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1945 School Meetings
Rota". Dinner leers Of
Doric DorInstalled The annual school meetings are,
"Dye=s have -feet --- when we scheduled 'for -Wednesday next—the
bring our dreams down to earth we The Installation of Officers in the last Wednesday of the year. Mo of --- - -
into difficulties". Such was the new Temple of Doric, A. F. and A. them at 10.00 a: tn. Pickering Vill-
o theme of the address by Rev. M. R. M. No. .424,• Pickering, Ont., took age at 8 -p.-m. y
Jenkinson,_in his address to Rotaryplace on Thursday evening, when
- on Tuesday evening. As a.'cofacid-_ Pickering Women's Institute •
-" ence, Neil Shortreed had been add-
ressingthe members (as chairman The Wcrnen's Institute will meet -
of the committee) on the difficult- on Thursday December 28, with - -
les being faced in getting the r;alb Mrs. C. J. Stevenson, Church Street. -into operation. The speaker cook the Assistant Hostesses: Mrs. Lawson.
--. O'dreame of the Club as an illus- and Mrs. Dixon. _
tration. Plans, elaborate - ones had This is`our Christmas Meeting.
made--we would have a rink+— Xwne and make it a merry due. Rail -
thein operations cammenced, and one '
after another, new problems have Cali "A Christmas Thought",
had to be faced and dealt with— at 2.30. Note change of
day. -.Com. y i-
suoeessfully thus far. Mr. Jenkinson
used I
the ifs story 0
r'y ! `the greatest
aging voice in one hundred years" Baroid Harlow Rowels After Four
- Marian Amdersam, .coloured con- Years Serelee Overseas
bmito as his leadingexample. This
story is well worth bearing or read- Harold Barlow, of the Prbw Ed-
_ ,ling. In the face of the usual "race ward Hastings- Regiment is home
prejudice" conditions Marion Ander _ + ;;��; ' on furlough after four and one-half - --
son 'how beca
me we of yea3s.servie+eorer -
colourful. peraorages ih the world time he'wae wow�ded three tunes. - -
lod.7. A simple; unaffected. Philos- Harold is the son o! Mr. and Mrs. " 'r
appy is _We4 coupled with a most William Barlow, Pickering. r
extraordinary.voice, she has the Wounded in the Sicily campaigis,
power to "move" mr1)ions, and has they-moved into Ital where he was x•.
- _ had numerous opportunities of late wounded twice. The only severe r
to exercise her power. It is a most
'Wor. Master E: D. Schwalm Wound was in
his 'knee, which has
interesting, remarkable story. Prow h led. The other two were
:. The speaker ggain waioni2idad t - ,
nseicebers of their obligation as Rot- a, Edgar, who has been. overseas for _
wiara--"Dedicated to Goodwill" and the pant two years with the Forest
has used this life story as an ex- , ry Corps.
ample and illustration o the effnet- - '
iveness of such a life prograrn�--
' raking it-the beet". v itthe'dhu cher
Next weeks meeting h 'bee '
vert raven}•,it beiing the day after
i Christmas,--and--samvwhaiF of a local Pickering United Qiurch
- - -holiday. Special Christmas Services will tie
++ held in the United Church on Sun- ,
Pickering Village Annoul Meeting day next.. Christmas music and
Carole at both services. A Baptismal 1
The Annual Business Meeting. of Sen. and Jun: Wardens, Roes Mur Service• will " be conducted in 'the '-
Peike Village .1�usYeea rsrd tisoot and Percy Neale a7
will be held in the Too w Hall cn 4t. Wor. Bro. Frank M. Chapman, will follow tive regularr even - -
P. D. D. M. as Installing Master,. ing service to which all, are invited.
'Thursday evening Decetn�ber 28th, g
isted by Past - Masters of the Services at 11.00 a.
at 8 p m. assm: and 9.00
Lodge, ceremonaously placed the �n Sunday School at 10 00 a
p• m
North Pick Bed Cross 1945 officers in their respective off-
North _Piskering
Ices. as follows: Wor. Waster; - -George's - — _
-St. Geo Church, Sunday,
=1t is iinpossr3le to' report the D. Seh's'm, I' P. M. Clare Balsdon, December 24. 11 a. m. M'orning
annual meetie:g of any Red Cross S. W., Ross Morison, J. W, Percy Prayer. At, this service "role wilt -
group without riaing 'a number of Neale, Chaplain, D. N. Lockwood, be sung and the address will be
Iigurea, 'for them is always the Treasurer, Miles Chapman, Secret-
*�� • ^-^ saiaed and lona- 1L• L. Chapman,
'Assistant Sec- appropriate to the Christmas Sea-
ted, .sad garme%ts sewn and knit-. retary, Sydney Hopkins, D: of C.; Sunda School at__10.ti0-a._m._
S. D Freak Baker
Christmas Day, Dee-mber 25••-Cale-
U& Cc»a�,quently, North Picikerms Harry Boy", bration of the Holy Caamnunion at
annual meeting.may read much like J. D., G S. Bryant, 1. Guard, Arthur -
any other, but wt ale the_figures Lord, S. Steward, Ross twits,'J, S, 10.30, with a' brief address on the Y.' -
gypped over•the •ton significance of Christmas
gues of tress- �• Rope, Organist, W: C.-Murkar, • • •
urer and work vonviener, they told Tyler, Irsi'* White. Dun6arton
of things•accomplished by earnest Following the instaibdion, vers- Paul's. ChurchDu
w►anrvn. 'Mrs. Harvey, President, mony dhrn , nbartar:
_ n-
nb Suer was served th the ban-
mpresentatives,from Al- Qmet 'm1% at whish thenSYS Deockrrber24. 2.newly-install= Sunday,
School. 3 P. M. Celebration n-
- ton$, mt. Zion, Claremont and Brou- ed Master, Wor. Bro. E. D. Schwalm, yof
the' Holy G
s e, rs dress on the meaning of Christmas.
Claremont, on 'December 11, a `AFWorld" Preacher at this service;,Rev. E. G. =—
total of 1535 articles were itemized unny Robiascu.
-by the wflrk cQnveher; outstandfAg --When we have-a perfect Fall, s • • • � -
'in the list .were 63 turtleneiil[s, 160 � 1lurdl an comments are'heard on
pair of socks, 60 helmets', 38 pairs ',the perfe days, Oh Soy.% but just St' ,Fvincis +de Sales. Parish Pickering Village
• of Omen's loves 109 wnmen's gess- +
Our •Appreciation _ gloves,
, lets have a few poor ones, rain, etc. "1n spite 'of the blocked roads and-
, t • es, 93• nightdresses, J33 pinafore Our Government happens to ,make difficult ' drivin George Burns, RCAF,, spent tv:pi
dresses 166 blouws 36 coats 53 g--impossible' for
As we approach the closing of la ane '•bull' and everyone is up in same—ani ' enjoy_able parish social days at his home here last'weelr, en.:
this year. 194.4, a year of very.en- nae quilts'and 20 small ones. aura. Forgotten is the last war, evening was held at the John Gar- route to Ottawa,
The financial statement revealed with its---butter at 54 cents, boots Mrs. Glen Howell had as .a visitor
oonraging progress, a yeai in over $4,000 .received ' in donations 4 p g land hone. Prize-winners ,for the last week, her brother, a member of
which many new -pieastm rels- $7 tea $10 r air, sugar ar at 22.cts., cards were:. Jas. Teefy, A. W, O'- the RCAF, who had
$ from Wo,mens i'nstitute•rn'embers'
coal not procurable—raj point is d b en a.prisoner
;inns have been established, the "P4.isaners of.-War' Funds Pickering Connor, Jim Featherstone �r the
phb P g, this - that we take all the of war in German
fishers of the News -Wish to To-miship Counc' and various pro-
11, good men, and Mrs, J Featherstone, Dor- y� and has.been re
uthy Featherstone and Margaret :Kis, williacn McKeoNt,r is employ_'--
express their thanks a:rd apprec- jests After the last donation of things for granted. paMrs. W
iation of the encouragement wad the year,• $500 ,had..been. sent Getting down to brass tacks- a Maddaford, for the women. Margar- ed in-the--taxi. offices at the Gordon r
,gyp •little over three -years ago,
co-operation gi.Verf .'during the Headquarters a balance of 6¢0 !'La g . ganga et Maddaford .also" won the draw-
co-operation ---r
+� ofk"hailers" were hitting the rniall ing on a special prize. The Turks HO�e during the Christmas rush.
y�r. rnained. The work conviener•s of e0 places, Pickering included,'raMeries Draw which was held'on the.-sante Feed Annan, local avail courier•--
To our corr�spond�nts' upon, _unit pres�:r't told of their share in, ,every.,night, car thefts etc. So-what? occasion''re§ulted a' follows: Bill from .'the C. N. R. station to our,
whom we &,6p—1" for our news the year's work,-ard it Ras truly_ This condition has been. •sc unshed Featherstone, Mrs, A. Heenan . 'and post office; brought"lip -'eighty-two
each week,_we say—.".thank you". conrftendible: bags of mail on TuesddY o! this
To our advertisers, who crake. ., and robberies etc, are conspicuous Fred McCann as prize-winners in week. f
At tfle`conclosion of the r`eporfs• by their absence. Our co Jack that order._
use of our pages in--the conduct Mrs: Harvie thasiked the :members p'
Irvine. has made r ,•'- Keith. Dixon, Toronto, was with
of their••own businesses we also for their efforts for RedCross. The gs too tough The C. F. O: held their regular his family here this'we¢k; attending
f for.them,th rn Let us not take th;s for . meeting•at the Maddaford home on
express our -'gratitpde for,S our. i I Rev. M.ri. Keiintid ' coanduoted tits a the- funeral of his uncle Yr.'- Silas
s ranted too, inf•. •in the absence' of Dixon,
support and interest in our paper, electioln of officers which resulted g because this cord t'on j Suncl,�v even'
Last and not; .least by_ any is t1'^ nutcr'.rne of lc.-,ig hours in all the principal,, the religious discuss- :tylrs• IT. A. i4fatchett and dauglttet`
means—our readers—to you, our in there-eleztiory of m�cst of fl+crn:' kinds of weather and. hp` a man *v�}.o ' ion topics *tern omitted--only one
President, Mrs. B. Harvey, lst Vice- � ,� of Toronto, visited, friends in town
than3Qs, and to. All : — A Very plays no favourites. So, hats off to skit **.a •twolented, e--1titicd Mak- for a few hours on Sund
'President,- Mr. - Milne,• 2nd Vise- . Constable Jack lrs:e,'.and srAv bel ing H^y, Hey" with' John Power and
Merry Christmas 'and a Happier Presidcit, Mrs. Robertson; Record- have a Merry Christmas and a len Heenan as chapacters, Foil-- PO, Pierson Raker, writing from
New year. ing •Secretary, Mrs. McIntyre,- Corr. Pros' rou India, in speaking of the "cool sea-
W: C. and Barry Murkar Secreta Mrs. Gra a New Year, ing lunch, a novel memory con- son" there, states that "it is hotter
-Secretary, gg, Treasumr, Reader test waa enJoyed and won by John than some of the hottest days inMrs. Farr, Work Convener, Mrs. 'P. S: Without being' inquisitive, I Power.
StopPress --' - Birnett, Purchasing Comveners, Mrs, often wonder when he sleeps, hay- I Christmas Midnyght Mass will be 'nada. He hada just been reading ' x-
Bir'kett Mrs. Roy-Ward, Mrs. Croz- in been stopped in due of India's newspapers, tha
21--tWdrd has just been rev- g pped on the highway at celebrated in the carnmundtq hall at t
ler. Auditors Mrs. Gregg were in •�
of the un Bgg 4.30 a; going to hold the coot
serious fro _ding of Loyst
Publicity, Mrs. obertso py itler►s y Ajax wheeathSol;
,. 3T... .. ?l.•.. ,m and" I. . . .: •- '.;r:
asked to ax Christmas Day sus wr'II be er
• s 1 and bricklayers for whom they d ; t
K110W British Balloon Girls will car . come from the farthest °men �► Christmas Carol
AbOt�th1'iRs? :Given Ground ..,Jobs comers of Britain to patch. Loa- Serving with Allied forces oa
don's damaged houses. the. Burma front are the highlytma
Everywhere - everywhere, Chris-
Three Hundred British "balloon Some of them are working RL Wtrained personnel of the Indian stma tonight! .i
Has A" � FIRS About gids" have a new ground job. They hour weel. They live in hostels.- Qbseryer Corps -who act' as spot. Christmas ,in !sada of the Fir tree
are to look after bomb-damage re- hastily prepared for there by the tors of approachin, enemy air- Christmas pine,
Cbtiftt>oas W>sicb lyy B. Y Christmas in lands of the Palm .
Nevlts To Yon t irmen-instead-of barrage balloons. Women's Volunta y Services. -craft. tree and vine,
When the Ministry of Labor ap- Christmas where snow
.Frond'hauling `•bi nips" they go 4 Pew =,
to cook pies, cut sandwiches, and pealed for air*omen volunteer cooks, waitresses, maids, and stand solemn and white,
The three Wise Men, or Magi, snake beds for 'the-men, who, from for work in these hostels they had cleaners. They are ,released from Christmas where. corn fields lie =
- led by "tee Star of BethU&cm• to dawn to 'dusk; ars engaged in a afore offers than they could cope the air force'for three 'months to sunny and bright. t
the stable where Jesus was bora, - raced with the.winter.rains. with. Succestful candidates get become temporary civilians with 'Everywhere, everyivitere, Christmas
---_-were-three kings named-Wel-chior,-- -------- - _ - .--
Oaspar, and Balthazar: The gifts Plumbers, glaziers, carpenters, rest en cal jobs as-housekeepers - wages-from E9-to E2 a weetonight. --=I'hitlip?�E�uatu
"they brought were gold, frank=
_of the birth of Jesus was Augustus HEN A]YD WOMEN IN TOWNS TO spring ordering of chicks, so our thousand capacity, ready 'to go.
handle the sale of 200 'guaranteed' advice is to order now. If yon Steam tractor, power-edger, cut- JOIN CANADA'S I.F.A I�I Nc: Ki•H4 WL
Caesar, -also called Octavius Caes- roducts on a part time basis.
have tris right equipment- ofd,-rte:-Will conedder legs[-sash, Great 8ppartu
proposition, Par- _ rensinz'
- ticulars, Rmas Pamphlet, - et the -early -order---discount^ merman M-anaAer:at- Pinewood- Pleasant dlgtrttted-prof F;sIon-. Ro
his vassal King Herod. The Goa+ Alogue .FREE. on request. AM- let In -touch. with us forprices_ - __ _-OatarU4.-or.: write____4enninl;tnn waRea. thouaandw succeea ' Marvel
�`pels,of Mark anal'John contain no ILEX: 1fi0o_Delorlmter, edohtreal: -
Some pullets. Bray Hatchery, li0 Lumber Co. (Canada) Ltd., 'Barn- graduates. America's RroateFt sys-
- Christmas Story, but Luke con- -John N.• Hamilton, Ont. amwood, Wisconsin. tem. Illustrated cataloiebe free.
tains all the-stories except that,Of
AN -ULD 1:;STABUSHED CHICK _ Write or call
hatchery- wants agents- is car- DY[+tltiG-d-1'1.F Ri1F1NA -
-the Wise Men,. which Matthew tain localities 1n Canada to take 100 ACRES, .CLAY ROAM, LEVEL, MARVEL HAIRR$EMSINO' .
orders for chicks in your spare HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS' lb acres bush, good drainage, two SrH(X)LS
Clone relates. time. The commission- is goad dyeing or cleaning? Write to us. storey brick house, 2 barns, Rood .368 BLOOR W„ TUHONTO
_ and the chicks are well and fav- water and roads, ,8 miles from
Father Christmas has many alias- for information. We are •glad to Srariches: 44 fCintt SL Hamilton.
curably known. Write for full your ueetioas. De art- West lZrae. Good 'market for A 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa
es. n Holland an t - meat H, Famere ye WorKS
for Santa Claus. Bonhotqme Noel W., Toronto. Limited, 191 Tongs Street. To. for caah• PATENTS
ill his French name. Krill Kriagly BABY CHICIiB ronto. Box 190, 78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto
it whom 'ch ria n children speak, HOTEL AMD 13 LARGE COTTAGES FETHERSTONHAUGH A CnMPANT
FOR SALE on 6 acre point on Lake St.'Louis. Patent Solicitors. Estahlished
is not Santa Claus, but the Christ 100 CHICKS FREE 15 miles west of Montreal.. Un- ]890; L! King Wert Toronto-
Child who is supposed to give this p1TS EVERY ORDER OF 10l! PUL MC+TRIC MU'fURB NEW. UgffiD usual bargaln, exceptional ,terms gUeBet' of Tntormattoa on re-
,presents. While othtr 'children let chicks, we give 100 free chicks bought. sold rehullt; b a 1 t a, sc i ale. Send for Illustrated tratedLoan
de- _
(our choice) Leghorn pallets ppulleya, brushes. Allen Alecla ecrlptiva circular. Montreal amen PERgONAL
hang up, their stockings, Dutch . - 122.85 per 100, barred-Rock Val Company -Ltd...-ii28 Dufferin at, and Mortgage Co., 276 St. James
children set out their wooden let■ i19.8b per 100. White Rock Toronto. St., Montreal. "ELIJAH VO M I N G REFORE
Pullets 824.86 per IOC. Brown log- Christ,*. wonderful book free
Shoes. horn Pullets 824.95 per 100. Alltro- 'chicks sold backed by high cgs CANADIAN - GROWN SAGE onset and genuine broadbreasted N.Y.BREEDER TURKEYS. NARRA- Megiddo Mission, .Rochester ' 11.
TheaChristmas tree was in _
pedigreed stock. 11.00 books your ' for sale, 81.16 ger pound Postsgo bronze from government testeA
dosed.into this country by Quem order, balancer C.O.D. Guaranteed yrepaid. . McGuigan'■ Orchard, stock. Males up to 25 and 80 ,p(yp„rRApytT -
Victoria's husband, Prince Albert; 10096" live delivery. Kent Hatch- - Cedar.Springs,.Ont lbs. December delivery. Glendon
but the Yule log belongs to the cry, Chatham, Ontario. McDonetl, Greenfield. Ont. T[ME TESTED QUALITY
ready to lay uullets for immed- !ng and filly rising V to 4 •years.
_ -carried_ in from. the wgods with - late deliver Barred Rocks, New FOR BALE, 2%-INCH -CAPA(°'ITY, -
Y• g, Apply John k Wal:ace. R.R. i, Your films property developed and
now operatla ib0 Ruhnyatodo, $� Paul's, Ont. rioted
great ceremony in Saxon tints. Hamp!shlres, White Leghorns. Hy- D
brlds. Also -booking orders for Toronto. - _ i OR B EXPOSURE RULL.a 2Sc
-and usually lighted with a' brand day' old chicks. Tweddle Chick
Saved from the Yule log of the Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, OnL springer spaniels, a 1 1 . axon, �AR'tf MACHINERT FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE
rerious Christmas. romptly ,hipped; 60 young reg- FANNING, MILL (KEINE) SEED You May not get kil the films 3'00
P _ yy Grader, Farmers hitrhly recom-
Blff ' GOVERNMENT lstered Southdown ewer, ood want this year, but you can get all
Christianity borrowed tEle use- of service rams. Peter Porter, bur- mend, sale rcreenlns• Kline Manu- the quality and service you desire
APPROVED CHICKS ford, Phone 280. facturfng, Box 124 Weston, Ont. by 'sending your .films to
_ Roman world, and mistletoe from banded and- blood-tested Avoid AIRDALES, BOSTONS. COL.LIEB, Station J. Toronto
.� the .pfd _Druids, who regarded it disappointment by ordering your Wire., Fox,.Cookers, Dalmatiolas. FARMS FOR SALE
sacred plant. _ _ chicks early. Write for 1946 many other• 4328 SL Dominique.
prices: and catalogue containing Montreal, P.Q. 812.Q0Q-100--ACRE FARM', LAKE
the. prpper brooding and method, frontage situated on No. i High-
Christmas has not always' bee,: way near Palmyra, Ont. Til*6 A MERRY CHRISTMAS
Us In raisins' better poultry. BOSTON TERRIER-REGISTERED
celebrated oil December 25th. Be- ?dale, six months old. Apply Wil- about every 4•rods to take Good AND YEAST W1gHEf1 FOR T TO
Ore the MONXTON !lam bungs and very good ■o!L NEW YEAR ARF. EXTENDED TO
waj%PP&J1 OT THE
s` a 'mov'able feast, sometimes FARC COCKER 5PANIELt3, CHOICE' PUP- EMPLOYEES OF THE _
held in spring. It was probably If2oakton. Unr. lea. blacks, reds, pard colored;
-champion blood llnes. Shlppi�Tad on Canada's largest photo finishing
fixed at the date we keep to take 81.00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER approval. Dr. Watson. Howiek, Exeter, sandy waste
al. under
`the place of the pagan festival ORDER YOUR 1946 C11luhLb NUW,• 'Que• cuitivstfon, no waste land. ,bend- studio does the finest work obtain-
and not be disappointed. Ali Arica water, TO acres Fall, able - and at the lowest cost Get _
--which marked-the winter solstice Brick house, bydro,, telephone. best results from your camera by
chicks are from Sunt anted test- BOSTON T 1:r R R I E R PUPPIES, banked barn 70 by 40, i concrete sending your films here for de-
or period when days begin to ed stock, and'-from 86 us, ellgs pedigreed 9 weeks. Miss M. La- silos. poultry house IIA- by 40, veloping and printing. Quality
engthea, or better.. Barred hocks mixed. Londe,-13334 Torrance,. Montreal. three floors.- ,capacity 4,000 lay- work and.prompt service is assured .
_ *12.Uu per .IOU, White Leifburns ! o or
ng hens, tool shed. 1 err
mpi:ed i11.uu per lOu. Barred GERMAN SHEPHERD MALE PUP- chard. k�riee"3taObo:' you. _
Rock vullecs *15 uu per Iuu, piss from 3-5 E. Reid Boz 1011, itham,
_- _ whlM Leghorn Pullets *r?.u,U_ per : es 748.PeeM T`ersIftell
� . - - !p 'stock. Homo of•'1844 Bran 'Ontario; '• B
IOU, white !cocks mixed 816.UU ship
`Invlts�ble �rt#lelr Vlctrix. Tammalar Kenasls. - Praising star 8upshets seevfee, a
per IOU, _white !tuck Pulleto Gri>5sby, Ontario.
*84.00 per 'IOU, Uruwn leifnurna ,ostoses at Windsor, Ontario
calmed 418.0 - per IOU, bruwn Is TOY YUaL It.1SIANS REGISTERED- ]EIAiRDRESSIItti writes: 'Z suppose It la hard to Rive _
The- .Stockholm _ Aftontidningen _ born putleu 8Y4m, poi LOU.. W.a your usual quick service with help -
uarantee tttv,/o save uelivery, real-boauiles. 1)ucal Kennels 3978 LEARN-, H'AIF.DRE`Iamo TRW so hard to got, but as long as You
said in an article reported recently wance pard C.U.D. Slagle Clty Idelghen std.. Sub 15. Sanbwieh Robertson" method. Information turn out the fine pictures you send
t0 the Office of War Information ldatchery, Chatham; Ontario. East on request regarding classes. me. I for one, will think 'they're
Robertsnn'a He rdross nt Goad- welto l worth waiting for-tf I have
Medal clams, by our AA tieafos
shire, .vlfit l.eshorn and Hybrid Any S1ss Roll-8 or 8 Exposures.
a£ Berlin Nov. 28 desiaring:
;Yul'lets for -immcd-iate delivery -dire- 1•:di;eiey- standard -Noble
"The more "the' enemy shows Also- booking• orders for 1945 Lad, classilied very good, by the DEVELOPED AND PAINTED' ase
chicks. Free catalogue. Tod? Notch ?silver Medal dire, "rampton HAIR GOODS t MOUN'rZD ENLARGEMENTS We
himself,the more invisible becomes C)hick'ehes, Guelph, Ontario. Jester's Standard sad- Reasonably Size 4 s 8" In Beautiful Esaei
the Fuhrer (Hitler)." priced. Vaughan Acres I.Juiltea. Only firm-tn Canada manufactuctag Mounts.
EGGS ASD NEAT ARE ,THE TWU H.H. G, .biaD1c, UaL ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods You-can have enlargements colour-_
cash soarees of 'pou'try income, " exclusively.. Wrlta us for partica ad by-'hand for s small'addltloaal'
get our' calendar and pricelist FIVE H!•WSTERED SHORTHORN lar,. charge.
� � and learn'whY our high dgil sec- bulls. 9 to 12 laoWhIll,_•111=1 and A amN Edargemeats !" a 6". an
W HIT % HAIR 'ti00D8
'.orifi_ _.mounts. in tram 'x9"
438• Ys�te St.. Toronto, Ostarle
_-.7 _ _ more _money for you. Big Kock. Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian'
i 9 L a� '`arm, Mille Roches. Ont. ilex W. YEL1L'RLLIr .tSC:UIT.Y5 *8.<w, NU " Walnut or Black Ebony finish SOc;
. -Health Salts pedigree 45.uu. Mrs. Alex I:$r1ey.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -Ii enlargement coloured 780.
USTIMATE OR C U l; XT THE AtAt-a Parrs: -+ Print your.nsaie and address Via n.
,Positively Does Relievi whin beaus lri a Cruwa imperial FRED, A.. BODDINGTON BUYIl, ]y on'all orders.
��LL-� p` Quart Jar. Send us your estimate PUREBREIi DUCKS,' DRAKES, : sells. exchanges musical Iastra-
•1!'lri uifis and Rheumatism and Ou have a chrinee of winning large beu_udfu! ltc4ucuts, *6,yu.trio, meats. 1k1 Church, Toronto L
.35u.0u. fiend tor.c(implete details of ;2.z5 each; iridian Runners 84.00 STAMPS
I'alatnb.__aaolles Jolab_r aeeA go this contest and aisu oak for early trio, ii•ou each. Jacobson's, -
a■atter how long you wove suffered. •order ,and early booking pricellst• -L'eattA ,ask. WANTED, ULD + CA N A D! A N
If you wont better,chicks - Cur MACHINERY -REPAIRS - Stamps on envelopes also wits
,One mouth's supply 81,00 Postpaid -greater prutito-and sat course Ybu F'Olt' SALE VCR1 BRED TUU- buy collections of Canadian '
'from INDIAN` REMEDIES. Box 118. " do-Tweddle Ghlcics will be your louse Ueesu bred trom,sduW stuck Stam a at good prtrea. Write now _
Vancouver. D.C. choict. NN hy:•liecause tut 19 years eitnee' scx *8.UU. 1: G Vizzard. Jeweller
Tweddle tiutctLeries have Consist- 1L,i:. 9,' 'iuvtstuck, Outurio. Wheatley;' Ontario.
r ent*-Aun-e_eVerything,.possible to GENERAL MACHINE: SHOP WORK
sate;uard your interests. stead 131:UWti rLAltETS, SURE HUNTS.' VL.ECTfIC: AND ACETYLENE 8TAIMPS2 y .
Hme's Sp"dr Relief. For about the success our '1944 cus- era, youab mules tu.uu, young WELDING ACADIAN• STAMP CO.. 8070 88,
Qi Free
e f 1'u, t.,u'can have the sale nuc- Armstrong issue., rt.l:. 1, Marls, HANE O ,YUR WORN SHAFTS dor, Darwin Conlin. to•purchasersZeader Aching, •cess.tower,-and end Lor CataLUUue, contest Ont. .of our 80c. 100 different packet,
-aprieeusi..-tuuay. Aisu AND BUSHINGS MADE l.IKm
I laylln; and ready_ to lay' pullets ICtrG15'i'ultrru. iUltaiS1i11:1:5 H1GH NEW BY' THE NEW METAL ;requesting approvals. Post free.
e Yor luimeui&te uelivery. Tweddtu quo}sty, serviceauie Qualls, either SPRA"B, PROCESS
Buriunq Feet • ,nti�l4.r�ntcheeies_iam ted, l�ergu sex, i inuntab, 'urcu uiid open "ALL WORD GUARANTEED WE BUY STAMP COLLECTIONSes -
Untariu, sows, be�uu weeks Otuel sex. ,1 best limo to sellffgood so-prices
Lari Cluinu, stampJtuuai,c, ynwriu. GUGISUfI,' Contractingpaid, Send In for offer. Also fine
Your feet may be so swolren and ORDER YOUR CH1Ckh NUW. - ii Toronto
on approval. York BLtuaDo.^
Inflamed ,that you.ihink-you can't AN L) aWu iia sat .L.....,.. . u. TWU UAta.rJ_L)"; 1vLL.L LKUtiJ:� Co.,CLtu, onto 1.
go another step. Your shoes mai' yu,ur clicks fur next spi Big wuttt lirriit nurser; i ercneruns, A,e,- Union St., Toronto TRAPPiCRS, SUPPLIES
feel as it they are cutting right _yuu 'V.,a,r tneuc. L;UiLcu lWcn. glans, 4 to i yeurs Ona, waiehull _ JUNCTION 7360
over with the pain and torture; hurnb raised *11,vu ver Iuu„ L;u. Mailou.t. Lux s9,` GUrittz, Suss.. Snare Trap." The • simplest and
-----you'd`give anything to get relief. reu ltucl. 1'uuetb *1;,.u11 Ptr lUu. -fastest trap, anybody .can make.
Two or three.' npplicnoons of what 1Cehuru puLeto a=_ruu ori I CULTRY- GRITS- MEDICAL - It 1n 10 minutes. can set snare _
Moone's Emerald Oil slid In a few ___.Iuu_._Heavy'!treed C i+,s. *u.uu Pei LL-y C:,,,.:u..,.. t i:,..: ...•,� SAVE ''i times size of ordinary seta,
minutes the pain and soreness die- IUB- Legnuru Cklb. ss.vU Per LOU. aiiu pruduce, outer L
Cogs• BAUbIEEKA FOOT,BALM destroys can use any kind of wire. Excel.
appears: All_chiu;s Jlatenea Bum .6 sat. we nave atat,aute tur inimeuiutc orrensive odor Instantly, 46c lent for snow 'sets. Guaranteed
No matter how discouraged you eggs ur oettei uuu irum opeciai -Shipment in ci,rloi'd tots_ ut' rebs, bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman' will catch any auspicious animal
have been, If you have not tried muted t4vcks. Uuuruntted IUU',z wlitte suivabie kL;Sc t C;aictum, Drug Store. Ottawa. _ from bear to weasel. $1.00 for. "`1•
"•"Emerald Oil then you have same- Ilvt deUvery, al.uli Juvito 'jOul Oaruunate and wnit.0 insunu0ie plan and lnstrltetion. Peter Zep-
thing to learn. Get a bottle today uruer, oLtdnce t_,v.U, Lwitiov" (Over Orr/„ 'auicul. Agents wont sig, Waltham, Quebec..
._ at.all druggists. !lamuery. Chatham, Vuta:iu.' ed. W situ for pricus Bud sump-
DO A 11.1:TTER JOB-1iELP HULL) S'h11hSQN REEK SUPPLY often are the cause of 111-health WANTED
our -markets. hold Our inurkets- In humans, all ages. No one im-
that's the thing! how can taut - �:Vy L�1'O. muhe! Why not find out If this MGI E$T•PR1CF.J PAID FUR RAW
be dour:' Getter quality is u vtvC.,- is your trouble: interesting par Furs, Rabbit Skins, Ginseng ,and
�eadae - moat" el thele poultry help you oculars-Free! Write M Tor-onto
ya. Golden Seal: Satisfaction on Fra-
Toy .�utclt chicken, c•:u1 hal you lluatreur, V.ue. _
P Remedies, Specialist,; Toronto i. eight . 47' to Haller and L ra- ti
a better lob, tit are all 44 ACULS L'1.ACK SA\U, G(JUL) .. _ lleighi 1lT Harrison Street To-
Y, r u m Guvurnmrs Approved have roato.
Nothing ismove depres• bluodtestgd bleeders that have land. .C;uud buYlding, *8.5vU. HaIC
sing than headaches...' i' been duipg a good „Yob. Yor our cash. -,Adie KrieIUIU2M. 1t:R. $,
+Wh suffer?-„Lamb! s customers dor years. stead' What 1'iiuury Aurth. liver trouble, depressed head
9 ) our'custamers hove io say about ache, quickly relieved with Fig- WANTED PUPPIES, ALSO GROWN
---wiN ive instant relief I S.Yty lti:it cc Si:1aSLY', YJ h.p. steam dogs. Kennels, 1634 Queen' East,
.- give 'y { Top \utch !hicks. You can save engine, good running -uundition- Lax •tablets. Keep regular wife Toronto.
Lambly'sisgoodforear• I• money by placing your order ' Fig-Lax, 25e_ at Druggists, _early. Send,_for early booking 386, Smith, Faun,' Unt.lbea. StomaCh, bowels• pricell9t and catalogue; Also lug- SNO L'L.001,1 , V ty+'e.with side TIMBER LOTS, . CEDAR FOR.
Ing 'sand ready tO lay pullets fur ruing, mounted on V)'hite Truck. NATURE'S HELP-DIXON'S REM-• Do`sts, Pfn"s and Spruce for to C.
-i'a3fuediate delivery. sup Notch edy for Rheumatic Pains, Neur- er. Send complete.details to C.
• .Htchier T ruck & Autu Parts, Si4 Al. White, R.R. 2, St. Thoma,,
6 P Chickeries, -Guelph, Ontario. \Veilingturr 5t, Montreal, flue.. _ Itis. Thousands praising 1t. Mun-
rda 'Drug Sfbre. 38b Etgiri,"Ot Ontario.
NEAOACNE lDWDERS_ i4' ' ` is FREE VHIUKS pAS,rUHL•' lltlaTUltRii-Al.FALVA ;tawa. Postpaid' 81.00. _ NURSES WANTED -
registered and pedigreed oirds. UUN'1`. %V�t1T. ORDER NUW. R10GI ERE E, = 0
Nothing better-In Canada, Order wuuntlLy limited; secure you? 're- 3T D NURSE, i PF;d.
- now. - Yrlcea. for - mixed - buby •quirements while it lasts, of BREENVely d HEALTH SALTS month, room and board Included•
chicks, males and females: liar• hardy, aduptable home grown positively does relieve-Arthritis, 480 -graduatebo nurse) per. month, i
ONKLIAMS red Rocks, $18.00 i.cr hundred; beecT or high purity and germ. And Rheumatism. Painful, cool- room and board included. Apply
1Vhite Leg horns; i11.Otf; Vyhite ination; 'Positively she 'beat Beed' len joints reduced no matter how 'Waterford Private Hospital,
?Locks;_ 615,VU; Brown Le horns, we have ever ,offered. Fancy No. long you have suffered. IndlavMonths'- Waterford. Ont.
CAMPHORATED is supply i, B p118o V louver,
f13.00. Pullet prices: Bart ed 1 Government graded seed- 37c -Remedies;. Box 118, Vancouver, GENERAL DUTY GRADUATE
Hocks, 819.00: White Acghorns,' per pound delivered i samples on , B.C. Reg. Nurses, 10 hour dap, 6 day
MI�STIUtD CREAM j12.oa; White Rocks, ;24.o0;;i :request. Also hybrid need corn, week: alternating service-da '.
P rebtva iniffam N Brown L.ekhorns, i-'�•UU. 26 fees- pasture mixtures, registered oats, or night; 890.00 monthly witK
QrrkHS Chicks our choice, wil'1'be giv 'benne an8 peel+ We aupplled the ,maintenance. Cornwall General
!!fiat Sid oilbaf ahma cathed by aronm for-each 200 mixed chicks orde Ontai•lo Department or Agricul- GOOD 'REfiOLUT10NS - EVERY $ospital, Cornwall, Ont
i9nrstlra ottisdltbnt Aeheuaad 0,0108ra and '-u free' chicks for each tura during 1944 with special sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or
dlM�eaT fists ore appks tUU dtty nld pullrts ordered. rags and clover seeds. Apply to: Neut-Itls should try flixon's Rem-
1R11Hi8M �r8> IMiP a>an l:r•ddnrd Chick Lintchery, Uri. W. E. neid, llox IU3: UkathAm. vcly. Moore's• hrurr Store. 335 E1- 6
t••••nln" lielchts, Ontario. Vntarlo. 1 [!n, ottat9n. Postpntd, 81.00. ISSUE 52 1845
. - a
v i
sees — _ -., •.,'.,.. _ _
:s,;�• w `:i,' s. '� �? MSV .,F• - -e
Few` Drops N
R 4
" UP Each Nostril Qukkly Rekve .
A, _
mess oCat&rhf �
Y cF
Spe . Medication Works Fast -N,
Right Where Trouble hl ;
Soothingrelief from stuffy, painful distress of acute catarrh rcr
CO i'
isles fist r
as Va-tro-nol s earls throw the nose reduces
P 8h ;
s ♦y„ yam.:
ges.-A�la�Ces breathingeasier-= - -
try itl Follow directions in package. WAR KO� •
r1�./►�.iD�.,i"/.Li'l//I'.I".�+'.Irt�'.wf'i/'. .
y w�..d a QU
Th B i
a oohshelf a e
//�/i�''I/ILI'I►///Illi►'/Ii►li 6y And Independence
b �, 1•
♦ A i' L♦/%S'
A. CHAPTER I aftirrow. The bank closes at three; ¢
i "So you're come back, Mark we couldn't get through in time. ¢�.;: By M. (I. Kaias ,
Arrant?" The old lawyer swung I'm busy; good day!„
around In his swivel-chair and Mark stood a moment longer, This book. tells how .to select,
3ooked the young man up ,and looking down at him. He taw the , tfaanet.'stock and develop a small
Lown with sa eye as cold as a ti:- little Man's hand shake as he f:rm. It points out mistakes to
grasped his p -Wedical air men cluster about an eight-month-old Filipino child
and s gr p pen and pretended to avoid -as well as methods that
who suffered face wounds from the bayonet of a Jap, retreating .
'Mark laughed Liberty was send- wt ice. Mark knew he was afraid -before American forces in the Philippines. The battle ed assure success; it emphasizes the
_ pt?m B�
1► ex-convict; threw back .
hzg golden bubbles through his of the e n t, he e c Yahys vie with each other to feed the child from-an ovsrsised bottle. importance' of good water, rani-
his head and laughed again,. his tation drainage and irrigation;
•eine• it was easy to laugh. g g 8 tells
"I behaved well, Mr. Fosdick," laugh startling Fosdick as inuch how to enhance -crop yield while
black said, his tone defying crib- a a blow it.was so hearty, so wager -- my speaking to you, I that he can-pick up the first-mea
.. mesa. If you ve ever made a wa- he meets outside the club, give 3 uproving soil conditions; explains
tism, challenging; they let me out carefree, a boy's laugh, how to treat neglected_ orchards
a few months ahead of time." "You seem to find it amusing, ger, you know how a fellow feels. him the clothes and get him in — heady on the place, how to start
"Humph!" Fosdick grunted. sir," he said tartly. I hope you don't mind our butting. . if Ill take him past thr.door and
-- ' la this way. You see. its all put simply say: `This is Mr. — ob,
d care for new ones. It discusses
"I've no use for newfangled no- "I del" Mark turned, picked ',op berry patches; vineyards, fruit and
of a belly bet I've made with my any old �aameF Now, do you. seer"
• -
no in prisons,' he remarked dry- his hat, a new one, the warden had vegetable crops, dairy-cows, hogs,
1 .. chum here. . + • •
het air, that's all; a mea fitted t,im out, Mad"wtnt to the door. •� k d poultry and bees.
"I see" — Mark still studied the n see!" he said .
should serve his time.'' "Good-day, Mr. Fosdick," he said; 'Mark nodded. "I The book w based op .the per-
1 "You've never been is prison,` still smiling, .and went out. _ pair. •I don't mind. In,fact, 1 ra- and laughed. There was vigor is
venal wide experience of the author
r. Fosdick," a ani en • • e �� aaa covers virtuallyeve
you've tried it you'll be quite fa "Oh. it's a thousand dollars. freedom. every problem
vorable. to it led notion$. Mark threaded his way through I—" - "I met. you .first uutside . the that the small farm"owner is 1iktIy
g oto encounter.
I've had fifteen years' experience. the crowded .streets with the awk- * s • -' club," he said, "that'-_ the whole
xP - ' •_ Five Awa and Independence . .. -
„ ward feeling of a recluse sudden- '
I .knows ly thrust out into the world. "'Shut 'ups Archie broke in and- of it. It's a wager— he made. t M. a. Kai= . . . Ambassador
boyish grimace — I don't want $2.50 .
'- �Fosdick's gra face twisted into He had turned the corner into donly, "You're only babbling, Ted. Boobs Limited . . . Price
sees. .
y one of the more sedate streets Let's get to busnew." He turned a to lose my thousand dollars, Ar-
.'., a grim smite. "I don't thick I'll-try and was as i the entrance of a little haughtily and faced Mark. cmc'
here, is a bit stiff-necked
not in your way. .m s t i$ wa a irebout I.... „
fashionable clubhouse — the name y y p leaned back, thrush his bands Dutch Hear 'BBC
how old were you when you went been getting into trouble with. a
' was on the door over a brass' g g o in
?. into his p ckets and- jingling bb
_ .. _ -:. _ ' -_ knocker — when two young' uieii. .. lady, an elderly and exclusive la- money rather obviously•— "I won- !Q>A Muuature Radio .
suddenly emerged. Their exit was dy, one of the smartest of the derenthbel m• out? It's only
'"Seventeen? Gosh " 'The✓lawytr abrupt that they nearly col- smut net; she won't have a man is you'll- p - y
so or one afternoon, you know, at a Dutch patriot workers have de-
'stared at him for a moment, in- lidtd with Mark, and they both her house who' drinks too much, .
ereduloust "I'd forgotten. A boy ., tea, there'll be dancing no end of vsloped a pocket-sine radio receiv=
- y' g stopped short, staring at him with - or gambles, or he shrugged =
and convicted of killing that oldthe eagrerness Of inen eikitig "you know,the usual things! Teddy fun, but the test- will be the dinner Ing sot made to German specifica-
--fter-wards. She enly dons during tht occupation of the
- -limen, your — lost a uai-ntance' was a prime favorite, ut she
sty, tool" he added reproachFutly:- g- elect to that— the ons of Colo- Netherlands and used then to tis-
Mark's face sobered. His eyes Stewed! Mark thought, and ��ghr h'�� hags- mal daaieb;`I fall 'em. I bet she'll ten to Allied broadcasts, says the
harkened. "Convicted?" You call pursued his way, looking for `a res got stewed, two of the cardinal ,,
sins. She's forbidden hit-_ the house ask you. Brandon Sun.' The existence of
that travesty a fair trial?" taurant: - "What do I get?" asked- Mark the tiny set was disclosed by a'
He found one at the other end and he's sore. There's ;oing to be
The old man recoiled slightly, P an exclusive afternoon rode a bi -(To'Be Continued) -Hollander who approached- British
of the street, with a teapot on the-- y' g t p go into action
;-hut he steadied himself to face the swinging sign. It was down few affair. Ted hay no card. He's raw.- tank roo s about to
young fury in Mark's glance. It , ,_. somewhere inoHolland_ The_matt_'..
about -it,and hies laid
was a fiir trial; I always said so; with me $iai she's all bunk about n The ce a who had been a laboratory worker
- he descended he wads surprised to g
you appealed, too;' he maintained her rules, that she doesn't really In a radio factory, asked a cor-
oint dryly; then he put Mark's find the.two young clubmen at his Y
his p P know what her guests do 'reinrespondent if lie would "like to
heels. He took a'seat near thea r g , that any Do you,know that Arctic anger aside with a gesture. "I've fellow — the first man we met in deer, :mammals which have become listen to 'the news. He then held
and ordered tea and muffins. But
no time to take that up. I dare say the street given .a. clean shirt Symbols of Christmas once roamed out a pocket watch that imme '
ou've suffered for it. :he felt resentment when he found — g y 0 .':
,y could ass muster. I've taken the through southern Canada? This >.l' began to vibrate with the.
"What d' ou want, Mark?" ttivo young men had-seized.up- p g
y bet: I don't believe, she'll receive was during the Ice Age when-the fident tones of a BBC annou
The youngman put his hand in on the.table next to lis and; with- g
P anyone. , without credeutials; she'll -glaciers covered Ontario. They. It was attached to a three-tube .
his pocket and drew out an old let out much pretense of eating, them- g radio set packed into small German-
ter with Fosdick's name in the.cor- selves, were unquestionably watch_ find.a way to freeze the newcomer existed.with the mastodon, woolly
ing him drink his-tea and eat his out, even•if a fellow took him in, Ifammoth, and musk-ox,'along the issued field dressing box with• a
acre He laid it 'on the desk. unless she knows hers all right. bleak, barren borders of the great Red Cross ,on• the lid. The power
"That says that Aunt Hurley muffin. g came either from a' batter or
leit her money fnr me when • • *' Ted'% het nic a thousand dollars ice sheet. hand-worked nes 1
came out, and you have charge of They were.-both young, one big, d3r mo. — also of
pocket-sized. The ,set•was one of
--it. I'm out. Mr. Fosdi-k." about his own build, the other j:
: Christmas Joke runny that had been built as
Fosdick glanced at the envelope small and fat with red checks, and periments,,
the were •both fashionably and .By VALINE HOBBS -
without taking it up. Y Y
"I see! Your Aunt Hurley's mo- expensively dressed; they had the
aey brought you here' mighty• air of idle wealth. They were evi- I hung my stocking up last night beneath the mantel shelf You Will Enjoy-SEajping At
quick!" he remarked grudgingly'. dently disputing something be- And then I hung some other ones for more than just myself. 't'bE $T. REGIS HOTEL
He had never forgiven-the boy for, tween themselves, and Mark got I hung a pudgy woolly one upon a nail alone—
, That's for my little fuzzy dog who hoped to get a bone. TustulrTo
s death. r%f course the- impression that he wl. +t,.;� I hung it silky shiny one so it vmdid iicvcr faii—
`he'd done it for the uncle's money, ch'et interest. It nettled him; be That's for.my little Persian. cat who wanted just a ball. er and retephose.
'The motive was as plain as the hurried his, food. down, drank his Then last I ,hung two wee o s for my cunning goldfish fleet 0 stsie, $2.30 upas
nose- on--your "I drew -that tea and paid his bill. It left him I played a-trick on Santa ails: the hones have no feet)
Double, i, D •a
y � P Y Y ) � flood Food, Otal•s and Dasa
will. Her friends, advised against tiventy cents. As he counted his This morning every one wa full, from top to tippy-toe, t*s lits»,tly.
it. but she. would have her way. change and thrust it back into his And Kitty-cat and Dog and I have what we wanted so. - Sherbourne at Carlton
She always pelieved in you." pocket he laughed bitterly to him- But, oh, my little goldfish twins, whatever shall we do Tel. RA. 4133
i 'f. How would 'Fosdick like `o With these two pairs of rubber boots that Santa. left for you?
"God bless her." • Mark,broke
out, .suddenly devout. "The will face his night in 'the city, with
was proven, of course; you say as twenty cents? He was just rising
:=.much in.this letter." from the table when his,two young _ { -
The lawyer assented grudgingly neighbors suddenly' rose, name
over, and pulling of
hgain; it was plain that he had p g out the two em-
been among the friends who ad- pty chairs opposite, sat down, un- ON ! :•
wised against,it" invited, at his table. r
"It's not much," he said tartly, The stout young' rias" leaned �
'about twenty thousand." Mark forward confidentially, his red -
_ :smiled amusedly. cheeks growing redder. �Q� '
"Come'around tomorrow trlorn- "Pardon me," he said.courteous- •� /� • - J
itsg and I'll have the papers ready. 1y, smiling across at.Mark; "It's.a -
The money's in deposit at the bank 3 '
hot, .waiting, ,
. + + fr
e r • .�
Mark rose, but stopped with his
hand on the back of hie thaw. "It's value 473000 and cash awards
for orlg final musical om osi-. L L
.yet, Mr. Fosdick,'and I'd be tions. Canadlans of eltverp sex NOW )oV RAOW ;tiy
orlad to draw some of that money. under 92 years on March 1, 1945,
m short" the closing date for entries.
talar Division open to competi- -
The little lawyer whipped term under 16 who do not Qualify
sitovad in his chair and stared at for major prisms.
" + or entry forms and full !n-
>bos, then away. The fellow's a Crinatlon apply aslrwDLAN
Alantl" he thought uneasily, re- IZtFORKIAO RIGHT SOCIETY mokes ibeffer•cl•geref*
membering old Grant Barton's Lti>ILI'r>eD, Royl1 Bank Buildins,
oad Money in that, toot
"I can't help it," he said testily,
'"we'll be formalities. Come to- ISSUE 36-18 • ••"
R. V• C L�lt it tris Its _ Township Nominations J. Donev
FUN>ZAL DIRZCI M As we go to press the township
!'n.au AmbulanceNomination meeting had not yet B. A, B. So-
'' been held. A ldt of visitors to the
Dayor Naha
News office think this meeting .vii: ; Ontario Land 3arayoe
P ono Mart wet es StrEPermanent NagXtng Pala
have more than the usual interest >1R5 1Lieg . Flask Oeliawi
-- 1llalvra ifiN r+wz:dwhat's up?ttua yea : er . -
M�,L1, Go to the Pbone meeting and find outt ' that Frass the Temp sal,
' +�i �+� -- Nerves. It may be Your Zyee.
.C� ..
FURNITURE DEALER 1 e �O• Disney Block, Opp P. Q
- --
' -- Priya eDAniGu-1aay or.N'e 'Service - .,-..- -h%ITI�J' .. • HAN610:-- • , -,
t •
Phone Pick. 13 Scarbor Junc ion A, 01''�
- piTELEPHONES`— Howard 1117, and Scarboro 338 ' t
Pickering, Ontario .
1�otiee —Rough and Dressed._.Lta_,b-.r— Millwwrk _ .Ill on am 5
p- George Burns, Piclderg, with the -- -- Frames Sash Doors Screrne
lxewn�natioe Storm Doors and Iaberior Trim MouldingsT16 Am#ip'
the West prior.to hit being posted stern at home on leave fz g'ah — )+fade to Ories o a Hardwood oon'tsg
to �kc=e. Asphalt ,Shingles _ Brick insulated Siding Ce-dargrain Shingle Siding'
l Roll Roofings _ 'Wallboards Rock Lath C:dar Shingies ,
'- 'SidingsAl halt Shingles Roll Roofin -
- Does your subscription expire this .Wan Bards etc Masonite Products Barclay T11%
G ' Rock Wool Insulation . Cement and Lena Reno Stouffville lOP
- month—watch the label. N. M: tlordon We,epu:g Tile Sewer Pipe
v !!�' S
a ted -A11 ades of F. C.' Cedar Shingles A Merry Christmas
7 i_":
- To One A nd 'All
Highest market price for lige Ma le Leaf Fire (� ('��'i
turkeys, ' delivered at our lent. - DECEMBER 1a -- 23
yp Insurance Co. Goin
at Whitby = _. . We do building ofva_ll fonds Voing My Way
Chesil Rates-fo Far rm and Couritiy CAR114NTERING.
CI::D1EtiTItiG Ding Cro. Y•B and Rise Stevens
Tel. Whitby 336 Day or Night Buildings .b
. . . I;LVb1131NQ _ also
Windstorm• Insurance on Building*
_ ROOFING: Community Sing
Windmills, Silos ,etc. _
"Automobile Insurance o! a also sell Brantford Ro.�fiag
. .;P1t.Kk__:RINGw FARMS . _ _
All Kinds Materials, Empire Bathroot>a Y. TU _ Z+,IgSDA,
— - Equipment, Duro Water DECEMBER 25, 26 and 29
_ _ --Writs-.or Phone $jetaaes. Beatty Stable _
'SR[=TZWW MG GRADING STATION " . _EquiP=ent' and Whit Cliff
_. Buildin
BAN�man--&- e g
- - — aaimata. Irre. Of Dover�.
Work Guarsateed
1?ioue also2
Toronto AD 6523 — PI
Ck 6a s-it
AGineourt 86
;F'are's. Elevator
Res, SU -Phime>, Off. 38W
- We Solicit Your Atteni,ion andTRANSPORT—
Poultry, Flog, Dairy, whole or CJ1RZ't���'i
chop Western Grain, Growing- - s'
' Yash for chickens, 500 grain MOVING
lbs, Develbping Concentrate
Mollasses, Oil Cake, Glutton;
Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roofing,
Wooden Shingiee WANTED
Wise Fencing, Steel_ Fence Poste DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE
-Ceasent, Binder Twine, Harness
and Fanners' Hardware -For tree..plck- up phone
Surge and, Weeds' Milkers Installed 11RAOKLIN .. .. .. .. lib
Woods',CwlerS - Tractor Oil CLAREMONT .. .. .. 913
_ Car (3LAREMONT .. ... .. .. 9 R 14
_ emon _-mat, PICh17RING 506
PIC-ERING .• - 39
z, AGINCOURT ...... ....zone2144
Sellers and we pt-Ly the phone eliargea
t_ Atkinson r
Phone Agip.,201R`2 - Stouff. 290 Toronto Phone Ad.306
_ _ .
\• > - 'Licensed
Auctioneers Wliloughby Farm Agency
HeadOffice -- Toronto
Sales •conductedanSn here. i 156 Yonge St. AD06tl6
_ Specializing in Farm- Stock, "Largest and Oldest is
Furniture and Property Sales. Canada Established Forty
All Sales personally, listed and Years
s • Bills repared' and CONSULT OUR ACTIVE CITY DEPT.
. - advertised, p
ar0ess u ti - pyo m� t service. �..
-- _ t' Q shining thco g - - - p •
�U ming on again,sh out{ort and clear• ReaBo Mable Rates R. DONALD RUDDY- Barrmte.?
Of the world are c low of cwr� Is o{ a new Solickat.Noon PubUc: Moegb Loo.
the%, tormery oxagca b► cLe hats A.C.C��N•
_ one by the night with a wa 'ung as bright sYmbo - _ PHO1�B 2270 STOIIP'1E'�LYtH •.oece wins cf conrc>H t -tvsuq. Ora
one, _
- darkness lights.are appear"o{victory :. . the birth
of the gtoom °f born of an assure leheM Proclaimed tv Barrister Solicitor. Notary 1haN
Sar of,$�h lights roturn us
+oPe• •'a h°� years ego the old ...so the of
and Claremont Meat _ .+C. C. RICHARDS14
.._ ..... sand yam. thew m� out Saito — 11e1/t
they Ve new hope that.co _ ;_ '1_Ct s all Coutinentai Lee
and gn Peace-••e Pea be
life. __ to:: - K
as raids of remise of s new and and strength 371 Bay, St. Toronto I•
t end gtves P hearts new faith do our Pam tO Na 1. Special and Co�reial
_ sutfer<ng in our • to brightly finality A�e;ta �O oeMaY thisChrts as aW�tthhings,We hold dear • •again shin cn.Earth.ht for those to every c°unn Y of "Peace Our track !s In- •Dumbarton and. A%n, � „ r501
_ continue w fig when the lights t n the Spirit vicinity every 'Tues,, and Fri., and
- -hasten the
day t the world
will ne g will be-glad to call on you; r .Y��
and throughm' OF ONTARIO
1S5101`t ,,;Dressed Poultry Bought r.. •�
' p.Et.ECTRIG . ---- �.
• : THE Phone 1m Ck>reaaoat, Out.
- :Audley ---which is reported to be extensively well do without, at least until to
- damaged. war is won. Our traditions are too
C LA � EM O N T' .,.� school concert will '1 Red Cross sewing was called off deep for us to ignore Christmas-
friday evening. Santa Claus will this week because of extra holiday giving altogether, but the choice of
activities.•We hope for a good turn- presents should be tempered by the
Mrs. Conner spent Monday in The funeral service was 1w1d In call. out next Tuesday afternoon. still imperative need for conservatr
Toronto. Toronto on Wednesday with Rev. The storm tied up traffic badly
.7. Doug. Dickinson, RCNVR., is at 1. E. Kannedy officiating. Inter- here. The mail route was snot open - ion
hoa for Christnas, from Shel- ment in Claremont Uncon Cemet- at time of writing. Silas Russell Diioa
e, Doug., a cook rn the I ery. MrsSunday of the sudden death of Mrs The death took place at his hoarse J ickerin` Township Council
,Navy, reports the weather "fine" y at Petticoat Creek, west of,here, of l
down there. Mercer at Oshawa. k,
Wilbur Holliday is boarding with Silas Russell Dixons on Saturday, ' The last and final meeting of the
Mr. Luther Pilkey continues in Brou ham Dbcember 16, 1944
Arch and Mrs. Bell for the winter , in his 66th year. year was held.osrMondsy after+noom.
very poor health. "_: Our local High School girls .are Mrs- Dixon is the former Millicent An amendment to the Township
At a meeting of Ontario Garage The unusual snow stor-a has made being driven daily to..school by a Lacey. The funeral took place on Building Bylaw was passed which
des-cast-weak;-Charles-Cooper-utas the wee�C s"quiet-one:T�ranspor�a= - en re. - sy�vith servlc�at St-Paul's` wilt-bti-apprav >f g tie�tu�nicipall
elected Vice-President. Mr. Card, ti(,.., impossible until the roads were Miss Muriel Westney spent Sun- A•nguesin Church, Dunbarton. In.• Hoard. The' Pickering Village Build.
of Uxbridge was also elected as ope;•,`d fo- high and public school Jay with her parents here. terment at Erskine Cemetery. ing Bylaw was passed at this meet•
one of the Directors of the'Assoc- pupils, and the school here closed Do not forget the'school meeting lag•
iatica. on Tuesday-'alnd no evening papers in the schoolhouse here on Wednes- , ' - • An account from the Countyft
A Spending
The Baptist Church will hold their for two days. But, old-tuners recall day, December 27, at lb � m. png Spree ) hospitalization (50 percent) of
Annual Sunday School Christmas other storms 'when roe were Too man an with war- $492.7 r rnonth�i accounts _
—Party-tonightpurchasedhighly ram Gragmere e__ wee $1426-."-,-f"&-
- pP m;'There wait bY-ccuraa be-the services-and t�ut[erat-delayed:Now- p sollus -fawn was r�s- Wrtd---Chnattnaa- shopping- sprecy;- and-.Bridges $1011.06. Deana
_. 'Entertainment and a visit from we are soon, dug oat with the snowerve Grand Champion in Texas this Pushing and Jostling in stores, pur- Sheep $71.00. r
chasing countless expensive luxury Permission was
A hamber from Claremont attend- tml. _ presents re
the cipients could Supt., to purchase a new troclG
ed the. broadcast of the "Ontario Young people home for the ween- /
Panora C at Stouffville last Fri end included: . Misses. Malcolm, ;Brock Road
ay ev `Wng. Many who coWd Lwt Mrs;,
attend owing to road conditions, Pte. Ross Knox. Miss Dorothy Ellicott spent last
'.' at their radio. .- "Crucified" "Crowned" "Caning Again"
were "ia attendance .
Bruce Hart of the Navy is home on week-,end with friends in Whitby.
:)dost of those participating im the leave with his people. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter..Midd!eton
-' --b oadcast were-welt-known to-local- visited-with-Mr.--and Mrs. kt Ne - - .• CHRISTMAS-SERVICES
people even Al. Savage and Gord.. Chureh News of Whitby, on Sunday.
Sinclair were well known before Arrangpmeata are made to ho% Miss Rae Thomas spent:the week-
through. the Sunday School Dntertainment in d and g W ilsors. ., . • �,aX Baptist Church
the were throu end with the B
Mrs. Manson El:icott
e Cul• recentt •Mrs.. Edward the church cis Friday evening, Dec- � -
y }' spent Sunday with Mrs. L. Dunbar, (Cor. Kingston and Plant Roads in S. S. No. 4 East)
Sherk, of Claremont, ' ca:rsmencnd Ember 22, the Town Hall Being in at Fort Hope. Mrs. Dunbar was
--- AW--r_ .19t-h--y-ear_as--switch hos,rel-np- �qr that day for the Nomination formerly L. Beighton,• a u1 taught �UNDAy DECEMBER 24
erator at the Bethesda and Stouff- :fleeting. at the Brock Road school last•year.
viile Telephasse Office here. Her 'The Young People's Annual meet On Monday afternoon Joe Wright .11 A. M.-"Immanuel" - Gcd With Us
father-in-law had. charge of the ing was held on Wednesday even- narrowly averted a serious accident 7,30 P. 'M. "Jeius" - Saviour '
office before that, itilrs. Shirk, in in at-the Morton home. at the bri.ige on the- 4th cancrs`on •.
g 3.00 P. M. Sunday School'
commenting an her many' years of Attendxrce_ at church was 'gond when he swerved his, truck to avid -
service, stated -that fire cal;s were on ,Sunda Rev, Kennedy took for hitting Al. White, who was walk'-ax -
y' on the road. The truck crashed into Every .Friday., at 8.00 P. M.. -- Young.People's Fellowship
the most exciting during her term.. his theme "Taldng Christmas Ser-. the guard rail which held and rev- '
She recall's 'well, . the night the iously". which was thought-provok- p We take this opportunity to extend to one and all a very' ]appy
ented the truck from overturning and Jo 0us Christmas_ hotel on the corner burned down, ing. The subject for next Sunday into the gull). Joe was unhurt and - y
when• a nwriber of 'nearby fire will be "The Shepherds and the with.the help of Alfred Karp, re-
Pastor: Rev. G. S. Simpson
mrnpanies were called. Wise Merl'`. The Glee Club had moved his load of pig feed by bolt -.90 George, St. Ajax -
` We understand Mr. Mantle is in charge of the service of song. t sleigh. McGlashan's tow truck frau
very poor health. Claremont •Dunbarton,. removed the tow truck
The, 'Young People of the Bap-
tist Church will, hold a party and
socials t ^
n g next ay even- �.
ing, at the parsonage.
.:i ..
weather-watchers were a ,
usrised to learn- that- Pickering -
had 'as much,- if not more, snow
than Clarentont, which is quiet un-
Chriatenas Sar-ices will be held
ire the United Church next Sunday
will be special music by the choir z °� ,�q �� � •��a+ � ,� `
at the morning service, -at which
;the or, Rev. I. E. Kennedy will -
take as his theme: _ "Wise Men
"*�• .
and Humble Shepherd's". A+ the
eveping service, slides wilt be
r x
- ouon the.- "The The Ot- - 3 -
.• • ,.er cause •tan'",--' - •. „ � . • - � �'�'�' �' �
Christmas Greettazs
We wish to take this opportunityVj
to thank our miny friends for their :.� t '
loyal support during 1941
sed the
5 54Y
This fact that we have enjoyed a
� .: l •� •" 417:
c� ;
---_-best Christmas Seaion in bur bus-
iness history testifies that our eff-
oras to maintain the quality of our _P 3 •
Christmas Cakes scud. Puddings )we
-_— not .been in vain.
We wish One and All the Season's tiP
Greetings,..and a `Happy and, Pros-
perous New Year.
'Madam Clares Bakery � �,,,,,.., r•++"""""�
lPhone 4901 Claremont
The weather 'of the past week has :
heft activity rather under nomnal-in
`Claremont, with only those whQ have'
Ao' go out attempting it. . Mail is � ,• �s t
'swill being delacered by' horse a7sd w '
sleigh: Mr. Prousei Principal of the
ontitua ion School haa to postpone• e �
Christmas arrangements. at the
school, the storm putting. -their71 i
*,>.� T, eflkls:
' plans 'behind schedule. We asked sr
round town on Monday if there °
Were unusual storm• stories, and the ~
sns'svers wei* all much the same `^
"nobody went out to cause arty!"
Old Time Resident 'rases in i/'YY1
Toronto U h 9
One '*f Cls.0,4nonVs old, time' re-
sidents, Mrs. Hannah Cowls pass- r
• ed away 'on Sunday, in Toronto, PU
_ after a lingering illness. She was
•in her 80th year. Raised in Clare- o
"'smart; she lived here most of her x
life. She and ,her husband, the late • -
` _ _8obert Cowie lived for a few � _
- "",years at Zephyr. Eater' they movied - on
back ' to Claremont. Mrs. Cowie
#moved to TAronto a short time ago, ' s
where 'she resided with relatives.
,;While in Claremont she resided at "
Ow East end of the village. She t
wan a aneprber of the United
ICharcL She is survived by one
son, Russell, of Toronto; a sister, -_
Mrs. Whs. McEachren, of Beaver-
ton, and a brother, Jarnes, also ASTERN HOUSE - Phone 4500
of BeavertoiL A grandaughter,
3(rs. Thomas Philip, of -Rrongbaw. - --
'••••mow. ...: .,_ - - — - ._ -
. '� f,,,..,.. ,...r. Kms.. .;.• � • ,:."�r�`nT••.79-.0•-.�.?}'r` una.;,Y ..rte .. -���� .-pl-'-.w _ .a +�'it5��r.;-�"___��—_� a rr •a. .w.t -�:.. ..�;.— � ./.aI
minutes for Canada—and home— The trip wore on —• but they to her. She raised her head ab: R
_ 'A Christmas Star and Christmas., were making history and the long ruptly and looked,into his smiling
on For Canada tedious hours passed almost un- 'face. Once again,,g m, she closed her
M1` .Presently the roar of engines noticed. Flying over Germany, eyes. It must be a dream. But the
�— broke in on his thoughts and he dumping their load of high ex- apparition persisted when- she
'This will be, our first Christ- random — well, not quite at rats broke in on his thoughts and he plosive and incendiary bombs on opened-them again.
jimwie, our11ters roseand walked o the cloor. romm
ng o ng- "Jimmie," she breathed, "you're.
said. "It's 'going to be funny sit- have done remarkable service over his vantage-point, he watched the land, and then back home to Can-
not real, you're just a dream 'This
ting down to-dinner tonight with. here. . But. you particular men, I giant bomber take off and soar ada—all within' the short space of is some horrible trick of Fate.-
out,our boy."' think . . ." he referred quickly to into the black night above embat- twenty-four hgurs. Why, you're over Gerrnlaay, drop-
As she spoke, the tears welled* some papers on the_ desk before tled Britain. The pilot circled the Soon they saw the dark bleak ping bombs. No,over
you're not, you're
up in her eyes and burnished her him . . . "hive made some 36 op- airfield, dipped his wings once in ►ores• of Newfoundland. They home. I had a dream. lot, came
spectacles with a light wisp of mist. erational flights over Germany. -salute and headed west for :New-' landed, stretched the'
----.--- — --..__--- -- -jr-legs --home-for -Christmas leave-.-"
,Sfie�gctt- her darning to one si a Rankly; we feg thayon -have feundland and Canada. the giant bomber was being re- "Yes; mother dear," he replied;
Y It, was cold, high above the M- t
and looked across the room to earned our leave and we also be- fuelled and then took off again— . stooping to kiss her worn cheek,
;where her husband sat, reading a lieve that your leave should be !s'of't swells. But the five young the envy of their associates in the "here I am . !.don't know. any-
'newspaper. spettt in Canada with your families men were warm-within. Each was. rugged woods of Newfoundland, thing about your dream. But here
Pa Hogan returned her glance and friends. Now, he added, "get picturing to himself•the reception Home In Canada I am in the-flesh, aa' Pa here will
with a sympathetic smile. `Try not out of here. If any of you,doesn't when he arrived home, completely Their next sight of land was verify."
to _think_ about..it._._to�much;.' my...- want-to go, just let-me Jcnow"—,He--=- unexpected. Onlf-the-night-before-__- beloved-Can
„ . - azla:r1nd,.es ew short Urs. Hogan was st a little
dear. Remember he said im- "
is doing- the..rtg_t t ma—t _.'_is res von unnray E 'Get going,'_ ___,many-had.been--written--for-news-- • from the--skies- and-circled over -son:-"'Dyer:Germany-one day, and` -
only thing we would have him do." he said, with a friendly wave of paper readers in Canada and they a giant airport. And they..knew back in Canada the next,"' she
"Yes,.1 know." She sighed and his hand. -had all been referred to by name. they were' home. Jimmie bade said. "My son."
+++��etiPa++ ain. "It _ : With- a chorus of-"Thairk yatr e3-understzs - w o is comrades an lump-
we could only have him homy to air, and "Good night, sir," the five mas preparations had been made ed into a taxi. It was nearing the —'
..day even for a few hours." fliers made a mad dash for the for them. But that bothered them dinner hour 'and he had no desire DIDhI'T FASB TEST
m afraid the chance is alien, door of the briefing room and not at all. T#ney realized that as to miss that .turkey, the home-
bei. According to thL, ne soon, were swallowed up in the DuuU 45 c��.y i"tu theft made Christmas u pudding, mince After 47 years of marriage, a '
Papers, you- know, he was over night. TheC.O.' sat, a wry smile respective homes, unannounced and pies, and cake. In his .haertr he couple in Los Angeles have been
Germany last night..Probably there on his face. He was a yoting man upexpected, all ,plans would be could have wished ,that the taxi divorced. Appknenly just one of -
again tonight."
Mhimself :ad perhaps he-could have dropped •quickly to iiiclude them. had wings, those experimental things that
Mrs. Hogan went on' with her wished that he too could- be part They would be the guests of the Mfrs. Hogan awakened with the didn't work out. - - -
darning, her mind full of Jimmie of that crew taking off in three evening. voice of her son Jimmie calling Windsor Star
and. thoughts of last-minute ar-
rangements for the Christmas din-
ner that evening. The family was
expected at six o'clock:The turkey
was in the oven. Mince pies, Christ-
-.mas cake and pudding were all
ready.-The table was set. -
Mrs. Hogan's Dream
Presently, her eyes closed and
sseary with days of preparation for
Christmas, she fell asleep, her darn-
ing resting in her lap. As she slept, _ -
she saw Jimmie again. He was
in a bomber, high above an ob- _.
;jective in the heart of the. Reich's
munitions production area. He was --
smiling grimly. and a moment later
she understood the reasod for his
smile. He had just opened the _ _ ------
bonb compartment doors of the <
v ,plane and, a moment later—the re- _ - -
sult of ,his skill and months- of
experience-Wine had the satisfaction - -
-- �-
of seeing a huge Nazi tank factory �� � •
burst into flames. The fire spread - - -
rapidly and .licked at the very in-
y..nards of- the plant. In the bright
lights of the-flarnes, he -could see _ s War came. The
manufacture' of most civilian 1
tiny figures scuttling 'about-in an
_•._:.effort to save themselves. goods he o s
. ;B had to tut down or topped to make
Then he was occupied with.more - _ war -
pressing matters. .A veritable hail civilian
- wa for w - roduMioa That caused short
y P
sof oods—that was the ,REO LIGHT
shells—flak, he n�� $called it---enveloped it—enveloped the plane. .. •
And, buzzing to one side, he saw.
a Focke-Wolfe 190 coming towards
=him about 150.,yards away. He
'trained his guns on him. Both heand the Nazi fired at the same _
time, but the German gun -
missed, and Jimmie held the trig-
.ger dawn, until' the enemy plane .• - -.. .. .- - - - - . : .•.
caught fire and whirl:d down into -
the sea.
Bark To England'
.-Then he was headed back for
7 -
Upon landing..at the home sta-
tion, tired but happy. that the re- _ �-
AOnt1Ump int; 1
sults of. the rsid• had been so.high- -
ly satisfactory, Jimmie was sur-
prised to be -told to report imme-
-diately to the briefing room. Four _ _>. - -
other men of his bomber,-crew .
joined him-at the door, their'faces
showing clearly their puzzlement Some restrictions are now being lifted, but it
They ,had- naturally expected to oes not mean ors o goo rig away. ars
retire to the officers' mess, have a r- _ , 1� _i demands are still,huge and must, come first.
b drink or two, and retail some of �''-t - Elly \'We can't�ne lett.them usl so that some of us
the `mote amusing-aspects"of- their g 1
visit to Germapy. They always ,• here at home can get a little more. -
talked about the funny. incidents.
To the dangers in which they had : .. o ° :;; Don't confuse the signals—(This is the YELLOW
been involved,-they never gave asr �y^
other thought. ; , LIGHT'ONLY). ..
"f 3z . .
Their reflections must have ,a { -
shown clearly *upon iheir faces It meaus'a.liltle more of some_things.and it help's
briefing usinea9 men et read for the time when there
when they entered the _
room. For their officer command- - g y
ing smiled and 'told them 'to sit _ ='' will be more materials-and workers-available. t
Ao%vn in •the')rage leather chairs
reserved for
combat pilots and - 1t does not mean the end of shortages
Unexpected Summons Getting back to peacetime production will neves-
"Gentlemen,, the officer com- ' _
manding said, firs�of-att please - -sarily be piecemeal and gradual. _
remove- from your faces -those wor-
or ried looks. You make me ner- - _ _
• - ' - PatiPr� . -
vous." -That seemed-"to break the
t one
a othea anted reiaxed. Therea that a - :y„ 'u+�� - _ _. t�
Y glanced.� ,
better," the O.C.'said.
— _
Now,' I know that you are all r " 't
' s NOT
,wondering why this unexpected x.
Most unusual, I will be �.• /+n _ _ - •
the first to admit. T can 'thereforehe
understand your most natural anx-
.. .
iety< But I mustn't
keep you in
�p0a Y -
_suspense any longer. _ �• -—
Gentlemen, tonight—in fact in -
- en rrjnVtcS—you are going to take
oft for Canada on leave!"
IIe paused and watched with a OA site Victor over b emles n
oth en ca
Smile the expressions of his men. - - thelGreenrLight be switched on,..aid the road
" "Yes," he said finally, "you are _ _ no uctson o meet all ou
going back to Canada tonight for cleared for e
- - � ugh prod 't r
.your Christmas leave. It will-con- :; ; ,, +: ...,�"` - - •-civilian needs.
stitute some kind of a record, I -
imagine. Flying over Germany one
minute and twenty-four hours
later you will be sitting_ in your
"'home's having Christmas 'dinner. i -
"'You then have-been liweted at
�2 v
-- `�',:: ' - _-•_ ham( i�'� -_--
II ,
-Adolf- Hitler-greeting.Dr.-Ronda Gralvanek.-.neat__Slovaldan_ministe=—_
to Germany. This picture, caption sod,Js the first photo of the
Fuehr4r releaeed, after a 10-week absence from public life.
: . . ue of
� We recommend the immediate purcbas
-' Gold Mines Limited (No Personal Liability)
- war
No.'1 Property — Shebandowan Lake, adjoining Bandolac Gold
Mines Ltd••to the West.
t No. ! and 'a PropertiesUs astride Destor-Porcupine Fault, went
Modern transportation has caught up with Santa 'laws on the western frost. His reindeers have been of Beattie Gold Mines Limited. ----_ -
�.... _ 30c Shar
replaced by a jeep. In the picture an Allied soldier poses as good St Nicholas at 'a party .0.ved for To-day's Price Per e ----
en of Wits Luxembourg. Full Particulars Upon Request
- cbildr • ...Purchase Through Your Bank or Your Broker, or
I W� 62A. 6'EM UP? ot.wo
M k
" Von Ribbentrop
"' a
' •, ,,, ^ '�'' y �..� � ..-' ';' ': �,4 '',:.1 � :}� �; ,a:N`. `lata � ,i:. �� ,.d'
Seyss Inquart 7, E
" German _Foreign Minister Joarhtm'_
von Ribbentrop, long at odds with
Heinrich Himmler, may soon be '` ' Q ���` °~' ` :' s
a ti@,
discharged, according 'to 'Berlin
. `'
reports. His, 'successormay be ?�
Arthur Seyss-Inquart, :German
Governor of The Netherlands. .`.
by staying at
"— ,.FORD'
.T— FOS ,••l�i�hi .,. _ _ . .. ..
o his year, - -- ----.
With the advent f Christmas t _
- .. . .these-words ,hold for us an added significance
l^ ' Rnp►oefl I _ ._ «'Peace to mien of 'good will!"
1 _ _ -
as* low as
Canidiaris—,whet er we fig it-in -over. We-are fighting that.the spirit'o! .
s SO 1 - the factory oron the farm7;-in industry Christmas rshall endure. And we
- •J- _ ' - -
we aflher or in the armed services, wish peace on :thatthi&Christmasbr brings with t the�deE-
ear-tli to men of good will the world anite promise-of freedom for all mankind. Y
por person
_._ PON MAI•r • - - _ .. ..
OLD ._ ._ . __ _�� -THE. HOU SE OF .SEAGRAM — _ 4
' /' • '. ` L
C issified Advt s z�. A, .. 3B 3M �-R
1; -
I30AO - i19�
Bots for Sale+ , � - • L. . of an Yis►ia
Mascov:1 8-12 pounds, $or sale. S.
YlWid N � _
i ire -
sie'bai�n, phone Pick 104 R 2 � �� as
8 bmuraeee Adviser
F%no r Sale - Heintzman, with
b ewL Medium.size. Real buy. Tor• as otos Address f 7
onto- Washipg Machine Co, 1370 Broughaa, 04d rick '6 R Z=
Daraforth Ave. Toronto 21
891ee — for sale. 2 Pau-. Child- County Assessor -
ren's. Size 3 and ra 1-2. Phone Pick, NOTICE
315 R 12: - '( ed
.Seed Cleaving -- all ]wads of grain r'
leaqw_in._my, power driv 19" gym
qT aea6er, of ieasonable ra s. Itobertessor will be received for theday
biller, phone,Claremont 3 9 3.
position of C3' Assessor
20 for - the Coun�t--o-f- Ontario; . . COAL;•. CO".
�PICKERING TAXI Applications should be in,g, writ- �q()(�D>! CEMENT` �
(Gordon Housed instating, qualifcatioas, re- r _
Makes trips to Defense Industries muneration expected, proposed RAND.,as zo.car old
ate- P81901
-- --- — ----- -- -- - essential war wrozlz;-are not _ -
eligible. Apply. Ehnployment,_ BUILDER'S SUPPLIES
E esi ht Education - . sadSele�� wee, Oshawa,
e'. ahO 100alleartage work '
and We havealso Waced in stock a full
C. H• TUCK For the Counties of York and Onto: — — - --
ario; successor to Corp. Ken Prow, Pi(!k6?lDg, Ont. /
r' Opt., and tics of C. A. S.' F, and of the Late
Eyesight Phones - Yards 74: Rea. 65W =
J. H. Prentice (formerly Prep
and Prentice). Farm and Farm. 1904 - '1944 -
stock Sales a Specialty, at Fair aos _A•. E. R CHARDSON -
Reasonable Raw. _
Now as never before, thousands GENERAL _I.NSURANCE �DI tbt 40th finU
workers, women and men stream ' ltil. A W REAL ESTATE
h the plant gates, one shift CONVEYANCING
g am,•ohms shift going off. All LICENSED AUCTIONEER ,acid - - _
fined in a battle..of,production. An-old established agency, d
VALUATOR �+d7 Pl' 1ItR$ 84141 -
Egos should .be alert... to sal - eorrduoted Anywhere to '
be nimble to. co-ordinate with Phone, ` ' rDB�JPrD2L8
uu*Tstand. - Are you ready Phone or White _or it! - 614 Dundas St. East, Whitby, Oat. Attu
P e
Let ne think for. $moment, t C Y R I L E. M O R L EY - A j
It has been estimated that one _.
of all workers have incorrect- �� /HERi�� Iiiil�
errors of vision and very many ..A.
bf them do not know that the vis-.
ion is at fault. Dont risk being a. :INSURANCE. - T. S. CH _
Ws class. Conscientious examine-
n o eyes vision wi ow up
ffiair true condition. - -
WHITBY ONTARIO FOR -SALE wareP�ckers ��ard _
- a
Shop Early For _ C
s� _,.__ails DELivER - ..
- �
Our'-r us omers .
And Friends
WBROCKe 'now have on di la a,v
- splay mY -
"""�"""a'"� � ., lovely selection of boxed toilet- `' -
eries for both ladies and gentle= A• Merry 'Christmas- and
boarantespd Repair Serrlee men. Also a wide assor'
t of
1gift papeteriea Christmas coria 'A Happy 14 ew T ear
and Leather Goods.
_ w =TBS cine :1:b and make your selection
- --. . - •
Rea,ltbfull) Air.ealnditiered; -
P - agem—ent x-tend eartiest
Far Wishes! wishes for a Merry Christmas To �• R. DOTES Phu, a e �C�I 1ViFAT MARKET
f NG . .
:Pboae, Pick 48
a have I+Ibought the Greenwood THURSDAY. FRJ< SATURDAY . FRANK R. SiEiTIi ,
3116 and solicit your chopping DECEJEiER 21, 22 &M23 STORE HOURS • a;30 to�9 p. s< '
and feed trade. . ._. o Showa a
T`e' at 7 and 9 p. M.
awpping Saturday Matinee at. I.36 go ' QDnt Ann 111 -
Monday, Wednesday; Friday �a a fl Goods
or by phone arrangement' on - - - _We hase- a fall stof N*VE "W$ BUT THB BEST — `YOU MAKE THE -11M911-
ask -
- Imposter -
T'aeiisy or T6areday Oalz:.. . M. STOVE BOARDS, EL- - � :_ �ring_so
Concentrates and Feeds of Riehara 'Wtwrf Even Brew BOWS AND F'URNACR PIPES
All Kinds, kept on hared .and AI'yn Joafya
i;, : Self- NO
ood Word and Service S?6LP, CATTLE CHAINS - Serra a —Wu '
Guaranteed MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDN'SDYft L. Lip L4wv 111 1 16
Wen. R. FERRIER ( DECEMBIIR 25. 26 and 27 SH PAINT'a BNAli14i„S VAIfNI-
T** Shwa At 7 aW 9 P. Z►:
ads AWAASALI%pal
< /dl! Gar Cooper. Gerge Raft _ 1 _
ttol.��l Q.�'r Fielder �Cj as.,Langhtton and Jaen
Hardware and Tinsmith
�reral`loirs Oadde y -
l With the passimg of another year,
+ .Plus Latest Mardi of Time Phone 46 we wish to express to you our sin-
'r' — oere -appreciation of -the cordial re-
rte• - lations eaistin 'between us, as well
Tolerance Bought and Sold B
_ as to- convey . the Season's Best
-- . _
--— — Used Clothitn — Sterilized, clean- is has_ Merryfor MerryEhristmas and -
ed and' like new. Ca
'A Happy and Prosperous New Year
THURSDAY, FI?T.,. SATURDAY large pressed rry a
DECEMBER 38, 99 and 30 stock of high _class . suits, _
overcoats and pants. Also a good
find Th :tock of new -leather' coats and - --- -
In OmP% but rich de- �, a Angels
J. _.__ windbreaker., and este'—fnrniah.
sign we can furrrish Ings_ at very reasonable prises.
mev�orlals test will Sing end be
. Call
please' from -eve I
i standpoint.' In dignity Dorothy Lamour Fred MacMurray
6 _ Sam Schwarts
y Huttoix- 21 Bond Str.
of appearance our, and Betty West. Oshawa
wort will stand "out
through the age& i �� l
No 'Greater Tribute The Corriplim�nts of the S- : This -store- w -close al day- Monday`
Kingston Road West eason -
'X� W. STAFFORD -' -
Wghway . Monumental Td. , Our Man Friends- Open on. ay from 1.30 to `6 p. m. ,
Works �. ,
'No M 46? Whitby Ont
And, Customers• .
Pone- 600 b -Free Delivery
,.. Yhoae,Pl