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C°i�ervatory of, 'Music. She is a w il� As.oda�onat Ontario.Res. her, reaches, doubletrees, G �d Mrs, Masers and family, and pupil of Mrs. F. W. Gibson, of Green her of the Americas Optometrical tongues etc. Mrs. D. J. Gormley, of Toronto are wood Sstablishsd 1898 Bye. ezamiaed by appointn�t• g also staying with Mrs_. Foston. o.. , I Clatemoat:cat• Open LO bays quantity of good _ cNSRRYwoOD - �jA� RL A.GRUBIN,R.O.-Eyesight basewood and elm BALSAM, - The regular meeting of the Wom.. . . — Prices Honour graduate cr the college logs. — 1 Feed Prises g Al ot ppt�metry of Canada: Gad medatist and ens Association will be held in the �'6ift Hermanri3�'er�iti58YD 2H28-X a even Monday from s a,m. to s p. m,.iri Dr. onto,' visited visited with Judson and Mrs. Barker'■dente!office. At Stouilville from wed'• Hall ULI Thuxsday, *ug. 4th at and Fridays. � The program Committee is Mks. C. a . used sasday to iaturday of each week. Eyes examin- Ward on Sunday. W Petty and Mrs Oscar Petty. Word - ad.Glaanes 54ted and repaired. Highest quality :,Manufacturing Baskets of all 'Mrs. Kenneth Hortop and family, for Roll Call is "Fruit": Tea will be at Lowest Prices. Phone Stouff 2406. 461y descriptions. of Detroit, is visiting with James for and Mrs. Hortop.' served by the hostesses, Mrs. 'E. R. 1 _ Lagos. 'Price reductions at the Pilkey, Mrs. John Petty and Mrs. Mrs. R. C. Bare v and family, of y BARLEY FEED B. CHRISTIAN, Ba,rrLter sad factory. A. J. Taylor. All the,ladies are cor_- AA Saskatchewan, are visiting at pres- dially invited to attend. ' sSotioitor,Notary Public Etc. Money to Phone Markham 8405 or 6420 or write ent with Richard and Mrs, Wilson. win South Wing Court Howe, Whitby. 241y Chas. White, Locust Hill, Ont. Miss Mary McKinnon, of Almira - , -- . BELL R03S. Harriew is vision at B. W. Jones whd is DUNBARTON Is the cheapest Feed on the market 5otieiton. 004 Northern Ontario g for the results it gives, j��TON 330 Hay Suw Toronto, s s somewhat improved from his illness. Miss Ada Allin, of Bowmanviile, A great many tan mere testify to its Just Arming Mise Myrtle Wilson, has returned is the guest of Mise Evelyn Annis, N.Heaton, value by the continued 11,&Hell, to her duties in Whitby Hospital Mr. Thos, Pate of Blyth spent'the use of it. 1.D.F. Roan. Adelaide 288" after a three week's visit with her weekend with his aunt, Mrs, Smales If on have never used [t.try it i�IOHARDSON, PICKERING Choice 2X $X and log B C. parents here. A number from here attended the y 7 MULVEY - Be, tam Solicitors etc., r Several from here attended the on my usrantes. mes-214 Confeds atson Life Buiftlimg, corner of reception held for James and Mrs. Aug. 5henic at Oshawa on Tuesday g Yaag and Rich. Sts. Tato, Phones Cedar 8hingl�e. g. =:de 448a ane Pickering once n Handley, of Toronto at the home of Wee-Margaret Holmes wa are son- aaa'sattted'y e'e"°a. phone et Also, a large quantitT of Will and Mr•s. Hopkins, at Ashburn, ry to say is very ill in the Sick Child- -• rens Hospital. Wheat Wanted. Deutal rough and dressed Al and Bub.Harvey, at Pickering. Thos.. and Mrs. Annan and family t Friday, Aug. 8th. spent a couple of days with his brosee - 1�1 HIL O. SMITH. D. D. 9., L, D.S., Jack Pine, Spruce and ther and sister at Enniskillen. ,3 (SocceesortoDr,1•N.Dales). Graduate of WHITEVALB. Mrs. Whiting and son and daugh- ,Peg Mixture i the Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Toron• ter Billy and Anna, of Sarnia, vis- �p averuty, At Claremont office over D, A. Hemlock Lumber. -- I make a strong Feed containing fiaptt's score every Tnesaay and Friday,, Phone Next Sunday, Au 10th at 7.00 iced Miss Annie Brander and other 8towd ao 11. 77 .•- *�' ►�Eri1Ai\V ••� g. one third Pew. This metas a 1 p.`m:"�heze will be a special service relatives over the week-end. splendid Feed for finishing, and. 1' ERBERT T. FALLAISE, L. D S„ ' • in charge of the Sunday sch�l and Harold and Mrs, Townsend and . is an ercefleat Feed . D.D.S., Graduate of the Rpya i Cortege or the congregation in the United` chur- Mrs. Townsend Sr. of Kalamazoo, for dairy cows, • Dental snrgeoan and the University of Toronto. LUMBER YARD ch. There will be a sermon besides Mich. visited their sinter and daugh- =t In ra,d — second door east or St. And• ' paw's Church. Pickering,oat. Office boon 0 solos and sevgral other musical num' ter, Jno. and Mrs. Taylor this week. © a,as• to Opp m., or by npposatmenc, (x-ray bets. Be sure to come. On Tuesday afternoon Mr. Wm. A T i7 service). hone Pick 8700. 431y The Lib Association of White- Bennett passed to his rest at his �aswtfzass 6awa;� FURNITURE vale have recently placed on their home here. He had been ailing for A car of extra quality Oats NEW, USED ANN ANTIQUE she about tltirtp books of etas- a couple of weeks and is survived by just received. BLIZABETH RICHARDSON- IN- GREAT N ANTIQUE sits and forty of fiction. The Board his widow, one son, Gordon and three �• Z. � - A.Fire and automcbilr insurance of all kinds. 'intends to make its building still daughters who have the sympathy of - �. _ '- ,3 wsaa••attas compamsoof sobd fimanctat stand. Simmon's Beds. Marshall -Mat- more attractive b addin a coatt bereavement as. pal , insidean out, sides putting The funeral takes place to Erskine L G$ORQB KEA - auction• Chairs. Picture Frames. on curtains. The president is to be Cemetery Thursday afternoon. ' ear•A1tow Use stock and general .ate, congratulated on the success of the Building and General _Our rices are the lowest. 7 n entad w Terme reasonable R OD Contracting, �`�'l,�utt.,lle. Ptsoaessoos Ocoee al-, library. - Garden Party Memorial Park, - I H. Beal, • Claremont On Thursday last a number of the .Estimates furnished on all clan&" ---1_ —^ y Pickering. Aug. Sth. - ' FPOSTILL, Lteensed Auctionew. Phone 9.64 friends of Mrs. Hickson were enter- of work-Interior and Exterior, • for Owosso of yonk saA ossa"& Aaw► 40, Man salsa of aft Baas anesued to at,hersage tamed at the home of Mr and Mrs. .., Alterations and repairs. iratrrr. aAAs,,.s f3r.eo sive r.O., Out Buckles. Mrs. Hickson has been in t3R000HAM. . Chimneys Built Concrete Went. S.HL'I'o1f TowNamp Q�gY our vale for seven years, and teach• Phone Pickers 5712 o...ayaaaer. a�for "Was C 0 A L ing in our school for the last five Mrs' Good and family are holiday- ng �• a•s•a■'�s• - stss� lues years, giving great satisfactions, and flag at the Barclay home. FAIRPORT. ONTARIO sa �sy -Issas r ad stse4sga La. Albert Gray and family spent Sun- aswhliaysla, Cas t.v A Rood supply of Hard and Bok has also been an active worker in the day with friends in Markham. $ H I N (I L E �� Gaal on hand. Also a supply Sunda school and church. An ad- Mr, R. Fuller has been visit' his R BRANT-Lor 1, ooagessioo 4. pp y a �g7. Scarbaro, Tatephoas Markham 7sos -of Kindlier Wood n'e r of sincere appreciation for her a�elatives, the Barclay family. acro JT 8asmew and Munm- g ' interest and help in the Undtea Mrs. Irwin, of Toronto, has been. Nova Scotia Shingles -ten GRA . GODPRE Y&CO_gi stove length. Church was read by Mrs. A. Troyer RR SL Bast. Toemto, Canada, Adelaide the guest of the Willson family. Quit Galvanised Steel Shingles 1&7 12tf Phone Pick. 1701?, and Mrs. D. R. Beaton made the pre- Byron Feasby and family, of Osler Bird's Felt Slate Shingled _ 1[. MAW, LICENSED AUC- = sentation of a useful and beautiful spent Sunday with the 'Cassie fam- for sale at � DONALD MUNRO PICKEHINQ chair on behalf of the Honor Class ii y. tarYora,f�tarioanatl.rb.e Y• T. PATERSON'S - CLAREMONT All i�of s.l. ��� and the Women's Association Mrs. The Harvey brothers, of Toronto, ++• Tw r'waooabis„ DaUu=u � my be rHE CLOTHES' LIVE LONGER Hickson thanked' the many friends Call and get prices. Phone 2812 amood at NZWS'omcv• B" and tad wo spent the weekend with, their par, wbitbye Oat Ay WASHED OUR WAY. a the form of a poem, for their der eats. �w�,, en of apprecrgtion. The remainder Alex. Malcolm and family, of Tor- LAW) a i �Mn$ Thited C��TCh We have made a business of of the evening was spent in games, onto, spent the holiday with relat- - e. ' e ;. wash da Here each color ice-cream and cake being served. ives here. G A iR A Q G I • , and fabric is given the scienti- Then all joined in Riving three.hearty Norman and Mrs. 'Morton, of Sea. - iflc formula that beet meets its cheers for Mrs, Hickson. Everyone , You are invited to come ind worship ttie, Wash., are visiting friends here . AND SERVICE STATION -3 ,needs. For each class we use wishing here every success in her 'With tae at 8t.Andrew's United Ohixrch at. present. - - •- - • -' use from nine to twelve than- mw: home. nes Sunday. August 3rd'. at 11.30 and � Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton,. of. Torun- - Iges of filtered rainsoft water. e 7.90(D. S. T.). The minister, Rev, J. ,An average of six hundred gal- to spent the week-end at Silver We are prepared to do all kinds H. Stainton,will preach at ;Ione for your family washing. Toronto Tbentrical Arti•ta at Spring farm. of repairing of cars, also blit, _� r$lobw e,� Pickering this (Friday) Ev'g, Cecil Bate was with his aunt, Miss tery charging, electric Morninit Subject:-'The Starvation here are cleaner and aTe�n - --_fact . -. Oo>$mittee." _ last longer. GREENWOOD. ed with him. ' everything in coo- Evening Subject: ' the Greatest _ The Misses Calder, of Toronto, neetion with Wrestling Match in all His- Oshawa Laundry & Dry Miss M. Brandon returned home on Sunda spent the week-end with Mrs. Phil- - car work. We j y; 1p and Miss Brodie. Gas, Oil@, Grease and Acceeeorl" . Cleaning Go', Ltd• Mrs, Kellar is visiting friends in The Clubine family, of Toronto, 9 PieceBrighton. always on hand. Taxi Service. All clothes ned frequent dry cteaolag Miss Clara Wall is visitingwith and Brantford: spent the holiday Agent for Chevrolet Oars. g to keep them saoltmT. Our cleaning ends at Mount Fo Mt. with Robb Devitt and family. department turns old clothesfri ._ Mr, Frank Ballard. of Chester, Pa. GordonJ. Law Dining Room out like now. Mrs, Brandon, of Camm�gton, has called on his Runt Mrs. L. Middleton VV — -'WS CALL AND DELIVER i �n spending a few days with her and other relatives in Ontario Corm- ' Phone 0800 son here. ty last week. R C.Jones, Local Repneootative. The Misses Bie, Green and Smart T. Brignall has finished hie paint-suit e the at hull their respective homes over Ing Job at the hotel, and aur viliz DID 'You y is much improved by the neral Blacksmithing I Miss Laura -Ormerod, is spending decorations on the property. t• a few, days with her aunt, Mss,'Pugh W. J Brown and family of Toronr ` ��; House shoeing a specialty. j at Claremont. to, have been spending several days KNOW „1 We are showing a very Al]sacral Work,inclndia Wood George and Mrs. Wilson, of Tor- with the former's parents, T. C. and _ s onto, spent the week-end -with Geo. Mrs, Brown. W. J. is recoverhtg lovely solid ask,9 piece, Work, pr9mptly and airs. Pegg. from a severe attack of inflatnmat'• That $11 '004,- Ice Oream it. ` attended to. ,,Mia@ Alma Attwood, of Uxbridge, ory rheumatism. the only ice cream sold on i diuIngm eni< -$nish — also, is spending her holidays with Phil `.Anent for Taco FtErm g Congratulations to Miss 'Alice the Oanadihn National Fz- it ed in, Windsor ,brown. Machinery. and Mrs. Willows. Middleton on her graduation from - hibition 1[roasde? ry Misa Booth, of Whitby is spending the Ontario Hospital at ' Cobourg. The buffet is 00 inches in a few days with Misses Gertrude She is n commencing a course of That Silverwood s Ice Ocearn F. S. WOod�ssi,sd ° was the ice cream sold Aur. . GREENWOOD � and Mildred Corbett. training the new Eastern Hoop- leagth. This is a reap bar y Wesley Smart, of Penetang, spent itm at Toronto. ing the Shrinen'Oonvention _The weekend with his•parents, Rev. The best wishes of the Community in Toronto is ;gain at $117.50 • ' W. and Mrs. Smart. are extended to Colin Madill and his That Silverwood's have ice cream' r Bindet Twine Tom and Alliston Ormerod, of bride who were married last Satur- plants all over Ontario? n Walnut finished Steel Bed, Toronto, spent the week-end with day. A reception was held at the That SlIverwood's Ice Oree►m is their brother, Will Ormerod. home of Bert. and Mrs. Matthews on all pasteurized and home- all felt Mattress And a Miss Muriel Hagerman, of White- Monday evening. genized ? - Sapless inning, all tom BEAKY BOXES vale is holidaying with her grand- The extremely hot and dry weather That Silverwood's Ice Cream is �t parents, Wm. and Mrs. Ormdrod, has been disastrous to garden,. Flow r and _ •Miss Elva Middleton has returned ens pnd 6uit fields adjoinin the all flavored from natural' plate, for __---:. $1$.75 - _ `. g _'' fruit flavors, no artificial - _ home after spending a few days with highway are suffering- greatly from FRUIT BASKETS g y g t y - flituors or colors used? We have a complete line of Deck - - Percy and Mrs. R. Philip, of Buffalo the clouds of dust settling on the of Al gnslity. N. Y. grain and pasture. That Silverwood's Ice Creast Mr. ar�d Mrs. Holliday and Mal- The members and adherents of the makes the ideal ' summer Chairs, Camp Stools, Camp x coin. Wall, of 'Mount Forest; and ch•arch welcomed their paw, pastor, dessert? Cots and Hammocks. • Miss S. Edgeley called on Mr. and Rev, A. McLellan, on Sunday after- That E. C. Jones, Druggist, is - t • PARIS GREEN r . \3r , Wall on Sunday. noon. He purposes having a talk for is the local dealer for Silver ,ARSENATE-OF LEAD• Mrs. J. Maxwell and Mrs. Clark, -the children each Sunday, and would wood'@ Producta? - C k-Sterritt" of Toronto, and Mrs, Biggs,'s'if Lan- be pleased to have the children re- Serve Silverwood's Iee Cream and sing, also Kr. ,and Mrs. Dyer, of main for the church serzzce.SPRAYER'S Toronto, spent a day last week with The Women's .Imtitute will meet and yon can feel confident that Phone:1300 - James and Mrs. Raine. ,at the home of Mrs. Bayles on Tues.- you have served the best. J�.LVIN BUSHBY Mr. and Mrs, Raine were a Bram- day, agtes ton, August 12th. This E s J :O N E S ; ton on Friday attends Furniture llealet and P y ng the Tuner- meeting is to be under the mana e- r Funeral Director a] of the former's brother, Robert, ment of the young ladies, and prom- Ale o Aasbnlance Service Hardware Phone 4600 Mrs. Stauffer, of Orton, a sister,I ises to be a very interesting one. Druggist and Chemist, .. accompanied them home for a teen Roil Call "My Favorite Girl's Name" P•iaw kerin,g,-- Qntaxio PICBERING day's visit. r,All ladies welcome. Phone 6800 . -.. Piekerin,g�w�.•r° yy. ,� y 1 .7• .. Y' .:.....v.' -:...r-. .• -.-._..y.-. .a....'..f,.. -._..- ... ;.-....-.-.' ,ti<v �^e:: _ n �.••y _ _ rt�• - - +s .. .-. .' .: •':L•"- .. "r..r..., ,:,,s I"'n:: -' es?.�..a°:--1.. �'P 7 �Az• .>. ,,. ..,.. -• .-.,' . .,¢..: :; .;y.;..... .�, .,.,.. .. -r m+- .n. .«e .nx°'�''S o- ria•wrnsz:.� �r ... ;�..... ...:;,....,.,,_.. r-...:. .*e.y.... .. ...,.i„•... .....,. .,,n z:...» „ „wsny. .. ., .,.ham...,'• `?c .,r;-^••t,.�., �..,.. s. .�- du,`,:. - .x.�a �1.. 'w a k r , R ing the general manager of El Ran- chito, Senor Art.Graydon?„ ,T0u mm be �onfAdent t t v y "No, son. I just. work.for Art." • And he smiled s little at his little jest, Its ��;ty never varies Trivateer for indeed the king did labor hard to1711-11 e rInkeep his good men on the payroll. It '- _. as one of the great privileges of his SALID w _ kingship. "Ah," the stranger murmured, "Mr. -- " rdley Bard self. I d no : _ •- ,. Ba to him had �- -- - =By PETER B. KYNE -idea-you were inAhe country. Well,a - _ king can only be concerned with af- fairs of state and I'm looking for a riding job, as Your Majesty discerns. _..CHAPTER I. than go to the assault, to close his I'll call upon the Grand Vizier." - - E 1 eyes to conditions he would have at- "You're a gorgeous young son-of-a- His Majesty owned ranches in New " the kin replied interested) TE - tacked valiantly a decade ago. gun, g P y Mexico, Ariz-ina, Nevada, California "Better let me look you aver before and Oregon and was not at all certain In particular His Majesty was per- frim as ga"ens+ g turbed over a situation existing in a You present yourself before the riding ! low many cows, horses-and mules he boss. He has 'a grudge against mail t owned, but roughly estimated the Portion of El Ranchito that lapped --- g y over into Old.Mexico, a grant of some order cowboys." • e"Tgliding enthusiasts the possibilities of - number-at about two hundred thou- hundred and fifty thousand acres in H's Majesty carate down-off the- H1f3C-11gade _ stern ere in San e�W Dart'�ia- master-of-the- Fme a rancisco, where he had a packing El stranger over. And the better to aid ' �,► eW Record i evefl been known to take advsuch currents d alr'antage of P' and to a considerable extent There was a saddle-colored rowdy this appraisal, but acting also under - ;dominated the wholesale meat trade. there by the name of Miguel Gallegos, the stimulus o! instinctive good man- `a moving thunderstorm, soaring in o Consequently, since in the West the a fellow of mixed ancestry. His Ma- Hera when addressing a superior, the $5,000 Offered for the First front of it. j leaders in any industry are known as jesty suspected that one of those an- stranger , dismounted and stood to Some of the gliders in use-to-day are lenge, old Bradley $ardia was known cestors had ]seen known as Michael g Glider to Fly Across fairly expensive; others cost remark +lM horse, holding his bridle reins. as the Cattle Iain and a small army. Gallegl:er,and he desired to make war Channel ably little. Some may even be home- King "White calfskin chaps with deed made. One gliding expert, a school- of retainers always referred' to him upon the man Gallegos without bring- brown leather bordeis, silver conchos The newest sport-and the most tas- -as is Majesty, a tribute, doubtless, ing the State Department into the tied in with buckskin thou two ctnating and exciting-in England, is master, set r i record by remaining to h s ability t rule his vast empire, imbroglio. fancy pockets and your initials on the gliding, or flying in motorlese planes. in the air for eight and three-quarter wisely, justly and profitably. Yes, Art Graydon was too cautious. belt. Those chaps must have cost you Gliding experts are the real bird,.hours in one of these home-made 813d- He talked too much of international era. Broomsticks were'largely util- Of all his ranches, the New Mexico fifty dollars, son. Where's your cart- men. They develop the perfect air ;zed in its construction, and the pilot's ` ranch was the largest-approximately complicationb. And there was that ridge belt and pearl-handled pistol?" sense, which enables them to take ad- grizzled old wolf, Martin Bruce, of seat was made from a lard tub lid.- a million acres-hence, in a moment "In my bedding roll, on a foot-sore vantage of every favoring current of Answers. of that whimsical irony which so ire- the Triangle B outfit, his neighbor to pack horse, tied to a pine tree just air, to adjust themselves to every the wes'- Brother Bruce, His Majesty over the hill sir. He Lit on me there h quently tinges Western humor,he had q' c anging condition, ..and to remain elected to call it El-Ranchito--the suspected of collusion with Miguel so I left him and hurried nn here be. aloft for periods which_seem un Thoughts on Friendship Little stanch. And EI Ranchito the Gallegos, for some of Martin Bruce's fore your cook could clean up the sup- ably long when you remember that Above our life we love a steadfast g , perhaps cattle also ran below the line. His their planes are without engines. friend.-Marlowe. kin loved best of all erha s because � per dishes. ft required more expert management Majesty could t of rid himself of a be- 'your boots cost twenty-seven dol- Considerable distances have been f A friend should bear a friend's in- lief than the Triangle B herd was be-. Lars made to order and p covered in gliders, and the ;5,000 firmities.-Shakespeare. to writ g a profit from it, and hence in built u at the expense of the Your ante are was productive of slightly more worry g P Pe made of light English whipcord. Very g p p g y ry prize which has been offered, for the Angels from friendship gather hall than the othet.• Perhaps, too, His Double B, which was His .Majesty's expensive, but perhaps they'll outlast first all-British glider, flown by a Bri- their joys.-Young. brand, for he had known Martin man airs of denim overalls. Your Majesty loved it because it was grand- ly, ruggedly, brutally beautiful, avtth Bruce for thirty years and had never spurs-man, somebody will kill you before May 31st, 1932, will probably be stand his friend in stead.-R- Ed- - its green- hidden valleys, its desert known anything good of him. for this outfit, sure. Win it at. a won well within the time limit set: wards. mesas, its multi-colored, fantastically "I need a young man on El Ranch- rodeo?" Flights Iike this would have been A man, sir, should keep his friend- eroded sandstone peaks and lava Ito," the king decided. "A young man "No, sir Where I came from we're out of the question some time ago. The ship in constant repair,-Dr. Johnson. scarps that sunrise and sunset tinged who does not think too long or too rather partial to very nobby outfits." primitive glider made only the very Full of this maxim, often heard in )with glory. deeply. An ambitious young man with - "Hum-m! Cer.tre-fire rig and a raw- shortest of flights, and was in the air I trade, •' There is bound to be. a strain of notches on his-gun. Yes, I must cast hide riata. You're frem California.!' for minutes or seconds, while the mod.I Friendship with none ' but' equals repressed poetry in the soul of an about for some bold, brave bucko who "Yes, sir. Does Your Majesty like ern craft stays up Sna'hours. It was I should be made. empire builder, arA-whenever His Ma- can see a hole in a ladder. But I can't my sombrero? I won that in a poker calculated that Otto Lilienthal, the - Chatterton. - jeaty commenced to feel the down- dismiss Graydon. He's too valuable, game fr1,m• a man whnme head was the)gliding pioneer, was only in the air for He ought not to pretend to friend- ]hill pull, whenever the city, which he he's been too long on the payroll and same size as mine but not quite ;o about five hours in all his five .years ship's name, ]hated bu.. to which of late years he has made too fine a record to be re- well furnished. He assured me he paid. of experiment Who reckons not himself and friend was nouns got on hiz nerves, El Ran- tired now. I'll promote him. He shall a hundred dollars for it." paid With His Life the same. -Tuke. chito always culled to him and he Al. have an easier job and a, better sal "Yea, it's wonderful," The king re- For that five hours In the air be ary." sunied his appraisal. "Gray French Sansei..hirt end black silk necktie, paid with his lite. He wee killed inFor Blasters - Mlnaed's LlnimenL there an adobe hacienda, with every' He glan--aced-oo, to----'war4-rhr�lamrn;- _ 1995 as the result' of a gliding acct- ,p modern conventenco, and a wide,deep, Santa -Lucian and over a knoll a mile How long you 10en on the road,man. dent. - ----"--i 4cool veraLda that completely encircled away a horseman-showed, silhouetted ' "Two days, air." Gliding, of course. was not a sport The Rebei the house. against the sunset.. The man bestrode ."And you shaved today! You are a B then-it is only recently that it has The park orator net his barrel hr' The beauty, the p,cee and tna, sil- a pinta horse, so •the king knew him dude. Who ever told you you.were a become so. In the 7'aineties it was the middle of a lit'tfle crowd of people ` fence at E1 Ranchito were, to His Ma-� for a stranger. for on E1 Ranchito cowboy 1" ge i deadly earnest and deadly dangerous.�and invited them `-0 lead him their 'est as stimulrnts to clear, concise there was not one into horse such as "Formerly my avocation, sir, but' I ,j Y. P An Englishman, Percy Pilcher, who earn. thinkin -On that veranda he ironed this one. i.azily he ova ed the horse- now my vocation." R• �+ - had asci Lilienthal 1n the air, con-� "This country is going to the dogs," out the many problem; that were for- man ride u to a five-foot to that "I seF. Well, y1-1 might. make a fff ' P gate - timed IIfs experiments and built a be shouted by way of an opening. fever confrontinghim'; decisions made led into the Irrigate horse pasture. hand, ;,)though I doubt it. What's the i Everything is going rp-" r iz P I number of gliders, Dere were never alt,,red. As ee grew A hundred yards from the ate the breed.'ag of that horse?" g He got very little encouragement. "Oh, no; guv'aor," name a cry from. older 1•c formed the habit of holdin t into broke into a canter, then a gal- _ BY a pure-bred Arab out of a j - P He was called a madman, and accused the eros d. yet El Ranchito a yenily conference of lop; he rose to the gate, cleared it Steeldnst mare, sir." .,you say 'no'!- What ever do gots "And what's our name, young of 8ylnat 'in the face of Providence. . all his ranch managers; one by one neatly, settled to a jog on the farther ?� y h When he, like Lilienthal, paid the meam." replied pend) the orator_ they came, spent a Gay. or two with side and headed straight across tM man. ' supreme penalty of the pioneer, there "Pens• pencils, and notepaper are I on the veranea and returned to pasture toward the kink's castle. The stringer drew a small back stationary," answered the voice.- Pa >; were plenty of people who probably �. their jobs to think over his praise, hi.•+ Down the eastern boundary of this walrus-hide case from his pocket and I Answers. , i thought that it "nerved him right." condemnation or his suggestions, but pasture ran a four--ail fence, which handed- the king a card. The latter,, P11cher was killed in 1599. Four d' - -riot his orders, for he never gave any.' the stranger leaped before joirgir.g up reads ears tater as event occurred which A ms doesn't neces=arily feel His Majesty cared not how his infer- to the edge of the lawn in front of Mr. Kennet'z Burney y irll`zlt when he melee hos maiden - changed the history of the world: Or-' fors managed their domains, provided the veranda upon which the kin 'Qat Santa Inez Rancho i I speech. . Tres Pin vine Wright made the first flight:in a I. the figures of his travelling auditor in contemplation. g v os, California power-driren aeroplane. 1Proved satisfactory,, If his managers The rider and the king exchanged "What has happened to the Santa The machine which the Wrights In- could explain to his satisfaction the long penetrating glances. The king Inez Rancho'"' the king -nquired. "1 vented wag_only made possible by.the i , reasons for red ink in their annual was thinking: "What a direct fellow know.hat ianch.- One of the Seat fat- gliding experiments which bad pre-1 a•eports, he was tolerant and forgiv this pilgrim is!- Goes straight across tening pan•es in California." ceded it. The famous brothers started I .Ing; if they could nct do .this he die- 1" country to his objective. Wonder who �',;ia Itcyal Highness to+k over its where Lilienthal and Pilcher had lest ;missed them without mercy and with- he is and where he came from. -Horse cattle on- a Oi:aatl irort ire, loan u off, and they made a large number of, J nut rancor, and searched for a man is up, on his toes, so he must be a yea:ago," K:.,r.eth Barney repiied. a gliding flights, and experimented with �� 7 `tvhn rnn1A _ neighbor." The king was momentarily non- different types of glider,'before the I " ' This evening His Majesty was con- - - - -slderin life mane The king was more interested in plucced - g gement of El Ran- „ -- I that ::orae than he was in the man the heli I did, he la.arrc�l nnbe- aeroplane all the knowledge they )tad chito. Art Graydon, who managed its I who bestrode him. He judged the lii.ving'.y. . '1- don't remember givini* gained. / ''destinies, His Majesty considered as -;good a cattleman as the West had ever horse might weigh twelve hundred amers to close out Pelix Burney._" _ To-day gliding stili throws light on � produced. Graydon knew men; he pounds' In color he was a blend of (To b2 continued ) many air problems; and it provides ~ ;could manage them and land them; he large patces of white and deep brown; a finest possibi, school for an air + �J was honest,industrious, loyal and de- almost a mahogany color, and where Golf's Dari[ - pilot. But a great many of those who f �w�oe� the br.wn and the white met.there take it up regard It mainly as a sport, "Voted, bud--he was getting old and The Dark is kind and cozy, OL was a faint tinge of blue. He stood though a sport which necessitates a with the years had developed a tend- The Dark is soft and deep; �• with upraised head,small ears pricked _. very careful study of meteorology. �` S iency to avoid battle, to argue rather The Dark will pat my pillow' '9 forward, eyes on the low roof of the Riding the Thunderstorm hacienda, tail slightly arched. A regal And love me as I sleep. For instance, the capacity to soar,in ♦ .i pinto, this, with a fine chest, straight a glider depends on knowledge of legs, wide action, a full barrel and The Dark Is smooth se velvet, weather conditions and bow to utilize ' And gentle as the air, r powerful haunches. them. Soaring is only possible where And he is good to children The king's appraisal of the rider : the glider encounters a rising current �� �� And people everywhere. was less lingering, for he was not in- - of air, and uses it to counter>ict the . 2 terested in wandering cowboys, and normal tendency of the glider, which Made of ptare mater, The Dark can see and love me RAN D ;lain ifs modern sttrlliE fa�oe3es. had sensed,intuitively,that the young �,�ithout.8 bit of light, Is slightly downwards. ; No man on the pinto horse was calling at Herr Kronfeld, the German expert,i expense spared to have it He gives me streams and resting; f dean,wholesome and ful(gavomd. E1 Ranchito for the purpose of local- who came to England to show British pEP15ED - frig a riding job, and this was out of lie brings.the.gentle Night.• G�N MIL L the king's department. So His Ma G�IEY' jesty merely removed the cigar from God made the Dark, so Daytime -: riS e ideal food for his lips and waved his arm in a wide Could close its tired eyes r lis wrappedi that somewhere to And sleep awhile is comfort -A u m m e� • thebottle-fedbab and sealed to keep i<-as circle; to indicate Y t as when it leaven the Beneath the starry skies. factory. the north of the hacienda the stranger because it is clean,uniform WRIGLEY'$is bound to be the best would find headquarters and the rid- Incornposition,nutritious, ,,�itemaeknC d machines and mosey I ing boss,who might or might not place The Daytime, just like children, most easily digested of all I him on the payroll. The stranger evi- Needs rest from and play, The delicious P g artificial foods and always peppermint So it can give us children _ COLDS favor freshens the month dentia understood, for he answered ready for instant use when �ai,�d1gesBon, with a half perceptible nod, but stood Another happy day. Almost everybody rew knows how diluted with lain boiled OC, his ground. Aspirin tablets break up a cold- water.Itisundmoreoftea "If you hustle right along, son," God made the Dark for children but why not prevent it? Take a His Majesty assured the young man, And birdies' in their nest, tablet or two when you first feel than all other artificial "you'll find the boys j..st about finish- All in the Dark, He watches the cold coming on. Spare yourself foods combined. ing supper. Some of the boys will And guard sus while we rest. the discomfort of a summer cold. show you the corral where you can _ -By John Martin. Read the proven directions in every RMygn gy put your horse. There's hay in the 4 package for headaches, pain, etc. 41Qf-R md CO�LI� ' - - - -#itl.IONS rack, there, but if you've come far, Most of the luxuries and many of �- say so and somebody'll give you grain the so-called comforts of life are not _ iSe+dPro*BabyBooltto: Ir CEw " only not indispensable, but positive • for herr.. _ NAux.............. ................ The horseman lifted hJs hat with hindrances to the elevation of man• R • kind.-'Henry David Thoreau. �A.o...........:,....... ...._»........... ° - Castilian courtliness and bowed]ow iv — - � ••~•- hia saddle. "Gracias, senor," he re- a �...................»............................... :e>t Minsrd's Liniment for Neuralgia. I ISSUE No. 32— ��A2 b 30 plied- m y any chance address- -- — '' TSN ' s u y ,.. - &•y -. A.. .w•. .-f'" .:..fi' «y .., s 'r'. '.. �.+� •W +3r.�, `NII.'-. : yr .. . .. .. P-:: - - >..•.., _:;... -sem - - ' . ., G.. ,_ J-.r '....,i"'"Y ,.r: s <, , J ..,,.._ ., �rcrr..._"'vs-e-.>.,s•c .a:•ow- -+ >..a- ..c,r-u. e,si r r' -rroc, c.e '�.,� -kms ..r _� .y +e:.m.vaaerYe v' ,_. .. ,�-ar•..Ar' - a. ✓r'r:. .an .qo.:.s� 1tot;r.CdCe.r'tie-,-'dos,.y o, Y,^-•rwa'a• ..'.iwUr,:,,:.� ,,,,, ...•;e,..r. _ - _ •;_'` ,' .J" What New York HouseholdHints - .'. - h Wearing Re Window Screens2. _ ► n _ _ - - ' The infallible and unerring way In � ;r _ _ , - BY ANNABELLE WQRTHINGTON .whtch a mosquito will discover a hole 1l)' rt to a wire screen must 'evoke admira- _� � n:,,dk4, IUttetrated Dres-With-4lciry Leeson Fur- � �en—while the unhappy human • • __ ,Jt7tii;ii%� n•����2t�.7y`ve�-gl�att n eow.►�a»:a o who neglected .to mend it slaps hint- - + self black and blue in vale attemIIts makes them wear out along the line- the elusive pest. to locate outdoor Comfort "+� The following directions for main- . i A cosy porch, a wicker chair, fresh ofthe fold. _ d _ If a dress you have worn !s- -- - � - tenants and repair ,tire given to " 4" rr. _.'• lnagaainea, a bit of home lawn, with led, hang it'outdoors when the weath- `a' It Yourself; Home Repairs Made _ y'oses perhaps, may make you glad you er is damp and the wrinkles will,fall --, - _ Easy," by Arthur Wakeling, home- decided not to Bo away vacationing out. This will save ironing it. If you y workshop editor of Popular Science • this Year. Then there is your own have a screened-in porch, hang it out r Monthly. We read: -- - —bath room and your own bed at night, - - - - whlcts-comFieta-tire-argument--]3uE aria the -night. It is not good for "Nothing so adds to the 'general -- home cool silk to iron it when the persp rat on - - - appearance--of-dthtpidatio - _ - the miter screen frames and sagging and ,and cheery and colorful. in 'Lae gou-- Gay cretonne and chintz drapperies, Too much ironing is harmful for silks. broken screening, yet these can e"re- The less they are ironed, the longer mediad-with a little work, and almost grass ruga, and planta in painted pots they will wear. ` entirely prevented with a little will help furnish atmosphere. Quietly y thought and care.* ' ' and at ease you can sew on your own :•porch' Furnishings "When the screens are removed In cool porch, or you can invite a few the fail, gather, loose screws, -hooka, friends for a quiet game of cards of an Two chairs, a divan and a table, all - afternoon, or ctive porch furat- ! _ buttons, and attachments and tie them you can pack up a picnic of reed, make attra lunch and hie away to the lake for a ture. They should be gaily, even securely in a piece of canvas. Fasten loudly, upholstered in chintz of the the bundle to the handle of one of the sunset plunge and a campfire supper waterproof variety. A lute rug or mat- screen doors. afterwards. ad Possess some large low heeled shoes ting makes a good floor ccvering. A �' "See that each screen Is mark is . aecessary.ac• dor ready identification. Ore way- for ap for hiking and stretch your legs in this lemonade set is almost aedge almost forgotten, but very choice cesaory. if the pitcher and glasses to cut a Roman numeral to the ege w sport. __our cars, we sweep past are gay colored they will seem more of,each screen with a halt loch-wide beauty spots, with our eyes glued to in keeping with the outdoors. Next in - chisel and a curreslx ndin; numeral Au S + ZZ the road. Revive the pleasure of tot- order comes the sandwich tray,a large ou the edge of the wtudow c�siaq opFriday., 1 ]owing a stream. climbing a hill, or, plate with a handle in the centre, and j posite where the screen has been tO inauatering in a woodland. Nature Perhaps one of those duplex pickle marked. An method 1a to ob fain metallic number tacks,which may Saturday, Sept. 6 puts something of poise and sweet- and jam dishes with two or more tom- �•,�; be purchased cheaply at any hard- M. wess into th soul, it we but commune partments. , _ __ } ware store. P:ven mar:ins the bot- ;with her. col- • "� Canning Contest if you live near to a lake, YOU can _ tom of each sc*sen with a heavy col• -CANADA YEAR. dress for swimming before you leave Women of the United States are en- Dred marking' crayon will serve as a at the World's largest _ makeshift. home, wearing beach pajamas or a tering their second annual canning beach coat over your swimming suit. contest to find the best jars of canned "When the a^rtemt are down, brush ,ANNUAL EXPOSITION People within a radius of five or ten f it, vegetables or meat. Last year st them well outdoors. While dofnf p ,� this, ante- carefully whether any of ' sailer often dress at home. Have you twenty-five thousand entries were the screens, if hovered with, paint or "L83 VOYAGIIUBS -Brilliant. •� see the funny, colorful wooden San made and more are expected this time. _galvanized wire, have a brown. o historic grandstand pageantdepicnag dal they wear on the beach these The contest will be held in Shenan- - - slightly rusty look. These should be the gtoriom romance of Gnad�an days" The latest frivolity is a neck- doah, Iowa. 31.250 In cash, besides de-velopmenk a super-production by placed at one side for painting at the 1500 performers on the world's _ lace made of colored rubber beads. loving cups and ribbons, comprise I earliest opportunity; the wire may largest stage Sears 25c.=1.00.Bows Maav lakes and streams are slimy or the more than four hundred prizes. L� be past service if left until Bring. :1.50. weedy and the cleanly bather wants Here's a charming wearable frock "asphaltum varnish thinned eitb MUSIC-Thirty bands headed by the to take a clean rinse before dressing I Poison Ivy of tub silk in green and whit<.. turpentine may be used for painting All-Canada Permanent Force Band of That is another reason for dressing at This annoying vine may be recog- It will-give young daughter 'a big the wire, or regular black or green seventy-six skilled instrumentalists home. It prolongs the life of a bath- nized by its notched leaves growing in thrill to make a, for it isn't half as screen enamel, - Boiled linseed oil spedaily'recruicedfrom- an&& poo- Ing suit if you wash it and dry It quick-I clusters of three and its greenish intricate.as it-appears. with a little turpentine.added, togeth- mascot military establishments (by Ing of ly after each use. flowers whirb ripen into green waxy It is a straight one-piece 'affair er with Sufficient lampblack to color • Mil ria and Defence), 1.Department -berrles._-M youii.-hara_heen where it is h a circular flounce.:�It black.2s very easy to Ilse, especial- t a Food got Weather Food and and tear you may be poisoned, wash The white organdie frill a- tecitline lye spoiled with a Small plere of 20" V0-IC$ EXHIBITIOby N .-- - thoroughly all parts exposed, using and sleeves may be bought all pleated close-grained spouse -instead of a CHORUS, trained and duetted especially is it so In hot weather, It plenty- of lathery soap. Wash any by the yard. bi'nsh. ° This mixture can be used oh Da H. n Fricket,M,A..F R.CO,.to -jls not the decomposition of the food clothing which may have come !n con four coacerta, S t7218; , Au cast 23; . . The belt is adjustable and may oa galvanized screening one year. and g g . Thursday, Augguusat 28; Tuesday.Sept so much as the attack of bacteria up. tact with the ivy. worn as beat suits the wearer. If spar varnish thinned? with turpentine 2. end Saturday, Sept 6. Seats, 23q ..on it which hastens its decay. To pre- daughter is very slim, tho) higher can be applied the following year, and 75c.and$100. (serve food the most important thing is 1Roast Corn waialtine is extremely smart. ' iso-on through the life of the wire. Ito keep it free from bacteria. Warm To roast corn over a bon fire, find Style-No. 2548 may be had in sizes With bronze and copper sere sing, -SPORT-Manampthon Swims.(world's � $�rotassional championships) Priday, air and dampness encourage the pre~ long green sticks with which you may 12, 14, 18, 18 and 20 years. this labor is saved." August 22 (women), Wednesday rSence of bacteria. To store food to a flow to come to the important Para" airy. cool place will help to keep it is pierce each ear of ,corn. Leave the - Shzntung, linen and priu,ed dimity August 2y (open), Ali-America oue- husks on the corn and put it on the arg othe lovely ideas. graphs on mending holes:- board motorboat races. International good condition. Do not wash chicken point of the stick. Hold the corn over HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS "If any tears or holes are seen, s rt competitions afloat and ashore. br any other meat and then put it !a they may be repaired by sewing a Canada'sgzeatesrschledcmeet Belting the hot coals, turning frequently, un- Write your name and address plain- Empire Gama Athleres in interna- + to the ice box wet; or lay it on the fee neat patch through and through with til !t is tender, Remove the husks, ly, giving number and size of su-n nonal c s including ns, 5,000. sad des. add butter and salt and eat. apiece of the screen,wire. g _ ;Put it away dry, and la th® compact- ung races including SS,000.Fnturiues. ;went under the Ice, since that is the patterns as you want Enclose 20c in Usually !t is impossible to repair coldest section. Never put meat away stamps or coin (loin preferred; wrap a 'run' or tear along the line of CANADA FROM COAST-TO. Kfelon Cocktail it carefully)- for each number, and ;wrapped in the paper in which it is In sherbet glasses, put cubes of tacks. In such a case,-even fi the ..COAST ON DRHSS PARADE address your order to Wilson Pattern wire .is otherwise to good condition, This is your year.Arrange to come. �} delivered. . It helps to preserve meat , ' --ito brush It lightly with a mixture of watermelon and cubes of musk-melon. Service, ?3 West Adelaide St.,Toronto. it is beat to put on new wire. Itesaraarranr nate y„sgt.J fir equal parts of vinegar and olive oil. Over them pour a mixture of grape "To remove -old wire. take off the P."fnoa Cbmu averro•+rd Grand- juice and lemon juice, to enrich the „Safety Record p molding covering the tacks• put out BandPaaraarPrrforsasmSmdrbagw If you put fish in the ice box, cover color and flavor. Set away to the lee - !It that the odor may not mix with the a few tacks at one corner only, hold N son order other foods. Milk !s particularly like- box to chill and mingle flavors, then London-Two street car motorsien down the.frame firmly with the lett Not to absorb odors and should always serve as a curtain raiser for a meal. here have. an enviable safety record. hand, and catching hold of the loos- JY s !be tightly covered, never lett in- the C. J. Grantham holds the record for ened wire at the corner, give a sharp SAM HARRIS, !open pitcher, _ Nore Flowers having piloted his car for 12 years upward pull. .The entire piece of net- Praident $read may .be wrapped to keep it When your perennials have blossom•, and 250,000 miles without an acct• ting will come off, Remove all re- 't _. from drying out, but to wrap it too dent. T. W. Manley has driven 10 H.W.WATERS, ed if you cut back the stems, remov- maining tacks. Lay the .new- piece 1' - tiron-P encourages mold. The bread ins the seedpoda, and cultivate around years and 200,000 miles without an of wire on the frame, and fasten with - General Manage►_ --_ h __Do__not_wash accident._-- - _ the you may expect more flow- tacks---- .. berries before putting them Sway: .It ers after you think they. are through ��_ "The loaner panel of a screen door makes .them mold and sour. Spread blooming. Visitor: "Its that bail dangerous. may be filled with a thin board, or a = ahem on plates and put them in the p Farmer: "Oh, no, ma'dm; he's one ot; a wallboard panel ean'be set in With What piece of chinaware plays bail”' the sort they use for making beet strips of wood to'resist the onslaught P''ece 3� by 3 inches fastened from I stile to stile, about 4 feet 6 enchel ice hoz and wash them immediately -Pitcher. tea," 1 of children, dogs, and cats. A hand from the floor, will reduce the dam- "3 before serving. age done by careless persons who Cheese molds rapidly, but keeps hest when wrapped in a waxed paper. 'Use p -' uah against the wire-netting, which quickly any left over egg mixture, for A Loved Voice From Across the Equator soon pulls the wire from its fasten- egg does not keep well. Never mix Ings. - .fresh milk with old, nor warm food "Tetuporary screens, as for a camp, 'l'. 'With cold. Do not wrap the ice in a e may be made by cutting woven cloth a newspaper or cloth as this prevents ' screen about 6 inches Ia:ger each _.'the ice from melting and keeping the „dn , _ way than the opening between ,the -Ace box cold. a. _ _ callings of .the window to be screened. strips of e%- aar ot$ a le gt to fit y ti Wind Eronino Hint ' __ int The busy housewife who wishes to j loosely a the opening, and drive cut corners cdn do so by folding away _ small brads.through the strips intol _ �,• rte^ _ the edge of the window casing." =towels, .sheets, pillow slips, pajamas J�`• � _ - �! e5 ej f , 'and many other articles of common �� d t�` h �� ' _ —Only. His Pride `-_� use, without ironing them. At the - �+ �c A _ other eatreine we liavertlte particvta ;- -``� y A • Benn had takes} a cottage to the :housewife and owing to the bad state' who sprinkles and irons - , �,, country EW YORK• g --- of-th roads,--he_-dectded to sell his' meticulously every tiny rag. '_,_�I .Y� i the hire-par- It saves time to iron handkerchiefs _ _ car and buy a horse on 3 and lay them aside to fold, all at the _ e- :fes - '' ' chase system. same time, atter the ironing is done. A week following his purchase ot� ,a When ironing, put together all ar- �,�, the animal he arrived at his, dealer's w titles which need mending. This will � : i - -- stables. save sorting afterward. If you would `- • ' "How do you like the hornet" ask- 'Iron rapidly, do not sprinkle the ed the latter. - - -- - clothes too wet. It takes time to iron U "He's all right,' Benn returned. out all that water. .Common things, Twenty days of constant travel over the wire as easily as if lie were a few "There's fust one small thing I don't ,which need only slight ironing,will be land and sea are required to journey miles away. When she was able also like about him, however." '. made sufficiently damp by being piled from Wallacetown, near London (On- to speak to and receive greetings from "Oh,and 1rhat's that?". Inquire$ the _ In the clothes basket beside the damp- tarso),to Buenos Aires. Is it any won- her little granddaughter her ctM of r dealer. cued things. der then that Mra. T. L. Pearce was happiness was full to overflowing. "He won't lift up his head;' Benn :. When you have ironed dresses or pleasantly excited when word came Just another incident of s family i? explained. line shirts, hang them on hangers un- from her son, W. R. Pearce, Assistant reunion by means of the telephone, The dealer nodded in rettrn. _ LRil they are thoroughly dry. This will 43outh American Chief Engineer in but oh, what pleasure to all concern- "That's only his pride." he mar r'make them keep their shape better Buenos Aires, whom she had not sees edt The practice o! keeping V the _ enured. "He will when he's. paid , FFFsad keep cissa longer. In Ironing for two years, that at one o'clock on ties -of home and friendship by lona for."-Answers. .kUnens, do not fold them in creases in her birthday he would speak to her dllstance telephone is growing with're- ' 4 y( the same places each time. Toa ire over the long distance telephone. markable rapidity because of the con- ' "How many students ars then iguently places In the same spots The eventful moment arrived and ventence, aase,said low cost of fie ser A1RBs -L studying at the aniverss�C' .0fvaks the fibres of the goods and Mrs.Pearce heard her son's voloe ovsr viae. about one in ten." `"" f .• nx aai - _ fir•,.•>-.:.�.. ... ..::x:-,a•.n.:4:s.'. Ta+ss; .. - ,.: .:-.,..w-b^-..: rte-ds.' .n@adc •..td. ,1c 3 ...w.,(�r b ,v Y S, _ • � ko � -7 and install pipe con. 1, 13.6x; D. gravel R•L, 47.90; L Squires gravel D . .-$ RBONDS-Government. Municipal and cd _ Nighswander grad. X. T. L...&W; 1V. R, L., -21.40;.R. Mcpw eh-cement for Security and service in Idortgage Scuds. Also.:IndusteWw _ - Trattbts Slack grad. N. T L 19.10; J. Hoover Garland bridgee.,�,,,and Hottby culvert, ����of all kinds. Site investments at irooi 6 to 7 pee ' 1%75 per year,; $1.50 if paid in advance. N. T. L. 6.10; W Davis, grad N T. L. 366.40;' C. McCadsland, bonus wire .• Low rates for Auto Insurance and cent. �ai»cr,pc;ooa to use United sure. and Crest 7.50; P. Nighswander N T L- .8.00; fence 8.50; C.,.Cre�v bonus wire fenec N A E- n In. '$ritain i2.W in advance. { W Reesor, grad N T L 10.25; D. 48,3$; J-•Tome, bonus wire fence 14. a Insurance. 1 8 N itWmd- - Fir I U All classes wr Mghswander, drag con• 9, 6'.00; Y. 63. `'- ' laa:.representative v1 �_ g Fire. Automobile.` ., storm, Accident and Sickness. Nighswander- ditto, 5.00; W. Davis, a Canada Life Assurance JOHN WIRKAR, Proprietor, 6.00; O. Albright, plow grad, con. b, _ SALE ReoiST,ER. � 421y Address Phone or write 1.50; C. Philips, dra con. 5, 4.OG; BROUG>�AM, _6 43tf ED. BOWMAN,Whitby P . & - ONTARI9 _ - RERIpa_ q CIL- B. Reesor, rep. washout drag con, 9, Thursday August 14th-Auctign sale, 15�5; B. Reesor, rag _ - -= frees cows and ringers, the (Continued from last week) _ B Ritchie 'haul gravel con 4 6,25; property of Kennet tt, Io-ti • O Crumrner haul gravel tori 1 and2. J. Baster ditto 11:50; G. Cooper gas : gt 1.3 Pickering• (A. tifne. Sale at 1.30 •p.'clock. stand, tifxe. l nal __. _ $09.70; J 'Middleton, grading - oe, 0* ,wire, nails slit. '91.43; C:-Puckrin term's -Sea' bills. Wrrr Maw, Auct- ' R V tween 14-15 con 6. 1.75• G. Gardner gYati,. T. L. con. 2 ;60,00• A. Davis . . .AiUq,7.50; F. Byers ditto 1350; A. operat. grad. a': T� L con 2, 500;-C: ionzer. - - •Carnjthers grading con 7 and 8 11.56: Hubbard grad. with.4e*.m con. 2, 10. l C K E-I4 / .N G , --• A Carruthers -haul ;ravtl cQn 8.21.135 C. Puckrin, engine grad.•. 2, car.. =-Toronto Observatory repcic t= --'T..;Madill haul gravel eon 6.. 1'2.95;; 4, con. ,6, con 5•, con. :. ,. 8, < 314.00: a temperatctreof 95 degreeadur•ing ravel con 9 t�iie past week, and at :east tine A Meyer.•h$pl, .g Q0; a �,A. Davis o rating grader ,, same - man t 0 Vii;;-n ;I-Dunkeld cut,placQ t5G.5 Diamond team; gra - death Cc1u l�ac a zu tfiS-Clty 0"tvto8 ice- �CLIl tl� l�]Z to 15.00; J. Byers'dntto 18.40; C. S. con. 2, R.' L.-850(; Gard Tran, drag to the intense heat. Br haul--gravel inn 2 gnsl-$-1t 10 G-j- vcPeds,. rnn. 5 Q95. -'T. Hardy plow 22.23, 18.50; D. Pugh light lanterns con . 6 VL hitevale br. NOTICE ' ' eam Clark's Hollow 6.25; J. Hatch ndge•2.00; G. Crawford haul grav R. • and Prompt, Courteous Delivery ditto 13.010; J. Morden labor Clarks L.15.00;• H. 'Wakefield 'shoe. gravel y�hiteva►le - JgiMlg' fff Hollow,- Garland and Holtby culvert R L. 1.25; J. Vale, ditto, 250; Geo. ' YlOe - • :filling, install pipe R. L. 76.30; T. McIlroy plow for grad. and haul - 56y - aCondy ditto.•72.80; F. Pugh ditto Chopping every day You Get Them All When. 4 -.46.15; J. 4lton ditto 72.80; R. Lynn GRAIN-FLOUR='FEED ' ditto 88.20; W Birkett ditto 82.00; Pickering NMS You Shopat Morrish's J. Todd.'labor on Garland .bridge ana !`! Headquarters for gravel-con 2and 8 .and .fill Clark's z STERLING MILLING CO., LTD. Hollow bridge 84.15; B. Churchill, High grade Feeds for Poultry, ' Tabor Clark's Hollow 18.55; H. Stov- we have a limited quantity of _� Cattle, Hoge etc, .er ditto 3.50; D. Moore labor on extra Rood quality Shorts at ANTHONY WILSON CHERRYWOOD AND PICKERING Clark's Hollow and Garland bridge, the price of ordingry.mill .install pipe con 5, 3136, J. Shumo- .. I ; Proprietor Phone Mark. 5020 Phone Pick. 800 witch labor Garland bridge and feed, excellent for pigs or any live stock. 48•f ' Phone Mark. 5502 _- ' •: grading con 8. 24•.35; J Garland• team -- -' -- -- ?ickering Garland bridge 4.00; W. Potts rep toengine 5.43; J. Soden gravel. con 5 The feed b histo is our line. )fie .The SIU r♦ BOAT Hardware Store con 3 and team Garland bridge 4.1.00 study this to give .you the G. Todd ploN and scrape con ': and beet possible vtilti Pickering on-the Lake for your money. 3 and team Garland culvert 71.40; DANCING - AX B G T. Holtbyteam Holtbycul. 6.00; Roy CLIM L" KILLER Y Camping Teotin Pic _ . Ward act salary150.00• J. Mitchell We have Chick Starter, E�tR-ylagh� P g R g No gpraylog, no water, no mixing, all read for nae on - � Scratch heeds, or any feed 8wi0Ra and Play Grounds under g y �' team and labor ion 6. 3.50 D; White the shade of the old •tatoes, vegetables, currants and gooseberry bushes. Rose yon map need, deliser- apple trees, g ditto 13.75• S. Ed rds 10.00; blor- les any rea..onable ghee, shrubs and all small ve stables-etimalatee the labor N. T. Line" 5.00; � � he lace•toe sad a -• :-- _growth and is easy to apply. ; W. Tyndall . n distance. _ - gain Hill 5.00 K. Reesor' 12.50; 'Jno. .• iP P - - • Pallister ditto 32.50; J. Garland haul = SUNDAY AFTERNOON - All kinds of Giarden Tools, Screen Doors Window ,gravel con 2, 2.50; J. McGriskin. _ Phone Refreshment Boothe Screens and Screen Wire Cloth. haul gravel eon 1, con 3, con 2, 77.50 SAUNDA�RS.BARRETT - Chick Starter, Chick Scratch and Baby Chick Grit. A. Petty grading haul gravel con S, Pickering Killing Comm)v &SAUNDFRS - _ $0.00; J. Burkholder ditto 261.00; W. ",Petty gravel con, 4. 2.90; G. Gates t - Plow Shares for nearly all make of Plows - 'labor con 3, con 2, 15.00; C. Lintner _ .,haul gravel con 2, con S. 25.00; W. nt for Cor d �aridaon ditto 80.00; C. Petty ditto Axe He mick•Deertag Farm Machinery as Repalre. ;16.o61; R. Summerville ditto, 27.50; _. . •iFleury Plows and Senffiecs J. Mainland ditto, 17.00; F. Barclay, fianl gravel Clark's Hollow. Garlana I __ We have it, can get it. or it is not made. :and Holtby bridges eon. 2. con 1, con - ■ ■ 3. R• L: eon 5 con 7. 1730.60: a Ward drag eon 9. 6.50: A E. J. �+• B A T QJWN �p��y ' ;Stork drag haul gravel R. L and ur. _ a�1 a7 E'1J.+s.7 J[- K ACon, 1, 8.60; A. G. Clark diito 25.00; , 1,8. Wood dittoand F. b a ycement ,Free Fj 16 w 1 n g _ ..sClark's Holigw and Holtby and Beel- _- - _ lby budges, 239.60; S. Farndale gray _ s .4eling con, 6, con. 7, and dra$ and ir. • Q ierall pipe con. 6, 44.30: J, W'agg. in: F e r t l l l z table ' Value' e rs y stall pipe con. i1, 1x.30;- A.' Parkins. ditto 8.16'; M. Parkins shovel gravel .eon 6, con. 7, 11.25, J. Eson ditto � " � Our:lase of.Harneeg. Collars and Parts are the beat_pet. See.oure ;1.00; L. Parrott ditty 15.50: 1~ Car- It's s here at lasts An entirely new. and be convinced. We have values that spell satisfaction son 15.50;: A. Bunker ditto. 31.00; - Free Flowing Fertilizer that can't clog in f '9C, Richardson, ditto, 4",75:: Stanlay, -We carry some mighty fine lines of Work Boots 'Parkisa,, ditto 3.00; R 1lov<bray gray the drill! That saves you time and - el and haul con. fi, aiul'7, 60.05:-'1-. o ..labour! That gives you-greater and and a our prices are right Hirst ditto 37,05; S. Farrriair drag more even coverage! Mein's Overalls, Smocx?, Trousers and Shiets-sold land grat•el'E. T. L. and con 6,-It;35: _ at econ-umy prices. JM, Parkins, shovel gray, E. T. L-aril C-I-L Mixed Fertilizers, made in Canada. icon 6 2,:50; E. Carson ditto i5.00: Our Men's Fine Wear'Section is quite complete. Try us. -!L. Parrott ditt0'2G.00; C. -Lichardson - , ,-ditto 7.50; R. Mowbray, ditto 25.•23: Let w tell you about them - •, _ O B. Bertrand, ditto, 11.00;-G. Wilson: Our goods P ell repeat customers always. f Kept in stock by e install pipe ditto 0.90; P..Jones hauj 7 gravel and grad. ditto and con. ane - ,J8, 28.00; L Jones clean ditch and in- W, D. MOR.R.ISH, Highland Creek, CECIL :BRADLEY :stall pipe E T L. 4.65; B. W. Jon-n. _ Bra A. CANNING, Whitby, Ont. +� Install Pipe clean ditch haul ve: -22 X C 3C $ M Z 2W 4W -- - -I'E. T. L.con. 7 and 8, 26.75; G. Wil- - il- _ --gravel-con: -8 and install cpm - - 33pe con 8. 4.35; P. Jones ditto 28.75. B. W. Jones, ditto, 4126; L Jones S P ECIALTRICE .:8.10; A Petty haul gravel Scarboro S T. L. eon: 2, 25.00 J. Burkholder, 'kaul gravelS. T. L. 2&00; J. Todd - -•-- ehov. gray.. a I•T• Line 12-bfi'; J. Gar - _ FOR TEAM ' HARNESS "eland, haul gmv. T. L• 17.60; G. Todd - shov. gmv. S T L .con. 2, 1.00;. Joie :Sharnovitch shov, rav, S. T. L. 500; A Braes-mounted Team Backhand Harness, J. McGriskin, haul gray. S. T. L., _ 2 loch layer trace with heel chaise, a4Z00 . 33.75; W. Petty gravel S. T, _L $0.00 - I,• Gates drag and-haul con. 1 and ravot the gt$ttg's; ataftmaB With 5 ring breaching. instead of ba6k- 2, 94.80; E. Mitchell haul gray. con. s band, _x49.00 i and 2,'40.00; G. Gates, shoe. gray. sBlack mounted Team Baekband Harness, ail - coach - Sevices` x44.25 , +con. 1 and 2, 20.00; C•_Lintner ditto, 50 2(0300; C.-White, gray, con. 6, 36.45, " 5 ring Breeching '� >1144,26 ; F, Carter haul gran. con. 6 and ,fon "kVhitevaIe St. 99.80; A. Michel]', ditto' - --- _- -This is not factory harness, but castont made in our own shop at Markham. "104.55; F. Carter, haul gray, N. T. L. - P - 154.45; F. Carter haul gravel N. T.L PICKERINGI-TORONTO - - -- We specialize on repairs to harness and collars. - 1.. 146.20; A McDonald grav: N 1. ' L, 51 90; G. Burkholder)gray. W. T. Fare 50 Cents , . L: 54.00; A- .' Michell haul rev V6 T. 0 F TT -:.0 D - L. 19.1.25;..F. Carte d tto 191�)5: e G. _B-irkholder gravel .W'hitevale St. Leave Pickei in - - 3.60; 1. White gray. Rosebank Ra. 1 R (Standard Time) Leave Toronto _Sarness and Collar Manufacturer .:24.1t; J. McIntosh grad. R. L. 6.25• -A. M. P. M. Wr Holmes-lifts-ly> ;-� w d:?a5 ,•5� w 11,.30 ... 2.30 .-- Home Phore 840 grad. R.'-i: and haul gravel .48.50, w 6.55 255 -' 7.3A $.30 L Stephenson ditto 39.00; L. Squires 7.55 3.55 8.30' '4.30 . :. gravel con. 1, 9.75; J. Greenlaw; haul ;8.55 4.55 - - 9.30 7 5.30 • gravel con 1, 25.00; O. Pascoe, drag 955 5.55 : '10.30 z 8.30 'Billider 'con. 1, 29.00; F.-Lee drag tori-1, to 10.55 z•8.5511.80 7.30 - - 11.55 -7.55 -P. M. z S:3A -P. M.-z.S_55_- 12.30 9.30 1 c A N N 0 N I2.55 9.55 1.30 ''10,30 �We have a supply of Binder -Twine,-Wo feet and 650 feet. v 10.25 ; R ---a Suaday only w Daily except Sunday-. :Hay Fork Rope and Sling Ropes, Forks Etc. 'DROUGHAM z Saturday, Sunday and Holidays only, Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead,Climax NOW Coach connections at Toronto for Barrie, Orillia, Bug Killer, also Cattle Spray. - �' New line of splendid Brampton, Schomberg, Hamilton, Brantford,.. Niagara Falls, Buffalo and intermediat' poh.ts. Miner Running Shoes all sizes. i DRESS GOODS -Coach connections at-Buffalo for all U. S. t paints ! Goodyear Tires and Tubes for all care. ._-A good supply of all kinds of Groeeries'at lowest prices. - .Just in, for ladies and.. - , - - - - Cbildren. Gra Coach Loines - Phone your order, _ We deliver. 1Arsenate of Lead, Lirce, Paris Phone Markham 03402. Green, Climaaf'Bug General �n` Wn:ti,,,•+aw''Y7_.,.. $illAP ot.rt WA'�_ ,Y■ n""Ar%fin, A •.. .:v d :s. 4. . w . . 4 .. 8 n`.p: . •.- :d'r - :. ....... .. .. ., . at :-'".gut's.B.. #W '. .. '7�•-.:1'. —1 a:�«'si. i.:i0?:' ',1"s._..�rywwre;+l..r., a..'^.Z."e:+.v r'if:•.^' .a^se.W*-,.:�.',m v. n. _ - v y, .v: 4 -4 4 k '•• ..g:,: ". .• ? ate, s,� }, ,�': a -,q; �d.1tiv.t! tea•+' -"4 •?'r' .. .a. "* _ w - ., f - QLJ1RlMOKT. ` ia hiss at the home' of ffiin, .. - _ Mies- Mary }Jbrter, of Bampton, Fail 1980-8 ria 1982 s$m Fingold of Toronto; was at M' ' 'O '�' E. 0 P 8 Blcksmihing ! Grace Mundell. - 1T� Tues • P` Last : I home over Sunday. _. Mrs. Sturgeon, of Ottawa, called Having rented my premises in - - e-shoeing and General �Porlt Sore L, Eingolii lead n business. trip to on friends in Claremont and Good- Ptekering I have moved to - # ,the-city on Tuesday. wood on Saturday_ 3 BartleWPeare, 8.00 promptly P y attended to. ';r Cliff Soden,-of Toronto spent the Wm. Thompson spent Mondaj..*1 r =N ALE 8 a :00 _ge Montmorency Oherries. 3Lawn Mowers Sharpened- holiday harpened-holiday with his parents here: Toronto visiting Mrs. Thompson, who. Where I will conduct a black 3 Loi Plume, .- 3.00 and Repaired. bard Russell Cowie, of Toronto, sent " = 3 south Haven Peach, .. 2.50 ' P is still in the Hospital. smitfiinR business and B, _ SatigfactiQn guaranteed. Civic' Holidaywith his parents here. station. 3 Oran to Peach, .. ' 8.00 � •• P M. J. 'and Mrs. Wilker and- Geo. service e _ 3 Orange Quinces, �.,, - 8.W • ' Phone Mal V. 4125 James -Briscoe and family spent Belt spent the weekend at the lat- Imperial oil and., ga0, tires and 3 Silver Maples, 8 ft, ,,, , $.00 Svriday with friends in Beaverton., ter's home in Deseronto tine sepal '' ra, Poplar Carolina. 6 ft, _ 2 U4 --rte— c 8P u t.7 Mrs- J-Ghar�iler,-is-s -Prank- and- Mrs. ?riiaway--rand -- - 3 Russian Mulberry, 4 to 5 ft, 2:00 91y HIGHLAND.CREE$' a week•or' two with friends in Tor- fan ly, of Whitby, spent Sunday Also, Tari Service to or from 25 Caragaua Hedge;'2 to 3 ft. 6.00 onto. �sith,J H. and Mrs, Beal any point. 25 Privet California, 1,8-to 24 in, 6.00 u ' _ Stewart and'Mrs. Comba, of Tor- John Ferrier of Toronto,-a former - 25 Privet Amoor River., 18 to 24 in,6A0 H e R. G'allaugher -' onto., spent Sunday with D. and Mrs. resident of Claremont called on his From ., Tayl32r- friends here on Jionda • last. _ 3 Al TO LAW - FONTHILL NURSERIES Grain Merchant Mrs• Stubbs. of Toronto, is spend- Jiisa Green and Miss Neave, of Stone & Wellington Tor3nto in a week :with Thos. and Mrs. Pat- spendin _a couple of �, ,�Mott, g-- Toronto are n- Agent; -e�Mrs. P. Macnab, of Toronto, has weeksFredvand Mrsith F. . Ward and family, gl 8�d Mrs.- Bryan. 8 8=ookpnt�,rio Pbv�neJ414�grp 8teeet; Celiaw� ��i jar Straw Grai to d Potaarc toes, returned after spending a few days spent the holiday with their son, 1 a. with Claxemout • ran at ern a e, Muskoka Dist.* ds. Summer flu still continues very _ .�.• 2S. GF = -a 8029 Nelson, and Mrs. Sanderson, and prevalent in our village, although • R.M. No. 1, - : 'family, of Toronto, spent the week- .no serious cases have been reported • ' end with their relatives in 'Clare- m, • � Just ' Arrive" d • Phone Pickering 1712 �N , mont _ 15tf - Reference Bank of Montreal Chas. and 'Mrs. Grant and family Coa I �OI of HamToronto, and Mz. and Mrs. Scott, Our Third Carload of BUILDER $ of Hamilton spent the holiday with ! carnes Evans. E. and Mrs Bryn and family, Tractors We are now ready to s; visited F•, and Mrs. Chidlow, of ■ supply you with Victoria Corners, and all spent the Hard and Soft Coal of the, PP y y clay at Wagner's'Lake. , best quality on The ideal farm tractor. With the drop in: price you cannot `BRICKS; CONCRETE Barley and oat harvest"is now in hand afford to be without one of these tractors. Drop f' full swing. The crops are good; but P BLOCKS, INTERLOCK. the 'h t and 'dry weather is hasten- in and see ns or call Claremont. 103 for ?A Ing = ripening too fast.. THOS. A. LA •♦ � tis to call and see yon. Miss Margaret Linton, of Toron IIV G PIPE, DRAIN TILE, to, has been spending a couple of P5'C]atO i13�• GZ=t. y SAND AND GRAVEL. . weeks vacation at the home of her - - parents, Levi and Mrs. Linton. S E L M N �+ 'Or Quick .Sale Salfi ; Perry Cement 'Miss Bessie Taun, of 'Stouffville, .spent Wednesday with friends here. Shoer and General Blacksmith. 'Fordson Tractor and Plow,.with fenders ,.:Products Co. ~ O:y•acetyleoa welding 10-20 Titan Suitable for belt work 371 Ba St., Toronto 3Iz, and Mrs. Heraitt, of Toronto, and Brazing ' spent Sunday with Richard Ward. y ' 10-20 Samson, cheap � S. F. Robins, station agent at i�Z+AR�1�201`S'T - - 1926 Dodge TrIlOk a ton PLANT-1 mile north of Whitby, and formerly of Claremont Wiabes to announce that he will carry ' 4 Highland Creek. is, 'we understand, to be transfers- on business in the shop which he 1928 rugby Truck, 1 ton — ed to a station in Western flnttar- has purchased from Thos. Ste- 41 10 phenson.starting on _ 1929 Ford Coach All members c4 the Horticultural Monday,May 19th. -.1929 Durant Sedan society who -xish to purchase bulbs �E A930 Durant Sedan, demonstrator . please notify Mrs. Kilpatrick. Sec., Oliver P idin Plow, nearly new •as -the list is ready to be chosen g T from 'Oliver Bingle Plow, nearly new 3ARR Mn. Stubbs and daughter, of Tot- NEW � -' OREInt 8-furrow Tractor p10W onto, have been spending the past ► few weeks at the home of Mrs, CLAR MON ' - Deering Binder, cheap P , 9 ' Browjr, returned home on Monday �Cn1t1. 80lser nearly new - .. . l ly s .A number of cheap oars all makes _ egg The fotloeci are a few o! the _ A number of Cows and He>�lers _ -` Owing to Monde beim Civicnown � g y g -— -e is a beim - �� _ hioliday in Toronto and either nen offered. - A IIIImber of Work $crass _ !'! !!CJ ,• , I 2 cans of Peas, 2► cents - - very hea.+y through the village. ov• 2 cans Pork and Beans, '25 cents /sem y -.., _ _. _.. _.:. �. er the week-end. 2 lbs. Ginger 8n 25 cents C.hiE '�eg► �pr, a • - -�Clare�nont , E 04 ardode: s r The man friends of Rev A Mc- 2 pkRa of Salt, 25 - Clellan were pleased to see him - ' 25 ente t� designs that an back in his usual place on Sunday 2 pkgs of Lax, dignified, no; artistic after being off duty for a month, 2 pkge Shredded Wheat, 25 conte designs that world be - d bars P & G Soap, -suffering from the flu,. P 25 cents -:Lob- inappropriate for the Mr. and Mrs. Curfvy and two i,bars Castile Soap, ;Z6 teats (� S h(� r purpose in vieswt The sons and Mr. Duval and two daugh^ Hilzbest prices paid for butter and St V k �J ll one illustrated is sim- "iters and sister-in-law, Mist Jarvis, eg¢q. Save our coupons, �. ple, yeti testy all- of Toronto, spent the. vvekend «'e deliver every day. _. _AT _._- — ; ..No Greater Tribute' t, w-tC. E, and i1?ra, Bryan. C A OVERLAND � C. -r1. and bars. Overland were in A.�• - _ _ - .... � . . - N. W. STAFFORD, , Erin on Thursday last attending 3"ly Phone '2001 Ea D . ::1B E R T R �►N D' S the funeral of -the former's cqusin, -Phone_ -. _ i ad, $ nhitb a 'Frank Walker, who died very Sud- - t,�a • ' Y , denly in the Sarnia Hospital, • -• :_�CL�REIO1�-T -pbone Whitby y. t The-Police Trustees proclaimed Y . -ONT. 68 r'=� ` Aionday- Civic Holiday. The• mer- • a L� ~ chants of the village did not- vb _ it as a holiday. The bank however, CLARETIONT A few of the many specials was closed .for. the day. i Mr, Charlie Miller, and the Misses _ 2 Cans of Aylmer Soup for Reid of Detroit, Mich. and John and Afew of the specials you can get 2 Pkgs of Shredded Wheat, ..: ... 25c --- - -Mutual = Mrs. Groff, of Dresden ' Ont., . are at E, Bryan'K: •2 Lbs Seedless Raising. ... - .. 25c _ ,a T�a�' spending a few days at .the manse, ;Large bottle of Olives, reg 75c, far ... 49e Lo the guests of Rev. A. and Mrs, Mc- Prunes,large and plump,lb 15c � 8 Pck Jar Robbers, - �t� 'Lellan.• Seedless Raising, 2 The 250 6 Bare P&G Soap for- ... �< ... +• •. 25c5c ;, tas�&A(* 1W• We congratulate X. J. Wilker, on $hreddeld Whest�2 for . 25c ._-- - : - `_ - -. _ - Gbea�raLes for farm anet'eoan�y being appointed principal.-of the - baiidin Branch Continuation school. Set $nogg s Bran Flake%2 for 25c , Ss- ..i11 Ladies Silk Hose,all the latest shades,special Windstorm Inaor.00.on burbtoss. talcs charge of his new position *hen Rice$riepieb, 2 for 21ie - wind-mWs,Won oto. fthool re-opens after the summer French Peas, 2 cane for 26c t per pair ?9 Cents. - t °n• Pork and Beans, 2 cane for 25b , �} l►uto-01 mo�k"rano• The regular meeting of tlie Claie, ' . Mens Silk Half Hose, per pair-76 dents InorA United ,Church W. M. S.-will Premium Tea of Rood flavor, with _ PARKS FOB BALM 4. be held at the home of Mrs. Bilpat- cap gad esneer. 69e per tb. Special line of Ginghams, 23 cents per pard Write or pbone V nidi on Thursday, Aug. 14th at s Fano Bath Towels 39 cents each E D. $ O W M A H ` P. m. The G G. I. T will bb in charge Deliveries every day. ` � p of the meeting. All ladies welcome. - 20 WHITBY, ONT. A fall line of Tennis Shoes at lowest rices I wish to notify the residents of : . `B R �Y $ N P , the surrounding district that I Phone Claremont 8701 Sae Der Sam les of Ma�Ce-to .Irieasnre Clothin The -: Oreen Rivet , rented John McGrath's blacksmith - p g• y shop and opened up on August 6th. Boys and Girlg join rile u• are the newest patterns. $a,ek�t Factory .i " - Having.had fifteen years experience at horeparedng and general work, I FLEET FOOT -Phone 1401 Manufacturers of ' am prepared to give a xrst-class All kinds.of,Fruit Baskets, Berry. job at reasonable prices. H. Lye• s* Athletic Club. - --- A - - - - ---- - --- - Crates, Farmerq, Bushel - .happy event took place at the .:. manse on Saturday last when Miss -Baskets, Clothes Baskets. Ivy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wild Girls should not have to be bothered , with popping corns. You wont if • � rank �ellnOCk,� • of Markham, became the bride of von have comfortable fitting _ --Good Wherever -'Mr, Colin Madill, of Brougham, Rev footwear. Proprietor A. McLelIan, officiating. They were Buy a pair of Fleet Foot shoes made by - Maker of the well known. supported by Mr. James McDonald, the Dominion Rubber Do, You fill . . , of Brougham, and Miss E. Davis, of the application and you will receive a = 1V1hZed People Barnes Baakets. Stouffville• The happy couple left for Fleet Foot Sport Review Mont hlv,_aleo _ __ _ Phone Markham 6408 a short-motor�n-'p an on onday ev a membership button. Gather Together ening a reception was held for them We have a full line of Fleet Foot at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Bert. Shoes to fit everybody from Mat'thews,' when about` one 'hundred 75 cents'to$1,76, y:w•s)fl s invited guests were present. A short C ARRYING money in the ordinary form is never t''' ' �srE;t 3YlrEyj w program vms given, Rev. A. McLell- A full tine of Fresh Groceries wise. It involves both risk and inconvenience. an presiding, with Mrs. D Gannon, of Brougham, at the Granulated Su ar,10 lbs. 50c The ideal way is to carry Travellers Cheques is- ,Icing piano, musical ,Icing Auger,2 lbs. .' 150. sued by all branches of this Bank. duets were given by Mrs. E. Walmer Rtce;21be. lbs ` of Claremont, and Mrs, Geo. Lee, of Raisins, seedless,21be. 23c These Travellers' Cheques are easily_obtained. z Stouffville, Miss Margaret -Spencel- Peas, 2 cans for 230 q , ey of Claremont, gave a musical Salmon, ;cans for _ 230 They cost very little ; and they have this great , - • ' y monologue-with Miss Winnie Wilson Castile Soap;3 bars-for 100 advantage. they are accepted as cae , in _ at the piano. A happy feature was Quaker Oats, with china. Ibox 34c ..almost any corner of the world where.civilized an address by Mr, Morton, of Seats Shortening.21ba. 35c people gather together. }' Rolled Oats, 6 lbs... 25r• i tie, Wash., an Dill Pickering 'i'd:an- P&G Soap, 6 bars 250 ID ship boy, who. c ", 'Mrs'. Morton, is Good wiry Butter, 1 Ib. :_28c - 1 �� T renewing old acgqQaiat�ncea. The fi J� �L'k1�1 Pickering Township Citizens Rand _WE DELIVER 'I - . played'Rt-va few old-time selections, N A OF COMMERCE , "Y 'tasty lunch was cPrvad and a fine F I G O L D ' S array of cnetlY prPepnts was dis- g pop�]larity of LOWER PRIC1 STORE Sold and;Installed by , playyoung Couple and the ed, a regain hP 4 7H8 $T,gyyl�p,IZD BANK OF CANADA the Frond will of. I Phone;3801 i ttbe. Community. Mr, and Mrs. Mad- �"i � J P�,QUg�' _113 .L f4T.A D V 1kXnXTrn ^'LTM Wicilwl_�,�_1111,T,,,-- -- wovtl�yk,-7p,V,,--,,'57 .��i��.T-17�,-��-�,7-vff,,7.rjT�7amp.r�",1,11�77- ,,4 `7 I . - I - T,V-ek, I- V-�k--, 7-'ZF�',,4�,�,.,T�W'-, 7-,.-,,.'� .... ..�. I _k �.11111.I.. �p'.,4f1W. _.� - . �. . , '"',, , ,,, , - �11 ��,, _`111 P . . '"'. _ " I . . - I 11 . I—— ---.-, � " I I - , -,.;. .��. � I '. . � 1. — . .J., , ,4c,��,,*, _,%: �� � � ,Fj,7.'z_. 1�, .7 ..", -, - - � I I _*.�-t�-:..w . I, _.� •.,�:I. . 4&. . . _, - .:..,-.-.,IV_ _". --. - - � - -- 1.71,11.1 — '.�,_4�_ :� I - - ... .�., , -v"Vi',.--.,7i--""�,Z�e�-,��—�4--l�";,7�O,�'��'-",I . .. * , ,=� " 11'_W�`11_11111'I'll . . . � � �7_—, , �,'��.L�� ,,�, ;j=,1;��r�"W,%,6&��',,T � , ,41 , A"3J11- , , -� . 1� , , . , I .7105�Nl . , .: .71� --%; -I-. ..."- - I rw, 7' Z" � . , . - � I'll , �. . 1.- P. _- - � �-;.., , � ,� , . :�r ) , - - 1 .. , - - a"Y - I __ t.� 111, - - - �._..:2.� , ". , . . . . , , � . .. 7 . . .. .. . . . . . � . . - . I - - . . I J ..- .. . - I ;. - .:-_"t,t 1.14 I . ".% � ..7 , 7, :* 11. I . .1 �, ��:., , - �. . ... , 'I, • --:-�� .,�� -1. . ,q ,m.'-:.� ,, ,� , .., .1, I I 1:. . ,'I". � .. ., .. . � I - _ . .. I . I �I I : . I . - - .1 ,I : . • � 1, . , J_.. . . . � '. .� - .1. � . - - . . .. . -� - I 4 . � �� - t'. : - , , . . . . -_ '. I ._.. . . ; �-' -� . ." � � . . , . . - . , ,�, ., . .. . � . , . , . . � ;�" , )_ I , :7 lt�, � I.. . �1� *1 I , �: . "; .. . 11. .. , . . -. - . - .- - . *, . . . - . � .. , - � o �_,-�.� .4-. -A.. I , .�!...Ot ,- . I I . . . . I � . 1 • I—. - 1 - I _ '...J. . . . - — ... . , , " . �. _.. -_ .� ., '.... , ._ . I - . . - I, . - . . .� .�1� . I I .- -- � , -_ . . �, . ��.,, . ... . . ... 610 . mo � I'll I. . . �. , . _; -- .. " .. . .����� .1 . - ; .- . .... ,.-.+. .. Canadian Railways ' Canadian Scientist Discovers . -. � ' -, . . I . . I . IPreI R-100 Rea . . .''. . � ntreal ' : ..... '. .11 I - onc Youth' I . .1- . . . . .. . � I . . - 0 - . ` Enter Air Service , ' ' ... _�i....-.Skull of hist ' 's Y , . . - . . - . . - ;. ,. ..- I 1 :X '. After Battling Stornu . .. ! � . . _,_ _______ __ __ __ . �_ . . . .- ` - '- ----' ------- --------------- . I . 'And Repawimig . Peiping, China,-Diacovery of' the male. The discovery Indicated that I ... . .. .. ,., I . . '.. I Damage Acquire Interest in Canadian skull of a youth who dwelt in a cave the first find was the skull of an &dol- . . . l .. •-, It I I . . . I.. � . : .. . - .- � .. . . ..Airways and Western near Peiping in the earliest years of ascent girl. . � � . .. . - I . . - I . . . - ' O� Caniada Airways . ma . . : Crowd Stages Reception as Giaut Ship Looms Into . mankind was announced recently by The skull of thecave-dwelling youth � . . 2. Waiting C . . ___ . . Glow of--r-t. Hubert Searchlights-_--Ho-urs'. __ I . Vancoity. er was broken to fragments but well pre- . . .. _=,Uo t h Canadian trans- Dr. Davidson Black, Canadian scient- � - ---------, - . . . WF16 _ . , in-tie- was ' _ the cave. It I ... _. : ,� . .... .' I -continental railways are interested int, who participated last year served In the walls of I - . Spent Veering to Avoid Storm I ..., . . . - in the aviation aspect of transporta- excavation from the-cave of a skull was not crushed still the parts which s. . , .., . � . . .. �- - . ... 1 . � - discovered Atted per . . . _. � . . . .. Pon,according to Mil"Henry Thornton. believed to be the oldest ever found the scientists . . • . - .7 I ... .0 . . A, 7.�-..' -FIN' FABRIC TORN AS SHIP REACHES QUEBEC President of 'Canadian-National,Rail- The second skull found In the dark tectly. ' , I �. it; . �. .. � . - - I -1 ways. a . recesses of the cave where the origin- The excavators said the second skull � - . � .. . . St. Hubert Airport,Montreal,August She stopped just above Quebec, � '.'The "Canadian pacific Railway and al "Peking Man" has long been sought would provide the most important ad- - . I � .. U 8 IV a have azquired an, lutarest definitely that of an adolescent I ditions to scientific knowledge. 1.-Tfis R-100 Is here. Great Britain's drifted back eastward for)L? miles 1 o r e e a I was � . . , -----.-----bUd:ef-for the supTema;eY--of-theskIe over the Grosse Isle a action; -men, In Western Canada Airways and the i — ___ ___ __- - - ' .I ' . I .. �. .. is now, hovering over St. Hubert Air- went out on the and . n i canadlaa, Airways, which is the big I tennatiomil Chamber of Commerce fol - I . port. A weary newspaperman and the fabric. and she headed westward!aviation concerti of the East, am— Nations ,Are Urged September, 1930. , . .- .. I 1.� . I und crew awaited,th d1pigib-1 -- !Ing to Sir Henry. The Council decided that the sixth - . � -.' -'-'-..--'- . . . at reduced speed.-`Th-aTW`UU1LLC& 4 t I % . --te-Trade, . . . . .sighted ten miles northeast of St. Hu- her officers and men, who had worked Signiftcant, He Says To Libera . congress of the international Cham. � . . - _. I �bert at 2.05 a.m., Eastern daylight-say- I -Henry admitted that action-oa . S_ .I — . � .. . . held in.. .. � against discouragement in connection' Sir . b,er of Commerce .would be ,. .;. I :i , a travelling slowly her the part of the railways was signific- Parts.-Requests that governments Washington from May 4 to May 9. -1/ I , ,• . tug time, and we -with the fabric at Cardington, ' . east toward the-illuminated landing home port. But this was not alL ant as indicating the trend In the near and the International bank facilitate 1931. .- field. Half an hour later the huge, oil- . future. * - ., I 0 -I! - . � . .... _ - 1% , ,-*.very silhouette could be seen barely � . Three Hour Storm .. The entry of the railway companies international exchange of goods, fact!- 2660 Emigrants - ., : , . - - � . raoving, at an altitude of about 500 As she. came up stream over three Into the field of aviation has been un- itate a supply of credit at moderate* . . .. L.eave"'Aalitwerp . feet. I . hours' storm came out of the (5tta,Wa aois eorisiderktton toe some time, ac-I rates and the free circulation of PaPi-I , Brussels-During the first quartet �.. .... . I . . . For many hours there had been con- Valley. Gusts and squalls, thunder, cording to well-informed aviation tal, and avoid excessive accumulation of this ,year, a total of 2660 persons . . .1 the exact where- Crip- circles in Vancou.v4r. . . of have been lsuued .by th-e con I n- emigrated via the port of Antwerp. .. . . . .. .. fusion regarding lightning and rain faced her. 9 .. I .. . � .. . -100 . .� cu of the International Chamber 0V These included 301 Belgians, 19 Dutch, . abouts o fthe R - many messages pled as she was, she sought shelter by, : As %;onfirmed. . . . . ,were received from the air liner, but turning southward 16 miles to avoid Winnipeg - Aviation is to be de- English, i6 .. .. . . . � I l after that hour the stream of wireless Commerce here, In order t 17 Italians, 46 Swiss, 34 L . . the storm areas, and cruised during veloped In Canada in alliance with now ex-,J Luxembourgers, ,67 Austrians, 171 . . Words slowed down. At 11.36 the ship the last hours of July 31, tIlL at mid- the trans-Canada rail systems,-accord- critical economic conditions nc i Hungarians, 103 Czechoslovaks, 169 _1 I . '. - - . Three Rivers, ac- night, she was back at three Rivers. Ing to,& statement made by James A. fisting throughout the world. . . . :was directly over . Rumanians, 202 Russians, 239 Jug0- ---- - ' cording to the Canadian..Pres i This Then SL Hubert airport officials, re- Richardson, airways magnate. Mr. The council decided to urge upon . number 0 f the slavians, etc. The greater numb , .. .. was substantiated at 12 o'clock bl the ceiving a phone message from her, ad- Richardson, who is owner of West- governments the ratification o iculturIsLa. . . . official bulletin issued at the airport, ,i,ed her that weather conditions had em Canada Airways and associated diplomatic instruments signed at the ,were agr . _. . which statSd that. the ship was at improved locally and told-h-er to head with Canadian Airways in the East, Geneva 'Economic Conference. The Canada took 1613, the United States dl- directly for" airport. The weather confirmed the statembat of Sir Henry Greek National Committee, however. 701, and South America 337.. . :. �... . 'Three Rivers, but would proceed . 'because of the uncertain- . 0 .I . ..+ - rectly to Montreal. . . I was better. Stars were out-, wind was Thornton, President of the Canadian did not vote .... - - . as to a commercial Canadia. to BraA - � . ._ - I .Slower Then Zeppelin Trip light, and a stormy period had-PASsed. National Railways, that the two great ty prevailing n Eam.orts . __ - I Canadian rail lines had stepped into treaty which is considered to be vital . - 'Already, the R-100 had been more . . Thousands Gather .- prosperity of Greece�, . Drop $1,560,647 in Year . - ,- than 73 hours in the air, She left - .. ' aviation. I . to the economic p - - Canadian exports t& ... . ... crowd of thousands began to ar- . . 4 .. the British National Committee de Montreal. . 7 ��. :' - 'Cardington. England. -on Monday A cro . . r ended March .. - - night at 9.46 Eastern standard time. rive at the field during the afternoon. Glared Itself entirely opposed to the Brazil for the fiscal year . - . Canadiam Admitted and the field was packed this evening. - I . uven-1 31, 1930, were valued at $4.292.293, , � .:. . and, taking the great circle course, ins out from Montreal.I_ To Chicago Exchange I ratification of.the commercial co compared with $5.972,940 to Co A. 8 * ..=ad's slower time than the Graf Zeq. The roads lead - Chicago.-Tho recommendation of t'on- i Canadian Trade mis, ... Velin did on its recent trip to the 10 miles distant, were dotted with tbe'goverulng committee of the Chl- It was decided to request the Com- Bleakney, Can 11 I * - � . no i-ti in-I stoner in Rio de Janeiro, reports. , . motor care and buses bringing others. cage Stock Exchange, that Canadian mittee on Europe to continue . - . . . JUnited States. . f whom Intended to spend`the citizens be permitted to become mem- Quiry into general economic condi-I This ishrinliage, he explains,was duo . I . The dirigible met with a series of many 0 1 Europe and onto the beat ways" largely to decreased shipments of sew. - 1. tions in .. . I . . . .�linisforttmes, greatly delaying her pro night at St. Hubert. bers, has been approved with no CLP- L' . . - i . I . Members of the reception committee I -ended I of solving the specific difficulties of Ing machines, automobiles and parts. _igress. � - n the field shortly after noon. position• and the constitution am the European,continent. In particular and rubber goods. Exports of wheat .... ...- . r . . - . sitter oloapoointment ... were a accordingly. . I I I . . . :. . .I .. .. - Col. James Ralston, minister of de- tl0j'Canadlaus for member- In connection with agriculture and flour disappeared- c -I . . . . . * . l _. The last 180 miles of the world's tense, arrived by airplane. He was In accep � credits. a, - * ..- I .. - largest-airship's journey of-3.226 miles joined by Major Camillien Houde of�shlp, it was said, the local exchange _ Cordial approval-was also given to- It's. strange how many animals are - - -, I across the great circle, were fraught has set a precedent. as the principal � killed to dress the girl that dresses .. . . .. �... . Montreal. Major-General A. S.- L. Me- the round-table conference on Danube - . . �- '- wtth-traged�% He" crossed the At- � e-schxnges of the country require that navigation to be.4rranged-by the In-Ito kill, I � . . , Naughton, and Brig.-Gen. W. B. R. their members be citizens of the - - . .. ---,-:Z- - i __-4antfc. " air pioneer an the northern7 King, commander of the Montreal mill- ___ �___ ____ ________ . . � - . route, the big, ship reached Belle Isle . district. 1. I . . I . _United States. . - - . . ,,I - - - .- - -, It - ... in such good time that it.Is estimated Cary . 0 1: � ..- . .- I The wind-cone over the administra-, — I Canada's Popualtion Almost 10f000t000 y-• I leas than 6-0 per cent. of her fuel sup- Sir Edmund Findlay was tion building pointed northeast-the . U* I r 1._. ply had been used, and there up an direction whence the R-100 approach- . Pmises SCOtS' Pre"I .,Says Statistics Bureaux; Increase 137,000 ..*-. -., ... '- I � - -1: every prospect the would set - " I I - Zerrviible speed record. But mischance .., Edinburgh"in speaking to the dale - " ' ` . _. e River St Lawrence Companies of'troops were marched gates to the quintennial conference of Ottawa.-Canada's population on Saskatchewan,.-882.000: Alberta. 660r. ..� -.1, - - - _ - stalked her in the time, onto the field, to augment the red- the Empire Press Union, at a dinner� - - and at 10.45 daylight saving June 1 has been estimated at 9.934,500 00jo; British Columbia. 597,000. Yukon, ,Thursday. she had been 72 hours In costed mounted police, posted at the I given by the Scottish Daily,Newspaper by the Dominion Burean of"Statisiti,&s. 3.700e and the Northwest'Territbries.- . .. 11 , ad � . - - . - g and along the, Society in Edinburgh, Sir Edmund - 9,600. . " - the air, and possibility of the One administratiort building the, ..1to.presided, said that at This represented an increase"ease-of 137,.- . 1. - . . -� . . . . _ ....-". � , . -:,:_��peed achievement had glimmered. main higliwoo. . around th.e this time when tt seemed the fashion 700 over 1929 estimate. . The- following : figures show the � . I . .. 1.I- -- Four-o'clo-04 July 31, was the zero . A.circle of white blocks.a.r as .. . . - . . ... . e. Ito belittle British enterprise be would In a report issued recently the bur- growth of Canada's pop I ulation durl . � bour for the R-100. Winging grace- mooring mast marked a safety zon eau gave the following figures as the , ...�. s on them the enterprise the past decade: 1921, 8.788.483; 1923. . * . fully down the last stretch of her jour- L An elaborate program for the 44 like to impress - estimated population of each province . � - - r- of ScoUlsh pa ' Edward Island, 9.909.000: 1"1-9,028.000;" 1924, 9.151.- . 1 .'. .'. 1 ney,-she was caught in shifting winds; men aboard the R-190 has been a .pers. . . ,t I and territory:-. Prince . . .. - bead winds cross winds. Those, on ranged, A government official recep- The Scottish papers were the fin I Scotia, 553,900; New 000; 199.5, 9.269..000; 1926. 9,390,000. tri6ut'e their[85,800; .Nova �. .. top of the buffeting she had received tion is scheduled for to-morrow, and to run special trains to dis ft agitation Brunswick, 422,400;-Queb'ec, 2,734.600; 1927, 9,519,000; 1928, 9,653,000, and . - .. .. . � . in the- early part of her trip off Ire- dinners and -inspections of the ship papers. It was through the I Ontario, 3,313,000; Manitoba,"671,500; I 191.19, 9,796,800. . I.— .. .. . �. . � . . I land, damaged the port fin over a over the week-end and'next week are that Tel>Orter*.ot papers c . . - I *.. .. length of about twenty feet. . .. planned. . don were granted permission to sit in _��. �_ - . . I . I .. - - alloty of the House of Com- . L- .. - ___---. __-.----.- . .— ___ _ __- -____ .the Press London Regards Flight of R-100 to Canada .. .. - -, — ,. . . . . � I mons. To ccme down to the present, As Preliminary to Starting Regular Service i ,Ford, 67, Observes .- Canada to House � - it was a Scottish paper-tbit was the . L- I I-I . - " .- . , . V War MeinOrWS 1 first to own and operate,a pleura tele� _ . call,ed, and the R-100's Toronto. L . L . . � transatlantic flight Of year. it was re Fete- With TWO - -_Tlro 1 : - .graph. 1. - - . London The tran � -The Government Is con. - ... _ . .- .6 - � - flight may prove the practicability at . . . ... .1. . - . . the R-100 to 'Montreal was regarded thi-erection, of a National It link by air. ' ! -idering Canada's War Morn- King Victor of Italy . here as preliminary to the establish- the transatlant t .. .L. L- Closest Pals I A third branch of this inter-Empire - I - Gallery. in. which Ca . . ' I ment of a regular air service from . ... _ - orials will be housed. The site con- '30 Years. on Throne Britatri, to Canada. I . _. air co.mmunleations ..utider.contempla- I Ot. Rome.-King Victor Emmanuel re- India to Ana- n1 .. ,.. , - at -id is on the bank The Press, 'While enthusia!ttic about tion. reaches through � Gitlies't With Firestone - te-vlat, a of the , 4,- - - - - - - . . -' Edison'.a Home _.- - taws, R ver near the Parliament build. -Eeutty-received-the-salute-3f the - 0-- tE-e-a-ch-leverdetir, -waw--not ,larliti-d-to -trft1Iavw4"-T"-4UQthST--wiI1 run, to - -. . . I . . . pian pap4lace,-,on the &0th anniversary nth Africa, . . . ' - " I . . . I . . . . . cele - .1 fore a multi- 'view It as a stngI3 isolated Incident, Capetown, So .. _.... - k. 'West Orange,N.J.-Henry Ford c - Ing,,. a of his reign. Standing be Although Britain is developing big. _ � �. brated his 67th .birthday on. July 30 - The war memorials collected by . the square In front of Pan- .-pointing ifiting out its more far-reaching - - - . . . � commission, of which Lord-Beaver- tude- In significance Ju linking the Empire. . flying boats of great range and .power �� .. . . . __ t ' -- �WA hit-two closest cronies---Tbm" brook was a member, contain several theon, the monarch hailed his subjects The first of-these "air links," name- it to believed here that for years to . I . . and "Harvey." . . outstretched will be more suit- . .. Harvey W. Fireitone, paintingsnsidemble artistic .who, Roman fashion, ly, the one connecting England with come the dirigible . -1. . ' . . . .1 Mr. Ford and . -Hitherto these memorials have their arms in the ancient pledge of I India has been functioning about a. able for the Atlantic crossing.' .. . . tire manufacturers; were guests of merit.* . . . I I I , I . Thomas A. Edison-at the inventor's not been placed on exhibition. - . - fealty. . _- —- . _======; - .1. ,- I ;...'home and labor9tories here. __- � in"-Dirigible _.. . -*'But obaVvan - . .. _. . ElVitain Takes Her Place Construction ce of Mr. Ford's anal . . _ . I . . . , . . - versary was not permitted to Inter. I ,-. � I . . - � . � � � -3..- 1. �,� :fere with Mr. ]MIson's .Major activity " : -,* . . - � .. ". . I I . , ,. I -� . , . . . � . .1 I , I . I .of the day-the entertainment of 49 . ... %..._._,'., ,�.I:%; . I I I- I Zlk ,..,.4. - i,. .. - I , . :.,�,,�_---: -:,..- . 4;.,_1 ; . 1...�.�� , ."'.. -�. :�-�,Nli,'!,,_'��.�;, .. - - , ." - , -.it$,. I.,.,.,.:. ;.��%�:. ,,;!��:�%,t.�.!,;,:�%,,�t1.111.%i1;.1,,,;%�.,-.4.,..t%.�:-1:11,� ..","'. �. " ,;A* I ;��%....� ., ;,:�': ;%" ., -. . � `�,, � �� ��. . .,_1.111-.K ',,1;-.,;,. .. -.1-; .�,,, . . . . . . , $�� . i ..".." � . ..- .............. .. . ,, , " .1 :1. �, _ �� .. -,�,._.�,, % .. ,, - , .�,.�.i, ;, .;.;.!. ...,%., ,f.l"!..�'.. �;.;;�,� � -�.,,, � . . - . ... . . . ,%�.,k�.'.�--.%!., - , — 7 7`�A . ... , ., � '. " ,. ..;. "`111�,.�, ,.... .."'. .,... , % , - .:1, ;.-�,;:� - L �Q, . �2 !.�,�_1���,:t` ., ,,`-,,.:."�.,� as many-parts at the I . . ,..." , .,-�� ��1.1�:��'%,'. ,.,".'...'.... ... ,, ,.;�!.,%�,�!-.!;n , �, . ... oung men from � Ir ...,,',�:�,l��� __ . . _.;.� , �. o" . ..... : . . '%�, _� A.,..- �, .�1:11..,., . , I " , .;�`,�!,�k!,�t:R....... .. ' ,. �,.!:.;;,,i.i��in4.�l'.1�l,..�,,.'-,�., .�$I;-,� N;!,;�;,, % � '. ." �. .; .. , , .- 1=,..� '��%, ..-"...;��:;�.i.tl�.il".!'',�..fz"�..!!:!:.!�li;,;.4�,�,,.,.,*", .-,,;� .4- . :, -.1.1 . ,� �. .� , X�1;"- . . AlUnited States, who t-ook a competitive ,.I'.,- . ..' .."I...I�111 � � . � , U',,= ,C,;, . ., '. _� ."*�..,: - .. : I I, , - ., . 1 ...11.1. - .. i . I �* %.: .. .� , �, ". I , , 1. . . . . . I.."._ %,.., .;".. . . .1 . . . � . .�.111!.',�._,, . . 1, ,.,� . � .1 .� ,. . . .'_. il, - examination to see which shall be . I . , � ' ' ;..�:�,�:�,�-f-1:��il .�'....�:�,,�17,� ,, ' * i:� i". '.":`.;. . 7,1 �I . . - ��. "..�%t�,��_ �,�,., �,. "I I``111,11 �I... ,. .. . I... � 11�� I �. . . chosen for the annual Maori scholar- ......i_. Ii. ..., , _._..:I,, . � �,_�,;� , . 1, , . . . - I., . ..... .. . a I . hip in a technical . � 11 I. .. . � . . school. . - , ;. .;., I . . .�. .�.', ,.,;-.�z., � ,. . .. " 14 , , , . ," _:.- - - . � . . . I I I . . 1 , . �,..Z%...,: '.....i t . .I . �� ... M,. ,..�� � . - . 1!I - :.,� . - � . . .. . . , I ... . . , ". I ,::i....s ,.�,.! . � - . . I .I—_ _, �:�� .,....��l% 1,200,000 Pupils Cost . . I . . . . . -W, �.. . New York $171,036 �.-- . . , 1 : �4:11: . . ..-..:. I.. . . 10'' 1 1:7 `1 .., , , . . I .. % �.� �, , ., � I.,,:.1-1 ,.� , ::: .. . . . 11 . . . . I . . . . . .1 .. .- ., . New York.-Aggregate expenditures .. ,- : - .i !'' ,�!��'_...'�,.,-_.� ...'1.,i�, of the BoVd of Education .during- _ _., ... �.. "I. Opp-, � I,���;�-:t%�,�:�.�. ... . - . . , . , . �.�.`.��'.�;.',� . � I -_19119 _JA1_0 for each of the - � -__-.-- -averaged- I i1,200,090 - pupils enrolled, according to I the report of Frederick D. CharAbers, . . . auditor,made public recently. I .1 ,.�... , .,,%,.. .",� ..I .. I " * I . . _:,�, '. %i,.,� ."....�, � .I.Z��'�� :''�!� , - . .- . - . �".......'...%...", 1, - . . ., .. ,.,�,�.I,.;., .% 1.11-1. ....L:%;�,t. ..,-.&�:-%%�. . The total amount spent to educate I - �'. ,,`;��%�:I:...%,;.�-.�.�� ,� ,� ,.;,, ;,`�%�:!:!:,.,:.:..'-i,1s,, '..,!� - "::�%. %i ,,1..%. . ".. ..� %,..�, . . .�. ..11 .�%:��,�,,. .. . I . . . . %. %��..._.,4.,�...,-,,1,,�. ...�- ,..;,,_��:.�1 . ...� . � . .. �. . ".:;.;. -,.-it`.�-;,i,i..�:.:.,-; �,,,......I-. :, g: - ,the city's children last year wi-8 $171,- , : . .. � .1;. ,;......� I 1%-:.;,�;t� ii_x I I :,;,�. ... �':�';',In._ ....... ..'' ..�,�.�.:!!.I.4!..;.�,�:,:��-�..-..��., . . , ... . I - - . � %.,.,, .,'...:L � ., ��.�.; I. . .�. ,1W : . I.,% � .��.:,.,;,,.,,'; .,:''��!,�, !�-,,,�,,..,.i.;%.-.��'. � '.1q.�1, ,�I. ....��%::%%::�j �` :''...�1.�,!:��, . . .. :'. : ,.��;;.::��;,; ."; :,.."�_: , , I� _!.:... ,�:��, �.i.�. ..-. ,� 026,363, the largest sum ever disbursed I Jl �w 1, �. �:.111��.I%� :,::�':�.';,��;��,���;�l�������i�i�,,,�.',��l;,..",.I�.��:"�'..�'.���; .1. ::.! -, ,L'. 1 �.'. :��, . . . � ".�� . - A . ". � ,�;% I . Education In.any , - �� . � by the Board of Ed �:i. . , I � %.. �` ..:�:: ..".I �.,.J'�`.� . � I . . -% ... . .. .l� � , . . - �, . . . ..� 1 4'.� ," ... ��,;�.�, : , . I. . t . . . . I -��,::,., , . �, ,��. :;, % .., . :, .. 1", . I single year and exceeding by nearly . - . _. .. . � �: � : . b . I . ". �. 1114,000,00T aggregate expenditures in �.� ..�. �.''' .. .. 1. I. .. �,�I'L��.._ .. , .� "'L. I � ., . - 1 , �, .1 I r e largest ,.. I - �"'t onsomm� -. I. -.�%�:�.:!���..,;� "-- �... I I, ,% 11:� .. ,,�.�_ , I- 924, the last record year. Th . � ,� . , i.:;�,x ... %d :�%:�,,. , . .. , I 11'� ,.,.I . . - ., . - .1 � .. .. , . � ,: � . - ., . ,.,;:.,i ! . . . . ..,,".,L"L.-� '-.. �..��. 01I...'' , %'..'.;��... .� .1,4� .�-.,%,K,4;%.�. .A1 . �:- ;?L � ..,. , ,%.� . , ,i:..'� � ,.�..�........... , .. �. p .111.1 _ . .1 % . � the 1029 expenditures I 1 . � � I ..,. . , , � . I, .%:1 . . , 'I . ., % �, .��: - ... . I .. ..1 . . single Item of . S. .%%1.� ...." ...I% � ,",..,..._. _z�".�."s,-:,"�., .- � .: ..,,.�., I . .. I . .. ;.. '. .....� I ; - �� ,; , , , q . - � I - . I .- .. . , 1 . , . . .. . o. � . . ,�:�, .� .._._'��,. .:% '. �V��,. . . I � .. ��. .. A., � , I 11 .! �%.� .. - . �.., I. . ., :., . I I I I � . salaries of the teaching .I , _..,.� , .,%,�,�...,:...� .11 � % , ' : '' ,." . i . ,,�� : ,., s�. - .. . . --" : : !��� �,- .. was that for . , - .- - I slog, � .��� ...... ,-". !.. .. I , . _land supi,rVistrig stag, totalling ,I ... : '. - I . �. I...".!; .�. I .�. �. . - p'! _ I., .. ,. ,.. - ,. .. . I . ,. - �� - .. - � - . ., � keep on .. �-1. L I . I : . - � -. - , I . , I . " I.. I Remember that 01OCks I . : . . . .- working when they strike. � ��' _ . .,, � - . � I I - . ... . I I , II I I I I I I % , � , "it to only audacity that attacks . . The .. -100.#ko artist dirigible in the world, exceeding even the Graf Zeppelin, for,Canada - � _. . I .. I )pelin, sailed from England � �. ." I . . .., ,,�,. ,.�,��' -tyranny and Ignorance and smother- r �. , he R __ - Arriving early Friday morning. / . . 40. 1. - � . -.�16 . . . I . . � I ,bg *%pergUtIon.11-Rupert Hughes. , . . - .1. � . - I . - � � . I I � . . .. _.�;�': : I I . . �... . I . . I. ... . � �._________� . , . I . . . �. I . % _� � I :,q,.. /" L . � :� I � . . 11 . . - [ .A... ,.. ._ ,i „•RFs+: 1,, • ».. �Y'.Y.. .r 1i' n::, u.q.� :k, _ 'i5� .,•! ♦ ..cn.. aJrt.Y.T.YI,. _T. w'. "a.. �..5(as.*..Ia!7GTnJ... S h. b-/•_a 4aa 1y..M. / •s8 r•si.,w _ w.eya �1-.'.GV •M 3 .+ .fir r � c? _ -"q f• y , - 'o a� P �e Sovie# Scientists Not Understood 'A H Mti 41W * Invade Polar Land Not understood. we move along ` yke' In Peril jjl asunder:,_ Our paths grow wider as the sea- r sons creep Borne Form With 15 Months- Supplies �—. --- Along the years; we marvel and we of Nervous Break Scientists Brave Un- wonder , "ro down Always Threatens .known Land Why life is life, and then we tau - � ' asleep, _ - Them. _ Leningratd,-=_.Pi group.--of- - - - - CaL id 1�Iot understood. -------Pale people are almost always ner- scientists led by Professor Otto voup. 'aleaeas.denotes lack of blood Schmidt and,including Profesor R. L. Not understood! We gather false im- ��— and too little blood usually results in Somoilovitch, Professor D. U. Wiese press 1 Fn. laded nerves,, sleeplessness, head- and several others have departed for And hug them closer as the years schen or neuralgia. Archangel, where they will embark on go by; Y, _ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are differ. an icebreaker for Fridtjof Nana en The virtues often seem to us trans- .'ent from most other medicines-it is Land, formerly Franzz Joseph Land, gression; ° ME '-Io ` impossible to lake them and not feel to explore its possibilities of develop- And thus men rise,and fall,and live. heifer. ,Th. :li bole mission is to went. and die, make rich, red blood. This new blood a geog ar P l al-Mtures- ` mit _ —Not urn erat'003_ _ . __ .. +` �. <•strengthens the nerves and gives vi- resources and hunting possibilities of - - -- --taiity-to the-whole body. Concerning t13e lrretie-islands will be thoroughly -Not understoott! Poor souls with - them Mrs, G. Cook, Bloor Street, To- investigated. The expedition is equip- stunted vision tonic, says: "Two years ago I used Ped with supplies for fifteen months. Oft measures giants with theirva r Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for a nervous Its members will visit areas upon row gauge; " breakdown with the result that 1 have which no human foot ever before trod. The poisoned shafts of falsehood and ...been well and strong ever since: They w111 ezplore the Ise of Isolation derision �` /,yh ,•, ' You can get these Pills from any in the Kara Sea rand a considerable Are oft impelled 'gainst those who 'dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 part of-the Polar Ocean. They will mould the age. dLA cents a box from The Dr-Williams'Williams' bring radio operators and other tech- Mgdicine Co., Brockville�.Oat. . nicians to relieve the present scientific Not understood! The secret springs a O staff of the world's most northern of action ���� - i radio station on Nansen Island. Which lie beneath the 'surface and ` Future Schools i The explorers will place upon"North the show, MCI R ' • y • Land," formerly Nicholas II. Land, Are disregarded with self-satisfaction; Child's Parad;se colonists to form a neucleus of a fu - � We judge our neighbours, and they a -- cure Russian settlement. These will often go "It will be useless for the teacher j be.a small group of Soviet volunteers, Not understood. rRb z. to maintain a modern attitude of un- including former Governor G. A. Usha- ' derstanding, accompanied by judicious kov, on Wrangel Island, who will be Not understood! How trifles often Instruction and aid when boys and I the first person known to have visited change us girls arrive at.their teens, if the par I that remote part of the earth. The thoughtless sentence and the out in the home is going to lag behind "The Soviet government' has the fancied slight and stay wallowing in the prejudices I greatest sector of Polar territory In Destroy long years of friendship, and and inhibitions of the last century; 1 the world," said Professor Schmidt be, estrange us, _ nor, on the other hand. If parents are fore his departure. "Therefore there And on our souls there falls a freer- young' and modern, will the pupils is an international obligation upon us themselves endure an old-fashioned I to study this little known region as Ing blight, Not understood. school regime that danies them the thoroughly as possible in the interests What is the most thoughtful king !. which tof t have been accustomed rexpression at of science." Not understood! How many breasts there ie"-Thlnking. Clafiiltlfled Advertising liberty a� are aching FOR SALE home." writes Evelyn Sharp is the For lack of: sympathy! Ah! day by 4 d New Era. ChAra Infan n SEA BLED FOR BALE. MODEZ. "When I meet a stupid parent, all day A Is, with new 22 H.P. Evinrude me. my sympathies are with the school; How many cheerless, lonely hearts are tur, all in perfect condttion. very sant. breaking' absolutely safe splendid fishing boat. and when i me_et_a stupt�' teacher, they Cholera infantum is one of-the fatal la ger modeL•eNow lab ed on;Georgian 14 are Instantly transferred to the home ailments of childhood• It is a trouble How many noble spirits pass away, that comae on suddenly, especially Not understood. Bar. Wilson Publishing Co a Adelaide But when I see both parent and teach . w. T.rontu• Boa 7 during the summer months, and un- er, howeverr excellent in their separ• O God! that men would nee a'little + BITUATIOfVS VACANT less prompt action is taketr the little clearer, ate capacities, contending for the soul I • .�] ase cv+ia who happens to be in their !one may soon be.beyond aid. Baby's OR- E MONEY NOIR TAKING OBr divided care, I congratulate myself" Own Tablets are as ideal medicine 1n Or judge less harshly' where they DERS for Personal Christmas a, that I can never again be a child. warding off this trouble They regu- cannot nee' Greeting Cards. Finest line ever w little w 1 firs a h men ou d _ O God, that _ shown. s el! tit r art e o Ea s Write f i- • to 0 Easy .. h atom P fate the bowels and sweeten the ,culat;s. .Regal Ant Co., S23 SpadiRa This disunion of interests, how- nearer Q -• , r _ aclr ant• theme�thw vran -is itr these days becoming so To one another-they'd be nearer Ave„ Toronto. rare that,,far more often.--I And my• mer complaints. They are an abso- Thee. lute safe medicine, being guaranteed Bali regretting that my own-childhood- Westcliff Woman-= My husband. of to contain neither opiates nor nar- Not understood. dies far behind me-sad can never re- O God that men would see a-little ter blacking my eye, punching my •`' 'Cur In that great future now opening cotics or other harmful drugs. They head, bruising my face, and generall, out before us, when to be young will cannot possibly do harm-they always y clearer, disturbing my countenance, said that be very heaven for all children of all I do good. The Tablets are sold by Or judge less harshly where ! S ''$S�' was only half what I deserved" classes. It is only the back dumber medicine dealers or by mail at 25 . catge less ' with a good memory who can really I cents a box from The Dr. *1111ams' appreciate the vision of'that heaven to Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. O God! that men would draw a little „ ....-come," — _ - + :.---CHILDREN Athletic People _ . . To one another-they'd be nearer a:e subject o s.ralas. and lige•, C>�tve Crying Babies Thee, HII♦DREN will fret often for no" ment displacement. Rub in a London Pups Are " And understood. a parent reason. But there's at- little Mina•a'a or prompt re:.eL , - Well Cared For, ,Plenty of Water -Thomas Bracken. . ways�t.orial Harmless as the recipe London-A g 4 on the wrapper; mild and bland as it , parkin place for pups i • I tastes But its gentle action soothes has been built on the roof of one, Some children are much more thir- :' For Good Results a youngster more surety than a more. f(ED ROE T- E of London's West End theatres. The: sty than others. ]t Is generally the powerful medicine- The editor of a city poultry journal •r ' British dog is generally supposed to highly-strung, nervy child who is the! That's the beautyof this special i KING OF FAIN receiaed a letter from a woman read-„ be the best cared for is the world, most thirsty. It uses up so much net- children's remedy! It may be van � and this-latest comfort seems to con- vous energy that the sweat glands I er. ]t read: "How long should a 'the tiniest infant-as often as there ! ° firm the supposition. A uniformed. become -highly active, and the child i hen remain on the eggs''.-"' - '1 is need. In cases of colic, diarrhea or N page Is assigned to feed, water, and cries for a drink to make up for the The editor replied. "Three weeks similar disturbance, it is invaluable i for chickens and tour weeks for A coated tongue calls for just a few watch the dogs which are left while moisture It loses so, rapidly. The fat, ducks." drops to ward off,constipation; so masters and mistresses attend the: contended child does not need the does any su tion of bad breath- performance. weeks passed, and the edttor performance. amount of fluid the bright, highly again received a letter from the read- Whenever children don't eat well. All large department stores of Lon- strung child demands. don't rest well, or have any little don have an attendant in the entrance To deny.a child a drink is wrong. er: "Thank you very much for the upset-this puts vegetable prepare- don to stand guard over the.dogs that I have heard mothers say to wailing kind advice," it read. "The hen re tion is usually all that's needed. '; are left while the owners shop, The,_ imained on the eggs for three weeks, _ _ a.. - - -- ogs leashes are ung on a series of milk, "Then go without; there'sA. T d-nnt_care for .ducks,-I --of hooks'-in-front of which are placed nothing else fol you��oss y a tnall - i little pan of water. There are few - mer off the neat and sold the .eggs• - tle water placed in the bottle instead Answers. • • I '� - restaurants, even in the smartest din- . . of milk would have transformed that ing districts, where'dogs are 'forbid• walling youngster into L quiet, con- 4 �' ' 41 den. Waiters cheerfully step over Principles + tented mite, for the child was craving falls and legs that protrude from be When a manufacturing and business for a drink, and this the mother did : Reath table cloths, and many hat engineer operates with the principles Get Rid of Dandruff > not understand. $y Using checkrooms have-complete dog check- of love and truth, he is positively , Happy and Healthy Cutieara Soap ing facilities. charged with mind energy and there- f« ;. Dogs are allowed to travel unmol- All children should be brought np fore reflects real man and character, as.i•eea by 3 r' ::sated in all railway trains, even In to drink water. It is a mistake to He is positive.-Mulliner, Cutiear8 Ointment v dining cars, and train conductors will imagine that water will harm them- flBid•wesywb.e.8eap23a.Oiedot25&W. gladly go through four or eve cars-to that is, so long as It is pure. The only, Have Minard's l,jniment on your shelf. find a bone for some hungry dog. way water can do barn is if it is stale - -- ,British dogs are carefully protected or unclean,,or, in the ycase of illness, i -t " -from contamination from abroad. if the doctor expressly forbids it. It Every dog that enters the country is gradually being realized that water w _ _ _ "Your Vegetable Com- , :• must tie left in quarantine for six is Nature's restorative for young and ,e pound is a' good medicine. `m0 onths, including those that can old. ° Anyone who is in poor health show'British birth. After six months' The young baby as well.is the grow- d►*"aht shotild not hesitate to try it. -. inspection veterinarians can deter- in; child should be allowd. to quench PIMPS When I was takin the Vega- ng- its thirst with water. A little fruit -- miae whether the visitors are orf _ ta�jr-�,onlppund .trred�the 'Ing wiiha--lham-any.--contagious - -juice{erange-(orangebe added; - ;�� ia`0 ® sample Liver Pills I�foun in _ ti4 disease. this often making it more satisfactory the package. I have taken a as a thirst-quencher. If children were hOeTfoui>�' - ' toligbt and encouraged to drink water _ them every night Since Sufi I ,.,o• — can feel myself improving. I from babyhood, it would-save them sTo p g' many troubles in later lite. s„ s stn so thankful for the good y ; During the thirsty daps of summer, a+►ns'w►uW they do me that I have told 3; � t� when baby cries•and will not be corn- ' several women about it." t forted with the bottle, give it a drink Mm G. W. Posliff, 263 Ht�mri What most people call indigestion is One tasteless spoonful in water nee-, of water without sear and transform it $L,Stratford, Ontario. ti;� into a happy, healhy, and contented usually excess acid in, the stomach. tralizes many times It:c volume in acid. Via' child. The food has soured. The instant rem- The results are immediate, with no i •/'� ? ' -- --- , edy is an alkali , which neutpalizes bad after effects. Once you learn this Lydia E. ' Teacher='Johnny, what's the dif acids. But don't use crude helps, Use fact, you will never deal with excess , s, what your doctor would advise. acid in the crude,ways., Go learn- Vegetable Terence between a battla and a mas- The best help is Phillips' Milk of now-wby this method is supreme. ` sacra?' Johnny---"A battle is where , Magnesia. ,For 60 years since its In- Be Buse to get the genuine Phillips' • whole lot of whiten kill - few Indians, '"Were you evei surrounded by vention it has remained standard with Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phyal- -- �wolves?" and a massacre is where a whole lot _ oL Indiana kill•e few whiten." Physicians. You will find nothing also clans for 60 pears in correcting excess a + "No, but I used to open the dinin so quick in it_t effect, so harmless, to acids. Each bottle contains full direc- inwin doors at a summer hotel." E No. 32—'30 Minard's Llninttnt remove* Warts. efficient. !lone--any drugstore. _ j„) ., . ♦ .. ..• N4".4 +tai• •yJu: _ r 4 v:;:E.+ w .-,.":..✓..: ,,'.:.,s• ., ,5 r2: ....Y.. .•.i Y. ...... ..'l r' ::, r;:v...,{ f•tC ld kJ' F.y,., ,,,•w r �, y'.•a'�, rJa-•3 J., -• t,, Sc,: i. 5 f` -.:;::�.b,•a �+ !r•�•. .m+•..k T�"•,:. r-,r ,. ,. ".. : ° ',. '�., .-"�'. •.. " ..,,•r..ern-._. ,.pvsr!?' �,' "�S'",�, rc + aT•rf-. .'r:'3:� 1.,, 4. Nur• G _.-•. _ .-.. _ '. <• ,,, S.r-1•.!.. a w x„rn•• .ez... - .,:'. .,., _ .. . .. ,• '�. 'ev ,:; ,. R {:.,,:m. ..•'a,. •�f'°'�S• 'u. r � _ :r, 1.. ,r .. _&,fix"'^ .rti'..:•'� r•., .�''. +:. `„� ... .�,,r' ,,•' z"b,. '� e': ' l.' rtes ' • - .. • H , • J n t • y , 7. ,•1 17 now OVA1J11,MS• -George A. Gordon,of Toronto, Dancing every Saturday night. visited his father, Robert Gordon, It Dew Drop Inn. V ` on Monday, -Radio Licenses may be obtained -F. T. Bunting left on Sunday -Kenneth and Mrs. Gordon and from W. C. Murkar, at the News. iq �r� for a week'eholiday in Muskoka. daughter, June, spent Wednesday Office. , -James Plrouse It indisposed at with the formers mother here. -Piano-tuning-Heintzman & - - - ' bars. F. T. Buntin and eons Co., Toronto, will have an expert care.present and is under the doctor's Billy and Jack, returned home tuner in Pickering at an early last week, after a pleasant holiday date. Leave your order or phone ' -Mre. Bert Downey, of Dublin. -#� visited her sister, Mre. (Rev.),J.,M, apentin Muskoka and_other places. _TAz Nxw_s_oflice+__,_ -- - $taintoa, last week. -E• McLellan has bold ont.his -Rev. J. H. Stainton has been - - -. Toronto-Lindsay bun line to his --Frank and Mrs. Mills of Qreh- y laid up for several days, owing to brother id taw. S. J. Collacutt, awn, spent the holiday with Rich• illness, and in consequence was srd and Mrs. Moore. who took possession on the first oY: unable to make .his trip to North. -Rev:--J. 8. I. Wilson, B A., the month. $eld:Msa9., se intended. Grocery elpeciaie for This Week. JL D., will occupy the pulpit is the -Milton Sleep is making-pcepra- -Dr. H. T. Fallaise. Resident ^ - United Church on Sunday next tions for the erection of A 80"108 .:Dentist, Office in residence, two (1 -On Saturday Inst the tempera• station on his premises at the doors east of St. Andrew's church, Ch • • Borden's Condensed Milk, *.. 21 cents tore rose to 92 degrees above zero, corner of the Brock road and the Pickering. Office,hours, 9 a. m. to 1� "Gold Seal"Sock-eye Salmon }a, 24 cents,; whish was the hottest thie�ear ap Kingston road. . 7, Daily, and Evenings by ap- .. to that date. -The-giant drr#gible,-It-19Et, paintment.---(X-ray-service?- - - - ivory Soap-Flak .• is Lorne which has been moored at St. -The Women's Institute picnic - -and andMrs. an Bayes, Halbert's airport for the past Kelloggs Cor Flakes, pkg., .. 10 cents , r,..•. _ .and Mrs. Hem and Harry and .� herd -last geek at Mrs. H New. / � --,Mrs. Bo es ppent the holiday at week, wherelt has been undergo. man's, Fairport Beach, was very Hawes'Floor Wax, regular 43 cents . Ing repairs for damages sustained mach enjoyed by all present. The • r Jackson a Point. in the terrible electric storm Choice dr Cooking Onions, 61be., 25 cents -Wm. R. and Mrs. Stork, of Claremont ladies presented a fine y g i' Belleville, and E.and Mrs. Roth which it encountered-when coming musical program, also two well well, of Toronto, spent Sunday up the St. Lawrence valley in prepared papers. After the pro- - I with R. C. and Mrs, Stork. Quebec,,is expected to visit To gram a number of suitable sport -Mr. Arnold, of the Head Office roato the early part of next week. events took place, for which the z• of the Bank of Commerce, Toron Of course it will not be able to hostess awarded suitable prizes. to, has charge of the Pickering make a landing. as there it, no Tea was served on the lawn and s _branch during Mr. Redditt's ab• mooring mast 1n Toronto or at eery enjovahle time spent. any other point in Canada outside - -- _ sem' of St. Hubert's. Montreal. It is : -Rev. J S. and Mrs. Ferguson expected that it will remain£n the Smocks ' spent a couple of days last week GREENWOOD. —. s an� _ with Pickering $yiends prior to air over Toronto during one night Mina_ thy-ugh. of: Hilton+ - Presse their leaving for their new home if the weather be favorable. Pen- visited friends in Greenwood last , In Carleton Plate. ple will be anxious to see it, as it week « 'f+ I,wdie8 Smacks, in plain broadcloth with -Harvey E, Glhn,* ofRitchener, is the largest air-ship in the world. The Greenwood teachers, who •verb fancy trim bride, called on Wilfred Moa- Watch for it. taking a summer course in- Toronto, rlIDg:ZeB �� t0 42, regular 1.98, � ;a _ �ltey on Monday. while on their -There is much unemployment finished this week. _ ' way to the Adirondack@ to spend in our country, and we have evi Percy and Mrs. Clark, accompan- t0 clear 8t ,49 heir honey-moon. donee of itevery day. but to see ied by Normans and Mrs. Wilson, vis- -W. V. and Mrs. Redditt and some of the sample" of the uaem ited at the home of Was MidWhirt- Only, Smocks, pale blue, White and figur- �mlly left o0 Saturday for s two ployed one is not enrprised at er'at Colbeck on Sunday. ' weeks' vacation. during which them being out of work. They An ice-cream social ander the ane• ed� to clear at 980 cath have no " and their appear they will visit relatives in Can- "pep" PPe press of Mrs. Bib's group in the Lad- r &ace is not such as would inspire ies' Aid will be held is the Green nla4sttoa and other pointe. - •' confidence.-Mrs. Burrell received word on confidence. They may be afflicted wood church on Monday evening, .Ladies' House Dre888s, lII check gingham, with some kind of physical weak. August 11th, at 8 o'clock. An inter- Taesday cwtrnlag of the death of p y . . ,her brother-in-law. Wm. Simons. nese, for which they are not re- esting program will be given. con- 16 only, at 79c each a of St Charles, Micb., who was sponsible, but many, no doubt, sisting of Games, community singing are afflicted with sheer laziness. musical selections and a bumprous f®rmfi residentMoo e,Pickering. : ,i Only, Ladies' Afternoon Dresoee green -'d9is@ L. Moore. Mira S. Wasaia The foreign element in some sec- one-act play entitled "Se-ming for ys s g _ - .,sed Pisa Jean Agar and Messrs. tions are demanding from the the Heathen", presented by nine Bert Williams and Frank Currie, government $25-00a week flaring members of tse Ladies' Aid. Admin with White polka dot and-white tie, size , of Toronto. spent the week end at the time they are out of work. If 510n. 25 and 15 cents, which includes the home of the former'@ parents, such were granted, half the conn- .one serving of- ice-cream and take. 34, reg. 8.40, going at 2425 Beery and Mrs. Moore, of the 4th try would soon be on the anew- Avery pleasant time is in$tore for emesesion. ployed list. We would quite 'all who come.. "IGirls' Dresses, p=k ana blue chambray, -The raspberry crop, which willingly go without work at the promised well during the early rate of $25 a week, but we are .Splendid Program at Pickering. nicely — - afraid we would soon get tired of this evening. Aug 8th. y trimme3, 28 and $2 years 8i2e8, • . ,part of the season. did not hold the job. for to the health man '- • out on account of the hot dry workis more to be desired than t4kouaHAM. regular 89e, to clear at 69 cents weather at a time when they .Seeded lots of moisture. In con- -About aeoce the rice this year was -The garden party held on 'About eleven o'clock on Monday arq P y night a bad motor collision occurred Se ,; *her than usual. Wednesda evening last in the on the Highway about a mile west e C H A P M A N _ -A larits aeroplane containing MemoriAl Bark, under the aurpices of ,Brougham. in which, fortunately aseuetters of the staff of the giant of the Women's Association of the none received serious injuries. Art idirtgable R 100, was forced down United Church, was a very sue. Oakland car, owned and driven by .oft aecoont of engine trouble, in oesefulCffair. The night was ideal A. Downey, of Toronto, and contain- Gordon ontain • Gotrdon Bros' fields on the base for sues an event. it WDP fine In �his wife and three children, col- '• •• line, The men were on their way and not unpleasantly cool. There Holed ,vitt a Buick. driven by Jas. R �� Suits Sui to Toronto for a visit before re. was a good crowd in attendance. Auld of Peterboro, and containing _ slteming their journey in their air there being over $200 00 taken in another occupant besides Mr Auld. sisip, at the gate, An excellent #upper Both cars were forced into the ditch -Mrs. and Mia McMurtry and was served by the ladies to which on opposite sides of the road, both - the former's slater, Mrs. Crawford, all did justice. Daring the course being wrecked almost beyond repair. TheBe hot dayB yUn will appreciate left on Saturdayto spend the of the evenin sod interesting A somewhat amusing ipcident pc- holiday in Muskoa. Tbey were game of softball was played be. carred viten a boy in the. Oakland car _ • seoompanied by Mrs. (Dr.) V. E. tween the Pickering girls and the was thrown head first into, a large alight snnln'ler SIItta Cartwright, who spent a few base line team, wbicb we@ won by pail of honey, which was covered by _ Tj -days in Gravenha»t with her the former by the score of 15 to 7, a cloth• eH was covered with honey - 7.111' TOPS HA v E THEM -uncle and aunt. Mr, and Mrs. 'The horseahae pitching created from head to foot, and a dog in the TIP 1 v Fielding: considerable interest among the car -was similarly attired. Traffic j -The United Church Women's men. The winners were Wiliam Officer Hockshaw, of Brooklin, and Association will holds baking Bale McGuire and Chas. Law. When Constable Crummer_.of--pickering,in- r: Call in 8tild look rheas over. • ' - at Squire's Beach on Saturday, all had been frilly satisfied at the vestigated, . and decided to lay no si► An g. 18th, at S 80 p, m. All the tables a elightful program was change as they could not determine ladies of the church are asked to put on by the Young People of Who was at fault. No other cars X24 00 contribute for the sale, and to be Ebenezer(some of whom are neer were mar at the time and there was • brought to St. Paul's Church by seventy), which was in the form plenty of room to pass. .2.80 on that day, or left with the of an operetta, entitled "Gipsy president of Elic - - -Rev-. H,-Eland M_re. Graham, tainw"nt that is new at garden of Guelph, spent Wednesday with parties in this locality, Rod was OURD-On Bay road.atvermI bob. 1 the latter'@ sister, Mrs. Cha@. A. much enjoyed by all. There see eFing mita• Loser apply to W.G.Reid..Pick- Bathing Sults, SIImmer' Underwear, 49 fterritt. Mr. Graham is oupy thirty-four persona in, the cast cc - , Ing the pulpit of one of the Ottawa and every one did his or her partda Also wed fan wheat. 104 variety, and binder&W OR SALE - Superior fertiliser - .S • United Churches for the month well. The music was well render- drilla,manure spreader,,,threshing maehinea port Shirty, 011 Hose sad stn ped here for the p y ed, and @bowed a number of excel- twine. W.F.Dia ny Crrenwood. , 85tfr ;proceeding to Ottawa, accompani- lent voices. The Ebenezer Young �,j OR -Twenty thorough-bred at popular prices. lad by Mrs. Htsrritt, who will be People may be' euro of a hearty 1' Whitewyandotte year-old bens and one.J. s a i� part of the month in welcome should they return to S.Martie rooster. Priecsmom A y mm-4 - !Oiiawa.R Pickering. The chair was ablyy Muteh,Pickering. Phone Pick a_te°1 s9 - 1Radio Liemem Issued -This b the season of the year filled by the pastor, Rev. J H. ARM FOR SALE-140 acres of when the as" bor will rush Stainton and Mrs. Staintop read- F t+i.aseatlent farming district,tzar,aidsiT. Pi b ww& his .wotber with tears eyed valuable assistance :-#o the- vac. se.eral sues ,.News tiasber.- 004"in tows his ebeeks and young people in the musical rt Al "adi e, 1867. *h ht� pews� against bin and ae a member of the cast. -be T ORT-From Victor Ross'term near Ftstabiiteh d ,• 1Jpickerins�ygang white Scotch Terrier(fe- "tatmtoy, stab doodled up with total receipts amounted to> Ill fib, snaky. Finder pleare re tern W Nan Moriarit . The alarmed mother will of:bovf..�or phone,Pick 34 is.Reward�s ♦e visioeM. Of a betpital. Rqt.# .,; �T ANTED-To.'rent. ,medium size no seitr0or a knife and snuone looks ' 'GREEN RIVER. yr hove in ]Picker' Vill We. Aasiowto CIENTRAL' -GARA _'af the trained4mrse. The mAther'@ ___ _ bear from an�oee who mt`ht have a vacancy in • sin:ret is soon relieved, however, Alter-brief-Ifotiday, -MT:-and yrs-. �r-r.1L xv-p;y-WZ=C"--New■nate. a - ----- -- --- --- --- _ -- --- - y . Packer are again at home. Mr. Pack- OTIfl13--We have just flog had Telephone 4� "erten the doctor informs her that er took the services at Whitevale bating tau yealay and strajust sad have `4L to not a case of appendicitis. but and Green River Baptist churches started the new., Hay, $1 Ya: straw(Swire.). - -w ease(not s fall saes)of green last Sunday. $ .75);am w (a wire), aS oo. Henry Shea, _ apples, The basketball teams have decid^ i - -An excellent and�,'p party will ed to play an exhibition game on STRAYED-On t,n the premises of Tuesday, August 12th, Game called the undersigned, Whitby Tp., a yearling -- : be given, under the adiipicee of the Y, gu steer Owner may have tame by pro-n pro- • Women's Guild of St. George's at 6.30 p. m. The silver collection party and paying expenses. Wm.Cammaclt,R. `.Auto R�palrs, �.Aeeessorles,Oils Wad Church, in the Memorial Park which is the admission fee, is being R 1,Broo lin, 47-49 _ donated to the Mission Circle. _ _ this (Friday) evening, Ane. 8th. THAYED-On to..�be premises of t A baseball The Women's Mission Circle of 1Sthe undersignd,lot I1.con:3.Pickering. two :. Gasol ins � Acetylene Welding, game will be played, ! J beginning at 8.30 o'clock after. Green River will hold an Open Tea' wether Suffolk lambs. Owner may have same + , by paying expenses. F.H.Westney,Pickering, which R program will be given by at Wilsons Park, on Wednesday, Phone Pickering. 49-51 Battery Charging Au est 13th from 5 to 8 p. m. All theatrical artists from Toronto, g° ' - With Al and Bob Harvey as mast• are celcome: Do not miss this pleas TORO\TO WE2'•WASH LAUN= _ ant. social ocial event. Admission 25 DRY (Semi finish)—Let our driver call and • 'i Q Are of ceremony. The Oshawa anti children 12 and under, 16 et,. explain our 24 hour service, lust leave.your '-Repairs macle on all�xnak'ee '' > name with Mr.S.W.Davis, barber shop. We Boytt Band,,assisted by E. Collins., Divine"Worship A held In the will pick up and deliver 3 times a week. } of Toronto, euphonium soloist~ Creon River Baptist church each cpEC1AI! OFFERING—Ai¢h tPet- of Cars. will diseontae sweet iDusi^ daring ganday eo`ening at 7.00 o'clock._JIr. A'�,ng Holstein cows,bred to Imp.Ayr�h;rebult. the evening. There will be a lunch packer is beginning a series of ser• fall freshe,Ing,also yearling heif,rs and register' 4tOtiDeRr OD the CODlydB @190 R bot ed Ayrshire bull i5 months old for save. accredit- « r g morn on' "The Church". The first of ed herd. )L.Nerlich,Maple Hill Farm, Clare- 1' - ,iogBtand and a refreshment booth the series,- "The Church as the Body oche-Ont, 46tf -- —-- where soft d'rinkg, ice cream etc. of Christ", will be givennext Sun OST--c, Sunday. Au¢. t-ee either� ��� �, ��NCER m$y be oeenred. GRteg open at rine ,August 10th, The mv-sic iR bein¢ j J •_ct��-cti sc..P;ckenrg.cr between Picker• X, 8 �- daylight gaving time ; pro provided by Mr. Stanley McBeth. .ng and Tc-onto a purse cor a mug nearly o0 gram at S 30 Shap , Admission, the blind musician of Wilson's Park. and prayer,beads valued very highly, Purse was to p blue ki! trimmed to tan. Finder please leave , ^ . . 85 casts child ret trader All are cordially invited to worship same with Mrs. Maria O'Connor, church St.,ori Pr®iarletor. 1CkiBrlllas