HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1931_03_13. icys` ;a^,.a `.-..++ �� P' - - »a^ �., .. f).. •z es, .{. .y +5* r•u,-•e. a�. .m>•4-.. _
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VOL._ L, RTiya ONT ., F FRID A Y. M �1�i��83�
lllzafesf+wEiostal dlsstsw. �� GREEN RIVER. �►
Dl11VBARTONeS-s- There will be a dance at Green Riv- A comedy-drama, in three acts, en- GREENWOOD '
er Hall, on Friday night, March 20th. titled "Tile Jo4ah" will be presented 'i
�R• H. O. PEAR90N-Physiclan =tea .R3��Z, _ Billy Hole and his orchegtra will bb by the Dunbarton Dramatic Club, on
sad Surgeon. Dtinbarton. loly
In attendance: Admission, Gents, 75 ~`
E the evening of Thursday, March 26th
cents; ladies free. Lunch provided. - MILLS
R B. il'OR9YTH, Oph. D., Dii' tor Is running fall blast sawing lum- ' • • p This is a splendid drama, full of fat- • : ! ;
jb•Opt�otaetrleal AwociatlonofOntario.Ree. ber, reaches, doubletrees. GRrENWOOU. Brest and fun from the start to fin-
a Member y she minedAmerican optometicts,ntment. ish. Mr. Robin Nicholson will conduct :�. _Rstablisbeii 1836
Eye* examined by appointment. tongues etc. .i:Ommunit
s'boan 2804,Claremont.Ont. Open to buy a quantity of good The. drama 'Beads on a String" to, y'singing between acts. Ad-
mission,35 and 25 cents. •••
EARL A,GRUBIN,R. O.-Eyesilzbt basswood and .elmhave been given in the Greenwood
Specialist. Honour graduate of the College logs- Church this Friday evening, by the I There .will be a speial song service Mix your O�VI1
of Optovetry of Canada; Gold medalist and g _ Cherrywood Young people, Rill be' In the United Church on Sunday ev-
list Hermon prize winner in 1928• At Markham 'Grain ChopAng Tuesdays postponed indefinitely, owing to the ening at 7.30 o'clock The Young Peo- 7
ev y Monday from 9 a�Stouffvill,
m. to 5 p.m•,in•nz, condition of the roads. pie's Choir will be 'led by Mr. ?�'ich-
ffice. At StouBvilh from Pled• and Frldaye. `day of eachweek. Eyes examin- t ' olson, of Whitby. On Tuesday ev- ' + tpd and repaired. highest quality Maunfacturing Baskets ofall $TOl1FFVILLE. ening the Y9ung People will hold aOM� `�V FeV d's
. Phone SCOuff 2405. ally descriptions. J ;!'
eoncert :when a program of songs,
Least. •Pfiee reductions at the Stouffville now uses 150 horsy solos and recitations will be given. w keep on hand —
factory,. power from the Hydrp Electric Com. Songs will be rendered by Mr. ich, SCRATCH FEED.
E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and A tractor school was held here on -Mrs. Michael and Mr. Frost, and rec- CRACKED CORN,'
..Solicitor,Notary Public Etc. Money to Phone Markham 6405 or 6420 or write Tuesday, March 10th, in the. Auditor- itations by Miss Sleep, of Whitby,
awes. south Win¢Court House, Whitby. 2s1y
Chas. White, Locust Hill, Ont. y' MEAT MEA
DONALD RUDDY lam Theatre. who will be brought up by. Mr. :rich- G.
$arriater. The play "Some Baby" was gi,, # olsbn. All are welcome. BONE MEAL
R, Solicitor, Notary public. f5ce. over AI- t 1 to a crowded house in the Auditor- GRIT _
tis'•Drug Store,Opposite Post 0f5ce. Mone Just
is Loan: Phone 563. Whitby, Oct. sly r tum On Frida)' evening last. AUDLIKY Hon. George S. Henry, Premier of _ TANKAGEEEATON, BELL A R098, BOntari- Ontario, will be invited too r ALFALFA MEAL
ors, Solicitors. 904 Northern Ontario _ pen our I Fred Squire has been indisposed
Acilding,33OBay Street,Toronto, Gth0i08 2X, 3X and �� B. C.
Horticultural Fair in August. for some days. COD LIVER OIL
Beaton, ��
sell, The opening of tenders refer- 'Phe mall carriers were on their IQOh LIVER MEAL
,(.D,F. Ross. Adelaide 2838-9 Cedar shingles. once to the building of the town for routes on Monday as usual. POWDERED BUTTERMILK
-7 the reception of our ,009'clock will School was closed for a few days
IOAARCS Ba tern So RING s0, a large quantity of take place this peek. this 'week as the teacher could not LAYING MASH
MliLVEY - Barristers Solg.Co ate.. '4Ir, Griffith,'our blacksmith, is in reach her school
113-814 Coafedsratwo Life Bnildsn¢, Corner of _----- +
! Y�ge and Richmond Sts. Toronto, Phones roti b and dressed possession of a ewe which has given Owing to the severe storm and ill-
de 4489 and 44s0, Pickeevenings
Phosoffice ovpeen $ birth to ten lambs in four ness, the Club drama did not get to I exchange
v0�0�8tf sad Saturday evenings. Phare Piet A yearn. This - -
tf Jack Pine, Splouee and i8 the second time she has given Uxbridge on Tuesday everting. FLOUR
birth to triplets. Our dairy farmers here.had to take ROLLED
i�efstae _ - Hemlock Lumber. - Mi. Noah Stouffer, a well known' their cans to the Highway this week OATS
and respected resident here for fifty as the trucks could not get through. WHEATLETS
•NEIL 0.8to Dr , , al 9., ra D.B,. �����li » years, died last -week after a linger-� Por the first-time this winter the GRAHAM FLOUR
&V Rorai College l�entai surgil;66 Graduate
ddTomnt �a •a• ng illness. Stouffville derived its cars were prevented from running,
fD University. At Claremont o8lceover v A. name from the original Stouffer fain- but neighbors have openedtheroads. Etc,, Etc. -
s4i s•ott's Hare ev.ry'Toeaday and Fridapif Pdoae L MB1<.'j- V� ily who came here from Pennsylvan- The Club meets next Monday ev- Fal' grain of any kind and
9to•f! 10.11, YS77
LUMBER- 1 esus you moos _
is about a century ago. ening instead of last Monday at the y y•
'L] ERBERT T. FALLAIBE. L D S.. The Sunday snow storm has paras- home of Mel. and Mrs. Bryant. Each .•.
.t in al D.S. Graduate+!the my.i of Cojjp
o. `zed the traffic between here and member is expected to answer the
Deata,surgeons and the l'n,vsre,ty of rorvnto. I H. $eal, • Claremont USE SCOTCH BARLEY
nm.e,n residence second door east of St=And- Toronto, .the bus and truck ierviee roll call with a joke.
row's Church. Pickering.oat, Office hours, 9 Phone 924 iieirtg at a standstill. A lar
a,ne. to 4 p. m., or by appointaient. (X-ray T r1 7r� T T T x 7-,w Re number About fifty friends surprised Rich- .._.FOR BREAKFAST -
servsce;• Phone Pick 3700 +sly FURNITURE N 1 i U E( of teachers and others from Toronto aril and Mrs. Winters in their new
who were here for the reek-end, were hoine on Friday evening last and pre-
lstalatisss} I!l;atvilre. NEW, USED AND ANTIQUE unable to get back on 'Monday.' tented them with a beautiful $-day + L' d'�33Ss7�•T
clock Gamer, dancing and a tun BURItViIIV Q1HA
ELIZABETH IiICHARDSON- w►alTevwt.t were features of the entertsinmen
A•Fire and automcbrle insurance of all kind.. .91mmOn'M Bede, Marshall Mat•
of .olid inaacial .Land• tresses, Dressers, Tables and The new house is now completed in- \Building.and General _
�` Chairs, Pleture,P'ramee. The March meeting of the Wom- side and is well done and presents a Ooot}icLing.
'RANK R. JACKSON-Bun Life en's Institute will be held on. Wed- most attractive appearance. It has Estimate furnished on all classes
]a.urance Company of Canada,Qtx aa•Accw- Our prices are the lowest. nesday 18th, at 2.30 p. m. in the two atone fire-places and is wired for
e.et. Cee,cal iawrasce, Phone4 2729• United Church Sunday School room-. electricity. The stone-work is a cred- of work-Interior and Etteeior,
lkaenas. not• Alterations and re airs,
Mira Blakeslee, of Toronto, wiI1 be it to Meseta Gasd• and Richard Wirit- P
CT BORG9 KCAY-Licensed auction- - 0 A L the speaker. She will also sing. There ers who did the work.. The stone is Chimneys Built Concrete Work, -
ecce.Alton. Live stock acid general sake was an attendance of 90 ladies at the Credit Valley sandstone and the in- Phone Pickering 6712 '
�iro��ty attertAad to. Terns reawsaDle R. last meeting, gufmwood, FAIRPORT, ONTARIO
R.�StoaQviUe, Photx stoaQ 9o>m, al-4 -- g. and it is dratted that tenor is oak and
A good supply-of Hard sad Soh there w3�i1 be 90 this month, as the -aa-
�t POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, Boal on baud. Also a supply program will be of equal interest: Q H I N �' L J31 k7•
L' . far*sodas of Tort aril fts�rlo. Asa- 'Come regularly to the Institute and Trsetnr Demonetrs tion at Towo
"eassta.af all ktaea aneawe 1»oasliosaaw of Kindling Wood. 9411 PickerinR.l[o da afternoon
sssgs, urs ar 04444 atvs•P o, oar len keep abreast of the times. y
' The Library Board held their an- Mar. 18tb: Every y welcome. Nova Scotia Shingles
DLBZATON TOWNSHIP nual Social Evening @alt G&ITanised Steel SbtD _
+ �r•i+,..r, esm�w,� 18tf , ,Phone Pink. 1709, gal the home of •�'• glhs`
Le•sssmot. alis, Staoay so Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pugh when a BROUGHAM. id's Psis 84te BaioRlb
��, , o�..e of staswei,ya u. DONALD 1itIINRO, PIOHBRINO very pleasant time was spent After for sale at
doing justice to.a nicely spread table Colin and Mrs. Madill welcomed a T. PATER80MS . CLAREMONr
• • . provided by the ladies for each mem- little daughter to their home last i
lit-, MAW, LICENSED AVO- ickering Mills �e= and week. _(Tall and get prices. Phone 2612
TTOAfxBR la•York.Qatario and Dtsrbam g'sest, the evening was spent
c6qtfe•. All klatla of .Cts attse•d T in music, games, readings etc. A- Wm. and Mrs. Brown, of Toronto, r
fa, Ta�ar ma•ooabwie. Dai rot may be mon) the items appreciated pas A paid a short visit to their people here LOOK. THH
sraaod at N8w5•omc.• Hall sae tadepeo- A word about Feeds and Markets. on Th arsday evening. Mrs, Brown Sr.
j drat Saco..' waltt,y.Oot. al;._ _ When yon have wheat or grain to reading by Rev. Mr. Rackham and
sell you usually see the local a clever sketch of a meeting of the accompanied them home for the week New Chevrolet, 'librar board held one hundred end• j
NOTICE dealer. y years -The-1 remen will hold a dance in
` - _ hence'in 0.37, by Mrs, W. J. Brow-n-
!ltWhitevale �.� M]�$ I R'e can usually pay % little more ridge, wherein the chairman of that the Town Hall on the evening of Tue- IS HERE
than the buyer w`ho may beeighty far. ;,way meeting Rave a history- of `day' March lath, Come and make
Ch ripping every da_y ruilee array. He or you must pay our library, when the activitie, ;f merry and meet Pat and Jerry and
rick, and dri
aRA1N— FLOUR—FEED a most humorous .;nanner. After the rice. An Owner Service Policy, .
year rheumatics. Pat Mantles orches p
Likewise, we cans'
an sell for legs, for thank- rf' the meeting urs teAdethe tra of 5 pieces will furnish good mus- assuring owner the Hest in
Gristiag Every Peek Drip, the sante reason, than a dealerred
u. T re will be a refreshment booth service and satisfaction.
who i9 miles away. Do aEt be the No:: and Ho;tec, "Auld Lang � • �,.:
Will exchange y Syne" was sung, 1ensthee hall. Gentlemen, 50 cents, lad- -Gas, Oils,, Assessories. Goodyear
"Flour for-Wbeat fooled. They can not do the lm Tires at new low prices.
possible. CHERRYWOOD One day recentlyothe men and the
ANTHONY WILSON Ground Oat Hulls and Oat Screen- women -of the church gathered for Repairs on all makes of care.
Proprietor; lugs are cheap, but dear et any Mrs. A. Fenn) spent a day last work)meeting,the men with axes and '
y week in Toronto. saws to attack the church wood pile, GOMOn J• U t
48tf -Phone Mark. 5602 price. Know what you are buying ;Hiss McCann spent a day recently and the women, at the homle of Mrs.
in general feed. Insist on seeing with Toronto friends. George Philip plied busy needles, Phone 8606 . . FICKBRING, `
the material It is made from. Mrs. Flett is recovering nicely af- accomplishing a good afternoon's —
••..•• Piekering KiWnQ CoI1 u"* V ter her severe attack of flu• work for the missionary bale. The
1 Only-Six-legged table, Queen Alex. Lawson's sale Ryas w - l ,,,� "ro
Ann design, cos were good. and women, and all enjoyed the well
SQleh: top 42:54 inches;deep C ♦\i1�� Born, on Monda3, March 9th, io spent afternoon. g
rim. loar''ebaped legs. Two best Wm. and Mrs. Lightbody, a son. The -worst storm of the winter oc- If aegleeted often leads to i^
twfu lege support centre,.ez• FUNERAL IDIRBUT bli Sympathy is extended to Res:Som- carred on Sunday when over a foot more complicated -
tends to Biz feet... ... 15,00 erville on the death of his father. of snow fell, and as a result the roads ailment l
Private Ambulance Mr. Fenny isnot improving as last are badly blocked in all directions, -
1 001 Six-logged table, solid as his friends would like to see him. snaking'motor traffic entirely scut or s _
0" SuMqque shaded •Windsor Dity`and Night Service Chas. Lintner and son spent the the question;. Not for a&ne years has r ?.
brown $oiati top 42x54 inches ; PbOne 9000 week-end here with the former's - there been such a fall of snow. Ac-
par 1 �6 �s b''lal r'
extends to'e teat. Six nettt}9 ents. cording to the meteorog4cal office, I
turned ]eggs, well supported by Malvern 5000 Russell and. Mrs. Davidson were in Toronto, it was the heaviest fall in - -Spahr's
fancy eltnped stretchers -15.00 '_ Claremont on Sunday last visiting re- one day since 1898, when 16 inchesMtirk�l8rn • t latives. of snow fell. On Sunday 13 us inches
MODERATELY PRICED Wesley and :sirs. Pett- ,and family fell -within the day.
spent a day recently with G1AreMont' It was with deep sorrow that the
•' Bed Outfit • friends. community at large learned of theTONSOLITIS
Bedstead-All steel bedstead. in gens Will Pay George Todd is busy getting ready death of Mr. George Duncan, Sr., on ,! '.'
walnut finish, decorated steel to build a fine brick residence this Saturday, March 7th. Although he Is a cafe and aura sewed for
1 L 1�� summer. has been in poor health for a long y
panel, 8.00 ll 1 Our Dramatic Club ' Bore Throat,Tooeilitis, Hina
purpose going time, this passing after a week's ser- R y .. ,
Spring-All steel cable spring. Q to Greenwood this Friday evening,. ious illness was a great shock to his Head Colds and all diseases,
strong and comfortable, 7.25 r0 erl of the
P p J health and weather permitting. many friends and neighbors mans of respiratory trset.
Mattress-A soft spring mattress, We are pleased to welcome Ray Pil- -whom will long remem r his kind- gold on a mons
large felt, covered with good �s them meat scrap, key home from Oshawa Hospital. He ness and true neighbo e6g:.to all y back
quality art ticking, ... 7.00 -" oyster shell and is doing as well as can be expected. who were in trouble, He was a stain- - _guarantee
The drama, "Beads on a String" to ch member of t e'l resbyterian Chur- v
3-PIECE 13ED OUTFIT mlOa grit. have been giv in the Greenwood ch, in which '12 wast an elder for a 91.50 per bottle m "
Bed, spring and Mattress as da- We have them at 4i3Ty . Church this Friday evening by the number of years. For a number ,�f l
scribed, 22,25 reasonable .prices. Cherrywood Young People, will be Sears he filled the position of tov-.ti- ,
po'stpo'ned indefinitely, olwing to the ship engineer, and was,,also a men,-( '5`118 Cl]autau(lQr t ^�
/� Or if lt6 condition of the roads. ber of the school boats for many
■ 's A.
The mleetin of the Women's Assoc- years His funeral took�V g place on ie c ruing March 18, 19, 20 do 21
HA R D W A f? ,E ration which was to have been held Tuesday afternoon to Markham Cervi. Reserve your seats now
in the hall this Thursday afternoon, etery. He is survived by his widow, ► ;'
Phonel13001 our prices are right has been postponed to Thursday, Mar whose maiden nrrme was Barbara at this store. '
T 19th, at 2.30 1T:`m. Word for roll call Murison. He is also survived by five r
Furniture Dealer andl ALVIN BUSHBY "Blessing" Hostesses, 'Mr,. Roy of a family, Mrs- John Stewartof E. C. JONES
eFuseral Director Morrish and Mrs. Albert Petty Pro- Atha, (Mary); William, merchant of
Also Ambulance fistulus 'Rar&w&re Phone 4800 gram committee, Yrs ArUiur Tay- Green River Maggie at bolus; Jen-I IJruggbt an em :
for and.M
T& Wesley 310att-S. AUlast
! _'•
' es Province
New Air Line Links ' Intrepid Aviator Carries Serum
X40-Mile (salla Strikes ( -To Stricken Alaskan Village
— -
Disruom All Forms of Traffic Mexico and Cana a
International Air Express to i Point Barrow, Alaska-Br#ng(nr a a.m., he refueled and departs:# Am-
Ontaiio Snowbound — Toronto-Lindsay Bus, Two Have Terminals at De- precious :cargo of lite saving antis- moue sins over
here the
cag uta io Brooks
of ?
4TOL l ,itt '
.Pltaws Stuck—U.S. an Britain re _ �
- t tan towns-
• a ew `bol f-Ira�a'>rreanree+'t't
$y Dying Winter _ V111C Inge, Joe Crossin, famous ltaska death.
i Between Wiseman and here iz
s flier landed here at 2 30 p.m Sun t' r
Toronto.-Snow rain, roaring winds --Hamilton Area Lashed A new airline, International Air
day:- He flew. from in#n�no human Inhabitant had the rout):.
-.and high seas' in moat portions of Hamilton-Late Sunday after a 20•,Express, limited to express and pas- I covers as bleak and barren a land as
" 'North America and many areas of Eur-;Sour lashing, the Hamilton district seugers, is to be-opened about May flue hours and 20 minutes, over one
' ope gave millions of people an overt a-as slowly recovering ;rom the worst; 1 linktug Mexico with Canada. Its of the most dangerous route.3 in this i exists in Alaska.
sized portion of the vagaries of 'March storm of the Winter. anon and ice covered Hort land. � Five serious cases of diphtheria
terminals in the United States will. the anti-tomtit immediately was have been discovered here, 200 otter '
weather Sunday. j Atter the midnight hour, while the f be at Detroit and Brownsville. The ~rushed to fife Presbyterian Mission I persons have been es•used and a
Ontario.late Sunday night was only I maj city of residents were slumber•; hew service, it was learned here will « strict quarantine had b:-n arde••ed.
beginning to rear her head' from Ing gthe attack opened, and a mid- bring the two borders R'thin twenty HOsPsCal where Dr. Henry Gries. be=I Iger Graham,. who flew with Sir
winter.-scene greeted the ape at day' I gan administering to pattants.
under the heaviest mantel of snow I.tive•hours of each other. I Crossin modestly stated that his Hubert Wilkins during one ut his
7---that has Callen this Winter. i break. Snow fell throughout the: Final plans as to the, route have I
trip was uneventful. He lett Fair- Arctic explorations, or S. E. Cubias
The Toronto-Lindsay' bus was re- day and a hi h wind whipped it I not been announced, but the planes banks at 8.15 a.m, alld !snde,l at, will fly more anti-tssin here via
ported stranded near Sua4erland., across rural arances only to pile(will make stops at St. Louis, where
hey will connect with the Trans-i R i+emau. 1;5 miles dist, kL rtt 10.39 li,otzebua and.1i'at!nvrlght. nest a eek.
y`�hfle many hundreds.of private auta� it in mountainous drifts. " t _
moblles were snowed to in various; 6uburban buses found h impossible s continental and AVesteru Air Lines; , The
municipalities. Even' snowplows;to operate on some of the highways I Cincinnati, connecting with a divis- Rockefeller Views i 1 h
were not immune, at least two being during the dap. and many trips were.' on of American Airways, and Dallas
out of commission. I cancelled, in the meantime, extra I and Fort Worth, Texas. and Tulsa. I Capt. Boyd's Plane PRODUCE QUOTATIONS -. �
Elora and Camp Bordeu
were:highway gangs were wgrking to open At. Brownsville the line will con-
Elora ? produce
` Toronto deRlers are buying
-among the numerous municipalities(the traffic arteries. and plow•$ were! nect with Pan American Airways, -- at the following prices;'
completely isolated by road, while!assisting. { Mexico City•d[vision: and at Detroit Refuses Ride But. Presents, Egg,-Ungraded, cages returned,
.ethers• could only ba reached by; The Toronto-Hamilton big hA'ay'was connections will be made with Cana•t t;Bnwhan Flier With � fresh extras, '24c;. fresh first, °'?r, _
horse-drawn vehicles. .Trains also kept open, but It was with difficulty than Airway, Ltd. The fares will ap- Eight Dimes seconds, 18c.
were affected, almost all schedules I that many negotiated the route. The proximately lie rail plus . Pullman I g Butter-\o. 2 Ontario creamery.
being delayed, and' in -Lindsay not Brantford-St. Catharines- road- -'as tariffs. Daytona -Beach, Flu. - John D.' solids, ilt:c; No. 2, 30tsc.
one tesla was able to leave over the reported clear. I Equipment "tvr the new line In. Aoeketener, Sr, came as near as Churning cream-Special, •",1 t0,
Guelph, Galt, and Caledonia bus}eludes several of the new model Ford !he ever did in hi+ life to tatting an :3?c; Pio 1, 30 to t;ie; No. 2, '_'7 to `_'3c•
week-end. Cheese No. t large colored, paraf-
Oales A(onq Coast schedules were cancelled 'until 9 j tri-motors and the Northrolr low-�t Ing !•airplane ride Ia. Friday-and his fined and government graded, 14%c.
Gales and torrential rains !eatured o'clock Sunday night, when tae ma express and passenger planes. ospective pit'it way .nuns other h.�P
i Im' Quotations to poultry s t ars are
the week end weather along the !,t-!chines pushed forward after en Cour• VNhen the service is opened daily 'thou Captain J. Erroll Boyd. Canada's as follows:
lantic coast. The heaviest blizzard i aging reports from intermediate ser-rice-will be maintained beta-en transatlantic flier. Poultry, "A" grade, alive-Young
qt the Winter blanketed large areas , points. The drivers hoped to reach Brownsville and tit. Louis, with rat! «'ttln a party of friends. the aged chickens, over 5 lbs.. 21c; over 4 to 5
°of the Middle Nest. r their destinations and make the re conaectiona tar northbound pa-en. I milliouatre came from his Ormond lbs„ 19c; 4 lbs. and' under (Rocit�►.
lbroad there were gales at sea ,[urn trip .n the morning. gess at St, Louis on fast night trains. 'Beach- home to the heath here to 16c; 4 lbs. tad under (Leghornal.
and on land. The Seine and other Sweep Britain Other schedules calf fur.daily opera- I take a look at Cai�tal t Boyd's mono- 12c; fatted hens, over 6 lbs.. 2.1c: over
I tion of planes ou an all•dayllytht plago Columbia, holdWr ut numerous, 5 to 6 lbs., `3Ic; over 4 to 5 lbs., 20c;
ritrrs in France were at flood stage. Loudon-Galea swept every quarter ver 3� to 4 lbs., 18c; under 81e tbs.,
'- and there were bllszards in England. of the British Isles over the week schedule between Detroit, Ctnciunatl �record+, 114c. Stalrgy chicken= classed as old
Complaint of heavy rains in theend, imperlilluz and delaying ship and Dallas. Further details of the Captain Boyd"Zo,)k the ship from roosters. Ymn- turkeys, Over 12
Balkans was forgotten, as severei ping In tate No1•th Sea and Nortii At- srbedules will be au rounced Inter, it itg hangar to the beach for the bene-
lb... 36c; do, 8 to 12 lbs., 33c; do,
earthquakes, felt Saturday, recurred I lantic. was said. fit of the oil magnate. under.8 Ibs.,3oc. Old turkeys, 24c, Old
Sunday and diff heavy damage, Re=1 Ten-foot snowdrifts isolated towns ! _—.4. But .lir. Rockefeller declined with� rvostcr,, over 5 lbs. each, 14c ti•'htt
-liable -reports estimate tb� dead at in Scotland and Northern England. "Princeis
thanks to take a ride. He did.' ducklings. over o lbs. each., ''?ie, over "
erwind fifty. great waves, washed out rstlway Welcomed however, inspect the ship, asking 4 to o`lbs., 2•;c 1luscovie ducks, ova•'
There were comparatively, few llne4 along the sea coast. Pler+ • nrimerous question., 3 lbs :lc; 4 to 5 lbs-, 17c. Guinea
traredieg Ia `orth America. Ships and fishermen's cables were wreck-; - At Buenos Alreg. Jgrs, John "Dick of Toronto, ,and fowl, nes pair, $1.25. _ f
were warned by the weather bureau ed at Deal.' Telgttmcnitt) and on the her members of the Rockefpller Po'+lir}, "A" ;rade, dwsKed, �e+•
eet-Ycune chickens. over 5 lb-., 2rn:
and took precautions. _Motor car isle of Man. (party took shirt hoi A in the plane over 4 to 5 lb's., 24c: 4 lbs. and under
" collisions and similar accidents ac- Ia ;tiorth Rales, seven pedestrians . British ." Heir and Brother How mann members of your; (Rocks), 21c; 4 Ihs. and under (Leg
counted for mottit of the feathe. I collapsed. due t, the cold. t Reach End of Long r family'" "�eilthhor John." as-ire is horns) 16c. Fatted hens,over 6 lbs,
- - - — icterus atfectlonately known fiery, aaketi not wanted: over .i t., 6 lbs 24c; over
..journey y _. .11'aptatn Boyd- who trill him. i 4 to 5 lbs...23c: over Ili to 4 lb:•, 'lr
Veteran Prelate :_J Westbound Plane !- Buenos-kreR-The Prince of"Vales ! "Well, here's� a dime for rRoitr ,tndpr 31i Wt.. i7c Old rooster*, over
Dies in Alberta' Seta New Record and his brother Prince George. mother", another for your father; one 5 Ihv, each. over
White <luc.,26c. over
Barbed the princ!pal objective of' for your wife, one eactr'tor our fourl-5 lbs., 28c; over 4 to 5 ]ba., 2Eic. \
Heir South American ' toar Wit,children', and one for yourself,• 31r,!* GRAIN QUOTATIONS
Thursday, while a Rag-draped special Roeketet'er said as he placed" the Grain deakers on the Toronto Board
Archbishop . Groused, Aged,Canadian Airwave Plane De-, [rain broutCht them foto the Trans. pi>z'tt ahtny coins in the Canadian of Trade are making the following
91, Was Master of Dozen livers Mail in.Two Hours icontiffentai Serra Statl.+n hese from'fffer'3 hand+. quotations o ,car lots:
Indian Languages in Montreal-Toronto the El Palomar Flying F'leld. -� -- 16.3
+4lsnitoba r wheat No 1 hard.
-Thousands-of perr�us who lined l - - 'tic. No. 1 Northern, 6OAc; Nn, 'I
,Edmonton-Bearded Patr:archof Cha _ Trip '�do, 60c; No: 4 do, b44ir Ic.i.f, C
the'decorated streets obtained only a I•Ia n Holds Annual
north• Rt, Rev, Archbishop Emile � erich and bay portal. .w
Torbrito -Shattering the previous I fleeting gUmpae of the Prince-A. trbo ,Doll Festival Manitoba oats-`o, 3 C.W.. 363*z''
IGrouard. Is dead after seven- record by halt an hour, a Canal'^•+ • were whisked to speeding outoma� `Qn, 1 feed, 3.t�c: No. 2 fee1,_32W
.i 1of nnlsaiouary effort in Canada's Tokyo-Two little grrl dressed in , ' Manitoba barley-No.No. 3 C.W .
Airways plane carrying the mails,, 1>Iles from the station to the earl- y-
frontier country, At"1 c'ears of at;e.- recently made the a•ei:tbthe trip dance of the British 'Ambassador. brilliant klmonas, celebrated on March 28w,c; No. ; C.W., ?mac.
-.,the Raman Catholic Prelate 'sue, Other crowds were packed along the 3rd what'to them to the Ane+t hollday Argentine corn, 63c (c.i.f. Port
cnntbed on Sunday to a lingering fit• from Montreal to 3'oronto' In too . r of tate pear, the Hina Mafsurl, in the Colborne).
t hours' tint, milia to the Cat almost
mme lie
neev at Grouard, Little hamlet in he I Piloted bs l'. J, -''Shorty" Hatton, Roysl party went almost Immediate I Palace where they live with their 11s tri ed, del.. Montreal freights. -
:>eace River ountrx: named. to ,hie• i for an official visit to President mothor an father, tate Empresa and bags ;, per
ton, $21.25:
per Lon, $21,25:
the fast 9tearmaa speed .plane took; y shorts, r ton, S''1.2G; mtd'dlings.
hoA01' off from St. Hubert airdrome at 9.151_Uriburu.. La the Prpsldent return• Emperor of Japan. Tac+ girl+ are the $27.25,
Na living white man, it ha ►Wen ed the visit. 1 Prince�ses. Teru ant. Taka. Hina Mat-, nntario grairt--Wheat, 66c: harlc•s.
ani!, was so familiar with the Indian a.m. and landed at Toronto airport,
Duff Street, at 11.15, atter travel- d•— surf i+ the annual, girls' dolt to ttival 38c: oats. '_8c: rye,' 35c; buckwheat.
-.'tribes of the north. In tending the of Japan. 50c.
spiritual needs of the frontier na. 11ug at a speed of 168 miles an hour, • -.Masters of the'_ dollmaker%' art LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS
th Erit Father Groaard became a ling-(The time 1s considered particularly I Belgium Honors I
worked.for months preparing dolls tot Heavy beef ste^rs. $6.25 to $7:
uisttc expert,. gaining the ability to, test- as we+)hound planes usually{ Soldier-Pigeon rite Princease�',party- ('mtrt chamber• butcher steers, choice, $6 to $6.L:f
converse fluently in a dozen different I have to contend with the prevailing Ia#ns arranged the dolls in ceremonial 'do, fair to good. 55,50 to S6; do,tom.:
Indian dialects. _�westerlies. The, plane was favored -- $4.50 to 55.25: butcher heifers, choice,
with a fair "tall wind.'* the pilot stat- fashion and prepared for the grand
Unveils Memorial at Brussels Rinner at which. the Princesses were $fi to $8.25; tic, fair to good, 115.50 to.
ed, a hosts ,to their relatives. $6: do, corn., $44.50 to $5; butchEr
Home of Browning fi The easthounrl trip has l3ren dons y to 0,000 .Birds K&CI � cows, to choice, S!3.75 to $3.2
in Great War Little girls throughout the Empire g
r Offered For Sale in an hour and 40 minutes. al•o celebrated the festival and even do, med.. $3 S* $outs canners and "
-- -, i cutters, $1 to $2: butcher bulls; gam#
London.-A charming o • as -- -••- - t 1 o vtllaeeR stents Aur- hnice- 175 to $4; do, bolognas,
ltonse at No. 19 Warwick Crescent is Mother: "\o. Johnny, one piece honor to the "_0,000 messenger pig• chaseA new dolls and arranged sere- $3 to 53.50, baby beef, $7 to $8; feed-
got• sale. It is the Dome where Robert / ,eons killed in the Great «'er• monial patties, Shops throughout
of pie is quite enongh Tor you A -memorial to the soldier•pigeon i , ern, good, $•i to $x•25: stockers. 84 to
;]Brnwning-lived for 26 years, from 18611 "Johnhy: "It's funny; you say you I Japan for w eek., .displayed dolts for $4.5pp springers. $60 to $85; milkers, _
to 1-57. are anilous that l should learn to was unveiled on the square of the sale at prices runnktg into thousands' $40 to $60; calves good to choice, t
There he wrote "The Ring
"and the t pig market where pigeon fancier. !of ten paclt. $8 to o, mad., $7 to $7.50; do,
eat properly, and yet port won't glue $$5.5 d
+,Book.' and kept geese in the garden me a chance to practice." t have .their headquarters, recently.I titi_- tom., Sb 4. to $6,50: do, grsysera,
Corti. ','Prince Leopold, the French ambas-I $3.50 to $4.50;*sheep,
lambs, choice, $9; bGc%,
! sador, and the famous but, TWO POWERS" lambs, $7; sheep. $1 to $5 50 to
— . 'Max. were among those present. A I The two powers wl.icli, in my oPln- bacon, vef.o ., $6; uo, do, hers,,
Man Impervious to High Speed _I t�elegatien also attended on behalf t 160c above f.o:b..; do, butchers, r pe:
R Ion, constitute a wise than ire beat- �p <1 •
Q � ■,, Q i hog discount: do, leets, Y Per ht►'4
In Stralg�ht 'fie, Sa., a s�aneou allies, led by unveiRritaling.
Ing ltttd-fol - ins. - -
Simultaneously with the unveiling,, _ 4
5,000 pigeons were released from the ` 4 ,�atsh Railway
base of the memorial. Sewing-machine needles which have $a y
' +R'ashington-3 he theor*that speed direction, so that it presses t7p'agaittgt' become ttittnted can;be sharpetted by 1vOW CompleteCt,
` ttom of the container and does'' The memorial is in the form of R fi u h a fere Al.-The com tie•
is harmful to the human system is no y the bo Johannesburg, S. Af. T i
more true to day, when aviation en-Illli not spilh the blood in the human syn-1 graceful female figura with an ezten I stitching a few inches through P ' tion by the Belgians of the railway
Rineers look toward machines which Item reacts. ed arm on which s. pigeon stands of sandpaper. -
�t ill go
1000 miles an hour, than it "An aviator In turning rapidly has' with outspread national al subscwings. It has
ia ti•nt.en I ¢ 'Toha nesburg etotir;days g nearer Eng-.
a-.as 100 years ago when railroads;first�his head toward the center of the c!r-I erected by a n P An excellent night light can be made I land.' c
began to move at fifteen miles an ole and the lower part of his body in Belgians, more than any other PeO• i by packing este round the wick of an I Aianc• were skeptical at one time
Hour,'government scientists say the direction of the periphery. The Ple, are piggbri-lovers, Nr• Van Op ordinary chndie, leaving just enough
of the wick to light. A candle treated. that this line, stretching away from
"Map has attained speeds of over:.fnial force.
is stead, due to the centra-I Penis: Lice of Pigeon
of the National nn this manner will give a small the Congu forests and the great cop-
250 miles an hour on the ground and I fugal force1a� otitis bats in the i which edout:
of Pigp°a Fanciers• point- per belt of Katanga to the,diataut At
lists exceeded 350 miles an hour in the the lower steady light all night. 1 lantic, would be completed for many
Sir," a statement by the, Army Air toward the outside of the circle int --+t-- "� •fi -- l years, {
Corps and the Aeronautics Bureau of which he turns. The vessels In the! Planes Cai'ry Food To ••Wee', Jock,, Ali hear ye've got
SnOWbOUnd Astronomers Constructed by the Belgians, the
the Chamber ei Commerce points out. lower part n; the body, particularly I , married." "age. Donald." "An' what Katanga railway is now virtually com- '
-"So .far as.can be ascertained, there the splanchnic arteries of the abdomi• pleted,And it is expected that the last
have been no bad effects manifesting; nal region, are Ruffictently elastic to Tokyo--Five observers of the kind o' thatch did ye mak?" "Weal, .
;Donald, to tel&ye the truth, Ah didna few rails will be laid shortly and the
themselves as a result of such rapid- receive iiia surplus,and the aviator in Tokyo Meteorological Observatory,sum- do weel asline formally,opened In May. It will
ftp. Should science develop machines making an exeefeed ugly rrapid
picanem a mitturn of nd iFtijteainceir t last at tautumn,I dinnaethink hes{deet her but Ah i.then be possible to travel in comfort
r causes in himself Po I from Johannesburg to Lobito Bay on
which ars capable of 600 or 1,000 0 - I g
assn more miles an hour, there is no I of the head. T-ke blood is withdrawn I are being supplied fresh vegetables The young wit was heartbroken. the All
Ocean, tour days nearer
apparent reason'why man should not from 'the c Yes and the brain, and be spot fish by airplane. What's the matter?- asked a friend.' to England than Cape Town, from any ,Is
be able to withstand rates such as may beconte unconsciotut or map, as Tired'of a canned diet, they he '"Oh, my husband is so absent-minded,i station in the Union or Rhodesia.
pilots deg•ribe it. 'go black.' I pealed for fresh food, and over the ' .• breakfast he'left a tip on the -----0—
these. . Atter bre
"There _s, however, the asumption "Anotia element that enters In the telephone line witch links their stn I table, and w hen i handed him his hat I • Author: "But what have soft
made that flight is 4n a straight line. very tact Plane is,the possib111ty of tion with th lowland they made ar- ' he oropgave me ono er `Well, that's against the play?" Producer: "The
Should the tine of flight vary so as to dropping coo suddenly un altitude of supplies for them,for wer. rangementsairRi'hey are°study- nothing to worry about. Jut force of r play"
rapidly from anr
It divan P Y
tae- g.
turns, then other currents. -FIs
rapid fur fi altitude air c "That's what-worries me, ,
include P in h �habit,"in high a
' relatively R crocodile n ca tis tv is
re •o,n t i
I air pressure one of 9 The largest ct c p t ,
tors dependen-upon well known physi-r 3? �P
Cal laws anise• In making a rapid `high pre4nre' another danger presents' •> kissed me when 1 gave him iia Duet in the New York Zoological Park and
/ turn a p,encu subjects himRelt to the! Itself. The ears are particularly sen. There are more people sticking to "oat " � is shout 14 feet in length. Crocodiles, s
paecbanics Ut the lawn of centrifugal Ritivp to very rapid changes in prey the straight and narrow path noxa-
e0 heavy.-Cal
Herald. iii iq,. son )fit to employ. a txin a length of 20 feet_ �
Xseet) Just as the water in a buckEt sure and may readily become injured days. They have to, the traffic is 110-w .eoo+i is man's lite. the mere gavials and alit
gators sometimes at- z
rapidly 1n an Ont rd ander Rm.t circumstances." 4 -. . ;
!a swung P ..�^ _
.. which ,
�^ „t '�' .� '�'G-uia.�'-y�.•.•.:r- �.pw ,i.•ro^^niYdn•.-^+•'"4CJro A• ,•+n;t9d ..v .0, -%y`�:: �
7. 7
There Ras a time when the millers
_— sold shorts. Now they-can be bought -__ ---_-,--- a`
ri Ton Differential Chain Hoists With 28' of Chain . ,$.8.50 only at the department stores.
3 Ton Differential Chain Hoists with 32' of Chain $10.50
"Papa left me four hundred dollars - • �� .
' _Cord Wood ,Saws, Angle Iron Frame Ball Bearing, to buy a memorial stone for him atter
Om tete With SSW • $60.00 i ; ��,.1J�1\V+;7"! _ • '�,
aid parline Dorn, "How
10"-3 Square English Files, Bastard or Second Cut, ea. 25c !.do you like my'new diamond?" y;
12"-3 Square English Files, Bastard or Second Cut, ea. 30c
Teacber-'Johnuy, if your 'father
F 4"-3 Saw Universal Geared Scroll Chucks, with 2 earned '$So a week and. gave your
- Sets Jaws . . . . . . . .. ... . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . $10.00 mether half, what would she have?" y -
` 25 lb Anvil and vise ..... .. .... .. .. .. . . $ 4.00 Johnny-"Heartfailure."
IL 1 50 lb. Anvil . ... . ... ......... .. . $ 5.50 _._ _.._ .
The peculiar characteristic is the
75 lb. Anvil. . . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . one`iioutebody else lies:. . . . . $ 8.25 GrOOD z3s
Forges, 18" diameter, One Piece Steel Hearth, Com-
plete with Fan . .. . . .. . . . $11.50 Daddy--'•` greatly disapprove of ^,
young Darlington, and one particular r
Ball Bearing 1'_t�st Drill,,drills 0-s/8" holes to entre of 9.50 reason is his lack ot-interest !n his Famous Indian Chiefs Classified • Advertising ;
11N circle . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ calling." Ottawa-In Alberta, the 'names of i TASK
} 51/y" Jaw Stationary Machinist Bench Vises $10.00 Daughter—"Why father, his calling! -Crowfootvillage, Chiniki lake, and i UR MACHINEOR HAND K i1TTlrt}.
61/4" Jaw Stationary Machinist Bench vises . • . . $12.50 He calls on me seven nights-a week:'' Mekast railway station are tri. "All X1'001." 'Silk and Wool:'
y Old Tyme," all colors, 760 !b. uR {
ELECTRIC !MOTORS AND GASOLINE ENGINES, butes to the worth ,of Indian chiefs F,amDlT. tree. Sint. do Yarn $stUs.
"I just love these big Cave men." iiept T. Erle. Ont,
Gladful Gla4ys, as the Beide who, on the coming of the white man, _ ��. !
less her through the Mammoth Cave, ceded their title to vast areas and
NEW AND USED, AT SPECIAL PRICES. _ foisook tribal warfare, 1 ET`s `'Seca d uvatXaloeuRes
HHW PETRIE LIMi'TED Goff Definitions — Crowfoot' head chief of the 'Black. A- I- Switzer, Granton, Ontario_— -
e ! Dub-"One who plays golf the may feet, was a keen business man who
you did last year. kept his tribe at ti OFFER TO EVERY LNVENTOP—
Phone EL 1271 147 FRONT ST. W. Toronto 2 A Good Lie—When hen the last man in p peace with the A List of wanted inventions and full~
i' II information sent free. The Ramsay Com-
- whites, while yIekaato, or Red Crow,
the foresome tells ilia score. pony, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Sank
Sand Trap-A device placed in the head chief th the Soutbhe Bloods, Street Ottawa Canada
was loyal throughout the 1885 re-
_ j�� fairway to Increase the vocabulary of - tsy"I" so'auso
• bCtes Deadly the player. Mon.
be I.
pleats" Sounds Chiniki a'as a noted Stony Indian S>u 00TH ROUND TU3LJi,TO.
Fairway-The long narrow strip of A Medium size, very firm and solid.
By John Mackie chief. • 10 years' selection" Excellent chipper.
Increase tri 1930 grass which the— ball occasionally fine savor. originated and trrow•n by
The marnen concert o' the birds; �kanasan Centre. li.C.
crosses in its Sight from the rough on N. H, Caesar,
The mill stream's music w•f'out words, one side to the rough on the other. Seed $1 26 ounce. Try it.
'•� Ilse in Rate During Last!The gookoo's April courten call; - I toazlss WtrTED
- < i When the noun mother begins to i
The splashen o' the water-vall. 1YI��
talk shout 'lessening the flak o[ the! ! [ i highest quality TIRES. No sanest-
Pronounced baby's second summer you may know I "!t meat ommissions paid weekly. Ea-
Moutreal.-The death rate for dia-!The ducks a'qua4:ken vor their meal; right well she has been talking to the ///"` cellept opportunity to earn good money.
! fettle Dfayall. 5 Elm 9t., Toronto.
betes In Canada and in the Stater in 930 was the highest evertted re- squeal. _ baby's grandmother. f� I�rARRY. RELIABLE b1eS1311A7!t
- The zotv'a deep grunt the porker's
corded. For many years an upward Girl's Dad-"So- you're the young : IAL paper mailed free. Address
The distant ]oxen o' the Cows: �+ L l�� , _%1erAshIp Magazine, Medina,New 11rk
trend has bean observed in diabetes man with both feet on the ground,I Oa
(IOU-. t8t Go1dS
mortallty, but the rise during the last The sparrers twitteren round the;eh? W hat do you do for a living?" ! � A.*r WANTED IN YOUR coM�aLx-
decade has been more moss^ A sp•dT•safe proven remedy � L ITY to take care of paints and
pronounced Girl's Boy Friend—"I take orders 1 for children and adults- pertly owners. Whole 1:of
fact time erpro-
:than ever,. The increasing use of in- = from a man with both feet on the n �• will earn you good commission Must
vulln. nays the Bureau of Statistics of The honck o' geese down in the teas; deok•'° V
! be wall known and of ✓Coss] reputntinn.
The cluck or cackle o' the hens. r x V a: Send particulars about yourself. age in-
the Metropolitan Life, has evidently Arh jUhraikah s Srsar S,a/aa +!r !ciuded, with two references, and we shall
'fatted to cheek the rise, although It Too much time on the hands makes I submit our plain proposition. All ilea-
has, without a doubt, prolonged the The tlnklen sheep-bell on the-hills; the feet wobbly. ' adlantaproducts• sturgeons Limited.
The bubblen o' the brooks an' rills
lives of thousands of diabetics. _ _
Since the introduction of fnsulln, the What has become of the old-fashion- TURKEY TO HAVE POLICEWOMEN
mortality rate bas declined among The cart•hoss steps upon the rw'oad; ed woman who made it a point of ,a •`
The creak o' waggcin '"cath the lvoad. Angora, Turkey—A new law re-
maids up to-age 45, with practically i pride to have-her Rash first on the ,.r.a, g
no change bMween 45 and 65, and a `dine Monday? organizing the police ap4'em of j
considerable rise after age 65. Among The house-dog's deep an' distant bark; - -- Turney provides for enrollment of j
females the. mortality has dropped The spring Yong of the jaayvul lark. I He-''I like your bathing snit." women as civil police. Fermeriv
somevebat-up to age 35, has increased She•—'•Itdoesn't take much to please the government opposed a women '
sligbtly between 35, and increased I The gramfer clock's zlow mrasured you» police . _
sharply after 45. The diabetes death, tick: • -
$ _ rate in 1930 was 30.9 per cent, higher!The meat•jack`s rigler turner tuck' i-irit Lady Bridge-Player—"'I say.
hen in 1911. I wish to goodness you'd hold your NEURITIS
The thudden o' the water mile I O„a nam they help* is rs
An article informs as that the jams hand up. I see your cards." t
The splash o' trout 1n river still. Genuine Gratitude «ares • .: po ar m ri$is
Second Lady Bridge Player - "All ard•.. Ttlaa cab the tin+Dara
-of.ecmmerce contain 'rom 45 down to right, only you needn't be so snappy ,.L sweiv 1v.
-20 per cent. of fruit content. One can The zilver notes o' evenen bell: Camper Tribute. I Pain Mfrs Off i �
' - resi The bucket w Indra vrom the well. You've been showing me yours all ' z z
butawruder grimly what the t •s afternoon ani I haven't complained: Mr. Victor Hills, of Thornton
made of.—"Sunday Observer•'; I Beath, writes:—"For many years I v
The cowboy's early evenen call: - have suffered with that distre
It is amazing to see how much mfs- s�ni
Ail the hear and the soul and the The beetle's drone when night do vall. complaint—eonstipation,and its at-
tnformattoa may be accumulated by t � aut effects of sick-beadaehe and
areae +•�r ever,in Joy-Brost alas. l ation. It was a red-letter day "'
P j one who diligently seeks !t. p��y
The tura call o' waterCow•1: �� KING of flRl1�
The hooten o' the midnight owl, for me when a friend recommended
She-"Ob.go and commit suicide." a treatment f C e Little
..1 me tree eat o art is
Kenned He-"That's the last thing I'd do.' Liver Pills, and I can honestly say
11 Y Th@ hammer stroke, the anvil's ring; that results bave been truly mar-
-f mentoII The zong'a the cawen rooks do zing' The last word in preparedness was velous. I now enjoy good health
421 Collepa at., undoubtedly achieved by the sleigh- and feel that life is worth living.
— Toronto !The naise o' Liddle footsteps' patter; The relief I have ended com- BLACKHEAUS
ins party which hooked fie sleigh on pe Is we t add my a�incere tributift*
HarteyLavidson Distrtbu.ory The music o' the childish chatter.- Take Carter's Little Liver Pilla.
Write at once for our harRaln flat of I behind an ambulance. It your over-
-, _ coat is too loud, wear a muffler. All druggists 25e and 754 red Loi t suffer any longer from ti-css
used motorcycles. Terms arranged. j The zootlMif ChO�quest or dove; h _ p�' 0 sightly blemishes, Overcome them at
!The mother's cradle song of love home! Get 2 os. Peroxine Powder rr"rn `
".-..-FREE TRIAL OFFER ; - Fortune does not smile on those who your urugglst. Sprinkle a little on he
of The west wind's vrhiaper, "Don't vor- wait. It laughs at them. ..ce loth, apply with a sir ll W ❑;Mi•M1
Father—I'A"by were you kept in at :.n the Saris ea ti will be money
�y i get school!., _- --
LTQ come back home to Zomerset h - - t
t!. Satisfaction or money returnrd.
-A Somerset Tear Boo q�1_1 -didn't know where the
If you have never tried Kruschgn-try Azores were."
'It now at our expense. ��'e have :. - 4 Father-"`Well, in future just re lr •
distributed a great many ial member inhere yoti put things." Mir"
"GIAP:T" packages which make it Chapman returned from lunch sad
teary for you to prove our,claim for Anyone call while I was oat?" he e�~acral
ourself. Ask your druggist I , Wotrien, Elephants and Indiana
T ggist for the tailed his new secretary into his room. - w l+�m OIIL
Dew /'GIANT" V5c. Package, asked. "Yes,"replied the girl. "Smith never forget. >n rjlOR NRt s 110f Mf�e r;
This�onsiou of our regular 75c.bottle together AlseeseelreatterTomporarTDeaf-
with a separate trial bottle—suf--sufficient for about came in about his account. He want- mess aft-111 Read Noises when nae to
one week v the trial III fun,put It to ed it settled." "And you told him that Little Girl-"Please, have yon a _ e aaestfetaeaa eaAs�•orasaaalrl*6
the ten,and' en,if not entirely corivinced the[ A, O. LEONARD, Inc.
t Sruechea does everything we daim it to do,the I had left for America this morning f" sheep's bead?" _ . _ _
it arpood as new. Tate it Facetious Butcher-"No, my dear; 70 Filth Ave.,Now York City
said Chapman. The girl nodded and +.
back Your druagist is authorised to rewrn 6h my pwn.
yyour 75c. immediately and without question. replied: "Yes; and that you wouldn't
-'1'ou have tried Kruschen free, at our expense. be back until this afternoon." Little Girl-"It won't do. Mother
Mliat could be faim? Manufactured by w9nts ons with brains to it.' j 4
E Griffiths .Hughes. Ltd.. Manchester, Ens. ; READ OF A CASE!
KKEnab. o S�. importers: McGillivray Hroa. ,
A.d"Tor°nta -. -' Rife: And don't come home so late. -
Husband: I shall come home when I English,Writer Sees Demand R e S t @.S S
like. Cite: But not a In later. 11KE� HER OWN
NO SNOW ON THE BOARDWALK ( For Novels Steadily Glowing C H 1 L D R E N
Hamilton, Bermuda.-A ne alYft of , r
AGENTS a s WANTED literary renaissance and a " era of
Can you dell a small article that in- CHILDREN will fret; often for no' Decided t0 take Lydia .
stantly relieves pain. It sells for $1.00. Prosperity for the contemporary Eng• v aQparent reason, But there's a1- pinkham's Vegetable
You get 1". Areal good income and a lish writer in Great Britain is Been by Ga g
business of your own. YOU have no coni_ Rays atonal. mild and
blaerieci it
petition x.rhd everybody is a prospect. Hugh Walpole, English novelist, who an the wrapper; mild and bland as rt Compound _
We want an anent in your district, is returning to England from a Carib- tastes. But its gentle_action soothes A
its for full information, a youngster more sure] than a more
Atlantic City, New Jerseyi atrRceL saAT PAD .'o., bean cruise. - retial medicine y Moncton, New Brunswick-'Before
ins Yonne lstze.t. Toronto Reading,or pastime as well as for IiOThat's the beauty of this special my last baby was born I was very weak,
Sends Greetings' to its Many instruction is becoming more general, y
Friends in Canada. children's rernedyl It may be given nervous and dia•
We are quoting each a very low according to :lir. Walpole, •and the the tiniest infant-as often as there co�$ed. I saw
We are
Plan rate that you will modern writer is enjoying an ever-in- is need. In cases of colic, diarrhea or ' an advertisement
find it cheaper to stay at the ` . ,\` creasing public and the possibility of similar disturbance, it is invaluable. pnthepaperaboutr
"Homelike Strand" than ata in " " 1 awomanwhohad
staying greater and greater
financial returns A coated tongue calls for just a few 4,
at home. •aGu \ for his labors. his to ward off constipation; so been like me so I
` does an suggestion of bad breath. , ' bought a bottle of t
Write us so we may quote them c+^n� Whenever children don't eat well, Lydia E• �'�
i IV y. t+te I „There is a new class-
readers lyes Vegetable
to yofr-so you will know the exact
cost before- leaving. I Y'" a sn� we I S't'owing up in England,' Mr. Walpole don't rest well, or have any littlbs"r
Music-Salt Bea Bath*--Com Il• I Jia a t' said, "and despite the enormous out- upset-this pare vegetable prepara- C•ompound.Itook
mentary Tea Daily, 4 to 5 p.m. Bot � put of novels to-day, each book has tion is usually all that's needed. three bottles and
will personally see to i it carried me safe-
We r
your i � ! � .steadily increasing prospect of sale. 1 throu h that �•r"
comfort. �;,, �VYnJIa� Booksellers in Great Britain last year / . eyntiaal ti5me.
T. E. ..ANDOW, Mgr. +''" enjoyed the beat Christmas sales they have three cUdren to care for and I epi
lig BRADFORD RICHMOND, �lrm�. have known for many years." , e► ,tee) well and strong, I have told t"
♦ ' - • e I other women about your medicine
i Pry' i M RR,(Iva AaagNauLT.4 Albertl3tri ,
f R ISSUE No. 11—'31
- i Moncton,New Bruwwicla Y'
. - .. -
S. S. No. •. P(clkering Maatell, Baddd Wesley, L Byers. M. .g $ Mi 3'`17.j BOKDe-Government. Muoteipai and ,.
Sr. IV-Gertrude Corbett, Ellen-Kin- Byers Jimmie Kinnear, Flor. Barry. flgeurity-and*ervjee In Mortgage Bonds. Also,Industrials.
TERMS near, Reta Flynn, Frances Mantell, S. S;No. &.Pickering Insurance of all kinds. `` _ -flute investments at from b.to 7 Per
Laura Ormerod. Jr. IV-Mills 01b- Jr.-IV-Myrtle Ellicott, Oscar And- Ld*rateafor Auto Insurance and at.
=1.U.pw year,J- tl.bti it paid in sdraau, som, Edda Harris, Cecil Walls, Sr. III erson, Harold Bennett, Edith Hastie, `Fire Insurance. 1NSURANUF-AU classes:written In-
to the United St{LM and Creat :{
Britain$sun in advance. Phyllis Clark, Murray Ellins, .Elva ,Doris B�inett, Ross Hood, Sr. III- Also, representative of cludi°g Fero. Automobile, Wirnd-
biddleton, Eric-'Davis, Jr III-Clara Alma Hamilton, Harry.Hastle,-Jr. III The Ciinada Lite Assurance Co. storm. Accident andSicknecs.4 -
Walls Phyllis Gardiner, . Marjorie,Iran Fuller, Annie Coulson, Sr. II- Phone or write-
].Q}{� MURKAR, Proprietor, Biseley;not graded = Dorothy Dis- Muriel $gird, Jack Carlisle, Jr. II- 4�1p Phone Piet. 616 Address . 43tf EO. BO'WMAN,Whitby
--- ---`--- ney, Lornie Annis LL-Roy Walls, H. Verna Fuller, Lillian Wilson, Gor- 'BROUGHAM, ONTARIO
PICKERING COUIiG1L• Short, Grace Fink;, Muriel'. Clarke, don Priest, I-Thelma Carlton, Keii. '
Ida p .Use ey, Mercedes • an • Anderson, u ra . .aw, T
- Lewis, ti: VG ails Harry,Baker, Les• pr: tii'm. Johnston, Jean Smart, L.
The above council •met--on.March,t Lewis ,
2nd,' pursuarif to .aljouri�uieht."A1I I'«'il?On. Sr. Pr.-Bob Fink, Haw- priest, Francis til"ilison. Teacher. E.
_R ► Y R RI _
1 , s.
members present, the reeve in ti:e ,rd Orme rod, A. Short..Jr. Pr.-Lois . tilatthew
. _
- The minutes were adGpied as read. �,ANADIAN - -
The Piaxton Insurance Agency,the A. E. Wilson :agency and the
Royal Assurance .Co. Kers heard re _ It is estimated that within the past year Groceries have
"township road insurance. declined about 25 pec cent. We matte declioes-effective
A deputatiorr was heard re the pro- as they come along, .assuring you of consistent low
posed biulding-bylaw suggested : to is a as quality
{. `apply particularly to the second cion- 1 ,
pr' ee a well u lits
cession west- This week we offer you: }
Jos. Gormley, of Dunbarton was - - / ,
2 dozen medium sized oranges .,. 49c
_ ... beard asking,for the consideration of ;
fire protection in that area. - IrE'STIVAL - S string d ... e.. 29e
A grant of 25.00 was approved to - Bulk lard ... ... ... 15c
*he South Ontario Agtricultulai''Sot. BRINGS 'I' WORLD, 1 O _ 24 The pastry Sour ... , ... 80c
A considerable wriount of comes- ;gee our hand bill*for other reductions.
pondence was read and disposed of.
The standing committee on Drain- __ YOUR DOOR - -- Fish, Fruit and Veffetablea are fresh twice a week.
age matters reported and paid the '
fer ices 12 6 DO°CPSn, engineering 'TOWN HALL, PICKERING ,
",..-services 12L7b.; D . Beaton, costs, � .. ..
_ a6so; Judge Ruday, fees; 27.00. �CHERRYWOOD AND PICKERING
The standing committee on Contin- 1
agencies: a R. Beaton, salary, 125:00; March lu0t-ht ---19th� 20th . 21StPhoee Mark: 5020W. Chester, salary, 150.00; Rkite- Phone Pick. em
` wale library, grant, 25.00• Pickering, -
ditto, 25.00; Claremont, ditto,,35.00;
Brougham; ditto, 25.00; R. J. How, T • g y PickeringHardware Store
Tp. auditor, 30.00; Wm. Gormley, 1 moo. Outstand Pla s.
..• `Tp. auditor, 30.00.
The standing committee on Relief: "'TURN TO THE RIGHT"
P. Willows, acct. Raney-, 11.76; Cty: -
of -Ontario; re indigents, 61.55. _ - First Night This is the year that marks the centennial of the P.eaper,•that famous- .-
-On stayed a committee on Roads macbins i&vented h'y Cyrus Hall McCormick in 1831. As a fitting means of
The-. and Bridges: W Shea, drag con 1. "TH>y a:HOLE- TO�'ti'S TAGIiIhG com eater. tinarrang d an
event n S. BALmfor I N McCor MARCH
3.?5; Fred L,ee, ditto, "5.60; George ing dealrr, has arranged an afternoon's program for MON DAY.siARUH 18th,-
3.75; , drag con. i. 7.2 i; J. Vale. Fourth Night at the TOWN HALL, PICKERING. Tris entertainment is for the enjoy.
McIr' _ • ditto, 4.40; R. Redman, tau! gravel en
m t of every farmer and his family in the community.
'Ad a spec ial feature of the Centennial program a five-reel motion vie.
R. Line, 6,2,75; G.-Parsons, oil ani ,; Lure, "Romance of the Reaper," will be shown. This picture was espoetally-
repairs to truck, 5.30;-R. Warty lii¢d LOWELL PAT?Ohl !�$TI$T3 filmed-to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the invention of the McCormick
ease.plates for truck, 2.00; R. a reaper.
f k -sect. salar), 150.00; J. Hedge, shov. Two Brilliant Musical Programs on Second Day Following the testing o! the first reaper to as epilogue picturing the eve-
vel con. 2, 70. lution of modern grwin harvestiog machines. from HdCormick's reaper to the
gravel v You will see the old self-rake reaper.the M k
- � esker ct to da Y
• tear esier•thr Pe
Duah9wfiT41�1. -- BY THE PEACEFUL PAcTIIRJ±;S OF PALESTINE" har+ester, the wim binder, the twice binder. the modern tractor binder,aoa a
ore ae
qVe are pleased to have Mr.
An Amazing Lecture by - . _ c
Beet of hitirvester threshers harvesting 840 acres a day. Never bet bas
much real history been packed into a stogie dam of this kind
:$pragg borne again after a Mr. - - - From the drat see°* W the last. "Romance of the Reaper"i.aothantis.
.operation in the OshaUwa Hospital a!- - JCLIUS CAESAR NAYPHE It is intererting and educational. it is roman it : It is thrilli"g.
J. S. Balsdon invites all farmers and their famillo to spend 3iioaday
though still confined to his bed. _ on Third Night _ afternoon,March 16th. as his guests. A lull afternoon program.
Miss .3iargar'et Annan, of Toxon-
In ,a visiting her slater, Mrs. miller J. S. BAL:SDON, - . . ,PICKERING
• .'-3n Detioit, for a month and rectipe:- - - ELiAS' TAMBl1RITZA SERENADERS
*ting after-her recent serious III- of tinlatia of Jugo Slavin
_ Some of our young people could Present C•doriul Costume Program on Third Atteraoon and Lvening �+ L c
inot attend the funeral of the late Mammoth Price Slaughtering Sale
1%r George Duncan, at Locust Hill The Tamburitza, a musical instrument, was invented by the
- on Tuesday because of the roads shepherds as they watched their flocks. a°d was later perfected by ]S8g1IIIIinR January 15th and lasting
being blocked. Milutin Farkas, It has been tbei household instrument of the Jago until February 15th.
Because. of the storm Sunday the Slave for generation$ and iq somewhat similar-to our mandolin or y
i:song service led by 'Mr. Nicholson, gitltar, but has much more sweetness of. tone and is especially adapt.
` was postponed one week and will be ed'to orchestral work. Let us quote a few of these specials
leld next Sunday evening, March
16th. The service is at 7.30. Every- Men's heavy black rubbers, *olid bear, cash sale price 2.29; Boys'sizes,
-lbody welcome. :•�lso the concert to be A Season Ticket Admits Purchaser 'or Any Member of His Family- -, 1 39 and 1.W Heavy Mackinaw coat leg._up to 8.95, ash sale -
-given by the choir was postponed _ - price•1.98: Men's heavy rib wool ander wear, while theyMat 1.19
+one week, and will 4e given Tue-day to All the Attractions of the per garment ; Penman's heavy fleece-lined undies, reg. 1.00
-,evening, March 17th in the United CANADIAN CHAUTAUQUA FESTIVAL cash *Ale price- 79c per gartneat ; Best duality boys'
!Churc& Th•re-will be a generous rel hockey bout,clearing rash gale price :..69 per,ir.
tion of bright happy c4c�•saes by Lie See nttr-hand bills for other#pec:ial item...-better still, visit our store,
:Young People themselVes. Solus, .- 4 BIG DAYS---SIX ENTERTAINMENTS IN'ALL -
_ ,-duets etc.; will be given by some of - - - compare quality and prices. No obligation on your part.
= `Whitby's leading soloists and, Miss Phone 21101
Sleep will give ,recitations A coli- SEASON TICKET•--Adults, X2.00 ; School Children -and R
' eetton ovfH be taken to pay the ex- Sttideets, 61.00. Tax included. CECIL
•penses of rhe choral class. _
TICKETS NOVP ON SALE of Hall is now open at E. C Jones' = C g F R I N Gi
• " _Drug Stora Reserve-seat for ail-siic programs for 50c-extra.
- Is Your Pickering News paid for ?
-NV6f -or
t". Comprising heavy elmnks-and delivery horses, 4•to 9 years
old, W broke and good,to work, also -
- � • •iRransl �th>t i�tstB's �fg�hmaB
Hackney and Shetland Show_Ponies . i-
:..:. 'including stallions, brood mares, colts and fillies, prize
Dail . Coach 'Servicewinning roadsters and a fine young thoroughbred,. y
stallion, sired by Zeppelin, and a number; _ PICKERING-TORONTO
of half-bred opies, suitable for
- - Fare 50 Cents
riding..school or•children's use. - � -'`' • ' -__ _
"K The.above'will be sold by public auction on Lemve Pickering (Standard Time) Leave Toronto .
• - - - _ A,-.11I_ P. M.- A. N. P. M.
son the second•day of the FES Monday, March the 23rd, -1931 R '•20 3.a' a 830 3.30
'TIVAL Mr. LOWELL PATI'0an ~ 'a 1,55 1,55 8.30 4.30
Musical Director of Canadian 8.55 .5,55 -9.30 5.30
Chautauqua; with his company, , at Crosby ;vieluorial Park, Unionville. 9.55 0.55 10.30 .6.80
will present two unusual mesicsl • ... _ , - -
10.55 - -b i,55 =. 11,30 b 7.30 ,
._,j ograms of eatstanding merit
end vasty, Sale commences with the heavy horses, at 1 p. m., sharp. 11.55 8.55 P. H. 8.80
P. M.r b g 5 12.80 b 9.30
Prentice.& Prentice,* G. A. M. Davidson, 12.55 10:55 1.30 10.30
- 8CHOOL RZPORTB• • Auctioneers (29) Proprietor- 1.55 . 11.55 • 2.30 11.30
_ 1 2.55
Green River Public School - - a Daily except Sunday. b Saturday, Sunday and
Sr. IV-Iva ' Postill, Diana Hicks, �Aolidayaonl_y. c Sunday only. - --
Edythe Williams, Doris 9mi,h, Chris- E,D.M U11. D _ ' HIND Ir U M B E R . O PICK UP _
ie Milne, Robert Jackson. Jr. IV- _
Aubrey Smith, Archie White, Rog* POMPANY, LIMITED. P�55ENGEKS. SIGNAL PLAINLY -
1' Carter, Bobbie Malcolm. Sr. III-
Draper, rylildred White, Robt. J. LUMBER AND MILLWORK- Coach connections at Toronto for Buffalo, Niagara
'Windsor, Jack Bielby, Cecil Postill; - _ - - Falls,Hamilton,, Brantford,Winder, Detroit,Barrie, ,
Xary, Malcolm, Jr. III-Gloria Wind- �• FOR EVERY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIOIr -
• Ot;illia, idland, Jackson's Point and
'.r soT,-Lois Turner, Mary Postill,,vitas. . Doonectionsntermediate Buffalo and Detroit for sit -
-Lehman, Leo. Hagerman, 11-Fern Masonite for the Modern - - - _ _
Malcolm, Julia Wilson,.Jean Bielby, __. _ - U. S. A.1points,
..Homer Jackson, Frank Williams, L. ' - _ _ .Home and Farm
• "_re Carter, David Turner. I-Mavis '
Hicks, Allen Michell, Clayton Jack- Ideal for Sommer Cottages, Prompt Deliveries. aoa/Ch Lines
U 0 U A
son, George white, Donald Duncan. WRITE US FOR LITERATURE AND' SAMPLE ,
- _ Pr.-Beta Milne, 'Malcolm C&rter,> S _ ... ..
Gordon Duncan, Owen Turner, Inez
White, Earl Linton, Evelyn Steven-
son. Mary E. Muir, teacher. DANFORTH AND MAIN ST., TORONTO Grover 1133.4-5
•.J:..:., .». -M ',�. «' .8 .. . =;, .:A tan Nh +'_� -1 :1'F. �• N.> :\i.�Ji.
- :•,4 rte•",'p•,?�-... •�-. + i.•„ '" °S•<a �..f - .. _ � -^'
._ ...
' '• 'r,✓,'.. J. h-n,-fn... ., ..�, '•. ry..e. . $n -...a .Y:-/• .'..tri.:: -- •'s'. "�" -.e+..• �\'u. .U.m �.�,1:' ti� .�,. qy ,
� �.'�•.. :4.A11°.. .sd'' .. - ..o, ,.._,•.; .., r•c .:!'.: -',:.. x".:Ts.`.,F.0 wig'.. ._ °p n' b f:S,.'• .r•��,_��� �.rr.� ti`. >± r: '^'�•_ '
j.. _. aulsRMoiex. - Were ad
to report the death Gated audience.' The chair was bills. George Jackson and Son F+.as 1 i' -
L. PYngold, who underwent a�°t Mrs, Murleoa' of. Columbus, occupied- by Rev. H.-R. Ste hens ' 'auction Ili '
critical o who has many relatives in Clare. in hie genal pjeaa[ngg mannerp The ears. Q C$ . QIye@ -�
Aeration lin the Western moat, where shefe well known, progc�tnq heRao.witfi` a chornaPot Wednesday March_. 254b-- Credit �ik For Constipation
Hospital, Toronto,is continuing to She took a stroke on Feb 23rd, sale of farm stock, implements, • Simple glycerin, buckthorn bar "`'
Improve. lowed by their yell. The chief etc., at lot 24, con, 8, Pickering, saline, etc., as mixed in Adley;Ve-
Owing. to. the lmpaeaeble con• when she was preparing , attend feature of the entertainment w.r+, the.property of W. A, Courts. Sale Heves 'tonsil a'tion in ,
dition of the roads THE NEWS was the golden.wedding of C. H. and 'the 3 net drama, , entiEIed "The p TWO , hours?
-not represented in Claremont this �lfre. .Pilkey, of Pickering. The' Wrong Kitty." -The play de• - Maw, auctioneer.- See bills. W_ -, Most
dicineerika acts o both up-
week. sytnPathy of th,Q community is victed a love scene in a quiet f
[ plies Mabel McLellan extended to"the bereaved rely woantain l ach_ ru q
eBibar ����.�. 'per aria lower bowel, removin>z cis-
teacher in ive, o the cast displayed unusual good 1� oweCl-Pa on r �s s 3"°u-neer t io gFit nine In your
a e Institute, y( _ system Just Oti E .spoonful' relieves ,
bpent a .-dug recently with her On Frida March 25th . .there histeiunic ability, which created Ar_ amazing '` �, ,our stomach'and sick headache, r�.a
ng trio.of artist.: under M-
_ parents at the manse. will hen very, interesting,ting'debatp
under ril-H'. J. anlitsen(ent acid `laughter.• the-direction of the inimitable Low- Let Adlerika give stomach and bow-
Mrs. R. J. J1ann, who. has been in the Ct�ivmuiritp Hall, under Ji: J. Wilker, former) f els a REAL cleanin ~1
the au?paces of the Public Ltbrar Y Princi;(n! el Patton will appear or, the after- S acrd see . how
couflued to her bed for some time, y• 'of 'the school, presented the noon ar_d evening of the Second Day -good you feel!' E C Jones, druggis
!snot makingthe The subject is. ' Reolved, tlfat the diplawas and refev(ed to the env-4 of Chautauqua here. 'The music .cri- --
progress toward Scot,have done more for Canada able. position occupied by the tics
recovery that her friends would have been lavish in their praise B1aCksxnithin'g
like. • • than have the English. The school in the n(T(riber of gradu4tes of. the ease and artistry •:with which
Fred Cowie, .seri• afhni
rative will be taken by Miss
who has been ,who are now occupying respousi• this .gifted -group render ,the music
coal B'akestone and Mr. Caskey, and ble pusitiuns in the of the -
y ill from blood poisoning for professional great masters. Y Horne-shoeing and General Work'
•• the past two or t ee v%:eks, is the negative by Mr. Goddard and and business world. R. A. Hutebi• The appearance this season of Low, promptly attended to.
Mr. Jamieson. Mire din Kerr son, Public School Inspector, re ell'Patton, pianist, composer and in- ?:
=�now showing signs of improve- Rill give a group of resdiags sad rented medals to Gordon" Borland terpreter of the various moods of "Lawn Mowers Sharpened
meat. . MUSIC will be rendered' by Mrs. and Douglas Booth, 'which had y and Repaired.
Pl large number of farmers from rs excellent news !or his man
the surrounding country are Ceekey and Donald Hodges. Ad• been won ip the athletic field, and' adrmrers and will prove a delightful Satisfaction guaranteed. ;
attending .the monster tractor mission 25 tante. Come sad help also.ppresented the prizes awarded experience for those who are to hear Phone Maly. 4125
demonstration on Thursday sled
along a good cause. by Miss Donnell to the seven him for. the first time. Lowell Pat y?
y The commencement' exercises tons musicianship'.developed in the C 8 g JM
Friday of this wank. pearls who obtained honors in last best European Conservatories to- 91y HIGHLAND CREEK
"One watch set right will do to and annual concert of the Oontinu• pear's entrance 'examinations.
net many by. The meeting of ation Schod�l which was given in Claremont sent 14 candidates and gather with the talent of his assoc-
"t Community Hall lasb Friday all iate artists, assures a memorable da H� L7 9
_--=-Thee Women's Institute will be held passed. A demonstration of y
611-Ehe home of Mre- Was.Jones oa evening was a great success, the club swinging was given by a class of magic.
'Wednesday afternoon,March the hall being crowded with an inter- of girls, which was highly com- Fenwick Newell, Canadian Tenor,
IlBth, The topics for discussion
men a will be hailed xith delight u .'his
Blaeksmithing ! p°II' ist Oaskis Aron- return to Canada this season.he in- ,
will be: Immigration, the Stran +clan), and his assistant, Miss Don' , :..
Hell, are to be coagratnlated on definable charm of- his personality
1, " ..
Iter in ou.r midst, and Current the and the brilliance of his artistry has '
Events• Irish Roll Call. A good Horse-shoeing a Specialty. good Work they 'are doing, definitely established his reputation
attendance is urged. The singing of the National Anth• abroad. 8•roomed, comfortable, electric
All roads lead to the Claremont All General Work,including Wood em brought a most interesting Gloria Robinson, contralto was light, hard and soft water,
::United Church on Wedaesday Work, promptly program to a close. horn in. England of musical
evening, March 18th, when the C. attended to. parents. .Opposite Town Hall, Pickering.
Also, � - o he has had all the advantages of the
G. I, T. will (live a'co°cert. ' The culture and art.of Europe. Her voice BIR bargain for
program will cou;iist of a one act agent for Taco Farm nit sale. '
is astonishingly pure and flexible. M
lay, entitled : "How a Woman Machinery. Saturday, :March 14th — Credit Auct- S
- p
ior. stile of fully accredited herd of . he sings the most exacting operat-
ion e.a Secret" There will also is arias with ease: Her finishedtech- .
p F. T. '�7CTOOd.vv'a=d Jersey cattle. Registered pedigrees nique and the beautiful c}shed h A L.A
t be selections from the orchestra GREENWOOD 491p will be furnished on day of sale. t t
_ and other minaic•al numbers. Ad. See bills. On lot 27, con, 5 Mark- .her voice will make her music a joy
mission 25 and 15 coots. AT TAS ham townshi Property of W. H. to �l' Phone Brook. 1808
Q• rP pe y
Leitchwin . 8 months credit. A 8insale, OntarioAUCTION SALE OF SmORIE
.T�day. March 17th — Auction sale Here It Is !" -gain
St�GiLq '�T3Cf4�'8 of farm stock and implements, the Sybilla Spahr's remedy, for treating
property of W. F. Staple, lot 23. every form of sore throat, coughs,
k;,' Implements, Hay Grain, con. 7, Whitby Tp., one mile nor- croup, colds, bronchial asthma, and -- y
1► Pork and Beans. 2 cans for $Be th of Br°oklin• Sale at 12.80 o'- all tonsil diseases. Try this wonder
Furniture Era. 7} lbs. of oatmeal for `5c clock. See bills. Wm. Maw. auction- ful remedy, E. C. Jones, druggist.
Theeo rt of ' 8 Caoe Peas for eer.
P !� 7 4 Pka Jolly Powdfor ,.. .25e Tummy. March 17th — Credit sale
?'. •23. t9tO�sei,.Tt i'1» Wrapped Toronto 8c of farm 'stock, haplemerkta, hay, BARR
surnd F. .f►.Z!'t0watr "t Choice Ceylon Tea, r'1b. i3$c grain, mats, furniture etc., at lot
Lot 2iI.(300. 7, Pickering. P 8 ps 3. con. 1Coal - Coal i
on 2 $Rs Iodized Salt for ... - .26c Scarboro (Kingston Rd.
WEDNESDAY, MAR. lath. 1331 8 Pkin Cora Flakes for � half mile east of Highland Creek). {
We deliver every d•T the property of John Taylqr. Sale
The following property, via: at 12.30. No reserve. `lee bills. Hard and Soft Goal of the
-- _ HORSES Highest prices paid foe batter Prentice and Prentice, auctioneers. mgt QIIali,� OII
e '.
. Brown horse; Gray Man; Bay Mare: and egg W7. March iBta--Credit sale
:ch �JJ p
Brown mare, Save your coupons for Rogers' of farm stock, tractors, implements
mixed clover hay,
.... .. .. .:CATTLE.. .. silverware also the child's S barley, oats.
'Holstein cow, B. and W. bred in Jan. .. savings scrip. furniture etc., the property of J. � A E alt of a:tisda
B. Stewart Estate and P. Vit. Stew- THM A. a.al""aW7 i W that sn' •
_ Holstein cores, black, bred in Jan. C.
OVERLAND art. Sale at one o'clock sharp. See 81cU*
- Jersey cow, bred in October. tlar<. C.+7Z�. digriifted, not artistic
sh Ayrshire heifer. designs that would bs
BARNESS - 87iy Phone 2501 inappropriate for the
Set of team harness; Set of single 'MOIIStrOns Annual p°�'°'e view; Th"
harness; Circular saw and frame; one illustrated Is aim-
Number horse collars; Number horse Broy'
`� a pis, yethas artistry.UlankeA Sling ropes, �E/ s m (� "No Greater Tribute'TRACTOR and EQLTIPME\T e ■ 1 ■ O D 1s tj r a t i o n o4
:._2 Fordson tractors, good state repair IiLAR1JJ�ONT "�"` 1. W. STAFFORD, -
Oliver tractor plow, no. 8; Oliver
'. tractor plow no. 7; M-H 17 tooth cul- +
•. Thursday and �ricia��, gl°�vbl�;°a
` ti%ator, powgr lift and tractor-hitch,- -
41-H tray tedder; Bissell double disc Grocery, -March 12th and 13tH _--Phone Whitby
' harrow-, tractor hitch; Bissell mulch- 8 Cans .Peas,
er and packer tracter -and horse hit- - rsc FREE--Electric or battery radio to holder of luoky tioket.
_ ch; Stoel Iand roller, 2 drums. 2 Cane Pork and Beans, r T V
1 Large Can of Salmon, 15c =
t3 spring Tooth cultivator;Hor-F•H _ ' .THURSDAY MARCH 12TH
. se Hitch; M-H Disc Harrow, horse 3 Pkgs Corn Flakes, ... 25c McCormick-Deering Tractor School '
hitch; M-H Fertilizer drill 13 disc 10 a. m., Service Meeting—bring us your troubles
M-H Mower, No. 7, 5 >*t. cut; M-I� 2 Boxes of Iodized Salt y25c _. - Ai lcQtfire
i 12 a. m. a
Corn cultivator; 2 Seta.Harrows; Mc- , Lunch Free
,Cormick hay rake; Lister grain d Real Good Tea,per!b. ..: .' gpc - 1 p. m., Pictnres and Lectures }
a p. m., Lunch Free
les; Set )(arrows (Grub) 2 Wa Regal Bread. wrapped, Se 7 m., Pictaree _ ___ .' _ ._ _. - -
ploays; Double mouldboard plow; 1 ___.
Belt; Wagon box ant! springs; Turn- H beet
`1 p drill• Z _ on
ay rack nos ceder. We'detiver. = wind-ml ills.81~106 e�
--�en'ty`'rlding Plow; Stock rack; f[-H - _ - _ -. . .
1rlazure apresden' No. 4; Pig rack 3 , 3S R 'r g N Morning, Geneeal `Demonstration ' . Automobile Of ailki"s�a y
-- •h[-Fan sumbinder, No. 5, 7 it cut.
,_ ° 12 a. m., Lunch Free
:Y g ls; M-H Root pulp"; Photze Claremont 8741 - 1 p, m., Durant Motors present pietarps sad ieetdrea FOH t3ALl}
JUH Corn binder; Bain sleigh; M-H 0 p. m., Lunch FreeWrite
' or p6ons
"Blower with pipes; 2 Buggies; M-H T p. m., Durant Motors pictures
-Mower, No. 16, 8 ft. cut; 914-H Gas Important -8 p, m., Dcawiag for radio - E D. O s: A
- engine, 1%' h. p.; Fairbanks.Gas En- - WHITBY, ONT.
:!gine; 1% h. p•; Light wagon.; Num. Cleara�ceSale,bar of Sctifhorse Wheelbarrow; Bag ;`,6peeial'Demonstrations for both dayp• _ Green River _
truck; Set hosseclippers,. (power) 2 '
-cutters; Grain •bags; .Quantity iron of Rubbers, tjnderweax,' ;`• paints DeLaval Milkers Separators w Basket Factor � w, .
Pipe;. 2 e;.-
feet. and Socks.tension ladders, 30 and to Sweaters, Shirts, Mitts - Beatty Washers' and Pressure Systems
' Manufacturers of
MISCELLANEOUS Radios and Electric Refrigeratorg ,All kinds of Fruit Baskets, BekT
Spray pump; Steel road drag; Stone Men's jumbo knit sweater. coats, :Roofing and Stoves. Crates, Farmerq, Bushel
_boat; Cream Separator; Babcock Milk camel and. red, reg. 3.50, for 2.21J Baskets, Clophes Baskets.
and .cream tester; Grass seed sower; Education for young and old
-Number of sacks; Dehomer; Cross Penman ribbed all wool under. - Frank Pennock,
cut saw; Cider press; Number of ir- wear, reg, 1.50, at .. 1.19 _
on bars• Millon machir;esNumber of Shirts, militar p Bring the Ladles and Children.
g y flannel, lain. Maker of the well known ,
fence 'posts; 28 gallons milk cans; or checked, reg. 1.50, for . 980 r-- - - - - • •
Milk pails and straingr; Number of Charles �o 1r, . i _ Barnes'Baskets. ,
`3. 2. and 3 Bush. baskets; Forks; Mena Socks, all wool, NrAsir 25c r r"" �iaremOnt ' Phone Markham 8409 `
-Hoes,.Chains, Whiffletrees, Neck- Mitts and Gloves,reg. 1.50, - ;
Yokes and other articles too numer- for_ . 7$c vAd 98e
!ous to mention. -
Suchen cabinet, (Hoosier) 3 Couch- Quaker 3 missate oatmeal, - - �
es; Number Kitchen chairs• ; Acme large package - t
"B" Range; Gasoline Iron; McClary PastryFlour, 24 lb. ...: 'ghc ••' '
y 28� ;
Range for coal or wood! 3 Boa stov- Good Doi Batter,-ib. � _- Fresh S'altuon, 18c lb„ by piece, 15e lb:, by whole fish' ;• ',-
es;.Carpets;•Flat irons. Matches, 3 boxes 25c Wintercaught Whtte Fish, 18c ib.HAT ,
��� 20c Aylmer choice- ea
tons AND SEED GR4IN Peas,Sunk8t Oranges, per doz.. 25c Aylmer choice corn,
i - 25c P a l soap, 10 bars,... `
15 tons Mixed Alfafa and Red-cloy- Peas, 3 cane - .... 43e - •� ;,
•.. ,., 25c Aylmer ohoice.tomatoea, 2 tins 27c Pearl Anna, 10 bare, .. '
er Hay; 500. Bush. Oats; 250 Bush. Dates, 8 lbe. .;, 2 tins 25c Oxydol, large pkR � `
-Seed Barley; 200 Bush, Seed Buck- Tea, Crown Blend, ... "'
wheat. . $8e Barton peas, >1 tine ... ... 256 Chipso, large pkg. ...
Tomatoes, large tin, 2,for-, 23c Currants, 2 lbs., 29c Qorn flakes, 3 pks,.- ' -. .,, 25e.
- Iciii sugar, 31bs., .. 25c Quick tea`
SALE AT ONE P. M. SHARP •• Quaker oats, china 38c
Qoodyear Tires b'
Terme-Hay, Grain, Furniture, & all FIN- GOLD) _ Exide Aatter�ies*�
--suras of $20:00 andrunder, cash; over Betters Cb%r inq
0 that amount 7 months credit on apall and 4ee ns or
- C
.proved Joint Notes. 3 per cent div_ ;Ower Price Store
count for cash. Phone your order. We deliver. x
Geo. and Ted Jackson Where Onality Courts Phone HarkhRm 8402.
Adam Spears Sold and Installed by
Clerk. Auctionee'81CLAREMONT, ONT• Wm, M. 1junean9 •General; F$��� J px®IIgE
t. e
g M reliant' eek R1ve><
7 r
If •r / -•
• f• Y
. .,y .. _y..,..4A=.:.n%.E rw' a..}. .. :,,. n:�'+1r. ',.,"'It •r,.'. .. . ,:, ^r _+ ... r.M` :.,:e
.. .r{,;,. �.• - .
` I ,
Ir,. - _ ♦ rntY+.i�Ctr# -•A� .. .Sew eurre['.•.,• .. � ,�- .,,+-;«»+b .2
• J
,�+•A .,.+jr 111
• mine, it is perfectly obvious that „�`
+$dada tea his gathered from there is a mystery somewhere. DartdopSib
moor is r u: the sort of place peop'•c
` � world's Unest gardens choose to"disappear-from; especiallyinhabitants."
• - ------ - � Dartmoor strikes m as tieing a re-
markabbly ,suitable place for such s9l1Gb/1?l4 Dog s(+,OTTIE-• •��'
amusement," smiled' Holt.' `•Heaven
_ • w'ld p.Qked.his co t _$nd_I_itarSed. to rain—to get
enough." face out from among the bushes and await from those bgars and the plane,
•`yes, I' realize -all' that. 13uty looked at us. We had no gun—not which I knew would shortly explode.
GuardY, there have bin three women even a knife. It was a great brute of We had hardly'gone a hundred feet,
and one man within the last three a grizzly, and with her came a half-
and when Scottie got between my feet,
1 iruonfhs: :Mona Page makes.key the
fifth. grown cub. Probably you have never i and down we went is a heap. Scarce-
1K Even Constable x'ord admits it's seen a grizzly loose ly had we struck the ground•when the - -
strange.'! - in the mountains. flames reached the gas tank, and }
"Constable Ford would admit any. if you haven't, You WHAM!—it blew up. For a minute'
' thin e two pints of beer," mur- have no idea bow t was ll of burning debris.
g after hath a ht' u
mored Holt, not looking up. big'one.looks. This �� sigit
Feesh �!O>tfl the gssd "Take �ioaa's ease," persisted the one seemed to be It seemed like as 'it those"bears
_ - - girl. She left the vicarage soon \ as big ,as an ele- hadn't started
,>�. .� ,� after five o'clock and walked over the pliant, and she to run until
AVAO moor :o 'Mrs. Hepworthy's cottage, looked as mean as? they heard all
• where rri" about sis or soon t was
"- f.after. .sSheastayed w th the old ladh it was a
y g d in
poison I that .n o ! a a
rowing darker every moment an
for an lioi,r, and then set out to vial's case of every
that narrow valley,• shut !a by tee bear for him-
back Mrs. Hepworthy's grandson, mountains, almost anything mightlA self and never
r ;u O r T`� Billy, met her doming over Brambleve.happenrd. firs. Grizzly is a bad Y/���f•, m i n d You r
S T�E L _ 1 j �,,,J `,7 L/ Down, and that was the last anyone one to meet at any time, but when I , I
saw of her. She can't have fallen she has a cub with her, she is not the I neighbor. Theis
:•: into a' mire and been drowned, be- company one would choose "to meet'fairly flew. The cub's legs were short
ST � cause there are none near there, and !n a lonely spat. !and stubby, and be had to take two
.,--:M: Y i.L the valley has been searched they- Meanwhile the old bear was getting I lumps for his Ma's one
oughly. At seven o'clock it is"broad nervous ort of sniffed around a-bit I went out of sight, they were so clone
I� �� T. C. H. JACO i daylight, and Mona knows the moor —a d then—well, she and' her cub together that they looked like one big,
� �'' as well as any moorman. Hew do started down to look ua over. bear,
A - -^secognt •for her failing to re- Very likely we should Save shouted.` 'Meanwhile the wreck of the old
and waved our arms and yelled; Diane was burning brightly. Bco�ttie
CHAPTER I. ,Iss. I'll let 'ee know, but I reckon turn?"on't know, my dear. How do i and I hustled over to the edge of the
that her's gone for keep, like they "Shoot! _Shoot!" but I haver w awood-
:Mr. Henry flilt was roused from grizzly that one could talk ou an and gathered up the driest wood
his contemplation o! the ch:ekea3{there others and+nodding darkly the You''" • we could find. ^
1 girl left the room. "She's been kidnapped•" Idea, do stree! .We did no such thing
squabbling in the farmyard by the „H,m, Man Jane is net eery', Henry Holt leaned back in his chair —we-cut and ran Pett inell for the A11 night long we ke$t ihe' fire blaz-
ao,md of the breakfas' gong. A beam ,,, ?and stared at his ward, the suspicion !ng brightly, for a good cramp fire is
optimistic. lane. It was less than a hundred feet mighty friendly and comfortable on a
Of pleasurable anticipation over-f ..Mary Jane s rather u fool, my j of a smile }levering over his 13°0'1 away but It. seemed as 1t we would
spread 'lila round, jovial face as he II oear," replied Holt, in mild reproof.)humored mouth. bleak, chilly night when you 'are out
,. never matt? it. And all the time the in the open; but we didn't hear of
stroll,>J slowly towards the open "Is '.hat what, Mary Jane "thinks. bear and her cub were ambling brisk-
Do you know, Muriel, I think '
French windows overlooking a small? he asked mildly, 1 toward sty. I reached for the pot those bears from the time. the gas
I shonlo not interest myself so much .}Lary Jane thinks perfectly her-� Y tank exploded. Each time the red
lawn on the other side of the house. 1 villa gossip. I mean, while „ Muriel, with a cook of th'e gas tank,-turned it on and n to die down. .Scottie
To the casuul observer Mr. Holt!it idle Be l3°l, p ribie things, replied 3 held my helmet under it until It was blaze begs
yresented a remarkable resemblance it is all very wort for empty-header little grimace. would whine and pull my coat until I
to the immortal Pickwick. A abort, servants t°-"er--gloat over some oc-
"Quitr, my dear, and that is why full and soused k over the wings and
' awakened and put on some more rllood.
- coauortahle little man. whose merry,i currence which-they like to believe •s I would rather you did not diseus3 body of the plane. Time and time 1 probable Scotties thought lie saw
Blue eyes twinkle' behind a psi: of; mYstertous it hardly becomes a Young this matter with h ar. I'm sure the` emptied the helmet of gasoline on the more bears 1n the black shadows.
lady like yourself to do likevPise. lane—and every time I looked up,
large, horn-etrmed spectacles. Hie, .G like you are being ridiculous you did not -interest yourself in--er there were those bears coming closer Certainly he kept watch dirring the
high, bald forehead and rosy, clear —things of this naturewhen you first part of she night. ip 61t4. , h•
skis, Lia ample waistline and inno- I'm not glostin. over anything. I'm were at school." and closer must have fr.1len into a deet 6leeji, for '.
awfully .sorry for the vicar, HO'v` `You bet we did!" was the prompt As I threw the last helmet of gaso
sent expression, he w:+a a man to .., something began to take piesis which
would you feel if I was missing. ,. line over chef plane, I looked up, and migbt easily have ended all bur adveu-
whom most people took an instant' reply.- Once we had a burglar, and there—lust across the plane—+Peru
'liking. Mr. Holt rubbed his chin. gaztn;(it was ever so exciting. Areal dr- tures-tha s and there.
down at his plate as he did so: festive came down and carried out In- those bears
Believe me,girls and bops, Over at th9 edge of,the clearing a
As lite took his soft at the
break �� ut that +Pay, of vests tion= and .found no cines. those beam weren't eight-seeing—they
fast table tate door opened end 'hie. Well-er-p was most thYilled." " were out htsating (rouble—and that tittle cri.nson tongue of fame Brash
ward, Muriel Ntainwa-ung, bounde3, course—" Everybody articular trouble was as. I tried to wally curled nD and Brew ' larger—
rather than.walked into the room. "And I'm no relation w you." west f Herry
a shooklt's eyes his head fSned sly light a match, and did you.ever trp crept forward and spread more little
"Oh, what a shame"' she exclaim- on his ward, "think shat poor Mr..I to strike a match la a hurry' The curling !ta
r mes like an advancing army
es! "I thought I was going to be Page is suffering; you don't realize." I spair first one didn't light at alt—the gec ° sed-co ' e
' f ata But w were hound
i`izst" "Oh, but, my dear, 1--er—appreei• "Well, well," he murtiiureil; "I sup- asleep rnd eaw nothing of it. llfean
Henry Holt smiled as he glanced ate all that, but I do think you are 1 po+e ycu won't listen to me." There' and broke—bat the third ons lighted. whlie the dangerous little Eames grew
at the bright eyes, blue as a suminer attaching too much importance toI after breakfast proceeded without I held k to the edge of the_vPfag— larger an 1 spread back of u++ through
ikY what may prove to be quite an or i further reference to the aeries of and St seemed as !t !t world never tbe. woods, threatening to ring us
"Y�u'13 have to enuslate the little nary af3sir' Large numbers of poo' mysterious disappearances which was catch fire. As It caug'it. the old bear s back around with a wall of fire,
w larks, my dear.' he said "Ah! herr) ple are temporarily missing every so agitating the peace of the_Dart- w s Suddenly carcelytheeflameu4 red up. (To be continued)
4. = comes Mary Jane!" year; moat of them turn up Gans- moor village `-oln today,
e spa "What are you d g Y ___ ■�■�- --'��"-�'
all and genera
the xp
rrentu g'e
r. miss," y
i m
nr mornin',, .,,
J•Iotirti'. � o is ward esentFy. _
'mumbler the maid•►!-all-work, plat• tion is skittle—er—sordid. I deploy. Gaardy. asked it pt
Ing the tray upon the table. the sen•ationalism which is so ramp' ? "I'm walking over w Kestrel � � �
••Good morning, Mary Jane," smil- ant, it makes the mind morbid and Hoare, a dear. Andre Moineauishe has ,_ ChoCo�atemalte
ed Muriel. "Any news of Miss Page"'{introapective, the most ordinary
some new specimens he kishes to
The maid shook her head vigorous- events are invested with as air of?show me," replied Holt, rising- trona The health-giving, delicious drink for children and grown-
ly. "tio, suss, herr vanished, l,ke mystery which, is to say the least of I the table.
as if the ground have opened up and 1 it, irritating to a well tRalancei mind. "Is air. Holness such a great
jL4 if
her up. The vicar be in a Henry Holt paivamd and applie9 fiend, Guardy' You are often going ups. Pound and Half Pound ties at your grocers•
party fee state about 'ter. Coming himself to the delicious bacon, feeling over to him." This was something
on,top of they there.other disappear 1 both pleased and surprised that ha which Jfuriel did not quite under- --er—possible that Hayden may ba had a lot of folks come to Barrows -
an�es he's lair frantic, to you might had been allowed to say so much stand. Holt was always willing to
say„ without interruption. It was unusual take her anywhere on the moor ex- over this afternoon." for their health, and 'tis wonderful
'•I expect he is," agreed Muriel�t but distinctly an improvement. ceps Kestrel House. On that point Mr. Hodt avoided his ward's eye as what a deal of good it have done.
sympathetically. "All right, Mary 10h, an that's what you think abort he was evasive, and once lied deft- he turned away and set out across' Regular change from Lnndon air pnd
- Jane, let me know if yt+u do hear it, well, Guardy, let me tell you fhw. nitely refused to-;take her with him. the moor: A shadow flickered ov^r what with they night clubs and such .
anything, won't you"' to a really well balanced mire., '.iKr;let he was very keen on her seeing the fresh young face as she watched goings on. T'ain't no surpr!-•e- thnr
as much as possible of Haydgii Mer- im conations a! a strange chill they wants a change sometimes." '
ver, Moineau s neph-aw at her heart,
"Why es, my dear," rep ied Holt, proteid Muriel. Mrs. French shook "
i!of lookittiig-at' her as hey-anewersd: - ssE"dusting" he h, head.
first 'm yea ago i West
Muriel return- 'you never n is 'but
Africa Poor fellow! It's a sad case; b kfastrerooh w n urn s'h he's coming Mra i t
yea m who r ca telt, miss;
- ed from the village. ' rah, ming down." :
the climate got him; he's0an absolute „The neve t have come, miss," Muriel glanced towards the door as
wreck now, never goes out. So that B
d is why 'I like to see him assmeiitne3.
she confided.in a stags whisper. it opened, to reveal the -hesitating
^' FREQUENT , "I saw him. Whits lsis name?" figure of Mr. Pyecred, His hair, she
—— -- „' it cheers him wonderfully to be talk- thou ht, was dark red His
x - ing over old times and antures. Mrs. French' foraged in' the cape- B r
" yea and he's immensely proud of his col- pious pocket.,of her apron and pro- acid wavy, much too nice to be wasted
lection of butterflies. M wretched dueled a'letter. on a man. She met the slightly skartl•
y w ed stare oofmi his grey eyes with a
little bunch would scarcely All a single "Mr. Percival Pyecmft; she rs-
• * " plied. • "He's a London gent, ain't friendly smile. Mra. Fr4n hastled
shower in one of his cases. ver strop as>he telis me doctors sent forward.
' 'But you have only just comment- y g, "This is mise Maines a cn Mr.
` " consoled his compan- him here for his health. They thought " g
s•• el coIIectinB+- Dartmoor air would do him s power yecroft, she said.
ti ion. "I think yon have some beauties of good, and they'm sight, too. I've (To be continued.)
already."- _
Twenty minutes later Holt came `
eP#s down the stairs complete with speci-
"'' then-hoz and net Muriel was stanch
ing at the door gazing across the moor '
stretchinch away into the purple dile- . •
A tatice where the scarred grey' tors
- a t� cker
swept up in all their rugged majesty.
m going down to the village, so
I'll.come a little way with you," she Q
- - b4-
announced slipping her hand through s b4-
' his arm.-. "Gee, it's going to be a 7+"$ONS '
• " ;ir�l EVER]et a throbbing head women depend •Capon Aspirin _ scorcher today!" ��
-interrupt your shopping! Or tablets every month to spare As the•Y came into the farmyard
other pain that Aspirin ends"so' theni frons those pains peculiar the village hired car drew up at the GOLD�sX
These harmless tablets .to women.These tab! and a young man jumped out.
eta do of a n
quickly. n ate Y g --u
g _SY1tUP
',are-an'•antidoth for'the most depress the heart;they may.be "That's the new boattler, .whisper- _ '� JIM
acute pain. Relief is almost used as frequently-as there is ed Muriel. "Mrs: French told me that
'.instantaneous. Taken in time, " need Qf their quick comfort. we-were having an addition."
x ` they will break up a cold and So, it's folly to endure any The newcomer opened the gate and EDw SBURG
+ " -head off' discomfort. They'll pain that Aspirin tablets could crossed the yard, raising his hat as
_• �' !relieve your suffering from relieve so promptly. Get the he passed them and-murmuring some
neuralgia, neuritis,or the like, genuine, which is always to Polite commonplace.
i it any time. Thousands of be had at any drugstore. "Aub he's got red hair.
.Auburn, corrected_ her guardian. "
"Well, my dear, I'll leave you herd,
-• I think I'll go through tlge valley
� R Non my way, there may be some sped- .. �.
"Right ho, good bye for the time,
• TRADE.MARK Mcia. ... Guardp."
Made 3a Canada s "Good bye, my dear, and—es—f�is
,�y5�, '•`�=, k 7F,477 ......„k =oi. ;-' .h - 7s<:` 4'k'a.. '• a+54.- S•,'".,,• d¢L ;.p: _ `W`' ac•.ry. .. �. erg.
r '
-�. Me What New York 0
/, s Wearing - —
_ _ ••v' 9 � I . , BY ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON* � ���, .. •� � •:'r•_
'_! � ��• � Illtestrate reaania •rng-I-esaon ter- •-
�iWs�"�' niahed With Evers/ Pattern
- ea"
: The Party serve ,Iii sherbet glasses. You will
-The success of Your party depends find this less biter and more deltclous ® � o
upon the forethought you give it. Seat than .grap)frult alone.
You guests with r
a y a knowledge of fief
congeniality.' Separate hu§beads and I " iCodkiny Prunes
wives-not because they are not con-I Do noctioil prunes. Simmering them
{ geuifti-but to afford each the treat below the boiling point - or cooking
of brocde.ed social contacts and they them in a double boiler, softens the
stimulating exchange of ideas among skin, whPrer.s hard boiling toughens ' '� z
those they do not meet daily. ; them. If you add sugar, add it about
A loft candle light is heart warm-i fi,:e minutes 'before Lite prunes are
iag, but it should not be so dim as to done. It you wish a thick sirup, re- te�"(�Ap+ , ,;
make it difficult to see. Pr-oxide II move the prunes from the liquid in 3 `s
Plenty of :andles, .It makes for com i which the-- are cooked and boil"it -for. -�
fort to.have. plenty of salt and pepper II five minutes. o «
{" Pure, crisp,
shakers, and all the accessories you For variety, Add a spice of lemon ;st- • d
will need for the weak A little crowd-! ar orange or a stick of ciunamon to ;. y* •� light, flaky
. -trig at the table is not,a fault but the prunes whet: they are cooking. t ��,)� o•;'
makes for intimate'jollity: 1 ti::' ��' •' c'
and always 3
Do not mak) the menu so elaborate Oil Utensils FRE$H r.
that it will consume your entire atten-i The egg beater and food chopper
tr tion to manage it. The ideal party need oiling. jubt as does any other
Is oue in which the hostess appears machiner wt ich operates easily. We i '�
at ease acid joins In the gaiety with do not like the taste of machine oil in
her guests. Direct'the conversation our food, but olive oil may be used to
away from too serious or controverstal 'oll food i tehails, NEW
questions and make it Include every I AA '
member of your party, even the more For Washing Knees I
' retiring guests. A little planning in ;bake a small beg, abort 6" s G", of = : __ - i
advance will help you to think of.ap- -'- - — --- "� d
turkiah toweling, and insert a cotton
Jr ln•opriate " topics to Introduce. Ai draw tape in the hem. Put in this r } } I F,xamnles given from our own alpha- ."
balanced menu, a congenial company, , now the • 1ph$bet bet by Sir Richard were7
bag all.the scraps of bath soap as they !I
:'and pleat., of laughter are three re' et • a-1• A. which was originally written ly-
• u- too small to use conveniently. and Came Into Bean
qul.iie.i of the merry meal, 1near liAt anb; i.lg on its side• suggests an open'
- .Testi Fabrics I t.
erimyent kneeswash cloth bath -tab.
child en's "Influence of moult. a•+yiurr on their mBt1n the iprofile hof two lips, pointing {
The woman who will put time and i development of the Alphabet," was the towards the right.
;effort Into making a garment want, Crumpets subject of an addre." by Sir R?chard 2: represents n month pointing to
i ,the right, with the tongue .at mld- t°
to he certain that the material Is what 1 Uablesp0on batter, 2 .tableu ooas Paget before the anthropology section
p I height- as In pronouncing the sound of _
she expec}!� It to be. Every thrifty i golden syrup. 1 egg, 1xi teaspoons I in London. e, In men.
housewife should be able to recognize, uaktug powder, 1% cups flour, 2 table A chic little ta::urrd na;del with the It was pointed out by Sir Richard
French guin,pe eBecf Q-that youth III Tis f elevated tongue. sd In the
;ottun, linen.,wool, silk and artifiI .pools sugar. Beat Ingredleuts into - that. just ai speech appeared to have +
adores. developed 'sound of ea In eat.
silk. at ba ter and et stand - until light( p d from pantomimic gesture,
� It's charming in plot Blue lightLis soother vertical tongue Riga.
To dlstingulah cotton from linen or 1 (30 t�!ns 1 Fry by tablespoonfuls in ' g P ii io-fnx -to an unconscious sympathy M' represents two lips- in profile.
tell whether a fabric is wool• examine a waffle iron or 3rying pan; oil the � weight woolen with lighter blue flat between the movement of the human _
crepe. The belt is suede ;n a still pointing upward+•
threads. and note the fabrics..Cot-i pan lightly before using, hands and boo with those of the hu- :I
deeped blue shad,-. O is s front clew oG a rounded
tort, flbre3 are short, dull and fuzzy. man mouth and tongue, so-the de- mouth.
i.iupn fibres are long, bright and fine.. Feed Your Shade Trees The circular skirt cut with gores, velopment of alphabets appeared to ,
give that flatness over the his :o' T Is a vertical tongue,touching the
Wool fibres .are short, curly or kink; . j p have been influenced by a correspond
Trees which you have yet out and mph horizontal palate.
Silk fibres are vel long, Sae, smooth' which ar not thrix � [lug sympathy of Movement between
I mg properly may-' The also roNides i+.r long U and V are both pairs of protruded
and straight. It you tear some of the 1 'patternF the human mouth and tongue and the• lips,
g f Beed some extra food. Try fertttlafng� sleeves.
-material, linen will leave straight, human hand. - {f p"
I,mooth threads along the edge, while f the ground about them by scattering Style Ilio. _'9tii may be had in situs i If the alphabets of different nations f Is a"pair of lips. like M. but point
threads nitrate of soda or sulpbate.of aim• 1214, lti, 18, .0 ears, 3G +nd 38 inti dawn lttsteek3 of up. �
cotton will curl up, i - y _ were examined It was fzdund that iii
moula on the ground near them, about ruches bust, Every lette of our alphabet. except
The burning 'test tellls you -some-I two to five pounds for a medfutn_!z�' I- It's indis usable fora las n ao�„ the lettere standing-.for the sounds of possib v H and Q. said $ft Richard,
ihf m Silk and wool are animal p° 1 P. B. Al. and W, -and also those for cuss closely related to the a2sa a of
c tree, :jersey with pique contrast, P
fibr-s, They barn slowly, go 'outs Too much fertilizer or applying it : .In• printed crepe i the vowel sound U-tn" ail of which rn.tutiy which produces It.
quickly. gyve a dtaagreeabie odor and too late In the season may harm the i p pe s,,ic Itis fashion. the two lips are more or less protrad• '
able with plain crepe trim. In plain - 4
leave an ash or residue. Cotton and ed and brought together-the symbols
tree by stimulating the foliage, I gat crepe,, a contrasting shade . i+
linen are vegetable Abres. They burn f[ are commonly .eggs tire, either of a f 1'eathars were first worn by military {
thickly and continue burning unto si- ppmpkin Filling close mouth, or of two lips closed or i men to Indicate that they were
Most an consumed, leaving small ash, HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. p-ro}ected. or on 6hei paint of opening., heroes_
To one and a half cups of steamed, w ,,
if any. I 'Write your name and address plair,-'
drained or canned pumpkin, add one - -
- Ar..tRrtal silk may-be told lrom,real ly, giving number and site o! such
Silk by the burning test. Artiticfal i tea Poon cinnamon, one-quarter "tea i patterns as you want. Enclose =0c in
spoon each of ginger and nutmeg, a t t ;
silk btims quickly, with a decided stamps or coin (coin preferred; w•rat+
lialf teaspoon salt, and two-tbArds cup I it carefully)tla�h, and scares practically no ash; y7 for each number. and , - •�
white silk Suras more slowly aid nt brown sugar, Silgbtly beat two dd are your order to Wilson Pattern RAFT'
HEE I I.: — +`
lead?s a residue. But artificial Silk eggs and ad t. to them two cups of 1Service, 73 west Adelaide St.,Toronte. .��
le now made so beautiful that 1t,can evaporated milk. Add this to the
See 1
`icarcely a told from real silk, and it pumpkin mixture, with one tablespoon ; Astronomers Seek
of. melted butter. Pour this into as I a n e c o n'o m i c a 1,. h e a i t h F u I A'
Is often sera expensive and wears unbaked. pastry .shell and hake in a
pa 1
fietter. moderate oven.
Age Of Earth
Weighted .flit, or''sick with sizing F _ [[ JJ i
i . !O O a Rich in vitamins...Energy-produrirtg Or adulterations, will not wear well as - ' •' "= .An economical source of highest
Slipper, Phoenix, Ariz.-A new method of i' •
• - 'it •+viii crack and break and soon go to _.Sl i Floors .� a _quality protein...fully matured
pieces. It will shrink terribly-if It the waxed Soor is slippery, it has reading the earth's age by counting --_
was or dry cleaned an a poor ~� Kraft cheese is a healthful,bog:;-
_..buy, To test it.,bum a piece. 'Silk I elbow -grease,-to rub. well into the just as tree rings are read, Is"�In pre- ``^--rum "^ :�..a� .� ut dlr_g pod. Serve its
- wood all the war which has been station here, with ev-y meal:
will crumble and leave a soft ash; P � _� ar
applied to it. It 1s a mistake to use The layers are "varves," the geolog!- ` •• �..
:white the weighted silk will. hold
rliore wax than gait be absorbed Into cal name for thin annual earth de-
,origlnal.shape ,to a theater pr less
extent. even atter it is burned, i rbc fibre. I posits laid down many thousand years is
To detect sizing to cotton or linen,i ago' by the glaciers. The reader Is o, �. ___ =,
hold it to the fight or wash a sample.' Stringing Beads Prof. A. E. Douglass, director of ` 'r Ste-
When atridging beads., wax the i wart Observatory:of the University of
Potatoes thread to prevent the beads from crit-rArfzona,
Aing it and to make it last longer.I In tyhat is considered one' of the
it is especially fitting that potatoes This "also makes tbe thread nilp'niost.ama4ing filats of modern 1...
should be served with mea, as a ri throir;Ch more.easily, j Professor Douglass discovered a meth-
potassium salla prevent injurious - i'od of tree ring reading that identifies• Made by the makers of Kra Ft-Salad Dressing anCF Velveeta
acids being formed In the body irom� Laundry Hint trees which were growing when the - fi •
meat The starch of potatoes gives when washing a -woolen sweater, pyramids were building, that tells the r _
energy for Rork, and mag also add .first sew up the buttonholes to pre- dates •of constructing prehistoric 9
fatty tissue. Potato@saremildly laza•,•VAnt"them 'from stretching 'otit of wooden houses of the American South•
tive, as their cellnsose tissue gives a? y,
-- shape. I west, that identifies.even the di lit ,
bulk and encadyageg ,intestinal ac years of past ages.
tivity. - __,
' Acceptable Spinach Now he proposes to apply this meth-1 i
1'ouag potatoe8 Iiav more sugar i od to the varves. He has spent much
_ content and leas starch, That is why To make spinach or any other neves• P asMuwt
sa but isually-unpopular'vegetable time studying these deposits with
they are watery and do not mash well. Ty getable PHiLUPS
more pleasing in the eyes of the child- their discoverer, the Swedish Pro•
The mature potato should be boiled g -J*
ren, garnish it with orange cut .in lessor de Geer.
quickly iII aaltei ,Wate3', Cooking i Wafer melting from the glaciers in
--sone"-thea-cellueosd-pttd"CRUX es the _flower or star designs. -Slices of lem• ti
on, stud 1 summer deposited a layer of sand and icor Ttwul
i4krch to swell and burst the cell plenty of or orange
wells. This make/ he potato mealy Juice help to give it a tang. 3linced I dirt. In winter this deposit stopped. due to Acid
' * *
and easily acted upon by,the digestive 'harllboile3 eggs are often combined Very hot seasons lett the finger SOUR�etweNe' Is
fluids with-a serving o[ spinach. marks in the form of extra deep de- """nil rm _ ter _� i
A baked potato i trobably g p . Com M
s most delicious sad pasilTr di�eated,
-- posits Through thousands of years sa
Wash the skim tltolQughly end eat Mrs. Solomon Sayti: these successive layers viers each sea•
them as the son buried more deeply, pressed flat
pkig b0ata(as Valuable Cooking, like charity, should begin ,
mineral salts, at 'home: The cannery, the delicates-' hard, but as distinguishable as i!v ET RIU of your dread ' of pain, acid soaked stomach and bowels
are tree rings, permanent leaves of,G + . s
When potatoes Have been)Loll un- sen an dthe bakeshop pave the way i history for whoever finds the key to i atter eating. Eat without fear of, assists these organs to function as
til easily pierced fifth 4 toils rain to the divorce court, indigestion," sour stomach, disagree-I they should,
their meaning. I Phillips' A1ilk of Magnesia is
off the water and let theta stand in 4 i able gas or headaches.
Professor Douglass's tree ring din•
the kettle on ti hot place top i few Betty-"You embarrassed we the ` When your food ferments, "dis• what you need when a bad, breath,,
minutes. Tilt the fid {p " t the dance. Your handkerchief hang out coveriea offer the dating method. It I I coated tongue, headaches, nausea or °
Is based an sun-spot cycles�and the'agrees," lies like L. lump in your
steam to escape, !1'' rvfll b them under your tuxedo coat all evening." I hiliouanesa indicates sat over-acid :x
lean and thick succession of growth stomach, it's a sign of too much acid.
dry and meal. j i condition. Take a spoonful today
Y} , j Bill'="That didn't need to embarrass going with dry.and wet years. The You need not resort to crude methods
u ° and for several days and,see how it ,
you. It wasn't my handkerchief any.i sun-spot cycles swing from wet to dry -take instead'an an'l-weld that will sweetens the system. You won't be °
Grapefru1% way-it was my tvhtrt." °i.
J years and show plainly in tree rings, correct the condition. Phillips' Milk nearly so liable to colds or sickness.
It you are to serve grapefruit for IA few geologists have Muud recordi of Magnesia., All nearly
so liable
ores in the Tk►minick :all
• breakfast, scoop out the pulp at night, Women's clothes unmake the man. of similar tyolea in varves: A spoonful of this pleasant•tart- it in 50c bottles.
add orange pale and sugar to it and Marriage is not a lottery. IN s pot- — 4 — ing, soothing fluid neutralizes many Genuine Milk of Magnesia ix ofivaye
not it away is a very cold place to ery-where human clay is made into If all you -need is opportunity, get times its volume in acid. It recto' ft a ligxid-never n -''w•'
tablet. Look for the .
.101agle iiaygrA jl&W.pjZ" 16"1 Its" jars• busy at once sad make one. the proper alkaline balance to an frame Phillips mi the bottle- '��
� CS" - i ,.. ..r-� •. :d Y.... ,.,... .. ''' n •+.btk. 'x�l:t °" •."T*°sa+'zr' .;,L�.tnt• � ✓ wJiv� �+..-�... �, .a .Ks- ..->,�,�.h^. -:va
.. =ir'' ;. ." h--t,' .. a', .•F'. ,.. d ..h ,i„''••� x, y"_✓ Y;. '.',. ,: •A wid',.,� ..5•, +
• �;.- 7"'_'.{r, „4. '-• t ',.,..'., .. !- ' mow.. .n'p` 'e<i: } i•�l
t • -
a'; a
LO_QaALL$�f7. During the storm on Sunday .Radio Licenses may be obtained } f� pA e
iJ thunder and lightoiDg was report• from W. C. 'Marker, at the K her �ots--•Gu VtG ePel V�a I
ed in some localities. Office.
-Fred Kirby, who has A two -All $_ 00 Keyser hose reduced
-Miss Isabel Squires has been. a
weeks vacation, is assisting J. S. to$1 50, and $1:60 Keyaet hose re , :'-- a,jf8 dr� foot for the
visiting her gnat, Mrs. James Balsdon with hisstoek taking, duced to$1.00, at Bradley's, while
Richardson, of Georgetown •
Miss Ida Cook, teacher in the -Mrs. James Gordon, who has they last.
been -confined to her bed for a -Dr. H...T. .,_Esllaise, RO+i_ t _ = '' C■i�Q_� y
Mimico high school. spent the week with an attack of•inflamma• Dentist. Office in residence, twin
* week•end*with her sister,Mrs. Bd. 5 '
Stock. tion, Is nqw impproving. doors east of St• Andrew's church, _
=Mr. and ;fro. Young, of Chi. Pickering. Office hours, 9 a. m. to
F. F. and Mrs. Baldeon sod chago. are spending a few days 6 pp m Daily, and Evenings by AP-
family, of Burford, spent the with-the !attar's parents, Joseph poiintment• (x-ray ,Aervice)• Tlp•1Qp SultS�• priL1� sa'I les just in
week-end with their relatives in
and Mrs. Cowan. They left Chi- -The Swills bell ringers, who
Pickering. Aga in a motor oar along with
-Mies Btthei Powell, of the years ligo were well and favorably _;.$time pr1Ce :e '7i4.0o -' -
;. Whitby Boapital, who to in
ootwo friends, but had not gone far known throughout.the province, -
health from overwork, ie visiting when they met with an accident. appeared in the Town Hall on
her sant in Uxbridge. Mrs.Yoang received some cuts on Saturday evening, with Burnard ' This spring's-range of samples Bre the
-Born, at 96 Gibbons street, her face, but they were able to Eckardt as musical director. The „ Best Yet. Superb values,
t proceed on their journey by train, bell-ringing always proved a very at $24.00.
Oshawa, on Wednesday, March arriving in Pickerog on Thursday popular form of entertainment,
4th. to Gormley and Mre. Craw
evening, but there was not enoillth of it to
i 'ford, a son(Ivan Lloyd). -Armand Savard, a French snit the audience. Two young
-Mrs. George Mutch and eon Canadian from Montreal. passed ladies, sisters, executed a number
ltnove last week to to their new through the village on Saturday of dances which were well done. Grocery Specials
home at Columbus, where nue night on a. 4627 mile tramp to Charles Conqueror, female imper• '•
beat wishes accompany them. Hollywood, Calif. " He came by suator, sang a number of songs in (}unit's Lard 241b. ails 2.25
-Mrs. Furry Arnold and dao. p +
ghter have left on a trip to the way of Ottawa, and for three- both female and male vioces. Mr.
southern a left The tatter has quarters of this di•tapee be journ Eckardt plea-ied the audience with Orange-Pekoe Tea, 1 pound 390
hue been S poor health, and we eyed on snow-oboes. If he succeeds a number of humorous selections. 3.tins Clark's Pork and Beans for 25e `
'hope she will be benefitted by the in making the trip in five.nlonthe The attegdance, ,was very small, 8 lb¢, F olled Oats for 250.
„ trip he will win a wager of $2,000 from on account of the large number of ,
-Mrs. (Ur.) Cartwright has the Montreal Snowshoe Club, He entertainments that have taken Reesor 9 Pastry Flour, 24'9 650
returned home after visiting her cannot accept any lifts from place during the winter,and about
motorists, but must travel all. the to take place during the next week - 'Radio Licenses Issued.
father fa !Brantford. Mrs. Cate•
aright was accompanied by.her Way on foot. Should he win he Ot two. "
will be married on his retisrn. He •�
uncle, Mr. Fielding, of Graven receives letters from mayors of the Fred T• BUIIt1Dg' " = • ---t 1CkQrl11g
burst. Now Adver"som•ents.
-George , Baker,who has been towns through which be passes.
-After behaving in .an admir• Established 1857.
�+ livingin the McGinty residence - ATCHING-4 cents per e¢g. Pen- -
' at the west end of the village, able meaner all winter, the wee- HATCHING-4
Poultry Farm.Wbitevale. Geo.Christ• '
will moved shorWy into the Miller the-man brake out in 9 rampage an, 28-32
r on Sunday morning, and did not --- 1
residence wbich has been vacated A PPLES WANTED-Apply David
by Mre. Mateh, let up until afoot of now had k 5013e.lot ao, coo, Pickering. Phoneh -Ae tort:
Marsh lith, fallen, and fora few sours the Mark b013, r,-28
-$ell Tuesday'
unemployment situation was
for an old time dance(round and TANTED-A quanlity rif feed bar-
ar- V - '
square) In the Town F la ---ere.
sols , all dozens of men could be 1 and oats. H. Arnold. Pickering.
seen -hard at work with their Phone Pick 6100. 14tf
Rusic by Matt. Sbaughoeesy and shovels. In Toronto the street �}�
P y• C R BALE-8e1+d prate. Goose / 1 y Specials+ . . s Week :
Company. Good lunch provided. Grocer for This
car service Wag completely de• wheat an i Barley Chas.L.Carte.Locust
Admission 25 cents. moralized. especially on certain Hill. Phone Mat,!{8A. 2832 20 iba. Pure Lard ••• •• 2.`23
r -W. G Ham, who has been P y
r streets where not a car could be UTO FOR BALE-A coach Pnn- ^ 1
spend the winter in Englehart, ^ ^ ,89a . . 4
seen for houv.unlee9 where thev Agar in ood condiuon,'the Property of Eliza- t l� 1 ,- 5 string Brooms, special
arrived in town on .Saturday ant! J beth E:son,�ot scon.9.L'abndge. 27-28 t .� r
speot'a couple of days with friends ®tuna helpless in adrift. Hao • size.
!�T OTICE-I am Prepared p p ,r,��. Heinz Catsup. !size, 2 142, 2 for 27c
-.here before going to the home of redq of mea vera called out to re orad to put n � �� g 22c, 2 for ... _ 43c
fits desulthter, Mra. J. oullbs
B. Horn.:ID clear the tracks so that the perviee For.lr ces'apP y ngg andTweed e,Wpbair este Phase ..
could be resumed. and 'hila it W.Tweedie,Whitevate Phase .
Peterburc+. Mark-5506. _ , - 23-29 2 5c plalo scribblers free with 1.lb:
-On account of the bad condi Proved a boon to a great many O RE,%T-On Church St. PickeriaQ "Big Store"Tea... •A 64c
Jtioa Of the roads a number of cars Throughout the country many Thail of brick hcuu;including bi:nd%andfs-
j -.were ditched in this locality on roads became impassable, eepeci
twee. As G. D.Bty. 210 Indian Road. To- , ) Derby Soap Flakes, in bulk, 2 lbs... 21c
Sunday,'but no serious dam%ge ally f-ir motor traffic. The proven rnnto. or NEWS•office. ett „ f3
wa wag kept open cola- -� Falcon Canoed Peas, No. 4. 2 for 17e
tial high
�tvaa reported The wreckers were y p ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE-Or
• tealletd into regoisitfoD several were
as the large snow plows r,u exchange for vrain of poultr at lot 13. ��.�w
were kept busy. When a mild con 3. Pickenng. Bruce Ritelue, R R No,1, •
'times during the day• Pickering. Phone Pick 1601. 2&29 f
spell comes this snow, will rapidly - Ladies, the D & C line will please You
-On account of the bad condi- •
disappear and we may expect OOD FOR
'SALE-Pirst•claas ,
Ition of the road@, the drama, �Y beand maple.cut in 1 ft and Ib inch -
"Home acres." that was to have great floods, onleam the mild spells lengths. at lot 32, eon.3. Pickering. halt mile Our�-y
base given is the school house of be of short duration,tbnsallowing .earn Cl,errywood. lamesTgdd. 27.28 - IOvery �
IL S. No. l (Base IJney on March the snow to melt gradually. OR SALE-6-roomed house, oto
1t8th, has been postponed until the -Jail life in the future will not F crock road,)yat.oath of Claremont. Elea- 1,0p�8! models
have the same attractions as it we lighted y coatsi= 7 acres of fend.
evening of Thursday. March 28th. ApD17 e,B"y"'Ctaremont. 27t!
-Tuesday, has had during the past few years
y Feb. 24th, was the - --
18th wedding anniversary of Many a than who is down and pBR8NNIAL PLANTS - Oohtrn- 'e : �•
out,' and is not too fond of work. r blues. Delphinitma.:shaata Drs.y etc Also
Harry and Mrs. Powell, 28 Tuxedo an pl.aa s„itabie for rock«, s Prises fur,
Avenue. Hamilton. A number of longs for the shelter and food that w ,,ormlq_church St..Pickering- Phone sacs. Numode, a1 •... 1.00
has been provided in the jails of
friends surprised them with a OR SALE OR EXOBANGE-ID
saehtre party. Mr.and firs. Pow- the province. It la true that allll Fthe Towu of Newmarket.a store and 9living D � A Cores" at 1.b0
"el]wereted with a hand the pleasures and comforts of the room. Garage. As conveniences. For fullpar
preeen well to do homes are not to be titulars apply to J.A. Mitchell,Claremont, 2Ttf Shawl Band
so>zne walnut chagr' found within n walls, but 4
-The heavy snow-storm of
ARM TO RICNT-97 scree splen. Girdle 1.75
iBunday has put the snow plows when wintry b to are blowiaR did loam at Oshawa Harbour good buildings "'•
the De and zero temperature chilling you t meshing done.new seeds. F�oasesuon Arl
"Operated by a Haab way pt, 1st. 951. AvOy G.D.Conant Os sse ? 30 -- D k A Belt Model
to the bone, it Is a relief to get a
t0 a very seven test. A number term in jail. Bnt there is always �`OR SALE-Four-roomed house on Corvette 2.25
have been put out of commiseioD, same One coming along whb de- Quarter so . Garage,hen-bones. hard and .... A "
while others were ! into the oft rater, Good garden with small fruit: Ap D A Belt Model lights to take the joy out Of life. ply to A.E Richardson,Pickering, Phone Pick T"RDATION WRN
'. •ditch. They have roved, how- y sJ1 -_ _ _.. 2stf _ FOUNDATION GARMENTS COrBette 3.2.5
ever. to be of great volae in keep The Hon. Mr. Macaulay, who has -
ev the roads open for value
in. control of prisons and other insti- I OST-On Tuesday.Feb.24.between t LGirdles, _ +
Serous! and !lire. LInLOa, who tutions of a -similar kind, belnn¢+ �btancheater and Markham, a bourn leather !1,190 Have Garter Brassieres Etc.
people. pen collar Reward, Finder
to this class of eo le. A few `o, wish shoe k
have been residing in ACCOIa SBsk, Phase notify WK Vfh« or HarrisTrans-
R ' days ago he Rave notice that the port, Beaverton, 27.28 4�
for a number of ears, are visitingUs wf;fuld be restur"d _ _ learin out odd nes
_ Pickering rlen sat possesMr. orison sods and able bodied --
Linton hag disposed of big pro- y due in Junc.3 years ofd-Each has ra Fed 5
prisoners will now have to get to good litters, Paced reasonably. 'Coyne and see to-make room or
'-tperty in Sa*katchewan, and they work.and keep themselves in go.td them Milton Pegg, 19t Z0,con,7, Pickering.. -
are nOW COn9lderin$ taking Up h PheneClare322, _ - 27.29 �pring stock
residence in Ontario. We hope P yscial condition and at thesawe
time help to meet the expenses of HOUSE FOR SALE-9ia•roomed
@bey may become residents of llcomfortabte house in Pickenng Village.elec•
l k their board and lodging. We be- tri-light,hard and soft' water; opposite Town
Pickering. lieve that this is a good move. Hall. Apply A.T.Lar. ]iiowie, or eddttsa'R,
-J.-3. Baladon, International R,No.1,Brookhn. 28tfur regular . 1.00 - Holeprootf y
-Harvester Co'a ascent, will hold a There will not be so many men -_ _ - '16 Hosiery going on the bargan ,
anxious to *et-ft-pri*an AT-GRING
a 'CHICKS FOR SALE-Rocks, Rhode Ir Mi[UJ-40 -USTON H690 ,
,on Monday aftetn000..Dd�reh!8th. order to Ret free board and ladg- lands andLeghorns. hatched arid« Jamnway _y table a Pad
Program consists of slides ing. It is DothinR but right that methods. Pitsea reasonable, Phone Piet 702. -
g g these men 'ehould help to pay for P- wtuow+. Greenwood. all _ 8
the development of the Interna- Our regular.1.95 line of on
• tional Harvester Company's farts their keep. rTOBONTO WET-WASH LAIIN- the �gain le at ,1.�
,1r•�.` maebteery during the past bun- -On Tuesday evening a namber 1 DRY(semi finish)-Let our driver call and , ,
"'dred years aad will include a five• of the members of the United eaplain our r boor a Davis. Inst leave yWe per pair.
tame with Mr.S.V. avi. barber sbnpp. we
x Salm reel. Everybody is Invited
Church met at the home of John win Diet w siva��each Monday. eases-
' to attend. * and Mrs. Stephenson to bid them dal and Friday. 1b1v •
-The serviclb of the Pickering farewell prior to •their departure OR SALE OR Ta Bg,�T-70 est of Mo
s .�United Church wiH be be nest for their new home to .Columbus. Jon Provincial hi�,w'y +►setorwbitevsle.'Gbw7disgsq►d rendertee.1 aw-
-Sunday and every Sands Mr. and Mrs Stephenson came ing mostly done. about,aog�s seeded sown. - - .
month in Bt. Andrew's Cb at loom Myrtle 85 years ago and For full Wrticulilirs a'*y]y. tb D.R.Boston,
- "the regular hal 11 A. m. and rented a farm on the base line 't"le' -
9 P. in. ;Sonfty School at I0 a. m. where they resided until a few F ARtiI TO RENT-Lot 27, con.1, _
Nest Sunday t,be minister'isrin years ago, when they bought the P;ckering,containing ih stag. Good frame THE 1i; ���� .ARAhouse and bank barn with ares, beneath. iJ
Voatfaus the,two series of sermons pprGH
operty east of .the village. ?,-I of water. For particulars apply to Mrs.
• 'son "d/essages flroat ancient Pro h- During their resid8nce here they wait«Rile Church it..Pickering. or torso. ;
p have been most faithful vita collivan,152'caledonia Road,Toronto 27-30 i
els"is the taoraiog, and "The Te
Life o! Christ"(1ltwtrated)in the regular attendants in St. Paul's lOR SALE OR RENT-Blockemlth }ep one wv
visaing. The morning theme will Church. and their departure will N and dorkabops, show room, good 7-roomed
dwelling,barn, garden etc., at Whitevale t 1.4 ,
1be "Jeremiah the Prophet of be a great lose to-the church, Mr. from Provincial Highway. 2 mike from ]tomer _ `
and Mrs: Stephenson were taken Hill,C P.R.; very suitable premises for abiack•
_ a
7 7
failure." All m'iembers, adherents P smithshopand gat buairtas, or implement _
and friends of the ewngreRation completely by surprise when the and generalag ency business. Immediate posses •
and all strangers are welcome at crowd began entering their home. Non• D.R.Beaton, Whitevale., 28-29 AYtU Re.palrs, ACCe88orleB!o118 a1�d
•these services. When all had assembled Rev. Mr. •
-James Desmond, of ltllianee, Stainton took the chair and Notice tO CCCditori ;
Alberta, paid an unexpected visit explained the object of the gath . .Gasoline. Acetylene �Yeiding, �.
4 with his sister, Mrs. Jeremiah ering. E. L. Chapman lieiog called ALL persons having claims E -
O'CoDoor, of Cbnrch St. It is over read a well worded address eat: gainst the estate of JAMES PP.OUSE > Batter Ch
thirty years since the have seen pressing the deep regret of the late of the Township of Pickering, in � F - .�7•
ti• eachyother and a very }ileasant congregation at toeing them from the Cointy of Ontario, Farmer,..dec- 1�
w►iaft is being bed. Mr. Desmond their midst and expressing the ersed, who died on i about the bth ep�,irs I31aC�d oII a[l 1�akt;8
arrived in ng bad. on Wednesday best wisbes for them in tbAir new day of February, A. D.' 1991, are
home. Mr. Stephenson replied in hereby notified to file with the under- ,.. 1
last and will be visiting relatives P P • signed, on or before the 4th day of of Carse
::slit the province daring the next feeling terrua in behalf of himself April, 1931, full particulars of their }
?two weeks. He went west over and wife. They were then pres. claims. Immediately After said date, -
anted with a beantiful floor lam the assets of the deceased will be dis- r
thirty years ago and has fortunes P•
hely been one of the successfal electric stove, electric iron and trib'uted amongst those entitled there . . . -
$liooeer@• Ts$ NEW was fortu- toaster all a token of the high W having regard. oniy'to claims so .�'
inate•in being shown a number of
teem in which they are held. a ailed. CH ARDS �sSPENGER
pbotos of his buildings and premf- deliRhtfnl auris! hour aws<s !ben Dated at Oshawa, the Tenth defy of
t f i a son l
l si Allisfam and these bear ape n March. A. D.N1931 1
:, Intertpoues+p •oftierm refrssh-
f� cam, man �eha
P �. allrl4.