HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1944_07_07 w
��. IN(I ONT. FRIDAY, JULY 7, 194 4' N-o. 47 • -
T`he AssessmentRate for
' 'Down"' .33 Mil
1 Ths ear
council semi" Bean Missio Appointed '
- )li�sstiisg of Monday. y Over many. on Holiday to Brock Road Store. ,
jl sent Rate Down 1.33 1lLitis Rev. Harry F Newman, ,ram,of -a
]Sr. and. ]drs. M. 8. Chapman re- The Picks g a Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Newman, Dun- Mn. H. A. Matchett and daughter
'fire general rats o!assessment for calved official word last week, after call last Saturday evening to the barton, rector of the Anglican parish Helen, of Toronto, spent the holiday,
down 1.33 millsews had one to cess that Brock Road Store, where a barn at in Kensington, P. E. I, and former week-end with Mrs. J. Murkar
the tamnabip will be this year: The consolidated ra Armen has been reported missing t e rear o e store -
yaair was 18.95 mills. - this year over Gesmciany. It was taken 46 fire. The building Was dry, and was has been accepted for missionary left on Tuesday evening'to enter the -
-"17.68. County rate 9.09, TwP rate granted at first, that it had been in soon burned to the ground. Although work in India on behalf of the Churc ervice.
d,0p, Relief .2b, patriotic 1.07, Gen. France. The communique stated that both Pickering and Brougham Depts. of England in Canada. With Mrs. John Walsh of the Army. spent -
1. " f the crew had returned were•called, it was too late for them Newman, it is hoped they will leave the week-end at his home-here. 7.
' t rs sincere r Mr. and Mrs. A, H, Cook, Toronto,
Plaid at this saneeting totals of they may still be alive and well in, at one time been a blacksmith shop, � .F
'RoWs and Bridges $1740.70, Relief Amy, but the former owner, Mr. Jackson Pickering Public Library Mars, Cyril E.' Morley and
SUU-2% Contimg%ncies had , removed all machinery.' The ' .
• • :• r • building, now owned by . Mrs. D. Joyce, left on Wednesday for a f-eW
A resolution was passed, whereby United Church Hold Successful Petch, was in a poor condition, so Will library members please note days vacation• =
the Union School Section No. 4 air Plea>k, TI►m•�y Last, that the loss was light. The origin that the library will-be closed for Sgt, Don 3cott� RCAF arrived at
join 3carboro School 1 two weeks from Tuesday, July 17, to home on Sunday morning on leave.
ress to' of the lire is unknown, the people August 1st. Extra books ma be graduated as a bomb-
Area Nm % and have •petitioned the Despite the fact that so many of living in the store being in• Toronto y Don has just grad •
Codadl to permit the union, and be- the boys are away in the Services, at the time. taken out prior to these two weeks ardier. "
pspre,part o! the Scarbozo Area. All the United Church here, held a sue- is order to supply this holiday eea- Mrs. rge.Ti.11iott had ss cutlers
properties on the lake front west of
cessfnl Sunday School picnic last son. 48 this wee�the parents of two of the
-the Rouge carnpriaiagr 96204 acres, Thursday evening.in the Park here. 7060 8al>Qeon Placed is Duffin' boys .who were aboard .the plane
to take-place on Decf 25th. Following supper and a ball game, Creek .and adjoining 8treams ,HIGH SCHOOL EN9 ANCE from which her son is reported miss-
a • a races were held for the children, at fug. The entire crew , are missing- "
Bap, Reeve D. B. Anis, Conn. W. which all heartily participated. This The Department of Game and Pickering Centre — . -The father of one tells a story, sim-
H.4i�ey, and Clerk L. T. John- is the secmd year that the picnic Fisheries have deposited 7000 small The following were granted H. S. liar to many board in this and the
atoa' will attesid `tie' 46th annual has been held in the-park, - gasoline salmon in the joint streams of Duff- Entrance standing on teachers' ree- last war -- the night the plane was _.--
vweting of the Ontario M'aasicipal shortage priwenting their travelling in's Creek, Hugh Pugh, Secretary of ,ommendatfbft: Edward Ballik Ver- lbst' the Pathe= dfeamed of having -
.Aseodation -'a 3-day conference at fax' from home.' the local Game Commission stated non Bates, J. Bertrand, E- Coates, seen his son parachute from a plane
Ai card of August this week. It is thought these fish -B. Bevan, C. Degeer, L. Galbraith, three tunes. The father finds the
• • • s are likely to stock Lake Ontario. M. Goldman, H. James, F. McKee, natural ersconragement in this ol,his
Pickering Twp. under the Hospital Silk--Dohme and the others, in prisoners
• 115 Adult pheasants were put out E. Mance, M. Milks, B. Patterson, son, t , being prrson •___.._.
and Charitable Institution Act, have in this township on Monday MOM- M. Risk, W. Shssnovitch, L• Tunnell. of war, Or at least being bested'is
6 A quiet wedding was solemnized g•
to pay $43 35, as half of a total Paz in These birds will al I lay and J. Beck. due course.Th Toro en
-patlonta admitted �s air a ire oron o, to, spent a few
` els from this township, on Saturday, Jul) lst, when Patricia local Commission have applied for the final exams: 'M. Banks, G. Coll- days with friend- Mrs.
• . s. 250 more o birds Mr. Pugh
Carter Januar. daughter of M-. ar.d• young ins, •Y, Jefiriee, T. Jordan, J. Lee . Andrew.D. J. McCullough and }iszry carne the bride h .Clarence oilk son added. Hon., lath Read�g, H. Risk, P: Sat- Kern Wilson, son o Mr. and Mrs.
iesees totalling ;20456 was Mrs, Wilmot Definer of Toronto, bet
nik, P. Sloy, D. Sinith, J. Willett, E. Lorne L'Wilson, Toronto, spent than
jaid to Arnold, - inspection charges iHxmTclud- ca Mrs, Silk and the rate Silk,
-Salk, Rotary' Lucky' Draw winners were - Witzke Hon„ holiday with friends here.
is t - :amount. of Pickering. 1. Lucky 7, Oshawa, 2. E.X. Evans, The following will receive certif- Corp.. Robert Miller spent Sundag'
. • • . • Toronto;.amd 3. E. Eliasson, D, I. L• leates upon caenpletion ;of_13' weeks at the ]some o! Mr. and Mrs..Gore
The,bride, given in marriage by
,A awon ittee - M. S. Chapman, W. her father, wore a floor-length gown farm work and leave sent a statuneM on Fouad.
'H. �W estney and Reeve Reeser, will of pale blue with veil to snatch and DUKRARTOW of this work from parents or employ- tie and '.kr,a. Flied Owens ani-
ianaoaigate costs, suitable tecation carried a. bouquet of yellow rocas, era to A. Archibald, Inspector, Whit- little daughter. are leaving on lee.
ete., for the new township•building, The bridesmaid."11� Freda Manley, Mr: and Mrs. A. Keane spent the by: - E. Bath, I- Cwnpldn, R.-Ell-
for a week at Sparrow Lake.
to meeamoaate township office, office wore a floor-length gown of yellow week-end at Fenlon.Falls. kott, D. Fairbairn, F. Joidan, R. Howard Bath, RCAF, spent the
of eltsrk,. • vault and council ehaaa- with veil too match and carried.-a. 'ddra. J. Burgess is s dLng a few Martin, D. Smith. - week=end at his home here.
pen . • - Mrs. J. Hicks and daughters Jaen
mixed bouquet of white roses and days with Rev. E. M. and Mrs Bur y seed Lillian, of Gormley, spent the
_ • • r • • baby's-breath;- The groorna nan was - at Alton. C7areswnt Centre —
-a—M-3-3 a=ewL-2dwOL-Ur. Chostior Manley. Rev. Th hpi by law to an 'a vialtimijOn teachere' recommendatiane G. week-end .with Mr. and, ffirs, Roes
seetUms to provide funds for same pastor of-the church-officiated. The. sister at Clarkson. .. Beverley , L. Blasted, wn,. • Mrs Walter Shepherd and-daugh-
Inas Tteen passed. church was prettily decorated with Congratulations to'Mr: and Mrs. Morley, M. Redshaw, L. Ritchie, J. ter spent the week-end.a'ith Mr. and
delphiniums, casmations and roses: D. Lennox on the birth o! a dangly Sanderson, K. Ward, W. Young.
At the reception held at the home ter, at the Whitby Nursing•Home, rs Final Crowns: -D.
Byer, �' Norman Banks' c
�relslairrt Sisters Bedl'n WL :nit y I'' _Mr, and Mea. Wm. Fought and
of the bride's parents on Deleware on Saturday, July let, 1944. Carson, G. Crowder, D. Davies I�' family had a v en
StouffviDe Lasky Draw Y very jo - trip to
Ave., the bride's mother received in >lfr, and Mrs: Marshall Snaith, of Davis, Marjorie Madill; G. Pilkey,. ya
i B. Sutherland.'R.R. Ward' Eva Hartt Nragar>1<-Falls this weer-
"fie two daughters of Mr. ascii a two-piece dress of dusty rose with Evaneraton, .Mr, and Mrs. -Hard ' Jack MacDonald, of Galt, spent
a- corsage of rosea. The grooaa's Evans and family, of Guelph, and 1� been granted cert, under Reg. the wee2nd at home here. .
mat► - 5 13: 9. E. 'Reg. --._._ . ._
lucky enough at Stouffville :Let eaot�ier reserved 3n a tv►o-piece dress .Mi. and Rm—Wan. Duncan and- eo. - Mrs. Fred Pense, Kingston vis-
Weslsaesdsy to- win a Holstein =11f, of blue with a corsage of Tomes. of Groes River, were recent visitors On completion farm work- Earl- . sting hoz sister, 9trs.'W., F. Barker_'
and 115.00 worth of merchandise at For the wedding trip,' the bride ai the hone of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, K Beelby, R. Carson, M.
the ilaaeky Draw held b1 the Stouit- wore a two-piece flowered print Forgie Campbell, R. Clarke, B. Davis, M. -
Ville Lions' Club. These were boCb dress.with .white hat,-and and a corsage Mie. Grinton -and Miss D. De 'Elson, B. hehnsan� W. MacKay, I. _ Our Youth , _
Madill,' H. 11Hehell, ... Ramsay, J.
Lucky Dzaw -of red roses. After the trip to points Bessoftette, o! Los• Angeles,Inimo In Ilbe Mammoth are Wallace.
.,gad Dance, which netted over $M IrJast, will reside in.Pick- spending the summer with Mise Can anyone explain what a group
-for am- vRle Club;- ---- egg, B�°r. _ ._. ��� � of our young boys could be thinkin •
: to t, avhen"t8ef go-to the rk"
- Cettrirestee- . mar}ed about,
—-- _-- - __-- —_--_. ..- _ -- -.-•--- _ '- pubils passing,'others a statement of day after the celebration and
Local Rotary Club Thank Su garters �Of .Jul First a' ly pound rip 'through Abe
pC"' Miss Olga Wilson, Toronto, sue- floor and rip of.the railings,
" =a number, of deserving eases, of such a nature; and eeeds Miss Potts, on the local public and when accused by one finding, -•
e a 7 school staff for the Fall Tenn, them at it, deny everything?
with another day's program of the "Atlnual First line goodwill of all in the township will surely go
of July Cd& tion" - sponsored. this yeas by the with these already busy men, in the very commend- ebr Jane Boyer, of Greenwood,,
Rotary Club of Pickering. 'able work they have taken upon thetaselves to carry Ctaresont Public' School Reports Celebrated 7 " Birthday Anniter
The sttaulance was estimated by some at seven or through. s ' w•y 0° ]u�y Zoe' -
eight hundred. close.to Four Hundred Dollars was It was,s day, apd the members• are-"feeling Senior Rocas ---
Brr►?d Mrs. ling- Boyer, of Greenw�oA
tako8 at the gat,;..Visitors were noted isms,'Torsisto,- pretty •sacci 1..'..ver Grade 7 to 8•-- Don Marion H., �g many congratudat
ve well satisfied. Our tastes are is receiving June Sutherland H, Don Brown P., is
Creek, sm4 not all alike by any meatuh but we pick a couple of ions of her host of friends this
Oshawa, Whitby, Boiwm�o►nville, 'Larry Brown P., Wilfred Morley P.,
all the villages within the township -- our awn village outstandint iteamk in the day's programa -- Mary Smith .. Alex. Beaton Rs Doi. Beelbyy -R. weeir, ass her having reached the age
people turned out splendidly, and the ipsemberoi ''of $ow�d's singing of Melotte's "Lord's Prayer" and Grade 5 and 6 to 7 •- Allan Pil_ of one hundred years, on Sunday
the Rotary Club appreciate very m e e first, a-beautiful' key H, -Gerald ltrddietun P.�arion .July 2nd. Mrs. Hoyer maintains 6
rt they were given oh their first venture of this fining in itself, but exceedingly well one onne Redsn:.z PI, E}is- andcloscontact with local activities-
po '• and daityT keeps in touch with mat-
nature. To those not acquainted with the Rotary Udy artist, in the.evening program, A sigasificant abeth Denby P., o. 1 tars a n o -
International, ita,aims and objects, it will.doubtless human-interest incident, was seen in the removal, Margaret Parr P., Joyce Redahaw the war., She has.been,a gooej friend,
Interest our readers to know that it'his it' origin by [massy men, of their hats, during that inwn1w. 'P„ Ivan Beverley P., - June Felson
� g sad.stili enjoys meeting friends.'
in a young Chicago lawyer', Paul Harris, who, follow- !Carving as it did at the end of a day of noisy bedlam, P., Carl..Norton R.,-.Elmer Brooks The News joins in wishing Mr�a.
R., :-. D. L. Bacon, teacher Boyer the vera but.
ing a few years "practice" found his life 'a bit of a -wo necessary to "make" the day - Alex Russell 'rais- . • • . s
'lonely one - wanting companionship, he invited a in Ned" 'nearby only a few minutes before, takis►g Junior, Roo ---
Young male friend to join .Mass.. regularly, at lunch._.--in the money on a wheel, made considerable of a Grade 4 to 5 -- Douglas Sutherland• . Q
rhe companionship was enjoyed by these two, and icontrasti, Pqpula* Joe Banigan, was a right good H., Joan Middleton H., Keith Car- W�tk ike.4
an invitation was extended to a few others, to make. sport. Driving his Irish-looking, four-cylinder tact- son H., .Brace Herssedy H., Blair — -' - -
up a noon-day.luncheon party. They became very well or, with two"cylinders removed (or maybe they're Evans P., Clyde Beaton P., Dorothy
acquainted, confided in one'another, talked about laudiing them like that now.)-4nade up as a clown, Brooks P., Lyall Brooks R. Pickering•
their individual and other problems, and made it a he is still working hard for a municipal,water system' Grade 3 a 4 -- Marion Norton an Rev. W. h Rogers, a service iu,
Reginald Sanderson H., Joe Henan Will have charge o! the service lar
daily get-together..The group later commenced hold- and dragged along behind .the tractor', what weight H,, Ronnie Burnell H.; Marion Kidd- the Y,tnited Church on Sunday morn-
Ing their
• mes e f themembers, in be the beginning of that system -- a, sprinkling can teton 'H. in next and r. a Pickering,
from ane to the other, in "rotation", This was the' without any water in it. � Rhodes P., Mary''Story P.;'Shirley theevening service. �
beginning of "Rotary", and flubs are fouad in Art Mitchell once again did a good job with the Taylor R. The evening services will be.con-
+ nearly every country in the world today (Axis mat- organizing• of the parade. The livestock show, did Grade 2 to a -- Nelda Elson H:, tinued throughout the summer.
ions excepted during the war only). Goodwill being not measure up .to expectations, in the number of Phyllis Beelby FI., Garry Evans H., ` '� ` '
the foundation of 'Rotary,. the organization began idntries, but there is a feature that Pickering might David Beverley H., Earl Pilkey R., Dunbarten
,shortly after it's charter organiza on, to apply it's do well in developing, in the coming years. The Wawn- Aubrey Carson P. The 'W. A. of St.'Paula Church -
Grade 1'to 2'-- Frances McCull- purpose holding a Tea, at the home ;
principles in a practical way -- Clubs •today are en's Institute kept a lot of hungry folk from starving ough and Rote .Brown•.(equal) H., of Mrs. Foston' on Friday, July.7. h
being found carrying on a tremendous'amount of at their booth. The softball games appear to have Carol Johnson H., Glen Evatrsa H., to which all ladies of the ca�mttsunity
"welfare" work, both in a national way, and in the a big fotlow2ng--they held the attention of the maj- Joan Redshaw H., Kenneth Middle- are invited.
—2m'mediate vicinity of the individual club. "Crippled 'ority on the grounds throughout the day, and .the tod H,, Diane Denby H., Frank
Children" has beers one of the leading services adopted orrening program, though not -as long as some we White R. Annie `S. Porter; tea- Ciaronont _
by Rotary, and are today maintaining hospitals for'' -have had, was long enough, for the late hour-(the cher. The regular monthly meeting o! ;
-hale W. M. S. of the United Church '
e rhildren, 1dong with aimmereve,ieeal -aids. The Hydro power ist e-park Cy", off till ' o clock or ' ' - id a of Mrs.-F. rS
local Club from the splendid assistance derived from later), but we hear the program to,be "one of the otirrdended. .. .••••• Loyst, on Thursday, July 13. - a
this First of July, will be able to carry out Width of best in:quality in many years". . A total of $174.25 War Savingi Mission and.B+iby-Bwxls will be en
this work, they are awdoua to do: This Club, through" If available, different prize-wkmers will be found stamps have been purchased'by the tertained. Mrs.' Henry
...T- RMG 14tW- ,_ .8
enry►•Johnsen, � o!
available agencies has found, witki!a this'township, listed elsewhere in this issue. pupils of the school. Stouffville, 'guest-speaker,• _
' w Y
F •14
..: ,, �,••.'. ...r:T .r. 'r "+ .... .. ':yjm„.,cs, r.',:Q' "r.:w '! u• �>. t,yam'�'f
. .. is ._:., ;, ..St'F �,.. -. .-„•,�: ,._. .-{ - // ' ✓�. xs.-•. "e e_
How'Can I? :
Famous later Ships In Invasion Fleet. _$y Anne Ashley
S Sp
Q, How,cora .I wash leather pil-
IOWS_A..? L.
for__36 minutes in a
boder of water softened with ons-` -
/ 2 z
'• "�” � '' � third cupful borax and one table- -
S3 b ,
spoonful ammonia. Do not use
soap nor soda. Lift out, lay on the >�
washboard and scrub with a stiff '
,.' ins
R e
'n hes cads. •
`w brush dipped i . heavy �•
ze as dry,
as •
squeeze Y
at ,
two w R
in ,
-.... �_
Bass possible; shake thoroughly and pin •
to a mei _
- Turn several times daily. It may
take a few days to dry them thor- — -
aught,: __ The Picts of Tobacco - -
h Q, How.can I remove rust from —
s "f
white A.
Rab the hl
_ +►+ a mce a freshly -
the' -
r cut lemon on the stain, hold
material over a steaming kettle,.
and.repeat ,until', the stains dis- water and is, soon`as the -stain s ' 1 i
appear. disappears soak the place in am-
hills in my lawn? age to the•material:
^' black ants._ How can-,i wash gloves so
A. These are usually Q -
If yot� can reach` the ant hill din- that the, skin .will not a •,
ectly, saturate it filth kerosene or A. Wash in lukswarm soapsuds'
- 'and rinse in the same temperature ' „ '.
boiling water _
- %
r:.,: c L .
Q, How can I remove toffee water. Dry on glove stretchers, s'
s _ pulling and str.e.tchisig the gloves
stains'frottl fabric. .
as they begin to, dry. w /`
y s,s sskz A. When the stains are freshk ,
: ^.
pour boiling water through them,
There is only ere
or'rub_.with glycerin and wash in - Th.e.:word ."curfew".•comes from Y
lukewarm water. If the stains the French couvre-feu, meaning µs ..,#��'-TOX '
- _tb!►hlr show-the PRINCE DAVID (toy), the PRINCE ROBERT(censre). and the are old,and dry, apply ,javelle .- "put out the fire."
PRINCE mNItY(bottom)photographed soforf her conversion for'~service
- � t Cgnadian shi�a in the zegtiired,�hey did ask for power and BABY CHICKS XE3DICAL , FOR BALE T
j armada carrying allied troops to steed and thus, unknowinoy, p
breach 13it1er's Atla- WallgeTe videdthebasisforusefulcrweers.ThE BTpRTED CHS(I{ BARGAINS TWO PROVEN REMEDY—EVERY SLiF- �bo���Q Bold. IECV beT$i' y
originally deal for holiday traffic builders installed hpreestneboilers and three weak olds:' Barred' serer o[ Rheumatic Pains or allays, brushes. DuIen Electric
tri no thou t of grim btuunea8 on feedinlC 6t@am ttubineB to develo Rocks, New HampehtrEe. Light Neuritis should try Dlxon'a Rem- �om Ltd 28 utferf BL,
�o P Sussex, White Rocks, White Leg- edy. j3unro's Drug Store 83b �1- pans 2S D
c ' the Pjo>ftlnsti y Goeser The Prince 16,000 rsepower and a top speed Of horns. Hybrids In non-sexed, pal gin, O
rrxwa. Postpaid iL00. Toronto.
Her y,. Prince David and Prince "23 knpts. The ose"was to Msain- let _and. pQckergla at. barSala-
p(�� I prices. Send /tor price. list. Day 8At S1J:EXA kcniT BAl.d1 destroys PERFECTION DIILKERB AND BSJP-
pbert.Were built for the Canadian' fain an ex8cting eglie- 013 Hoer-aeaed .as low e! 88.95 pez ottanalva odor ipstantl baa Diiea. J. F. Donaldson.,Joyceroille,
National Steamships at Birkenhead, The Prince slips were desipwd,for hundred, pullets $10.95, heavy bottle uttawn agaot, Denman ono :
CL In the P"fie Coast service 334 first cabin passengers With deck cockerels 37.Os. Free catalogue. rug Mara war
p D Otta
ace for 1 da ngere,When wtso eight week old and' aider
,..- three sister ah1p3COY@I'Ed gnat dis- Latin .6 p9 were 'sae O -. .. _
_-,tangs and earned many_ holiday 6,000 tons. In War dress their top OF `LARGE WLLLOW
travellers until 1%39 when taken over_ decks, Which earned much of, the erieq Limited. Fersue, Onta L PRICELY gLree%. H Limb
vy. Cabin accommodationr were dis- LarredARo k Mixed
JULY �jl, 5��� t West. CToronto, �
4F R d PROM` trees. Hanger
—3Ts the Rpyal Canadian Ilia The -- 85 King sense
M.C.S. Prince Robert became an mantled. White Leghorn Mixed 9c Send your flim rolls La Canada's Ontario.
antiaircraft cruiser.while the other H_M.C.S.Prinee Robert has been White Rock pullets, ... lee largest. photo rtnlahtng studio.
BarWhite Leghorn Pullets ... 16c
two Were redesigned.-as combined •more frequently in the Trews than Don't delay.-31,00 books youi order. GET .BETTER, PICTURES HELP WANTED
< equen f
Operations cruisers. her Canadian National sisters,:early Carleton HateherT AT LOWER PRICE u
Preen despatches from the front capttiring a rich prize in the Pacifio, Dsttasai■ Helxbtn. oatart+ Vb ANTED AT ONCE, w MAN TO
;reported that the Prince Henry was and afterwards-staging a fierce battle END •OF-SEASON SALE OF TOP �► Sae Rol— 0 8 Ex auras. take full are arm w '
aY t o 1 6 r Do u 1 cm S
one of the first°iii�s t�o land troops in aircraft whsle Notch Government Approved DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e On! adult to cook. farm
=E''Talll(e tlhile the'Prince David also B 8 -etzfcka from-bloodtented breed-. pre erred, respectable place rod
launched h landing craft a convoy ii!the Atlantic. era. Barred Rocks. R�hlte Leg- A customer at Berwick, N.S, wages. Permanent area It aced.
These sbi sailed to the Land of horns, Naw Hampshires, WhUq writes "I Want You to kora how fled, state age.
Fare advanced.
owly stages of•the attac'kt and theur.. wonder- I n oaf._ Barwell.
the '4fidm hL Bun but no Alaskan Rocks, Light Sussex, Black Aug-Aua-. �yia pt service." Thomas 0 ern
sed kI and P It Port Wal
• era-egxod u _. -
=Srinee Robert Wes an important unit iraLttrpL Ht��da- -- -- ------._ _-
a+dventiire imagined b Jscirbondo�- .- - oda •
Of the protective fleet:' L Beach a Loc 5, ;Hea per"hundred. Pullets
While Canadian National Steam- Robert Service or In 96, Heavy Cockerels ;8.98. ENLARGEMENTS
mubed that recent action OQ hi ad C.O,D, Give second eholce. -
- e
+when specifying the typo of ship of N _._. - __ - eeickiria9 .Guelph;'Ontario. • _
4x6 in Easel 3founta, _C
•-'- -!lTAR -BOARDERS H A V E NO -
baking --company; here's .your' pace in the poultry -house; Older `J`JA]v m
British Bakery- Unit' equipment.' �Vt soon found the birds eat your profits. we haus FRMIN AND COLORING
Praised By Yanks an ample supply of started letl-
British .equipment would bake as feta and chicks. bnyold ptrlleta, mount Enlargements 4x8” on wiry tinted . Ages 31 Years arld Over
much bread as the equipment we hicliveks cockereLook head me iate de-
iannWa not or BlaackB[EbonyCfinish
Frost-1'sne American ,army •bak- had' trained on in the States, and malketl. 'Bray H&tcheiy,'. 180 fr uti 590 each. H enlargameut 1NARRtADr PHYSTOALLY T+it`i
-er. ItCould John N.. Hamilton, Ont. coloufed. 79e each. " A'F.ETtEe 1e106�LtiB tN OF Ct:OAD i
ers, arms w.t _._._
be, set tip and .disTsiaatled quicker,
esilibet machine 'ase ready to BARGAIN SALE GOVEY5IENT STAR SN TO TtR AVAILAflLB is
too.' Approved Chicks from bloodtested CATiAR.
Fibber achin pounds of bread a' Bos 128. Postal Terminal A. Toronto FOR APPOINT'.Mt+:' T r"MR-
$0,000breeditra, White Laghorna, Bar- Print Your Name and Address DiATELY. VNIFORM CLOT1FnNG
day for the invasion armies, using red Rocks. New Hampshfres; Plainly on All Orders.' BT r LIED-
' units ven . c r Lro C White Rocks. Light Sussex, Hy- In person to Employment
British mobile bakery •. 3 gi..• S A �" G V brtds ana other Dopula; breeds- Apply
em under reverse L - son-lazed as low- as SL95- per, TIME TESTED QUALITY•• d Selective Serv,ics•,.Officas 174
��mm i.
hundred, heavy breed Dulleta Spadina Ave.
"When we Came off the ship we p„feet Y+ore DOOKB a.d CAeH 1.10.96, hKvy breed cockerels SERVICE and SAT[SFACTION REFER TO FILES R-788x1 -
-sere gfesn td right away with this from FIRE sad THIEVES,- 7.95. $hipped C.O.D. Give second, Your films pt' 21G developed and t
' gait,” said the officer :in that of !i
-Cabinet, for say, attrs+++e• vVlzR hatch July. '14th. �weddle Chick 8 UR 8 EXPOSURE"ROLLS 960 '.
a Company of baker! at otic Of the,, ■s, or write, .1+r rose■. rte• t+., iiarrharfes Llmlted, Fergus, OaL; REPRINTS 8 for 25c STUDENT NURSES :
biggest U. S. Army ordnance de- Dept. W. FINEST F,NLARGLNG SERVICE
146 Frost St. i> . Toronto 18TARTED PULLET CHICKS—• You way-not gat all"the films YOM wOODSTOCK GENERAL H O S- ,
-,-tots in the United Kingdom. Eatablt■ked 1866 . :._ Ready, tar shipment. Barred want thts year, but you can Sat all pRal gchool for Nursing Will
Rocks and New Hampshires.-.
admit a cissa of student nurses
8 weeks old 80c. 4 weeks ojd Sba: the. quality and service You desire
"The $ritisi said; You re a 1' by sendrns; YouT,films to '-- tar-i:I.— rears tretning in!+•D=
J•KJ.T_AYLAR LIMITED Ali from Canadian Approved IHPERTAL PHOTO .SERVICE t'n►ber 194-4.. Students holding
TORONTOFEBlood-tented eioc[c 81artlndale° secondary school graduation dl-
WORKS . Farm' Hatchery, -Caledonia, Ont. Station J. Toronto. ploma• wishing to enrol to this
- cIaay, .'.kindiy.addrss aDDiicatlon • ,1
PROMPT DELIVERY OF TWO to the Superintendent of Nurses.+
and .Shree• week ..old started - PATENT! Woodstock General
$hleka.,Barred Rocks, New H hitt Woodstock, OnYarto.� °hires, White Leghorn:, Whit!
Rocks. Hybrids. Send for prices. "FETHEFtSTUNHhUGH iF'l:uStYANY, -
yA1Ao day old non-sexed as low °° Patent Solicitors' Established ENpER[SNCE1)' FLUURSLAN AND
'.!17.95 per handfed, h'ea`vy cocker- 18911;. 14 King weat, Taranto: all round printer, permanent post-
NothingismOredepres•, els 36.9b, pullets ;10.9b. Shipped Booklet oT Information on re• tion. ADDiY Fyfe H791M, Naar.
sing than headaches... .!� C.O.D. Give second choice. Prompt quest est se{eeti,ve Service Office.
Why suffer?...Lambly's 'delivery. also•eight 'week old and
will instant relief: older pullets. Top Notch Chick- p u
Hgiir�ee • -erles, Guelph, Ontario. FOR BALE evo11Ce Cadets Wanted
Lambly's isgood for ear• -
' sche.toothache, nfla 'COLLECTION AGENCIES 62 ACRES, $A�DK'ICH EAST,
near Windsor icy 'limits. 'srd. Q 1 TO 17 Yeats .
cif ' back. atOrtlaCh, DOWeh. /ia■u+. �/ Concession Rd. IinMediately ad- "
two esn
-~• a ACCOUNTS AND NOTES RECEIV= sites Subdivision. Contains about high sohool. or better." now a S+ I
able everywhere. .Use Canada'° six k Loa good' . 12v tot timber. of shorthand, and typewriting an
HEADACNE 'OWDERS_ 14 largest agency�l for beat results. -Black loam: Algia and'
lots, corner i;dv;i•ntage. al
B� ' Financial Co ectlon Agencies, 3rd. Concessi n and' Gillette .Rd. - with every
_ __ _ -tea,._. x 43 73 'A elaide W., Goeaihoodsicof cmeeting toilo,wing
Toronto —. minimum qua
Why not help your man to better CHECKED DYEING S CLEANING age of 21 years: Height
:bel►lthb recommending thisVitemin ro
� Xa✓ihf AAV@l it+u ANYTHINI; NEEDS :,5;900-100 ACRES GOOD ' CLAY weight 180 pounds.
B� y '1 dyeing or cleaning? write to-us- loam.. creek, through pastureIMMEDIATE APP01NTMENT
ToTfie which has so greatly bene-•' •of Mone Sack for Informs tion.•we ars lad to field, good ,fences.. 2 bank barns.:ted�� Y APPLY IN PERSON
anstvar your questions. Depart- driving shed, heti house. 1oVely
�orqulck.relieffromitcl>inaeaueed byeaema, orient H. Parker'° DYe works. 11-room modern brick house, To Employment and Selective Ser-
MOst -Women -know about Dr. athlete's foot,scabies,pimpleaandotherit Limited, '791. Tongs- 14ftett, To- ` double-garage. public school on vice Ottice, 17.4 SpB $ Ave.,-Tp-
NERVE. FOOD 'from eR- conditions mwre,coolin ,medicated;liquid ronto. property, • In Clarke Township: ronto, Ont. '
ence or the report o£ friends. D.D.D.Olt RIPTiOtf Greaseless and Apply to Owner, Dutton Roliln- REFER .TO FILE H-784111
Po stainless Soothes eomforta and quick] calms
Moray have learned to depend on it intrneeitchins,Doa'tm[ier.Askyour�rtiaaist HAIRDRESSING 4on, Kendal P.O., Ont.
" when loss of sleep;fatigue or iadlges_' today for D.O.D.PReiCRIrT10N. C011MERCIAL ICE , REFRiGER- 'TEACHERS WANTED �
Volt warns"them of nervouii• eid-„ . AMBITIOUS-GIRLS turd ator, excellent condition, ;25.04:
' MIDDLE AGE - - A. J, Brady, R,It, 1, Whitby. MANITOULIN . ISLAND;, PROTES-
Why not sec that the man in who y0 women.
and schoolA. RUMELY 01L•YULL TRA well, ManitonlM island Duties
��o0�u1 axe most interested has the r 1 25• x 40, good condition, spade
><Senefit Of this proven tonic when FEMALE
Refined, dignified work. Spleno d #t commence Sent. lsf. Apply
cleats. Make 'otter. -Ferris, 66'
Cefiwouble of th similar ailments. pay Write or call for tree Liter- stating qualifications and ,salary,
Westrnorelarid Ave., Toronto..
stare.-Marvel' $li rdreasing Schools, expected to John DLeSay. Sec.. _
A&for thenew'ecoa- 868 Bloc- Street, Toronto. Branches R.R. No. 1, Manitowaning, OnL
You who suffer such pain with tired, 44 King Street, Hami-ton, and, 74,
try size bottle of . ,— nervous irritable weak feelings--due Rideau Street,'Attawa. NEW INVENTION — PORTABLE QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED :
t;0 functional monthly disturbances Tacker, automatic one-hand corn- _
Drshare's -should try Lydia S. Pinkham's Z15 A H N HAIHURe;rS1Nu GHJ: preealon, drives sell-feeding Han for.Sb No. 8 Raglan. Duties to +
■ Vegetable Compound to relieve such, Robertson method. information gen grad=Tacks, quickly. 'Elim= commence' Sept. 6. Apply stating'
��eryC - symptoms. Pinkham's. Compound -an • request regarding +ei°sses. lnates-using hammer. Free'dem- qualifications and salary for
Fo" Ttn,rs DATUM. Thotlsands upon Robertson's Hairdressing Aced- onstration literature, Dor Inion Daniel Bu rick, Palmer Rapids.
thousands have reported benent: emy, iS7 Avenue Road. Tornnto. Supply Co„ 183 Bat-hur°,te To
• �•-430ota 4 r��— Pbllow label directions. ionto.„ ,•� URK 8; ACHER FOR PUB- .. •
fi B T
O E i
� lie school, odes 1 to 10. State ,
DON, DELAY! EVERY SUFFER- age, salary, experience and refer
, DELiimatic Patna or Neur- FOR S'AIX. IRISH 3E FE sneer' to answer. -Secretary-
inks s4jould try Dixon's Remedy. male, 4 months, gig., Ick of ' Treasurer, U.S.S. No. 1, Benoit ,
ed Ei1ro•loll Munroe Drug Store, 335 Elgin, litter, $25. F. Roberto.n tiorr and Matsonvilie Twps., Bourkea,
' f� O "� - EXPER-
ygv'i11ArH ANTI 'cHlt[:AU wh sAlth TEACHER- —teacher
nflon are the cause of 111-health 9LIE'1T HARNESS- DRESSING
n ,n nre all ogee, No one Im- Finest leather and harness pre- fenced;_ ctionsta . teacher er-
school section No. 1 North 9ber-
$end Only Ten Cents In Coin or Stamps t� CO\'4-t Co.t `of 11" :; n� tunnel why 'sot find out Ft-thea. servative. 'Slipft also has many broake, Duties to. begin Sept. I: 2
This Offer for a Lintitccl 'Time Is y++ur irnuhle? interesting Par- houeshold uses 250 up At MQOt
CLASSIC PUBLISHERS W ti+'ul'+r:•-,VrPol write MulvP��iieY'r grocer ha{dtvare and , chain ADPiy stating salary. J. Nifies-
1 QC RnmrdiFe: gpeefnliats, Tornnfo 8 stores. A product or Lloyds Leb- : gee TreaseRElphin,e Ont.J Nisbet,
10Ca 7 ADELAIDE W -•- TORONTO 1 (rat' oratories. Toronto.,
1 w-�- y ! ,♦ :. ..� w+.+au,,....na.m aiA.a a
17 :: • ,
Sterling Silver _
Service Itto -_
For Relatives of Mien and Women - ,�• -
in Azmad Forces I
- - Wear a sterling
-�+- .•
—1-T-1 v e r-tuttan_
..showing the pum-
4 her of a o n e, s .
daughters, slstereg »
or brothers YOU
- have servinlr inthe armed forces[
gay . there are lapel
style buttons for
- men, p 1 n a for
red, white and blue, num.
- " berm from one to five 1.25
— Actual size, nxRched. Eacrexec
All Taxes Included
'_..-' :.'.. '�... '. },.•g. '^Y +rot
' r
._ - -_.., of f t_
•Lieut. S. W. McGowan, Winnipeg, E
__ —..- ----- Man•, the fust Canadian Paratroop 4 ;AIL
-- assault infantry officer to drop r
;r .down throush the roof: of-France
ileal• Caen,'leading the way for the
_now famous Ath Airborne. Division Under the.Mutual Aid , g
_fa opeaias the Allied.iavadon of Plan, Canada has expended close to 1 billion While to date. the assistance to the Fighting Yiench hai no`t.been ex.;
fa goods and services for the ZJnited Nations. The extent of this help I tenaive — mainly'naval_ordnance--a larger program has been initiated
$urope. -- - -1s portrayed above. -
to sleet their meds.
HOW IT '�YOR1�S-- -
.. �' .._... � _ � k. —'�.,a�-rw.•».. Jet propulsion
Length, 25 ft.,
ti '„� ,`:� unit. Gyro pi ` " , 41/: in.
at underneath Wingspan, 96 ht _.
d. •. I
_ g down chute,
b'sli s
'Bomb de
emerges from cliffside. _
m mak,:
7 Bombsr
"♦ 3
MM..� _ •'{' �� - •,`� : iF i'-ifs` � ✓" 'av
"••n r p r: �.., 2 Diagram at left shows "hover robot t, g
$' � +
', s. " does wing.
•' �' � '' � . ' .. ��� aver when fuel tuna out, describing loop and _
_ glidlai, to earth, Where it explodes on ilnpaCO# ..
• rac Ons is at e way Yanks t60_k the invasion of France in Drawings above, by Mechanix Illustrated Magazine, summarize all available data on the German jet-
their stride is this scene aboard a D=Day ship headed for the Nor- propelled-, one-ton bomb "now beiing used is large -numbers against England.
inandy beachheads, with Stank sol- � o
diens. and-Coast Guardsmen giving
all their attention, and a wad of -
"French invasion money, to 'the — FOUGHT GERMANS TO STAND STILL
ed by the dancing dominoes.
�y t
TOWN How REX 021
fN -- .
This valuable booklet"How Rex Oil Feeding.
Aids letter breeding Resulti"contains actual 3
case histories Aawing how.-SO Canadian .:
Farmers, Government,institutions and Agri-
cultural Colleges increased proflts through a
the use of Rex Oil.Tr how Rox 011 pravidis the MHz
k hu ^4
- banal factors so euential to proper function-
Mg of the reproduction systenF
Every cattle, horse, swine or } �
sheep brooder will be interested �� ,
• fn learning how many toenmon
breeding problems can be "A
solved._ sved. ;
4 oz. $1.2.i'e
,10 os. $3.00 -
N.D.G. Poet Offlee Sox 50
Montreal, Quo.,
Offke sex$0,Montreal,Go*.
os•.,end me fr=y of row keeklet 1%W Res _
are tile types of Canadian para oilers who foukrit the Nazio a• stand Kill ana hepd ,
t"E.':...........................................I............. D-Day. At the left, one of them goes, ':overboard"' as the 'Zamera snaps a acture at s 800th=of-a-second. In',the center is Lieut. R. C. Hilbo 0
getting his harness cheelfed b Ma or the Hon. R. Fraser helots he tal:ny.off for 'umP Pte. L. Mar the only Chinese paratrooper ,with tht
- - „ Canadians'Forces;is shown at al
the right, proudly wearing the faous win_" of bis corps:These pictures Weis taken iii England as the Canadian
' _...._. _-• __ paratroopers put' finishift touehis to-their training. _
_ t
- ,
` •. , : 11
• _ � ■ ■
100 extra copies of the Pickering' -- - . U001415ft LOW-
- ---��+lew'a=rare-so_ld on local Dews .etzad:� - .3o�ueiNtoAc.ran�Pull� -C -
Dan an
each week. Why not subscribe? - T �� `r
i — -- ---
- Have it delivered. by- � •- BC---. -"�" _ _ - -
- Friday morning - $1.W per Year _ .. Lard 6 ATON, BLL[, df Rid53 -pW===t Naggim PWk
_ _ vhc�tesssled
,. .fl►Ti lS 68Ri! _ Phone i>agl .w+.•".0w e - A J Boston, S.>0 Te
a" Other*
Yaw *I&.. - Qowsafeteed ' ._ Q. Brooks B�--IL C. A& tiles Nines.-It may be
--In the Estate of Henry Wil J. D. F. Ross John L. Pond
Marks, deee6sed. The Dept. of Game and Fislleriep - :Aas..ILaltl. os.ltodsl_ iC. �"�.�WCK.APT-
4 sre` quite concerned `the Don- ":3T2.Bad,l�,ree0 •!.Taionto
ALL PERSONS having claims a- , dition responsible for the destruction _ D}soay Block, �! P. Q
'"imst thef Henry Williamnamy ser a lowor end of ARTHUR` 'FIELIa
Marks, late of the•'Township ° Uuffsn's.Creek. - PHONE 62 R 3 silicitor " ` Phone 1!(18
Pickering;M the County of Ontario,
-who.died 'on. or about the •
`� DS
Farmer, _ NG+ ' _
y 1944,_ are hereby t PaiCKERI
,'C. C. (CHAR N • ^ - pggA`q� OI8'1`
nth-day .of M8Y_,,. �lrl- 'yme an n e
• ied to send particulars of SacAe -
Suite 611 Continental Uf Bldg
-- ---- - to the undersigned of Jul 1944, + (�,
J) a 17th day Y, aj��; Notir0e O v v�ore th will be .Mader n D_ ing.
-after which date....the,estate
distributed, having regard oalY AT F'arr's ElevatorSTANLEY . ,
the cla`u�s of .which the Executor _ We do bniLding ofINN 't '` "
then have had notice. 010 C A pit
==-sated at Toronto, this 13th day of riL`S jV J 8 Saw Goy. Reg. Seed Barely
- June,' 1944. CARPLrNTERING
ROUGE HILLS CEMENTING .Vanguard Gov. Reg. Seed Oats.
Harry A.
Newman, WIiI soot be ib
' FEED URXX?4 Theatre
itors, Harry A. Nein and New- . Every Saturday Night - 8.3 ROOFING
sstan. 36 Toronto Street, Toronto 1, �.. Gnod Music
(Ontario. Jul. I -Adm. 50 cents- We also sell -Brantford -Roofing- - Barley, Oats, and �l'teeat in stock -
- Materials, Empire.Bathroom Whole or Ground S
Equipment, Dano Water Closes Seed _ Phone Stouiiritle 10i �T{
g3*ams, Beatty Stable y. Alfalfs, Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy
m -RKET--
Equipment, sad ~ sod Garden Beads FS SATURDAY
, Fertiliser
nil �
_ .
Orden Your Fertiliser
JULY 6,'7 and 8
= _ uali drat Service our A.im-- W. .el r = Wintertime
�J work G.a= '
t t P)r dbOS - -Sonia Henie Jack Oakle
phare Pickering 30vitspt~ Sbort Smrieers S
, - . . - _ ,r, - .JULY 16, 11 ani 1! . •'i
Higher and. Higher
1, as
Freak Simates
__ - - - and SsiAods It
�: , 't• nine
ri•'6'�}'-- r4 t•
'it '.
.��� .. _ .. �•� ,'SK,,�7 �! _ JULY 13 14
.` q= ...'•+r YS.., \: .r yI•..r�•. '
Can Wait
Deis AAW&o
gon 6, AD _ Pick a SAS
• -
« +pARTsaa
--�- `"'''" r "s ice- "` < r�' -.�:- - ' - - __ �• . .• - -,
Wm- MAW4
.:� ,
Salem conducted Anywrere
i MLose or write. Address 014 Dna
Street. East,
r ' - !Whitby. Ontario.
, . ��'- `- 'Ce�abiastlon Storm• boars am �
M not to stick around and
rn sob —
Made t's
— let the other fellows do it:. - f awe ;►!
- _._ p��
— — -
•` Asphalt Shingias
- - St + Sd _ .._.
_ Biil andjack went over-la Week' d ,F>ed':~ beenj.
_- Asphslt swim" _
year. Now s ei . - •
_ over there a ye N it' my chant ' wall Boards to
It''s going to take 'months° of training
before 4 rX M. cordon
- _ get fighting-fit, so I'd. better het moving
*,:� •;
_ -.
- - - � • . . _ .. .�SgbOGE ply '�
d d .. , W G _ - •- - �'. Prlvste�Aatbalaaoi I'��'i
hand_ _Yes sir_1
__tell - _
god novY, to
Dry.or N1sm I
. ,_ .. ,
'` Mom--that I'M- on my way to sigw'up. r Plisse Marr. toN i<t 11
_ t
..- .�_ . _ • ._ ._ .:-• _. .'�^ . -•''
- Markham, Onto
1 k
,� r•r•+
.0 ar a Prentice��•
'. s - - _ LICENS
r For the Counties
of York and
ario; successo r .to Corp.Co rp.
F f �r x ` titer of C. A. S. F., and o!.the
F 'r Fi R E R S A S V r�1 t J. H. Prentice (formerly
ntice) and
cJ 4 r $.r T tl�L`fdiS�'�rur:rxru r: • ��t�
Sales i•�l+a+rt�'r at Fals!
... .. .. .. -. r...._. - -HamJ1�'if
wa' 4 ^Rr-. _ --n....,.w. �.... ,7A ry. -¢: ! _.rt... -„"",�"n`s'(:5. s rs^+ ,.V•.:: » v .;�•
.7y.. `g3., s.„ -w„x•ti; .:..:5' .+. .^.r'R=.:•,ly,. „P,h,'. �y t..,..,:..,•. r:moi' ,.a•''•.. s'” ^F. - `v .rW.: -f. �'' i 't'f. j
•�f;�r�-"er',"--i.. ..+.'�rL''.m,:..:.�.�',-�.wu,-..[:.,,.:.:.,.,::-ea.�•...r.,...:<:r •.:.�+N-:�>:s<'.:.�.-4,.. ..�.as' - „� _ - ... .�..-,r>.;, a .w .:�k�: •� ..- -�.`,�1
yand Mrs. James White,.East of this arranged by the Easton bus, which Thursday afternoon. !t
:- �C LA R E M aN T, place, broke tete arta-tor the fourth will be at xhe Matthews' corner at _
tune last week, when he fell while. 2.30 p. rate. ,.
climbing over a fence,� The W. J. Brown f
onto, were with T. C. Mrs. a.
Awe Ciarenout News Front Page Mies Mildred Hawkley, at Toronto here Did The Gravel Go? Brown for the holiday. They had a
- �- is spending her holidays at the home There was a bit of controversy letter from their son Jac saying The W.. A. and._RAd-Crop will
!!sting Margaret Briscoe, spent the n3' k, i lag
_ y sus-r-hamnere. al��-�� bt[ Monday nwrnfng re- toolu'p&I in the invasion, 4rui meet in sae Sunday Boot- rodzi vn
Hawkley, a load of gravel that dis- was safe and well when writing, Thursday,
- w da � g#rdmg ting, July 13, as early as pose-
of Toronto, appeared fIrcm the Norton t. There Fire reels were called out on Sat- ible, in the afternoon.--ice thus is
with friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs Bussell Canner, of
Ray MacDowell,of the Army spent is no doubt a load was removed frog urday evening to a fire on the Brock a quilt to do for the Red Coss, Ev-
Dunibarton, were week-end guests of
-• '
the weekend at his home hen. ilfrs. r, the pit op Saturday, but under what Road, at the former Jackson prop-� eryone is welcome.
- A large 'number from here were � conditions and circumstances is the arty, where an outside shpp was Mr. and Mra; Winn, Harvey of Tor-
? _ ' .: ”, r, ..' - on. Light may yet be given on
•� down .to Pickering on Saturday to Cliremant BaR Team Rein Toterna- quests destroyed. onto, spent the holiday with lLr. and
attend the Celebration.Mr. and Un DiCk Cool)"L Of Wat- Alknt at 'Pickering on First the matter. Mr. and.Mrs. Mabon are guests of M'rs. A. Corbett.
e Claremonta ream came Mrs: Philip,
4„ eand husband, Mr- Mrs, R. Phillips. of Buff-
rtord, were week-end guests o! Dr. through in great style,at the tourna- o! the 6th concession: alo, and eon, Gerald, were at the
Brougham - •
and Mks. Z`omlPnson. ment at Pickering on Saturday. . 8 a
Charles Cooper was criAl
onfined to Claremont defeated two teams and Mr. and Mir. Barrett, of Toronto
-_filte house over the week-end with a _•� Aver were at their cottage.
d carne through as the -winners, win A cordial invitation is extended - bg, and Mrs Milton Oiirierod
light touch nf the flu. 014- 94 've of $10 for all W, M. S. mmnham arid
Mr. mad Mrs. }?ilkey, o! Toronto, teemwere wil
, There were five teams in the of C� G. F. T. girls to attend a Tea, Mrs-McM`iilsn o!-�.ocust_iii ._a_: .. ,..3 „fa:rdly of �
balled on Claremont friend
9 on Sun- tournament including Pickering, to be held on Saturday aftertno'dn, returned missionary from Africa,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Blakely soli 'Mr,
�Mr, and Mrs. Len. Lye left on Rouge Hills, Claremont, Audley and July 8, at the Norton hccine. If the gave a very instructive and 'interest- anis Mrs. L. Sanderson, of Toronto,
Greeawdod. ladies.Erase the village desire trans- ing talk on Missions in Africa. There spent Sunday with Mr. and Mks. Fr'
_.Monday to spend a few.days with o --' - =-- - portation, please meet at Matthews' was a good attendance to hear her. 'Byers and family.'
•friends in Toronto. "Bowling Tournament Here oa 'at 2.16. The Y. P. S, had a full house and-
' - Mr, and Mrs. Harry Porter spent Friday Night - Mrsalter ox has been with a good program. They met at the The Annual Cormm��ity Picnic of
the week-end up north, fishing, cora- The local•bowling club will hold a her people the week, recovering hone o! Mias Isobel and Bruce Leh- Cherry-wood, will be held at Oshawa-
iing h"-k on Monday.Mr, Wright, of-Toranto, is reliev- (tonight) of,-mnixed doubles. This Brougham friends extend con- Mi
onss Audiev Snit% of Stouffville,
ing Mr. Hooey as manager of the g g
Cammer'ce, during-the latter'e vara- will be one of the !'first of the sea- gratulations and beat wishes to Mrs. 'visited Miss .Mildred Carter on the
son here. A number of the local Jane Boyer, Greenwood, who attain- . First of July. �1
U Rev. I. E. and Mrs. Kennedy are members have been participating in 'ed her 1,00 birthday on July 2. Mrs, T. A Barefoot is spending a
.at Leamington this week a vacs- tournaments in other centres all Mr. and'Mrs..W. Knox received a week at her home' in Sprucedale.
iron They expects spend the rest season, but rain has •kept the local_ cable saying George, of the RCAF Mr. Baretoo'� will return with her.
of the period up north. greens Myr ns in such condition that it has has arrived safely, oversew. and Mrs. J. Altelaar and baby
Midweek services will be held been impossible to play here' e' Bassett sale. of household Alyn, of Toronto spent the. week-
jointly- every Thursday'evening in furniture attracted quite a crowd on' end with MTs, Altelaar's parents, J.
the Ba- ev Church,during the month Tuesday last. Good prices were real- E. and Mrs. Wilson.
,a! July During the nonths of ized. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and i
► Mr. stud Mrs. Earle Beare and Mr. July and August Mrs. A. Hamilton had the ,misfor- Mrs. Even in the lose of their baby 1
and Mrs, Fred Evans journeyed to We wilt deliver• in the tune to break her arm while at work son, who was hurt on the highway
at the Ajax plant last week. oh Friday last. Dr. McDonald was
: 9shawa on the First, to participate Village of .Claremont Mr. Norman Mechin, of Oshawa, called and he took him to tpspital in
in a Bowling Tournament of 26 mix- from! 9 a. All is 2 p. m. Daily his daughter, of Ottawa, and little Toronto. Baby Eves would leave been
ed rink. They os me out high for 2
,�� CLARFJ[ONT 3l;F.AT MARKF7T niece, were callers on Brougham 'three.years' old on the 28th at July. � �Ck _ _ •;
_ .. JuL 21 iriehds on Sunday. Iateianea►L was meads at Queelgville
Services will be held in the Lasted The July meeting of the Women's on'Sunday afternoon. Mr. Neal con- ••'
► next Sunday morning with --'-�—• Institute will be held on July 11, at ducted the service, >![isaes, June Irl�a� - •
Bev. W. H< Bextdn in charge Tile the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winton Shank and Ida Gray asatsted. pope
e+eming service .will be bald in the Ciset Atm For White, of• Claremont, in the form The Mission Band are holding aus
Park, with Claremont Band in at- f i
oa picnc. Transportation has beep 1 pknie at Greenwood Park this
tondesice. Evening service at 5.00 Little Frank White, aaa of Mr.
y w
E MAN"f COME - -
!- :i
to keep
Priem and costs were sillowed put 0%
s •: `�.� '_;i^ .."+"`e ":•w:2 ?aC'ke �' '"ap r V`. `'. � '�i• �• d' .'ono'.:yam:. -
;'. as.�; tY,� '�. `'fir �"� �,% �• a . ""'� �„••eR` ..#,a,• "`
f KS
- pushing each other up, inflation would be un-
: ..avoidable. That's what inflation is-a panic rise
r •
With money loWnd its value and '
. --- -
confusion everywhere. To,prevent inflation, -a �,•,^�,
ceiling has been set on prices and profits,-
wages and salaries have been controlled. ( l�u��O
A ow
e lens
if one person demands higher ,_ �� �-
another a higher wage or salary
—soon everybody would bemak-
ing the same demand"emanda
on everyone else. /
o >.. •®r
' i��
Then costa' of production could
h _ • ' I '
' 1101 be controlled.
The ceiling could no longer be
atom, to customs p. and
Living coats would go up--
_ adc_again t--For bottles
and cartons are used many
don't t
so please d --
this cycle: Return, your
empties, in their.'original
. -. 'and M _. - � _ —
7` ': r cartons, promptly 'and I a
begin_their-:-frantic rise. ;x u'll
$ yo help us
` -
steady supplies for you. xa.
sr usm To -1N THE sponx*n- RAmo,moummi • This Is one of a genres being fua
Issued by the OeveremM :
• of Canada to emphasize the Importance of pnwMl„a further
Mcreases In the cost of living new and denaoon later.
,s, r i
�1t'• p+; y,;' ,Piny ^'.• ,,. } Pie Brewing Inelustry
W,. THE WAR . WEEK — Commentary` on (;,,, vents
---How. Dong ' WHI ' Final Phase
'T Of War Against Ger an Last?
-77 - -_
e - -piesurrruaa aic_loss. t.
� �. ;-the--h€ lest- Ye
for. the 'invasion in
-ample suffered in a single operation.-_by ry --
' s preparations for repairs to Cher- any participant in this war:
bourg's harbor facilitieA, say3 the Indeed,.Admiral'Nimitz's summa-
Christian Science Monitor. Great ry of 747 , Japanese planes des-
�:,_�; convoys may be uriloaded there in. troyed, 30 ships sunk, and S1 dam- -
r as little as two or three days. Then aged paints a neve picture of the. *..
the liberation of Europe will pro- frantic Japanese effort to save the
er nes It coo d almostsuggest
ceed at yl British, American, and Russian that the Allies are further advanced
ms in the Pacific than H e-have hereto-
3 - the fore:supposed.
.evidenced by the lateness in •
season of t eir a a 6upplq Line - --
r is interestingthat the'Amari- Yet cold assessment 'tells us that
can-British-Canadians„ copieds- the situation in the acs is ism a
sian tactics at er our roe an genera way about- '
_� _-
f they snipped its supply lines, then as it was in the European war
keted. it, leavin the Ger-
. g when the Battle of ..the 'Atlantic'. ' • j� � '`�A
mans to defend a bastion cut of was-at its height. That was a sup- -------
from reinforcements and supplies. ply line battle, too.
- -- --Such-was--the-strategy of. Staling - Without it,, the Allies could not
_ grad, such is the present pattern have mounted the strength that is
Generalissimo Chiang—K.' Sbak extends warm greetings to to this final base
dent Henry A. Wallace of the United States, they met in Chungking. bin, and.Bobruisk. of the Kar against Germany. i -
Wallace has started a series of conferences with the head of the Strategy In Pa ciTie out secure supply lines to the Far
Chinese government. It is the strategy in the Pacific, East, the Allies cannot hope to
too, where strikes at the Bonins mount the power that will sweep
S land through preachers and holy isolated the Marianas from the sea over Japanese land forces.
men, a spiritual decline always and air lane down the island chain We have ''spoken of, a blitz and.
C H O O L follows' After the death of Joshua from Japan. At Cherbourg,. air po-. of the final phase of the war against
_ no dale seemed to be able to kelp ver was used to blast rails and Germany. How long will this phase
: .
- together in an earnest highways and concentrations bf last' '
of God, and to inspire jroops beingiushed-'fo a coYnter Tht sneerer to. that is only part-
worship•them to.obey the law of God. attack. In the Marianas, air power, ly physical. War is- made against
Jut 18• Failures of Israel too, blasted the Japanese- effort at the troops and sometimes they may
the children' of Israel did counterattack, inflicting, according ight, as many did in Cherbourg.
j$R/ that which'was evil in the sight of to the latest Ovoid from ' Admire! until their atniinunitioa is gone. But
OF Jehovah, and served Baali=" in a larger sense the tear is waged
e s 4'I — 8:7. - .
Judg Fearful licentiousness in the wor- against the will to resist
"PRINTED TEXT. judges 4:8-18. ship of this deity was not' only'- h O 1 C E Futility of German Position
GOLDEN TEXT. Righteous- sanctioned by its followers, bnt 0 I+ T H E Somc day elle utter hopelessness
nets exalteth a nation; but sin is a formed part of the worship. n (+' and futility of . t German position
reproach to any people. Proverbs "And they forsook Jehovah, the R J will dawn upon the thought of the
14:34. God-of their fathers,- who"brought German-populace...With it may -
Memory Verse: Oh: gitro thanks them out of the land of Egypt, and 'SAID A YEAR AGO conn a crystalization of ,honest
followed other gods, of the gods of year ago a German news doubts about the queer Nazi doe-
unto Jehovah.; for. he is good the peoples that were round about trine, with'its denial of the brother- " Believe it- or; aot, this cuts
s ;psalm 13b:I• thrin� and,bowed themselves down paPeT declared: "There is- not a
unguarded place. from_ hood' of man, and its fanatical res- 's Jean
THE LESSON Ilhi ITS SETTINi13-- - ---- __ _ ng - - - ...
little number is a hard-working
unto them: and they provoked-Ji- war .worker. Sha Muftis
trictioa3. and she works' at Mae
Time. .- The events of our les- ho`ah to anger. And they.forsook far. north to the Bay of Biscay,, When that moment comes, and gr era, Winnipeg, -- -
son occurred subsequently to the where a landing or the establish- °� r m
Jehovah, end served Baal and the the suffering imposed from without make aircraft on. which men tram
death of Joshua, approximately, ,Ashtaroth." Maa must follow meat of a bridgehead is possible. is more severe than that which a for battle. This pictnte was takes
1=45-1310 B. G some god -and when he forsaken Noe is .it possible in the south or frenzied leader zt home can whip when ah* and the other members
__• -
Place. - The narrative•of our the true God he follows after false southeast. . In the event of an in up the German war will be over. of the plant concert party.. the Y
; lesson.is not eeatered 3e. any.one gods,,gods who can profit him no vasion, the Axis always hag the- It will be_ovei even if their troops "Ansomttes"� took time out to
with the single exception of thing, advantage. Things, seem to have in the fiel.d.still have the resources stage a big show in aid of the Red
Bochim, on a-mountain west of The Anger of .Jehovah changed. to stand a bit longer.. Cross, seen by thousands of Citi-
=Sault• Daitir Star ate•
oilgal - the exact lgcatfon has not "Aad the anger-of Jehovah was So. pre diodone cannot be based Vital statistic about 'Jana: =-
r�rat been definitely. ascertained. - kindled against Tsraek a lb '-o-� ori physical military factors along Aged 19, blonde• brown eyes. fin
- Suetessas--off Israe NSIDSR VICTIMS_ FIRST warN _
azu •
t' 'Now when Joshua had seat the campietely humiliated, for after We. are, beginning.again_to hear _have brought- upon-Germany, and -fie --
the stoutest -rderence--to-flee-"pally--German the nature of it is levelled .at the ! h� gh --
with the Cameron Highlanders, V
I peop w p s mentality behind it, as well as at Federal Member for Winnipeg
-went. every man unto his iaheiit- foes they were defeated and 'be- 'people." Let us remember first of the arms before it.
_ to possess the land." T o- came completet�sttbjeet to`,their all the poor people of all the lands
to entered -into`a covenant with enemies. God'had warned Israel of which they have enslaved, who
Os us be true to God'sad Hsi their -danger, -and they went into have--beim murdered, tortured, .deo- is
commandments, and departed to sin with full knowledge of the cola- spoiled, dispossesed. Let m con-
-. fallow. If men aider-the victimb before we- pre
pos3e3s the iatreritame - -- - —
i mem sins persistently he can no.lobger pare to weep for the niurderb.
t "Aad the people screed Jehovah stand up against it; it becomes his --Niagara Falls Review HORIZONTAL _'Answet to Previous Puzzle lS Capital. of
master and he its abject slave. -0 . 1 Depicted }�q L N Pent'
all the days of Joshua... and they The Lord Hears Israel FOR BETTER HEALTH insignia of U Debutante.--
buried him in the border of his Isle U, S O ESA b (abbr.).
inhtritance in Timnath-hexes, in "And Jehovah raised up judges, U.Itra-violet ray lamps installed
the hill-country of Ephraim, on who saved them out of the hand of in Niagara Falls schools are said a Army --- SEA T Lal. A 19 Hole.
orth of the mountain of tho*e'that despoihd them." In thele to have reduced sickness among , A D!O R E IA H A Pertaining t0
the distress they nd -The Me, ?Bogies.
1E13aash." The people remainedtrue He heard them, and raised u men oup.
to their covenant not only -during p would seem to be well worth the 2pupils by 61.0 per-cen-L . 6 Passaup gyp' APIE IA'p
-` the remainder of Joshua's'life, but who became their saviors and de- attention-of'educatioeial and pub- 17 Residents of P 15 p� R'OP 23 Tellurium
during the lifetime of all the elders liverers. God desk.graciously with lir "'itaith •authorities elsewherl. -Aran(gib.). O M IRJfRIMI ( ( b9i)
`who survived him. The faithfulness the C ' ren of Israel for through —Brockville Recorder snd .Times 18lmme:se. iA��E I N 26 Weakens:
rae1.. poses were to be fulfilled. A MENTION ANYWAY I 21 Biting R'I I� Q L W 30 Violent.
The�eq enerasi - ose mcrican radio K ar m— .r•res. ,. - t - -
.'i. "And also
all that generation To make synthetic rubber more -mentators cannoJ�ie ac-cysed oldie - 22 Se* mongv 41 Color. VERTICAL
32 Guide to
in payment. contents
were gathered unto their fathers: than 100,000,000 potknds• of soap loyalty to•their own country, But, l Inter relation.34 Of the (Fr.). _•
.Nand there arose another generation are needed every,year. they might give the Britisp, the .�t4:4fest 43 Suffix p
a ' Canadians and. just a wee important. 45 Lair. 2 Make 36 Accomplished.
after them, that knew not-Jehovah, -• 25 Frozen water. wealthy. .39 Cloth pattern.
nor yet the work which he had A new American patent p;ovidee tiny bit of credit for what.they are 46 Out of 3 Decorate. 42 Clan symbol.
26 Argues.
wrought for Israel." Unless there is' for a-tire that whistles -when it li •doing inthe the fighting line. .. 28 Suffix. 47 Division of, 4 Electrified ..44 Otherwise.
a strong spiritual movement in the punctured. —St. T,homai Times-Journal 29 New.Kamp- gcoiogie time particles. 47 Son of Seth
shire (abbr.). . (cotrb, form). 5 Kind of (Bib.).
OME TO FRANCE 130 Set up, _48 Beverage. . . lettuce. 49 Sprite.
w 31 Exclamation. 50 Adorned with 8 Preposition. 51 Skill.
$ -�,.,��»--- ^• Same Tune But now 31Exclam stars. -8_ Pertainih -'to. 52 Road br.
• Roman 53 Reference
y (abbr. . 55 Suffix.
'34 Sar.ealist• 56Island. (abbr.). (abbr.). e ,
y w� ' Four Junes ago, says The New -painter. _ 58 Fallow,land. 10 A dance 54 Age.
York Times, at the height of the 35 Finish. 59 South African labor.). 55 Yale.
., g ter.---_plant 11 Rest house ..._37 Each labor. .
triumphal marc across w3* -mat
s 38 Revise for 60 Failure 12 Self love. 39 Alternating =F
German soldiers were singing: pu>rlication. 611�tussolini's 13 Verse form current .
Give me your hand, your dear, 40 Locatiun. dogma, (Pl•)• fabbr.).
kc` , ,� ` •'3.,�>� white hand. d g. 10 11 12 13 _
t , Farewell, my sweetest love. 1 2 4 x
` Farewell, my sweet, farewell
Farewell, for we sail; . farewell,
for we sail, 19 20
For we sail against England. 17 18
=: -Last we ._ "`' i A ai England" .was an almost forgotten 21
+n. song. Instead the German radios ,
were broadcasting to the"troops a 2 2 r
new song:
3t 32 33.
Wi stand in the west; we are fully 30 , 141
Lei the enemy came today. ? ,•-' 36
We`are on guard, our fist§ 'are
hard, - 37 9
A�'e stated in the west aT-bay:
_. For �cc ----
-know ive defend here with 3 qp 41__._..
s rongest ial nE --—
-The froniier o-f our Fatherland. ' " a ;
`; `•-• s -
The day of •triumph -for ..the
'x Wchrmacht had
. -• '""•'"; '� � passed. The Ger- i �
nQns-kne-w-H hour 4--ag 51
.-Towering over hem. six-foot, three-inch Gen. Chahar De Gaulle
is greeted by citizens of Bayeux, 'first French town. to b,, liborated IThc world's first commercial
1►y Allied invasion forces in Normandy. -Girl•he
shaking heads t¢lephnnc c�cl;an e teas n c
with wears brassard with Cross of Lorraine, symbol of De Gaulle Is t, P nod at
�. e at Conn., n -
Fi�hpty French.
Haven, C n. i' 18'S
• to
:,-.,:.'.fit„ �. aeS7.M�n '!�.•". ar.•:+p; 'x�Ci.+:Awr••brcr^�• elmsn. .-sn.� ,; ..c�._� .'�.• ,tet:,. ., w-.'. .,�,.:'r. `'i✓ _. .. ""y"`,'..:*�.,'„�' '�'
z -"Aad," Christine finished hast-
sly, "I haven't any idea who pat n a Quality Tea �
them there 'or whose. they are, it
a a what you re going o a ------ --. ..
He glanced from-her to the pa-
pers and back.-again with-. :such A, ' -
cool, mirthless amusement that
:. Christine thought in sudden panic,
�a __ --found something I missed. I _
.AT °AIRY IYEEAL,A I M IE '� should have looked more care-
fully, :�:
Bus housewives all over th ma ded mean,"
you dont know that
-- _ -
,- -. �.. these bonds were the property of. -
-- country have learned the TE A
• your cousin? '
:wisdom of serving Kellogg's : After a moment's blank counter- {
ready-to-eat cereals often. - nation, Christine shook her ea " ,
nrement with one slightlybroken I didn't saythat It was catered
wordlessly. 'heel. We haven't found those by someone who had a key."- `
^:Nothing to miz or cook. does it auggestatanythin totod*you,
" shots yet; but we are reasonably Whea Christine did not agenic, i
Appetizing anytime of _ that you had not thought of be- sure that they were taken from he demanded, "Do you happen,to
day, "� y your cousin's house b someone have a'key to Mrs. Talbert's house,
_f. ._._..�._ "But," Christine hazarded, "if who enters t atter was closed
i_ someone killed her for those, why the other evening taken.for the Christine moss est her ps
- - wouldn't he keep them?" express purpose of making that and said, "No," hating the wood
"There are other reasons for
false trail" ennese of her own voice a she
murder . besides 'robbery, Miss "You mean that my cousin's spoke.
Thorenson. Suppose Mrs. Talbert house has been broken into?" - (Contsaued Next Week)
POO .S !' was not killed for the bonds after -
Y , / all, but from any one of a num-
a s+
,. I A � her 'of other motives... In such
a case, fig to t the guilty person
reason that the smart thing to do E HS EN YELLOWKNIFE ,
was to make it seem'as if she had. � •
been robbed by someone else -
/ especially someone who might be GOLD M I N E S LIM'ITED '
thought to have a motive for the
murder ... You, for . instance, A low priced Y*Ilowknife speculation of outstanding merit
Miss' Thorenson - with a fortune
t t f th tic"
• - - a stake i that will is•au en --:--MARKET 28¢ PER SHARE
When she only stared at him - $54.00 ASSAYS ALREADY TAKEN ! --
o SERIAL STORY without' speakingi he went on, ".Or
- supposing the bonds ,do explain Editorially, The Northern Miner said this of the -
Murder on the Boardwalk Mrs. Talberth's aeath,` perhaps the Yellowknife outlook: "He•would be a verb heedless _
murderer thought that, after the man who would lightly cast away his equities in this
first shouting was over, he could potent field-Hist m8 be ti itself- and
BY ELINORE COWAN STONEfield-History y repeating :
get them from you as easily as he history doesn't repeat very often 1n a lifetime"._.. j
left them with you... Perhaps,"
Last Week- Newspapers brand "Last evening," Christine hur- he added softly; "it was even some- Why this Great Excitement in Yellowknife?
hsiitiae "Mystery Girl" of ..the ried on, "I went to 's public read- one who counted on your keeping
Talbert murder. At her roots she Ing by a clairvoyant called Chan- them safely for him." Because Yellowknife looks like it will become the
11nde a sheaf of $1000. bnds hid- dra-". "`You - you.can't believe that,- "•richest Gold Cam in Canada-reminiscent of the
deet•'In her suitcase. She' tries to "And he told- you,"' the ins c' Inspector Parsons." d Yukon Gold blush days! _
'Ism Bill. He cuts her off with; for put in with a tired smile, "Frankly, I don't know what I m '
X1111111 YardlWa shoes fit, the prints "among a lot of other things you believe except. that finding these at is the Recent' Market Record of.
: found by the police." didn't believe any•one but your has completely changed the com- Yellowknife Shares T
self could possibly know, that you _ plexion of this :whole business. I ,
.CHAPTER XI were going under an assumed have been supposing that your Giant Y.W. was'400 in Jan'y. NOvr X8.10
"0h, Bill:-.;- nor' Christine cried -name?" cousin's .death Ran tied up with Negri was 69 in Jany. Now 1.62'
dserably "Why - yes;" Christine ad- her opposition to the Amalgamat- - Br hero Y.H. was Z In Jany. Now 1.00
"And then some." His voice was mitted: "but he also told me-soma ed-:National merger. Now it be- B. A.R. Y.H. was 380 In Jany. Now 1.79
a little grim. "But at any rate; I'm thing that may surprise Brea you, gins to-look as if it had only been Ranilae was 150 in Jaa'y. Now 1.K0
at311 is circulation, And I've got a Inspector - that someone had dig- very neatly timed to took that way _ 'Jensen was 150 In June Now .28
thtk sleuthing of my own to do turbed my things at the Crest. - or planned to suggest anything
whits I am. I'll be sewed up tight view." except what's really back of-it.,. _ what iQre the Profit Possibilities of
1111 noon; bat how about meeting, "So you .have'called to tell me Have you read the papers, Miss 44
- -- - was as s agger you
name place. where we ste last found so opportunely last night. Ing
Christine told him, dread-- Present price a proximately 28� per ahare=Located t
sight r' ... A Iitek late, isn't i!?.". s g she hardly knew what. "That In the heart Of the Camp and surrounded by Bryh@rII
Christine said, "I'll`be' therep- Alter a startled breath, Chris- is - the extra, after I left here I(2 properties) anti N (2 properties) as Well sa ,
k EIII," and hung tip,' trembling a tins asked, "How do you. know early this morning." ladjolning Consolidated S>Y3e1teP6. PlOpeTty �e Well
=:i�d deal. that k it his?" "Then perhaps. ybu uw shat ]nested. . $54.00 Assays ju8t reported. Ori@ zone
But Inspector Parsons, site re _ . ■ • your cousin'- shoes had been traced for at least 1500 ft. on Strike. Work already a
tesmbered after a moment, did not " found to fit one air df those foot- dditional development reports wM be
• ......_ .. p under waX. A -
- .rre people-for Murdw--until hiff . ___-prs ly-+x+Fy...oaa-1a -�'►terf- -�sm.ts-kadui$--fsou�--shat--atrar�d<d - -- - made public els received hum the property
. -- - -
Vu sure they would stay arrested. City has seen that dagger. You rowboat toward the 'booth where
...And she ,had business with In- drew his picture yesterday. Art- she was found?" Whlre is JlASM YlilowkAif! LoevtedF '
x%' spector Pars ops.herself, as'soon as fists don't miss picturesque details "Yes."
rhe could find him. like that. .. I wonder if You And Bill's 'shoes, Christine was See Map below—Note relationship to Ne� , Bry-
Just outside her own front door would be Interested if I told you remembering, fitted' the other.pair, itiern, Giant Yellowknife, B,E.A.R., and Ii.�ainlac. -!
rhe bad to snub three reporters.
that two hours after that merger "That story happened to be true, -
--w-11{hs was not sufficiently expert- ''between Amalgamated and •Na- except," Inspector Parsons was
vaseed-to-dodge the trevas ca:aeras. tional'- went-through--yeaterdari going on, •"than-they-weren't made - sena �^�'L�..r srwawrga,r• —
» • v
this Chandra sold a piece of land by the shoes the was wearing; but ` "'� n - �•,N y a so
She was admitted to Ins pector he's been paying ruinous taxces oa another pair, identical. in -meas- n COMAIn
Parson's office at once. H_e'looked, for years to. the reorganized com- 22 eRyMrwv Mas
Christine, thought, as if he had' paay, for a new plant they're
- eoivrresr '�9�
hardly slept; brit he *as as coot planning."
You Will Enjoy Staying At Nsww
-and alert as ever. "Then you've arrested himF' Tii2e ST. REGLS HOTEL -
"I've come to teff°yo,u," she. be- `Not yet .. That 'dagger was -
" a little too obvious! roaorro _ -
pn, that I ve been a good deal of y a planted '
a fool. clew." • Even Room with loath. Show. Z aW DIM d
"You - and several others,." he Christ ine thought �n sudden pa- Stasi., ss.ao ■p- $ 4"u - �
er wa e e nae. .i
ped leasant nic, Can he ima ine that )7 e
asr p 1y, g put rt Double, s.R'te up. - gLC�ON JENS N
there? .. 0 CeN Foal. Dlalai aa7 Dame- i,
i - lore:r) :::YELLC?WKN1FE
" , tai liliitly. ,
��se * ��ss It elan t occur to you; I sup- Sherbourne at Carlton
S 6 I ti FLA 6 S pose," she said, "that as shrewd a Tel. RA. 41St c
man as be might have planted it Who is Bu ill Jensen?
Have You a member' of roue. himself - guessing that the police - y J
family is the Navy, Armi, av �,�
Air Force? ,would reason that way. Neiv Financial interests—From Calgary, Edmon- .
de proud to show it with • iia "It did" the ins HARNESS & COLLARS ton, Vancouver, Montreal`, have recently Coma into 1
pector told her
in Your window.: B wearily, "even after our medical 'Jensen".
oat Maple Leaf represents each officer told us that. Mrs. Talbert Farmers Attention - Consult
Member in the Service. was not stabbed in that ¢noel at
your nearest Harness • Shop
Silk flax* with one, two, three, about Staeo Harness Supplies.' Who are the Officers?
four or Five ice.•.., roc. all, but was brought there after We sell our goods only through � Pt¢Siderit-E. A. R: NEWSON
Po■tnte. tic the murder." -
R.C.N .R. AU:tTLIARY — "Olt" Christine said blanks your local Staco Leather �-
1447 Yoaie Street - Toronto y Goods dealer. The goods are V£ee-PTesident-ROSS H. FAWCETT
Then she rushed on in her eager- right, and so are 'our prices. ,Director -EARL S. MURPHY Phm.B.
mess to get on with her own er- We manufacture in 'our fac- '
rand, "But what I really came to tories - Harness, Horse Col-
tell you is that, when I did exam- lays, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- - -
ine my_ things, I found these hi& kets, .and -Leather Tradelling
den away among them.4 Goods. Ipsist 'on Staeo Brand - -
a » * Trade Marked Goods, and yon We recommend the immediate purchase of
_ .
ti She pushed the envelopa_ricross get satisfaction. Made only by:
I nw.
his desk. vp—q CO
He opened it, riffled thh,ough the WRITE. FOR CATALOGUE ;� O L D. : M 1 N E S L I M I T E D
con-tents• then looked u , a frown, 42 Wallington St. E., Toronto w
ISSUE-Ss'-id44 between his brows.
at 28�` per share
rest 1' Toronto Ont.
, . 44 Iia S ,
_ Y
!wish to announce that new Government regula- Use this 0 W. n. Latimer &Co. i
dons, effective immediately, restrict the sending of, ; : coupori.to buy s. 244 Bay Street,Toronto. AD.,:8891 f :
a Ple urchase for me sures
• •cigarettes to the Boys:overseas to the 300 size only. place your ensen ow e o "es ' 'rte a
$ritiSh CotiSol! r per share,
REMEMBER = 300 size parcels only with a limit of order through
.Export & Legior! , . your bank i ............................ ..
i "900 cigarettes per Individual per month °"'II
Cigarettes or broker.' s Address.. ......... ..-.. .. .. ..
26E .I t' a.
Clas ' 'ed Advt's PICB�RIN� PILLS �, �� 33 1 3D - T
1- atau � ire -
Iga Cooier. - e ,
WOODS and F'RIGIDAIRE bmmed- i 16ti Year as -:11.1i
,e ieliyery. V .
$M up. Agents for
•V'AL MILKERS: Tirades ace- � Advisee . r
'epte Yon p dos.better at Toronto � �s .
_ e __ OM ' 6� LAT"
�. Taiont. Np B�igha T ARRIVALS IN
An Ideal Buz '
�^. .
Sale -- .6- brick hoose, ��� � _
hardvlood floors �a Jac=_ - _- E.-
alt coavenienoes, with � � .throughout, on 2 acres of , - '�'�'�" ____ _._-- -- _ ' -
several nice building lots on the pro-
our calif will dose for Sat-. OCs trireb Pass your way a+N7
load beautifully shaded, with nrday afternoons, until the dal
•1 barn with acct n
bas 1 1964
imoda��for four horses, , mak'of Sept" 00AL, COKE. - Sugar and_ Cream
ben-ho, Cherry, Apple and - is Heavy Glass Pretty Pattern I.f� '
tease vines, cement apple -WOOD, GEMENT, •,ane Small Cup size" 2lic. Se8
ated in. Pickering Village. Reason r •
for selling -- ill-health of owper. and
Water Set
a�piip L, D. Banks, Fickoring 49 consists of one large water pitches and,
Wanted -- high school girt to assist LOACK- T.QQD RLTILDER'B 8II P�LIE B — ', Six High Tumblers 6 --
l►ame. Apply Newe Orifice. 47 PICKSRIWG: Oi+1T.; :81601006 X06 ase WOT 4i**WW_„
Fence Posts lI"1Br Console is > 1
- 'f11:••-100 medmm, cedar
fence. poste, — WE DELIVHR
We ba�ealso placed in staocY a fall �
G +' consists of One Large Raw Fruit Bowl and
;:'.-•for site, also Melotte Separator. Jno. - LZNg of MAS•�F M'� o Double Sticks _ —
4th can. Brock Road bleat. Tw ubl Candle 81.25 Set
.. (�P1A4dY FEEDS - .
--- er Sale —
5--yr. old blood mare, a _ !�i"_f, Glass Tea 8
gear�old colt, a 4-yr• old Jersey cow RO _ A•- . IT�, -lllI'"li�Sv Pretty
Each �• 1. ,
lin heifer. Jas. R. Keith, S cry ty
and a yearling
Road. no - o enng, • n . _
t - THEATRE Glass Ju . int size
y has started .chicks, pullets, punm '-" Yards 74: Res. 6bW � P
cockerels, immediate delivery- .1,29 A lovely Cream Jug - Get in soon for these, 26c.
regular hatch is 17th, after that, to _..
order. Cull your older birds now,dnd q,� 3M1rX$Y' t A. E. RICHARDSON f' '•ted c_
stock up with these at special sum- ��'' 'Qr �wl Jit l_
8ea1t>sdully Air-eonditzoned
-3,- mar
prices. H. Shier, R. It 2, Pick- OENIDRAL INBIIRANO$ , Cotidats of Three Sowle,•graduated size- li9e. Set
srring. or D N. Lockwood, Pickeacsng. a...i start in YourBusinessO Part Time THURSDAY) F RI., SATURDAY REAL 88TATE ,A
_'CONY$YANCINQ a- Pretty Glass Coasters
If you have been laid off in a war 8a aid established agency,
If Y( if your fananwork or other Two Shwas at 7p.)m sad 9 p. fs, to serve. set y. - Ea Cups, Plain '
,oeenpation dyes-not take all_Qf_-your. Saturday Matinee at 220 P.s. O
time, if you are honest and duuend- ,
able,military exempt,willing t work Ginger Roger Heavy Caster Clips -
we'll es- _ /^�
for finaiial independence, time Tender W - _
-._-€"- Each. l; cents - - ;�"1I}�.
tablisb you to your a!+� part- mrade CY R i L I . M O R LE
business, supplying household and -..
farm necessities. Suitable travel out- { Ryan and 8u1k1 Hussey Oven Bake Casseroles
fit required. Credit lhrrnished. Write _ _. _ with a Pi v
-`-The J. R. Watkins Company, dept- th Deep Pi ate Cover _ .Each Bic.
(}p-16, Montreal, Que. 48 1 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDN'sD'Y ,j N S U R A N C E'
Goo Ice Refrigerator :— for.sale JUL' 10 11 and 12 _. .- ---- - = _
Gam.D.3sty C}arch ice capacity. -fit C4MP ere Sfiow at e.70 C K.- browse around.
PHONE 67 Come in and br - -
.. haU COSTELLO - --
Audrey -,lUi. S. CHAPMAN
Who Done It . .Now
left last week -
Mrs. Henry eS _. Also As Added Atitaetioe
with her sister-
and - - -
for strip b the
tbae to start taking • ■ - _
�tuulat ons Rupert MM sane : Tornado
ComSi'a - ,fiat IiEKALL.SPIBING Tasdo.
. 'n ' N' rdware-
9�fhin .. . l��erg Greenwood. on B ;Hiood purifier - . •
Ctester Morris and Nancy $eliey_ ='
Qris►rk.All her early days _ .... - -
were spent an a arm .. - .... --. Tondo
°Ler parents and now- occupied by _...
- j
;. ,Gard Winter. THURSDAY, FRI., SATURDAY Tasteless Extract of!Cod Liver Olt•= --
�Ve Have in Stock
t Mies Brown has been re-eagag� JULY 1 I4 sad iS - ....p'�ied with vitamin,D.
'..as teacher for Sr S. No. b. Inspector : P `_
,Archibald•called here last,,week and a D ` Bsa� Wise sad Iron j� Varnishes- and Brushes
+Ras glad to know that she was stay= Th �, Utes sad Hose Marrow Teoie7.
�'d•�i bet work . _.Seeds and' Garden Tools
• vraa_ Dennis.Mom >� Irene-Manning . -1_� Professional Pride i. _.__
a visitor here. Yew Guarantee
The weather l►as been > ��:n. Leaf Fire �,enearal Hardware Supplies
haying for two week. and maple THE REXALL STORE
is looking fine. ^— r Pit,. B. - - -'Won. and Mys• Hollinger of Cherry- Insur$nce Co. J. IL Bey
.wood were Sunday visitowith Pbosey ,Pick es .- J. S. BALS+rON. R
:yres amend Kra.
Dasulelly,of Cobo sates-- Fares sad C 00ftryhave been. visiting their daughter, ■
Fire. C. S. Bryant. a Bdldlap We Have
b_a, a and vin Denham', 2t witdmNs► Silos etas S. i 01ttaria
36aba, are leaving on the Farin a of
Ituusaaos Tesla. Seeds. Fertiliser,
vidt ,Astossoblle Garden,rte*. ___.
• :
their )Marne, atter a -P � - - -
'frith their sax and his.wife here.' pL= �H'rp !ltlCs3 AT WWMI. YOUR HOP= KAMM
Wdts or Fbcme Sprays, Seed Gra.004. Bowman & Rowe baerla.e, the Pepsine *a b*WW M 'WANTED -`
errywwae�er Paist is pastel stades. s
Mss. •D. MacDonald of Moose Laws Mewen .i.rPened .ad re .ii- $roiled
Jaw Soak.; has been visiting 'her Hens $n� Sp _
niece, Mrs Henry Michell. r' - I
Gordon Petty was a r�ecen't visitor : Highest Market Price
at Parry Sound.. &piece Bedroom Suite.. a�jQ�N BUSRBY
Miss Usher is visiting her sister, ' Walnut -- 897,60 r
�rreEftwill not be any church nu- ring-ifltad Mattress Harieware
Tinsmith pI K RIN1Jt FAR1�'IS
vice on Sunday July 16. unit ;27.60
Mrs W'. J. Pett`y's grandaughter, j:
)[telco Alves, of Brooklin, was rush: Felt Mattress' from .87-60 up.
ed to pahawa Hospital on Monday Congolsum Rugs in Al'l Sims ] ZW --Q A=4F.fr�0K 4
right for an operation, .48eaght; aid.Soli— ' �
Miss N. Gopen;. of Tordhto; leosa.. by tie_Yard dean' WHITBY, ONT. :PRONE WHITBY 888
spending a few days with Mica Emily ---
ed and pressed like new. Carr •
G Eleanor Somerville was taken to -- . stock of Ngh. class ndts,. _
�hgwa hospital last ween'and'ivas' and pante. Also a good MBE2
o rstea on for appendicitis. 'We'
stock of new leather coati and o _ CoC . !
hope .Eleanor will soon be ham�e a- C. K. �ieakern, and gents' furnish- The
gain. Furniture and Funeral Director � � :essoaable P� � �
The W. A. will adeet at the home Nils - -
_ Store Phone 18 Rea. 90 and be eonvinced. •�
afternoon; July 12. Subject for Roll , m w Sp VU%8.K1
Cali '- "The Bible—The
sword of Pickering, Ont. a Dona str. West6 a�
the Spirit, God's word". TELEPHONES ••• Howard 1117, and Searborc 886 7►
_ Altana _ �r' Sale.
British Columbia Red CedNat
Weddi4�g be]ld are RCAFg•W. D, - Good Quality Mimed Bay May Be obtained From
' Miss B. Barkey, Shi
n es
*_�/�i (`
—spent the week-end at her home
MSss Nancy Foster span I LJ lrik7 _
week-end with Mr. and Mrs Slack. ,r
� r No. 1.55 T.i• � '�''.
The Women's Institute will hold _ _ AJAX, ONTARIO No. 2.55 i
Park Dei Tnesday;riext. July 11. Sup- Say will be crit and raked For Full .Particplars apply to. : .. NO. .1_3X _
will.be served early in the even- ; J No. Z-3&
then sports, later.. Everyone SaIV$ge 'Departlnellt
°� jPlace—Your" �Order 1'do For
Storm Sash
Mr. and Mrs. WilliamsWilliarr+s and Lillian,
were holiday. P
visitorselePhone lekering 81 L
- 1W.4 -
of Toronto r 155 -
ith Mrs, 49
/ 6