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N�xr .3• .I ; .r' Jr �. '[:" <` F •�' .a '+'+4a�'gi.?-a . - o , k'.. Y`i ;:.•:p �,'+. 11. +,�. ±..• !,� ..r
>e •. !7r i r :r g. � .':`C`..f 7,J(,.' «S.�.t;r,•'.. a, •.,.vk« � *'a x • .'+ '.' 4 ,r.��„,.
V'OL. LXII - PICK uRING, ONT., FRIDAY, Feb. 12 1943
a ans�derab lighmr rig fed � ross , �f�e�e _
than la s 'Year _.
Bed Croaa Activities in + Ciarermont and North Pickering Ip�' Mechanics Courses at Port = _ 'LOCALISMS
=` Red- Eroes - -. —. i - — Perry, Br_oolilin... and Brougham ___.
1 Work Rooms will now be The Annual Meeting o the North A number of Farm Mechanics -Mrs. Rifred Harris, Oshawa*
open every Tuesday,' Wednesday Pickering Branch of the .Ked Cross D Courses are being held in Ontario spent. Tuesday with friends here,
ch Janusay 29th in' the . County- during the month of Feb- Town Dwyer is still confined tGi
and Thursday afternoons from 2 to was held
b o'clock; .also Thursday evenings. town hall at Brougham Claremont - -J ruary, A two -day course is being his home 'and under medical care.
The Conveners for '1943 are: had 'a- representation of 5, Alton& j dough illness, Mr. Genrg� Mit- held at Brooklin Hall on February Mrs. Bert Marquis, of Stroud,
WL.laxr� t_~ _ K Hall 2, Brougham 5, Green River 2 and I �heh� _ ei�w►:,�tbs s bet *,;tom f,,, nth and • 16th, in the 23rough n spent the week -end with relativeli
Sewing _.. _',Mrs, . W� C. Murkar Mount Zion 2, , Resides , Mr, William I Harold. Curtis, - as speaker at this iia11' on' the ' 17th spa 3 tstri, and in. Here.
Knitting _ Mrs. Hutchison Reesor, who was appointed Chair - I week's luncheon, Monday night, the Port -Perry High School on the 12th Mrs: Hemp Westnejv, has iecoY-
Iles Mrs A. Sparks magi. Mz. Reesor, in his opening and 13th ered from here recent accidents and
Hospital Supplies p guest of Dr. Faliaise, who had The Courses are., designed to dis- is now able to be out again,.
_VV `be demand for suvtiliea is' con - reznark�s said, there had been a charge of speaker arrangements -at -_
stactl increasing.- Our oias are little falling off in the work. while.! F•ihk N. Hall has been-obliged
y g{ - qu rig this dinner, went of mowers, plows, binders and. to return w
heavier than ever, so we appeal to the need was greater, not less. � Lord Baden - Powell
the wcanen of the •village'to spare, Mrs. McIntyre mad the minutes of I - Baden-Powell-to many or us was tractors, and all other farm mach- illness.
at ]east, one afterii'oon each week 'the last gegr's meeting. 35re8sur- the brilliant ItnperiaL 'Soldier in Ines. Special work is given on the Mrs, Larne Ravin, Ken az& ,
lutcjies of plows,- both tractor and Joyce, of Kingston, were with asst• •_
to help with_ftch worthy efiori. Br's report, .given by Mrs. Hooey � whose -m mind— Scout Move= haree__$� ,; -labow wag- .,., i _ �L__ �._,.,_ -- - -. - -- --
Come in and see what - being " -- Receipts $3796; Dishursemeru _ ment was first conceived, and that and machines will be demonstrated. Mr. Ruston, of the Boyes' Drug s, <.
k'done, • -and we hope you will be en- $2749, Balance •$1047. Mr. Reesor only. Where is a demonstration of split- Co. is off duty through illness tiffs
couraged to help us. added here, that there is $11D00 in +Mr. Mitchell a life- lozig`entihusiast ing ropes and halter- making. This. week, 1 '�
Molise to knitters the township treasury to be 'used' of- the Boy Scouts, and today a is' valuable knowledge un every Xr, W. J. Miller, who, we report-
Owing to ,the shortage of wool, soy war work, and that one tenth `aMast,er" -of the Whitby group,
r..,, farm,- since it is increasingly dig- ed regently is seriously ill, remains•
changed, fI'he new length is - i 1 bring in $2300 to be applied to the: ,and . acti%ities , , of- this great- Bo3 icuft to secure sus �cieaiz aiupplles of nnciiang�$, and trii9 weex,, in aa�
inches' froth top of cuff to bottom of -Russian. Relief. _Auditors' . report ropes , even more critical • condition, j _
P° Leader. It is difficult to secure new farm Don. Kemp, for the -past year oft
was adopted Mrs. MdJntyre •gave ,Born in 1857, in London, one of ,
�� - •- machinery since the manufacture of the staff of the 'Boyes Drug Co. t '
a summary of the year's work and .'a large family, an agressive, M's- - machinery has_.. been - restricted to left this week, signing -up with the
' cc�av -- assay, �,ue tvun :w�, arc ca.
25 percent of the 1940 output of A�yal (6madian Navy.
tis'h Civilian Clothing is quite a`mernbership Drive, • netting bray; -in his early 'teens, and at 19 years
heavy - one.-i cornpdsing: 25 - Girl's' Salvage 'Campaign, $90; National Implements,-so
ha temachi -so that it is 'important' Mr, and Mrs. R., T. Doble of out S'3
sotiglit and w<oii a commission. His that machines be kept in. good re- teaching staff at the .school were
Pinafore Dresses, 25 Girls' Blouses; Campaign $1076,' and Sale and next 25 years was spent at the r and that - parts tie ordered
25 Girls, Coate, 25 Girls' Bloomers, Bingo $365. work' for 1942: numerous, different outposts of the storm- bound- over -the week -end and
_ early so that there will be n@ delay were-unable to return to Pistcesin�
85 -Pr. Boys Pyjatnas, 'L5 Pairs knitted articles _-770, Sewing and Britsh Empire,—
m ire — serving, as most
P g' when the. busy season. arrives. until - Tuesday. ' ..
1Ranen s knickers, 10 Wasrien a .dr- clothing 885, Hospital supplies 272; Imperial Army men have, in India The two instructors, . ' Mr, Aubrey Mr.' Anderson of the Prov, C, D.•
essm. " all required i as soon as Infants ware 379, Quilts 144, one and Africa.
possible; also one Unit of Hospital large, Cot quilts 21, New. blankets pion with nuanerrsua other pstl- I•ianshiaw, o! Sunderland and Ms. C. inspected sear- equipment here orr.
Along-' q Harold Porter, of Jarvis, are excell- Tuesday L- better look out or .we'll
havo been
-rnised .- B1"e2 12 pr.. Miiscellasieoua 24 anti . -tW9 .. itiratjotsa_sad- taleata, -the one athich_ : �t .4 ' vn iarrn '......L iu� the lot ai` it T�
two ,weeks. One Unit means 2460 boxes of used d athing, he "played with" the ' most, was his
. finery and have had a wide exper- in earnest. -
articles. -The' election of officers struck. a love of amateur- theatricals, as ant- fence with all kinds of izaplernents, The Presbyterian Ladies'- Aid
headlock in /tr)Ing to find a Pres -- .tom... o,� IL. L,.rhood mischiev-- �P.u.�e� ha.l"a lmva v..-, of the will meet ai the hcme of Mrs. A. c
* � ident, other officers elected were iausness had evidently remained leading plow*n en -at the Internation- Boles an Thursday, February 18,
V]j 1st Vice President, Dr., Taniinsoa, wit2► him even to 'that time, for al Plowing Matc�,es and Mr. Han- at .2030 p. M.
► 2nd Y,. P., Mr, Win. Duncan, Re- he, 'to the consternation or his sup - shave gating the._ farm . machin- . The R omens Association of the
Mrs. Fred Ward, of Claremont cording Secretary, Mrs. McIntyre, eriors was always in the habit of . er) on Mr. Talmoge Bryan's large United Church had the greatest
has been' attending her sister Mrs. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. - J. deciding to indulge in. -Ods_ "flare" farm at -Sunderland. - their,' _ -
Convener o! Work attendance ih some months at
-Urban Blake, in her recent illness. Gregg; , Mrs. • W,_ of his' at the most unexpected plat- 7%ese- Courses are well worth the rOoT b.* .....nr►,ts•
Winter Bros. spent Sunday with 'zurK mt, -iext or tun, i azson Lmicer, ea. and time. He was apparently. - � spent 'and it -is hoped that, at the home of 'Mrs Bushby.
their families here. -Rev. Kennedy; Chairman, -National another one of those fellows who providing roads' are- suitable; _all __ -Mr: and 31rs. Don ' Sava
Several -of our. - young farmers Campaign, Mr. Goddard; Delegates could "get away with • if ", as our farriers will : take 'advantage of - 'this week, been' a le to bring theft'
attended the' monthly meeting ' at to Red Cross Convention on April speaker does not tell us that Baden- them and attend both days.' `infant daughter n %ante, 'zrum the
il/rooWin last week. ' 2nd., .Mrs. McIntyre and Rev, 1. E. - Powell . was ever d(anoted,, or even
_ hoi&vital, where she lied been in.. is -.
The farm stock Arid implements Rennedy,- Convener of Piwehasing suffered in any other way for his PlekRring Presbyterian 'Church olation, a victim 'Qi spinal menin-
amd fmniturr belonging to the es- Committee, Mrs. Hooey; assisted by pranks. iAnnual Meeting. I pUti
tate of the late Wes. Gee are being Mrs. Crozier; Press Secretary, Mrs:_ He was in • the - British Secret Mr. GoudY, of the C. N. R. stet -
sold by, auction on • Wednesday, of McIntyre. Treasurer, Mrs Farr; Service for some years,- and many Ttse Annual Congregational Sus- ion here; is riot , enjayitig 'the best
exi v COL - '- ,ors• G. wee +...J I �.w li,aa�a ,,,o..e auu.l- ;..ae. �2- laic *bs'iil
Mrs. McBrady has been, confined Hooey. as an' impersonator, and 'his praeo- ineae} Meeting of the Presbyterian of health, and may be forced to i
to her 1DWI with a severe cold. Her ' In the- National Caziipaign, � - the' tire. in the art of disguise. - He was Church was held in the church here take. a few week's. rest. Duties at
friends hope for a speedy, recovery. quota is $5,000,0000 for Ontario. fond of sports, boating, and a -real on Monday evening, February 8th, the station tiers have become verb
'Me-frequent storms have made' Last year's quota for -North Pick- out -door clan, An experiment at with a good attendance of members strenuous during 'the past one o=
the keeping of the township roads Bring was $2,000, with $1076 rais- Ship Salvagin did not prove so and adherents. _ two yearn - Y;
even for any length of time almost ed.t'An increase of 15. percent over sucCessfui as scree other ventures1' . The Pastor, . Rev. D.. MArshall,
bapoasibde. It has been . + testing last year is 'asked. 9 in .which he engaged. I presided, with Harry W. Boyes, as
�e f' the wer, plows purchws- Mrs. McNair greatest popularity of the meeting. Dtinbarttiet 'Golfed' Chntch Present
or Po pl thanked all for the Baden-Powell 's ularit
ed by the :Township.. help and support Yiven during her today however, is to be found a- I The reports from the various or ,Encouraging Report
�F4enk H. Westney is the leis- term of office. Meeting adjourned mong the five million B61 Scouts ganizatibns were presented by the 4
to for the Ontario County '.Crop' •after the singing of -the 'National• scattered -.over the face of the globe respective - officers, Encouraging :I'liie year 1942 will go down is _
Anthem, without a President being {excepting today, of course, certain cruet - balances' were revealed. our recorda as 'one'
of the most -
1 Provemient Association, to the ne
Annnual Meeting. in - Teronto -this 'elected. _ European countries), The activities �`� officers of the different .progressive years in. our- history
eek : ° _ _ " _ - - and regulations of the Boy Scouts Boards and -Committees were T all every . gr'ganization to the church:. .
re- elected, with Messrs W)n. Ness showing a , inarlaed advance over -. <
- and Sea Scouts, are now very well- i --
known to all of those of the Christ- snd Glen Howell being added to I the previous yeast There was an
-In Memoriam the' 0. l::`:�va� -r$ on. ,'*+ -' on•L memberships .
seamen's Language = .. J. v
�- "1&` Baxter is Budget Treasurer, and 10 by ' Profession of Faith, and I
tephenson In loving "memory of - of boys and. young mein, wtwe in- ( „•
r dear mother, Sarah'•Steplienson, In a letter re¢eivel this week by terests lie in the Welfare of others Mr' H. W' Boyes, Congregational by Certificate, malting a total in
o his father, Craig Murkar, R.' C. N- Treasurer. 1 i , I Hill Comlmunicn, December Sist, of • -
passed away February 13, 194. the promotion of national and in- Isocial Following -the business meeting, a 725. The Sunday 'School liar st wonderful mother., woinun. and aid .now' on patrol duty on the Atlantic, te=nationRl goodwill: ' ne who was:better, God never imade writes as follows (several incidents Mr. Mitchell's address became a hour was enjoyed, during memiiiership of 102; the W A. oil'• r_
at his own expense) `'Oh yes, I sub ect differin which two presentations were made, 56, the W. M. S. 'of '118- and the Y.
wonderful worker, loyal and.true, j g: frown many of for servicces p� U. of 54. Financially the yen
in a million, that mother, was will have to tell you this -- we those .of the past few weeks, and an to Mr' Arthur Boyes,
you. „ . ; , were ,taking on supplies . the other 'interesting •topic that was heartily to the congregation, of an occasion- was' decidedly encouraging: A. -'
�:pt in judgment always ri ht day, and big clumsy, me �`he has applauded, al chair, and to Mr, Ai Walker, of Grand Total of $2801 -was raised
' ) g put on 40 pounds singe last , May), Whitby, of a small gift, 'for his for all purposes, of which Stewards
onest and liberal, ever • upright; -
,owed by your' friends and all whom Sys and drops the cereal over ,the The' sponsoring of a Blood Don- recent, generous assistance during raised 91,577., tits , - Sunday' Scho� ' • °- - '-• 1
aide, and the Old .Man .. yells out, ors' Clinic- was discussed; resulting the 'moving from the .Friends $183„ the W. A,., $368'., the Y. Pr
you knew' "H Murkar what, in h . is Church, to their present location, U', $1ft6.y �V. bL S, $1111, the Miss- -
wonderful.. mother �`thst_,_zpother, in an investigation asked, with the former - Methodist - Churelr. - onsr
was you. I wrong witho ou today?" and -fie` $report -to be inade late&, J -- ape _ Punnase of
3 Y'•
adl missed made me a nervous I cropped a The regret of the assembly in the $92 was nt in the ,
y b! her -. iarnily. -. __ ..__ • - in-ability- of-Mr. John Murkar, to year C�rt3fica es— G- icrr►s
10� pound bag of cab ages over Text week's speaker period will
the -next' trip -down". and - "when. take the form of ,an "open attend, )was conveyed to him by provided for :both Minister and th!
tephenson --i In loving megiory of p diuss- M Murkar. -This was the first Choir. Both officials and member*
dear Father, David Stept mson, I was on the-89, wei•were- out doing - ,-ion' when "Rotary's -Interests" will arnival rr�eeting Mr, Murj�r has not rendered most faithful service,
f&o passed away, Feb ry 21st, loop patrol, and- one ,night I had the be reviewed. A full' attendance Is =
middle watek Everything was go- -urged. Members please note: - attended-in over forty years. ' for which we -give than_ ks. The nevr 1'VN
+one, dear father, gone forever, - ing along great, - except 1 was- so _ Ofiidals elected`tWs year are +•.
sleepy I could not keep awake. So' ,Nursin Reserve Class' Don jAnnan, to the' COnmittee oft
low eve miss your smiling face, _ _ . g _
Pt you left us to remembee the Old Man yells dawn from the p �.�. Stewards; Howard -Shier • to Supf)., -
one on earth can take y our place. beidge' "Who're- Q. M. on that _� • R� • • . Comumencing Friday, February 12, of. the.. Sunday. School, Mrs. Harold'
W ?" and I pipes up smartly, """" and continuing on present schedule Mitchell to' President of the W. A. -
happy home we once erl�oyed, " Murkar', Sir'' and - lie' Sell .back, Owing � weather �c+onditions on of the Sedopd and Fourth Friday At the <0k),se of the Sunday morning-
ut Bath as.. nieaory still ,. What' iii h --- are Wednesday event
eat death hsa, left a loneliness You trying to Y rig, the local A,-R, of' each month, _Mrs. G. •9 Coates service of.-January. 24th, Mr. Jac. ,rs
do, write your name ?" and 1 says, P. Session was withdr"P, to be will give .a Serles of Free Lectures McIntosh 'wad' presented with A.
5e world can never fill, No ,Sir" and back it cornea, "Well held 'neat Wednesday evening;" at .� + very -fine address, prepared at1$
- Sadly, missed by his - fmanily,- on Emergency Feeding' . Practice
quit thinking about, that one back the' schoo}, at 8;1.5. Periods will resume upon corals- read by Mt. Forgie, and a gold'
T H E--*.. C ING NE W-Sial
hurne, and steer this ,i ---;m thing tion of these Lectures. watch and chain, presented by Mr. '
Observing. Puails '- in a ..straight line", Ineidentally - - - _ Harold Mitchell,, Chairman of the• r ;.
Dad and Mom; I don't - know all the jro our Subscribers - Comtnf'ttee of Stewards, the gM
Heard from our local school this cuss words he does, but every time _ Born, on Monday, February 8th, of the Congregation ' and Sunday
'Feather; wrote _Jul -__I,. think-- about that- now; -I- have -to-_- Have you- ' renewed_ your - .1943, at the Oshawa General Hosp -.j School -in recognition of n=1r-
Caesar ? ". laugh. ion to the News Do it nowt ital. to -Mr. and Mrs. Don Cawker 5 ears of very fadthful service&
ght boy, "Copp, Clark Ltd ". (Dorothy Watson). a daughter.
(that one N true, FA.
.; a,• "..9`Te'::� s� _-.. .'T.a: ,,.;>••r,- r••.r - '"+'.., e'�•C — - .y .... .... :' _•r'"'�.•-r�-
�' "'•? r..,yi *Jww' ��+'r* '-�..� - -w•r :,iJ . ; Y: yr '�; ..y. ra•per„ ;• saw. .... .. ....w.: �. .•-w. .-; ,,. �' :�";� - l •,:�
v .•'•+'," i� .''•t ` ' ":2 -.. �: raw. �..`_ :- "`,'y ". a _ _ ..SuY�u•q,e.
74 yam;.'• b. .'a;' ,i .y.•�.., - .a'."s '�,.l+-' r, ... ,r4 ,f .+q: ^ "t -,
._ _ _- i T4En '`- ✓+•:,. . t -. / t•wq •A^ •',Il F• t� I \ .4 •. •<. M�,
C tuned in (perhaps Automatically
`�� aiY a when music slid speech broadcasts
/c , O�I leave the air at night, and' the
•YY _ ''t �• radio would print your n102'Iling
paper for you while, you skin. • I
—W P in he Christian Sci-
t h
gpD10 Nt W$pAPER$ c
Many newspapers today carry
r "wire photo" pictures, which have
t` • 'been sent to the• paper over wires
:�►t „ i from distant points. The process L- HOW CAN I? : .�
{ ,
f O
• •�' " s r f sending newspapers b • radio
.. ..:. o s 3 -- - :.
,, does not differ greatly from the . Q How can I remove a bit of s !
' t'r "�°'� , wire photo method except ttat _
i t, egg yolk that has aceitrenta'hy
the impulses are sent b radio
P y gotten-into- the whiti when separ -' t
waves rater than as pulsations in nom. ..
a current in an electric 'circuit. sting the two. ►'fkr "Q *.,r - -
A. Use a small piece of wet a► ! ,
The process, called radio iac- cloth to remove the yolk • it will -
simile involves (at the transmis- o0
cling readily to the cloth. Dan
sion end) the changing ' of the Q. How can I keep the window r Vir-st p _
varying tones of white, may, and t
boxes looking attractive during'
f. black into corresponding radio sig• ; -
the winter, months. Roll your owners
R ? N - nals; broadcasting these signals; A. Instead of allowing the
and. (at the receiving end) Chang- window boxes to remain empty =
ing the signals' back into a fac- all winter, tbey can be made to' �o for Ogden S
t:o wonder skiing in the Laurentians 'is such keen sport. Ski simile or reproduction of the._ look attractive with cedar or pine The covered wagon was distinc-
traili and hills abound for both beginner and expert ... tow lines original pictures, pri nting, etc. branches, adding a few sprigs of tive. of pione ring days in the
take you quickly and easily to . the hill tops ... the scenery is grand ` ' ' bittersweet to brighten them. blend o choicer, i ipedistinctive rocs
and the quaint, French - Canadian villages are really interesting: Pic. In one type orradio facsimile ' Flow can I iron slips so that blend of choicer, riper tobaccos -
ed are two of the four tow lines which service the famous Hills Q. P . Ask in old- timer' and he'll
.. �, >,, r -- receiver, a stylus is driven back they will not stretch? • '
0 and ' 80, ' on wnlen many ehsmpionsiiips have 1,��„ s4M. tell you that Ogden 's isn't just >
the background is the village of Ste. Adele en haut: '° and form across a curiL;ri...,.� ,:91 A. fr,a,o.ul,rr L� iron -slips a►�tklar tobacco -ft's a fame�a
_. of special dry - electrolytic paper, crosswise instead of up and down. brand with a famous name.
This paper is affected by electric This tends to prevent the slip Try it today
u - -_- y�tit♦ u +a+•a7 QdE QeKe current, turning dark in propor -' from showing below the skirtline. Ogdel's quality For pipe smokes,
tip to the amount of current
Q. How can I' clean wrought. too, in Ogden's Cut Plus
By Roberta Lee passed through it. iron fixtures and ornaments': -
A Corr n whope variations A Rub with a woolen rat-
a - - `his chief constable of a amaL -.' correspond to the variations in moistened with any thin oil, all" - --
_ town was also an expert veterm- light and shade of the original as paraffin or kerosene..
dry surgeon:, -- Out u;AL the- tole -- -- 1. L_ it -still considered proper copy, is sent through the moving Q. How can I keep empty fruit
phone rang. The chief constable's for a man to ask a girl's lathe?-
wife answered. for his approval before proposing light and shade of the pictures A. A little powdered borax
"Is that Mr. Jenkins ?" asked marriage to her'' and printed matter of a news- sprinkled in.empty_ fruit jars with
ti 2. Is it all right to use create- paper may be re rodziced b
- an agitated Dice.- + Y P 7 the cover screwed on tightly will
r. colored or tinted personal cards., radio. keep t
' Do you want my husband in p ham sweet untjL needed an- _ The silk-that would normally _
3. In what position should the It should be pointed -out that
is eapaaitlr at{ yetnr ;n ■rye
on k4 P other year.
or as chief constable'!". bread-and-butter lt lase?. steno- eom lets with headlines, of ea lions, li' mica deposit c make 100 pairs of silk stockings
'!" . uu«ra -- - •i,� _ -.1- _ee _•,.,;r„ llc• la Y-r .,ail r,l lam. .,,,� ...�3...1�.
plate?. tusl rep_ auctions of news pages, - 4
Both, madam, came the reply. •" _
'' "We can't get our. bulldog to open F P Doering 89 square
his mouth, and there's a burglar grapher say or- do when her em- illustrations and all. miles has Just been discovered to
ployer shows her an error she has • • • , . New Zearind. -
b. 1s it permissible to leant jc"t`v •
Magistrate- "You cannot across ori`e person to shake hands practical bash. Weather: maps, S A r E S
drive now for two years. for with. a_third? Prepared_ by shore m hips it sea', ,
_may be radioed to ships at sea; -
= Defendant: "But r + ., fingerprints and other data may iroteer roar nuvl:% mad ' you re a danger to peas&. 6. Flow should seeds be remov-
trtesa. ea 'from an orange at the table! rro•r' F•iHF: ue THIEVES. aiYe •-
da you be flashed through. space between' bane • else ass 17pe of sate, or
+ honor, my living depends •n Answers _ distant police depatments; and it - camset. ror any purpose. tf'Istt
is possible for a bank cheque, w• or ..el�• ter /rMe., stn Of
IL 1. No. However as soon its a -in n.nr aa' g
as I signed London, to- be radioed
Magistrate: So a o • a young man and- woman have de- across the Atlantic and be hall. J,&i.TAYL.OR LIMITED "
nitrly' Ge�t4 G 6., arasrg, iE hl - vt�4. �-, rt�aedeleed bit radio iac M � - • -
considered well -bred and cousid. simile, in '.'sew York. ;
orate for them to at once to c-
-.----The �o
- spread of cinema - acquired !� As -a newspaper, a radio la 1ta Front yet E„ tore•ii -
American slang among schoolboys -her parents' and ask their ap- simile set in the home could be = - .- F:■uhn ■beA If9 5 - ` -
%a illustrated by this "howler. " -3n proval. 2. White cards only
the pre-Christmas examination a should be used. 3. The butter _ at a of evacuated Oockney boys knife alsould be placed at the top ADVERTISEMENTS
s• .. ' : at a school in the West, was asked of the bread-and-butter' plate, CLASSIFIED
what was understood by the ex- slightly above the- centre; and _ -- -
0 onr "the .heel of Italy." . Para
with the. edge' of the D(wy FOR salt atAC:AZI�i� l
VAe boy wrote. '•�It1SSO17n1. le _ 1., ^i' 1~o. h-ri'lle at the right ` r'2���HILES -CUED
"he heel + rtalv_•' and -spreading edge of the knife
- / tOwardathe finest: UStW CARb \vl'CH t;tx1L T1KE:1 Aftl•I - ICE \NELS- \ \'•Ad.DHEI]tf K'iI�E SELECTION. THRII.T -;G
` wr t' : see us NraL.Mount_Pleasarit No Sack. Specializing 1n purebred and exciting stories:' Send only
- _ "I am sore a offer to re :Ron Limited. Used, Cal "tat at - -1w saaAoga.nv- coated IRISH _6Sc_for -- 10 beck numbers: West -
y. �tF:TTF.I ;3-- tlever devoted' cow- r
"N/ka! are you turning 1LL4t Yunse street; tieao VTtice 'erns, Love, Candid Confessions. - - --
y g ivTite it. 5. If yod a're Obliged to wE3 blount Pleasant Road. To- panions. True F)etective Cases, Furl Yar-
,arouad for Jdbn?"' l do this, beg the pardon of the one ronto. Tetephone HY, .181. UYEI:VI; ! GLI:Al11:1G &de Famous Crime Cases- etc,
"Cu just discovered we're .*cross whom you reach. 6. -With by 'one of Magazines. largest F ror
1 y BAY'D 134h'rNt'tlb:�Te a4ANTE:1) - :ltshera of atagazlttes. .Send for
Ieo�five hundred and "tea the orange spoon. HAYL•' YUL ANYTHING NEEDS Free catalogue of Book Bargaltta•
&nibs since morning; we'll - - BAND J: ORCHNSTRA 1NSTRU- dyeing or cieanin write to as Box 232. Department W,P., To-
gi ment. not in use rna3' be turned for Information a are glad to ronto• Ontario.
hive to run back to tiro five- into cakli. Send 'full particulars an.wer your questions' Del►art-
1!\tntaaa - mite marl -aa� to Whaley Hoyce et - Company. prent H. - Parker's Dye Rorke
Dina ;e the oil." 01.14, -my.-i 1'.wa a teal _ e street., Toronto. Oat. Limited. V11 Forego Street'. To- PATENTS _i! TRADE il[ARI�S
lees street car which will carry UARY CHICK14 Et:ERTON Ii CAyE„ Rluk,1S'7aLgY:i3
- r ':; t•1 Hs, HIDES, ROOI, l'nited States, Cranadian, British
1.00 standing passengers. 1T'S IMPORTANT T(i OF11,>ER Patgnt Atfoorney. Booklet gratla,
At an afternoon Lei an over. Y,ray chicks now,, whether im- SHiP CS YOUR HIKES, FURS. Established over forty year.•• 82 _
_.• plump matron was partaking gin- - -_- mediate or tester dellvery: Start- Wool, Horsehair. Top prices, Balsam Avenue, Toronto. '
ed chirkv: cockerels to be hady �m+rggr�tpt returns. Pearlman .1tc
erously of the tiny round sugared tor summer scarcity meat. Stave YpoldberZ. 136. F'ropt Street, . East, PoCLTRY
cakes. fTOOPEl time, . by booklnic order now. Toronto. government Licensed
tYl KL Bray Hatchery, 13,0 blohn .N„ Wool Grading Station No. 22• WHITE COCHiN - SANTAMS AND
"Aren't you afraid to eat so Hamiltun• Ont. Pekin Ducks, i4.0v paiir; Bronze
many Of them' ", inquired a HAIRDRF•ASING SCHOOL Turkey Hens ii-00 each. log
R'EkK BIP.TiS SAB0TA(',E PROF- - - 1,..c,. Fes. ,� ''v" _.c "ii•
friend: its. Buy Tweddle rhicke for liv- 1, E A I"., ' 'Il_\IRDRESSINM CHE Ont.
"Not at all," replied the other. ,ytM� , ability. The trouble with "buy. Robertson method. information
"The aren't fattening. They �dIM� *� and -hope -tor -thi- best- chleks" Is on request • regarding.. classes. PRESS WANTED
Y g• adik �dlrMraM/ that they don't show their lack Rpbert?on's Rairdressiag Acad- 1 t�
just the ..`holes' pub of dough- /dew - -of quality until It's too late to emy, 137' Avenue Road. Toronto. WANTED PONY CYLINDER PRESS
tan anything about -it. Time, • 13" . x 38" and Gordon' 14" x 2:S•'
nuts." start boA money and manpower are too MEDICAL -
_. aMastse,otthasettlasse+M!rw gust be in good condition. Kos
scarce to Invest. in anything but
the best chicks. The Tweddle' ca- 4 i3 Adelaide \V., Toroa o,
- ' STOPPED QUICKLY - Backache,`
1 ;pacfi�is 1";(fv0 chicksl a- week. Headache, Rheumatic pains, •Diz-
He: "1e she progressive or We ran shoht last year. Better NmartinR•' l3ufuing from PROP1:RTIES WANTED TO HUT
order now and take early' deliv- h idny. Liver, Bladder disorders,
conservative?" WE h WANT ATTRACTIVE aereri HOMES
PILE TORTURE pry. Free catalogue and • older Herb ipJuice . So mpo n B rand with s Yv ,erst small good dis- -
' $h■: "1 don't know, Site .; price list. Turkeys and older Herb Juke Compound, ..large for `cash buyers: Any good dig- _
t - -a W-Ar a kat drives pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatch- bottle E.1.00 mailed postpaid. trict within hundred miles of
" -r-- j eries limited. Fergus, Ontario. 'Write to -day. Windsor Drug Co., Toronto. Send .complete partieu-
this year's car, and lives ow = Doc c.- ;-lie. 'win ;or. Canada. _, -
t!Ult;KLY- K1rWEI,ua�r - t..._ .._!: \- @ -i- \•-
next years income:' It you are troubled with itching 4usiNEss FOR SAi.E charge of any kind unless we
I1 "S F:XCF.Li.ENT REA[. RESULTS sell. Powell and Company, .0 SL
piles or rectal surent4m, do not delay' WEEKLY NEWSPAPER AND JOB ' after triking pison's Remedy for Clair East, . Toronto.
treatment and run the risk of letting printing plant in small Ontario rheumatic pains and• neuritis.
An Edinburgh.. . woman walked this ev.ndition become chronic. Any town. An. excellent opportunity, Munro s Drug Store, 335 Elgin,
g Ottawa. Tostpafd $1.00. Pi PPIES FOR SALE
into .a war savings pavilion and itching or soreness or painful pass- a one man shop. Box 463, 73 j�
age of, stool In nature's warning and Adelaide W., Toronto. HR.YD COLDS, STNCS, NOSE DR'TP, AFGHAN' HOUND PUPPIES AND
laid her hoard on the table with a proper treatment sbould be secured chow chows, registefed, impn'rt-
Grippe, Influenza relieved in five '
decisive firnmess: . -..For this purpose get a package of minutes «I�ngOR oDRtTGatCO, Dixie, Ontario. Kennels,
_. ;.. ..
"I've been saving this up to di- Hem -Xold pfrom any druggist and SEND FOP OUR RECORD CHART a �
use once. as directed. This formula free and catalogue, Six breeds postpaid. ed stock, reasonable, u
50 treatments $1.00: trial Sze..Sc
voree my husband," sl e•said; "but ass.. Seminole. Windsor, Can. dEGE1.
which is used internally is a amnia chicks and all ages growing put- '
_ -- _I'_ve_mada up my mind now. to easy to take tablet, will quickly - lets. Government approved. Save "THE GREAT DISCOVERY' -
deal with Hitler first." relieve the itching and soreness and money, early order discounts. OFER TO I1fVF.NTt1R% drink your way to Health with
aid In healing the sore tender spots. Prompt deliveries. Satisfaction AN OFFER TU EVERY INVENTOR Raw Vegetable Juices." Revis- _
List of Inventions and full tnfor-
Hem -Raid is pleasant to use, is gguaranteed Monkton Poultry ed edition lust oft the press mail-
_ „ highly recommended and it seems Fasm, Monkton, Ontario. matron sent tree. The Ramsay • ed on receipt of 25c. Radiant
- C,avajry___R�cratita.- 1._3or F t:o., Registered Patent Attornevs,
she- height of -folly -to>_any__one to _ Health Product rfaiton, Ont.
like the look of the horse's risk a painful and •chronic Dile r �^Z3 -F�k Street• Uttgwa. Canada
" conditiong�[when such a fine remedy �tA'rI$K
- knead. sir' may be dFd at such a small cost PATENTS _
• ••
Sergeant: _ "stye don't It you try item -avoid and arw rail ntgneek y.�.,.1. ; -.: paid - ea -al,? _ ' ,PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT -
worry. You'•i11 soon get ever pleased-- with_th -e- -Lee utts,- grades: Bank reference. A. Zama Flee Helps For Inventors =ue 06- d---resulta --
.tkat!" your druggist will gladly return -mlt, & -liana -*venue,- Toronto. Everyone with a good Idea should Dixon 'a Remedy or RheumRtle
your money. _ _
-- -
° - FARM% B Booklet ,Fortunes From y= 0 E B1 Ot
Patna and Neuritis. Sold at Mutt-
promptly Drug Store. 345 t r -
- .r A R M S, SUBURBAN PROPER- tions,' and the handsome form taws. Postpaid 1.0 .
ties; north of Toronto. Apply .R• 'Record of Your Invention." a - -t- a
H. Kane, Richmond Hill. them to- day - Free --from W. Irwio TEACHER WANTED _ -
C 0 Y 6 N i 0 41�U IktMU ftm MOKTN�Y% Haskett, 63 Queen Street.-Ottawa. ,
FOR SALE SOCK a RN ISLAND - T school, a l'- '
T w RO M B T M E= f EMALE iii ACRES LAND, b GREENHOL713 i'ETHEt 80111CROM CUIItPA ed wanted, small village ae ool, av-
er, 2- storey modern red Dress DD erage. atter0ance about 25, salary;
Patent Bolicttora Jlsta io to.
890; 14 King West, Toronto. one hundred dollars psip mouth.
_ firtCk house, hot water h9atln; 1 l state quali[fcatlons. Apply 0.
Stop EAKNESS system. Reasonable for cash. oak et �oHf(yl(ntormation on re• MoEI{�g. secretary, Cockburn Is- Thousands useLyetohlsto -Apply Walker. 1S Ii111 Street. truest -- _ ._ M,_ Ontario. �
Embarmssmeef tat. Thomas, Ont. I[MRAPHT
"rm a spttehbosrd opper�aa w:lt�s * Lydia E. Pinkliam's, Vegetable FERRETS DONrT TRUDGE THROUW TRAIN FOR
Taranto i. "and LYMOIDtstphr/,r'helpM aN coin poand not only helps roUsTo BROWN AND WHITE, EXCELd- The Rent. Ralm at Hall APPLICATIONS A R E ' TNVIT'ED "
_ • twee tangy an embsaaars; �roaC tlolla - ma MC pals but also "west, rioev- - lent hunters. Males $4.50, females _ �• _ for girls who desire to train for
ow I alew eara7
the= M01 on/ MC 3o meatlfl> $5.00, yearlings $5.56. Lwm. Good- HAVE YOUR S1i1/h�'� nurses. September 1945. Cornwall
Yt hoar■iaiss or ineessaat' coatlhiag ttanaldistutbaaoes.ItLelps� pain, Hagersville, Ont. r 9 expos by Mall " 'General' osPttal,' Cornmalh Ont.
s tr7LYMOIDS.Ifea owt resistance asMilirt diakhr of ' Any ti of a d prime film or perfectly
= ., edlentt i �didnalolbsootbos +cult days." Made 1tl Canada, , f iiAl. developed and printed for only, tic. TRACTOR PARTs
rNiw rye Supreme quality and fast service
litostseeresrstiLYStOIDSG ,fo++dyaltsrOcmrt BAUbIERKA' FOOT BAt•Al destroys gnnrr,nteed TRACTOR PARTS X W AND
2Scbseca, anobrai+tabh,�t+edl0ctwsra,nps» otfenatv6 odor Instantly, i c [MPERiAL PHOTO SERVICE used, for all makes of trrtrton.
ilff potLle. i)tta'lve airent, Doomaa (Jenerat Auto and Tractor Suppply,
Ke1a, w Ly`MOW% 1tp Puatt Straw, Tormw LSSUE No, ?-- 43 prtn= store, Ottawa iitatloa J. Toronto It Frederick St., Kitchener, OnL
'+.+ °�y'�.^, •^'Jn- °^ r ",S!- irF^M1.Q, �` -Tk'," >," •p i �` 9R,J.eV ' .w• r '`tirx .S' ^�i... T v _ F_er. ._ - _ , any.._ .� 1 - • ' -
_a t • ..•• : \, ' w ik mot' 'a ' .. "'.' i ,Q,�
, xr, 5r•'x '"3., ;T� ;l�r' , ay` • .. < �. - ! - ro � a.. r� .•,y �� i +"E �.� ��' .. ,'d
THE WAR WEEK — (ofinentacy oa Current Events _
UUM19 , AOL Ault
y, Onited Nations Seize Political On Way To Comfort Russians from Sluas-hi . .
' ' ' ' ' '' By C EGORY CLARK kets there were 16,057 sheets.
As Well As ' Military. Initiative g extraordinary KIDNEYS
• Amon the eztraordin items "k
The goods are on the way. Al- were some 4,000 winter union „ rs
The 'communique that told of conference and surveyed the Try the OriginC� Dutch Drops ,
ready haled and en route to the suits, a special consignment of
the historic meeting between future safety of all the Ameri- It is poisonous waste that your kidneys
�- people of Russia are $225,949 extremely heavy pullover .gar- -
' -Prime Minister Churchill and ear; (2) agreed that the coast 'should be filtering out of your blood that
President Roosevelt conciuded ,1 Wl L t f a..^ And D k hn„l.i worth of clothing purchased by ments made for a special purpose may cause backache, dizzy spells, It
„ -tits Cana6iau Aid i� D���:w tend: �.a I ✓.t64r 'gained- sad- uhicl>t_9eiU cps, restless,, sleep-broken nights. an.5
with these words: never 'again under any cancan- Thus gn p •matting and uwu". -',,..JU,I _-. 0�
_"The President and Prime Min- stances'be allowed to become" nn , 'while the campai for the be o� incam arable use in extreme remedy that has on the graceful thanks
aster and their combined staffs, invasion threat to the' tr o Amer}- fund consumes the energise of northern districts of Russia. of thousands for many, year* -GOLD r
district committees ffom coast to Woollen shirts 20 000 • MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules.
:- having completed their plans for tae; (3) declared a common aim , jersey
the offensive campaigns of 1943c, of t_ieir two _ countries "to make coast 'in Canada, one quarter of pullovers, 20,000; sweaters, 20,- This effective diuretic and kidney scimu- 9
pasted n' order to the Atlantic Ocean safe' for all," a million dollars', worth of ma- 000; socks, 50,000 pairs; pillow Dropssin carefully measured mountstiinn
=: have now se tcrial is in transit. slips, � 10,000; berets, leather tasteless Capsules. It is one of the most
:. '.put them into active and. con- and President Vargas gave assur-
At, prices never higher than mitts, doublets, winter melton favorably known remedies for relieving
certed execution." The Prime ante, of greater Brazilian efforts manufacturers' rites, far below, paps, jackets, drawers, and even congested kidneys and irritated b}�dder.
Minister flew East to Turkey, the to combat the German submarine p p It works swtfily, helping the ,ddicap%
President•flew West to Natal in menace in .the Caribbean and wholesale, specially granted or puttee's, the shipment of Canada's filters of your kidneys to purify the, blood. -
- _ Brazil, each journey a logical South Atlantic; (4) described this "particular. and worthy cause, first goodwill offering from its Be sure you get theoriginalandgenuine—
sequel to' the North African con- themselves as "deeply. grateful' the Canadian Aid to Russia fund million- dollar Aid to 'Russia fund GOD MECDaAnLadHaaremsOil Cap�eul�er.
Terence. These' were the first for the "almost unanimous" help has been able to send Russia, as is chiefly what Leningrad and soc at your druggists. l
"- -steps . toward carrying out the which their neighbor nations were the first •consignment bought those communities now being .net
plans a from the fund, a wholesale con- free, day by day, will most re-
' p greed upon in' Morocco, giving *"to the great cause of de- -
mocracy. ". The words_ "almost signment of clothing, that will be quire after the thieving enemy Winston Churchill
Turkey and the Allies „ - - a'godsend to-Ler ngrad -- and- ot�--- - -has looted -them = clothing -and Wealthy Man
unanimous were, a pointed refer- The surprise meeting between gate to the second largest South cities freed from siege. bedding. _ . ; -- - -- __ - ay
the Turkish President and Prime American nation, Argentina, Mrst in order come blankets, of As fast as the funds come in, There is as impression abroad
- '
"Minister Churchill is another dra- which has not,yet broken off dip; which 10,193 are in these - first. the goods will go out, this is the p ,
bales en route. Overcoats, 6,127, undertaking of Clifford Sifton, writes L. S. B. Shapiro In the
_ Unite demonstration that' the lomatic relations with the Axis and coats, 46,492; 5,798 pairs'of vice- chairman- of the national Montreal Gazette, that Winston
United \'ations- have-- seized- not and has officially resented charges Churchill is a wen man. Or -_
only the military but also the po- / that her territory is a base for shoes; 679 children's
overcoats;, committee of the fund. 1thY
litical initiative and that the two Nazi espionage. 30.466 suits -of underwear; wo- To know that, your contribution course he is not. He is probably
combined , are now drawing. ' s, 'men's dresses, 1,010, to the fund is taus coming inzv the- poorest (fina_nciallvl o_ rime
:'noose around Hitler's neck. Anniversary • In Berlin - In the shipment also were 114,- physical contact with the Russian minister England has had in a
.. Just what the practical results, On the tenth anniversary of 407 miscellaneous' items, which people-in the very midst of their hundred years. No family for-
- 'of the meeting will be remains to Hitler's assumption of the Chan- included 30,000 'cap comforters, mighty struggle gives a special tune was left to him, and he has
Mr. GLur��iiill warn- _ been earning a lining during most
-' xd against speculations which
its first daylight bombing since '20,000 *oollen mufflers, 50,000 tion without delay to the. and- oz His adult li °c Ly ..�l.U...b beaks
might embarrass the 'participants. the war began. pairs of sockti. dian Aid to Russia fund, 80 King and newspaper articles. , This,.it -
As. the main Power of the Middle ' The Fuehrer himself was at In addition to the 10,000 bran -- St. W„ Toronto. can be stated with conviction,
East and guardian of the Darda- the front, and !or the second time does not lead to wealth.
Sys Thus: -Y-ork T' the first was in' 1938 -he had withoi t disrupting the na#on's Mr. Churchill's salary as an 'r-
imes.—_ It Was Like Mary
r - Turkey holds a key position of failed to mark the --anniversary
ecorri . - dinary member of the Commoria
_ utmost importance to Allied stra- with a• speech. Instead, a proe- On fit. Down Grad. And' @r Little �4rfi wasurdiy-enough -to, -keep -him'
tegy -and to German. According lama from Hitler was read by The Nazi order; it seemed eer= cigars. Even with a prime, mini :~
to official' Turkish statements Mr. Propaganda Minister Joseph Goeb- . tain, - d d nst m_ can that Hitler's Right Hon. Winston Churchill ter's salary and allowances, he
Churchill did not ask ' Turks to -bets.- It reflected the seriousness troops would be a weaker foe used an "old 'nursery rhyme to must be running into a heavy
,� „••I \ T�.h l• -..l o +1,„ during J9u8`aIitV "si` `�ficanee to describe the root of Marshal Er- deficit. -
ca,Lc♦ .. y o wi, i<•1, ma,lo thin flT- g �• y - d
Government did not • undertake niversary more a day of mourn= 11S icie I Gam• -• °••o -•• 11 •- •�.•_l� A£rl#a -I4ei t. - Therre is hardly any doubt,
any such commitment. That' ing for the dead than a day of hid reached its peak military Referring to Rommel as a fags- + however, that Mr. Churchill -will
= 'leaves a wide_ latitude for inter= celebration, as in yearn. past.. The strength and had started down- 'tive from Egypt, Mr. Churchill establish a family fortune. He
pretation. The British - Turkish Fuehrer declared -that unless his grade. In 1939 she Reich •was said the Eighth Army hoe] chased will write the history of the war
' -• -1- -' ^� ^ s?{�� i4 �g �nle devoted ecerT aunee of estimated of hace.18,000,000 pro - him 1,500 miles. It was like Mary which cannot but be an all-Lime -
�- -- ••u -' --- ° • - °- *� best- seller. He hasn't said he will
for "active rn i ary co- operation - t era energy to the defeat -elE' llus- - � �' =°
it the war moves to the eastern sia they were in danger of hating' ages of 18 an 45. - store -iiian - �Eeerywhoye Thai- SonsmeT'otFent - t1a�Fustor3 -of -fife war+ lliib -
end of the Mediterranean," and -their-culture destroyed and be - 9,000,000 . of . them . are now in the Eighth Army was sure to fol- that is his bent, his profession,
- - uniform, suffering lasses esti- lour. and will obviously be his pleasure.
the American and British promise coming. the- slaves of "Bolshec•.
"to help Turkey materially to- ism." mated at 1,000,000 a year, 'this. Moreover he is the only -mss fully
Consolidate her own general .de- Herr - Go•rins'• Speeeb . a rare of loss that could not WELL. THEY'RE HATS? q,ialified to do the job. ;
-Pensive security " - suggests that " _ be madc up Jy x%64 t ens- -from- -the. - ..- -The, hat designer who said that
this treaty is now - being given The days chief address was ranks of women, prisoners of war currently styled women's hats are Sort Out Flyers
?once. At the very least, this made by Reichmarshal - Hermann . or- "volunteer .workers from cap - pretty much alike is wrong on e
r Goering. He began after an tine countries." its effect would only three counts, viz: The aren't By Glider Training
• _ i .,li t Tnriro � is Aofar
" es the l ^iinecL mood prndnefin", iii war _pre tv thev aren't much, and
too fight against any German move and- shouts, supposedly - due to the -
toward 'the diddle East, which pp y production " and finally on the they aren't alike. canaaian Aer ours, way
air raid, were heard over the radio. fighting fronts. St. Louis Star -Times gliders this summer if gliders can
puts up another bulwark against The man who had promised the be obtained and if pf gliders now
the Nazis and helps to close the German people that British bomb= SIDE -GLANCES _ B George under consideration meet with
_ iron ring around- them. What is < _ Y 8 Ci�� _
ens Rould -never cross their fron- _ .. _ - official - appfta
more, it creates essential safe- be #, Gliding Is, considered an excel-
guards would for their flank in case the repaid "one day." By the pledge - �W t1�t �- lent' means -of sorting. out per.
Allied armies now gathering in
of , #maI victory he sought to 're- � � � ,• -• sons who are potential ),yens from
. Africa .. should try to. invade - _ - �
Europe throu the ancient gate- move tits sting of recent defeats.. i, those who can aster -tie training
ru place of former boasts that / f i , before. .:hey enter -flying training
way of the Balkans.- And the serf- I_
ousness of this threat is indicated Germany's war tools were the + la-
• best in the world. he • said. that / _ ` - Gliding has been used- in the
by the sudden rush. of German Russia "had spent the last decade 1 lf, t - _�._,, training of British air cadets and
reinforcements to that region - and a. half building up the most. Germany has, led the world is
which -in turn helps to weaken the powerful armaments ever made _ y glider training. usnig it to interest
Germans on'the Russian front.' by any nation." He announced' a `iQ i _ many of the. men now serving' in
"Brasil and the Allies spring offensive, but karned of i. �� n - --- _ the Luftwaffe In >lytag while they
further hardships ahead. _ were still too young for -actual dy-
- 'The President flew west. On , f ing training.
The impact of the war upon 1 As the 'main function at the air
- - Din return flight from Morocco, J
Germs has a sradLni ro
President Roosevelt stopped off -` � - _ � < � � cadets a to get boys iaierested ' in
--for. another eesa. Ith did not come with the
important meeting. - i air training and give them- tnatruc•
`Last week his giant flying boat brutal sudenness it did to most }i tion 'which will • help them is the
skimmed g:ntly into the Potengi of the democratic ttations. 7t '9 future if they enter the. R.C:A.F.,
' River at the seaport of Natal, on' started ten years ago when Adolf g
.� �
the "hump ".of the Brazilian coast Hitler came to. power and an eco- a it is ' felt gliders can play a use - Homy of "guns, not butter,"-was ful role in the work of the - league.
-dearest Africa. Here, • on an f
ti;rtablished. Under it luxuries
American . destroyer, surrounded s' —
by Patrol craft and under, an um- ..,.:ohm frer+t the s1`ei�se Per - 100,000,000 Gallons
brella of planes, he held• affee- man's life, his clothes tuined _t Of Gay For Tro s
tionate, reunion with. "my old shoddy. J •_� OQ
friend," Getulio Vargas,. Press- Last week it became..eviaent _
dent -of. Brazil: that all this was not enoug'h° From ,, More than 100,000,000 gallons
The two Presidents reviewed Adolf Hitler's headquarters came of gasoline were ordered for the
It armed forces during 1932 by the
American and Brazilian forces an order requiring the registration " - ti Munitionst,_,�-m-j_ Supply Depart.
stationed at Natal. This little city of all German. men betwe'e'n 16 meat.
f .. of 30;000, close to the Equetor, . and 65 and all'- German women - - ' h,: - .
leas suddenly become a world between 17 and 45. "The "order In addition,' the department i
'* ordered in the same period a
off place for hundreds of planes to replace men in the factories, air ;, ,U;3',; 36 balluirs v�
bound northeast 1 700 miles over civil services - 'offices. Since un - -'`' a• lubricating oils, and thousands of
the Atlantic, to fighting fronts in married women have long since �� t1 {� 1 � gallons of paints, val•ilishes and
'Africa or, farther- 'east, to Rus- been called on for work, the order ^� • greases.
- sin, India and China, seemed aimed at such of Ger- �,d ,.�.ftan,M..ea s•sa•
Presidents Roosevelt and Var- many's' 12,500,000 married gWomen, Women in the German -occ .pied '
sac (1) discussed -the Casablanca as could be taken fromotheir homes "John never gets a minute off from his work." ., Netherlands can . buy only four il
- _.. pairs of stockings ti year.
Bluey and • Curley -of the Anzacs : - ' "The Awakening" .:,.By Gurney (Australia ),
rt Now T ..
_ - — -... ---
M IY// � v. ••. .°4r: +. .Y• `�'. '�", ^?1"'e.. " r. ♦ rA�r•Er1, 7,' ° YE �1±o'I�i4.:: .'I: _ .. VI^ e ,
•csuy'Wsi1t+ Km.•:• �+ fir. �.. � . � � . .i ... �.. ., .. ... ..
:� >K,. : ,� .-' - `tt Tor+o7s#o Afl � _..PW. -tea s 10 Fart's . vatw
• - -�`-- • -- . FI��RTN�• ��I�S : - y _ _ -- . - =
.�so r.r -
r: IRON GIB SON e S t e ;
abbseriptiens to *4 United St"" Shur' feed ser• - H:ader ?wive at the slid knit.
''FRANSFORT while It lasts-
Wid Gt. Britain, $M in mha=*. - viFe in chicken If it's Feed You are' Needhts
rt r
8ta e , gr g , , ; f Salt. 90c. Per cwt.
mash, la alas _�C A R 1 AGE Surge Milking Machines _
• 'Maple Leaf Mutual Fu a laying mash,,';----- �Stouffv�ile uc S j1� U • Wood's 'Electric Coolers
- i ►aa �9 r s !"7 Phone Stouffviile -100 a T� (R 1 F. I C '! (1 ?� l+' Electric Fencers, es,
. ' � - - � Building guPP.i�ee .
and WAWANESA' IN& co, starter,- concentra` fHL'KS9AY, FRIDAY, SAT.W V UAL
f tFS, calf starter, tur• _-FEBRUARY 11, I2 and I3. Claremont, Ont,
- ,Cheap hates for Farm and Cuuntr; -
- _ - Buildings key starter, salt -Bad Lands .af �e9�39J - Office ?e$
'Windstorm Insurance on Buildings: in blocks and bags Dakota WANTED +{
Windmills, Siioa etc. - •
Automobile Insurance of Purina fly sprays Richard' Dis — Frances Farmer PeRMANE -NT NAGGING DEAD HORSES AND CAITLB
- -' :alt Ii:nds — THAT;F•RAYS THE TEMPEr For tree up phone
-for cattle. �; . musical Short Uu4jects AND N ER'V ES, i T MAY 8 i aROOXJX. ................
:.: ,
Write or Phone 'ewe Reel CL�,REONT 813
'Bowman &Rowe ?1CI{EttlriG: olvr. - - -_� • - _ PICKERING •.•.• ......:...... Doe
C. H. TUCK. OPT. D. PICKERL'�ti 80
AYE- DELIVER "- - --- •- •= -IWN DAY, TUESDAY,_�YEDN'fiD1 _ AGI COUR — -.. _t.-. zone.. 2144
w.ta.a�..— orrrASla - -- _ -Dine, week ow. r. a
FEBRU,XRY I5, 16 and. I7 We pay the phony charges
- Girl from Alaska
- - -- O M R I E CO. Ray Mtddletoa and Jean Parker
_ Lamm - -
L� a,.,. "Rte»isttMa •R1tstMw" cerre*ondeat, is `rsesnewhere" in
V g I M �C8rl" o �1jon ib Bre tt�e talsnis, a as we go to press.
"!grin fair F'rdediht
.- 91 ,,.,,. 11%
- insulation
Pays For Itself _ - • rgcntsDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY again John s n 11 is able. f be out (,�
Q.... y FE$�AtRY '18, 19 and 20 again after an I>lineas . wt several
- It is estimated that the host of Wool . Insulation In liquidated by' The Drama Contest scheduled for Mr. sad ills• John l[icheII wIl!
the Saving rue to the Army
celebrate their Golden Wleddin M-
g _ in Fuel over a- __period_�3_tQ 4- Tears. - -- ___ -- _ -- -- y jFebruary . 19th, will take place on r S
- - - that . �... y� - at tl,� :. L�.A�, here -
'� You also enjoy the added comfort of ,having a mire even telttiperatvre j�'he News was unable to reach Monday, February 22. They wr
g your home. To edo Boat receive from 330 until 4.30 p. lut,
_ Brougham on the first of the week,
' 2 in.' Plain Batts -4c.- per Square Foot - and our weekly budget, tram our avid fratn 7.30 until 9.30 p. m.
A in. Alain Batts 6c. per Square Foot_ - - — �
X 1n Paper back Batts 4 1.2c. -per Square Foot "
3 in- Paper back Batts 6 1 -2 a Per Square Foot
Loose Wool' - $1.18 1►er bag.
(a bag contains 5 Cu. Ft. sufficient to cover _15 Sq. F`t. 4 in. thick.) -
- raper bark Hatts are for. nailing to the studs or rafters when baits , l
..are.placed, in an upright or sloping position, and also to exclude tramp-
_ .
C 0 � KSHUTT l
�A TTENTION I � _ _ - vow
k,r6a-& Wood --
- :� Brock Road Gravel ; -- U40% - -_
-. - Shy
ll4ee� ....: Pit u'
New Pori.
ear.i.... ar.•...rre Crushed Pit Run
•: =_. ;:: --' ,.• . lioa� tsetnse efsr :. -:...'VI'aVel. - _ ", . - '
— -
LYE Sand and Graded = 1 -2 M. S. OF BROUGHAM
Clare t, On t. - — _' : — . -- Hill, ant.. R. R.
mon t
_ Stones _ !TELEPHONE:
,:.._ . ...._:._ hone iL 18
'Delivered or Lo %dad in Pit - -` -p
PHONE •- plant, Pick " r 8 -
Torento OHias — Howard 6471 N Board
pwreenesl et L,oeat Ration Boa
#,%%inn=, 110* William Bawr LSem*taa Lloyd T: Johnston
- - U40*se� tw 30s. Thos. Norton, - 'Miss A. a Richardson, M. S.
RADIO ;SERVICE - chat; Frank H. Westney, G. DI..Foray�th
of Business -- 1' to 10.P.
'� R T N E R S = - Terrilet ash �►dt.iaEistaatiraa _- '
for yew fmodWs sroffare
Your donor sad your aexall • - Township► of Pickering
Dresses have s Maud interest - enaaw -
a sows wen _ ►
�— - _ asdraspeesibi8gia7o�f+m+17 s . • :':- - -- - .- .. ... - .. - �
welfare. h pars you to heed their Guaranteed Repah' $ss�3oe
advige. This Board has been established to facilitate the settlement or adjustmsnt of _
You can take your doctor'. .: Any Dish* or -Model :-the ration problems of people residing in the district defined above.
prescription to your Re =all art`` ARTHUR FIELD
Store with the knowledge that ii The object is to ensure that restrictions made necessary by war are applied
wiu ere iccuraretyi.;�.-- I.L -d.. -- -,- - -- - - - - - w - -- a _ -
iaest- quality. fresh, pure ingre• r �� ��� etl�Ct•V @ne8a; m1111mt1m 1Liwai.aalieAC� ��It�- wqu - u+s' uw.
dieat�. Make this dependable PiC'IIhTQ — ONT. 'to all ponsumers and suppliers. The basic reason for all rationing is to assure
partnership a regular.part of your - �a fair division of .available supplies to everyone. -
health programme. Serving voluntbrily on the Board are local citizens repiesentative of the people
_ •Srierbush Hospital -of this district, and able to bring cm intimate - knowledge of local conditions
:Government Litxnsed to this new wartime ri=sk.
' ' Main St, E. Stou$ville Onto At the local Ration Board's can get full information on all aspects
Phone 191 . :of consumer rationinq, and pr adjustment of special problems, such as-- "
When a COid Threatens Maternity, Medical, and Surgical ;what to do•in'the event of loss damage of your sation book :...whether
Gargle and spray with MI-31' Cases taken•
extra rations are-allowed for spacial purposes , ..lad other matters announced
` Antiseptic. It kills harmful germs MaEternity Semi-Room,
in time to time.
in a dish.-We guarantee its purity. -
-- - t�
Compare MI.31 with any other R�isteced Nurses in atCllsdallce and
antiseptic for economy and effec• 'j4 hoot service i=Iven.�
tiveness. It kills germs when 7lmbulsnce Service Qr �Khb '
dlluted one half with water ::: is ' MR5. E.. R, GOOD i5-37 - - - -- -
safe at full strength. It is another -
example of Rexall's safety and 4`
economy with full satisfaction, -
t. �. a °.& .& :R C. CLENnLNINQ� . , . -
` _ 874 474 25( 0o:operats with �ou� fellow citiaens who are giving their time
._._- 43 -3 ,k: Dy ei Xlew t0 your problems
y : nm going MUG 'Co. LTD.
iM v , r Phone Piek+eriag 68 r.r
• r 4
Private Ambulance
�Zr6*ne 'Mario. 0000 ee .... _ .. _ .. _ _ .. _ -.
Malvern 6001 • • 110NUILIA 4 ► —
Markham, - Ont. _ i.1l6 I w . _ . .
-, - _a
b. , . � J*, � •,ra °°^''" i. ns•:c* c, ... ^- :•.t' y -'• -' ter. -.-..- _ ' .r. _.. _ - - ^- ten-- �2Y"•^'a -"'� - - - - ^
*.. .•yy.�2 .4'•T_i!'n• .• .. - .i R «�M . •^..1.YLY •n .m+a'r .:LL •M4 = ..� w S3+F[�_T. r 9' • h _ _ — — — A-y $tit«} > -r._ .,.yN
Itlln✓`a I
..da eveaiaB, the bqMp
WW - wrier is3 asses, when lu' gathered ail
1 Mr. and .Mrs. Andrew Pegg cele- au folk the hearty invitation ^Eo all. ladies,
young who had spent tae week i
brated then 49t1t Wbddin Annie- can coma
Pte. Stuart Graham was bane for him• the best, and a sate ,return, ersary on January 24. Their end ruder the parental roof, and 'A Valentine. Prrty was held i
the week -end.Y drove his teszrY and nisi to the
the home of blrs. J, pyl h
when the - conflict is 'ended. � lriends extend best wishes .and con- T g ,
Gordon Borland, of Toronto was f station. 1�anlm again, Campbell! the `hti+men's.. Association held
with his mother here
Mr. W. F. Dissey is recovering gratulation& to the happy, fortun- t Ch service on Sunda even- �
Qh s hy'• from a severe attack of the flu. ate couple, _ in having their dine ins to be-withdrawn tln account February meeting, Mrs. Pugh
-� Miss Marion KilpatricK was a The Entertainment sponsored � children I aIl settled ha pp f ducted the Business Session. A
week -end visitor-with her arents, ' p , j PP y in o the snowy Strangely, the same ation 'was made to the 'M. and
here,, P n I Group 1. of the Women's 14ssocia- homes of •their own, and not far Sunday last -year, both-'-Sunday �`- - tion, on Saturday evening, wag' a from therm, and as yet have not Fund to help inake up -the deliai
- decided success although the wea- ! had a break in •the family by Measles 'is still claiming victims;' A splendid respond was made W40 Two
OuR from Claremont have received t =fi= tner was fierce. S death. Mr. and Mrs, Pegg came Both Fii g the fund; to be presented to
cal 'for military &ervice. The Women's Association and the 'film the West about 32 years a o High and Public school pupils. Church Board, This meeting
Mr, Luther' Overland is: still quite Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. ' and purchased the AFthur Johnston hoolson could Monday, oneacoount� of held in place, of the Valentine S
ill with lithe if err.} i r.�_ovemert• Wpm. Kirby on Thursday afternoon. I farm and are still enjoying life on per- which used to be held In
Rev, Waiter Daniel of the Bap- Y g the roads, Workers could not get
tint Chur h ill -take as ni theme The Red Cross women :• are. busy the lovely home farm, , to the. Plant,_ and the daily papers pre-war days,, Mrs, J. Buckles and
ti ' s j ' Mrs. J. Bum-ash were elected Ca
for Sunday fornin next: "Grieving with the making of heavy quilts —' ___
-and quenching the Hol • Spirit,,, g for the boys - did not reach arrive —even the mail tains for a Copper Contest — ppq•
q g b p � ,.just now also knitting man did not arrive till Tate in the
overseas. coeds for chur insurance
• - and in the evening, � The - evangel -, afternoon. •• • • - � � , �
- _ ization of Britain ", Mrs Devitt, . of Brooklin, is vis- -, �hitev � le _ .In the _ recent funeral notice of losing side to treat the wiRev, Keith Daniel and Tamil • of ' iting her son' Carl and Mrs, Devitt Mrs' Randall had charge of
—the late T. A. Has din, three sons Devotional Period. Mrs. • jo
Toronto, spent a few days 'sty the for' a time. Her many .friends of • , ' were mentioned, •but • only the
home of his :parents here, last Greenwood are pleased , to know St�fnley Tweedie is home on his aames of Albert and George. Gor- ; gave en� interesting paper on
she has ( regrets. Ed.) P Mrs, -G. Haknlin �
• ' aee)i. gained up after her very fast leave. .. don was omitted. our re ,.
Mr, W. Carter, of Edmonton, who severe illness. Pte. Harry Herbert- __- .9pe:<t the_ wYYi ,uses ! ducted' a Quiz Contest ". d
�o Qr T__L`L_ ions pot -luck supper followed
_ has been spending, the winter -w=ith The - -Y,. p-'D; -must -the fiome ot, week -eend at his hoom. on Wednesday, February 17, at the
Mn. Mundell, is - away for a short Mr. and : Mrs. Fred Byers, Thurs- Campbell Anthony proved as home of Mrs. J.. Tweedle. Topic — - , A
Mrs. William Biri m spent a
- .few days w*itk relatives -in Fort. .
Credit, recratly
Mrs. "End" Norton. ' has, yoiaed _ - . _ . LL
` the staff of the D[awctsr 6toae,
Pickard im
chard Proust,. Ron. Wit, -
11mc1EJ A and Glen Maadeal all
4f the Air Force. were at bowe for - _ _-
Dftls. Violet Middleton and Mr.
"Donald Hedges, are two I I cit-
izens cpnfined -to bed. this week,
- vith the flu. -
Miss._ Myrtle Bacon and friends
t of Toronto spent the weekend t
her -home here, -- -
^ I Y
I Wpmen's Institute will kold' _ 0
their next meeting on 'Wednesday,
•February 16, at the home Yif Mrs-
' - -- B•:�. Y�;l��.:}.'�, of :�`..E ,.. ..., .... _. _ .. ..._ _ - - • - - - - - -
Topic:"Coriununity Activities" by . Hoo
L A ey.
• -
Two or three times each winter
the "New -a" is prevented from mak- _- . •_ __ - _ - ;
- -jig our vieekl trip to- ClaremoatY— - -
on account .'of bt6cked roads,' follow- ;h or the eonven:ence of the public and to ensure -speedy
ing a snow storm, and Cris, weer- _ "'Ai5.trihution.; -New' Ration Book No. 2- will be issued - - -
was one , of them for this winter. A _
` auEmbez of friends .can usually be 1� t distribu ion ntres - _
S -
locgll at the fo w'ntl t ee r -
gotaited upon to come -to our -rescue, - -.
b3 4he use of the phone. Our cJl-
ibmn this week is to be brief this
— : meek. One of our "sotuc+es ".in - his- -� - == _..: . - -- - - ADDRESS �.. - - k'iATE$ .HOURS
",'p•^al language told n& vvor the - +r!iarsmnnt, Two Doors E. of Corner �'sybnLty 4, •' ;.
sad 2R _ to is
p ° '! • • • "'"" there - was - nothin' ` . Brougham Township' Hall February 4 24 and 25 - r to 1Q p• m. _
'� - - - Febrnsry ?,8, Z4 sad 28 _._ _
hone, P. do out: here anyway, wa re all , . . -- -. _ .. .-,
-- .. • - W7utevale, fill ;h Pugh a ices.
to ' �
snowed an_ . Town Hall ± 23, 24 and 25f __ _ _ 1 to
get- our New Ration Boolon -- = Bow Sill _l Geo. Toyne's 1{es} �- : i'ebruar7 28, 24 and 2Zf - -_. _ 0.m. " _ -
2 to
an February 2s; 24 and 26. In this Ajar — to , be snaouaced ..: - ` _ - 4o, be awi[oaneed ?o be aaaoas oed -
neighborhood we go to the forta+er -
_- $ethesda phone office, two doors ,..:...`.the new, Ration Book will NOT�e mailed to oti. It moat be called for: Before
east of Mowder's 8tors. Read the y you ttalr _ -
= Govw7iment A&L _ elsewhere In secure the new Ration Book you.` must fill in and surrender the application: card
this jaws for more ep.cllic iaa- the back of resent Ration Book No. I. This card should be left in the Ral .
:trs etions. Reed carefully.- _ _ 'your P
_ lle..�& - -- Book-for the distribution officer to tear out already detached, it should be brought -
- - =- rte; ser.iees wtttiaeawn _--- -, - - -- _ . along with your present Ration Book, so the name and serial number may be checked. -
- = = loll do not surrender your present Ration Book as it contains Coupons yet to be used. -
'Church services in the 1 United _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • .
sad Baptist Churches were with - -
drawn on Swday evening due to -
blocided roads VU understand at
the time of writing, ocial events _ .; _ - MAKE SURE A 8 8MT
.ee., are at a standstill, ISO far as OUR SERIAL NUMBER
Qares4out is concerred� _ . .. �, - - r
ry Y wr name and present Pisa _
t of -
_ � _. _ ... ,• - , .: � >r.r;> •• .. ' b }�+ _ e irairkwoe (ia � tie " esw.
- _. :.. ►.. .r w•+� q,r..,.. r w ebildren, the residease et the -
„� `.. *0 '�"• "Ssr,.bu� rA+/r" ems~ �% mWt. be prassa
•' , . _ .'! ,,,.,..+ •rY r. yew .. �." ;
''""''�.+i""' eleari7 is Block letters.
.xm 1r' Lindsay, of Toronto spent L .; ? .w••'v''" Stake errs Cwt yow• earn
Me week -end with Mra J. :gees. x ; -�--
MYss Shirley Monish Sigl>land .. rte. "'Y„c±��"w�;,,,,,,�••^"' +" - . - ,�. .: siwwalier, letafere
o _ and figures oa All ow-
Greek, spent the west -end with j ry''; « a Come.
Miss Marie Morrish, — _ " ; :> tks front cover of Rstiow
W. Kemp, ii. C. Al F, is home on -'� .. ir. e..a.+a a sy + Book • No. I, . L ci"* -
wiitten on the sppWadoli
firs. A, -, Banks , is in poor• health �,,..- - - . - - - -- - �'•� - at time of writing. M. including 'the two letters
owing to the •'crowded-conditions M,,,,r„+ ...::;;; before the number, is our
a;,,r�""""' y
_ r
1i -the Yanvert�the lCom9mun�'ity Flail batik �� TMK^pPll PR NTRRA ION loot ration book idendficadosa --
.into teaching quarters again. It_ has _
of 11ous for the duration. _ 7
-been eighteen Sears since 'al school
bell .last. rang there. Mrs. N, -Garr- -_-
shore, formerly _Qf Pickerisg has _ Rosidents of Rural Areas may apply on behalf of their neighbours, providing Ratios
been added to thg4,te_aching staff.
lAli who attended the Y. P. U.
Book No. 1, and properly filled in application cards, are presented.
Conference Teport a_very good'tirne
and much experience gained, The - - ""fin the case of residents of a town or- tit , an senior or responsible member of a House-
regular• meeting of the Y: P. U. y y Will be held in the 'united Church - hold -may apply for new Ration Books on- behalf of other member"f the household, _
on sundae at s 9._;a. We prognann _ - r.�..y..a Ra�tiumS.ok No.- i,and properly filled is application, cards, are presentsci.
will be in charge .of the Missionary
Co wnittee, - and' will include'
Worship, True and False Discussion is : 'Children . -under sixteen= -will not be allowed to aV gl for >t�a Ra�iotl_BQOks,= eitltes! -'
and Four Slats. Everyone weld nhe. - -- - - -
- -
-- r e e ..
_ es or o me e -
er rs o
enw ood _ :RATION IN
Misses Floia and Barbara Mao- THE -
Lean spent the week end with their
sister, Mrs.. W. Gee.
Mr.. Sob McVey is • leaving us • to
train in the Navy. We all wish TH19 ADVRRTISEMENT POR! REFERENCE. fir:
it i „ .
�, 'vacdr � -.: ..:.. _ ..� •�. ;. - .r-�• .. - - -tea . .. .. - c' -,.,,� - - ..z =-_ - — ��. .
;1r "•' . \:.• •Uri'<4 7J:•df >. ;cr,.4 �. "4.i `175 `1.�•• �'c�Mlk4ar:' "�.tl' .�,.
, . a � a ., .. '•N!v 3tl'3= �i'dY.,Yy[� ' ♦ M•�}•Y.✓! , / tom, �!''� yJ -
,.. , �, -,: ,•x, , . .as. r W�' �! saN_. wa- F'. Y' b• r. t4„ a� :oow.•�if•�',�•u >.,yM•+'$i�', ` ^�ti ,,'N'i'i!' a - .- - . _. "�[9n'', ate.,..,`.... ..�� .. r. .. _.. . ' - .. R ° ^J ..
. c..: ,..t��'Waap'F:,an'r........... ,. e:aEiir az•« `...aax�•- '^../ • - , . - _ .. .. .. - 3.<.
s, ^
. .. _----- -- -- -- --- -- - - 'fps- -- - — - -- -' -- _ _ _
r jhKlrjLe.7ydl�tA /y�t�tr �r - - - ' .lV . a�TJ �til. y ' . - goon h of , ,fi s traits may be _. .. .
,. .. .., s Da , !i dried apricots, ..
. _. •. ,.gyp ,? :o.:,..- •,....f peaches pr
�Z ,,kg
•. -'�• �- >• -' -' -•-"• •-- '�• -<' -• • - -' .dried aches ands prunes are et-
��AMI, S G. cellent sources o! iron, which is AR -
needed, !or good blood. Dates and ,
wo apricots may be difficult to -ob-
'n now but all the other dried
- -
A ;; fruits mentioned are. oa the mar-
' ket. It should by noted that the
> 7 r tomato,- strictly speaking, is ready_,
a fruit. ` Usually it is clessified
- gin: w. i as a- vegetable. _
i _ -/ +►* Apples are our cheapest fruit
_ w �. for most of the year. �kiey are
u variety
,- • ",-.._ -:: __ ._---- - - -� -: III melt' vs.
extre liable in -our diet" nd
• .. � � � _ - - - can be used in such a vs. •'sty of
C_ .. ;r- - WAYS.
� .. .. ., ._ .. Dutch Appl4 Calce -
2 cups flour
' - . ^' •..: _, _ 4 teaspoons baking Dade. '
_ - 1 f ',�s teaspoon -salt
Gt GIRL ES shortening
''�A�HEN A -MARR-I —� � :; _ ��; _ * tablespoons •4 t ono
c tt; ter '
- - -- -Y -- - -- - 'x:. -- 4 or' b apples - -_ - - - - - -- -. ..
�Y RENf RYERSON MART -:,' . _ •
tap brawn sugar
" 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- SILENT RIDE' "My nose doesn't turn up that 's' Wash, peel and core apples and
C:1.1P�E l -- ,such;" site - sdid-- coldly, --- - - -- ' -"-cut in slices. Sift flour, baking
It 'was 11 when Enid awoke-the,,
"Oh, ;yes it does, Clare;' the _ .powder and salt together. LpL in .
next morning. She made a wry "'girl who had called to . her in- Like Canadians, Soviet civilians are• conducting scrap drives- to the fat. Add Water to make a. .
face at the bedside clock and won - sisted, obtain metal to keep Russia's vital wax industries rolling. Nation's soft dough: Spread ' inch thick
-m' dered.'how site 'would ever man- "I thinit you, have a beautiful need for scrap -to feed• steel mills is as great as ours.. in greased cake pan, Place Apple =
-.age to awake at 7 when she had , nose,". Enid interposed. "It's criminal ignorance: -' These been wrapped in .self -pity she had slices close together on dough and
to go back to work. The girl -called Clare, stared at press lightly_ in the mixture... ,
mob' `Fn;� lovely -y-a -_like farm people have all the essen- muffed her chance:
that, 'yet. The-air of the ices Her manner. said plainly, tiais of neaitny diet ngtx at home, Fcr he refused - 'to -4n1k -1, -L. - SF?fkip -over-this-
about - rinnamon and
r apartment was heavy. with heat, !'Who are you to -have an opinion milk, "eggs, fresh 'vegetables, and his work again." Deliberately he brown ,sugar thoroughly mi:<ed.
and she lay - listless until. hunger of my nose ?" ConteatptnuuSIT they live on _ bread . anal meat- turned the conversation to other Serve -with top milk or lemon
forced her up to. eat.. she dropped the sketch, and with-
-r pork ate that." things: sauce.
Prid a mind was too crushed (Continued '-next Week) ;,,�,
isen sne aresaea, gaLnereu • tu- outs aura turuea on toff hed'i _ _ edt� _ f.:
with her secret disc i tment' to hots.s from late cea _ _ readers %be -
' evEher— ]ser— aketeh sg —ate- - -1► tom, ham+ ,ftY�••
take-any real interest in what he to nleanea to eeeei,e suXXr.liwnft
and headed. for the Bath Club. under .the-sun shade. an teptes for, ref eolumn, onto to
".There was _no difficulty about her + • • was telling her. She made -a lame TABLE
.. rear to tootso to raor :.vet
n In;-Hank had arranged for effort to respond. Do , you spe -. peeves Requests for .«ripe« as
Setting g jF'luahing, Enid bent over and ,,, . ■pectal menus are- to order. A dd,.•.s
cialize in diet. your letters to "Minn Whelle H. Vitni"=
that the night before. retrieved the sketch, but she „ „ „ , SADIE S. CHAMBERS t<er■._I,y_M{eat._Aartaldr vtmt,_ao
- - 3'be Jo�Tter .woman' -- AID, -Hank- avid- shartlY• - -1 m• -- ' - - - -- ___ - -- -- a
gave her a didn't finis)= -ice "The enthusiasm _ rrooto._ Send ■tamped sett•odure.,ee
elteck -sad assigned her Lo _a- --- need for _s bone _aurgeon. 'But ' d3et - utters envelope It you woos o e�o.oa.
! � � into it. You can't get bones to - -The F- it Basket - - -
dressing booth. Enid changed into gone. She packed her tools away mend if there aren't bone build-
" - her bathing suit, put her clothes and 'went and dressed: She
ing minerals in the patients Fresh`or canned frults are one._.' Dutch P$ $125
An the locker and-went out to the wouldn't, go back to the pool, she , _ y eY `
I thought.- That is -.not unle_s Hank - of the -most expensive items.. in
may' � _ - p For Ton of Coke
The place seemed different• took her. rt Wunt ue iaaeuia�luN: uur also, ni+ru ..a 4wlol�ica illc
4 somehow in the daylight. Big 'Her hurt turned to anger as she ` 'He gave a grunt of disgust. "It amount of food value for our A -letter which was' stun 1 • •
I bronzed life guards occupied high walked home. She had a strong Isn't fascinating. No kind of doc- money. However, fresh fruits add gr a l`
i ehaira. Groups ai women sat at - impulse to tear the sketch up and toriig is fascinating, and certain- a great deal of interest to our. out of Holland revsaaled that black
- - tables under gay beach umbrellas. throw it away. But -when she ly surgery isn't. It's hard work,. -meals and when they' ate In_ sea- marketeers were as guild- -
hoys_ar,d_- .girls_of _ - took - out,_- and_looked_at it sn,„s.-_.- dirt, and_paueeating. But, it s._ son they may be included in lini- ors (about $16) for a pound of
...high school age were dancing on thing in the face challenged the more interesting tFiari anything _ited amounts on even the loin cost - - wee ' and. 60 guilders - (about_, -
'the shuffle -broad -court to the, artist, in her. She found herself else on earth. mending broken diet: The moot important point $32) for a pound of tea. A pound
- bodies: And it tYhakea` ou feel ----L for the. housewife to. remember in of oatmeal was ,. valued at 13-
:miusic of a juke box. No one paid ' enchanted anew by the clear -cut y _
bout .any attention to Enid. -'. She felt - contours of the. face and the in_- as if you -were of some use in the -buying fruit is always to purchase of ii salad oil at 1b6.5ddera.(a1 otut
shy and out of place. Solent poise .of the bead. world. _ ,_ in season and to choose only the
She .wondered it' ®he could :fin- Vff � olored- under the rebuff. less -expensive varieties. $8) n a tenth f to �
...., . " ,t vi esa usually be . . ' at. 2s. and (about, $12.60).
. -
,- ;Moe put her sketch book and ish it frown memory. She sat down It traa a stupid thing to say, Great sa saving
box down in a chair and - - - -� -her easel and began to` work.,-' Elie amended ..halubly. "I -I had .. made by canning fruit in the home One egg, the informant said, cost
'half-. guilder 27t): • Aecord_in to - _ !
walked over to the edge of the So absorbed was she in her ef- something else on my mind. Per- while there is' an abundance and, g t g
pool. She lifted her arms and iort, inat, she Jumped tiervuusly . 1<a,, thg - - -� a i. }n°• '1'� ersmnle of another_ source -British sovereigns
'Jumped in, holding. -her breath, as when -the door bell rang. Jm- voice that focused his attention, . this is peaches. '. A pint jar of' sell on' the black :la_arket- at four
flank had taught her to do the patiently she went to answer it. He gave her _ a keen glance. _ home canned ,peaches containing times their normal value: .
:.,.night before. But it wasn't fun Hank Holliday. grinned at her. "Something is bothering Sou. S or 9 halves _ preserved at the'
- like it had been last night with "Hello... Bdo tonight? I've been You're not a bit like yourself to -_ height of the season will coat b One railway in England has rut
After .couple -of_ ]amps -she called to a little__ country towli for - _ ,night.: Would .it help, to tell me to - 6' cents. The ' ordinary No. 2 11 speeial trains" with '82,071 bag %,
gave it up, a consultation. It's a nice ride. I .boat it?" _can .rf oi'; mail for risaners of vrar.
peaches bougbtin the store P
She dried herself a-nd moved thought maybe• you'd like to go "No," she said quickly. "No. ".... contains approximately 6 halves
out of the sun and began to along." They .ate in the .one_ and only and costs I2 to .1? cents. Aa- WORRY OVER COAL
sketch a swimmer in the water. Enid's spirits rose like a then- restaurant the town afforded. The other thought = every can we -
nut nor aLLenL]Vn W413 30011 tills- .stviSie e! in the; :a "of e;9HV* -e," "tens won limited n or +hair= nurrhase may be one can -leas to SUPPLIES IS _
tracted by a red- headed girl in a she said. steaks, when they finally came, send to the meri 'oveisea Surety. UhiIVECE55El13Y
*bite_lathing- suit,_who hid just - • o 'r were fried to the ' eonsistency --of -we are willing to make this ss�cri
rjoined the gzonp under the near- old leather. rice: iS we did not can iast year. ' - . f,..la:s. �� st, �a ".y vt:wla_ v+ticr•,
' est-umbrella. Enid couldn't help Hank had caught sight of tote" - "That," she told - herself, "was to help save the fruit and fo send ing all and sometimes more than
staring at her. For the first time aketeh on the easel. He 'walked. your chance to show him that you more overseas let us resolve to they seed for the season, coal de-
__ - 'she realized what the phrase,
toward it curiously. "When did were interested in his work, That _ do so next year from early spring liveries are bard to make on
'+perfect beauty," might mean. you do this'"' he demanded in a y.-,u were something more than a on. - - schedule. Don't unite this situ." -
Enid had never seen anyone as surprised tone. pretty doll like Clare Adams, that' Fresh fruits may be largely re- ation worse. Be .patient until the
- -
",beautiful as this girl. Wide- spaced "Today. At the pool. Do you you had intelligence and under- placed by vegetables-,--ii-hen the present rush - is over. Then . sup' - .. .
) *o� her, their rsiT.d hpr, Mara?" .►anA;ng " And harnyse she had former are hit*h in Dries, or larger - plies • cau -be distributed- equally
eyes Ui nn I1tsrCdF"LC Duct 1-4 " „� and no one will sdrrw. Ana WOPII
the color of a new penny, worn Know her He laughed
page -boy style with the ends shortly. "It's Clare Adams. 11Soth. GOOD EATING NEWS you do order cogives ike sure it's _
--.- carted under against her white er'a picked her for my second• 'blue coat: It glees more _heat,
.-.'shoudiers, a piquant. profile with wife." more comfort and more economy
a t' tilted none, and skin that In the silence that followed :;:;; in every ton. Your nearest 'blue
w� unbelievable: Not the pink Hank Holliday'. casual ,announce- to solve your otoal pcob eme.IPhone
and white complexion of most meat, Enid'a world crashed --
Sbe >tea- news, out wsny n"u �rcamy .. that Hank couldn't hear the pieces —
hind today.
•.. es the petals of a gardenia. ,
• falling.
Enid was fascinated. With sun- "She's very beautiful." L HOW O THOSI. K-
" reptitious •glances she began to "Clare's beautiful all right," he
conceded careless! He lanced
' sketch the girl, oblivious of an 3'• g -'� - -
audience to her activity until
at his watch. "Can you be ready
"solme one Called out from behind in about 20' minutes?" " yam:.'_. . ITISH,
"So that's why he said he i u
left ' .<:; F> ,,.;. : � ;�":. ; • _
'ph, Clare. She's sketching shouldn't have kissed me," Enid 1
thought drearily as ale dressed. a
The red- headed giri stopped au-
raptly in something she was say -, way. Traffic was heavy and the
ing ,got up with quick insolent Doctor concentrated 'on .his driv- 'British women have ohown they , 1
brace, and trlovea over ,toes grass Mg. Only onee- he- tur -ned -too. wr,T . -- know how to . keep goingl' And a'
toward Enid. - "What's the matter - you're so survey recently made throughout'
'Enid smiled nervously up at quiet'•" « Britain shows that they toted for
her. "I hope you` don't mind." She smiled thinly. Its the Aspirin as one of the three drug
"Let me see it," the other girl -heat, I guess." �.. items most truly needed for main-
"" demanded. He 'circled; the square in the "' taining their health and morale.
- , She studied tine sketch afro- ' centre of the quiet little farming , Especially now, with so many
gently and a frown cleaved the to*n k=id ' parked 'before the millions in full -time war'industries,'
white smoothnessdf lief forehead, g --Neatest. trick .of the week is „this cookie foci a that calls for only,
square brick building that bore precious Aspirin has become almost
above its' door the inscription, wafers tphat w 11 deligtthe h rata of every cookieelover. And =pea crisp 11standard equipment.” Women
"General Hospital." Ing of. hearts, why not bake a batch for St.- Valentine's Day. Cut know, from mangy► years of expert -
"1 won't be long, ". he promised, the cookies with a heart - shaped cutter. As .'special treat put two once; thatr Aspirin gives effective,' !'
■ l�i►�� � l�i� p� �,
getting., out of ;the car.' And together sandwich fashion with oreein cheese softened to a spreading _— dependable, Speedy help - against
-__ - ..L— - - then, we'll hunt a place to teat." consistency with orange juice. •
Across Canada' are tbounrAds. of haw Deep in her own unhappy _ And for hearts that beat ui dot)Die time, cut waif vh4 doughh, vAfu !. Theyy don'ihave to, for it to y
Graduates who have attained to fine thoughts, Enid, couldn't have told a small cutter, the other half with a larger one. When you put lice work,Inlessthan2seconds,Aapirtn s
paid positions and noteworthy successes cookies together let the smaller hearts beat atop the larger ones. is Tight-on the job ..: starting.to, - ' A 1
niadnese, ehro sbaw train= whether flank had been gone " s The recipe goes like this:
heal, thorough and a cieni instruition. 1.<.if h.a� t1.: r.� when l +� Ya4 _.. - ORANGE' ALL -BRAN VALENTINE HEARTS - relieve fever, and stuffiness muscu-
lar aches and the headache from
osnsnlAeeotnaM(t<.ti+A.) , back. and .swung_ into: the seat. be- 3(, cup' shortening • ' 83s; teaspoons baking powder _ �. .
i u' Dory E" Mfgwb r ---side her- 1 cup sugar !L teaspoon salt hold.. Aspirin is rated as one of the
^s J O- n* of Analgesics
cwt `Aeea�n* iherts" w.lttn - " - -: _•_H•is_ mind- was- still- Osorbed , in_ _ _. - =3 = =- . egg ...... �,_. ' 3i- -cup orange juice . ' - ..Itsfe$t ...all . .' yet. it,
tatrtand tmttam W aeaswtw (� c ts.I the case he °had just left. "A 10- tb cup All -Bran ! teaspoons grated orange costs less than 1 ': s tablet in'-the - ..
1Prife JorCotaloove. Shaw Sei�ools.Deyt. Hln �+ " rind_ wonom bottle.
Charles Ss.. Toronto' a.-t at d boy, h- explained. Fell beat end Add All-Bran. g powder en oaf a '
Ray and °st- � a:a al' a ka3*left"a- n►oi�tli- age,an�• = - - -- .Blend ahortenina- snd_pu'ar until Ii 'lit sad fluffy. Add eg' and.._..
g • ,�'_ Be glad you have As trio hare.
t Silt flour with bakin p
brn :e his leg. And it isn't he l t Alwllya keep (tome handy. Aspirin , i
ing. I think malnutrition is bac�. and add to first mixture alternately with orange juice. Stir -in orange is made in Cau da And "Aspirin'!, ;y
I liMAyE MF.NT1019 THIS PACER ' A� it.,, - - rind and chill. Roll out -dough about % inch thickness working with trademark
"a smail-amount- ata time -and keepin the remainder chilled. Cut into in h
MUE No. 7-1-43 L re Imc''ed the car out fro-1 the hc, rt E.hapes with floured cutter. Ake on a greased baking shest Deny, I'imiied• able= If 1 e Boni T
and t' rn i:'cnt on c - 1e„tly y Dross is "oh tablet. If you don'ts !
- - t in moderately hat oven (39b F. �tbout.�0 mi$iites., _ _ • . .... - � this cross it isn't Aspirin.
d - as -if arguing 'it wi•ch vi. e one. Yield: Approximately 6 doze'. " • ' p - f
.s .0 a•d. _ - __ •- _ - ;.�>:. ,,-
.� -:urn rsaa n"`- •�!a t n...c - .,r., -+�
.,.,,k„y _ _ q_,•c,•t• .L ,,..,� A' .�. .,-r[- er �r"`.a'a' .v 'c�r'�.'�:" -y ;' +r�r'' -.s,• �k't'
...._ .,.._...... �.. .,,-. ._......_ ...as....- .ales- .sa.nasa.. ...NMx.,:.v...rtv.v . ✓, ,[N, ",yw «:'aaYe,. u.nri•. ':'M. a. a.r a +,l ,.•,.r -s ,e..;.or.. yy. .w.' n e ..- .._m -, ......,a .. .l-.... �. n.� - ,... ,.._a - •••,.4;• ....o .,:'o+..•e'y^�. jr•' ':
�s - -'
-an -open sinner, now hi proven recognize the familiar and_lgving
• By
• 1 U N D A -- Y conclusively that he must be • the voice: There 'ls- ",*ompurU10A or O �� u ^^ ^ very opposite, aGod- fearing, per.violence as in the case of a thief. 1AD10 _ RED FROST
-S C H V 0 L son- who does God's will. (Ps. 13 c3.)
_ i T dEar Rif -deo eDitorS; midnight, we give all the artistT
E S S O N - The Soo. of Man The Good Shepherd _ _ aense I as bin togethuR With a plate_ luncheon." Such errs their
They answered and said °unto "I am the good shepherd: the aMos fur sew mennY Years, and introduction to radio. .. a free
him, Thou vast altogether born good shepherd layeth down his sense MosT o yo rememmmbur lunch but no' pay. One "day t w ' -
EDITOR'S NOTE: In future the in sins, and dost thou teach us? /life 'for his sheep. He .that Is a me an aMos baoK wen - it wuz manager of a rival radio station
current Sunday Sitmal 'Lla�gsoa, . And they cast him out." Defgated hireling; and not a' shepherd, ;sAm 'n +HENRY" -their- slut' " in Chicago asked Gorden and
will - be - published one week by -his , pitiless logic, the slue-• whose own sheep , they are, not, muTch to teLL yo tHat yu dent Correll ff" they' coots dramatise - -?
, surlier than usual. caries, of Jesus give way to rage. beholdeth the wolf coming, and kno. oUn-sioGGan is "keEp, sMilin one of the comic strips in the local
February. 14 "Jesus heard that they had cost- - Ieaveth- the - sheep; And- fleeth, -a*+x vr-MI R diaLin' -be T�yo -Mw,.t nailer. Their retort was that they
' JESUS HEALS •A MAN BORN him out; and finding him, he said, -' the -wolf snatcheth them,- anit go Rong with 's ANDREW H. felt' they 'could do a better job
` BLIND. --John -9 Dost thou believe on the Bob of- scattereth them: he fleeth 'be- Brown 'enTerPrize bec.CuSe- we- by creating a radio comic strip ,of
PRINTED TEXT', God ?" - `The - thought of• `the Son • cause he s a hireling, and careth aIm to 'pLeas an kEEp. all cUs• their own, and so on March 19, _ -
" John 9:18 -38' of Man' stands in true contrast not for the sheep." Christ is the tomerS satisfiEd: Also music fer- 1928, they first - appeared as
GOLDEN TEXT. -Ono thing I with the selfish isolation -of 'the- Perfect Shepherd as opposed to nished fOr wEddings an sociablEa. Amos 'N Andy'over WMAQ, Chi-
know, that; whereas • I was blind, - Jews.' The new society, seen here His own imperfect ministers. He iiespetivlY Yora ' cage. The rest of the story is his. _
now t see. John 9:25. in its- beginning,. rests upon this 'iii the true shepherd as- opposed ANDREW H. BROWN, Esk.- tort', well known- to . the vast
-_ -_ Memory Verset =Let us love one - - foundation, wide as humanity it- to the• false shepherds who. are PrEsid't & pRogcam diRectr majority-''-of radio listeners in
another. I John 4:7. self. hirelings and hypocrites; He is (also aMos Joan) formerly fresh' North. America. For more than 8
THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING _ "He j answered and said, Arid the good shepherd who. gives His . ' aIr taxicaB Co. INK. years they had the rargest week-
Time.= Mid- tyctober [t.l l: 29: who h�, Laid, t%at -may be- life for the -sheep as opposed-to- -• Raaio salters across -the United 1 It' audlence of any - program ore
Place.- Somewhere yin the -city - • lieve on him? Jesus said unto. the wicked .thief who takes their States and Canada were highly the sir. Suffice i� will "say - that
of Jerusalem. him,. Thou hast both seen him, lives to preserve his own. amused to receive recently. a let- Amos 'N_ Andy will be sorely
"The Jews therefore did not and he it is that speaketh with "I am the good shepherd; and.. ter, of which the above is an ex• missed.
believe - concerning him, that be thee," 'Thou halt seen Him,' was I know mine own, and mine own tract. Equally sorry were they'to -
16etd been blind, and had received not that enough to - prove• His know me." -This is the know. learn that North America's fam- Not everyone knows that the
his night, until they called the claim? Jesus gave. the beggar ledge of mutual love, trust - and ous black face comedians Amos - first vessel-to cross the' Atlantic
_ ,t r0 &P;vPA eves to see: now. he has riven symvathv. We know ourselves and 'Andy wnuld he hanyins• tha Ocean by steam ,power only was
- his sight, and :asked them, saying, him_ the Christ to look at. truly only in Christ's knowledge air on February 19th -next. After _ built in Canada by a Canadian.
.L this your .son, who ye say was , "And he said, Lord, I .believe, of us. 23 years, of radio and stage as- sir Samuel Cunard, Ifalif ix- buss -'
: born blind? how then debt he now And be worshipped him." This One Flock, One Shepherd sociation Freeman (Amos) Goa- iness man, was to become the
see.? His parents answered and man, of course, did -not have a "Even as the Father knoweth den and •a
dy) Correll- most_outsnding ship -owner in
- Bald,. We Lauw IL-V, Lhin is - yuc !all .,..w..eption of all that sl, , � N^ '
Me, and 1 know the -sine-;• and t,a�ua silt' uaro Many Ivu�. acr.a
_ son, .and that he was born blind: Sonahip of Christ involved, for I lay down .m life for the�shee lections of their past successes. .- planned and supervised the con-
but tsogr no now seeth;. a..,� - even the -Apostles themselves A$� other sheep t u+ava, whi h and of their' modest beginning. struction of the "Royal William."
sot; or who opened his eyes, -we- _ were slow in .coming to realize are not of this 'fold: 'them also I Way back. in .March, 1925 the . This fully steam- powered vessel ;
mow not: ask him; .he is o!_ age; the full meaning of Christ's deity. must bring, and they shall hear boys auditioned for Bob Boniel crossed from Quebec to London, `
_ din a r
Is shall speak for himself." How But this man did believe that my voice and they_ shall- heccma_ _ 7 at Station_ EBH1_ Chicago. _Theis E gran - snit' -two days.
En t- a
atnhbo%n..the human heait cati cis -- - Christ -had come- from-God, -that one flock, one shepherd." Christ song, "Yes, • Sir, that's my baby„ - and -was tie foieivaaer of s little -
_ when it -is determined that, -no He gas God's Son:_ -that- He -was -- f,em -w -Ills deat�a5a could have -R'as presented with what was then fleet of four .ships. -with_ a total
matter how great the evidence, doing God's work, that His words escaped it but that He came to a hot • ukelele accompaniment. tonnage of 5,000, which became _
it will- not recognize Jesus to -be were true. A man who believes die for the sins of the people. "Well," said -Bouiel when they the. nucleus of the great- Canard -
the Son 'of God. this 'much wlil believe all else that We have here our Lord .teaching had finished, "you boys aren't Company of modern times. The
"These things said his parents, he finds concerning Christ in the us how -to_ think of the certain bad but we've got a lot of singers full story' of ,the life of Sir Sam- -
because they feared the Jevvs:,Ioi Cora of Goa. _ issues of His work and ours. -on .this station, I tell you what to u vuuall .+t �l,r.,.d Gy `w-
Jews had agreed already, that +�. There is -to be but .one Shepherd do, drop around tonight about nsdian sehoolchildien on `Friday,
-if any man should- confess him to (' U N D A l and over all the • earth a great 11.30 and I'll 'put you on the air February" 12, 10 a.m. as another
be Christ, he should be put out s.+ unify: oY obedience to. -Him, for one song, you understand that fn the 'serieie of history- lessons in
of the! syn ;gogue. Therefore sale 'IMy sheep he my voice, and we don't pay for- talent; ' but' the National school broadcasts of
-his parents, He 'is of age; ask S C H O O L I know there; and they follow after we sign the station. off at the Cam• - -
bim." The Pharisees refused to roe: and I give unto them eternal
acknowledge the truth concerning - life; and they shall never perish, February
,Christ. Long before this they had and no one shall snatcli their out ° U.-S.-SOLDIER
taken their stand against- Christ Feb 21 of my hand. My Father, who bath '
and now they were, through sheer y_
• pride ot to JESUS THE GOOD SHEPHERD -given them onto me, is greater
of office,, determined n
-,acknowledge their fault by eha�tg John 10 than alt; "and no one is able to HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle is Vehicles.
PRINTED TEXT snatch them out of- the Father's
20 This fileral
.. 1 6 Pictured A g _
lag their verdict. hand. What infinite privileges ' «ti
Jobs 10:1 -5,- I1.1S, 27 -$0 p U. S. A. ,top V � was an aide to
The Beggar's Testissony a �:Q1.DEW TEXT_ .- 1_im_th�., are granted lo the -true sheep of s o� IGMMrjkl
' "So they cai-fed- a second time the hood nnepnera:, they are I T 23 He is a
reps shepherd: the rood steep. t]u,.y shall - - T
the man that was blind, and said herd layoth down bis .life for the given, eternal life; Q -
--unto him. Give' glory to God: we never, be taken out of the safe- 14 Original past student of
sheep. John 20:11. Dot --s�
know that this man is a sinner. keeping ofothe Shepherd; they argt musical draft. ia�a�
Memory Verse: Be ye kind. 18 Arabian. 24 Principle.
He - therefore answered; whether the -gift of.-the Father• to the Son •
Ephesisns 4:82. 17 Male child. T 23To corrode.
' he is a sinner, I know not: one. they are - forever safe in the _
thing I know, that, whereas I visa r THE LESSON IN [TS SETTING Father's 'hands: All the power o! 18 Crowns of _ I I 2T Root fitful.
Timis.-The first halt of this heads. : T
blind, now 1 see." The phrase. the Godhead is here revealed as 28 Drunkard. -
-`Gigs glory to God' is a solemn chapter,. through. verse 21, re- more than sufficient for •the 19 Coin' Y 1 fig.M,
charge to declare the whole truth. cords a message uttered by our eternal. reservation of '.those . ZO Saucy"
f ead-in - Geteba..' } p 21 Goddess of 31 To make a
1(7ey mdd Yllwak6'fure Y[lGV Ills, - nlaur.,. Y..O r.L,V of JI *,.Co. t" J., . ��^ - ,
what did he unto thee? how op- words recorded in verses 22 -39 Son. 22 peace. due from . 47 Genus of • 32 �mx=ec�
toed he thine syez' He answered were uttered in late December of _...._ - -,z. -- a� �a 4 _ Gypsy.
To gleam. 3 33 Gy
T them, I told ou even -row, aid - that- year; within, a few dsys -- 'm 8 Highet swans' 27 Stu dy.
y_ after; the event: recorded in the "Only 1 Z �� Na81ii 24 a�will� made place, 41 Pertaining to
did not hear; wherefore would y s 53 Enthusiasm.. 4 To dtciaim.-
ys hear it 6gair>,? would ye also last two verses took place. Fight at Stalingrad 26 Slumbered: 84 in shy, i5 Detected. wines.
: become his. disdplee ?" The- - re- Plac•• -Each of -the discourses 30 To furnish_ 53 Mournful. _ 6 vocal ' 42 Bull.
- peating of the question of how recorded in this chapter was ut- All but 12,000 of the German with new 56 Cuckoo. composition. 43 Made to float. the man was healed simply re- tered in Jerusalem, but.of course; Sixth Army that' once fought"iti weapons. .87 He rose 7 Sphere of 44 Irish fuel- :
:reab the fact that these stab _ the. event spoken of in the last way into the streets of Stalin- 34 Eating utensil thro1� that• action. 45 Arm bone;
sae" wCre . f,r>�liuti LI,• L'.. : :.11 .1, Sl'Yes verses -e ..;..?d ?-Bet_ If T ^ 8 Tn -••t� e a ' a6 Naive_
1 °'�"t� �. 4tiFood paste.
of the beggar too strong and cleat- heyood Jordan, taken prisoner and the three main on ship. 58 He is now g em setting. _. -
_ -.tor denial. The Sheplieras Contraste$' railroads radiating out from the 36 Ball -player. _ Chtef of•__, 0Tract - ,' con, �' �-
�� centre -to the north, the Can- 38 Play for actors 10 Tract of ten•
A .God - Fearing • Person -"Verily, verily, I 'say unto you, 39 Toward. VERTICAL groynd. _•. 51 Bird of prg7.
"And they reviled him, _arid He that entereth not by the door ctsus ''and the' west - have been 40 Wood spirits., -1 Pep. 11 Den. 82 Railway
said, Theu,'art his disciple; but intd the fold of the sheep,, bu£ freed- from enemy control. 44 Box sled. Z Otherwise. 12 Potind (abbe.) (abbe :): '
- -we are disciples of Moses. We climbeth up same. other way, the The completeness of the disas-
tnow that God bath spoken 'unto . same is a--thief and a 'robber." ter to the 224,000 troops virtu- 1 2 3 4 ti i 7 e q p N - Z -
Moses; but as for this 'man, .-We, Jesus means to describe here• the ally is conceded i� Berlin where "`
know not whence, he: is. The ma�u.., . _ audacity_ full. o€ cunning with the Nazi ..propaganda has given 13 H NS •.~•
answered and ssifi unto them; which the - Pharisee's `"had suc- cut thgt all the remaining troops -
Why, herein is .tire marvel, th at. deeded in establishing their au- at Stalingrad- may lose their lives,
ye know not ny . in -.the enclosure of the However, some of the German --
whence he is, and thor
++ eo lc of God. commanding. officers were •report-•..
yet he opened mine eyes. The p p ed° b the 'Russians to have es -'
Pharisees knew that God had "But he that entereth in by y '
spoken to Moses, but they do not the door is the' shepherd of, the caged from, the trap by plane -
know w}ienre this man Jesus ..ia; sheep. --To hint 'the porter open= after refusing a Russian' demand
fiat is, they do not know that He eth; and the sheep hear his voice: for surrender. One regiment, the Ii 27 30 s♦ 3Z
W ...
is from God, at which concession. and he, catleth -his own, sheep by 634th, 1was announced to have .
name, arts- leadeth Ahem Out:. surrendered en masse.- 34
shown his astonishment.- When he bath put forth all nis 'We know -that God heareth not own, he goeih 'before them, and, ° Moser n Courtesy
sinners:' but if. any mgr be a :woe• the,
Sheep follow him: for they .,Made An _Japan) - c �3j.';
know his voice. - And "a stranger. ?9
shipper of God. and do his will, -}low .courteous is the Japanese"
him- ha heareth. Since the world •. will they not follow, but. will, flee He' always • says, • • "Excuse >ste,
"began" it was never heard that from him: for the know not the please." -
'any one opened the eyes of a voice of strangers." lie climbs. Into his neighbor's gar•.
man tort► blind. • If• this man were Tht ' ihepherd's „ call 'is recoil_ den 47 Jo ' $l 52
not from God, he could do no'th= nized by his "own sheep . for each And smiles and says, "I big your
ing " The Pharisees actuaFly_ hays of • which he • has a name. Hine pardha.'" = =
only furthered the beggar'a think. only ., will. Ahey' follow; from a He bows•aad grins a friendly bow, .
mi: for while- at first he is not stranger's call they will flee,' not'. 'So soap; thin mq garden 'now:'
ready to discuss whether Jesus is recognizing the voice. The, sheep -, _'_. -. Ogden Nash•....
: RAF— Pop' -s--- Right -th- First- -T-ime ,By ,�- �I�A�- V�.�TT _. :..
HC-r►R NQ _NOt" J
7 -14 I
. ol
IRK, 7t
�F P « - r -. .. . :, ..gym
-V H. FORSYTH. Onfh-.!�., P--octor'
Aoli�ft��w An
Ammices 4 .. ., - 1 1. 1 e - t6 _ — a- _ _ -s
Ou uscka pan yew way overy —Oak
W czasolmed, bw day.
ooAL9 �EMB4i�T,_ C. A. 50TERRITT -New Goods are cowl, g m steadily M1 WOODe ALD R1ffDDY. Barrister, %
SuNdtor. Plea" PUNC. MoWto Lose.
]Re DM
900110 Iminkm I y :.-�SAND,- GRAVZ]4, In small lots
11'arristors & Solicitors BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Motor Ambulanesi Dar or N10t PIeaw'be patient, and allow us to
WaJAWATON.K.C. Telephone' 4160 1000jeartage work -PHONE IM make 'a fair distriubtion of the quan.
N.-HROUX.11ELL. IL C. Adel.=Ss We havealso vlaeed In stock: a fall
�&V.F.ROSS :372 Bay St.- LOM of MAPLZ LZAV MnJMG tities we r'ecieve by buying in small.
Toronto; CONTANT FEEDS .... ..
1 —NGXWMcM1LLAN—Barrietir. Sol- quantified r. Atoury. Pablic. 19 Melinda Street --Ak-. W- M
Elffina803, 29t1 7
Pickering, Ont.
fueIVS00 4r PHONE Office 74 .Re& .66For. Cough's 7%,
New 'Arrivals 'a
And Colds
D Clerk. ConvoYancer. COMIniftiouef lot
Accountant,, Etc. ISUIWU niq +n- Ynij Men's tweed pants,, ski caps, work
' %if d& %IF
V (H 'ugh's)
Pasnore Coujih.MlxWre
mitts, and overalls a
We 6; building of all kinds AND
•--dZNJDRAL INSJURAN"•.- CAgpENTEglNr Cold Tablets
REAL'JSSTATE . . ( . C. B.' I -aAies house cirpmapman& wolsk a-pro
CFkENTING Then %uiW uP• Youf resistance
is ON wt&bH&,kd agem*97 woub
serm Men s
We also sell Brantford Roofing
Pick Sam
Xateriala—. Ek#Oire Bathroom ---o—ow —Orwription Sorvi rubbers are- coming thr-ough splendidly
Water ce is y
Equipment, Duro Accurate-and EfftcleAt
ftstm $'Beatty Stable
MAW also men's & boy's Knee Rubber'Boots
-Salps conducted Avywberi' Rie so
.#konor write. Address 614 Dundas Estimates F=ee Phone, Pick 68
13treet. Beat. W 9rk Guaranteed_ STORE R L', RS
Sun. 9 S.U. 8 014
F.- J. PROD 3E I —Bought and $old—
AND ALSO GIVE Used Clothitng Sterilized, clean- . .....
ed and passed -like new. Carry a
General line. of bardware.
LEVINE B. A. large stock of high class mAts,
RANCE Banister. Solicitor or- overcoats and Pants. Also a good
odllee lies= 46 Wed, od 04 stock- of new leather coats and Tarm"equipment
SERVICE, jmg6tr-P1wdwx-x=ttvL2ww, windbresbers, and � gem", iumisk-4
ZZAn OrV= OKUWA iAgs at very reasonable ju%0&..W1 And.
&W be c#nTlnc-s&
L.-.-. E. O"N41LL "warts -.--..,HouimhoId utensils
URVICE PROTECTION 91 Bond' Str. West, Oshaws
-aray chiaks - should be ordered
'tAW. J. VUhor, 714", whether inonediste jr later
delivery. Get your birds into the
n V front line. '�'Urseffn need for more
j Nigh& and Day bor*ico
eggs- says the government. Save
Ic C R. 0
-as Gpet> tkne. Bray
R. 2, Picberink; Lockwood - Milling
Co., Pidkering,
_ _ NET ARE _�
AMP:M ZW33-V Order now, for future Aeliverr
lattery , Poultry Fares GGS
E ... HOGS
Healthfully Air-tonditioned Akona'Read, Pickering..
lasumnes �01 An Ki do. C A 11 rES LAMIS
r FEMUAM- il, 12 and 13. 6"t Rateg A-Vailable with AM ALL KIND8 01P
2-*o sho4v* at 7 and 9 p. m. Ualaritt and F.4rT3o*• IWYPING both live and drei"
I Saturday Matta" at 142 Yee -
-Add-i -'Pb"e Z —Advertising 0*7 A Sp y,-
ftpa and.. RW&U Reg" P1 "KEHING FARMS
Desperate Journey J%aw Pick 119 '-. z.... 0* .-�. ,. �--
GIN. U W 8, j
2&gnq C4 WN 'GRAMO WA'�
Ra"WW Massey wazing OUT. PROKZ WZMTV M
Clarke Prentice Sale Register
Latest Canads, Cass 4A %
Saturday, February 27
ft" Fighting Canada sale of'Hwoehold Furniture, liw Meat eat
For *a Counties of Yerk aid Omit; laments and Livestock, at Corner Of
- _Q
&Ao; successor for Corpl.. RA► PIM Rosebank Road and No. Z Highway, 7
ties of Q A. S. F. and of *9 lob prop�rty of D, J. Howe. Terms Cash, poul
b. Fobrsw7 15, • 16, U clerk, try
Sale at. i P. m. Jas. P. - Sm:th
x"Posatics (&—I-r Prentles W e. auctioneer.
LW C4MPkte 1�110* at S;M -MU " -:1.
Prentice). Farad and Farm And
South of Tahiti was a specialty at tab. and itWft Wodnesday, February 17 auction
able rates. We of fare � stock:, implements, Fish in season
the properti.-
Brian DWfvY Bred,Crairford household furniture,-
f the' Estate of the Late Wesley'
-Andy Devine Mvis Mantes
Gee, Green*ood,
YES, WE HAVE 0 at Lot 7F con. 6,
Also an Added Attractits Pickering Township. No Reserve-
asgortMe Term eas4 Salle attOme o'clock. L K9S
-h -good- F
Lady for .-Nig.t jL chap�nan, clerk. Who,.
I jean moudell and John Wayne ni..' of Men's Mistts
of -4u �IALL4-
February 18"19, U AND a -bo., the hometown paw
Also pyrex plates, YS
All Kinds of F epair Work 4:,
nej Flew Alone -7
all *I uniog Cmarapteed rate Joeioldiers'
Ca 01%owy
-As= Neagle- Robert Newton Co S. MUDONALD
say double boilers & `7 M advance
20 C1 Ave. Tweds
�* ....... - per, Yew
-coffee makersinthe
hiyj--- - - - eb-e. 28
S "NOTICE, 4wial- rate open ware NEW
new.. flame�
special rate
GREENWOOD Onii more .-month for. this'
1WW Drug Swo ex
ii MILLS gift he'll apprciate
Hardware Tinsmith
p"Itry, Beg and other COSCONt"Wo
-,;;ONE 44 always an hard.
F. L. Green