HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1941_05_16 t T--� � NG4iE .__ sC--K—­­�E R- I PICKERING, ONT-, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1941 : 1�Tc. 3� Donald R. Beaton, Centennial Church ( �"ICPickering Twp:T Clerk ret- g ekH. O PgAR80N—PbyaisianwP• War Sarin a Cam ig an re GREENWOOD s.rs•ca.' Daabarton. i r elves deli Wishes. '�, paign organized• M��The Townsjhip extends congmtuls•bs aooetsss+eet• tions to Mk. Donald R. Bealton, Twp.�' Clerk of the Townshitp of Pickering In an interview with Dr N. F. Also" for fifty-seven years, on his celebra- Tomlinson, Claremont, Qiairman ofOn accoant of the eearcily of tion of his 801t$i---birthday kering Township War Savings �Dl1l�ttt[aD AUADY B+M hosine atWhitevale on Saturday last.' Campaign, announces the organza`' help, Chopping will t'edonety, �(�P �l�io�, tion. practically complete. As stated on MONDAYS and FPIDAYS ot arto last week, the Township is divided .NO'TiCE into three sections (observing theOnly, daring May, lure .sillE3B�k10 • BELL & R033 _: T_ ji �i €chool sections). In t'he South, the to celebrate its Golden Jubilee on July, except by specialBarristors & Solicitors school sections: Union East, 1 and Sunday, May 25171, at services at rangement, J.JIZATON.K;C. Tdephose TAKE 14OTICE that a general 2,. 4E. and 4W1. SE- and 3W, and 2.30 p, m, and 7.80 A- td Rev- 0•meeting of the Ratepayers of Uri- the West Union school,— Ia the Pietse Areis�t Actordiegty. � � gdd. Jdhnson, Chairman of Toronto Ea$tXE — ion School Section Number 11 of Centre: Sections - Cherrywood, Alud- Preabytery, � epepY In the IWtter-IF.ROSS 872BaySLSearboro.and Number 4, Pickering ley, Brock Road, Kinsale, Green�w�ood, noon, and will be sted by the jOiiPl L.POND _ Toronto will be held at the school howse, on Brougham, Green River and White- Markham United Choir, Tn th8 even- Lot 1, Con• 1, Scarboro, on Tuesday, vale. In the North: Sections - Atha, ing Revs. John Coburn President o! G7tie G1. lI<aclest� M. R. A. I. G S McMILLAN—Parlistw. Sd• the 2?th day of Maap�, 1941, at tLe B. A�roit. Registered Architect 7th con., Altana, Claremont, Cedar the Toronto Conference, will be ass- Tetedaooe Elgin Saes. Mtl hour of &00 o+clock in the after- Creek, Zion and Balsam. isted by Zion United Choir. Graduate of 1Jpive Tor t TorontoL)ets6dt noon (Daylight Saving Tune), for He is arranging rwith these three For half a century Centennial 'Off0e' 9SultanSt. TorontoKI. 6214 _purpoae-_of cQnaidering and, if unite to coormience the campaign Residence, Pi+ekering, 2? r 11 thought advisable of ratifying and with a patriotic ,concert in each dis- ( larch hasstood sa a Temple of$$88'RT T. I�AL:.,¢tBB,L. D 9.. God in the community. Following thePETER LF7�INE B. A..46..GrsSaa ee��� G of aopproving an offer of $6,000.00 cash tiict (unit), the program being giv- Cnion of the Methodist bodies insS.arre� (I `•se1 "o'" accepted by the Trustees, from the is of the local $arrister, Solicitor etc. brplebray 9a « a st elan• en largely by the P Canada, the Wesleyan Church in� { t. Oske bears: 9 Ontario Highways Department to cels, '� purchase of WVar Sav- Highland Creek, and the . Bible Office hours —�1 - 6, Wed, and Sat»y �.. or qs aipwl a .t-. M"I the school .. buildiog a,nd a�. Abu.:rreb 04purchase. lags Storeys will be encouraged in. Christiaats held services on alternate King Str.,Pickering - 11ext to Lilands 'for the purpose of ltiglrwey unique plan at that tine. Owdng to Sundays for eight years. HEAD OFFICE — OSHAWextension. the Woor Loan Campaign from 10th Neither building could accomodateof May to June 24th, active canvass- the congregations and ft was de-�-•� A. BBATON, TOWN®HhP Dated this12th day of May, 1941. ins will not be carried on during cided that a new church should be �� .�+R. TON,. By order of the Board of Trustees that period; but the different units erected. Early in the Spring of 1891izt.e a :is.. A ntah pt,��,au. 1�saer or E. C. Gleason, Secretary, Highland are expec�ted to "be ready to go" im- the excavation on the p ite ae t.wa.... Nf/te..�1..cot. mediately that calmpaign is over. Insimraltoe r f 9lI $i 11 UB Creek, Ontario. began; and so enthusiastic was the.A. E. RICHARDSON , volunteer effort that b May 24th,Y( BN>aRAL IN9 RANEE everything was in readiness for the Beat Rates Avuilabltwith . . . laying of the corner stone. a e eREAL 69TATE ,Plekering and X20,000 The heartiest welcome is extended131 trriy coal 6 r�ic Cf?NYEYAI+1CI;vQ to all friends and former members: establlabed readyof approximately that amount will_we know o! seven cru eight samples ?Ian to attend both services. Supper, � nessPbonebe necessary to carryout the plan taken from as many 'Malls'w'ithin the in the basement to friends from a �1 PICK 515 to`se2've• to provide for this village acid South' village, and sent to'the authorities fn distance.glom Pick. 6000. Pickering. the as�siatanee i# needs, Tflronto for a�tlyafs during the Past � � �� �most - today — WATER. twelve rtionths, and reported -- not AUD`LE'YMAW At a general meeting of the Rate fit for human consumption unless ;'ll -beim the usuaniri -boiled (colo bars g LJORNS81) AOOTIONBRR ANitt Payers,of South P'Ickenng on F dayVSIi.UATOR e`*etung last+ held in the•Coamnunity complaint). We are given to ander Several !rom hese attended..the Cfo1l �� past year wayaveq9alaa ceadnctad ♦aywberc Hall, Chairman Banigan in his add- stand that wells in such numbers banquet at Brooklin on Thursday day, rEss, presented a.review at. the act--Produce such a low standard water, evening to Mr. and Mrs. A6 E. Innes Iebooeor write. Address 61t Dunda. ivities o! the Associa#ioa Executive, as a result of the laick of the purify- by. the Young Farmers. MT_- Innes 0OALt COKE. 8treeL, $est. in roperties of this 10-15 foot has been areal help and an efficientto date. g P -Wghitby. Ontario. It now, appears that some of the lalyer - outdoor toilets cont urinating District Representative 'here fox WUOI1, CF]�1JNT,� fears of the ratepayers have been the water. All of this definitely a scone years, and the regret at his `a�;ll, GRAVEL, reduced. through the Defense Indus- very dangerous condition. Our pred leaving is real. STlerbnsh 8aspital tries Ltd.,.havitfg made known some iction, is that, not a, single well in -The pupils of Audley achool.- areor part of Mtheir plans•fat-the plant this village has a first quality test. holding a program in the•school onR�►jLDI":1 'S l�U.#'PLIER Govetnmat Licensed here. 1st is kt own-that any exiensi.xeIn 1936, a survey of this area was Friday evening, May loth, to raiseBain St. E. stoII$Qille, Ont, housing plan for the eattployees of made by s,firm of capable engineers money for the British War Victims' also lot•a1 Cartage work oboes 191 Mthe plant is, deSinitely, not being at the request of our Qta•nber of Fund• There will be a program of We 6aveal-„l,i,te•rti to stock a fullMaternity, Medical, and Surgical oonsidered.by D. I. L Their object ComMaierce, with a'view to obtaining moving by the es. dro,comc and`educe LTNE ow< Ill�1PLE LEAF MIId.IIda being to refrain from shifting popul- water•in sufficient quantities to op- tiottatl, by the Hydro People. A coll- eases taken ads, for a reason in which we erste a municipal water system. ection will be taken for the Fund. -•DDIt[PANY FE=D8.Maternity3enei-Room � were most interested- - theySeveral plans -Were submitted in an 'Keep the date and help to put it ov- ��llates'br 10 days—•iso-76 do not want to locate several thous- extensive report, the cost of each be- er. A W. MITCHpegisaseed Non in attendance and and persons in this township, from Ing beyond all possibilities here, at The Red Cross drive for sahage2}hartr ssrvta giMn. the dtiee>, who, at the -ens of the that time. The C. of C. wire•moved is on, inthe Anrdley district frampP t kCrirq, C)nt. Atobulaece Service war would be bona fide, legal' tit• to this surey, s. s result of the ( urc}i Str. North to the 4th con., Otffce '?4 — Res. 68MRS.L.R. GOOD 43.37 Izens of Pickering, without employ. conditions referred to, together withand to the East Pickering Town Lime ment, and becoming a charge upon the need of increased fire-fighting and Lo Na 2 Highway. These ah iv- ��� ��this muncipality. They swill be facilities, in view of-the etst3rely in- les will be taken by the people hay- ,ACCIDENTS DWA transported from-Toronto and Osh- adequate equipment then (and now) ing anything to contribute to Alan awn daily, by. train and busses. on hand, and which would in turn, Lishman and Ken Pratt's at Audrey 'fou may, see the Clew Mr. Banigan's address finally in- bring about a big reduction in fire on or before Friday, May 23rd,rwhen Accidents Happen troduced a discussion on this most insurance rates; alsof to makePick- a Toronto truck will pick them up. CQI,EMAN im*ortant question we no'w. have -- ering attractive to Toronto seekers � articles most use€cal are .-oldCIRCULATORLocall of rural homes', and industry (both bones, carpets, clean rags, old w+ooRADTANT la s bottles atone jugs alum-_ Water aupoly.- ,Inenre w7th your thea hOC neasvfar,�as they v�loge insthpast e1fewl�yeaxs toe g in ollr store 3 Ty es ofg ens, p ve with courted can. A' program re- many occasions no water).. ane brass, copier, old zinc pots andn inum,:I�ocal'•'Agent y _ we can Coleman heaters s 1p , waists paper (tied 'in bundles), I?y SEE suiting from numerous contacts, in- name several firma and many would and s, leather shoes, + rap iron, old Lireheating needterview�s and.investigation, nas been be home-owners who have passed us nils fats If any quantity .of 711soKitcben ranges, Coal-CYRIL E. HURLEY prepared, and placed before our first by th;oagh this fact no-iwater- these are left at other points in tateGENERAL iNIURANCE authorized municipal body, the Pol- We now have good reasons for be- rdute r Liahrnan's to Pratt's via •beaters, Pipes Etc•SERVICE PROTECTION ice Trustees. Following a descript- lieving that Pickering Gan be ser the Greenwood sideroad, .be4th Callus'now for your stout ion of this program by *Mr. Banig". ved by the large wakter pumps and down the Audley Road, the' Parties and Furnace woo1rk.Mr. Alan Lfsbman recommended the systembeing installed at the plant will phone either Alan Lishman or1LVIN BUI�HB�presentation of this program to•the (p1lmping from the lake) .IF - We F. M. Chapman. Do your buy, toYTrustees. M•r, H,.A. Newriian stated AM AT ONCE. It is estimated help this work.THIS MONTH is is - unfair to the Trustees, whose that'$25AM would be saved this Mrs. Walcot of the Girls' Land Rardware Tie�emith powers were limited and were not municipality in.the pumping, filtra- ,9�ny in Toronto, addressed the tGKRRING •We are featuring in a position to take care of such a tion ani chlorinating system t.. Cartunainity Club here at the home tapl- it was finallw agreed that ;_the �ant has to provide for its own o f �rd and R- Winter, on Mon- .p1 am antsngo eum i�u$s Banigan appoint a committee of not isse. ForPickering, re' wo day evening o a si Tess than five, to carry on investig- be only the water mainsetc•, it+om speaker WAS an organize!in England the ant. to.the local area, as a in the last war of in dairyanO� anon anti to proceed at once-:iN ,;rovork, and was eTTY mDyed by the ��For many years the question of a Capital Coat, fnrisi SANN re ared showing, British Government and. recognizedemunicipal water supply has been dis-, P1aRis must be 'p P �_ ;011el�thcussed in Pickering, in the home, on wltsat• we wiant, and w31at we are for her servicers ails is no', in Tor- the street and in public meetings, prepared to do -- AT ONCE. + onto and already has girt. trained During the summer months, in the The property owners of the village and working west of Torona TheseChocolatesBas and Bedding extreme dry vvather, half of the would be required to .vote on girls are carried from a antralwells in this village go dry. Such a bylaw, and following a facvourable house each day by farmer,.' co-condition is not one that can be ex- vote, on the entering into such a dperation, They get 20 cents ar, hourEOR StudlD \r0ucise$ petted to be productive of a hfgli Program, the Township would be. 9r the prevailing local wages, and. -quality test, water when-it is, to asked to guarantee debentures (ff are reported to be doing sa codOTHER be.had. We 'have one street that has approved bythe Municipal Board) of work as farm trained boys; Girls doAsshala Dai sr .Nlot the reputation of having n_ot one a tenor fifteen year maturity. These everything a man does onthe ft -'11well from which water can be drawn debentures would be a charge upotY and do it' efficiently. In thank g during many weeks 'in the summer, the village (or 'stated area). the speaker, one member said.tl'it MO+THER'S LAY Engineers tell us that in this area, Pickering is not likely to, agaan� such services will be welcomed : inthereis found a layer of hard clay, Have such anopportunity, Do we the apple, berry, corn, tomato a id1�iAl 11TH C. A. STERRITT ten to fifteen feet in depth, a type take••advantage of it. Further meet- fall cropping times. A Quiz Progn 'nQof soihetc. that-does not produce ings will be held. Eyery.'property- in charge of. Miss Hollinger, shada BOYES DRUMet Ltd FnLe=al D1r6atAr water, it also has a very strong ten- owner in this place has an interest dainty lunch were 'enjoyed by a].Pres. C. S. .Bryant was. in the char Sun. Hours•— 12-1 noon, 6-Z 36 iFurniture Dealer dency to fail in carrying out the re- and it is yours — to do what youy g tet_ wish t�ith itl Give the Association and the Secretary announced tl•e ! ;Phone 61t r� gWred filtration and punt •in i - QNif' ion necessary for a high teat water, your support, and the encouragement meetings for the next"three months. l Such is borne out in the fact that they seek. Ploce—The city of Damascus asked of him letters to Damascus The Vol" From Heaven Paul had to be taught was that ` ' 1 �� l 1 1\I V was approximately 160 miles unto the synagogues, that .if-b._. _ 42 7 C7-rT l northeast•-o eros& em,ice; o and any that were of the Way,, s• "and as he journeyed, it -Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ. 6. But rise, and enter into O O / the city of Tarsus was located in whether men or women, he might came to pass that• he drew nigh the city, and it shall be told thee' - L the southeastern part of -Aria bring them bound to'Jerusalem." unth D9msscus: and suddenly what thou must do." Saul had L >� S S Q N Minor, on the Cydnus River, ten The reason he would bring them there slione round about him a - received all that he could bear -- -- miles from the seacoast: - to Jerusalem nag to make sure •that'they would.be put to death light out of heaven.�. Later we just now. Human- agents, like ' Christ's soldiers are His cap- ' are told that the time of the da Ananias, could finish what Jesus, for, though they might be pun. „ y by supernatural manifestation, LESSON Vit tuned enemies. Every soul won Was about noon when the vision =-- fished" by• scourging or in some had liere-begun in Saul. + 'BROADENING CHRISTIAN from resistance to the cross is other way in other;cities, it would was seen and Paul says that at - +• HORIZONS: SAUL'S sent gut into the field to win be only in Jerusalem that a Jew. midday the light was "above the "And the men that journeyed ish convert would be condemned brightness of the eon." 4. "And with him stood speechless, hearing I CONVERSION others. Of this the most noble a fel 1 1 upon the e ..Acts 9: 1-31 in P earth and hear . . stance in to death � d Christian Y n h�storq is a voice saying unto him, Saul, the voice, but beholding no man. ?.PRINTED TEXT, a4ota 9t 1-16 the conversion - of Saul. Jesus - Saul, .why persecutest thou me' ? B, And Saul arose_from---the-- Christ never encountered a bit- -(Saul, like •the Saul of the Old GOLDEN TEXT—I ryas not ria- 5. And he said, Who art thou, , earth; and when`his eyas were teres nor an abler foe; Jesus dient unto the heavenly vision. Christ never won a mightier cap-, Testament, was of t$e tribe is Lord?. .And 'he said, I am Jesus opened, he saw nothing,; end they Wets 26:19. g P Benjamin, and had come from, his whom thou , ' taro for His arm of light. persecutest: Our cd him by the 'sand,'and %lrousht _ y g home at Tarsus, in Asia Minor, Lord does not call .himself Mea- him to Damascus. 9. And he PIE LESSON IN IT'S' SETTING _T� Zealous Persecutor. to sit at the feet of .the great siah, Son of 'Man, or Son of God, was three days without sight, and TIm�The conversion of Saul Jewish teacher, Gammie!. Saul ' - but Jesus- of 'Nazareth; the man did neither eat riot drink." How ok place probably in A.D. 38, Acts 9:1. But Saul, yet breath- was, a Hebrew of the Hebrews, who was crucified. He recalls to quickly things can cfiange in one's d later events in this., chapter Ing threatening and 'slaughter equipped with an excellent Greek Saul's mind His humiliation, suf.. life. A man can be in the glow 48 believed to have occurred in .,against the disciples of the Lord, education, and a' freed .man in Tering, and death—all-stumbling of health one day, and be pros. -D.'37 and 88. w unto the high priest, 2. And the Roman Empire). blocks to the Pharisee; for what trate on a bed of•illness the next; - _ r • .. _ - - Canada has to nt � blessing 'i t - - - - reason nen s n those days of trial. (Canada is three thousand mikes 'awa from -the sound of _ ' ;' uns :.. which are devastating Europe. The broad Atlantic Ocean, rolls between us and toe ruthless - - . --•_ savagery of the German Armies, i British, The strongest ;fleets n the world — American and ..- . Canadian—patrol the sea between us-and the enemy. Whave a great friendly nation, probably the richest and moat ;.. - _ Powe _ - . e world, at our side. - po ul in th o VANADA, CAN AFFORD HER SACRIFICES* _ 'This war is a mechanized war. . . _ _ - We.have the nickel leap 1 . . z' n other metals in es nee . e a� access o Iron. We can - - the war ' du$tri d W have a t the - a steel. --. -:'101 ke the eel have the organized industries to fabricate these metals and - .7 :make the trucks,and tanks, and guns, and planes, and the ships. - 'W •• e have skilled workers and the plants for mass production. - .anada' . has the wheat and the food supplies. • ;' Let.us count our blessings, and tighten our belt&. , Z. Canada is rich-one.of the richest countries per head of popula• on in the world. Let us lend our strength to*the utmost of our. w.,.. ti power. Our national..'future depends .upon Victory. _ We must win to live. .:WHERE WILL BE ' FURTHER -CALLS' - _ have been man7. y calls,upon the people of this country H ` There -for money, since Canada entered, „the war at the side of ri _ •. +Great B�'taro ,. •.----� :. .' - . . There will _ us facefuture' .0 f Let the na raid. - - _ a can caload. - -- .. -'G nada _ _ .; try..the load � . But cry'Canadian must.shoulder his and her share. ' This is' the most critical hour in our history. 'Let the future - _ _ say of Canada,as they will.say of our Mother Country. w - _historians ; "This was their finest hour." _ IG 0' ad 9 u n d-# 'r o U r- 0 - 1 -FT _ �. ! t A R T-M E N T h0 F ' F 1 N' A N C' P, A N A D .A . _ _ . - _ - -- j� � Blitz Boats in the Balkanssee ;x r ' t ♦ »►� S HAV 1'S • ' .,., �4'"Y;.:T..... ". :•rases .w..d Yir7dl.at- ¢. _... � • r •- —�\ r �.� 4 -B- IG SEN ' "_,_ .:11 •4�~ r J � - I • ' YOU HEARD? the famous " ^' • 7iin American was defeated ig- / r► ^--.� ,� " chew for ndminiousI when he ran for the Nl, office of sheriff. He got 55 votes out of a total of 3,500, and the ••� m n ' next day he walked down Main { /� \ 1 years Street with two guns hanging y r. from his belt: J , • "You were not elected and you :.:••. have no right to carry guns, fel- low citizens told• him. / ! x 4 "Listen folks," he replied, "a 1 man with na more friends than I've of in this .country needs to - sJ 8- \ . carry.guns." ; 0 ia• /` —"W l m - taken tea o .. by sometimes.... t ,for'my own daughter." • ��� � , _Pre aced for the blasted bridges the figured they'd find ir. Greece, , 1 P a y g y "Nonsense! You don't-look _•_ t __ efficient Germans brought along their blitz boats for,speedy crossings. old enough to have a daugh- .� Here a.Bulgarian ox stands aside as a trailerload rolls by. u THAT'S MY CHEW ter so old." -.....�....,..�__..w_, ... Cow's Can't Take It The circus and fun fair was �LQt Science Bombs Curdle Milk visiting a small town, -and one old Negro had taken a fancy to the merry-go-round. more marketable potatoes than Un- Bombings Bombings in Britain have the f - -- i s Doing tows on edge-and the nervous Round'.a,nd round he trent, Now's Best Time sprayed or undusted Plots. reaction is affecting the milk never seeming to tire, until all his There is no staple article of food rz supply. Bossy's milk fairly curd- money was gone. Then only did To Sow-.Potatoes brought into-the aserage Lampe GERM KILLER IN SOIL les when the bombs begin scream- he dismount to rejoin his wife, that has greater appeal to the ry y ing, Major Gage of Kansas City who had been watching him with • Discovery of a tremendous) Plant Them Before May 18th housewife than good,-bright, Clessi powerful germkiller in common was informed in a letter from impatient eyes. � axil' has been announced by Dr. "Well, Ebenezer," she 'said, -Later Piantinps Result In potatoes of a uniform size and free $! ` @ Capt. T. Allen Stevens, isreeder you sure have spent your money Lower Yields, Ontario Dept, from bruises and disease. C. Hoogerheide, microbiologist at of dairy Shorthorns near Faring- of Agriculture Teats Show the Biochemical Research Foun- ton, Berkshire, England and had a good ride. But Where !i -dation ,of the Franklin Institute, been, Ebenezer, where you :. - - sen .,.------- r time __.. you Fhiladelphis. a the prape o plant b According to the Foundation, potatoes? CREAM - Ia minute quantity of the sub- Canadian National Results of experiments conducted stance Will kill the germs h ensu- - Wife: "I went in to a bar- in Middlesex and South Simcoe in- monis, gangrene and other infec- ,Rf ailwaya Revenues ga;%, sate today.' dicate that from the 18th to the Why not support your own Hous diseases. It has been term-. Husbind. Did you see 25th of May is the most desirable Company? Highest prices. The gross revenues of the all- anything that looked real time to plant, says the Ont. Dept - ad scientifically H2.' inclusive Canadian National RaDAILY PAYMENTS - cheap?"'cheap?" of Agriculture. These results are Write for Can -o-" ways System for the nine day: Wife: "Yes, several men supported by similar finds at the -PROTEINS IN NEW DRINK eriod ending Aril 30, 2941, wiitia for their wires." _ V g I?. g Ontario agricultural College, Science has a new drink, by Toronto Creamery which one glassful will give the were $7,912,856 as compared witlt Guelph, and the Central Expert- E5,620,8.50 for the corresponding "What's the matter, m little mental Farm, Ottawa. branch o - steak, bread, eggs and other pro- period of 1940, an iacre"e of •,, y halcea Farmers [d.operative p man.' asked a sympathetic atran- The testa showed that potatoes C Du co., Ltd. s lots., teins of a good meal. $2,292,006 of 40:9%. or- ke l:eor a ... The drink is chocolate flavored, -. ger of a small boy whom he saw planted May 18th, yielded 275 bush- ror.,ato - - crying in the street. els of marketable potatoes per acre. it you Wish, and tasty. Then wish, a "d offers two tools "Please, air, my dog's dead," The yield dropped to 248 bushels Bobbed b ac h• to doctors., One is to make cer- o bed the boy. per re when planted May 25t taro that no essential protein is ll," said the man, "yon and 224 bushels when planted-June • We 4 missing from a persons diet. The Modern mustn't make such a trouble of 2. Potatoes planted June 10th show- -� � -- other is to give proteins to •those -it. 31F grandmother died last ed an average of only- 198 bushels persons whose bodies. because of ' week, and I'm not crying." per acre. fllness, fall to absorb..the pro- ' Etiquette "No," said the boy, "but you 6;-RAYING AND DUSTING - steins from .meals, didn't bring her up from_a pup." The value of proper and consist- BY ROBERTA LEE ent spraying Sas also become an -0- "'Mo r Salesman: "Ca 1 established-,fact. 8 and dust Alit-RAID DEATH CAUSES to n este s - ac pray Ju.�t RU Peculiar and unexplained eft 1• When a house guest has show you -something, airy" experiments with potatoes at Ridge- tecta of air-raid explosions were permission from her hostess to in- Pedestrian: "No, I'm not lawn IsxDetimental Farm for eight ` discussed at a recent meeting of vite a friend to dinner, or some dere to buy anything: Bot successive pears have shown that " the Royal Academy of Medicine London. affair, by whom shoud.the. it's such a wonderful change plots thoroughly sprayed and dust N Q� "!a London. Professor Geoffrey invitation be extended' to be in the midst of all these ed fire times during the growing „s Hadfield thirty 2• Whit_should' one do -When' care without having to dodge season, gave an-average increased reported that in autopsies he had made of sir-said finds that another person's Rhe m:' 71E►1d of approximately 28 per.cent `'totalities eight cases shouted no opinion is directly opposed to his _ `•external causes of death. In some ° ? - asses air passages in the lungs What i, considered the beet: s • s S S I F I E D �R D V E R TI S E M E N Y S • . . were tilled with blood, but there decoration for .Any room :of.the house? . - of e - was no s' o i rupture- th sign _ - A however, a 4. What is the correct way for _ lungs. There was, : ]high degree of carbon-monoxide a man to lift aA soft hat when wt.ENT!t R ANTED E.�RACBT t`AIf9 YICRSSRY STOCK speaking to a girl. saturation in the blood. Profes- LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WA-1TED EXHACST FANS, NEW GENERAL BIGGEST iL0.0 GARDEN2 2� PER- saturation -e • nor S. Zuckerman, of Oxford, re- 5• Isn't it very unwise. for a to sell Phillips Lightning Protec-, ennials - Delphinium. Dianthus Electrics, way under wholesale. Lovelinees, Conefle'wer', Regal - - ported that it has 'been known girl to write some words of en- tt-va system. B. Phillips Company_; Toronto Me'rcantlie, 29 Melinda., dealment on a pbotograph of her- Lifntoed, 32 Osborne Avenue, 7o- since Eetly, Oriental POPPY Chrysaathe- since the Spanish civil war that +- ran= others: sugar kaple; Cedar; self that she.is giving to a young FOR SALE 4 Shrubs; 260 Seeds. Prepaid, Two -blasts of high explosives could kill BABY CHICKS orders al$0. DOLLAR NURSER- man. _ 1IF.S, Fenthill, Ontario _ or. injure people without causing DEC-ORATE WITH "NUAtALL" external injuries._ 6. Shouldn't one gTatetul. PRODUCERS OF' CHICKS FOR 16 The economical paint for, wall@ • when a friend has pointed out to yearn, barred rocks bred to lay and ceilings. Your hardware or CRAMER NL'RSERIES3 R I D G!w p d S h Barron Paint tore will gladly bo you dale Sark., LilBceiHonF1•ucklea, .' an C. C. Leg oro" err n pan a 1 gl show y l $ n "" �`•� w him a very glaring fault that strain. `one but large eggs !et. 'the attractive shades and.tall you •f o�aering .age .50: Flowering Car- should be corrected" Rocks and leghorns ne hatched all about it. NU-WALL Limited, perennial collection 80, $1.00; Car- Answd? >! cents, Rock pullets 15 cents. Leaside. (Toronto) eanada. airana or Asparagus three years % OCan �? - Leghorn pullet" 18 cents. Every 1100, $L26, • f 1., All %'itations should cone chick is from blood tested breed- FIR FARMERS OFFER TO [IaVi:nyi ORB ' from the hostess. 2. Change the era. Satisfaction guaranteed. $1.00 RY ANNE ASHLEY c books your order. J. D. Johnson.. NUTRIA. - VEGETARIAN FCR subject Of conversation. Above' Fergus, Ont. Bearer, Eagily rained. Pair $35.00. AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR Correspondence invited. Robert W,, List of lnventiona'and fun Infor=, x11, do not argue. '3.• Freshly-cut mation sent free. The Ramsay,. i ANY WAY,YOC LAK .AT-7T YOU Cole, t'liwon, Ont. - •Co., Registered, Patent tttornem Q. HOW Can I keep a hoose -flowers, attractively arranged can:[ lone w uh Bray Chiclta. Fast 273 Bank Street Ottawa. Canada. plant supplied With Water, When will outrank 'any other-decoration. grower?, ,•spectally now out on HERBS WAN-TED run(:, Tell us what you'd like, going away for a few days?' 4. The hat should be lifted by the chi,-ks. started pullets. dost $ES R-F BUT HUNDREDS DIFFER- %ALF.SHE\ 9A\T1SD br,,,ds, crosses. Prompt and safe _ A. Soak a large sponge 'well crown, not the brim. And above deliver)-. Bray Hatchery. 130 John . en[ nlon Herb Roo6, Barks: Write UNS,i%MSFIED ROUTE �fE�l, MEDT- with water and place it on the all, the hat should'be' lilted slight- Domin{on Herb Distributors, Dept: cine men, butld lifetime route g North. Hamilton, Ontario. , } dirt-in the pot. The plant will l , not mere) a 'touch of the W. 14_5 Stain, iioatreat. selling tellable m Produces,ts.Quality y y BART CH.74'Ii; AND STARTED "Cosmetics, Farm Products - a absorb enough water to.' keep it brim. 5. Yes; it--is very unwise. 2'ullete. Rarred Rorke. White Leg'- IXGAL complete line of 204 guaranteed fresh until yon return. She ins regret it man times in horns. Light Sussex Government- specialties for .household and y y g y Approved stock. R'rite to Coq- J. N. LINDSAY. LAW OFFICE, CAP- -farm. REPEAT ORDERS CER- - How can I clean smeary ma- the future. 6. Yes. But, -ad as eney's Hatchery, Mitchell, Ont. itol Theatre Building, St. Thomas, THIN. Interesting Profits. Get de. x • hogany furniture? It seems, resentment instead Of Ontario. .Special. Department .for tails and f*e catalogue: FAM7- A. First sponge With a cloth gratitude is usually the effect, 2s FREE CHICKS farmers collections. LEX, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 'dipped in a solution of hot water and very often a lost friendship. WITH EVERY 100 PULLETS or i00 LIGRTN.ING'RODS SEED FOR SALE mixed chSck{ ordered, we give 25 EST- tree chicks. Pullets $15,00 to $19.00 LIGHTNING' RODBUY FROM ALFALFA SEED "HARDY W EST- and vinegar, and then with a S: ., cloth dipped Sri a pint of warm per '100: Mixed Chicks $9.00 to° manuNcturer. save thirty to forty' ern" all grades and blends, Write June- water to. which 'one teaspoon each $lo.00 per 100: Cockerels per 100 per cent. Phillips Company, 32 direct for delivers0 prices. Hood j Improved—Select Italian light breeds, $1.50: heavy breeds, Osborne Avenue, Toronto. Seed Growers, Hudson Bay June- s'„, Of linseed oil and turpentine has package Bees $4.(?0: 7mmediate deltf cry. Goddard tion, Paakatchewan.. been added. Follow this by pol- -- Chick H a tic h,e r y, Bri3annia _l,F.AF TOBACCO TRACTOR FAR SALE �ahing wit>-i a so dry CIO fti-- -- 'Cut -Pnces For May --ITeS�•rte, Ont. ✓ How Can I recent Caull- RF,(ORi) CRl1Pv - PROTA iC - FOCR POUNDS Bl RLEY AND VTR- VcCORMICX0-D]7 E P.I N G 10-20 Q, p l:F.%TLF: PROMPT ISHIPMEN-T PLtiHBERS' SUPPLIES ginia. Leat for pipe $1.36. Five Tractor, Reconditioned by the In- tlov ser from 'darkening When be- F:\YRF.SS COLLECT pound's .Fragrant �'Irgi postpaid. Leat Wood ionni Harvester CO.. and in Ing boiled? • 2 lb. & queen-$1.50 BARGAIN PRICES, EAtHTUDS, Olgaretto ,Tobacco $'•50 postpaid: good running order. 7. H. McCaw, A. Add a slice of lemon to the 3 Ib. & queen-$2.00 . toilets, sinks, furnaces, •air.- Alatufal Leaf Tobacco Co., Learn Barrie, Ontario. Iw .t-. S. Funds conditioning, pipe, valves, fittings. 'ington; Ontario: wa?er. 'R. B. HERIER Sh411ow Well electric pump cam- SNAPSHOTS TODAY How.should I dye a sweater? ylet6with 30 gallon tank, $74.50• MFDICAi. Q. Valdosta, Ga.;.,U.S.A. Inquiries welcomed, Patkin Supply TREASURES TO-MORROW A. Remove: the buttons before Company, 215 Barton St eel E., A TRIAL - EVERY SUFFERER r dyeing a sweater. Then weigh Hamilton, Ontarib. of Rheumatic Patna or, Neuritis Your films are carefully and Bolen- 4' ' the garment• while it is, dry. -should try Dixon's'Remedy. Mun- tiflca,ly processed by Imoorla7, to Enough dye should be bought y. BA-KERY EQUIPMENT ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- make sura they last. -taus. Postpaid $1.00. 6 or 8 EXPOSURE•FILMS 25c WIMENWARTERBAKERS' OVENS A..�iD MACHIN- with beautiful enlargement free. color the number of pounds the .. cry, also rebuilt equipment al- HAVE FOL' GOITRE? ABSORBO" 8 reprints with enlargement 260. article weighs. A sweater will ways on hand. Terms arranged. reduces and remdves. Price $5.00 Thousands of letters from satisfied loot take d'good color With insuffi gg years fid.Women who are Correspondence invited. Hubbatd er bottle. J. A. Johnstoa,�o., 271 customers testify to our super Portable Oven Co., 103 Bathurst Ing E., Toronto. quality and service. eient'dye. restless, moody,NER40L38-who At. Toronto. IMPERIAL, PHOTO SERVICE Q. How can I lrgmove-unsight-;. fear hot flashes,dizzy spells--to take )� sti}ins on the hands, caused by, Lidii N.Pirikham's Vegetable Com- CARS, NEW AND USED HAV F: 4'1iT HEARD ABOUT DIX- Dept D, Station J. Toronto. t' pound.Pintham's is famous for on's N,urStis and:Rheumatic Pain paring vegetables. la �;T PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., Remedy-? It gives good results.- USED CLOTMNG , helping women during these"trying p 1,lYm_ unro's Drug Store. 885 Elgin, • -- A. 'Use a •little raw tonudo times„due totunctlona3 - Toronto's oldest Chrysler, O ttawa,'Postpaid $7.00, MUDEAN, CLEAN USED CLOTH- nics to remove . these stains. Lies, �t a battle today pt, dealers; three location, 682 qq ing . Low, Men's,-and Children's juice can be used for the dry 1st- Pleasant Road, 1111"nue. goo est. S ggf•tt WO&TS TRYIIQGI 3f60 Danforth Avenue. Qar Used LSS TE @ wear. Lowest yeller, 9a7 Queen Isanle purpose, - Cars mak•'ua many friends. is7w�+1�—41 Feat, Toronto.•Deators wanted. w PiCXERING NEWS WANTED ' DEAD HORSES AND CAl T LE 'PIANO-TUNING Terms For free ice n hone Pearsor 's Cartage 1 Radio Service$L76 per sear. $1.6o b aasao. P p p _ ,AND 6akecrtptioaa to the United States CI� .. .. ,.• ..• 65 DAILY _ AH'Kinds of Ltep sir �P ork Brit" $2.00 in sd"uw& - .and Gt. Bd gING .. 81s - E$ ___All Tupin � t Gtiaraateed ` — 606 - pert iaarvlee aael re. -- - -" AGII�1UOttRT '.. zone :. 2144 .COROIV70 PICKERM0 O. S. MioDONeLo - soba Monier. Prope�.e �+9e Pairs to all makes. Ross. - pay the phor}e chargee �'L1r111tL1r8 11dOvf1lgonable chargee. Work Ave. Tet+e><to i11ai A+iearlre�ils CORDON YOUNG LTD Your PatroWe is Appr"tW -,illaranteed. _. �oae Laloealde idoS Toresto }'kone Ad.3838 PHONE PICK 6301 ARTHUR FIELD - -"'LtAItGE COTTA1f,E -• at Squires' �...�.._,..—,�___ Beach, for remit. tally inrmished. 4 P. G.V. HARVEY lE74RipN Graduate Radio and Tclevistoo •bedroo m, Elefurctric new, nk, lip COOKSHUTT A. C.E.H.` '- Prop. IaatEt�te; Member #ficial Radio A � 'rwill -room, sink, ssp- Ilett':7lasociatiOif, tank. r%A" Wash-tic �1 room. Phone WA 6484 sir—enquire at F1, �j �A ' Br ROa r � . �Oflice. ood RR S gRpCK ,d Gri Agency . __-For Sale r0o=s.i'1 R►jANTED $c nth 6 sir s THEATRE Crusllod rooms. WJm, Grille, Pickering. �_ P..� �S in. -, housework Adults. Slee New Stock of Parte on geed li -- Service on above maddra. -Erban slid Alaska Oata d' Bar. "V173MX M—z— ,-c Character references. Write Mrs Implements an exmbit in seaaoa .. PCI.. . Ferguson, 505 Kingston Rd Tor 1ey;-free from noaioue wed Healthfully Air-Conditioned onto. Plows, m.wera rte. Sand and Cs>ha All � _ owe Daylight Savin _ — `.�._ v - Garden Peas, i0a. per lb. g Time - • TO RENT — 3-roomed cottage with 1 CIdV�r fired - THURSDAY FRIDAY&SATURDAY Jtone $p rage-attached Bud-c -in r er- MAX. 15. i6 and 17 andah, with small acreage of land. Claremont, Ont. Farrmore Laying 'Mash and :Two Stows, at 7,30 and 9.30 Delivered or Loaded im Pi 'Terms: $10 month unfurnished.north Growing Mash ilarantcd t0 Saturday Matinee at 1.30 PHONivc Plant, Pick I,Q26 • �' 'furnished. Located 4th house north B � g �t �"oroato off�'ce Howard 647. of 2nd con, on Harry King sidero.-A give results, $2.25 per cwt. The Return Of Apply �b Bowden Ave. Toronto. Repair Shop Baric & Oat Cho 3©HN B�OgBI�t� e9o>!i • ' WANTED — hs}lf acre, desirable Chop, $2,25, to :Frank James" _ for refreebment booth, in or near ` Tractor Service Building Material of all kinds 14 Teeboieolvr. Pickering. Write particulars, Mrs. L Graduate 1. H. C. Tractor Scboof `• E. OWEILL LL Peaks, 528 D^zforth Ave. Toronto. 10 years experience Claremont oat. WITs _ 1FUNARAL DIRECTOR AN Service is all melees of Tractors r —HENRY FONDA PASTtJTtE —twill take in a number Licensed daraSe Service - �� - 8l1[BALI[SR -of stock to Pasture. Apply E: W. Satiefactioa Pbeee Res. 7eJ. O!liee >fe'11. Auooeeeor'to W. GENE TIERNEY 1 1. matkee,l --Sleelp„ Dinty's Garage, Pickering :� JOHN NnRTON JACKIE COOPER ' - 8tailawille t'boae 6104 CLAREMONT HENRY HULL ould _. - Night and Day Se�^ries likehL a AGED WOpMAN - rouse- PI^iiEN n Glee housework. Experiemcad house- V O I� Business Phone Residue p1�e1 keeper. .Mrs. J. Dyer, care Mss. MONDAY, TUESDAY sc WED,SDAY . .._ gni ... 38 Greenlyr, Green River Ont, 39 MAY 19. 20 .sad 21 Shur. feed feed, ser- 'past Couplet* Skewr at 8so FOR SALE — 9-roomed beck house V1Ce m><l! C�11Cken BETTE DAVIS The Pickerme And lot. Box T. News Office. 39-43 PERMANENT; N AGGI N P PAIN r MEAT' MA��."�' starter, growing- 5 TO RENT — Rosebank THAT FRAYS THE -TEMPER , �` �� s rooms, rent season or month. AV AND N E W E S. -I T MAY BE trash laying mash, The i.etter �DPa esrr� a is all .line oil ply Twit, Toronto. Grover 0767. 4 �s-aa YOUR EYES. _ ' range mash, joy . wlTx • F C. H. TUCK. resp WOR SALE — 2. large houses on PT �, starter. concentra HERBERT MARSHALL alts lake frost, half mile west of � BMek, eA. F. d • --and lPickeriag Besoh road, one near neve. JAMES STEPHENSON -Dixon, - R. 2 Pickeri phone ' baa u>« _ tea, calf starter, tur- ae R O!l!1 Aro Pickering. P L t?>sl'! ALSO AN ADDED ATTRACTION _ (l ured •• • ,3car. 62b. — key, starter, salt - - - _ m blocks and b Passport to = Meats iDao,LnY POTATOES — for sale. � •:. _ -' ' -_ W bag. Mks, Thos. Bacon, LAM SVRYEYaR $8"� -�" tnont% Phone 1808 c> - starPi�saoe+a �b.an md' L Purina fly 'spray `-Alcatraz 9 Our Clare- -deli is at your service 6 de f• i� • +w P.1WRTER --•wanted to send news .�f BB: �• Gobaw� Phole Pick 16� �••• for cattle. T- " of new buildings, fires, new basin- L. _. on eiM asr as tanseW sf - � ,CLARENCE SILK i ors and business removals. Station- 1ML' 3tF D. N. L.Ot3k�iV000� JACK HOLT x :*ry and postage supplied. Interesting iMfAXIE ROSENdLOOM b work for spare time. Write now 'PICKSRING ONT. Rtating gmtiifiaationa _ MacLesasphL»f ��ttnalit� WE DSLIVEIt COMING -- 'Aims. Iii and Sat ��/'�Building Reports Limited, 845 Adel-. PHUNE.5317 Notice 'to ' Wde Stn West. Toronto. o�nt. Insar"W Co. MAY' zz, za and 34 TOT — st earn of money on main er w,aArLil NY. Qr1iV _ '4iVIRGIl�IA ' e do Baildio�ofJl It ainelsl. street Pickering Tuesday, between TOWNSHIP -CARPI$NTEFtIN , (Bank and Faur.. Corners. Reward. Cbeap rates !or Farm and Country OF tebaic for , .... .IAPPIy News Offices burr TRrITS o QB1[RiTilY4. •. �So.. Ia _ - .. PICK ERING = MADELINE CARROLL .FOR SALE — 600 bush good feed Windstorm Insurance on Bnildipp _ .PE UMBINGI g oats, 40c. per bush. 30 tons good Wiadmiils, Silos etc. _.__ . . _ - _ .FRED e,.MURRAY acct f . timothy and red :clover hay. Jno. TREASURtR'S SALEr of LAND ROUFIN(i 1 Miller, Brougham. 38-9 illatomolbfie KinInsarance of __ _ FOR TAXES 'h a.to sell.,, RooAag. will 4--held in the �1 Materials,Empire Bathroom y w wood t Plainted' and Dsonable. — .1Write or Pboae R. C. CLTNDMINQ E ni ment, burg- water workmanship. Reasonable. �. = TOWNSHIP _ HALE, q , p faro Rrelbe J• W. Johnston. Fre¢1c}una s Bay. 'BOWMAN !� �DWE tBROIIQHAM •FUNERAL DIRECTOR Systeme, Beatty 7, Stable Rquipment &AIDLO gEgyK,y Electrie , WJ3ITBY, ONTARIO _ ON Private♦mbalaaca� Building Material ' I ! and $*pairs. lbtpest Series as WAR SERVICES CAMPAIGN - , . s,q Makes of Ili vem Baarooakle FRIDAY NfAY 16TH Day and Ni Iit Eetimatea Free= h Tested ? Bosaaa1941, nt 2.00 p,.m. E, S,T. Phone.s7 'ark Guaranteed Mv. tea^ Ont 'Major Pugsley announced to the Q News on Wednesday, Lint ai Gohector'�or at my office. ktatvern5006. . i. PRO USE f Y, that the cam- HUGH PUGH • ��L P in iOntario 'County had now Treasurer Markham, Ont. - Phone 6502 reached the stun of $8,046.74, almost - double the objective. A noteworthy PICKMIING, ONTAIM " contribution comes, from the local - - Maple Leaf Insurance Co. of $500. HOTTER, {. -Used Car f_ Chick ' y Cu are x� �!' .� 1. �1l•!Qa _' �, - 1940 Dodge Coach, Deluxe S - r _��r�' Lucky! _ p A. �' � 1939 because you can be sure of grow C hev' Special Coach A. ins up without,.any setback. and a.. you 11 always have such good - 193fi health and pep Dodge Custom Coach .r� In sir+pie wt 's. j,e t g sku we est• Slwii ��� ,� � "3 that you'll. enjoy . ° ena■eerlaL twl tib every minute you, 1935 Ford Cu pe in dw . 0 . s k 4x ' live.You are going \ ' arpe sm a *lir '> x lei; �o et the mash I W111 know I can ded on for best 1934 Ford Coach - A; " bm ewe7 results and that Is— _tat • .�w;, 1932 Pontiac -Coach 3L w. nunftD CHICK MASH �••l,r Fordod With Vitamin$ A,B,D, E and (3 _ 1.931. Che Coach - =`Mw >♦so/ Rwt Your cW lrs need ALL S vitemine„ for the S working e>;er in propi �!` : balance aMe health. raped growth, freedom from ricket, abeeaa eE /� A nervous disor�perfect di freedom front colds. Blatchford• va Om1. cut down your loose to mrprida j law,perossuM WWh by Wl"susnh• � ..klp..,m.Mede. MOLE :Clreoat Lt w supply you wish Slatclbioed's !ot •etMnt seisfir► � f `. , i ,Ernie Stroud, Dumbarton, (int' �" P80 : ,. ► '.,,,�, . The Mothers' Dap: Services in the BROUGHAM a� [�LAREMONT United Church were - exceptionally their fill, Mr. KpMnald showed in- Ruth And Ray Taylor were 1�1. �v well attended on Sunday lata. Many Miss Zella Seebeck of Toronto was teresting pictures of how each pro- on Sunday. * visitors were Present. The Mothers' home over the week-end. duct served, was manufactured Moray Diad tip see Rq Pilkey 11=4 for Hooey, Mrs. Beare and MM ram eves; followed in the Traffic on No. 7 Highwalq is very, prizes for lucky People were distrhb- • short vacadion. s nt Tuesday in Toronto. Day PrOg acLeod, pe Sunday .school. The Sacz'atnent of heavy on week-endo. rated. The entertainment was Hader � Jones' s� of Tolunto, vis- several of our ladies are quilting Bapt�h ,Was &&ainietered at the The W. M. S. will cueet at the the direction of the May Group of ited with her during the ��• over at Evans Wlard'e. home of M[rs. C.A.>�R'ch'+T"on Thum the W. A. . _---- ->_-- .__._ --- = Alan Petty fro)► Kingston was at s was morning service, when, Frances L, afternoon, 22nd, d**hter of Mar• and Mrs- Harold day boobs oa 'Sunday. • onntt over the week-end. d William Dean, son,of Mr. The track drivers epee bora Ba��d�' Trsui rt Little Mc.. Sandra Pugh vidtal . Bingham has rel med to the n this centre halve bad a few days off • with Mims May � Morrish over �la6e ante= recoding winter in. and Xrs,, W. R. Ev%ns, were preae - ted.. Mr. and Mrs. Wl Usm Sudden this mak- the week-end. ' rendered very beautifully, an bid Mrs D;�eebeck attended the twedd- -_ � send it " ,MM S� returned to Toron- Toro"_-_- George b[cWilliuoe has hired 'Tell Mbther I'll be mg on Wv"esdW 7th6 of M� Mary lr� aos�■4 li r to on Friday, seeding severs baker's favourite, Ruth Stickle sad Mr. Norman R. _ with the Conner bakery there". The church was tastefully met � �wre�, �IflMwla Md iesr■8r w"Imi, with her daughter, 11Iza. Jarvis► of Unionville. :. Hal- with helper. decoraited for tris occa&ion, th:hnks the chu:eh �r-- Mrs. C. A� Overland and"daughter, in Tice Y. P. U. artese,,oar drain&t o M e A number of ladies attended flat Lionel Douglas visibrgv- ted friends to Thievthe e 8 oat on Sundae: cocain&• Missionary Con- �� � �� �1 Anniversary of the W. M. •S. London, Oat:, this week. ni h1~ Neth- vener, �, Willson in charge. `� - ~b4 Post office: Sunday g ; 1n at Locpet Hill on Thursday suet•' Mrs, Lyman Pilkey is reported to ing of any Account, was taken, a Topic — D' �_st_iroan Shore. to �W Batas es I.�g-DIs1aMs noon. be very much recovery contra- few dollars, in silver, only, from the Shore. The Mission Band had,s4 fine att Mr. 11 in health baig. and Mrs. Caatpiieattended -. this Week• > Claremont office. Stouffville office ■rear dw'"weadm 'the wedding of the letter's brother • endance at their meeting do Sa Todd, of Goodaaod, as also visited. it is reported they afternoon at the T. C. Brown • .at Stouffxille, on Saturday afternoon, Mr. George and Walter obtained $12 there. At the saane time day Vis- 1 Beier-des smog, ]Tena tee large bliss Helen, acting so flower girl.' __ Messrs Bob Redahswm _ the report says they tried to force ,home. Leader M Alan GmY, Beulah Hamilton. Work for Al aYMeials :� alai 1e•t�r The Rennes and Fenneys were . Ai �$arc� bf-Ckaremont;were in an .entrance. into tie--frit:-Modes-- e , --their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. -- '- awa on Monday. tabliahment, but were. unsuccessful the missionary bale occupied pari;_af Fenney on Sunday. The death took place on Friday, there Entrance was made to t'ha the time. Symjpathy of the community is ex- May 9th, of Elizabeth 1. WhittletOn, The Brougham friends of Mr. D. tended to Mrs,,.Asa Pearce and fam- es Bras. in her locale office through a icer entrance STANLEY - beloved wife of Jam the. thieves finding their 'way about Ri. Beaton join with other friends.in ily 'in the death " of her husband, both year. Funeral'from her late re- the house to the front office, which tendering him. their sincere best which took place on Saturday morn-" - sidence, Goodwood, on Mlonday', 12 - in itself provides Plenty os specula- wishes on his attaining His M th ilhg• Interment in Goodwood Cemetery. birthday, and still carrying on. Y ;Theatre W and Mrs. Rowe preeeou The friends of MT L F. Dopking tion. An interesting clue is. now in his useful life long be s�pa�red. ted their children for baptism, on regret his serious ��s, resulting a possession of the police. Tl1e Y. P. will meet in the church from a recurrence of a heart con- IOn Thursday, Mey 8th*. the-Won- under the Phone 100 STOUFFVILLS Sunday morning, at thea Mr. and en's Missionary'Society -held its res on Sunday May 18th, : hers' Day Service; dition which compel him to remean ar monthly meeting leadership of Thelma Carlton, Mdiss- Mm, George Gray, Clarem'lont, in Claremont THUR.,FKI., SAT., MAY Is,16,17 AD Bat- in bed for several weeks• He left for meted Church Mz� Johnson, ionary Convener.'Topic — Comrades brought their little daughter, Bat- Toronto on Saturday to attend'• a ' Members of in the World Church. Roll (all with bora Jam, to be baptised. Immediat- the President, presiding. verse from d -Bible be with el��t BreAe�''$pf • convention, and became ill Mrs. R)wson s "Group took part in e�, upon bye arrival. He woe driven the letter N. ' home lata:'. by friends. We all hole the Devotional exercises. Tas Gtheir The stores and post office_in the _�:.WITx WY. C. MURH R were fortunate in having - :JUSTICE OF THE PEAC1 he makes a speedy recovery , Miss Isabel Elliott, village here will be dosed each BOB HOPE The Palk Board met on Monday guest recently ed o ff, to For- Thursday afternoon and eyening•un- for the County of Oataslo ,meg and arrangements for the tit further notice• Note change of pAULETTE GODD71tRD pICKERING ON?. aura, who gave-ua an interesting _ from Wednesday to Thur*- ALSO A=uLul Field Day and Concert, and instructive address on her work day :._. Saturday, June 14th is the date A Inky Drs for a in .Formosa and • of present day Week-sad visitors included, from" -- conditions there. At the conculsioa Stleet Short 'Subjects . Radio and 'Cedar Cheat will be con- Toronto - Mr. app Mrs. E'. Crocker - _ . • ¢ ducted. Tickets will be on .sale of tPemmeeting tea, was served and articulare later. Opportunity given the officers and Mrs. R. Witter with is and Mrs. �1Ved. May 19, 20, Z Matthews on Sunday. Misses Dorn- Mos., Tuts„ . 3 -ahortiyt Further P addreep3 and members as well as several mem- ,thy and Betty Baker. Mdse Ella Wall Ren. Walter Daniel will bers of the Baptist Mission Circle who ace vit h her uncle and aunt, T. C. "Man In the _ his colhgregation of the Baptist a of meeting Mies his .co on Sunday"-hornbng on -the were also gu em, and Mrs. -BrOw7l. Mi. and Mrs. A. "Chariots and Horsemen", Elliott. Moffat and Mrs. Shepherd. Will and Iron Mask'! subject on - "Oar Lordb I Mrs. Brown.' Mfrs. Wallace Ellicott _ and'in the evening _ .�GREEN'R OOD ],oat NM and Teatssent„• Good At with the W. Ellicott fandly. Iiug'h WTi`S _ - - Wbtr.:rite k�and W - - at the Mot- our neigh- and Mrs. Gannon, of Oshawa, with ARD eed+est Ordex ! saejaa►. W woe enjoyed ase reported is LOUl3 H'11Y th:••eh mr--pee+a� dance - ten Halmostheir ple. ,. un PBD ddive�'7• ,, last Sunday.daF• __ Services _ Semi - NNETT �K , E la AN B -- hers Daly � borhood. Service had a, large �O po you believe in- the Paver M”. F. BE Chapman Wan..at,iris psotanc Day ��„ced halo s Co., _ Payer' If yon do, we.invite rou F. W. Gibson home on SundaF ' atltendanae with the church well fill-charge 'COMEDY and CARTOON I,,, G. Wilson, R. P. 1. Myrtle S to join with as in a Cvmsaihtml� S. Winnieot'* little son call- ed.' Supt. John Knox sine in 4- -- prayer Service Olt Sunday - evening ed on E.' and Mrs• 'Trimble on. Sun-. and was assisted b9' GeorgeIn- SUTil�'188II�IG �� BACKA thext,. at 8.15 P• M. in the United and Alan Ellicott. The Rite of in. si needs may. Zor-. fasht Baptittm wra observed, the in. 'tHUR.. lRL,Sat.Nl?1Y 22,23,24 Ithewnatk Fain, Sciatica, 1= Church: Our World, eery + Xr, and Wm W W. Gee oris Bi3MA the prayers of all 'C Iriatian People' ah were with the Nusses MacLean, fant .children of Mr. and Mrs. Har- < is suet necessary. Use �C e P and join w nest Sunday ev- Tomato, on gunday. old Barclay and Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'North-West at sun for quick relief. ,=•-� 1 I of Rose ]liigWhirte:' being baptized. A short • Rt DRtJtti Ca. Pim Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Disney, �ountcd Poly - - The 'regWW many meeting of and.-Mrs. Disney and E. and Mie. dramatization- of the Bible Story o- tlle Womhen's Institute will be held > k of Whitb9, were with F.'W- Timothy, making known to his raw 0 . ._gn Wednesday *ftern°°n, MvY 21st, her and grandmsother, his call to S° and Mrs. Disney on Sunday Work, at'280: at the home of. Mrs. Rdy Mrs. R. W• M;eve9, with tba Young W th Paul on his Missionary �orgaa. Election of Officers. p► who presented .the Pageant, was P n Norton, and , ► and P � will be PeOp +" Here scone son George and Helen Malcolm. —Sale of bu*P here are asked "Did you see deeus. gave a wort add- conducted. and mem time ago, gave it at Mt. Lion on 'Rev. I. E` Kennedy Ito bring a few of these items to SundatY evening last, to a +well-fill- rens and )poke o! two +world-renown- ed house. ed personages Who came from ho¢nee - ' ` 'contribute-to the sale.'All are urged 21st where comforts w"16 few, through to attend. On VS'ednesday evening Mas' oted �'hristian. arrner� The-Bowling Club is ready for its ' S. T., under the auspices the infiuenr�of-deo UK Lo hn tomorrow at B p'` mothers,. they became great Christ- - lor+hsiel"Season's OPea' g, W. A. Mr. D."Y. for good wga of Group 3. of the tures on= afternoon. All hoping Hoskin will`show motion pit ran Leaders, these two were David Cher. Refreshments and luncheon the War,.Dunkirk,'South Africa, and Livington and Bokker T...Washington will be served. Playing will be carr- 1 Air. All s Trip-Around the World by . TEV.�LE ID on in,the afternoon CE and. even- of these are very interesting.. Ther - ted- , - VICTORIA AN t g. The Club Executive •is incur- will also be special violin and ween ' ung a drive for new members, and music, and readings- Come and enjoy Mrs. Herbert Barman and .family ON in this, are; as a first mote, ariang' a good evening's enterteursment: Ad- have moved into G. Trams residence Mr. Charlie Hilts has started to Ing too have bowls at the.Club Hir ouse mon 2bcts. build a cottage on part of his fat-- - - _. for those who do not.Pomp et SUFFER the agony of Rheu- . 2 3rd hers lot. e own• This should help many tog - Matic pain, Sciatica, LZMbago, when Bruce and Barbara Buckles are ' to the Op -vel-- n attending - r n d a you are Invited u ulck will a d I� . .. ptarted. o •il a Ym q a� RwnacapB w'► 6n' sl�zng In the y _ ung' - tonne ielief. BOYES' iii UG �•► school here ° Congratulations to .Mr. DonaldSatur -INM Beaton on his b 80th irbadas, day, Diay 10th Mab he live to en. 1�AMMOTH ' ,HALL �RIO )c �� : many more.■ Omonthl-• meeting' of� � � he re alar 5 ERS oT gRMd _ a-ill be bel • the R'o Hen's Institute MALVER N Paces on Wednesday, blay 21st, at'2:3b _ We Pay Toren o , sbarp at the home of Mrs. H. Pugh. RUfiS CREIGHTO •" Roll Call — A.,Healthful Hint. and REFRESHMENTS At Wh�tby••Your. HomejMarket Pay Your Dues. An interesting aft- - ernoon with lots of fun, so be sure OMISSION + 50' CATS: ' For to'.conte. e �,.�..... Amidst a, profusion of be _ - - S.prine Flowers, ;Vipthers' Day wasqla d�t� ' s obsened in the. United Church Sun--HOGS day school. All the. atten8ance •lj. ` 1 - a ainst,one hundred last all $ � 'EGGS ei ht� g i was 1 have metyQ S - year, -the offerin was much greater. Measles kept many home who would } y am LA �� - have made the.attendance the 'sofas- M ndali read the la ear. Mollie Ra ALVES Cas at s lilt O� O0 _ F. Mss Iresori an - NI p O� tiered p beaut- friendline s is a Scrhlpture lesson. And All K11'fda Miss Alma Wilson i of a In iful duet, "The towh . �pQt T1Ted Both r _• Dean read the• story Both Uvol hand,,. We ley s "The Theme Mrs. b]iacklim .of Ag- C �.► and TRIS d incourt was the guest she :.PO . . . . .... _ !a�. _ much to 3eTnem -.. - '.• . .. gave u8 m her. Lloyd• 'You'llgDresi;edave Cbsirmaa• :� i•!�"" - +IIi@IId� - FARMS 'About i5a jolly.folk sat dawn to To=�� P KERING a splendid supper in the United Church baseQaent Put on by the ,�o 't ggXO _ - . . _ _ LI M!T E O : = piunTeEt Eastern H use, pho Advertising Ca The tables w�Ihipeg ) 4500 _ were gay w[th flags and crepe'PSP' - ;: White ar.3 blue. The 1st Re tCYed S �'adin Statl011 CO rs .red, - Course was Cora Makes .and sugar + - - � and cream, through, four sources, hot 'Biscuits made in ' ',-� .• _ served piping out to I at"•t}, 'Whitby J336 the lntchenWhehanded ev ry nght _. Whitby"-Ontlp hong tl}e tables. a one had eaten • • • � THE ,WAR - W, E E K told of a huge "about face" a! Rout- --C ornmentary on'Current Event sia's military strength and a shift- Ing of large land, sea anti air forces 7.- Free Aeroplane Pictures El. S. PREPARES TO FIGHT awthward tovrard the�Balkan and ' Dear Eastern frontiers Although the reports contained no hint or - -- =FOR DEMOCRACY AGAIN' nay kind of impending Soviet mil: I •:,; , itary action they were described -• " • in Vichy 'as revealing'. a general s "jockeying•for ,position" through. y, ' Freedom' of democracy in Ma ' 4 - out the Near East from the Black g -' the world . . . Is the kind Of Y — President Roosevelt's ' Sea to the Persian Gulf. The Soy - .7 statement quoted at the Bead-of'- 'fat High Command also was said ' faith for which we have fought this 4:. column,before, for the existenee of to have decided on. an extensive May 6 (President Roosevelt) — reinforcement of Sts fleets 1n the which we are ever ready to "Command o1 the air by the tienioC• black Sea and Caspian due, a or '�~ ;:' y►9! again."--U. S. President raciea muat and can be achieved." Ing to some versions, to the F Roosevelt. (Increased Pres• The story of last week.'%-develop-. 'Production of 'heavy' ence of Itall.n and German naval ; bombers'had bc.9n ordered.) ' fol in that area. These Russian HERE IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DOr _ -In - Batand 15 other modern laaeaDo menta in the.war abroad was punt• May 6 (1Iouse'1\istral Affairs Com naval forces, mostly transferred spitfire photos of the following`aopt1Da are ` y all -.tuated ori this side o1 the Atlantic 3' DcHaat . . . xwrtcaae . . . th°� t official yhocoar.paa is full mfttee Chairman Carl Vinson — from the Baltic, were believed Co Akacobra . , . Fairey Battle plane • -detail). Foreaehaero�laae hotoyouw;ah by a series w -sharp, "more.action"_ "I stn ,for convoys now.,, include submarines ,and torpedo Lo`l`t'v,�cav°w a;" �i°to1 alea>u;a, send two Dur planesesec .1t ch labbels. -wutterance� which came from the �y`lane or MaY 6 (Rep. E. E. COs, Dem., bQata.' FB berg i ddr' encloossee et,essary 8lackbura and a �� s� lips of the key men 1n the Roose y Swordssh mail r ' _Georgie ' --- "01 course we are - - - ... ,..__ ., •.•• . ...sti,aaert.ad co Lim ��-Starch • - . ort relit. . •yell•Catsinet and from the Presi• going to convoy. and we, are going dent himself, to convoy right away." In- Every _J In a speech dedicating' as .a "Shall We Now Flinch?" shrine the birthplace of Great-War --'may 6 (Secretary rot YGei envy e1 Ls]+ _ -- A i��'HL�r�j►�•+ -. •Fersident Woodrow Wilson, Mr. Stimson) — "Shall 'we now flinch - v i I-S-- Roosevelt clearly annunciated the and permit our btHiaons of dollars `American: d6iHiloli-- "we are ever worth of munitions to be sunk in Defect Usually Develop$ In Personal income tax rates increased to 15 per cent ci . &dY to•.fight again, far the free- the Atlantic'!t IL today the United Fifth,(trade of Publ tc Schools first $1,000 taxable income from present rates of six,sad ' door of democracy in the world," —•Boys Suffer Oftener eight per cent. States 'Navy itho�iId make secure Calling For "More Action" the seas for the delivery of muni- Excess profits tax 1 _Last week as the Unit f United Sta n at rate 'n tea - increased Ions to Britain it-will render as Prof. Harty J. Heitman , of to 22 j a---=^��1�-P�cent stood on the brink before declar• per cent making minimum Corporation Tax now 40 per' - -, ��,.'formal sear on the Axis, the great a service to our own coon- Syracuse Lniversity believes there, - cent. " a try and to the preservation of Am- is little 3 any truth ib the saying • _ _ United Press, published a review• eriean freedom as it has ever ten. that left-handed children; who National Defence 'Fax rates increased from .two to sva a Of some of the significant state- dared in all its glorious history, later .were taught to.. use their per cent and from three to seven, per cent effective July 1,. . went made within the .previous . sad exemptions alightly Increased. Supplementing the effprts'of the right hands, are stutterels. + wrath by responsible U..S. Govern British Navy, it can resider secure Heitman, chairman of the" meat`offfcfale and influential lead- Budget proposes new Succession Duty Tax Act to be- till' the oceans, north and mouth, Schoel of Speech and Dramatics' come effective when legislation given Royal Assent, patterned ' :+ars. It showed how "step-byetep,, west and east, which surround our at Syracuse, told a local Science after Provincial Acts. 'the United' States had been ab- continent. In that wary, it dan helpforum that of 1,600 tested at --"doniug Its non-belligerent Dollcy - - - .;._ - — , - to hold in. check the onward rush ants entering Syracuse, only one New- tax of three cents per imperial gallon imposed °n and preparing for intervention on the tide of n'aaism unt11 the other of ?7 who had their handedness ygasoline effective April_30, _1941.' (No previous Federal the side�di Britain ' April 9 defence forces -at-all the demoe-- changed, was 'afflicted. gaaohne tax.) (Maritime Commission " g • * e racfee are completed. Heitman said there are-about -New 20 ^Chairman Emory S. Land) — '•Irl s • r 1,300,000 per cent :tax imposed oo moving picture enter. .11is field o1 shipping aid to Britain, - Persons in the United .ta;nmeat and five pes? cent tax placed an race-track wa;ars, there is.a h Mediterranean Crlris States who stutter• The ratio is effective immediately, cage bonfire burning — -Besides tine crisis 1n the- Battle one stutterer ..among every i00 ' * • the submarine menace We of ihs-Atlantic, new threate were persons. Tax mobiles valued at $900 or les, increased from Haight well ask ourselves •in our developing for Britain in the Medl- - 31ORE BOYS-StUTTER �0 per cent.to 5 par cent; other group classes tax unchanged. ' _ alI-0ut. aid.to Britain it we could` terranean basin — in North Africa, "It Is inter eating to"note," he not givegreater help by aiding the where the_.German army was re- added, "that stutterin ia'lrkel General sales. tax level remains unchanged; bnildiag British to put out the fire rather pdrted strongly :elnforCed g Y -materials' rernoved-from exempt list. ' Khan by concentrating moat of oar prepar• to develop in children during the . ? * _ _ story to concurrent drives_ toward fifth.-grade in .school when they Sugar tax increased from one cent to two ccut s a pound.' MfApri o� feeding it with fuel." Suez and the Atlantic; and In oil- are about 11 yeara oid. .It is also and on glucose by half a cent.to.one-cent. April 24 (Becretarp o! Beate Cor• rich Iraq; Britain's Gi: base for „ - dell-Hulll) -- "It la high time that the whole Middle East.*her a Nazt- di,Fficl i►to explain, he- added, • • + - - tbs remaining free e s counUlee ' "w'h3r boys have a' greater tea- -New tax of 10 per'ceat on rail and air travel tickets cost• _- inspired revolt Hared, appeared to dency to stutter than „ Ing r+ore than 50 cents. - Should ariti to the fullest extent and be in danger of spreading-to en- Siris. Ln the briefeef-time humanlyProt• Heitman said there are-as + * * - . Dos- velop neighboring Arab countries. Teti m malt increased from 10 seats to '12 cents sad oa sable and act for.their sell-preser- : In the latter• ease the , least three limen girls. many .boys doasestic male isos9ibllltgs syrup from 15 Ceuta to IS cents, egvitrale°t to -' -TAtion . . . Aid (to Britain) must would have .to be taken into, 'con- afflicted as are gizla. about five cents a gallon on beer. Reach its destination`In the short- sideration, that a vast Arabian + ' "t time in maximum quantity,- So force *Ould beer-thrown Many Factors orainarp wines tax increased from 15 ten;s to 40 cents , Vayoagainst' the J per gallon, and on sparkling wines from $1.50 to $2 • gallon. cant be found to do this:' British In the Near East, that.the April Make Promise Good'' Sway t)0t8 • ` * -- Anis powers would gala the bases Y Y Carbonic acid gas tax increased from five cents to 25 p m'24 (Secretary_ of the Navy they-needed to develop their drive In Knox) — "We hare d� � Canal and E t d sin; "soft drink" costs by les• than one -.bank Knox) from the east against the Suez -. -_-.- tenlsgPbotioel un � 'nerea that the fight that En =fn Any Elec4ion" - Nevus- • . » r Egypt; that . Britain i g Having gone �OqM -Ione essential :oil pipeltaem ;Papers' Functlon More.to on- Cosmetic�and toilet preparations rate increased from la thus far we cannot back down- . . , which feed he: :Mediterranean Ionrrt, Than Influence, Is Op- Per cent to 25 per cent. shier cannot allow our war sup. fleet. Ynion of Professor -:be and loud to reach England Smoking"Out Turkey * + LoAg distance telephone call tax-'increased from ail per cent to 10 'Iw will be defeated it they do._We Turkey was fn a worse spot than The success-of President 'Raose- -utatioa. per Beat with maximum of 50 coats from a pay maanot allow our goads to be sunk over-last Reek. Following the oocu- Telt In the 1936 and 1940 elections s + 1hn the Atltlntic — we sbei2.be-beat• * nation by Germany of more (creek In the face of strong newspaper Tax on playing cards increased from 1 on,4 they-are,. We must make Pur Is m 0 coats Eo' 15 cedes Islands in the Aegean,: Associated o�pposltloa 'was nota repudiation - •_a pack. - - - promise good to give aid to Bri- Press'. Kirke Simpson wrote: "Tbs- of tho power of the ' ' • > ' press. says Alain. We must see the job through.­' key is menaced..by the possibility Dr. Steuatt H. Britt, of George Tax O° Pocket lighters increased from.-20 per teat to 25 April 25 (President Roosevelt)— 'of air bombardment or invasion Washington Univeralty.._ per cent and on combination lighters and uses from 1,0 per "United Staten neutrality �4 ashin cent to 25 per cent. - - patrols Isom hes Black Bea front to her Com'paria0n of circulation figures • • will be lent as far into the waters southern coastline in the eastern for Democratic Gad Republican' -Paper `cigarette- tubes increased from five teat. to tea Of the seven ceae ss may be net- Mediterranean If she resists newspapers 1n election years, vilth cents per 100. Om u'Y for the protection of the mounting Nazi Pressure to Abandon votes cast in those years, repealed ' " + American hemisphere." her British alignment. Her eastern to Dr. Britt that although the cir- New tariff concessions 'granted United Kingdom on van April 99 (President Roasevelf)- frontiers and contacts with her cula.tion coIIUntted on r Pail'ly even' ='-eta of -commodities including woolleasfand footwear. - "I,egal authority exists. to send British aliles are menaced by the keel, the eleet3on returns riuctua-ted • 4 K American wa.rsbips Into oombat . Anglo-Iraq convict, and she s . Con 1Provincial governments asked to Tac ate. soaea . this does nhastily i ra, considerably. ate. personal and • pl IIeCesear• "co or i ,. at on 'Income ncom ed rP e Do s tax iso ha field for . . atil reinforcing _ r duration o or f Y ting her CONTRAR war, with • ui- Y T � mean such action O NE�VSPAPE 9 __ _...... n w111 R3 valent eo be" m n - ta e k• ratio de! ■ rant eslC P e s colt _ _. d b F _. the Turkiah•Iran border The press probably pever had the -g+ ; Federal Treasury. In fear that the war is Iraq may power to sway votes that it is New taxation ex Course Chosen pop u- petted to yield 2300,000,000 is 'full spread in that direction" (Study, Iarly supposed,t0 have, Dr. Britt seal year. April 29 (Secretary of Commerce of the map recommended), concluded from 'his .study. T3is :,,--;fiscal e Jesse Jones) - "Rte have chosen Tito Waking Bear does not meau; he Total r•vcm►e for current fiscal burr course . . .to give all pointed out, year estimated.at $1,•possible On May.Day, while signs multi- that news ,150,000,`000. raid to those countries which are paters are not Influential, * � _ i.. fighting ' .� plied of, Increasing .tension in but ..merely that many other inilu-' Total war sial ordinar Dour rveway their Inde- Russo-German relations, the' De- ences—machine politics, y. expenditures for current fiscal }�deace and our way o! life . . . fence Commisaar•of the Soviet Un, meati Public year to be at leant 2,1,768,000,000. ngs, speeches, over-the-fence f a a - • more sacrifices are,fn-store for us.:' ion S. K. TimOahenko issued a and over-the-lunch April 30 (President Roosevelt)— warning that Russia hack re0rganiz- have influence:' gossip--also Deficit for current fiscal year estimated at 5618,000,000 "W1e must fight'this threat (of ag• ed .her armed forces '9n the light 1 " -Canada taking resaonsibilit for deficit in British foreign . irpareni]y," he said, neospap- s R y gression) wherever it appears , of-'experience and modern war• era have often been eKe<tive in •exchange'account on purchases in Canada amount A Critical Situation fare" a4d•Ras ready.for an to $ 900,000,000 in ficeal year 1941-42. g Possibly May 2 (President Roosevelt — Y "satr• soaping the views of voters when + . prises." He declared that the U. S. the iotcrs have been upiniormedficit ' "Arms production must be stepped S. R was ready to "offer an anis or•-indifferent•to'the isauPs and the fait means Canadagmagehave tadded to otal budaetaryadefjeitufortpe r ap to meet the ever-increasing de- hilating refitifi to any encroach- candirlat : wands for munitions, -planet! and stents by imperialists. That same "But when 'the voters .Nava A. 1941.42 of approximately $1,500,000,000. ships, caused by the critical situs- week Josef Stalin became Premier- good deal ole' -information from '4 y new taxation ' tion which confronts our nation." of the Soviet-Union, a stgn that sourcre other than netivapapPra and Part from moue produces and payments ` into superannuation, annuity and'other funds held by Govern- Way 3 (Wendell,Willkie)- "The Russia wag' consolidating her Vast feel directly concerned with the "meat, and.war. ■avinvs, Government 'expects necessity bor- ' state of sinkings is so serious that strength for the days that Iay iesnes involved, they may.vote con- rowing frons people and institutions approximately $1,000,. we should _ g P ^ protect'our our cargoesf ahead: . 1100,000 this fiscal year. arms and foods to England.'? trary t0 the political-views express­ arras * y 8 Reports emanatidg from Vichy ed in, their.favorite newspaper:' Mew construction and equipping of industrial plant to be - licensed as from today .to control investments. REGILAR FELLERS---A Wise- Guy' - By GENE-BYRNES I LENT 8AGQY SCAT{LON A JVECKEt. 010 YOULEND Z C' ' 1 T 1�ON'7 KNCJK! AN'He WIOeJ T -/ GIVE I'T HACK IT TO`1'M OR IT�TO'IM THAT 1T S)BETTER r -�'- ttD�ME! C,IVC _ TO 4e'IVE. HA fT TO IM Y. _ To Lcrsio AW IT CO3T3 EXACTLY of �i 1 PRICE /• .`� a 6-8 :, - • - _.. _ - f - _•' _-�' .i� 1 , •' ,�.'t "�-�•- ' \f� •y. � . :' - moi, . ' "'C!�� .�' .� • dna,WJi k-+.a.w 'GF.rk�•.,a+^.« x a•w`ts"gya""t'u,�-�.",+;> r� r- -.,+ei^ a•. - .. -. �.. Household Hints91,4*W ' i - - _ "!WANT TO TELL EVERYBODY ;Equal parts of cold, water and._ ■, sena two boa tope from p i tures of Canada •°BLRNN[IM taOM/t[R °•/ptTPllt['! ♦lneBaP applied t0 the shiny seat «tMELLINGTON iOMi[R" Cora i3taech for each picture requested. Write your name and address on.one of GOOD ALL-BRAN — s'NURRtCANC• r •'Dtt BOAT �lwz WPs.with the name of the de�irPd q. of your frock a'Ith a nailbrush will ��HOOD.RODNEY•ARK ROYN• tns+l Chem to Det J to _,s.iypMMLAND i I INA BOAT Cannel•6tareh Company,49 Vti elllnatot. -- take the gleam away, afterwards t Q�` _. M.M.DESTROYER(TAI•lalrt) St & ?sonic Out. ULIEVE (ONST�ATioNls•. SUBMARINE(Sart dM) t ` �•:••' /1� pressed on the wrong aide with an MOT9RTORPUM BOAT and odWO iron oust a cloth. These wonderful Pictures are also obtainable 2 boa � Of \� for -top• from Aparka/ee - Gt;tr a damp d+tat sheet .to b6at f.; -CORN STARCH _. If you have been d`ostng_yourself your suite Indoors ut the winter; or with harsh eathartict, 1; ALU throw the sheet over the chair and M L ' ';" LVSR OLOsf LAUNDRY STARCH #Tor is yea=s I had suffered froth ,s -Better Way". it ebtxyr then beat"thtoiigh' it-with a stick; or 1 0101INwtuplto tabes from a tin of ption, trying all kinds of $RAN t CROSMM BRAND SYRUP, / J 150dil&c without �, bops of mac. day and drink,plenty of water. But the dust sticks to the sheet instead ":,.,�� LILY 7 KARO;Y ' d started eating KELL00'a'S remember thta•cnsp,delicious cereal of decorating the't•oom. #JU ���,�} . . .- w[th doesn't work like purgatives . ' it i • • - :--�/!' • ''• I (for each luet> dam. fBsetvelo,a resuljs. i wish I could tell takes time..Get ALL-BRAN at your Clean _ AU people Who erre suffering from grocer's, in two convenient sizes, or • your skin• rugs with amix- @Owtipat •KoW good ALL-BRAN in. individual serving packages at _ tune of dry silver sand and french t to relieve ttl" So writes-ata•Paul restaurants. Made by Kellogg's is chalk (provided they are white or / epY.Joliette,rbc' Condos, Canada. pale in colour), rub it R'ell in and • ' s r then beat the fur side with a\ane• For .bad stains, make a 111tiUre , l of magnesia and starch powdeor, ap --•-- - _ ` R Mary, guess what," said Ted in pIX and' thea roll the rttg up for Ta��� C MBr s _ d abs a B� S��E B a carefully prepared speech. "tale two days before shaking,and comb • T it, ours.-_ - . • ' , I Y cal` isn't-a-d� ng.-.. _- - --- _ I bought it today." - pick of f,the megt null-put "Oh Ted!- It's a beauty'. I lore It. More Requests food chopper. Place slices 6f . #i Sas it a bargain" S TREAML-INED :. .,. and -"A steal. An old geezer with too It does seem as if I can never hard cooked egg i -- PRINCESS DRESS then put in minced meat.lel Ccok -Comean - mucic moneF found he didn't need -gam ahead of regr?PSts, �►khough stock down slightly, add lenpon A&pted from the' . it." ;• _ last- week's- coiumn was devoted juice.- Pour into .the meat,until Metro-Galdveyn-Mayer "I hope you gave hit's•a big6kiss to them I have quite a number it feels very moist and soft. Chill for me!" of "left-overs" o here we are' until set-and slice when cold. Picture Ivo, I lust gave flim tlre--check. a Apple Upside-Down Cuke Some with-salad .Water.cress 6 .�IrY Mary, >s'_e've. covered pretty. near ,� _ • 11�E t every abgle a3"thie mauled thing 3 tabiesgoons buttes garnishings' add a zest Serves Lfebbeus NiltC ell except - -when. I've-ggt-a good cup brown sugar 8 or 10. ` or 6 thick slices peeled apple-. Apple Rice Delight- ph ht 1840 by Loew's Inc. lab and something tame up.ihafa b"or 6 llaragchiao cherries I cup cooked rice 'CQP7r►i going to,make everything perfect. _ �- So lets get married as: $°alt"'as- ►'• »�!�': Place butter in round cake .pan .. _. - _l sweetened_shredded at �'. and melt. Sprinkle in the sugar. cumonds Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Thomas :uoasible," Now• place in slices of apple.with 12 marshmallows cut in pieces ;nd their three daughters eonsti- er surf!'TsrpeseidfdgmIngl}oil next ' - -a cherry in- the middle of each pint creaffi, _whipped tate a typical American family _ - orie. Cook slowly-for one minute Combine rice and apple, sauce. In a town of some 15,1)00. Wary,the ` mop�eht month's line! Let's make � (� covered: _ Add other ingredients-folding in- eldest daughter, is courted by two 2tfi tablespoons butter whipped cream at the last. Chill. automobile salesmen. Ted .Poster It the first ty cup fine sugar._ and serve with cherry garnish and Jan+ Reynolds, The youngest - 1 egg (iEarsschina.) i girl, Harriet, nlne, Is Independent, As Harriet caught,the br_ide'a Uou- s� tesspc,on'flavorirng •i. }with an aye single to the business quet shouting: "Hooray, I'm Adana 4 `, 1 cup Swansdown flour ,Miss chambers .+e1e•mea peno.at 4f eating fee Bream. Discovering be married• next,' Anastasia An. '..,. . 1'�4 teaspoons Calumet baking tetters mots laterestca rraderi yrs - 1 • to phrased to reeelve sua/esttasr Mary rehearsing a propoeat Of'"Or- thertou approached Ted wllo was - powder o• topics Tor ►er eoisms. aaa tis rings, she telephones to_both suit,_ looking upstairs as Mary.ascended t* cup milk - even ready to listen to your -pet 1 Method: Cream butter very +K•e••" Itegeeet• for t ePPOS. Add •s er that Mary was prlmping for an to change info traveling costume. _ —j speel■t meas ■r� Is caner. Aaa'e■` _ hour jttet In-rase •a certain young She offered her hand c. .. wel',. ,add_sugar °*radually anli Your letters eo•. t.. sante iCru..- man should rail that evening- -"C'n�tulatfons, Ted. Better p hers. Ta west saetafae Street. To- hot cream in well. Add the well- dr luck next time.' In spite of her � roars" /e■a stamped, •eft ad este! I price for the Information being beaten egg and beat very thor- earel•pe if yea ..lar s reply. toe cream. Mr. Foster, favoring- smile. Ted telt that aTie was not eukhly: Add flavoring. Mix and j 'fed gat/ Jim to demonstrate s Cor. kidd•iaj and made an carnes to i ' f sift the dry ingredients and add Blackout Curtains it+et sedan. giving Ted time to mingle wits flte guestw, E alternately with the milk. Pour A Bride Now In T.C.A. Equipment propose to Mary and be accepted. over the fruit arranged in pan. His mother was sapin.. to Mrs. or about f se I ougbt to , Bake at 300 degrees F. v become "I s e - afl; lFppo. _ i• _ sins have add threw her/e,C Thom ,�� ran 5 minutes. Loosen cake from $lockout Curtains - i us 3 et u s Harr w. �id'e n- , Susan no Trans-Cl ilk- Thomas' ra - call You S A equipment v¢itli T _. s' arms as be rt -l +t - f an. Invert on large stork equ p Thoma Leel. You sides. o p - n now hoar I_ 8, - � mil you dont' ,h �rueti from business, exclaiming ►ate and serve either .ala Air Lines. When -o es still have two daughters." y serving p opaque re cur- Daddy.-Do ur- Hello, Daddy.-D o you ]ave me . cream.- "More tans anything in t#e- And then Jim.Reynolds *as wish- or wtthcut whipped with out of Halifax opaq grey Ing him good luck, Jellied Apples and Raisins ., tains are dsawtt across the grin .world!" he said warmly. shanks. Jim. o hard teetin;s?" 4 red apples down of T.C.A. planes on both A iiwn tooted and Mary can''_ sides of the passenger comport- When tier 'fat)he`Y. ''Thwf "Plenty, N"hen 'i take over Mr. i cup „ranulated sugar bias past Hillman's Sob 191 cut your SSIATy." .1•Cup boiling water mint: The curtains remain drawtl « ircraft lands and taxis i. until the a leautrt be Ted!" "Better look out for hinr. 'fed, - '" Thin shavings of lemon rind , smiled at from a Co,�o• Dir.•Heilmau. "Jim's work. to the passeA.g&,C-_terminal.- This. T au bed 1 tablespoon Knox geliftne At- 1n � die gbits Cana . tremendously_ ndo acreme Y et coupe with the top down.•H ins up a deal to sell etgh.t station 1y cu cold water y P s in a- restricted is port. lies bar. t •. Ian t •p klsa Batted down towagons. 1t•j ruga apple syrup +: gory was business today; der ••-That -means- nothing. Mr- 1ie11- j o-tablespoons lemon- juice zone, • There can be en peeking. iia$'" man, Any day now-I'll show you x� cup seedless raisins The curtain is, full length i'rom. . _ IIs blinked. "What do you know a schemesugar,.: water-to .sell automobiles In ! Combine sugar, water- and one end of the cabin to the other 'about business!" clusters, like gr'ape's•" !I and stn le in height. _ ,Nothing. I wan just rehearsins Nl anwhile upstairs. Harriet. al- R lemon rind. Boil minutes; ie- p _ _ o be a good move rind, drop n sec to s' o wife. Teddy=" d p i t' n of cher bet- her gt b o enAd;euite f" pared and cored. Cook area • 'bo-It pill ma Teddy." he wine- apple day most in tears, ottrred Jiat -H 11 cowboy handkerchief and her Tab• - '`*d. "I never liked that name•" bit s-£oot. Her mo t.her •For the - y elle^_:' /lowly r syrup until clear (coo She looked at him 446stioningly. downstairs. look that's so in keeping with the eyed. part c the time). Liftsec• •Canadian railways will offer QeoDle Raraed me you user• •' Well, child.'' said dare• Thomas, tions out carefully so as not to reduced-fares for_coming holiday - summer season - make this en- break. Measure, syrup. Add periods including Victoria Day, _ with Anastasia today," she sail, '-you're a bride now attd I-could -' chanting ' frock Iron) Pattern and at his startled, worried ]ooh. _ 4743! Anne Adams has designed water to apple juice io make up May 24, falling on a Saturday; give -you advice tot' hours. But [ 1'�s Cups. Soak gelatine in cold oatintted': "Bat I told then all It don't su pose it would-add add up tQB the King's Birthday, June 9. tk thfia style for easy cutting. sew �,star. Add to boiling ayrilp`sad falling on a Monday and Domin- ,S ' didn't mean a thing' -more than one thing." . ing•and fitting. A spirited effect "It didn't. I saw her for.only a 'bdotber°' "said-Diary tremuloualY. lemon juice. . When partially set ion Day, July 1, which this year - - "I know ]'ll make mhttakea- is Bruen at the yokes by the SCSI- add apple sections and raisins, comes-on-a Tuesday. Oouple of minutes." loped tops of the panels; the neck. - "Yes," said Mary happll3*, "we'!'e "Oi course gory 'will! But see- ' ca efully _folding them into the i�fames,'? that subject once and that you survive the fi+•st crisis:" line is cut.in a becoming square. ell Pile in sherbet glasses and p ,The brat quarree f - Lace edging and a bow are nice jelly. Det You Qere�►eC Cor all.' I don't-want to see bet, serve with custard sauce., "No, the first separation." trrmttttng rotes. i ae contras for- /•. !bear about-her, ,ot•.h�ve_any_thln; the yoke, bow and sleevebands if Pressed Veal ll„a�! Beat This to do *Ith her past, present p1' ;"tic matter what happens. Ted -you like striking color. Ino start `i lbs: veal.shank ituture!" 'and I would never separate," y i this "wear-everywhere" style as 1 Ib. pork hock - W4ro is the champion grand- "It's ours!" :` "ph, Ye , you• will: Maybe yon'!• possible! - quarts water father in North America'.' Ted removed his,hand from thF, soon as pos only• leave each other spiritually - door of the car as though It user•` for-halt'a second! Or-one of you Pattern 4743 i� available in 2 teaspoons salt ri R. fowler, -of Colorado might walk out on the other for • 'misses' sizes 12. 14.,.16, 18 and 4 teaspoon pepper Springs, CoLo., asked'the ques- -hot and murmured: "[ I 20• Size 16 takes 3?4 yards 39 1 bay leaf _ tion and_he's trying to find +hope'you Won't have to." day. a week lir a month." - "Stay for dinner, Ted: and then. ••We•d•slways come back toget}t. inch fabric and 3:i yards lace cloves lsonibn _ tany he awhite manewh6 -hasengar iK you cati keep that demonstrato!. et- again. Mother." edgink. ire`Could drive over to the park-_ '•Probably,,but it's how you come Send twenty_ Cents 120c> 1° t1 teaspoonplemonejtTice _ own claim tocthe ttit e. Fowler and feed the pigeons." bark 'that may detPrmiue your, coins (stamps cannot be accept- Wipe 'off meal. Coyer with now 84 years old, has 82 direct happiness:-Marriage, is like ani ill- ed) .for this Anne Adams pattern. -er Bring descendants. . He,is the father 1 Hess -'it you-i-ome through 'the , Write. plainly size, name,, address _'to tboil and abo seasoning.ftSr 6mitintes: of I"l"childrer,; has 53 grand= " ii Briefs the patient's got•a chance to and style number. children and 18 great-grand- 1 dive" Send your order io Anne Ad- ' Reduce hEat and allow to aim children: 411 but =two are lir- 11 (Continued Next Week) ams, Room 425, 73 West Adelaide falls mer away. from the bone.r it,i hours or il Nowt • - r Slow CIGA.' Absent-minded Lady:' _ .__. _ i - _ doutle.acdiOnvtul,le FINER - t Gets Enormous Order r N nd econort+a viol ui fin:•,J):C.f ,..- b belie sesu t rinFr mtu` o use When a busy :West Braiich, :_... D jJ jeavettitt;- rrmits') ulu• y9i �.: �,/+ n Fb et des 11 Yon• r. .__, -Leel v e s eft 'a t r p i _._ gE'I"I'ER PAY IN housewife sent `her neigh- / "M,," asavze Ho ,levi�'e - hor's 10-year-old son to the gro- fi a°Eag�•.o4e�'anav mQP`HF¢i'tl�t'.1'• RADIO AND WIRELESS cer's,. she received more of an - ?;• r .cith ZNl) - - now in Full Period �� i, 'tom Ser sbe 1ia�rt,E� [.17R Enrol n order than she bargai»ed for of War lrs Course, suitable,for both Wa she handed the boy a / L and Peacetime, if male over 18 the articles she wante�l as -2-years High School. _You lows: 1 bottle vanilla, 1 can'bak.w can study at home. Few months ins powder, 5 pounds sugar, Pass quickly. You owe it tn' _ . yourself- to. writer for Booklet, bas's soap. - " - 7 1111 001�f;1t« the housewife check- - - r - DOMINION RAD IA -off fitly; , ed- off tete list with her_pencil. �A�, _ ECI=INICAL INST. "One, two, targe, four items," she, , Suite D- IS"- said: writing & figures down at e f So YORKVILLE AVE. 'the side'47f 'the-list. Completely-•. - P4� r - _ _ TORQNTQ... to-her. surprise. she 'received tho t t+N r. r following: 11 battles- of vanilla, dbawste"rt°4 ,.„•' `j►00 � C T f t d_. 10 4 ISSUE 24--'41 u 1 can?- of baking powder, ..86 . „a :f pounds of sugar, and 4'! cakes o{ _ tr,> ' " rld S QQ • rr LOCAL Mi -The Ldies' Aid of rhe _ ' tenon Presby- . . r Churchwill meet-at the homE Read Liu Bede of Mrs- M1101112,11, Whitby, on Wed- SP'ECL+IL MEETW-G OF THB� L Cross notices 'on needs next at 8.04 TERAYERS PICKERING ' !Salvage Collection. ladies of the congregation m' .�11 theA _ .___�, '+ --Mrs- Speiran and children, of rim, legation are in- VILLAGE, MAY 16th. �� Orillia, spent the week-end 'with her �' z A meeting of the Ratepayers of � and Mrs. J. G. Baxter. ,.AX11harton Red Crors the Village of Pickering will be held j -The many friends of Mrs, F. J. on Friday ev Prouse are very sorry to hear of her The following o,c� egg, May 16th, at 8 tore wi articles have beer. k, in the Town Hall, for the being obliged to return to hospital in g - , r turned into the Pickering Branch Purpose of discussing Fire Protec- Toronto, ft8•ain, this week. during the last month - 3 ladies' tion and suggestions made by the - •--Olin. and Mays. Kaiser, and tam- skirts; 2 ni8ht6eW�ha; 7 pr. pyAmas; TO ip council at Monday's seas- J n ---man- fly, - - of Jackson's Point, have taken` 2 kimoW; 1 dress,; 1 child's helmet; 1oa• Methods of financing additionale■■tle ftp residence in the Hallman house, S soldiers' helmets 2b equipment will also be on Church Str. 3W. Kaiser is em- Or. sox; b discussed. r played as Pr- seaanen's .stockings; 5 &arves; -. lblice Trustees. itzon plant. electrician at the emu- b seamen'as scarves• i pr. mitts• 1 -------------- and ---� to $01 ' YOU Red Qro�s brancnes here lee' aw*eater; 2 pr. ladies' knick- Aunts pla>�d at Inst Corineil ens; 2 ladies scarves• 2 -.---- ' ! , Pr. ladies' . sad elsewhere are taking the res- - - gloves; 2 oalota 2 baby's bonnets ,ROADS and BRIDGES posrsibility of conducting the Nation Y Wide Sa1v 1 babys Doak; 6 pr. soaketel. Gifts A Matthews 10.00, Lesyie Gauslin age Campaim There is a from friends for the month were: 2 9.00- W- Gee 4.00; Fred C • G.good load to start on here, right be- rarivford � a A. 'RAFELMAN, • eeial Ti side the Nevis i0ffice, It.has tour sox; 1 Pr. seamen's stockings; 1 6.00; Q Bryant 16.00; Edgar Ward p p Top r@- pr, mitts and the regular monthly 1.00; Lorne Jones 28.75; Robert pleBeII�afi1V@• would life to see you Monday, tdasela on it, and has been sitting check from Mr. If. A. Newsman• Balsdon 2:60;-. 7%011: Am-,-n 17.50; May 12tk At pur store. Be em the same spot since the ananv Chas. I,ecigett 376; Walt,' Holmes sure tp meet this ten. 1h Memoriam 14.00; Cecil Pascoe 16.00; J. Wags 5 gentleman personally. It' Vol wish, he will be -�FTaylzal is extended to Mia -84.85;--- -- Blad to be Tp You a _- 1� �Oii`I7 C.-W- - -or (on-the-former-T T •Ice loving Ward 8L14• -gF B ward er farm) in the sudden death of her a, 8 nhenhory o! A. Lee 107.60; Fred robe, $is world of experience is the cloth- father, at Brantford on Saturday at dear lather, who passed away Hicks 84.04; John Beelby 6.00;'How. = _ * 17th, 1926. Otaierod 8.50• waiter Brown a.00; }ni b>gaineett is at your d;bposai. . Maioa note, as advanced age. Deceased was ex- Yo6're not forgotten, father dear, RoY Ward 150.00 , Dected in Pkkering_ for a month's Nor ever shall Gardhaarh Trach Olt the date 1 You'll want to meet the Tip you be; 12.00; Henry John Baxney 11.25; George Top representative. visit, Mr. and bars. Taylor to drive •Am long as life and memory ]nets, biutch 5.00; Jdhn Baxter 9.00. Frank to Brantford for him last week-end. We shall remember thee, Turner 7.50; Fred Major 10.00; W. - They received word of his passing, •.-•Lovingly remembered by his Carter 9.00; A. Mitchell 41.00; Wkn. dere, on Saturday morning. his Beatrice and her Daugh- Mledland 2.75; J. D. Remmer 4.00; Seo • $--The members of the Young Peo- revs, Lorne white 8.00; A. a+� the New British Woolen: t . P� Union of the United Church � BuaehbF 4.55; - .ase holding their closing '�"-- & Greening 14.60; J. D. Adams 99. i -- 0; Pedler People 98.43; Canadian See New WedneeldaY evening, Way g at _Pickering Redyles oil Co; 28124• ROY­ W 8.80 P. m. The program ►, Y arc:2'1.08; C. p gram �a Night" t" hn Cooper 26.78; Joe-Burrows 3.10; J.the form of`a "Patriotic Night" and � ,• . '" .- _ _ _ --- - Rev- Mr. Parks, of Whitby, �l Cross Salvage Balsdon 5+:11; Pickering News 8.00; A` Mitchell 1.60; Frank Barclay 5. speak °h; "Kipling - Laureate o! 40; C. Morley insce. 141.86; A. EL CH f"'OMAN England . Refreshments pnd games Pickering Red Cross Committee is ,141.86; A.157.50, mil be enjoyed, and the admission arranging to collect waste material _ _-- is -- one War Saimaa Stamp-' The of all kinds - iron, rugs, tlottles, CONTINGENCIES EX C LUS/V e oL=A Lem stamps will be on sale in the base- � paper (tied in small bundles). All ast Gen. Hoep25•Toronto E11. Ad- C. • - `•. P�Ckeruig _ - me9t. An invitation is extended to local residents so* asked to notify E. Morley, road liability 278.00; anyone interested in the paitriotic the Presidentt, Mrs. F. T. Bunting, aM Spears, stamps and express on �Onta iio. M pre'g'tarh, and a special invitation-to by Post Card, giving general pazhbooks 20.00; St. MichaeI's ,Hoshtai c- P' • .. '• - • ." ; . ' . .. . t5.00• Whillier Co. A seessor books the parents of the Y. P. members ulcers as to the quantity of waste is extended, material available. Donors are also Collector robls etc,; 84.46; _ Toronto General Hospital Wm. Chester, �' The mashy friends of kr. W. L. requested to have such material coil- p° 5.00•, -' TOP - - Courtice are pleased to know that he ected and readlyr, so that trucks call- salary 60.00; L. -T. Johnston salary, TAILORS or i 50.00• D. _ .. in showing some improvement in � ft, may not be unnecessarily � �. Beaton, salary 120.00; _. delayed. It is intended to have the Beaton Bell and Ross legal fees 134. health this week-end. Mrs. Garnet Y ; 25; Dr, Arthur. S LIMITED Coustice. who has also been.ill for trucks call for such material•on or quires ��; D. A. - about Wednesday, 21st. This mater_ Beer, insurance 70.00. - aomte weeks is being able to get out Y. - z little eaueh days ial is to be temporarily stored in 'RELIEF - "'-�To get a very good idea g the the rear section•), the Artie Hall, S. G. Morrish 6.00;; E. Woodward Me CHAPMAN ' . ' :,­ the dost nuisance that those hying on Oder the stage), and parties hay- g�0: D, bitller 600; Mrs. i. Scott So sideroads travelled by the gravel Eng small amounts will greatly oblige 10.00; N. E. McEwen 16.00; Brook- :,tucks. have to. put up rwith, one the Committee by delivering it at liir Bakery. 8,00; A. Mitchell 7;00; should drive the storage centra, if the can con- Bayes ul,� the Brock Road to Y Drug Ca 8:45; .City of Tor- _ __ -• -- tihe high level and look down over vernently do so. But, if it is to be onto 28,87; M. S. Chalprnan 6.00; R. - - - this fowl-1 called for by'truck, please notify Morrish 9.80. Wm„-Sadler. Ping section. The conessi- y the on wide cloud of yellow dust re- Committee at once, stating address, DAMAGES TO SHEEP da of a, bush fire. general particulars as to quantity C. Bulmer, 10 sheep and 2 lambs Pick t--f!'Flt local Fire Company �eiv- and kind, and when it wdll be ready. killed, 2 sheep iqured, 14000; War- ering r�scall to Dunbarton on Tu The time of truckers is valuable, ren willam>-i a re Tuesday , inspector, 1.80; F. C. - - _ - raiag. Damage to ., local residen- their services are given without Pugh, 2 sheep killed, 2 sheep and 8 wen alight- A7rt. Mitchell was charge, and it is desired to give lambs injured 43.00• G. X Forsyth �maual - on the job. Watching Art- them all possible assistance. (The inspector 1.75, - We have a Complete Stock of ; ve through those holes on No. 2 key to the building may be obtain- POWER and LIGHT y reminded us of the•En liar from Mrs` Irish, next door.,.. Field Seeds Red Clover, �. g - i Greenwood Stn., lights so.". f r `t]hannel on a, balthryr' day. Art will �g N RIVER -,t a�, son pe when the Brigade retires ' RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lum- -A lfalfa, .Timothy & Sweet Ci - on.pension. �M� T. A. Barefoot of Spruce- �O quickly relieved by using - over, The officers and manners of dale is visiti her RUMMCAPS. Recornmended by warden Seeds (bulk ric Lodge A. F, and A. M. were g parents Mr, and thousands who have and package) to the Senior Wardens of the �' J'' B, Wilson.' gained better 'We are pleased to report Mrs. J health. . -•BOYES DRUGS., �� 3'or lodge District y last night at B, Wilson has improved so mucin McClary Electric odge here. They were accompan- she took a drive one day last week. Eyesight Ed Ranges ed by many visitors from the thirty .Mr, and Mrs. C Woodcock o! . tlCatlon odd lodges of the District. Senior Stroud, visited our Sunday �Fr�gndaire Refrigerators• ► arden Les.. M. Morley of this lodge ay school, and loomed:his brother Wardens. Din- visited J: A. and Mrs. NignsWandez and family. 5 er was served in 'the Town Hsu, y' EFFICIENCY tock and Poultry Foods Mr. Blake Lehman had a business ,ter in the evening.. trip to Beeton lest week. Kind f South Pickering Ratepayers' Exec. Misses Edythe Williams and Lois '� All $ - y Turner of Toronto, spent the week- ((]] q There will 'not be a'meeting, of •end under' the parental. root _ C. fl. TUCK We are ' he Executive this week, unless some I pleased to welcome Mr, - rgent matter arises; in w8uch'oa- and Mrs. Greenlee and four daugh- - nt McCormick,k•Deering F d apt, ge fore mor is arm Nachrrery rd ' embers will be advised b ters to our community. They live in Repairs. Y Phone. p the house vacated by H. and Mrs. a Local Red Michell. '"Eyesight Specialist _ a r �■ - dross w la.. IL Can Got IL Cross, Mrs, Eli .Wilson and . Miss Lydia -Disney Building (app. P- O.) Fuller of Bowmanvilte visited rela- Oshawa, Phone 1516 Q have sueCCssaf ul fives here last week- Optical Lenses J. V. KE WN 'PIC RING -Mr. Mowbray will. visit our S. S. social evening. ". this coming Sunday.. . Perhaps you have noticed how clear - - - - Y ------ an optical lens is as compared tet - The- -enjoy-. DUNB �__ ordinar -.glass.=The glass used for the patronage Of a very large ,� optical purposes must be quite clear SPECIALS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. and of an even colour. In anakin ber at their Euchre and Dance , Frank W;b1te, on the birth of a. dau- glasses to suit the delicate mechon- Wednesday evening, held in the - r■t Ha11. $50.50 was taken as ad- F' ' Thursday, May 8th (Georgina fan► of the eye when used in at{v Breakfast �aCOA - -- ssion8 at the door, and the s We I Francis). way as its correction, the any " 2w�!. a' � the Lucky Dmw Tickets over$70. ' fie Horticultural Society held a tion starts in fthe selection of the e very interesting Meeting ' Tuesdaycls and..ie further applied in the Stt f .; 1 • a • large natural•speech framed linen, 'evening in the school-roo , of the mixing machine by anagnetic se -stitched speech b His Ma'e par- auctioned app, sold to Mrs, H i United (church' The guest .speaker ators which succeed in reducing the was Mr, John Ha�ij, of Toronto, and amount of iron, In conimon ordinary Pork Liver Faillaise for ;7.60. The work was _ y 1 Zt• a • nated.by Mrs, Dr. Field, The five the musical part of the program glass, iron is one of the things which *Q s - consisted of solos by Miss. Norma greatly adds to its darker colour, .Stewing Beef, 12c. a S era in the 1, Draw were: Littleford accompanied by Miss Potash to a very f -- - C. Tannahill, Fadrport beach, Marie B g, ry great extent easier r- .'Jewel Shorten�g, l fie• a •lk . Morrish• -During the evening, laces soda, and so it is much easier King, Fairport $esoli; Mns. Ren. .Howey led in.a sing-song; the to make .a slaps entirely free from nleq, Brock Road; Mrs: McCon- members exchangedClassic Cleeser, �-. `.:3 �tiaars, 13e. e, Dunbarton; Newton Reed, Plants and also bubbles, materials have'an important received.ttvb boxes of pansies, each plant in setermining final lens qual- kering. The Barrett . Orcheatt�ry the gift of the Society. ity. Mixing and melting under,a, con- p fins, �„r5�„'a vided the manic for the dancing. "Is local A%sociation of the.Girl trolled even tempetdture asures un- prizes were given for the cards, Guided held a Euchre and Bridge iform composition essential., to con- three for the dancing. The off- - teat Thursday afternoon in the Com- Firm true optical characteristics. Ex j ra of the Branch are very mush 10 munity Hall. Honors for play went. tra care and precaution must be s u - n the,response and recept- to bIM F'. Miorrison, firs,. F. J.. An emphasised to the en-1. In the an- t' . '^ffort, the first of nis, Mrs. Foston ^. i Airs. Smith. nealin �ncess as Drell :BiA her �� ani e�®�) ' Pl�o�►Crl=� kind here, to carry on their Red S p , preserainR Proceeds will 'be :�nr] f•�; the C::r' it all times prPcisicr ^ '. c:ir. i.:• g' Las wort ,Guides' War W.•..k pr