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VOL. L`' PICKERING9 ON's.. FRIDAY, SE PT. ' 6. -193.
T —
;�lOTssitOStal �ss>s�. West Hill Cherrywood
NOTICE. The death occurred on Monday, at Miss Verna Pet s visiting. with :GRLENW OOD 1lhtldicai _
the home' of Ed'ts -in Collins, of Mrs. friends at Napanee.
T1R. $. O. PEA,RSON- Physician Bowden, widow of the late Mr. Bow- Miss E. Gates has been visiting in
1Jind Surgeon. Duabarton. :OIY `. • ►'(3tar trucks peen your'way den, of Woburn. Tier f=eral took Toronto for a fetiv days. MILLS
B. FOR9YTH, Opts. D., Director every day.' __ placg on Wednesday w Washington . Mrs, C._.K, Petty .is on a few weeks 4
JLILpOptoinetrical Association of Ontario. Reg. COAL', COKE, Cemetery. Sister at 11t. Albert:
frtarea M her o[ the American Optome;rical - _ visit with rer '
�m Wm. Peters is the proud possess- Established 1898.
A�latida•. Eyes examined by appointment. t� - ..
Fbioe 2804. Ctaremont..Ont. w�.OD, CE>liEN �, Dunbarton . or o €• a --new coupe, "The Bluebird." _ -
- t.epal. Mrs. A. E.. Armstrong and child- All Feeds 4:
BAND, • GRAVEL', St. Paul's -on- the -Hill, Dumbarton, yen have returned . ,from_ -a •pleasant
JRR DONALD RUDDY Sarriswr- Sunday, Sept. 8th. =12th Sunday after hciliday spent in Siuskoka . Are lower in price. As the -
. Soliciwr, NotaryPubhc. MoneyW Loan, - ..and Trinity. Sunday school , at 2 p. m. Our school will not be opening gin' market declines my prices, t
OffICQ formerly a:cuyird by the tale H. E. Loris• - _.._ - Tnesda of thl" week owin to cir-
ldar;south wing of Watt klouae. Whitby. sly ` Evening Prayer and Sermon at 3.60. Y g
-- B�?ILDER'S SUPPLIES Preacher at'this service, Rev. E. G. cumstances over which- ' our se_hool ••' ....will be low;ereA aeeord-
BHATON, BELL, 3c H066 Robinson. r.. board have no control, ingly.
W. J. BEATON, K. C. also local cartage work = Miss Hortop, of Gco:..�etawir, Mrs.
H. B. SELi J.D. F. ROBS rs and daughter. ijy, (the -let- or Dung piRn hirR is e n
. Tiinbe F' V t q ff
J. A. WRIGHT_ Whitevale, to -hgrts to Rive their; a healthy
A. W. MITCHELL _ _ _ _ _ ter from the _1lission'I' olds of yi�k- etArt Land fit them for heavier
WS Bay Street, Toronto, •Adelaidez83a r, fool' have been g�:esta of VIr. an feeding later.
Mrs. G. Tran holidayed in Toroniu, -
i('r O. RICHARD3UN &' Co, 'Barris• `tsu�r, to D. Munro and Ricker- - _ fir . A. J. Taylor. Do not sfnnt ' our young pins
`l last. week. •.
ing Coal C4•i ;Iles Edith Roach has returned y y_
.ters, Solicitors. Notaries etc„ Suites 309 -- _ Mrs. Clarence • Fielding- Port
stria 310 - - -9 Richmond St_ E.. ,Toronto, Tele -- ' ' from a three Months visit in •Calif,•
Pl0 erin Ont: — — - -- eni
pphones- -Ad.481U; Nlghts.Sundaysand Holi -- ,g, Perry, is holidaying• at t1-ie no a of•- - - - - -; _ won -the start.
It on Pickering Phone 3613. atf - Stiti time enjoying 'mountain
g by feeding. ton strong a
her parents, N. and J1rs. Ra'ndalL ornla where _ she yeas :had- .-a- 1n.r-t _ -
Office phone 7400 Residence f,5il0 inters g FINF. CHOPPING Gives` beet ='
Heber: Treinble has returned' home a
�HOMRCN k McMILLAN- Barris- trips also motor drives along the results in • piR feeding.
ten, Sol:cito Notary Public. Office a after ,, ;pending some fe'r' dayi in the Pacific .coast,.
IReaideng of d1r. Thomson. lot 11. concession STEyttgRT BEARE - h "fi fiat f•,r ' an - operstfon oft his I GRIND FINE, :.. �.
P eke "rim Ofl[ce hours: Thussday-and Satur , Nearly all r summer v-isito:s
- evenings. from 7.00 p in to 8,30 p. m., or by foot., - -have returned to their homes, EN- }
�ap intment. 7 oronto offs ; C05 Royal Bank Suss Alice Turner ha been `riait- :CHOPPING
Phone Pick. 2.0')0.' Toronto Elgin 5303. Radio Service - ' 'sib;tion bein. in foil swing and the -•• ` -
371y ing in Tr,r•,nto with her sister, :firs.
- Bruce Dempster and friends jlru :h school u shin this week a combin- .Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Finest eclui'pmeat for expert, P g
!`IONAN'I & AN'�i9 - Barriatt:ra, guaranteed service atinn..of food things_ a�4d >ome nvt 7 cent-i per bps
Solicit rs. Notaries Public g New • York:- `.
Parts, Tubes, and Batteries- -Rev. J R. Bick occupied the put flute so • good at feast from the e
40RDOtVD.CONMt1T,K.C,'T , children's view- paint. MS 'KIS.IMI FLOUR
ALLIN F. ANNIS, B. A.. LL. B. - Ou hand. pit at the United Cl�tych last Sur.- o
Offices- -7 t .SSimcot,5t. S., Osha,r day., He is lad to -be home again, The R oenan's Association veil! 1 efa. tt, any nod bettrt• thou
Car Radio and Awplifiers a g g meet on Thursday,- Sep-,_ 12th, at 2. moat. �'Vhy PNy >, ills �,iice for
Phone —4 and 5- tOsharva,, and at the Court _yet reports a- 7splendid' holiday. 9
= ifottsr: Whitby. Conant) Phone ? (Whit. "1FreClHlty. "30 ,.o'clock, at the home - of Mr-. the name . It tt+ke- leq�t tnhortr
hr)• flies Marion tilchay, Lorna Donn; enin and niskes whiter bigruits
Phone Ibark� >E.x�Yrlenc•e Stexart.
Roll, Call to be ansavereci g
elly and Howard Hilt., are Starting and a•ti
v l 1 by using the parents of ome of P Y•
Dental stouif 9t�t)i, r' chef Scho, Is (. nkratu our- noted Bib'_e- charactzrs. Prugrai -s Thi% is yc,tir home mill, and is _... _
N , yl this .fall o
.. _. _....__. atl•rn� ,nn their Ai.Ah School- succes3:
('•.tnmittee - SIr ;. R. Davidson and entitled to pc)ur patronage.
N71KIL O,RMITH. D. D: S., i_ D. 9.. SIr. and %Ire, W. Fitch are tak %n,, 11r�. L ..Ga ?PC,.. Ifos;nasee�. - M*
, , (Successor to Dr. J.!, .Units), Graduate of TheSeal Store, Claremont a .kell_ earned rest art,und. the Gasper
' ibe Royal College of Dent 3urneonsand Toron. PjJkey, Mr=. Stewart and Mrs A. J.
tn•iltuvquty , At Clar - ant officeove� D. A. Y13UNF A3T tneninzu!a and Montreal. M% r Taylrn. _ tt
it*ott's store every Tura v and Fr,day ,Phone 7�� T r 1 p B #rlcetz is spending. her' vacation at -
pcou8 'aII. 2777__ F U R tall i T V R E _ 1 Kham
-their home. ..Brou
HF RijF,RTT, FaLLATRE. L D R,• We are diaplavinlm an attractive We extend a hearty weeorne -t•. ___ Shingles For Sale
1 1 D D. 9. Gwaduate of the Royal Collage of ' ne re %v , principal of o r puh}:c ll y
r variety ctt lyre, .Ge4ir a P?ii.l eni t e 'week`
Dente `+urgwna an,i the T:mvrnity of Toronto. 8 _ `�'' . . P P .- - -
e in residence secured door east of St, And• rt'h4 *.tl: V f: -��. Th.+mp ;,m, and 1Ir•s,
4 Aiiitioinnm and GtanitewAre Etc. in Tor' nth.
j'. low'sChureh. Pkkertna.Orit. Office hours . 9 -i honioaen and baby. V4C ho their Galt GFilvanlzed IStes RhinRles. ,.
a. m to 6 p. in or h appointment. (X •ray Furoitu'rP end F trrt ittYre The tip', J. Ern,' family of Toron Bird'- F--It �;yrr• yhinrtlee. -
y T�
ttenrrae). Phone Pick 970n. _• 431y - Novelties. > j 'urn in 1t•hitevale ,v:lI !e enj•`y- -tea, • - eni Sunday at th?, yid h�rii4
Prices lode. in ktWpinR with times. able to both them -and `u ?.. p Alan. re- rubhrrit,R huplry wheele,l
•TP :rLrtci kla� Iseeta''f1. , ;or the :here... n L twn 'inoa•,•ry t- hwrpi-ned.
ioufliiEnvo* T arb+i JIany" o'f+,ur rFCidwnts '}rive visit- T: P3TERSON''� . _ (JL Ri:A1dATT -
.r. ..• _ ltall Day cert'ii;e at the Unite-1
•,ria S�:, ,.,t, -The T. A. 1I. ed mhe.- T :tr,•vto, i :.hibition during :eta CHU sad fist prirt+c, Phnne 2d][Z
ELiZABETH RiCH.ARDRON- ; RADIO SERVICE Church Su 3 �' peat week: .
. Fire •tndautomcbtlr;niurance of all kinds; •C`a s' has • Charae c-f aC3anffehlentr. St.
:d}[egentrngcompaa,eaof �olx},r3nanci.l stand• , j' 1'1 ;. G)ddard. n2 Bal-am, will be. thy:
rig: A Gradgate OE Ra(lio College t'fieir' pa:•tor back on Sunday af-;r -. FUEL
'gr� ;t :peaks -r. NlrA. Randall -i; con- v a q
with hip holidx >.
'..-� PORTILL, Licerltied auctioneer. -- -: vener for dQcorating. _ - Mr;,; «_. Dvb1e, ,,f Sj>✓±t'ane. '�'a. ;'-;
r for Ooubteet -of Yorlt and Ontario• Ana ' :;�,' t0- the= m11711te- 'trlllnttl - —
Ifoa sale• of all kinds atteanrzi to oa sboseeuf P- - hay Been a eaf, t Qf fr.' Fred CatiB :'
1 oeltos. Address Groon Blver P.O., Out and - - .
Dunbartotl far_eil;r-r•:er..tly, Builders' Su li
. R BEATU \'. 'TOWNSHIP" 'FINEST E3l RMENT - .. •_ -_.. 11i -.; Zella. SF• be'A -anri- fnP'nc#, -or pp es
-- Jim • Clerk, Convevaµcer Commisetoner for : .. -for. - MM C. Av., H 4 ez - i S - ri--itin,jq her Tol",';i »•a3k -end-- vi <it,.ri -a-. _
ta]<1f1Q �g5�a �,t :, •J1 CCnunClnr•, Etc: As. -uer Lf - � � � '
U{arriageLtcrn+es: Wliittvalr, Or,t. _�luaran�eerf ShcISf3CtlOtf daOgRf'r, 11 TA. A }'l :;;PT 'BSrT1J.. the C <i �'ecli ktorref'• = Lumber and Lath -
_ cT il;�s BFr *} a' 7..teikrn, -''' ,.,f #`;r2u,6n, M d )I Dore. . of .T ;r'., -;t _
is the gue t of .'Tic :. l4--'4,h Thom. :, ere ; t :c "f T, d . 1 :11r: , 1. "•i= $. C Shingles
W�1, MAW :: s ,,;,_. - 1;. _..:
eason ble Price9 1
: _ . _ -._ U la - I; t:.:ntt, .•f• !'la>erTinnt, •etin t~ ..rin•_;tiay•
Licenyeci Atu• tic,, :err for �`urk, H. ROY MILLER, vi.,ited her parents over the week 'tl. j;.laard '�i' " .,n,^ of S*-r 1ff Mlle Coal
Ontario ar.d Ontario Counties -4Rtf BrPhnnr Mark��rio _ end. t-ij :(� H• - ,l�it.t1 1.� r.�isartcti .:as tr•.tn�► � ._ _ _. •,Alb @tf fL Coal,
..= AiLkinc6 nf-iale_tw protnptlx attended to
Tattaf� Isls�u,vAnLn. Rev. Dr. Fracpr: assi�t('d;at bc�t'1 iln,rF,v..�i ±ft'heal.!•.
_' (IlAra13; JIr.., �1`inti's and that of J[r..anci ►Ire: f,ant tialrt,lfti a.�i�i '' DO1T1P,rIC C'Oiie'
S• -es maybe arranged locat the NEWS off" _ P1Ckering Mills CFineut -I.11ne, Plaster s
Bell ,ind Indepandeot phones. i ::Ira. Dunbar, he being' .,n his 'holid- chi'�ireii t f Ga',t, ware «eck -onri °.]g ,
` Whitby. Qutttrin, i The �!',tr - y - - --
J ay arid call'nR '� n old friend: \ e t * n'; d ie:r P tare.
I Fra:cr, of Osl•tawa. and �lis ::liars,~ bheC!i? :r +. - e as . ,? staple RO'1 c t1d
- - Mash, Feeds a the ah
_ _ �4�'ET Y I f ee :, .Leal* ::I;o greeted 2rlenU : - Pring ;,;ac rr -r ,••r -ber .,f _e Agents ft)Y I.11ndy Fence
a .,... ,.. TyT�u4i,, Ira.ital� h•.1 �Stf-n, lay. = air'
and Poultr Su- t.. Oaf Sunda" last: Mrs. Nlarp Vl'al,- and hie. dUUilnp �• :;
Y pp- t. -1 '.'and Nlr ;. N1. flaniilf,�r arc+
--2i G00I) URI�'F.R <ice' died at i.er linrtt? in dew Y„r,.'
• a She ,was f,.r7,r -r v, 11is Mary L' �k terta}n:nfi �Ir: and .11r�. W. r;urt ,r" �ttIid
lies in stock tit all �- . �f' DcAr,tit
-A GOOD CAR ty' and u°as married %n Scarboro th. • and"r}iih.ren, th'< tSe^' Cockshatt Twplanents
.� , �AIi Jean Mal,oim lef•. .i l'
-Xti'd i'NSURANCE -with -A,.ed-Lng. Iireakfa.., being .ervFd at j
times Clay to enter t,� :7n her duties a: Seedre Prices before Buyin
F. s
ZURICH _ :.11er father': lt,:,me the farm now o <x- — -
up %4d by Mr: ands�lrs, Connor, about' tea her,,,€ S.' \a. 10, at }iavensll• C.
C lopping I The �' -ung tieople' had an enjo }•- y
ThpStr-onges't, Purely Ca -ualty the yeas 1t; 0., Her funeral to ,,k
Q lace' on Wedtie'sda v) Belleville. abler ,tuff i ;ind corn roe = *. at Jrhn t' v
Company in the- Wut id. MOH. Thor. Sat. 1? y P-hillip's ;rpre oft Sattirda, ,= evening.
'A des c•loom was cast over the - �.00QSt 1, �11t.
P Mi ;s Pore', jtt.n, +r>n at,,} �1ia= Der -
CYRIL %. ?�'rORT EY village and community on Tuesday PhoneilArk i:00 1211
:''Only '� uthy paler, lia�-e re -enza n=d ac tea- -
Au,'.•. 27th, '-where: news was reeeiverl l chers a- their schools• at. Whitevale
Pickering, 6700 that -Airs. George Wood had died In ' _ ri
- �-� ��TT i and Scarboro, and.. are at �L9rk a-
1 c� D, 111 r Lockwood the Oshawa Genezat, HospitaL.on the; gain. ' "- ;
- ' -. Bedroom O- utFlt� PICKERING ONT. day follow•in; a critical operation
'tics. Wood had been in''poor hex'. h t �1r., and. 11r2_. .Casio and Harold -F•4 LY•'- SPRAY
Cas =i.e Sr., and Vlis.; :•
Consisting of Simmons • 6r some' mhnfhs • and iii. the 'early c Cassie at Agincourt on Saturday, - ,f
R. G. CLENDENING art of dui was confined to her hod r for ~
'bed good felt mattress, p y , ,tnd f',unl -tars. Cassie in her u;;ua} Y
' FUNERAL -'.for �O_ 'eval days, S e • rallied and - - . `-
`Debts s rii' ,dresser and ' FUNERAL DIRECTOR ll 1 heal>lt. -:a i
P eras able, eo he ar,,und. But as s..eI •tn rm,:I having• on }'thin- to cor.- ; ':CATTLE
ehifOni'er;- all in walnut 1'rfvate Anibulctnce did• not -seenr- to ilnprov e satisfactor- I tribute fur' the �Tissi� nary Bat? x'
flt]lsh i ' Day and Night'Service ily she •wa.c taken to the 'h %;spiral a; l,lease lea,e same with >Irs. George - - : i''• .• _'' �
l week before her death. An operation' -
Complete - 843.00, Phone 9006 Philip,°or at, ilr.. Brolvn.s lie ore the
v;as decided upon, but ehc, tt%d not •
.• .. _. _ 1 ' day .for :stacking nex� creek.'.. -. - - .. ,__ . ^ :•
Malvern 5000 have sufficient vitality to withstand -�
Simmons Bed 1attress- y The 11'mnen's Ir.4ti'nl +,e will hold
and S yin the shuck. She was born in Newcast- their Se member meeting• at the Wm, As g00d as ti1P, 17e8t - itnd oUly t
p. 9i, Markham - Ont le 1z� ,
-�O1L lets — 14 �0. f t in 1 :9, and was, a . daughter . of Ellicott home • T.n Sept. •10t}i: Topic
p ti.^ ,1 ❑te Samuel and Mrs. Nicholso'n', for the proeran,, "'rljstorita(1 Res- .�ti1.00 per Tmpeerial Gallo* "` y
Duck, and Lawn Chairs Taae ;'alnily :came to Dumbarton fifty) earth," "Past Years 'in' Picke:`in9;
always in stock For the year ago, and have resided here ev- }- 1
y er :';ince. Thirty -six year= ago she >s bTs . T. C. Iirmi n. P., ih'ca i, ' "Y.e- :I>1 yQ>zr Owls COl?taln8i
P HOT DAYS source; of our Province. Aug
Hem Rugs made In HUl married Mr.. Wood. 'Mrs. 1; r >nci roc- 1
land -and' Grass Rues mode au. veclpe�d r}• e\°rolit,t� - 2stl, "aGe limited eupplf
e;ved her education in •the lhmhal -•
> > sa,ortly �tffer 1 ».clt,ierht. the res;:lents
in Japan for Vei an' da- Or COlem2n'8 Gas' Stoves " ' ton' publ iz schf;ol and in Piclx rin;; , were a-wakened by a at this price, so get-y04r - -"
of the cilia ;•e
sun - poreh', HOt .Plates -. the Dunbarton Unttetl Chtf4clt ar.d," 'g -
Collesre. She was an adherent of mighty crash, 1ur1 an investltcatioli
At Different Prices. ()Oaf (ill Stoves, w'as highly esteemed by all. She ls! found a car upside' down in tI's ditch. geasOn's , reauiremeIIts
- . survived by a sorrowing husband The tn`•ee_ rrc�unants came out of the .
Hooked Mats, made'-in' accidt"nt u,'p . but their escape seas early.
Bu Killers acid two; daughters and seven sons: - marvellous, .. front top of the
- Quebec, , Winnie and Helen, Walter, Austin, car nuns deer..: • . and the glass
While they last - - SI65o,' Fly. Spray Kqd Sp sayers Norman, Tsaac, Clifford, Itoy and smashed into Jr: :'"enter. 'The car s
Hilton, all. residents. of Dubarton'
,Binder Twin'
wine was righted again out of the ditsh , •.
and vicinity. She is. also survived by . and proceeded on its w2y to Oshawa Jones Drug 5to�
C. A. STERRITT _Aud Massey Harris Repairs two brothers and two sisters, Walt- on its own power-, This ditch • on the
FBI18rah Director er and William, of Dunbarton,' Mrs. main street opposite the Brock Rd. Phone 6800
AI;VIN BUSHBY O• Hilts, of Faifpbrt' and Mrs. Chas. on the four corners has been the "t
Ambulance Service I. King, of Avonlea, Sask. Her fun - Picterin�
scene of several accidtnta, but noth-
Pb6ne )1100 'Hardware Phone ,16M oral took place on Friday, when 1nt- In has been done -to seeiruard the - -
• erment took place in Erskine C mfr public, and the result may proyse ser-
&wing, 4ntwio PIO'KERINQ ettn7. .t. _ ions at some future tim+•. ,
+.-. «. + ate soothing had -spurred him to s -
quick anger, and he rushed away. At r
the. end of am: hour he quietened.'' ��� a � 'Ots ' �� s
down.' �+a7 t
"Like a ride?" •Genevieve asked -
casually. "Kelly has a ' •couple of
'By NELLE M. SCANLAN "I haven't been on a 'horse for _
„ "One_ is. a crock, but the other is
(Author of Pencarrow, ) ' a bit fresh."
.. ,,, • _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ ' _ _ ' _ , -, ' _ It 'was a -challenge to him. Would • '
. =..
- - - - - - he dare to ride •rt . v
ixxforfltsfa There. was, no. talk of _Robin's .re -. ` "We could run c.ut -in the car to ■ ;}
Sere we see a group of young youth turn to the office. He was not in a - the Hutt, and get an early suit. I
Dle carried on the tides of youth , r
Young Kelly Pencarrow finally' settles fit condition to resume the. 'heavy like riding this weather; its keen
s�ow_I1 on the Pettcarrow farm, with routine of indoor work. and there's not much, wind." E-A
his cousin, as housekeeper; - "I remember you always liked "
Who Is in love with het cousin. Robin "He ought to have a long holiday_.
comes engaged to ErenabJoicey -Gott. be first, Miles," suggested his mother.' riding on a' frosty morning:' ,
Ill pick you up at eight tomor- u
In Maisie le enc rroa tis showing interest "He has earned it. I'll take him row. • I think it's going to be fine.'' Your Han�WrltlnQ Tells Your Read.
The family 1& suddenly [aced with away after a couple of week's rest • Genevieve had assumed" his 'ac- ' .i
the serious Illness of f3U - bills# PaB at home, and I'm sure he..will - .- - -
carrow. ceptance. She did not Ii'I'ead; 'not one I Character
Kelly suddenly marries dlalsie Kite. back to his nortnal strength. Just ■
Then the Great war breaks out Robin motoring about the country, away word about it being. good for him;
feel& he must t{lllst•' from all tho,aght 61 war;', drifting no sympathy; no poetic nonsense By GEOFFREY ST. GLAIR
'R > • idly from place to place. like we about he eau t morning. Graph logist)-- -. -
t beauty of he , nin ( o
used to." Either you felt these things, on - - -... .._. •. A ll Rights Reserved.
you didn't. - ='
Enjoy the variety Robin was not enthusiastic about "I'm sorry you can't have Joxer, I have been asked, if handwriting foretells. !t is symptomatic of people _
the .proposed long tour with h "li he's mine," said Genevieve, as a sho*s -.character and 'ablfities; how in every age that they try_ and peer
'• mn•i,er; he was not very keen about kicking young bay was saddled. is it that groups ` O f breads it is easy y g , - g • ups ot• people working •in behind 'the veil. that hides our `I'o -. ' -
an th-n "I'11, lend hint to.. -you one day if the same line of business or proles- -morrow from Today. And especially
Kitty began her life's devotion,
to make with I you re very civil.' sion do not all write alike. In other so in these modern' days, when so
4 - _ which she was ofierin • in recom• sunset w cn the tvvo .r' era -
g It was u h it tai„ words, why do' not all •doctors lvrite .often the Future is so- indtstinct —
1 ®®/��//� pease, by , thoroughly antagonizing came in the gate. the same style, and artists and ao ' especialfy today is there a keen and.
-ROYAL, YML.. _�.__ him. _After the strain of�meetihi the • ,Where t�devil have you two .on•- nassi6nate' desire fo know something
family and the constant talking to been? I nearly sent the police- .,,:t I. 'rue answer to this is simple. Even of the hidden Future.
old friends -he felt. the. need of.,gaiet- .to search fibs you horse thieves." all doctors,. _ similar -, thoug�tl their Grap•hology,' - however, deals kfih
He liked • to lie down and close " his _ Kelly's • greeting expressed relief. work may be, are not built alike — character. Ike cannot foretell the
eyes and relax 'irt a kind of ectsasy. „ . "We - event- through the _.Kahutar they - vary in mood, -temper, -clear_ future from 'your handwriting, Graph_ _
of exhaustion. awn George• and had , Jtrnch at i acteristics —one doctor may be, a ology CAN HELP YOU TO- MOLD -
;; .,
He bfld'gone 1:6--the office in ...the. CPaikanae." I quiet, retiring sort' of. man, whilst -YOUR, FUTURE MORE EQt'1T_
mornir.E to see the. staff, and he- hsti Robin looked' -pale .and . was very another is an aggressive, abrupt type. ABLY and help you to give
load..unch xvith his mother and two. silent. After tea they motored bac'K So these different characteri ;t ;cs ex- your.eli a better chance, but' it- -
y °°`° � " `°• »omen wh'o.nv' _Katy had rn_t- c' r .•n to. Wellington.. Press themselves in their wrltings, cannot -lay down any definite events
'¢: her wartime activities. She- hall I f "What. did you •t:vo. tall�'about all land marked, differences may be notic- or'happe4ines that to come LG pas..
talked -so much about Robin they Jay?" asked Peter. " "I can never Ied In their style .
It is.very hue that _Your. chatactei is, as 1 have prey
v c. Were impatient to meet him. He had et' a word out of hEm " _ t certain essential traits may be focnQ tously Intentioned in these articles,
.. :. _ g Y J
held hirnself obi. 'a firm leash whit^ ..�� by fantail: make .fans .of . their similarly in' the writia'g of m,az<t doe- ,the fbu_rclatio'n upon Which your. tu_
the talked of their collections and „ 9 + ; tors,` as also with, say, art'\ is —but ture'. rests ... and the stronger your . .
y h 3� taiis; wou.t.n't you- like• to know?" ,
committees• and - all. the » r . they tileir general ;handwriting_ differs just character, the. better able you will
said Genevieve evasively.
accomplished•. as the:r riatures' dfffer." - 1W to mould r1 mote foittinate dcd
ha i' (To r?e Continued.) _$ante people -say:- _" Ilnw can you p -ogres ive future.
After lunch he crept -vay into xlle. ;-
" cii_tt drawing -room anti flung 'himsci! i tell me what my cliaracter is from + « s
Graham Bread Is both wholegorne on -a couch his feet trailing. sic r sly bandwriting -when I "rarely irrite ' Can Mr.- St. Clair hel ,.
and dcciclou.. Sce pace s or the + e I
116 t1�F she -same nay'.• twice? Sometimes l has het P You as he
Royal 1'en't Bake Bock- the side, his head awkwardly placed ". helped so many,_of our readers? -
on a mishion. It was cool and uict .
_ P .1 wefts one way,-the n: st time 1- write Since has articles appcaftd In these
w a
here. A bowl of ,flowers sent a A r»> ..n A ttiffPrult way. and .so on. papers. he has" analysed the hand-
ft I
fragrant message across the room; a E � 5-�, %yell, these people are usually ex- wrAing of many thousands of our
J :faint breege stirred the curtain. y. In _ "ag>;entIn »,hen 'they say_.that ti:cy._' reader$, and many letters of apprec.
never. write'the same way ta:ee. cation testify to his accuracy and
the distance he could hear the <iull. —' '•
rumb!e. of a shbriiin train. A bene- " Wbat they really mean to-'say I, tLiat helpfulness. Perhaps '' he can- help
g London '-= Loi inn was intrigue "i ter re' e 1 r Lrof writing. p P
�. ficent, pence- spread over• him slid all. L{tut Tr stifiecr. rt :fir::! b re orbs' 8 i et'_ t qu nt y,. a• y - .r rit ng. .you to know yourself better. He can
i 3'• y :y' P
the ,jangle. their foolish cony ^ration' " Lawrence ui. Ethiopia "--has arisen r My answer to their abjection Is that ..also tell some revealing truths about
` had stirred 'died away. thp'. very 'fact"' that they often: varg your friends. Send specimens of the
f It, wwa -tic} a. Vaptain Brenlley, ' their JivritinR_ itself. is invariably• true, writings-
He was growing droiwsy c-hen'i formexiy • of the 13.ritish Army w•!th lqa thut' what ,they - Pxpress. as an. ob- age In each .ease. Enclose dioe stating.-
Kitty tiptoed into the, rogni and drew 1 o ('
.0 'yearn experience on the: Sudan- }fiction to the .accuracy of . grap' ho - for each specimen, and send with 3c
feet sp. r4
his e
'n li fed •, -
heav• curtains the � -
o r niter was emalatin'
_ 3 _ I.Tthr•plrn f o , _ s o t s out to be mprel• a- .co
gk lllII y stamped a dr
d esstd -0nvela o to"
a tush-con
• amt -
_ placed them' '
and iA ti -
- - - wedged another cus}tiozz behin hi9 I t)3i? ]ate Cor. T• F. Lawrence 3 ins gesture of the correctnoss of this Geoffrey St. Clair, Room 421, 73 .A'd-
„? _ I striving to uDSte ,dissident tribesmen science :' eiaide Street West, Toronto, Ont.
shoulder. 1 tender the banner of Haile Selassie, It ix- rea!ly extraord:riary how of_ Your letters will be stricily confl.
' For reakfast or lunchcthis Tea "'Oh. for heaven's -sake'. Mother.lrwho may be at war with Italy soon.' ten-the' old cry arlses: "Tell me my dential so 'You tolt -him about.
can't you 1 €awe nie alone. Let'me + "fawr'ence of Aru'baa ". ha British I future front''my handwriting., plea §e." your probic'ms in confidence. Answers ++�
on page 9, Royal Yeast Bake Bo ,)k. suppob t; thou h #enroll
t. - � have a minute's pease; -and he i g y, -ire his. des- -oNuvw I roalf;e jttst-how'muell pepp!e will be forwarded as quickly as the -
sprang up and lions the cushions on j ert warfare against ' the "Turks do wish to know,. what • the future volume of mail permits.
the floor. �whereal .the .present -day "Lawrence''
`' ►' f .' -But, Robin, you • lo,olwd so tin - i was -said to be under , the Ethiopian • ; •'-
t comfortable that Way, I orrl • wanted
_ .. f 5 .. y empero•r'�_ itistructions, _ �• September. ' .• - _�� _ This And That
to - Bu-t the foreign office dente l any
: '• ` "I .,know; I'm sorry. But iP you.'d knowledge .of anyone• by that .name, The air of Autumn is second to Asjc•ep_at- the_wheel driver %. caiwe
only leave me alone for a '-chile. ,'I and at the war office complete ignor- none foe sweetness, 'yet 'tis not the 3Qoon :;c•cidenis a' year, more than
ca 't stand all this fussing and-'J a _ of "BrI • sweetness of late Sprint; 3u per cent of them being collisions
__ ___ zsce of the 7e part nd ernile}" I honeys[[ :
talk of those silly women: -" was anreuitced. I and Summer, but sweetness '.»',it!: a ..tvlth. other caps.. The man �-tru drives
"But, dear, •they are both very The report •tracking here was that )tang in it, which act,; as a flick to in'$elgium' does not deed a license,
nice. and did such splendid work dui- Brenlley had, adopted the dress and our nostrils, &nil we' quicken 'our btYt by buying ordinary' plate: assumes - -•
ing the war. 'I thought you'd lice to i.customs of the tribesmen and by (step ' anrons ' us-ly and walk, more responsibility- for the car no m5tfer -
•' ^refit ,them; they were simply dying I virtue of Iii# experience, courrige ( firmly. Wray' not feel the swift ti who' drives. it, At a, busy intersect;on '
to see'you. Na -v lie down; agaih',' and and resourcefulness, had 'the- c -qrt�- winged,' 'li itt- heartedness- that we in Minneapolis,_ - police. halm -r
—_ (11 in the Spring, but there is a . traffic buds Baker - through-- which _ -
- P r+ I2 g
t' iJw. '
I - orf'`Ta'-'.3iiii`b confidence • cf• the wild .natives. —}- __
o e to L
• ' fete c nfi
ThiaburtcryDucchAppteCakefs - "'I can't now.' I'm .� I'm No one has t risen' to�`sugt;est fullness'1n' our ' laughter, a deep careless pedestrians shot motorists _
■ spectai trot! Recipe in Royal. Oh I don't know. •• ''. I think I'll : 5t' fundamental tore in our-' joy that' are admonished, publicly,. for, tae ►r _
4 Yeast Bake Boots, page 13, he iS . actually La-rrenti a but this
clear out' for a »•alk.`'�. _ I ' swings us aeon the . tanr'lec} -rood - , "sins. 1'lte ,.tutemotive Club'-of . of . \ew .
may be espected shortly. Ewen' file
"Kitty is wonderful," , =ald Norah death of the great guerilla fighter •1And ways with a, strength that is York is circulating home movies
_ST must be in per- with admiration. and his burial here some weeks ago untiring teaching r hil'dren; graphically •acrd_. A new life has..been .born in us. quickly, tt:e traffic facts of 'life: An
feet condition if t IS •t0 . "Kitty's a loyal' fcul,: if Sou, ask' .failed 'to' silence• conrpieteiy,. the i-It has fhc•vit;or of Autumn seas and audible warning iiewice manufactured
�, me," -said Miles. `'lf she would only many reports' which had 'been acti-e _
- leaven properly. That swhy the joy of downward dancing -rat- !n En =hind sounds an "alarm when
leave- him alone and not coddle :him: in danger spots in the east. ers•; it has strange- powers and. is you drive &bore the speed limit By .
every Royal Yeast Cake She's making him worse, that's •my i. filled with dirt[ memories. telescoping it into a trunk= !ike'cQm;
comes t0 y;ou individually opinion:' " partmetlt, when not 'in oars an Eng-
Genevieve' listened, but saki ' noth- ; lisle firm leas built a .sleeping rooln
protected b an airtight At Last. Tut bulelit, discontented men • of
y ing, It »as quite obvious that Kitty, j to carry) on the back of the ear. A
wrapping.' You can' depend in Iles desire `to her"p, was only re- I I ality, t o trt tion •as ,they are hulled Clew -nin- dshield assessors has been yf
tarding his recovery. Sometimes,' u• qu• 1'•' l.F invented. it is a small 'spray nozzle
'on these famous'yeast.eakes Psychiatrist ;Ea'pl.iins; rho „p - -. ;th pi rsonal rit ids and arrauanc'e
when he came- tip 'to6e Terrace;" he" ,� ahave tho. wiper, and is said to :bc
for full leavening power seemet} to be quivering with ' tense Trouble NN'Ith \VOI11e11 4 •encrally despise their own' crder•— swell for removing er -bugs, dust and
every time. Keep a package emotion, like a frightened child. It - -- (Burke, t oa l,9pi ay.
y handy in our kitchen: _ Was usually after a quarrel with The trouble with women, 'Dr: karea -
Xitty, when her mothering had near- I Hornet', New,' York psychiatrist, . told
ly suffocated him Ind .her ile'.iber- delegates to the national convention
Booklets FREE! • • « of business and professional wo-
i - I men's cubs
-here -Is that they have:' -
i ).
The' Royal Yeast 1, "'An 'over - valuation of love and I' i • .
Bake Book" tens emotional relations. w N
au about the art • ' • "A complcing attitude °to men's l Q A - "
- • of breadmakinq m `C' Sv ��
and gross seated • tries# and ideals of femininity.
recipes. 'The . 3. "An age Phobia with, a subse- ♦� OF i' : :`�
Royal Road to \ W
Better health' rtuent waste of human values. 1,
explains how the ?y odscn `\ 4. "An inferiority feeling as a fff �1 � '
liv - _
.�` sees } '•, retar ''use of woman.
/• Royal Yeast Cakes \ �,s�1�• \ - .
as a food %,III im- �� ® 6. ")tack o't _olidarity, among.
prove yourheaith. �� pl themselves." 6# y
a M
NLADE -I \- "We have to .free..nurselyes tram i bakes
\ . ti
CANADA GdODS 5� �,.+' Q. Q
1 "`y the paralyziirg uneasiness that w"e. L. , f cak «
fir .:
are fighting against men," she con- p
CiadeS ". ''. : :> : : :o-., Muvs *a[rrs,nF1
y+ _ _ .. _;mss ; i, ", ; ;,, ;'.'
FrMet Ave., and Ltberty$t., Tomato, Oat. En a reEti fine _ _
ter Maim" � Rastus —Sambo ,what business is There's no
pt•.re read me. free, the "ROYAI;Ycast ilanlj?T1'YB,dGe Cti a eta
Hake Book" and "Tbe Royal Road to Bet -
rollinq your ot><)rl wiCR guesswork with Magic. It ,� i
GOLDEN VIRGiNIA 4ou -a4t in -now? assuresuniformlyfineresults .That's•'
Name Sambo =Ize in de min busi- a why Canada's leading cookery ex-
. _ s•!14.1•l l_t11.YgJl :art�atrt•t :r tw■isr. ness. - pert* use and recommend It exclu- -
sively. Ask your grocer for a tine t`
� Rastus —Yo' don't say. What kind
Issue • No. • 36 .'35 • .? CONTAINS NO ALUM —This statement oil every tiri, la
4. Town p1e, ob minin yr
-your adaraniee that Magic Baking Powder .is free from ta„uq „o�"'
_ 66 = Sambo— Kalaominins. alum or any harmful ingredient. MADEINCANADA -
-- ------- _- .----------- - - - - -- --------------- --Tells Of Grim Prison _ :. 1 - — -.s
Gay Laura Wheeler' Motifs Bring a e ��° '=
y - �!Skech «Club
Smile. to Kitchen Tasks.
LESSON NO. 70 •' ill or at rest ;. or the, tree be cut,
Pictorial Space Cutting No. 2 down, then they seek the. Horizontal .�
• ��� �,-� _ In our study of last week's lesson, Line of•-rest.
-w2 Caught- the procedure -0f laying= The Curved -Lines suggests gentle,'
landscape sketch. We p ,
• „- ..,E " gave a -mild, -` placid movement while the a•
out a
practical conception `of Pictorial Angular -Lines suggest rugged, tem. - -
aS Space Cutting with "ti nits and pestuous activity. The curved -line is'-
Variety„ - - found .' in -the convex massas of
I would like to chat with you .now cumulous , cIouds, in pleasant, gentle,
A 7 ; for a short time on similar featur- rolling hills and valleys, in the stvelI
{�1• N :;, yy''fi I ; es. You will --remember we mention- of the sea and .the movement of the _
ryQy ' f x t ' ed that you should now be able to . surf; while the sharp, rugged, an-
..have aequireti that . _dexterity for gu'lar -lines are seen in mountain - s`
i (hu workmanship that should enable you peaks, rough water, etc.
to easily place any object into your Frbm this we learn that' a sunset
picture space as easily as a musician or any subjecC which -*is to express
- 1 ?' locates "the' note's on' the key board ° rest is better -when placed `,in hori-
t # of a piano. zontal frame lines. see Fig. 226' s
There are,, many different boundary - while the vertical frame lines of;
lines you may use when making a Figs. 227, 228 and . 223 should be,
r ' . -416.
1 G
F _.
v � 6 3 O ,
ry '- Ambrose, ex_pri -s is
Federal prison on Alcatraz island v r
in San Francisco Bay, pictured on l
deportation train; Ambrose broke J 7 _
i U N D�y1 ' down iron -clad secrecy surround_ 1 .21. '
` a
L ..11 ing pr's on when lit, told of- string� i
e,, converse rules which allow convicts to - �
-! converse only once a week. lit's
SUNBONNET GIRL TOWELS PATTERN_93._ a devil's .island, ;ill right,'.' he 8- - -
- said. j -
- Want seven happy little, helpers "in your home' Then embroider L l [ �
these Sunbonnet Girls —a - different one foi• each day of -the week— 'I`O the Blue C�Y,nilOW @i'/w -
- - • oa your tea towels'. Their charming figures, done-. in color, will not
= only brighten up your kitchen, but will help you Simla your way -
;through kitchen tasks. They're ..embrOckereil in the . easiest kind of Bright, candid, cool and fair; `
` stitches= mostly outline, wltle here- and there some Fre i7h'xnots,' From dusky. wades witbdru� n, "
lazy daisy, and running stitch. They're fun to embroider— and grand Composition; 5ut. whatever' them used uben life, strength and dignity
And blue, as i£ you were
for gifts! shapes may be, there must be 'some are to be expressed
Pattern 918 conies to You witch a transfer - pattern of seven motits ]?ipt !n the dawn. correspondence of the elements of Vi!hat is lacl inf � in , Fig. 230?
- averaging b z 7N inches; illustrations of. all stitches . needed;' color - - the compbsition to the frame- lines. There , seems to be a scarcity of
suggestions and material requirements. Where, hung- above the gra,,; ;- - - If` the pictur -e space is High ana some kind of lines; *certainly there
Send 20 cent>5 in stamps or coin f coln preferred) for this pattern- Your bright blue htossoms blow, narrow, you must of necessity use are enough vertical Imes but not
to it'ilsoii Publishing Co., 13 West Adelaide St., Toronto: I stay my steps, then pass, some Vertical Lines; -if. it is Long enough horizontals:' Therefore we!
_ Then back 7 go _ -' and Low, -you must- by the • same have learned that all kinds of Fin- '
token use some "Horizontal, Lines, es, should be used in a' composition;
Aud Raze 6n1itl 1,4111 eie. Jn other words the lines of, your why ^ Because they give_ variety, -and.
-` - -
My eyes with your sweet blue, Composition must Sonform• to fhe, variety ii essential in all composi -'
- p real Travellers yr ea. -
Im Tra lbe Yet they go hungry ill
To Leapt anew.- different kinds of lines used should conform tote iramt lines
- frame
' The
%--: in- a Composition are the Horizont- • Ex. No: 68. Compose 5 or 6 land-
^` ^' `. Thouph file prim gardens sliun 7a1•, Vertical, Curved -and- Aneular. sengei different in composition to-
And a you place, t The Florizonial -Line is indicative those illustrated in this lesson.
and will •not
They have no 2lower3. not one. of rest. sleep, P ..These lessons are free. We invite
'� p, quiet and repose- «'e
t „'i "' 31ore furl of grace: " find tlie- Horizontal -Line in still questions from our readers which
_ - -J; C. 51. Duncan. water,. in the desert and in -the law, -will be answered. without gn charge. -
,, - - long cloud strata in the evening. _ A small fee is charged for criticism
The Vertical -Line is indicalive� of on 'readers sketches.'Encrose ' a three
life, growth,- to rise. to Ioar, . etc. .cent (3c) stamped, addressed return _
' - ,� NV -hen- a, Tian is well and ac' tive. or etiVeIope for peisonsl_ replies •to: The _
r• _ when. a Lrec or plant'' is growing Art Director, . "Our Sketch 'Club 73. j
J . !
_. _. '':`,'•. "`` _ '� -- .,•�' ��`� �
they as this lr: e; were the man Adelaide Street. West," Toronto. _
-A Restful Picture
"You oan't get .something front :
g:..:ce,y Taka flefi i an-d. Yr:nces, yori, ' -•art i p-iot;19v.1pl,ecf nott+ ing."
•daughters of' he Emperor and Empress of Japan, p.c.u:ed at train "Can't you ? 'I got a proposal iron
nindory as they left Tokyo for the _lntpertal villa, to join G Pic brother, •Clarence"
Crown Prince Tsufia, for a vacation.
_ Hangs By. Necktie 2;000 Feet Up
R z; -
Al• I •,•...�„ry- „°�t�A j� yn•� vi � > +"r4''. _....- - • y'.
i 4 j
: a
.. .. �.,,........ as .- ...,.......- ".,
Dennis Smith, 1S, of WestelrlY_on -Sea, E: sex; England, had • a narrow escape from death dui= - 1,
ing a series of parachute jumps he, was making to qualify for his certificates at Southend, when his
beckcie caught in the stays of the plane as=he °was about to jttmp• from•'a'-height of 2,0110 feet. The
bilot chanced tp-look around, sew Smlth-hanging•unconscious and grasped him as he was falling. Hold- I;;no Iiuight stage and screen star; wave: a' ettee;y 'lie;id' to
ing 'the boy with one hand the pilot skilfully landed the plane. Smith recovered under artificial respires- New 1'or�k •City •as she arrivrs from Hollywood, Cal., for a short vacs.- 1'
J ~ _ .tlon. Airport attaches are _shown here as they revived the youth. tion after tinisbing latest iilm -
, ., i , •' • .. , • _ .. _ ' _ •• . • •, � .,. • ', .-i. . Mai
_. .. ..♦
• .... . _ -, •, ., .. . • - ,, .. .. 1,x..1 '
Card- Of 1pbsethe CAnD OF THANKS
-C 'Z-i'KJ!J4 and Mrs. Colton; Rome, Mrs. Gerald
44C 0 A4
64, Iwismithing, rk
40DWan and Mr. Cowan; C" Phloi Per- We Wish to -express o,# deep
app - Mr. George Wood and family, abi-ftbt prices
enniils, MFs: Stall6n and M' - Ann- reciation to the many friends any' carton vAsh to thank their many friends Testae is; Living Room Bouquet, Miss Som- -and e Now Is the time to have those repair
iboPs--4 dir their great kinnest ind neighbors for their kindness
:- ,41.75 per year; $1.50 paid in advance erville, Mrs. Q. Cowan and M B Iressioull of sympathy, and for the floral
jobs attended to. Harrows repaired. ie
znd help in our recent sad bereave- tributes, in their recent sad bereavement also new sections on hand. The faus.
Subscriptions to the United States Lotton; Everlasting, Mrs.. Gourlie merit in the death of our belovee sus Fleury flows always on hand.
son. Also foe mother. of a loving wife and" Also d . e&ler in Viking Cieaw 89pagmt, —T
and Mrs. Sterritt; Coll Dahlias. Mr, `iusband, father and in the dea - h
and Gt. Britain $2.00 in advaum Beare and Mrs. Pearson; Collection the many beautiful floral tribute,. toes and Electric Washers.
lqadiollii, Mrs. Burgess; Delphinium, phinium, _Mrs. Raymond Pilkey and Family, Dealer in Cockshutt and Frost as
Miss Dixon and Mr. Rodd• Coll. of
JOHN MURKAR. Proprietor. Perennials, Mrs. Stall6n; Coll. of and Mif. and Mrs. Luther Pilkey and ATTF.NTION, FARMERS Wood machinery.
Annuals, Miss Somerville and Mrs. Family. A phone call will bring us tayour tam.
Oxy-acetylene welding.
Phone Pick 715
PUBLIC NESTING We are prepared to repairoars,
Avery pretty wedding took plac�.- In Memori 21. 7. VV
am rucks
at Fairfield House, the home of Mr. tractors and,all farm GREENWOOD
and Mrs. T. J. Webster, on August HAIGHT—In loving memory of our A public meeting of the ne,% machinery• wheels rebuilt and
24th at 11 a. m., when their elder Haight; -onstructiorl'Party will bt ,ire setting. wood-work and
dear father, Henry Allen Hai ec
daughter, Gertrude - Elizabeth be- who passed away September 3rd, laeld till the - own Hall, Whit• wood turning of all kinds.
came the bride of Mr. J. Edwin 1834. by, on Friday, Sept. 6th,
a' Plane e -to, YO�
4ohns, son of the tate Mr. and Mrs. He often siid we would I, him, YOUr order now for a J. W. Johns, of Tuckersmith. Mr.- His words have proven true, 8.0 p m. (L). S. T.). Severa Zood ladder for apple- picking. Notic
and Mrs. T. J. Webster and' Mr -and We lost the best and dearest friend; speak(ra, will be' resent an( Phone or Call
Mrs. Howard Johns received the Dear Father, when we lost you. he candidate selected t.o.coD
guests while Mr. Earle Webster, of —9adly missed A. H. ROWE
We do Building nf all kindd,
.—Markham and Mr. Mervyn Tob14 act-- by daughters. test the riding. Everybod.� 3rock Road Store Blacksmith Shop.
In Memoiriam welcome. !-'CARPENTERING,
-ed as, ushers. Pe bride, who was (Successor to W. H. J'a'ckson)
given in marriage by her father In loving memory of our dear wife Phhoe Pick 2729 1-26
vro:,e a *gown of white bridal satin in and mother, Elizabeth Calvert, BROCK
princess lines with ]one sleeves and who died, August '21st, 1919.
I and
ed with pearls. The veil caught Dear inother,,six years ago you left
in T-jfi folds at the back of the head us! THEATRE layle Leaf Mutual Tu' 0 "ROOFING
was held by a coronet of orange From this" weary world of pain,
blossoms. She carried -butterfly ios- You have journeyed on to heaven, -d Roodag
We sloo sell Brantford
ea. Her sister, Miss Jean Webster, Where we shall meet you again. Al 4 toridls, Empire Bathroom
was bridesmaid, wearing a mauve Life is but a dreary pathway, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Eqliipnient, Dure Water
and yellow costume in princess lines, Nothing seems to be worth while, Cheap Rates for Farm and Country Syqtem@, Beatty
with flowers in her hair and carried All we have left, de.1 mother, Ap SEPT, 8th and 7 th Buildings Stable Ednionient
Johnanna Hill roses. The bridal par•* Is pleasant memories of your smile Windstorm Insurance an Buildfulp and caber Building Materials
-ty enteied the reception ro,6m.'hy the God alone can heal the heartache, Under the Windmills, Silos etc. 'E'Aimates Free
:stairway, decorated with flowers and It's He alone who bears us on,
pink and white bows and took the ": To where -we will meet you, dear Automobile Insurance of Work Guaranteed
Pampas Moon"
places in the living-toom before an mother, 11 Kinds
...arch- of juniper and irladiolli with i On that -glorious happy morn, Writ phone-
background of ferns and glacfioll;, Our lips .cannot speak how we loved
Rev. T. A. Carmichaet, of Seaforth, y6u,-
-officiated, and '.Mr. Lorne Lawson, Our hearts cannot tell what td say- ONTARIO
-.acted as groohisman.-Miss- Doris God alone knows how we miss you, %londay, Ttie%dny and Wedu%4dii) Carolina Jubilee Singers
Johns, of.Newmarket, played the As we journey ori. life
. s Ka }. SEPT. 9, 10 and 11
dding music and durin-a' the sign- —Sadly missed by Husband. Family
inu of the regi,.4ter, Mi,.$Elsie Horn- and Friend.
-by and 11r. George llolga:te, both •v"
11amilton .gang, "0 Perfect I.A)�e."
A -buffet Ituichetin ws•. semen in. the A A L F REGISTER,
livin•-rv,(irr by sib intimate :friend.4'
� s -Jean Scott, 3e WEDNESDAY, $FPT. lIth Auct- .-ANNNE SoHIR1,FY 1
,6f the bride: Mi,,
i6n sale f -hou old -furnit
Smith, Jean - Futheringham, Etlivl i, -eh P: HEGEIE the pr-pertk of C. j;
Jackson, Wirmie Sa.vdgp, Olive S,,ir-.. 2 1-9 inih�s'west of Brooklin�. on EIELE-N WESTLEY HEADQUARTERS
A 1�1,)ra Gz; -
ling w. ay.. For 'Iravel:ing Nn 7
Highway- Nn eieve' Se'
-_the hvile trove: a navy pr inted silk
bilhL. - Wrn. Maw, auctf oneer
ensemble %Nith matrhing accessories. i
After a motor trip to Quebec and SATURDAY, SEPT 21st - Auction Mary Jane's P&
4 Eastern Ontario, Nir.'and Mrs. Johns: sale of Farm Sz,)ck, Horses, cat--
.,will make their home on the,groom's t1e, Pigs, Sheep, Hens and Hain NE MRPMAHOIN
farm at TuckLismith.: Guest.� from . al ess, at lot 18, con. 7 Pickering. the Guy Kllimh,
Halm - e Kaye in stock -a full line of School 'Supplies 1 fo
distance were from Toronto, H' property of. the late Rayi ond J. -4 W
tan, Newmarket, Markham, Lucknow i Pilkey. Also the implements, and
and both High and Public, School
needs. Remember we
and Clinton. farm of - 100 acres, good wells a
barns. 8-J"oomed brick house. 2 JkVENINGS MATINEES are the only store, handling text books, so get
acres hardwood bush. Reserve bid Adult,. , ct, c
25 requirements early. A full range of scribblers, draw-
Summer Show .'of the 'Pickering on farm. See bills. Win.. Maw, pins 5ets. t., ploy 5cts. tax'
a.actioneer. in g% exam, pads, paints etc.
Township_ Horticultural 4;wiety PhildreE. 15 cts.
Children. 10 cui.
q.Iheld it Dunbarton on Aug. 21st Don't forget to get y6ur tokens for the dinndr
A large -and . interesting display
Farmers Attentiotj' I when purchasing your school suppfies:
provided for the Summer-.Show at let arrived—A supply of Mixed Fancy Biscuits tosell
Dunbarton Uriked Church on Wed
New CASE higb4ift'Cil bath Mower, lightest draft, geiis behind
viesday of last week The prize-win-
At 2 lbs.* for 25c•
tiers (first and second) are giving axle. Only two gear reductions, Fressure lubricated bearings,
the 24 exhibits. Straight Peta!l- Eccentric bushing keeps bar in perfect line, Cannot bind, minimum
td -Aster, -Mrs, *Sterrit and Miss Dix-'
neek-weight, all sizes for horses or tractor.
vTi ; Curly Petalled Asters, Mrs. St-
-allon and Mr—Stallon; Cosmos, Mrs. The new Case variabli drop Corn Planters, checks, drill's and hill 8007H of MURIGON
Stallon and Mrs. Cowan; Calendula, drills corm Change of Ned made with foot' pedal withoullstoppiag.
Mr. Lemon and Mrs. Hopkin. French Phone OW
Marigold, Mrs. Lotthn'. and Mrs. Hop- Power and Horse drawn Grain and Corn Binders, Corn Cuffiva•
,_!kin; Stocks, Mrs. Field; Zinnia, Mr. tors. We can supply specialized equipment for garden and fielef,
Case or Planet )r. son
Drummond" Mrs. Annis and Mrs. G. er* Hardwa re' Sto
Trowbridge and Mrs. Ste"itt; Phlox
Cowan; ...Pick ing:
Scab iosia, Mrs. Sterritt and Used Machinery &c., Massey Binder, Electric .Washing machine,
Mrs. G. Cowan; Petunia,. Mrs. Wood Beatty, copper tub, 14 ft. silo, Oliver tractor plow, Caro for
and Mrs. Beare; Snapdragon, Mrs TRY
C. V
Stallon and Mrs. Stierritt;, Gaillardi�, Beatty & Louden track. Plow points at lowtat prices.
,Mrs. Beare and Mrs. Pearson; Del
Ca" Tractors and usid Threshing'Machiner
phinium, -Mrs. Stallion and Mrs. G. CANADA VARNISH CO.
:fin; Dahlias, Mrs. Lorton and
"'..W. F. DISNEY, GrLmenw6od
Mrs. Wood; Gladloni, Mrs. Pearson
R. R. 1, Locust HiH
..-Phwe Pick 2314
Nou can be convinced that you can buy'
as bettc� product at a lower price: Our
bas MOte than doubled in the last 2
S" PE CIA S` I business for Paints, Varnishes &. Eriarn.
EXHIB 'ITI(�N Years, due to the increasing sale of
+wstoc WHITE too
These products.
Daily: except Sunday, August 24th to Septembeilth
REDUCED and RepAirq
Agent for McOor Aek—Deering Farm Machinery
Our Motto: "we have it Can get it Of
8 e ,FARES it is not tvmde, i
INCLUDES ADMISTION TO FIX111111' ON Telephone 3900,
J. S. BALSDON, ------- �-p
MIDI,,' THE, (11wi1N11s, Men's Work Boots, $2.49, up.
Men's Overalls; and Pants, $1.25 p
'AV 144' T per LEAVE DICKERING" L, 14, ORONTO' pair, up.
EL)u*-je) (Bay and Oundas)
Work Shipts, $0.65, or 2 for $1.26
Regular Costchao 4lognistr Conches
eon, $23.80, u
Dally ettiept Sunday until September 9th .,Farin Tesjr� Ra p.
Horse Coilaris at Varlows Prices
Sweat Pads Team Lines
Now in the Time to get that old
G R A Y :,. :.,COACH LINES Rarness Repaired Ph
Eastern Home PICKBRING Phoned 4500
CECIL .':'B R, A
13L Y
_ If you find It 1' salKe to attend
- t4areawme '.`x. and Mrs. O. M. Madill add are o>thar ws►y� of 'looking at this y ° THE "MADELINE"
lstmily to Bradiprd:on Sun- question this gathering leave your snbacxipt-
Malty } from here were Exhibition "y last. We appreciate the efforts of three ion with the convener, Mrs. Harry BEAUTY -SALON ` -
visitors on Labor Day. I+Ir. and Mrs. W. Baker and family of the Sunday School tewhrs in an Wilson, Whitevale. We ,need your
1� D. •.A.• Scott, of Femoslon . Falls, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and effort to % kng enjoyment to their supptlrt. Do' c0:100.
-spent the weelo-end here. Mrs. F. 'Raymer. smell charges. Miss Ids Grey, ffiies FINGERING MARCELL[IgG
-.— Martin Linton, f Orono, R. Hutt and Mr. Blake Le SHAMPOOING -
M visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Wideman were b� Ley-
here on Sunday. the recipients of many and varied than held a corn -roast foe the co
m- Reliable 9O ALPTRBe.TMENT Ls. ..
Mrs. Ed. Lee, of Utica, and son, gifts at. a shower rendered them on biped claa.:ea at the Park. �4• ;•
• spent the week-end with 11 a. Bush- Tuesday night last. The evening wa: Mrs. Fred Gostick is r4eparing to _ _ HAIR OTTTINQ
by spent in games and after the shower have a Social Evening at her home
Insurance' All I am also prepared. ladies. to give
James Hortop spent a few days a9, luncheon was served. We wish the -3n Sept. 12th, in. an effort to raise you a beautiful croqulAnole "Helea °.
'the first of the weer with friends .newly -weds many years of happiness • 'undo !br new bookie for the choir. Xinds at Reas•. Curtis" Permanent Wave.at very "
here. The Wonien'e Institute will hold - reasonable rates.
Wm- Forgie and family, of Detroit their September meeting, at the home L g e :onable Rates -:I oan, also: give you .beautiful
have been visiting the Misses Forgie of Mrs. G. Thompson, on Wednesday. Bask in 11amess Aga curly ends.
.here. - 11th. This is "Home-maker's Month"
Mrs. Harton and Margaret are, and there will be a flower exhibit, Having secured the services of a p=!9. ��• �.4113ZC1 ®�
visiting friends in the States this and an exhibit of articles made from :Representing the Following r.,•
week. , sugar sacks. The Roll Call will be first -class horseshoer and general w Companies Phone 1908 CLAREMONT .
Mrs. Spragge is confined to 'A
, her answered by "n economy wrinkle." blacksmith I am prepared to cater '
bed for some weeks, in very poor The program will be in charge of the public again and guarantee pilot Insurance On. ,..
health. Group 3, under the leadership of a first -class job, and farriers jobs Gore District Mutual Ins. Ce "You Can Buy at Home F-
... Stanley Moses, of Toronto, visited Mrs. T., Dunkeld, Convener of Home such as filing teeth and firing for Royal' Insurance Co. Ltd. TI RES, BATTERIES.
bone. spavin etc.
the Symes ,family over 'the end of Economics.' London Guarantee and Ate. Co. Ltd.. :, _ : -, _ •_ACCE99ORIES,
�e week. - r John McGrath Ocean Accident and Guar. Corp. 4' t;
Miss ,Dickinson, of Toronto, spent Audley Ciarmoni Ont. Wawanesa Mutual At as low and better prieee
!-..the week -end .holiday with Miss S. : _ - e Portage Is Prairie Mutual ;
E. Evans. Several city friends were the Provident Assurance Co. ou can in Toronto.
M Isabel Gregg has returned guests -of Mr. Yeates over the hot- Optometrist
Gen: Accident Assurance Co. Ltd. -• -
om Muskoka, where she has been iday. : 4I Toronto General Ins. Co. A
.'Visiting friends. S. R. and Mrs. Wonnacott spent Pearl Assurance Co. Ltd. ° Let''ue repair that leaky top.
Mr. Gordon Williams and friend the week -end with his mother in C H. TUCK,. Opt. Eyesight Spe•- Employers' Liability Ass. Corp.
l of Buffalo, visited his aunt, Mrs. H. Guelph. • c iali�C. A-tthur of Your A. E.-Wilson and Co. Ltd. — Lloyds _.l
H. Thofrson over the holiday. Mrs. Theo. Annan has been visit- Eyea and Sexlth," `'Tire. Child " "Skilled Motor Repairs: ;Y
Mr. Lionel Douglas has returned ing her daughter . in Whitby for a audits Development." Optomet- Call or Write
after visiting his mother at Mark- few days. tic Ase�esciation ufOntario, Amer. Gordon La* .,
dale for a few weeks. His father has The church. anniversary services iean Optometric A'3soeiatiun. :A; M E E R
-been in charge of the store during will be held on Sunday, Sept.. 29th, Specializing in Eyesight 'tend Brougham 'Out. - Phone Pick 515 Phone 2908
that period. and Oct. 1st. Keep these dates. P GC K E R [ N Q , O v r A RIO
An auction -sale of the farm stock Congratulations are due W. H. Gnposite P.O., U' haws. Your patronage is appreciated.
Phone 15i
- implements, farm property etc will 'Westney on winning 8th place in the. R .
be held on Saturday, Sept. 21st of Holstein Heifer class at the. C. N. E. !
the chattels -of the late Raymond The Mission Band invites all boys O'/ /LL
,Pilkey. See bills. and girls to be present a / t the . E. r pA�
Lyman-Pilkey is still obliged to church on Saturday afternoon next ,FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND•
keep his foot in the cast. He will at 2.30. EMBALMER �t •('� j
however make a trip up to Western hiss 33uriel Vi'etney B. A•, hag successor to W. J. ltitather, pp
Ontario this week, visiting relatives. completed her training with -the hos- p�ti7r�;O
: On his return he expects to be able pitch and is home for a ferx weeks 8couifville' Fri pj Ar ,
to start on the new house, again. to take a well- earned rest. _ Night tad .Day Services $y �Far� � �—� � • ,�' �� F
A shower Was given on Tuesday Miss Margaret Puckrin left to Buei4e4h Phone Keeidr pre Pbon
evening last to the bride and groom, take charge of the �chl,•,1 at Ep",m 9Bnl 99�U �jhy 14 & '� rlQ
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Symes, (nee Floc- on Tuesday. John Bentley airs, i� _ P�j �qr� •S�4 �f
eme Tindall, of Altona) at -their, with the Brock Road school for an-
h.)me.on -t're :4th of Uxbridge: when other year. io- s �°�a� b' �W ,fr end.• and relatives of the y onng i 31 rte. G, and tilr R. V4 i'nter?" vi' - Se'
�,/'r I,,',,� + , $, pk l�•c,,uple attended. sled the Fair on Vferinc�� day, vwlti.e 1I V „y
-i The. Woman'-, A ;Iociation enter- their father and mother, 'fir. and l \ `?4• -� '`it
twined the 3lission Band on Thurs'- air. Haii.-ford, -of Highland Creek' F' ypert service and re-- .h
day last. Gaines and Contests made.- have been :1 isitin here. �" or '��e
g pairs to all makes. Rene _ ,� �,, / h�'8T4 rat
t up the program -%ith -prizes being a- -The Club are holding their k Ann-
warded Work to the winners.. 'tea was ual Corn Roast in the Chapman , onable charges. roar �Pd bi r
Flats on 'Monday evening next, Sept. r
- . °`served -on the lawn by tke hostess, y . Guaranteed. - -• n
-' Mrs. Thos. Condy. 9th., when each. family is supposed
School re- opened on Tuesday with to bring pies only. You. will reach the ARTHUR F I E i D
Miss Olive M. Clark, of Kemptville, place at the north gate on the 4th.
G_taduate Fadi+end TekvMon,Institute. '.
;Principal of the Continuation School con.
Member Official Radio Service Men's
-and Miss 1Zeesor, of Astons, Assist- School re.oponea on "Tuesday with -
ant; Miss Hosie, Principal of the both pupils, and teacher looking for-
Public School and Miss Lois Linton, ward to another good year. .The ¢3-I8 Phone 5201, PICIiERtt\l
k •at
Uxbridge, assistant. school is beink shingled shortly. _
The regular meeting of the W. M.' -We are glad to see W. H. Bell out
-S will be held on • Saturday. Sept., and around again after his long T'T 1�l �• I O N _
14th, at 2.50 p. m. at the home of siege in the Oshawa Hospital. It will 1 1 i�
Mrs. McLeod. Miss' Catharine Thom - be a couple of months before he ts. ._FarIYlETB
. • ..son,. of Whitby, Secretary of the C. able to do much work. i•
G. L T. for this District' will be the - -
guest speaker. Members of the con - 1Greeo River GABOLINd DIaS'TILLATE
gregation are given a cordial
ation to be- present by the' C. G. I. Mrs. Alex. Grey has very kindly Delivered in f)rty galloh lots any ''•
1 - . invited . of the congregatloh. i invited the Ladies' Aid to her home
Many of the relatives and friends txi Sept. 19th at 2.30 p. m. Word over.
from ht re attended the funeral of tor troll Cal 1, : "aa:i." - - Gan 15 cts. and�.T a -_
he late J.
A. Jones of Mt. Zion on And now to prepare for the school - Di+tillate 18 cts. per gal. -
•t ,
••- Sunday afternoon. Deceased had fair. Make it a good one this year,
been in very poor health for many and come to see this fair, you will OHA8.8ARGENT'8 H-ARDWARI
surely enjoy it. I ■ K.
:.years and death followed on Thurs- MAR•K•HAM. ' , ONT_
day last, in his 76th year. He is Misses Doris Axford, Chriame Mil-
ne, Jean Malcolm, Mildred White Phone 9W �•R -.- Ontario s Highways
.,survived by' wife, formerly Miss -`
1 Rachael Burgess, and four sons, and and Audrey Plaxton got together for
:one daught ( Harold and Floyd, of a good old chat and tea with Miss Brltlall S' ,Brooklin, Clarence, of Toronto, Cecil Edythe Williams last Friday evening, arse 'NO Speedway
on the home farm and Mary EMrs. Many, of, out residenta have taken - — __
Kenneth Thompson) of Toronto. In- a great deal of enjoyment ' out of = Amencan �ENSELESs SPEED which leaves terrible injuries i
,ferment took' place in Salem Cemet- their -trip to the . "Ex.~ There is al- �' ' and death in its wake is hardening the hearts
ways new things' and styles to ace
°�• -Gas of people, police and courts against all reckless
- that are nothing short of breath -tak- _
. Greenwood ing. - drivers. They will be dealt with ruthlessly ... to_ `
The Ladies'. Aid held .their, monthly and . make Ontario's highways safe for everyone.
ti P. and Mrs..Midd4ton of Buffalo, meeting at the Park with Mrs. M. '
Draper as hostess task Wednesday j�utolene -in self -defence you are wise to fight the temp-
are visiting relatives here. afternoon. Tea was served .to about - `
Miss Pengeiiy is. spending a 'few forty. This was a meeting of ijrofit i tatidn to speed ... especially at night. Make surf
days with friends, in Toronto. and pleasure. �i] that your brakes, lights and tires are efficient.
Emerson and Mrs. Orinerod spent Ah's and Oh's the youngsters real-, _ - Cultivate a definite sense of responsibility towards
the holiday in Lindsay with the lat- ty, have to ,go to school once more f pedestrians and Other drivers. It �S the Only wise
tar's Brother. They had a grand time during the , ALF S PLACE
Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg, of the Soo, holidays. We grown -ups hate to see' COttTye.
have been
visiting with Mr.' and their fun stopped so soon. Stilt there' CLAREM01 \T, ONT. iT IS BETTER ' 'o BE
Mrs. Carl Devitt.
-. SAFE..'. ;:.
Misses Millie and Gertrude Cor - _ -- _ - -- -- — - - - THAN 'so
bett spent several days with their _
:friends in Toronto. is-YourRo'' U ! MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH
Masters John and' Billie Devitt 01 R -•- ;
who have been visiting friends to
Toronto, are now home and . back to ONTARIO
- .. _•school'.' � . � � .... .. � _• ... I .1. �;,�
Rev. Mr. Mutton is back in the Let lib give you a price on fainting to
_ village again, :reporting • Mrs. Nut -
ton much improved in health, though prevent rust, or coating yo-ar old asphalt _
r• ekll confined to hospital. t _ _
Miss Rutledge has returned from roof to stop leaking
}ter vacation and �is in charge of the
.school here again ' this year, opening - THIS S MUST STOP
a laT a attendance.. Also ' have your. eavef roughs checked
on Tuesday with g _
Mis$ Gree:i, of Buffalo and 1r4end, _ before the fall rains. - In Ontario. during 1934, there were nearly 10,000 auto- Jw
motored to Toronto last week, bring- mobile accidents.
ang with them to Greenwood, Miss - 512 people wars killed
_ Stater and Miss Katie Green, viatt- •Let . us . overhaul youiC f urnace bef ore_ the 8 9so people waro ilh,ursd r
In Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Green.
g Altona _ cold weather,' or let hits quote you on a • ..•s considerable increase over 1933. It most be etidcut
to all thinking people that tbir .exit sty, v'
new deal. Hen. T. i!. MCQtetnt6
Weddin'ga bells are still «raging. _ _ ,M:.i!*..of#F4 ,~
• bliss Grace Lehman spent a few
7. UNT � r;
do" rcen t, with frlemda in Town- CHAS. COOPER, C
to. `
«mod , s �, "F - T ;7 `°' - _ . -e_ . .- -,�- ,,. �_
x. ++
. ' .. 11 ,�
�'s, — _ - . 'A
• jMEN OF SILENCE • , . .� I - - A -
Fair Winners In A Sporting Proposition average. Potato Plantings were re- IT�IE TOURIST
duced because of the uusatlsfactory,
_ me of a5t year's operations,
,..ri. ,ON MODERN FARM �< ,,, throe condition iof theacro isr below . ,
r :'`rLi aiera;e as a result of too much CIsJ !1N fs'AT
,, ` .� tit :)fsture and the. outturn .will be con- r_ 1. By ROSS 'Munro 'Canadian t sfdei-ably smaller. Apple orchards -
I In its Interesting little Punt; cat :on
? have developed satisfactorily and ''Vie, Trend qY Canadian Business,"
Press Staff .Writer _ I ' _ 4 the crop is expected to be substant= the advertising agency of 3Ic( onnel!
fat and of good gvality, The market Baxter and Eastman' Limited surveys
1St. Norbert, Man. — Twenty miles outlook• is favourable, as aomesttc
,from Winnipeg on the Manitoba in some detail the tourist campaign
supplies of apple; in England aad the
:., iprairie, the Trappist Monastery of undertaken by the official Canadian
Continent are reported to , smaller Travel Bureau — of which Mr, Leo
!>SSt. Norbert, wiv, its cowled and silent � '"`
-, I
t n last year.
_ n
� ka oil I l
1. � In Quebec, all crops are in about Do el m director—and offers ,this
• , era strange contrasts of , -•
anediaeval life and twentieth century r ra .r„••,'`.• G ;' average conditiona. Hoed crops are'' conclusion: • ' 1 '„
. - :farming activity. Twenty-nine 'monks "Competent authorities who have °
�'vi•` %,, •: :, ;�• > :, not
as promising as. grains. Ontario
alive a life of penance and prayer and made an intensive study of the tour_
at the same time at . i, ::.-., :'.',> " „.., ' :' fi�,x farmers will harvest est crops •nearly i.,t industry are of th o into
oper e a `1,090 average size, with spring .grains, sug- : y e P n that
` , large farm whieh-supports the institti- n� •'# , ar heel , hay and pastures particu- I the Canadian Travel Bureau as in-
Lion with its produce. - ' ` stitutted by the Dominion Govern_
1. . Known officially as Notre Dame de v t larly good, The yield of fall wheat is ' 1.
* tnent will be iustri!metital in iucreas_
s� estimated at 13,1G7,004 bushels. This
Prairie, to the volume of tourist. money
this unusual monastery has g
u - is a substantial increase over the ; spent in Canada to a total of IIve
hQien a stronghold oY the Catholic , I • crop of 6,724,000 bushels harvested hundred million dollars within three
. 2aith for 43 years. Founded in 1892. by .� �p� t.�
In 19„1, but is still som'ew,hat smaller
iMonsignor Richot and Tache, uns, Years oY the incfption oC'the B :u eau.”
than- the ten-year average of 16,666, - _^`;
remnant of middle age Europe set : ;: It is estimated that tourists iu 1934
O.OU bushels. The quality is quite vac_ spent in this country some $1:1U!1UU,_
(down is Western Canada continues table, with a considerable portion of
Ito be an outpost of the Trappi < -t or- ;', ;,-'' 000, m:Lile Canadians fa other ccun- .. - .
the grain somewhat shruhken. Small tries were spending $61,000,000. The .
der whose code is silence and pray_ r,;,, fruits' gave excellent Yields. The
j er. 'The Trappists are of the Cister_ . total for the present year should
'` ,ti ' fipple crop is placed at 426,000 bar_ -
y... clan order Sounded originally in the . - substantial gains, but as tourist pub- , 1. eleventh century on the establish- refs aga.nst 3_1,000, Iasi. year and i licity has a cumulative effect . much
i, other tree: fruits, with t•he exception rester benefit from the Travel
went of a monastery at Ctieaua, promise larger returns than I g Enr_
' Normandy. _ "
I The monks never speak to a !Lying -' ar.
` � of-pears, o operations should b Y�'t
1936a and -should grow steadi:y if the
• ...•
, !soul, Necessary routine conversa_ ' " .
last ve
campaign is continued.
Alon is carried on by their hands with � That tourist revenue is an asset
I (f�1�'ty�i��,% of great importance to Can: 3a none .
(a sort of deaf and dumb system. H �$' �'� 1 j can doubt. Trend of Canad:au P,usl_
I Thep never leave the grounds and
spend their days in prayer, study and ties; thfs analyzes Vie distributfun of ...
,and work in the fields. Living the I the visitor's dollar: .
most frugal of lives, they strive to . - Fortune Ma;azine Hands Out I "Twenty -five cents out of Pach - _.
` A Bit Of Philosophy Re_ [dollar is spent with the retail stores
attain their ideal o! penance for = _
V ' - '`,themselves and the rest of the world _ a.',c c , 1 —this twenty -five cents Is, !n turn -•
y, i�'.I carping, `,Vor fans Place In distributed in salaries to clerks, 1n
_ ,-.,through continuous prayer. s. i ',. The $US1I]eS3 Offic2.
rent to landlords, In taxes to -civic
: t "We are priors. - We are praying - - `l• . ;. . -
..'men with a contemplative mission In 4' "'' M' . . Iiiiavyrnmenta,'to labor and manuCact-
. - iirin;; p'ants; to dividends' on capital
Mite," explained Father Basile, who 4 New York. - : "Lo:t domesticity 2s , investments, to light and power com- .
meets the visitor; at the _ lmoaing found In offices," bays Fortune Mag_ panics and taxes to -provincial 'and
. i Iron gateway. ' We' are- speca.tlsts These. three charmers arere prize winners at the ,iPortsnien's . az:ne, an'd proceeds to philosophize ' '
:.federaI governments.
}like the Jesultes who preach and the 'Sbow"Beauty Contest in Seattle, Wash. L. to R. are: Bernice Eimqutst, thus.:- i "Twenty one. cents nut of each
Nona who heap Otis mission : is to first; Itta Knud• on, second, and Dorothy Clat k, third: Let no man deceive triitiself: The tourist dollar is spent for food—here
- 1, pray for mankind." . _ .
1 `- t The monks go to their rayers and - Kra at American office . much more ! again labor receives the major tor- � ,
D c'umpietety - a female balltwiek than tiou —the farmer,_ hotel and restaUr
their- work in. long. tunic -gowns which equip2nent the elaborate Iron fend ' the great American home. It has, it is ;ant employe.
sweep rite ground, They are - glutted aroand- the monastery cemetery. CROP I�ROSPECTS ti ue its necessary male. But so has '
with strong feather belts. The fatter Father Jules also de igned. the hie- y ( "Twr+nty cents !s spent for lodging
size buffalo statues which' grace .% e file ant hive; which 1s essPntialty hotels, re -offs, tourist camps:
'wears a white gown' with black hood neuter', it, necessary queen. The male
" the brothers wear brown_idendcal rotund of the Wailitotia logfsl�itite � 'Twenty cents !s spent for trans_
1i'heat :it'iti j2ed�rcea Tv 3t�tJ fa t to name an. the doer, the "hat on+'THirtation =this is divided between
-_ `fgarment of monks since they kept buildings. _ .. ., - . .. the rack and the smoke in the corner
`the flame of learning burning through . _Millioii - Bushels -- Eastern room. -• _• . railway .and sfeamship, companies _
tine darft years of the middle ages, Then there is Father Basile, •the �.al.]actl Better i 11ai1 . �ralne "xut the male, fs not the attire. I and those supplying gasottne, oil, and '
• - Through the Prior and Brother amiable guardian of the gateway, i garage service, - .
who. alone speaks to the visitors in -'Y ields• T-he .ofhve Js_ the competent woman "Eight eeuts is- spent for amuse- -
Lau3s who transacts the business the •:at the other end , of the buzzer, the
Frenclr or Englisth. Ile. w•as a ittw•ypr . went— theatre., si htseeiti etc.
nly' contact Is wira the outside - . . two young ladles cuantfng h -s name g` "-
1° before joining the vi'der 10 years i "Sin cents is sent Car mtscptlan. '
world. L'hatfected by elections, dls- During the' past. YiLO PrarsPects monotonously- in'o the . mouthpteres i eou, items- ztobacco, ., liquor, sort
lags and he also :served ai a padle in
asters and social. change, the hooded - for the ticsit,rn w••:teat cr6p have'de_ .
Franee %during the- war.. of a kiild of gutta-percha halter, the i.drinks, candy, etc." i
,mo'nks fa their cumbersome ,gowns - On,•a Sunday afternoon. - the. 2y toriorated iagidly- as a result of'dam_, four ,girls In the .glass _coop perking � AlI of us benefit, 'and -1n .that, fact
,continue their austere:exis2ence.' ._ -monks -walk sla'wiy to the chapel for 'age frum 'stem ru*t, drought and „out 1215 inklals with pink.iirlger halls is justification -for the aid tiotiv being,
- - „ -. The_ monks of. S;:%orbert' have a vespers before the elaborately carried fro t, until t2ow_their; are large areas oft Vie keyhoards of four- voluble, given by the.National Treasury to ex- day of seven hours Dreyer, altar. They. pray, 'sing Iatin hymns 'that will not be .worth :harvesting machines, tthe half dozen, assorted ( tend and develop tbis. very profitable
:seven hours 'sleeji and the remainder and perform the rites or.ti2eir charch,' and other largN areas that wilt .re. . ktrts whisking through the Sling morement into Canada, over out raft _
•- .,Iioi work and study. Beginning. Vieir . turn far less than an average crop. cases of h[s c urreapondenee and the '
;� he pstgea of the centuries are flip roads and itighn'ays, into out cities
! day, at .two in -the ;morning they ray Estimates of the dtunagc range' •from ' vl -e„ant . miss in- the reeepi ton room
i r m g p' j pee} back as .these robed, lugubrious tnd our Summer . resorts, -- Otza`tttra
. - until six in the chapel. Then they 1 ' 15 to .'U per cent. and it is not ex_ recognizing, his friends and dlapos_, Joui°tial.-• • -
lbave- a meagre .breakfast followed by men of silence ,kneel and chant in _ . . . �'
i, the chapel as, the ' bells of 'the man_ pc'rted that hire' yield will exceed 300 Ing -of his antipathies n fb'i the pleas_ .
Rork,. and atudp. Another session or million bushels. In 19:13 and ••19:14,. ant voice, rind' the impersonal. . ' . - ' -
astery, ring forth. Followlug ve,pprs,
: prayer Is held and the monks retire i drought racagp�i ChS whole of North a presidEtltial -can-sort.., Game P)re$erve3
at eight, In the evening, not even re- the monks silently pace, t<Le grounds
. America and the wheat crops in "Women occupy the great Amerl_.r _
or c.oisters lost in contemplative•
- +staving their heavy dress when they these veal's were est` mated at 18_' can office Omply and solely, hecau•.e To Be Stu Ae�i
glee thotigitt,
p' - But financlalt worries are harassing and :76 million bushels .re *pecttvely, they' are women. Rages have veryi'
In their krim; silent existence _they the St, Norbert monk,a ahis year. Ac- For the tilt', time in. seven years the Tittle to do with it. Finger dexterity.' .
{never nee a newspaper. or hear a ra- • canadian wheat -crop will fail below -bas nothing to do with it. 'The- whole ? Toronto, - Establishment -of a +
carding to Brother Louts; the bvst_ g lane number • oC •game preserves iu
•„ i dfo. Their meals , consist of vegcta. l the loo term average: -
bier, coarse bread and coffee with Oess $rent, aggressive municipal and S • Paint of the whole P obicnr „is merely
2 Manitoba . uffered most` severely. that the modern office necessitates +Southwestern Ontario, ,Wltb the Coun_
: provincial laxF; on 'the UOP• acre I tics of ICeni and Essex first to be fa- it
little• weak bear brewed by them_ , from rust whe e it _ macLe .rapid pro a .daily, _intimate anti . contint inF re-
lsClves: `o -meat, �, bolter or n ,a 'farm are cutting into tJSe profits oC , tI �rrc , r' J vored in this respect, is Fanned by
eg , G- 1 p ) , the province. lotion w•h1rh Is much more possible P P
the' monastery. f it keeps up the . D. J. Taylor, deputy minister of game
'its eaten by the Trappists. But_k,ather situation } The fnfcFt.ion k 'generally agreed to he twPPn a Irian and'” number of wo,-
will' be forced to withdraw . ;a
,$asite vouches for the contentment he the heaviest in history. Bread men that' between a m n and a hum.' and fisheries, : -who hopes to'` have - y-
to another Province." he said. "�ti'e
I . tai the monks wtyo have voluntarily Whnsts have fared. badly, all varieties `.b :�i• of•mPn :.That relation, it is hardiv them in operation before the fall '
are the only nLanastery in the Trap- g hunting ea an.
!I 'resigned thEmselves to this sty nt 'Lavin rusted. =Durum wheat' has necessary to say: is not the' rctation g ¢
llife. Pint order• that is taxed and, n.e" flnd ' A special . representative of the ,
been aCfccied:' but - not,'�u seriously I whicli plagues 'the imagination of the '
file burden heavy to bear.' I,de
Yet one o[ tile' most modern and and may give ,S Par,tmeut• i9 "now canvassing fife .
j per cent. craft, Bar_ she me very. ,who write n g a pber two counties' enlisting tare a:,d of. tar_
welt- of 'The monastery . itse.f is a '�w +fiite
{ L'q peed farms #n Manitoba 'is ley 'and oats carry some rust, although "in industry. The blond steno ra her g
}oPetated by the order. It tal, brick and stone structure topped by a ra 1 mfrs in setting up the preserves.
aniage to tlie.Sa crop; has not been wiU1 the slick sleazy stockings is not
ttired,.men to harve t the crop this turret. Surrounding the main build ,� serious as •to 'wheat. its symltolr its symb6l is the compet: firs Taylor stated that strategic _
,year. • Tet>1 thousand iayin flans tug are the barns hen houses and in Sa: katc hcwan rust struck prom_ cuts' a
j• g pro- (, sections of "good cover." country
ride a lucrative source of revenue farm buildings. 't'rac'tors, plough: and greeabie,. 30-odd-year-old, inte�-
isfn r would be chosen for the t•eaervea.
d 't so P
Re s' ill eth_ea tern
g the_ s see_
li;entl • dressed ,woman wlio sttg in
i eve .. � � -
r• n -
ator the monastery and .� herd 'of 80 I } kind modern farm equ.pme>it {ions and drought losses in the south_ m erturable. self- ect behind the They would be fairly rmall and,would
jcatt ?e -gives milk for «'innfpeg Tarn_ I is seen. .in the yard: The modernity ere -t. a..w•ide ,str,ip of heavy wheaf'� so n•etarial desks of. haif the major'• be used by the department for prim- - -- -
'lltes. Besides there are, ve etxblelof .the farming equipment.elagies , .ary .restocking with pheasants and ' I
g acreage running through.the• centre of I offices in the country.
;gardens, 'flower strangely with Vhe centtwy, -o:d tra_ the province from north to south ^The whole point of the, whole 4 • ~
gardens and green other small genre, Farmers whose
ditioa and. custom observed by the " Iii•ospec'ts in August, al_ I ! property was involved might, he said,
" Sinuses to aid in the upkeep of the in- ;tilt had tine prciblein in obier words, is that wo. !.
-. 'latitution.- Trappist monks of the monastery,. though rust infection 'was spreading., men occuriy the offlce'because the mate I lip appointed deputy wardens to ti,ork'
During. the last two years hreat 1 An entirely self- suffrelPirt communl- , with the regular stair of warde:a and -
•westward anti., northward. •Tl' area a nrp,oyer want; them there. Why he ; -
j IlDane dogs have been raised and as I ty, tme St. \orbert monastery is an includes approximately G'� mfilian wants them there is another question � avPr-seers in enforcing the law. , r.
lthe monastery' is 'approac_iPCl alohg; unique exam pie, of, cooperative PI7_ If necessary, he said, he w .old
P acres, or silk :itly mare than half the which cannot be 'answered merely
tile, dusty road tbe'bark of the Danes' terprise, almost an eccelsiastical total acreage sown, to w•l:eat in-the the Ir ra fug t`iat once there t!te} take ' ask for special legfslatioli at the next'
+ (blend with the Deal of the bells fn the i communist state, sliriiurled• in an olrl _ y } session of the Provincial house to '
k turret calling the monks to pto�incr' to the work very nicety.
g prayer. atmosphere within 'an hours rui'e of While no 'rust has been{ ieparted "Iii the process upper classe1Pt'ci�'ide'far a. fine of $a0 and, costs
'There are 150 Duties' in'the kennels a metropolitan city, for the 'taking of any game ,other
in Alberta, ,bought, hail and Ernst home, ax 'the upper class home w•as
I _ lnow and a splendid trade is being have reduced the. pi-Qbable.-otitturn; known to foe S fctorsans, disappear_ t::an vermin, "thin the boundaries of
;built up. Dogs ?Lave been shipped to • Declines were geno -al in, r.ou,thern ed. The male was no longer master 'the proposed preserves.
'buyers in fionolulu, .few Orleans,'Weight In •Ratio TO -, . and eas:crn distt :ctr. In. the• not•lti_ fit his own dining room acid dreadtul I The department Propose. to be very
and Quebec. a•estorn se -if and t.`ie Peace River ' liberal in its supply of pheastults to ,
Teaching Ability l fit his own den oar did a smt.il herd !Cent and Es ,,ex this 'year. Each of ^ IN.
'Men are allowed to visit'at the4mon_ I " " district, warm. dry weather brought at wives, daugaters and • sisters bear ; `
. .nabery but -women are forbidden tvttli r:onsiderable , recovery from the ei_ lit; voice and tremble. He was, an the the tae-. preserves may. )iave 5U or .
ttwa exceptions — Queen Mary of feet o€ the veey late season suet I contrtry, the '• more or 'less" e oat i more. birds liberated on it' i? a start
: :England' and Lady Bessborough. Al ,Albany, `,Y. —Miss ":Rose Fries- umisual;v heavy rains, but 'Augirst I q � fA the combined propagation and
. - - ! tatei , who wei, hM about 180 pounds, mate -cif a mat e or less unpredictable
guest house is maintained w•IieI-e = frosts have caused damage which - 1 conservation policy of. the gnzet••n-
i will be given an opportunity to tell woman. line hene,ente l it. -
few days. . can spetfd a secluded cannot, iet'be accurately tStimaipd. �i.yat he wanted in'the office was'.men{.
[en days. ;the state education ,department ��hy' . ,{ rap„ ,fit P,r ;tislr Columbia
She thinks, a woman's .weight has no i 1VP iii' something as much like tilt, vanished
. The: famous Trappist, cheese , was �; dfcation of average' returns. The vdf (' of lifs father': 'generation as Unless` the ` patriots reco,ni� 1; ' :
made at. this monastery until recent_ effect "on her ability to teach.
Education commissioner Frank P; yield of small . fruit, was good, ` 1 I'could be arranged, someone to bal. tlfat he ores n duty to humanity
ly when its manufacture was di;con_ lGraves sligh t incraasa is e.rpectetl in t to ance his. ells ue book buy •his rail_ which_ transcends even his duty to •. ',,tinned due to high tinited States ,. or one of his assistants will vfeld of pears and the aPPle' crop will �
: ',tariff. iToney is made 'and sold to listen' to • 141iss Freistater's appeal a road tickets,' check his baggage, get his country, he is a Ivor. - blotter of
PP ha aboiit the same size this year as .!its seats in the fourth row, take his false' gods."- Visco`hnt Cecil.
.visitors. from a decision of the NTi w York last year. Soft fruits .have not done
. `Men' from all walks' of life Have I city board - examiners refusing her 'sa well. . . daughter to the dentist, Ilsten to his • c, •
a regular teacher_'s license. side of the story, g •
give him a courage- The fear of ignorance is orie rea-
fven up business and professions g IriEastern Canada crop c-onditions•',ous look when things' were blackest." son w•hy -we get an education," —
• '_P•• to enter Trappist order. At 'Sf. Nor_ The examinors held th'e strain of ore much more 1'avourable.than�in the Harry Emerson Fosdick. '-
. ibert there Is an artist —an iron walking up and down stairs between Prairie, Provinces. In' the 11laritime,a, •` "human `dentin}* i.* a race- 15 -' °-' -
orker known as Father Jules: He classes and the higher morbidity and 'weather conditions have been gen_ "If the amount iqf energy and tw•een ordered tliought .made effec-
uFlt the splendid entrance and con - :mortality rate among markedly erally favourable to growth and money that goes into war research ' tive .hv education, on the one side,
truetled with his own forge and overweight individuals ; r e,,q u i re grains promise excellent ylelds: Hay- were focused on- to peace -time pur- land catastrophe on the' other; so far, •
weight restrictions to be plf4cerl on Ing operations were retarded by rain poses, the results' would be specta• catastrophe seems to be leaihn ; ;.•'
i teachers. Iand the yield was spotty 'arid below + cular. " -4ulian Huxley. H. G. Wells, ,-. 1.
- •l ,'t '
. .
Via, - .
we�KLV rohlc \��,
•.. °� _Mere There - .. •I _ ' _. - -�--.� irrt�"
1 i
, M app
by Dr, ht. n ti
Everywhere _ _
KI A brother to ev.ry oth+n Scout, mahout regard to race o! creed • I De.;ptte the threatenrngs of war,.
there is a growing " mind toward 1 "� �Ifl'` �Ikt
peace in the world today. Of course,
`} The summer's usual list -of water• A Newfoundland., Scout, Ernest militaristic and' pacifjats alike some_
accidents has included the usual list Clarke of Twillingate added another times advance extravagant, argu_
of rescues by Boy Scouts, and, un= to the Scout rescue toll during July: angst; in' favor of their own particu_.���.' ' c.�••
fortunately, an , attempted. rescue While working with his father iri a lar view. But the fact is, the peace
which cost the life of one young .sail loft, he saw an ' eight- year -old and war issue is one of the greatest :i -;,,a��- �ry.��';
Scout hero This was Patrol Leader girl fall from a wharf. Ile immed- issues In the modern world' and ev_
Ernest• Callow, 17, of Wellington, lately leaped from - a window ten erybody is thinking about it more or �� H�k
Ont, who gave his life in an unsuc- feet to the ground ran and •plunged less.
cessful attempt to rescue a full after the child and saved her. A correspondent wrote to me ' the ,--"
grown man. The man• clutched him, + + + other day asking: "How can we pos_ \
land the boy was unable to free The Scouts of Fort Frances , Ont, sibly. expect •nations to live' at peace MAN
himself. maintained a first -aid unit and a se,'-, with each other when it seems ab_
At • Scout beach patrol during•.the Do- .olutely impossible, for individuals. to
Three Truro, N.S., Scouts shared minion Day celebration in that town. "do-so? Every family bas its squabbles the rescue of a 'woman who • ; * and the c'osest of friends It'S bl er Itr5 richer I J
got be- quarrel : LARGE PLUG
-- and her•• depth in the Salmon river, occasionally'', my friend wrote, and g�
• dy p When it was announced- that a -
:turd disappeared. They got her a- fifth Bo Scout troop was to be or- Wien went on cite instarfees from
Y n 'it lasts longer, too.
shore, unconscious, and finally re- ganized in Timmins, nearly 100 boys 'hls own fanflly,
'eored her by artificial respiration. turned up'to apply for admission. Now, on the face o! it, there does TI11S STOW - burning Dixie ,
• + * . . seem to be. the germ of a perfectly ,
Another rescue and revival by ar- Old and historic Navy Hall, reasonable argument there —an argu_ -.Saves money for you._ _ -
} ttificial respiration was made by two Niagara -on- the -Lake, witnessed a l ment against the possibility of " peace
Ontario boys, Scouts Storehouse and significant modern ceremony when which to',Eay. the least, seems fear_
Taylor, of Wallaceburg, Ont. Pass- Scoutmaster -Douglas Young-present- ible. But it my, correspondent had
ing along s lake road they saw a ed Stout Thanks Badges to air. Wm. 'only taken time" to think deeply
inan in difficulties some 75 yards Richardson, Jr., and Mr. J. D. Usher, ethongo'1, he trhlght have seen that it
from. shore. Fully-clad they plung- in appreciation' of valuable he!p l is rather a' -foolish argument whep
- : ed into 'the lake, and between them given since its oganization to the it is probed Into. - , -
rescued the swimmer, who . had be- local Scout 'Group. The • presenta- i Think of it • this way —there is no
come exhausted. and taken a cramp. tion was made at the troop's second "reason reason wh
. • , * ' * y p!�ople should be e=_
annual Scout Tea, given - at Nary petted to see eye to eye with each - PEG SMOKING TOBACCO
Still another rescue -. and revival Hall under the auspices of the "lady'l ocher in ever t tin
1 y • g just because fate
-by artificial respiration was made members of -the Scout Group Corn-I has decreed that thezy should --be
'by Scouts Bizard' and Dunning of mittee, born Into the thtJdren..
St Lambert, Que., when a man i +. * � _ e same famtty, of.the same parents often, Indeed al.(
leaping, from stone to stone at 'a Scouts. of Sidney, B.C„ -aided in! ways, have phy.lcal differences, and DOTE: The writer of this column Sian— Perkins seems to be a
point known as the Sluices 'on' the the beautification plan of the local; they are naturally mentally different -1
is a trained paycRota ®fat and an au_ made man.
St. Lawrence river missed his foot- Town Planning, Committee this yea'r'l also. It As fool! h to Imagine that, 1 thor of several works. He is willing Friend—Well, if, you avouW sea
ing, and fell into the rapids. . Vie by keeping bulb 'patches on. the:1 simp'y because they have_ been . born to deal with
_ your problems and give him when hie wife's around you
' . hays fiof him out and revived him. boulevard free -from weeds- born of the same parrots "they have
i you the benefit of his wide expert_ w _Ul 1. think he was -made.. to, order.
.� therefore been physically, and ment_, ence. Questions regarding
1•,, more about -the organization at th'e � ally, cast in. tide same mold. Very of EVERYDAY LIVING should be
:Unique JJ28i311Si t naturally, Feu people realize that Yheir.
booth at the Canadian National E.- y, they. la thought and addressed to:. Dr. M. M. Lappin, Room neighbors could_ be _ a that deaf
At Tile C.N.E. hibition, where officer's of the or- !a outlook c•vPn althcugk they may 421, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toron- worse;
ganization are:_ i a_ ttendance a}xl I have marry tliinss in common. Aad to, Ontari'q, Enclose a 3c atam ed, r -
welcome ou cordialI to he- eXhibi3. that la exaceY aw it should be, Nor t ( 1 p In Branca ._ Agent. - Par,.ori _ tae, _
She lien of the Trees organization Y y x � addressed envelope toe rep►y Madam, but -What is your age" --
has a vet inte3estln booth this Founded in, 1922 by Richard $t, II is that any obstacle to livitig ?.armor,_
Y S' f IOUs ly te�fiether, At leapt it ought bliss Antique — I have seen 23
year at the Canadian National Ex- Barbe Balser, The lien of the Trees i ►
blbition, at the West gad of the see- is an international- society.:of tree not to be.- summers. Atrent —Yes, of rouz.�e,'
* and floor, West annex- to Coliseuni, lovers In .'England, the chairman i4. � After all, u e trust be willing suve_`; HAVE
but how many times have . you seen. _
in the group incIudinq educatsonal Colonel Sir Francis Younfihtz:sbtlnd,_' ly to. recognize that, agreement does them! a '
and handicrafts exhibits, which you R C. S. L,' supported by ' Field not necissurly mean seeing eye to ;
:_ere very. cordially'invited to visit. Marshal Viscount Allenby; .G. C. B.• eye with each 'o'tller In _egerythfng.- ,��s�
Classified . Advertising
the Rt. Hon. Lord. Clinton, _CoIortel That'i's a point fbat Is often or••e_ riook- O u '
_ 'The booth contains a very valuable R. E. Crompton, R. E.,-£. B., Lady ed. Axretmernt' means,` rather, eacii ...%�' SIBZS aaa ssc�iCL3t ai►aasiziB
tolleetion 'of beautiful .'photographs - Georgina 'Mures Sir " John • Stirling Party to the agreement .conceding to ..
of British. tropical and .American Maxwell, Bt., William -Taylor, Esq.,,l_eaeli other of the other parties to the 'I-1 }tF:.s $z t'i t:aid. Free , to r'r,
trees, which were first shown by trausp�.rtatton paid. Free c.4ntvj ur,
the parent society in London, Eng- Professor R. S,• Troup, F. -R. S., and agreement, the ,'night to hfa own op_• Tot nto Tire, 185 vundus ti rat, Tu- - l
- many others of international reput- fuloa, " co and, and, point of view:
land —the` exhibition being opened "by ' «e .can oa +y. be "In agreement ghen;
General Lord Allenby; also an ,in: ' ation, The FLoriorary Secrets. is - - A fashion note says there is lit- S2t4z14TO8s : ,
'tereating set of phoiograplss .of Ont- firs. Guy field,: 32 Warwick I Pcerybody agrees to fiire everybody -I tie change in men's trousers this � „t1 >~Ft r• • t :1'i :}t 1. t�:\'h :VT't :.
ario- trees, which are particularly Road, London, S. W. 5,. the* Honorary► ?else freedom to carry on. his own aC_ Fall. So little in fact that unless A' 1•,�t. oi'W` unted' rn,'entaons scut C'I t
beautiful 'and historically interQstithg. Treasurer. the Honorable firs. Grand fairs to his Onii say said a3'he U'ttZtk3, there is a return -of prosper.ty soon trri' ^, cn,,t }on lint ., frt -e. Tug Samsay �
Lest. i company, �t'orkl 1?atrnt,
There is also attractive posters which -Duff, 16 Mulberry Falk, Lorid -0n, S. i there will be rw need for• pockets - }c ,,,t, a,•,rc� uttaw ;i. 0anaLla. I
Iic"rnerrtlsering that; there Is one'.
have been kindly lent by the For- W -• 3+ _ it "31L
th'ittR thht• %ouid help us t attain rxmcxnzs
entry Department of the Province Of'- The m-}vemeni . ha-s Aiacle steady -� to the ideal 'at peace quicker thawl
s: Ontario. Tire roses ` red =upon-my'neihhhoirr's
-, progress during the past eight years, anything else, an <l it f,s.tite all round vine stzntly. \\•rite today far p.,rtw Mars
All those who Iove- trees, and with the result that the. bier _of_thi adoption of the spirit or tolErnace and I of this new secret. N. Leez'nn, t�unlnv,
_ those who are interested in planting Trees have gathered to thetirselves non_interterenco in the private af_ Are owned by, hint, but they are also unt. s
them for beautifying Canada as weiI thinking • p e o p'I a thratighof t . the fairs of the' ether, fellow, -- t QVI.LT sznsxnxTS
His was .the cost, and his the labor, `
as for food, fruit and nuts, are cordi- yvorld, who recognize that the ait'of Iii other }words, the old tnotto ' Wrej e•t�1ty \- d['11.P.ilL :lt�.)X}s, t
ally invited to become members of forestry and the creation o #.. a uni- and let Live'', eveii if it Is a bit bite : CQO' -
_ally Men, of the Trees. and to learn versai tree -sense is essential .to, the, But mine as ��clI as his the joy,.tlseir i°woiie.,, 1,.ox 123. station A, _N[nmroal.
and tltrie horn_ ; fs a gocxl one. !t is I _
one that we need to rractice' in I loveliness to view. — :
_ 1 family, 'sacral, rel :klouA, chm7nerctal;
Political' and international life. It -is IThey, bloom for me, and are for me.. 1,
_ just wpndert'ul thaw far the practical , as fair Newspaper ' Press _
is for- the man who
applicatian of it \would• take us; garQ theta all -
�1t all eweniR, 113P '.world n-ould be his care. - anted s
a touch `baiter place to live in if arty Thus I am rich, :because a good man
E _
1 w' s e Must be to good
e r - 1 vin fox all his neigh -
we would all learn fa obey" that New, are. 6 Column ci
__ _ Te,tam nt injunction w••lhidh bids its ! A ',ose c ad e
M AR KE T I ;born' wie\v' _ shape. --
Study !to be quiet, and mind your+
i "awn business''. :• .. ;- ,--� --•-:
p I know "from is 'that others plan] - FRANK I POND'
Whv not shin your lire stock Co- nnerat7y. and -_base each oaner'c t' nd for me, own m oy may a1- Street W. ,
stock' sold for the highest price available on the ,Open Market. and �� -5— •ft being_ -o�zit voi y y) - --
.73 Ade
f The .Alen ; of the .Trees• i� it volun- so . be; -.—Toronto
weighed over Public Market Scales,,w•hieb are inspected •regularly by �_tary organization.-to plant and pro- So why fbe selfish, when so much
Government Inspectors.. ec that s fine
j t t trees; to encourage Arbor Days
No shipment too large and none too `small; they-,kill all �tawe' our . rand ceremonial .tree planting as liv- Is grown for you, upon your .neigh.- THE FAMOUS
personal attention,, placed in comfortable quarters, carefully fed, anti ing memgriais; to support legislat_ boy's Vine? RUBBING
watered before selling, ion to deveto forests and — Abraham -Lincoln Crub'er.
p parks and'' ' < LINIMENT
We have. a staff of Experienced Salesmen for very class of live ; tree protection; to adwoc'ate living R i
Rub on —pain gone: v
stock you hdve to offer. Cliristmas trees rather than ruthless The esteemed gentleman who sue- _��,� Getthenewlargeecon-
slaughter of our forests; to . visit ^gated a method of trisecting . an otny siie —Al'so avail-
-Settlehie' 8 ' famous-trees, forests and 'trdens 'to able-in smaller, regular
- :•
le h-as been ho pad on 'heavily
Each owner can receive a cheque and a statement for the net amount bold meetings and exhibits of tree by dozens, of mathematicians ready moo= is ire.' •,
� s and The Imperial Bank The gates are payable at par -at any branch of paintings, photographs with tom- to disprove 'his theory —all to which =DFPMN-
-.114 9 petitions lectu res and broadcasts. nk of Toronto, .The Dominion Bank and the Mr. •Fred E. Robson, 906 -Yonge -St. goes to show this .perplexing geo-
Bank of• Nova Scotia. All settlements audited by Chartered Ac- is President of the Ontario Branch. nhctric problem deserve to rank next 6 "countants. in difficulty to that most widely
known one . of making both ends
Stockers and Feeders MAGNETOS f meet.
If interested in stocker or feeder cattle get in toucho with us e
will do our best to get you cattle of desirable quality and weigh" i to suht your requirements- Please enclose bank reference with your THE ART OF EARNING . -J order.
We solicit your patronage and in- return aseuie you of our very best S ' MONEY service. We will be pleased to. haw you call on us while in the city - .J► N inspirational working treatise is offered in a well.
visiting the Canadian National Exhi- Ution, I written arti =le presenting. AUTHORITATIVE• COUN.'
Write, wire .or .telephone— LYndhurst. 1143 4. t All Makes Sold and'Regaired SEL on winning prize contests for Artists and Authors; and
I a Monthly Service.
Generator, Exchange - Servic2
The United Farmers Go-opera tlV@ CO• AUTO - STARTER LIMITED FULL INFORMATION which puts our subscribers -com-
pleiely in possession of practical 'working knowledge how ^
Limited - j 19 arsattalbane !3t -, Toronto to become a money earner. A year's subscription for $2.00,
- I - -or we will rend yod interesting notes for &'3c stamped
' Live Stock Commission Department - ' .addressed envelope.
- .,s
rK �,.qd n+k, r s`:'. 1.Y �' Xr-?. . ru•: �z'�:,r+- z�P�w'°.7',�;'r;',^_ . -. -_ -• .. - _ -_ � -,
"f ..r - ^F 's. ."#••���";.�iy'.•*a+�`..r ': �.r�- ..y�+b.': -, :r • .,f�,w�; ;.° e.�• Fx;...... _ r, :.,,. -, o.i, : .,,r.,,,- - ..:a,: .� .zy.:�,
.. - �"i'h. ray- :4, ,..k , r; . .�k"x•:r ; .�+..,. ?
,� , '>• „r�'., ;:fA, y, ,.,,. f1. i . ;. �,-ps; '` s _ _ .-b._ .. k,+s — _ _
?� tr.' .J, Si- .•.,'4id.'•�` -�`.. ;f.!,, -," ..'e* • '�... ,.Y r.'„ -..y' a:. - +.,,,,. r` w�'' 'y ,., '3.CS�r - -
I,"e'3r '"+'.F. ''� t _ +.+" %Y,''^ :'b�.'r•T.af' ,rg' 'i'c 'y. ,n , F7
-)dim lt
Helen atch4tt, of, Toren - all Pickering B 'ream won thei. -
ratvrned home after spend game with Cambrai at StouffvillE it Headg, Envelopes, Bill Heads
jng a couple of weeks with. Picker- on Monday. ,r
--� OUlam Jones is employed Ill ing friends. -The long period of dry weather - - - - _
Jones, in the Drug Store, -The St. And_ r'ew's Women's Miss has caused many Wells and cistern • Posters, Handbills, Placards
-J. G. and Mis. Bolster entertain ionary Society— will greet at the to dry up. r
end .friends from Guelph on Sunday. hoarse of Mrs. F. H. Hall on Wednes- -Mr. John James of the Boovalari L �'
-The Shepherd- family -of Toronto day afternoon, Sept_. 11th at 3 o_'- ville Statesman, - was a welcome via Blotters Counter Check
,.spent Sunday with Pickering frienda eloelL itor to the News office on Saturday f
L Mrs. John Poynter is spending a Green Flash Service' Stat- -E. C. and Mrs. Jones and famii; `
a few days with her .daughter in Tor- ion at the west. end of the village, is left on Tuesday for several week
onto. now open for •business, they are loc holiday at their cottage at Echt " THE 'PICKERING NEWS.
-.Mrs. C. H. Pilkey spent a coup- ated, opposite the Imperial Oil Lake,
le of days last week with friends in Station. �•(
Toronto. -J. B. and Mrs. Horn. and farriil -suite a number from Pickering• , `�"
Y, attended- the funeral of the late Mr,
The Misses Roike, spent a few of 'Dutton, Mrs. J.' E. Glover, -of W, T: Dunbar, of Mribarton, or
days of last weep at Lake Placid Springfield I41ass.1 and C. H. Ham, Sunday.
and vicinity. of Englehart,•'spent a• few. '•days in - Y. P. S. of the United Q �Fe - .
-Miss Hose, of 'Torortto, spent Pickering at their old home.. iq Church will hold their Fall Sacia:
Sunday with her uncle and aunt, D_ -- ,After `$ number of weeks of dry Meeting at Squires' Beach on Fri-
es « � Store »
- relief came on Tuday day 13th. ' 1 r �,1►ore
end Mrs. Munro. weather Pickeriuo'$ Leade
Misses Hattie and Nellie Law, night when a nice shower fell, which '. -Many of the local . , readers of -. r
spent the week -end holiday, with reel -1 helped vegetation and also replenish- the Gordon Sinclair articles frorr. r•.,
atives in- Toronto. ed a number of cisterns which had • India. -viewed the Chevrolet car in 'A LUCKY PURCHASE
Misses Bert and Ida Bunting- gone dry. which he travelled '`tie 9000 mtl.es v '
- baye- returned after spending sever - -The death of a 15 -year old girl Of a Special �`(`ilear Out" line Of men's work boo we
now on display e the Exhibition.'
al weeks vacatidn in Muskoka. }
in Taranto ..one' da}� recentIy by el-
-New Ontario potatoes are yuot are able to offer to the public, what wp :think is the
= -Thos. Dwyer had _the gas of ectrocution, while engaged ironing ed to the retail trade in Toronto at Q his car, also the spare fire stolen one' clothes is a warning to users of e1 60 to 65 cents per bag. The .late pot VERY BEST VALUE
'ght last week. Getting to be quite ectric appliances to" see t?iat the w•fr- aloes in.- these parts are a "pour croft-„
a habit on Church Street, - es are in a safe condition. This on account of the long- period o3 has ever been offered In the town,.. 7 -
-The Woman's Association of the young girl had dampened the clothe_ - n,.. ,hey are just
. dry sad _hot weather. - - •• - � _
United Church ..will meet at the prepa,lat%)ry, to ''ironing" and her - _- __Oscar and Mr!%_Cunne'r.and. song what the workman needs for fall wear.
Home of the Misses Bunting at 3 p. hands being still 'wet 'increased the -of Detroit, who have been spending SOLID LEATHER THROUGHOUT
M. on Wednesday, Sept. 11th. As danger. Investigation showed that :
a• week •�itki the .comer s #other,
=there was -nQ- Apgust meeting all the, the Jnsulati ".' over 'tl-e wires had Isaac Conner, ,f Br,'oklin and other
members are segues ?ed 5o be vu *. !warn ofg,. leaving it►e °,wires bare. Chocsolate - Brown - - Mennonite Beat of 8018 19stt}ler
r relatives -iii Piuke'rin'g, returned to r
- -St. George's Church,.... Sunday,' Electric irons are used ;o extensively .' sir hvlt:e on Saturtia
Y -_ __ stitched and peggefl' Rubber (1 -nail) bee) a, and
Sept. 8th - 12th Sunday aters Trio. -' nbv that the warning 'should be. '
ity. Sunday School Holy 10 a. m. Gel- heeded. Rddio Broadcast - The Price is Only $2.50' per pair.
.ebratiom of the Hol Communion. at .. - There ,are. indications � that' bet- Tune it on. CFRB K.::U .o y.30 p.m.
- I1. Evening Prayer. -and Sermon at ter ti:, es are returning. The attend- d•s.1 %. S p, ember 11,- 19;:5. 'The First
A Annual Banquet of the Junior Liberal Be sire to se@ this line before Making ll purchases.
7.30 o'clock. Preacher at bath scours- arse_ at the Canadisn �ati•i.nal 1r� Club You will be irte-rested. �' p
es, 'Rev. E. G. Robinson. � biitlbon is avnsiderably be•tier than
--The se.bool._ building _here has last year. _anti .the automobile n :an --
- been having centiderable paintir•r ufacturers are elated over the . fac *. L
- and re- decorating given the. interior.l that sales. this year are much ..grear_- a
The teaching staff remains the same er than they have been •fvr'some I HiRS'S APl ADDRESS
Rh the exception' of 'the Jutii�r i years. The - Can. ?vatiti,nal' - Raaxay.; YOU $MOULD KNOW — - -- - -- - Room of of the Public. School, Which" re�urt thai their last wok -end, xas IT TELLS YOU WHERE -
=will be_ in charge of Miss W.ke, of ,their -best. s;ace 19:14, s.- Venteerl _spec- `,'`` ''y a �0�s` ro Go ...-TWO STANDOUT VALUES
Stroud. rely } rsg aec?ssary to.. handle the ften;f s f �y :
--Sir Malcolm.Carrlpt,e_II; the $sit increaser rafiic. T?+e C. P.: It, al:., ?w �� ° _
W motor.speed king,' set a new re- red .)rt,s 'he traffic c,�nsiderabiy _ gr- Tin To Tailored Suits or Coats for -
cord on `Tuesday at- the Ytah Salt eatPr than last Year. There are ai.4o C p
.- -flats when he drove -.his car as over �t!ter e.ideaces of retura'ng plaiaer- •- men or women--Same cloth-'Same
804 milx fir 27G,r�n shatte r g cis. sty• " ..... i �+ �+�!
n his �� , - r ce -•$ZS. i 5. .record of
per t -The . Pickering Branch of to
Women',; lh ti :ute met on Tuesday �
scads at Da}tona Beach last spring. o Y CHAS. LAW. Pickering _ _ -
'v last at ttiie home of Miss Duroth
IP Rt � r
This is the .ate iced e e at -. ) . ,
taiaed on sand, txaless that .roads -try Bayne, when :trier fr':Ly n.fmber.; Gordon s Business Girl Hose. -_. --4,-
some of our speeding Motorists when, and friends wore present. The ch:z
ssin - throu,�r oui vil }age, es ec- feature of the niclet' ;.ng X-hich wig Splash-proof, Sna - resistin Chif•
g Gyproc and Li -ne ' Snag -resisting,
icily at nights: the-annual picnic -.tf tae In�'t :iLUtr.,
i -The sudden and great change.ine w•as a n,,.�t in *rest..14 talk .)n Just irlivi-d -fr, 1"Jitt- - hiptilent t•' fen Hosiery ,
the meather has caused-'many a +r' _ Mrg. I::;h.'itan -(ace Azr _
- - - -
Y • -- } F •
to forsake the breezes �f Lake from- a two- •Pars. residence. in that a, iu. 'r •�'f ill•: tI in +c
.& gets and campers "n the lake -ahtare
Myra Ci�'nlCl whit rece..tl returr,ai •f.' in. x
• - : y. She yi 4S in, Y , Fred T. BnntiU ;� : - Pickerind
' -
Ontario for 'their warm and co- ,<ountrx. gore a m,,..t delip�htful �; • t ►rc ire, - '.: _. ,
y able bed, is their homes,•where- them talk +)1 -he c.trnate. the people .am} _: ::Il; in: ill. rf � --
is .plenty of sift.. R-ar -1 - 111ansets, 'che pir.rlurt of that e�)untry ac wr'.t • _ "
The sudden chanl;e fr'.nn extreme f ►- th¢ 'ahiraah life-. She exhibited- 1 'lh in. x 4uri 1)u11NCUiia Guard Radio Liren.ee Eetahliehed 185;.
heat to unusual coal weather ,*tLr number -•cf photogra0hs illugtratirig
�tlil '
this finis of year is keenly fett, L, -- her talk. DLrs. • Lishnran expects ?? , DICKERING y y
stead of-.electric fans, cc,al o} Kot•-a return to \i-eria., al -,ut Chris:^,a •,• •.• 1 1 -
become more arse ar. A =prl.gram of games, on the fait's LUMBER YARD 0 1 V1 A 1
- Motorists are warned ab'at Joao under the direction of . A1rs. J<rnr-
ftng their - cars at the• top -of a grade an +! lira '!I.1chell,- - �a-dd,-i - without t.+,
y sex. Within the nk,;: few the plea�ar.� ,i t}ie-- lteetin>z. Super
avithouf �ee,n ' that the _ brdk _s ar,.
�. firm! ' was- ser•:ed un the xpacinLia ::crandit_. �• ;Round Steak, _ �Ue _ ....
Reeks two eases occurred at t' :e•ca�t - - -We .tech in the. Ex. -on Frittay � •' , '. ,
- lend' of the village :then L'�e car=_ la,t (Press Day). -We go urr Pr*-- THE CAUSE O r
starved dwAm the grade minus thc' Day always ' because' being "t} ,Mirieed Meat♦ Zc.
-driver. In one .case the car rail - lint.,_ guests of- t::@ re;�frt •- *! �r '*ice_ _
R house causing much damage too -t: :c we see all we want for • iu:.hing•. All _ 2c.,
walls, and in the other it smock a 'he Scowcft, newspaper rnpm ••+•e+•'-- Permanent relief from Stewing _Be.ef-
residence but little (Tamag'e'wa; done' t11ele Y(,Ll ^ -a' al' S;:: LFil Llte711, Rheumatism can only Cooked Ham,' . . •55e. _ be effected b remov-
As it had not got up much speed, an.' 1•,.)k a: if then -- .)caned th.- Fair ing-the cause of the
! ,ne day.:, «'hi:e. in ions _ -
a few•'weeks ago- in Ton,nto a child Y ' >� 'n a_• E' il':'. ' _ fro °t e- RtrnllwcwPS Dutch Loaf . , • 2r� c
wa,S killed iohi' he ing; we' discu�ered shat all the 1:.• �
effectively cleanses the - f�tV\r•
e f t same c %!, . b d of uric acrd and
too 35c.
—on Sunday morning next foe.'. goals ?ui etr�ses, that are donated tr other impurities which' KVariety Loaf
Bugh CTbzier -will preach ' r)n -the., humanity are" not all dei:tasecl. A- poison -ing im stem,. f -
Bubjeci "The Law of Reaction as it very m' ch 2>'oubled yl,un> waural; Dox of 30 C.pstcs whslegi% immediate
} f $1.00 relief from pain. Start Jellied deal • • ""� 3Uc.
applies to getting 'on with • other:. in one c f the exhibits had pickers '1i • your treatment today. f _
This will be 'a 'subject dealing with in her -,corner a lady'; 'hand bag r ;Head Cheese - 15e.
-- some
lf' they euerp fray pri,bleras of which' was found some jewelry, it 11MACAPS p f
life. In this evening the subject will and car license and permit. The own,
' Bologna, • • 5c•
f be "Tile Mercy. - of the Lord. ". Thus er had,calle'd`ofily , a`fe,�• .lrinutez RHEUMATIC CAPSULES - =
subject will - be illu J ~a•„ed by refer- bef,.re we .arrived searching for the
prices to ,John, biaeiielc}'s great handbag, and was so overcorrie a: F.. C.' Jones Druggist
poem, "Everlastinfi Merry."
Now finding the 'lost -that she gave th Pickering. Ontario W .: � : R E I
that the evening service has started lady- demomtrator a fire -cent piece
1�7 again •in •the :United Church nhembers and ,t (I ,het ,to buy herself an ico. 4Veu' driyerNrtesnieura.
and adherents and any others who cream cone. -No foulin'. --. - �U�cjler (.plione 3000) i'ie�rer2t3g
would Like to" _ worship' wit'n us are, ° -A great. question tivth that] y- fGS FOR'13AF • -1� rigs' (t,wrYk•
cordially invited to 'come. Senior and people is whether they will visit the Fold. Apr1y to Mrs. Tang r, lot 1 :,, con. q • '
Junior Bible Classes •a-i'll meet at Cvadairr National hxhibition .the. kickerine..' - - --
•10.30 a. m. D. S. T. got ;atest arinual� show In the wur•ld
l,...... 1A\"1'i• :f) -Tun teen re cut w,intl - • - "�
.-The band of trekkers who ppass- or the Dionne'. quiritupiets -tht• i'y theco'rd`, 'ripply N. E :-hicEwen, Rick- _
�. ed through the village several weeks greatest babies in the works. Ever
ago on th =sir ��a, to.Utt.',tca..tn d + :- Sines? theri ^otter made tnPir first :np-. tr "tiK..aI,I'-- �ii."+urri h :rrrjtinnri. HE
rnand of the Dominion, Governme)it, ' pearanc•P • nn this earw, they have r1 in cord IrngCfis or cut to suit purchase. Ai: - z ,-
' T•:, McLwen, Pickering 2 -
a deceit living,,found'that their mil;; attracted thousands of •visitors every
ion was a complete 1winre and
•af wo -k. -and -hei.r pruvress twwnrdS
```,t•n vile, %nnt� w�•ek .nn fntttl qr °, It:,e tia tr r• _ • Market ter remaining in Ottai ;va'fur-•sr•ver- wurla; ;hr, +,d i.. t3ailp heirs "ref "rtie /1 :. • , ea �••
R xrwrirncr, snu,krr. Tiuz T), Pick r;nc Kcws. 2 •
al weeks half perished with,cr'ld.ari.l in the n, }�apapr :rs., If they get ,f) }{ �AI•I?- •'I'h. , d iek.ering •
hunger, left ' for • theis res=,c-cti�: a ne,,v tooth or •tin, an ounce in I ",;!' `•. +read ' fo' r q
g i�` �� ,Ic:k� in the Audley' school. ahr•n really for .
g l2 R 1 P,cki nn p
F' y , H. westney• sec - treas., ::._ ..
They asked for free tram- weight, the world ,s informed' rif tai. takn•,ltnut.• Apply tv:
portatlon which was refused• by fact. They were is rY oaths told last
f: b6t1i DoinNiori and Prr'Mmeial govern - week,- antf the latest news re +cardiil; Foid," n rta,•rnr,
'merits.. Their leader firm tries toll them is that two• of theist are new
[ newty conditioned and ;n firtit -cl ssthape
�' vh work. apt�(y to Ben Raxlon, Stodfrtirte• :.GOO.D BEEF VEAL, LAMB
therri that it was now, "every man .-able -to walk. A'V1ni]e they have b + =• Pnnne tf,n. - _ . _ .. _ - .1 -'.' ... _ f f .
fo'r: himself, •thus- showing the type come famous, they are no more fain- �TRAYT." �---f)r, to the pi f•ri,is of -'
"ef man he was. While his follower,_; ous' that Dr: Dafoe, `'the '0)untry � the rr ^der ironed, - ju,t north and adjoining - :`�ND. PORK
'had tQ get, back the besf way, the Doctor" 'who lias the credit for Ptckcring�'iu,,RF,a'baypany• Owner have „
}' cams by proving property and paying exocnges e'� -
could he could travel in comfort 'aa�'bringing them - safely -through the n Firgv =-+ ` _ A18o',� •, . f D SERVICE
'Ile was receiving a good Salary. He period of infancy. The names of T t 1-1'_Ahnnt rhP last of Jn1r or 1st -
admitted to Hepburn when he got Dionne. and Dafoe are now- known 1 J or Augugr, near the Pickering post office or _
back to Toronto, boat he was an a throughout the who e' world even in '1 T ytepnrn.nn a. a red waist coat with clastic
g- + and red and white squaYes. "FinderpteTSeleave' -
hator and made a threat to the •Central Africa, and throughout A,_ at theNEw!iofiice. 2
Premier that he would get even with ia. The "Country Doctor" still re= (� H O iCh C. A [R Y t`O Wv -RPgi.
him and his kind. The governments mains a ¢•rest institution and is not ed ed and' grade cows, Government T• E ' SERVANT, Prop., refused them li8aistarrce. because they being replaced' by the specialist who tested. Fresh an'd close springers always on hand. Blood tested if dettired Free delivcry'on '
i reused to 'work when it was offer- accomplishes wonders in his respect - purchasm of 7 or more, Sadslaction Qttaranteed. _
them. lve sphere, Wtn J. Murphy, Lindsay. Ontario. Telephone
• 'rab2. l�tt
•,? ••i• .ry!.4e �'1 :.p - „ •CIS _ - •' � —
.'r..N I u �, .. ...+d _ ."._ ... ' _ :.., _ - 4 ?.-1, _.,.._ _ -• ..... - n W: .'Si"' '�_•_._.,- .. "4'- ,.+.a' R -• - n - .•r ._ ,-�r . -rz <u ... . ... . ... . .. .. . . -0dl^i..L„ _ ..- . ....r`d�.•,. �•. I ,_ ': "5�.1