, - starring George Formby sin ' Screen Snapshots No. b ,Ewen, hog cbin Ranch, Lot -gig;Screen ;Us For Best Prices - Market P9ckermg. Cartoon -' VPanted-Singer Drop Head 3eWriag ' --- _ Mach.". We pay cash. Call or rt O� �� - setioa er stoner Ratinded WEDNESDAY TEWRSDA T • ,write. Singer Sewing Machine, 16 Keener- s Ma I'- Cltiolee Bsb,•Heefs irons Odtirio's SEPTEMBER 26, sed 27 =,. Othaws. pbo� -.Marmill -Ltd-111130 tfRoma- ge, A Specialty �• ha46A Wow Uftd OW lime ae� eleaao-- • IVlARKHAM, . Ont. -Phone 96` De ivery to Hroagis■�D usbartse, it saaw Rowell Brian Aherne passttii • C �• anti visits*y, Irsomay-Friisy. . Selected Short Bob" large sfleei of beige: shwa sir i FOR RENT APPLE$'' FOR BALE—FOTO=NI'1'E -. TKua& _ 180 acre farm, with evesseeosb and_ paa4.. .Also a_jead-1 __ _ _ _ �rM�ts 16t�►t : �arsatded _— ahek of sew - Iasih� *sista -ad ' 1O0d � ' � lino, good � to 7► � u op, wt>t am mar !�+ ~'spring, also Stone house, xmplacwft order is earl dvise ens � � their A. I. Sit RMLA" BALE REGISTER bw at wry reasonable prsess. Cls@ I iced, chicken house, at Lot 34, con. y for their wiaier sad 1►s ocatrin". 3. Garland Bros. CherrywoolL _. supply. Ail vssietiea. lkaas 18N Q , arsons Off• Wednesday,8eK qg - Inmm s►nt - _ _ lOsrld Lmso�t anction sale of 45 lord of registered 1111021 Sebwsria - ltotap Street Fair sad Danes 000 mile West of Pickering ': 6+tAary Fair and Street Dame and high grade Holstein Dairy Catr .•21 Bond St:e_+st West, Oshsws, Oat. ekei October 17. Sep. 21 . • Piekeriay October 17: tle, including . fresh, springers sad � Y<aung cattle. These cattle have jssst _ passed a negative blood test sad w'iU be • s old subject to same Also _fourr,. ,anew Case tractor on rubbe - - months old,. power implements, Uh. _ _- : ,,..• . _ .. ntil ltrag machine, good, bay, _ Aetc., the property of Sherman rnold, Lot 33, Con. 8i Pickering Sale at 200 P. m. Terms each. No reserve. Farm sold` See large posh _ era; Lloyd Turner, cleric; Sellers 4 ATIONED M�T and Lloyd �uctic+neerk INIOCKERS ; Saturday Sept. 29 — ,Extev. &" aro- tion sale of 40 head of High Grade . Dairy Cattle, including fresh spry. your :.. _ R: - is _ . MagngUicMilking dlachina, Gas AR cOnesuters who shore rationed meat in lockers Rationed teats include an cooked, Casr+ed, �y - ngine; rs Implements; Grainl - e_ p must declare in writing to the nearest Ration Branch and "rod" teals. for a foil list of rationed rwea/s; Ray; Ensilage, Corn by the rewF Office the quantity of rationed meat they had in see tine- Consumer Meatun - -_ alio the 100 -sere farm, 90 ,;loft storage o .rt September 10, ,1945' Coupon Value Chas1: Copies are availoblw-at oil Ration 8yprxh CMioet�" -_. der cultivation with nirning. water -- in lasture; good well; 7-romwed COUPONS ' MUST BE SURRENDERED FOR STORED MEAT frame house; bank barn; pig pen; driving shed; milk . house, wiN be _ Gonssstters must su render coupahs for 011 meat beld in lockers over and -offered at '3 o'clock, subject to re- .osave 4 ibs. for each M its sokae+odatarate of 2 qspr aopasseroe bid See bills. The tarsi in However, iso more than one-hthlf of the "M' • coupons in In ,roliort books- f situated 1% nines north of Stan!!-. . isle tonsunier and his household hied be surrwwer+sd. - viilp on paved highway, the proper - 1.•: _ - - ty of the Estate of ice Late David -- Gray, Lot 8, Con. • 10, Whitcharelt, 2.R_a 212 RATION • ADMINISTRATION — WARTIME PRICES, AND TRADE i414RD = Sale at 1.00 sharp. No reser�ea• i - gRs81103 STATE[, V -NEAT Rpt N COIUCK MA MMML Ti EE FIUD WJJT TE RATIN RRIRCR 'NITRMN U IA14 auctioneers � I AF TRE =TART If MEAT RAR: • 1 - - S". 28 � ! Radon 11"k S—1'refi= and 9erisl 140.y rfkk�kbee -of peresos in bou,ebeld inelksdint my»1t. » s o • io..k...-9 o.n s..a► bindbelp Satuzday, Sept. 29 — extensive auc- atid in.renew ...... ........... .....,.... t'on, Sale tAt and Name of Dielarsut • ... ......�:._ ..._......... .. ».. ».. ._...«..... _._. �.« «.» ... :. �......, ,..- ........................... ......... 1 modern household furniture the _ Address .............._ .. ,...... ...... , - 140. S~ �ia:»ii«..._.. .... ................ ......_........ ...«.».« ....« «......,.......,...,....:.....,.., .... ....... .... � property of Mrs. W. H. Kennedy. «.... south, whitey. The SERIAL NUMBER OF EACH PERSON'S RATION ROOK 615 •Brock St, 1 grounds open to public at noon. Sale his is a big sale. - 1 a a On wi aat 12:45 .sharp. T Terms cash, William Maw, cacti er »*:.«.. ....» ice.. .. _ e • e • r A. :M _ =+ 'AUiCTION SALE .« ._.« .«.»..».» «..N :. «.».........._.:. __ .ate .._........................ HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS (If space is foundiosuffitiest, use desi'snsted *see at bei4t if 'siert) the property od L Taal weislki Ilia.) •f all rationed melt held a. at start or nidenitia 1915 _ .,........«»«.....:.M. ' M. ` CHAS, M HUMBER REV. 3. DodtieN•a of f Its. for. **A persow .......:..............»...... »..s 4 _ - - - «.«...«. ...leo. - �T o r • . \ rr......r r......i ... ... ..SATURDMosebAY 8 � . 22. 4. Dtere•es between fukrs• (2) aksd 13) for wbidr meat nupotis to he surreaderad«...«»....7b. :atlas >Voots of :eat cwpoaa sgeired for ties s•tsl (item 4) •e erne, of 1 eokkp•si fe •eek l;lM..(st•ss iteld►t) . „.,.« .. «...»....«+.ne Kroehler bed chesterfield; Studio ' A Tsai nk M se pe" was j bavwitk (bobs rgtitr d number) but e•t a,on s6sn 50% of mod K ampew is sM couch; Single bed; 114 Bed, springs .f itis �:• ••may and mattress; Electric washing mho- 7. l'laaaa a gadra� of vtaiaiisti l veli 4 btesi ""in$ W" m•at stars..,. T steads to ...w_............ w.«wwn�.n+•»..«««•««-.w.....w«.w..w.«««ww•.«..wwww.w.... hire; Bed , pll i and eisah- ims »«. .w..«w ... .. w.w..w «•.w.-««w.w.r.«.w.wr..�w -.i •. Vanity ••�" downchest; Verandah furniture; Can. _ _ ,w...•»..:_»,....... ......... ......»«».« .»«... «.» .vas chair; Mahogany-colotued and _ 1. 16 nAwe Dedwo UNhy ft*1 d* a" k0ea sskii le be trtio enksl cornet stirs eq e•am" in ra full dMdewn J all sseatw•wwd. som cheaper tables, large and small; sesswened W bow ky am is my edd "amp stei 10 any o•ekmerdal hUdiws or L we" is a ill awe" plot r as of asses DMin -room suite, less table; Rock: �� • ing chair; Desk; Secretary; Seat,• ................ :.1lss w,«w.....w«.....«.:.»w...;...www:.:w� .wk...,...:_.......�..:. ional boolk`,:case; Rugs; Moor ISnlps; ` 1'lOr1'i: Usd.e tis• 1i•ees Onioi, •poretaxo V all ss•rap i•ekrrn� w it oekakiisreb) sols dts?asa isitdiess�asr .111 tr spent N t11s Baking cabinet; Kitciheft cupboard; '1 len# is sem..--Sas# siarwa I _per= t• «h•o t M nowt.. sp.e. !•:. do seeress of /••s. Gunned trait; Fruit sealers; HigA it lf.a. t•4ii .. chair; Few toots; Step -ladder; Other �-'-. "-'"'.-" . '•'.•�:" •-- -----J articles too numerous to sueatlow ' al* SUS fotfi, OCR in, and send it with your coupons to tlw nearest Ration BnWhd : - writing deur,, Antique table. LOCKER OPERATORS, ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT"TO THE BOARD THE NAMMIS Sale at 1.00 Terms essh f AND ADDRESSES OF PERSONS TO WHOM THEY •RENT %OCKERS" ' ' Wm: MAW,", auctioneer. RATION MINItTRATi01 _ Vi4RTY@EAUTYPARLOR C: THE WART11ii PRICES AND s BOARD PERMANENT WAVING - H AIR SHAPING - STYLING' j - tvaea-a 62- Windsor Street, Ajax, Ontario Phone 19 R 21 i : i ' MOM Mrs. David Russell, of Markham, Williams returned her for the sponsor a fine entertainment in the K . CLAREMONT is visiting the N. Burton family at week -end. church and Sunday school room r prown Mee. Syd. Smith,. of Toronto, spent the week -end with Miss Friday evening, September 21. A ;t r,; f Mrs. C. A. Barclay hse returned soy Margo Wil- mixed program put on ,by good ' Mise May McIntyre of Toronto, )tome frons a pleasant visit v+Qth the spent toe week -end with Mrs. H. G. 'noes session. Tae question of hold- Haywood family in their cottage at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchings talent, finisied off by a corn roast .� _._---�Dntyre, ing a dance to augment fund- was Ems, of Brooidin, spent last Sunday with in the Sunday School room. Mr. and Mrs. David Coates, of discussed, and after a vote, to hold - _ - Mr. A- Hutchings. Mrs Milton Pegg's brothertp� y , Mr. and Mrs. Berl Matthews have tl'a Toronto, spent the week -end. with it was agreed upon The date was been with their dau Miss Reta Milne visited Miss Ida.. ionic of Magnetawan Musko # _ __-" —._ g3ltsr, Mrs --Ger - last week -end with, the Milton Mrs. John Coates. set usher the orchestra ions free to old Harbron, as Mr, Harbron has Gray last veld family.g Miss Margaret Macnab spent the come. Mrs. Harvey announced a been in hospital for an appendicitis Ma• H• G. Michell visited Mrs• vreek•end with friends in Toronto. meeting of the -Red Cross at her operation, J. E. Wilson recently. Miss Elva McLean and Alan home. It was decided to Clark are talo • -Mica Georgina Fors h, Oshawa, go oh withrs. Gordon Lehman of Markham- ng special studies t3 Yt Construction on the L. Johnstonhg §chool this te = is holidaying at the home of hes our quotay. Material ready ee. at Mresidence is now going. forward. visited' Miss Ruth Hutchings last at Whitby High rm. parents trete. Hamilton's. When ,the business was Church News week Sunday Sept. 23, will be Rally Mr, and Mrs. Foster Rowntree; of concluded Mrs. Robertson introd- Church attendance was good on Don't forget prayer meeting at J. Day and the church service will be Toronto, spent a few days last wools iced District President : Miss May Sunday. Rev, Kennedy' chose for his 4 Wilson's on Friday of this week. united.with that of the Sunday "at the hoarse o! Mrs. Thos. Bacon. Brown, guest of the afternoon. Miss text: John 16-33. On Sunday next, You are invited to attend;; also School at 11 o'cliock. A fine prog- Mr. -and Mrs. Harold Loyst ate Brown sgp:de a brieNaddress, stress the Rall ba Service at the Sunda ram is being prepared. � the 23rd. Sunday School and Church Rally'Day Y We 'welcome Mr, and Mrs Mit- spend -Mg a few holidays in the north ing the need of the devastated Service will be, combined, beginning School at 10.30 next Sunday. chW and family to our nei Mit- countries as an incentive to Contin- at 2.00 The monthly hood - cdurstry• P. zn, for Rally Day. y 2rieeting� of the Lad - Miss Eileen Cooper, Toronto, ued work by Canadian women to The Friendly Bible Class report ies' Aid will be at the home of Mrs. - nt the week -end with her le �p bring about better world con- E. Beelb on. Thursday, September Mm' Perry . Wilson and Mise Mar - spent PSP, an enjoyable "evening spent' at the Y, Y, P ditions. Mrs. M. Burk ander 27, at 2.30 p. m. Note than e_of 3orie Byers .visited the Queen City, 'here. 13TouP Jahn Knox home at. Hamgtost: os_ -- _ • for-- - —. ---,'H- .g during -the week=end: -- 7. Mrs. Cassie, Mea Hamilton day. Word for Roll Call - `Home". Mr. and Mrs. W. Boniface, ort - ,Mrs. September_ lOc 'Toronto, spent the week -end with Shepherd, Mrs. Gray, gave a very The V. M. S. of the , church will A number from here intend togo Mies A. Gibson'and Mrs. A. Har. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Boniface,' here. fine Program on "Home Economics",a ;'meet at the home of Mrs. Brown , � Mr. S. Arnold's sale on the 8th. bron were with Mrs. F. W. Gibeo Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibson, oaf Cunt Events was taken by Mrs. I on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 20. on Wednesday, Sept. ' 26. on Sunday i Oshawa, spent Sunday with friema Hetu and Mrs. Albert Gray. Roll Hostesses: Mrs. Dry, Annis Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A: Snellings 'and -- — • - Call `vvss "M Problemi--Your Sol- friends from Ci Toronto ---pIIn��,to� this village. Y Paynter, Mrs. George Willson. Con- �' Ds0.�'' JV - Mr. and Mee. Don. McCullough, ration", Those with problems got plea- veners: Mee. Malcolm, and held s corn roast at the Park la$t ty' of advice on how to solve them. groups to Mr. Chase Hardy, Mr. Norris Hardy take charge of the Devotional Seca- Saturday'evening. Miss Wilkineo and family were among those from a, the new teacher at ion. Next Saturday evening, the i Welcome home to George Under. _ here who attended Lindsay. Fair on Brougham school, was introduced to - Young people of this church and the I wood, RCE., and Gordon Todd, of ,may, the mothers of her pupils,' Dainty Maw, Ltonard bombe 'had Whitevale Baptist Church will hold the Rouge, and Norman Dunn, od _. Mrs. Thomas Bacon and famili' refreshments - and tea, brought the urd Picked near rips raspberries a corn roast at- Wilson's Park, Ari the RCE's recently returned ftV= eailed Good on odwofriends on Sun- pleasant afternoon to a close, AMw diaper his home a 3at- ag, in a interested young People welcome. overseas. = � day, appreciated this hospitality of tae fid, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Annan ,"pas taken a trip oaf Mink Betty Pretty returned to her Shepherdr. --�1sa •+� Lawrence Gray, .who Were recently West, , to ,._ work in Toronto atter holidaying at halals s 'married. Mrs. Schwalm Sr., is visiting' iti iter home bars. Min 'Gio;'ia Over was a guest of Y.��' A number from Dere attended 1<he Detroit. Kim Fern Malcolm last weep -end. -, The lural Women's Institute were Linton sale' at Cisrtrmelalt lust Sat- --NJ= Harloek entertained Mn and Mrs�`� attests of the A.itona Bsanaeh last Dorothy ur"y p week, and sepori a very enjoyabIs mak+ of Torontq oa Sunday, Draper entertained _ DANCE Mr. and Mm IL Crocker wore a few friends at a picnic Last week. - under the auspices of faitaesooa• with Yrs. L. Matthews for the wseiri lire. T. Williams was a Toronto Greenwood CLAI;EMONT SOFTBALL CLUB Some Of the tasmese .report the 'Lot week. Dun and Yrs Chuvmwat Community Ball,''Sep. p•' seniles e�op will be pabx this year Bruce Guild's Orehetatsa a6R , ' • owing to' a qmb that is infesting Group' One, of the W A. will tine crop. "��• r - The Woman's Mission 'Circle of : the Baptist Church will meet on Tuesday afternoon next at the conte of Mrs. G. M• Forsythe Mrs. Ben- son's grump -is in charge of the meet. : .. irng. A chapter from the stagy Book . _ -: - . � - _ _ - • � ��� �K � � ���� will be taken nP. Mr. Len. Lye was in the city alp _ :. Saturday calling on old friends. - The regular dances sponsored by the Park Board are being held in 1 a the Hall on Friday evenings. Munk r z a is provided by Bruce Gould, • F - Raletei�a Sale Big Saecess Although some of tae btgas � '� _ _ .. ' ,. • _ .. _ from Quebec and the United States € that were expected st -tie No-t+tnaa - — Linton sale last Saturday,did not - show u local buyers snade its - R saccess. Prices ranged from $ QO t0 , W per, animal. Buyers attended r tom Markham, UOonville and Tor- k 'out*. Some Claremont farmers Pus` j chased cows hese. a rKaiwlr Trophy Wen By -Oshawa s °' 4THE DICE r. -Thr Ilasiser Trophy was woe► by as : - ' _ Oshawa contestant, Mr. McMillan. 'a In do tournament of Men's Doubles pLeyed on the local green last Sats h ARE si"day. A good turnout was seen, and _Mayers from most of the clubs inyE -as vicinity vicinityitten Winners were:-- sL Tat _high for 3 wine, Mr. McMill, AGAINSTYOUacs, e[ Oshawa: 2nd -high !or 8 ' 'wine, Mrt Goodmaan, Oshawa; 3rd - - "" h for 2 wins, Mr. Fred Ward, Claremont; 4th - for 1 win, - aha ions are r we've, prevents Inflation and Mr. White, Oshawa.;< avoided deflation. - i` - a It's not been. just =r The monthly meeting of the W. :Your support—everybody eve hod 's support—of price tailings, rateortfrap rY Y S. M. S. of the United Church was held and other controls alone has made it possible. In the school roost of the .church on z t Thursday afternoon. September 13. ::.SBM NOW COMES THE REAL TESMG Mrs. Luther A ey s group as to charge of the meeting. Mrs. Donald - The danger of iin%flan and. ly blat k shadow, deflation, we _ McCnilough gave two readings. The last as long as goods are se:or+ce and insufFicient to meet demands.,' new Study Book "Spot -Light on. WHh the war over and of more - Afriw" was introduced by the Pres. PIY Y In our podieb If s ewy Mtit ident, Mrs. F. Loyst. You will be to overlook the danger. well regain to attend the meetings Ws cosy to think that paying just a lithe nwr� ro got stxn�lhiep ' Y during,tlte eosnasg months and hearwe want is more abort this great, continenat Africa. _ it's cosy to think that what ym do tan'? IPAI—and to forget + ' - that toMesy extravagant buying is a wee way to help a general - At the morning service in the Un- _ ited Church on Sunday Iast, Yrs. floe h priors. Go:doa Struthers dhose husband ,� : That's how inflation gets going: L was in ebarre of a hospital .in _ S1ta:nghai before -„the was, gave a AYSr l•0110WE� 8Y DrEFLAnOHj ailT LAT10N LS &W very interesting and irstrnctive message on Chinas Thera was a *W deflation brings cancelled orlon, 'bankrupt good attendance and the menage ;_! ?OaW � i ww" n orrt and• distress—didrew lyase r was one that all could understand rani avoid. F • i and appreciate. UM Ns back A industry t7 tlorma4 Peke ceiling rafioniie9 acrd �.asth.r aattr+olt aur safgnordr MT ' ........_ ♦ e� www f9jQ• ♦: anger , :. _ ., _. _.. _ 1• y5 �'`-L W Ilio Keep on warehiep your beryisg. Don't rush ro lou scaresgoods.r ' The $aougham Women's Institute �.:t �9 i+ lnKp y . M are sponsoring the dance to be held * � ♦a 1♦stUurle Keep on :saving your money.' Put H iters Victory bends and _-. at the Township ,Ball, Brougham„ ♦O Nv`a waw ' 1INtt1►torwltNt ♦j War Savings certificates. on Sept. 28., will ...Barrett's Orth= 0pet e�w tottowte ♦ .: Keep o, upporling wage and' price co"s, and raionlaW extra furnishing the music. s a s• 1918 1922 wj n s ♦ Keep on fighting inflation and its black shadow..,,delisHotl. x Woarnrttb Institute Meeting♦♦ , , The September meeting of the R: yAAWIrA AIAV 1.a was nein at the Shepherd 'home o11kk sdwerftesowt 4 ewe of a series bets♦ les"d h rise eg.-N estsnf of *' n Tuesday, Sept. 11, with a full , gttesdatsce of members. President, Come" to *0 �"'e M P1 v se+�S a tltr tbw ttesrsaso to 'IM Yrs. Roberts(m presidQ i» :he Due- rare N t 'm" ' +ieiee" end a+•asl.i w.af latwa ��5A ��rf....' '•..:, '.m':, ...f .. .� .., - ..' •, .. T .!; �aTi." ,y. ,, try, •.�4. '.K t N`t. ,+$� - . ♦ _ .... 8...-. .. r.+ N K .'�,' � �. '7 .. . .— 4� Sus MOM Mrs. David Russell, of Markham, Williams returned her for the sponsor a fine entertainment in the K . CLAREMONT is visiting the N. Burton family at week -end. church and Sunday school room r prown Mee. Syd. Smith,. of Toronto, spent the week -end with Miss Friday evening, September 21. A ;t r,; f Mrs. C. A. Barclay hse returned soy Margo Wil- mixed program put on ,by good ' Mise May McIntyre of Toronto, )tome frons a pleasant visit v+Qth the spent toe week -end with Mrs. H. G. 'noes session. Tae question of hold- Haywood family in their cottage at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchings talent, finisied off by a corn roast .� _._---�Dntyre, ing a dance to augment fund- was Ems, of Brooidin, spent last Sunday with in the Sunday School room. Mr. and Mrs. David Coates, of discussed, and after a vote, to hold - _ - Mr. A- Hutchings. Mrs Milton Pegg's brothertp� y , Mr. and Mrs. Berl Matthews have tl'a Toronto, spent the week -end. with it was agreed upon The date was been with their dau Miss Reta Milne visited Miss Ida.. ionic of Magnetawan Musko # _ __-" —._ g3ltsr, Mrs --Ger - last week -end with, the Milton Mrs. John Coates. set usher the orchestra ions free to old Harbron, as Mr, Harbron has Gray last veld family.g Miss Margaret Macnab spent the come. Mrs. Harvey announced a been in hospital for an appendicitis Ma• H• G. Michell visited Mrs• vreek•end with friends in Toronto. meeting of the -Red Cross at her operation, J. E. Wilson recently. Miss Elva McLean and Alan home. It was decided to Clark are talo • -Mica Georgina Fors h, Oshawa, go oh withrs. Gordon Lehman of Markham- ng special studies t3 Yt Construction on the L. Johnstonhg §chool this te = is holidaying at the home of hes our quotay. Material ready ee. at Mresidence is now going. forward. visited' Miss Ruth Hutchings last at Whitby High rm. parents trete. Hamilton's. When ,the business was Church News week Sunday Sept. 23, will be Rally Mr, and Mrs. Foster Rowntree; of concluded Mrs. Robertson introd- Church attendance was good on Don't forget prayer meeting at J. Day and the church service will be Toronto, spent a few days last wools iced District President : Miss May Sunday. Rev, Kennedy' chose for his 4 Wilson's on Friday of this week. united.with that of the Sunday "at the hoarse o! Mrs. Thos. Bacon. Brown, guest of the afternoon. Miss text: John 16-33. On Sunday next, You are invited to attend;; also School at 11 o'cliock. A fine prog- Mr. -and Mrs. Harold Loyst ate Brown sgp:de a brieNaddress, stress the Rall ba Service at the Sunda ram is being prepared. � the 23rd. Sunday School and Church Rally'Day Y We 'welcome Mr, and Mrs Mit- spend -Mg a few holidays in the north ing the need of the devastated Service will be, combined, beginning School at 10.30 next Sunday. chW and family to our nei Mit- countries as an incentive to Contin- at 2.00 The monthly hood - cdurstry• P. zn, for Rally Day. y 2rieeting� of the Lad - Miss Eileen Cooper, Toronto, ued work by Canadian women to The Friendly Bible Class report ies' Aid will be at the home of Mrs. - nt the week -end with her le �p bring about better world con- E. Beelb on. Thursday, September Mm' Perry . Wilson and Mise Mar - spent PSP, an enjoyable "evening spent' at the Y, Y, P ditions. Mrs. M. Burk ander 27, at 2.30 p. m. Note than e_of 3orie Byers .visited the Queen City, 'here. 13TouP Jahn Knox home at. Hamgtost: os_ -- _ • for-- - —. ---,'H- .g during -the week=end: -- 7. Mrs. Cassie, Mea Hamilton day. Word for Roll Call - `Home". Mr. and Mrs. W. Boniface, ort - ,Mrs. September_ lOc 'Toronto, spent the week -end with Shepherd, Mrs. Gray, gave a very The V. M. S. of the , church will A number from here intend togo Mies A. Gibson'and Mrs. A. Har. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Boniface,' here. fine Program on "Home Economics",a ;'meet at the home of Mrs. Brown , � Mr. S. Arnold's sale on the 8th. bron were with Mrs. F. W. Gibeo Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibson, oaf Cunt Events was taken by Mrs. I on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 20. on Wednesday, Sept. ' 26. on Sunday i Oshawa, spent Sunday with friema Hetu and Mrs. Albert Gray. Roll Hostesses: Mrs. Dry, Annis Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A: Snellings 'and -- — • - Call `vvss "M Problemi--Your Sol- friends from Ci Toronto ---pIIn��,to� this village. Y Paynter, Mrs. George Willson. Con- �' Ds0.�'' JV - Mr. and Mee. Don. McCullough, ration", Those with problems got plea- veners: Mee. Malcolm, and held s corn roast at the Park la$t ty' of advice on how to solve them. groups to Mr. Chase Hardy, Mr. Norris Hardy take charge of the Devotional Seca- Saturday'evening. Miss Wilkineo and family were among those from a, the new teacher at ion. Next Saturday evening, the i Welcome home to George Under. _ here who attended Lindsay. Fair on Brougham school, was introduced to - Young people of this church and the I wood, RCE., and Gordon Todd, of ,may, the mothers of her pupils,' Dainty Maw, Ltonard bombe 'had Whitevale Baptist Church will hold the Rouge, and Norman Dunn, od _. Mrs. Thomas Bacon and famili' refreshments - and tea, brought the urd Picked near rips raspberries a corn roast at- Wilson's Park, Ari the RCE's recently returned ftV= eailed Good on odwofriends on Sun- pleasant afternoon to a close, AMw diaper his home a 3at- ag, in a interested young People welcome. overseas. = � day, appreciated this hospitality of tae fid, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Annan ,"pas taken a trip oaf Mink Betty Pretty returned to her Shepherdr. --�1sa •+� Lawrence Gray, .who Were recently West, , to ,._ work in Toronto atter holidaying at halals s 'married. Mrs. Schwalm Sr., is visiting' iti iter home bars. Min 'Gio;'ia Over was a guest of Y.��' A number from Dere attended 1<he Detroit. Kim Fern Malcolm last weep -end. -, The lural Women's Institute were Linton sale' at Cisrtrmelalt lust Sat- --NJ= Harloek entertained Mn and Mrs�`� attests of the A.itona Bsanaeh last Dorothy ur"y p week, and sepori a very enjoyabIs mak+ of Torontq oa Sunday, Draper entertained _ DANCE Mr. and Mm IL Crocker wore a few friends at a picnic Last week. - under the auspices of faitaesooa• with Yrs. L. Matthews for the wseiri lire. T. Williams was a Toronto Greenwood CLAI;EMONT SOFTBALL CLUB Some Of the tasmese .report the 'Lot week. Dun and Yrs Chuvmwat Community Ball,''Sep. p•' seniles e�op will be pabx this year Bruce Guild's Orehetatsa a6R , ' • owing to' a qmb that is infesting Group' One, of the W A. will tine crop. "��• r - The Woman's Mission 'Circle of : the Baptist Church will meet on Tuesday afternoon next at the conte of Mrs. G. M• Forsythe Mrs. Ben- son's grump -is in charge of the meet. : .. irng. A chapter from the stagy Book . _ -: - . � - _ _ - • � ��� �K � � ���� will be taken nP. Mr. Len. Lye was in the city alp _ :. Saturday calling on old friends. - The regular dances sponsored by the Park Board are being held in 1 a the Hall on Friday evenings. Munk r z a is provided by Bruce Gould, • F - Raletei�a Sale Big Saecess Although some of tae btgas � '� _ _ .. ' ,. • _ .. _ from Quebec and the United States € that were expected st -tie No-t+tnaa - — Linton sale last Saturday,did not - show u local buyers snade its - R saccess. Prices ranged from $ QO t0 , W per, animal. Buyers attended r tom Markham, UOonville and Tor- k 'out*. Some Claremont farmers Pus` j chased cows hese. a rKaiwlr Trophy Wen By -Oshawa s °' 4THE DICE r. -Thr Ilasiser Trophy was woe► by as : - ' _ Oshawa contestant, Mr. McMillan. 'a In do tournament of Men's Doubles pLeyed on the local green last Sats h ARE si"day. A good turnout was seen, and _Mayers from most of the clubs inyE -as vicinity vicinityitten Winners were:-- sL Tat _high for 3 wine, Mr. McMill, AGAINSTYOUacs, e[ Oshawa: 2nd -high !or 8 ' 'wine, Mrt Goodmaan, Oshawa; 3rd - - "" h for 2 wins, Mr. Fred Ward, Claremont; 4th - for 1 win, - aha ions are r we've, prevents Inflation and Mr. White, Oshawa.;< avoided deflation. - i` - a It's not been. just =r The monthly meeting of the W. :Your support—everybody eve hod 's support—of price tailings, rateortfrap rY Y S. M. S. of the United Church was held and other controls alone has made it possible. In the school roost of the .church on z t Thursday afternoon. September 13. ::.SBM NOW COMES THE REAL TESMG Mrs. Luther A ey s group as to charge of the meeting. Mrs. Donald - The danger of iin%flan and. ly blat k shadow, deflation, we _ McCnilough gave two readings. The last as long as goods are se:or+ce and insufFicient to meet demands.,' new Study Book "Spot -Light on. WHh the war over and of more - Afriw" was introduced by the Pres. PIY Y In our podieb If s ewy Mtit ident, Mrs. F. Loyst. You will be to overlook the danger. well regain to attend the meetings Ws cosy to think that paying just a lithe nwr� ro got stxn�lhiep ' Y during,tlte eosnasg months and hearwe want is more abort this great, continenat Africa. _ it's cosy to think that what ym do tan'? IPAI—and to forget + ' - that toMesy extravagant buying is a wee way to help a general - At the morning service in the Un- _ ited Church on Sunday Iast, Yrs. floe h priors. Go:doa Struthers dhose husband ,� : That's how inflation gets going: L was in ebarre of a hospital .in _ S1ta:nghai before -„the was, gave a AYSr l•0110WE� 8Y DrEFLAnOHj ailT LAT10N LS &W very interesting and irstrnctive message on Chinas Thera was a *W deflation brings cancelled orlon, 'bankrupt good attendance and the menage ;_! ?OaW � i ww" n orrt and• distress—didrew lyase r was one that all could understand rani avoid. F • i and appreciate. UM Ns back A industry t7 tlorma4 Peke ceiling rafioniie9 acrd �.asth.r aattr+olt aur safgnordr MT ' ........_ ♦ e� www f9jQ• ♦: anger , :. _ ., _. _.. _ 1• y5 �'`-L W Ilio Keep on warehiep your beryisg. Don't rush ro lou scaresgoods.r ' The $aougham Women's Institute �.:t �9 i+ lnKp y . M are sponsoring the dance to be held * � ♦a 1♦stUurle Keep on :saving your money.' Put H iters Victory bends and _-. at the Township ,Ball, Brougham„ ♦O Nv`a waw ' 1INtt1►torwltNt ♦j War Savings certificates. on Sept. 28., will ...Barrett's Orth= 0pet e�w tottowte ♦ .: Keep o, upporling wage and' price co"s, and raionlaW extra furnishing the music. s a s• 1918 1922 wj n s ♦ Keep on fighting inflation and its black shadow..,,delisHotl. x Woarnrttb Institute Meeting♦♦ , , The September meeting of the R: yAAWIrA AIAV 1.a was nein at the Shepherd 'home o11kk sdwerftesowt 4 ewe of a series bets♦ les"d h rise eg.-N estsnf of *' n Tuesday, Sept. 11, with a full , gttesdatsce of members. President, Come" to *0 �"'e M P1 v se+�S a tltr tbw ttesrsaso to 'IM Yrs. Roberts(m presidQ i» :he Due- rare N t 'm" ' +ieiee" end a+•asl.i w.af latwa ��5A . V' '� 1 � '� y .n•'+9:.d.A'M• .M. .'r"• v,.p•.. vw ^• -"Y, I• V!•'dMi'n + �« ' w 'a.^J•. b:!' ie' '.y� ..-,, 14 ,,. y, a'w. "i..•...Fkkrw+...,.4w .'+.,,...r.' .c.cgG :•:-,'}...,. w#,.s ,qo. vs"aV'• ' '..,�,.uy `wy'.�,.. ,��:+ve� ,iF-'Z'p.6' ... 'y,,.?�' w + '�:'u• u,,y:.'rCw..',.•E.e•.p,r,-s..-.:� "•'+,�•;'•'wc•• �.,•,n• saws."' a,i s., �' ... f 'iL A +:' _Sib .. yY., �!. ••t" v t, r pened after you left St. Como,. Outs iiiu dingl� Go6� Michel? How did you, land here?" "It was all planned. 1 got my- , J, -r 1 MO self captured .by the British and A V n All was shipped to England. My own chiefs had been prayingfor just' such a chance as was given fo us - - then—my knowledge of German, Heidelberg, even the sabrr cut. Sa- pristil It was if made to order. They put me next to Manfred -" - Kehl. I stayed next to him all ` JC ` -the way to Canada. Together we engineered the escape. Philib= " ert was the nearest place we could get a -car. The only time I weak- 0'16� OZ'S ♦ `'`:�"''`''`t ened was when I knew I had to �O Co here. , I hated that. Tantet0 Mimi. You will never- know howmu-cE tE after so longe and oosee ethe look 9�'y`6� , on your fades—well, 1t was my LOUTS ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM �� job..l had to do it. In the States _ 'I �•acra Kehl took me to the people we . .. CHAPTER XIX you! They found yowl picture on were seeking. They are now in 'Plexiglass" s pez. Already' manifold household Piext lass For War: After a -,moment he set her down my dreser.and.the little girl knock. jail'. So is he." goods are being produced from i and led her to the armchair. • He ed .it down and stamped . upon it "You're a tine boys, Michel, A 'Perspex' . For Peace this material ,including complete stood above her, looking >;oberl one day," splendid -boy, 'Now—" the old la- bathrooms, electrical and kitchen g y One of the United Kingdom's at her. Then he sat in a chair' "Eh! Oh,*'l see what you mean. dy's voice was very soft and gentle. war discoveries .was Plexiglass -- equipment, picture frames and —_ facing her. they -were stamping on Oberlieu- `—now why, after coming to Phi- an unbreakable, flexible, transpar- even furniture. Instead of corru- Itbert thought, were you going "I fouled you, didn't I?" tenant Faber. '.It was Bbahomme ent, glass -like materlal used to the gated iron, Perspex glass may now "NoL—oh, not for long." Fricot they used to like so much. away without a word to me or to manufacture of bomber, ,wind- be used for roots. Jewellery, toys • " You mean you were fooled but I taught them that old ronGeau� anyone? ' screens. This. same material will and wireless casings .are also be- .. you wouldn't admit it No die- we used to sing when -we were now be applied to peace time, pro- Ing made out of this attractive ma grace, you know; 1'vq fooled 'even kids. You knc w—Bonsoir, Nigaud. "Well I—" he fid eted 'n his duction under the name of "Pers• terial. you. A whole crew of them are behind bars now because they -were .fooled. You just wal.ted to believe iti•� me, didn't you?" "Yes, Michel." The old - eyes were fond. "You were always a devil, but I always loved you." "Gently, darling. Don't go all. Wit. on me now." "I could have killed you when when you struck your brother." "Do you think f loved . it? 1 lead never hated my job -so much I did -that might. But mark this, Iii 1 hadn't poked old Roger one. Kehl would have shot him dead. - I' had to do it." . "Something like that came to me afterward, when I tried to think It all out., But there were so, many things=tere ars still so many. `those little children, Pol Martin `seed Rosine, started it—" "Ah, the little Morpins. I re- member those cute. little monkeys 16. in. St. Como, in France, during the -bils_t`s. I used to have rare fun with them." "You used to—but they hated 4. r All Beautifully Fusn"ed With Rmmin Water. Rates: - $1.50 up NIAGARA FAL IS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION EARLY RISING is easy_ -. when the morning coffee Is Maxwell House. You en. coffee at its very best = Ju this superb blend. It'd skilfully blended from 'ehoiee Isatin -American You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL. TORONTO e ivory ROOM Writs Delb, 564w. or and releaboao. e sta=le, $5.80 tip— Double, $3.80 ■p. Go" ood Wood, Olilaa and' Damw IRS x1glitly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4188 - +� ISSUE 38-19" - „ "How could you be ONer:ieuten- .' g l chair. His cheeks grew red. There was nothing now of Oberlieuten- VICTORY BANNERS IN SHANGHAI sat Faber ,and BunhoObe Fricot both, Michel? They env: you go in• ant Faber; he was only a boy to the old man's cottage, heard whose cherished secret is found Ott. "All these he shots, saw you come out—and explanations," mumbled. A lot of damned rot you were laughing. That was what they hated." I planned to write to you . or— ' or see you later:'ysss,',`�•, .� "The devil! They were around "Captain Faber." Madame 'grin - the but that day 'then! 1 hdie it ned at him slyly. "You wouldn't now. You see, it was like this: The .try, to fool y"r aunt, would you?" ., parachutist they saw go into the Michel smiled resignedly. "I x° but was not the one they savr . known it'd no use. It you. must r come out." know it anyway --1 did not want "'You mean that you—" = to horn in on Roger's wedding. AN, xu - "I mean that he was going' to You see. I—" POP me off with his Luger, so 1 "You happen to be in love with popped him with mine. 1 had :o the - girl he is about 'to marry." , a get out of there" anyway and that The blue -eyes net. her dark poor devil seemed to be sent right '-bright stare steadily, gravely. from heaven. I cut off a lot of hair , "Yes," he said. 'and whiskers, changed outfits with ":end she is -in love`wittr you." 'she him and left the hut. And • yep, He shook hi' head. "Oh, no; .I guess I was smiling. I even had is not in lave with me." the Iron -Cross." "But I tell you . I know slid—"; "The children looked:-• in ' the but '''t am no fool, madame. If she .and saw. Bonhmme Fricot, as they . is in love with nie, how 'does she t thought. lying "dead. Then the happen to be going up the 31tar - planes came over and the but steps with Roger?" caught fire—" "You were always a stubtorr And they wept for Bonhomme -tru.le, Michell. You just said youa _ Fricot. I had a job to do around fooled us all—" - t. Como—hence the masquerade "Not you! I did i% fool j-ou, did there. I've been some queer things I? You .went on believing in me, a s in my time, duchess—" did you .not?" "I can believe it." The old lady's (70 Be Continued) eyes were admiring now. He was her boy Michel. He was a great : Flying f1alp and signs hailing victory and peace provided a Bala man, a brave man. He did work The British organized the first setting on Nanking Road, Shanghii, above, as the Chinese cele - of the greatest importance. A cap • "Airgraph Service" to maintain orated the and of more than eight years of war. Youth in the fore- tain, no less. A British.agent. Cap- contact with troops In Egypt and ,ground is' selling banners on which are combined the flags of Aho 7.' fain' Michel Fabre. "What hap- India via microfilm, Big Four of the United Nations. SLEEP EASILY - Your money's Safe in b y War Saving: CerMates a 1 \ \ • ` } NX, 1\\\\ Conhibuted by ,:DAWZS BLACK 'CORSE IWIREWS11DRY., 4 - of ...,. c a,-.,• ...;-•^._'""......,.. , NOTICE j r tFick r�iree n liarewer E �AAL-�: aoAL, ao�, - WOOD, CBMBNT, B ■ .-SP._ BAND_ _ _. 3 a SPRAY 4Rd Q&Iti _ B/�,►N TO OUR MEN. CUSTOMERS n_ - l` BUILDER'S SUP PLIEf3 -General Hardware also local,oartage work •' I'he two first two customers in will be. We havealso vlaeed in stock: at Farm Machine and R airs ry ep tie lucky ones: Price Esme as ever of F'G J. S. B ALSD ON, PICKERING �, Our quota for Tip Top mens civilian A. We MITCHELL akwi s to the � end of September is -two ..Piokering, Ont. Puma _ . Yards . 74: Res, 6a w . . (2) scuta. _ �udinem Sirectorq For Cash & Carry Groceteria GORDON F. OSB08NE -A,• E.-Rkhardson� - _ Quality Dru& c. L. v. _ - -- DISTRICT MANAGM _ GENERAL INSURANCH =-- there is a coffer speak . nee �_-]fPI3�- REAL Em -ATE - Csuplete •cosmetic Liaea CONVEYANCING Chapman's -pure Mocha and Java GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONb Awa ° ' �' y re. Yeterivary Rifteaies Roe. D. M s Phom Pickering 6o Coffee W. $ Cnrbta Reliable Photo Fi> kditg - • LOOK - 41c per lb. r _—SI`ORE How : �. IL Brown, Audley, Oar. 8eosae Mareoa� ombawa, out Lmmra.a. a an claim r Week Days - 8.80 a6 vu. -8A0. p. >1i4. _ Me Sie CHAPMAI'� - lE'elephobe, may. Year as SimdaTm - 12.1{0 p. m.• --b.00 P. m. �am>rraaa A1�iere -- • . 1 J. R. BOYE! Phm. a W M M CEACHNIE '[TRNITZIBE DEALER Ammer THE REXALL STORE Brougham, Ont .P a n_ . . - DO THINQS RIGHT . 'PHONE PICK 68 BR0 C Clarke Prentice K- It Is kba!'te's utit to ds dual _ --- _. • all than" to d. fhea wroa& - This is artainly tree .in legal Day or Ndght LICENSED AUC`r10 R= Doeam�m* Wills, Conveyances, Notice: tO Y O� i+a►t the Coantlea o! Tort and006. '-.t THEATRE _ Phone Pick. 13 arid; soeeemmor to Corp, Hen Pi+c�• Consult .war Farmer -Lawyer We do building of all kinds ties of O,. A. S, 'F, and of tier Laren - CAPT. HUD STEWABT _ CARPENTERING Pickeringe Ontario J. H. Prentice (formerly P�a,oa, ' WHIZ'�Y' �i 17 824 CEMENTING ��)• Farm and ftm. stock Ibaltidully_ Air-conditioned PLUMBING if ]I MAW Bmsona�blcee Ba Specialty, at ?fit iii : - LAWN MOWERS I Roo�rNr We also soil Brantford Roorag - - PRONE AGIN 64 W >t, THURSDAY, FRI., SATURDAY Materials. Empire Bathroom LICENSED AUCT.IONEEX and - ? SEPTEMBER 20, 21 and 22 and Repaired -- P VALUATOR Barrister Solicitor Notary public Sharvened Equipment. Duro Water Salsa conducted .An hero Two Showa = ?and 9 P. M. _03 stems,_ Beatty Stable _ C, C. R I C H A R DSO N �I SaturdayWe would like to recommend Wool- Equipment, sad Phone or Write Suite 617 -Continental Lila Bldg Matinee at 1.80 P. M. sol the new soapleso way ofwash. Building Materials 614 Dundas St. East, Whitby, -Oat... Frisco SEI ing dHcs, woolens, baby sannento -etc- -No shrinitago - . restores the Zolmates Free - 871 sy. St. Toronto .. - T : Susanna Foster Turham Bey wrork Gare C Y R I L E. M O R L EY _ Phons ..Also- Durolave Flite - 13-8 Pal•I INSURANCE U RA NC E T [?D - JI[ONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDN'SDY nt and enamels, F.d • r ROUSE D. E. l•3TECKLEY -r-•.� .,., . _. i. HEALTH CLINIC • SEPTEMBER 24, 25 and 2s' H O N E +6 7 P I,C K: . Two Shows At 6.45 and 9.00 P. M f wry Fair' and Street 'Dance - [ALVIN'BUS] I w.x_-�-- -�---t �. 146 Sh=oe St. -N Oehl Phone 224 - - Drugless practice,. including ' Chiropractic, Electro-cher- spy and Mineral Vapor Bath Treahnent; Practicing 22 years. CoOmItation Free Hours: 9 A. in: to 9 Daily, except Monday and Friday Alan. Ladd and Gail Russell - - _-- — _ Sellers &Atkin n � • j, illiamD .emerest Bruce Caboi — • Fish in :on ` -. Phone. Agin. 801W2 - stoaff Fe J. Donevan gP �_ _ _. - _ _. ' -Licensed Lame Surveyor a A'' a �' Ontario LSurreyos ` « tves-'T-rough hM9 a� st:.. Easy. Oshawa, cam. - - SILK �l[ARKET Auctioneers 'Carpenter Work Phone lac - kering zs 25 Year's Experience Notice WORK GUARANTEED ogles conducted' anjwhere. f '� r 8pedalising in _Farm Stock, EVERlTT SMITH - Veat6[ustim Storm Domwd PICKFIIRING FIAT T l�aiture aid Property Sales. Fairport Beach, • Ontario ,ill - Sales •personally listed and Ston• Sash — Made to Oriaa Advertised. Bills prepared and Asphalt Shingles FRANK B. SMITH - �Roofings PAINTING & halt DECORATING Prompt SerVlce _ Wen Beards Vie.. Quality First - Service our A im Reasonable Rates W. J. MABLEY and SON N•M • Gordon' don r r . DUMBARTON, ..ONTARIO `WE BUY THE REST — YOU MAXZ' THE TEST"' ~ PSONE 290 STOUFMLLE Phone 77-22 I ". Phone Pickering All work Guar9ateed g 80 ' :ESTIMATES FREEI Tiy�lor—Black _ COMRIE':. :LUMBER Co � The marriage took place c;uietly LIMITED _ LooK - • D - i . at SatuPickering nited September' 15, 1946, -Iig}� prices For Live •,, Poul ='Scarboro Junctifln art Pickering iTunited Church* Manse, when Rev. Robt. P. Copeland off- L'htii further'notice notice R e are paying the followingTELEPHONES — Howard 1117, and Scarboro 886 }� ildated in the ceremony u. -citing in �aarriage, William Ross TiyIor, of prigas for LIVE POULTRY -delivered to our Plant ?Castleton, Ontario, to Miss Margar- st WHITBY: 'lWngh and Dressed Lumber k{„illwor]t t, tat Viola Black, of Ajax, Onkario. - TOP GRADE HEAVY FOWL . - ,��, 7b, Fraaced Sash Doors Scrswru 3 "TOP GRADE LIGHT. FOWL, 4-b its ;•. 21c, lD. - Interior Trim Mouldings_. '=TOP GRADE LIGHT FOWL, .under 4 lbs... 19c, Ib. Soft and Hardwood f'loori'ng . ( ,. TOP GRADE BROILERS, 2-3 lbs. ........ 28c. lb. Brick Insulated Siding Cedargrain Shingle Sid* =R• Ce CtIMUNINQ 'FOP CMADE Roasting --1 Chickens ,over, 4 ' 1=2 Wallboards- Rock Lath Cedar S Maglea j f1� Dljt)l1CTOR TOP GRADE Roasting G'hick a, under 4 1-2 ... 28c. Asphalt Shitngles Ro$ _Rooting Fehsta Animisuss :_ TOP GRADE HEAVY CAPONS, over fi lbs. 86e. Masonite Product Barely Tile t , k + , limwc 11/att. klMb K w J Rock Wool Insolation Cement and Ldc � 11.» PICKERING FAQ LTD. werpiug �� s Pip. + i - -. f 1 Markham, Ont: ti` -WHITBY,-ONTARIO TIN-sF�TOiFR 100 >~ e. PURE -FAINT Telephone - W%Itb7 88i -' _ . All; gra dna of Be C. Cedar Shines