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- AL Noe 16- PRIDAY, DEC. 16, 1932. OSHAWA GREEN,RIVER. �C_n A men Rive,%- nDEENwOOD '%nor a—% L_ -ou Wednesday. Dec.14th. Mrs.W�A. licenses for, South .Ontario, states T I EL H. c. -pgA:RsoN_physici&u -A xo6a suippi_ y 0 ind t1oft week. As many- car owners in'Osh- day. Dec. 17th. Interment at Bruce- Aof-sed Sarawn, 1>atibartoa. Ift wick Hill Cemetery, Green River. Coal on hand. Also a supply awa are accepting relief from the MILLS RsJt=R9 ao D of Kindling Wood, 6ty, and their,-Ecenses are, in con DUNBARTON cal 0(bin sequence handeit! to the police, if is of Established 19% e pected that- fewer licenses will b,, __12tf Phone-Pick.-1709. iqciiM fnr rayt yoar Miss Agnes, Thorn Qf_S -ArLdg this vicinty. is visiting relatives in D MUNRO. PICKERING Mrs, Ivan Annis, Higbland Creek, THIS.IS THE Fairport Beach is the guest of her mother, Mrs. G. . :0 1:? , _ On Wednesday about noon a work White. FARMERS' MILTj, A-F ter. 50iicitor Notary Office-Brock St.. man engaged in one of-the cottages - 4,1 i ss Elizabeth McLeod.- of Toron Svu&.zi;icwte&llTelepiione0f%cP. Whitby. GENERAL INSURANCE at the so'uth-east corner of Fairport PbQ*e My AGENOY to, spent the week-end with Miss Ev- Highest Price,! Paid For Beach, had his gasoline torch expl- elyn'Annis. T), DONALD RUDDY Barrister. BROUGHAM, ONTARIO ode, and the "jilding -was soon a C A. and Mrs. Amnds,_ Dr. and Mrs mass of flames. Two other cortages P�ar*son, W. H. and Mrs:Moore and Wh6at 04ke fomerly occupied by the late A.E.Ch "close by also caught fire and were thers. attended the Golden Wedding tian,soutb wing of Court House,Whitby. Sly I" Facilities for pl&cit3g a-s-y kind of In- 0 ey ourance.at hest rates completely destroyed. The Picker;nz last MonZiav. afternoon and evening .�: ,.And Bar] _--nHATON. BELL & ROSS. Barrist, availahle. Fire brigade were called 'out were f James 'and Mrs. Todds at the _" ers, Solicitors. 904 Northern Ontario Security and Servic-.e rpy Motto. Ha th Build.ng.'�-3u Bay �Ptreet.Toronto- too late-to zave the building. d e hohie of inis s(,n, George and Mrs. It will PHy' to bjiy-frrm ana 421 y .-Phone Pick.-.515 W.i Bez to n, wind been bl(rxing f;�m the OPP6.s- Todd,-at Cherrywood. sell to your local nlill, to H. ite direction many other' cottag�s Adelaide 2838-9 keep thein going. When i . .. would have been destroyed. ' The GREENW00U. -.t - -G J, H. Beil, Claremont workman, f9rt,=ately -4yas unhurt. hey' are cloged you are at AL MULVEY-Barrister*,Solicitorv.u.,�-.a.-i"- PHONE 924. 31iss Witheridve,' of T,�ronio, spent mercy of the big Pubtic. 211-214 r Sunday with friends in the of=g and itichmond Sts. Toronto. Pbenes Ad,, 4469 and 4480 By FURNITURE The Misses Horton spent the week S. v sSeat Saturday eveningi, Pick�ring e�;,, W. H. 'JackAon who has been ill -for end with Miss Jones, of 'Mount Ziop. e money these hard 11"Iscise Pick.3613. S*f We are displaying an attractive some t=* e continues in very poor We are glad to see Mrs. Hort.on timeS by etcb%nging your variety of Xulas Gifts.. health. out again after _being cofifined to the grain for flour and THOM" & MeMILLAN-134rris Al'uminum and Grainiteware Etc.- We hope to have skating" on the cereals. ere cold. teMSQhFLQC2__Notary Public. 605ROyal house with a Bev Ids.. oronto Pborie Elgin 5303 of 3.304. Furnituri and Furciture pond for-Christipas holidays. Watch Mrs. R. Wilson 'was h6me for a E-26bornize in feeding.pigs by in& r on House. zda7@ and Novelties. for it boys and girls. short time last week, but had to re- feeding flnely� ground grain- age from 7.30 p. in to 9,00.p..m..or Prices low. in keeping with times. turn to Toronto owing to the cont- Rabbit hunting has been a big pas� ck 2M. time d"iin the pastiveek.' They it makes more pork-when flu. are being shot by the thousands a- Mrs. E. Ormerod had one of her round here? extra for chopping is I onl ------ ROOFIN-GS I The Toronto people who are res- former boarders spend a day here twenty.-cents per too. an BIL 0.SMITH. D. D. 9.. I_D.13.. while on his way home from Ornemee finely ground. is worth at letst to Dr,J.N-Doke), Graduate of ideiit in our locality during the�.�um.-, where he has been worldrig lately. Sand.5 X riker, have returned to the city for The annual Christmas Tree and IM Royal College of Dental-Sdrgeons and Taron. B.C. Sbinglea,natural a dollar a ton more in feeding- 10 UdIrvIrlitY. AL ClWe=QDt 01110i over D. A. and stained colors. the',uiinter months. Weather a little Ine. At present l9w prices fteiWagr e a,Tuesday and Fridg; Phone Entertainment Gf the Sunday -School VIA $Una 11. TORONTOA9PHALT ROOFIN G to cold. will he held in the church here on it is necessary to feed right. in shingles. sidings and- There will--1>6 a shooting match on the:evening of Thursday, December IHRRBBRT T. FA LLA I SR. L. D S.. - Wednesday, Dec. 21st. at Walter 9-3rd. A good program is being pro- Best quality-of -ntove and Chest D.D.S_Graduate of the Royal coilese-of roll roofings. Carl-ton's. lot 17, con. 4. half "mile ed by the pupils of the Sunday ut!tC'O&l to-arriveat Creenbarn anse*a feside Second door east of St Auid- east of the Brock Road. Geese and t, Clau:s, station at close orices and guaran- f*W*Cbwch. PkimlnL Oat, 011154A boars ! 9 School; and, of course, San m. to 0 0.W.. or b We can supply the m4terial only. or turkeys Will be Iriven,as unzes. Shot will be there as' usufal. teed weights. -Call Win. Gibson e"Vic ). Pbow Pick J;0rpc1nt smut. -ray give yo-a a price on the complete guns and rifles. Shells for shot guns about coal delivery. 431y -A pot-luck supper, under the auls- pices of..-the Women's Assoc services of-& first-class The� htiartfelt of the mm fazisbasio* 49airbo. roofrog man. will be held this-Friday evening in munity' is extended- to Charles and the 7 Greenwood Church. Supper -ill ARLIZABETH RICHARDSON- A14 Work Guaranteed..- Mrs. Hood in the death of their son, be Aerved- from 6 0-il -o*clock. after L. SURNINGHAM " Ross F�dward,'_ which took place on -Firy and a-itomobtle insuranco of iiin li;nds, which a splendid PTORTaln. consist- ftilding anct General sobdAnancial stand 'PICKER ter a month'F illness frorn spinal men will bO,lriv osposevatine cacripacm of .as. Tueaday in the Oshawa Hospital.--&f- ing'of intisit readinizs' and ehoruse-4 FPOSTILT_ Licenbed Auctioneer, mg;ti s. lie wa-� a bright-bay and.Only er- are to-go to the Building Fund. Eqttm%tes furnishod an all ctft�iieii for owastise of York and Onitisno, A%*. LUMBERYAKU 13 'Years find 7 month-A ,Id. Last FeT,- of work-Inte-rior and H%terior. _660DOMISS of all kituds stboaved to on abarimse r=ry an elder. brother died in.-the Alter.&tions and rtpitiro. lesions Addim Girson sliver l?.0 Blacksmithing, & Woodwork' Os aiWu Hospital rn (hs-. 101-111RATON TOWN Biji.1;IjI�iRE -at rignt:ptices The. fureral 't_akei;_pla;:e'toda� On Monday -even!ng' et o'clork, Phone Pickering 3712 .7 Aecouslaus BrA. Kneel be 10" Now lathe time t;A have those repair -cert W,the Whitevale, Baptist Chur- FAIRPORT. OrN`T A R I U jze,;. Dialogues W J'C.nxist of. Chor Shingles For Sale or an fairm Imam of Marriage LA*- job.attended to. H-Arrows repAired, 1J40UGr,A1W. WK. MAW, LICENSED AUC_ Aleo dealer'hl Vikina. Cream.Separit- Su riday.vis;tar with the Duncan Ifaril- a"ma -entitled '!Dinner" a. Six." TIONEEN.for York.(�vntasio Said Durblux and 5z clear knd 5x N`o; H.C. Shingles. QlamiLies, AD kinds of Sales prosapd* attended tore and Et&rtric Waiiibers. -fly. a 11 irlb6w Dii1l..-Admisnxin, 2.3 'and GFI-It Torsearsissocabic Date*taiioaks =L7 km If think C'Af buying an electrie radio I r,,. T. A. Knox is Nspendinz cents. &L ing the 15 'a Bird'@'Felt SlateSbingles. McONOed8t.NEWS'OMcv- Ba and lodepen. ask fZ;r a dem(matrati-,ri -of ihe New %%Intotir with hey'som Wm- A.-and hi.;, -The Whitev'ale Baptist S. S. will Also. re-rubbering huggF vwheeu-.' Rogers Majestic dicidels. family. hold their anniversary services, - on LAwn in tv-ere shtrpened. A A '-Th* prices are right. The Tovmshio Board . of Health, a a .Sunday, Dpc. 25th, at 2.30 nd 7.30. T. PiTERSON*8 - CLARVNIONT U—ST , ROBERTSON 7. 7. ',77cocl-imi-rard held their final meeting of the year In the afternoon ' the children w"ll Call and get prices. Phone.2612 GREENWOOD 491y in the T"-n Hall .1 Saturday. Klectriz-al Contrai-Lor furnish -the music. 'Wiring and RepaiAng for L,.igh Much sympathy is felt for Cha� there will be a pantomime entitled Hood and family irf the death Of "The H61Y City,".and special musc You Can Buy at Home"" or power. Mills their son, Ross, which took place ia will be given by the choir. Rev. H. All kinds'af electrical goods the Oshawa 'Hospital on Tuesday. -- -- TIRES, BATTERIES; Wilson will preach -at-boih services. Benjamin and- Mrs. Carter spent kept 1:0 stock. The United Church Sunday School �7 e-45th anniversary of their wedd- 21 ly Phone 17A Picker.�nlz th are holding their Christmas service - new Cereal Food. and Mtif- ing on Wednesday, Dec. 7th, with an Sunday, Dec. . 18tK. at 10 a. ni., -At am low and better'peipep firi Meal ? It contains -the- theiy daughter, Mrs. Albert Gray, followed by a white gift service to tl4OTME germ of the,,wheat mod other and family. be- -held in the.evening it 7 o'clock. -parts of the cereal grainn. 'Rev. Mr. McCon ick. -of Thornton Christmas mulsi� will be given bi, the yon can in To-onto. Whiteia' le MiRs I An old fashioned health ably filled the pulpit in the church- children'at both services. Kindly-br- pronio here on Sunday afternoon. Rev' Me' ing your gifts wrapped in white. A will be Ohopping every day ized. For side at McKerracher, of Upionville, special in,6tati6n is extlinded to all Let tie iipsi� that l4alty top. except Wednesday the speaker here next Sunday. to -join 'in these' services. On Thurs- -W. A. and Mrs. Knox were on a cLay evening, Dec. 221nd, the-annual ,.�Jti,lit arri'�ed a carload of and .while there' visited will be held 'commencing GRA1N—_FL0UR ' FrEED motor trip to Huron Count Christmas tree and entertainment who serit best wi-shes to her old Br- Flour for Wheat We have-moSt any Feed yon. : Ziyen by the membi�rs of 'the �ch_uol. Phone-" may need. ougham friends. ANTHONY WILSON A-largely attended -L-pLthering ass- CHEkRYWOOD �.o Proprietor' -day evenine'in tht-honor of the mar- Misso.s Annie and Fmily Petty *1 riage ;;pent the week-end in toronto. 'Christmas Cards Do N. , Lockwmd who returned fr6m . their wedding_- E. R. and Mrs. PlIkey and falniiy ggestions 0. --Xrnas Su were the r6cipient., of many useful )nt gifts. we are glad to report*that James -nprbving after his re( -.-for Lowe t Prices in Y in the laiid, evide*nced by the well- illnegs. filled classes at Sunday School each hani, ..FU.NERAL'DIRECTOR Master Allan Gray, of Broug The Ho rn' e' Sunday.- The great event of the year apent a day recently with Wm. afid Pang of the Mrs. Judd. We have a very laroe asqort Private Ambulance for them will Ve th4? pve 21st, when they will be the ntertain Mrs. W. F' H611ingidr,-Mrs. B. W. 5-piece gedrcoin Snite, congistirig eTs of the community. Their hearts Lotton and �Irs. Angus Austin, of of 42 inch Walant Dresser with n .:Phone 9000 are full of the great adventure of West6n, spent Wedhc;day la'st with styles, wiih enve& large plate gla�s rnirror-. Walnnt Malvern 5000 making perhaps their first bow to Mrs. John 'O'Connor, of Pickering. to match. Chiffonier and Wainnt Bed with the public. A very happy, event iR,the lives of A very enjoyable evening was James and Mrs. Todd, of Cher ywood inner spring' rnattreaft and cable Ont xas the' celebration of their fiftieth sprinit, complete for$85.OU. Markham,' . -So pent. by the families of the beef- ring members and community xener- Wedding anniversary,on Monday last, PRICES 'WHY-YOU NE E 0 ally, when they met in the Town Hall at the home of their son, George, OTHER GIFTS INCLUDE: on Thursday evening. T�e, hall was where. they received during. the after- Cent each COLORED ETCHINGS. a _F1_ %IVA well filled with n or 7 for 25 Cents 4s well as other crowd, and after all had been satis- of congratulations and gifts from a fied with the abundunce of well cook- host of their, friends, and sat down BRAUfIFUL PICT�RES 'It ifil CONVENNIEINT, ad oysters and other good things. to dinner.with 1heir for 5 Cents or SAVES TIME and Mzs. Harvey, at the piano, le'd in ily; and a sister'of-Mr. Toddls from 10 Cents a dozen CANDLE STICKS LABOR and is singing. Mr. Harvey delighted every Toronto, who later presided over tea Talisman roses and AND CANDLES 'ECONOMICAL one by singing two of his -popular for- the. guests. 40c., or 4 for.25c. white candles with the wedding cake with a 5 year guarantee, songs. Then.followed.moving-Piet We have socnred some lovely BUra- ures furnished by, Mr. Croskery, -who made a lovely iable Qetting. A grand TAJBLR SCARFS a.nd RUNNERS Silent Olow Range 6r because of illnesg in -his home had to mothers clock was the chosen gift of ered more- return home early, leaving Mr. Mc- their son and daughter, and a basket Re her is consid 1 4i AtI29.10. %Vbirter*' to -operate the 'picture *mad- bf fift� chrysanthemums, the. gift. of ;;Mn and better tAste to fralm Japan and Italy which All joined heartily in singinz their only grandaughter.. Mr. and te your nam.e, rather would imak' beautiful line. are both Ontario born, have it printedi Todd 'a Gifts. A Silent GloW- the- National Anthem, after which' Mrs. than Christma MODEL the borne orchestra "The Kitchen and spent thirty-three years of their not to mention the Sweepers" furnished the music for a married life on their farm where saving in 4xpente. Ce A. STERRITT For Every Stove very enjoyable two hours dancing. their son now resides. Mr. Todd iq and Place. The community is very grateful for widely known, having served seven TH PIC, KERI N.- G. NEWS Funeral Director the privilege of sharing this enjoy vears in the Pickering Township Jones' Drug* -Stor e- the members; of Council. three of which he held as Ambalance Service ALVIN BUSHBY able evening with the be�f-ring families. Members of Reeve.. Mr. and Mrs. Todd are high- Phone 6800 Phosie I WO Hard were Phone 46M the orchestra, Mr. White and �ddiel ly esteerned residenta of Cherrywood Hiltz g%ve several pleasijpg_mulical and active meml.�ers of the, United. piekelint; Church and Sundiiy� ?.+• eR:�s>,T,' ":A-' Tt •.'"r-:,Ca,�'•',�.••+'d" ,,;r.- .1'.wC. ;Y may..x.. a.•^. 4'�4-;.-„P ��--.a s {y'$' a •w^w:... }.. �..�,9.`�T' •--nri+m•s, .ar..i+%~ :r. .•4 <.,.-.v. - �'•c.:aai s 's� _ n _M •'r 7 .. ";F%w z•. .r _ thing—garbage and trash—in a big 'ORANGE PEK0*AE BLEND garbage can; and I burnt 'cm up. $o I was -• - kinder.surprised�at'd a the laundry I went to stoke u; HERE'S N INEX'PENSIVE A heater to find somebody's been med- dlin' with my drafts and had }et the - -•- -- __ fire. go clean out. I had to clean out �� ' . •'� the ashes and build anew-fire--" �� Gift ta"You're tty ne' to say, I suppose, _ t}.at you could tell by the ashes that m had been burning pa papers in --- -- someone - p , • ---.._. _ Gat _ -,:_.-_'�z�-xr-" Lrarried vu of boo • — '_ wilt, a quick glance..at-Dundee. , TICA "That's right, sir," Rawlins agreed ' eageely-. "You. know what kind of 'f "Fresh From the Gardens" +a _ a•"hes a mess o' paper leaves—layess i -- of white ashes, sir,-'that kinder looks _.. -- -. - like papers yit." . . "Did — ou s ak to the meld sacs - • ' ------5---.ice - • . • . . • ..... her if she'd been meddling with your drafts?„ _. _. "Yes, ,,ir, 1 dfa r She said site didn't open no ampers, claimed 'the beater waste same a* usua when she left -- • -_ F riday eight to go to a movie.r r + ,. "M u 1 1 ` Brid e� u're not t n ell nybod el cat in,�e �• *You're n t 1 a anybody else what ") e o to to 1 tty y you've just told me . If thet's all, By ANNE' AUSTIN: yoraa go now, and I'm much obliged - t yon." The relieve man-.hurried oit of the room on Penny's heels. Sanderson, when the door had closed, begat,: _ "It looks like you're right; Bonnie, 5 si, as. about that blackmail business. Of ',:,tif`..,: 4 - . . . - information, sir, but `- waa�ad:ourned' / r- _ _ Special investigator Dundee, invest,- so. quick I didn't have time—" course it all fits in with your theory Seltrn. te118 DiatrlctaAtorneyoSande son "Who are you?" Sanderson inter- that Nita had made up' her mind to We findings. Possible suspects inglude ,rupted impatiently. reform, Marry.Ra1pt: Hammond, and Lydia- Carr, the maid; Dexter Sprague, '1 worked for bn a veLy good girt rndesd. All .-. _. .` _ . . __- -• • John C. Drake_ Judge Marshall. Nita'e "I'm Rawlins, sir. - � - " ? • landlord to whom she paid i, rent, and the poor lady, Mrs..S•aim-=gardening right! You can have Penny in now. `owner of the-gun and silencer with „ I c'rink I know' nett W�R- what which she was shot; Polly' Beale and —one day a week— P y Clive Hammond, who were in -he col- "Come to my officet'-' Sanderson yduou re going to ask her. And I may Useful �s���� mmona andetRalphHammond. Janet ray- commanded.quickly, as'a lingdling re- as well :tell you _tha when Roger — �✓ n'7 Sprague came ply to the party, went porter approached on a run. "No, no! Clain skipped town with sane seCur- -- vnataft . to -the room-hi used. Lydlatol _ -„- hies -he was mown to ossees lie 4 Sowed and told him he would,ha,e to I m sorry,Harpt I, . lie Bald hastily, P , e Leave. cutting into the report,is question. i^adn't got them from a safe deposit T he Y e� r Around Flora Miles admlta she was to Nita'e Nothing new." box, because he didn't have one."San- closet reading a note which she ihc_ght g Berson' press a button on the edge - was from" her husband,' -Tracey, but The district attorney and Dundee _hick was really from Spragt.P. Dun- of :iis eosk. sae and the district attorney decide to. strode quickly .away,, and the man, 'One of the nicest ways you. 'she new Five.. Roses Look ppretend to accept the theor that a N-tv Rawlins after a moment of indeci- Dundee 'was Rushir:g as he put his York unman did the ob. ' can express your he-Book, to which 15,000 Can-• g i 1?410,00 nonce Sion trotted after them. question to the district attorney's pri- -: --s —to-and ouc who paid Nua slo,000 since � .. . . greetings i$ to give several adian women gave their prize • - -her arrival in H#mllton. Dundee intinds Wien the trio entered tha reception Fate secretary' to tats pfcturer. of the body and asks : copies of the new Five Roses recipes and' suggestions, room of the district actor s suite "Penny, do yi,t, know whethe-'there „ fly Lydia to bring .vita's Jewelry to �y is a :oaeeuied safe' in the Selim Cook Book A Guide to Good makes an enviable gift for .' [i .stet aft-0rney's office,1 r safekeeping. in the courthouse, Sanderson paused ho Cooking". Your friends will your friends at Christmas,' zt Peny Crain's desk. 'CHAPT`ER XXIX. "Bring in your notebook, Penny. The girl.'startled, began to shake prize it for many years to At only 40 cents a copy, sent _ "I don't know where she kept her This man has some information he her head, then checked hereelr. "Not corn$: prepaid to you in any quanti- I- ever saw, or knew of when- it is the economical solu- . - jtweli.7," Lydia retorted harshly. "It considers important'° - It is practical, inexpensipe, ty' - wawa', worth much—not a hundred A minute later Sanderson-had be- Dad and Mother and I lived there, Lion t0 your Christmas bird- _ ..lollars altogether, I'll be bound, be- jun to question this voluntar but bt�t—" She hesitated her cheeks_' slid beautifully bound--In 8 g q y get problem.. . _ essse Nita sold her last diamond not highly nervous witness. turning scarlet. dark blue leatherette cover ` a week before we left New`fork. She "Your name?" Out with it, Penny!" Sanderson that is waterproof and Under your copies today. to awed so many -bills then that the "It': Elmer Rawlins like I told you `prgeel,_his voice very kind. } greaseproof. It Pies open - _ money she got.for.directing_that play sir," the man protested, a i•I flinched "It's just that, if you matly think I without breaking the bind- be sure of delivery before- st the Fors to School hardly made a as Penn recorded his words }ri swift there's. a•secret hiding place in the Christmas. dust- fill -out - w y y _ing, and its 160 pages of dent on them." shorthand. ''It wsa my.wile ea made house, I believ; I understand some- :.' easily readable type contain the coupon below- and eh.; _ -.'Do yon, know. whether the jewelry me come. She said as long as me and ed." that ware me when it happen.-_ _-':over 800 prize recipes and a -` was in the house or in a safe deposit her knowed I didn't de)nothing wrong,' Penny confessed, her head high P pe Close 40 cents.(money order) - fox?" Dundee asked, - excitement 1'd oughts come forward and_ tell I was at the_Country.Club o ie night host of useful cooking sug• for each copy required. _ +ii► sharpening his voice, what I knowed" --a Saturday, night when the whole "It must have .been in the-house. "Yes,.yes"T. Sanderson encouraged ar dw danccsugl d there been for the atwitls Z_ Iecause she wore the different pieces hit;; impatiently. You say you'wort►. � � .. P 'i g y we Ph, a out on the h porch. stop;*d_ _ any-,time She- leased tho maid apt- ed fur Mrs,.SeUm'.aa srtiLmer one da R F rwered. I didn't ask' n-i questions, ,a week—'' . A where sev- FIVE R eral of our crowd c' _ --'and-I-didn't kitppen to see her get it. Yes, air,.bnt I 'tended to her hot ro d was sitting. It was _ —just two or three weeks after— sr put it away.• 1,didn't evti do in xn wattr and her garbage, too•-twice a slier m father left town. Lois Sa,iy'a maid ovork for hey,. like dress- day it'was I had to go.and stoke the -would-,'t let me drop out of things. - - `•li "'dig leer and fixing her hair—ji:st kept tittle laundry heater than' bears the . Anyway it was nark and I heard R tier clothes and house:. in order, hat waver tank in summertime when ',' FLO - the _ and did what little cooking there wa the a-faamtfurnace ain't being u§e. Indge Marshall saying s,,mething 6o do.-" - hve abou-_ a mils b()frt the' :ra:n I about 'the simplest and most in r.- - "Her dresain 'table?" Dundee- place, , the house the ous arrangement I ever saw. Of ++,'- a+++++•->: ._ g. that-is poor lade ' - -- !prodded.- "Her desk-?" was-killed in—" course that's shuns the rascal kept his d.AKE OF THE WOODS MILLING t COMPANY, LIMITED a : • The maid- shook-her hea.L "I was "Did you come to'stoke the lane- securities—' _ I knew they were DEPT, 22-0, P.O. BOX 1419, MO.;TREAL, QUE. always straightening up the drawers dry heater-Saturday evening?"' Dua- to SEg about- Dad from the way tin both her• dressing table and her Bee interrupted. Judge Marshall charred the subject Kindly send me, postpaid, ( ):copies of the new Five Roses desk, and she didn't keep the jewelYy "N•>, air; I didn't stoke it Sat'd as,soon as he saw me. Cook Boob, "A Guide to Good CeOkfa>g" tor-ahtch I enclose 40c f - there." ni ht" Rawlins answered uneasily Who was.on the porch, Penny?" each (money order). 66c outside ut Canada and Newf,uiidla;td "Captain Straw n, ;when y oiisearch- "Your see, I was &m up the road ..Wl.y- let's see--Flora, and.Johnny --- -sa the dressing table and desk for' to-do my chores, at'half-pat six, like Drake and Cli e, she answered slow- A ttR :-... ., .••.•..••-. , Iy, I think that was all, besides _ the gaz os anything otr importance, ,I' always do,' but before I got to the „ _ Judge Marshall. E ....•..... .. - did you leave any reason to suspect a house I seen a lot of policemen's cars ADDR S5 . po _ .Whe..r are you +,,. •' ' secret drawer in either of them?" - and motorcyclers, and I didwt want-to g''. y going+ boy. San- • :- - Berson checkfx} Dund� ho was al- - - - " "No Bonnie. They're just ordinary get•mixed u in nothing, so i turne3 \ ........................................ _... . _. -_ 7 . Y P- g, reedy on his way'to the door. "Well •�•:- -- ;,_ - - • - - - - -...•....-..•.•.. . factory furniture. 1 tapped around around and went home a viii. 1 didn't t if its tucked away in the 'simplest ``'` _ for a secret arawer; OI Course, but I—— � iauL . coo -pv l,uL v hct, and most, 1TI�gi130u9 t_rrangCMent' it' ther. 'riasn t even any place for one," the wife went into .Hamilton Sat'dy wi st<:y put for awhile," Sanderson. Strawn answered, with an indulgent night in our flivver we seen one of said. "Lydia' due,here within-half- - — -- -'°- - Ir in, the extries and read atop, how the sit hour,And o 3 don t want to miss _ "I. w,int to see Penny Cra.1L!"'Dua- Poor lady was murdered. But that her, do you?"y c The World Js Better Warm Soil. Speeds , �dee cried,making for the door, ain't what I was gettin' at, sir—" (To be contimied,) The world is better for a smile Growth of Plants "Then you'd better come along to '!Well, _}Sat are Sou-getting at!'-'- - 4 Upon a cheerful face, Plants can be fooled into thinking it - the courthouse with me,". Sanderson Sanderson urged. For aught that will dull cariLbeguile it is spring if the soil is heated. es''-'A after him. "I sent her back U "Well, the extry said the police#lad Scandinavians' RetUrnIng ` , the,office.as sO0J1 as the in uest.was fp,-nd some uotprin - under the HOI#le Ip Lan e. Numbers And brighten up the place, f They hurry their growth-lino,.MV. 7 „ q 13 For, as the sun dispels the cloud ture-far ahead of time: adjourned, front-most'-of tI-em two side windows` Naw'York—That Srcaucanavialia are And makes the 'landscape bright, The two men passed through the to Mis' Selim's bedroom and went on to returning home in large numbers to So- is a smile with power endowed Then the market gardener' rushta DOW.deserted morgue_ chapel and al- is •about the rose vines being tore, I pass'the holidays with relatives and 'to, lighten sorrow's-nigbt. them to ail ear}) market and realizes host bumped into 4 middle=aged man, and straight.off I said to the missus, Sriends• is I reflected in the heavy . , fancy price.- (� : obviously -of the -laboring class; in 'Them's my, footprints.'" bookings being received by the vari• The world is .better for a word ' We are told in' Nature' (London) spite of his slicked up Sunday appear- "Your footprints!" Sanderson ous booking offices it to ''estimated Of comfort and•of hope, how it is done in England: '. anee. ejaculated, 'then.. 'shook ' with. iiil'ent-that' when the motoritner rl siotj�f: v gluggish pulses stirred -"The soil is heated by means of a "You're the district ats)f, y, ain't laughter. "There goes Straw_n's case, sails from ]yew Yorlt_for Gothenburg By joy's bright horoszoyci '- `thermal' cable buried in the soil and , you, 'sir?"'he addressed Sanderson in Bonnie!"- But immediately he was she will carry out 1,200 Passengers.cis For though there's much In human life carrying at certain times of the day, * nervous, halting undertone. serious again, as the.import of this .Tbis is believed-to be a record for a To sadden and depress, electric, curfent. British and cynti- - -- "Yee What is it?" new evidence came to him. "Tell-us s'lrrp-.of her,size. at this time of•year.• No .instigation,to new strife' nental firms are now manafacturing _.... "I come to the inquest t., g,.9�e3 beat - t _ ., saaress 1n'=a- ��+Q ir.r� �f cable, and an electrical Chu u, ' You make, those footprin-i$%'=- ' contractor will install it. _ A COMPLETE "Friday., sir. That's the day I gar The world to better for a'-deed "Photographs , demonstrate how .dot 1 COURSE dened for Mis' Selim, . Yon see, sir, r of kindness, though it may much more rapidly a cucumber will the poor little_ lady told ma :be.was Fall 11kej-the d su"spected seed grow in an electrical hotbed than in r An Cookery: kept.'awake• nights when they teas a - And rte for many a day an ordinary frame. It is pointed out for only 50c high wind, by the rose vines tapping r Beneath- unsympathetic earth,-- - "that Norwegian and Swedish-market postpaid against the windows.- So i cut away 0 / Until upon the sight, i gardeners and farmers produce lettuce, p a lot of the rose vine and bl.rned it."' When hope seems dead, it blossoms and other market plants at, out-of- I he new'Purity Cdok Book 1 the most "is that-all, Rawlins?" Sanderson fort); .. seasorS periods by this method. It to complete and popular work dl its kind. ' Took two ri&rs to edit and cost many asked.• _ .; - - And 811s the world with light. L' .a useful in growing cantalaug�nel-� also thousa lg of dollars. Con pastry, cakes, "'Bout' all that 'mounts to any- t --A..B. C., In Tit-Bits. ons avid -other 'expensive- frnfts-'at' ` t veatV, salads, desset•s=everythtngt thing,,'•the laborer deprecated. "But ; times when they are very dear. It is - ew, step-by-step method assures sue- theme was somethin'.else that struck `�—' suggested that the electrical heating'. area 3n cooking and baktaa Clear type, me U.a little funny,. - 'The_fire of true enthusiasm is like - - • - ease-�ootl'. Dover, opens- tat at any y,-whe�i L come to __t-� _;- _ . -- _ - . . _ of the soil_may prone useful.-for they .'for e' worth $2. o. Seat VDosttppaid think of it—or "Whether one stays young and t- he'Brea of Baku, which ao wafer - or 60a Address: Western Canada Flour growing of mushrooms, and would be - ilin Co., Limited;'Dept. 107, •Tcrontn "Weil?" Sal;:.eraon prodded. grows.old depends largely oh how can ever Quench, and which burn a•pleasanter method than the one o>.J it's like told you, it was my one dresses." . •• - .• - - - - .- - ; steadily•on from night to day, And narily..used. Experiment's with' is'j low - job to burn the-papers. That sear- "I should say it deneiads on how year to yaar, because ' their well- end in viea+'could easily be carried on' SALAD `: MUE No. 51— 32- -- -face maid of Mis' Selim1,3 pnt every his wife dresses." spring is eternah—Ouida, - -in a cupboard or a cellar." .. .� `:n.•a ova m.z _ '.sa...•�:.ac:w,,,..v+.,` ' ' ;5,ctt ./.�- -- - -.pan— .- - ";..±• wy,:ir:. s- r. ..', _ .r.FK .w'r�.' .r,,...,.:w...v :✓a' '.,rte,.. '-'.Ss ,2r Ji- her soft hair she jammed the hat Street oa fine morning,in th= Row. at "And now'-Bill Sheen drew a (��,,,;� s whose ribbon, anyway, was new. - -the exclusive night clubs. deep breath-"comes the most difficult Christmas+atmas Fif� Christmas Comes In the hall Bill Sheen was imps- She didn't-care' how' ,autf -they, part. 'I came home sick-and-starvipg Years ,�;0 tiently wearing out the linoleum. He stared at her least she wasn't fo_ English surroundings an•i as Eng- a A : Ao Cinderella looked so exactly 1`_ke the traditionsd g!oin;; to let them guess that she did. list• atmosphere, and here was I con-_ - kept-waiting husband that Jill wanted She danced, danced, danced, while the fronted with-with-" By Lady Southwark It Was All Like a Fair •tale, Even to giggle. gramz)phone blared, with Lead Sheen ' "1141ywood?" J Y 1 t„ „ Let me recall a jolly Christmas, of,_ to the Traditional Ending Rea'Y• he said. You wont need 'and other people whose names she "Y-s. I couldn't stand it, and I told let us say, 60 years ago. 1 use the - wraps in the taxi, will you? Shall I Beard and forgot., The 4me slipped him so. So the-old chap said: `Then �'. —`By William Freeman escort-you to the liceman tt wouW by, but like Cinderella she didn't word lolly adviaely, for we were lolly po , . go ahead and modify it in youc own - ?„ those days; somehow or other the _ T walked ahead. notice rt. -. . way. What .about a typical English in Y } - »- _ word does not seem quite so applicable ht struck.while she was Banc- girl as a central theme?'- H�e actually now. - T Jill Parfret had been born in the with a touch of ungraciousncss that ing�wi h Sheep..' I talxs axe that. HUB .Lr fcLW4:v..dw-' - .It is true that there are wonder lucky class, but hadn't stayed theta. she was ashamed of directly after- "I niust go," she said. -- kind, bat something simple and home- ;� enterxainments,e£van at notate. ..., home entertainment seems io nearly If she had, she would still'have been wards:. "B*t you •needn't wait 'if "Must you?" like.' I said, `Rightho-ane- many have died out owing to the servant die -livin in a jolly old house in Somcr- you're in, a hurry. "I' promised.. And so Bid you:` thanks!' And came along and roped. .. B � j Y ficultq:and the,$rowth of fiats, but the- : - set instead•of a bed-sitting-room in "Right-ho!" He. opened the door. "Right-ho. Don't bother to say. •you in." - the chew art of Bloomsbury. Fur- "First corner on the left," he' said, g6odnight to anybody."' "On the spur of the moment?" spirit of Christmas seems to have pest p Y• changed sa 1 survey the season from- -=-ther; she wouldn't have been straining and vanished in the fog. They escaped from the heat and Bill reddened slightly, the outlook of old age. her eyes over the awertisientant-col- -"Zshan'i see him again,"said Jill glare and noise into the cool hall. Jill - "Not absolutely, As a .nutter of umns in search of a typist's. job at to herself. "It's more li9+eiy 1�a her macintosh, s,ver the grey fact, I'd noticed you at the window My thoughts go bark to 1877 when 1'' ypi spent Christmas at Knockholt_.near.t , inytbing from tw.) pounds a week up- shall just wake up." beorgette and jammed-her hat-over-wken;I-passed-eat.-m,*��-after- Clievening, in Kent. It is a far•olf .wards. Further still. But Jill her- But the policeman at the corner her head. The butler opened the door noon, ar.d I couldn't think of anyone date. Yet 1 o back to the fifties to =`.x self will explain presently. was real enough. At the mention of arA told one,of the gorgeous footmen in London, or out of it,,who's' fill the my recollections. It was just after eight o'clock on Mr. Peter van Stook, he grinned. to fetch Lord Sheen's car. She smiled berth better:' Travelling then was a serious,busi• J -Christmas Eve, and the Christmas "Kno - "him, miss? Who .don't? to herself as she heard 'him, - - `And are you," said Jill, after a aess, and the train service to Knock- -< shopping was already over. Jill's to- Used to be at the Hotel Cosmopolitan A yellow Daimler slipped jut of the long pause, "really. an earl?" holt station, about three miles distant, - tai expenditure had amounted to less before he took a house in Clarges St, gloom, a chaafFeur in livery at the "'Fraid so." _ was the,only means by which relatives than five shillings, and two-and-eleven A very friendly gent, fond-of drop- wheel. "Tha;.k you awfully for being 'so= and friend, could reach Ashgrove (my - p -three of that had been for a pair of ping into Bow St. for a chat-at "You'll Set me come bask with you?" so frank.It's been an amusing arven- father's house). stockings. Anyone Who fbr two work- free with'bis•money. Wish I earned said-Sheen, ture. Now that it's over-" Upon arrival there the vei• important less months has watched savings, what he pays in super tax!" "There isn't any need, realty. Does "But it isn't," he protested. "You're process of discarding wraps and bon-* dwindle with pitiless speed to vanish- - Jill walked on towhere-Bil•1Sheen the man know the address?" coming back to-spend 'the &y with nets to be gone through .nd gloves, :- ing point will understand why. vas waiting with the cab. `,`Yes, I've told him. Wh:t about an Stook and the rest of us. A real generally white, to be struggled into Mrs. Chell, the landlady, was out. PDX.?" inquired Mr.,Sheen. "Hop tomorrow? Or,. .-rather, today- Christmas party, with the real Eng- before the serious' businesi of the'- The other lodgers had gone away for in then" Christn.as Day?" lish atmosphere." evening commenced. .'Christmas-to relations or friends. She hopped in. They rolled towards "What about it?" "It's all perfectly ridiculoss;' said After the time-honored bill of fare - "Jill hadn't any relations, and--no Clarges Street. During the journey "I'd like, if you'll let me, to call, Jill. for Christmas Day or Boxing Day had friends who remembered he spoke once, and she once, Mr. There's a whole heao of Tt'Q perfectly jA,i-.'(`i`1 ' &&a 6,c�v;i y par 1ZL N >'ba iae A knock sounded at the door below. Sheen said: "Ghastly weather,what?" oight tc a explaintad." =Lord.sheen. usual jokes made about kissing under _ Jill went,down, A.figure !ir a macin- and she answered: "Yes, isn't it?" Jill regareed him dispassionate';. "Yost make me feel just like Cin- the mistletoe or the dangers of a pre -toss stood on the step. The taxi stopped before an opulent- "Of course. Though I'_c not sure sierella," said Jill. And then she mature death owing to swallowing sip•' _ $,Miss Simpagn?" it said, and'raised looking detached residence with,a mas- that. they're,worth explaining. How- blushed furiously, remembering the peaces and tbreepenny pieces in the Its hat, ,'ve porch supported by Corinthian ever, if you want to. Thanks is much end of the story. plum-pudding my father would rise ` "Not here," said Jill. "There's pillars, and with a dyapeptic-looking for evtrything. Gr night!" A fact of which'the- "prince" re- and give the toast of .welcome-to all 'someone with a name like that farther stucco and keeping guard on either She break:asted I-. and-was lust minded her when, three months later, friends "inside and outside St Paul'e - -&long-I'm not s;.re of the number, side. The front had•beeri lately paint fhishing the mean wh.:n the front door they were married. or in the country it was ehanged to -but it's the other side of the street" ed _the color of clotted creans picked bell rang and she heard voices in the "aI1 around the Wrekin." "ThL side," said the figure firmly, cut with vermillion. The door swung hc11. -Someone tapped, The dessert wine was then` passed. _ is the one I was told to come to. open+ and a dignified butler stood "Come in," Jill called. 'Me cS]tltlboU- _ - Found, and l r the younger members Number 42, second floor. They said aside for them to enter.- - It-was Bill Sheen. --.. . - - of the party the exciting business of recognite it b Sy Anne Ryan I'd y one blind halo Jill found herself in a hall siecorat- "Am I too early"' he asked. Dimling We crackers began. With 1n• ' B- On a-bigb inaccessible peak stood as tease eagerness the contests would be crooked," ed dazzlingly in peacock blue and "No; I'm late. Will you- have some - ►� " orange Mr:Sheen led the way across coffee? There�s still come left,though oil castle inhabited, by monks. unfolded, and ohl the unholy mirth My biiad. admitted Jill, is g Y Valleys lengthened away Isom it oz with which we saw our elderly and re. crooked. 1t Was made crooked, sad you It to a spoor on the left. When he-it's rather weak. And stoke,if you'd _- --can't make it any- different. But my flung it open Jill gasped in spite of-like to." every turn, vered relatives adorned !e towering name's Parfret." . herself. He thsnked_her;accepted coffee and The hemlocks no mattes how tall they jesters'or jockeys' caps, making them- a' „ „ grow, only swept as boiling' selves a-laughing stock fbr our plea- - Parfret was the. name said the Two rams, each big to btsrt wit$,_lit a cigarette- Sgure'heartily,- "I knew there were Lad ba: the folding.door.-„between "I've a whole heisp�te tell you,” sea of green in the winter winds sure, and•a frilled paper woman's hat at ven letters in it._ My own name,^ them removed. And with this Ma Sheen, after s pause. -"Only it's so beneath the draggy summit crowning my father's-bald_head. And the first thin falls of the river he added; "is Sheen. Also Bill." licent`apace at his disposal, the seine dashed diffieult.to know the beat piece sowed like s grey wound from There were ao cocktals unless she+ $e ;aused. Jill,' :mystafiec and high-spirited decorator who had glori- to begin. Let's-start with the house ry and bitters could-be called such, m : chilly, waited. fled' the hall had done all that could in Clarges Street How s:id it strike the aide; those days. bat punch composed of "' be do's in a jumble of color and 9 ?" -Ail'the'sky was visible, a great dome rely potent mixture of I`believe, rum, . -"Th>s feet is, said Mr. Sheen` at 1 styles�you?. A trifle on the lurid side?" � {�,�with terns by a mighty , " which the blaze of electric light made One doesn_t like to criticize,but- g ty gin, brandy, and lemon, eta, was lad-- last, I ve called sbo� an invitation. :Linger. led out of as old sliver or china bowl But I could explain- better if I came ten times worse. "l:xactiy." taaide," Seated about a fireplace, ahich.had "I was going,tc,say-th t I hope it It was the eve of the i�lativity: about tea o'clock, after round dances + such as polkas, Sir Roger de Gpverley, J : Mechanically' Jill -closed the floor a tangle of purple. Chines dragons oa, wont hurt your feelings or spoil-the On this Light !a the atone balls there pot. , either side were four people, two men' story if..I say I've_ eased'tbe lot"- - , were early tapers coming, and Sleet mad musical.chairs bad,exhaust- Mr.behind h3rrs. Mr.Sheen'was.youngish• P. _ P Y Y Bu . s _. and two girls. The rls were young. "You have:"' - chill,sandaled feet- ed the company. -sot nI0le than twenty-seven- gt St Y g' „ freckled and _ One had dark hair the othez fair, and "Yes. And I hope the Min will be In the vaulted refectory with their Then, to wind up, "Agjd Lang Synw Bray-eyed' $e was wens th were wearing what Jill knew-in- a success and that.all the people who food before them all amating was sung is a rollicking style, all loss• ' trig s shabby but well-cut suit and the ' P P ing hands and this,serious business of- :_.7daing d•th� soft hat he wax holding stinctively to be absolutely the last' dressed up and pretended thc,7'd'titles, with a-watery fragrance. the + worst in frocks. The men were in and the absurd footmen,, -w'i11 ,earn monks sat waiting for sofne. departgre commenced, my father, Son- had m Bond Street maker's name on it. - -.. "It's like this," he resumed. "Webs eve dress. The elder, bald and their salaries." - ' thing, a signal perhaps, a sign. orally as he shook hands, observing lot a sort of Christmas Eve binge on grey-moustached, was obvicael the Bill Sheen "Speed the parting guests." y grrIIRej,' . .- A bundle of straw rested beside each Flies, often of very snaky conditSsms -but it won't be complete till we've fair-haired• girl's lather. "Do you happen to know anything place. p «Ddias Pa ++ -All the old moaita there china an and smelling very musty we. ,, called w ;• roped in another guest- *her, I•say r'fTe't, said Bilt-Sheen, about the technique of film production, into reQuisiiio-n, if they were not La>o !we,'.I'm referring to a total inciud- may I introduce you to the Princess Niiss'•Pirfk-et?" scapulars, appeared.to take the ' de. V Lad �HeSton, Sir Arthar "N-no" _ _ csame attitude, doubtiezz from daua enough, aid the Yuletide masts 8 . of five. All guaranteed aboo• Porsea and Mr. Peter van Stoot?' "Well, it isn't don'. on those lines, ennui of repeating worn customs were driven, tired but-happy, to the : lately harmless sad respectable.- t Endless, tRhtie ,their thoughts were station, to await the London trsiu: He .paused, possibly from nervous-' ..They bowed. Jilrs nerves't.udden- believe me. Now, listen. That house y Y -- ae", ly ateasi ed themselves. There was belongs to me. I let it while.I was as eagles for God: `,At 97 earns sssrt of joke ors; but she would big-game hunting in Nigeria 'to old And the young monks were waiting Royal Christmas Cards Clarges street,old Peter vas _ see the thing through, shabby grey Van Stoot He's made four million too, Y s' - IttOOt being the fee t. And I've come Have Been Chosen - :long tonight because, for tremend- georgette and the' wrong kind of siollara out of the pictura�a. •.And +a They watched the wiadowa•eaggrIy. = :ro shoes notwithstanding. SLe squared make.the house really homelike he The dusk became greyer,and faded. Thousands of people will receive _. usly important reasons which I can't her slim shouldeiYs and smiled deft= had it redecorated ir. the very beat Whey on the rim of the world the.Christmas eards from members of the ,.dtivulae at present, we want you to Britialf Royst! Family this year. _ jai.,.ns.", a�ntlY•. film s u yle`Wh�en I carte back moon will rise, or the first great -"Miss' Parfret,' continued her es- yesterday afternoon and saw the of-- afar,..• The King has followed his usum 4 - _. r_crt, "would probably-be� lad to' y dropped dead..Van Stoot A novice will point io, it~ custom of having some scene from f i'es Dinner, with pethape a spot P Y € 8et fact I near, dro - England's history used on his Christ . .of dancing afterwards. All absolutely out of hef waterproof and then to himself was tremendously proud of it Only then will supper commence• mqs card. This year he has chases; ;informal,'and the same as Aunt Susie have someth:.ing to eat" He and his daughter, the princess, Each looping, sideways from time .o Of' course, said the dark-haired were giving a.Christmas house-way- time at the symbol cf straw. a reproduction of a painting by A. D.. s used to go to in the eighteen-eighties. girl who lied beery introduced as a i McCormick,' entitled, "Sir Francis; i • Word'of honor. And we'll brio ng, and they wanted me to join them. W Drake Explains.His Plans To. Queen 4 "!beck here g you Princess• "Come this way, my deli. -In fact they'd wrung a promise out - Fa, ^' -- :. a r Elizabeth," Day," ..�i -�--�-„.-..�:c_i . c:�a g �Fa might to the meek. the oaigiaal of which is Collins we'll have• dinner served at is U,� 1�. g's-#tessesion�Z'h�_aceom "I couldn't possibly,” said Jill.. - - ponying"greetings read: "Christmas "Thin hitch;" said Ali. $been earn=:� �didn't know,'.' said Jill, "thut'he "Peace and Goodwill" Greeting and all good wishes fox the ' y. "must be due to one of .two was n. lord."• " -doming year." irtgs The first ,is that,you've an-. "Didn't he tell - -- - - - --. _ her se- er engagement, you? drawled the A iglueet♦ Mary again show: p ` ti tialit for sedan studies. There ars . • i "It iars't that" sand Dili fair-haired girl. Too dies Yes, � � �� � Y 8 , ' , and wish Bill's an earl." , �v E two garden pictures painted by Edits' that the Hadn't thrown awa ' such Andrews, on her card with th y At dinner Jill was betwee,i Lord a• x 4 in--' re"Then its bec����. Sheen and Sir Artbur. A hot patch scription: "With all good wishes f4 NW, lisatem!At�t2ie carne seats of color glowed in either cheek and a Happy•Christmas and a Bright;New r her eyes were brisht_ The meal_was Year." policetirlin, Befofa we hop in the very splendid and elaborate-the.kiad - 4`1 The Prince of Wales has chosen a that's waiting, go up to him and _� view of.old London"Bridge, and the m a,boat it. Acrd, ii lie sniffs you glimpsed when you.were hurry- l- "dirty 'work ah ing home past the Ritz or the Berke- _ 4; Duke of York 1.as selected a breesj sad; come back e t a. �' w's that?"' - ley. Except that no hotel in London ?:* ,, c seascape illustrating an incident isi i .�+_ ' naval history-the mutiny of.- tiaa� _ Jill met his eyes. They were steady tad c,iate such ornate piytu a "Bountq," in- 1787, and.the sett3nff _ She wouldn't,have an wine. She a`' - very appealing, Than_she thought > ra• adrift of Lieutenant Bligh and. his id the room upstairs,andvered wanted to keep her.basin clear, alert,- loyal men ' "Very, well," she said. "But you'll balanced. Her conv:cition that there; z The Princess Koval also has chosen. 'save M wait -five T,,;TM,,,tes while I was something queer about the whole a garden study: ' r. Her attention `'�" ' . lhange my frock," . . "Right-ho! But don't bother about wandered. She fourd it difficult.m f �� - . , 'anything elaborate. foIisr.7 what Sheen was :eying. . He �; ; .; __� � � Cpl 1' talked about London. Apparently he _ Anything elabsrate!" echoed Jill f "What means_this.glo, round' out' had only - bitterly as she Bed upstaity, y just come back from abroad. �� , Y �a - feet,' Sha was longer..than. five minutes. "We're goinng to have some dancing s ` The Magi mused "more bright thin it took her all that time to make- up. Presently," said Mr. van Stoot, when � leer mind, though sheA.only two pod- the end of the areal was ia• sight s `" And voices chanted clear and sweet,- - oible dresses---a .shortskirt4-j .y-J!Quitu info=&I_,-with only-the gramo-• -' -.'To•siay the Prince of Peace is' a georgette, that had only. been sa Phone to help us out.+' bornt" - _ _ - afternom frock to start with, and a "But I can't dance in this ftrur= V fluffy pink affair she,had bought in ,mu ed,,JW,•touching her•dresc. ° "What means that star," the Sbey a moment Of madness and which never "It's a perfectly topping'rig-out," ti >( herds said, }really fitted..on the shoulders, With said Sheen. - '.'That'brightens through the i•octa .� ki clot rrgs that matched, thee. pink It was, si£ course, exactly •tLe kind �. glen?" i,L .¢tight have wan; As i+• was. sbhe even• of thing a man who didn't know crepe r..: - And angels, answering-overhead, - �ly appeared in the.grey. Over it do chine: from alpaca would say. -- - - Sang', "Peace on earth, good-will; "Silent night, Holk night," sing the girls of the foundling-hos- ? to meal" slipped a macintosh, because it Nevertheless Jill stayed. Other guests .*&=,t so shabby as ben•cost. And on strived, the type' one saes is Bond pilaf school at.Redhill,England, as-they*practice their Chrlsldmas carets. -Jamer Rns�sell Lowell, in Poems. '�"mod:i. .,, '-4`S��`�:"���..- ..,A��,.....-,--r''�,qi -• .- _ _- .. _ .2ti•`• �,''- `�? n-J�,:�°ti-,��,� "rS,s a4+^s.,..,.� a s .'��.a. .,...,,..,'e'i�-":'.,o "..riy.:��'�?T: �.'!L•'�, ..�,.a"t"+..aF-^ .�,w�.'.:i:.v %�'a.:._ ��" -s o�'k`�'r -- �. _ _- ":- +'fewiM�I /A `:6 Y. `�'• ' �. +S',,.. - . Ms - "` _. _hA 'F"a•_4z_ � �'y4-, � �- - -•Y 'k !.fir.. S, i}' -,4 •` - - a ss.4vti � �5.-'''4 ', .. ,}'':�',c, r - -,�. ti'c's• � �: - - •+r�os •\ o 4 ., , .. - .. ,{fir-' w. _ • ••w> _ .�.,b a t t� -q• At Rood as new. -•Iu soni,e p±trts of theAtveriedn workmKp employed CENTENNIAL CORNERS, j3►toc rc i{UAG. � �✓ D the north-west provinevs dnueee in'mnnitiuti f•tctoriek was receiv• — ' _ itnd eoueerts ai-e' field, and as itig frow five to ten dollars a day, A• Srttmwell will hold a' shooting A scooting match will be held at '> _ - TERMS ,1 - - - match at his premises, •Centennial Clue:. Fuller's, lot 16, con. 4, Picker- - money is so scarce tivhext ur pro ir•� pletisaut snt•ruundings Hid C)rner5- ng. on Saturday, Dec. 17th, at one 5 on Saturday; Dec.Dec..l"th. The, c Per yew ; i1.bOtt paid in advance, visions 4)f any -kind are•xcc�epted wttrui Wil+liog . Three cutiditioo, prizes will be_ turkey:', 'geese and i, r, ;;abscriptions to the United States and Great ducks. Rifle and shotguns. ch o c..ck for turkeys, geese and ducks. Bata:s*2.J+lia admacr. _ �as Che u►iee e�f Hdtni=Sion. The shnt►lYk h the Suuie ti�eii;ht ineHtt�s- 1� prodded. = +°" Shells provided for shotguns. ' • gi•ai-ti is--sold-and thr. uruceeds are--iug the United-St;tte_ to- vie", die ---- - - ---- �� JOHN MURKAR, i�rop�letor, I tiled for relief. Iu the case of the matcrar fr+ini a Wut•al etnudpuiut. Taken from the Pickering New;-uf 1�' - Mr. rmd dlr�. _- ___ Packdale Canoe Club, two large But apparently tlt,tt <:ouutry it Dec. 17th, 1885 John Stephenson, of Col+iriibne; 7`will celehrate the sixtieth anniversary - - truck 16%dit of slotiling .w•as_ re. deters}titied to nrYii�itnin her repo of their marriage on Decemher Utb, " NOTES AND COMMENTS. ' r The supporters of John Dryden for at [heft home. blr and StrQ•Stephen- the and bent to he bead tation for grasping the rtltuight3' the Local House hate owed cram- p p at will he At Home to their friends At the International Hay and quarters for relief where it will -dollar. _'_ _ mittee room at ?,arker'� Lax- cxicr trom s to 4 o ciocir in tl,r dfir.U.,.�,' Grain Show held' at Chicago last be dibtributed.to the needy- ones. l - •=�►- -- _thus-village. - and will entertain all the inembers of . " week; Canada has maiatained her Those-who have any old clothing °U^t8"R t on W. T. a ar, the lumberman, is their family foe the evening. 14= making preparations for a big stock - -- _ reputation as a leading agrieul_ should hunt it tip and and-do not A- �,ery pretty, but quiet ;�-eddira this winter. Having recently tiuiclt• N. Y. Woman Tells How fatal enitntrg in the world, having leave it to feed the moth@. Epery was solemnized by Rev. E. G: Rob- ased the Gregg lot near the saw-milt - - _ captured a 'majrity ef_She._I_ead•. little her e • to on, of`St. George's Church Pick- which is capital timber, the mill Brill TO lake Child rat o -�. ng, at the Anglican Mission, when be worked with full crerw of hands as N'ev'" York.-Mrs. H. $tolff a little - ing prizes. The most coveted Anus Flizaheth_W.ablr became the soon as snow comes. prize of%11, the wheat crown, was If the United States insistsupott bride of Cyril Finch, son..of ltilessrs-Robert ZVlilIer and son,-and ale After gi eat her Vi not (iron. �uv0n b Her=man Tr @Ile of �Yetn the payment of the last cent of Mr. Fred Finch, of Toronto.. The Angus McKay arrived home from Tn- tonic) she eats hdarty,,gained weight 3' p y bride, who was given in marriage._-by than Head. ti. W. T., last week, the an d rosy cheeks. E. C. Jones, draicg• ti. :bley, Alberta. This ratan is -a indebtedness by Britain, the latter Mr. H. A. Newman, entered the ch- ,former on Thursday and the latter- ist• - •German who came out to country.may place a special tariff urcla to the strains of Mendelssohn's. Saturday morning. They report far- - , CJanada a•few years ago with as against the United States, The Wedding March, played by Miss Vio- mers plaw•inz iri some sections of the - -- = let Swan, organist, looked charming North West when they left for home. /�/©')'/�C knowledge of agriculture, but he President-elect,- Franklin Roose in a gown of white crepe romaine. The sale of timber at Harry Rein- !- // VG --came with a determination to volt says "Debts owed the United cut on .long princess lines;, with a met's-on Tuesday last was a great _ •rmakea success of.farming;and be States mast be paid." The pound high neck and a large cape falling success both as to crowd in attend. - from the shoulders well over the--el- ante and the prices realized. The All outstanding 'accounts due Rise certainly succeeded in his of fish must be,handed over by bow, and was fastened at the throat best-portion of the timber sold at efforts,_for-thie_is either the-third Britain. . It',ia a just debt, and with a band of mink fur, her small the rate of $114. per acre, -which it W. H Jackson'must be settled at pr fourth year in which he has the United States has a legal right velvet turban and shoes were'to mat, will be admitted is , a'pretty•goad -once and are payable to !von the coveted prize. His wife tademand the pa:vment. There ch. She carried a large bouquet of price. Messrs Poucher and Rowland F. R. JAOHSON yellow mums and maidenhair fern. officiated 'as auctioneers. pirkering. Nov. R. JAC is also an enthusiast in agrieul- is also a moral side to the question. Mrs. R. Ferrier, sister of the groom, " - was maid-of-honour in a lovely g %-n E N / !• • • �tetken a total of 286 prize ribbons, sod billiobs of--money- in order to ✓. w h:. ' �] voile with girdle of and shoes turquoise bias AFTER THE NEW YEAR [� _ = •''ttbe•awards befog token in 28 a sve- democracy.- _.The men•of crepe, pink lace hat 'and shoes tom- • Varletles of grain. The Canadisup wealth of the nation have been pleted her ensemble, her bouquet tiw F'RANH R. JACKSON ire also leading winners in thole taxed -so. heavily that many of was of large yellow mums. Mr. F. prop, +exhibit$of Alfalfa, sweet clover, them are no- lonRerl considered Thornton attended the groom Mim - hsg the signing of the register Hiss General Store-Hardware. Groceries, - itimothy. field pew, bean!, rye and wealthy anl•are disposing of their Violet Govan• gaol; "The Voice that reboot Supplies Etc. COAL AND CORE ` - barley, faking nearly 100 prize estates in order tp pay the takes Breathed O'er Eden." Immediately Repair work of all kinds immediately -Hardwood tollowing a buffet luncheon was ser- '. ,ribbons in the" divisibus. Cana imposed ed in the Comtnttaity Hail to the attended to. posed upon them due to the - Terms Osub - Try the New Welsh Coal da has good reasons to be proud of war. In the hefted States the friends of the bride and groom. Af- House 2t90 Pbomw 00,0e am ber- aeievemente to agrieultnre. country wee-benefibted floancially ter_a.short-wedding trip the happy BROOK .ROAD GENERAL S'1 ORK Rut Canada ix renowned not only by- the war. - Hundreds of men couple will re" in Toronto. ws an rOduction country, but in have become ruffle .of re' through --- r�, grj,ORZ �Gbe pr�eodaction of mllnecale she the msurcfsetare ..o! erluaft#otss Nlltae Te'1s HOW TO -- takes a leading position among and other necessities -due to the Sleep` Sound; Stop Qr88 -- - -.tbe- nstlooe` of- the world.-and war.. While Canadian woldiers Nurse X. Fietcher says: Stomach - - ievery year new mineral wealth Were enduring all .tbe horrors of gas bloated me so bad I could not - .` -BHnISTMAS SPECIALS - - _ 3s discovered by the work of the war for$1.10 a day,and t," Brit sleep. One spoonful-Adteriks broeght '4PECIA-L - +pro�pector. out al the gas and now I sleep well • fah soldi«rs rpceivbiW ,,►i'ac h lewp, _ and feel fine. F. C. Jose., d g . Lard or-Shortening, per lb. -. 10e. ►Ia the marathon eerimmiug cam SPECIAL e� s� :•ksete held by the Canad�n Nation• -Peanuts, roasted, 2 lbs. _ - '• � . 25ce , _ . .._ -a! ExhiNtion at Turonto every Year, the most of the prizes kre , SPECIAL woo by rantestaots outatde of the - �^► Ilan randy Ile. Dropp,Guru Drops � • 1 AC• p Dominion. But evidently the s and Creame, i.7 t 10Soadiana •did -not allow all r-be ; 1 SPECIAL winnings to leave the country. Jo( S, Dranges, me d. hilts, per dot. 49c. _ .-'Vlerkoetter, the German, who - - -- ,jeron-the$25,000 prizeseveral y". re _ A�&� ` , SPECIAL - - _ . - ago, liked Canada so mach that Sari l�lXed Nuts, 'Filberts, Almonds, ! ib. . - ,I Sc .Abe decided to remain hi tbiri awf Hrazile, _ coaotry. He is now R natursliz«tii Only Eight More Days Till Christmas ! SPECIAL ; . - -- British eabjeet aqd he and his , elh Powders, any flavors. S for___ c. v +wee and family arts now residents Our display OE Jewelry, Toilet Sets, Compadts,•Powder -tuf Toronto. In the womeote _ SPECIAL _ ri► - lewimining conteeta•aki the leading ,Boxes, Necklaces Etc,.has proven attractive _ Cherry.lRaspberry, 07.s ' : prizes were won by Amer3CM0 to this district: - •�am, Strawberry. _ " • mermaids daring the past few 1,10IR'9 ASST. CHOCOLATES, 21b. ho:.Sac. . _ wears!n which these world con. You will find yon='Christma8 Gift- requirements - fleets have.W►ken place. but the - -BOOTH & -MURISON, PICKERING�' - �Canadians. have kept the money in Our-�1oweases. _ - An-Canada, and this was done by. PICKRRING _Toronto bachelors capturing the ' 1wipners with their prices Amer$- You order PHONE PICKERING 600 ,.. We deliver .Open Every Evening till _. _ !Cane may consider this a dirty 9 scheme, but everything "is fair 6 - t�iliriBtTYlaB. _ ua love, and in.-war.": The last small deposit will hold I lcker�n Hardware Store `eoogaedt of this kind took piste a _._ g ';few days ago when George YouflR, 9' any article. r' _ :'_.world champion of, Toronto. -- Gh Does your old stove burn toots mush fuel 2 ' If so see the married Margarei Ravior,-three — - -- Findlay--@,-nd AIe afp lines. '!hey give the maxim a times champion in chs±, women's � pBL 3, amount of heat with the minimam amount' olinel. .@lase. and now consider ed the - world's •champion woman swim. - ( alv, and black pipes, elbows and.dampers. This couple have takes up bongo '1 Brock St., North, - Whitby 1 Ikeeping in the banes presented to `Yoana by the residents of To `- _ One only, New McCormick-Deeriug 750 lb.-Ball bearing - ---� Tonto whoa.he r�ee_to time.when ( Ir ::( C resat Separator for$9L50. J2* won the Catalina swim several yore ago. _ -Agent for McCormick•Deering Farm ldt•cblaeey and 1{epaln. _ Plow Shares to-lit nearly/very make of plow. 1 dowel, . 'but ° eom men aable Our Motto:-"We have it,Oran get lt.Or - m:eth'dd of conducting a dance was - it is not made." that of the Parkdale Canoe ub _$ejr�jO Are - --tea Thursday evening, last. The. - _ •_ PICK -terms of admission .to the dance - -- 1tall was not in money, but in old - - -.. .'• clothing that could be utilized to _ �- .. :Pork-SpeCialB : - .. •, -- - .'__ __._.._.,.,....,. .�.r...,....,,,_-....,..,,.r.,.,,,....,r.r.,.._a " • • R. .. .. �!ho are in _ .: _ .. �_- . :` •_. - ., • i� Q 1 = .»eed;'of whom. there are.those- - - -. �W 17 i)ec _ ..._._`_.... . LoinB� • • 1 - — - xnds in every large 61ty,.sud are $amB - >,ieo numerous In every eommua f • - s- _'lUC. _ - - Men's Braces, 50c., 75 reels and $1.00 per psi! •. salty in these dark days of unem- Blade, ,, - _ , . - - - �C. -lien's Garters, 25 cents sad 50 cents pee pair ployment, - •There• are many Men's Fine Shirts, 90 cents up 'people- rho haver east' clothing -- ' BhOnlder8, . - � . __ .. -_ � 5C. _. Men's Fancy Rose, 25c., 35c., 50c. and 75e. per whir 1 �•wllich is etiil in Arm Bsnde, 25 cents per pair good condition •Side �h . ,. 9c. Ties, Boys' Braces at various prices - 'p `t but on account of the nst�r f _ ' :Gloves. a Cs Scarfs, -their wont id-set- O-usideied T y p . cents each 3.50 each -good. Coi<nbination Speoial: . Boys' Leather Windbreaker, ,enougb, and the owners hesitate -' _ �2 Only; Men's Leather Costs, size 40, of 6.95 each , about o1#eriog them to others &# 1 1b. �p Ladies' Milk Hoee,Kayser. 1.00 per pall! � 'tit might Rive offence. But there BRe"oti, 1 l b. Liver, for 10W -. Vaderwear for Men and Boys � are ntAny people who are reduced Phone 2604` to want who would be. glad to D - --R -E I ireccive them. . In Some cases the • r • clot ,r i,;t could be made over for CE C B RADLE Y .•children. and round be madeas Butcher Pickering _.;macr ';.io:ti+,' `x++ci°" - ''-x• - - -s,°-•r - - _ - -;'±.- -v r.. E- 'a- .�,;'Tii.''x; +r1.«:-'q ..,e ••+ir- �CC,.cr_. "c++.e.•.deYRc crsm.`a�y�ae'K;+ •.>rs3-,•.- 'nv.T'il:.z° - .nuzr..^-�'�:.3e,:.--c,•°`.^.s.ir.'{�'w.'.�., •+s._^ar'`�y.... .��s.• ''.�.a..a,..sw=...�'••xs't':•:�,o::`h... �t+.. .- •.',;.gym.n��a�.,....•��y..� M• �. :d"'`�,.^'7"-: 'mot-'?-'••-. ..... Y _ -. .. _ _ . CLAREMONT _ Walter and Mrs. Thumsun were R. J. How was in the city on Knox; Vice-Ares. George Duncan; WK ANDERSON in Toronto on Friday last. Tuesday on business. Secreatry, L. Johnston: Treasurer, } Ww. Profit, of Aurora, spent Thouaas and Mrs. Sanderson, Fred Lynn, who is now employ F. Lassie; Fire Chief, E. E. Attnis; Sunday with Lyman and Mrs. Mre. Crutt and Mrs. Cruu,b plot ed in the city, was home over the Asst., Fire Chief, E. Perryman; Dir- __..DUNBARTOIiI ,. l?ilkey. ored to Oshawa on Friday. of last week end. eetors,�R. Miller, D. A.aBeer, A. Gray mays Ruth Middleton has preen week. Wilbur Gleeson and M. J: and B. Harvey, T. PhilipJr., W. Ellicott, � ":7 ----spending the past week in Torou The public school Christmas airs. Wilker, of Toronto, spent J. Farley. At the close of the meet- -I N SU R AN CE -� to with relatives. concert will be held to the school' the week end with the former s inz all repa'lred to the home of Har- --`P. P. Shirk, of Toronto;A -here - _Qld_.Bardax, one of their�rmer dir-__. AUTOMOBILE, on-cite"sfternoou of-Thursday, parem�,-1 }: atzd-lifts Glersvn- FIRE spending the winter with his son,. Dec. 21st. Mrs. J. 1lnndell purposes gQinA actors, who was recently married. r �. Edgar, and .Mrs. Shirk. Some very fine music was suppliai y. Harold and Mrs. Barclay were to Pickering every Wednesday under the leadership of W. A. Knox. BURGLARY Miss Mary Maco,ab is confined Riven a wisceliaueous shower by and Thurwday to open a hatr- to her bed through ilia®es, bob we tF�jr vrntn¢ friends on TuesdN dressin riot iu S. J. Davis' They were well received and comp- CA9UAhTY are eased to know that due is y - g li,Ttented on their music. All were _- � Fd evening last. residence. fluurs 9 a. m. to tl p. nl. then treated to ice cream. I'``? Kradualip recovering, D. M. and Mrs. Morgan -have Phone 5600. *C. A. Overlaid has received a returned t•) Claremont and have Quite a number attended the •..sN MEMORIAM. Phone Pickering 71120 -- : large stock of Christmas Roods, got uirrly settled in Mr. Morgan's shooting match at Walter Ward's, In loving memory of my Dear Mot- BONDS-Government, Municipal and _ �s suitable for all classes. Call and cosy rebi�lence. on Saturday last, although the her, Elizabeth Ward, who entered Mortgage Bonds. Also, Industrials. f+ -see them before purchasing. * Fred'and Mrs. Hardy attended day was very cold. Mr. Ward into rest on December, 14th,, 1929. Safe investments at from 5 to 7 per. K The Sunday School children are the fnnei•al ofthe former's sister- succeeded in getting rid of a num cent. 4 'all busy preps ring for their in law. V rs. Rose Hard ,of Torun ber'of geese, for which he rARI1Led No length of time, no lapse of years �., =...:Christmas enteetainmente which y _ Can dim my mother's past INSURANCE-All classes written ia- wtll be held within a week. to+an Mo"day' a good price. For treasured mein'riea hold her dear ' chiding Fire, Automobile. Wind- $a and Mrs. Rumohr and.dau• W S1• Palmer has been confined There will be A shooting match And will while-inemory lasts. storm. Accident and Sickness. mss. y to-his bed forseveial days through at John Scott's farni on the Sth Phone or write Shier, of Hamilton, 'spent a de►y aptness And is under the doctor's concession (half Mile west of the Sadly tnisl3ed by her dauQltter Della• Utf RD. BOWMAN.Whitb I here last week with the forruer's care, but is now improving. Brock road) on Tuesday, Dec. Physicians Sldll L Ta:.d 1; y parents, S. and Mrs. Rumohr. There will be skating on the 20th. Geese and chickens will be p! Mrs. -McIntyre, of Toronto. Caled,mi•i rink on Saturday night given as prize@. Shells provided Little gray eyed Philip gazes at' DINT i S, GARAGE returned home last week, after you hopefully. Perhaps you can neat. There will be good ice and for shotguns. * mend his damaged toy? Yes, that spending several weeks with her a good band in attendance. Ev • --- can soon be done=but to help mend Cor. Broek,and.Kingston Rds. eon. H. G., and Mrs. McIntyre. er body come and en o the first BROUGHAM. his damaged lunge, work weakened The annual Christmas tree in the y y _ little trams, is a work or tar skate of the season. .greater moment. General Repair Work all ease. United Church on the fifth line of Thos .And Mrs. Paterson have The 10th annual meeting of the it will tax all the care and skill guranteed at reasonable _ 1► Uxbridge will be held [m'the even- Citizens League was held in the Fire of the kindly. doctors and nurses of prices. Dec. 't s1.. returned home, after spending a Hall on the evening of Dec. 12th the Queen Mary Hospital for con- lair of Wednesday. sumptive Children to brim this Acetylene Welding. y week in Brooklin with their dun with the president, R. Miller, in the about. 'However, there to hop even g• The Claremont Social Club are Rhter, Mre. Clarence Pengelly. chair. The secretary,-D., Beer, gave for Philip, as there is for so many Batteries ropaired and ebuTa. - a Bending out invitations to a fiance Mr. Paterson was Irept busy lay a report of the year's work, and the cased little thll,►astitut°(Dare being Firestone and Dunlop Tim.a � to be held in the Community Hell Jug a hardwood floor. treasurer, F. Casaie, reported a fav- Contributions to assist this great on the evening of Friday. Dec. The Sunday School of the 'Bap- orable balance on hand also a good work are needed, however, and a Gasoline and 0r" List Church will not hold their supply of material. Fire Chief Anuis gift ot.welcome. Pl from you well ba moat lira vY m. 13� ,,. �- ; z Rid. 22 Please tend o to a, A. Beftroshmeot]Booth In Ooaneotton to her bed for several days with uauar v1,r,aou..w 'free-tYr3s-* at� ii atheadinit there fires which R®ld, aaa college St, Toronto s._ a sews• attack of fine and bran- but in its place will hold a •social is mach lese>thaa the ustim nuniami. _ Phone li'lok.7600 chide. but is nosy somewhat im- •evening in the school room on the The followingFoffSloers were Appoint- laiglhtoe �yl' p:bxed. . evening of Friday. Dec. 28rd. ed for the coming year: Pres., W. A. MILTON SLEEP Mies Mary Graham, teller of the Miss Betty Pretty is to be con „ s . My PIt1iOPIM1i roll a .local brands of the Bank of Coin gratulated on receiving the second "MORE POWER TO YOU a vaerce, who has been on leave of highest number of points at the absence for several months. owing annual school'fair held-in the fall. . 'to ill health, due to over•worlr, She received her Driza this week, � � X411210 W is not improving as fast .e her abash was a nicely board copy of TORONTO mends would like. Pauline Jobwoon's -book, '•The lc. per ; Only ten days remain before 8hagcK Nappi" . . � Giiton. Single 54o Ret>ilrn 90©, �d .-and only --Wo -days-_ ._.._._. eytee s _ snore to do our Christmas shop. _�L_ :. EYLrKY tiourb --pJog. So feroar-therehasts ha a he - TEE WONDER _ at 5'minntes to the hour _ Ey Spe6a" found bueinees very quiet. Evi from 8.55 a. m. to 10 55 p. m. - � 1-day, r►.rew ..s t■,sr dently the people are not Apend : L- ,Eyes OAS SAYER (except 10.55 a m. and 8.66, a y sreaiaet t, r .� - in g so mach,money for Christmas . =5.55. 7.55 and 9 55 p. m.)and +�+ hazes as rieurl. However, there - Is a Powdered Chemical Com- 'at 7.10 and 7 55 a. in. daily _ is time yet to do your buying. brit ' ]j� NE� Y" except Sundry. 10.]5 a. m , do not delay an looser. pound-For the Treatment of CwWwo Don't usiss the euebre and dance 8 55, 5.55, Sun.7.55 and 9 56 p 1.u, _ AIIo[��,Y'ti Gasoline. Sat., Bun. egL-Hal. only. 1145 �•>pess ome. r°""' �" - party to be Riven in the Com- - = p fir, Sunday only. v i ttnn.oity Hall this �. R O 8 O .OAS - - at 8 o'clock. under the vnapir•.•a of U e - • Leave Toroaw 1LV"7:Noue +! the Claremont -Lacro.-Ap - t Auh. un clad half hour Will p ositivel y not harm s Lunch will be serviod. AdmtA*eion. ` ; " amts for- each per,uro. The" by C. H. Tir.Ck, Opt. IIZOtOr. from,i3 80 a. ar, to 11.30 p.m,. will be dr<neing after the eu hr•. s Ey�gbt Bpeciali t - 2 30. . 1an w, 0 and 1 and - 'tor which there will ba a chgrge ' will eliminate IJarbOII aepoe- 280. 7.30 and 930 p. m.)and a - - of locenta. Everylx,dy weleolne. copyright 1927 it from a motor. at 7 30 de. m. daily except Snn• The Gaffed Gharch 9aridw - -.. EFFICIENCY day: 10.80 a, m,. 12.80, 3:80, Sunday Will inorease mileage and 7.30 and 9 30 p. m. sac..Seto. o • _.-School will bold its annual Christ. Put 2 - $ Eastern d1. Hol. oil Eaate -mac entertainment In the body of ..power 25 per cent. y �radu emi -::she church on Tharsday evening. I fair believe in tanalang the Do- Standard Time. con and muscle correction at on", will give smoother perform- oornforcabiv Heated Coaches Den.22nd. The program will c tyist of a cantata, choruses, drill» sy to permitting flea weed - ance and nicker stain Provide Home Oavel. far' t and recitations. We anticipwter g7 to apply in the building Of acs- Q Winter Travel an excellent program. and hope ength to oppose any other-cumin uu- in enlrl weather. Tickets and Information'at that there will be •a R++od tartwrtr on the system' Of course it is post • 's encouregA the r1. i1e qnd theirs t1. mesarea o! relief are nee-' $1 trestg 140 gallons GRAY COACH LINES l P P essasy but if persisted in,may leave- teacher� is their good work. a mesh weaker condition. The attic- Of gasoline. Eastern H„uae-Pieke•rtnQ . "Rev. Mr. McCormick. of Thorn• le explain .this as follows: It has of t4ee app- to n. of•enpied the paipit in the late years been custoaiazT to obtain lliipl hour the United Church on Sunday la>+t obtain relief by the use df certain Agents • u. ! - we execute when he preached two very im preparations. Immediate relief is win be ; ti ++ Chan• Cooper, Claremont a `' mat. tribute e � • presei%ve sermons. On Sunday gained. and sleep is induced. It ah- p peraotas they Gave bmin next Rev. Mr S eKorrachor, ..f oulid, however, be borne in mind that J' s B8)SdtJn P1ClierlII erected is ibeor• Our - unionville, will ore•erh at hoth these drags are s8 paralyzers and a �� 6611 seenres services. Mr. MuKerreher han n, temporary relief is given at the ex- the bet reeult� :excellent reputatie+n Bp a preacher .penes of more fast injury" "More 'No (fir Tribute° - and a pastor. IE iN hoped char than twenty years ago it .� - .OUR SPECIAL CASH PRICF.� - - there 'Will be good congregati„oe• covered that after using,drugs of N. W. BPAFF013D to hear him. this class, the eye muscles were in a An toteresttng social event took state of mild paralysis, and the test ROB ' for muwJe anomalies were unreliab- -Rleally T,owilt than in the City or anywhere. wbithy Algae On Tuesday, Dre•etnher flth la^ "Vertigo is one of the sympt- s art the parsonage of Woodhinr ems so closely related to declinat- 'WHY BUY AWAY FROM HOME? 462 = .Baptist Church, 'Toronto. w heir ions (muscle disorders? that it MAY D. M. Morgan. of Claremont. war+ be said that, , �goited is marriage to Miss HnlMmh the dlra t not -Acv�� of Anti-Freeze :,. Alcohol - ... -per gallon 1.19 Jack, of Toronto. The car moray the muscle disorder." "Many of us Glycerine `• . ... 'l.'1.t1 - - - was performed by R,i+v, Jos A. have noted the effect of strain to as _ . will not evaporate. ,. {]rant. who was formerly p4moiv Induced by our work. Give consider- Stove$namei, pint and Rood quality brush Induced 26e. -of the Claremunt-�Baptivt Citrire•h. anon then to the increased effort Rleptrte Iron, guaranteed, popular weight 229 -7 X&O iA� xntiw The hest wiebes, of their many where fin actual imbalance of the . A :�triet►ds are extruded ter Mr. oad eyes turning' is noticed and it will -Coal Sods. Standard'size, black japan ... 49c. 1drs. Morgan - in the happy be easy to understand how a simple gale ste91 ... ' .. 69c. i�Slii"iiii� �• - event. case with glasses worn will improve --Galvanized'Ash Sifters,. .: 19e, 29e. and 89_0. Obeaprates for form and eountry -- On 'Friday evening last tb►' in school work. How the highly-irr- Dais a few at these prices bsiWiatp• "" Claremopt Cootiauation Literary' life firor:ri,anothes angle s1.- ... Windstorm losurse "n buildings, Society livid a npati n Literary in ter' ebw COQ' The child'who Is Up#gbt Electric Toasters, with'cord... .• wind-wiNs.Mina ate. the school to help the library of a veritable little devil, after correct- Bu el Baskets, galvanized Age Automobile Iowreanee L the school. Tbhel was a splendid loA' Ue expression mss' The •`:Ohrisupsm Tree Sets-six colored bulbs with cord•. ... 119 Of all kindee. ehiW becad+es sees to handle. alotbEs'Baskets, g ,a `larnootoi both-pareoteaad roans - ` _.. �,.. ,-.,. ..1a* a Sots., en>sll 16c. •. _ FA131Id8 FOR AAL)B - __ - •Y:�•• people. A number played bridge to be° � 'Tree Stands(Christmas).. .. 600. Write or phone "..: and euchre, while some regaled ]Short Lelntern Glasses ... .160 each,2 for 260;S for Soo. E D. BOW MAN .� themselves with checkers and � - � + _--crokinole_--The card prizes .were A.. E. ONE/LL Get in a supply at these prices. V'These prices are for Oash only. won by ltd--H:-G:11ieotyre mad FUNERAL DIB130TDK AND 20 WHiRTBY. ONT. , lldaigaret Spedee�lAy, Dr. Tomlin EMBALMER CHAS. COOPER, - •-.C ONT _ • •son and Arnold-Wileon. Every body reported ao evening much successor to'W.J. Mather, s enjoyed. stoufiville _ Report of Junior Room of the Night and Day�deoese Phone +•' L S P E I A L Ole►ceroont Public School, being - -the standing at.Ahs' end of the Business ]Res] 9880 Fall Term. Second Class-Mar. ,ggaretCowie*, Norma-Beverley*, Reniell Lo et*, Alvin Lehman*, THE -MADELINE" We havii supply of t3reb Wurk Boots and Miner Rubbers for the ; Jean Morley*and Gordon Morley*. ° Fall,Season. Call and see them. a -;Evelyn Sanderson, Roy McLeod: BEAUTY-:- SALON _ Irene Lyon, Allan Pretty.. Mar- Anti;Freeze and Winter Motor Oil for your car. Exide - ggaret Briscoe: Firat.,'Claea-Mil• As you'and I know it to drawing near I. .]Batteries, Batteries Charged 50 cents. Ared Benson*, Jack Warta*, Don; Christmas. the time for a nice smart -_ :aid Middleton*, Hazel Hinn`, ''Weivette" Perm'aneot Wave How Campbell Beane*,Andrea Len,at,n*, about giving daughter and yourself a Glendale Salmon,large,2 tine 190 Rolled Oats,7 Ibe. Audrey Forsyth*, Shirley Hitt,vt. reTlChriet:mas Gift, one you both will Olover Leaf Salmon, pink.'2 tiny 25c Macaroni, 4 lbs. �".', 260 IIti get real pleasure from. good nippy Cheese,per lb. .! 'l0c Pastry Flour, 24s 46e A 60a rick*, William Phillips. Sr. Pr. -' Fm offeerrin special Christ a prices: peas and fJorn, 3 tine 25o Pure Bread Flouc. 24'e .. 700 {Oharlie Turner*, Brace Miller*. 6(1 "' 8r. Pr.-Leonard McOallotiah*, Tomatoes, per t1n .. lOc '• 98 the. .. 2.60 School Girls. $1,96 'Seedless Raising .. 27c Cooking Onions, 12 lbs. .. 26a ' ,Jean McCullough* Gordon Lynn; Commencing Nov. 1ssihand lasting � gold and Ioatalled by Bernice Lynn*. Gladys Morle, Phone Markham;6402, WelDeliver :r Doris Mitchell* Sylvia Phillip):,, 3�de,.deis.ne 1�undS3.L F$ANH I PROU8E Dolly Crumb, Jean Taylor. A. V. Phony 1.906 CLAR.EMONT ;Wrn �. DtlI1C�8t1] General Cxeen Qvvet 'FARM L R•poflrard, Teacher. r1. Merahantf j�a `�; ...r>:b ._,y,..� •Reek.,i:'y.- .,a'-:.• ..,w.: •.1 .;al - ^"5:�',',i5^.':`7, �--' -..c;r;+' _'..f".s•a-.5�.'. vf. - e;^a,_-^•. Je•.^�.z '�,r— :r . 7-- .'ve• M. s sue", iK• A Novellnber Landscape ' : _ What's Wrong Puzzle November came too-day and seized the - Wom an 9s Ot th hhole e autumnal store of reds, and 1 _7 < left ® r -- i •� But drabs and yellows on a land be- reft W or�d _ Of bird and leaf,of body and of soul. 'c' :.. By MAIR, M. MORQAN 1 Outside my window now rain-winds °A Woman's Place is In the Home.' patrol The earth; last August's elms and - - -- - - b rches seem I, Happy Chrlstsrsas through the_mincer. �4Iix the other Like self-remembered legends in a Yuletide greetings the world, ingredients together, and then thor- dream; ,MV J' the one universal holiday when the oughly blended, add the chestnuts (as Melodious, myths—the thrush end ""world, fora day, forgets its troubles, prepared above), and mix,again. oriole. v differences and nationalities and bows to the advent of a life. A Merry_ Bermuda Stuffing Such strange delusions when Novem- -.Christmas! Three-quarter pound of calves' liver, b_r weaves'_ T - - % cupful of cider, 2 tablespoonfuls of Through clay and stubble, through O Away From Home butter, half an onion, i/4, tablespoonful dead ferns and leaves �• o of milk, 1%, cupful of cooked rice, 1 As here lie sodden on the ground; Dwellers in temperate zones of the egg, 34 teaspoonful oi-salt,--1-8--too- and yet : - - - = world take for granted the trimmings spoonful of pepper.- Cut the liver into This was the story told sl:. r iontha and seasonal weather of December 25th. Snappy,brisk air, the green and small cubes, and let it simmer in the ago. f red of holly and berry are natural and elder till, tender Then chop !t fine. When'the snowed the crocus through _ right—buClet us look over the horizon Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the - onion, sliced, and stir and cook till —From,"Many,Moods," LI-E..J. Pratt. HARVsY - - and peer at Zululand. Five years ago light brown in Dolor. Mix-the carry nosh. pcH�N vu__st9 the children saw their first Christmas powder with,the milk, and add to the France ,Lowers Marriage MsttscA _ diR .Area and great was their delight and surprise—indeed,one of them declared cooked onion with the prepared liver. Age of Men to 21 — "it.was a tree from heaven." - While Beat up the egg, mix with the rice, There are from tifteen to twenty mistakes" in each of the cartthen _ the tribes are now converted to the .salt milk and pepper. Add to the In- -The organized 'women of- France, which will appear weekly on this page. See if you can.find them and loan :. Christian faith, the Zulu husband•is gradients in the saucepan. The stuiL although they have not yet .achieved compare with lift a bleb will be. published next week ing Is now ready for use. the vote, appear, in the light of their still very literally "lord and master" of " periodicals, to be much more interest Only one child Is being served. Perfume Mottle should not be on the household and cniy allows his - '' ad tt an the ,men, wh•>ther organized table. Household Hints g - Curtains do not match. t� 'wives to.accept the near faith on the Whole potatoes sbould not be on ;I or not in a project o!law which would _ condition that •they, •do not come to �n hearth or_floor tiles do not g j There are two kinds of leaves on table. .. _ _a:.. al1Jw 8 man to mars: at the age J2 C9m', ,imh. aim Ice clrsuan clothing: l�'91F-elEa= ;£Ei �'i�?t - -_- - "�' Rata do not 019 tea dsrtime. 21 without consent of parents of Now let t : draw nearer home= i washing, try treating them !!u this One tree trunk in- picture does not Clock has only one hand. - • p @- rurdiana- instead of making him ture a lighthouse-keeper of the coast way; Dissolve two pieces of lump g ' g touch, ground. Sides of vase do not match. : ' of the British Isles, The prevalent sugar in the juice of a lemon. Dip a 'wait until he is 25, as is now the cox. soft cloth into this and rub the tiles A woman, hog Numbers are on the clock back- There would not be eggs IyPu on weather conditions will demand his wards. table. . ` tonstant attention, At midnight, all over. Dirt and stains will disas- ed b the new measure; the.age above dressed in a "fanny" suit and helmet, pear and the-tiles will dry with r which she. may defy her parents .nd Woman has one bead missing. Woman teas.only tour-fingers rra"one shine that will last a long .itae. marry whom she !-hoefte is to remain -One of woman's eyebrows la too hand. one of them will commence his four,- small. Edges on woman's collar not alike. flour watch. The ht mast ba - Black leather handbags -can be .at 21 . '+ - !Batched continually and if the waste- cleaned by rubbiirg with-a clean cloth The Roman traditica..that the child - _ . . - . . . - _ _ . • - . and 'afterwards with another cloth is subject- to the father's authority :._ .. er thickens due to fog, rain or snow, , for life obtained in France until after sr dipped-in a mixture of teaspoonuc• ' ate foghorn must be alerted immedf- rm p /� s .*sly_ At Intervals thPra wiu be of sweet oil antd two teaspoonfuls of the Resolution. As late as the latterrt�s stentorian bleats, Inters milk. When dry the-.bag should'-6e part;irf-the last eentdry a -man could - a u persed with polished with another rag, using a not marry without the consent of his piercing shrieks to wais`-up those oft ltlthei until he had. awed the halt• white-shoe- ream or furniture polish. faith it oil h nor could a' woman ,Hen G. Bell B.S.A. De t. of Chemistry, O.A.C. watch and wish them a "happy ;y p, •Christmas.' Harbor yilots-have their Mud-stains may be removed from y 73 Adelaide SL duties to carry Dui—although the skirts or trousers in the following until over 45. Address All Letters to Farm Editor, maximum amount of leave is given, way: Add a teaspoonful of sail to a When, some gears ago, s French- West, Toronto. All Answers Will Appear-in this still there will.-be ships arriving and little lukewaFin water, dip a soft cloth man was considered eligible to vote -must be safely berthed. So while the into t'te liquid, and wino the stains at the age of 21, he was not eligible Column. If Personal Reply is Desired, odour of stuffed turkey assails your well' for marring, on.his unratified wolfs Stamped and Addressed Envelope. ' : • nostrils, tantalizing—think a moment Wben boiling a_ham. th,- travour is, tion until 25, although a,woman, who .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . :. of rock-bound coaata or suns lands greatly improved by the addition to could not vote, could contract a mar- y -Questions and Answer a crop whey e.stand !s obtained. and bb laid that the water of a teacupful of vinegar, a riage on her own account and &!So g you can call out S. G.—I have a few acres of rather Sweet clover Is. ienaial. That is, It - you Christman fn, this broad Do- teacupful of brown sugar, and a lees assume the responsibility of financial takes two years to go through its itfe minions o!ours. cloves• transactions at the age of 21. heavy-marsh land, would this grow cycle. At the end of that time it will If You buy bones for soup-making, The new bill has already pas.edi the barley' successfully. What variety, kilt out itself if.the hay has been cut " and cannot use them immediately, Chamber and is now marking tithe m when and haw much should. y sown - - 'Mad-Winter Fashions for the best results? is barley straw each year before the seed 4s formed.- r1► bake them in a hot oven for a few the Senate. Why the men have shows The persistent nature of sweet clover. A few remarks on the prevailing .minutes and they will keep fr esh. co particular interest ia••if is said to as good for feed as oat straw. Is mll- atyles will not be amisa at this time, let,good feed for dairy cows? comes about by a certain amount being o with holiday y — be due,to the foci' that parents sine allowed to.go to seed. This can easily y parties very much_ In —Probably barley Is the - - rogue. Simplicity of line ie the main - - A Knitting Hint - the World'war, have been extremely y be avoided. feature--a"subtle flare of the skirt, :. When you are knitting one of those amenable to their wishes and, is ary best of the cereals that you could grow suggested fulness of a sleeve are aym- multi-colored junipers, and .want :�- case,:it- was easy enough• to sum_mon on this Iaa'd. It is the shallow t root- Pregnant Evros and Alfalfa Join oa s different _.colored wool, rntrarsigeant parents by an "act ed of all the cereals and thrives on Second growth alfalfa is a very slab . bolical of 1IIilady's-dregs .11t.this a darning needle''wit' it sad respectueux" at.d so-have t.e exigen- neutral to slightly acid SOIL IL nos- and tasty feed to all farm animals• of tLe rev.• Rc%l avc"Aa cu ue our c of :14c a alhlP, von should provide for drainage Sheep are very Land of,it-and-will eat -of the leading colours--and as a eon- dares in and out of the out end of the y. e �ra�r r1-?" - - d't _ - ltrastiag trimming as grey, beige. or old wool .or about two inches. . ir_s right hat.brea rar2lj e•ervise. from your marsh. No crop,of course, amore Lua...a sw plus, it offers the very latest Ia color This snakes as invisible and a very One of the greatest a0torities on will grow-It the water is standing on before them all the t1me. Pregnant pate join. _ renal_relationships in France is Dial- the soil for a considerable period. ewes should be fed with some con- schemes. Stripes are also !a A tee'Levy, said he hay takes the Dees- The.best variety for Ontorio so far con- sideration of their condition, and the _ stunning model seen lately was ins, lion tr. 'change his view,of the "l:uai• developed is O.A.C. 21. Seed of this alfalfa feeding limited to one teed per. - kloned of black and white satin. For Prince of Wales Has • g=" ;�narrlrgp de sots- variety is obtainable In any btandat•d days• The quantity g-lvea can be limit- - _ _ :i�:sa marr,,� .hose who favour the two-piece en- ctnrnce), we to he lor:r.erly agprrv- grain centre. The amount usually re ed to what they will cleanup is one semble—blouses are very much is the. Expert Knowledge of Tongues ed as being tte rational_basis of a'l.,commended is 1% bushels per acre. hour. Other forage, such as•oat straw, node, and the more vivid ,their pat- . Details of the Prince of Wales's- French family life' He aow considers -This gives sufficiently thick stand and pea straw,. red clover or mixed hay =--.J tam and .coloor, the. better. A grey 'addreu on the value of a knowledge that if persons who reach their ma- allows of the crop maturing at its beet. can be given'is quantity,4,o complete •iii skirt with a pale yellow blouse is most of languages in promoting Loral their need for roughage. Pregnant P g foreign f brity were-allowed entire freedolb in' -Barley straw is slightly poorer:in in attractive and youthful. Bows of trade are contained in the English regard to marriage there would be nitrogen than oat straw and is con• ewes lost live on an exclusive alfalfa �yvery sizo.are delightful additions to newspapers. The P-rince's remarks man7 snore happy and Ia•,ti::R unions siderably higher. in potash. ' It is diet map die at lambing time, and the either blouse or ir`ock. Belts still play were made at Oxford where he spent in ^rice. therefore not as nutritious,a straw as post mortem of such alfalfa-[ed ewes a very important part. Suede,.1•raid, man ha reveals a degenerate liver. Alfalfa in y happy- hours visiting his Did .,good oat straw. the feat of forage, but it should be fed or corded nfik and wool, all are '::s:' college•—Magdalen—and recalling his Millet makes a fair quality hay if .Necklines hug the throat. ,Little lum- undergraduate days: 'His'visit was - ' 'A..Lift. in the Spirit =it is.cut about the time,the flowers be- with care.to pregnant animals. Once ^ :'-'ed-down collars, of the Peter Pan as animal has delivered its'young and for the purpose of inaugurating the By Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt gin to appear. IL it is allowed to go variety,are featured on woollen frocks, new extension of the Taylor Institu- longer thakn this, it bec2>aoA VPfR is milking 'heavily, there seems to be often tttiished off. with a friclry strinad , y I think out of all 'these moy�a nt no danger in liberal alfalfa feeding. t.." .....L... Vf ILr aL"d ul modern has sbi and sorrow there is .goi woody and is not nutritious. It-can be ue of silk. Now for shoes In Eng- $ p Many sheep flocks have paid the pen- languages. -- - to come one great good, namely, a fed to dairy cattle although it is not land if one is to be dressed in the "I know from my -own experience;" y nearly so nutritious.as alfalfa hay, but ally of too liberal alfalfa feeding. Bet .. height of fashion this winter one's growth'of of understanding and of inter. ter'stay on the sate side, and make it : ehoee must match one's frock At he said, what a difference it makes e'St among all the woiaen of tie- city is a little better than•timothy,..-_ a practice of feeding alfalfa but once if you can speak,to the foreigner in and nation !n their sisters who work L. J.-1. Do you recommend putting recent Shoe-and Leather Fair held�in his-own tongue, Barriers seem to for their daily bread. ' 1, feel in the lime rock on sandy soil for alfalfa? a day to pregnant ewes. -After they' : London, shoes.dyed in nearly 130 dif- , start milking it may be fed liberally, ' - .fall the ice is broken.• •. last few weeks a lift In,the spirit of How much to the acre. Do you put it' _ _ •:ferent tares were shown'and displays "Gieat mistakes and free arable on'before you plow your land or drag without risk. were soar of chemicals and acids.of P the bountry,'a new sense -of hope. Poultry itch and Scratch all deserlptians now being' usd'in the harm may be done i! negotiating Whether there is -any tangible rea- it In? �' E _ treatment-at leather.'For evening, the pq ties do not fully understand each son for this hope or not, even though 2. How much sweet clover •seed Great loss is sustained each year others idiom., Not every word has w-e may not be able to put our finger should be sown to the acre? Will through the ravaging of poultry flocks' Sahara estic2al'wsts featur'.1. For days its exact equivalent in another Ian- on any specifle thing, stiilI am con- sweet clover grow oa low land? Can by biting•and sutking lice, which feed - 'wear the'two-color shoe will be pope- 9 lar and combinations of tan and elk, ,guaV' and often a- mere shade of fldent that the mere feeling that Ilea •the•plant be killed by plowing it up, on skin, scales and feathers. Lice ' navy aad''gray; the usual black and accent or phrasing may alter, the within us will bring better days for Answer.—Fairly finely ground lime- infesting poultry can cause the birds 'white and stone and wine are all whole sense, us all. But these days will not come stone rock is one of the beat forms much discomfort, resulting In a lower _ leaders "AS a result of my travels my in- unless--each and every•one of us has of 'lime to apply to the ordinary field egg yield and poor condition, of the terest in modern lanugages has grown learned a lesson.from the hard days for the •,growing of alfalfa The blyda.. -Three Stuflin�s For Your Turks y�by year. I'am glad to learn that we, have been through. amount to use will-scary with the test �Cgntrol.—Sodium flouride is one of Turkey the School of Modern Lan of the SOIL If the soil is slightly acid, the most efficient dusting powder Savoury Stuffing $uages ' -- " - Four cnpfule of soft breadcrumba which, in my undergraduate days, i one•dialf ton to the acre will. probably that can be applied:to louse infested , % was'still struggling foi fall recogni- t' r be enough,. If it shows.distingUy sour, birds. Its use is described on page lf_ - .teaspoonful Of pepper, % teaspoonful tion, is now one of the larger-schools it will be necessary to use upwards of of Bulletin, 363, -Ontario Department -Of salt, 1% teaspoonfuls of po*dered in the university." -� 1% tons to the acre. One of the best of Agriculture. Dust baths should be ,g V+ Pweet herbs, X oupiul of butter melt- Recalling that it was his own col- !(? '� , ways to sow lime is to scatter it on provided the birds'foi winter use, in od Mil• these ingredients together loge which had been the first to teach � 2 top of the plower ground and work order that they can by their own at- -A = : horoughly. Some cooks put half a modern languages, having appointed , it in aR the trine the ground Is disked' forts keep' their bodies free of lice. {,finial of Lot water, but•the flavor of Giovanni Florio the translator-of , and harrowed. This brings the effect Dust baths should contain some to-' -the stuffing Is not improved by its.ad- Montaigne, in 1685, the Prince quoted { of lime into the top three lnches of bacco powder or some sodium sour& itioa. his dictum: soil where seed is sown: silicate. One little louse may rook In. "'I wish there were such a law that + About 20 lbs. of sweet clover seed is nocent of all evil, but bear In mind _ Italian Stuffing, any one who should bring up his chil- _ ` recommended.,to ,sow to .the acre. that thousands can make their press _1+. Chestnuts (shelled sad blanched), 8 d'en without teaching them foreign sweet clover will-glow on fairly well ,ence felt and ruln_� possiotnty of upfals of dry breaderumb lan s should be-beheaded." Brown must be a sinner." drained low land but-it-will will uvi ao as profit from the hock Clean poultry s, jE capful image _ _ Of hot water, S teaspoonfuls of chop. "M� as I believe in the value of "Why?"' wel, as-airalfa and it is-not as valuable are always-profitable. 1 �� ."I heard his wife say-he was no _. � perle7. 9 teaspoonfuls of grated modern languages, � he continnei emon rind, % cupful bf-melted-butter, amid laughter, "I am not prepared saint." / DYE-HARDS COLD FEET i teaspoonfuls of sal , t, % teaspoonful to go so far. However, to learn a A famous actress has declared that Among the. articles of necessity w file "All that Is made i. the work of she wfll never have a grey hair as which are scarce in Russia are b�, J�o�be,%bou4 water till soft. There opened up to us, to know new people God, and all is good."—Mary Baker long as there•is a chemist's strop do- which abcording to the latest news Live cupfuls. Then put and new modes of thought," Eddy. lust business. ware the equivalent'of $60 a va&. �,�yy:s:_ -_ `q 'C-°�...s� ��. ,�-•�--'s•sr ,...a....- -.•0 — '--ir• .uu;r :.:,.,. ,aJ,` .. ::.'_� -s - �g _ _ 5«.. yr�^w.•.� �. :..z xr'•-i"- .i. ,a_.•i.�.,tie�'^`?''.x--' °; :..Y...••.- 3w r `-';5�' •,''R ., �,ri:,,r -. ,• .,: A ��-� _ �- r. �.• _.' :�,;' '`>L,� .rte _ Y- � ^` ^��',> ��. �,-"w';•�-��-�n-�r�,r`•'tpA--'-.-t-e , - ' �• a _ ., • -_ • Y?i• .. • r + �Yb 1 S ' 't s- � •� • - �-• 'J.'r•C-Y_ r � �.. .. OUR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE - OWl La s Classified Advertilr>1 t► OFFER TO EYL^tiY 1NV:-i:TOR. �a ' 1 2 3 4 . '5 7 "S 9 3l1 List of wanted n,enttous a,(. lull s . Because each of us pau se at this twrmation seat tree. TLw tsar• . aeaaon to renew his expression of yaa7. World Patent ♦ttornPrs. 27 t3tnk �- /' Cheer and Goodwill, all Christendom Street. Ottawa, Canada - sz•:iy - - puts @side Its work to do homage to # _ 14 i 5 tl+ ,.. 17 the Spirit of Christmas. Cease the exchange of merry greetings and much Earn $5.00 to $lU:OQ Daily of the charm and potency of Christ- Earn Dart cin,q, while tearnlird 'tol% wlnb .lg pay',tradeati: Cr dressing. work. - _ ..... ........ • �,. _-__ �, mss is destroyed._ to •r t rin hnl rennin _t1,a+ weld n barbs, t41ea- egi. : �- � �•�_ . - And- fitting '�' POaTtiana- trpetY: ern .t - 22 23 %w;! 24 5 -thfa-column convey to you our w-tWes.—Fmptoymenr-asrvfee-;rv.r, n tea• . f for a very Merry Christmas and .a Coast, wpptYy Uotntatoo 3¢hoo�i _ Happy and Prosperous New Year. Her Office. 79 .Queen W:. "ro'ronto.' # lb 27? ' 28 29 - - r > F y„ Christmas 30 e :'. 31 This Christmas Day let's lay swag Quite in the Mode The burdens of the year,. _ 31 33 34 ;; 35 36 37 With,gladsome shout let's go about - , M1°•A.. :Sy HELEN WILLIAMS. A-spreading of good cheer May we on this Blessed Christmas '38 39 40 41 1hustrated DresQ�•.nkin� Lcsson Fur• va Be filled with joy and mirth, •' � And our hearts.re-echo the anthem, Wished With Fiery Pattern _ 42 43 4q 35 Peace, and good will on earth. ry New Novel By X46 47 48 ti 49 When a liters--y man gets so much a ---- - „r. word for his writings, he spreads s s . . - 1 rene -Moody them around as thickly as confetti on _ F i1 51 52 S3 a returning hero. o : _ J! Rview by John W. Garvin - +tt 'doted Canadian man -1 letters, To-, 5'1 �5 Her-"I chink dancing makes agirl's feet too big, don't you?" - Onto, from the October issue of the ' = y Him-"Yeah:" Canadian Bookman. �+ Horizontal 41-Demigod 10-To pertain Pause. •, Delphiae of the Eighties," by Irene Her-"I think swimming gives a girl 1-Ropes 42-Dance step 11-Silences Vii• •1. Moody., London, Johu Bale Daniel- - _ _ awfully large shoulders, don't you?" a ° 43-Spanish city •. 13-Savants. '�- on Ltd. Book Craft lo. Ltd., Toronto, 4-To'he9itate 45--Heavenly body 16-To unite Him-'-Yeah." ',anada. Sold by all booksellers in. 11=Elephant driver 46-Latin conjunction 19-Musical intervals = (Pause). vancuu',•' 'C'— 9 pages- _212—)deletes 4'-Ofhcer,who examines 2l-Eu'voys - Him-"You mush ride quite a_tot, • ' -• -.. - - "Irene . Moody. who lives in Van- 14-, Aloft -Pits too." waver, B.C., was born in Ontario and 15-Feeling • . ' ..49-Prefix', from 26-Verdant educated at the Collegiate in• St. 17-Musical note - 50-To mislead 27-Nothing ; "Most 'of'the Wli that come here - • Chomaa, and the scenes of this book 18-Over!/ , og-Sins _ 29-Graelt letter don't want to marry." are laid In her ,native province with 20-Pedants 54-Fruits 32-Expected "How do you know?" London as a centre 21-To be tardy 55-Residence-_ 33-Spoke "I've as*ed em." - Mrs. Moody was chairman of the 22-T6 engrave 34-]?Ixtraa Board of School Trustees in vancou. 24-Knowledge Vertical 35-To'fasten. human nature is man's excuse for 1Z ver and has been .president of the ' 25-Celebration 1-Hooded cloak 36-Eats a lot of his-ornery actions. When ` B C. School Association. So tar ea J 26=Surgfcal-threat4s 2-Exclaa..t:sn 37-Pans of shoes woman has a suspicion is is always ' know, this is her first book and.-it-is-- 28--'Fabrics -3-Dee: tD-Fuss _ _-___- willing to share it with others Per- -the Initial. volume of. a-propoded tri- ;JO-Niohammedan-Dame 4--To unload 43-Cipher hops the greatest optical delusion in ip�, 31-Beverage 5-Birds - 44-Starting pCiat trade Is`the price tag .which says _ "'Delphtne of the Eighties' ....... . is 32-Huts - • 6-Vouchsafes - 47-Engraving $2.98. Strange, l•n't it, that so many the most•t'mportant novel of its kind 35-Claasea 7--God 48-Margin critics remain only ctlties? Too man° sinee the publication In 2908 of 'Anne 38-Minerals 8-Servant 51-French article people are like the sea-they nev3r oL Green Gables.' 39-Companion 0-Pronoun 63-Pronoun _ can dry up. Some successes are made - "The heroine 1s a girl, the only child from the fine art of pralltin_ by early - of Mr. and Mrs. James Avery, the ba ANSWER .TO L_,ST WEEK'S mistakes IL's as natural for a hop to ` - banJ au Englishman an.: tha wife of Llfe as an Adventure PUZZLE want a dog as it is for girl to desire• j Frene descent, but both, Immigrants Sy LORAOO TAFT; doll. We. heard a sheik say that a : Crum the Ise of Guernsey American Sculptor 3 .0 B I 3 EPA iC T flapper's complexion doesn't always Two faults, if faults they be, may Life is the most rcmanifr and joy- aI I E U I lI T x A IY ,. E,8 taste as good as it looks. Jobs have; sera's a doffing brown . woolen b3 found 1n the stor it afire one's A T 9 T I (P P L iE* 1,C a habit of seeming easier,when do w 7„roper dress •with a modish novelty leeiiags too frequeatty, add certain of duo of,.'all adventures and the big- A Id J,R lA y R I 'ill D sow, rather than to-morrow, Once green woolen guimpe; just as mother the characters appear too perfect. But gent thrill a man can get out of it Ta I 0 g S C 0 W r^ I E month' every,man eompialns of his.might have this season.. h it well to have ideal characters -is the:realization that he is a bens- J L 01 g S nn, I E S S 0 family's extravagances. An added feature, so- -practical, is placed before us occas4onally in tic- factor and fncent've to eo te. Pes• the detachable cape, It buttons se. p P DjOTS AP1.9 ,, Rion, lest we forget in this life, of. ' ' I Landlady-"You'll have to pay your eurely to.the 3retls at the front; sonally, I do not want to labor witn E 3 N IU T S R E L IA T ,. _ •. ,.. . 'i<truggle ,and miatortune.......: to ctrl~. bH! or leave, to attain the ideal, matule minds, but it 1 can only get D U 0 B E L F 0 1d EI Lodger-"Thanks,.awfully. My last w'a also in navy blue with vivid "'Del hino of the Eighties' should } a ; d I H M E Z T 9P E red can also be chosen. p S the children interested, t Ica only landlady,made me do both." Arid as well, there are ra}ons, vet- !e read and re-read by parents, guard- awaken la them the: great love of E T ,0!k P A R lE R ` `'veteens and tweed-lilte cottons. -• foss and teachers=-as,the character of D E T 10i E 3 E?1, E C ITZ Dr. Mayo says the human body is Style No. 3312 is designed for sizes such 1 child is the Lands of the beauty..and the incentive to a high' worth sixty-seven cents. How does he : !banghtle-ss-and selfish could so'easily 'artistic ideal, I shall be the happiest D 0 T E�D }I ]± 1S B 8 1ize 8 and 1�e years.. _ DD _ explain a doctor's bill for x600 Worth • Size 8 requires 13j yards 35 or 39• _ `_•' ...tl LCC4 U.lbislatl a,li cu!..�'. �� 3t as•^ `V- -.t her t��%e rhin$4 of—repairs—on a sixty-seven cent ma- 's _ ibine grips the heart of the reader'so fan artistic consciousnes and a go- Geneva, 1932 chine? blott3'e.wl� yards 3a-inch_ for = - Iahtly that the next volume of the tag back to handicraft and a national - HOW TO OstDEIt PATTERNS. •rflogy will be looked for eagerly.” Interest to the cultural and spiritual) (A plea to; raconvantion of the Dig. Teacher-•-"Willie what is an adult?" 1 armament Conference) Write your name and address.plain- so that when great_ art_cotl}es along Willie-"An adult is one that has Motz rtycles average 90 miles to he it will be recognized and Sastered as We-who•are serfs, Lord, each to his stopped growing except in the middle." 1y+ Siving number and s� of such ;y :*Allan of gasoline. it abanld 'be, own dark mind, patterns as you want. Enclose 15c in _4 Or'to-the greed of n4tims, as of old, "Eaveadropping again;' ss Adam -stamps or coin (coin preferred; crap - -- - - - - We wbo are stilt idolaters of gold, said when his.missna Lell_out of the it carefully) for each number, and ' Foregather yet from every shore to apple tree. address your order to Wilson Pattern_ 4► find Sfnice,-73 West-Adelzide St.,Toronto. / �� Ease from our owri forged chains �O Y02c /ZO CX i In England it has been decided cows .� + whose letters bind _ have a legal right to use the' 'roads aDyPt Uses Radio .Patrols i.. All earth in armour to an end fore- This must be a great re let to the Alexandria, Egypt.-Radio sendJas told; COWS.' and receiving stations mounted oa Only Thy solvent Light, which we six-wheeled motor car's are tined by 'withhold, a A woman journalist has started a the Egyptian frontier patrols to givg -- w�:r w.------ e m...•... Ma¢•melt the shackle that enslave a y advanced- information to the Cairo L0 mankind. c mebody�tart police and the cuatA ns officers at 4 drool to teach women lothes. Why doesn't sa ~( a swimming school for-fish? various cases on caravans• suspect- `r y' w IN ot all the punisbment and waste o1 - - ad ot_ maestro¢ cocaine and hashtstL years, Little Jean was certainly looking By thiB• method large caravans o[ , Nor sacrificial blood and agony. rath4gr ill when she returned to the 500 to a 1,000 camels which small emu' Of guiltless youth, heirs of the erring house from the garden, frontier patrols are unable to search past, "Mummy," she said, rather softly, thoroughly are given a minute Ill- i Avail to make us masters of our fears. -'is it true that an apple a day keeps spection at customs headquarters. } i ± Burn us with vision, manhood, Lord, the doctor away?" _ a> , so we "That is the saftrig, my dear," she` RADIO PARTS - " Stand freemen shriven in Thy sight said; Why?" m ' • - last. BIG BANKRUPT STOCK OF x "Well, Mummy," said Jean,I've kept Power Transformers. $3.50-34; New• Dyt 4 --Grace Clementine Howes, in t. twelve doctors away this morning, but 34,50; New P1cL-ups, kw Boston-Transcript. r I'm afraid we ahalI have.to have one ice; SanW it C sfor ern ,cos, t. " y t, x10W." Write us for Price List. ATLAS SALVAGE 'O. 194 York Street, 9007 Sleury Streeih lum3--_'Mr3._ Jake--"Did`you travel In Europe to so TO l�oxrrsna-, f Sharp was here to lay and wanted her satisfy your thirst..for knowledge?" _ husband sent home•and placed node: Carl-"No, lust my thirst." - her care." Superintendent--"Did 3 on Take it . Now ]et him go?" "No, Ile said he would rather et:.y here." "H'm! That man Sprayed and Unsprayed must be sane." We have some samples of the Spy . - a t.. _ apples approved �m methods, as to reported Winter through a last week, and same of- the same I v&riety o1 apples grown on the samO SC Colic Pains soil with the same cultivation which O " 11 found that BABY'S OWN TAB- received. no spraying, Both saw- ,.; �. • . �, .;'.,,, • :;;,�,,• •; LETS relieve colic pains almost st pies, are 'the aveTge of the trees. ;•, r . once", writes .Mrs. Mildred Noddin, The sprayed,apples 'are 11 inches in EMULSION other Mothers h• ways the others Long Creek,N.B.NB Man circumference hot - i :'?s^.:;:•::?-w• >.1 Ya•>..:.:•.:.•.:.,.:.::..:.:.::..:,:.:..::•• ::.. rt uall bap benefits from giv are smaller. The sprayed ed P> s: ;;: :..:::':< ;;; :•::<„'''''•..; ::;:;:«:>,.:>:<::.;; ','�.. ".;..:.: >f;:< sir children these Tablets. of Norwegian apples are free from scabs and worm ,::•:::o,.; :.::;;:, , ,;;``'•:;<`:','•#: ins tit •x..-�:<.',':„:A ay e.:; BABY'S OWN TABLETS are mom- holes. Thi others are' spotted and- mended a ”„• - .mended by, Mothers for teething . -troubles, upset stomach', }n'diges*V, Quite wormy.' colic, simple fevers, constipatiorn. Wormy apples do not add much to That the first Canal on the St. Mary's River at Sault St, Marie Y There is no need for YOUR child to the relish of the cider made from Builds •'was built'in 1797 by the North West Trading-Cottipany for the trans suffer. BABY'S OWN TABLETS can them.Port Rowan News. a Take portation Of its caneea add boats from Lake Huron to Lake Superior? given with a6soiuli sa/c!y-see aaa- a It Was destroyed during the War of 1812 but has since been.restored l st s certificate in each 15c y , package. •'P'atience, persistence and poweti to its original form, as shown above and is preserved as an histrri6al Dr'W1111amn 244 to do, are only acquired by pork.”- frWe in s park In Sault St. Marie, Canada. BABY'S OWN TABLETS L a Rolland. ISSUE NO. S I---�� yr 50 Wt� '! ��;% - —I r"�,_,41 V U F7 .4 77' W 'O'Connor, of Toronto, Beginning with Sunday next, r. —Canada has been doing quite a vice will begin at 1.30 p. m., and —lAo McGinty, of Toro't,6, business in Christmas trees with the church services at. a the United St v iq 'Tisited his sistal Norrine, on —L. B Tell of Bc vr%e, p -LOCALISMSO was In the village on Saturday. St. Andrew's Sunday School se tore -ates this year, over AVh :19unday. 850.000 having been shipped to will be in town shoi y tune ".."0 1�1�Yffi that country. Vlano riders ft at Txz —Tba .11[Juited Uharch Sunday ny n -- -- -- lws%ffiA —The boys and girls of the will recel 0 IT:pt Whool Christmas entertainment ce be bold this Friday eveninir, villageare patiently waitiDqfor and careful attention. the 'lee in the rink in the school —Mrs. David Ann . accom Dec. loth. rounds. Difficulty is experiened panted by Roy and Mrs. Percy and _W. H. and Mrs. Bray were in bliss A. & Annal attended the OrsagoviHe lost week attendini it getting water to flood it. Haul ing the water seems to be the ou17 funeral of her -aunt, Mrs. I. J. %befuneral Of the letter's aunt, W-7 Iiilllll et Murpi On Wean e8i Ifist. r on y -we ho conducts —W H. Bray h" the wo k ' ;-a the h. `�Zkljuounuma -decidedly wi y be "M%deline" Bel Solon-in er t t 'big new bath rem completed .16he entire work. including the :8bPoeuct!ti6 degrees above zero. on w every Wednesday and Thursday, With a temperatur f Claremont, will come to Pickering "fiXtures, being done, by Frank J. began to fall and tbe'wind and'will ope.0 a heauty parlor in 7 Prouse. came qnite high. In this distr ct S J. Davis'residence. Hours, 9 a. —Constables W. H. Chester and the fall of snow was light,but to m. to 6 p. a,. Pfil ;Oliver Crnmmer are again on duty no 5600. Western Ontario, is became q to —Donald Mutill expects a`ea is week at the County Criminal Ab a blizzard. and motoring as load of Wel8h coal this week. Sessions at which J udge-Ruddy'a difficul dangerous. Motoriato This coal has beco very popular rue jl�rseidiag' -had to carry shovels in order tio to Ontario. Many who have used —Turkey shoot, Saturday, Dec. get through the drif to. it have discarded the kmerican 17th at 1.30, at C.T. Fothergili'lls —The Challenge of the 'Oxford anthracite in its favo. There i�; fal I mile west of Whitby;, On 3roup Movem6at will be t" sub only 4 pet-cent. allith,-sad it lasts "--tighway. 12 gauge shot guns -ject of the evening serruon at the touch longer than the anthracite. 7- used and shello provided. —Our merchants have placed In United Church next Sunday. -Dur. Leave your orderat once. their stores a large stock of Christ. ing the past week Mr. Crozier —George Gilder',i "for many inas goods onitable for all clasoee.-came in close contact with the years a resident Ofl`k-kering, died The stores also haveNbeen beauti movement and the inspiration re� on Fridty, Dee,9th,- at the Untilirio ceived. together vviLh *a previous Independent'Order ird' Otldfelluws' fulty deeord-ted in keeping with knowledge of the movement. will Home. Dav-npurt Road, Turonto, the season. .'help-him in the discussion of the in his 8Stb yii Hk1tineral took —You can save money by clnb- bing- THE PJCKER1114o NE'lil Wi-th subject. The service which cow place on Monday at Heii ineill at 7.'30, will open with a where he lived after,leaviog Pick. any of the Toronto dailies or the short song service in,wbk�h famil eriug, about thirty yearr,ago. Family Herold and Weekly .Star. I iarhyn)nFi will be u-sed. At the - —Next Tuesday, Dee, 20tb. A, f you a're in arrears kindly remit cloge of this'service there will be t4ere will be a concert io the A at once,as the mbney is r qnired. an Open'Forum to which all are Y. P. A. roomLz. The program will Traffic Officer Gatidiner, who 'ted. The ugual moruingser 'be given'by taleated artigto-fr( LAtrols .the highway . from the lnvl _)m vice will be held at 11 o'clock. Oshawa. There will be a ilrat Rouge west to the city, was taken to a Toronto hooptal last week to - —Last Friday was Social Even class comedian who will give all a iondergo an operation for hernia Ing in St. Georgil A. Y. P. A. wonderful time. A full. house is The night was very cold but there deeired, so please yerybody Belie.now making.s,good recovery, Was a splendid attendance. After who can. Admie .1but will be off duty until after ablun. 25 and 15 the business part was over, then cents. - NOW Yeare' ce" 'Albert. —G. S. diarridge, who has been the fun started. The conv-sner for —Farmerils id Pri7a 7. the evening was Alex Allen, who 4&ok., are complaining abint the conducting a bair dressing all never gave us a dull moment, and spread of' bacon hogs &laid hams lishment In Pickering during the kept all working and kept them 911 bacon. The farruer is id laffiAt few months, is discontiolling pa all laughing. A very interesting $2 d5 for hog@ while tbe-' retaller little dialogue was given-by Ir chair gee 25 -cents a Dotrind for ham '��_here to'-wicoPt & pool ene with. the A. J Shepherd Company, Elliott. Dorothy Watson and Max and bacon .. The farmer gets th-e Toromto, as sales manager. rebuilders,of offim machinery in ice Elliott. They are eertlainly to worst of the bargain erery time —A large number of the school be complimented. The interest when it comes to aellial hiq and loyalty shown by-all the mew proi Children of the village went intn the city during the week end to bers is very gratifyiog and we' A Young man in-Kitchener;- urge each one to go forward and formerly an insurancer agent, mudh, if you will endeavor vii Santa Claus and ingpet big We will appreciate it,very stock of Christmas tol It * rulake-thir, year the very best we clairrll to have succeeded in trans 7 is have ever bad, Tbi% Fridety will said that the class of toys are of a mitting.elelictrical power witbont— to buy yoir Christmas Gifts here. cheaper-kind than usual. due ni be Biblical, the subiect o Mich the' iiale of wire@, biit on the radio doubt to the depression. so, people will be "Prayer" The convener principle. Elie claini i4 crestin Bmy at Home and help find that thoy-csi afford to is Rev. E G. Roblasna.—Com, ni ioteri Rti;ot)z *(-ient1at,, "',buy the expensive ii1wag of to —Never before in-the hill�totl If he sut-c-elecip in �inhmtaatiatJ_ng you Y@. the townthip have the farmetii-hi-oci%im, it wili__�mean a. great r Home Town, —After a lengthy period of illnesq, Mro._Wm. A. Reid. of To. bad stich a difil problem facing dill to the w'ol Y ronto,died at her litme on T,ie the matter ui paying taxeq. and priate ChriAtmas gift - CHAPMAN the-rn as the have. thl@'y�eair in. —What --r-uld be- more 615pb. day. De-iea6ed was 1ormerly a farmers who-are on reot*d farina- thftn a Libr. :1M a S a resident uf Pi�,keriba when Mr. ari ticket le Tbe-re is a whole year Reid was TrtA2 Offi,.,er on the -have a more chfficult.problem toict plea%-2,reand prrfitft)r onlyjoc ' 'highway here. She is survived by --i - A great many will .. be'Tbe 4econdi. t4cket in tLe family- n @acb--eMEF-the pro small children. io wb--n-i the deep y9si all i le!,tinjr li-t-, ot -new, bouk,�. hllv� 'a sorrici Ilnsband and two unable t3 wily their taxes this runy be rievnred for 27)(�. An iuter; Ig elay, Clo -0 al sympathy of their many perty may be sold by tije'town- re,,eut'ly ,-been e(,nred. — Now I- ehip, Taxes corne befure&uyt6ing the time to join up -in order to: Pickering triends,ii extemded. —Large truck loade of Christ. else, even mortgageti take'-Recond take advant:Aae �f rhe.at.�The_ �Af A ploce. What will b,* done in the Pickering Pilliblic Li4rary. c& Inial trees mire being taken every _rl paym" day on the highway to the city. t-4- —A conill and Ch-riatmas tree �_PRIGE I PRICE _ity remainti to be qeen. ' Tnere iiit very will be given in the A, Y, P. A, 39vident)y the children of the are 'not to be deprived of the little use in selliug -t-be,,e day- fit- r6ill opp"ite the Go'rilo'n ffoudle.' there isi praptically no m%rket for tinder the swilipires of St. An a y S(: 0 delights of the Visit from Santa farms or their pr�uducts. It cer- drew'o Stind h ol. on the at Christmas. It is pici .- �'-;UNDERWEAR—STANFIELD'S GOLD LABEL ill is a sad filiaht to Pee a man evening 6f Tuesday.` Dec.'27tb-.� able that the trees will not be so an - -@oloo, Heavy Ribbed Shirta and Drawers 1.25 eac.h. -,-,heavily laden as usnal on account d his family dispossess4d of The proZralln will corail of J their property after strugglinR -Chorul rileeitationp, in.47trument Combinatio' ne—Penti NO. 71, 1 W of the depression, but no Christ for yel in their efforts to make R19-and Scotch dancing. A 4 :n Inal tree would be a great disap C, things go. ,olleetion. will be- t&4en at the- 95' pointmeDt to the chj1dren. —The Post Offilla Department —It seems that there 1P. mnicli door Everybody nittile .welcome. -asks the moistance of the public 'Fnorance shown in regard to the Please note t�riwnge of date. R of tbe"National Anthem.- Box In the hin'dilog of the Christmas "login * , ... -, : :.-" "' * - ' 'E �,SOX a I SOX SOX XTRA il which is always very heavy The law requires that it be P3ing DUNIZ-AnTON at this seaeon. .If the. poetiall of unc ..,.Heavy Weight, Pure Wcl regillilar va&e"i al$-the concluejon of public f parcele is . delayed until the ]last Units. It freqnently happens On Tuesday next at 7.30, the S. S. Christmas Tree -and -Entertainment ng o at 3 pairs for I'00 imoment there is danger that they 9 f the, will be held. The. program will con- that as soon no the ingi ;may not reach the recipients tintil National Anthem b!Le begun the' sist of a pageant, "He Came io,Beth- after Christmas. It is M dience riqeLl and pi-.tq on their ileheii White Gift Service, special .-Wind Rreakers—Kbial 7 5 each. @o vill�ry an Aiew cable the t:seidresses ewrittiii Overcoat.-ill. na lt�3e case may be. and' Z:17!;9rR, drilla, r1eitationa etz-, AL� __1__r 2F buten to ru 11 _:61ai�ly 'as that �-ontri ke a ll ior th�p 'door 1009 a one-act�Olay by the-Y. P. 'S. All Wind Breakers—Heavy Wool—reg. 4 uO, 0 T5. ravidity in the hacidlin-g -of the before the't-ingiug is finlitibed, thus re welcome.. Admission,. Adults 25. taking etway the, revereace that a -'SCHOOL f3EPORTS. Take advantage of thetile prices now, fur you 11 —A-me,w r niall car, it ig reported, illhould be obAerved. -In a sumber'- -will @oon be placed on the''m4rket- of theatres the manaReri have had q. S. N'P. 6, Tritikerik. Names in �._..epou need -the goods. Iti.is,called the.Milerion, and ii is a. it sting .at the beginaing-ef the the order of. merit. Sr. 4th-Lloyd Mark, .ril baby car of French origin program in order to -avoid Thomas Donahue, Harry Hasty, Al- Radio Licen%�!s Issned', "and will be ru-ittinfactured in inseenfly conda.-it io often seen ma Hamilton,Jr. 4th-Ivan-Fuller,-P. Montri Jt will rell all wbIen eurig at the close. Many Gardiner, Muriel Baird. Annie Cou INS managers have iieeri ignorant 0 a- Fred. T. Buntingi ` $300, and will be made in �olipe, f. son.' Sr. 3rd-Marg. Masker, Vern' -Pickerin g roflidater -&,ad light truck model.,. t at they were violating the law Fuller, Mary Donahue. Jr. Srd Thol- it will have a speed of a . () w en thus making the change. In ma Carlton, E)rnekqon Q;askip, Kenn- Established 1857. bont 7, mile's an bonr, 60 milept to the R cill when. the National eth Smith,*Ruth Bradshaw. Sr. 2nd- -abd-I ralles- AiDthim is being sung n3en should FTed Smith, Jack Carltonlr..2nd- B. gai of gasolhit ad 12 on a quart of oil, have'their beads bkre. Croralczyk, Alice Masker. First-Jos'. o —Judginkbytbe many expres. On" Fri evening, r bu. -Goralc'zyk, Frai Willson, Allan Carl ton. Sr. Pr.- -Doreen Carlton, Trvine pifline that are heard there is likely Anderson, who bad been working Morgan. Jr. Pr.- Teddy Gardiner. O.KIBERLING to be an election on. January 2nd. for his' board for 'k farmer in v M. J.'Pruckrin, Teacher. 7' A niamber of names ba e been Whitchtirch townchip. wa�a -Mentioned a"� .�nudi ;A lesill oy Lionetablea Fagb, cf Now Adverittivemonts. S'vecial Service Tires dates for the respective positions. touffville, and Walker, 4 'Sial A change of couipcil, some believe, ham,charged with the theft.of d cit IRL WANTS ' POSITION—As would be certain, to bring-bacb horse from James Melton, of the )r housemaIjill.i%per iencedi . Apply to Box It. Fickefirik NewR good tibnes. It is frequently Stlicencessiom of Pickering. The As thousands of drivers now kuovi, al�x4 the ease in a period-of hard times. horse was stolen *on Thursday LIOR SAT.E—Manamoth Barred ately I' Rock cockerers, from World Record hens at built stronger and1wear longer thAi 'any that a irinvernment or a ccli�cil night and Anderson immedi old Audleyjct, A.Lohixian.R R11,Plckering 10 that sei reelection, rneeto with started for Toronto Jnjwdeito defeat,stAbongh they are 6ot at all dippose. (if the animal at Harris' S13,00TINU 2NIATCH � A shooting -tire -even Seiberling gonid ever ..build ri will be held at George Pu h' f Abbatoir,but sold the anirnalon 1ct 27,con.4.f:!kilikering.on Saturday,&,cs. ill fo r $3 00. Constable at I.o clock. Geese and turkeyot. 2.1 an Atlillecttbr Cb%rleswortb, chair. the -way d 35 before, man of ther Radio' Consmiesion, Ptigb,* on being n6ttfiO* of the cent� hot Rifles and shot-guns, Gun ilbells provird.s -of `11sti that while Canal occul theft, got busy, and soon dis- 'd k t6*see these w In' -in an as 1py a high 'place among., tbe,enter- covered eldes which led 0 the o le Pickermig Meat -Xviket . taineri R the pnbli�,-they lack in arrest of Anderson, in which he the humorous class. ' Some of the was aesiPted by Constable Walker. casit. all Car ry one tires. best entertaidner@ to-day are Cana. The officeii delaisrve credit for dii sal as Marie Dressler, a their efficient wbri Abderson Only Baby Beef handled till Jan. lot. -hative of Cobourg, who was -voted was taii to Whitby j*i-I and on Rotand Steak, 24C Abe best humorous entertainer in Saturday evening was taken SirloinSteak, ... 18C -SPENvriR - Sirloin Roaet. CHARLES 139 r the United States last year. Then before Magistrate Clark. The Prime Rib Roast, 14c there is Mary Pickford. of Torion' man asked for a Funimary trial Thick Rib, Ile tio. and Ed. Johnson, of Guelph' and pleaded gnilty. General Pepairli sadlGai f g in to I tr c t it to a He was then Brisket mod Shank. 6e nod many others. Canal has no eenteaced to one yeal determin tO Breakftat Bacom. rowilinin to feel ashamed of her ill three months indetermin:te In-i6he Ontal Mormatal ALLAN ANDREW Jl&aagar, Pickering, Ontario Publiv entertainers. ..........