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a-. ,' ' :.. '..,, .. :mow > _, .._„ '� ,; � -:.• :G,Y .., �' ,>,. .,..•- �... ., .+ .t ,v .;} -,n ,-.-..,-T�m'c... ...-- -••-is••., -N.. �,.,�. �. ',y '.e*... `'vin.?-m, "'.�,/;Y' .•..z_.b`.oY>t. �-. .�+- h++.u' i4C'I^.. .: ': - ..._ ..✓ .0--rs.�e is ,,> „ .':. .'- �''�'�'. y 4 C. :'3'-.. .` +y ^.^L d�!• :3., h! .,67 -7. V` -s, 11 xe J.7! .. , d , �w VOL. L. -PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 27, 1931e leo. 2&- 9'hite's �` , ,�,L r IItrnsAnTOtY BROCK ROAD. fcsrt Don t forget "The New Co-Ed to be Mr• Ackford had a business trip to REN�OOD ver by the.h, Toros Club of Grace Oshawa last week. DR. H. 0. PEARSON-Pbysiciao }!riled Church, Toronto, in Dunbar- �'•;* aadSuraeon, Dunbartoa 101y ��� R14�� ton United Church this (Friday) ev- R. and Mrs. Reesor were cityN! guests over the week-end. B. FORSYTH, Oph.D., Director Is running full bloat sawing lum. egg' Admission: 2b and children Jack Hatch and friend attended the MUS • „ ,f under 12 gears 1b cents. -Curtain at hockey match in Toronto on Satur- �R.o ometrieal Aamdadoa of Onwio,Reg, bar, reaches, doubletreee, 8.15 4e■iuda Eyes exathe mined b appointment tangoes etc. -.«.. dal. - Betabliabed 1886 t el s ArtOLL'V IMae tent. Claremont.Out. Everybody is anxious for the com- Open to buy a quantity of good letion f the_S. Hadgerows-_-mem. ._EARL A,0RUBIN,R. O.-Eyesight baeawood and elm— The drama goes to Uxbri welling as a real treat is in store. :1Spemetrya Honour graduate of the cone;e loge. 10th of March. A number of-friends from Picker- The following Is a cope of a letter .0t o man of Canada: Gold medalist and Mrs. John Puckrin' is recovering received from the Feed Inspector, eevn�cr yHuman prize winner in 1928. At Markham Grain Chopping Tuesdays g ing, Brougham and vicinity held a p y Biker a dente!office. 9A1 Stou[fv Il�front WDdr: ys from her recent illness. house warming party for Mrs. Piste Dept, of Agriculture. Ottawa: and Fridays. W. H. Guthrie has p ay to Saturday of tach week. Eyes ezamin- purchased two one night last week. We welcome her Mr.F. L. Green, Ml.Glaasee fitted and repaired. Highest gualitq Manufacturing Baskets of all carloads of feeders for his farm here. to her new home. , at Lowest Prices. Phone StouH 2405, l6ly descriptions: John Bell, of Toronto is mith his Greenwood, Ont. brother,. Wm. H. duringthe latter's Dear Sir, ' Laoa1. 'rice reductions at the illness: DUMBARTON. E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister sad factory. On Oct, 23. Inspector Pearson tools ^' J. F. Little, .one of the R. 0. P., Miss Mary Anderson is ill at her an official sample of some of your Bar. A.So4ciior,Not Public Etc. Money to Phone Markham 8406 or 8420 or write inspectors for cattle, has beery in the home here. ]eq Feed under registration' No oaa. Soutb:WingCourt House, Wbitby. 251y Chas. White. Locust Hill, out. neighborhood recently. Sorry to report Mrs. Gerald Cow- '342" RDONALD RUDDY Barrister. Several from here intend to hear an ill with the flu. A microand chemical analvata of this. . Solicitor,Notary Public. Office over Al- s Rabbi E'isendrath at the United Chul- Mr, Kennedy is ill again and in feed indicates satisfactory eondibions tin's Drug Store,Oppowte Post Office. Money V` ch banquet at Pickering next Tues- the Oshawa Hospital. - under report number F-747, in that to Loan. Phone 583, Whitby, Ont. Sly J Arriving -• •• •-,� BEATON. BELL & ROSS, Barriat• day' Miss Elva Annis is spending the Iheprotein guarantee was exceeded-by Mach. sympathy is felt for W. H. 'xeek=end ;with Mrs. Clare Balsdon. 13 per cent„ the fat b ,3 en, Splicay h t. Northern Ontario Bell in his illness. He was seized with Y per cent W.J Beaton. Bay street Toronto, Choice 2X, 3X and 6X B. C. a nasal hemorrhage ter days ago and Alex. and Mrs. Thom visited at and it was well within the fibre con . g Y g Markham a couple of days this to eek tent b fi,k er H.B.Feu. nurses and specialists have been as- Born, on Januar Y Y p cent. ''� i1.D.F.Rosa. Adelaide 2838 9 Cedar Shingles. listing in the effort to relieve him. Y� 27th to Paul and Yours very truly, Mrs. Diamond, a daughter, �ielen � RICHARDSON, PIOXERING & Also, a large quantity Of ALTONA, Ruth. - T. G. Raynor, MULVEY - Barristers, Solicitors etc., y 913-214 Confedtratioa Life Building, Corner of —' 'Mr. L. Spragge was taken to Osh- - District Iaepector Ymase and Richmond Sts. Toronto. Phones ,rough and dressed Mr. J. Bradley spent a few days in awa Hospital thin week where he un- Addaide 4489 end 4480, Pickering office open Toronto'reeently; Anal als as found: Wedne.da and iaturday eucaine. Phone Pick derwent a successful operation. We Y -- t std clack Pine, Spruce and A number in this neighborhood are ho for a s eed recovery, Protein, 13,8 Pe . p y ry. per cent. -suffering with the flu. - `';Fat. •:3,5 •' -. Hemlock Lumber, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slack visited BTOUFFVILLE. Fibre, 8,9 ^" at F. McKay's on. Sunday, NTEIL C.8-MITH. D. D, 9„ L. D. 8„ Miss Mary Lehman visited the MIS- Steps will.be taken next month for M Bayle Feed tSucceesor to Dr. J.N,Dales;, Graduate of m•. PICKERINGi • tae Royal Coll • m•• 'es Olive and Hilda Madill 'Sunday the erection of a tower over the fire- Y Y give beet actual re' College of Dental nt of na and Toros- last. }tall for the installation of a S2.000. sults of Any feed on the market. Oom Sypo lrntveruty, At Claremont ot>Sceover D A. LUMBER YARD fir, and :firs. Edward Wideman and clock) pare this analysis with other toads on S■ott's story every Tuesday and Friday. Phone the market selling for several dollars erasfi 10-11 27t1_ family visited on Sunday with Mr. A series of evangelistic services are per ton higher. �ERBERTT FALLAISE, L D 9., and Mrs B. Reesor being held in the Dixon Hill Church *, D.D.S., Graduates the Royal'College of Mrs. Oscar Tindall has returned to with Evangelist, L. Grove leading the Why Pay more money because the Dental Surgeons and the Unrvemty of Toronto. I H. Beal, Claremont her home at Quaker feeds are. wide} advertised ? You Office m residence second door east of St. And, � Q ser Hill after spend- services. Y rev's Church, Picker,ng Ont. Office boor,: 9 Phone 9'L4 ing a few days xith M. and Mrs. Tin- have to bay for this advertising. ■.s. to 8 P. m., or by a F 1J R I1I I T U R dall. The Swastikas are to present a not- a. g• ppoiatment. (x-ray ed play in the hall here, entitled source). Phone Pick 3700. 431y Mrs-'J. Hgtchison has returned to "Some Baby". on Friday evening, :/1an{s"'00 i!):rsxis*, NEW, USED AND ANTIQUE her home after spending a few days March 15th. -- _ - IN GREAT VARIETY %ivith her sister, Mrs, Robt. Mann. of The choral class concert which took AI� ELIZABETH RICHARDSON- Claremont who has been confined to place here on Friday evening last L. SURNIN©HAllll+l •Fin and automebneinsurance of all kinds, Simmon'n Beds, Marshall Mat- her bed, was a decided success. About sixty reprsmtmgeomp■nfeaol solid Baaadal sand- tresses. Dressers, Tables and --+-- - Building and General t'=' GREEN RItook t Chairs, Picture Frames, VER. voices oopar . Contracting. 'RANK R JACKSON-8ua Life The Ford Motor Co.•put on a mot- Estimates furnished on all elamoiw Our prices are the lowest. 'bars. Albert Heise s nt a few -ion acture shorn in the hall here, ill- - of work-Interior and Exterior, j lornrance Company of Canada. an,A«i- days last week In the cit P rk ing, Ou Iwunace. Phone )'ick 2729, 5 tistrating the working of the Ford ,Alterations and repairs. Pietvtng' Out is s4 Mra. Ed. McFadden, of Scarboro, _tractor and other machinery turned ' visited her parents, O. FI`aad Mrs. out by the Company. Obimaeys Built• cancra Week. SOROE KEAYstock-Licensed auction. L :•- Pugh, recently. It is reported that the followers of Phone Pickering 671 M:oaa sive Term and genereinabal rales Mrs. T. Williams entertained the10 - A - _ r attended eo. Terms 0M. bis. R - the "Faith and Truth Temple" intend FAIRPORT, ONT LO - v�`' Peooestaas°°�' Itl� A xood supply of Hard and Soft Mission Circle this week. All report building an edifice here. This is the . P08TILL, Licensed Auctioneer, an intereatin afternoon 1�T I'� T fl1 Coal on band. Also a supply g eighth church in the preaching line lr l7r 1J �f fir` Ossauss at Tot*sae o'saieje, Asia- o! Kladlio Wood A drama, entitled '"The Road to the- here, :vhere two would be quite s�f- ssaaaaM■of", kinds •es■asrrd sa on aLossaw B . City', will be given in the near gat- ficient for our population. Is it any a•M•• ,d�•w Qa••a sivw t+ o., One. .stove length. are. Watch for further particulars. wonder that atheism and indifference }�iova Bcotta Shia les DB,BZATON To WNBHIP C.EBH 12tf• Phone Pic�,_1748._ _ Mrs. W. J. Mi 7g - so mut c as ing-a- s Felt Slate Shingles • OmvIaa•w, ouaaari■wwr . f■, sakho - vae omen's Institute.on Wed- mong the Protestant churches. - am beas stiYavur, !.■•says, tlss, Xosoy se loam nesday of last tweek. Mrs. B. a►nnia' _....�, for sale at � lar os It■reiasa ta. DONALD MUNRO. PICKERING Mrs. plaxton Mrs. C. Milne and Mrs, •� �r See At the End of the Rainbow, T. PATERSO" - CLAREMOKT _ Duncan assisted as hostesses. Their this Friday nicht in St. Call and get prices. Phone 8818 c�s■m M, MAW, LICENSED A170- were about ninety present. - TIONEER,forYork,Qntwieand Durham' -'Pickering bills The CO Andrew's Church. a.■. All kinds of asisa r><omptlf attaa,dad ngregation had a very pleas. LOOS, THE sa. Twins ream"bi.. Dstee for aka '— ant rurpriae I&.-;t Sunday when the an••�i•d at NEWS'oIDev. Bell and landepes A word about Feeds and Markets. Junior B. Y, P. L. choir led the ser- -' >3at000r„\hi. asset peon... Whitby,Oot. sly - When you have wheat orgr&in to vice of praise. Thea will,lead again Q� che � + %ell you usually eee the local next Sunday. Pas�.Or. �fr�again _ W. J. Brown of Taranto holidayed V (� Nn -thE J. rte o is parents #-tete on dealer. -- e.. will be}exert. Yo-.i ase cordially Sta.turday. - We can usually pay 9 little more invited to attend'. ERE hitevale '.� ��$ . -- -- - . Ftobt..and 'iii. Devitt attended the _ • - - I9 H than the buyer who slay be-eighty Let the Y-fn¢ Profile entertain 63nquet at the King F,dward Hotel - miles away. lie or you must pay y;,,t In Sr. AnrlrPtv`4 Clitirrli Toronto, given on Monday evening Nlanv new features and a ne6vlow GFR 1Chopping every day that fifty miles of tran+portation.. thi., (Frit nv) 1001t, in .honor of the Han. Geo, S. Henry, price. An Owner Service Policy, �T-FLOUR'—FEED ��_. _ - Congratulations to Miss Gladys assuring owner the best in Likewise, we can sell for less, for wHlrcv�i.e Gannon, who passed with honors, the serve and satisfaction. Gristiog Every Week Day. the t:anle readno, than a dealer -- - •• �'• - , who is miles away. Do not be ' '�lre' Pugh Pugh spent last week introductory Piano examination, at Will exchange fooled. Tbey,can not do the im "siting city friends. the Toronto Conservatory of Music Gas, Oils, ,Aeaeesoriea. 'Goodyear - -_ _.._Flo-ur Mis4 Weir-hat 'moved one day Mst week Tires at new low prices, - e miss her around the vale., in last wee s accouffor the W. Repairs on all makes of care. ANTHONY WILSON Ground Oat Hulls and Oat-Screen- Miss Dorothy Ball visited friends M. S. meeting at Mr. Duncan's, given * '; Proprietor; lure are cheep, but dear at any in Oshawa over the week-end. in the "News” the name of Mary GordonJ w Duncan appeared instead of Mary e 49:,f _ -Phone Marit. :5502 price. Know what you are baying Miss Helen'Tarner, of St. Michael's Malcolm, in connection with a prea- ;j in general feed. Insist on seeing Hospital, Toronto is on the sick list. entaUon. Phone 8908 PIOKSRINt# , the material 1t is made from. The C. G. I. T. held its weekly • meeting at the home of Mrs. Russell Ro) McWhirter had the misfort- — B��e alYl Pickering Kong Comnanv Parks. une to break a bone in hie hand'while G. In the 'nW future Mrs. 'Simpsoi engaged in a game at the g Boy Scout Sore ' Thioat t!" • �• Y. CLENDENINa and dat(e ss Glenn are moving into the matin on Friday avenin Accidents are bound to occur in the beat reg. In a Din in dd Room Miss Irene 'E, Pugh, of Toronto ulated families. If neglected often leads to 6 ' FUNERA,L DIRECTOR spent the week-end with her parenttt. A large congregation Was out on more complicated '- _• S •` _ --_ _ Judson and Mrs. Pugh. Sunday and our pastor, Rev. A. Mc- ' ailments "r u' iiie Private Ambulance W. J. and Mrs. Beaton, of Toronto Mian, delivered a very earnest mes- visitied the former's parents, D. R. sage from the text, "Woe unto them Day and Night Service and ,Mrs. Beaton, on Sunday last. that are at ease in Zion", found in r� Sybilla' 'This is s splendid 9 piece - •Phone 9000 - Tbe turbine!water-wheel at the milt Amos 6: 1.. There was s splendid at- •stolid oak suite, finished in was removed for repairs, but has tendance at Sunday School also. - 'Windsor brown. It eon. Malvern 5000 been replaced and is going merrily Members of the Warren' Wilson elaA of a fI0 inch Ballet, a I again. Mr. Wilson,.being.a practical family and Mrs. Gannon attended the Spahrs oomy Chios Cabinet, a Markham • Ont man, believes in having everything funeral of their uncle, Jesse Morton, +` ± a ft, Table and 6 genuine • done right. field in Keswick on Monday. The I` leather seated Chairs. The Honor class of Whitevale Sun- gYmPatkiy of the community is ex- TONSOLITIS r All for$95.00, day School, are holding a carnival on tended to the relatives, especially to' µ Hens Will Pay Saturday, Feb. 28th' at the Locust 'Mrs, Edward Willson sister of the de- !♦ fa Hill rink. Prizes will beven for the ceased. CKE N E R N� W_ gi Is a safe and sure remedy for We are offering a 3 piece 'L a best comic and hard times costumes :� large number from Claremont y •i f ted attended the Your, People's Sore Throat Tonsilitts,Quios Bed Ontflt at 19,i5 for ladies and gents; also for boys g p 's meeting Head Colds and all diseasee• An all steel Bedstead with v and girls under 12 Sears. held in the Town Hall last Wednes- a decorated cane anal, ro erl of the respiratory tract, fi J The funeral of Lillie Jane Heron day evening. The-interesting program heavy 2 in. tubing, strong 30 Kiidonan Drive, who died on Sun- furnished by the Claremont Young Sold on a money back link spring and an ail felt Feed tiler! meat scrap, day, took place on Tuesday from the People was very much appreciated guarantee ' • ✓r mattress. _... tt sea. Price complete oyster shell and Washington United Church, Scarboro by all present. After a social hour a .. only 19.75. mica grit. to the cemetery of the church. Four lunch was served by our Y. P. S. •`i4'1.6U per, bottle r - �' - ministers were in attendance: Rev. A. All felt that the evening had been �tt' ya . Cut Flowers.and Potted We have them at very Daffodil, Birch Cliff; Rev. W. Hum- both interesting and profitable. Plants. reasonable prices. ref's, Scarboro; Rev. F. E. Annis, The ,World's Day of Prayer was ' } from Thornbury; fittingly observe a men of oh nephew of deceased om fit i d,by the Wo The Chautauqua .• Or if its - and Rev. T. W. Neil, of Toronto. the 'community n Friday afternoon, Cs �' Ster"irift The Women's Association of the the. Pr@sident, firs. John Phillips was is coming March 18, 19, 20 da21. H AR D W A R' E United church will meet on Thursday in charge of the service and Mrs, Reserve your seats now Our rices are right March 5th, at 3 P. m. at the home of Harvey officiating at the organ. A at We store. f Phone'13001 p g _ Mrs. D. R. Beaton. Word for roll large number ,were present. ' It is ^.ail, "Peace". Followingthe meet} quite an inspiring thought to be one r _ Furniture Dealer ands �LYIN BusHBY Public supper will bserved from with the women of the ,world in pray- E. C. J O N E S .. 4Funeral Director 5 to 8 o'clock. Everyone come and for the world's peace and the coming -Also Aaabulanee Service ;Hardware Phone 46W spend an enjoyable evening. Don't 'of the Kingdom of God. Druggist and Chemist, a • forget the date and plane, at Mrs. D. Bert Harvej spent a few days last r Lis PICKERING R. Beaton's o*%Thursdsy,-March 6th: aveek valtk.city "rf da. . Phone 6840 Pickering t .. r -4,^r',ur• ..,n,-p"sP :tw y�. � .- ..:!- . ' 't'j .Y p ''..:... ,.. ._ �. ..- '.;.... .^1-J'*Fw_. y�+'...��,p,....c-.,�.... _... ... - iS_".m- •w.y nay.;,N• - - ..,^i "I!H• '1 T' - • ♦�� .r .�. ;t...,..-.. r..:a-. < .,,,.,. ,� .;.atµ. ..�J;' :.i. •"j"" A+s'+,.. *;f .,'4 +,,, e% F ,... ti ra-«,nrr.. a,,.•;.,.. �...:aw q..;:is..�. ,a2.e,y „L`sy.' .vi:itr '..r a`4,$fi ;wr, 'v - F'. :d{ � _:' '.-m„Y•. r' -.a. .:....�r.iu -R-^'.K .... i__.;.-'•? - •i, 2. .11 "f. ^r• ...p., + ,. �:.. :' ',,,.,.,, •', ,a - .y.. ,',nn.-... -.�..- w�< a. .-- _., .. '�`i, ,�.e� v._ � ,•.- ._ .. • t- , - _ New Baseball e Markets -1 Tossed• Over Station Parapet - _ r : -To Cement Driveway 20 Feet Below-: 1PRODUCE QUOTA ung Oro ' Toronto dealers are'buying produce 1I x "• N at the fol lowing prices: Eggs-Ungraded,et, a i s r t , r xtra$, & 27C22Qsl firsts,rss,Toronto Manhole Explosion Catises'Death of Goderich Man f y -...- i tv.18c _ Toronto. - Stepping on s -Front nurses care for ber. r%pidly,.declining .„ r51 - ,seconds, rz• creamery, immediately collapsed on 23 to �, No Onta 'o comer , Buttes Street manhote cover at the precise learning the` her boy had been hurt." " „ � �L _ - solids, tU% to 32c_No. '2, Ultj to 31e. Iastaat when sewer gas 'exploded in. Cars Hurriedly Leave - b� 2c; N it•1 cream Special, 31 to 3U o "lc; 'u "" to - -Cars-Ahlch has naps k d at the _ - - - - : man Lewis, aged about 45, of Goder- curb on the south side ot�Frt ni Street y Cheese-No. 1 lar copat-at : and government raded, 1c: Ich, at 9.25 Sunday night, was hurled not tar from the spot scurried nosy fined a d g bodily Into the air, over the Union expecting a second blast, and althoughsf»i; _ Quute,tions to poultry 'shippers are as follows: Station parapet, and dropped 20 feet the street had been comparatively z. �' * - Paulo„ "A" grade, live--Sprin�� to the cab drivetla'y below. He died ,idle, bystanders•and pedestridns, red- r = chickens, 6lbs., 20c; over 5 to 6 lbs., ' 10 minutes after reaching St. Mich-I caps and postal employees from the / r ; _ 19c; or•er 4% to 5 lbs., 17c; over h to eel's.Hospital in a police ambulance. 1 station, hurried out and crowded J , _• 4?/x lbs., 16c; 4 lbs, and under, 15c With a thunderous detonation that. around the hole. s %, c Fatted hens, 5 1125•,20c;over d to G . ishook the Union Station and nearby Leo Barbeau, station redcap, who _ `r 1r18c, Over6to 4 lbs., 16c; under -- - buildings, the his cold was standing hear the entrance to lee. Yeung turkeys,.over 12 _ -- �r lbs.,r35c, 8 to .2 lbs., 32c; under 9 ailenoe of Front Street, folding up Postal Terminal "A," looked around s Aarge sections of sidewalk like so quickly at the sound of the explosion, a o8c 0s. turkeys, u de�oosters, (Geese, 5 lbs., _ ' ,+�,,, ,f3;,, - : market prices O r r much breadcrust, breaking the heavy and saw Lewis sail up five feet above • It s., 1 lc, Vl'hit<� ducklings,aver 5 lbs., Iran lid into a dozen jagged fragments the edge of the stone rail, which is * u e „and scattering stones, cinders and tour feet high, There was a Pro- and ` ;..• Lacks � vtr a. 20c 6.. ''t'"" to -3 23c• .�I scout f du 5 lb , 4 to 5 lbs. 1 " .chunks of concrete'for yards around..nounced odor of marsh or sewer gas w ' j,tiiI I °j t Guinea fowl, p:r pair, JArge chips. were..knocked out of the hanging about for some time after. fw : Poultry, "A" grade, dressed, select _ granite.parapet by flying cement, 'A wards, and newspaper photographers .x �': tb 6'lb g 23c; over 6 lbs., 25c; over it ` k' to 6 lb=., 23c; over 43a to 5 lbs.,`22c; " dark cloud of dust floated away in the were warned to use no open Sashes, �� 20c 4 lbs. and - wr'� , over 4 to 4tfi .bs, , breeze. Lewis lay sprawling• in the I The twisted ends.of one small tele• ; tinder, lAc. Fasted hens, 5 0 6 lbs.. •;-'roadway belowand a great jagged,phone cable hung Into the concrete- Ua:l f' 22c; over 4 to 5 lip.. 21c; over 33•i 'o Stole gaped where he had just been walled pit, the only "works 04 any £ ,,,�; 4 lbs.,-19c; under 335 -lbs., 16c. Old -'walking: [kind. Bell telephone employees"who ,Whether or not new style baseball (aboveI adopted :rr 1931, will' roosters, Over,5lbs., 11 c. White duck-. Lying near death in the Allan Court l examined the manhole said they were ; lin s, over 5 lbs,, 28c; over 4'to 3 .atpartments, Carlton Street, Judge E 1 not sure that even that cable had been clow up America's nativnat pastime will be buruiu quast[on oY early g ' lbs., `_'6c. 15. Lewis, Huron County court lodge, in nae, as no reports of disrupted ser- season. New and old style balls are shown above.and beloN, respec- R HOLESA!f: PROVISIONS (father of Norman Lewis, waw spared vice had been received up until their lively, the knowledge of his son's death..3irs. Inspection was made an hour after _ .. ...._ _ quoting he following le prow' lgrs are t ' prices to to - ,Lewis, a trail, old lady, who helps two I the explosion. - • - tal.l dealers: Navigation Start ;Dame Melba Dies >moked meats-Hams, nied., 21c tr �° t smoked roils, 25c; breakfast ba. _ ! Y y Of Rare Disease t� ��; back!,, pea-meuleit, 2' - Sault Starts 1931 Says France Leads Ma Set a Record U do, smoked, 36 to 38c. ' Drive For Tourists u+ Reducing Army i' ,. fork ham?, , 16 t shoulder, lad^; O en �X Inter 1 eaves flan 'i Australian Diva Succumbs butt, 1ne; ham, 16 to 17c. - Harbors Clear -in- i Few �t�eeks After cured meatLong clear bacon, 5t .Opening of $650,000 Hotel !Deputy Presents Figures in l j to 7v lb%., ^2Ue; li to lightweight lbs,, 18c; 9- t Superior Return Home � to 11U ib: 17c; ],ghtweight rolls, i9c Is Initial Step Introducing $278,000,' Sault S'e. M le, tai t.--The :ear.) Dtelboarne, Australia.-Dame.N'cUla, he, volts, l +a. _ { Melba, famous A'gstral;an soprano, Lard-Pure, tiered, 14c; tuba Al non's . 000 War Budget !_lipst opendrr of navi;at!on iu ears '. + . 14 zc ail=. l5c: ri:r;s, 15c to l6c Sault Ste. atone. flat. g - + g y died here early .+�+ndhy atter an .11 � P P • capital commenced its l��i drive for•! Pori In:rode(:fug a"$°.,S.tOa000 ty being predicted. a% are+alt of the! i Shortening 'Tierces'. L°c; tura ne%a of•rev-ral weeks. tot:rusts Stondaj' night with the'open �ttnlstry of lt'ar budget in Tarifa• almost unprecedented oven Winter 1°iic, pail••, 121.,2c, ,lag of wharfs claimed to be the finest p I Her ii,ae � .took" til torm of a S eviai awn shorter in Tierces. .,ment off Friday,. De u,y.Bouilluux I w'hlsh has left some.Lake Superior strange skin dliease %ti hlch battled P P R Lotel betwH-a Toronto and R('lunipeg. Lafonte offerers a report tauding to harbors practically without i:e 1 15c; N; s, 13 c, pa e, 1Gc. . l•phYcici�ne cbe was. 6v �•eare��z?d. The New Windsor, built at a co%t of I eatabli,h, he %aid, that "France has I The earliest opening of na'viga•` � GRAIN QUOTATIONS Somea Lie-e aryuud 70 years ago a $G'•`,r+o0 and offering the most modern I gone farther slot,,-.the 'road` to di.- tion on record is April 1. 19.0-2. E.aat small farmer from -r.rtarshtre Pcot• Grain dealers on --,Tol•i,nto Bnaru ar•. ,nrmodation for tourists, was of-,armament rhan'any other natiotr -year 'navigation on the St, Marys land named Dav'd :Kitchell, .had _a' of Tradv are making 'he fut!uw'ina fin tally opened at a banquet Metropolitan. troops ate al,u�,ated I River opened on April 21. homestead known, s :-)ombe Cottage, ' quMat on% for rnr t r a The Witsdurt is a community enter- $190 Put),009 and oversea.g cn:on'al : Grand 'Mara!s, :ltich!gan and. Mtn•I _ , I Sian No. wheat-Nn 1 haul . ..., � � .0 m,leq from slelb� tt me.. Australia. f3s�c, \o. 1 Northern. a7�►c; No. ' pts-» and a direct result of the news trooper $68A(?0,004 in, the 1931 bu+ net:;ne,4ota report no ice and open water( Here- 1t 'was that h`eille Mitchell st•r+'fes whit;a have spread abroad AI-!,The total L,. about (tZ,00o.000 r ver as 'far as visible. .Eagle Harbor has l do ',(;0,4c' Ic:i.f, Gu(lericK and bs}' 1 afterwards to b@, known the world i porta!• Voma',. fame as a hunting and fishing la+r year's. no Ice. and -Stantuet,e Harbor and over ac '•Melba. the Qneen of 50:9,'• Mar.ituba oat•c•-`lr :3 C.W- 3,%••' •- 1 - paradise In apendlug rhe"aarc,uot reque. ed Lake Superior are free farm ice. wan born and s0-o••t her early life, ! *en. 1 feed, "!>a•c; leo. 2 feed. 134i'• The idea._started with John :hiller.!on the mattitenance of her army, La. , yc�, of the bay a and rivers along - to jtiinp for a moment fro,u the be Manitoba barley-No. ,; C.W„ 29e; : prp<ident of the company, and his I fonte said, France Is devyting 18,the shore of ,_Lake Superior are inatBx or Melba.a stury to the •:ore '` 4 C F� 28e. - Pa Everett; but the Cana- ger cent. le%+ to. that. purpose than frozen. aver, but w'hh le..+s_ than the of It-}Irina used often to declare Ar¢en ins corn, 6Cx (c.11 Port Col- partner,dian Pacific Railway. - the AlgomaI in.1913, and, in comparison with I usual thickness of ice. The SLI bornP.l that she rejoices in her warm friend.I 31:afo'd, del. Montreal freight+. Steel £ompany and rive Algoma Cen• other nations and In. proportion.to Marys River is - hickn - over, but,. with-Lord 1lfountatephen recon%P tm! Railway are large sbareholders. defence need% 14 to 48 per c?nt, less there is not the thickne.%s there has tp ! shoo included=Rr rf.S2 pet ton,'$22:s", a t F:each metro- if a reminded her so began of hue- Choirs, pe`r ton, -'1:':5: tnrddlings, v 111gny private citizens sub+crises, than in pre•n'ar'1ltres i i+sen in' previous pears. - = father, Th^y both began life ren•1 g•L7•Lg, The Windsor 1y &atilt .,t-m. Marie'% Ht% report rads the - tStleso, she said. and attained P'�4l Ontario gran-W}�at, tic; navies, . di-t rky+cr�per. politair army numbered 5"'1,000, with ! , 'Sc: oats. _'7c; rye, SSe; buckwhpa 34.000 gendarmes, in addition Great ' • tloaFr of p nmtnpnc(•, + Britain, Ire said, bow 510.000 regulars Air Mail Crash Melba wa, taken afaun- still a ;:1r1 48c. f In her 'teens_to Queenalnnti, Here HAY A\D STRAW- PRICE,, -- and 217,�oo mStttla;. Ital}, 301.0.00 reg. C married a 4u ar lasted named i' *Dealers are quot:ng shippers fut h =� Takes Two Lives n valanch g j uIurs and li0,000 caribinTera, the �rmst:ong. and it «as here, too, that ! hay and straw,-carload lots, delivered A es m AI cf following „„ t "the f .. r r% and.` � on track. . Toronto, ,, ' Lnited Stare. ,157,040 ret;uls ---' I her only child.�a sun: was' burn, For • Take Fifteen Lives ''''-Ono national guards.. I Dr. R. E. Alle n, Winni i iced: 5-000 at the guards.. incrF nee la ! y peg' more tDan one ria.on 1;e1ba ev1':ent• p r No, 2 timoth;, ton; lgl� to $145U; 1 ;$3,000;000 over 1,30. said Lafonte, ' and G. Lewis.. Reginal I ly. fours life lm-rue>ilhle In Qu•Pr t- I No. 3 do, $13 to $13.50; wheat straw, iFamil of Seven Murled. to the L'"nitetl States army expenditures land. and she coon returnei to iter $7•;,0 to $8; out straw, $;.50 to $8. y Die Near 'Peg. father near _ VlelbouruE. In 1818. LIFE: STOCK QC4TAT10NS Their Deaths In whow'ea an ,,6 per cent, increase the ' ��lnuipeg,-The -second fatal air with tittl9 but her pa sage money, Landslide Japanese 45 per cent. over prewar, crash in the history of the Western she came to London determi :ed to! Heavy beef steers. $6.6 to $6.75; flgnres, butcher steer,, choice. $6.35 to $6.5U; Canada.Air Mail Service on Feb. 20th. learn more 'of her art. Sir Arthur I do, rair to good $x.60 fo $6; (70, cont., London,-Avalanches in Ire Alps Ilii rFPort 'iaid'Germany was spend- claimed two lives. eatight is a sud• utth-.rata �•�"�-aitT-lta- $5.2-5-, war� reported on Feb. 20t to ave ;iK _., o ma7tt n e ""�1 S4 $4.50-t 6.2 b worn p lives- including none c.nl• 'treaty army' of 100,000 men, plus den fog about 75 miles west of Winni•IZened to her staging-and then sag-; $g to $6._0, dam, fair to Rood $5.5U t:r "Itelcr at two s h . peg the Moose Jaw bound mail currier �i3ted 1t was gust pn951b1e she w�Q $6; do,coo., $4.50 to$:�;butcher.co�v...separate places, .150,000 gendarmes and 30,000 frontier broke up .In-landing and burst Into;-fitted for a small-part to "'Th3 ltik• good td choice, $•p to $•1.75; do, med., 'c f wit p -gnartl3 and cu%toms otflcers.- - flames. The dead: ado-." which was: shortly to be pro $3 to $3.75; canner. and cutters, $: Au Ices from Berne, S r z viand. _. 1 oaf? that a Gamily of seven including -%---- Dr. Rtchard E. Alleyn,'33, Winnipeg.I duced. : It was only when she tv$2.50; botcher bulls, good to choic -•Iiw„ children were thought to have " George E. Lewis, 22, Regina. - i ushed. on to Paris and sang to 84 to $4.b0; do, bol$9: f, $3;to $3oo e, -hes in an avalanche that hurt- Pilot N. G. Forrester, of Western p baby beef, $7 to $9; feeders, food, 3 p Boy Awakens After Madame Marchest that Melba found $5.25 to $5.75; stockers, $4 to $5.'_'r. 1F•r, down the mountain side, crush. Canada Airways, who was at the con• a: judge-off 'sufficient discreumen: to springers, $60 to $85; calves, good to In and partly carrying away the Ten-Day Sleep,, trots, was injured, but will recover. truly appreciate her latent -powers. choice, $9 to $9,50: milkers, $40 to :-'.Po.:t lintel in Lukmanler Fa%s_tn the I = - I He is beingr ! d , o, om.; tage La Prairie; 1a miles east of where success to Marehest's -enthusiastic i $6 to $7.50; do, grassers,-$4-to 47). Physicians Are .. Confident I lambs, choice, $9 - buck lambs, $7; 'i Le building was inhabited by an the plane crashed. Dr, Alleya and support and devoted tuition. dg.d couple named R'errzig and tlielr f Recover +Lewis were killed instantly, It was :lfelba's• operatic debut p, $2 to $5.50: hogs, bacon, f.o.b. That He Will Rwas made sheep, . ltamity, Two of the bodies' were re- i gloms•^al.--0u February 13th fifteen- stated. to-Brussels, as Gi11a in "Rigoletto." b.; o, do, w.rs, Tic to $1 above nt; Covered and there was small hope of yearoict Rndalph Robinet, of this city,{ Dr. Alleyn, who is medical officer -Two years later, in 1888, she made her 'b : do, butchers, $1 per hug discount; _ ;fin.hng the missing persons. alive. was brought t-, the Notre Dame Hos-!..for Western Canada Airways, has I first, appearance at Covent Garden. do;'selects, $1 per•Qo_premium.- " ti E ]ba celebrated the a From.Vienna came news that a pital. He was sound asleep and had I been termed Winnipeg's 'flying doe- is May, 1913. .Ie .Vea.•ant named Mali and seven chil• been sleepug.for seven days. Physi• tor.' He' was en route westward to twenty-fifth anniversary of her as- Capt. Catripbell }v� drru were killed when thelr Louse cans had work&(: over the boy at his!ex mine prints fpr the company Lewis sociation with Coven;, Garden. In Created Ani lit was destroyed by a huge avalanche home, but the mysterious illness failed I was hound for Regina, Sask, The mail 'June,'192e she appeared-for the last Ir swept down upon the valley of to respon.l to treatment. Forced: was recovered, It was announced hire. time here int opera, a the-same Cherbourg, France.-Capt, Malcolm Villgraaten in the eastern Tyrol, feeding was necessary to keep life month held a memorable concert of Campbell, who recently set a new ' Austria. Three mills also werteri within the sleeping youth, but even) farewell in the Albert Hall. world's automobile speed recurs .at swept away. Villgraaten •mountain then he was gradually weakening. ' Melbw,eras- created.a Dame of•the Daytona Beach, received a knight. i Spotted Fever Hits Order of the British Empire In 1918 hood op Feb. }9th. , -1s near Innsbruck. In a last des effort to save • • • The British vice-consul commurii- g his.life he.w•as taken to the hospital• British Services in ecugnition of her efforts for war Injections were given every few hours cl.utiles, and- was accordeO the Gated the, King's desires t4 Capt. and all the scienc and skill of one . Grand Cross of the Jrder. in 1921. Campbell while the'speed driver was 77,199 Radio Licenses stlll aboard•the 1J.'S, Mauretania 14 Issued In `Toronto of Montreal's Larges{ hospitals con All Military and Naval •For- 4 - the roads off Cherbourg. 1 verged to the bed of the sleeping boy. _ mations Cancelled OwingCapt, Campbell answered the com• :Ottawa.-More radio licenses have Science won. Gradually he started lKautetania Sets nication from the, vice-consul, ' been issued in Toronto for the first to improve and on February 16th the to Outbreak Ocean Travel Record mu expressing his appreciation for tine ten months of the present fiscal year boy awakened, and although still teel- Portamouth„'England.-All military London,-The Cunard liner Maure- -honor. He set a record-of 245 miles i than were issued In any other city £n ing the affect r of the unknown malady and naval formations among the Bri- tania is not content to rest on past an hour at Daytona Canada, according to a report for the appeared to be stronger, Medical men tish forces here have been caucelled laurels, for by crossing the. Atlantic fiscal year 1930-31 up to the end of are confident.that he,'will live. as a precaution in view of the out- four times within 31 days•she has es- January, given out by. C. P. Edwards,I O break of spotted fever in the services tablished a record. Sailing from Queen-Mary Dislikes �_ director of radio service. r last week. Southampton on Dec. 10 she was back LongSkirt Styles There have been 69,030 more licenses'Record Year 8 Trade Already eight soldiers have died there on Dec. 22. Sailing again two - • - - lowed in Canada for the 10 months of I l"or Port Of London ,from the Ithease, which,otherwise is days after Christmas she arrived in E.ondou.-Add the Queen to the list lowed year than there were for the full fi London.-In spite of the general de- known as cerebro-spinal meningitis, at New York on Jan, 2 and reached Ply= of those who dort'like these new long St months of last year, the figures pression in trade and the reduction in Aldereot, a suspected case has been mouth on ber return journey.on Jan. skirts: being as follows: I shipbuilding, the Port of London has discovered aboard H.M.S. Repulse at 9th.. "I like frocks that come just above ;930-31 (ten monbha) ................ 499,176 been able to report a recofd year for Gibraltar, and 27Y casae have been re The Mauretania thus steamed some the ankle," she said recently as -she 8929-30 .v.........................I............. 494,1" 1980. Provisional figures show that corded among English civilians in the 13,000 miles in 31 days, xhich,,aver• watched a parade of mannequins at - For .oronto It is: 158,083,676 tons net of shipping used poet 11 weeks. ages, including`the time spent in port, the artificial silk-exhibition, "these -1930-31 (ten months) ................ 77,194 the port. This is an increase of over more than 400 miles per day. Five very long, dresses with flared skirts $1,869 600,000 tons over the total for 1929 You can keep parsley fresh a long and a halt weeks is the time usually are difficult to wear, I think., Only an �9Montreal comes next with 41,378 and is a record for any calendar year time by keeping it in a glass of water!allowed by the big liners for these expert like a mannequin can really dad 48,064 respsetiveilT. )in the history of rite port oontainfng a teaspoonful of vinegar?f tour crossings. _ _ wear,.them effectively: _ �. w ti ���yyy( yds a Y r`- a tse +aet, •.sus t tet'.:mss.w M:va k}t,.a ..: �•xm�iw«' "-w +>P w,. �e�. .r« - y. '.e�a#a�u:.a* aFws s,- r .sm a .rna>vswrzr�. ,x:,:.� -. \` New Devices Bare - World Wheat King Off On Trip Oxford of the 'Clwified Advertising Iwf-r s A s x Argentine L1OH..MACHl\E UR HAINDKNLTTLNdh • •:Secreta of'Earth. - L' "All %%'001." "Silk and \Pool," = — - "The world is shrinkingand the bgitipiesy r e. all colors. faro line. Old Divining-Rod Superseded one remote cities Dept T, Orillia, Out. .., of. South Ameri�:a in Search for Water, . are now'�r iaitcdoor to tis,,, writes Ed-. FF RTO i:R: i\v ro .. Diamonds, Gold ward Tttmlinson in "Travel." At Cor- A List of wanted EVERY on,S ll - - �anTlelTt c1fy,6t churches and Col• intorma[on'sent ree, The attrsa-y Coin. --Ne}3 York—The ancient divining- ' puny, World Patent Attorneys, 273 flank leges,daily planes arrive from Monte- S' eet, Ottawa, Canada. rod has been elect 7ified, speakers be- r More the coriventiori of the Artierica*t r video, connecting at Santiago witfi others bound for,Lima Panama Mi. BEST ing; orders QUEBEC til'�h3. ,� , , Bookfn orders for fall delivery. Institute of Mining and Metallurgical ami, and New York. For Cordoba, 401 Du�lis Fur Farms, stanstewt, QueD,c. Engineers disclosed recently. Its pow- .„ miles from-Buenos Aires, is-the heart + OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. :yrs are no less miraculous than th. of the Argentine republic. A List of wanted inventions and full = somewhat erroneously asctibed to it t The:cit was four)-*- in •rb73 and lntormation sent free. The Ramsay Corn- . - 1ri days ore but the ai"e based on Y pang, World Patent Attorneys, '273 B1nk Y yore, b contains counties memorials to r:- : trees, Ottawa, Canada. known fact. ftl mind visitors of the past.' Priests are ARRY. RELIABLE M.1TRIMON Diamonds car. be four,d by the new I a 'picturesque part of the history, and IAL paper mailed tree. Address Y`instruments• ,So cart petroleum, water : �l are as'.,mnipresent'as are the scores Friendship J3agaalne, lletlina. Is York. w and 'other subterranean substances. . of church spires which top the roofs A STAR ' Engineers intending to bore tunnels or of the ancient and modern-buildings. , )fan is his own e:•tr; and a soul cons dams can obtain B-van re i. While Cordoba may'be the Rome of that can render •an honest and per- _ _ information on the substance they South America, it is also the Oxford, feet man commands all light,•all inAl likely' to encounter in their work. traditional and revered center of fluence, all fate. INSJRUMENTS ARE MANY learning., .A proud alumnus conducted 'While a variety of instruments can the author about the University. ''he Ev= aaaio rarsaf 9 ___.'be employed, utilizing principles of plain, high-walled exterior was disap- as Waoz.afaz>o acaf ! gt•avtty,magnetism and electrieity»all pointing, but within, ,patios, ancient Type fDaeial' T7" fpoew �� ! are virtually as easy to carry as the ® cloisters, and the splendid library de-I x 201A ... E6 2 .....sl.es I Lx 1bS .... 1.60 1 x 226 1.8a mystic twig of hazel, which was a manded admiration.. Vv 199 , 1.ce Vy 227 .... 1.65 Herman Trelle, or Wembley, Alberta, also took a 5rst, making five in aft. - The university, which is now under Wx 1'r9 .... 1.90, .V-x 222 ., . 3.86 forerunner of modern enterprise, the S� speaker said. A single resent-da• ,world wheat kin who won five The tri was presented to Mr. and state control and is run somethin like� L•x 12�,..... -1.ss t,-y 2a4 .. 3.46 P g prizes p $' rz it2A .., 1.60. t x a6 1.46. "wizard" can work almost as.easily I Mrs, TreUe-by E. W. Beatty, chairman the Ame •!can universities, is co- t:x 171A ..• 1 sn t•x 2�, ,., 1.36 as, and several thousand psi• cent. at Chicago and Toronto last Fall, is wD 11 1 2 1; Peanut 1.05. and president of the Canadian Pacific educational. It boasts of one of the here shown with airs. Trelle aboard zlb•rauy Guaranteed. ae-soar servtee :.more effectively, than the rural divin- Railway, in appreciation of his great`best medical in the new world ! ]a•Lt ornery 71n.a a ing-rod. Canadian Pacific liner Empress of work for Canadian agriculture,and for I and enrolls 2,500 Students, amon„I CAAA xalg seam Tose co. In the matter of diamond hunting. T'r'ance Just before sailing from New his demonQtration that the Peace I whom are many women. The lax 35 ilchmosad at. n., Toronto, oat. 'for 'example, a device' known as-the- York. February 3; ori a 73-day Dfediter- River country is one of the finest I rthwkin also popular, but the arts are 'Hotchkiss superdip, is used. The•ranean cruise, At. the International grain-growing regions on the coutin• neglected, for the younger generation SPRAINS working principle involves the balanc- `Livestock Show tit Chicago he took eut• When he reaches Egypt, Air. is more interested in the ptofesaion% i ing of the force of gravity against two grand.champlonshtps and one first Trelle will try out the possibilities of than in pure culture. Rub Minard's is s•ntiv. is magnetic force, according to Noel H,j prize and third prize for hard winter causing wheat grams 'ofthe time of� Although Cordoba has many ei i- Pwetr•••• tore lieatneats, ! 'Stearn, consulting denees of modernism• it is real) •Il•+• ine.mmador, g geolcgi%t of St.,wheat, demonstrating thereby that he ping Tut•A.nkh•Amen to sprout and 5 a -- Louis, who submitted a report explain- has moved the winter wheat line .00 will return the compliment by plant- city of colonial Spanish U'adition, Un- Puh you on your ftaetI ing how the superdip is being utilize,)f mile% to the port;,. At the Royal ing some of his ehcice eeedii to Egypt ' Itke Buenos Aires, vv'hich is European , 17 'to hunt Arkansas. diamonds. Ong `Canadian 'Winter.Show *At Toronto*he 'for e'xpe:1mPntal purposes- I in its tastes, and looks W Paris for-_in-' a - _ spiration, Cordoba harks back to'the� lstone weighing 201q carat. has-been days of.they'Copgtte6`t. The inhabi- - - Sailing taints are Creole, Spaniards born in 44 ++ Kennedy found in Pike County, Arkansas. ` OF PMM _. . America,their blond miJrgled with that KiNG RiAY 'The Hotchkiss instrument haa dip _ i Menton us of the Indiana. 421 College 8L, needle sensitive to magnetic attrac- (By pen from Toronto to Tokyo and j tions by Minerals-in -*oil 'whe're the return. "Cordoba, city of spire.:, w ith your i _( Toronto instrument I% set up, Not only is the i old house% and their deep and -*eluded! _ Harley-Gavldson Distribu.orr I am sailiug from Toronto (.patios, with soon -inerts atsd rondo :;f _ degree of attraction of an underlyinr, To the town of Tokyo 1 history,colorful with traditions , write at Doer for o',r genii' ;lac.of I mineral disclosed—this-degree gfvinq uar,l motercyclea. 'Perms arrangea. yet able to assimilate the mechanistic er indication of the nature of the nits- (Can tthe winpuaheoLirpetlttng relaQly,ln progress% of North America w'itl^out P oral—but the depth and the ggnerai the wind 1 ` - - I contour of iris deposit are shown. 1 destroying your lei.0-mly culture, I fat NO SNOW ON THE BOARDWALK High excitement Off we go' I salute sou," writes the author in con- _ Oily, ilc*r lead and other miner- t is have been located throurA use o! (Csa you heat' tbPm shout good•b3es ,elusion. - - ( HOTEL ' j this inntrurnent,'aeccord'it:g to Stearn.. undtbrtplined?) 6 - . - . Art cinch% In Canada- are regret. Apple'biotsiioms ova+ilappiatr ting the departure of Earl Willing. s I The Stook in February t.uai banner% down the lane, don, appointed Viceroy of India. To 1( Atlantic �. A auowy path 'for s,lui,,rl and r„x, his; ability as a diplomat and Suits- STRAND , it wladr between the wintry_flrss. tC�n esus* rise?) elipping—pllpplag man the former Governor-General ;.• City, New Jersey Snow-muffled are Its lion ior.ka, added a familiarity with file ono arta river.yr y Splash of sunlight on the Sends In Ca Greetings to iia Many �, And Del' Its stilinea nothing stir*. Flash of silver weathervane,. noIIlewirar unusual In public mea "- Friends in Canada The Toronto Globe. ! (Can �'ou see the gleam of %ailing in We are quoting such a- very low But low, bend low a ilsteninic ear' MY oven.) P ' - Amenean 'Plan rate that you wilt I B*ueath the mask tit moveles4 white -I1'ate, and mistruo are the vh-ildren find It cheaper to stay at the ! A habb'Sng whisper you:stiall hear-- Up and tip acrow% the prairle of btindne%s—William Watson CHILDREN .' "Homelike Strand" than staying 1 pt hinds and hlosconrw, leaves and at home. Tii the Roi"kir+s' cmgpy' ledge. /� Write us so we may quote them ( light, (call you Pee their rugged shoulders B LA C K H E A DA CRY FOR i T - —Vilarle• t;, U. Roberts.-in "Yoeett%: . + - to You—so you will-know the exact push and'crowd.I ti c :•.., + ,a c. a.ne { cost before leaving. '+ IIoods of wool and -t tirfa of cotton,1'v our dt uggi%t, I i tnkle :n a hot, wet I CHILDREN hate to take medicine Music—Sail Sea Bathe—Compli- ( ' A wise pian never tells a R!rl that Soft-spun fringes. knitted edge ��loth ane ,uh u,e f.,,:e briskly. E%-el) � as a rule, but eve child loses mentary Tea Oaily, 4 to 6' m.— brie Ss rt,ty In _the loth wilt- be dissolted. The ,ne ry p, p presence of her t iCan vett noxi- nils flpoce of mi+t•en•i wnfe• sure awl -. npte-*ay to nmrore. We will personally see to your val,—Detroit NP A i I ? 1Aw khea,l-. unrtsrartt�r suar irteed or� a*fie�£��'� i��� - comfort. r' R'OYPn cloud,) ._, mussy i cru"sea, T. W. Toast • vo.1 vegetable preparation is just as-good T.D .A\'!)Oil',. .Ifs r. MgKE 81Q t DBlue of epth sk.v and blue of fa •filter• Ines 54 it tastes;. ust•asbland and lust tt j J 449 Wlliarton at.' W Torosto 1 H. BRADFORD RIlX.}f0ND, __ WNY SUFFER i harmless as the recipe reads. t - Prop. Hairdressers g 1 Vlfien Baby's cry w•arna of.colic. - MONEY Can you feel the peace of Papphlre _ I �'iasses are now fnrina6g under e i a few drops _of Castoria has hint 'be personal dlre,•tion: of M!-". blue PxpBII%i-.1 � FROM YOUR � � - t' - FREE TRiAL OFFER EObertann. Write far fr-o ',00klet Parasols and Tray klmotuis. _ _ ' .soothed,asleep again in a jiffv. '.Noth- rsaerding ret'ms. >Fot»rtaoa'e Pointed fans. wistaria vine*, ,. ■n', ing is more valuable in diarrhea. O F 8alydr«slag Academy Listilted, ; t(e n 1 M.ER • When coated -tongue or bad breath 137 avenue sosd. Totosto. you• see the dainty Geisha girl! n8 '► who dance?) Why he handicapped wlth tin- tell of.constipation,invoke its gentle •� R•� S C H E N sightly blotce on the face, eyes aid to cleanse and regulate a child's For Instant Iris fields and cherry blosoms, with yellow tinge and that tired and bowels.I colds or children's diseases„ If you have never tried Krulrhen—try , ax - r la now c Torptd liver. you should tine it to keep distribtrlxd a great many special I a$e nom !Can you caste the honey nectar with Headac Digzinees and Bilious- from clogging. 1 _ GIArNT" .packages which make it ` (` the bee?) --- Hess surely follovr. You must st3mu- Cas' is sold in every drugstore; _ - - easy for you to prove our claim for COUGH/NG Ea'ie I Temple heli% and darting tirPfliea, late your lazy liver, start the bile the genuine always bears Chas. '>ii �,.yourself. Ask your -druggist for the I ������ I Fuliyama, flying kites, i flowing with Earter's Little Liver Fletcher's signature. crew "GIANT" 75c, Package j (Can you think my eyes are lifting to els• This consists of our rrgular 75c. bottle loeethei l They 8180 act a!a mild laxative with a separate trial bocdc—suffi,ient for about 1 X T V RC S the sea?1 purely vegetable,free from calome� ate week open the trial bottle first,put it to I and�poisonous drugs, small, ens to the test,and thea if not entirely convinced that EShAelt i I am sailing Pot' Tmnnto g Kruschen does everything are claim_It to.do,tris atraIlow,and not habit forming,They '-'regular bottle is Still as good as new. Take it ^e back Your druRRist is authorised to return c }• From the town n: Tokyo - are not w purgative that *range or • • s your 75c. immediately and without question ��� �. (Can you hear me htimming little'++ pains, unpleasant after effect fol- , You have tried Krnschenim.? tree, at our expense. ��� home refrains?) 1 loving,on-the contrary a good tome, Ii. G could u fairer? Manufactured by All druggists 260'and 71i# red pleas. E. ab. 175 Hughes. Ltd., Manchester, Ens, `/Fish }Waving -,rays upon the prairie. (Estab. 1756). Imf orcrs: lllctaltl�zay Bros --_' ..Toronto. , All the things f love and know _ A$INGtE$iPPROVESh- fZ'an yogi smell the Macs down the: ' = _-- ._-- un es?) tired end to Wo country Ian !• _ F —Hazel Harper Harris m t . .{t, I • CvLbry- Plane Designer Envisions , MoT ing / _ OO MUCAtlantic Air Trade ! '� PHIL Get poisons out of the system with Ellrs Pdltam 1 City, Pan.—Igor Sikorsky, .Feen-a-mint,the Chewing Gum Lau.- airplane designer here on an air tour tive. Smaller doses effective when .. r Foe Troubles of Cerit-•al America: recently predi,iit• . taken in this form:A modern,alien• _ Ir due AM w ed safe, economical, transatlantic tiftc,'family-laxative. Safe and mild. r sINDIOOUR j mail and passenger air service with• MIAgT{uRN in three years. PAM 0 Huge airpianes like the Dornier GAS, Us DO•t will -riot -be practicable for; some 'time to -come in commercial ��a'" Ocean -flying. Mr. Sikorsky asserted, Gee chew," re r The most suitable ships for crossing:: i 1-n ,P►►'�hil'1' Many people, two hours after eat- You will never use crude methods I X d _ -i i r 4,+ e -- he Atlantic, he added, ,a e. four.,, ' ing,suffer indigestion as they call it. when you know this better method, pdalae taj°;wt motored ships which can easily carry I or a '� �? Itis ostially'excess acid.Correct it., And you well) never sufTor from$x-. -F��� r• , i with an alkali., The best wa , the cess acid when :4 passengers in addition to a pay ~E Y you prove out this -%'lam' LJ�a s load._ _ quick,harmless and efficient way,is easy relief.Pleasie do that- for your %"' " - Ps' The most tactical s by across - ,r Phillips.,MUk of Magnesia. It has own sake--now. - practical- - Y iN51i 11 ,WJi llwfa remained for 50 years the standard -, the Atlantic, he said, is by .way of'�_ '.. •:{'"'' iNSIfT ON with physicians. One spoonful in Be stere to get the genuine, pre- Bermuda and the Azores, where ; THE GENUINE water neutralizes many times ifs• scribed by-doctors for conditions weather is.Tavorable and two con- _ LYDIA& PINKHAAI a[lbl]tCI[41t Cts, volume in stomach acids, and at due to excess acid. It is always a vealent landing bases Are available. • • e r, ,Ilua"v A. as once. The symptoms,such as head- liquid; it cannot be trade in tablet He said he:expected to see sea• and bun ont..canaa., t} aches, gas, heartbum etc, will form. Look-for the name Phillips' dromes an placed in the ocean that dieaaheu' in five minutes. and the word genuine in red.- T.0 hop would be more Man 700 FOR CONSTIPATION ISSUE No. 9—�3� Made W Canada 1 tulles over water. ". M _:..��..: 'w,.a J .; �' -i. ':ren,.. •:_-�; ,-a.« ,r . °v.!-,.. ..;,� _ .:,w e».t,, , `�` " ;zA ,,,':..�- «..•. <.-.•v,"r'. +E,�. ' MW,,r.7?'. 't .. K,:.bio •V X' ..-�.:. •u,.wr�; mac. .:, - 4 t 41 •-r�. the would have to,be taken by Y.,Q - GOLDEN _WEDDING M) . . .. . B B3 J3 R BONDS-Go out. Muolel of ^B cil to try and help the serious_con- Pal tion cenfrontiin the ole of our On Monday, February 23rd, there 8eourit�and secvies in Mortgage$Dada, A►sq,Industrials. TERMS g p 0 Insurance of,all kinds. Sale llnveitments at from 6 to 7 *LISPuydur.; •1.60ttpaid toadvaara. country, ryas celebrated at his home in Pick- coot. P� e the- 0th, anniversary-. Law rates for Auto Insurance and y+rbacrioclooa to cbe r;nicad sates and Craae I presented the .question of Scan- nn8, , ,5 :y- of the_.- . Fire•irasuraoce. " 1NSURANOE-All claaeAs written in. ' Briuda$2.00 in advance. only at our first meeting of the y ear, wedding of Chas. H. and 'S?r s. Pilkey. _ and suggested the yeas. 19$0 as a Mr. .Pilkey was born in Pickering iAlao,.representative of-_ _ cluding_Ftre;-._,dutomobUe, Wiad• - si.orm. Accident and Hickuess. it basis of the height of'our earning -township, on the Brock Road, 71i The Oanada Lite Assurance Co. JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor, power and any raise ,of salary years ago, and has spent the 'Thole 421y Phone Piek.515 Address Phone or write ,. payments of- accouht� Fie reduced 15 of his We in this.township. Mrs•- -BROUGHAM, - -ONTARIO 43tF ED. BOWMAN.Whitby NOTES AND COMM,ENTs. percent for the present year, where Pilk:y (nee Mary Ann Greig) was The- it could i>e alrhlied: The salaried per also burn in Pickering to nsh:p. The ion gill have to admit that their happy- couple were married at the - Yeats ag©,;arid witlii-t-tire•ei,eca barna of the a R- C;ae eaMing pc••�erivith tie sai9re-satar� p ser:ts, R 0. "J - ory of our oldest reeidenta, it at+a one year ago,•is at le�9t 30 lr<:i by.the Rev. J. ;tm;?run of Pickering. the custom among men. to Fettle cent more today, while the earring On 3londay night a large nunnber o: ` their disputes by re�ctting to pawsr of the farmer has. dEcrea'rd friends and_ relat:�G; .rf present, / C K.E R l N G pugilistic encounters. Fights 30 per cent more to tht of one year numbering in as _•ne hnndr,:d and -Therefor is 'it' d-fair dei: for two persona, corning from all harts ` were of frequent occurrence, and the person with a salary not reduce,i of Ontario) and-more distant points.'. ,as•tbe tithe and place in w-hieb to enjoy the luxuries of life while.the A program had been prepared cover- SU3GES;.TIO.NS FOR THE LE.NTEN•SE�90N. farmer is de rived of the real nee-, ing the„whole of the eventng. - The' the event was to Ducar being fixed p n4 wedding y performed a- Macaroni, bulk,31bs. 23c -New Cheese. 25c Ib. Old Cheese, L9c Ib. essaries of life and facing a Condit- g cerpmon was t beforehand, many could Rather ion from which they- will_no - gain by the Rev. H. Stainton, B. A.. Ito see the conflict. It wae.aimply cover for years to come and which af- B. D,, both parties submitting to a Large Ciseeee;27e l,b Kippers, 12e pair -the carrying out of the old idea fects merchants and all lines of bus- !!umber of demands'of the church aha y g ++ mess. I hope to be successful in my clergy, not generally' asked for in Haddie, hied. 13e 1b,.large.16c.1b.. Fillets,amok. 16c, fresh We lb: :that might Is right, In the desire to be of real service to you, as the 'Wedding ceremony. Whitefish. 18e lb. Salmon, *piece 16c lb., whole 13C lb. 'past, nations have also. acted I am 'already assured of good results This happy event represents tilt - _ m' 5th Golden Anniversary in the Pilke pun the same principle, Gera.+any by my' efforts at the County Council y •:Lake Herrin _ - •being a very proniineuti example. as a member of the County Road family, Mr. Pilkey being the young- g, 8c lb. Oysters, 35c jar. ' ..:We cannot gee the philosophy for Committee when $16.000._ )was pared est of a family of eleven. An inter- Lettuce, 10,cente Spinach, 2 lbs 21 cents Cellar p P y from the estimates of 1930 for con- esting condition divulged was tha+ y, 10 cents this idea, bill it U gradually being struction work on Count roads in Mr. and Mrs. Pilkey were members of g g per doz Rhubarb,County Extra lar a Oran ee 40 cents 10c bunch thrown into the dump pile, gs the county for the present year, and families o! eleven children, the mot- :'eery few disputes are now settled that ray policy of economy has part- hers of whom were both married at '- between individuals in this wa ly been achieved. But why one corn- the age of sixteem-and dying at the _ •:' . y• mittee alone in this work, we all age of eighty-one, also that Mr. Pil- CHERRYWOOD AND PICKERINGF ++ key's father celebrated his 50th an.'!The establishment of the League want to have one,aim in view Econ- .... - - iof Nations shows that n9tions also only" to gain the desired result. niversary on the same year in which phone Mark. 5020 _ - . .. this couple were married. Dr. J. �Pbone Pick. 600 I was gratified fie know I was mov- P _ � �- - are b-igioniog to appeal to reason Forfar, of Toronto, a first cousin of � , ing along the same lines as proposed Ito settle their differences..instead by )Ion. VW. E. \. Sinclair and others the groom occupied the toastmaster'. 1 :of resorting to brute force. , It is as-reported in the Press and I assure chair, and brief addresses of con- . -_- ratulat ons .were extended b Pickering Hard T(Tf� Y1p Store -an evidence that civiliastion ie y'ou I have no ill •will toward any sal- g y two ►r (�1j V making progress, that the svot ld stied person, only a desire to be of brothers, Thos. and David Pilkey, �Ir: g P g p ppress ed Topping, of Toronto, brother-in-lax ':• service to all and fret the o - -le getting better. � There'are sorue tax-payer, and I ask for the co-,per- a niece bride. theirs. Perry. of Toronto. ' *bo think that the world is be. ation of the members of the Council f e bride presided at the and all who assist in the work of our piano. The prozramme was pro- Poultry Foods and Egg Producers, Oyster Shell, : eomiag wore, and when we see vided largely 'by th? grandchildren. Mica Grit and Beef Scrap. - - township to have a downward revis- - P• the amount of crime that i9 being i Cornmunicati,r)ns were received from -.- - on of payments where a can be aP- the United Church, Pickering' Rev, Royal Purple Calf Meal fur the young calve@ committed every day, it makes plied, and present our claim for a re- g h duction of a P. T. Pilkey, M. A. of. Winnipeg; W. Dae wonder what the world ie payments to the different -- `. - : Dr. Hess' Paaamio, for hens ' departments of government.' Pilkey, of Fort Francis; Dr. M. Pil- Dr. Hess' Stock Tonic for horses and cattle Cemioit to. The crime wave that key, Bsa., Cobourg; C. F. Topping, ' ais sweeping over the -whole roan- I am St. Joseph's, Dr. Hee:' Hog Special. for hogs P g p Missouri G. M. Forsyth Your obedient servant Dr. Head' Louse Powder, for lire -try nifty not continue very icing, - of Claremont and a large number of r At least we ho there may soon G. Luther blidddleton other friends. = BEE OUR FARM WONDER PACKAGE i. Pe y Reeve. Four Pails for only.�some ieapravemeat. There are p E1 99. Aman changes taking place that SCHOOL REPORTS. a y g - ° agent for McCormtck•Daerinq Farm machinery and Repair, f tend to make as optimiiitie.in re- The following is the report of S. .; ,ward to the future. We firmly S. No. 5 Pickering (Audley). Names Our Motto We have it, Can get lt, Or rlfueileve that. on the whole, the in order of merit: Sr. IV-Jack An- it is not made." nan, Dons Hedge, Jr. IV-Marguer- ite V-Marguer- _. •,vorld is getting better. t _ t e Cammack; Donald Saunders; Jno. _ ge. San; George Sharman; 'Sitar Hod. J Q B A L DO PICKE�G 'The beat paid men in this age seems Sadie Puckrin; John Raves; Goo. a a !'�i.�7 s Blake; Robt. Cammack; Francis Rit- so be the athletic man who has chie; Sr. II1-Pauline Saunders; Sr. 1 - . Beached the top of his reputation, II-May Hedge; Kathleen Cammack: 'The prize fighter who emerges Jr. It-Mary Raney, Nancy Raves; "u R Mali moth Price Slaughtering Sale r Ifrooi coo fiict wtth an opponent, Sr. IL--Connie Hedge (promoted to Jr, IIl Jr, I-Kathleen Winters; Art. .,BeginninR January 15th and lasting -poap win anything from a thous Hedge: Billy Winters: Pr.-Doric until February 15th. and dollars up to half a million or Baker (promoted). N. Appleby, tea- cher,He has aecompiiShed noth- cher• Standing at end of Winter Term, _ Let us quote a few of these speciate ing For the benefit' of mankind. Claremont Junior Room. " Nlen••,heavy black- rubber°. Solid beat, cash rale price 2.;n ; Boys' Sizes, He may eoptribnte something to II Class-Nfyrtle Bacon" Gordon 1 Q9 and 1:59; Heavy Mackinaw cc.ats, reg. a to 8.95 cash sale tha e w P u e f as r • . .. 1 Q chase who delight � P Overland', o n d,' D the Beatnn",K Be Herbert ` in scenes of brutal"it There roe Fr)rsyth', :�fabyn Lickori,h', Bernfc( , ;; price i 9�. Jleo'S heavy rib snot unciei°ear, while iheylaet 1.i9 y y - per ptrment ; Penman's heavy fl,-ece-lined undies, reg. 1.09 fie a good exhibition of scteoc•e, OB Linton', •Harvey Fingol,l% Jear, _ ca.�h -ale price 7?c Der garment; Be9t duality boys' Pard', Margaret Booth, Mary jforg- iio<ke • boos c ear• s. •� n .it re called, or skill in landing an, ,Muriel Stephens (absent taurine t , I fog c a-li Kle price .�< per t~n y P blow's-on'thellead or body of A❑ <ome examinations. Int' Sias -stars I ;, See n+ir hand bills for other �Frecial item-better still. vi+it uucStore, opponeoi, or in dodging the blows �`• Irene Lewis Marraret �� ..,,.Compare Anality and pricey. No obligation on your part. - Neal'; Mabel Johnson*, Lorraine For . r . Phone `?�C4 aimed at himself. The prufes• syth• and Dorothy Davey"; Murray " _ sional ball-playartor hockey Player Morgan"; Norma Beverley"; Rendell .. ' Is soother class of sportsmen who Loyst Gordon Morley. Primary CANADIAN CHAL'TACQARC E C I L R A© L ace paid exorbitant prices for Irene Lynn•; Bert Davey"• Alai, btiass to you JULIUI3 CAESAR Pretty; Jack Ward" and Dorothy NAYPHE. a young Damascus - their services. Their form of fficl.aaen'; Jean Morley; Earl Shirk* Noblemaa• who tasks as one of . P I 0 K 3E R I IT C& i ,sport is of an entirely different Charlie Turner. Annie V. Spoff- tie most entertainlrs LECTURE- , •Claes from that of the pt•ize. ard, teacher. c ENTERTAINERS today' ►� a8ghter. In both cases Your Pickering News paid for _ e can and entirely free from Whatever surplus there may be ::.'f'ickerin oil that brutalitythat is character• from the Chautauqua concerts -,-Pickering will be- devoted' to'-relief work, rietic of,the pugilistic sportsman. Help along the Rood work. The Mar. 18 19 20 21 = These games 'are not debasing. programs ore splendid.' � 1 r � There may be accidents in which MUM Mkis *OEM . the players may sustain @erioti. E D M U N D ' H I N D L_U M B E R _ -Injury, but the injuries. are not . Inflicted intentionally or in anger, COMPANY, LIMITED. 1lLranel theitsg'srigghmag Dad the sport is of a healthy nature s and Rives rnuch pleasure to the LUMBER AND MILLWORK h j -:spectatora• By inculcating a love FOR EVERY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION DailyCoact 1 Seryice .of athletics in a people it tends to improve thein mentally aswell,a Masor�'ite for the Modern PICKERINC�-TORDNTfl :,physically. The ancient Greek :Home and Farm Fare 50 Cents had as their urc.tto, "k sound Y - raind is a found hods," �j'e all' 'Ideal for Su u,nier Citta ea. f.,-;tve 'Pickerinic (Standard Time) Leave Toronto _i g Prompt Delivet.iae. • :3 M. P: , A. M. P. M. know r race the Grery' mere of rl R 1�E+ US FOR LIT R.aT.L'RE rel\U a. 7'-'� d'':' " -`30 3'30 anperiY,r race, mortally`and phy-i' SA-MPLES a 7.55 4.55 5.30 =4.30 Cally: hit neee*sary to -pend -u x,55 K,:55 9.30 5.30 much nigney`in entoorecing there DANFORTH AND MAIN ST.., TORONTO - 'Grover 113'3-'4-5 ° 9.M --_ts.55 :10.30 Sports? The same ends should -_ 10.55 b 7.55 11.30 b 7.30 F ---- 11.55 8,,55 P. M. 8.30 be gained by encouraging aulateiit P. M. b 955 , P.H.+ ;b 8.30 ` epo'rtg : A0 _ 12.55. 10.55 - 1.30 _ 10.30 -3EC1 1.55 11.55 .2.30 .11.30. To the Tatepayers of the Township 255 of Pkkiering. ; a'Dsily except Sundky. b Saturday, Sanday And Fresh Salrnon, 16c lb.,'by piece, 15e lb., by whole fish Holidays only. a Sunday only. Ladies and Gentlemen: Winter caught White Fish, 18e lb. ' Probably you will have noticed in _ A TOP AT ANY POINT TO PICK UP..COACHES S 'the "News" of,last week,'a reference Aylmer'choice peas, 2 tins ... 2x P�&G soap, 10 bars,... .:.._.43c-:-' - PASSENGERS. SIGNAL PLAINLY _ my desire to apply economy to Aylmer choice tomatoes,2 tins 27c Pearl-Aoap, 10•bars, .. 43c TO THE-DRIVER. aur problems and your Aylmer choice -corn. 2 tins 25c Oa g p payments of ydnIar a kR. ... .. 23c Coach connections at Toronto for Buffalo, Nis art► mane entrusted tp my care to all Barton peas, 3 tins ... „ � 25e Chi so are k , ..: -R Currants,2 lbs., P g p g 23c Falls, Hamilton, Brantford, Winder, Detroit,Barrie -' salaries and work undertaken during Icing att • • 29c Corn lakes, 3 pkgQ, .. 25c Orillis, Midland,'Jackson's Point and the present' ye^r, by our council el- gar, 31bs., .: '25c Quick Quaker oats, china 36c intermediate Dints. acted, so I ha'•s. Jecided to let you = - - - - know through; tI:': 14 R r my conteu- Goodyear Tireb Exide Batteries Connections at Raffala and Detroit-for aH -tion in regards ti._, :Iaestlon. before Battery Charging ' U. S. A. points, u8 -. Call and see us or ' , _ 4t our last nomination there was - Gray" Coach ' - ,in,esconsideerahle discussion about Econ- Phone your order: .' We deliver,,ptniy in our work, and as time passed i Phone Markham 8402. - J and the depression over our country - _ increased, I rave it considerable W rGeneral: +.hought, and decided some ' action ale M. Durican� Merchants Veen Rivet V a. 4:.1 'k.2,,. w' ,, v, �. b r..L.t �.'' a:ate '�. :3%S'r` �b':- e*'••.p "a �f',�5: •,•, 7. ! r K r it -. .,. .. _.• .. ..• .... r. .. .. .. . <.,. ' • .. ;'+�1, rCLAREMONT. Mrs. Pretty-wan in Torofito last` GALLA RE016TRt , ft- Ste a etc., the Glvicerin Nix Temoves Frani!Allatvay and eon, ]Frank, Thursday. -- property of J. Tuesday; March 19th—Credit•oils of B: Stewart Estate and 4'. rA. Stew- !and son-in-law. Mr, Connor. of H• G McIntyre, we are glad to farm st art- Sale at one o'clock sharp. Ree Cause of Stomata Gas - i , report. is now able to be out ock, implements etc. at lot Whitby., visited at J.H. Beall's on _ _ bills. George :. -_ .._ 26-E.-F.-ren.,-l?leke3�ls`-fadJ�� _ -�Y�•'�ni be�clthorn---ba:3r. Hixndey Mre.•Mantle•and Mrs. Pugh wet Dunbarton) the property of Gerald auctioneers, saline, etc., as mixed in Adlerika. Mrs, M. J. Wilker, of Torogto, Clark. Sale at 1'd 3Q o'clock shar acts on BOTii u T' as returned home,after spending into the city by train on Thura See bills. Wm. i4faw auctioneer.P _ el,. removing pow d lower bow_ r" Siay�aAE.. Coal, �vaf. g P you nevera week �sith Elaremoat relatives 'Tuesday, March 11th — C'redit sale thought -.vers there and which causedL. lufferi g is confined to his t gas and other stomach trouble. Justand friends. ed s,,ffering from a severe cold of farm stock, implements; hay, : A.great many in the village and grain, roots, furniture .etc.; at lot ONE spoonful relieves GAS, ,sour fro u colds gor anlnlldafornr of flu. also Mic�el back. children, of half n. 1,.eact of Highland on Rd, Hard and Soft stomach, sick headache and constipa- Kourroua _ft .Coal b tion. Don't take medicine Mich_ NO ser u , 6Pnt-y o o = aY v. ,�a a best quality on .Adlerika dt!cnis on!) PAR QZ �'e s ut e saves and friend9 on Sunday. , q give you a real cleaning been reported. :at .t,". no reserve. Fee Alis, haIId see hou'goon you feel. It will F. Th'e regular meetingof the C. G John xr,i lilts, Nelnl, of Glasgow, Prentice and Prentice, auctioneers. ' are moving this week to S. Fretz's prise you. E. G. Jones, druggist. 7. T. was held ou bion�iHy stenion ��"ednesday, Jlarch 18th—Credit sale _ farm wrst of the village._ ,1411; HUS s �!_- at the home of bliss Hazel Bacon, Neal has been en a ed b Mr. of.farm stock, tractors, implements A W ` ' and a 'most enjoyable and profit Fretz to operate his farm. y - Waxed clover hay', barley, oats, • ' , Blacksmithing t able time was spent by all, P1C. @T3n 0=+. $ George aqd Mrs. Howard, of — — �' Horae-ehoeinig and General Work W. M. Palmer and J. W. Gregg Windsor, spent Sunday with Win. Clear It Up �1ow were in Walkerton on Saturday and Mrs•. Thompson. They were Ikon t Lose Money Promptly attended to. attending the funeral of the tate accompanied b Frank and Mrs, that sore throat, quinsy,. tonsilitis, 'Lawn Mowers Sharpened 'Robert Richardson, who, many y la On your Poultry, Save from,25 to 80 Pe ed 3 Howard and daughter, Betty, of laryngitis, croup, hay fever, colds and Re " y cents on every bird. If you sell them paired. < .: years ago, resided in Claremont. Toronto. whooping-cough, bronchitis and ton- alive,some one has to kill them for Satisfaction guaranteed. The 19by snow plow, which is 'ell trouble. Use Sybilla 3pahr's re- the market, Sell them in p The Claremont friends of Mrs. pro er mar• Phone-Maly. 4125 — _• ' _ owned by the Cotmt was at meds'. Good results.o; money back, ices condition to et the best market !l�urrisoa of Colambae, will re- B 0 . a M work•on-tt4e Brock road south of try ib. E. G. Joacs, druggist, rice, All poultry should st starved the village and it at the road in gret to hear of her serious ,illness, pp " p havin received a stroke on Mon- -- [or 24 hours before killing, and let me pl HIGHLAND CREEK. mach better condition for motor as g APPLE TREES do the killing and dressing I kill pool. y <{ trnfflc: y evening as she was preparing try in the right way. I feather them Walter Ward took nineteen to les_ve for Pickering to attend _. . right out to the wing tips. I don't M O V -E D music lovers to Stouffville on the Pilkey goldea wedding crani• STANDARD APPLES mind a few quills or pin feathers, we J Friday evening last, in his com• versary. get them all out. You get the be Having rented my premiers in - modions sleigh, to hear the concert ; .zA Cut Pricy price for poultry killed and dr•ssed ll themPickering I have moved to rendered by the Stonffvine Choral Blacksmithin� 1 . all as they come Large or small toAlsol ts I iDressed Ig 3 112elba summer, 3.00 y killed fresh while you _. �ees. They report it s greet mac• + Poultry for este, Where I will conduct a b cess. Horae•shoeing a Specialty. 3 McIntosh Red fall 2.60 wait. Bring in your poultry early as 14sk• !' One of the sew. volumes in the + , they are better for hanging a day or so smithing business and a '-Pablic Library is the autobio• All General Work,including Wood if for your own use. I also draw poul. service station. graphy of MHhattua Gandhi. work, promptly, 3: Northern Spy, try for entertainments.dinner parties, Impertai oil and nae, tires and 'Read this interesting narrative attended to., winter 2.0U social chicken dinners, or for home Also, use etc, tire repairs. and get a keen insight, into the I have a few dozen Jerusalem Cher Also " character of the ►i<fan wha•is the - Agent for Taco Farm !Bartlett pears 3.00, 3 Lombard r9 , Taxi Service to*or from ; Machinery. Plume 2,i0, plants for sale. They make good win- any point. dominating figure is the affairs of y _ India to-day. F- �,- Z7CTCOdWi�=�.' • - dow plants,from 25 cents up, in bloom John T. Elliott. Agent, or berries. AT LAW, Luther and Mra. Pilkep, Lyms<n GREET`WOOD 491 - Mary Street, (shawa A. H.COOKE. -74 and Kira. Pilkey, Fled and �Irs. y " Juet'vieet of the bridge, SiaRstoa Rd,Pugh and_ Bert and Mrs. !Mantle A'I' rl'$.E Phone 414 W 25tf 14'2e Pickering. phone Brook. 1806 rovers in Pickering -on Monday en - Kinsale, Ontario � ' evening tittendiag the Bolden - •,v ___wedding anniversary of C. H. sand STORE -! bare Pilkey, at which there weisNE W O (� a Me, -' one hundred Roasts present, and a Q �j -• -wary enjoyable time spent by all. Remember the Bowling Club's Pork awi Beans. 2 cans for 28c . box social and concert to be given 7} The. o1 Oatmeal for L"5c 1 o Order Your in the Community Hall this Fri' 8 Cans Peas for 25c m, day evening. A splendid Rronram 4 Pkg Jell Powders for ... we - e1r ire Fence _ . - 13ARR of music and readings will be Wrapped Toronto Byroad Sc for the beat de orated boxebe given ne 2 g8 Iodized Salt for er lb... Mc for married ladies and one dor 8 Pkgs Cora Flakes for 25c The price hai dropped A�Ooalga of 8, hem pt to ag 1 single. Tickets to concert 25 cts. We deliver every day _ The ticket, will be numbered and a$ , the person havinit the lacky imam• Highest prices paid for butter / y ` her will receives radio. and eggs Balels! tar. . - llJl1C� I The services to the Baptist -Save your coupons for .Rogers' - �e are having shipped about _ (. Q+97 � •� Church next Sunday morning will silverware also the child's E speak of artistic be held under the auspices of the savings scrip. ;March 15th a .carload of ' ae. tlsat ars • Women's Mission Circle. the ape- - dignified, not artistic rami speaker iviatt Mise Janet C. A. �OVEORLANII! -Frost Fence. -• designs that would be : , Holmes, of Bolivia It is expected - inappropriate for tl:s that a large congregation will 371y'• ,Phone 2501 pcceod. this annual mtaeionary As a special inducement to order and take delivery o illustrated PurposeIn s m meeting, acid a -very cordial we early, we are giving the following redac�iens pl•, yet has artistry. -come awaits all visitors to this _ rya' w . '. service. The pastor will preach • off the regular .price. . _ _ No Greater Tribute' � at the evening service. The Sub• - °.`l ;� , W, STAFFORD jectof his address will be "What '� „ it means to be a Chrtstian." CLAREJSONT I cent per rod for early orderer ; xinptaton Road, ' The third anniversary services 'hitby p 'of the Pastor of the' Baptist Grocery Specials, I cent per rod for taking oil car , ' Phone Whitby y, Church 'will be held on Sunday _ 08 r Q, _.� 1 ___+and veto y, Marsh 8tliand nth. 3 Gans--Peas, c 1 cent per rod for paring cash We are to have as the aUecial � � •• •• - 7. Preacher on that occasion the Rev, 2 Cans Pork and Be&us,.. =25c s F Chas. H. Schutt, 9. k., B. U.who 1 -Large-Can of Salmon, . _ ,. 15c some years ago mas the minister 25c Be sure to order early and get the extra 'w the Baptist Church at Good- g pkRs Corn Flakes,- !discount and. save the new tax fit 18 Z11� Yn�i� n wood. Mr. Schutt is a forceful "' 1!f and eloquent speaker and will 2 Boxes of Iodized Salt 25r` i bang mee.agee of vitalized and Real Good Tea,per lb .:: "• ggd - besides, which is almost k► with Illustrations tbeChristisn 917 TA Cheap rates for farm and ooaataT Regal Bread. wrapped, .- mialstcy. On Monday evening, ••� Wtadstoem Ineuranos on buildings, . the 9th of March, Mr. Schutt will Highest prioe paid for butter and eggs _ I. wtad•miW Silos etc. r. lecture on ">fi soar 'throach the Phone pedes. We deliver. Charles E;ooper'� * Claremont Automobile�Iasaraoos ' Holy Land," lustrated by been. of all kinds. - tital lantern elides. This leet�tre RY. .A. N _ will be presided over by W. A. a 1B'AR1[8 FOR BALE Dryden, of Brooklio, A siiver - _Phone Claremont 87o1 Write or phone collection will be received. Do E D B O W M >Y not fail to wise this, the most. ":-Important • • • • D. A ` interesting lecture ever given in _ 20 WHITBY, ONT. .--Claremont or district daring clearance Sale • • • Green Rover recent years. • • The president, Mrs Kilpatrick, was hostess to a splendid IFomeny of tiubbeis, Underwear, � s � • • Basket Factory Institute meetingon Wednesday 'sweaters, Shirts., Mitts Manufacturers of last. There was a very full pro :z gram which was IistNned to atten- —' and Socks. - nde''of cal All ki Fruit Baskets, Berry tively by the.unusital large num. Crates, Farmer,.;, Bushel : her in attendance. Those taking Men's jumbo knit sweater coats, Baskets, Clothes Baskets. part were Mrs. (Dr.) Tomlinson, caruel and red, reg, 3.50; for 2.20 who gave a paper on "Slighting a Penman ribbed all wool under- Frank Pennock, fine.Art," which dealt with the Rear, reg, 1.50, at 1.19 Proprietor homemaker: getting rid of dust ShirtQ, military flannel, plain Maker of the well known I* not the highest.' sake merciful or checked, reg. 1.50, for 98c Barnes'Baskets, _ to yourself for the Qake of those - -Phone Jiarkham 6409 in your borne. Mrs. Loyst brought Mena Socks, all wool, per pair 25c • before meeting some phases of Mitts and Gloves, reg. 1.50, legislation, some of which dealt -for ... ... 75c and 984 - .with mental defectives. illiterate, neglected children, Mother's Al. GROCERIES loivance, Liquor Control Act, Quaker 3 minute oatmeal, • pop;yl,TMIVsrr;J licensing of pool rooms, sale of • large package 25c , • .'cigarettes to minors, ringing of pastry Flour, 24 lb. .. 59c 4 . curfew bell etc,. Mrs. -Rawson Good Dairy Butter,lb. ..: 28cILL gave a report of a part of her trip Matches, 3 bores 25ch through the Western Provinces, Sunkist Oranges, pef�-oz.. 20c • • ' K speaking of the different cities, peas, 3 cans ... ,.. 25c • Winni peg. Saskatoon, Prince Al w bort, Edmonton, Grand Prairie Dates, 3 lbs. 25c i Tea, Crown Blend 38c, - ;and Hudson E{ larger motor:It is faster, C ;and their different features. All Eight has a ' ,along there are good roads, good Tomatoes, large tin, 2fo'r:.. 23e more powerful,quicker in traffic,surprisingly economical - - SA00ls, hospitals, hotels, stores t It has individual new beauty—arid Rare Riding Com- 1 pl i�cood crops. A good musical F IN G D S fort. Bodies are insulated against drumming and dr-its. 'y program was give consisting of a Head-room and t_3-roan are greater. Docr9 are •.eic_r. violin solo by Miss Mar Forsyth Perfect comfort is every seat—no crowding. These area } and a vocal solo byy Mrs. D. A. Lower Price Store few of the r;uala;:features in this Greater Hudsca Eight Scott, with Mrs. Caskey as aceom• Pianist. The successful valentineWhere Ouallty COIICt$ t Sold and Installed by n conteatanto were Mrs. Gleeso , FRANK 1 PROQSE Mi+a C. Underhill and Mrs. R. E. I CLAREDdaNT ONT - ' Forsyth., 1 'Ross, An -:s & Gartshore Co., Ltd,, Oshawa, Ont, l'tcsEe>are — orrrAXa �� y;:J .- ..,,.,.,G.., . ..,..-.:.bzr. :_.,'..:....'..-;. ..< _.t.'.,,,,, Air• 1- - t1ass n ! -7773711-77777�' w � � 7. Nr .,y , . '.k .s--' s '••}-•'�`-,,,•;,;:m,,, i•,c ,. -, ^•r•nf. ''R •,- w s n+: n i r ♦. I • n : T 1• _ .. -1tr•^..ig4U•M ' .i .. t.. +.. aYOt-^'":�'.^�sr• M1'iMN'.Vm�G+biI3,•MA` r M ,tt<. ?.'•nl.+^•YC•wfr'f:rn�',•�Ycl•♦.A-•ftf�'1Nrn'M.'1t_ .4"�9i r- .. .. ......• _. .,x„t•«w,N.•w•,•r.�• .:arn++w��--y.�;• raae�.,rn..�;•r•,s�•�.:�eyw^i wnme' rx,-- �wrt?.m. L : The contract aoecifles that ts,ould ��/ _���r �$ Of _-- a b payments o1 cite deferred d n cuts /fZ(; not be made on the dat?s and in the manner specifitt', then, at his op.icu. Af ing w0 _ 3Sr. Wilkins may declare the contract #04y null and void, in which event I3 grey 3 1 agrees to abandon any and all r:gl•ts wQfahk'Dog SWTTEE - ■ �� under the con�ract, the cattle rover: i' to Mr. Wilkins and any sums hitheitri Well, buys auj girls, so mauy queer headed her out into the wind. Per- - so aid on account:are to b_ retaine3 by things have happened to us while lly- haps It we had known all the adven• flRA�i�E i-1-6s as an& for :Agreed- tigtzidat-I t+; aouut. e "' b s ng to meet we�vould PEKOE ! BLEND damages few tnon•hs, t'rat we Just have to tell never haft made the trip at all For ! While my clicr.t is Wane .too w-el,l!you the story of our adventures, you know, while it's lots of fun to read ng inadvertently, done Some day, Perhaps you'll fly, over 'of adventures, actually havittt; them pleased at havi ;i 2E3 business with n total stranger with st+•+ttge couutrie too; countries-filled sometimes is not all its' cracked up to : --- , —whose credit and financial rating,he is with savage tritres be—and you often—yes, eery uftea— in ignorance, but for whose eloquence uud. .wild animals, wish that you were in'some nine sail► _ � salesmanship and personal magnetism and a thousand In* place instead. `�r�� �>r0>� ��e garden,, he has the utmost reverence, neverthe- terestiag things Once in the air, a Platie h sat hard less it is my opinion that were he to one never dreams to drive. In front of the pilot's seat sue to .have the contract set aside he .. of while sitting at -- - home: I!s ifie cIiMf-control lever known as — I could not susta'n his suit. Inasmuch ,,��� the "stick." It is not ;a very hard ---- - ---'--"' as he sold at his own price, he will , Perhaps you'll fly be satisfied if the deal goes throug;l. 4 above the clouds I name to remember, but it Is a sure at tftnea and-look enough important piece of the Pane s I wlthaut a hitch—particularly in vie'N i down on them til•I JVhen i pull the stick Coward toe, it -' Y of your statement that if there shou.d lowing and rolling lifts the horizontal fins ou.t e tail ofGrin I be a hitch you will be glad to take th^1 beneath the wings of.your planei just 1 the plane, and causes the nose to .push Thc deal yourself.. i like a'big sea of gold and silver in the!up into the air. When I push the goTrivatur :� the > For you}, information copy of sunrise; and away down below you'll stick from me, it pulls the fins down, r; I contract of purchase and sale is On. gee great fleets of warships in their and of course pulls the Plane Clown + closed herewith. I harbors, so far down that they look C too. The foot levers work the rudders t �fcer readin that contract the king at the extreme tail of the piano. When ' B PETER B. KYNE g like toy boats floating'on the rim of Y eat lung in silence contemplating t'ic t push the one to the right, the plane ` carpet• is _,.then has backed fan a n - he right—when 1 pu-0.to the 'bathtub At other times you'll fly over black tut -ns'to t to his Tast dollar, but—it isn't left, the plane goes to lire lett. It's -- - ---- — '— `"- -• _�.__ _ ._r .- Ctropica2 forests and follow the white — enough," he ruminated. "N-)t by three track 'of Zinktxown livers under the oxalis like steering a car, only You. CHASTER 1S\�.—tCont'd.) to his of the 8th ins-. and has place!i hundred and some odd thousand j Ii do it with your feet instead. A round ' The king thumbed a Hush-torten!in my hands his oi�i>u•al cunt wits I dollars. What Burne an- to do is light of a huge bright moon—wonder•, I Kenneth $urr.ey Find pre telegram i d y.pl ` full Pls,ttgerous forests- where croca-1 clock on the instrument lwarPl tells .and summoned his vice-prea,dent and i t•om the latter, a espy of which i to Opel lite on margin." After makin: dtles lurk in the swamps and tiger, Itoe how fast 1 am going—at,othPr Celia arsistart goner 1 manager. r enclose. ,the second payment he will sell His and bears hunt ,through the livelong rm -how high up 1 am in rhe air So --You let those Wilkins cattle•g'-( i contract to some big operator. Ind-ed,1 night, whlle bhie faced monkeys I sort see it's all easy enouF h v') en you g After reading this telt-Al 11 yo'+ _ e«ay from you," he charged. "Why•'' he may even try to self it to me. I s"•tns; and jabber [n the trees. ::et used to it—like tuts o:' titins, drat lief ufferkthe cattle for sal, will agree with mt that if Burney "Six r.onths hence those cattle w'll look hard at first. _ -Because ! E You'll see these things, and a thouk Gould E has seemed to repre.-,ent himself as the i he worth not lees thsn five ltdlars a and more, and of course you'll want to A+ iia sew until our representative had time to I agent cf you,r conipar.y, such repregen I Lead more than rte paid for them.— !t«•11 the boys and ghis you know all I over the toot- get there and inspect the herd. I war+t.ti,n is implied rather than exprei-s-I t nd as a sweetener Burney will ha'.e ahout your adventures, just like I am hills. 'un seen• busy and couldn't ga. and our cattle ed' Fie does not, even remotely, refot tf.is year's c•a!ve• free—prolonlAy aboa:• going to tell you mine, Cy b e c u m e b yet to the 'purchase of the rattle hp an '.%lost of the boys and glrl� I krtuw u was sick with flu. I felt Wil-C t,,;rty-fire hu -ed beau. He'll sell C mr,;P bP•:,tt}tut. k,lns would kerV hk word." one oth5r !Kan hiinsclf, but in signing. ;hose later a? long yearlings and at call me Captain Jimmy. R•hlle my i NVoodell slopes, •'t)h. deli, it's too bad. lti'c.shvuld his te,egtam he added the lire "31an good price. es, sir, the bo is goo:, o 01 ravines, e g � y real name Is Captain Jam?e fiarwntth I are had that herd." ager E! RaneP.lt yivsio:. Th's 1 to make %rm- nicl,.ey--anal ••r•tircly 'It NPwberry, only the,grown-ups call mP f.t and here and j — ve tarth to some papers on his +. ight be under tow! ns merely klerti• tnv-expen,.( Within the year wedding :that. %Ve fly a.Vickers plans. By we, ;�.� tl:PrP an open q desk, indicating by thea action th t: Eying F,im4elf and g:v;ng �i Wilkir4i bills will ting for him and stories and i mean Scottie and myself, Scottie I i""• alley where J tthe interview µas terminated, insofar a clue to his standing in the cattle, I will lit left h:)'ding the sack•" one of those plain whi,%kery dogs' tap I o u e i Y busineaa, although I feel quite certa'n! 'cabin of some homesteader or pros- ss his inferior was concerned. But it on hit desk cAemfnr he mFde vara-Iknowu as Scotch Tet•riers. IIe looks' ass fat frons a finished matter in ti,, he added ibis 'identifying lire for th I fol rt,.• of the laic Ken Burney'e Ilk,, an animated bath. brush, and lie pector showed half In the cover of the ;,land of King Bardin. `ole purpose of adroitly inculcating ir•; paymcnti to Dan Wilkins were du ha; never won a blue ribbon or a.prixe; i woods. Then shadows began to make H14�iajeaty the mind of 1dr, Wilkins the erroneons i patches on the sunlit roantry belov*— wired Dan V%'r:l.ins thLt l and then piocec':fed to f,> tthe nra' y'pt, for sheer personality, he a dog 7ientseth Barney was not ercn in the imprca,,,on that when he should arrive tEi• "how all by himself. the shadows of gathering clouds. to trade for the cattle it would be it-0 Scottie is the fir-t mail- and the scottle, seemed to sense something errploy of the Bardin Land and Cattle I Kms•; Bunrey wot htz atcond parmrnt' f orripany, hari:•g resigned a week pre ti,P repr(aentative of your tompam�'1 of S2t1fl,W0 on the W';Iki• ? ep..t.tle, .as;crew—and what a crew he makes.1w oag and pawed at my flying suly. - viuus; that prior to his rtrsignatio+, with whom Mr. Wilkins has done mue ,.the kin„ was %pry curtful to tc�* i Anyway, I found Scottie a•ben he was i as clogs do -beu trying to draw your ? Iwwpver, Burney had heeri the general pleasant trading; in the past, .,, t.on: also he had paid Dan 1�;lk;••a only In-t about six a eek, old, and he,attention. Then suddenly "puff" a ]Zranager of the Et Ranchito divizidn Mr. W+lkinc Mforno he that at : and his oc,wboys tNir wagea rcrularly land i just took LD each other. l-ou}g�of alnd-struck na-then another 1H e requested Dan Wilkins tc• forw�ard time, while at she latter's ratich, didl ^.,d had prorid,d fund,, fur Ill in..;. know how-"h 1` Boiiietimevs a dog;aud another, Then a rata srluall hit n1,-it strife consistent will: the Int' Mr. Burney,directly or indirectly, rep- iiental expense conn.•-tcd. u':th the jurat adopts you. ondontZZny-hlm."u'—and in a moment we were,in the ter,, p1,.asure, copies of all communi- resent himself as the agent of your' + '6e Wck, you. Scottie Just got used ,.enter of the meanest storm you ever I herd. The pric^ of M f having :,.• cations received from Burnty, a cup;, company.- Having assumed that he ` vanced two cents in the interim, the ,to rldlag around with me so i couldr, , ma a•,-the old ship rocking and tossing _ -cation contract and any further in was your agent, it never occurred 'n�king d:ic•ided it iva•: •+ow Lim. to Ly,;c'keep him out of the plane. From the' fo-mAtion that might tend to convict -Mr Wilkin*m doubt his own assump- hen Burney up anti trade him out of (lay of my flat•ride be has gone every.the,1-1ke a boat in an angry sea—the sky of losing darker eters minute—arid the _ the said Burney of operating uncle: tion or quest+on Burney regarding hi-, his contract. Surcic he would be fore- where'w tib me—all over Canada., Eur.�ralit coming down in sheets amid the Sa1Ke pretenses. Further, t.e advised authorit Burney gave my client a o e and even Africa, blinding stab of blue lightning. Then, y. ed to Ir go trove; with it nlc protl: l op el Wiikinl not to de the cheq`it• cashier cheque for $50,000, made iv tet hand he would, the kine rcaanne#i,i , r o tae right wing dipped crazily and the Barney had given him until assure i favor of himself and endorsed by hill bt, glad to do yo• A!so, EIin yajeat� It was a filne brteht taroruing when plane began to slip sideway+ ' " 'by competent legal ahthority .hat it G: ?41 r. W ilkin4: the latter deposited j knew that within six months, he. the we pulled'the old Tickers out of her . +he salt of his cattle had tern induct the cheque the day he drove Mr. Bu-I king, would be able to turn the entire I hangr.r,tt the Calgary flying iletd, anti tTo be continued next Th(u'sdaY1 by -fraud and fal,e representation it rcy into town to catch the snuthbountl;}erd at a profit of ten-dollars a hes.'. "-- - -- •- --•-- — 7. could be :;wt aside; in which event the train and it was r+ut until his return; So he got on the trail of his Victim 9 #p Baruin Land and Cattle ( e cats a to the rwith that'he rney eyed he hnd��,y w•,•iiing him in care of his father. G Q,� Choe 7alV Ma ted Milk ,could be glad to purchase the cattle traded with 31 r. Burney as an ind;-i Promptly Burney wired him that thei 'J - + - tt the. same_ar piAsible a `iightir idu:rl rather ''.an >+a the agent of kubj+ect broached Ili his letter of --t -- - 1r igher figure and pay cash. you: romt�any-- �a via ,t o€ interes es to him. _ Tom..health- Toil.- Wig, de.{felons drink for children and grown His Majesty salted tot if Mr. Burney employed a- certa,r• -That fellow certainly beats sty! - - g g time," His 1fajPsty decided. "Well.it ups- Pound and Half Pound tins at your grocer.` ' Dan Wilkins' reply_ When it catre i' mrasure of uk( in conrurnmatin, th;a was from the Matter's attorney and deal with Mr W,Ili ina, he certa'r:y f he'll have 'tit do come tall financing inIran: wag imbued w;a: an ardent desire to I the next six months, and if he fails - 11 crotect y'it': V%:ih'n- in the event he Old Man and Wife North Africa Tries - _ Lesr lir• .�xrdin; "� - 1 I make connections elsewhere he'll protu- �I client 31r, Ilan"fel Wilkins ba I .should find h n-elf +:sable ► go abs offer to 4„11 me n half interest in /'�_� r�• Y , referred to me your telettrau+ in reps throut;,h w•;th tti Pleas a- I`a ':,n' A,';: the deal. Well, if he.does, he'll he t:.j The youthful year, ;Ike revelers long .,+�JLt Citrtlt; rruitf - _ - a position where I can do the dictat-1 gone' Parte—France Is - activPfy c:scour. nsr. By Judas, I'll succeed yet in i = Grove taint upon the sepses. Now aping landholders of Morocco, Al- know _ ' ,m into oin tr,! they -erla and Tunisia In the production • work for we.” that comes whw of citrus fruits, with the ex.pe^tat , . s goCalifornia of Iter • e recompense young hear of making another Calttornl CHAPTER 7iSa�I. The gift of 'lPn(e on a sun flecked north African possessions. lawn. Algeria was first of lire French A � D \ev«ttlteless, as the time for mat l = posses,afons to plant citrus fruits, but ing the remaining.payments fell due; They spend an hour with evening . i `t ken Burney resolutely;'failed to ma-I to Tunisia and Morocco to a great ez when the tall I tent have overcome this advagtage terialize, The next thing the king Gaunt cedars yield their 'shadows, by adopting American methods, stn H U IRT yt knew, Burney had relieved Dan Wil- lean and gray, - pitying American horticulturists and . i' ,' kins of his job and taken over the And rise to meet the sun who comes• planting American trees. management of the herd himself. And,% to call f Tunisia has .brought from Cali- i } although the king had him watched Each morning, like a friend across fornia Prof. R. W. Hodgson of Berke- very erke- ver• carefully, it appeared that Bur- b y the say. ley, well known borticulturlat, for a rey had not, as yet, disposed of a , single cow. years work, and Morocco recently ZI TORK won't wait fora They who have grown too viae for any sent an agricultural and engineering �/�/ headache to wear off. "He'c financed himself and is doing; speech, mission to the United States to Don't look for sympathy at the sensible thing—holding his herd," Who'ftel a peace too deep or joy or study American irrigation and or• t such times, but get some— Hi Maje,ty decided. "The e9lves he I pain, chard methods. The delegation got free with the trade he will sell 9s Know there is nat.hing more the world Aspirin. It never fails. _ brought back a masa of information two-year-olds; he has a new calf crop cr-n `.each which now is being put into use in Don't be a chronic sufferer and a big one and he'll grow that out Than what is learned In shadow, from headaches or any other year's calves are wind and rain. southern Morocco. and as soon as this pain. See a doctor and get at weaned he'll clean up." the Cause. Meantime, don't ? The king sighed dismally. All of And so, where lilacs brood and roses I his well-laid plans had, indeed, gone c,::1'r , play martyr. There's always l I quick comfort in Aspirin. It by the bolt,-, and he was in hourly Over a m ss-green roof,they sit and k fear 'that some young fellow who watt ,i �f•' a o 71ever does any harm. Isn't it ` �'t < co idn't tail a calf might induce the foolish to suffer an needless p ` a A dark remembered hand 'upon the a l Y I ri cess to m,:ry him. He reflu•+a' 1 pain? It may be only a simple bitterly on his purchase of the Bur- As for gae old foetid gone a long, long _ headache, or it may be neu- Hey ranch. He had paid_a stiff price alwa s to be relied;on 7 for t`mr aalgia or neuritis. Rheumatism. y or that ranch an,%} he }wished he breaking u ids, - '� ,� •'-`' —Anderson M. Scruggs. Lumbago_ Clspitilit i sti the , g ads .. He was relieved, therefore, -- �` "tensible thilig to take, TheBuy' the = bOx . that says C when his general counsel called him is hard an ache or aizt these As irin't and � has � Genuine up one day and told him he had re- Y Y P P OLD THOUGHTS "Diggs is intimate with many of s — tablets can't relieve;they area printed in red. Genuine Aspirin ceived an offer for the $ui Hcy ranch great comfort to women who tablets do not depress.the of fifteen thousand dollars less than There Is nothing good in man, but the city officials." suffer periodically;tothe are heart. All druggists. the king had paid for it. his young feelings and his old' "Yes, but not so closely allied as '» Y gg fir,'•may "Nothing doing," His Majesty de. thoughts.—Joubart. , to place him under suapicion." aided. "Sell it for what I paid for — _ ty— , • . it, but nota cent more•" (To b-concluded.) Toronto.—An educaticnat institute In Great Britain have only S+8 out of • �a every 100 people have telephones. In will be sponsored here this spring by AS P . .1' 1 N1 America the proportion is more than 1n Berlin they fine drivers for the Victorian Order ;of Nurses with four times as great. a view to promotbig a better tinder- .t TRAofrMARK Rtecs. splashing people on the curb. It standing a! Maternal Care. A coarse comes under the head of reparations. of demonstrations will be given. ISSUE No. 9—31 w. liade In Cantina Buffalo Courier Ezpresa. -c _ J Me Fires. Burn Beneath Son" Eighteen Years' Riker's Island, Smoldering by Nearl' Two Decades', Does y 'alai ad"J10y's Not Compare With Blaz- C ca "'T,a CP Coal Field DW&RDSBURG an egg to one cup of sour or butter- New York.—Excavatlous_for the, make milk and combine this with the, dry new penitentiary , o* Riker's Island-, Lots of good times together mixture. Add two cups of huckleber. New York's penal colony in the Hell for mutual understanding, sympathy t flea or blackberries or raisins. Fill Gate neighborhood, brought to light a where the dishes are 'and love. The children who go on from homes baking powder or coffee cans halt full gain the other day the seemingly everlasting Are that burns at his �washed and wiped�together,where the of his batter and steam four hours. heart. Whether actually everlasting Serve In slices with Nord sauce or CORN ?� AX%WZW whole family helps make garddn� build 1,whipped cream. Black walnuts may or not, the lire already.has a long run s nearly 2drrise recipes thown x Asti pondo read aloud, gather around ..Vits famous Recipe Book c*ntaln ce to its eighteen from 75,M received from all parts of Canada. 7%ey or*ondorsad the piano and sing, sit by the fireplace lip added it desired. credit.' it started by one of Causda's foremost food experts. Be sure to enclose years ago and has been smoldering and listen to the radio, toast marsb- to cents in sumps or.coin to cover nudlini costs. twenty-five some =allows, play games together, and Edwardeburgh Tarts away e-ver--since, feet'heneatfi thesurface where build- ————————- an ,often go out for a picnic or off on 3 eggs. I cup corn syrup, 1 tb. lugs are reared and prisoners tend Nam. excursion together—how rich are vinegar, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 tb. but- those children In sweet memories! ter, tap. salt. Combine all ingredl_ gardens and pigs. Addt. They will establish lovely homes For the past two years the Street cuts and pour into unhaked crusts. Cleaning Department, entrusted with The C.JLNADA STARCH CO., Limited mo:s-rREAL .of their own and pass the family fun Sprinkle grated nutmeg on top and the 'making of the Wand, has been' 'along. They will make our best citi- bake In moderate oven until firm in tens, fall of good will and co-operation centre pumping water into the rfibbish heap and fine ideals. Not many divorces there through a series of pipe tines at the rate of 1,600 gallons a minute, ti will come from homiia where there is Hints vlenty of fun. but as yet the Are shows no signs of Do you g,4ther the children around When putting raisins through the dying out. And some people go so d tell them stories in.the twi. food chopper, dip the chopper In boil- far as to wonder if such a consuma- you an tug water first and they will not gum tion Is to be desired. For when the light! Do you load them into the car e a Itkt u' I F oo d -and spend a day or two by some rip- up the works. atmosphere of Manhattan is frigid pling lake? Do you take them home Put In envelopes and label the odd and forbidding, Riker's Island basks . .. . . 4W to Grandpa's or holidays. keys from trunks and suitcases and In the semi-tropical warmth that Have you a work-bench In the base- other locks about the hoi4sehold, and comes up through the &oLl:'and twice K R A F T .,=eut or garage for Father and the you will not lose them nor have diffi- a year vegetable crops of unusual boys? And someone suggests a culty In telling which belongs to, luxuriance are brought forth from the Cheese is rich in cal- It "studio corner" in which mother and *bIch. tepid eart cium, phosphorus a To preserve and brighten the colors City Fires Usustly Short and body-building vit. daughters may study and work 0 ,home beautification and art in dress. In wash dresses, use In the wash water Besides. a fire with such a record Is sunin:5. It is the most r a tablespoon of salt to each quart of How happy and rich 'and sweet on something to boast of in itself. Not highly concentrated home life can be, If only we take time water, and add vinegar in the same many cities are so distinguished; source of highest. thought to sharing it with one proportion to the rinse water, Rome burned in A night: the Great ity protein known. For 0 Do not try-to rub mud off your shoes -t.include another and all plunge together Tata `Fire of 1666 consumed London in a balanced di, t or garments until it is dry, when it -it take some, family stunt. My own happiest three days and no longer did Kraft cheese with every s, will brush off easily. While wet, it childhood memories are when It was the conflagration started by Mrs. 1, meal. clings and rubbing only works It Into Trutt canning time and the whole O'Leary's cow to wipe out Chicago. family would sit around peeling the the fabric. Made in Canada City fires are mostly like that. Con- peacLiea or pitting cherries. 'What marvelowi visits and witticisms Back Travel trol methods brought Immediately in- PFti to play soon have them in check, or paqed around, or perhaps one mem-, A ple"ant way for the stay at.;at worst they quickly burn themselves ber of the family read aloud some won- homes to enjoy the winter evenings i k,��, RAFT CHEESE I out for want of something else to con- fa novel, while the rest were busy is to take a course of reading on sume Away from 'congested centres, with their bands. Mack by the "m of Kraft Sled Dressing and YoNetts travel. The librarian will outline your I however, neglected fires of seemingly study and help you select the books.1 little Importance often get 'a hold that Household Finances With no expense at all and with your)enables them to last indefinitely. Women spend eighly-five .per-cent. own comfy bed to sleep in every alight I I measions. the city appropriated 314.- What New York Forest and prairie Area sometimes 90 1 000 to light It. A huge ditch was cut of t" monei, earned. Most of this you may indulge in the romance of on for weeks and weeks, and certain 1 from •a storm drain and pumps were visiting India. China. Egypt, Alaska— --h Wearing ispending is haphazard—what the types of industrial fires also have &Anstalled. and the first big rain was boosewiN happens to see and wants land wherever you please. name for longevity An Ignited- Oil dlirerted Into the smoldering area. .am she strolls down the avenue and 1 A bi-product of such study would be well, for example, has limitless POS' The bog proceeded to hiss, steam and BY ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON look4 into the .4, fir a wider knowledge of the _11onp 14 -of -S�iejp wiftdaw� she - the world and a greater appreciation Not long age Oklahoma' throw muid geysers; Out all In vain. Illustrated Drrss,,oaking Lesson Fur. fancies' which her neighbor Itas City was Fire hose was attached to the pipe • !bought. or what she reads about In Of the brotherhood of man. treated 'to such a fire, which con* lines and streams of water forced in- nished It '-h wtvery Patteft !the zitiver1l,,ementrand thus conceive, sumed 35.000 cubic feet of gas a min- to every Assure until the last ember a desire for. Easy Washing ute and flared so brilliantly that news- died OUL A wiser method of disifieusIng—and Washing dishes is much easier. If Pa-PerA could bo* read by its light The coal fields-pres-ent perhaps the saving—me family income would be there are two persons doing it, and i three miles away, The Are lasted for longest fire records. of all. Compared iLG budget it. The bpdget enables the they sing and play a game or joke four days: it might have gone for with some of them Rikers' Island -houqewite to allot &,due proportion to and have pleasant conversation to. much longer had not experts blasted seems ab more enduringly ignited than the various needs of the household gether. For that reason It 6 a good It with dynamite and so diluted the a -flue.- Recently theer was another and not to expend, by chance, for the stunt to pile up the dishes for two flame area with carbon.dioxide to outbreak of a Hocking Valley fire that Sr-i call and to find ber-self short when meals and do them when help comes shut off oxidation. has lasted almost bait a'ceatury. . A later demands arise, It makes the to the rescue. A few. years ago, Los Angeles ex group of disgruntled strikers set fire .cloth cover the whole garment and a Are In its neighborhood tingulabed to the old Plummer mine near Straits- not leave It minus one sleeve. It fare- The Fish Bowl that.had been going on for two years. ville Ohio, in 1884, then went on to casts necessities and so puts a curb It.was a peat bog' fire like the one that seven others, and the -end of their in- I To be attractive the fish bowl must on temporary fancies. It apportions burned for a week two Summers ago The kept clean. •Wash the outside fie- cendiariant Is not yet seen. -is regular aura, constantly, for saying. quently and occasionally turn the fish'between Flushing and Jamaica. In the bfine flies are usually put 'out by iand thus provides that the bank ac- latter itntance firemen began immedi- closing the mouth of the mine and al- "count shall grow uninterruptedly. It out Into a pan of water and give the i ately to Dump water Into the waste. inside of the bowl a good washing and lowing the flames to smother, but in makes for fairness to the whole family, but in the Los Angeles case months this district there are too many op -.xiot favoritism to the most Insistent. a fresh supply of water. . were lost while the municipality in lIngs; and so the flames continue it puts first things first and non-essen- strutted the owners to quench the eat their way through the underground Kials in the background. Mrs. 'Salomon Says: "burning' earth," and the owners passages, fed by an accumulation of I time fun time. So You denied their responsibility In the face natural gases. Make mea . by the .-Fresh Air sleeping will aid digestion, sweeten family ties, of an "act of God." Finally, A Kentucky cowl mine fire went on fifteen Tourists and sleeping porch addictsbuild character, and store up priceless time the fire, burning from or more than 100 years and was --irua to shelter when wintry's obillt memories for your children to carry,.thirty feet beneath the, surface, be quenobed only when 'a near-by' river ng _f a_B - spread to slx-limes its original dI* into the shaft. blasts appear. It is'probably we TL into the world. spi since outdoor bedding gets frightfully cold and damp, It left out on the steel),- Machines and Horses Only Woman ''!ng-porch day and night. It is better to have It indoors where the bedding Montreal Patrte: One of the richest farmers in the .:Weat—Richard Bal- will warm when the room is closed horn of Wetaskiwin, Alta.,—predicts by day and where It will remain dry. • he p. the substitution of the horse for t But this Coes notmean that we must tractok on all farms, as the means bre;kthe stuffy indoor air. The wise of bringing back the prosperity of plan is to turn.oft the beat; pack the former days to agriculture. He cal- radiator or cover the register; and fi culates that 18,000 tractors are In open the windows and-let the breezes use in Alberta, replacing the 108,0Q0 blow through the room. . The bead 096 i :A_ horses which'used to consume eight should be-covered with a warm, cap J and a warm foot-blanket may be million bushels of oats a year. -He travel in motor asserts that farmers tucked In by your t ootale wootales. It cars at greater expense in order to is important to have plenty of bed- go at greater speed, but after gain- Paris-advocaies color contrast. And ding underneath you as well as over ii -in his journey to town, z Ing an hour there isn't anything smarter than the you and to have It wide enough to e finds himself with a whole lot more black and white theme carried out in It .cover itte edges well. hours to kill, tLis chic model of flat crepe. .Package Goods It's adorably lifinple.' You'll like the 4 slimness created by the cross-over One by one bulk goods is disappear- black accented with ing from and peplum bodice, our markets package buttons and shoulder flowers. goods is taking their place. The pack- designed Style No. 2996 is for sizes, age method has many advantages.The 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches goods is ilkely the be cleaner, requir- bust, Ag lose handling; the contests keep It's perfectly stunning too in black better aid are free from foreign =a- and yellow tweed mixture With plain terials and insects. In sterilised pack- yellow qontrast.' It may be worn now ages, with airtight,wax coverings it is and is an advanced idea for Spring. amazing how long cere&U wM keep 7. -idid combination is Another sple ftee from insect Invasion, even printed crepe silk used for the entire through the hot season. With reliable dress with plain blending shade crepe goods, we are assured sixteen oances cuffs and buttons. the pound In package goods. Bet- HOW TO ORDER-PATTERNS qualities are now usually found In Write your name and address plain. tekage torn. ly giving number and size of such 7 "Whatever Is worth doing at al Ts as you wont, Encloss 20c in 'Indian Pudding to worth doing well." p r In (coin preferred; wrap or Po -thirds Nina stns )a Mix two cups of oornmeal,two Riabtzova-Demrae, geographer and wife of Ivanov, noted "You wouldn't feel that way it ilt carefully) for each number, and ;Cup of dour,*�half cup of brown sugar, 11110TIet Arctic explorer, Is only woman in Soviet expedition on barren you were the one that was being address your order toWilsonPattern ♦ tiosap"a e44 of salt and sods,, Add Yran Josef LAL&d la Are" done." Service, 73 West Adelaide St.,Toronto. Fires t- IW" BPA" 0.1A 4 ................ .e. .w'i : i F.,.,. -.;.'. S..tri.-. :..,.,• ,. r..W.'L' 4'' '' u 7Y*.iq TWI a:. Jw Aq $•P ,.:<.' rel. :,:,:�. 'w.. .?« •,y. •.,w" �m ,h =r+•' � 5a v •p, ,-+ c e . r ....,,.-,.R'a,.., '. '{n .n ,,,_. ...,..�}•' p'. .. ,.,,._ - .. .,w-,:. 4... 'y..! I*h'4�.r '..ff,,. Y' •"k,� N ::1 8:d:,il:. �4 t . '. . ,.. . • .3..10'V. , • ry LOT-n� ,t T.7Q�$. -John T. Stephenson tae;been -Radio Lic�mses may be obtainelf li3.Ji'';�, 000iioed%o his bed suffering from from W. C. XurlpLr, at the News. Ce Iagrippe, but is now up and still Office. � ) P. C . ' Rion -Frank PFoase is laid off duty �� weak. 13-Burn, on Tuesday, Feb. 10th, �/ etstf Franring from a ver acute bead. -John S. Balsdon was in the in the' Oshawa General Hospital, -hire. Robert Got n.of`irand. h city for a couple of days last week to Chris. and Mrs. Fair, a 8010. attendisR the Hardware Men's -Mrs. Joseph Cowan and dau• + St., we are sorry to say, is not p Convention. which was- held in ghter, Marie, have returned from In Men's Winter Q ..improving h4 health. the Royal York Hotel. a two. weeks visit with Buffalo inter Underwear, 13�i1'tB, -Mrs.G. R. Whitby entertain- -Mrs. T. Tanner returned home and Uteveland friends. Caps, Heavy Rubbers ed a number of lady friends from - a dronu on r of la Tuesday-last. __ 'week,.after ependiDg a few _hr sr _ - --s -The township council will months visiting relatives Iii—Rog. Dentist. Office to residence, two W ine�b-rea ers etc. lea- on Mondaywnship nest for rile land, her native home. She re- doors east of St. Andrew's church, „ "tirtaasaction of sneer!business. Ports a most delightful holiday. pk�g, offLce•hours, 9 a. m. to -Edgar and Yrs.Andrew outer. 6 pp. m� Daily, and.Evenings by up- -Mrs.W J. bek spent several tained a cumber of friends to a poirtt;w (X-ray service). �1 t drys last;A4 io'Toronto visiting dance os Tneaday evening in b000r -The Women's Institute mst at 'New 'Spring ►guitings of Tip Top 1 aildr � bar sister in., Mrs. O. ilooper• of Miss ALgnee McKelvie. who the home of Mrs. J. Draper orf -Wm. and Mrs. Stork,of Belle• Sailed on Saturday.February 21st. Q :+rills, spent Sunday with the y' Tuesday. when a very interesting and Semi Read i )Ei O. and Mrs. for Scotland. session was held. )!dies Elizabeth — formera parents. -The of the darty on Richardson Rave a papar on the are now , Stork. automobiles by the Sennet Gov' i8torieal Research of our own -S. and Mrs. Linton, of Arcola. ernmeat will, it is expected, hal ommunity, bringing to light ' Bask., who are visiting friends is the unemployment .situation in many interesting facts of pioneer -' Ontario, are now visiting friends Canada. Oshawa expects that days in and around our village, CROCERy SPECIALS in Pickering. many men will return to work in and the absent memberp missed a -L K. and Mrs. Devitt and the General Motors. daughter, Isabel, spent Saturday -W. E N. Sinclair, M P. P. for rare treat. The Welfare Com. 4 Tine Of Tomatoes, 23'e , 450 with Mrs. Devitt'8 parents, mittee gave a report of their work P & G sob -7 bare a 25c H. South Ontario, who is Liberal during the past month in helping Pr and Mrs. Mechin, house leader in the legislature,is sit needy families. Through prase Clarks Pork and Bea218, 3- tins 250 --Mies M. Draper, of Toronto, meeting with some very favorable and radio, constant eppeala are =Tea special 1 lb , _ 3� • and pupil of Ferrari Fontana, criticism from both parties.and a ' - -- -- - assiated the choir of the United being (nada for help this year,for Cold Medal Coffee, 1 lb 590 Church °n Sunday very high (.compliment was pair! those in our towns and cities, and : ur number of local Masons at him by Premier Henry we are apt to overlook those of _ tended the ann+fal visit of the D, -At a meeting ofithe local Chau our own neighborhood, who ;Radio LicenRBs Issued. ted M. a Composite Lodge l . tauqua committee this week it was through unemployment, are fac•D. _ Whitby on Monday sight. decided to permit season ticket hair difficulties. The Institute are • holders to reserve their seats for asking ever one to take stock of Fred T. Bunting - - Piekerina -Mrs. Harry Murdoch has just y t:lf b returned home, after spending a the'entire six performances at an attic and cellar avid anything in additional fee of 50 cents. These the shape of clothing, bedding, ;Established 1857. week with' her daughter, Mrs. - Kyrle Southwell. of Whitby. reservations may be made at Jones fruit. vegetables, butter or eggs -Rev. S. A. Marks, of Mexico, Drag Store. will be gratefully received and -Mrs. C. A. Sterritt. was sum wise! distributed b our Welfare in N. Y., has returned home, after y y _spendinga few days with his aged osod to Thorodate on Friday, ow. Committee, belts. Stanley Davis father,P. Marks, of Duaba'rton. ing to the death of her mother, and Mrs Edgar Andrew, The , -A number of local men are Mrs. Hobbs. who died at her Audley Community Club have me ztq daughter's residence, after a proranted 910 the Institute for re temporarily out of employment B _ . longed illaeas. The (nestsl took lief Rork, and contributions from through the Dept. of Highways - - _ - place at Btrr, north of London, reducing their maintenance staff The sympathy of the community other organs like a who may feel -.Dr. N. E. McEwen attended y they would like to help is this the Veterinaries' Convection at is extended to Mrs. Sterritt in her worth while work, will be appre- Toronto on Thursday. Mrq. bele bereavement. ciAted and donations can be left Im , Grocery elpeclale for This Week : -The following books have at the home of ,rtes Davts. /� Ewen and family also spent the recentlybeen added to the bulging 4 + Gold Medal Olives, lfl oz. jar .. _ .. 21c day in the city. r t �"�`d „ shelves of the Public Lib p t y, � . Chriatie's 3cda Wafers, 2 for• .. 23e -Those who follow Uncle Abe adult- The Runner, Connor, Now ddv�r54sena sags. and David" on the radio may Queer Judson. Lincoln; . Exit, c-'-� Red Plum Jam, 40 oz. jar 29e obtain a Copp of the Thietletawn Wright--, Ruben and Iv Sen, ANDER FOR BALE-Avory Wil• !!sews from G. R. Whitby at the Ddilo Jim, the Co10 uerorp Iiyne: �z�r Johnston, R R 1,L«tier H3'1, Phan, r Aylmer. Tomatoes, 2-18 for tic i©ld (;hutch Garage. Pi:k 100'3, +'d _ , Theaddress on Sundaynight The Htindredth (chance. Dell ; - Freak Bulk Rolled Oats, 5 lila...' ..'... ... 19C : b lilts*. Roddick is the United The diddle Temple Murtter, Flet [-AOR SALE-enw and 0 tiles, 3 yy cher ; Partners in Crime,.Christie; a" weeks old Apply E W,Evans, R R-no. �LF. 1 Lb. "Big Store" Tea and t Otlurch here was along temper• The Listenin�t Post, Richmond ;T 1, clarentont, 26 37 1 Cream Whipper for 54c l =sacs and Missionary lines and Tembarom. Barnett, From Qae• was very much appreciated. ANTE D-A quaarity of Med bar- -Tickets for the Chautauqua bee to Piccadilly, Willson; Science ley and cats. H Arpad' Pickering• ;are now on sale and may be bad and Health, Eddy; Macy Baker Phone PKI(slog Inti ' from any one of the committee, Eddy, Powell; With Lawrence i10 ORSALE-Jersev cow,b Tears old. s - fwhich includes practically every Arabia, Thomas. Juvenile-Tbe Fdue to freshen March 6th, M. Barrett. lot business la (tae villaate. Lnet Mine. Wallace; Thirty Path. 12. IS F.,Pieker►ng• The New Place oms Deep, Ellsbe , Emily of New i,. -Lloyd Courtice passed with rg r� OA SALE-2 freelf cows. 9 beavy U honor! the piano ntradactory Moon and Anne of Green Gables, horses A w.courts. R.R No.2.Clare- Moon (reprintP); Magle fur wont Phaneciane 2226, 26.2e {Rrtade at the recant v Toronto Via• Marigold. Montgomery. Advent T A V uslrvatory of Music esaminatlon>;. tares in Afebanistan ;for boys), !`OLLIE�Pp!ty PS FOR.SALE-Pure S NTO N 13e is a pupil of pias 13. Law. Thoalas. Have yon purchased pick, . Pkoae Pick�Srw.. RSR 27.2' -W, J, Mooney, who has been your new ticket yet? It means a a oonfloed to his � for several , P years reading for only fifty cent+•. T 'mt-on Saturday last. at HrouRb• :WALL wealth is now somewhat improved. Lam os t.rseowood 1Wiu.. a pair of leather His many friends are hoping for a -The United Cburch services raced mitts nearly new w H.JackWo. 26 OR SALE-9 new cream eepara PAPERS speed and a>'elpl�te recovery. on March let will be held la 9c. '1 rs. Geo. W. Barker enter. Panl's Church at the usual hours. �! tor.. will sell ror cash or on time. Price tamed a somber of lady friends The minister will condnet both reasaoab'le. Robt.Ilewtt.Brougham_24-27 to a bridge party on Tuesday services. In the evening there OTiCE-I am prepared co put up eY'8 1]j. afternoon last in aid Of the Wom will be the first in a series of 1\eave-troll k, and alwrepair eave-trough. en's Guild of St. Geor e's Church. Illustrated sermons on the life to Forpr cos apply W.Tweedie.Whitevale. Phase -L. H. Springer, wt hue bees Christ. Parente are urged to Mark 550.1 21.29 •in poor health for some time was bring their children to these even- OR SALE-A uantity of Rood i taken to the Oshawa General Hoe• in¢ services in order that they Fm,:ed ha also good dear timothy Apply ` �, paper ifoward Malcolm, lot 27, con, 6 Pickering. pita[ and on Monday underwent a may see as well as hear iTaportast Phone Mark 1626. �- rAetiolars operation. We are clad lessons draws from the life of ( �_ to know that he is now doing Jesus• Th_e public is reminded of TO RENT-On Church Sr, Pinkerinq 1 �L : . the Brotherhood BRn,%uet-._ half of brick house,including blindu and fix- %�.f t t� stilt Y inicely. y tu-M ,�,ph•- , 13 Bip:,21-a Indian Road. To- -The _ -The World's Day of.Prayer Tuesday night. MRreh 3rd, at 020. rnnto. or NEWS'office. - - _ etc Boas observed b the W. M. S. of there are only 140 tickets for sale ��,`� `"� every t,aste`} y OST-A dark frown hound pub, the United Church on Friday 90 be ettre t0 Qat yOaC tickets rfour white :cot, a months old, dark 1ea3 afternoon last in the basement of early. Rabbi Eiseudrath tyili be with awhas nose and white tip on its tail.Plea se St. Andrew'$ Church, This day the s=peaker and) MN9 Maude Hopes rsoufy R.C.Resent,RR 1,Pickering. 2G•S[! is an annuAl event when the and Mr. Tbomae, both of Toronto, TO RENT-Good brick hnuae in the TI X�^ r and Will eutertain Ile. A good time j�',ilage of Pickering. Hardwood floors,elec- � , i meet for prayer. is'assnred to all. Come an ring Richardson, 'ckering. Phone 601, 23-tf -On invitation a number of the your friends and let us make this every pocket + ANTED-Experienced boy for brethren of Ontario Lod geNo.824, last brotherhood banquet for the WANTED-Experienced farm work. i; to 20 years old. ' I. O. O. F., went to Markham on season a eneetae. a musts any Stead employment if satisfactoryJohn Wilson, 5C per roll Monday evening wnd assisted in of the Taos from Danbarton, And. R R 1, Whitby.%Phone Pick l . 26-V . p .conferring the third degree on a ley, Greenwood, Brougham. Clare. L�ARM:FOR SALE-140 acres of ts3sdidate of Markham Lodlte No. moot or Almonds to be present it land,excellent farming district,near atw• 116. After the business 'meeting with as on this occasion, Just land, Ont. Applyat N:aipsfte«�`r' `r p an oyster supper was served and one either U. S. Chapman. W. ---- _ a real good time enjoyed all. �Courtice or W. H. Westnoy and F ARIA TO RENT-97 acres ■plen• • , by they will rseerve a ace for yon, ala ham at Oshawa Harbour goon betilait�s The village on Monday wss hU aionghingg dens,now seeds. >�beeenwa Apr31 4 vidtsi b�tLe greatest number of Be sore to phone be ore Saturday la.11sasi. Apply G.D.cotm,t o.haw.. Fritz 4. H A P M A = hooss•to Mss wlesose rapers- sight. AONMC SPEAKER FOR Sale -- s r shoed this winter, and in this -Deep regret to felt in the cow. M—Table model. Walaut cotteok,dyusbk ti mat ter we cannot. this year, be munit at the untimely death of speaiter quality. Aho Mareaai Battery set.cpm• -.. � y te,installed886.00. Apply,NEWS Office.9tf - too hasty In .refusing to at desist a former resident of Pickering, -- bear the sales argument of these Mies Erma Lotton, aged 15 years, TO RENT-Brick house, 8 rooms.n?e0. Va !!loads it was and 2 ares o!lead,lot I3,con,8, Pickering THEy parts• a pupil of the Sdarboro Collegiste on Greenwood road, a mlie.and ahalf north of Au calarly noticeable that they were Institute, who was•kuockvd down the Highway. Apply to H,A. Haight, R.R 2, pot all of the tramp variety. by-an automobile and received pig ng. sa•27 -Don't forget to Hear that fatal injuries, accompanied by a HOIISE iiFOR SALE-4-roomed '�e�epl�One 4x900 Splendid drams, is three actio, companion, Helen Felstead, she eomfortablehouseinPickering village,elec- trie light. hard and soft water,opposite Town `entitled "The End of the Rain was returning home from school Halla Apply A.T,Law,Kinsale, or address R. bow,"which wilt be Riven in St. on Wednesday eveniuR last, and R,No.1, Brooklin• 23-26 : Andrew's Church this (Friday) had received a ride from a motor rVORONTO W'1g1-WASH LAIIN• (evening There are 19 characters ist. and was let off at the Scar _L DRY(Semi finish)—Let our driver call and p • 3D the play,and it promisee to be bo ro Golf Club near her home. explain our 2e hour service. Jost leave your 'Auto Repairs' Accessories,Oils 'a>� .the best of the season. Music will On leaving the antomoble, n•me•wiu an d li Davis.cBarber shoo. es f Miss will pick u➢and deliver each Monday, wednes• � . •be faruipbed between actp. Moors Felstead ran acroeftthe highway say aria Friday. rely �asUllne, Acetylene Welding. .open at 7.80.drama at 8 00 o'clock. in front of a T. T. C. hue and L•OR SALE-Dark red shorthorn : Admission, 25 cents. narrowly escaped being bit. Miss b 11,12 months old. reg'd. Yorkshire sow n • -Tho Home ar.d School Chub Lotion followed but was'knocked witbWpigs2weeks old,reg'd. Youngpigarbotb Battery Vhargings _? r sexes�4 any 5 months old, with pedigree if you - '- 2neetinR on Friday evening haat down by a car driven by Thomas w,,pAlso stock boar at a low price. Alex Gray, - proved very eucoaragitiR through Mix, of Toronto. She was rntthed Claremont, Phone Mark 810. 25-26 the large attendance, both from to the East Toronto General.Hos -Custom seed araia Repellrs made o,n all makes = Areal and surrounding sections. vital, but Clad iks a result of a Fcleaning at your barn for 3 cenU per bushel. f Mrs. R. S.McLan hiss of Oshawa, fractured skill and other Injuries, Grassi seedasso. until April IsYonly. We dnour }} elk i _ g , J work with a Common Sense mill,which ensures a 1 01 Vai 8+ ''addressed the meeting, and plans shortly after being admitted t0 ¢ood job, Sow nothing but the besf,' Raymond :"`' i ' for affiliation with the provincial the hospital. No blame is attached P,1 ey.Claremont. Phone Clare 312. 28_ a organization were prepared. The to the driver of the car, Deceased '�� ICIIELL'S BETTER OHICK9- . 3 date for future meetings was set was formerly a pupil of the Pick- MFrom an Ontario breeding station under for the third Frida evenin of erin school, w hen the famil government's hatchery approval Every bird I SPIED ER y R R y severely culled and banded and blood tested byiiLE 'each month. Refreshments were lived on the Jas. L. Palmer farm our bacteriologist. Every sig carefully handled nerved at the close of the meeting. on the second eoneessior, Bile and weighed it carr catering tato incubator. a March and April carried. Barred Rocks.18cU•, and white I•eghorns. 16 cts. 51.00 per 100 books '•Plans for the program of the .vas beighly esteemed by all who, a Pickering ' rPa ueytiTg will be announced knew hPr and her sad death hue'your order,You caa save dollars on.New Roy.' proprietor, t !!�� al e, Jam.sway brooder stave. H. G.DNie i last t glootd-over the-ealmnmzflty:iClaremont.-phworh4ark 8308. 26.17 q - ,i, ..,.._.J amu.., .� . .,..c ,.,-• ' ' :.- .. •'•• a .. _....... . .; .. .._-.. .... .. ,. ,...•.