HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1933_11_03 '.`� fiat'.,' �•.s.,r "•s: � - - ,•-_.,L' 't?..n.,al' •s'' v.^a.,..�.J.a... _ .,�_ ^i M w VOL. Lill . - - ' - PICKERING, ONT... FRIDAY, NOV... 3, 1933. No. 10 �► �sedrefsfat,v=tial dasDa. The annual fowl supper and baz- Stouffviue Mount Zion aMd ftU C 0 A L ' ', The special meetings held in the GREENWOOD, Mennonite church are well attended. aar of Mount Zion United Church , DR H. O. PEARSON-Physician A Rood supply of Hard and Soft The anniversary services of the will be held on Tuesday, Nov 14th.' .nd Sargtsoo, Dumbarton. toly United Church here will be held on and on Sunda Nov 12th Coal on hand. A1eo a supply y, , special E. P'ORSYTH, O h.D., Direct IL or or o , Sunday next. services will be conducted at it a. Optom�trical Association of Ontario. [tee. f Kindling' Wood The United Church.will hold a ch-� m. and 7 p. m., whelJl Rev, E. M. btKed Member of be American Optometrica] stove length: icken supper on Monday evening . Burgess, of Dumbarton, will preach. Established 1898 i. as.ocia program. Special music tioe. Eyes examined by appointment. next, followed by a varied will be rendered by bone 6804 _Phone Pick. 1709. Dr. Freel has entered action a-; the Claremont Baptist Choir in the t epaL• DONALD MUNRO, PICKERING gainst the town, council.for building evening. On Tuesday evening a fowl THIS IS THE a sidewalk not in accordance with supper will be served in the base- ;..- .,.- DUNCAN B. McINTYRE-Barris• his desires. ment of the church from 5.30 until ter.Solicitor, Notary. Office-Brock St.. +� ' -A• ' E Z"{i 1�J The young Chinaman, ' who was all have been served, after which`an FARMERS MIL l� x. South. Opposite Bell Telephone Otfire, Whitby. GENERAL INSURANCE run aver by a ]motor car on _Main St. �excellent--pro ram will be rendered Phone 46. 481y $ AGENCY and who had both legs broken, ,is in the auditorium of the church by A large number of farmers RDONALD RUDDY Barrister. BRGUGHAM, - ONTARIO iecovering• the Goodwood Dramatic Club, who e,zchange their grain .Solicitor, Notary Public. Moneyto Loan. -- The C. C. F. have organized a will present the popular drama, en- for tian, formerly occupied Court by the late A.E.Chris- Facilities for placing any kind of In• club here, � " '� flan,south ring of Gourt Ouse,Whitby. Sly,. but imagine their aspirat- titled Betty, the Girl of my Heart surance at best rates " ions are badly dampened with their The Goodwood,orchestra will provide Flour and Cereals EEATON, BELL k ROSS. Barrist- available. severe defeat in Saskatoon. music. admission 30 and 20 cents. ers, Solicitors. 904 Northern Datario Sec ity and Service my Motto. Building.33OBay Street,Toronto,; We find on-reading the reports of It Saves money W. B n, 4�1y Phone Pie k, 515 y and many-more t _ _ the many plowing matches held in Dumbarton° should do it. -�-s J. , Be the province, that the Timbers and If-D, Roes. Adelaide 3838-9 4� p The Excelsior group of the W. A. i the Trans figurer carrying off the of Dunbarton United Church are l RIO[IARCSON, PICKERING a, TlleBeal Store,Claremont major prizes awarded. _ .• - Special - MU'N EY-Barristers,Solicitors,Notaries PHONE 9' holding a concert on Nov. 10th. An _ - Public, 713-214 Coofedention Life Buildins -- excellent program will be given by BARLEY FEED Corner of Yonge and Richmond Sts. Toronto, Cherryrt pod some of the Pfwne. Adelaide 4489 and 4480. By appoint. FURNITURE young people from Zion $24.00 per ton, Spot Cash. •seat 3aturaay evenings. Pickerint residence. Mr. and Mrs. i. Law and little Church of Cedar Grove. Marjorie Plsooe Pick,3613, stf We are displaying an attractive Stevenson, of Dunbarton is•also giv- This in the beet feed value ols daughter, of Whitby, visited with variety of Ing a few readings. The program the market. •►7�[lOM9CN A McMILLAN-$orris• George Gates on Sunday and were g - -sL•ter., Solicitors, Notary Public. Office at Aluminum and Grsniteware Etc, will be followed by a social evening . • • for.Pastry atti c Reftdenee of Mr.Thomson, lot 11,concession 1. Furniture rand'Furniture also with us at the church service. during which lunch will be served. K18S�m� Pickering, Office hours:Thursday and Saturday '1r. and Mrs. E. Petty and Miss, Cake Baking.. evenings. from 7.00 p,m to 10.30 p. m..or by NOVelties, Gladys, of Toronto, spent the week- Admission 25 and ,15 cents. asppppoointment. Toronto office : 805 Royal Bank Prices low, in keeping with times. end with their parents. On Saturday next the - Mission 13idg.. Phone Pick 2030. Toronto,Elgirrs3o3. p g Band'will meet In the Sunday school Bake -_ S JO "rakes a Fine 371y Our choir is ' progressing nicely(room w 3 p M. y Flavored --'-- under the leadership of Mr. Lowney Bread. Dental - R (� and their singing is-much appreciat- ` Miss 'Mary Taylor, of Toronto 's _ M- ' ` O O , �!' ed :oy all. the guest -of 'Liss Jean Annan this Chopping Monday, Wednesday _ NEIL C.SMITH. D, D. 9., L, D,R,, week . _ _ ll��l p The meetirtg of the W. A. will be Hod Friday. We do (Soeceesor to D J.N.Dales), Graduate of S ECI&L Several -of our sports are iroing the Royal College of Dental surgeons and Toron. - " held 9R Thursday, NOV. �►t t at 2.30. -4t right. �. hunting. We wish them a pleasant h nt --• 10 Univenny. At Claremont once oyes n. A, - •�' . p .m. in the church. Word for Roll - - • 51Mt's are every Tuesday and Frida . Phone r L holiday. _ ?�; Stondi I1111. t, Ligbt.,weight, -, Call "Peace" .Program committee: _. O.CRF,DIT 3mo0t11 1 39 r S - MrG, L. Gate; and Mrs. C. R. Petty;. A number of our W. M. S. mein- Pe Q bers attended the Thankoffering On arconnt of the change in tiules -t ERBERT T. FAI.LAi9E. L. D,%.. ' }iosiesses, Mr.s. Bick and Mrs. Fen- meeting at Pickering on Wednesday and the -:lose margin I sell at. I H'D• 5., Graduate of the Royal College of Medium weight ' . ney. X11 are welcome. (afternoon. an, forced to dil continue credit, Dan it sur4eoaa and ttte l ln,vernty of Toronto, f Come LO the 8r1I11Y2TSary see v1Ce9 tDtlke in reatdence second door,eaat of St, And - ezeept fOr approved taQntilly' a.0. to 61)., Pickering,out office hours. 9 Smooth, 1.69 per 8(l. of Cherrywood United Church on Brougham acrounte, a.o. to a p, m., or by appointment. (x-ray Sunday Nov..12fh Rev, Mr. Fuller,f aer,rice). Pnor,e ptek a7aa only geBp9 Weight, of Markham Presbyterian Church Mrs. Holtby has been confined to will preach at .2.30 in the afternoon, her bed during the past - . - . Smooth, 1.96 per s(}. R suotnesits beans. , . and Rev. H. G..Crozier, of Pickering W. J. Brown and family, of Tor- L iB ur�nrrnre3HA M° ,, ....... .,_._.._...--.-' United Church %rill conduct the even-'' onto,.paid his parents, T. C. and . ' A BLIZABETH RICHARDSON- • PICI .]ERIriG •' ing service at 7.40.71ere will be su-I Mrs. Brown 'a visit on Saturday. Building and General J[S..t�ue and aet'smobile hmurswe of all kinds, ss•ss ss•" ecial music at both services. Then on' On Sunday evening the Thankoff- - Contracting. �s�•••atrta<companies of solid 6aaticial ,rand_ �_ the foIlowirlg Monday evenine there erinA service of the W. M. S. of St. Estimates furnished on all classes U will be a concert in the church given John's United Church was taken 'by of work-Interior and Exterior F POBTILI., Lioenaed Auctioneer, by the "Harmony Male Singers", of the Young People. Miss Muriel Dunn Alterations and repairs. " . tar o"s'a" at York sad o' O 4ai Toronto 'consisting of eight soloists acting as leader. Miss Baker, bliss Obimae s Built (30utrete Work, - buses aftwead so oa•hawses BlaakBmithin at Woodwork 9 ttlsraa, Aaerw otwa atisr p.o., Oas. a' directed by Fred R. Beatty, assisted Doris Johnston.. Miss Gladys Gann- _Phone Plckerifp 6719 - r at Aght�prices by:Miay K. Davey, Reader. Admiss- on and Miss Maly Phillip and Hugh p,AIRPORT. . g ONTARIO R BRATON, TOWNSHIP Now istbe time to have those repair ion 25.and 15 cents. - Miller all taking part, and the young Clerk Coaveyameter Commissioner for jobs attended-to. Harrows re wired. - men taking char a of the musical i M`•~ aAdwsi Accountant. Etta. Issues of also new sections on hand. The fam• Greenwood 'part of the service,e, Roy Miller being Shingles- For Sale ' ItMrriage frcmttd. wbitevale,Onz. out Fleury Plows always do hand. -- the organist. The memberR of the W. �]lI. MA W. LICENSED AUC- Also dealer in Viking Cream Separa• - The W. M. S. will meet at the M. S: very much-appreciated the eff- - •v T1 NEER,ftx York.Ontario andDwbam tore and Electric Washers. home of Mrs. Souihwell on Thurs- ' orts of the Yo - (i<alt Galvanized Steel Rbiogles, ♦ l7wawsa Ac,k'°da°r saMs pi ti? attended If thiokio of bu is uiig People in provid Bird's Felt Slot Shingles. W T•sas raaaonable. Daum roe was may tai R y' g an electric radio day afternoon. Ong such a fine service.ease ad ae MEWS'Otsn. Sea and Indepea- ask for a demonstration of the New Miss 'Ruth A n7his is .visiting with The. Anniversary Services of St. Aiso• re•rubbering buggy wheels.: Mat phases. wbttby,out lay Rogers Majestic models, friends in-Toronto. i John's United Church, Brougham Lawn mowers sharpened. The prices are right. 'Mr. Carlisle, of Port Perry, spent will be held on Sunday. Nov. 12th, T.. PATERSON'S. - :CL'AREJifODfx' ,BARNET ROBERTSON -VILrOodward Sunday with Ed. Annis and family. at 2,30 n. m. and 7 p. m. The spec- Call and get prices. Phooe GREENWOOD 491y X)hn ,Dennis has returned to Mar- ial speaker will be Rev. Isaac Snell -- " Electrical Contractor q kham after spending the summer of Cambray. The honie choir will pro Baroels Road General Store Wiring and Repairing for Light with his sister, 'Mrs. Plaskett. y,vide the music for •the afternoon ser- ne poorer. Pickering 1Vlills Quite a number of the young pep-l vice and the Zion Church Choir, of "- _ All kinds of electrical goods pie attended the masquerade in the t Cedar Grove in the-evening. On Mon 'Winter is coming. Now is the s ,kept in stock. - church basement on Friday evening day evening. Nov 13th,- an enter- time to fret your Oil Burners for the, l7ltiy.� Phone]7tb, Pickering ' _ and all report a good time. - tainment will be given by the' Boys' Cook Stove, Heater or Furnace. Pric- The Mission will.meet in the base- Junior Vocational School, of Toronto es right, 'as low. as IM50, single or � We bays a fall line of ment of the church on Saturday af- who will give a program consisting double. Come in and see it burning- • `• ternoon. All children •hood attend of instrumental music, drills, gymn- Contiuous heat, no ashes, no dirt. AI- { el'rn� �f;�al as each one will receive a treat. astics, sonfrs and,a aketch_ Come and so Anti-freeze for your car. Stove- All 'oultry Feeds Howard and Will' Ormerod attend- nee what the boys can do as they Pipes 7 inch black, 18'cents each El ed the plowing match.at -Brooklin, are unexcelled in their cleverness. bows, 20 and 25 cents. Shot shells ' ��mpan� ohlekeII starts,• of best End brought home a share,of the Admission 25 and 15 cents. `° for your shooting matches, 95• cents prizes. s per box. Place your orders early and , quality at reason- bliss Doris Horton is recovering .Green River •� MRS. THOS. LAW �,•,.1" Q y y ='. � •.. t _ give ..'as a chance to get a suppljr.. able ripeg, from the. injuries sustained in the Buy your new auto- tires now, for 4.x prices. she was in some time ago, Plans are foot for a drama by the icy roads and avoid accidents- accident Anthracite, Welsh Coal, Laying MASK and Feeds and will soon be. herself again. our dramatic club in the near fut. Easy Electric Washing Machine, t11.- Alberta(Goal, Scotch Coal y ?I number from here attended the uTe• $69.00 and.up. Agent for Spra-mot- , and Coke, all sizes. of every sort. $upper and entertainment at 'Kin-' Miss Ruth Notching eritertairied or Power and Hand Sprayers. Phone., ^' sale. It was one of the best prog- , two of her girl friends at dinner tea 2729 for prices. 1 " Hard and Soft Woos. ?; rams given for some time and was •on Sunday. •Brock Road general Store. Yoiiae 2t90 _Phones office 5900 . much enjoyed. H. T. Percy will hold a shooting Phone 2729 F. R. JACSSON, Pro }' Da ,N. - LOck Wood match at ,his premises, Green River, _ p• Kinsale = on Saturday afternoon, Nov, 11th. PICKERINO, ONT. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hutchings of ___ _.:-:A The heavy frost of last meek cans- Pickering -ire the guests of Mr. ". • '" pring "Chicken great loss in the orchards. .and Mrs. Arnold Hutchings on Sun- G. CLENDENING Chicken pox is quite the style th- day afternoon. ese days. Mrs. 1. B. Wilson entertained the PRO tz[' �•.�.,• Mattresses + . 1.-FUNERAL DIRECTOR Roy Mowbray leaves on Friday Ladies' Aid last Wednesday. There ,_._ for a two weeks hunting trip.. was a good, turnout and an enjoyab- `•� Private Ambulance Mi§s O: Hooker and friend, of !e program. HO' lland Da and Night Service Toronto, called at Alvin,Hooker's-on We are 'glad to note the improve- °' y B Friday last. ment in church attendance. Come R- Are the most profi'� ;.. Pbone Soon Miss Helen -Law and Jennie Par- gain and encourage others, to attend „ _ = yw, Malvern 5000 kin are spending the week-end with Miss Margaret Wilson who has - 'S table and comfort- V. and Mrs. Parkin. been studying art abroad had a fine AgAin this year,five haveimportec� ' �•.. ma rkllaln aw .Ont Rev, Mr. Hassaid, of Toronto, -window display at Simpson's in Iror- direct from Holland a quantity • called on C. J. and Mrs. Stevenson onto, last week. of the same quality of bulbs one day last week. bliss Muir expects to' start the 'hot we'hove been handling able hlattressee / L,_/�/ This Friday evening the •Hallowe- lunches for the school children this for the past few • ' ' L.. I S T / !, The Brougham Young. People's week These hot lunches are contin• yearn made. Society spent a very enjoyable ev- ued all winter until Easter. Thank t = ening at Green River at a Hailowe-• you for your trouble Miss Muir. THE UALITY IS HIGH 'vr the month of November en party on Friday. In connection with the annivers- Q Are your furnace,pipes and stoves en.Social under the auspices of the ary'services there will Abe an "Even- _ THE PRICE I$ LOOP' -tie 121anufActurer Will allow ready for winter? Women's Institute will be held in the ing with• Seth Parker"" put on bf, you. 55 00 for your Old mat hall. Prizes will be given to the best the Whitevale Baptist Choir. This en- Darwin Tali ivi=ed +ireBB ad payment oa hiB (dive as a call and have them dress costume. Admission 10 cents joyable event will be held in the met varieties, 25c dozen' P Y attended to pow. for adults and 5 for children. Lad- Green River Church on Monday ev- #1�,(l0 �attreBe, ies of the Institute please bring ening, Nov. 6th. at 8 o'clock. Adults, Paperwhite Narcissus. It you need a sandwiches or cake. 26, children'10 cents. Exceptionally 8 for 10c, 85e dozen „Let us show YOU the $TONE RJR FURNACE The harvest home services on Sun- good. 3ittttle'Doffodi'te, 40edoiali day were a splendid success. Our Next Sunday, Nov. 5th is A1liniv. Double Daffodils 406 and 50c dozent pod featare8. buying. choir excelled themselves in,the af- ersary Sunday at Green River. Rev. Hyseinths, all rorloret loe each ;. $ See us before bra sa - tern oon, while.the Hampton quartet J. E. Williamson, of the Weston Bap-. prices on quantitates and special. ` S'��C.l J< 1 Satisfaction Rave three excellent selections. On fist C and e�will speak at the after• varieties of tall ` Tuesday the supper welt all that itoo*+ and everlintr services. A yovnly Guaranteed I could be desired. Although the sues- ladies trio from the Eastern Ave. on regwut. :'� Funeral Direotbr then was very, unfavorable a Rood aaptist Church' in Toronto will sing THE I K I P C h­- i R N.. G NEWS US crowd'turned out to hear the spicn- in the afternoon and the Locust Hill Jones' � Store Ambul mee Service w y+���� did program put on by the Whitby United Choir will furnish the music P�IOIRe• Its Hardware Phone lEOC people under the direction of Mrs. in they evening. The services will be pb0� 3pratt and Miss Thompson. eiocut- at 8 o'clock and ?.80 p, m. A i bwly �all�i • ab'�iLT10 FZ ���_ ionist of Toronto. Proceeds amounted 1n�i�iox�Jfy, xtendtltto pill •s. .. so*i9630Y - ,,: ., -,t • '!�o� lW ttttl4i _ ••iii-'t•• ,�.� fti_•Y•• „l,T'�+ _ ,"'°�'. -`�- :•�.:.��. _ .�..Yt-.".v .-�.b.. - '"�-{., 'Lcvn'�•�.� .. ` �-M� _ -_ .'i' �. =�' .�- - _ _ i r��}Mnt,.-.wed - �,Ci+P isJ' •+Y :n.•�'. Cfi-".fY'.: rY... yyy¢�..�M�' ..� _ .J v'xbw .. .a . /a�u� -e ,.�� _ _ ,p".. ..- " '_ ` ,y�,,.,' -.K.`.'=_e _ 'f"'•^ _ _ - - _ ice'- 3 i Fifty-117hree-1Vlile -.We "Probe of Deaths ' Unreported 10 Days on Lake Winnipeg : .Sweeps Tanker From Moorings = Follows Arr`eat -Two F ishing Boats and 24 Men Safe 8alifaa, Oct. 20i--A furious Autumn'liw had completed discharging cargo. California Insurance Man Selkirk, Man., Oct, 29.-Two Lake north of Selkirk. A long-distance tele- storm bore down from the northeast and the lightened vessel was stranded Held While four Being Winnipeg fishing boats, the Lu-Berg phone call, put throug'i iuy a member ' - 'to-day and left a trail of property des- high on the shore. They tugs Coalo- g and the Question Mark, unreported for of the Question Mark crew to relatives >^' traction and damaged shipping as it polio and Ocean Osprey tried to refloat , Investigated 10 days, are safe in northern ports. here, gave the craft's position. vaced over Nova Scotia and out into her today, but efforts were anaui:eess- Los Angeles. ,Oct. E9.-A trail of Word of their safety was received Both boats had battled terrific north- the North Atlantic. ful, and the tanker remained hard and here. The boats carried:4 sailors and ern storms during the past week but Driving wind and rain played havoc fast to-night. deaths, originally ascribed in part to fishermen. came through without mishap to - - with roads and communication lines, In Halifax harbor, the yacht Pin- heart ailments, was under investiga- The Lu-Berg is at Dauphin River, on either vessel or the men aboard. The and along the coast the raging north- ions, owned by Paul Doyle, was torn to-d by the district ttorney's office the west side of Lake Winnipeg, 200' boats were engaged in carrying fisher- easter swept two vessels adiift, drove from its anchorage and sunk. The today in the casse e o of Alfred L. Cline, miles north of here, and the Question men and supplies to•lake fishing star Nie tanker Talaralite aground and craft was designed by W. J. Roue, de- insurance man d Glendale, Calif. Mark at Gull Harbor, 80 miles to the tions. dank a calling.yacht. There was no signer of the racirio iiatoner, Blue- Cline, arrested a week ago, ig being a held at San Bernardino on a charge of ;zss of life, nose, of Lunenburg. grand theft In connection with the 11g�e $3--mile gale carried the Halifax At Way River Valley,. near Hants- robbery of a Los Angeles man, Martin 15,000 Pass Bier The Markets tship away from her moorings ..t port, the swollen river overflowed its Frame, 60, who said le had become • . the height of the at. m early. this banks and covered a long stretch of drugged after drinking a glass of but- Of Hillier Babe morning, and she drifted for hours off highway under six feet of water. The <' _ PRODUCE PRICES. termllk given him:by Cline. g produce Halifax harbor before distress signals roadbed east of Windsor' was flooded Toronto dealers are buying in by short-wave wireless brought aaeist also, and remained impassable to- Quantities of a hypnotic drug, and -Toronto, Oct. 30.-While police are at the following prices: �ance. night. also a swift acting poison were found still endeavoring to find a clue or mo- Eggs-Prices to farmers and cope- In Bedford'Basin the storm'tore the At Berwick, in the Annapolis valley, in the possession of Cline when he 'tive behind the-death from exposure try shippers: Ungrade?, cases return- -- _ was arrested, officers said. ..of"Bunts•' Holler, 18-months-old child, ed, fresh extras, 35c; fresh firsts;33e; Intperial. 011 Company's tanker Tale the Cornwallis river rose over Sorner- The deaths under investigation '!n- from all parts of the city and out of seconds; 20c. Puller extras, 25c. ralite from her berth and drove her set road. Streets were washed•out by elude those of Cline's wife, Mrs. Bea- town .people came in an endless Graded, cases free, 36c for fresh ex. aground.- Mooring lines of the 2,361 the terrific rain, and scores of cellars tras, 34c for fresh firsts, 17c for see- motor Sickle Cline, her brother, Lu= stream 'Saturday and yesterday to Duda. ton motor vessel parted-as she tossed flooded. - cas Brandt McCreery, Rev, E. F. mourn at the bier. Butter-Ontario creamery solids, at the dock, and the wind swung her At Irunenburg, home port of the Jones, English evangelist, and Mrs. ` away from the wharf and into shat: Grand Banks fishing fleet, no shipping Banked by Flower's Nod 7,• 19 to 191c; No, 2, 18% to : lour water: damage waa re Carrie May porter. 18 c, ported. Trees were up In the deaths of Mrs. Cline and the - Against a huge bank s beautiful Churning cream-Special 19c• No. Anchors were dropped overboard, rooted, however, and communication evangelist, estates were left to Cline sowers, the white lambskin casket 1, "8c: No. 2, 16c; ..u.l.� shippia but they failed to hold The Tslara- lines were felled. rested in the,living roo f the borne. g as beneficiary, $33,000 by the former Through an open do (way a few feet ' and $11,000 by the latter. Cheese-No. 1 large, colored,paraf- a s,..,j,� e Qc _ away could be seen a little empty ,aned and government graded, 9% to a" a+ Girl's Body $56,860•Awarded "- crib, its blankets folded, a baby plate 1Qc; twins, 10 to 101/ac; triplets, 103A y Married By Recorder lyigg upon the pillows. to 10%c. Bears P.-ime Wound In Powlett Case Dog's The baby, dressed lu$ lltlla lemon- Poultry, A grade, Alive-Spring +r.. Who Saved Life :.allow frock with satin ribbon Sowers, chickens, over 6 lb$„ 12c; over.-6%-to Cis in Mouth of Armless. Universi of Alberta' Bridgeton NJ.-Three weeks ago,I-rested with a rosebud in a chubby 6 lbs., llc; over 5 to 5% lbs.. 9c; over g tY Recorder Frank J. Lore saved the 4 to 5 lbs., 8c; over 2 to'4 lbs,, 7c. hand. The frock had been her "party Broilers, over 1% to 2 lbs. i0c. Fat- Legless Trunk Found -Responsible for Ha z-- life of a dog when he paid the license dress. Upon' her feet, clad itr short ' z 1 for 'tbe owner, arraigned in munici ted hens, over 6 lbs., 9c; over 6 to 6 : in Sea ing Injury i lemon-yellow socks, rested a spray of lbs., 8c; over 4 to 5 lbs., 7c; over 8% pal court. . lilies, the gift of her godmother and to 4 lbs., 6c over 3 to 3% lbs.,.5c. Old E Peninsula, Que., Oct. 29.-The arm- Edmonton; Oct.' 28.-An award--of and just because he did that, Miss godfather, Mr. and Mrs. S. Beach Har- -vvsters, over 5 lbs., 5c,Black and red _ -1eso and legless trunk of Maud Aseah, $58,860, with costa, was made by Mr. Bonnie Saslow, 25, of 22 North-"Bas_• ringtoti. A silver plate against the feathered birds, 2c less per lb. Dom-' 26, wsa taken from the freezing Justice W. C. Ives in Supreme Court ton Avenue, Atlantic City, decided white crepe de chine lining'b'ore the ectic rabbits. over 4 ibs., 6c. White,' waters of Gaspe Bay here Saturday to C. H. A; Powlee, and Armand _ ..and - relimins that she wanted Record4a• Lore to. words, "Our Darlfag." • ducklings, over 5 lbs. Sc; do, 4 .to 5', p ry examination reveal--Powlett, Calgary, in their damage. preside A her wedding to Albert H. fi lbs., 6c. Guinea fowl, per parr, 90c. - ed the young woman had been knifed -action against the -University of AI- Gordon, 33, of 330. Pennsylvania Poultry, A grade, (tressed-Spring In the abdomen and gagged with a berta. Avenue Atlantic City. Advertising Is Termed chickens, over 6• lbs., 16c; over 5% handkerchief. Mr. Powlett sued the University of ,Miss Saslow, a love: of dogs, was Strong Industry Aid to 6 lbs., 15c; over 5 to 5% lbs., 13c; Together with her cousin,-Margaret Alberta-on an allegation that his son over 4 to 5 lbs..-12c; over 2 to 4 lbs., Aacah 17 the informed by her mother, residin in Oshawa.-'Advertising has proved girl disappeared from Armand, became insene as a result llc. Broilers, over 1% to 2 lbs., 13c. her home here on Aug.$0. A country- of the 2832 tnitlatiou- at" the Uaiver- London, England, who read an ac-' itself -to be a stronk aid' Indus- Fatted hens. over 6 lbs., llc; over 5 count'of the cldent !a a London try," said R. S. McLaughlin, press �0 6 over 4 to .-lbs,, fie; wide search was begun and-about a sits, h in its l0e ,, - week ago a girl's foot was found "There - should be corn- ensatian newspaper, to "get marries by that-' heat of'General Motors of Canada, over 3� to 4 lbs., 8c; o-rer 3 to week o the rock of the Gaspe coast (for the.boy) as tar ' money can Jersey judge, who saved the 'life of Limited, here last week, "and these Its., 7c. Old roosters, over 5 lbs.. 7e. It was tentatively identified as hav- compensate tuily," the judgment said. a dog,"and she- did. ; _. _ _ days, when a• strong and•persistent Domestic he ducklings, over 5 lbi 13e•1do. ing belonged to her, while a coat and Mr. Justice Ives gave a ten Eh The couple immedlatety� departed selling program contributes so .ma- ducklings, o. g Y on a honeymoon. terially to our national welfare. it is 4 to 5'lbs., Ile. shoe found nearby, on the•beach were judgment. In it he observed, "I am desirable. that workers in the adver- GRAIN QUOTATIONS. identified by relatives as having been not unmindful. of the doubtful state. T Followin are Saturday's' rloai her property. _ of the recovery of-young Powlett." _ _ tislug field should be increasingly ag In a China Shop uotation9 on rain-transactibns for, alert and co-ordinate their labors 9 g i The body was taken from the water The judgment . did not dif[eren- p car lots, prices on basis c.i.f. bay on Saturday by_fishermen and police_Hate between the University, the Fakenham, N_orf England.-A, more- than ever. with sales •effort ports. - Truth-,M is important h' whi continued dragging the ban,ton- Board of Governors or the Senate of young bull last week rushed Into a Manitoba -wheat-No;-1 Nortkera, winced that the older girl met a Simi- the University, it stated merely shop where Queen Mary .and the today and so,'also le the ability to 66°+6c; No. 2 do, 647/ac; I,To. 3 do, lar fate. The body was only partly that,tha plaiatlII _should receive the the Princess Royal were ezam_iuisg observe" and take advantage` of the 62%c; No.4 do, 61%c. clothed; parts of the girl's dress cling- amount stated, goods in the china department. The changing viewpoints of the buying Manitoba oats-111o,,2 C:W., 3434c; lag to her sbonIdera. "The first issue before 'us is to de- animal had fled from• "traffic , ins Na. 1 feed 8131X• public. Exhibftloas of advertising, -No. 3 do, 321,ie; , r such as those announced by the To- No- 2 Teed, 29ac; mixed fend oats termine the direct c:use of-the men° crowded street outside. 28:, - _-Toronto Returns English tal breakdown," he said, "To do The royal party looked up fn sur- ronto Advertising and Sale Club for Manitoba 'barley-No. 8 C.W. this i must rel' almost who'I on the prise at the sound of commotion and October .31, are for this:reason Yalu- 88gc; 'No. 4 do, 37%c; No. 1'feed{ - Faniihe$ t0 1101meland . y Y , able contributions to the public good. 'r BY mesas of a co-operative evidence of the ve.-f-able and expert-• the Queen found the bull standing screenings, $17 per ton. perative lap enced psychiatrists, ' At the same almost beside her, -Its' drafter and "The Club deserves warmest com- - Ontario grain, approximate prices - negotiated between the local and time in weighing the balance of pro- clerks hastily ejected it before any mendittion 'for staging an advertising` track shipping point: Wheat, 60 to Provincial Mothers' Allowance boards babillties emerging from that evid- damage resulted. The Queen 'and and: Art display-at. this time," said 65c; oats., 25 to 27c; rye, 40 to 42c;- ..and the City of Toronto two widows once I do not propose to exclude such the Princess unperturbed. Mr. McLaughiin,' and Is showing buckwheat, 33 to 38c. , and their families- wily be returned common sense as I may, possess, as Her Majesty said. "I have heard of praise-worthy enterprise and energy 'L'IVE STOCK QUOTATION e F at. the city's .expense to England, !n its plans for the -show, which I Steers, up to 1,050 , -. •*here relatives have undertaken to a layman." a bull to a china shop. but had never and 4 _ - seen one before." understood le-to be on a larger scale choice, $3,75 to $4; de, $3. to tare for them. A large part of the expense will be absorbed over a __ - _ . than to former Years" $3.25; do, com., $2 to $2.75; steers,. .period of months by the provincial p --�-- over 1,050 lbs, good and choice, $` t� Lowest Wheat Crop - -e' to $4.�t=do, , board. A substantial caving to both Grown in Western) Dru Chamber of Horrors villa Road • 0; h +o s, do g 8'e com., $2.50 to $9.50; heifers, good _ city and trovtnce is involved In the Visited by Mrs., Roosevelt Will be Finished in 1934 and choice, $3.75 to $4; do;med., $3 t8 Australia in Years - plan which relieves both administra- - Washington. - sirs, Franklin D. Orangeville.-It is announced here good do,com.,e,$ $2.75; fed calves, = tions from an 'further claim of Perth, Western Australia -•The Roosevelt recently paid a half-hour! Heat the unpaved six-mile stretch .of t3� and choice, $6.25 to $6.50; do, the individuals t us beneflited, wheaf pool of Western Australia vi to the "chamber ct horrots" e.. roadway between here- arid, Arthur med. '$4 to$4:50; cows, good •$2.25 w estimates '162,450,000 bushels of habit. at 'rho• Department of Agricul_I will not be constructed until- next $2'50 do, mad., a to and c ter conic wheat for the 1933-34 Australian ',sea- cure spring. Nearly' seven miles of con-• $`1.60 to $2; cannea and cutters, do. IwiQ 3'ie World Son. It may be better than this, $-i;- .50 t $1.7 ; to kern dd. Y• Prof, 3t. G.'Tugv.dll, Absistant'Sec- crate has been laid from'Arthur east. corn., $1.50 to $1.75; stockers and according to other adr,ces, by-reason r � Mark For Irggs retary, and author of s proposal for For these west of Arthur ibis high- feeds; steers, good, $2,50 to $2.?5•; of the late rains.. and-an additional revising the .Pure Food and Drugs' way, known as No. 9, is the shortest do, corn., $1.50 to $2:25;•milkers and 3,000,000 is ,prophesied. , Act exp.ained to•her anti lte'r'"daugh-1 way to Toronto; and the portion in- spri.cgers, $2b to $45; calves, good " British Columbia Pullet Skips The yield from Western Austral ter, Mr. Curtis 'pall, about the nu=�completed is said to be•the worst of and choice veils, $6.50 to $7.5U; do, - P lip 1s expected to be 32,500,000 t com.-und mad., $3.50 "�_$6; grassers, a Day, But Starts Lay- bushels from 3,200 o acres sown, merous examples Of what the hood the 22-mile retch during the spring 12 to $2.50;hogs, bacons, f.o.b.. $5.10; - ing sin This is the lowest return since the and Drug Administration describes i and is not passable for several weeks. d:,, off trucks, $5.35; do, off cars, g $ as instances of fatAe representation -Dufferin County Council asked the tie- $5,60; good evye and wether lambs, $6 : Agas - 1828,27 season, and comes out at a of the curative powers of certan pat-1 partment not to do the Rork this year to $6.25; do, med., $5.50 to $6; do.. six,_13 C., Oct, 29.-"Dauntless little over 10 bushels to the 'acre. Uerreen" laid an egg early today and The estimates by the pool from the ented medical preparations; poisons oW ing government the'present high taxes, and bucks, good to $5; culls, $4 t. $4.5o gave her baticers almost positive as contained in certain cosmetics and the government has complied with •sheeji, good light, $2' to $2.50; do other states are: 40,000,000 bushels p their -wishes. heavies,' $1.50 to $2; do, culls,,$1•tt aihrance she will tie the world's re- some substandard -food_-reparations., _from _- Victoria, 50,000,000 from New cord of 357 eggs in 365 daps. she AnnoGnce New Road South Wales, and 35.000,000 from it 'sap now laid 355 egg: in 363 daps. '• Derreen couldn't make the extra south Australia; Furs Up 100.Per.Cent. . - - in Peterboro County Four Killed as Plane egg that would have ut her on a• Western. Australia's harvest for p by Year-end. Prediction . Crashes in Barnyard pinnacle b herself, 1932-33' was 40;000,000 bushels. •Gbm- Peterboro.-The -' Burleigh Falls- . . y , and let•Saturday Victoria.-Furs, by the end of that mentin upon the coming harvest Bancroft road will be rebuilt and re- _ Westboro Mass„-Oct. 29.-A womat gO by -without 'a cackle. But at g po g percent seven o'clock this morning, W. the West Australian says: ''Failing year, will be up in price 100 1 routed by,the Ontario Government in and three men were-killed here whet. . g. states Samuel Dmitrovsky, Polisli fur supply eg the airplane in which they, were flying ' H. Hicks, supei•lnfendent,•and.the en- some early signs of.the market re- order-to the n better traffic faciliti tire staff of 'the' Dominion Ez acting 7avornbf) to the Wheat Agree- merchant of,Tientsin,;nt reached for the northern part of Peterboss crashed in a said the pert- went and .to heavily reduced esti• the city by the President Cleveland County and to give work to jobless Observers said the plane fell from mental Farm, tip-toed about in anxi- ety, the good hen announced to the mates. of production in Canada, from China, during the•winter, it is announced by a height of. 350 feet after a strip of world 'the race was on again. The Argentina the United States and ' There are no more fur stocks left T. P. Lancaster, M.P,P., ,for Peter- fibre had been torn from one of the .� surly-day laying showed she was back Australia (the Wheat Pool estimate in. China and the stocks in United boo wings. It struck witg' terrible force . to the cycle which should normally is 166,000,000 com;�ared with 200,000,- States have been disposed Of in e A ;mall party' i� already at wot and its nose was buried 'in the coif _ "produce one-a-day for the next two 000 bushels last- year,, the .Federal falling market, said Mr. Dmitronsky. re-r•t Ling. the road. Construction earth to a depth of three feet who controls one of the largest fut work will begin at o .ce and work daps at least Government may count upon strong camps, each capable of housing 100 ! demands for another wheat bounty. collection businesses in the Far East• men,will be established along the pro- Too Many Jokes ' 'D'erreen 10-L" her ofAcial name-Is in her•pullet year and is a White.It may 'be hoped that in framing the _,_-._ _ posed route. The new road will Become �Anlyo Leghorn. 1933 budget the Federal Governmebt Tends COW and Chickens eventnauy become a mode artery of Toronto.--Robert White is fl When she laid her egg late Friday will not' overlook the plight of the convinced someone is trying to annoy It was forecast at the Experimental wheat industry." At Hundred and Six traffic: and a link in the raw road from Toronto to Pembroke, shorten- Farm> where, they study form and -'D' '- Pierce, Fla.-Mrs. Martha Weeks,I , him. �perfo, woe to the study degree, Newlyweds Are 81- of xeeyesville Hillsborough county's ing the distance by 195 inilES, Mr. when a radio announcer congrat- that she would miss Saturday. She oldest resident, celebrated her 106th I Lancaster said. ulated him_ over the air on his 85th Aid, but swung. into a sure strfde ,And 77 Years Old birthday,, almost three .months after anniversary White, sebdre In 'th,6 -today. Derreeti " has carried the •Howell, -Mich. - Marriage license the anniversary date. -• PBSt BSttle is Costly knowledge h♦•, !s Daly 45; laughed it c fapm's hopes- of producing a word application was made here recently The party given• iter by the Wo- Wi�lnipeg.-The camps gn to com- off. But when bogus phone calls, " champiou*this year. by Wiliam M;-Poole; 81,, and Mrs. men's Club -here was planned orjgin- t,at the grasshopper menace,-inaugur- arrival of emergency crews from a (7 Martha Stimson, 77. Both gave ally-for August 7. her birth date, but atc3 by-' the government, wars carried gas company and the waterworks de- n the past eight months, one Bri- their homes as Superior. Neb. The she became 111 at the ftrrie so the through this year art a root between part as well as a.long string of ttah aircraft company has sold fifty- Prospective 'bridegroom has been celebration was postponed. .0 ant 60 pee cent. over the $15,000 taxicabs and the fire reels prompted two twin-engined air-liners, worth married twice- and the brid2:to-be Mrs' -alone i;n a' ania'I c! r ended'last year. Manitoba officals him to ask-police to run down the "nearly.£150,OOp on'ce• farm tending-to her cow and chickens.-htatt- joker. _ _ • .,..'�• YID, :�:.. '+t-._,- ..•a. '.:k,•• ..E�;y:ri•t ti,A:: '":r'5,,,.t,. .., ; ,',,,�;r;"ii ..T:7 � .- i4•' .,<•2 •'-_ .?.. ':yK•.'r7'''� _�. - .. ,,.. -.. .. --s,•r' �� --"�ia ..._sp. "� ,,d::+arz=_ - `'� - �: ,.. _.m.,.a; ,;;a..�i. '°l. - ',,,,F.,:s r, , �- r•. . -� Ref .... ... _._. .. .. - ... .,. .. } ago, have been in the throes of a great ' "A Mine is the Making" civil war and what good would that do s anybody?" YOUR EMI O N E Y - '=: • zemHu eke Gold Mines,. Ltd. . Q Even Berlln, which some o:nahadn't sWAy ! liked on previous vlslts, treated us .' A Junior Gold With All the Falrlmasks of nicely. A year ago, when we .were • -- _ = n p1COdtitxr there, we saw marching and counter E 4ig marching-Communists, Nationalists, _IT CrOBTS NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE - .. the Catholic Centre Party, sot well as the forces of tbLf Government then in - - - - . - 719Allrr 3'>Q>• oovlrg>Ir 'COaAT _ power-there was always grave dare- ger of street.clashes. To-day there As YOU get more for your money ' sot aWATid-IEVTCZE GOLD 39EKZS ><•xati'Cs1D none of that; I have seen a few police- 910 suruag 'Cover, Toronto. men in ful..,control of crowds attend- ,An Plug Tobacco � more Without obllgatlon please forward full information regarding Swayze- • ing the parade of 100,000 Nazi troops. � Huycke Gold Mines Limited - ry 'p pef /s - - A year ago-in all parts of Germany smoke'in eve I Ul • � � Name...........................+:.................... as -well-there was being displayed - • . more smoking pleasure .Y M¢ Address................................................ ............... move MORE publicly, at every bookstore news- Address and magazine.counter a score of 'greater -value for, the money. 4 different 7publications, depicting the • - activities of the nudist colonies- e+ • Tf�A�EI I I�Pf�E5510hI5 Nackt Kultur Clubs-and photographs and picture postal cards were every- _ 'where in evidence. Today all'these y '* ar `•vrboten" and not one magazine or a' picture of this type is to be seen any- n •�' / � '1• I where; even the clubs are banned. As - - � • •�--�'—' - - � _ '� 'to the atrocities on the Jewish popula- tion, �'� PLUG •,•, we saA or beard nothing of this ONLY 2 aC A 3 �! - _ 1 ��• ,1 n s while itrGermany. It has been stated �..-`' that tourists would hardly be-permit- - - -� � QY (A�'T. Fn �EID � y fed to see these things-L;,. reply to � this is that, even it this were the cage,, L P R A 0 X E G A CIasslfled Advertising surely in the hundreds of miles we , ARADE 13liILAX How About Condltlolrs in Germany?- _ :_. travelled and from the hundreds..of :. , vAMMS WANTMID. people we talked to, something would l X R 3 H A L R I • Since my return from Europe. last bunting, making the picturesque leak out. All I can say ie, in the C 0 B >d A L A R PAL EvENUE PAODUCIh:G PROP - - g• g R TIES exchanged for equipped far Month, the inevitable question I am Lion Gateway that affords an entrance words of the Salvation Army Com- B R I N`l 3 B N P A G 8 write John Stark f Co., 1 Eglinto asked is "How did you And things in to Lindau harbour. As these boats misgioner for Germany, who visited 3 N a 'M E D P O-L 8 West, Toronto. Germany?" to which I have made the approached, swastika. fags, could,be Toronto a few day ego, in my.hymble D I B SAC C A R T i lAT�lt<'1'a. one-reply, "Well, not quite_the same dieting-ished and it was noticeable opintiph "the atrocity story has been - L—3S T C A R 2-2 Ft as our papers are stating-" This. ans- that a great number of the passengers, grossly exaggerated." 0 R 8 Y All D R 0 N OFFER TO EVERY 1:'VENTO wer, in turn, gives risel to numerous were Wazi storm.,troopers, was talk, One thing is certain, the Germatl List of.wantei inventions and fu other questions, and it has occurred B N S 3 A I N S 3 'A 0 ing to the hotel manager, who was people are behind Hitler at presed>» uny, a orl sent free. %%*al.m+a7► A I L L N 8 S 3 MAX B Pane+ RVorld Patent Attorneys, 273 t3a ' o me that the readers of this paper. watching this demonstration with me, in every village, town and city, there .. Street, Ottawa, Canada ' night like to L-now the other side of- and i remarked, "What do you think is an "Adolph Hitler Strasse," and it T 0 TIT ' 9 A U C B 3 . the Hitler controversy, because, as of this movement?" His reply was, is always one of the principal-streets. 9 N 0 0 D 8 B A D . • with everything else, there is another You know that 1 em not easily car. In Berlin, the equare,_formerly known AnawEry to Last Week Pi==le Pans After Atha .. - side, ried away by any movement but a few as"Chancellor Square" is ndw"Adolph t Please bear in mind that I do not months ago, Hitler was a guest at this Hitler Platz." The.man who, in such Flying at great heights may canes �ry pose as an authority on International hotel and I had the opportunity ot, a short apace of time, can bring°film- symptoms similar to those of alcobolic 1 i7ie7 matters, nor do I wish to be dogmatic talking with him-I frankly tell yon self from obscurity to such a position intoxication, •including excitement, _ In anything 1 may elate, but, as an that I was much impressed. Since of world-wide importance; cadiiot be quarrelaomenesr,'apathy, and drowal-_ palm attar eating are generally dui t outside observer-and, believe me, 1 that time I have followed his speeches the moral pervert-`or the brainless near. t4 e" of acid in the stomach the' - did observe very cara�y-who has with more interest and I have come [anatfc that some writers would have �--- �► form Sas and causes belching, he f calked to hundreds of Ghana during burn bloating, sou: stomach and in1f+ g to the conclusion that he shows the us believe. More than-21,000 people are employ- gesti n. Bisurated Magnesia taken alts lmy two visits to their.country, this elements of statesmanship, at least so In view of the interest taken in the., ea directly and wholly in the con- men will slue such quick and pie relief you will be surprised. Any dru past aumaler, perhaps my guess is as far as German is.concerned." f said, Irish Hospital Sweepstakes, I will tell;strtution of aircraft and air engines. gist will tell you ordinary Bisurat good as that of the other fellow. "Do yon think that he will be another l you, next week, about a visit paid to - - -- Magnesia: is fine for 'our-acrd y boo - _. . -' conditions. It should be tr every hots _ Supposing I recount, for your.bene- Mussolini?'t-to wbi<h he smilingly re•' the place where the counters were be-- It works. -fit, some of the impressilps that,my plied, "It is rather soon to tell, don't ing fixed and the ceremony wbkb ac - '• ;party and I received and"recall. some-_you think? -The outside nations didn't companied this unusual scheme. Of the conversations I have had with think much of Mussolini:_during the _„ __. _•i evil EN - 'people whom I have been meeting first few years. of his accession to Are 'you looking lei something _ ;ter +.flee year. i'bold n-o brief for power•". I different'!a tine way o!. entertain- WORK & WORRY Germaap or the Germane, but as we We seers in :tiurnburg the latter part ment for your church, society, COLDS ARE were treated with the utmost kindness of August. The city was full-of Nazi club qr institute? " PULL YOU and courtesy throughout; as we were officers because on the 31st of that Capt. F. H. Reid, the well-known UNGER0 given the finest service, without the month, as well as on September 1st, .traveller, who has been contribut- �OVI/i+I -embarrassing feature of being pester- 2nd and 3rd, there_was to .be.one.of Soothe and relieve ing the series of articles to this ed for tips (gratuities are included in the largest •demonstrations of_. party paper, under the heading-of"Travel theml build up _ the bill-and there the matter rests); strength that had ever been staged Impressions," has what is, perhaps; resistance with as we motored through hundreds eds o! anywhere. -%4wriburg. the centre of the finest collection of European SCOTT'S miles of German .territory. at the the top industry, was-to be the scene views in the country. Pict�rre$ EMULSION `height of the Hitler. activity and wit• of the convention of the Hitler party I Laken with his own camera, beauti- nested nothing of the lawlessness and and over 1,000,000 extra .people were, fully coloured, showing some of the r 19-" *-. - ruthlessness that we are led to believe expected. During these days no one out•of•the-way places, as weli as r W-1 _ "exists: as we observed that certain was to be allowed in Nurnburg-dr for the localities about which,Tau have }I 11:....'­­.- .. things,. offending public taste have a distance of 50' kilometers (about 30 read and•, heard. Portugal, Spain, _ ­-.-been abolished, .since the National miles) around 1t-without a permit, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austrla, e A Socialist Party have come into power For some days before, we had seen 'Jugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslo'- O :'-as the.people seem happy and content- hundreds of thousands-of Nazi troops, vakia, Germany, Holland, Belgium SOOTHES ed, under the present regime, it is dif- either on the roads or in preparation and British Is-lea are included In • • ' IC... 1 VITAMINS 1lcult to believe that no good can came for.their visit to ention and this unigpe collection. VIGOUR e _ s _ _ out of it all, it is interestin to note it moves For particulars regarding this, - i One day in_July,' standing oa the all these, . we saw only bwfl-fiSes- communicate with Captain Reid at �tg tryER TNp1 FAKES kshares 'of the Bodensee (Lake-Con- these were on the shoulders of the two Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street West, s s 1. stance) at Lindau, in Southern Ba- seniriea'who stood at each side of the Toronto. _ YOU FEEL SO WRETCUED varia, I saw three large excursion doorway of the Grand Hotel; this Wake t:y �� Liver Bile steamers, brightly. decorated with hotel was where we stayed, and it a as, at that time, the official headquart Five Types to Avoid -_ No Calomel necessary y = HERE ARE THE °t the advance guard of the mighty In Mothers-in-Law you led Itwlths and h•pp7 abet must pout two ands ct Ii�uid tole into bast, which later filled the city, The - bow" �y 8;y, without that bile. Herr ober .(head waiter), who lead al- Chicago.-Dr, E. W. Burgess, Unt- �� =tale�t�rt�.p��tim S�sliminathaa: _ y1 ways attended to me at this hotel, versity of Chicago sociologist, sifted; h' pm is the body. Genersiwretehednesa ..USUAL SIGNS OF through 6000 questionnaires in ef•I �uv How can you.:peat,t4 sire b •dmatiee came ovt:r to my table and, after ex- f ttte t'pl' OOmpl'te� with more bawd movies pressing his pleasure at my.. return, forth to determine how people may salts, off+ m. orl����-�t�40,ACID STOMACH be happy tho h married, and said as AR 0E abewioams ov towards ...•.-.-_ : tables,lfil filled with Nazi officers. "Well: law.he et were r wa�t Ofea of mofheis_in• �a�for�T�rsry Deafness �a.�a�& Q"�nd�e�� i Nears--ia Feeling of Weakness ; over?" I replied,think is of possible turn. tv He listed them as mothers-in-law, and Need h Noises W Fn ant swim t .its � ka r ' l Headaches Mouth Acidity think aloud in Germany these daya?" who 90 Bt�]LEONARD.D k Gcy f Y Nausea Loss of Appetite - and'his answer was, "Why not?' In 1, Keep their children* c'ose to 3 a later 'conversation' with him, he Indigestion Sour Stomach 'tbem after marriage. risked me whether I was not impress- ' 2• Make the newly married.couples Nervousness Sleepletisaess _ . qd with the feelia that law and order dependent upon them financially, ! Auto-Intoxication was being observed and, when I agreed, g S. Insist on living with newly mar: • -WHAT TO DO FOR IT = be said; "You know that we have gone ried couples, �'� ` WITH TAKE-2 teaspoonfuls of : through a revolution'in this country, 4. Try to insert themselves in the • S��p ,� FOR ' PILLS Y . Phillips Milk of Mag- : perhaps the most bloodless one in his• newlyweds' social affairs and try to nesia in a glass of water' ; • every morning when you I tory,.and, if it had not been for this 'act the ages of the youngsters. LIVERISiHI�$SS get up. Take :another present movement,, we would, long 5. Take the part of the new mates- _t,ntu teaspoonful 30 mir5ufes g r++" after satins.And another against their children in domestic ar• SLUGGIS iVESS ® before you go to bed. ; . OR Take the now '' guinents. ` Phillips'Milk of Magnesia HEALS 'PILES- ---"`'_ - p I Dennis! STOMAC PAIKS • Tablets-ow labkt for Dr.D.D.Deana Liquid Prescrip. each teaspoonful, as di- Looks for Librarian A dose of 3wham's Pill;mch n4&. rested above. Or Money B8Ck flan.'Made and guaranteed by the a ht • the,'New; Slo an , . w�u iiaaiv�, self. ..._... ....•..•......•...•..........•••.• Absolutely makers of Campana a Italian Balm s Is S kaP 7ro•smil;,tt, + ,D sconvery Creates e magical seerniii Chicago.- -If People _do>,'t borrow trial bottie35catyotsedrnggiat 14 •If you have Acid Stomach, don't vvorty.about it. Follow the simple D.on't.let files lead to more serious enough books, the American Library _ �VEAK WOMEN directions given above. This small conditions, requiring•a dange,ous op- Association was told here, get a snap-'dosage of Philli s' Milk of Magnesia eration. Use HEMLCONE SUPPOSI+ f " P $ TORIES; which quickly heal and pier looking librarian. Take Lydia F.1?Inkham s' acts at once to neutralize the acids strengthen the affected parts. _. It should help, said Frank L. Totr SPRAINS Vegetable Compound that cause 'headache, stomach aina ;'e know this ,wondereut remedy: man, director of Library Extension, and other distress. Try it. �OU'iI will stop that pain and make you feel Rub Minard's in grotty. It wave"a ever felt of"u were feel like a new arson. yourself again. YOU CAN BE SURE Albany, N.Y., even more.that'getting pengtrates•.ors ligaments," week t• dot OnYthins...that YOU did P (or REAL RESULTS. allays inAatmutioe, soothe$, But-be careful you get REAL: oty� avalaAxT>v>E In-a new supply of books. heal.. not have-the sttynsth to do.sea work milk of ma nesia when oil b -- Sendp s $2.00 and we will send sou The librarian's. choice �f clothing puts you On yew Wai•a who-tore week and teon-do g try Y 1► .heeld tit. ...toauo .at1► as t,>,a+. genuine PHILLIPS' NliZ of Mag- one.doien HE_MICONE Suppositories,. .should not be rebtrlcted, Tolman said,.. ty. ltnsFham'e �aRKSi>N 6 -i nesia. See that the name "PHIL.- and our CHEQUE for $2.00 on the except that it must be becoming nd ' ' ++ • BANK OF.. TORONTO, cashable any P g • � • � , aches s+nd beellyehw that .��•Men LIPS' is on the label. - - time within two weeks. must add to the good-looks which the ., ge a erred, tsia-dow,t.eoi+dl15du Of Use "HEMICONE-!f you are not ' ALSO IN TABLET FORM s�-► relieved'an$ feel you have not many librarian presumably should possess 7f,ldtotof tvesT 106 omen u '"•4si°� times your meneys worth, cash our it order to get her job. µ v !d out of arty y i s tenet Who rep� Each tiny tablet is the `•eu.!_ cheque. You -Will know if you are u g to t»e$t7 that they its beneetedb7 tbisl equivalent of a teaspoonful The day of cotton Stockings acid KING Or �N �usJ ' p(Genuine Phillips: Milk_ treating us fa#rly or not. We trust ev�iaw step a bottle watch-do your of Genuine to-Soul° ltoneaty. -You-are th"e"Judtre.• severe- dress; as.- sta'dayds- for the Wt lodaT•'�•and wstri•th•tewlta..� M�oE.V��o• THE HEMICONE CO., ' librarian is ended,"Tolman said, "and 72 James, St W" Hamilton, Ol., more people are borrowinir books, as � •' ••'. yIC�EJG'•No, t}�}-:- 33 :'Phillips Milk of Magnesia a result." ; Y 4-- __V w,w-, 7 ,rvii� yw PO groom 4bad __2__ frighteew AW from the Were out to their A"Arnor horne here Ontario' L&diee Conege, WInthy, on to the bride, and S- R, wo y getting things in —.4-Y ott, at the home of C. ocene&ad were at raid to tell what on Satuvda shape W moon, Oct. 25th,-the Mrs. Wormac for the *Xter. fo -members in attendanco: and Mrs. Fields, on Monday evening who The bride has been the W Of haddone. Tbereportof the �they Mr& C. R. Carscallva, W)u retary _t. Coroner,however, states presided over the ni�eting; Mrs. P. the Club for two years. TERMS that the Broughaw body showed that no violence had L Jult, Brooklin; Mrs. Frank Stin- Henry Westney has returned from Miss Bat,6 att" trip north *of North Buy 4 1 to rim umt" Sir— a" Gn" been done, and that death wa the funeral of son, Burketon; Mrs. Roy Bird, 'Osh-- hi agitain$2.00 in advan". her-sister, Mrs. J. Scbtt, of' Whitby awa; Mrs. M. S. Chapman Pickering and had the good luck to capture A undoubtedly due to " cold and on-Tuesday. Mrs. N. W'hite, Myrtle Station; Mrs. deer and-as many partridge as tb*Y expoo4e., But,wha�teyer was the The sudden cola*of last week cau- W. P. Rogers, Newcastle; Mrs. A. E. could eat. He came home husky and JOHN VURKAR, Propristors cause of the death, the sufferia I go Bed some dardage' to the unPicked Elliott, Brooklin; Mrs. D. -A. Scott, hungry after two weeks.in-that br- Claremont and Mrs. G.�L Wagar,.of acing atmosphere. ot a little child always ex�-ites IPP"s' shawa is rep- Bowmanville.Trae guest speaker, Mfs - Mr Yeats,-of Toronto, is a freq- Mr T. Keast'. of 0 NOTES AND COMMaNTIL 8Y1nP&thY. Rod When ' it is 'the' rted' seriously ill at ptesent.' A. L. kichanIs" WhAby gave a very, uent visitor here -preparing-for-*Ae result of 's crime,' that feeling Rev. Mr. Glover called on a nuffi- helpful devotional talk based on the planting of an orchard on the Dun- her of his Brougham congregation 139th Ps6N. Reports were received lop farm. Mr. Smith is in Montreal W-inter has made its a6pen,tance becomes one of anger, and a desire than on Wednesday of last week. from the'Secretaries and the Treas- for a few' weeks 1nstalling machin- 9 riier this year it has for a lo . punish the criminal. The Mrs. E. Daniels, , of -Kincardine urer announced that the new allocat.. ery..for his old firm Messrs;W. and aumber of years. The pF4st few tragedy may .remain a mystery was a.visitox with L. and Mrs..Midd- ion,for this Presbyterial $11.650. J. Croey, of Toronto. Mr. Readman, who has been Uv- ...Yeats have been exceptionally Aid forever. With the death of the leton last week. It was suggested by. Mrs. 'Carscallen 'use on A �b I. Bill. Middletlon has returned from that auxiliaries -fake '147dy Fo*urth ing in" Chas. -Puckrin's ho t ut*9 cannot expect mild winters child suffering has not come to an Western Canada looking hale and Daughter of China" as theft study 3rd has secured a position as herdal continue indefinitely. Past and. The- -distracted paren", hearty and reports a. good 'crov at book is� it is written along the-same man with Mr. Clemens, of North ..,.�'41tperienees shows u's that mild, who96 home, ,was made bright by Star City. lines as "Uving­ Issues in China" Oshawa, and has moved there With ...winters occur 6v6ry few-years', the. "peesenbe-of. &u only child,.a L and Mrs. Middleton, Hazel Wal and will be more interesting to the his family. Their friends here reg- general membership. "Living Issues ret their departure they have ..which are followed by severe beautiful girl, whose baby, talk ter and Borden, were in Gravenhur st recently visiting sick relatives in in:.'China"-w' ill be useful as a Stipp- ma0e .=ny 1�iends since. coming winters with heav?falls-of-Anow. brought cheer' to their h666, will the Sanitarium. leiiientary book. Suggestions. were fiex�, the trag�dy that The young people of the Brough- received for the programs for the -iring the eighties never get- over !One winler. dt Mai�y friends of the late George— am United Church were' the guests annual meeting to be held in January E ry 04re shocked by �the news of -1somle firmers pluwed every month, darkened their home. Had the ve of the young people of the Clare' and a committee'appointed composed his sudder� death at his home in Wh- there being very little snow and child uiet a nattiral death, the U President, the two Nric-e-p-res- mont -nited Church at a Hallowe- of the �tby Sunday last. ---George was blow would have been light. coni .11frost. Ag'aiu, in the late nineties red witir this death whl,�11 will en party on Monday evening. idents, and the% Recording 'Secret- born near here and was always well pa On Thursday evening, Oct. 26th, ary, with the President of the Enter- �'ihere were 'several winters of a possibly Rtways.reniaiu a mystery, regarded in.Us home towi�ship. 'He the community turned out in large taininr,�Committee. A.4 yet no'invit- was a frequent visitor here and his -very mild type, in which- wheeled and,for years to come the parentg -Thomas Ph- -r�rk :n installing the hydro lirohere numbers to do honor to ation has been received for this %% *ehicles -were in use all winter, wilt gi iev-e over,tbelqss the*y have ilip Jr. and his bride (nee Irene meeting.. The Committee appreeiat: 'recientl� evoked -much-favorabfe cam tained, and in their sorrow Cowie, of Claremon0, meetinir in ed 'the kindneess '-of Mrs..-Carscallen Me from ail wFio knew him. -there being alraost no snow. it stla nt they will have, the -SY[UpAthy of Nhe Town Hall. The young couple in 4intertaining them to dinner after The HaLlowe'en masquerade at the wouldappear that mild'andoevere the,w hole cutin try. wete the Mrs_-Winters recipients of numerous the meeting. The -Nominating Comm- home of Gard. and- s winters gct in cy-cles,and if that i gifts and good wishes of-their many ittee met in the morning to vlan for came off in good- style. Over 60 peo- the case we way expect a sevA-re Biock Road friends. The evening Was spent in the elections at tke annual meetin!z, pfe turned -out. The costumes were games of euchre and in dancing, the apd were 4nvited to. lunch. by. Mrs- many, curious and amazing, while winter. Many look - �o wild Mrs. 'C. E. Kayes. of Oshawa 11 home orchestra furnishing the mus- �Carscall en. weir� clangings and ghostly figures oinials, and -trees to find Out spending, 'a few diLys with' her sis-" ic enis Judges a� The ladies furnished refreshm Moved in the entrance. what-kiadof winters arerabead-of ter, Mrs. E. S. Jackson hare. which were enjoyed by all. Audley warded the prizes to Gard., repres- -no. but they are very nareliable' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Edwards, of Mr. M. S. Chapman_of Pickering, enting Satan, Mrs. Pyper as a Oip- Audley, have rented a house here be- visited our Sunday School on Sun- We are glad to kn6w that Mrs.. sy, to Bob Hedge, as Happy Hooll- T-here-i*, a7t present*, no. depend- longing to James Farley, of-Brou- day afternoon and delivered -an ear- Gaiety �9 improving 'nic'ely. Mr- -hapman, ag an old gar., to able way for foretoiliag the gham, and_yvill be moving in a few nest and timely message, the key- Hallowp'en 'passed off. -76ithout a woman. to Geo. Mub�h and Tom Car- weather. for weeks ahead, al weeks We are all pleased Ao know note � of which was , "Intemperate serious-- disturbance. llsle.' ii -a- Con-dc- Parr, and'to Doris -though"ocienti-49-'ate hoping f.-r they are cqming into this communi'tY things to shar," urging the �oung. The Club members gave a shower and- Lorene Bryant, as Black Cats. the tinie when they will be able Let us all give them a welcome un' people to choose Jesus, who would t6tell lotig before hptud'thtikind their dirival. keep them and give theni courage to ­Of weather we %ill have. A number of our youny girls and"lead good, clean fives. Billy and Hel-_ -bb" celebratedl Halloweern in the n Deviti sane a duet, also Mrs. -Mr. Beverley Baxter, a young usual way by making several Calls. Gannon and Mrs. Hnward Malcolm. THE is C in the' neighborhood in their masq- The rite.of flaotiiin-was a4minister- RED LWH ITE sTo D.E anadian, who has becoiu�L_an uerade-drew. od to the infant-daughter of Mr. outstanding figure in British' Miss Vivian Jackson who was pois Mrq, D. -Beer and- the little -on of t journalism, having been for some oned a week-ago by eating bi_tter Mr and Mr-­ Harold Barclay durinir -Offer the following Pnre Food Specia.19 a is improving very E oets _nicely, but the xcept ion-&I Low Pric6s. itimeeditorof Lord BeaverbrooVs-'w ervice on Sunday..-A large con- it has. left 'her very weak and will gregation was present. mewspaper, The Daily Mail, ba6 take some time to regain her %tren- Lresianed to enter the filing,-to gth. ROYAL YORK W6-ian's Missionary St iety f th gin his duties on, Deember Ist. Walter Jackson, of Islington spent nited Church, Oshawa P�resbyteria` Bread ag .0 Flour, 49 lb. .'b' 1.35 i'lln one of his recent articles be the week-end with his mother h-rk-. ''Vireoents'the attitude of Canadians Committee Mr. and Mrs. BrowA and their The e of the COWAVS son, Walter, and family haye left Oshawa- Presb�terial-_'._r­,gt' 'at th6 Cut coitpen from Toronto no- 20c. .."Jn the ease of another European their summer home here and go Cocoa,- - paper and get lb. tin Mr. and Mrs.. Willet and' family, -3-6-re- Feet war. Be states that Canadians back to the city for the winten ]116re not in -,unfriendly relations BLUE BELL 725ce" "* -who have been living on the S TaT- do cause other ills--Use Cress Corn, ,with any other nation in the lor faim'for the-summer have moved Salvo. E. C. Jones, druggist.. Coffee, good quality* I The world, and consequently' do not to the city. inclined to parti.ipate in a war Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnston and WESTON'S.0 �o direct family of Port Colborne spent the ib which they have a week-end with Mr. and Mrs, F. R. INSURANCE 1. Br' oken Biscuits,- 2 lb .0 P In 1914, when Canadians Jackson. .-interest. were asked to entist in the vVorld Mr And Mrs. Yates, of Toronto. . CYRIL E.. MORLEY Oxydol, large pkg �41 '19co war. the 100,000 graves in Flanders, -A 'Field@ bears testimony to their � SORE BACK. RNEWMXTISM, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO respond qui- Pickering, Ont. Marmalade, 8 0 clo" ck, ,16 oz.Jar '25c* -.,-loyalty to the empire. This great ckly to RUMCAPS. E. C. Jones, of Ide,as well as money, druggist. ­.-Phone 4700 is too great for what ii received Corn Starch, per pkg' -0 0 0 10c# 'for[L -Of course, if the Germans Tea, 1.Scribbler, 0 .25 had won it' is hard to my what WIN 40ung, w9eople's Social Vub Red Rose Free 12 lb ` 71 ' Ce the consequences would have been. ar of Claremont request the pleasure of the company Of Coosa& inight have become a German 'colony and Canadian@ their fri.emds at a Dan ce to be held on 4 MURISON . .-Might becompelled to .hand over d y -1933 � TICKERING Aheir property to the conquerors. Frida Evening, November 3r In hiQ article referred to, Mr. PHONE, PICKERING.600 We deliver . . . IN TH.E — You order Baxter strongly urges Britain to the Locs-coo treaty. By -HA L L . ...' ecrop COMMUNITY ' this treaty Britain is bound to 'Piokering Hardwa' re Store -amitk Fr&nce in a war with Ger Mus ic at 8..30 .ousay,if the latter is the one to bring ori the war, and to assist -Germany if France 'Added atir'a6iion—Bill Hastings, Austr lian Comedian is the one to declare war. .The lessons of the Is eat and Light. Lunch, Cafeteria Styli, E x 1"t war does not.-seem to have The Canadian Wi ter Hoin i Ne�d of El smade,a lasting impression. tra Buy a Findlay Oval Range and an Alladin Lamp. $1.00 a Couple. Gents 50 Cents. Ladies 25.Cents. Satisfied. Very seldom has the dea'th of You wil.I always be .4.0uy person, lot alone that of mi. Urn p,-@ pecial at 86.25. -very young. child, catioed so much BA. LANeE YOUR RATIuNS WITH irig"the tragic doathof the I Obly Coffleid Electric WaAher, special for SM.00. "ghteen mont he old child of- Agreda- aud .,Mrs. Hillier, of To M 'A. R, M I L L -plow Share@ for all makeR of Plows�- 'body was weinto, whose naked Agent for M&Ddrmick-Deeriing Farm Machinery and RapairS. lound in a dump bea p abon t two ..livadrid yards from the child'@ ---.Our Motto:—"We h&veit, Can gist it, Or ' 10DIZED RALS till N _.:�-_bome. On Wednesday afternoon it is not tuade.". t the little girl, a great favorite Co*Wnhig.0 36'p' Potasolum Iodide. supported 'by all ne-mmary mineral.a ior 16ce'prevention of,46nd forbuilding tip it power air a the neighborhood, was left on re"Pistance against -P CKERING . rthe verandah of their 'b6tise pla I S.-BA I.XiNg y- ing, and Some time time laterehe MILK FEVER—ABORTION—GOITRE ---------- An all night search and other Ailments in Cattle caused by Micerai Defliciencies. Piomotes -vas missing. _. - Health and Better Gains to Hags and Sheep. L 0 0 K H E R E W as made by the distracted A19AD.WHAt A PROMINHNT ATR8HIRH ORNEDFIR SAYs �Ather, the police and a far1re ro p"olng-00A CRINDROLUR FANKS )Ies m4ay.lines which we i,umberof usikhbors, an4not.till Streeteville, Out., May 22,19M We have on our display tal ist prick. To clear these lines about eight o'clock the folio.win g Dear Mr. Reftor,— you at aw:y below prevent oc have substantially reduced the priees in h iiv9*1bdj foir y4d. ruorainX was the tragedy revealed. We.have beeii feeding your MAsmiLL IoDizari Mmum.AxA for th4 past 9- eac can whfch makeif a very a4rac The can'se of the-death is -a mouths. and I do*not hesitate to may tbAt it has-paid-for It&.-cost pelee a= A gee these, 1.89-and 2.49 thass over. Odr cows have milked well, and all ealres at birth, have .. ,Hen's Wor Boots, come In an ziiystery. 'Tberitis w wide-spread normAl and healthy'. while any udder trouble has practically been elimminate& B46y ­a6d 8, sesm per@, while thby Iaat, 99c pr. from tbobeed. C*mUet that a terrible crime has Wo have received results and-it will be your pla"uto well as ciiirs to Men's Heavy eater Coats at 2.49 Wb. Boys'English rt Pants, Special, 95c per pair. � *ven committed by an escaped watch for further developments. I am, Fine 8 a bargain at 95c and 1.00 up. kY. A.Gonor or- by some callous de. Yours very �rn Men's Wor r a qnslity, TSesach. who could not realize the Wallsc*.-Hard Mgr. good -to see yon and RIP never any trouble toeboW ibeinou@ness of the crime. It has H A R.1M I L L -10 1)1 Z E D M.1 N, 9 R A L 8 We are&I wa gi&d erchandine. .-4%l9obe@u suggested -that itmay WILL. DO SAME FOR YOU you our w Got ourPrices and Literature before buying your-ftook of Kinerals—Wo sea iiiavf- , boon the -work of some phone 2004 --­':eh�hjreit %%1r, had been "playing save you money—Tbrourgh your Dealer or Dfi*ct MADZ ONLY BY It I-0 It .4-been'putting"the �DV �CEGIL BRADLEY . f%jr 4ibai)y t -�i liv tin iressing her ,ESOD IQ MARMILL UMITF en y Vor w ..c' BOO' ,nd>% ea" ei Men-8 K Bo a.Eaglish po y in's 8 F r Me � n 11 Wor hirt We an alwa gla t d sea jo&o tiAcy !A.0 a�ue before, and MARKHAM, ONTARIO Iff it X 14 ai� IF f _ T 't$��E.'.ett!'+T,.':-.,�'..�.� ��i �`7:'.sSw'...I*.�:''.� ,.'A`.' .0-w:::vra"'-�'�°'.t.::., '""."�xt,^'m'� Twwil;-•-.+. _ _ _ _ .,a.,+w'�' 'µit t-.:,,�,�� ;�-• fir. .a• ;,Ty. -+� ';"_.*"«�^• �;a--'�o._':.. - -` .,r.,;• ��•z .-.: _ � ,. _ R.c:�>r... _ - - - - .ti.-. .- - _k. - _ .'° .� _ •;:,;""'•'� -,„.r .t' e2'.'M'.. xr -_r..•+..•.,- ? "t=..3.u�.. ,'��:a'•, '`� 'i1Y;', ay,: .-.. _ .. _ ._ �. -J' 'T--•,• - w�� _ue Wy'. � . _.�1. -•y A: .. � ., .... .sae.,� .._ a�-Y J�, :��Y - John Scott has been tar►1�itON� I - ' fir. and lire. >![cDooatd are Mrs. o coffin ._ _ . Ha1M.ve'en parties been moving to near Hamilton. ed to ker home for several days. � � ,:•.•••� . ANDERSON- r` the order of lire weals. Some of our weather prophet* Ed. and Mrs. Pugh and Mrs. Mrs. Winton White is re � would bays us believe we an now .Duncan Morgan spent Saturday WEDNESDAY. NOV 8th — Auct- DUAIBART011T � ' having Indian Summer. in Toronto. ion sale of horses, cattle, imple-. , to be in poor health again and is Mr. and firs. Cbidlow and Mr. Hiss Isabel Cooper entertained seats, hay roots, furniture etc., at -. J __confined to her home. Brown, of Sunderland, spent Sun a number of friends on Saturday let 2, con. 4, Pickering, (just nor- The members of the Bowling da with fdende in town., night to a bridge. th of Audley), the property of- INSURANCE Club are 'asked to remember_ the rs• Thos. Wilson returned last Born,on, Sunday, Oct. 29th to Harvey Edwards, Sale at 1 o'clock - AUTUMOBILPI are_requested Supper on the 17th in. All Thursday from a two week's visit, Mr. and flies. Denison, of Toronto, Draw auctioneer.r 3H. See bills. W. FIRE] sae requested to be present• to Hamilton and Toronto, a daughter, still born. The deer hunters leave onS star•' Mr.' and Mrs. Lye.will move this The road scrapers are makings 6' = BURGLARY ..day for the bush.- Sir but the week into Wm. Birkett's resi- serious attempt to keep the Brock STANLEY T13EATRE CA8UALTYI emualties will return to their deuce east of the four corners. road in order for the winter 'LIFE INSURANck. #above, when it gets too cold. Mrs. Birkett entertained the months. STOIIFF�ILLE Mark Linton has received an Mission Band to a 'Halloween Frank Soden, who has been very 1 Phone Pickering 7990 My _ appointment in Toronto,employed party un Saturday evening last. ill for several weeks, died at big e , `• to a manner similar to that which Mies %I(.Gluhau is leaving next home here this (Thursday) morn-- L. G , O NE/LL he had is thbMcIntpre ptant. week for Toronto, where she will Log. Time of funeral not yet an FRIDAY and SATURDAY The Park Board met on Monday spend the winter with her cousin. pounced. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANDI ..evening when Rome very serious Miss Jennie For lee _ Nov, 3 and 4. . ' g peat Mon - � . EMBALMER _discussion took place regarding day afternoon in-.--Difarkham, the _ -An «Old Favorites" Contest° "COLLEGE HUMOR"^ Successor to(w, J. Mather,! } �arreversl pas for the winter. quest of her niece, Mrs. Wideman. Bing Crosby Richard Arlen Stouffville Several of the hones wiring jobs W Geo,' Scott hue been com•, Our attention has been drawn to 'have been completed, inspected lied to return to bed again, his an interesting contest just launched Night and Day Service -• sod•the' power turned on, all to pe Mary Carlisle. Jack Oakie —T health nett. ermittip ' him t0 be by the Family Herald and Weekly Business Phone . Residence Plione the satisfaction of the occnpapts. p g Star. $1500.00 are offered in Cash -Burns 8r Allen .9801 9820 - out. __,._..._ Miss Margaret Pugh, of Marsh Prizes to those most -successfully . Bill, accompanied by Mies Flor• Roy Brignallell has been •suffer• solving a set of picture puzzles. Pictorial ­­Comedies T m � once' McMillan, of- Greenbank, ing a severe attack of tonsieitis, Each puzzle picture illustrates the DJ.N A•T S; GARAGE . d, ..spent the week end at the former'* kccompanied by 'heart complica- title of an "Old Favorite Song", the TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ' home here: tiona. object of the Contest being to name Cor. Brock.and Kingston Rds, 8 ]Ira. W . Birkett' is shortly, Miss Maggie Graham •hue been each- one of them correctly. A book Nov. 7 and 4` ' in-,he company of Mrr and Mrs. having eztewive repairs c•omplet featuring 1600 old favorite song tit- "THE WORLD GONE MAD" . General Repair W' ork all care, - Walker, -for California, .where ed on,4er ,residence, south of the 1es has been compiled bt the publish- guranteed at reasonable :�• they,will spend the winter. The village, I ers. This book contains-ali the songs Evelyn Brent .,,.Pot O'Brien prices. *' " trip will be made by car. The Women's Institute were the that the puzzle pictures illustrate , The rice of eggs has taken a: I and a copy is given to every active` Parking space in rear of the Acetylene Welding P guests of the Pickering In_titute Batteries ro aired and char sadden riee in• this as well as in on Tuesdrap afternoon, at the' contestant as' an aid. The pictures Theatre Firestone pad Dunlop charged.ged. every other comniunitp. The egg home of Mrs. Richard Wintere• are very cleverly drawn and provide p interesting 5 e Sett a 6l :laying fraternity are on their pre• g entertainment to those (iaeoliae and Oils. Runge holiday' - ' ` - taking part. The nature of the con- Thos. and Mrs. Gregg are mov A speedy relief for Nervous Ind test itself, as the name implies, -4CoWfsed temp Refreshment Booth to Connection 4, •,ing shortly into the McCtillnugh igestion, Heartburn, Gastritis, Dys--`brings back to mind those`old-famil-- --- - --- — residence.'the latter moving into pepsin and' Acidity is Diges-Tone. It tar-tunes Which .never seem to grow- THE "MADELINE" Phone Pick.7600; old and which recall memories of ��pp (oigbtor day). :tire new Pilkey residence ,which is a tonic laxative-not a harsh pur•- 17 EA U TY SAL L _ N MILTON SLE�•P they have purchased. gative...It promotes 'Digestion, iner- those happy days when they were . . - r"J Thertroats of last week corm let ' eases the appetite, relieves. constip- current musical hits. Any of our 421y' PROPRIETOR' P ation and ensures regular elimation readers will find it well worth while Marcelling and -ely rained the apples that remain k your druggist. dropping a line to'the Family Her- - ed on the trees. Many, barrels oF- `' Finger•tYavin aid and Weekly Star, at Montreal, g, ;e' _ fine apples have thus been lost by for full particulars of-this contest - _ alp TrgRtmept,_ - the unusually early frost. : Reliable whirl---will he gladly sent to anyone to Hair-cutting. Considersbly interept was-taken interested, along with a sample copy Permanent 'Waving w `per:+a" ' by the local population in the of the paper. y "t $inmonnt "missing child case." c Ome r : - Several' of our citizens are ac NURa7ERY STOCK - -- -- Phone 1908 CLAREMONT ,. �Oualowj v itb the territory. FRED ST A C E Y __. Eyesight S FUI;.EFALL AND SPRING Pe'daHwA Rev. J. E. Glover. will assist at _ PRIVATE MATERNITY NURS op= rr.wa,, rkawa.dq .d a,er- Pxint�r a,d Paper h.ln�tvr ING HOME ` - the induction services of Rev. Dr. PLANTING - - ins ...,aa,h. K .Edwin Smith at the Columhus _ (!rate of Bnb3s Co.. T,)ronto).. � •s d,K, -'invited Church on Fridsy evening. 9nper lint of hardy Trees, 'Shrubs All ele.es of work Rtt.arariteed At lowest Medical and Convalescent Cases coat- 13 ye,ats experwr^e: t DISNEY Bi.00Y, Mr. Glover will give the addresti. and P'lanta both fruit accepted C►sk+iMra y i The Home Telephone Company PINE- DRIVE. - DtfNBARTOht Private and Semi Private Rooms OPp.Post ow"1l�tsas silg bAv_e installed some automatic exi and ornamental. - Cbsnge equipment in the L'nlon. or write ltunharton R.O. Weekly Rates $10.00 •°' villa office, a sort of Susie Rohn, Root Pruned Fruit Trees that save inspection invited which ds expected to speed up the valuable time-in coming Studio of the Dance MM GEORGE THOMi'9ON -service. into bearing early. t� be opened- Phone 7.308 The canning factory has now 51-24 8tauffwille, R.R. No. I t� been closed for the season. A send �, T. ELLIOTT, AGENT In Pickering. -- - quaotity. of their . products was � • - ,i . turned cast and a ready market gh What child does not love to dance, -- - foa for same. The very high_ and what mother does not love to see quality o! the product created a �' her child with the graceful body nd s • big deneand, poise-that dancing alone can giie. Considerably. more snow loll id' Eyes Miss. Dorothy Ellis, -whose pareoie (.,t/p/�uSl!!1►� _ .:this neighborhood last week than have taken residence in 'Pickering to the south a tow miles. Even u' `` . - Township, will open, a school of daael �ti;btl ►l1Lg'fiFjtgilblsp �! -with the few. days of warm sun ing in the near future. .,✓//4i/ylr0/7Qf•f' - r _ since the storm, snow was to be - Miss Ellis Is well knewo in both Oa- TORONTO _ ieeen lying in tbo fence corners Modern tario and Quebec. where sbe danced _daring the ear y-part of this week. - "ew site great success, and is prepared to Single i00. Return 90o, f The Y.-P. S. of the United "_k:' � torah,various styles and steps. 8 • `, � Church entertained the newly .+lie 'Patch for Notice of Opening. wbsn teas apprsaeMr organized Y. - P. S,:of 9t. John's -..'1 Z Tn"p$ es its Seal hoar the w 40hurch, Brougham, on Monday memorials we execate evening to a Hallowe'en ppae�rty. � C. H. Tuck, �. Typewrlti�� - Short head Each Way Each Day "� b. ' >n J �•, The program was provided by the Neuraethaaia - Commercial Spelling mat! tribute to the r visiting society, followed by s _.: S:tar Week.Eod P �7�^bass social hour, with luncheon. z part 1 A 6umber of pupils will be received Service, erected to honor. Our • The friends and relatives of the _ for instruction in the above sub- cresdve eldii se�+atse late Goo. W. P:Every,of W hitby, This nervous disorder as it applies jests in evening classes, to • I the best romltt. hate the deepest eymptthy of the to the eyes may be' properly ascrib- commence Sept. 7th. Daily Servtee •`No clrsatsr Telbate" - ttwmmnaity in the sudden death ed to "a general run-down condition Day Cusses arranged on application '• and the effects of this condition on ..'-Low Fares N. W. a'i'AFl�OBD • •::-o[a well known and very highly "Class Rooms to tiandereon House, respected visitor to this village the eyes "lack of tone" may be not- Claremont. $in ROd and neighborhood. The lasers! iced in convalescence after some tr- Classes held Monday and fbursday. —between Toronto and wmft a, tool[ place on Wednesday after oublesfna illness, a few of these Phone Clare 903. Apply to ��� eases fray hot end 'any relief in the Buffalo, Hamilton, Detroit peon, interment taking place in correction of errors Q# vision but �driB. T. Z•OnBen " '' the Uoicin Cemetery near Oshawa. may be entirely due to some other Formerly on staff of Shaw Schools .� Barrie. Orillia, Midland, Several from here attended the -cam but it is an accepted fact A-- - :plowing match last week—st least that when-muscle and ape Condit- raeksoa s Point. Brampton, �r we understand some were there, ions are thoroughly treated slid cur- HAW A -1 .1 A N AND ALL U. S. A. although not the whole of them *-' -.ace not able to deeeribe how the som' fewer cases are found and U I T A R uaple Loaf tLntiul !'ire y some relief is found for those siifi- POINTS. �gof' there, and because of this, ering in this manner. And in bring -buapieions are naturally aroused. ing the physical condition to normal TENOR BANJO Ett. = Tickets and information at Ins � �• 0owever, those who 'did arrive the correction of the eyes is a means '. 'Sacceesfully taught by report the horseshoe pitching, hot of assistance. Some of the causes QRAY COACg LINES and WAWANBSA INS. CO. dog.and soft drinks all very fine. that contribute to this condition are: FRANK ROBINSON ivheap rates for farm and country ` We have' not-se-yet heard any- nervous conditions, poor health;' dis= of Toronto. Eastern House—Pickering buildings. --thing about the plowing, but we ease and weakness, over-use of the Windstorm Insurance on buildings.l believe that some plowing did eyes, -bad lighting .conditions, impr- IN CLAREMONT ON FRIDAYS wind-milb.Silos eta. -;actually take place. - oiler nourishment, and sanitary con- :Automobile Insurance ,t The members of. the Park Board ditions. The most common .sympt Children's Sveciglty. g• :of all kinds. .are anxious to clear• the air re. our he s, complained of are: headacs -. 'Write to a FARMS FOR 8" rd the the disappointment exl frontal, over the brows or temporal FRANK ROBINSON pert iMd by some on the evening and even back*of the head. Redness 33 Condor Avenue, Toronto Write or phone w of the.21@t,. when George Carr's of the eyes and lids. Light will also BOWMAN & ROWE 'Orchestra did not appear. It had bother 'the - eyes more under this been given to Mr. Carr to under- condition than at other times. The 20 WHITBY, ONT. /'� i eaand that the hall would not be eyes will water under the leant irr- _ .-: FOR QUICK SALT. itatiori and may appear gritty and ' available for that night, but be sandy •. I . ported his advertising. aeverthe One 1tr29 Durant Coach to'be continued lase, sad appeared in Claremont -• a' t o0ne 1930 Ford Roadster " l on that evening with hie oveheslea, One Fordson Tractor si tsrsr� . 'ai the. ball which was already to One 10--20 Titan Tractor occupied, hence the dance eould YQ1l..V'AII $IIy a� HG>ne One Fleury Single Plow =-. -- - _ ;'-. t,• - ,wohMo iNll$• - :':.One Massey Gang plow _Remember the Harvest Home TIRES, BATTEItIBtS. One No. 136 Iaternationa0asax Plow servieses in the United Church on - . .-� ACCESSORIES,. _ � Two Ridipg Plows Sunday nom, Rev. J. E.`glover, - Three Circulating Heaters B, A'., the pastor, will preach at At as low and better prices ,. -Two Box Stoves. *tvli a. m.. and Rev. T. W�P'. G.__ _ One Quebec Heater Andrews,of Newmarket, at 7 p.m. _ One Quebec Cook Speeial music will be rendered by 'y011 can in Toronto.. _ One Gurney Electric Stove ...:eke .home.•ohoie. . On Tuesday, --- One Vessot'Ball Bearing Grinder (new) Nov. 7th, the annual chicken sup Let ai reparr that leaky top: One 1$inch McLaughlin Double Head Mill Grinder per will be served in the Common. One Hand Wneher t pity Hall from 6 to 8 o'clock, after One Electric Wood Tub Beatty Washer • which a comedy drama, •,Nancy Skilled Motor Repairs. r One_Oas Roller Anna' Brown's Folks," will be One Land Roller staged by the Y. P. S. Suitable Gordon 1. LS-K A Oar Load of Shell Maker will be in in about one week. gold and Inetslled by ma»io will be rendered between Phone 2908; FRANK I PROIISE sots. Admission, adults t5 cents akildrsn, 20 oeot.. PICKERING, ONTARIO; CHAS. COOPER, - CLAREMONT & iL ,��► ,.. . - x w^ ,,:rz.hs � - - - 's.rc,.r•fe= •-'**•r -� �.`•-r ;,z,:,'3t..,;y'.c�.rr „{. a"--ay.� _..,$.. ,•,,: - _ _ "'•""' :.. ., _ S.rs�a,. •w.�,.im'&t�'rnc.�ani��µ�a;.°�.:Sr-J.-,rs 'm _ .-:�- ,:« _ wxa.e..,+.,a:, ..i-A_'w•� .2' ?- ,�.' - '+a ".p 4.41 „ .Xy ✓ .h. `-!.� sari; 'R��'�iI�I. a4'- .a"k• . _ . . . .r . --r<.. l'• "'�h' ;• ..�,,�,,... - 'L spite everything.she ka►d a sincere To-' THE *�i A� :- Card for the girl she had discovered "Mu,�G L"l1,��5 , impersonating klT. Sitting in her Write for a copy of the current issue, It contains a resu a of the active room, she grew more $IIxiaua as file Canadian Mining Companies, edited b an authority on Canadian mining- 7. - /. *?� �' You will And it highly informative if you are inter ted in mining se- ,time fled by. Finally she went out to cunties. r� •;; 1 `a telephone call-box and rmg Molly's DOHERT'Y ROADHOUSE & CO. flat, only to have the operator tell her - ]Lumber standard stook i ----- ---- '� _ there was no reply. At that her mind si mra sssaa�s �'"T, t 1� s:os so io - - —�'— was made up. By the time she arrived at Lawn . agonized cry of a woman cl lee be- - - Hoare it was nearly two o'clock, The side him. Genii from Life's Scrap-book ` house was in darkness. She silently Instinctively he 'breathed her Reason walked to an old window at the back name: "Molly!" Reason Is the most active-hugnau of the house. Someone inside the room He felt her clutching him, soi,bing faculty."—Mary Baker Eddy. r _-;• had struck a match, and in its glow .. wildly, her whole frame racked with "Reason is a permanent blessing of i she saw the face of Paul Silver. Then and uncontrollable emotion. His arms God to the soul. Without it there can WJCJL- she saw he was holding s can o! pet- went around her, thankfully. This be no larger religion.—Henry -Ward ` ' - rcl and had started sprinkling it w$a his child. Providence had sent Beecher. - around the room. The truth dawned t ti her to him in the hour of his greatest "Reason' on hek quickly. He was setting the gains all men by 'compel- need -house.alight. ' „ �� ling none."—Aaron }sill. - Even as she looked a burst of flame Quick she cried. Wemust get "If I'go to Heaven I want to take• came from the far corner of the room. out. The house is burning!" _ "We can't go like this," he cried. my reason."—R. (3. Ingersoll. Paul Silver vanished Desperately .There's another woman—we 'must ;;lE the girl opened the spring window „ son, and not passion@ bmpe BhomClau- * - e and flung herself into the room, tell- find her. ' out on the landing a great rloua dian. �r 1 s Masqucradc' ' ing her self that she mast reach the of amok@ assailed their. The girl "Nothing can be lasting when rea- ster ® door leading. to the staircase before au son does not rule." the fire barred her path. � Heedless of paused and opened a door. They wer —Quintus C. Rufus. her danger she sprang across the in another room where the window By J. R. WILMOT room. The door was-locked- Ld the was wide open, and before the win- , ' � et behind her, cutting o8 -dow s aperature was silhouetted General Television flames had m beh' against the lighter tint of the night r8 .. , her retreat. ' CHAPTER %%VIL her as being rather odd. Flora Silver Suddenly she rememberft the old sky a ladder. - sass Roger Barling after escorting Molly met her in the hall. trnnel. She dropped on her knees and The firemen found Molly Carstairs BOUGHT SOLD *o her flat,returned to his awn apart- "Come this way, my dear," she in- searched the floor. for the concealed ten minutes later. She was still un- .QUOTED g conscious, but they carried her to the nAnt, deep in serious thoughts timated tonelessly, leading the way ran _ lawn where Roger-Darling was in a An interesting booklet on the de. If Cleveland was right in his as- into the lounge' "Paul won't be long." fever of agony. gumption that Silver was the pritici- ' Without further' explanation the CHAPTER XXVIII. velopraent of the television Indus- "You've got your car here,Bailing," try will be sent on request. pal behind the girl,the directing men- woman left the room, and as Molly Roger Balling saw the blaze as he said Inspector Blayton. "I should ad- tal force, then to release her he must stood staring at the closing door the ame along the road. Jumping out of Yme your taking her home, and the strike at Silver. But how? Was he was amazed to hear the key being M International Bond and y � his car, he dashed across the lawn. ajar'. and • . • " he paused uncer- • � bot already too late to do that? The turned in the lock,. After what seers- He was surprised to i.ee a little knot tainly, staring at the girl who was Debenture Corporation Ltd. damage had been done. Major Car- ex: an age, the door was unlocked and of people standing there. The ground clinging•to Major Carstairs' arm 406-8 C.P.R. BLDG., TORONTO V s had accepted her as his daugh- Silver entered. ficor was well alight, and in the glow ".My daugher, Inspector," supplied . Fe; very conveniently suffering from "So there you are, eh? .I suppose he saw Inspector Blayton. Carstaira quietly. Joan of memory. you're wondering what we want with "Have you got them out?" deman-d- • An hour later a strange company Roger dropped into his armchair. you! Well, the game's up, mar girl ed Roger, unsteadily. wan assembled at Major Carstairs' _.._ The little clock on the mantel chimed Flora wants me to let you go,but I've "Got who out?" asked Blaytoa. flat, and the Major was speaking; midnight. For another hour lie sat-taken enough risks already with yon, "Minn Garstairs. Quick, man! Have "I seem to•be �n, ■ land of make- and then the telepbone rang. my girl. I half suspect that you're'you sent for the brigade?" believe tonight," he smile3. "And 1. "Is that Mr. Barling. This is Jud- in some way responsible for this. Blayton was astonishingly cool. "Of don't want anyone to spoil it by enter- A - son speaking. I'm at Charing Cross You've been letting your tongue get coarse," be answered, readily, "but ing upon a lot of esplanationr. You OWN station. You remember me, Mr. Bar- the better of you'. Carstaira and 1 how do you know"-Miss' Carstairs is see, I think I know more than you g, don't you?" have been having a little chat about berei" imagine. But I will say. this," he "Of course I remember you?" you, and we've decided to keep you Breathlessly, Roger told him about added, turning to Roger, "I owe a "Well, air, I got back tonight about here until the police arrive. I'm sorry the telephone message he had-received. very great debt of gratitude to these SOAI. go - -;riidnight and I found that Silver's for you, Miss Carstairs—very sorry "I ace,'° he -mentioned; tonelessly: l-twa young ladies ere-who,by'a happy _ got Miss Carstairs. I'm quitting while indeed. .You are a young Roman with "But-we can't do anything until the coincidence, bear similar names. I lbhe going's good." ir.:mense possibilities. They'll grab- brigade arrives. To try to force in won't say more, but we shall expect . e3 A,What do you mean by.,'f3ot Maas gbiy give you several years. I'm entrance downstairs now, would .be you et lunch here tomorrow,,Dar, Barvbj► u Carstairs'?" -clearilb out. So is Flora. 'Come, are st icid! , Mr. Barling." "I found that he'd sent the car yoi: ready?" "But I tell -you- Molly's there," Tha. promised lunch was a happy , .1 down for her about eleven o'clock, and "I dtmand to speak 't,,Mafor Car- Roger protested,the name slipping un- affair for all concerned, and Roger _ ere'a something nasty going on. •If atr_irs," Molly'said. consciously from his lips. took it upon himself to say that be- were you I'd watch out." "So you shall, but not yet awhile. "We must be patient, Mr. Bailing. fore very long there would only be A click at the other end told Ro ,however, follow me. You may rest assure+' that we shall. one Molly Carstairs instead of two. SMa�' _ that the man had rung off. Hesitantly Molly followed, him to- do a erything possible." And what of the Silvers? P Molly had been surprised th the wards the door. 'As they were close Suddenly out o! the shadows that Inspector Blayton is very fond of tigh!¢y¢st B _ Car which called at the fla not to it bo made a swift movement and t gulled them they saw a darting fig- saying that at Holloway and at Sous�a�t' �o� - riven by.Judson. -The man at the turned-to face, and as l c d d so ills tire of a woman,hatless_and with dish- Wandsworth gaol -the prison.commis- �u COMPP¢it ffi v'.eei was one of the underlings who hand shut out. The next moment evelled hair. For ono incredible mo- sinners will .not ' countenance card e\¢at a only fro Red after the garden. But she had something --white .was' .pressed to ment Roger thought it was Molly; but parties. ,�co C1¢sr\in¢ss• got the slightest apprehension,for her Molly's face and she breathed the sick this figure was not running from the (The End.) ion¢t brio ev¢ty �•nd was made up. Whatever the erring odor of chloroform. house but towards it. Roger heard t -- '(ak¢ CA%0* aSajor wanted her for she wad deter- Major Carstairs' rightful iiaughtar Blayton stifle a curse. "Quick, after Out of 585 open schoiarships'aad �otnlo9• ,Ained to tell the truth. had r-tu to Greenwich,but there her, Peters, she's going to her death. hibltioas given by Oxford and Cam• _ - Her reception at the house struck was an uneasiness in her mind. De But although the man addressed bridge Universities last year, 305 were _ ----—— sprinted across the intervening space won by boys from grant-aided schools. - the girl ahead bad a bie-start. She Of,these Sfty=elght per tent, ha'd beleu • a•'. had reached the side of the house and educated at Eiementary'schools. j " in 'a moment they s•-w her climbing, k rX hand over band up the tangled -ivy. r The next moment she had disappeared "Ii-you will not hear'Reason, ails from view in the direction of one of will surely rap your-knuckles."—Benj.� the topmost windows in the pointed Franklin. -. ;" • • Gable. Major 'Aldous Carstairs was sur•- grised to find hiinaelf iq•bed. 'He tried - desperately hard to think what had :_Ea 5e pain; H ea d a ch e ha red. Then like a flesh it came back to him. He remembered Silver, ' the revolver; the drugged whisky, his %in `Few M�nu�es. telephoning- the girl. A new fear gripped'him. -He realized he had-been 'indirectly responsible for the trap • which apparently Silver had laid. He r . jumped from bed. An odor. of smoke PEG,I'M FRANTIC,THIS WORK 2 LATe R, assailed his nostrils. Below him he could hear the brackling of flames. The MUST BE DONE-ANO IV'E A LOOK WHAT IV'E DONE,PEG.. S' terrible. truth broke upon film-�-tne SPLITTING 'HEADACHE ASPIRIN SURE STOPPED TMAT COFFEE CAKE—nually popular for house was on fire. The next moment AWFUL HEACACNEIN A JIFFY... tea, lunchton or supper. . . was at the window crying aloud NEVER FeLT BcTI R! arsam together yl a batter lentionuntadoubleinbutk.. to the apparently empty night" for DON'T WORRY,GttT SOMG ' and %c.sugar,add &well- (About I%hre.)Shape into assistance. ASPIRIN TABLETS 11 1 KNEW IT WOULD! ! beaten egg and 9 c. milk, regular coffee roll shape.At- So this, he reflected bitterly, was ANo WuR 14BA0AcK WILL ASPIRIN IS THE gviC%F_STI Add this mizture with about low to rise until double is Be eoME eaFome YOU' 'SAFE RELIEFFfIOm PNU -- Z a dour and �tap.salt to bulk. brush surface with the end. They had left him to die in I e.Royal Yeast sponge'to melted butter"d wrinkle a burning house. And tVhat Of the IT KNOWN ' make a soft dough. Snead with nuts or cinnamon, girl. That girl,'whoever she was, had ! — tightly and-place in greased Hake at Mw F.about 33 min. given him more than she knew. He " 14 bowl.Corer and set in warm - *ROYAL YEAST SPONGE: 'had returned to England to find hap- soak 1 Royal Yeast'coke in warm place tree from givens with his daughter; she lead %pint lukewarm water for drouahts•Makes S to 6 cups given him that happiness, until that 13 min.DlaolveItbep.sugar of batter• old doubt of his had masked the real- BUT BUY fn pint milk.Add to dA- ity of it all. LLB _ .. U"Z-IN- sehedye..cwke'Aaalq`art A sound of running feat outside his CANADA bread gent.Here thorough _ ;; For Quick Relief Say ASPIRIN---When You Buy •: GOODS_ ly. Corer and tee rise oasis _ ::`. `,><>•••:::i::':,:> door came to his ears Someone was night to double in bulk is 1 " :,il !I>!:'; '' „ amazingly Quick relief i. calling. _ Father! Father! Where Now comes amasin 1 y ? 'from headaches, rheumatism, neuri- are you?" Lis,neuralgia...the This must surely be some mad 8i fastest sgfi fell it is said, Y� pet discovered. pie SURE to keep a supply of Royal Yeast LTeam—the'effect of that damnable WHY ASPIRIN j7 Cakes on hand to use when you bake ,• drug. His hearing was playing tricks Those•results are' due to a scien• - tific discovery by which an Aspirin WORKS SO FAST - - - gIt hone.Sealed is air-tight waxed paper, with him. But that voicel He heard Tablet begins to-dissolve, or dis- eystayfreahforlaonths.Theaefamoua it again. It was neare now. And ant crop an Aspirin @grate, in the amazing space of reblet in a�'1w"df- r•y y� des h� _ _ i .. hallucination or not, Major Carstairs two seconds.after touching moisture. -water.Note that BE- en the standard for yet, 'a"nawe'red it, call for coil. And hence to start "taking hold" of -FORE it touches bot• 1i pain a few minutes after taking. tom,it has started to J. " ll0years.And lend @bee co A moment later the door of }' The illustration of the lass, here, disintegrate. ~ t flea ql `�„ room was flung open. In the demdt tells the story. An Asp gin Tablet ! j. „ for free copy of the oOl e,.t what ie aoa In this ROYAL YEAST BASE a •t .oje ? " of the darkness he could make out a, starts to disintegrate almost instant- ? glass it does in your .� >.` go9 ►o.Q : ►'• : ' y you it. And thus is ready q stomach. Henn its IBoog—tiivei Z3 tested botce' Piih.•o+► # . human form.' He could hear the at- 1 fast action.• ?� _ fs �, pt _,,;; most hysterical breathing as he sat to go to work almost instantly. - a-, xdpes.AddreisSiand- .,sbde.+ When you bu though' �. so. },as".>'>g,,; there hypnotized. y y, h" be on IswaM•�D JR Brands Limited. aea ,tt+ "F`ather, are you the It was guard against substitutes.To be sure !' - bits; T; on do Lit+est>/ tp :`>::. ;..:... ..::: `'• _ suu get a quick reli of m rt) ASPIRIN ' �' - to,Out. re a name Bayer the form Does Not Har • the Hen , • : _ _ . ' ISSUE No. 44—'33 a crops is on every tablet of Aspirin. -. _ - � sass •• . ... ,. • ., .«' =. _ �-.� __ .. . i .- . . , sass. sass .. . . . . �\ • r - - .. _ .. ,,..._.,._..sass.-.-.—sass..----'-'•.:,r-a 7•_.- - _ •,... '•'1 ._"•'s`.`_ ".,`.h°S• '.i�• v-..-bda+?='.,_w- :� - ::r�+. "r:^ .�a• r�,�r-�c.-n' '.ts'sp..• �•-�r. - ..<�..s";•,$'-- -rs.�`Tw',. .a,;; n,:,7Q. .t.. .�a��:c :`,3 �. f•a.r.-s�.l.:.a& r:.'r;:.•+•a�-+w,__ -.. .. m ate•. �.s.-s.-.• ....bra ��e'- -.., ._.:c.- - -. - ..�'•_.. _e-ei..'..,•,- .,., ..,e._z•m's.f.+.rw�r.�.a:�. - .el� ..•d 3S'r::aa.. u..� •' �...s z•'-v r'�,�.'d:.•u..�-'i..'.< ..<�" .5 •k �.,�p J!t;; e• .4 • e....,sF. g-'+yc:s': ifts.drFy" ,«y 'i .Attractive Dress 1 r; By HELEN WILLIAMS. ` COMMENTS JEVFNTS Illustrated Dres#makixg Lesson Fur- - sisbed with Frw,,r Pattern AROUND . , , THE Woman s t� Y � � i Chattet. , . ,. -- - _ By- AUSTIN MORAN . B Muir Morgan •,. i►r�.rier�.i►sr►.r►ir►�r►.r►a►wer.�rrii►i: ' Week s Celebration For Radio City • • .�- ' BEAUTY SERVICE FOR UNEMPLOYED Inauguration of the National Broadcasting Company's new headquarters ` In Radio City next month will be celebrated with•a .series of special pro. An idea that might well be.carried out every where, is the grams, world-wide in scope, which will continue for a week. _.t organization sponsored by' Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Last Short-wa've transmitters associated with the NBC' In the. United Stater , .week 100 unemployed girls received free beauty service and as will send the programs out to every corner of the globe, while short-waver In foreign countries will contribute programs which. will be picked up for a result they expect better chances of getting jobs.- The service the coast-to-coast networks, ` includes correct coiffures,make-up,facials and manicures furnish- Thus there will be hardly a radio listener in the:world who will not ed by' the American Beauty Council. There is .nothing so re- - hear poitions of the ceremonies opening the world's largest broadcasting =, as • • t •suring to any girl, whether looking for a job or'' pleasure- establishment. , - • s =.a bound, as to know that she is looking her very best. The tonic The Baron Arrives - `t - effects on nerves, self-esteem and personal vanity cannot be '^ His modesty the Baron Munchansen-Jack Pearl' to you to back from Dyer-rated-a thorough beauty treatment rates at least as high Hollywood, Back too is Cliff Hall, the Baron's old friend, "Sharpe". Clio As a three day holiday-by-th"ea. was not in evidence when the Baron stepped oft the Twentieth Century r •• • • • s - at Grand Central Terminal, although many thought he was trying to escape THE MODERN WOMAN READER detection by.Interviewers disguised as a Red Cap. That shrinking violet, the Baron Munchausen and Sharlie have started An interesting topic-discussed by a Scottish novelist brought in right where theg left off,. only more so. Pearl's sojourn in filmdom has these facts to light. '.First and.foremost women read novels.- supplied him with few tables until even the voluble and erudite "Sharlie_'___. a very small majority enjoy biography, travel or history. If a rendered ties speechless. hi lee l And so the Baron's long suffering partner 18 telling they do favor a.biography it is the'gossipy,lightly-told adventures a sew tall ones himself these days, to the Baron's unending coasternaao. -- (preferably of the heart) of on-ji of their own sex: A travel Head in the Studios N; book, unless it offers some nevi, strange dishes or the female Ai Jolson ands diversion In a stiff game of hearts. . . A certain admire 'explorer's account of how she'combatted the heat and managed sent a Toronto radio artist a trained duck as a mascot, . . John S. Young, to look and feel well-groomed miles away from a beauty parlor, NBC announcer, has lately been called' the Beau Brummel of the air, . . -- -'_bores most woman readers: Than is the' opinion of a Scottish If you want to see the Greater Minstrels Broadcast when in Chicago, so do t novelist. Corning nearer home here is what Miss Elizabeth Hall, 15,000 other admirers . some waiting list, nearly 200,000 persons have already witnessed, this unique feature. . . Madge Tucker, "The Lady Next _. librarian of the Travelling Library depatment at McGill, says:- ... .. ,Door', in eve years has.written nearly eve million words of radio continua ' "in reply to your letter'with regard to the type of literature ity. . . . The apple of Ben Bernie's eye is his son Jay, a student at Culver women are reading at the present time, we find that popular bio- Military Academy. , It's out that Will Rogers can now sit an airplane as' - SSCkVllle-we8t Sugimoto, i well as he site a hole. . Jack Benny has a hard time convincing Mends, - Qr8phie8 Such 88 MaujrOi$, Sas80on, _ that Benny is his teas name and not a.stage name; . . Frank Bastow, popu• _' Klickman and Guedella are among the moist popular; history writ- S lar NBC tenor Is so tall he has to slouch to reach the microphone. - "-ten in a readable form such as Lawrence in Arabia, Elizabeth He.a 1s a charming dress vt.:,.h has • • • . • • r _ And Essex and Henry the VIII.; books of Travel by Morton, several splendid points for matrons Fan Thought Hay Took Andy's 1500 Franck and Halliburton; child psychology, life of'women in other to slenderize the figure. .° with an ever ow- It is fashioned of necktie silk in Bill Hay, announcer for Amos 'n' Andy has loaf receive". so much - __lands, such as 'Mother India,' art and poe try, 131' don for the :whereabouts of the 8600' whicli caused the, boys so much ing interest in things pert aining to Canada are continually ask- rich Wine coloring in combination worry a few weeks ago. with plain toning silk, a practical If the radio audience remembers, Bill was prepartng'to go on his'vaca- ed for by our subscribers. choice for all-around wear. tioa to California and an announcement was made to this effect,on the "Religious books such as Jones' 'Christ of Indain Road; and Black abeer wool with black satin air. His letter from a Canadian tan said that one of the children turned - -- Russell's `Sinners Only' are always in demand. crepe is another smart acbeme. from the radio and said, "Mummy, I'll bet Bill Hay has the 8500 and he's and oin away with It". "Fiction, .of_course, takes the lead, with love atones' a Choose now. Make thin distinctive going y historical novels first, although mystery tales and numerous model at just the cost of the material, Fortunately for the faith In the Sjctch announcer the money '~ hovels are a close second. English authors such as Galsworthy, Style No. 2958 is designed for sizes 'wee found before Bill returned. Bennett, Oppenheim.-and Orezy have a wide 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bunt. Deeplati Walpole; Size 36 requires 4 yards of 39-inch. First Big-Time Canadian Program circulation', and Wallace and Wodehoilse appear in most Of OUT material with % yard of 39-inch con- The new edition of Wrigley entertainment brgught Volumes of thank- _ libraries. - ts-asting. • fulness from thoabanda of ear sore listeners following the premiere broad- - - "Among fhe Canadians De la 'Roche, Gordon and Packard cast of truly, the first program'originating in Canada with a professional _ •, - - 'HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS g = -' - are 'tremendously popular and of the lighter' American novelists touch of production, and to produce so splendid !s 'program congrats are „ Write-your name and address plain- in,,order to that clever production, man, Dave Miller, of course, you remem- Bailey, Lutz, Norris and Lincoln are constantly demanded. ly, giving- number and size of such ber that pleasing voice that used to 'emanate from a popular Toronto sta- ' • • • • * patterns as you want. Enclose 15c in tion . ..it was the-same Dave Miller, _: _ ' .' AN IDEA _ _ _ .. - stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap' -, CRCT A housewife who enjoyed and found an outlet for her crew- it carefully) for each number, and �..►�......�_._.�.• ' 9.30-Gems. from w ... ........WGB address your order to Wilson Pattern Football show wEIS ---five pourers in the great art of cooking bethought herself of,the � » victor Young*a Qrclestra.wBL+'1` housewife who didn't do her own baking-also of the girl work- Service,78 West Adelaide St.,Toronto. 'N THE AIR 10.00--otsea and Johnson >...wgsui 0, First Righter .. ...WBEN _ ',ing in an office yet keeping house at-the same time. Consequent- Australia tears another rabbit - 10.30-Loot' and Abner .........w711Ly sy, she decided to have a,food sale every Saturday afternoon at Eiadi ® All-Bier the Artist plague this year. 8.00-Sleet the rust her home. She invited two friends who specialized in salads and := Presentations a.00- K_7,• ,. ,, , ;;-WBEN 6.30-Bridges of'Parts lcakea and together they produced a display of homemade bread, ''''"' 9.00-Trlpte Bar-x Days '...•. CFRB . cakes, pies, salads, baked beans, cookies'; jellies and candies. - waas t„issaz3t� _ Baron Munebausea ......wBEV 9.80-Leo. Reisman .......t..,WBEN Kilo- Singing Strings .. .......CKNC y s They telephoned those whom they thought would be interested. seaelot, >- j!lertea cycles 10.00-Dancing Party ...........CRCT 'Tile results have pmved profitable and the buyers have .blessed , 10.30-George Jessel . ..:::...CFRB these enterprising housewives. Worthy of emulation. CFCF Toronto ........ 8_81 1080 11.00-Faneouver FrolY'.. CRCT - •.: `° C teal .. 1 SUNDAY. I CFC1'f. Nortb Ba7 -... 8 830 V7rnA CFCO. Chatham •..Z... 397 :1310 8. 0-L'ruadtV:ay Melody ..:.....CFRt CFRB, Toro i o• ....,.. 436, 880 Gene Arnold ............WBE, I RIVEB HIMSELF TO Icing Alfonso Unforgiving CKAC, Montreal �--- 415 780 8.80-Hollywood c Or :; a ..CFRE �' �CKCR. Waterloo --- f{6 'a46• 8.00--Phllharmoalc Orchestra .•CFHE �W7 Cuts Son s' Allowance CRCT, Toronto .. »: 318 "980 Opera Concert .ICRC'I i 1v ORK AT 8� Paris.-Former King Alfonso XIII CHML Hatcilto° i40 880 4.80-Hoovee Sentinels CRC'i CRCO, Ottawa at1t 1010 6.00-Roses end Drums ..WKBIN .,4 of Spain remains unalterably opposed CKOC. Hamiltoo . 47b 1010 6.30-Crumit and Sanderson .'...W GA pa Y PPo CKPC. Preston ., 341 930 7.3D-Joe Penner WJ2 t0 the marriage his eldest son the CKLW, Windsor-LondoD 656 340 8:00-Jimmie 'Dorsals ........•:wQp ,r►nd Still I%ya a Little Golf f CPRy& io 861 B4n, Freddie Rich .... ...:'.. former -Prince of the Asturias. has KDKA, Pittsburg ttabu -�.... 'O{ HO 9.00 seven star Revue''. ..WGR _ How many of nn,, when vie are.'82, KMOX, 8c Louts ..•. i7:. .1090 9.30-Album of Music' . CRC4 Will be the equal in health and activity contracted with a commoner, the for- ' KY W, Chicago .......... 384 L080 10.00-Jack Benny .,........::.WBEN WABC. New rk`-... 849 Soo Sunday Hour . CKNC .of this vigorous old-Scottish'en met Senorita Edelmlra Sampedro, of -� WBBM. Chicago .. Bas + T70 11.00-Fireside Hour .... �':::..CRC1 ,In a letter he says:- Cubu, and';contrary to repots, no re- WBEN. Buffalo .-.. 833 Soo _MONDAY ''I arrived here from Scotland on I WEAF. New York...-. /S' 86u S.00'-Syrup Symphonies ......'.urltt conciliation between the two men has ��/�V7 WF.N7 C,hicaro . 346 870 Blackfoot Trails ..CKA'C the 7th' April, 1870. ham over 82 occurred, it was learned here last v • not go home for WOK Buffalo ...-. 645 650 3,30-Bing Crosby' WGB years old. I drive' ,ay Ford'car 40 0"tmas? Perhaps you WHA Schenectady ..... 879 790 Canadlanettes •.......... CRC"I week frdlrt reliable sources. WHAM, Rochester .. . Jar tiro .........W13E.N haven't beea'there for yeah. 9.06-A. 61c P. Gypsies WKBW Buffalo ..-.'808 1180 d miles over hills and dales to a factory, At the interview between the eltil`d Gaiety and ...* ..............CFRB -. and can still play s little golf. I have Ring and his son at a Paris hotel, Restful cabins...comfortable wJR. Dettroito.. ....�� 400 Iso 9.30-Big ,....- 'taken the little dose of Kruschen Salta the latter,now known as Count Cava- Public rooms . . . marvellous Ship need ... ....... WBEN WLW Cincinnati, ....:. 438 '� 700 sneak and the perfect WWA4, Chicago .,.-... 447 {TO 10.00-Contented Hour• ...,......0 l4%V In my cup of coffee every morning for donga, was told definitely that his Cunard Personal Service await . WTAM. Cleveland ...« $80 . .1070 Wayne King .............wK>3w some years, and I believe it is keeping father would not receive the daughter- + you in Wchever class you These prosrame are subject to :,h, ',P s'vssnAY. me to-good health and.enablin� me to in-law and that she would not be pre- travel on these popular ships. without notice 8.ov-C ruttrtC"5t nd Sanderson. keep On working at the factories as 8ented t0 other members of,the for 8.30-w'rigley Hour ... CFRB keep or A: �PEtIAI. 4HRIfTMM TNUA=AY. Wayne King' . '•..:' ::::.WBEN • - � " ' ••• 9.00-Ben, Bernie g -mer Spanish r*al family. 8astesa standard $'lots• California Melt 'iea':�....'.CFRB Whether you are still in your 'teens Alfonso also announced-that the SAiLIN6f P jx 9.30-Nino Martini ............CFRB or paat your prime, it is.neither .too allowance formerly paid to his eldest front MONTREAL on 8.00-Rudy Vallee .. .........CRCT Don Vonttees Orchestra ..WBEN early nor too Late t0 start OII the 'lit- Captain Diamond'..:::... WJ2 10.00-Legend of America ......CFRB son as heir= resum tive to the Span- dally dose. Just 8 tiny, tasteless 8.80-Harlem serenade ...CFR13 Liven at Stake ....... ' P P Pa -. 'lVov.?{-R.M.S.•'AtJRANiA' '.1, ish throne would be considerably re-. to Havro and London. 8.00-Grenadiers' ..'... ........CRC 1l;00-Moonlight on l'aciflc .....CRCT. pinch of Kruschen,Salts in your morn- duced in'future and that the difference -Nov.27-R.M';."ATHENIA': WJA$ Dedication '.......W13E 3 W]8>D7tiisaAl. Show Boat .. ...W33EN B.UU-pert ing cup of tea or coffee! They ensure would g0 to the ex-King's third son, to Belfast.Liverpool,Glasgow. 8.80-Dramatic Guild'......:::.CFRB 8.30.:-Albert Spalding ' internal cleanliness, and keep the prilice Juan CsrIos. The latter, at 10,00-waists Robinson',..::...:CFRB ;:••.CFRB"' blood stream pare. New and refreshed Walls Time s t tcT .//o/►t HALIFAX tot Paul Whiteman ...CRCT resent a courtesy c et in-the British 9.00-one flour With CRt;T • blood is gent COtlralII •t0 eve fibre P y � - �• �-R.M.B. •�A[j90NIA�� ., a�aA:, - P.30-Burns ana Allen ..;.....:wxBw g every ui.Vy, is now considered by the ex- DSc,its-R:M.s., -A9CANIA _ Leo.Reisman .... ..WBEN of your being. 'Rheumatism head- King as his heir. The only concession to Plymouth. Have, London. 8.00-Rosaritl_ Bourdon .........CRC:T 10.00-Ortts Tirado ...........' CRCT ashen, indigestion and backache all y 8.30-Jimmie Johnson .........CKNC Corn Cob Club............WBEN made to the eldest sort was a promise Dec.38-R.M.Q. ."LETITIA1: March'of Time .+.........WGR Harry Richman. .........WK131V pans you by {o pay the doctors' bill i'Or his recent -ft .� t�l:Glap°w• 9.00-Fred Allen ...............WBEN BU'LOVA correct time daily over $is.- , Irvin S. ........WK13W tions GRCT- IJ C. treatment in Switzerland, where be t1°1b 9sin:John.Dec.14 'Cobb bb * - c n _ married last June 21. Low Round-Trip Fares �/inni ors Seeking:.two and carbonate of lime combine , omicallq: To,cyf.down expenses real- . with and neutralize the soil's acids. Count Cavadonga s friends say ihat� c bla Class,.....nom 89K 46 egg g dents of apartment blocks are mov he pleaded earnestly with his father Y �•-••� 131•N Cheaper Dwellings ' The excess use renders the oil slight- , :�pw,, 131 JO ing from iargQ to smal:er suites, ,T ty alkiline-a condition favourable to at their dramatic meeting.in a small Annual "moving day hit Winnl- sometimes withiu,jhe same 'building. , . the growth of• the larger number. of hotel drawing-room for recognition of risk about ow speciat Christmas y s )" his morganatic martin but that the tom•your local ■ set peg with a "bang.' this year, with the Mov,1 g is b no, mean limited,.te t farm crops. ge' °r t�' -west C'°� °'OS result the October , migration has re idents of apartment buildings and _ ex=King, was adassarit.- Persons 'who n7 Say Street.(Elgin st7n 0 know•Alfonso'well say.that his deci Toronto been far greater than it was:a year conditions similar to that ih the,Apart• t ry The essential feature of tae classi- cion is irrevocable, ago. Transfer companies and mov went fie:d have been encountered'-b3'.' station of,soil types throughout'the - , ing Arms are working 16-to 17 hours agents for ,houses. The search hat r ...Empire based upon, pioneer investiga• owing to the reduction thus made 8 a day, been for cheaper 'houses, dodbliag� ' in their financial resources, the young - ' pons ii Russia,is the recognition that couple have been compelled to ciit ex The'-main reason for this year's has been �requent,'and•prices,'dtavt ' ti ellmate, ultimately dominate. the type penses and are now residing at a less Ereat move is that most Winnipeg- been dropped euateslally, otle''a�en of soil in tins 4ovttrr,oz district. expensive hotel Isere. �'a' t gers' arp seeking to live more ecom• stated. ' : 7. -�;�... .. 4 R 7� win J. Chapman still con —Norman Mozz, of 019haw LOCALISMS* tiou" in very r health, Rnd Is and L. K. and Mrs. De-Att and 0 confined to his te)o� children, of Toronto, visited tffeir d —Born, on Saturday, October —J.,C. and Mrs. Philip at"ode to, fi. and Mrs. htechin, on to the funeral of the late J. W.ABore. gart"111r2disy. I,I ,., to �,7"th. Omer and Mrs. Sleep, ft ;; he berry, of Oshawa. on Tuesda� _After a long illness, Mrs. Wai. iship Council will meet —The Male Quartette from the' CorWtt. of the Kingston road east be towr Pickering United Church aasisted died on Snaday morning aged 7.3 Monday next for the transact In the service of praise ' in Cen years. Aer funeral Is taking plaee PiekeriDg's Leader' Store�.. ion of general bUbiDOSS. —Rev. S. W. and Mrs. Walker. tonnial Church. Highland Creek,. this (Thursday) moruirig to the ind on Sunday afteradbb. R. C. Cemetery. Ftirther notice of Odessa, visited with J. C. 1 4 —The young men of the United will be given in our next issue. INS Mrs. Phlltp on Friday last, -:BARGA 4 h in Church are now bney preparing —St. George's Church. Sunday, INS —Rev. H Crozier will preac .f. -the United Church on Sand vp their program for the minstrel Nov. 5th 218t Sunday after, Trin. IN FLOOR COVERING$ -morning and eve.staff. All :rs show, ' which they will present ity—Sunday behool, 10 a. w., Mor. about Christmas 'Week. uing Prayer, 11 a. in, Evening 1 2 Only Q!Lspe Rugs. Buff Centres, Blue Border,Floral Coriers,- welcome. H%rvey Edwards, of Audley, . I. I slightly soiled, reg. 6.50, going at 489-.. —Thos. and Mrs. Johnston — Prayor, 7'. Preacher, Rev. E. G. is holding an auction sale of farm - spent the week and with -the 9Wk, 'implements, hay, root Robinson. Don't forget the con- former's sister, Mrs. Lou Scott gregational social, Nov. 8rd, at 8 in.. in the Club Rooms. All Oilcloth and family. furniture etc,, on Wednesday, p Linoleum Notice Nov. Sch. See bills for particulars. adult member ' —Axide frouirconsiderable noise a . and, adherents Pretty Block Th'ere will be N Black design, grey all night long-Snd the children —The,Women's I,3stitate held are cordially invited. A short 0 their regular monthly meeting on 1 akiog a harvest, Hallowe'en was program will be.given and a social. m design more Wednesday ground, with neventful-aight- Tuesday afternoon at the home of time enjoyed by all. -an u —Farmers are now basy haries� Mrs. Richard Winters. The Clare yards wide, HALF HOLIDAYS maroon and white, fall mont branch were their guests .,ting their turnips and at their 1 and provided the Drogram, which Death of, George Washington Post 73(!. per eq. yard -plowiag. A number are also bu y was mush enjoyed. Miss Mar Every until further notice �.14 yda wide, 43c. finishing their apple-picking. 7.. garet Pennell gave a very inter. —W. J. Monney was talcen and design, with rose and nUe denly ill one day last Week. We esting paper on -The Romance bf One of, the most prominent citiz- 2 Only, Congoleum Rugs,one 9xl2, Floral i�oim. the Bulb Industry." At the close ens' of Whitby;— Geo. W. P. Every, green preduminant on ai deep buff ground, very pretty, worth are g.lad to know that he died very suddenly on Sunday even- 10 00, going at 7.98. troving, although confined 'his of the meeting refresbweiAd were ing from heart failure, as he.was a- ed. served by the members of the One 9jL9, greys and greens 1)redominate, new I'Moderne" pattern, yet Pickering branch. bout to retire for t�e night. Hie had' —The Misses Rorke. who have —It is said that the govern men j not been well for several, days, but hE6vi]3g the distinctiveness of Dutch tiles, worth &50, going at been residing in their summer his conditioh was not considered ser- .-6.98. is about to hold an investigati,3n. cottagehere during the summer into the price of gasoline. Motor 3ous, so that his sudden derni'se was moutbs, have returned- to the city a great shock to .thecammunity. Mr.' for the winter. car owners hope that it will Every was born in Pickering 53 years result in a loweeiag of the price, ago, being the only son of the late a —Mrs. W. J Miller bas been as they feel that there is no ju§ti D.. F. and Mrs. Every. He resided in M a CHAPMAN spending a few days in Whitby cation for the present high cost Pickering ta about twenty-five years with her sister, Mrs., Goo. W. P. "11very, owing tothe death of the which they think is due to & c0m ago. For a number of years he was latter's husband. fie. owned how sonae men holding stock in oil by the late J. L. Spink and later by Mr. E, L. Ruddy and son. Rob bi They cannot understand engineer In the flourinx mill Winter verebats celebrated their 63rd and 22ad companies can become million the Campbell Milling Co. During birthd&yR eespect4vely on Wed &ire@ .in & few yeais unlesethe this period he made a study of elec- nesday. Tlw News extends their price i a manipulated. trical engineering, which prepared t —The Pickering Continuation -him for his subsequent work. He 1.50. to 16.95 ulationg School held & very sueceei4ful Hai, then moved -to —Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and Niagara Falls where child. of King street ea@t. have lowe*en party in the school bouse he ;as employed in one of the pow- -Pirat Class Coats Pniy a Few :retnrued home. after speading a on Friday evening last. There er developement plants for a num- Factory Sam 'Ies were about one hundred in attend ber of yeav; then moving to .Ayr a few weeks with friends in other ainee. and all enjoyed the spooky Ont. where he as in charge -of the parts of the province. stories and ninelleal numbers. The Public Utilitieswof that place. Over —Hugh Miller returned home on tw�nty years agr) he mo�ved to Whit- FridaT last aftet spending a couple grand march. in which there were by where he assumed charge of the Fill sorts of dresp. and v MEN'S TROUSERS of months at IndiRn Head, Sask it ery amns Public Utilities. (then the old pump- ing to the onlookers, being well He reports the cropoa in, that diet ing station and steam �owelr devel- - All Wool-2.95 riot as being-excellent. acted.- The prizes were awarded opment at Port Whitby, since, the 0 to Miss IAdia Sparrow ,and All a Hydro-Electric Comm.; where he —The W. M. S. ok SL Andrew's Cberch will meet at the home of Bath for the best costumes. After has remained ever since, proving a Mrs. Arthur Boyes, on Thursday a short program of,. jeteresiting erY' efficient official. He was a numbers the happy crowd ensax member of the Executive of Whitby. afternoon. Nov. oth. at 3 o'clock, ad in dancing natil all had been WILLIAMS' BOOTS ]Meese note the change of day. Chamber 'of Commerce. and was a —At a meeting of the executive satisfied. We are all hoping for very prominent Mason, being a Past 'A variety of Williams' Boots for all occasions. of St. Paul's United Church San some more. Master of Doric Lodge, Pickering, a -.7 day School it ww decided bo hold —St. George's A. Y. P. A. met also a Paat Master of Composite Work or PI y. -% Ilheir annual Christmas entertain in their Club Room@ on Friday, Lodm Whitby, a Past District Delp- You Can't Beat Williams.' 10"t on the evening of Friday. the coovener for thoevening being uty of Ontario District, besides oth-. K G. Robinson. who gave ei prominent positions in the Order. Rev —The week and- motor traffic an intakentlag address on "Our In religion he was a Presbyterian, Debt to Chin&" We were glad to and after the Union became mem W a TOP CLOTHES Is gradually becoming lesi as the ""athei becomesi colder. bile welcome two now members. but ber of the -'United Church. In polit there was considerable traffic on we want more, for the A. Y P. A. ics -he was a prominent Conservat- has a great work to do,and if each ive. He was also an active member f 7 gaturdey and Sunday it was much Are now 21,600 member realized this there would of the Ont- 4County Regiment and law than it was in the previous weeks. be Do empty seats in our church on went overseas in command of one of ti Suadays. Let us all rally togetber the companies of the battalion recrui U 'Pickoribg —H. G. Calvert left on Monday n ng, to speed a few days in Tor and see how much we can do to ted from that regiment, the 116th. Fred T. B after which he will go to Ki Onto, further the work of Chrint right. He was held in very high.esteein by tchen here in our owd town. The next all who knew him and by his death Radio'Llconsem Established 1857. er to spend- the winter with big the town has sustained a gTeat lo-1,9. eeting-will be on Friday week., daughter. Mrs. Irwin' Shepherd, i'n His funeral took place on Wednes November-10th, when the program and family. day afternoon. the interment takinr will be musical.—Cum Hind-quarter Cuts of Mr. Smith, station agent, who place in the-Union Cemeterv, and 4as been residing in Mrs. Morri. . —Word has been,re<-eived of the was very larrely attended by friends sey's house dnring the past few, death on October 15tb, at St. Eliz and. relatives. also by many promin- -I'--Anonths. haa moved into the resi abeth's Hospital, Humix-ldt.Sask., ent Masons from outside points. He deuce at the station, just vacated of James T. Richardson, aged 77, is survived by his widow, who was ChOicle -1,Stee' rs- 1. by Mr. Ravin. years and 4 month@. He was the formerly Miss Ida * Pugh. daurliter, youngest and last surviving mern of the late 'Mos. E. and Mrs.- Pugh, —Ed. and Mrs. McDonald,'wbo ber of the well 1criown Richardson of Claremdnt, also ohe son, Frank. have been spending several weeks at the home of the latter's par family who resided on the base and 'one sister. Mrs. C. W. Colovin, Uound Steak, 2 The for anta* Joseph and Mrs. Cowan of line east. After leaving the farm of Mackinaw. Mich. to he conducted a hard ware business. 71 1 Ramp Ro&et(fult cut), per lb Ow Brock road, have returne their home in the village. where J. S. Baladon is now located. —The severe frosts of the last He sold ont to W. J. Renzin about Get This Sirloin or Wing Steak, per lb week has, it is reported, rained forty years ago and'alinved out W Sybilla Spahr's Remedy. Get rid of Porterhouse Steak, per lb Saskatchewan where be engaged Bronchitis, Cough, Croup, Tonsil many thousands of barrel@ of Minced Steak, 3 The for 26C appift in the eastern counties, in farming. He was very hiahly ills, and Sore Throat. Quick. Results. esteemed by all who knew him. We, Better Better Value and gusr- where'the crop has been- excep. He was& monxbei - Brisket, per lb of the Presby anteed. E. C. Jones, druggist. plonally heavy, The spy apple, which is usually about the lost to terian Church in which he was an Snort Rib, per lb 7e. be picked, has enffered greatly. elder. He is marilved by his wid 7 NOW Ad~"somoskes. -Chas. H. Spencer has returned Ow wbose maiden name was Susan .'Preakfast Bacon, half or whole, per.lb to Pidering and will conduct a Ann Bette, oleo survived by three OR SALE—w Sboate.- App�y w --All Meats kept under Electrical age business at the east side of daughters. FH,T.PctcY,Green River, Bar ' the ry RENT—Hoosse and otithuildinits. the old church garage, the west —11etnOmber anniveres, Refrigeration. by aide being' now used as a service Pervices of St� Andrew's Pro@ T07 acres or part. Box im Claremoat. io-il station by Ftoss Wallace. Mr. terian Church which will be hold .7rWalmr -and family have moved on8nndaynextitt2sop.-us. Rei r TJOUSE TO RENT—In Claremont, X-L 6-rooms,electric light,hard mind soft water. Into the L. Richardson residence Dr. Eakin. of Knox Colleae,' Wfll D Mrs.H.H.Thompson. 10 W .. �R E at the west side of the garage. be the preacher.' Dr. Eakin is 4 --The PYmpathy of the coin. one of the leading preachers in OR SALE — Ayrshire registered Fbull Anly to Charles De Fertari.;half �Butcher .(phone 3000) Pickering manity in extended to Mrip. Gen. the Presbyterisi Cbukb. aDJ ,jl,sout�Of aremont. 10 P. Every and son, Frank., of should attract a good conarexa. V Wwhitb*. on the death of Mr. tion. The eboirs of the Whitby TTOft—RZ�-roompd brick bo'u@e JU water, !=:s8,rd*v)j . rui'treesand garage. very, which wok place on Sun. Apply L,D Pic criog. 6tr and Pickering congregations will Aay evening. Mr. Every was unite in leading the serviceof VOR SALE 'S pigp. 6 weeks old. Pickering s.- Meat Maiket. born in Pickering, where he lived praise. On Tuesday evening, Nov 1' Quebed beater and a lis py Thought cook not!] the yearR of manh-*d, and 7W, the atinnal fowl supper will stoe, Apply to.James Greenlaw,Pickering. 10 was bold in very high eateemby be hold in St. Andrew' Church. A ED�Cboice. second cu,t a). f: OFFFORS.. all who know him. An obituary The supper %ill- be held in the W f hay. either baled or loose. Send mpvear@ in anotbor w1nme. basement from 6.00 to 8.00 o'clock, sam a 10-11 te program will for quotations. Reesor's Martmill M rk Special in Cboic Provincial Officer Tom Mi 'h. after which a choice e Beet - the w;owbo is now located in Toronto, be given in the anditorium of RENT—Parm=conveuien tly in WWO On FITR Monday and gave church, and will consist of Pelee ated to Opthava. Any desired acreage. TiRs NRws a ploaftat Call. He tions by the Olde Tyme Double immediate possession to plough. G.D.Conani, Oshawa. 7-11 Shoulder Steak,minded, 3,lbs,. .250� had & rather upPles"nt expert$� Quortette, of St. Andrew'@ Church - OR SA LE-20 ft."olats.2 i 12.klao ,ienee a few weeks age. when he Whitby, under the direction of Fdoors and sash.window frames.s irway and Round Steak, per 1b.. 140� sent to Stratford to simjet in Mrs. P. N. Spratu organist and short plank. Apply Sytifficbmidt, Sltaanl The was - Prim 48tf 4 Wooerving order, during which he choir leader of the two choirs. stre.sdDw9ville. lip 2e e Rib, a*bit on the side of his head by They will be assisted by Dr. B. T. OUSE TO RENT IN PICKERING HVILLAGE—On 0". 2nd to respossible a brick, wbick knocked him down, Fallaise, baritone soloist, and Mrs. but from which he soon recovered Spratt, soloist, and others. Miss party. I Apply to Themas Douglas. 136IFulton PORTERHOUSIM , ROASTS —The Police trustees of the vill: Elsie Rue, elocutionist� of,-Toron. Ave., Toronto. Stf 17e per 1b, &96 have received from Mr, F. H to. a of Owen Smily, will Pupil rV0 RENT —Comfortahle 7.room*d W40tueY a substantial cheque in vivo a Dumber of selection@. Miss X krick house on Cbvrch Street. Pick e Hot aw furnace *Dd ga gy to A. T RAYED—On to the premises of r saving his residence, at the time "ANDREW 000Nnition of the valnabte eervic Rue made oucia a favorable im ' Richanwaos.Pickering. W06C il so rendered by the fire brigade In pression last fall when she appear. 9d in St, Andrew's Churebi that a SIThe undersigned. f9t 3. con 3i Pickering. 3 his Gu�u and outbuildings were number asked for hor to apoosr eve*. owneri 1"my have ro" -r1i 40q ty 2nd payfng expemes.V.M=fcrd! -Phone, No.. GUO"ed by fire several weeks ^gain at thissuniVereary. A very ago. This donation is very much Pleasant eVenlax's entertainment 1�%Oft SALE—I= Ford too truoir. We delive*our order x0prodalied by the police truggo" and an exesilast supper is am red JL' stake body. mat or and tiree good. licensed. JFA Wall"*by the rittepa yorb of the to a who Noy attend. - 'Admiw a F rd I lot#. I 4: 1.io coupebaloon tires. oussiat Wed. 30 Does t water beater. Auty at 91012, 85 Gob; eJAI*mp. 2D es Pic"idnO- 0 --41D7 -Ae