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— •,si: O. • r' •Y• — .-. 'p i• '� w t, p Oyu S, i_R•, ''''i _ R•1 -Q`� •••FCw'] -"••' ' f,` .. all � ;'^V'. —' "3 '•ix•'4 .. �. .. ; `• / -�'ty' '1' _ �... •' VOL. L111 �-: �.��•:_ .. - -_ _ ._ .:. :_� PICKERiNG, O NT.; F-Rt D A Y, J_LTLY_6, - 4 Nois 45- ><Ofltfti0iilai trQiSBr. _ - _ � � �' � � Bast Lmt East • `. .Green River Yedioa{ The Woman's Association of the Mr. and Mrs. J• Paire,'of Toronto. GREENWOOD Base Line East are holding an ice- a holids with their son here. _ DR• H. 0. PESRSON- Physician __._ __�" -" cream social at the S. S. No. 1 sc- apent,tkt • y ,ad Suraaoo, Denbarton. lay "Our tracks s onr wa The barnyard Rolf courses area MUS p� y y hool- house on the evening of Tues- centre of attraction there ,days. 71R, eRrHUR L, HoRI4. Pnp�ic9Nti every driy." day, July 17th. The program will Wm. Duncan has been to Windsor 1J consist of a baseball match and ot- sad Suiaeon. Markham. Dot. Phone COAL, C�gFi. attending a convention of Post mas- Draacb office at whitevale. each Tuesday. 2-4 _ her games. Everybody come. Adults,, _ Batablished 1838 . at Mn. David Tuner's_ 24 -Sop a0 sop: in Children, 10. at 8� standard Mr. Wm. , Levett's mother R B. FORSYTR, O h. D., Diretttor 1r UOD, , CE hf'EN 7', _ ter spent a pleasant week -end with - R B. tar of ,■ten Ontario. Res. 't� _ Mr..and Mrs. Levett. non >tiY a..�wa.� -•.t. 13AND, {TRAVEL•, Greenwood There will be a garden party held T..'• "rise f�Oa,,CW_smont: o� on, the Property of Mr. Thos. wilt- ' No better pastry. aad Oaks - wyd -we have a contingent of Boy Sc iams on July 25th. Make a note of (Icily made in VMfn:• outs here as usual for a week or two. BTTILDER'B SUPPLIES Wedding bells ,are rinAiriR*to the this date and don't fail will be - there, '�^�UNOAN B. McINTYHB- Barris- �. it will be good= There will be aloft- Canada. ! solicitor Notary otsee -Brost SL. East of us: ball game for the early arrivals. Cat- e.e.a• _ Opposite 16itf iephoae Office. Whitby. Wm Beckett was in the village on + e 4s)• spy oleo local eartage'worTi tans s Orchestra from this Sunday will be in attendance. This garden DONALD RUDDY Barrister.' Mrs. Carl Devitt has improved in BARGAIN PRICE9 ON 1+'L+'li:! ?13 sowtoi Pabtk. Montirto � '(w =r party will be held under the anspic- i oaeu by, the late A. S. Chris- A• ` " " - MITCHEELL health and is back home altairl- es of the Green River Indies Aid. Barley Feed, Sea 00 per top wkile fo��.ios late A. E The Ormerod family spent Monday wongmin Bsiley Coop, $28.50 per ton ``" __ l ecleelol�r6 -1i: ilaurv) _ up at 1.aKe llmcoe. - BATON.- ,BELL'..& ROSS,- Barrist- Jean Linton is in, Claremont this • These are the Bep -eecis on the JUPsm Scgi mini. 9% • NaitSera Ontario Pickering, Ont. week writing do her Entrance Ex- Motor traffic was very heavy on - thews& SMSay baens. Toronto. market for the money,, Basted. Office phone 7400 Residence, 6520 aminations, Clare Wall and Dorothy Highway No. 7, over the week -end. L 90. _ passed on the year's work The Gannon family have establish- J.D.F. itos.. radei.idessa6 -s _ -DON'T DRIVE WITHOUT Mr. -and Mrs. Gamble and family, ed a summer camp at Cedar (.rove. RESULTS IOHART:BON. PIOHERLNQ public Liability Insurance. One sec- of Brampton spent Sunday with Jas. Miss Seebeck, of Toronto, was with One farmer MU1.vSy_4$wristemSoticiton. No�arim and Mrs. Raine. _ - _ her people here 'over the week -end. tmaoy others hope ' �eaet,we, »s-at4 Contsdsr■tio■ Ltte B,iitd;ns, ideat may cripple you financially for 'Dominion Day passed off very Week -end visitors at the home of the same experience) fed eight ft.�A4Yd ee � and lsoo Toronto. years. You can now buy insurance quietly in the village. A. tow, of the Mr. Will Burton with wife and ch- Fra.w with psymeais extended over nine to pigs, from time o! weaning stwt 4aturda eveoinsa, Pickering re sea. younger- people were in ' Pickering iidren of Detroit, are visiting their with nothing else but Barley bow Ploy 3613, sit mouths. Your choice of stood reliable for the celebration. relatives in this neighborhood. Canadian Companies. 25 per cent re- The Rev. F. Horton and - family Misf3 Webster, of "Toronto, was a Feed; at a prn8t ot845, besides ,.THOKFWN' k McMILLAN- Barris- duction for any person wlto has driv- motored to near Kin raton 'on Vb'ed- guest of the HaFvey't, during the` feeding a brood sow.. and s• tag, Sohcitom Notary Public. omeee .t ea three .years tfvithont .an accident K ■asiieoce of Mr. Thomson. , lot 11, coneesston i. nesday to their summer home. Mr. past week.. small quantity t0 other - rkket*g. OBce boars: Thursday and Saturday for which he was to blame and a fur- Horton will rotors for his services Mrs. W. Carlton, son David and av rains, from 7.00 P m to s 30 p. --.or by then reduction of 10 P. c. to farmers. animals. ay�dntment Toronto office : 6W Royal,Hsak on Sunday. as uatial. '.!sine Pearl Carlton spent Sunday at - �+tg. Phooe Pick 2000. Toronto e save. D , g $ �•;1R _ the idiliord ..Hamilton home. Partners will save mono /' ' Insurance Agency Brougham Out. Greenwood Mr. and :bars. Eaatoti attended a y by ex_ 4 Deffat<s!. Phone Pickering 515 = st-edding reception on Seugoif Island Changing any kind of grain for g A grand garden nartv will be wi_v- F LO I: R on. T2; arsday evening. en by the Wgmat, s Association of ROLLED 'OATS ATEiL 0, f!MITH. D. D g.. L D. e., — - -- - The E. Perrvmatr 'family -left on _ lr (Successor to Dr J. N, Dales). Graduate of The Beal Store, Claremont' �e Greenwood United Church on the - Monday for their. new home in Act - 4Ye Royal College of Dental Sureromand Toron- pHUNE 884 Ehureh lawn an the evening of Wed- tor on - _ WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR nt P. At Claremont office ow- D. A. nesday.. - July 11th. A splendid prof[• __ t. afore everyTueadayandFrain Phone I.: and �Irs. 'Middleton and Borden WHEATLET9 e tall. alit FURNITURE - ram will ife given by the following attended the Oakley -Elder wedding HARING BRAN c;CC -hireh -class artists: Rert Harvey. Can- in Glenmaunt.Cnited „ . _.Cbttreh on Sat- 1 HERBERT. T FALLAIQE. L D q.'. we are displaving an attractive adz's Best Couiedian; assisetd by t'`' last. "P. L. C* N D D.S.: Graduate•f the Royaf Comae of variety of, well -known C.' Le Rov Kenney. w`th • The llidtileton family attended•the al sar;eons and the I'nivervity of Townto. r _ past �e residence second door east of St. And- Alum nom and (,lraniteware Etc. ?Kra. Harvey' accompanist: oval vivo Re -union acrd Picnic ' in Oriilia •an .FRED S T A C EY a.'.Cburcb. Picker +na.Ont . ofStce hoar+: s Furniture �►nd Furniture _ music by Wm. Bruce 1laeDonald, Monday and report a good attedan s. o. to a p. m.. or by appointment. - (x -ray ' Nnvelties, baritone' harles Ha field tenor service), Plane Pick 3700. 431y C rt ce. Painter and PN er -han er Psice ]ow, jn ie.ping with tfirnes.' and Storie Beare, bas�a, ail of Port : G-ardens and •crops are lookine ex- p B Perry; Victor Stouffer, the well- _ ceptionalty well, but fruit is scarce. 35 cent:i per hour or by contract ,i)giiatiiiamo* 912wbo. known violinist, accompanied by Miss the trees and olanis in many cases , anywhere; Cif 1rOC and L><me Helen' Mellow; and the !sort Perry - ELiZABETH RICHARDSON- P Orchestra, conducted by Alfred And. �Mr. winter kilh�d. Satiefactiotrbivaranteed. 1 N Mr. Robert .Phillips, ' of Regina _13 rare e !� . Fke end satomob•letasnrance of all krrtt�, Juyt arrived a Jar a shi ment of rew�,, with .Miss Valdi Hortop. plan- sends an enocuraginir letter of 'crop - - y - zperience. sepstariunacoy+panissof solid financial staci - 8 p i tt. This will be an exceptionally fine y, Gyp -roc In the -folk wing sizes : conditions in that part oP -the West PINE DRIVE, DUNB71RTOlY P06TILL, Lioeaeed Auctioneee. - 48 in. z 72 in. Gyproc: program 'and will be well worth hear- this year. or Write Dunbarton P. O. F. fee oanouas of cork and onaaato. ae. 43 in. z i34 in. gram • at 8 o clock. - standard time. - rs. Albert Gray is making a sat- ins. Admission., 25 and 15 cents. h eio , mia■ of ul kends seaonod w oo spo ■ss■s 413 in. z 1!8 in.' �' , isfactory recovery from her recetrt - - - meftow Address Organ Stow P, Q., Oai - - illness and expects t0-be home soon Shingles � For- Sale _ 4K in. z tOti in. ' Don t forget the Big Garden `Party R BEATON, TOW1V98iP and Supper at Memorial Park in from the hufapitat. Clerk. Conveya ■cry Commissiner for '48 in. z Oki Dunaeona Board Pickering, Tuesday July 10th Much sympathy has. been. felt for -Halt Galvanized $tool Abingles. sefidavrts. Accarnta.F Esc.. issue of Star Lime Mrs. Harry Rolph, of ,1Oarkham, in Bird's, Felt Slate Shingles. iN sae Licenses. wbitrvale. Qnt. nodes the auspieea of the Woman's• ti 1Flarrtw•al► Plater - - - Association of the L'nited-� Oman her anxiety. - during the seriodg ili- ° Also, re- rubbt•ring buagy wheete. �T —!H A W, 6tuisr4`SRD �@t� - ? //''��r, - -- ness of her husband the past ;week. Lawn mowers abatReaed. - n &VEER .tor York. Qntatto and Dark •oa NG �:� Cherrywood M.r. and Mrs. A. 1offat, of Tor- T. PATERSON'S - OLAREMO1rtT' oe.at�•a All son a ie ..i« ffm�4 a LUMBER YARD _ - y = onto, were Brougham t {sitors on Sat- - la Terms reosWS, O Dries far .ales mar r. Bobby biorriah is visiting in Tar- Oall and jtet t+rices. Phooe 2818 ureaged at NEWS' Otfit.. FleU sad lndepso- urday. '.bliss Bella - Brown return•>d � Mae dkoaes- Wb,tby. out ear _. _ onto with Roy Flett. h::me ovith thetrt. .] Mrs. Cherry, of Toronto.- visited The Frank Malcolm family, of Po_t FRIGIDAIRE URNET ROBERTSON " Pickering Mills with Mrs• Finney last week. Credit, spent Sunday with their peo- ry Mr. Walter Fenny, of Toronto, Is COOLING -E LrIPbIE.'�'T Etleccrical Contractor pie here. 31rs_. A. Malcolm returned- @ _, ..•,� -- The beet feeds are cheapept in the end. holidaying with his parents, thi3 u' ARE NUW- CARRYING THE_ Wiring and Repairing G�i Light- . cer pr uce reeu te: e t al are wee W. J. Brown- and Jack spent the or posger. interior retiuire erinre and results are Quite a number from here took in week -end under' the parental roof: T.. SEASON'S REQUIRE'_MENTS OF ,All kinds of electrical oods not satisfactory. the Dominion• Day Celebration at - B We have good hep y feeds far h P C. $town returned to the city with ICE .CREAM kept io eti,et. fattening, also dair feeds, oat cho Ptckeririg on Monday.' them for a`few days visit. The boys and girls are all wearing Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cassie, of Win -' I ly Phooe 17U6, Pickering, corn grain, bran, shorts, Feet pulp, a smile these days.• Holidays are -here -- gluten teed etc. oleos, who have been •guests at the ti SPECIAL RATES Try Royal Pastry Flour for ` again. We erxpect our teacher to be F• Cassie home, left for Winnipeg on SOFT DRINKS cakes, pies etc. wiitfi us again after vacation, he Saturday ev=ening.. �j r• J ON FARalER'9 CaR9 Laying Mash plans taking a special course at um- Mrs. Harry Wright of Georgetown CONFECTIQNS - - mer school in Toronto. accompanied by her - daughter and � U+i - (5erateb Feed The meetinir of the Woman's Ass- Paftltry Feeds I Wheat son- ill -laty; spent the week -end with' For all Clapses of Insurance. ociatinn will take the form of a sic - the• Davit! Stephenson - family. Kiss PhQIIe 2729 Cracked Corn - nic this month acid will be held on , Josephine Stephenson accompanied Ground Corn• Thursday afternoon, July 12th, on' CYRhL E iORLEY `.I.Uyster Shell , them on :their return home. fJA MES WA TSON .. gunnel! Davidson's picnic grounds. ( The July meeting of the Wo en z PcoprfeCor ,, Wedeliver Phone 531; Word for Roll Call, "Father." Pro -1 Institute will be held at-the nss L i Pickering; O nt• IVs are in a position to fill orders gram Committee, Miss E. Roach and Raine home on the afternoon of loth BxoC� ,Road General Stor@ c - - - - -- - - -. -- - for Fertilizers it best possible �Irs. a. Taylor. Hostesses, M:rs. R -of -July. Program: Home Fconom- _ _^ Summer Furniture prices delivered at ytytlr farm'. Davidson and •Mrs.' G. Davidson. ice,, "• by. Mrs. Burk, Roll call. "A D, N • - Aud1e Ctnking Hint:" Hostesses: Mesdames r T Lockwood x - Raine and Cirlvle. BUR1 1'JE S For C3arden i veranda and PICKER'ING, ONT. Sydney and Jean are 'alrsniiles. It Mrs. Gen. Philip, included her broth- �-• K1tC11@II. is a bouncing boy. er ,Russell and Mrs• Brodie, and the �• G. CLENDENING_ D. McLaughlin family. of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Queht ll and family , Glider Couch in floral pattern of Toronto, are camping at the Ch- Mrs. W. Dobson and the W. Smith dnok in re and red, with FUNERAL DIRECTOR apman's woods for a week or so. family; • of •Beaverton, bits. Dobson y. SEEDS + . g Y Miss T:athleen Cammack and Miss and gra :d daughter, Jean Smith, are green trim', Inetnl arms, good private Ambuhfnei = May Hedge were granted Entrance remaining for a, short .visit. springs, padded Beat and back)' Pay and Night Service standing with out writing. Congrat- A Rood congregation was in attend _ ulations. ance at Sacrament Service on Sun - R : With Sdjtistafile head refit, Pbone 11000 ` day evening. ' The church service will -i b 0 Many from here attended the col- - . -•� Full length, at $15 00. ;- Malvern 5000, _ ebration• at Pickeritur on the Served. be held in' the evening next Sundav x Gorden Benches, folding we are sorry to' hear' that J. C. also: Mr's. Jones, of Markham, ' -L Bryant's niece in Sunderland is cr- bring a. missionary message. The style, With slat Beat slid batik Markham • Ont• Sunday School will meet at 10.3Q it _ _ __ f itically ill. m. again next Sunday. We sell Barpee'e (Barden in natural and reen trim Miss Muriel Westney B, A., is sp- :KEEP COOL • We •are sorry to. report that Mi�3 Seeds in bbulk thfytuvtrt econo- finish, st $ 00. ending a few weeks at Big Win Inn . + previous to .her entering on her dot- Brodie is quite ill, and the proposed mical wa to bu eeede. If Deck Obildrs, folding style lea at the Hospital... plan for entertaininz a group of the '•a with bright colored stripe The Club holds its annual._picnic ,Ririe sent out by the " neighborhood You have never panted Bt.r� - at Chapman's woods on Saturday af- _workers"had to -be riven ui1 for the gee's seeds try @ome;thls year; _ ,seat and - CSIIOFy The _ Bay a Coleman Instant Light present, as Mrs. Philip could not and be copvi ced. that -the x. @rifoon nett. Games_of all. kirLds will Y Well Bhaped arms aIId 1j00t stove, and cook in comfort 6e held• and a general, good time for, have them on account- of Miss Brod- - ha�o equal. ' cost provide eztra 'oomfort •It is quick, economical' and all who care ,to come. All' are wel- ie's illness. - safe servedt ont the egress Sand er - cress e - Mr_ and Mrs. •Bert Harvey spent �Ve also - :have - Prioe -only $2 85. - Tuesday In Toronto. Mrs. Bob Har- a few choice Deck Chairs, folding style, Also eoai oil (novas and ovens. and other things will be on sale. vPV and children. and Mfss Doris Mit Dahlia bulbs in named varies With arms, foot rest in natural - " -The- Social at the- Church on Fri- chell. fiancee of Albert T-iarvev' left s We have in stock, King BuR day evening last was well attended on the midnight train, tin Tuesdav tie @, at 15c.•and 25c, each, and finished }itttdwood, seat iBO for 'thei.r' ocean 'voyage to I:tigland. Killer, Arsenate of Lead. Par. and a splendid program was put on assorted color Gladioll; at 15c, briRiitly colored duck, .. t' i 85 by Whitbp and local taient.-Rev. Mr. where "Bob and Al" now are. �e er�dozen all ood stock!' _ r• �` TH PICK RING N W �p i@ Green and Limr, all at Crozier was chairman and his addr- marriage'inf Albert TTarvev and Miss p_ ' g C• A. STERRITT - right prices ' ess made reference to the great need '.Kitchell will- take p1•ate in 1~ ngland of people paving more attention to on their arrival there. The hAppv t Funeral Director ALVIN BUSHBY moral and religious question in order enunlP will have the hest wishes of Jones' D-•u Store 71 Ambulance Service to ensure hP.ttP.r economic and gnc- their T3rnneham friend. bit. Bert - i ial conditions in our land. Farmee' Harvev is filling several rnncert en- ]phone 68(1 Phone 1300 Hardware Phone 4600 Jim's Orchestra from No. 1 school vagementc. thane dava, being at a �IIt$lid - PIv'3l.RI�il3 wit)' many visitors from there added ortTrien narty nn the fifth line of Ux- O tlh ®IlIIg, oau »h tc, the afftir. lea Cream argil bridge on Thursday evendtg, $r ntal'�O Pi t3rin . y�y�y,y!sl.W'A!'".zr yy.. .rFnyt!f^ _.kR.f�1: Mel .,;Na}� *.::ci,;iRyn•+:ktlES6a 6.1.4,+L+lH:'deM.9'..ti,; ;.Jei::l4lGi�s,9j"i •F•::;;r3... _ • e3' ee. �:? i6%§' Y• YSi..-.'.%-" 1:. 2: L.- 8Ky' S +»w,WS.d..c"As"."�- .,..5'"A:i�• �5, v�,,�. .c'�' -i-� - . may. - -µn, ;rr\ �w,'•y; •w 777— - �a l Engaged to Aide- De -Camp a nv $lame -_to be used 'by: t 'PRINCETON SCIENTISTS TO VISIT' � --- Empire Airways will AT* Q e p way be - CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND ° - 0L the de Havileng rtDind type. _ti These have tour engt and carry lA` J" passe ge s at a crui ing speed o[ • n r s e 14ft �ti Princeton, N. J. Canada and Newfoundland will be the scene' oft o 1 r' 's �" - miles an hour, with a top speed of - -..' Newfoundland will be dratted this au- researches antler the direction of Dr. _ � °" � � 170 miles _an .hour, ■+ .,« by Piincet+on Utuversity exile Alfred K. Snelgrrsve with the co -Dyer- In' Australia, the internal air' liaee �3^ ... Ations seeking new scientific discov- - sM� gderers. To start' ation of the Newfoundland govern- have been let to te 1riest the geology department which is rF with, there will be connections from ponsoring `the parties, announced re- me ,The expedition 'will study the n Katherine, in Northern Territory. to mineral resources of the region; ei- Perth, in Western Austra_ia; Gently. pecially gold. On the northeast coast tween Charlevilli and Cootamundrre Canada's natural resources and her g ' - " -: : •' °• - of Labrador, Gilbert H. Eapenst►ade - '; r,a:. `'� "` •„ :,, <� ' ... .`. for the southern states; from Mal- 'lead a party to study the pyrite s�: � �� bourne to Hobart, in Tasmania, and Y Ge -the subject matter of an- expedi deposits on Pil,ey's island in Notre' Zietween Katherine' and Ord River. :. ion organized by the geology depart- Dame Bay. On the ,west coast of the ^ ' These are additional to already ez- ::.. laent is co-operation with the Prince- island, John Cooper will continue his s i wow isting air lines, and when all are in - on School _of Public Affairs and the work studying the Blow -Me -Down operation Australia will have over f 10 900 miles of air routes. !lepartment of political science of the mountain range, which attracted in 3 11niversity of Toronto. Under grad- ternational attention from scientists -u sites in this party will travel over because of the marked similarity of s �� 5 �' jljn 4eroine ' a great part of the Dominion in the certain rock formation to those of "Princeton" a specially constructed Montana and South America. Back on " £ _ Weds Director railway car. In addition to field work the northeast -coast a third band will party members will participate in study the eastern end of the Appals- conferences in Canada's principal ,ci Chian Mountains where the range die Laura LaPlante Bride of Irv- - - - - ties. appears into the sea. ing Asher-, Walker at .Cere- •, moray. _ �v was cruelly significant." Ile then - Cant Stare at arguo that thia fell under an offense r sa, � 3 s f Y Paris- Laura,. La Plante, blonde • already decided upon by a court in'� heroine of countless American 81ms, Paris I. a�$"I -1$ aludgc 1667 which held that even a "Persis• � ' ,�� �s� � �•�,.,�,` • . ..t,e .,.a.�.,�1•l i'tetr- rice -= ,fly --to :rvi".g tently_ fixed stare" at a muaictpal mag -� , Y : Asher, director of Warner Brothers istrate was against the law V London studio; is a five minriie'cere - - - Law of 1867 is Uncovered mony at City Hall in the Ninth Dis- Ware D anger gHw trict. '� ` � } ' Jame4 J. Walker,. former mayor of Making It An an$ - �� a /r �� �� t f New York, and his wife, the former Offeny w Worm \.+dine c `` *�^ s h " '`� Betty Compton, film actress, "'atteriX Parts.- Diving deeply into tLe dust ?. ed th etldin Walk , aarYUig as -- covered archives of French legal Vco•.�-,a �� `� a Miss La Plante's official• witrress. American Rabbis Ask U.J. 1,' " F k r N y Despite 1119 rOteat9, Walker' "stole _ cedure, a law concocted in 1367 has •F r,. ` P P been discovered winch hotcs It .a o State Terms r p �.. .4: <' a the show." As photographers- crowd - T Te Fo ' P an offense to cast "a persle.QLtly fix- Joining- League ed' around him he exclaimed: "'Why - ' ed star" at a municipal magistrate . y ltili.s Barbara Joan Denny, au htet. of Mr. and sirs• E- H. M, do I always have to get in wed is is No friendly, or malicious, g'are will Wernerlville, Pa,- Preparation for D Y. g christenings n funerals?. This is beuceforth be tolerated ln- France, .war by nations of the world is point-- Denney, of Staplefield Place, Staplefield, Sussex, Engtar +d,- whose en- Ache 'sings a" f her sad those who wilfully, or - Fran e, by the Central Conference of gagement to, Captain Edward C. Colville, the Cordon Highlanders Asher s, party. A.D.C. to His Excellent the Earl of Aesaborough and second son o� The newly -weds -accompanied by ently, are caught casting "a persist. America Rabbis as the result of fat- Admiral the Hon. Sir Stanley and Lady Adelaide Cs'vilie, was re- file Walkers had `lawn !+ere but' were ently fixed stare" at another may find lure of economic and disarmament # themselves• subjected to a hee fine, conferences to ,reach satisfactory con centlp announced. Miss Denny is at present in Ottawa, the guest of 'delayed in marrying because o! vy the Governor = General 'and Lady 'Bessborough. _. French Iaws. Pierre Wertheimer,,,as or a term of incarceration in a tall. elusions. old• friend, served as best man for Thia unprecedented case war !n- By resolutions at their 45th annual Asher. woked recently in a trial iv Rouen convention, they expressed 'alarm at Mr. and Mrs. Asher will spend a - when Joseph L,evet, war hero. was what the described as a threatened Bo Breaks U Australia Signs y . � � g •..brief honeymoon in- Faris, while the - charged with insulting coa +inct. to- rekindling 'of war, and a war spirit Walkers will fly back to their home is ward M. Metayer, Radical Puctallst throughout the world and urged re- _ -. Burglar !C :and ,Air Contract England immediately Miss Comptoa, deputy and mayor of Rouen sistance to -any threats against the - is acting in a pie" there. M. Level is president of toe Rouen Preservation of peace. LAST LINKS BEING FORGED IN Walker, as debonair as ever, laugh' branch of the Croix-de-Feu. - former -The resolution. presented by the In- Watcher They Do Not See -' 14-DAY SERVICE TO BRITAIN ,. ed at the idea , he might "settle soldiers' group, whose Parts members ternational Peace Commission- yester- .-LONDON- Wrgland is all set for down" in England. Asked .about it. he Four Men Sent to Gaol. r� - demonstrated in fho Place de la Con day, proposed a- 'seven -point peace the opening the 20,000 miles week- replied: cords Feb. ' G. Disgusted that mayor program, including immediate ratifi- London, Four •housebreakers lv air service from Croydon to Aus "Nonsense, of .course not.'-' Metayer should- belong to "a Parlia- cation of world court protocols, inves• sent to ,prison at the Old Bailey -.rec- traits about the end of this year The. "Then you are' going -back horns ?" k ment which; he said, three timett ap. t3gation of arms and munitions in- en #39 owed their capture to a smart forging of the last links In_ibe route Of course;' Walker replied. "I sm -xroved the Concorde- shoora.gs, M. dustry, passages of the arms embargo piece of detective work on the part has begun with the-signing of contract going back to New York." 1Levet. provoked an Inc idea.t yL a pat; resolution, postponement of ' furthet of a fourteen- yeeir- old ichoolboy. - between the Australian Government "Whkn ?" riotic meeting In the •war cemetery naval construction until after the 1935 Rodney artin Carter .is the hero of and Quantai Empire Atiwayi, the "Nobody knows." =: of Rouen. - naval conference, and larger appro- this crime .thrill. He is a Westminster latter being a combination formed Miss La Plante has been ispEiearing When it &came M- Metayer. , time to priatiwons for the state department to public schoolboy,, and if it had not from the British concern' Imperial in London films- which Asher direct& .speak on the carefully arran4ed pro- function as a peace body. The res- been for his "Sherlock Holmes" !n -. airways and tfis,.Quailtas Airways of They had been friends for several gram M. Levet ordered his '•F Croix- solution also urged that the govern- stinCi" a robbery at his Chislehurst Australia,- , which is to operate the years. Her marriage to William e de Feu men to retire, and In military ment state terms on which it would home might have had.to be adder' to section from Singapore to t'h� termin- Seiter, also a director• was ended 3a formation.. lie -Ras accused of shout- join the League of Nations. the year's list of unsolved crimes. us At Coota- mundra, in New. _South" April bh -a divorce granted in "Biqa• - 'rang •'Croixde- Feu!" just as tra mayor Th,- rabbis suggested nationaliz- Wales. Latvia. (began to speak, followed b� ",right ation �r Rodney and his mother had been To start with, , it.is ez ecsed to Asher was once engaged -to -Mary, governmental su rvision of out in the car for the afternoon, and turn, forward marcbt" the commercial armament industry, cover the distance in 1-4 days, though Astor, Hollywood star, xhen they returned the front door this may be lessened ii negotiations The men obeyed order& w �h._pie _and -went on record as opposing corn -- was open and a Dian was just leaving i = etston and the mayor did nothing pulsory military trairina in colleges now ri progress with continental Bans Exports about the insult, The public -)rosecu- and universities. the house. countries are brought to a success tor. took. action, however, and M. Le HID BEHIND 1•REE 4;' ful issue. At present the route to - 'vet v=. � =Icd nto sew far +: - •,�.a.,a V Mother and boy hid behind a tree in Singapore has one gap -[corn Paris �caosevel8i ns ,Tai, German Fe sirs "71h 0, rnvPrgct t, train. S r a municipal official. He dented that, $ the grounds and aaC, e _ our men 'Landings are made r'+ereafter at The had Intended to .ittsult .th? mayor Road Program Bill came from the house and walked down -of Rouen. the lane'ip the direction of London. +►thpns. Alexandria, Cairo, Gaza, i3ag F1,uf t - "Unfortunately, he exp',stued to '— Rodney got his bicycle and cycled ldad, Basra; then at Kowelt. Bah- Berlin -An -embargo orl. exports of the judge, "he also was a mr <mber of Washington - The Hayden- Cart -� rein and 'Shajar, In Arabia: at dwa- wheat and' wheat flour. from Germany wri h unconcernedly past the four men in •.'Parliament which three, time. approv= g t Road Act, which assures for der, in Baluchistan; at, Karacbl, Calcutta, - . - - search of the policeman who is usual- � is now in effect. `ed the Concorde killings. P/e bellev. the next three years a billion-dollar ly to be found near Elmstead Station, hpur, Delhi, Allahabad and Calcutta, Wien the embargo was declared by ed that those -who had done shat had work program, was signed recently But the policeman was not there, so rn' India; at Akvah and Rangoon, in the government, it . was explained it n'o right .eo speak at a cerem+�uy hon- by President Roosevelt, Burma; at Bangkok, in Siam and kt would: be operated through restriction the boy--- cycring his hardest=rode to Penang. Kuala, Lumpur and Singa oring our war dead" In a formal statement, Mi. Rogse- the "local police station, gave the pol- A Then of. export. permits. The official notice Lever was stoutly defended '1'n a velt pointed out that "highway work ice a description of the four men, and pore, in the Malay . State gave no reason for the embargo-but- :'brilliant plea for acquittal by tht dean y pointed out the route they were .tak- comes the final section, w t' h Pour under the National 'Recover Act it dras'believed' the unfavorabie.ef€ect of the Paris bar, The' prosecutor ex• p slops in the Dutch Indies at Batavia, now in more than 90 per cent. under of a nlolonr• ^d heat wave or, ,tarnlit►g i ing. Sourabaya, Bima and Dilli, followed , , plained that he was not asking for 'contract or advertised for contract, It was not long beiore all four were br the !00 miles over .the Timor. Sea crops was resPonsib -e. fi ,a prison sentence for the accused, but and the new program is necessary inside Chislehurst police station, ind to Port Darwin, in northern Austra• Export of barley and 'corn Gas this time merely, a condemuation on to sustain highway employment on charged with the theft of jewelry, lia• virtually banned by a further decree principal. The oft?nce was tbat of an adequate and reasonable *scale for which was afterwards picked up be- -, T;he terminus in Australia will be _Pre- dating the terms of a' clause is acting with "great ostentatir i which the remaining period.of recovery." hind a hedge, where one of the gang at Cootamundra, whence the malls the grain law so that export permits -' --- ' fl dney, will now no longer will be is3ucd. _ -,_,_ _ - -_• __.___!- _. _ when the police net will be die distributed b rail to- S flung it began to t y � - Varied Meanings in Words _close around them. Melbourne and ' .Adetatde. For ers -' - - l' VERY EXCITING = • first three months no passengers "Friendly advice," said Uccle' : Eben "doesn't do much -good, 'ceptia'� The four men, who pleaded guilty. will' be carried over the long T.m6r , -' ..:.Blamed for Mental Ills at their trial were Robert. McFarline, Sea stretch until further experience as it relieve» de man dat gits'it orfa' _ aged 45; :painter; Alec Menday, 35; has been gained.' over this difficult his mind.' _ r New York - Semantics, a new prin- said, can ruin a human life, a science upholsterer; Frank Pullen, a4, confec -, "ciple in human -behavior, originated or a social system. tioner; Robert White, 30, clerk. All by ,Count Alfred Korzybski, was de -Medical records he cited as` filled had previous convictions. Each man England's Lone" Gunman Kills •:.:: schibed to the American Psychiatric with mental and even physical ills was sentenced to six months' impri- - Self to Avoid Arrest and Trial Association recently. caused by wrong "identifications" of sonment. - Semantics deals with the miseval- this sort. Medical men have proposed And this was the 'bag'- of a round - Semantics cures h clearing u such .mise�ralua- g Worthing, England -After a -. 48• sharply to. the left," she said, . after- • - -• UatiQns which arise from the multi 1i- y g p faced smiling London schoolboy.. ward. There I. saw a ma lying city of meanings in common words tions. No wonder Rodney Martin Carter hour manhunt in which police and P< Serious mental and social ills due to is a hero in the -eyes of the Chisle- hundreds of .citizens united England's under a tree. The hounds had fol- Semantics proposes that these lowed the scent perfectlq. this confusion were discussed by Regi- sources of trouble be avoided on a lar burst police -in the eyes of his admir- lone gunman Leonard Hill killed „I called to police behind me, nald St. Elmo Murray, M.D., ' of ing class - mates. Himself with the istol with' which he ger scale by recognition • of the me- P 'There he is.' The man who apparent# Lyons, N.J. It was all very exciting while it chanisms of ail language, and by rec- y g shot a policeman. P "Investigation shows," . he said lasted " he said, "and of course i t p had been •asleep, started• u as th1 ' ognition- that all speech and writing ' '• Policeman Arthur Jex, wiiom..•he police closed in on him. •_ that eicamples of primitive', mislead- is a matter of interpretation- and ndt was a great thrill when I saw the shot,' is recovering, but Hill committed + +As they did so, shot rang out." _ 'ing, delusional, sernanticism are legion of dogmatic definitions. whole four brought to the police sta suicide rather . than, face English The-fugitive had used the lad 11 'and in the aggregate may be in part tiori Of course; I'm lad. I was able p p P An important oint;in s mastics is g g r lu``tice' rartridgp in his sun. He never regairht .t'es onsible for the widespread ez res_ po �p �� to bring about their capture. . "Who The cites and volunteer posses consciousness and dibd later in r =" - -'sion -of unsanity today." that nothing is identical with any' wouldn't be ?" Count Korzybski in an interview thing else and nothing ca be des• - - surrounded Hill in Suseez woods. The hospital. explained the workings of semantics. cribed "completely;' a princr a that -- whole country was incensed by the Hill committed his crime when he calls "non- identit wounding of the policeman: police, including Jex, stopped him td, To say that a rose is red, be said, y' New York- Scores of New. -York it was a woman 'who finally trap- question him about a burglary. is a delusion. The red -color is only "Multiordinal 'words" is another policemen, who have to do w lot of,. Laws in this country " - '`'the vibrations of light waves and if ped the fugitive. She is Mrs. Michael p against the � g principle of semantics. As an example thinking, about the welfare of Their - Sadlei'r, wife of the prominent pub- carrying of firearms are so severe the .observer is color - blind, the rose' love his one meaning -to one 'person, feet, protested an order forcing them fisher and author. She owns two that Eery criminals dare fallback oa� to him is not red. another to someone else. Even plain to wear black sox w-hrn in uniform t�iem. Police carry guys only in ue- `. A single wrong identification be- yes or no have different meanings, dl!- They said white ones "are easier on °n fetish, into the woods. - •cause .of false- evaluation, Korzybski rending on circumstances. the feet." "Suddenly one of My dog- pulled usual •- circumstances q - ,�a The Praying Mantis ri In many warm countries there is ; .,a queer4wking insect whi,eb goes by +� the name of the praying maz,taa, or I" 3 soothsayer. The former name was _-given to it because the first pair of - -` - legs which spring out of the front _ ' of the -body are generally -beld - _ - in such a way as to suggest that the creature is putting its hands together in prayer. - Its scientific name ui mantis, " which means soothsayer, or diviner, N'ew1E , 'was given because the insect was sup- 5ER posed to be endowed with strange / pov era• If a child lost ivy way and i , as).ed the mantis the direetion•of its SQL - hnme, the insect was believed r6 point 1 _ 1�VER _ .• to •the right road with its outstretched I%., legs. We know better than this'now,, GLEN / and merely regard the Trani:, as a - very interesting Insect heeguse of. its A2 strange form and habits. So far from being devout and- .tee - ,gentle, as its praying hands suggest, A is quite a hypocrite among Insects. It Mays to.-Roll Your Own" with It is one of •the most savage and -bloodthirsty of insects. It hes in wait for its prey, arid, when ac unsuspect- :iag insect alights near by, the man- 4 with slow and stealthy steps, HANDS moves towards it, and suddenly its '' forelimbs shoot out and the .v -.ctirn is - caught and rushed. F I _N E C U I' ins TO r err i prey 'CIGARETTE TOBACCO to pieces with its strong jaws, and - • then, when the meal is done, the e man- ' tin again puts its fags togstheT in the We Reconswend "CHA!vTECLER" or "VOGUE" (isarette Papers „•- ; attitude of ,prayer, as though saying grace after meat, while it piously uraits for . its next vieti*a - -- - No more disintegration! Nn-more The Seeing H meart best position for it is fastened to the farmers' products during the ta - .- - =:--, _• _ _ pBlv_eriaatlou+ li i, a et�ggerinrt _, i bed just oven your'head. If it is on when England went off the golf �oo�s -Ljve thought. - But •!a reality- fir: lnne's a bedside table, the tutiW- ehoutd -W- standard -and- most-cf--the-- Dominiim solution only touches the fringe of One grand,, invaluable secret there higher than your head and arranged followed suit. 'South Africa, great For many years librartaus, pub- the .preblem. .What we. now need is is, however, which includes ail the so that your page will not be shadow- gold producer as she wan, remained oil Ushers and author's have labor* -e# long for him to apply his Kenlus cc the rest, and, • what is � comfortable, lies ell the gold standard for R year longer, and to vain trying to find out why discovery of some method by which clearly in -every man's power: To r Y In bed you should sit, not lie, During this time her farmers found ieather•bound honk's should dtrinteg- lire contents of a book may' by guns,- have an open, loving heart, and comfgrtably against your pillows, so themselves unable to sell abroad be" rate so rapidly The problem' has anteed to live as tong as' its cover.- what follows from the possession of that your eyes may traverse the cause of their gold basis costs, and Ifaf feed the entire book world for ages. The Cbristian Science Mouitor, such. Truly it has been said, em- page without strain. When they feel hence the South African government' ' Various reasons have been 'pct for- " phaticaIly ih these days ought to to tired after you have • been writing, established a system of bonusing ex• ward in an attempt to ex0afa the be repeated: A loving Heart Is the reading or sewing for a while, close ports to- make up the difference bet• wat3er. Some have said it wsa due Debt. Lasted - beginning of all Knowledge. This it' hem for a few minutes and let your ween the sauth African productitis to Insects,° Others have au;gested is that opens the whole mind, quick -. imagination picture distant hills and that dampness may have caused the For 60 Years eve every faculty of the intellect to mountains at which to gaze. costs and those of the rest of the _ trouble, while certain literary critics - - do its fit work, that of knowing; ' Never read or work in twilight, or world: have cynically stated that li,; 2!c jus The bonuses have been maintained 35 Connecticut Towns 'and and therefrom; by sure consequence, in any light but the beat. Bathe your lice alone .was responsible. It now . of vividly uttering- forth. Other secret eyes night and morning with a re- despite the fact that South Africa - appears that all. these ennReWrea -!ties Still.Payillg for for being le" is there hone, liab14 eye wash, such as a teaspoon also is now off the gold standard, and were wrong. ]n England, recent! _. "Spree" worth having: butt 'a is 'an all- boracic dia,oived iq a pint of warm they malts all t);e difference between, - i rts• carrying out somehinteresting water. Kee our e g _ f e ry g Hartford, Conn. - When the rail• -- sufficient otte. See, for example, what p s ye-cup clean and good pro is and none to the producer experiments. . have solved the m road- boom- gripped the country foi- a small Boswell can do' Hereby, _ never use one used by someone else., of that Dominion. . terY. They selected twu• boob y 'Do not form nervous habits of rub- One other thing that�%s excellent i !Dyeing the Civil War. 35 Connecti- deed, is the whole. man made a living g Y Y particle of .dirt y y P - bin our eyes. If a his home country was noted b Mr. one from the royal library at. Bt ?ck• cut towns and cities cast traditional mirror, wherein the wonders of this gets into them, wash them and' be. Coltman in the course of hip voyage. " Ingham Palace, and dnp frcra the Yankee e''hrewdriess headlong into 'a " ever - wonderful Universe, are, is their - hbra careful not to irritate by rubbing. 'I used to complain about our South" ry_ai Windsor- Castle. The Auck_ total debt of $5,227;008, true .light (which is ever a magical African trains," be said- "but I'll. _ ingham• Palace- selection was a yol- More than sixty years afterwards miraculous one) represented. and _re -_NeW Titles never do so again after travelling on Vine of Disraeli's letter ea #le the nine oL these communities titill are err flatted back owl us. 1t has ,been .said, - - e, _ , the American lines. We have hot book taken from Windsor wrw an ed!• deavorsng to wipe out the balance of ",the heart sees farther than the v Weather tow, but our Cara are wider -boll of Lord Sallsb•u Moscow_ Physical prowess In to be and you get a large and pri vate eom- ry's :'strews, the initial indetitnegs-- $56,000. Many head:' but, indeed. without the aec�" The investigators found, that the' towns have aid the amount of their in heart there is no true seen for rewarded hereafter In the Soviet Va- " g !on by titles and decoration aquae to partment to yourself very easily." `;-'sane with the' leather cover ahlc'h had debts 'many paid over -in interest the head Aso much as poasibte, VII is 'Mr. and Mrs. Coltman are Y. .. rested. on tbe- shelves of .he city lib= charges and wiir pass the -"headache" mere oversight, '-hallucination- -and those given scientists, writers and Po- to Engiand shortly, wary was In a state .of litical and,'military leaders. powdery de- on to at leaA't another generation' vain superficial •phantasmagoria, The title' of "Master of Sport" was creptltude, while• the one that had Connecticut communities .literally which can .permanently- profit no coo-terre+d recently. upon Iakoy Melifi_ 1D1sCardti Wig T enjoyed the benefits of a pure, rural stumbled over each other to get in on one.-Thomas, Carlyle, in "Essay on kov, skating champion; Mickall But - - 'existence at Windsor had -- remained the ground floor. Evary town w'anted Biography ;" usov,. football champion; Alexei Max- London, En fin a vigorous and unwrinkled state to be on the line -and municipalities' - D g, - It La all'moak nus= -- of preservation. umov, long distance running champ- ual -even irregular,' a voted themselves into' debt with a la- ion; Maria Sbamanova, light athletics Lord Merrivale, that famous judge This seemed very mystil'ving at wish hand. " Reading In Bed champion; Alexander Rizhov, shoot- actually discarded bls, wig In court Ilrst, although a literary critic ex- The automobile strack the first sta. ing champion; and Dmitr! Vasiliev, last week. The most dignified police' (pressed the opinion that Disraelf's ggeririg blow and- buses landed the Bad for Eyesight champion ski jumper, in the world, as represented by the fetter's would naturally pulverize a .knockout• wallop. Branch lines grad - a book cover more rapidly than any - Mental sport won recognitinu ivhea bobbies at Rochester, discarded their thing Lord Sall wally were suspended, or taken over Never Work is Tv Alight Or. Ile title of master was conferred up- tunics and directed traffic- in their n8 ry ever wrote: This bv. larger companies and all the com 7. view, however, wan discarded by tie A t o on Peter Romai ovsky, famous ohess- sbirtsleeges.. - munities had left was the debts, rely i- ;,--I.i ,Sut'-Trre- r�cst -' -' d -steamed -1L: ,-1.: k-a - chemical experts as en•!re: irrele pTa.yer, .+s Eu61au -- y The state finally had to come to Among the ,hundreds of :woriien mid day with no rain In right to. re- vaat, the rescue and finance a who come to him for help, only a few ileve the country -wide drought, 506 ., portion of ` After much laboratory 'work; Fara• debt annually, which it has done for really, do, right by their eyes, declar Bonu$ Helps police arme•i with birch brooms guar - day Michael a descendant of the tam• thirty years. One toar-, which bonded es a famous oculist. The others, he ded the Ascot heath and rase- course ohs Michael Faraday -sad himself` a sometimes remarks, must spend : a youth African •Fruit l•',�rtiiere from the danger of -fire. aofed chemist, was able to grove -that itself for 1,047,000 still awes $41�,- _ 000. It has been estimated it will .be good part of their days thinking up. Re 1t Good Prof its the, poor condttioa of We dty.dweil- ways to hiurass and dull' the' orbs '' pt' to .book cover was due W the ad1= another 30 years before the last bond -that should low and sparkle with -- >. Calf Has Three Eyes ` phuria , acid It had absorbed' from the ra cancelled. g p Two ,Mouths TOngLles beauty. `MONYREAI- - South. African fruit r smalre laden' London atsoapbere No one really means to • hurt her fanners know very well indeed that which the Windsor 'volume 'bad not MOUNTAINEERS.GATHER BARK eyes, but such i negative .attitude theirs-is a happy, happy land. C. H. Winstead Conn., - A freak calf, been subjected to, Mr. IuLea also is not enough. We must take dei- Coltman, citrus fruit,srower of the having three eyes, two mouths, two stated that there were certain cheml- The gathering of bark from oak inite steps to give them the care that eastern Cape Province is satisfied of tongues and two sets of nostrils, was cal ingredients which "could- be used trees for use In ndleather tanneries' is will prolong their service to use and this particularly since he and Mrs. born on the farm' of John Peyre ap- when dyeing leather that wou)d re y• in the, -moon- at the same time' -make- then%' better- Coltman have begun 'to realize that silt the, destructive atMosDbere of tains of North Carolina, g geared strong and destined to' U16. r looking. , there are comparatively few. fruit- The third eye is set in the centre any city, thus guaranteeing the Me girl who reads in tied is one growers of other ec entries making of the forehead. Two well - shaped of a leather_ cover IndeI1nitativ._. .- - - Smedley- Buttei says the ,Japanese- -of the worst offenders against !loth round the world trips for pleasure in mouths appeared on: either aide of This means that from now on every have originated nothing is the mjlit- eye - health and eye - beauty: - Not "`chat these arduous—times— - - -- - -- wi'se's- ttre mouth usually -is lactated book published can be made to last dry art. We believe, though, they were anybody .would wish to discourage so "We're well off," he admitted when and the tongues and nostrils function for centuries- A valuable contribu• tl® Brat to' "launch a defPCaive" pleasant a } abit• interviewed"in the Queen's Hotel here separately,' lion indeed. to the world of letters.. But as usual, there are right ways-' recently, "because our fruit exports ` T: ftd_W����� are still being belaused by tbe Go-- — .. _ a sure =that ou choose the right wa Y g 9• 'erntnent, And from private inform- - Classified Advertising Moving` the 'Nation's Freight First, Iook to your light. See that it ation I received a few days ago the is bright, but not too bright, that it, bonu'sing- will continue for some time aEATZ^' JVWLZls watt,! SALm ' is shaded so that no glare is thrown "' F LEti EN only left belt driven power• to come. J pumps 1933 models for quiet. 1'r R• -DOOR S9 VICE y% Into gone- eyes and that a steady, • South. Aftica, he explained, bonused sale- Special Jubilee • Offer, greatly �. n� f i �f even gleam falls upon the, book. The the Empire export of fruits and other reduced. price. Real baraaina Will save �(ll"/ you money. Give depth of well, Write II! 1,'- t� �S at once to H M. Anderson, Beatty Bros. t ` Limited. Fergus, O'nt. Box 237 -Wt - ` Ask, Mother- 0 STOPS ITCHING - ' I MT �L I I' .. _ 9W t She Knows B R U I S E S � - In One Minute - M , • n&thi g to equal t I a • � - , •^,,,• � r-, r-, ,-� � _ � � other took this medicine be- . D. D D.. Prescription Speeds Relief There Minard's.. It "koid". - , r n' i fore and after the:-babies came. aa f, b,• -_. - •., It .gave her more strength For quick relief from the itching of Antiseptic, soothing, hemline. and energy when she was nery pimples, mosqu I ito or 'other insect bites, 24 01yos quick rellot I ous and rundown :.. ke hex eczema, rashes and other skin eruptions, ` pt apply Dr, Dennis' -pure, cooling, liquid, . on .the. job. tlrough tie p' g. r The t 111ties offered by the new ways'. Canedtan•Natfonal officials re. t Change. No wonder sbe'rec• antiseptic D. D.. D. Prescription. ort 1 years' world -wide success. Penetrates the door -t -door freight service to ceitain ornmends it. ' ,. port'that this economical door-to-door •- .skirl, soothing and healing the intlamed., Bones in the East and recently pro- form of . transporting goods. is pro- s tissues. No fuss -no muss. Clear, grease- , as » willed ln., the three prairie provinces, vidin a stabilized trefght rate strut L Y D 1 A E. P 1 N K N A M S ' less and ctatnless-driea up almost rmme• KING OF PAIN ' g VEGETABLE COMPOUND die most- Try intense c ng instantly, Stoppss Is mocking a distinct appeal to large lure tbroughotlt the .country. '• the most•intenae itchin` instantly. A 35e - •� ` ;� 1URRE1 shipping - houses and the smaller The railways, in this ipnoration,- trial bottle, at any drug store, is guaran- sb)ppers who for some time past have are utilizing cartage facilities to teed to 'proven -or money back.l�.D.D: made use almost excluaively•of high- amplit their rail serrvice + to made by tie ownersef IreutiN BAtJt. sir? ' - - - y issue No. 2?— 34 . - :. r •1N • .1 /)' y 4' �� i " -" � . 'r M4: .':'e:� , � �.1.., .. .,.. .. ✓ ,� }''w, 5r .. - - - ..r ( //�,.,J ,. .. -'s.7` " : /:,�' ''" ' v .. . —_. _ _- . __ � � - 1 - ., .. •mac_...., `.. T .• :.'; eT_ J' 7. ,A►A JS161L1,L1R# #gNWf 1 eventh year as president of the Mr. ,Coultice, on the south side of LASCELIX Grand Champion ` Z�*Ork n ~ Ladies Aid here. The presiding off= Musaelman's Lake was burned to the Clydesdale stallion, the property Blacksmithing, icer read the address that was given ground last week. of T. O. Lowry, Whitevale, will, at right prieee to her on that occasion. The assist- The police dogs are again buzy. make the season of 1934 as follows. 4s ' = TERMS �� were Mrs. Walter Booth, Miss Mr. Pa; Murphy, of Whitchurch to- Wednesday ow is. the time w have • those repair, y 'morning will leave his jobs attended to, Harrows red, 41.711 psi yew : sa,eoit pawtaistvatwe Ruby Booth. Miss Gertrude Coak- wnship having a number of his sheep own stable and proZeed to John 1 � ' also oetc sections on band. The fam• f6eb4criptioos to the Unued 5441;. WW Grsae well, Miss Audrey Wilson and Miss killed and mutilated. Barnes, Cherrywood, for noon; th- ous Fleury Plows always on hand. Brown sa_oo in ed•4nca. Julia Wilson Rev. Thomas Mitchell, who is sp- ence to Chas. Hutchings, Brock Rd. _ _ ending his holidays with his brother for night. Thursday lso dealer fn Viking Oream Separa- Stouffvine _ 'Alex. Mitchett, of Ringwood. will oe- y proceeds to W. ,tore sod- Electric Washers. C. Willson s Brougham, for noon; ` JOHN MURKAR, f rropfietofr -' = cupy the United Church pulpit nest thence to his own stable for night. Dealer in Oockehutt and FewO - ' Mr. Waldon has- moved irito his Sunday morning• � Wood machinery. � Frid afternoon proceeds to Cara -• . �,: ----y - -rieYV- store this week being teeatpd�n -_}}_ opinion arqund - here that" '_-- Nn Pi Bro °IL(in, -foC nig#tt A phone call will bring us to your farm. Sale Regi fur - -- -' hams the centre of the business district. .the C. C. F. did not cut much of a �- c Saturday, _-HxJ- seetYleoe welding. N ..''WEDNESDAY, JULY 11TH auc- In a league (tame of baseball here figure in the recent elections, sett- Y. p creeds to his own sta- on Monday {Dominion Dap) Stcuff: ble where he will remain until the hone Pick 715' tion sale of standing hay at lot 17 •ing only 94,000 out of a total of over following Wednesday mornin - eon. 1, Kingston Road, the proper- ville defeated Portf Perry to the tune one million votes, and only one C. C. g r0 V. T. u7ecci -w- 6za , of 18 to 3. F. member elected out of 90 constit- insure a foal, S15.W. GREENWOOD 481 ty of, 'A. H. Kobinxon. Sale at one, y y` o'clock, standard time. Terms Rev, C. -0. Sommers, of the Christ- uencies. fan Church Tiers,` has resigned. bur HORSE REGISTER. �a'�� War$ ShanQd ~ Wm. Maw, auctioneer. °v -- In Memoriam has taken a charge in the United (h urch at Sudbury. ON A MACHINE ESPECIALLY Notice FOSTON - In loving memory. of The boarding house belonging to,, USURPATEUR, 12044. (145101), - DESIGNED FOR THE PURPOSE to 'You Imported stallion, registered in the grease and dirt is thoroughly ¢' " James Foston. who died July 7th, - - _ All -old 1932, at Dunbarton, Sebnol Reports Can Percheron Stud Book, and en- rolled as No. 471, the property, of °ham out of the bearings and your -We do Building of all kinds. Peacefully sleeping resting at last, Greenwood Public School - Sr. -4th Oscar Wilson, Brougham, will mower will be returned, well oiled CARPENTERING, i His weary trials and troubles are ' " passed on terms work. Clara Walls, 'stand for service during 193�i at and correctly ad }usted for cutting. - ' past, Dorothy Dinney. Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th - his own stable, Brougham - W. A. AUSTIN, - CEIIENTINQ, In silence he suffered, in patience he Roy Walls, �Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th - Pass- CLAREMONT ENSIGN 26574, Cly- Rouge Hills Service Station. ' 'PLUMBING Till G ed on terms work -.-Constance Hed- desdale Stallion, Sire, Dunmore En- God called ham home to cuff- ge, Ivy Maguire. Muriel Clark. Pass -. or in Pickering, and -+ -Sadly Missed by his Wife and 3r `Vanessa Walls. 'Jr, 3rd to Lois •sigimp.); he property of F. G. Som- J' A BL73HBY. Phone 46110 .(955) _ROOFING 3rd - Passed on terms work -Lois - - _ Daughters Byers, Mildred Brown. Passed Mer- ers, Gordon Park-'Farm,lot •20, cos -" - -" I We also sell Brantford -Roofln cedes Mantels, Les. Wilson, Lois M= n 2, Pickering, will make the season g Green River of .00,- at his owill stable. Terms: Radio Materials; Empire Batltrooea tell, Failed - Florence Rood. Harold 810.00,- payable, Feb. Ist, 1935. All V Equipareot, L)aro Waiter - 'About 40 adults and a few child- Short. 2nd to Jr. 3rd - Passed on the _ rcidents at awner's risk. John _ _ _ _ Teri helped -birs. W: i3ooth to ceie6- terms worit - JUne Southwell, Eii= ! ael, manager. ALL MAKES -- l�y @Lowe+, �ivesi i4 rate her 75th birthday last week. een Sadler, Marjorie Byers. Rec. - - Stable Egnipment The same knives and forks were tis- Allan Short. Failed - Jimmie Kinnear' DOL 173208 - 12921, •the Im rted SERVIOED AND REPAIRED Po and .other Building Materials ed which were presented to Mrs. 1st to 2nd - Passed on term's work - French Percheron Stallion, the . PRICES REASONABLE ,tritimates Free Booth in. 1917 at the end of her el- Freddie Brown.. Ross Walls, Milton property of E. A. Somerville, will WORK GUARANTEED - Walls. Passed - Vernon Short, Dor- stand for season of 1934 at his Work Guaranteed ' AN N U A L othy Clark, Lloyd Priest. Failed - own stable, lot 14, 10th line, Mark - R T U R' FIELD i Harold Clark. Sr. Pr. 1. i Government, to qt - Alan is nor s a _ ham. This horse l F. J. PRt�U8E CARI]Ei� PARTY Clark, Verna Woodward. Allan Wood i Premium' Horse. Terms $10,, pap- R T. I• Graduate ward.-- Dorothy- -Harle k.- J- r, - -Pr.- to -Sr-- Able - -March 46. _LPhotre_52QI, PLC IiERIN6 ' Phone 5502 Pr. - Ernest Sadler. glary Woodward ` Form AL' Ail accidents at owner's PICKERING. ONTARIO .. A garden party of unexcelled en- risk. tewtaintnent will be held in -- - - -- - CANADA DRY M[XHD rd4w A CgNYON ! BEVERAGES � OLIDAY BISCUITS _ ALL PASSENGERS SAFE. � e , C —AT i L rq B Bottle 2 pounds s ��'�entA E DA R G R IALS _29 cent O �j These Savings _ - On the evening rrl %Y , l - X v SATURDAY, ?=rr - - nn THURSDAY, irRIO Yr AND SATURDAY JULY , rH, 19:% - /701 one, _. SPECIAL _ • At 8,30 ,s' cloc:k, etandr4rd .tune � t/ ; ' SOAP, "Laund " 1 U bar • . .'..Comedy! Music! Dragla : V /d1c* G�11 vd ryf s for �.�c. SPEL AL _ • No of -irt ' or expense hag beet, ( in RUIP ran of - spared in offeritiR a proRnyro of J LUX FLAKES -, 'IPB $ 3 for 394 public Berke • . loutstNndin¢ q`tality by the lullow. •.� `r SPECIAL . -• • snit artiste : FALCON TEA , Reg. - 604 , Special 4940 ' UARR BR08., comedy-musical Brun• batic clowns whose antics will make SPECIAL everybody winuaed, - .-4 ^ts. Time Tahies and all Coach Travel BILLIE ARNOTT. ;a comedy magic, a Iiafurenwtion at -• • ._. P B for •, f - Zc POSTS RAN 2 ' � � • ._, .•:� 2 , _ fan of exceptional ability, t-.: _ - SPECIAL ' � - - - ,���,G oF HEARTS. two talented young dancers, acrobatic and t Eastern House. Phone 4500 _ WELCH S CRAPE J I Pr aQ . ! dttni lntr. U CE, sottlo 294 (i ea) tea EIN eordl ' SISTERS, .ctever mue• FOR QUICK SALE SPECIAL • AR react,, NIN. sin and and talking MAXI ELL HOUSE toffee, l lb. �41 e. `HARRY DUNK, cringing sad talking ;'-=•. cornrdinn and radio aitzat. PHYLLIS HENNK. piano soloist 1931 Plymouth Coupe. R. S. ._1'136 Internat. Gang Plow, Demonati- SPECIAL_ and accompanist, 6-14 Durant Sedan • Beatty Wood Tub Washer 1 ]-rr��� . : 1928 Durant Coupe Frost and Wood Gang Plow .,SUGAR,, white or yelloy, 1 0lbs. for 59c• .,P A N T O X311 N E 1930 DeSoto .Sedan 2 Riding Plows 1930 Essex Sedan De Laval Crearit Seperator No. 12 Twelve local yoetng amateur enter. 1927 Buick Coach Primrose_ Ceram Separator, No. 2 t + O 4 •tainers will present a musical 1934 Chevrolet Sedan •'Vesaot 91.: inch Grindr (new) ' IPA entitieri --i tl-78 e �uu 15 -30 McDeerina Tractor - ' AtcLaughiin bouble head Grinder _ Again, a hig h class musical 10 =20 McDeering Tractor Jack and Belt for same grinder F'2CgERSN C� cutnedy 10-20 Fordson with fenders . Fleury Oat Roller - You order PHONE P_ ICK_ERrNG 600 "!Oge.de i�sr Refreshment booth nn' Grounds. Two 2- furrow L A, C. tractor plows Peter Hamilton Cutting Box Admission; Adralte; 9i. cent& 3- furrow Fleury tractor p1o•. (new) 6 ft. Stiff tooth cultivator. H. or T. 2- Furrow Little - Wonde . n Ghilaren, 10 cents. 3- Furrow Oliver Tractour. Plow 6, ft- Spring tooth cultivator Pickering Hard. ii are StVre r Tr. Plow 2 -Row Massey corn cultivator - 2- Furrow Cockshutt Tractor Plow Findlay Cook Stove, 20 in. oven.. t .:. Electric BROCK 36eul�ateNroaah4 scat, nearly new «$ Refrigerator, nearly new root sad Bid node. Flit, -Fly The Flies are hare; and we have the (I Set computing ea - .for bile $ogee. Dr. Hess, Fly Spray and StoekAid THEATRE CHAS. COOPER, !�• O1vT :: for the dteck. King Bug - killer for the potatoes - ' and 41 garden produce. It kills the - ' WHZTBY bags and prevents blight. - - ::JULY SALE OF BRAY CHICKS screen Doors, Window &: reene and Wire Clpth for the Souse. .'THURSDAY FRIDAY, SAr'RDAY All sizes and width@. •JU LY 5, a and •7 _ :: -'PRIM GR,.ATLY RIDUC" Complete stock of Haying and Harvest Tools. Plow Shares to tit all makes of Plows. Only a Few More Days to Get Your Supply -Last Eggs Now in the Ineubwtors 'dill angels Agent for.MeCormick— Deerivg Farm' Machinery And Repairs. =IN- 3 Horse MCU. Deering. Vattivnto" $57.00 Cash, Dayold Barred Rocks....... $ 7.96 per 100 $ 9 95 per 100 , "MR. SKITCH" 10 day-old Barred Rocks.... 1105 per 160 13,95 P r 200 Oar Motto : - "We have it, Can get i4 Or 3- week-old Barred RixAs ...• 15 96 per 100 17.86. per 100 - it. is not made." White Rocks, Reds and Wyandotte@ (4,ty -old only) same as Barred Rocks Telephone 3900 R ITN- White Black Giants t coot per chick lase, t per age J. S. � � *i' �w IC� ►iri�iN Jersey Bieck (lianta (day•old only) 1 Dent per chick more. =- J S 1, ZA.SU :pi=8 These are the same kind of high- quslity chicks we have been hatching all M �� HARRY GREEN season. Prices reduced for quiek clearance. A real opportunity for arvons . who can accommodate a few more pullets next Fall. The older chicks are THE ROB /NS. ARE L7 Q A�K particularly well -¢rows for their ages.. They're past -the danger stage :•_ ?' should come along fast. Alae'a Work Bopte 149 lip - Monday, Tuesday and Wedn'sday "DAY-OLD, PULLET'$ "- LEGRORN9 ONLY :- f Mea'a Overalls and Ponta 1.2.5 pr up ,JULY 9, 10 and 11 slid Pultk aL.q�oroke,r hic is what you from the incubator.. "3 week- o _ _ Pullet , oc e s %ken out hair „ 85 per -Men's Work Shirts 65c, or G for 1.25 . ii cent accuracy guaranteed. This inew deveiopinene is. provi very popular ng 1 Q ILODY IN with many of our customers. - :Farm Team Harness $23.80 up 'Standsird Q,ir-litIr Fmird prim S*nek Horses Collar% at various prices SPRING" .Day -old Leghorn .PULLETS... e18 95 per'1f10 >1 19.96 per 11)0 -. :.Sweat Pads : 'Tea►m Lipear ! � 3- week•old•Leghorn PULLETS 25.75 per 100 W,75 per. 100 Now is t6e'time to get that old i - Plwce your order with your nearesc Besy Hatchery or sale@ office -or write harnesm repaired LANNY ROSS direct to St, Cathsrihes, Smd $1.00 deposit with order and ,pay balance on Fhone 2904 ) ' CHARLIE RUGGLES t site delivery of chicks. ' - ,• - C ECtL :-��A MARY BOLAED ZRAY CFBCK HATCMMY. 106 Ctaybum Awr.. Stw Catiaebss. O L L� ' scourer sal oifl�., ssas ostl!«ite St.•. Tarvitts, ` ' la i � � � � _ ANN SOTHERN This odiertisement bas received Government Approval insofar as It refers to baby obicks. -- °•io'n '• ` - _. ti/ -.. fr.;y.• =! J'}�' ._ .r.' +w • � may, _ y .. - ... _. .. - .. � - .. _ a +, n+� _� _ +�;� -. .. --.. ... .. ,., .' .. "- ..'_ .. ... '�:� µ•'k's i.» . k~ Qareasoat . Bill; Doris Mitchell: Jena Taylor. - Whitvale y h— y STANLEY -:-THEATRE Sr. sr. Pr. to Jr. 1st - Beverley iSindree '�' - L. E. �'NE /LL = `'' v 'Mrs. Gibbons is reported to be (hon ), Dolly Crumb. Jr. Pr A to 9r. On the original grounds granted improving in health. Mrs. Worthy is Pr. - Victor Moriey(hon.), June Cr- by the Crown to the Turners over spending a week with her. 100 ears ago, now occupied b How- .XBTOUFFYILLE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND, •„: umb, $lake Briscoe, Irvine Rolling. y y u Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, of Uxbridge •ard E. Turner, about 200 descendants .-EMBALMER Jr. Pr. B. to Jr. Pr. A. - Lavoane Wil spent Sunday with Morgan and Mrs. son(hon) Violet Middleton. held a re -union on July 2nd Coming Pugh. - - from such distant ,points as Stone- guccessor: to W. J. Mather, FRIDAY ana SATURDAY �touilviile -- Clifford and Mrs. Pilkey and fam- Family Re-union wall and Dauphin; Man. Ypsalanti, ' - -_ ily are on a motor tour through the Mich., Montreal, Cupar, SaSk; Brown JULY 8th and ' 7th Night and Day Service � Northern part of the Province. The re-union and picnic of the sville; Milton; Hornby; Hamilton; Business Phone Residence Phone . Airs. Peter Mac-nab, of Toronto, is Middleton Clan descendants of Pion- Niagara Falls; St. Catharines; Osh- �tc��! a T�! ��!R BED�� 9401 9f� visiting- fri ends- -it, -- Claremont--- €or- a- - -aer- Middleton; wha_ came._tn- _Canada_. &wa;- Br-ooklin; -- London. - Strathroy; --M ++ MADE ei++ — -- -- -- . ---- T period, from Yorkshire England, in the Alliston;, Oakville and Toronto, also RICHARD ARLEN �7 Q Mrs. Wm. Arbuckle, of Mt. Zion years' Prom - 1830 to 1840, and .settled from the vicinity of Claremont; Sto ��. ,ANDERSON is visiting Miss EUIabeth Pugh for` in Pickering and adjacent Townsh- uffville; Pickering etc. It was a 'great SALLY, EILERS - •a short while. ips, was held on- Monday, July 2nd and enjoyable , re- union, some of Frank and Mrs. Allaway, of Whit- in the Park at Orillia .There was a them not having met for years. This' CUIriEDlES . DUMBARTON by, spent' Sunday with Mrs. Chand= Rood attendance of the relatives having proved itself such a success, _ tt' " ler. from different points of the Protiin- it was unanimously decided to hold _ INSURANCE 1y, Miss McGlashan, of Toronto, spent ce, including Toronto.' Stouffville, another on July 1st 1935, on the old PICTORIAL the holiday with her - cousin and Miss Peterboro, GoodRood, Orillia, Hunts- family grounds. The oldest present " AUTOMOBIL14 Smith. ville-and from our township. A good was Roger W. Hawkins; of Browns, HOLLYWOOD /�� FIR) Walter' Ward has purchased part program was arranged :and races vide Ont, aged 83 . and the youngest OEIY pA RA DE � � BURGLARY of the Community Hall sheds for the were held for the boys and girls. as Barbara M. Taylor, Toronto aged 4 construction of a garage. well as for the older ones, -and suit- months. Miss Vera Turner, Claa*e I—. /kh'T00N _ ' : " ` .QA6IIALTYI Thomas and Mrs. Symms, of Tor- able prizes were given the winners. mont R. R. 2 was ' re- elected 11"n. LIFE IN917RAN01� - - :onto, spent the holiday with Mrs. H. It 'was. decided to meet again next Secretary and W. J. Turner, Presid- : - Thomson. year at the same Park and organiz- ent. i. Phone ickeiing 7920 . - Sol Rev. J. and ,Mrs. Glover and fam- ation was arranged ' to make it a TUE9DAY and WEDNESD #Y :. . _ ily left on Thursday for their cott- success-The following officers were TH'E "MADELINE" -JULY 10th and 11th " " age on the Trent River. elected: .President, Mrs. Chas. Car- YaII C8II Bll� gat HO]!n8 Mr. and Mrs - Wilbert Tom visited ruthers, Stouffville: Vice - President, BEAUTY ."W4 BHINGTON TIRES, - BATTERIES, Miss. Elizabeth Pugh over the holid- G. Luther Middleton, Brougham: SALON „ ay. '� Sec. Tress., Mrs. Gordon Middleton,' _ ,MASQUEFADE" 'ACCE890RIES, aEt Many of our citizens took in the Huntsville; '.Managing Committee,. Mr ION means a new year which means LAUREL - HARDY, Comedy At ae low and better rieeat A. a EZ— — . Imon Day. _ Middleton, Toronto; Mr. Geo. Hewitt, l bave'Permanent Waves to suit a ver as ' The regular meeting of the W, M. Peterboro. lady's puree, so why not make y MONDAY, JULY 12TH on can in Toronto. .'S. of the United Church will be held — _ _ y an appointment. on Thursday, July 12th, in the base- Card of Thanks Z9ZIIPITTS SLIM SUMMERVILLE -- , `mint of the - church [give all my customers my, very eet « �� - Let us repair thst;leaky'top. Several of our bowlers went to We wish to express to our many careful attention. HER FIRST HATE Newmarket on the holiday, but were friends - and neighbors our' sincere Also,;Marrelling.' Hair- curting, Scalp not successful enough to bring home thanks and appreciation for the many and Facial Treatpents, One night only 2 Shows', 1.00. 9.00 Skilled Motor Repairs. a .' it the prizes, this time. i kindnesses shown us in our recent shampooing. - " --Evans-Ward- is - somewhat irnprev-- bereavement. Cur- thanks -is..- also -ex-- - 8yd Schmidt. _ _ _ _ 'ed. although still in a very serious tended to the doctors and nurnea ����'���• _' condition. A kidney condition has de- who were so very considerate while Phone 1808 OLARE�tONT Proprietor Phone 2908' veloped. on duty before her death. Parking space at rear of the theatre. PICKERING, ...ONTARIO D. A. and Mrs. Scott and Fred and _ . R. Puekrin and Family. :. I Mrs. Evans attended the Bowling Tournament at Newmarket on the holiday' DIN i f�1 34 'S GARAGE u': _ -. Mark and Mrs. Linton and family, Cor. Brock and Kingston gds. of Toronto, spent the week end with # relatives. Bernice and Jean are re- maining for a week's holidays. _ General Rep&W'Woek all Miss Effie Weir; H. and Mrs. - ..o.o., - guranteed at reasonable Shore and Miss Beverley, of Toron- _ prices. to. spent the week -end with Roy and - . - 7Aaetvleoe Welding' T •,Dfrs. Morgan. 1' Batteries. ropaired and charged. Will Cowie and Fred Lynn, of Tor- _ . Firestone and Dunlop Tier, onto, spent part of the holiday at bonne here. Thev claim to have been : • - Gasoline and Oils. s 4 working day and .night at their plant. Sounds like wood news. Refreshment Booth in Connection' Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Miller are to orc -- Phone Pick. 7500 -' uvy the apartment above the new _ (night or day}, = _ Drug store. which will be opened MILTON SLEEP shortly. Interior decorating is_ now ^ near compfeti n. o .' . - _ _ 421y PROPRIETOR The Profit family and Mrs. Chap- ' man, Mr. and Mrs: Starry. of :our- - <,;;:.''• \ - - ,-..J� _ ora. spent Sunday. with- Lyman and _ - ..Mr's. Pilkey 'and also attended the Decoration �Dav Services at the Un- r:. .ion Cemetery. Our -local, representatives to the Post Office Convention Mr. Pretty -and Mr. Bryan ieport having -bad -a. most pleasant trip. and were Riven a 'tPry.SOCi8ble outing. +x`a ' _ E •' K a �p C�`'� \ .- 'ET _ :fir. and Mrs. Bryant Mrs. Burton 'h� 4�` '` \ n f p'` ' f +t " ? -va t . ' �,. Opm l asnow. r'`•w ,FM a r- Mr. and Mrs. Lve and ' Richard Dug- y,;:x. ".; :... ' y r v�,�a�a�.. a��... b w..ioss ., ur al and daughters, of Toronto, "'':' ` ' .,. 'a Z. t and - ' other friends spent the holidays at 'ztj QISliIEY BLOCZ, Hamlin Reserve. Raglan and on Mon- -. . day at Frank Chidlow's. Haying operations are under wap and many fields of good ' looking hay -,-are-to-be °ao-- ���'T'6e - -roP may not De a- very generous one, but certainly a 1 i - a 1 =.. much better than would have been ,, •` - __, , ,expected a few weeks ago. Don't forget ine Big Field Day to be held on the 18th. We expect one = ... ;� -•• Of our biggest days this year. A big program iri under way and advertis- Ing of the various events of the day _ �, +' � ,:.,�;,,,•- will be advertised within a. week• The regular monthly. mooting of the Woman's Institute will be held on Wednesday. July' 11th, at the home of Mrs. Henry Johnson, at 3 p. m:`;; A debate will form part of the pro- '4'.n �lJ70/7Rlic •*' r S - scram, and will- betaken by tlse girls, who will also provide the musical part of the program. Complaints are being heard regard- ing a condition prevailing in Clare- �'�` - Wbft dims appreseb- - 1 mont, that is threatened to be passed M iq anal haul, an on to' the Humane Society: and is E�'a Value ... more Ceid art ..': memorials we that of tying up dogs, and by the re- E♦ Rl _ _ will be standing In a a sults, not feeding sufficient. This E QOM ss}e t� action may of course be considered ° AM TH the when • • LO>a9e>r L'a! e ; SL ca a persons they )says been -by the Humane Society as one in _ o weak. titAC doors °f - erected 'to honor, Cot Se Union they are being conduct- you Ch vta etc �.! HERE'S something important to remember: ! erestive skill swum _ ed wring the months of July, and nea p ,rHE {O�ate- a i Chevrolet gives you more weigbt than any, the best results. August' by the Baptist and United RQVN uts in nsorete, nO - .other cat iri its 'class. More acids of rugged, O Greater '1`ribate~ Churches. Services' will be held due- Fisher p theref c una °t N. W. STAFFORD ing July in the morning at the Bap- rlals e= cf ahlve ...high quality materials in the Fisher Bodies, be -' tilt Church and in the evening at the blow' 71[1:4mbon Road t e QQF� cause. Chevrolet doesn't skimp on comfort or y. 'United Church. During the month of - - TEST THE a �yleld- hlsatss Whitby ` AuRust this order will be reversed to rm _ , the United Church in the. morning _ you'll fins an�_slat Struts safety. More pounds in the husky solidly -Built 462 ,x and the Baptist Church in the even- ing, bow not flimsy Chevrolet chassis, to safeguard dependability!' ing. Rev. J. L. Harton and the chm" petat�Bl 10E! And, best of all,- you get these advantages 'of of the Baptist . Church will preside :a THE a level , during July and Rev. J. E. Glover TaY stead9• ee- -ample weighi' without any sacrifice of economy. y and the choir of the United Chiurth ;r GENERAL p` Smoot tt+arks to 'Because, while it's a bigger, - heavier car— faster during August. vorots BI''de andextta. �;,�� _ Claremont Public School. 'Junior VALUE— Action and more powerful— Cbevrolet uses less gasoline Eapu Leaf 111AW r l" Room; in order of merit. Sr. 2nd to - weistal irisn► . . Jr. 3rd - Evelyn ilk than eves! Drive the new Chevrolet and you'll ' . IaSnTanCec. z Margaret Briscoe(hon,). Irene Lynn, !N CANADA! R Sad never be satisfied with ,,my other low- priced car! y 51x S A O . and WA W A NE9A O (S. CO: Jean Morley. Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd - M i C -1340 t -Don. Middleton(hon.), Jack Ward S e4° df�„fee, _ Cheap rates for farm and country (hon.), Andrea Lenson, Hazel Hunan, will . t.nd. n buildings. Shirley Kilpatrick, Audrey Forsyth, • D`�bve Qp6• N.�t °' sn.v�' o Windstorm Insurance on'buildingsi... -' a. Donald Appleton(rec.). Sr. 1st to Jr. O«•N `�`; GE►t ^C ° , wind- mills, Silos etc. Automobile Insurance.. 2nd -Leon. McCullough (hon.) , Sy[- ONO of &11 kinds.;' ` ' ' " - � •'; �;' via Phillipa(hon -); Maud Wilson; J. -• ;FARMS FOR BALM McCullough and. Wm. Phillips(equal) _ �, _ Bernice Lynn, Gladys Morley. Dor- r , c Write or Abaci eon McLean. Chas. Turner, Norman T °CHAS. COOPER, +Claremont, _ Ot t: Graham(rec.), Bruce Miller(fail) BOWMAN & $OwB c - 14 to Sr. 1st - Jack Forsyth(hon.), WHITBY, ONT. -Ruth Llster(hon., Gor. Lynn: Ray ! 3 - v:,x' , ,... ,•-, re:;i1,'}zs:.;r..� ;�•s ;. +,;,ate „�, ,�„�,y;;,,,;;,�,.'!';�.?' t:""K4.x!n n :..•" ;,i• r; --- - -� ,.,,,'' .. - _ _ .. - - .., •�,: MJ«.. s%.a"f."t�'• :u„- a. .•, ReS,',7,•o-' •L - �y�i'c. 'ti ss.«n.•. .�.�- ,s" %'T"rr ,+_. e. ;� :Ili "", .. _. _ -190 TIDES of YOUT H " the Author of "Pencarrow" ft w��� w1► a .: f �-�•� - - . . - - . - -�-�•� �-a-�- era- r..�+••� face all tin wrinkles. u i _ _ - INSTALMENT ON6 Y O could , THE PENCARROWS imagine• ether people%dying, but not Grannie. Keiiq.. Pencarrow unsadd'_ed •his ]�' " � - e e ' - EN � horse, patted his Sank, and tbiew -a •'Exquisite cover over his back. The horse From the eminence of the farm, a Also in Black wrhinnied as Kelly closed the lower great sweep'of country - was - Spread- - .Quality T �� " e Ealt'of the stabie door.- Stamping his out: rich, rugged, broken country, J and Mixed ' cold feet on the frozen ground, he and the simple, scattered'hotnesteads, swung his arms to warm up a little with its rutted roads of frozen earth, the incident. With one stroke ltefore - turni'rig into bed ' for an hours It was a • heavenly day, as he said: he had { bkept Ella Sni"lost Kelly. Ta mented �ien =S From L :ftE'a Avoiding Excise on Cheques - sleep. _ clear, coil., brttlfanf; the sunlight in_ > tensify-iag _every cahur;•._the air like .y the thought of losing h� when The sun was high when he awoke - --- - she and Gentry talked of talon Scrapbook with a staft, and all the familiar, wine. How be would have loved that g up -- .� -- - -- _'- clattering sounds of the.farm were at long, lonely ride, but, for,the thought. land in Hawkes Bay, Uncle Michael - ^� �`' I is amazing the number° of foflct of what ]ay ahead! Bessie Pencar- had been blind to everything F.iEe. To Generoait -- who defy the law and take advantage their noistest.,He sprang up, annoy- y _ row was dyin keep her near him was the one .Of the business man, in tendering ed at having overslept, and puzzled g thought In his mind when be gave Generosity is only benevolence in the ues °for that t1o' one had called 'him He Kelly urged hi§ ' rorse • along the Dractice. "- Bishop Ken, 9 Payment of transactions them, as a wedding, -gift, a _ha'f•share by omitting the three cents excise. - stretched luxuriously, his• young, bush track. At the .end of live.miles in. Duffield. So engrossed had be been We doubt if there is a.Tnan in busi- `healthy body responding to the pull he came to the male, highway, a W.Wer, in his ' ersonal " -In this world,' 1t is not what we 1i R problem that !t- had ness in the country, who world not and thrust. T eat! °d *oa�j 6hAt tint ed the ,tistrlct. 1 , hi ,, { take up, but what we give up, that �t_h:al�p Qay�al, tla .1 7 are a few hours' sleep when you are with the railway. Waxes us r1ch."- Beacher, ry ,a„_ -- cza , a y• would mean -to Kelly. if he were going out of business.. In young? He, could dance all night, At noon be stopped for dlnser• ut a Kelly saw what the change would theGservgiceo of nouri Maker, neitner And what a fine example it wouI j --ride twenty miles there and back, farmhcu §e, and ate lsungrily of roast and plough next day without betray- putwid cabbage. nri apple pie mean. Gentry, as part- owner,•a auth= does withholding enrich d-s :' make of .not' a- few, who consider'- " D mutton, ority; and he, a paid man, sub pumpkins. L man 'ing a sign of weariness, and-cream. And his drank three large orders. The Indignity; as welt as the -Mary Baker Eddy. tcaseaet�he vanes of the cheque.. s Vincent Crawford was not We man cups.of path §trout tea. inevitable- eonflict that must. follew, "in- giving, a man receives 'more, small -$1.00 up, and when one comes to pamper him. He worked' hard him- Finding that be had W:tdcs , nod time ' made, it impossible. He could not go than he gives. " - •George MacDonald. to' cash it and pays 1Gc • or lac ex- _ :self, and expected his men to do the in the morning, be let the horse jog back to Duffield under those condi- change and Sc excise, the value fa "sure - -Se bad no ob )1ect 911 is Kelly alone easily after dinner.. tions. At first he felt that Michael , dancing, provided ft. did not interfere - 'tic "true ¢eneionity in a dui as jai s certainly the possible prrtfif• _hot and Berta wdth bin work. It Grannie died] She waa getting had betrayed him, betrayed DuMeld. dispensably necessary as those Im•.rn 8ny ai5a51� tran5�cti6�l�cfi,e9uR � The milking was finished, stud they old he knew• but - this tiny,' frail, and the _ Pencarrow heritage. • by posed -upon tie' by- the ' Iaw, "- =Gald- without the excise stamp attached -r _ while - hatred Orannfe who 1 d stood . handing it oveF to a' stranger; to- one ' , were having breakfast when Kelly smith, if the stamp is not availab,e, the. by him ►titer tits quarrel abpu Daflleld who diets care, .Later, in calmer appeared, contused and apologetic. - T_ amount can easily be added to the "Why didn't you call we' I've 'he..'coutd nyt betidvy' that, r was mood• be knew that Michael was not '- value: of- the ch ue-= Winchest, "Rich' gifts wax poor when avers eq r serer overslept before." dying' ' ilty of deliberate• treachery towards pears g Press.. As he rod.e mare slowly now. his -. Still,: be could 'not forgive his prove unkind. " -- Shakes , °It's all right._ -boy,_Hays your' break- -mind travelled .back to_Sha_t__atormv uncle. fast, now." � In - ezone three years before. He saw As he struck Gentry's emt{tng. face �� ��- belongs to- you-- wb}leb - —# ORE 00 -L-OR KKR FALL- - There was, s kindlier note In his' them all gathered in the big drawing• that night Kell had sworn tl at one you bare beetowed. "- VVemuna: ►lore color le ' voice. Mrs. Crawford said nothing, prophesied :n the Y Abut in her face was a loot of tender- room -of Miles Pencarrow's bause on day be would own Duffield, it was a _ fashion picture ne=t tall, by P. A. Vo-' _ ;1 ness, a maternal ttnderatandin ;, that �+� the Terrace. Grannie, so happy, her wild, foolish threat, but he was 'deter- gelmad, direeto= of the color fashion trtabhed to quick response some warn- erect figure, tiny but dominant, as mined never to set foot on that be- six C.$ to bureau of. one of the large st:k com- Ing instinct. They had let him, sleep she looked with pride at the expand- loved land while Gentry sad any P _ - �panies, There Is a "definite feeling -on. Wby? There must. be some rear ;ing clan, His gransifather, twisted share in. it. y�'�f i� /� that social life will be' elaborate next son. Something .bad happened; some with "iheumatiam, but ahar'ng her When first one and then anuther-of De " - S �'"'an^ winter," -sayd vogelman, "tronaequeat- ' thing was wrong. He was now con- glow` of triumph in what they had the family bad tried to patch up the — ly there will'be a trend away from the achleved: Hit Aunt Kitty whose - _' ..'• sdoualy -aware of as gimospbere of quarrel and "knock some aenar - 'into ,WEAK AFTER DAYS • ON SEA, uniform black of more dreary y °tars.' - - suspense; an acute wave of +vmptatby 'hale world centred ttr' Ratrtn Her- Kelly, ":aa they put it, Ke:iq bad FRENCH CONVICTS REACH !towed towards him. It startled 'and rick, her only child, For him sbe found his sole refuge in. Grannie. BRITISH GUIANA renewed ,the ambitious but abandoned unnerved him. dreams Of' her youth And al! the "You're a fool, Kelly," Genevieve ANKLE SOCKS ARE BARRED Flnish your breakfast, boy. Finish . others. had acid. "'Chucking away a jolly good GEORGETOWN, British Guiana New Britain, Conn. - Eact on y� . iota, breakfast " chance like that., Uncle Michael was Weak and emaciated from the rigors the tennis courts and when w agrin Thee party w•r.s telebra' ing ' the g "There's something •wrong, 1 know;" launching of a new generaticn, the going to leave yap the other half -" of a long voyage under the blazing dresses, students at Teachers' Coilege line Kelly glanced quickly trim Craw- tbirdr the marriage of his coupin Ella "I don'j, want the other half, . It tropical sun, six men stepped ashore have been forbidden to wear ankle- •lford• to. his wife, to the Englisbraan, Philfp.Gwtry. He Isn't that. Yon don't understand," froff a tiny open boat- fugitives from soaks. The dean said "they watts va- "A. telegram: It came late last and he turned wearily away the dread French penal- c•t:aay of becoming- to future teachers." IN - 'might, Harrison was as3lnR' stn recalled, the joy in Michael's• face at D d But Grannie understood: , Stte� knew Devil's Island, for Franklin E. Pierce of tliF .tat-e having solved the problem o! keeping brought.lt over from the post office." it was not' the'materiai loss that war- They were exhausted,,bjurgrl, •and' Department of 9ducation :::a4d- he " Crawford -liras a'stout, slowisb man Ella with him at. Duffield, de�Dfte her ried him. He did not begrudge Gen- ti'tlrsty, and their bodies wer? burned "feared the girls might catc!; marriage. He had made G1•ntry ..a „ o g f oi, it . -' '-- -- -1ef sixty, with sparse sandy hair. Hie.. pail Luc, --Du-Meld . station -- Gentry, by. and Ella their halt share -in the almost black from seven dav; of 'ex-. ivy: - ' ;deliberate manner of speech was as who'rtldn't care. Profits. But they didn't card, as he posure on the open sea. But the six - .-Unhurried now as ever. repeated over and over again. They =five Frenchman and one S„anlard- 'e' v It was to a blind paa5ton of rage, a "From home." Kelly ask -d, quick didn't care where they.14ved. Hawkes planned to push on to, the West In tARGt:S� AND LAZIEST " .�•apprebension dart in iron one to sudden madness o[ end not at a ' g finding that Gentry, and not he, would Bays.. or� any other place- would , -dint Island of Trinidad, another sea SHARON, Pa. -The "largest and. - other. His mother, father, Genevieve do. But to Kelly, the Perrcarrows 'voyage of 300_ miles. laziest hag fa the world" Is' on' exhibit pat, share had struck with Michael, that had made ;Du fiel,i IL WAS sometbin They were given 'medical attention- at. the Dourer farm near here. _ In- •- Kelly had struck the blow, Gentry had g' In- "Yes; from' home,".. __ laughed at him 'and his wild love for {.To Be Continded) ' nere. Police.of the colony f-,) -sot the cinerator," as the balf•ton boar is ••!w�j ne Father?" ,yip hag lonely §beep farm. It was a niceties of law temporarily - to give called., occasionally collects !cough ' "No; nqr your - mother, it's your blow that bad shattered the .unity of -�- - - the six shelter ashore and ft od, for ambition fa stand up, He is r.--.r feet ;,dear old Grannie Who is tit They: y - - -the - coming journey- the Pencarrow amil - want, you to go down at once.- as ft's r Barbarous Language the fugitives tbey, must not stay here ' - my smatter of days now, end she's Tbat - trig #t - Grannie had nad her first heart' •attack. A sense t i guirr,- ---__ long. In a. few days the escaped pris- asking for you.' that he was responsible, could not be _� oners must be away again, or be de- Grannie!' Somehow he had not -The write who makes two words ponied from the ,colony as ',tndesirb thought of Grannie. She seemed ita- d! §gelled, and, deep though his regret 111 jai for her sake,, be could not bin him- grow here only -one grevP�eo3e does; talf_es_ e. Mortal. Though she was old. she was g not. always deserve praise • more intensely alive; one did not ase ciate self to make his peace wita Philip 1 At ""y Gentry or his Uncle Michael. He often than not he is helping to clutter ; .'lber with death.• To Kelly .she had would do anything for Grannie, al- up the language ' with unnecessary' PRINCE OF WALES - "` always seemed old; old and lovely t words. A report to the HEADS EMPIRE 'BODY most anything; but he toad not P psychiatric: and wonderfully, wise. Thb passing apologise consulting service of the Women's London -The Prince of Wales lkc- :years made no change in her to his Division. of the Emergency ' cepted the presidency of the English- ' To -day, Kelly, maturing into .man - gency Work _ English- young eyes.. When be was a baby hood, was the outgrowth of 'those Bureau supplies an example. A de- speaking . Union of the British `711dmeminewiflotelAch Veflit nt Grannie's hair was white, a ++ her youthful tendencies; hot - beaded and scription' of the- work with the, staff Empire recently. t _ iihpulsive, He could, however, be begins with, "Referrals came from de= -for EASIER Dyeing .i gene-rou`s.'Hd had' ay odd attractive- partments --."' The sensitive reader ness, and was spasmodically a leader, swallows hard ana comes to the next - - we Instant >iit is salter m- ON chest „but - be was too quick to take offence "'Certain 'styotirertintordye 7W ever toed. It di► and `tbrow everything to the wind in sentence, which begins, t;ertain as- PAGE A..' llobdPI a flash of temper. He, could be stub netts of typical referrals. The •if in 40 setonda F R E'E born,. also, and refuse to see - things eye roams "down the page "and finds • ... ro,rt� right . „� a,. tt�ws , in the same paragraph, The first io ... makes a It fir from any but his own point -of view. eiyn, referrals were . . ." Now it may be brilliant eve a. s c" w, to family cotmeAs aftei the quarrel, y ...' ROM - = toned 5aiab ... salts" a #b the cold iogid of his father f,ft him that persons who treat the language •+ �re so brutal! are correspondingly tend -• aed lash sad caiwenis as„ unmoved•. This- stubborn attihide once y - liaste and lasts• ,w,tw again ,opened the breach between fa- er with the human beings who come wI >olu NM .0BEM then and son, the breach caused when' before them. It is to be hoped era; • ' m"V - :DlAlt Kelly refused to take Iaw and join there ought to be some compensation j Tp Pet: (I his father in the. firm. for so barbarous a word as "re= His father was ambitious f1.r him; ferrals." -New York Sun P•�.2 [its mother 1,)ved him: ht's sister, Gen - r V - evieve, worshipped him: but it was his Grannie wh'b .-understood .him l.. She had the gift of divination. A woman writer }a'ezulting over re. In the course of a day I have list. Finally the man -ho had dor,a'�the No one else realised quite how much •Oently released figures showing that - Nil q 11 per cent. more men than women ened to some pretty weird alibis', h damage agreed to pay and 'phone d• a Duffield had meant to Kelly; t,o one, are crazy- thought I knew them all but I heard perhaps, but Michael.. And, it was y �'eab, but who drove the , garage for help. Sounds ridiculous, �tioltae] who was so bitterly hurt, over men crazy? a new one last night on the Hamilton doesn't It ? , But if you were tc make -. •z highway. _ .._ :. .. ids -- a. Gee, • -HOLDS•. - FALSE' TEETH "Ho it ?" I result sheer find `c k f D E A S' ware your brakes, s ask- ed a driver who had just rammed the what chances same people cal e! ' Have, you a Story, a Sketch or an Illustration .that. _is �° _ :TIGHT AS CEMENT rear Of another car and do>ie consid- The man- who drives a car with saleable? _ Plates cant poaeibly sh when �' erable damage. poor brakes' takes`a 8eedlese- cb tnce' Or .perhaps you have some other saleable idea: Tell u8 - ! I sprinkle on• Dr. Wern$Vfs Powders "That's ,just it, otHcer," he said,- eery minute, and when he,_ge;a into - abOUt. lt. _ _ _ _ I �� seller in world -holds late ao brakes, went bad on me all at Send a' stamped (3c) envelope for information about -our g � cant annoy yet so omfort, my a smas:r he hasn't an excuse '.n the I' _ able the actually feel and act like your once' and' I" was hurrying home to service. world. Brakes can be..put tint: good { own. Seeps mouth sanitary, breath ' get them /axed before I got into - DE .A S trouble." - order_ n con a of hours anu! .Lhe - f .. �' �B Sam charge isa very pllittle compat :: t� it pleasantr- aiteeral comfort-cushion .. .. ... .. vent§ eenetttve game from get ' -Small cost ---any drugstore Unhntlted Cam you beat, It?. The man driving .tile cost of an accident. THIRTY-NINE LEE AVENUE, TORONTO the car that was hit was pretty _ - issue NO. 27 —'34 • :_peeved, brut evea he had- to- lau @h... . W('II,.I'll _be seeing• you_ r .► ' - , .. : - - a; - _ - . ' •, .. .. fie {' • ' Amp-,' - • - - � .. - -. .. -• r, . ,. '. --- �' •- • - - - • • ' - - - 'a � ��.^ Sti11. Back Model ' coloring. The woodwork and panelling Inexpensive Desserts .. - degrees liehtergito of green several �• •''r� g eggshell finish. The That Are Pleasing Illustrated Dress-ntaking Lesson Fur- rug I' a monotone beige covering the - J" _.� '* • �► nished With Every Pattern entire floor space. A French mirior Spring Appetites are Often delightfully carved and of Intriguing = - -• shape stands over the ' masslvefire- 1 — Like, a - - — in- W., e art# _ Fickle place and adds further glamor —Weather' it -{ r`'` _ - - - ♦ _ ereaFting_ the _dimenain"a of +I,n � ' ' �•� room in its reflection. The table is Spring days call for something ra- O -round of polished mahogany, centred Cher special in desserts. Easy to make -by, a Celadoh dish in which yellow wa- and, inexpensive. they must be because ter lilies give a touch of life. A ma- gn r make dem ndsaon bo ndtren and C �� hogany buffet simple opposite the fire g place and :la simple in construction money and the busy home -maker has while the Italian, finely Iacquered. no inclination to fuss in the kitchen y Mair M. fAorgin chairs and a miniature lacquered table with expensive materials. _ - - - --� .- matching the chairs graced by a bowl Tempting they must be too, appeal- "- of cut flowers,in tones of cornflower ing to both the eye and the taste, be _ .. blue give just that variety necessary cause spring appetites are_ apt to be - YO Ho! HO ! for this type of dining ,room. rather jaded and sometimes fickle, Aboard the S. S. Myrtus. The breeze was cool and ruffled :like the weather itself. - RESTFUL; DELIGHTFUL - Don't the -possibilities Lake Ontario's 'waters. Your correspondent did not want to leave. _ p ssibilities . of _ - - - - - -- c - - - -The morning room or back drawing _evaporated and 'condensed milk as. a :Another visitor expressed her desire to become the ship a cat. 1 \ room, is made cheery with chintzes, means toward economy in the makiti Captain J. Davis told of the departed glory of his 1500 -ton - y g P - - easy' chairs, photographs and books of delicious dessert; Very'cftei, these _ - freigYter, She was once "POVOiI ", a pleasure boat sa'111`ri$ from - _. _•and follows the general scheme of co- milks may be used in place of whip- London to Morocco and Tangiers. To me, there is still romance " for of the front drawing room.- Apri• ping cream, effecting a citeided ;av:r,, -.. -?surrounding the S. -S. Myrtus. A cargo of coffee, bird seed from 7. cot painted walls, green curtains shot in the cyst of :assert; . . Halifax to Toronto (which came from Brazil and the Islands) with yellow, beige rkrpeats and inner ^. o whip evaporated niil!c, place tits - - brousrht a hreath of far sea's. net curtains make a truly delightful unopened can of milk in a uan and Her decks now are loaded heavily with drums lot oil and t and restful scheme- which is further cover with. cold, water.. Bring to, the.. r bundles of pulp. Chicago is her next stop and another. cargo will t aided by -a dark red settee and green boiling point and boil five minute. be picked' up and unloaded at Toronto. fire stools. Some of the electrical fitt- 'Remove can from .water and chic] It was indeed difficult to leave the Captain's snug cabin', ings have pale apricot shades and the thoroughly.. Pour in a bowl end whip. -- - -� rush down the narrow steps and jump on to the dock. All ready :buff' sofa with a plentiful ariey of PEACH CREME i cushions invites repose. The front One egg white, -3 tablespoons pow- ^ the crew of seventeen were. busy releasing the S. S. Myrtus fltom drawing room bears all the distinction dered• •sugar, 1 -2 cup cream or- evap• from Toronto's wharf, We stood and watched her gather up because of its formal treatment. To orated milk, 1 -2 cup: peach pulp, 4 atealn. I'll see you again when you return. _ - begin .with the paintwork is in peach halves canned peaches. +'.__e =s ' �... " color with attractive wail brackets of Bea: cream (or evaporated milky " Though Married" - electric -candies set on plaques which and egg whites together until stiff. Happy ug - - are mirrors,. the gold silk - draperies . Add sugar and fold in peach pulp. June is' the month of brides and rooms and a offset *by' pelmets bearing• hand em- Put each peach half on a dessert g izpat of ad- vice broidery of matching tones frame and plate and cover with -cream mixture, is not amiss,, ouch though it is never followed. U provide a- background -for the coarser Garnish with threads of candied or. Lady Lavery writing in a London newspaper )ffers these U mesh window nets. against the glass apse peel. All the ingredients, inclnd pertinent points: 2,885 of the French windows. A beautifully ing the peach halves, ahgald be thor• 1. Feed the brute. _ -_ _ __ _ _ _�! = embroidered fine screen stands against unship chiled before combining.-. —. - Praise the brute.. g. -. - - .- =- - --- .. - . - .• _ •.- When the suu shInes -won't you the wa;l and several pieces of'fine an- CHOCOLATE TAPIOCA PUDDING 3. Never contradict: the brute. be "happy to slip into this darling tique•furniture harmonise well with Three tablespoons quick coating tar -. 4.. Always say "How right you are." 'dress* It's the type all the /ashion- comfortable modern armchairs. pioca, 1 square baking chocolate, 1 -3 5. Admire his biceps.. - _ able are wearing to acquire that love- There is a feeling *of repose in the cup, sugar, 1 -8 teaspoon salt, 2 caps G. Tell him nobody ever looked so distinguished iii ereniri,g ly beige suntan: mansion `which allows a degree of of scalded milk, 1 egg, 1 -2 teaspoon _of .dre3". 7' it's distinctive and temiuiae with careful study. There is no clutter- .vanilla, shredded cocoanut. ` The Duchess of -Marlborough's list was as` follows: its deep-square cut neck and bow tied ing or over- furnishing: - no - tinneces- I Cut chocolate in'•small, pieces and J. Be rich. :shoulders in light blue 44c� with wary pieces to mar the symmetry add t d milk ' f ' - : _ - _- - navy dotted In tightbblue for its trim•' me o a o co mt to to o doubt I _. Be human.- P rp f 1 P � bo the while and with it there is a feel-- eel ler. Thin melts the chocolate and, it - 3.. Both hay a careers. - Shirting cotton. peasant weavE ing of comfortable homeiness which scalds the milk at the same time and - _ _ cotton in plaid or checks, - -:.. 4. Have children. - - - I wen In is after all what We are seeking when 'in the same• utensil. Add tapioca, su- pastel, gay stripes or liorstblanket we plat a home, ` j. Don't go to night clubs. �• checked, multicolored seer sucker,, gar and salt and rook until tapioca is ti. Foster our choice The idea of- featurieR period rooiiis clear, stirrin ' fr uentl y .by fidelity of purpose, checks or sfrlpei. or white• sea:rucker g eq y. It;.will take - '' �2oney is certainly important but to be rich is imt absolute- weave crosabarred to color, plaided does not seem to hold the interior de- about I5 minutes. Beat yolk slightly -ly escontial or -many of us would be "out of luck." gingham, - shirting or pastel tub s12ks, corators to a very- great ektent, the and pour a small amount of tapioca - etc., are surprisingly inexpensive and idea being to combine any period so mixture over egg yolk vigorously, smart an long as it does -not clash and stand Then our this mixturginto remaining _ _ ggestlona for your sc;lctloa, p 'Ten Commandments - . - style No, 2885 is designed for sizes out as an -unhappy thought: mixture in double-,boiler and cook unt- - • i 1•l, 16, 18 years, '36, 3,8 and A•s' inches We- cannot all afford to indulge_ ;n it thickened. Remove at once from the .fin American paper publishes these ten Comm rtiments for bust. Size 1s requires 3 1'4 ya ds of the genuine antique rare pieces, but heat. Coot, and add vanilla and fold a. June bride gathered from ten happily married pel�ons: > 39 -inch material, fortunately modern designers of fur- in white of an-egg which.has been boa -Trust Your happines�_tnd remember that'love grows with" HOW TO ORDER I'ArTERNS'" niture have made it nos9ibie for -the ten until stiff. CnF;I chorougmy and ;each year of married life. Write your name and address.plain. average purse t6 purchase facsiriiile. - aerce; with cocoanut sprinkled over Kee U in ly, giving dumber and size of such of graceful design and thus' it is with-- the to P P, pests in and intellectually. - onlly. patterns as you want. FncloA- 1.5c in in reach to furnish the home attrac- P _ Cultivate interests in common with one south ?i, _ stamps or coin (coin preferrol; wrap vely with ;a compari;tively small out- Poison, Mum"'.-Montana's - IarRgst :Hold'to faith, and to courage. tt carefully) for. each numbpr, , and lay of cash. clip of wool from one grower t ti4 year Don't be selfish and egotistical as'to believe that you; "alone,, ' address your order to v;ilsaa•Pattern, make him happy• was chipped by the C; D. Small Gum• Can Service. 73 West Adelaide St, Toronto. A.h, welf; 'if they didn't try to •pass pany of Poison. It comorlsed 200,000 Live within your income. a truck on a' curve, they might live -pounds and was collectetl frrm 20,000' "+ Find what your •husband like, a »ri_ d© it. Arid alwtiww -. �e .to. soar kerosene. ou .a tire.. -Akron sheep -an average of test pounde' per - polite to him. Furniture De$Il�n:� Beacon•Herald. bark. - - Don't be possessive. Stress Simplicity - Don't discuss your'troubles with outsiders• Be patient; be game; and have the- pluck to fght it out. Overcrowding ;s Frown - d Up'; : 'r ' 'Notice that a number of these rules both in England and f'�V f� .America apply to bridegrooms as well as brides; so if you're get -• pon— �.areful BiPndii�z of ire C CUD' ting-- married ; - dorm - target— tha- .,.a�. raga is a parrrexship— a a0 =50 proposition ; and talk these rules over with "him" or, "her." LESSON NO.' 14 actor 1of the .bark Its well represented. - Every (tome has 'a' certain atntol shat) now continue the study of Practise. until you can produce a' ph'ere about it which one might call, We trees as demonstrated in Lesson No. sketch of a tree trunk that will be ginator.himself. - I10 : personality and which seems to ex- unquestionably-an .elni.. The tendeY lingering caresses which Press the individuality of those vihc Th'e original drawiugs for this les- You- will easily recognize the old William Powell following the script live and spend their time therein.. son were all made three -tim'es' larg_ beech trunk in. Fig. il. The indent- Hollywood Can Now ` ';_ of the picture, 'The Key" •must give whether one realizes •it or not the er, that i i, Fig. 6S was made 1 % ins. ations and rough knots are the die- Record Film. Kisses -t° Edna Best, will be preserved in mentality and culture of the person or high sad Fig. 71, 6 ins. high. :If you tinguishicg. characteristics. _Note the their natural. state for the audiences Persons to whom the home belongs is will look through a massing glass difference of techtriaue in comparison Effectively which s that - e2 production. But • be, radiated and expressed:.afmosf more ar Fig..•63, you will be surprised at with thy' otbex tree - trunks. When us. - — - fore•. the new microphone was. in use than words 'can say in the "way the l the amount of detail. in this little ing the, pen, the bark rs best repro ` Hoiiyw(iod, - Now that the grub these might very easily have reached room is. treated. Isketch,' which represents strong sun- rented by slightl curved• panillet lem has.been solved, .,the truth can be the recording department.-sound-ing With the modern'niude of living ihc!Aigtft on the tree and tlirowhig cast lines. told. Hollywood's_ studio sound depart - more-'like hisses that kisses. g over furnished -home is not reckone'dk shadows .'on. the tree trunk and the' . Fx, \t:. 16. -Go niit intn thr,i'nun moots have always had difficult in In .fact among the smart domiciles. More time i gt a�= •below, r> m ,in waer� �u i p n ti : a. Y good kiss- recording was so •acsurately recording the sound of difficult under the old methods that and thought is given to the 'lighting, screen kisses. Directors and camera whop the sotmd department did artificial and natural, the color G - fj g - 6 9 ✓� ;�'- __ men long ago admitted That intimate an effective one it was preserved caret_sch'eines play a major melody when it y _ '• _ love scenes were the most difficult for _-fully in the sound library' and Used comes to fitting up and laying carpets them'to direct or' hoto rah hap in.- tapestries and portieres. The I I ` . , P g P grope ^ - over and over again. No star could be g � P P ly. The sound 'experts' have always. 'sure when she saw her finished pic- safest.. bid in furnishing the• •dining ;1' maintained a discreet silence on the ture, whose kiss it was which sounded room, is, if possible to choose a wall -', subject but it 'appears now that they - like 'the cne she was shown giving or Paper pr wall paint of indefinite char too have had their troubles recording receiving. acer. The wall must be a background kisses so that'the ear could recognize To the microphone's eat no two peo- •a - setting for the ''furniture. and the them-as signs of love. P hangings. Therefore it must blend �• o.�s< , li le ,kiss alike. Joe E. Browns resound- But now a new microphone has been ing smacks, infrequent as they are' in.. harmoniously.. with th,- color schenie r °i a" ; � ;``' 71 `- perfected through which a kiss is • pictures, sound nothing at all like the ^ - chosen. .. •- recorded as a kiss. This is more of a hesitant gentle kisses which Richard $LENDING TUNES 70 victory than it seems. Up to now a In the first instance having achie -' Barthelmess receives from Ann Dvor• - l f• _ �r screen kiss might sound like any one ak in "Midnight Alibi." ved •a pleasing finish, for ' walls.and - - - - - - of a number of things, all'of them to- ceiling the second step is-in the poi -} -tally- unrelated to love - making. Nor do the healthy 3pen•handed kis- chase$ -)f a rug. Care must be taken to ' The earnest• pleasant' but not over sea with which Pat O'Brien greets hay@ it express sortie _one or two def- I The very rpu „U bark_ of the ottk ir_ : „tai 'its -ue L-'L! ere r, skvt( ties ,)r i., e - =: Glenda Farrell in "The Personality to I recognized in Fig. 69. Haring sketch- trunks, write the came And desc•rip• ip sentimental -kisses which James intte shades and it wise to av-cid Cagne'y and Joan Blundell exchange -Kid. have much in common with the extremes in patterns because sooner Ted -the-outline, make the heavy, ir• tion for each sketch. You will tied_? in the picture "He was Her Man ' for passionate dangerous caresses ex- or later you will weary of them: het regular - �trokes_ then_ the -undertone these very valuable in roar a of k as example,'would. under' the old meth- changed by Warren William.and. Gin- me cite an English dining room as ex- consisting of linen slanting up to the an illustrator. ger.Rogers in "Upper World.”' right. ..Lastly, sketch an overtone ....Questions wilt be answered in tFjis '.;Ai ode, hate reached the screen sounding pressed in one of the homes of a dis- over all the shaded. portion. This department. Anyone wishing, to re- ..-like blown -up paper bags being "pop- The sound expert has been 'hard• tinguished lady_ of fashion. The win- latter metbod''is easily adapted for eeive a personal reply, may have t pressed to find out just the right tone dows are curtained in lemon silk that representing trees where no 'partle.u- same if a 3c stamped addre'seed en'. But •now, with these improved me- of kiss for these various kinds of gives a. radiance and ever a.false sun- lar kind Is desired. - -velope is-- enclosed with the .request. _- thuds, Jimmy's kisses can be recorded characters before the new.aticrophone shine even,on the gloomiest days. The The rendering of the elm in Fig. 'The Art Director, Our Sketch Club, , ih.all thdr static and esthetic glory, -made their accurate ieeording.'from ire re of a soft duck -egg green i0 Is .characteristic. of. this- tree Roorn:421, 73 Adelaide 8t. West,•To- 3 'just_&& thsit 1ki8 delivered by the ori- the original scenes possible. - which is a change from the - average I trunk, also the rough, trusted chary ronto. - - `•'ti nny yr', :t 'X. i i 7 ..3 :-.7 . ✓' �iY .. s LnaALli��• pleased to renew his acquaintance. friend of Miss Margaret Pennell, Senior Room Pickering Public Sc- rte, Ross Burns. (B) Beryl Harvey,.•,- _ Forty -five years ago he was in char- called on Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Robin- hool. Entrance Candidates. SrAth -I Doug. Spencer. (C) John O'Connor, Re of St. George's Church in Acker- son last week and brought greetings Marguerite Bye, Lloyd Courtice, Max Dorothy Bradley. (D) Charlie Baker, W. G. and Mrs. Reid entertained ing. For the past twenty -four year:• from his parish. Mr.. Townsend was ine Elliott, Rose Picov, Gwen StepL- Jr. 3rd to Jr. 4th - (B) Alvin Robin- _ _-a number of friends on Monday. he has been in charge of tke Church much interested in the estate of Mr. enson. Jr. 4th - Marie Burns, Mary i son- Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd. (A) Ruth - ;,tip QWte.a large amount of hay has of the Advent in Montreal. and Mrs. Ruddy, which he also vis- Calvert, Billy Sparrow. (A) Pass on'� Redditt(hon.), Mary Riley, Gordon -' been cut durrnit the-vast week- -On Sunday a pleasant family're ited during 'the iftemoon. This is year's, work. (B) P. on av Wade, Bobby Scott. Geo Runts_ rBi y _ - 4 ra GeQr Field 4nPn�r- t �t rI�AO .- .union teak Itin �1,.t Trip to tkis continent and year's- work and final exams. (C) Gordon Watson, Alma Carter. (C) at the home of her parents,, Mr. "and ry and Mrs. Boyes when the follow. he . expressed the opinion that Eng- Recommended ( received on approval Fred Carter. (D) Raymond Cafik. Sr. _]ifm• Carson.-of Port Union- ing were present: W. J. and' Mrs land had definitely turned the cur- of next year's principal) (D) Fail. 2nd to Jr. 3rd - (A) Marion Roffey _ - ,Andrew and .Mrs. Forsyth,• of Clark' and 'daughter, Nora;' F. F. and ner. His parish is in an industrial Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th (A) Douglas Johns � (hon.), Marjorie Riley(hon.), John SinWuta, Sask., are visiting with W. Mrs. Balsdon and 'family, of Burf -, centre, and while badly hit, - Mr. Margaret Goodwin, Carl Burns, Dor- Mralsh(bon.), Benny Picov(hon.), K. J .and Mrs. Miller. ord; A. M. and Mrs. Clark, and fam- Townsend says conditions had very othy Bath, Eric Bradley, Clinton Pr- Ravin, Barry Murkar, Gordon And- -�Miss W'iman,• of Peterboro, is ily of Lakefield and Mrs. (Dr.) decidedly improved during the past Duse, Helen Martin John Cooke.. (C) rewr, Wesley Baker, Phyllis Baxter, .visiting her grandmother and uncle. Wright and, family; of Stettler, Alta, year, and further added that .the im -• Mary Goodwin. Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th - Ronald Chester(repeating year. )4rat A. Burrell and son, Russell.' ' ---The United Qhurch Services on provement would continue, as it was (A) Kathleen Watson(hon.), Blanche Owing to lack of, space further re• -Mrs. Philip Forsyth `,of Mark- Sunday Jtily 8th.' will be as follows: the result of steady effort on the _Balsdon- Ronald Andrew, Ruby .B�h- pouts win be published next week bas►. visited- -1a`at week - -with her als- Sunday School at 10.15 a. m. Ret[ul- part of the Government, the. manuf- - - ter, Mrs. C. H. Pilkey.. ar Morbing Service at 1.1.30 a. m, acturers and the public itself. - -Mrs. Speirin,' of, Orillia, spent Regular Evening Service at 7.30 P. -The July meeting of the W. M. `. _ ~, the holiday with her Barents, J. G. m. All services D. S. T. The Sacram- S. of the Pickering United Church Y find Mrs. Baxter. ent of the Lord's Supper will be dis was held at the home of Mrs. Les. -- Fairport was, the scene of hun- penned at, the Morning Service and Morley_ on Wednesday-July 4th,, with � � iq �ore - t-, --�-d� of bouday- seekers over _tbe -air it embers are expected 'to 'attend a large attendance. The meeting was *eek -ehd: AM adherents and others are *el- glad to see Mrs. Smith able to take -Miss Sproule, of Canninjtton• is come. the chair again. 'A devotional leaflet "aisiting with her sister, Mrs. W. V. -The Entrance Examinations have on "The Communion" was read-by- Mrs. «p• 1 tf _. -- - - 7ieiaitG been in progress this week Fortun- A. McConneIl, followed with 'Pickerin s Leader Store •--H• J. - Marquis and family o! ately for the candidates the weather prayer by Mrs. Crozier. Mrs. W. C. lltroud spent the holiday -with Pick- has not been so extremely hot which Murkar read the minutes and acted _ •erinx - relatives. is so frequently the case when these as secretary pro tem. Arrangements • • it sprat the holiday -with L. . do his or -her best - Now, let's Renov%ze - -Mrs Maxwell and fyursily of examinations are being held No pup- were • made for the W. M. S. picnic . • rl tan with the -to � held at 5imeoe Point on W�d- and Mrs. Morley. mercury registering 90, degrees, . or nesday, August lat. The program New Four yard Linoleum, very attractive Designs, priced 79e. • -Mr. and Mrs. Linton, of Aurora more above zero. A. number of pear? was in charge of Miss Ida Buntinra's have been viaitina with Gordon and 'ago the Entrance Exams were held Group. A paper on Temperance by New Table Oilcloth, plain and fancy patterns, 45 in., 39c.; 54.in.. 4W Y' Mrs., Law• twice a year, in, July and in Decem- Mrs. Lea. Morley and two papers on -Fred and Mrs. Baladon and ber, which had certain advantages- "The Chinese in, Canada" by Mrs. G: :k-ny, bf Burford, spent the holiday -Motor traffic on the highway Law and Miss H. Law were much en- -' STANTON • _ 'with relatives here• over the holiday was very heavy. joyed. The meeting was brought to -Reg. Barker and friend spent the One man who driven over the high- a close with prayer by the President - 'holiday *ith the `formet's parents, way from Toronto- about every day after which refreshments were ser- � +� ;Wall Papers � � 31► �G.. W. and Mrs .Barker. in the year says . that it was the ved. - p - Walter -and Mrs. Riley, of Tor- heaviest he had ever experielrced. , oet6o, Spelt the holiday with friends Fortunately there were no accident-• ~" 4 Semi - trimmed V in Pickering• except in a few . cases where tsars School Reports -Barn, to Harold and Mrs. Rich- 'bumped into one another, which is Cherrywood School Promotion Exams - ardaim of Toronto, on July 2nd; a not to be wondered at as the. cars Names`in order of merit. Jr. 4th to he World's Best +son. were sp thick on the road, but no Sr, 4th - Ray Taylor, James Arm- - R - -- _ --Mine iVinnifred Law, of Tillaon- damage was done nor any oersor. in- strong. Margaret Somerville. Margar- - -.. -- - - -- -- - - -- - -^ ._._. _ - -!bow, is spandits a few days with jured. Vfotorists_seem to be driving et- Teefy: Alan Petty, Emily Petty, •.Xim Morrie Balsdon• more carefully than formerly, alto- Russell Perks, Leonard Hollinger, hLASTICA HOUSE PAINTS and FLOOR ENAMELS -Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Philiy visit- ough there is 'an occasional motor- Muriel Torrance, James MacRae, Sr. ed with Rev. Stuart and Mrs. Wal- igt who becomes impatient -at the 3rd to Jr. 4th - Shirley Ratcliff and - - es - - - ker at Odessa Last week. speed, of the others: that he takes We _ They Wear B M:: and Min. Ray A: Conally, of Robert 5forrish ltiedi, .suns Teefy, - Iaed r. Mich., are snA.' Co lly. V chpnces. in speeding up and cutting Arthur Thompson, John O'Connor, K. _ .days wi't>b Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ph�lip. ;n• MacRae. Jr. 3rd to. Sr. 3rd - Eliz. Mia>s Cook: High School teac'rer, -The .annual garden. party under Armstrong. Leona Dixon, . Stanley, HAPMAN'' the 311EDICCS of the Oman's A soc Pilkey. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd - Dori= • • of Toronto, is visriting her sister, Mrs iation of the Pickering United Chur Hollinger, Blanche Petty. Jr. 2nd tr " d. Stork. cb will be held in the Memorial Park 2 _ -- Thomas Andrew, who is. aerinris- Sr. 2nd - Phyllis Gates, Jovee Snrn• 1y ill, has been somewhat better dui- on the evening of Tuesday, July 10th erville. Kenneth Petty.- Harold Dav•Q�w ing the past few days, but is still `� bountiful 'supoer will be served idson. Ella MacRae, . Bill Morrisb, , T / P T Q P .T A / L Q /�C very weak. from 6 to 8.34 D. S. T. after w °rice R.osie rd: Jr. 1st to' Sr. 1st -Mica Bernier Chapman, teacher an interesting program • -of sports- Don- Stewart, Wilmot Gates, Cecil New Spring Samples are here. Some Fine Material. - music, readings etc will be given, in- Hollinger• "Ina :MacRae. Grant Burk. So:ue Careful Warkmansbip. $23 50. 1�! .,-of Breehin Public School, is hot- eluding a hardball match between the holder.. Prim. - Mary Somerville. Ed ldaying at the home of her parents, Oshawa Midgets and Piekerinv Let ;th Petty. Gordon P#Tkev, Gerald Tee- - ILUB�•R BOOTS -$2 50 and $3.00 1. L and Mrs.. Chapman. gue. Teams. Horseshoe Pitching. - Dr fy. . S, C:- Lonne, Teacher. - SmAersare up. -Miss Reta Robins, of Toronto• is ills and Indian Dances by the C. G. holidaying at the home of her usr Atha Pnbiic School: l•) passed o ^. - - due Abowinpr o! Wo,k .Boots, Shiite, Headlight I. Tan The committee were for , Vents, T. P. -and-Mrs. -Robins, of the - tunate in securing the W. R. Taunu yore work�lhon.) Entrance Pupils - �Uveralle, CMpsand Seasonable -Brock Road. Concert Co., of Toronto, including Isobel Tran , Mary Spang; Jr. 4th Underwent.. -Mrs. Frank Jones, of Ottawa_ following radio artisfi: fack�F'' to Sr- 4th Rowena Taylor*; Fl, r -- Everything for 9prtng. - -- - visited her, stater, Mts.-_W. C._ Mui- -Lennan arfd Dar.. Harvey," piano suer Mitchell ", Jean Parker. Fier? __ - ' =-kar ' on Monday and Tees- Tamplin; Sr. 3rd. to Jr: 4th - Tom - _ ' team=; hf ss Jean' Davies. A. T. C. -Ai White: Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd - Edna day' Soprano, Toronto; Mis, Margaret bu Fullerton, humorous sol sorron duet-, will 2nd Tamplin; Ma Raret Spang(hon►; Walter' Fred T. �untin�, - - :�lckerlII f - -Fred- Stork, C. N. R. -telegraph operator, -left on Wednesday for Pet- : erboro, where ire wdll be on relief Parker( bon. ), Laurie Tran(�ron. l F. Radii Licenses E'etablished-1957. duty for a time also be given. A refreshment boot' • _ , will be on the grounds. Everybody Marshman(hona Jr. 1st to Sr. 1st -The walls of Spink's Mill are be- come and enjov the evening. Ad Thelma White(hon:); Herbert White -- -'ing gradually torn down -and thus - mission 3.i and 20 cents. ' Sr. Pr. to Jr. 1st - Ronnie Tamplin - une of the landmarks of Pickering, s ^The Big Day is over once again (bon.), Billie Mitcheli(hon:) Vera slowly disappearing. White; Jean Melton; Prim. - Aud- rey _ and it turned out as we hoped "Slit, Baker ; - Gladys Spang; Jack Will- P E C I L The Public School and Contin ger and Better' than ever.. The dar ` -nation Schools are now closed for opened with one of the best parade mama, Frank Couperthwaite, F.lIis _ the summer- holiday* and-the teach- vet, many entries, and cars antra Melton, Walter Draper.. 1. Gregg. .:era in the.-various schools have left floats that had a lot of Mork dhne -or' Teacher. for their respective homes. them. we feel that the .>ardues must S.: S. No:,2 (Base lAne) Sr. 4th - _' `,'' 1`lc• The township council wilt mee _ have found it difficult' to -make thr'ir promoted on year's work' - Eleanor'bneider L:trd, ... • . on Monday next for . the transaction . decisions as there were some yen .Le Gard, -David- O'Brien, Bruce Dia- $cbneider Pea Meal Bacon, ... of general business. Several appeals Mond. Sr. 3rd 'to Jr. 4th - Disk Fow'• .. fine cars in the parade and ale - �. - ... --- 1,'i #. were left Qome very "bad" ones. Tn the Best ter - d-- H-asel- -Fowler- �r°m°ted • on hc,i�e sliced.Bacoto. lb X. Tic. aver from the last }Heating will al- Decorated car class, Mr__ C. Cal��e>a tern)'s - work. 'Passed - Muriel Lenrard Choice Red Ribbon.Roaod Steak,... • ,.. i7c. r = _ :so be heard. Arthur Fields, Carl Marco. Below -Robert and tire. Rankin and . took °first. Fred Kirby, second; \Try a Gordon White. 'third. Comical Ca Pass - Ken:.Balsdon. Jr. 3rd to Sr.' •Minced Steak,...: ... icon, of Lansing, were among those Ord - Betty LeGard, Peggy Annan. l0c [ class, First, Jack Andrew; Seennet „�„ 10c. "who'attended the Dominion Day CeI• Below- Pass.- Richard Avis; . Floyd Pork Liver, - - �lilton Sleep Third, F. hvicett. Girl,. . ;ebration in Pickering, and when in 1 �, Miss Coon?r; Miss Cook . Balsdon. Passed to Jr. 3rd at East- under called -on a number- of their Miss Riley. Boys under 15: Pother; er' - ••.Lorne Allen, Vernon Balsdon. -, Fiaeat Old Cheese, .. - 25c• friends. M¢Fwen: Neddie Jones. And in the Jack Palmer. Pr. to Jr. 1st - Shirley York Peas,' .2 for 25e. - Richard Puckrin• was' very app- Re;t (Worst) Looking .man: George Deakin. Helena W lime, Teacher. _ reciative of the kindness of the Whit- Martin; T,en. Bath.. Judges Phom�n Junior Room \o. 4 West - 1n or- - Cot•n,.., :: ••'' •• :_iOC. _ _ by Band. on Monday last when on and Arnold gave `the decisions. The der of merit - Passed from Jr. '2nd ' their way to the Park they gathered show at the 'Park - opened. with Bali to Sr. 2nd - Elias Michael(hon.) Mau' Tomatoes. " .• .. 9C. - on ,his lawn and extended their cheer gam'es,'the results •of the day in thi, reen McGilT(hon.)' Grant Redditt �j]l Meats kept tinder Electrical by way of several numbers. feature giving Whitby. first - prize' (hon.). 'Nary Found(hon :) Helen Har _ = „' -In addition to the thousands, of ,Oshawa, second.•, and Pickering Girt' v'ey; HaY ey Pcarstn. John Martin -' -- - Refrigeration., cars which passed through the viii- took the award in the girls' Softball Helen O'Connor, Craig Murkar, Gen. age during the holiday, a large num- Bradley. Passed from Sr. 1st to Jr. Numerous races of various kinds and �j ',ber of extra busses were brought in- 2nd - Billy,Bunting(hon.) Jack Bun- - M. D to use to convey” the large. number of other snort events were- carried out _ _ Bun- and suitable cash prizes paid for ting(hott.),-- -doyce Robinson(hon.) a • Passengers which formerly were car- each `event. Horseshoe Pitching wa, Jack Goodw•in(hon.);• Ivan -Baker ried by the railways. in progress driring the most of the '(hotr•, Douglas Carter(hon.), Harry : 'Butcher (phone 3000) ; Plclrering - Darden Cronk, of Wellsville, N afternoon and awards made for this Baker(hon.), Bobby T,aylor(hon.). Y., returned on Sunday after, spend- entrv. the teams 'of ,Sparrow- Pascoe. Ronald. Watson,' -Raymond Andrew: 1 ing a vacation with his parents, R. H. and'Dwver -Bye carried off the bon- Barbara Watson, Don. Scott(hon.'I 1• _ and accompanied While on. his vacat- From From 1st to Jr. 2nd' -Ross Spen- Pickering - Meat •w Ma rked • ion accom anted by his parents and ors in the local entries. Fifi the •_ _�• _ Clown!!,' on the job and getting in car. From Jr. 1st to Sr, 1st - Wil rc • .brother, Lyriden, he visited the 'rh- McLeod(hon,), -Bill , Goo4vdn(hon. everyone s way during the afternoon. ousand Island, Montreal and Ottaava. Owing to some difficulty. at time of Charlie Goodwin(hon.), Howard Bath -The members• and-friends of the wHtin.v disposition of the lucky tick= (bon„ Daisy Burns(hon.), Rhoda _...Under New ,Management. . Horticultural Society are invited to et holder on the Pony Contest had' Wade(hon.), Eileen • Bushby(hon.). visit the starden' of Mr. R. S. Mc not been made. The evening program Leon. Pearson;' Etnest Roffey, Mary Laughlin, - on Saturday - afternoon, n 'Martin; Donald Harvey. -Marion Bax- July .14th. Those nrnvided by the prey David, - going will start brouefit plenty of applause for the ter: From Sr. Pr. to Sr. ,lst - Grace from the Pickering dews office - at vaudeville performance given in White(hon.li David Callaghan (bon.). - Special 2.30 D. S, T. Tom Walsh(hon,l. From Sr. Pr. to _ _ front of the •stand: The weather for - Twenty Canadian - Girls -in- Train- -Jr. ist -- Forbes McEwenlhon.). Joy- 7urg are bus the day was ideal; and the evenitiriP y preparing to go ce. Bath(-bon.).. Muriel Scott(hon..1, '':Jewell.Shortening, 4lba., _' .... ..,. - " in from -July 16th to 23Td ,at Fen- no> as' we )tad been receiving. but Eva Straub, Gordon Cook, Fred , Wh- i elon Falls. This is the first year this comfortably warm. A larger attend? - ance . w ?s EnSnvesl, this _ dear than ite, Jack McGil'l(rec.), JT. Pr, to Sr: 1 has been- able to take place and the Pr; ='Tack Cafik. Bruce' Johns. Flean- - " -- _ - - -• -': - that of last, when the gate receipts girls would ,greatly, appr$ciate any amounted to 8310. and .a 'total arnsi: nr Michael. Billy Spencer. Jri.' -,'r. - Home Killed Baby Beef` donations of vegetables and canned q�r,0• Violet -Wade, Clayton Baker. - - goods• recemts fur the day of about - --The Sacrament of the Lard's -The W. M. S: of the Prasb'yter- Xote Ad rsrt4some"te, Rouba-Steak per lb. Tan Church wtl] meet at ills hums If - - 1 :Sirloin Steak, per lb:, ' 17o. Supper w #11 be dispensed in the Pres- Mrs. Harry Roves on Wednesday, - - - "" "" -- 1;Srterian Church on Sunday next, OW FOR SAT.F+- Dnrhnm cow, :. when the service will begin at 2.30 Duty 11th at R :30 n. m. D. S. T: Civet freshened. APdly to ,Nnrtnan R"ke, j o'clock, and 'will be conducted b the• - Genrae '�Tichell and son. Ralph r;cker n,t• — 45 „ , , Swift's Premium Bacon,, per lb., 300. y of Porcupine. i? strendinq a few dsys Pastor, Rev. Dr. Carmichael. Sun- HFf P W TED -twirl to asRist day School will begin at 1.30. Pre. with T.es. and Mr-. Mr. Mich with hoer -work nn (arm. Nn milking, _ paratory services will tie held thin °ll i.4-in the empinv of the Hume w'Ar.r mnrirra+r, Phone Pick 32R, or aDPtY to McE Nines, Pmnlnved overy day of th- T,uther Middleton. Rrburtham. 44tf WEN - - -(Friday) PVetring at R o'clock. a•Pek. an(i is rocPivin his first vat' - -- - \ - - A - -TP ^non fr•r No E • -Rev, H. M. Little. of Montreal tr FJngRR�, K P RK called on several of his old friend vtinn ,n Piaht .,.,era. i t r rmra. Rusting' hathinr and n%hinit. Alan -ThP p '-v u Too ^'•e ^a R. p ' "'I` °rrt•ed when ordered Rrtrrvhmenta on' piekerin g - - Ontario In the viaa;ro on Tuesday who vac t• ^ ; <rn —nts term+ I. odrrate. son Co a, oar of, tiudr,iesuen , Enularal, ova anY art'