HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1941_08_29 - �_i... G'- ..; .. ._ w-.u........ �......r..wa4:p... __ .. _ m�...�-�Y•:••�A:•-+•MI•a�r-- ^Y-�y-.'.-"^S "&''"A-
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VOL. lip
i/x sss►t+frstal I�as'so. TRAFFIC CONTROL HERE NOW
URGENTLY NEEDED Duke of Kent passes through oir overNOTICE
�-- '.
RZ.FORSYTg h,D,.'Director We have on several different occ- • • .
y ,�A '�d Octmonis, referred, in these columns to village, too fast, whichever it Was.-
emberj��`�` r'
� rr7isnoa 'Sy a esaatiaeE b7 appointIDaat. the need of traffic control of some GREEN WOOL
scot.Claraasoat.001,. Pick erinionVillage,at our aorticularl-cornersfrob: minutes after the incident .occurred. bombing, ord�transiport planes, wt
fteii III
This article is written witlua five there large
�• 6.00 m. untl 6.30 or 7. The num-
it, still.it while"Ptill thinking' about understood he was flying to Oshawa)
p` in the mood. We may be so.at the moment, 18$6--1936
ililgl,,D RODDY Barrieter, ber of ears that coupe up irom theY t, we do not know
. iicitpr,Nocar;Public- sogerwy.o.a, plant and the bridge has not been criticised for saying what we da, but whether the Dake was in one of the Cho '
bo�u�ed 4y'tLs.Whit.arC�rle- estimated, but there.are enou we s�11 feel we are rigbti About five cars or one of the v pp 9 s
` Masi a.ins of fyowt Bowe.WLitiy. Shy �' gh, a- Planes. But we,
long with the regular west-bound minutes ago (10.50 a m.• Saturday do say) - that wie fail to see any
SEI TON, B causeoneca7Aug. rd) four or five fine big care reason for driving through this, or '.MONDAY WEDNESDAY �f
Barristors & Solicitors , minutes (bv actual timing) to get passed by our door through this any other town or village at any AND FRIDAY
W,JoARATON.K.C. Telephone across the highway...There is suffic- village on. No. 2 Highway at, we Such rate as that. It matters not,
P g mother,would say 60 miles-an hour or bet- to a Borrowing 7 Cents per'Bag -
Ii1.8ROOKEBELL.K.C. Ade12838 hent traffic? at that corner during , whether the 1 -
nn ROSS that six o'clock hour to. warrant ter, led.by 'a white police car, with car that killed her child was some. 25 bag lots - 6 cents per bag -
872 Bay St. control 'of same. We 'do not see why its siren screamaing• We are not "ramshackle old ,crock- or a car in For Profitable pig feeding
sure who was in the cars, you could a Royal 'pisrty, her child h
JOHN L.POND Toronto any car or pedestrian should be-ob- not see, on account of thea as �� Fine grinding is necessary
li to wait for such a peed. We taken from her through recklessness. THIS MILL DOES rT:
Au cMII.LAN 19 Melinda Sol p 'Da of course know the Duke or Kent is It will be gathered that we did not
G 3�otuy Pudic. ra Melinda sues fore being alla+wed across the high-
+a r.eeito.' el•diaae EtRrn asoa. srtf way. In fairness to all, the east and due at Oshawa this morning, but approve of the speed travelled by
only a few minutes ahead.of the cars chose cars =we don't.
l)efak�i west bound traffic might be held up ,at regular intervals to enable this moms
-Clare G. Maclean, Mr R. A. L:C
• �]3BBERT T. FAL..,d.18E,L. D t9., cross-traffic 'to move. A -'break in u
D.DS e Graduate of the Mty Colies0 of the,traffic, woii(!h enable ouT pedes- f4M-ore .rumours than I ever heard oI1 B. `��' Registered Architect
eons ands thdvpoor Can't of Toronto. Graduate of Universit
s reide .eeond noreastasc. Ana• trian y Of TOxoatoppicee tl population to get_across the barcb,3?icorriosOnt. Officewent Donn: ystreet without the move being the ' ' if + Offip., 9 Sultan St. Toronto KI. 6214es �.. a appolate,mt. cx.r., a case of -this kind said the Crown Residence,_Pickering, •211
'�• •�� "hair-raising" experience it is today.
Mothers would feel much more coin at .the -Coroner's Inquest into the the time, and that. he had not been PATER LEYINE B. A.
= . Portable it the knew then yours Z.
probably never be kn
i♦>teefew" 9 aYbs. Y g- death of Geo. Hterringer; alias Saun- stiiuck by a.train. Why or how he Barrister,-Solicitor etc-
- eters were not going to have to ar- dere, Matson, Mitchell etc., when he, !ell will
gue with fast-moving curs to get Cro- Attorne or°n' Office hose% .- 1 - 6, Wed, and Sat _
R. BBATON, TOyPIV ISH IFP y Annis, conducted Police were unable-to have any rel-
•i a cWt con—y.aur.coma nucaer for across in safety. It may cost some- the investigation of tke death of the Rtives come Znd identify, or take �g,�. Ft`k�g . Na'=to Ll�twx -
ada. rice�e 0tant-':Zu- •roar of thing to provide the necessary son-_ decbased HEAD OFFICE --- OBILA16•A
t.laa•... sr�°cevaie.oat. trol, but we do not think people of by failing from the C. N. !forge of the body, death taking
WY- C. MTJ the village will object to some a bridge here last week. A birth place shoat two boons liter the acc-
1 : .TTJ9TZl'E OF-THE PEAL! cp' certificate gives his name ,as Ilerr- ident, caused by a fractured skull, ,
Ow the OF enditure for this purpose. Our regui- Inger, his Registration Cara as Saun- broken back and other interna; in. '�'• $ - -
County of Ontali,o arly elected municipal leaders are
t DICKERING ONT. dere, a former boarding-honer mist- juries. .
a, the only persons who can bring a- ress knew him as Mason, and form- During t e day of the accident
bout the desired control, er fellow-wlorkmen, as .Mitchell. there wipe a great many 'stories Insuranoe of All Kinds. '�
A. E. MHARDSON No one saw deceased tall from the told here, rnnce y
AN ADVEiRTISEMiENT IN THE rnfng the accident, Bees+ Ret .
bridge, and it w
ee A ailffbirte with
GilEN1ilRAL INSIIRA2(@>l: i as definitely estab- one on] of which could be c
NEWS WILL DO 1T FOg Y,QU lished that he was unaerota y '
MAL BSTATB paaied at hence the remark of the C. A. SBetlrity and Seryles.
C4MVRYAN0ING A certain organization is Pickering -
%a ald aatAH&ed Village had spent a week trying to ,Rr '4dreaa Fbese
may, �7 KY SLICED BREAD I:ANNOT hoiwever, the percentage has drops BROUGHAM PICK SIS i
;I to servo find a couple of men-to do some rat- _$E. SOLD to 88. Reports for that week !row
-: -
! PAM* 1?30� am. her bestiy work, without results. We these border points giye ;be total
suggested advertising in our colIImmis The order which ended the sale of- number' of 39,933' W-day permits as r
*� for this help. Our piper was in the gust compared with 28,305 for the corres. NOTICE
sliced bread in Canada on Au
Ili. A TY' mails on Fridsy, as usual and by 11th applied to bread is any fora pp�ng- week last year and 44,860
1i.ICi3E8$D AOOTI01!1H$Jit AND nooar, tLsl}owing day, help wsta Including bread rolls and any other for the same a►ieek in 1939." From, Odie' �~
VALUATOR acquired started on the lob. They pas Fav war *F -
- rolls made'frow unsweetened dough, eight border points a_t the -week-
ftaler oaadooted Aarwhire saw the ad in the News. The Newts t�'rding to a -statement made by ending A g 6 939 19414 ,462 �i � •�
I[rirwe ez write. Aa&em sI4 Daodae did.what other methods , could not War irne Prices and Trane Board
You have around the home, sumer- 16b;. Lr QQ$$.
a�f• fit• Cessation of the sale of sliced bread peluft
Whitby.,Ontario,'' ane articiea, furniture, etc. that are was ordered as a mean o! coater.- issued at Windsorfor,the WOOD CEMENT,'
but for s shone week: 194E - J.119 1540 - r rr
stili in godd corogtion, g power and of 8,369; 1939 - 16,1bb."
�_ .,• is labour and electric
which you have no further tune . SAND, GRA VBL, -
replaced• it with something else, or avoiding the additional'cost of dou- •
Ditsi Hps'F�tr ss�ld replace it y� could sell what ble wrapping of sliced !claves The ''`'thine Sir?"' - 'aIId
yea have. Try an advt, in our Class- putzhase o! sliidnng machinery is not •
only a fpctor in determining the re. -- BUILDER'S SUPPLIES
ified Ad Colarnn - up to 20 words The above is a familiar. en AlSO local eartage work
t B. BtOIIi�4lll8 DIIt tail price of bread; but, as a con- enough -
for 26 car& The publishers have
1�hoee 191 siderable portion of this slicing eq= term in the towasi and cities, but.one 11re hsveltMo
atempted lUo ascertain the extent uipment is manufactured in-the Un- seldom heard in a village of this size. plseed in stock a full
Maternity, Medical, and Swgical to which this column was read, and - L'i'1\'E of MAPLE LEAF 31IIi"a
fled States, replacement would mean The ehoo-sEiine parlour was -always
Ciata taken •we have had many interesting sur- the expenditure of foreign exchange the lacy and fat man's salvation. Olrii'A;,TY !'1i11�8. a t +!
lAlattfnitlr Semi-Roomf ; Prisms
This column is read by a large now needed for the purchase of moa- That large number of men, who feel,
ed Nasties in attendance and number before turning to-the others. itions of war. • after a professional 'shoe-shine,,the
i An scut, will be read by rosily Bund- W.u Loarafx.ioe given. i same way as they do after a shower PiC�CerIII Out.
AwbulaAce Service .1 discs in this towr�sliip, alone. In spite of the apparent increase in and shave, consider'the .boy with the. g,
Amer(ean Tourist' Traffic through Whisk-broom sad apron as rendering
MRS.E.R. GOOD 23.37 , 'My day at the Plant to be a 3e3e� � g J'hor-e Office 74 —. Res. 65
local roerc4antd. ibis village, National War Services a real service to masculine .(and
shakes the following statement. feminine) humanity. W3ien man rea-
E1, i S —Merclts, and everyone else in ,.rhes middle=age he doesn't fund it : COLEMAN
the village will note a big cl.ange in ''At the beginning of the tourist quite so simples matter to stoop -.
the life and conditions in the Tillage season, there was -every possibility over and reach his shoes, it is much
Accidents Happen that the-19.1 Tourist Traffic would '.more easy, and comfortable to climb ' 'Instant light cook BtOPeB,
on that every other Friday night" $
Loeall since the Plant have.commenced perhaps reach an all-time high", the marble step to the mohair cush
] Pa5- the Minister stated, "but the lot- ion and-get in behind the latest ed- BO 'gniek, SO 8ati8faCtOr],
Ing at the Plant itself, Mr. actu t; latest reports show a definite dec- ition, while Joe
"Insure with your p practices his prof- Coal Oil stoves,Eiee, hot
and staff of the Bank do,the actual line in the rate of increase over last essitmal secret on our leather-clad IateB —Window Screens,
LOCaI Agent _ paying at the Plant office. Until y „ ..Early reports were succor- transportation equipment. P
last week, Friday"night brought.the screen doors garden tools
SEE aging, since the total number of 60- �GVe have an idea that such a.ven- r g t
employees into the village, giving it
CYRIi� E. MORLEY the appearance of a apish! torn on day perhiits issued. at 15 border ture as a .shoe-shine parlour would and all hardware at right
- GENERAL INSURANCE fair da;. Cars parked all over the points representing more than`75 per prove a profitable one here in Pick prices,
"SERVICE PROTECTION piece and hundreds of men on the:
cent of the total border traffic, for, ering'•today.*We have many more
— streets. Our merchants will doubtless the week ending July 12th; amount men here- than a year ago, and a Bring in your lawn ntawer3 to
ed to 98 per cent of those issued dur- lot of them appear like a group who be star eyed andre aired
experience some loss in not having ing the'corresponding period of 1939, would be steady patrons of such •a p• P.
the men brought into the �-ilIage. For the week ending August 9th- service. Think it over, someone.
--_--- -- r:' Har are' Tinsmith
;'�Pe are feat><Irl>4ig
Congoleum Rugsgnx
p•L;pv ?i'�G"w -r,4W 4.1.. •,y�F" a`1t•yr�`..'.S'a,<^ > , }' ��
...•...... ,6`�R^ is
�°° n
^� .,Oilcl®thwt Sr, ,max, n •x.. �'+. ..• + v'j BOYS
3 DRUG O'' Ltd
t .... i\ i
s an Ingis Came vas, lrilms,
amw -.air-. � "
Studio Couches) ' � xi � �` �� Soft drinks, Ice
._. ... -- - ,
litetor •, Dal Jr Niru Gifts for all oc•
4 .
photos 1200
E -7777=-
A ST ER RIT T %�rxiY yy 3 0 CoQ v � Z o4fa3`> ap y d N.
Prescriptions carefully soft)+ sa€.
Fnnesal Director pounded.
'R ° �' ♦ `>>< LOCAL DELIVERY
Furniture Dealer �
STOR i HOURS, 8 a. mell P.m:dr
Including Sundays
The Blenheim Bomber, one of the efficient, long-range type of plane now raiding 'Germany ane Franca, '
' ktrfsg
r,� :
n ..:.....:•,. q ...... c,..... , =a.. .'a._ _ __ r 3:ia.' sma%x. ..+a�.ai _ _. N. a.:n.x••.a..� i... ��.t; .
•"k. �^.`:•, &:i .- w e : ...t: ., : ...,x,. w ..p R"w:"4Rnr q;.'..o M t '.4F �+, t �,.7 �d
-ed later stWLam._ • -r
Winston Churchill �'rtu>fldin D. Roosevelt au nations.tvi-�object of--inn a- VOICE— hie hese t1i� -
414e,'eeo4o�orio ad- one diebtorship,
vancement, mad social security, 1s y of nether far all a f mars dotes& t�
also seen w as effective answer to o F THE able, and to cap it off has broken
off relations with us. It
�,r Y �• ki the Axis proDagandLt. who have P R E S S
r � maintained
maCraCfei —Brantford Expositor.
that the de
s4 d offer nothing In place o1 Hitler's —0--
(ruf�f s., ak"r•� w, new order. New developments in Canada aBbreathlesswSALARY it is an- -
z F e P 'To
rsry� # d The last three of the eight Priv- are making Dominion citizens
e said to constitute the nounced that Ga Cooper, e
ciples can b
Platform o1 a pont-war.pOliticel rya- movie actor, drew the largest aal
p -
more and more alive to the truth
tem' no front line.of Peace and security. It ie an cry is the United States; >]r482,-
that this modern world war knows
There are phases
t. a final deetrua of q,� which must be fought 820, is 1939: Not included is the
agreement for "the
s t tion of Nazi tyranny" and also for within the borders of Canada— top flight is a man who lives in
sr the continuance of operation al- Washington. But, of course, he
and must be won here. Canadians is only the President, and his sal-:
terward,until the peace as well as are discovering that they can take
f the war is won• part inactive warfare even while cry is a mere #7&,000. a year.
f•.<:>. :
'� •,, Star
s immediate Problems carrying out their
ordtn ry civili- _ Daily
snit t a
The story of this meeting !s pro&-
, —Windsor D it
an lives. —�
4 ��{ ab)y not fully told yet. Perhaps The urgent necessity o! cutting A correspondent, whose racial
more important than the things we line and oil consumption dras- s
origin must be apparent, writes
y' have been told are things about n bring-
B� •
tinnily 38 another !actor 1 in to suggest that that song ought Ng
Ing us to that fuller'realization of
which silence is maintained• to read, "There'll Always Be An
` " s :• ' '> the fact that we 'are all in -the'
That both Leaders were acoom- England as Long as Scotland's
panted by the highest military, There."
nate thst�preeaing problems were e n John —Toronto Saturday Nicht ry
The .statement made some time
! ago by A. G. Gardiner i From the stately castle "Blenheim" and its rolling, well-mani- discussed. It is quite probable that Bull now has a new meaning'in TIMES HAVE CHANGED
e greens,- came Winston Spencer Churchill, acutely,conscious of the two leaders agreed on how to ��
Ids famous reifies=ancestor, the Duke of Marlboro From the this country. He said: The war "Once upon a time," remarks
_ 1000-acre estate, perched.high above the Hudson, .ancestral manor help the Russians, how to stop the will be wan by the aide that has „ v<
Japanese in Indo-China, Itow to the last barrel of oil." the Vancouver Province, as edi- I
house of the solid Dutch Roosevelt thmily, came Franklin Delano In the threat of Nazi seizure of for could write a leading article
Roosevelt. If we accept the truth. )n this.. on the internationa) situation for '
Financial comfort, the beet educational advantages were open Dakar and Gibraltar througn statement we will find it just a "
to both. . . Roosevelt took the civilian road to.law through private Vichy's new collaboration, and.of little easier to .forego,some of the Monday's paper on Saturday.
Wheels, Groton and Harvard Churchill the military, through how to deal with a potential Nazi comfort and pleasure to be deriv. Instead of Tuesday.
Sandhurst. peace offensive. ed from the operation of a pas- —The Citizen, Ottawa.
Eloquence, energy, love of the sea, love for political combat link U. S. Planes to Africa senger motor car. � --
these men Churchill thrusting his way upward as war cornea- —Kitchener Daily Record. 'Two-Way" Pigeons
pendent and spectacular subaltern in the Boer war . Roosevelt 2t 1a evident that sDecirio-plana
entering politics in 1910. Both were in responsible leadership were considered by the announce- —o— ;Fpr U.S.A. Arm
dosing World War I . . . Churchill as organizer and seer, who planned ment that American civilian pilots AIR TRAINING PLAN
Cite Dardanelles Campaign which was so costly a failure . . . Roose- would ferry United- States war Such has been the speed-up in The United States army now
welt as assistant secretary of the Navy. planes from the United Staten to operation of the Commonwealth boasts two-way pigeons. They carry
Sharp-tongued, &foil and abrupt is Churchill . . . Smooth, British forces in the Middle East
persuasive, courageous and visionary is Roosevelt. Fighters Air Training Plan that it will messages going and coming.
„ by way of West Africa• reach its peak in September. neat Major John K. Sbawvan, head
- sgainst odds, Churchill maintained a stubborn lone-wolf opposition It is understood that some of the instead of in April, 1942, as or-
-to Tory policies for years. . . Roosevelt refused to yield to paralysis air fields to be employed will lie of the signal corps' pigeon breed-
which lamed his legs, built himself back to robust, fighting. health, iginally intended. It will then be Ing and training service at Fort
'guided 133,000,000 people through nine strenuous years. clogs to Dakar and other Paints in .producing as many as 2,500 train- Monmouth N. J., said.lu an Inter-
nter _
Alike masters of the written and spoken word . . . both have had French Weet Germany
Africa, where, a has ed air fighters .a month. That
saunas! 'op ztunities to see and know the world . . . short, stubby. been feared, Germany might estalr explains why, notwithstanding •Formerly we bad to _have one
solid, unyielding "Mr. England" ..tall, facile, eloquent, adaptable lish air bases constitu#ing b threat heavy enlistment in the air force, lofts at the rear o1 the lines, send ,
'"quarterback" of the American Team. to- this hemisphere. President more and. more men are steadily the pigeons to the front -in bar
- Roosevelt himself declared that required for it. kala, and release them to fly back _
- "the importance of this- line _Brockville Recorder and Times. to the lofts. -Now they travel both
of communication between our —� ways." u
I1lE WAR - WEEK — Cornmerttary on Current Events country and strategic outposts in
Africr cannot be over eafimated, THIS "SCREW-BALL" WAR' The method Of training is a e
"The ferry system and the trans- This is a screw-ball war. First secret
. - port services,' !lir. Roasecelt said. we sympathized with the Finns in
British, United States Agreement "provide direct and speedy delivery their brave stand against the
- Z Enlists
of aircraft from the'arsenal of de- Russians and, through the Red
-- '` Austraha � Airman
Magna Carta of present Century mocracy' to a critical point to the Cross and other agencies; trent or
_-_--v__ front against aggression." possible-aid to their country. For
Minister Churchill of- basin for s better future for the With regard to the ferry and this Finns offered heartfelt With a population of only 7,000,- .
liireat Britain left England for an world form the agreement. A sum• transport routes.-"the route of de- 000, Australia has enlisted its
unknown 'destination. About the Mary of them Is as follows:
livery is so arranged that it will 200,OOOth air force volunteer. This _
same time Presi3ent Roosevelt of 1. No territorial or other ag- nowhere pass through the sone-of tall of,Hitlerism. It is predicted is Yn addition to the Imperial
militia _
'the time: States embarked o f gr1. No
by the United States actuai warfare." that',the.meeting at sea of the two in the Australian Imperial force
a vacation cruller Atter a week or Britain. In Africa . the route probably great leaders ".will rank In. world and the volunteer defence tensa.
of rumor and coalecturs the an- 2. Territorial e h a a g e r only would run from Bathurst in Brit• significance with the signing of the Enlisted ti en now over"seas total
INMeement was made that the through self-determination, ish Gambia just South of Dakar, to Magna Caeca at Runnymede sad 228.000. Auete end fnetdefence pro-
two leaders had kept a dramatis g• "All peoples" have'a rig t to .' Khartum, _to .,the Anglo-Egyptian the adaption.of the Constitution-ot gram until the sad of neat June
rendesvous somewhere on the high the United States. _ will have cost >)1,982;b00,000.
choose their own farms of govern- Sudan, and thence perhaps to
seas, meat; those forcibly deprived of Cairo. Egypt. `
Peace Offensives the right should have it restored. It was understood that from the
No% doubt the most impelling i. Free fnteraationel trade. United States-to Africa the..trans- t •
reason for this meeting was that IS..World-wide co-operation to a* port route would pass through San
to a assn-to-man contact they cure "Improved. labor. standards, Juan, Puerto Rico; Trinidad; Para,
r at stake asides economic adjustments and social. Brazil: and Nadal. Brasil, the /
"jumping-ott" place for Afrjca,
greats matters
co security. -
"After the final destruction of Fighter and other.short-range i.
Ostensibly the morale factor la A. "Alt
-the spreading war struggle was the Nazi tyranny,' assurances.of a planes will be transported to Atri-
the chief subject for discussion.For secure peace,of"freedom from fear ca by ship, and bombers .and all ..--
several months now there have and want" other longer-range pines will be r;
Peen rumors of a forthcoming peace 7. Freedom of the seas. frown all the way.
offensive by'.the Axis powers. It S. "Abandonment of the use of One very important aspect of
this -development ie' that British
Httier should complete his con- force," disarming of aggressor-na nota would be released for fight
:west of Europe and advance peace tions, and lightening"tor-peace lov. D
_ proposals, what would be the re- ing peoples the crushing burden of tag cervi Japan is Warned
actiaa of a war-weary world 7 armaments."
�YonM a peace movement gain a Theser princialee constitute a It fa In the Far East that the `, r
foothold in England? Would a joint Anglo-American statement of meeting is expected to have im- e
*este-at-any-price cause spread is war aims and peace aims. They mediate and profound r arcus•
+ he framework of a demo- sfons, It Japan should start a
the United States? form t
But now-Mr; Churchill and Mr. erotic programme for peace and war In the South Pacific o la pre
Roosevelt have forestalled Hitler reconstruction. They should be- fitted that the Soviet Union would ! ��
R speaking first. They.have er come the basis of a vast front o4 open up the northern front with
by speaking
the peace terms upon freedom-lovfnT.--Peaceable .people a Siberian Red army of 1,000,000
who are prepared to men. Japan might then find ..it.
)which Great Britain and the United everywhere
__-gitstes will insist. These terms, fight for their faith 1n freedom wise to abandon her a reesi;be re-
�rawa up by the leaders of the and self-government They fill a pansionis.t ambitions since the re-
two greatest democracies In the great gap in the British war effort cent agreement is a cleat warning• '. Vi'''• ti. -
` world should have a heartening and and are a necessary counterstroke that the two greatest democracies ��
ttplittin8 effect to all German encu- to Hitler's new order. mean busiaesa. }#�i� t �•
Win War and,Peace ��11 k'
:pied -countries, where all peoples The emphasis on the economic (L•t �
who hive resisted Axis ,ggression aspects of the future is seen as f Great Britain and the United Ih1 Qii�.,_
have been trodden down by the In particular Importance. The promise States have pledged themelvea to
:'vaders• that both countries agree to further win the war and to win the peace. -
If.and when Arta peace propos- the access to trade and raw mater- The recent agreement makes it
W are made the world will now be fats-ou--equal terms to all states, clear to the world what we are
able to consider them in compari- victor or vanquished, is considered fighting for ani wlsCtlie enemy ie
with a' master stroke irk,forestalling a fighting against. It is also made
aoath the peace alms of the
Ina wiacfea. repetition of what happened after clear•that there will be no peace
The Eight' Points the last war. The fifth principle, by present negotiation but a peace
- �1ght common principles ae a forehadowing full collaboration o1 that can come only atter the down. ..,,It was such a nice day we decided to walk." -
%•'•rd 10 00,JiMWE. CARRY NOME A
a A►Olen Y nh— � � .. ...
-Rx- '4n '..,a.w-_♦ � ..(:r ' �•��
'.••s �,:. ...,., ... ,,..:. '�,^ - ",-r•...,.....,:? r�'`O .T^7x- "K. +i
aAr'.. •144 ,.;
• .r•e,. ... .."emsr ... .x,; ..>..,..' .:.r ,,,r .. ,fr _ - +n.-. :3 E �.y. i �'!.
�.,,,.•.. . ..... � 4q•... _„ .. ,. :.'..;,a. ..'. ...: '.. - ..4•'x- '.3` ,. '
$. ^l ..,. .,:.:. •. .� .'.." '-.,e: � w #'• +.,, W r '41l#5.,
.r x:
Cheaper Meat Cuts
High in Nutritiont l
_"FEEL EWA =0 'MICS _ Good meat at low cwt is part
of our home defence economy, pickles and Relishes
CUM SINCE VE BEEN And beef'presents greater variety
is low cost cuts than any other
E�T�NO iiELLN�'i •� .40 meat, 'Favorite Gress Tomato P"Ie „ . '
New findings of scientists re- .1 peck green tomatoes thinly k "
Yea1- meat 1} a go>t�lete source of
4 onions thinly sliced
a - - protein whch builds and repairs
1 QtFD salt SEE?r.'p4r t
muscles and keeps firm flesh on
"I suffered from constipation for the bones. 'Meat also contains es- ounce cloves CY: ' [ , '•
time, and tried all loads of of"bull,"in the diet.Eat this de- sential vitamins, especially the 3iy ounce allspice berries
' medicine, but relief lasted onlya
licious cereal(or tsy it is minas) Vitamin B group, which intludes ounce peppercorns ,
short time. Finally I tried every day and drink plenty of Vitamin B necessary for t/a oup brown mustard seed
ALL-BRAN,andIame somuch . water. But remember, it doesn't, x ec growth, 1 lb. brown sugar
better since eating thia�eliciow work like harsh purgatives appetite and protection against 4
areal every morning," writes Ii. ALL-BRAN takes time. At your certain diseases, green.peppers finely. chopped _
Mason, St. Faustin Village. Que. gyp two convenient size Your butcher can offer many Cider vinegar to cover k,
KELLOGG'S ALI.-BRAN helps packages or in individual serving excellent and low cost 'cuts of 'Combine thinly sliced tomatoes
you'get at the cause of constipa- packages at restaurants.Made by beef. and onions with salt and let stand
tion due to lack of the right kind Kellogg's in London, Canada. These include: chuck, shank, over night. Drain. Rinse with cold ?
brisket, flank, plate, round, rump, water if too salty. Add remaining
and the so-called beef specialties, ingredients and simmer slowly. for
each as 'brains, heart, 'kidneys, 40 or 50 rknutes. Seal in sterile MARRYING a drug stare counter on a side liver, tripe and oxtails, Jars.
s a ran
made some inquiries about ,t 24 ripe tomatoes
MARK the sale of her books, and finally Sows Silk Ear 2 tablespoons salt
• • n to earth a timid little man +
• by teaspoon pepper _ �•
by in a second-hand book shop. He One proverb says you cannot Wash, stem and cut' tomatoes �e":.a►"t`� �
�OIEE DUlll[ll listened warily. while she told him make a silk. purse from a sow's but do not peel. Add salt and pep- _
about the library, He seemed,Lucy ear, but another proverb says that per and cool very slowly for 30
SYNOPSIS decided, to be afflicted • with necessity Is the mother of laven. minutes. Pour into sterilized jars _
chronic suspicion. Re could never, tion. Our advice to sows is to take partially sealed and- process for- DELIiC1OUSl _
After Mark Alexander's beauti- be said, commit himself without no chances, but guard their ears 25-minutes in a water bath or In Enjoy Its delicious
fur.•. wife Ellen died, her whole seeing- the'books. And even then carefully until the ban on silk Is an oven of 276 degrees for 20 min- peppermint fiavost�t'ev
family became interested, in Val- ,fit QmV
—with times- what they were— removed, warns Frank Sullivan !n ales. Remove and seal tightly at meal. relieves that erie, Ellen's daughter by a for- were— - PM. ons feeling helps keep �eLGI.
mer m:rrlape. A11 save Shirley Lucy thanked him and went baby- deaagbrightandattmctive..e1. T
seemed to have their eyes ori the SWEET PICKLE
to the hotel. Even with five cents • Clean 300 little cucumbers, place breath pieas,tat. °
trust fund' left Valerie by Ellen, in her pocket and no sale. for her r�RQN 1N TNREE In crock with two-thirds cup salt GET SOMI TODAYI
Dorothy, Elise, and their husbands, books,•there was an extraordinary �Y VERSIONS sprinkled 'over. Pour s kettIeful
a . ` want Valerie to _live with them, tilt in her spiHte.
of boiling 'water"over them. het
I but Mark will have none of it. _She -met Valerle's .eager hand, on topic• for der aolama, and is
T` stand over night. Tn the morning._
Mark and Valerie go on a two- and turned, a cheerful grin on even ready to Hates to roar •pet
drain well, add gallon vinegar,
months' a�utomoblle trip and as bfatk. She had, aIle said, made � peeves." Hegaeeta for reclpw •e
they near home, they meet Lucy ` 4 tablespoons mustard, the same special Menus are to order. address
Inquiries about towing in the Aark, of salt,: the same oL white sugar, your letters to Miss Sadie IL Chari.
Tredway, owner of a broken-down bees, 1'S Kest Adelalde Street Ta•
.aad eceapplag It. G }s cup mixed spices, a root of rest Se■d eramped4•elt-addressed
traveling library. -Mark,asks Lucy "Butt want to salvage the Ark," ginger. Boil Logetiier and pour e■ elopo It you .sista s rephr,
to tutor Valerie and live with explained Mark.. "You never knew r over: pickles. Set in cool place. QQ y
a hem. when we may need it. And-then Take 3 -lbs' of white sugar:kad �•omnis r7t l
CHAPTER ELEVEN you may not like-us, and may want a „' each morning add riy cupful, stir '
Mark knocked at Valerie's door to escape in,the night, How bwocld + ping well, Use % cupful.each morn- Outstrips Male
the next morning, just as she was you make your get-away?"
• Tag an `no more until all Lha
about to knock bn his. -He came - -"'o what?" asked -Lucy: But an sugar is used.
In and drew her down beside him unforseen hope was stirring. a This recipe la;very -quaint In !L Alan Devore, In, the
Amer!-on the window seat overlooking "So leave the Ark to me. I'll + e wording: but I am passibg-it on to can Mercury,.Toth How Mrs.
- the hotel gardens. "Just in case have It put in shape and sent.
You.'It was sent to me to try and. - :_-Mosquito Biters
- home. It's a—a sort of institution.
you have five minutes you don't + I can assure you, if you db exactly
know what to do with before l Couldn't abaadon.ff, , I mean<it:' o - -
as you are told, it will glue you Were all mosquitoes males, iiia
breakfast,"- he said. '•'But I can't let you" protdsted o v A i a .delightful pickle. ban= race would doubtless pay
"IL you're sure it won't be any Lucy,.-"And`. I can't . afford any + GRANDMOTHER'S PICKLE g
more repairs: So I redly don't ` them small attention. The bussing
again—' she leaned her head sem, a • e 12 tart apples _ of�equito-wings,.which we now
against his arm, and looked down " ' .1 cup. needed.raisins so attentively remark in the sum-
" an the flower beds, ma'Iticolored Look at it this way. I'm buying o 1 —In the morning .sulrshine. But p p c , teaspoon .ground ,logon mer quiet;. would. not be more
the Ark for the repairs. And chew , •
when she heard about Lucy, shp enorFb.-I want the books too, You � 1 teaspoon cinnamon meaningful .than any other trifling ,
sat straight up. can .buy them all back later, if 1 teaspoon ginger insect sound; the flutter of Sphins,
,.. you want to. But 1'd feel a' 'bola 1 teaspoon curry, powder moths around. our phlox- beds W
"How did you know?" she cried. lot better about.it that way. All x-..1:.' 1 teaspoon -dry mustard - the 'dim drone of locusts In the
'Know wha .
_ . t•
• d 3,14 cups granulated r clover fields:
sled u"'What I was wishing for? Ever right. p dna -. sugar : a
-eines you brought her' int4i the • 'It's marvelous,- said Lucy. She . 3S teaspoon Bali For the mala mosquito's foods
• car. Whey I saw her to my dress. -would work twice as hard witb 1 quart cider vinegar- _ are vegetable saps and julcee; h(a
I could hardly bear n mIt— mean: Valerie to make Up for It. It-was w r: 'Wipe and chop apples. Combini life fmpingee not at all on human
a great load off ;her mind. Sha with other ingredients in preserv. life; he .remains an unnoticeable
giving her upl She's so -sweet,. ' ing' kettle. Cook uncovered gentlyslid harmless .'t'requenter of lire -
father. And she's—oh, like one hadn't quite reafised what the -until thick (erboat 80.. minutes), meadow grass and underbrush.
t • of tis. Bo many people aren't, If Ark meant until she 'abandoned
i you, It by the roadside to the rain, - stirring frequently. Pour Into stet% It is only- the tamale moagntts
�C � �',• And selling her fatller'a books had Ile jars. When cool'_se_al-with,hot that has an appetite for animal
ve noticed," said -k(ark. "� parrafin, blood, and an apparatus for- pro.
seemed awful. Now that she wan
don't want you 'l lose your en-
�; curing ft. ,$o tiny and quick
_ thusiasms. but we'll go a bit slow going to be a wage earner, she PLUM CONSERVE - '
just the same." could. as she seggeoted, buy. the ,4 lbs,:plums Is the puncture that in itself It
would doubtless cause no distress
"How?" things back, fry Ib. raisins ter a man
or. animal.-The distrbss
.. An aid Colle-e Friend T 2 lemons
"Well—Lucy instals oa our look- 0- 3 lbs. shear Is caused by a quite different open•
tag her up. Probably we II do it 'Mark hunted up the best garage -
today. The places are all Dear- In town, and made_'arrangement+ 4 Ib, nutmeats _ anon which the mosquito per
oranges forma simulta h ber
about the Ark and about sending '. neo sly uwlt
Then she'll• go home with us and Combine all 'ingredients except blood-sucking, u
try it out. Then if she doesn't the books to Wide Acres,
Their -4W3 As- she draws in the blood
nutmeats and• boil until 1t veer through the. groove!n 'the labrcat.
like ns, or-we don't like her, we'll luggage was stewed away to the gives
,. Beall the whole thing oft." Lucy eand
they start dark-to hunt c the usual .test`for jelly. Then add she pours out also the secretion
' "It'll be wh - tried to Bt Anne Adams nutmeats. Boil up Dace and place
In sterile jars. of her salivary glands. This fierce
ilio her out of the ides but 'Whether you run a household PLUM JAM irritant flows- through a tube in
positively. You'll Y
lea I know I shall always love wh . he saw what it meant' to. 'yourself or just like to make uae= another of her stylets, the tiypo-
her,•he decided to go'through with ful�gifts, cups crushed plume
her, Something tells you about g here.s a style ,to head - pharynx, and she injects-it into
.._,people. It's 'tunny. Of course, it it, they called .first on the judge your sewing list! Pattern 4803 �i cup water'
7% cups sugar ' the wound.jIta purpose is to delay
?would'be silly not to like you—" who meted ort justice at the Al. is a cheery, easy-to-make Anne cup pectin until.her feeding is completed, the
"Is my Lace red!" said Mark. �Ie lington, court,-house,_Allington was Adams apron in".three -versions. - coagulation 'of the blood, ,
the county seat and the court wag' All have smooth u Do not peel fruit, Pit and cut
,jumped up and pulled her to her ""upped" waist- into small pieces and crush tbor• —
teet, "Do in session, which was a break tar-
you want-me to be a Lucy, bands; iron-slipping straps and oughly. Measure crushed plums Without Water
conceited old span with a' squint ..., optional pockets. , Apron A shows
[a my eye from looking down on Valerie was much impressed by. a pointed neckline and ric-rac into large preserving kettle, add ,Life TI11 oissihle :
people?" She dropped behind hini the building, which was of Civil trim. The other two versions water-and stir until mislays holly, :!., p
• :on their way to.the elevators, eye- War vin Simmer, cover,cd. 16 minutes. Add Lite as we-know it is.im ssroie
y lege, with a round an- have -scalloped -necklines and po - :..
Ing .him slim erectness critically. rather. tarnished dome. The sugar, mix and bring to a full roll- without water. Is there water on
pro bodices cut in-one.:with.the leant igg boil over hottest tire. Stir Mars? IL so, the chance of last
"You'll never be old, father," .she cesses of the law terrified her shoulder straps. Doesn't Apron. constantly before and while boil planet's supportdn
-said seriously. "You'll just go on slightly until she met Judge C look dainty with its scalloped g life is good; it ,
lug. Boil hard 1 minute. Remove •not the case for Martian`life mist
and on—being you." grown, who was round also, and edges, ribbog-and-lace ,trim 'and_ from fire,and stir'in pe'etin. Skim. be thrown out. Astrophysicists of
Lucy met them later in the a' little like the 'dome, el<ce:pt for heart-shaped pockets? Make up Pour quickly. into preserve jars, the Mount Wilson Observatory ` F
hotel lobby. She made no explan- the tarnish. all three styles!
ation as to why she badn't joined He greeted Lucy with' wheezy Pattern 4803' is;:available iu -sealing in the usual way, have applied the most delicate
them for breakfast. ' Ass matter enthusiasm. He had gone }o cal- ' sizes small ' 32-34 , medium 3ti- sbectggraphic tests without de
QL fact, she had 'got up early 'on lege with her father, and was rite ( ) ( suss utumbere 4.eleomes person■► tecting the slightest indication of -
38) and large (40-42). • Small letter. from Ister"ted readers. She „
purpose, preferring to conduct her definite in his ,opinion of the , size, apron A, takes 2 yards 35 l• pleased .to reeel.•e sugRestio■s water vapor on biers.
business transactions alone. family: inch- fabric and 1 yard ric-rac; ;,
She,packed the primrose taffeta, "Surely that's enough," sail apron-C, 17rb yards 35 inch fabric
the alippers, the nightgown, and Mark, as they came out of, the and 8 yards lace edging, 5
Y g g, apron. B,
the drug store soap in a little bag musty corridors Info the sunshine.
• '`-2t>4 yards'35'inch fabric. -
Valerie had loaned her, and came C.
one more—Mr. Barrows, Send twenty cents (20c) in MAE
down fo theoffice and aid her over at the. bank 'in Melton.- is coins (stamps cannot be accept- _
only ten miles. You promised!" ed) for this Anne-Adams pattern
Z. After that,she had just twenty They dragged Valerie away to Room 425; 73 Adelaide St. w PHOTOS
Ave conte, twenty of which she ez- itom the pigeons' strutting over West Toronto. Write • plainly "
changed for coffee and rolls at the grass in the courthouse square size, �'name, address and style r'
_ and .rent back to-the car. number.
"You never told me he was a - ALL
THE - - (�� P
II iii li
• \����t TE /��/ . president," said Mark an hour - � - ;,\,,.,• ,
later. He was, he said, tremendous- Nothing.swanky,. like a bank, Just ydau two Cern „gurri „� �„
ly awed by 'bank presidents, "And a chemical company, 13vt it I Burch !axis for esi%'p�a ,,the ti.e o�rzo other pia
he's known - tare desired—or Doe Hee twee•will be seat with your _
you since you mere don't show up once in a while, theyyegyrypybe
l firs, at specify your - rry:
j five Don't 'you Peel completely may throw me etre bzr my ear ' mime. address, picture or
vindicated b now?" To start, select from the rpuested---•sbdose
y So. Lucy had t0 be satisfied. "Flyin Torpedo"—•'Sky oecewary labels end maU to . y
< "I suppose so," said Lucy doubt- They drove back to Allington, to Rocket4'—•'Liihtnins the 9t.Lawrence Starch Co '
' fully. "I did so want you to -see find the vasa 'towed' In and wo:k Denaac "Spitfire„- Undted, Part Qvdit, ant
the_ dean—but it you haven't already begun. Lucy let down the
MUE 35;--t41 time _ back steps ami eltmbid aboard M` _.�..
"We haven't.,” said Mark. "I'm Rack her things,.
C - a hard-working president myself, (To be oontinuedj
-- ,......... i ,:.. .:..>L:_ur`d-v�r .. .:_ -,4.e�. •..�.�7 .:._.:.e.v:,.e•,.,-.a:.w _� �... .;t<.: �a•.�r:.wm r ,e., . .. y_� .n..a.'''' . .. - .._:,.,....x. .......�•+..:-.:s::" :.4."b":
t`•'';�.-,..- inti .,+f-• � J ...,"•. .�, ♦ _ xsr
_ ".« e• .,• :,+,},.. .. _.. ....2+. '..,.:. .. .x. n. �r � `°" r ..L"ka• . u.'.tt A :',er - —
� y
xs ' �•
BROLJGHA Reco:nme ed '
-so - alb
�• THE PICKERThiG�EW9 •• � -Men' 3O, ��, .. .houaands why Have wined better �
Pgp, VIM VIGOR, Suunorn al Mrs. D. Crawford is conf sed . tc .�ealth. --BOYES' DRUGS.-
Terms S Wwnt nor^►a, pep, vim, vigor, >e•i, and i3 under the do^tar's care.
-ler yesr.' SL50 b �* WANTED gpert t>ervi�e and . re-
vitality• Try Ostrex 'Tonic Tablets Sig. )✓icnar Crawford was 1 o e DEAD (iQRS�5 AND CAI TLE pairs to all makes. P,e3s- _
Subscriptions to the United States Con•aif, toaics, stimulants, oyster 'or tis weep-end. _
and Gt. Britain, $2.00 in advance, elements--•aids to normal ped after M:. T. l:C��rtson and Mr. D. Beer For free piCK up phone onable charges. Work
20, 40 or 50. Get a special introduct- -Fere in Tcrcnto on Saturda dROOKLIN .. 55 _guaranteed.
Clarence. Richard:on _
ary size fol only 35a. Try this 211 to bt:. and Mr. CLA.REMiON y 913 .
John Murksr, Pro normal pep and yim today. For gale >f SrookLn, were callers on'Sunday PICKERING - 5A6 AR 1 H U R
at all good drug stores- with the Crawford family.
Miss Adelaid:, Coates, ClarEra oat, PICKERI'tiG 2149 i Graduate Radio and Tcievisiaf
Advertbsam�ts LAND SURV visited on Wednesday, :With heigaunt AGIAICOURT .. zone
.• Member Official Radio .
CiassitfaE EYOR We ' pay. the. P • c>:?_Chtirgec insti,ute;
Mrs. J. Boden.
Service Mec's Aasociatioo,
FOR SALE` — 10 -cows, milling F. j DON 'AN, B. AM Sd. 'C Mr: and Mrs. Alex. Rowney . and : -
.good. With or without calves. 7 Hol- Sarver Gibson and A *Id, S children, an the Misses Mary and =_GOR•DON YOUNG LTD
steins and 3 Durbwo. Sogne_ young I� So. Fes• Osbavm. phone., Elizabeth Rowney, of Torv,,:�o, were Toronto Phone Ad.3a 8 a
cows, nearly fresh. Harold Spencer, a are the seoor� guests at the Brows home on 5atur-' 1 The-
day. Pickering
Con. 9 Pick 6• S. Oa !tt _ n
_ --- -
=Lot . 1,. , _..... eringl Phone 1>�L 18 M N�`. I
O* �- MEAT M E�
claret. ? r 24. .2 3 Mr. and b[rs. Call ,.Burton,_
Richmond Burton, of Grosse Pointe,• • •
IdIMLE-AGED LADY — wanted to — - N K AN D - 11 1 _
' I4Lich, visited Mr. and M� M 'Ham .F'U ERAL' p�ti�,L�t;'ft) t19
- substitute#or practical nurse; attend-
*j�C Ilton and °t e:'relatives, recently.y EXHA..aIi,Ec We carry a 'fu i Of
ing aged lady. Apply Nuts Office A E On Thursday evening, friends in tt er,
- thered at.the Town :.
^ueeaor>to W J• Sd h Fresh
FOR-SALE Fordson tractor, 1929, With the this community present
ga dto,tltville
spade and cleat wheels, fenaers, coin-
Ball to present,gifts to Miss, Noma d yei.•y,iee
- chanted. Don. Gibson, R. Harden and Mr. Walter Vickers, ok of Ni ht uad Day and
`L pietely overhauled. U N I O N V.I L LE Gamebridge, whose.. marriage to o �
&, i, Pickering: Baaiaess Pa.�ue R�sil.na. Pa• a t ure�• J
_ FARMERS place on Saturday last. After spend-
?lace $8I
-- R SALE =silo, 13 x s0;" also JIINtOR Ing the week-end at. Gasr_ebrldge, - + Meats _
i� lel
milk-house, Farr's Elevator, Clare- they-left on Monday`for C{uebec, 'to f'� O
mon{. In visit h`orna�s birth>lase, airs. Gill- N
o ��V �V `" ^
" man, Mildred and Ruth going. to see bur dellverylsat your ser4Lao
'100 FEET more or less, 1 1-2 in. F whom she has
Eros pipe, for sale. APPLY Fred Ward, bIARSH�M FAIR ARENA the .former's father, of all kincr Phone Pick 1620
Bowling Club, Claremont. not seen for a number of years. The We do Bullc2inR CLARENCE SfitK
On happy couple were the recipients of :CAELPZNT8RtNG. '
: ELDERLY LADY wishes good r. _ many lovely and useful gifts.. The GEMEPITINO
home, is refined Chriatia., family, FRIDAY, SEPT. 5TH best wishes of the district is extend- PLUMBING �on or near Highway. Boz 229 Ne�wv Russ CREIGHTON � to the young couple. COCKSHU iii
`:0lfice. i0m Thursday afternoon, Aygust ad
eo le, old and R), Nl3 Bonibt and Sold ?1DMlS3lON, 35CT5. 21st, about seventy p p FrostWood
young, gathered at the home of ltdra.
- Pic-
-USED CI.tYi`SiNG. sTERZ�, - Philip, int the Annual Re-union edit Braotfned Ru+�B.oi
Cleaned and praised tike now. We sic of the W. M. S., guesffi coming Dleteriata, Empire Bathroom
of .ttueb Gwen River. Osh- gq�iposent. Duro.Wates
nesived a lar�"s_ - +Q from Markham, Agency
Huss seatlemees suits, pants, large BROC - - avrea,- Pickering, Greeawcad and Kin- gysteam Beatty lR� 9lselt w lft*v so �■+ .. -
Devotional exercise$ st-sble $gnioaaeat -
�" costs.elq. .Ysry reasonable. It � � � sale Regular Building !d`teriaf i3es'�ire e■ sbon madv�r
will pay you to come bare before you were led by praeWent Mrs. T. I
wi aa,yry youhere else. Sam Sc3nsartz, 21 booEe�i" as esid5l! !s as�sis
Bond W. West, Odihswa. 4i5-g "' =*S,+$�'' ton, assisted by Mrs. Johnston3ohnatoa and $wtimwtee Fees Plsw4 asrww+s
Mrs.Holtby Mrs. Nair, Mrs. Geo. Work Guaranteed Idip-
We also -make suits to measure' WIIWI,and Miss Bayles led in many p ��TT L• LYE •
-aad 'minter-costa guaanteed to fit., -Hehlthiszlly Air-conditioned A _ :F. J. C ,til V SE
Al allows Daylight Sariag Time interesting games and projects;
$est worknianaki3iK delicious 'tea Waa served on the
---- Claremont, Ont.
THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY lawn at the close. The wish was exp- Phone R30Z
_ AUGUST 28, 29, 30 reseed.that ail might be spared for
r FICl4 O -I
F IN MEMORIAM another ye r.s re-union.
M,vo shows at 1.30 and 9.30
Saturday Matinee at 1.30 1✓Ir.,.andr$> R.. Fuller acid son of
_• •LINW-N r- In .loving pinnorjr of _ Windsor, spent a few days last vreek r
I _ _
William Linton,-Rho.passed away at ANNA NEAGLE, In parked with
trailer on Gannon's lot
Ont., on Sept. 1st, 1940. �I�� while they visited relatives in this
Claremont, • id,�Ul\Yfl.
One..year hath- paseed, dear Will,. w = vicinity. Robert was teacher of the ��R
: Since you were called away: RAY BOLGER and Brock Road schoRi for a collets of - - Q IDITION
Bow well do I-remember - : ;
th J�H` CARRDLL years. Many years ago, his parents
end weary day• _. Robert and the late Emma Barclay
That sad t�'ife Plus — Canada Carnes On —
£uller.v<ere natives of this neighbor- �-'
hood. Robert Jr.. I compiling a fain -
-- Strategy in Metals
fly record and $Pending his holidays. _1
-PIC PtiBLIG facts by registration ret- —
i Ips„ aria. These researches take time and
After`t}►e First of September, the SEPTEMBER 1,' 2 arid-3 patience.
Pickering Public Library wall-be op- fiollday Matinee, Monday.-at 2 P. m,
en two days a week,'instead of the "Western. Union" Notice of Dissolution
-three, as at present; ` -
t.,Library. hours.will be as follows: in Technicolour NOTICE hereby given that the
is g i
Tuesday — 2.30 to B P. m• With ROBERT -YpU`G : .. __ ._; partnership lately subsisting between.
ULundersigned EdwAr.d I. Boothe `
► 'Saturday — 3 P. m. to 5 p. R -N DOLPH SCOTT us the
n carrying . on, f
R 7:P• m: to 9.30 Pa m• DEAN JAGGER and Ross A....Munro ,
VIRGL.IA GILMORE business as General Merchants und- 1
er' the firm name of. Boothe and
:.' .Pearson's -_Cartage ,iBER , and 6 _
COML\G THURS.RS FRI. SAT 5iurison:in the Village of Pickering,
�SgPT£b 4 5 a _. in the County of Ontario. has been, �
as of August 6th,1941,•disolved by
�i ff mutual consent so far as regards.the.
DAILY I Wanted Wings
00 o retires
- -
With, iitAY :ti1ILL-SND said Edvrard T' Boothe, nh
from the firm ,
The business in future will be car-
• r Moving
. . }�'UrIlitU £s . _�. _. ..._ -r-- ried on by the said Ross A, M n,
��'' who will par and discharge-all debts
Your Patronage ie Api�reeiated PICKERING -BILLS and liabilities and receive ail moneys
pay able to the: said firm. - /
r Shur-gain feed ser- T
�, C.V. HARVEY PEARSON DATED at Pickering this rth day of
gu t, 1. _
�. c.E.H.
Prop. vice mill, chicken -
August, 194
Signed .
starter, -. .. ,grOWing . I. E. Boothe, - R. A. Munson :
•:Give pourself and your service station moaw�
�roumash, laying mash, - - W.IfEwe a break. Let him sheets up polus It. and
.� • -The alotoer you Pat it,is shape to save gasoline. It.gives
-� �p mash 'o - OC� ptOFi eve, she more him needed work and helps you keep your
COuNt err range ! y AND you save!' 50/50 Pledge. Every gallon eouats see
chat not a drop is wasted: our Fightia�
r -••e�^cx�lOns starter, concentra• Forces need all the gasoline they can get.
In'the Estate of David Winter, of ,
_ tes, calf starter, turn the Township of Pickering, Deceased
— - - key -s#atter, =salt uz
Creditors of David Winter of Pick •
, Stonemason, who
ering Township, / ' •
eeM in blocks• and bags died at Pickering Township, 7uby
13th,,1941, are requested to ...send
•' Purina fly sprays particulars of their claims to the un-
dersigned before August 29th, 1.941,
:for cattle. •''� after which. date'his estate will be
�npli but rich'de- w
distributed among the parties en- •
/Inn we can furnish D
D. N. L o wo o d titled thereto,,and the executors will-
pdepnorisls thsiti Will not be liable for any claims of which
emery PICKSRING.I;0NT• they have not then received notice..
AwAVOint, In dignity WE DELIVER .. :. REDUM _
spp�ace our ✓E'H NN b31T DARED at OahaM1va, August 7th, $1 e00
will stand out 1941. - FARER .
work "Daily'Except Sunday, ARE
Wrougb the ages. : ItOSEBANK _ . ... - -• '
_ No Greater Tribute ..�...-. W. E. N Sinclair, K: C.,-,Bank of August '23rd to September` 6th` t���'
X. W. STAFFORD $27.40 Wscs sent the B. W. V. Fund Montreal Building, 9shawa, Ontario. LEu&� PICKERING �hOs11 A
_ Momeaer► from the proceeds' of the-Concert (Eastern Home) r '"eeeeCt'T'""t"'' k"e / `
_ ,marks and Sale of Home-made baking,_held SALE REGISTER gegular Coaches' t. j""*'r ft "
468 Whitby at the Roaebaak Park Pavilion, an
.� auction LEAVE-TORONas) ' r
Friday evening.last. Pies, cakes etc. SATURDAY, SEPT. lith
Kingston Road were d9nated by the neighborhood sale of horses, cattle aid sheep and (Bay, at Dundas) �_. - EASTERN HOUSE
wishers. chickens, at Lot 17, Con. 10. 1 1-2 Regular Coaches PHONE 4b06
A - miles east-of Greenbank, property-of Until Sept. 8th
Egwt Painter and Decorator — Paul Diamond. Terms cash. No Re- ,
Hoed r3m eaship• Reasonable. EL serve, as the barn has been burned. 1- -
J, IPA -- --
iist o ms's B+F�
Id at i o'cioc$ ttme. Tad
_-.. Jackson, auctioneer
-..:....av+=,uses.•r...,...s. x sr:..�_. ..., --�.�•.... "......:-_� __s�--._.�...+-_:,..�. "...�,:... .•. .'_,e,.. •.,.�.t.:�,.t>�a..::=,c' '3 ..y:.,_.... .yd-:s .. ..a..'!, m r` ,�z n fs:.,.:
., r,•, ...,.. ... d . '.,1 a . .,.f � yy�..,3.y �,. .,,,N; .Ji,nk', M." < wisR,:.
ve ipleaswt �A
experience for everyone. Thirty to � ��� IOMJ%L
Mr. and Mrs. Magnus MoFgan and fifty cars in,,the circle around• the � _ k' Be sure to keep,the Flower Show_
:family. of London, are visiting their stand each service. Service on Sun- s � on Septi 10th; in mind. . ,M"
relatives here. day morning next at the usual hoar _ Donations of 6 quart baskets pf
in the United Church; and the ser- _- e les wi be rec ived at
Dr. and Mrs. To niiengon`are away ---- ATH v getab 11 a the
vacation to the north "�' in the evening at 7.30 iz the 'PLOWING Horticultural Show to be auctioned
.on their annual scat
country, Park. You will have the opportunity _ off for the British War Victims'.
of showing your a-)predation of the
Aug. 30th there
4Robt. Redshaw is re rtes to have _ Friday evening, r�
taken over the Bennett home in the ioYal, generous services of our. band ro ■ _ (will be a corn roast for members, at is
village. at all of these open-air servces - ��O t the home of Mr. and Mrs_ Raines,g Pete . . .
r llirs.-Warden and family have'r-0t- the offering at this service will be _ Dumbarton. s
urned after spending a w"k with doQated to`the band -(Not including Sunday 16th) One of -the coat successful outings
-their grandmother. Red Cross Saaiage hale - 1 took, place last Thuit3day, when a'
The Claremont = North Pickering visit was made to the nurseries at
Mr. Lewis .,pent the week- end in g` 160 -28 Osliavra with.•Ms. and D2re+. Gordon Unit. of the Red Cross are holding On .�' hwaD anville, followed a -- tea' at
Graham. a Salva Sale in ' the Community, the GYeasa of Barley Camp:
Miss Katie Beaton, R. h., of Tor- Park here 'on-September 27th -at 1 Tho Eaton Trophy of last year is
onto, tip-peat the week-end in the viii- P m= Evee•�Une is invited to contrib- D mute labour shortage and other difficulties, the fanners of being given again for the Garden
ate some of those preserved pickles, pictures in
. age. Canada have achieved aremarkable -increase in •exporxable. supplies of Competition Winners, •- . • _
Miss Eileen- Smith of Bolton, is fits.etc., some of those artioles is concentrated food-products as much needed across the water, particularly solos now being taken. If yoel haw
holidaying with Miss Margaret liven- the attic or basement fqqr wnich you bacon, cheese and eggs. Even greater sacrificies may be necessary in 1942 a corner of your garden that would
have no further use, buf still in use-
_ :.reedy this v�eek. '� and therefore it is important that , farmers and thein families be given make a Pmt, notify the Secretary
,k number from here nded the able condition - in fact, anything every j-pssible encouragement. In consideration •of these. faats,.and
funeral of the late-Harry sones, ut saleable.' Collectors will be at every .bearing in mind that Plowing Matches were held throughout the
Brooklin, at Salem Cemetery. door in town a receive your dona-
tion. Here is another way in which 1914-18 war period, the Officers of the Ontario Plowmen's Association
Misses Muriel and Audrey Rawson, are determined to conduct the 1941 International in the most vigorous
.�' of Wilcox Lake; are visiting their you can help. - without any sacrifice and efficient-manner possible. -
grandmother,, Mrs. & Rawson, her
whatever. Make up your list today PERMANENT N AGG I!�C PAIN t
Hiss Margaret McDonald, of To and be prepared, when the ,;ollectozs _ T _ e
onto, has returned to Toronto, after• call,The ladies are planning to makeapleJ�lilai ��t�.r�rl�
spending a month with Mrs. Ed. it a "day.,' The booths are likely to be
i y LesPis• operated,,-and possibly some games. InTantr Cd, ND N ERI ES. IT MAY BE
We had an opportunity of viewing STANLEY Tj*ANMA UUL CM YOUR EYES.
You should have Beard what Jack the y e Exhib- �■i
Norton said, when she power went Ilse two quilts that go ton _,�,_ C. H. TUCK.OPT. D. .
off, while he was working at it very` Won on the 29th, to be entered in -
j aportant-task this week. the Quilting Contest. One attractive - 'Cheap Tates !az Farm sad O> �! s� am f. Or
d has severed one, so we thought, is a two-colored Thedre buildings.
Mr. Gordon Overlan French blue and -
lh eouneation with the Phillips Glass twenty-block affair, Windstorm Insurance on Buildings +W&VL 011e
Co., o Oshawa, and is now with the "-m with a Victory 'IV' in the cen- `Phone wo'STOUFIrVILLS Windmills, Silos eta- .
` General Ddobors. qre oi'. each block. The other is of s µ
Automobile Lumumpes et t�
This seems to be the season for similar pattern in a two -tone brown THURSDAY, FRI. and SATL TP � Rinds R.
C. C �li'S _
�� of wedding belle In the al". The ladies are expected to AUGUST_28, 29 and 30 TPr{ts or !' asst � e+'
the r n and elsewhere:' Tits Lewis !lsve two-thirds of the work complet- �
a 9- ed before entering the content, vPlsich S1 y FII BBA�L D]ER$(aTOB
Bakery is at present.decorssfssg Buck PrivatesBOWMAN & ROWB
story ake destined for Raglan. .. Is•carried on from 4 to P. m. on'
lira. Beverley, Mrs. Peters and that day. There are about one bund- WITH �i wrBY, 02�TARIO i Private Atntiialane -
7[iss Peters: of Port Perry, and E1- red entries, with ars' tadlee to each - - - - Dry and Night
neons Carruthers
spent a day a tot- quilt. U the weather is favourable; BUD ABBOTT and LOU CASTELLO Repair Shop ?bons 9900
the flapmtest frill be conducted ant-of- _ _ - AI,gO _
-chard Beach last week. _ _ _ Ji%I v e r 93006 .
Another Tournament at the local doors. We wish them the very best
a ;_Tractor Service Markham, -ret.
Bowling Green on Labour Day. Mix- of success. We also discovered, BLOB HAWI►E
-.:ed Doubles .st'1. P. tn. Wm. Birkett believe, that some local pies in _ . :. Circsduate 1.41. C. Tractor Sc.
;and Ernie'Baker took one of the on Firstesday tor-be Contest entered in th e- $5 ti .10 ears experience
Firsts, at fire Stouffville Tournament. e a Take it or y P
Service is all mekes of 'Praetors � . . . '
e peCl emi -
First is War Savings Certificates vr-inner, well hear about it-.next week :* e _ __
of — if:we do not ?? -,_ eaV lts�
Licensed Garage Strvie � � Ct�:
:. . - _ _ Satisfaction guaranteed
Mrs. Lgn. Ixslkey anal.Mrs. Reye lid -
left town on' Saturday morning last AMATEUR SHOW TO
T WED'$DAY JOHN NnRTOV _ _. .. 20
(real early) for Oshawa, to see the Fun, MOS SEYPTEM$ER TUESDAY,2 and 8 1'hone5104 CLAREMUNT ,FARMERS
Duke of Kent, during his -visit to Good prizes - 3 Hours
that city._The Duke would appreciate and Dancing after-.the Show, makes --
-.labs effort of our ladies. up the evening's Program at Picker- "Rangers of -
_ Sunday next wi11. see the last of ing-Beach--Tonight: Hata, Horns, - -,Barclay+Transport Feed Mimi 4 Plant. We boy ..
Balloons and -Novelty Dances. Every-
=this summer's union church services. FOf tune': _
The, large, somewhat unexpected con-. ,ody welcome. 'Corr on down. H. V•. aveBuilding'.
E�raine, -Clover Seeds.
gregations at the evening out door Bek, Master of Ceremonies. WITH - - : :
Deft gent's W 8
ha Feeds and
FRED McMURRAY and bet 8-i Brous"Is Materials'of all kinds.
FATRIcLk MORISON _ tirssewood. Widt4916 and Tomato , '
ourteous � to be ears[.
- T - select Snort Subjects aadr.liabts. Try Us before You Bny.
.� '� ?O ' 1 '` j THURSDAY, PRL and SATURDAY' SlseW Sates a >i..�� >�•�•�•• 1Farr's Elevator
4,..gand6 -=�.s,. „ wen=,� � Claremont, Ont.
`Love Th = _
'• �� �' y lft+ wan too small. None too WE, Pbone' nes. 88J. Oi'!in llV/.
Likeand -
#ors -_
sac _
• • Nei boor' �•e6tptn.nta insured -
Ncw Wter a Service g PIANO-�'UNINa
HORSE R,EGISTLu f1\D . .'-- . . .
Job Here s s J.',Ch BEN NY and. FRED ALLE> o All Kinds ' of eepair Work
S, Rv CE to = _. G0,4!4U.DORE AGAIN (2681..)
the choicely bred Clydesdale Stallion, ;AU Tuning Guaranteed
: the property of Robert Dafoe, Gr en S.• � C. '�. &facij4l�tALU _
� sionabts Pr>Ics� - River, w311 make the season of 19.11 - -
�Ier ri �', Eyesight Education as follows:— On Thursday, June.5th, =:._209 C•Iose Ave. Toronto
will leave his own stable and proceed
.GIStsnder �0 ,'and o d's,plot.3g,pToceeds phos
to Murray
_ Con. 7, for night; Friday, ,ro
e Lakeside 150'
'•� Lot 21, 10th
j C __ C ®�T $FFICIENCY aA; to Bert Silverthorn's, SUFFERIAG FROM BACKACHE3�
_ \rte+ CAOPER Lina Markham, for noon, thence to
Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago
his own stable where he will remain is not necessary. Use RUMACAPS
.. by z until the following Thursday after= at once for quick relief..— B4OYE3'
noon. Terms — $12.00; payable.Feb- DRUG Co, Pickering, Oht.:
' .TUCK ruary•.1st, 1912 = _
of S-11 :011TAR1.0 -
. .Opt.'
W e Pay Toronto Prices �-=
:Eyesight Specialist
- At Whitby.:Y.our.' Home market Disney Building corp. P. O., _ :
Oshawa, Phone 1516 _
'Fur• P
0 tical Lenses --
p ical Lenses
n t•
-- _ - --- • � mss• -)
_ Did you ever stop to think that ��
- -
-EGGS :. the condition under which the eyes are used has an influence upon the /
lens correction? There is also the
danger of having the correction dis- •
MBs turbed by a change of working con-
�� t n the ALV ES ns in i effect upon /
dstao is -•
ing distance of your eyes. Certain -And All Kinds of work entail§ more acttial eye-strain -
than'other work, making it necess-
ary to consider the eyes and their
_. ,� ■■ ■ T Y
Both LiVC _ lens correction from an-Occupational r a. �r` , _
You teed Bal ty AP d'•'GtOvrfag'1eMaM
viewpoint. Did you really know that to b•tl•r ,1070"- 1P�a
■ %FY r r s ■ and Dressed
different types of'tenses'are adapted ' ^�" Bl tchford's eau >to il«.'
for'certai u types — ,
of work'' mat ordieary
,t part of your time is spent at close - NOW—VITA-DINE
9ueugtheq -
- N EARI�IS wbik? And 'R*hat ;-amount 'of this Blateldord Feeds aMa� �i
PICKERI with all the l
_ _ time is therefore, apant with the
LIMITED eyes corrected?' Do'you 'have your the health of tOpf pONlu�4 - •: )
• . • eyes examined periodically? or do ETON
Registered � Graaingi Station: you wait until nature drives youFib I I ERN STROUD,
it? When you were last corrected,
were"the glasses to be 1Yori1 prft - Phone Pick 77 s d , 46
tiu . time or at all•times? t
Phosw Whkby 336 Whitby,
• _110 +"�sx,.... ...:.: ._,. �_.: .r..-._...m.ar_-,-:.•s-n.-_ ,.c-.._._ _...im.,..._fir _ ..rl.,.. r -� .... fy... .�•e:,_Y ..r ._'e. _.-_.., .,�
i -._ ice. :i.dPf/.':.. :. -.. .. - - .:K'C,.., te.RCii• .. - .. ..
".ea ..,... ..:. _ - •'• - _ ,
. -
_ c o o tF x P> PANS 1 PuRSU T MANE
�'J O A Britlsb flying offleer who had -: - -
to ball out:near Cologne walked
tato the city on a Sunday after-
- _ _ - _ •' _ , _ _ - . _ _ _
aeon to give himself no_ Se —
Lass" fX, the. — *.
goofed Wet police or some -
Y <limen uroia- ctm&lasi_ Lave-The of ter soldiers wopld. arrest 'him'
Rpistie of John. lasmodlatety..,7tesld, the7. eilek-
PRINTED T_E_ XT: 1 John 1105.13; ed their heels and saluted him.
4:7-21. He had a ten mark note with
;:AOLDEN TEXT: Let us not.love -him -(all British pilots •flying over _ t'R�f1Na
in word, neither with the Germany do, says Shirer) and
da- �SOQ AAMs
`tongue; but In deed' and'truth. aided to try his luck at a movie. iiKr
A John 8:10. He asked for 'a two-mark' seat. aoo
-THE LE880N IN ITS BETTING The cashier-`'save him back 'nine !«�
Time—Not absolutely knawa marks in change, explaining pol- Q
'-witk accuracy, but probably be-• itely that-all men in uniform went= :5Q `�_�
-tweea A-fl. 84 and 96. - is half price.
Epistles were pro- Finally, the movie over, he �
ably written from the City'of walked the .atrlets- of Cologne till ,4Q0C :
sent. midnight before he could find a
Love by Deeds police station to•give himself up. " ¢Q(�
IL "Marvel not, brethren. if He told the police holy difficult It
tis - —
1hs world.hateth you 14. Weknow was for a British flier in roll r„�.--'�`4Q(� $oU$£ 0 19AC#I SYMBOL
f at we have passed out of death uniform to get himself arrested..luleet __
, _ __---
- -
_ - lAto life, -because we love the _ the heart of a German-,city.
Spt3 8�'�' 'ges fps _ - _ -200 PIANS
brethren. He that loveth lice would not believe him. B
nbideth t>s death. 16. Whosoever they summoned the cashier of t1300 QQ C - -
aateth his brother fs a murderer; movie house Just•to see.. ♦ . � /�.� 21
field ye know -that no murderer "Did you sell this man a ticket _
LaUli eternal life abiding la him. 6o a tieriorman,* this eveniagY' - Us amo�int�d ah minusi used In a modern pursuit plane is indiu►ed in girls chart, which is based on dela -
16. Hereby know we Iove, because they asked her. prepared by ter,Iska)experts, it Is issued by the Nemonei Salvage Hsadgwden,OWws r
-So .laid_ dawn His life for.us; "Certainly," she piped.back. "For _
and we ought to lay down our lives half-prte e, like all men is ung- SALVAGE DRIVE FOR ALUMINUM
tion the brethren._ 17. But _whoso form." Then. proudly, ebpying-the _
Isstb .the world's goods. and_be- In
R.A.F. on his uniform:
"It isn't evei7 day•i can welcome
1 1Noldeth his brother in need. And 1>o Toa'know the really big war sold.to Industries_fIF1Ing war Coe- broken 'electrical equipment,- parts
Itltntieth up his eompasstoa from a Reichs=Arbeit Fuehrer (German tracts, is to be given to the Red of washers, sweepers, or auto-
.. - him, how doth the love of God Work •i.eader), Me. I know what Job you are going to do when you `
et behind Canada's special coast- Crass for its humanitarian war mobiles, discarded gadgets or
sbide,in him? 16. My little chil• R.A.F. stands for." g work.
even, let tis not love= in word, to coast drive for aluminum' The sport equipment. All are welcome
neither with fife tongue; ,but la chart which you see_elsewhere on "One' point to be'made clear in contributions. We are not asking
d1�ed-sad truth." John stresses this
him., .17. Herein is lore -made this drive", stressed the National ' for any aluminon articles now to
"this page should recruit you-right, ane. the donation "of which would
perfect with us;that we may have Salvage Campaign Supeniaor," Ie
"--point' of love foP 'one another, boldness in the day of Judgment; down to-the last old pot and pan - that only scrap aluminum should
snaking ,it exceedingly practical. mean 'replacement by something
:telling na that vas are not to love became as He ls, eves eo are we you can dig up around your kit- be donated. Disused pots and pans: else.. This would not be economy.
In the world.' I8: There is no fear__ ..•rhes or find lying in disuse out in
113 word nor in tongue alone, but in love; but perfect love. oasletb - S
as reality, ,by -deeds. Ia teeing _ the_ back shed: _ ■
out fear, because fear hath pup- _
soar brother in need and withhold- Each one of the modern made - C _
lshmeht; and- He that tearefh is in-Canada fighting planes needing s ��ZL..�E,
�r`n compassionate,
a�ng h l Interest a not the ecce perfect
God'sIn e2ove�we; of 0 the bombersfaluinneeds_.E8,000 : } ^
_ - p p to return are to love others. Love A e
is no love for our brother to our is- not something automatic. It pounds, Your latest war Job will 'HORIZONTAL Answer to,Previous Pumle 20 On its coast is
haunt, By this test we can de. be_to bel' sapply some of that of -_
may gas ertwthattb chGodcisrlhove but
A, man ]African oolong A L A' I a or
�s whether we aro the ehil- metal N productive
`-iron of God or not. !L he ease not imbibe tis o e, In peace time Canada put mil- 7 It borders
1 e on.
r gi
7, "Beloved. let us lovo oaa lions of.pounds of aluminum into 1 To crush.If he does not love God in turn, 2
saothei; for love ls of Glad; and automobiles, electrical equipment; - N AN ( 22 Inlet
- every one -that loTeth L begotten G 'sbig owe lite. is not filled with i
sports equipment. wire, _ railway 19 To listen. I IE 23 It is rich, is
pf God, and kaoweth God. ' S. He oasis ty of Ia ll? are commerciakitcl
/n 18 Audibly.thatch.14 Palm 1 ' N �� as iron ,
God's lave until be fovea others,
that loveth not knoweth not God; where is the reality of It all. Love -
Is never-ceasing, gig pand zinc.
y+°s• God, is love. .9. Herela was ifytng. 'sacrificing for others, It war time she is putting millions 17 Roof finial I N i
j►y�� 24 Whip stroke.
the love of-God manifested in us. is Christian people on earth today of pounds of the metal into ships. 18 Russian D 1 25 Word.of four
that God hath tent His only las• planes, army service equipment. eml�r• i letters.
who love their fellow-mea. Those 19 Faint color. N 21 Sea a e:
poen Son into the world that-we who know not God must live for and the like. These things are 20 To co0�: Ls 28 Moccasin. _ --
might live through Him- y.0. Here• vitally necessary to vtrtory. -
1a is love, not that we toyed God. ■elf. _ _, . . , . _ . . _ _ fat. A 29 To regret.
1!, "We levo because He levet Give to Bi Drive 21 Public walk. 30 Gazelle.
but that .No loved on, and sent = - e 22 To s urchase
loved us." I[ you love God, you
;. Mfr Boa to be the propftLttiaa for will love those whom God loves Therefore the vast program to � - 42 Oiaat kine of 2 To ogle:_ _ _32T6 cut gree■.
qer BULL" If God .is _love, every- ' turn out alumi1putp. 'Huge_ plants 24 Decorative Bin, 3 Affected with 35 Genus Of
�ltoae for-whom_Christ died—.._ mesh _cattle
f,>tiag He does mast be In a000ril- are worittng on tremendous ac- 43 Moii6din dye. gapes.,
those who are just as you were 25 Sesame.
' ulfh Has love. "God'o ion to as cumulations of stored South Am• 44 Seaweed. 4 Silkworm., 37 Rime o
when you learned that God loved • 26 Meal 45 Melody. f:Whole. 39 IUte sad.
is not proved simply by the advent erioan -bauxite, More plants Lee
you. ;29 To assign, 46 St - 6 Theater .40 Astir.
of Christ, but by Christ's holy ., being built. But the demands for aged
- ;0. If a, men sly_ I dove God.: anew. Instrumeots. pathway. Al Sanskrit - -
death for us. by the tact that He is and hateth his brother, he is a war aluminum is keeping ahead of 31 Rubbish. 47 To bang. -7 Blemish.. dialect:
a Dropitlatlon for our sins. We' the.supply.
lies; for be• that loveth not: his 32 Mongrel. 49 Canoe. 8 Badgerlike -41Lubrlca t.
bear a great many loose and care- "We must close this gap a .52 Its capital. animals. •43 Particle.
brother whom he hath seen, can. 33 Whirlwind. ---
less statements today about the much as we can," say officials of 34 1/12 foot. "�'�►"
not novo God whotq he hath not 53 Its natives 9 Smelling 45 Onager.
reertaint-y of. God's lave, sad that the Department of National War 135 African farmer -
' God .because He loves us will sees. Sl. And this commandment are —, ' 'badly. 48 Go on. _ - N
have we from Him, that he who" Services, which: to sponsoring the '38 Measure of _ - .10 Pine fruit 48 Month (abbe.) I . .4
never let anyone ultimately suffer loveth God _ loveth his brother drive, "And one, way to do it is to area. VERTICAL 11 Shrewd. 49Plural (abbr.) - ;. 4
or perish. Hut let us never forget rescue •the secondary aluminum 37 Promise. I Sound of 12 Natural power 50 Musical note.
also" It we love a person, we will 1?0
that whenever the New Testament do what that person loves for us meta] need is Deuce time mann= 38 Storehouses. - pleasure, 15 Chum a- 51 Like. +t
wishes to brie's forth evidence to facture of household.articles. That '
to d . We will be true to' than
prove the love of God. it takes _. secondary metal lies all over Can-'' 1 . 2 3 4` S 6 7 8 0 11 i2
i person. It will be a Joy to please
w" 'at once to the cross. Men who oda In small •deposits to house-
that person. It is sheer folly for «
P irefuse to believe In the Holy atan• us to live in disobedience to God wivegs' kiteheas, tn'basements,--to ' 3 14 15 I 16 �• _ ,I
Ing work of Christ,,by death for back sheds. It takes the form of 4. 4
arse of the same' time.to pay_we
u's on Calvary., have no guarantee love Him.' Let's ask ourselves, old, es oen, discarded aluminum 17 18
that really God does, love them, are we' keeping-God's command-
- articles of all'kinds, whfc°b can be
'Ib reject the cross is to repudiate found In varying quanttties 'in &I-
TV In as Christians? And if we
'.the evidence for God's love. do not love,God, then are we bit most every Canadian home: The
11, "Beloved; it God so loved country's' war program needs -that 25
chi'ldreu? If we are not his cbll- i
-ue,•we oug t to love one another. dreg, then we are not believers metal. Give it to the big drive."
No man bath beheld God at id the Lord 'Jesus Christ, 1, 30
Give Only New I�rticles
any time; it we'love one'another «
God abtdeth in us, and-His love _ %ch ,metal, tLe, officials point 31 �
to perfected in ua: 13. Hereby we _ Gasoline Shells
gut, is still perfectly good, even it 33 a
kno t we abide In Him and Fie the article is broken or out-moded.
aa, b use He hath given w Ignite Forests The metal can' be r-6-smelted and. '
of His sp�tl4r And we have The newspaper Social Hemo- save time and labor, The chart
beheld anwitnies-that the kratem reported'recently that the says 7,700 aluminum pans ate the
Father hath seat the Son'to be Russians on the Finnish front are euivaleai,of one pursuit plane. Big 0 , 3
`•ltbe Saviour of the world. 16. Who- using shells loaded with gawline Canadian cities are expected- to
woever shall confess that Jesus is which*burst 200 feet from the collect enough metal for perhaps44
the Son of God God -abideth to ground and ignite forests. ten such planes, `smaller clues en-
and he-,in God.' 10. Add we A shower of th'ebe shells, it wai' o h mr'tWs-or_three planes, ana }
know and have believed the love stated, is usually followed by a hamlets bizeable quantities for a -
whlch'(3od hath in us. God is love; heavy artillery barrage-in order wing' or a fuselage. 5
3_ _
and ss th�abldeth to rove Abid• to prevent,the Finns from extin- The money raised by she drive _ .
eth in God and God' abideth in. guishing the flames, when the donated aluminum Is
POP—And Burn ' _ . ._ B3► d.. MILLAR 'WATT
' �� OLD —
W Or
.i v
•(�W Tb. 9.11 9ynetralo-,Ow.l
f0-3.O - .
0 7
DOM to good in a"pipe)
Arthur AWOO, the atsigis some- ho P44rkq4 is Peckat Tint
than, Is making London laugh with
this story: "A ,crowd of German
airmen arrived at the gates Of
heaven and clamored to get In.
#who are you?' asked St. Yeter.
qVWrt the fifty German airmen
shot down today by the 1C0
who were
R.A.F.', was the reply.' . Said' St.
Peter: 'Wait a minute while I
the German cOld-
have a look at t
munique.' ' After .reading It he
came back and announced: 'It says
The attache, Pressed by thous- Q. How can I clean" brown leer
here that only two German' &W suds of such pleas and ha card thee' -shoes that have become-
men were shot down today. 80 with 810"le" nights, replied 'stained with *&It water while-str
can come in =4 *0
two of you roughly: "Impossible now. Ovalle, Hug an the beach?
rest you can go to heIr." back In ten yews." The little r* A. Dissolve a large piece ad
!ogee moved toward the door, washing soda In one cup of holI
Irate 0
The young man went I -solution well
stopped, turned end asked with & milk and rub this the shop and said to the "Oh. "Morning or after- Into the leather. Then polish with}
wan smile:
ter: "I went to pay the lastn�na good leather polish,
t pn_the perambul-
star." The smiling cashier
Speed Fiend: "It's great
handed him his receipt and
-speeding along like-this. Don't
asked:—"And how Is the C.N.R. Announce&
you feel glad you're alive?"
"Oh, I'm fooling flue,baby?" . passenger: "Glad Isn't the NeW Appointments
Ahank you, was,the reply.
word, I'm amazed."
According to one of the latest
from Norway, a Young Announcement was made* on
sitting on August 11. by R. C.,. Vaughan,,
sailor In Bergen was
his front porch reading a day-old President of the Cinadian Va•
copy of the London Times when How Can I? tional Railways, of the appoint-
along came an agent of the Gen- BY ANNE ASHLEY ment of D. MeK Ford, General
- I - - -- 7,
tapo. The more eight of this news• t Parchsaing Agent, to the position
paper was enough to enrage the of Vice-President In Charge of
. ............ C_,rman. When he discovered how Q. How can I remove varnish Purchases and Stores. E. .A.
recent Its date was, his wrath stains from fabrie? Bromley, formerly Assistant- to
'boiled over In jutteral Inveei6ve. A. Rub the spot witli turpe4- the Vice-President, will succeed
War-bohnetted chiefs of the Stoney Tribe from nearby Morley "How did you get Possession of tine or benzine. Then wash the , Ford as General Purchasing
-Reserve, greeted His Royal Highness the Duke of. Kent when be that verboten and verdant fabric thoroughly.
Agent, the announcement stated.
s two-day respite at Banff Springs Hotel., breaking his arduous paper?" Both appointments take effect
Q. How can I remedy jam that
inspection tour of the Commonwealth Air. Training.and Royal Cana.
than Air Force stations. Here the prince is seen chatting with Chief "Get ItV calmly replied the has become hard and sugary? immediately.
Johnny Bearspaw (left) and"Chief Waving Feather:
His stay in the sailor, "I didn't get It. I subscribe A. The Jim that has become
-sort was the Duke's first real holiday in many to it" hard and sugary will be almost
'Canadian Rockies re
months and.he made the most of it, motoring, picnicking, riding, and, is good an new by placing it In-d*
'walking Just like any other resort visitor. During a natural history, oven until.the sugar melts. Then INYI SARGI
exaltil-nation a &malt bay was take out and put aside to coal. W I Is 00
Asked which of all the eras. Q. How call, I remove matah. UK
than 50% There's now a light- tures eats less food than any scratches from painted surfaces? MI ANDWS
SC, a weight xubber device that m be 'other, A. Rub them-with-the cut side 7
attached to French phones, per. He replied.that It was the of a lemon, and then rinse quickly
What e ce mitting the instrument to rest on moth. because It eats holes, with cold water applied with a
your shoulder so that both hands cloth.
ore left free. A Small. thy man leaned con. Q. How can I treat perspiring SOLDIERS
.,Is Doing . fidentially across the desk at the hands?
—a— tine
and asked- "Please, sir, to there �A
United States Consulate at Lisbon A. Use On astringent )a
made of one part of boric a
AIR-CONDITIONED SUITS any possibility -that I could get to twenty parts of water; dust t4e
Workers in boiler rooms and Ido, de, ra
large enclosures containing open- entrance, into your wonderful hands afterwards with talcum
_-'hearth furnaces often labor in country?" powder.
unhealthy and-uncomfortable heat. -Etiquette
-Although it is often economically
'Impossible to air-condition the en-
tire factory room. Scientists Ore CLASSIFIED tADVERTI-S-EMENTS . . .
1. Is' permissible to ask for is a'•
studying ways of air-conditioning a second helping of achy particular
she worker. dish when attending-I% formal din-
a effective method 69 been ner?
to attach a flexible hose to the 2. In It sufficient to send a print- AEROMATW METER FOR AUTO-
backSALESMEN of a worker's coveralls and mobile, Truck. Tractor, Bus and your Preserves and -PlekleL 100 one-of Can
most outstandion
ed card of thanks in acknowledge. Marine Engine*. More Power!
run the.;tube to a cooling unit Assorted Labels 10c. 500 Labels lines of made-to-measure 0othes.
meat Of a wedding-sift? Carboni 25% Mire Mileage. 25c postpaid. Lewis Printing. Allotments of territories now
When the cooler was switched on, Stop 11 for. quick Information!
3 What should be done It 171 At= Station H. Toronto. Canada. being made for Fall. Complete
It Agents. write for territory. Dept. tfit will be supiptied to men
in we 9. Boar 143, Vancouver, Canada. 1wh* can produce results. Give,
It pumpSd degrees 'Fall- out-Of-toWn friend, ta who'
and per 'cent relative are socially. indebted, comes to -Complete details•and write toda
to: Jack London. Value-first
_r� 'humidity through the hose into town? AGENTS WANTED HIGHLY RECOMMENDED — Every-
Pat or Chothes, 406 Atlantic Ave.. Mon-
the garment, and workers in such 4. What I.3 considered the aiip sufferer of' Rheumatic Tem. treal.
ANKER HOLTH CREAM SEPAR- Neuritis should try Dixori's
ventilated .suits were practically proprfate dress for a woman tray- ators'and parts stock moved from ody. Munro's Drug Store, 336
Sarnia to London. Order Ave.,.,
rom Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid LADLES OR WOMEN WANTED
free of perspiration at tempera- eling on a train? 'John 0- Dent. 387 Central Ave.,
London. - Canadian- 'Dtrtributor
tores up to about 100 degrees. 5. When speaking 61''servants
Equally good results were obtain- as Individuals should one say "the by selling Familex Products In
ed by shooting blasts of cooled air servant" or "the belp"T HIGH-CLASS REPRESENTATIVES COLLECTOR OF CANADIAN your community. It's your oppor-
wanted to sell every family a Stamps will pay cash for old tunity for easy and repeat sales.
7 through nozzles placed close to S. le It obligatory to return' a Issues on or off envelop*. On XO experienei needed. Begin with
health appliance attachable to envelope worth more. Only Inter- a few dollars and
the worker. call of condolence?� iiiectric. 11whuric circuit. own your bus-
COO in the so-called Young Qcoern Jness. Mosey
ANSWERS Victoria issues which Includes -sold good back for return un- 17-,
0 Yon!wn a of Yee have to�dam-
belpings are ser�
_fae�t - Toronto the Beaver, Prince Albert and
DOUBLE PLAY ON WAX L. No; second eopittalme. Free catalogue and
Cartier. Need King Edward fifty all. on request: Miss CF.
:The RCA Manufacturing Co. ved only at Informal dinueTs. BABY�CHECK REMEDY cent. Write me describing what Ite! George.- 570 'St. Clemeak
-2. No; the donor to always en• you have. All letters wtil be one- Montreal.
Tif1letter of -SAFEGUARD 'YOUR POULTRY veered. R. C. Hunter, Morpeth,
�eor�dchanger, called "the )U& with Chicko Solution, - Prevent Ontario.
Brain," that plays both sides of thanks. white diarrhea In baby chicks. SCALP TROUBLE CORRECTED
is record'without turning it over. 3. It Is imperative that we call for Blackhead disease and remov- PORTABLE SILOS NEW HAIR PRODUCED
_tng epeal worms from your voul-
InvenWd by B. R. Carson, RCA on her at her temporary place of try. Postpaid. 50c. A. G. Cowtun "PAY FOR THEMSELVES THE
residence, and, if possible,. invite and Co., Chemists and Druggists. first year In many cases through Neighborhood treatment produced
Victor design engineer, it has a Roblin. Man. Increased milk production, and such remarkable results that
turntable no bigger thin the label her to our home or to some social healthier cattle by feeding snail- thousands were soon aming, it
axe instead of corn fodder.
I across United States,' the news
in the centre.of the.disk and two affair. FRER GIFT OFT" KEENAN'S PORTABLE SILOS
spreading, entirely by- word of
4. The woman travels In street on
tone arms, one.playint on-the top LAnY'.q OR GENT'S WATCH, CAM- �w_t�l keel) manage, perfectly and mouth UW 10"ors. In Toronto
clothes, wearing dark colors. or era, Clock, etc...given for selling last indefinitely. The ebst In small. 'dandruff. uniting hair, severe
side of the record in the ordinarybeen eradicated.
dark mixtures, because they show Dr. Lyon's Shampoo in your dim- and they can be easily erected In scalp trouble has
manner, and the other then pick- trict Write now. Normand Pro- a few hours on any level ground. now hair Produced. Write for
ng up the sound from the under little evidence of wear when the ductn', 1405 Peel Street Montreal. Made In 10. 12, 14, and 16 foot .gree advice and evidence, Agents-
reaches her destination. diameters holding up to 38 toes. wanted. Woods Products, Dept. B.
surface with the turntable revolt'- Approved by all dairy authorities. 387 Jane, Toronto.
S. No; use their titles as "the iiOTTSEWIVEIIII
Ing in reverse. For full Information and prices,
—a' butler," 'the cook," or. maid TOR MODERN CANNING OF write the KEENAN FENCE COM-
"bire - vany, Owen Sound: Ontario." 4117116TING
CTS Nor should one say Xnan" fruits and vegetables and pro —
: ' ,NEW PRODUCTS venting from spoiling. 2 package@
"'hired girl," to they ire the postpaid '25c; Western Canning MEDICAL 7—
A.new plastic mender for metal names given to servants on a farm,-.- Compound Co. 2101 Winni- lty prints and plain broadcloths
pans,-exI1c4t-Zo-L-u-m1num,--- cond-o'lence need Peg. Manitoba. —DON 7 WAIT—EVERY SUFFERER— ----201c lb. Postage extra.-Consort
• of Rheurnatc Paine or Neuritis your Postmaster about rates.,
tend. heat indefinitely. not be ed --should— t r-y- _13ticonts---Remedy_ Textile Jobbers. Maud Street, To-
It's .applied by squeezing a drop return Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin ro
TWO - RUN St., Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00.
on the hole or crack and leaving HUNDRED ACRES GOOD
ya,.I.n and dairy farm, good build-
it to ifty over might The Ten- running water. Situated NUTS WANTED RABBITS
forty miles from Toronto, near
Al ndford village. Apply Georg cash prices' pald. Red Spot Nut' Angora Bucks. $2.50. Peggy's
out a plastic gadget tbat'turni'sn W. Smith, Uxbrdge, R.R. 1, Om!
milk bottle into pour- tarlo. Company, 25 Jarvis St., Toronto. Rabbitry, Box 394 Nipawin, Sask.
Ing pitcher Researchers
chLers at PUPPIES
Aebnw University, -Jerusalem, 7. N. r.INDSAY. LAW OFFIVR VAP. BLACK GREAT VANE PUPS. MAS-
bave discovered that paper ape- fto] Theatre Building, St. Thomas. sive type. George Buick Walker.-
eWly treated with diphenyl, when Ontario. Special nepartmerit for R.R. No. 2, London, Ont. Your films are carefully and pci*n-
farmerpi collections. tifically processed by Imperial, to
�vsed: an fruit Wrappers, will.To- PULLICT4 make sure they last
.;duet orange spoilage by more LEAF TOBACCO 4 or a EXPOSURE FILMS we
GREAT BRITAIN WANTS EGGS. with beautiful enlargement free.
SOUR POUNDS BURT-BY AND VIR Every Canadian poultryman can I reprints. with enlargement 25a.
Pe 41.35. ive increase his patriotic 'effort by Thousands of letters from *attafl
'f for pi Virginia Eat planning for maximum produc- customers testify
ant V to our superior.
Eganrles in Leaf
Fragrant 1121111 postpaid. tion of Grade Aleggs. We've It-
tural Leat
cco Co.. Loam- quality and service.
*to, started, day-oldsv Immediate EMALE PAI so taurnir MPIMI" Putno snavion
lipment. Order now, &I :�Dept D. Station .1. Toronto.
ek orders later .delivery. Dray
woman who suffw paulful,IrzolEu. 11"All MM 25c
IW C"011111111 With norrous, moo" Hatchery, 110 Jobh N., Hamilton.
spol due to functional cause
sbari:a1flad Lydia IL Pinkham's ANT SIZE ` ROLL DL
sftnply no" L and eight double alzil, prints for Eight 4 x 6 Enlargements, FILMS DEVELOPED
Wow to relieve such distreiis. only 25c. Reprints So each. AND PRINTED
plalthani'm Compound to made Special bargains in Enlarging.
Orpoefaft to belp weak.and Wool- Colouring etc. All work Sio&ran-
on so so=III- Ibm 4noewt days, teed highest qVilty. Baiter Print your film developed sod such print 2&
Ing "lapsed to 4 N S. see. Reprints, FREE ENLAWDEMEW
Box 2, Ha Ilion, Ont
some else. 8 for 90e. With Every Roll
ISSUE 3S--'41 IM King Cent. Dopil. 7. Toronto Box in TORONTO
. :•Hr F ._.':i.,y. a..ar" ..'.-.e., 9t.:.:i.•4 v.:'P..Ms........-aw.:•�4..s.'sat•-. SA.. ,e.:x�:P'.. r.-:a v .d.+>fd-. _•h•' La. ' �.�...'as.-Y•'r 4!•i u�AM. u-:%•M� J..F.-: �.r:sr� �:�� .1'irttf� 'X,•,'
3' ✓.; *? ..i.—:. •"`:5.. .rd- ''nom. a ��' -. "0. 'S•b- i• :.`fi.i,�
WWI ':.�, T" ¢1 1e. .3t. L. '.1 i .d;" Y �rY '•�i r.-' n�, ak.
.... ,:.ar, .. .. :.. �1..,., .. �.. �..'^ � -ac tr-. d N!,. r — :.r .s..' ,i. 3r i ^••a 1
"r•,....., v .. ..:; „ '^',.3• xy' �;: .. .vim• *Y..'
Snils—_.�'.§' ,.'.::.. -:.._ .... a •W..:',. -. . .. ..- -..: t... " ._ .r:' - t i�3i4
t ru
at their corn roast on Fri- DUN
:» }. day night last,
� Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryant, of Whitby Miss J. Allison is-visiting friends' The school .trustees met recently Mr and Mrs. Leonard Burningham
Bas aipybody a house or rooms to arrange for,repairs and cleaning announce the engagement o! their Sunday with W. F. and Mrs, in Toronto.'-
to rent rents We have a housing problem P g g Mrs. J. Toms and Mrs. E. Brown r
of the school—pr rato to the op- daughter Winnifred Grace, to John Disney; also Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
P � ry B � will be hostesses at.the next meet-
--kere without a doubt. ening next week, when Miss ]:Foil- Russell Boyes, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Disney and family of Whitby. T M
1 'L-yrs• W'. Frank Jones, of Ottawa ruler again takes charge. Arthur Boyeg, the marriage to take On Sunday, 29th, the Missionary ing of the Wl A. of the United
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. W.- C. ,Gard Winter and two sins, Bill -place in September. Deft: o! the Sunday School are putt- Church, held at their home, Thursday 3,
[urkar, here, this week and Dick, with his daughter, Dorothy ing on a choice program. The orch- afternoon, Sept 4th at a o'clock. The
1—Jatnea King and bride, of Mon- v extra will lead in the music, and Friendship Groap are in charge of
spent last week in a camp at Georg- MANY CONTRIBUTIONS FROM Mr, F. X Chapman will be guest arrangements and the word for Roll
k*&1, called on a few friends in a ran Bay, what of M,acTier. About AVIS PARK TO•WORTHY CAUSE
brief visit here, last week. Coagrat- Sixty fish were *cured and they speakers._ The service will open at Call, is -- Our Faith in the Holy
ptiations to Jim and the bride. were nice ones too. Gard will tell a- DURING SUMMER 10 a. m. Come early and enjoy this ScriPtureat3
—a-he regular meeting of the W. bout the one that got away, - hOu Harry Stevens, t tvnto; had' L
[. S. of the United Church will be R. p• and Mrs► Winter, Mrs. Gard.
Mr. and Mrs Avis, owners of the The Ice Cream Social spoasoia3 'charge o! the services at the United
)held on Wednesldaq afternoon, Suit• Winter and Robt. and Mrs. Hedge pcoular week-end rendevouz at the by Group 1, of the 'W'. A., on Wed- Church last Sunday. Miss Ina Mc-
(Please note change of date). attended the funeral on Saturday of Bay, have forwarded,close to One neadaq last, was a decided success. Conocbie was organist, and a solo by
particulars later,, the late Wm.' edge, at Clarkson He Hundred Dollars to, War Victims'
,The musical numbers by Claremont' Mr. Atwell, of Dunbarton Shores wtas
X11 p Bunds and other worthy funds; 'the' Band and vocal and other good it- much enjoyed. Next Sunday, Rev.
.—The regular monthly meeting of was a brother of Robert and John, proceeds of numerous dances and ems, put on by home talent, were Stewart. of Aurora, wil be guest
Presbyterian W. M, S, will be of this township; and his wQfe a ass- Bingos held 'during this summer. The fine. „ -• . ;: , �. ,�'11;3 Preacher. ►1 .
Meld at the home of Mrs A. B07e8, ter of the Winter Brothers here. Avia pavilion has become the favor-
PA Thursday, September 4th, at 3 A large number of friends attend- ite of manly local, and city people,
n �, rn+ ed the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. young and older.
of Pickering .Ltbrsry, Guthrie on Monday evening to show- --
4&W raw Time-table elsewhere is this er the bride and groom, Bert and bCH$RRYVPOOD
�esue, his ridThtof If- h
e. e maser oceremonies '
>_Lfllie your aa11sli Book of Re- was Rev. air. Jenlrinson. Speeches, Miss Marion 1.1ttle was with-Eliz-
. rance, 1906, was pied UM °n songs and choruses, followed by a abeth Armstrong during the end of"Ann
;.- ,pqr streets: You may have same by lunch gave a real Audley welcome the week:
at this office. — News to the young covlple who received' s Harold Mainland called on friends
The many friends of )lir. Alex. variety of useful gifts. Calling AH Workmen I,-
R094 South regret to The September meetin of thelast Saturday,'Gordon, Brock >; Miss lipcth Taylor is having a
hear o! his Serous illness, from gan- Audley Women's Institute will-. be week's vacation.
which attacked held on Sept. 10th (changed date) at
- grene, in the foot, g -Miss Annie Brander has"been with
W= suddenly, the home of Mrs, Lorne Sanders, at- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Taylor for a few Calling' All- Workmen
Crawford, son D. S: T. -It is desired that
Llewellyn- (Bud) Cr rd, 8 P. m- days. .
Of Mr. andMrs. Fred Crawford, was more ladies turn out, to snake our Mr. and Mrs. George Todd went to �w •" �
operated on, U
at the Oshawa Hospital Institute go, as more interest is de- wen Sound'for a couple of days, .,. To see the new Blucher Leather wort; Boot for -
'arly this week for appendicitis,.and sired if this useful organization. is The Young People hada cep.
is now believed to be recovering very to function for the good of all, Come fire meeting and corn roast on Sat- ' Harvest and warm weather wear--Light in
satisfactorily: °ut and tell the officers that you
urday evening. Dr. Reddick was the
—Users of the Bay 'Road from want this branch, to carry on. guest-speaker, and everyone reports -•weigbt--Light leather sole—Triple stitch, Just
Liverpool, down, will find the roads good time. p 1
the right bot at the ri ht.t•me of year.
Urricaded for some weeks, from now THAT OLD ALUMINUM KETTLE 3E s Isabel Tran has been taking a g g �
The construc
Or tion firms are now, _ holiday, for a week. $2.49
at ,rorY on the new bridge and cloy- Nobody wants ib—that old worn- y PRICE 2 'Well, it's easy.
W- at that railway. Entrance to Out kms! �t aluminon saucepan HOUR OV'� M£ht IN UNIFORM - • Kitchen-Peabody Overalls
',.'Se Bay may pow be made via the that leaks! Tha ancient pereolstor! —" --
6ase Line from Dunbarton, or 0111 Nobody wsata it. Bat stop: Saone- Wednesday, Sept. 10th, will mark
8tati bad does. :be beginning of the third year of -'
B 88 Overalls
y _ ;.
Prineippi G. r, Coates of the Our own boys want it—the Lada wee Canada's rarticipation is the war. y
local Contiaaatio11 School, who has au�l] s work Shin
bid goodbye and sent overseas. The In aclrnaiairl nt of that fact the
been making a survey of his classes Canadian boys in England are 3W Government, by prochamnation, is sett- " fi �+�
- :.. ilor the naming term states that they ing for it. ing aside the period September 10-- n work .7vR
Will be slightly greater in number, ,The British Navy are asking, and 17 as a week to "honour our men in *t Q�
Isat that ituriag September, ague the Merchant Marine. aniform and re-dedicate-ourselves to _ _ "-1Vo $Ct#e`rMad
-�jeaty-five will be taking advera. g Hospitals ask for it, and airdromes the service of our country And our �e
sat the Department's offer to allow and training caps., anise. . N LEADER GR(XU Irz
shoos who wish, to remain out of Above yell, the R. A� F.want it for - The- provincial governme.:ts, may-
$hoof during that. month to "diet themselves! ors, service and other clubs, churches �`7ll��.�'Ono�n�! Courteous
+Ifb farm Work: This-will mesa a The Nstionai War Ser ices at Ot- and schools are all being askdd to �`
M r'sta113rigx' with the other papi7+t wbo have asked' us !o: s gift—trot lend their assistance in making this _-- _ e deli ver Come ou in -
-;Etter at the "start, and rapidly re- money, not tanks, nor guns, or week, one of real national signific-
,rirwiag the w°z+lt is October. In the moo=& No! but the old alaminwn 81100, T'he-.radio and the motion Pict- d: Drowse around
rr x
Public School, a room in the bear kettle! ase industry have already pron+rsed
went bas now been equipped for the. They aren't of any.use to us, these their full swP4orL _
teach of Manual Training. old and worn-oat articles, but they •� - .�]�A• So
CHAPMAN . ,.- '. . . ,
►•-�We would lie to have it under- an of inestimable value to vur army A. R P. -Training tV'ovwft zeal l I/jstood that all the "dr=W (87 -at _-,to Canada and Britain. �, thrfills!3 moia
t in the County Jail
► : pxrta ) ladled A]ut11inum has increseingty become -
at Vfttby, who have given ter a part of "the stuff of war.' Its On a recent Thursday night at ■ ■ ,�
e raddreats as Pickering, are not set- ligbtneaa, its toughness, its durabii- North Vancouver B. C., the -District p' k r� Hards"Nor,of
residents but ase ma be ■ o e `
► sally Pickering iffy, the ease with whkb H y A. R:P. Warden and his helpers had`
the Plant as a rule. One of the handled and its.resistance to _heat,
rofYieel% on duty at the Sail j� all tend to make it invaluable in the tamed out for practice. Squadb .. of
► auxiliary fire fighters, engineers,
oven comes frarsa Pidoerias, and it mamd&ctase of airplanes and other police, ambulance sections and stret- We have a Complete Stock of -
_.Ileus become the habit with some of airals;,tfi, antomoiri]es and tanks, and cher-bearers were all set for a train-
11te boys now in tht "3soosego410 on an light machities, ani in electric ing demonstration when suddenly a Q
ifhe arrival of ae+vicemers, to call out trarsamission. It does r.vt take long Screen doors, and Wll�ioW
to this officer -- "here cuu+es to see some remely ir-?ortarrt theseviolent `electric storm broke light-
how;supning flashed and fires were started. c . -
esore of your Pickering, boys. This things are to, a figbting,army!. For Reports -of these fires came in inn- .teens,. 'Electric Appliances, g�!'
is just an attempt to make it clew: instance, all the various instruments mediately to A. R. P, Headquarters
all the inebriates in jail do.not of the airplane must be carefully
lepregtnt our eitihearh• protected that tbey are not influea- and to the Fire Hall from wardens _ j'an$- Hot Plates Et
scattered all over the city and dint- '
: : . 'ipl, �V. Redditt, Manager of fire ced by, the sudden.changes in air- rict. A. Il± P. squads alreacy assern-
pressure. (Think how barometer bled in Lynn Valley swung into act- 111icClary
Neal brsarclt Cad Bask of.Commerce readings Would be affected!) Three ion; manned the fire truck and in a7.
lto take over Keswtsk•Branch on' • • •
First ever
in SeRtesaber rides of these instrument casings and few minutes were on the scene of __ ' Frigidaire Refrigerators
a part'of the fourth are • made of -`b'
the first fire at a sawmill-on Sey-
slutninum, since lack of weight may mour Pipeline� Road. It was soon,un-
Yr. Redditt, who has held the pest mean the difference between life andStock and Poultry Foods
of manager• of the local branch of deaths der control. Lightning started two
the Commerce for.the past thirteen small fires ulp Mountain Highway,
Aluminum is found in, and separ- and these were. successfully, dealt
years, was advised recently of his ated from a kind of clay called bagY-
of All Kin
with b Forest and A.,R,, ,
P. work
transfer to the Keswick. branch. rte. Canada is one of the foremost of y Forestry
He will be.succeeded later by 1Mr. ers. The next move was to -Seymour R x
Shortreed, of Keswick. its manufacturers, being-rivalled only River where lightning had struck a �gttlt ,Fora McCcrrr4ck-Deering Farm' Maebinery and $ "
by the United States, although the
During his stay here Mr. Redditt tree and started a fire that appeared 'Repairs. ?
bauxite for its making, must be im likely to cause serious trouble. The
has made-a great,number of friends, ported from+ British Guiana,'and from .—
and became widely known through- Greenland) The chief centres of its Greater Vaneouver Water- District go >r� we a� �' Can � k Qr >k I� am mei" is 9�
out the township., In his office as squads had this well in hand. Al- __ A phppe 190E -f
manufacture are Shawinigan Falls on
_though-primarily a war-time..-exp - _ e
,manager, a asses °�°n the Ste. Maurice River, and Arsida b J. �, BALS ON,
farmers and businesses when the on the Saguenay. tent, A. R. P. training thus• proved is
-==usual occasions. appeared,_all , with that the service can be adapted to
- Though this is the-..case, and though with emergencies that.would
she deep appreciation of those whom true avriount used for other than war tO'pe '
ke was able to assist. He will be not ordinarily come within its Prov, ^
services has bgen cut to one-thin- ince. "The training these mss have SPECIALS
V�AL>� ?
very much missed by a large number eenth of that used in 1940, there is _
'ia this neighborhood. had 'in recent months stood them in ;
still snare danger of our not hewing nod stead =n this emgrgeucy" aedd
He took an active interest in local g is
sufficient for our .tar-time needs. So Chief Warden Capt. G. R. Bates. t `M
Wairs of every kind, being Treasur- Breakfast Bacon l -= 25E a k,
the National `oAar Services plan .to 'Ali of the squads acted like voter- t ` • • ;v
" `ear of'the local Red Cross, a Director take our worn-out aluminum,'to re- e� +
and for some time Treasurer of the an fire fighters 1 Minced S#e lace a' i�
move steel rivets, wooden handles, s1w
.•.t7ommunity Clubi and a member, of etc., to clean the ware carefully and GREENWOOD -
- the Board of the United Church. absolutely; to melt it and remove .._� L • e� '
]ins. Redditt, Ruth and-Grant.have from it any metal-alloy, and to pro- M= and Mrs. F. I1 Green's nieces Pork Liver, ire• ai� { i '
also a host of friends who regret duce a pure, and useable aluminum. -and nephew, of Buffalo, spent the q
sincerely their leaving. Mrs. Redditt Ipur part is, to search out and do- 'week-end with them. Stewing Beef, i e Sk ,t ! tY
Ssrs taken an active part in the'wom- nate our worn-out kettles, or oFhat L
ten's organizations of the village, and Mr. and Mrs. Perry.Wilson, spent Jewel Shortelaing, a lis 4
ever.of aluminum Nve may,passers• Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dev- `'•
the United•Church. Ruth and Grant, The• collection will take place on itt and family: �ji' � - � `
_ in the same 'way, have given their September 5th and 6th, and further Miss Helen Devitt' left on•Fridav Cl • ,� � - s , g a
time and talents to both village and Classic, Cleanser, ;3• i m"8 1 sic
notice as to place and manner of last to join the Farm_Serti-i a `
.church groups, Ruth' being one of collecting will' . be published next at Win Winona.
� _ - - � — - '6 t�8p 25� y �
active young ladies of the C._ G. I. week, W. F 'Diane were
•Mn and Mrs. y
,T, and Girls' Classes. Grant has, ' Meanwhile, let"us be, looking- up , R E I
for some time, been secretary of the -our ancient rare. Then we may have Sunday laSssat s t. home In pshaw ati' on - , r'
church Sunday School. the satisfaction of pointing with ex- - Rev. R. W. -and Mrs. McVey, and �
The many friends here, of the fah- curable pride to some huge, passing cissa Evelyn, had a most enjoyable Bute her `p on 30®0 h'1t31�er][12 'r
fly, wish them every success in their bomber „•ith the words, "There oes '
: ., and to \ir. Redditt, an g holiday at Stoney Lake.
_ e�1L-honiQ, r m�._alunllcum_kettle l" Mr. Reg. Hmkins._entertained..-the
improvement in health. (top next column please) -