HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1942_11_20.•.•_.• •r.,.q'r yy � .E, mr .. .. .♦• .'v•�•a'.c.P..wa. i1'S'�` e,ya'.;.'. ,. .. ,... Vim:. %• "5:s.:s .M•.i:..
`.ih' .3'. f,"• .V. ."•j..• ..✓ _..}I.. "'ate. "q,F, fi
.r'Vr w.,, .'x:m.. •I- '..-.. '.h:: r"' ' %, - ..ur ,,.• . y '^, .3... ' -]V-' yq
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- Wartmincrease wime ere,. eav ie '
as lo r o ice
-_ _:.
yTlhe Country More ", ".'.Nov. 27.
An article elsewhere on this page of the past,,. - 1 Mrs_ Edwin Baladon, fickerin� Ulnited Church Mckerltng .._., 3 p.'m. _._.LOCALISMS `-
would apps to apply to this area . One example of which we in this passes In her 86th! year. - - -
as well. It was s bitter, harsh rev- office have knowledge Is with the = -""- _ - Christmas tufts, Needlework and -;
elation of the conditions found in "Lost Articles ". -' Many different 'Funeral services were held - Aprons �- Homemade
Wednesday', for one of Pickering's Pte• A. Douglas add her sister, t
many countries today, and our podkethooks, sums of money and ;Apples and Vegetables -Miss Bertha Bunting visited ' Mr
municipality is not exempted. > jewellry have been lost on our oldest' residents, in the person
of Mrs. Rebecca Fhnma Balsdon, �� Cards• Fish Pond Tea. . ' and Mrs. Bunting at Simcoe Point
A wreat manv of us Here can yet streets during the past ttwo years, Teacup Reading last week.
recall the days when a police officer They are advertised widely enough, w1duW �f 6h� lane id.... BOA. •.,, Qlpen}ng Address at 8 p. m. Mr, and Mrs. ,Clarence Gunter
in Pickering _-Tawneldp was.. nn_ __but rare _ do we now ever hear of at the home of her daughter, Mrs. -
l4__ Program " Corse DesAY spent the week end with the lat•
-- neeeswvr�- $ ;n_ ,o,.,utessd._. fitter 1tP^'°. Gordon -Lmw. - = - - -
-�pr'R tlfiranfc,�r= scut —M� —'W H_
...Prime we knew, was some' youngster particulars of which belonsr to the Mrs. Balsdon was born at b Brook- Wric Lodge A. ir. and - 11t: to Westnev-
breaking- .a_urindow police .court, calls_ fqr that-attention _ lin, later' coming to the Base Un+6 —. atte� Ll.lur Le..tix .� Y:� +� -Lib s* � Mrs, �vlor, who have Y'�
As might well be expected, the by Law Officers that keen them on Ifip -n fier marriage sae fefurked- �PSresoyieriap Z.wm h d" w•= *ne few years been an ft
last two years have witnessed that patrol all day and night throughout to $rooklin, and shortly after ne=t at 2.30. SSterwart Palm, '
change here,. even the very efficient' the week in the south of -Ontario they moved to Pickering and about "Riverview Bend"
officer we w have fords difficult County' are leaving to take up farming its•
thirty years ago retired to the will Doric A. F. and A. M. will attend ,
Western Ontario.,
to cope with, or he does manage to A sufficient aumbeXa of charges- age, where Mrs. Balsdoti has since in a body, the regular church _sec- The local t:ontinttation School -,
keep 'tap with it by being ,on duty, have been laid -from this area to resided. _ vice st .tlxe Presbyterian Church in is now well on in their caaet train-
twenty. hours' .a • day. However, make it • necessary to hold two She was a life long member of Pieldering, on Sunday. afternoon at '-
not our newcomers alone are the special - police court sittings here in' the. Methodist - Church, later the 2.30 o'clock, Bro. Rev. David Mar- mgr and I are lipr ac to be taking
offenders - police service has been October. Oshawa and Whitby Court United Church. shall will conduct the service ' and rifle and target practice in the near
Ateadily required in Pickering since could take care' of anything in the She is - survived by one daughter, preach the sermon. future. , t
Tithe last war, past! Mrs. Gordon Law, and six sons _ �e snow of last week end lent a _
%)ie calls upon -police officers We will not be- surprised to learn Wesley, John; Robert and Clare- of "�`P U'S 'PRAYt touch o winter atmosphere, car and ..
here during She (from an article written at Halcyon also brought about a few car sold- �
g -past year- - have --that- eta peliee staff -. ' -Fred,-d- B�ord *tea- - Hot- Springs,-B. C. this week)- v;.ta. ?
shown a big increase over any, year easary in another year+, of . Edmonton: A sister, Mrs. Wm. I We understand r. Ewen,
Burt of funeral wa also survives. - -- - Declarati ^n of a National -wun °" *rely- a-- Paxty- nt�e,- -deer
- - - --
The tuners] was held fruui-- tTie °�` -- "�'�' •'
From an observation tour through .home of her daughter.' Rev. M.R. Day of Prayer and Dedication is hunting, have bagged seven on
_ .M the different industrial areas, the one of -the features- of a Democracy rMesday, and were waiting another -
Jenkinson conducted the services, p
�q�G r j anderstandin � in this municipality. ab k gr, During Great War 1, the dacv to make It - one each.
general scheme for this country was .assisted' by Rev. E. G. Robinson: i faithful filled the churches where _ The cceranunit) extends sympathy
Interment took place in Mouunt i ;
decided To diileF from some of the Lawn Cemetery. they prayed long-and fervently for to' the Balsdon family, in. the loss
monotonous la) outs of the - States, victory. For 25 years since then, of their mother Mrs. R,E. Balsdon.
- the homes here would be of several `th
War Worker Fatally Injured w e dance halls pubs, beer parlours, We understand that some wheels
Mr.. Hayden MacDonald, well- types, all 4, 5 and 6 roomed homes Struck 'by Auto night clubs and hot spots have filled minus the tires have been. found on
known Oshawa . businessman, and renting from $25 to $35 per month . � :. �� to overflowing. God wag forgotten- a back concession.. A word to the
I When we of into , the. resent. mess wise is -.watch r tires'. _.
_ beans are undoubtedly m B
Chairman of Oshawa Pickering The a u y 9 A war worker in the person �of - - - -
Branch o! Wartihme Housing _ Ltd cconfortable - though mounted on Allan Blair ' 17, of Millbrhok Ont. . the great unwashed filtered into the Christmas concert, Pickering Un-
introduced at Mondayre lunch- cedar posts, they are well insulated ' was fatally injured Wnday morn- dusty pews and the smolt forgotten ited Church Sunday School, Friday
eon by -Rosa Morison, so spsalder. and all having asphalt roofing; one ing last, while on his way to work. strains of Hallelujah -were again Deoertiber 18th,.
tlitr. KacmnalT- described _t ► -anal- heater-with- strange - being -i:s- - According to Provincial ZJSisex 'rafted on the air But- food knows _ The Women's tnatitute mdIl inset
development of the Wartime Hoes- stalled upon request All supplied G. R. Waude, who investigated, the what the world has been doing . and at )the home of Mrs. W. J. Miller`
jag Board under Mn Piggott, ' of ', with water and phan�bing service youth with three companions, was He takes , no part in this o6nfiict. on Tuesday, Nov, 24th. Program L_
Po in the vill and w�ero on their The na'tio'n at war vvill. sh each rt f ,%tea Convention. Mae.
11.10z�pilton, ,' lGovertm�ent a turned acid. wired. with 2-wire service, � P� r'°�
q'rg�p}' i0I1, WflOBC UtitC asiary. .Q (#. T* ice dy k na asr w Un &r ....i' t..' .. ..�..6 euu: vu G�c other for th rimem they hSVE A- X :%s -61�tl a paper on
provide housing ' for workers in war- c Onstruction ( many eompleted and south side of the road. He apparent- 1 cotmmitted. The pity. Is that- the Today s Challenge to the, Home- -
i�tdustries. A local board was organ - occupied), this first group to be ly stepped onto the road, when he I'inpocent suffer with tke guilty, and- maker", R4611 Call - "Do's and
ised with three well known - exeftt- reads* for' occupancy early in 1943- was hit by a car driven by Thos. !et no one thltilc that his country is Don'ts for Institute Metribers ". The
ivez of Oshatwa, as the directorate, . At Ajax a recent disenzision and Watson of t'idtering, and hurled to I above :reproach, Hostesses- Mrs, Cronk and Mrs. EL
the dibeh: Ulair --w,as ^ ?t What do statistics say of English Pascoe._ Meeting at Z3.0.
Fifty hotmes were erectea in. that co- operative plan for _ retail stores; west of the Plant road at the time speaking countries? They furnish a
CtW to take care of requirements Private enterprise to be encouraged of the .accident, truly terrible indictment and state
instead. - that:-- a nation of -11 million people • • �• " -
there. With the development of the - A post mortem was ordered by .
Plant here, and the follo�w�ng need Qle eight roomed school is nmv V. E: Cartwright, Coroner, stud who cannot pay the interest on "�" - ....... i
in operation,' Wartime housing to its debt,., spends 800 million dollars Commencing on" Friday Nov. 1,3, 1
for boning, the operationis of this an inquest will be held at Picker- a weekly broadcast- will be given b
, pa ;L>�°ri ^g Tnsmthip $i2�o�lh annually on alcoholic- liquors.i The {�ap 1 Y
to erect the homes (which the Hon, for each hoarse there, the Dept. of Blair's father,. who is also etnp- illegitimacy rate of another is 18
C. D. Howe and W. H. Moore; M. Dduc"on the balance, to eover cost per cent. In another, 40 'per - cent °f the Ontario Civilian Defence
toyed at the Plant has been living children Cotmanittee on A., R. P work of girls of IS and
P_ � nR would never ne puler. of salaries and nuintenarrx. "in Pickering, His mother resides at �e to rn
taioea at Pickering) for the workers In his concluding : remarks he itlillbpok. u+eler w�rc av,axi��.l U%A ai ..a:d. CF1K8 fratrn _�s .....o ,
at D', L l,, acknowledged the possible post -war � lock. Divorces are granted .in batch- day evening: i z
'ibe epealoer gave maaay' of the problem, but reminded us that�he es of 160 and 200: In another a Lota�l. mexabers of A. ii. P. ors
tlewtiL anrronndittg the developorterst , proaeC�t7t10A of the war was our RIN'GO AT CLAREINONT murder is committed on an average wed to arrange to listen to this -
of the boozing here, bcone of present and first concern and salted f I�ledlaaeoos Sale and Binge of eve y _ 8 minutes - -and 100,000 broadcast of information o! a high -
+' .a.��li.,a 0!' this co:r�ttuni _ - .. - _ murderers are'• at large always. ly Practical character, All citizen .y
This is the 'last last reminder 'of the ',00,000 girls and women' disappear °f the community and diatrlat will
wWA do not quite egree with the >0'.. -.
for the co.vperation and under also be well advised to listen to the
Miscellaneous. Sale and ]lingo to ,be each year and are never heard of Y `a
held at Claremont next Wednesday, again, They are swallowed up in talks' Recent . developments appeas •
Pickering Unfitted Church will hold[ "Dora Dean" goes to Brooklin .November 25th in behalf of the Red .the, great underworld where,-. they to "" ur ° �` `• "�!" tOC '� _
_ "Nort ge- Burning Ceremony" in t toni' ht, and Oshawa next Thu dope. to, .prompt thope whose .duty it is..
tea_ _ y ' g caddy Crass. Come .in, in the afternoon, or _.wallow in booze vice and do e
the very near future. An - awe act night, Seder T more engagements evening, iloa.a ..111 i,< c.Ficala:..= Wtten- girls �f +L to conduct Civilian Defence opera..
indebtedness has been "w, >d out ", na•:e been taken. ment for all. You can tions, to speed u the releasing 4
p - get your and all the crimes on the oslendar, P g � -
tea cup read; pick up some attract- it indicates that home influence has Defence instructions.
On Wednesday night of this weelk
ive� for_Christ mar;. • buy 'cards broken -down and that the aystem motion Pictures on Air Raid Work -
and calendars, fruit • and vegetables -of education is • a -rank •falluie. • Dur-
Something new in a Guessing"Con- ing the South African %Vac the in the Old Country• were shown. A = ___
.ter i0i
am ivydkar €;iii. guild ";i;l ,..ale VJ: Ll.a ni F;xw L" a alwup. small) turned out. 'Isle 'films to m
its mysteriaua- petrels - -weep in' boring the last war the saimp was fang
the bottom; besides, you have- the greater, and there is every evidence up more time than anticipated, the
chance of winning 'a Handsome that in this conflict the sluirap will dr111 was a- itheld for another
data Dr..TorAlinson commences the
a.� Dresden Plate' Quilt or two pains of be the worst of all. First Aid next wee with '
N' splendid Ibex Blankets. A government is too often in k, practieall
' A For resfreshment there will be collusion;_ with ,elements which sun 'training for both men and wainen.
delidtous o cups of tea and home at the demoralizing of a nation, We rather` esitatingly, remind A.
made dainties served' at a nominal and they see tt it that they are K. P. members that they tools aA c
y rate But perhaps you would rather always on the inside. It would Oafh. - Attend these meetings
^ play bingo?' Then this is your appear . to be almost impossible to
chance to have a good time and eradicate an evil fromn which a CIDUNTY COUNCIL
benefit a worthy caure, for there Democratic government derives , a 'COUNTY OF ONTARIO '
are some really splendid ..prizes revenue,.. , )
;a a x ,• lined up-for this popular game. The writer has lived in many `4 meeting of the County Coua -•
At . the -. coz 11'tries where. �he_.has ; ode the dl of the Co ratios of th'e i
The Date _Nov._ 2Fith. CtY-
Clarermont Community Hall. The amazing and appalling discovery of Ontario 'Will be held pursuant to
sponsors - The North Pickering that the crookWest people in the adjournment in the Council Chain_
Branch of the Red Cross world call themselves Christians,, ber in the Court House in the Town - y
Many small nations have found of 'Whitby, on Monday, the 23rd
this out to their sorrow, cultured day November FNends' Meeting House sod to y of a 1942, at the hour
local Masonic Lodge.
�Iohammedaa mufti, once remarked . -of two o'clock in • the afternoon D.
that "Christianity is a wonaerful S. Time.
' Mr. Elmer Starr, ' eamarket, religion, but it lies ' never been All accounts to be laid before the
. • - iced Council- should be- forwarded to the
'',� ; • . informed the -'News bri Vfednes$ay,
.-hat relimina -ne negotiations for . Cflerk, .properly certified` at -teas! -'
he ale of the 'F i nda'.•i:eeting FARM HELP WANTED -farm three .days .before the meeting of
manager, must ' have general work-
the Council;
I-ouse to Doric - Lodge A. F. and ing knowledge of Cattle and orchard 5
k; M. No. 424, Pickering, had been _
Here is Frank Willis in a typical C>�C on the spot "' Broadcast n'mpleted. Mr. Starr is nee of the experienced in all types of farm Dated at Whitby, this 9th day of ;y
machinery:- Modern house.. Fuel, November, A. D. 1942.'
three trustees of this property. hydro • and milk supplied. Good
- - �: • a• wages. Box 342 Neva X' Donald Buday,
(busty 0wit
' ` J
- _
. ue5eeyykhk � ... � ... - C "' I• • .1" • � -. ' I - t � - C a - - 1 _ ° _ _
■ •;DUNKIRK TO DESERT : -s � �%e�Mr bly l sunlight bath on an Whim- e
" bs - bly line designed by Dr. William
M I rim.
■ I , �: ' England,
D0C Beaumont 'of London,
and described in The B ' y` h
• �/ _ cal Journal._ The Iii take r
IN DUSTRIAL ALCOHOL shower bath, pea tigll $ -� °
�� - and .step onto a ,conveyor belt
Because of an entirely differ- which carries theiri;.Slong a corri-
a ant net of economic condition!,' -�o= �mYnsted by mercury` arcs -
} t►� 'European pulp, mills are making that radiate ultraviolet light. At
one hundred gallons of industrial the end of the. corridor the men -
�' Y'1F�E ��� �.�3�ry _ alcohol a year from the waste step off the conveyer and pass
n -_. �.•� e`" liquors of their six million tons through s door to their clean-
_ �"iT� of sulphite pulp production. I cite clothes locker. The Krupps mines r , -�' '; -`�'` this as but one example of 'the at Essen, says Dr. Beaumont, have
path that lies ahead in devl g used ultraviolet baths in the
_ - -the chemical- vaUies in our trees. early days, of the Hitler regime.
The after- the -war chemical pos,
sibilities for wood . are by no
means limited to alcohol. we Seamen Receive
catch some glimpse of the future
_ by looking into the Germans' _ _Mitizoil BOOkL
A^P - _ L-.;.- economy under wartime duress, -
where their military trucks are 1Iore than s million books have
propelled by wood gas, where the, been sent out to men of the little
o citizens eat beef fed on cattle ships, such as submarines, mine
eoeN'` "x avree ers and coastal craft by the
fodder made -from wood cellulose. P
4yeR _ f7 Our nation's chemical industry Royal Naval War Libraries, an or-
�a4 \ will look more and more to the ganization built up in the North
netts of it■ raw mR o! Scotland by
Mrs. Ivan C9lVln, -
winner of the North American,
and. Canadian Calf .Roping
Unampionshipe at the i;,ayiary
bUmpede, the Burton Mancb In
ii mAhern k- obertat was volab -�
e sa a ■ r, &0JL -W
terials, because timber is a crop it is reported in Aberden. ane
sad trees ii-e has undertaken to supply any book•
on request to.any seaman on any
SUN BATHED MINERS au6jeet.Onee she - meanly g °° 1A°
when a sea-man asked fur a L...P:.
English - inwers at t11e Manvers - on ane anatomy- of-the d �,,5 - -••I.
Mhin Colliery now, bathe in arti- but finally found one.,
SIFIEII— _I�i S e -
eal of money is taboo With LOSS OF VOICE itis should try Dixon's Remedy. TO RENT
great- �Y00 GIRLS WHO SUFFER Wunro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin.'
the well -bred girl. 2. Yes. 8�' light OR hoarsened with use of Lymokb Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. Win South Wee eY STOCK
No; Straight Cut edges are the (erred) with good buildings, anti -
most suitable. 4. No; they do '�Sih.rseae.!s'is. speaker's wont soon r." DIRMHORRHEA SLEEPLESS NIGHTS wed water, clone to schools and
not receive an Congratulations writesamou announcer' "Nowt droad Caused by overwrought nerves, station. W. Bell, Islay; Alberta.
y � ft so loam because LYMOIDS have tsnghi overything has gone wrong dur
in the church but Should go at sabowsawitts4ogetrsuaL" rtyalassermatthlyerarnps.back- ins the -nay; and you live them WANTED
once to the plt►Ct1 where the break- a ■hem d -rrMOM Ates�e nobs. di in" of 'i'reswarntloo.- � aver again at night. Nothing -•
stgnof throat Irritation tickle or nervousness -due to functional will wreck a' person any quicker, $MALL ESTATE WITH CUMFUF2T-
fast or reception
is - to be bald. ��snolvL IDQia a tmgetlL� monthly. disturbances• -try L7dia i +a get .Morisaey's Nerve•.Remedy able brick home with garden: to ,
i. No; it b extremely disconrt- ow wtu 4snas� PLn><ham's Vegetable Compound and enjoy cool nerves and good village or near town. State c�ak
ravraof —; On andambassassmaat. I" TaWeta (with added iron). uds rest. 75c box 100 pills. price and particulars. J. S. ;Par.
tolls t0 d0 n.0. d. , The guest, a. sim•sssaLYMO Is handysrtslceea asprotolly -forty men, They also help UI:FURD B. MURISSEY, #er, KinF'svlUe, Unt
hostess going first on)* wben It esp�� r6 Is, #woMw build up red blood.31adeinCanada. I), Slat,
is necessary to Show the way.
eels. to L OWS, 119 t Best. Teroan + , GS7 Main St., :Hint John, N.B. t •,s.IS$UE 47 49,
. -. -
- • : - • ' L=.UT. -GYM. !s. L
Hero of the allied rout of Rommel i
in the North African desert fi e
ere, with stable a
merlon sent tree. The Ramsay
tYtgomery, commander of the a
and g
Registered n
Q. How can I prevent stains I
Im erial Eighth Army. A bishop's s
son, he neither smokes nor drinks t
hem 2
273 R
When ironing over a spot on which m
makes the physical fitness of his men his wartime gospel. Spurs won d
during summer, keeping them one
pera�B -ha8 �
in World War I. when he was wounded twice, won two medals and '
year o
'move scorchY w
was mentioned six times in dispatches,, are digging deeper into Nazi--' O
Otttee Box SIG Toronto. A
,flanks today. He personally supervised getting his men off the beach s
sale, practically new, 12" x Is"
A. Do not Iron directly an the a
at Dunkirk smashed Rommel'* attempt t
to break through the desert, A
with electric sheet h
_ A
lines in September, and no* is c
cbasing the Nazi strong man baci °
°..1�dtaaea t
' this leaves rust stains on the gar- '
'Where he came from. i
in, country and town' - spare L
Lion, 3x00 per hour. Boa 26L 73
menL Place a clean dry cloth. '
' -
- a
acre operate a - stocksthehbestr1. A
Adelaide West, Toronto. o
over the spot and iron with a f
w� s _
_ "'Weal, hee could he fin' s
fruit a n dd ornamental trees.
top Cloth when rite peroxide soaks �
un{.ia ai!•�a i l
_. N
I�,��} 1�• g
green when it win in ma a
ai7TU31URtLES -T3ED o
of help. Satiatactioa guarasrteed-
Qu How can I lave, time when '
' a
at 7" k
Write t
uitting flour* e
In any British Army camp of R
Radio comedian Red Skelton t
tors Limped. Used Car Lot at
NEW ta:alaossED l•It71'UREa -
_ 'three or four times, do it on a a
any size Is to be found N.A.A. h
has no illusions as to his vacation 6
632 Mount Pleasant Road. To-
Sheet of clean paper. It is mach F
F.I. (pronounced Naffy, and p
plans for nest year. He says: r
mb s T
-easier to pour the flour back s
standing for Navy; Army and Air "
"I'm planning on taking -my vast- B
Iects, including religious-- nmall.
-into the Sifter from a piece of -
Force Institute) which acts As a t
tion next year in Tokyo. I'd t
idwc: A
paper than from a bowl or other c
canteen and sells such things u t
thought I'd 'stay at the MacArthur T
order Bray l
write) i
r, .
.•be ela e•, hiseaits and_Cigaretteo- H
Hotel on Doolittle Avenue right e
ember- J
---- 0160 - pU}b- R1sswFir111114 - -XISvr
Q. How can I make a good T
The N.A.F.F.I. goes abroad on n
ner6as from Roosevelt P
Content tortes ready. Bray Batch-
deeming for salads? a
active service and h
Dan 964 t2uaen �L W.. Toronto.
A Itoquefart Cheese dreaeing o
oecome involved i
a B
Wye for book].,
• ik delicious when used on salads. i
tioii lu responsible- for packing the •
•na'ans." said the newly ar- W
Pa't'U"S -
- --
of crumbled Roquefort to regular g
food lost goes into airmen's tee- -
-rived Irish maid to the of& 2
2% ft. x 4% f
PETHERS'TONHAUt39 • ()C1��LLppAt4 _
French dressing. ." s
sue dinghies, or is taken on raids t
toy's .rife, but in it Colonel A
Albany Ave. P
Patent Solicitors lastablisiN
Q. How can I remove the re- w
with the air crews. A
should b
_ '2lsaininX lacquer when it begins._ta ,
of the most dangerous of t
tine C
A en motels aneh as brass and N
N.A,A.F.I, jobs is the naval can- H
y ? ' t
teen service which tuns a Small. o
ouiior: --i have come to far a
to P
incU ited a
A. Use a little denatured alto- '
of canteen l
,your s
Limited. 19, T ngs StreeWoTo� P
a l
should, o
lorry. Their job b to deliver can- H
Helen'" r
rnnto B
Balsa faked over c
'• well polished. ciea•Led. and dried. - p
teen stocks to ships at sea and to S
Suitor: "Jane, ir." D
1•HtVrssGRAPHT -
-- , ,
'beford reflatsliing with new lee- C
Collect empties. _
_ q; F
gnat. R
Recen6y one eld Eez @wain war; t
ta' enp erf tae - 3
3n. :�� t'; Ar • will" G
• .
'from the stocks and deliver her to e
enough." s
.hump i
bar Scottish base by Way of the E
Deliver" iy Kati
A. This can be avoided if, after i
i%nannet and the rasz Coast Be- "
"i �od� .:.W .�_:� f�: iL:. a
a.., i .. s y r -:- a'>r only E
Lund rin the cloth' is folded ' f
fore be left, he was -warned of B
Bake out of the cook - book." c
to n c F
Supreme quality and fast service
three times 'lengthwise before t
the difficulties of the vo a and Y
You did perfectly rigl►t. - .
.. g
making the Cross fold. t
told, "She won't drown'you, but d
dear: It never sh,,uld have o
otic societies. The Kansas F
Station J. Toronto
j s
she might starve you. Indeed, p
been put in..'• o
• -
d t
the weather was so bad that at one. -
- --
- pr� p
point the crew were without cook - S
ad food for three days. I
from Mown in Drneperou f
avoided. Why not enioy life? In.
But the launch wadi the 700 t
community, g
quire. No obligation. Stamps
Does a well -bred girl accept "
"We Journey, including a trip over H
Help ynttrsett an your country c
cement floors. running water, •
• P
- vaTuabre gifts of jewelry from a
a mine - field, successful! , and has b
b ezere€ sing a little patience t
t +tier carrier. sargsm -T -caan.
�.A Y
::me BCquaintinCe6? "
" �
even though you have not received M
Margaret Ryen, Renfrew. Ont. R
Radio COu1<'s"2.e7V
2_ When __# inerson is, eating w
wavy ever since. a
all Your winter's fLel requirements. N
NvU eA
i alone in a - public dining room, ie R
Remember, your dealer is trying to r
,� M ZZING -0F+ER Of----. .
.. '
it permissible to read a book or _
_.Have YOiil Heard? d
distribute his supplies. •and make. T
T co � wi cal SF.T SHORTHORN -
a inewspaper? s
sure there's some coal in every e
ernn Stallion, black, four year■; .
rsi LULAR radio courses to reprint. —
. .
s. In. it proper to use ragged b
Cooking was the young Wife's a
bin. ' Yon won't surfer for Deina r
i c. 1. - Elf -
edged paper and envelopes for C
hobo and whit she 'lacked iri p
patient because there is - enough s
sorrel, silver mane :and tail, two g
greatly, reduced price of 32.50. This
i '! y
skill she made up in zeal. O
coif c0 xeep ever} home Warm S
Sears. J. incAnhncn, x �, Liuetpa, i
in every way.
4. In. it permissible for the O
One day, when a neighbor's t
this winter. flelp yourself, too. b� P
Prepared For Home Stud '
bride and bridegroom to receive o
small boy ran an errand for her, T
ordering 'blue coal'. Then yon F
THREE courses in one (1) Ele-
congratulations in the church" w
she rewarded.him with a generous _
will be sure of more h
meets of Electricity and Radio;
b: When one is in a hurry; is h
helping of jam tart which alb had c
comfort and more economy all o
offensive Ottawa agenlntDeaman' (
(S) Practical and Applied Radio;
it all right to ask- '
made with her 'own fair hands. a
winter- through. You can find out '
'Drug Store, OttawR. (
are two or three other persons A
A few minutes later the young- '
'blue coal' dealer in your locality. .- H
910 Bleury, Montreal P.Q.
- -- ? s
ster Was b
a L
jam," he said, with shy politendas� a
n e
Here a S
lJttQ ✓�%% v
a n
hostess or her guest" y
•ol! Mongr hok i
Serer of Rheumatic Pains or P
Answers —
— iAgPherion s a "skint; and l
_ H
Munro'? Drug Store, SSb .Elt;ln,
1. No. The only ifts a girl :
: ah'm no playin' golf wi him l
lase` a�- seabs,eeabia.ruhesaadolbseertssas� T
Ottacra. Postpaid $1.00.
should accept from men SCquain- , a
n s
sound skin t1oa61ea useisst•sctisa coolios,sseL c
chitis Remedies - they're good
Lances are such inexpensive thin �
"How's that?" B
� 8
Y u F
as flowers, candy, books, station - o
11svde'ow- today, D.D.D.Ir� r
r<bllecterw abd d
ery, or perhaps, ice skates, tennis S
- - - -
d for Atlas Sam or Room 70T.,
racquets, and such. Anything i
!ling S
that is too elaborate or costs a e
er of Rheumatic Pains- or Neur-
•c .,.`W.�� � 6.r' •- '*"1.r •ay��{. }!f ' :r Yf.'r . .w.e'. •:L.iiw�..•r.. -.wr . s•. -••. •4w .; � .?I�K+... . e.!';,�c;,,.,.a ?T„c,ua,'.� ..+.ter s•• -+.(y a Y,:.a'rn?,;. - ej'
`3, ?�;Y:��tYVYYTP+" ✓. .•h:•W.• P�:.Y. Jf ,'� ./j - '•Z•y.� M'•' r^!4 ,'i.1�• .i� .. "T 'Y�.y _ L ..��.. =.w � '•'\" ;n, t ';. L,y,• ., ',p•�'
• n' •.
h . � .,• •'� •r - .+� � ba �• ., _- . ;t. �� J �'`- ..^ _ a . •• s ? + T • , � ._..� - _ '°'•'`. _ ^ .v,•. s•T '" . .F.ID i•' '9.
o14M- h9GH Y LuFTWAF " : ; ' V O 1 G' a 'Fee lea
,-- Follows
o. T:'H Z' _ For Fifty Years i
dam& i.f F: i - -iiI SS }. ' ^•"5
a a 76 YeanOld 8.,,n.n Reryt
.. ... __ :.. 027
�e. °^'? ,•I WORLD NEICDS THE EMPIRE In Merchant Marine
"Some think the time is appro -' '
Driate to write the obituary of One dark night in January of
the British 'Empire as it has been s Year the Scottish chief ea-
constituted. Let Murmansk,
them not forget stneer of as Amer can freight ,
:.x;;•, y �� " ; ' stepped off his ship can
.:• - that this Empire is the greatest
proceeded up up the maid street to, -
••• " r s -•- " agency for good ever fashioned by
s matt -that whatever happens to the opera house to witness a' per-
_' • . • it in years to come the world is • formance of Boris Goudonoff . It .:..
infinite] better. today because Of
was new him but a enjoyed the
„ warmth, the lights, the music and its existence.
- Ottawa Journal the crowds. He had not seen the'
sun in ,two months. This might '
0- not be, anything out of the way
Italy's food and resources are save that this engineer had lust ".
being ent to German The Ital- passed his 76th birthday; that the
- g y' Canadian Navy and the Canadian `
ian r.�
+ - - - w h people begin wonder Merchant Service had turned hi
whether Mussolini put them into down as being much too .o}d: and
W this war for, or against, Germany., that he had spent the previ ous sin
Certainly they don't' get any bet-
,�x.. months on a passage from New ,
ter treatment than that Germany. York to Murmansk, wbich.le a long-
These fuselages are part of more than 1t1V• taxis bombers put our vi cvwuaaaa. f,a ij gives bpr Pnemies, vgyaq in winter.
' and later captured b advancing Allied forces in Egypt. Land troops have lined up the fuselages at - Chatham News A ew days ago that- same ea-
8a Ell 1144 au sal ud h, ftypt, =whieh astir -'€ew darts a� was`milos behind the British- lines. 0 _
m�eet', George Smith, born in the
GIRL WARNED old Ayrshire town of beitcoats,
*" - - - - -- -- .- . -�• far -rho day when they can
-0 Girls, if.you .inarry_a man In stepped off the train In London.'
- - rit.._WA WFJM - -EOL3tII eW&ry -oil Current , Events _tarn with fury on the Nazi beast, ski, better make up yourmind - pnd 'shook hands-with ,his sort,
~• • - - -. c will draw fresh strength and conr• be, be oy ors for the duration, foi George BIair Smith, Manager, o!
ory rJCCn age. Onr tuseiaa aIl3es, flgiii�ng unless he's wflling, you can t� roe Chenille,. .:,a.ltt ✓ Cemttierce
_ superbly, and for the most past ,
�n Uf f ensiv�e .Action In Africa alone, roux so man voice him. That !s a warning in. :n London, --
will see in the arc . that reaches the Great Falls Tri one and-It- en o ea 77
from North Africa to ' Southern might be heeded here, as well as He admires the .Russians on the
Axis forces fit the western des- continues eta ,icw.lv.a�s�buit -off -_ in Montana. ground . that every Scot loves a
ert, after twelve days and' nights ; • Marshal Rommel's forces, coin• Front which dthey of- the Second .- Lethbridge Herald
fat ceaseless attacks by our land pletely change the strategic pia Front which they have urged us • bonaq fighter, and he has a vast, -
and air forces, now are in -hill lure of Life war. In the struggle for to establish. The few still hest.. LONG, LONG. AGO respect !or these valorous men o! -
ristreat. Egypt and Libya, the Italians and tail and still skeptical nations itt the north who 8nd time to sing is
{ - ', our own hemisphere will find fresh Do you remember -these days, between dogfights over 'the icy {
Their disordered columns 'are Germdns have operated from in- evidence of. the strength. of our long ago, when stores .advertised - seas in the Arctic Ocean.
being releatleeely attacked by oar,. comparably shorter 'supply lines commitment to destroy the m!1!- "leaders," and you- might have George Smith, Sr., has been aI.
land' for ea and by the R• A. F. day' tbAn the British. Ships from Great read something like this: Two
C terry power of Hitler's Germany. g most half a century "following the -
night." isntain _to Suez; C TCnmaav4g8t#sg - nonnds Of ■agar Ld a wound of sea," 'At 17 he went down the-
United Nation forces continued the whole of the continent o1 Afri• Hitler's Germany !'teen cannot coffee with every purchase of a Firth of L'iyde on his
IIrst run
,jAio French North - Africa-- - -_c36 h6_ve had _to travel the immense fail to feel the impact of this -
_ - "
after 70 transports had unloaded distance of 33,000 mlles..By a ilm- = nom• Pte_ - of 'that,. 4n_d a any new fire } to .Rio de Janeiro. In the inter-
240,000 ground troops, Marines and liar route the distance from New senti� of the effect -which >t map. S�tford Beacon-Herald ♦eniiLg Seers he haw almost every -
3laagere at various points aloha York to, Sues !s 14,200 miler, have on the morals o! the German -`o- port where, the ships sailing. under
people, is to be found in the fact STRANGEST CASUALTY : the "Red Diistez° So, except An&
is 1,000 -mile length of -the Moroc- It the' American forces now sue. test Hitler did' not dare to let a The strangest war casualty to tralis which somehow he missed.
•- eau- Algerian coastline in the great- seed In establishing firm beach- tingle day pass -- without broadcast- date: In Atlanta, the zoo's. big About. 12 years -ago he decided_ to )
'AM nasal landing undertaking of heads at several chosen strategic baboon, Tommy, beloved- t4ous• retire. But is 1939 when war
Elbe war. points and td the British are sue- his assurances that the land- y
ends of school children, went into came, fil
Now -at last after the long tessful, in capturing or annlbiiat. Ing of an American expeditionary e Dell of the sea came also.
Months of uncertainty and doubt ins Rommel's remaining forces in force on a Second Front can be a decline for lack of bananas. Ca applied for a iSerth 'in. tea '
we know what _ the - Allied master - North' Africa, this whole situation, _ dfsmissed as unimportant. - Stratford Beacon - Herald Canadian Navy, Boni navy and ..
_o _ merchant service turned hie[ down.
plan for victory is to Ile. will be transformed. The average But it is, above ail. to France. ...:r _ gD birth certificate was' against
With ' American troops landing supply-line distance from England more even than in Germany or In A MARRED'BIBLE - him. Not to be balked, he applied
: along the north and northwestern to tea- North African oosat b7 ■ea Russia or In the smaller nations A new Nazi- edited edition of 10 Washington. to the American
lemsts of French Africa, the die Is will be reduced to 2,000 or -2,500 of Europe, that the news of our the Bible to be put on sale is Marine; Commission. They seat s
ert --we are going to lay fleas miles. This means that ships from - - I Africa �dlIl, have prop Germany will contain a picture o1
,In Eneepe #rem - found repercussions. What tbeae -Adolf Hitler, 'Neff raid. With sfilo u to Mon�treat h • ROIL
�snd- esa�rias. s���- �- -� -- with this doughty man of the sea.
call rides and draw to those- siege i!lfth to ,one- seventh the present -�rII - to -dars -th&t -ifs also d. - 9suit Bte. Marie. -tea= fftsr -heed Mm. -'I hat was two --
itleea' where they are most remote time. It would be almost the egaiv, no man can say for certain. It 1f = -o -' - _ yews ago and he bas bees at eta dle -
slum I enemy - 41ta+'oi elent of multiplying tivetold the Po•sibie that the renegade Laval SIZING UP MAN OAPft ove stars. .
The whole, picture fita together number of merchant ships, a,ali and the befuddled Petals may sue. No mere man to as good -as sht -
:. _ crow -tile reason for Gen. Bernard able for supply. it would mean a Ceed for 4L time in 'eualaa,ub T, v..J„ yam, - -.}� ik b�t�r: m ,ria¢e nos -
'U Montgomery's powerful attack -tremendous economy 10 ships and opinion and in delivering Some of so bad su she thinks be-is after- ,ado$ b or
as General Field Marshal Erwin time, as iacatculablt laoreare in the strength of the French -people ward-
Rommel at this time, the reason _ the . ability.. of the American and Into the service of their mortal _- Brandon sun Beloved Master
flor, the great soppy and repair bas- British forces to hold what they enemy: But of this we teeI certain: - - -._�. _ _ . • _ _
to is the Middle East, the reason 'bad gained. Direct air• communisa. that any such success tor, the be. - Mouffle, the chow that accons- .
*_sayer; gfFrance will be of short 9APA.lAT10lY
!rr neat and shipping roaceatrtr floe from tongisnh wont oe ed the hake of Kent an his
4 pv'' " A'a-pt-- Vie�ate iii - FRaQ to ' I�
idonr at the western sad of the dble. Air sad land routes could be duration, If 1t Is achieved at all, „ nceLhow. Wuaaac`-
Alediterraaean, the reason -far our established directly across Africa
and that above-the din of battle Slay 28 U. S. M rines. That
" 4tipthmatic dallyiass with V1ohy, flrom east to west The British and in North Africa the French ' people
wasn't violation. It was Japaaa- quarter in the garage housing
will heat and_ aa>.wet- the commons tion, the Duke's empty car, fdr two days .
So reason for the recent bombings American forces In Africa could 'Windsor Star adker the plane accident fatal to
_ 113 Northern Italian ports, even the ttie Firmly limed. The American of de Gaulle, � the real leader of - ^� his master. He remained there foe
leasan for the h -v* marl r landings in Alaters at last make it ro in this hoar of oriels. _ 10 dale, refusing to leave even for
-breop concentrations In Great Bet- possible to end either :the reality .. het Fv.ry time the asiaee door -
On Side of France SOLDiElFS -K44OW BEANS f
tab, and the- reason for the moth. or the threat of aid and supplies ,
� WIM development of a great chain Ttrouah two long years of bitter Don't ever try to tell a Cana - opened he looked .up expectantly
by Vichy France from that direr- ,
w a,lr 4...0.:.:. -:,vo flsatra�' •'�•i�- qqR to "a ° s�+u.,. r,.r.,,. _misery and immense danger, the than moldier that-he doesn't snow ]hoping his beloved master would i
Hitler Las _demand ~ - - Kitchener Record "turn.
Turning vo the blow was will say forces. avenue a at es possible to nut oft advancer�rmadvery colthat f •
-. W� believe that history will say formes avenues d escape for such . „a -
*a .. y expo a the oration." Tbat they hope passion- •
*at marked the taming point is under side" of Europe to invasion. ably for Hitler's destruction we `
.� war and the tieafnaina of the Risks Involved may be sure. That we shall tight htful
,great' offensive against the ,Asia _ �,
__.. Powers. Thin is not too high a We must reckon with, the fact until we. have achieved hie destrao- D e
that if the American landings pre- tion they may be certain, In the valuation to p a the opera- sent enormous opportunities, they very sot of landing American boys
- bans which in American ezDedi-
oouary aru,y, ,auypvrtvd Ly larl %_h-- also involve commensurate risks. on French soil --W Northern Africa;
naval -and air forces, 'has laaached They can bring hitherto Immobills- we say to tae FA k!AUL ywvAc. ills
ila North Africa. Hasasdona as French land and naval forces oazt in this Aar on the aide of - -
."base operations may be, and how- into the war against us. Although France, that she may live again. -.
era' long• end' hard the road that Mlles -.Las aelzed this excuse- to This in the meaning of victory for ' p wed Post= yet?
.:.flits ahead, we know now- that we occupy the rest of France, the Ger- -We, and nothing- short of tilt ,.lit
we ere Ion eed merely hitting back mans and • Italianu 'will still hale, do- with each encceesive cu#9
sn the defensive. This In. offensive R they are able to exptoii ll.r..., _ _.. ,
nation on a majur ,.wYc, , „.:ieT
abhr err' linen of Comm nication to�tilII= b- 1011IISt satisfying. ”
Taken In a zone o! operations that Libya, Tuniata and Algeria than T M@fC Bll1!!>AiaiB ��rs more dellclous.
Bee close to the main masses "of the threes in- Africa must be constant-
German Our - - lee easily nude; requires -
the British � and ourselves. �- '
and Italian Armies. It is - - sugar, and is v economical.
the opening of the Second Front . The . United Frilit company, an S� .i ' •"' •t "L'Ra"
1y reinforced and supplied. The• a
that face of the European Con - Axle, with. whatever sea and air handling 65 per cent of the world :.�llnd becatxee Postnm ooatains "Timor,; P..r.w
demand for, bananas, announced
ilaent where the enemy - is known Dower it has or can get into tile, = neither caffeine not tannin it's
Mediterranean, will attack our con• it will now enedurage Centril
, b be least prepared to defend' aR safe beverage for everyone. 9it.,tw loo c;.i
American farmers to grow rubber, ....,..,....,,. ..• I
1ldmself. y manila hemp, quinine, palm oil, _ _ .__ '• `
Strategic. Factors Moroi Factors and other crQps formerly raised, in
it is clear at once that the Am- From this ' demonstration of our• = A OZ- SIZE MAKES 30 CUP$ ...'t OZ. SIZE MAKES 100 .CUPS
-- witsa landings in Africa, at the power and our purpose the con- the Far East. - '
- nme time as General Montgomery' Quered peoples of Europe, impat- Newsweek.,
_ .. REG'LAR FELLERS —Who's Who? - -' By GENE •'BYRNES .
e o EJ /� . .. • - /
s' iMtt.f:UN K + �� Vi10E PRESIDE!
,. -.
9 �`.' :.,.�. wr,- .r . ,_, *• .e+..�,_.^vF._'"^.,.,,,' ^'"'°• 7� ... - -.X. °s4*'"aRw•,; rS.�_ _ 'y. ''P °. r . •' •-"
.. {.. 7 i`.`•:::. "...- it �i,i �i.�u-ii�p�,�-n .• w�. . ..�� .�... "
fAw.lis BaWiiswum Sul'•iplD SWIM, T.' ��e il'17i:_- ltiM,.
at AM11111111 02411ill, lea. . 'a . .. 'r: it-a )�f►,i, je.•,':>M. Neeis flil
: _ votary Box a" ellwr dwtlt 1. - a a/►s ea 4AW ASS T it s _lie.
.,X &* IA&f Ynti� firs laying MOPING iYeed's.l6fetteie .ce.t�s _
' Insurance Cot, range . gnash. lop ' ' �' • �• Green BAND GRAVEL STONE Eleetrk Festers aaa
<~ sad WAWAPrESA ��. oa starter, d concentrate r s awo'�•
tes, calf - s tarter, tar• STANLEY
- r ' 0+p Bates for Fazin and Country AOL 88J Office 3811t
Bitiildings key starter, `salt - ' W A N T E D"
�rindstorm Insurartoe on $uildings in blocks and �iagr f�cRfNANENT NAGGiIiC fhili DEAD hC1tSE5 AND CA1TL�
_ TNindmalls, Silo3 etc. Theatre H T E -
- :Automobile Insurance of Purina fly • spr y:. _ = TMAT.FHAYS .T E MPER For tree plea u�l phone
.All . kinds ! : AND NERVES', 1T MAY @f dR•OOKLIN 5
for cattle.
r, Stouffville• YOi1R EYES. - cLAREMOrrr :..... ' sIa
Write or Phone .� PICKERING LiOQ
Phpile stotiftville 100 iC: H. OPT. D. PiC1�ERII�u • ',.. ....:. a9.
D - D. . - Lockwood Tuc�.
" ]Bowman & Rowe PICKERING. ONT. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATI'PDAY AGiNCOUAT :.. ..' zoni 2144
WHITBY. iONTA RIQ i w E D.EL.1 V F R - , . -. NOVEMBER 19; 20 and 21. / ■ N/• F. • Q.
- ,lowboy Serenade �e isle-
Cie -err ToirowA Phone Ad. 3di8
The : = _ Coo -- - Barnett- ,
>: - • _ `•Muskal and Short Subjects,
D _ -- �o�1
' ,Scarhoro Junction
N1OVE39BER 23,4 and 6 qt PAY Tt31tiDNYO PRICES AT WHITBY, YOU$ H03tE
- TELEPHONES - Howard 111? sad 9esrbosa 338 *e u
-: Stiela iaroducfion is Pisa Eight Weeks Heii{ai, $o Don't Be . -
.Caught g _ l3daa Short Stlbjeets
Nom - tisuataaylt,r, FIUVAY. SATURDA1
M V'19D M T6, T snail a • •
AA to comple" the iasolaiion_ at- rwr hams
- we aagseat sm install ROM Wooly
Always In My _ ,LI M I TE D
' ia. thick Bat>ta =- 4c, per l3gr. Fcoi1 _
r •. _
_ _ _. ua,.,.� G TN ATI N
:_...''t� 8 is trick Batts - 8e, per• Pbok _ ',•�le�a _ ONT. PA NE WHITBY 386
' ltEGls'I'E'IZ
v We ntra .tarty a' full tine of Martin tfienoar 100 gu Francis and Walter Huston -
p. e- Pare Paint -
—!!�� -- - - -- I' �,,' C• _ CLEN�ENI�ia ,Bought and Sold
~.. O VH V T
Day or Nisht Used clothing - '-sterilized. cleaned and pressed.
+� private Ambulance •I carry a large ittodt of slightly used hi class �.
_. ___7Ph er -....- its, overcoats and pants; ._ also ladies cc is and .-
one Mark. 9000
F.r0s t _� 1V ; Brock 'Road Gravel; _ __�P _ °° - - -
- _ �`
`Vi%e . hate just received a large shipment of good'
- Agency _Pit - - Markham, Onto new suits -a.ty 1JiLnts; 8ta0
ll4e� Stock et Pains os $3Yl< } - __ gents' shirts sox, •sweaters and underclothing.
on above maerltte. Cr li Rini 4AND S[J�RVEYOR Maw - -measure suits and coats can also be
tapkmeala !w eaiityit As 1 =Gravel I+tarchaaed here, heat quality clothe and worknranahip..
- - ' g. . M ace 00 _
_ .
Plows, tt»
h � � _CaU and See
Pao ••rs «� iSand and Graded, ' -_,, A ,
- - _ -- - --
�... LYE . J J. uol+=vAl+l, a �►., : _,
�1 t
lkarweyors Gillian and Asttold. @a 5 _G111161111moll. MOM
belivere -i.or Lobded in Pit = -
!� L �} i PHONE - plant, Pick. 97 s a BUSES LEAVE PICKERING Z Bond Stre W. 'Oshawa
Hospital - .Toronto Office - Howard 6471 TO OSHAW�1
033N BOURNE 30 � � -s,3o a, m. a.31 P.
00 Prinea .sad -Bond Sir_ W,-
Government Licensed 9.58 1a t ?3 p.-at
,Main St, B. StouflvillR Out, - - '1.31 p. to --,
i 12.31 p. m. 8.31 p. in ;PIANO- TUNING
- - :- Wlatermt�r. Medical, �e'nd Suricali RADIO ��SERVICE 1.31 p. m. 10.01 ,D. m
- .
cases taken . i i 1 a. i j
_ P. m 11 3I P. m AND - Feel �� ��i1 OlQ
43 p. m 12.a I All Kinds of F i'
- Malerrlity Semi -Room epai>" QGork _ .
%`. ,.Sr' .TO TORO:iTO All 1 uiing' Guaranteed apt N �PIpY'gp, l�tajifi�► .
Registered Nur yes in attendance and X7,09 a
M. a.54' p. a2 ` After
4 hour service tce wr a. a7.44 a, m_ 5.54 p. m :' ' as
Ambulance Service
w�ttanapo aaatites !t,utR _ 9 24 a. m 54 to ve oronW
....GOOD 25 37 _. 10.54 s. m. 6.54 m
.'•• � p' . � -: 209 Close' A T
_Guaranteed Repair Service 11.54 a. m° 9.24 p. m
kebbe -- if Gebrg�e Brew: v-ouldn't, be Any bfake 'or Model X1,54 p, m, _ 11.5I p• to known to the older Greemvood
praitun' such a darn stink atx�ut r P• m. rem nWOOd people as Miss -Mary Sadler, who'
potnethin' . -,all the time, nobody " ARTHUR • � I E L D 3'j4 p' m' y riled in Oshawwa Hospital. after a
'!would dare what- w4s . in -his letters. � ,PHONE 52 s S a' -- except Sunday and Holidays Dire, Ada White Brtwklin is � � -
East Daylight Saving Time _ funeral service vas epndllcted -by_—
CI>,ERL NT. visiting Young People met : BI the i ' :.
'vG' - . _'Q y her pastors, Rev. McVey, on .Nov. -
` - Tickets and Information at - 10th frorn-thg home of -Mrs. Sadler
_ - -- - - ^ .__ _- - -- Eastern Ho^ _ parsonaxe on Dtonday_.PVOr,'n .
Greenwood Y. P. U. please' don't here. Interment at Salexrl Cemetery'.
Aaa,ter adr,nt.�e i;_BGkh• ' y y . i Although 92 years of age. Mrs.
la►dr t.a Ma.her m prepared ` �$I "Amd. ► f -`� forget the - skating party on Satur,• ( Spence- had been able to come down
r .a 3 protgin wenp5._. , day evening Nov. 21st at the Arena to Church iuntl aiiout four year$
_ 19°0 221/2% 36°�o in Oshawa. _' a
go, _
- - t• It. ti, .a a...sdin. t. e,e _ __ Ir. and bars. Hugh Gilchrist and Mrs. Flynn .3s visiting her brother
i1 C. =.4 anlrttnt or grain ,•ou have. - _ son Bobby spent Sunday with , Mr,
I , SALE REGISTEK . . _ at . Lindsay,
and •firs. Fred Byers and daughter. t
Rev; DlcGrae •' -The Mission' Band met at the y
,:: - •-
yr returned mission- parsonage on Monday at 4 p.
ii FRIDa • �iov: � 20 •-- auction sale of
- o By- Xotdt, Biddie, a rarmer wei Thomp ~laic Iordy 5Q acre farm,. faun• stoats; grain; aryr from China took charge of the with David Hayward, President is
.on'. Corners way was tellies' me about hu servi here on Sunda last. His - '
i flock of 100 hero prbdodn' 1653 :gga. Mark' bay; implements; roots and' fux'nit- 5 the' chair.
p ` - - -- •. address was fine.
011Pi up- his own reed —he did at a coat of $26 30 or ure. the property. of, Karl, Bezener Mr. L. a Tapson, .. well known
26'/10 per hen. 19 ]9 a'nd John Krass, Lot 6; Con, 4, The sympathy of the community. • piano tuner fowid Mucha work
lo.t 'leis '61st about. ,,,, ,., ,.._ is extended to Mrs. Ma Ann Sad-
_ Right proud he was, so I Scarboro at:;HilisideL Farm' offered r5 waiting for him when he caane last
-- what you sirss are doing down Hare on BrarehWs Ga Marla ���t subject to reserve •bid, No reserve -ler. on. the passing of her. sister -dn• week,
- ami did I open his eyes! I told him .ySu 400 hem produced :EGG 111l1S$ law, Mrs. . Spencer Taylor, better t � •,�
-on chattels, as propri� ors are grv- --
.'M eggs on 114115.76 worth or Blarchferd'r Mash or •nor of ^•• • •
ilt7t�f per hen end. netted me a profit of iT6:b0. br it, dr.'60s ••• ••+ - ing 4p -farming. Terms cash. " Sale 6 94 +.• + r mar,* � �,r r
a liaaohford ,>asr (rem "or «t -..y. he wr't .acre to-niw ttQ -nine at 1 p. m. Gordon Sellers, auction-
- wit like that. eer _ The World's News Seen Through
- Ald-lift ' "' � auction .. E � 5��� I r J ' TIC CH t �C .. •. ;, " "' - International Daily Newspaper
• ate of ' oice dairy herd, mostly u Trathf A�tts•- Unbiased -Flea item Smse fond -
a - fresh ;and springirs, 27- Head '- of. _ ..
:' - inu -- Editorials Are Timely and Itsstructive and Its Daily
dairy cattle and '12 head of H_ ere- Feam Together with •the., We4k1y ..Magazziae. Section, Make
EGG � MASK'' - - > _
y 01in s, r`o art red --- -- -_ - ---d ---- -----------------------------------
ford e g p p y of F the itor Ideal Netrapaper for the Home.
Strengtbetsed'with Vita•9he R , t Major Write - ale. Sale at two: A.
- , ' The Christian Science Publishing ,Society ;
MOM. DUNBAB'PON S, - Farrier, auctioneer: One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusem
JWM t Friday, November 20' Auction' sale .Saturday Issue, ,iindudina Magazzine Section; $2.6o a Yeas.
r ; _ot 1'iive btock, Feed and Implements Introductory Offer, 6, Saturday Jaspes 23 _Canes. _
of lot 38 lion. 6, Whitby pry _ No.. 7 Na.ae
Highway, property' of _Estate of
Late James Young. Tereus cash: '+'d`l"'e' -- -•-
. Sale at , 1 o'clock. Ted. Jackson, ' SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST •
h /
..i ,,. ,rt• .. f , �.. a --' • .' '_ + -.�., .:'WO , .. `.a,. • ;'V :y.,p :C , , f. >,z � . ' %.�' sulk, `.' ... • .. •
�..,- v� .:tom 4[:+'.4..x,' l J • - _k•1! Y'' `. �•` •�'. .I` w , Q
Y �ti 'iw ta' W& Geo: >demsu . - ; �Le sad. 1Mra: 8,e�1: Cisli�it-' : is as isie IAS�ed Ni�±aaisi� et _ 4
Tee Club's aa; bolo.. iaisaMa�at alias Ne '
- house ammo• _� "Joyab�* srt� 8bo ►ilho edtoetWy. -
the *k abgtft 4 talus Pasrsi. M acd Eta• i Co�was s�
e., wpe>r. on _ In wod healtU,' ll t :. O�resland takes AL�� local suchool ooeeret for the to spent last weskeid "�'' °kl
-- l ea • �RobGr� Pois�rOD, R,-� - a 'Est i3 tlse '1►sr de�+elop- j {�u`laWaas lima wii! be as '' __ - ; - - NOTICE
-sin abd . � is s meat and the bockir new*. A ualiwb ,natal About .the• ?.1> l�iill past. 7Ce Pb!!e INN a very -
�►e !mss g Oiv the lather of ]lira ' ieusalls will' be given later. Qiiet Piles+,/ at M>rr.
Of 'VA= NOTICE , that a westing
htns6yaear NeivesinF Goo. Mulch to. our west • has t' -and Xrs: 8: BtlaAYs last >titotday will be bold at ClardasorA
.r. soots, all of wi'hoia hope they ° Cam- fu+
rented the Heck li3assn on the Labe night.
speslt Sunday ' with Mrs. E. Beare, live an 67 ulm- well at,.92. Sa*eir. t4asetaet o! the United �. �
K: Ciaseeio�. father, shore and takes pose is the Two vr�r snaaesefnl tmeetin- of----- y: - the Day . of
SlPriag. George has bsen a good Whr Work6ss met at the -home � of Deaember.st the hour of 2.3O.
o'clock _
][a; and 3L=e.' A. ', -Giles has talmn AAr Carets from' Glsieaibinf form " neighbor here: Mrs, Wen. None's reseatl3:
.' up resiJence in Toronto .where Mr. Part of Church paraiie at Stpuff. A report ,from Ottawa that it Mrs T. %Willisons returned .bores in the afternoon, for the purpose of
Giles has obtained a posit:on.. ' r electing trustees for the cemetery. :
v1i14 on Sundyy last. was probable that a direction of alter a wveeYs wish in Toronto.
x sir. and Mrs, Arthur k muse en _ John Kerr situated in - Lot Twelve, Concesaioa
crop per 1843 would be possible , of the "Ail Force via- on Thursday. last. for their A few of the air cadets from ''here ited his brother Bain and Mrs. Kerr Nine, of Pickering' To�viiship, coioi-
This- is not meeting' will's favour
son Victor, who has enlisted in• the attended and - took' -part in a -church last week, _ t moniy known as- Bethel Cemetery.
from the farmers: Tliere has been
service, -parade on Sunday afternoon last is much iciiezfernce now for a. �Itea Gloria Windsor of Toronto The owners of plots are requgpted
Mrs. S. Cooke has received a StouBvilie. About fifty boys along - spent the week.-end .with'her father. to atb=d- the meeting. -
country ]site Canada. More praise
- "cable" frain'' her -son Earle, who with some veterans of the last war a Ladies' Aid will meet at the -
and less- restrictign$• will produce
.' 'has arrived safety' in. England with `took part in memorial service there - home of Mss. T. Williams on Tues- Doted it .�are!mont, this 14th dot
better results, of November, 1942.
the Ordnance Corp. in the United Church, when they The W.A.. of the 'local church day Nov. 24th instead of Wednesday. Signed - Mnlb SP�ard Porter.
Mrs. L Lye. has joined the staff were addressed by Flight -Ueut . a� holds the regular day, Woi+d - for. Roll
Y of Mannit}g 1)ePot: a social on Fri. eve.,
of the telephone company here on A.A Malone ' Nov. 20 in the � "Will ", Annetta M. Holdbµ and Norman.
Public school when
_ the resignation of Miss.._ Darlene ' After the church .service they .. R�pv_ t1r._ �,.ro cear� Linton.
Norton. Paraded to' the memorial park and a pr°gsa>m "` "..b ", ""� r` wui interesting mission 5
Mar. and Mrs. Rich. Coo and the' boys placed wreaths • on the be followed by Sense and luncheon Sunda eve He Prose last
P Y ning. He starts a aeries
Bill" Talmlinaon of the Air Force -. cenotaph and then to the cametary A on collection is being talks °f ser%on& next Sunda .
for the purpose of making repairs y Do not SPENCER CORSMTIE RE
Top tJie_ weelt�nd�iSh Dr: sod and" the war vet�rana___�Ad -�t6, ul... � -Sil=o out and help
- h rs: ToAduison here _ _ poppies on the graves - of _the_men -this 6 - - - - - _.Mr. i;ay. b ,� MRS. y ss
- of ho a;.«;;..* wba the;_ lives "aw ,.I,i :....,, dug jobs in this area - -
ltaois- from_' dolt with her da_� h- in the last war. _ -- _ _ : _ = _ - this week., Registered and- Liebused
• tea, Mrs. Dr.. John Button. of burs B ft. Fred.• Wilson t, a couple - -
�til2iaian. — - of ds" in Toro P 25 George Str. =::' Ajax, oaf.
Green River. reosntly. ]ties Misrjori¢ Ward tt.IA., of - . Mrs. J: Ai, Nigii,*waader and Mrs
lbro+nto spent the week end with Brou A. Gray attended the funersl of
lker • per*nts; :. Mr *,ad. Mr's _Evans
_g am
- r -•
'I'liaaeuas C otady wd:o was, taken - o Miss Doreen Carlton, Fellowship -
Newcbush Hospital 3ast week. has Convener of the Y. P. U. took the
Di+ois t bolas chi is sled to to de on Sunday eveinni
be taaproving a little. A dance and euchre'- will be held
-A 0Avr- Ficys!"_of tbe_ -A:T i`.�y.., ,... ly�.,� . , :.ay.; %Nawt__ZOth. the
• J .
Ptes. Bit- Flacks and Harold Hop. proeeads tb be used' for -focal war s ' -
._]Oils were all hdm., over . tb!e seek work Heads. Endorsed by the W. L
r-- - -- - - - = - -- - - - -'
sod. Res. Kennedy chose for his text
Re.: W>t►lter Daaial will speak on for his .dispourse' ots_ Sunday:. Matt -
tlYb following 'subjects on Sunday 6: 211 to S showing
awing. that where our
- next., M wing - "Long Suffering 'treasure la, there our hearts will be
Patience" and the evening .I*rhe also. - _. CANADA
Heath -of Christ ".. - - -_ Mrs. Sadler had' a$ guests on
Harold Loyst and family of Tor- Sunday: h-,r Sister and Miss R.eesor
onio, have moved to Claremont and of Markham, who kindly contributed , : • VTME NS OF " d
are to reside in the apartiment a vocal duet at the afternoon service - « '
-above the Mowder ,Store. Mr. and Mrs.` "E. Clark of Toronto
NOME -• Nacres - of -the places. - spent a couple of days .af their i -
where the boys- are here columns, s, honeymoon- with Mr, and Mrs L TAR - : U N ■
slot be mentioned in these columns, T: Jslinaton. 11(rs. Johnston is s ~
as We are" oblixed to co- overate sister o. the bride. ... • • ', ...
w Me. and Mrs. 'Robe'rt Burton
- itli the-censors. Ed.-
fithn Wa. Si -ivice all- 'nP +..,; ., • pp tl : :
Uwse who erousip t. their relatives here: Mernoere of YOUR GOVERNMENT NEEDS YOUR
gave so•, gen-
tin boxes for overseas men from- t''.e Balsdon famll'y ot.the Lnlde _
:this- comnriunitk and made it pons- Shore were also wridi Mr..snd Mrs. ;SCRAP IRON AND STEED. NOW - -
ibis for this oiganization to re-- Ha- 41ton ow Sunday. _ -
' member these men at this time of ,Relatives f--am Lindsay said Little -
Britain visited Earl and Milton _
the y a• . - '
On Nov. .12th the Womeas 9it3a- Caimpbelf- recintly; also 'Mr. Currie - liars scrap steel and iron is urgently needed if we ass to_ uce the. ships,
ionury aocietiy held it's reguias �`d 1. :<�d l:.+:: i7'loranto vis- Lo
ited at the John Soden home. _ do your part by turning in every available ounce of scrap metal you caa find is
-' - monthly meeting at Mies Rolling's. - •' - •'- . ;iypa= home or oa your form
- '
Mss Johnson .the president was in 'Women's Institute. Brougham - -
the chair and conducted the open- The
-November meeting of the W. - This �poign is from November Ist to December I ft, 1942.
,int exerdses, T'liegroup then took 1 was held at the home of hem. in order to fq iiitate the myste>natdc collection scrap iron and steel in -' - - -
charge with Mrs, J. Farr in the Jahn Miller with about 4n :.. i µii - � ,
__ :seals and Mrs Larson presented the dance, members and, guests. Mrs troller, .have completed arrangements with your County Warden and Township- -
third chapter of the _ study, b-)--k .Hamil.�p •presided. 4 large budget ')Reeve to supervise the collection and sale of the scrap iron and steel you. deliver. _
Ecbnomigy and " Security", 'After of business was trarrbaetesr. Arrsai-
► _ �..: _
- wh,"i h ,a"eh Way b`�`&. gements - were• made for Brougham '
'isle Goodfellowship Class ot-1" to .carry out • their part in the sale
United Church Sunday School held • and bingo to .>ie held at a aremont :
its regular monthly meerting. on :1ov- .25th. Quite -a, -good deal of -Di9 out every ounce of scrap iron and steel you can put your-'haads om:
Tluesda'y evening Nov, 10th at the bolus cooking . was promised and - -
"home of )sirs. Violet Pilkey: Despite ' n ,Hey given Yo help buy what is Township Groupe' have been formed. Find-out. from Town Township Reeve
- the bad weather there r-aS a g,,y.. ,dam 3lembers are'duite entliusia- hoar sad where he wishes you to take your scrap.
attendance► Mrs. F. •, k lion, Pres.. c. over the project.. A lovely, quilt " .
v►a$.in nharge of the noosing. ? ?v. �Zc Oven by The >l�� to be laid by Wardum Salwa" Liawiteds a �ersarient i
Brock Road ladie€
R.enneaiq gave a 'very splendid a •d Caaapas :� has Less stilted by 1me �pi�I of unit moax MIA �� acs) -
�8 two pair of cotton blankets bor fell0
'instructive address reviewing c_:: Ea slid Si`:npsons are to be ' -
ditlona .of the war an situation ' us or draws. Mrs. Miller donated .. '
of the United Nations on the Jiff_ ' 1. ' Pmts at `Celiectiesa pilot wM be $1.00 psis not ton Oat proawi. '
two heavy quilts be. added to
erent-4r"^; °t; ^e Days. ° ^ °- this: war ±- supplies' - inch are almost ready - AL- Ter- swap loaded esL Cass Qess -isle this loony pale!,"
has started. -Gaines • and. Contests I for shipping Rev Kennedy' "' -" per• were enjoyed. Mrs. • T.. Hammond as -- - _Mill 5e. ;S.SO sic!- teats
guest speaker spoke on the , •war •
and Mrs. L. McCullough were -in: and review of eventG . cinnet9R9 +n S• For yip_ loaded '� can Ca►stail�ais� o: aasore Atlas • ' `-
charge of the program., A danity this fourth armistice day, A concise - - ' --_ _ aeiil be 3 30.00 per, nee_ mega
lunch was enjoyed by all.. The -Dec =' wen thought out andprepared review
ember meeting. «-ill be. held at the which was The above prirts� be paid for all' forms of scrap iron and steel excluding
'greatly' aPpreeiat�ed ' by
tame I of Mr. an_d Mrs. George those present. Refreshments were (a) Sheet Tin of any b) Aufomobile Bodies and Fenders, (c) Stovepipe, and
Middleton. served by Hostesses Miller, Burton ` (� Wooden Attachm
The Women 's Mission Circle of Crawford and Birrell,
'the Baptist Church will hold} their. . ti
annual thankoffering meeting an HOW TO DISROBE OF YOUR SCRAP - '`` --' 0
�NoveYnber 24, at 8 p. m.,
._ .. In Memoriam
in e� church. Mrs. P., K.. Hamb e - . _ -- -
. .WHEN - E TED 1 • .
of Toronto, . president of the W_ M, Forsyth == In loving memory of ouY
S. of • Ontario Rill be the speaker on dear, mother who passed away Nov. yo '' p p designated' for your
P - Whea you'-have delivered your • ecru to the lace d
this occasion • her subject beia ��. 1937, at Claremonti Group f your Township Reeve, -you can then
. � g - pin accordance with the instructions o
"'Iiu`get for tomorrow ", 'There will, Five years have Passed- and gone <'
also be special music.- Sinde one we loved so well _ * 1. Sell your scrap metal -to the Government Agency and divide the proceeds
Was taken from our holme� on earth' o sale among a various members of " your Group to. which you =
such th
Deer Hunters of District With Jesus Christ fo dweU, be appointed by your Township Reeve, or ;
Very Lucky. The flowers we place on' her' graNe r =* 2. You may donate your scrap metal to the Voluntary Salvage- Corps or-
)--Although some of --the deer- hun- 'May wither and decay,
tens from the village are not back But the love for one, wdb aieeps '' " ' �ttOQ your Community' or-
get, one .group that is back has a beneath, _ *' S. , You may, sell_ yotls- U11 metal to the Government - Agency and t rn hen tu . -
success story to tell.- Mr. - Vi&,or' Shall' never fade away, over part or all of the .proceeds of this. sale to the Local Salvage Corps
Shaver, ore of, a group of four, -Sadly missed by Daughter; Son-
-. pe t
` or Local War Charities
wtio went u � . .. •.... _ _ _ __ _ . _ ' _ „:_
P to Minden,-- a ti and Husband. :. You= contribution to the war
three days in the - bush effort is simplified by this arrangement. Don's
gust Ibng - wait until you are urged -by your Township officials to- do this all- important wor k.
enough for each man to get a deer. "'' ''' ".
Holes- the rest have made out; ` rem Bet busy right away.' Canada needs„ and -must have, tons of scrap iron and steel _.
mains to be seen. A u d I e _ �► if we are-to keep turf ighting forces armed and ready to win through to victory.
Mr. Lather Overland tb Celebrate —:'TURN YOUR WRAP STEEL I NTO
• 10#11W STEEL s
92nd Birthday- next Sunday. Arthur Hedge bah returned trokn -
. .
Mr. hither Overland- "of Clare his doer hunt.. . ismod ubder at °r oh
Mont, who is living- ,With his son _ - -
Mr. C. A. Overland, Will celebrate Mrs• Revington has returned to. " Deprbwd of MudVo m' and Supply Department of National War Sv*n 'Warflms Sslvap Lindted -
his 92nd birthday on Sunday neat., Luaan after a week's 'visit with ley ' (Ad*oa ag C. :. + N Wolf o tabor ur.4 Osbwa) sii.3
FIT z�7
777"MT 77
at *he
-ing the -Ifl6hse' madder's car. Willow Club, "'A so
-7. • ou did#!
y I itr4tegic ateri#.Is are be-
Is 91d f.
-Justin suddorAy: dropped his sev- lowu
• t of a once desolate
'Fritty and jp�eaded,- WAb.Tim- "0 re"ar say "a,'
h Nor-,hirn India to
a pi 'menut "it's rjew -Kaii-slek's
w li,'Denniii. Wiaiever: it is, uro. it -;ever,
"ith it, it'i' wbite amd, they serve yoa can trust m97 W.
forms of
toils only 1.
iT m-still refused to spedic. !Y6 , ui 0
- silence leavei. mb no �K'lteAati, 'And YoU eouldp't have Ofinibd
ke, - ia`l�ky, aalnink luellni'Z�
We shall,�,'a�e to 'calf'uo6n the" 61T*�Ugli -
n the roof,' s4i
h2ad-master in the m6 . rning. E�t- Nfii� the c6j'ati *td/.VJ1iva, Bur-
it's a slsnt-'�Ided,gabI6 roof."
\pulpion'from *Eton is i,6mething� 1 ."Timmy, .-�ve -know you• didn't
and. Indo-Clitfi ijaneso
control and the - hard- pressed Rus-
shrink from. Won't you try to do it," said his aiiier, "and now delivery
roof. Will yod . go to sians ttmbl� to continue to help yourself, to help us both, ..;we've. got h Id silk route,
Dennis?"' There was no response Mi�. Justin and tell `him the of supplies over 'the o
the air • route to th4i heart of
and Justin continued sadly: "You truth ?"
China's southwest now is the key
may go and p ck. Consider your- "No; Now will you .get out of, support of her armies.
here? Both of you."
self confined to your quarters un-
aide and lister;ed. A gust of wind til I call you tomorrow to see the "If you don't," said Inky, "I'll
..blew the door shut. r headmaster. have to tell Justin' you .'re protect- There came a knock at the
Peter.bea A
When Peter, aghast, presented. ing'someone else." door. Tim waved Jane frantically
AY at Do' ]a A'motor car being started and ran . Justin's'study, begging "And I'll tell the Inky 'pushed
himself in e family," added towards his closet.
hastily through the fog towards for assurance that it was not true Jane, her inside and shut the door..
Adapted i3y- Lobbous Mitchell from the garage. Befo-re he could reach
the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture -a c� that Tim had stolen and wrecked "Wait—don't do that!" 'cried (Concluded Next Week)
. , it'. r, its headligbts ' "off, shot Justin's, car, the litter said: Tim. Copyright 1942 by Loew's Inc.
Stprrlrtg Mickey Rooney out and -headed for -the. roadway- "I'm 'afraid" it's no use, Carlton.,
SYNUYSIS: Vibign Peter tried to ir t back
ijelill-13 UUL1511 t, VVM11 1U. LCLIA.
o the houiso, he found the doot
Tim Dennis, is entered at lito'. a `had locked as it waa - blown shqt.; -"But he didn't wreck your -car,"
said -Petet, not altogether with
when he and his sister join their Ile window of 'the Lip-
went to q6. win o
married. &;L Eng. conviction, for the case against
racy and with a
'Moth4r., who itas in stick he- had pick b-11 -k
Tishman, Roger Carlton: Tim's ed up.began nui v it OW' know I" "Uska —wA Y w -1111,
Z e1&-r---V0f I-Vr—oWe—r, Peter CarIt'0--g,-- —Tim Dennis was awlk-e-&-d -from
tiles to hilp "Tim whose Axiierican thLi'doze into which he had fallin Justin.
"Because',' well, I
over his,books by the grating''of'a I—_
ways do not fit in easily at Eton. d ... can't believe it -of-Aim.to
Tv7inr to. capitalize an the --tag-- WinddW --Delng -Vauyioubiy vlicrl-1
system, "If that's your only evidence, t in, Tim gets Into trouble. At From his room he saw a 'figure
Ulida thiiii there's amore- trouble climbing 'm afraid you'll need more prioof.
bing tllrough the Library win-
Did you see* or hear,. anything..
when the 'blue-riblion home, Bon- dpw. - On. the:-ground Was 9• white
Ale Prince, which he is showing to muffler, one end caught on- a r
air, replied r
Why, no No, s; ep]W
Plosiie Sampson, American girl-he buih. - rt ' rook6d like the one � Peter Peter miserably, thinking he was
3016t On shipboard, run -away, Caritori accustomed 4o wear.
was accustom
prote(ging Tim.
brooks its logs and has to, §w ,hot: After "time,-Tira deelded-to in-
a "I'll go up and pkL,k, sir," said
Tins Is running, away,-4'00, when Vefftigate. He put on his Jacket Tim. to Mr. Justin, filled,- with
his step-father finds and perkusidos and a cap, climbed is
imbed through 'for Peter's fear, he thoAght,
Was to return- Eton—,tells -Tim iiindoW'Angi wisrid t.-.lid, doFn- "or"L
--to Lam`Waa-the guilty Per-
16a wants -him
AW& a righter and the rain pipes Half way down he son. When Tim had left, Peter
to go back and "do his stuff." ran into difficulties where - the
p -lutted- over-a-,,jel "-a-. I"- �.,W-
ipe "Surely there's -something
id* to, Jp*atiate that spot, Tim to be done 7 To sack- him It
Tim was relieved on hie'return loft 10' grip an.1 fill to the will be a terrible Now to tbe, is-
U Eton to -find the Lower boys ground,'Unding. on his hands. A mily—and I kiow' how much being
did not hold their caning against groan,-ifkaped him,. and be- nursed here means .to Tim' low eves
7 bln., "They'iier forg6ttefi* all about • 'a bruised- wrist in th,: palm of his the running In the steeplechase
'land.' Miking his' way to tomorrow. Sir, can't -we—" it." Inky assured him Tim de- other
the muffler, he saw PeterT�nono-
tided they wets' good sports; •bir "I - understand, my bo), but
began to see the "meaning behind grammed initials on It. He stuffed there's nothing I can do."-
his pocket 'and ready for bed when'
Ue customs that had at first ap- the muffler into Tim was
VeUed outlandish to him.• He took retumed to the water pipe. One Peter knocked, saying: "I want to
part in their games. attemptAo climb proved he-could • talk to you, Tim."
His mother and step-father not regain his room that way— "You're not ,very good at talk-
game to see Tim and Peter playing his sprained wrist was too pain- ing. Just .leave me plone.pp
with the Justin house crii1ept 'team_ �ful. He tried the' Library' win- Please don't take that attitude,
Bann "ral ... hanse==the dnw and found At lacked.' Next'
.'L.Jft Find -threw pebbles-st V-11TF• XMILIS UZ &SAC FLUUbV u 4ke
-..Uc his had left his - good - luck dow• To Tim's. horro'r, -the house- take? Maybe- you'd like to give,.
piece, his -father's Notre' Dame master's voice demanded who was me a leettirb on Eton traditions -
Zootball watch charm, In his other down them. Tim answered.. and 7
and standards Well, I don't
clothes, Tim -sent Jane and- -Inky was told to to to the -front door. want to - hear' -it. Just let me
SO his room for it. - Through the Let in by Justin himself, Tim alone.', ' His advance spurned, GOOD FOOD IS GOOD SENSL Never "belbr has it
open door of Ronnie Kenvills refused all explanation save that• Pater turned sadly away* been more irnportant for you to buy wisely and eat well.
room they saw "him at the tole- he "Just went out. I can't explain; oocf �is
Today, good health is an essential duty. And good f •
one. "Will' -you meet me at the essential to good health.
Willow Club tonight, Flossie?' "Fidi10mv you Can evwain A 11mousine drew up'boside the L.Jude NET-A Ciao's *LL--BRJAN in yMV 'hnwe'
'Wait a minute." Kenvil left the - ] '-Remember, ALI�BRNis more than a delicious, nourisir.
'phone and shut the door. Neither, and you will tomorrow morning. wreckage of Mr. Justin's car, and-
hky or Jane -thought anything of Now go directly to your r90m-". Jane stopped out and fag cereal. It!s also a- grand, laxative food that provides
But when morning came there told the chauffeur, despite his pro-
- ithe incident. 'They hurried back Ir" something worse. Justin's tests at leaving her, to drive back... is 'Utter way" to avoid constipation caused by the Is&
!to the field and,'Inky save the
luck piece to Tim. - ear. had been -taken- from the to Redfern. An the hurried to the of the proper amount of inthediet. But.. .-A
and found wrecked along wreck, Inky Xot to his.feet-with -ALL-aRAN doesn'tvork like harsh cathartic& It takes time.
That might V!Ao fogky. j" tir surge
the road fr�m maicienneaa -so a mournful "Hello, Jane."
Rouse was darkened, but Peter 'Eton. Tim was summoned to Jus- "I'm iLwfully glad . I saw you Eat ALL -BRAN in tasty breakfast muffins or its a crunchy
'Carlton sat at -his -desk, fully tin'■ study. To his continued re- every day drink. Plenty of water and see -if--
clothed, a white muffler about his from the road," she said excited- ccresl
#qg@],tn =glm- any explanation for 0-iU.- I've t to sea Tim-" 1 don't matte that Airl.BRAN is better WAY to
weep, wnung. A% a souna from beinr out-' of the house, Juidn Is '@ "b - -c -9`0 - you
--libe corridor-, he I"ked, up, then So's dufirled.- to his -room. Wghter day I
lopened his door, and called I in a said: ""Though I • deplore it, Den- Girls can't go into—" or and
nix. you force me to'dritatic meaa�; "Listen. He!s my broth Buy ALL-BRAN at your grocer's in either of the two
law voice: "Hello, who's up?" the r fact that you were off he's in trouble. ' I've gotta heii, eanveniently sized packages. Order it in the individual.
be went urea. There was no answer and vounds and out after hours; and him, Inky. I know Tim didn't saving package at restaurants. Mad by Kellogg's at
down 00.hallway. The font door that you stole my car — that is dQ it." 'Undone Canada,
stood slightly ajar. �Hf went qut� shocking, but to abandon it in a "So do I. There's something
ditch, a remnant of its former Tim's not telling." .�TRY THESE TEMPTING -ALL-BRAN 4
1! 42 :. ; .
WUE 47 self, that is fabulous!" A look' of "Tim would have won the race
-1 list;'.- said = 7INS TO V
swita 4VO& f,, t -- today AD
Dennis ? "' L
"He'd have made
a -Jolly good
try. I may, what's that ?„
She saw the piece of paper he W
-° - "Just an old menu." indicated.,
"Its odd though.'Some sort of. N COW4 S aWk
-:7-CAN# SOLDIERS PA.L4181A. y1tuo murri
no spur
a wirm elebi '0" beet liquort soft wee
-A 'hSt 11;1C•
"You think it'■ a clue?"
.7. ra4her! You don't think
Justin would go'to '& diareiput-
`::::,;•meals your appetite jaded during . then tempestuous times —do -your
seem dull and uninteresting?
Tempt your family's appetite with desserts that are delicious and
nutritious—blanc manges- andpud that can be made easily and
at little cost, with Canada Corn Starch.
The tine quality or Canada Coin Starch gives
the -best possible. results —a smooth texture that
makes corn starch desserts delightful.
]FREE?- Send f6r the ex:ceiietir Recipe Booklet "I
Desserts" Write enclosing ova box-tollo Or COMPItt
label from any Canada Starch product. Addres
t. -Home bsrvic*, 49 Well
Dep tLJ2, Canada Starch
-Z. lmgton Sire Fast. Toronto. ont.
VM CANADA IfAJtCX MWAUly '--gs- M"*'d To-do
able sot like the Willow Olub.
Thors'&-&-date onthe-menu= the-
ninth. That's the right date. Saye-
I thin we've run onto something.",
"If Tim's shielding, someone
-else, he'll never tell us, Inky."
Ilrben we've sot to make him -"
"Tou'll never. get Tim to talk
-V I'm not ther6. I know how to
bazidli him."
go, it happerfed that Inky and,
Jane; the latter- In an' -Etoia outfit
too big for her,_, watched ' their
chance " to sneak into Tim's room.
Inky knocked and went in; ' push.
'ing Jong ahead of him. Tim bade
them go..Awayp I but Jane asked:
"Did, you really take Justin's car
'over to the Willow Club." . .
"I said I did, didn't V Jane,
-for the -love- of---:"
"I don't believe you'd -go to the
Willow Club —ten old red Farn
-where they don't serve food." - '
"I just got a drink -or. two.
wasn't hungry—"
"Did you go dancing on tbob
roof terrace?"
"Yen, and "then I cams back and
had a wreck. I got myself IUU
this and I'll take my medicine."
we fe an 6101clincV
lte6ps You Regular, -NATURALLY
fl `� !�" �' �° "a•o..,... - s� {)/ :a �_ *. _ .•� Mir. u:<.,,�?•••• ?�• �—' —,t,rr �� .+. "1'. :s rt,'�. - s�`+%' .
- ,t "' :.7+: i. ', -X. s-. .,,. � ire. .. >„�' r'r n; `: '-••• /,y
-err r j D V -. - central Palestine, in what later the gods of the Amorites, in whore .+•- •••+• -• e+++�+-�e+
Oft tr7 U -1 came• to he 'called Samaria6 land ye dwell: but as for me and O RT
- f►'blothee'slsitik my house, we will serve Jehovah." REX FROST =
L 1. "And there went a man of Joshua was a perfect e:au,y'.c ..3 - y
L+ Cr O Al the house of Levi, and --took to doing himself what- he was now �g.�mes may come and pro- - Wednesday evening at 10.15. The _ 1
G a7 ! T wife a daughter of Levi. 2. And PFeaching to the Israelites that �m y but Amos 'n es are, not presented in �\
which they ought to do. ed may r the old-fashioned
the woman conceived, and'bare a Andy go on for ever. Freeman the old - fashioned dry manner is n
--'-- ri
This is the pvilege of a man e -0 >r
LESSON 47 son: and when she, saw him that Goadn and Charles C 11, to ' which the subject nutritioz has
.m MOTIVES THAT STRENGTHEN he was a goodly child, she hid holding great power, in high poai- give them their props names, been surrounded, but axe offered.
FAMILY LIFE him three months. 3. And when 'tion, being honored by an entire have just passed the 4000 mark, as cheerful litle. sketches ... not i. y
Exodus-2:1.4; 20:321 Joshua' 24% she could not longer .hide him, nation, —to publicly declare that, completing thereby o$e of the without humour illustrating
14, 15; Proverbs 31:10 -31; Luke she took for him an ark of bul- for himself and his household, he longest series of programmes on the necessity of balanced diet in
would be found serving the Lord
2:41 -51; Ephesians 5:22 -33; 8: rushes, and daubed it with slime God. Inasmuch as our lesson record in radio broadcasting. a 4ampaign to step up the energy
1.4; Colossians 3:'18 -21 and with pitch; and she put the Naturally they have their troubles of Canadians serving In industry,
PRINTED TEXT child therein, and laid it in the particularly concerns the family, thinking up new scenes and •new - in offices ' and homes, as well as
Zzodus 2:1.4; Joshua 24:14, •15;, flags by trite river's brink. 4. And emphasis here may be placed on situationa. H c'w e v e r they've in the armed forces. The series °a
Ephesians 5:28 -31; 6:1-4 his sister stood afar off, to know the phrase and my house. Of adopted a philosophical attitude should 'be of particular interest
�- course, no man can compel the
GOLDEN TEXT. —Love Never what would be done to him. in regard to the difficulties they to the ladies.
Faiteth. I Corinthians 13:8. The Israelitish p$ogle were in adults of his household to worship encounter in the writing of their • • !
-THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING great disfavor with, and - suffer any one God, but a lather can episodes : "We've done 4000 A few weeks ago we reported a "
Time. -Moses was born, pos- ing great physical hardships un- nee to it, while his children are scripts ", they any "and we can change in the time of the popular -.- --.
tibly, about 1571 B.C., though of der the ,Egyptian government under' his roof, that they do at- manage one more" . . which is "Treasure Trail" broadcast, which _
this date we are not sure. The then in power. A law had gone tend Sunday School, that they are another reminder that not only. is currently heard over CFRB, To-
Ten Commandments were given, foitb that every male child born present in the house ari "the Lord do these famous black -face come- ' Tonto, and an Ontario network,
if this date is correct, in 1491 to the Hebrew lfeople should be on the Lord's Day, that they do dians • present their numerous every Wednesday 8.30 p.m. Now
B.C. Joshua delivered his last ad- put to death. When there was hear the Word of God read, and characters themselves, but they we have to report a change in the'
dress in 1427 B.C. The last part born this bate boy, known later PrnYers offered, every day, around
y q, actually create, their own aitus- personnel of the broadcast. Rai
of the book of Proverbs may ave- in history as the great prophet the family table. tions and write their own scripts. Purdy, well known dramatic artist :;
en written about 1015 B.C. The Moses, the parents had faith that the stove or Ytusuand. 'These U.B.8. favourites, wao' are and radio programme proaucer,
incident taken from' our Lord's God had some great purpose for 28, "Even so ought husbands heard over CFRB, Toronto, Mon -. whd has been associated with
life, when He was._twel� e 3�eare the child._ After the child -hasl- Any thraugli Friday, qty 7.15 "Treasure Trail" since its_i_ncep- ___
_ off- age, is -to ze. - placed about A.D. been put safely in the ark, the own bodies. He that loveth his p.m., seem good for a long time tion, is now a member of His
-_ter &- The_Apostle_Panl wrote sister was, aet�o ch, not with o __wile toveta himself. 2S. for to come.- i.IaJeb6y» } ?seers. €�
-- - -
Sus Epistles t6 the Ephesians and . any thought of, harm that might -- no man ever-hated his own -- flesh; ; _ -� -; - °= - Rai- Purdy's- successor; Colossians. about about A.D. 65., come, but simply to see 'what but nourisheth and cherisheth it, In. the year 1877, . Benjamin Ier is teamed with Al Savage.
Place. -Moses was born in the would be done to him.' The even_ as Christ also the church • Disraeli Prime M „ate.- of Great, TnviA1 TA�k._i� nose annnancea fr'
- iana or t.osuen, ono was piaceu, because we are members oY Britain 'declared in the House of Jim Hunter. Quick - witted Al is
when s baby, among bnlsiisl es= i:s f(ghcing back her uai.aa..l ,.a.. ,tj his body. 31. For this cause shall Commons at Westminster a former associate of the Tole-
7-some one of the -fingers of the by a faith in God that could not a mian leave his father and "The health of the people -is really gram's Talking Reporter,
Nile delta. The Ten Command- fail her. mother, and shall cleave to his the foundation upon which all s
m4fats were delivered at Mt. Sinai. Household Worship of- God wife; and the two shall become their happine$s 11Ad alt tb
Sir 'The now popular- Rex Battle
Joshua delivered his last address 14. "Now -therefore fear Je- one flesh." The Apostle Paul powers as a state depend." Yes, has "battled" his way to popular ;
at .Sheehem. The incident taken hovah, and serve him in sincerity lifts this whole subject up to the good' health is always a national appreciation both as a band leader
from our Lord's .life occurred in and in- truth; and put away, the highest conceivable plane when asset. In wartime it is a vital and it concert pianist. We hear
Jerusalem. The book of Proverbs gods which..your fathers served he compares the' love of husband wpapan. The old adage that a many comments these days re- - - -
i was probably, for the most part, beyond the River, and in Egypt; for the wife with the love of -the soldier marches 'on his stomach is garding the series"of programmes -
---written in the_city Of Jerusalem. _and serve ye Jehovah. 15. And Lord Jesus Christ for the Church. P }s. in these da a of total_ �curren__tl being r_ese_nted Rex
Ephesus was a great Greek cit if it seem evil unto ou 16 serve This mutual loyalt and •love is m p -- y g p `
y y Y war to the industrial worker and Battle, Monday and Friday ova-
-in the Roman province of Asia; Jehovah, choose you f311a day to be perfectly human; but'-also, the war -time bonne- maker. Be- ..nings, 7.45 to 8 p.m. over CFRE,
. - aColoass was, located in the same whoa} ye will serve; whether, the if it is as it should be -for Chris- -_ - --
cause there - are- -thoasaztds of - Toronto' and a network: Here b
pzovine' on the Lycui River. gods which your fathers served tiaras, it is to be inspired by what people all over Canada with less a` programme which will appeal to
3hechem' was a city located in that were beyond the River, or is perfectly divine. _ time for marketing and planning those who enjoy better class music
N a Parents and Children menus, and because improper eel- rendared through the medium of
ROMAN RULER. 1. "Children, obey your par- action 'of foods may lead to re- the ivory keyboard.
outs in the Lord: for this is right. duced national efficiency, the
a 2. Honor thy lather and mother Canadian Broadcasting Corpora- A new series of discussions of
HOSIZONTAL _ (which is the first commandment tion is focussing attention on this Air Raid Precaution Measures is
Answer to Previous Puzzle 9 Spruce, with promise), S. that it may be important question o! nutrition in - currently being heard- over CFRB
-.'1 Twin O ° � 10 To abdicate. well • with, thee, and thou mayest a, new broadcast feature, entitled' every Friday night it 10 o'clock•
beether of live tong on the earth. 4. And, "The Hidden Enemy." Dr. Eliza- sponsored by the Ontario Com-,
_ . Remus. A' A A 11 Early part
of night. ye fathers, provoke not your chi]- 'beth Chant R bertson, noted Gan- mittee of the Civilian Defense
y7 T 'I_ 12 Scarlet. : , dren,to wrath: but nurture them adian gut r on nutrition is Corps. Province -wide members
—of E L 1S Family. in the chastening and admonition advisor to t series of C.H.C. of the C.D.C.' will find these talka
Rome. 21 Play an of the Lord." Obedience to the broadcasts - to be heard every entertaining and instructive.
- - - - - - lain - of- ehildheod, - -It is, U- ggea't
• 13 Uneven. ,
- % f'
to Rll.ztn� _ 1 party.. the child's raligiOA, t0 be - � V � RADIO � V� •: '
priest. 24 He •--- or aa�. +ae -- --
�.� hLew�'s•ai i91- �gns<r! WA�i'D
18 TO thread. killed gemu9, once and love, full of a.. sweet " CFRB a4ok, CBL 740k CZC� Waterloo 141Ok (18B =nglasd 1.51m
' 17 Fenced. mystery, which the Christian CZCL 510k, CBT 1010k Cz Ottawa 1t1sk
23 Agricultural. U.S. lfE't'tFORKS MUM Timmins. 147Ok -%W maglAad 1.5am
18 Clamor. ! E i tract. _ child feels towards its Saviour CKSOC Su4bfor d 176Ok aaD Dnguad 11.75m .
WEAF N.B.C. Red 640k
19 Dubbed. 26 Act O! and heavenly Icing, add new WJS, f4.B.C. Blue 770k w Windsor nook lM Mngland 1LS4m
'20 Small child. - Woac t�a 1 Tio
lending. sacredness to the claims of father wincham ItOt CM bland 17.Ism
- 21 Window parts, 41 Female, Cowl. 39 The brothers 28 Rind. and mother. Jesus Christ, the_ - C8mV YSTAT O 141ok CA lSpain. 15 sla
23 Metal. 42 To bow. - were thrown 30 Gem. `' - : Head over all things, is ' the e1FOS Owen sa 1400k. wsBB Buffalo 1340k
xa Ti +y�Qt yleat.a- in tl a ._.. 32 Clav house. ; derei of- the life of bovs and -CKOC" Hamilton 11•30k W�'$a3[ �Roche•t•r h14k RAP+ $assts &GOO
E'i31L ft� -isxs' I:__1m 33.e03r
courtesy. AS Hair river. -- 35 Characteristic. Vls; His love -and His' might CBTA St. Cath. 1650k W 8chea•ctady alOk 81tzf/ Brazil 15.GOm
AS Burial rites.' ornament, 60 A wolf saved 36 Exclamation.. and -the little one in the ten- CFCF Montreal 600k 1LDXA Pittsburgh loxok
CFCH North Bay 1130k WBBI[ Chi o 780k WGZA dchen•ctadr.
127 Waiter's 47 Wound and 37 Halt an em. dance of his parents. The wonder- cf•co Chatham e30k WBKN Buffalo 930k 15.33m
gratuity: spirally for them: 39 0 love. fun love of parents to their .off. . CJCS Stratford 1240k WwaiCBW Buffalo 161Ok WRD�' Boston 15.1 '
29 Behold. : -49 Game fish VERTICAL "tea]' kiring, and the awful authority CFRC� Kingston -1490k WJR Detroit 160k WCBX N. Tork 11.3sm
20 Skillet. " : (pL)• 44 Poems. - with wbieh they_ are - invested,` _- _
all date lls. li'_ Derby. -- I Corded cloth, ART ova 61%A14 , -
wwo fl uau God."" Canada avua�c v1 lauu,uu
.83 New England 52 You and I. 2 Speech. 47 Light talk. « Canada Breaks Nazis Circulate -
life in God.
(abbe.). 53 Sooner then.- . b Tooth. :.:.48 Pitcher. - Vichy Relations -
24 To makd a 54 Preposition. 4 Consumed, 49 Style. i y Re a ,tons Cardboard 1kloitet
t�raln„ls,a:' S -'So Ov e. U.S. i.l Passport
36 To grow old. 56 Into. 6 Kind of auto. 55 You. P Termination of diplomatic rela- Pieces of carboard, three cents.
-38 Proverb. 58 Southeast •7 Sheerer.. 57 North Amer• To Vichy s' Envoy tions between the' Canadian and ..meters square, are being used m
4Q,Male sheep. (abbr.). 8 Vase, ica _(abbr.). --_- the Vichy Governments was an- currency_ by the Germiso
i1 2 3 4 '3 �6 �7 8 QO u 12 In Washington the Vichy French. nounced by 'Premier Mackenzie• Fish Piloting Factory in Trond-
ambassador's passports were hand- Kin$ in a statement last week heim- - On . Ohio side is printed
15 Ib ed to him last week, thus making which referred to the Laval Ad- "10 oere" (the value is -about ttse
formal and complete the break ministration sat_ "A German' puppet cents), and on the other side the
r7 1q in relations with the' United government." insignia of a _ Geramn hoavy' ar- -
States. The French minister —who has tillery battery is marked. The
22 23 -- State Secretary- Cordell = drill -- since.early- #!-1940 - --
disclosed,. that all Vichy French -.-was informed. by the prime mm- to sae these cardboard pieces lib
Z4 6 ships in United States ports had ister that because those "in nom- the Ordinary coin currency., It b ,
been taken intd protective 'cue- inal -controI", of the French Gov- reported that this now coinage is
Zy 30 . 31 3Z 3 tody.. ernment had ordered resistance to being used because metal is be-
_ the United
Nations forces in coming scarce. _p
- 35 36 37 39 39 Dliiess Dl1atCCB North Africa it was "perfectly clear : ?'
that there' no longer exists' in - �S1" TO _
France a legal or constitutional-
41 4Z Even such stock -in -trade antic- - - 15 IN i W � �%
z.A iii y sense re
lea as dusters can be improved. 6 "'
43 45 46 Wash them in the ordinary way aentative of the French people,
in rich grease-dissolving suds but but only a. German puppet gov- 1� !�+
r tit' g rr
47 49- 'S0' 'to' the last rinse water add one ernment.
_ 1 Therefore the Canadian Gov-
--teaspoon - of-r -* linseed of -02 items of Interest From Ontario
51 57 - 53 two tablespoons of kerosene. ernmenv ' "l,aa «..��d 1. _ y Sze yl►e�kl�ii...•p.j,.�• �
Then ban to dry. Dusters will the present government at Vichy
•... , . g as being the de jure Government EACH SUNDAY AT 2 PAL .;
56 37 58 - then have s fine, oily finish which
picks up the dust and holds it in- o! France and diplomatic relay CFRB -M on our 1
60 stead of flicking it casually hither tions with Vichy' are accordingly Y
_ a_ and yon.
J 1 AR W
POP- -Proof :. By M LL WATT =-
_ _ I'LL vier wu w tft OI.1, YE S, I Dl D, 5 � R
PLANTS Yrg'�" IT On PPING ON � � • f
•` • � � .
! .. ..
Isom"" da•:: srce i �� _nit li 1•t� _.. .:al
. _ f _ - • L.JI 11 .11. J I •• 4•i
^: •mss-• .� --+..- uk •�^,'xt ._a ;e,` e�� � =: � -" y r.i:- -'> d' _ .w "xF,.
- ',f� •. '4 Y b d� +•.�' C" CN• +'`� y £. :.!T' / -iM T t ' 6' u
d'. fik a&
UiAmani;W, t B Y��. D.. Dim COMi Oo1: t>1eew peer >� wq �s .,. „ . �, fft have a nice assortment of
sort, - oosB. All wool blankets -once again:
Dtmaat n llr>��pY Bsrsi.fer WOOD, CEMENT,
Wool filled To our many Customers an
•• •oa ' P" `se:l.t.► . >r T— TrSAN, GRAVEL, -
t eoaa..i:a ed . wattrr. sy
- -*ad . - comfo rt ors say--
MAT•ON, BELL ROSS • . - .- .
- -
Barrmters & solicitors 3UILD'EWS SUPPLIES All wool Steamel '
d. o�ATOrr. K, c. TBaevhone also looalCoartage Work _ - - -- .,�� � q- ,
W.BR DKESELL. 8. C. Ade1.26M We havealso v1seed in stock a full
• S.'F. ROBS 'rugs.,
872 Bay St.' ��i, *iQ We were obliged to take oil our delivery system and
' =JOHN L. POND - Toronto ;� co m[pf " FEIMlS
.v: _ — -
A ri - VTMcMILLAN— Barrister, So l= - - - ._ 7�.t.u.tiy aatidpated= s— aifght drop tn— business, —fin
r,�1 otary Public. 18.MeBoda street A A. W. MITCHELL {
.to. 'fetedtone ElRinbA08. 89t! It has not h
Piokering, Out. Ketor A=b211 , Day or NIskt appened!
s� /l arbs. PSONE —� ®#ice 74 .. � � •
.... . _ : 8e.. � PHONE 1804 :. ,; , . , _ - _Many thanks to you! `_ . • -
_ _ 1h
i s Oak. Conv.yaneer- c4aminionet,br � • Ae u and V
�' sldaa s tetra. Aecouatant,`;Etc. sane !
N-Otitle : _� —vG� -- �,��Ial__D1ZBp�OI _ _.. _ _ _ ,j- -
,�a�tar er
- has succeedecfareyond ^our
iGIEN>bRAL IN9IIRANOE„ We do building of ail' kinds - ,rPICM0l&G AND CLA ONT -
CAMPENTERING expectations-
�R�3 ,
aW oN B.to&Hdisd agency, reso G Adrienne _
71 to set• We also Beg BraWmd Raoflag � FACE (AtFAMS ........i.... 60c. NO.
_P� >� ow. 1 Creamery Butter -;.t 39c.
Asteraala, Empire Bathroom IWUGE ....... r..... ..... e6c.
t. M Fgaip afttt1 rum Water FAM POWDER ............ Mc. Nellson'S Z" me' Cocoa, 1 lb. tins ' _ 29&
WM. MAW Sj°t° Beauty 8ta3iID LiPg'I`!G'K Reillie ....�....... 40c
Equipment, and ' PERFUM . • -'
' LIOSNBRD . AUCTIONBBA AND Catelli toCooked Spaghetti, 15oz 14C.
VALUA -TOR �►g Materials _
�'- 1W. a conducted anywhere' ' �-� -- �- Our Prescription Service is i
- - Daylite Pastry — Flour,, Z4 s 79 c.
Phone or write. Address 614 Duudai FAdiCAtaj Free ,A,ccurate and Efflekid I
etreet,�Eaet, Work Guarat>�teea _ ..._ _ . _... - rift c family 1Z
Whitby. Ontario. _ Lt Soap Flakes, y 8 e, 35c•
Phone 66ee � O i �.t S � l� � � C0.9
ICSESUVG, oNTARIp . THE REXALL , ST03E NO. 1 Ont. or P. E. , I. otatoes, pk.."'39c.
WE SERVE - - •tea P� sa � p �
? .. A�1D ALSO GIVE F. J. PEOU $E Store Hour's _ 8 a m. to 9 P. m. -
' Sundays 9 A. M. to 0 P. BB.
r INSURANCE ;� + A,�t. In the Dry 'Goods Dept. five ark well o
�+ Ol!!es btiuv -- 1 S. Wed. and Bat FOR SALE) one .acre, on Old _ equipped }� meet our demands: -
SERVICE Danforth Road, 10 miles east of _.
• ; ` . =ass Sts. l?ieim%x - Nut to Libtm Toronto. Solid brick - 8 rowed -
.i . i IMAn 011�'ICR - OWAWA
`_.c_-__ CTRH.,- F,- . &Q�FiY home, hardwood ihrougloont, Earn_ s l`iaason'B Work Solt
GEN$RAL. INiURANCB L e E. C�'Nt /L L a` ; electric. -Double garap�ge6 Beaut-
Shit GEE
PROTECTION iful circular drive. Lil ponds. Orn- )Watson's Underwear for Men
a2nental shrubs. tmatediate - ilk..,,•. Want" Cqn awes SW caj
ession. Sawifice - Men's aiid Boys' Unlined and tined Winter 31Btts
8l[BALIt(BR _ Puce x,000. Ai►1dY
Willoughby'B, 402 Rent Building,
Auooissor;tc4w. J. matkie;) Toronto. - - 01or Christmas 'Cards are now an MaplaT -
r. +8touffville Heater for sale: In good %audition. Reautitul Boxes of 1 Doz. Cards at 29c., 49. to 65c -
t R
11 - = Night and Day Service Six tube battery radio. ..Atwater _ Take at tip _. Say EsHy -
1 Kent. Mahoganj frame. ffire. 8.
v mlien, vaiiey, r•aaan Koaici ;
} YOUNG TEAM - for axle. W`rs.
.�, �, opposite - Clekents 6 itchool• 1, Pidkering• l ►l • So C
Seslthlnlly Air-conditioned FOR SALE 27 Barred Rock
3NURSDAY, FRL SATURDAY � iaeoranoe of All Xindg. ��' 6 months old_ mile Arthur -
Hatch. 4th -con half mile west of 4-id
(NOVEMBER ,'i9, 20 and 21. 'l�ro allows a! 7 and 9 p, m. Beet Rates Available With 'Brock Road' -_ Wanted to' Bay =--:50 vulleis. start^ -
+� Beonrit� and �ervioe. 1 orstarting one ti _
• - - t
Valley of the Sad = ___
•' _Add -. -:. - ,-pb� �,
• D l abet R A&
- : Locust ]Sill, Oat. - _ • - _ _ _ .
=1L«iTle Hsit snd 7soer Csti� bRO�UGM#M PICK SIS - Pigs for -Bale - g_w ks old _ .- _; :. - -- _ - -" -' ` _- - -- -
e porcelain ., bath tub good t-
"100 lalket Canada .Caries On PSONi AfiIIY. e! W =, IIILt�ffi�l ion Apply Mrs. R. A. Birrell, 8. -
R 2, Claremont.
uebe Path of
. HORSH3 for horse -meet �iauted. - -
Q � Clarke Prentice _ �`
,• Frevaiung prim paid. prone
f Con uest LICENSED AUCTION= 36"T U' tc
- For the I ComttteB of Yak s1W Os4 Wanted to Buy Anall farm 66 '..Complete _
` - to 75 Ame with - good buildings - _
NDAY, TOES, WEDNESDAY- irk sacaeiBOS for Corps. =aka lid -- -
Preferably near a school. Joseph
_ NOVEMCDER 23 4 and b' flee ai C. A. ,3. F, and Of. W 1■IB
' -- P.. O'Riley, R. R. 2, ' Markham -
+ Ltet complete show at 5� - - -` J. & Prentice (former Prentiss aBtl 13-14
_ _ _ l
Prentice). Firm and Farm ilNas For Sale �_ -house and ib acres; -
ways - : = -- ' • . .
' Sales a Bpecwty at lair aid n, or _house and 65 acres. Good ' water
^•{ gu,p,, alts able rates. and hydro. Box 343 News. 13--14 - , On Hand
- L Irene Manning
.- . • • �� . •, . .. . • - k - . - _ � . • _ : - - -: � .
_'�i the R. A. F, Balloon Barrage to Home and _
,�t __ -� "untry neralroas ..-
�' 'tins Bags - -- • . -. - - - � - '
wok mix of E�tslaad', seat Buy Victory Bonds
A - i .. •
NOVEMBER �, .f -'and '8 BUY me � . 77-,:71 � ./ . Iii a B A LS ,A Vr 9 •
The Male AnuriaT -
r c simpie bat rlah de. ' Co m a
iE kWT Fonda and , dpi we can tur�at me rid see ''Our variety -
Olivia DeHavillarid+ memorials that will ► • r
�?. please irora, every �0 , selected fish
_ standpoint.' In* dignity ' }. - t_
w ri appearance ' nd oout a e home a�sairnonlsteak to might
}s. =PICK�RINC the r' ,through -the ages, -
_ We are glad to ierve• you to No Greater Tribute _ P H O N E lr
I � - rs,
NEWS E _ _ of our ability: Kingston Road West - s
FOR SALE AT � r 1j, i�. '� �• r' Highway . 3ronumeatal _ '
I _ AR,
�, . rb ■
f. Boyes' Drug Store Hardware NTinemith - -
PItQNE -46 Ph. 462 WhiWv, Oni^
.� Eastern House � = _ _._ -�a��- - • -. .. ._. _ . .
nook's service Stn. PICHERiNG a
__ v,.