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PICKERING9 ONT.,' FRIDAY. JULY, 10,. 1931. No. 4-5.. .
Dumbarton Anglican Mission. -
Nhite's.-Afll ..D;mil -Mrs. B. Reesor spent REIN wOOD., -
-SWxla7 School, in the--Hall, at 2.30. -with friends in Toronto.
DR. 8. C. pEALRSON-Ph I&D Service at the residence of Mr. H. Mrs. B. Reesor entertained a num-
wd surgeon. Dunbarton•
Newman, Fairport, 7 p. m. Both �= her of friends on July �st. T Q
Daylight Saving Time. A hearty in- Mrs. W. A. Fuller of Green River
ID H. FORSY D., Director Is running full blast sawing lute- as
Mmat oatstrio.Reg. bar, reaches, doubletrees, Aiiti6n is hereby- given to visitors -is spending a few days at the.home
blegs to attend these services. of Mrs. W. T. McKay.
09 the Amerkan ovtoawuicii
Eyes examined by appokasustat- tongues etr-, l3stablished 180
Claiamcmt.Ont. Open to buy a quantity of gqe GREENWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hill and family
basswood and elm of-Toronto, visited on -Sunday with
]EARL&.GRUBIN,R.O.-Eyesight the former's parents, J. and Mrs. Thefts is no better Pastry
Specialist. Honour graduate of the College logo. Be sure.to see the Claremont and
zetry of Canada; Gold medalist and - - - - . ... . .- .. 'T
At Markham Grain Chopping Tuesdays 'pretty and humorous Japanese Oper-
rlaottorman prize wi-taner in 1928. -Brooklih football game and the ve Hill. Flour made than
The Altons Women's Institute will
from 9 a.m. to 5 P.m,.in Dr.
e!jonday -and Fridays. etta "Toy Toy San", at Greenwood meet,at the home of Mrs. J. Stewart destd offices. At Stoultvilt-from wed.
tspaday co Saturday of each..eels. Eyes e:amin- ufaettiring Baskets Of all Garden Party on Wm. Clark's beaut. of Markham, on Thursday-, afternoon
an•G3aaaea fitted and repaired. HiRhe,i quality iful lawn on Wednesday, July- 15th. I ssimi f
at Lowest Prises. Phone Stou>i 2405. 481y
descriptions.. Admission, 25 and 15 cents. The
Price reductions at the football game starts at 7.00 and the GREEN RIVER. nut; mere are R lot of brands-
E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and' factory. concert at, 8.30 p. in. (s.1t.). of pastry flour on the market
.Solicitor,Notary Public Etc. money to Phone Markham 8406 or 6420 or
A -,rand re-union Field Day and that are very inferior
South wing Court House, Whitby. 251y Chas. White.Locust Hill, Ont. W1,11TEVALE. basket picnic of Green River Foot-- to KISSIMI.
RDONALD RUDDY Barrister, The B. Y. P. U. of.Whitevale Bap- ball Club, who won fame ' 20 years
I Solicitor,-Notary Public. a.., by winning the Ontario Champ- These cheap brands skre cheap
--tie's ffice over Al. List Church are having a social on in qnality.,�.
to"Druz Store,�te Post Office. Money ionship, will be held an Wednesday,
a Phone Whitby, Ont. Sly J. H. Beal, - Claremont Monday evening, July 13th. A g6od
Phone 924 July 15th, at Wilson's Park, Green:
program is being prepared and re-
WALTER C. THOMSCN-El,,,ii. fresbments will be served. A cordial River. The sports :will commence at IKISSIMI . . or
ter, Solicitor. Notary Public. 605 Royal FURNITURE 2 p. m. ( s. t.)' and will consist of
Phone Elgin 5303 or 5304•Bank Bldg.Toronto welcome to all.
Reddtme,Pickering. Ont..or by appointment, races. for young and'old, ladies' and Is the very cream of the beat witL-
NEW, USED AND ANTIQUE On SaWrday evening, july lith,
371y IN GREAT VARIETY the Whitevale softball team will men's softball, tuy-of-war, climbing ter wheat and is equal) as
play M. C A., at.`Mc-IL�Ia,tB L Broadview Y. M the greasy pole, horse-shoe pitching good for fine cake be f.
L " ROSS -lot- Simmon's Beds, Marsha At '- -he original team-of-
9?4 N_th.,;.B&_r Pt6� - -p' m- t .�try.
a Park, in VA,;�cvbde, Auld on he it C.3
trbises, Diessers, Tables and 20 years ago will play an exhibition
W.J Beaton. owing'Thursday, Juiy 16th, Br-
H.B.Bell. Chairs, Picture Frames. game with the fast Marmill team of Why pay an exorbitant price for
ougham plays at Whitevale. Come
J.D.F, Ross Adelaide 2838-9 Our prices are the lowest. Markhani. Thi' Stouffville band will small package of cake flour
and see two good softball ' games, furnish plenty of music.; There will Try RISSIMI.
& Both games at 6.30 p. in. (s. t.).
iR1061ARcsoN, PICKERING also be a good evening's program ar-
MULVEY - Barristers. solicitors etc..
913-214 Cooled rrzt3on Life Building. Corner of ranged, Admission free. Everybody.-
and Richmond Sts. Toronto. Phones g Hear the Japanese Operptta "Toy welcome. ' J. Sighswander, Ghair- BAKER'S JOY
X=id 4489 and 4480. Pickering office open Toy San," Greenwood Garden man-, B. tennis, Secretary.
.Awaesda Just Arrivin
Stj and Saturday evenings. Phone Pick Party, Wednesday', Jifly,15. for Bread.
Choice 2X, 3X and 6X B. Fiss--Jones Remember the Sbarilrock-re-unitin BY patronizing your home milU
-yon help keep up the price of
I L C. SMITH. D. D. 9.. L D. S. Cedar Shingles A very pretty wedding was solem-
OUNS our local wheat.
Sacceesor to Dr.J *4 Dales). Graduate of nized at the home of Wm. and Mrs,
ithe Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Toron. A
&�o� At Claremont office over D, A. lso, a large
university, quantity Fiss, of Glen Major, on Tuesday, Miss May Somerville is now -with
i r's store every Tuesday and Fr3d r June 30th. at 4 p. m., when' their friends,in England. IUSE SCOTCH BARLEY
Mary Amelie (Marie)
!94"0 Phone rough and dressed only daughter, Mary Mrs. Brown, of Newmarket is the FOR BREAKFAST
HERBERT T. FA LLA 163B. L D S., became the bnde of Edward Keith guest of Mrs. McConochie this week
D D�'-. Graduate at the Royal College of . Jack Pine, Spruce and' Jones, of Pickering, son of S. and, The W. M. S. Will hold their reg.
Dental Surgeons and the Univerwt7 I Toronto 3"r
And Hemlock Lumber. lemo,ny took place on the lawn under Gerald Cowan, Rosebank. next 'Thu-
lOdke in residence second door cast of St hlr�, Jones, of Mount Zion. The cer-' ular meeting at the horne of Mrs. •
ftv'schinsch. Pickering,Ont. office hours. 9
a. to 4 p m.. or by appointment. (X-ray an arch of pink and white peonies, raday afternoon, July 16th.
service). Phone Pick 3700. 4317 of L. SURNINGHA W,
-lay July 11th, from 3 to
and ferns in the presence one Next Saturday . Building and Geogral
PICK�G hundred guests.- Rev. J. H. Stainton, 5 there will be a sale of home made
of Pickering, officiating To the baking at the home, of Mrs. Corbett Contracting.
vim bet% Estimatett furnished on all el
strains of Lohengrin's Wedding Mar- at Frenchmans' Bay in the interests Anew
A ELIZABETH RICHARDSON- LUMBE,61% YA" ch, the bride entered on the arm of of the Women's Association. of work-Interior and Exterior.
Fire and autosse bile inswance of an k-4.
ass lic"gh"W"d $Land her father. wearing a gown of white i On Sunday night chicken thieves Alterations and repairs.
OIL Satin Crepe with veil and orange 1 entered the remises of White Broa.
9 K E A Y-Liceased a blossoms. She was Chimneys Built OonereteWork.
attended by Miss- and Alex. Gourlie and stole idwir Phone Pickering 5712
action. Marion Brandon,
GReffo.A" -Coal, . . -..Coal I
Acest, Live s&oc* and general "j" a cousin, df Green- hens. This is the fourth time Whites.FAIRPORT- ONTARIO:
Im1afill-leaAad to Teran reasonable. R. wood, and two little flower girls in have had their rqosts robbed.
tUe- PbOnt StGuff 900& 61-4
pink and yellow, carrying baskets of On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Chas
POSTILT- lJoensed Auedonew, Hard and Soft (90&1 of the' flowers. The groom was a pported by Annis and daughters gave an after- Shingles For Sale
inters salsa at stn t!W*ssuassm ad Tart a"ass"Atia, A66. . 8 his brother, Dr. Grant Jones, %on tea to about 40 of their friends,
-me"Olt an kmot quality on After the ceremony, the Supt. of 5z clear and 6z
neftes. A44raso Greass No. B.0.Shingles.
a" 1P Out. It was a'pi4iasant celebration of Mrs. Gait Galvanized Stee-1 9blegim
hand the S. & came forward and present Quackenbush's- wedding - The lawn Bird's Felt Slate Shingles.
D2.211AT021 TOWNS OLXRX , , • .__.• ed the bride with a Bible in apprec- -fa a beautiful spot and the afternoon
o cr , , - ovassiolkstar tw Also. re-rubbering buggy wheels.
offifiavift. A48"atessa. BW to 1"a
am" iation of her work among the young was much enjoyed by all. Lawn mowers absirpene4L
OD am THWO. A. ''LAW, people in the Sabbath School. Many On Monday evening - about
-imam ad ustrrkw 14s.
TT 3ftcacerl=ff, Grit. fine and costly gifts were received our Young People-attended a moon-
showing the high esteem in whict, h5h on the La Call and et prices. Phone 35LI
Lake, along
C_ he young couple are held in the "th_Zcdr,,'i09.nof other young peop-
CYWT TTONEER lor York•Qataxio and Durham
A two. All ii"of " b. ptty attended Pickering Mills community. . After a very daint� le from Toronto East Presbyterial. LOOK,.THE
Terms reasonable- Date,for gum may be wedding luncheon the happy coupliF The evening was perfect d h .1
NEws,omcv. Ban and inde an the sail
4=9=11 Whitby.Out. my We have & fall line of Poultry left on a vxo week'.,; motor trip to. tcrand and the-program of sports all:
Feeds, good as the best. Montreal and'Quebec. they will re that could be desired. New Chevrolet
Ade'in Pickering. Rev. Mr. Burgess, and family are NOTICIg
Try our Front Rank Laying Mash, now -in our midst. During July an6 IS HERE
r-njon,t Pxhl
Whitevale M s Growing hash and See the Br�oioklin CIA., kukust service will-be conducted at
W Chick Starter, bitiun football eame at Green thp. Bay at 11 o'clock (d. s. t.) and
wood garden party, Wed. at 11 o'clock -standard time in Dun-- Nand new features and a new low
Chopping every day We make, these Feeds right here nesday, July latil. -bari'on Unitird Church. On Thursday price. An Owner Service Policy.
GRA1N-FLOUR -FEED and our price-41 will allow evening.-tof this week. the induction auurin.g owner the best in
. yon a,profit on your. will take place in-the, Church. service and satisfaction.
Fleury and Wilkinson Repairs poultry..
The dry weather is ripening the Gas, Oils., A'ssessorieR. 06odyear
Will exchange Wben,.you want Flour ask for craps very fast., Altio"d lead to Wilson's Palk, Tires at new low prices.
Flour for Wheat Royal• Help your market Alanv farmers are having a hard' Green River. on Jifly 15th. Repairs on all makes of cars.
local wheat. time to get water for their stock.
Proprietor: The-m6re flour weeell the more %The- strawberry crop lisis Nieen BROOG�HAM. Gordon J. Law'
wheat we can bay. so'wrtened by the continued dry wea-
460 Phone Mark. 5502 ther. Miss Bate attended a family re- Pboce 2WS PICKERIN%
,Nye will exchange flour'for The township has commenced work nion in Galt during the past week,
k• any kind of grain. on the bridges here and short detours and reports a most enjoyable out-
are necessary. iris.
Pickering Killing ComillIT -Congratulations to Miss Mur. Wes- A. and-Mrs Gray and W. and Mrs.
S p e C-6)i a tney on having secured her first Gray attended the wedding in Toron-
YeAr in Household Economics at..Tor-. to on Saturday.of Miss Lena Gray
• R. G. C"LIENDENING onto Univeiiity. and Mr. Symington, of Toronto. Dru
. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Next Saturday the Club are hold- We are glad to welcome home our
Bar al n S inr their annual picnic- on Chapman's boy scouts fr6m Duclos' Poifit, -on
wood: The fun will be 'Lake Simcoe, on Friday. .-- ,Is more than
Private Ambulance gin early' in
the afternoon in the We welcome Mrs. Shaver and,Sy-
order to allow
Day and Night Service 'inembeirs to 1piwe'qarly to attend to ble back home for their holidays. a merchant, 7 1�
We are offerinit'some-pimcial bar.. Phone 9000 their dairy wori. Games and sports Sacramental services were held on
gitins in Furniture that Malver' 5000, are booked,and of .:nurse ice cream Sunday, afternoon, the attendance
and othgr eats. A welcome is given being not so large as usual. Years of Trainialt and ed A
Will brright4n up "cational
to the whole vicinity. Bring your . Traffic on the Highway was very preparation have qualified him
your Rome. Markham, • Ont., basket with spoons,oons. heavy over the week-end, and the to advise yon on any medici•
FOR YOUR BETROOM The trustees of both schools hav,, dz_st nuisance was terrible. nal preparation, its---action,,
gaged teachers for next year, we Haywood and children, of method of use and merit-also-
understand Mr. Inne's - of Brooklin, Ilu-mville, are visiting at- the 'liar-' to dispense your
Simmons, engaged to take Audley cl,:y hoine at present.
A walnut dresser with shaped Feriae en mirror and ris bed-* Fa r" m' '
good cable spring and felt school' and as this is the first male Mrs. John Groig is ill at present.
In 20,'80'am'd 40
mattress, price 148.00. teacher for some time, we hope it is R. J. and Mrs. Cowan, of Oshawn,
a sign of the times when more men wcoinpanied by the Gannon family,Y:.
Axminster mats, 27z54,good qua!-
ity, price$3.85. will enter the profession again. Our mrrored to Lake Simcoe on Sunday,. Familv Recipes
public school, system has been poorer Gladys remain ng for the hol•
Poultry Fence and Poultry Net• since so many have left it. Miss F. idays with friewtz. Your local druggist had five year's Z
c,onguleum rugs and linoleum, in ting, Lawn' Mowers, Garden Mutch has secured the Baggotsville Our community was shocked to experience In Torozito's lead.
all widths, always in stock. -Tools and Sprayers, in r'
We extend Our best -wishes to hear of the tragic death of Mrs. w7diespen9ing drng store and
your household both of them and trust that they will Thomas Hardy on July 1st, at Gr- solicits out' business In this
ipply -Coleman-Air-O-Gas Stoves.
Let us @I take a real interest in the work in eenwood, and much sympatby is most important phase of
needs in the home furn• New Perfection Coal Oil Stoves, the_section outside their school dut- felt for the family. drug store service.
Coleman Gas Irons and ies. Many people are inclined to Visitors at the- Gannon home on
Electric Irons. think that it Is a loss to the local Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones, the Druggist. guarantees:.s section when the teacher does not efi. Sisson (nee Wilma Ferguson),Fergus6n), of pure fresh drugs, accurate .7
Get one our rrices before ter into the community work of the Lindsay, Mr. Sanguine, of Toronto, dispensing and reap-
buying Itmight be well for some nighi and Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus, of Gue-
C. A. Ste rriff buying e sewhere. onable price@.
Phone 1300.1 school classes to be conducted if the 1ph.
schools were lighted by electricity, Ti e Women's Tn;titutc will --neet
Furniture Dealer andl and subjects that would be a help to at the home of Mrs. Winton White,
lFuneral. Director adults, should be taught. There is a on Tuesday, July 14th, at 2 p. m.
;Hardware Phone 000 grist field for usefulness here, and Subject "Health", taken by Miss Mc-
Also Ambulance Service we hope that we may soon follow Kinnon, Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Mal- Druggist and:Ch#mist,
• load in this r6lilard. calm. 0,:1"J%0nA NM Piwwriux
Ont&A 711
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To ICED TEAK Brew a assua1M 'using his torch In brief Mashes. A' ^ 5
white painted door.at the end was his 9*AVAWTUP36 pr
iti'a111 6aVCS;allow to cool+d d ��rw�p O flO1f 11' objective, but he took fully five min-
_ tO tame+pour Into glasses ha fu ��1100 rtes to reach it. Cautiously '.ursine A \
'the handle he found that the door,was �MMY
loeked. Slipping a bench of skeleton
-• _ - _ � � keys from his coat-pocket he inserted
one in the lock and turned. It yielded, A��� SCE"
. and with infinite caution and patience wit Game befo t Captain Jimmy beacon, for the sky grew darker
he slowly opened it. His nostril& and his friend Lleu Ted, stone plan ro every minute
twitched as he sniffed the close must rescue Guy stone froth the cruel Chinese and thunder rumbled
y bandits. They bargain with.General Fu In the distance.
L smell, As he pressed the button of his him ov assistance,to t Japan.ce, in exchange for flying Soon the main camp became vial
_ torcfl he-knew whiff he would see. The- ,-We worked decretly-oz- our plane ble. The little tents looked like
room was innocent of anything except for several days, changing it to look Chinese lanterns far below, me we
dust and cobwebs. like a fire-eating dragon. The body, circled slowly down, and red camp.
Softly closing and locking the door we covered with phosphorus paint, fires dotted the 'ground. Somewhere
again he leaned against the wall. Bat which would glow green in the dark, down in the pit of darkness was Guy, ,
'Fresh from the Gardens r a second later he had stiffehed, pre-
while a long dragon tail was attached Jed Stone's younger brother. es
pared for instant action. Something behind. We painted batlike marks we circled overhead, there flashed
had.moved in the darkness ahead. It on the wings, and wicked-looking before my minds eye a picture of the. - -
r�e�,������r��'�I��.�'.�,♦�',�,. ,,'� was but the faintest creak, yet he claws spres.d out days when as, boys together, we
had heard it. Standing perfectly still underneath. Even played on the old ranch out neat
�'^'1 he waited,every muscle tense,his eyes in the daytime our Winnipeg. i
g•�1 peering into the inky blackness vain- plane looked hor Suddenly the bandits saw ue.
L ly endeavoring to see who or what �+ ribee enough,' but Panic broke loose in the camp. Black
iit was. at night,. 'S was forms rushed about—tripped, fell and
The minutes dragged, out and still >r ,i� enough to freeze fought each other, frantic with fear.
14 V - no further movement was made. Very " any ignorant I switched on the landing lights and l
+� cautiously he began to edge along the oanuii camp with lu ed t ' a,hie+lo mi.a
vwall and as he did so he-was aware fear. sound wailed and echoed through
--4, j _ that the other person was moving Of course, that Is lust what we in- the mountain pass. The terror was .
also, but on the opposite si°e of the e.��ourplane--to--do—Wti+e-the--complete''
corridor• He paused and listened, bandits fled in terror,' we would have Landing on the ground, we roared
By T. C. H. JACOBS strainin; his ears to catch the slight- a chance to rescue Guy Stone, the down toward the 'ents. The entire
L est sound and, very faintly came the' brother of Lieutenant Stone, who had force of bandits
w'•�r�`� '�'��������+��«���� murmur of restrained breathing, not been held captive for many weeks. seemed to have
SYNOPSIS swept it over the door and made a more than a few feet away. Whoever Just for safety, we mounted a ma- deserted and -
Henry Holt and his ward, Muriel further discovery. The door was it was he was fully conscious of Bar- chine gun in front of our place. If taken to the
11[ainwaring, are staying t a Dartmoor I nerds presence and the inspectors any Chinese proved too harly to be forest. Then a
farm Holt has a friend.Moinesu, living; actually standing open and the chain
"` av�.r, auli 48 u«1.,,.� ha-t- hae4 : b- .,.6-around from the- 'ind flashed hack to the open onnr afraid of our dragon, he wo`ild car- dark form rush-
]a'-riel marry Molneau's nephew, Hayden I other aide for the below. talnly understand enough Ifo-t to fool ed toward the
• -
Mercer,A se whom she dislikes. purpose of prevent- This, then,was that person who had with a machine gun. tents with
-has been alarming mysterious the disappearances{!rig .:from closing. His eyes narrow- precedes him into this silent house of As the sun sank toward' the west- flaming brand
Uaaa Page, the vicar's daughter• being ed as he guessed the reason, someone myste ern sky line, Ave wheeled our plane from the fire.
the latest "9ctim. was 'very anxious *hat he should haxe mystery. One who had safely nego- out k the hangar, and Boon were One bandit, braver than the rest, was
Another boarder at the farm. Percival no fro foie with that door when he tinted the traps, no novice at the heading full speed toward the cruel attempting to set the tents ablaze.
•, y'yecratt, is murderously attacked while game, and one who was clearly not to
walking on the moor. He and his valet,i came to open it. Was it some mem- Chinese bandits' cam We timed we Bred a few rounds from the Ylack, discover a secret underground, be trifled with.� To raise any sort of p
sage to Kestrel House and a locket her of the household who had a secret our raid so we would arrive lust after chine gun, and evidently winged him
_ belongrn to Mona Page. Pyecroft and miaairs of Ma own? Or wan t that commotion would bring serious con- dark, while the bandits- were still 1p the foot, for he dropped- the
Flack deliberately sandbag Holt and ex-! sequences; he was caught between the
-tract a weal from his specimen case. some other person had, like himself, devil and the doe sea and silently astir, brand, and limped into the darkness.
e�slecroft a1terweirds f nds the stolen par- made made a burglarious entry and was at he cursed this other fellow with whole- As we passed over the country- "Hurry," i cried, "we must search
Xe-.tr-I Houses alone. this very moment prowling through aide, the poor Chinese families hear the tents before they are burned.
the house9 hearted feeling.
With Jaw net i Obviously the man knew the danger leg the drone of our motor rushed Keep the motor idling white I search,
CHAPTER XIV•—(Cont'd;) j grimly he levered the y g to the doors of their hovels. Seeing Use the machine gun if the bandits
door open sufficie7 tly wide to allow and :vas as averse to noise as Barnard our dragon glimmering in the sky, return."
With an ease remarkable in such a I him to slip through. Moving now in himself, Did he d'so know the iden- with its bat-like wings spread -out, Over the side I went and dashed into
heavy man the inspector moved for-' complete darkness he felt-bas way tity of Barnard? The question Was and long tall flying behind fa the the first tent. The crack. of rifles
1rarc on the tips of his.toes, making l along the wall, step by step, carefully settled by the man himself. Just when wind, they tell on their knees and sounded far away in the darkness.
mt the aughtest sound on the aoft�pushing out his right foot and draw.-the strain was becoming intolerable buried their faces in their-hands. Spat! Spat! went the bullets in the
curj t of rine needles. Overhezd the ing the left up iehind it. . He had a a soft voice spoke; it was the ,nereat We followed -the railway tracks, sand, but the ran was wide. Then
branches rut,tied threat?nfngly, but he general idea of where he was some- whisper, but to the inspector's over- and soon we came . to- the aiding I heard Jed Stone ,
iseareeiy heard them.- His senses weer i ere near the- servants' stairs, but wrought nerves it sounded like a shell where we hid from the bandits in machine gun. open fire with hia.
alert for some sign of movement in or with the memory of that carpet-cover- burnt:' the string of freight care. Dire East (To be continued,) '
iabout the house, and the dismal rustle ed trap in the main hall still clear in "All right, Barnard . . it's a fair from that point, we followed the Note: Any of our young readers
.;!formed only a tackground to the gen- his min' he moved- with the utmost-cOp t� trail Into the mountains. The camp-, writing to "Captain Jimmy" 2010
isral atmosphcie of depression. caution. And it was fortunate that Barnard's hand streaked to his;are of the bandit guards at - the Star Building. Toronto, will receive
Passing around the aide of the he did-so. Ten sta(,s he took and then pocket. He failed-absolutely to recog- notch' in the cliffs proved a welcome his signed photo free.
bouse, Barnard completely circled it' groping foot came in contact with nize tile,voice, but his mind instantly `
twice before he ventured to approa-li a fine wire. Immediately he-touched grasped the fart -that the other oe- - -"
-the back entrance. Very carefully he' i*. he knew what rt was: lieved himself known. The torch flash-i
tried to door and was surprised to find .Burglar alarm,of course,"hemur• ed.out and the powerful beam shone p Choc"olate �� �� ���
1>t unlocked. Though It was not the mured approvingly, "Goodness only for a moment on-a white but smiling
eustotn of the local people to_ ',save knows how many snore, they don't lace'
both doors and windows unlatched at,, ,„ So!" muttered the chief Inspector, ' -
mean to be caught napping• He risk- The health-giving, deltdom d>r�C for dtildren and grown-
" t night,he was surprised and suspicions the light again and found that he and swore beneath his breath, for the'
to find this the cane here• wane the-foot n the stairs. Care- man before him represented a new qd6 Pound,and W Pound On at your grocers.
- Cautiocsly he turned the handle and fully tenting each tread rs slowly and totally unexpected factor in the
leered into the blacki.eaa,but he could mounted. Another wire he discovered game, Slick Samuels, forges and
see nothing. He listened,but the place blackmailer, wanted for half a dozen
and avoided. One stair moved sus- From somewhere above them a door
was sa silent as a grave, a heavy un- daring crimes, one of the Bergen 4f Interest to All ,
natural silence which affected him p'ciously, but gripping the bannister crowd and a desperate man. opened and footsteps'mounded hasten-
rail he stepped ove.• It and went on. „ „ , in along the corridor. Slick Samuels This idea of eugenics touches every
-oddly. Shrugging his shoulders, he No tricks,' snarled Barnard, . I ve - g aide of human ills. There Is no
reaped the button of an electric torch Over all the.uncanny silence still t you covered." leaped t)hq trap and glided across the
- •p g° y profession that it does not Conch•
and for the fraction of A second swept reigned, and 13arnard_ licked his lips "And you're"a cheerful liar, Bar- very rooiir in which Barnard had la- Obviously it touches the lawyer, the
itthe light forward, It revealed a long, and sighed as he safely gained the rard," whispered Stick Samuels "Cut terviewed Moineau. Close on his heels sociologist, the economist, the clergy-
istone-walled passage, at the far nd }end of the stairs. Somewhere along out the melodrama, boy, and let's get into the open air came the inspector; man. It is so lofty an idea that the
of which was another door, which is this corridor he jiidg.ed that he would outta here. I've had enough of this and together they softly closed the less Important snblects should use
neontrast to the outer door bore a bi. rind Moineau's laboratory, an inspec- hole, it gives me the willies. Did window;. Samuels sliding the cat.-h it as & touchstone to ego whether
tion of which he greatly desired. For, with en instrument which Barnard
' ,padlock and chain. � y hear that hel]'flre reaming a While the improvements of whlchthey boast
Swiftly he went forward, moving contrary to his statement to Moineau, back?" viewed with much curiosity.
with ease in the darkness, until he felt the chief inspector had considerable "No," " "Easy, eb?" smiled the crook, as are really vital. • h TMs great ideal
-acientifle knowledge, No, snapped Barnard. Lead the o[ improving the human race should
- bin outstretched. fingers touch the edge,especially in else- way, Slick, and mind the traps." they hastened *u gain the cover become a part of every person's to.
_wood. He groped for and found the tricity, and a sight of the apparatus 'Only one trap, boy, in the hall, it's the plantation. "Guess those birds iigion.—Irving Fisher,
padlock, and at the same instant made and of that machinery which he had easy," replied Samuels, rely on their precious traps. fi
-a remarkable discovery: the lock war heard working might enable him to �• Barnard„nodded, never for a moni-
Which way did you come? de-
_... ]Ian n open. form some idea of-th:,:. r..r r� RU manded the ins cto*, a new aus i- ent taking-his eye off the other. It
gig le pe p Tokyo Throng Hails
Barnard leaned aLrainst the wall, was puzzled to understand why the cion flashing into his mind. -was highly probable that the man was
~ thinking furiously. Something wan sound had been-so muffled. "Front room window, why"" , armed, but that was a matter which Returning Royalty
!wrong,they would never have been so His feet making no .sound on the "Then move quickly, my lad, there's cou,c! wait until Trotter appeared. Tokyo.—Half the population of the
(To be ccntinued.J-
: ` careless. Risking the light again; he tick carpet,he worked 'iis w9y along, another shadow stealing around this _ Yokohama-Tokyo district was out to.
house beside ourselves and I've a �- see Prince Takamatsu and his bride
fancy hell be awkward." Jack Tar's Uniforms return home from their round-the.
•-- /� d Slick Samuels grinned in the dark-
Nine In Number world tour.
�iG 0 r tress as, with noiseless ease, be glided The British sailor has nine different At the Tokyo station the travelers
ahead• nnilorms, and his sartorial problems were greeted by 600 prominent offf-
- "Sure; tall, red-headed bloke. I've are so perplexing that the Admiralt? cials, several members of the royal'
�`LI�S been trailing him some lately. But I h.ls :;ad to appoint a .special commit- family, and officers of the army and
a guess you was after him,, eh? and tee to solve them. "The committee navy, as well as Reiiiro Wakatsuki,'
x - found me instead:' i will'examine all questions of cut and Premier, and other officers of the
„ - Barnard did not reply, he guessed style,"Bays an Admiralty official, "The Cabinet.
y who the red-headed man was but he materials and methods of upkeep will -- --
- had no time for side issues. He had. also be reviewed. A sailor has not too
_ + ?.. . enough-experience as an officer not to extensive a wardrobe, despite his nine
' y be deceived by the complaisance of the uniforms. Every one of them is es-
smooth Slick Samuels, and was alert
se,ntial and is made compulsory by re• , HEADACHES
_. for the first sign of treachery. gulations. He has a ceremonial dress, _
' Irk silence they negotiated the broad a leave uniform, a working uniform, a Needless pains like- headaches
main stairs, which, unlike the back suit of white'ducks, a suit of overalls, are quickly relieved by Aspirin
r stairs which Barnard tied used, were a suit of oilskins, and three uniforms tablets as millions of people know.
free from traps. for wear is the tropics," And no matter how suddenly a
"Watch your step here," warned I _ ,� _ lieadache may come upon you,
` -- Slick in a whisper, "don't tread on the you can always be prepared. Carry
bally carpet, boy." Business Improves the pocket tin of Aspirin tablets
"I know it;"returned the inspector,` At Port Colborne with you. Keep the larger size at
' "get on." I Port Colborne—An Increase of over home, Read the proven directions
But before either could make a I eighteen million bushels of transfer for pain, headaches, neuralgia, etc-
- move there came a faint muffle sound i grain through local elevators this
�• • • • from somewhere below, not unlike the'year to date as compared to the car-
rattle of a chain. A second later Slick I responding period last year is in-
. ;. 1 Samuels groaned aloud as there burst! dicated by the figures given' out re- -
rrowroots upon their ears a cry, a shrill squeal yeti Gently. The inward and outward
of mingled rage and fear, animal, yet movements this year totalled 45,609;
with a strangely human note. 175 bushels, while last year only 29,- R
"D'hear it?" whispered the startled 604,349 bushels were transferred, f.
ntar}yslm crook. During the week ending June 20th,
For 80 turfed the mother of Canada Barnard swallowed and a lump 1 1,886,531 bushels were received end. Made in Canada.
because of their provsn purity and high quality. seemed to stick in his gullet. "Get! 1,671,285 forwarded leaving 1,933,416'
t �y Clsiacie s can make Christie's A -•. on," he ordered in a husky voice, bushels In the..bins. ,ISSUE No. 28—'31
�" i -_.r•:r• t!"ta�.,,,,:,. <,�ms.4.. :a+w•�=�.'�..;r.,:w.n..:r::.te-,R, �s...� :
' ss�q` cy n1 iMSa 4 r °: r„y'• '.-o?,m - t,4 w.y.�.- ax _nS ,y 9°^ ,•n. _ W:' :ai a.•s7 °S
n' .,.ry:.-.;o •+.. .,�.m:'• .U<-.:� �Z ��• c to++yy'a+ v , :' ':e,,,1<,� r q --` q�y .,'v.-• *�^s_•=.' .Kr -i-,ter".-a•c.... .ter_,, '�,,.., -
-c}.l �pu.Y :4�f'A.6ntewY,b _J: 'kS.+•e.r }.y, A lie _ f^. ':4 S•. i. ^':. ,-A'' -*,_ n m1'�o y F ''y A• V
ern•/1„ ��_�'° ! � _ NM1 4 1yk 'X•• F.-aq •.'.'y`'"V-7'�• R A'S-`A .d
'� :• ..r,' `'�'SS'+.k -"v^',».__-M.,r a•..�,..ax• :"ate �'.r. ,..'k.' u..�,,."'_d .e.- e-+-.. -vs!L•..n++i4r . t4-i... •J• a. y �.^ x : 4 ...�, ^6.
.,s. - ,•c, X,- w ..!•;c:a'»; ,:M+,,y,,.r r'*• '. F ,.>,.,.,•,r..., .^„ '.,;.,r et,♦ ',V' -.+ . ?,.: _ •y; - ii•N.
-- '- ., 5' - - r { - ` , ^^.J 'My ' •+" � - r� J
New ethod of S�
Nl what New York B petual Motion "Robot" Invented �{
Expected to Sweep*World .Is Wearing : . -'Will Work Untended for Centurm.
- "Anglic" Is the work of Professor of English in Swedish T. Diodes, a mechanician of Carls- boxes which expand and contract U
University — Author Says PrtBeflt 111v*trated.Dressmaking Lesson Fttr- lund, according to Dr. E. E. Free, has the air pressure or temperitan
niched With Every Pattern built a robot which has wound his changes, much as the sealed spiral
,Language Illogical - -- -= clock continuously for fourteen-yearn tube of as aneroid_barometer expands
"F'orsker and seva years agoe our fore Shakespeare's time; it is incoa• without human aid and which is be• and contracts with changes of Ares -�a
ffaadherz braut forth on this kontia- siatent because Its 40-odd sounds are lieved to be capable of running for• sure or as the sealed bulb of a recordo
pant a sue naeshoa-” spelled in no leas than 500 different ' ., ever, or at least until its metal parts tag thermomet7 changes size with tht ?u•
Three guesses, You're right, Lin. ways; it is illogical when one con- wear out and fall apart. In one sense temperature. Levers and ratchets
coin's Gettysburg address. Almost alders the various forms of such - the AAet clock attains perpetual me- so arranged that each e.Xpansion of
English. isn't it? ' Yea, "Anglic," a words as debt, victuals, delight, tion but it does not viol„.te the scion. the sealed air boxes works a Bea.
revised form of English designed for hearken.” ' o ifle principle against getting energy wheel which lifts the clock weights a 41.x
international age, and invented by "Anglic," according to its origin&- out.of nothing for the energy ffi
that tre When air conditions cause the
kt. E. Zachrisson, professor` of Eng- tor, is based on an analysis of all ` keeps the machine In motion to taken sealed metal boxes to contract tbt
Ilsh in the Royal University of 111pea- English words In general use, sup- 0°` from the weather in, the form of cachet works the other way and the
Ia. Sweden. plies the demand for an agreed d o • changes in the temperature and pros- weights again are lilted slightly, Ths
Dr. George B. Franklin, professor method of •aimplification, in spelling sure of the air. The power that mechanism will be useful, it is be.
of English at Boston University, pre- without adding new letters to the moves the clock from hour to hour is lieved, when scientists wish to operatt f'
dicta that "Anglic" will spread alphabet, and keeps continuity with -Ry from weights which are able, It is com• recording ineturments or other light
throughout civilized nations, to ac- the conventional English ortho- ° , puted, to keep the clock going for a machinery is isolated places. Admiral
complish what Esperanto, Volapuk, graphs, S year and a half. Meanwhile the robot Byrd, for example, might have left ro
Ido and such "languages" were de Order is brought into the present ° ° ` rewinds these weights continually by hot weather recorders in Antarctica
•_ the tt pr�r��re sari wiw tn,�—����y.���—4y cur a generation
,_ changes to te
pigned to do. confusion o! English spelling by gee• .� •4 d �' -_ _
n "T k y pressure. This is done by an ingeni• or a century until some other explorer
tnternational language for some viceable of the existing spelling vari- -- __ one arrangement of sealed metal came to take away the records. "
time, Dr. Franklin declares, "No ants. A few new digraphs are is.• ' u„
!language has a better claim to in- troduced us, dh, and zh, which have { i4 -'— » -
ternationalism than-EngTW* which-to- g , Indian Coolies Declared p4 ,o
Its spoken by more than 200,000,000 Concessions made to the existing - ¢ Expert Piano Movers
people and is the administrative spelling consist chiefly ' In leaving • :. _ Simla, India-Among the remark-
-. language of 500,000,000, or one-third about 40 of the commonest words un- a a ` 9 able nights to be met with on the Dog-lovers Will ' Enjoy this
of the earth's populaE:on: changed as word algae to be memor- roads of the Simla hills, according to Write-up Taken from
-- "it is also noteworthy that 'Anglic,' ized, and in a few simple rules which w a correspondent of The Christian '4
a aimplificatiou of our present-day minimize change In familiar spell- ' Science Monitor, Is the unexpected sip- the Christian Science
English._ should be tutented by a for- ings of unstressed vowels. The net 't' Monitor
e , - pearance of a piano, borne aloft oa the •'
signer. I behave that t3iIa feature' result Is that praetiesl13-60-ta 25---- a t shoulders of six or eight coolies, who He sits with his friends, the out,
alone will cause Americans to view it per cent. of the words on an aver- 3 ? are conveying the instrument to some porters and to newspaper +sou, j,., �
with favor, since there is a tendency age printed page are left unchanged. i, a . 'e 3101 remote English home among the hills. beyond the covere3 way that leads to
to discredit one's kinsmen for try:- Added to the advantage of com- The narrowness and steepness of the the railway station-a fat and friend.
• ling to alter their native tongue." plete and phonetic spelling reform is roads hereabout preclude all vehicular ty fox terrier, of charming manners
In spite of its simple grammatical a saving of space amounting to about traffic• except the ricksha, with the and mature experience. His
construction and cosmopolitan vocab- one line per page. consequence that the most amazing tion gives him superb opportunity for
Glary-qualities that make English One of the, chief values of Anglic loads are seen along he roads, sip• observing men and times so he knows _
Me easiest language for the great• is its possibility in teaching English patently under their own violition. The to a nicety when to take the stage
lest number of people to learn-Dr. to foreigners:- Recent tests is
Zachrisson declares, its spelling to Stockholm and Upsala have shown pafiari (hlilmen) who carry these of his little acrid and when, as it Y
loads appear to be endowed with re- were, to watch events from the wings.
antiquated, inconsistent and filegi- that it is effective for this purpose, Dr. .,
markable strength and endurance, as The visitor, fresh from the train
cal. For this reason his "Anglic" Zachrsson declares, - many of their loads are carried for the that has lust puffed its way over the
includes absolutely consistent rules If public schools adopt Anglic as In spits of repeat^1 tubbing-i this distance of a "day's'journey." Hotels bridge toward Dover and the white
lfor spelling. proposed. Dad arty have Junior, pre- darling dress will always look de-. six and seven miles from Simla have cliffs that "shine in the sun, finds hint.
"English is antiquated." he adds, paring his home work in spelling, liciously fresh and lovely. all their requirements carried out daily self welcomed by 'a wagging tail and
"'because it pictures a pronunciation put some ouch question as this, 'How Fashioned of printed voile, soft and by these coolies, who leave Simla In two expressive ears above a little face
which had become obsolete long be- many k's are there in 'school"" beautiful as chiffon, it holds its ovrn 1-the mornings with loads of bread and that has looked on naught save, at-
' - - fur ever and a day, fish on their headq, snatch a noonday faction and kindness.
Moscow �YiII Be are designed to insure the utmost The Circular skirt poses modish cir- sleep under the deadars which clothe "Hullo, dog," gays a friendly voice.
sunshine and fresh air. One plan cular shaped peplumr around it, asst'the hills, and return in the cool of the and the sensitive ears are relaxed
City �eautifWI of such houses has no doors on the below the hipline, so as to keep that evening with their empty baskets. giving an oddly smiling appearance
,r 1 rooms to order that there shall be important slim silhouette. The men who carry pianos, however, to Poago'a welcome,
° t a good circulation of air. An exquisite effect is the capelet offer the moat striking picture. Their But when the trains are going out
�olsheviki Resolve to Trans- But this is all a dream of the• collar that merges into a bertha that progress made up and down steep to London and a little rush of late
form it Resolve
D8 Into future and there is considerable meets the skirt peplum at the wa,.it- hula is made with a long, slow, rhyth- comers besiege the covered slope,
Day argument about what Is to be done line. mic stride quite fascinating to watch. Pongo withdraws between the feet of
the World's Most immediately. The ccntroversy rages It Is an adorable dress for any. Q------- one of his friends on the papa- pitch,
- - Wonderful Capital botteot over the transportation prob- young gir, or youthful type of woman. Bit QLet _. thumping his tail appreciatively at
lem Shall the city concenrate on Style No. 310I may he had in sizes each quick smile as his long line of _
Moscow-There to lot a lawnmow• street cars or buses or shall there 12 14, 18, 18 year's. 38 and 38 inches The two areculators were discuss-
acgtraintancee hurries poet, The elect
lag some of their recent deals. -;?
ter to Moscow. Grass is cut with f be a subway?' Street cars have at- i bust, - "Heard that yoR• had made ten booms 9 a.m, and Pongo emerges
islckle and clippers. This hand-I ready increased in number and some Yellow washable crepe silk is 'pre• pool last from his voluntary retirement with a
••-r thousand pounds at Liver rti i :• '�
'work is one o! the reasons why there of them now have two trailers, but sistibly lovely. stretch and a shake, as who would
1 week," said Edwards,
Its a shortage of labor and no nnem- they are as crowded as ever. Embroicered organdie, �'•elet, ba- esy: "Well, we've got them of! aft
1ployment Experts made a study of how traf- y p "It's true, but a hdi wrong in some
fiats, dotted swiss, limit rimed be,- . right, Bit of a rush at the teat. but
s ` But gardens are few and exist in I tic Is handled in Berlin, Parts and tiste and handkerchief linen are ideal places," ,aid Bryant, all's well."
- "True, but �tt's wrong"' echoed Ed-
the main square of the city, where t New York. They were for sub- suggestions. ,, Summer time is bliss to Ponge
then plant beds of ways. and- adduced a mass of stalls- q wards. "Whatever do you mean.'
p pansies and other Size 18 requires $�i4 yards 39-inch. "Well, in the first 'place, it wasn't Just as a dog wakes after that drowsli
flowers with the coming of Spring. tics about how many people travel in HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Liverpool-it was Birmingham," ex- golden hour of mId-afternoon, the
Private gardens are restricted prac- them each day and how-far and Write your name and address plain- platted Bryant. "It wasn't a week flutelike cry of the ice cream max
tically to rows of potted plants to. quickly tbey can be carried by this falls cooly on the hot air, and round
the windows of hearer. I and other, means of transportation. lY, giving number and size of such ago-it was a month. It wasn't
But in the discussion one man stood patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in ten thousand, and I didn't make it- the corner,of the road re I the fame•
All this does not deter the elabors• liar yellow cart, There !a laughter
ties of plans for beautifying and re I up and charged that subways were stamps or coin (coin rreferred; wrap I lost it,"
= tons of plan Moscow to make it the h "counter•revolutlopary," or against it carefully for each number, and p and a pleasant t-p:rte of pennies
model Socialist city of the world.( the principles of communism, since address your order to Wilson Pattern A slip of a girl can make the steadl• among Pongo's out-porters and news
•The condition of the city at present i they tended to concentrate people in Service, i 3 West Adelaide St.;Toronto. eat man fall. --_ Paper area, as n wags hu its up is
is. shabby save for several big parka I small sections. whereas they should - - - front of each and finally ails m to
1 kept is a natural state. The build-1 be scattered. Nevertheless, the sub beg !n the middle of the pavement,
Timely Training �_ The Ice cream vendor pulls Pongo's
painting. The sidewalks facades
have holes I wayites won and the Central Coin- a that 1 ! `
mittee of the Communist party de- ""'
_- lass have crumbling facades and need � era, t a gentle, caressing pull
• '>rk :. � � through friendly fingers that all dogs
and most of the streets cobble-, creed that construction must start
- 10tones. Summer winds whip the by 1932, love and asks him; "Pink or white!"
"' �" ';y Pongo's emotion escape in a bark and
dust about in clouds aad-water takes I -- Some Eathetle Synestions a thumping tail, as the slow-westering
a long time to run off after a rata- One man introduced a startling Y sun brightens on the-_little . group
storm, plan of civic improvement. He said laughing over, crisp wafers, and - a
The reason for -this is that the there were so many houses of mix- ' small fat dogs licking his lips after t
$olsheviki have not been able to ed styles-side by side that it would each delectable bite at the largesse
°turn their attention.to minor details, take years to unify their architecture held out by a hand he loves.
4 k
all their time and money,being spent and coat an Impossible amount of Winter time, too, is bliss to Pongo, a,
to building tip a big industry. More- money. So to make a harmonious His out-porters and newspaper men '
over, the city when they fell heir to city he suggested painting all the �' :•"'� strap him into a thick brown jacket °S
-• It was in woeful condition through houses along a street of one color, §„ lavishIy adorned with green braid, and -
gears of neglect during the World the different streets to'have different in the lee of the wind a sack makes
;War, the revolution and civil• war, colors, Thus one street would be a.ktntl of divan where he.comes at `
Now they feel they, have brought In- lavender and another gray, for in- v7
dustry to the point 'where they can stance. Or one side of a street intervals. to sit in state while his
occupy themselves with cities. So could be .a lively red and-the other ? little world goes by. All seasons
shall be sweet to thee," we iemear
&ten sit behind littered desks writ- a cool green enabling pedestrians to ber; and, divining our thought, Pon-
!n articles about what should be choose aides according to their mood• 3''`' <; ';;;:,, ^.
g Igo droops his ear's as if lie smiled.
done and architects bend over draw- There was the'added advantage that x and thumps his fat tail. -
R.ing-boards to make plans. thls rainbow system would make it i _
Skyscrapers Ate Barred easieF for people to Lind their way
home. "Keep P Wages" ".
Skyscrapers find no place in these In the last five years 5,000 work-
plans. u wn e5
glans. The Bolsheviks consider ors' homes have been built covering New York World-Telegram: The `
them ,an. outgrowth of the capitalist 2,000,000 square yards of ground and richest man in the world cannot use
system with their tendency to con- housing 500,000 people, 70 per cent. °. '
w � more that half a dozen or so automo•
centrate and mass people in spots. of whom are workers. They are hiles�nd radio sets in a year, and .�
The Communists pan', to decentral•; generally five-storied houses of white-
future' therefore, can contribute little to the .
Sze and spread out. The cashed brick built in the form of ' �� * I` °i�`
" and
of theft plans will cover an, v ` °` prosperity o! the concerns manufao
_,1Vt , a square open on one side and with tr Zs. ' tuning these commodities. But if the
extended area with nothing central-' a court in the centre. The writer a � { `f rich man's profits for a year are a lit
feed. Stores, theatres, ;.arks and; lives in such a house, unfortunately �+ tie smaller, and the wages of his 5,000
piaygrounda will be scattered' on the court which in the daytime Is .,. ' employees are maintained at a stand-
- throughout it•so that they will be filled with squalling children and at ( $y,Y a? J ` and which will permit the purchase of
convenient to every one,:no matter night with meowing'cats. " $' '
„ one radio set and one automobile each.
where he lives, and' consequently re- But a squad of workers is busy w the radio atid automobile industries
duce traffic. I making a garden in the court and - *`'' are kept on a profitable basis, they
:Model workers' homes will be situ- preparing the driveway for the day ,';,r3.ao \orntal School for boys is n orlon u reputaliou fr new keep men at work who are In turn able
sited near the factories and the work-f when people will have automobiles. s;,' ; Charters Sharpe a master, aided by R. C. Wood, sccrot•n•y of to buy the commodities of the rich
era living therein will be supplied Canadian Swimming Association, ,conducted competition fn artificial man-so goes the endless chain of in- '
-with food in -communal kitchens in - dustrial well-befog.,Business men who
order to "get the women out of the
respiration, led up to-by course of training in proper methods to us.
Playing golf is more dangerous underaWtd this`principle of ealigten-
kitchens" and their children will be than travelling b; train, according to In reviving water victims, Shield was offered for testa of six bo ed selfishness will never nest to be -`
eared.for in nuraeries while they are the accident statistics of one big making the best showing. Theodore Davison earryinir Rose Dillon urged by the administration cc-any
working is the factories. Houses American insurance company. daring demonstration. one else to refraln from wage tiffs.
eY,°n', J',di"d` ;A'�: :�i•n. r 5�.N' ....yi...At ap' . ..x. . T"iwa .1 •+„ Ay - - . ,±
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held at her late residence -on Satur- -Pr. to Sr. 'Pr, Heien Rvimeflonger, _•
-- •--'PERMS day, July 4th, in the midst of a largt Lorna Hotner. Hotner. Jr. Pr.- T$� RED W WH I
number of relatives and friends, con- Olive Hotner.
ducted by Rev. A. McLellan: Inter- S. S. No. 10,
- '•-' i1,7tipec7ear,; i1•bOlt paidiaadvsoca; - Pickering. - - -
•sebecrlptione ro the United Sate@ and Creat
ment-took place to Claremont•Union Jr. IV to Sr.-IV-Roland Harden. M. T. ;•�
Briain$2.uoin advance. Cemetery. _ Hopkins, Walt. Iinox, William. Hicks Pickeiing".8 Leading .Grooeiry Store where your
CLAREMONT. Sr. III to Jr. IV'-Don. White, Har°
JOHN ' MUUM Proprietor, - Cassie, Verna Hopkins, Grant John--. :$ goes the farthest, In addition to
�^ The Cherrywood-Claremont' f t- ston, Vic. Montague, Reta Shea,-Ross
ball game here on Saturday evenin Knox, Gor. Gray. Jr. III to Sr. I l-
.,,CHERRYWOOD our regular weekly spetiab we :
- proved favorable for Claremont in a Lloyd Hicks, bier. Sanderson, 'for,
A garden party under the auspic= score of 2-0.. x Harden, Helen Farley. Merle Holtby, -
es of the Women's Association, of blr. and Mrs. Storrs, f Toronto,
Ed. Hilts, blur. Phillips..Sr. II to Jr. _ offer the following•
she Cherrywood 1:nited Church will and 3Ir. and bars, Priest, I Aurora,. II-Geo. Knox, Allan Perryman, Phy,
_ - 'be held on the church lawn, on the Visited friends here on Su day, and Farley, Robt. Sanderson, El. Perry-
'be Aplmor Royal Anne Cherries, 2ji o
1evenin of Friday, July 17th. :; attended the Decoration Day servic- man, Ircen `Shea,'Jack Carlton, Lila
es Hiltz, Bobbie Liscombe Sr. Pr. to Green Giant Peas, 2's 17c
• . - ,splendid program will be furnished Jos. '
by the well-known entertainers, Al. The Pu&c.,Library will close on Jr•'1-Ev. Knox, Dora Wannup, , .
and Bob. Harvey, who will be assist July 18th, and will re-open on Tues- Stephenson, Allan Carlton Hel. Deg- Red & White•Tomatoes,.2's tall, 3 for... :23c
by the popular comedians, Curly day :August 4th. During that time, its, Jr. Pr. H Sr. Pr-
ne Sean Sand- „ '•Standard unlit Corn, 2'8, 2 for
_ Nixon and Pat Rafferty, There will subscriber`s will be allowed double arson, Earl Hiltz, Agnes Walker, B. __-• y
the those f books. in tennis are Hamilton, Lena Perryman. - P& G Son 6 bare 28c {
• be a refreshment booth on the' o- _ •_ •• �- p• ••• •°• ••'
;aired. Admission 25 and 15 cerils. Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 for
requested to.attend a meeting to be Ontario Circuit Cbampionshlp -
SYMINGTON-(TRAY held in the Community Hall on Fri- Horse Races ,.
. e•Teven��I�th Tl'- -l;:b Pure Lard(a Canadian.product), per lb. l0e .. .j
Mine Tens Gray. daughter of Wm, needs a sufficient number of last Let nothing keep you away from the
and Mrs.(fray, Green River, and Mr. , finest horse races ever eta Red is Can. It Will a t8 8h0 at the Red dS QPhlte Store.
Woemen F. Symington. son of Henry year s members and everybody else ada. Beet from Fast and West. Oah- pay P
And Mrs. Symington, Toronto. were interested to make a success of the awn,Saturday,July 18th. Admission
organization. 55 canto.
married k B quietly c Saturday in High �, BOOTH ��iNoig!!Park BaptLt Oburch with Rev.Linton 1�ome, tat us lire with our child• 1V -
r.° • ` 'ofl3ielating The bride wore a yellow ren . The Girls Meeting of the W. 'lCARO OF THANKS.
drew, embroidered with pink and blue I. will be held at the home of Mrs.
with large yellow hat to match, and C. A. Overland on Wednesday, July. � (Successors to Roy Morrish) --- -
'earried a bouquet of Sweet-heart roew 15th, at 3 p. m. Mrs.-Brownridge, We wish to thank our-many-friends-
And lily-of-the-valley. Following a of Whitevale, will give an address on and neighbors for their kindness and - Phone Pick. 8
dm>Zet luncheon at the future home of "The Ideal Girl". Music and read-_ sympathy shown to us during 00
*be bride end groom, Mr. and Mrs. ings will be furnished by the girls sad bereavement, in the loss of a Pickering Ontario
Oymingtoo left for a motor trip, the Prizes will be given for the baking loving wife and mother. 1 +
•bride travelling In a blue dress with contest. .Light cake for girls 11-16 Thos. Hardy and family.
'White access°rise• On their return years, and fruit drop cookies for the QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE
t Ahey will live in Toronto. SALE REGISTE°
gu rls--liLy an and Under. The mQm
--' - - --
ENTRANCEE REPORTS berg are asked to bring sandwiches Saturday. July 18th - Auction sate s Deliver a Deliver
Ad dishes as a social time will be of household effects and tools, be-
" Pickering- spent after the meeting. An im-it-
Jack Annan, Jean Annah, Ada Arn• ation is extended to all girls of the longing to the estate of the late
old, Jack Baker, on.), Baker !bore.) community. Wm. Cam Es, at lot 1. con. 2. Scar- Picker*ngHardware St ore
Stan. Balsdon (hon,), Ivan BanetL, boro. Sale at one !s• to. Terms
Geraldine Bath, M.arj. Bath, Howard u,«,ua,�n n,• Cash. See bills. Geo. Baxter,
Bradley (hon.), Marj. Cammack, Haz Auctioneer.
-' •el Carter (hon.), Irwin Collins (hon.) Miss J. Duncan is holidaying with
" Leon. Cook (hon.), Ralph Crawford, her people here. HORSE REGISTER. -
.Ruby Dixon, Marj. Fo xriie t hon.) 'Mr. and Mrs. McWhir•ter are now See our Electric Stoves, all Hot Ptatee. Electric Irons
Maria Hedge, Mac. Hedge, Eleanor away on their holidays. Dol (173208) (12921). The French end Oil Stoves, all to lighten the work
19MltDonou h (hon.), Mary McFarlane, W, J. Brown and family, of Tor- Imported Premium Stallion, the pro in hot weather.
g perty of Ed. Somerville, will stand Berson Door@. Window Screens and Wire
".Robt° McFarlane, Lillian Pearson, onto, visited the home folks on Sun- for the season of 1931, at his own Oloth, all sizes.
Louie Reading (hon.), Don. Saund-- day. stable, lot 14, tenth line, Markham. -
- -era. Helen Scott (hon.), Geo. Shan- Some of our people observed Dec- Terms, 1112.00. No. 2336, Form Al. "
Aban, Mary Spragge, Ernest Stroud, oration Day at Claremont on Sun- TONIE VAN HOOF, 4127, Enrol- ( Bee our Kelvinators' Electrie Revigerators and the new
old Stroud 88-rwte and $0 pass day. maul Form 1. Grand Champion, 'l - Beatty Blecteio Washers. -
wd with 10 honors Miss Betty Harvey, of Toronto, is red roan, Belgian stallion, the pro-
" - ,mt,--. holidaying with her grandparents, party of the Broadfield Stock Farm
:!Fred Alaop,,WelvAn Appleby, Katie here. Agent for 1/cOormL:k-Deee'4ag Form Machinery and Repairs
Breton (hon.), Dorothy Clark (hon.► The Russell Brodie family, of Tor- will stand for a limited number of .
- Frost hilip marts at his home stable, lot 7, _ Frost Wire Fence and Fleury Plows.
girls Crosier, Gert. Corbett (hon.), onto, spent Sunday withMrs. P ;
_IMIild-red Connor, Mary Crosier. Wm and Mies Brodie. Broken Front, the corner of the q ;-
Pickering Beach Road and Base
-tCcllina. Marg. Dopking (hon.). Stella The Misses Witter, Sheath, Wick- Line, Motto:-"We have it, Can get it, Or
Zbon, "Mabel Eckhardt. Reta Flynn. son and Mr. and Mrs. Kidd and dau- ine, Pickering, for the season of it is not ttsade."
?illvgh Gannon, Jessie Green. Wm ghter of Toronto, were guests at the 1952. dames B. Cookson and
�lGoQrlie, Laura Hill, Les. 13arbson, Matthews' home on July 1st. Sons' mks' __ __ _
Gordon Jones, Ellen Kinnear (hon.), '!'he W. M. S. meeting was held on CHARRAS, IMP. 12920 (188249). J S. B A ; Qj'1ON ., w. PICKERIN
;Harold Loyst (hon.) Mabel Francis, July 2nd at the home of Mrs. Mal- the French Imported Federal Prov- s . L'SLa7i/V +'+�+a�+ �+
- solm. The attendance -was good and Premium and Grand Champ- ..
'Rath. McAvoy, Lester. McCullough. B _incisl Pre _-__._ ..,-........__._..____._. _.._.._ ......
Nighawander; Laura Ormerod, the program interesting and instrur-- ion Percheron Stallion, the prop-
Lloyd Pugh, 'Ivy Rae, Lena Flett, tire. The president, Mrs. John Phiil- arty of Oscar Wilson, Brougham,
�iVaiter P'lett, Fern Taylor, Florence ips presided, Mrs. Gannon and Mrs. Will make the se son of 1931 as y I 0
''Tindall. Hazel-Yaks (horn.), 36 wrote Brown taking part in the opening ex-
follows: Monday a. ernoon leaves _
and 53 passed with 7 honors. ercises. After the usual business, his own stable. Brougham, and pro- We are showing many seasonable hoes each representing the utmost
_ _'Whitevale- •reed to Thos.- Hirst's. Kinsale, for
" • 'and roll call answered by a favorite in quality and price, a few are quoted below, but better atilt drop •
S. Booth Ihon,), text, the meetin was givL%n over to night. Tuesday morning proceeds in and inspect these dollar stretchers for yourself.
Leon. l3erbert; R r[ p
to Wrn. Jackson's, Whitby, noon;
Jackson, Iva Postill, Doug. Itackham;' the charge of group '•B". Mr=, Win- ....•.. .. Yeti wilt find they spell Sat i s f a c t i o n.
ton White, convener. Mrs. Har:e} . Graharn's Hotel, Brooklir, until
.' ..Doris Smith. Jno.. Teefy, Stan. T v- Attractive lines of Tennis Shoem for each member of family 79c up
,eedie, Edythe William. Passed on read an excellent paper on "China". aftk-'neoday P. Mantn -�L'ed -ttley en's Leather zfo •de, nice! tiiniabed, from 2.95 up-
'Teacher's r Recommendation-frank prepared by 3Iro. R. D. 3l:ile•r, an(i a' tarnoon. Mantle',' IBPntley y •.
M Le O ��
;Sokol. IO wrote and 9 pa..�ed. 31.40 exhibited a number of articles' Farm v. Audiey night Thursday, J. Siena all grain leather Bovta, special 2.95 pr
-- - ,- of clothing richly ernbroi•iered b C. Br)ant's. con, 3, Pickering: '2 Dozen only Men's 'Pork Shirts, at 75e eAch,00r 2 for 1.39
Death 'o[ 11rs. C'ronk neon; Chas. Hutchings, Brock Rd, Another line of Rork Sbirt9, at'90c each, or_., for • 1.75
Chinese hand workers, and ether ar- night. 'Friday proceeds to his own Men's Fine Sbirta, collars attached at 1.00 each,or 3 for 2.69
h title, of interest. %Ira. White con-
-Like ,a shock of corn cometh ir. stable where he will remain until Men s Overalls, going at L49, 1.80 t%nd 2,00 per pair.
k A►is season" so death claimed one of tributpd a paper'deaiinz with the Monday noon.
progress made by. the United Church y Kayser Hose has made many enewmers-try these for style,
Pickering's oldest and highly ie,spect in China. Mrs. Gannon and Mrs. H. quality and all round satisfaction. Try the new 1.00 line.
4ed residents in the person of 'Mary Malcolm sang a duet which was ap-
Adelia Betts, widow of the late Step- preciated. The hostess, •Mrs: Mal- .Pickering Beach Phone 2904
-1ben Crank; on`Thursday. July 2nd color served a bounteous and delic. Park - _
,She was born 94 years ago and has ions tea to all. EC IL 6 R A D L E Y
sappeent the greater part of her life at
'"Woodlswn Farm" Pickering. She 601490t, r391110o111ITS Dancing Every Saturday Night
attended No. 4 East public school
when the late Inspector Reason in- S. S. No.-5 Whitby - Freddie Breakwell and his w -
. 'spired his youthful hearers to seek Jennie Cendric (bon.), Connie Kert 6 piece Orcheatesi.
btowledge. Later she nvas a resid- (hon), Lorna Hotner (hon.), Bert .Come and see the
ental pupil of the Friends' Seminary Guthrie. Sr. III to Jr. IV-Albert
j~ Picton, afterwards known as Burgess, Geo. Cowx (rec.). Jr. III to.
Pickering College. Before her mare Sr. III-Katie Gordon, Rosie Ballara SHOW BDAT g
-cage she taught school in Victoria Sr. II to Jr. III-Lottie Cendric brightly illuminated by
County for three years. 'Many-of. (hon.), Ruth Wood (hon.), Joseph '
those who attended the funeral on Rumeflonger,, Maud Janes. Sr. I to electric light.
Sunday, July 5th, had in some way-Jr. II-Stanley Burgess (hon.), Ann. DINTY'S GARAGE �re:zasl the �tiing'; atilktwag
come in contact with her loving sun._ ie Rumeflonger (hon.), Jr..I to Sr. I
iy character and sought l pay re- -Willie Guthrie, John Hotner, Jr. Cor. Brock and Kingston Ms. 'Day� Coach S erV�Ce :
• - apart to one who had helped them- U -
onward and upward on life's journey. TWO MralB Day Best J I
7Ar. H. Parry, Friends- Minister at General Repair Work all cars,
For stomach Trouble u i
-Wellington, P. E., spoke earnestly g canteed at reasonable Piekerin -Toronto - •
to those present. The deceased is Skip one meal and drink water in- prices. e g
.survived by one son, Robt. H. oh the tead. Wash out stomach and,bowels ;Acetylene Welding. _ Single 50C. Return 900. _.
and'two daughters, Elma, each morning by drinking water ;.cith •
at home and Allegra, of Los Angeles; spoonful of simple glycerin, buck- Batteries ropaired and charged, ' • a
I,�Rve Pickering ; (Standard Time). Leave Toronto
!viva. M. C. Dewar, of London,-Ont. thorn bark, saline•. compound (called Firestone and Dunlop Tires. 1 A M P M A. M. P. M.
pre-deceased her four year, ago. Adlezika). Gasoline and Oils. N 8 10 255 a 8.30 2.30
Death of Mrs. Hardy. Adierika' brings out poisons you - �•
never thought were,in a 7.55 3.55 7°80' 4.30
g your system. Refreshment Booth in Connection
The sudden death of Arminta El If you are nervous, can't sleep, full 1 7.55 4.55 8.30 4.80
son, came as of gas, it will su rise ou. Adierika Phone Pick.7600 8.55 5.55 9.30 5.30
a great shock to her y % (night or day). 955 b 6.55 10.80 ' b 8,80
vriany relatives and friends on Jui5 contains no harmful drugs. Get it 10.55 7.55 11,30 7,80
- '-Ist. She was the-dearly beloved wife today; by tomorrow you feel the 'MILTON $`EEP 11.55 b 8 55 P. M. b 8.30
of Thomas Hardy, and daughter of wonderful effect of this German doc-
"the late Phoebe Jane 'bfiller and Hry. for s remedy. E. C. Jones, druggist, 421y PROPREETOR P. M. 9.55 1280 9.90
Elson, the latter who pre-deceased --- 12.55 d 10,45 _.- 1,30 10.30
` liar two weeks ago. The late Mrs. EDMUND H
. ,I N D L U M B E R i •.
•" Hardy was in her fifty-eighth year, a Daily errant Sunday. b Saturday, Sunday and ,
_she ryas a kind and loving wife and � Holidays only. d Sunday only.
mother, not only to her own but to - . COMPANY, LIMITED. ; Coaches stop at any point to pick up passengers_
,every one who knew her, was alwayr 1 Signsl plainly by hand to the driver. §
-wining to lend a helping hand when-
Besides ER AND MILLWORK _ :. t Coach connections at Toronto for Buffalo, Niagara
sever needed. Besides her sorrowing ( -` _ Falls, Hamilton, Brantford, London, St. Thomas, '
iusband left to mourn her loss, are, FOR EVERY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION _
Yo= sons and two daughters. They Detroit, Schomberg,•Brampton, Barrie, Orillia, Mid.
are Mrs. Howard Pugh (Mildred), of Masonite for the 1VlOdei'n land, Jackson's Point and intermediate points. ,
Glen Major;-Edgar of Whitby, Walt- Coach connection at Buffalo and Detroit -
_ .er, Percy., Edith and Elwood at home , tine and Farm for all U. S. A:points.
•Also four brothers and three sisters - -
Sylvister, of Glasgow; John, of the 'Ideal for Summer Cottages, Prompt Deliveries.
l 7th concession; Henry, of Toronto; I'
, Albert. of Stouffville; Mrs, Mop as- WRITE AN D SAMPLES
Gray ' Coach Lines
M, of Stouffville; Mrs. Thompson.
Y ^A0/ Toronto; Mrs. Davis, of the 4th (Mention this paper wheniwriting). rj
1 ession, Pickering and eight gr
dren. The funeral servitp was DANFORTH AND MAIN ST., TORONTO Orover 1133.4-5
'... .. m
s z e
'r .,,� +sl +4i ,,y'x+(°t'-.. }.t Sv,r,,• T, .,r,�,yv..e 'S. .' :a° �. r, ,.. ,M,-,._.;;t 3A�r tr�'"•F .+..'ro x• ••t wjJ't,'m•.x' •v,�i7a`
d�C:. •.wry ' .-� 'li v •.. �'..++ a-!,rµ•� 7A'.. "ter.— - 'Y';c+P n .. -
,wr., ,:.�' •h'ppJ;. nom,'' '3"�',�-'.°- ..,a*`.n •'"''.`>c �.'',r<vr,�aw,�v��'v, :•,may.....•..°.it ••-;wr;r;•• :�+r' .. %,>:� 4'�'c � ,",�F> h
,.c. .w.soy. .��%9`;C +. -rrv4,.r�s�5y •;��t} �'�"•,-��7+"- x.va '• . ...�.- .. . .. •' • A " s -� ;I - _ .. � b 4
.4-.:-!^. ,. Tf+,a+�, ..cr'" ri.' /. r .�' ••• ,r? ^'„"'�, I •i- ,r :.„�
7 •���!!!fff��\ i' r'�Y,..- _" .r �'x' t! . , .. g' +, r r .r - 'r t} '.t'.., :H�•.
_ �CLAREMONT Mine Mabel McLellan is holiday � Q
g. / Mice Jasa�e Cooper, of Toronto, ling with friends in Port Elgin. WN. ANDERSON
Claremont Continuation School ? '
spent Sunday with Claremont . Wm graham had the misfortune - ..,
relatives. Y to fall one day last week and free- DUNBARTON
James Youn and eon, of Brook- ture'his collar bona ' LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS
g Mrs. Bacon and daughter, Ber. - - - -I N S U R A lY E `^4
tins visited the former's sister, the, are holidaying at the latter's 1�
y � `A C' indicates that the pupil has passed to that subject of the' .•_,.,•,�
Miss J. Young, on Sunday. cottage at Wasaga Beach. Lower School., The Department of Education will issue certificates to AUTOMOBILE.
Mies Bertha Bacon has been -Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick, of To- pupils who have passed on the following subjects: Botany, Art, Goo-
engaged on-tire-Agincourt public ;onto, are spending a short holi• graphy, British Riptory, Zoology. Physiography,Grammar and Arith- FIRE
school staff for the coming year. day with their son, Ben, metie, - ' ` BURdLARY
Mies Jean Grant, of Toronto, here. -' - - CASUALTY
has been holidaying at the home Frank and Mrs. .rostick and _ .
Calvin and Mrs. Gostick spent a
of her grandfather,James Evans. LIFE INSURANCE'
Mire Evelyn Storry, of the C. P• day in Georgetown with relatives. m y,
D. M. Morgan spent Tuesday in S p Phone Pickering 920
ii,- express office. Toronto, spent Columbus attending a committee g
the holiday with the Misses meeting of the Maple Leaf Insur "' L.m ° BONDS—government, Municipal and
Walker. ance Co. •� m 8 0 Mortgage Bonds, Cleo, Ipdustri"
_. ..
Mrs. G. Duncan, of Brougham, Mr. and Mre. Barrett and dau ° a a 8 '0'. m Safe investments at trod' �toT'per
was the guest of her nieces, the ghter, of Oshawa, visited with J. h' FORK lI c o `c F A eo` cent. '
`biases Forgie,for a couple of days H. Beal and Mrs.Chandler one day �l,a J�l N G7 d 40 1NSURANCE—All classes written in- 1""
lest week• last week. :Reelhy, Kathleen _.. c c e c c c c c c c eluding Fire; Automobile, Wif►d-
W. A. and Mrs. Forgie,of De Mose Norton, of the 4th line of Borland,Gordon c storm,Accident and Sickness.
.Trott, Mich., visited the former's Uxbridge, suffered a severe stroke DnpkinR, Cart .c -. o c a Phone or write
aunts, hire. J. and A. For ie, on Sidney o �$� ED. BOWMAN Whitby
g a few days ago and at time of Dunning, BOWMAN,
Whitby last. writing is very low. McCarthy, Myrtle a o a =
Mr.and Mrs. Pennel and family, Mrs. Russell and. son, Wilbur, Middleton, Borden :,c c o c a D $ im M) R
Of Toronto, have been holidaying and her daughter, Roy c o c c c c 0 a
Mrs. Tripp, of Miller, GENERAL 1NBIIRANO'>s •:�-,
with the latte•r's parents,James Whitby, visited with Luther and Stephens, Gordon a c e c c a c c c AGENCY
spd Mrs McCullough. Mre. Pilkey on 3undny. Steward, Jean 'c a a c c a c a c o BROUGHAM, ONTARIO
Miss Effie Graham, Myrtle. has gay harvest is now in full swing Tomlinson, Wm o c.o c c o c.o o
-been engaged as book•kesper and and in a few days farmers will be __ Tran,Joseph o o c c a Facilities for placing any kind of In• V
stenographer for the H. G. McIn busy cat king their fall wheat, ti Ward, Joseph o suranee at best rates
weey wMrhand Mrs Profit Ape. Mr, and �r� -- - t7 and Seraviice my Motto.
tyre Co.and commenced dui last 8 Domthy a
: Security
Russell Neal, of Wastnn}accOm`--Mrs.'Undsrhtll; of Aurora. visited — hone
-panted by his wife and little den with Lyman and Mre. Pilkey on
ghter, spent Sunday with Mrs. Sunda and attended Decoration
'Thos. Neal and other Claremont L
friends. Dap services. � .. . - -- - .. _ _ .-- .. •
Reuben and Mrs. Beene and : a
R. and Mrs. Glendenning ant daughter, Helen. of Stayner, and = - 'E° A good supply of Hard and Soft
daughter. Miss Peggy. and Mrs. James Young and son, of Brook- . - a•t Coal on hand. Also a supply
'Walter Bennett, of Markham, ltn, attended the Decoration Day - e u 9 .�o a
- visited with the latter's sister, services here on 3anday. FORM I m 8 a c Kindling Wood, :
L... p en a 6... Q f stovellength.
u _
Mrs. S. Bennett. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Balsdon, of Port
Mrs. R. Richardeoo, of Walker- _ redlr,._ayent._-several days-last Co..IC7.aCc,C7 6:;.A.. I2tf, Phone Pick. 1709,
ton, and Mrs, A. Storry, -of-Toweek with R. J. and Mrs. Mann, Bassett, Olive c c c c c c c c c
routo, were guests of their brother and on Wednesday they all went Bayles, Margaret k c c o , a DONALD MUNRO. PICKBRING
W. J. and Mrs. Gregg, and their to Port Bolster where they spent Booth, Earl c c'C c o e c a _
relatives during the past week the day. ,1Brown, Herbert b c c c c - Blacksmit ing I'
Quite a large number of our C. A. and Mrs. 'Overland and Dopking. Kenneth c c 0 o-c it •=
residents were in Pickering oo family, E. and Mrs. Bryan. and Daerden, Florence c o o c c a o o
Thursday evening last attendia Misses Margaret and Nancy Duval, Forsyth, June �e a o o c o fl e fl. Horne-shoeing a Specialty.
poolice court when several very Mrs, Hnrton and Mrs. Lye plc• Graham, Gordon c a e c o a a All Genera]Work.including Wood _
interesting cases were disposed'7 nicked &t Victoria Coeuers an Gregg. Jean a c e c o a c a c Work. promptly
After one of the hottest weeks Dominion Day, ]Kilpatrick. Marina a a c a c c a a a attended to.
'oa record a most welcome rain A large number attended the Luyst. Arthur c c o o a 0 a a' -
4meusred on Sunday ni let which garden pant held on Andrew 1,0 at, Clears o __ .. - ._. ,ANea�t for Taco)Farm
helped to owl the air a lreshet� Wiisoa•s Lawn on the fifth con. o! IItiller, Robert c a o a a o a a a - = Machinery.
ed all kinds of vegetation. whieh- n evening last. _ fillips, Mary o o e a c e o - .Uxbridge o Friday g mss. T• Z7CTCt0�,L•C�iT�I
was suffering greatly from tits leash. Aim& c c 0 0 0 0 0 0
The evening was fine and all
buts dry weather. enjoyed themaelvM. Selman, Grace o 0 o a c o a o � i,RJOINWOOOD lair
'Three rinks from the local bowl,= 18ter9hon*. Ralph io 0 o a o a
- •ln�ciub participated in • raised Tbo results of the entrance Tomlinson. Edward e e e 0 o a c 0
tournament at Markham *tin Mon- extminations appear In another 'Willson, Boas p o a cc e e
day evening. About 20 or 25 column. We congratulate the .Ward. Marjorie -a e'e o e o.e a o
teams entered and,a real evening pupils and teacher* on the Rood Ounning. Sidney to c a e a _
suss enjoyed. Ralph Miller showing. as nearly all the candi• -
brought home one of the awards. dates were successful.
Mire. (Rev,) Knox Clark, of Nelson Sanderson, of Toronto, _ _ BARR
Calgary, was the guest of her has leased the north half of Mrs - U / N E
+cousin, Mrs. R. Raw9on, during Rawson'*house and is moving his
the past week. Mrs. Clark spent fancily here at once. Mr. Sand /
bar girlhood days to Claremont arson will continue in Toronto,
_and was welcomed by some of her coming to Claremont for the week er —
' old schoolmates hoolmates who still reside ends.
The, strawberry crop is now -
over and proved a good one. - ' . .R'EPAIR'S 114E SOLD �psl�Sl
t3ardeaerq west of Toronto enjoy BLUE and WHITE -
ed en abundRnt crop, but toward The right kind of repairs add' new ,a E speak of that _ .
the end of the season found'it 6 t' , ' ig design that err _�
difficult to get a market, so had to _ STtJRE life t0 your machines, and the dignified, not artistic _
dispose of them to canning factor• � designs that would be
..ies at 8 cents a box. ., .only right kind are those pw7oze state for the 1-
- purpose in view. The J.
Members of the' bowling club;Peas, 3 cant for... .. -250 _ one illustrated is �- -
anticipate the completion of the Jelly Powders, 4 pkge for 25c _• •,- made from the same _ q � ",
wiring and lighting of the green I Pork and Beane. 8 cans for .. 25c - -'
on Friday eight. They also re- Black Tea, per lb.-. ••, 88c material and of --No Greater Tribute'
,quest that those wbo intend P& G Soap, a bare foe. 26c the same manufacture as the original
playing get in touch with some of-1 Lb. tin Cocoa, .. 25c N. W. STAFFORD,
the members and get their names Pruned, 2 the. for .. 28c Sla�ston Bond,'
on the roll and thus enable the-Salt. 2 pkge for... 28c Whttb�
committee to prepare their sake-:Core, per can .:- •.• ••' 104 -Join the inereasing number of forehanded men who Phone Whitby
dole. Tomatoes, per can too
A very Pleasant evening was gave your coupons for Rogers'
Insure against emergencies by , es a Ra
spent on Friday last when the Silverware,also the child's - orderin� repairs
choir and ome:ers of the Raptist; p i
Church paid a sar�•iee viii on savings scrip. _ � M L •�' t
Rvane and lire. WWard. -About C A OVERLAND •
forty friends took part in the By doing this you get the benefit of McCormick-Deering ._;
informal program that took place 87ty Phone 2501 service, a service which is prompt . . �a 4. Xi �, _
during the evening. general con-
and and dependable. _ � � ,i
b t companywt other extended and I - ---- = —--
gapped Cheap rates for farm sad ooantt7 1 -
groom r village preseptod a very Our Tractor repair Dept. is going strong. We have the banning..
V.310t appearance odl Dominion p roper.tools and a factory trained meohanio. Windstorm Insurance on building*.
Dap. With the exception of a
Toronto . Bread wiad•mille,Silos eta.
brief period in the morning, the Oar man goes.anywhere, Automobile Insurance
stores were closed for the day, l of all kinds.
and many spent the day to plc• 700 ' OA? garage is also egriipped for gre:lsing, washing and FARMS FOR BALE nicking, while many others spent repairing all makes of care, especially Durants, Write cr phone
the day in trying to keep cool, -- with a competent -Mechanic in charge. T �7�T �T
which was a difficult matter with it Butter! L• B O YY lj
the thermometer registering Good Da - _
around the 100 mark. �3 Charles Cooper, - - ..CI 20 WHITBY, ONT. _
A large number from the Bap- - - .r L'. M
list and United Church Sunday - . '
Schools held their annual picnic Large tin Ttgar Salmon, ... 25c
on Thursday last at Port Bolster, IS Your Pickerin l�iews aid for ?
S, beautiful summer resort on the Fancy Ptak Salmon. large 16a g . P
shores of Lake Simcoe, a few miles 5 Lb. Pail Syrup .. .. '85a
south of Beaverton. A large bus LOOK THESE OVER
was chartered, and a large truck 10 Lb. Pail Honey Sba
and a number of cars conveyed all Tea Bieeuite, per lb.. ... 15a •�'"` "' F�
to the picnicking grounds. The - Tiger Salmon large tin ,.. 25c Choice Peas,Coro,Tom&,2 tine 25c '
day was s nt in playing various Rice, 2 lbs. .. 15c,Fancy lc'ink Salmon,'2 tine 29c Stand. Pena and Corn, 8 time 25a �• ; '..7•
games and in bathing, and a most Crown Syrup, 6 lb',tins 85c Seedless Raisins, 8 lbs, ... 29c
pleasant time'was spent by&11.
oranges, per dozen.. 20c p&G or Pearl Soaps, a bare 25c Icing Sugar,8 The ,,. 25c '
There was&very large number Lemons, per dozen ... 26o Toilet•Soap, 8 bare 25c Corn Flakes, 8 pkge 25c
who attended the Decoration Day Castile Soap, 8 bars . •• 25c Iodized Salt;pkg lox mss;
service at the Ur.ion Cemetery on Macaroni, 8 lbw .. 25c Rolled Oats, 7 lbs. ... 25c King's Plate Sardines,2 tine 25c
Sunday.afternoon. An excellent Granulated Sugar by sack at lowest price
address was Riven by W. E. N. Coffee, per lb, ... 29c Brantford Hinder Twine now on hand —
Sinclair, K. C.,M.P.P.,of Oshawa
and Rev. H. R. Stephens spoke Tiger Catsup,large bottle 200 " ' '' Blank Diamond Plow Pointe - _ k~}
:. ..,i
_ Men's Work Boots Goodyear Tires Ezide Batteries
- e
Appropriately to the occasion, Battery Charging The Male Quartette of the Baptist 1
F I NG 4 L DS } call and�see nn or, � T.
�r Church gave several aelectione
that were much appreciated and �r
'Walter Kerr, of Ashburn, sang in Lower Price Store Phone your order, We deliver,
his usual pleasing manner and was Phone Markham 6402. Sold and Installed by ,y
accompanied by Mrs. Goddard. Phone 8501 &Gfneral TRANK 1 PROUSE
The chair was ocenpied by G. M. CLAREMONT. R14vez inmatmA .. o4f'1'A)m
�• Y
deb 'sw c{ ;,�.r ,�sr'-dr „r :,�"a„*- ;'a`•�,s-;`n', T�)��y+_c•.�,y •n oac�• ' •w.`,� ,A�; �' ' d� k
t a. ^sr:_ r+t ,"` rn•,i:"°•�°'` rs.,,,.•.2 y .T'o' :aEd` '°. y'"F•'T` ''$e•
- - t. .:,^. ,'�-. b• ri .r- K La. ,.1 Nk ,x o!• ,s*..a, ^ e i i'r. ��,/ '.. :�'.4��
- - •,- • y' ,fAS�i.-.- w 9'i:,,°,, f• •J�' 1f/J� Y1, M. Y�b •ri..?xk-�•
- Qlltarl0 Waters Claim
. :.. Mikes Her Bow
Eight 'Meet- Death as Rowboat Upsets in- Ottawa River aN����� s
Undertow Cause of Deaths at-Hamilton '
and Roudeau - .; �
Thousands dared rough lake waters Marie, drowned at Sault. ,
-ila weir'Qaeat for relief from the torrid Gordon Peter., 3, Sydenham, drown- ;. <,; Those Lontes who attended the Lone be The Naturalist Badge. The test
ed at Sydenham. K'. ts'
weather and scores were putted oat n' 11 Hernia drowned •.'� .;'4,' :', 3aeut Camp at Ebor Park, in August, for this is-ail follows:
Arnold Britto `', 1930, will be very sorry to hear of the • 1. Explain; (a) -The -fertilization
by lifeguards,unable to fight their way at Sarnia. ,, L ) .. sudden death of Assistant Scoutmaster and development of"a wild flower; or
back to shore against the combination
George Deacon, 16, Hamilton, fatal-
of east wind and current. g Charlie Boyle, of the 87th Toronto (b) The development of a bird from
ly hurt diving. ': 1;' ,. Troop, which occurred on. June 22nd an gg, or (c) The life history of as E
Ottawa, July 5.-The wind-roughen- Rescue Efforts'Fair _' t. last. insect or a fresh-or•salt water fish or,
ed waters'of the-Ottawa River swamp- Hamilton.-Thomas Staton, of 1251 Charlie, it will be remembered, was (d) A month's observation of pond' _a
ed a rowboat and sent eight young Main Street East, was drowned in the 3::''``• r;'
canna to death near here Sunday. one of -the senior scouts who helped life,
take o1!Station Nine late $uaday, aG to make that camp egeh a success and 2. Keep a diary 111uetrated by
The pally had been invited out for teraooa and Charles McKeown, a : -� ?:^<;"" "
a pleasure' spin in the rowboat and beach resident who went to his rescue, the quiet and efacient manner in sketches of the, animals, birds, trees,
=were in the middle of the broad stream was taken from the water unconscious which be carried out the dories allot. Plants, insects, etc., recorded; this
- • when the outboard motor with which after he battled the high waves for 10 tad to him, and the wholehearted wag diary to contain the dates and places
the craft was equipped stalled and left minutes in an effort to reach the vie- ,';>,• la .which. he entered into all our ac of: (a) The Brat appearance o[ li
these at the mercy of the waves. , tim'a side. ' tivitles made him a faverite with all' sprang.or autumn migrants; (b),First • a•
? Ths Dead J. Lewis, Thomas ' Allan, Nelson
members of thecamp, flowering of, 18 wild flowers, or des-
(}eorge RRcICOt, 28, Ottawa, owner "> a I For some years past be had suffered criptioa of.the appearance and habits
Brown, Gordon Dni[ and George Male, t'1
of six water fowl; c) First appear-
of the boat. all resignts.of the beach, brought Me- from heart trouble, and it was thought
Maurice and Charles Laliberts, s that he-was once of six butterflies or moths,or des
Maurice to shore. �. growing nicely out of it,
°! '' ? so that hla passing was a great shock crletion'ot six wild animals; (d) Make
brothers, 8 and 10 years, respectively, An able swimmer, Staton ventured J'
Ottawa. out in lee water against the htgli : "' to .us all. a carbon or other impression of 18
-- - - p +'�'- leaves of common trees.
TEereea ai3d-L-ilIia�-Racicot;-gfater� waves;-and- was- 150-feet frsra altos � t
We sympathize sincerely with his
6 and 2yi years, re ttveI , Ottaava. `" --
4]JeC Y when he turned and attempted to paienta sad his comrades-in-the-447th --
y There is quite a littI work attached
taws. swim back. Exhausted after battling ° "' 'a, : Toronto Troop, and we know that all
Alice Talbot, 17, Ottawa. - for-five those Lonfes who knew him will ea- to the above test, but the average '
the rough sea minutes, he ;:;' ,
Calvin Frith, 17, Cummings Bridge, cried for help, and the young men donee this, country or village. boy it should not
pear Ottawa. " - be very hard, and will provide a num-
who were bathing near the shore, y I her of hours of very interesting and
Bernard Goeselia, 17, Montreal Rd, struck off in his direction. Now-tbat achool holidays are in full lastructive occupation to keen Lonies.
!tear Ottawa. 5 Torontonlans Drown H. H. Maharaj-Kumari,.younger . swing, and the out of doors is calling The following Is the method of mak•
Two Save Themselves Toronto.-Five Torontonians were daughter of Maharajah of Burd- us all, whether of school age or over, tag carbon impressions of leaves: 1,
_ fiwo yagng bays saved themselves i drowned and five women'and a' man wan an Indian debutante, on her time should be found to study for pas Press the leaf evenly on a new Sheet of
LY clinging to-the upset boat. They I rescued from drowning while bathing
way f to be presented at the court or more of those Proficiency Badges carbon paper.; 2, remove leaf from car.-
are Roland La Croix, 11, and his I Sunday afternoon on the beaches of whic hare eminently connected with bon,. and press it evenly on a clean
'brother Leo, 9, of Ottawa, 'Lake Ontario, A wild sea from a heavy of St; James. at recent presenta- the open air.
sheet of paper. Sometimes it will be
An act of heroism cost Alice Talbot east wind, with the current travelling ioa.
g - _ For the nest few weeks we will out- fourd that a cleaner imprint will be
her life. Miss Talbot, a domestic in l in the same direction, formed a power- line the requirements for one.of these obtained by'pressing the leaf a second-
the employ of the Racleot family, man-�fui undertow, wbich swops bathers be. (.� • badges each week, and we hope that time on clean paper without using the
aged to grasp Lltliin and placed the i yond their depth.' Despite their of- ` a0fiday claim's " Iahls will stimulate some Lone Scout to carbon paper for the second-imprint.
chid.on her shoulders. She swam'forts to match their strength against • qualify for them. You will fecollect ' When finished,a collection such as the
several strokes, but the burden proved I the heavy breakers, three youths and 354 Lives 11'1 U.Se that if you are In possession of your above will be a permanent record and
itoo greet for her strength, and both i a man were carried to death. The i Second Class Badge, you are eligible will be a splendid'addition to your
Sank in the waves. body of John Willoughby, aged 21, 65 to gnalitfy for and wear six Proficiency -Patrol or Lone Scout Den decoration -
Drownin e Account for 39
- 3feanwhll'e, people on the'shore were Munro Park Avenue, drowned more � �Badges, but If you are studying for the sehc -
_ '$trying frantically to break fastenings than two weeks ago, was washed —Auto Fatalities 118—8— Second Class Test, and reasonably Next week we will outline the re-
that held two rowboats at a dock Wl3• ashore. Fireworks Only 8 hope to pass the test In the near- quirements of the Pioneers Badge.
ffrtd Verdou at last succeeded in Heroic efforts of friends of -the New York-.1•t 354 fives the United;tuture,• It would be good policy to Boys betwe#n a ages of 12 and
loosening one of them and got to the drowned persons and members at-the States counted the eo it Of- its 155th�spend a little time preparing for some 18 years, who live in places where
Ill-fated craft in time to rescue the+Life-Saving crews, were witnessed by Independence Day celebration. (of these badges, so that after the there Is no Scout Troop and who are
two La Croix lads. The boys had sun hundreds of persons who lined the Second Class Badge to safely sewn on interested to the Lone Scouts should
With all sections of the country
ceeded"to retaining their hold as the beaches on the water€ront thrilled ai q D pa-ticulars to "The Ldde
sharing in the in price of the �your grm,,you can quickly,pass those write for
craft capSl2ed and had climbed upon the daring of the bathers going out-In annual- independence observance, the'tests which will qualify you to wear Scout Department. Boy Scouts As-
t• such a rough sea, which had precluded highest loss. of recent years was some proficiency badges also. sociatlon, 330 Bay Street, Toronto S,•-
- Seven 'Mon Llvss most of the small boats venturing out reached. I This week's Proficiency. Badge will Lone E.
Western Ontario paid wRh aevea in the lake. � The Mid-Western States led with - '
lives over the week-end for the efforts Drowned -86- lives lost but Mid-Atlaw..+e"States Increased to etght-three in m;d•At- • Si
x&And relief from the heat in varf- James Hastie, aged 17, 504 Merton were but a step behind with 84. lantle. 'the same number in -the mid- CiMadians �► ix&
ous watering-places. Street. Fireworks, once the major cause west and two In the mosntain states. j„ ium�;„,,,, Event
Six persons, including three child- William Birna, aged 16, 101 Seaton for fatalities on the holiday, this _ _ _ aaa Jumping
_ fen, were drowned, and the seventh. Street. year accounted for only eight lived. _
a-15-year-old boy, died from a broken Yesta Frederickson'. -aged 17, 33 ' The lakes and rivers eiacted' the Buckingham palace France Wins Important Event
peck,suffered when he dived into 6ba1• Ladykirk Avenue. grimmest reckoning. Though much
low crater at the Hamilton Beach. _ Archie Winning, aged 35, 74 Nealou of the country was free from the To Be Illsuninated at 'London International
Heroic efforts at rescue featured the Avenue, East York, severe heat wave which- leaf week Buckingham Palace will be. literal- Show
_ deatk of Thomas Staten of Hamilton Orval La'deroute, aged 17, of 129 counted Its victims .at :nearly 1.300 ly,_►n the spotlight next September, Louden-France won the contest
Sunday night, when live other men Cameron Street. Fort_W!lltam. - dead,it was warm enough that rivers during the sitting of the triennial Ia- for the Prince of Wales Cup. one of
swam out into the lake to his aid, and Rescued and lakes were' t4ronged, One ernalonal Illumination Congress In the most Important Jumping events
all were in peril, one'being brought Agnes Leask, aged 16. 106 Edge hundred and 39 11►ee were lost b London. Not only in the spotlight but is the International Horse Show at
sLrhore unconscious. The dead: - wood•Avenue, - _ drowning*. The Pacific coast re-I in floodlights festooned wfth thous- the Olympia on June 26th,
Thomt,s Staton,_ 45, Hamilton,r Kay Hunter, aged 19, 209 Fairview ported 27.of this number. 17 occur- ands of fairy lamps. These latter are
+dn�a'aed at Hamilton Beach. One Ontario team from-the (lover-
i Avenue. 1 ring at Los Angeles alone where a,now being manufactured at Wesiibley, nor-General's Body Guard competed
- - John T. Preston, 45, Ottawa„ drown-( Jean Hainsworth, 66'Bastedo Ave, surging rip tide awpt over crowded I in Middlesex, and are providing quite along with horsemen from a number ,
ed at Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Minnie Stein, 15 Cedar Avenue, beaches. Four me.i drowned 1n,a lot of t:mployment. Engineers have of other h horsemen
_710-err -Maaou, Jr.-,-W---ffetroit, _-Aggea-Ne.ttsoa 39 Iraq_uois Avenue. LAs Michigan near Gary, I_nd.. lu'spent days working out, mathematical-
1 Holland paced second and Greet
,drowned at Rondeau Park, - � Centre Island. an attempt -to rescue a youth caught 'i�, LIIe sr@nc scheme bf'fiood-lighting,
Raymond Crotchet, 12, Sault Ste. I Charles Harrii, address ilot�knoWn, 1n a vicious undertow: The youth �and of concealing the apparatus as Bsitatn, holder t the cup, was third.
The Caaadlan team was sixth, non-
_ - - was saved by 11'eguardsmen, ;Hutch as pox*able so that it will not be Mst!ng of Li i•'. Donald Hunter, To-
TL•^ i,i!+m�rl b',-:+ways cf the na- ;in eye-sore to the daytime. They are tonto, on Snn Dart; Lleut. E; R.
.,Fatal Week for Ontario; Sunday- Slxteeii drowned; two titan took-118 lives in automobile ac checking their plans carefully for, as F;aron, of Toronto. oa Cnchalsin, and
Death List.Totals 113 killed b7 heat. - - cidt nt, v; i ;spa ed a+th SI last nrry b.- ri:t1,- .•tuod--there will be no Licit Marshall Cleland, of Hamilton.
Last week was a black week for Total deaths luring week-113. year. Airplane fVa!'ti-, ii•,a•eror, teh..:r i.% -
� - The result waa: Erunee 13>�-faults;
Ontario. One hundred and nine I Holland, 19'faulta; Great BritaiA. 21
'persons have died In the week end �OV1et Or CCm7lete Lcc faults; Irish Free State, 23 faults;
ed as the; result of -accidents or of g Belgium, 30 faults; . Canada, 36%
!teat prostration*. And never be "' flaults.
tore in the history of this province Five �JCpeditions I The French team was composed of
has heat and water taken such a veterans who have been jumping at
terrific toll. f arty to Conduct Arctic Re'- ; rlernitional horse shows for years,
-.Since last Sunday night 63 persons - t The competition provided plenty
'were drowned in the province. Heat searches—River Systems - of thrills. In the first rofind one et ,
deaths numbered 30 in the same to be Explored `» the Canadians crashed Into a gate °
gterlod. Automobile accidents were' -
L•entngrad.Five, arctic expeditions i so heavily that it was broken and
responsible for -10 deaths. Aviatton •' at the last Jump the saute- officer
clalpied six lives. Four persons died are being organized this year by the was thrown from his saddle, but
Cfrom other causes. And, in addt- All-Union Arctic Institute. _ a luckily landed on 'his feet and was
on,- two bodies were recovered this The first will operate an Frans Jo- ar 1
- -vreek-end. - _ seph's Land and Hooker's Island. It l _
The_.terrific heat wave which wilt replace the winter expedition and C1alI1♦1S Wheat Record'
reigned over the province durins the will conduct hydrological and oceans °'
i past four or I've days was, of course, graphical ezpiorationa•for purposes of
navigation in the Kara Sea, the sec-� Chatham-Gilbert Resume, as Dovev
greatly Township farmer, believes he has es-
greatly responsible for the accidents of and expeditioh''9vul go to the_Tchukot- tablished a. record for early wheat
death. But two major accidents sko-Anadyr district to study the rider ' cutting. Last Friday he commenced
took 13 lives. Five were killed on
`Dominion Day in an airplane crash systems and the slopes of the central cutting an 18-acre field of wheat,
at Hamilton.• Eight *Rere drowned plateau of his region. 't and declares that it is one of the
in the depths of the Ottawa River A' third 'group•!s going to the lower beat crops he leas harvested In blip
""'`� forty'odd years' experience as a farm,
-'when a boat capsized. And bun- Part df the Lena River to explore the ,�I I -
dreds have been injured this week coal region 'in the districts at_the : ''° 1 ; er. "I have never heard 'of wheat
in fleet bases, At the same time "`i cutting in this istriet on July 3,"
in automobile and other accidents. it will search for deposits of mercury, ”' r 'Mr. Reaume said..
As. tabulated by the CanadlVt
Press, the week's fatalities were as iron and other minerals. Another ex- a
-follows: Peditton wilt be-sent out this •winter Goodbye To Shaving Mug
Monday-1 killed inn,, aviation acct- to the White Sea for fn'vestigatrig
cleat; three f& auto A�Zilents; three hunting to that region. 'F ! Victoria.-The-barber shop shaving _
drowned; one struck by train. The fifth'party *fIf operate oti-the " mug !s a thing Je the past in British
Columbia.- Un.ler new regulations
southern -island of Nova Zembla and `°
_ 'Tuesday - Four dead in car �- �•- carbers must use sHa ring'soap in the'
Crashes; one drowned. will study the feasibility of restoring w« form of
the A powder, liquid or nets, fresh p
_.. phua fishing-trade. (The a Y'.•... . ..`";:. e p,
Wednesday-Flv_p in air accidents phua - te, from the container for each customer. ,
16 drowned; 8 heat deaths;" two is ° one of the salmon species). x '. ,k �, i Mixing lathers in a common snug to
auto accidents; oae is fall, f O a�'" �' `a•:w serve more than one customer is for.
Thursday-Sixteen_• drownedi li Most of a ehiTd a growth is stature `x';=:�« '` 4 - bidden.
killed by heat, is done in bed, and there mental and
Friday'-Seven drowned; eight k1R•'�Y+tlosogical recreation goes-on most i _ Babies are said-to show their flrd
ed by heat. efficiently Without plenty'of sleet' smile about-the Sixty-eighth day.
Saturday-Four drowned; two heat the activity of the waking day is View of wreckage aboard motorship Bermuda after recent fire 4,
Deaths; one killed to faill oae kill• like a house( built on sand.-Sir rakefl her at her berth in Hamilton . harbor, , Bermuda. The ship The question is, how long wlll a
" ^"'" ed by auto. Charles Sherrington. _ partially sank until her stern was resting on bottom. I long skirt be long'!
7 back and looked ii iii nirr�r i
C69sifiied Ad"rtising
thought I must-be awfliny taulsec
But after I shaved and wasb94 tip V 0=0XV
u n c
h e* al t 6 F'u I h f 6 e found_It was-just dirt." BABY CHICK%
Rocks 10c, Whi�
4D,horns, Ancona& $4. Assort Iti.
GROWING CHILDREN PtoI Poisoning Ram sts. 6 weeks 9ld, 60c; 8 weeks. 05c.
S*ftzer, Gramton, Ontario.
"We do not bear as much about
ptomalue poisoning as we used to.& .10� XPXRT KODAK FINISH
I r3o
ag 22A roll.any We po 11 in pri.
few years ago. -Not long o every 3o sach. Jackson
Crisp crackerov toast or
hw4 and a tasty dice of abdominal disturbance was belled
that, but ptomaln. poisoning is really
'golden Velveeta, Kraft's WAJLNX" " "IMICIISTMEW
so rare that most 6 go
physician UT TWEDDLE'S
through a lifetime of practice and Behicks at these low prices betoft
delicious chmefood,make e e BLOOD-TZST9D
-growing i
.;&-sl 1-"&C
li'dVer see a reai caab oz u. A 06r. -Me-se via is v.w. LiLrred-and
children,for Velveets con- with% piomain, Poisoning ,as Rocks, 10c; Leghorus, go. Started
tAim all the nutritious two weeki o3d. Zo more. Exprem
In lots cot 500, 2c less. Chigkjk abI
paralysis of the muscles of the'eyes
-where an first e
clements of rich, whole and Inability to move the limbs. It C.O.D. any xpress. J. W
Twed1le, Fergus, Ontario.
imillr It is '*digestible as usually kills the patient and if It does `sI
itsdV not kill him It. leaves him perman-
Made izz ently crippled.-Dr. Miles
Canada 3 $1.00. A. MaCreery Co� Cbatha*o
KRAFT Ontarici,
"Quebec Action Catholique (Ind.)-It
Is strange that an ordinary farmer Why Not Keep On Going?
MRS. LURING INOART SAILSY who will finish the year with a bun. Saint John Telegraph-Journal
A resident of Halifax, Mrs. Bailey -dred dollars, with a bigger establish- (Ind.). A British professor declases
Made by the ma- tw and Kraft Salad Drenins cressed the ocean from Liverpool -to ment than he had the year before,with tLat a mosquito can fly seventeell
Halifax more than 83 Nears ago, IlLnd- Improvements made.to his farm, after*hours without Settling Maybe he can,
Ing In the Seaport of Nova Scotia in having paid all his debts and filled his but be,doesn't.
London Buses to Have. i official of the L. G. 0. C, an over- the Cunarder Cambria on January cellar and barn with provisions, will
whelming majority of London', In- 16, 1848.
envy the lot of a commercial traveller
"Sunshine Roofs" Soon I.Angth of Life
babitants favor the covered bus, in,the town who earns $126 a month.
London-After months. of experl- with Its comfortably sprung and up- He lose* st'glit of the progress accom- For the length of life there is no,
�entlngj the coach-work designers bolstered seats. The "sunstilne" plished to compare the number of dol-, law. The weakest thread will draw
of the London Generai Omnibus Com- roof. however. should solve the prob- Owl Laffs tars which the townsmau can handle. Itself out to an unexpected isugh, and
�Wy are hopeful of having devised- lism to everyone�s likini-always Little Josle flew into the house one Yet what a difference between.the lot the strongest Is suddenly cut off by the
a satisfactory "Sunshine" roof for provided that half the passengers do of each of them, even if the farmer scissors_of Fate, who seems to take
evening very late for.the evening meal
the bases. Aunt Fanny hnd Cousin not want the roof off, while the has not Wit a penny aside. delight In ccintradictione.-Goethe.
and harried to her motber's chair.
Jase. up from the country, will cer-, other half think, It olught: to be shut
1I appreciate this development, down- Little Josie-l"Oh, mother, don't A traveller grumbles that he can
scold me, for I've had such a great dis- Policeman (t. resident seated
no of their favorite pastimes has
appointment. A horse fell down in the -never get a seat on an excursion train, doorstep at 2 &m.)-"What's tbe mat.
always been seeing the sights from Expert Gives Advice istreet and they said they were going The complaint is of long standing. ter? Lost you-: key?"
the top of a bus. send for a horse doctor, to of 0 Mr. Henpeck-"N-no, m-my nerve.'L
We went to Kew on top of a bus To Future Salesmen 'to -500 In
course, I had to stay. And after I A village of Inhabitants
Lnd we thought' the w-,rld -belonged "It is eesential -that you'should waited and waited he came, and oh, Northern Siberia had never, until It's surprising. boys, how Iguaranth'
to I.S. like to meet 'people and possess the
mother, what do you think? It was quite recently, heard of the Great girls can be at times. There isn't one
The bright red bases are one of the ability-to get along well with them If
features of the British capital. For- you ary to become a salesman," ia�s only a man! War or the death of the Czar; they of them who doesn't know what a kiss
had no knowle4ge of Soviet Ideas
-,sign vWtors fl-nd them so "typically an expert in giving. his idea ot how means, but they always Insist on hav-
English." G. Bernard Shaw is said youths should pick their life job. 'Ana this .next.generation 'will hear 'and a woman was their chief judge. Ing It repeated. When everything Is,
'to have written parts of some It his "You don't necessarily have to be dad tell about roughing it In the old dull, It's good. business for.a, scissors
days when a fellow had to Z"d the grinder.
plays on bus,tops. The surpriaing of the hail-fellow-well-met type, �ut nnedy ak
thing Is bat he cou,Id concestratV You do need to be agreI abd have furnace by hand. Ke
on doing anything else but -njoying perso-lality. Menton
"But above those qualifications ym Business Man (after j
the fascinating, corkscrewing rides. Interviewing 421 Collega St.,
But covered. tops have rather spoiled should have another. You must make his daughter's suitor)-"I regret I can- Toronto
'the view people have confidence in you. If you not see my way to allow You to marry Harley 6svidson Distriburort woo L
Fewer than 1066 out. of the $000 1 make people have confidence in you. my daughter at present, but give me Write at once for our bI tiat of
metropolitan omnibuses are now open; you will find that yo then. It noth- Used motorevelts Terms arranired. HIGHEST PRICES PAID 4
a will have an your-name and address.
ones. and -even these are being, re- asset greater than any other. If busi- Ing better turns up in the near futitret The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.
-of twenty a week
4 ness me
Vaced at the rate US n can believe In you they will you may bear from us a galn�" FS 2 CHURCH ST, TORONTO
.1.4tationers who In the old type ed trade with you Confidence breads
to enjoy a good blow on their way respem How Times Have Changed
to and from their offices. now find "Then you will need self-confidence --you must wake and call me early,
the closed tops too often stuffy with and poise, and f you are to get ahead Call me early. mother dear,"
tobacco smoke. But the traffic con- you etn't be of the type that to 3asity.That was often said to mothers
gestion problem has forced the 'a' discouraged, You should be a good By the girls of yeateiyear.
thorttles to make-every seat In each judge at kuman nature In order to Rize 0
.-.,..Conveyance available In both wet and f u pthe people with whom you deal. But the girls no tell their mc
fine weather And. according to an "You should realiie at the ouI As th,ey go out for a spin. cheiabw
mus"t wake up early, Mother, W"d ZIXAV
that your job will be to sell what tIe "You mum% 0" 030irrinoTle WXX=
buyer -can use profitably, or can dis- Someone's got to lot me In" A Positive *nd economicfLi
dentrover4t noilaus weeds
Nurse's Wanted pow ofin turn. You will not-be ap- 5 0" and vege tion, 4ow tarms.pw
proaching your task in the proper Weigbbor-"Has your wIto made roadsides, alone fences.
Zsciarables. P c Ifs,Best forYou a Babq fei
I%* To"ZtA x0XVIVU for lighi if yoii try to dispose of your home ha. pier sin e she went to,cook- ditches, etc. Eitc*llent for
la Affiliation with rordl.- 11al. destroying p6loolil 4vy and
Z wares for the cake merely of an lm-. Ing school?" nettles around summer
X4VV T*rx ett. . offs" a TurvIl
cerarse of valuing to To-C wo- - mediate sale. 'To be i good salesman ' Mr. Michaelm.-',much happier; we homes.
having the r9quit"d education. "d e- ust think in terms of your cus- have both learned to deeply and pro- 060 Pound Will Treat 160 stina"
sitrose of 11secoI emmes. This Pogo- you In ]PIN-1. Weed CI In Priced %@ follovis
%a han, adopted, tbA sicht-h— systs-. torner's problems as well as yonr perly appreciate plain. simple restaur-
receive as"CI of the' I lb.Care 1 .50 26 1b. Sr
seb,IVMS ant food. 31 lb.Cans $2.00 50 lb. Di?.-.-. 6=75
MOXI &Howeace a" usvtl-' own- 10 1 b Cans? 02J3 1001b.Drums
ampossest to &a4l from Iffew York. "Get 'al: the education'you can. It
200 lb. Drums eas.00
Few ftrthel V-d'ouls" "its '"I isn't necessary that you have a college The r�other who spoils her child-
sups"A"adivalt. Freight prepaid in Eastern Canada IiI
so the education to be successful as a saleo- imay be foolish but the mothir who orders of 300 lbs. and ul;, If "or
dealer cannot supply yM write U&
man. But if you can obtain the ad- doesn't Is unnatural. There was a
vantage of such training, do so by-all time when a. doctor couldn't figure Fertlllzwv and Feeqs UmIted
Soso DUAIdad St. W., Toronto 9, out.
Cnoearn Sear means. Ilere is only-one good'place much on success unless he was able RARLE N1. GROSM President
for you-to start,,aiid that is the hot. to grow whiskers. Several exclusive
Aek-owledged&a PrOtOck"Use tom. tea rooms are now serving Paper
weights with their meals to keep the
Play House-to be Given sandwiches from blowing off the table. BRUISES
Price 25-C. Every man should.have a hob.by,.7de- rf-HOLISANIXI of mothers ThsI nothing to. equI
: TO Princess FX=beth clares somozone. Perhaps,, .but it Is JL have that Easle minw4riL it "takes how.
brand i's Idesi fer 1;L"tfeI Antiseptic,soodting,hsalin,
Most childrenj It would be almost better &lot., to-ie.t your wife see, you- ilea -beft dwy are onablis
so ' iiave at'-onp" time 'or with her. The wise man never stops "es gukk reffet I
safe to Y all, -ft nurse their own childres. 24
another desired to "play house." it to argue with a obarp-tougue w e--
E L T 0
Eatle Branal
4a, therefore, a fair aisumption that He beats,It. . Some-wise man says: "A
the biggeit value in ibe Prlu�essi Elizabeth Is not immune hundred burry to catch Up where one
from the desire. Next year she will hurries to get.ahead.
OUTBOARD MOTORS be-able th play house with a ven. KING
gence, for The It Co_Ltd. OF IN
Speed-forordt- she Is' to be given one Carl-"Honey. I'm knee-deep in love I lfi Goes St.,Toronto.
.,nary boats of' of her "very. own." It is to .be the with you.,, Saw me Ems copm of I.
tative stersture on=t
for hottest com. gift of South Wales on her sixth Winifred-"All right, I'll put you OU Nam&...................
Ina, for long ..............
birthday, aid will be a miniature my wading list"
trouble-free,-compleot,e in eve7 detail. There Mrs. Huller="Y' our husband, looks
service-value I
that fears no; will bi hot and cold, ;vs�to'r,' firei, like a brilliant man; I suppose he
co ra parlson-; light, s, kitchen 'range-and even a knows everything?"
pmArtly rn el
a p pearance-, telephone,. In fact, as house agents' Mrs. Keeper-"Don't fool yours f.
all found in the adverti4elnents have it, "a modern He doesn't even suspect anything.1v
%vest Mto Outboard,
.torAlodels. There's residence, 4 rooms, hot and cold
'11 Elto- model for, water, bath.". The house has been Caller-"Does your husband . get
-%ery Deed, 21 to 4V designed by a Cardiff architect and what he earns?"
I,orsepower,all equlp-�
ped with the f6mous built by a South Wales firm. All The Wife--,'Yes;,tbat.'s.why we We
Flto Battery Ignition.I its fittings and furniture will also be always hard up."
other features are made An �Qgth Wale.s.
'tearless -Rotary,
Valves and spring-, Miller-"That man Is so honest he P:7ROXON
cushioned Steering. wouldn't steal a pin."
For ?ulAf paraculars -The
get in touch with us- BLACKHEADS Strau-ss-"I ne I ver thougbt-much of Longer and Wider Fly Catcher
the II test, Try him with an um- That.Will Not Dry
3i 3TAXAV"1111111 -...,t muffer,any longer from theoe is freeing thousands of Canadian home,
unsightly blemishes. overcome them at brella."
R. WIL11A1
TI-i 45 -�
home. Get 2 oz. Peroxine Powder from frorri the dengerous discese-bearitig fly. This handy
your druggist. Sprinkle a little on the spiral'flY Catcher is coated with a specially pre.
IMACHINERY CO. LIMITED face cloth, apply with-a circular motion If you are grouchy about being dun- pared glue, ftagrant and sweet, which will not
nnd the bla-bkbeads-will-be all-WASMD ned, there Is a:way to ivotd IL dr�y -or lose its attractiveness to flieL Ask for
-04 �RONT ST. W. TORONTO 2 AWAY. Satisfaction or money returned.
Aer=on at anY drug, grocery or hardware
It is the 91Y catcher with the p Stord.
Maud and the Judge* uab Pin and the
vvider and longer ribbon.-good for three weckP
MeAf Fl()Oring �laud kuller* ou a ilitnimer day,
ord service.
laked tbs.meadow, sweet with hay.
The judge who passed, exclaimed: 7 71.
It"s Go(A gee four'dealer What fun!
Think what that bay is worth a ton."
Get our prices ROXON
It's Even Better -. . . - . . , . . I - - I - . . . *:�,'�At
9 tters fro, . Brushvills,
ofd ita son Ta'
who recently returncd from a long FLY CATCHER
,.. ITPS THE BEST tour In h1l; flivver, said: "When I t Gets the By every time
fne Kn*ht Mfg. & Labr. Co. Ltd, Meaford XZ*Tax A 1M.L. ront ft"t X4M,TOrCOIW
ISSUE No. 2&—'31
�"°a may be obtained -Dancing eye LOC1B from urkar, at the Nvism. Dror, a Saturday at Dew.
-J. R. and Mrs. Thex"'too and
-Ed. Walsh, of Toronto, was in -Mrb. Gowanlock, of Lood6n, daughter, Margaret, visited with
Out.. has been visiting with J. S. Pickering town on.Monday. f riends on Dominion
e lq
-Sam Stewart, of Toronto, was and Mrs Baledon and family. Day.
is the village on Monday. -Misses Marjorie and Marion --Dr. H. T. Fannies, Resident
-W. A N. Sioclak, M. P. P- ,Shepherd. of Toronto, are holiday Dentist. Office in residence, two
of Oshawa, was in town on Satur• 1'39 with relatives in Pickering• doors east of Andrew' church,
W _S#L
day. m. Crammer, who has been -Pickering.* office hours, 9 4 a. m. to
.i-Willard Cronk, of Detroit, attending College -to Quebec, left 6 1). m. Daily, and Evenings by ap- Grocery dpecials for This Week
spent a few days with hill parents On JUIT let to spend a couple of pointment. -(X-ray service).
here. mouthe in a mission field in Time- -Sunday services in the United
Mn. 161pes, of To. sami. Gold Modal Sweet Mixed Picklel
-S&M and b Church#A usual. Rev.-111.Stainton as I nt- 80 oz jar ...
-Motil spent-Sundissy at 11.80 A. m. and•Rev. W, Smart,
-and Um Clark. Burford, widvi-ef Greenwood, at 8 00 p. w. Re.
two daughters. of Burf rd' Aoyal Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag
-Mrs. Fred Gee, of- Toronto, brief visit with W. J. 11IDS Mrs, member the League picnic -on Santa Claro Prunes, fresh, 8 lbs 25c
WBata few days with her 011009L Olark on Monday while an their July 15th and the garden pai-ty
rt. R. A Bunting. way on a holiday trip to Quebec. on Jnly 21st. 5-string Broome, special 880
-Mr. and Mrs. McGoey and -Comiwo-See Dr. F. E. Lake, -The hot Weather that prevail.
family, of Toronto, are holidaying Optometrist, 107 Youges St.s Tom ed over the greater part of the 1 lb. "Big Store" Tea, Glass Salad Bowl
at the lake at present. ronto's eyesight specialist. at continent last week resulted in 100 lbs. Gran. Sugar, Redpath 4 85
_Wm. Marquis, of -Uxbridge, Allin's drum store, Whitby, on aeveml hundred deaths and thous
wasa-in town on- July lat,•when he Tuesday-i July 14th. Glasses fitted ends of prostrations from the
visited James and Mrs. Andrew. accurately. excessive beat. The officials at
-Rev. F. A. and Mrs Lawson
-Whitby towel is complaining' the Toronto observatory state
and family, of Toronto, have about their poor mail service. It that Dominion Day was the hot-
-leased R. H. Cronk'g.house ,for'a . Hy noon before they'get test Jury'1st since the observatory
is nearly
.1 . was est-iblished ninety years ago.
couple of months. their Toronto I the hange F AIR M . E R S
_Miss Dorothy Tome and Miss was made itinTheloceilwal'ye time At the observatory the thermom.
,Annie Hynes motored from Roch. table a fszew weeks 'ago, aria when eter registered 100 degrees on that
aster and speirt the week-end with letters ire posted at retain hours day. It is reported that there
the former's parents here. it is 36 hours before, they can be have been only three days ou DON'T RE MISLED
-The service in the United delivered'in Toronto For-years a record in which the beat exceeded _Xf,
Church was 'withdrawn on Sunday splendid mail service has been that of last week.' As there was The old. reliable Insecticide and
evening on account of the auni given the people of this district;' very little-rain in general vegits.
vereary services in St. George's and the change to a. poor service tlon has suffered considerably. tertil izer is
Church. is keenly felt. Still no fault -It will cost the Toronto Globe
-Masters Weldon and Bad and should be found with the railways $30,000 extra on account of the
Toronto, rider & great i
heir vacation with handicap through the -tolw of and it will coat the other dailies in - King ug K.
Visa Thorah Carlton, of To as they are working u increased postage on newspapers,
are spending t p t the Dominion increased postage -B Hier
their uncle and aunt, D. S. and revenue by the inroads made by proportion to their circulation.
Mrs. Crawford. motor cars, trucks and -Oussell. In p
d'to economize
"H. J. and Mrs. Marqtlis and They are compelle The posit office department are A quick and sure death to the insect
family, of Stroud, were here dnr in every possible Way. facAng a heavy defficit which they
iog the week-and attending the n re trying to cover by increasing potato bugs, cabbage-worm
n Thursday morning last It'he amount of postRRe on letters For turnip
loneral of the one mar's sister. I
death came very suddenly W one
Miss Annie Marquis. and newiapapers. Several �ears_ago rose bugs, currant bushes,
-Mrs. Oliver Crurumer left- on of our most highly respected reef the P. O. Dept bad a substantial lice,
Wednesday morning to spend a
dente, Miss Annie Marquis. when surplus with the 2 cent letter :"tobacco worms, or any . insect
couple of weeks with relatives in she passed away peaceftilry at the postage, The deficit is Fiscribed-to
home of her-sinter,, Mot, Janie@ the cost' the rural mail delivery, that feeds upon the leaf. It
Goderich, Paisley and other points Andrew. While she had been
In Westet a Ontario. from which jha, revenue is very -will not burn or bli-ster the leaf
-T. M. and Mrs. McFadden, of poor health for several years. she little, while the expenditure is
had been in her usnal health tip to very heavy. Some contend that
Durham, who were @pending the the time of her death. She was f any plant or vegetable.
holiday with relatives in Stouff. going around the house on Wed those on rural mail routs 9hould
vine and vicinity. paid a brief nesday and in the evening walked Contribute more for the service
"visit to friends in Pickering on room, and lay on they aria recoivin-g.
July lot. upstairs to her Sina- ly dust it ohthr'o-ilgh'ai bran sacks
her be(Tand fell Into: deep peace
-Sam Allows. who has been fn] sleep, and never woke The IN MEMORIAM
.,amployed in Chas. B. Spencer's
to excessive beat no doubt eontri .."I t stimulates the growth- ' , in-
go for the post year two, bated to bar sudden death. ' De BUIRNS-In loriffg memory of
leaving this week for Bristol,
A ceased was born 68 year@ ago on dear Mother. Alice Burns, who pas-
land. to visit his father. who sed away July 12th; 1926. creases tike field and
i the farm on the lake shore
11111 very Ill.
glow] A. we loved her, so we miss her.' ' prevents blight.
-Fall wheat harvest will be in owned by Arthur G Clark. end
'-full swing in a few days. The remained there until her father. Irr our memory she is dear;
beat and dry weather of the past the late Tbos. B. Marquis, retired-- Loved, rememb'r'd. thought of always
week or two has hastened the and came to the village to reside. Often wishing-she Were here.
since which time she has lived In Sadly wisied by wn and iltau&ers
ripening process. Barley [A also the village. She was a consistent S. CH APMAN
rapidly maturing.
--St. George's Obarch-Sunday member of the Methodist Chirreb NOW A------
"ool on Sunday, July 14. 9,9D a. and for man7 years sang In the
as., Morning Prayer, 10 90; Even choir. She is survived by two SALS-8 fresh sows. Ap*ply
brothers and one sister, Wm. J..of
lag Prayer on the lawn. weather- F'Goe'rald Clark.Dustsbarton 4&66
permitting. 7.00 p, m. All ser Everett, Wash., R. J , of Stroud, -manfield's - --Und erweAr
and Mrs. James Andrew of Pick. OR SALW-Good Mirbistm. third
.1w1low no standard time. FWt now due, C.A Fulliv. R -It No.1,
-The inteassisheat of last week ering. The fnDeml which took Plckering�
place on Saturday afternoon to
�wu followed on Sunday evening
I the Methodist Come P SALB-M chickovis. Roda and
..by a nice min which was badly largely attended. showing we FORks... 10 to 12 weeks old. W, A Courts. -Men's fi,nc Summer Underwear in s4irts-and-iihorto,
wing the R Rill Cl&rem0MtL 43
needed, as vegetation was suffer high esteem in which ewe was
lag greatly from beat and dry
,weather. -held. FOUND-A bicycle, may have twen and Rayon Silk Combinations,
the FO Loser apply to Constable W,H.
It also cooled off ,toles
-The Dominion Day celebration Chester.lenHighland-crerk. 44-" at 1.75 and 1.50;
-Chicken thieves have again to the Memorial Park on Wedues
'FOR BALE-qererstl large EtielfoLb
become active in the township. day last was fairly succesbful Block Boar.,at lot 22.rear con 6,Pickerins, Sport, Shoes -
become and canvas, from 93o.to 4.75,'
On Monday night White Bros., of The attendance was not so large Llcyd J,White. Phone Mark and 44.45
Dunharton, had their ben roosts-RS usual owing partly- to' the
pAINTTNG AND PAPER-HANG• a splendid choice.
.. ..1lovaded and thirty five choice ben, E farrished Iree. Frank
business depre8%ioD and partly to Phone 404, 43-47
and one rooster stolen. the intense best, which caused n wcIll'.-c'
There 1 9, BUZ
no clue as to the thieve@. number of proitratiotis on the
'rANTE'D-Prs-Itionssiss, housekeer
et share there i�no obiect son to a virl
.7- Mrs. W. C. Nistirkar and child. field. The day'* program began Don't forget to try a Tip Top Snit. ".We bave donbled
ren are spending a few. wee with a calithumpian proce"ism-_q�rar?,o:,I.Apply to Al,-.1%larig, care of W.A.
weeks Fit R.R.2.Claremont. 45-46
Wa9aga Beach with the foriver's which ttarted at the west end of our output already. over any
aister, Mirg. Frank Jones, of Ot- the village and after parading CUSTOM BATCHINC AND BABY
d CUSTOM)FOR SALE-Rock., Rhode Is- vious season.
taws, who has a summer cottage tbrough the main street contin'tie iards and yegliarrq. hatched une.er Jamesway pre .
to the Park. Every entry War methods. Paces reasonable. ,Phone Pick 02.
at that popular summer resort. n 29tic One Price $24 00
!lows, Greenwood.Mr. Mtirkar also spent the week. verylssimusipg. In the comic outfit P.7'_"
,end there. J. Rerntuer and Geo. Martin*w 'TO WET-WASH - LAUN-
0 T'DaRRYONemi finish)-Let our driver call and
The auction sale of the botise. first in their box' ring, and xplain our 24 hour -service. -.just. leave your
hold effects belongiag-totbe estate Harry kppleby, secout in his old name with Mr.S.W.Davis. barber .bon We "Kiddies' Play Suits in khaki, bIab and light blue
of the late ,Miss LonisaRlebard. Ford and wagon wheels. In fancy will pick up and deliver each Monday, Wedrm-
day and Friday.
enti, which was held on Satnrdav decorated float Miss Lecins,Spencer denim, extra strong, made by Kitchens
afternoon last was very -largely woh first,sind Frank Hall second. T OSTOn Saturday, July;4th. in
In the invenile class th -JL-JPickering Village,between Ch sown. 25, for 1.00
o�-*ilonirp Ir"s It store
attended. -As the articles were I and Whitby*s itarage or at Richn sale.■
regular 1.
all abor6 the average and in were the Bunting bnys an their sum of money(a$10.a 55 and a$2 bill),belonIL-
excellent conditions, high prices trycieles, Watson girls with baby inst-aworkiniman. Reward. Finder please 45
were realized. e and Masters -Nicholson leave at NEWS office. Radio Licenses leaned.
-Mrs. Grimbly, who is being and Baker on byeielve.. In the TENDERS WANTED-Tvadere will troatetl in one.-of tbe, Toronto boys' softball Pickering won from 1L be received by the undersigned until Jn1y Fred T. Bunting 9
15th for the position of janitor of the Pickering
bospitali for burns instained in Thornion's Corners by the close School. Duties to commence September tat next.
Tanne'r's Are several weeks score of 15 to 14. In the Ririe' Lowest or any tender not necessarily a- Established 1857.
b R.H.Ripley,Sec'y S.S.No.4 West.
is Improving somewhat, but softball,-wbicb was uefinis ed on
the heat, Courfice alien i nadvertently1rom
'111111411 110110001111t Of her. age the recov account Of - "I Pick o .on Satte-
V7 Is T.OrY slow., Considerable layed Pickering and as they were
Mies so ' sale i's
irable d were awarded the da 4th,a 1-2 yd. line.table cloth, do-
a ea P. linen.sheets,.silklm-mr0tinx bee to be dome to they Y.JuLy d i� of ted
r ssr it Pi ase NEWS . _.
prize. In the football match -Ricb d -re, N in
11 Ilicsitly y .
heal the wounds. owner w sr� pa . pe 0 return. 45
1 -101111111 Olive- Whitby. of Hono. Cberrywood won from Pickgri
OR SALE-MCCOTmick cf-rn hinder
111l spent a few days recently Beach. In a combined attack Reering grain drill.• Spring tooth cultivator,
with bar brother. G. R. Whitby Goo.Cowan and J. Rem trier C-aught 4-section harrows, Stone boat. Leta combined,
.the greasy pig.and-several claimed grain and fodder grinder, M.-H.root puIrr,set
here. Miss Whitby is nursing in .r W 7%. , Special Servic Tires
The arm bamem 3 Horse collars, 6-ft. cCor.
one of Honolulu's Hospitals and to have caught the roost-ere, Mick mower knife. Quantity of seasoned bard-
bas returned to visit her fatber evening's tisrograrn was omeof,tbe wood iumber. Coleman
200 Milton bard brick, A.
best ever given- in the park. A] Quick-Light lamp and lantern, 20MIb. truck
lie Paris, who Ie. in very poor ls, Hotpoint electric range complete, Good As thousands of drivers now' know; we
health. Her car we shipped to and Sec of steel truck wheels.
a Bob Harvey. the well known farm horse Vears.
Victoria, from which point she radio artists, sustained their high Above will sold at a reasonable price. A,1.
Bertrand,I ickering. 45tf built stronger and wear longer than any
It drove east,accompanied by anoth. reputation as entertainers. each
number being heartily encored. WE OF FE ft-Bl6srsd.tested -stock
tire Seiberlin
or brother, C. L-, frbm- Alberts. Torn Barron large White Le even could ever build
.11. ahorns and O.A wonderful trip-from the coast Pat Rafferty and Cnrly Nizon, A.C Barred Rocks,delivery whenever desired,
.Was experienced. comediatip, who were formerly' Baby cbicks 10 cents;4 weeks old pullets.25 cts;
weeks pullets,45 cents, our system of brood= before.' sr
�_Jobn. Briffnall, of Claremont, with the Dumbellp, kept the audi ensures good growtb and-vitality. Weguar-
with ng
ter antee live delivery anywhere and all s ipments
appeared in Police Court on Tbu'ra. erite in roars of laugh are subject to your approval ordarrl,�al Take
Y, Bill -7.-Come in and ask to see -these day eveninwebarized wits failing
their comic selections. advantage of low feed prices an then reduced world famo-
Squire@. barijoist, gave isk number prices. You can make bigger profits with this
-.to return to the scene of an acci oil* which were Well shis stock than any other live stork. Write for
dent, when be ran over and killed Of 9.elie6ti 9 prices on older pullets. Commercial Brooderies, ous tires•
received and Mrs. Hall Wbitling Kitchener,Ont. 43-46
.4L dog belonging to John McGrath
He was fined $25 00 and costs.' At Ryan, of Toronto, sopaco soloist
'the same court Edward Bertrand; rendered a number of selections i� BOYS FOR FARM WORK
of Toronto, was charged with fine voice. The Uxbridge Band British boys and young men experi-
toxicated while being in rendered a good program of pops- CHARLES B. 'SPENCER
.,;being in eveed and inexperienced for Immedi-
,_91. Q
k. He was ten- larandclassical ninsieduringthe ate placement on farms In Ontario on
jrbarge of a trnc
osid to 7 days in Whitby fternoon and evening. The is. Protestant homes General Repairs, Oilis and Gu.
y jai),
Jf he fail;to pay the costs. refreshment stands did good ranging according to
Will be i&croswd brissine" in lee cream and soft to the Hostel, Norval.
.1. drinks.
,/1400 4M. Pickering