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PICKERIa�-G. T.-FRIDAY. JAN. J411944 - _ . leo. 224 .
- Your ross Neadq ' arter's-uBins Are' "- .,Empty
_ .
1 Ur ly
--Nee e - _
IIsi Crew Amami Reedai through the pas: year, raised $115. St. Frauds'de Sala Parish t C.-G. -I. T. Activities •
Barry.Murkar :dp by charging-ean.% member 26c. at
�. (Eileen Buahby, Co,rs.) ��
>'�• _ - _e >L_m€e-t B..._Fae _. - --:Deal Anseb; O'Coaaor = - ��#Zt�VNAL
X_ulau tilccd_.unff -- .----"
Pick Btsm Red Cross held . psck:d 24 d:t;y bags, valued at Dens Anselm O'Connor, son of A very interesting ¢neetaag.
with only a email attend- Peace-time activitiee, which is Alice, Hart, pioneer aett ers of-rick- o�y eY:- a few day with M' � ,
awe. Mr. Robert Ruddy:who agted another branch of the ,lied Cross, Wing, Ont.,�,died• in Loretto Hospit- ening,_when the C. q—T. T. group Jsssia Rorke. +sail
as,ciialtrman. spoke of the_•lack of have sided three families in'neezt L al, Dalhart, Texas, January 1st, for- held their affiliation service with `Corp. Doreen Arbron, of Ottawa,
interest in Wit worthy cause. Since the extent of valuewof $50, $20 and tified by- all . the-rites of the the. W. M. S. The a meeting began and Mary Joan.Lavoilette, of Jack-
the last annual meeting, the Iocal $15,making a total of $85, spent•'in church. with the 'opening ceremony, follow-- Mrs. ,
Red Cross 'roams have been remod- clothing, son's Point, were -recent guests.of
blankets etc, Mr. O'Conaior was born' in Pick- ed by the Secretary s report. yrs• Mrs, D. Conway, Church Str.
ellek and they,pow have,a very fine ' Mrs. Mitchell, Presiden+, 'thank ering,. and received his; education. M.'S. Chapman, President of the W. ,The "flu" is still quite prevalent
ply to work. the Executives and the cc.-operatir-g there. He went to Texas and was M. S. -gave theAllifiation Address, in .our village, and many are still
11*1owing Mr. Ruddy-e opening .finita ,for their assistance during the an employee of the Rock `Island welcoming the girls into their work walking, around, blowing -- theig
remarks the year's.-reparts from the past year, and also -- the workers. Railway for forty, years, being a of helping others. nose. —
different offices and departments She also thanked the following: locomotive en ser; an on the The C. G.J. T. President, Bernice The many friends of Mr: Donald
were given. �e here quote facts and Mr. GotledbV who--owns the present second work train that crossed Ft. Lee,:-then led in ,the Devotional Ston, Township Clerk, will be
figures as taken at the meeting, building, the location of the room-,, Worth- and Denver tracks, in Dal- Service during which eight girls, glad to know-that_he is now 'tip
Mrs. N. R. l hortreed, ireasurer, and for letting the " Cross, use hast, Texas, Jujpg.10, 1902, clic date representing the eight countries in for a short while each day.
gave the report .of the financial it. Mr. C; E. !!Borley, who, ,Witg his o! the towrils t�nduig. He retired whish C. G. .1. T:'groups are active, The January meeting of the W
standing aa'of December 31, 1943, canvassers, covered this area during from active-duty 1936. presented their .purpose. Members M, g,, of the United Church was
i balance on hand-of $4,220.61. the last. campaign. The Pickering ,The funeikP Mass was celebrated of the W. M. S.,and the C..G. I• T .held at the home of Mrs. M. S. `
11[rs- N:. E. 'McEwen, Secretary,` Newb for contributing space each_ in St. Anthony's Catholic•%;hurch on then joined hands in a maiih, and Chapman. The group • discussed
reported 12 regular meetings and°a week to the,Red Cross. Mrs. L. January 3, at 9 a. as., burial being sang the hymn 1n Christ there ,is plans for the New Year activities.
special meeting. These twelve are Waizman, who typed the receipts in the Dalhart Cemetery. no East or West". The gay gook was presented b_y
the local monthly -executive 'meet- and envelopes for the last caanp= He is survived by three sisters, Miss-Shirley McDonald,. on behalf Mrs."V.V, E. Cartwright.
Ings. She reported the, gathering of, sign. Mr. and Mrs. W. Avis, of the Mother Ambrose, -of the Ursuline of the Group,,press.-a donation rt week an Mr Force 1 ent-
names of overseas boys for boxes, Bay, who donated the pavilion for Community-Condon, nt., Mrs. F._ to Mrs. Chapman for the W. M. S• ered a local store, asking for mat- _.. .' :
and the different - means that were the. Rid-Cross dances'. Mr. and Mm J. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. W. J. Fin- After the closing fiymn, �eB thea, 'there wore none to•be had ;" .
used {� the necessary money Hutchison and Mr: Wm, Maw for nigan,, both of Toronto. and refreshments brought a pleas- and,,he-added that he bas been . Lo. -
for this work. ,'; conducting the auction sales. Sora. � ant evening to-a.close. every other.store in town, but. r--
Kim Edith Murray. Corresponding-' Spratt, who donated the proceeds The members of the C. ,Y-. 0.aaet no luck
Secretary, 'reported 4-letters writ-, of her recital. to the'local branch, at the Ed. O'Hare home in Ajax There is one case of scarlet fever Capt. George Field, of the C. •P. -
ten, a number of phone .alis and and to Mr. Art. Mitchell, who has on Sunday evening for their bi- in town. The M. O, K. stated on R. Air Training C`omenand; (foe
the notices placed in the weeldy used his trucks to bring panels up. weekly meeting. The President, Monday,. that 'this is the .,n1T case .bee City•is at-home' on a- few 'days
riswspaper• from the station to the local rooms, Vincent Teefy, conducted the meet- in the township at-present- leave. George has just completed - T
Mre, Hm,�son repot on the also all others who have helped in (eontinned an page S)' _ 1000 hours in the air, piloting the
kadtting. There were a great many any way. the Red Croke at any time. - heavy 2-engined Anson planes used
civilian articles along with other Mr. Ruddy-urged all members to � � , in this work. _' '
service knit articles, making a tot- have their friends fill out the "blood Pickering Township .Council News New Year's.guests' w•itli the x
sl of 1570 articles knitted during donors^ cards that may be ca5sined Kaiser fs+nily. Church, Str., were'
the p� �,r. , !rasa. Ross Irwin. The Osnawa ciin- Opening Meeting on Monday
considerable amount of assistanc8-in Mr. Jack Brown, Mrs. Young and
Sewing articles were read by Miss is needs 54 donors froth' here. As _ ..received from ,this orgamzation .ss Bietty, Mise Mildred Mills, Mies
In. Murray for Mrs. �. C. Murkar. Mr, Ruddy is a donor himself, he Pickering, Township„Counei-l. .for well.. � - Alvira -Marjoff, and Miss Barbara
w�bo could not attend. There were a.• vouched that "the gifting of blood is the year 1944 was-officially opened, .� ” Paton,, all of Toronto.-
latae nutaber for ' boys, girls and absolutely harmless".- Trarisportat- with the customary, dignified ded= Post War Survey to be Made We,have quite a few enquiries as
adults. staking a total at el quilts, ion is provided. Please get in-touch- icatory ceremony, at which Rev. M. of Township Roads to the progress of the iotai _rink_
1267 articles of, sewing ' and 843 _with Mr,' Irwin at once. R. Jenkinson, Pickering; -conducted -:The Department of Highways is The main difficulty,- -and' the one
surAries• Mr, C. E. •Morley complimented. :the devotional ceremony. asking that eacb.township make a most likel3• to tie a problem, is the :
Mrs. Sparks spoke of the work of the ladies on their work of the past road and bridge srir ey rn i+espect water sfRipl;. A tire!!:is being dug,
"hospital supplies", including the year. and told them he and-nis' Library Grants Increa+ed to,post-war work• Supt. Roy Ward, _butt try ard- find .a .man who is
dressings; hot-water bottle' covers, 'aides would be ready for the Red--« - The ,township,grants to publtb will make -this'report -a.ne a Pian .available full-time these•days• The
etc. The units of Cherrywood and Cross caanpa!RM which pPgrnc-;_in libraries were increased at this meet- will be laid .out to be sent-tb the fwell'is'being dug by s man .Rho is
D_fuibarton helped in this avorV, March. Mr: 141orley statLd that tfie inR'fmm �`La to 435. Pickering,Tin- Department, givink a few hours after he comer
making the gran tots o9328art- �R se d In connection with this, the coon- off "shift" at the Plant._ Sonne in the
bates for Hospital Supplies. is the' fact that "same of the money Hruughwr twill' receive this grant: ty'wishes to pave a vi ago are prey ctrnR — no ri
The Nursing Reserve
Clasp. which will he a=ed .f(.r ogerseas box'os" from `o„- to No. 2 as sum n as Dos- th winter. a cannot soy: But the
was under 'the direction of .Mrs. This one point seems .to touch ev= Join Ontario Municipal Association sible, -Councii. would also like to do sat thin "If. we don't have a
Gaudy, was.disbandod owing '•to the er)one as' "closer to haine"• :'he council.-became a member of pave the Bay Road from No.' 2; to rink=this vtinter,, :t will nur'be
very poor-attendance. The class ;Ira. Mitchell has been appointed the Ontario ,Municipal .association. the Say. 'Phis work' will ossa Prob ,'cause- a const:e^Hous committee
which was started in 1942• originally delegate to the Provincial Council it was thought that much *advice, ably be a post-twar undertaking, Sa have not dome their best..we're sure
had 28 Members. Only 17 completed which holds its 'annual-convention at . pertaining to war plants and hosp- the amount of money required, is of this part". .
the course When the cla_sa" disbyd- '%e Royal -York Hotel, March 29. italization is given -at their meet- not likely to be- sprint•at the press On Thursday.' evening a 'tittle !
ed, the equipment - was taken to Mr. Morley was again appointed Ings, and at present it w-aid be o! elft mime. "party was held at the home of Miss
Ajax, for which they received S12. eampaikn manager for :March, great assistance' to.the Board of Another .post-war " project is is Louise Rorke for the Junior ,Boys
The cash on hand of$7.11 and the There are five co-operating units this municipality. Mie re-modelling o! the Toanahip o! the United Church 3finday
S12 were turned hT to the local Soc-. of the Pickering Red Cross -. Dun- They afro joined the Good Roads hall, at Brougham. CounG�mr M• S .School, whose teacher is !rocs Barry
day• _ barton, Cherrywood, Whitevale, Association, the fee being $5.00,' A �eo�+tinued qn Page 5) Murkar. .They had a vlry,2njoyable +�
Mrs. A. �. }iitcheif reported on, Audlep� and Ga`eenwood. evening,
the Overseas Boxes. From the, Pick- Officers elected for the new pear Rotor; Club of Pickering -
ening Branch, 48 went overseas, 51 are the same LP laat — Ron. Pres., Banigan, made a very 4Mterestiag- Annual Meeting Public Library
to the boys in Canada, and 5 to the- Mrs. F. T. Punting, President, Mrs. -One Injury in Ten Accident 9fory of his description-of the many
gigs in Canada, and one to a pris- A. W. Mitchell, 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. Rotarian '.]os. Banigan, •.Safet 'ways and means taken -in their,'ef- a AnnuahMeeting of Pickesiti�
over of war. The Eaton and Simpson Funk H Hall, 2nd vice Pres., Engineer, at D. 1. L. addressed the' fort to reduce, what in our opinion
Companies packed some'of the box- Miss Bernadette' Robinson., •Treasur- Public Library Board will 'be held-.
ea, 'i't�e local Society held two don- er, Mrs. N. R. Shortreed, Cortes- .�� °n Tuesday evening on the is now, a very creditable record, � Monday evening, 'January 24 ax.
subject of his vocation -Accident Interesting too, is his reception g P. tri, .in the Library Rooms; `
sea t the Ba , an Auction Sale, ponding Secretary, Miss Edith :liar- Prevention". to the- -employed member at All interested are invited to stfrj -
ard' money recei
Auditors. Rev. M. R. ated. that'the end
shill Council helped make np these, E. We en, 9.• -`
bozos• The outlying units, of Dun- Jenkinson and W. C. Mu,xar. an occident is considered lust majority of workers, when entering
' one of those things". ..something a .munitions plant recognize and
barton, Whitevale, Audley', Green- We mus! add that — workers are Red Crow•—,Bright Penn? ;�
wood, held- entertainments of their urgently needed .in the. Red _Cross that you have to share with the appreciate ,the fact they have en-
rest -of humanity, You expect-- w Lerea 1i plant--that could (we say,
own, to help with their boxes. Witk rooms.-For'.the.first time since the 'On F_ riday evening, January 28'.-
experiencetkeir totals, there were 324 boxes war began, Red Cross Headquarters' same accidents as a in
could, only)'blow up at anyt minute,' •in the Couimuiiity Hall,' Pickering,. ,
ter of course, but do take some-in- but Mr. Banigan reminds' the new-
senn�out. 126 went overRo' ard 105 bins are EMPTY. They•need 'coat- the Pickering Continuation' •School!
to service members in Canada. There erials or finished articles- urgently. just
steps :to dodge accidents comer -'fie rode into the plant over will put on their play "The Bright:
was in the vicii%it�y of X800 spent on Give up one'afteraoon Oat ]east) a just asp long'as yqu can, but_look a gas-tank full of an explosive that penny„ Rith added.attractions. .
boxes to 'the members of the ser- ,week. It isn't much, -and you will for it' soonep or later'. could blow him higher than any- • f
vices, be made more-than welcome; But, not so with industry, not a ' thing they have around the plant.. Pa s of a Cross-.
Proceeds'in aid the Red. C ss:
bit of it. For-example--4n the local that the strilci•ng a .match is a com-• :. . rticular later.., y
The Red..Cross '3ridna Club has, ,. -
plant here, a staff of experts, head- 'paritivelw safe matter, but striking
dfull of matches at.the same United Church Annual Meeting
HUNBARTON HOME and SCHOOL ;munity' organizations, and amounts mediately upon the reporting or dis- ' time becomes a highly dangerous 1_
GIVIPIG GOOD ACCOUNT - _,rai%ed' by various_ Dunbartonians, covery of any accident• whatever_--. business—but care and certain laid- •The-.annual meetLttg 'of Pickering
OF SELF _ with affairs, in behalf of the Radio ___they .find out before they're down';obser-vanes were ,practiced, united Church 'will be held in th*
Fostered Radio Equipment,for Fund, i through — where and when it occ-' with both the gasoline and matches', basement of the church, air Monday `
School and Ham--Received The, iadjoPp Pfpment, installed by urred, twhy, what for, -why not, is and consequently, no harm resulted: evening next,-at S o'clock.
National Recognition Hunt and Sons, Toronto, is for the , it. going to occur again, what steps- The same care applied in the plant,
two rooms of the school, and has � be taken to. prevent 'a recurr- will bring the sa•fie danger or aceu Blood,
Undoubtedly, one of the most pro- snitches enabling iHie.educational ance..in •fact positively everything idem-free sto this hoe been prat- Blood, Y Oenor' �
gresmve organization$ in Pickering .programs.-from CBC to be heard in ihere is to Irnow about that 'accid- ticed in aur munitions'_plants till S p,, m. Wednesday, Jan. 19.'
Township is the Dunbarton Home both rooms at once. or to which-, ent. -tile, numbed. of accidents Am, this
and School Association, which has` ewer roam 'isl desired,. Records can' I All of this"research” is of course country resvltittg from the handling 'Several weeks ago we 'asked „for
recently been responsible for making also be plated, and itis-hoped the_. part .of:.Canadian Industry's effort of e-cplosives.represents less than blood donors througli Rotary.-'About — -- -- ;a
Dunbarton Public School one of the equipment'will 'be---of benefit for to reduce the accidents; that in the three percent of the entire. number '30 have -signed, " and these(. and
few rural schools in Canada with community entertainments and )ear•1943, i�h Ontario, removed snore of accidents in alf industrs'—•remark- any others •wh,p can) ace asked to
first-class radio a nplification eq- dances. Williaim. Schneider, Nnci- _ persons from` activity, than has able. All no doubt due. to the.•off- be at the local Post Office,next -'
uipment.-Thin a uipment was install- pal pf the Dunbarton.'Sehool, reports enemy amunition on the:active war arts of the' '-Safet-y. Engineer". Wednesday, evening. _at E o'clock,
ed by the-raising ,of a 'substantial`, -e�:ceUent use mdde` of tine radio, ,fronts with our soldiers• where care will•be in-readiness `to
scan of money, turned over to the and even more use to be made in 'They find however,.Ahat "not all • 'A grant of $10 has been`made to take the donors to Oshawa for-your _
School Board b-V the Association-for the future, His pupils, he' rays, look accidents means,.-a-person injured" our Public Library, and each mem- first donataoti, Don't-eat fats.durin `
the purchase of.,the•..systern. The forward eagerly to the -radio,-pegs- '—in fact today.-In industry, there her 'is 'donatin books, one to the the preceding 24 hours. Diet sheets
sum was raised�n an incredibly , ions, and they are a great help, to L9 ;only one injury , .Ira every. ten• library and oneor the Services. '. {}.jam received by all now sfgned, -
ehort time for so small a cosrxmun- him in preparing the lessons. accident. An excellent performance, -+ in a couple of days. Cale Roe! Iri
itv, and represented personal dopa- As an introduction to its rduca- .but these'Safety'Engineers want to r Rotarian JacFc BaNdon-twill hafe win it 3
pi, require partichtisis. .
tions, donations by various coma- ' .(continued on page o) know _ why that one?, and ,Mr. charge bf next week's program.
W .. , ...
Cb • '
� s
- TROUBLE ON DECK FOR NAZIS telin, h► l+att�-ebb meal w
' �ed amalnia'of
tela, leq. • -
are rem• d to make -the. aew _ Ettt{S W1tK
vert s,, fibre.- ipjl9lal Pennon VK Owq CION► -
a ` This meal, it is said, gives a
' powder-like product: . Through A
"octal process this is liquefied and --
- Converted into a mass wtih a COA- -
91stency,resembling molasses. This _ -
liquid Is then forced under pros-
reysure through- very One. platinum
/ spinaerettes from which it emeriestill
as hundreds of thin filaments. _
e filaments are then given
a number of carefully controlled
j chemical .treatment$ and baths EVE SMpKEO
durini he arestretched R
and,hardened. Finally the fibres AC _
iy y are dried and cut.Wo any desired, rtHt pNEst telt :'-
/ lengths. 1 • -
- The com-¢any'e teehnologists
:. hape_mashmanp uroducts expert=:, ,
-- -
`" - mentally-rf om e8ybeans, including
Currently it produces about 70,009 Joan of Are. The KhWs sword of procession and pilgrmage'
tong 01 so� my for
on the altar of Westminster Ab-'.
'� �••. �" and approximately 89� million, was seen by-miilianli mot the ,$sit-
•z _ pounds of-soybean oil; which Is
distributed tinder government bey. And it was taken in a sort iso people,
7!lie King's Sword ALSKI --fold Mines ¢ -• _
For Stil grad OB
ChibouKannau Area _
The Pictures of the presents
tion of the King's sword to Fre- a f 1t 4 4_?4
mier-Stalin make a pleasan$-ala- Indicated ore reserves 143,004 tor._ e.
The striking photograph above shows one of'Britain's Jggedt moria], a little out of the orttary grade—to a depth of 100 feet awaiting endand newest aircraft carriers, H.M:S. Indomitable, traveling a high in the chronicles of the m;ea#nr o hostlTlties to proceed to production t
Weedi 1an41j on dick, with folded wings, are Albacore torpedo at Teheran.
` It was the-great sword of hon- As 'of Jan, 4 Approximate price 8-11 cents
�pp� ��+ :or,-presented by Mr. Churchill in a+
�Flaye You Heard? `1 MT SCZNCE. -5 . . the some o the King, Br the be-
e• p
— i halt ss the -people of oritnd is �. Melds o,
expression of their honor and rs-
the p e Stalin-
A militiaman on' sentry duty _
spect for people of _
_ _. _ _ szTh . 240 Bay Sia. c
- nto
Sold up s ear eying: "Yon can't - - e..symbolism at the sword -
sra.s this way" .,Soybean Fibre . 'sari this.cense are entwined in the ' PARTNERS — C. C. Fie . J. tan, G. D. ]]tinea
"1'm the sergeant," bellowed a - story of the great wars. The F. Row, A. Paynter, J. V. Brooke
voice from the back of the car. A. fibre made from ' soybdane sword of the Crusader was like.a
The-sentry stood aside. "Sorry has lust been produged commer•
I didn't resod-isit was yQa: •tally for the first time by, the cross and w .was the sword of
got orders to let no tratfie pass Rockett Co. of Cincinnati and pro-
~ y e because the bridge 'ahead is mires to De of mains postwar im, - CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED - ,CLASSIFIED
ttetlan. gut seeing it's you, air, portance, the company announces.
9t'e a pleasure." This new soybean dere, Which ADVERTISEM ENTS ADVERTISEMENTS " . ADVERTISEMENTS
_.� to so new It has yet-to be named
".Store-what kind of husband - is claimed W be as warm ka wool. BABY CHICK2 �_ WARMS FOR SALE OlrVErR TO. 1INVERTUAs •
would you advise me to Net, says The Fiasnclal 'Pont. It to 200 ACRES LOTS 27-28, CONCES
Orelldenal resillent, strong, durable and NOME- DAY THE BELLE WILL slon 9 iialdi.mand twp. First- List
rtn out a the wJristles blow all under tractor- Llat of knveatlops and fail !nlar-
Orandma-You )net leave c!a De--made either moisture ab- an wf'll al celebryie the suc- algae c�aY loam. enation spat tree The Ramsay,
eorbeai or moisture resistant. cessful coat usion , 'the war. cultivation. well ' watered, two Re !stared Patent Attorneys,
- husbands alone and pet youh. Thera isn't ahad6w of doubt houses, barns, Hydro, tele hose, !78 Ban street, Ottawa, Canada... . _
self s single man. It is not a competitor of any th m will as ver ready dally mail, near schoor.-"arch.
r store. Highway ib. ADDIy Cephas-
-� _ - other fibre but tzrs td-ta-be--an markt fore and poultry la _�rlsbin Feaeli� Ontario. ss rr
e tirely new material with s grow= 1944, Now fa- a time to make NOW AVAILABLE
Lloa Tamer: ' "'If 'you visit to plans for next' ear's production TWO HUPIDRI:D ACRE FARES NO. a-
` take uP this lfae, iemember .the -Ing.field of usefulness. It may be and the foundetJons to build on a highway, all coavaaleaces house Lets Combination Feed Mills-Car.-
bteaded with , either cotton or for efficient and profitable pro- ad barn* M•?RIntoui. Seaforth ada's most protltable farm teed
first•thing youtve-got to:do 1e to duction Is to start With good Ontario. processing unit. Useful all yeas.
Blake,the,lions believe that you're wool, or It may be wOYeII Op spun chicks. TZveddle Chicks will pas round Fills ailoo, chops bay tato
r.• into fabrics. Already it has. Deva the most rigid test. Esme cat- 00 ACRES 14 MILES FROM SA mow, grinds groin for bola, cattle
Mot afraid of them. Cautious alogue and , 1944 priceltst: Also nia, on Highway, 16 acres sand and poultry, and does many other_
Charles' "Well, gov'nor• og'second made. expertmentslly Into blank- laying -and ready to lay pullet 0 ala, on Highway 16 acres Band, feed pre0asing Jobs. 8 sizes. write
eta'felt hats. IInderwear: hosiery. for immediate delivery Tweddle balance black loam inti muck: for free literature.
"•thonghta,:.I'll Give it IF miss. 1 ` Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fmr- roca� frame house barn: yrice GEORGE WHITE tit SONS CO. -
4onldn'!<aever be so deceitful as ' settings and upholstery fabrics: gu., Ontario. 8500. Terms. IL H. �1gle"Kings- '
The pectose els relatively simple 'Ville, bac LTD., LONDON, ONTARIO
-;than]" .. HATCHING EQGS WANTED. WE Mfrs6 white steel thrembers, allo ,
- _ !a operation: From the soybean L sQQtstre additional breedlag flocks- FOR TALE fillers, etc. '
Man. title her first extracted the soybean oll. ah..krseg�-ToOpl�us ith hat-
Distributors Tractors-
first for li hatching ONE U& THE MUST PdROVITABLE riasd Tr etoe ado�ateem
your'e ynworthy._of her:' culled sad, blood- ai businesses to ay Is the -e - -
••Plot not?-
meal is sold for livestock feed. tested area o c erg . , --rOX-MMY GRIT
premium Daid. Also turkey Motile_ �Busiaess: We have several good
e It Come to her is a needed; Cockerels wanted: Barred ��ills offered for rile to differ- pOLLTRY GRYT: WHITE LI]fE=
e eYr rlae'v
Rocks, Whits Leghorns, Whiia eo ns of the province. No a to 00 lb..bags. Immediate _
P Rocks . and Black Australorpe s d
There was a y u g Ldy armed 2FOOT
ultable for breeding. Write for agent's a-char ed It you'cans delivery to Carloads. or smaller
! ,�gg
Lull detatla immediately, Box S, get Into this ra>yi 7y gsestlag, b ids- privet. ST write fns samples and "-
inasa now. 'Brox 7i, 7i AdaIaidi
Slater. lu Adelaide St Wert, Toronto. 8t W„ Toronto._ prices. BTiN$ON REEB SUPPLY-
Co.. Limited, 6686 ; Delotamier
WhO.marrted a man In the winCeT: e v DON'T.PUT THAT CHICK ORDER Ave., Montreal.
Stopped In 7 Minutes off. Sonja hatgblags are all booked TRAPPING
..The man's name was Wood- ,vee now. For immediate delivery. - MEDIC
_ �lud now—as they. should—
Does Athlete's Foot make Your W40 have chic". and -started �ATCFt 44 5TO 60 F07C, COYOTE, `
ekiri Deet, crack and blister? Does mink;. etc,. manthy. Trapping
The'g'oode have a cute little' chicks, cockerels, •pullets. Taking method■ and scent guaranteed GCri)1� 'ADVICE: EVERYl'F•
the itching nearly drive you mad? orders for later deliver>. Write
linter: No matter how long
you have iuf-•. for prices. Bray Hatchery, 1EW lus8eatlons; I nformatioaet free. ferer of Rheumatic Pains o:
a fered or what you have tried,'there hn N Hamilton Ozot. (Bottle scent caught 66 belt ` acedy ti Muanro Id
D u D+6tonr� 93S
--?- _ Is new hope for you to a new - Jo 11 e h s;
•".�--will-•--Ise dllfloult to treatment called Alzederm. In 7 Too LATE - TOO LATE McKinnon for System.SysteBottle Perth scent 60c_
settle down after the war," minutes ltTlzoaersa stops the itching -NEXT SYIWNG DUN'T UET-.1T LIE - -
and starts comaetlag the germs said "too late." Send for our price PATtalrT
e -yka writer. it will be-•et111 that cause Athlete's Foot. You will ' FOOT BA1J1 FETHJ4RdTUNHAUUH t CUAYA,VY
probably see a big improvement lla.t and order your baby colder
harder to settle up. the very first da or so. It not' now. One dollar soaks Your order. SAUME EKA FUUT BAL.Y destro s Patent Solicitorx Establlsbed
}}��aa Goddard Chick Hatchery. Britaa•• y
-O. completely -satistledrRlzederat coats nim, Heights, Urit. r nettle.vs odor gent.Insuntlzi 460 3890; 14 King West. Toronto-
• - nothing because you•get pour money battle Ottawa stent, Dmatgaa Booklet of la(ormatltta an re.
-"My husband Is LII •off a-lency back on return of the empty Jar. Drug Stors. Uttawa quest
rt In a large Office, Gat Nlzederss from your druggist _ .YVE HAVE laying
eNDe,, Le kora layingg and Seedy to lay. _
today—the- money-back trial.-offer inlets at reasonable prices. Also HAIRDRBSSllfa gl:lt011L 1'ER'3UNAL
"W'hat does an efficiency expect _. _ ._ _ �. - -
�01" _ protects you. - arred Rocks and hybrids. Free
xalalpgpe, also day old chicks L>t A It tw HAlltl)ILStTtllN() THS 'ELLJAH CUM 1 N d BEFl1RI7
"Well,' if -we women did '!t' dor tmmedtate delivery. `Tweddle. I}oitertsoe method latorssatfos Christ", wonderful book.- tree
RECTAL-SORENESS APD Chide Hatcheries Limited, Ferg-, on requel?t regarding etaaeea Me tddo 'Mission, 'Rochester- 11;
.they'd, e4 1t. nagging." us, Ontafio. Robertson's
Hairdressing Acari• N,
It PILE. TORTURE 137 Avenue Road. Toronto.
Y' White Leghorn pullets- li weeks PHOTOO29APHY
(lever eateh a bell • 41ke' a Ott tt •old 81.2s 20 weeks old ONE SKIN OR THOUSANDS - IT
-wan'„ QUICKLY RELIEVED Also older Whits L•ghorns, Bsr- Wlll pay you to #hip to 6perLtOntario's
w !t yqu err trOtztrlmd with Itching red_ Rock and Hybrids. Bead,for FINER "SNAPS" COST,LESS rancher-owned Fur' C o-operattva
A men-le ee tnueh ibeler g eaialokue and elkat. Alga day to receive the highest market
pilot or rectal soreness, do not delay -'old chicks. Top Notch Chickeries, PROMPT MAIL SERVICE price. Write for shipping tags and'
'to e$Reh:". treatment and rdn the r isle of letting "Guelph, Out. advige forma_.Untario Fur Farm- _
'this oontiftion kmcome chronic. Any Poaae pictures ,can neves be. taken era' Co-operative, limited, 60
itching of soreness-or painful paw• asain. Don't risk losing yours. Send Yorkville. Street, Toronto.
age oI stool Is nature's warning and DAHhlA! your film rolls to Star Snapshot
proper treetmenc should be secured Service for developing and,drinting. RABBITS
� ���� at once. BE JUCCESSFUL• IN GROWING Canada's the largest tinat 4o -rtudio_ _ -
For this purpose gat a package of exhibition, dahlias. aur catalo see 'dna■ the finest work at lower.cos£ - It1:;AL ,t\uUHAS. "B1tEp FUFt.-
Rem-Itotd from spy druggist an and instructions on Dahlia l- „Wool" Select breeding •tock. Des-
aaiakreWftromiuhbsaleesem�pimp) _.L• use a directed This -formula• fur. will be mailed tram to you Any. Stzr Roll--6-or'i Exposures. criptive folder tree. Regal Rab-.
► 1,s�eetleti•eeLla,r tbe(odaar���.g� which is dead Internally is•a small, ton request Lovegrove . `Dahlia _bitries, Box T2 St.-Vital, Man.
assw�etio o>.les+ades,e•akiss,esti easy to take tablet, will Quickly 'Gardens, Gait, Ont. DEVE1rOPED ASID 1'•RIVTED`2bc
seMla relieve the itching and soreness and , "- RHEUMATIC PAINS
MiirH.D.D. hwovkptao erste m. "Your prices fol• such Quality work
lnitatioassdgaiekls std in healing the more tender spots. DOMESTIC HELI'. WANTF60 ora really ecorlomical." writes a
�1s�rlleslelioetMse•+MRar Hsm-ltotd Is pleasant to tine, U IT'S I.NIPURTA\T EVERY ,UF--
2wtleyAittodgforD.D.D.PRi[�tR� highly recommended,and It seems COOK GENERAL, NICE TORONTO - -customer at Peterborough Unt, "I' ferer of Hhe uratic Yaina or,
the height of folly los any bas to hong School age daughter: Phone am parttcular.lY fascinated .by the -
risk a painful• and• chronic pile Mohawk 4048 or write 412 Glen- coloured picture#. I appreciate your Neuritis should try -Dixon's- 1333 �
prompt and reliable eervlce--and in• medF. Munro'a Drug. ;tore, 335
coedition when such a fins remedy• syr rioting-age references, salary nine trill send all my rolls to Elgin, Ottawa. 1'ostpaid ,
- _ expected and, date availkblii• 1 MOUNTED EiLARGirSt'E.VT3 25c' StMPS WANTED Y
a�ay is hat at such a•.small cost �-
if you`•try-Amm-Rokd and are not You." ST. V
For Faster Relief of entirely pleased with tom. results, DYCr{n(i A CLEANING
your druggist, will gladly return - '
CODS your money. &AVE YUU ANYTHINU NEIYIi>xi Six* 4x6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts WANTED, ULD 1'USTAt31 STAhlYy, -
dyeing or cleaning? Write to us beet cash, price pdid. fiend your
for information. We are lad to Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted lora to A -Stern, .21#01- 1-4t; Cather
CHEST : answer •your questions. glad
mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver;
Circa Ina St Last, Montreal.
MuBC�liar tt rT- mant H; Parker's Dye Works t scan Walnut or Black Ebony finish -
IDDLE-AGE Limited,• '791. Yoagr' 8pvmt, Ta frames, b9c each. If enlargement TIt1N1DAi) STAMPS SF>~CyIALi.
�' ronto. . -- coloured,,79c each, - SIA-0: valuQ for '3UO to approve
ACl1@8 tgi PCol-
einB STAR "SNAPSHOT SERVICE customers- Scamps bought mes,
co lel, Bok- irb4 Place d'Armea,
_ _ S$- �) ELEI:TRICAL F.[IUIP6lEPiT _ ontrcal
Tired Burning Feet • ' .WOMEN { -52 ELECTRIC I}dUTURS, DiFi1Wi UsSED, Box 223. Fo{�aTlierminul A, Toronto
- —
H E KD THIS A D V I-C E i I bought, sold, smbutlt: b e I t s, -print' Tour` -tiatrie and Address
""SAGE WELL WITH pulleys, brushes. Allen• Electric /
}S ou're erose,restless,MfiWOUS- Companf Ltd.,:1828 Dufferin St., PIa1n1y'oa All Orders.
suffer hot flashes,dt:miheao-�caused Toronto. STU. H AND THREAD WORMS
s by this period In a woman's ltre- - often are the cause ;)f 111-health
try Ltdla_S• Plnkham's Vegetable FARM HELP WANTED ]MMAItr YOUR -FILMS _ in humans all. ages. So one Im-
Compound• Made espeoialfy Jnr TO ISSPEI2IAI. F-UR' :QUALITY. mune! Why not rind out'•tf this
toorners.Hundreds t.ouss, a re- EN 1 1 t.13;�CE ll FARMER—- MAR-
• mied-falnlliar with Beef Cattle eert'1c� an&.satisfaction. ti--Qr 8 to your trouble? In;erestilnl; var-
• • nw-kably,helped.Follow label direr--
L10fi/.>aade Ta Canada, and Sheep: House. .Y^ear* round' expos re. tllmq "8r,, reprints 8 for oculars-Free! 1�'rlia Dlulvenby"a
S00aestlliesofALLa/flfilsa position. Good wages. "Yellow 2be. Imperial Fhoto ,Sert�ca; Sia- Reiitedics, SD+ecia!Iste,' Turopto, 7v, 1
]friar'; INohos.I+LiIyI,• Ontario. tion J4 Toronto. � � Ont
t S �.. -� A Y grouad, and yielded trait .si'ow- H'I'S 1N THE BAG
By rye log up and increasinsl� sad _
TN�s Cur�jovs 1 oRco Fofpson C H _O O. L, brought- forth, thirtyfold, nal
- _j Q (� Lt sistytold; and • a - hundredfold." -
..L..E a.7 SS-0-1 f-- thea_lif_jis done some show
- harvest.- some never let the word
JESUS 'I'F.ACHF.4. INitc, some never ,lei:it root, some
p/>1R�1.FS Over let it grow up. Lire all the 1 x
Mark 4:1-34 •• - "�eripture revelations of man's sfa,
j,jl,� t -'.'
-January 23 "4' fol state, this one too alma at the
","{'��i... PRINTED TEXT, Mark 4:1-i,• conscience• and rdepentance,` thus
26.32. opening the soul for gospel.' The
�h l-lA6 o�ualzE�
\ ° ,.,, \ IN VARJGUS GOLDEN TEXT.-1f any man more it 3a opened the more fruit
I a ,. lot him
�G \ �fZTI-f Mark 4:28. _ a
-he Warning,,
-- MALnory VersGod Gareth . _pe d lie said, Rlho-hath--ears- 7�
- p fpF'gou. 1 Peter 6:7: t his Is
-Tsir LESSON 'IN ITS SETTING - fell-tho hear." has an.
to hear, him he
Time.-All of the discourses of-
- appeal to spit•itual ,discernment, -
.� our lessvu I attered ift the and yet suca an appeal
—' -
ly npalace:The discourses were all
P _.
delivered around ,the shores of "And he said, So is the kingdom
- - --- of God, as if a man should cast ;
the sea of Galilee.' seed upon the earth; ,and should
-1A�/E.V1(INGS Parable of the Bower '
RES)�l1$ZJNG "And again. Tie began to leach sleep and rise night and day, and' r
e sea side. And there is should spring., up and
by the the seed. ng,
r►4TNAM., _ r grow, he knoweth not how.' The
FAN�� a gathered unto hint a very"'great earth is only the medium is which ,
multitude, so that he an into the seed grows. It has no life and
*spite a boat, and sat In the sea; and can produce no life; all the life
all tfiel multitude were by the sea
them Is in the seed. The seed must be x r `
oa A earth b the will
tbg�aud• n brought to the ea y ll * '>`
many Mugs-In parables, and said
- „ of someQtte,.90 is the human he
unto them in his teaching. _
1 ° INT _ A parable is a short moral or , '
..The, word.must be case into it by.
n_a UN4TE�S'�"ATE., a religious story of which•the moral a>mther, must lodge these. and During..the recent Gilbert Is-
rr iS FOSSM%1 � NOW lesson is the substance. Parables Stow; thea that heart has spirit lands operations; Real Admiral _
TO �T NO N�� have always been popular In,the . ual lite fa ft, the living Word,
t.l��/t8t8R X12 B. W. Redford found it.neces-
o East. The rabbis .commonly. began The Harvest
HOME CL7NSuMFsTIOIV ser to transfer from a destroger, J
�+ M ' to teach the young disciple. in The earth the
fruit of her- Y
THAN 'Fi-PAT\/VF4lC.E4. parables. Our Lord:.reve.rsed their self; first the blade, then the to. a carrier. -Oa.a cable rigged
o Q GAS E-'°CH method. He began by the simple_ ear,. then the full grain in the ear, between the ship; the
officer is
words of the Sermon on the But when the fruit is ' ripe;' shown r`idin� across`in a afoot
CGw.JniRVPISCOY:CC INC s.'. • Mount, then a change came, and straightway he pthe forth -the — -
He spots in parable when He sickle. because the harvest• .is sack.
d e -
RED hail is can ed by Cine dust in the atmosphere, blown- up fou e a nese '► This tea hen' that1_when
found the hardhe rte of t3 cones• g n t _ when
from red soil, and frown into the hailstones. Sed rain"and snow:- - all that the Worn-oi"God is-i -. he basest .time will.,come w
have been quite common occurrences th the past few years, when 'Che Sower and.The geed tended to.accomplish.'on earth In h Saints of God will e=
red soil !rom the Oklahoma dust bowl•was carried into the atmos "hearken: 'Behold, the sower this,age has been accomplished,
hen by h►(ih winds.
• .P went forth to now." The seed'is. _
• as the account of this parable ..
NEXT: Are the Hast akilli� autessobUe drivers the safest?
Indicates, nothing less than the
AA pp //�±±
very Word of, God. As we shall F.�'a1t►T�-P�V
see-]stem-the--Word .has life.sa_ a_
A 11
AAD 0 A E P 0 flT E l3' need has life, and therefore it to - HOUWNTAL ..Answer f. Previous Puzzle 12 Soothe. -
REX FROST able to produce,something livlag 1 ��� i 13 Dispassionate
_ ^t in thehearts %here it Is implant• - --'-
_ aminal., 1•i I0 H 18 Either. _
Do you
like detective stories. ,•Spin to 'Win," the 8.50 to ! p.m. ed.. ,. gy, The Way 'Side" ?Ii k a � �i E l 1>7 tested Mh,
•tire kind which are full•ot�under- Ontario .network feature• which
ground intrigue, Mystery and. originates from CFRB ' every wed, it came to pass, as he 12 Flock of i ' l 20 Measure. .
sawed, some Beed tell -by the way. animals• I I 22 Bedaub.
thrills? A newseries. 'Inspector-,. oaday. The .cash 'distribution to side, and the' birds panic and do- 14 Not good. I 1_ 24� (Italian)
_ U*w'kes." will commence next the studio and air audience aver- Tourgd it." The parable here pre- "'1SSymbol los. A •H I
3ksssday orer CFRB Toronto, 7.45 aged i25a to {308 a week through seats aothlaFl unusual. It fs .imp _ cobalt. I 27 PreclLubri de. `
p.m. sad thereafter will be on
out it a The forst cash- Drize to ly the picture of a 2nan in Pales•. �'f Eever-aae3 -- - _ $0 Lubricates.
the air every Tuesday, Wedues- the air audience of'e8pfa to W!a" tine with a bag of seed over his 38 Encounter, R 31 Algonquian
me, which advance p This
p1rity prom- idents 4 went to an Allaadale res-
day and Thursday. Thts program• • in 194 shoulder, casting the seed until `•20 Plural:(abbr.) I W y�p Indian. -
the mother of ten chit- flans $$.Httstlb
Lbs field -!, sown. home of the 21 Spherical i
Isles will prove as exciting , as dren, who eased the wherewithal seed naturally' will fall by the >mdy. 34 Dove's tax. - !
nay detective stories Bier heard to make certain she got away to way side, that is, on a beaten path 23 Musical _
,saes the radio, replaces the pop- a good start for the.New Year. The where: fhb` ground a hard. and instrument, . 39 Arabic(abbr:) VZJL72CAL 40 Hesltti,.iomm �
afar favourite "13:asy Aces" which
how will continue to provide fan, where the seed cannot grow. As '25 Babylonian 44 Endured. i Doing - 41 Delay. _
recently was turned into a half Zterest and cash along the hied - - 2 So Dr_R_- _
hour. show 'he 26 Editor (abbr.) 44 Ladles. goons a r. ,
oa only. - word of Mea chip soil.
Eccentric - 44 Foot COVOrW& --
e i -.2>)tJrdeal. 46 ie . $Measure, �
The sena hoar audience o► n a ag 29 Attitudinizes. wheCI. 4�Tmtof !$Hindu-queo
esti when It has sunk deep down $2 Short napped 49 Within. electromotive 47 Indian Caul"•
on January 19th,. one of,Can-1 CFRB, Is now brightened bq the into our hearts. t g orCe
ado's most popular pt'ogram>Aet3• iaclnsion of a new htondsyWei pn Roek Ground fabric 50 Burn o berry_
Rocky 34 Bordered cinder. D tun aside. 41 Swamp,
- Treasure Trail. celebrated its 7th neaday-Friday series of program- "And another tell on ,the rocky ( ): gl At a distance. 8 Aeanimators.
birthday. The 'announcement was mes, 1 to 1,15• featuring Roland ground, where ft had not much ! a Instissite. so hof'
-- made that this big sudiencif fea- Todd at the Novachord, Marjorie 3 SorUi ing . 453 Behold
earth. nail atraigktwaY• 1t- sprang ' 3g Pertainin; -.l54 Life (co;nb. '. 9 Grove thick - ��mr• _
_ tura will- continue throughout Daises at the piano and Gurney up, because it had no deepness_ai m �e fly tong), together. 34 The soul
- -1044. During the time it his been - Tidmarsh at_the bass viol with, earth: and when the dun was ris- 37 Two hundred 55 Dogma. ' 10 Doctor o1-"-, - (Egypt.).
as the •air, Treasure Trail has Oordon Calder singing and an- an, it wa+ scorched; and because and one 57 Sorts. Medicine S6 Symbol
for - 1
-" ium
--played to studio' audiences of nounctag.' Features of the -pro- It had no root. it wfthlered away:' --�(go n1, X58 Mockasa: -(ate•)• - • ' amu '
12o,000- and has gipen awes in gramme, exits to the novel tn• Nearneae'[o the "warm surto -
cash as telephone.prises a total strumental group. are musical duced rapid growth, but it also I 2 3. 4 $ $ 7 $ 9 10 II
=-b[ 830,000•. The only original weatber.•repotts and a top tune lel to the shortening of the young '
member of the cast Is jovial rias- for each day. -1' memory• tune planta lite. The shallowness of 1z 13 14
• ter of Ceremonies Alan Sapresented, on. each_ programme
ca�e. the areal.did not permit'the piaci
TreasureTrailwill continue to he "provided the opportunity for the - to'dev lop its roots, So•wlth men IS 17
heard Wednesday nights at 8.30 radIOL audience of this,feature t.o the same" shallowness: ,of nature
over CFRB and a network of Ong earn cash. prizes,'- '' which made'them aua*•eptible to. 21 ZZ 23 24
1`.+r10 ?tatione. _ the fi�sjlel and ,quickly respons-
`jhighlight to
-A for Saturday' after- ire. mah;,s suseepti ,a
_r Another opportunity for. noon .radio listeners is. the..ser. pain. •sufftri.nk, hardship, and
housewives to make "Easy Pick- ies of-broadcasts from the-Met- ' . easily defeated. It is so In a?i de-
defeated. Z 31 32 33
:tin's" continues every Wednesday rQPolitan' t9►iera -louse: :through- partnteuts of life.
afternoon 1!.80, CFRB 'Toronto in
out Its -current season. John Amoeq The Thorn. 3,4 3 !
1944. Sinha this programttta has Charles •Thomas.will be the feat "•1ud otlsV9 fell among the r
beer- on the air it•has Sleep aicaj tures singer.'_. thorns, and the thorns Brew up. 37 58 j
85,800 to studio and sir audi- and choked it. and it' �yleld-ed no`
eticea,.as well as providing the fruit." These thorns.our Lord lik• 39
answers to fanny household ' ys p ens'to the cares of the 'world,`and.
-"terfes and problems;and ! great :better Blades Yhee'deceitfulness',of riches: and 4 441 145 A a 47 A
deal o! fun, plfis In recent pro- --- the lusts of other things. The
-grammes the music o� Marjorie A new• type`of pressed woos- Idea here is `that wboerer Iet!s- - 49 � 51 52 53
Dames. hydulign-um•ig being used for air- =these •u orriPa till his heart:wili \
craft•propellor "blades, .It-is r_iade surely amother the word lie has- �
Valance.` by the consolidation under heat heard, for this dears
That radio is helping to with hither. 54
the ,family budget 'in many Ga and pressure of 60 -layers of tnt�resfs.:'
-aadian -tomes is to be seen 'a'Iso- Birchwood veneer, treated with Into 'Good Ground
>ta ,the ease of money making special.resin. "enc',.others fell into
Is She Man ueraidin g4
n Why q
� � By
y0i� t?ysG}-�T TO RE' - YS
- -
FI EI'V�Eh'S .DAN��.1 . --- - -- -1 C;Iarke --Prentice Srierb'ssh llo 'pitil
�rou f
f a' CT Government Ucended -
.:BROUG.HAM TOWN HALL: r_ou/ff Pal x�>�'Utz: STOLFf�'3LhE
,,,, a'_ _tU\F ,•1(;I:�._li2 N 3,''�I]'LI:1Ht.• � _
. _ _ PY'�f!O^'S- - ,r the Counties o! Yori; andOathone.15an. 1 - - fc&t- - — _- -
::'io successor to Co Ken Prep at rni
r ., tice of C. A. S. F., and.of the Late � �' edical -• .. -
_ Odd -Fy ne '& Modern Dancing 'H., - - • -
J Prentice- (formerly- _ Cseee Taken
and Prentice). Farm and Fairm- -Maternity 9rmi Raaut-
`�•'.-9, , �``}: '•moi+�•
„'+�Salne Orel. as' on'� New Year's. lt+ve') -- -_--tock Salsa a SpecjaltS, at Fair an0Registered Nurses ir. Attendance
��rr !teasozFable Rage and 24=Hour Sino ie Given
a ' t
. . . : .:Admission a3a7C --- AabWame Ser,
�pn R: C. CL?djflD 'NIN'G MRS. E. R. 'GOOD
but rich, de-
bf !A MXG S' -•r we- that - --
rials ' • -
itorT.-1�1°t°r)'-Eublit every. . •19 'Melinda Str. - Toronto After a`16ngthy'illness, death, oninL -� �g y Day.er Night: ,�Frida claimed Cora E. Watson, appeamnes Phone �r ' DIKEC?UR gNp wife of. evrtur . an erso , pill stand out D!<alven•NM yesl�ht Educations la pe hire, sandersgri was bornh ages. — N.
Suceess•E t•, J Mac Ver
' in..Bram top,.Ont:, a daughter, of L No GreeWr Tribute ; Markham, Ont. Startlbili
,. the late Dir. and Mrs.', Alexander BlnQaton Rn u! w^tet - - -
ht,m(l Day service.
_ _ Watson, and atter public an 11
and -� efeed p -ag S gQtO SERVtC — N
high sc ools there, For four years M nnurnental '
hway �, E '�
EFFICIENCY �' 3he-,studied at, the Toronto Conset-: .. Works .s
? vator) of Music under the tamuu: �y my :til'h�•no ' Ont' n
P.echab Tand;. She .made splendid •V Ui v V 110 �.0 lA
use 'of her musical talents and in
�� Brampton and Pell County was one �► s 4 - .
--C..N TUCK C<' �F<
of the outstanding soprano vocalists, -� 'A. IIAII
h ,J musicians and artists, gi.-ing freely We do building of all' kiadi -
- - >' '' and her talents for church and com- ------
L'yeaight ;, „rwueo s,a.es.w CARPENTERING
aaunity enterprises. - �UiIB
She married Rev. air. Sanderson Guarsateed Repair 9ervies.. i _ ,
47 years ago last October. She had 1�)b or Yoder '
- ' Disney Bung (Opp, P.4).) - lived with him during pastoral char- ROOFING
OSHAWA PHONE 1516 ges at Frampton, Penetang, Oshawa-- ARTHUR �,I E L D W� '�O �� Brantford ll�t�
Belleville, Campbgllford, .Cannington
Number 158 And PSckeriTlg. also Gore $a3t, on Permanont Nagging Pain. Materials, Empire Bathroom
What of the man cases remain- PHONE a2 R 3 Equipment, Duro Water
Y 31anitoulin Island. She had lined in that Fm)v the Temper A0d P1CKWING, ONM
Ting uncogrected because, some ow Whitby,for the past fourteen years• S3ate1� �tty Stable
r remarks they will gsorav-oat of it? Mr4,. Sanderson ,was a leader in Nerves. it may be Your Eyes. Egnipment, -sad
What of the many oases �f bu)1ng all activities of the chumn every Building 35ate:iAls
gf10"i- y mail. from-3a -a m? -I►lace she lived. she pas reco�zea C. H. TUCK.0PT. D.
'What of-buying glassea-Vi tho'ut an as a leader end organizer sad dur-
oul - con. tie DTs 'Hitoek Op9'P. O� _ Fstupatee 512",
mW .
story to our worse conditiOn. foheite of.rove and Work Gaaraibsei.
"1Lany of as bads noted the ef- A esteem.rate ttmeral service was held i
Sect of-strain to us indaeed by'our � �� �� Pbaoe 6608
work. Give eonsideration then to the on Monday atteenooaj Jan. 10, at QaBJIWA, ONT.' L ; a
i�ttsed effort where. on carte! the family "eldenee, Whitby,- the � F. J. PA1►OU Q�
cortege "viag for Brampton at
Illdbalence of the eyes ty�rning is 1-841 P-.tn. The pallbearers included- , _. =
�ooticed and it will be easy to_nad- Tong daaa-mates of Mr. $andessoti. Besew Yror BeMerf�!#aa Ptew _ 1---- a
-: asetand how a simple case with and two from Whitby. Intentnent �� Stea>Kvi3ls 1b0 Farr s �vaWr
classes worn will hnprove in school Y Bend the News is.the l>t ir.
-_;work. How the hdgh[y-irritable see took place at Brampton Cemetery. - _ ___ _•. �- - Res. ,$8.T
?life from .another angle after being � LDAY R '
office w
eorrected, -,ne child who is a ver- � ••�� angary 19', 1'4 and 45 ..
stable little devil, alter ,io;rection '�`� We have 56,1140 bu. of Westbra
.: y hill ,� llle _Hard .Way � train on hand or on o A, Phoma a
bee } t w
the expredsion changes. The child
uo e d you not believe•i ice to n Dennis Morgan i _ for_Dee.
Whole or C�ibppti
Ida Lops o and _ .
e�._a-Iit3le wi cat applied to this
promp:'actuia in-iix, effort -of ptev-
fit -
ientin.. crena.
PoLitry �'.erd .'2•t F c. Dai Veei.
?c Be Continued' �t'F:bLE:.\ ���' Shell Maker and 604 ft. %nder
�' < • MONDAY, TUE 5,
�- - -
. .Tannery 1'I; 18 atcd 19 Uaremont, Out.
- - , _ 1
Burgess-Meredith at+r-Uiaire-Treser WANTED '
aljy I For tree .pick. up plions
ti;o*aleRzg Cawidy CLAREMONT "S
PICKEYMiG ;...........: /N
_ PICNERING .... .....►� >M.
'!®V88DAY, FRIT. SATUSDAY AGhlN00UhtT .. :eau !1N
--- - — �aars '20, it and tt we pec the •`phone charge
�I;40 � �s "Is ` :.-GORDON YOUNG LTD
�_ roronto Phone Ai.3M
,�boilt ' 'own
TANKS ^•FRO►QST OFF Ck : 'L Sale of,-[instanped, Meat P'rohib�r snit Of All,S-igb
T OFFIC .Irving Berlin 6n the .'BBC wh 'n Ills iced by w., P. T. a
ORO:ERS .r 106yCCONiS';, " _• .T �' 1 •
Sib Year, As
F BOOK STORES and orh.r RETAR�>Tpc•'. - � � 4n Amendment-to the slaughtering-
- ,
regulations of the • Prices Board .Insttraaee Ad+iwr
,Show This Is the' Army ��• to-buy or sell
- -- -T -
a .carcass, side or quarter -which
i�. Address J Pli�e
' • -- -T - -- - _ _^-- -- _ -._ not stamped by. the licensed Blau- ' Brougham Pick. b R 22
_ - la e t not st
ghterer,- Black markt 'f atnp- i
- -ReadyiwMadel�Ilenusfor 1Da. ys RU_� CHER NOP
Tempting . . Conveniep#'. _ REID'$
. � •YOURS
- - fRE
Nutritionally Right! - — .
. a� ^Frank R: Smith; ••Manager. - -
' jT'S.eAa t o serve healthful meals,ifyou follow
1 the•.tiraely menus in "Eat-to-Work-to- �`oe "Ah First, - 5 ec els tri. f Sat.
(� ty p
'Sound, practical; inte're'sting-this ? ~dA e`~
f clever new booklet does all the di&cult •time- TIrnR)Y••.tm.r.•Hng.,. ", .: ._.. _.,,NOTE. this store Npill ;close_etie night"except
""" :n ftda and Saturda at 8 m.
taking planningTor you, And it's your's FREE. h.IpWl!1eF fhls orFgl- r,rr„�br.,,r1„µ ?` - _ Y X p•
nal.n*w booklrl bring :--..Q •.�''. z,,' ���•••..
Never wail it more ifmportaat that you pro- bans h.ain, ro your `fir�•---..,�
c �'�`.-
•�rtde proper food for otic >ftimil For cod '' tfa�ll MAIL. YOUR �`W Tender l3ae! Roast .Go 'slue ,Choses Ont,;l,anzb coup. Yaloe
P P y y g Y• ,_ prime R Roast l 3-4 s 30c.'
t ib !Co l8c. D. Legs,,
matrkionisvital toVictorynovw-tohealtb_tEnd._- ro�oN TODAYI •�� .- -r.. flank off whole, W
f �{,.
Blade, relied 80c. - �o
-- - -ppiaess after the war: Yet retest f Queen- ' =: :^�` _~ Bl ort rFb, 1 > on' , Zc 1 Sri
• i
(seat 11oati6lla show that only 40 pe t-of �. mound, `mfaoed, BSc, 8-4' Macke, neck on,.&!c. :A iN
- .. dimf eegoladly eat the right-foods;even - 'Chttck'r►s�ls, ?Bc. - ' .l i-4 Breas6s, iTc.— >t !•i
' seesingly well Sed• '- Ramp serf, . ilia. 1 'Flanks, lis. !'i
=tea tbi'�osn't- - 8 xnn wa.['.eu�ou -sa��. LorM ams, '2pL , 1 1-4 . LaMb ysdlrll* -
go-wroog"way to tea iia , s-4 Rib sbops,� 1 Jr.
aseeL ttitt 5111 e�ey.food need ..,NN-N-_..�v- h�eebsllMotsa i!t• der, •3
1 Sk •
' i lroe _ 4mb. ss�e_'Q .Q'f. BASYi,'t', ,mel.
.00h slit ea•!y -ate so�'ea,YMONro, wn
r 'wl�' ][edt t6a CD4Pm 7ishook"" w�"iea►�IaAre►�11M�. -' = Oaaeic Cleanser, S NO Mt
_ .
.... _ Cod i'llle`s. , B ft qtr
lbs. Ib. Life Buoy Soap
war'"dy Stnokod Anew ,� : 5is. S..i�We Leaf'To” Soap, i 4W �
`i t.r.tewawa ENDUMrd =N dalfto ^--->~,���A - Stored Gwen We. 1�, 8104 W Soap. "Ask AIA
%' as•. coViuots• ! ► �ti s. } !Cf}ps[/ C.y �'L1!' �. • pr. Tbritt soap Itil� ►
._ -
- ----` --- - - -- -- - - - - _ the h� -9i-'4Ir, -and-M r;. Charles'' St. •Frantic Sales- continued ••r:i: KF sunres*t*i}' ?�-posting of '
=-� L �►. R. E 0 -T' Clemence. when :Cltief'Tho=s, or ::igr.,A prohibiting picnickers .'fight-
11'hi.tby. -,%-ill address these:. ing. The minutes were read t', in fres on the roadside -- that the
Secretary, Ethel O"Blare. The Tress: : water from the Conlin grape! pit
.bliss I Cooper- was,here for the _ urer, Wm: Power, gave the•,finahciat �be filtered before it enters,Duff-i's
-'meek-end. Brougham is a busy place tom' Aft L `report. Plans were arranged 3or a" F.?e-' ui:acrd grease iror*a graN-
- - wee - Councu meeting. on Mon-on- ow m nt ana two s-at'n at- ei was ere cuntauurnate tie creeb
_ - R'e are glad to repurt Frank Bar- g. g- g 8 l'
'.lay on the road to recover. da}, C. C. h`, meeting bn Tuesday, ties for-the_..next` two_.xeeks___- saflings. be -p!
Mrs, X. J. Wilker.has been spend- Women's" Fnstitute annual family A high-light of the evening was the bridge .at the Jewish Camp,
hi$�son* time with her mother h- m�tit on Wednesday and a dance is Miss Phyllis McAllister m spend- a. debate for' which John-Power, and at the Cammack.bridge. TT ese
ass been ill. :� reported for Friday everting, ing two week's holidays with• !Kr. Margaret Maddaford anu Gerry suggestions will be taken--up later.
The Wamen's Institute will rtieet 'P ie January meeting of the «`. and Mrs, George 'r.idd. Sheehan acted as judges. The Aff-
at the home of Mrs. W: G. Scott, M. S. will be held at the 1�pme of irmative, composed of Jim Teef- Accounts Paid
Mrs. Albert Gra udry Thompson visite l w�„h his > � y `�
an Wednesday, January 18, at 2.30 y', on .Ian 20. mother- Mrs. W. Holme; recently.' and Ethe 'O1Hare attempted to up- Relief, 393.04, Sheep Losses, $2t3.
p. in. Mrs.,R. E. Forsyth will have Membership dues-to be paid at this Glaii to know that., Miss Levh hold the opinion at "A
txo- is abler- EducationChew. Packrin i ,gyp
Mr. wid Mrs. � � „ Happy-Happy -i►Eis her recent operation. incur Place in the High School Cui- lost to dogs,'$1'.00 to Dr, Sim�son
- • Toronto, spent the *@ek-end with will meet at the.school-house 'on � ° Miss- Green spent the: wec.l__end riculum". The argwments o,r the op- � for sheep, and $15.00 to Chas. Puck=
111r, and Mrs. D. A. Pugh. Saturday, January lb, at 2'.00 p. m. vrAh her parents in. pronto. ponents, composed of o Power cin for killing three dogs found
Bruce Miller, R. C. A. F., British This till the. 'n for the Ir- There is to be •Red Cros lit- and Helen Robinson, were accepted , molesting sheep. Roads and Bridges
Coluatbia, is spending a few days stn ation o iters. children.. ing in the schoolroom on Wiednesday y e }u ges as decisive. Q ec- t - 6.•ount,, on ingenctes,
Mrs. I. E• Henned3- was in Thess- The Sunday School :�.nnuaI Bus- ueaed to I.-.
be present. = - _
'alon last •week attendin the fun=11-ness Meeting was held at the home A few from Cherr caped to give the deciding vote, togooa a' ended Horticultural Society
: ,eral of her'sister, the date Mrs. Ed. :-of Mrs, George Philip, on Friday the early in of_Lha i'rcker- the Negative,
ward E. Thompson, who wa_s buried ` evening with ,a good attendance. � " Y Feet g - -- - -
ing Red Cross, on-Monday ewrir.-g. _ •_ The annual aneeting of-Pick'erieg
=-on Friday. i Officers and Teachers elected were: f Following is a list of grwds trade (Township Council - eoatinued) I3orticultural Society wffI-�e tl-eld-ia
--. Regular .services will, be held. in Supt., W. C. Willson, Assistant, � by, Cherry-wood Red Cross L'tuft and. Chapman made the suggestion that the basement of Dunbarton United
the United Church on Sunday at i Manson Ellicott, Secretary, Georlte taken to Pickering; for the year pians for-this .be drawn up,-so that •Church, on Tuesday 'evening, Jon
11.00 a. m„ and 7.30 p, m. There will ; Jon-
Norton, Assistant, Francis# Willson, 119•.3 - 48 pr..socks.-TS pr, seamen's when 'the time comes, they wilt be uary 25,-at 8.00 o'clock.
be slides shown at the evening ser- Testifiers - Adult Bible Class, '.►yrs- � socks "5 pr: seamen's'` stockings. I.0 ready, The plan is to raise the hall, _
_ vice, R� reenind you to keep the Homey' and Mrs. W. Knox, Friend= i sleeveless sweaters. 17 turtle-neck put in a cellar and furnace, a new
- slight -of January' 20; open for the ly Bible Clara, Mrs. Woodward, Y. sweaters. 21 testi-ink 8"v-neck long vault; a count c r an an
annual meeting. P, Hugh'Thriller, who is also Treas- sleeve sweaters. 12 helmets. 8 office for the Clerk. There would tional series of radio ls'aot this
Rev. W. H. Bexton,who had been' urer. . Arlo'. Classes -- Mrs. Philip, scrats. 19 pr, gloves 8 pr. tcnitta, 8 also be a good_floor--in the main
during the pkat. week, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Norton. Boys' - Pr. year. the CBC featured the stoat
/ $ , Pyjamas, 4 Pr, Pyjama pants. hall and a good atag±e; with adjoin=
'was able to tiro back to his work at Allan Ellicott, Beginners.. Dorothy For Ref�uof the purchase of this radio equip-
ing-- the University on Monday• Harloek. The meeting voted $10.00 ( _ roasas, ment'by the Dunbarton Home and
14 costa 5 berets, 13 caps, 7 Pr. School Association, in a e0-minute
In the Baptist Church next Sun- to the Sick ChiMm's Hospital and i bo ants, T r. boys'boys' p p y py jamas, 3 To Ask for Larger Grant eoast.to-coast broadcast on Oelwbsr
day, Rev. Bexton will take a• Ae to the M, and M. Fund of thd4 Pr. boys''softs, 2 boys' suits„ 10 Councillor W. H. Westney was
-themes,- for the mo , " e The year Fns a very sue t , , S,' 1943. The broadcast was written
> Mai hurc>S• ry• knitted boys suits, 22 boys under apf6inted -to" go before the Nlaple
esty acknowledges Divinity", and ceesfui one for the Sunday School. shirts, 24 boys' shliris, 3'boys' •,sw- Leaf Fire Insurance Co. to request bi Ftorsce Brown,. who ra comes-
. in the evening,'`•laving Courageous- Aire: many months of suffering, meters. 1 �3's blouse, 'Gi ladies' a larger grant, in recognition of they of the Assaieiat•
y _ ion, and h,. and Mrs. Chris.
[ - there passed away at his home on ,
amightgaess, 14 girls_jumpers.. 2_ s�esuItaat._ lr>+azering-__of fire hazards president of the
C04"tulations to ,Dr, and Mia. January 6, John Alexander Greig. i Pr, bloomers, 21 girls' sweaters all from the local improyement in fire-
bell, of Uxbridae. lona , ���waa y moon i tg rng equipment. which the names of'other said
the birth of a son, December 30, l shorts, 6 girls' dresses, 48 pr. &oak. 1'44 Bylaws ?assns
the SmMide Wing of the Private TT h parents, Robert and 'Jena �, n� sweaters, E3 p;• bootees, 25 The Roads and Bridges Bylawr- .School members were used. TLs
;Patients'' Pavilion. . oronto. Greig were early Scotch pioneers of broadcast purported t4 be .mestFstg
botuiets, 4 Pr. mitts, ? blanketa, 23 323A00 was passed. dzvtded into
The Brock•Road was slippery fa the district, Robbie catering to she . -. arl the Dttaha:toa Rome sad' 8e�oo1
ntgistgowas, 17 doses diapers sad three parts: E3.500 for tnaintalaaace Assocfatioa, �d the of
spots on Monday,• sad more snow is Ae�s the tasaniag eonsmuaity in a„}number of quilts. and n yrs to..machinery 317,500 �o� D�sa-
goiag to make k daagelons. the `'Auld Smithy" one-acid.-S halt ': !or road maiatainanee, 32.000 for � barton was thus heard from Saiftx
snits west of Brougham. With theles __ ---
• to Vaacoavett Mrs.
Soldier Reported cheery, hospitable _ personalities. r: Supt. salary. had never,been in a,radio readio be-
Wounded is liar �I' they were ,popular citizens of this - Poria" epefs Ed. Pascoe, M, fore, performed with ps otesdoad
Char!lee-Nerton, son .of. the late district. !:ins of the family lived to re'-
e-owood E. Bryant. Robe. Baledoa, l�vi An- actors, who were amazed a: hse
and Mrs. ,William Norton, was t+frogy up here. Three children passed. _ nis. Joy+. Pearce Puckrin. .E. competence before the:atyproplsooe,
reported wounded in Italy, accord away alt in osis" year. rt.�ena R. Pilkey, Chl s. Hood. Cecil Phill- but Home and School measbers wave
ips. F. A.. Mayor, Lew. Hagerman.. not taken aback, as t
ing to word received last, week. (Mr.g. Albright)-and John lived and The Rt M. S. of the Circuit rnet- .Victor Parkin. Wm. Middleton, bier- have a rare and. courageous persona
Charles is a first cousin of . Mr, died on the -old, homestead. The ai the home of...Mm F. L. Green on. vin Arfnis, Thos. Norton, Lorne
- Jack Norton,,Llaremont. iy'o details three surviving members of the Thursday'last, with a cod attend- Jones, Alfred 3ticheil, Chas. Gus- indeed, for their PneWtnt.
_.were vin with_the report.' facuty' are,' tics, C. H. P'il3key, o`- g The Home and School this year
anuce, Very satisfactory reports were tick: Vic. Jamieson, 'Morgan Evans.'
Fickering, �i:-s. Phil, Forsyth, of baa.leaned heavily towards commma-
Two Cases. is Division Court, 1 arkham and. given bK the several departments of John Pallister,.Alan Meyer, Elr ,er. ity endeaypr, and speakers have
#�,I 1iY11, of"Iia,•.rear
the Society `showing that the W. r?inni�, Irving White: Qin heard such;as yin, R H.. ,
Last Week_ Yeterboro_ Ine bereaved have -the Vii. S. had a successful year. Th¢ John Phillips was appoint b Kmg
_ Three cases came up. Before the sy*r►pak"+y o+ thi3.corivriunitr. _ -" Pri ncipal of Scar6oro Collegiate In-
Di�ision Court, at Br"u hair last _M_, _ finatfiaces are'..good,also, $chn��l ri*ttendance Officer'at .60, Stitute, wlio spoke just before Edea,
g Miss Eflem 'Sadler, or Toron o t.!Qxd � Johnston. P-etief Officer-_-.��.-V.� -,L
week. The first n_as Deltavat" Co.,. � Vormal School. eras upt4 teaehar at 57.:.00 r annum. -- -- i
_21 - -- vs Iden. ::�murgan, ax: This case -1,- per Irvine, of Pickering Tovmship, who
Wars adjourned,•The second. Y: �I r- dl at fit, Zion eElmeoi 1 t week. W. C."Wilisori and G, :1f, l:'orsth Spoke on the juvenile problem; Rev.
Misses Mildred and.Gertrude Cir- were appointed Sheep �'aluatorQ: E'..G. Robinson, of Pickering, wliar
Gordon, Pickeririg, vs., C. Holland, bett visited their aunt and unci r.' .:� F, Tomlfnsnti, Medical
of south Altona-Road. Gordon .rec- _ Pickering on :Saturday last. Health .Officer, s-ith San{tary n- hiiAeatid the need fol religious
iv ed rent far 3 t)8... education"in the schools, and Chas.
' ludSe ._._ 3 _- The `'gale set-up of farm eggs" The Y. P. 'C. held their annual specters: T. Brown„Harry Found
Pelling spoke education
- _ - - lection 'of office o and GeoElliott, . or- e`. oro 'is fanned aborti to
�• _ officers i rte Ell ort with E F th ''h p y
Jobb BrignalF Taken to tbbonrg fug o�the Cwrunmitt Club:on M - - �M++ing. year at the home of Mr. .syth as fnm�ga of=. lvi-rs:-Go»iotr is heal from M-r 1Crchibs7d. lite-Schaal
to Identify Thieves day night,, Severai members assert- and v[rs.'Frefi"Bge - ' Health Nurse and the,Reeve. Inspector, and Other-' like
Chic! Constable John Irvine and "ed that tttsS�had_bePn ret'Lwed .rho iced--friends:in-the' -Wm-Reeser,-r�ttprMiRg-ilei ,Board
0 o n. r. gtsding of their eggs at the Govern- city for the week-end. of Health. On o Occasions,o meeting awicv a=-
BBrignall to the Coubourg Police" rent grading station, while others Miss Lois Stevenson spent Sunday = have been handicapped 6y the tm_
Station last week to attempt to id- who had sent their eggs to the with Miss_.E &-Grow' - Dept. of Education 'and Qualified 'those o! t car, but apart from
entity three teen, who are. believed station reported an_exepostve.-report Yemen Short, of the Army Corp. Health Nurses those aiigTsto the attendance has been
in be involved is the robberies at of cracked, blood=spot and "B'= i3 home for a. few days teave. A resolution was the largest; h the history of t9ae
Claremont, Oshawa, Cobostrg and p'�s� ung Asso peeAt -- _
——Port Ho reported recently.. These grade, eo that tots[ returns received "The W,' A, and Red Cross held the Dept. -of Education and Dept. ,
�+ po y'• did not t6 producers fo the Co-ops t'Mn ,with Fc Sin �+t Ila.
m� .are believed be connected pay F their regular monthly meeting at of, Health to arrange a rants in such matte-u as-the School Fait._
'with car stealing, garage Breaking many feeds nav6• _being`' consumed the hoarse. of Mrs. F. L. Green on toward the salaries of qualified towards which ttie Association dona-
`�wit other They are also at the present ltigh prices of feeds, 'may, January 11. Health lursek This was moved by ,� time and money, has been one
believed'to�nected 'frith a car Others contended that the farmers The annual congregational meet= Councillor W. H. Westney and sec+ of the features of the Hmne sad
<- melt in Oshawa last week, Police should begypped to candle•and I ing of the United Church was held onded by Councillor M.S. Chapman, School. work, This month, the.Homo
grade their own production. So.much on Wednesday evening, Jan. 12,• and that a copy of the resolution be and School is playing host to. the
are still investigating: dissatisfaction was .expressed that . Mrs, R W. McVeyspent the end sent. George Drew--Dr.
pe newly-formed Durib^arton Yount
Baptist Church Elects Officers a cogmnittee of-two, -namelvt Messrs of the week_in Toronto.. Vivian,-'Arthur Williams. M. . P'• people's .Club: The :association is
for Coming Year at Anneal Meeting' Winter and F. M.Chapman; - and members of the Provincial proud that one of itis Executive
was maned to gather the informa. house. _ inembers. .Charles Pelling, was lsat
The congregation of the Baptist ti'lg of the Club. it
t Arthur Ferc�� waited on-the c month 'elected to a 3-y2ar .xersn est
p tion and re its at the next meet-
Church held their ,annual meeting our- the Dunbarton School _Poard. ,
on Thursday last iii tlse church, Fol- Capt, George Field, of Me• C. P. � Wh eve a mil and made severs':. rec;nur;nr4a-
lowing a supper'at � o'clock, " the R,'Airways, at Quebec Citi-,•wlio in
- ,._business ,meeting was .}field. The el- home on a holiday, was present ,and � -
..ectfon of officers for the new year delivered an address on •the vagar- 13lastc•r Bla :1facFarlane s under -
- qtr n Ward. = medical cam suffering. fr.-M chi.,k-
W89 8c :fol w r ..
° D@acon and Choir Leader. Sirs'. Jno. .piluts and ere:'- i:` their•instruct en-pox.
- - ---
Coates, Financial $ecretary. :<Irs. D. ional•work. ` Miss Hazel Lyttle spent the week-
A. Pugh, Missionary Treasurer and ' president .arch.' l;eli «a,. in tie"� ped n"•'h her cousin, Blanche Ifam r �
' -.Communion Furid Treasurer.11r. G. chair, whe^ . ab.tiut �i) r.,e,::berg of lin.
M. Foreyand Mise ••Jean Ward, -the cont i:u ri'_: a c:n b1�d at- kis re-='i :Our- ministers `Routd bye 'enc, iz- \
-Auditors: Organist, lllrs. R. E. For- sidencQ for the `ir,t meetit5�; of },e,r age by seeing-a,greater atterda eF "
sryth, and :Assistant', Miss Jean Cecret4rr ' at Di�:ine S-rvice each Sunday.
Club i-n. the neN year: f ~
`Ward. Check Clerks:. :-Mr. Briscoe, Miss�'Il tr;thc ��'ir*e: ;ate full =113 Fart,: only daughter, of r.
Miss.Jean Ward anti^Mrs. Fuller. rt of'the re�'ious club and ex- and Mrs. 1:+ne;t Gorden has join,d �"• ' � � a
Ushers: Messrs Fred Ward . bI. ?> p ,r- {tie R.
C. k. F. and is taking batik i
-ecutive meeti.n \'here �th?I ,air.i�� a, P.ockl ffe. The VPoiiien�+ .-
Briscoe, Paul W;ellrnan, Igen Ward, ream ler-future g ,.Jeering= vire oft- , r a
Morris Binstead,•James Coates, N-ic lined. The appeal ;for m-,^.rbership, ! Tn?:ifate presented. Betty with
for Morley and Billy- Binstead. Ag- which asks •�i:e"d l lar' paY fancily;- bzautiful travelling.bag.. }
F. Evans. eat",' iVIiss S: i lined"up 23 fain ilies, while it was i The 'V1'nriien s Institute ws,l'-ince` , `•
int £or " an _ an Baptist",.G _. adi . P
suggested that others �cnuld nn d at1-9.gr 30
at t+; Orn@ of Mrs H Pugh on a .'
- - ..doubt recognize the -good work ,ov `;tiedin s ay; J niarx- at 2.• x.
the Club by sending in UZeit dollar Special features ,hare-bNen
later- for._.as•-the-'speaker said, - a'uked, after which n social hour
o ugh , M-
r �re was no baby born, no one I will be enjoyed. Roll Call A gift
!sick none afflicted nor no ore mar- for a British Baby". A heartg wel-
- = clic, without"without- notice and come-to all the ,ladies of the com-
John Hamilton has bion Ill during... lip Where help Was. needgd,%eing mun4tyl:
- -the--past week. _, remembered by this Club-". . This We are glad to report Mr. Beaton, r
Some carbo' of Whooping-cough
Club a great assist nce to the -Mrs.-Parks;-_Mr___and.. .Mrs.Michell ►',
Se been -spotted= nity, Tlie"luncheon '8=u! the 'sing- all improving in health. _
' _ __ -•-- h satzsfymg. A treat CARD OF THANKS'
- t1daff Kate Sadler is-a guest of �g _ y
_ Ira=W. Sadler, at present, was enjoyed by all in the playing of -
]Lias Yargaret. Cassie,'who 1qt several classical selectionb •uy Mia
Mary ][cBrady� of Oshawa. The �., ti r
been with the Stewsrt. rpunily, of
collection fo rthe boys overseas We wish tothankour ftiands cud
Vit, Catharinss, has been visiting o -• 1 • •
me Feed Casae family. sad a vote. of thanks to the Free- relati*w for their kindn"s, stud 'Wince � 'Wilkie. Speaks To Eurlp"
Jsssaea Rawl has tics ander the ident and his wife for tsie Use of fteere `words of sympathy in our s /
r; �oet6e's tTits W�a. oWl home, -was passed.•ood Save recent bereavement:
Casts it Ellicott
bpi for the Dog woek, su$erisig the T>Ifnt was ran* at bile close. i�-Mss, •John (itniE.smd^ 1sm11T ,
grass a Mears a#aek d tDa flu ' s'asoet realist wild`be held at
p.. _... . ...... . - _.. -, r
--.-_ /•9292\ , • .__ - .. 't .• .•
I ,
' <-..�...� . �. _` '. > __ _ 9292 i _' ._ •_ \ i ._ � ' ., _. .
L'.IFE'9 LIKE THAT - By Fred Neher ,u°�.' ub',t 1� ROYAL 'BANK'S ASSET...--ti
conquered people would' be far _=I' ASS $11/2 -B I L L I O NS
It would be• a tragedy If that
.. ..__ -- .-__ •• a -
. - -oPDtirtnnity preaeated-'-ttsel! 'said-' ----We—,Til�r�ards--to'Pr cite act"-aS°• included in
wt• were unable to take advantage all departments•are revealed fy aid assets are Dominion and Pro-
of it. But there is a limit to the "', e-goynl. Bank of Canada for theW jI securities amuuating.-tax
- endurance of both. men and mar year ended-Nov. 30. Total assets, 620.. an increase of $122•,The time comes when which a year ago reached the high• . Cash' on head, deposits.-
chines. _
planes have to be taken Out of
est point in the bank's history. with the Bank of Canada, -other
now stand. a
o and when strained nerves and compared with $1,291,615,946 on stand at $323,225,988 compared
—, �+► bodies must be given_ a chance to Nov. 30, 1982. Deposits likewise with $.261,884,475 in November,
rest. The Luftwaffe•learned that 7 77
in the autumn of 1940, when, in. reached a net high level, and now 1942.
beating down tjie RAF's. gallant total $1,380,769,152, an increase of. After providing $2.281,952 for
morn than $'216,000,000. Doininion taxes, an -increase of
ti defence of Britain, it exhausted Current loans in Canada are $267,786, and after providing forunable 'to ture _
I F1V - success into a strategic itself and was over 2-9,� , at _ ,, - ,_ - -
$3.426,289, a moder-
viotory. Increased.borrowing by the public ate, increase` over-the figure or—
Planes NeededforWirc4se of the Fifth Vic- the previous y8ar. From these
It is the-fear of Allied air coma tory Loan. Apart from--thba,.-many profits v en a amo
/ menders that before the greatfirms found It unnecessary to $2:100,000 were paid. For the
J land battle opens for-the- libera- borrow because of rapid turn- pension fund an appropriation of
tion of Europe, there will be a over and prompt settlement of $370,000'was set aside and $40�660-
chanee to win if 4n the air, but accounts in connection with. war for bank premiaea. The suy�of
that.for lack .of replacements of ` production. Furthermore inyen- $556,289 was "carried forward to
crews and planet they may have tortes are, generallyspeaking, the balance of profit and loss ac.
to hold back and give the enemy lower. . count which now ,stands at $3,• —
thtt,'breathing 'space which aome- Loans outside Canada show. a, 815,487.
times Means' the difference . be- tnoderate reduction. The annual,general meeting will T
tweet victory and defeat. lien. Quickly •realizable assets equal be held at the head office Jan.
Arnald'issued 'a solemn- warning 48.E per cent. of the bank's lia- 18,-St 11 a.m.
_ against permitting any lag in the bilities to the public., There. has Profit and. loss account figures
United Staten scheduledproduct - been a marked expansion In•liquid compare with those of the prey- _ -
�,� •rss„y y tion of 148,000 planes in the next asaets winch now total $1.104,703r ions'year, ending Nov. 30. as foT:• e�
fifteen months. 439, as compared' with $906,440,239 lows=
e • Moos, it Harvey call•,-I'm out . . . if it's Robert. rep hoes* a•1 it "Not one of our .air.torose }las 2
It's Billy. yes'a have to look a" se4•" the planes it should have," says _
1943' 194
• -• • General Arnold. "Every one, could .- '
_ $
use double. the' number it now 'Profits .._:...-............. y _....--_. .
3 4.6 289 .X3,390,123
2,100 000 2,625,000
'Mg WAR . WEEK -- Comu3eQtsr on Current Eveflb possesses. The biggest battles in Dividends ............•._....... y _:•...»- ,
y . tht air and on land are yet to be .1,326,289 765,123
fought. We gill need every plane ,000 816.OD0
• — n Fund -- :
C ion we Bank premises ---•-- 0,000
40 -400,000
536,289 60,128
On • ortress Europa During 1943 QT?AWA REPORTS Prey. balance ... 8,269.198 3,209,075
The pattern tor-the Allied air is equally important, the' Allied 8,815 48? 3,259,198
That Agriculture Is The Moat � ' 2 for taxes =2,014,166 in 1942)
'attack to 1944 is clearly, demon- air await kala !arced Clertaany to ;Important Single Industry of aft after providing Ito contingency
r Strated by the heavy aseaults oit� concentrate 70 per cent o! her CAnadlan People � atter appropriations u ao� Hcy reserves, out of which pro-
4srizsi remains of Berlin within the - tighter strength In the West. Of v pr. for bad and doubtful debts has been mads.
:, -- — -
Arst week of the new year. As. this the Eighth Air Force reports Ac orC ding to statistics, agricui. 11IUTIES
_� capital and nerve centra or 4,100 fighters destroyed, fit ture is this coUU67 employs al- - - 1948 �- 1942
a Ssrmaag, Berlin has already been more prob•hig destroyed and most 110 per coat of the total gain000
=-„!honked out, says the New York -1;311 damagetd- The Northwest At- Capital Stock ....... 85,000,040 35, 00
tally occupied population, and -"
T IMe+- Some !6.000 tons of bombs stem
Command reports i,i4i Res. fund _lane...»„_...�...............:. 80,000,000 :20,000.00 919
.. about 114 per cent, or over , one- 3,815 4 '
Strad- lacendiaries dropped or planes shot down sad 92.430 de- D g L. balance ,,._....................... . -. 88 8,269,198
. . - "third of the gainfully occupied Dividends 573.891 '- 688,884 �-
*2rned halt of it, driving most strayed on the"ground. The,R.A.F. •--�^�-•'•�•"""'`"
.,.. males. It has been said that .the <'Deposits � .........• ......-»..-:.-• 1,880.769,162 t 1,164,162,714
Government offices into the proT• reports 232- night fighters de• -•-' _""' :
and another 20,000 tons are strayed hundreds more bum-- dairy Industry is the largest stn- Due to banks ...� Y.N a 19,122,048 17,064.478
+ttpeeted to finish it as Germany's aged. Thi makes • grand`Jotal o! �e b»n,ch of Canadian. agrleni- Notes in tire. 1t,851,84a 18,271,281
tura.` Letters of cred. ,86,135,037 $1,158,488
industrial capital as well. around 13,000 Berman piat4es PutWith. this in-mina a consider- ether liabs. ...--..t ...:. - 1,881,109 2,127,979
llesolts like this, achieved in out of action during the yam. able amount of-time was given- by N�
�- which is probably equal to tier- - 1,609,497,6'8 1,231,816,946 . _
tlhe lace, and :even with the aid. many's fatal production is that - the delegates of the recent Do-. _ _
' sof weather condittoas' which only minion-Provincial conference !a :ASSETS
M short year ago would have made category. Ottawa to the 1944 objectives of 1943 ..1942
M2y raids lmpoaeibie, are highly Technical Advanoes the dairy industry. - 8 x'
i9salarasslve. The air enthusiasts Thee results have been achiev- it was estfmsted that nearly Notes and dep. Bank of Cat1. ..._.:. ;121,901,504 301,884,208
Istm contend that. glvsa.tlms'and p •s • result oY technical 1% ,pf every one. hundred pounds Other cash and bank balance ........ 347,888,618 101,29�,b18
ale, means, all -Germany can be advances whish have converted of milk pradncad to Calstds Our
Cheques on other banks 53,585,964- 68,90 ,764
,*wked-out frM the sir 011.20. the Blonds hangieg over Germany- D(m. & Prov, Gov't secs. ...�.. . 841,898,614 '619,801,841
w Ing 190-was marketed !a coacen-
s�er that may be, it to cath from a handicap sato sa wet, trued form. 'During 1944 about. C.S. and British Govt sees. ........ 60,721,948 -48,029,701
-.-Hun.• and other ......
42,164,676 _ 48,988,85.6
sees,.. ....__.._.. .-' .
that -bonbon have creat- icing from solar the, reluctant the same propottiob and gei"UtY Call loans -- 29,791,089
$4 conditions to Germin7 which admission that "in the sphere of yt milk production will also find Loans Canada W' ..--. 278,715,805 _:258,835,638'
!e! 441E hejPed the Rosslans tschnical inventions the scale$ In- its ay to the condensing plants. Loans to Prov. G*,V't 2,479,620 1,770,549
Ad, ve their great victories but -"- T-
- .1924E wen possibly In favor Thil� will involve the conversion Loans to cities, etc, _..................- .18,472,817 16,981.151 .
am also Hashing feasible an lavas-' or our onamtor.' _What these in- of dome 600,000,000 pounds of milk Loans outside Canada ...._.....-...._. 55,225,771 +69,278,988
It of 1lttroDb from the west.
von tions are' is, of course, a sea tato nearly a billion pounds of - Bank prem., etc. ..... _.._... 14,7111,086 _ 15,788.087
s. conditions could be crested Lettere of credit ...,_... 85,136,087 " 31,168,432
ret But the pathfinder planes concentrated .milk products. ••--••-•'
Only by.the air asst, w(tbout which which unerringly find their tar- • • • Other assets _.. ..._._. 4,654,80, 4,941,88$1
4 invasion would have. been im- gets, and rtag these targets with ' jVraporated whole milk is the
jpestble. atfor ahs [allowing bomb- largest of the cawcentrated• milk - 1,609,097,671 _ _,1,291,816,948
hes _
"Downpoui" figures sera, give a 'suggestion of what products and of the entire 1948
Sow this was done is tllustrat Hitler means. Having lost the production about 14t_ million of the finest cheese in theworld, for, e es
r ever!10s gonads made. test -
by fhb figures,published at the naval war, Germany has-also lost pounds was exported to the Unit- the...average- Canadian este co 'and the total to -
Kura 'of the year. They show that the air.war. And the loaf of these ed• Kingdom, 12 million three 305 to. paratively little ax it. About thr305 million pounds. Although most
dar4ag the past ,year the��i,R two wars spell• her doom In the the British West Indies ,and to
out of-every,tour pounds of cheese of this will be consumed by civib
pped•a,total of 155,000 tons on and war as well. Newfoundland, white the remata3 manufactured in dinada ,is ab- Tans, some will In earmarked for
. a territory, of which 135,000 CGveial Period for Releh der was consumed"by the armed sorbed by the marXet !n• Great• the armed forces and for ships' , -
bll- :on Germany. The United 'In" Europe the U.S. Eighth Air forces and civilises- In Canada. Britain. For generatTous Cans- stores, some.may be exported too,
States Eighth Air Foice dropped Force`co-operating witb the RAF The next largest concentrated glans have enjoyed the benefit'Of Britain and soMe' will be includ--•
$9,000 tons on Axis territory, and. aad -the RCAF has stretched the -milk product is condensed Thole dila• British demand for-- than -'Red Cross par-
the Northwest African Strategic Luftwafte-"to the breakingpoint. milk, of which the 1944, ,produc cheese and have continued to help cent. During 'the year the ayes-
1Lir Force more than' 74,000 tons. Lieutenant• General Arnold, chief tion goal is set. at 24 million meet !t'during this war. The' gor-' age civilian will eat about •20% _
This makes a combined total for of United States Army Air Forces, Uouada, the same as in 1940. Most ernment, requisitions all cheddar pounds of butter, this to mailing
'1943 of 234,000 tons, compared foresees the time in' thenear in_... of this product -goes to the Brit- .cheese made in Oulario and Quo- allowance for the extra portions
with only 14,000 tons in 1940, 33,: tune when- tate •battle attrition ot. ish- W6AC- lutea where, with Its bec'for export. Par 1944 it is-eao• cured in restaurants,
000 tons with th • 44 r cent sugar content. it•keeps timated that , 148,390, 00.• pounds.,
ions in 1942. 1n contrast, Germany desfructton of factories building we sap - w -
has been able to drop only 75,000 righter planes and. parts, . will whole milk powder., the .1944 ob• iffy is 61.s per:cent below 1943 but a_r
tons on Britain throughout the bring "a-crucial period which tray jective is unchanged at 16,800,000 {�at...least 20 million pounds _ 'Sits Stand, Wa&
whole war. determine the survival or destruc• pounds. Its greatest outlet Is to ' greater than -in the average year ,
According to the calculations of tion of the Luftwaffe as an -effec• Red Cross parcels f* prisoners of la,mediately 'before the war. a Frenchman learning English ,
the -British Bomber Command, Live Lighting- force:' What that war, a pound to each°parcel. The s a • said to his tutor: "English is s ,.
this AII1ed downpour' of destruc- _ would mean can only be estimat- production of skim mi#k powder Present indications are ' that queer language. leo? What aboni
tion has noeked' out twenty-four ed, but w'_th all Germany at the. , will also-remain'unchanged from
Germain to s, including such mercy of our bombers, it is ,the estimated :4 million pounds there will be-less butter mann- this sentience: `Should Mr. Noble,..
cities as hamburg_Bremen and doubtful. if the Nazis ..could long of last year. factured-this year. It appears that who sits for his constituency, con-
the whole Ruhr.ares. and .severe sustain their .armies in the field • s • about:97 pounds of creamery but. 'sent to stand again, he will jn all =-- �-
i� demised twenty more. What
-or the morale o' their civilian ,;Although Canada makes some ter will be'manufactured.!n 1944 probability have s wa}kover." -
- -- - - - --
-rrtat� �►er,CM• 1 11oRRowt:o
Of A KOCKEY SMV. aROM MY h�4 ► pt0'N KIQOW -1Nh W"r • _
gvOI"5-nCKONEY sitowtt, 111,41 1 PIWMAD 0II01 D !1•t"MLOOK 6�►'r WtU►T -
A tiocKily4TKICl lial.f:'rt"V r--
•MAS PLL IRON 014 NAPpLNED Tb ftY v --
t- Y0mS
ctti+c wl►v vow►4' 4<- , - w71.>f•V: _
' -able-to baffle their effohm, to drat
/� •' pp t FLYERS FLAK-TOP
am-after' 2 weeks. him from the room .
g . . . - ACTS WAYS
He telt a revolver batt dOscend
M1 sure r upon ,the back of bis held. and
happy to be able to give Yes,XZLWGG'S-ALL-BRAN oan really his knees began to buckle under -a
' up all those pills anmedicines for work wonders in cases of constipa-- him. The ropm became a dark TO MUM MlSiER1ES Of
max 0imstiPIttim
They were Testy tion due to lade of,dietary"bulk"!It void, lit by the pin-point,_leffle OfensancAnd 1110
A®• lTtb _
�.- _.F
gets at,
. - -- Banc g amp. -
started eatl$g materia] r�,�1-for "Handle him gentle, boys. When >pow real
8 E L L O G G'S ---"r"- � � '�a'' he comes to be ,touched off, we � ofpn.
@ eliatioatioal Try eating a serving s want him to.know about ft." chitio-this�yle•*tYea1
I was soon"r ?%` dopy, with milk, or sprinkled' o r incapable
'of further'resistance, -"W that
t •• other cereals! Or, eat neve 1 Dave was dragged through. the a ware AT OMgr 7
Man Cu- „. mufnadaily.Drink'plerlly. anteroom and domm the steps of
of Rater] See if” V': rMlOrRAT"
the all, into the street, where his • deep
tainiy pleased you, too. don't arrival was greeted with another tubes with soothing ;
with the real 5 welrnme relief 2 Get XM.Low's occ 9 outburst of savage_ wzeYration mod' incl tapeta. •- v:
relief it given, k' ALLsxArt at ytourgrocer's today- from,.the assembled crowd.._ cosec and back ,•
-.believe nie l" is 2 convenient sizes '
- A' little distance beyond th* faces like a warm•
• - Wayside•Rest stood a tall cotton- +ir� Ing poultice. s
Bombardier back from Southwest twelve feet labovO the ground.
act ic. a , es out Ine new luejulmro of Lug
1] ! anti-flak helmet. 'Covering head, mob were gathered, some on foot, �qoa, just rub throat, chest
neck and ears, it not 'only saves others on' horseback. And then a"Malt with Vf VP�
yes seen a fragments u Dave's heart thumped, and bu _ _ a g -
*• s VICTOR" also protects earphones, micro- wits 'came back to him with aabov��� asshown
� cough•
- rI ROS3EAU , �' phone, oxygen mask and goggles. rush. For almost immediately 11. fags loosen eoaseadon, relieve
- nesth the tree, seated bareback muscular sad .speed
It comes to a showdown." lestlut, comtortinc sleep. Often
_ on-Black Dawn, he saw Lois.
The sunlight faded abruptly put i --- by moanl>�meet the iBiaerg
CHAPTER XII him'another meal, and, a pack offa Ciel relief from Bron-
cigarettes that he himself had of the cell. Dave Snlshhis meal (Coti.tlaued Next Week) - with „
_ ' Suddenly, to. her ast6nTa"hment, and resumed his station at the time-
she. felt tears upon her oheeks.'It bought for him. "Will, how yuh window. Lights sprang up" on the
was years since- she--had abed - feelin', Bruce? the sheriff asked street. And now the dull '
murmur • )-' • - e ... ill vVsroltut
tears. She had learned to take gruffly. Pickled vltal'Y ms
":dight be ivorse, I suppose," aa- a vo all that. had come to his
philosophically. Lfie
wasn't' meant for'happiness. At awered Dave. "When's. the core. ears all the. afternoon through
the barred, closed window began •, From Rose-Hips -
least. Lots had had.no happiness ner's jury got•&' to sit?" to change to a hoarse. menacing -� In1 sports of work done on
fa hers, save for rare talks, with "Tomorrow mornin'. Yuh'li be undertone. -thein C content'of rose hips'
Hooker when he use robe She sated there to give pore story- • y - Rose"W* 1Y14 Much P1cb' In various parts of this world. it
tried to.aeareh her mind tj find it t'o're lucky. I may as well tell In Vitamin C Than` has been discovered that the fur•
out what she was erying bout. yuh, -Bruce, the Cross-Bar bunch 'rhe crowds In the street were
The discovery coma to her as a Is sort of worked up over Hook growing thicker.. The silhouettes Orange ' • thus north the ]tips grow, we
surged backward and ' forward richer they are in vitamin. With
shock. er's killfn'." 'zj 'We've consistently ignored the Canada abounding In wild roses
"Suppose he didn't do it," she "Friends of his, was they?" ask• about the front of the W. Then rsal.and tangible gilt of the rose, It would seem as If it Is no one's
�-'wliispersd to herself. "Suppose ed Dave. "You mean Curran's of a sudden there sounded the ea7r the KStcbeaar Record. Rose fault but tier own if -we go short
worked up over that beatin' I gave hoot-beats of horses, and a body
- - •- Dave Brace is Innocent. Suppose berries are one of the richest Of this important. xitamia. • '
It was-Lonerganf' t him yeaterda>► 'Pial], be sore got of men rode Tipping down the -sources of vitamin C we have and
Me was thlbkfng of Dave what be had comin' to-him, after middle of the street, scattering a source Open to *veryon* who L
against her will. She was rem. tryin' to get me trampled by that the crowd. wise enough to recognise,--their
erfaa there bead been seine. outlaw stallion." _ Curran and his Cross-Bar outfit .fie and, patient enough to pluck IN Toronto it's lu
tf had arrived aeon the scene, well,1a,} different about the way be • • - them fro mthefr thorny haunts.
primed with whisky for the job i�t. Regis Hotel
sad looked at her and spoken to Coggswell fingered his clipped throny haunts.
Pleat they had set themselves.
`Iter--different from the ways of mustache. "I ain't sot nothfn' to ♦s vitamin C dissolves fa water -
- - The sudden outburst of yelling it Is a fairly gimp]* matter to ens• • w7 �e
l the other mea she had known, do with Curran's motives;' he ri- Every Room with 8a
eitespt Hooker and Sheriff Cobs- that ensued• lett no doubt u to
plied. "1'm LbnFia' of my raDnw tract it from the fruit. ♦ dslisfaes Shower and TalOp
well. tion. I bee mheaiff-�hefe for two their lntanLioas. Squeezing bin
pickle L OsWy mad* from •roue
"I wouldn't like Dim to be hung years now, since W. Brown died. bead against one of the window • �]er $2.30 ap
bars, Dave was able to see what hien Ot which three or four �ev $+3.50 tp*
: it he didn't do it," Lets whispered. acrd there's been nary ly e6hin' bee i►as taking place. ipoonsful will supply'este person'&
• • — rinse I,took 'hold I don't aim to 4 front of the jail Sheriff daily 'requfrsmettts� 'AerO's the • Good Food, Dig send
As the afternoon wore on, the have''mf-trecotd spoiled:' reefpo, as given In -a Dominion
]facts of men In the .mala street "Well. I' ain't goia' to' try to Coggswell and Sims, his deputy, gurean of BtsLirttos publication. . Dancing N ��
-V of Mescal became thicker. Once spoil that record'of yours, sheriff," were sundial at the,head of the
' Dave wits recognized as h+6 stood answers Dave, lighting a ctga`F three stone step.s. Coggswell Cook the hips In water until tea- ��• at GrItA>o
' ,, seemed to be addressing th* der, then remove the suede: ][alts TeL IM -
tlptoe•, at the window. He heard Otte, So that's the idea, crowd, but his words were fnaud amp of equal parts of waiter,,.
shouts raised, and saw fists ri:alt• "Yep, I'm, going' to do my. best vine and sugar syrup, adding
_an In his direction ible, drowned is the yells of the
t6 purtect you, Bruce. Meanwhile. crowd• spices to suit your Individual!testo. �.�DOSeA•AS
It was a little before. sundown I'm tellin' Tuh straight, the -Cross- Suddenly there came a rush Add the seeded'hips Lad simmer
when Sheriff Coggswell brought Bar is a tough-bunch to handle. forward. Davis saw the sheriffs for SO minutes. Place In sterilised
So if yuh got anything to leave, s and seal. This method of ITTIV 02
_ yuh might as well make out.yore hand to _up .and a gun was iit.
Before be had time.avec totmolevel preparation results in a flavorfni MINU51-51M Tim
will, .and„1'lI have Sims and my- it. a piece of fence-rail" -wielded and attractive product which to. Choking gasping. wheezing AoV
theta and Bronctis ruin your
self witness It, And "if yub •got by someone,_..fa t#le crow_d, struck utas the vitamin C content bob health. The prescription Ax__Ta�
any money yuh want to, send any- the sheriff upon' the bead, Be,•.- ....tet than to-dose -by any•other sickly circulates throu h -tb."----
- body, I'll take care of it. ?hat's method. -'� %load, promptly helping t cur�j
how serious 1t ]Doke to•me.'' staggered, reelod. and next mo- those attacks and usually the flrsi
meat he sad Siena were both dopa With such a wealth.,of this *its- Aa,y the mucus is loosened, th *
$ave opened his wallet and drew giving free easy breathing anC
and being trampled upon` by-the min w easily available, Canadians restful sleep. Just send your names,
' out the partnership agreement he infuriated mob. need not be concerned about craat- card will do, for $1,00 Aa.o-'ratio
` ust
bad made with Hooker.:He hand. . • . on. The rose hip syrup is said to tell he cif ost No obligation. .h}xm�a�
ed 1t to Coggswell. Coggswell:- ' aaeenscidus, 20 times richer 'in rftamin• C attacks.erKnox ltCmpany. 950 Knot
•• -- -- Bldg• Fort Erie, North. Ontario.
--- be
You tear that up-,Si7ff;L he` been tossed to Dae s e, an in—en
said. "That'll give -Miss Lois tate :were , searching his pockets for
ownership of the valuable pro- the jail keys. But the mob was r .Spicy Apple Square&
perty d bought a half-share is yes- 'already _ batteriffg,' against- the" ,The flavour-combiaatfon of Quaker Oats and apples calla for an
terday:'And you can see that the door, two rhea efich wieldtag two fnvartable "encore" from family.and guests alike Serve this delteionr
duplicate that Hooker had Is torn hearLlQge that_thudded with a -dessert hot or cold, with cream_or sauce-whipped Dream, when the -
s'!,` rip too. That's all I got to-leave. force that shook the building. The occasion ir.aff especially grand one, and when you can manage ftl
except .a dollar. or two, whieh'1f door cracked, splintered, went 1 cup Saxon (pastry) Flour a tablespoons brown sugar
buy drinks for the lynebtn' party." d4n; and the crowd came stream- OR Quaker -(hard-wheat) Flour 1 cup Quaker Oats
Ing through the ante-room sad % teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butter
Sheriff Coggswell stared at thi 34 teaspoon baking rods 4 tablespoons shortening
into the cell room. At the might
document. in .hie hand_ "I'll -hold of Dave savage shouts of triumph scups sliced raw apples cup brow suss. -
• !t," lie announced. "pang !t, it's broke from their thrpats. \\ n,
_ harq for to believe a feller like Groi�d cinnamon
• • They spsb a him through the :Sift the flour once before measuring. Add salt'and baking sods,
Ton would shoot 4n old mea .bars, and some wese-�tPesdy lev-
' F • . asleep. Brace: But`teat ain't -.here *lint- Silas when Curran forced sift again. Add•&.tablespoons brown sugar, and the Quaker Oats. Conn k
nor there. If they sit you, they'll bine the butter and shortening, and blend In the Quaker Oats mixture.
fab •way to the, front, the keys in KIDNEY- —
(, ILLS have to Sit me first." his band. , Spread half In a baking dish, cover with the apples, and add the 2A cup•
VE • He left the cell room, slamming .• „ • -'brown sugar. Sprinkle with cinnamon, and cover with remaining Quak►
the door hard behind him. Hold yore !fret he shouted. Or Osis mixture. Bake in moderate oven, 250'. about 40 minutes or t
"That fella's white," Dave° Bald �' rO'aia'i aimin' to.give this mur- until apples"are tender and top ideely browned.
° darer as easy death. He's sola' to ..`
to himself. "I sure would like to dance.^
have a can is my hand, though, it He inserted the key fn the lock,
and the door of the cage clicked
WIth roars of execration
-The the mob laid hands on Dave and '' 5
hustled' him out.
�i HUNS Mauled, manhandled, beaten and,
' and kicked unplerelfully, Dave instine.
�A� tivsl�' put n'p :what resistance lie
- J
We can often blame nervous tension I was espable of. lis drove his fists j
for rreeerabIs feelings and fears. And T 910Ot OYlT - richt and .left Into' the ravage
m these days; thousands of nervotis faces of the mob, but 11 was only 1
people long to get a real Rip on them- for a few seconds that he was `
solves...they yearn for quiet aerves. COUGHS&CO ,DS Many ate taking Dr.'Miles Nerviae� • '•
This irascientific combination ofeSec- thatdelay the day of nekonino , 't:.
general nervousness, sleeplessness,
j_� ]•;
nervous fears, nervous headache sad nervous
IA/ITH V .R, i. I ,.
nervous irritability. It haalfeen used- BUCKLEY S MIXTURE �t p Nights
for this purpose for sixty years. Take 'i t d r •t
Nervine according to directions and (r'�,_,aqths. and cold!are all-out allies of '`tool►'
help things along =e A=le,postponing the day-of Vic• tt, f!�Ott�alj°
with, more rest, sort'
by cutting down our production He' Y�r K_i �eys
wholesome foody of tanks.guns,planes.Don'tlet them
ee of ed i thea yon era or seas.
Gah sir and ever. noon$a yonc war eiion.�t the a
cite. Eft s�Igo ofs coagb or cold tape Bucki a
from 1lna��IIp Rights,Beet ache,lrervow- ,•ti; ,
Effervescing t et'' same Ler Pairu,Rheumatic Pains,Burning,
Nerv37e�Tgblets: IMistttreandsayonthetob.Thisgrand Baan or frequent posmaps4 u so remem- •► I�nYOluilble for
35e and?bei Nar- . on routs co ha and colds• ear our Kidneys are vital'to r ur
pn ug w�
A•s-T,keeps'yyon PIT TO DO YOUR Mth sadvthat th ma be go
viae Liquid: 26e til'..The aewimprovedSackleyfor- . to Ki roe sl°a'� �roa es-�a •soh Q� S.'QU�HS-COLDS
and$1.00. mala is alf medication--be ru - Mans e-of Paan prom and -
... rei��t by helyying t�ha Ott eym as LOVE11RONCHI IS
icy faster—goes hither.40t i4 3e cut yofeonons esoswrte�fael d,wastes• on o _ y
m .
111, everywhere. Get . bottle TODAY: m t��Th1.>:on�n mamar`O- t YENO'S SIMPLE�SORE THROAT, ,
p� aigreemesr spurn a of your
as return fof empty psotoga_ualase
-- . IT'S BUCKLEY'S east=sned'syafa* 1 f �r
I r�
I83�JE 3-1644 THAT'S W
ran au.cNr•u tally
• -
• 'a , • .. .r. • t t
Cl , ' 'ed Adwt's _ _ " L.A14 D SURvSY'OR � _:�� -
-jai - -
trsa c�targe 25 cents. If t�4'.De R. DUNSLD RUDDY Barrater. "F. J. ,, A-, ���
.Soticitor,Nourr Public_ DA rw►pan. Surveyors Gibson and Arnold, 88f -- -
billed.by mail 14r. sddt�p� tormery occupied by-the late A.E.Cwis- _
goft. News''Bos er .o.south wing-of Coprt ljou.a•Whitby. sy King Str. East, Oshawa Phone L.
S. On Hle are the records O1 1.981
�� Ciiidfs - _,-Earristars U o icl ere - --
Iiave you ordered your Bray Chichi? W.J. Beau. Y. C. Telepbsem -
orders for imatr H. Brooke Bail, K. C Ad. >H88 .. _
shute deltmv, fd rk! some I. _
started chicks. February, March and 372 Bay Street -- Totoonte. Our'*wks pass your way every
later should be ordered naw. day -tet
�+• ✓ first aboas • dark
; How. Shier, R. B. 2, Picker- 8ple 'Lf� i'ire r <.
{1UD, CEMENT, Night, 1a the PAM" of, Peace estiee to as Etrst>s<.
am= ovieffm Y nsuranceC4. —_
Chicks. _ SAND, GRAV94 - Estrada: — -
Leghorna and Barred Rock Chi ..... - - , taro b1' War and .Rsiedal - .
Hatch off every Wednesday.
Cheap Rates for Farm and Couatr7 end ' 1r< ;
i Aboa'Boad IL R. L, 'CkkeAug ,
Yorkshim Wfndmiils sup. etc. .also local;ear ge wor
at Lot 28, Con. 6 Pieicosiag. Oscar Automobile Inetisance of
t VOe bavealeo placed in atoct a itaN c
.- -- —_-- - Wftx eztta�sh tie Hope d FaitL and Love'. - -
For Bale several Habbein spring-
p g- f Write or �►e _ I = of-XAPLE LEAF MiLLMG -
ass and two Shorthorn boils, also C0(MFL4 NY- FEEDS led by telt D1viab Flame, In wo radiance,. the Lase _
Bowman & Rowe
!look of. 8hropshfss •b_eep. -
Claremont 85r2. -'22�Z WHITBY ONTARIO Ar' V. MITCHELL �- ��al devotio" Our Soldiers.,on Iand. Sea and
For,Sale -- Lady's tube skates and l
boots (size,6 1-2) near new. Apply_ PICBL+'RINQr MILLS
` Pickering, Ont: Air, glows as a Beacon to Guide- Xszildsnd into the
News Office. - - -
WOOD LOTS - foe sale. Three �t Phones - Yards 74: Res.- 65W `o:way of Justice and Peace. _
>e LW north of Claremont. Forsyth GROWING MASH
hush. All haadwood. Apply Nelson _ ,)slay that Light illumidatie the Heart*glad Honb�s - �
-Webster, care Mill Valley Ltizn r A, E. RICHARDSOIy
Claremont one 2422: tf __ •
-- _ p� - - Start tile. Pig � QENERAL INSURA.NEE oT Our Customers and F'rfsnds during
Right On
H1RTH3 ; -
An old established aKener, ready
M 9 Cha
Pte and Mrs. Roy Munro of Dun- '.
P'ig Starter - .
'barton, are happy to anmounee the to'serve.
birth of the}r song horn on January L
lIckaring 60
8, 1944, at' the Pickering Nursing De N..LOC K W OOD -
see Relver � , , CYRIL E. MORLEY RMAs' �t _='_ .- •
An. Apprecaat on _
onto General.Staff R. N., spent last O r uS Omer$ 7 t
unday with Mrs. R7m. McLeod. _ -
lir, sed Mrs. T. W. Kerr, of Tor- - :;
kerie Har ware
'onto, spent the-week-end with their We wish to thank all our cos- ;PHONE 67 PICK.
Uncle, J. B. Wilson-and cousins. tolm[as for tbpir vlahied pat-
Miss Taylor, C. W. A. C. spent sonans during this'past year - - - -' e _ i w
-the. week-ems .with relmises.. Mr. Your continued, loyal support = Date 'Wartune Restrictions _.
and Mrs. A. Hagerman. bas been most gratifying. and
L. A. C., Gordon Duncan is spend- °1As my • _'i _
Co __-
ilrtg'a week's leave wath his parents, Iy"THANK YDL?1 � are stili able' to meet •
Fee asstaat relict try Taneere's
. �[r. and Mrs. fin. Duncan.The ladies' Aid wail meet at the and wish you fee Seaeor►'a Bratebial Mixture
'house of Mrs. Melville .Draper. on Greetings, and a Year Filled - .
'WCdnesdal, Jan. ,19,..at 7.30_sharp• with All That YOU Desire. adeold? -
Word for Roll ,Call -."Cheer".
He --- - _ --- - - - _ _
Mr., T;tuapitries, of Whitby, occ- -- y ' of You3' demands
upied the pulpit here on Sunday. s "C. B. Q. ordinarily rebene a,cold
Mrs. T- A. Barefoot visited her i Co' A. STERRITT in a,few inn _
Uas Motto "We Have It, la Get It Or It L Not )linin
-frWe welcome
Tan week ` P�ekerin +put ` Our Protessiosal Pride is • � N, PICKERINC
welcome 3tr. aril firs. Robt. Pickering, - �* ,S ALSt�O
Malcolm and soils to ou, tillage. � ' Your Guarantee w
Miss 'Mildred Cart4r entertained
the Y r! -S last Tuewfax- evening I
It was a very successful meeting. ' 1 THE R;EXALL STORE -
LtCENQo'D AI_'CT10NHXk ANfi� J. R. Boyce ph=. 8.
. . e _ FARME S ONTARIOSales ceadnctrd dnywherc phone, Piek 68
-- Ibnt:e or-write. Address 814 Dundaw _.
__-- dccerc: Ea.c. FAT "RON" PRICES AT 1PH1Z'dY. 7FOTJT+i HOYI� is .
Whitby. Ontario. . � wV - _ • :1 EGGS : HC1GS-TNEATRE Tonto AD 6623 — Piak. as 19 lY merchandise L.AMIiS
. . . . AGiusoart 34 - �;., AND '
Aleboa8h subject to many. of _
H�lthtnlls . Air-conditioned AON GIBSON - Poultry, both •live. and dreasec
r - -_ the .wartime restrietiobs, wr
THURSDAY, Fitt, SATijRDAY, RANSPORT : stock is echo kept well
I Ja3esary 13, 14 and 15
TRANSPORT .p-to-dace % s�iC , Otis pl<7CCs Oil L1VC D1lCl�s _.
Two shows•at 7 and 9 Pa-'.Id. <:
Saturday Matinee at 1.90 p. m. CARTAGZ Look over our shelves--eek ns
- oes
- MOVrNa Coa.alt for Sere pll� FRING� FARXZS
' -
On Technicolor)
with Randolph Scott. Glenn.h`ord -Hstrd aware -- Tinsmith .`T �'=` WO GRAD' O-S?A"014 _
Claire Trevor
" Notice 4 WS1�BT ONT. PRONE WHIS'1? iM -
phone Pickering 46 —
-Bought VA. Sold--
)dONDAY, TUESDAY', WEDN SDY jCombination Storm Doors end -
Jsnnkry 17, 18 and 19 Stora' Sash - Mede to atder `Used Clothitng - Sterilised, Clean-
- sad rested like new. Carr? a -;L U M Co.
p 1 w 8.20 O MRIE
Lest Complete Shp at .-- C.
. - �`•. .al.a em stock of high char suits, T�e
Reveille With Asphalt. Shingles overcDitB and pants. Also a good MITE
Roll Roofin a new leather coats' and
Asphalt Q����
r " $eVerley Baardsnic` b re•sonabtb�pri Celt --- _ --
phalt Sidi reakers, and a� c . r 'Junction
at very ---
',Asim Miller, Frank Sinatra d be ���' and Scarboto •886
Bob Crosby,, Dnhr Elling4on .
,Sam Sebwarta ' �IONES Howard ;II --
�T 7
L Count Basie, Mille Brothers Ne M. Gordon _21 Bond sir, Vast, oabsws
R' also an gadded attraction _ es Millwork
- 'Compliments of the lea Saab D..� - sip 2,
Margin For Error
son : - ' •` Interior Ttitm Molding. ;
Jean ing
Bennett Milton Berle ,; To Ou>r Many Friends - a� Shingle Siding .
k ► - W
Otto. Preaminger Rac1t Latic.Siding
Coder ShiniLs
and - X. A : .
'THURSDAY, FRT., SATLTRDA -; _ �� -- � 160womol Iamala .•
January 20, '21-and 22 u$tome�s '. t_W jla _ +Sew'e! Ape �
i r SENQUA,100
-�. • Spitfire - LKI
,cARTaT. . . . .
Leslie Howard. and David Niven MARKE
ane ke g -
Pb Pie