HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1932_09_30 r�-i7 -"- _ •.Z,`. ... � ,p,:i. 'ry�' _ y_::, � .,.f6:. +-7=� � �':,,-;,.'.T:.." .,u-m� .soy-�a. ,r '.'. .,},O, '^ a,\ M• _ y4i .: .. - .'-M' _ .-�.'ga�LN - - .. ., + ., `~Y,_.%' r'd'_ ."Yr VOL. L1I■ -'ICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY. SEPT. 90., 19329 W . 4ft*f1 131 samba. GREENWOOD. WH1Tt:VALa . � � O A L '. A drail'f will be presented-in'the The`-Whltevale Baptist' MissionREENWOOD Greenwood church on Friday even- Circle will hold their monthly meet- square R. PEAR80N--Ph sician A Rood-sic l of Hard and Soft ,ing, Sept. 30th, by Victoria ing on �lresday, Oct. 4th, at :he s 1D."AS--eon. Dcmbaiton. lay pp Y Dramatic Club. The drama is entit- home .gf Mrs. A. Spears. A' splendid T ' Ckal,on hand. Aleaseupply led "Mary's Castle in the Air,"-by-Programs-being prepared From • • �. - H. F'oRaY'ra. OA.D.,.Director of Kindling .Wood, Lillian Mortimer, author of "The 5.30 p. m. until all have been ser- _ ^ 3ULLS -— .Q t Affmci■tioc of Ontario. Reg. �• ved a public tea will be served.-In r+ d h6M=bw of the American Optometrbcil stove length. Path Across the ,Hills. This play , Sstabliebed I8ffi- sH P . C:rr�one i oan� �' t' 12tt Phone Pick. 1708= comes• to us highly recommeaaed the eveni;ag, there will be'a•social _ and is given under the auspices of hour and games will be played. Ev- DONALD MUNRO. PICgE13ING Group "B" of'the Women's Assoc- erybodyl welcome. _ ' iation. THIS I8 THE IINCAN B. McINTYKE-Barris• Q �j, - _ - � �a• Solicitor. Notary. Office•-Brock fit.. u ' +�+' - " ;,UDlEY. Dumbarton Anglican Mission, Sun- 3oatls Opposite Bell Telephone Office, Whitby. GENERAL 1N6URANOIf T T' f Phaweaa. 4�y AGENCY s day Oct. grid-Sunday School, at 'F{ ARMERS MILL /- Anniversary services -will be he d 2 p• rn• S-ervice in celebration of RDONALD RUDDI' Barrister. BROUGHAM, - ONTARIO in the church tth Sunday, Oct. 2nd, garvest.Thanksgiving, 7 p. m. Prea- .Solicitor, !Votary Public. Moneyto Loan. at 2,30 and 7.30 m. The pastor, Ofa13e formerly occu 'rd by the late A.E.Chris. Fa011i6iee for placing any kind of In- p' p Cher, .P.ev, R. B. Patterson, M. A. Patronize Oil? $Olne ern.aoucb_.rina of,Fount House,Whitby, sty: p Rev. H__._G__..Crosier, Will-preach-at y surance at best rates of'Oshawa. Members of the congreK- both services. Special aiiusic will be ation are asked to meet on Saturday - Will _ • •BITS, BELL & R088, Barris,- available. othided. es Monde evening, Oct. ° , B era, Solicitors• 904 Northern Ontario Securit•yand Service my.Motto.•. p Y ng+ afternoon' to decorate the building For Paetr and Cakes use Building,330 Bay,Street,Toronto„ 3rd; the base line-young people will for this service. St. George's choir y Beaton r 421y Phone Pick. 515 present their la "The Fruits' of of $ Kieasitni Brand. H•i __ play, of Pickering will lead t)ie musieal J.D.F Aoaa. Adelaide:838-p Folly," in-the church . at 8•o'clock. portion of the service. _ Tab @tier Hoar on ache market. '1 J..H Beal, . Claremont Their orchestra will provide music 'QrICHARESON, PICKERING g � between acts. Come aiad enjoy .the CHERRVWOOO Barley Feed,-mixed 22' per too 113�g MULVEY—Barristers,Solicitor,.Notaries Phone 8L4 - 14 a. Public, 213-214 Confederation Life Binding, evening. Admission, 25 and 1b cts. Peas and-Barley, 28,00 Many ale of the opinion that a Coin-and Barley, 28.00 Corner Ade3ato de Sita9 and "Se, By appo nL- F U R 1�I T U R E "'Young Men's Guide" should be a gr- y' rr assent s■tarday evenings, Pickering iesidenee. NEW, USED- AND ANTIQUE} - HtGhlLAhiD: CREEK.. '_: ': ' ea# benefit to'our community. •When Superior,Quality Phone Ptdc.3013, sic -' Group Corn, 28.00 IN GREAT VARIETY Thanksgiving services A-ill be held we hear of the degrading language geretc�ll�eed,Sjgreiti miz 1.40 a 10(i mHOad$ON 0L McMILLAN-Barrie• , in,Centennial United Church on Sun- and vulgarity of our youths which.is .1 tern. Solicitors, Notary'Public. 605 Ro al Simmons Bode, Marshall Mat ' Cracked Corn, hen Size 1.40 a 100 r day, Oct. 9th, at 2.30 p. m. Rev. E. found anywhere but in Bible study, i,. �an Bldg..Toronto Phone Elgin 5303 or 5304. tresses, Dressers, Tables and 'Harold Toye, B. A., of Kingston Rd. is,time to put a damper on them Al- chick size 1.50 a 100 :.. Re*idenee.Ptelaertng, Ont..or by appointment. Picture Frames- . F'iae-Oatmeal ... 2.00 a 100 --- Pickering Ofsee,cordon House, Thursdays and Chairs, United -Church, .Toronto, will preach cohol gets the blame.for the de from 7.80 p, m to 9.00 p m.,or { phoue�70)0, �,ly Our Prices are the lowest. and will be assisted by his choir. At ation, 7.30, Rev. H. G- Crosier, of Picker- Threshing operations are now ne- Dewtal ing, formerly- of Melville Church, arty completed with a bountiful R00/r/NGS f West Hill will preach. The Centenn- yield' of grain and silo.filling in #y141L C.SMITH. D. D. 4., L.' D.8.. W choir will'be assisted by a Tot•- now the order got the day. We have all accounts ere now due 1�1(Succeeeor to Dr J.N Dales): Graduate I 40111*074b Caeeaeof Dental SWVeoos and Toron. B and 5 Z B.C. Sklugles. natural .• onto soloist. On I aesday evening, had no less than five threshing mar- and prompt settlement y�•ersity, At Claremont office over D. A. and stained colors. 21th, there till be a Harvest hi'nes is 'bur section, which surely -. _ is required. t every TplE.day and Frida - Oct.Ptwlre Home S err ERB$AT T. FALLAIB]3,L O B.. TORONTO 0 Shingles.ASPHALT S d cg Oand1N ° will be served from 6�o'clockSupT'he north It another r c whose ileac- • I cannot continue to' ive + rL1D•r,.3•, Grade■ A the Roy,t1 cdiage of roll roofings. P ogram 111 be furnished by men rth S Johnston, g the Qelglf��■o¢the Univem of Toronto. Oaly, iron abinales and. roofings hers of the Harrington family, of hire is humming merrily at A. K.- Credit tinlese accotlntM taros to scene door east of St And- -Cedar Grove who drill give a van. Rittenhouse',s. ere id when F mr'.GYcangrci6 P)tker�,out. office boas' 9 We can supply the material only, or ied program. Dorothy Pugh, A. - - .. appointment. • IX-ray y g WH1TEVALS hired-- Swvka), Phone Pkk 37W. any give you a price on the complete T. C. X., .soprano soloist, -and Miss � -job, as we have secured the Helen Tock, violinist, both of Tar- Mr. 'Wm. Peebles spent the week- - _ Mrviro of a first-clxas onto, and Miss Blanche Balsdon, el- - �. Z. C*�ZT >rusissssls 6a�telss. - roofing auso. - end +a•iih friends at Milliken. - ,w =ocutionivt," of Pickering. Admission„ M and Mrs.-Pickett. of Toronto, BLIZABE'TH RICHARDSON- Ail Vork Guaranteed. 35 and 20 cints. 7rpre the guests of-Mrs. Smith over A L. $��Nl NC,1 HA M� .lin.od auWmebile insurance of all kind■. y ' the .teeic-end. Building and Genera! f■p■1lnat,geotap■nia•of solidfbn■ncial stand• �•m PICKFI ING "•m ` ,7+,0!116 r,AM. , nibs Irene Pugh, of, Toronto, sp- Contracting. �. • * Ant' the week-end with .her parents g• P08TI LUMBER- �an� %Iigs Helen Barclay is` hol' y'nz Estimates furnished on alf elarwes L' LI; Lioerised OvIarioaeer, RD at her !:carve here at present: Mr•,•nd Mrs. J A. Pugh• of work-Interior and Exterior. -':..i' . tar oaAiatir.. of Tart aria oasaslo.. one- Mr. and \1'rs.. W. J. Michel have ' _ _ -61131,..7«of all kinds aoteoned to oarabw1gut - --' __. -._-- -- MIPs Gladys• Gannon spent the . 'Bone■. address Careen River p,o„ oat _ $18Ck9m1Lltlng, dz �OOdWOTk vreek-ezd with Little Britain friends. returned,' home after snendbnv. the Alterations and repalre. '_ '� 13:BItATON T6*NBHIBQI'.EBS - - _ -31r': and :tire, -tibrtoii entertained `tsmmarr with their dausrhter at Re-�. Chirones9 Built Concrete Work. De g at right prices pa gins : Phone Pickering W12 : +sonar, Oma11■uonartor alktng r.•a.ltes 'fro;n $oumanville on Su#i- dr�As., a000nnsanr, 7DM, money to lo■0 how istlle time to have those repair _day'- _ NIz .an3 Mrs. W. J. Beaton,,of 1'or- FAIRPORT, ONTARIO :'Bosse' lees �• o1Y13ar of l[wAw LA& _Jubsattended to., Harrows repaired; Fric mxi i1rs, onto, and Dr: rind Sirs. $. .B. Beatoli; -- - -- -- - i-� Smitl. f Hamilton �^r also new•rr Pl�f s }bead. ho lam• ` of Whitby, and tkteir dati•ghters " Shingles_Shingles '.C' o S e ous Fleary Plorba alwaysi oD hand. "?"'cat Sunday wjt17 flssait anti 'Mrs. ► �'T sons visited: D. R. and. Mrs.' Beaton ='-- Tip M, MAW,- LICEN n AL"C- 4l''il�on.-_._ : Also der►1Pr in �'iktaq Cream S era Lemmon aSS atith Ross an3 °x clear and Sx No. B.C. Shingles. TrONEER,for York,Qn sand ttuham r .. Mrs On Sunday. _ =Cotmeies. All ktads o! sale.- om- tore and Electric Qi sabers,. The anniversary_ services of the Pr ptry'amayded >tr' so= Term. NEWihe. Drte1 nor salsa may b; I!"thttrkiDR of buying an electrSc radio -Mrs. Middleton, of port Perry, over Galt Galvanized Steel Shingles,. I a■��aepd at NEWS one.. Bell and ludep•o- ask for a demcastration cf the New the week-end. A Whitevale' United Chtirch will .be Bird's Felt Slate Sbingle :#■et phone■. wbitby,ont. btT RoRrrs Mnjebtic,roodols: : _ _ Mrs, Ge'crr•ge Philip-'acrid :!Ilea Br. held on. Sunday next' October 2nd. Also. re•rubberin buggy wheels, - '• The rites are right. The afternoon•services will be at g RRy 11 A Lawn mowere shat ened. - ° WaRNET ROHRTSW p R °die there Oshawa visitors several 2.34 anti tSa r•oacher will be the . P .t.- 7. •'WOOd�T13=d - days this aelek. � - P T.• PATERSON'8 CLAREMODii'T' GREENWOOD 391y The Byron Feasby fs�riily', 04 bs- Pev. J. R. B�phrey, of Washing- Call and et prices. Phone 2612 WecLrieal Contractor — hats, sucrt the week-end with Fred ton United Church, Scarboro. The g. P F 'Wiring and Repairing fot Light : �_— anti-`11rc, Cassie. home choir, assisted by special so- 1c a>Z' power., _ 1`oists, -will lead in-the'dn¢ing. The " You Can Buy at Home j ' • lCkeririg11�8 The Sunda} School Rallv Day Rev_.air. Wilson, pastor of the wh L: All kinds of electrical goods _- °seivice was well`attended and teas-_ri _ 'T1RE9 BATTERIES kept is ettick. - fine service throughout, itevalt• Baptist "Church. will occupy , , Have.9ou tried LANO, the The A. Lave family, of°Toronto, tr,e pulpi. w,. Otis '­`no services ACr,p,ggnR - -lam. Phoae_l2(�5. cecipR new_Ser _I 'Food ►std Mtrf• spent—Sunday tith Mre and the 60ir from Sol ha I:nite,i- • fin Meal ° I t Contains the Love s par-_ �jQ'I'I(� - germ a the,conch, amid other Ants, T. and Mrs. Perr vnian. rhurch t^iil render stae�ial' music. --,At ss IoW and better prices Claim aid Mrs. Dobson, of Beav GREEty tetvEn. - ae parts of the cereal grains.. er•ton, spent several days with their - II F&18 .. An old -hwshioned heakh sunta. '�irc Philip you can is Tortxlto. �S p and .!Kiss Brodie: - IP promotion food modern. The J. Everest family,-of Throne Next Sunday mornin¢a.missionary T. , �Obopping every day ized• For sale at to, visited, their relatives, Thos, and Su n<lay "service, st'20.15 a. m. Mre.-'C. 4 ` -yonr grucei e. _. Miss Gammhei 're 'relatives. lass. C Brown, of Brougham,-'will be the Let as repair that leaky top. _ except Wednesday Y speaker. Everybody welcome. C3RATN—FLOUR=FEED A number from here attended the. Mrs. 0.'Petty and family, of Cher- - Just arrived a carload of W.. .'_K. S.. Th2nkofferinV, serrite at rvwoocl, Berri+ the week-end with her Skilled Motor Rep+t'Irs� Will ezche a Western Oam, Claremont United Church on Suns! Filter, Mrs. Alex, Gray. - --'�- g•-' Rrv. Mr. V4il,en and-Rev. .M,r.,Bicl: Gordon J. Law ._ ` `•` Flour for Wheat _ We have raoet amp Feed.yost W. and ,ilrs Brown and childK?n of White.vale, will excha!ige pulpits- ' ANTHONY WILSON may need. and :Alex and Mfrs. Rowney, of Tor- next Sunday evenin)~. Phone 296R hers '' onto, were with'T. C. and and.Mrs. Br- Our jtally Day'Ben ice.;was sued zt• PICKERI. G, ONTARIO = Proprietor' Fall line of Poultry Feeds: - own -on Sunday: tended on Sunday' last: dtt ::Phone.Mark,.5&32 Cola Hargrave, retired Salvatiu-, ('li{ford 'Wright visited at Gray's ,_ ' �a N, Lockwood -Army Officer, of .1for,treal, accom= home on Su-idav last. DICKERING, ONT. _ - panied by Oshawa relatives, called George and Mrs Gray-mctored-to_ p ct�c _u an- l>r. and. Mrs. Brown man i at Ines Creorgeton n on Sunday of last wee 'D ri V V` V : S� Gammage home recently. Congratulations to Roy.and ►arc. R• G. CLENnENIN� . The Sacrament of the Lord's• SuA- .0arter on the arrival of.a`little son. er- will be dispensed in St, John; Franlo.F,1d :firs. Carter anti B:and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Church next Sunday afternoon. rre-, Mrs. carter visii,nd w'U, ..�1't�:and h paratory s�rvice; ,..will 1?e held on 'Mrs. Gray nn Sunday last. 1 I Fin* e' Bargains Fri ever' o' o so d fam- Private A Abulance day ing at 8 o'clock. Robert and Mrs. Rawson an Day and Night Service The School Fair held at Brougl:- ily, of Brougham, called on Miss M. • We.818 OffeTlII 00(� VaIU@ Phone 9f?00 am, on Sept. 20th, is a thins of the .F.errier Qn'Suiida1-last. SpeClal $ g - past, but the event will lop Zile Quite a number from here attended _ - - Mal-vet-n_ithebdiildren's themory, Eight sc_the funeral of the late Miss Dixon,of- _ +' ;., e ®•1.,,, �� _ !,colt ,'cruel .for - iarn —M - �. . p 1 � --- ch, all accomplished awithou%iaa Niel- h1The aC.atliesl.rtta nela heir. re.nt;l�� � Markham Ont. mot" . good felt __ _ .. - _ _ ch, all accomlished without a hit- mnntlily meetiue• at the home of•Ilrfrs: i L� leadership• of Mr.• McWhirter 'were- H. Wilson ( Baptist Parsonage) or, .Large Tubes `-?`• mattress III welt-executed, In the prize contests% Wecinestiay. when a very-pleasant and' g the sin ;n b the Senior Pu ils of pent by all. for . . g g Y p profitable time was s .strong tick, ie�.tie miiwyi_ -xi-much applau -On Mondav eveninsr about , seven - " - sP as they were awarded first prize. 'o'clock, as John Wilde who is in the -- WSllii t dresser and,chiffonicr, until winter comes to ,haVO There were but two competitors in employ -of W, Milne. was &Mng a. your furnace .cleaned, the public speaking contest,• Ross team of horses 0!n the highway'and = all for." 00 Knox spoke on a weighty subject was about to enter the lane. a truck gee the-new Dr, West's Tootb, t repaired or "The Imperial Conference In Ott- lnaded with chickens and driven ,by Brush,with the "Treated'' - - awa," send Biil'y -Moore on;"Pioneer Sam .Rosenfeld, of'Toronto, carne up bri Ilse that will Not �Ianer. spring mst, 'e88e$' 'N E w 0"N-& - Life in Canada," Both boys deliver- behind and ran into Ills horses, mak- go soft. installed. Phone our ed their orations in .fine style, but .:•1g a gash,.8.inpW Ions, in the thigh -, . from $14.00.up - p Billy won the prize, Iii•aw.ardin�the of one of the animals. After striking. (1� - - order now. prize, Inspector Hutchison.gave some the horses, the truck swerved tai the - v y, ' • � 41'618 102 all 'OO:.asiOnB Oi< if ii'8 a stove see our(3003 good .advice', for, the pupils_ pre- opposite aide of the• road and met _ �nd`.gu�ranteed ~ Oheer,Ranges, befdre bn log else- pare their own speeches, Shirlev headlong a•i`th a car driven by ChaQ. y Old style Dr: Weet Tooth Brushes' r '�ni pee and Troyer and•Wilbur Annie, of White- Macnab of Uxbridge, breaking off' Y where. Heaters, stove of while the laet 85c, : - S� all,-}iardware at lowest vale won 1st and 2nd prizes in the the bumper and caus*ts¢ other;-dam- _ _ Y c. . • • ]i'ne cif youthful reciter4, and Earl age;`In the car were Mrs. Macnab. prices poiieible. AT °f -. Hiltz received the prize for music on their son,'John and—Hector= Noble._ Fimend Dirwtor' the harmonica. There was a wond- Mrs. Macnab was thrown on to the Jones '�tOrC L bmbnlsuQe Service AL'V'IN BUtHBY erful display of fine exhibits -in-the tviritiQhiQid and received a tilt in her 9 y ; hall. Our young agriculturists are head. Constable Crummsr of Pickei- _ �* Phone 18,10 Hardware Fbon<4W being educated along right lines for ing was called and investigated. A � FUMS 6840 " .+• g�'�Z, the future prosperity of the rural charge of reckl"F driving has been.. M. Qn . .�,:_ 'p ...�. '�a ;� t�,_ �. - ,. •• ,civic _ .. .. _ , `i• �•j. r x'�. . . , r .. t 1 T. 3 N r+C-y,'�yf.:, y^?� ..�' '�� '.f^(. • - '�„'•",• .v�:°J7,1r`.,�,a' �T yr.. ., .�,y ,ills' `'' t.,n `�"4•'. .w;; 'x_a,. .-r' „�.� . ^. .s- :� ry `n•. -„w. ” y}�..m,, d�' ��;y4 •''� ..- /}`� ^"- e` a�,b•`•` , '' -1.h' . , '•+• ,�^' . . . - _ - _ - , �_ _ , -� . . -. . a_._ . _..�.._. . . - - ' - ------' -. _ : - 'a .+�. M•• rspta7ir'dies«n and t5ergeant ills L'r ° to "lriak" them. +Quality Has No Su6stif - a° - "How about the guest closet and the - le ,a, . .. Dun ..sked of Straw in a care. des n _ --_- , '. ,- - - 6' law voice when the fruitless, unpleaa- -��SALADA"� .''' ,,,.„ ".,'-- `---"- - -- ant task was finished. ,'' ^ ' . A u M e r.-a t g ge "Gone over w ith a fine tooth comb - , Yong ago," Strawn assured him gloom-". . - , . . e V , • . • ` , fly. "And not a hiding place in or �, By AV\'E .4L'ST.IN.- - -- , outside the house that the boys haven't �, : . _ _ poked'into=ih-lvling the.meadow as I . , j1 . far as anvone could throw frorh the! '' "� _ _ _ _ _.: �. _ bed"room vt iadows,•, M = - - - -..... The women wells' filing back into at+ GREEN, `rs - the room, come ale some flushed but I , ,-, - 7uanita 5elU't>N nturdrred at brit{Ke, Selim's"landlord . . bI&y I ask 'old able to look each other in the eye •• 1iF� 6 f s" ar 'EA -: . much, rent she paid. .L _. _ _ . i ut s ... _ - The rr 1:+>lu of the d�alh ha td",ah t _ how n ;gain }-" -• ;-that tNate lgfauu+lond slid kuuy Y.eule `The house rents for 144 a mantli With en surprising fauntiness Po}l --_ -_----._-. _1 "-' were hl the eolurfum; Mora hrllea, in —furnished." + * - — - — - '" wert'a raiser. readlhg a note seam to vita. Beale saluted,Dundee. "Nothin"g more +•you need s*n:e dinner;chief,"Dun i • .. _- ' _ : ._ Lydia. we_cttald• y ho say's she Was . "And did Mrs. Se1im pay her i;ent deadly on and of .us than Flora Ides suggested, "And the bays muses'-., �. Mi.. Of BroaC:CBating 1. wherM and he dnot eil,Lvhh unlap, Promptly?" D indee persisted. ti'ipledeck compact.'". stria hungry, ' 1 Sir Alfred En in at the"British:As-I i getting g-'x.-t44.:'---- -- g ., 1lYlrn. Judr;e Uarshall and John llra::e "Since this is t '4th of flay, sir, `•I thank you with all my hear:,� "Somebody's got to guard the r sociation.i ' Ftloewarc+ 7hrthe1dlt ing room with Jan r Mrs. Selim's rent for' June was no. Yli�s Beale," Dundee said sincerely.i h.use,.. I suppose,". Strawn gloo�ne i. '`Do you ever reflect, tithe' you pic>; aRu"nk,:lfih nun et>Crell- the group that yet due. A And now I think yon may all go to "Not that it will do any good. .' : . and ,choose _among the multitude of - surprise_ hg, learn» that aarshall nad :bolt before poor little Karen-eoukr your h,rites . . Of course you under- And what about that maid-that Carr airs and voices, or shut out all frt q 1}"su tartlet 1t actt+the w whole group wa4 Dundee force himsel? to ask what, in- stand," ha .interrupted a chorus �}i woman? Shall I lock.her up on pen- your solitude of thought, that -they the last n, use it, Dundee asks Marshall evitably ,would havri been his next relieved ejaculations, "that all of you seal principles?" . - -. are still there, physically, present, fII - where hr luiett' Sita bet`ure she came to question-one which could not hav; will be wanted-for the inquest, which ' ?v o. I want to have another talk_dlcidual, distinct,. crowding yet not • •. . . ' y•" ' ' - H.lmitton • bbl h held M sy _ ' been evaded, as the ex-judga hat wfll pre a y e e . and with her, and if-she bucks at.spendin:, interfering, besetting yo•i though you evaded the other two questions: '`Is iL "And what's more,''" Capt. Strawnithe night here, I'll take her ta' the -do not perceive them, silent you: • . ' -"CHAPTER:��'II1•.- - - not,true, Judge Marshall, that Nita cut-in, to show his.authority? "I want Rh House,;and turn her over. i determine that_'one or another• shall "You are damned impeoinent, sir','' Leigh Selim paid you no rent at all?" all of you to h.�k yourselves ready�my old friend, bto2her'.Rhodes. R'e ,catch your ear? Go where you w Judge 3tarshall shouted, the ends cf But there were other ways to find out:f for further questioning at any time:`' haven't anything on her, you know." •to the ocean oi,.the wiltJern?gs or fbe _ his waxed -mustache trembling with "Look here, Dundee!" a brusquo There was a stampede for ectats and "`o, nor on anybody else, wwept 1'_ole, you cannot escape that vast' ast'com•. • wager. "k,,,: challenged, and the 'deteetiyz .hat a rush for cars as if the house I that,old fool,•,bjarshall, and we can't Pany u[ attendants; t .e. come to'you.• • -"Then I take it that you ao not wish whirled to face. Polly Beale. It was rears .pet ,fire, _.�r-Dundee reflectel clap hint- into, jnil-y-et;' Straw:: unhea"rd, unseen, from every quarter, - to divulge 'the circumstances of your-like-her;�te thought with a slight grin. _�;ryiy-asrf these t.e had tortured agreed, his y_ y g• of the globe with a swiftness no other gra a es winking.- friendsxiT+ with 4Ir4. Salim?'' Dundee to address him as one man to another. r;ere afraid he would change his mind.I "Take your crew on in, Chief,' messengers approach., Is any #airy - "Yes hiss Beale?," - -Ruehin a va with'hatred a1 him in I Dundee urged. "I'!1 „tick till_midnight tale so strange av that reality. t' asked deferentially. - 1 ed d ferinti the-old man snorted,. "1'm no fool, and Idon't-think my t},eir hearts.5,_ nor longer, if you don't mind. You can all the wizardry of science-till .thee 1, - 'at range to'have a- couple of-the--boys _is not.-- more wonderful rhea this.' • :' --- -' ._ • "'flour-impliestion!t, six; are dastard- o:-my friends here are either-thou'b Only Penny Crain held,back, man- . ly! I met blrs. Selim, or rather,.'Nita ,.Pao er three..of them have acted tike �?uvrir,g- for-s• chance to speak with; relieve ire, ab,i't _12: . . And b3 th; _ - __ _ . Leigh, as.she was introduced to me, it today," the maser tine-looking girl him. - f way. will you t'clephone .me the niin- E_ ._ � ' ' - only once,=several -years-ago when I' stated flatly: "You've made it vary "I doi,'t hate tG go wKh the rest;;ute you get hold of Ralph Hammond'. • _ ataa in New"York. -Naturally-" plain that any one of,us here, except do I'." she begged in a husRy whisper., `"Fell,- lraybe riot so quick as Ci -l_�[�q t.; ,.r _ - y' -r ue man, could have stoker{. "A•nd wll "" that," Strawn drawled.. "I'll take the ��=� J ' ` uo ' aheJwasaint moment.- Judge" y u as Nita 1�the gun Snit silencer. . . , Has her. y-not. Dpjldee grinned at!first crack at that baby, my.lad! riot' = 9" � �• _ - so dumb, am I Bonnie-boy? Not :o = . to .+ '� • _, _ _ I tight then you knew her as an the gun been found-?"' ' I'iti 'attached'. to th'e_.district :at=! _ . • , artress; 1, presume?" "It has not, bliss Ber,ir..' .- - torney 3 office, ten, aren't I?" , 'dumb?- -I can pill taro' And-t*o-to- ° I -• „ t t tether as well as the next one- _ r 1 refuse to submit' to such a eons 0.Z••" ,The queecylrl snappdd bar- _ Right. And you've been a�brick I - _ ' - artily attack. Fir!" fingers. _"I move that you or Captain this evening. I don't know what .t ':pretty near as as well as the district at kttack. Judge?" Dundee repeatgd Strawn search the •tnep for the wed ha_e sis+ne without_you- �torney's new. `special investigator.'" t _ _ _ - . w:rh -assumed• ,astonishment. - "1' pon -arid that I search the women. "Weli, I can'-.-'see that yuubb done (To be continued.) * ,,, - _ - - - s terely 4hought.rctu ,might be a61e in Wait!" site comnalided harshly to. a much with me, she gibed. "But -I'd ' -- ailed a little tight on the past of the flurry of feminine protests. "I I ask like to stick arou-cl. if you're going' . In Defense of Levity worran- who has been ,murdered here you, Dundee, to sear-h me first your- to do some real Sherlock-ing-" Tht serious ' Air. ll.- Aty business was run + page 1 only scan, -- down I'm havfn it woand up b a 1 , - : today, with a weapon you admit to sell. I believe, the tecklnical term k 'Can't be done, Penny.. -I want-toil = B F The light I•reed with-zeal, receive-r." . . _ - 11 ving owned. . ,.. However- ` gfrisking,' isn't it. . . . Then `fete!: stay here slope for awhile and mu1.;Just whs, 1n truttr, should any, mail . 1'he elderly ex-udge stared at Ws me. : . Here is my h:uid bag. I-wofe-thi-ngs over. Rut I'd like to_have' s' Continued sadneps feel?. Ate": B.-B. gout.' t titp- -- - `. -' ta-mentor far a morrient as if murder no coat, except thi3-" and she`point= long talk with-you"tomorrow." - pone It will run all lighr afi:er Its. - '--aaa-in leis heart. lie.'gaaped twice, ed to the jacket of her tweed suit:' "Come to Sunay dinner. Mother If by .being so t►e snuid Improve- wonnd up." - -- . - - •, - '"" tn.n suddenly his ,w hole manna• As she'strode. toward 'the detective love• rnvrrder � �' s," she lug-'' `TIi - ------ = --"-- - - - - mystcrte a earth and all about !t, . `. ' -. � •I .'apologiie, Dundee. you must Clive Hammond-sprang after her'wtth ge4ted. .Then realization gwept over rTern er the .;- Not 'So Dusty. '.'' 7realize ling=- Bat that is beside tba r<n oath.and a sharp corntrand. her. H;r blown eyes widened, Shed' p Pow ere that.,grimly move. A•nd all the evil, rout It. 'Tillie Rae on the. hunt for Informti- '. - . . point, I met Nita Leigh at-er-at "Shat up, Clive! I'm-not marri.>d with terror. . "Stop thinking one..of 1 - • - - . =_ lion.. Ile,had been set to entertain al b._ a soda! gatherrrig, arranged by' some to'-you' -yet:" rihe retorted, butr-her ins did it Stop.-I.ter! you" �n by tb, 'twoiild pas to moan ancl�... visitor, who, having no fnquisl- - -Few York -friends of twine. She was eyes were gentler thbn her voice- -.'-t'sn-ao',r'.atop,..P&.-ty,_. he.azkcd . . . weep, Hve chlIcimn of his own: had nriawered . young, attracti;'E,mare refined than- His face burning with ainbarraa:i- gently. ' I' Favor sackcloth'and aixl7rR, all h!s questions with unusual patience' er--than the avers youn woman in ment-.Dundee went throw h the tra- Bat..she fled.. from him, sobbin'; > $ g Seek out and climb the stony steep" and good-nature. - __. ". m.luwical comedy. Naturally, h told her d tional gestured' of policeb".frisking^ wildly for the first tin:: -that- long, While 'all'•aboilt us' 'crosfies. "And what° was AN ilkle'a. -193tlr _�if stle Was ever•in Hanulton toJook_ "sunning his hands rapidly •down the _].orrible evening. Dundee, watching ' . question,• "are house. made of?"' ' 1me up: And sire did." girl's tall, sturdy b,dy, slapping 'her fmnn the door�c:y-of`the lighted hall, But when, xlaa, such eour.e'nlll Ted "Houses," repiied the' stout elan,% _. _ .._ - - "'And--beea.u.e she was 'more rehnea pockets,. And his finger. fumbled sa•i- saw the chauffeur open the-rear door To deeper t i11d and sorrows; & "are made of brick:'," .. L. `,»than the average young woman. in ly as he opened •her tooled liaather .stf tbe-Dunlap iiinoLsine,.saw -Penny'.Let'e seek: of joy to speak and read, =- -And what are Engines•niade•of?" ' : ' musical comedy'-than the -average _hand bap,. catapult herself .hero I:ois -Duniap's' . And .hope for brfghler-naor'rows.' '*.EnginE.;•my•little lFriti+i:'arE made - --.- chorus girl. to put it simply,"1 Dundee "Satisfied?" Polly Belle demanded ' oe=�rretrht:c} arm9.., .•: of iron,' _ :-' _ --'_-took him up. "you co-operated with 'ar.d at Dundee's misevab;e nod, the "%Vhe : dill the' D inlap chauffeur I -(;larenre.A11111'gan,.,La-ilie-f'htLagn _ "And shat is bread-made cif?" • . - Nrs. Dtmlap'td-introduce her.to your girl faced her friend,.:- "Weil,• conk: call far his - mie-tresr" -he askedt Tribune. - - •,.F'Tour."' Then, as iIie-autft4pa.W& e»n.t. +ntimAte friemis -incl idinw vnur along, Girl¢!" . Strawr tthn Qtr..,-14 hoct.la r,;.,• _ - - - - +znl,'t step arld :soft,ru4.�e of Walle's __ _ __wife."," _ "Lord! .What.a gi-rl1" Duadee-•i�u.-. - '"A.b6uf-Tee-minutes after you.ar - ' - s-ster sounded outride; hP ,d-ded. - -. - - -- -0h, Hugo! ,Why didn't you=tell tared to Strawn, ac the 'young Atria- rimed:' Rnawn answereda wearily. • ' " - Tr �altlr SCOT ••boa: Willie. I can an%wr.r only one - , - -)tile^" I{aren.tTar�hall wailed l_ zoo herded Flora Miles. Penny ('rain, "Said he"d dropped hies. Dunlap ant: :S.ur.men the tcorld ,Deer paid tri more question:_' , - "You sE�:'stfrwhat you are doing!" Carolyn Drakp,.Lois Dunlap and,Jan- the. Selim wctnua. ,at about .2.30 and,bu-te last month to the.memory: ., of W lithe derided.that. 'it.-t:h�nuld be a _ - ,.judge Marshall stormed.' _ - e' Ray into the dining room. : had been ordered to return aroun<; their greatest.novelist and one of.their good®one. fitter a pau9e. he asked: = "I am truly ;foi-ry if i have- dis. ,Silently,-and..almo;t meekly, as 'if ,fi.:30. . . Knots northing, of course,'.' greatest ,Poets, .Sir t}'alter.S�otr, ti Ho :'�N•c:11,.'a'hat,•al•r ti:r made oT?"_- . •. ,tressed you, Mrs.. iblanhall," Dundee ashamed into •vubmission by PoUy� The chief'of the homicide squad drew died one hundred years ago. Thoalgh ' -'•Dust. and-earth, my._son"` y� protested sincerely "But-" He Beale's example, John Drake, Tracey "a deep.breath.- `Weil;-Bonnie, he has l a century has elapsed. since lie laid, ..',.Nly word,'" said Will e, "tlr�j-nid,!i!+ _ ,shruirged and turned ag:.in to the lilies, Clive Tiammoud..Judge bias- nothing on m:�, In .pile of all the pal- down his• pen forever, his memory i� have made a W hacking hi> hole Then' _- . buctand: "I uniiers'and you-- were shall and Dexter ,Sprague permitted aver 1 don't know nothing either." : 'still.veen; not only among his fellow• thry took you out'' . Ic6untrymen,' but with Anglo-Saxons - ver'ev - . " / everywhere. The- Wa \oveK,' f en for Scotsme 'only' -- :.. :` - _ J e was -world w4lenbefore - 'were not ,kri _ - - _ :-: •- aAO t secTeath hush �a those u l - : St t - This latl �a 's ;t Jt' v Tastes and tashciiis change.in Iitria•I . �] • ] . .- _ .- lure as in nearly everything else, and . -,... ..•. .. . n -her cut to s t it is perhaps the most incontrovertible r-' % - - roof' 3i �i 1 f r a ter .,;:,, P 4 Scott's ream s S es µ: n to ol. h l.e new a w ' ,,'. a. n t ti: `>: ' writer that hip v no el sac fi s 1 oem, #, P .A; :>i •; < harp gll Sr f I .. _ _ _ ..-. _ , : ' ellow .�FE. , . .' t:'s s: ,t ..x�".,. .. .: . .. : 4,:..;, :,;� ,changes, which have been radical in ,,. .,.r» ,z: <;:r;,„ :.:,:,, ;: A letter floor a lady r,l L;t:trec te,ls. . . ., ;;;..„ `� every way, He has had hundreds.of ­ . . I. I .S - -s►.. `'::' "': ..':,�' imLEat c ^bout The wonderful euccets she•lia ors buf none has endilred.• A_ ` '` e.j:j:'r:'?'` �a man he was Inv d v h c. freshening . and recoloring her older . 11 .!� ,.,. I t���� l c y,,,, I � a b_ t, Dusan ls. As living room curtains. "The,• .were. re a �e' e- °' � fan author he was admired by millions. . ., .- , ��:, •; y The wreath laid by Prince George at ="ray and dull Looking they mad? the 1. a' ° e the foot of the Scott Memorial'and the• �lrol'e,'room •look shrrhbc, ]et they a ,/�rr�����_ s t gs echoes of the' nibro . through.-the were _ .•�iifrtt-s . Clean`3-GWJVi 7.-,`T - per good and T .told �' !mountain glen!( of his'beloved Scbt• afford new ones. .A uei' hbor told zne • ii:"Y 7177 . >:,, i lane were but the- expression of the r.h3u' v c- I.:z,I :.t- ti„ta ..alley . ..:bowls without s 'rubb:rig. r ;?: ";':,:,,- \. �, thoughts of a world of readers'`to Diamond Tints, made 11y, the makar>! _ \ ��\\\k z,.; ? hQ3 of.Diamond Dyes. - Banishes odors, kills germs, Y \�\\ I know •the "r}EII- 't ,whom his. name is much more than 'a �, ” : did qi allty of Didmbnd 'LyeE=have A 'imemgry.-;vTontreal Daily Star, ,..,, ;.,;�» •' ill . used them often for dyeing dark garr • frees drains .': : :\ ,tip t meats lfy--neighbor-_explained that' ' `:, � ':,`':: .__Glems from -Life s Strap-book Diamond Tints are for-1lgliter sbtides' - _,. - _ "`."" '. .. and that need'no boiling. r • ::•::;: _ as>rrsc.�sa 1 ,Justice _ .g. Sot a' *,• • . '."(�THAT' woman doesn't want to'get . ;; •_ _�: "Justic•e is ,truth. in. action."-Jou- package of Ecru and gave my cnrtains, v�/ a • a good rinse in the-tint wAter. When rid of itl The most un leasant a. " •''Bert• g - P Pte' ;tiw`>.^ I my. daughter-came home shoe asked't- . ofhousC-cleaning.S=bbibgtoiletbowls. �` ;>.c t - - -I "Justice without isdom is.;impos••.n,nere-I got my new curtains! They,1. k _ ' Thanks to Gillett's-Pure .Flake 3, -e, . . �= Bible,"-Fronde. surely do Gook as crisp and fresh ea%FREE RGOKLET. TheGilletts }. "Moderation is the basis of ftlsiice.",_i,ben• brand ne*`arid i'hey-clieei' alt- -.• 'this annoying job has been made easy. Lye Bookler■bosys you doses.of wayar. _ George MacDonald. t . •. ' . . ••- !, .Just tinkle Gilleti's L e--fuH stren to avoid back-break ins work.Gives in. "` the whole morn." ' y �- structions for soap staking,tree spray- _ There is no virtue so truly' great intothewater. Off come all stains....without ing,disinfecting on the Faris: write do . . . and godlike as justice."-Addison. 'I ' • - - scrubbing.Germs are killed...txlOr3'ban}S1iGd. $�'d'rd Brenda Limited, Fraser-Ave =' 4i! ;' `: . "Justice demands reformation•of the y- i _ g ■rid Litxrtyst,Soroeto,One :ie 'sinner."-Mar Baker Eddy. QI�MO Q >•,v.:.roil. . ' And more important, Gillett's Pure Flake y 1 1•,"�c.a2' '*� ' _ • Lye will not eat away eriamel,or destroy th£ • -- N"er drasol.e lye fn hot' - -"Every place is safe to him who • I,,0.-,- otm . , Mater.The action of the lye , ]lees with justice.-Epictetus. ata? 1frnish of sinks and bathtubs:-- itself beats the**ter• TriulS • - ti. ,_K;� „r .-A I •- _ "All religiotr and all ethics are sun .�.' ••::. ". mad up�i"n justice."-Con ac, AT ALL _ _ nfecmalces el) wouroUSe}tola C,ea a .N _ k _.. -15¢ G T e! •.: . . aG I -L L T T S -'LY --E - y - hat's the matter with Per?" "II - - !rig easier. Ask for Gillett's Pure Flake Lye. • : .E•AT S DI R T _ fbink` her ditrner disagreed with her." t _ "Well,:I certainly admire its courage."I JSSUE No. 4Q-',31 �,�i. _ - if - r r - . / , . ; . I .. . . 1 .emu:, . s.»^ y. l :T Rmpons%ffity For Womlan- s _ Franklin Young Harper i ~ _ r.; Wor d = - Mr. and Mrs. Benson had three child- ren, and almost from the birth of their, _ '• �y ^^" '� w , ' ?'". _ °�'°~„F ,.~ ^ •,..,,.. Srst child Mrs. Benson had-left- dis- By MiAI•R M. MORGAN - •�] ciplinary matters entirely in the hands y sK 6, �A. _ of her husband. t !'A`Woman's Place Is in the Home.° - - When one of tbe. children.broke a rule of the home Mra, Benson would — --- - ' After the Holiday into _milk- puddings,--or-custards, and irn-variably-cast-,Mr.Benson's-attention- to the matter, sug'gestieig that the child "'hat about that ptl-e of.dirty'rub removed when the pudding 3s served, give a spiry •flavour. needed p_unishment and taking it for 'bers, dusters, and polishing cloths left g granted that he would do the punish- is an aftermath of the clean-n when 'When pouring fat Into'a basin, D I ing; Usually he was away from home_ r-•- "•;` i you returned from holidays'? After+clarify by. adding a tablespoonful of •their useful service they, too,-must be boiling water, which will s'e¢d all for during the day. I[, while he was ab ; m ei n matter to the bottom. ' - sent,-one, qt the, children, did some- ,Atreafed to a•thoroaglz cleansing. Good g thing-that•should not have been done" •-� Y work cannot be done with dirt clatha Do not send potatoes to'table to a y covered dish or the will become sod• Mrs. Benson always threatened to "tell -besides, they are laden with ge2•ms y father" about it as soon as he return- have den through absorbing their- own ' +` i and grime and are,unhealthy to._ ed. And'when he did return, his wife, } tying about in odd corners on , the-.moisture, true to her word, would tell ]rim all. _ y Never keep coffee In a tin..Empty it " F ^hence that they will"'do again." about it,aied he-viould punish the child. 1' They wiH-if they are cleansed. Into a gias&jar as soon as possible, _ - and it will keep its flavour longer.- This was the regular disciplinary pro- Gather them together and soak In a cedure of the home. Mrs. Benson act- pailful of hot suds, adding"soda, and Coloured wool rugs which have faded can-be restored to their.orgiltal ed as a sort of spy-but-iava-riabiy-shift- • it they are very dirty, a little parraffin. ed Lo her husband's shoulders the task i Wash in fresh suds, rinse thoroughly, brightness by rubbing with a flannel And dry in the wind before folding dipped f¢ warm water'to which a little of punishing the children. 4; As time went on it became aeces- vinegar and cowman snit' have been yA; away for further use. r r - added. Dry in the open aim _ nary for Mr, Benson to be absent_ a Frequent cleansing of all household 'great-deal, and -finally he secured a__ . -. s w N yam• mops, brooms, brushes and other tools If a little common sett is added to traveling position which permitted s well worth the time and trouble. the petrol used for removing spots on �,x thin'and delicate materials, the dis him to be ,at homy only otYe night a x " Not only.will they last longer, but tbey week. Still Mrs.,Benson kept to her z ~' r z al Jt a x figuring ring that is often left can be Wi11 give better service. avoided-.remove tea coffee or cocoa z �� T m g custom and on that night rjepor ed to i Mops gather up all sorts of microbes him all the wrongdoings of the child- Mops from the floor, brought into the home• ren. So his shirt visit was usually ;::w.x � w '•r on bouts and shoes, and blown in stains, use glycerine. A fresh stun can be removed by gentle rubbing; l2 spent me-Mg out; punishments for + '_� - - ':•� �"f �,fromz the 'street.- Kill the germs and everything that had been done amiss ��•7 a help to ensure the health of the family the stain is old;-soak In the-glycerine .������� � � Q- n .. ' ,�,� Cs for sometime: during the Reek. Of course'it came y , �' a -.by sousing these germ-carriers in-boil- about that this was not a night to be - `ing'guds from the family wash,rinsing,�' :Mildew on linen can be removed by, irleasantly anticipated by either rather aud-Urying in the,wtnd, damping the marks, -rubbing soap on or children, but_-rathel' to be dreaded- That from them Columbia icefields in-the Canadian Rocky. :V1ova'alus three them, and-c-overing with.chalk scraped, - great rivers flow tmihree different oceans' They are: the Columbia, which lutb a powder. Rork this well in, then by all concerned, sows-into.the_Pacific Qceaz?; the Mackenzie, which flows into the Aretls - -Dame Fashion As the years passed and Mr, Ben- - 1 wash the linen-in the ordlnary way. Oeeari, and the Saskatcpewan River, which finds its outlet through the Nieti- z The"plghts grow chilll-�r and Our After laying linoleum on a kitchen son's-work took him farther and lsr winte e r- coat will be next in Ifue-for ther away• from tome, it became im on River Into )iudnoW_Bar-and thence to the Atlantic Ocean: @aoc there were several smelt pieces Idiscuislon and inspection, / -Iett. Some of these were placed in possible for him-to return oftener than -_ The new silhouette is top-heavy alt the drawers of ><he kitchen cabinet; twice-a month, and fl•na•lly he could Rain-Drops The New Loyalty the fur at the top-the cults taking a_ get home only once a. mon.b. And, u8fng them lristead'at paper 1!n¢g.` - Let us no morn be true to-boasted Jump above the elbow. And the cloth? 1 as no change was made with.regard to They were easily ?leaned by wiping!!!! It Is ^+timated that 3.040,000 persons race and clan, '--scriibb� rough mixtures- or sof th responslblitty for dtsclipifne, bat �r tiff a damp cloth Other strips Were in the United "iagd m suffer-from But to-our hit cream,the brother suede-s}endL+r lines, aliglitl7 fitted v;_became loss and leas a pleasant _ p.aeed on Elie window slits under-the defective hearing, hood of man. sad shoulder capes.' +A coat for every, occasion, Ot course, as was to be ex- flower pots, small squares taking the hall Babel watls of greed and':•eldsh- type, , petted• the home government••finally , - es .e t place of caster cups ben t ?shine Mire than on .flfEh'or the total-pop- -Hess divide._ � Matching'muffs are gaining in popu- broke down cod letely. Anarchy and - ff and stove Legs. - i ulatioa of England and Wales live in Snail not the love of friends iltume thsi Parity and are very chic. The follow• chaos 'signed supreme. , AS'hat .was Greater London. patriot's pride" _ ug lines-offer an.np-to-the-mlutte ver• - wrong, Should'the husband lrave,re - Glaaa Stoppers gin For moated arsenals let shrines of a aivre of the present mode: - g ed his traveling position in order Cusses 3n family and aoctat refs- atone Here are three.ways of removing a to be at home to punish the children' y 'Millinery _ glass stopper In a bottle, (l i Heat Many traveling men are very suc- tionshi_p cre held in some of the Ala- Where armies met in_blood,let.gar It y the part surrotenditrig the stopper with erican -codegps for women. _ plot be sown. Tn�hat na one rya- .___ ° cessitii tattlers.- But should not the _ or-WIEter. (..) Put a little sweet oil wile and husband_ hold_ themselves let royal hunting grounds be Rsrrceled � Does not really comply < . - by means of a feather tc. the ,part equally responsible with regard to dis- Lon3oners borTOw every year 10,00flr oat anew :{ With the anode as portrayed-by Paton, which is stuck. and-lease In a warm , 000" novels and 5,000,000 ochee bo4ke That Iittle e--hildren's feet n;ay -know - -3 elpline, In other words, it Bltite needs : Agnes taken a bow °puce. t3) Pour a-tittle vinegar round- from their publlc libraries, - the grass and dew.. - 3 punishment, WILE wise for the mother : Puts It 1!!gh and then low, the stopper and turn it sharply,. . ,_ to say: "Aiow,Billie, whea'Papa coiner = _ No toote shall Mammon ,play with And the plume-.at the back- is called. - - + Playing instruments in the st.reet,s ,lawns'of toiling men, 4� this atternooa, I'll Have v{ae attend to Rabbit Souffle you"" Isn't it better for the mother of the City of 1 ondoa is Drottibifed No more shall blood be spilled that t a Take 1 16. of rooked rabbit: meat,, to_punish.134Ate herself an_d get the by ancient _bylaws o� the City Cor. Greed may count its ggin, po'ratfou: _ , - Let patience be our • - - altlhonatts _ _ .._ _ snd mina*. • Heat 1 ,s oz. o[•butter matter over 'with?. _ P -.-prwer and sytn- _ All the dresses display -with a gill at milk, and when boiling Inflicting' punishment 1s one of i:he - patty our court, For both evening and day shake to l,.gz. of flour. Stir until it unpleasant tasks Incident to bringing It costs $300,000,000, a year to runWith love our only law and faith one n, ( London. This is more than the total' only fort,' 1 A' decidedly top heavj bale nre, leaves- the side of the pan. _Cool ,cbildren pp property. It can't always + slightly and add the yolks of two eggs. be evaded, though a -vise handlin cf nationar reienLe of-Sweden. Denmark .I4tvv.thought, nt-w hopes-new dreams, Col line blending red 'strong, g or Greece. _ new start worlds to scan, ' Colors bleadtt►g and strong, beatYng all the time, the problems that arise will migtmire y r,5p-ttlted's the word to style partance. Add the minced rabbit, flavor, with the need, but when It must be done, As Time Proclaims tht dawn, the biro- _ a grating of nutmeg and add the best- can either parent consistently shits Herrittga require twelve hours' cur- theshood"of mea._- For E""' en Mill whites of the eggs -and'& little -the responslbillty to the shoulders of`fog before '.ey are "kippered, but _Thomas Curtis_Clark, in he Chris- many kippers owe tbeir Colo to a Far the dressy occasion whipped cream. Bakeln,a souffle dish the other'-issued by -the National p Bert Century. : and wive with white saurA. process of dyeing which tkes about - You'll find the invasion Kind4gartm Association, 8 West 40 h ---- t _ • • I halt the -time. - •- .: •-rt SOU the criakly crepes superoede i :greet. New York 'City. These'sr- - - T1te old.time bright sheer Onion Eggs � ti:•leg are apPearin; aerkiy !n our A Berlin lfrpt -rata perfected a pti- OI fabrics that gleam, Onioweggs will be popafar' witli'th# cofamns, - - �, Rain as{y iitils once to about every low containing a radio loudspeaker. z; _ Wien of f1Se nonce. Flotl three onions ; -. _�__ thirty years I _4 stretches of the-.Some persons would, . however, bo , The arauclier types rate the Lead. Coast of Chile, the northern region more pleased with- a'loudspeaker _ in salted water until lender. Drain - SACRIFICE _ _ a -_ of" rountry bPfn as Id as--the .with a pillow in it, _ :x Furbelows and chop them.,.I?ut a farge-wainut of. Tliousaa�is that are capable of i desert of Sahara. a. Ia grandmoter's day, butter•in'a pan, affix in a dessertspoon- great sacrifices* ale' yet not capable Smart styles did d}splay tul of flour atfd halt a pint of milk. Odd of the little_ones-which are all that i " Afthoagh people-J'disappear" in,Lon- ' the onions and stir until it boils. Sea- are required of them. God- seems Fur boas full seven feet long, den at tGe raEe o[eighteen a day,moat• - - . •' -•: - - _ Noav the high mode expresses son well, and'add another lump of but- to take pieasitre in worling by de of them subscqueutty return. Titers , OstJ•foh ruffs and,ti stresses ter' - 8rees; 'the jIrog)rese of-tire truth is are, however, ".�)0 a year o[ wi)om no Fur tippets aTe coming !n strong. _ Boll some ergs sutA.i�ntiy to set the as the permeation of leaven, or th,e trade is ever er, found• -ACHES C whltes' T,elt,'but not the yolks, -Peel growth of a seed: a multitude of -. Bap selection them and drop gently into the, sauce,, successive small sacrifices may work Only tour per ren?• of the 1,190.000A 'F'ursgs should be chosen-as. they Serve with ma?hed potatoes-or a bor- more good, In the world than many families in.the London area contain _ - X •der of spinach: a large an@.-George Macdonald, I � rid P a.i n s ,almost never are-ia-front of a tnlf•, - eight or. more persons, two or Three J • r " ror, for they should be becoming. Your person •families forming' over forty•.,, • .height and build_.shotrid ,'determine - }� }f five per cent. of the total. -" easll _the purses you bop quite as much as - •+ai g Wrong P tl 7�' - [. - i _ mAterials d-o. Hay mado by,pasbfng hot air through ° grass? in A .Weµ apparatus has three Telieved t- Masculine Made I { I. -- = ;.tiretes the protein content of the Hat- l Black shoes are always safe; wear ' I i orally dried articie. It is thus three - !)Lack and you can't go very tar wrong. �-- ��' times;-'as good••for feeding rattle.- f� A _ . Aspirin will relleva your sufferin; Brown shoes, however,•are a different, - ---�_, - ; mat a^squally as ama*t__as_hlack. _ f r ej��w+co..+ - - Every 'day for two years. Flight-, harmlessly and ill a hurry. Swallow s and sometimes a lot smarter; it is. ESn� Lieutenant Pug_lt, of the R.A..F., made tablet-id a little �x'atPr. The pain Is' „< however, a somewhat tricky color to r• 1 I ' two ascents o rom-_yTV0 to" 3fl:Od6--g�Fi P - - wear. -• I _ - IN feet to study weather conditions. e It's as easy as that to be rid.of this a Rio (� :•-,< • 'A3 repently awarded the Air Force pair from an aching tootle; 'of head- r They can, of course, be worn with _ 1� I I > i - ; brown suits. Then we come to the' �aFtt+c` _ ; Cross for this work. ache from arty cause. Muscular aches - _ '� due to rheumatism, lumbago; to Ismalt' distinctions, the observance of ` pry l _ i•�: / - - - - -R colds -or strains,'ate easily overcAme. which decides whether a man is as An Gt. Britain every s a aoiug craft V Those .unexplained pains of, w•on)es f y ;ot, 1,000) tons ur over his to carry a well dressed as he could be: -- _� ' � t`• �_-= I _ -.-`c. •j - ` i certifled sea rook, by order of the sra sootleed away in an instant. _ $rpw'n shoes"can be 4vorn..,wit' all I - The mod.eLn way to relicts pain is blues except the very da"rk blue I 1 I�� ��" -=t' �` `. e =° Ro&td of3iade. These men have to :. ' with Aspirin, That is lice vey-•that 'bletcks; -they can also be worn with - - 1 ZI.:-�--_- -_�_-i/'" �_ ;i.`��� 't'����.-,` _ _ i pass three•grades beCnra-becoming pro- -- II y' �� ��\_ ��� =�-1 flctent, when they can. am from $60 nipdern medical then approve, They _ °P certain greys, but never with the dark i I �� { (7� r _ `� �' I_E' Q„ -__ know aspirin.is safe-can do no.harm. ,greys or blacks, or a suit" in which r�-�I`�= �to •_00' a month. At does not depress the Heart. black or Vick and-whits, is t-he pre I '---- You a' always find Agpirin In any dominating note. �'ij J - _SINGLE=MINDEDNESS clrugslere, and it-yon reatl•ttie proves.While on tFie subject of brown shoes - -�_�{,1y(�:�., -��� Single-mindedness and the absence directions and follow them you WiU ' it i9 well worth 're bering tbat_'• _- - f t",�,_ �• �ti of self c s:iaislross in_the .perforce- 'always get-relief. ';note-wAl-amid lots much the smartest shade of brown.Is,. // _ / II� _ , -`� �1 ante of gnat duffs are the cliarac- of sntYeritia if you just rvrt-mber the deep tan. "� _ -"/ - If' q l y � _ teTi'st',cs C,f tite :',:renter, order of about Aspirin Tablets. Be sure. Pon minds._-3?ish�t,, het aspirin and not a sutiatitute.. _ 'Dally ETW**ey �' , ,>>: _ ,.. _ Asleir}n is-a tr�ade7 mark rva(stered Slacklead gives a much better pot- 1n Canada. ..- A strict ref;ef in fate is the worst ; 'ash It it is mixed with cold tea. of alA:ar?, in1;•r,sft;g upon otir necks :,-:- - To remove marks from marble,Tub Tllere are from flfte�n to -went. istalces in gacl> of fire cartoon, _ � an ever'lyt�at , :ord-unit tyrant, whom -- wi h'a soft cloth dtDped in vinegar. which- will appear weekly on this page, See It you can find there And then wp are to stand in awe-of night and IAw- , wo small stisb of oinnatiton put compete with list which will be pubNshed nett west dap,-Episnrus, ISSUErO— '1O—'32 - - M ��,u•�;rw�-�: •��,Mir�+,s.'>x'r' ,..-:.y. u�°;',4°a':.:,_r4r:' .y., r>!._��.:..y�,`ff��.,::x•yl. «":>' "' �„`' •a.' _ _ - ? �- _ - ' .nr�`• � •�T F°'N �. 4.v• ,e•�4 we 'S qta�,�-:,�:,,.w.'�-1""'9:x+:•::_ >....._.X..7,.�z .:�..�-^+_• .-a^var:•r:: -,.i^:.�,.c:�.,z;.s�,�..�.s:..n.r�:,�w+is;�-�•`>:�.i�. .�al�:�:�.r:,ti�.^..,..,5•'` °�..- _,- �j The ones from whom the receive 'that heed in the tevions war have -.OUNSARTON. ' f,- •- � ::'.. •. y P BALE REGISTER. '11...1".: � , which am. hnnual-Earvveo omew pecry are t ose who have poesed through were just coming into under t p Women, sale o! farm stock and implesitenteG, TERMS similar experiences. They nill..general use at the begianiag of Auxiliary will. be held in the Com- hay, grain, and .roots, the pier; $i.raver year; $1.50 if vsatnaavaaee: render aid• whether the are in a the last war, have been perfected munity Hall on Oct. 4th, at 6 q, t o — ___- obaiptioos to the United States and ,Great y p p. m. ty of C. O. Pascoe lot 34 eo 1'' Britain$2.00 in advawA. position to do so or not. If a man• to an aulazing degree,aud'by their The supper will be followed by a Whitby 'Township (at Alntmidsy = comes to your dour asking fur teas titles itiay be destroyed in o children, 20wcent���, 40 cents' astd Sale ve. o'clock suction JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor, something to eat, consider the j very short time. T 2e ntauufac . - eer• matter well before yon turn him •tuners of shells, fire-arms, caunone Au�t:ev SATURDAY, Oct 8th — 'House an$ % .,.NOTES AND COMMENTS. away. you may give him only s and the many other implements Some ofour people attegded Mark. lot fn the village of Brougham,,be- dime, but it may be worth dollars etc., used in war would be delight- ham Fair this week. longing to the estate of the late. --_T to the one who receives it. - --red-to—a e-=another war, as there Do not forget the'anniversaryservi- _Mrs. Margaret Littlejohn. Sale ai 'A very pill#ut incident occurred a Aces in the church neat Sunday. Rev.. 3 o'clock. See bills, Fred Postitls aBe-day }ant creek to one of our : would be immense fortunes daz -fdr.-Erozler will preach both after- auctioneer. ;:,,residents that aroused his sym When the •greet war was in zvng• before -their eyes. If no noon and evening. r furtunes were made out of the Dr, and Mrs. Mathieson, Mrs. Boyce- SATURDAY, OCT 8th — Auction apathy to an'unusual degree. He progress it was felt that it was a ton and Albert and Mrs. Dowse,, of sale of Household furniture etc, be- was motoring along the highway war to end wars. The horrors of manuf-actnre of war inateriala the Toronto, were the guests of F. M. and longing to'the estate of the late ;between Pickering and Toronto, war in those awful years were so.liklihood of war would be greatly Mrs. Chapman on Sunday last. Mrs. Jeremiah O'Connor,Church St. Arthur Percy to the west showed Pckeiring. Sale a+ 1.30 o'clock. See when he saw a young-man-leaning greet that it was felt that no lessened. It is hoped, however, 'some of his Shorthorns at Port Perry Bills. W. B: Powell, auctioneer. - .against a telephone pole, and hie, nation would ever again resort to that the fears that are now enter fair and carried off a prize for animal countenance showed that he was arms to settle their disputes or to taiaed for a world war will never shoo°°• Art likes cattle and has math. be realized. •red some good ones around in a troubled frame of mind. gain more territory. But since him.r 9ickering `Coal . _ 'When the motorist inquired of the armiAtice was signed nations Bludd-Wright D u ntiA R oN - the man what he was doing, he: have been itching to get. at each A. T,'and Mrs. Runciritan are visit :� �t�ttipalit� replied-that. -hx could could not others throats. War has raged The home of Mrs. 'Harry Wrigh% lag friends in London. walk another step. He was in China between that nation and and the late Harry Wright, of GPs- Mies Evelyn Bassett has returned rgetown, was the scene of as inter- home after a visit to Montreal. ` searchizigfor work and had-gone the. Japanese, South American esting and pretty wedding at 4 o'- James and Mrs. Mitchell and Miss Hard Coal of beet quality. " three days without anything to nations have been at war, the war clock on Saturday afternoon, Sept._Margaret visited friends at Brockville i = _ this week. eat and was completely exhausted. spirit has been abroad in Central 17th, when their. daughter, Kathleen Mr, and Mrs. Wilson, of Highland Hard and Soft Woods. Elnor, was married to Edward,Bludd'Creek. visited John and Mrs. Taylor He was well dressed, had attract Europe, Italy is threatening what':of Glen Williams, son of Mr. and, Opon for Basineea aa.IIenal. over the week-sod.' ire moaners and was of a pleasing she will do LO trraace and 3ertnaar• bfLa. icu....a<Ly!:da Tha ceremony; On Oct. tlth.• the regular meeting of• countenance. : But he was too is eausiag much anxiety to the which was attended by about fort.;the W. A. ..iE 1,�ac , - - 1proud to beg. Hie had seen better other nations. More money • is guests, which included members and•Mrs. Corbett.. Eh lady is requested days, but he was a victim of the spent today in armaments than friends of the two families, took to bring bar youngest photograph for place in the living-room, which was a contest.. lftaeoel, Finger-wave:' -,present depression and felt his there was before the year 1914. beautifully decorated with -autumn Next Sunday, Oct. god, Kim Myra ElAir patting, _ position vet keen] The motor- Britain is exerting all her energies nowt• �'• Mr. Thomp_son officiat- Veazey. of Japan will speak in the 4 y y� R Church. Permanent Waving ed. The.bride in a graceful gown of United koffe at I1 a. m. It being �4et invited him to his home in the in her elturte to maintain peace the theokoBerinpF.o[the W. M. S, d We ialize in the New •Z,aoit6 white Point d esprit over white eat- liberal offering will be s rec achlnelsis 6Eethod of village where he could got a meal. between other nations. In 00te in, with veil of Brussels net edged assist in the work. pp Latin' Permanent-Waving. The Invitation was gladly accept of her anxiety to maintain peace with sweetheart embroidery forming A number of our ladies sttended a Hours:-9 a, m.tog p.m.every Thum. - ed, and the way the man partook she may be drawn into the con a cap held in ulace with orange bl- trousseau tea given by Miss Olive day.Friday and Saturday,and even- of the meal, as only a famished-flict which seems inevitable. The ossoms, was given in marriagr by Beare at her home near Cherrywood ings by.appointment. man could,more than -repaid the nations are all in a deplorable he? ale, Mr. T. C. Gostick. Her last Saturday afternoon. Her marr- ©. �. 018Thi�e '- p �P bouquet was sweetheart roses and lags to Austin Wood is announced to donor for the troubleand expense. condition financially, awing huge baby's breath. Miss Dorothy Wright to—e plaoethe first week io Oetober. Next to S.C. Jones. Drttggisf. ]ply 'The man,expressed his gratitude sums to theirown people as well M t sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, _ ' -in no mistaken terms. This is a other natlans. It leokA aA if and looked diarmine in a frock of tragedy that is repeated many another world war is inevitable pale blue brocaded taffeta,.with chi- TtIE R ED & WHITE BT08B ffon velvet cape and turban otPar- times every day in these days of The consegnencex of 'inch a war isiar style, and _carried a bouquet s = unemploymeat 'and business de are too horrible to euntemp]ete. of pale pink roses and baby's breath. _ The Broom was attended by Mr. Har- pression. There are " scores of The last war was the most avt fill vey Jeffrey, of Toronto, _and,Miss _ l .men, of the highest type, who are in the h6tory of the world. The Aileen Glass, of Georgetown, played ' "' -,---'We Offer the'fnllowiapt Extra Specials for r,'trudging along the highways implements used nas the most' the wedding music. Mrs. Wright and the Week-ead ; P searching for and praying fur destructive to both life and pro Mrs. Bludd received with the bride - - '-:work the cannot obtain.' The and zmom. the mother of the bride f sled size - y y peety in the history of werfarr. wearing brown•chiffon and lace with Pork and Beans,�Clarke s, $ for 15C• °are "down , and out," and -or- 9 Could Another world tear take corsage of roses- and the mother of greatly to be pitied., If people place the hurrori will far exceed- the srrrovrn grey beaded silk. Mr. and -Apple and Straw. Jam Sd. Raisins Corn Starch ' cooly knew the worthy ones thry that of Clie last wnritl wstr. The Mrs. )Mudd, left by motor for points 40 oz. jar per pks Wu _ . 2 pkg 21e = ;� east, the: bride-wearing grey crepe `' ---' would not be denied the food tud vnarions nNti,ws have been Rork• dresk �y gloves. grey snakeskin Toilet-Paper •t`Huron f� 6 rolls �9c• _ *shelter they so badly-need. They inR at fa7eriah iotew ity devi-in$ shoes and, bag to'match, wine shade f i e nice so frequently treated with mores deadly implrrueots of &m. coat with squirrel trimming an for Fine Laaodry. contempt. as if they were crimin strbctioo._ Pn>isoaous g-taee ttf la hat to match. On their return Mr. iVO� �p! gperial 6 �� ^ 25c• and .Mrs. Bliidd will reside in Geor- sils„and deserving,Q# no sympathy. far more deadly cy_ar%L ter �han -. C1,3 a „tea. 4JU P - - - — -- . ....• . . _ 8 tins 28c. _. Large paci;a�21e. 'wt YOU'VE T R I E o Raisilhs, �cSultana,�� 2 Ulm ' :,25c. is Cnati[e Soap -sugar Chocolate Peaou half lb. 18c- 4 bars 11c. 91be for 480 :A 1 R P L A N I N G Shredded eat pgs - _ 2 - 1 Y D R 0 P I.A N I N G _ NOW I9 THE TIRE TO SUPPLY FROM - _ - PEArHE9. GET YOUR 9IIPPLY FR01i - - = . _ ... •- - - ' THE RED do WHITE STORE. OUR PRICE _• 2 rAQUAPLANING ' ..'.-_�l.' .. 19 LOWER. := BOOTH`�' MURISON, PICKERING� W TRY - You order L HUFF PICK 800 deliver - _•_ _ _ P ERIN(3 _: We ee y Piekerin Hardware ' Store - g -' - : : wine T "power lep h cal sensation in motoring — AMcCormick—Deering and•Brantfoed. - -snave viz lindered ne'unwu ted wes--• - _ '� p --- —--_—Plow Shares to fit nearly all makes of-plow. filrl'.aa'ph t�fat'� vas lino �l.rswrW� - — boards of the industry for months yet,but is offered a, _ Kelvinator Electric Refrigerators _ :ym now at a price that's actually down among and -and Electric Rangettee at - _ �, the forlmer lowest-priced Three, in.the now _. - _ - • . _ . . _. special pricoe. - F a `Agent for McCormick-Deering• Farm Machinery and Repair.•. ' '•Y Our Motto.-'tW a hays it, Can get. t..Or ' - • it is•not mad�ll l : J. S.48AL.SDON, . A PICKERI�iG ” j f RR LAS E .......... � . w c.r: - a>rs.row.e�• - ,BRADLEY S `SPECIALS i . _ dad sIi'�n Cawsda '• _ , 1 Pr j • 80 Pairs Men's Oxfords, while they last, 198 per Pa - Several pairs of Men's Work Boots 1.89 r pair. ;Men's Fine ohirts, collars attsched, plain white, tine, _ sand and striped in Ion, 95c each. - ---- __J Men's Overalls, 1.19,1.49 and 1.75 per pair, _ _iii yfrsli 1'1»t�y, Oat tints ssisy Men's Work Pants, 1.00. 1.40, 1.75 and 195 per pair._ i i'•_ _ - i _-Men's Work Sox, wool, 25,85 and 50 cents per pair. with your $ndsas: I Men's Pine sox, 25, 86 and 60 cents per.pair. t _ Ddeq's Blae Work Combina*ns, 1.49 per suit) - - �. Deder a Y's&tsPL•xs ride today : :j "Iiaitaa..er�►r+�• reel esMgr.ssiMspl,0ilmr 1• It will pay to see our prices before ybu buy—elsewhere. _ We-are always willing to show ogr Roods. •` Ttoss. Ames & 'C artEhore Co , Ltd., Oshawa, Ontario r - o - onel2W4} •-� . .i�.aa. a...l<...�,..oe�.r. OE C L BRADLEY U6 King str. Wet. PYosa ZYfi - - . P z 4 g X R-I sir CIF t�' • : ,�:w�i;3j a,.:cRi'e.-c-''r %,. , �' ., ..e -- .. ..., -.»...x ,{.:' _ '••".n.' .;. ,ro:.:.ui roi5,::�war ��p •.�i .� :ttr�-. ,:. emu: ;tea. .,s •,r ,� x•ti: - »" o---s:"`:--`^.'••f•-. _!a.�..,„v;-P�,• _ _ - ..� - - .i .r _ '`r,;,p, _r .s yS^ -tier:,-�. '+,:" - -- _ - - a-:..-; - _ ":,r°' °r„. .''_a•*� •.�• a '.e. :.ar. :;,:. 'off, Lr !^•�.+`.'"t.• ......3: ; ,.w. :#•-y,- ••.,5•:-- _ •.+':. •.o *=w. mss” :a�.c. "'f. =s. _".• ,.:-� - _ •x'� f. +".�' - r -?.'.. r'"-- ..n,w• ...::±:c i*..i"a ;%4•":. `'w+ '}' •ws ,. -{;*•"�('.' ,co-. :�-' >> - !�'-'° T.e",w� .,v-�'-w..-.: .i'�" Y.', • - i• ... -_ ._ z ,G,.-...,.".. '' .. -.. ,` .-:'-"+. rv'.. - __. ^ oa~ . ^Y r.. � .. ,tiTSrt"r ,ii,. .. .-�.t'_`` .r'u.'''� i '•^`. •-. �;ah:. :,�S.'"`"'r,.�"�:!t,• --r,,�. CLARMONT - Clifford Pilkey, of Toronto, was 10,00; E Cairns,ditto, 800; A Taylor, =' _ labor on Bayles' bridge, 980; $Ward, W. and Mrs. Waddell, of Stouft- -ANDERSON' the,.._Wo ,,,..r.. . visitors ii7 - home over the week end. _�-� cut weeds on con 9, ge, 80; Wilson, g weed t�co'c ems' MieMs F.} a th B. . pis visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry end at Nia ars•oa the Lake. oPkog• 'Thomson, for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gaskey spent e b• A J Taylor, drag y f Wh- DUNBARTQN the week-end with their le at cons land 2. 4 20; A Flett. tabor rag itevale visited the former's aunt, .visiting her uncle and aunt, Wm. Sulphide. 2,00: W Bootb, ditto, 2.00; J Moore, Mrs. P. Pugh of.Toronto, has been- �I N SU R A N C E ---- and Mrs. Bfrkett. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brown of ditto,4 00,-•G Pugh, cut weeds eon 4, . spending a few days with'her par- -A.UTOMOBILB, Mis3 Young spent Wednesday Oahawa, spent Sunday with Ev. 200; H stover,ditto. 1.00; Albert Lee, With relatives in Barrie and also eats W. J. and Mra, Monkhouse. - ane and Mrs. Ward. haul cen}eat, sand, atone and lumber - . FIRE ­took in the Fair. The Misses Forsyth of Oshawa, for Bayles'bridge, and haul gravel for Miss Blanche R.eesor, ' of Fraser- E, and Mrs. Bryan spent Sunda e t 1 and con 5, 43 25; '8 McCord sand ville and Misi K. Stewart, of Ken-. BURGLARY i.. r'y p y spent the week end at the home and stone for Bayles'bridge. and Qrav dal were at the former's home here _';•afternoon with their daughter; of their �Rrente here. •" - - ::,•Mre. Dennison, of Toronto, _ for cone 5 ands CASUALTY and a t.l, 159,10; Saba over the week-end. �FE INSURANCE s Mr. Eckhardt, of Toronto, vielt- - 8oden,gray for con 5, 5.10; L Middle- Messrs M:Tindall and E. Williams red J. H. Beal and Mrs. Chandler DICKERING COUNCIL. ton, rent for lumber:5 00; Roy Ward, motored to Vineland on. Monday last Phone Pickering 7920' 8017 on Monde The above council et ureuaat to on acct of salary, 150.90; Rby Ward. and arrived home with •a supply of Monday P paid for bricks for rubbing cement, PP y BONDS—Government, Municipal Misses Eileen and Isabel Cooper, adjourameat on Moada she26th last. phonecalle and repress charges, 4.1U; good peaches at 30 cents a basket. Mortgage Bonds. Alois.Industt•Ws. tires? " of Toronto, spent the weeiK end at ha�bere all present, the reeve in the J. Baxter. haulgrap, con 3, 6.40; A The sympathy of the community Safe investments at from 5 to 7 per —their home here. Seebeck, haul gtav 4, 4.50; J E Hinan, is extended to Mrs. F. Ramer in the cent, We are pleased to report that The minutes of the last meeting were cartage on expansion joint for Bayles' death of her brother, D. Moyer, of- ; read and approved. brid e,-1 00; W J Schell. lumber for Stouffville a one-time resident of INSURANUE•-All classes written In- Ed. Gleeson is very much improved g bylaw was passed• imposing a 2 Bayles' bridge, 83,14;- Dept of $igh- r+iltona eluding Fire, Automobile, Wind• In health after his recent illness. per cent charge on all taxes not paid ways, Z care'cement,786 75; E Carson. storm. Accidenp and Sickness. } ' The supper tournament is still on or before Dec. 15th; and that an . The Corn and Wiener roast under cut weeds,con 2, 2,00; N.Decker,ditto, Phone or write under way with the bowling club, additional 1 per cent permonth be tin- 2.00;M Hickey, haul grav, con 2,33,00 the auspices of the Women's Instit- 43 t! >tD.-BOWMAN Whitby "They hope to finish this week. posed, commencing on Feb. 16th, on B J Myers, gray for con 2, 11.70, ute was Yield last week on F. McKay's ' Mrs. Henry Johnson bas been all unpaid taxes.,said increase to take The cohneil-now adjourned to meet farm and very well attanded, consid- DINTY'S GARAGE +spending a few days with her elect on the 16 Ra 115th of each successive & in on Monday, Oct. 81st. for the ering'the•condition of the elements• It mother at Richmond Hill. month. transaction of general business, dampened the spirits of a few who dr- '* D. A. Pugh has moved from Several requests for work were - ova away before they tasted of the Oor. Brock and:Kingston Rdm., Toronto back to his former home m�e' GREENWOOD. luscious roast Corn and weiners. n Claremont reply council instructed the Clerk to ply.to the:C. N. R.. who had asked Fred and Mrs. Gibson spent Sun- The Harvest Home Supper in the .General Repair Work all cars, A large number from here at the council's approval of the removal day with friends in Toronto. Christian Church was well attended: guranteed at reasonable headed the Lindsay Fair on Satur• of cattle-guards on the railway, Thia The minister 'Rev..Morton, giving a prices. ; ,Mrs. Johnson of Myrtle, has been .,day last. A good fair is reported. council strongly opposes the sugars• spending a few days with Mrs. Boy- very impressive Thanksgiving ^ser- Acetylene Welding. Several carloads of turnips have man, and special Harvest Home mus. been shipped recently from Clare- A bylaw was passed appotating L. er is rendered by a ladies choir. The �tterietropaired and charged. Johnston tax collector for the year Mrs. George Middleton still con- Firestone and Dunlo wont W points is the United 1933. tinues In poor health, although show- church was beautifully decorated . p T .1 • The standing committee on Coutin- Ing a slight improvement. with autumn leaves, flowers, fruit Gasoline.ged radios a^.ci AI[r+� agtt were in gel reported and r�cga� Qnded Mr. and Mrs. McGuire, of Toson- and vegetables. 8a�ssieee10t Booth In Oo10neotbn' Petarborb on Sa y. •visitim-CeVOwing ps 0161018: W. �nbsrere: to, nave get, nuxly a �J+^ l.their son, Earl,,C. P. K. anwit at wlary as cons 0 for Septao.00; J. Bayles home in the village.' Phons Pick.75W.1 that place. Mnrka , bal, of Voters LIs @"M adr' Mr. and Mrs. Gamble and son and - - 110�L+��� + •,,I. The Rev.,A. McLgl1an m4 t%00;�. A.Beer,tax collector's bout Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis and-family d son d the Y. P. S. of Brodklia Uni 20.00;'Imo,Johnston. bas of salary es-tax Toronto, spent Sunday with James- Church on Tnesdav evenin on his coileccar, 150.00. ' s .' M'ILT'ON $LEf P •s.:.t�p $� g The standing committee on Relief and Mt'6 Rain: pe• reported and recommended payment Mr. and Mrs. Nash, of Markham. �y P80PS<STOS' - Fred and Mrs. Lynn and family as follows: Clifford Wright. 8 trips to and Mr. and'Mrs. Hagerman, of Wh- and Robert Lynn visited the 1st- Oshawa with Mrs.Blitz. 5.00, Itevale, visited Wm. and Mrs. Or=- lung's i Ur's sister. Mrs. George Bentley, The standing committee on Trans- erod on Sunday. � /'� Hof Broollin, on Sunday. _portation, Power and Ltrrht reported ..Will Sadler and wife returned to TORONTO Walter and Mrs. Thomson and and recommended the following pay- their da h`ter's in'Toronto on Sun- "!me Miss Doris, of Zliarkham, s nt the went: Hydro Electric Power Oom, day a sSter week end with the former's emoth- 4reenwoc d lights, 90.98. v k 8�II$1e� �0. Return 900,ee. A[n. Has Thomson. The standing ,committee on Roads is ne - EVERY HOUR, and Bridges reported and recommend- The canning factory is running ed the following payments; Samuel ALTOr1A. = at 5 minutes to the hour Eyesight SpeGiihil<- "fairly regular now. The late sea Farodale, drag on e t 1. 5.90: N M from S.55 a. m. to 10,55 p. W. eon and cool weather is not per- Gordon, lumber for Bayles bridge, H. and Mrs. Slack were Toronto (except 10.55 a, m, and 8.55, oa° Imo•+-r. ri..«w ..•asow. ".", a.y even - witting the tomatoes to ripen veep 10 72:Watt Milling sad Fuel o,ditto, vtsitors � Sunday. - 5'.55. 7.55 and 9.55 P. m.)acrd- 's',��, at = IEa�'t. 106.98; Albert dray, labor on Bayles' ---- — '- - - - - -- at 7.10 and 7.55 a. to. daily Robert Beelb happened with bridge, 11 W. C Madill.ditto.14.60; F ° A except Sunda 10.65 a. m.. -DISNEY•B i y ppe Blitz. 28.80; W Norton, ditto. 29.80; VOTERS LIST, 1932 ! 8.55 5.55 7.55 and 9 55 m. Oshawa' a slight accident a few days ago R Lynn, ditto. p while working on a silo at Mr . 98.20; W Birketc.ditto. Sat.. Sun. A Hot. only. 11.45 _ g 37.45-W Beaton.ditto.2,10;C Wri ht, y Opp.Post Ulfis kbone Lois `Barelay's. but is able to be around haul stone and sand for Bayles'brigs, p m. Sunday only. again. _ _ _ _. . L. rickey bas, daring the part Munichality of the Township of Leave Toronto Every Hoag week, completed a large part of NO glee , No Rest. StOID• Pickering, County of Ontario Q,u the half hour the alterations being made oil his Notice is hereby given that I have 11.30.P. 't a corner tot. The roof on the Vow iCil �BS 18 GaIISA cu `l,' I with Section 9, of the Vot- from t 10 e, W.to nd 1 3 'baildina is also flubbed. Mss. A. Cloud says: For years I er s Ail,' Act, and that I have posted (except 10.80 A. in and 12 30 The Young People's supper and had a bad stomach and gas. Was up-at my office at Whitevale on the at 7. 780 and sly p, pt and- _ s .-• • .- P P at 7..80 a..m.daily except gun- •;, ' program on Friday night last was nervous and*could not sleep. Adlerika 22nd day of September 1982: (1) the day. 10 30 a. m•. 12 30, 3 80, , -'a real success. A large crowd rid me of all stomach trouble and het of-all was present and an excellent map- now I sleep line.' E C. Jon6s, drag- in the said mtnticipaiity oar mesnbere 7. d 980 p. m•Easte nun. 30 an � - perand - - ..-..- . - - - of Parliament and at Municipal El- o r - peogrsm case provtaen., --8 - $Standard Time �T •` The Bert Johnston entert�fn --- ections and (2) the list of all per- meat en Friday evening last did �+ sons entitled to vote in said manic PARCEL EXPRESS - not prove- a financial success. Eye ip4hy at municipal electio'na only, between all points on Gray Coach and that the lists remain there for Lines Routs(ezee t U.S. A. t..) I:Numerous other functions were P p taking plats, all of which interfer „ .„ , �, Tickets and information at pectiort. - _ toAtta e here 1 apor di voters _ �1 ea with each other. all A COACH LINES Y The Sacrament of the Lord's - n have any errors or omissions Corr- '- Sapper will be observed in the acted according to law. the last day Eastern House-Pir.lt Pr, Whoa time appsoacb- ! "United Charch of Claremont and Brougham on Sand no Pre for appeal bging the 13th day of so its final hoar the psratory services w be at y October 1932. memorials we execute Claremont on Thursday evens Eye . Dated this 22nd day of September will be standing In a -r and at Brougham on Friday even• �+ .�� 1932. e' e' mate tribute to the ` itng at 8 o'clock. S -� Donald R. Beaton, i persons they hays been The Y. P.- S. of the United - J7erk- of the said Muauicipality. erected to honor. Cos _ �Oburch held a corn-roast at the by C. H. Tuck, . ' � home of Mr. sad Mrs. Will Evans Eyeaisht speeiatist USED GOODS FOR SALE "No Greater Tr[bute an Monday might. A large bon-fire ifi23) -'. .{ -- -' N: W. gTAFFORD -lipminated the gronads and games «[M PRICED TO SELL QUICK .were played around it as well am $eaetiaq on hot corn and Band Part Si viches. A large number were The symV tone of strain a on .the 1- H. P.:Robbins A Mvree Motor W cycle, Phone 1VVhltby (present. p p 110 or 220 volt single phase 1800 R. P. M. : -`..' 462 A revresentation from here met eyes of a child,ar9 .generally noticed (almost new) :. 26 00 `{ vastly and.are among the following: _ -.+the Railway Board in Toronto as Complete turning or 9 tendency of Z1_ DeLaval Cream Separator; No 18, 750 tb. 25.00 .--Monday where problems closely thq eyes to turn.in,out, up or,down. - - " 12, 500 ib. = ,.20.00 -:associated with the local tels- Twitching of the lids or the face. Cho- I-Me Deering Separator, No. 1 SW lb. cap.. ; ` !phone companies, were dealt with rele movements. Slitting .the lids of ;. Demonstrator--- _ fib 00 land early recommendations and the eyes close together to the effort `—, Mareey Harris Riding Plow ;.. 20.00 alterations are anticipated as a to see. Turning the bead sideways to - 1-10 20 Titan Tractor �.. .. ' 45.00 result. Dissatisfaction is -being see•better, Closing one eve because _,..1-Inc. 2 farrow tractor plow, 12 inch bottom 35.00 •expressed by the local people with seeing I&clearer with the one 6 F on• 1-Oliver 2 farrow Tractor plow(Fordson) ly. In some cases nausea and vomit- s the present arrangements. ing may be found. "Car sicknen*ben x: 1-Fiudlav Stove with high•clo3et,(tile) round The W. M.S. took charge of the riding or driving in street can. buss- fire box and reservoir(need) ... 25.00 Obeep rates for farm and country - taervice in the United Church on es or motor care may be due to eye. = 1-Used round firebox Stove with reservoir 15.00 buildings. Sunday morning last, when Mrs. strain Marked headache Is. of coarse _.;2-Super Heatiers(KcClary),suitable for Windstorm Insurance on buAdinss,' - Barns, of the Missions Boardlof a rommov sympton. During wboo. 8 room house ... .. .,, 40,00 wind-mills Silos sto. the United Church, addressed the life eye strain may be due to an iml 1-Quebec Heater, large size .:. .:. 12.00 Automobile Insurance - --use of the eyes, In tact bad _ - -,of all kinds.. .. ... -oongrettatioo, etrese ng very groper - --1-Cn1tt-Paeker,-ueariy.ne.A 40 straggly the need" of Christian bits in the use of the eyes may be 1-Wbippet Sedan, 1989 17500 - - FARMS FOB SALH - - teaching in foreign• lauds. Mrs. a better way of .expressing it. be- ' .•1-2 farrow (�s10g Plow Demonstrator) :. �'-' Ha lee, of Newtonbrook, sang cause wavy of the recurring head- ( 45.00 Write or phone _ y scbee of later life are due to anisn- '1-Ftenrp No.2t Plow (point Boiled but newt 18.00 �7�� very acceptably, "The Heavenly roper use of the eyes during school 1-Type E International Cutting Box, ED. B 0 lilt M A N 'Ihther.' Fife. 11 inch mouth .. . .. ..: 125.00 BY. ONT. Lyman and -Mrs. Pilkey and -to be aeaHneed 20 WHIT Adrs. Wm..Hill spent Monday of " Charles r - Claremont Ust week with Acre. Chapman, of , , Tyler 9t., Aurora, when she Gale- L. "E.- O NE'ILL 'brated her 78th birthday at her •'home with her daughter, hire FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND . T� � � �Pm Profit. Also. at Mr. Chu EMBALMER �,jOO� THESE OVER f 'El Fstia _N man's horine. D. W. Dalton, an old - k Suocm. or.to W. J. Mother, -. -friend, with iris wife and family, __Stouftville. -w_n the sadie day, celebrated his - -- SISMAN'tJ SCAMPERS FOR SUMMER pe i ti 96 Business Phone �de ce Mena,per ' . 1.79, . Girls', per�psic . .. ``` -- fret__ _ n enjoyable Night avd Day per pair 1.95 Lerdiee, r pair... .. 1,85 �►tternoon was spoilt w t a rah ideate Phone Boys', r pair number of friends and relatives' owl __ 9R90 1.49 -from' different parts of Ontario,- - -- Also Canvas Boots at reasonable prices... r, which everybody nenjoyWd. - _ �. � � p' Fo�chlb. Climaz Bu ''Hiller 10 The 40c. Stn Bag ller 20 lb�s 85c,�n all sat down to a sumptuous ea THE "MADELINE" potato v —Arsenste of Lead be t� ,. BEAUTY SALON goys,Straw Hats INC.-, Men's 9tcaw Hatsg 5e and 206. . - : •. — - 'f 5 •• - e toe the a ing was �. � ^tendered to firs. Chapman and y Dsltoa, and valuable sits Vareelling and Pink Salmon, 2 tine... .. 25c Seedless Rabins, 2 The 276 were presented to them, to w�ich Fingec•Waving, - Tiger Salmon. g 1 tin .. 25c Laundry Soap, 12 bare ... r47c Mr. Dalton made a suitable reply Scalp Treatment, (loo ippy Choose, per lb. ... 20c Chipso or Oxydol, pkg • ..: "28c F� -4n behalf of Mrs.Chapman and �► himself, Hatr-cutting. Peas a Corn, 8 tine ... Zoe Castile Soap,8 bare "?. 250 thanking the donors for , E --their tokens of esteem. Every- Permanent Waving a specialty Phone Markham;6402; s WetDeliver. Sold and 'Installed by body-en oyed the event, which• �,Q� �,� +��j• tip -'b by Ringing '•Glad be with Phone 1908 CLAREMONT w m. MC$11 ��Oerole �v� Ng PN�IISg As ,you till we meet again." • ► Mernhaatg II'IC[1l G OI?ITAtAIO - F trio • »... Fke>1• ° Beeton Farmer Stricken at Chorea X1.5. crowds Cause of Dear ' Of t�te1"'e.� Questioned Crsnada, Tfie Empire and The World at Large rakes tts 'Chute When Invert- Symptoms of Poisoning Seen as Father of 'Six Collapses-- , „ .. ed P6ne Loses Wing Had Been Healthy--Inquest Is Ordered - -- 3`104 Feet tJ CANADA be the value of our dollar across the _ _ — Becton.=Slryc'�ni ie poisoning is patient fai{Pd to rasp and t.. his treat :{ t> •' Went Dr. Kay Went for Coroner Cunt- line; our expense of meeting the pre- NewBrunewlck,_ �,J--lien¢eth Un- believed to have onus^3 the my3ter{ons Conference Results mium charge on American money will r_rlags. When the 'at -,,r arrived Coen. gar, Canadian Great War Mier, pro•,sudden earth Su day morni-i� of Wii- - a Beyond the actual tariff arrange• go down proportouately. Inasmuch vided 10,000 spectators at• the Hadley r was dead. _ ttneats, three results have come out of as coal! is one of .our chief imports 'Airport here with as 'unscheduled liam Cuon, s 52-year old farmer o. "The ay�mp.tut_..:,"_-aid Corona: Cum- - -_ from the United States=running into thrill. - Trcumsch Township, behv*eon, 'Becton g " "suggest to me p' g- the Imperial Conference of-prime and m n s, su es� .isonia vital interest to'Canadians: 1, .The and Schimberg. P 'probably strycht,ine. I had a post a sum estitmated anywhere up to a He was entertaining with an exhib!- creation of a..tariff Board which, 11 hundred million dollars annually-it is tion of-stunt flyag when the left wing Adm;ttedly suspicious of foul play, n:orte'm performed n nd sent the stow- properly constituted, can and should certainly desirable, from a.•natlonal ,of his-plane-was-torn-away' wi16e h-e- ` police• Dz�I'"•a' m atlas do lbrunto roc a^.ttyais. '1'ne•re-, tend to keep the tariff out of politics ,point of view, to cut such imports was flying upside down at an altitude mings of Bond,_Head have ordered an salt of this will be reveal d at the a atnd beyond political manipulation. 2, down to the lowest possible figure, -of 3,500 feet. Unger jumped from the inquest. The dead man's stomach and is;quest." '} he putting of an entirely n,ew`face on Heavier, buying of Welsh coal willl.'machine with his parachute and land- its co itents were sent to Toronto to • The coroner a?mitted th^t. �othino ;the agenda for the coming ._World help. 't`itlindividual may pay a little ed unhurt.' Just before leaping he be analyzed by Prof. Jocelyn Rogers yet. revealed would suggest suicide J" Economic Conference, which will be more, but-the general effect will be turned off the ignitlq, switch and and examined oy Dr. E. R. Frankish, any motive for self-destruction. The - ' `line major testing ground for the whole good.-Border Cities Star. ptrobably prevented a serious fire when -,edieo-legal exp.,rt working under :he victim's mangler Lvht.i stricken, Dr. "jprinciple of tariffs. 3, An encourage _ his plane crashed near some houses a Attorney-Gener^.l s department. The Cummings said, was that of ,a man knent to the reciprocal tariff element Small Farms In Ontario halt mile_away, theory of suicide or accident is being unaware of what ailed hint. _- In United States, to come out with it is the very general' belie[ that -- t'anvassed carefully. Coon had been in ��ood hea�tti re proposals for bettering trade relations Quebec is preeminent! the province T Sunday morning, according to Chief c_ntly, the authorii'c•s Earned, and r+ith C:anada.-Vancouver Sun. Can a jJp Constable Dani ! W. Watso.t of Bees- , despondent. On Shur e y d 's EX its . aL a acs not de _ day h a of the small Latins. But !t is not so. ton, who has opened a full. investi a assisted a'neighbor to thres h. and put t _ Ontario is. The old idea was that the ,For Dressed poultry ticn of the ease,Coon went to 'he barn in a strenuous day's work. P�rttlsh Justice ' typical French • Canadian farmer Ottawa.-Canada's export dressed . fr the morning chores. Chief Co+istabh• Watson has decided' When Lord tiylsant was sentenced divided his leads amongst his sons to poultry business is growing. In Aug- In a few mi Lutes, speaking to his tt at the.case'-alas for careful investi j -to one year in jail for publishing a keep them around him,.so far as pos` ust the export was 71,397 -pounds, boy of 13, the oldest child of six, who gntion, and has notified the provincial ' imWeadtng flnanctal startement there Bible, is that family contentment, and valued at $1!,318, compared with 17,• was with him, Coon- complained of police. Constables from•the Barrie dz-, . ,were those who believed that he social intercourse so typical of the 199 pounds at $4,150 In July and 7,607 feeling dizzy. The •lad assisted hi-: ts:hment of the Ontario force-are tak. 1 ,would not serve his.time like'an ordin habitant. But the cold figures of the at $2,607 in August, 1931. The export anther back to flag farmhouse, where ing over fhn investig rtion. � ark prisoner, or that he would serve Dominion Bureaa of Statistis tells us during the last 12 month-was 1,126,- Coon collal,.ed t6-the flour. Coroner Cummings and Chief'Wat. any considerable part of it. He had otherwise. There ye, 46.539 farms in- 182 pounds compared. .with ,332,502 A member of the family se it for sou empznelIed.a jury which viewed been a member of Parliament, was a Ontario of less than 50 acres, and in pounds In the previous 12 months, says.`Dr. Kay of Schsmbtrg, who found Coon's body and adjouri,ed-,he inquest member of the House of Lords, con- Quebec manly 23;686, -_St. Thomas a Dominion Bureau of Statistics re, Coon at the point of tenth. When the :r tit. Saturday a: 2.30 o'clock p.m, - erected with some of the aristocratic- Times-Journat. port. _ -- '. houses of England and 'Wales, a per, The people of the United Kingdom ZFrnelin Flies to Germany ponal friend of every member of 'the THE EMPIRE .- are tacking to Canadian poultry. Out From Brazil in 67 Hours C.P.R. Earnings :cabinst_aad he eras—orAMd'been--a Epidemics of Crime of the total or 329,280 pounds which Fried richshaten, Germany. — The i' i[nnuuux r ¢ c , +' Graf Zeppelin completed its fastest 1�iev�ll I�tCrease .4q jail, and he has'fust then released States,.where the disease seems ea- 1216,18:- pounds went In the last tour trip between. South America and alter serving•ten months of his twelve,,dmic. epidemics of criminal violence+months. The quantity in August was l:riedricbshafen last vreek. The jour weekly Revenue Exceeds - .:whlch is the customary remission break oui with a eeitaln regularity.150,372 pounds . and !a May, 117,7'1, Dey,, from Pernambuco. Brazil, was 931 Figure by Total _ .'6ranted to a prisoner for good.conduct. The automatic pistol and the motor these being the blg;ea;t months. made in.G7iY hours. g British law is no respector of persons. car have made these appeals in force — - ' " - - - —--^ of $472,000 -St. Thomas Times-Journal. more se-atlaaal and ware dtfticutt to; Montreal.-Traffic• earnin;a of'Ca*., deal wfth, yet a glan i at the past sus �Prmee of Wales -to Aled Pacifle Railway for the weekly' - _ Accident Every Forty Mlnutec, gests that thew are seasonal and al•; 22-year-Old 5ilYediB Princess? period ended Sept. "1. show an- In., AcsordIng to the records of the Mo- most a matter of fashion. This coon•' - grease of$472.000 when'compared with for f'an'cies Branch of the Ontario try has' just passed through one of the corresponding period last year, it •. Department of Hghw-ays, motor--yabicle these period& and it is noticeable! l r was announced here Saturday, Gross Visit to Stocsholm Declared " �► Private Family Viiit'- Gives yaccidents during August last year aver- that it eQfncides with a time of hot - - - earnings were 33,517,000, as compared ;aged more than 33 per day. Included weather. Experts La France, where Rise to Betrothal Gossip with $3,035;000 In the same period of 1�ir in this number'there.were 77 fatalities such waves of violent crime are cow. London. - Europe's royal match-( 'It Is taken for granted that Princess 1931. and•1,0:5 Per injured. This re- moo,, have always connected them I makers revived thetr whisperings Ingrid will sae much of Leg glsiting_ This is the second time th-1s year - ;tord. be it understood, Is for the Pro- with the Dog Days.-Saturday. Re- list week when the Prince of Wales cousin during the--trip. Ingrid: whose that gross earnings of Canadlsa Pa _ 1 '-. .'winos of Ontario atone, and sot the view !LODdOD 1. _ I _ � - - departed by airplane for Scandinavia, mother was a first cousin at FCiag c c have shown an increase The' whole country; as one might imagine - home of the world's most eligible George, has long been regarded as last increase was 1n the period ended - trom the size of the $grrree.-C:anan- .The New W-)rid Society princess. FFe flew to . Copenhagen, the moat togtcat choice for the Prince August 32, when earnings of 33,?30.000 ogae''Reporter: There can be no doubt wiratevar but will roach Strmkboim, Swedeo, of Wales,, it and when the British showed as fncrease of 319,000,. when that Mr. Wells' suppoit of a world-1 Oct. 15. heir decides. to n4swry• 'A year from compared with the corresponding Quotations From Shakespeare dictatorship based upon complete and I It has been two yearn since rumor next dose the France will be 40, and Period at 1931. _ centralized duancfal control will make connected the names of Britain's many or his countrymen feel his de- _ Even the most irliterita quote Shake- � » epPare every day, Indeed most of as a strong appeal to the cosmopolitan royal heir and the slender, golden- clslon should be forthcoming soon. `Farrrl Week In Ontario _ ''do hat know we sAoukd use quotations group of financial `Samurai'` now to- ''haired Princess Ingrid. granddauxb- Ingrid is oite of the few unmarried planned For October,'tor these current sayings from the trigula$ for the world's throne: but.if, ier of King •Gustav V of Sweden. On princesses fn. Europe, of Frotestaat - as we believe in common with oidln this occasion, as before, repory of faith, arA slip. and the Prance have Toronto-To increase the sale of Bard of �voa's writings: ."Dead as a Ontario agricultural products to the- -' �twraitt, eaten out p.7 Louse and ary humanity, nationality Is as natural atr Impending engagement are almost many interests In common. The s fact as Individuality and one of the 1 certain to be denied, but society car- Swedish 'princess is an expert horse- .urban centres u the province, as On." a• ''home; as-good luck would have jB: lario farm products week f9 to be held _ mad as a March hare;'cake is dough essential characteristics'b[ the species c" profess to see unusual si,ntf,- woman end, like the Prince,,toad of some,time in-October, J. B.:Fa{rbari Man, then not all the efforts of all i canoe in'this visit. outdoor sports, such as go. motor- -''every dog has bfa'dap; fast bind, fast deputy minister of agriculture, an- t the would-be dictators.of the world will For one thing, it was described as ing, H%imming -and-tenuiv She took _ End every man to fits trade; familiar nounced last.week, Ttis province. will hP.able to eradicate-it. or even sus a private family visit." Just before u_ p dying. when she was 20. itv breeds contempt;_good wine needs be divided into four sections with ati Sao hush; make hay while the sun Pend its action roc more thaw very leaving, moreover, the Prance s.peut Tall and sll n, with a %aft round brief and bloody periods. We are not same time with his royal parents at �Noce and the heavy eyelids of a agricultur 1 expert'!n charge in each erhines; past cuce,.past care; pitchers and the co-operation of various orgaai - Ihava ears; poor and proud: stok or eo chauvinist as to deny the attraction Balmoral. Still again, those who ob- dreamer. she is exceptionally attrac- zatioas has been enlisted to tmpreq �awlm: speak by the card; the world of the Idea of a World Society of Na' serve formalities point �t that it !s five and ig considered one of the bast' upon the citizens the benefits to be A on wheels: we burn daylight; woo 1n dons, even if ft be possible, of the Prince's first visit to the Swedish dressed women In 'Europe, She Is World Common eaath of Natfoas. The court and. as such, the most a,ppro- an.aecumnlished musician and takes-wined by buying home products. thasta and-wed-at leisure; give the it Parades will be staged, competitions idevil his due: and what the dtckens"- emergenep, hesitating and amorphona i prlate occasion for asking.the hand a keen ldterest 1a tUa theatre and held, and all stores handling food- i salt is of a British Commoawealthtrom of 22_year•oid,IncNd. opera, --Brandon San, _ stuffs w be asked to co-operate by ' .'Made in Germany" the shell of a British Emlpre, is per- _ _ _-_—____ _—_ . . .. featui•in Ontario • -•=.- "�� hays a shadow of a possible tutu_re. � 8. proditcta fa their , During April, May and June 'of windows. A meeting of interested imports from, Germany :were But_the_difference between a world of- -� Great Explorer Commemorated 193" nations in Intelligent and voluntary - citiaeaa was held in Queen's Park. '. 'valued at $2,576.345,_,as compared with co-operation-and,a world of tunctiinal. $3.209.490 in the,corresponding period ;► Seneca Man Killed 0 . .i93L. The exports to Germany in groupings subservient to s super-Stn's t composed of self-selected, all-powerful ..'Chicago Autaist Held �he last three months totalled $1,210.- - rl V Cayuga, Ont. -F.esult of a highway, neurotics, is exactly the difference be- V ^ as against $4,061,681 last Year• tween d harmonious society based on ' u acc[deat, David Christie of Seneca t,The falling off in the volume exported slavery and sanctkoaed by force.-:tiew , -- ;to was dead Sunday night and :1I.,d. At. ' rl�erd rge. Imports from Germany cov- English.Weekly (London). bFight of Chicago was in Haldimand a wide range of products, but•the chlet items were classed under chem!- fail after being arrested at Jarvis. 6 , teals and chetpical products, amounting line New Welland Canal Christie was struck as he was cross. ing the highway on his bicycle after Ito $778,120 in the last three months; The Weft Ind{es, which regularly leaving the car of William Aiener^.. iron and its; products, $.,5_,155, son bear wiluess to the efficiency and cour- 1nretlIlle minerals, !nc}u"ding coal,$211,-1 age, of �C'anad-lan-National enterprise ; ' who had picked him up coming from AQ86; fibres, '$311,6?9; miscellaneous, as interpreted by her magnificent :' 'y work, =ia�5,7..".1.-Brandon Surt. i steamship service, will applaud the The car that 'struck•Cheri sped - _ ! Welland effort as further evidence of ed later provincial otiicers arrest: Worthless Fortunes ed Albright at Jarvis. 'what the Canadian spirit. can contra- 4 ' '1'h: miser A&.a_.phenomegon as- old bute, not only to the growth of Can- = Q 1 i it ' es' civilization; and from the Yery:be- ads, but to the development of the Welsh Anthracite ` giania'g he has been a ,great puzzle. world.-Trintdal Guardian. �,• F �f iii . Arnv i Manitoba ,r,1•here died in the middle, west the -• _ es 'n i t...,-._..--- .. .- ;� Wiunipe�__Wan A shipment at other-day an aged recluse who had ." c Welsh anthracite" coal has been , liv=e in" a tiny aparLDlBnt'on amean �t%Drts Exceed Imports °�7 ' _brought to Maitoba for the first time, aide street. To all. appearances be By $38,684,390 for 1931 n 4 s." and local coal dealers predict that ' yva; just one notch above actual desti Ottawas-'During the 12 months end- "Y;; - eventually It will replace the hard r. ; utien. But when his'effects were ex- ing Aaguat, Canada's excess of ex-' �" ' coal imported for years from t%e 1 mined after his death, !t tva found L'nted States. J , :¢ ports ever imports was $33,684.390, but ?that he owned casht' and securities in the 12 months ending August; 1931 The Welsh product entefs Canada H,jvuijh, upwards of $860,000. Cases of the excess of imports over exports was i duty free, whereas there is a low fall. this kind are continually eoming to $45,13,x,402, and in the-twelve months 1 tariff on the anthracite Yhicil� i light, of course, and there is nothing ending August; 130, the excess of im- f comes from the United States. It is .:�+pecially unusual in this one. But it i V;IMIG'151, says a reports is said that the Welsh coal Is practically does make one wnnrlA - y issued by the Dominion Buleeau-bit,;, free from impurities. .1 ne money did. the man no earthly a; Statistics. r I ,,.� �_� _•:,•'�` ' good. It is now, being divided among It is the trade with the Uhited 1 . Bad Cheque Tendered - 89 cousins, and it is doubtful It he Kingdom which is responsible for, this "' iaaved it on their account, it did him favorable balance. During the 12 for Marriage Ltcense Flo good whatever. What can be the months ending August, 1932, the ex- Whitby, - .I. W. Gordon, young that• makes a rash treat his Oshawa man who allegedly tendered ,, cess of exports to Great Brtain -over iuoney that way?-Gaelph,TMercury. -imports was $45,335,916 compared � a worthless Cheque to Town Ciad, . a Frost for a marriage license, --- — ' ` with $64,461,488 .in the previous 12 plead .,..Buy Empire Coal months, the report adds. - ed guilty to several charges of theta jZt It Is costing Canada an enormous _ Impo is from the United' States ex-1 and to attempting to 'rob a 'Chinese r Ilum of money to meet her- interest ceeded Vhe exports' to, that country is I cafe when he appeared before 11Las1s' Louis Cote of-Ottawa unveiling the tablet in memory of the great' trace Willis Saturday. -He_promlasi • bligations to AmAr•icaa investors In the last f� months by =88,622,?0! and explorer, Etienne Brute, who- journeyed down.the Humber River to to make restitution�t111_waa_zemaab merdcan funds: The less we pug- .is the prev�otta It months by;170,!71; 4 ea one week for sentence. 4^ discover Laka .Ontario, ase lit the R'eDublic, the greater will 489. , - _ - • t, h ;p Nom,'-'i •.a: .nc-".. `-c.�c-•' .. 's7' , •Sr. tree.,,.t.-..�;.. . S - - - _ .- F - :r;A-.-'�. ii` -- ,�+an' _ +aia•.....w;:3},'MY�F�= c..:xte�iat�,-:-•,+�r..,•-•--'�"fi"x"" :'..""cJ�'•. '?st - •' ^ t V V CI 1L.1t1CPS 7- FAT V 1 �2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3- 20 II r. _ �- ♦. F y _ .y�' 12 _ _ 13 14.' _ Women-".of All- Nations , 'r St'zmming As 16 7 18 ► -„•. :,Y Al2 over the 'world Kruscfien Salta _ y/ �r 7a appealing. M1 g -W g iris and women who are striving for an attractive free•. _ from-fat figure. 22 2.3 Ilk. 2 " 26 '27 28 method the- are follow —Heie is the y ..— - ------ ---— �r � "'ing to banish fat and bring into bloc l9 30 1 32 . 3 sow all the natural attractiveness.tbat -• Give the Old Folks the best possible ' a : F ., they possess: every .morning they 34 y ~ 5 °�6 7 38' 39 Christmas present py.'�ging.to see them - : take a half-teaspoonful of I�ruschen ' this year. njoy.thet of doing yoils is ti•• Salts in a glass-of warm'water before ij� Christmas shopping'in London,G aggro '•n•eakfast. 40 4 2 4 43 "�'; or Parisi. Low,ocean rates atilt in forte.- They They do this every moraiug-with• Ocean Rates ions Way Return out missing 'one--Ctir "it's the. daily, -46 --47 �� 4 50 Cabin rtst /roans '$194 $192. dose that takes off the fat." When i 77rird 4?. 1». 'Kruschen is taken daily, every particle!' perienceisbacli of poisonous waste matter and )farm-! S1 5Z 3 54 Nearly s•century of sea-experience Y" of the famous Cunard-Anchor-Donaldson 'y iul acids and gases are expelled from 53 Sb 57 '8 59 60 seriiee, accommodation-and comfort. the,system. - weekly sailingr throughout the { At the same time the stomach, liver. ;. q kidneys,-and bowels are toned upland I 61 62 63 64 LAST SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL %ov,18, AURANIA P the pure, fresh blood containing Na = Plymouth, Havre,London -g Nov.18 ATHENIA B'faar.Liverpool,Glaytow .cure's six 'life-giving salts Is carried ! 67 i�ov.26 ANTONIA' Glasgow, Belfast; L'pool. to every organ, gland, net;a and fibre FIRST SAILINGS FROM HALIFAX of they body. and this is followed by Dec. 4 ASCINIA Plymouth. Havre,London •' "that Kruscben feeling" of energetic ; HURk%c)NTAt.- 4(i-'Tardy _ _ Ir.-Pertaining to sopnt? +` �c.10 *LMTIA B'fasr,Liverpool, Glasgow ' � .'health and activity that is reflected•in i le-Encore . *Fro=Saint John on Dec.9. bright ,eyes, clear ,:kin, cheerful -vf- I. 1-Ctrunk of metal 48-Dish Sal' _ :•' racily, and a ciiarmin figure. v3ia ed 50-Wife of lord- :0--Convulsive---sigh - -'-fuok though yaw focal . g' I -egg' F 51-Wager 22-Ellipses Agent—no one cansesv-you 9-�o scold' -.53' Lessons• 23-Pertaining to pur- :.better. of CUNARD LINE." 4 - . .-..What New York 3-Ever one 55-Famous'angler ishmen� hai - •117 Bay Street, (Elg!a 3471) CUNA&P. D w 23-Vital pones f=B-Fate.. 25-False hair _ - �N�jH4R�Do I�� [� Js • 14-Armpit. :.'". `r,vs i� R�te�.Ds� i(S Wearing ! -;.5=-Flat bodied fishes tit-Fr«.t covered 28-Pain - L?-Dross ear of corn .64-since 30--to daunt - - si AlVaASEI LE wotrrlllNCr4x 19-Be tr.! 65-Club 3:=Faucetn ___ _ _. _.. _.__ _ _. y''•, -- 21-7Napkin rn 6*--Den. 36-Fruit seed' - __ C1�6fTfiCi� AdVCrtlllltig' -- - Illuatroted Dresaucakiag Lesson _ 22-Frank 6.7-At; present.- 38—Whiiens � �a - N OFFER Tt? EVERY FNVE.NV,3 r ' Furirewhrd a'%th crcry Prxftern 24--To plant VERTICAL. - 41-Drinking cup At a dinner a well kenotca professor. A List of wanted inventlons and ''Jl2 WA o H information sent free. I%*l�anisar Cost. ,- BriRtle 2-Scottish:etep 45-Dutch� o any-w rld,P.atent Artorneys. "T-3 44.1r,19 = . . '28--Pertaining to Hindu every' exp4curer a ,Street.Ottawa, Canaan ' was introduced as toliawe• "Yon have i bt•oks 3- Gava glossy covering 47-Moist been giving your attention so tar to turkey stuffed with sage You are hots V 31 Sme'1'pie�e to 49-Bare _ _ . :dg17tvLL . - 33-To follow 4-Baking place _ 52-Jutting rocks -about to give your.attentfoa to a sage 1_7 F•�xairl,.$, SIAQ EACH. %VKrrid - stuffed with turkey." bltdland LabpraMry, 308 Buyn,r St. A. 34-Article �'_ 5-Holding tools 54-Neat _. inntpeg, gan L ' 35-Stang: officer 6=-King of Basha'n -55-Insect trap Pr-ofeesor-'•Will you please stop 3?--Openi.ig : 7-Electrified particle 56-Conateilaticn exchanging notes la the bacit of the 9'_�' r � 39-To-ward $--To beat = 57-Insect egg rbom?" n�c l3tT v from tit 4 for „t H•A(•'TER aiuly,rix from handwrtt4rtr. „ 40-�o fail behind S)-Pierced' S0-�aei! - Student-"They're not notes. They 11.00• Advice an health and vcwad-n. - 412-Hu.narist 10-ifohammedati name 600.-FIaxen pare dollar bills. We're shootin'crap"." I�eans-Hepdeaaos,. -1LY Tyrrell rsenua. : ..1 p _� 44-CommuDion late 11-Pate -.-.-_ _-., 3�Greek ieti4=r Professor-'•Oh, pardon me." roronco. - WAxTZa. a -' —.- ----. --- N O i F V%.%RDS �t EEt{r The boy who has nave: bad to wear, �`.413-N ssu A - material na SpaAish tlla wQ;olen tions by-the thoroughgoing application a -parr of heavy boots' all winter] •L 1'Y growing-mushroorna-for us all , with the revers of brown• woolen of scientific methods of race improve- Tali and winter, to cellars or out.bvitd- doesn't know the real joy ot-goisli�ing5.- -lh rn now, _ lllustrated booulet . " and worn with a blrown`stlrtle belt. men,," - - - .- - -- barefoot Jn the summer. free. Establi,lhed 35 years. f anadlaa ` Black with Persitin green ' is 9►--- _ _ _ Mushroom co., Dept. BK, Toronto 1•i. _ smart, Message plumber (to his wife)-"Doneba be- reo"A sows.rod satin, Style No.-2ii37 may -be had ':n livee them eastaonists, dear. 'I ain't I want to tell son'the hac' 25 strelira r 4d A R u3u.. tJrlt,xsLt3 c Aur;+t- sizes 16, 19 ears,.36, 38, 40 and•1`L R - i _ y Under the ciirve of a knife-edged never found no lady in no bath tub." cruiser. abr•ut trier feet, in sae bust. ` :ugether oal• four or 8v• months to i inch for blouse,arses 1 yrrda as I trantmoon; "19 carpets, comptet• e,iutpmeni !nctui, yaq'to know- that the clover Stray Shots ig carpets, bed.and tabs• then, china, wills 1 7$•yards 5'1- = -, am4llhs .. _ _ - i ' '' '14saware and silver as welt as all rnarw , -The older tt man grow$she more he e., y _ inch for s'.cirt. ! uJVweat aeo c>lrny .eeTraa -�'nts ' In a reeling fragrance, that sinks and]cares for comfort-and the less of it _,ruisei with Its two cabins and is veil, HOW TO ORD:�:R PATTERNS. ns'tivvea galley is an ynusually comf-+rt. swells . obtains, One has to,tee up It .000t for- week-lends o tvngotII -Write your name aid address As the ,vin come%up from the sea'b able for lour, to s: peoyla y1t 's:•s. ' e up keep !a to be kept iv. Ko got[ e _ _ etptionall'y •eawortAy and n•1t cr:rLed j r plsit.ly, giving number and size o! below. Bourse is complete without a moors- ;.1. over the Great'Lakes, to has s Nita such patterns as you•Kant. En- And the boughs of the spruce swtag ler's bench at each tee. The'best tea :ass and very ecortoriifed) So porsep.,wer a s. close ?Oc in stamps or coin• coin to. fxn. _ eis•ci-11r,dor power prant rr•ICb cu,nl•tet4� t.. p ( son a girl can have for starting a-diary etectrre Ugb-ling throughout and a,,eed preferred: wrap it c3t'efutly) for 1'waat you to•know. I want you to Is that she knows enough about men oia13 tor14 omiles per hour, it is a p•+ " / each number, and address )our _ know., to all a. book. You have to:think out pat job and ,try sttraccty •n epp.. - - ...' - _ D! ttanpe. QN'ner yr,�h sar,JtAre„c+r.nal= . j ardor to Wilson Pattern service - NItiithtt Banning Thomas. joome things for yourself-nobody,can Ito' trrrgtrai rost. H. L�'nikl"% 73 West Adelaide St.. ToTgntp. 4? help you. Success is'the privilege of �'ierats+ sc., Tarpnca a{{; - - i - - :-Faint- i, and aswYou ''avant ohs Most k thr dRI-ling. tc-,(] me I 'sass E a `.Making Children Grow e o ' women do not know what they want the only girl tie et-.r t 1. fig, ~ ♦ --Growth may be remarkably stimu- t �.'� until they discover what their hus-- and -lated by'diet, according to repoits of s bands do not want. Character is the " reoent esperfinenZs by Dr. Summer- - --_ _ diamond 'that scratches 'every other fe,dt,described in Good Health i.Baitle � cone. Love, sweet child. Is the last Creek), bikb.). : • word in a letter asking for money. 1 By feeding_e; en children oq a-tiiet , Digging in a garden : may Improve -In which were large quantities of vita- -- '. phflosopLy more than , - -min B and extra supplies_ of other.vita, - - ; --ing of bocks. ''!'" '' Trying Times mins and minerals, he succeeded'in A brown diagran .. woolen shirt is securing a "rate of gain nears five - Doctors ha�'e r . ,topped"by a jacket-line blase at Y proved. that an ordin- _' vivid green plain woolen. The times the or0nary amount. Says Good kry person retains on•2y'^dII&fifth .bf Health; -_ what he bears. Which goes to prove revers and belt repeat .he brown "The dietary by which thii? extraor- that a womiin, isn't'an•"ordinary per- woolen. . dinary rate of growth was secured son." • - Its just,fu'l of dash and chic. ' consisted chiefs It's a tea, favorite with tcie col- ! Y Qt farina, oatmeal, •your dangliter was to give me `-' = corn-meal, and wheat germ. One per an answer io a very ' important Accused-•"Ho>, could I 'commit for-i EMULSION 4" loge and school girl, and the :south-. -cent: each of brewer's yeast and alfal 1'- - ful type.of}VOnle-. question this evening. fiery when I rant write my own The .of over blouse'is ,fa leaf-meal'_were included. Resides . "Be seated, she will be dawn -in- name?" F- particu- the above plant foods, 2 per cent. of f hour'slightly1ecircular drgckfrtuse,«ut The' ;bone-meal -was given, probably to sup- a hlsishe making up her mind?" ;writing your onnanameatceiised' o! of Norwegian !ply lime, bit an abundance of this.ele eNo; that �rould riot fake long lVer 0;1 gores to 'fend heig`,t tQ the figure. went should have been found in the It may also be cwrried out iii one It's her face." '° An old Indian. went into a tank to alfalfa meal, the wheat germ and oat borrow some money. To ' meal;'or, if more was needed, another Gifts Banker-"What can you. put up for e Digest ACCOVNTA7fT>R WADfTED. portion v. the alfalfa meal, would security that is, how many ponies do Generally speaking„those that hays eCOUNT.ANTS AND OFFTCE 'EXE-,easily bave supplied' it. Bone-meal the most grace and the greatest gifts, you have?' CUTIVES are invited to Send for may be suitable for lions, tigers,* Old Indian-"Got'100 ponies." s.~ particulars of foundation exemption and are of.the most usefulness,are the- - membership• as Associates, Fellows and other carnivorous beasts, but.it is not Six' months later ' the old ' Indian • Senior Fellows', now open in this coon-.a most ' humble, and think the most p proper constituent for a human bill i try,,to a selected number of eligible! meanly of themselves,so those boughs came in with a very'large roll of bills 1� gel . ,. tenftemen. lof fare: and paid the note. As be turned to g P4o 710MINiON CHARTER UNDER LET-' "This experiment cl arty `demon• and branches of trees which are most h tF� �gJJ I Ie leave, the banker said: -4 ters Patent'baa been obtained for'strates` the tremendous importance of rightly laden with fruit bend dOWII- tf siY They s<tirnulat0 Cannda�oVer s o0o members throughout I p wards, and hang lowest. Banker need d ou have money { �t the , rrld; registrar. ,�-reg�tlon; especially during the when you needed it, now vYbp don't your rnrer,•get rid gy _ 'Ir NTERNATIO AT. ACCOUNT.4NT8 growing.period. It is certainly not-a yoti deposit your extra money with of floisons and. . JL and Executives C6rporation (Great I plea-sant tbought that many thp-asands nay" !f Jm - Britain). OrHr a zo:. 't. K•in{T East, 1To- of children are stunted in their ,de-- a Old Indian (grunting)-"All right. : x'0111' velopment by v rong feeding, and yet Easy Teeth ing How many.ponies you got?" a APPETITE SPRAINS there seems to be no tscaping this . 1 conNusion.--Children while dependent `'Baby cut all his teeth with no trouble, Sold e4Krywh&e in 4 thanks to BABY`S OWN'TABLETS,"` Counsel bad finished their, speeches. 25c and 75c red pkgs. Rub Min,rd', in g•eeiy. It upon theft parents are in the position The court awaited" the judge's s3uin pen,tr,ts ,fir• hmly. I, of interned prisoners. They must eat writes Mrs. Thomas Shaw, Hamilton,- A�+ - --° sn.y, ina•mmnion,.oethee, what as'given them. It they are In- Out. Scores of other Mothers have wing-up.-PresentIy•he leaned forward �^,,/gJKa�R ties,•• written In similar vein.. thud glared hard at the tbickly-set man _ _-•- adequate] fed, Their parents or guard.. , .. Puts you en your tNf l '•. Y g - Give YOUR child BABY'S S DWN in the dock. Prisoner at the ba ,. ,—� • --r x� /7 ians are responsible for.the,copse• TABLETS fo ^e ing troubles, said, "it has been proved that you en- �� ��� queues-: _ -tongs b, wimple fevers, colic,�rnlds, '-.tared the building•on the tenth You LI R �- + CUT 1 "Willi this new and rather startling constipation,sleeplessness,or whenever' 'tore up a l age safe sad Iowered it fiat' Mformatlo ����n Cream n.sQncerni a"�-uo �—o!-fFi'e window to the ground. Further- � `,> 44" ss of,shcurnk a-notable increase_'ln sta• -taL•e as.candy,and absolutely SAFE- =. Produces a rich,crelmy itther, _ t KING D ' PAIN analyst's 25-cent"'--more, you tore the--doo'r of the back. :bat remains moist through- ' cure mere], by-adding=a--few Inexpert• y entrance to the buildin off fly,ilrigea. o t•tbe Mave ` .;,•' package. Over'1,250,000-pacowles sold _ $ ,t �.eler. or •sot �o,l slue fiesta to ,fie'bill of fare, It is easy in 193I. 243 Wbat is your answer to that?" 3be rate eurw: rdr..�:s, t .tt t' . • '. Y _ to believe in the possibi}Ivy of realize pa WuUanFa' D gged his sheuiders: tisanes ahru �"• ing the late. Mr. $urbank's forecast t'WelI,•ydur tq;4sblp," he returned,f"I '' = q of a new human race within sJx genera- NABY3 OW, .TABLETS ayd'A is a moment of weakness-" ' - ISSUE-No. '40---'32 1 Y ''ri `�}-:s .n�-r.. .:�": -•.v-', 'r.~ w.' is r , z ._....l aY..>-, w_ ..A.7.. :.- =:c i:i..-:°:_.• .. .. .. _ ,.r .<._. ::^.�.� ... ..- ....•. °1�' - -_ .•�..,.. .�,o. :'';'�:' _rte;:.ti. ... •L.S'r. Se.._..e.+v'� _ .e•?.3eis2•".s?'.'.^�.: _. '.'11 - 'i�.. f1 -J O'Connor, of Beltsville. =Prise and 'Nic Ls o - k'y.• .: 4 Q I ifas in town one day last week. of Toronto► was in n one day - - - —Gordon Crozier eft on lion- last wee3r -.' C e ;,.. —D_and Mn. McNeil are visit- University. hie. studies aL To- —Mrs. Fernandez, of Toronto, Ore. routo>:tng relatives in Quebec for,a few y. spent Sunday-here with her par. —W. R. and Mn. Stork, of outs. W. B. and Mrs. Powell. !weeks _ • iBeileville, have returned dome, —L. R. Upson, 'piano-Laser, of Janwe and Mrs. White 60011144 after holidaying at the laooie of Bowmanville, will b4: in town ed a family munlew4wlroronto on the tormer's parents here. shortly, and any orders left at o. -As standard y la time war reverted Taw dad t office wil! be promptly The Leader_tJTi this F. Hall is s ndipg a few - GPIDM- 7 days this week with Sher sister is to on Sunday leaf, the(fray Coach attended to. a t _".� �Poronto, Lines have arranged their time -Mrs, Harry Murdoch and two table to correspond with the eons; Stanley and James,-Kolas ' :,`'• • dayes. Stewart, of Barrie, sps�r change is time. See advt. in -and hire. Soathweiland eon, Joev; (}gyp al8'tor' Sept--29. 30 w�n.3-Oct. � " 8ttevday with h'ei parents, Yiictc►r another column. Le .. )< did rl - • 7� _ noel 1@ rs-Rona_. of-W44Wt--open" -Miss Hate MrQnay lase been -in 1.altening-otiie-the-rsd*.to with Thos.A.and Mrs. Wilso 'sizi -the programs, given by mantifi a--family,-of Freeman, Ont. FanO Assorted Biscuits, r lb. speeding a few days with Ale: .... :••. ' '�7a•, tart,re of tooth paste,one iealmost -lh. Carmichael will be in charge mad Ftett. inclined to believe than the sole of •the service of the Presbyterian 9 -Miss Mary Kennedy, of Bear- cause of decaying teeth.is the lack Church at the .Friends' Neeting Prime Cih @ @6e, special per Ib. ,,,, _. -„•, :.•180. bore, is visiting her sister, lore. of the use of tooth brush and House oz Sunday next, at 3 p-m.Ev- _ James L:Palmer. paste or powder. While erybody welcome. The-Bible Class - ` Egg _ :.<.:• tooth -Mise Marion Shepherd, of cleanliness is an imports:lt feature and Sunday School will meet at 2-P. Eggo Beady'miged Qa�e 0 Pane Toronto, spent Sunday with Miss in the care of teeth, it has•been m _,,I 'ieona McRwen. discovered that proper diet is the -W. J. and Mrs. Clark were is U -ChickeA $addle for "- -Mies Florence Match, teacher' most essential need-in preventing Toronto oD Tuesday attending, y r ��•' of haggoteville school, was home the teeth from decay, Recent the funeral of the former's aunt „ •• over the week•ebd. c _. . researth work conducted by a liars. . George Good. who died,on 1�i1110IIaiza Pork and Beane, med. 2 for,.;, 1St�; -hiss Bly entertained a num. z young Canadiala dentist and File her of her friends to a corn roast-wife, who are on a mission field in Sunday at the home of her eon in on Friday evening. London. She was 84 years of age palm Tree Soap, s for ' r -H. 3. Calvert left 'last week _China, and also by the University and was the last surviving mem• y` Y for Kitchener. 3Y. Ca to visit ilia eau week of Toronto, establishes the fags her of a•ftimily of nine. -' "North �� ” er, Mrs Irwin Shepherd. that proper diet is the most essen- p 230. Lisa facttlr in press)vxng the teeth Calvin Coolidge, former eesi• Matches Star, 3 for -F. H. HRII lost his valuable dent of the United States, has Boston Ball dog, by being run and preventing toothache, been Rppoioted to bead a commis. -Prof. E. A. Allcut, of Toronto Glrranulated Sn ar,'.I0 lbs. 630. down by the milk track on Friday, sion to study railway problem(. g •'• --• -••• last, University, has been making Oanads is -not the ool,v conotry 1liee Lizzie Iiicb'ardeaD was in testa for- the past three years .on where railways+ have difficulty in Toronto over Sunday -attending the various makes of antott36bile $nancinR, but the leading rail the funeral of her aunt, Mrs, engines to remove the menace of ways al' the United States, whir! ,:_.Rorke. . - the deadly carbon monoxide gas formerly lase large pruSta every Ut no in —F. F. Baledon, of Burford, from the exhaust pipe'uf ati,,omo- ear a w- fear; bliss, whip. was in town oD F ' over a hundred million dollars. � - tae death of so 'many. In cities We father, who�r in very poor the dan>;er ie a great one. especi• --Old time enceerts are being LLLL f health. ally in the down town districts advertised in different parts°f *.Be - iIIe Men's Dept. -Austin and Mrs. Firanklip and where there are tan buildinge on conatry. Old time songs areeang -- - family; of Port `Perry, spent Sam both sides, where there are so by men and women 'clothed" in day with Mrs. Franklin's peirenta, many autos running continuously. garments •that have long since Men's "Acton"' Work Boots, in_ black, Arthur and Mrs: Boyes. The gas is only slightly heavier RODO out of fashion. This should _ - -Mrs. James Somerville intends hangs around in an be very popular 'as this style of tIF !t than air, so b retarning to King;ton with Alex invisible Blond until driven off clotbioR ib the only kind many of - Blucher 'cut, soft waterproof tag.and Mrs. Flott, with whom she in wind. Prof. Allentt is satisfied no will be able to wear, a new w81 reside for the winter that the danger can be eliminated clothing is entirely out of the The best buy the towns Been tok` -We are glad to see Mrs. Cart- question .these hard t' es. _ by adjusting a screw q � - weight around again., after being _The school f%ir which was held -Instead of doling' out coil to 1 �.,4ti millood to her bed for several in Pickering on Wednesday of last indigent@ and the nnemDloyed the many years. --A11 sizes, only $2.50 days on arconnt of illness. week proved a decided success. in town of Goderieb has pai•ehaped a —Mrs. Sproule, of Toronto, and ' spite of-the threatening weather wood lot. so those who wish to per air • it and Rev. W. A. and lore. Sproule., prevailing throughout the day. secure fuel wi'I have to work for - - -- ----• • - - - - _ of Windsor. visited Mars. and inane - p p FAwkes one day'last week. Fortunately, the rain held cff so it. most of those who are in Deed - that the en-tire program was Carr would prefer to work for what -Ed. Balsdoo, we are sorry to ied out withunt discomfort either they receive rather than bt-Objects flPlen's Wool Work Sox grey with white report. is to very poor health at to contestants or spectators. The of charity. Others feel that "the f Prevent. and-is confined to his bed large crowd which attended indi world owes them a living," and and under the doctor's care. _ -John and Mrs. Dral•ler nand rates the keen interest takes, in expect the world to pay this debt. - - -toe and heel. •� pairs for e�1.00• little daughter, Of Keswick, ? "D" this event by the people of the -The police trnstgps have been 8aoe daughter, site Mrs. Dee community, vibo Pere treated 'to 'greatly annoyed se well as put to !. t Draper's w very fine display A f exhibits id going a expense by boys M • So � � a eots. James and Mrs. Andrew, the various classes. The splendid .gc.in�t into the park null breaking • -Mre..W: B Powell is s ddin bowing of fruit , vegetables, the lock' of tP ilooths and scat. -- : aafew days this week with her flowers etc, is an indication of the terine-papers, tin cans Rnd other daughter, Mrs, Oswold Cook, of. ex -e}lent growing season which- rubbish on the gronnds. Thep ' , ewLonville. who 3s ill with the we have enjoyed this summer. - - - An. are determined to put a stop to 1 spent several days tbiq i ar parades the after- the practice.. Boys who are guilty _ - During the early part of Doon ttre crowd was entertained of the practice may a:sect to be -' :�:=.-..-.: •. --- -•- :- ' Wan. Collis and Miss Morris • week .n the park by pa a es of the var.':;_.to Uropo, visiting relatives, and ions schools, singing, pnbiiespeak C-ou= Owed to appear in the poll€e "while there attended the Orono lag and "ports. The .teRrbew Fair, _ =An eztrsrt from the new-The $let real feasts uf: the whose efforts made the fair the radio licensp� regulations reads as EXTRA ' -VALUES (Access it.woe deserve a great deal follows: '•No person shall service season occurred on Saturday and of credit ' = Sunday mornings, which wee not '-' a radio receiving set until the -HarvestThanksgiviogserviees - _ •.su�icientty severe to cause.any owner thereof predu,^e( to rnch _ ' daemge, were held in St. George's Church person his license to operate such Men's' Work Boots-Best valne+j in years. Solid Leather Solve - _ The 'motor traffic continnee on Sunday last. At the morning set." Don't blame the service k gaits heavy over the week soda, service Rtv Canon,Broughall."M• man if he-cannot service ynnr get Mennonite Uppers. Waterproof oiled. . .. ._.- While it wee gaiite_heavy over the A_ of T,)roaso, was the preacher. when cRl'ed, as he is liable to �Vi l not harden. last week-end, no accidents .were Caagn Brongball. who was rector large fine or imprisonment, by reported. of St. George's many years ago, disregarding the above-mentioned �2•6� -A number 'from this locality delivered a 'very fine feerrnOn aD regnlatioD. _ - -areatteridiog the Markbam Fair the text, "The earth is' the Lord's -__,'_this week.. This fair'lane always and the` fullness thereof." A -- been very popular with,the people Goodly congregation listened -with Now AdroNt4seawm9s. _ - of Pickering tiiwnt!bip. much appiciation to the discourse. _::•kiss's Lightf Weight Work Boot. Srlendid Stock. -Potatoes have been selling in In the evening a large congreRaOR ,SALIh-A ¢nod wnrk horse A High Grade Boot. _ Apply to R rn J.Gi:m.r,Dunbarton. 5 The village-by local producers- at Lino gathered for the service of _ fi.5 cents a bag. Usrbidge potatoes Thanksgiving. Tile preacher, Rev, X TANTED TO RENT-A• farm Are also on the market. but 75 E. G. Robinson, spoke from` the T 1 100 acre:or-less'. Apply m'R.Hutchings, text "The Finger of God-." The R,R. 1.Pickenng• 66 coots are being asked for them. �. -There will be an auction sale attractive little church 'was bean 'ANTED-Ripe tnmatnps. Hiah• tifully decorated, -tbus maintain. iA �' market price paid. Claremont Can- - - - STAR BRAND OVERALLS " of honsehold.effects. belonging to ning Co. Phone Clare2305A, i,S the estate of the ,late.Mrs. Jere. log St. George's tvradition at t`he _----- - -- _ mia#i O'Connor, at the premiyee annual Harvest Services of making FOR'SALE-Studehaker light six, �1 3 450 •rJ - God's home a bower of besot- in in good rendition Price.100.00. Apply to _ ,; • *1 . �1 1 on Church St.. on Saturday, oct. Fin PSckericg:• 56 $Ij,1t, Watch for hills. .. honor c f the Givei' of All. The - The equal of any gAt'4nenta on rthe market at 1.45r. = --,lire.-T.A.Kno of BssughR^• vested choir led the musical por. _ Tj OR SALE-Branftnrd 'tVinarnill, - -- t`" cif the services, rendef ing = d xu. :y�R• un xt •,a -6 spent a few days daring the past gain. 'Apply Co R.L. Lu as.Duabaston...5-6 -•- Radio Licenses Issued. i week - viyitiog friende in the very finely the two antbeme, "O -- - - - ' - - = - - -- Lord, how Manifold are Thy FOR SALE-A sluantity of tnixed ^' village. we are glad to know „ wood,ins:ckeing. Phone dry. Apply to Fred T Bunting - Pickering that @he has unproved' greatly, in works, and' Sou of my soul,TIIOU )�,Eovuan,Pickering. Phone Pick 1609 ltf T. � health during the IRi4t ear. Sdvionr dear. P y '� OTI'CE-Cbnpping on ilnndays, Established 185?. -Traffic Officer RuncimaD, ac -On Thursday lest a number of 1\ R'ednefday,and Fridays..unUl further not' " companied by hjs wife and child, our residents bad the unique, ex!-ice. 7 cents per bag. Oscar Wilson,'Brougham, „•, " left on Monday on a two weeks pedilnee of listening to R man,Dr' ont 3tf _ holiday which- they -will spend in Win. Beebe, a New York.Scientiet, L`OR SALE-Named varieties,Tulip . LoDdOa, peLFoitand.1ptber lotct p it Bulbs. Good stock exceptionally reason- RUNG ry nd�r 9 caking from a Doiot 2200 feet a Po' ably priced. Phone Pick 47W, or call at A.E. _ •visiting relatives a lends. below the snrbice of ..the sea Off Cal,vert's,.Pickering_ 5-e -Mrs. George 'Elliott, who has the coast of Bermuda. Aceom• OR SALE-Bell ctlttinR box..l3 in. been n»r+sio a friend in Toronto p�nied, try anot'ber man, he was �t -- q mouth. with short carrier, in good working • for several weeks, spent . several within an airtight metal hRll bav• order. Price.$15. W.J.Taylor, R.R.No.2, Special Service Tires days at aloe' home here. but re ing sides an incb,9nd a'half thick, Pickeriug. Phone Mark 7503. 4,5 turned to the city on Tneeday, and before their descent to the GRAVEL- FOR SALE large - - -- de the of ocean the doors were quantity 3.8 water-washed gravel,also sand, _ ' _ — - where ebe e= cte to spend another P -' - ° '- Pe Pe at 25 cents a yard. Delivery' charges extra. A. week. battered down with sledge haul- W. Mitchell,Pickering, Phone Pick 6520. 5-8 ;.. As.thousands of drivers now Know, V4P -St. George's Church, Sunday, mere. -The contrivance wee drop -- =- - )et.god : Sunday School, at 10 00 ped froi>s'the side of a tug, and it STRAYED-On'to the'premises of built stronger aildI Wear longer than Ally a. m.; Morning Prayer at 11.00. contained a micro bone .w slob the undersigned,lots 5 ande,Scarboro a year , g y P b. y linWolstein heifer, .Owner may have saint by,. 1 y Preacher, Rev. E. G. Robinson, commnoication- was kept up with crovingprapertvandpaying a:pen•es. Robert ,tire even Seiberling could ever bpi • _ .• R. D: -No serviee in the evenings A receiving set in the tag, where TAxon, .Phone Mary 2420. s•7 ; . 4 hecanse of Duabarton's Harvest it was relayed. The conversation OR SALE-1 young Yorkshire sow. - befor@. —_ Thanksgiving. _ could be .beard. .quite distinctly.� Fbacon type•has had one litter, doe again is �. Nov. Price,$20.00. Also one Holstein herft r,? -The monthly meeting of the .Dr. Beebe has dis^ove.red ma,D;, Vs. old,due to freshen lot of April. Price,$25. !. W.M.S. of the United. Church marvels in _deep sea life. It was lv„s Pegg, R.R.2,Clarerson� 4-a -- _ Come in sad Solt to see these Woildif $ wilts, be bold on Tuesday, Oct. 4tb, iotenely dark, but the fish of a _ . OR RENT-Farm of 80 serer. coo= pt 8 p. m., at the home of Mrs F. peculiar shape gave off a light of a -F veniently loeated on main highwayy in Osh- oRe tires. ' - • ' y T. Basting. $object for study: phoepbmeseent character where. ewa City irater, imple-buildings,-all under :•'Tbe. Talk. The. Country,. The by they could see their surround cultivation, G,D.Conant,Oshawa. 29 People of Canada." is le --_The" light varied from a IXyoun E$ FOR 8AL13 ti C on.2, � � ���� '_4 ` . -Wilmot 9bea, Of.the base line, pale bane to a pale green,by which young animals. A ply at lot l6, con. 2, left. io. our office on Toeeda a be. wss able t'l eeover mss Psckerirt�cknswn a•the�.H.Banks farm)Iaat _ y y north i Tiekering Village.l A•Picov, Picturing beg of potatoes. The be con- things -of great scientific value. 27tf' tallow 90 pounds and thane are t36 Ob aeeount of a leak in their �j OR GALS-Sped Wbest. O. A. C. ( 6II41ra1 Repa?'!, gals a>4do!8t a a ' Potatoes in the bag. Thu@ they batbysphere, as it is called, they E 104 variety;also Fire and Automobile In- _ enraged Dearly 1* potginds each. were forced to return to the sar wrar,ce and aU efa.•cs. .Pvth_Mutual sad Sun w . They are of the D�3-variety': 'sQg^e y, te0iieil'.e; tv an°C+•oaon w.•dFor lmrtleaiaraa y w r . �j('+k0rZ� r-than Lase iaa i -isgfp ►- t,,QL: rye: `r{q,9�ij�•eJ:.' [�6, - '�n%!M �+•:rj? `"d- "�r�«x •'tic�'r'�"..!;"4.;.;?t.''> `� � I w...n."^. - _ _ - _.i. .. .. - .