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fOL, LX111 PICKERING9 ONT., FRIDAY, •• SEPT. 24 1943
: - :Ch�dren ne __7
:•-Next 'Two 'Week
le "Vaccinate -During
7-1- d
Cm" I on Tuesdlay, October 5th, Mr. C. 0, Davidson Passes
4yout Hurts fruit, vegetables
IL O. IL and Public Health Nurse . : -LOCALISMS
cooduct •Tozolding and Vapda- -at a P., wi AM gram - I .. _. .. i
. . :� .-
Wim to Township Schools Z Mrs. Dorothy Fetq3a, of Pickering,
suffers the low of her father, 'Me Sectional .Rally of the Went-
Rev. In F. McGregor will give, an The front of last week-and ruin- Oshawa
Cm�seaodng on Sept. - 28* Dr. illustrated . lecture on the "Peace ed thousands of baskets of tomatoes Clarence Osborne Davidson, former-, em Section of the Osba
F. Tomlinson, Medical - Officer of River Diitrjct'� under the. auspices on the farm of Mr. Seto, Market ly of Amherst, N. S., at the Toronto terial will be held in Pickering Uzi-
and Mrs, Gordon, Public of the Wo"man's Missionary Society Gardener on the Brock Road. In 1he Private Pavillion, after a lengthy ited Church, on Thursday, Sept 80.
ReaMr-Wurft--wM-candU&--4L-PrOf---Df the Pickering United Chtrch. Claremont area, tomatoes were not illness. Morning Session at 9 o1cloc.z. 7
of the well-known disease ofjcieis may _ii� -obtainea Iron a..., -daziaged,- although plenty of the Mr. Davidabn-was connected with - The Wumen's Institute will meet
preventative measures, Toxoiding member of the Society. Get your. torn was ruined. In the Lake Shore ;ne C. N. R. 1,,. Sept. 28th, at the hozue
--ft Tuesday, Sep
and Vaccinations throughout the, ticket early. district, vegetables were reported to train-dispatcher, and on retirement Of Mrs. A. Lawson. !here will-bos
the articleb shown at
schools of this township. They will have survived the, frost, while the received the Long Service Medal. exhibit of
Buckwheat was damaged. The quick He is survived by. his wife, a son, Oshawa and the new gloves will. be visit the schools (on the date and Runtinss 'Seasons from the ewe in glove.-
houn given below) and will admin-, frost of last week-end did not harm Arthur, of Rochester, N. Y., two displayed
BY Game And Fisheries, Overseer seriously, the flowers of the port* daughters: Mrs. Forester, Cooper, making. The Topic — Beautifying
inter these treaftents, not only to the Home" will'be -taken by Mrs. A.
those attending school, but are anx- Smith, Game ,.nd..yisb, iculturists of this village, although of Appleton, Wis., and Mrs. Dorothy Brady. Remumber the ezebsugS of
logg to include as many children Of Mr. Ben District onany thought it,v:ould be the end Fetch, Pickering. Funeral services a. Assistant Host-
Acol W &4 possible. Pare eries Overseer for this . of the flowers for this year. were held from Amherst, with in- bulbs and shrub
pftwl Parents makes the following announcements am": Mrs. zalioit ow Sirs. me-
take note — -if desirous of having ' Sunday terment in the Amherst tminetery.
of interest to sportsmen: Rally Day Service on Ewen,
7*w chiK not yet attending school,
September IL Mr. G. F. Coates end children,
bwkW at this time, bring the child AMe Open' Season for Partridge 'St. Francis At Sales Church spent' the week-end with the f0=2-
to year nearest school an the date in Ontario this year is as follows — 'On Sunday morning ,at 11 a. m. er's mother in Brussells.
givew The value of th preventstr From October 2nd. to October 16th, the Sunday School of the Pickering The Catholic Women's League Mrs, Fred Andrew has taken up
ive treatments is now tnoroughly inclusive and. from November Sth, Wted Church will hold their Ann- held their first meeting 6T the new residence in the Bly Apartments 04
*o;hkbli@h4 and advantage should after the
.to November 15th. inclusive. (The iverssay and Rally Day Service. fall term IMIMediatcly Church Str,
be tuban of the opportunity..
regulation � concerning - Partridge The speaker -will be Rev. shred Job- High mass on Sunday morning. Re- John Walsh, of the Tank Cor;W,
Sept, 28 — at Claremont • 6chool limit of catch) Lignite of catch 11n. of -St. Paul's United Church, Ports were Submitted by 08 Seem' was home over the week-end.
140 P. m. — Sectiond 7, 13, 24, will be five birds per day, and not Bownianville. Special musk by the tary and the heads of the various Mrs. Craig Murkar Is spending a
1&, 16 and 17. more than twenty-five in all for the Sunday School sc rs. All are, Coramittees, Social, Altar Society, few days with her mother at Clare-
Sept 29 — BrougbAem School —
two periods of Open Season: welcome. Red Cross and -the Catholic Liters- mont.
140 Vi. Seations 12, 10, turt Booth. Appreciation was exp- Mies Marjorie White of ';The Big
This open season for the taking of
11, 9, and, Unicin 2. *eased by the Pastor for tne splen-
Partridge will prevail throughout Store" staff in back at work again
Sept, Be. _�__ Brock Road school — the Province ,with the exception of 'To Parents and Guardians did work accomplished during the after being a week off frcc a ton -
5.16 m. —. Sections u and 6. Provincial Parks'. Crown Game Pre past year. Arrangements were made oil operation.
and Whitevale School at 1.30 p. serves and Townships which have The local postmaster makes the for a series of HzIne Socials to be Miss Morris, who ha,5 been ill for
m. � Section L been established as Regulated Game request of parents — ask your held between now and Christmas. the past three weeks, is jonvales-
mad Rouge Hill Schdol — 2.16 P. Preserve Areas. children to 'leave the doors of the The Officers elected for the coming cing,
ML — Sections 7 and 8 West. :Post Office alone". 9n seveiral -occ -. year are as follows: Presicent, Mrs. Capt. Geo. and Mrs. Field return-'
Oct, I. — Dunbarton.Schtoi — 1A0 amons during the last few weeks, F. Maddaford, Vi4e-Pees., Mrs. J. to the Training School at. Quebec
p. m. — Sections 3 East, and 2. Premier George Drew of the Post Office has been found urer,
Foatheratofie, Secretary- Treasurer, City, after two week's vacation
and Pickering Village School 'at
Ontario to Spear dosed at an early hour of 'the ey- ms's B. Robinson, Altar Society Itay Fousid's residence on Ch",
10 p. sn. — Section 4 West. ening. The - Office. is to close at 9 Committee — Miss Mary Teefy. Str. has received a coating of in-
avil No. 4 East at 8.8t Sect- Preasier George Drew, following a • p. = Children have been found ChaiAnan; Miss H. Kaddafourd, $ec.- sulation, of o5ne of the modern =at,-
iom 4 East and d Union.,X. Cabinet Meeting held on Sept ;Tth, tampering with'the door, cataing it
'announced that he would give an to automatically lack. People coin- Tress.; Miss Efla. McGuij�e, Sacris- erials, and has improved the &pp-
tan. Red Cross Representative and earance of the house very much. , I
account of the stewardship Of bib trig in to town late in the 4vetting Catholic Literature Booth, Miss B. Mr, Fred bray, of Lonaon, spent
SL Gocoores Anglican Church Bar-
TbRWOOTIAX, SOPt. 26d6 Government to the people of Ottar- cannot get their mail. Warn the Robinson. Social Committee: Xn- the week-triod with . the . Dwyer fAW-
Jo in a radio soilress, an Friday cv-• children to stay away from the Art O'Connor, Mrs. S. Cafik, Miss fly here,
RL George's Church Sunday, ening, Sept- 24.' The. Premier, who" post office (business excepted); - or Jean Lennon; Miss Mary Teefy,' Ernest Roffey, R. C. A. F. 'spent
26. Harvest Qovermment has been in office a -,Steps will have to be taken". 'with the the week-end at his home here.
Thankagiv- little over four weeks has created working in conjunction
Ing, at 11 A. to. and 7 p. M. Prea- officers of the League. Twenty-It ur ditty bags' for our
AL timedent and a great deal of or Navy men, were packed at the, local
other at the Morning So=' Rev.
GOW&D Channea. B. J4" Or of puf le in%rest by the mmouncement At a meeting of the Holy -Name` Red Cross rooms on Tuesday after-
All Saints' Church, Whitbir. , Mr. of his radio address. Society on the Sunday Previous, the noon by a local bridge club.
Pfampt action has been taken by
Chanson woe, at me Besse a stud- the Cioverrazient. to impleiment the following officers were elected., William McLeod, R. C. A. F. was
out Im eham of the Parish, and his . 22-point progrow announced by the Preside_ nt Mr. A. O'Connor, Vice- home spending a 'few da�s with his
nmw friends will be glad to wel- Pres., Mr. John Power, .- Secretary-. wife and baby. and Mr. and Mrs.
Premier during the election camp - Mr.
him back to SL George's. in •1 Treasurer, Mr. Vincent Teefy. N. Banks, and has now returned to
si is anticipated tW.the am-
the waning, the Ewtor will conduct g"- his post at Halifax.
rem will deal with Matters vit- The local club has again been fLT-
the Service, and preach. Sunday ally affecting the affArre of the oared with a very due andress, by United Church withdraw* Evening In our Lost issue, we reported
'k as having fractured
school, as usual At 10 a. as. Service Sunday mess. Norman Cah
Province. No tkne bus been lost.by Rev. Father B. T. K�te, when he
the Pm=er and his Cabinet 3A get- spoke before � the -members this his leg while --kin the delivery,
SL Paul's (3kur* Duabartas tang to work.' The conference of week. The theme of his address was 7U Sunday evening service at of milk for the Robin&on Dairy.
four hundred farm leaders hold. in "Religious Education ", , and it's � the United Church here, will be Mrs. Robinson called us this weeic,
'Sunday, Toronto two weeks ,niter the Drew &ppliastions both in the development withdraw?' - next Sunday evening in and in -no uncertain terms, pointed
St. Peas Dimboruft '4
6epi. &_Mll. 56LA64 C�LA A • P. — Xmaxerzon"t took office demoustra- of the child, and with the adult favour of the �annual Harvest Hdme out that he "did not break his leg
Zvmdft Prayer, at IL Rev. X G. W that. the Province is going w houpd.J.— go Pwrealed. for the Services Of K George's Anglican while working for them, (Le broke
action. 41 in his own doorgtm". We make
Bbbinson vffr'c*redu6 the .service, get - inesimmilate' first time (&@ far a& we are swan) Church. the cormetion. Ed.
and preach. The SAMA►M Of Holy 7U address will be carried over the fact that the resident clergy In Memoriam
Baptism will be administeit-ed after the Ontario. Regional Network of had been. denied the we of the Ajax
the afternoon service., Canadian Broadcasting Corpor- school for their purpose, oy offic- SLEEP In I lo of a CARD OF. THANnR dr
ving manory.
sum and will include, coverage a isle. at that place. (public schools
dear wife " mother, Mabel Sleep, J
the entire Province. in Ontario an, by the School Act, :
Former. Public school inspector who passed awiy, Sept, .25, 1937. We wieb -to extend our heartfellk
'to "time" for local
L A. Rutchisen to be bonoured. obliged to provide IMough tears in *uP eyes do not thanks and appreciation for the acts
clergy to cam an religious Itunruc- of kindness, messages of sympsth%
We Me to publish ume, glisten,
lion. Ed.)
Arid our faces are ,not always sad,• and beautiful floral offerings riot
AN former teachers who have the News to- 7%ere i' never a night. or 9 morning ceiv!ed froin our many friends doz-
tongit in the South Ontario Inspec- i Publishers of. value, and the Important in- But
the a tbA
tome, under R. A. Hutwuson, and Dear -Sin- Kindly change my add- fluence of the principles of Christ- that we think of the loved ing our sad bereavement, in
denim to attend a banquet in his ems from to Tor- one we had. death of our loving husband and
ismity in the -post war program of
honour, are requested to comanun- onto. I would like tk& change 'an . —Ever remembered by Husband 4 father. Mrs, Thos. -finnan, and-
establishing the world we hope to -nily,
Joate with the Secretary, R. A. Sen- soon as possible, as I do not want over. . n i and Son, Howard. Fat
live in, when this war is I
nett, Wlaitby, Ont., for further in- to -miss an issue of the Pickering support of these principle* he' made
formation riot later thai, Sept, 25. N' e«,• it clear that each sincere person
would choose the church 'of h`;
alth; "d attend- that church reg-
larly. He recrf.Tunendr-d, to Eotar- _�7
fans "the injection, regularly into ..M.
their programs, —.religious edue-
tion and instruction
Father Byte appeared to be re-
ceiving "above-the -average .atte!-
don to an address that has been p
commented upon many times during
the week since, in this idillee and
on the "ittoet. 4
Dr. Cartwi ight has charge of the
program next Tuesday.
Our Own Column
We know where You Lan*fi a +}' ~
all (Ford Preferred) tractor, that
is in good condition. See the Ed.
'Did . any o' pick up that parasol
age , —the one with the IN THE STV
in the village DIO
1-4-oZ—a"ridle! Again, see the Ed. j
kA�,v 5__ 1_ +T�e '` rral rt-ach,00usand. of iistener� in Onta-if
.:,DOWN P�odurer .1�t.,:vprron his he P,
THE and Quieb,.�c. Id t ni "an the air"
To the Police Trustees —, 6urch just WavL
. - �V.
Here is the Craig fzpilly of Briar Wood Farm, the day they made Str. is gs dark as the inside of a f Bee!& �ier is authc. D n Hug.ie:%
heir 10006 4roadcasf to hstcm3rg 'On CBS black cat at night". some bulbs need
in O.ntario-and - Quebec. . Id t,
replacing Frank and Art wouldn't daily farm broadcast at 12.30 p, m. L
.;- car lights am enough.
notia We
. ,, ,.. �:. 5 ` «'v.+; rs !. ..': ,ac' '✓� '•' . i s.'°r.,, ;"...+ '1. - w ®.�w..�__� ;,�'is_ td`'..
T «x 'ti s+ "�e Kk,' �•, :•' e7�++?' , ' i?.. ,• ` -' •� +"
1 61
afternoon. It had all the elements
'1 of melodrama. o -day, ,as always,. the Satadac
When the day dragged by some-
how-and r c
a�NB� �� ` only .Home and Ackley label is your guarantee of a
LIM! j• were ]eft Miss Hicks said calmly,
• I'm not keeping you in to punish uniform blend of fine quality teas.
IPATION AND you, boys. I've kept,you here' to - _ -
.i: e l that a better understanding will
�� cAE come out of all this:'! Ackley snapped, "He had no
right to talk about me like that."
u^�ner glared at him. "What's S-ALADA ` the matter with you? You seem
i!nthese busy do" of war you owe EBLLOGGS ALL -BRAN every daylG to think you're better than 'the `
r °6ttoyoarootmtry-as well an to It's delicious as a cereal or in hot; other boys. And, trying to make
self --W keep "in the pink ". That's tasty muffins. Drink plenty of water: Helen Elliot believe that too,' he
�. why it's so important to avoid the Thenaeeifyoudon'tagreeALL -BRAri fumed. •7 3 .� f
common type of constipation caused is the "better way„ to natural tegu- Firmly, Miss Hicks cut in. "You
- -by Is& of "bulk" in- the diet. And larity. But remember, cat ALT BRAN will both learn that every man --
do it by getting right at the' cause every d�yf =�
linsteed of " dosing" with harsh purge- Grocers have ALL -BRAN in two in the world is fietter than some . mended. Place . over lower part of double
+tives that give only temporary reliefs convenient sizes. Made by Kellogg's one else. In a democratic state' „ boiler. Mix corn starch and salt
"I was civilized,' Homer re-
.fast follow.-this simple plea. Eat iaLondon,Canada. every man is the equal of every with remaining cold, milk: to make
other man up to he point of ex- torted loftily. �� a smooth paste. Pour hot milk
"You haven't got a chatice.
cation and then every man is free a'Oh a fortune teller;' Homer into paste and stir thoroughly
to exert blmhIf to do'good or not, chirped. His eyes were on the Four• back into' double boiler and
to grow nobly or toolisbly. I am heat until- it begins to thiickem:
THE COMEDY.' eager for my boys and girls to ex- starter. "Well confidentially I'm
going .+^ stirring constantly. - After - 'it
ert themselves to do ;good and to: g +� „otn -" . ,
thickens smoothly, cover and_ cook
understand that each of you will "Who .says so?" for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. _
begin to be real men and truly "Miss Hicks." Remove from fire and add butter
The starter's voice ran out. "On
y human when, in spite of your dif• g and vanilla• Pour into crust and
ferences with one another you
your marks. Get net!" There was chill. Cho
F - the loud .report`• of his pi_atoj. Aped nuts or dates ,
¢, still respect one another. That -fa may -be added. if available.
"They're off!• "'shouted the crowd - - -
hat it means to be civilized. ' Apple Chiffon Fillin; .
and in that instant they all felt '
x ; 1 tablespoon .plain ge:atin
much is common as a they were
-A hush fell over the room after i/a cup ' cold -;Water
- - members of one big cheering
she had -spoken. family. caps sweetened hot apple. ,
it was then Mr. Blenton the Homer's running legs quaked. sauce -
coach strode in. Blenton was furi- This wasn't just a race. It was 3a teaspoon nutmeg ,
' ous as he demanded that Miss the teat o! a strange upsurge of 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Hicks release Ackley for' the track Pinch of salt nd 2 egg
love 'he felt for tunny looking Miss ;'t '
meet. In lush phrases he told her Hicks. And 'it was a way of prov- whites
mow+ .y N", ' ✓,,,; of Ackley's background, of his �g that maybe a, civilized 'man is 6oak' gelatin in' water b min
courtesy, his obedient _ caracter, the better man And maybe !t was sites• Then add to hot apple -
r sauce and stir until dissolved. his tine upbringing. It was all a to show Helen Elliott that she
little. sickening because everybody Stir in nutmeg, _lemon juice and
"s r ought to concentrate on a champ
knew that B ent n -wee always salt and chill until mixture be.
like Homer Macauley. to thicken. Fold in stlfft
licking the boots o! the well- to-do. stiffly -beaten
"Come on Ackley," •he wound up egg whites: Pour filling into
"1'm giving _.sou permission to (The outcome of thin race mesas trust, sprinkle with graham wafer
a lot to Homer.- He must make crumbs and chill
Going to be the strongest man In the world? Going to be a .- leave with me,- Come on." " good for ' Miss Hicks and Helen.
giant?" Ulysses asked Homer. _ Ackley sent a startled, sidelong And he must prove to himself that Tiieae delicious. mouth- water-
look at :.Miss Hicks. Then he scut- the decent way Is the. winning way. Ing Christie 's Graham Wafer pies:
Synopsis: Going to be a gaint ?" hied out aster the coach. Don't miss Homer as loser or victor will help you keep your family: -
_ Over the Macauley house In the 'Naafi!" Homer exercised rhyth- happy, help to stretch your but
mically. I'm gonna be a track Homer stood there and did 's In to- morrow's thrilling Install-
Imtall town of Ithaca, California, slow burn. "Well Miss Hicks you meat.) ter ration most effectively and - .._... _
hovers the tender, protective spirit man. I'm gonna run the two tweet- saw that. 'Is that democratic? Is - save your .electric current. gas or
of Matthew, the father who left ti low hurdles today and try to that being civilised? other fuel for oven- heating. - In
: pia family two years before for win ", - He didn't know it but Miss Prove It fact, it wouldn't be surprising if
the great -mysterious joarney of ..Why?" Hicks, as noble as the' words she- Take, -your house number and the use of this type of pie. crust
Reath. He loves them all, five Because !f's the big rare of tI certainly isn't -, ■;�4d .i..: h She double it. Add b. Multiply by .halt long outlasts the wartime.- emer -_ - --
year old Ulysses, sixteen year old Ithaca High." blew ..her. nose. "And that Mr, a hundred. ' Then add your age gency which gave it birth!
Romer, Marcus, off in an army Ulysses nodded. That 'sounded Blenton doesn't know the first (no cheating). Add `the number
Kamp. daughter Bees, his Beloved reasonable. "All right Homer, you . thing about sportsmanship:" She Of days In a year. Subtract 615. '
wife Katey. For Homer, life !s fast run , the. •twenty two, the twenty ati■. Chambers were•ma. penoast -
.. was speaking almost i6 herself. The last two figures . of the total letters from Interested readena, She
opening up. He has a job as a two, the tweuy two .. ., "I've seen good men pushed aside will be your age-, the others your- to aleaaed to reeelve ■a «e.tto■• r
messenger boy and already he has He was still ,chanting the fascia- •■ table■ for her- eatums. sad Is - seen sorrow. There was the sick sting words as Mrs. Macauley call- by his kind ... the kind who gat house num:,er, always reads to ustra to your "per
through life,. lying and Cheating, Meeee■.s 11eaaents for reelpeo or
-�' hungry boy who sent a telegram ed them to breakfast. Homer's aseelal mess■ are In order, Addresa
to his mother for money to come sister Bess was.-already at the toadying to !hose whom they think rapr letter eo "+li■. addle U.
are their superiors and crowding � � � L � _ � � g S t r.mhen, ra wen • Adetalde sr..
'home. There was the War De- preached was weeping in her heart. Toronto aesd - stamped serf• ■d -
partmeat taeset$e he had taken table. So was Nary Arena. Site - out men who are above such dreamed aavolopo It you wish a _
t0 Mrs. Sandoval shout the death was Marcus'- gtrl the daughter o! treachery," Her eyes went straight SADtE ti. CHAMBERS reply. to Hamer. "The two - twenty low
.'of her soldier son, ' And -there's "home folks" who lived nest door. -
. TPiillie Grogan the grey haired - Homer didn't hurdles indeed. Huh! You go out rPQdi'1' �Bds Pled
pay mach sites- y
telegrapher, who's afraid of losing tion to the girl's talk until they on that field Homer Macauley and . There's no reason in the world
ilia job. Homer wonders why life started that. business of getting .-go -out to win." why your family should not ea-
Homer whistled_ Miss Hicks was ' '
!4s so difficult. He doesn't realise jobs and going to wore. "What joy delicious plea for dessert, de-
that iL L he who is growing np, so unexpected. "Gee I didn't know e
about.. that . Ma ?" , he demanded. - spite the scarcity a! rationed -°
C%iAPTDR TWO _ "Their getting ideas like that?" that feaciiera are ��hsman beings -batter. and other shortenings• • ' �_ •
like anybody` else, It sounded so Here's a e crust that requires
`The alarm clock rang, at even His mother laughed softly. "Why pi
'.the next morning. Homer abut it it's perfectly natural for a couple tepid compared to his feelings. He as shortening of any ]rind - a °� O
off prgmptlp they got out of his of girls to want to get out and threw in _tor good measure. "And tender, delicious pie .crust that r .
�ody b�liding outfit. He opened flap their wings. better too." y_ g :
comes ready-made straight out
Her smile was misty. "Horner package-no
the book at lesson Seven and went Homer stuffed some sausage !n of a cardboard to flour,.
when you leave this school, long - to work with his elastic strecher,
his mouth and Crowned. "I thought no rolling. no funs whatever.
Ulysses wan awake. HA sat ap I wan going to do the work around after you have forgotten me I shall Ftrat, get a package b# Chris- _
" on his elbow, turned up his little here, I don't think Marcus would be waching for you`M the world." tie's Graham Wafers. Then place
freckled face. "Hey. Going to be want the girls to .. •" .He stopped ,He. had turned and was off like a a layer of wafers on the bottom - -
the strongest man is -the world.? indignantly. They weren't paying streak. I'll b� watching g y- greased pie plate,
g • • of a li htl
_snv attention to him, just.-whisper- trimming some of them to fit There's plenty these days to maize
ing together. Hua! aiiiy alt :,.,lit At the athletic field, three of the shape, and filling in any uti- people nervous. And overtaxe&
the fellows including Acxiey .Pere '
.,ash' <' He jumped up and grabbed, his cuve,aaeesith W =fQrcrumbs.• nerves can
cap. Couldn't be late to school to- already in the lanes: The starter Cut other wafers in halves and
day. "Oh ,well. See you tonight was looking at his watch, his pistol stand them on edge around they the soofthingquieting effect of , .•. -. ,
FAT R1GN In readiness. ' - Dr. Miles Nerve which -contains -
r when I. get bolas. Ma." . -•sloping side of the ,pie plate. And � We„_1�,�, nerve sedatives, Take' � �•,,
,w o A low murmur went up from the there's your pie crust! Nervtne according to directions for -
EFj No The classroom was filled on the spectators as they saw Homer. Don't be skeptical'as to whether help in general nervousness, sleep-,
dot of nine, Homer brushed past Homer giggled inside himself as he the pie crust will hang together lessness, hysterical conditions. net-
� Helen Elliot and smiled falntly ss caught a glimpse rf Blenton look. when , individuaI pieces are cut vous. f�; also to help headache '
.. ing madder'n a hornet. Then Ack• g goes in. It will! and rrrrtability'due to nervousness.
he put a newly cut roes on her after 'the fillin In the meantime, eat more natural
desk. Then De welt across the ley saw him and the. bleat he let Just•:try it and sets for yourself. - food • , ,get -your vitamins and take
CANADA NEEDS YOU STRONG room to fits east and sat there, out was music to Homer's ears. You'll find that each individual sufficient rest. Effervescing Nervine
s adoring her brunette beauty. 'How did you get here ?" he de- wedge of pie comes out intact. Tablets are 35c and 75c. Nervine
l 4' Miss Hicks atartdd the day's se- For the filling of Chris'tie!a Gra- liquid: 25c and $1.00.
FoIIOW Canada's FOOtf Rules eton but Homer was off in his ham Wafer Pie, use one' of the
thoughts. A lot of things were following
F �Of Health.and Fitness bothering him. He' ktiew he was in Choeoiate`Filling,
° love with Helen. And he had that S tablespoons corn starch
FREE ! A Valuable Reci fob. He was earning, a. living like 2 cups milk
Book-"Economy Recipes for s , grown man. School didn't seein 5 tablespoons sugar• s -
pp ,. - .right now. It was for kids who 1 square chocolate or 4 -
Canada sHousoldiers contain. g t
in&& many recipes suited to didn't know about life. 3 tablespoons cocoa
today's requirements. Send a $e, stiffened suddenly— That *Fs teaspoon 'vanilla 4
postcard with your name and Hube'r't, Ackley. The big snob. He Mix dry ingredients with a a✓ . `�
address with the words was •' whispering to •Helen, trying to little cold milk. Scald rest of
"Economy Recipes ". Address cut !n oil him. And he bad taken milk and add cornstarch mixture•
Dept: �fK, The Canada Starch the rose and put it to his lapel. �. Put in double boiler and stir
Home Service Department, One of the pupils was giving a �s while it coo.-.s and thickens. When -.-
�L9 Wellington St. E., 1 smooth and somewhat thick, cover '
Toronto. long disseratton to the class on -
tta- the conquering Assyrians. and cook for 10 minutes more, e' -
jj Homer jumped to his feet and
stirring - oceasWrially. Remove
-"' blurted. out: "How about Hubert from fire and add vatrilla. Pour MACDONAL.DS �T
PublMod is Ackley
the Third? Who did he " into, graham wafer crust and
Isterlsti conquer or what did ,he do ?" Ack - ^''S chill•
ley rose like the jack- in.the•box. Caramel Filling " y
1. a �<f Homer yelled, "Sit down;' S. tablespoons corn starch ��
NUTRITION t Ackley was fierce -, in retort. 2 cups milk `
CAMPAIGN �R� 31/R "Well, at least no Ackley has ever.• b tablespoons sugar
by the WkWt been a common fanfaron, a hood• 1 teaspoon butter-
d Pinch of salt
lum, a braggart, a .. •' Canadian . •Commander -in -Chief
The class was charmed by' the in the, Pacific -is--Maj.- Ge,,._G. R. ",_+ teaspoon vanilla or a 'few a
t t drops of mapleine _ t
sensation of the two bays quarrel- PearXc's� whose troops exReri- _
ing. It all ended dramatically with enced their first offensive action Caramelize .sugar by heating - , - : ,
s s arias dicks -fir1 -r *h.r tt,P ray's ih the -,bio� dless oc upation of over direct fire in top part of
would have to stay in after school: �A%JSKW. double boiler _ until, it becomes a
And everybody knew that" + ray golden brown syrup.
weye rivals in the track meet Oat 1•SSl)E No. 39--43 fire and add la* cups of milk.
a, ,w
'11.18 WAR'. WF. A — Commentary on Current Events OTTAWA UNITS entdly promises the es nticrrop y.ar�O e * -
of wheat by distilleries to male GOVERNMENT
The' Bulk Of The Italian Navy That Canada Closed this Last industrial- alcohol has also con. NATIONAL .
Crop Year With a Carry-Over. sumed a large proporton of wheat DEAFNESS
Q,,r of` 601,500,000 Bushels of Wheat in the Canadian domestic market.
-Now Safely Anchored At Mal t8 During the past crop year the SUKVFY
Canada's piled up wheat surplus, people of Canada consumed only *
about one -half as much wheat as
- Varying in details but with Indian Ocean or the Pacific, for once a bewildering and almost * Whether you are a mil sae
went into animal feed and alcohol ' ''
an inexorable logic that was be- operations against Japan in con- embarrassing factor in domestic dium or wren cw...w�hidisi
and the calculations of the', dic- junction with the American • affairs, stands ' as one of the Production. More than 660,000,000 * 7oi tw r'bsasleg aid or not !
tars, _the�iresent war is being 4orces. And though a prediction world's greatest food assets, when bushels of wheat are likely to be * • . • rtsiportant discoverlesmake
used in the United States, Canaua,
;ftugh"r it9 l.,sAogtinP,i concIil- ` die by - Generalissimo - Ghiang- war-torn humanity finally 'settles Argentina durine the nazi 12 * pO le the greseest help ever
- ��� -•• + • aA....ni a rleken nail6i% stfeeed to the hard - -6e
lion in an almost uncanny par - Kai -shek in. his opening speech v - - -
•' Y ' from starvation. - 1,lUIIi.Y6 LVl t'hE— TpeQi�a -yL- -Itgv - Y / / /RR /RR RRRR //r//R /R�RR�R� _
allelism to the course of events in the Kuomintang executive tom- stock, the production of industrial-
the last war. This is again em- mittee that Ja ari' "would' be de= Despite the increased use of * ACOUSTICON INSTITUTE
phasized by the dramatic surren- lasted in possibly cis months, alcohol or for heating. of homes
wheat for other than human con- 33u Bay Street _ To:ontu
_ and bu41d[nge.,•,., - „��•e•., ,:y
der o! the � Italian Navy, the - bulk and certainly s not much longer ,swum Q tioona during loed pthe`year or ' / ' * 1"ant /eifto/9 /rFREE omen #174 * �
of which is now safely in-Allied than one year, may'•pro've to bi
-- = hands. Thirty -two Italian war- too optimistic, -the Japanese mil- crop year with a record carry -ov- -r This is more wheat than was
ships, including four battleships, itaryy masters know what the Ital• of 601,500,000 bushels of wlieat, moved in international trade in * s~
six cruisers, eight destroyers and tan surrender means to them, and Dominlc n authorities have just most 'of the years between 1929 -30 * Oa ............ ..... -: ........ _ ... ........
._...- ......._. _ it
fourteen submarines, are now rage accordingly reported. and the outbreak of the present
$ $ Y
anchored at Malta,. in fitting
This ca_ y -oven was approxi- war: s °
Result of Armistice matel 177,000,000 bushels greater Shipments of Canadian wheat
-homage to that indomitable is- • ' y ; n
land. More war vessels. are expect- The surrender of the Italian than the surplus remaining at the flour exported during the Brat Tilaill� GOd!
- .ol if they can- escape the -Germs fleet with all its consequences; is end of July, 1942, and 121,000,0`10 nine months of, the crop year
one result of the armistice- or- bushels more' than the previous 1942 -43 totalled approximately ""
man clutches. The Germans, hav- ran ed b General Eisenhower -
fug seized the' northern posts of g y record carry -over on July 31, 1941. 137,000,600 bushels compared with - Before the war, an Engusnman
'Italy, may. have. succeeded in with the Italian King and Marshal A feature of the 1943 situation; 169,000,000 •in . the corresponding stayed with an Italian family, t
Badoglio. And, as - General Eisen- according to official report at the period the previous year. Flour
.,capturing some of Italy's- fifty,
g P The' 10- year =old faion of.- the
bower said, the armistice is worth capitol, was the large p
. to bixty submarines, _as they have ge supply of shipments in terms of wheat were household said grace before din- • •- -
_. yrobably- "seized- .wpart of , Italy's While even if it nets the Allies wheat still in farmers' hands, at 5,000,000 biinhels larger than in • . ner a follows: "Thank Mussolini ••
merchant fleet. But it may be - touring its nets hthem much leet•mo the- end- of tiie crop. year... More same, period. of the .194142 crop ___for this good mesh; thank God- for -
doubted whether they will bg able than 197,000,000 bushels- almost Year. VS heat grain exports were ,,
than that.. It eliminates a nation Mussolini. r '
to make mu6h use of them. one third -of the total carry-over 37,500,000 bushels smaller, The Visitor: "There. will come
of 46,000,000 from the fight, to-
' . ---was held on tits forms.
— - The Italian Navy, in any case, - a time when Mussolini will die,
,gather with its manpower, its . . �
Is either "present or accounted resources, and the millions of or will resign. Wlmt will you
for," especially all of its remain' The use of wheat for animal American farmers produced say then?"
, _ing battleships, and presumably' - ' 'bayonets of which Mussolini used feed was one. _of the outstanding more than tour million acres of The Boy: "I expect we shall
all of its remaining cruisers. And, to boast. -tiew York Times. developments of the past year, flaxseed in 1942. just say 'Thank God.'
according. to 'Allied spokesmen,
" they are first- clask . and ready. for
immediate' action; which will' be
.greatly facilitated by the Allied
- seizure of the naval base of Ta= - .• � =•
Iranto, 'which presumably is stock - _ : L UNITED. NAT16M l '
-ad 'with -all necessary naval sup w --
plies. :. '__ WITH WAR ALCOHOL ''
•- sciii,
_ f
- • - Inevitably, thoughts go bask to - • - - � - _ _ "'1 _, " - ;
Scapa Flow,- where a once proud
German Navy surrendered after
thtt. last war. Once again it has
- - •. j
been ah iwn that an interior nary
is little more than an expensive -
luxury, p
ry, and in a prolonged war
even s danger point. F_ or, as m
the case - of Imperial Germany,-
..the disintegration- -of the Italian -
fighting spirit- also began in the - -
navy, which, even more than the
Italian land-' and sit fo- Ices,' -was' -
reluctant 'to face the overwhelm-, _ -
- Ing odds of Allied superiority. 0
The only service it - could render- --
to the Axis cau.,e was. to immob
ilize - a large part of the British
fle M - l - -
et in the -Mediterranean. But
- e could not and did not_ stop : __ T E RAIN OF DEATH IS DEADLIER BECAUSE OF
either the Allied invasion of - -
North Africa or the • invasion of jj -- - • - -
-the Italian 4omeladd. And this rd - _ '-r _ - -
Italian collapse.
fusal to face suicidal odds was - OVA R ALCOHOL
one of the main causes of the : _. .
... - : .. -
ry.', ;
.. - . •- - But the surrender of the :Ital-
tan Navy is bath
more and less - - • _ _,......_ .
than Scapa Flow. It is less be-
cause Germany, the main enemy,
`still continues the fight, and has Hero is a load of grief for Hitler 1000 pound ,
' .even succeeded in seizing the ma -. �:� j • • -_• ..._- _
jor portion of Italy, from which 1
` :- packages of concentrated destruction, mode
it will take time and trouble to , Alcohol, grid powerful
•_: dislodge her. But it i ...slab more; _ - _ _
with the help of War AI
,enough' to flatten rylrote' cety: blocks.
because both General Eisenhower - - .-
: _ '-,and Admiral Cunningham have al- - Dve to its "stabilizing" influence, alcohol is also
ready made it clear that the Ital- L. -_
;. used in tremendous quantities in'the making-of
u 7.
tan Navy will becoime'parE of thb • '
. y - -° ., ,• , ,. -: �.� :'. _:' ' _';. ' u smokeless powder and other war materials, p is .. � .... -. _` _• • -
Allied naval forces, y to be used other, widely used in the manufacture _
-•� e a basis. for e del -
_ ;','against both German and Japan.
of high expkuive. It keeps planes ice -fret. M , / •• -
.. -
Surrender - .. �. i.eerN, 1,, ".Ks and tanks rolling in zero temper -•' ' +1
d r of the Italian fleet' _. -. . .
.has finally cleared the 'Mediter- \, atgres. h is used in the production of synthetic
' ranean of even -a potential men - = rubber• and plastics. It serves doctors,. nurses
ace. It has thereb opened a
y P P an .. and field dressing stations as a practical dic- � �•
unimpeded highway: for • even - " kifettont• Alcohol is now in Battle Dress 24 hours
greater attacks against the re-
maining Axis pSrtneis, From now _ ,ua day. All of our plants are producing it
on, Allied convoys can wove to, 100% ccipdcitj ::: for the duration. -
- freely -through' ghat 1.l6ine of
triter- Allied communications for H I R A M WALKER S Q N S' =✓ .. :.:
landing, ogerationa' at any point -'
along its shores on which the Al- L I M I T D_ '
: lied command may decide, From
now'kon, supplies to Russia, to In- -
_d s, "and' to China will find an `sue •air :
easier and shorter route than the
'long way 'around the Cape of
Good Hope. Finally,' from now
` on, a Iark, part b! We British ' - -
fleet can . be transferred to' the -
- "REGILAR .FELLERS —Come and Get It _ - ; By GENE BYRNES
OUT rOiJIiSELf . -TfiAMA� Vi m Ni ! Ti1AT SAVES OH, 90Y: NAVE r GOT A IDEA . FipF! YA . �1
d'a -....' .,'- •a.-.�.. .. N.Y.*- r'Sk• s47.t,ads_^•.�.11 vz^•`- r.;...�' �• ...._:, .. '^:°.r- .+. -+�,, iv:,.va`+:.n�'1 _'.::k - ..s.� ^— _- ,...q'.• '� ,�. .T :1 ..r _ ♦,zS•'..
e• .
a ttiJ• `get � .a.m,A e�,�a� ... .. ..., ... - 11` •• .. .. - - _ _, _ _ _ _ w�. - - - • - .. .I. '
�aUDi,EY - tered� Holstein Dairy Herd, Horses, i to Geo. Zimaner, Ltd. at Lot 18, con. ~ Irierb -aM Hoslw :Farris Elevator
Continued fromr adjoins page Near now Farm implements, includ- i 6, Pickering, half mile north of ties. 38J _ _ Office sew -
Allis- Chabners tractor on rub- Brougham•, or. the Brocx Road. Government Licensed
.''•`?Iighway, and Mr. and Mrs. t'. M. bit•, also new magnetic milker and `!Tervns clash. Sale at 12.30 sharp. No MAIN Str. - STOUFFVILLE SPECIAL
:(�apman attended the 'York Count), cooler, about 2806 Leghorn pullets �,reserve'as farm is sold.-Clark Oren pitons 191
'jersey Sale. on 'Monday last at' and yearlings, grain etc. oeloneng ; tice, auctioneer.. ° 6korts, :31.00 per tow
dsm Hill. - Maternity. - Medical aid 84irgieai ; 1670 Protein
Gardiner `Winter is resting for s — - Cases Taken 1 -
r ~fortnight at Presque'lle Point. Maternity Semi-Room Last yearta binder twine at this
'- Eric Denham and family arrived _ _
old price.
'� - -- Registered Noreen in A'ttend�e Grata and Clomps• of all.-Kinds,
_ . here last week, fromS udbury to'
ezxi an for
and 24 -Hoar' Service Given Order your chick starter c=ity
take up h �r MIN HC
duties as sm _
.. ly .�
. _ , �. - - - - A�baistres .- See*iee. - - - - -
�„ -.•.� Laying Mashes and Dairy Feeds
with a: school in Manitoba.. • They T
will live in the • Gates' house. We - - MRS.. E. R, GOOD ]�Urd'to replace..
v. Accl ne them to our coranunity, � �'
I Claremont, 4n
• - � - - -ETA�1 LEY :r' - WANTED :
Whitevale M �A k: : „ DEAQ HORSES AND CATTLE
For tree pieK up phone
F'rida evenm Octofier 1st Did ...... :, . � ..... ...... .
�� • „
I ..a That wt�`� be at the I: 0.0. • ^ ��:. :� Theatre'
� BRAOKLLi+I ....... .. bi5
F. Hall at a Euchre to be held .for ........... _. ._.
' Community. Funds and to provide . ' "" ''"
fir'' PICKERIDTG .... 601
-..•.. �.Stouffville PICKERING ........ ..... art
hr�tu as-I3otie§ or -1 cat-boys now ` -- - - GINCOURT ......... zone • 8144
overseas, under :he auspices of the _- Phone Stoaffvilte 100 I „�
.Women's Institute,_ T"sIG WP pay' qua-- t+��>� C178rgeE 1.
Sunday. next, Sept. 20, - the t n- THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY.
' ited Churc .Sunda; schioi wilt hold of preparing their homes now against this winter's CORDON YOUNG LTD
- h :leptember 2� 24 and 25 ^-
- = —their Annual Rally �sy' rvice 'at -coal shortage. They are acting now! _ _ , • - -_- • —{ : Toronto Phone Ad. 3688
110 o'clock, Mrs. Jones, ,'Markham, - ~
•.-" • -will be KLLest speaker. Alf of the - _ .. ,
'Classes will have -some part in the -- ry �+, Pat O,Briee and Glen Ford �+
yubgragn. It is hoped all' Who pots- V IFROENT: HOMES SHOULD BE The' he' Farnlerar '
ibly can, will come and enjoy this ADEQUATELY INSULATED• Cetnedy, Cartoon, Neva Reel
;Oervice. Qwing tq Least HiHI Ann -
4„ 11Ct10116ert
Yvessary, the eti•ering .service will MONDAY, TUFADAY, WEDN'SDY
,e withdrawn. Heft ore SOIMO � A �r
The 'Wanen's Institute enjoyed - doing NOW F -- September, 27, 28 and 2!1 A!v►11'1 `��.-
an interesting and educational aft- �f _ Farm gtoelr - Fanuttnre Sik•
w . moon at their September meeting Have your entire heating - =vilest � Sunset on the
-' grhleb was held in the Public Lib- inspected• Otder necessary repairs.. _ A Specialty
nary. Mrs. Reeson. -of S�t"o was Have your furnace thoroughly : _ _.. _ . _ I;8 Years experiences. No Sal•
..the guest speaker. Her address 2 cleaned by a competent man. lose- _ _ Dot
_ . shrewd 'all items of tha . Wartkae . lste furnace and pipes where necessary. Too Large or Too Mall
prices and Trade Board that. house- _ 207.20ge" � l;wbM7. - dota•tey, Out. R. R. t. or Phone
Be sure that have su ident storm
-�, -- -- •_paves need to know and heed. As it 't 7°a -- _ _ .__ .. a" - - - -- • - LkaalivUk 79ee
wan National Women's Volunteer. - windows and that all windows and
: Week, Roll Call was answered bye— doors fit tightly. Have cracks in w lts . ns of Pioneers
"An I a Volunteer ?" Decided to repaired:
Weatherstrip whatever k is. • ,D • .A, � gj I .
leollect in the community for Xmas necessary. F,onbider seriously the is ulr also
_ -
• Lion of ceiling and wails.
!- Boxes for 1ou1 boys overseas. Ildrs, House jof Mystery •
Fite Save a conical reading. ]Era Many homes waste as much as 60% of their fuel throw ioe�i- hllsnrsntae Of .A1 Finds.
: - - - Randall demonstrated a Child's ,dent headag equipment,` inadequate ituulation -an other -
- School Lunch. Ten Ditty bags for t hest losses. Winter is Last around the corner. Prepare NOW I TRtnMAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Best Rates Available wiih
. i&ulore were handed in to conveners.
It In hoped XTs. Aitken will visit t ♦ • September 3e, October I and g.. see txritry and. Servioe.
'the Institute some time in October. � ,- m e i� _ ui't H$ _
Sale Regtater • OF MUNITIONS s Abbot and Costello BROUGHAM. PICK SIS
THE -- _
.Friday, October 8 auction sale of
- •Sawn stock, imprernenta, hay and. N'�'� Clarke Prentyce !
gtsln etc., at part of Lot ZQ - con. _ • � + �
6, Pickering, half mile west from( Alfa Hay LICENSED AU(yl'IONEiA
w .'Brock Road, the property . of Dan
!(lannon• Sale at 1 p. m. Te=ats cash. � - • - - 1 -
For the Coaaties of York and Oni•
: No #serve, as farm to leased. .� I . ••t0••4t••r
i arid; saeeessor to Cory. Hen Pwa�
Clarke Prentice, auctioneer. i�C WO�rld'e N+e��we��� TT� T�3lOts$h " Rasrse Narmill Ltd. � of C. A. & F., and of the Left
• i Iliil�i Vali wriAN 17l�lbtvm MONMR a S. Prentice (formerly Bti+ 102
.;.Friday, October 15 •-_ extensive snc -- -' ; !'rewo !e Msrkhaia sad Prentice)• Farm sad l�at'sa■
Lion sale of choice grade -and regis- ? As Is4rw fond ZWy NewSPA er stock Bales • Specialty', at Fab and
_ _ -_ b T�• , u f� Notivne. t o You .`le s - Elditerial• Am rmdy and I' , . , . i and Im Dsiy Take ]\otice Please Fasedew Torches willV eV w•aldv Mapsie• Seeds. maw PRONE GIN. 68 W /, ]LILI11lL7MT
- -- - D_� -
- 11lawie•r -aa Iawl Newpapee — o� -- -- -oo�- - _'
Century Boys - td the H
Y Teo chri.tiaa sci•no. Publishing Sodas _ -�We do building of all kinds
T -
One Norway *rest, Borton, Mamachus•ta , is ,. :,' = Q iPIIVTERING _ S, C: CLEND'ENING
P i oo Y-•arA , ar �1 a�MM th.' -- - - — CEMENTING 1tttNESAL pIBEGTOli
iSaave+day_ including apzin• 2.50 • Y•ae. PLUMBINQ
Modern and Old Time Dancing Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Gas _ . _. . j
Nasty , SOOb'ING - Private Ambulance
fl'aee. 10 I.aniidowne ire: (at Queen) Addicts _ -•- -�-- -�. -.-�. - We also sell Brantford R+otiti� _ '!
-- --- SLater4ls, Empire Bathroom Pbaae Mark. tNC .
Fgaipment, .Duro - Water -: Day or Nigbt o
r' :
-• - - - -- -- -•- .SAMPLE COPY ON REQUI&ST
- Malvern NN �
��� -
- ]Markham, Onto
�I omen. FrL' and Sat. Nights ^
:'Sovereign Fall XWdamateg Fr°e : _ : F• J. Donavan, {�
1 Cr work Gascaabesd p
"O f'r
ih03. Dovercourt Rd. (North of- Blooe) A., H. $a i t�
- E Phone 6608
' mission 60e P R )Eq_- ---- IATG, ONTARbO Oatarlo Lind Sas�yo�
F. J. FROUSE , - ; .� Stag sty.- -Bast, O.bav& I-
: wate Fo: - - EORGE D R EW - . _ 1951
Rawleigh Dealer.
l 8e can supply your Cold Needy - - -�,- 'RADIO Ei E R V I C E
I calth Builders, Laxatives will make a re�bOrt - : i
Soaps, Toilet Preoaradoaq, = 4
S ices end Pie- foliap
. p.�...at P�
Carson Neill
� sass. t,» TMaper �a r
t•. ��4t�'1 .. h1a.e.. It dly be Yoas ll�r... t
We Brock Str.' WMtby, Oat. J. . ° Friday, P - claas,nesed Repair. . ~;
C. H. TUCK. OPT. D...
:8.3 P.• m. : Dlswey Block Opp P. O. Aar ' l�aloi, or ltaMi
r .= ,Nis le Leaf Fire - • .• ARTHUR •FIELD ��
jjrrpMM__rr ��__/�'�t oaer the Ontario Regional Network of the � >�ne lgls P$o� �s r._..
' hmwanceCo. ; 08ECkWA, ONT. , P[C$aBINQ ON'p.
-' _ 'Canadian 'Broadcasting Cor�orati6+rie � . , . - -
amp Bats for Fame and Cowtrs - and A,�liated.Statiams . -- �.. E, O�N� ��..:%f
—Rought a" Snlldin�a
- - - - ! - Inauaanoe ..on Boildiags '� - CiathNag used, akan•� FUNERAL DIRROTOR AND
F '
Whwww* td t0 19l[BALIIE>iR lwp An
.spa. _ C.B•L..Toron >y a class sudtM Auocesaor;tolW. J. M9t1ee� y
1WrJJe or Phone •. - .. 10 dr osu and pants. Also . a 'good Btolt$ville
• • • • • • stock b? noo; leather ooa�te and
Right +end Day fttvtoe
rv' .
leis, and gents' • fnr dsho
_ . • • name (� � o„�y 19Alus�tlfle- Priem, an ,
: J , J- u : k• 6t IONTARM - - - _" w and Tie, ton V11300 ed Rea" Te0e saftftess Mai
r ,y, p,.y8am. .8tikw.a,►rti/y� WRt(+ The •ahel For The DMr y
iii• W W. �n WM mow_
�4 - - - -. - ::.... s. -. Y'� - ,'N.. - ..].:'': ^. f � • � .."• 491'. ; •'�'s..x .;�.
. .._ -fib; ° ;:�� 4 • •� • :t �• z;A
__,__ '. ', . �. . • • : _. , . -'- . .. n . ,. , ... , So. • _. �. :A R E'M*. 0- old metat etc. so that everything Mrs. Moore died at her home last ■
will be ready for quick pickup by week - -
V L i A, Fridaq, .29th. Ask your Red Cross Mr. William Duncan attended the R insole
r members where to leave -it. The North Pickering Red Cross meeting
iMlr, George Scott has returned aV the three -layer cake at the wedding - hearty co- operation of all is asked at
ghatn last week,. .
ter w aix week vacation in the West, supper served on the laws,. Promin- for in this campaign, Mls, Birkett Mr. • and Mra. -Blake ' L' ehnssn, Ralph E. Mowbray. 'to having s
-- Messrs Ross Redshaw and Gordon ent among the guestti, .eras the.- reported the need for clotting and K and Benson and, tins. B. E. `sale of his stack and ilanpi"Ments on
~Lynn have reported for military . bride's grandfather, Mr. Jas. Rout- comforts for civiliafis, service -tnen ' Draper were Trenton visitors re- October 7th.
exsaaination, 4ey, 84 -years-'of age. For travelling, and 'navy; and she' 41so stressed the cently. _ _ Kr. and Mrs. Robert Young spent '
_We are sorry to report that Mrs. the bride wore a robin's -egg blue need of more workers to meet the Mrs. T. A. Barefoot has accepted Sunday teat at the Howard Ptax-
]thigh>fon has been confined to bed dress with brown accessories, The demand, as winter appro+schta. a position at Ajax, She is stopping ton hams at'Markhann, 7
. _ A number. of friends gathered at •happy couple left in a shower of -r.- n - with her father, J. B. Wilson. Most fanmera here have aomnpie- -':
the home of Mr. and' Mira, 'Arthur confetti 'for a` short'stay in Western _. _ _.._ Mr. and Mrs, J. A_ , Alteleer, of._ ted their threshing. The 'mired grain
lP_rouee Iasi Friday, to_�onour their Ontario _ . _. �� Toronto, apent the week -end with oRas a Fecr(`'crop this' yea% They
daughter, miss Lam. ;a, �. recent bride "- - J. E. and Mrs. Wilson, have their tall wheat planted for
ah,,,wCr. - - - - - '- -- _ M, - C*^af3IR*ad nntorr ins„e a_- the -gext- ,,,z, The _
Rev. Kennedy-took charge of the - _ number of friends to a shower for generally is very good. -. -:
anniversary services at Ashburn on Miss Lois Turner., Mrs. Crossland „ The Foursquare Class will meet '
'Sunda last, . Bro"Ugh am Mrs, •Milton Pegg and Joie are brow ht ' a at the home bf Mrs, •Llo d. Mood y' B prettily- decorated tea Y y
visiting' _ Mrs, Muskoka. tnotlrer -at of Oshawa on WedneadIa g,
Miss ,Hazel l3inan is ,�ttendinig i wagon, loaded with gifts which , y evenin ,.
Magnetewan, Muskoka.' , September 29,
Normal School- in Toronto, • - - -� - - - Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Preesell and is opened and thank each donor, ' - -
We are sorry to -report that Mrs. Miss Gladys Gannon, R. I�., was and Mrs,. Crossland afterwards sec- M� in Rogers entertained
home one do. last week. Mr. Wm. Maffey, of Toronto, at- e1'Y the ehnbexa of the Ladies' Miasiori
Borland has been confined to bed y tended Divine 'Service here on Sun- ved a v dainty lunch in the din- an
the last, two weeks, but hope for a Miss Clark, of Brockville, Is. a ing room, Miss Turner will be mar- Circle, of Brooklin on Monday ev-
est of Mr. and Mrs, E. Anna, day last, and spent some time with
speedy recove some of their friends rim' on _October 2nd, at Whitevale 'erg last,
Miss Mary Wagg, R. N:, of De- Miss -Bate was a - Toronto visitor United Chur(jh, _ _ Church Service will be withdrawn
last w�• Miss Marion McVey, of Toronto
lroit, is spending a few days with - i+loimmal -w at home on Sunda thus Sunday, September 26, as Mt,
'her parents Mr, and -Mrs. Nelson Mrs, E. -� was a Brou frhawii as y -= - _ - — ...- Zion are celebrating their Fiftieth
visitor on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. -Fred- Byers and °
*� Anniversary.
Wagg, here. Mrs Moore Harlock is slow- Miss Marjorie, also John and. Mo. Mount Zion The Woman's- Association
Mrs, Walter Daniels' brother, Dr, y MiTeton, visited friends in Osh- met at
E. VII. Parsons, and. Mrs, Parsons, rt recovering frown her serious il]- .� the home of bars. Robert Young on
awn on Sunday,
,if Rochester; - -N. Y., motored over hiss• - 'Miss Verna Stevens of Toronto Wednesday afternoon last, -with the
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Ba sec called Mr. and Mrs. Erma Disney called P usual number re p
for• a farewell visit with Rev; and spent the wee,c -ewi with Miss Jean present. Ars: Ralph
on a few old friends in Brou am- 'on frienda in Oshawa Ho:;pital last Mowbray, t President
-. Mrs. DowUels last Thursday. Sunday. _ _ Linton. Y, t►e Presided.
Sgt Pilot William and Mrs. Tom - . on Friday evening. Pte. Jack Pyatt, of Aam>Iton spent Arrangtnents - were made for a
Rev, J. S. Ferguson fVM the The Y. P. U. met at the parson- Y Social Evening, Janson, now back ft+otn t$e U. S. g" last week with Mr, and Mrs, Perc g, to be held in the'
have gone on to Port Dover wher?�17pit here on Sunday and was wel- -age fret Monday _and rE- .,rbanized Jones, Hall early in November. The even-
for by his old congregation. for th ecoming year. in to conWi t of a
they will reside, s grega Rev, E. McBrien, of Suduury ca.i- g supper, games
Rally Da Service will be held in iiiWe.weicome "Mrs• SelkirK and her • - plaint snd fishpond -fo young and old. -
Rev, Daniel will take as his theme % y Tamil to their new horns Navin � on a few o Trends this' �
for next Sunday morning, when he the Sunday Scizool at 1.30 p. in. on Y having It is over fi0 years since Mr. Messrs Milton wrbray and Hook -
.gives Ms farewell message, ••His Sunday next, _ purchased Mr. and Mrs. Kirby s Brien left this .district. er and Misses Jean Mowbray and -
t ' g, Mrs. George Drynan, of Toronto, cosy home, Rev. Selkirk us a Chap- Velma- Balsoh will have charge a
Clwsci►', and in the eveniri "The A few from here attended the r., rge of
Necessities of Life". was with her graidparenta, Mr, and lain with the, Army. - Jones-cook wedding in 'i3ro,6klin Ac -games. The next meeting will
�9te SepteKrrber mestir,g of the Mrs. T. C. Brown during -she week. We also welcome, although late United. Church last Saturday, be in October, at the horns of the
.Women's Institute met at the home Corp, Rose Willson apd Mrs. Will- in welcoming,'Mr. and Mrs. McAr- President Mrs. Rat
thur and fermi] g p brtiaa L: Elliott spent the seek -end ph IYiowbray,
son were at the old home for the 3, .etieY ha to - � her ha-ne in, lldarkhani, School has re- opened for the tall
of Mrs. Fred Evans. Dr. week -sad. chased the Jones Jacky E;atate, • bet- term with Miss Doreen
-_,Vallaise, of Pickering, was Remember the 'Annivermr, Ser- egg, of
speaker. His subject, "Children's Mrs. Cosgrave, of Toirer•kto, visit; te`r known as the Bush farm. vines at Mt. Zion United Church 'Greenwood, again in charge. Theis
teeth, and their Care" wxj very in- ed Bert and hire, Harvey during the The many friends of Mr. J.. L this Sunday. Service in the morn- are 27 pupiha attending this- year,
struetive, and the ladies of the In- ' p w �' Pegg are glad to know he is Reif- lug at 11 a. -m. with Rev. dhart, of i Sympathy of the community is
Mrs, George, A. Gordon. Toronto,- ing :over hjs recgnt 4Peration fine. eztended to the Matthews'-- statute were very grate[ul to the Toronto as the speaker. Service. -in - y
�t+as a week -end visitor at the Wm. Mrs Alger and little dalughte; of -, nits@ at Broil -
_ Doctor. Mrs. welter Wara, wind Mrs. Markham visited Ivan and .Mrs. eve with Rev Horton, Pet - t} -
W. R. Evarls rendered piano. duets. '� Q1 b0eis' erboro. We would like to see some
V. A. D. Mrs. Francis Ritchie, Hadwin last week•
1�. social- half -hour followed. of the older mrembert out, who used _
.Flight -Sgt, and Mrs. W. W. Toth' aper� the wreck -sad with _he: tire- There will not be an y Sunday to attend church here. Audley linson , will be guests of honer to bands people here• School ' or Church Service :ere next Mr. and Mrs. - Will _Gruen ,eipent R C. O.- C, Ross Knox and Mrs. Sunday,' it being Mt. ZiuA fiftieth I
their friends ai a ' reception at the the week -end at U pdaay. t .
' Knox, and �C�.wrge Knox, of the R anniversary, Rev. Wesley t'rnar•t, of - •
haane of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. The pupils of the 3rd, 4th and
C. A. F. were home last week-end. Toronto and Raw. -Fred Horton, of .
"lbaliisson, on Tuesday evening, Miss Doreen Findlay, oi- Toronto, - lath Forms returned to ac'iool this There will not be' any Sd/rdday
Peterborn, old, �asto�•'s of this Car i
;3ept. 28, from 8 to 10 m -
to spenMrs., e weekend at the vices, it, witternoe ca charge ntl* A- --week. School or Church $e ce on
p. -- - rr Sunday J
Farmers in this area have /asst next owing to the Anniversary at
Red Cross to Hold Salvage Drive g o3 next year's fall wheat, planted Almond's.
_ .. ._ Howard Malcolm home, pectiveely,
Ths Claremont and Borth Pi. cker- -Sunday School will be held, at- 10 • Mr. and Mrs. Von 'Pilis, No 8
Mfrs. E•. Crocker_ returned horn@ Dr. D-, V. Eiosidna, of Toronto
ing Red Cross are holding a Sal- a. m. this Sunday. Continued on the nest pace
wage Drive during the- week, of on Sunday after spending, the week assisted by local talent; gave a fine
: September 27, The children am ask- with Mrs. Matthews; Other visitors . program in the church on Saturday -
ed to have the papers tied in band- were Mrs. Matthews' relatives balm evening last, under the auspices of
, 7 Aurora and Brooklin. .. _ C�rakup ,9, of tlreW; -W. Thsnlc9 very - 'Markham •1
" ,irs, and taken to the Crated Church Mr. and Krs, Upton have left the rhuch. faw
abeds. All salvage accepted, except village, the former going to train- -
-- ; ' bof;ttem and Ern cats. Ing camp, and Mrs. Upton, to live
ilrarewe11 Tendered Rev. Walter rbs� runts, to be 'nearer her hnr
- '' aril Mfrs. >Jlanier, Ted Fallow was home'on Sunday: GreeRU-, River 30, Oct. an� % 9wl'ting group of the Institute a - Black looking very •atndart in his Navy nr►- F]'$'@ Oct. Black �X, White 5�10w
: teltdeted s banquet to Mr, and -Mrs. hform, A tine manor lad, he carries •
Daniel on Friday evening at the llErs. Gall and baby daughter,.
Club House, Mrs. McIntyre, on be- best wishes with him in hia chosen Earths, of Toronto,- visited with Kiss 1
halt of the group, presented -Mrs. service. Ruth Hutchings recently, Special 'Class fudging by Jr. Farznm
,Daniel witR a well- filled toilet bag, We regret_ to report Mrs. Har- The tadies' Aid will meet at the - r'''r °
expressing regret at their departure, �' Moore having passed away on home of Mrs. Roy Seebecs on Sept, -Trotting Races
`Horse ShQein$ �r•Vrite
$aburday, September lK� after a
Cla.reman't. Uri. Daniel replied 29, at 2.30 p, m. Sharp,. Word for
`•`Snaking the ladies for ,their kind fingering illness. Her husband and Roll Call "Home ". Q '
sera and assuring them that the 'have the --- a3Anipathy of Rally. �y Service at 'Sunday —Sat. O_ ct. 2 ' Red & White - Show
neighbors, one son overseas, one in
fellowship and' the friendship for - the Service in Canada and the School, October 3rd. Special apea- p�
3-ned among them would never be ker -at all services, . and you are Judging Horses, Cattle, Sheep "Pigs ect.
dorgotten, youngest, at home.
welcome at all meetings.
- -The Women a Institute held their - -
September meeting at the home of Mrs, T, Williams returned, horse Horse Races Ponp Races s
.._ iJvited Church -to -withdaraw service after a pleasant visit at Niagara. J '
on Sunday Evening Nezt, Mrs' Carl Devitt, with s gdod'att- Sfd. Davies, of Toronto, vas-
At the United Church next Sun- i4en -t e, Mrs, X. e, . Miton, Pier ited with Miss Margo Wilson. ' •
i,tent wa. in charge,. Mni. William Old. Tome Dance In_ArE no. at Nl it
day-, Rally Day will be observed, in g Mr, and Mrs- Jack Cowan, Tomn- a �• — . _ _
Devi who is visiting luz non, was �---- i
the Sunday School, with a. special• vgry Pleased to meet with tide Ins- `to, spent the week -end with friends.
offering. Parents grid friends are titut�- where she was once an act. Congrstulstiona to Mr. 4nd' Mrs .Ada. -35d -Cars '3808 - Childr'en ,Free '
invited, The morning service at-11. Rome Carter — it's a bop. ., with the charge. Onelsdber.' The topic for the aft-
pastor in char The ev- ernoon's program was "Citiseirship" � $��� u extended to ' llfr, ::- iL:H Crosby Sea John Scott Tres. A.S. ,Ward Tr.�as-
' ening service will be withdrawn, so Harry .Moore and _eons. The late
t!s/et our people may attend, the taken by -Mrs. Bruce Ritchie, assist- - _
:Baptist . Church, - Rev, Daniel giving '1'• Robertson, "What is a Good Cit.;.' - - -
ed by Mrs. L, Johnston, and Mrs.
his farewell address.
_ izen ?" was answered for Roll Call: -
- Pronso- -Be,l Tea was served by Hostesses: Mrs. to The farm home o1 Mr: arts Mis. Dtvitt, Mrs. W. Knot, Mrs. Albert Arth Gras and Kra Oscar Wilson. f Jere s the Nerir, Easy llllay _
'Arthur J. ' Prouse, Clareos,ont, was The W. M. S. held their ' Septeb n- _
the scene of a very pretty, wedding be, meeting at the L, JohaAon ■ — - -- ''
on Sept. 8th -. when their second dau- home, with 'a fine a ,ice, . and yMeals"
ghter, Doris Irene, was united in President Mrs. • Nortor• ^ ia" charge. -lealthfii Fami!y \ -
marriage to Mr.. Eimeiur Y,'Bell, After the Business Session was con-
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, of eluded, Xise Dorothy Harlock, Det- OMBN everywbare sodailm "Bit -ttD� ��
l<TitBtldge, The vows were taken, egate to the Training School for
with R6,. Kennedy officiating, in a Leaders, held at Whitby Ladles' V work•to- Ain" . authotitsdre ' new
:' aroostr beautifully decorated • with v _' bpoklec that takes all the ork oat' of J
bouquets of gladioli, feral ollege, gx a as excellent report of $vesss►
rns sad ant-
proceedings and thanked the main- Sped nutrition. It's practical ... time�E :
err under streamers forvning an berm for sending 'her. ,Mrs. tolinaton
arehway. Tire bride, given in niarr= ..easy, to ow l And there's a cop? for yea
• ' $i Sr., 8r aonddtcted the Devotional Per-
: isgs by her •i'stber, was atthnd in a �' X,, Lloyd Johnston introduc- F8>�, p17 b9 xaailias the cotrpoa below.
iflow- length gown of white satin, ed the New Study Book. Mrs. Goo. -- - - }
llttges•tip veil crowned -with a halo lrJryasa, (a vhsitor) cwhtrhbnted rev- A ithoritIam realise the impor'taace
r, i- Of �white flowers and entries a boa- oral musical nutmbers. An enjoyable �Itriuoa for health, as aa.ud to Victory. Yet rttr. 2neMwid - -
Z,getst of roses, . Miss Hilda Prouse, ball hour was' spent at tea tables. - recent Gorernaaent burveys show that *0 iltlN" ..
sister of the bride, more a street- The meetin - daHoie■s ... tM■elp,
,:..length dress of Mine silk �Pteer?er - -'- g vi the '� -:diet of t30 pemnt of Csnadiaas is deficient. ,
Jersey with North - Pickering Branch Hied Cron e*aps you+ family lack proper foods to
=.bolo of pink flowters sad caviled a -vvas lield at the Bert Harvey home T build health, etamiina; hi 5 morale =lo help 'who• .;
bouquet• of asters arK- baby's - breath. on� the
�'e presiding, Sept. remont Brou- � _ __;._ �p them fit, on the job L - . ,••. - � - w�°�a��°°'°•°"`xp`0a"~ - ,'• ,, -�
Xr. Victor 8ypnee . of Claremont act - '- MAIL T N 1: C O U r O N
ed as groomm/nan, Mbs Verna gham and Green River were rep-
oi .played the wedding music resented, The need being urgent, so leamt�rseasywayio` g�6d= to- eat"mrealm �: � .�„�......�...........woIFMUM=. and during the signing of the re - chat provide every food need -N TiRrI'ION FQA vicrolwl'. :r •.�
g S-- -$bOQ was voted to be applied to the of the body. Send for your copy �_ 6oe,'i�oaorrro. cax.�Da.�. -
- _ aster, Miss Gladys Proube sang, "For Blood Donor Service and Prisoners- ,. y Plw.seadm.ao l� =CCW "> v-W
You Alone", The bride's mother in of -War Parcels. A Salvage Cam- TN of"Eat•to-VVork -to -'Win. today l
rlavy crepe dress trimmed with white - paign will be held during the- weep -' - / MAM -
■rrd- the groom's mother In light of Sept. 27, and citizens are asked m .1 r t
101008'50k, . cr*" received -some sixty to gather 'paper, magastim, rags, 'THE lsxa W Irv" rivuu„ r t -
AuBdf, followed -by the cutting of MTJIRIO in the ineerats of nuMtion and hams, _ j paw - k
- } - - a• an ad to ViaM. / . ..�.e.�wa.a+�a►�a•�at.�... ,.we.,..�
: ..,
w - ,.I ,
a ,
• t.
-rq J,.,� . _ , iy
w.� .'v�....
i .`'r(� �] Hi1lP>PY EYETIES - fi•om,italy's surrender to baby _ , • :._';
tr7 U l � D A Y � diapers. Yes, there was fun and _r
I and questions about
- _ s C H. o 'o L - - ,r, A FARM WIFE . BY . . i. where our bo} s were and how
Q .`1 : Gwendoline P. Clarice they were getting along. Neigh -
-� E S a� D ' " ' "', CHATS TO WOMEN bar met t:eighbor with whom she - -;
. - I - ' . I. hardly had time to exchange
- •- •OCTOBER 3 "' greetings all summer: Two quilts - -
JESIJB AND THE 'TEN COM- -, Hullo, everyood ' I su ose Had she gone by 'trai,i i would were finished and" the third one _ -
-,' ,, ,4. �• : ;.. y• PP nearly done, -and during a brief .
MANDMENTS. — Matthew 6t 17.: t „�i '-,.:; you folk who live in' urban cen- have cut her 'visit short b six business meeting it was decided ' -
19:1ef 22; John: 39, 40. ”` •.- 1 tres would be ready to take mg hours. That's the 'beauty df a we would fill twenty ditty .
>20; �, 1 that,
" GOLDEN TEXT —Think oot that fn__ -�<� I _ head off if I were to sa3 "Darn car —yov man pnlna 9. � Q ?e8° y tieg7 Fy th? 1,• •y League: —So ,
=- ''-- i�h8gg- 11✓:..la.,io, a„ ...y7—LLvy a.e incase —j� - u�iding, �i course, that
rame_.to- destea"h,e- .law -or -the- - �^ whatever the men may say I'think
.prophets: t eame,not to destroy but nothing but a nuisance." you don't get ablow -out or some- we managed to put in a pretty. _
: to fulfil. Mathew 5: 17. . . Weil, I won't say it because I thing, or your gas coupons don't good afternoon's work. What do
- Memory Verse: I was glad when .';` know if you work in a store or vin short. We have had a car Y ?
for .good man ears now and you think, ladies. -. ,�,
. they said unto me, Let us go Into ,'; an office you took forward like g y y Harvest work is not yet coc�-
the house of Jehovah. Psalm 122:1 everything to that day to ,your- I still marvel at what can be done pleted in this district. VIe 'still
self. So I won't begrudge you with it. Take Tuesday, for in- have our barley to� get in and
- THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING. stance. We left , home just as
your holiday. some of our neighbors have theirs ;
Time. — The Sermon on the . Partner was going to the barn.
But to people .h, - like - -on a to cut. The ground is very hard
"�_ Mount was delivered in the sum- p He had horses ;.nd cows to get _ an,d dry—so dry :hat very little
` farts a bank holiday isn't a day in, chickens to feed and cows, to
imer of A.D. 28; the interview with ;, r ; >; ., off at all —it's just a day that ' wheat has • as yet oeen sown.
r the rich young ruler was Feburary, I r . Y r � milk, and yet before he was up •
.• I �� we have to remember so as to Farmers are worrying already
- A.D. 30; the two verses from _ ^ �a.y;« ,,,> "..,.a� :,„ :' from the barn I had been almost
make sure there is enough bread about what to feed their stock
_ ___ "_John's• Gospel are a part of a mes- to Toronto and back— approxi- I know there is ._
sage given the first week of April Truckin' on down the streets of and meat and other things in the.__ _ _ next winter. Yes,
Catania, motel Vift six miles, -and at no
these •Italian soldiers house until the stores open again. y y- Western grain that we are. urged � .
. •A.D. 28, literally danced* into 'captivity as time was I going more than thirty -
Ptaee. — The Sermon on the y P y And it's a day whey. we don't get .files miles an hour. On tiie road to buy, but the farmer who has
they surrendered to British. oar mail delivered —and fbr the to buy grain isn't likely to have
Mount, on' a mountain near Caper- we passed no less than six cars
. naum; the interview with the life of me I never can remember much for all his work when his
with tics and engine trouble. I
for him than eternal life. He was on which' holidays mail is deliv- _egg and milk cheques come in. -
-rulei took pIi(i& in Perea; the imagine there were other folk
willing. to give up 'all the sins of erect and when it isn't. So I gen- '. Acid dear help the farmer who ',
__ _____- events. of John 5. 'oemirra'd in_- — erall • - dsw to the who were marvelling at what' a ion + h. „ , o-W 1 - it takes a lot
whtch-La sae gat guilty —but -he car could do, but possihiy not in
Jerusalem. loved money more than he did God. roadytogm ke sou a anyway — we , of milk - to pay. the price of even
Old Testament Law ' - the same way as I was.. .
Secret Of Eternal Life don't take any chances on miss- one old' bossie.. So, go easy on
"Think not that I .came to -des- "Ye search the scriptures, be- ing .our mail if our youngsters After' the week -er,d was aver your milk and eggs, Mrs., City •
•_ ^ - troy the law or -the prophets: I cause ye think' that in them ye are away from home, do we,' that left me with just one day in Housewife, for the supply is get- -.
_ , came not •io destroy, but to fuI- bare eternal life; and these are Mothers? which to get ready for a birthday ting shorter every day.
Hl." Not merely .were the require- they wfiich bear witness of me: party that I was giving for our
�aenta of Moses to continue in Well, I' was sort o! caught sap= Women's Institute to celebrate its . .
and ye will not come to me, that ping Lab r Day week -end. 1
force, but also all that was taught ye map have life." It is our plain thought about the holiday too tenth anniversary. And I can tell .."Play Balls •
by the other inspired writers, the - duty to read the. Scriptures. Men late. g By the time I went shop - you I made'_the dust fly that day! - .. ,
. •' _ prophets. No part of the existing have no right to expect spiritual It was a wartime party —a sort of ,
ping for extra supplies there was Red Crops • quilting bee and tea 'Searching around for a' code
scriptures was to be set aside. light It they neglect the great - hardly a thing to be bought any- q g word exert' American soldier
"For vQrlls I say unto you. Till treasury of all 'light. The need - where. AnL then Daughter phoned Party iimbined. i, had three would understand during the
- - °heaven and earth pass away, one' of the human heart is just this that she would be home for the quilts set up and' every woman African invasion. United States `.
jot or one tittle shall in, no wise of which- the Scriptures speak— r •was set to work as soon as she ,
pass swap from the law, till all week -end . And or dear, it was Army Chief of Staff George C.
eternal life. It is that which the arrived. Of course our menfolk
so hot and sticky during those few :Marshall hit on: "Play Ball!" He
things be accomplihhed." The ex- , rich young ruler longed- for. It always say a quilting' party is ,
days that even the: bread I did x u e to disclosed in his biennial report
nothing more a
A tittle w
presalon 'one jot or out • la that' -which our Lord insisted have went mouldy. But ace man- � recently that thin expression sir
has been aptly coinpared to our upon as being absolutely essential, get together to gossip! Well, _. .
English saying.—the dot of an T but it cohld not be found outside aged, and we had one grand visit. must admit tongues were wagging chosen to• inform the suer b7
. Tuesday night I Gook Daughter g radio they were to fire .away
_ ,or the cross of a 't',- - of him. , . back to .the outskirts of Toronto. —I think we'.discussed everything with all they had.
--Whosoever therefore shall break � - - - . ' ,
one of these least commandments, " _ - ' -,
-and shall teach men so, shall tie _ _ ! - . '. ' ' called least -- -in the kingdom of - 9 - BREWING COMPANY LIMITED presents with pride another - -
c - heaven: but whosoever shad do of the current series of British War Posters which continue -
. and teach them. he shall be called . - .. ' - -'
- . g "at In the kingdom of he - - - . to be a powerful force in sustaining the Briton's high spirit. : � _ - _-
- I! a man teach that any commend- . - . -_. ,-- _ _ '
c ^ - men£ of God Is unimportant. pos-, _ • - . _ . .. _. ..- . ._ . ' - . .. . _ • y ' .
- -_ -- =. ., :. . _ ..... _ . _
. - . sibly behind , his teaching is the . . . . , - _ . .. _
fact that be himsel! ie breaking - _
that commandment. - No man teach. - - • / s` _ . _ 1.
es a commandment with, power it _ v V
. •:Ile is• breaking it in his own Ate. - . - _ ' "_ - - .. ;
- - _ .
-- True Righteousness , . - - r - - _
. .
v r,� pp
a. � . Y C 'Y'' .�i
..For I say unto you. that except - - V •.2 •
t ,
your righteousness shall exceed _ a � _ _ . _ _ _ .__-
• the righteonaaees of the scribes -�r- «1 _ - - 11 �,
` and Pharisees, ye shaft in no wise' �,' 1. 4 t,
" " - - .- -
_ • . aenterAnto-the kingdom of eaven.• _ "� k� _ .. Z.
Clod la the absolute and eternal a i - -
atandard of right. Consequently. _ 1 a F F a 4c , a� 'G *ft'; " 2 Rz,. -
_ 'human ,conduct is.righteous. as It - - - '*' s; vh. F '. Ll ,+ - . ._ , .
+conterms to 'Hie will and appro�i , �� �� ` ` `' a .; �`` -
nna�es to His character.- :_'"ti s x , fi f
Christ's Answer• ' k
. ' i g,
"And behold, one • came to him = - t 's:• . , , ',, _ -
and said, teacher, what good thing " ,� .� i 1 •
_ -shall I do. that I may have eternal - u J ., 1
- — cite T And he said unto him, why - • - -- -- - - - , { � � • i ; _
.. askest thou me .concerning, that _ . - .. ,. 3ar f -
AiLi u la &vv,1�- fine- there-ia wLs -. s, �' '�h ,f c i Y a
4,"'V } -
` _ is good: but it thou wouldest enter i ,, " >^�
into life, keep the commandments." .. • ` - �� a° "; ' `Y °. -
L `ir. 44. ;••
��t N
s Christ knew that what thin man - < ,; I 'r "'. ;' `' ,., - . • -
;wanted was a master, and man __ - . � k � � � ! � '
'has only one Master --God whose rives , x '+,� 1 I'll, I
• •commandments must be 'kept. ' - • ._ -• - �•• . •ir 4,, -- 11 7,, •rc �;`�'. - -" q., +, ��' -a.,' ,N<. ' y'y. •-`.. ..
: / "He sait_h, unto him, which ?_anti -_ _ : �' - :
Jesus said, Thou_ shalt , not kill. ', m
: r
'Thou shalt not commit adultery, �` ��,
;,.. .
b 1 not steal Thou_ shalt ,ii.`��• �;�} . :. `�.
Thou sat 3'r :3` °: i : ?: a�'�.,,
not' bear false witries's: Honor " �?,4^;, :, fi_ , `tea r ' k`: -
mother and #ham ",L i 4�, ,z'
thy father and thy . ;,,,; , L .. -
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as _ - _ - <, • \`'' � 1.
thyself." Disobedience to these - - • _ .• - -
laB'$ means sin in the sight of God. , - ...
.. ..;
.. '"�
• "The young man saith- unto him.' .' `. - :' ' -
all these things have • I observed -- - ._ _ -. - w. -. - _ _- - -=- -i
• • -what lack I yet ?" The young man , . ' ' -
is dimly. aware of something `�` ._ _ ,
wanting, whether in his obedtercee � * ` ��' - . 11, or not at all events 1n his' Peace; • • "' a ` ��� -
-and he is right in believing that _ - _ _ - ' ~' ~ ...;
v "y C .. •
q, a •° _
sous void . - ;•., a..
the reason for the conscious ;' �> �,� >' �, ^
. . `mac : ? :" I,, ti;, \. :, t\y ,..; - -.-
g wanting !n his con. � <^..a::;::` �` .�` �,
I somethin �. ;aF�; - .
.. . . _ -.._ ._ a , ,,...
> ,.
duct. . - - . . k,.? �.; "' - _. ..
Christ's Two -Fold Command . `•, � � -
,, ia,; ��a; ;�,
. - Ef \`w, ;.v :•.ire. ., y +;'t ,. e�` J Z ; ;1 ', ..` :\.'• :::'' i• '� ;' :�' � ; ;, :a. . -.
"Jesus said unto him, If thou Zhu ittessape Of this �` ''''? '` •
• � -wouldest ' be perfect, go, sell that " : _ .
poster to war-bound �..�� g' .. - � , which thou bast, and giTe to the Britain: is also Omes- =''� " ` �` ` '
", poor, and thou shalt have treasure a t0 of here in ~ rrr III heaven: and come, follow me,�� ~�
�_ r. We, should understand that ,this Canado.Curtranspor- "�' „ 1d�4 a,` "~''' :' .
tation services ore �; .$
. command of our Lord's to thq a _
; young man.to sell all that he had doing' a marvelous ', ','; : -a..
Is not necessarily what Christ says job —otld it is up fo all z
: >,:
to every person, or indeed, to ev, us to help them by r `. %L..il ?'
- . ;volunta •self-ration-
, =' .cry one who is wealthy. The reason • • rY ,:
It was Insisted upon far this car- - ink in travel. if you ''` • i- .
�: ". ii..
made wealth his idol. If theca don t ready haw to s::.
'tain young man was trial he bad'
. e _ . - ltio, You'll leave that . _ - _ . ''�
�.. :;
"' in our life which is ta+ueh more coo far "`
'is; anything m o ;r` >. ; :�.. ,
_ ,,/� i
'-keeping us back from a full ac- essential travellers— . .
.. Rcse .
e of Jesus their we must ::... ca,�
ce cane 'eularl r- .*
.� Y'
for fe
. _ :part with it. vice men women ar: ': ��,,r. _ . L . Refusal To Obey , - - .e o m i a home d n .. '��.x. a. wv " ' � '/. . . . . - ,,But when the young .: man '- 1NVe. ;.';" �i"' a: "' "'•:` .. _ .
� I
- beard the saying, be went away r.. . . _ _ ..._ .. ,
. sorrowful; for he was one that _ - _ l
\. >!
- 7 ,Jed great possessions" Why did - t' . _ - . ... __ -�. _ _ I - • 11
he go away? Because he decided :- - _ _ - __ ... __ -. = _
- saaE am_ .!: 1,, Ruvf ali LURE is _. - . _ .. - ,. . - .. _
. would buy, was more necessary ' ' . •
. ... . ..
_ - a -,
.. r - ,- . - . . - _1 - _ .. .. ,, . _ .. .
� � Y', .• ,.� S 'y _ _ , •, 1'^S - �, d% - ° - ' a _ ", ', .y ,., q.:. +" ?;4 may., ' .l�i' n'vTm, k•r. ,. �.k. ��,'�„ +
R - .. � r ♦. � .` • - _ - p. gym'. ='.1. `,r 1�
' 8ayaho7r�e J` i.
^ •,y..�„n.w -,e , v+,+eoyq®'•m' .. '.,°w• .�,,•m- ,ryvn 1''p ""n'.•w..r:.''.�' .1'�1 -•-•'^ ' Y �Y3
.. '" �• -=--- Zinc &Copper Mines 'Ltd.
-- ---- -- ---- -- -_^ °° k, Development results on two distinct ore zones on the
is > Company's property have exceeded original expectations.
Diamond drilling In indicating excellent.mine making pos- - 1
sibllltlea on both zones with the greater part of the
" property as yet unexplored
X f „
g, --" information q Regalat
Standard Securities Company
306 C.P.R. Building - --
► _ 69 Yong* Sheet ADelaide 5441 Toronto
~ .4
Lightning is the great-eat single - "When Our bodies shiver, they
4' cause of forest fires throughout are really creating heat as a re- "
• the world. action to cold.
• 1 f'' -
r ♦ ~' i'; ! '�e a• -A 'w AGENTS WANTED
to, �'7.�.. in demand. -' -• -
s ; _. • ^- "'�• 'R >rf' n MAKE SIURE MONEY EASILY. LEARN GREGG
'ft N ♦ Just show our beautiful Cannd-
a q; i'l9U► -'1 tan made Christmas Cards to PATENTS
.- your friends to spare time. They F P HERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY
�.. Beaut -iful might. Many 8l fumsosh wing
• z e Patent Solicitors. Established
Sing West. Toronto
........ r..,.- - _ _.._..:..;._. ' ,, , ...i personal cards 1 or 81. an 14
up. Sample book showing Mill- Booklet of Information on re-
Sample of the persuasive methods the Allies used to put Italy out of the war is this pile of amok- tarp and Naval Christmas Cards. quest
Liberal commission, write
ing rubble before a row of bomb - blasted buildings in the Piazza San Carlo 'of' industrial Milan. Only
• for unusual sample otter. . nay
through relentless bombings were the - Allies able to hammer home to the people and government of G. A. Montgomery Company, 6411,
Ital that sate was their best anuses of act w that \axle have ,Fixed Northern Italian cities, Wellington west, Toronto.
,� the bombings may have to be resumed. AUTtlalOB1689-- -UaED- The Heat. Rain or sell
meeting expenses these days. �1r. Blank last month." S. This USED CARS WITH UUOD TIRES. HAVE YOUR SNAPS
�QVe You Heard? Q p ., y See us flrsL Mount. Pleasant Moil „
tars Limited. Used Car Lot at Deliver". a ]nail
...'Have How about you? ie a p ;iZe presented to the honored 2040 Yong* Street; Head Office, Any 6 or 8 exposure film perfectly,
"Not at all. I meet 'sm at guest,, without being won. 6. The 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To. developed and printed for only 25E;
When Macpherson came home every turn." prongs should point downwards ronto, Telephone HY. 818E Supreme quality and fast service
from work he told his wife: "I'm -o- while cutting the food, but afiould >;uara - -
' •..- ',
joining the Army, Maggie. I'll ,just What le the, tactful way for s.. point upwards as the food !s lifted ORDER YOUR OCTOBER AND s.tatlon. J. Tor-onto
'take my tea and go along and !girl's' father to let her boy friend to the mouth. 5. Sincerely November chicks now. You should
•fit" know it's time to leave ?" yours," "Affectionately yours," or find them productive In. later PERSONAL
"011, Bandy," ells exclaimed. "Devotedly Sousa" ere eII correct. winter. Demands are. well ahead
"He may Casually pees through of available supplies of eggs. Thn a�MAZIN4 . PREDICTI05H, PROPH•
"whatever has put'. )t• into your the room with a box of breakfast 6. It can be acknowledged either Government says "all laying hour- ecles. Philosophies prevents In-
fast to be a soldier'" - by letter Or telephone. es should bs' filled to capacity", sanity, hate, crime, accidents.
food," " Order now, and ask for our Fa broken marriages, worry: (Price-
Weel,- it's this way. he ex- -� / Bulletin. Bray Hatchery, 130 John leas). Order now, sgnd one dollar
-Pickle ' N., Hamilton, Owt. to P.O. Box 801, Ottawa, Canada.
plalaed. "I've been giving a Denny Teacher: "What's a Greelarr - packers prospects o!
a week to _the 'comforts fund for ,'Urn ?" I . geting pickle pickers to pick BARRELS FOR SALE XNYONk KNOWING THE WHERE-
' ' ftwo months nbw; and I'm joining _ pickles for pickle packers to pack about, of Fred J. Kemp, last
Jimmie: "That ill depends APPLE BARRELS, USED, IN GOOD known of in Toronto, Onturloy
-' - my to jet my Yfarcel," an what -he does." are poor. Pickle Makers let pick- condition, 30C each F.O,B. S. Bar- .Apply to Pox 3, Sprucedale, Out.
--o- les go to pot to partake of pleas- bier & Sons, 4000 Dundas Street
commuter: "Well. I'll' tell anter pickin's is war production, ;'vest: -Toronto, - - PHOTOGRAPHY
you, -
�fou. Jones, I wear the trousers - leaving pickle packers without .. _
M my 'home." - % pickles to pack and in a pretty BULBS.
!ones: Yes, but I notfiee pickle -The Oregonian,- Portland. tag. Rainbow Collection Tullps
that right after-dinner you g Anne Ashle 2' doa. $1.10. Mixed Daffodil Bulbs writes a customer at Rou h
y y' ' 8 doe =1.10, Deli eras KuypeCs Water, N.S., who adds: 1 have to 4
.wear an apron over them.' Bulbs, H .10. B, - W• many friends about your service
BACKACHE? grow th• •nl a know that from now ou you •"'Whet, fish `° again T" •growled - Q, !How can- I keep rubber bands beat only. will gee rums from them for de-
:reek. "We're always - having fish:" so that they will not rot? uoxEyTtc HELP WA_1 1, vlloping and printing" Letters Ilk* "
"Well, John." said the wife, "it's Look out for Trouble _ho from all parts' c Canada tell for you. It feeds the brain.' A. Rubber_ bands deteriorate how well pleased customers an
good ' C`Utsh GENERAL wages WORK living with Star Saspabot Serviee.
quickly it Left exposed to the air. Oshawa -good wages and Ilvtng
"Bosh! Why should you think Keep them in a tin box. with tight With Your KIDNEYS conditions. Apply Box 62, 78 Ade- Any Size Roll -6 or it Ezpoaurea,
86y brain needs so much feedin$T" ]aide St W•, Toronto. DEVELOPED AND PIEUNTED :Ise
"Well, didn't fitting tld, and they will retain Bayys and your mother .dive their elasticity for a long time. If your back aches or if you have DT VJNG & . CLECANING eal0y nd girls on agtive ewheQ
- • y4m flab before you got married r' disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look asnaps" are enclosed. o mu -
Q. How can I make a� remedy' Out for trouble. This eonditlon is a suss
"No,". he hissed, "I. wish she had." - � $ v
sign your kidneys are not fully 'HAVt' YUU ANYTHINU NEEDS You, too, will get better results
for is hair. ud that dyeins. or cleaning? Write to us from Your camera It-you mall your .
__o_ A. A suggested remedy is to rub ridding your blood of poisonous adds for information, we are glad 10 film rolls to Star Snapabet servtei
- Teacher: What happened and wastes. When the kidneys slow up. answer your questions, Depart- to' b4 developed and printed. You'll
salt into the scalp, then massage w p prints at
dizzy rrtenc 'li Porkers Dy orks riner quality, sharper 111 1874? until the scalp tingles. Also add puffys collect' Backache, d follow. Limited, 791 Yonge Street To- aowent cost And you will et the _ -
Say (brlahtly): "Winston D�yeyesaadrluumaticpaiaamayfollow. coato. 1 g
�� salt to the water, when washing your lddneys need hip --sad these la a Drompteet service obtainable by,
lChurehkll was born, mall In keeping with quality work,
., " the hair, ttime- tried. proven way to help them EMPLOYMENT WANTED Mail, us a roil for trlwk-
Ciood l .. new In 18807 Q. How Can I roil a very thin known an GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil s MOUNTED EN LARGESILNTS Sae
- -- '"Churchill was six years old" • MARRIED COUPLE, RELIABLE, j
dough. Capsules, These Capsules contain rare -' will take charge of farm by year, Size 4 x 6" In Beautiful Easel
--0- fully measured quantities of that widely, Experienced, with tractor, milk- Mounts
A. Fasten, a piece of • muslin You can have enlargements colour.
"So you bought a new fur known diuretic called Dutch Drops You ing machine, general farm work A��,bv bona ter l ■ eM n fdi
smpgtW and tightly. around She-_ •'- b., iesm;4tr- meeirasai� charge. tlonal
coat aster au. r< taougnt you Bala rolling pin and the dough can 'be Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem for some; references; state wages, -
7"4m husband could not afford it etc., in first letter: Box 90, Hurd- STAR SNAPSHOT .SERVICE n.
rris year. ". _ stilled just as thin as desired. Oil Capsules, the genuine and original • man•r< f3rldge. s
Q. How can I save sugar when 'Dutch Drove- packed in Canada Get a Box 119, Postal Terminal A, •Terosl•
Jean: "So I did, but,' we had a „ RABBITS FOR SALE
NtrOke .of !trek. lisp husband broke sweetening drinks? 40c pause from your druggist. i Print your name and address ptalnl2i • .
A. Instead of sweetening the ' : STUCK REDUCTION SALE•. PEDI. on all orders .�
his leg and the insurance company beverages with tale sugar, make greed white Angoras, Giant
D S f , phlnchPan. Reduce Price List MODERNE SNAPSHOTS
him :31x1." -HOW TO RELIEVE `1 a syrup of -0- t Ontario. YOUR Pl"S HECICIVE i.`AREFUL#
thin Purpose. It is far easier to PILE TORTURE
'!'m having a hard time govern the sweetness and is also Ft►UT, sALgl attention. Our enables Usotohgivvefnyou
more economical, the best possible print from e:_ch
QUICKLY AND EASILY Bwu3dEEKA FUUT BALa6 des ;ro s negative. Fifteen years of niaking
. small cracks In offensive odor Inataatl�� .45e
Q. How eau�I fill satisfied customers has taught us
furniture? It you a ;e troubled with 'itching Pottle. Uttaws: agent &cMan there is -no substitute for good.'
piles or rectal soreness, do ' not d•- Drug Store. Ottawa. careful Work. Any .roll developed,
s A. Beeswax C8a be need t0 ad- Pay treatment and rva the risk of or 8 reprints, 25c. Large t.ze
vantage In filling these cracks. It letting. yhtItchingUoorbsoreenessroor HAIR GOODS pprints 30c. Three enlargements
should of course bo melted to the painful passage of stool is. nature's In folders 25c. Your alma are _
warntng and p r o p • r treatment W e G S, TOUPES, TRANSFORM- safe with ,us. Moderns Saepaho[; i
required consistency for the work, should ba . secured at once. ations, Switches, Curls and all Box 340, Hamilton, Ont.
types of finest quality Hair
—_ -_ For this purpose get a package Goods. Write for Illustrated cat. RHEUMATIC PAINS
Hem-hold from any druggist alogue. •Toronto Human Hair
' and use as directed. This formula Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street. FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL
which is used Internally is a small, Toronto... ingredients in Dixon's Remtdy,
Modern i��'tiquete .nay to take tablet will quickly, for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis
relieve the it6hing and soreness and HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL Sold only Slunro's Drug Storee_. 3
ald'in bealing the sore tender spots Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.Uu,
_ _ABy Roberta Lee) - ,; Hem -Hoid is pleasant' to use, Is L M A it N • HAIHDHEZSSING THJE . --
highly recommendpd and it seems Robertson method. information SACKS
the height' of folly tor, any one to on request regarding classes.
- ., -- - 1. Whose 'place is It t0 Bet the risk a painful and chronic pile con- _4ob•rtson'!+ Hatrdreesiaa Aced. ATTENTION FARMERS: • WE �'aN -,
dition when such a fine remedy emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. supply you with real good potato
a, - date of a,wedding,,the bride ,or the may, be 'had at'such a small cost sacks, •onion sacks, '-grain sacks.'
P70(� ®f 0 groOm? If you try Hem -Roid and are not HELP WANTED etc. We also pay highest c :ish-
aQkl� i entirely pleased with the results, prices for any. feed .sacks, .fir-
2. When introduced to a person your druggist will gladly return MARRiED COUPLE, EXPERIENC-• tilizer 'sacks: mash sacke, }nit
yep • - for a second time, what should your! money. ed, , dairy and mixed .farm, 875 have for sale, Write Immedia[tly.
tp monthly, free cottage, garden, London Bag Co., London, Ont.
�tytR One say? milk'. H. W. Ni,'hulsun, Brampton.
�Ot 3. What is the meaning of a Sufferers Of R, R. 3. CASH FOR S'1 STAMPS AND ACCI'b£-
- "guest prize" that is given at a PILES bleeding, sad' LIVESTOCK g g, ulntioiis old documents from ht-
.p "
Roll your owners! bridge party? rotruding Renfrew, an Sept. 23, at 10.30 a.m., tic and shed. Send samples, spirt
1. How should„ one point the piles should fifty Reg. Holstein cows and remove stamps from envelopes.
J ! helfers; thirty -five Reg. heifer pied ,Jarrett, JU L'loor Neat, PO-
90 for Ogden S prongs of the fork when cutting know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat calves: 25 Aberdeen Angus yearl- ronto
and placing food `in.'tbe mouth? the cause at Its source. !!lousy ings; 2 pure bred percheron
Old- timers relied on their ba- mares; 2 ure bred mare foals: JUCTHDU \V N8
teauxin smooth water and rou h. 5. What -is the correct closing back if the first bottle does not D FOIL SALE, SOUTHDOWN RAMS,
D 1 matched team, black percher-
And they relied on Ogden's in phrase for an ordinary -letter of satisfy. Buy from ,your druggist. ons, 2 years ota. 'John W. Brisco, Ewes. C. I. c:olcman. is Matn SG
- food times and bad ... follow thanks? Renfrew, R, 3, Ont. - S., Weston.
their example. Roll- your -own 6, What is the correct way to MEDICAL
famous brand is famous becau so acknowledge an invitation to a Adeves distress from MONTHLY' WANTED-EVERY SUFFERER OF -
'Waa distinctive blend of rich, ri christening? Rheumatic Y Ins or Neuritis to STOMACH 'ANC 'CH READ WURh7f6
try Dixon's ReTnedy, Munro's Drug
often ages No 1p eetml
lobaaba worthy of Its famous ANSWERS JEMALE n
Store. 335 Ligin, Ottawa()' munel Why not find No If tro i
flarlle. Buy a paCkape today. 'i. After_ the _prospective.. bride paid 81.00, des your trouble? interesting phr.
lOpden's quality for* pipe sawk6ss, and groom have decided between •'tteulare -Freer write Mulveneyfs "
r $TOP ITCHING TORTURES OF Remedies. Speclaiisle. Toronto -g,
too, in chides a Cut Plug themselves that circumstances are WEAKNESS eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ath- Ont
fete's foot and other skin lrrita --
favorable for their marriage it Lions with E11k's Ointment No. 6, TEACHERS WANTED
Is n to the bride and her mother Lydia E. Plnkham's vegetable
p Compound not only helps relieve prescription of noted akin apec-
to decide the exact date.' 2. The monthly pain- but also weak, nerv- IRlist. Itch relleved , promptly,. Mc4ERlC0%V,. TEACHER • FOR
�- cue feelings -due to monthly fuse- skin healed quickly or money re- Public 8,•hool Na 2, - Unldwin.
common expression used Is:. "I've Itg.- Ig144urbagq eltxtb S1dtiD -funded, 81.00, $2.00. Jlatl orders .Apply, stnting qualifications px. .
already: had the- pleasure," bul - resistanceagains iesep "dllE� u, a y,umpity. umili wua�' I-- r• a Wary •xpec ! O
one map also say, "I think I met cult days." Made In Canada. Elik's Medleine Co., Dept 26, Ros i111nm K land. Sec. - Trees., ib.,
OF _ 2$4, Saskatoon. Kerrow, Ont.
'..NS�•T.': .• -
.'. .,,�4 ,�� .",� .!Y• � ',X f. ~35• :./.''- :�`�'�`,.^.'`� � ,i s ,`$ +Y' . r . . r, ��_'2„ r-�'-Z,. .' t • . - .� •+i,�y ,.pa', ' ,' � ,-'cr �`...- �:- . i %.y " .9•, =.C'•i.. 4fiis� r.. �� ? . ` rf4. .��c:yWq+w• #^ . D ' ' ,�' = ' ••.•�.s;�.•S':^ .4 . � ` .=, • _ � . •:. .� p. .... �k �.. . '�.-.¢ - ,'A: . : h � ��. .3 ., ... .�.Y, . � .- .: r r � ' ,._ y; � ,, ,.."- . t,^v��„':P: . i": i ' i �. , .,',-i.'j^.' •,. . , +. . nr- K'-. ..-, " 8^ �+. . ;�'x ^;.'«n'..'r,: ,'"J+�n l,y,;�-,'. �N _ W; ' „� .'y�'', t �' � is . .:.F:. %•1. `` i "l' .j� •,',Ge- :v � ��WK-1:
w .Yt�. • :-� .1 �.: . 'Y .k 7!,C"�i - S, :l• ' • . YS . .' { "':•a.�'^' `. � • '? : ." ' - a �~o-`� - _� . .••ys.Ye > n . ti+; ''•~ ,- . . , :0,��•' +?'.I'+� . , �' ai . ," 'x; -. a` ; :!�i ,. 4 ''- t' ' +�r t ��[s ,. �„, ; 'F. �•+ j ., v '� �•+�:!�- •�`' "' !x,I,j�:�' 4 .Y.'Pt�f"' '?' .t �r ; . . . ; s•:- - . C .�� � �s . • + . w � -�. • '?qy '�rt ..Qbrf3 :: a'. . . " i.3y'w "'�. � 7 ,t�.'Vi,r !i jC TAn`: c -, s- (15M _k . t„ ..r �� w 'J<ry ..s. t;° v ;�..- y"'nti Y - .' r'C ,s .; ro •a6riz+••s r �H. ��;. ,.',•�;�s� , 4 . � s ? ^fef• t , Ci# „f'Ar . W :'R' `, ^` X '7. 4_y1a- s .;•k,.., h�, ., . . y49�"'J. 's t �� t 4'y -' 1 % .. .� .'A `� ' 3+
•� �'.fi" ...:� - ry .. '. 1Cfl '' ' 5 ,+ .;3 .
t. .
.s.' :. •y _ .!yj! •s•: T.' ,...�.: ' �' r • :� -
.•...Ju y: � °•. .,{•�..,.� . '.. . i .. � �.'.i• ^n.ti"•' f�� , .,z .-sr• =: c .�;. - ,i.y�' .: fir, :,'.,, � .t�. T ,;y�'y,.,,.,
y.�A.S• .r -^}� 'A-:. •.•r, '.J., r:.y ,-i.•r _ -i .wt �.�� ;yi. 4.: "�j,; •'y,44 ^6•• �� :e ^�. ,4,r.' :s, .,Z.
Jxt ,C°n. ., r r /s•. .7'.rf 'e, �T: A:.. 'A•... ni tr ;,?q!i• _.. ^„ +j '.ii''., .t... V.. -. ..., _ y rr .. ._. .'Y',�.�.•,s
Kai .l p w
I>lis� ii' a>� Ile. adli� one IaoeL pests i_rts a. BORBTTHA , r., L. +tae r
:0019 RENT 2 u� room. nmd Ma-Mr aOa� .
.. Apply Nw" Office 0 0AL, 08XZ4 i�.•....k. one _
at Bale 78 weaned pigs, :�`M06131, (?BiMENT,' s•�ss. �� >>i1�1 i��ittl�Ij�f�y�l�,� ,
west of Mckedn
and +a.Q i --
io. $. Hotrand Sbie� 'DLWALD RUbDY Ears rtai►,
: .. R r IWAI Mss. NaRan !"colts YenalM ISM.
.� for home meat ..anted. >Iea.«l, ss.0; l.�. s axcer.i.-
_ e„ail prices -I r.3a. Pima I'� sizid .n .w' wome.wews. +a �
ss r Ys. Apr. 1 • ti BUILDER'S SUPPLIES BEATON, BELL & R0133 � 4
Roast to a+aai '-� Svc morns, �' Earrtstors,6 Soliciters . •
jab *& prenebMun% Bay. Advestis- also laeil�' /artyge work
Sts. Toronto. We havealao plated in stock a full W. Bi Beaton, L, C. Teie� 208 • rM�wi
... ►�, Z� �='ey H, Bzooise Bdl, H. C. ' Ad.' !�
collie dog, b2.wn, with K "- �eollar; answer to name of °fYG J. D. F. 3toee Join L. !ad : -
±ftwj? : Murray Barrett, phone Pick. 842 Bas' Street Toroute low
�. r� 'two
A -'W MITCHEU ANIGUS Mcli 1L AN _ -Bs , / ayI►�1
Wbr rent 7- rooined use,
A. •
1and-falf anilee west of Pickering on Pickering. ODL Soda tor, Nato" Pub”
No. 2 gighway, Phone Rck -3b -8 12. pia Yards ?t: Rte. 6bW 29 Melinda_5tr�— Toro s _- - -- - fit
%no Dodge De Luxe Seann, good Telephone Etgih 6806
;amber. world take half or threeon truck. Box 14 Picker- three= ton SILLS __....
Auarter t �ataHsrs>! ararli. >r _
Aft P. O. GROWING MASH- ..O_ i--T _
- - -- -for sale •- 87 'acres, Lot 12, Con. r'1 R. BEATON,— TEl~W1V8HIP
117• MarkhaMn. Clay loam, in good SM D. Cleric. Coor.ymea. Commissioner ,(or ,Buy War Saving Stamps
�eatility. 18 acres fall "eat. 15 �L� . 1 Marriage e:. Accountant.' ta Out ••wr:�
;;seeded. Abundance of water. Young Start file Pig • _
rDSCha�. Brick house, furnace. bank /'. A, E. RICHARDSON, ' . For V1CtOry
r; .,:'barn, silo, lari'e hog pen,.nen pens,
Right, On OEN>DRAL IN9l�RANO}8 A -
!�aplement shed, Priced for quick - During August
isale. Apply O. R. Davidson, 151 REAL ESTAT$
plltard_Ave. Toronto. F.-7 Pig Starter CONVBYANCIN(3 -
Woods 8-can portable mstk cooler. An old established &many, reed?
;NeP. 'W6a'Cannpbell, nunba n De N o LOC K W OOD to serve.
The Big Store -_
7,EP'or sale -- single bed with springs, PICKBRING. ON2. (tone, Pickering .00
double be-a, near new, with springs WE DELIVER
,pad mattress, cooking (Beach) V'VE SERVE 1VI. Se CHARMAN
MOST WWI small one WXth cream
y' aminie1 back; a nrrit stave, good can- C. A. STERRITT
•dttion, table and 2 kitchen chairs. J 1 1 j AND ALSO GIVE - •
;litM hack Moller, Sunset ism, Kini- _ _ Pickeflng�'
Hardware .t.� mod: Pe_: 4- . --- -- ....- - -- INSURANCE - _
$71or rent -- house, quarter mile off q •
ti highway, half mnile went of Dun- Funeral Director
' barton, suitable for two families if SERVICE . • -
aesirefi Phone Pick 1 R 22. ' Furniture _, _ - -.Despite Wartime Restrictions :
Country Store for Sale - with 5- 'C Y R l L E. k' U b I E Y
car garage repair facilities. Small ;Dealer .' GENERAL INWRANCE :
.atbara and hen house. Him, with SERVICE PROTECTiof•- We are still able to meet
: heavy wiring in all buildings. Telr _
x 12- roomed horse, halt now
u' tooted, on main highway. Apply NOW I Stock - _ - - . - - -- - -- - _ - - --
• _ _ _ x� St _ -IVlost
News Box 889. Motor Ambulance, Day or N*14 :u -
-- — _HONE 13 We now. have an band a eefpb �'
'PHONE = L of Your Demands y
R_: fsieaeite Nettiwsl11s6a
_ ^ _ �; Hastisi S1sle
_. I
s t Soft* '1411F TN EATRE Pik " .Out 1S oz. 49c
•� „ [ 1Reatthfnlly Air - conditioned WM. MAW � ' _ � �p�0e �� � _ OW 3Wte .... WAS Hate -It, Can Get It Or It b Not Made
- °,tc'r 0 shows at 7 and 9 p, aa. LJOlr19[81 D AUCMOltEEIL AND i Amarete sad Effldd'
�rday Matinee at 1.80 VALUATOR
° '�'Ei1M3DAY ESL, EATURDDT IWom eandusted A�oywierc TBE. BEgdLL STOKE . S. ,
19eptdarber 23, U and 25 phone or writs. Address 43 4 Diandaa ' Y. IL Now Flom IL
� - Ytreet, East.
YMila�d R..,A - -- - -
e+vairt ..- 004mio. _ ' Pkk .Qll
.Flight for Freedom �° FAR I EIS of ",ONTARIO
Twouto AD SM - PkL 63 2 ii 0 a.al. l p.ilb Bea. ! eak. S �. S ■ O
�f _wltb Herbert MarshaA _ _
�■'�(iARDENB ws wr om u m P■ n weeks:. zon Mm zap
- T.- TUESDAY, W>cD,,� .�,W • q 'JRVI� \LJN
Deptessber 27, 2s and 29
.�,. 4b4..* .t .W 11 F. s. 'TRANSPORT !CALVES LAMBS
$Aa? flaiaPEe !i 21a�w w/i sbai Tasis cira.: ”' -
TRANSPORT - 'Aa a■e>te of Lead .� - AM AIL .� o>r
Sergeant York CARTAaa . a� > 4 Poultry both live and dressed
�tov�Na i
1' 1111s1t1r Brennan aid Joan Leslie SAND GRAVEL STONE Ve have • ha elect -site
SIBURe./AY, FRI., sATURHAY ��...+y ear.. Teals, �iidew Get our prices on Live Ducks.
Sept. 30. Oct 1, and 2 - _ - _. lesson!, '8sa_ian Deere a" SasnasklaiS - _ --
- .'• .Cas8bla11Ci .. -. _ _., 1 s+R i..r saraw.r. N..i..celr o. .
.tsrrla: Humphrey Bogart +Coobirwatiam 8tori Doors 'aai AL V IN BUS $ B i - L I M I T E D
PasrW Berstinan and Psa1 >Henried $ardware Tinetnitih i�f!!'att3D )OGG GRADING QTAAZON -
Store !lash Made to Orloff_. -
PHONE 46 Tor �' 1�,..•. I. ONT.- PHONE i" jitAba i �6 '
::North Pickering Red Crone Slav
Ir T r i i N l Salvage. Asphalt Shingles - '
T Roll Roofings
Don't forget to gather your sal. - � Asphalt' Sidinss z MB
wage for the Reel Cross cellection Fall Boards, etc. E R
before Oct, 2nd. Get in truth' n ith ` O Co e
`� Red Cross members' and fi ^l out `
r PILE The
where to send it. But = do it no�sl.I //�� Sufferers of bleeding or protniding LIMITED _
'N. Me Gordon piles should know' Bunker's Herbal'
Papers, Tna .gazines to, he'ti?d firmly `
-and separately, .. Pjease. Needed' Pills, Treat. the cause at its souses.
will 1' The rotor o barb h Money back if the first bottle, does °Scarboro Junction
materials ll be sa � aged and your operator f a barber shop in not satisfy, i,
local Red. Cross Unit will benefit Canada was recently fined for •rags- At .Bete Drug Stores
. ftancially, if everybody helps. 1 ing prices =- 8400 fine. OeE. '8 , -, ,TELEP'HONES - Howard III7 and Scarbora >s86 i
Private Sale �ualit�- 1Vle'?t ��8a�agYYb and Dressed LumbeTr�, DSillwori�
.. .. . , r i _, — \. _ r a•.,..� Bash `Doors
Tri-lamp, new- Interior Trim Mouldings .
Poultry Soft and Hardwood' sin Shingle Siding
t : Coleman, 3 -burner gas stove _ -- _ - --
_ Brick Insulated Siding
Finlay cook range _ _ And W Asphalt Shingles Lath Cedar i
Studio 0ouc , near new - ~ , ` atoll Roo
. mite Products Barclay Tile I
'i Hot Point electric iron, near new + 1IA in Season Rock Wool Insulation . G....,.... a..d- pmt
Weeping Tile Sewer Pgpe
.,W. G. Reid, Pickering Village
�i.�% - -._ .°"• , 'lr,�.n•nre�., i i IAi f i ' ".iuiuii(iY ` "li I i -�"„ "ii i i I