HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1944_07_28 -i�--.-.+y.::--+—q, .. ,�.,. '• iT-, may- c '{... —! ,.G,'• y'.' s`s ,;. -A- _ a';..
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., FRIDAY, JULY 28, 19
., ]Local :_Cemeteries 'o eceive' :Atten-t�on ilean uafsa.
: .
ft f Duairar no' -Pumlin ' Aft A Week
Bob W_
->l1Bl[]SD-WITS SCYTHES AND PA9SE9 Interred at Mt. �Pleassnt, I rano ---p • e
CLEAN UP LOCAL - - - - - — -- -- .......� --- -
ItAiggs To
} UNUSED - -
s •. • � ' .--- Cafe,-Chinese--opeiator,_rho--was in- Miss Gladys Burns, of Toronto; CP11.• —
Same months ago one of the metu- stantly killed, when riding a mot4K- Isobel Etherington o! Hamilton,-snd
go urged that cycle, crashed head-on into ai trans-, mother of_.Rouge Hills were guests
the Club endeavor to o same port gne evenin8 last-week; . - a
to clean iup the local cemeteries, of ` �
heroes was held on Saturday last. and Mrs. Cyril E.. Morley on Sun-
which there are two in this village r ' The body had rested at Sterritt►s day last. -
that have. a much-neglected--apP-
•' Undertaking Parlors since the ace- Mr, and' Mrs. Harold Doble and
earance. A Comity Comasidaiotr was went. Service was conducted here, family, of Toronto, spent the week-
appointed some years ago to do this with Rev. M. R. Jenkinson officiat- end with Nl r. and Mrs. Ray Doble.
or look after this work, lynt nothing ing, and interment at Mount Pleas- Miss Patricia Fielder, of .Weston,
;has ever been dome as far as this { ant Cemetery, Toronto, is visiting Miss Helen Butt.
village is concerned. I Crown Attorney Annie has order- Master Kenneth Butt is holidaying
Following a lengthy discussion of >f ed an inquest on the cause of the at the home of his aunt, Mrs. A.
on Tuesday evening, it accident. Watson, near Hamilton.
was concluded that le, an Mrs. E° Bromell, of Whitby, and
Warlon of TorestO,
could be expected of anyone, there � � PICKERING TOWNSHIP '
appearing to be aro one responsible LANDMARK CHANGES �� � Morley families last v:eek.
_!�, these two cemeteries, and a dee- r DWNERSHIP Mme•`Richards, Toronto, spent the
ision was made to have every mem- week-end with Mr, and Mrs. M. S.
ber, following next Tuesday's din- _ Chapman
to the Elizabeth St. Cemet'• After 'remaining within one !am- Dr. and Mrs. Fallaise. and: family .
ser, go -ne ndred.and'.twelve years --
ery, armed with the nese tools, ?: the Green Milling Co., Greenwood leave on Saturday for atwo-week
and put this one (for a �) ' a Bruce Miller, Claresnont, RCAF, who has been sold by the present owner stay at Bascom n of
"presentable appearance". Members is taking a special course in the Mr. F. L. Green, to Mr. Trouton, of
Mrs. Chapman of Nobleton has
and any others who care to came a- West, is expected hame shortly on Hugh ]?ugh Meafor+d, Ont. been visiting her sister, Mrs. Mer-
�g please note. leave, visiting his aunt, Miss E pa._ ' The Green Milling is probably the via M•
T Brown, o! Clareationt. The death took place suddenly on only busiaeeR is this municipality, Thom Eroki of the East i
Reported To Have Coast has returned after spending a
iPSda�g earl Tuesdaymorning, at his home (probably, also reaching beyond°the le ve with his wile here --
••Rotary Anne" SrtaP in Whiteva ., g�tgh Pu town that Waste noun
.�_ and in Beaverton.
! ovenyeas a Treasurer of the Tawe W o! a record. -In an interview with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. C.' J. Stevenson of
A d� The committee-in-charge snnoun g, in F. 1 Green, a few years ago, and
1'txanto. this week reported. sxd n TtesdaY � gh is a member of a fanulp published in-this Paper, Mr. Green Church St.. had as callers an Sat-
'Khat Carp. Alvin' Robinson, of the A' � Calf donated by Hermitage who were Pioneers in Pickering, traced sad described for us the bast- uY, Mr. and Mas. J. Raine.
Amiwured Car Rdeg• had killed tear First of July tzar Wales over one hundred Pefterlaw, and on. Monday, JEWS i
`(',ermans in an attack in Italy. The Fan, for the Rotary caning ory of this• business commmenced by Margaret Neal. of Stouffville. -_
dispatch also said that Alvin's scout Draw, and won by Mr. King INans, y� ago. He has been a'lit,•-king his grandfather over arse hundred we are sorry to report Mrs. Jaben
car was turned over tram, a blast of D. L L.,was sold by th4 Purchaser resident of Pickering Township, s years ago. From that date, up to Scott is � improving as as
-aw � d causing his m"- to a Newcastle farm for $70.00. prosperous and successful farmer, recent years, an extensive flour' friends wish to a" her, but bops
ftv Ge }� go �, ,taking off two on the 5th concession, e$st of the milling business was conducted, with she twill be up and around In i�
of Alvin's fingers.-In a letter home Fruit High is Price Village of Wlatevale. -market that included foreign ex- near future.
n Wednesday, Alvin states that he Ever interested mciPal ata- portiirg. An interesting feature was
9s in hospital, but that he has lost airs, he served on the Township noted, in his reference at that"time,
Fruits' are sticking close to the Council for many years, and orf the to the many families of the Ronan
-'only one, finger". Be makes no ding price this year, which makes 7th of May 1923 was a"pPointsd Catbolie faith, many of wham were -
�tion ot" the killing of arty Ger- it hard for the retailer to dispose of
as to how he lost the one .Township Treasurer, a Past he has induced to lea'v'e their �� �'. sand M�. Cecil Cl the
orquantitiessuch as- in a was a c Newfoundland or Lab- are ha to announce
H a Ne
�+ this date. In trade t PIW
large till' g
mer. Mrs. Robinson, his mother, yews. A focal merchant tiQ i tious efficient and Popular rador;_(where they made barrels for of their on -Tuesday, July 5,
surprised to learn that he was is News w — township Official.. n s own )MC,- the fishing induatrq) an came to 19441,!Tat —PSC-Fei•Ing urging
berries tomatoes ete., he had to ediate community, he was always o make flour barrels. Horne. A
--the--front lines. His letter stated he Greenwood,'
would be is hospital for a few more . sell---�-such a low margin to got tined"to for leadership, taking all Many of our Catholic friend's here :-- .. _.__. ,. ..._z! • �
rid of the `"stuff", along'with 'what acth a Part both in affairs of the today claim these people among Tpr- and Mrs. David Delahupt
is spoiled, it,made, the retailing- of Baptist Church, of which he was a their-aiscestors• wish to announce the arrival of
4Pablic program at Rouge SiW' fruit quite a problem. member, the Public Library, the Red TWi mill had, at one time, been their son, on Thursday, July 13,.
Tonight, Friday July 28 Cross, and all community activities, one of the biggest flour producers 19'", at the Pickering .Nursing—
- -- 149 "News Week of August 24. and will be greatly missed and in Canada. Since the fire a few Home.
A community daily vacation Bible mourned by a very large circle of yeare ago, which destroyed emnplet- Deaths � y
school is being held in the Rouge Following the prwdce now gene friends and associates. He was a ely the original building, Mr. Green
school, Alton Road. A public prn-' oily adopted by most of the weeklies mems f Broughton Unoin Lodge, had erected a smaller mill, carr)ing Davidson:--at her,residence, Rouge _
8 will be_-presented by the child- A. F. and A. M. and a Past Master- on a.grinding trade only. Failing
in Osrtario, sad as is being done a- Hill Kingston Road, Tuesday, July,
ren and leaders toni8�i' t, s $ P• m gin this year, pnbliestion o{ tris He to survived by )ria wi#e, the- ith, and the extreme, earnest- 944, Margaret Goodall, betoved
special singing will be provided by paper will be suspended for the week former Primrose Meadow, and two labor problem, we believe has ss- wife of,the late John Davidson, in
the Evangel Male quartet. Everyone of August 20th. - sons, :Hugh T. f Palmerston and fluweek. the change announced this her 618th year. Resting at C. A.
_ Sidney, on the farm. The liasera7 k - - -
vase 3territt'a Fnnerq,l Parlor, Pickering,
took place yeste�ay, with-s, private- The d�ppeoring- of the G:esrs-
Notes fra w Wartiae Prices and Civic Holiday service at the home and service at ' Fridap, July 28, for 'service a
Trade Board Bulletin _. .. Milling, -will 'be recognized as one 2.80 o'clock. Interment at Mount
- - the church at 3.00 o'clock. Masonic of the important business changes
f Answering a number of enquiries. Service was conducted. Internment in Pickering of this decade. Lam► Cemetery, Oshawa.
4'ricx ceilings have been announced we have to advise that we have not, was made-in,•Whitevale Cemetery.
for esr't� apples,
-resulting in 'bower � King City, a Abundance of Rabbits Next •Year. _ r
when to date. had any announceanent from Rev. Harry Wilson, SAIL STORMS SWEEPS
retail prices than last Yom+ the Reeve of this Municipality as to termer pastor conducted the ser-
then was no ceiling". CENTRE PICHURING TWP. Ii Yea travel on any of the side-
, , , • , = his proclamation. It', will possibly vices, Pall-bearers -were Messrs A. reads in the. township, on the way
'Take along.your Ration Book when appear in. our next ism, should he Spears, L, T. Johnston, W. H. West- _-_ odr'work in-the-morning. you
r Blake Anna, George Todd and -':Pickering Township Suffered Y
summer visiting=aCo loose coupons. be making such a proclamation, as ney, will see any number. of "cotton-
'be from the etorrr early last
t harvest lief - in other years. M. S. Chapman. Hon. Pall-bearers: week, which was accomparsied by tails" along the wayside. With the
• • •
mitted Mr;-Don. R. Beaton and Mr- Wen. pheasants that are hatching here
Reeeor. severe hail. Though not experiencing P.
up,�g&5 miles between Julys 17 and damage equal to that of other cen- this year, and with the rabbits;, r,
Nov. 15. _ -' .`NOt1C.e tres, there appears to have been the there alronid be plenty of hunting
. • • • a - Pickering Has a Sunaoser Resort usual "strip" across this municipal- for the "gamd•shooters" next winter.
More canned vegetables than last The Coandkl of the Corporation sty on which the hail was particul-. k.
Year looked for.
Notwithatandin he fact there are 'arty severe. Many fields of many Prospects Good For'Irish Next -
Babies come first again. First call. of the Township of Pickering, will any number of summer cottages in acres-of various tdpes of crops have Winter _ • •+' _
on fleece acerae will be given to the pay $10.0QReward for evidence lead- the township, Pickering can boast a' been entirely rained, and the not to
production of undervt'ear, children's ins to the arrest and conviction of summer lodge. This one is packed to substantial roofs riddled by the hail The group frau the local Rotary, }
and infant's clothing. any person found depositing refuse capacity for the summer. We Am stones. In Durham County .to the ,responsible for the, creation of a•
• • • • • on any road 'under the jurisdiction speaking of Al-Do Lodge at Sicncoe East, the storm was much more sev- rink here, are announcing that the -
Butter Coupons No. 72 and.73 will . ;of this Corporation, contrary. to By- Point. Mr. Hill the proprietor, has ere -•a former resident of this lot- "boards" art being. purchased and
not become valid 'until Aug. 10. This' law No. 1312. made.many alterations, and indeed, ality, Mr:James Smales, near Enn-•-work continued on the rink, on.
means that butter obtained on July William Reesor, Reeve Al-D.o is's place, that can "stand up iskillen, is reported .to have lost his Church •St. The well-for water sup- g
20 by coupons 70 and 71 must lasji 'L. T. Johnston, Clerk t, the rest of them. entire crop. Fowl and young arsrals ply has been dug to same depth ay
for three weeks. — .
w ane!quite bad head he�scalp present Itime,but must abe pumped
were e' '•
badly lacerated,` fore he could out to enable the contractors to go
oat-Strn�,y-nex�wiil be dedicated to the Royal
Call- reach cover. No,hail, nor a Meat a= deeper yet. The water supply will
The morning service in the United 'Church here,-- s ' mount of rain fel south of the vill- always
adian Air Force. Rev. M. R._ Jenkinson. Minister, will give the address, which will•be one'�f a aerie_ age, to the lake shore, less scrmethn�g of question pmpingesystern
cf three, (to the Air Force, the Arany and the Navy) each several weeks apari. The prayer be .(I Lightning, during the! Thursday from the creek or other dependable
-written by the,lyiinisteT. will be sung at this service, as a congregational hymn. An invitation is extended afternoon ,storm, struck tw,�e, ' on source can be acquired. In the anean= "
• ' fasmil in the'Service.' 11.00 a, err, Featherstone he rock we have_big hopes.
u e c . Road, just north of the.bridge here.
"FO r these Thy children of the air" 0 Father from Thy realni above, - Toe Fat Fair Line
Protect' them in Thy gracious love; The "Friendship Group" of the
• What'er their-duty says to dare, A number of readers have been Dunbarton Woman's Association will
Dear Lord and Father, King. of :Kings, �+ - = Give them courageous will to bear. - enquiring during the last few weeks hold a lTazaar and Afternoon Tea si:
We raise our prayer for those on wings about Fall Fair Dates, a ''list o! the hesrne'of Mrs. Frank Perks, at �
We pray for Thy protective care, :Dangers are never-far away, some of the closer:ones beisia given Frenchman's Bay, on Saturday,Aug-
those whose ways are in the air. Frow those for whom we pray this day, here: 11 are cordially to
oat 5.' A 'all vNed
As- they are brave, gay, loyal, -true; Port Perry. Sept. 4 attend.
i! in our lea - �d-us to show such virtues too. Lindsay Sept. 11.
r'or ve us I:o3-16
rd; P Sept, 11-13
`Trs boys, an no , -
and played, Blear Thou, 0 God, our humble prayer? Beaverton
We watched them as they rarmped P
, Orono . • ........•. .Sept. 19-20 ...... ' �
'Two's then, they came to us for. aid. - "' I'or those our loved ones in the airy �_ ..
,'Thy Grace impart, that life enay be Sunderland :.,... Sept. 20 ' 'Brougham •
Blackstock Sept. 7 There Will not be any regtiar ser- `
Cron-thanks to them who, on the ground Worthy of them, more Worth* Thee. •Amen. ;r Zephyr- ..'.�.......... Sept: 27 vice in St. John's Church�ofi Swday
See that the silver ship is sound Markham Oct. 5-7 next,but the Sunday 30400l will be '
And ready when the-hour draws-nigly ;Bev. Martin R.7eakdnso* The Manse, Pickering Roweath `bet: 12-15 he at.the usual hour.
i .; OCt. 7'9 held
To seek it's'native air the sky. - W bridge -
.,..- „-.,' �.... 1.crx�•s- ,.,..: ...,-: ... -. • ,r.,r,. .. : ..- - :. o..•• .-e r,u' .O• `.s•' ,gy - +a'v .r:.`T,.•
..r6 r r. ,rrf ..,. ..••. ,. . • .r .„.. '—' •�'. �N' W 7 vim;..:. - .r �-. kt£•r• .,-rim.,. : <t -
n"' . :I.4 tT..�'•:1 � �;••: .:,.,.': •. .::' ._•'w .i.�• ta.,'.j.it ^`i ¢;..}.. b5 4.' •1:.
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Lppg - ' OF
.,1 • "
- -MOR” !Y
apniartusultu ; M�_Inw, urICA
" R%ff
AiRug Im V Iowa a
now " Iywr�aniR *
gia.aft-AM an
nn ain t r n Went in a
was just supposed W EMMMM th1w
throw in the first , that's
haII —-
heart of 'Yellowknife
Place Your - Order . . Now! -
�' Present Offering - -
at 8c era are -:
0 000 Shares p
a44 "INAL
_ f4
N n
a lot of ted -Studious Sao Sue says P�
matter in the main necessity for
- _ her future maintenance.
-- .
1A _
{ CO/yl�Y6.ST
Y.M►w ri.lirl w.��1,.Y wrl Y.aal
a r wNM..l.taOY�.►
P1'p�7E 1''��/ a�i C� $Y$.l-E}pE'1'1 en t
The property consists. of six claims known as the Dora Group, numbered Db'ra One; Two, Three, Four, Five and
Six, adjoining the Consolidated Mining atld Smelting Company on the east. There is a strong vein running from
The gay youa$ blade says rising the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company claim, going through on west boundary of Nowita One acid Dora
Instead. retrnng at dawn is ms
malting, ■ .new man of him. •-.Twelye. I understand that:.Consolidated Mining and Smelfit>g Company have received Grab Sample Values of g5o.00
fe9m that particular.section. Y.
9-z8 '-Development work is now proceeding under the Engineering direction of Major Bernard Day, consulting engineer.
Major Day is-one of the outstanding authorities on Yellowknife and was'Engineer for B.E.A.R. and responsible -
for the initial Giant Yellowknife discovery and development
c smite ,
-T : Mori Yellowknife'Goid Mines 1' d
- 14 Str nt Ont
4 Bay eet Toro� o ,•
USEI wish to subscribe for .. shares of'Mone
° ►e o Mines Limited at present o g price of 18 cents per
( .1"W D7 T6.Bell
- �
-Yellowknife Gold M L' d the pr 'fferin
_ share.
An optimist.is she .who thinks hes H!C
for work is never-ending. v7
` 1
THE SPORTING .THING COUPON NAMiE ... .... :........•.....:. .......
i y
• _ _ .
ES ...` .....:........................ .... W. L. -
. \ swomrs NOW a qW 11111 if ev
Uyl ed-
'�t:�.,t�t'NiONE: WA. 7063
"He has to have a handicap."
,...may-a. <. - �, - ... i '''3T•S•r „,�,.- r---- =E:rvvx
^an "
i ': •,..'? - tlu,}'. ;'
'. }r 1 ?•.'. .. :� :,..:. . .; ""'" ? t. - ,-rx:+•.- y.� •.'-w. .z 1.. �ka.Y•`'F. _m...a�^s .t•,�..,ir -
.,. .
be gladdened by the sight of In- -
Spector Parsons; but when-he came
• 'Blendedor Quality a
briskly into the room, she could
have fallen on his neck. Behind
- him were Bill Yardley - his eyes M ,'
seeking trer out with a kind of at, !- �
I -,. Cry relief - Mr. Wih.tet, sad. sob-
bingADA miserably,tato her handker- --
. 'chief, the girl Lucille... In the hall
w;,,. beyond, Christine saw several fig-
The inspector looked
Jaspar over '
with a satisfied smile of recogm-
tion a that
favored Christine en a
� •'' glance that was far from friendly.
Then he turned to a uniformed -
man. -
"Take this irl home,' he di-
: '• eep-
-SERIAL STORY _ Ing n, indicatingnthe h tier's. stays ��0����
]n "and see 'the
.. .. .g eco, a -
niece; t he stays
there till further notice."
= He swung upon Christine. _ en olln s
_��1 �C ew a e P c�a�k .
111 T
"Some of these days, &fiss fi off- GINGER IFAW • • a s e
OKE: COWAN STONE enson, a saidcoldly, ayou 1! learn
-that, when--
Last Week'"Lucille"leads Chris- ? her I had -been sent with a parcel pays to tell the whole truth." Berry picking... lost pails... the ly believe their eyes, when I duly
admitted me to- "Wait a minute, Inspettorl" antics of an acrobatic-heifer - they delivered the berries!
to Chandra; She . U-6 F-for yi�n and she a
- was be who met her at the stn- your room without question'.. Bill's votes erne e . "1 told; yon are the highlights of last 'week's ;Now for the acrobatic heifer• --" -
He admits he is "partly res- Mrs. Talbert had tirade me promise; that ,Miss Thorenson hadn't any activities.
T podbie" for Mrs. Talbtrt's death Miss Christine, that if - anything idea .wherg she was corning to- she had recently calved, The calf --
lseaiae he did not warn her of im- happened, to her before she saw night, or whom she was going to Yee, the berries are ripe. Last
was in the barnyard, the heifer in -
1sad�8 agar, you, I would make certain that you find... And a sweet chase you've week I made a reconnoitring trip, the pasture. Once she broke
had the securities:' led me! be swung on
Christine. taking with me two of my neigh- through the rail gap to the yard.
- s CHAPTER XIV "But my cousin was killed last "If Wilmet, here, hadn't happened boor friends and, optimistically, a Partner put her out and
,fixed the
"1 don't believe itl" Christine night You -put those papers there to see you following that girl, I good supply of pails and kettles. gap. Then he went out for a load
tied hotly. "I don't believe that my the afternoon before. Nothing had don't know how we'd-have run you Rain prevented an early start so it of hay. It wasn't long before I
Dusin ever went to a fortune- happened to her then." down. It was pure luck - his rec- was nearly five o'clock before we heard a crash. Heifer Jean wasn't
Filer in her life. She was too-" s s s ognizing her when she came back got to„'the berry patch. But the going to let a few rails discourage
"Too sensible, you mean? I am along the Boardwalk.” berri#.were plentiful and 'of good lilt - no sir) The barn door: were
"I beg your pardon,'Mias Chris- , r s open so Jean walked in and smelled
to disillusion you; but Mis. quality so we soon had quite a arse
Lint - 'Something- had happened. Christine, out of that day of picking. But isn't it funny how the bay. I fixed the gap to keep the
lbtrt has been one of my 'best She had disappeared. I hoped," Jas-
lents for years." � Par was going on anxiously, "that sickening anxiety' about Bill, rec- the berries further on always look rest of the cows away. By this
And I let you make me prom- ognized his bruskn'ess for ghat it better than the ones you are pick- time Partner appeared on the scene.
.. I might be able to get help to Mrs. but Jean had disappeared.
" of to warn the police! was - the nervous explosion of one Ing? Friend One said she would
pp Talbert before - before it was too p We found her way back in the
61stiae swung on the girl. worried beyond endurance. The like to go to the to of the hill. I "
late; and I had to get the papers to
�Pltasel" the girl spoke swiftly knowledge that her safety meant said I would go with her. So' straw mow where the floor is npth- -
I brought you here because there You the best way I would." so much to him brought a glow . Friend.Two, who is not So good lag but loose boards and the bar'
"I should think the bank was the
_ _ 4e things you must know that ,. of happiness so warm that she al- on the walking, was left to look yard immediately beneath,- where
Ily my uncle can tell you... Abd Phce for them. most forgot the danger that hang after our .half-filled pails. In a partner and I stood wondering '
_Y_ee;_11lmss_Christint, aspa� over-both them. -little while we were back again to how best to deal with the situation.
here he is safe from the police." Inspector Parsons had turned to find Friend Two had completely Then what we feared actually hap-
Then a door opened and another MILITARY Mj UNERY Chandra. _ lost-track of the pails. We hunted pened. A} loose board gave way and ..
Arson came quickly from as ad- "I was on my way here when and hunted but not a sign of the two legs dangled above us, The
(oiaing room „ Yardley burst in about Miss Tbor- pails could we see. We finally heifir tried to regain her balance.
o s e a s ;` enson's disappearance, he said: gave it up as a bad job and to- there was scuffling and splintering
Christine cried on a -caught � � � So you do cut in on this after signed ogrselvea to the loss of the of wood, and,.:in a cloud of dust
breath, "Jaspar!" s:' all•'" berries - plus one aluminium pini! and straw, the heifer came hurtling
- — But-this wasn't the caricature of "I thought you'd work around.to and.one enamel kettles through space. She landed square
Jasper she had seen last nig.it. that Idea, Inspector." After taking my. friends home on Iter back - turned over, got up
This was the same immaculate, de- - The clairvoyant's voice was the thought of those wasted berries and wal1�ed awayl II
- eorous Jasper she remembered cool; but his tawny eyes were obsessed me =and I turned around Once fie was•sure the heifer
moving smoothly about•his duties watchful. and went ,straight back to the wasn't hart Partner's anxiety
'at Cousin Emma'+. "When I talked to you this patch. I got over the feaFe at the turned to wrath - and partner has
"Miss Christine," he began re- morning,". the detective went on, same spot, walked*into the patch a way of saying funny things when i
apectfully, "I had almost given up "that dagger looked„like a defib- a few hundred yards. stood con- he's mad. This time, for' instance,
hope of speaking with you until stately planted clew -and a pretty
o called my niece as I told her R stupid,one. I didn't know thea +idetiag a few minutes which way he turned to poor Jean and said
7 u to strike out. looked ahead a bit. disgustedly - "You dam fool cow
to ask you the other night to do." ` about your talk with Miss.Thoren- and there, almost at my, feet, were -- what good will it do you now
He turned anxiously to the girl. - son last night .. Interesting that pails. My,friends could hard- you are here!"
`"You'd better harry home, Lu- you-should have-known fat Mrs. - _- --
- 1d1le� he told her in an undertone.
� ,, Talbert's bonds had been stolen -
and where the were... And I consent thou' riot."' There is ao. C' Of Cherbourg
obediently out of thee rte: li ed didn't know, e a e very sow- waYdirect �'t' "Returnee' To France
'There wasn't any chance," Jas- ; _ Qfp K� ly, "that•on the night Mrs. Tal- tion except by stout refusal-we
.par went on, "even after I saw * bert disappeared, sbe was last seen' must say, 'poi promptly, boldly and
that you-bad recognized me, Miss is doing Tato your Broadway studio." definitely. Lieut. {'len. Omar N. Bradley.
Christine... That is-you' did re- s�" � (Continued Next Week) Loyalty To High Principles Commander of the American
; dDgnize me, didn't you?" $' - -- "And I set b�ote the sore of
- Ground Forces in France, issued
"Oh, yes," Chiistine told him. }. -i(° it 1 1►) D V the house of Ree abites bowls full �e following statement on .the fait
""I recognized you all right." __ ` Fashionsfor robot-raided London J7 V LT j of wine, and cups . . . but we have of Cherbourg: -
• SCHOOL "Our troops now occupy the dry
have taken a practical tura dwelt in tents, and have obeyed,
mor-.a moment Christine stood -word.-in.srew crea- _ �'+ and done according to all that Jon- of Cherbourg. It is a pleasure to
speechless, her thoughts scatter tions, a tin helmet that has been L Lr+ S S O N adab our father commanded us." be able to nay to the people -of-
like leaves is a wind. be-ribboned, be-ruffled, and be- There is resolution in their reply France, 'Here is your first large _
Apparently the butter was here feathered. Felt,V's and Morse _ 'we will drink no-wine'-not even City to be returned to you.
underChandrae - V-R±gre arinrn the brim an �R@�H - --a-di _ -- -
red-dotted black wiling des coyly
o trusted confederate. Yet'if the a sip, says'the tempter to, someone You Will E Staying At
under the chis. A large bow and • DISCIPLINE tY
clairvoyant had learned,about those a curled feather add t the right SUNDAY SCHOO LESSON and believing him a sip is taken,
ia+ �, s P' . The ST. REGIS HOTEL.
bonds from Jaspar, why had he feminine touch, which .leads to a long draft and _
tried fo warn�htr4r 9uppos; August 6 ronolr't'o
(Temperance Leswa) _ often ensiavemenT to alcohol. '
'_ing he had really wanted to warn . These people were pledged to • Eve" Roess with Bath, $how-
agreed uncomfortably. "But - of Proverbs 1:?-10; Jeremiah 9b: s-10, er uA 'raieDh•■e.,
'her, why, hadn't he given her the live a simple life, to eat plain food y;r an iZel ■s-
+information plainly, in words of course you couldn't know this - 1 Corinthians $.. SL-_S?; ,.all • _„ ,_ -, a_ pbteSZZO up-
syllable, without all that thea for some time Mrs. Talbert had 1 The Thessalonians 659. - plicity,of life they were a perpetual G••A R•O1t'?sT'r'ss.
tries! dap-trap? Unless, perhaps. been growing more and more - . GOLDEN TEXT.-And every tax Flehtty. ti
rebuke to the Israelites, whose
well, strange, about things like `., lana that atriveth in the games e:- Sberbel. R . Carlton
lie had some reason for distrusting self-indulgent habits 'had such, a .. Tela RA. 4133 +:
that. She insisted that you must erciseth self-control in all things• demoralizing and disastrous effect
the bufler. and wanted to make have them in your own hands." 1 Corinthians '9:25.
sure before he coininitted'himself:. "But if you knew she was ip'elan- Memory Verse: [fie .. Gareth on the material, moral and spiritual
Unless he had some reason for sus- . gtr, why didn't you go to the po- for you. 1 Peter 5:7. life of the nation.
peering that Jasper was involved lice. • THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Necessity of Self-Control STOP SNEEZING'
'in Cousin Emma's death, _... • s Time,-.We -may date the writ- ""Know ye not that they that run
But when she had _talked with ' _9 ins of Solomon approximately Hay fever sufferers say there's nothingin.
Chandra, Cousin'Emma was still ,Because that was another thing g PP Y in a' race run all, but=ons receiveth glee NOSTROLINE for instant action-
Mrs. Talbert had,made me prom- 1000 B.C. The event spoken of in the prize? Even, so run; that ye You smear HOSTROLINIL up your
alive - at least,. her•death was not ire. You 'see, Miss Christine, she the book of Jeremiah. .occurred may attain." In the Christian race ' "�� end
public knowledge.
had been expectin somethin like about 604 B.C. The First Epistle' 'all who trust in 'Christ for saIva- immediately. Breathing is easy.
No, it's too thin, Christine -g g of Paul to the Corinthians was tion and keep right on to the end NOSTROLINB het k
thought. These'two are working this for a long time. Perhaps you healthy. 50catalldntggisets. the nose
together. wouldn't remember, but almost. 12 written.(=probably,.. between A.D. till the goal is gained can be sure
"I hope-,-Miss Christine,"-Jasp years ago, her only nephew was S7 and A.D. 59, and his First Ep- of winning bice prize which is the •�a a
kidnaped in much the same -wa is e o e r ss on,an , ab—out1P o grZ� - G
went on,."that you haven't just P y' A.D. 54 - "And every man that striveth CLIFTON, BRISTOL. ENGLAND,
left those papers lying around "Mrs.' Talbert paid a sweet ran-
- or that'you're not carrying them tom," Inspector Parsons had said, -Place. Solomon probably wrote in the games exerciseth self-control
about_ with you?" "but the boy was never found.", most of his proverbs"in the city.' in all filings : but I buffet my
"And ��irs. Talbert wouldn't.have - of Jerusalem, her ood ay o =eat
So that was what they wanted - the police called then, either," Jas- dent -of Jeremiah 35 took place. If.these athletes show such self- �;
to know whether or not she had par finished. The cities o Corinth and Thessal- aontFol to obtain a garland of fad- "'sore Painful Piles -
r the bonds here - now.'.. "Some- "Why should she expect to be onica were located in what is to- ing flowers or leaves, ,how much.
one," the inspector -had said, "who' abducted?" day known as Greece; the former more should believers show those 0 Here is the chance for every per-
er- ?'
knew he could get.them from you "Well' Miss' Christine Tafel .in southern Greece and the latter -same qualities since their prize is bon in Canada suffering from sore,
y ' aching, painful plies to try a simple
as easily as he left them:"- she's had' - threatening letters - far north, in the city now known an 'incorruptible crown, home remedy with the promise or
s Salonica. a rel able firm..to refund the cost
- , of
t e ren men You ,are ,
the bonds over" to Inspector Par- Earl was taken." Choosing Wisdom "Lest by any means, after that satisfied with the repults.
Eons the 'first thing 'this morning, And who, Christine * thought, `"The fear df Jehovah is the be I have preached to others, 1 myself Simply go to .any druggist and `
old told lttm' where I found them, would be in. a'better position than ginning of knowledge; but the fool-, should be rejected." Having chal- get a bottle of.Hem-Road and,itao
ish .despise .wisdom and instcuC- as directed.'Hem-Roid is an Intern.
Jasper, it seems to me that you to see that those letters' were follow his' lead, al treatment, easy, and pleasant to
longed others to
you are the one who,;,- just left safely delivered? tion." This fear is not the fear of Paul could riot for any cause fail use and, pleasing results are quick-
them around. How did'you know For's moment she hesitated• for a slave for a cruel master, but the out and lose the race.' a notice Itching and, soreness'
are noticed,
pato eubsldea and as
where my room was, and how did words, Then she went on, feeling reverence of a dutiful child for his "Abstain,. from eaery form of the treatment is continued the sure. •
her way careful! • "Then why •parent.' evil," When in the presence of evil, Ing tL eptl etumors
iai me healover'celean
oar et in.' � Y Y.
7 "That was the simplesYpart of didn't you leave a note with the "My son,Ibear'the instruction of let there be no dallying, with it. and healthy. tet a' bottle of Hemi
tbday and see for :your.-elf
1% Miss,Christine. You see, not be- bonds•-- some explanation?" thy father, and forsake not ihY law Abstttin from it, lust as the total wbaA an easy, pieasant.way this is
."Ing able to meet you myself at the Before the butler could answer!" of thy mother."' The bible lays abstainer iefuses to touch alcohol. to rid yoursett-of your ptle, misery.
train, I asked Mr. Chandra, who a sharp knock sounded on the out- responsibility on parents to give NOTEt The sponsor of this nodes
bas been in Mrs. Talbert's" confi- er door. Jaspar and the medium 'their'children moral and spiritus us a reliahte• gverfirmduras . I f y Ru -
-- exchanged startled glances. Thea instct�cti9a Reverence to our par- Britain's 13,500,000 bu;ldinga have V Canada tqr Qver '20 years ar you
8uffertd seriou d.*.270rat10n iia:: are troubled with More, Itching,
where you went. And at the hotel, with a reasurring get ants-and-attendance to:their teach- vaI■rut vtlea, Eleni-trued.mu"t help
in is the fife! rte in the fear of wa t ears- :•o-ame�t��tkL n► It iurrh>.Re
all.I had to do was to find one of went out into the*hall.t God p prlee wart be gladly re41 .
the martin w'lio used to work. under the annual report of the Fencratipn
ole at your cousin's hbme. I told Christine had never expected to "My son. if sinners entice thee, of PAinting C3i'lleactors ISSUE 31-1944 G`�
.. .^'Yi.' _ ..-:�-.. .. ...:. '�,. •^9r_..`�.._ ;.'- G..%� "'T ,:S' - ";A!'.ni• „I aqA:-. 9+ '"ti.: ^..'.,,'- .F. y..
-Is^.••a. z a—`,:�..-'� . r ..�,.»__, ._._�.r.:• .r. .. - ,�y2.z.•. ',?.::,a. ,.e:i�. ',,.'aiH,o;;... .:.f -•.iw ,'��:".•• <,,.• ,r ,. .r;°,a�.
ytr3.a�'„w:.... ..w ... ^7• .. +•,,: .-.,. �e u'.''.y. -...�.-ws_...a_ _ "ac's � ly-:,• y ,.sem•>A d't-'rr�2.i.w..,.,•�' �...;. -.,.-F.... .a'�',,.',� .^:'.y'
N r
Miss Barbara Barkey RCAF, of RADIO SERVICE "IrurrALD RUDDY Baer-Vtter.
tolla Trenton, has returned after spend- stooges Loss
Ing her holidays here. �Ir4.. mao(Wam"ir Q0M w•. A.s.C1ai.
The passing of Mrs. Arthur W agg We wish Mr. and Mrs. Brace'Har- f/ •a.•Dasao(Co eLb iso.••WNW. my
-of Leaskdale'has brought much sad- -- -
(nee Mabel $pang) a long and
-mesa to our community, where she per BEEATON, BELL df ROSS est Nagglag Pats
roaperous married lift. .I
yr Fora and li•� unfrr 64veW'-yam erns aril (* So_ I'citon -
a.w.wase 4,11 W.'J. Beaton, X. G Telephone Slsst i s t �
am �ally, settled at heaakdale. W q�"�E D
• sympathy is extended Mrthe beres-s. Bunker DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE poaranteed Renals Ses�iet H. Brooke Bell, 8. G Ad. .2 N.rvee: It t7- You )dui•
ved family. to Mr. and 1. D. F. Roil John L.Pond
:and family, of f 3t�onfiviileMr. and For tree pian ap�.phone Oaf ]Calle or ][odea .g72 Bay Street'-=Toronto C. H.TUCK.Off• D•
F. Wagg. - F.
. Mrs. R Whitehead, of Toronto dROOKLIN ..•.••••r.•.••.• P ARTHUR _ b
FIELD DIEM Mock, P �'`
called on friends here ! last .week. CLAREMONT ............ eLBarrister Solicitor Notary Public -
' ester Paul Whitehead in holiday- PICKERING '^................ 6e( _PHONE 52 R 8 _ 'hone 016 ;
with Bill MacKsy.
Y PICKERIN/3 ........... C. C. RICHARDSN
..••.• M OSHAWA, ONT.
cum-rd Barko Coryhas return- PICKERING&GINCOM , ONT.
efft9d -H
ed to Kingston, N. S., after &pending We $ the done chargee ui on n
a short holiday with his -parents pay —p 371 Bay St. Toronto'
here. Mrs C. Berkey and little swv -
_ - GORDONDanny will stay._a_while_longer.with YOUNG LTD -0�
here.' - --- - - --- -Piiba�q(� �Y-�-J-t! � -- - - - -
F. .I. DOrievan PAINTING Wedo laing oi��i �--
6 'Sow,Gov. Reg. Seed Barely
ENTERING is stock
B. A., B. Be. -- - CF,MIS
ENTINGed Otn - -
FSrst Class Work rials • GRAIN
--' 4 :.Ontario Land - - — Mate • --- G - FEE
Supplied , PLUMBING be is
M. St. Clair -- Spruce Hill Road
a" Xing Str. East, Oshawa. We also sell Brantford Itoo� Hasley, Oats, and Wheat in stock
1 1E'hona ! _
Dumbarton. ��N D • MaterLia, Empire Bathroom Whole or Ground ' Stouf f villa
-.' Egoipment, Duro Water :' Clover Seed Il�one Stwftvilie lee
• $fatems, Beatty Stable Alfalfa, Red Cover, Aleike, Timothy
' Equipment, acid mad Garden Seeds THURSDAY', FRI.,
MA Building Materials
FertilizerJuly 27, 38 and 98
order Yopt Fertiliser Now
f Estimates Free We solicit ,our basiinese .to: ThaYik your• -_
Aim or .
W k Gstiraateed
• - e.
Quality First - Service our Fhoae
• esos
IMANg R. SMITH, MANAGER -- - -- F. d. PRO�(18E Claremont, -'Ont. (� all-star cast) ,
-.ff) ..Cartoon and *ortWesl.
phone Pickering 8W. Your Label And If The Date Is-Overdue,
.. Watch
_ r 1, Ang. 1 and a
- Salute- For Three
. McDonald,Carey Betty-Rhodes
arsb :
.y,� -,,.•'r+tai{r Y1tj A'a+[^ ^ R d,y '•/.. as`3. , j' "`G3 -_
:. A/'':/Far • �" y'/y,,r L�' ''7,,^may. b b •�
a .. . rte' �. . "► er
Rlcftard j ries P } Barrie
.. ,.., _. .. _ ._ _� :at ,y,.r...,,..zQ' �,� , ... ,e. : +aJ.• q �.' - '�•.Ate' ..
. - ,o�",•fr�. .i� iib'. �, e ?'+••,*••,�+„br� i, '^°'...'�s � rY >', _ -' ''n'�•Fp - -
: ' . , f?" t �'' s 3{�* •' �'' ,s R -TIiCP.�D:tiY,`- FRI.. :SATUIFWAY
�' ,A , #► �� Vit , '' y� � ' x ;;' ,' + - ,Aukust 3, 4 and 5
.. Y •r�r4. a'.� X `'"<'- F" «,j#4.!{� Q �•ir s'�' .,,�'? ?*r'' � sy"! �1, '}*�7.x•,.�,*..�. _. ., .. . . -.
.•_ - _ - _ _
.��• .x .� �' �
t� Y
.. - _. . '`;; --
Salon conducted Anywhero
2booe or write. Address 614 Dun
Street, East,
;---"Whit".• Ontario..-
,. _.
Conbiostioa'$tovrs_,Doors mei
S ,J• +a,s�4'-r \ a; ..L•J ., •v.. w ....• �'• - _ . Ov.r p�.t, MiY. is
1`* . �„ .:Ii i f I�I(1{I 1'', r ...+ •►1 J }••• oW�s �7Yas '1'
Asphalt Shingles
,...t,.. Roil Roefiags
.. WWI
-, 5 _ Asphalt SidMP
Wall Beards ow
{%Lr�^ Cine look In youf'mirrOf will give yourthe answer . * - _ N. M. �iordon
w06E mouse. s sen I one of diose who lets the other fellow fur all tlieM _ E
, � &U the >. 3. �k yourself ►w R. Ce GMENINEI``
urself the one yues 'oa • . _ Have I the gM?, The sm to �
f au c' G badge on m�slew —_ o d>st m9, m1 P�oEla E b°'fr ,• ,\ ; iL n
r Prtvsh is�■laaw tlf
need ilnontis of thorough training to m ka ; �_, i >D•i •c x1i1e 1
Your lace is-beside'every man who has the cauagfi ezC 'z l lis ' •ee� s
w ' a
rd'f ��/1�_R ON YNR Cam: is A y needs you NOW surd Deeds � foe Cw.�aess ' G
< Markham,. Onto
/ Clarke Pren#icI
' -� �::LICENSED AUt;TiON]�Si
. PHONE AGIN. be W 3,
` i the Coantlea of York mad
:. Or
JOIN - -- � su
- - ARMY
- dcs'ot G A. of 00
J H.
Prentice. (formerly Pro
! 1 and Prentice), Farm and
stock Sales a Spode]o at
Row=" Bares #•^
• a--
t '.
' 1
Fment of Men*Doubles, keld at the '
L` A E M ON T local bowling Breena,on Tuesday ev- 3loaffvills The bride was given in Greenwood
marriage by her father, the groonfs-
ening. Ttua tournament was to have.%OI
man being Harvey spans, brother '1
b as
been held last week, but rain Pre- of the bode. Thr bridesmaid w Mr, Basset's sisters of Toronto '
•vented. The prizes for the winners
[asirement Newt Front Mage home here. were -- fowl, Miss Margaret Spans, and the flow- visited the! Barret family over the
yst Mise England, of Toronto, Miss age - er girl, Mies Flossie Spans. week-end.
Miss lisrgaret Macaab spent a Qpaats and Mr. Johnson of the 5th _-.—
-During the signing of the regia Mr. and Mrs. Midsely visited the
few days in Toronto last week. Miie7 Fields Along No. 7 Ruined. Ys PSB mm3 "O Queen City on Thursday last.
Miss Donna Crosier Line. were week-end guests of Mr. ter, Mira Glad S
�., ,, -Of Utica, by Smit Storm e'
and Mrs. Howard Hawkley. 'Fawns along No. 7 Highwuy were Perfect Lave', afxtaeapsaied by sliiaff M!6fsaee Mildred and Gertrude CoS-
-» speht'd taw•flays with Miss Megan Mrs.'. J Duncan (Evelyn Sander• Margaret Stover, of Stouffville. Rev. bett spent some time, witA their
_ Besse, Lot week: son) is ceding 'a few days with badly hit last week, when the heavy L E. Kennedy, of Claremont, offic- aunt in Pickering last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loyst,are on' Mrs. J. C. Murkar, at the Lake; at hail ato>af of Wednesday night flat- sated. Mrs. F. Hayward's mother, of
holida ha closed the Tannin toned out the crops. The farms of
Pickering The rtiception oras held in the Toronto, spent Sunday with Mar. and4.1
a factory for one week. and Tames White •and Ted Holtby are Lorin of a buffet supper. Following- Mss. Hayward here.
Mr. Lorne Overland, Toronto,
We are sorry to hear that Mr. T. two that were bads scarred. Far-
. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Overland spent avers in this area stated that crops the wedding trip, 'We-'couple will Miss Evelyn McVey, of Uskville,
Paterson is not so well again, and ike week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. reside on a farm at the west end of wap home icor the week-end.
has been removed to the home-of A,_Ovelsnd here. along No.7 to Brooklia were is much Stouffville. Misses Doreen Pe
the same comuditio Pegg and I.paretta
Mt. and M2s; —Georges Middle,-, of Oshawa, were with thetr e
lin,.Out... = Stouffville, spent the.week-end with tis, . , over the week=end; -
f. Mise Dari Norton is on the,� Mrs T. Ham. Some Syntfhetic Tires Not so Good R
sick list at p Mr. Rosa• Redshaw will tell you Bt'tDtrlgIn The many friends of Mies May
M(r. and, Mrs. James Coates, of Brown are pleased to learn she is
Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson, Mr. and_ rs- that some of these new, synthetic
and Mrs. C. Redman, Mr. Coaes.ro" I 1 s spent thew re-not-too good"moss-put lastweand-week-Fm P-am Mn truek-and had not Included- Mrs j Ran, ag--strat ibuls og--ration.strength Amo* _} mss,.-.
— e; ., ra. end with Mrs: Goatee - day .School_picnic ie the_
_- ----- Rev: e 1 again twem - sa l3atts' ui the--middle Qi+ August;since
�- days at Wasagn Beach. the speaker in the Ukuited Church on days when the tire blew up. We' W. .J. Brawn and. daughter'Mary, the farm-ere are, so busy just now.
We are glad to welcome Mr. M. At saw the tine and it was blown right with T. C. and Mrs. Brown, and
__ __-� on eau y our en-thAv __ _. __ -.abeut _. _ _ _ Owing to the illness' o! fres'_
Mr, Willisime purchased the T. lag service in the park, at 8 p. tin. ant o t S. the announce-
rdage• he will-take as--his-subject -=-- "'Out seven or eight inches' We have heaL. Matthews. ¢neat will be given out on Sunday
m time &o— the " of other such cases, especially on Mins Fern Malcolm.is on vacation J
Mian FLeverle Bsrelay is visiting - y n'Y. 131- , `
Doug Reynolds, RCI�FVR is spend- trucks, +here they ca heavy at Bobcaygeon, a week.
� July antis.
and Mrs. Cooper. ins a two-week leave, Rat the-saner o_! load. The Sunday service,was.conducted
Ur. sad 'Mrs. A. L. Hooey and in pmts here. v by Rev. Bexton, of.Claremont,Bap-
family returned front holidays at Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McMillan, Harper - Spang List Church, their quartet contribut-
their- cottage on, Lake Si ncoe. of Oshawa, spent the week-end with A vim` pretty lawn wedding was ing musical numbers.
3[ts. B. Norton, Mrs. G. Benson, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Lewis. held on Saturday afternoon acrid The severe wind and hail storm /
Mrs. R. Holman, Mrs. H. Hopkhls, Rev. I._ E. Kennedythe setting of evergreen, pink and, of last week did extensive damage
Mrs. S. Linton ata Mks. J. Lehman is spending a white streamers sn3-white wedding to crops, gardens and foliage, Bev-
: are all sliendin a week at Waeago few ,days at Leamington, vasiting /
g with relatives.. " ss, at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. eras freer.were blown down here.
g'. Mbfsa. S. Hudson, of Ottawa, la _ _ John Spans, when Miss Mabel Aau- ' Mr. T. C. Brown continues in a
spending a few days at the haeme of gig Crowd on Tuetdaj Night sister of Mrs and Mrs. Jeba Sung, serious condition. His many friends ;
ont was united in moa ho for am earl improvement.
Lawrence Msibowell, RCAF i Rinks were full for the tourna. sage to Mr. Bruce Harper, son of
spending a two-week leave at his Mn and Mars. Wi�am Hti,}pt:r,
needed in
._- _ --=-- -- -.- _ � ;f,� ♦ the business •
AIN& man
,y fiyA��
y :
- -- - - - turn us
. o please
• :� #o
Yo Urt g _ FROMPTL
_ __
-"This communityIs faced With the immediate t=k of :* Council Tao:am land.
organi:inq to SAVE FOOD materials urgently
the webgM of year eskial hrfluenaa bi► ' = •i'
-ppeols to your fowrrnea,by prodagiitte• `.,�� '
• needed by our Invail:11ma Armed Fmces. Mhabo the-Friar" ba�ebm the dbrtt_ P II
- - • - `' icipeft
'?here In not available at this momenf-one half the = :hki..»"d",..�'p.r� dpa 1m; a:"to Wd
farm help required to save the abundant foodfiva �''�"° ''°d"''''b''" ""�" '`` '• ;�
,cropbs ready for harvest on farms in this community.
Ye these crops anat_I>!e saved to feed our iavfbediaQ * Employers.' sea oat owe Thai t -
d ossistonm by releasing a shift,or your entire '
: tamed forces—.to whom food is as vitals Important staff,for a day or by inpremino ,h. ` E
r' y , v . of their going to the farm for Oo Give the
:77. _ - ® mnmunition. They-cant vrin if they dont eat. - r,,d a
_ '
The man power needed to save this food can be provided ONLY' :* - ,
f release.
in one way; that way is by the ci5aens of this community Merchants roe eon organize to h IC ping
go in o body with your staAs eq the weekly -
organizing.to provide hes for its farmers,• or the " half-holiday, eveningsn hand#
'hours" of its men in the cause of Saving-Food s onouce alw«�tooa�t dv.��an
intire a /v.
The organiaatiaa has two pari: t period. "{
-• 1. Organizing a Farm Commando Brigade,with office-and tele-
phone, where information can be given and the enlistments . * Clergymen sea can heprns the
•.; reed on mngregation'it eels orgonizotion `
-- ' �f loyal'ci izew received and'through which men may be ewetin of your men and : asskf..i+• -
--I placed sin farms requiring help motet urgently. , vk* clubs and ab« bodies to afganim '•w — i=
Enlistiaq every available man in the community who wish . '�lk'tn'""' ,� - y��/
his evenia weekends, holida :half�la 'iTt Mechbnics +j'bo e.ii.en.,labota - . ' ?
• r �++ �• eve — -�� �47
:. . • spare hour—during tbia critical harvesting period. on, sai«tin.n�•ni��ad-ea. Pi
ifie=g+eal.a se�ria-oeeeu.a yo. d
The Department of Agriculture of the Ontario Government will m^ the largest body����a
(` per-
provide and will co-operate bd assist at ev out In organization wherawr lar can, but pot► r
�Y 1?o Ocularly in pledging roar apart hoar le �O
la.the formation sad operation of the Farm Commandos. help on'th•�.farina.- -. ..
°. `' 'The need is Urgenti It Requires Immediate Action!-- .. n Feer qulh
, ,.. Service Clubs rtt neat sad,r i I
f aS UWem such help is provided thousands of bushels ''O1't,°;;,;b;; or*i. 'woo canstrudkv, ' �Isrifw: sltorrayi of t>'otrl« Y
Of vitally-needs_ d grain will qo to waste in the fields - forting aants"fe«to work in-•�tm '=` and earrofn.' However, it
With osnttntrtdo btodgaorf.es M "
phas." of ars return their empdss, ..-
- - .. • :. in the oris
,tool coatuae
st promptly—to the nearest
RE R E g WHAT TO D O Brewer's Retail Store—as
• :
x ; Omdob of the.Mwkipol Cetnco, Execetiw. d Dorsa of these can be used Over and
r. •Mede, Merchants' Association and s.ry ChAts should y. over again.In this way you '
'arrange for an organisation Mieetins a won a.posaibM.Arlt ___Cott help us maintain Steady
_._ _ _ . Nit•Agrievifural Repres.shtatiw of t1N dWAd to be prate. SUP? or you.
i. --Hi s it is"!si`giard to d4sM arra eo op.ratrin twry boy.'or-wrist
ydireet to Ctntarlo Foran Senior,►orltanent buildings,Toronto,
for information and"tea tura.Let the fapnen know what yet
* - ----��. ,..-:' I ,• an ddng,.mlist their aid M helping you to-help fhtsa►
?• . Y y;' _
• i '' . .
ON't Le B r wing Industry
T`roo 1�own! :1 - Coir�e on Pickering
:, � r
'.'G i.yr,�•fir ::i''' •.b...... ..... .•..• _. . _ .. . , ,:.—..... _.. r�� -
— _
s y. vs., ::.• f.4�e ..,kk.•wws •...._ rrP.../' - :,.,.µ' r/%I `•' 'r
._ Eas fo roll,_ g
Oki/ `
Hon. Charles McCrea Predicts Great
Future For Yellowknife
¢ K.C,, Mr. -Watkin Samuel, A.C.S.M„
" v Hon. Charles McCrea,
7. president, Negus Mines, Ltd., ex- " vice-president and consulting en•
` 4 ;, ..; gineer. The Bank-Estra ' group
OTTAWA REPO � pressed the opinioL os, his recent (Payne option) was studied care-
return from a fortnight's-visit to' fully and adjoining claims staked.
--- Forward eliowknife, Northwest Territory,, Previous prospecting-a$d--sxplor-
That Canada Is Looking ation of this group of claims un•
To- Regular IWO Of Consumer- that a great future awaits that
Goods With gnssia - district when the war is er, He der option last season had dide
found general expectation tit all closed a number of gold find!
While their fellow-couatsymen suffered under Nazi oppression, the ale. and Samuel mapped out a drilling '
lRnseia's growing importance In o French civilians is the Photo above' led a COmParative]br easy the liveliness is claim-staking,
sting camps A drill is doing ex
life as reward for collaborating with the Ger'�s• They are hiding mond-drilling a a d - ds d lorat work near Kam halo
* Canadian picture is If nment at hard labor• will result. in new finds during geological structure, wlitne favor
is the recent Government an- • - their faces after being sentenced to life imprtao the coming, season. able shears and 'veins containing
tionacement thaf since April 1 A� ��� �� D When the war' is over, >ti- gold indicate promise:
" -dearly' ten million pounds of lard 'Swimmers' DOn'ts -
d to the U.S.S.R opening of the Con, n L n, Ptar-
leave been shipped ����
er Mutual Aid arrangements. � .� an _a d -Thompson ark The 100 claims ' the
_ m n m Lundin i s �
1� 'Don't-swim in .water..elver your inee and the active develop= Payne group and in the new
_ 'Russia, three timed the size of Can ales co a
ads, a next to the United States. - depth s`ac mpanigd by went of Giant Yellowknife will claims will be maintained by all
ad nearest neighbor. ` Unlike $ � boat, mean exceptional' activity lea the 'the work needed for that per-
Don't swim in unknown water yelIowknife camp .+and there is pose. This is in line with
Canada, she`' has consistently been dont, never dive.in nakown-water.
developing her farthest North every indication of its becoming Negus policy' of continued pro.
of her economic Doctors it a United States naval Don't swim or bathe when tired. as important gold area. duction at th2.4 part e mine and vigor-
Plan, While details of our in- overheated of full of food or drink. Mcerea reports greatlq our exploration by_ drilling and
4seasingade are not revealed, it barns with a material w i Doa'C in u g
e i ting in
will never have a short- air service
. _ water-or in a-boat. improv
roe ec the new areas
the navy.
k krnown that weapons of war.. t water Don't take a boat out until You last visit in 1940. .The prelimin-
aluminum- and nickel, rtilmay -age---salt t sae
The salt water is a
chloro linos learned. to handle one ary aperalare of the new landing
,equipment, machine tool,,. cattle, Dont stand up, walk in. or cost field prepared by G dian Pac- . '•
strength solution of so Headac
' horses and grain have gone for- ids made up in the laboratory, but the beat' lfic Airlines was a real f the �.
ward from
this, country .under Don't ever forget that- wafer; sntion 'of the importance of the
utnal Aid Outside of Mutual the doctors gay that in 71n emerl;-.. g Notkltngismoredepres-
- ency, buckets of sea water could while it is a far better servant area A throe h trip map now be '
Aid, Russia placed an order to-the be utkized ,after heating to remove
value of 9!3 million dollars for _ _ than fir., can be an equally deadly made on wheeler_. instead of by t u�B than headanlbl7 s
equipment bacteria. _ master. ' -Peterborough Examiner wheels partly, and pontoons put- twwilllgi7 ns� bief
"Canadian hydro-electric , Capt William Kirkham; chief of 1y, on the Yellowknife run. lamb[y'sisg9odfotear- t
a shorn time ago. In addition to San Diego's plastic e'.rgery service
the export of Canadiain .waierials says the-tip-off on the effectiveness er are applied in two ways: by sat- Mr. McCrea expressed con- eche. stomach.'
for the rebuilding of Soviet heavy combat burns urating light-weight dressings, or siderable pride in the fact that back stomach. boweh +d
ad bar' broken c;ties. of salt water for, ihe_"rned�mtn bathe Negus Minel, started only in 1939,industry, e
regular sale of :.consu[ner goods canis d>�ru1g t e r a
-o Durskttrgee i X40• in a'tub filled with the water:-The through
Is,a ve r
tW.-UTS;�I_-zs -anticipated k 3'� - burns are fir- s-moaned with ov lie through ark-- the difEpn i war p t 'pwpE - 1e
bars He. said .burned 'inen ._rescued , soap grid plain ware;. years. He was aeeoTupaaied by
e w - „ from the ivater after some
time y
faced better. than,:slid ales whose FOR SA1140 1 �'
Canada's increasingly-large ship- 'burns had-not been ;bathed in.salt . BABY CItUCxe astaai<cAL P
meats of- bacon to the . United `voter, sI.INIT HARNESS a DRd:nessO
Re}AI v$ TN TWO, THREE AND DiXON'8 REMEDY - FOR NEL R• Finest leather and harness Drs a'
Kingdom were probably a major "The explanation -is simple"'he four week old started chicks. els and.Rheumatic Patna. Thous- �servatim BIWA naso has many,
factor in the increase of the British p. pullets two week old White Lei- ands satisfied. Munro's Dry household uses sbe yp st most
said. "A burn is just like an other g grocery. hardware and chalo
talion from fopr to six' ounces a sound• it has to be kept e]eact _:3lorne f2q•SS per hundred. Barred Store. 885 Elgin, Ottawa 3L00
Rocks ¢18.98. four week old Bar- postpaid• . stores. A product of Lloyds Lab-
week, -according to - Hon. J. G. and salt water keeps it clean." red Rocks =25.95. 8hlpDed. C_O D. oratories, Toronto.
- - Gardiner, Minister of rtgrieultura. The.special sojutions of salt-wat- :Also et6lrt week old and tip !o s o fMBRSA odor instABALdutr480
Ga estimated 85°jo of Britain's laying tree range Dulleta. Top offensive odor lnetaafl 4bo ARMY BOOIA
Rotch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont bottle• Ottawa agent. '> tsmao
bacon requirements 'are- met by Drug Store. Ottawa a NEWLY RECUNDrces P rf t con-
of our armed forces, Perfect cos-
this Domisiion. The quantity a# ;Eisenhower Presented WHILE WE'RE HATCHING ONLY dltlon, Y8.Y5 deitvered. Ladles'
to order for dayolds, we have a READ THIS-EVERY BUFRERER army shoes, perfectly rebuilt.
hogs .marketed'in the first six limited quantity of started Jun* of Rheumatic pains or Neuritic :82,84 delivered. Money-back guar-
o is. y as 5,2s0,00d, With Color Print rt,,,�,�, for Qulek`,ordering: cock- Should !r: Dixon's Remedy. .$nt� �� size, gena mover
orals. Leghorn pullets, and heavy Munro's Drug $tore. 885 Elgin- order. Ruskin & Co., Peterbor+ �.,.1"'
an increase of 60%,over the same ;breeds, ,pullets and unsexed. Bray Ottawa. 81.00 Postpaid- ough, Ont
-period of 1943, the Department of The four correspondents at- Hatchery, 180 John N., Hamilton,
Agriculture announced last week, tached to -Gen. Dwight' D' Eisen-. int' MEDICAL PRACTICE - LLCRA ELECTRIC MUTORS, NEW. USED.
s, tive, active practice of thirty bought, sold, rebuilt: bel t s, !
Up to July 1, Canadian 16feat . .bower have given him a present STARTED C H I C K BARGAINS, ycare' standing of late Dr, E. W. pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric
Board purchases of bacon.for the It is a Color print_ehow'ing the pullets': Barred-Rocks four weeks Zrtmetein. Delhi. Oat. Complete' Company Ltd.. 2826 Dufferin RC.
_ United Kingdom totalled #64,000.- * cid 126.80, three weeks old 128.90. .0 d7ent. Good roads all Year Tornntn
g use of.flying rockets b4 the BTL- two weeks old 819.98. Also non- round.' Two hospitals i,ivailable.,
e00 lbs. tish Army-114 years ago, said a sexed and ,pullets in White Leg- ,Apply Mrs. E. W. 2umat n, Delht, PROPERTIES WANTED TO. BUT _
ed• Rocks. Assorted
London radiocast: horns, Barr Ont
A contract to supply the United heavy, light and medium breeds WE '•HAVE BUYERS WAITING
The, correspondents' bought the at Tock' bottom prices. Also free -
` Kingdom with minimum of-a � � PHUTOGRAPIAY for chicken farina, market gar
hundred million lbs of beef over print last week when they ducked Frees cattalogue.weeks
"Chic dens, and town or 'village house.
tato a oho to dodge a,flying bomb, 'L'L� 'L'E$'L'ED QUALITY - i alt porta of province. sand toll
R two-year period wad-announced P g y g getcherlea Limited, Fergus, Ont: D rticulara In confidence at once
- ley Mr. Gardiner in the- Douse of , continued the radjocast. SERVICE and SATISFACTION We make no charge unless we
_ .. .. sell. Powell end Company. 'b SG
'_Commons on y 15. `The Meat
Board botigl t3 million lbs, of Your flims properly developed. and Clair,East. Toronto.
of . WE.COLLECT punted .
beef in the last six months for B/1CAR!
'shipment abroad., The Minister.. 0P*1T0Ny*&;Z ACCOUNTS AND •I40TE8 RECEIV- NT3 8 for N
;said that the rifw cont would largest agency for best results. you may not get all the films you sawmill or:. parts, and T-Ford
_ not bring back mea: talloning here gsickl Stcp ltchind of insect bites,hest raalk FlnaYbclsl • Collection AgeneleR pant this year, but you can get all truck rear ax}e. Carl Johnson,
eeaemw hives pithptes,acalea,ecabies,atdilete'a sei•elce You desire S. ; .}
to Supp federal Bldg•• Toronto. 8ourkes, Ont
lies are sufficient or nth foot and other'externally caused skin
troubles.- -- �R_.■cusses veer tl7ats to -
COntT2Gt and domestic market U�x qu"ick-a wothlni.antiseptic 0.O.0. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE $LAILS A\D EDGINGS'.
FRaicMFn Greaseless, awnless.-itch DYEING i CLEANINli _. .and hardwood.-State. kind. 4upn-
' deeds. stops or our m��n�epy�bb�k.�Your druggist
Station J. Toronto. tity, when* cut and lowesj nricee a•
stocks D. IL rR[icMPTIOPL on cera. Waltrr Se iess.. 19 Me-
HAVE' YAW ANYTHTNia -to s. linda Street. Toronto.
- -" dyeing or cleanM0 Write -to ns r
for information,
We are. clad to p �'�yy+�
Gnawer your Questions. Depart• DOUBLE Sa�.r_ Soper Prmb HELP W'A?iTEtr
,}rept R. Parker's nve Works
WASH THEM Limited: 791 - Vnnirs Street To- . e or S Exposure'Rolls 49C EXPERIENCED FLLlxJR51AN AND -
Pains! AwplYl Tonto. '
Developed and Printed all round printer, permanent 'post=
Doable Size only tion. Apply Fyle H791M. Near-_
HAIRDRFcaING REGULAR SIZE - _• est selective Service office.
Ad a or 8 Exposure Sella 39C TEACHER-.% WANTED
BODY ACHE? MIDDLE AGE Developed and ,Printed
Here's quick relief from miser- BUieRscho TEACHER FUR' Sint*
able neuritis. rheumatic. 'sr- women, learn hair.dressing at Can. FILMS :. FILMS _ FfLN'IS lie school, grades 1 to 10. State
I' thrlti0 and lumba¢o baa- ass's finest and ' largest schools. age, aalary,, experience and refer•
S tended Seat To You Ry ,Return Mall' ences in answer. SecretaFy- s
rely upon -'B'WM-L" berbal Write or call for free r .- M den 177 q Benoit
y �+ remedy ss, aP Internal cleanser. pay.
re pain and lever Producing a{are. Marvel HatrdreSaing. Schools,, No. lie or ole--4Se and 'Ma'tsonville 9'wps:. Rour s.
s 5 arida are sashed away-Pain 368 Bloor Street Toronto. Branches T1Yese Prices include Ffvc Cents Ontario.
must :to
¢trine! 'may be tori 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 lnor Wrapplwi.sad 9lailing PROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED
richt at the start. Tate Mut- Rideav Street Ottaway. SUPERIOR :FILM SERVICE for S. S. No. 10, Raglan, Ren-
veney's"8'w13iS." regularly be-
°� ,M lore ret:rtns and Wake up sash L 10 A H N , RAt HUR6."1140. rHz. Hamlltoa, Oct. frees county.,- Duties to com-
- moraine feeling !incl 1701
morning f dritg fin 4 Rohertgon• method. Informatioto Hez 401 insure Sept. S. • Apply stating
a r st r i oto. - "thur y .Cud Eleni ickatL Sec:T-seas-,-
on eclt,s rags d ns ensues• Rxpert Ph Flat era for 25 yestn
Y Robertson's Hnirdra,tstng Read-
:' " sing, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto,
Hardwood bake rat.
•` / ' PATENT _ • Mount,,Eng n •.•n an e ,
-t om FETH4USTIbNHAUtiH b CUMYANY School ea ey
M Y patent• 9olfeltore. Establishedour ads to then Principal.
���• s�� 1890: .0 King West, Toronto ortydi;. Wonde full amu ement. APP1Y -
c ran -`
Booklet of'tntormaHoa on, ee- u>n S
_ pack a! Madam .Signa Fortune UpERVISING MATRON F O R
su>!6>• Irom hot Sashes, anent Cards with inatructiona,' 81.00 gewlnR "Roam, wanted for lineal
a bit blue stttmee-due totlietuaa YEDICAs. tchener, Ontario., _ - Ont., ,to begin as abon as••poe-•
Conal"middle-age' period Deer - stole:'
to women-*y E.,Pfnkhfima STtiI4ACH 'AND THREAD WORMS
Vegetable Compound toielievesuch often are the cause of 111-heallb 1001 DREAMS WITH bBEANINd9 n
x`• Fred Christiensen, Jr., gym tome, If helps nature/ Follow explained. Lucky and unlucky SL'to Staff K t 2t OR DIETITIAN'. FOR_ i'
Capt. j to humans all ales. No one im-
r o:g8itrylagl _ dayll. Acu}t mrantn6 Qt num- Staff Kitchen, NTount Elgin In-
1 above, of Watertown, Maw., seta label directions.W mvnel Why not ftud out it this
y VEe��tF bora. 130 pages, welt-bound, 91. AIR soon
-48 po a School, to o_tbegI
record for fighter.pilots ' recently LY��A'E.PIN1(IIAM S teoslroules isca,ers-�Freele Write Mul�eday'e, oat Ad. Npvelty Dept Box 191, as noon•as pos�tiie. Applq to t)�41
when he downed six eneMV planes �Lttcheaer, 8ntario. PrinetpeL 0 ,
os, a.single nal ion.
Remedies, 8Pectallats, Toronto .
'•,>"aia ,.. -.. r :, t ':'': _ - , c+•."v,;i�ra .i+� ,:WS'..w, •.. v .:r:- r'. "'�._z- '?R _y7,�
• x >.�. ..b+Y.N-y.i�•.a r^+r a i:. y'r.; ..,
..s.rrm•:s+srA++;cz. „n,. ..:.• r..'+a.,;..y�.:•.,xi±w �:-. a .., ..y.«mss�.. .. .a.,.. .,_,.,�,••r ;tom .�,..: ,•cci^�a.F:.,�, r...�: �-_•� _ .:avu y va+a,�l_ a.zr n - 3:.
y•.. b *... F 3" 1s �..
. .x,.a .... :: ,.., ..-.,.. ,mss .-:.. "�. ^?.. ....:4. ,.•. .,, 'n :� ':�. .s+ :F; ':: 's ;+" .'', ..;.: , • '
.- - ���"•>,.i, w' „sem '„aiw•a"
0 0
- W
- p
' f
Y�Yyc yy
lust three months of marriage were enough to decide USCG -
Lieut. Rudy Vallee, 42, and his cover girl bride Bettejans Greer; -
shown above when things were different, that their union couldn't
click. Bath .asked that the case be put oa Hollywood's Supatioc "
Court "short cause" calendar for streamlined action, and trial was
. :set for jt#y 27.. . Army `supply vehicles jam -this Italian •road leading to the front. To facilitate movement of supplies.
- - the Engineers ran this-road through the Rapido River flats at the junction of the. Rapido and Liri
Riven. Immediately'it began ,to do big business as the Allied advance moved--ahead. ;
• ,�{ J s ..JfRi,' .?L'` .. YYr .� :,'„ice .w '�v�,r. "�� ''3 C� -
. 6aw �- A; _Tv _
' . 4
•• k
' L. 'iP V cOA6 a,7 �;..
4 � .
. a.
s "0
—Their weapons held ready for instant action Canadian infantry move into'the shattered town'of Caea. r -
after the Normandytown fell to a British-Canadian,drive. _Past wrecked buildings the men advance
w ,mopping up the :last of the Germans:
-Delivering important front' line messages, 'this despatch 'rider was
.-`fired on by snipers. He pulled to the side of the roadand took ,
-.` cover while his Canadian.comrades flushed the Nasi . . . then he
carried on. Incident:. France, 1844. A TOAST TO VICTORY
- - -
The Buffalo. Goes to War
A 3{ \
• .•
ry .y
UFFALO which roamed the
g � -
Bplains of Western Canada in the � `r
days of the pioneer settlers ara now
.a factor in' the war effort of the a A
United Natfoas: At many pointe
- -along the lines of the Canadian Na•
Vonai Railways salvage dumps, as
.shown--above, have been established , A
to which,'farmers bring the skulls f ''� '
.and bones. of buffalo.As well as.
moose and elk antlers, some of
them long since turned up by their
plough°ahares. -Bones are-valuable -
Scrap troy and steel from dis• - - -- L ti•. .
carded .farm'_tdtcbinj are tlsa
bagled,tip the railway-sidings :by
bribers and their famfliq to be
,delivered-to the Government'scrap The ti.rr_1y and the Air Force drink a toast to-,the rapture of Caen- by Canadians in a street of:file'
- depeta This yonnister, at right, is - -blasted Nasi strong-point. •Left- to sight, Res: Pte. F. P. Harwood, -Turtleford, Sask.; Flight Officer J. -
busy in the war salvage job at D.-Orn, Vancouver, pf� .and Ca x Las ' it=..The bottle of wine was given them by a tiberated ~^
J In
:>tt►rradaile in Alberta. ' `- prenchmaa,
. ,, y. .. .. ... ,�,g,�,+,.<'•.. ,.... '.......,.. ...._s.. .•+•-+xr we +r..aw+, wt .a.w..• s ".Y.:.'e;es_.v .,`f,. - �'
• A"Ti•' 1'
4 -•. +rte
u-+..•;t+;��i�:7� , .:. -'`. -". •.'S.. . .:a. kT.'•-�•�a s�� «�'. - � • °•+. ti .y:"�' -- ,_•—'_"__.
..c��. y., %^Q•!-•-t�'•�x Y �.-.' «.s.a•:cci.;x+ .'F'• .h-.. il'-..
ti:,:.'.s7d.:Yx... ..,y ., wa. -•,p. -.. ..., ,y.. '+...
.� ,. . .. ,tE�.+ is ,,p'' _„F, .. ..,;.. :,.' t . "':;w F.''� •`r" ',.
M v
Sty 4. ... - t. � � f. •. ',• '- r .. ✓
a Puss �� A.. 33 3o 3E13 3i
.Classified Advt's :?1CBS x;-01 an ted. _ , !!
_ _ _
Oso Rates Miailnam ' • -:6tL .Year 111111
U bulled b7 aaail. - Advisee
.NOTICE s "�"' '
{able and four ]etchen chairs Ptak b•$ -
A Hrs.•1. Christotf,.Piaeru'g' -foot of B ham, Out ---- -
_ sea
�ecbr's Hill
the bridge the 7wr. --.r. ;'a. 9
i',BroCk road, about one week ago. on June,; T ICE, . _
"�°b" fey' �a � ;sae eW will dose, for Sat- A FRIENDLY LETTER TO OUR
Clare 1802 s, alae.
,d-,p afternoans. unto the ow wq rss7 D FRIENDS;
°°11ar' hard Ava�laWe waterl
Oct- 1. week of gqotember d, 1944 l lat,U.?.,-•: dsU�!
Ina St PiCketmB• ���y� Lu�
Naw. otfi�. OOA►L, CUM. e a
• we
for sale. Roy Once agates feel w �� Rns►ke :
71LY+e �w
in ow-Businew-
D+bilk e - _.._ our business On a
�,pTf+7TAIM Iaomned- — _ _ ---_
sise u . pgenfs for - ?jCKZR1NG. ' �T. fid. -- �� .
- - Fie..are _i�s�g-oar u�uY; �� who
Toronto #avo s ='e
Opted. You'll do better at - snare years, to please bear with us 4n this now
_also lo.oal;®artage work y
-Radio and sports. Toronto - venture, 1►nd continue- our friendly buaines4 relations
241 Yonge 60 We havealeo pissed in stod; a full on a cash basis• .
Stangles and Lumber LQ1E of MATT LID" G` ;we feel assured that iron all know,that becaaee
at BROCK FEEDS Regulations and Reports which
U the party who left the loge C� of many Wartime gulati
joy mill to be wade up into shingles entail nuwl extra office work, the worry and stress
jumber, over one year ago, does A• w• miTCHELL of business beeoanes somewhat burdensome.and
t call for and settle for Samsold � sin we appeal genes ty
e will be ATR
d'•'0�+ once again,1944 saxn �E
.. Thus, a
AuSust int, Greenwood Pickering, onf. Pickering and Vicinity, an
victor Clarke, 60 - your e-
of #1►e good people of
o ' . :'W� 3I�'�+� sincerely hope a merit yo whole-hearted hearted CO,co-
Part Tt�ie Duan or W0 W anted s: enditioned Pliom►es Yards 44: 66W °pq%tion. _
established Watkins route of ---:__
For Viers. Must be honest ti
Steady�d reliable, have travel outfit or TRUR3DAY, FRI., SATURDAY A. E, RICHARDSON Thaakiag y°w. is '"
an cipatio
of getting
one. No capital July s't, 28 and 29
fired. Write The _ 4F AL I N BZI R A'N aE i ' _ We Arca, �«ti%��� A
or experience xe9
Watkins Ccnnpany, Dept. O- Two Shows at 7 and 9 P. sn. AL HSTATE
J. R. Montreal. Saturday Matfuee at 1.30 ��, ,Yours.truly.
2179 Masson St. M L pprlyEYANCINa ' y
Seaolloek and pVluite Pine Q f the established any.
cut sad sawn to order in :pedal Phantom a: oW Y STORE
113111 -valley ,I�tmber Co. Ltd. to aslwe.. - 60 _
Goat, phone 2020,Mr.webat 5 ��'a j ~ -
$ ,iia technieolour) ' _ ;�11, S, haprnato
in 900d OODa�ti a y��+ sRo stag - CY RI L E. MORLEY _
R. S, WMtby. Bu,saas Fester Claude
'V rhitevale
. JULY al. w�U+GtIST i. and s � -
The symW this
commordty Lam �plete'show at 5.16
it d to Mrs. Hug}: Pugh and -.
the death of a betow4d i ondon PHONE 67 PICK*
aUmband nd father. Jack +��'
Tse picnic, to have been'held by oti�s Bassa Sayword
+. Institute, was cancell- • ardware
the Women the illness of pnod- -.Alco Al Added Attraetiwi ,�'OB sg 1,pV7gLLNE83
ed, owins, to - an ail . kering
loo forward to I em jlxl� the A �"
b Spurs, P'atneia Helm with Jibsi W Lydon as Rea"
A1dritb - _ --
liisses Doreen area' -'
- silting their g=ets' Mr- +LECA S/Lta�J� 'V�e Have in-,Stock _
,,r;amd 32n. Randall• DAY, FR14 gATpgDA?' .Misses Catharine std Doris Silts
their vacation in Toronto with ,, ;AUGUST 3. 4 area 6 LOVED CB,EAI4Y TYPE-LFAs Paintsp ��� an
�stdMrs. T. Grover, while Ger-
dos and Mrs.Han �err vidting-wlth�ha� _ •��E. LIP - .
Ldp _ i Se ani
a _ t{yy family
at Cannaieton• Esq 7'e Apply ... •
is sbel to be out IL-
Randall -. {Ia Technicolor)
._ 8avis You,� ware
,'rain after her illness. �. t.ieneral Hard u _ -
GintfK kogers and Ray DIIllas�d -
• Beige. Satan
gale Register Two P"utar Shad
• _ extensive le Leaf Pure 4 o:. Bottle — :1... pN, -
- hox9ehold furniture, Ma
auction sale of r alae- q+g L STORE
$nchuling electric refrigeratoLanCe �• $ EX�►L
T �g
. Y.
washer, bedding, �-
:satigoes, at ' rte g f thee (West wni,•�• ,:J. 1i. 8e7sa Pbsa. H. - ,-
End) the p�perty of the W. Ii. rum and �
finer Estate. Tem s cash. $ale p Estes for Aho s, Pick 68 U int a no
at 1 -p• aa. sharp
W. D. Atkinson, Bnildin>sa.on,._swub Zs .''Farmers of _
Whdmills, siio. .te: W e Have r
+ Y, YOUR 80= ���.
rAntdmobile insnr+n� d _
W. D. ATgIN30N - AAT
XAcensed Auctioneer - .
Kinds - *1 TO10A14TO �� A
phone 290, Stouffville, Ont. ` :`'Write or Phone Garaen, T.e�•► + Fertidbrer, WANTED -
.'} ' Fozmnerly with "Rivers" the
` noted auctioneer amt dealer of. Bowman
& Rowe Sprays, seed cera.
Darolave, the lop ail bound Broilers t:: •
gpedahaHng Fs stock. and ,�, 0?4TA210 .Mens d sl�''�
Property Sales. water Paint in pastil Mkad�• - ari •
Jul ss1 personally listed and .ad- Highest M ket Price
vertised• Bills .prepared and posted. Lawn Mowers sharpened and repair• = ar
Reasonable hates SEE OUR $TUIDIO COUCHES
Pi6sn Seryls: Resao e • . • .
Phone gtouftgille 9tndial Coeeh --- >µb.N �- -
-=sot— ��= ING FAR
Studio ce creat Chait a
CX Oo Two Odeasi 5 00 sad
{ • . 157 . Up -y ismAware.and Tinstoith "` L NI 1(;$ADINd gT/►TION
studio C'CO RMUnIME
oach and Two
Lounge Chairs $134 Phohe 46 ITB NT
32440" Hest-resisting _..gonght and, Sold
tT Bieskiiast Set in Iris _ Co.
Pattern $4.25 Used Clothitng - Sterilised. elesn- LUMBER
• • new. Carry a
r likehigh M R
l3 and pressed O
- Gifts -ed
and Shower Gifts Targe s o
overcoats and pants. Also : good LIDdITED
.tock of now leather coats and
Cti A. ST fnralah- carboro Junction '
windbreakers, and gen
• I>s �npre but rich de Furniture and Funeral Director lags at �y reasonable pry Ca11 _ Howard'1117. and 5corboro 336 ' -
_ dg� we can furnish Store Phone 13 Rea. 90 •be conrinced. • LfpHONEB
cneanorials that will Sam Sehwsata ev
please frown every pi kering, Qat: ail Bond Stt. W.•t. ah.••A itish Columbia Red
standpoint. In dignity r
of appearance our e
wort will AMA out' A1■-■ Meats -' Shing
BinOston Goad West '- Fresh - eg arta 1-b$X
N. W g'1't�1FFORD , F No• 2-b
x glghway Monamenta, Fish and Poul N 3.5X*
�' a
blurb 1_a$
.{ m In ason
A : f r
O d Now For Storm
.� Pbsne Pickering 26 '