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PICKERIN."10 - —
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VOL. LA '. PICKERING, ONT., ' FRIDAY . DEC. ?�l 1�1�3�. _. _ _ . 4`'0. 17
,1llraftsstassal YRraraa.
�•� � � � � Y'hi• male Green Riser
On Sunday evening Dec. 22nd at •:Yin and .bits. J. Beckett' had a fe �
DR A. O. PEARSbN- Physician "Our trucks pinta your wily
the -United Church, a "White Gift" in for a pleasant evening on Saturday.
ladsuraeon. Dumbarton. .ay Service will be held at 1 o'clock. An Mr. and Mrs. H.• B. Michell enter-
every day."
R>d FQii9YTH, Oeh. D., Direittor aPP :�riate pageant t vrill be - given t =fined some friends at dinner ori' FI ;. MILL" �.J
joncomec:test Aaaoeiation•of Ontario. Ree. COAL, COKE, and sgecial .music. Let the children ursday evening.
Ntalr�t,erof tee American aptomrtrical WOOD E�EMENi came and d g 'Che Ladles' Aid- met this - weeek at'
Ere= examined by appointment . pen an interesting, even=
: >i3utabliRhe d 1838
Phise faW. Claeement. Dula > > tits. the church with the word for Roll - -
1 ull), GRAVEL, lye regular monthly meeting "of Call, ",NfesMah ". Gifts -were brought the W. •3i. S. -gill be held' on Friday, to add Christmas Cheer to shut-ins For -Christmas Baking
uVNaLU itUut7Y t3utiietai. and the 27ti:, at 2:30 -p, m.'sha
i■�{• rp; 'at' the' also, Use
`etw�mer` y'�cup auy'LuC' I'mtA u;: BITILDER'S SUPPLIES home of lairs. C. L. Stephenson. The r},e Group 'l, of the Ladies' Aid will Y. .'
`408a. south wins w wurt liuu..:. „pt{,u•y. sty word for Roll +Call, "`New." Mrs. M. - 'hold . a croquinole party :nit the home .. Kiss>imi Flour' -'
aIrso local Cartage work" ' Parks will take the Study Book un (f Mr. Williams an Dec. 27th Come
- be C. We have also placed in stock a full "Africa." All— members are your big round board and have Still unsurpa tied for quality - W. J. 1ELL, N, x. C. request- with
H:B, ut r t J. D. F. ROS5 line of 'Maple Leaf Milltug ed to be present. =Phis is the Annual a'rrieiry time- together, on Friday af- _Patronize Your Hume Mills. --
Business Meeting and t :fie Election ter Christmas. please provide. FOB Bread
J. -A. WRIGHT.' L'a's Feeds. of Officers.
_ .'�s S., str••t. Toronto, -__� �aa■id� �g A. � W. MITCHELL � � _ � .
- C O. R10E3ARDSUN Cu. Bat ris The N ewa extends the Season's* I keep in stock the higtist grade Pateet
•tees. 9 Rkm nu St.. es etc,, stv +es ee Pickering, Ont. Greetings to all- of itji readers. Kenneth White spent a feat• days in made by Lakeside Milling Co. and Robin
ant- ala--d Rtcnmuad St.. t:.. Toronto. fete _ the city last week hood Mills, the Highest; Quality made
Ad. 4x10: h bt■, Sundays and Holi-
ita an7. Pickering Phone 3613. 8tt Office phone 7400• -Residence 85`20 ' ' Brougham- Mn. C. W. Holmes is visiting'her in Canada.
r�HOMSON A McMILLAN— B.+rris- daughter, Mrs. Aylmer Barrie. F+QY• Laying Hens
•,hers. Solicitors. Notary Public. - Mee at - M US 1 G Mrs. Iii• Lisc•ombe is on the sick list- On Dec. 22nd in the United Church.
R dew of Mr. Thomson, lot 11. concession 1,
kk 011ice boun: Tbursday and Saturday at present. there will be a Christmas Service, also
_...leegiatas, from 7.00 p. m to a :30 p, m.. or by a� err T !. [ keepon hand .
_aV�ointtnent. IorontoofE : eoi Royal Bank E %p @rienved iy1 Ut+iC 1 efiQhel The W. J.-Brown family, 'of Toron- .special singing and on Dec. 29th, the Laying llgaah
latua,. Pbooe Pick 20.0. Toronto Etqin 5303. w. 'were visirtors at the home of T. C. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will Scratch Feed
37Iy With.= I omnro Conservatory and Mrs.- Brown on_-Wednesday• be dispensed. Grit
�'!ONANr a ANNI9 — Barristers, standing. The _ cws will riak,e' its weekly' - On Friday, Dec. '20th, the United _
VSolicitors, Notaries Pubhc will, teach afternoons or evenings trip next Reek on :M_ onday on acc-- 'Church Sunday , School will hold its Oyster Shell - »
GORDON D. CON ANT.X. C. Saturday eserved For school uunt of the holiday. Alss the well known "FULL OF PEP —
ALLI•N F. ANNIS, S. A., I.L. B. • y y annual Christmas Entertainment at Mash made -by the Quaker Oat Co.
Offices- -7 t 2Simcoe St S.,Oshawr n children. Illness in'several hoinea made att ' the church, Supper will be served at
ptotte. —{ and s (Oshawa), sin- it the Coun —Rates very Moderate. endance :at church and Sunday schoo: 6.30 p. m., follora_ ed by a program giv. U$u f pl N f�
Hb s)e. Whitby, t11r: Conant) Phone 7 (Whit Studio at n Dion home one mite on�Sunday less than usual. en by members of the school, consist-
y Y,ss Gamma:ze has been quite ill ins of songs, readings, drills, dialog- Monday. Wednesday ;& Frlditp +
east of Broughar on No. 7� during the week. The Everest family. ues. etc.. Everyone come and ,enjoy an. _ _ _ ; cen" per hag
llentul Highway. and friends of Ton.,nto visited her on everting with the children. -'
i+iL C, SlM1TH. D. D. 9„ L D.-S., MRS. CARL DENT` Saturday. - - Yalirold eetAbliohed mills art- atwa -s-
(Sugceesor Dale.)• Graduated The Brougham : tudente of Mark Whitevale on�jnb, Othere are here today a&&
o7a1 Cortese of Den• Suraeona and Toron. ham Hi n School attended 4h� Cot,: - - f °_�_ .
fb pi•efstty At a 1 ■: ant office over D. A. L Q R•. _ g ttmm�r'row —GUN&
ladtt's stints ►eery Tres y-and Fridayil Phone The Beal Store, ClareMODt mencement Exerc_ sea o� j riday nigh- Social Sunday School Anniversary .
. 277 _ .
___ PHONE Wa4 • last. Services will be held in the Whitevale �. Sr, 4RFi3N
H N}tBF.RT T. FALLAIAE L. D S.. AIr. Ernie Burgess brae taken to a Bap :ist Church on Sunday next Dec.
D D. S. Graduate of the -Royal Coll:ye o! FURNITURE Toronto Hospital la.�t Tuerday for an 22nd. ,at. 11 a.'m. and 7.30 p; rri. In
p�easeta„ Sur sow snd the c irtivrrerty or Toronto,
fE6ceure•denceseronddonr cast of St. And- We are displaying an attra,cr.ire aperatiori for appendicitis which war the morning the Pastor will deliver Shingles Ff�r. Si�I
rBE.'s Cbgrc Pickering. Dula (?!rice boon 9 variety of successful, and +.,- is now trtaki a the second sermon of a series on
a. m. to a P. e . or by a'ppaintment. (X -ray '
.rreieea. Pbone Pick 3700. 4317 Aluminum and Graniteware.$to. satisfactory recovery. Christmas themes, entitled, "The Ad-
FtllnlWre snd Ft>rniture Brougl,�„ friends of Mr. Graham vent of Jesus." A children's choir will Link (i.tivan[ zed Steel Shingles. - -
1Vo�eltier, Bird's Felt Slate Shingles.
• >/sssistese � 4tr>ss � - Johnston and daughcer, sympathize sing, and' White G•ift.s will be pl'esent- R RBY
Prices low, in keeping with times: ,incerel whir them in their Also. re•ruhherin buggy wheeie.
' y gieat los. ed. A feature of the evening service Lrwe mowers sharpened.
AELIZABETH RICHARDSON=- in the #assinr of Mrs. Johnston. Dur• will be a Sacred Pageant entitled. T. PATBR8niow DLened. Lt1
.FtrAag coa� �otf insurance rana o�l kinds. i y', residence )were_ they "The Nativity.'! All ate -coidially in- � _
'DADIO SFItVICE 'na thE famil fi Call and get prices, Phone 33. _
area were much .esteemed. vited. The Christmas Tree and Enter- _
T POSTILL. Licensed Aneddonesfr. A Glraduate of Radio College.'- The Citil:ens' Leai ue b id'a r ucce"' 'tairiment still be held Chri stntias nigh:
. for ooanstas of xort and Ovswto. An.. tyltll ful Euchre and.Dance on. Friday even- commencing at 9 p. m. Admission, 2fi _ T�i - -
sal" of all Ills" asn•aaed so on aeoeraw irrrr..Td7esk Social ereninirs are for tn-. and 10 cents. �/ a•+
loran ►aArwe Gress acheP.O., out Up -to -the- SI to tTalnin purpose of raising funds to keep uI,
the fire - fighting equipment; artd des• �ludley
Do Clert. Coovevaisoer. Commissioner for ` FINEST ECWIPMENT
s,la� at9Iarits, Accountant, Etc. Issuer of for ens patrOrlage >Ty Builders' Supplies
asl,inaac t,reoa■s whitevide, Ont. Airs, Haywood visited her mother :A Me � ChTistrrfm to ail.
Guaranteid Satisfaction here, Mrs. C. A. Barclay, last week. Ilenry' Westuey spent a couple of
MAWAT _ Mrs. Baker rti,et .with a .serious acc • days at O: A. C. Guelph recently. �.
Reasonable 'PriteP ''Lumber R,�d Lath
Licensed AurtiuneQr for ><'urk, dent on Tuesday afternoon when Fred Crax`ford is getting ready tc -
Ontano and Onlarto Counties. Tubes asid Batleries always ors hand .she fell 'on the ire on main street use tl:e electric pourer on his farm. B. Q. Shinglea _
. AN kinds of lain promptly attended to — near Gwuinh's swre,. fracturing her Jahn Fidler and family, of Toronto. -
H. ROY MILLER ,d1IIe (.08)
Tbltn� A ASt.NABLE ` - wrist imf injuring severely her hip. visited here on Silnday.last.
Iirwt,rhwrn. Ootetr +n - Aiberta- Coal
s n may bearranred for at the l`EWSorLce. 40it( - Plvvr,- +,4A -k 184iri On Tueday after..00n,• -her. .18i.. firs, F. Ji:.Chapman is improving -- -- - - - - - -.
Belt end' Independent phones _ he %� ,rnen.'- in- :itute held.their Dec from her. recent fall, but it will bt Doujest',ie Coke
Whitby. Ontario. :tuber meetintt dzth an' attendarice ,i' se�'eral weeks before shF walks.
: Pickering Mills lixa. B. Harvey. LFment. Lithe, Plat=ter
SAFETY I - - S president,. ucc•up- Candies were distributed to all tit. ; ,
• 'rti tie' chair. Lottem of thanks were young people 'by the Club at -it.s Iasi - lilaple Body r�'rod. �
C. hopping Each received front member. shut in, -who. meeting: pjlrentP for T.rrlttjl' F6DQf3 -
-A. GOOD O'RD'ER :Ir.•it 6eeti rerneiw xred, alas,, a "thank J. C. Bryant has installed the el t
® Week Day, „sr card fro" t11P tiationnl Insti:• , ectric light.. in }lie residence on. the sand 9ri'E`..r ��Oillls
—At-id i XSC� RANC3R with • Feeds of All minds to Stock ute_ for The Blind. - DeIt -gates to thr 3rd. 6 and
Poultry Feeds, Labrador 9he11, Oil Toronto Convention, Mxs. W_ Ellicott 'The. Sunday Sertool Concert' will . _ _ p
and Alrc'. L. J rrtston, sate reports ut be Cackshult- Iui lementc3� - a
'ZURICH' ;cake !Neal, Molasses. •Any chop you po given in the church on Monday P
The St ruugest. Purely Gtteutilty may need. We eats mix any ration one' day ., ;es.ioh. All joined in -sing-: evening; Dec. '23rd. Secure Prices Before Buying
Coro an in the World. that in, Christmas Carols. Airs. Gannon The Merry- htakerc 3lission Bann
p y you may .rant, machine mixed. — Our Front Rank Egg' !Nash given
also sang a Christmas selection. - A met on - Saturday • of last week- and T `� D '
results. Prises are' direct to you, Nd. Roodlk. number of, gifts were brought elected the officers for the year. w1 LOON .L7 R QSi
Commieaions. to the meeting -for Christmas . Cbeer They are- President, Helen. Pardon; t o QDi
PSbne — lisiekeri>og, 6790 and was looked after by the Flower IA Vice President„ Doroth�� Gamer- + "i
.Salt at Car-Lot Prices. Committee, to he distributed before on: 2r,d ice- 'President; Willie
Guth—Christmas. Arrangements were made rie; Secretary, Sadie Puckr.ir.; Ass- i
Xmas Suggestion's Do N. Lockwood for. the sick' or shut -iils. at home or in istant, Doris Mel ean; . ,Trewtarer t A CC l
.'PICKERING, ONT, hospital to be remembered. At the 'Helen .Puckrin; ksgistant Dorothy CH R I S T MIA J
close ,the. hoatesses. Mesdames T. C. Winter; Pianist, Sadie Puckr'in. Wn k
There is'nothine'more a• ro Brown T. Robertson and B..E
PP - astpn bespeak a good _year for the, Mission �
pria►te or more appr�oiate ;ii in
R. G• G�,ENDENING served shot= �lpper. Band: About 20 were prevent and
FUNERAL DIR On Thursday afternoon,'Dec. 12th, the Mite -Boxes tultned in.
Zany home than. a . modern ACTOR the closing meeting of the year of the The Community Club met on Mon- - -
�' Floor or .Table Lamp,• Private Ambulance , • M. S. was held at the home of day evening in the scha�l house E y
Our stook ranges in price Day find Night &rvice .. `'Pies. Geo. Philip, with a fair attend when a good crowd attended. After
From �! t0 ![ ?.UO, Phone 9000 ance. The thief �usiness'c.f the day the aeports were presented, R. P. E.
-Malvern tiOOfJ
was the election of officer; for 1936, Winter was voted to the chair and
Among other things that are ' -L which was as follow,: President, Mrs. 'the -elections were conducted uc-rd T
suitable for gifts.-we ar9 Markham • Qnt 14..4faleolm; -1st Vice -P- resident, Mn, ins,- t., the Con titilt!on. The retiring'
shown --: , _ -- - -- -- y • 1''rerl r;a :: i 2nd NT.:e-PrPgldent, Pr ::17_1o;, :,' nr Rryanc, ti, �; '-wen a
Table ltirrctre Uedeti� Olaer+tA • -- air.• O. Burton; Secretaries, Mrs. T.' vote of thanks. The drama c6rimittee .' _. ..
CALL U NOW Norton and Miss. Dunewi; Trea -ur- reported as having foiind a play and _ : ♦ y -
Wall Mirrors ,Uccasiohal Chairs ••r, alrs. feo.'Phfli Prec. Stta play i., y
Smoker Stands Magariee Rack, And ha -vo your Stoves, Fur. A; ry, allotteri 'the characters. '1'}te
�. End.T.cbles (7hesrerfield Txhles ' �lr T. C., Brotnt: Sec. of C';rititian "Piton Jane" and ,will be givtn here
L, and Eacetroughs put. St?wardsihp, 141ics 1f. noncan; Stran- on February 14th. 'The election of
Spinet Ds Se OnffePietti eta ¢ere' Secrets Mrs: l4idwfi: T&n officer's resulted in the selection of j�
Children's sleighs -•- • y, pietn.res -in order before winter, Secretary, p- ;C- A R .D S-
- - Prance, iirc. F. Cassie; Pence, Mrs. the foilnn-ing: I?re;id,-nt, F. M. Chr t). - :k
Hot Point Irons Toasters See Our Ranges, Heaters anti Dunn;- Snpply, 4irs —1 moron; A %oc- man (elected in his _ absence), 1st Beautiful sew designs from
Children':t wagons , i
l+urna ef3 bet buying tats Helpers. Mrs- John ;ton; Organist Vice- Pres., Fyfe Innis, 2nd Vice - Pr- " the best makers. You will be ,
Mrs. Harvey, Flower Committee, Mes- es.. Reg. Brant: Sec.- Tre•aws„ )its, rl
Motor Ambulance, Day or - y: ... _ .. surprised at the tow prices. •
blight. elsewhere. . dames A. Lefirnion,' P,. Harvey and G. Percy �NPale; D rectgrs. Will Moor- . _
Philip. The program for the afternoon' house., Doris Hedge. Atma Puckrin: and the targa essoftm' CM t&-
Apple heskets.and hush�l by'Or'up,l) : Consisted of readings by Flower Committee Xi,xs G. Puckrin, cboose from, p'
briskets. Mi;; Beatrice Stevenson, Mn. A. Mal- Chairman; Mrs, Mel. Bryynt, Mrs. C. dgrraisge tones our display ,pl4tile►
A. STERRITT ' AUa NfU9 y.Harris Repairs corm and Mrs. John Milker, •and a talk : Puckrin, Mrs. S. Wonnacott nand Mrs. she �yortmdnt is nom fete.
Fvneral Director _ - by Mrs. Brown, finishing the review Gs7,ely; Fntertainment Con tittee. F. p
ALVIN BUSHBY of the Study Rook '`guilders of Ole Puckrin, chairman, Lorene "ant, E C Jones, Phm B
Phone 1300 -' Indian ('hunch. ' At the close the lmgt- Doreen Al�orhouse. An4ltnrs, Mien D. a • j
• Hardware' Phone 460C esses, Mrs. Philip and Mrs. Ritchie Bryant and Miss Audrey Short. Dt1t1bG19"f PICHERIN(#
1. Pickerfno. �`itorio PT 'OF Ef?TV(4 served a dainty tea.
�... ..:,- +''cam.+. ,. .._.�- ,..,.. -.r �. .•' :.__..:. - -.. .. _+ _. ._ ..__. _, .. .. ._.." _ . - . -- _ - .. -._. ._ _... -_. .. __ .. ._.. ._ .. . -_.., ..__'n, .. .- _,. : __ -. . -_ .. - -.
]e '''e]e� Canadian Radium �' `- Comic Star's Entry LL Urges ' "Safety Fast _
Pip ;or Mothers" C
Now Being Used h ampaign
_ With Cigarettes.
TORONTO.— Deliver of three �r
- and s half grams of radium produc- h w OTTAWA — "Safety First For
London Hotel Finds Women ed in the Great Bear Lake district F . Mothers" campaign, to bring down
Worse Than Men In This - has been made to the Ontario Gov- M the high maternal death rate in this
ernmant for use in Toronto General
f = count' was advocated by Dr. W. W. i
Part1CU11I' Hospital cancer 'clinic, Hon. J. A: ' - Chipma emeritus professor of ob-
- ' - -- Faulkner, Minister of Health, an- stetrics a i gynecology of Mc(rrq j -
WINNIPEG —Miss Cora Hind 'writ- nouhced recently. The radium re-
University, if an address t the
q to the Free Press from London of _ Places the iiies a quantity the' Gov--
Canadian Welfare Council in Ottawa'
,a conversation with a Fousekeeper in ern ment has been renting from New In conclu ing a resume of the situ -
hotel .concerning damage done by _York. The price .paid for.thg Cana- 4 �" anon, the speaker said: "In au this
lmoke_rz: "Thousands a year cannot than element was $42,800 a gran.. s s service we must gradually develop a
cover the damage done by cigarettes. ' .. biological mind, a biological outlook •
We do try our bat to prevent losses upon our national life. W e are
' ":and fires, but it seems no use. Light - -Women Should -Get &:•`?>' y'.> % not only to sore our mothers, but,
ed cigarette butts are laid down any- steadily to improve them, physically
Where and everywhere but oti'the ash As High Pay As,Men mentally' and morally. The needj
"trays 'and we do try to have them -/�' 1 ;.''' r' is not so much for more babies as
a' `::;
evarywbereshe said, at that window d able TORONTO
sta standards Teithershould
bu� cress " y % rs`IV ' ', ' " for better ones," Ante ' natal care
„ must begin, 'e contended not mere-
in the bathroom:' There ,was the or morals, :declared Rabbi Mauice ly with pregnancy, but rather with
tell -tale long brown stain so deep in N. Eisendrath in commenting on.tlie _ f 'Y° ,.
i y : " <� • the mother herself in her own in-
'the good enamel paint it must have • dispute in the board of education no
faaic and childhood:
„; .
been close to a fire. Yet even the bath r
. to whether women clerks should be _-
_ -tub was furnished with a cigarette paid the same as men,, "Why stick -
- rest and ash receiver, and large dress- to' thcl ancient and primitive super- Sunspots To Increase
ing glass and hi g h shaving mirror siitions with-, regard ,to' the superior- Wireless c
Wireless Interfe *errs
_ were furnished likewise. its of man. If woman can ¢o i
•toe �” � ,
"When the housekeeper paused for job as well, she should be as well
breath I asked 'Which do you find. - paid."-
er :CHICAGO,— Old Sol is. on anoth-
the worst, men -or women! Women "If a woman is as capable a� a & ~s y
5 spree,, threatening •'radio listeners
'waa the quick retort. 'I'd like to see ! Y Y.. an Mother Earth with an epidemic of
man she should be paid, ire same ;,k. ;,*
-some of their homes. They seem to " said 011ie - Brown, barrister,•, - - static in the next year or two.
salary' Astronomers warned that increas-
have no respect for good furniture "There are, many jobs •a woman can sk r
a' •� ing sun sots —noted at various ob-
,and decent hangings.' And that my do as well as 'a man." ' b :� "rs• ` P
isigarette- smoking friends- is that." „ �: �^ % -••a servatories ' cab be expected to put
If' a woman can do* the same nr
quality of work '69 a'man, she should � '` ` t '' ` �}.,, ` nasty kinks -in the -ether waves, but
�` '''4 ¢ ` trees will crow better and has more
;Tourist Ruling _have the same remuneration." ob- $;'' ' '� a ¢e
r' -.
Requires Change
served Mrs. W. B. Horkiw, %° y ;,Y= � rill s to.show far it. - -
"Equal qualifications should bring
= tl! Custom Laws ual ay re rdtes- of set." Mrs.
A, 31. 116esti3 declared. AIOf Bourse
-- OTTAWA. = - Regufations under there is the man with, a frrmily to
- 'which Canadian tourists to the
think about, but then the girl who. !y
Vnited States ' may bring back $100 is working very rare]; lives unto "5
of goods free of duty must await herself. I have known women to -
amendments b Parliament this corn- ,
3' be tied Gown 'all their= Lives through
frig session to Customs and excise having to support brot}•er•s. A gr•edt ',a" . ; By hE-N. ED1i'AItDS
- - laws, it was-learned authoritatively many women have mothers. or other
lastatement, - " -- -
st week. This sets at
dependents -to support,"
rest earlier '. > sports that the new- Joe F:.' Brown, .'film comedian, pictured with his two -year -old 1 -, nl �� I frill �lilill -
proposal, contained in the United _ - - thorou;;libied "Barnsley," whom he l.as entered in-the race meet-
States - Canadian trade- agreement ings at. Santa Anita, -CaL doe ]-u es the h se will 'have tlrE lau -h
-= - Farewell T o Arms n n e -
9night be put into effect by the on the field.
tional Revenue Depart ment around
- Jan. 1nett. - fambridge, Mass., —A campaign _
Amendments to the Esci -e .pct to obtain 50,000,000 signatures in all i by :a virtually unknown •writer nam- , -ri M G-01-0E
nations that signed the . Briand -1{el= Low Fr>ECed ed 0, Henry. rREEK -- IS
Will be necessary to permit cigarettes g d y' JRV- WERLTN - '
land tobacco to be included in the fogg peace pact, to a petition advo- Often Took Charge of News- ' ! - 1£S'r OF Al-L
Cars Popular
goods up to $100 that .a• bonafide eating the eventual • abandonment of Don C. Seitz- always contended a WR'<SRERS
tourist may bring back to Canada all antis, has been started by the - — that a newspaper was not abusiness / HOBOS
It is understood that, owing to the
Women's International League, for For eOn1p31I Discovers but rather, ar,: institution of public. rt t
varying liquor laws in the nine Can- Peace and Freedom, DemanS In 1:n -land service, and that a bti�ine,s manag- ATTEND-
_ Indian Provinces, liquor is to be ex- . =Hiss Sarah Du P, nt,' cousin of er's _,job was to- keep his rands off 1 . r '{ acv-CV-
icluded from the items which can be Pierre Du Pont, muAitions �rranufat IlEa1•Y' ttae editor }al' side'of the raper. As RscoRO
back here free of duty• urer, who sold her holdings in the the intmate sdvi:er of 'Mr, Pulitzer, -FOR
The regulations, when drawn, will Du Pont Company and became a pea. LONDON, En-,,—For the 'first however, he had a -hand in -shaping-
define ci CANAQA
the term' "bona fide tourist ". ce advocate, was among those pre - time motor manufacturers in Bri- Lioliries, aud -as an -old reporter him -
land how many times, a year a Cana- sent at the first meeting. tarn -have been, able -to put on the ;elf he was not always -able to keep - - ' "�' t'�
P out of the news hunt. On a quiet
' The petition, lea ^ve officials said � market a complete sedan motorcar � q et -
-' +dian tourist may bring $10b worth _ � _ -
.'of goods free of dut would be presented to' the League for £100 — and. -this car is'said to be Sundry afternoon: in- .390;, .tor inst
The Governluent play gtve•'coiDsfd- of Nations at Geneva in the spring• attracting a new kind of buyer. Tile once, he - dropped into the office to .�
elation also 'to the suggestion that car w'as- on exhibition for. the first c -T .ter
_. _ . see how t'r' -s were o,n , an ]ear -
r d
the time at dye Albert hull, London.. h g
e ro osaI b 'r _ •�
P e e wider
P n a lice tk
t Pp
c, n
- 'tion so that Canadian tourists to The Ford Company states that a red that .:n•,e currc.p ndence had_.
other countries, includin, F,nelan Hollywood HII Leaves - •
a y great number of inciu lies have corn, come to }i� lit in i+bieh E, H,, Harri-
regarding the car from persons -wlio niari ' a: ser•ted that Pre`ident Theo= `
- and Furnpean countries '�rtic•ularly, -__ 'Wells Sp+EeC11I2s3 ,admit they, have never driven scar- {
- snay bring back a- similar amount of dole Roosevelt hA asliecl -him to'
;good's free of duty from those enun- HOLLYWOOD, Calif. • — H. G. before, ;�
n ones for the 1904 campaign.
'tries. _ ' Welts, `the author, was the talk of the t are sing so r, firer truce - busting days cthat ass � u �r
Large number b 1d on l:a
he hire purclia-e yrtem. At the Iry deem of Italy
- town last week.: y
exhibition, c:ne salesman from ' a terrific news especially for aDemo -'
GGASHINGTO --Want to avotd "Three speakers'heaped enco' "ufns Jim Londo the Golden Greek of
isudden death on the highways? on Wells last night at a dinner tend- North London firm made all his sales rrutic Paper, and in an.inst : :ntzDlr' :hc roped. square, was christen ;d'
An expert says for one day -under the hire- purehase had taken chagge like a tornado, and l hriAct her T'r.eo lielus anit ';vas
p y you can providing ered him by the Academy of Motion P p•
;you: Picture Arts and Sciences. ar'r'angements. and ordered errry one on the staff horn •35 years ago in. Argos, G1•eere,
_. Don't drive-if you have epilepsy or Frank Capra, presiQent, spoke four The car is manufactured at Dagen- out to look for 3Ir. ilarrinian_ and the �')_oungest of tlirrteen children.
1 poor vision; minutes• Charlie Chaplin, Wells' host;, ham' near London. It is the same-.any one el: e %vlir,. could shed li�fSt Jim s father pas a stri„glirt I:rborer
• type of care previously sold J'or £115, on .the matter. in tlrc olive grove.&
Don't drive withaut'knoaing how; took five minutes and C. B. DeSliIle "Jcem ",'.at 1.1 years of ale, left
Don't count too much on good producer, stretched his speech, , ton eight horsepower automobilt, de- Vought One -Cent Price home on ,a Greek slop for the great
.i .luck at the crossroads; seven 'minutes. ' ' - • ' ' • i signed, and ,built: in Britain only: Jir. Seitz, w•ho became busin.I � r•ii ;v of New, 'York,' w•orl ;ing hi.,.-way
- Don't assume -the other fellow will Then Wells arose, ac'nowledged manager in I8:r8, n'as a mirim=ity o'f, , as ca"lrin -lio5. Tlie first jobs Lonrlos
get out of the wap.. the introductions, and said: �n T orte .when the World,., swats ists ;secured in_Atrcrica were electrician
_The expert, Dr. Sidney J. Williams "Hollywood leaves -me, speechless DOTED JOURNALIS • • , decided to meet Heart's competi - ;a iron- wor]:er.
- -of the National Safetv •Council, says so I have'no recourse. but to sit l `j a+ trop by • cutting the price of the .Condos wrestled for a time .under
• 10,000 to 15,000 lives are sacrificed down. '•- - _ . �II'I_,� OF ' 113S I SCa e� fnr�
paper to one .cent, .and t:rereby ran �a own n.urte. Loridos used to come
::,needlessly each ear. He did. years of financial difficult }. It ntn the rind in a plasterer's clothes,
y u•as after lie had retired as business - ;rd then.. strip to his ti hts in his
m;ural;er in-1923- that the Ik'orid 'orlier' —' thus he was called the
Don E. Seitz, Rel)or�er, Edi `ivrestlin, •Pla,terer ".in those days.
:farted on its rued to. disaster by Ttiter, a Portland, Ore,o-n, promoter - '.
Vice- Royalty For Au stralia tor, Author, P"ISSOS 1t�Cdt'- r•a.isini.' the• price•to three :cents_in'1han ed ;his n ^me to Tim London,
Brit }' -three <,ompetitiion with two-cent h:pers. i Londos, is the hest read of rill
1I Midi .•, 071
- •'.'� r, Seitz pr' ed his first book -re - I:r> hohb�• is ccrtin^,•
` > -- in 1 ^0:i, "Ti:c L st •Piracy on th'e and'readinm hook. `Tn his 1ror,r in
N£�i YOI'f� — Dori Carlos-S &tz, g St. Lovis he has 1.Pf10 choi!e Plonks
newspapox Dian and author, intimate :',rni'sh Main," and amore; the thirty
ly .associated with Joseph Pulitzer other books he published in..the next just axt',ul gf•liis•ester,;ive ]i1
thirty years were several others on 1r `'• ,
during tile, great days of the World'. _Mr, Londo--w•1•.nt about 1)rnno.
died of cardiac asthma at his home ;''piracy, as wejl'.as biography snit Inndns al«a s said
fora mnn to' "
r5 Downin-' street, Brooklyn. 1.e ether phases of histm H� died become clramFinn he must not w.orp.
y leaving unpublished mauunc *ipts on
;• ' was seventy -thi years old.
Throughout his career a prolific Captain Kid3'and Alexander Hamil-
a' writer of books and articles,•• till. ton, His hest•knoi }n work, proba!ily,,'papers, and while on the Cairr.chman
` ? r`•° "� Seitz combined the qualities of jour- Nvas his hiography of 'Mi. Pulitzer, he,'took, part in its campaign agnmst
nalist and bu ;�iness man, a c.,mbi- published in 19 -t, and he Lrter wrote ; those in control of the motion plc
books on Horace Greeley, the Janres; -tune industry,
nation which became rarer. as news-
"' "' _< papers more and more became farce Gordon Ben netts and �brahniii-Lin- Mr, Seitz was born at Portage,'
r i
impearsonal institutions.. He was coin, as well as 'on "The , T)readfu7 Ohiv; 'the. son .of the Rev. J. A.
- - business manager of the World dun_ Decade," the cr'a of railroad .wreck- Seitz, a Universalist clergyman. In "
nit followin,_, _the' Civil War. :Bost ' 1890 Mr. Seitz married Miss Mild-
':: } ing its most prosperous clays, but f
" the incidents f h his work -was notable for the "'red 'E: ' Blake, of East Dearing, Me:
among a ncr ens o which he �'
-' - - rt of r c ea r involved Until r death in 19 she s es
orris -'roiidest was' the occasion when •amour rc} he 24 h •a
P J'o red The - "Cli r hmat "' �I pecially interested in orphan wel- `
undertaking to find some fiction for I u c
c .f the Uunday World, he obtained a F'r'om 1923 to 1926 stir. Seitz was fare... She adopted more than sixty
sT•' titular' mnivgi :er'" of tNe Rvening ;'babies; preliminary to finding homes
stack of `rejecfed manu.,cripts from a
World, and then severed his connec- for them, among these the two
literary . agent and went through
them, ignoring the ram @s of the tion' with the Pulitzer papers to be- children adopted by Mr.= and Mrs.
authors, but setting aside the stor-
come 'as'sociate editor of the Out -9 Fineley J. Shepard. They had two
4?;is<'• ''
^" ies �he liked. 'Then', looking again look. Later he was associate editor ;children of -their own, Mrs. Edward
-firs Excellency the Gevernor of New South Wales, Sir Alex- through the favored manuscripts, he of the Churchman. In mag&bine 31* Geibel, of Shanghai, China, and
under Hore - Ruthven, who will take office as- Governor - General' of discovered that most of them were articles Mr. 'Seitz' set fcrth vigorous -1 Miss 'Mildxed Seitz, *Mh whom Mr. ..
Pe . Commonwealth of Australia, -about January , 21, seen here with - ' ]y fire view that a passion , • for.Il Seitz lived. Buria] was at Port'and, ill
1 , Lady Hore - Ruthven. i - 61 - f money= making was ruining news Me. , a'
F r• ._
i l
here ..-J Here
Everywhere l'� <«,��,,•
HEARDA brother to every other Scout, without regard to race or creed
':Latest census figures for the Die efficient citizen. In these panicky THE WAY OF A MAN �l tttil'NAs
of To show a total of 9, days Scouts will be needed' — men -le picked ' the peacherinos, the
_700 Wolf Cubs, W,y Scouts, Rover who are prepared and can meet tin- blondes, the gay- prunettes,
Scouts, Sea Scouts and Scouters. of mind and resot.rcefu:ness•" — He wagered he' could make them
+ + + Lord Somers, former Governor and all, and won a lot of bets.;
A new permanent Scout camp site
Chief Scum for 1'ictoria„ Australia. Vie maidens with the painted lips �!N'
has been presented to the, Trinity + '
were prone for sweet romance, _.
Church Scout Group of Saint John, The Scout Bronze Cross, given foe He liked a slender, platinum for -`
N.B., the gift of Mr. and Mrs. ,Isaac gallantry at :erious personal risk, rhumbas at a dance; .
- H. Northrup, in memory of their son, was awarded a Jamaican Scout, Mar- But when it came to marriage that r/►+ SONG
_ {
a former Viember of Ube troop. tin R'atkis, "aged 13, of the 1 "ath St.' was a different tune, \1j� SING
+ * + Ann (ilIount Zion) Group.. Scout Wat- - "
• And he who, favored, peaches fell io)
j� A n old English village, including kis entered a burning house and res for a little prune. ! D���� castle, lyeb -gate and maypole, was cued a cAppled woman. 90 year~ of lQ ` �1� '.OF Is
the setting of the Ulster Boy Scouts' age, whose presence in the building At a fashionable resfaurant during � -
Bazaar; at King's Hall, Belfast, Her ltad been overlooked until the bon :ie the Cbrfsttt}as holidays a girl had �. Fresh as a daisy, good to your
Grace .the Duchess of Abercorn was. =was aflame from floor . to roof. just finished luncheon, and was pre- �` Pipe,
Chairman. + • + o.
• • e _ paring to light a cigarette, when the Fine tobacco, aged and ripe.
A further tribute by the Chief waiter showed an elderly lady to the —
Nearly' 400 Cubs, Brownies, Scouts, Medical Oliicer to the work being table. LOngei tasting, fragrant, t00
Guides, Hovers, RaugFrs and Scout- voluntarily, done In the quake -''e_ Newcomer (acidly) — I do hope you DIXIePIUg's the SR1o�Ce fOfyoU !
era and Guiders attended a special strayed city of Qurtta by Indian Rn- won't mind me eating Whilst you are „
Sunday afternoon service in St. ver Scouts: "Yesterday I went in the smoking?
John's Church, Kitchener, to witness morning to watch a group of Rovers Girl (readily) — Not at all, so long
the presentation+ and, dedication of the take a dead sweeper's body from a as 1 am able to hear tb,e orchestra.
colours of the 6th Kitchener Troop house. Tito sweeper had been an out-
and to participate in a service of cast, yet the Rovers, high caste Hill_
worship led by Rev. J. N. H.'Wil'is, dus. and 'Mohammedans., did the work It is Very d'lBicuit for 'a woman to
+ • ► which t'te authorities (lid not dPAre peep a secret, especially In a modern
` Ne -t year's district Scout Jambpr-• to ask 'the soldiers to do. It was a bathing atilt..
ees, planned in England -include a magnificent effort on the part of the The `. re discus sin the North -
we e
Y g : --
_ h 1 avers PUG SMOKING , .
ou s. Photographs a f h R j�
Northern Counties Jamboree, to be, Sc t P g P o e Arttteffeah Indian in a rural school �!G TOBACCO
held at Raby Castle, the seat, of Lard at work show them, in gas magkg, when the teacher asked it any pupil -
Barnard, County Scout Commissioner carrying bodies from the wreckage., could tell what the tribe leaders were
- for Durham. digging graves for hundreds of vie -I
• • • time and giving a last saute to, the.' called, W
"Scouting develops a reliable and unknown dead. Bright Lad — Chiefs. +
-_ Farmers vs yarmers "but I have to buy some of that high
Teacher — CofreM. Now earl yon • priced pork you have just sold to the
tell pee what the 'women were called? butcher."
NEW .ROYAL BANK followed in quick succession. His to -� There was silence, and then a t +'Irish Cobbler" in Port Arthur
cation in New York as Assistant Su- , small boy waved his hands.- News- Chronicle)
pervisor of the bank's business in i Teacher -- 'Well, Junior? %vs fa mers• often cuss and swear _ APPOINTMENTS i T�, ,, c Japan 'Purchases
_ X711NTEN 1 V central and South America extended Junior. (prouthy). J4lschfets: 'aUout the
prices we are charged for
over three years. In 1938 he returned 1 glade we buy, but seldom do you Foxes From P.E.I.
to Winnipeg 'as Manager, His aP- I Correct this sentence — •'When we ever bear a farmer berating another _
pointment as General Inspector, with i start something to help the communl- farmer for services rendered . I often
B. L. Mitchell, Jalnes Muir headquarters' in Montreal. followed In - ty: -tbose who- have the most, give wander why no kick is made. Long CHARLOTTETOW.. - "1:' i g It tr
and Harold _G. Hesler December 1921'. i most ". _ ' arguments often take place over the -Prince Edward Islam( foxes - pur-c•has-
Iliade ASSlstant Gen- Mr .11arold G. Hosier, Secretary ".of ` sale of a horse, or a hog or--a beast, ed by the Japanese Government for
The Royal Bank of E'anuda, was born , Canvasser -=. Is the master of the as to price, and it ends in a take it an experimental statiori -have left
oral - i:ianagers' in Humbersiono. Oat., and Joined the ],,tree in? .-or leave ir. or a compromise, both sides Charlottetown on their lo.nr journey;
f Welland Branch of the bank as a Young Father iWearil-y) -= He's up- siring way oh a fifty -fifty basis. But The special pedigreed mate animals,
Appotniment of %Ir: Burnham L. junior in 1910. He .served served in various hen it comes to threshing, or buz. shipped in two crates-, will cro, s Can_
Mitchell, Mr, James 'Muir and Mr. craps !n his cradle,
capacities in -several branches. J wood or grinding grain, jobs ada by rail and be put aboard n iffier
Harold G. Healer, as Assistant. Gen_ throughout Ontaelo until 1915, when -
`• oral Managers of •The Ro3'al Bank of Some o[ these city slickers -visiting i that come, good farmers. take• on as for Japan.
be was transferred to Winnipeg.. Af. on the- farm sods lehrn tlhe:e is.morg'sidelines, 'often wonder'there is not --
'Canada has been announced. ter enlistment in 2.916 and servfee.
Mr. -'titchell,•.a- -native of Slerigb- overseas, he rejoined the bank at the to milking a cow than simply drain. more grumbling. Take threshing, for, i
inish,. -N.S., and' ,since 1931 Supervis_. ing her ct•ankcase. instance. It tQ a thing that has to be - Classified Advertising
Havana Branch -in July• 1919, and it}nne, but whether I get fifty cents
or of Ontario Branche "s, becomes As- shortly after was appointed Account - - I XLSaE rANNI O aaizL
sistant General Manager following a tant at Cienfuegos, Cuba, The follow: Physician —Are you ill? Let me a liusbel for grain or a• dollar, it makes
see your tongue, lease, no difference 'to the price 1 pay for TnaszaaousASa
long and extensive career with -.the ing year.he was, transferred to thoe Sir- g p l.hreshing, and threshes is a-'costly
bank !n many parts of Canada and Patient —'It's no use, - doctor. No g
pervisor's Department, Ilafiana, and aMTair, Threshin clover seed is a slow -- T'orottto:
Newfoundland.. He joined the Union in 1935 became Joint ')anager of Ha_ tongue can tell how bad I feel. g
�businesa but the clock ticks along
.Bank of Halifax in. 1903', serving as a vana•Branch. In 1930, Mr. Resler was
_ .. junior at the New ,Glace«• BranaS. moved to Head OtSce, Montreal, Thore`et•a notable family natn�.d Stein, i inexorably, I am paying flue estate a � vFFEFt .TU >;V E1.1 INN i:�'rull.
When file LTnio6 Bank wa absorbed There's Gert' .Bud there's �:p and ,minute for threshing. and the seed A List 'of wanted inv�entlon.. and full "
_ where 'ire. has since been cl.6sel.y I.n may, bring three cents' a pound or inf,rrmation sent free: T= ILAWeAT
by the Royal Bank of ('anada tn•1910. touch wiih the bank's foreign busi- thgte's Kin. _
' thirty cents..i suppose the only truth oomPany, tiPorW Patent
lHr. 'litz•heli was moved to Halifax. ness, having visited personally many., Gert's. verses- are.. punk.. - - - thirty it is that the lava o! only truth liark sttrett, u,ttawa, Csttal,�,
_', ,•,.
and tc,,) years later became Accon- Ep's statues were unk, -'
of the bank's foreign branches as' well j works out in the -long run,. and that
taut of that' branch. In 1915, he w:ls as the more Important o$ices setae: And no one could rnoierstanii Ein: SHOOT YOUR HORSES
appointed 'tana•gPr of the St. John's what I lose this year I gain the next.
the Dominion. He was appointed Gen: 'Fhe >ame•• natutnIly holds cod at St'R -SHOT BOT AND w ::H11
1+ew-foundiand•Brafioh, following two j 3[ose —Once Ah had a'Girlits Hu{t g A Remover. Expels' -.all Internal Far-
oral Inspector in 1931. : d .broke out ab his ra take „rinding that rala for feedin on the +ask J
years' ,,. Prince as assistant•. Manpg�r_ _ —,, tit :,. :wit -- a , � g ashes. Saves feed,_ .costs a trine,_
f� + -- tdt'Tn- 1 -nTU�i fiaCP o Tor'thA stock,- FCitii Bearer or write P'afrview Chemical
there„ Between 1919'and 1945 he sarv_ �� ��� adder me and run me -for' blocks. p Co., 43 Abell St., Toronto..
Mr, Muir and Mr. Hesier become ef- and -whether. the barley is worth forty
successfully a. 'tanager at Ha11- Dat's':de wurst scared Ah ebber wuz '
Peetive immediately. scents or ninety cents a bushel I must
fay and at Carrcarvet ;- ia.1919 he _was_ . ._ een ma Ilf#i -When' wuz y'o', de west f
nwAni,-d Mana-geq, ar Toronto: and _ scared eon yo' life, Samba ". ,pay two b44s for each two sack' I VVE YEAST
ilc a later Supervisor of Ontario Samho — Lemnie see. oh yea. De'take do.un to 't he grinder. Here, how- –
BranchF.. As Assistant• General 'fan- TEN BEST - DRESSED west seared Ah ebbe'r wuz een ma rife -L e} err i can get a bit of my own back. p- �+- -
ager,: Mr• Mitebeli 'will continue `to =u_ ;:I was when ma wife lost her' job. I i know 1• itavP to p'ay ,twenty -five Clears Pimples
pervise Ontario Branches from head- ,, MEN Ili] U.S.A. fill. for each. scup :a of bags. .so why
"quarters: at. Toronto, The fellow who "does At- no -iv'' has fill. wheat sacks or flour sack: when Pimp{les and many other skin trou�lea
Nix. James. 'Muir, for the • liast fot. - (, rime to do .something : else while the. bran and crushed oat sacks hold so yield to Phillips )Live• Yeast. Phillips
years General MnspecU)t�. of The Royal other fellow is still -thinking abort it.' much more. I .guess I am not better. live Yeast, the new English discovery, '
than the other• fellow. Rye ,all w ant as is different to other forms of veast..
_ -= _•Bank of Canada, is a native of Scot- $IT $usineSS t "seders Set, The - much for a nickel as a . Philusophe11 First of all it is plessant in fia}tour, and
land. Like 'tr..'Mitchell, ire has, been The - Spectator — I can't understand ea »y to take. I oq will enjoy it.
'engaged l in the Pace F'nr Sartorial Perfel- would want for 'a. (lime.
Profession of banking anyone missing a putt. as short as Second it is very rich in the vitamins i
I since boyhood, and lie+: served the tion — Orik, One, , Actor in as ,that. Non let me wind -np this crack at- Bl and B2 so necessary for hcahh and
: ! the farmer' by relating a story — it energy. 1
!Bank in the Dominion, and New York. The List The Golfer — Let me' femind you happened during the war. The farm- Phillips.Live Yeast helps natural diges-
Mr.' Muf* joined the Royal Bank of that the bole -i only 414' inches across tion, improves the a
er in ueition came into the black- P appetite 'and makes ,
Canada. at Moose Jaw in 191'?,_ after _ and there is the whole world outside q the sluggish system active in a healthy
q serving -three' years with the Com_ NEW YORK —The saiturial pace- It smiths shop with a "share to sharpen. normal way. Constipation is overcome, -
1 mercial Bank of Scotland. lad., and setters of Unitd State: are bust- ! R'hilsr. the smith' was doing it, the the blood is purified and enriched. The
"one year whit the chartered. bank of ness leailres, a group of New York's'. . Helen__ — R'hat's Franklin's. bus(- farmer regaled him with this latest ex- acids and impurities which clog 'the,
'In'dia in London, England. In 1316 he leading tailors agreed last week in seas° ploit, He had sold half a dozen bags. skin "are carried away and the corm- `.
was transferred to the Inspectors picking a ,'ist of ten best - dressed, men.. George — "I think he's a bookkeep- He had expected at the best ten dol- • Plexion Mears up in no time. Pimples
Department at"Winnipeg, and later in Hollywood contributed only pne er, At least. he never returned, the lays a piece for them, but, he added,
and boils disappear. A sallow, "muddy"
skirt takes on the fresh, rosy colour of
the same year became accountant In actor — nimble - footed Fred Astaire, book he borrowed from me Iasi "I knew- he —the butcher —had to have - health and beauty. �
the R'innipeg Grain Exchange Branch. The ten leaders, drawn 'from' a. winter: them so I charged him thirty dollars And furthermore, Phillips Live A "cast 1
" In 191" 'he "was - -transferred to the composite selection by recognized a piece, and be had to take them or is more economical. It doesn't spoil.
" It, keeps indefinitely. YOU can 'it
Credit Department,- Ilead Office; and style authorities: The behavior of mankind seems to leave ,them." The share sharpened, I P
� P severa weeks' supph• at one time -- ,
appointments as Inspector, Supervis- Edsel Ford, Detroit- auto manu- -prove that we never•need doubt the the ,sanith handed it to the farm Pr. and save money. Twenty -five days'.
-- or's •Department, Winnipeg, and as facturer; W i 1 1. i a m Rhinelander Patience of heaven. The latter said: "How much ?" "A treatments cost only' one dollar.
Assistant Supervisor at New York, Stewart, New York real . estate oper- 'dollar and a half," said the forgeman. Two sizes —a bottle of 150 tablets for
star; Anthony J. Drexel Biddle, New "What:" roared the farmer. ',You $1.00 or
„ it. T Phillips Live Yeast —it's nicer,
_ York and Philadelphia society fi¢ure, thieving. rages], it is only fifty cents Try P ,
FARMS FOR SALE William Goadby Loevv, New York Those Leisure Hours usually,'° '•Yes,+' said the blacksmith, it's better and more economical. :.t
IN olsTazero , broker; Adolphus Busch II, of the St. Why Not r,nploy Them Pro-
Some gaud propertf. "s at fair raises, LoUls Brewing family; Marsha.] •fit- y? Specialised training
part cash and extended teinis on Field, Chicago me'rehant; Isaac New- leads to Increased" efficiency,
the balance at 4q� interest. Jncreased Efficiency means
State Your requirements and write , ton Perry, - Chicago financier; Richard y � HAVE YOU A FLAIR FOR DESIGNING
for details to: K. Mellon of Pittsburgh, nephew of Overcome Earning Capacity,
ooansa3810Nas or -. g' ' P pwelop1emental rapower, and Make a copy. of this design 4!;2 inches
�. Ati3tIC17LTIIBAL LOANS Andrew Mellon; Walter D. Teague, __ juip Yourself for better
- • Parliament Bldps. Toronto New York' industrial designer and inns. study leisurely f the aide, The ch 'ce of a Water Colour Land-
Fred Astire, the dancer - actor, diet of your own home. write i scope Course, or n Original' Magazine, Illus.
or particulars of fascinating tratlon, a Political r Sporting Cartoon, or a
-Astaire's high rating is attribut- •correspondence courses -- L �=
LIVESTOCK MARKETING able to his recent pictures; especially - Gpmie Drawi�hg made by a professional ar- ) :
$hipping on the co- operative plan hag "To Hat" one, - tailor said, "He,has The .Institute of Practical and tizrt will be presented for the best design
been productive of splendid results. P
Selling on the open market means real 'done•more this year -to encourage Applied Psychology submitted in this contest which closes on
v e for the owners.• Get .in touch the wearing of tailcoats than an 9lo oonfedaratiop fnilding December 29rd, 1935. Other prizes for the
.v yi us. ng y- .. aaoxTSaAL, QNES140 .. _ next five best designs.
Writ— Wire —or Teleyhoa• body else. :
LYadhtuet 1148 The Entry Fee is Twenty-Five ,�.ats,
Astaire, however, also is a careful Enr'ioge g stnn,t rri ad-
�D X I'E
3 pp OPlls1ATIYa 0031PANTo L=7QTnn dresser out of pictures. He has a Issue M. iii �— dressed en,'elupe fur thr :k
LIVE STOCK COMMISSION DEPT. en for neckties, with hundreds of 67 Guff Baker, 39 Lee Avenge, Toronto, Can. return of your dra«.:nR.
Vnion Rook Yards, West TOtrcSto Y
them In his wardrobe. w `�
1�• - - ': "`•y' - • , - _ . v,,; .. ',.iii
`►t. iCliitt4K ¢tt1J Ails. N. Ste; Leo: ieu:n.z Secretary; d•rcurated in the Cuss colours of blue Annoaneenents
'Ars. J. T. Pegg; Assistant, Jtla's. J. and white. The cea,,re fight was de-
_ Teraw ,' - Kaine; Treasurer, Mrs. P. WUson; i corated with long streamers. each Mr, A. T. Law, of L -froy, Ont.,
, Jiro..`-.' ?i „a. -; :1_si t,;- 1,., big! holding a y.t earaer and a cup announces the. engagement of h:-
i1.76 per year; $1.36 paid in advance F. W. Gibson.; Press Secretary, �bfrs. 1 a -,1 saucer, each in turn reading the only daughter, Helen Gertrude, � th
Suhscr:},uuny to the i Wiled States F, Falls; Sick Committee Convener. vc:rse and presenting their gift. We William Maurice, eldest. wn , of Mr.
and Ut. britain $2.00 in advance. }t•,;. N. Bie: Parsonage Cuntmitte-e •a•_rre then invited to the dining room and Mrs. Herbert Parkir„ of Kinsale,
- - - - -- - -; Mrs. LL'rn. Br•isrn .ad ..a -. F. B }et• wh*_ -re :he long table ua_ tastefully Onr.. the - we•tding to take' place - -
411 A vd i s KAH. Proprietor. j Group Leader: Mrs. W. A. Brown decorated in the same colours and • quietly. th,:
latter part of December. C. H. TC @Kl Opt. Eyesight Speela4
Mra. M. N. Peug. _.drs. F. W. Gibson. centred -Mth a miniature bride and Tats Author of "your Eyes and Heal
: -- - - - -- groom standing - on a reflector, dot- th." "The ' Child and Its Develop-
Altona l>intle t_Kl with confetti and a white candy meat." Optometric Association of
lady, dressed in blue and the place Radio Service Ontario; .American Optometric Asa•
cyst _k J :try C'i,r_unas :o A}I. v'r'edding'bells are ringing. ragas carried out the colour scheme. ociation, Specializing in Eyesight
itlr. v. i,atris,�a, i,i `or.nto, Spent 3 }is, A. Hart:ron i� aprnding some Zlrs. A. li•,aker and Mrs. Mowbray E %pert 8ert'tCe and re. and Giaaaee.
a few days wit :i B. and Mrs. !:era time with Whitby friends. I served sandwiches. pickles and .cake _Opposite Poet Oifiee, Oshawa
cog• Pleased' to reiw.rt Rev, Mrs: Mutt- and tea This brought to a close a (7a1CA.t0 all rliFiliet;. ReaB Phone 1516
lVe are sorry to knew' that DIr:. on able to be out after her :eriuuo. very happy and memorable evening, ODRble Cbti•rvs. Work :
,J. Byer is indispesed. We hope she illness.
nay soon be well again. Mrs. 'Ross Hadley we are sorry to giUaranteed.
Mr. A. Wagg, who has been in report is seriously ill at her home in 'I Harry Hull
'the Toronto General Hospital for Toronto. TIRES, BATTERIES,.
-the past t'wv months, is lasu:r again. , "Miss Jean Ledgrtt spent the week ACCES90RIES, Graduate Radi•, and Television Institute Builder i1nd Coatriiator
1�'e are glad °to report that Mr. L. end with 141iss. JeIL Patterson, of Member
-Official Radio Servic: Men's
Hodgson, who was attacued and ser- Brooklin. At x" lu "' Wool better Nrice` Association. B[lC$WOCIi t3Ud StUII @WOriC
iously •nvunded by a bull, is recover_ - Sirs. Chas. Lecirett spent several ,, _ - "4 4(1 Pht,l,e 5?O1, Pi(gK1;RIKG. S Specialty _
lags days recently at the McWhirter home m emi in Toronto.
A shower. of :many useful and beaut in Brougham. y iirCbiteCt�9 SP.rviCe
i2ul gifts, was given to 31r: and Jli;ses Jean and Ph }lei` 3tow-bray L. E. �' - Repairs
I&IrS. E igin. W.agg on. Friday is s..14 ".I .-:tad__Xfwster- Mih,m,, ;tovrt,ray- pert--- �'e -[_w, repair th_ leak to _ -F{'N E'.RAL f} €Etb i.`TOR AND
- Nish the new•ly•.veds many years of -he week -end with 31i?.; Jennie Par- - . TA F. CROWN 1� � F
® :happiness and.- nro:perity. tin. _ killed M Or.RepAirs: F-yIRAL3IP ;R a ftz,s«hlnk Rd. Toni Iiia¢o *.nn Rd.
_ . to Lt'. J, Jt ether• i'"w Phi n,• Pisk 5520
- an(iyl for theIChsistnia -.Gordon .- itfville
.. .. iherrywood 1• .�- la�ih4 oron J. :Law - - ... ' •
are n
Tree ' - '..• ... - -
ohae the Fovrsquare Class by leav- ,, PL i1e 21.4,. Uv c �wrvice ,
Scr.:e 02 3fiss daze[ Petty'' ;ng the same at R. 1 . ii ,n bray's - Suaint �- Ph �rF Ra= iii-iii Phc> i
friends here have received word fron P1CiiER1'�G, (rtiTA1{1C) For Every6►ody-
-tore not later than �[nnday noon.
'her since ho-r arrival at Vero .Beach Don't forget the Christmas C',)n-
;Elurida. _. _. ert to be held on :Ronda} lard, -at - �~ troubled with colds, cough. croup,
.11r. 4ierb Btnn ei !ea on Friday ' 1 (HER 5 Ari ADDRESS ATTENTION FARMERS hronchiti,. wnsiliti:l, toaxil and ills
y *he Hall. ('•,me and enjoy the usuni •
last week for St. Johns, anrnute t. YOU SHOULD KNOW _____ a _j of the throat, 3i'BILLA fiPAHR'S
_ 2r,q[i time_ _A }nod program is being iT TELLS YOU WWWRi
Devon, England to spend the CArist provided by pupils of the Sunday' s �•i R COAL TO GO r� THF, remedy -to use, it's safe, ie-
ana: season and :Tinter months wit! GI'l:ttA[. ]tF:PAliZ 1�'(1Hli. `
- Sch,,ol: v peiidable. with quick Rood results or
his father and relatices'thrre, fifteen sirs and 5lrs. H. Parkin and Tan, `o o t. AV a are prep cred to re(ia,irearq money bae]c.
'Years having elapsed since a pre% ,y� entertained about fifty of the :, ►� �s LI'lICkS, trKC'tOV kills all farru ,
24,119 visit. young. people of h in_,ale and .sun- ' tUaochllierV. A -heel., ykibUllt and i E. C. Jones, 1lruggist, Picketing
Santa Claus ',a- .making iris annua ,ending districts to. an everving of Clre- Rettllla. wood -work and - -
• visit to• Cherry-wood- Cnited, Churcl Aancinr in tri• -err ne* home. An or-
wood turning o� all kinds
Friday evening of this week anti Ae -stra from Oshawa in attendance.
►� t'.1 heip distribute the gifts fron The fours held. their Call Pickering. 1900
foursquare ('lass g' • _ PIACe 4'U,l4r order now tor. Notice U� �4U
our Christmas Tree. T ^ere •will be : December meeting in 'ronour of blip H. GIHS03i Rood- ROrbinR and '11rning.
put on by uie, children o. Helen Law. The meeting was field � - Phone or Vill
the Sunday School and it will be a at the home of 3lisr Florence M,w- succecl_mor to C. M Lahr,
real entertainment, as capable train bray. -with Mrs. A. honker as ho+;- �� H. RO r• E We, d,, Itti!]dirR,�fall kinds
. --ers are irr charge, so im .sure and 1- y Pickering. Ont.
sz. ]n the absence f t. P Pre =icient Bruck Road Store and R.a,:x9mith bh�,p. CARP.ENTEH I%1,.
on hand. Ind Secretary, bliss Jean Ledge'tt 4Succe3xnr to W H Jackson'
We ,were ail very muciz ,o]e7'ed t.' and Florence .Ilowbray substituted. BROCK PbonePick2 :'•,l 1.>t; ' - CE4�ENTINt},
- have so rasa} pre.enx at our. chute; Ifter the asual business, Miss Law
service :act Sunday, despite the an• ;aa ; PLUMBING.-
with a cup .and ezauc- THEATRE
A"I'RE _
favorable weather. It ua.: "Whit•. _
r r snhwor, �t;ho is to be a bride „t Le
Gift currfapMand there was a nict late December. The sitting roam wa; - bdaple af mutul FL' a RfNll•'l.tit�
>Ke:unrsr. tl'e tufts be :ng dent to
H ='�'BY
IIISllraace Co. W� 91rc :�11 _licit :tf /rri Run9cig
'' -• - tiie "I•'rsd Victor. 3iicsion "' for dial .
NntICf: to CrCC�ltOii_ !•'HIHA1' wnrl . !4.�Tt'Rl)r1Y EmNirr Rvthrnryro .
rihutioa. Tht,se in chawe of the ,sp•
•ecial f,nn of %ervi• ,,r" -a W enn , � and WAWANES.A IKS.'CO: Eg3iipn b,rt. Dnru W,%ter
gratu[ated nn the S1tCCPa: of thei iX THE 3[ATTF-l' OF T'HE Seccin,] l+fiuiv, F'ritiny��'r I`Srt ! Cheap Rates for Farm and CCmmu7 -- `v- ren, -, R --%tty
; :.. off 'orts, Our Pastor P.ev. "J. 'R. Bick i-iSTATE OF SARAH SJ1ITH, _late Buildings -' t'r00o F.� {rtfpmont
resided. rif the Village of. Wilit•evale, in the .64 » " ",long! ,,tn, r'RnildinR Materials
AIR - HAWKS Windstorm insuraaee on Budding
i`11P Ptrhlir S,�hool cl'osiag crinceit' Township of Picering, C „until of }• :- tinistte-e Fr*
and Chri,,zwa+ tree. will be held „r Ontario, Widovr, Deceased. - Windrltilla Silos etc. - _..
L� IEE:Y POST ' R%c•rk Gui�rwntPed
Thursday.afternoon of this week 3nr!
..NOTICE i hereby given that Automobile Insurance of
RALPH 1tE:1.1 :A11Y All Kinda #' rr
=k•e are sure onr teacher, Mr. Potts all creditorw and other having claim. TA LA hIIRBLL - � 'F, .i, PROZTfiF
lia+ shown a . very keen interest it or demandK against the estate of Write or Phox*
the work of -the school - r''ildren up SAIZAIJ..S31ITH, who died. on..ur a. � 'y[�� =E� BOWMAN & R.OWIE
to V-i; tin•n and has put fnrth Qpeci-ai bout the 17th day cif Navember, ' IP1('E;F :Hi�•fl: .,UKTARiO'
�c WRIT13Y O T
,rrpo•r»l effort t., matte this cuncoiT -193.5; at the Villa of W- hitevale. - -
_ slur enjoyable Event for all the par' in the Township of Pickering, Coun_ LADIES LOVE
rata and friend.4 of the community ty of Ontario, are rec,uired, on or be. DANGiER"
' Tor _ _ - CHMSTMAS
%viio care t, attend. and •needless to a the *Whll clay of December, 19:1;, __ _ _.
say all the nupily are iftokin; for- to .,end by post, prepaid, or deliver WONA BARRiE: P i STORES BAKING
uar'! to Thursday afterntun and a to the 1•lzecutnrs their Christian = ••G ;[,BI};RT ROLA?\D 511LE
ford time. _ names and surnames. addresses and
- •' descriptions, the 'full- particulars, in - ft will pay you to do your Xmas shopping at Tbt Red tf WMite
Greenwood citing, of their claim:, a_ statement Store. We can assure of the freshest and Fittest ingredients
cif their accounts and the nature of MoQ • TttP*d'&y an-I Wedn'ydA)'
' • • u a es -and Puddings. •
wy - for `y4, r.,C k
Mr.-and Mrs. Clifford Ba -rkey, spent the security, if any, held 'byr ,tbopi.., DECEl11RER 2:3, 34 and 25
':Funday with Mr. and Mrs. Bie. ANI) TAKE \OTiCF that after FIVE ROSE
Two Shows, tit � and 9
• _ iHr. F.tnck, of Thrunto, agent Sun• such last - mentioned date the said 'L4Ib: /N� •
play with his fancily here. 1•`•eecutars_will proceed• to distribute KATHARINE HEPBURN Flour, 24 lb$., 83c. Loc�kWOOC�s, 1ja� 63c• +
31r•,_ Gerald Mutton of -.the- Toronto -the, assets (if the said deceased a- 3ElF,LLE[1 SHELLED . �•
Vni) :ersitt• .+as ticith -us parents at the nlong• the parties , entitled thereto. IN i I
Parsonage over the wee!: -end, iavinc regard only to the :c]aims of �f .' �, ' Almonds, Ilb., 1 3e. Walnuts, 41b., 4 2c.
31 r. Chas. %IcTAggart of Toronto- which. they ,shall • then ha>rc• notice. A1�ee Adams
vkited over the week -end with his and that tfie. said Executors will root Figs,. Best for cooking, 2 lbs. for � 9e.
lister, llrr-•. W. S. T'egz. by Liable for the said acRets ur any with
-Dr: J. Cubourn, it United t:hurcli" RI, 14, -HE[) �l'T.T.a \A LEXT•A PI_ ?PEED
part theFaof -t„ ",,y ,,�r. =ter: '; : ;tom- -- �FREI) i4IM1 \1171RA
Rn; rd of Canada gave a eery intt;r` suns of whose, lal•m ni,tice hall•nat FRED STUFF. _ :; ; Ralsms, Raisins, :Raisins, Raisins,
r.:tinK and instructive talk in aid o. have been received by them at the E�'F :LI'\ STO:,1tii,H. 11)C. Ib. Z !lass '23c. jilt• ?,-ir. 1°tr• 1Fi,
the Mizsionar }• and JfaintenaTacc: Fund time 4,•f such di tributiun. - t
at the Sunday ntarnirtg sen'ice. DATED at Tnrr,nto this 29Th day. CxANulED (iTA(_�IEU l.erur�nnrOramrpe _C0f)KIY4
Mr. and Mra,,:lndrew- Pegg and of November, 1435. to l ".0 V P�i� :. ow. In t, -�� sherries Fruits. Peel :- Molasses
: 'farrilc tended the funeral r,f, thr• . F.v.•cing 31•1tanees ! Ili, 19C. i 1;,; 3c
Reston Bell and Roc.. c
late Mrs. Louis Tindall, of'4(6 •. :372 Ray fib., 'Toronto. Adults _'Y,'. `.Adults We.
to': u:: 1i'edneariay. firs, Tindall FolicitorR for the FxPCUtorc. Children lags Children lug. SPECIAL -
a si;i•Cr r•f Mrs.. Peg•g's.
William A. ('ode and David .Irlwtis 1'' +a [nc:nd"d
The ma- v friends of Diis, rh.rotl7y 1lhitr•valt, t)ntario, 3. Sugar, yellow 40T whitfv, 10 lbs. for 53C.
I ai,urey (who underwent all ctnFi• n.
f ! appe+x11., itis in the Ostia -,1•_! lloauit. --
a] recently) are [.,lad to know she is /� (� fid.i..h Well. Gus'
tome'r flit 2 � y Var'1.� :.8 %H t MURISON :
Owing to the condition of: the`rnndl '
Sunday night there was dot .4 Inpuie "horie tiV0 Lj'e delivef
- attolldwl(.e at tiip "White Cift S,•,•- i
s'is!•" and Vomfg- People Svrvice. ,1
'This past b'd•iC11111I; AeRSOn we ted our Special R}it('ll- - -- -- - '
goon prne•ratn was enjoyed by tho,i: Men's Work Runtx, $2.49, up. :
-- : w
'present and a ,bstantial lot of Oit'is' "inn ration • with 'wonderful, results. . •0ilr Fla,tche'4 _ 31en's Overalls and Pants, S1.25 per pair, ep .
received for the needy. � avere ed Over iCi icr cerit for t1ie entice season with -� v
A Christmas Pageant entitled "F•: 1 : Aten's T1'urk Shirts, $O.tiS, or 2 for ;1.26
'Also Serves" will be Aiveii, in the T;n eag produefibu very bigb. The Chicks were strol)� Farm Team H'arnesx, t23.A0, up. �
iteii'Church on Sunday evening•, Do _ h�
and the loaseH cer 'log's
82nd, under the anspices of the NiQf•' - -' 3 ' `- - Horse •Collars at Various Prices
ionary Department of the Sunda, - $IAi\Ult; E'Aft1i: Sw"t Pads Testa L;nes
School. _ '• _ Glnrkaoti. Now is the Time to }art •brat old
The Woman's Association ntet. ]Asp _ i• ': Harne"Repaired _.. •.
Thursday afbernonn in the hayemPnt Veod Monarch "Open formula " - Feeds. - Phone 2964 `
..c,f the ahureh, -the- following off- - - -
-feers were elected' for the new year: SOLD PHCiNE
:Hon. President. 1Krp. A. Royer: Prey. ky A. W. MITCHELL, P�ekellring 400 It
e birs. W. W. Gee 1st T• �� C I L � ADLE Y
•'ici nt, w 1 Tee- Pr+tu..
!Mrs. F. L. Green; 2nd Vice-President, Ask fut the 1938 edition of Feet' Foots. - r = Ci 7!C IN A I Its M
+F ( _ . yore �c _ • :._ .,ham...w. -p• : y, -+ - _. _ o . .. - - - .. '•. .:4^ r 'v'[" ",'„ ,.
- .. .. .1' ..dry.: • •:;` �,' . -'. ° .. - .''?•m -. •- .!-
n'r t;
1 '• a ... _- _ •, • 4" �S•.. •• ' ✓`i 'mss
l.lareaaoat United Church. All the children of Band Superintendents Mrs. Rawson - '
tine school received ttie usual Christ- and 'l1rr. R. McLeod; Organist, Mrs Jack Chapman
Miss Clara Neal visited friends in mas treats. A beautifully decorate,
ecorated T. Gregg; Assistant, Miss K. Beel- Represents the
?pronto last week. tree was well laden with by; Str ers' Secretary, e -
gifts for tJ' Mrs. Geo. Ganda Life Assurance Coy
'Ten tables featured the Euchre in young and old. Everyone is Scott; .Baby Band, Mir J. Pilke and '
glad that, Y • . •
the Hall last week, _ Santa hoe not forgotten 'Claremont. Mrs. F. Cars,-)n; Auditors, Mri. J. Canada's oldest '!
Candies, Oranges, ]huts etc sit C: The Young People's Society of th.• Gregg and Ws J. Focgie.
__ - • A. Overland's for Christmas. United Church at a recent meeting � ------Life " surasx e
to sill
$rabet tbt kung A 3biubwar Company y
. . • The Baptist Church Parsonage is elected the following officers for
Barclay -Trans ort ;n j .
be renovated in preparation for the 136: Pa President. blelvitt John - J p
arrival of the new minister this week son; President, Margaret Spenctiiey; O �.- .kVH[1'BF, PIOKER[N(;~ '
Fanc • China, Ties, Daily •Service x++d vicioit
Fancy Socks, writing secretary, Margaret Dopking Asa y.
beta -een Claremont, Broug+ Tani The Canada Life has served Ca adixns '
' "Paper etc in variety at Overland's. istant Secretary, Joyce McCullough; �j n r�d • 1 _ , >; fo'r?it; years. ire h
Friends of Mr. H. G. McIntyre will Treasurer, Effie Graham; Pianist Grc- enwa:Ki, Whiteva}e and Toronto j ` t 11 '' eklsCompany paid wpnli pro owners d
- sympathize with him in his suffer - Margaret Overland; Assistant Pian- "'neficiar:es ove.l Sl31,(m.0o0, It has
ing considerable pain and discomfort ist, Kathleen Beelby; Press Report- My drivers are trained' to be careful 'DAILY SERVICE assets for the protection of policy owners
since his recent operation er, Grace Tomlinson; Conveners, Vir- courteous and reliable. of over $242,000.000.
Adams and Mrs. Spears, of White- ginia White. Jean Gregg, Earl Cook. Eastean Standard Time Phone Pick 5222 R R..1, Wbitb
vale, visited with Mrs. Gibbons on Ted Tomlinson. ' Special Rates on Long Distance Leave Pickering Leave Toronto
'Thursday last. Special service., will be held it: hauling. (Eastern House) tBay at Dundas; Buy' Your
Mr. and Mrs. Stanbury have mov- the - United Church next Sunday in A. M. P. M. A. M. P.M.
ed into the village, and are welcomed observance of the Christmas Fest- No order too small. None too large., a 7,09 3.54 a 7.:30 a 4.:30 CHRISTMAS CA'vDIEB
by the townspeople. ival. The:' choir will render anprop- a 7.44 a 4.64 8.40
In our issue of last week, we gave riate music. At the evening service. All shipments insured and protected 8.54 d 5.54 10.00 (330 and
y p weather 10.24• 6.54 I 1 30 d 7 :30 -
forty-fne beautifully Lt.54 d 7.54 P. M. 4.30 UBALCiU,S --
- story of The Other Wise Man" ...
the date of the annual Installation the sto from the w
of Officers of Brougham Union A. by Henry Van Dyke, accom an)ed by P M. 8.54 c12.30 d 9.30 9NOKERy' 9TAYDa, ASH
F. and A. M. as Dec. 20th this colored slide, Tel, Clare. 31l = P. C. V. ; ;} .{ 1• �} (. ;'� 10.:30
should have read Friday, Dec. 27th. will be told. Let us celebrate Chri_'t. Class, B. and C, 1.54 10,54 c 2.3n 11$0 TRAYS and. LIGHTERS
Mrs. Fred Hardy has been trans- mas Sabbath a.: we onghL by qur at- a =.,.4 b,11 44 :;.,30 A,t your nw)) Cseviv afore.
ferred to St. %lichael's Hospital, in tendance a: 'Sunday School and thf- flhvned and operated by a -daily except Sun & Hui. b -Sun. NEILSON'S CHICOLIATES
rmntn, her .condition 'having become. Church Services" Frank S. Barclay & floc only, c -3at only, d -Sat
more critical, and at time of writing' The Annual meeting of 'the W. ii. Sun & H•xrr.)iy ...and -
#s reported to be very serious. S, of the United -Church wa.= help: 'Calf deal $1.13 TicKet, and in ;,,rmau• a a� Ice Cream Bricks
Lock over our Christmas Stock- in the Sunday School Room or Fill- the - Basket 2.60 CO AA
C: A. Overland. Thursday afternoon 1aa. tilt=. Ben: SL Vaying hash 2.40 GRAY COAVH L�ly �f�
-The Women's Institute held an in- Kilpatrick. presiding. A succecsfui Pioneer t3iR 3 Laying Mash 2.60 ALF S PLACE
- teresting meeting' at the home of year'= wrrk -;vas reviewed by tc•: (Oyster Shell . 1.35 PIC KE R i'NG
D[rs. G. M. Forsyth on 'W"edne -sday various secretaries. especially by thc• Hen Grit q.9n � a,rr, ;n Fi,'1;.�- E'l:•,r,e ; "''u CL. REMO 1, UNT,
2fternoon of last week. The rrifts re- Recordine Secretary• Miss A. 1I poultry Concentrate ;3.40 Phone Clare. 3201
ceived by the Institute for their MclTa�han.` .fit the close of an int Hog Concentrate .2.60
Christmas activities, ilf .be donatcd erestine meetlrip of readiri¢.; and -'
c►;l take Meal 1.90 Blued�tult�in�„ .ic �'oodwork
to the usual institutions again this music. the follo -wing officers werr. :;match Feed 1,75 a' n
year. elected- 1're:i•jent. ;its. B: Kilpatr c c �► at right pi•tccw
Gluten Feed 1.9 ti )w is the time u, have those repair
_. .Jack 'Mundell is -sufferinre' from ' L. =t. Vice - President. :4i'rg. F. !'argon: -(lore deal - ` '
blond - poisoning in the right arm, the 2ad VieerPresident, Mrs. Jr R GWv_ 2'90 lubodtwridedto. H.rruw_a repaired.
infection having started in his hand. er; Secretary.
Salt, fine and ceur. a .a p.9S la., t.r •wctions ..
on hna The fasa-
31i�s ae
A. McGlashan; Meal Scrap. fine. t eta. per lb _ _ o,,, Fleury Plowt atwaye oa hoind.
thouirl- r ,' i,�ra been L. w. P l cy : m r=
-a laceration received while handling Cane jiolsases, to eta per.agl, in. - Ahro dt-mler in Viking Cream Se a
Secretary'. Miss J. Forgie: Christian g p• en.
ilk -cans. He has been home for Barrel Iota 7:, cents eharae on tort and Elrctrir, W'�ahPrrr
� Stevrardshio, lfiac J. JtcGlashart: yarrel, returnable at same price. • * e *v ish O� Dealer is Dock -butt and Proat i
�aeveral days, convalescent. Supply Secretaries, Mrs. Coady and ether prices on request Wood machrnrry.
Mrs. Douglas, is now with her Miss J. Young: Peace Secretary. Chopping 7 ceu6s pea • bag Many Patrons A phono t-.Alt wiH bring us to your farms,
husband and sons, -in Claremont, Mrs. M. -Rawson: Temperance See-
they will make their ho>fte far rPtarc, vii, J. Pilkey: Mir ?ionarp (,Tarr. 2044 John Norton
the orPsent. They "hati'e taken over ,9rtonthl.y, Mrs. T. Condy. Wgw,,n . $ Phnne Pick 713
+tke apartment over their .drug store. -Claremont. Ont. ..
F. T. wcociwt�.cd
Our citizens welcome them, to the "._ . - - - '- - - - --- - - -
�erry ' Christmas GREENW cx ►n ply nt
forept' the Ba,,tist (rt,urch - 4 more shopping' days before X _
Christmas Entertainment nn Frida} and a -
'Pecem1wr 20th. at which the Caitta- Our Line of Gifts for Mother. Father. Brother, 'Sinter aad THM' -`MA1 DUNE"
tar "Which, Santa Rr 4intker Gno ?e" _ Baby its Complete. _ :
and the drama. "The captain'+ Pre. y A' ' T
A few suggestionN :- Y 9
- icament'" �?hl be `resenfed. Adults, .
Happ B �o N
�5 rents. Mildren of 'the . school. For Mother- For Father- � - hes AH
tree, rill nrt•ers 1.; iS
cents. westintbouse Refrigerator _: - Car Heater - -
H pry Found is not en,iocin¢ the Easy Washer Windshied Visor - - PrOBpOrOUs $
.-best -of health of late, and during Carving Set. Hot Oven. ;Casserole- Razor `
-the early - .part of the week, was in Merry Christmas -
very poor condition. Set Tea Dishes -
Driving Mitts . ,.'
- Aladdin or Coleman Lamp ~:.`;: New -
/ The News -will make its weekly 81]d $
''drip north on Monday nest instead For Brother- _ For Sinter -. Year - Ha -
of Tuesday. owing - to Cie holiday. _ i i ppp
A miscellaneous ,regram of rhor- Skates Doll Games,
HO-i cey SlickA -- RoUer Skates D . ,�.. B E E R New Year
- •noes, recitations, dtalogtsea drillq. ' _ - .�.. ' '
(solos, duets etc., was given before a Flashlight _ Bath Salta Brougham Opt, - %� �� ,� +` Mid
large audience in the community Pew sad Pencil - . Skatei X658. ;.isfi.
hall on Wednesday everting of this Year puronase Is appreeWeiL
Phone 1906 :CLAR94111ONT
nveek by the Sunday School of the CHAS. COOPER, CLAREMC�NT =� - -- .. •` -- -_
11 lyl��' '' '� •']y this fact be your buying guide• Chevrolet
''11,'1' -t is the only low - priced, cal that offers you
• t 111II' It ;1�,1� new, perfected Hydraulic. Brakes . . , solid
steel Turret Top Bodies by Fisher High.
- ',1��1,�t , .`:,. .,, �•,. . , ..._Compre.si o n.v a lv e -in head Fisher
'No-Draft Ventilation . 'Knee-Action gliding :
` 4:
.ride with Shockless steering And Safety
glass in every window. h4ake your own com- i-
'�` parisons -•come for a ride today in the only
• - .. - • `, . ....y,,,:,,;: ». > : ; : : : > : :; ` car! • -
complete low - priced
- - --
M. + Oa Al Koster models.
'tali Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prfees and new, r«
Plan-„ greatly 'reduced GMAC 7% Time Paymeof
? offering the lowest financing cosf La GMAC Aiatoryl 3.
' rrgi •.::ik3:j : +, :j<'• ; ; ;q¢i: i :j�i'a`.;`•i :.,..3 :� ;.:. . :.e ..•nr ... ... C_44
Tune in to the G onerW Motors Ho>clrny' Broadcast evd ay Saturday night ovar nation -wide nehrwk. �... '
t 1
,-v'�•a+,!.?��ns�•, roe+. ..: ,. _ ... .... .....- - ,. •- _. ...... _ _ _ .. -
rq%Dhl 4J
"Some" Record
- 4(;reen tea drinkers will n Married 5 Times �- 5t `1
He's Bee �OV .ytJ
Find a. sheer 'delight in the —She's Had 4 Husbands 'tN E tNf
ex u* to Flavour or a Mfr. and Mrs. William Wilding, of DOUBLE
�% S lads Spring Gardens, Preston, Eng., ,have aV T
- between them —a total of nine mar-
Japan tea. 'Try, a, package. -rages. a �T,C
' . -lie is i9, has hack, five 'wives. ..
She is a year younger, and has NZ
been.married four times..
__• , • They live on $5 a week —their '
old-age- pensions. Neither has ever N Y
been divorced, ,
- - -- Mr. Wilding said 'to a Sunday Ex-
press representative: "I first inarried•. ,
when I was ' 21.
40 That was Marjory. She died four - CIGARETTE PAPERS
_.... - .Ap
years •later.
"Then came Margaret, followed by
- - ' Elizabeth And -Mary,,- and now- I have "
- Caroline. ILI':: ■ ■ O ' ■ ■ ■, . ■ ,. ■ 't' .; ■ °a! ■d;ll ■',' i!! iii ■iql! ■il!!;■ id!■ i.',!■ .Jtlt::k! ■i!i I ■,Ili, ■ie^ ■iii!,
- "When my fourth wife was living, -
------- - - = - ---
• 'Which wife has
friend asked ' me:
been the best ?'
c -
F o
'I replied, `The first was a good
one the second was 'a good o ne, an d
The _
I the third was a -good one. This is a _ � • _ , .: She
my "fourth, and she is the best be -y,;'M =,mow'
- n s Hall Mu*rd - cause she is still here.' ue e c °• � i:•. ;,.•�- :• ;: - _ - .- . .
e, r "If asked me that' .now I - - BY MAIR M. MORGAN
would answer in the same .way:'
Bysaid she had '• had.. !:�? ■! ■!: ■!i, ■!; ■' ■! ■' ■1,.,■' ■1,Wll111i10:1! ,,,■`:,.■:, ■.■','■ul■ ■,,:' ■:.
Adam Bro me Mrs R Wilding
good husbands g b d h b b t
o an a husbands, u an r White',s new book, set. in satisfy the, more thoughtful of
• ' ' "- ' - ' - ' - ' ' " " ' ' ' " " -�'' - " - - - " - - - - t - ', she never to leave' one ofdthem. - T ", Samuel Alex- ' .Carrel (.1lusson's, Toronto) rail, -
• �Ls.� SCEti
- d
lzaoalss the time about a quarter to eight She" added: "Once, when -I was the scene of ,the historic- building your_ friehds.
111GNOR ARELLI of Milan. a •tam• —when the supposed :4lartinelli en- 'young; a 'fortune- teller read my hand of the C.P.R. through the wilds of
-" ¢us composer, !a about to m e 'hts I and said I would be married four or Algoma along Fake Su
• '• rinse appearance to Landon. He is to tared the Hall. She disguised her -. g parlor's SALAMIAA by Rockwell Bent •r
Conduct the first performance of a sym- self as a passable imitation of . the five limes. I laughed, b.ut she wasn't North Shore is being published in
bony of his own composition tic the valet. You remember that ever far wrong. four- countries: In- England by (Geo. J_ McLeod, Ltd., Toronto)
uaen s Hail. The event has aroused y'- - — profusedly illustrated by the au• _ _
very -great Interest. The hall is crowd- one noticed -the _bearer- of the. baton Eetween therri Mr. and 'Mrs.,-Wild- Country Life Books, London; in thor will thrill all those who love
d, and mlutona of listeners are waitina__as a small .man with a• blac)c moult ing have had 16 children. trnited States by Scriber's, ' :new
or the geriottnarue--to come over tba adventure.-
a, ache' The thing which she put on Fork; in Australia by Angus and.
306"lu mskss his ■nwsnc• -" sod "Is- the conductor's desk was not the Robertson, - Sydney; fin Canada 1,y '
�a1�Ked ales d mmediatle2ysforthcor:i- ,real baton at all but something o Clark Company, YOUTH U CHARTEII, a
fns', but it is obvious that the man to g gat Natalie Carr Hates pp' pany, Toront -o. It. _ I7y ro
dead. In the audience are two young up to look very much, like it_ =some- is a volume of , animal fiction Dhen Lan ford i Dfacmillan s, Toron.
�aogle n t e dies on and'. SteAheu thing with some sort of pin or need- .Noise and Clamor of - showing the creatures of the for- to) is another real 1te adventure
- i3arton. - le at. the base where ParelIi would est- coming in touch for the first containing so many.'extraord,r.try
Taunton, "he naturally grasp it— smeared with the New York Life time with the bringers of the- adventures that one fee,'s the°mit-
Of course, said n, Pot — enough Tick.
do the trick. steer who carry forward the first terlal should fill three books.
might have chucked it into the -crowd P$relli was a powerful man -full NEW YORK.—Natalie Carr, youth - -transcontinental road throug ; - Ca- "
before or as he fell. • But then —a of vigour and energy. He. must— Jul heiress "home after two years in a nada, and animal characters gHV'tiCyER OV liR THE BROtiX.. - --
' thing like that's not very com_ mon. else knew -seize the -stick uite Quebec convent where within a few -' mingle the Human odes 'in.
Anyone fin.'in it. and dear. where q by Arihur Ko her t }Inscon's, Tor
y g firmly enough to drive the needle .years: she could have takifn fi,rial vows the persons of the surveyors, en- onto) brilliantly illustrated by
the thing happened too,. would have or whatever it was into .the flesh df to become a nun, hates "the noise and : gineers, construction ,gangs who
been certain to report it, And don't. the hand— and --the deed is done "' clamor of \etir Yom difr:'• invade the rugged-. wilderness. that well- known artist Mr. fioff _
3orget either that at the moment - -- 1 ' "MAN SCENT" is illustrated by
will Appeal -to those -s, k a;:;ates
Haynes -sat back to see what -ef- Life In the outside world is very who read the New Ym .er.. • -
this man died he was being watched sect his story would have on the : strange.'' the former 'Vassar College the author with a large numbre� _
-not by one person, not by . a dozen „ of - pen, and ink. drawings- -depict
Chief Inspector, Pcrrhsps Tautitoti I student 'said. - [ cannot ue,come this . , ,
but by three thousand. And nobody was a little piqued that his junior change, Mg the four - footed inhabitants of - THE CLUE OF THE RISTNG
- alas come forward to report having the north, And the combination of MOON by- . Valentine-: AVi46,Me
had managed to evolve some sort of , L ver' urrdecided about - wire
-• '*eon- any such action. He just E" _ y .� Samuel .Alexander Whites author -. 111lussor.'s, Toronto).. is a ni }st.ery
teked up the stick, began to wave "
theory ' y ! they I shall "rt•turn to. Ttr conreni. '
• •s theo to fit the.'. facts 'as the - ., _
T, knew tltt+m before he find been ubPe l canrt u_tily' $ay," artist work forms a st king con- th c which- will appeal to all
T, collapsed, groaned, and fell dead - tribution to.. the nativetlliteratu're who 1iker- their fiction exciting and
to do so himself. His Force, when
i tiatalie's
before you could say knife." grandmother, Mrs_ Hat_ of our own - country this year. -The a logical reason ashy an-and-so
he spoke, lacked enthusiasm; he con
That's so,' • said the other. But - tie a: Weldon; prevailed uppn her to book is ,appearing at. a good waCtitit»ped "" off. _, • -- _" - something's veyed the' impression that he. was far -
ttg's just come into m • mind leavi the convent of St, Fiy aclnthe and time, almost coincident with the
y from.�bein convinced. But all the i ��
' 'You remember • what - -that fellow -' g - " try to- Ilse In. the "outside . it•orld, celebration of" the building of the
Harris t ld us just now. same -he `did trot- wish his colleague again the giro indicated. Canadian Pacific this anniversar -
to infer p ;o °essional jgalou,-} on hi? •
_ "A fat lot of use any he told ,iris. LY• :Idon �naa alerted her hope ; 'of the linking-up of the steel Ea,t SOAP AN HOT WATER 7
us 9s• gaiilg to be," growled Taunt �r Quite. good, Haynes, ". he "said,_ a -her grancidaught" -' becomes ireconcil. and West with the driving, of the- - -
on, -rathe'r surlily. "I've dealt with I ed to a in the world. But if ' a last spike. bran Scent • is 'just
a good few stupid muttanheaded 'unit- .little pompously and with much con - r � �
„ rell!eiors life is her location 1 shall' ' off the Country Life gooks eras
messes in, my time, but I don't think des'cension, as' far 'as it goes. I 'not signs• 1n her way." in London, England. an_d the Ca-
:Y�. •I've ever mgt -a .bigger fool." 'lars;aY things may have happened . . -- - ' -- - nadiati- edition- will be ready for '
„ more or less as you suggest. But `
"1 don't agree," said, Haynes. Af- - - • distribution by Copp, Clark Com- .
I don't see that we get very much - /
ter all —as '.you told him yourself— •pang within a' few days in Tor- Atli
further - unless we can find out a.ho Ima$inatiOn Fairy
- you don't pay__much attention. ever t onto and, all cther.._pLgces. iri -Can?
the' Dirt'Viis ;and what was -her
to things that aren't of any .import- .. - - +CiOdmotller S Gift ads.
motive— whether .she was the grin- _ _
ance.in themselves, things that •only : For_. Christmas. gifts you could r
cin.,t or merely• an. agent of some i i
become so•because i turns out -t do. no better than giN orte'of the
that they're mixed up with erinus person behind the seen-, CALGARY - Live advenfluo'rsly- APPLY H {ND$ Eo�to7cq . .
following —there is a Hoak to meet
thing really big. But - Harris ,o..� .' - °' t not monotonously,, hirs, *Nellie L. Mc- every reader's • demand.. For in- �'elrcty Softnes!
•cf my theory is right, then some- Clung., well known Canadian au,thor,. ,
. ed two things that not everyone ' g,. stance ."Mary Queen of Scotland
might' have done. And I'm not .so body must have •made tlfv duplicate ,'told_ members of the Women's Mis- and The Isles by Stefan Zweig, M7�
sure tnat they're loot the only •things baton. Somebody must have sup- sionars Society of Grace Presbyterian (Macmillan's, - Toront <i) • would- he
plied the poison —a .most uncommon., Church here.' She' said lots of people the ideal book for tbgse who like .
'that d not di guise hi inte.- •and.rare one you will ngte.. , 'There t-dle not from. lack of bread brut from their history in biographical •form,•'
zest. He was tired of all the rook- ale ta;o fresh lines for us to work lack of ingpiratioli. -told in this author's best style. �
business, searches and enquiries on: Parelli's papers, when we have vo human. being. should be sat -
about. tangible things, iri connection: finished geing'through them, may •isfied with a,self 'fiddling' job," Mrs. with the case. - He hadn't had much fill in .some. more details. for us. But, SloClung said, "It isn't the size of 5A \, The Unknown by. Alexis
time •,for exploration, in, the region as you know well enough — you're thin s quality;
p far more experienced than i — it's g y'ou. do, it is the y; it is
of theory and conjecture. not the height, it is the direction. a
Haynes continued. "He vk'as prettl no good kropinA about: quite in the If I were a fairy godmother, I would � ���7ta
r , , Ln t, , dark. Vie• must start, with some
eu.a' s� ••^ ^ ` Rt a }' ai.vr oeoule one gift and that gift
uite sure about the man's hands be- sort of skeleton theory to help us to c 1,c geeing "Bright a -
Q v;or i ash, :.• .. ...-
mg small and white. -He heard some place the facts -we're got in some For a New Year
- . thing drop. hc? fore the fellow was .:sort of order." r
. frightened away. How does fibs Taunton was bouml to admit the - age ti, as too r. n a time of _ k
strike you for a theory ? The woman truth of the other's assertions. But lisi;lus3amnent, she thought. It was ,
who stole the baton herself made up he was still anxious to tl?rovv cold a time people had to feel they wet a �j � r(': Your Family a
_ - between the time of the .theft arkl water. "ii
and were necessary in life. _a -
I mini, t.`eng that you're 'work = VO/Y/111 t' , l�elrfc
,�D .�
Millions of people have eon -
fidence in the blue colour
that assures safe,economical, '
•. satisfactory heating..: ..
`blue coy
;n;, the v%rong way about. If. we
can' trace the motive, get some idea
who made the dummy baton — if it j I
was a dumm -y baton- -and trace the
sale of the drug, the theory to which
it leads is much snore- likely to bets• �,, 't i
the true, one than one you arrive at! V -
by wo0drig'froni the 'other end.'-
Tpe telephone bell rang: fiayfies ' ;,'
got up briskly and lifted the i•ece"iver
"Hullo? Who's that Can't quiteI • • -
catch the name; Pratt'. — Pro-
fessor Pratt! Yes 'sir, yes'": BATTERY- OPERATED HYDRO OPERATED
Haynes' manner became more and New _
more interested and excited as his ,-'• " standards of radio enter- .The. most ,revalugonary sgts of •-
tainment, Amazing brilliance the year . . . the only sets
unknown corespondent poured out - ..of tone. Unusual cabinet with the new Centromadc
hii message at the other end of the beauty. New airplane type Unit which banishes, .104
line. Taunton could hear the high - dial. Operates .vrrth air, cell, trouble sources found in ordl.
pitched" voice "of the man' who was 1- • -•= 'storage or 'dry cell. Manter nary' radio .. Conttotled Selec-
s Caking. but could riot catch the
and console model s, s -50 rivtty and tit- new- S� .� 4,50
P From .. , . i , ... sis 'Metal Tubes. From
TO III -' CONTINUED Only Northern Electric -Has All Thesoleatures
Issue No. 51 — '35 See your Dealer
_ - Small Boy, Big Scowl • Laura 'Wheeler Shows The Simple secret
• `./ 8keic1h Club �. Of Lovely Neckwear PON
- THE CORRECT MEHOD used at all that is to say not to- be
FOR USING SPEED PENS moved individually only as in a full- " >':..•. ,' _ _ _ _
-Jiiere are ten directions, easily re- arm movement. -This is very impor-
timbered, easily applied, will produce tant. Pressure oa the pen will cause
- . Rood results, even in cases where a • the fluid to flow and will make the
novice has particular difficulty -in stroke uniform. Rest the peg for an
drawing: instant at the end of each stroke to r•,, `
1. — Use any ink, preferably India, assure rounded terminals. It is a good
or water colour.' policy to practice strokes in all di_ _
2. — Use fairly smooth baper or rections always • by drawing the pen �I
.. _bristol board, b DOWN or from LEFT to- RIGHT. /
3. — Paper should be kept squarely Never pusk the pen. k :,
on. the table. Refer to Fig. 283, note the arrows `
4. — Dip the pen deeply enough to point out the direction of the strokes. "
all the reservoir. r -Fig. 284, tiiustrates some spots, or ��,
5. — Rest the under side of the nib ornaments which are very easily-
ba the bottle neck, to drain or sur -, made with speed pens. There is prat-
S i2nc
" lack with touches of white is better than'ever." That's what
„_ :' -- - . M^ : '_ _.. _ __ : _ �+ r "• .. the Paris cables, carrying--all the fashion' mews, hare-been reading.
And why not .let that "touch of white" -be a crocheted cdIlmr, lacy
and very f.attering to your face" Isere are three IoveIy ones: The
- • * iF ` " ;�" Pierrot collar is an easy mesh, gathered under your chin =its perki-
ness is always becoming. The round one contrasts a decorative stitch
Ink. - ttcsIly no
-ad. the variety pt bor_- s;;�'a'; with its simple shape. ' The big butterfly bow, edged_ with- .dainty
plus. ~ N
_ 6. — Draw all lines downward, or ders and ornaments that can be -made. cro¢hete,l medallions, may be done is net or= crocheted.
from felt to right, wills lull arm mole- It is only a matter of selecting new h' .� Pattern 954 comes to you with detailed directions for making
ti -;., .. �, . , the neckwear shown; illustrations of them and of "all stitbhes' fused;
ment. combinations in dots.. lines, circles, t'� _ material reyuirementa• -
7. — Rest at the beginning and end etc. The tew..esamples printed here Send 20 cents in stamps or- coin-- (coin--preferred) for this pat- _
-' ' Maybe the tiiry linksman with
om�inal� Airoke'to assume rauffded ter_ beedonere.y illustrative of, what ran fern to Needlecraft Dept; YYil�an Publishitrg Co., -73-West Adelaide
the bid driver on Miami $tltmore
8. — Press firmly on the pen: This Ex. No. 89. `Select one of these
golf course doe sn %- like 'tire ' cam- Street, Toronto. a .
Braman or perhaps he"; annoyed
Alves _uniform- line tbigkneO._ spots
or ornaments, use's portion or over a bail drive.., Whateyer it is, s?anderru,; •.'Justice Phili hlcCooj< -Justii -te'� -McCook said the �wo
9. — Study the forms of letters or the whole ornament for a corner of a Willi anj_, Ilrown's farce -,looks like P } td
:de' whlo?r you are about to draw. border, repeat in' all four -corners of another Florida storm ai •na[, ciicrnisaed fR�• ti YO•t1CU yliiiule,' „
b • bum., did not .1 ort. a crime, Pun-
- 10, , Analyze. and note especially a b" by ;" rectangle. then create s ,
brought a *ain�t b[a� or LaGuardia by
the' direction of each stroke, to-der to 811 In between the corner I Charles Shankroff, real estate brok- fishable offense or moral turpitude . -
=Ths illustration Fig 2S2, ' show's in orna- ments. Be .surf that -the border' Rules Word 'Bum-' eC ' . '_'Fakir, he said, is not slanderotil
c profile View the-correct, pen position harmonlzes with the corner E- Atgn.; Shst kroft, 1n his tom' faint, eair3
when placed upon the paper ready to _ Not Slanderous ' p nor was either used so -as to apply
work. •Last week we- illustrated fr' . • •
tl',e MAyor had uttere(l, the -wordy in
bird's -eye view of this drawing in NEW YORK _ Ruling, that' the addressing him- during a board of 'es- to Shankroff in his business or era
These lessons are free. We invite timate hearing, fession,
231, The nib should be flat on questions from our readers, which words "hum" and "fakir" are not _
the paper'and -the holder to be held will be answered without any charge.
firmly between the thumb index and A small fee Is charged for criticism - -
mld3dle fin=gers, while the hand rests on reader-a sketcher. Enclose a three — U Or War r
on the lower wrist joint and the little
_ Fuel* F W Birds
stamped, addressed return en. '-
_ Anger. 'The fingers should not be velope for persansL ropllea to; The
s' • pra,mped. Use a full -arm movement. Art Director, "Our Sketch Club ", 73 -• ,, N ' — :',
_ :The fingers and wrist should not be Adelaide Strait West; Toronto. •- " �- � -� ` ;,� - �. •�^'�` x - " -'` --
- Social�Credit Leader
• �'-." ^af . _ - `��"1'^"` ik'•`y c� 7 `•"�4 - �' •� _ ` - {' 7��•R - VtPob
• _ P/<, 'y4 _ 'jt , y •' M. `.... ^ {, f : •`�y,•.J',: •,{:�,. n Kr` :iY•.R1 si.. t' ... V \ .•..wX,ow a.., r :, - _ _
' � ��99"�� !'• t � f.r�� X66 . _ •, '. y, �` ~ ,� - _ -_. ,
Nothing like air to make one hungry, and as these pilots of the Second Wing, U.S.. Headquarters
Air Farce, gel Pl ?rtty Of that, they tall to with real gusto at llfami, Fla., where they are taking_ part is
maneuvers. _
Secretary At Show
•>ta ilk S� `S '� t ' � �,.' '
.• t
Premier W. .4berhart, of Alberta, preacheri of the. new Social
o it Canada is shown `j `
for ovine and ,
i economic o' o 'his' province d he ?r a..
Cre t
policy P
h financial situation
• � as as in
.bio treal to discuss the
b n
above h
Alberta with R. J. iilagor, financial expert.. N -
advanced before the Royal Canadian
Toronto Planning Institute, it was learned last week.
A ' ,
..'•.,Botanical, Garden The object would be' to Yacilitate
a study of -the growth,- -nutrition,
TORONTO. —A' committee, headed- disease and breeding of plants.
b Sir Robert Falconer is wockirrg . Landscape gardening with. provision i
for the training of gardeners is also
#Ward • establisl vent in Toronto -of contemplated. r
. Canada's first experimental botanic- , U.S. Secretary' of Agriculture Henry Wallace (right) and Henry Marshall (center), president of
1 al garden, and , the protect is being 52' _. the International Livestock Exposition, look over a Hereford owned by Robert Hazlet at show in ohicago.
J./���}� Ui�11i1 - ;Born, at Snarls, on S0day, pa. -Mrs. H. R. Money is not improv
8th, to Dr. and Mrs Axrrwre, a son. :•rig as rapidly alp her friends wools
We wish our reader a Neerry -Miss Reeser, crf Altona, r-isitee like. '
with Miss -Ethel Bray over the week- -,Ct as. Sargent, of Markham ova'' ' e/ , Ore.* �
_ end _
_ -
-Mrs. D. B. - '.Harsh is visiting her 'in tow•it on Monday calh`rig ulior•
slater, Mrs. F. T. Bunting. -The Annual Christmas Tree and friends. " , ��
-Tike Public and Continuation Supper of St. Andrew's Sunday -To-morrow (Saturday) •mall b; - - Pie,k�ir�l1l 9 Leader Sti(1rG'
Schools will ,close today (Friday) School wss [held on Wednesday ef- tfie shortest day. -of ' the year, an('
for Chrietrnas Holidays, and will ening in the A. Y. P. A. Rooms, from that date the days will Read
reopen on the First Monday in .wher'e an enjoyable time was spent ually lengthen.
January. by ail:. �-M
-n-As, Christmas , Day comes on 7W:ziie we have several inches of
Wednesday of thig Year the Annual snow' in Pickering, the Toronto Pupils Wanted a
school Meetings will be held on Th- streets are perfectly dry with no
ursday, Dec. 2l th. In Pickering Vill- signs of show. Ir. is claimed that Le
ing close' to the lake the heat from• For Kindergarten Class . irl �-
age the meeting will be held in the t
school at 8 o'clock in the evening, . the lake melks toe snow before it �'
when it is hoped there will be a reacher; the ground. Apply -.
- Fruit Cake, •29 cents a pound: MISS (3R 1
good attendance of ratepayers. . - - :. � 1I BLY ' - .. >�,y ►. �. _ - =
--The first real tivanter day of the CWswrias Candies, - Fancy. Family , ,�
season occurred on Saturday. wizen Mix, 30 cts.; Fancy Creams, 19 cts; R. R. l Pick -rinf
several inches of snow fell on that Ch•occolates. 19 cis; Chriatrnas Mix 17 Ifl Phony Pit k 1702
day and on Sunday, which delighted 15 cis; Neilson's Boxes, 50 cts., at.
Ahe eye of the artist, as the land- the- Pickering Bakery. ' :Notice to Creditors -
geape presented a most beautiful -The Township Council met t>xt We '
seght as the trees and bushes were Monday, when tw ey ' ct>ncluded the P. Carry* . S. O. 1927, Cap. 150, Sec. 51 `
bending down with the weight of -business for the year. The Annual _
the snow. The temperature however, Nomination meeting will be held in ESTATE of John Calvin Campbell Thb Choicest Groceries :
lams mild is it hovered mound the the Township Hall, Brougham on Farmer, deco scd. The Finebt Fruits
" freezing point. Monday, Des 3,0th. when the town- ALL PERSO'-NS having claims a _ _ ' ,The Largest Toy Stock
-Our -
-Our merchants were delighted ship affairs -will `be discussed-. gains[ the Estate- of John Calvin
: tai see the fall 'of snb+w, -without ' -A very pleasant gathering took (- ampbeil, late of the Tow•nsiip of _ -_ she Largest Gift Stool[
waich Christmas does not seem to plai'e.cxt Friday evening last at the Pickering. in the County of Ontario. The Largest Chinaware . be right in Canada. Evert if we have
home of W. J. and Met:, Miller, '4+-m Farmer, deceased, who died on or a-
over fifty of the members of St. bout the Second Da and Glassware Stook
• - snow, Christmas is not What it used Andr+e'av+'s Church and choir met at Y of December - �� •' i .
to be, as it lacks rite sleigh- bells. 1935, are hereby notified to file, with The Largest Ladies' Wear Stook -
which is more musical than the toot- their hime to spend a social hour. the undersigned, on or before the ` -ce iF SN ANM SME
Ing of the horns of the automobile. The chief feature of the gathering . -Fourth day of January,- A. D. 1936-
8leighbells- apparewtly, are a - t,lting was the presenxaCo to Mr. and full particulars of .their claims. Im
.oi the ast. Mrs. Hugh Miller, recently married. mediately after said date, the akset
P - of- a beautiful mantel clock With i _
-Santa Claus has pthat be, Tiir: gel' the deceased tails be distribute. . , H A P M A N
]return to the 'North, so that he may U e•= tminster Sivme s. he. presentat- amoRe� thnge entitled theretr*, hav
be with the old -Young people of the Son v: as made by Mr, J. D. Returner.- ing regard only to-claimw so filed. = :.United Young People's Union on the who read an appropriate _ addre�. DATF,D at Oshawa, the _
-night of Dec. 27th, le hel � on o said+ Mr. and Airs. 'Miller.-who were :irk- Tenth Day - -. -- —_ --
their' - Christmas Social: p Everybody en by surprise, made' an appropriate of Dt�rr►enlber, A. D,, '1A35.
rio°ate out, and let us shy the old reply. hi y• Aster the prese ation. re- - W.- E. N. Sinclair. K. C. ..TWO STANDOUT VALUES
fellow what• a real jolly bunch we - freshments were aervead, followed by Bank of Montreal BMA.
fare. Pleam rintice that the meeting garr,c.s which -were mt.ch Pr,j:ywy, Oshawa, Oat.
fechedulea. 1�r -Dec. 23rd has'_ itee•, : Ssrbool Reports,,
y Tip 'Top Tailored Suits or Coats for �
•postponed until the 27th : _ _ - -_ ISN'T IT LOVELY ? ? -- --
-- --T'he Young People's Bible Clan �o. j2. (h) hotwarta. (f) tailed ;;men or women Same clash- Same
of the United (:hureh presented'their - Sr. 4th- 11:lare4i Patterson ( h) _ _ _ 2 •� C
play, ''The Finger of Scorn" in Mari- Blanche n f s ►. Rummell G4strcii Yes it iR a beautiful likeness[.. _ Price - -�23i L 5. - -
ehe err Coanmtutity Hall leaf Thum Dege 61W hat a splendid?�MAS gift t _ _
(p): -Sr: 3rd -- \Pi se "-t:c. (h). Gor Where did you Ref it? 1 lip • ff'
day evening. They 'were well receiv- don- Costa thi, Airta. De¢eer Ih) - ` - Gordon s Business Girl Hose.
ed 'by a large and appreciative -mud= ',Marjorie Pate lit. (h ), Nelson I(h) MOORE, Chemist, Dunbarton, did .
Semce. MI 'members of the cast play- it forme and so reasonable too. - - - - -
p y dle (f), i.a -mriee Gray (f'). Jr. 3r,: Ladies6t Gentlemen : Thisa sam le .'-Splash-proof, '_Snag resisting, C if
•ed their part ex,ceflttionai7 well anti p l -
they received many complimentary _Doris Hodatson (p). Arnold Burt dialogue so often heard about _ ]CQn Hosiery
-Arthur Field added t-
on Russell Hodgson (f). Sr MOORE'S DRUGOSTORE &LZlik
Iy to the play r supplying g eat- ''nd -Agnes Walker (h), AndreM PHOTOSERVICE. -Yourphotow'ork ' - - -NEW 83Mo&=Ms -- -
Story (h), Howard Button (py, $et by MOORE. Chemist, will receive
A - ttiia<sic throng$ out The play' will be ty Story (pl, Ada Goatick (p), 41vir -
preestiuiteed here in St. Aaeirewre Ch the same reliable attentlon. �!
tareh of the evening L Andrery 10th. Gray (f), Mabel Walker (f). Jr. 2nce i` red T. Buntings - Pickering
Remember the name and address, a
-Hilda Walker (?t.), Helen Hodgsor _ _
Do not minis its if, you want a real H.V. R: MOORE. DRUGG,IS] .Establitiheyd 1867'
evening's entertainment. .'(P), Donald White '(f), -Sr.. ltrtr _ .. - "' •. ' _ _ _•' � j -.. -
Pearl , Pilkey (h), Jr. Ist-- Vernor DUN BARrON, ONTARIO
-AM usual our merchants' have€ Spencer (b t, TornQrty Rapper 1 h
decorated their .stores appropriate Here i, Hodgson,. Oster _
for r31e t3ttristaiars�°ueason. They have Gray, Freddie X. L ,FREETEX CHOICE �� ' also placed in [stock a large supply y pP� � L EATS.
Christmas goods. Call and see easy, Teacher. 'Wall Board
-them before going elsewhere for Alton S. S. No. 17. Pieheriig. Roo.
a - _
your Christmas gifts. You rosy get oars. 7s peer cent or over. Pass, 64
:J la greater variety in the city, but the 'tom cent or os'er. Freeteg wall i308Td i� �aa� Round Steak, • .. :.. 20�c.
_prices are . no more attractive flhan ' Sr: 4th--Elsie Delthardt 43, Doug- un•i'er a n aw proc'e9a, poor es:;-- �
ithey are here. A certain citizen wbe las Dr'ewery Gl, Barbara Barkey 71 Minced Meat. . 12ca
bad )cane to the city to buy Christ- Jr. 4th --- Norman Fretz 61: Sr. 'ire- inf{ gre8'C lIl>i318t1LA Qll~ilirler -
w alas gift's Ranted a' certain artie;e Doris Baiter 7I. Roth Slack 70. Luc '" Stealing Beef, .' •' ' 12c.
Ft 11 'htilf inch rind ric•ed -al
` 6hat was selling a yep weeks ap.6. ille Howsam Fib. Sr. 2nd - Herber' p .
for' 98 cents, found that the price Hoover 81, Clayton Davis 6R, OmE{ four-and a half eente per .Cooked Ham, - 55e:
!had beet( harked up to $1.59. This Fretz 58, -Merle Slack (absents. Haz sgw,ri foot. ♦ -
ia a practice that is adopted by, many - Tindag' (absent). Jr. 2nd -Lois Dutch Loaf, .+ ; i 25c• - -
merchants in the city,, as they knmv Fretz,95, Keith. Ho' %am_65. Clarence -:. PICKERING -:`'
that people will not hextitate se Baker 65, Mary Davis s3. Sr. 1st- ♦ 8riety Loaf, '. • 3.5c•
much at the price as they will at Audrey Baker S6. Audrey - Slack 77, LUMBER YARD'
other times.. Do . not wait to snake Jr. 1st)= Evelyn Baker, Lois Baker Veal, • . ` � 30ce
your •purchases until the night. be Lt!ii Fi•etz, -Fred Davis, Elsie Tind- - - - -- [
fore .Christmas. Do it now wbten you alli Bob Lewis. E. 'Stevenson, teach Aow ddatrrtaweanaracs. Head' Cheese, . 15e•
will have a better choice', before the er, - '-
merchants are sold out �`6H SALE -One Je-rie heifer, 5e•
Bologna, ' •
y -1
.' S, A. No. 2- Pickering. Names in w- fresh; am Holstein springer H Whirr, -
-iNext Sunday Special Chns'tmas wh,uvale. lr - - .
- - -• - -= Services
will be held in the United der of [[resit.
-Church morning and evening. Izi the Jr..4th- Honr>urs, Betty Le Gard;.be- L�Oii SALH- Mvdiuvi atz^ McClary',
g g g g• low, 60 per. cent, Floyd, Balsdon, Peg - ip fy at the in the hest of condition, ild.U^. a .:
morning, Rev. Huh G. Crozier will Apply at the NEWS Deice, tr R- E 1 13
preach ah afipropri$te sernioln on the gy _finnan, Richaid Avis' {absent).
Leglie Richardson. Sr. 3rd - Honours,' VOR SALE -Nevi Scale W'ilf an.s s
: subject, "Cr' wding out The Christ." Piano, guarameadfor10Years.PricrC,5.to 13t1licher (phone 3000) l'iclrerin
A spexial musical m ram of Christ- Vernon Balsdon; Paso, Lorne Allen, Apply Chas. H, Peacock, kU Simcoe Sty et. N. .
p K Tack Palmer; Mow 60 per cent, Art -
mas Anthems and solos will be ren- - -- ' -- -- - - - :
dared by the choir. Miss Phyllitl bu Faulkner: Jr. 3rd- Billie 'Faulk- i)I'ANO FOR yAI:N:- APi »tztann A - -
P11key' Wi1J tell a Christmas story Tier: 2nd Class-Shirley Deakin, "Jno. [ cu . suaranteed for to years, Price sso,a _
y APP1y Char H, Peacock, so Simme Street N.. -
to the 'Junior Congregation. Sunday Mopv� dine Palmer, Mutiel An- Oshawa. t5 -I8
nan. Allen Taylor. Primer -Bily O BE�1NT -8 woo Pickering Hard•war Store School and Bible Class at 10, a. m. coed fs stn u w•t•,
The choir will at the morni Mowat, Catharine Stork,- Herbert Le Ting on Cburcb St,, N., formerly occupied by
Sing rig the late W.�G Ham. For particulars apply to
service, °Little Town of .Bethlehem." Gard, Dorothy Anna)'. Bob Salter. F i Prouati. 'Pickering. lacy
: and Miss Ethel Bray will sing a Helena W. Kime, teacher. - _ _ JUST TRY
TRAYPLD -0t) to -the prenii..eN ,•f it
selected. Christmas solo. In the ev- SWm. Puckrin, Lot 5, Cori, 4, Pickering 'Aud- Y - : C s V. _.. . .
Icy), une Jerzy heifer, 2 years old, Owncemai _
erring, the service wits be largely VOTERS' LISTS COURT have tame by proving property aria paying
-musical with a short address by Mr. Municipality of the expenses. 17•Ili CANADA VARNISH CO. - w
„ I� Walnut. Cwrhard •Heantzman •very Gne cur- I -
Christmas• The program of the ev- dition, , :0 music rolls and bench, 1'rice OP'. 1 _ -
"ening service will' he, a:, follows' 'PUBLIC NOTICE is liereby given Apply Chas. 11, Peac,ack, Ru Simcoe Strret, v., You can b- e, 66iliticed'that you' bu
,Processional Hymn, No. 53 ' that a Court for the ReM1 ision 'vf o9hawa' 1;. -i s •• . Y Y
Choir, --First Nowell- :, Parts 1 and 2 of the Voters' List N'uR HALE- Averedit,rt Reai,teied t a.better•product at a lower price._ Our _
Shorthorn bull. 2: -2 years old, from a good _ .ijtisinesss for Paints, VarDlSht3 Et1aT- t}
Hymn. 55 foi'- Vie -1 aid' Municipality, for, 1.935, ,milking strata, tracing to LouNa,'inporttd, and - _ - .
Reading of, Scripture- will be held, by His Honour the sired' by a Rrovmdalc. • M: R. Burk: Phbne a cis has more than doubled in the last 2
SQIo -Mitq , F.lsie i�ockwood County Judge,' at -the Town Hall' 'in Pick leis.
,trade for cis rpro sty a' Ta - - %% years, g e�0�
y � � ears due io the iocreasin sal >.
Prayer Pickering Village. 'on Saturday thtt �� OR MALI. OR RENT - r_. will.
g .Pt/tSID[ Mi1MfE 100
y x __rheas products.
Hymn 47 28th day of December, 1'935, at the 140 acres, good buildings large hen -pen xis x'_0,
y good ,tream on facto. Apply C. Deferran, Clare•" — 1l � THERE iS _A - REASON
Announcements hour nf_11' o clock ii+' th'e forenoon. moat. _ latf _
Offering _ .._�_: A list of err(n•g and omission_9 in HUI('' 1; RY (InWN -
h A 1 — Rt'ltis-
Choir, -- Sanctus, Mrs. Baker, soloist said Voters' Ligt may he' s6en at the te,ed and grade cow,, Government T,11 Agent for McCormick- Deering Farm Machinery - -
„Hymn, b4 office of the Clerk. at Whitevale. tested. Freah acd close apringersalway, on _
![and: Plcm,d tested if rletired Free delivery fro .. and Reapalra,
Sermon Of. whiclt all -perarins interested =c vasrs of 7 or more. Satisfaction Nuaranteed, „ e
Prayer, will tease take notice and govern ni J Aduriihy, Lind =a -: 'r)rta -io Triephone sins :Motto:— We heive'lt Can (het it; OI ' a
p R. tray
Solo -Mr. •Batter themselves accordingly it to nob tnaJe.
Th :RSRY 1+111.1. FOR SALF -1 will Tele hooe3900 "
Hymn 50 Dated the 16th day of December, 1935 sell right my best mire, Sea Maid's Raron. . ' _ p
Benediction CI'ies A. nut of that show cow. Sea Maid, of
Donaid R. I;eat011, Milk v.wn, with a record of Dyer 10. re lbs. of J S BALSDON PICKERING
• ' Bieriedietus by the'eho {i " " - • milk �: a A year old, and 1 have 20 more daogh - �,
0-rk of said Municipality. ten of his in the herd that 1 must WL accredited J. S.
F. M. Chapmat,, Pickering, 17 -19