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.4 S
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�ONT., No.. 40,
: My
_:VOL. XL IX. ' -- -'- -Z. FRIDAY. JUNE 6, 1930
The services in the Commwiity The Audrey Dramatic Club' gave GREENWOOD
Ked4cat �llt8 :-Mill next vUl be as fol- their drama at Greenwood on Fri-
Hall on Sunday
1(yws: 2.00 p. m.. (S. T. ) Sunday day last. The' lay was well given IUS
appreciated by the
PEARSON-Physiclau 2U-Vor School. There will, be no Church and.it was much All
and Surgeon. Dunbarton. 1017
Service on account of the,service at, audience. M
11� IL 0 b.D., Director Is running full blast sawing lum- WIjite Church- The June meeting of the Audle)
Ra0ptembetrical bee, reackres, doubletrees,,
of Ontario. Reg. Community Club will 'be held next Illstablished IM
ember of the Amerkon g:=teirgi tongues etc. CHERRYWOOD • Monday evening, June 9th at the
U home of Mr. and Mrs. E� Bryant.
Claremont.. by Open,to buy a quantity of Rood
The monthly meeting of the W. A
ARL A.GRUBIN,R. O.-Eyesight basswood and elm of the Cherrywood United church Everyone is asked to dress to rep MY
resent the name of soma POPulal
XIASpecJialist. Honour graduate of the College will be held in the hall on Tuesday
, song or of a well-known book. See
metry 4?f Canada; Gold medalist and
01"Ag G June 12th at 3 o'clock. Word for
erman prize winner in 1928. At Markham rain Chopping Tuesdays Hostesses are you there, BARLEY FEED 4
ever? Monday call is "Deity". Ho
9 a,in. to 6 p. m,.in Dr. and Fridays. roll
office. At At Stouff villa from Wed-In- Mrs. Bert Petty; Mrs. C. R R.
Petty; Is the cheateet Feed on the market
nesday to Saturday*[each week. Eyesexam' HIGHLAND CREEK.
Manufacturing Baskets of all All the e
ad.Glasses fitted and repaired, Highest quality and Mrs. Geo. Davidson, for t results it gives,
at Lowest Prices Phone Stouff 2405. 4ely descriptiofie. ladies 'are invited to'
Lurie Stotts, 4 well-known resid-
r6ek, was found *great many farmers testify to its Price reductions at the ent of Highli.nd C value by the continued
41F • fkctorv. BFIE)UGHAM. dead behind the barn Friday morn- use of It.E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and W. C. Stotts, who
ASoliciuw,No public !tc- Money to -Phone Markham 8406 or 6429 or write Mr.-and Mrs. Watt of Toronto, ing by his brother,the road from his It you have never used it, try ft
*a&.*South Wing&". Hu. Whitby. 251y Chas. White, Locust Hill. Oat, called on old friends here on Sunday. lives just across on my guarantee,
The. Women's institute will hole pl9ce. Noticing that the blinds on
'BEATON &ROSS' Barristers. So. his house had not been drawn as
yeitctrs. Northern Ontario Building, Uo I a their June meeting on June 10th, at
varStreet Toronto. usual, his brother went'over to the
home of Mrs. Winton White; The . the Pea Mixturo Hn
wj�.Beaton, program for the afternoon will be a vestigate. Not finding him at
J. F.Ross. Adelaide 2707 ]t Arriving house he made further search and I make a strong Feed containing talk on Temperance * Mrs. T. C.
IMICHARDSON & PICIXERING- Bzovyj Roll Call—Name prornjn. found his dead body behind thebarn. one third Peas. This makes a
Dr. Farquharson, of -Agincourt, was splendid Feed for finishing, and onBarristers. Solicitors etc., 213-214 Corded. Choiee 2X 3X and 5X B. C. ent Temperance People. death due to is an excellent Feed
ion Life Bullae*,-Ca - - � V- A called and pronounced
_A_gaxdea-party under the auspic- thought that for dairy cows.
pickeriag office League w1T be heart disease. It is thou
es of the Citizens' Leag, d dead the previous
Phone Fish 6600. 911 he had dropped held on the beautiful lawn of Mrs. work. DerLeutat
Wheat Wanted
Also, a large quantity of C. A. Barclay, one mile north of night while engaged at d was
b and &eased Brougham, on Tuesday, .June 17th, ceased was 60 years of age an Buckwheat For Sale
roug -wing artists will ap.- unmarried..
HIL C.SMITH. D. D. 9.. L� D.S., *EMMW
when the following N(Succeesor to Dr.J.N.DaJeal. Graduate of Jack-Pine, Si Tape and pear: Jamie Reed, Scottish Comederr-
Ow Royal CoRw of Dental Surge ian; Miss Jean Simpson, Vocalist; STOUFFVILLE.zand Toron
t's store every Tuesday and Friday. -phone received and
n- Rev. Mr. W
Sums 10-11, 27tf and Olive Hudson Seeley, accompa United C 0 A L
.Utuversity. At Clareso6at o over D. A. � :Hemlock Lumber. Betty Robertson, Juvenile Comedien; Warren has recei
ist, and Henry Nimblefinger, old- accepted a call to Markdale -
HERBERT T. FALLAISR. L D S.. re. Church.
D.-D.S., Graduate of the Royal College of Min PICKERING -:a* time fiddler. There wtll be a- Mr. Davis, late of E..A. Button's,
mwmtaJ Susgenas and the University of Toronto freshment booth on the grounds. Ad- has moved to Cannington to Open h A good supply of 'Hard and Soft
residence second do" cut of St. And- mission: Adults, 35 cents; children,
06ce .
mar's Church. Pickerms.Ont. Oaks hours MB` -YARD 4in-RUILA-hin shop. the Coal on hand. A]Ao-a supply
40p. M., or LU ER 20 cents. or
b My ndeiaiZZ now asked f by the
seirvW0. Phone Pick ting of the Women's Te
A special meeting � of Kindling Wood,
Institute which was held at the home. building of our main higbPway
County Commissioners. stove length.11lU*t*Ls** FURNITURE of Mrs. Holtby on Friday afternoon C York Plowing Match
was largely attended and all -vent The North 12tf Phone Pick. 1709.
BLIZABETH RICHARDSON- NEW. USED ANN ANTI real will be held at Vandorf on Oct. 2nd
Aspire-andautcaaabikinswance ofail kinds. IQUE home feeling they had enjoyed a on the Richardson farm.
"Orvassatma—pa—of saW finan" stand- treat, as Mea Laura Rose 6 Sam Rainsford, 'who
L work, took her hear-
Simmon's Beds, Marshall Mat- Pioneer in W.ro years trail of Wo-m- Floyd McKey, of Altana, committed
BORGE KEAY-T-Icen&ed aiaetlon- tresses, Dressers, Tables and
era over the I suicide by hanging, He was found in L. SURNINGHA
ser.A)%0" Uve luck and general sales -Chair@, PletarePramee. en's Institute work. The -beginning,
the barn in a lifeless condition.
V7stTteadWto, Terme reasonable R growth and ultimate success of the had a Building and General
gme dia. PhorieStouff so= 61-4 Our prices are the low"t- movement was vividly portrayed. The The Horticultural Society Contracting.
difficulties aM obstacles in organiz- monthly business meeting on Thur- Hatlaiates furnished on all classes,
F" POSTILL Licensed Auctionew, J. H. Beal, Claremont Theydecided to
t QAII� sting an Institute in neglected plat sday evening lam of work-laterior sad Exterior,aresousinsim of Twk"d OnSario. & Phone 934
raise of&a kUWS asaaaslod W at all visit the noted gardens of Hamilton
bealsis. AAMM"Orem IUVW P 0�, on-- es were described. and the great 'i r Oakville. Alterations and repairs.
S. benefit derived by lonely homesteads Willis near ere aa- Chimneys Built Concrete Work.
BRATON TOWN CLERS THE RURAL Peter Byer sustained a Nev
arrumm, ounnaftol"artees "kho ... .. :1 was duly emphasized. Mrs, Stevens rare to his head fmr, a hump aver Phone Pickering 5712
Ade"aftae. ate. now" 110 SECUKITIES COMPIkNY LTD. also gave some very helpful suggest- a bad culvert near Ringwood. . Mr. FAIRPORT. ONTARIO
IA& ions on how to get the right "Out-
Byer is go years of age and receiv-
look on Life" and the value of early ed severe cuts about the head and'
R. GRANT-Lor. 1. concession 4. Real Estate Lod Insurance. impression. A number of new face. S H I N G L E
Scalbal Telephone Markham 760 in aprons- were demonstrated. the
AccounuaL. BaLumm Ant! Maw=- Farm Propertiessi Specialty. T�t.frost has done considerable
uAters GRANT, G( -41 members -acting as models. The lad-
)DFRE Y&CQ�. damage to the roots and vegetables Nova Scotia Shingles j.
St. East. Toronto. Canada. Adelaide- ies voiced deep appreciation of Mrv.
Head Office-213 214 Confeders, on -around here. Mr. Barry; sear . here Galt Galvanized Steel Shingles
a. At-the close re -ar
Life Steven's addres 4nim i tomatoes destroy, Bird's Felt Slat*Shingles)
Building. Torosl:4. ed by th had five acres of
WM MAW. LICENSED AVC- Phone Main 1390. freshments were served ed while others had potitoes and for We at
TIbNZZJt 1.yort.QDt..i.said Durb. here of the Institute.
All i"of main WOO=IS0140014101, Branch Office- Gordon BQiIA109. other vegetables frosted. T. PATERSOVS - CLAREMONT
s& Twestremonatle. Dsailsilas Pickering OnUwici. WmITUVALZ
0wqsaW91NZWS1o0cv� DA and Call and get prices. Phone 28LI
Oft Obasselt. Wbitby.Ont. my Phone WOO. -stf UROUGHAN.
• Avery enjoyable evening was held
rHE CLOTHES LIVE W at Whitevale on May 30th, when 135 Ted Beattie " friends were cal-
members of the I. O. 0. F. District lees on Gerows on Sunday-
7 WASHED OUR WAY. Miss Edna Watt was a week-end
A 39, congregated for 'a banquet and
�Coal, - toal .1 ly. 9ARAGEr
We have made a business of conference. At 7 p. m. they sat down visitor with the Sheppard fami
to a sumpt;a"& repast provided by Jack Geraw is here this week bus- AND SERVICE STATION
wash day. Here each color e- to
sad fabric is given the scienti- the Women's Association of the Un- fly engaged in making repairs
HArd and Soft 80&1 of the: Sc formula that beet meet@ its iced chureh, after which speeches their property.
era prepared to do all kind&.
Quality on .Deeds. For each clan we use were give the Grand Master, A. Miss K. McKinnon has been spend- We i
-beet Garscadden
by -with
use1rom nine to twelve than- G. den of Torontz; D. D. G- ing a few weeks her father and of repairing of cars, also b24
hand Sw of filtered mineott water. K Frank Booth of Whitevale; Rev, brother here.- tery charging, electric -7
An average of six bu dred &I am;' Misses V. Gow- Mrs, Dug-gin Find sons, of Toron- welding and in fact
DQ Auld of Markham;
With Misd
HM. A. P No wonder clothei lqunderid land,'D. P. P. and Margaret Young, to spent the week-end
Ions for your family everything in con.
N. G. of Rebekah Lodge, Markham, Phyllis Gerow. vection with
dd�l and
dw-d 02cems=or, Get. here we cleaner a and several others. Mr. Burrows, of Mrs. Haywood and family having car work.
last longer.
resen- been with Gas, Oil@, Grease and Acclessoriew-
Scarboro Lodge, Agincourt, p th the Barclay family for
Dunnville on
ted Mr. Dart with a fifty year jewel fev days returned to always on hand. Taxi Service.
1W% L=L7 9, Dry
-01 and a smoker's set, in appreciation priday,
of hi years of service. A confer- Mr. and Mrs. Canipbell who have Agent for Chevrolet Cars:
OuS� e �g I Goo I Ltd; encs Bled by William Arooks, Grand been visitors with Mrs. Geo. Philip
All clothes ned frequent,41 Gordon J.
_ry cleaning Secretary of the Order, which was for several weeks have returned to W
to keep them sanitary. adr-cleanlug
instructive to all. their home in Toronto,
department turns old clothes statute speaker,
The news of the sudden death of The-Women's Ip
Cleaning . -out like now. Rev. Thos. Ratcliffe on May 29th, Mrs, Laura Rose .9tevens, was the 0
and T
'WR CIALL AND DELIVER id friends guest of Mrs. Winton White brought -sorrow to many 0
Phone am in Whitevale. Mr. Ratcliffe rxw family over,the week-end. 41
Rogle, Mrs. Cameron R.O.Jones,14W Representative. crossing the Main Street in.Weston, ' Mrs. me on and son
Now that houseelmniag,time is block 'from his home, and an- daughter of Oshawa,,and �!r. • ' ti. y.■'
here, why sot brighten up while trying to avoid a car coming and Mm. R. Fa;rant, of Iowa City, rain I
the home with.now Blacksmithing I - " ' y old friends here an
in one direction he was struck b Iowa, called on
site direction Friday afternoor,
Use our special quality
floor coverin go? another from the opposite
Horse shoeing a Specialty. and Mrs.
He died two hours later in the Wes C, and Mrs. Chapman;H.
'We have new All General Work,including Wood ton Hospital, Ti,e funeral was held McIntosh and Rev. A. M. sued Mr• s. AMPOR"ENT COTTON
OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM and Work, promptly on Friday afternoon from the home Dallas accompanied by E a-A Mrs. Ia A%Q
attended to. Crocker of Toronto, called on L. and
of his son in North Rosedale, Tor
CONGOLEUK RUGS More ecuomical"ne washing.
Also, onto, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Mrs. Matthews and Mrs. Mary Mat-
was t fdr-Taeo
0 in this plitter Farm and was attended ani- milk.
DOW lose nded by'niany friends thews over the week-end. insures cleaner
pervades our
We have Walnut Deaseers from Machinery. from' the Weston. Church where he A feeling of sadness pe Special price
Grimsby community over the untimely death
_Na"astor, from Toronto, G
X90 to 40.0D. Dd WW axd— was of hir. J.--Clark,-Which--took-which-took -plaft
an 7Z
16880.00 GREENWOOD 491y pastor of the W v e Baptist in the Oshawa Hospital on Friday
Dressing Tab result of injuries sus-
church for almost five years and evening, the he -.We also sell Filter Cloth
moved to Weston a little over two tamed when the team of horses,
and Filter Dilloo.
7 KEEP -,00 years ago. And now, though he was driving. ran away. He was en-
Other Dressers and Stands
alway in stock. OL I has passed through the door that gaged hauling out manure on Wed
admits to eternal life, and where m ne�sday, and *he-n
On.WA days, by,cooking on the
We have Simmons Steel Beds in message can reach him, yet it brings yond control be was thrown e
Coleman Air-O-Gas Stove. comfort to his friends who are left ground and the manure-spreader A;
walnut.to match dreenre. a body inflicting ter- FRE E
behind to remember what Mr. Rat- passed over his
rams priced from 7.50
Katt 9 Ail & tjMter cliffe was to them. No one can esr rible injuries. He was iminediat- With Z 25,e tin of Talcum Powdeit-
save Um �Jr
to 28.00. timate such a character as his. No ely rushed to the Oshawa Hospitat, we are giving a bottle of
r know, all his acts of 1 but his injuries were such that moth- perfume Reasonably priced and absolutely one will eve I
these foods at lwho' ing could be done to save his life.
JW In and inspect th kindness but there are many
safe. Call and friendship The late Mr, Clark raves of a' quiet
our show rooms. see them. are speaking now of the f riei - he retiring disposition, and wins held in Ab4olutely Free.'
the comfort and the good that
brought into their lives. A rare fri- high respect by his employer, W A. Only a ltraited quantity at
end, so genuine, so never failing in Knox, and by the whole
All k1nds of Garddri Toole,Lawn sympathy, so ever ready to help. His funeral took place on Sunday
C1 Am 'Sterrett Mowers and General His own life was truly an example from the home of 'Mr. Knox to St. Jones Drug Store
Hardware. of the influence of the gospel which John's cemetery on the seventh con-
ly attended, Agents for Sargon and
Phome:1800. he preached so faithfully and well. cession and was large
He was great in Ms life. his work, Rev. J. S. Ferguson conducting the Sargon Pills. •
Furniture Dealer &ndl ALVIN BUSHBY i
his simplicity and gentleness, a. penice. Much sympathy is felt for
Funeral Director Druggist and Chemist.
. . Hardware Phone 4600 man who carne from God and whose' his young widow and four young
Also Ansbulance Service service among us will be long and children who are left desolate ire a,
Ontaxio PICIMRING lovingly remembered. qtTarllge land far from kith and kin. Phone 6800
Pickering, J
y.,. h J. .. .. .��. a..1f'^�(. +t�4•:" h^.. ,,Y.::Y3 ,.e',as •pfd. `,� Y.. yi
Itis.®,.�.iy:Jw. „e, ,tl _ 'S
..-. •>•^.. vr.. .. :, .os -r-."-,3i. t... .C: .�3. •.N.• r..3..,•�• r�,
,,, ♦ rv.R ... 5 Y / � .. ;..- • .... - Geo. - •7" -
.. r r.1•',-+f_.. -,r'f-a, s.:S;.ro -•`/N,'
.n> / �A'” _♦ °ii. 'S.i3 vY �• iY! b. 4Y..�'•. , � ��-• o-
�-„^ �v.w.. •y-wt y:�f•,rF --'-r5.^c•,.•• .,,h � .c,. ,r•+Ati
i 4-:a r:d•v -. ^•_ __-a CY�.T;Y'• _�'n r.,y,.. �._ ., *. ..i 3•i•: .T a f^, $ d.'N.:, mn.F ,RY� tu - vwR''
cfi:, v
6� b.•rt 1 'L:. _. ... , ,.:. i-,,"�- ,. ', ...�.� ..'. .,C ....y.: ,..Y,.,••'i°
,xE,p. ••,q.^
.t' ,.w.5• Hord»4 . .. . �.�..:.,.. -Yw .. .::'.-5..3.el ,+.+::.-... ..�. "" �'_ ..-.ea-': „-#' •'r;. u�^ a' .. ,.:.. „ ,•o ... ,....r, ', .
f the Parisian tang. "In hexe we navaAdd To Your-
nese. a necessary—" '
g qUin Oys` One look was enough for them, I �f' / `Owing. taHst`hiry, aaq;
the finest O� C�� _• suppose, It would have flied me, I boatlnac or • mooafirhb
y know. I heard Hugh's boyish gasp; _. _Zl Cruising, the Cruisabout
and Nikka's apology. �-�`- has no equal for Joy. a
`___ - giving, health and hayypt•
It was a mistake, madaine.' -A `�� Hees on the 1a`u nlR.
friend is missing• Wa thought—" rippling waters. _ �
y ����-•�._� -� This Crulsabout, 28'
"Here there are only ourselves," she _ lona, s• lo•' beam and 9•,
- -" 'assuT,ed them, holding the 'door wider: e" draft; is a bag, purl'.: Z -=
.� Hugh cursed bluntly in Anglo- : Quality built. la-wits.
an-hour runabout wttW
Saxon, and the guard joined his voice • f] dependable lle-FI.P. Graz I
> in hectic hraseolo Helene slow) ( l eh a rdsan 3lartne motor. The 1 '
P gY• y 'cockpit 13 ample for env
r &LID reclosed the door. party. The small bow'
720 A
cabin has toilet and lots•
of hanging apace for
clothes. bathing suits.
E A • CHAPTER IX. a•oft bass an fishing
- � 30 �r�tz a�
For two hours she shot questions at teckla
me, attackingthe problem from ever gales and Service by Thia Day CrulaaDout
P Y (priced at $3.685 at fac--
Fret fLL'aW the gr♦ den conceivable angle. At last she leaned T. B. F: BENSON, N.A. tory) and her sister-haps
back a trifle wearily. 371 Ba Street Toronto Out. ase
Illustrated,.ated .!n Tour
"We approach Lyons," she said. "I•
Bay s catalogue. write t�. it
(shall let -you go this time, Mr. Nash, -- —
principally because if we killed you It Constantinople, as they expect. Bait I Those Chain Letters �
mi ht fri hte our friends awn after we have gone aboard with our O the Buc6leon'
Toutou gook from one of their bas baggage, Jack and I will leave the =Many people have been annoyed nd g cantly .by receiving elinin letters, and
boat by dtealth."
a length of stout rope, and tied my in at least one case known to the
_ legs from ankle to knee. He then un- "How are you going to manage all
tioc{ied the handcuff, The train was that?" I interrupted' writer a child was among the victims
of the chain letter Be da.
= "Jack an 1 I are going ! The only Sensible thing to do when
• already whistling for the station g g ' take an. •'
$ A. D. HOWDEN' SMITH (yards. other boat for Salonika and from Sal- . A
Y Helen let Toutou. collect their two onika we shall go by train to Seres ir, you receive a chain letter is to tear
the eastern ti of Greek Macedonia• it up and put it in the wastepaper bas- ,!
bags, saw him to the door and then P ket. But many people who have the
M. switch
Lord Jamestill
NtHEhe CEaadeD.Awas t�en�the had
Eiffel fade against the my. Iwent
dardon't expect t1fem to
hed off tdoor he lc of edl and ITwas :be age to trailAt Seres—and lus shall c ack and to I strength o! mind to do this are ere
a mo ed with considerable cel worried by the vague Sear that there i
the secret to the Treasure of Bucoleon! I• may be something in it; and that they
by thj Emperor Andronicus, The secret erity. First, we had loaded ourselves I The train stopped. Footsteps 1st. There will be two additional
members in the band of Wasso-Mikali have brought bad luck on themselves.
bas been lost, Luc the present Lord and baggage ii.to waiting taxis in ,sounded in the corridor outside; a In this connection; it is interesting
same, discovers it. He to murdered by front of the hotel. Then we had driven hand wrenched at the door; and a Amy motaer's brother, and that band
a band of thugs and dtea without reveal- I to note that a famous writer and
11r. it to his successor,to the title. Hugh in these to the Gare de 1'Est, dodged in ,guard but.dled in with two people be- will be train;i'ng to Constanti�tople
Chesb . Hu h...t �q__;e out-of-that whirr—T-of Fife, and-! • with--hors" from the IYobrudja to Nobel Prize winner; Ma�am3 Sigrid
h hind im. s .e turne3 on_ Ti
York to t a amity esfate and DegIns a p� Undset, recently, said she had "broken
heart. •. The thugs fol1, .end while all re-entered two other taxis, which we hra face was a study in consternation. (trade with officers of the Allied de-; til!
.�ere at the funeral of Hugh's uncle, the had directed in a reasonless aunt people with him bolted ll- tachments in the city." at least twenty chaine and expert-
IThe two
house is ransacked. Nikka laranko. a I well into the corridor, (To be continued.) enced no misfortune's—if the award
.War-r'me friend of Hugh's. and Jack irhough the central district of Paris. , shrieking with I � � of the literary Nobel Prize Is not re-
Nash. who tells the story. are Hugh's I -'.bosom companions We had lunched at a roadhouse, and Iterror.
garded as a misfortune."
GO ON 'WITH THE STORY returned to the station just in time I At that moment Hugh, attracted by I She Knew the Type
j She added that she tore up one
to climb aboard the train. And fin the rumpus the two startled passen- Little Mary Jane and her neat-door,
a8y, chain letter on the morning of the dap
rHAPT ER VIII. instead of risking the separation, we ,gets were mak ng in fhe corridor, I neighbor Billy were engaged in an ab- when the Nobel Prize was awarded to
"What are you going to do with the had elected to seclude ourselves is a forced hia way into the compartment, sorbing conversation. her.
key to -the treasure?" asked Nikka. single compartment and sleep as best';and hastily making sure that I was "What are anarchists?" asked little 4 -
!not harmed, untied me. We then made 1 Mary Jane.
You have it in your pocket now, but we could I
„ lour way back to our compartment. 'They want everything anyone else "China needs a Government like
It ipso% long journey to Constantinople. What do you say to giving this Nikka and Watkins were overjoyed to ham got, and they never wash them- ours•" says a writer. It would cer
7 Suppose the steal it en route. train a look-over, Jack!" a.'ggested ; tafnl serve them right.
Hugh flushed. = Hugh. "If there 'are any familiarsee me safe and sound agaa'.. Nikka, selves;• he replied. s y
"I had thought of that," he said. Ideven to desperation by my capture, j "Oh, yea cried little Mary Jane. 4
g faces aboard we ought to be able to and knowing ordinary methods of eve•-i with enthusiasm. "I sea—they is just I Vicat�'Aad what
Er—the fact is—,Tack has a cousin spot them. Nikka, yot, and Watty can �„ parable do you
„ Sion would always fail against such little boys growing up. like best, mq son'" Boy—"The one
� a girl we both know— -mount guard here and protect each
"You mean you do," I iaterrupted other until we come back clever thieves, had thought out a plan 4 -about the multitude that loafs and
," its methin m Minard's for Failing hair, nsbes."
Y my people." said Ned a with
i „ , � y• i of the train, and at my auggeaUon, '�
' llI m only her toaam. rw��e a now unfolded r w i the middle i
Have you heard from Betty ! Nikka with that !
Yes, damn you, She and her fa- ;Hugh went forward, while I followed medieval sang-froid which had amac--
tl er are at the Perrot Palace." My'the corridor toward the rear. 1 ex- g ..
` suggestion is that I mail Uncle James'I amined carefullythe few w l once before. But
father's tribe
Persona will fight for me. But in.the first
- , -translation of the kap to her In Cosi- standing and talking Sri the eorridors,'p��, this-is what I suggest. Instead - -'
• stantinople. Nobody knows that she but I did not see any one who looked of nailing for Constantinople by the
knows me or has any connection with at all like an of the members of Tou- I
y Measet us a Maritime from Mardis!. � ���
any.oi^na. She left New Yo-tit-'before tows gang whom 1' knew. ',les, let us take the train to Brindisi. _ -
lti ncle James arrive¢. So it would be I was returning and hal reached Our trailers will expect ua either to t
.perfectly safe in her hands.' the rear end of our car when I heard , -
"And in the meantime we'd better f!a scream just behind c me and a door sail on the Messageries packet or else •
commit it to memory," go by rail to Belgrade and connect
y I said. crashed open. I turned involuntarily.!with the Orient Express for Constan-
w _
Theo ea 's tot this, and e
h ,
A woman in black, with a veil flying tinople. At Brindisi we can connect - - ------ - -- --i
read over the brief transcript of the around her pale face,. ran into the(with a boat for Piraeus. When we +�
rnissing Half of the instructions until corridor, resitated and then seized my aboard that boat they will begin to be- �I
we had the salient directions fixed in LrM. _
our minds. We had bags ready for "Oh, Monsieur! M husband! He sllieve that they understand our plana, ,fr'
My because at Piraeus one finds frequent
*IF four of us by lunchtime, and ar- go ill,' she cried in French. "He dies mailings for Constantinople And we ,
'ranged 'with Hawkins to send trunks at this moment. I pray ycu, have i A faded,battered hat is hardly
shal book pa,;-tage from Piraeus for
after ua to the Pera Palace is bond. you a flask?" lrespectable . . . yet no worse
We had just seated ourselves in the I slipped past her into the compart- !than dull,gray-Looking shoes
ear when another machina drew up meat, flask in hand. One of the elec- ...your morning toilet should 1U ;
alongside, and Nontey Hilyer waved a trice wan on, and by its light 1 discern- 'always include a "Nugget" �
greeting. ed the body of a man hitddied face shine—which waterproofs the
"Thought you were going to stay in down on the floor in the midst of a j shoes as it polishes.
-'tl.e County a while, Hugh, lie hailed.I li'•ter of baggage and wraps.I cropped ; -
Without a word, Hugh slipped in
the flasl: on one of the seats, and leanAn
. his gears and zoomed:off on first, scat,led over to hoist the man up,
tering dogs and pedestrians right and I The man was breathing, stertor- -
left. On the channel boat again we ously, long, labored gasps.
-had the•sensaiion' of being watched.I I started W lift him—and my wrists _ y�
Hilyer, h•mse!f, called good-by to us were c�augbt in a human VW. So
from the dock. i quickly that I could not follow his
We arrived in Calais and drove to
w movements, the inert man on the floor SHOE POLISH
a small hotel where we secured rooms had twisted me down beside him, his • '
for the night. The next day we booked knee was on my chest, my wind was ��� �����
passage for the first train to Mar- cut off, a pair of steel handcuffs fat-I NUGGET TIN WOK!• Q sf>rait 1
seines, thinking to evade our enemies I tered me, and as I opened ny mouth -
'b; this procedure, as they would un-i to scream a cotton gag was thrust into V0�W Now*"an >ra
aooubtedly expect us to go direct by the;place by the woman. I could see now .00�a s°t '
Orient Express. that he was Toutou or Teodoreschi, wtdh '
We rather prided ourselves on Our!cleverly disguised. The woman tossed '% , jstoR ' `• - 'I
'cleverness as we-sat back in a re-I back the veil which had been hanging '
served compartment of the Lyons- loosely around her face. I recognized •"�
]lediterranean Express, and watched'Wabkin's pretty lady! ~
She began to search me. =- %SMA
She opened my vest,_felt for a
money-belt, felt inside my shirt, too
My shoes off,examined them carefully
by flashlight, and made sure I had — -,
• I nothing in my socks. OWERS
( There was nothing to be sound, `
t however, and Toutou snarled beside "• `e �'
me and his'steel fingers pressed until
my neck was numb. The pain was
unbearable. LUMBAGO?. � 'T'S FOR BOO KI NC '
The woman hissed one swift sen- - •
tence to Toutou, and rose crouching �� �� '�
IGLETS 'towards the door. Hugh's ooice, tense
fand uppassionate, thundered over the A pain in the lower part of your e• •••.e•e e '
Nitleu f'sj is good company P back can torture you. But not for 4te M frau for Coo as
on any trip. "I don't give a damn for your'rules! Long, if you know about Aspirin I �t'y $ >� d'Heating . . .
�- My friend is missing! I'm going to These 'harmless
It's delicious flavor adds zest look—„ . , pleasant tablets -McClary Kitchen utensils for preparing your food
and enjoyment. The sugar sup- take away the misery of lumbago, 1 helpmates for all your cooking needs. It is a name
and when tbs A hand rattled the:knob of the famous for quality which women know and trust. When
` Plies PSP door. Helene ripped off her waist, rheumatism, neuralgia, headaches,
v-day Seems�' dropped her skirt to the floor, and toothaches, and systemic pains of you bury anything for your kitchen . . . watch for it.
-� •In shorties good tumbled her hair over her shoulders— women. Relief comes promptly; is
• 8�a far - all in two consecutive movements. As ' complete. Genuine 'Aspirin cannot ! McCla Metyary
she unlocked the door, She clutched her depress the heart. Look for the Saw* p� Woae3
lingerie about her. Toutou reached Bayer cross, thus; f„lttwrrrd) -(ranges
up one hand, and twitched off the 30eto$ldo
• s e single light; his other hand compress-
ed may neck and throat so that I could
hardly breathe. Helene,herself, push- ��R 7�KG0lHf PrOdUcfCf' 14 '
ed open the door.
cast 'th•+fi++•+yl►teai "Why the disturbance, messieurs?" �� J_••a9NERAL STEEL. WARES = ;'
ab. questioned silkily is French with uM,+so
23--��� 1ru ,Broscha Across Caxado
ISSUE No. f Use Minard'e for Rheumat:•m. �.
15M,;,�"N W.,
�Z 1; Al.
The Markeb
For R
Voice Dedicates
Seven' Screaming car r
-Nbha opening of Bridge ps Take Sev Warns.Police PIODVCE, QUOTATIONS
—W. L. Mackenzie. 'Torontowholesaledealers are buy--
-Vo"le.died ln�w*ek-eud acct- • motorcar Which
Montreal, Que.
lie of Canada, AKIuce at the following prices:
Yen colwahagen—A King, Prime Minister pr
cries Oat when a -cases
returned, �_
gents in Ontario. anyone tries to pressed a button in the'Pariiament ggs—Ungraded,
killed vitien his air- short cry. but fresh firl—
A Detroiter was steal it—not just a s In Ottawa May 24L and- fresh extras, 28c
lkerville, Two x0e setons , 23c.
plane dived at Wa a loud, continuous yell--"s been bronze plaque here to 50
unveiled a 1 Ontario creamery,'
wned -ix�-tha North., Two Chadrieu ttiventect -by H.- C. Anderson, A open--formally the new 'Moutreal.. Butter
.28%c-; No. 2, 27% tol
autemo- master baker of this city. Harbor Bridge. solids, 2&% to
and two men were killed-I 28c; -
biles. attached to the coming by telephone Churning cream—Special, 30 to 31c;
The mechanism atta I
were injured by 8�uto- to let His voice, eakers, )c; No. 2, 26 to 27c.
Many people electric hOM
car causes an No. 1, 29 to 3(
and radio through loud"P
imobiles, tails, flames itud trains. prolonged scream when the the latest, most costly Cheese No. 1.large, colored, paraf-
Ou a dedicated
Dead less it is first Of the few fined ard government graded, 17c.
motor is started un and most spectacular
highway b
y, aged 10, of Sarnia, the St. Poultry-, Alive—Hens, over 5 lbs.,
Thomas Bradley, turned off by the owner's special ridges spanning
5c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 23c; do,
2 under 4'
In auto accident need Arkona. key. Lawrence River.
broilers, 2% to a lbs..'
costing lbs-., $21c; spring
Anne May Blaker, aged 3, struck,by police believe such,an outspoken The giant lbs. 25c; old roost-�
$20,0 to 5
es at a respect- 00,00o, 'is hung high 31c; do, 1% to 2Y9
car at Port Hope. eis, over 5 lbs.. 16c;lbs.,
over 4
car will keep thiev nearly
Forest Lankford, Highland, Park, ful distance. ter so that the largest IDS., 14c.
above the water
Mich., struck by car at oJibway. steamers, pass
I on the river May Poultry, Dressed—Hens, over 5 lb
The bridge has :&,- do 4 to 5 lbs.. 26c; cl,�, under 4
Emile and Godfrey Laurin, brothers,
safely beneath.
since '.�Iay 14. lbs., 24c; spring broilers, 2% to 3 lbs.,
Silver Centre. been open to traffic
drowned near
_o- Proposed Changes, 32c; old roost
1:i;ii 38c; do, 1% to 2�� lb-7
over 4 to 5
H. J. Shade, Detroit, killed In a P
1k; do, OV
ers, over 5 lbs.,
Alone creash near Windsor.
Affect Motorists lbs., 16c.
ed at HaTall-
Frank Cook, Detroit, di Prince of Wales pRovISION S
iderit at
ton otinJuries sustained in see
o Code Are, Toronto wholesale d"Ierg are quot
Ameindmenits 0 ens Trade Meet ling the following prim to the trade-
Seriously, Injured
Royal p —Hams, ir-ed., 28 to
Studied by Smoked meats
'Mrs. Fred Graves, Queen Street, St' 3c; cooked loins, 48 to 52c; smoked,
auto collision in Stam. Auto Club Develop- 0 to 40c;!
Catharines, In a His Highness Urges irolls, 28c; breakfast bacon, 3
on I
ford Township. Ainedments to the Criminal Code c'P,. P-a-meat�d, 14c; do, smoked, 46
F. Lesage, Garden River, struck by recently introduced in the House of ment of Business Within to 65c.
Erripire 29c; shoulders, 20c;
Pork loins,
car at Sault Ste. Marie e been brought to the
Commons, hai ).,#
Guy Gooding, St. Thomas, in auto Automobile Club Z�'.I�u London. -ts, 24c; hams 26%c.
b notice of the Royal Three hundred delegates bul d meats—Long clean bacon, 60
millsion at Yarmouth Centre. Canadian Automo- !to 70 lbs., 24c,, 70 to go lbs., 22c, 90
of Canada, by the C from all parts of the Empire were pre
i h he'directors will les
miss Cleb Holden, Pontiac, bile Association, and t sent when the Prince of Rales
: - . - I to lo lb Heavy-wAght i6lis,
over ly opened the twelfth congress of the 40,� lightweight
Injured when car went ov discuss the question at the next meet rolls, 25c.
tubs. I
Iment at Colchester. Ing. The amendment read as follows: federation of the Chambers of Com Lard—Pure, tierces. 15c, sc
Mrs. -Robert P. Games, New York• When any person is charged with coerce of the British Empire. Both In pails, 17c; print3, 17 to 17%c.
Injured when car hit tree near Por caused throiigh negli, the pre- Shorten ing—Tierces, 13c; tub3.
manslaughter the Prince's address, and In
'c; pails, 14c.
ich is Sufficient to ld tial address of the Earl of Iveagh, 13�s
Uope. gence, evidence wh upon the same Mooring mast at St. Hubert field,1 11 eat re 1,Special Pastry shortening—Tierces,
Mrs. John Wilcox,' 109 St John's establish negligence the, need for development of Empire
in auto accident* near near Montreal. where giant British d % stressed.
C; tubs, 15%c; pails, 16c.,
Road, Toronto, facts In a civil case, shall be sufficient III be moored uponitr!, e was ressed. GRAIN QUOTATIONS
Holland Centre. for the conviction of any such person dirigible, R400, w lt-Is trade," declared the Prince Ot'l
�=3. Cyril Wilcox; 227, King Street.ISO charged. its arrival from England. Wales, -upon. which every gortion of I Grain dealers on the Toront.) Board
'of Trade are making the following
East, Toronto, in Holland Centre.acci-drat I
NVIaeu. any person Is charged under the Empire is built up and it is trade
iovisiong of this section (Section Approval Given, to which each part must look for its!cluotati-Is for car lots:
the p man. wheat—No. 1 north , $1.18;
Marion McGregor, aged 4, of 041e- 2311 with causing grevious bodily in- c atinued existence.' No. 2 do. $1 16; No. 3 do. S1.1"A
spoke of the ad- No. 6, 86c;
d9nia, bit by car at Middleport. jury to any other person by doingills Royal Highness No. 4, 31 10 No. 5.
On Salmon Treaty , vantage of such congr. - feed, -16C (c.i.f. Goderich
Ottawa, in high In
MourIce Bisonette, negligently or omitting to do any act esse-. per and bay
milting near Renfrew. which it is his duty to do, evidence exchanres of viewpoints- ports).
va� accident ne N feed, 54',;c; No.
1.,4 sufficient to astaVI—sh negli- Endorser Pact Which j, knew how Man. oats—
.%vblch House Everybo-dyhe remarked,
civil Conserves British Co- ,the written. work killeth." how. in 12 do, 513/,&C,
ge-ce upon the same facts in a ci Am. corn—No. yellow, 92c; No..
C.P.R. Plan to Erect i ,.ase sball be sufficient for the conylc- 3 do, 90C.
pply correspondence where the warmth of
charged, lumbia Su del.. Alotreal freights,
Skyscraper Hotel 1 t- of any person so cl Ottawa, — The bill ratifying human contact was lacking. relatlow i I I feed,
The effect of the proposed amend- become strained. Over a included—Bran, per ton, $1025;
n Canada and might easily b exchanged I bags $52.25; middlingq.
any treaty concluded berwee round-table views could be snorts.
meats. It is claimed, is 1 .to make . for the preservation per ton,
I—, Tho United States —arh-1-- ,x
London—E. f the sockeye saimou eat, S1.10.,- Osts, 44
who is pose civililiability, is a and extension 0 Ont. grain.—Wheat,the Canadian Pacific Railway, a crime. fisheries in the Fraser Rivef system ed. e e- i5c; barley. J to 52c, ry,?. nom-
to attend the launching or it's departure from the underlying print! { fisheries cent- The Prince emphasized the tmport-�t46 1
passed the House of commons re shortening anal;; buckwheat. 80c.
new liner Empress of Britain, on June pies of the criminal code. which re ante of communications in
ly.- To the terms of th,'treaty there an I -HAY AND STRAW PRICES,
21, at-Glasgow. is said*to be seeking a quires,before an act is declared crimin dissenting voice, but the tries,I th dislan.es within' the Empire, be,
site in London's West End on which al. that some quality of mind should was no the manner I Wholesale dealers in hay and straw
sure of rat-ification did not pass with. himself had experienced are quoting shippers the following
Ahe Canadian pacific intends to build enter Into it. wilfulne%ft, recklessness in which flytti.; shortened' distan,:e load lot�, delivered on
-modoru skyscraper hotel with or indifference to public safety. out somewhat protracted and. at times. -prices for car
on uttra Bri. and be hoped to do a great deal more
slightly acrimonious discussion. track. Toronto-,
t of $15. flying. lie warmly congratulated Am; 1 '0 mothy.
is, least 1.000 rooms, at a cos . 5— tish Columbia members were largely .-hand- No� 2 timothy, $15; N - 3 ti
The hotel is expected to fol a her "Plucky aln.le $13 to. $14;' wheat straw, $11; Oat
n of the Banff Springs" Electric Charge responsible for the dtsc-&tsion which Johnson 0
!law the design took place, altho0gh toward the end ed" attempt to shorten the timebe- straw. $11.
% Hotel- and the RDYRI York Hotel at To Clear Skies? Of the debate both the Prime Minister tween England and-A"-FrArrA-Tad-her --
ral tower e opposition reinarkable achievement,
-!!Toronto. Possibly with a cent Heavy beef steers, to $11;
288 stories above the % and the Leader of th
iristag In tiers to fall;
-atreet. it will be one of ths largest spoke, butcher steers, choice. $10
n Britiin. Scientist 8 Novel -Device- - -n that the bill was-to-re- do, fair to good, $9.50 to $10.50; do
impressive hotels I Gratification Poland-Norwa"y tom., $8-,5 to $9.25; butcher heifers,'
-..iand most Impre Shocks Rain Clouds, eelve the unanimous support of the good,
and the first skyscraper botel. c- 90
Causing Them to House was expressed by Premier Ma Treaty is Signed choice, $10 to $10,50; do. fair to
$9.50 to $10; do, :om•, $8.50 to $9.60,
kenzLe King. Geneva.—The Xorweg.an Govera-I butcher cows, goo.- to choice, $8 to
VeS Disperse ment has deposited with the League $9: do. coed., $1.25 to S'c.,5; canners
Daily Mail Gi remarkable experiments re- of Nations secretariat for registration
Several rem Battle May Solve and cutters, $3 to,$5.25; butcher bulls,
I rently performed In the north of Ger-1 aud publication a treaty of concilia-16,od to choice. to $8.50; do.;
Aviatrix Fate of Aviator
$50200 to many by Henrich Johannsen, auggest tion, arbitration and Judicial settle-imed $7, to $7.25;..do, bolognas, $6.50
that scientific control of the weather Montevideo, Vruguay.—A messag-a ment between Norway and Poland, to 5; bats beef, $10 to $12; feed.
In a bottle was found by boys playing ;9.-o5; stockers, good,
Arriy Johnson Has Sum soon may be a. reality, Herr Johan a tgned on Dec.'9 last. ers, good, $9 to .1
on a beach here recently. tadicati Ives, good In choice,
s process as follows! $"25,�
Placed in London Bank assn describes his The treaty provideq for the judicial $8.50 t4) $9.25; <t,
An electric-charge 13 sent through a Capt. Saint Roman. French flier, was $11 to all,50; do. fair, $7.-50 to
or arbitral Settlement of all disputes 0 to $10.50-, do, tom., $6
Lose lone into the air. the immedt- lost In the Amazon Valley'. re-Ido, med., $9.5
London—Amy JOhus0n- w narrow space. at the without exception. A preliminary re- to S8; milkers, $So to $100. spririgers,�
'flight to Australia has roused the Inquiry' was ordered course to conciliation Is Optional r,$,()() to $125; lanibs, choice, $17 to
ate effect being to produce a shock In An
-feat has ever done, the upper atmosphere, which Is follow- Fre-neh legation to e9tablish. 51S.5-0; d to $12;
r -reglil dispuims and coinimbs-Y for - o, yearlings. $11
_British as no at gradual ef- the-note was genuine. it was said t now concluded .00 to $7; hogs, bacoh.
elcher by $50,000. ed by the slower and more grad signature appeared to ht- that of thleft others. Norway Pa.% nc sheep, good. $6 " selects, $1 per hog,
TP RotheTmere's Daily Mail an feet of the current descending through and registered with the League ii Nv_ox.., .$1250; dr
Lord Senegal, Africa, May 5. do, butchers, 75c per ho
nounces it has placed thin-amount to the air; The result,-Johannsen Says, Illor, whd left treaties for.the pacific settlement of premium; I under.
.7.her credit in -recognitton of her per. 1.3 to disperse storms and bring about 19-1;.. an a flight across the South At.. disputes and Poland 11. .... ... Idiscount; do trucked in, 50c cwt.
lanili to Braztl and disappeared, w.o.c.; d-a.-f.o.b.t-price$1.25 cwt. under,
fair weather.
er N cmads Will Rest
Where Shriner
swok ZZ
eN� empire-Press
fr-PIrw L
0 Conference
Lonodon.—Thirteen countries of the
Empire were -.represented
fourth imperial C
delegates' * to di'e fou
ference began their labors.' The
month's stay ort delegates will be a
ANNEX month of many activities.
In-the business sessions of the cons
ferour-ci there will be discussed ques-
tions affecting newspapers and news
piper men throughout the Empire. •
be received by the
The members will
h at Buckingham PRI-
King and Quee
ace, while the British Government will
tonder an official reception at Hainp-
ton Court, the palace presented by
Cardinal Wolsey to his royal master,
Henry the Eighth.
BATHS With luncheons and dinners, ad-
dresses by political leaders, meetings,
with men of eminence in the worlds of
visite to
science, art and literature, v
Pn Industrial establishments and toiler-,
les, dqmonstrattons, for their benefit
50 SHOW�Rby the armed forces of land and sea
t sirs will be a kalaeldoscoPic NiOw 0
lx it It NTIOT4
many-sided British activities.
Closer Bond Desired
TELIEPHONES: Sydney, Australia.—The conference
BARBER SHOP.,. of Australian newspapers has passed
ARLOR. a resolutfou, to be cablid to
o the IM-
I N Fro a mxri*N
perial Couterence when Jt meets, urg
'reateri facilities'
ing the promotion of 9
National Railways' for communication within the Empire.
answer to the hOus
City of Temple Park, the Canadian
week. An artist's drawing of the s from the The, seei t1io opinion
A $21,00o,000 city that will vanish in f the mystid Shrine. 'Here Shrine, nomad resoltition,expre
a convention of the imperial council of the Nobles demand to,, ad- that all cable rates should be reduced
ing problem, created in Toronto by the J So Insistent Was the
their hpmes. Temple Park began as a wheeled city holding 350 Pullmans Each Pullman is Worth tom at least to parity with the beats sYs-
porners of the continent will make th
cars, making a total Of 476 Pulkuans.
This suburb holds another 126 tom,charges.
k v
onlaslon, that Temple Park annex had to be added.
."0.000 to $80,000.
>�WN. :7Y
:y .. ... a- .R ::..,W.� p ..t,. »rra �. ''R•' -_ _ _,"'�,ate• L?'T v-i. _�;n,roe. .. .t s-^Jy_: +• - :+-..e: -,' -
.: .,6". .;.,- ,- t - .y- r .: -_ .. ^•. u •:w - - �y, _ 'Y•nw -7•� 7A ars -h _ ?sn A. r ,< .af.
�,,., .... �, :. :. k �'��..- � , .�,, "' moi^' :...•>c,.�,>:: ., _.,..•.. ..• �''�°�• - �m - xr.+.^,' -s a'. .e4. 'r �"'
,... 41 •• - ut-"� ... ,w .'4 'w ..na I, i 'lyF 'v+. .:.,-_ - .i r .1-'. .•'aY ;n - K-!� '.y, •f •�„~•{.
....•.''x �+-. . ':Yi. ;trczar^ r "lr?:s �•.-.� _, - .•••, .. ,},. .,.. '_.:.. S t .;i.M':e -`Fr'A'r'�wx .,•!'
�::'2. ;..r' 3'w°�•, ..+y r. .,,.'+z :-.f. - . .t�'.c'y.. ., �. d,,,•, .. .; .�..: ..e�' :^ a''cr, ,hy^ .<�..
..-;-ear.,, .'»..,.cF . '`S•�'�` '..-..vii.- � -: >M ,.. -•..+C, ... ,•- � '�:. _ ..,„ `.'+'"ta. .:"15r .,f �i ;5.,,.' z:� •.S'.-w
�. '=r•�..r.z '., t ., �r'• •. ,.-nf. -. .. S" fes.. .r v.:.� .$ ..ti.�. ..� �i :...:�.~•
_ _ry
7. __ BONDS �. ]Idunieipal and ;-
SATURD nae T4tli,=-L+Yte
TC0"S credit sale of registered Jersey Safe vestm m 'a m
s H.7b oars.ir.: 61.601! paidin advame. cattle, horses; implements, hay, cent.
00WAiptlone ro the United state. sad Creat fupAure etc., at lot 11, con: 3, INSURANUB-All classes written ia-
Bntala62.00 in advance. North York Twp. 2%:miles east of cluding Fire. Automobile; W-CONFEDIE. ON ind•
Yonge EL, a,t York Mills, property storm. Accident and Sickness.
JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor, of Geo. Duncan Sale at 12: (S. -Phone or write'
T.) See Bills., Prentice and Pren-i 4,3tf- BD. BOWMAN,Whibby
' A fine fast, through traintoto the
l SCARBORO. *+we* leaving� Toronto eg,B araadon, r tics ,Auctioaeere.
10ocial- worker dead. birr. Helen Saskatoon,Edmontoa,jasper p
D.eron.pioneer social worker, died at sad Vancouver.
ther-Dome on Tuesday in Scarboro vil- EQUIPMENT -
•dage. Mrs. Heron was a past preei- Via, artmeat-Ob• -
•dent of the local branch of'the Lpadies' - ,K � ,�y-�t get �with I P / C K E R / N C3
_Aid and a member of -the Lakeview ValetSeevice;g��dReepingCars, = -
�Vomen'e Institute, Tourist Sleeping Can, Diiaaiiaa((�t Cat
.�._..�.._ ;and Coaches. ----
The regular meeting of the B. Y. N1°�""`� �1O""`°r`°�d`i'fain
F. U. swill be held on June 9th at Enjoy the Fine Food Values and attractive prices we 'offer
?,he home of Marjorie and Alfred _ e'].1ZcZC�lan _ you. Our delivery service is unexcelled.
Bayes, Mr. Graham Reeves will -
ave charge of the meeting. The at1QYlal -we receive fresh supplies daily of flower and
topic wall be "John the Baptist" All _ t8.
are welcome. vegetable plan
- _.Shop at Morrish's, where you are assured of the Best. ,
See an ills for W eek enSpecials --
Cecil and Mrs. Jones and Kenneth - -- S our hand b' d
spent Sunday with friends in Altonx.
Congratulations to Burnett and
Mrs. Jamieson on their recent marr- •Be Certain of
A. and Mrs. Jones on Sunday _ • -.
• - Phone-Mark. 5020 • . Phone Pick. 904
Tarr of ti
•visited with K. and Mrs. .
.&ouffviUe. SAFETY _ . -
i Several from here attended the ---- --
diaeral of Geo. Walker, at Ashburn Build with Gyproe -
Thursday. Pickering-
7spentHardware- St6re
Miss. Mystle_Wilson,
of Whitby, _a couple of days last week at , IRE can burl your -
-the home of her parents. ,
Mrs. J. Hortop entertained the home to destruction �\ Seeding time"will soon be here and we have the seeds--
WourA Zion Ladies' Aid at her home 1 unless a fire-resistant ma-
.00 Wednesday afternoon. serial such as the new ,Red Clover, Timothy, Alfalfa, Sweet Clover and ?
A number from here have been at-
tending the revival services conduct- Ivory coloured Gyproc `� A19i1[e, all NO. I tested Beed,
.,.ed in the Claremont Baptist Church Wallboard is used in its �• _
:by the Rev. Mr. McGuire.
Garden geed-bulk or package
� .. IC011SLtuCtlOn. :. - -. -
.i C�►H11T SELMAI�I ,,inexpensive, perma,. ( dee our 75 Cent Dairy Pail )
- menu, easy to apply, Gyp-
Hboer and General Blacksmith,
' osy-acetylene Welding uoc Wallboard does not _ ,A complete stock of Calf Deal and
and Brazing 'burn. It is exactly what - Poultry Feeds. _
;You want _for fire-safe
'Wishes to anaouace that he will carry � Ascent for McCormick-Deering Farm- Machinery and Repairs.
-- _the- - -- _ walls, ceilings and par-
has purchased from hos. Ste-
te- We have it, can get it. or it is not made.
pbemm�. starting on [emodel Or repair. -- --
Monday.May 19th. p =
Ask your dealer today J0 S. BAMLS�N, --;• PICKERM
_ �� A
� N
for full information on
Gyproc Wallboard or
sent! for interesting free
��� _�Ha ► ,wk, ..Building and R&
Imen's. Women's and Children's modelling with Gyproe." ,
Running Shoes, :
lNen's Work Boots.leather, with ALABASTINE, CANADA, r Oar lines of Harness, Collars and Parts are the best yet. gee oars
Panco soles. I�Ml'I'ED and be convinced. We harp values that spell satisfacUou
r Pads ontario
'...A few olee Spring Hate for _ e Car and our prices aright.Work W carry some mighty flee [in-as of W Boots
Women and Children. re
Men's Overalls, Smocts, Trousers and Shirts sold
"l�traw Hats. NLV U �/ m U gW y p
_ at.economy rices.
_ Our Men's Fine Wear Section is gnite'complete. Try ua.. .."M _
on (� ' c - .Dur goods spell repeat customers always,
Poultry FeedsCEC I L BRADLEY - . -,-
:Full Zine in stock 07 - . .
: .;Let us quote -you prices on For Sale b N. M. Gordon, Pickering: a3ran, Shorts, Oil Cake, y SP
' Sampson Feed
-eto., etc.
-John Sunderland . • -
Whitevale 13rass•mounted Team Backband Harness, -
$: G. Michell, - Claremont - , g breaching. insteadmete dl back•
2 inch 1 142.00
ravel thefstg s �fghma �°
With 5
Lot 84, con. 7, Pickeriog, s band, . -- _
�0-4� Local Dealer. 1 4 Black mounted Team Backbaod Harnessr i8S.60 <
HORGS REGISTER Da*I'ly * .C 'oach Sevices : _ .' _ 51AUg Breeching '` $44.26
des, Imp. 12920 (168249), This is not a factory harness, but custom made in one
the Grand Champion Percheron own shop at Markham.
gluon, imported from PICKS-RING=TORONTO We specialize on repairs to harness and aollam
-the property of Oscar Wilson, of I� � _ •
_ ''Brougham, will make the season of •-
3930 as follows: Monday afternoon
- cleaves awn stable Brougham and - F8Y'e_5�_Cetits ow � R - T _0 D D
proceed to Thos. Hirst's, Kinsale
:-:-tor night Tuesday morning proceed Leave Pickering (Standard Time) Leave Toronto Hacness and Collar Manufacturer
fA Temperance Hotel, Brooklin,' A. M. P. M: A. M. P. Mr
'tor night. Wednesday, .Thos, Hir- •�� Home Phore 8409
Wo, noon; own stable night and w 6.25 1.55 _ - ,vv 9.3A 2.50 �,��,RgHg�,eZ. �N�.
until Friday forenoon. Friday, C. W 6.g5 2.55 Q.5b 7.30 3.30
7.55 3.55 __,. 8.30 ° '4.30 -
Hutchings, Brock Road, night. - •
- Saturday morning, own stable un- 8.55 4.55 9.w `5.30 - T
Monday afternoon.
'10.55 z 8.55 :11,8055 6.55 6.80
4030 7.380 r�n a.� e rle -
` DANTON, Imp. (12929) (171727), - .
iht55 7.55 P. M. z 8.30
the pure-bred Percheron Stallion, _l P. M. z 8.5a` . 12.30 9.30
imported from France, the proper- ` 12.55 9.55 1.80 : 10.30
-ty of Oscar Wilson, Brougham will -- v 10.25 -- Bee our Samples of Wall Papers. Prices range from 10 cents
make the season of 1930 as followd ,to 1.50 per single roll. -
.i"]ldonday leave$ his own stable; at v Sunday only ^tlr Dail except Sunday
Andrew Wilson's, 5th line, Uxbr- -z Saturday, Sunday and Holidays only, Agents for Sherwin-Williamr Paints... Give your brdera.
midge, and proceeds to R. James of Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Varnish, Shellac, arnish Stains and White
-4Goodwood, for night. Tuesday, O. JCoat h connections at Toronto for Barrie, Orillia, Lead -always on hand.
P_ 'Trammer's Good-mood, night. Brampton, Sobomberg, Hamilton, Brantford, 6 - -
�GVednesdayy, �. _Wagg's, Iot 6 con.. Niagara Falls, Buffalo and intermediate points. .- _•-'Goodyear:Tires and Tabes for all Cara and Trucks. _
'30, Whitchnrch, Boon; Mr. Slack's, A full line of WorklBoots, also Rubbers for everyone. 1
+!Glasgow, night. Thursday, Sas.: Coach;connections at Buffalo forlall U. S. A. pointe .
�Fretz's, lot 30, con. 9, Ath$ night Our Groceries are the Freshest. Our Prices the Lowest.
,Friday, Jos. Taylor's, lot 32, con. ,
Pickering, noon; John Scott's GrayCoach LinesIot 21 con. 8, Pickering, night. Phone your order. tiVe deliver. .�
`'SaturLy Eric Pierces, Claremont Phone Markham 6402.
noon; thence to his own stable General /^�, nRaver.
- Wm M Duncan Merchantf G
• ' .-�;1�%+*i$ Monday noon. _..__.__ ` - • • - -
+4� .. ..: -. .. •• •. r .. :'- .. .... a .. �'__... -,# ._� &y - ',.»i:,..•.
s•.a�;+.,� .,,�..�.�.: � ,;,_,r � +c . ir'..! .. M.w xs: .'+`= p'u'w.�:, s:..x.A::-.e*• :.�." ,�"...-;;t5+,:i+'.ra wr. _•;arr., ;;;,.-.,:c .,^y., �.
F ,. �. -- - ,
vtiar:. .e}• •.�
•'qpC f`±�.�{�`..., k•.�„ '-,.. ',. .R�T'".7� «.- ....- .•- _'4..•i. .�k..+'.�F''•�...r., ,..- c r. a .r.,.e :r "•`T' ,'• r '�^
M - �w ,: • K* .. . ,z, y� .:: ar 3 . a e `
,,. - ti ''nt..L. ,::'. .:,v_t:A...: .r�'F.:.¢(.""svww:wi. °' ., d ' •tip. .sfi. _-:. wh: .y a� °Z'•y -..+sL. 4'�W
...rr .. . „ :. __. -. -. ., � '.:.� « � :.. s..,k r_ • .. -
Ben and 'Mrs. Kilpatrick and child cc _ �*'
Mrs. Frank Soden is reported to ren spent o n �r—
i1O mato with the Yormer's !a er.
Ravin s #area over Robt.
. somewhat improved. The friends of Bethel Cemetery Having rented mp premises-
:,-bein t garage, Brougham, we are now tr a
Just arrived, at Fingold s, a full east of .Claremont, are reminded Pickering I have moved to to vg service in. Broagbsm 4#
line of Fleet-Foot shoes. that Wednesday, June 10th, is the -. - - ea GZarainouti.
` Duncan'Morgan had a business trip annual cleaning-up day. _ .�.L� ge?�Ce �.�� �
VP&kby on Monday last. 'Spring ordering is y` y, a'y.ii° w'
Ed. Gregg of Toronto, 'spent - - We that Frank Chid- Where I will conduct a black- F night service,
-:--day with his cousin, Magnus Mor_ low has purcliitsed a general store smithing business and a one Clara $105; Pickering OQ�,- !`
n. business at Victoria Cornerst and service station. -.now closed and-- Gasoline, Oil, .Seiber"rix 1'irss,
will take possession en July lot. Imperial oil and gas, tires and- 251y. A. L, PUJM.
Fraak -Barclay haa' purchased. two Ralph Bertrand, who has been tori 'delivering - R
new Durant trucks from Chas. Coop- fined to his bed for some time with er repair@. her
_ es. -• a very severe cold and other-tom-
Also, Taxi Service to or'from' . H.t R.; G the �`.
is a-llau r
L. and Mrs. Fingold and family plications is aow-somewhat improv- - any.point... - - Grain Merchant
spent Sunday with relatives and fri- ed.. now under way,
ends in.Toronto, -firs. McGuire, of Toronto, spent Toronto - -
is urn Morgan c tin s to
M s La g on ue Sunday with .MrA Gibbons.,- _:q �AWJ F4NTHILL NIIR.9ERIE8
improve .and :ve hope that she ..Perry Chapman and crates of Tor- t 8 -: Stone& Wellington a hem kat.to arse Hap,may continue to .do so. I in t ar d Poonto called on friends in Claremont John T. Elliott, A ant, aw, Grain and P talose,
,_ Straw, P
Magnus-'Morgan's.-extra gang has on Friday last. Phone Brook. 1806 : , 279 For quotations apply
been laid off duty on the, C. P. R. C. A. and Mrs. Overland-and fam- Tj Mary Street, E ehawa
for an indefinite period. Kinsale '� Olrtario Pbone414•W 25tf A. 34. tit• =-33 S 01v
and Mrs. • Grant andily spent Sunday with -the former's �
+ - -parents in Erin Mr, Overland Sr. who R. R. No. 1,
children of Toronto have been spend- in very poor health at present, is '
...ing a few days nrith Jas. Evans. _ _._ . Phone Pickering}712 �
82 years of-age. �r
Clifford, and Mrs. - Pilke and ' See our Stock of
chillren d, 'Torr�to sent the meek- The senior room of our school ob- a 15tf Reference Bank of Montreal y�;
P served their holiday Monday while a.
;end with their relatives.in Claremont- the Continuation school and Juniore's Watt 5 �i
Raymond Piikey left on Wednes- e
S*vd fa
day for Toronto to undego an operat- room of the Public School took _the g ez $hslfriwr 1�,
ion which we ho will rove success regular day, June 3rd. e 9
P John -and bars. McLellan, of Det- B U I L DZ R S
ful. roil; Don. 'and 'bits. McLellan, of
Mrs. Duerden left Tuesday night Washington, D. C. and Miss Mabel
for England to nurse a sick sister. McLellan of Richmond Hill, spent '9Pe are now ready to
-She will be away for an indefilitk the week-end at the Manse. We have a number of varieties of Beed Corn at $2 a bush. supply you with :
period. The first league football game to )'
Mr, and Mrs. Dickson, of Buffalo, be played in Claremont'-this seasoIf' A full stook of Turmip Seed at 760 lb. - BRICKS, OONCRETE -
N. Y. spent several days last week will take place in Memorial Park ou
with the formdes mother, Mrs. H. Saturday evening between Goodwood New Century BLOCKS, INTERLOCK•
—Thomson. and Claremont. Everybody turn -Perfect Model, good shipping turnips NTNG PIPE, DRAIN TILE,
- The frosts that occurred on sever- out to cheer-our.boys to victory. Canadian Gem 111
••S al nights of last week caused consid- Albert and Mrs. Mantle and dau- - SAND AND GRAVEL.
erable damage to some early veg- ghter.accompanied.by 'Mr, and,Mra. Jumbo
etables, especially' tomatoes - and Woodburn, of Toronto, were'in Mel- Derby, feed turnips .Berry Cement
► beans. bourne for a feyv days last week ow Irish Kine,_ Co. -
T'he repgrt that a number of our Ing to the' illness and death of the '� . . Products C
yesidents had each aid one dollar 4A good line of Mengel Seed, free lb. pkg., 45c Ib. balk. St„ Toronto
to have their homes inspected before former's sister, Mrs. R. Pickett, 371 Bay
entertaining the Shriners who ' are The auction sale of the household _
effects and property belonging to PLANT-1 mile north of
attbnding the convention in Toronto, the estate of the late Mrs. J. S.-Far- _ Highland Creek. r
to apparently incorrect as none have mer, proved most satisfactory. Ex- met auF prices on Paints and Oils, a4
paid the fee. It is said that Toronto ceptionally. good Prices were obtain- _ p
and the adjacent suburbs will be ab- -
ed. The house and lot Was sold to • . , .They are reasonable,
le to take care of all the.visitors so Mrs. Thos, Iiiilsoa 'r` t
that it will not be necessary to go
far from the city to secure the net- to
essary accommodation. AT g y S
Some visitors from other parts de- For Qa141; Sale:
flare that the road between Clare- Doe Chevrolet Landau Sedan, 1028 _moat and and' Brougham, is about- thr NE
worst in the province. Any person '
in a car does not re, uire much One Star Coach, 192?
-. — - AREMONT - --'
- :.Taco Rab Trucks. 1928
a not the best in the -province.
.1-he United United Church so closed on The following are a few of the : Two Used Tractor Plows
;Sunday evening to enable the mem- specials now being i
Urs and adherents to attend the offered : Two Well Pampa, used r � ! _
;Baptist Church Where specialnes- Lbs. Ginger Cakes. 28c `r[lle�i :OOp�er, C •emOnt Ea;oeak of
' •vices are being condneted. by .Rev• 2 Lbs. Seedless Raisins.25e 1 s
_�Mr. McGuire, the noted evangelist. 2 Cam Pose, e
The special services in the Bap- 12 Boxes 2 in 1 Shoe 250 deslgna that in
List church tome to a conclusion on Palish, 25e
'Sunday next June 8th, Rev. Manaeli 7 Bars Oastile�8osli, 25c designs—that would be
McGuire will preach at 11 k m. and _1 Can Pineapple, 19e �pProP
crate for the
Hat Moot � 'n&poae r' * for
7 g m._ Large - sgregang t have Deliveries.every day at • • one_illustrated is Sim-
attended the meetings during the two 9 a. m: and 4 p, m. _ _ _
weeks of Mr. McGuire,'a vissttt, and pie,, yet has artistry.
Inany bane been blessed thereby. Do Straws tor everybody at 's
rias that Will - "No Qeaatse Tetbnte
not fail to hear him flu Sunday. Ta- C. �. +O�PERLANR y P
eight (Friday) a service of song will g71y Phone 2501 _. . ' suit every puree. If. W. STAFFORD,
precede the preaching service at 7.80
Sunday evening the-service of Praise - v --Kingston load,
;wail commence at 6.3(1 L. BRYAN manning Shoes are-reasonable. •We have them in sizes bltby
James Wood, of 497 Queen St. E. and colors for.the whole family. Phone Whitby-
Toronto, was accidently shot in the Successor t0 - 68 r qh g
:head on Sandair, near Glen Major, • _ -
by Joseph Pickett of that place. _ • , ChIC��OW We are clearing various lines of Ladies'. and Children's
---,Wood, in coNm y with' two -other $Os@ values to 1.25 at 25e per pair, • •
-young men,,Yrorn the city had come ' * > >
out to shoot ground hogs. He wa- Afew of the specials you can get ♦♦ _� _ r_'
lying on the ground face down, when 8t E $ryau'P : Val Made•to-measure Clothing' Department- is doing 9 �a Ie J��i ���� Firs
Pickett fired thinking he -vas.� a - - • +
.-ground hpg. Dr. Tomlinson was im- Prunes,large aad-plump,ib 15c - splendid business. We Can fit you any style p
r mediately- summoned-and took him Seedless Raisin 2 Lbs 25e you like at one price to every one. � + ►� Co. E
Toronto East General Hospital in g•
his car. He was successfully operat- Shredded Wheat. 2 for -25c _ = Oheap rates for farm and country
ed upon, but it is fegred that he gill 's Bran Fls;kee,2 for 25c' - - buildings.
may lose his ey"ight or at least Rice $cia lea, 2 for 25c - r Windstorm Insurance on bailaingq, -
--Umporanty. p _ f all stook of Freab and Fancy Groceries _ wind-milli,Silos of&
Whitby-Lindsay Association of French Peas, 2 cane for �25e - at all times. �Automobiie Insurance M. °
-Baptist -Churches will convene,in the Pork and'Beans, 2 Bans for 2;Se of
church on Tuesday next - _ o!all kinds. 3
the.10th. Sessions being Field foi Premium Tea of good flavor, with - - -MAY WE SERVE- YOU
2 • �AAllits Fo>s 8AL!
business on that day and the 11th. cup and saucer, 59c per lb. - Write or phone
:A public meeting will be held on ED. B O YY M A N
'Tuesday at 1.30 p. m. to be address- Deliveries every day.
* ied by Rev, Lr Therrien B. A. of Eo -D r E D 20 WHITBY, .
Montreal, and Rev. Prof. L. M Or M . ,.:s R Y -AL N t `
.chard of'Toronto. Ott Wednesday _
evening a Young People's Roily will Phone_Claremont,3701 _ _ _ _. Op e►ral Merchant, green ivbr
be held, ovhen in .addition to other Boys and Girls join the Basket Factory t
Speakers, Prof. Orchard ,Will give _CLAREMONT, - - _0NT. = Manufacturers of
-the main address entitled The Sig- FLEET - FOOT
nificance of Jesus . The young peo- All kande of Fruit Baskets, Harry f
ple of the neighborhood are cordially Athletic Club. '
Invited to be present. _ Crates, Farmers, Bushel . y;
The annual Field Day ,of Clare- Girls should not have to be bothered L _ --' Baskets, Clothes Baskets :;
�twnt will be held i1 Memorial Park with pd sv!e c cocas. • You wont If_ food V�herever n
on Saturday,.June 14th,- when a-syr Roil have comfortable fitting - - Frank Pennock
lendid program of sports will be, fgotwear,'
a provided. A league game of foot- Buy a pair of Fleet Foot oboes made 6y -' Proprietor
ball between Breoklin and Claremont the Dominion Rubber Go. You fill Ci • Feople Maker of the well known
wiH' be played; commencing at 6 P. the application and you will receive Barnes' Baskets.
m Intermediate footfall open to Fleet Foot Sport Review-Monthly,also - LL Phone Markham 6406
-any other than league teams will be a membership button. ."Gather TO et�ier
played during the afternoon for priz- We bave a full line of Fleet Foot _ g > +
ea valued at $2a. Suitable prizes will Shoes to fit everybody. from '
also be given for public school foot- 75 con ts'to St,75. Ly;u-»9
ball games to begin-at-11.00 o'clock. kRRYING money in the ordinary form is never a . +'''� rut srsrtyi
There will also be liberal prizes for A full line of Fresh Groceries v-wise. --It involvbs both risk and inconvenience.
men's softball, ladies softball and Granulated Sugar,10 lbs. 50c The ideal way is to carry Travellers' Cheques is: '
public school softball. A number of Icing Bullar, 2 Ike. 15c sued by all branches of this-Bank.
races.-will be run, including wheel.- ..Rlos. 21ba. - 1 _ -
barrow and three-legged races, for Raisins,se'edless,21be, 23c
which Claremont business men have Peas, 2 came for � These Travellers Cheques- are -easily--obtained. 4
donated suitable prizes, There. will Salmon,2 cans for. • :23c They cost._ very little ;-and they have this great 6 �,
also tie a horseshoe pitching contest. _ Castile Soap, 3 bare for loc ; advantage . . . they_are accepted as cash, in
There will be'lunch and refreshment Quaker Oate: with china, 1 box 34c .almost any corner- of the world where civilized — z Shortening. 2 lbs. 35c _ people ether together.
booths on the grounds. All entries g p P g
must be in the secretary's hands by Rolled Oats, 5 lbs, Zoe
.9 p 1 June 13th. Admission to the P&G Soap, 6 bars 25c
Good.Dairy ButtAr, 1-lb -30c
grounds 25 cents; children 15 cents. - TM CAN�DM 13A �1�
Tn :^e evening a high-class concert AVE DELIVER
twill be given in the Community Hall - .
by t::e �olowin artists: Jamie Reed
erre airier and comedian; Silverton
Duo (Sadie and Ben), accordionist LOWER PRICE STORE ! � THE S'T'ANDARD BANK OF-CANADA � ( Sold and Installed by
lard violinist and Geo. A. Mus ave, ¢
gr Phone 3.01
pia-lf;t. emission. to concert; 35 FRANK J PROUSE
e Certs; chil&ren, 25 cents. 1CLAREMON0NT CNTA O
w T •�
..v:. a.. ,.. .- •' "�, s' :+x'.' a,...:x,;
..,. .. ;,.. .... sv f. 41t". ..:+n„•i`'__,a'S,:+�tr�'',:-�-.?•-
4 e lbw¢ fie' .r+, f T
+;aa;,�•• -.crr. .',', •.- -.v'•i '. +..;-?r, .. :-ter,m •..►;,, .x•;n a n .aw..
:,, '�'• n.: , _.:w.,3., ,4, ♦ _.,.:.` ""'•,y,_,•�,, .h... .4 ,iia eiST%' - at
... a .a -::h •a ^•a -:a -..,,+,,.,.,; .,c< ... ':t .a':,xt r w r'
rp �t. :5,,. .S �' ^. ,,s',: .,• i ..., a. .x . r .t r- ..^', .A _ ;.,c a [" .,,.,.... "t,. �tW..•31
A Visit With tie-ditto--F-�1ks-1930 method! -- - - .. ;_.._ :.•
., , M vtlrq V141% _.
• %.Hare you bred hotua for A visit this year yet, Mrs. :1liken?" a"sked :her-neighbor as they chatted across-the O �O-
back truce.
"No:' and I'm not going," Airs. Aitken replied. "That Is, not In the way you are thinking of-the oid.way_`
*.It's like this,".she continued: "Tom and, I made a Baod many -trips home during the year. Often we went
wltbout telling moths'r only to find either her or father indisposed. We could not stay.and you can imagine what -
>a pull it was to leave them to say nothing of the expense and trouble.
"Coming back from out last vlalt we decided that all things considered it would be far better for us all it-We 11vi�
Just had s little chat over the 'phone with Bother or Father ,once a week-then during 'our regular holidays,
take a trip home and pay a real visit, R�D 1A1.T �RP►{t161'Etlio�"t�
"We all look forward to the chats every week They keep us in touch with one another all the time and are
really so much more satisfactory than the hurried visit '
` :. . "Tom says it is the 1930 method of visiting the hom?-folks_" -
Autos Wantedto the-excitement the hour, the In- passed, requiring three drivers for
EI)ventor lost control and crashed Into al each vehicle, one of whom must pre- I'
loi�� Ago,
-,one wall, upt;etting his cargo of 1 cede the carriage at a distance of sixty 1b.
eiVtJ L^a human freight and giving them that yards, carrying a red flan by dap and
' scare o!their Lives. For this little epi- a red lantern by night. Speed was re- 1Qj1 �.
;First Attempt Made in t430--11 rode be was sent to the Bastile, thus duced to four miler an hour for the �"'a' r+�� l�
_ gowned With Success becoming the first person "sent up" country and tavm-Iles an hour for
for. a mo.tontca fic-accidznt. flowever, towns. t rather as
_ . —t7b9
'Iteligiou is caugh th
his .talus soon changed tzom that of Regulation did act stop whh r6'
e Press Nec-essary I taught"-Dean Inge,
malefactor to benefactor, for he was striction-41 on speed. Local communi-
By Frank R Hunt, Assistant Professorl, rescued and granted a pension In re- 'ties were given the- right to tax the News Indispensable
of Economics. Lafayette College. I eoirn#tion of his achievements. I operation of vehicles and to _ pre-
t a tit 9 surprising to find that Following Cugnot there were a num-" t r t
the Idea of transportation In self-pro- her of men who attempted to attach ' Gloucestershire a steam carriage could Holidays rove an m- � �,.
)yelled vehicles over common roads Is I steam engines to the tcvheeis of car=I be operated only from 8 In the morn. portance Of Journal in
at least five centuries old and that Ing until 12 noon: while in the adjoin
j riages, but no advanee,+ of nose were I Daily Life _
)practical demonstrations of automo• I In county of :Monmouthshire - they
I made for about two decades. Robert g
biles have been made for. a4 much as '', Murdock, an apprentice o! R'stt &._ could bP operated only from 12 mid London-There a•e two days in the r
- 160 years. Boultet:, Lire fa$ious ensgine makers, night until. 4 in the morning `This Year-when no newspapers are ixibkisii-
G R. ItEngland--Good Friday anti the i
until 1.9 a in
14 law was not repeated u l d
One of the earliest evidences of i constructed a small model to dentin-� _
man's attempt to hide Is found
1 tate that the,Dlaton•s of steam to the
I In IS-, ea Enginethe
dentlflc maKaziae, as vgiv he e t obJeas•41ous ieh cb public In self-propelled vehicles is found In i O these two o�a � �
ders could be attached dire, to the y �i' lr
pictorial records" dating from about`axle of a vehicle, thus-making the axle: The Eng •
1#80. The idea had been suggested i had worked hard for repeal and plan- probably worth vac:'; more to the l
I serve as a crankshaft, His employers
even earlier but the practical form' ned a rase to commemorate the ec newspaper publf,herq titan acv revs-
were not at all.enthogYastic about the:
was Ia.king. It remained for Joseph erasion, Nov. 1#, 1396. the stak+ being nue lost through faatre to get out a AP,
idea, however, and mcceeded in-per I
Ctignot to Invent. in 1:69» a� three- 1 E5,000: The race from London to paper,
suading him to give It up 1
Wheeled carriage which actually Brighton, a distance of forty-seven low" that nearly everyone has a lst4 3.
on Christmas Eve, 13x11, a young
moved a load in addition to its own ,English engineer, Richard Trevethick, miles, was won by Charleq E. Duryea, radio set, it was natural that than.
`ttvelght. It was de4lgned to mote heavy ,produced a working .model whlcb suc-I an.American. The time reA Hired was sands of persons.should have Await- f -
ordnance, ceeded in hauling seven or eight sae approximately four hour-;, ` ed with impatience the dally news
it is to Franc d Germany that bulletin which,.proved so remarkably
' The first demonstration was not a ,engers up a rather steep hill-taster: %='�
complete ;success. Mechanically. the I we must look to find the men who final-` useful during the anxious days of the N
than a man could walk; '.Much atten-
jpertormance was satisfactory, Judged tion was focused upon him, -.and be.- IF succeeded' lu getting the'world to gene5al stripe in 1926. To•the amaze- AG LE
Iby the staudardi of the Limp:_but, due might have.beau as as a. builder( t'ecognihe the utility of the new ve- ment o1 nearly all listeners. and es-
to the difficulty to ;leering or possibly o[ steam motor coaches had he not hide. In these countries experiments pedally those connected with the
_ —
been,forced through bankruptcy to go were it by legislative re- usual Fathering and dlsaem-re"d. n of NU
baric to the mines as an eaglneer,•.But %tragi,$nd anterior-roads made the .news the announced delcared that
at a later time he applied his ineen motor vehicle a more useful product,, there f the seal sly no news." In-
o �rN.S�D Mt
- _ five genius to the development o[ rail- _ --{+- stead o[ the usual bulletin of basses GD N D L!t
road locomotives. 11 ings a musical interlude aav ditered.
His Own In view of this announcement the
Hom f
_ food
' `Atter 'frevethick 3 failure slinu+t a - '>l8 the 1081 . •.:
- _ + public turned- with a good deal °t 'theUottle-fedbatt�r
_ _ quarter of a century passed wlt`hout (Edgar A GueSt): curiosity. to the next morning's
noteworthy improvements:Then came To own a home and all that's in tt.' These showed a splendid
whose steam i papers. because itisclean.unifoitss
Sir Goldsworthy�Gurney, Isere is man's dream for every mlaute, assortment of interesting and•valu fiicompositiomnutritious.
coach - made •regular trips . between _ _ __. _ able items. Comnientiig °n the fail- t
Cheltenham and Gloucester,more than Four walls aglow with love and laugh-. most easily digested of all
ursr-ot•the radiocas,ting X0 to
artificial foods and always
- --~ •` `f a`hundred years.ago:' _.. - . ' tar,_ - _ find any eau=a,- one writer says:
In 1345 Robert -��. Thompson de- *;ere is Lite goal which all are atter. read for irutarittssewrlaen
moustrated�the first pneumatic tires.I y "Suraiv the Fariely and interest of y
diluted with boiliti
desraihed -his invention as a TO'ovrn a home enriched witlroeauty- yesterday's papers proves once
more Ply
y water.I t is used oft�n
' that the pressman is inviilcible,_There �
"noiseless" tire, showing; that contort Isere is the joy which lightens duty. i
- - was not the uppermost thought in his _ ; es int• a f _
was obviously n
- - veal. Fleet St set sir no talc 1 oodscombined.
mind. A little garden, watched and tended, interludes."
Several men' made gas engines
An arm chair when the days are ended, ,�
which pesiormed a little useful work. THE 130kM`j DO.,LI11IICil[)
but the one: invented Uq Samuel (Smart Girl _ ideSc.Pa
A patch of lawn the dew caresses, w'•
Brown in 1623 was the'first to be used These are the treasures man possess• `eteran Banker-"Howis your new Sohdrr*oBaby Booh roc
robaby Brown
{sleep more sou than to' move.a carriage. Y es,. ' N,rtc._.....:.....:................
JL ever before in your.cosy Third deserves more credit as a business secretary getting ago . _
' �' "' Chairman of the Board-"Fine.. She .»• � .�-• �
- Class stateroom on a Canadipoan inventor. He had the ability to get dream- aooaw..••.....•............•..•.•••••• ••••
man and advertiser than he does as an These•are tate source of . ll his has been here only three weeks.-and
Cunard ship, Softmattresses,a t- Ing,
has learned the names of all our vice- ....................................................._au
• less linen,wattm blankets,feather his product before the world and he ming. t
pj]ilov+n,bedspreads, clean towels, The rich fulfilment - t••
made.the most of it. It,is Probable presidents.
e and washstand'plenty that his engine did no -more than World over man goes out to labor,
of -7-
water,cleanliness ever,- - --: -
svkitre, ,,and teamed stewards to move, a vehicle on the level. _ q•o own alioma anti p1fiY 3hg a Shor [[,
,#aitOnyO�sr The Modern Motor 9
The principle of the modern .gaso•i Happy 'the hearts who look at flowers t, _
,til this is part of'Thifd Class service' +• - - -
�+ ' on this farrmw Hae: This service 13ne motor•were first specified in-1862 f And proudly say, These joys Are ® A
mss that yoweat,sleep and play by Beau de Rociias, of France. He I ours." _ _ _ _ t�
pyounemrdidbefore+onthevoyalge described in detail the operating prin- �--
am and back. styles of a four-cycle engine such as is` R@COTd Airmail
1 tl
_ Make
by are going enjoy the
now used in practically every motor Trip Established - • , (1 i 1
Cunard o.the Old car.
No attention or credit was given i
trip counov. his invention and it remained for Dr. Anew record for the airmail flight
Otto of Germany to rediscover the between 'Montreal and i\loncton, 1\.B., ,
• practical, application o! it. It seemed Smith, of
Book through The Cunord Line,- principle of de Rochas ant: make a was recently set by.' Pilof H: C: W. •
Comer of Bay old We"ingtont - Canadian Airways, Limited, �� �
treats,Toronto,(Tel. g int as it.the day at mechanical transpor• one of the oidest mail pllbts 'in Can• %
+ 3471),or any veomsgiip o9ent tation over common roads was at ada. one side charity or perhaps the getaerceityof relative's.On the -
" Weekly sailing try PIT- hand, but the Opposition of horse Leaving Montreal at 8.15 a.m., he independence and cbm�oa. r�
n,�uch,. Li
f,ondon. r effort, an act 20 minutes flying time. This con. oth�' W Cltl2t)Oa. a the second choice T*Ura 67`
mass t. , n coni and Par y mt Annuities Systetm.
..e breeders and-railroads-postponed it. arrived at Moncton in three hours and an age blcesed by e
Belfaq iv, !n conJunc- As a result O! th81
timl with the Anchor- for the regulation of horseless ve• stitutea an air mail record for this takingadvantapofthe Csna&anGovernm
hides was Passed by 'Parliament in route, which-has an air mileage. Of ,
• t�'nsrldaon Line. - � -
13'f+l. . This act provided that tires 467, and usually takes about 19 hours UN^�^N ��R Nj ---------
------- POSTAGE
1r[.ct l0ds Congo tour FIeP>
1 cul
� � to cover in a train. ( TWL-i
must be at ]east three inches wide, ANNUITIES
C��SMICC that etfgtnes must consume their own piaww eLrI �OtM
COMP 1200111"I
Bitl KIS
$mole, that each vehicle must have "Now, James," said the teacher, "an gat of"b�,Awa abowt oiaw,
at least two drivers, and that no ve• abstrwet noun Is something you can es
a Qom,Taurid Third CaNs OW Third Cow
lticle was to .xce0d ten miles an hour think of but -cannot touch. Can you HON. PETER HEENAN, bf4sslstsr.� Print clearly
in the country and. Live miles an hour give me an example?" lames:
. BACICEl)BY.T'IiE WHOiJQ DOa[[3nON: Md:w ............
In tdwns, In 1865 a new act was "Please, air, a red hot poker."
:1^"t21 P .. .vm,',' 'r ✓ ., «- ...-. cwt - :.:,i�-PY' T,i x - - 4 N'6' nq.
�a�- '�.... _..�,.... ... -. ..s..,. <•..i.�nr--:.. '-.. ...�'.��:. .4 :'t :..2 ., '�+•i ., �.' " '.4♦ d�.:� ;:" ,i, ..-,:�: ....... .• .� :dam
' a •'�."R•rs'. Y"•'" ,,r'�,'°"q'..�+'''.,.°' r ,'L .. ;, ^ .... c;- �i.�v. ..1-. �.r.,isA_...�', ,gv.� .�
+..:-:.rdF ,`��•..t�'�+rJ ,",'J,...:�.:'s...'7�sn•'S....., a... _ .. ... ., .. • .,, .. rise» .:~'. °
-by .••�,..,r* •,.xr,,.. .' '' .' ..• .,, ...� "',,:r^ m .a :+ *. ,
jj�rI _
TAS � The,Path
The path that leads to my trestle of WHEN CHOKER COLLARS AND POMPADOamp WERE THE STYLE
Is narrow, winding and steep; _ 1 soil 3 ac a or was Ina ng a name. or
' And there are v_raters below that'fn • • s `'M
Takes Pleasiue- in Recollnmend- fury roar, _itself as an exceptionally enjoyable cigar.
ing_Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Treacherous, brutal and deep. Y
-_ -- , no fter this ear
1�ci now—after 2S •s , ; _,;
To th.e'woman in the home illness The path itsCt is stony'and hard / "
' ie8t . . . W1leOn�S BaC}1C10r`—
is almost a calamity. Man v:Oman Oqe slip is a death•bringing_fall;
keeps on with. her house' old duties For on one side thkre's nothing but JOO%p Havaaa{�Ct--i9 Smoked r �,
wvlen she is feeling ready to drop. Her water below �' and ended by more men than
chez she is easily tired, is de- Olt the other,.a grim rg'ky'wa1P A -any other ten teat cigar
-bead a , - _
anaemic and It winds and twists as it leads ,
pressed and nervous sad has no appe- -: _ ; , Mild . . . fragrant.
tire. In a word she is me on
badly needs help—the healt. -help that And each curve brings new- hardship -
only Dr.-Williams' Pink Pills can give . it seems; .-.i
'her. These pilin make itch, red blood But I would not stop or turn back
= - which brings new strength and.energy again, -
to weak, despondent sufferers. Con- For it leads to lny�castle of dreatris.
cerning them, Mrs. Paul Rail, Coin du _ •• �^ �✓ t,
•Banc.. Que.. says: "I was badly run- Tallest Building in the World
t �
down, slept poorly, and awoke as tired _ New York—The tallest structure in t
,! •ti :.
- M -a elite ler Bui,ding—
to bed. DP Chrysler -
es when I went Y the world—the C rY �( -
Was poor and I felt miserable. I took was opened formally recently. Its
six bows at Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' burnished, restless steer spire scrapes
and they completely renewed my the Clouds 1,030 feet e-bure Forts- .
health.' ' second Street and Lezingtcn Avenue, '3 indiv du
E Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by 46 feet higher than th$ Eiffel Tower , ��� -
$11 medicine dealers or
by mall at,50 and 55 feet &.Dove the Bank of Man- I '
treats a boa from The Dr. Williams' hattan Building, in the financial din- t� . � '; t n ��. •
:Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. tract, which was opened a •few days l • • � g �'
„ - - ago: 'It has what is said to be the - ••� ' •�.�� + i ;
.• largest painting in the world in the nim M
Lettuce For Looks° ceiling of,tbe lobby, a ct3nv.as.100 feet t "�'�. - • '{
There is nothing more cooling for, by 75 feet; it has the highestrestaur �• ��'
" -ahs blood than lettuce leaves, A few ant fa one of the upper floors, and the :• -,
crisp leaves, sprinkled with°o]Ive oil highest clubrooms. the Skyscraper • s ;
and a few drops of lemon-juice, eaten Club, and The most stories, 78. _
- 'daily will keep the flood cool and pre - t• `' 1'
dent "heat spots" and other complea STUDY CHILDHOOD
ion blemishes. '
For whitening and softening the _. .__skin, for removing tan and suu'rurn, WILSON"s ----- I
there is no better preparation than
The sturdy child-=the briglY., art4ee —
l lettuce cream. Tb make this, use one' little chap is the one everybody loves.
or more heads of lettuce and scald It la only the sickly, fretful ' lId who .
Ahem with boiling water. Allow to is not attractive. It it the birthright
>ttand for fifteen minutes, thea pours of every child to be sturdy and well=
oft the water, place the lettuce Iu_i t9 be able to make everyone admire -
an earthenware bowl, and pound., to a him Therefore. mothers. !t yours !e
pulp, then strain through a cloth. not attractive ft's your fault, not his-
:Now put one ounce of white •as and He must be aillag and it to up to you
t t as earth- to see that he ge' relief-that he Is ,
a of. s.+ermace i n - :.:._. _ _ _ . . _ ._. s __: . ., -
bas cunt fit► imp
enware Sar, and stead In boiling given a medicine than will quickly _
water until: melted. Add tour ounces make UM well and keep him well. -
of pure almond oil and mix thorough- Baby's Owu TabWs are especially _
ly, then add the lettuce Jules in small designed for infants and young child
Qatintittes.beating the mixture with a ren. There is nothing to equal them 1(v ti M 0 8 t o r t h e m o n e
sitver fork. Put Into small jars for for correcting the Irregularities of the IJ i
ase. stomach and bowels i• cause
As a sleep inducer, eat one_lettuce most of the .11s from which tittle ones +„
leaf after getting into bed. and you suffer. The Tablets ; e sold 1:y meds'j.Future t� ea„ "I tell you Golf !a going t�. be they AdgErtifffi�
will soon begin to feel drowsy and elite dealers or by mail at 25 cents a salvation of the nation, and lengthen i Tom
will sleep like the proverbial log: bas from The Dr. Williams' Medicine gustlen Fords?
our days by decades." "But our an-
co, Brockville, Out. f` a I 8Eg aFCYLE3. 110 p YARffiTT
j cestors didn't go in for golf." "And u C cl works 410 SPedina w+anus
Y •
Mother` "How much was our or - 1'wbere are they nowt Bead'"' Toronto.
- Bronze Hones of Venice Ruatkess steel. which the Ford
sage ,Betty'" Betty- 'd don't know, AlBABY t:`i1Li48—win Hw'rCfil4D
'.mother, The ahopman wasn't there!" The bronze horses surmounting San; Motor .Company of Canada, Limited,I ,�1 sws6t�Otio free ee as��ar A. IL
Marco Cathedral is Venice,.were masse'-1s introducing this_year in expo:sedi ' 9wttser: Granton. ant
!n .Corinth nearly 20 centuries ago 1 metal parte of the new models, to01
t They were ratan from Corinth to ane of the aliraclea of modern acieace. 1%� .F] COMB WI-11 B LEGHOR14 +.
Rome by Nere. to Co staatfnople 6y Corrosion, since the days of earliest and Barred Plymourfi Rock 13}h7riesWantedla c�I�KgRNIGNT §11%-%E)
lcks, wonderful w rater layers we ho 19 c
COnataatiae, thence to Venice. and metal working, has been the arch i �ta�� as yam- Dodst avid seen hatching for f7 Years. Defamers
1!'h,e Toronto �tal for Diewsbi•s.! t Poultry Farm; Stratford. Onto io.
Is #fluation wig elieve& end I thea to Paris by Napoleon, being se enemy r metallic products. Indeed leaea.ed ernio•., C. T. ;-Viz
•' i � tastabad mettrmeaht'• G L �eaeL .
3:Oaplu" Mew •ort City.ago" a Three
stored to Venice after his fall, I the marked resistance of gold and ,.�-�a.•�e� dlainowl asp• ••1•RENT" UAT AND JLNIII
=ear's Coarse of Tralataai to Young ! silver to corrosion was, III the begin- bolfasofslewhoaca, A1aII&vsv1st% Chicks always popular. Rocks.
tvyandottea. Leghorn. Free
ti►om•a. ha+iag the required iQu"110'' M Inard's for insect Bites. sing, one of the chief advantage
es of l
and destspns oz baaomiag aysf„ Tail g r folder "Pin fiLone7" describes
" =aspita] has adapted the stolehoer I 0 the precious metals, Their scarcity,' Do YOU _ why their breeding '"fella to the _
s�alem The Pupils receive orris of Though those who talk and Lalli and nest.' Order early and as e.
the nshool. * moatJrly ailewaao• had however, naturally prohibited their tent Electric Hatchery. Trenton, Ont.
tza+•11iat esyrases to and from Now talk general use.
work. 1W ureas Particular+ wrier
or cuss's a t doss
►irois w the � �� This proverb should apDeai' The problem of rust Increased In ' � ��
lows the whistle OCKf3• MAY. 11 JL«�E 11c:
.Dsan's ung_01.iron R HOR`i3, May. 17c; June, Isc. 104'A '
Will never turn the wheel and ..steel increased, until of recent ; lrve delivery guaranteed- Ezpre•s pTe-
oP TOTAL �— yPBrs the Cost of rust to the aggre Paid oto 200 or more chicks S wee:. ofd
purists 11.40 each and up.
Catalogue In
LY0 The public never knows what it gate yearly-waste has amounted to Countless remedies are advertised , tree. L. R. Guild and Sons
75FARES wants until it gets St."—St. John Er- staggering figures. In the automotive for constipation. Many relieve for I Rockwood. Ontario.
vine. industry the problem of rust finally' the moment but they are habit form- a �--- •
A N A D A ung and moat be continued. others L i
# _ became so acute as virtually to pre., contain calomel and dangerous min- Let g Go F�huz9
to clads manufacturers from using any eral drugs, which remain in the sys- gut •.ot forget to take Minard'a
D V A N C E D I 1'e"n' Watchmaking exposed plated metal parts. . tem, settle in the ants and cause along. It will take care of cuts,
A Light Interesttnq Work The tntroductioa of chromium plat aches and pains. i= are harsh �'•
bruises or mosquito bAe>_,
Good Watchmakers (elther sex)- fag waa heralded by many- manufae- purgatives, which cramp -and gripe
1 can earn good money turers as a great step towards the and leave a depressed after effect
$RITLSHER.S IFor Information write the conquest of corroston. It remained ' Avoid lubricating oils which only .4 a 0
CENTRAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL for rustless steel, however, to achieve gT�x,the intestines and encourage a8
in may now bring t Toronto the ultimate and final victory. This i natures machinery to become lazy.
forward their Families, A purely vegetable laxative soda ee .,
remarkable metal is absolutely resist- « Carter's Little Lives Pills, gently O OF x•.
Relatives - and Friends I ant to rust, tarnish or corrosion, a� touches a ver, bile ,
{ On ,L er s. • ill damp rag is all that is necessary to, the bowels move gently the intestiths '
Fqt full details appI7 restore its original brilliance. There are thoroughly cicarised and constipa-
d T. V. CA7a34i0N, , „�fears ef�rheuma�m,now b t.. ma plating to crack or •wear off tion poisons pass away. The stomach, Y
34is1. s•+appse.. Coloa>salfon perfect heeleh. says litre 16 Dae1t- since the lustre qualitg goes all. the liver and bowels are now active and
csaadisa laeiaa stailway, soroalo arms. fbott4aada rhet#autls the system enjoys a real tonic effects
BRITISH ! oa�e, nea:itvs, snf.b lite �a�e way through the metal and will leaf All druggists and 75c red pkga 4
REUNION ASSOCIATION wa�tift"lmit+-tis"•comtlpatlaeaadi- .1 far generations, USFS' PINKHAM `q '
natio end eves om Coda• Rustless steel, of coilrae, Is more _
expensive than plated metals. But MEDICINES
the economies of mass prodOction = } T
have made its use possible in the low- q'
- - priced Ford cars. In the Improved .._.—
• - - Canadian Fords, rustless steel has
been utilized in the new cowl strip,' Praises Vegetable .
the head lamps, radiator shell, rear, Compound, Blood
and the. radiator, hub and gas Medicine and Lives Pill=
a�wHe tank caps.
�(Llps •`� 7 Birchtown, Quebec--"I live 13 miles
pli�ruto ' Spain Comes to Paris from town on a farm,with all my home
duties and churn• t
® - - _ .__ _ Paris—All army of_ animal lovers,; ing to attend to.
armed with smoke bombs and tin • » At the Change of ,.
due tooto whistles, organized an automobile ez•l KA 1Vhr�ele f youLifes and I became uric
rano stotr.ar pedition from mid Pails receptly, and • down. The vltln•
' " traA�auR" moved against Melon, 26 miles youth eBe
~tt�►wtrsr� of Paris, tQ stop s bullfight. f1riPP�n�teolksuxll thanks to Kruschera table Compound
> helped my whole
Numerous women as well as •�goo Doer sipAt etotrth#I roe+ laid up '°'
young men were in the expedition. r�""atim 17ONe to o Cts "b"►I toas adrwed 9yatem,Myinel vee
to try Hru mhen Salo. It is is almo#t a mirode. are better,m
Excess acid is the c�mmou cause of less and tasteless and Its action is Bull fights are forbidden by law, Parti- btd wivwut a tm d of 6 lie I was arae to be petite is �
In ala and
quick You will never rely on crude taxon to ate front aero►in'las than a weekut 1 -, I am able t4 have
tlndigestion. -It results p q eularly when bulla or horses are kill- a few day#I toot out with toe help of erateThi
sournese about two hours after eating. methods, never continue to suffer,
how ed, but the Government in this case 4and isa short u#ixttrfts u t fmr yarTrtii my work. 1 have
;The quiek corrective Is a- alkali which when you learn how quickly, refused to Interfere. The 'S c et= also taken the
:nentralizea acid. The best-corrective pleasantly'this premier method acts. for the Protection of Animals then I b60#t°zv"'t e°`r"xoe,a'ta I+ear led • they helpeMedicine and the lives P1r71s ter 1.
ftwh efrheumati#m*awe l tdl rrerybodlr eb°'a hal me. I will soawer letters t
is Phillips Milk of Magnesia. It has Please let it show you—now. organized the ezpedition. The boll- +ea� e aK'U for others 0�, womeng about d�oour mei• }}
remlrined standard With phisicians !n Be ante to get 1:0 genuin, Phillips' light is being held with imported - *•WlIIfams' tinea"—Mia. R1cB� C.'aeala�oly 'a`'.
8panfelS buIia and fighters. orglmrt•wxoaet#ro� Birchtcmi.Q1 ebm
the 60 years since ire invention. Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phyai- Hrstul,ca Salta k tibtalerslw at anis sad '
One spoonful of`Phillipe' 'Milk o! Doane—anys for oyears drn�� correcting excess Minatd a Drives Away the Headache, depart•ntmo f,►osuxa :r isc• a b�ttb. _--
'ir[agnesia no trallses lsfatantly'many acids. Each bottle contains full direc- mos Ll'_c�aiAr e,:o�ph to Iso rr it or i
heath Io: Leif-aeort a dsgi ISSUE No. 23—'30
filmes Its-Vol
in acid. D ; harm- - -'•- r�'
✓ ,-'
;+ .�,- 'r•-! h'S.�L-y--Pil' p. ?.v�..r,:p-w,.,rv.;��d�,r.• .r.:T',u;t...m.�,c:.d' h'.•iRc�.:v.�: ;':...,,,,� ..•:`"...'..,,�.. w:y>+:�•,...t'......w,:,�.•••'�'lYr•",•".5-r.r,es..N-.v.v�.i.zn�-"'•,...a:'. '.-,4s.'. �'_:•'b_�>d,:"u-cr.S."i-'.rl��..w�,nj.F's. -t.�4 �:r: .:i•�ok��°r4n c7r'4_aw•:�r•�i"d��."'R:4an�•,'i, ,:F`:•:::.•""k a' ' '•t*•a�r' .,sa".:i5".✓."°.v•�.�•-H''. '''�CVII's.qj�"'c�e`..'r+""-.b: 'naFll-r.:._�!s.
a . hfS' i :"-.a.v'... �,�q✓w.:.:_ry2
ry+1:,'`-.-- �-awC,.qw..secrn''h. i �efi- �h r•':hT+-
,T_Ir1�'t ,t T .�C11►�ae —,T. C.
and Dire. Philip spent the —DaQciag every 9atar'day night g
OCAL l�Jgi. week•eod .with rel lyse in Lock. at Dow Dro Ion.
a, —Radio tenses may o rye
—Mies Poynter, of Toronto, from W. C. Nuclear, at the News. ,�
---W. G.
Ram was in town a few e-
days lost. week attending to 'his
s nt a day last week with her Office.
garden. sister,.Mrs. (Dr.) H. T. Fallaise. —Dr. H. T. Fallaise, Resident
—John O'Coanor�of Belleville,
—Piano-tuning —Heintzman & Dentist. Office do residence, tvdo ;
--,---spent the weekend with his 'Co., Toronto, will have as expert doors east. of St. Andrew+s church,
tuner in Pickering. st an early. Pickering. Office hours, 9 a. m. to
._,mother here. 8. p.. mi. Daily, and Evenings bq al) it UaZBII�+e88 you perfect comfort a work
-E. L. Roddy had o lambs date. Leave your order of phase —
Tae NEws office. * * * pointment. (X-ray service). )boot. Oar boots and shoes for work and fine
killed and several,�maged by -W. A. Robertson. editor and -After a brief illness Marshall
'dogs on Monday. w ,'wear have always been of the highest_ quality,
proprietor of the Cannington McGregor, whose home ie on the
—Chas. W. and Mrs. Pilkey at. pp .but in our o inion this "Thoro-Gilt" boot is
• tended the Feild Day sports at Gleaner,Rave Tals Nnwf3 si pleas Kingston road, a mile west of the P
Mt Albert on Tuesday. aot call on Monday morning white village, died in the Lockwood the embodiment, of everything of. the highest
-Rev. R.. H Rickard wet in
on his way to the city. Clinic, Toronto, on Thursday last, class .and .is the finest thing it has been our :w i
Newcastle on 9etnriday attending The services is St. Georges in his 68th year. His funeral took revile a to offer.
`fee funeral of s tur1lp, 4hurch on Sunday next will be as place on 9attlydsy to Mt. Pleasant P 8 _
-Frank and Mrs. Wiman god follows : 9.30 a. m.,Sunday School; Cemetery, the eervice being con
-Frank all. (S. T.), morning prayer; ducted by Rev. Dr. Sclater of St.
,f:wo daughters,of Peterboro,spent 7.00 p, m (S. T•), evening prayer. Andrew's Church, Toronto.
Sunday with Mrs. Burrell and eon, There will be a celebration of ,A Few of Its Fine Points
RneeeU. Saly Cumu�union at the morning DUNBARTON
-Fred and Mre. Annan 4nd service.
.child are spending a week in The errvire9 of the United Mr.'Wm. Pearce are sorry to Genuine elk uppers. -�'soiid leather full
North Bay with- Mrs. Ann_an's - pp
chttreb U#X4-Suuday-wild-1444-st. �-i _s--tee•-' - lift heels. Solid leather insoles. A water.
Louisa Richardson vra� Andrea's Church as follows: Sun. Mrs. Jae. Smales and wee Betty
x day School, ICI,iii, a. ul.; woruinR of Enniskillen visited 'Mrs, Smales ~. prOOf boot. Solid leather slip solea. No. -c
In Newmarket over the wrek•end worship. 11,80, and, evening ser• this week. 1 grade bend outsoles. A Goodyear welt. 5
at4endin$ the. Quarterly Dde,etlas vice, 7 30 (daylight saving tlntr). John and 'Mrs. Mills of Toronto,
of iend9, will R H. Rick" will in visited the tatter's mother over the
p Insist on� .seeint e
g_"Tharo-Bilt" Shoes. --fi
- -Amt*ricsn tette are very name- Rev.the morning and Rev. J. S. Fergu, holiday.
mous on the highway these dayh son to the evening. All are we] Mrs. John McGlaehan we are sorry
"any CowinM�g,�o"r for the Shria male to there services. to say is in the hospital undergoing have the exclusive agency of this district.
_airs' Courentioa' —About I.30 ppr tn. on Monday an operation - ,
—Alta and. Mm Clark, of Lind• seventeen seroplsnee Mrs. Hattie Thompson, of Toron. - '
passed over _ Radio Licenses leaned.
say. ci.=itred 1!!im Louise Richard• to visited Wm and Miss Bella Thom-
Ptckeriog an theft way to King-
son and other Pickering friends son last, week. •
f+tola, where the went to take p
on Wedaeeday of last week, y Mrs. Whiteoak and two children, Fred T. Bunting, - - . plCker1319
Wit in the 'monlster-airpa geant, Established 185?.
-D- r. N,I& and lieu. McEwtsa pa o ar am n son vis-
which took place on Tuesday.
slad daughter, Winona, were io ited their sister Mrs. W. Nicholison ' dC
"Iwont'o on Saturdayy where they Detroiti a from Selfridge Feld, over the holiday.,
book is the canes at Thomctif'fe. Detmit� and flew in V•shape for Lyle Morrish carie home last week
—W, H. Bask-% wbo was taken matioo. At Kitchener one of the end but had to be returned to the � • � " .
18 which left Detroit crashed, but ' -
to the, Oshawa Hospital a few hospital. We hope for news of his
. b5awe�ilot escaped injury by t omlagnripr vemerrt soon.
down inia parse u The annual meetin at the
wed he teturued hoes#oa Tuesday. g
-Thos. E. and Mrs. Ste henson,
—E, L.. Radd`v, wbo. with Mrs. p Church Erskine Cemetery will
Rudd recently returned from of Oshawa. vipited the formere. held on June Sth at 2.30 o'clock (S.
their luriopesn trip meat a few Parents, John and Mrs. Stephen- T.). Rev. J. S. Ferguson of Pickering
son, on Sunday. They all went to ,All. reach and the Pickering Unit- _.
+days daring the pall week in New p
York City on btuinea-e, - thole old home in Scngog Island, � Church choir will lead in the sing-
The police trustees have had where they attended the guldens
sprinkles) a liberal Quantity of jubilee services is Maple Grove
United Church, takiltin in the
ea slum chloride on the streets �� �� a""a''z'. -
to keep down the dust nuisances morning and evening services.
The day was a most enjoyable one �•,
The resident* of the village will SEED BUCK W BEAT FOR SALE—
appreciate their kindly consider• as they had mei many old friends Usilrer xou. Norman Siartoa, Claremont.
aidon. whom they bad not met for years. 4�l - '
--July 28th bas been definitely --The Women's Institute's sono TIOR SALE—Barr•e�d Rock.. 14 coats. —
llaed by the Deminion Govern. al meeting was held on Tbarsda; k' whit4leithorrs. latent,,. C. w Hellems
ar �1
meat as the date of the general last In St. Andrew's Church. The Mkham. Pbone Mark 3900, 39-40 1 1
wentoo For the seat two Whitby Branch were the guests ARM MACHINBRY—Brirh old !
months liticaas will be bus on for the afternoon. -The report of Fand newtot_aase. Also for sale.-Pekinduck
p0 p eggs w F Disney. Greenwood. 45tf
: ..Me stamp. and in the meantime the nominating commute was
road and accepted. After ballot ORSALE—romatoes.Cahhalre and
the parties will be choosing their p -
�ean !dates. ins the election stood as folloare � +�wv Plants M:,to>ti Btuk,la R No -
-miss Phoebe Juniper. nurse. Han. Prep„ Mrs. W. B- Powell ; 1. t'*t Hol. Phone Pick loll. sa-+o , J
fe.training at Belleville General Pres.. Mrs. R• Winters ; let Vice PASTUEtE TO-LET—Will take cat•
Pres.. Mrs. W. Marker ; 2nd Vice• tle to pasture Also for sale. s wigon boa.
hospital, sceoakppaaaced by her like new. tom Lacey.Dunbarton. 3940
li friend. Miss Solon Smith. after )?res.. MID. C. A. Sterritt : Sec'y - -
_ spending her three weeks holidays Tresis.. Map. J. Cowan (acclama• FOR BALE—Bacts.heae. 1 Jersey ...•.,
" live); Dist. Delegate. Mrs. It H. �w and heifer all. 1 Ayrshire cow and bell
t with her psreats here and with s cr calf Cecil story. Pbcoe Clare 3617. 40 -
ber sister in tiaananoque.has reg Croak. Mrs. I.anra Roee�Stepb• L'+EEDBUCKWHEATFORSALE—
abarned to da��. eas, of Ottawa, a Women's In ti ►726.
—P, and Dire. ldattin elr and tate speaker for the past thirsty. �„S�` k loiODdHasts Moora°Pl�tiotKoP
I :family lett on Saturday evening flys yesire, gav�a very interesting 27o5 _ 40'� - x
los their trip to Alber•,a, where address, 81st spoke of the wonder• O BENT—Un Church St Pickerir e _
' °they will take sip farming, Mrs. ful growth of the Institute T halt of brick hottse,includfat blinds and fin•
t Canada, stressing the tom. Ap q G D Sly. 470 Indian Rd. To-
llLattingeley a father baring takes mato.or yaw.' ofixe. 35tfN .r�N
asp 480 acres of choice land. We fact that the Women's Institute
;iso the will enjoy lite is the was the largest women's organs ADIO FOR SAKE—Federal, live
st y 7 y tubes. complete with very
re es, a beautiful RROW
' western province, and enjoy pros- nation in the world. The speaker, Baldwin table speaker. Very reawaable. AV-
� +' -
perit having a very pleasing personality ply Bert Harvey.Brougham. 39-40
-- —The Board of P. P. L. bays de. .sad a great sense of humor, will ORONTO WET-WASH LAUN•
' los be remembered b those who —
eided to move the Library to the s y DRY (Semi hour
Irmce.our driver nU and TO U GET NOT ONLY T HES `�-
.,+Oourtice Block(former) owned by heard her. Mrs. Price and Mrs. a:plata our 44 hoar seryl«. last lea your
hr1l. gavage). The y F. T. Bunting rendered much name with Mr.5.W.Davis. barber shot/ We
'., Librarian re. s will pick up deliver a rises a.eek. S H I R T PAZ U E S �4 ND F AI
guests that all books now in the appreciated solos. The neat meas OR SALE-8ewioR machine, Kit-
the �' 'M-- ' • a`
.hands of members be returned by Ing will be held in June at Fchea cup bwrd, Kitchen ,rove. i�cnlei- AND B UT WITH-IT�d 1 f
,July let.so, it will be most con- home of Mrs. Price, Kingston Rd., vator (attachments). Fold�i'ai�'toyuch. Iron beds,
_.venient to classify them during east, Chevrolet on Pic modelPhonePaukk'1�9o0, tali e '
;. y s F.A.Lawson,Pickering. - - -.
---=="'oval.----- - ing a phone
-There was frost about every message was received by Countable TRAYED-Frm i�u e8ia. bei n ARRO
W �
►SAckeriag. on Su y
OdOt last week and on Fri¢ay Oliver Crammer from s resident calves, s months aid.bloc and white. Any in-
laight ice had formed on water. of the lake shore south of Stork tormaloa mardin tbeir whereabou s will be
-'An attractive Combination—A "Royal York Suit"
Considerable damage was canoed Bros.,Informing him that there [1a�y tai"��ISeleoa Gate,Cberrywood•41 and An AVOW Shirt
to early vegetable, especially to had been a fine Buick car parked GOR SALE-Clucking hens, Bar-
boace and tomatoes. On Fridaythidd, which might be red Plymouth Rocks and White Wyaai3ottea.
near e seroa
also seven heavy wire front gates. site 3•ft.by 4 ' 4
Frank Ball transplanted a thous s stolen car. and asking him to ft.bp 5 ft.1on��very s9itable for fatten pea.. Our Grocery Specials for tint week .
all of which investigate. ' Mr. Clark aad Mr. or,rabbits. IJavtd 1.Scott. Altoaa Rost mer
were disob that aittht. arum mfr wen mile north of Kingston Road. 36tr +
i hapaian a Red Rose Baking Powder, 1 lb. tins. regnlar
—The &usual me#tioR at the seeing the car made further inves- FLOUR AND OB—OPPINO , ` or a
- White Church will be held' neat tigation when they discovered s for sale-to close the estate of the eau ,]oaPh E plume in hese syrup, regular size tin 2 for ale
Leaty.The e,ectttors an orferint the Whiuvale Egg y
Sunday, June Stb, at 2 90 p. m., woman's Cost, hat and glasses. Flour and Chopptttt mIU for ale as a`via`•cos-
stsndard time, when Acv. J. S. Returning to the viUsge they st cern,splendid waterpower and lame Mick mIU. Bee•Hive Corn Syzup, is 2 lb. tins•, each .• ;••'• 166
bnildiat.For full particulars appiy at mill,or to
Perauson.of Pickering,will preach once communicated with the de- Mrs.Leary,wbite.ale,ont. 29tf Fresh ground "Mountain Blend Coffee, per lb.
and the singing will be led by the tective department in Toronto, • mo" Washing Tablets, regular 25c pkg;for 190
Choir of the United Church of giving the number of the car and Blacksmlthimg 1
:Fiekeriag. The usual collection other details. The sergeant re __
Will las in aid of the cemetery plied that that car was not stolen. Horse.ehoeing and- General Work � H A P'NI A N
fund, but belonged to A. R. Poole,of 99 promptly attended to. •
- —The Liberals of South Ontario Clifton Rd.,Toronto, and that his will bold a convention in a few wife had disappeared with the Lawn Mowers Sharpened
days to nominate a candidate for car. Shortly after Mr. Poole pboo• and Repaired.
4,he coming election. The general edAnd-on bearing the description Satisfaction guaranteed. — CENTRAL 'GARAGE
opinion is that W. H. Moore, who lot the articles found, knew at Phone Malv. 4125 T613 P1
fedlntested the riding at the last once that they belonged to his
election will again be the Candi• wife and be feared that she had Q S M E .
date. His opponent, as at the last done- s*ay- with herself. With 91y HIGHLAND CREEK Telephone -
election, will be Dr. T. E. Kaisar, several friends be at once came '
of Oebawa.l, down to Pickering.. On account of
erin Mills
-At the United Church Confer the darkness tbey could not carry
sees held at Cobourg last week on a search and returned to the
Rev. J. 8:Ferguson wee appointed' city. In the morning they again _. •
to Carlton Place, imear Ottawa,soft came down, when they found the we have a limited quantity of Auto ,Repairs, Accessories,Oils aD{I
stated supply for one year,which body'washed sip to the shore. Her silts g� quality Shorts at
may be followed by a call Thjs face was badly scratched on the price of ordinuy mill asOline Acetylene welding,
is on the same plan in which Mr. account of the gravel) bottom. feed, excellent for pigs
Fergueon came to Picketing Elva Her clothing was also badly torn or any-live stock. •
yearn ago. There is s fine church from the same muse.
earn Battery C�harginge
.and splendid moose In the Carlton Crammer and Provincial Officer The feed business is our line. We
Place charge. Mitchell, of Oshawa, investigated study this to give you the
-C. O. Ravin returned home on. the incident thoroughly, but do t possible value Awpairs made On al'lDmal;eB
k. 6t►tarday, after -an abeence'of a tided that it was a pure case of for your money. -- - ♦
"saouth, in loom Angeles, Calif., suicide. The unfortunate woman, ...:O1 cars.
*bore he was attending the Tele• who wen in good circum
We have Chick Starter, Egg Mash
grapbere Convention. He reportr. Waf+ despondent on account of ill Scratch Feeds, or any feed
:-R most enjoyable outing. The health. Some time ago she under- yon, may n"d, deliver-
delegatee to the Convention were went a serious operation from les any reaeonable ,
' )treated to si anmb#r of side tripe, which Phe never fully recovered, distance. ,
--including one to Mexico, where 4 an this evidently preyed uponCHARLES Be SPENCER
bull fight was staged for their Phone 531'6
her Iniad. Coroner Dr. Cart- ----._.--.-_
edification. They were tAken to 'Wright, beinir notified of the death {�
runny place® rf interest besides And baring investigated, decided
.his one. that an inquest was not Der Milling Comninv� ,Proprietor, Pic ering
ry,,, Pi