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' K:„ s., • .,.• Tn- a..-a ���'.-:,„ ...+t..' .. .�F�y.•.. ✓ ,..r , 'o' rya y.^. s,.^ a., ....,•.. _�:.c' _',y,..... ..�. ,,.._ �. ,, •. .,,,,,rr.sea .. . .. ... .M... a,. 'r' :� — y ' t 4� VOL. LXIV - ' PICKER►ING' ONT., FIIIDAY, SEPT.: 1, 1944 o. 2 Publicntinuation Schools . . To r nd �o , , J�, Tuea tembersda 4 _ • s - ane Change In Teaching Staff Funeral services for Late RECEIVES SEVERE BURNS Picker'lli Villa e . - - - Mrs. A. I.:aw, Pickering g ,Both- schools in this village will _ - _ the Fall.Teruo es- - Funeral services were held on Mr. Ripley;- teacher-teacher-here;--, day Sept. 6th next.. with Mrs. ble u y or , - and Miss O'Neil in the Continuation UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY. who passa:d away on Sunday at the and Mrs. Ed.-Booth. School, and Mr. Doyle, Mica Wilson home of her cousin' Mrs. G. C. Len Pearson, RCAF, •is spending and Mrs. Hry.yWestney, in the Pub- R^v, M, R. Jenkinson, Minister of Courtice, Elizdbeth St. She was in y a few. days at home here. f fic School: Pickering UvAted Church, will con- her 77th year: , �� � Mias Marion Baxter, -end " 4, Mrs. Diobaon, Music Supervisor tine in the series of- four Special Born in Pickering Township, near : ! the weekend guest o! the Buahby has Widered her resignation. S,--rvices, to the "Armed• Forces". A Brougham Mrs. law was educated family.. few weeks ago he opened the series here. Fonowaig her marriage she Pte. Jack Bunting, of the Army, Has Four sons in Armed Forces with a a'rvice 'for the Air Force", lived in Whitby,- than in Toronto. and Sgt, Bill Bunting, RCAF are •Proud Record of Mrs. Grace Hicks including a hymn writt.Aii by h'in- ,moving to Pickering about 20 y:aars spending leave at their•home here.. , self, and cm Sunday morning next ago. Her_ husband predec^sled her Kathleen Watson, RCAF, return- the series will be continued with a eighteen years ago. An oily. laugh- ed to her station' in Quebec this Italy, Mrs; Gracd Hick3, Whitby; "Service for the Army." which will fpr, Gladys, predsceasVd Her 22 yrs. week, following a furlough at .her has just received word that her a�o include the uc,- of another ago.-She was well-known thr.-ughout home here. youngest son has iviaded safely over- `bealitiful h�znn written -by the Pas- the community and,r;s6 many Mr and Mrs. Jamey Galbraith,' of seas. tor...Copies of 'these h•,�irs will be friends with both yonnR st'd old. Delhi. called on Mr.-aind Urs. W. C. Pte, W. H. Hicks 16 with the Irish desir'•d by many aid may be had on She was a m.mb,?r of St..G:orge's Murkar last week. Mr. Galbraith is RRganent. of Canada and cniiated request. An invitation is extended to Anglican Church. The fungal was manager, of-the Bank of Ccmmerce - . early in 1942 and w0 it overseas in all, especially meanbers of the f4 m- held on Tuesday frm the residence, in that plain Decamber of that year. His wife ilies of men in the Service to attend of Mr. and Mra. Courtice, with Rev. Mr. and Mrs'. Hugh, Robins have _ and daughter live at Claremont. these services. _. E. G. Robinadn officiating.. the- failner'a• Gunner Fred Hicks is with the Pall-bearers w.-re: C1,as. and Gor- don parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. P. ins artillery and enlisted June 1842, Law, Seward Law- and Roy, Dr. .N. E. McEwen's brother, Mr. and went overseas in August 1943. :Ati3GU�4T WEDDINGS Walter and John Brignall.' "BtL" l3c+lr!age. y+ei of Mr. sed- John McEwen.' has-.returned to his- . Private Murray Hicks is with the Wai ne-Vl►atson Intement lo Salem Cemetery. Mrs. Dolmage, Pickering, who lo home in Quebec, atter s short visit - infantry support. He was training recoveries from severe burns res= here. ail ,Cam a.Bo:deli,,but;word bear,.j ser w� lois BlAbs, A owed in action, .reported recently. . Mrs. Bert, Le Gard is on a two- p A vett'.. p ty we+¢d?a!S' Born. an Tliarsdslr ugust`24; ,month visit w#h her daughter, Mrs. reoaivbd that, he has arri�,d"oyez- ssnn� on Saturday, Amt 1g+ 1944 to Co Ra Abd 36.1 Cailk. , t .,Ray Cafik, at Moncton, .N. B. seas. Private Lloyd Hicks is with the ° rp y 800-Year Old lbtoni Found a. in St. George's Anglican Church, (nae ldusied may,, a pop, John Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shepherd. of 1L 'P. G. Highlanders: H 3 enlisted W ugh.- Rogge Hi)jis aRednsrday e M'•bcetk A�,1Nt: . atm• Rs��mosd. � � Hamilton, spent s 'few days last in,AtpViL124 ,,.Holb4 i'becs in-IF1Ciarrs of blas. and' Rats,> = Mrs. W. J. sines-Jane, Mrs.-Hick, reeentlp-re- Picie�. _ONL-teeeaaee the bride of --wog--Wamaa'� Iaat ate - :. . 1ii.- week with their cousin, seined a letter from Major J. F. Sgb. Comeren R►asae, RCAP., son of sand at the tom of the hill'1 Mr. and Mrs. N. Banka a d Mrs. ~ Peteraar "Sunewhere in .Normandy" of Pickering. Wcanen's Institute will west of the Rouge River off the Mr. and Yrs. Ae6';aa1d-WSartw, Wm. Mcl.oe©d seed eon Wire v's:t:iasg; . most at the hone o! Mrs. Fred 3' stating that her son Loyd is doing Highway 6n the north ,+ids unearth- w Toronto. for a few days in Muskoka District. s remalkably good job' in Norman-' d a human skull on Tueaday. The Tlee bride, gives in marriage by Bof2ey, Church, an Tuesday, Sept,� Miss Phyllis PUk�y was at Moan= dy°'. 1 know" he continues "yon will her father was attired in a satin 5, at 2.30 p. ru. Our District Pres• father reported to the lioiiea and °n - be relieved to know that he is a adn ' Wednesday officers o! the Pravin ill fain View Station feat week to . floor-length gown with finger-tip ident, Miss May Brown will be with Bob Heron. son of M. rnd Mrc. Hr-,. you aeay be proud of. I personally Force and local polies t the day - enn -very proud to have him here. ]+ gathered an too with a hearty dr We byte to have a showing h digging over - a considerable Aims, on. Brooklin, and nPohew o! Miss, shaped halo. She carried a esseade dresses by tbs9 Sewing Class, lrhieb Pilkey, grzduat�e and receive • hiai He has shoIgn himself to be very " Producing three complete skele'ons brave under difficult conditions and of rad roses, The a -honour b^ea >tin progress this week. Advil- P> cc;-e�•�i•s3�n ae a Wirteva.G.rnaer. I have every difficult co it b s a I was Miss Kathleen 'Watson, sister able Steps m Home Dresomaki a in splendid condition -- what m'ght Mrs. John Cray, Kitchener,warof the bride. Bridsaenaide were: bliss is the Roll Call. Asd3stent Hostesses be parftts and one 'child, fm�n the the guest ,f�. and Mrs. .D;CaEuzge• know that is useless for ms to tellize, and a large handful of Indian .Fula Watson, sister o! the bride, 11[ra. Croak and $sr, Cowan-C°wa �� wewk-end. . you that he is in no danger and and 119'ias Eileen Buahby. All thrde besaa. They were. discovered ata over t that, toh should not worry about attesidants moors white chiffon gown , depth of four feet. SERIOUSLY WOili.'v13ED hal n, bat try and remember that he with matching balos and' easriod FiGH'I'ING IN ITALY Is much too good a soldier to be cascades of ,mixed flow-s& BLOOD ll�*?�'Oita�3 -- OSHAWA careless, end it is through careless- The' best enan was Mr. Noir-tan nese that most of us get hurt". - - ]?LEASE NOTE _ !pas- Bulk sal news came to Mrs. H cies• McAuley. Rev. E. G. Robinson, pas- early Saturday onorning, that Lloyd for of the church officiated, The z;,' M,n nbers of the group lro� Pick-. lead been wounded. wedding music wa-, played by Mr. e-ing and vic_+.nity will pieaze r_ot% Horace Lapp. Ushers were Messrs t fat-th- next call: to this area pkkerin Township- Gordon W^'son, Gordon Wade and s_h0du.cd for• Wednes.:ay Sept. 11. VOTERS' LIST p Barry Nasties. i all tarda will be receie� by ycu At the reception held in the Gen- -ifore that Jets.. Th, firn call of oeha Hotel, the bride's ,mother rec- � � the season -- last w*-had only a l Votocal List 194,4, Municipality of eived in a royal blue gowa and wore cisappointing number attend. Alli the Township of Pkkering, in the a corsage of sweet peas.The groom's County-of Ontario ,r►ther received in .a'lr force b:u�, gn w ent being madesgent than evzr, - with a corsage of. - --- 'NOTICE is hereby given that I For the wedding trip to Gil c.ear have complied with Section 8, of the Lodge on Sturgeon Lake, the bride Milk Bottle lYbney Voters' List Act acd that I have wore a two-piece dress of pale blue - i posted ug in my office at Brougham, with navy accessories. Wa have.heard on several Daces- ; m the 12th day of August 1944, the Followingthe wedding tria, the ions vi late, of different people i i _ list of all persons entitled to vote in couple will reeeide.in Charlottetown, this village, having money taken the said municipality at the Munic- ; X. B,, where. the groom is statio+red. :r�►n the. :nil'k bottles left on the [pal Elections and Elections•to the Friends, and • relatives`atteading .icor-step. We might-.add' also, that' Legislative Asesinbly and.that such the wedding from out of town erme several individuals have been see i 1 List remains .there for inspection. from Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Ott- trying to get this money,out of th And I bereby call, wpm all voters Beaverton, 'WIL-ud— bottles. _ � awe Montreal, It i. always a Good idea to us.,• - ._ , to take Arnediate proceedings. to to peg, Brantford and Toronto. The Donald Sprasm am of Mr. sad Lwrivate David Bath, Pieltering' 'lave any errors or emissions correct- bride's grandmother twvell d` 1700 the milk tickets, instead a siwer-- ed aeeording to law.. Mrs. Its 13. 3tntg+e. Pieka'ins. sow who bias been reported seriously', this is an old offense, usually prat-.The haat day for appeals being the ! Wleat. wits the Canadian Fohees in Italy wounded in action, s9!'or"dfrig t0 Mord tisel by child who want sonic Mrs. Edgar Second day of September 1944. - change for caddy etc. _ - �f�; of Piclferinbi his g Dave,w _>liiller-Fosad plekerLag Farmer Stricken lee FIaW went t° school hem enlisted in Dec- Dated at Broue--ca=r. Oat., this 12th! Trooper Cedl Keith R Ang. 19--Rev. M. R, Atha district was deep' shocked• , sported ember. 1939, and want overseas is 'day of August, A. D. 1944 Pickering, i. Jr_rekinson -solemnized fire eaearr:age on Tuesday evening. Ang., lb, to --Missing is Aetioa January 1940. HeAs is a �cianber o! Lloyd T. Joheston y tech in Picks United Church, learn of the sadden passing of Art- j the,Royal Canadian R:g"imsnwt.'wound Clerk of said lssneiei Y > Nord moss received am Monday word as to how or when t`"� wound paGy. of Mary Elisabeth Found:•daug'iter Luc ith9t's, well-)Qiow!i 8th sun., evening by •his. mother, -Mrs., Elsie ink took place, has yet b"n received., of 'Mr. and: 111 j 'Go'�3on Piund,`t-F 'iarmer.'16."Carruthain3 had`gone to Kith. of the Brock R-ad, that her Robert John Miller, ROCS, son' of the field to, dig potatoes in the of- son 1 .Keith, was miss•ng, Pickering Township Council. _ Dr. and Mrs. Jenna H. Miller, of ternoon, sad had-only.wprkrd a few Thr. Cgci Cookstown. Settings- of gladioli dee- '1 n o'whom• he wc!F nbsd. It l2i action,,since, August lb. He and With ��Q��l'��e� will meet ani T,ueadsy nextq Scoters his`brother E:dga�, berth i_i France, i► K e her loth at the Township 'Hall, � orated the church. Mr. W. C.'7durkar was of tru#1 near the dipper hour had written have on Sunday, August Broer�barri, at. 1.00 p, m,', for the playedthe'w bdding'aAMC,'and Miss that anxtiety arose.when lie did not 13, and the letters --took only one transaction of general busineea. Catltsr'irne 0 + cousin of the bride return, and a search was Made by week to r.each'their home in Picker Piekoring "'' ' sang "At Dawning". his. son Ernest who owns upon his The ssidaary Society of. the Viven in: marriage by her father, prostrate tori. Deceased was in his ing. He has a brother; Jim, of'Scar- p abyterian Church will meet in Labor Da:r gbeei4t the bride Wap !!owned in blush ivory 718t yeas. boyo in the Army two months, and, the church on Thursday, 'Sept. 7, at.' Vdth another brother Earl, servid twc Blase - Labor'Da Special Permanents. oul.*s of Guipure lace. Her finger- Arthur.Carruthers wvA a snn of t3,^ • + • y ed two years ago. He has another I regret to announce that I will tip veil was caught 'to a shined late Mr. artd Mrs. William Carruth- brother, Lorne, working at the Pick Women a Mlesionary Salciety k,-be unable to- do hair-dressing at Mary Stuart cap and ho. oouquet era, Following a shirt Vine fa�nirio eying Fa•nns Store, also three sister. 4-Home-=We Baking Sold i r Greenwood from Sept 1$ to I?ac. was of salmon pink gladioli and at. Cashel, Mr, and Mrr. Carruther , and a young brother at:home. 26,so please make your amiointrnent bouvardix Miss Susanne Miller, who have bpi.married thirty-eight The September meeting of the W, a' now - phone Pickering 9984. sister of the groom, was c.'i�laid of years, came to 'live at L^t 82. Con. M S: of Pickering Urritpd Church Elva McLean honour in pink chiffon m'ated with A. Deceased was a r-•,rnber of the Markham Blo3d Donors.Cleinie will be in the form of ';A Family matching shoulder-length veiling. Stouffviile Christian Church,' wham Thursday, September 14. 'Party", when the members 'of the She carried pink gladioli and corn- he had benn a trustee for oeveral Baby Band, Mission Band and C. M -r UNIONV'ILLE flowers. Attending his brother as tein:ns. Besides his, B,-)rrowink wir, The ,nest Mobile Blood :Donors I. T. and their mothers will be out , yUNIOIZ ,FA>tM',ERS . AToo-mrnan, was R. T. Millen; RCAF. he is survived' by one son Era=at Clinic will be held'at the East Unit- guests. It will be held in the Sun= U_shery' were: R. C. Stork, RCOC:. four brothers, Harold and -'-,-d. at ed Church Markham on Thursday, day School roam, on Friday after- ' 'x _ - A 'Porti Cash^l, George, at Bratitfo .. and Sievt. 14', from 8,4'5 a. rn. t'li•noon noon,' Se-ptember 1. The W. M. S. _ -RCAF, cousin of.the groom- Chairleis in ali.,arrua. here ar two a ca s are in a mai or se mcAm rs willplease mea a2.30,- a , at-Markhs:, Arena, on .,' The guests were received by the sisters, Jenny and Mary, at home. who usually give at Markham. New and our guests at 3.00. There will be bride's riiother in a navy blue ensem- The funeral service was b--!d from' Donors who are not on our list,'who a short program given by members.' ; 7F'It1D.A�Y, SEPTEMIBER 9, 1944. • b>t with accents of dusky rose, and the late•homp on Thursday, co.-.duct- Plan tri ccening in should 'eat of of the different auxiliaries. " NEW__ S Rues Creighton and Ills Orchestra by the groce n's another, who chose ed' by Rev. Chas. Montgar -ry. Fal'- breakfast which contains NO FAT. At the close of the meeting there on orchid gown with matching mac- b•-arers were Messrs: Jack Spent, Do not eat bacon, butter, whole milk will be'a Sale of Homo-made Cook Proccetie for our Markh:eu Fair essories. For travelling, the bride Albert Draper, Murragr,.Durke'd. A. cream, eggs, cod liver oil -- you,may ing. We are asking all the ladies (train Show changed to a white flannel suit with Kirton, 9hn.man Arnold and Ant. eat sk:irxi milk, cereal, coffee, tea_ of the church to please donav) smne- tonchns of nAvy-rlrnd a corsage of Featherstone. Interment iu 8tonff- fruit juices, tomato juice, bread thing in this'way, So^ial Ccram ittde: Matisdo Oft per pe G ville emete toast, ram. �1 - s, ttOq arise cogen, rye Mrs', Fallaiae si}d Miss Murray. .. . •,. ..,Y: . A.,.:.,., .. •._._.... ..-'.'.� ",;.; ,: :i' :"- :.'T'• n '.J1,' '•1: - .F•'; ..5.7 - :'l.4.- R.",Yr, :.c:.-r:..•.:..�.< ... .,? ...,:._.-., -....t=.. _,.,.,-r-....:».�,..:�.> <:....:. .:..:..,;' ti, - 8`., ..,.. _r :.:�J•�:., _k;x,w+, -_':.." '.a", .. •ere". .o ;., ;.x:-.oaf,',: ... - -• .f. . L ;. t.. .. n, m. its%•`'1 rt, �� vr.�...A '+:,.: / s.._:r-"+3 k.w "'3'. -J, t.,•:. �" • :' - --^-r•- — .. -'r �`• __. til- •.a , ,=" �;' #s '{` • ".MAD COLONEL" SURRENDERS To Open C><garet- r r MIN .;Bank In Fran• e MOREv" FOR WORM OR PLAYS ' yf�� f � A cigaret supply bank, similar e one serving troops h -• -- y r 8 s r <. 'to the n t :a the ' .� Mediterrattcan, will be established - - ---- { at once for Canadian forces in r Normandy and Britain, the Post- \ .. r, _ . � y office announces. Air-mailed orders 7. �'� will-`be filled by drawing oa big k reserves built up over the last few months by bulk shipments. Cigaret gifts will continue to be / ordered by, •individuals -,.through /► their local tobacconist or direct /•a >y f -from the tobacco companies- said 4:Y .:. 4• the announcement. The. tobacco k companies prepare labels on re- Eutld breakfast ground Noblsea hitch-encuwhol Wheat wheatt7 �l l eeipt of orders, complete with post-_ / } .. - .Shu MY 8Y e teres rare one parcel *of 300 ciorets QJP a*!the pralWas and The Postoffice then. takes over, ei n a s eisGy -carbohydrates• you need, as The labels :are recorded and flow W - f k as Jnaffvl amounts of the overseas, to the reserve 'tobacco o �Mell D � ' n►inerob, iron and phosphorus, u.: tached to cartons' soutaining $00 �� Shredded Wheat is ready eigarets by members of the Can- ,cooked, ready.to eat, Serve adian Postal Corps. -- -)Ioft9n1 _ - - Ari oatstaadi g leafttie of the. �1 _ IAN SHREDM - scheme is the protection from loss WHEAT COMPANY, !�. to the individual' of the parcels 7MB Nie"re halls, Co wde ` while en route from the tobacco companies to the supply depots overseas, as the labels, if lost, will be duplicated. After hokliag out fqs it days a! St. Malo, "Mad Colonel" Andreas _ _ _,�Oit-WEI' HOInCi _ Post-war homes. It lis e�cpected that von Aulock site `sdfllyr in front-seat of Allied jeep as he and 8011 - = when full production rs attained: others who surrendered with him are taken to a The first American Indians came so three mo h .after the = ems. Berlin over the Bering Straits from Asia Prefabricated-houses will play 'a jigs me hr a nt s deflfes his`�apturil but the calitiM doesn t he. g and tools are pfepared,, these as a bunting people 13 to 25 thou- big part in the British Governments houses will be manufactured at the sand .years ago, archaeologists say.. scheme for providingtemporary p orar y - I rate of nearly - Jim • FX — Commentary on Current Events "A Definite Complete and Decisive FROM DIMES TO DOLLARS �iaraQ *iIn -Sight" . _. The value of adalay ■k owe prosrcistvely with db_ Victory End of War -Iy� t!' MW ea of S on the Piro . • ED CHAPUT eo-dbco-v ecru or Teri-Hushes, and president at Boaseeour Mines Llnatte4 wires Cross �*aI d'Or. The job of presenting a complete the city's dr9tr13ttfan; Allied war- -- .••DRILL $$Ct'RED Sol .aaoNszcot-R. SAMPLES GOING iicture of France today is too much ships silencing the forts of Toulon FOR ASSAYS. ATRUCK FREE: GOLD IN ONE OF _ for ecru the-most gifted reporters and.French troops in the c4ttkirtj TRENCHES YESTERDAY. ED. CHAPUT." - -- and e inost expert map mikers, i of the port; an Allied column.from — guar dw*zibank .ee btrbkee. says the New York Times. The the 'south reported one-third of For p to the minute .de;-eleou eat reports. write reporters`can"dip here and- there the way to LyGn; Allied cruisers . ...: -into the clouds and smoke that 'shelling. Bayonne; Nazis and their -';BOI\S�COVR NUNS LMTED have been swirling over the coon- sympathizers pouring into Spain • „ '-'try. The map makers can lay out over the international bridge at . 48 RICHMOND W. TORONTO 'with, lines and shadings the ex- Hendaye as did the.refugees. from u pandiag area.of Allied control. The Nazism four years ago; the French- --- " communiques reveal such of the Forces of the Interior active over ACCOfVNTAIti"rs ! AUDITORS FOR SALE MEDICAL • ' armies' movements as W*not en- one-third of of the-area of France. COMPLETE MONTHLY BEAVICE, z lighten the-enemy, General Mont- ,Two 'Bright Facts small . businesses our specialty. QUILT SAMPLES -- - s YOUNGER BY +_ t __.there _Two facts stand out, brightly fn �tt d< Company.'•8 .W_ellingtaii 4 x0`9 makes everlast! uilts, ?ting rid ofthoseugly,wrlak- Xomery, :n a characteristic burst All Government reports re red. RIGH GRADE $L'ITINGs ABtfL•T large pores. saggy wkin. —"' ,• t, Toreato. ;0 samples.11,45 atagsAtgnchided Grattan's Wrinkle Lotion_Is the }las been s defimte, complete and ?S tens appasetit co>zfuston.' 'Ogre - ha neat -,Use* nstringeritl on ' the • is thattixt Gertaatls;"not- We also have hal! yard REM ma-abltt6 llnteed. Order deserve veto asserts that �-�-- - -- BABY C7tHfiCs-- ----;►1,�•"��._��s,_�ee.psrtis scuta_ - ry_• and __ ,. _ 'the end- of the was 'is in sight." numbered and outweighed but otif- all Color Worsteds, rises outlined J. L. Rice Agency, Dos IB pI{It: PL BARRED,-ROGKB.'NEW ..on material 86c each.- -ppoosatag,d 'Prime Minister• Churchill, more generaled and outfought, are is Hamps'hires. White Legirorns.and, included. Louis Rlce, 961 spadtaa chewer. Ontario.Cautiously, sefusea 'to' " great danger- losing. other.breeds 16 weeks up to lay Avenue. TprontQ. predict an p g of .thein the beef' Ing. Pure catalogue. Top Notch PATENTS, early end.of the war" but, will pot Part and perhaps the :greater part Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. BREEDING TURKEI9, WAGON Fh7THL''RLITuNH711J�:H a t'�►J11'AVY "guarantee against it ending soon-.. of the Sixty-!tine divisions ..tligt Wheel B.B. Bronse .weighing up Patent Soltcltorb. Eatr,hlt,ehrd er than we had allowed ourselves were reported to -have in western LIMITED QUANTITY. Or FALL to 33 lbs: at six months, rarest 1890; 14 Kin West, Tnrnntm 3'-olds available sept. lith. Rush stock ,yer„nnalty_ On �rQeiria=the�iv7lI Bs`-niie7 in -'sprees! mactnge In�U 9 b_trb - -- nveskLlat... of tatoriga t pressure is kept -up the will find order received. Weekly hatches guaranteed - .4 Nazi Disasters Y pestb. Thousands or - it`difficult indeed to-'Stand On an thereafter-but orders should. be -range birds to selfct-from, raleed ;9tITt►GRAPlA7 The details almost defy general- Y 1P1 me a ut a nth ahead. without lose. The secret of sue- 8o d bo mo line inside the French •frontiers; a laying pullets now- for lzation: the bulk of General Von tear lies in reliable foundation J 4 prompt shipment. Fall Service. 1Klu s Seventh Arai beim chew= and. they -.may have. to ibandisn . H p -s3oek. Your setectlaa now from-. SME TESTED 1.ITY - uir c ready 'soHatchrite for pry bis adv+: SERVICE and SATiSGE C'T�ON ! Y g our stock should -ed u in the Ar en ]Norway :and the Low Countries. our copy. Bray Hatchery. 130 dends. Whaling Turkey. Ranch., . p g t�a-Falaise Nor d° 'the dare, in ' ohs $t. North. Hamilton. Oat, y e, spite of a Moorefield, Ont. pocket; elements of, the German Your rums pro d,,veleped area - Xn temporary success _on the BalticE.gTqaI:Xr1r printed FiFteeath Army trvintr to r.�rn.�_' ron , wi raw' any arge num weeks of age to laying. Ba red males, pedigreed.. regiateted: 123 ►� F, R+ll.! 1Se �the'Seine -ander air bombardment; - Rocks, White Leghorns, New -Park Home Are.. Stop TA Yonge, RFPRINTS 8 for 2Sc of troops from the East. The leo-. FINEST F•NLARGIN.O 8VIIVIVE _ ,American troops on the north bank Iiamp,hirea, Hybrids. Free Cat- Willowdale. of the Seine, below, Mantes mov- oad fact is'that the moment the sloguc. Tweddle Chick Hatch Fou ainy not get nil the titmr >nu Nazi hold weakens at any int, �eries Limited. Fergus. Ontario. PROFITABLE WELL, E3TABW$H- want thin year, but yotf enn rcpt nil ing'to turn this new-escape route• ed flour mill. (export and'domes- the Quality end morvle•e you dr•ire- $Rto a new trap; Paris outflanked, there is a popular uRrising, This, DYEING a CLEANING tic), with gasoline, wood' dealer by sending your nems to -with resistance forces • the cit • is clearly* evident in, .France, and and hauling- business in con- 1!i1.1'"IAL PRUTO srliVirte Y 8AVJ9 TUU ANYTHING NZXlJ#) cellon• for sale o account-of Station J -Tnronto ' there is not the' slightest doubt d , growing bolder every hour` and ysins.or cleaning? write to as All-healtli;' with residence of 5 Allied tanks apparent] that it will occur :elsewhere. The for information a are Siad to rooms. Located in splendid Manl- y_, avoiding. answer your questions. Depart- toba town. Yearly turnover of • - PROMPT MAIL SERVICE best that any outnumbered Nazi stoat IL Parker's D e por entrance only in -order to prevent 77 W ke $80,000. Price- .18,000• with i5,= Rend your film rolln to 0• n•,dh a occupation force can hope for is Limited, 191 Poage street,. To- 000 cash. Write owner, Bog 145, larcent photo tinlnhina ALtdfo :onto Y3 Adelaide W.. Toronto.,- GET BETTER PICTURES to-be taken'pris6ner.'Tlle best that :'`,-'• ON FRONT AGAIN the Quislings and lesser collab- 1 DuOdATIONAL HAIRDtt XS,Slxa AT LOWER PRICE orators can hope for is a trial in' ATT NI) BV$IPi:ESs COLLEGE Any size Roil-6 or 8 Et posit rest. due process. this Fall, insist on Gregg short- AMBITIOUS GIRLS .at>d - ' + hand, taught In over 18,000 ,MIDDLE: AGE 'DEVELOPED AND PRINTED.2.5c Tithe Hiders Ofi1y Friend schools, choice of highly-paid A 'customer at Berwlek, N v., It does not become :us to for. , -stenographers, secretaries •and . women, learn hairdressing at CA writes 'Z want yon to know how ,h z •• oda s finest -and largest bchoolR. _ "Graduate sooner' with leased 1 am with your wonder. r g get, however, that the Nazi realm Refined dttatned work. Sgtbndld pp Gregg.' ful work and prompt service."•We . PAY. Write or cal] for free ltter, �d has been to to this stage, as ature. Maivel Hairdressing schools, etave'anch letters from act over t an. Mr. Churchill predicted, by blood, FARM FOR SALE 858 Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches ada. sweat and tears. Boys of the Al ?8,600-100, ACRES , ALL TIL _ 44 Sing Street, Hamilton. and 74 . e . rENLARGEMENT$- ` Rideau' street. Ottawa. lied nations are 'suffering wounds able, Durham county on 7A High- — 8 for !be and death'in this'moirlent of viC- Eacel ea55 miles sI,Northeast Toronto. •L E A R N HAIRDRESSING �trN8 4x8" to Easel rltounta. x Robertson et neo tfo tory as they did in the less hopeful edit.. Possession; sacrifice, bere�queat herding ca saes - } SP£CW. PRICES ON da 9. At this supreme Curtis it is death asoa se ins. 0p1y •own�'r Obert one a�gradrr4saing Acari-Y p e , Mrs. Amel)a' *arloi►, Nestle- smy, 137 'Avenue Road; Toronto. ��NO �D COLORING ;.; for-us to support them with work ton, Oat - F,nra.`rii;ements `4x6" on Ivory brit? -. as well as prayer's. Time 'is now XEDICAL mourfts 7x9" .ip, bid, stl'ver, Cireas- sian .Walnut or lack Ehnny sh .' Hitler's' only friend. The home , FOR 3AlLlE ' SATISFrY ' nt YOURSELF •- 'EVERY frames,.•69c adh. if front const stand with the fighting rOR SALE-C 60 PLETE CREAM- - a a or men in denying it to.him. ary, pat age gal. pasteurising ' Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- plant STAR including cooling pum and k ,.Sold only Munro's Drug s� h.P. boiler, all in • ood con- Store 335 Elgin, Ottawa.-Post- Box 129, Postal Terminal A. Toronto -8uffe[ers OL dation. Writs for particulars to paid �j1.00t Print- .Your., Name and Address . J. P..Cybulskie, Barry's Bay, Ont.'bleeding s: oiland STOMACH AND' THREAD'WOFlainly on All nrdal RMS L111,1111 iz,,11,11: MCI v often are .the taus• of ill-health WANTED Finest. leather and harness pre. in num U11 mune! Why not Lind out u thii ai IND Ono Nn. piles should servative. supit also has many WANTED TO BUY: ALL KINDS OF- know uses 360• up- at. most is_yqur trouble? Interesting par- know Bunkers Herbal 'Pills treat -grocery. , hardware sad chafe hard wood and suet wood tows, titulars--Free: Writs Mulveney'■ also small qquantity bolts. Write 1'rA the ea'dop at its .source.. Money cruces. A product of Lloyds Lab- Remedies, Specialists, Toronto X. • Bagdon .k Gross,_ Fnrnts. its - '- France's Brig.-Caen. Jacques h.ec- oratorios. Toronto. Walkerton, Ont back ii the first bottle duet 'not .Ltd., FOR CONSTIPATION! FOR EF- 3erc, who has been fighting under satisfy. Buy il'Om_ Vt-AAM,&I3IAN _ fie ti�ve,- -gentle action take Per- ARMY LV-ANTED TA--1;11-Y�_BIISH _I.A�1D9 Khat .��.�,,,Aqonym since 1840 and won !!cera'.saddler and bridles, 140 set. moi L %at v--!a-T WeIs.- Relieve or Farms containing bubh.lands, ' claim in North Agrica, has gone Apply 14 Wood street, Toronto. constipation safely. Non-habit -tunable'td cut furniture lurnber. j' LO aCtioA On the French front as -- forming. At -Your, ,druggist's-or _ _Write Bogdon Ac Gross Furniture +► commander of the French second. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW. USED, send 11.00 for 2 month's supply, Co. Ltd., Walkerton, bnt. _ e . brought, sold rebuilt; be,I t s, ostpaid. -Fermol Distributors, ' Armored Division. Leclerc was ' pulleys, brushes. Alien Eleetria 9i< 712,,.London,,Ont'. TEACHERS -WANTED. - i vefaor of the Camero CCompany Ltd" 23116 Duflertq 8t., t , and Toronto. it's PROVEN, EVERY rSLiF>+F,,RER' PROTESTANT TEACHER F O R ! nsht his desert.vnterans to Eag- � Ahetimatic Pains or:Neuritis Bent River; state experlence and r hand at the Close of the African l� IM'LTLI. 'SIZE 1'OVLT3tY CRATES tFould try Dixon's Remedy. gold salary• duties to commence in 1.85, F.O.B. $ Jacobs ar .n, nnQuf Jacobs, ntar o. Ell'gfa, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. secretary-treasurer, Bent River. BIRDSELL C L O V E R $ ITAGAIN NURSES WANTED appmC Repair Plant A INAL CHEROKEE,: HERB AND - ;:� lea, 88' Evans Avenue, Mimlco, IRON TONIC". The Nerve Food IMMEDIATE; GENERAL DUTY i tree of the biggest airplan S • * moi_ �_r -that puts strength ani pep into nursen,.,20 bed General Hospital. CII- DANDY WHITE FLEMISH GIANTS the entire ' system-Price $1.00 12 hour duty $90.00 plug lull ',gine Overhaul plants in the world, er bottle. Special '8 for ljS.bO. maintenance. Palmerston General OE _2 tb 4 months 33.00 each. 4 to 8rder today-King Enterprises, Ioapltal, Palmerston, Ont." +Rud the largest in the China-Burma- •• $4,00 each. Goldfield Rabbitry. ,Box 118, Chatham, Ontario. ---- t IIndia theatre, has been opened at Box 201, Geraldton, Ont MACHINERY AND UTENSILS ,•an air service command some- 8Al1MEEliA F(NJT swLU distrorrs 1, NF17-.\`n USED CAR AND TRUCK offensive odor inItantlT, 4fe ENT MIXER - IA�vDO 6 , where in Bengal. pr-fa. iavermide Auto Par Sl bottle Ottawh agent. &Oman t7)attery, good orde Z58 awa. v 17 '.iii. tFs -._:Q T 4'�•.h V�.'�..'` '+' .q�A:3.%.>Lr• Lh.S:._ _ -:.1'-•..•,. ... _ Ss s,' .... .ar:. ss-a4' v� i y _ DEADLY NEW CANADIAN WEAPON REVEALED NAZIS UP TO DEADLY TRICKS '��: ., .} ,,,. fix.,J � ..,�;,; r}f. 'ff � :,. :•:g;^'+,1•k; fr :>Fs`..... ,R'l,?. y�y ',.,•;P.s^, ���_ : ! b'� t-% y / �7C 4 /YJ q1 f ,�+1/�iJ >}. :' y }:Jf y.�f+.:Hf1 � j 1,RJ f ff H+ Yf �,`.•. ,f(.':ick„ d f.( >!. •;'.x'f h x'/f y o> y, # cti .< y G7 6 FiJ <rR Y•' ��,+3+h.1'.P•r.`11 .> ,>p f f �,v /.4.�i .• l+ 05, F .. + J4 J f l�f,<' J / a J �y f � � %c`� /h„� F to >.c,1,6 y.k J, : :,: F• w�f"�" y n y :': q• > ..: '� f a a 4 f,F : JH fiyf f > F c o , �G 4' tJ 'f./y o :r:, f _. ... .. „^•' � '� r f.'� J>i yi ".°. /�'"a :. J orf � � '.,�hf�'yv" J5 6,/pFF%+jc+"fytJ y yy '' - N• ;;. _µ.!" ,.. —� '{ > �r/ '',y,,,,,,1 "ro:y., v# oyer c;,y,�y,•.x��,.� .cr b'i s' :�':na+ S�r' �{.++,:.',r ._ ._ - Jfi^ F �-�"— f:,'. ''' yY.;y y��a�'�'/. M a;f-"«..`J.:r.}.✓'.�.'3'^y<t��:., 3'�`� ^„f/� ✓JS / J � trr''g,: f r;.y .. _ _ �J — %{:.,G<• <SY yc.y. J>+`>' >: 'y� y fes, f:b F yn >Jc ,,44�� J:... !F: fS...%.•.: / ?F •f.> :F Y Ff r<..:A3„ l ` > f:$• (1 i _ .."R•.,� +r y' :I": .k;yhi�,.,•�t'•{,.��•v 1 V y��.:':i?� .f :�v'(.:: t'M '�•:": -. .�:>/> •I '�'' � ,}, a k S J. Y�}�f/y }." p'1i'J KJ }'f � K � J aM7 •�'- F ✓ k•, y 4 j 1y y ong on the secret list, a powerful new ,.weapon, the - •' -These photos show two of the �!"Sexton," a 25- 'onder full_ - y nowermansan tracked, self-propelled mount, using in Italy. Two-part mine f y Y, d has been revealed to the world _-_: :_pictured above is anti-personnel f , -: by Munitions Minister C.' Mw o pon. Wooden,peg is driven , Howe. Designed by Canadians a7Ou°d, moms is placed on /menti it, above ground, and cord tied y y and built only in this between moo ., . When trip it has already -been made in cord is disturbed, it pulls the `: sufficient quantities to- supply _ pins and both mines explode ai. a y y� a multaneausly. other two plc- the Canadian Arm and is now being made fol fhe :British Ar."' tura show a new anti-tank-' y' - mine, also used against other-- my-.. ther_my..A modification of-the Can-. _ vehicles. Its bottle-shaped shell - }' ' adian-designed Ram. tank, the has open bottom, is whibk there "Y " = is the electro-magnet "Sexton", a 25-pounder full as iacn in _ • 6t/ rance. The gun"-for the. flew- mount is virtually the same as ;mines to adhere to any steel part, In photo below, an Allied sol. the 25-pounder which stopped disc demonstrates, . on Army � '; - "i. " Rommel at El Alamein. It is tank tread; how. the mine is shown being install into the • :,... . , used. • mount in the lower photo, while, �.:w.. above, a line of the completed mounts lumbers out. to•the test µw RiUNION IN FRANCE -IN FRANCE I , . c , F -- � f Ir r _ .._ x ANOTHER ITALIAN TOWN FALLS 'TO ALLIES - r 4 p ��• Lieut. (Nursing Sister) Billie Belt, of -Guelph, Out, shown here, was. one of the first Canadian nursing - sisters to arrive in France. She'is <; now doing duty with ,a_Canadda _ F Hospital there. i y■ f -INVASION LEADER _ L G y J�4 0 a h - Fondest hopes are realised as a happy mother welcomesher soldier } son bark io • :_ the French x} Army,.helped to liberate the town from Nazi rulers. • ` TRACTOR TOGGED OUT FOR WINTER M.An 1W.'" ` •h `� " h if t t . ` Mr] Gen. AleRand-w—Patch, cordin gto keORW rom Allied The Italian to of Mon4es Model M-7 snow tractor, above, designed for use by the armed Headquarters •in •Rome, -u cam- pertoli, overlooking the va)1ey of tae .forces,in Arctic•areas;•is heavily insulated against cold;-has-six for. .. manding the allied invasion forced Arno to the west of Florence fall to Canadian tatilcaen and British '-ward and two reverse speeds ranging from. four to ai mph. in southern 'France, including the �� after fierce Coupled with a snow trailer. the M-17 is-us:d foe rescuifia downed American 7th army, which ca rigid figh>t• Here both to" and infantry-move fters-and carrviee .im"n-- Oitt the invasion.OE •tom. •forward through the town in pgssuit of the retreatins Huns. s - y.. . , '"!•� ".. ' - -� ;Y. - MSM!-�.1P•'- .. ���a `'''- �-:,.•�.- 'Y'R''':..,r � •w .�-; Barrister SoliLnitor Notary Public a Bsr�L, RAMO SERVICE{ �' C. C. RICHARD _. DONALD RUDDY Barr." ' .Sand&".Neuer powie .m000rto a a • �Mr. and Mss. Army •l[ad111 vrLh �� " to announce the arrival of their sc1a. Snits 611 — Coptigpntat Life Bldg �Aei toroat� ar lbs con w,s.Cans .bora on Au 9k - 944 al P3ckerinS - - _ +fit tiao._:q►�isia►• �b Home. Tomato 371 Bay 3t. _ • -�Kursi� • • ■ - - - _._ BEATON, 'BELL if` R05S ° P.LiPiT1Nf3 c - Nast Pala =-Mr. seal Mrs. Walter.Woods wish _� y�M ors tt...olicitecs _ _per E assist ` - titer, .bo B ocheggustarrival .l 9 1 PAP EIirHANGING W.tNd Repair S�selaa Hroo $Kms. C Ad. _ephone that Fta3 s ttu' Tempos'and First Class WorkA Af 1t may be Your z Ylckesilig :Nursing Haile. _ y .3laterials SuppliedAn W of J.-D. F. Rom ,Tohn I& Nertass. r - _ — C. H.TUCKoOPT.iS � bl. St. ©a[i 8peaee Hill Road � FIELD , � Bay Street_- _Toronto _ . ? �11tl�Va.6 pis, Ontario ARTHUR _ - n - PHONE 62 8.B. - .= nay Block, P. O. r Y' A see6nd me.till$ of the Women's ` 1 ?nstit{Ite cos$ held at the hoses of Phone 1516 ffirs. A. Spears, with Km G. G: -�Clarke� }PrenticeOSHAWA, 'ONT. ;':�rCKEBING, ONT. ' �8lr's P.levator of UnionvilLe, as goes L- LICENSED AMOtiEER - Ages. 33J es _ _ _'speaker. The 'topic was "Education": Mrs. •EiOYE AGL'v. 62 WS, IdILLIi :!► �1 We Solicit Your `Attention and Q Maynard stressed, each branch of Nod.v V o Ou �n�-. - - S W.: L should cccrp:ls a scrap- - - — --- - - - - RINI boo 0 localIs ea Parc . Feeds as started by Lady Tweed auir. tics�of C. A. S. P.. and..of the Lat. We do building of all''kimls Poultp►,. Hog, Dairy; "whble Dr - This she iaid w8i3 a Part of 'Educ- J. H. Prentice (formerly Prentia CARPENTERING chop Western .Grain, Growing- e,Mrs.-. Stevens o tevvaal F and Far CEMENTING - : Mash for chi pmenge, 6U0 eSrain- Eve o -� Bross, of Loc tiill'gaye-two'voca' �4 g - 8000+'ING _ Mollassea, Oil Cake, Gluttera, 111 1u;Cal solos in .a very pleasing stybe - "O - Bran, Shorts, Middlings '�'� -: Thy.those.Tears" std "Somewhere a We also sell Brantford Rooliw s . ■ .. _ �li[Yill -M Voice is calling". Mrs. C. Gostidc, Hateria111, Empire Bathroom _ _. '��QQ++ of QwArnon an elocutionist -R, C. CLENDENIN'G m Duro Wates - les, o Photee Stouffrille-lee t, expert Equipment, - Asphalt„Shingles, Roiled-Booting, ' dept the ladies i+n roars of laughter Ssstema, Beatty Stable. Wooden Shingles THURSDAY. FRI. -SATURDAY "while renting in costrcne thr-e FUNERAL DIRBITOR $oll Call was answered by m r�era Private As4balaaea Equipment, and • • •' • AUGUST 31, SEPTEMBER Iasi 3 "A Proverb". The Presidwt . Mrs. �� �e� Wire Fencing, Steel Fence Posta IR Th Randall conducted the business Day er >v --- Cement, Binder Twine Harness Lady a D$� Jmeeting. -Mrs. Fitch, Treasurer re- Pbsae tart i00@ of zst3mates Fres _ and Farmers' Hardware - r ...POAA cigarettes semi to seventeen lAlsave*s 6ilS Wor1i Graora lMi' S Woo�s'� Coolers' Milkers Installed (in Teehsde�or) :)Deal .hope overseas• 46 were prey /�' p�co - -- __ j�;• ' Rogers and Raz ]I4tai - flet with results and a splendid coil. Markham. OntoF.-J. ' .action for the buys fund. PROU SE Claremont, Outs slap _ . Cartoon sad Sports Red. WANTED Notice - Watch Year Label Ana if The Date L ■e, _ . - DEAD HORSES 'AND CATTLE - MONDAY,-TUES., W'EDNIri AT For tree plot op phone "_'_"` _ �, , S 4, 5 or �C rn Fl sh Stern Doers and REID'STAARKET - BRFOOKLIN ................ N - - Sin Town CLAREMONT ......... *U lleor� ti:ah — Made to Deist+ -- ' PICKFJUNG .............. IM! else - Caistanee Bennett Brod Crawled M vcovs`r ........ . 11111 mean aftsta. _ y re• �, e pay e p one C�argeE �C.adwedy ai�li c,irtea.. — S� - - - I1aPhslt Jp FRANX GORDON YOUNG LTD waQ-Beer& eta. I� - BUT ZZ8'!' --YOU MAKZ THR 131811 - THURSDAY FRI., SASURDAY Twos." •-Pdom Ad.> No M. G0rdon _ sing Phone Pick 50 _ _ SEf1"E51BgB 'I. B isii !: r: asaag to' M �" e n nupkm : _ W 9W♦II9 • Twanto AD Oft Plek. env a jug PRICES, - Va atsr - _ T S. - t TRANSPORT - - 7. TRANSPORT v _ -Movirict • - - A l^n l _ e- ;XH-_ .y � �, ORSES, DAIRY CATTLE,—MA IMPLEMENTS eta — - s« Lot E7 Con. 4 Picks r One mile East and one Southof ''WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6j 19" - the property of-Donald Pukh-v ' ' l� morses ti c . + _• Xy �vw`ar�' w 4 :,: „• Black Mare- 4 yea. old; Bay mars i s . old; Brown mare, 1Q . Old. 1944 are; . old; 4 yTs yrs y �R10E r Bay in 10 yrs Morse catt, olds ., !MVAGES, 1 • �`�: � Cattle •.. .;:- :_ -: x7 5 ' cow, fresh, calf by side; RedBlackY03TS Holstein freehells full. flow. flow, � J e Ayrshire D ►, bred June b. Guernsey,free How, K cow, due Dec.'?A. Ayrshire cow, des Dec, lb. Holstein cow,,•calf by side. Reed cow, due Oct. 1. Guernsey cow, EVER walk into an auction and find yourself getting w� eta; 4 self by side. Ayrshire cow, due time exted and wanting to bid .. a victim of auction. fever"? Wartime ,: of.sa1�-A,vrehire Dow, fresh, cal: by ci conditions can breed "auction fever" if we let them. Everything is to' — side• Aynsh;rs cow, free flaw, bred :«. : <' R' may , 'r �t > ' June 18. Ayrshire heifer, 2 yrs. brei short supply.Many more people are able to bid. Mav Heifers,Pure-bred' duel Stock• 6 But. ..if prices are i up _ . _ D1si 1 yr.-old. 8 Stoekers� .. a our o a �'�:�� ,, ��,����,. �•�«. 8 er..c vee. 6 of'their value.Even necessities could'get out of reach. steers."Pure-bred Ayrshire' bull; one still hi � '���''��• ►ear 1d.-R�bull�2 ease oW. __1Nhat use is dieri mover,if living costs ge up ghee ' .: Bow . , Feeder-ho Sow and pits. 1? sed hogs. `. ► Whet,_good are hiphei retyrins tai bvsinpss, if they a m du Septa ZS. Sb Rock hens .� •� iw,ple�!,enta offset by higher costs. r 8 H. P. Fsirbanlrs-Mroee gess ongla . # What does the.fanner.gain if_hWhor_farm pries lead ft Brooder house, McDeering birder. Horse rake: Deering'mower. Dees• depressiet►and Isco prices.tahr.. ...._ _ _ - l f l t "dug Ctltivator, 18.H. seed'drill. Low _ '. falcn -wagon.- Olivet corn eultivstdtti We cannot continue a full wer'effort add-prepdre;to meet 2 Single plows: 4 Seca I'bns haseDws. WA 61 s; _ Scuffier.-did kanp double plow. the pro_• ems of the post-war n - . a>,, s�' •_A" f plattomi scales. SO& Ib: De- reasonable price level nowt r _ ,_ Val cream''sepataatar, SW lb. cap. r beat n `t new.,' LwM6 ion,kelrtle. 2.$oof T - _ - 4 _ . :'RON*T R10 AOAINfT Y4YlSIL! - 010 IN ANO NOL/1 . pulprers x Hay_ and..Grain • _ w�. tet."?;T 1000 Bushels rmixed grain. a _ , Tbk is one of a se,ks wtn0 ksvW by the Oowrnts�nN .1 .. , `�� bb Loads clover hay. LMM TO '1N TNl 1►Ot'LIe"r M •l M9►ROORAWAI trl/1Rr sgNOAY N1aiMT Canelo to emphasise tw InnpeAanee of 1►►ewtd1" h 3 ; Temiis cash Sale at IAO "N.46. : _ ,�•>•., ' Bassos as�arm�aabeet► sold dLARKE MENTICE sad, 1 .. `.-•. +lb, a(J /�,�' :'it 4'Y` .-<T .f.1 ' .."r 5.� ._nr-'�,,Y', ?r'- *�;.. .,'�7 •. ,...� . ..!7+ rak -h=.t M`.3-+'r•y. .,» r? .-r".F. `b+ `�: '.4+a:4°-.s .# :.G., - .�' +'_ :�!. .F:' ..f :-.y,.t..-?•.'• .,l .�� �`,t:.4 •. _rw.`.'�a "'+'- �(^ .;.may �--_ +• h T :r}:r. �{. {f' F Jt i�.,�[{�.a.yy c,r•..:. }n,,,c / '•1�� R 7I'�'F'•1��R.�Ll j,f• . "L"�' 4y,[' .f.A..n 1 4.:�• ^:!�' `fib .. '�. "'. s••y�-..,:,�Sa v 1w' i r� 'r� �.-i:"�, :�. � �� -f- 'y'. d T yy �.;y /:` •- �. 7:' �,t a .. .�.. r � rC• rJ j,i Y' �-•,_ yam, "x+ 1:M••; `"�" u:.' {; Z J•. vt- _Y F f-''- v 'C9 � ..��j.+.j{t` y,i -v. '. r•r 3i ti 2�.. ,r f>.y} I$ _ .-'c.�• tom._ ::+.Ch "�"cx' J" j4f_ 4,er(" � r//�� �� '":i�s -�? �?•-`�c 7- '�-.. - ' 4'ti.—V �Y }: Y k �5 ` � �f � '�'s*�' „;LLSF'-'�� _ + _ _ :moi[• ,�:J•.. '. yy t t' `^r y r - r u` ,�.•��..+,, "q '� •? +'t` f_i,"r�,:,- N/ -_� < t'� ,a z ' `r .rr�s r - f }5 x _ �•C`:_ .t._ r.-•.:+' a�P.-`t;r,. t ., `s_ :-.'� _s'' a. � '-F� �{{' T 1: i �w- ^iN!P '/f. ,.,Z .Y' �x =:i.,r ✓ � cr? -.:LM -r/f- c.- o f. �.:.N .r^?'- .1•._1:. x� _ a. ;:a .��" �t 1.'-.,!:�tr. -./• .::T - . ., :r-. - + ...-X,.•^ _.,..�"�. A..l.y." � -.y..tp r. -,y"„T,;;.%i� `''"�. lyp�a '•�r"�ryeC . t ;� +'� • .�,.� r- a`3,-:. .'�..�+`', :.. _ :1, �•.�3:- �f} "4-4 +. . :.t ,. X. }`-''��F'�','�':rt ; -.:;-- �••- - '�a.`..- -.. ..��.:t•; ,�wr ..�'3r' .,:.fir' -c; � '""t:�, fi'''r - - -47 .:. _ � • >.,:'.: -r;_4-C_'v •, ,_ .,-:r;r..":, �.-. :$T '•J.+`:,:... �r,.�u}`.z+d..,�_ ��l��i-'M�.^4.f 'r-'.i+ r•'� �� -�i .. .� :.. -. t. .... v,.,,.:: �.. .,. .,._i..:. ::.-r :� -y.:.-. t{.�, ... -... .•�. .. f.•.r, ..Ards }... 9. -.> '.}}{:"=!' �• r f:_.: J :,. { s- Ii e�cf y'`4�Ys� ? 4 ? roc _"� - •"•x`-_ :: :. .+,sof... s`.t: _?)' �' ,rF-E.-= "'�r r� �• 'r �==`' r:f •-�: : - :�.",},?t rt" per'.'^y�y: r.•}.•S s-:- .1 J /':;}}??r: :� 4. H. �iy -� � /Y'•: rJr':� T --Y`} r,- Y:+ f' xW {{ ' - °s{ r r •/ %'"` - :-'+i:'-}.moi;''-' - � /' ff {.j / :;,r f ^�_ tF :.: :y ::'' f �• i �,.' r_"rte:-,�-_'.��.-}:4:{ _ t ZA, _: �^ .. �, . "•"'III • J•:r ._! ry{..-.•''•, r .. + f `' - .9 Jf N. , rye..p�,: t �r r. r -.--.. { � •� r1• h. 4�. rrN..+ ,;x • J tJ• ',�} i k � . .4:}._. .•_ �''• �$v,�_�4 '1.r:-: -• f- ,'5.56 - „y ' _ v : '� •.;i:`v�• ?t4 , L- < x � ,y �:►a�- r �tfi�r..'�f .�,- :� r '�-k��B�� • Y4 ------- viz Good rTe`�s sp`or SportsEmren E shot eheIls_-over the needs of essen- one shot gai3, ,we still ea-titled to z x f 1Cartralges and-Shells •�n"p - ti81- users. Centre fire amnia i _ will not be available at present. (c) A person possessing both -.' -- The Wartime Prices and Trade The AtWtm►ent fire rifles and shot guns is entitled Board announces this week changes (a) Every' person possessing a reg to 100 rim fire cartridges . and 60 f ` n 'the' administration and rationing I i�stered Arn fire rifle is entitled to shells. - r of shells and cartridges to' civilian ! 104 rim`fire cartridges. Persons own- �(d} No centre-fire person vnth a registered - _« _. w' -shsrta e-of-r-af er-Se 30-- 194 copper and other materials no am- '. (The cmplete bulletin from which' fire cartridges for sporting purposes,- - r; munition has been available for civ- ' -the- above_is-quoted way be seen at Hunters are not entitled to amanun- --•e----`-7. "Man_eb� Vlhis • • NV rs-O'f'f i'c�e. .L'[i _ • _ - Ali Y47�+ •_ - ��� y� . V,t 6il�gurn T �Sed consfuerably, put the labour a than one rim fire rifle ar'w- istered. ica ion or aniAmu-m on and production facilities are . still still entitled to only 140 R. F. cart- must be anade to the local Ration 41 limiting factdrs. Production has in- ridges. Board L.- T. Johnston, . creased during the past few snont ) Every person -possessing a must present both his registration -" the point where there is a Blight registered shot. gun is entitled to 50 'certificate and ration book or card. -- - - -- surplus of rim fire cartridges and . shot shells. Persons with more than _No Hunters' Purchase permits for = - NOTICE TQE ' : AWA S - :AND THEIR MALE. EMPLOYEES - By an order signed on August 15th, 1944, by the under~ " - - signed Minister of Labour under authority of National Selective Service Mobilisation Regulations: 12a 3.�Every employer is required simi. every employer 3s reguked to cheek the lerly to ec the ocumeatas e y eaeh male em to ee newly a documents held by each aewly engaged P y 7 �g g between--May -1:944;-Bad- � - . • -• male empYoyee;wTt1>�n �-days af-itis �� ' . . 22nd, 1944, and to report to the Regis- - _ +employees engagement, to determine if. a ltra such employee 'possess documents to r for his Mobilization Division by :- - • -� show that lw is in good standing under August 29th, 1944, on any such em• ployee found not to possess documents ; Wational Selective Service Mobilizationns referred toi - Regulations (that is, in relation to the ,Milita Call-up); -- -- . - r4. Any male employee here re#erred �_.. o, isgiiired by the Regulations to = - $ erg' etnp oy report on present his documents to his employer - _ Ev 1 er must :-_ - Schedule 9 to the Registrar for his for purposes of inspection; _ Nobilization Division, concerning any ILPenalties are provided for any em- _ employee found not 10 •possess deco- - ploy er or male employee who fail to - - r =WMU as refererd to; - these _ . .-comply with R�ons. 8n earlier order, employers -were re to cheek the y a documents held by their male n employees, and two report by May Y, 1944, on doubtful cases as well as eases wheve employees be The for the preseK t-icon- d1d-sotpossess. t�innIn ch although being notified to employers in Notice = ajr nd e r MW16 Employees"., which id.now being mp o ars y '• which covered the check made before May let, 1944. t+ mployers are asked .to remember ths: they do not report on nen who do possess the necessary documents—only on thoii r y _ Who fail to present documents for examination, 'or where risers - , fs doubt -that the document presented actually proves good ' standing. . - The enaplaysrs of Canada co-operated very~satlsfactorily on the, •first check, made up to May ,,I st :last. This co-operation was ' appre6WWd.. ur r co- J - - operation is now earnestly requested. - _ - 3cheduls '9 and details as to documents which provegood • s�anding, ars ¢vailable through themployment and Selective fi 3�rvice Off ices.CW . • :: .-. _ �T iCTTLRI\T it T. C.�T -�- - . , r _.' ; ` Y{ BUMPHREY BUTCHELL ` — " ;A. MaCNAMARA _ . iaistir o l..boor ..1K f �. �Direcsor, NastonQt w Wwxles Selec�et 1• .r _ - - y . e .vawn .�ir.r• • r -._�, �.__-'Vy. ..:3...: ..er..,�—_,S.'—+.^r'--kTf+�"_ —^'�.}' ~r,''T'`�5"f '^Y"'.••..r,.—.:l �.'D.._ r-Y.'. 1w — ,aM a;,± ..-,r _.�.. :-'- .*.arae....- F. - -✓ ..y '.� .' -♦ .. t.. .5.. _,c a •..lae. r�- � '.+.: ?�T :yl week h s Mount Zion ;1'"M arae Shank wW Draper spent : =FOOTBA t_L :. • r ; _.�._ an last elping put LIR E M 0. N T { _ Mies .Arleen Evans of Guelph., insnl-board on the manse at tee t7! Gants ' Mr,,cad nits. Earl Bear..'sad•M- spent a last week with her cousin, vela AJ" • - CLARF,MONT 'g" - Miss Eileen'Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Ficus. Duncan, Mr. ab spent the week-end at MiAer's Mr. and Mrs. Fred Casaie left on Mr. Irving McAvoy and ftfmily and Mrs. J E. Wilson, Ms. J. B. AT 6.SY.P. M. Saturday for a plane trip to Victoria spent Sunday with Mr. David Broome Wilson and daughter, Mrs. M. Drag- -Adadasion-to Gas x ire and Me .earl sad Phyllis Jones, of Balsam B. C., to visit Mrs. Cassie's brother, . and family, at Hompton. er, attended the fuperal of the late 'the week-end at the'-hone of s�� Mr. WUI-Linton. Mr. and lira Harry Worsnop and Mrs. Eli Wilson, from the Clend - i"aur. and Mrs. Roy.Ward. Pte: end Mars. E. Carswell and son Harvey; Mr. Cecil .Maynard of ing Funeral Parlors, Markhc in, and Followed it' BIG DANCE li ` �zp Mian Eileen Cooper 4",been spend Miss Kathleen"Hamilton have bend' ''Schomberg, and Mrs. Duncan Mc- interred at Whitevale cemetery. 1CLABEMONT COMI»iQUTY � =Ing a few days at her homy holidaying with the Walter Hsi.niltoar • Innes, of Orillia, visited with Mrs. Mrs. -Geo. Dixon, Mrs. BrumweA, y� Miss Shirley Kilpatrick spent .a family. Finak Disney.and family on Sunday. W-11t a day in TOrOuto this week. 2sL ;HALL. � few days o! her vacation at the W. - Miss.Kay Hilton, of Toronto; I' Misses Jac Mrs. Benson Draper,, of Toronto, Routrd-and Square Dancing Jacqueline and Nana Chris- "��, �y+Mundell hcrme. we at her home here for the week. tie are returning to their hu.ne in spent a Mrs. M.day with MDraper, Barett's Orchestra - Adzhiaaiow See f Dr.'and Mie, Tomlinson are os.'s Mr. Ted Fallows, R. C. N. return.d Toronto this-week. ?holiday to Hornepayne. to duty on Sunday. Thu good wishes Mr. Frank Di$ney,'who has'been We are pleased to revort 'hAt IIn M!ert!ori m Oscar Barber is much lanproved its' ° ital for Ur NOTICE TO CItEDITOSB - — �heslth. The in jnibers of the Knox family wee is expected hone this week. The cotn`rrunity was. shocked. to DUNN In loving nano 0 were all'at home on Sunday, word, and olden 9, rt' four Mrs. Howard Hawkley was at - Dear Mother,, Margaret Burton A Utica kilo 'weak attending-albs-_a3 — �� �n �eiv^d by his wife hear of the sudden death of Mrs. - _ -- and-parents-that-Sgt:Walter-Knox oiL D F CHARLES Drugs, who passed away August GOODW late--of-the Tawnehi who passed away on•Sat urday-sad ,� sad ,news cast a-gloom over our tended }� •the family ;un their sad Pickering, in the County of Ontario. y urs we once oy ; was buried on Tuesday afternoon. cu,n.mynity. who share the sorrow of bereavement. Farmer, who died at the Township How sweet their rafnsory still; 'We understand that Mr. Duncan bereaved. The Misses Betty Appleby, Luella of Picketinthe g, on the' First nay of But death has left a lonlinesa, February of' Markb A. D. 1944 are re uested The world can sever fill. of the late Mrs. Lyman PlIkey. , was a guest last week at the home ,nd with Miss Diorothy'Hoskins, of to send particulars of their claims -- and, ever res�.r _ Mrs,,:.;David Dawson's sister, Mrs. of -�. George Philip, has'returned Toronto. to the undersigned before the 1st by son Burton, daughter Murfei, son, Segar, of Bala, was killed on Sun-' home. _ The public school opens on Tuea- Day of September A. D., 1944, after in-taw George, and gtandc ikilken. t .� car.accident in that dist- Miss Margaret Burton, of Detroit day, Septgmb-r.5, with Miss J:mes, which date his estate will be dis- t Mrs. SeW was one of s party and Mr• George Burton, were with of Toronto in ohargP tribnted canons the purlieu untitled Of join occuonts. None of the rest relatives here last week. Man of the thereto and the administratrix will veto inji2red. Mrs Segar leaves as Y Yo�►g .people from su�*qe $a, heshusband and sir child- Mr and Mrs. E. Crocker were the here enjoysi themselves st a corn" not be liable for any claims of which' week-end ,visitors with Mrs. Matt- at Edward and Alfred Pegg's she has not then received notice. / is urged to attend ser- hem Ruby Warne, home. A good trans was reported by Oshawa, spent �. Dated at Oshawa, firs Ota-Day of vide at church this Sunday - "Day the week-end with Mildred Wood- <: . August, A. D., 1944. / of Prayer Sunday". The regular ward. `morning service in the United.Church Rather-more than a baker's dazes �/'r W. IL N. Sinclair K. C. Bank of r i will. be held at the asusl' hour, but of BroughsW Women's losticut� Greenwood Montreal Chambers. Oshawa, Ont., the evening service this week has enesnbere visited hospitable Clare- - Solicitor for the Administratriz, - b"a wstldrawn, owing to the mom* - - Margaret Efisabath Go.dwia aria secures, in file .Baptist Church. mOnt Branch at-the luklls! of Mr:sax An ire oceans social, spotrsot+ed by •+ Mrs,-Carson recently. In spite of the Group 3, of the W. A. will be held in Mr. and• Mrs. Jack Norton were heat and threat 0' a storm -' , the Greenwood Sunday School room - in Hamilton on Sunday to see Dar enjoyed the occasion very aanch. The this Friday -w-ning, Sept.•L A good When lest, who, we ale glad to report, president, Mrs'. Mcintyae, c„uuu� - progr•in of emusic, piano, vocal etc., - coining, along nicely. the usual business, after which Mrs• will be given; also orchestra music Eyesight Edvepfi�.on oyap Many of the for vners here were iif H. ton, BroughamPrrdddent, 'took by tbi Clarke Bros. Adm. 25 and lb d - loi spirits on Moedayy taoraing wig charge of the program, calling ou cents. A helping of iee cream andel tib rain, and so arueh ;rain still ]&a. Norton, Mrs. Johnston and Mrs- .cake on your ticker:. Hot dogs. will 06 fields in the gat Id the ladies. , TO prove "the mail does t"st VV7e ars fortunate' in having ase uses Mildred a:d Gertrude Cor- �tldeugh", the Claremont pos m"ter ladies in our group. They can always � have been on a trip to Wing- toM Obis week of a parcel leaving be contribute their di- Western is b , baft os'June ist, go to 7 for for our en as lo;icaJ reasons,. returned hers os.thq �Na�n Save a humowue read- David � olid Rasa at Parr? C. H. TUCK y Mof AUtuet Aai example show- : jag. Mrs. Johnston talked. kartsaeetr Sound. ist ,You ptllrasls are•'loolaecAi ingy+abWt•the-early days of Fick- A arenber of the y'mw people opt, and motes•' f ering' Township. and Ilya: Rar"y took part is the program at Cedar t lira Jack Norton, local' police off- i ccsrdueted a musical contest in which ieetr* ecaapenb this week on "how , a�_O`poses,were sm+g. Abel del- Creair. wgedat things U*e beeelk dere. vtu iciors rdrest�netetsrthepviaitora•erred i�+1� ► age during the past year". Mr. Nor-, into •Mr. Essum's bins and another D1meY S (�• Pio') tea related that, "a Year ago, he had Mute gat-tom Ptaa- C reels River. - c>S$AWA pHoxis �s>�a an awns d three esus week sat memories. __ as accident, theft or trouble". The Wt men's Miasionasy society Mies Betty fig. who lives at be '..-� Facts should bs helots curet' �- Picaic is always looked forward to the bonne of Mrs. H. G. Michell, ee-, .every war AkwesW Service Tko fir-' with anticipation, consequently when tertained the Y. P. S. recently to a divMieal and especially A Memorial Service will be held worker that they aoay be fully eye it rained too much to bold it on �p-Rce ®resting• It was enjoyed caRretdOus of the dsngets to them- (. this 8uadaY evening in the-Baptist. Ids,- Philip's lawm as usual-it was by all, and next meeting a torn- °., cJlitrch nj honour of the late Kermeth t a Mssppointzbent. However, the hall roast at Wilaon's farkc.' fstves sad others. TLe workers will, Ziaea, who was reported killed in : was handy and provided shelter sad Mr. Real conduetrd an "Object lee ge'eatly red>aeed is efficiency, 1 France in July. _>kvet•yane is urged ! space, and the weather was Boon for Service" for children, as well as the ��on retm�, when tb1D eyes to ahead thin service in honour of a god in enjoytBretst of the after grown-ups,_an Stusday last. are not efficient. IoW boy, who paid the snpsett:ce arc- noon. Mrs. L• Johnston pree:ded and him Chas. Hann; of Toronto spent t For . m y e the eyes am last', rifles. Mrs. Geo. Dwcan acted as Secretary the week-end with her parents, Mr. �rorkesal ansY be bPtteT �►g"Ta r 1 pro tAnn. After the opening h3mn and Mrs. F. Turner. Women workers cosy have had ti�tse Slat4ar Troph7 Tournarsent and prayer 'led-by Mrs. Holtby- the Mr. and lira.-John Altelsir, baby � � 1� for reading and when �. Sere Ne=t Monday. ���1 sell Call elicited mach a- Allen, of Toronto, spent a few days, �' rein the production may . : Calling all ]howlers• The Sinclair t musanem - "None ne your first school .at Mrs. Altelear's add this to gxperletnae std be the Tournament will be played >stti J. E. and B. 'PtiDphy p : and teacher, sdd5ng anything inter- first to be corrected. ; hez+e on the local greens next Mon- es�8 about there.Then the games The children enjoyed -an object It is a fact that 80 percent of ds�' (Labor Day). This tournament eervde on .Sunday night last. Them year motions a:� cotttmlled by the .„ --�aviu p�-the ?Dien of ••Nixed Dori• conveners: Mrs. Marrs and Miss I). thanks and it is oboide. a greater per- Haslock, took over. Many apes $�l�idren'sd -to- t 7. blas"• due to Hiss B. Hs1nilton for atrrang- service of praise. Ventage then this represents the rmg the nov$l and entertaining: can- Our pastor attended the Minister- knowledge that reaches the eyes. ` r' Lseal Bey Wounded Oeersess I' teats. .Ther� was not i doll moment jai Convention at Hamilton last. Don't neglect them. WS _ Word has e—e thrQugh.that Lloyd in any of them. Twa priiea - Hi4ks of the Army,-has been wound- onna Lily bulbs, donated by I[ra ed. Lloyd has two brothers, Frv_d 'Lemon, were waai by Mrs W., Knox and Bill also overseas with the Can. and Mrs M. H; nilton, -winners of AsrYr7. Making,their house in Brou- the •`minute race", which Proved .-ME N avd0�� he worked on the farm Of \� • igt�+' :how fevY-of us know how long is s George Middleton. His mother, Mn. cninute. Miss Harlock was• a very 'Hickw. is living, in Whitby, at ecce- ' capable- emcee . Mrs, Bennett, of �, ,�hQr f+� Mt. Markham, was an interested•visitor ARE URGENTLY i. ... ,.. and was wa:i.nly welcomed by many f r Garden Party Proceeds Buys of her friends. A delicious tea was , Piano for Schooh a�rved and everyone •felt that the NEEow DED /�// M�'- • ': Proceeds frc�.n a well-attended "picnic" although inside, was a de- o V arty, on the lawn of Mrs. - V Barden party, cfldEd success. - Norin n Linton last Friday evening, The-regular Sunday night Evan- - _ o- salve essential f crops . ..have been turned in for,the purpos,�_.ge�c• services which have been , of buying a piano for,the school at held in the Brougham Hall, will•be- °Cedar Creek i wtuch was burned rocas g� age on Sept 17. as the pastor, ='AOW read for IfOrNe H19 time &&.-The receipts of the-Party Rev. H. Hobbs, is away on vacation, •amounted to around $130.' The new Mrs. A. Timmins acrd daughter _ _ school is on the 9th concession east Margaret, of uslsawa, spent a few -TOMATO PICKERS - Aug.. 15 to �' of here. days. last week st the, Wgodward - fo Needs Help hoasie. PEACH PICKERS - Atig. 15 to Sept. 23 a au Q . Canting Factory p / g We notice that the Csarning Fact- DAPPLE PICKERS Sept. 1'5:to Oct. 20 pry is right in the enidrt of the mn- 1 5 t0 Oct. 1 :: .nirrg season, and we hear they meed GRAPE PICKERS Sept -� _---- . Audle r P to "U Onle who y - - -.. t,a.,w the tithe, to tura out and do'what M - - am With the heavy, crops. raYn oro s ire are • mak-- oF-both-both and-- this year, they will be w unless Apples are nig e •an -a a minimum of sae mon . �.. s ire"9W we do ae about i:. crop- while corn has slightly less .."A- although. � to leave a hot of chem at yore ' .�' ; . growth than last year, although Return transportation paid to those who teamtm Summer cottage, when they Itieli Day..at Clarenoa►nt Draws~ souse'early sower fields are heavy. - — t_ �� �g Siam mishe otherwise be put to good Crowd hoes a Distaste. Sweet corn is a good crop. `ase all whales bag.For bottles The Big Field Day here two weeks Mr. Som Manchester,.of Toronto, plemn 'outdoor work with good wtges end an and cartons are used over and � a large crowd, end we un- was a recent visitor-with R. Winter. ` ' a mess dreit else dance rat Ilse even- Miss Joyce 'Winter hes been spend opp�t7 t ��.the food flout an A"W over ;gain. So pileup return '* yed tktccn in to the doors. her vacation at various points. able to hundreds of men and woaeen of Oa1ad0 .your summer's coll:ctkon of Ing lits empdet; in their orlsiwl nr• • f tournament was won by A forth of•.suxvmeer flu has been' , . . npp. le here. — to the A3e►�r�;team, with the 4th Liars, affecting 'the younger people Brae. es Brewer' 8to e, nearest gogd::'Tl►e'footbail tournament be-. Mr. and Mrs. J. C: BsYu►t are.en- s Re and help twetti.Clarraront and Aja* was c*p-- joying a trip to .Nee► York with ..APPLY AT OMPE.IN PUSON OR --' as maintain steady supplies fOr _ P ted and famil MAIL IMS OOUPON �••-:�•�•a• :yon this winter. 'they sable ail the old sports got into School-will ,not re-open until on-- Oma�e face sp Wks Fwm, the gattre and did -a,fide. job 9f it day' Septcrnber 12,:owing to the re- Grp N, ,"s, tOttbMO. > 1 : � too.. - --...• .. � .pairs ttit tits solsool $ruse not being .� F •� coanpleted in time: i AM A VOW L John and Mrs. Lishman, of Whit- ..». »... ....«••••..». Brougham b called on friends here on Sunday. Neve .........»..........,+.. .,.....,• »...»....». ... .. .,» ,; '�* g y. ...... »........». g Master Carl Disney, of Whitby, ....... .. j . ��vacation at 'wb� of Tor- -bas been spending his .. ..»... N : The W. J: Brown fame y w..•............................•.......-.. .............»»................, ...... G•ta�amere. tdwp6o •�• .......F•.. _ 4vntQ__ware--with.-Mrs-With. T C..Brown. Epp$:.in_-*nest--of--the- ares,_ A a --- -- - — — for the 'week-end• Sunday was Mrs: ----- - — __. - — - near Isere also report a good Seer, ' troan.........................•••••»••.•••••.••»o•»••y.....N.»•.•..•.••....•..•••. .. .Brown's, 82nd birthday. Congratuls- which is certainly needed both here Do$"Avetlet.lw- y HOLD EVERYTHING SIDE GLANCES T ::By Galbraith • 'Q William THIS CURIOUS WORLD - Ferguson> ; �. . vrt P.D.B.B.0 lk.V.D. ,KNpiMS ItLll _ F..B.F.T. ;'� ;.': V N 'T'A'C. ` 4 r." �r V. �R' tS THE NAME OF A I on •. 1 :,, NEW _ • o i:� �•: AWIA36.441 LAUNCKM y` 7. BY DON SLANM4G, .y a ER...AND IT _. n;`pi' cr.' ��:�.1•iv,, - - 1 MEAWo`Ai?WAM , M<. Ft14 49004S ,n - : U�NE>rV { 1'Ffey, Steve, how do you want TO SEW=CLUBS, E3QOK5 your eggs?" Ar wn K ti i i '-? a i�• L Y.Ii�C,Y.{.MT. c ff . 40 OWN - --- BATS / J fiA 77�THE,SriAML.... ■ +sa srru r.K a r a►. s-so AS MANY BOOM. THEYHAWR BEEN JCNOWN 70 •tL,.�Mtc}s''s "He'd set humpbacked if he hard to'carry all the man"We sot ;.FLY 66 M1Lds BACK To � '_• •, �:�~ :• socked away in this bank—yet he bum a c4aret o me every A FAvoRrm Roost � y4 7w'st�N-IwCt+ GuBe f REM— time he akes a depoaut i" - mCAN'82 DIVICED IN ft? HC11N AAA" TWO- INCH CUBES a 2 +suwterA Me.-- -. THIS ARMY wrrswEs: one thou. : �: .:' j .„ ,,,.,,;,,..C,,,,i►K„-�s;«+it.Lwl.o,..r.., •`�. � •�I - - E�S -LIKE A .• , r...... i,,,,y o».. .yfd�l»J .•.•'. __ v Fred Nehee - - LIF LIKE THAT By g. ot_ says e w es .. 1 r.. fled the will power to trim ithes 001 -�'M.7�►`i sd i beside the length of ber _ -- -- . i ►� I A, r r �" '. Gold digging acct says nothing �TAty 44C- : R+.e++�. ... Gold Jooks less glamorous than a man's "Furst it was a car pool, and them they decided to fir it so as td nPty Poc . "Der Canadian patrol vos 'ere last zkht t" sugw, ad o - REG'LAR FELLERS—Invi - t>ing Trouble ' •� By GENE BYRNES , WELL! WELD ' THIS IS swEL6 A HOLLER LGG!� f AN" I T1•I'. ENEMY 'O a JUST TM' TNINa T. / NOT TOC SNUG`•- `-I NEVER WSPEC.T PRACTICE. UP Mr "M TOO LOomswe! ,':`: . i 1 WUZ 114 PERE C f CAMOUFLAGE WrrNl PLL.GO up AN' 3PY OH 11,1,01! R�%' _ .v , ;� - •:''i>.%' • - , TAT� •'V .. • ',+ � � sera: ') nS - '�, �' '� ���.. P 1 k-.POP—Forecaster Pop By J. MILLAR WATT is , , •:K;:; .•' _ - j 1NE HADA T'SAID IT LOOKED SHOWER OF A BIT LIKE INCENDIARY INCENDIARY' �a BOMBS ; BOMBS THIS '#HLS MORNING •�1, rs j MORNIAIC7 k — _ - 'fit S'• ^•_"�t {,•. }{: .. _ _• ... / �* - } . • ! 'ifs '�-�� �: - -. soft.a adieu. like. ��►•�► f,R, ,rte �; 9 30 ' e _ Ur or .. -, .." .,, ,'„.:.: .... . .,wr -,� Tv,_rA�+� ,'.;�a--�+.!' �. "T✓'.,,t,� r .-•w ,p 4.�? 'A.'' c Vic'.- q•,a r � . s' 4.r ,,,., r. '.Ts" 443• y '� :✓: Y wF'¢•� A, y' �. xfK:frs,• �«.-,.�..;"�».qg�:.,.;,,... ...�e,,.s.•ve".�=:.... �•. .::s:Ju ,..-, ..r..., .:macro......_,.,:a.:_..,.b:.re.•...*x:�a,. "._...._: ._ ,:_.,.-... ,..._' %yr.`".7- .';' -.. �,.�'r;>._._:. '.Y - 4:: .:.'a�.a".`�r ti' y .,. .. � -- •_. •-.-..- .. -�.a _,..�. -#-•`+';-*." s < Tia-.yam' , "�'y�i='�:.. .:h a "7 •n..:�..�.7— .^..e -y:. gam.'.' fi `:?' •. .•t, "+ ,,,, {:�'. _.—+.-e.. ,......i+.:., r; r,._.�.. ,.. t'.... 4 ''t�`.c. w.-3. '6.;•.,r,, iso -.1. 1• ' WiWS. P ,.. a +,",.. .. f. !,.: 1, .. • r 'a, • a.F ° to the shade of one of the large .: Dale trees, wisely chewing her cqd,. Y Outstandingly �QQ� and waiting. The odor of bodey.- x t; e hackle mingled with that o the Y a Ad Cherokee roses blooming along S- ALADA the roadside. _.`.`There isn't much to tell about. - me" Peggy said. "My name is Margaret Horton. I live with my grandmother is that house yon'can - see through the trees. Harry rose from the running board and turned �- around, looked as she directed, at F CANADIAN.MOUSEWWNS ••' _ -' � the old-fashioned Colonial house ,.• O BUSY CRNA a dred yards slight the road. on a 11Io�g ve sn -- -- am place tit Chnads'e — �. ' "I thought that must be the - country "u 12 - his seat.` "If looks like a swell p yin- for 'qw..l ppetlsing,any�e lace for a party. Won't you in- b- -�- --S a p_h i re-S and -D fim mo n d s _ _ _ _vice-me_aometime 7 ' or breakfast,lutnch�between Y ' •`If yo trcan,send are-your'fanr - � � -meat— Add-"Your - •.:DOROTHY TROWBRIDGE e: , faU �inv e y u to my d but thLs o IIsttovW i; o e +ta0� _ 'ead3ser-is-the - ' --of--a- -�e7 — Debut? 1 didn't know 'girls had :• disc°vet 3' se "any more. Margaret Horton was angry and common tract. I always do. It psed "But I live with Gran," said disgusted. She grasped her golf to be my, aurae-sometimes my Peggy,, ."Don't -misunderstand_mv.' y ' ,� r : stick firmly is both hands, and own head-thea other boys; and She is.the sweetest person in the y �5��"" , -. VI neither preliminaries nor now the first.thing that coma world. But she still thinks that thought of direction swung It handy." nice girls ihoulda't go places un- against the little white ball lying,on Peggy smiled. "I don't .believe chaperoned. They shouldn't go at =-. tl►e grass. Peggy's iniad, however, I'm quite that bad. But when all, in fact, until they have made 1a�7 was not on golf. Her brows were you've --made a fool of yourself their debuts. The list for that party farrowed, her body tense; her whole - manner that of haste and excite- y!°awe got to do' something., So I for this fall is now is the making,' took my driver and a pocket full and I assure you all of the beat / r -neat rather than- deliberate, con- of balls acid just began banging -families in several counties will be - eentration. them around." represented..But I won't know any There was a sharp sound as the "You• don't 'look as if you'd of them. I've never been to the 'ball struck and a sudden grinding ever make a fool,of yourself, the country club. I've never. been out 1 "�Yhatsa day l'' she murmured err young man told her, eyeing her with a boy except when I was in t appraisingly: "Now I do-often, boarding school and.spent week- she ran forward to see what dis- That's one season I'm on my way,.. .ends with other girls." T .eater -she had• caused. She saw a to Lockton. To forget Ig was a Harry. stared at her in, amaze- �� �� � bw swung-roadster standing in the fool. The cause of m beim a fool meat "Honest?" he queried.• my road. A man was standing with was a girl. I suppose yours was a his back to her staringat the (.Continued Next Week) - fin► do • C f man?'_ he asked.. - of. F Ila•. P fn lark shield Peggy spoke in a shaking _ Peggy. hesitated before answer- . .- • • 4 • ' ...i..�� Lt ...:voice. ing. "'Yes, and no. There's no use "I'm ' I m awfullyF sorry. i' hope no talking about it. I machine into one's hurt" l sounds. One could almost tell the distridi these is no telling when it- mess, and..that.a all there to to iL O O f The mea turned on her angrily, But I hate being made a fool oil" (� time of year just by listening. In, will move out - sad . ]+shiner,. but at the • t of as antagonist so nn- a 551350, ng � atria be- she tears. Don't r C //^��, A' tors, followed by that character come over-ripe, and if a storat - deniably pretty. He smiled, and pay any attention. to 1L.� �+ IS 1✓ V t' - M isti squeakier of cs d drill hap ens me ala the chances rpt. I'll be x12 right in a minute., - c g dts an s, p to co erg Peggy decided he looked rather , i In summer we hear mowers, are the field is left as flat.. as. --' nice when he smiled. Sit down here on the ,running _ SEPTEMBER 10 - _ " " board and cry all you like.-The - wagon-wheels and hayloaderr. towpath.. -. No, no one's hurt, lee answer- DAVID ANOINTED MG And is late summer and early fall ' ' ed. "list aloes, and the non-shat. girl I was. engaged to was always crying when she gat mad,- which 1. Samuel is: 1-a, 11-16 the chug-chug chug of the•thresh- We have been lucky in that re- terableglass• did its stuff, 1t loofa was pretty often, so I'm used to 'GOLDEN TEXT—Man look- ing machines. It is a' welcome spect. Partner has had to stop --funny. 'tbough, doesn't it?" tear!. White you weep I'll intro- eih oat- the outward appearance, sound even though it adds to. one's for only one half-days's threshing. Quickly, if awkwardly, Peggy' duce myself to you won't feel that but,the Lord lfoketh on the hest' difficulties for a while. It is. a But there are other farmers what climbed the old cedar fence. She you'.re crying with a stranger. I'm 1 Samuel_ia:T. sound that indicates the end of have been less fortunate. . Some had difficulty -finding s footing Harry Wilson-just graduated from memory,Verset I love thee,-O weeks and weeks. of work. and times I wonder why,farmers living through the -clinging tendrils- of Yale. No job but the old man has Jehovah. Psalm 18:1. -_- ...worry and foreshadows granaries within'a limited area don't get to- boneysuckte that, covered It. But enough..so. I'm not worrying. liaw _- _ ther- and «t.-..>+ ,,.,« their-pm. _ And Jehovah said unto Samuel, poultry for et another blems as well. as their crus It -at last she was up, and the boy, yesterday. I. was engaged to _s 'girt for be was scarcely more than Itow log wilt thou mourn -for P a • . a Year. should be possible for farmers is - who is a honey; but spoiled -to- {hat, helped her down. There were d Saul, seeing- I have rejected him said a ng y distric agree oil tome ia - cath. So sin I, only I admit it, ' Bu� as 1 thr ski Fans tts ,m t leaven on the gray 'tweed•of. her sad she won't: I got jealous-be- from being king over Israel? Fill.. problems, particularly. with the of system whereby no . over-ripe skirt, and a splinter from the rail cause-souse visiting guy was pay- thY horn wiih oil and go: I will present labour shortage. Farm grain would be left standing while ing:her too much attention, and like serif the to ease_the. Bethlehemite,,' Commandos have .dose wonderful another man's crop was being fence had broken a stitch in •her 1 op ig sen dvool !wester. The brodva for I� have provided me a king work according to' all accounts threshed out Far be it frons me ' R a darn fool I intimated that there sato his..sons." .Samuel; is now - braids of hec hair, coiled.ab t her was an ont of town-girl I, thought ng but it would-hardly be reasonable- t�tefl the men-what-to do-bvi >E lead, were somewhat awry; but was pretty swell. She got sore told that he mast pat snide his e:pe:t a city mea. to help ata often think that farmers as a class her brown eyes thanked'him, d �d gave .me back my ring= and grief- for Saul and; -to go forth to threshing. It is. bad enough for are inclosed to take the attitude the uptilt of her little nose lee here I am trying manfully to hide -anoint him who is divinely chosen those who are used to it. And et -"Each mea for himself and th to` be.Israers new king. Y o z questions ere she followed m to my broken heart." " if,the farmer goes himself-as he de'il take the hindmost" (It ig -- ___ And Samuel said, low can I the car. Silently . they examined r - if has to these days-then the more than likely Partner will tett With a filial sniffle Peggy wiped ? If Saul hear it, he will kill me. -: the maze of linea upon the surface go? " work at home is •ai a standstill me I am sticking my neck out tQ et her eyes and- her nose, and smiled And ehovah.,satd, Take a heifer �-gam' -at h9m. "Daa't," etre pleaded. "liar -- -I -- - -seer though- _there ..nay stil be, _e:presa such :an_�inian. MAybe_sot_ The boy broke the silence. "That W. thee, say,—T am come to grain wa2ting to be cut: This hap- but after all the onlooker secs more y all through. I do fed better' a2. ` sacrifice to Jehovah.'! Samuels Lta more frequent) now' than it of the ams than th la era Aad' was souse wallop you gave that though I'm Irl htfulf ashamed of y g p y j g g y fear of Saul reveals that. he knew ;::•: too; that if farm women had bdchig ank. What were you doing? Prac- - myself." it,"-Harry advised. "Brit 'onlyconitoo well that intspite e f Saul's areso much to aearlier than fo maks work handsuse many threshings I , they necessitated e d s inks changingab Lockton?- I m on my way there o on and tell me our hfe his- s no Early maturing spring g y et; s „ g Y change of heart and Saul would this possible. But all, farmers do oly •of it than the men. I don't sow." tory. I'd -_like'to know_something even kill -the Prophet of„the Lord: 2 Peggy shook:her bead. "No, I about' the girt who tried to-kill me to serve Tisa own ends. not favour early grain, thus. it know much about it but I have an P 8 Y g " Samuel Learn God's Will sometimes -happent that wiles' idea that the old fashioned "bees -,wawa t rasticia for 'anything.. I before she even.,saw me. R -Farmer Browti is ready to stook- of by-gone days were '.pretty well was trying to work off my temper." Peggy hesitated. She did not like ' - And call Jesse to the sacrifice, thresh his ,early• oats, - Farmer oganised, and arranged .to suit. - "Do you hit things,- too, when talking' about herself to strangers, and I will show thee what' thou . Green •is starting out to cut fate everyone a -convenience. .:You're mad?" he asked, growing but this boy had been so nice about shalt do: and thou shalt 'anoint . -the damage she had done to his l unto' me hitt whom I name unto Data. ,$tarEing out, yes; but that is Co-operation was really some car,'and so tactful, she felt, about thee." Samuel was to learn God's often as far 'as be gets. ©ace a,. , thing in those days. You Will. Enjoy Staying At her -outburst of tears. Anyway, will and asci whotti of Jesse's sons 7U ST. REGIS 110TEL there was a feeling of, companion- i was to be the Lord's anointed. God :-Saul and Davin _ ;Chinese Etiquette � k rbl"-w" . ship, sitting here in the stillness often reveals his will to tis grad- "Now the,- Spirit of Jehova'b'de- of Every-Room with Nath,stow- of the country morning, gazing qtly. _ parted from Saul, and an evil spirit IA China and some other Orien ant rre"Pito••. across the•road into the meadow' "And Samuel' did that which- from Jehovah troubled him, Be- tal countries it is considDred a 0 !lase. 102JO aa- as they talked. It'induced a mood Jehovah' spake, and came to Beth- hold now, ,an.evil spirit from God -• �hk• �� raF- breach of etiquette for a person to D rs..e tA'•«l, olalas stat Das>r for the exchange of -confidences. -lebem . . . and he sanctified Jesse trpubleth thee.'' law ,erl=htis. The Jersey cattle grazing in the and his sora, and called them to j omit taking off his spectacles is Stterbomae at Carlton Saul s apostasy was punished greeting` and talking to another 3 Tel. RA. 4133 greeer. field raised_ their heads to. the.,sacrifice. ,$amugl asspred the. ,not merely',by.:the withdrawal of person. stare at them in •evident durprise. elders that the object of his visit the grace which had been given p The _bell on. the lead cow lands wai entirely ,peaceable.' It was a him, but by positive. assaults by _ ? IS6GF Se-1844 little silvery sojas- as she stood religious. service he• was come to i the evil one: a perform and for this sacrifice the "Let our .Lord .,now' command Huda e elders of BethelehYm, also Jesse' thy servants, that are before rhes and his sons• were- called upon to • , and. ehovah-is with him:' Men _ r Nochinglsntorede res• o the world naturally try to get . an a ea... their bodies and their garments as Whq sufter?...Lambly'sa 'was ,the' custom before. the bless= " rid ofineans.ert and misery by ma- il�.rltlet •�instantlie . terial means. BpQ,whatever the iia uta of the.-sacrifice:- ' .__ .-- -- big�!-good ' vi Is Anointed -411-ence of mimic, rear• _ ' :. :•<:: - pursuits or diversions b'f this world, brick. stomach, wels. �. And Samuel, said unto Jesse; they have been found unavailing, Are here all thy, children? . , and y } Jehovah said, Arise, anoint him; as they were is 'the case of Saul, i a ' for this is he." When there is . to bahish sin and sorrow or to SAO ' impart solid peace and satisfaction. NEADACNE r01NDE1tS_ 1• NEW,TWO-WAY MATMENTI CLINICALLT PROVEN! beauty within the soul it is re- i '= ". flected in the countenance, .and with.such God is well pleased. Be- ALLERGInTARS ; Vi TAVAX fore Samuel stands God's choice, David the,shepherd boy, a oath beautiful without and within, and -For.Speedy Relief To wild Resistance Samuel is instructed to anoint him. 1 Take one or two AR•rgi-tabs and Take a Vltavax caput•dally dun- "Then Samuel took the horn of discomfort vanished .DiNr• �'Ing the Hay Paver Season to can. it . and anoinled him I symptoms app•a simple,ser- quo a • - u of his brethren: and the spirit ' e•ssful tablet-treatm•nr containipq vigor pnd vitolity..Vitavax is.the pog•n ant •ns of Ragweed and richlyonly preparation repaati n madifo Vfta-�bining in of Jehovah - came mightily upon• ether plank thatcavN Favor-r to-take,cd ark•form a David from that day forward. So r plus Vitamin C and m•dkinalingr• .. Samuel rose up; and went to Ram-' • 1 di•ntstofp••dr•11•i,ssndo__o�__o�gestion. �uGrs A. 81,C and D all." The' external rite of anoint- 4` ; • MONEY--AGK 6UAICANTEE. with ORAL VACOHL ing was- here. accompanied by an `ASK YOUR G"NAT INE! IM"1.1-ruNCN dlb inner experience of the Doty Spirituor DRUGGIST _AND Off UCN to NORMAL • , 's who• now came upon David for the, a Rftdl KXft4 di140a0; .N Ate, N.AM64ts=ALW4M1WW first time. z 4 v.W .. :,..µ: •: ..s _.a... :. -x:•. K'. - .:_ ..x aa.aYr .. 'o i -,,.,a .s .:.a:t"'•"... ...ate..: r �l.�y. _e,.. .7.4 .•.,Z:rx• mush ,4 , ' b Cl •ed 'Advt's � M. B au 3Dt M in;Wy �R.Y •;VVI ! -�• bc ,� ,:•�.. �w : Kinds 1•/ Y .:A e. ••" �, v Lt billed by naLL ZSth Year as ' :Part Tiatie !dam or WaQdan Wanted Insurance Adviser; For established Watkizo route of • OTICE r steady, customers. be honest - - , Aadre.a F Phone `� ffivat hone and rdiaW, have travel outfit or tors ---Pick -- - -� B Ont 5 Fe.28 -- -- amens of getting one. No capital ham, . Jrexperlanee required. 'Write -The R. Watkins Cmnpany, Dept. O on lune 7816. 2171 Masson St. Montreal. SO- NOTICE our mill will close for Qaaesal `Repairs - Decorative g . urday afternoons, until the --T" ening. Permanent Repairs a Specialty Week of Sept abeer. 1, 1944_. -HAPPY SCHOOL DAYS Clarke and Sons A ;.'212 Bedford Parrk Ave. Torolito' t3OAL, . -8$RE , - -_. ..---. _ --• -- - -- - - n Sept. 1 - .. A HERE AGAIN !Lost, .strayed or stolen, from the Do No LOC K W OOD {SAN D, -{IRA VEL, ,,,_ prnb{halfer-(Shorthorn) nrtnchieoraignea, one-res -.--Ptr_KER1NG. .oxT.- — - — Telephone I'Sck: 77R1s. Harry A. 3UILDER'S SUPPLIEfi - Q�tg and—�ilr�$—�—See—@u - Newman, Newanyn. Farms, Dunbar- - - �. also looAl:eartnge wort son. For a -- 2 sows due also - . _- as Window or co ip ete - -su ne pigs, 6 weeks old. W. Percy, ' LINE of 11dAP;,E LEAF MILLING Neale, phone Fick. 62R2,.. - - - COMPIAfNY FEEDS- fee Box - large size ice refrigerator, - 0C1�@A _ maple cabinet for sale. Al-condares' EAT.R E .A• W. MITCHELL :Hugh saLkshore. Squires'Befach.For sale - 4 young bulls, pure-bred Piekering, Ont. Holsteins, 2 ready for service, and - `others 11 and 9 months old calves. Healthfull) Aar-conditioned _ Yards 74: Rei. 85W` Splendid Thew stock Of bQy$r * All from:R.,O. F. tested du im-Vin- _ -.cent..Teegy, Cherrywood. R. R. 2, THURSDAY, PILI.,' SATURDAY' --- j 1 r Pickering. - - - AUGUST 31. SEPTEMBER land 2 A. E. RICHA'R E E-C N chills' misses' and -youths' Strayed -- an to the testa of Wm. - Teefy, Cherfywood, a Clydesflsle Two shows at 7 and 9 p. rq. (}$NERAL I N E U R A N C R iaare. Orwner may have same by pay- Saturday Matinee at 1.80 _ .REAL ;$STA?E . .S ors, for �scb 001 wear Ing expenses. Vincent Testy, - ? +. - CONVEYANCING Por sale - 1980 Essex sedan, good The V n�nted _ tires, motor'--just completely over- - An. old established agency, read? _ _ .hauled, good paint finish... Gordon ' ._ Ray Millead and Ruth Hassey • to more' f Watson, first door east of..B-A ser phone# Pickering. 60 _ _ ... . - --• - vioe station, 'Pickering. - __.=mess Donald Cr14 - ' -_AL S, '+Ghgptn4:ln Many �i q Boa& s' mONDAY; TVESDA'�, WEDN�snY CY R I L E. ,MOR LEY - r.cer lisle - 16 breeding ewes- • young g _ SEPZ'Lr>I�R 4. 5 sly i. TWO SNaa a4 7 ani 9 P. - ed. Fisc wool. Write H. J. Philip, i - ]I*: 1 ..Locust $ill, Ont. - - - 13oldia. Trdatirse at 2',eeliact- _ -- NS U RA N .0 E buggy - for sale. English de- sistn. Navy Mai_ Used only 3 1 nos. ] Araban r Ni h to - II[tse & Colboarr4; 1st. son., second - house fru.n Old I!•orest Road, Pick- __ g 01.1 O N E 87 PICK. _ For Sale - one dozen yearling hens. Job Rall. Maria Montes and-Saba . ..-Bray beavy breeds. Heavy egg pro- - FOR SHEER LOVELINESS fickeringH duction. =i.Tb; each. Pluone THURSDAY. FRI.. SATURDAY - rd Pickering: a ware. -.,..Seed Cleaning,-- all kinds of grain SEPTEMB= T. A a" WW grass c Ran a r-msona e • -- �Cover Girl : EC-i SILQUE - is :. :_ntes. Robt. A. ldiller Phone Clare- _ mont_.8R8. - We Have in Stock Lots for Sale -= five at $3W, in the . ' ' ''(la Tedludeolor) i ~'' r „ Pillage of Clax Mont, and one at " .IMPROVED CREAMY TYPE LEG : .Paint$ • arrf�she8 and Brilshes she south 'side of the village at ;150. 1R3ta Hayworth sad Geese Kelly ..BRAKE.. IJP _ •:,Apply Mrs. R. r. 3au..derrs, Heiden:.Hill. Ont - - t-ods--at�d Plano -- urgently needed for.Ajsx ;Schaal. Contact. F. Siauons, Secret- Reading Up to Date! , saves Yea Money _ neral e S ppliF s aiy, 8 Wry St. A3ak. _ _'Ge Hardware u For gale -- Electric refrigerator and Two Popular Shades - Beige, aantan rat:g,i ('Westinghousej,. Hoover vac- Maple Leaf Fere 8 os. Bottle- iLOQ - -- - - - _ num c�^aner..oppoaite Rogge Palley -- - J. S. BALSL ON, - WICK ERI1��G ,Ilaitn, R. J. McCrea. - - _ Strayed .-- frni.n Lot 8, con. 3, on Vance o• ' i - Saturday Aug. 26, onR voing btacn 1 -aopw with a white head and long 111 �.J. R. Beyer �rt+orna.-Anyone fiRu#ting, Pleae.� phone Cbesp Lutea fur r"srm and Could"1 `f. F� Crawford, 14812, Pickering. Building +l'��, Pick 68 :_• i•Windstorm Irsuance on Residing Sell that an-wanted article through Wldmihla, SUao etch � • �t _this_ cohrrnn - average cost of 25c. Automobile Insurance of We Have . F armers a ano, -- th wo ale an getting results. AU • .Kinds . . i Write or F%oue - Gerdes,. ''cels, WZ PAT 1�08AN1'O PBICIre .AT W13ITBY, YOUR HOUR >1LI►Qh1►i7 ._ seeds, erti , - F liner Bowman & Rowe s .res' Com. _ 'WANTED P 7b Seed - . . . _�iV. D. Atkisson _ . _ : - ' Darelave, the Popular ON buwi ` Weensed Auctioneer ::WHITBY ONTARIO • ' Phone 290, ,Stouflvilk, Ont. water paint in gases sUad�es.'. Mens and Spr�ng Bro�ler4 p Lawn Hewelrs &%arpened and 'r. L r" • Pownerlr witU_ "Rivers" the u :. noted' auctioneer and dealer of'. SEE OUR STUDIO COUCHES nP!i Hastings Count • • • • • i y _ ed :,High est Market rice Specialising in Farm .Stock acid Staab Ce<aeh =41i.A0 - _ Property Salesl • • '� . • All ashes personally �d 'a anpdo` ed. sialic ��� and , AILVIN .BU'Sg8 T P�C�� RING• FARMS vertlsed. Bina prepared 'and eted Two Oaawor-ai Chau" •Prompt Service. Reasonable. Rates VLeo and _Up. _ lobous.Stostfvilie 290 • • • • Hardi►=ry.-and Tlnsss;th - Studio Couch and Two Phone 46 I • Ori Lounge Charts ii34 •.. :'' ltHd><!i'1tR1E0 RGG GBADtNG STA'!'i .• - 82-Piece -reaist�n - , WHITBY ONT. 'HON WHITBY`396 _... reaKrastIns Pattern i4J6 NOCe� Used Clothitag._-_'Sterilis�,_.e_ - _.. —in ee_Lin`oLWeddin Gi[ts-- ed � like-�.-. and Slower Gifts large stock of higb class suite. - To the Patrons, Greens Mills: - %F own oveiroata s and a o•' panta. Also a good C. A., STERRITT., stock of new leather costs and LIMITED Ami ouncenmt has been�madqwindbreahcers, and of the purchase of the Green Furniture and Funeral Director U at v � furnish- Milling Plant by rne, but I arta ga e29 reasonable Vricea. L'all Scarboro • :Itiictlon this week however compiiled store Phone 18 Res. 90 and be convinced. to make the announcement that - . gam Sehwsrts 'TELEPWONES - I3owai+d 1117, and Scarboro $36 owing to pec Pickering, Onto • - -. f urex ted health O t g1 'Bond Str West. Ushswa_,. : 'British Col m y conditions, I have been forc-d --to withdraw fres= that contract s::Red Cedar and I will not-now be assure- • ing eontrol 6f the, operstion'of ' .Qua sty Meats � - - - • -this plant. N 1 ream i:,operste _ : _ _ res egetables ; 111il"Iva - the mill on Mandays for the z priuseirt: - !� h. _ +�b and . .F'OultrX ` a[�O. 1-5X No. 2-5X SART. TROUTON e 'No. 3.5X Greenwood .In rt38asOt1 a ixo. 1-9R _ No. 2-9X SILK'S MARKET . t �� ,. Plicae Pickering Z6 ,;..r;tZ3 ti ;