HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1933_12_15n v 7 ..N ­­4 7 % PICKERING, ONT.,,--FRIDA.Y. DEC. 15,1933.' ue -No. 16 ovese*U=41 snub*. Jhw Line Brock Road The Sunday -School and Public The Brock Road- School Zed4mil L C-0 'will- hold GREENWOOD School of S. S. No. 1, will hold their their Christmas entertainment on ID-physician A hood supply of Hard and • Soft, Annual .Christmas Entertainment on Thurs"y, Dec. 21st, beginning at 2 H. 0. • PHARSON $wVwo. Punbarton. loly Coal on hand. Also a suppls, Thursday, December 21st, at 8 p. fn. o'clock. All persons in the commun- J Drills and Recitations, 'ity will be welcome. of Wood, followed by a Christmas Tree. Far- -a n Dialogues, MIUS r etove length. - mer Jim's. Orchestra will provide the -Whitevale music. Everybody welcome. Silver Histablished 1838 12tf Phone Pick.'1709. A cordial' invitation is -extended to at 7.00 CgIlection at the door. Doors all those interested,,to join the - Un- "got. p. m., C6ncert at S.DO: DONALD HUNR,0, PICKERING ited Church Sunday School in their THIS IS THE Do Your Christmas Shopping at White Gift Service on Sunday even- nUNCIAN B. McIN ry HE- Barris. IL.,F,ter. Solicitor. Notary. Office-Brock St.. 23 MIM 3=-v THE 'BIG STORE ing, Dec. 17th, at 7 p. m. • Sj�ecial -A South. opposite Bell Telephone office, Wttitby� FARMERS 'MILL GENERAL INSURANCE Christmas music. Kin-ffly bring your 1:7:.Pbose 45. 481y is . AGENCY gifts wppLd in white, with a-lab- DONALD RU . DDY Barrister. BROUGHAM, - ..ONTARIO - Cherryw4d el of contents on the outside. Come WHEAT and 13UCKWHEAT Monerto Loan. and share Christmas Spirit vith-,it- Re Solicitor. Notary Public, Wanted-Highest. prices T.r Paid. OdicesfDoTger!Y.occu bh thi late A. E. C:hris- Jack' Gale spent Slinday with Earl t1aa u ofe 'I) win urt Ouse, Whitby. Sly .1 Facilities for placing any kind of 113*� Taylor. hers surtince.at best rates Miss Ruth Hollinger sp4;rit the 'end EATON, BELL & ROSS, garri'st­ available. Greenwood xchan' e ood Bers, Solicitors. of the week -with Miss Marjorie Ph- 9 W4 h(orthern ()ntano SecuritV and Service rnv Motto. Building, 33()Ba�y street. Toronto.; -Br6' of any kind for flour or W. 42ry Phbne Pick. 515 illips, of ugham. Mr. Southwell left on Monday af- Grain J, Beaton, Bdl. Mr. and Mrs. George Todd and ternoon for hks new position at Me- cereals -t-be cheapest, way J. Ar. and Mrs. James Todd spent Tuez- Mill 1D.-F. Rose. -AdeTaide -1838-Or an, north, -of Midland. to get them. slay In Toronto. RIMOHARDSON PlOKERINc; The Beal Stores Claremmit The Sunday School are holding D: and Mrs. Dawson and David, of their annual . Christmas Tree and BARLEY FtED' TWNEY-Barristers. Solicitorts. Notaries PHONE 924 Pablic, 21. 4-21* Confederation Life Building, Claremont, and Dean and Mrs. 'Mair Concert on Friday evening, Dec. $23 per ton. The best feed for the C•rner of Yongit and Richmond Sts. Toronto. and son, Jack, of Brougham spent a 22nd. The concert will consist of money on the market. Phones Adelaide 4489 and 4480, By appoint. FURNITURE Sunday recently - -6rith. Mr. and Mrs. Saturday evening., Pickering residenee. songs, dialQgues etc.. by the children Pbpne Pick. 3613. Stf We _are displaying an attractive W. Hollinger. of the school. KISSIMI-the old stand by HOmsoN & MoMILLAN-B,%pris. variety of Don't forget the annual Christmas for .pastry and rake bak. Ten. Solicitors. Notary Public. office at Aluminumand GraeltewareEtc., Concert to be given in the Church o 21019, makes delicio b' 'I , �-- - �- _Wltitevale.'. U14 Is- MosidencroftAr.Thoctison. lot 11, Friday evening, Dec. 22nd. There Tbu concession I Furn I iturkAmd Furniture, suits; -takes less sho-ren. ng, Office hours: rsday and Saturda; avezings. from T p. m tO 8-30 p, rn,. or by Novelties. will be a program of recitations, dia- Fred 51ajor'sp.qnt-Sunda3F in 1jam- newnn; t ment. Toronto office : 605 119yal Bank Prices low. in keeping w! logues, songs. And of course Santa itb times. Pht-eP3ck20it), Toronto -EleinS303. Claus will be there. A silver -collec- BAKERS' JOY -for bread 371y On Monday, Dec. kith; Fred and tion will be taken at the door. Lydia Major attended the- funeral-of- WHEATLETS Green River their uncle, Levi-Annis, of Scarboro. R .0 OFIN G W. J., Begaoh aV,. family. of'Tor- WHOL&WREAT FLOUR IN"3? 1 L C. IF; -M I TEL D. D. 9., L. D. R.. Mr. ayid".%frs. :Michell visited with onto, spent -Sunday -with D. R: and Stone ground "ucci! fixrmer'� parents at Whitev '�ew 6 Dr I N Dates). Graduate �f SPECI kL -the. ale Mrs :' Beaton. the Royal Coffee" ca Dental Surgeons and Torrin. TS to U'Vversfly. At Clarem.)Vt office over 1). A. one night recently. Mrs. Rtimble_�5f. 3.1aple-ha.-3 return- 'ROLLED OA every Tuesday and Frid -Cbmei -all" i6- t6 dance- M home after Apendine' a couple .8 61 Phone.. Light w-eigfif, Come one! of gif I RAT-FLOUR at Gray's Hall' on Friday evening,• weeki with her daughter, Mrs.. . D. _�BVCKWH 1-4 FRBERT T FALLA ISE. L D S.. Smooth, .1-31) per sq. Dec. 15th. Wilson. BAKING-BRAN A A D D.5, Graduate of the Royal eb"pgr Mr. grid Nlrq. Floyd' McKay,- of Mr. Brownridge is*to bs� c6figrat- V�aut`i SurgeOns and the V"'Ter"ty of Toronto, -Yedium weight, Altona, accompanied by friends, vis- ulated on - his success in getting LAYING Office in residence second door tmm Of St. And- , In a on the cards agaihst the nVoC%arch. Pickering.ont. ()frx* hou. - m. and_N q. Dupcap an Thurs signature. �, 9 Smoothi 1.69 per iq. ited W 0. a. to 4p. in., or by appcontment.. fX.ray day last. Beer and Wine license. SCRATCH FEED W-ce). Phone Pict 370a 43ly - i 'mind, the Green 1 -Young has taken down an old Heevy weight, Please keep in . Ir. River Union Sunday School concert landmark, the village ' blacksmith. _:r. Z" Smooth, 1.98 per sq, shop, but it odds greatly to the im- suota0*0 sawbo. on Dec. 29th.' The teachers are bus- ily engaged training the children provement of the community. Low t3URNINGHAM and would like all the -children to at- Do not forget the Xmas Cantata Building and General SON- mom and s4toWbile tosurance of all kind.. PICKERUING ay contracting. ELIZABETH RICHARD AeF1 ft:ss tend practice every Saturday after- "F%xY Santa" given by the scholars c solidAnaDcsisl staod• noon at 2 o'clock. of -Whitevale United Sunday school "Iewisse me. Hatimates furnished on all Master Murry Bielby, who has on Friday, Dec. 22nd at & p. m. Ad- of work-Interior and Exterlar. LUMBER YARD been ill for some time, was taken to mission, adults, 25 children, 15 eta. Alterations and repair*. 81164910. ♦n•- Toronto Eist General Hospital on children of school, free. Come and en oat, Blacksmithing, Woodwork ObluiDeys Built , ODD' crete WOVL Licensed An Ineftes. A"resp ofta• a" ot on aber"" Friday- last, where he underwent an )op something new and diffe'rent. IMP" V. Phone Pickering 5712 at right prices operation for tonsils and adenoids. R. DIATON. Tow,-48HIP Now is the time to Have those ?a His many friends wish. hirm a speedy thollce.* Fresh Xmas Fruits at 1PAIRPORT, ONTARIO �47 Civt piiir -- C"`yawet C-ammiwmnef for jobs attended to. ' Harrows repaired, recovery. THE BtG STORE a Issuer of Brougham Accou taut, Zu, see Lats••ss whit also new sections Go hand. es evale. Oct. The law. Shingles For Salim ous Fleury Plows always on hand. Mnbarton MAW. LICENSED ArO- Also-dealer to Viking Cream Separa- ON17M for york� Qatado and Dwhasa tors and Electric Washers. Mrs. Einrna Cowan has gone lo Jan. '12th -next. Galt Galvanized SteA shingles. 00ftbas. A21undsot make It thinking of buying an electric radio spend Christmas 'holidays with her- The apartiment above the garage 'Bird's Felt S1,tte SbIoRles. MIL T-Missamble, Distapru W"Wead at NZWS, od9cT = "01147 be ask for a demonstration of the New friends at Albirtod. is - 5piedily being, -rushed to complet- -Also. re.rubb�rin Sell and Indepm. 9 . buggy wheele.. dem siboam wlutb7, out my- Rogers Majestic models. Come to the Christmas Conecrt ion. Uwn mowets shmpebecL -nkt The senior pupils -of Markham T iitATERSON'S - CLAJ�Ebfoict. The piices are righ-t'. On Wednesday' Dec. 20th at N . - 'Vr70odttrard ton - United Church. There you N-611 H i,,- h Schf,61 attended the. qch�'.)n! A0BIRTS01; see animated 'dolls; in the Christrn.As; dance on Friday evening. Call . and get p6acii. Pho;ue 2811 GREF-NWOOD 491y hil and arts.: Forsythe, glectrical Contranor. Toy Shop, that can sing, talk and P. of. Mark dance. The .Young People's Society ham were 1.4 Wiring andRepair;ijig fbr Light ..:.hors of T. C. abd Nlr,. lock Roaa GezeralStorf of porter` are, giving a playlet -That Trouble-' Brown on Thursday. mas Present." There w;ll ill's. Ted- Holtby has been confin. Pickering 'Mills. some' Cbrist L Winter -is -coming. Nniv is the -1 ry All kic . ds. of e , electrical goods be a special White- Gift Service, so ed to bed the pa4f week. Mrs. Jno. - I" kept in swick, be sure and bring your gift.- Admis- -Phillips' n1so -being -on the sick list. time to get your Oil Burners for the Cook Stove, Xeater.or Furnace.. Pri Phone 17W, Pickering sion, 25• cents, children, fr ee The John Everest family, of 'Tor- -right; as low as $23-50, siricle or, Fartriy and Robt: Smales, of 'Enn- :.onto, spein' es t Wednesday, with Thom- We have a full line of iskMen, called on friends here after 'as and Miss Gamage. double. Come In and see it burninz attending the Winter. Fair; The. fami of Ed and Mrs' Wil- 'Contiuous heat, no ashes, no dirt. AL- erl V - - a oal It, Allison and sisters 'visit- IS' her so Anti-freeze for your ear. Store- on helped e celebrate her 750) -All -Poultry Feeds ed friends in Agipcourt last Sunday. birthday last week. pipis 7 inch black, 18 cents each We are 'orton and family visited hil. you - pleased to' re%lr� Mrs.. B. T. bows, 20 and 25. cents. Shot shells 4 i shonot. ,..Chicken Starter of best Wood much improved in health Rind 1%retins. sin Sunday,, Mr. Norton Sr., fo r ing mate -hes, 95 cents Falling ft_ per box. Place your or .,MRS. THOS. LAW quality at reason- able to be home. having injured his leg by I Sire cha get a supply. \ext Sunday morning, Rec. & G. Saturday. able prices. Pennock will speak, ' in the United - A shooting match 'will be held on Buy Your new auto tires ow, for SPECkAL. Church-, in the interests of the Bible Saturday, Dec. 16th,. at M-.• B7 Buric', the icy roads and avoid accidents. d Laying Mash and Feeds society.. 1011ird wood- Maple, Oak in Beech for geese and ducks� shells -provid ' Easy Electric Washing Machine, Mrs. Jno, Taylor received word ed. $69-00 and up. Agent for Spra-mot. stovewood length, at every sort. Power and Hand Sprayers. that her brother, Russw&ll Towns or S10.00 per Cord. end On Oct. 2-4 th a little - son was wel. 2729 for prises: PheQ4% is seriously ill in hospital at his c6med by 27*1r. and Mrs. R. Fairser- Brock Road General Store. home in. Kalamazoo. vice, • of Lonsboro. Mrs. Fairsen-ice iffewn 2130 Phones Office 5900 being otir Miss Mair, her friends Phone 2729 F. R. JACKSON. PrOIL D. N. Lockwood Audley here send her congratulations. See our assort- FICKERING, ,DNT. The 'Club met at the home of Fred Members of the board of manage- meet of the church had a full meet- r .-7 and, Mrs..Crawford on Monday even-: ing on Tuesday* evening to discuss :..�..Christmas ing last despite the storm that rag- went of R. G. ed. -About 35 were ptesent and the church matters, and the 'putting in usual candy treat for children R �Suitabl the -child * Qf a drain pipe to prevent flooding of the-basement in the. spring, FC.NERAL DtRECTOR' was given. 'Presideni - George' P�ck- SID nn was in the chair and the annual Mr. Bell,' teacher of orchestra aM Private Ambul'ance elections were held which resulted in �C music gave a free, concert, and• dem- Day and Night Service the following list of officers: Hon. onstration of his work in the' church .0 Ptes., Geo. Puckrin; Pres. Sid Won-• hall In Satidrdgy, ' with a view -to Stn as P60, a' e 9000 forming a class for instruction if e- nacott: 1st Vice-Pres., Fyfe Innis; Dozene.to (-'.hoose* from' at Price ,Malvern 5_000 2nd Vice-Pres., Clar. Bryant; Sec., nough pupils are, enlisted to rnake the school profitable. treas., Mrs, Everett Bryant; Direct- The annual Beef Ring, Supper on -that will surprise you. orq, Misses Loreen Bryant, . Dori§ G As- Markham, 'aa -Ont a Hedge, dladys Puckrin, Flower Com- Thursday, evening, Dec.--7th, was '.a- Card@ that should -sell for 50•, 10e- great success. Abundance of well- Uving-room 'Tables,' 'MeWam#A- Geo'. Fields, Fred Craw- cooked oysters, well - filled banquet- and I5c, going at the. ridtm._ End ra ford and Frank Puckrin. Welfare .Tables, Magazine 'Backe Committee, Mesdames Percy Neale tin tables was very satisfying t�6 F. M. Chapm the' banquete ' and the screen Pict- - Ion# low price of r re e -Se fvice an� and Gard4 Winters. rs ures shown b; Mr. ' Croskery was Music Committee Misses Donnelly, reciated. A hearty loor and Tab To your Coleman Lampe and Lan! "Gladys' Puckrin and Mrs. F. M. Ch- very much app 8 CENTS Ac rote of thanks was 'tendered Mr. Cr- ectrx; le terms by Factory Expert!t'a apman. Editors, Miss Donnelly and interest in tomiyM. Lam - -NeCttie Irons ---at-otir-storft. 400 Mr- Innis, Auditors, Geo. Blake and .,skery for his 2 FOR'. 450. 'After. the election, th The later evening was spent in dan- Fred' Pdckrin.. e Toss ers Hot Pads cing -,--the- music being furnished 1by 0 editor, Mr. Innis, read an interesting Also, some at I cent each. etc., ete. paper -on guides to' one's reading. F. the home orchestra. -Cbaoman gave the H-ornernakeils M. The annual. Sunday. School Enter-. Al} with envelopes to maich. 0 Kiddies Ten Pointg which constituted an ed- ..For the Dee . tainment will be held on Wednesday -evening, Dec. 20th in the Town Hall, . ..... Aocking Horses, Kiddy Care," ucated person'. Resolutions of apprec Cards also at I each. Sleight, High ChAirs New Mantles, Generators, iatlon were passed to the retiring, the- members of tbe school are arr- tive, particularly mentioning anging a good program. Mr. SfcWh- etc-t etc. etc. executive, gleaned e the President and Secretary_ The inter, chairman of Committee, A- you won't go wrong t6 buy for secretary was instucted to write a minstrel show to, be- staged by the hisoyear and next year too 7 P R 6 iW letter -of sympathy to Mrs._ George b6y.4, und6r the, supervision of Bert at these pricers. - C. A. $TERRITT Fields. A Literary contest then was 'Harvey. 'Young ladies are giving a )Bring yours to now. given, after -which a satisfying lun pA31tbmime. Mrs. Harvey- and' Mrs. Funeral Divecitor T H- PICK R I N,;G NEWS A chi with s vote of thanks to Mr. a -George Philips, directors. A group and Am bul"Oe� Service ALVIN 13USHBY of young people will- present the Joties' Drug Store Mrs. Crawford brought a pleasant meeting to 'a close.. play. "The Scheme that Flailed." and Phone ILWO p4m 1 8W Hardware Phonts 46M the Amaller children have chnrwws Sk qp- 4qq* yd .help. Home ow# and ure Vle Is Thi% prord an I - , L • 6wrimcp - to Outaris A. G. T^S;' v .A. ..Z I .•T{.•`" %sss- ._u.• - rl.. .. _c+s�a^r+ .3 _ ...s s_'14 -APL- `,Wd6• wv,�.se. n.JA�.�- �•X.��- .°=l'F�33�� c n'0.+. • ©`G.J+> _ -' .aa -v.-C efts..•. ,.. - _ M.>� _,g" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x' .''-i,.: . a-- •re.., '4'. 'a••�. „'�• '�. Haig believed he kww that some- believe that one's Hume; began to he had failed to fns n in - - might lie here under his fingers. - The jugular.... penetrated.. He no longer doubted that poor Nor- iY wick had peen followed .by agents of _ a .:~ . •`.._.'� _ iii ' that`someone. And for this -this very - _ :_�_- - -- - - -_ -- book ul,on the table! - : _ Yes! here lay the clue if only 'ie couia unravel -tt. flare-un the table; lay something a hica meant the hang- 1 • --Tian s roe for the Big (fief . i P g r It was maddening! He bent again Over the pages of the diary. • - And now, suddenly, he found hint- - self 1;: tc•ning— listening for what ?' =. "He bled' to death.. " � . pp�a���,;'I`� � F . Dawson Haig o on 1 w ds and a the same mome � thought he detected a fat rt s ound In ill �.• :L �y r the bedroom behind him! YVAN HEE SEE LAUCHS; He sat rigidly still. .Definitely,' ' i ,. something was moving in the becirrum - gently, lightly. •6ax Ro.hmer ' Haig turned very quietly in his chair and looked toSvards the half- _..— open door leading into Kearney's be-l- �— d. : SYNOPSIS: "But —" Kearney gasped — "how room .... silhouetted against it he saw oaKearney oe buo otio abard t laroond for Water was poor Norwich killed ?" a crouching figure....' Eileen tells Jack Rattray, chief office There was a slight interval; then: The fact: ;lashed through his mind -•; that she is upset by the sight Of a -re- " don't n _; pulsive looking man. William Dawson I • azlow, _ Haig replied. that he was unarmed.... Gently, but Haig. who Had also said goodbye to From the account given by Lime- unmistakably, he could hear the door , .� vileea, meets Matt and tells him that house and confirmed b Lemaa Street, opening beUid him. With assumed You're right- Quality does count he had traced a shipment of opium to y Pe g the Wallaroo, but it was unloaded oefore he seems to have fallen in with a indifference, he walked towards the"' in the tools you buy and is the y. Dawwa is were able t8cosearc the and stray Panther." lobby, and went out. • •tobacco you use. That's why you asks Kearney to search King's ware- "Stray panther? What on earth do In five seconds he had snatched are wise to chew CLUB --the plug house which adjoins Jo Lung's place. ?" " whom they suspect As they are leaving you mean. from the wall a Japanese sword (the me � � loo lasting flavour! Xatt picks up a.-notebook. and is sue- Well, they tell me his throat is lights in the sitting room had been $ g prised at the presence of a woman who horribly torn, but not by a knife cut. switched off), unsheathed it- turned. - traml, disappears. entri a In ffistt endeavors to CHEWING . trsaslate entries in the notebook, He Is The thing's teeth pierced his jugular. —And as he turned —he saw It.... ' • ... , traiW by one of Jo Lung's coafeder- He bled to death." AS a man he could not regard this rotas "But -the Wallaroo .: " visitant who fabulously had gained CHAPTER IVe-- (Cont'd.) `•'I'm putting a good man aboard admission to these chambers. But CO - "Dawson Haig pulled out his pipe; Wallaroo. ' • '' he-saw the Thing which, he could not i YO U filled it very carefully, and lighted it. doubt, had killed poor Norwich! Then he reread Kearney's note and CHAPTER V. It was bending over the writing _ looked for and found a leaflet referred The person variously known. as table-a, small, thickset figure, enor- to. It wa's one issued by the steam- "Yu'an "- and "Excellency," wearing a mously deformad, humped, grotesque Canada's The nucleus of the ButWo Park- elk /hip company, and it gave. the dates plain blue house robe, paced up and • • • •long arms and disproportionately Herd * herd consisted -of a few animals which, at which' the WaIl:..00 touched p°ris down Jo fang's office. The dark- large hands. -But the head! -the head,. 'I' together with several antelope and an route to Brisbane, Australia. eyed woman seated is a chair near glimpsed for s moment in the lobby - ' Yob deer, were found enclosed !n the park ^ light - - - -- in 1909• after the erection of the many iJr Very deliberately although his brain the door watched him uneasily. miles Of fence required or the recep- iwaa on fire, he compared certain no- "They do not , return," be crooned Reuses swept over 'him at sight of Remarkable Improvement in ides in the memolwok with this leaf - presently. "This may, mean death, that small, maligr-....t.hesd. that near. Situation Reported b and of. the herd o! buffaloe in were let. The date, the 17th, corresponded but you sit there very quietly, tender ly hairless head, like the skull of an � y and 1911 additional small herds were ' ,7o that at• which the ship reached bloesofh:' infant. The brow was no more than Department of the In— introduced into the park. In their new ' Marseilles; the next, the 22nd, to that "What can I do ?" an inch and s hail high, and the nose terioi —Many New surroundings, where they were aided _ „ upon e small, dark Saco, was repre- by rigid protection, the elk increased when she arrived at Part Said.- The You have done all that it lies in p° Areas .Being Re- in a gratifying manner. Buffalo Na' 9=1 dates meant nothing to him, ex= a woman's power to do. You have eersted by two distended nostrils, The 6 chin retreated into the neck, but the - •- ,!cocked ':..: tionai Park now contains more than that he eatimadsd them to car.- perhaps ruined n<►e. Jo Lang, who did 1,000 elk, in addition to some 5,500 : respond to the Wallaroo's position at his share, will fall in that ruin, and- upper lip below those Battened nos- Ottawa, Canada — Continuing the buffalo, 2,500 mute deer and 100 moose.' Moms place south of Suez. Polodos with him." trills protruded inhumanly.... policy of re- stocking depleted areas One of the largest known herds o1 Of course, Kearney might have set He continued to walk up and down. (To be continued.) with' indigenous species of wild life wild elk is Canada, numbering, it is from surplus herds' the Department - ' '- Mm off on a wild goose sitars, and once panning to glance at a stock an -' believed, between two and three thou• ' :- dwe entries be Do relation to the the writing table. �i fish FashiOp Womeq of the Interior recently shipped a car- sand ranges the Dimas and Woodlands _ - " " he said in his _ $ load of wapiti or elk from Buffalo Na, of Riding Mountain National Park in 'N'o9as+e of the WaIlaroo: Bat, cosrdd- We are watched, , g !firing where the book came from, what high, reedy voice, "because of the An Wearily Red tioaal Park, Wainwright, Alberta, to Manitoba. Rlding Mountain Park or Kamloops, British Columbia. This ' mras he to think? trade, the petty trade, which is done Red is' always a cosy color for win- And :'B 4" was` the number of here. And because of a series of ter wear, but this year it seems to shipment, consisting of six males and Mountain Forest Reserve, and the elk Eileeii's stateroom blunders, those who are watching he particularly in favor across the twenty females, was made at the re now in the park no doubt owe their _ "What the devil does it mean?" he these small things may be rewarded water, Judging 'by the large number quest i the Government o! British• existence to the protection affordee unjustly b a glimpse of the eat." o! smart women who had chosen it Columbia., The animals will be Tiber• them in these saucturaries during the wligj� Aland.. - Y y' g p� ated fn the country at the head of • He turned the'ieaves back. If only Ceaselessly he paced the boor, until: for their w:tapa at the'first night of Adams Lake, an area eminently suited past quarter century. be could read those hieroglyphic notes. "Ali left more than an hour ago," "Gay Divorce" at the Palace theatre, to the requirements of this species: A small outlet for the buffalo and.- _ 73ut they were meaningless. Be stared said the woman suddenly; "and we says a °woman writing in the London Canada's efforts elk, surplus to the arrk k Is capacity of . again at the entries in the diary. Then cannot trust the Adder. If he has.." Dally Telegraph. ).o restore the elk Buffalo National Pas provided b1 a possible lanatioil presented itself. "His orders would justify it," Into Lady Juliet Duff likes _a red Vol. to Its former numbers throughout .the •the loan or gift to. governments and : exp Dominion form another ' important zoological gardens of one or more of Of course! He•should have thought of the high voice Crept a soothing note. vet -evening coat, and many of the chapter in the history f wild life con-, "What does it matter, most beautiful women round her wore., the same y these m this. accent shipments .oe Were' servatfod. The outstanding success elk from this park to Ontario include Theta notes related to Jo Lung's provided that• it corrects the cc.nse- warm hue. Among them were the, achieved in bringing ack the buffalo, abandoned dope- ru?ming enterprise! quence of your folly?" -Hon. 3lrs, Evelyn F'ltzgerald, •w0'lo g a re pia a twenty -flue animals rowr and the excellent work performed in Were placed fa the Pembroke Crowr This theory almost covered the "any folly!" the woman exclaimed, had no fur round the neck of her the protection -and propagation of the Game .Reserve in November, 1932, and - facts, but Left him uneasy about the and laughed indignantly. "How was I coat, bat there were wide cuffs of pronghorn antelope have attracted two carloads sent to the Burwaah In entry '% 4" until, sitting back in to know whet I saw the man pick the silver fox. Miss Diana Chamberlain world -wide attention, while the Banc- dustrial Farm lands is March, 1933 �! - earney's chair and smoking furious - book up that it was not his own wore a rose red wrap, with a deep tuary given to other interesting spe- Latest reports Indicate that these elk—1 iy, a possible explanation came of this that h meant so much?" collar of white -fur,• and Countess else in Canada's great national parks g Paul Mnaster a coat of _ wine red. are thriven in !heir new surroundings also. The cabins of all suspected per- "A woman who ,s beacslifui, "- the has been the means of preserving for : none, who might be revenue or police Chinaman replied softlj, "is desirable, with no far at ail. future generations much of the wild. : agents, had been marked by the plot- But there are many. A woman ,w - Lady Anne Hunloge wore what 11 �,�,^ i11 ea as much as 1_00 Ib. o -ter, And for some reason Eileen had has not only beauty but also. intuition 'was one of the most,- git4e4aA} i3oc'Tks green food every day. in th actid'fence, is the bodice was of The wapiti or elk once ranged the Uilsa under suspicion. is a worthy companion." a North American co�dtinent in millions, „�- „uftm�i, He resumers "i •,m flienade and pre. 1 trips of pale pink georgette, striped '. "�-"�: with black horizontal! the strips covering approalmat�ly the same At which momen Vwe -.manna 'e�R seamy began to laugh. As the short y range as the buffalo: The settlement rang; and: squeals of his evil merriment rase falling on to the arms, where they of the prairies and the accompanying Save on Ties "Is that you, Haig? Kearney speak- higher and higher, reaching a note .revealed a blue lining: Lady Rav- improvident Slaughter, however, L�. _ Sing. I'm hung up at the office await= unattainable by any normal human endale's black sire .gown had as brought about a disastrous reduction For Chri$tnlals _ ing a phone call. from New York. Br.t voice, the woman shrank back in her enormous collar, rather like a, soft. in the numbers of this magnificent a the facts about the seat. She had dropped her ermine 'bolster hanging round her neck on f�uinus LUVULRLiFi; ti ,. y have -you grasped the bare back, and falling in rope- member of the deer family, so that Longer Lite) Hand -made, Silts memo book I pinched. from Jo cloak oii the back of thechair. - Sheath today only a few scattered herds of faced ties north $2.60. Specuu Lung's?” ed in a black frock she looked tiny, like ends to the waist in front. elk are found outside the national $2170,tmas otter it each, 3 • eu The ne.w dark mulberry shade of i- . v s for is• 12 for =s. Othe° " "Some of them. It needs a good'many doll -like. parks and other preserves provided ties worth 75a Special offer 51u, .hours' work and a man ,who knows "Tonight,'' said the .Han who laugh- satin was worn by Claire Luce, Fred for their protection• -ash, a for Widest s, s for b2.5o, i2 Canada Aataire's leading lady. The dress is $4.SU. widest selection is Canada Chinese. But I think it does•' the ed,' ° I shake off the dust of Englaa':i The first step taken by the Govern• order today. State colour desireu " hanging trick. Good for you! Shall from ni feet forever ' or I la • my sheath -like in cut and while high to amend voney Order or Postal Order y b merit of Canada for the preservation money back if not satisfied. ��• ' b nes in this cold island.'' the neck in front, is backless.'There' of the elk was in 1900, when a num- ' ! you be ie a lift %, Goatee of matching toque LONGZsLSrrls op • :ANADA _ `'I may, be dr. hour. Can't say." "Let us start!" the woman implored. ber of these animals-were purchased shop 3, mezzanine rioor, _ "Then I shall have to push o� laic "What are we waiting for?" feathers and a muff handbag of the from a resident of `lanitoba' and Dominion square skis, xontroai take the book with me. I'm on my "Tentier flower," the reedy voice re- _same plumagei _ . placed in Banff National Park, Two _ .ray back to Limehouse pliea.caressirgly, "a clever man knows Leopard _trims a'' day ensemble years later a small additional number "Limekouse. Why, at this hour' ?" how long to wait. It is only the fool wb'rn by the same actress, Over a was introduced. By 1916 there were - ' "An awful thing has happened, who flies when no enbmy pursues him; yellow crepe frock; Bias Luce years 32 head in the Banff Park enclosure, a three - quarter length • white tweed Blatt- Norwich has been murdered!'? I have promised -you'a rope' of pink. but as far as could be ascertatned, , r�� earls twice as Ion as your body, with leopard slan cu)'fs. There is the species in its wild state bad prat- • �� � What. _ P n more leopard on the white beret and ticall disappeared ' from the vicinity. y� I he words had a stppefying effect This; also, is the length of the mpa y the handhae. upon Kearney'. ' Norwich murdered ! used .at. executions, in �.- In 1917 and again .• in 1920 the,t ,o,N¢rs �, T That cry irc'the fog! The �hado.vy ' • * United States Government generously �joth►n3 5es figure in the doorway 'the•unmis- • Davwscn Haig sat bard: m the Organ, StrBteiiyt offered. numbers of surplus elk from anad¢Pt¢Sthar takable figure which had !coked in at replacing the telepholte. A tramcar- "How did you make your neighbor' shipments totalling Park, 1a25 Wyoming. hadarriced YoU M� ons of " the balk of the taxicab! was passin;rarden .HEknew�thcsL keep his hens in his .own yard ? ". •. in good condition at Banff and were 1hQPpected take "You left him somewhere at the beyond the b "One night I hid half a dozen e p " corner of Three Colt St.rcc•t'. "" Dawson ail- nil;ht trams, ~with their cargo of g 6trs released in suitable areas in the ark. uns actor• under a bush in my garden, and next By 1923 elk appeared to be very nu- r_Onstitp morrtri9 Haig went on rapidly. «nary Fleet Street workers, He .ra� clay'I let him see me gather them. I" itierous in Banff_' Park, and at ilia Eno ¢ve'Y c "Yes- =yes -- that's right." tened to the .familiar sounds audilil. wasn't bothered after that."-Boston •'� ' "He was found, some time later, through an" opened- bedroom windcav present time their numbers are esti- His benign him. ,Transcript. _ mated to be about 2,000.' - dead in the door of a 1varehou:e, During the spring of 1920, a herd of pockets had -been rifled- ccerytbing. ' + His Lhruat was mangled a= thougft., - • � 88 animals was brought into Jasper - taken. Looked like the work of a com- he had met a wild ariimal .... the jury- Green and red traffic signals now National Park from Wyom'rng; and in mon footpad, but I know it wasn't! ular,had been penetrated..,." serve, to regulate the length :If_t.he.1923 the. Superintendent of that park _ I didn't know until Wilson phoned me That was what Leman Street hau gFeeches in the Danish Higsua8, Here estimated that there were at least 300 • } and told me about the boo b,.' Now I've reported. Automatically his hand i.s pr-e place where an offender can in the vicinity. including a. number ` read y6f note and studied those en- touched the little leather -bound mends offer with- propriety the stock excuse drawn from indigenous herds wbieb 'tries, I'm pretty sure the• murderer. hw){• In leavtng the ebtabli,,hment of that he failed to heed the signal be- ranged th) Brazean and Soutbesk Val- ,was looking for this incrir :inating evi -• Ju Lung, Matt Kearney had picked lip cr'.use his attention was Fred on an legs. With the stendy Increase since Bence on.the table ' before me! Y)u somet'hin.g ;which meant life (,r dca : The Christian So;uoce Mon- Irecorded, the park is now believed to had s damned lucky es cape►" trc..'..som ^ups• _ _'_ wl• - contain several thousand head, ISSUE No: 50 --�33 IP IL It IN 7 4 7 4 "a Claus Good Santa 'a Old Remember Him A Forward Look You&and Lovell - . He'sZlepr" ented in Dozens of Canidian Cities Bringing es Into the Past -nm —Make 10 Christmas Spirit of Peace and Goodwill to Rich (By Walter W. Cunningham, In The ,Z HELEN WILLIAMS. And Poor Alike Christian $clone* monitor.) Y :7 Santa Claus, a composite figure of I Santa, the modern Incarnation of ..... ..... Poets and authors have sung of The Illustrated .Dressmaking Lesson Fur, lean and tat, short and long, but Q- -and the Mediaeval Chriates Masse, co=­ Birth of Christ, coa- Past. Generally in R mood of reml. nieseence. Not Always with a wished With Every Pattern ways roar-cheeked ebuekl4as. - -is abroad again in the land. memorating.-he y. But the look tinues on his we on spirit of appreclatipiL Yet w1thwq_appr�cIktjcip In dozens of Canadia, n cities and Sonny's face remains imprinted on the for what has been done in the past, 7 towns, this scene is repeated: tboijghts and actions at others. J what basis to there for hope in the Excited children push and pull at And the Christmas spirit, as typl- w s future? Samuel Smiles once said: "All have been 'what restrained parents. Father wears Bond fled by the composite figures of 100 nations made they Street clothes. an Imported Ulster, pr SantaB on 100 street corners; in the are by the thinking and working of to wears grimy jeans and a self-effac- aisles of Mercantile establishments In many generations of men." ' The vast .,.2 :ing sheepish grin, the 'North, South. East and West, empire of Britain, upon which the Mother wears a fur coat, or, shivers marches on toward December 25. sun never sets, grew out of the strug- In someone's discarded 'fluery -not In. From Halifax to Vancouver, proles - of youth. gles of a thousand years. The Ameri- can nation, as someone. has truly re- tended for either season or the weatb- slonal and amateur charmers isr, are beginning a reign that shall be marked, sprang from the sons of mar. A band is wings down the street, mar- almost unchallenged. tyrs. The wheat fields, tossed by the tial music fills the air, the Drum Me- organized relief agencies and re Winds of the prairies, would never jor's shako sweeps the sky above the ligious bodies are adding their contri- have yielded their bountiful crops bad rE throng. It's been a hard, troublous -bution toward a nation -wide stage set- not the early settlers, unsparing of year for rich and poor, and father Is Im- Ling of Holly and Mistletoe fur the Saint Nicholas. 7;::, 1:� themselves, cleared the land.and'pre- pared the soil. determined not to be too much good pressed. Upwards of 1,00 Salvation Army There Is a time when the ^world A ripple runs through the crowd. Kettles Will stand on as many street dur- W:3, may pause advantageously and look it The King approaches - In. red and corners tFroughout the Dominion back, not merely to survey the scene ­,white whiskers. Ing the next two weeks, some of them In retrospect, but to relider_thanks for "He, ha, ha, ha, ha, b a ba-a!" he his attendd by Santa Claus himself in one his The the great Inheritance. That is the op-' booms without restraint . red vel- of numberless minif,stati6as. portunlLy of an anniversary. It Is the Yet all but sparkles In the early winter. Salvation Arm) goes yearly late the time when's debt to the past may be sunshine. His cheeks are rosy from seekiu-, coins tossed by city talk, paid in gratitude. For no matter bow • the cool air• aglow with the spirit generated by recent and rapid the advance-In any _4 "Well, well and well, hullo there, mosey of Sonny's smile. Most of the in L, fteld of endeavor, It could not have Sonny, he shouts with an encompass- this and similar agencies Is used to been accomplished without the untir Irug wave of a short tat arm. take Christmas joy to those who other- ing labors of past generations. A startled. wondrous sinne gro-w-s ' -Into being. 88(uta has spoken to San. wise- would neglected d- Some Of I . other red-garbed San- Honor to the Pioneers. but the The combine. performing tiie wat6 Father looks at Sonny's face. The tas are valteers, majority of dozens of men In the fields, woulU -,banal notes 'and heavy dlscoids . of are professionals, working for pay and never have been possible it the mech• want and riches are alike forgotten. proud of their calling. Salaries vary , salcal genius at an earlier day had Father is all smiles, good cheer, full from a few dollars a week In small not, Lis the sweat of furnaces, devel- of Pewee -on-earth -sad suddenly form• ed Christmas resolutions. towns to larg eir sums paid the skilled performer In large department stores. oped new types of descendant of the stick that scratched the earth. It is Sweets to the Sweet vinegar. Mix Ingredients. in Baum boils till Jackie Coogan. former child. actor. as. he returned to Holly. well, then, not to look wltb� contempt upbin the rude Implements of an age pan. Stir till it and cook gone by. Thomas Gray. In a moment OM Christmas Slogan brittle when tested In cold water'. Pour in wood from college recently, He of Inspiration, crystallized 015 "Elegy- greased pan -Cum -into -to --be a movie. director. __1houclit-in -his beautiful gy rit- cool. ten in a ' Country Cburchyard," Candy Well Made, 'Gaily AnyN of. these recipes would make Christmas gifts when nicely Study. Effect through a line - too little known even by his most ardent admirers: Today's pattern points the way to .,excellent Wrapped Always Wel- made and-packed In an attractive tin an' altogether charming, inexpensive, Gift box, each piece of candy wrapped In Of Moines "Let not ambition mock their simple to create dress. ---come waxed paper. and the box Itself done Nevertheless, in spite *of its easintse One of our readers asked the other iday If she might* have a number of up prettily with Say Christmas paper American Teachers Report To the "rude forefathers" may be "attributed the foundation of the gran- to acquire, it has extremely modisb features in its buttoned closing, at recipes for candy. There are many and ribbons. Sultana Caramels. on Research During arias of Europe, of Australia, of the shirtwaist collar and sleeves witl women vlAo feet they cannot- spend much . money on gifts this year who I fctipa. sugar, % cup milk, 2A cup Past Year western hemisph6pe. Tbs. bulging warehouses of -grain are no merti tri- width below the shoulder, It's lovely as originally plannea in j. may, like to know that home-made molasses, Y4, cup butter, 3 squares chocolate. 1 teaspoon vanilla, % cup ]Detroit.-How educiton have-turti. umph of the people of today.- The rust crepe silk dth brown crepe col, sweets, cakes, and cookies are always cut in pieces 2 tablespoons ed neighborhood movie theatres into MultImotored steamships, it which lar and tie, bro rn wooden buttons ant a welcome present, particularly to lbasyt people who have not much time walnuts. Sultana ralains. laboratories to learn the-motion pic� the harvest. yields • find their wa y across the seven seas. -ars, not alone brown novelty belt. !:,for cooking. Put butter Into isucepau; when m6I885eL tore habits of boys. and girls was re- vealed the the products of the yards of the prey- Style No. 2927d is designed for sfzdf 14, 16, 18, 20 ia,`36, 38 sad 4C yeat . Parisian Sweets. melted, add sugar, milk and- Heat to broiling Point and boil 7 recently at twenty-third annual meeting of the National Coan_ ent time. Their construction actually inches bust. Size 16 requires I Ili, figs, I lb. dates. I 1b. walnuts, minutes. Add chocolate and stir tin. 'cil of-4-Teachers 6f English. It was started tar back In history, sometimes so long ago as to be hidden by the "yar da of 39-inch material with % yard itonfectioners' sugar. nil chocolate is melted; then boil declared that nation-wide tests tillsis of obscurity. of Winch coutrasting. g' - Pick over and remove stems from Pick 7 minutes longer. Remove from fire ducted during the last. Year indicate Where would radio have been with- HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. figs and stones from dates. Mix fruit ♦ V tb walnut meats and work through beat until creamy, add nuts, raisins Into that the rising generation of theatre- out the pioneers in wireless' teleg- Write yoldir name and address plain-: meat chopper. Work, usini.the hands and vanilla. and pour at once a buttered tin. Cool slightly and mark goers will eventually elevate the itun- (lards CLf the entire fil m* industry, mpby? Had • there been no Marconi. ly, givipir number and size of.-Suck on. a board dredged with confection • in squares. The nut meats. and -rais. Results of . photoplay appr6ciati,)n Had there been no Lindsay, pursuing his inve3tigatlonsinto the use of also- pattern,% as you want. Enclose 15C in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrar ws' sugar, until well blended. Roll to oue-fourth Inch thickness, using Ins may be omitted. were presented by Mr.' tricity as he carried on 'his Inquiries -it carefully) for each number, La d Confectioners' sugar for dredging Pral I mea. William".Lewin of W-coquahic. High in philosophical research, there might address your order to Wilson Patterr 'board and pin.. Shape with round cut- 1 7/8 cups 'powdered sugar, I cup School, Newark. N.J. He declared have been no need for the, tiny aback - Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto ter, first dipped In sugar or cut irltb 'maple syrup, % cup cream, 2 cups that '.'py-pils unied guidance show 85 on the bleak coast at Newfoundland, a sharp knife in squares. Roll In con•' pecan nuts, cut In pieces. per cent. superiority in reporting ex- where, were "caught" the faint sounds Protect Cnildren When lectioners' sugar and shake to remove Boil first three ingredients until, ampler of films that have influenced of the first message tmnainifted by air CelebirsOng Christnm is superfluous sugar. *Pack In layers in when tried In cold water a soft ball their behavior, the chief influence be- across the Atlantic. All lia.0 to the tin -box, putting waxed paper between may be formed. Remove from Ore ing in the erection of higher ideals." man of yesteryear tollitig In-the, dfm Christmas time being a. season ol each layer, and beat until of a creamy consist- He added that "if our miLloni of light of an attic room so. -that future- joy,, every precaution should be tak envy; add nuts and, drop from tip at high school students can be taug+t generations might converse with ease en to prevent any untoward clircum. 7 Horehound Candy. spoon. in small piles on buttered standards for judging motion pictures over a distance of 3,000 miles. stances whicb, might enter Into Its Thre"tiarter square Inch pressed horehound, 2 cups boiling water, 3 paper, or mixture may be poured Into it is likely -that a movement to make order Rests'on Past. Ceiebratlon. 'placing a buttered tin anti cut-16 squares, Us- -boys and girls intelligently critical of Geology In the past quarter century Too often the careless o! cups sugar, % teaspoon cream Of tar- ing a- sbarj knife. current pho'toplays would succeed it has made amazing progress. It pro- lighted candles has resulted in pain . fir' Pour boiling water over horehound Butter Scotch.. I cup sugar, 14 cup molasses raising. the le e1 of taste Among rre- tion pictuiregocz. as mises still mo�r6 t unding resFults tiara the to the South Pole •0 .1ul burns, • and even death to those Participating in the Yuletide festivit which has been separated in pieces cup, butter, I'tablespoon vinegar, •2 expedition Mr. Lewin's report ie Commander Byrd. But is there no les.- "Santa Claus" has been t, let island, one minute, then strain through double cheese-cloth. Put Into a tablespoons boiling water. • profoun4 impression thit it was dfT_ credit due to the early geologists -for tird"Itt 'innumerab ­ 4 -granite kettle with remaining ingre L dl- Boil Ingredients together until, cussed - % hereve'r groups of the 1,(X)O their studies of the glacial period? TILL- 41@etrIE-lights now are most used In lighting the Christmas tree, -ants, and boil until,, when tried in Mix when tried in cold - water, mixture will become brittle. Tura into a well b it- iducatori gathered. It was recom. mended at the generx] ht-,Qion. h To*tbe Indefatigable toilers who shed light on. the earth's strata? To Hugh ind'thit reduces the Ore danger in& . . cold wat�r, mixture will become b.rit• tie. Turn into a buttered -pan, cool i tared pan; when '�'Ilgbtly cool, mark re, cently- Miller. the author at the "Old ..Red terially. It caudles are to be used Is slightly, then mark In small squares. With a sbarp�pointed knife In squares, I. That units of instruction be in. Sandstone"? To Robert Dick, the the' decoration-and they andoubtedl) Butter Taffy. croduced the schoo, into -nation's Is. baker of Thurao, who trudged 34 miles lead an effect not to be obtained b3 'electric Peanut Fudge. Three cups brown sugar, 1 cup milk, Two cups light brown sugar, IQ cup 4 with a -view to improvii%g by mRst at. the end of a day's work to obtain the lights —they should be placed on the mantel and In other so _2 tablespoons peanut butter.. molasses. 2.. tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoons water,• 7/& teaspoon salt, education, popular standards of taste 'and judgment in relation to inotirn specimens, of-stones and ,flowers and to correct Imperfections in -existing 'cure- 'locations where - contact witt - Boil sugar and milk until a soft '34 cup butter, 2 4easpoons vanilla.' pictures; maps? their pretty blazes Is not Likely to lK ball � can be formed In cold water. butter , Boil first five iugredien6 until, when : 2. That -a committee -of ..English Perhaps it It had not been for the made. In Christmas sports Involilug the .,Take from fire, add _peanut ind beat till creamy. Pour r Into. but. tried, in cold water mixture will be. teachers regularly - preview selected pioneers the would btill be fac- 'in- slightest danger, children should be tared pan and mark in squares, come brittle. When nearly done, add butter and just,bef ore turning into pan current ph6toplay's, with a view to suggesting which - productions are ing ebaos rather than order in dqstry and art. It Is within the mem- directed In their play by an olderpe r Divinity Fudge. also vanilla. Cool, and mark in worthy -of consideration in the c ajs_. I ory of many reading this article that I son who Is competent to effect a res, cue it necessary.-Charles FrederleV Two cups. sugar, % cup corn syr • squares. I. 1 room; men trudged � to the - hand loom W Wadswortb. lap, cup hot water, 2 egg whites, — . .. . Tfiat courses in jr '3 methods of dawn and never left It till dirk..- A beaten stiff, % cup nuts, Tipperary teaching photoplay appreciation reciation be dreary task, Ill paid. Even long after Industrial revolution swept the 'Gems from Life's Scrap-fxml Cook sugar, syrup and water er to. U11 a little dropped in cold "Tipperary," the song which poured included in the curricula of schools the -machine Into power the weaver could Words sether 0 water forms a soft ball. Beat egg from the lips of ,the "Old Contempt- of education; 4. That further experimentation be be found beat over his loom. But the "How forcible are right words."- whites till stiff. Take mixture off stove ibles" en they first- trudged gaily and light of heart through the elm- al-ranged, with a view to formulating baud loom served Its purpose. A-ad. • Bible, and pour slowly over. stiffly beaten .,,egg whites. stirring all the time. Add bordered lanes of Flanders In August, Judge, the children criterions, in harmony with those of English teacbeis for e.Xaluat- were It not for the hand loom there might have been no power loo In in. "Inconsistency Is shown by worde i7 Baker Eddy. without deeds." -Mary • nuts and beat until very stiff. 1914, was written by Jack music-ball singer, two year5prior to ing PhOtOPlaYs. The comforts upon which humanity' "Words are the wings of actions."- Marshmallows. that .writes The Legionary. seems to thrive are the fruits of many generations. One generation builds up- Lavater. "Fair words gladden 'so many a Two tablespoons gelatine, 2 table- spoons cold water, 2 suga.r,,haU And. for 21 years Jack hag been Answer That 1: ­ on another's labors, carrying them on' heart " -Longfellow. cups aspoon, cream cup - hot water, 24 teaspoon drawing royalties on the sale of copies. He never , sold "I pperary ­ 'Can't see wl�y 'I should buy your ' still further. The automobile body found Its design and 'appointments a "Words are bqt holy a 'the deeds . tartar, I sig white beaten stiff. Soften outright to any publisher. book," 's A said the 'ari-per to the persist- first in file now discarded four- wheeled they cover ."-Shelley. "Words mighty; words are 11v �..gelatlne In. cold water. Boil sugar and - 'and In a recent Old' Country publication ent canvasser. "Why carriage. - The 400-mile-an-hour air­ -are ipg."-Adelaide A. Proctor. water cream of tartar until It he tells how b4 came to write the song it will -show you how to be a Plans had origin in the 40-mile-an- --Words. oxikee. spoken, Can never . be spins a thread. Poirr hot syrup over and h is fixed belief when it.was first better farm er." boar flying- machine.• The steamship, recalled."-t- Wen twortb Dillon.', softened gelitine, stirring continual. put on paper that it was not ' worth "Listen, son"' said the -elderly man, crossing •tbe ocean in four days, not ly• Add this mixture to beaten egg publishing. The only person who had impressively, "0'1'm. not half as good it so 0 g roudly recorded the fact , j..ng ago P, white and beat till thick. Pour Into firm faith In him and his musical ef- farmer now. as I know how to be."-. that It crossed' In 14. D e the credit Does h lowed the great inheritance he 1& I . from his It waii ,p4us• well sprinkled with powdered fort wall lits mother. Later, when Jack, Boston Transcript. entirely rest with the designer of the celved peedecessors.- sugar and sift well over top. full of enthusiasm' for •1TJpperary,"- new floating palace? bickens who said: English Toffee, told the old lady that "some day he'd helps us to si.HD op the out. ., . - ­ Not eve n 'the greatest` of % is, a poor heart that never v .' . . • . - °- rejoices." Two Two c ups brown sugar, 4 table. fill-her-apron with money from the , ward disgui�.e (if thirmi. �e. rml 111d to Hnies. would claim for his multi- And tberefore we pay tribute to the ,spoons molasses, 4 tablespoohs OrAter, 'song," the woman smiled and said, hold the judge of flieni iii their owr failims sli,coverles the sole credit for builders 'o? t1fe p"t the tnie -nobillt" 2 tablespc-ons butter, I tablespoons- God give-ye sense,, my -bov." "God Tlnfilrv.— Dr. W -af ts, ' his arnazitig bucc*ess; Edison ever &I- of civilization. 71, ;4� i, _V ­4, d= how* a bW pawed thnM6k OW ChristI468107- Tb`aPsMQwbQ A ott•ws. Tble took not r"P0" to U1400 APPOW8, If -Ch ristmas to In re, !"TBURSDAY. FEUIDAIr time and it took a lot Of money. is able to do so, cannot claim TAM" The application for divorce would • Christian at heart. Thus by Vdd in =r1butiDg Oar share - in the SALE And SATURD &Y -.JOLT vwvw be investigaited' thoroughITS and d-1 wtwuaiwdstalft asdGreft unless the splallicant good work of bringlue joy into the lives Mt"& Moo is advau". —#0., We have just reeeiv- moral grounds for making the of others, we are making our own ad a large shi meat THE RE D ENH ITE S T0 Q � S of application it would be thrown, lives happier. our 01hrfatmis Candies. 14ized Nuts AOHN NURW, PIVIIASUfla out, and the couple would be Atha and'Fraits, the quality wm never better and at xceptiona4low pria", equapelled to continue living as also an assortment of Xmas wrapped tobaccos, exceptional for gifts. MOTES AMR C01AINGNTIL men mW wife, although they Don't miss the Christmas Concert -w�-Tree-to.be.held-in-the--Atha-.-Pub-- might—be sqW lic School on the evening of Wednes- JAPANESE "CREAMS AND MIXED The crime wave does note seem the now divorce laws came day, Dec. 20th, ORANGES JELLIES NUTS' to become much small&'. )&Yer* into effect, divorce has becorue a Per doz 80c. Per lb. 15c. Per lb. -week the daily PaPdes contain scandal in Ontario. It to quite Brougham Per box $1.09 _2 lbs. for 29e. 21 eta. accounts of crime, in which evident that in the majority of John Cowie spent a few days of gunman plays •& leading role. cases 69 real reason for asking, the past week'in Toronto. well Shortening, Br. Je 2 lbs. for ­'21c 'He may not do any shooting, but• for a divorce is because the appli- mt. and Mrs. A. Moffat were callers on Sunday. the fact that he carries &' revolver cant is desirous of marrying ougliaMiss m. Elsie Matthews is visiting • ALMON- D ICING -MINCEMEAT 'CODA COLA' shown that he is a potential mur• Borne one else, whose charms are Toronto relatives this week. i lb. 23 cents. 2 1 bi. f or 29c. Trucks, each 84c. der6r and is proof that he will not greater than those of her or his Miss Bate was a guest of Toronto friends during the past week. -stop at murder, if it is necessary present vartner, had White or whom they --dth-had their fin C* The Board of He 'to avoid arrest or. rapture. Sugar, Yellow 10 lbs,for la ptedged io, honor, protect and al meeting for 1933 on Saturday. Toronto, t during the week end, obey, as the case may be, during Attendance at church and Sunday thieves were quite busy. including life. A divorce may be obtained school has been excellent of late. planning P. G. SOA-P• ..CASTILE SOAP' ',WONDERFUL SOAP The Citizens' League are 10 bars 37c.. 10 bars 25c. .9 bars 27e. purse snatchers and hold-up men, now for the most trivial reasons, to. have their annual concert about and the same wave of crime seems so trivial that the presiding judge. ICING SUGAI? !dAGIC COF9EE POT BARLEY'" to exist.. throughout the whole is often diagU Dunbarton sted. but according 4. 1* 2 lbs c,. II. pkg 35c. eer lb. 5c. kountry. The staying of Johnny- to the law he cannot refuse the 19c,. I) St. Paul's. S. S. Christmas Concert Copp, one of the most promising of application At tho' assizes at will be held on Thursday, Dec. 21st. ommences'.at 7.304 A -ROASTED CHOCOLATES UPS the young of Toronto, hy a bur Whitby, whic-h were held abotit The concert c - has been prepared PEANUTS MOIR'S Ass't good programme filar whom he caught as he was two weeks ago there were thirteen consisting of songs, recitations, in- Per lb. 15c. 2 lb. -box 59u. -Per tin 10e. -trying to enter his father's home applications fordivOrCe. on tb-e strumental numbers and two•short, .-has aroased the nountry as no docket; but of these there, were humorous plays. Silver collection in You order ..PHONE PICKERING OW We deliver • aid of the S. S. funds. other murder has In a long time, only,two from Ontario County, St. Paul's Anglican, Dunbarton - How so many Irresponsible per- the others baving come from out Sunday, Dec. 17th. 3rd Sunday *in runs got possession of revolvers Is side points in. order to avoid bubli' Advent. Sunday School, 2 p. in. Ev- blicity Store on at 3 p. m. a mystery Maity in high stand city. If there were more pit ening Prayer and germ St. Paul's Sunday School on Sun- Pioker'ing'Hardware "lug in the community inuat Rive a in these leases there would be fewer day, Dec. 17th, a Pound Gift Sess- -0ood reason for possessing a revol• divorces. Canadians 4ave no tie ion will be observed. Gifts of one before they can get a pertuit sire to follow the Am'erican cnA pound or more of groceries or other to possess one, but a man with a Lori in this matter. Divorce isout useful commodities wilt be received USEFUL GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS 4 - criminal record can get one in some of the and then taken to needy homes.. in .greatest evils in the United the hope of adding 'a little cheer to Electric Heaters, Irons amd Toaster". Pyrexware, Ovenware and inanner and carry it on his person States, and iflolok% as if Ontario is the Christmas season. Silverware. Skates and Hoots. Hockey Sticks and Packs. 7 without getting a vermit. Many, becoinlaw no better. The sit' Kiddy Kars, Trielcle, Sleighs and Toboggans. strength ­ -, _: - . . . no doubt, are secured in the Unit- -Won depends on the Hbrtop Gee of any n ed States.--where they can be par home. -It_a-tsmUy_U__wrecIrefJ hi On Aaturd evening. Dec CAL - ay bar A good Boy's Wastim Rt $1.25 chased in har-tware stores without divorce, the nation becomes that 9th. at 7 o'clock. Green-wnod United Church was the scone of a pretty !being questioned. -That was the. much weaker. Many iniality wedding, .when Doris Flora. eldest Mitts, Gloves and Gatintleta. Pocket Knives. Cloeks, --*ate in this country not array nations in the past have been daughter of Wesley W. arA Mrs. Ge-, Watches, Flashlights, Cigarette and years ago. -bat a permit is now rained throngh immorality, and became the bride of Thomas James, Cigar Casso. necessary. The law must be made that will occur again to any nAtion second son of James and the 1&te toore strict and enforced in regard that departs from the paths of Mrs. Hortop, of. Balsam. The cere- Our Motto.—"We have it, Can get It, Ot Mony wa.s performed by the Rev. to the carrying of concealed wen purity and righteousness. W hen Hoton, pastor of the Church. The . at is not made." Queen Victoria was smoked by au bride enter.-d the church to strains s African chief what was the secret of the wedding march. played by pt' Mrs. Teeple, of Toronto, and G % Several schemes are being &do' of Britain's greatness pointed to kd was J. S.*BALSDON, PICKERIN rd to relieve the unemployment given in marriage by her father. She the open Bible, which, lay in the wore a gown of old rose satin, with ------------ vitastiou throughout the province table beside bar, silver, trimming - and silver - turban, by the Moverbmant, with the co and old rose and silver slippers and K H ERE operation of the municipajities. . Chris I twas is rapidly approach' carrying a' sheaf of American Beau- �Most of these schemes are concern. ty Roses and Maiden-hair fern. She W ' e have -play tables many lines which we are pamminIf on to lug. although children will think was attended by her sister, Alias -ion our airplay fed with the highways, in the way that its progress Is very slow. Margaret Gee, wearing water-lily, you;ffit away below present cost prices. To' clear these * lines. IN have substa,atially reduced the prices in of filling in the ditches, widening greet' taffeta, with silver turban and and every day seems like a week each came, which makes a very attractive buy for you. she pavement and In some cases slippers, carrying a bouquet of Am- to them, but it is coming without erican Roses. The groom *0 attend- Men's Work Boots, come in and -Roe these. 199 and 2 49 pr. now highways may be built. fail as it bat never failed in the ed by his, brother, Mr. Harvey Hor- - Boy 'and Girls' Scampers, while they last, We pr, These works are not. absolutely past. It le- that season of the top, of Balsam. During the signing pecessary, but they will go far register, Miss Zorab Gee sang Men's Heavy Sweater Coats at 2.49 each: r that is more joyous than all of the -Boys'Ealclisb Sport Pants, -Special. 96c per pair. number of yl!& "Because." The ushers were Mr. Nel. toward lessening the ai . Men's Fine Shirts, a bargain at 956-and 1.00 up. others. It is the a5moon for family son Teeple,. of Toronto and )Mr. accidents, as the widened roads ...Men's Work Shirts, good finality, 75c each re unions, and is the time for Hugh Miller, of, Pickering. - -v the cetemony, a reception w: -:will give more room for, cars to feastinx. For the young children is hells We are &I ways glad to see yon and it i,4 never any trouble to show Vase one &aother with very Tittle you our werchandism. the coming of Santa Clans, that at the home of the bride's parents, e! dal Car of thew -colliding, and where the bride's mother received, mysterious elderly man, is the wearing a gown of navy blue geor- Phone 2904 the filling of the ditches will gre" event of the year. How he Bette . and lace. Miss Hazel Hortor, greatly decrease the danger of sister of the groom, also received, can visit so many homes in one 8 accident,) should the care for any wearing brown velvet. Later, the C E C' L';!- :B R a D L E Y reason be forced off the pavement. might is a problem that they can bride and groom left for Toronto not solve but they 4%11 know that and other pointi, the bride travell- R R X 1*9 Q# AB. I in a dress of tomato-bisque wool y adopting these schemes the he does it, no matter how stormy 'nit suoaey which would have been it may be. - While Christmas *I,.%- with hat to match -and grey coat, to those with wolf tzi:nVK -*z)cl _vlres,"zies- ,.4pent in providing relief w.i)-k and who are without the most joyous season to; mil• w. 't.., i*Aurn they Will reside iif 'Nniiila Out. The best wishes of, the pent i!kA_p^ 11seans, W11 . ..7 community go with them to their young, to a vest namber, in this returns newNhome. which,will bring retu whereas, y of depression, when so many when it is spent in relief 6&r it brings homes are in direst poverty, When I ;,�o returns except-in the akti@fac• suffering from lack •of food and settle This 0 ="ter how 41=42 W N ]arse the ejums" M sion that it has greatly, relieved clothing, and with no work to be s your Throat, Cough, Vboeewho otherwise. w Croup and Tonsil Troubles. 'Use, have itis, pLan inside your Dependable 'a�afiered from cold and hunger. had, Christmas will mean little or Sybilla Spahr's Remedy. Gyproe providewtb* Santa 'Clans just what you need. Guaranteed, Get nothing to them. Re of k"t am umt There are a few who will, not be to, may come but his load of y9 it. E. C. Jones, druggist Overjoyed at the -prospect of - - - 9re -e+�y ' sawing to worn for the money sod other gi . fts will be* A scant. turkey -COME,TO One. The roast- goose or Put up wans, cewup MA -.,which, previously, they had re 'A baniW will not be to evidence, neither partitions ihit IRM _4►VO&Without giving anything in .- . . . TRV e' be plum pudding, nuts But the great majority will ther fire. - return. and candies. However, there is a 'Dew' Drop Inn" You can ''a paper ypree W of the unemployed will be delight for those who it pLan when P"_ ed to get work at a reasousWe great opportunity kMVe have an abundance of wealth, or Old Time and Modern Dancing gilled) and it in an lexcebat _wags rather than be parasites on even if a person is in .moderate EVERY'S*TUItD*Y • NIGHT fing bass for Gyvtox or Ab)nn-- the community. Men with any eircuwstancep, for them to bring 9. 00 P. m. finjohm Psoseofbonor will never refuse . y into the world at this, season• vheebanceof getting work when 30 to give Billie and His Live Wires. That "it is move blessed is IftexPo7asive, I need. It Is a great General Admission .I I lay ftl�t a than to receive," has been proved draught and redeM - 9re4 ­.-orry td�tbew to think that they 35 cents. time and again., The man who is . structurally strong and od& ,:.-401st accept relief in order to keep USE 0,w wolf from the door. These a miser, and hoards up every to erect with 'a Ininflum of penny that hie hands can lay on, Is your subscription. -t-riewas way add to the debt of is the most miserable of creatures. Maybe e4$4Y ide"9*1 bY * the country, but If, the, works -The sunshine that enter@ the paid ? Look at tbe.same o% the board a"d the -were not proceeded with the relief JA homes of those who are active in Grerx stripe along the edge address -appropriations would also add to- ministering to others, and giving .,your •the debt of the ninnicipalittes. I anpourm UM &ND AZABANtOM them the necessities of life, never ir ny amam, Liniud Thus the country is better off by ent 'a the home of the miser. .1abel -providing this work to the unern er The raiser 'does not know what, he to . ployed• misses - by the hoarding'. of his -For ninny years Canada -took riches, It bf a pleasant sight to INSURANCE I _ _ x pride i; the fact that it was almost see go many contributing to the -- -- ' 'ire - a divo•ce in $snti% Claqs fund and other chart. 'CYRIL E.MORLEY- Doti,; a person was ties. The appeals that are made, i i. financially. especially in the large centres, are Pickering, 'Ont. A • a a MOM- This • aefon, .1 `(1 sever the met with F% ready response. Phone 6700 JO&A-itill :-Ivs it sary to � is one way of exhibiting practicallji 4c :t )-f, WO - - • 170 -,fA articles wbm in =rW fesso; wilt be" A a" i� W IWL is WZ• • -ANDERSON pubbW" in them c*amms- As in expected to wtive in a day or two, Mr. and Mrs, Bryan 1DO&OP1010 It's real winter we are having. generally known this township can when it will be placed. at once in our fte efty on &away. Remember the school concert on be placed among those townships of Public School. DUNBARTON rr W. M. and Mm PI motored, -Thuinday evening of next week. All the province of which numerable The News understands, that Ham- to GueInh on SUMUY. ratepayers should be out. tales of early days can be told. Any- ar Greenwood, of Whitby, has pur- ad Mrs. Moffat.-of Toronto, Congratulations to Grasmere On one having old newspaper clippings, chased the Bostwick property and In- Mr. a* INSURANCE �71 alwat Sandlay with frisowis he". wincing 3rd Place in Alaska Regist- correspondence etc., that would pro- tends subdividing awe into building We are XM to beer that Z& ered Oats at the Guelph Show. vide, interesting mI and would lots. -AUTOMOBILIK 01I Is &bk ta be ap" around The con== tY was sorry to •"m care to do so are requested to leave The bicycle law of Oregon requir- —FIRBJ again. that Mrs. George Fields had to un- same at this office, where copies es bicycle riders _tQ- stop 100 yards JMUELGLART skating will be offered in the dergo an operation for appendicitis will be made-and-the- original return from -any person going in the oppoI rick able Saturday night. Come =s��overdng-1 -' its direction with a team and wait 0 U, we on for ed to the owners. everybody. friends` speedy recovery. until that team has passed. LIM -INSURANCH n. Bushby ispent. -the .week and school Repot -Pickering News, Dec., 1887 with her daughter. Mrs. Floyd Phous'Plebering IM Sol.? Jones at Brooklin. S. S..No. 4 East. (*) denotes per- Hereafter all tickets sold on the FRED, STACEY L.. E-. ONE11 -L The school children are busy' feet attendance without lateness. Sr G. T. R. will be good for 80 days. As will be seen in another column, :-- .'..with their- concertprogram for 4th - Doris Bryant; 74*-, Billie Bry- -,--eWnterand Paperhanger AND; -the 21st In the CAmmuDitt Hall. ant 73*; Norman Lowden 66; Doug- Alex. Finlay is going out of busin- 35 cents per hour or by contract FUNERAL bIRBOTOEt The' Christmas entertitititnent lac Bryant 60; Llewelyn Crawford ess. anywhere. EMBALMER 3rd - Teni Mutch 81; Mary Messrs Hoover and Armstrong, of will be held in the basement of 57. Sr. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Auccessor to4w. J. vatheI the Vnibed Church on the evening Bo es 78; Albert Crawford 75;* Green River are paying 68 cents for Tuesday, Dec. 19th. Doris Baker 74; Lizzie *Nixon 63. Jr. barley. • -15 yeiirs experience. 'Night and Day Service As will be seen by advertisement, Barr uay, has got down to bUS7. -ARTON Sherman Rumohr is having a. 3rd - William Nixon 70; Carman loath room instaIlled. in his home ett5l. Sr. 2nd - Edgar Barlow J. H. McQ PINE DRIVE, . DUNB I Business Phone Residence Phone 73- Raymond Cruwforo 72; Bobby iness at the Pickering Lumber Yard. or write Dumbarton P. O. 9801 9820 -1I is also having the house re B;�Iaw 71. Jr-.-gnd - Glenri -Craw­ We learn that our old friend Is- decorated throughout. ford 62; 1st - - Billie Boyes 871 sac Wise has. 'secured the 'former PRIVATE MATERNITY NIUR We are sorry to hear that 3eo I X0 David B W 81; Vernon Barrett Finlay shop and -will move this mo-n- ING HO&tE DIN TTS, GARAGE Morgan is under the doctor's care 78*; Bobbie Baker 77*; Mary Bak-- th. again with heart trouble. We er 71; Andrew Nixon '67. Pr. - Coi- It is stated in Belleville that the -Medical and Convalescent Case's Cor. Brock, and Kingston Rds. .e hope for a speedy recovery. la Nex, June Bryant,' Donald Craw new -double track on the G. T.R. will accepted Raffles are t: j order of the dap, ford and Dickie Baker equal' be-' brought into- use in about two `-Gerieiril Repair Work all care,' it you like to t teacher weeks. Private-and Semi Private Roams ake a chance anIl J. E. Donnelly, te' A guranteed at reasonable' don't care what a biid costs you. Weekly Rates SIO.�00 Shooduk matches are also quite -W. M. S. of United Church Picker- 1108peCLioriinvited prices. popular. jug, elect 'officers for 1934. -RUMACAPS RELIEVE PAIN in MRS GEORGE THOUrSON Acetylene Weldimg will remain open Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, The post office . Batteries ropaired and charged. i now The December meeting of the W. Phone 70)8 until Op. m, every day from While removing the cause. E. C. Firestone and Dunlop Tires. i Don't die M. S. of the United Church Was held- Jones, druggist. 51.24 St3uff ville. R. R. No. I until after Christmas. Dot the home of Mrs. Gordon Law. appoint your friends. -Mail, your at �G Gasoline and Oils. The president, Mrs. J. Sinith, had charge of the Devotional Period..Mrs E%q A Refreshment Booth In 0onnection P Is early. are's The regnia meeting of Brougham V. E. Cartwright presided 'during STANLEY T TRE Reliable Phone Pick. 75W Union Lodge, A. F. & A. M. will the election of officers which was as (nightor day). be held onWeduesday.Dec. 27th, STOUFFVILLE follows: Pres., -Mrs. J. Smith; 1st, when the installation of offieer NURSERY STOCKMILTO/V SLEEP Vice-pres., - Mrs. F. T. Bunting; will take place. 2nd Vice pres., - Mrs. H. G. Crozier; FRIDAY and SATURDAY 421y ..PROPRTBTOR • • We are very glad. to be able to Recording See., - Miss Bertha Bunt- FOR FALL AND SPRING report that Mrs. J.'E. Glover has ing; Corresponding see., "- Mrs; Les. ... Dec.-15 and 10 returned from St. Michael's hoe Morley; Treas., '- Mrs, V. E. Cart- = PLANTING pital Toronto, and is well-on the wright; Christian Stewardship and A Paramount Picture Marlene Dietrich Super list of hardy Trees, Shrubs way to recovery. Finance See., - Mrs. M. S. Chap man; hardy The appointment has been made Finance Committee : Mesdames X. recently of Wid. Miller as local S. Chapman, V. E. Cartwright, W. H. and Plants, both fruit: deputy game warden for this Bray, T. Law and Miss I. Bunting d ornamental. ektion. There is the posibility Strangers' Sec., Mesdames Gordon 'THE SONG OF SONGS" an ornamen and N- -sec Hoot Pruned Fruit Trees that save that-thbral)pUluLuscut, LAACI ;U 'I Law Sup with Ey"iAl Soade Law; fere, to some extent: with local Mesdames W. H. Bray and T valuable time ink coming Op-, rummay. Th-s"I a" MI Associate Helper Sec.. Miss I& Brian Aheirne"," LiouPt Atwill v at Activities. r Bunting and Mrs. G Oranges. grapes and Cranberries Courtice, Tem.; into bearing early. 'DLSNEY R1 AXX at Overland's. penance Sec., - Miss H. Law; Miss- Alison Skipworth. ion Band Supt"I - Miss- Eva Bunt- J. T. ELLIOTT, AGENT On Friday evening, Dec.' 11,9toopnocracy" Cordedles 10sh"a 2212d- ing, Miss Ruby Andrews and Mrs. L. the' Christmas, e4itertainmest Of Morley; Missionary Monthly Sec., OR& PC" Odom "osse Im" -the Baptist Church will be held in Mrs. L. Morley; Literature Sec.. Mrs TUESDAY and- WEDNESUAY1 THE. "MADELINE" the Sunday School room. Santa W. C. Murtar; Press Sec., - 9;s. H. Dec. 19 and 20- -of the third 4011ause will be there. Admi8fiton G. Crozier. A synopsis BEAUTY-:- SALON 26 cents. children 15, cents, child chapter -of the -study, book was read .."GUIUTY H-.A1%DS- by Miss Hattie Law and Miss Ida rea of the school free, (Lionel Barrymac) Here's a "Big Spectar" for you ladies The M14sion Band of the United Bunting. Refreshments were served who. need & nice now smart dharch will meet on Sal Permanent Wave. urdisy, at the close of the meeting and a - social half -hour -vnJoyed. ;Dec. ath, at 2 p. W. A good at ; ­ - ;us-r FOR A LIMITED TIME HAWAIIAN Early Events and pics"r Days s�anee In "nested fur the 4o got buoy and,mibko air appoint- 481setion of officers ; LINO it is time PkItering ToI Most with me. -to renew the "World Friend." G U I TA R Beautiful Nestall Wave, price $150 We have been gathering and pro- TENOR BANJO Etc. Sto Kurt Mike boxes are to be turned is. $1.96 Compliments are extended to paring for some time' a- series Of art- :"Bacceeef ally taught by. also rembin Of Finger Wave and Oil Shampoop b0c Mrs. Readman on her icles relative to the early days !her 82ad birthday. this township, much of it has, been FRANK ROBIN30N 40c Mrs. -worn Marcel and Oft Shampoo. 400 :man has the greater part of gathered from old, age family of Toronto'. a "Pon" Manicure me her life to this books and newspapers. These neighborhood, and scrap -books Facial ,has been an active. appreciated IN CLAREMONT ON FRIDAYS Try My Sp'e. Hot Oil treatment $1.00 L citizen. She has unfortunately or 6 for 5.00 been confined to her home for the The ....Children a SDwi%lty. Just what your scalp needs. W tizems Past few years. Write to es Its find how the ISP, FRANK ROBINSON memorials We Handkerchiefs, satirfe, ties and Eyes CLAREMONT will be standing In • Candor Avenue, Toronto' Phone IWIS hosiery at Overland'& mute tribute to the Rev. Mr. Smith. of Markham, in r bXV6 b9ft assisting in the United Church S. -in to honor. Ow S. concert on the 19th inst., with creative *111. secum lantern lecture showing views the beat resulta a n Modern" YOU L I K, E COMFORT "NO areater Tramw (largely his ow photography) of'. his trip around the world. We' N. W. m"'I -beard this lecture and heartily the coaches are heaW It .:.,rewmmend It as an evening'ti ntertalumentin itself and most interesting. -."by C. H. Tuck, Opt MIGRANE Forty five years &go this month .the famous Courtney -Whikowski ea" was heard b Sqnire- Holdon, Worry- of Balsam, the latter being charg A with attempting to burn down Like a thief in the night, our rest -.thefoirnea's buildings and shoot- is gone bec&use'Gf worry. We have Off slag athim. TheSqntre, on hear -acquired the habit, but even habits - jr -- g the' evideinbi, 'committed the are broken. After a number of years priecuer to the county jail at of this habit we will find it 'a very -Water Whitby to await the spring great effort- io replace that which Lnra= Co. was take- from• us because worry is Meatedl -and' VAWANESA INS. 00. -assize%. a thief who i� hard to datch.* "Blany Cheap rates for farm and Gountry Now Christmas candles and nuts -L are A t Overlands. Fresh peels; sae a diseases of the nervous'systen buildin mind raisins at Overlands; '4 due to .worry." The very flappir,iz of Wfadetorin Insurance' on builill""I nte a a window shade, and panic seized Tickets, Time TI and Alt Coach Travel wind-wills. Filloa *to.. At the recent a4uhal moeting her-panic -as if real bur n of the ears were information at Automobile* Tusurance =of the Woman'sAssoci4tio near at hand." She* knew of no int- (of *11 kinds. vnited. Church held in the base• ruders and yet continuous thievery F.AAMS FOR SALE kbeI the Chumb, the following of her most prized possessions had Eastern House, Phone 45N ,offit*rs were elected': Pre@., Mrs.- been going on 'for some moriths.'Th- Write Orphans NrF. Tomlinson ; lot Vice-Pres., revery is sometimes easy to detect. Mrs.. B. Kilpatrick ; 2nd Vice 'But,it was her stock of nerve ener- 'BOWMAN & ROW Prey., Mrs. L. W. Pilkey; SeI gy which dwindled week by. week. 20 WHITBY, ONT. Mrs. M. E. Morgan ; Treasurer, "Such thievery Is hard to detect." Mrs. Roy Ward ; Orkaoists, Mrs. There is one sure way to prevent atch, -.D. A. Scott and Miss Margaret your eyes, from stealing, away -your health. One sure way and one. way Ki6nab - Buying Com,; Mrs. C. A. only.' OvArlana and Mrs. B. Kilpatrick Stck and ViAting Com.. aim. W, our z,1G. Scott, Mrs. Walter, Ward and "You Can Buy at Rome" Miss A. M. McGlashan. 0 t TIRES, BATTERIES, TaI Council ACCE890RIE9.1 WIntek C a­ a o ue 7, -d from.-last weeks The St- At-as low',and -better pric4 aiding Committee on Contingencies paid following: D. R. Beaton, .youAan. in Toronto. ay. u rna's'mpl dom 12M; M Hart and Co., rellef Sei OUi Chr t salary, IWAO; A Spears, bonus" on supplies, &AO; J. Murkar, printing, top. 6.30; D. A. -Beer, Collector Insurance Let us repair that leaky hd I" III.- 46,90; E. L. Chapman, sal. 150, G. L. Prices Rlight. Middleton, salary. 100. R. C. Reesor, Skilled Motor Repair& salary, 100. R. E. Mowbray. salary, 180. Wm. Reesor, salary, 100. J. Ph- .-Aftps, salary, Truant Officer, 40.00; Goidon. J. -Uvw. Sold and- Installed by Hug?t Pugh, Treas. 270. Hugh Pugh, Phone 2008,' �FUNK J FROUSZ, postige, 5.00; W. Chester, sal. an- constable. 25-00. PICKERING,' - - ONTARIO CHAS. ('X00PEP14' 'CLA11R%EM0NTi rum um .- maAw 46V -7 Coo 4 ­k% A4, 'rVI ftonlow J. ------ Marriage Uu&r Difficulties Lynching Parties s' Continue 7 ;S .- • f theP. "Pr in US. V ice o Cdada, The Ein re ema 1lie World at LArge ff Mob Invades, Oklahoma to 6" Canadian Charecterlst[o Seize Alleged Slayer of CANADA -Three-.;-Guard* Ordered of the Percival Roberts. director .77. out .Prl'� 'Over 25 Years In the "26-'Years -the ytvam RA AFLO U-S' Steel and Penns 'a It- Ago Column" of owing way Company, has for 33 years spent Okla,,'Dec. 10.�Oklxhoi- brantiford. Expositor, the toll me National guardsmen under orders hat a summer vacallon in Oanada and on prices were recorded for t produce reaching Montreal an route for home of Gov.. W. H. Alfalfa Bill) MurrayL to, time: er eggs., 28c he said when interviewed: "Why I al 4- "shoot to kill it necessary " .were mus.. B6U 38c to 30c a P6und. e to $09 a dozejh chickens 60c. to $1 a most feel. like a Canadian." Asked 4N tered into service to-night t6 protect pair, ducks $1.20 to $1.50 a pair. beat, as to the • first symptom • he replied Jack Wisdom from an enraged Kansas 5c to- 7c a pound, pork 9c and 100 -A with emphasis. "Good common sense.­ 7,1 mob. Johnny Camuck certainly takes a great 1pound, lamb 10o and 12c a Pound, Pats- Angered by the Imminerit blot on bb deal after the head of the family In "no violincein - Oklahoma toes 70a a bag, turnips 30a a bushel. a J boast of ':w onions 65c, a bag, apples 115c to• 30c a this respecL-.7-Brantford Expositor. during, my administration," Governor Murray- acted summarily to forestall Drestall On Saturday last The Stan the threatened slith outbreak of mob- lard had Eating Laws Ing prices for the produce Did you know that for many cen• violence in the nation within a month, the follow market: Butter 25 cents, eggs 85 to turies there wer• laws which said how, Wisdom was In custody of WlchIts6 'diit6ctives whet! the Kan,, 45 cents, chickens 18 cents per gonad, much 'a person might -eat? E6vaid militant live 50 cents each, *ducks (alive)'-60 the Third of England made gne In the chief executive summoned the troops cents each. pork 8 to 10 cents a pound, year 1330, by which his subjects were .. The Kansas farm band , was .leadings j q . I potatoes $1 a bag, and other, vege• forbidden to ','go in. for" more than.. posse in s'e'arch of 'the body *of Harry Sables One m 'ept Pritchard: Wichita merchant. He had aMl It will be two courses at an meal- except ables generally higher., seen 140--if the 1908 scale of living on certain special occasions. Strangely confessed to th e elaying, officers said, - ammed with the ai-d--taxes still applied the farmer enough. though It was not long before Earlier In a day e r would not be so badly off.-St. Cath. people began to diiobey--and IkepL on fast utifolding of a dramatic detective isrines. Standard. doing so-that law *remained until Mr. and- Mrs. Jack W. Ha?mpshire, who use the. international terry story, a hunter bad found the body of Mrs. Pritchard, another victim of the 1856, when It was "repealed." A king boat at Sault Ste: Marie as a meeting piste. Hampshire an ri Am - , ecau I of France made a law of the same :lbarred from Canada and big wife from the United States. They meet 25-year-old farmer's vengeance. Advisable -.: . . . kind, In the year 1840. It stated that -Tbe-,mo1Jve for the slaying was re- There Is enough nicotine in a cigar, nobody In the land was to have more In . the inglae' room of the ferry and part on the Iasi boaL venge, according to the officers�.ver- we read, to kill two cows. That than soup, meat sad padding at one sIqn of Wisdom's. ora1- confession, ob• should teach, cows not to smoke cigars• t I after his arrest 250 miles east t ned .•Havana Journal., meal, and even the royal banquets Canada Takes 12 Banker Dies -day. Before.Pritchard. were kept down to that IlMiL-Ottawa or here early to Progress Toward Recovery Journal. and his wife disappeared on the Wic, The Improvement in the fundament- - , - - .: Titles at Chicago - Attending Church hita-Wellington highway Nor. 23, be things. now well recognized by Destruction of Wealth had filed a charge accusing Wisdom everyone, will register Its effect more emphatically a few months hence than Why should we limit the destruction 38 Head of Ontario Cattle Win Burton Manning, Prominent of passing a $21 worthless obeque. em The farm hand also was accused of has to of wealth for the common good to pigs 33 3-Awards-Co-rn U- It does now, The money still and wheat and cotton and coffee? ' It London Citizen, is slaying Empry Large, g. feUow ranch• come in for much of our present fa- sad Win$ a officers Large creased production, and as-4t comes It is a good thing to keep people busy Stricken hand because, o cers learued knew details of Wisdom's suspected and gets Into circulation, we shall feel cutting down the goods that they pos- Chicago, -:Dee. S.-With, Frank Loudono--Oat4 Dec. 10.­-Death in- 6ittIChigtIInj activities. _Large's body 06i rising benefits. We shall ate very sees so that they can get rich on what Issakson of Elfros, Sask., newly. varied tyle Church of St. John the L was found two days after the Pritch- as .much more conscious of It fa com- Is left, we might turn our attention to_ crowned ­e ino rch of X�;rth Amer"'*-' Evangelist this morning to take by a ards disappeared In a dry well on 1. -Ing 'spring than we are bow.- By that houses and shops and 'theatres and . wheat men, securely in the drivel's sudden call Burton B. -Meaning, 'man. W. Johnson's ranch near Meade]. Kan. ship, If we burs up enough houses seat. Canada, aided by a select group ager of the main branch of arrest clinL-- of the Improvement that It now apPar• and sink enough ships, the time will of farm istudenis from six provincest minion Bak' who died, of a� heart at- axing tbre4 weeks of 1 search by tbo* �eujt. and that, In turn. will be stimu- soon come when some one will have a today had garnered the majority of tacit during' the reading Job building new ones of. tb44 first sands of Oklahomans and Kansans, be- lating the people to still higher hopes. Then every prizes at -the Chicago International lesson. came- known, lynch threats flared 'at Xt Is a time for tempered optimism, of one will be quite tri1ppy, since it is Grain Show and Livestock Expocition. e afternoon more Rev. Canon Jeaklns. the rector, had Wlichl.ta., During.th -course. for It must be recognized 'that Only the work that Is needed, not the Keen judges in'the gran and 93ed just risen. and commenced to read than 2,000 Wichitans manned 500 auto- >R world that has been so sick must pigs and wheat and shops and houses classes awarded DOMInift exhibitors when Mr. Manning collapsed In his mobiles ready to dash out and seize-, vonvaleace more or less slowly and and,ships.-Fort WlHiam Times -Jour, 12 crowns in 21 classes competed in he officers. A rope seat unconscious. Other worshippers Wisdom from it c our progress depends largely upon the nal. I The United States took nine. In the and the ushers carried' him out ad dangled from one car. progress made In the world at large.- wheat, oats, flax, corn - field peas, rye rushed him In a motor car to St. • When the ..PrIsQner's •whereabouts' -WartitIme Merchant. Two Million Dollar Crop corn and alfalfa classes, ranada male Jcsseoh'i Hospital, but physicians'pro - definitely became known to-night the ..... The -lowly sugar beet has been a a clean sweep. counted him dead. mob moved into OkbOomaL, deter - •: Agriculture Comes First ..saver" for the agriculturist& of this Isaakson'a :.ample of hard rid Gravely' concerned ' Canon Jeakins mined to get the prisoner. Mining Is a wasting Industry and ag- and other counties during many years Spring wheat. took first Place in-c9m- continued the service, to be handed a ztcultur;e Is a buildlug-up, procest. The when cash crops have been scarce; petition with samples of 78 other ax. note soon after. iforming him, of Mr. o 5 2nInsr extracts that the hibit r Manning's death. ­ With eyes tear- the mineral . wealth and when It is considered trow the earth's Interior and goes on Canada and Dominion Sugar Company Alberta exhibitors 'picked ap'�the' dimmed the rector proceeded. too will pay out In the neighborhood of The Markets leaving.& despoiled area behind him majority of the championships won ShAken to mention In big subsequent -save far the possibility of conversion two million dollars to the growers with a total of six and prizes in 4C, sermon the, tragedy that nearly all raising bests for the 'Chatham and - - r awards. Ontario Juto agricultural lands or forests, P mine PRODUCE PRICES. ro. entreats were aware of. per agricultural mathodi. Improve Wallacebarg factories this year. It -is placed second, with two champion- Mr. meaning was one of the -imost Poultry buying Aandi and maintain and increase ter- easily seen what this Industry means prices i ships. The eastern province, however, prominent members of XJwants Club, Poultry,- A grade, A;iVeL-m-8Pr1nA tility with the , passage of alms,. A to the people in general in this com led -all other provinces in total grain Interested himself especially In *the chickens, over 6 lbs.,'Ilc; over 5 to country dependent exclusively ou,mla- .10ugity-.-Chatham News. show awards with 127 prizes to b•,r work of underprivileid boyso and -him- 6 lbs., 10c;'over 4 to 5 lbs., 9c; over a Broilers, over 1% to Ing faces vi In vitableP, extinditlon. one credit. sit was sk "big brother" to half a dozen. 2 to 4 lbs., dependent on age iculture can be. at New - Use FOr Potatoes Ontario toned to corn to mark up He was prominent also in the London 2 lbs.. 10c. Fatted bens, ever 5 tbi..- 3eaat assured of continued 'nee Word comes from Dublin that "an 10c.; over 4 to 5 lbs., 9c;. over 3% to existence Hunt Club an duntil. his health failed and abunda:uce of food. In every Industrial alcohol. to be used as, fuel the majority of her wine. For one about thre years ago was an active 4 lbs, 7c; over 3 to 3% lbs., 6c. Old of the few times in corn history, a roosters, cover 5 lbs., 6c. Domestic great nation's economy agriculture's' for motor care as well as In dyes, beat- golfer. In his younger days In his ciunior exhibitor from Ontario. D. I rabbits, over 4 lbs. 6c. White duck- place comes ahead of that 'at mining. Ing and lighting, has' been develop - t' home town, Brampton, and in Toronto, lings. over 5 lbs., 8c; do, 4 to 6 Ste.. ;Food production I's mankind's primary from potatoes and will be made a Weaver of Turn'�rvfllei pieced first M region one over farming . � masters of where he was stationed with the Do. 6c. occupation. - When' food supplies fall government monopoly." The estimated the United States and Canada. minion Bank, he was a'star hockey - Poultry, A giade, dressed- . Spring all else is. valdeless.-C41gary Herald. production cost Is sixpence a gallon. A select coterie of cattle breeders player. - chickens, ,-7er 6 lbs, 15c; over - 5 to 6 The potato Is a lowly vegetable. but from Quebe, and Ontario alt but state He bad been with 'the Dominica lbs., l4c.; over 4 to 5 -Ibs,.13c; over 2 there certainly is nothing lowly -about Canadian Banks -Broilers, over 1% to 2 Bank for 27 years. and prior to coming t,, 4 lbs 12c. a development which holds out's-tich the show at the livestock exposition. to London as manager in 19r2l -he was lbs- 15c. Fatted hers, over 5 lbs, There Is no need to elaborate oil the Immense possib,111ties'. It is just One Akmander NlacLaren of Puckinghern, stationed. at Brampton, St. Thomas, 12c' over 4 to 5 16s., 11c; over 3% to -ing Toronto, Dresden, Orillia, Huntsville 4 lbs., 9c; over 8 to aw lbs., 8c. O'd standing of the banks In Canada. True, snore evIdonce of the I�emarkable ad. Que., climaxed the brilliant sho4a Ithey are criticized, As are all banks vances being made . tu-1*clentific re• by winning two grand c-bampionships, and St. Catharines. Surviving him ate rkusters; over 5 lbs., Be. Domestic In all countries, But they have open• search In these amazing two reserve ezowns and 14 outer hls wife. one sister, Mrs. S. F. Sloane rabbits, ov,,r 4 lbs,, 12c. White du-k- awards, ificlud' ► three -first5. onturi,, D . W. tinge, over 5 lbs -lit; do, 4- to S ib.3., ..,ed their doors every morning every. lax Herald, I . - I - I of 'Toronto. and two brothers r banking day through' the greatest do. !exhihif&;a.Wj I '�h G. Manning. of Hamilton and Fred 9c. Colored, 2c lbs. Young turkeys, 41shed a. record w over 3 tbs., 15c. -Young geese, 8 te ZoVession in the world's history, and .-IrM E E M PI R-E' `*-s�wi;ds in .3.1 classes from 58 aninials, Manning of Wtnnlpeg.� Tuesday morn- 13 lbs., 9c. Guinea fowl, per pair, 7*-"1 - that gin almost every.-. *,-,��Ttrs tesson, of 4914 exhibited. Ing his funeral services will be heljl B grade poultry -2c less tliar. A er tictsm that cool It is probably true that no one'tii, in the church In which be died, and In, C grade -2c less than B. �them.• The banke4. of Canada have Qreat Britain either wants war - or Strike Causes SUfferling' terment will be in Hamilton. WHOLESALE PROVISIONS accepted as their first duty.the sate- thinks that war is a good thing. The tl Amonpt Idle Horses Wholesale provision dealers . jaf guamUng of their depositors' money, old view, openly expressed. by. very- land they bave,kept their banks col- distinguished people before 1914, that Port Arthur, Dec. 10. -The Pigeon quoting the following prices to retail vent.- Financial News. war 'is not only necessary but desir' River Company, one of the lumber Another Canadian dealers: Title Pork-Hams, l3c; shoulders', l3k.- able- and a * tonic for the nation,. did firms Involved in this present wide - -oins, 14Y.-, of. Wheat T e butts, 12Yre; pork I Northern,.Land Settlement not long survive the' touch of reality.' spread strike of timber-cutters. dis- Chicago. -Frank Isackson of Elfros, nits, 9%c. will It was one of the earliest closed tonight that it had complain. S#sk., was. chosen wheat king of -e. tierces. The settlement of the claybelt British Lard -Pure. It ' hiwal$ be made by townspeople from casualties of the Great War, and -.its ed to the Society -for the Prevention, North America by grain a ad bay i1c; pails, ll%.c; prints, 111sc. Shortening-Tierces., 9%c; UIA e. They haven't 'resurrection in this country is unlike. of Cruelty to Antrhals that a strike juaggs at the International Old Ontario or elsewhere. Livestock . toe; pails, 11c; prints, 10%c. ,tire background, the experience, the ly.-Econo�nlst (London). committee airCd picketeers were bar* Exposition here. ring Its newly-shod . horses from b. John D.'Patterson of Richmond Hill, ..Stf%Qf&ing with little. The--iban who 0 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS.. ",does Wt find, contentment In clearing The Spirit of Canad Steers, up -to 1,050 lbs., good al-d a taining exercise. The horses have On't, showed the champion fat south- -.land. In seeing hip little fields gradual. - Dominion status, which Is primarily ' - * been In their stable for the 'past two doyvn wether. Jess C. Audorews, Wist.- choice, $3.75 to $4.25; do, mad $3 W ly grow, and who lads It hardship to the product of 1parladlau. conditions, to and a half weeks,'and one has died Point, Ind, won reserve honors. $3,50; do. com. $2-to ;2.75; steer-;. )s., and cl�oice, #4.25 live in a pitialtive way for a while essential since the -stable was padlocked. Pardus scored another champion. oer, 1,050 1, do for the north. The work is the esse I basis upon which the � -­ -- I i I bar. to $4.75; do, med., 13.50 to $4; • Canadian people combine a- genuffie ship with a pen of tat.Berkabire . com $2.50 W $3.25; heifers, good and- hard�'tbe`. i0inte'ra 'are long and paU- t cows. The University of, Minnesota ence and optirpi I sm are needed.-Sault loyalty �o the British Crown with -a Storm", Warnws Ou choice, $3.75 to $4.25; do,,med., $3 tt passionate belief to their own national stowed. the champion fat Poland- $3.50; do,.com, $2 to $2.75; fed car•oo, rrow. ea.. Star. destiny., Canada, we must remember, For Two Lo'wer LAket' China ba' d and choice, $6.2o, to $7; do, n goo has been settled a long time, accord. Cleve'and, .Dec,- 10. -- -Northwest Grain. and bay Judges. Picked Leon- $4 to $6; cows, good, $2.60 to $2.75; Across the Border U ins to the standards of the New World. storrii warnings for Lake Erie and and Stuart, Lexington, Nebraska, as do med., $2 to $125; do, com., $1 It yon would like to know about one Few of her people,'even among thoso Lake Oniari6 were Issued at-10 p,m,,- alfalfa champion. to $2; canners and cutters, 75c t1c iiiiani $1.25; bulls, good, $2 to $2;25; do, of the dodg6s over the border which of -bricish stock, can acknowledge the FI.S•T.; by the United - States Weath- Another Canadian grower, W D $1.75; stockers ane enables crooks to escape punishment Mother' Country. as the land of their. er Bureau here,• Storm warning% Rogeris of Tappen, B.C., wou second (;()m.. $1.50 1:4 % for'tbetr misdeeds, consider the-pligb t birtb. Canada Is, . th?rekor-e, British in also were displayed on 'the � upper place. feeder steers, good,,$2.75 .c $3..5; do, of Mrs. Clara Alt, of Clilicago. Mrs - - , , Isackson won With hard red spring com., $2 to $2.50; milkers and -spring- * spirit not so much because tier: ciLl.. lakes. The Weather Bureau said to $40;' 'Calves, good and Alt's home' was bbrglarized in 1928. zen3 f the "Reward" variety. Ro• erg, $25 have even an ancestral love of winds will become stronr, northwest • Y01 eu -t. 0. choice, veals, $6.50 to ;7.50; do, cunt. Twenty.' times since then Mii. Alt has Great Brital'a . as, -because GMt . 13d. oin Lake Erie to-Tilght; -and en - Lakp sers grows. the minium - train, of dur- and med., $3.50 to'$6.26; grassers, . .. I um wheat. Isacksou's wheat weighed. . I gone to court• prepared to :testify 'gill has eudu',wed her with enduring Ontario to-morrow to $2.50; -hogs, bacoTi, f.o.b., $5 40, do a aiiaikt- the men who bav t 66.6-potiuds a .bushel.. The grain Ro, 96 g 6 been institutious.-H. 'V. Hodson. in The ­-­7­7 0 . . . .... - . - ()ff trtucks, 46.70; d6, off cars, * , Charged with the- crime; and es"ch- Montreal -Torcrtto Flier Hers showed weighed 66,1. good ewe and- ether lambs, $7,50 tc,. A Vide the case has .beet contiuQed,.au luck ' son succeed ' ed another Cana. $7,75; do, - med.,. $6.75. to .#1�25; d6; th4a Mrs. Aft has had the fun at g�tug Kills Woman 'at Ste'. Annes (Ijau wheat ruler, kie�riiau 'Trelie'of bucks, $5.75 to $6.50; do, culls, ''to the court bouse'20 times for voth• Eitate y Site. -Anbe de: 'EfellevuC. TVA,.. D * �od' light, $2.50 to $3; of Niscount Gre te. Wembley, All!!­!y4o had yron.tbe title .to. k6;-sbeepi 4 10. -MiAaking the M(intreal-Torontn $9 fb $2.56- -d6,- clills, V -log. . The . uthet day - a new hearing three times ilud was ruled out of the, do, heavies, a- i6n­ tb Is' was scheduled.- Mrs.- Alt was on a Valued at (123,791 expreis.'ror-a-,Iocal train wh.I.Oi stops ruiming, f67r th E i year. to 0.50. L I mans committee to welcome Mrs., Lunduii. i)v(: IO-Plobate SWQ1d'LtY 't this station, Mrs, Edith Lyles, 60 •'-.Roosevelt to -the World's Fair, so she of she NN.1 I' of the-late Visconut -G1:CY-'of ..Montreal . dashed ar-Tocts. - the didn't-so to court. She was sent for of Fallod(,n showed an estate vale: d tracks here in an effmr In ranch th c I'wi otight to eh(A)se both physician No evil propensity of the 'human, and' flued $IT for stayMir away.- at _£12, ^,,791, the bulh, of which, was station' vlaitnern, was striii•l; bv OP and friend, t-ot the most agreeable, heart is so powerful that it may trot ­rGuelph Meroucy. bequeathed to, a nentfew. -express and- instantly 1011nd but' rhc•111DS-- useful. =Epicl etus. be -subdued by aiscipline.-:-Se-re'es. F+-' - %'rr'.i7'. - ..i. - .; %..ai' :;k. r� •:t+^ .. .,� : *p ,.'�a * r ' . -•-.,' „�'t•"'• .�.Ir S .41 z., = -Mu Knows e Trees � the w rlllekers ding to the woodbl" sway- eP And shout- -their praise of purple • ! • a seeds; • Y Fields are bronze, and little deeps a -� -� -Wear crimson sumac fringes. From rocky .ledge a gulden bush - . e the - S�f► __ haunts gay defiance to the charge chat beauty is no more-- -- — - -- Money..,. Since now it is November! Foothills wear the misty scarfs I - ' fi ' That rose and silver clouds discard ` When autumn sunset fades into g� ` The wide blue silence of the night; too. r And those who know the hearts. of trees- See folded hands, - ,. • e- .� :•a `i; - And listening Us" so who know ail sake-- �looii -tour owaers' thins or two. am smold°g Turret lFiase Cut risers days. QsI►a hear their gentle'breathfag, a Ewer of sI4, they waal the best cigarettes- they tea roll.- Nes4; -Who loves the flicker an the vine, they want to get - x"vssba o fiwtBeirseaarry': And lastly, they The bronze of Held; - want Poke fineds to exchange for ralaabialrss Gifts - w they , "= -1Phe crimson fringe smoke Turret Ftshe Cut because it's the one cigarette tobacco that And golden bush; :. gives them ail three advantages. Try a pacitage of Turret Fine Cat : Who sees the folded hands today - you'll t?ke its atild, cool ttagtaaa. . And hears soft sleeping _ -... In the wide blue night- �. - _ T et Bees beauty in November. .11t pays to Roll Yo Own es with -Carolina Lawrence Dier.. _ • vVERpb _ -- *� Clean Press _Alidvocated Hong Kong. -Wben the South ..T.U-R'RET Cbfna Pressmen Assocfatloa.,reeenf- _ lr held its second annual meeting in F N E V U T Canton, members of thq Canton Gov y; 900--yo can r^ 4 q c 4rGment dwelt at length on the im- . CIGARETTE TOBACCO of out PO Head CD - lortance sad responsibility of journalists' to enlighten the mesa of -. .. : �S A V E T H E E. 'POKER HANDS ,ate et cise,i�d °'f "Vague apex Ir to . &e Chinese • people, to. constructive . P aP� - lF direct public opinion', and to eo- topwl l Tobacco toaooear of Cards, Ilmksed - - - etchings for me compim set of Poker Handal _ eierate with the Government in the _ }. 4sttoreement of Its three -year plan. Xr. Cbeuag Yuen -fang, director of the _ 7- mically to "ccompany some musical Classified Ado ltiaaiUpal. Bureau . oL Social Ails Ire ,�� advised the newspaper men not to T�A�1�C I f�P�P5510f�5 • instrument - All day the streets were enlivened ��'BIa7t'Pt. publish sensational items that apt _ —�-� �-- 1M"""'f with fife- anddrum and brass hands N OSSES Tai D'pltR! iN7>;RAIti'oR. _''..- .. peal to the baser instfaets, _- - �. - _ _ which marched up and down aceom- ,� :List of wsat� terentfoas aaa full / panted by the usual admiring follow - pmaaoYrnu World neat rtes !Ju 3'. Casa. illu+ C!lAGI� irv7 " - - t • ere. It was ty noisy but a gay _night 8tres4 Ottawa. tea O°ya [3ao>r _.._ _ _ _�-�•_ . ± ; . 1 and 1 do not know where such a eels- - �_ _ - -- - a•axvs W, XTIl a: P ' � V j �� bration would be seen elsewhere. One _ "1. - _ „- thing seemed to be taboo, that was t1Ee F OR FAST BSLLilr'¢ WOK. "Tiif0 _ - - n wearing ni women's clothes by men - Hieroglyphics of!, the ,Heavens." Evan ; elicaa - astronomical. Prim i' 04. A tJs:q"' Service 1Rswisr.i b ei. ar s at lesat clothing of whitli the skirts Commission one - third. Address: A;erta Y Hospital for MA ��• i I saw an amusing st lit ;ta Ave., Toronto. _ Fnf�EO ; were very short, Tares" - = . ti °' is r i quartette of men, two of which bad' MAya811113113K Wya,•a A Queen's Birthday, in Holland L,' e" such a costume as I have described, Three �yee sine ttur Sospftal lac coming down the principal street,of » selling PI iAu aioAtTllL1 ales Chtldtem- Taconto ---tar ptaatev }� wir Duylei Jute Ha Ca' ft k =.. Wilhelmlaa. Queen of -the Nether- _. _�... - - Amsterdam. They were creating much Wifts, wire, af,oaa ll6i. Brothers Co.. Lo.pltal Ia Canada. for ehtidreo oofy lands, was Corsi on An st 31 1880 Box W, Essex. Ont. Ustatively started a awvfoe w be 6u attention and laughter, but this, appar- known as "far Parente' Personal and my party sad I had the privilege dre you lOOe W tqs a0methiag Service." % p different to the Way of eaNrtaln• ent]F. did not please a portly police ` This mesas that tar Saspftsr art of being in both Amsterdam and The ,meat for ,roar ehtirch, soedety, officer, who came pufllag after them •Oaras a=il tl�ssa>trasais Rasraii. aside • �samte stare. .ills her Hague during the Iasi celebration of dub or taatitnts! and escorted them td the nearest po- ?mf'� RUSSIAN AND GJFRMAN rteaocmpha' tar the sadvstve use this interesting vent. Never have I 1 Government bonds and ourrenctse _.' et the parents. to order that ? g Caps, I#'. IL Reid. the well -tnown lice station. wanted: prevfdvs prices are douiisd" alghs have a dire" and latlmate seen a birthday eels aratlan lice !t. traveller, who has been amtribut' We left for the Hague after_ lunch David Darts, lag Queen Street Feak souse at lnrarmatfan re their ethll- The last king of the Netherlands- U2 the series Of artielas to this I and on the way saw .many processions, Toronto ,'dream not Only as to she aibum'I for William III. -died in 1890, when Wig some of them being school children led " which they were admlttrd, but Vas paper. ender the heading of "Tsavat ` litty tadlvtdttal eanditlona n to helmina was oniy-i:0 year's o: age. By tatpressfons." bas what is. perhaps, by the tiniest tots and their teachers. misty Movefmber day4 but 'at any dal eseefortfag to talk with. o write a law, passed in 1884, she succeeded the truest collection at 8lnropean Others were ftoraj parades, with dec- in spring or autumn the scene should ? and chat with ttwlrl n� Uses � to the throde tinder the regency of her views in the wut 7. Pfoturss ore"' vehicles of every description. be famous as a . very - bit of `tabs who can tell them how he loofa„ and mother -the present Queen-Mother taken with 65- pwa tamers, beau* i In all of these, the orange color was England. - aswmsr shah questions � s he Emma. William III. had been married tally coioared.. showing tome of the it prominently diupayed. At The Hague to thr °p of sit before, but his Three sons had prede the same type of' celebration we saw rtt rotas us sad fret? Does be W" with out-of-the-way places. sa well u �� �H : ahhse obltdten? sad so oil, downs ceased him aild. until the birth of his I in Amsterdam was In >gmss;. one of me aaxfous mVu1�p,, and s daughter, the succession was is grave the localities! about which yon have dpi much to the Dome tank, " they uve read and beard. Portugal. Spain, �iY the parks had orange Cello a strung 1n. the City they may sas and tea to doubt. .When' Queen Wir eights at- under the archet�treee, and in i> d. of BUM A l�liili'1. ber say hour, rained her mhjorlty, In her eighteenth J ranee, Jugoslavia, .Switzerland, Austria. the Royal Palace a mflttary band was To-day. the Mospital's officials re- Jtlgoalavia, Eitiagary, Czechoslo year, the regency of her mother sad - •rendering a floe concert. The car- gard axis • Service with pride, as It rakia, Germany. Holland. Belgium Neveals the spirit the th�� ed. In 1901 she married Henry, -Duke 3IId British Isles are Included In tumes here were possibly more theat- wotnajes Mgestive Troubles supplying, as •!t does, the human of Mcklenburg- Schwerin. who assumed ;his-unique rical in type but everybody seemed to Everyone who is subject to any form touch that sets It a troth a mere the title of Prince Consort. Princess collection. enjoy themselves in an unaffected of fndlgestfou should know of this x+patt factacy sad -shows it se s For particulars regardlug this, sot only of hsaung. but of Juliana, the belress to the-.throne. was way.. In contrast to our joyous errs. woman's experiences. Advice from �ommnaicate with Captain Reid at n8 one who has had such severe attacks =.:• sympathy aYid uaderataadfas towards tom in 1909. - - ales!, everything was quiet to be. - , !re parents Just a little more history. the"" Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street: West, fore midnight; the streets were de - As the Hospital takes m children roroato 1e advice worth having, She writes: � �7 corner of amps �- Ing family of Holland belongs to the ! serted and the gay throngs had gee Ill. suffered from -Indigestion, gas$ withstanding that some of the latter House of Orange, which, provided one ; . to their hbmes, possibly to .continue ribs and constipation, and was so t n ,sties now have a hosplw of their of our kings, in the person of William- member, ever seeing so many actor• the observance of the holiday ind_pors. very i11, •i had (on medical advice) to own' this has Increased the Rospitars III who married his cousin 'Mary, dions or concertinas s t aw on that Next week's article will take you. to r i correspondence Immensely. a �§ live on soda blscuita •,and -milk for I A look at the file for this Service, daughter of James II., and later de- day; little children, surrouad-ed by an Auld Reekie. as Edinburgh is affection- three months. Well, a friend advised .however, shows bow worth -while the posed his father -in -law. The House admiring crowd, would `•4 sitting uti• at?ly called. me to take Kruschen, and now I am thousands has proved; There are of Orange takes its name from a small der the store windows thousands of letters, Intensely human ,young cof�►vy, - pleased to say my troubles are en eacument4o from Parents A play- principality, now included is the seemed to appeal to' the sentiment oA I can eat and enjoy a with- . wright would consider'lt a rich field French Department of Vauchese. The the crowd as they, more than others, a .:. - ��TEII! EngWadot out an* patual - effects, my skin Z% contains ready-m>i4s blocks of rulers of this principality -date their attracted mone from th • sympathetic •. is clearer -in fact. quite clear -and assorted emotions for the -;ilia&. of y It is an aid —and insoluble— u9s dramas -cove, pity, longing, anxiety, history back to the days of Charle- listeners to' their music. 'All along R there is no sign of constipation. I '• �� a =. e--&U faith. tko�exaltation ca�gratti- magne- William (surnamed °the Cor•, the -curb booths were set up -there tiun: which is the . fairest yiAage or would 'advise* anyone, suffering the tud ,ecmn. net "); who lived in the 8th century, seemed to be a permit necessary for scene.in England. observes the Lon- same to take Kruscheu." - (Mrs.) t The nuns, tq charge of this Service - being_ said to be the first of the line. these as I overheard nowt disputes- . don Spectator. He would be a brave a. naturally Immensely popular with Philibert _(150U -1630) was. a great 'war- !n which the police were called to eel• roan who dared to pronounce a- yer- The immediate effect of the six salts + the children. They look to bet, for dirt; -but I would take m routs newb from home. Tb the* parents, rior and statesman and stood high in tle. These booths sold noise - malting y g- in Kruschen is to promot a natural also, she Is a very real person, though the favor of Charles Y., the emperor - contriganees, candies, orange 'decora- in'nay ta'o hands and suggest that at flow of the digestive and other vital they may saves. have even her, sad who ruled over the greater part of Eur- tions, etc., and seethe I to be doing a this hour of the year when the foliage juices of the body. Soon after you A soma M to her after their children am home. Neither do the children ope. For his services this Philtbert' thriving trade. One articular noise of botlh beech and horse chestnut is start on Kruscbeu you will find that '' ,* target her, ss the concluding sentence. was given the territory known as the maker that most of the children carp at its summit. of splendor -yo*, could on are'able to enjoy your food without ''', mbntha, shows Ichave. jjussttefinni h Netherland, which at that time in- tied was a long.stick with a crossbar scarcely surpass Stanway on the road and-distressing after - effects. And As �•;^_` `et ad my homework, and I am very eluded what is now Befgiutil as well." on, the top. Attached to this were from Stow -in- the -Wold to Tewkesbury you persevere with the "little- daily -- tired and I just wrote this letter -to Thp, dynasty has not come down in pieces of tin which rattled as they -for you must approac;t. from the dose," .. yqu will see _that the relief see what you are doing., Goodnight and 13od bless you." This last, no a direct line, but the people of Holland' struck the stick nn, the sidewalk and, east for the full effects which Kfuseben brings is lasiing relief 4 doubt.-was prompted by a grateful are very much devoted to their.dettto- ..to make more noise, they ,would beat You come over the crown of 6he mother. cratic• rulers, who-live in the simplest the contrivance with a smaller stick;' hill under the beeches, as at the first The British . research ship_ Discov. . boy�evcceaea�fu�ly, tteatedelf Inlaat little fashion and have the . welfare of their sometimes this would ho done rbyth- vi' of Broadway,. which perhaps is cry ,II, has !:lived for the Antarctic Paralysis,, who thought longingly of people at heart. 7 _ _.. .... - - - - -- gruel ally considered the loyeliset, oil- put g home white in the Hospital, and of y to resume efforts to set the whrl:n :' P Eari in the morning of the 31st of W Hospital friends when discharged. lage. But here the trees do not cease. indu =try on r seimtific bnsir. _ . `Just a line to let you know bow I August the streets are alit a with pro- The broad 'belt bends, as Hazlitt de- : = - ` _ . _ . _ • i' am. 1dy, leg Is all better sow. I can ale celelbratiug their national hall - sired. a road to bend, ill a great' se-* It takes 2,000 silkworms to .produce walk quiusts, well now. i am glad to day. Fplk come in from the country be hoe, but I am still lonesome for ductive curve; and just note there is one' pound of -silk. The Hospital. I will soon be able to and from the fishing villages dressed P g scarcely a hint in brown, yellow attd on walk good. How Is Herby now? Is -in their characteristic local costumes, AF' 1 ER .i0 red that is ntis�ing on the spacious be gone to'Thi'stletown yet? This is " -- for the costume of each part of Hol•. propp (Lthe,itrat dare I. have written a letter • screen. On the left a sweep of very• f0 with • pert and ink. wen, I ;seers land is distinctive and quite different, Scotts Emulsiolt if O teat Comfort. �t teen grass is broken b sin ie .tree_ O w .111 close now," I The buildings are gay with flags and fi g ` thcgEn list: ` An Institution that is not content bunting and on each flagstaff, in addi- which are the Bence o. , g , 1� WITH to heal only, but -feels for the.-dis- warms, strengthens, Park. The spot is_.within.. the area ♦ (�P WITH , tressed parents to the extent of set- tion to the•Dutch "flag, there is a long snriehesthe,blood. G�V` ' Ling aside a graduate nurse and her '.Treamer of orange colored bunting. of the Cotswold stone which provides ./ stenographer solely for, the purpose The celebration is 1 eombiata'tion of The emulsifying a roof that no Gothic artist could ex- •° ; - or iigiitening their anxiety, must cel-- and .i-n -the net hborhood as we. ?aacakEn in the hearts or all a "de §TtY oUt Twelfth of• July ant', HaIlowe'en. process makes it + g 10 het support that. Institution. rejoiced .to,see •the old-local-stuff anvl P PPo The people all wear orange ribbons or easy to digest. ' . . . i.th • year showed a great increase stone are being used for new hous <s - to the number of patients treated. I -0 range bntton9 and the' streets are ThG accident that this autumn the •• ,.• -•The- revenues fell far short- of the I full of folk in tantastic,eoalumes; softie •'• • :;� actual cost. Public benevolence must with their faces colored, blue being the beeches were lighter.- and v_ivider, ;n Dr. D. D. Dennis' Liquid Pracrip- make 'up the difference,. Coutribu- 'chief -color. used, although red, yellow hue than «as their wont, that the lion- . Made and guaranteed by the_ tiona - of any amount are received' with gratitude, and every damnation and black were also mncli in ev-idence, 9 chestnuts had turned. but not lost- mikers of Campana's Marian Baim. 1s erkr.nwledged by mail and pub- This is onP c.a_y i•i Iht: dear 'When beg- their - leaves.. t6t'the ash trees wen, Trial bottfe85eat your druggist. 14 ecnd�ca�e of "The he 3rrretn Treasurer, gars of every description are allowed still green, and the etms•-.roth green - Hospital for Sick rhtidrew e7 Col- to solicit and itinerant full is iau�. met_ and - yellow; n ay have- exaggerated the e ,-eP.trr :t. r•,;•,n ;, •, RICH 1 IT MIN r. , - ' r :; une•as t�Nry. iF;. t, jw. 1 ,li•t -trot, re- imprct?.ion on that bpih• unny end ISSUE NO. r30— 33 I-��:5':'��' '�.` -"i'' ^ +i'�'= •T!"`' '- �:•�,'%."vt >' t�LA r.- a „y.- •-y--�. ��� �.��k.:+'mMt'.,,i -� r. � � - - � �:- : _� ,Ir„ _ :'.,,,X -a'3° _ .d"A,� _ _ .,ffi•�; ..P.`�" �?! '+.-er'a -n .:�ie�, �T0/ .: ,...�s ro�'.'}pr. •ea'?if% -'s;� ..uir;.`,. ... �4x.r:.a. -• - •�1�q'. 1s�'.?". - - ' - - . ♦ ' f. • ' � >T - s _,�," :a". -ro ,7 ,. ,✓ '^,1.�a. 9,n 'l:+'ai ` 9.' .'1 .M,� i - �qe °2M^'•,/,' .•°-ia •+• .CY Wb.r F h + r' -°'•_ ;�.•y4.,,, ,, L `6 c3"!- . S 4' - .Y ayy..,. 'r,' •t'.. - •:•!1 •t - °wc•".r�.: r I'aG n T vY .*.. 7Y •. - :'•+, :yam,., iy - y :''_ . A!T �M•` '�- 's:u,' , w ' ✓. `4w ix je !'• ik, _ n'^' ''""� -. ,�.i.••�•�'"''�..*�fti n:L•. ±c ,•tr ':S• -. .t- "`�"�+, rr -✓ _ p- ..c'•S' <� ep •:+. ,ice •w ... "_'�.:,. '•}�_.. ♦ ., ��'�'. 4. n` •rt �'.' _ $•, . - . -'�.:. ..•- :•s^.' .'.�.. s'.�•t''' {�', .Tim'... -+.M 'r ". - i., y, .,.-.! - ;� ✓ y • I• •14 w — y,::¢LOCALISMB• — Arthur and hfrg.. Boyer spent— —The York County Council has -a day last'week witt their daugh• raised the fee for hawkers and s ter, lure Franklin, of Port Perry: peddlers from $50 to $100 for a _ ♦ —H. J. Clark, Ch%Ak Marquis —Miss Norinae McGinty, who elnRle vehicle. pe aad Lyle Ramsay and three child• has been in the Oshawa General —Mrs. Wm, Burt, of Toronto, Hospital for some time has return. who was reported serious] ill last ><eu, of Toronto, visited with W.. p p y �vh -�� " ad to Pickering. aad is now in the week with double pneumonia, a "' x :7J: and lilies. Clark on Bonds i plokermg's Leader Store" pp It is reported; that the Shell care of Mrs; Jas. Ring at the Iat• now improving sad is.able to leave ' - %_"WGo -- -has -rented -the building ter *@ home. her bed. 3ora�errj occupied by Charles B. —Mre• Wilkie, of Nobleton,' —Mrs. P. Murphy, of Elizabeth - _ spent a few days - =; . Bpencer, as • gaea�' and service 1?e ye here with her street, still continues in very poor elation. - daughter, Miss M. Wilkie. - assist 'health - suffering from heart Ladles The new Fruits for your Xmas —Mies Enid Knifton returned to sot teacher in the continuation trouble, We hope that she may Cake are here All fresh clean and her home-to Parry Bound last sebool, who had been; very ill, but. soon ,recover. s e '..gawk aftat sp wdin 6eversI is now improving. The township council will ' _eon tbst at the home of nor grand —The cold weather of the past hold 46+eir Snag meeting of ,the - V of beautiful quality. •" r- •aeotber: Mrs.' �. �iiordoD, • at the few days bAS given many motor- year to dad► (Friday), when they .. +IBocdoa Hoses. iste trouble in starting their cars, will prepare the floemcial state Puffed Seeded Raisins. Seedless Raieine,' Recleaned —Both the U. N. IL and the C. P. on account of not having changed merit for the year. Currants. _ i. report incise ed earnings over the heavy summer oil for the —The annual Christmas tree ` 4lle carne period last year. The lighter winter oil. And entertainment of the Sunday _Crosse &Blackwell Citron. Orange aad Lemon Pee[. _ - ~� — Cunsideriaa -the cold weather School ',.increased earnings are due to liof - c of the United Church is ' heavier loads of merchandise and the motor traffic on the highway being held in 8t. Andrew's- Church Glazed Cherries, Pineapples and various other fruits which other commodities. was quite heavy over the week this (Friday) evening. + make you cake just a little different. —Mrs. Charles Hutchings, w1lo end. There , was . considerable —The services of at; Andrew's :Shelled Walnuts and Alinonde. has been in poor health for some speeding resulting in a, number of Church will be conducted on'Stiu. time was taken to the Oahawa charges &being [aid against, the. day by the- pastor. Rev. Dr. Car- We hAVe enjoyed your "Xma3 Fruit" patron• - - = a General Hospital on Tuesday, for speeders. Michael, at 2 30 p, m. Sunday `:...examination. Her many friends —A cooteruptible -act of theft School• will be held at 1.30 o'clock. r age for a great nlany•'years, even roans who = hope for her ear recovery. occurred on Sunday evtvlina dur- All are welcome are. not regular customers, some to us for their ; —Kyrie and MW Southwell and ing the service : in the United —The senior members of tb# Xmas supplies, knowing that they. will re " meson, of Whitby, . Thus. and Mrs. Church, wben some person or 'tennis club. were entertained at' • ceiv�' the highest quality fruit on the market. Scarett and daughter, James arid peraous entered the baeement of the Toroutp home of A. E. and Corns to, as with confidence. _ Mrs _Oldrid and Mrs. $arry Rae•.- the church and stole a good new Mrs: Cylvert on Friday..evening We guacaotee.gaality. cliff. of Torunto. spent Sunday overcoat . 'belonging to Frank last.* A -delightful time was spent with Mrs. Harry Murdoch and Petrie. a pair of overshoes belong In bridge and social intercourse. lug to Leslie 'Morley and Fred T. —The coldest snap of the season S A M A N —As Christmas comes on Mon Bunting's scarf. They also took occurred on Saturday morning - day this year`the sUtdtea 'provide a rube' out of F. M. Chirriman s when the thermometer dropped'. s • 'that. the township nomioativas be car. There is no clue as to. who to zero. In Greenwoond and at w held on the Friday preceding, was the thief, other "more northern points of •'. which wilt be Dec. 22nd. The — Thnmas E. Lip -sey, is native of t_he township thermometerh regis � - ' 7 elections however, will be held on Pickering, ' died at his hone -is- tered six degrees below - zero, RUBBER ldbnday,Jan. 1st. Elora on Wednesday last. He which is quite cold enough for .L INS • as —St. George !& Church, Dec. 17tb, was a son. of the late John and -any one. The month of Dece fiber =y - -and Sunday in Advent—Sunda; Mrs. Lipsey: For a time he was 6nswever, hue #leers a' pleasant - School, 10 a. ire. Morriiag-Prayer. employed in the J. ,L�,.�� Spiak's moritb•so far. _t1'CIAL .11. Evening Prayer. 7. The an- Flonring Mill, but a•ha•!t fifty _The annual Chri.atma.a tree ea w: Waal Soudan School Christmas years ago moved to lure, whore- and entertAinnleaE of the,' S-rnday s tree and social of St. Georaa's Sun he hits eves since resided.. He Sc•bool of St. Andrew's Char�.b -. day Sebooi aill-be lfeid on-Friday, took an active part in -public win be h -ld in the A. Y. P. A. M ll - - Dec 22od..i•r the Clnb Roi,m? - affairs, having been reeve of ruom� rrr3 ThtiredRp evening netrt -The Wwveu'a Institute have Elurafor eight year-r, and fur a Dec, 21st. BRntaCI us. bas prom- tor as le osevers patch work quilts ntlruber of yeeiry be %'as chairman iced to be present to distribute which will make very -Useful- Arid of the Hydro•Elect-rie Comaiiision Rifts to the children of the School. ' attractive Christmas gifts. These after its inception 19- years A1101 An iatereatina program is being �_- art on display. At C,. A. Sterritt's He was chairman of the managing prepared.. Refreshments will- be - store. They are well designed and hoard of Kuox Presbyterian -- ser-7pd and a pleasant social time. ! carefully made. and prised to suit Church, had for forty' years was agent be'spent. +. Men's 5 Eyelet Sohd Rubber " tbs those. Proceeds are in aid of connected with choir work. He —The work of flllion in the C _ the relief food. is all by his widow and one ditches alongside tbs pavement _ �aT --The Toronto papers carried daughter, also two grand children. . _ - week -the announcement that —The weekly meeting of the on No. 7 Highway, and widening the pavement from Toronto to - - .. ` eybil'e Volunteers Belle" had L'. Y. P. S. was held Wednesday —`, - evening last in 9t. Andrew's S. S. township has begun in 8carboro • :.Thit- week only i�► Iron shied place in the Dominion, townebip just , -wit of the city. ' la the R. O. P. for the summer with aD attendance of 4& The Two hnodred men %re said to be - `L saoDghe in the 4 ear-old class with weeting was in charge of Margaret While klle l � _ y angaged. }n this wore at preseni. - - _' 9606 Me. of milk and 481 Iba. of Westoey and Cecil Lockwood, which will help materially in trotter fat In 806 days. She is Christian Fellowship Conveners, easing up the dnemoloymeot situ- - :. •. owned by F. M. Chapman. The meeting opened with a byran ation. When this work is mm _ -- -The regular meeting of the and prayer by Rev. Mr, Crozier. pleted it should be the means. of - Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will be The Vice-Pres.. Jack Chapman. preeeating_a number of motor - - Dee. occupied the chair and conducted _ - held on Thursday afternoon. accidents. - - - will, on on at S o'clock, In • the_ A. Y. P. the bueineeeperiod. - The speaker IL Cinb Roorrlx. The ladies are for the evening was J..C. ender. —Rev. H. G. Crozier ' - ' _ .• _asked to please note the change in '+oe. • Oshawa Y. P.. Pros.' MigP Sunday morning, continue his _ the day of meeting. As this will Kash To m @, of Dnnbartoo, Nang series of sermons on tbs. Com• 'Fred T Fu�iting = Pickering be the election of oflcers for 1934, two love] solos and Wilfred Mon• mandinents. preaching on the • a good attendance is requested, nay gave the topic on "Peace and +xrond•'Cnolandment, wbich -coc- — Nt,rmaa Irwin. 'of the Kina• Goada'il}." Gordon Lockwood damns the sin of idolatry. Thi%91,K ,Radio Licensee Established 1857. act will have its ton Road East, Was one of s anm played two violin er,lnq, ric•c -bell• j. application to •_ ber of aviators who spent Holiday pied by Mrs. F. Chester. Gererl• the problemQ "of the dap. At tli^ :and Tuesday at arching . for the, dine Bath also saoa w slolo and the "vening service the wibject-will be - CHOICE r' two airmen, Bert Ashley and Jack meeting was closed riitil the Mu. "ChriFf, in our Tbirti "s" Tb.s to ' the tinge whey peon le who Left Toronto -on nab Benediction, —Corn. p� le must get a i uadsy afternoon for Fort Erie, —The town of Whitby is greatly vision of their life's work. sod f and have not been seen since. It alarmed over the proposal of the apply'therrlselvex to, the teak be - T E 'R ,B E E `''!e thought that they have been Cit of.Tororito w dune fore them. Remember the Sunday y pit# @saver• School and Bittle Class at 10,00 r�lost somewhere in Lake Ontario. age into Lake Ontario near High- - .. . = a'c{txk Sunday roornirig.: - -- - —The annual meeting of the [and Creek. Whitby• claims that - - - - ` rt►tepayer@ of the village for the damping the a "overage into the —1 sad fatal peciderit occurred Round Bone- Shoulder Roa@t, - a . purpose of nominRtiog candidates lake at this point would contamin. on Monday afternoon at Fruitland, for the position of police .trustee 'ate the water . supply along the on the Big} -:ap, bear - Geiiiisby, - Short Rib Roast, _ .. .. - - _ - „ - 12c .;mot the -year 1984, and receiving lake froot &s- far ae -Whitby and ch - Mire Pe gy Smith. 14 glade Roast, blade out • .• ' _ lOc ' the $nageje atement and discua Oshawa and would effect fire ears old. a pupil in Saltfleet High ti eiog other anatte earn �_ ;•��. a U iar ei@t se these School, was struck by a card riven Steer Beef, 3 Ibe,for .:. .. 26c s_ the village, will be [ eid 'on Friday towns. They claim that the by James Rose, of Pickering. She evening. Dec. 22nd. 8bonld there health of -the residents and those ran from bebiod the xebool bus, Minced Steak, 3 lbs... 250 N be more than three candidates in residing at 'the Whitby ental and right in front of Mr. Rose's •. 20c'. g : the field, the election will be held Hospital. wbieb is the largest on car, which struck her with great IChoice Chickens, .. .. on Jan. let. the continent. would be affected_ force. She was rnabed to the Cooked Ham, -A special meetiog -of St And by the contaminated .water: The Hamilton General Hospital. where ..Spatial re*'iiLadies' Aid will be laeld at hummer resorts would &1110 Obe she died an hour after being ad• Pork Liver, 8 Me for .. :: .. :..: ::::,26c the borne of Mrs. Carmichael, at affected, not only in regard to matted. 'The - sccide+nt was love@• under All Meats kept und Electrical Wbitby, on Friday of this week, health. but the 'property would trgated by tw6 traffic officers, who - at 3- o'clock. All the • ladies are - depreciate very greatly iri were told by. eye- witneeeee that : ;Refrigeration. I.: - -- :sked to bring refreshments; and value. The council of Wbitby is Mr. Rose had no chance to avoid �►rq oleo reminded to bring their asking the Provincial" Government the accident, and thus did not - 1 ��.. diroecsleodare with them. Care proposal wlthhotd their consent to the hold Mr. Rose. The unfortunate E •1 D t swill be at the borne of Mrs. Arthur of the City of Toronto. girl was • very clever and a great Wyes, at 2 3.0 o'clock, to convey — Wtlile returning from Guelph' favorite. We sympathize with _ . all those wishing to go. A good' on Thureday last John Baxter Mr. Roseiln the unfortunate posi- Butcher Pickering attendance of Indies is &eked for. met with a serious accident at tine in which he find@ himself, phone 3000) '. —Once again the Xmas @eaxon CODcord, near - Thornhill. He and bnt in which he was not at fault. h1►i+ rolled aronod; sod we find hip mother bad gone to Guelph -- Good Bic Store" laden Pik nails e . to bring back the patter's mother, NOW 1�•�••+w•r• «• Pickering : Meat i►iarket C•3oode, Hpeiery, Tice, Silk Under Mee Spears. to speed the winter ,.esr, Scarfs, Slippers. Gloves, _ with them. Thev . were driving T,�OR BALE' —U'and sausage machine J a- Mitts, Cbinsware, Glassware, along No. 7 highway at about 32 of y Mrs. Gordon, t i the Gordon House, ` `aleYicAp- a [lames'. Toy @. • Bookie, Papeteries, miles an hour and when at Con- ins. 1�? . •" Fancy Toilet articles Etc. "The cord a large sedan from' A side -:- - OFFERS Big TUR BALE- 20;ft.ljoiets, 2: 12. also I _ Store" Will be open every road crashed into Mr. Baxter's Car, il'' doors and sash, window frames, stairwa and * evening frowT now until Xmae, and causing it to turn round facing short plank. APpiy Syd1Sch'midt; Stao11ev7 he- Hamburg Steak, 3 lbeg' '.. 25G - - will- appreciate your hearty co• the opposite direction and turning airs. stontfyule. 4$tf _ r = operation in making alittle bnr-R over on its side. -Mrs. Spears was xlTTlxO— gavina secured s knit-' -Round Steak. 2 lbs. • 2bc ' y g painfully j I;:'' 'a live Xmas shopping centre. 1 in underneath Mrs. Baxter, t'ng machine i-am prepared'to sill orders for knitting socks and stockings. at.20 �ent> a tr.. Sirlflin Steak per 1b. « - lbc r s-btr G�elt A... Y. P. A. held and was ainfull in nred.' A Mrs.IRaymond J. Pilkey, Claremont. 151na p � �iC thE#t meeting last'Fr>day._ It was doctor wits • summoned, and -on Fresh Rib Pork per Ibg- - = Riblie*T And the convener, `OR BALE -2 A renire heifers 2 the examining her [star found that p 7 P ' Reif. E. G. ILOT)ine00, took for his 'tbe.li ameDts_ in her back. were years old; one due Dec. 11th. and thcother g before the -end of the mouth:- APpiy to Oscar - -Pork. Sausage per Ib• . ` 10c - ea ct the Origin of dis A.'Y P. torn. Mrs. Baxter wax also badly ;.tO er, R R t, Locust Hill, Phone Pick 1010. le -A•' which interested his bearers shaken ri , but Mr. Baxter was RSALE— D eFcre.tOrneleyraelio. R = Itoastin'g Chicken$, 6 -Ib, a lb 16c "very much. There was a ver pp nriin aredP _ Mre lo; 1 -s h. electric motor. SO; Heintzman t -> y practicslly__ j p i fair attendance, On Wednesday. Spears. who as been in poor health player piano, like new, cost 11850.00, ezchanSe L ` for closed•car, or sell reasonable. -R. Bertrand -' .. othajr pr1a�B �ooardiingly. the 20th, there will- be a Pound for a long time, is now confined to Pickering. 16 -17 Smol, when all the members are her bed as a result of her injuries - DREW MAW to bifin'R something w•hi h Thioti h the kindopea of s man at FOR - BALE -50 acre -farm. 'Rood will bel £ g � bank bgrn. flowing, well. good brick house. l5 to brighten Christmas Concord they were driven home _ tnt]es Booth , Bartle: level land, smile. off ; N lf0r' others. By doing this we can without delay. A traffic officer highway. Small payment down will buy. Apply A - D. A. Flut]h,Clatomont. Utf : rill enter iato'tbe real meaning of was on the scene ebortly after the ]P-OR BALE•OR ETiceA,TGS -126 Phone No. "441 = 0hriptma,m and make sureof hav: accident and placed the blame on TT,, • lag s happier time ourselves. 8o the roan who drove in from the i' : «e farm, 7s workable. began" bush and w• pa.ture barn 40 t 110. 2 houses and 2 orchards. ' W e'.deliver your order Father_ together members and do eideroad, and be* Lid & eha rge (w,n sell .eparalely or togetker), ]# acres often pail 11hs►t IN possible nest Wed Des again>•t bless. Be ittne�mad s stn wheat- ZUacres of new meadow. balaaoepbwa.L ! {� j, the 20th Bret. — Com.1t tig•n and hiobmlres•]R **aiseiesa. stop ttkry e►t; temp,aittas..tant. Ap ►7 Picker* 1C� :' �+ _.; •• .�:V� Z� p`AS+ �!' lea - .• . - �trs�,'4,«3. -, - .r,i,,.. _. - - - _ '.,.,..: _..a+..._ r... r,s. h:..v- ._:_.r'�:.e.:.L'�c�rc: _•°¢a' .., r ....- ...I.�. a•; ,,.t ,. _. . __- �.�..� r'• ..s:.y..:,t; Or"�.a�^..°. �'L: � 'q.