HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1930_02_07 w '.•, ,rte:
tr"•��-,'V t �ixd�'"T �v""-1i�+^t f•� �x7i,''w.. .:arae: a �'.q' r v,a„rx ':a v a. "q,�a"� -.a:{� .,. ,. �; w� x _ _,
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:a 1 `�' i�t p;
_'90L. XLIXa ::"----�-- �_ ___,:PICgERtING}, .ONS., FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 1! 30. '- -
x>olts�stossa1 16arD�. STOUFFVILLE. OUNBART.ON.
t 1 Medtcaf White's-:.M lli The "Eastern $tar" held a fiery The scrvrcesv"at the DKiibarton IENWOOD
successful icg caanival on• WetdrOs-, Mission`will be as folelows: 2.00 p.
,` R. H• C. -PEA RBOVt--Phy»ictax day last. tr)~_Btuiday School; 3,00 p. rn. fir- ILLS i q ening p.•. a
alai Surgr�n, Dunbar n. 1VIy (�llT Chautauqua festival v;as � r•-; r, Rev. E. G. Robinson -
- -);et attended and good programs will. preach. zr
•�, E. FORSYTH• Opb.D•, Director 1?'runuing full bast sawing lani• «•ere-�U-•�rovi(ied. l Aliases Violet, Dorothy and Pears
iy -li.�tos 7I-Aasociationof Ontario. Reg,I ilei';' rt'RC11eA,-dOtibletrP.e9, . QUI' 1t1Ca1 LT. F. O..hzve shi e(i c n attended the Florence Ni •ht- "
isteEa Memb. •af the American Optometrtcel PP t c S Established 18%
Apocia oa. eyes examined byappointmr-rtt tongues etc. a runmbcr of carloads uf'turipz. to itabule Et^.;tern Sr«^a' dance at the ��•y
ARL:4.[}RLBIN. R. tl.-F.ye,Igh. O1J:°u tbbuy ood quantity
in f Rood �tl�ral^x, revival services h.ld in +hi ra. c Or Y g llate.•l on Jan, '?7th,, and
•• %,
. C::re:nont. Ont.
t report n good tigie.
.�Speciallst. ifauour graduate of the (.us.?;e ]pgc, '. :tjl_t!!(ir.It': church Carine t0 CIOSC On j'`3'iday, Feb. 14th, the Dun-
Optometry of Canada; Gold medaSst and i - on Sunday Jast. barton A. Y. P. A. will hold a St.
first Iferman prize w:nnerin 192,1;. At:Markham Grain Chopping TUesd!ty3 l f � 1 t
revery hlonZay from d a,m. to 3p.m..in Dr. A number of the Iaoies 4f tyre Valentine box social snit will enter- FI�� I
Barker'adentcloffice. AtStouf3v,:fefrcern5\'ed• and 1'iidtiy". " United ehurch attended the Toron-'twin the Cheer rule and the Diol-
neaday to Saturdayo[eaCh week. Eyes?xam:n-I. - Yw l
od.Classesfittedand repaired. Hizhestquahty il:u:t'1faC[lirintr,.11a3keCs of r<.I1 to Presbyterial held this week. harlot S'oung People's Societies. I W'hy pay cost of freigbt--Rad Middle
'at Lowest Prices. Phare Stou.R 2ir?S 481Y� ` descriptions.
Our High School pupils..2tre mak=- 'T1.e A. Y. Y. 'A. will hold their man's prnQt o>n };,ur.feed.
ing prepara€ion._, for their annual'meetinz.c every Friday eve:!ing at� I can make as wi8talre of feed I ~
s _.._------
Legal. ' --- --i l f ice reductions fit the . Y yoti
factory. concert to be held on Feb. 2Sth. J o'clock i -the Community Hall in- 16vis•h-Barley, Oats. Corn, P'k%
' A E. OHRISTIAN, Barrister andOur local curlers were- successful'stmJ of, every.other Fri-day na #-ao or will sell pure Peas to add to
t1.S0Ec:tor,Notary public Etc. Money to� 1'huo« J1a�l:haw 81U5 or-tit'�t?'nc n t its t carrying off the district cup at� at first' arranged. Ever l,,Ay ';:el- vnur own grain for chs
loan, south tYinYCourt House, Whitby.,2aty C•h4;. XVhite. Locust H111. Oct. Scarbarp 'last week. They :%ill now came. - ping, and thus make
EATON & ROSS-Bart inters. Sr.-f pia.) off fol• the Governor-General's� Tub splendi-I play_, entitled Tour feed go further, -
rieitors Northern Ontariu Building. 339 prize. "C','IliCh iS Which", ant[ "The Regi l
-- -
Say Street Toronto. �! �.� 1'he -Bush Hockey League is nu,v, Lam :vi11' be
. - �r,J.Beate:,. p" put,: on In the faun-
_ Apple F'rotn�tw{±he to ,fifteen team3 ae Barton ,Community Hall cn the ev- BARLEY FEED s
J.D. F.Rosa. J'dela e.,tlT M.Ia 'Ino off their sines this week..,ening of Tuesday, Feb. 18th, by tht For pig= orraUte is the beat °slue ors
R1Cl3ARC.SOr & PiOK>,R1�G competing. — {A. Y. P. A. of the Church of the Re- the market without exception, It
Barristers, Solicitors etc., 213.213 dotted- [.t OR SALE] A number of our. stalwart? ,ttend-I teenier, Toronto.. The will be well is higher in protein
and lower }�
- eration Life Building, Corner Yoage orad Rich- 1 I' y p
moadSn.Toronto, Phooey Adelaide 4488 and ed the Liberal Convention at New- worth seeing. Admission,: Adults, in fibre than other mired
44SO. Pickering office open W.edneedey and T c feeds sold.at higher •(.
' -Saturdayevenings. Phone Pick 8800. 811 1Q �aY• a :, m`lrket, wheii W. P. Mulock was no :,5 cents; chad:e_ns, 25 cent. prices,
----- -- -
urinated as 11beral standard bear- Dl1NeAATON.
Dental er m the Federal election, opposing _ Try it on my guarantee-Special
- or Herb LAnnos. price for a short time.
_ u .n t
earson had a b s• !s- rip r
F.IL C.SMITH- D. D. S., L. D. S.. CMO -_EPORTB on TueS<!a .
Dr. P
Sicceesor to Dr.J. N.Dales', Graduateot D small $ OL LO the CIIp Y 'jj GFR ,T
the Roysi College,of Dental Surgeons and Toron- __ Morley and Mrs. Black have re- • � nui�
University. At Claremont offteeover D. A - } -- The following is the report of S turnAj from a fortnight: visit in ,•.
9w,ffs stare ciao)Tuesday and Friday. Phone quantities B S. '�o. II (Green River aures aro Eastern Ontario.
$Loet7 10 21 Tilt `3 S
The [, l is closed. -
m.order bf merit: r. IV-Ross Liverpool Armc
_H ERBF.RT T. FALLtt19F. L D Q.. : 7-
' PICKER�1� '.•� Turner, Edythe W Mat s. Lorrain° C 0 A
Mrs. Cook being absent in attending - _ r�p
D D S. G;,ada,ate*(!he Rn sl College of r iv •
- ®ental duig saes and the University el Tomato �Yr; 'I P05t711• -Stalls Leh fe }-� her si-{?3-to-Iew.
Office in mmidencesecond-door east of Si. krld man . labsent) - Sr. III-Doris Snu- Mr. Dison and fairriiy near Erskine
�— few's Church. Pkkering,Ont office hours -t, j j s ��®� Cerreter have sold their farm and A good supply of Hard add 3ty1'#
.: _a.rs to G v. m:. or by appointment. (%•ray. LJ �1,� th• Christina )Milne, Robert Jackson, y
,service;. Phone Pick 370M Baty Aubrey Smith,, and $o.=a Carter r rnoti•ing to a farm near Strst- Coal on head. Al4o fz supple �•'
(tie), Archie White, Bobbie Malcolm ford in the near future. of Kindling Wood, •P
f ulo ntsl• 49sarb*. .,.THE RURAL. Jr.'III-Lois Draper, Mary Mal- The senior roorn of the school was stove lon,gth,
colm, Cecil Postill, Jack BieIby, Rab- o[_.Tu?%Ka) 3'tis= Edwards, - �`
A�# ELIZABETH RICHARDSON- SECURMES COMPANY LTD. ert John W*visor, Mildred White, our:yeacher attende..l the funeral of
I,.o tf �ahoia'e Pick. 1;09.
A. and automabdivinsurance of all kinds. Lois Turner (absent). F.,lward, at Mitchell.
- •re,gir ectsngcompartment sobd finaectat stand- — Jr. II.-Gloria Windsor, IMar Postill, On •Tuesday. January 28th at DONALD lMUNRO, PICKEKING t
Red F.-tateand Insurance. y' __--
• 'EORGE 1{EAY-Licen(ed auction- Charter Lehman, Leo Hagerman.. hi; late residence It Petman Ave
err, A.'ona. Live stock and ask•- Farts Propertiesia Specialty. -Mrst--Feet Malcolm, Julia Wllz.on, Toronto, there passed a-car to his L. SURNIN' GHA
fy attended to. Terms red general
R Jean Bielb•, Lorne Garter a Darin res; John Derr, in his ,6th year.
Scouatten. tone Term Deas bi•4 213 214 Confederation y � Euildinx and General
Head Of1lcP r Turner (ire t. The funeral hoed( place on Friday to Contracting, -'�
_ Mat lar onto, Primer-Allen Michell, George White, TI e. Women's
Out Estimatew furnished on •11 cla.taen
Life Bui
P09TILL, Licensed Auctioneer. Phoneen's Auxiliary of tits
. for Ooelattee of Tort and oasarta. dye-
Clayton Jackson. Donald Duncan,
of work—Interior and Exterior,
: tioaesdse of s•l kinds sttenaed 10 on ah=41"s )jrunch, Office Gurdon Building, Makvim Carter Dunbarton Anxlican Mission have 1.
- - '- o0tnae Address Often alar! O. oda Pickering Ontario, -E F:."(r`rahsm, Tkacher. postponed their monthly meeting un- Alterations and repairs.
j B. _._. Ptistirs190
• 8.BE®TON TO'WNBHIP OLERJi -7 -Phone dC00. L'SK (:hrrrytrooi Junior Room.- til Tuesc#*Fsy. February
of to F.ecOlPetner Chimoeys Built Phnae Picketing
I�. 000sgrneltr. Osmnetseloner for "king __ Sr [f-C'la•tuts Grew,. E zthe r Bar g• of the g
is* buwm yr+pse7 o sir of s rp °rii THE �C�StIED OUR WAY. Ice).
IlBoblor RCP rtch-tl Earl Dix l'r•-�nt�. Klil eitiA a. play to the
wt:lisnl �<el.l _Perks P. A of the eb FAIRPORT UNTARl
R GRANT-Lot 1, concessici,p t. on, Maig=e•t Teefy, Alan Petty, Community Hall to aid of the ftrrn[a
Sarbaro. Telephone Markham MOS We have made a business of Norma. Fie!!, Jame MacRae Sr I- of this Society.. S H I +\ G L E
rad Accountant. .Suatnew an•t Muaac,- wash. day, 4tere"each color Norman _Thomar, Muriel Torrance, �ir� Fra.;er, htr,• 14[cGtsnochie, b
cW uditeses GRANT, GODFRE Y AICO.31 Daphne Stunr. • Jr. I-Ra . Ta lor, lir+. Cowan, Mrs, 1l;tchell, Mrs
St. East, Toronto, Canada. Adelaide
aBd fabric i+given the sctenti• p Y Y Nova Scotia Shiti,zle�
liar ISly 8c fortnula that beet meets its Roy Flptt, l.(•onard Hollinizer. Prim. White, Mrs_ IALt1u71, Mr. Ann is. flair Gaivsaized Steel 8httig•es
needs. For e,ecl3 c11"s we use Le;nurd' •E,'ythv, Find ' Petty, I
• ��M, bfA�'V, LICENSED Ai'C- ' }•' try. (ab- itis-ea J. Alli4or. V. Allison, A '• Bird's-Felt 31�tte Shin !as
+ T
MAEER}forYorft„QnNSUrlo and Durham170use front nine to twPITe chaa• �(Ilt),-Jana, :#rin.tronyr, Kenneth Thorn, 11. Thom,- X, Dixon, tnlrether for sale at ;
't Cuanaas. Allkim"of sates promptly gr°rif,flltered rainsoft water. Maeltae, liobbv Ni'�rrixh, -Margaret frith member,. in thy' city attended -
to. Tereosee��aa��aabk Datmfo� may be 'An average of six hundred gal- Son,erville.'. Aunn 'reef)- •h.� R', M. S. Pre,by'terial lw-t •Peek. T. PATER801'$ (Ll1REJlON�'
nrrasged at NE WS'Otftcti.' heli and iadetxn- lofts for your family washing.
-.rdeat abotass. Whitby,Ont. efs Chtrryw ut,ti `irni(ir E;evm anis foiinti it Cal! slid et ri
No wonder clothes i%underid ' -Gordon Petty lla'tal,i Fenny, -Sr. able. beneficL.i an,t e J ^_ P
n't��'- �R P ce LAWS 2513
I Mw
7CI�///I��77I1 kers are cleaner antij,,''-Ray -Pilke,), Artiiar Petty, Earl L W7VtaA� :CoalInstCotiRed rd1'0UG"AFA, t - �' Taylor, I:uth IioIl.nr.>r, -Ll,+ya PPtcy� Oshawa Laundr & Dr llertha Smith. Jtt,ac. Di<on. .Jr.IL'- R '� Q E d
n FF'- -ick li.l 'iuriiq,, to pact week.
_ Ot jj ;'y Sr.'lli 'MacRae. Jr. ll[--
- eaain Q., L B r, llarvey ha been with city AND SERVICE STATION
Hard and Soft Coal of the' All rlothes tied fre,i,ient dry cleaning fluglii`T efy, MariitaretdStone.
i1o11itaAlvin friends fur a �TeS buA,e u}ith week.
t to keeptheta sanitary. Our cleanio The ladie y P P We are prepared to do all kindti
_. est quality OII y' l: PI[l,i.y, Charir. C'alllacline,, Norman fnr the.Valentine "At Hoine".
Q p -department tarns old clothes pt ttj', .-«. ti Y oft Readrvnar -of
ng rp,e ,,i bat. My '
. _ a ons
hand out like now. 1[1l(rt °Harvey brout ht his fuahur ery ch g
out"from the city on Safaris last. o'
�'�`�,j(� LAW A Phone&Wt )L AND SLIVER The local epidemic Wi-flTEVAcl Eritrbreakinq ivu.it ulwrats. ian . perf nied by had a Dr. elverything in cod in n et a ,
THOS.OS. A• i. A R.0.Jones, Local Representative, f P esti n g
p1G3esZiss� Gat. , TIME TABLE-Pioitsrtng Station isnot g-increase.NlFitch The mid 'tirlatest
Hicks. t acr.Me duct of io; proirressinlst favor- Gas, Oil?, Grease aidtAceesaori
• tl s belt r, 'itc P gki by car work.
a =
T.R.. Trains going EsN Etta aa,fnt]owtt� -t�e-�a(ier�tawl that on Saturday at�ly. 1"
No. 10 blsil ".i8 A M." last. always on hand. Taxi Service.
Ur. Newton Robinson shipped Thi• Citizens ,I,c;a:rnr are l(wkinit ) °
19t*oat -12-WI? x -- carlai l of_tee-rs onwhir forward tn.-_a--succe•sful c,ri t th' for C-hevrolet-Ca".
" 30 Lord 5.24 P. X he made a handsome profit. viun�rtl, - evening. The bail. condit-
Sunday train, ",_'.. 8.38 A.M: The YoungPew le'6 Class of the ion of th'e' roads will of cour. e-
+ba r
ordon J. -Lav
- Trains going Wsst dolt as follows- Baptist Sunday e ay School ,,,,-Ill hold a feet the attendance. i <
No. :A Loral 9.' A.3f. ckatinl party on Saturday, I'eb. ,lith .l[r, 'C. C. Brgacn has been confit-
-- - �' 27 Loon ,' 2.19 P. M. at Locust Hill after which refresh- ed to the house the past week suf-
9 Mail 9.W P.W.
. � � y it 3�P M. meats will be served at Mrs. F. Mac- feI•in'1, from •iirjuries to his back, _
Odd Chairs Sunda train,' gay in the village of Whitevale when he was R patcsenger in a car i
to iForegoing is according to Standard Everybody welc(lare. :which ,tufsne(1 over in toeditch at
time. A pleasaht-e'vcnin�, lets spent at i-Unsale last Wedyiesday. The car
the home of Mr. anti Mrs. J. W. belonged to-Dr. Cameron, .: 'Toronto
1 Only Famed Oak Arm Cliair BlaekSmlthing .T Brownridsre on Friday last. Those surgeon, who washere for an open- � � � ;; „•\t
upholstered in leather, resent ,vc r,° 'thr� momhcrs or-the ation cr„c. Fortiinntrly aIr. Brown
5•� a guests. a t) • on one to zeceivc injuries. ;
frau e.ts. A! ava� the Iy
Hor9e shoeing a Spec[alty.
_ T;''tlrstil�oaskit t.wa given by the Our roatI •commissioi>ers are hay- J a ''j, ,•, ..
All Gener%l Work,including Wood members of the Board. - ing a hard time keepin the roads
:Only Quarter-eiit Oak Arne• Work, promptly A Y The Hnnbur class of Whitevale open this winter. The Snore plow
Chair, upholstered in attended to, i nitetl t•hurch are hRvin; a Fancy hz_:• helped wonderfully avith No. 7.
- - leather X38.50 - Also, � Drees Carni•:;,1 c•t. Locust Hill Rink way, but the Brock road north ��•, ;';t "a
-- Aizent for Taco Farm j, on We:dnrscbav Fob. 12th. Prizes is entirely impassable-for cn while
Ftimed O.ik Arm nd'Rocker, =
Machinery. will be fritrn f•'r, the .best dressed many prefer to go to Bronklin in
r k, u�Vered - Lady and G: ta
l t' tun; The best Com- preference to going south on tht
_ Penta, $10 each �' ?' 13,5$-- is t;1'esseei-3�m1:',•-an(}-Gentle roc roac . But taTie heart as the
GREENWOOD 491y the best Dressed Girl and'Boy Under bear (lid not see his shadow on T
12 years of age. Candlemas Day, Feb, 2n,1, so spring For �srowing Boy3 hold`Girt
- - 1 Only Upholstered Rocker, January is the month in the year is corrin { 5 '
$g.5o A BARGAIN Y Feebk Old Percent lid For
• ,: when the men folk hays their one The Executive : of t le le •ermg onv escents J'
-- opportunityt of attending the meet- Township Sunday school ?ls.<uciation
—'Flee Rocker, �. 1 Used Coleman Larz ern in- of the �Votile-ii'rInstitute;-lfhr iti-net here on Tuesday afternoon o4 �/A( OI,Ers- -
ah, takes the form of a social ev- last week, when about, twenty-five ��. -
- - '- I Used Coleman Lamp .. enim-. .Thi; year the affair zeas a were resent, 'and the work for 1930 ACT
Ather Chairs at reduced prices. p i ASTELESS EXTR s•,
I Used Hanging.Oi1 Lamp ga'ca� success.. \u effort was spar- ,veil planned. At the dose of the OF}CODjLIVER s.
cal in the spreading of•the banquet, Business,.Mr: James Todd, read V.
wIl Wean new strength,merry and
c*. Q g Each in Qoti repair. and the pro�rAM could scarcely he address of. appreciation all ltr: fid. rort;fyirig the system against attacks eom scow
ul►rterlent Oslo Dining. Table g p
and ii.leather seated chairs Ru1`pasSed for heaps 'of g•o(xl fun. NVillson presented a calbinet of flat diseases,such as Grippe,Tr.Pven;a,Pneumonia
to match $14,00 GVQ 11 Vel &1601 the New ILn- !ia'-. F. A. Maj(arr had 'or c c i r. o n , la on • -
proved COIAm&d' Lamps, Rli:�streI Band with Mr. Hugh Pugh, behalf of .the Sunda Schooli. o; • `"amp°lesE,n,attofCodLi;zre?soatrotd>t:Ml r.
p p t the p-ompi and timet help for pak,mckly,tiayegs
•f :,s interlocutor, and.'Messrs Parks Township, in taken of their a +are e- anaemic girls just budding into womanhood: If., 3 r
ea9� t0 operate, glue i taken regularly it will improve the impaired a s✓{
_ wid MCK-1v as end mn'u. Plentyt-of ilt.tion �f iii:,1 'Tm nn,l; fait,;'ul ser- d
•'petite,help tnercame shortness of breath,dad
e frill A wonderful clear blackening. nittl in(lish cl• tic; ling,' sic, f r :?'L }cats a- $ecruary-tress- • rcgtore,healthy rniortoilpaarrdth-c
bright light 9rnlgs and jnkt s_an<i ictin`w left nciti urer- of the As:�ociation Mr. Mieh- i
sod e2featl sate. a, dull l!xament irl
n their h"ur of en-I ell it-tom n w'ry fitting reply, . atnd � Price r til QEI
- 'liotle 13QU p q - tertitinment. Thr FasAsut':r C ,,r-� �1rs. 'Mich. 11 :11.-1 added her mice of
El S
V H� 1 mittr, of the women': 1 1FtiLUYC, ' tthi l'ttCdAtlt'+ll ',r the iorPIT gift. The !
iL tirnitilre 1)PKIer• an(11J Y 111 �. 1_ • -Jones "Drugtore
greatly ar .rpeinte tj' c i�! 'ler ,Ir ttP()UIf? . 1 l l Tire e i�, ,{ the. visit-
0. - 4Fnaer»l Director' all thos.• who Look par. ,n n.',y way inters with coffee ;,n,l'refrechinents. `'
Also Ambulance Sei•vi('P ' Hardware PilonP 0 he program. and llelrrd to he
,1e�arrl p�.�t TO 1:fl0 t make t • ' .. t.
' ,I, l,tlly G.L in • ^ 1'` "T. v `. I ..�r11 ,T• .. •' 1;-•-•^r,j1e,.. Y _ .�t L✓.
t �ntl�rio PI. t .t�iG' 1 "h, �� "r,+ntl. ii'il;,l:.r il, l:r, l:, and lti. 1'iiciilV l> (j�• elok0riil�
'5• :.'i -..._.,.,,..:,.., ..., ,- ', ` w. -q. _r. •,,Y �cn y ,.. ,ke';xwr. x.
� .,..a lti'. -' '"'".�:.:-•.+. '..f L rte^.a., :u^ .,.•,_ :.,.•,n,.x 'lw: rz,'' .d. •s r:. ...�M.a .a,' „m• C n
a..rSFi!' ... .. ', , . ..-. .. .��; a,..,i'-`ft'ST...-=:�' rc -... �':•,:r a„ ,y...._ .a. r'a. -,p;,'., ., ':� *r3' a:. �;P,' x!�.7?` rm.,` .
...... i+.,: �°�. t �- '•�. � +.a+3�..Frt''..:,:,a5•..----- -�-�.� .,_—+r_...,,•��e,r; �,'_ .a.:�'�ff,~...A".x`�'';p.:..i._ ... �.z<%a+.:.,.�h§�,.s;F:€:�.. +�t�r.�,+.;~r•�.F..,.._,'�.�•�+S•u,..as _.�'�.+_�`._`�' -._,_�...�.' :,i�'•''F.°�K s�w�'"=".
"- 'r'h"'L, a .r�,'..-tiJ.(.bf! of k:-. nt .v'•..'i' y .b...'l5'�
• ... A4.f" .T-'.t;:t.'-.�G.d1Y`,'.N.,.. ,.Tq 1'-w: ';3•'k'M+a-'(mJC �''ry K �A.JW Y'•. i Rl. 'v�,.. $1 "ky��:P. iTFy'.� "
,. m• e. v- "T.�,..°. ,. «. T„ .° .. a n� -i'. _ -- K:/ + ,_.s .., 4 _. n, ';;''.^y.,.�u m,„ "s •iw - "t _ .��.. ..+.'� i�4 y7.....',�.• rub
ne.��+-. o :v-...;rc•..,• : ��V 1 .0.Y .� S' .s� ✓:i�:�,k71U+
j:�a'w •,, ', .'., ._ .:'.. ;.> .-. .:+' '. ,:. ... : ?, ie-' .r-' �.,,,� - �,�5'.•_,,.
T .
' the Gerard robbery, the Parr Jewels- j e d Fr -
Thi is delicate mellow La 3 e" Firs C
a 4 : the stuff from a score of others There RF.NrE ._.
wen ,money, oh, I don't know how Df Predat _
$, bivew to8alada Japan Tea mush,the pto�ta of the bootleg scheme Qry. $1� BOOK
' of Iooting ovine cellars all over the _
Islands of the Inner Circle." Jack London•—Thanks to the ladyblyd,
' swore as he thought of the massed the giant Douglas fir whose growth
Rw wealth from which he had been de- until recently was being hindered it ,Mailed to you for the
frsuded." - , -� not templet"sly checked In Scotland
charge of - - --
"Why was th9 'Bachante' here?„ by the destructive insect chermes $ Cents R Weeks
= ' demanded Garrick.: colleyil are now showing signs of
re- Address all enquiries to
.� elatance and recovery. q
To take Isro'fdasor Vario oft; he ry To-day there
came across by car from the Radlo Is more greenness about these "lords The Do LUXe L A* rlettjq
f� Centras." 1 . of the forest" than there has been for 70 QUEEN 8T. WEST `
r - "How the 'Bacchante' beentw�years. '
long has e h TORONTO
gone?" asked Garrick. sae facts were ,brought out at
- "Half an hour or mo the annual meeting of the Aberdeen `
Curtis. "Headed ;oath-east by east." branch of the Royal Scottish ArII
ycultural Society !a Aberdeen. John Hanging Pictures
A few more questions convinced Mleble Bald the chermes cooleyil was Grouped pictures are in good taste,
Guy and Dick that Professor Vario discovered-in'the New Forest in 1813 but they should be TVrtical-or hors.
was she master-mind behind the Inner and had spread north to Inverness,
<. p somal, never in stairstep design, -
?-' Circle, Back in the radioalane, Dick leaving the west coast of Scotland un- They should be hung about the height -
' ` fle:w by compass in the direction Cut- touched. of the eye, on.wires or toads which
tin had told hire the "Bacchante" had Johnston Edwards, the King's tor• are either hidden behind the picture
WWI taken. Fast as the ac:ut cruiser was, eater, said he found at Balmoral that or drop straight down from the mold.
it could not compete with the radio- the ladybird had increased enormous. Ing. The triangle, made by the cord
AA3,THla f�, �E V E lane. Garrick with his a ea lued 1 durin last autumn and said he be•
r �'.•-, P , 5 g y g which atretohes from a hook to each
to a gluss, swept the sea. They had 4lleved they would end the threatened corner Of the picture, is,not In har•
` not been flying ten minutes when Gar-III destruction of the Douglas lir. Id. C. mons with other linea in the room.
. CHAP i ER XII. Bay. How's the work coming on, ,rick shouted above the rush of the Duthie said he hoped that when it A large picture looks better if has
l g.
Garrick spread the net far and wide Dick`'" al r; and pointed further south. Dick was known that the trees could be Ing over a piece of furniture which --
o intercept the "Bacchante." He had "All ready now," roplied Dick, front swung the plant in the direction Ir made Particularly immune there
� pt y has the appearance of supporting it, •
turned the radio world veritwht�_u�-_ below. cried and shortly the "B&rchant�' would be a more optlmliffe-outlook. a$ over a mantel, bookcase or table.
hide down in the search. They swung ;pea the doors and ran came into view of the naked eye, far -
- Forenoon lengthened into afternoon. the radioplane down the skidway, call- out to,sea. Mlnard's--The Great White 1, e+it
in back to to drive bars. Wal- Why Is a (�e SmaU7
g y As they watcher her, tfiS "Bac- A cId
ake may Dick worked feverishly tuning up his den a^roes the Issand to Seaviile:The chants deliberately turned end headed y be too small if not
Deice telautomat£c hydroaerropiane. radioplane struck the quiet water of back toward tlem. Garrick trained �t'1eR� P��FPk enough baking po
' "Thin is one of the serest of the the harbor, the staccato whirr of the i the Qlasa toward it. What did' it Pry crisp several slices of bacon.�used to )even it. sf'top much liquid-
aiciencee-telautomat:ca," he remarked two propellers rose to a screech. They mean?
_ !and remove them from the try-p:,n, (has been used•, or if it it baked-fa-i&-
were 1
'as Gurrick Watched. were o$ In s cloud of spray. k r" I but keep them hot. In the bacon pan which la too large to fit the yield
"Telautomatics"" The flight to Beeville was only a , °t s heaven. ee sus an ai. "What's grease,
hat speck between ns and him. Can � brows slices of pineapple�of the recipe.
"Yes. You probably knowitby!matter of minutes, for there was no lit be someone swimming?-Ruth?" 1 which have been dipped in flour.
another name. There is something time to lose before darkness. I Coulu it be that Ruth had sten and serve these on a platter and garnish � "Even 11, humanity lasts a million
y,E ,•weird, fascinating about the very idea.I At Seaville a hasty. survey disclosed Itaken a last long cha,ce, thx: she had I with the bacon strips. million years, there will be•plenty of -
` 1 sit here safely, turning 'switches, no sign of the "Bacchante" but there(gore cverhonrJ, risking everything on --'� quite ain'ple problems still unsolved."
!pressing buttor'..s, depressing levers.I was a trementk us ct owJ down on a a :riarathon swim with not a chance When the truth cannot be �earl,v -J. B. S. Haldane.
bulkhead and they could sec them wav- the shore! - ids out .neresied
` ,'Ten miles away a vehicle, an auto, a,-.• W. a Ilion of making - — —_
� fat:ip, in aeroplane, a submarine obeya 'rug and hear their abouts. --Dwk� .4e- the radio lane carne nearer the i thr:ugh tear.—Retus. Check falling Hair with Minard'a. _
Cir lme I (brought the radioplane down to the'water and nearer the s truggling swim-
tf It may carry enough of the latest wa�T ;mer it became eviuer.t that the race
and most modern explosive that after- We're got the*. fortis and the,between the plane and the cruiser was -
y oar science can inven`. Yet it obeys big
girl:" shouted a man with a'a losing one for the-cruiser. -1� u know that `
my will. It goes where and when I` g brass star on his chest. I "Here, Guy; _ake this plan,.. I'll
- :want it." i Dick glanced at Garrick. "Anchor take the radio!"'
"l''ira's back!" here• We must take the time to ques-I Garrick seized the duplicate net of
• It was Nita Walden in her car. •'I'vetion them." I controls. A moment later he had
r brought her here first," she ealIed. Curtis was sour; Rae nervously tri-,tarred in rpray and was reeking and
."Guy, telephone to Glenn; l know how i umphant• They had been deserted, pitching a few feet from the swimmer. -
anxious the boy is" 1-ft was ticklish business but me man- iaElie�deel •� ,�� ,
what of Ruth?" queried Dick. you 2.
oeu-red until he was able to swing uwga►tact ksarr die best megr to rse dbe
Ask Visa. She sans come to tail about. Fortunately the sea was tom-
you all she knows. paratively ealm. As for Ruth. she A People who wait to reach tlhe coast gtaiekiPr
!` A "Tell us, Vira," cried Dick wan **.iii fresh. H.r Iona-distance itake The Chid as a matter of course.beasnss
"Well, you ase. we found a -- �flt is the oralr eats Fast—cans fine"-extra tate
T y dnek f. swimming counted na in the balance :assn m Soae6en CaBfornia—
'boat in the hold, a boat fm• one. One for her life, ltr Air too riaaL
�l. of us could get off only and Ruth made r ; } Garrick, with a final edort witb
the choice-insisted-settled it. It had - Y Dick. dra ed her.aboard. _ eThe� estrs Fare on tlue too Calffornils
;to be me. "Take Fare ef-iter;-6uy�far a urin- — •L3setasd and Grand Can Undead or o
you see"' explained- Vira, e, ute!" Dick turned to his radio ap- V `1N
aeaj%t acus ani!Missionary.
stalking feat, "The jig vs as us for the paratue and as he did sv Garrick naw Fred Harte dining service b another di4a&
i I& clean
get-away,Ali ewake all the:to
T was beaten, had turned and was going tel_ d�railway
Y ;.that the "Bacchante," long before she
cleanjewelry g° g �cmiyw.iNatkun tPwk _.
i� and the mossy. They waited until the I f away at top speed, "There!" Dick
test minute to t flit thousand for _ -��owds �� ea► gel �
' got Y w.-,�I� swung a switch. Like a.bolt-flew the a :
th Inger Circle and the other stuff. arrangement overhead, a long torpedo- • to letitna;r,February aaadMard
But it failed. Then the only thing I like'affair of alumipum, with wings
that remained was to.get sway—with t d pontoons far-all the world like / T.H.eees.t3ea Paw,Det.Sena 1.Its
X4�tion Bks¢•nyeupit.InaL
Ruth-.the tea-million daltar heiress, C, , the hydro-seaplane on which they = Phone.Randwlh a".49
as they speak of her. .
"You know, the 'Baccha;lte' had ~y t t was flying, with the buzz of a y
been taking the stuff off rum-runners. ti� hornet! -- - -- _
+ 7t was sheer bluff, posing as revenue g}b savr the slim, dri to fl re-; Dick preseed a lever. It swung in
' pp K g'u
eenfvreers. It was stored on the 'Sea �a flight. "The principle of the thing
VatrI Every time a:gone drove into of a girl runnrne. up the beach. �is that I use Hertzian waves to actu- -
,the city, they would take s couple of put ashore, doubt:-crossed:- In spite ate relays on the radioplare. I can "t
:assn or more to the Inner Circle or of her capture, Rae Iooked happierVisit here and send m little David an ? _
:the Garage. From the Inner Circle than she had been for days. Shas where to strike down Goliath!"
y -
".'!.a' -stributed to the wealthy. holding on to Jack's arm with the In the sunset Vario on the 'Bac- �<
Bootleg aristocracy!" air of possession that seemed to eom- chaste" must have seen it, sensed it, , r f .
Nita sighed. "Up to a point, then, perste for everything. Curtis did Igor he knew something of Dick's work. s
(perhaps Ruth`didn t need saving from not look so pleased. He was thinking f He changed his course..Instantly Dick
herself as much as I thought. She was of the vanishing fortune and the frol- pulled a lever and the radioplatie
Ban the trail of something big-:--this Lica he sew glimrneriL ff away in the(changed its course by exactly the same - -
�conspiracy . . . And she almost land-�•>:.at degree. It was like-s conscience pur-
ed her Rsh. Only to get into trmhto_ Add Garrick
from which it's takinh all the skill tis took his cue from Rae. A clean - They could not see Vario beside the
man at the wheel. He had his revel-
of Gay and,Dick to nave her." breast was the next best thing to a, s �^• '`
Suddenly Vira's face' beamed, e.lean get-away. 1 ver. As the hornet swooped straight ,; , X
"'Glenn's coming! 1 near his engines" "Talk about Kidd and Morgan and at him, however, he tired once, twice-, :
and out of the room she flew. Blackboard I" he exclaimed in disgust.lthree ti mea at it. No marksmanship
"Here's the flint report that I place They were piker pirates They plan-
any confidence in," shouted Garrick idertd their -: �
eetged_to realise it -F'or as instant
' --.�s:--a pals,_.I ve read.- Well, ao�* .
he-hesitated then quickly turned the
carried of[ a.' '
the boathouse, "It's from a fresh �" on himself and dred!'
y freighter girl, too, iter:-million-doll prize, t3�
use oft Seavil:e-si As Vario sank to the deck, Garrick'""
ghted a boat aa- Garrick shot question a ter ques- ! w• - -
!s�cering the description of the "Bac-tion. "Why, the Bacchante' was a nerved litmself Yor the expIoaion of
chaste' putting into the Great South floating treasure houre-the jewels of!the radioplane. To his amazement the
little t#ting circled like a'wasp, turned,and started back. "" -,(J� - -
- They-Il stand by now, muttered --
P •. _ • + Dick. "Not a reason in the world to _ -
��' choice Jsend ones!hat little treasure ship to Davy \ P -
1 _ It was late and dark when the"Bac- - i
�`••' Vlbm 63 eosins will Ton l»
tom worst• Bac-
chante" limped up and cast anchor off Don't be to pans.
or will you be f ximpeodeatl ., the Seavilie wireless ataiti towieg'_ Lob d NNI
4.� f: L6ksPoerrder3sioetww.Taka r Detoe'a radioplane and its mother fly- Headachis,forcome _
advaatap d the Canadian ing boat out we- preps-sd.
e '
Government Annuities i ad been sitting for; Aspirin:stifle b t Keep a
iBPwaa,and at 65 Im
sasdrioceesbali4 Oldge in her car by the beach in front; bottieofitliain� C% tin in "' t}a ena18 _
find adf:Bilin:and of the station. Suddenly she sawn to 11 It or : you g haste._ i
eat the setpeet of Poor '• slim, dripping figure of a-girl -- _--1 do t7siok that
up the beach. She winked stared Arpign--1i
' • harder. "My Rutts-at last!" She P. for ► ►son throats, and cow
Read the ptovep diltecbieisis for relieving
CANADIAN GOVERNMENT pulled the curly head down to het e�aetrrltic,rhmnitic,and other aches
N N U ' � ' E S and'sobbed joyously. ! sad Ratnemberhrg d course,that the
Through her tears and hysterical I qui ort from these tablets isnot a cure;
sobs Nita Walden saw Dick and Gar-! for any eontinued pain,see a doctor. � #
ail -
rick j m. fs¢r - Ptee>bass Protest your-
Dillarms and drew Dick toward Iteraeif! - s�by for tha asmt. Always the
etl<aies. _ _ riser Always sate; Never hwu the heart y `y
of an tL P ulh.__ _ l � _
ae i1!I R1tA• pr.,. "I snppasee I may have the job of I
I_deteaanra watching the wedding pres-
ents?" r
Invghed Garrick. -
f (T`te End )
x _
P1 R1 N
..�: ISSUE No. 6--10 w rtaystw��aa�.
ye- ti
��,,,. ,, n. u. •'L+-,f i+.i! .s, ;n. y. -,.. .`.•.w. , -" -� .'. Lam. \ +�y�'' y .j ( �.y Y.•a `..:CY .i,' +,,.
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't+'s'. •,%y .t. 1!` I. :. . .' ..: w u , .' i r uAA.,fc r..r�". ,�+iw .Yds:Q- �•:. .yP'"',�,,'1'x y:t. „i E: ru'.� ? tt �,?.. ./ h '�Y..
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;,YAa, (�, %•,•tr> `+�,{ � � - � Cyd a '.''�". F d r. ' -�s,°,,.
IT 7
When Prince Humbert married Princess Marla Jose there were wonderful scenes ofpomp'
ora and N THE VATICANs,.
P D pageantry in the Eternal City. The royal bride and bridegroom were cheered by vaid ,
oonsourae of people aper the ceremony, while three hundred Planes flew overhead. Here the royal pair are seen In Vatican after receiving blessings of the Pope.
The Markets Two B° Pr ' " ere -- +
'Porotito wholesale dealers are uot-
- our Fire
p -q - To Open in 1930 In Stock Frauds In British Museum In.tWella
,.Its folluRiag prices to the trade: � ~^
Smoked meats-Hama, reed. 29 to Hudson Bay Railway andCoast News ?,
paper Demands Had Been Placed in Indian Tobacco Plant Burned-New
71 -;3.5c; cooked loirs, 48 :o 52c; 'smoked _Welland Canal Will Be _ _—Action by All Attorneys- =—Room With a Fuae----_
roils, 28c; breakfast.bacon,26 to 37e; - __._.._ _ _
P backs. pea-mewled, 36 .to 40c; do., Finished General 1
Attached Jobless
Famokeo, 45 to b8e. = >
Cured meats-Long clear bacon, 50 Ottawa. - Two large Government Vancouver-The Sun demands Gov. Wallaeebur
'to 70 lbs., 24c: 70 to 90 lbs., 22c; 90ienterprises calcetated to go far to re-i ernment action to clear up brokerage POSSIBLY A HOAX g•-Twenty-tour hours
to• 110 lbs,, 21c. Heavyweig't rolls votntfon#ze transportation in Canada, business. in the course of a me _ before the pleat was to have re.
40c; light9veight roll3, 25c, -the Aadsoa $sy 1;a11 Ray and the which has been sent to the Attorney- I'°n�on.-A home-mare bomb with open ter a a u own, a uad�
Lard Pare tierces, 151it; tubs.-new Weiland Canal-will be coma General of British Columbia sad oth- a fuse stashed, was discovered do the morning destroyed the Cooper tobacos ,t
16c; pails, 17e; prints, 17c to plated and Inaugurated this year. On er Attorneys-General throughout the Indian room of the world-famous factory here. It was the most serious
4834c. I a third-the Chignecto canal In Nova country. The message says.- I$chink Museum Sunday, blaze in Wallaceburg history, al. E:
i Sbortening`Tierees, I3e; tuba,`Scotia-% physical survey started I "If you and other gAttorneya-Gen- Warned by an anonymous telephone though the net damage amounted to
�18>4e• pails, 14c. home time ago, will be completed. eml of Canada and the Justice De ;eall that Indian students had. beers only $75,000. j
I� Pori tains, 33a; shoulders, 22c; All that remains to be done on the pa:tmeat allow the overheard talkie abort s bomb in the Huge shipmeuta of tobacco had been
ntts. 28c• hams, 26c• 1but
prosecution of g received i the PRf�DUCE IUOTATIONS Hudson Bay road 49 some ballasting, stock market manipit:ators to drag�ndian room, the museum officials plant for several this will be completed fa advance along indefinitely, without at tl�e;immediately searched the building weeks past in Preparation for the re.
Toronto whoie"le dealers are buy-Iof the formal opening. Jul has bees same time taking' immediate and con•;and found the bomb wrapped 1n news- opening. All that is left standing of
Jing produce at the following prices: i y a g
E Ungraded, cases returned,.suggested as an appropriate date for struetivo steps to remedy the situs•I paper only a short distance from the the factory, built in .927, is one shed J
i riceless collection of Indian exhibits.' and the smoke stack. Machinery and
extras, 46 to 48c; fresh firsts,(the ceremony, but those familiar with lion You are going to Imperil millions P
4.2 to 44c; seconds, 35 to.36c; pullei!t dfatsict report that that is a very at dattars worth of securities held by Police. summoned at once, cut away other equipment was destroy*a and
em to k
_ � � 41e• Ibad time became black flies are thea your public and you are going to !m•Ithe fuse and carried the bomb to P yes who 'had been engaged to '
Butter--Na 1 creamery, solids,)mobilised to battle army. It is more peril the financial fabric of Canada. Tottnham Court Road Police -Station I start work in the morning. 45 women 3_
,EBS ni 36cre Na 2.p 85 . to likely to be in August The Comple- "Until this mess is clean up and.,for examination by experts. and 24 men, are'now out of employ. i
� hurniag cream-Special, 89 to 41e; tion of the ,silo !s o! coarse oaiy through invratlgation, short brokerR` Until the experts have re ment. This .staff was to have base .'.
No. 1,38 to 40c; No. 2, 35 to 37c. at reported' increased from this number within
Cheese--No. 1 large, colored, pas-�one step in the development of the are compelled to cover and thus part:-i offlciais said that they could not �' two weeks.
hafflned and government grs►ded, 20*Ac Hudson Bay route because elevator ally repay the public or are cleaned sure whether an attempt had really
j HAY AND STRAW I and other terminal facilities must be out. Canadian business will be at a been made to blow.up this part of The fire, discovered by the watch. '
Wholesale dealers is hay and straw l completed est.,-I{"is"hoped, however, standstill, with public confidence the museum or whether the museum man,brake out at firemoc
�a ting to shippers the following I to be able to move a part of the 1931 shattered. 'authorities had been elaborately so rapidly that firemen turned all
- icwrfor carlots delivered on track,i crop by that route to the ocean, "This Incensed and outraged public hoaxed. efforts to save surrounding buildings.
ronto: The date of opening the new Wel- wants some one sacrificed but a sacci-) Meanwhile, Scotland Yard detec. Tu., Kentuckians living in a portfos L
Na 2 timothy, baled, ton, $15 to lice will.not remedy the pres t sit. tires set to work on the mystery. of the-plant went to help the wateh-
ib.b0• do, - mad canal fs somewhat uncertain az- Op y
No. 3, $18 to $15; wheat' nation. It is not certain lndivtduals The mysterious telphone call was an early in. the fire and all their s'
Capt that 1t will be next summer.
w, baled, ton, ;10 to ;'10.50; oat .rho are on trial but a certain sy,tem,received In the afternoon from apoaaessions were destroyed as the, baled, ton, $10 to $10.50; Considerable worts has yet to be done,
Na On the sew transfer terminal for y y u to,stranger who said that be had over- flames ewept gt.dckly through the fat-which_.has been allowed b omothy loose is grated at $19 to operate until Alberta's Farmer Gov heard a conversation between Indian tory,
$220 per tom, delivered. Late trams at Prescott eve millions A southwest wind fanned tho llama
frill be spent this year mainly fa els- arnmeat stepped !a. .That Iniquitous students in which they constantly re- into a lar barn owned b
system sure) can be remedied by an ferrel to a bomb and to the Indian > y Brun
'Hes beef steers, 719.28 to $10; tutor accommodation. The prelfmin- y
{btttchery steers, choice ;9.50 do 49.75 ern. Brown and this structure was destro • �l
Immediate conference between At but did not know if a bomb had y
sty works and railway layout are .�
' ' torneys-General of all actual) been t there- ed with most of Its. contents, although
;8.75 to $9.25• do, provinces. Y Pp volunteers saved some livestock - ri:
e K - do, fair to now pretty well completed. When along with representatives of the Jus- The Indian room contains a superb �?
_ sora., $8 to$8.60; hatters,choice,49.50 the lob is finished the big.lake boats collectior. at Indian religious soul
;to 0.75; do, corn., $7.50 to $8.50; which now stop at Port Colborne will tics Department, stock exchail�es and gi p-
pure of
her caws, good to ehoice, $7.26 to come down east as far as Prescott. the Canadian Bankers' Association,,t great beauty and rarity. If t� - . a+;
.50; do,cram. to med., $5.50 to $6.50; The Chignecto canal in Nova Scotia who could advise and agree on some he bomb had exploded ties loss- to orgeries Tori ig
_ $ velopmentn Ilia is as undertaking ng position of eve broker- would be
o, canners and cutters, $S 50 to b; method by which the long and short�both Great Britain -nA Intl;- wourd I
etcher,bulls, good to choice $7.25 to D r7 have been irreparable. anti
acted., 6.50 to;'1; do,balogaaa, ton weekly posted on his exchange and 1 The room is located on the upper _ 1 `
8•to $6.50; baby beef, $9 to $12.50; g talked of. Years ago a lot of the long and short position of every I floor of the big Museum Building on
feeders, good, $8.50 to $9.25; stockers, moneg was sunk in a marine railway Canadian exchange publicly posted.. !the easteru'side. The, statues and ex- Evidence Produced at TriEi ,
toods, 48.25 to ;9; do, fair, $7.50 to designed to transport ships across the hibita illustrate the histo,
calves, good, $16 to $16.50; do,l isthmus from the Bay of Fundy to The Vancouver Sun ,respectfully' y of-Buddh- Names Soviets as A
tried., $10.50 to $14.50; do, grassers, Northumberiaad Straits; A more suggests in interests of the Canadian ism in ancient India, the cults of = Instigator
$6 to $7.50; springers, $110 to $125; public that you immediately call and Jainism, Brahminism, and Buddhism
N practical plan, now advanced and of
u ilkers, $75 to $100; lambs, choice, f attend a eonterensce along the above J in Ceylon. Berlin-Evidence purporting to show }�
� b I which R. K. Smith; M.P of Cumber-1 I "
.$12 to $12.60; .do, bucks, $9 to $10;; line at a central point like Toronto, On one sid a is the BudWat room, that forged $100 bank notes recently
sheep,choice, $7 to $7.50; hogr,bacon,;rand, has been advocate, is a canal.I and that you today .wire Attorney-,containing rare objects connected with discovered is Berlin and New York
�w,o.a. $14.50; do, selects, $1 per hog It would enormously shorten the dis- ,
premfam; do, bntche. ., rbc per )tog teats by water between Montreal and I General Price of Toronto .that you the vorahip of Buddha in ]span, had been printed on orders of the
discount; do,'fob. price. $1.26 evvt(Saint John and between Saint John will attend." medieval Indies Java, Burma and Soviet Government was introduced by
-{ Siam. attorneys for the defendaata when
-_ �,.
- Vader woe.; do, trucked in, 50C swt. and Europe. T'he survey which the - r
ander w.o.c, __ Political feeling against Great Bri. the trial of a group, accused of corn• _
Goveraaaent !s making and of which A Plain CBse twin has been running high among car- Plicity In 'the counterteiting, was re.
-- - ---�it has received some preliminary re- fain sections o! a lar u somal. -
ports is Physical in its character. The It was afternoon tea; the two we-f large group of In.
M 1>Ia21�gAd 1 economic feasibility of the scheme men were discussing a mutual friend.I{lino students living in London, many Herman Ber, defence attorney, of
"How's Patricia?" asked one. "Has of whom work in various sechona of fared evidence which he'said showed
Cord Much Lel! Severe,would be reported on later. the 'museum. the notes were printed in .the Soviet 1'
Palachwe, Bechuanaland.-After a I i,, she got another fob yet?" Scotland Yard detectiires issued a t State printing shops at Lenin
"I dontt know, but what ever made ng Pe Brad and
- ng, hat and naeveatful jonntey all • her give up that marvellone position statement declaring that the bomb two printng shops is a provincial
y through the wild scene T of the Neighborly Act -, "itlsdonbtedly contained explosive mat- town-
she had at Gadman's store," asked P The forgeries occurred'In 1928 he Bechuanaland protectorate, the train ']� the other. 1 fir, but to what extent cannot be 4
)bearing the Prises o�Wales from the Saves w +cage "Well, as a matter of fact," scent i stated until the Home OMee experts said, and many forged American and
Union of South Africa to Rhodesia on the first, "she was employed in give the results of their analysis." Mexican dollars and English pound
stopped here Sunday evening. The Cloverdale, B,C.---Wi hea tharoof of notes were•shipped to China for Math
the_ctive, an department as a see ply -0' hal Feng Yu-Hasan
'Irina walked alongside the rails for the Central Hotel at White Roc1i col• g. He said tits
detective, and the silly thing simply --:..
distance sad it was noticed his lapsed and .4 lurid glow •was sighted THE ETERNAL_ STARS. notes later were seised by .the - -
coald not stand being known as a
Tedd was much less severe, though from Blaine, the United States fire- Happy are those who _can see the Chinese Government. ' Other notes
plain-clothes woman.'
`t>fJ'tcws were still noticeable whey ecided--that there are - — - - - - eternal stars li-the nultght-aa--veil were circulated-in India, youth Ani
ked. no immigration laws. Thep tore as in the darkness; to whom all that erica, Poland, Germany, Holland, Italy a
After leaving Mafeking the train along the Pacific highway past two LOVE OF TRUTH is fa: sat in this visible world is the and Greece, he said. '
'travelled all day through the bush- sets of customs o®cers and two revelation of the glory of divine and Dr. Alphonse Sack, another de-
He in whom, the love-of truth pre eternal things; to whom the common fence attorney, earlier had' said the '
# teovwsd eouintryside. A number of teams of immigration men - and dominates will keep himself aloof
inative4 at Palkroad were so busy, sell- saved tile, comunity from disaster. from all morringa and afloat. He will gifts of God's providence are the sym- forged bank notes totalled $2,600,000
ung their wares to the trains passen- With chemicals they prevented the bola and sacraments of the better �+ but only a email proportlon-of .
abstafa from all dogmatia , ,and re-
-gm that they quits failed to notice fire from spreading and when Newifts of His glace, to whom a lite nn- tbat amount was circulated. Sack i
---=,=Um Primes strollin "in their midst cognize'Alal the opposite nesatfons, be vexed by care and iilnminated with �d he hoped to argue in court that
g 3veatminater firefighters arrivod 'the tween which, as walls, his bofng is the Bank note forger was becoming
United Stated ' men excused them- swung.-Emerson. gladness is the discipline for as end A
selves, remarking that them might be less life In God. a modern political weapon and shoald
HAPPINESS DESERVED 4- be treated to as A political C
- afire in their country. Loss is esti- i ¢ Da offence fa
Instead of trying so hard as some o °. stead of a crtminal case.
mated at oae•hundred and POVERTY No citizen can escape the inflcencea
i of !u 4o to be happy, as If that were thousand lilacs.
the United -
There is no shams fu overt imankind � -
or n b which
Jths sob littspwe Of His, I would, if I � poverty y ch alt is affected. and
States men not responded to a nelgh- slavery 1$ we neither make ourselves three main ones operate-heredity, "Poses must be dyt•amlc ani must
Wars a boy sgain, try still harder to bar's call the loss might have in. '
} g poor by our own improvidence, nor environment, -occupation. - E M. keep the door open te) reform and to
�,Qrs haPdaess.--Jaa[+gi T. Fields. eluded the entire settlement. %laves by our venality. White. freedom."-General Smuts.
rJvd "' ..,'-. •' •_ • -» ♦ '.,:r r -.}:_ 3 � � e�-N -•.} t .:L,'yM1'
,. ...•v�.r..-=-:=�'r�' :9.-t...:e.-s.;. .i-- ,�....a.:.1•.- ,,, ,... .. ..: - '..:.,.-' c .v::.ra ..ca:.-. .ter_ -,:r...- ..._.«..+--� _4 'ii.r W.,.' ti..-. .,2 y? r. ,�.•d,
• ., -r __ �.+..w :...' ..rd - ..._.... n'�-« .'f�i?e•.'A^-_-•sa:.., •s.:a t, �•r. ... _ �..'.i. ".aw:. .+. i.,�w,�-._ :?i.; 'e,r,'.'�t � ,,. -_+:.na.s�rz�'�?«..$ .+ �,5.x r�•- 7;i:.r-�°.f•�.+*'4•."',ri"*�„� ij.e'F ..T
,�.�-. ,:::... �: .. :.. ,;.• ,, y,._ .jam. "�t »:,. ,t,' ,f"i.
ti< (. 4- `:.,• -„-, ,p.J.,a> x , .� ax �+. ,, f; ,Hr'• 'k 'h; ,�..- `•d1�- 6. ^ .. N.y''y4`.• J.
'G'�:7, '' .•. :; :e a `' .'�.C^^
;,,,..,.,, ,y<': a>:''.a.,a�'.+s• w r._,L-..i';,' -- .. ,,.:S rt..,t..'..Tr u.: �.L4 ..a ¢' '•'A�^ s' .�:.. -:5.... '_ .�
�"i, ' :�.ia: .o<. . �:u-�,. *"�4 „r'"' :a1r"`-e"^ 2{'` -
a, -. Y a.. S Y'. '�-.f". - r+. v .:,.g .. r.� ty ��am".yam. R.adavrl 0.,-'n• �.i. -w.:'=�'. ir-� •• z��
...MtF -.1..•.. �.-z7.'., .�w�+�"ao,:.c,..-_..c+:•,-w'..:.,�sm� �rv'r. f�.:,-.'t:.i�2E.'=a-:ti -a<b-.�.». .. .e.• ,._.,•'�'''='�" ',.t'� >. �H� ` - ..
.,•,.keuaM t r., -.. ..,s.. .... ., ... , ..,-. , .,,.- .:,.-:... .1 ., :4'�-�:e. 'ey,�,n. ys� '�'...` ,,A"';-` -7.'�•.,
:' <" .:� J.ro r.:_ ^?:.:ts�..R'�'..•�m ' � +....-• s:'a aur t' `.'
�S +� ;ypdiLd sck.tIIUl. UxB,.• determination to succeed. Among West Provinces, The Hon. Mr. Dtsn ( aehed the top. He is not one o3
those are fount} the cititnpion whist R, BOND$=Qovettimenit, Municlpalaad.
sin who is now Fin,aitce Minister those who decry� ,• - -. - _ Y dada, but is aver Mortgage Boade.- Aleo, Iodustriale. :
T.-nt tvlb
��° _, g..'�o<ry�r.. 2•t.Q,,tl aaui,naay.rtc� .Krnwexs. of ills rn•nrk#.--'�Isi,•u a�<ho ye_. � c'3nsua. � aucee;vur Lo tuC lat,c:� loud in praising Canada a3 a land of Safe' tnvestcuents at fr(,trr3 to?percent -
Vvbaeriptiott., t, uK tb.tsvi Mates and Crea- i;;,it in th(.iT tru,. Iv R•rtiatot OV began
- Pe• y others ill the west be- -
nsr,sast,i ;:�t, t�t,•tte 1' at the bottom of thv ladder and has Dn Man 1N5tFRAN0H All class :i lriitt n,la i,.
Jr. Ko1ro, is one of those who be
r ------ -. t ! Ly ]u cn•...,�.:. - t' Nt:rtr: _-_� g to the same clary as Mr. Dun- ci
Hung, and the Dominion. the land of snorm w
�- ---
jatiR1l1FiKAK, Nruprl@tUr, -- - -- Accident aud6ickness. 'n
t Phone oPpol'ttinitys haw sbundan zoom for _ _ _ e or..irriCp
1 No'rt$ ANQ C' MmaeNTa! _ _ _ c�3• _-- 43tf Lr D. BOWMAN,Whitby `
+,. l n,cli mug been ho Cv,about � 13ri Fresh Frozen Fish and Oysters
immigr;int who inCty out to
a �.
lth an bsolutely new Y
C41AV4a to make hit+ 6rtutlko pit th,
srm. A fow of thuo who tom- ~.` eontro! Ieatnre--tLe SSeleetor Tuner
• but eapa,ctitilq M ftrni at+ltf rciliiat turn
&W up a,,s ther guide tho ploy
• • . rlilJg r�0r toni!!I 1'0 °FRESH ]FROZEN,
t.�.. pr�dnctlon . .. .. . .. ..
Through the Oolds and wo ualhi»�, It4tiite�gl cabinet beauty . . . and Prices that are most fair for the quality we offer
._..1but the dark "I. 1,,vwiiss nlivnytnt
_ '.
iced urnl t1 TL,�rt away their tools and u e w low , p r l e e e . • the N�!; .4moked and Cooked Heats, Bacon, Corned Beef, Bologna ~ Etc. --
�x iteturn to Choir natixr lnutf and
!their idlit•w•-cwti»tr�,�titan ngamy+
O TB �I0 Is tale isensRtle Fresh Pork Sausage. _
!coming to onwxi"t sat a{itrvatiom will
of the raolle Industry. We invite The Beat Line of Staple Groceries, Canned Goode,
stare theta in tl,r fam This cla4s
lkwtrever, i
Dried Fruit etc.
t+t+t "I.iry�x in nt
nubcjrra - 'Your r D 8 p.e C t o n of the -
t tlse) ire a el.3s� who n,nke a falturt
s Yeo matter -vhLrt, thhy go, andpre g� Big Models. Bananas tceCabbage Celery
ter to accept the dole--than to enpsI�e
r t Spinach
in s-rrs•hove est .lahlor. They imine a � Always to be had here and alivays fresh -
jgrebt "Holler" end its quite ur . .
iimpredsion with r..iny who may. list Agent
an to them. 1•orturately a- largr Yl('tiP;RJNG ONT t
jpercentage of Britinhers who come ---
ite Canada to settle on terms New'
' kin cod. 1!y an arrarns•ement TIM .
p.' *e4gneen thc• British, Federal ane -
gritiih. f Governments two hunt t- Tickering Hardware Store '
lldriti�sh families were brought out t• .
flew Brun::wick end of these 95 per
jamt ase makinfi e" success oNarm
1kc. 4;evrn entered other sphere? 'e:_.- l a� Farm'ersi your stock needs tont.
turf"labor. while two returned tr 0
9Special , .
-�lBritain to denounce Canada. soanr. _ '' - - Dr. 'less' Hog
lot the most successful men in Can- ,....Dr, Hess' Stock , oni0 _--
ads today are men who came .from - -
Britain pen-'less but rtith a firn
Dr Hess' Poultry Pan•amua
shell, (frit and Beef scrap
`� _ ah
Mortg*gt, x
-oV- will make the hens pay Large returns
- .
A complete stuck of General Hardware always on haul =
Under a-d by vt^tu? of the pow Zraarrlithe.t4king'elay�ightna}r a87@r] Agent for McCormick-Deering Farts Machinery and Repaint.
ere contained in a certain mortggr We hove it. Can et it. or it not d .
i 'tirhtch w?il b< rra iucrd at time o' Daily
A g ts:ia e
+ hale, thea will b* blic
-1. Frbruar p22n�' / a C Servi _
y :
r j 4. At tl:,• C,�,r,f••n House, Picker - S.
�ces -- �pI ��
IVhe hour c. Thrix, o'clock in th J. s AlA .SD01'Y� • J�� j
' afternoon by William Maw. Auction- F _
t ser, the follow:r..: property;-- ® (� ('��j
Situs l o; ngact d bw n and premise Mid --Winter � l
ALL t'r -, �[tiGi LCR that cerise^ ��tuate 1 in aid brng sn ilea Ty 0, -- Fare 5�0 Cents . '
a' ship of Pkkt ring i.i the County o' , _
!Ontario, and Prnvince of Ontario Standard Time) Leave Toronto
find being Cor x+eed of the gout'
Loot yr Piek r+i n q
,!self of !nt ^v-stber twenty-eight ; A M. P tf. d•AI M.
P. M. 3 Only Men's Sheepskin Coats, reg. 8 25, to clear 6.95 each
' I I
the Fifth Concession of the said d •7 `25 8 55 -
ia'a7wnalniP of Picker(ntt, contalninr d 755 !! St 830 .130
Boys' Sweater Costs, jumbo knit, reg. 2.95,
' dry admeasysRimrnt, One. Hundre.' 8 55. 5 55 11.38 5.80 - special 3.49 each
tscres morn or !seta 955 3 55
-1030 030 Men's Earlapper Caps, reg. 1.25, now 980.
On said property there U a dwell i0 55 N 55 i 11 .30 7.30
y.. ling house and the usual farm build 11.55 'S 55 ,"P. M. g W _ 10 pairs �I'ls' Zipper Overshoes, reg. 2.40
r sings in a mssonable state of repair P. M i1 55 1230 19 � ' • �
gomee said ria
farming Purposes audios el' 1155x.5 c'1055 130 10 - special per pair 1.89
property w 11.40 a 2.30 tl.so - Boys' Hockey Boots, our regular line 161
situated in the Township of Pick 2.5:i - 4eiry specially'priced 2.85 1
Te d Uxilp except Sundayc Sunday only -several odds and ends at clearing prices
• • Tennis of sale;-10 per cent of the - -- {'
Inurrchof money sal to be paid at tb- Cos, c000eetions at Toronto for Barrie, Oriflia. fel
]flee id the sale. grid the balance , Midland, Seboinberg, Orangeville. Hgmilton,
be paid within thirty days from th, Brantford. Niagara Fall+ C E C I �, '" BRADLEY'
tints of the sale. R Bnffafo
The sale is make subject to a res
and intermediate points. Q Q K E R S N'"al.
rve bid. Coach coag ections at Bufftdo for At1 U. S. A. pointe
Further particulars and coedit _.
;tons of sale will be made known a �
the time and place of the sale. QPE0
W. 186 N. Sinclair K. C. CIT"
e , wa ,
- --Solicitor for tke Mortgagee.Datedeightof ofTwenty- -_7FOR TEAM aa, this at Oh day of January, A. D. !91lO. -:
"Brass-mounted Team Backbend Harness,.
-~ " Sive ani" Take" Coming Here at Canadian Festival
i 2 inch layer trace with heel chains. $92,00
- -::.!fPith 5 ring breeching. instead of back.
band, $4 ,00
t~ r.-
- Black mounted Team Backband Harness, $88.58 -
a1rBreeching reec hin8 -
This is not a factory harness, but custom made in our `
own shop at Markham. - -
-We specialize on repairs to harness and collars.
Fr --T.- .O D ,D S
- Harness and Collar Manufacturer
. Ar.A.'r!!b ONT. Home Phore 3400
Jdb=- - :fir
Get your Xmas Groceries from us, '
Oar Stock is fresh. Our prices are right
have Miner Rubbers for everybody. Greb Work Boots lor;men.
Carhartt's and. Han h's Overalls and Smocks. .. ,.-_---
SMNE FROM tPOlt'IILiA CpMEDY "GI't'E AND TAtr;E'" Woof Soots •an Over Socks
"(live and Take," great Broadway comedy which has been sensationally popular because of
I its hilarious fun and shrewd delineation of character, will'•be one of the-:outstanding dramatic Get your radiator filled with Anti-Preeze and your battery
features of the coming Canadian Chautauqua Festival here. This notable play, which has kept charged for the cold weather.
audiences from coast to coast in gales of laughter, has a universal appeal. Whether you are a
'business man, a .rife and mother, or one of the younger set,you will and an evening of solid enjoy- a --
;ment when you see "Give and Take. Phone your order. Weldeliver.
An epic of modern business absurdities is "(}eve and Take;' with the ort amusing situations - Phone'.Mark6am 6402. l
a I,msible constantly presenting themselves, and adelightful love story uafo ng as well. It-will be neral
H tzresertePlayers, �by the widely known Martin Erwin PlayergM DtlncBn At een
'+�'TM`�r'dr"�.�w ,�+ +:Y. "�u.'.•.�.».,.ts,.'..... -.i,�g. '..x,,..,_......•+„ . i r _.... c`g: -..:''&,:n <,..:._^ _ _ .+ .w _. _. _ ,Y. ,r:...- 3 .,.-�:-. ,._ +Y.�;:;:_.. ., .. _. ..,.s..w'�,? ... _ �...s..,:a,_.,3•`.'_''1__ .,. .,-�.t-.:..:. _
. d
4L 6.,
Mrs. Stewart Comba is visiting -c;f Greenbank,
hos. SuAby
iced friends here on &Aurklay last Tailoring and Dreas&aki4g
-t Graham of Whitby spent with her brother, U. Taylor. f. I —
Visitors to Toronto on Friday Last Mrs. John sptia-CeIvy is confined I _Havir:r talon over RobL Feazb
-Sunda y at his hom-�- he-e. and g-ntg' fur coatR re-madel- yaw
-CooPe., of-Tordnto, va.-i dell. D. �3,_�ott, J. the doctor%; care. Wp
includek: llr��. Wa]Wt, 'Niiss Mun- !,..�r berg through illness and is er leil-wto-lot-W vary.ft�-Wodef-ifte g;;rage, 11,rougharn, we are now rMix.
Miss I I: ,,,it antl TQ:ii .-,.to give smite,in Brougham am va
home ON, r the wvk-exi4. 'ral., tut;uit 11. 1
term] LL
Mrs. Donald, I spcicdy recovery. in -Claremont.
of Ke%,�rlelr,, -vuit', Alork rnmy tie dau'� at own borne" 'stys"reidy, day or
M • S. Ru hr we are bvrry to M rs. Frett Madill of the seventh at M rs, Wbtwn a hoti)-fe Service can' alv�
her daughter"vilicL.Is- teaching In aur'tom had the misfortune to fall concession underwent a serious. op- ar, Olaremont, night service.
_--.TuLa1c school, on Sunday_ on the ice and sustain such 1�jurles eration -rt-her limne- one- day-last Phone Clam.5105; Pickerine*,5
Gord-on Gregg and Lyman McCul- 14!aa ME. 0roode I
its confined her to the house,.butshe' week. She is naw dbing as welt.ate GwUne,09, Selberline TIres.
lough who are-attending Toronto Un- is-
iversity spent Sunday at their res now able to get around. cp�q !)e ex ONTAR16
-pec-ted. 261y. A. L. PILKEY.
pective.'homets here.
The Turner family had a reurs- The Pickering
11ork at the home of J. H. and Mrs. ..E.1.electric S.e- rviice'
'Xichell one day Ust-roek,when all •
-bad a most enjoyable time. House Bam, Out buildings, eitkez V1,01aace Cominittee
Two rinks of our cuillers joum- conduit, 'flexible, or-knob and tube Gi ali t "".
40 eyed to Peterboro on Tue.,cky W wiring. Alterations. Special ser- The object of this Association is to
lesson stealin' and prosecute
take pirt in the bonspiel which last vices and-motor installation.
Ila the Felons. -7
-cess and -hope to see them return - Y clos= t Members hmn:uR propert stolen'0,0turnow'..
several clays. -We wish them sue- Electric water Systems. Metal
s ens. We also can furnish any kind vm -ons,tra D
syphon Septic Tanks. - Sanitary
with the spoils of victory.
aske,immediately wiry
il any member
An interesting game of hocks of roofing including Birds Thick
was played on the rink on Monday Butts. Our work and electrical in- of Elwative 00mmist".
the Locust Hill Membership fee
evening between Ttokote m&v be bad from too President at
will meet your pocket
speetion we guaritntee. "Ouir-Prices
boys anti the lodal tearn. That the -book. A pg.st d 5
game was 7)51 a one--sirle4.1 affair is card will have our prom t attention.
I - - .p ftse. Oom.—L. D. Banks,0.S.PaInk.'
shown by tle score -which was a tie
H. Poynter..
er. M. S.Obapm.a, Pickering.
3--3. sharp
'VALE Ont. StHrdD(J at 0 t)'c1()ck1
#114Mrs. Robert Worthy of Brampton, 18-31
D. Munro, Jas. Richard-son.
..spent acouple of days last week at.
Prestdout, Seor6iary
the herne of her mother, Mrs. Thos.
Tractor ScI3601
Gibbons, having come here to attend
the funeral of-her brother, IOWA-
Pickeri� gAAi
'bbons. On her return home sh-- P t 11 re.K
*as accompanied as far as Tozw
New Durant Car
-by' lier sister. Mrs, Walfow.
The annual supper to which our Taxi • Ser"Vice
Delaval M i I ke r
—6-uHera-always took forward to with BARR
delight, was given an Friday evening
y or night promptly ptly
161ast, and was a very enjoyable af- 01118 by da -Paine Demm) r 'ttoris
fair. The supper marks the close of attended to,
a t4purnament in which the captains Electric WKs,h e r s
Com Portable
of the two-respective aides are the
'Prices reetoduable'.
president and the vice president, and . 7 � , •Lunch' Servt-d
the losing side shoulders the fman-
Phone 78W
oW burden of the, feast- On this oc-
Ff)r mei), worneii Hiyid childeela
nasion the 'winners 'xem the vie,^-
;iresident and his supporters-
E filpee�k of artistic
Monday, Feb. 3rd, Catharine Sh3z-
designs that are
There died at. Green River 0j: As . Te Dwr . . 'Come all and , come early w Artistic-bard, b-,,)Ycd wife of. IhNn. Cowie, il� d&jmitted. not a tie
Mrs. Om-
h �ty-third year. Pickering, Ontario deoigria tbftt would he
7 *11' -;;a beat , at Glen Major. =4
Irm The
meed to the farm On the eight cor, purpose to view,
one 111ustratod is aim-
eessi,_-yr. of Pickering 57 Years ago. B U I L D E R'S
'1where she kvftl - until she retired pts, yet has artistry.
3 years acro She was noted for Charles Cooper Claremont J **No Greater Tribute'
her tv,pitality and kindness of heart We are now ready to
A devoted wife, end a lovi" mother impply yon with
She posseqsed those qualities of
!mind anti heart that iron universai BRICKS. CONCRETE KjDa*�oz Road..
-respect. - She -bore her long and
i ful illness with Christian &rt- BLOCKS, INTERLOCK. Stocksista' ki fi 9� ---S ale Pboze Whitby
flS r I,)
litUdC and patience and has rOM to ING PIPE, DRAIN TI
in wefl-earned rawhM, She was a La@ting Twa Wee]% -
lk life-loag w*rnber of the Presbyter- 8 ND AND GRAVEL,
ista church. She is survived by a
sorrowing hwb"* and two Do"- ...Perry Cement. Monday, 'Jan. 20th to 'Monday, Feb'y 3rd'Willin am Fred� of CULremont.
The service's were conducted by
-Products Co.
Rev. A. McLellan, her funeral being 7-
0 Nutug fin
lUbI Leal
1from her late residence on Thurs
idair. her. remains being " to rest 371. Bay •
St., Toronto
in S4 John's Cemetery.
Another of Claremont's old res- PLANT-1 mile north df Cheap rates for farm and country
idents bas pissed away in the person Ellghtand Creep. E., E) , BERT RA N D buildings.
of-Mrs. Jas. & Madill, who died on Windstorm Insurance on buildings,
i wind-mills,Mica etc.
Sunday. Febtuar)� 2nd, 1930. Her General Merchant,
'She Automobile Inouranft
death wag not uzflooked for.
Ith since the Thrifty �1�en -1 of all kinds.
W been in fairing hoa
1dexth of her husband. James B. CLAREMONT, •.0 mn FARMS FOR GALS Madill, who pas away about three ..Will Buy Now
(Successor to D. A. Soott� Write or phone
months ago.
Mrs. Madill who be (Successor
her marriage wag Miss Hannah
'Boyer., was born in Whitchurch 8b
I : ' New Dates, 2 tba.
lyears ago, and married Mr. 1"M 20 WHITBY. ONT.
married life SpaniaL Onions, 8
.-S A L E
in August, - 1"4. her 0. 25c
being spent wholly in. Pickering Al! Winter Goods Alust G Cooking Onions,6 ]be..
'Township Mr. Joseph Boyer, lot .',Grapefruit, 10c. 3 for 2rk ' At'"
25c Parmers, tanum
Detroit, and Mr. Ira Boyer, of-Clare- This is your-opportunity to buy 7 15 Bars G and P,9onp,
re- at a considerable saving, by Al Soap Flakes. 8 for... ... '25c -cured the agency for the Froat
moat, brothers of the &vemed taking advahtage of th torn Flakes, 3 for I b^ve aL
main t9 mourn her loss,.also eig-ht Wood and Oucksibutt Pam Imple-
sitildren, Mrs. P31mer, of Claremont Redt*ed Prices now 431nger So&ps. 2 The 290 menta. and will keep constantly on
Mrs. Jones. of Whitby, and Mrs. Lee prev*illng. 19C - baud repairs for these popular
Crash Towelling, reg 30c per 74
Af Stouffville, the three 'dau, The stoek'is fresh.aind new, Glass Towelling. reg 40c per yd 30C u'don's-bar
.5hters; .Also. Lo u andstable
and five sons, Henry-, residing in Flaodelette. ren 35c per yd 25t
-R=Toww Alberti George, and Rus The Reduction is Genuine. . Flannelette. reg 25c per yd I will&I co-Frant;for painting
sell. in Det_rojt; andFredin 71bron- --tag
sone Ul—an1W.
a -barns and houses by a now
t9. The funeral was held from her Heii"i Overcoarts, well tailored. Ladies' Rose, age process. by spraying.
blanket cloth, reg. $25, for 14,%
Sate residence in Claremont, .the sez- Ladies' Hose, Rathnates cheerfully given.
'vice beifig conducted'by the Rev. H. Men's Sweater Coats, brown, 983 - h
Phone I=.
Men's Work Sbirt@,..:
P_ Stephens, her *sWr;w9s1st4 by red, -white, scarlet. blue. 1.49
Men's Overalls. blue stripe,
the Rev. A. McLellan, an old and ' all.wool,Pen raun's, 31bwt, lWen'i Windbreakers'and Sweaters, less tbaq�haff rcmt
Interment took -g 5.50, for I - - R. J- Manus' tive,mont
valued fiiend. , ri 'Men's Wool Shirts find Drawers, each 1.39
place in the Claremont Union Cem- Men's Almim Sox, half 1b. to we
blec's Fleece lined Shirts and Drawers,
etery. Warty floral tributes bespoke
of the high whi each pair, reg 75c, for 50c Men's Wool Sox, 5 pairs for ... ......Green River
_ie%teem in ch the dec- -en Mien's Wirk !Mitts. rp&r U 85;for 119
el ' the be
eased Mas held. To reaveiH .11 Fleece U nd-erwea r, Pon
-family" the. i�iembbrrz of*thd Baptist man's, reg 1.00, for 79C Mens Work Mittp, reR 1.215, for BasketFactory I
and residents generally ten 'It; Work MittgT-r"A_85, for
-atirch. .08c
Manufacturers of
der their cleeNst sympathy.
I N G O 'L D ' S C. ,A. Overlank
Mai2ager All kinds of Fruit Baskets, Berry
Crates, Farmerg, Bushel
-Clothes Baskets.Baskets,Notice to Creditors' Priotie 3801
41n the. Matter of the &4ate of By- Frank Pennock,
son Field, late of the village
Pickering, in the County of Ont- -;'Maker of the well.knotiIn
deceased. -Buying on the Barnes' Baskets.
_�Lrvo, d oyjF the time to, get 1 new'Spt of
llarnes,e, or get the old set,repaired. Pbobe Markham 8400--
'Notice i.';' hereby given,.pursuant, t I
statute in that. behalf, that h.tv'e' in' stock 'samples of 'Samael
,Ahe •
and Jeffrey's b4rness. , The
1persons having any claims a.qain*.jt 'rrees Installment. Plan
-estate- of Byron Field, I of fv,wer to.Ky be ordered through cata-
the ate DWI
logu[e at prigesqqoted'.'
the Township of Picketing, in-thod Catalogue free.. BEATTY
'County of Ontario, -Ph-�sician, who
—'died an or ;about the sixth (lay I also carry-collars, collar pads,sweat r pay jug "a C1011wr STAN7DS FOR THE REST
o f
PURCHASING commodities b3
Zov=i;lii;) P'd-"
harness oil by bulk, harness down"an(I ii dollair' 1i v�;eek`has g'rowo into
9A at t6 sal res I I
of Pickering are required to send and other parts. _g_reaf_popU&—r-ffV-. --Of ten—th-e,�-t-pmTiM
th• e same, duty verified, with part- and
promptly done; --wern ant before-ft is paid for, and the purchaser
-iculars-of the securities, if any, held
contiousFitopay, ]'311yyon-rRe1f__ fortuneonthe r�l
-by thein to the undersigned Solicit- L. W. PILKEY. - CLARFMOI�T
installment plan by placing-regular installments
or for the Executor of the last will
-'-land testairentpf the deceased ad- .,Re Gallaugher -Of your earnings in a Catiadian Bank of Commerce
'dressed. to him at Whitby, Ontario, savings account. The money is always available
'on or before :the 25th day of Feb-
Merchant -for use if required and,there is no- d-epreclation.
.—ruary, 1930, after which date the
Executor, John Jordan Field, of the Toronto -bAtt ai-ceraing interest a*time goobsbm.
Oty of Toronto, in the County of
et to urchmm 116y,
York, will proeeed to distribute the Is in tie ws�ik
Assets of the Estate amoT?g the Straw, Grain and potato", Litter Carriers, Hay D%rrier0
persons entitled thereto according to TM CANMIM EMK Pnmps, Door Tracks. Dow
? 'a.tm-
For qnotations-apply
be terms of the -will, having regard Bowip, PregRure Systems Etc.
only to claims or interests of which
OF COMME-R-C I E It will pay you to-Iget myclass
10 1as ox,
..Us then shall have notice. R. R. No. L above before buying elsewhere.
Ited t Whitby, Orqmrlo, this wifft,_MCA ls'�Alqa"Wfed
110 29th day of January, 1930. Pbone Pickering IT,12 7HE STANDAIZD BANK OF CANADA) YRANX I" ?ROUSE
F. 8.. , Irwin.
6 z�i�l
A,.15tz Referface *Bojzk of Montreal
oz -
11P- I_ , ;I ,-
W,R,v - n"m -�,V I�! 1 1, I I! .�_I, , •
I I XN_ . — _3. i'.. 7,%
i rima. Ili rd ji
Canada's Most Popular Winte,, Sport ttM69 OVOt bO'much worddiamdUo
w Aga ]Khan's and. more gorgeous.-Montreal Stan. Tears
gra �Z.huny Pakeft
•When Thep
Dance ance R efic
If one were asked to point out the Sleh&rme
P-tot- --most romantic figure of our day. Is
there, anybody who could excel, for Old Indian Link With the Fact EVOTY Wonedn .5acretig Has Desire to
4ppear Smartly. Slender the picturesque and the astonishing, Now At National-Mus-
Ahe remarkable and outstanding per-
sonality of Sir Sultan Mahomet Shah. eurn at Ottawa •
or. as
V, he Is better known In both 1 Though it-still belongs td'the Black
-;Z .�emlspherea. the Aga Khan?. 'foot Indlani, an old, weather beaten,
Kipling Said..In a.tLmous and much painted buffalo skull, part of the at-
quoted Rue,. that. East Is East and tar of the Sun Dance Lodge, the most
''Nest,is West, and never the twain sacred 111stRution to tribesmen of the
:shall meet. The Aga Khan Is per- old faith, has been brought to the Iva-
' baps the amazing exception that tional Museum In Ottawa,
It he is part of the Nothing connected with the to
1proves the rule,
splendor of the immemorial East, he could be given or said to anyone, the
also and equally the fine flower of
-U a, Indiana said. ,. And when Harlan I.
v Smith, Dominion Archaeologist,Western culture. ask-
Youmighl See, him at any-time, ed them if,.theY, would not like to see
trock;coated and top hatted, strolling some monument to their old days In
about-the West End of London, look- a great f1re-pro6f stone building guard-
8. ling Into the shops, especially thea -4 ed by a policeman and open to the
verY day, they agreed
reed that
bookshops and,the picture shops, and
public e
15W or explained, that
fou would take him for a French they 'would. They
ftliau gentleman, spending a quiet a they were powerless In the matter.
It Just could not lie done. ' Then the
A Modernist ` Interpreter Interpreter had an Idi3a.
You want It, you take It," he said. "But
Tom might see him agala on the
JPromenade des anglais, at Nice, clad-. maybe you have bad lack."
Mr. Smith took It, after having
ba sweater, white flannels and shoes,
L,4 ',:
-mile moral made sure from three different sources
taking a vigorous three US that,he would not offend the suscept-
4xemise walk. and you might take
lbillitles, of even the oldest Indian on
blui for a typical modernist European
They dIr4 not object t
the reserve. 0
'Itentismazi, obsessed by the typical
having the skull preserved., They
modernist Idea of keeping fit.
were, In fact, eager for it, as care-yon, might come across- him on ANSWER THE CALL OF WtNTZR TO OUT-OF-DOORS car
monies connected with t4e--31d rell-
�a-,FrenA or Eng,jab rue c 'The photograph here shows three yo Toronto ladies, all entikustasts glon are now Illegal and punishable b'
watching the horseq parading In the Y
of the glorious sport of skiing, ready for a real time in,HIgh Park, Toronto. Imprisonment. The old lodges are
Vaddock. or possibly leading In one of
Ws own thoroughbreds after rapidly decaying. Long ago the Sun
Dance was the most Impurtant fes-
.1trilurnphant victory. an obvious gentle- altar he found"a picture of a god,-sur. grandfaLher, a relatiot, of the Shah of rival In this life of the Blackfoot.. It
�.4- dmin. of leisure. affable. cyrurtecus. ap- rounded by Jewels. He recognized Persia. lied fro.i Lust country to In-
t, during midsummer when
proac)iable. the Aga Khan. dian— Since then the Aga Khan
n right In to the priest, "is this has been convinced that the Br
You would be In the mad "But" he said itilb, those- who had received answers to
__hour deductions. But that would be really a god? I know him very well. Empire Is India's beat aad surest,! prayers uttered In grave danger took
but -a minor part of blar dramatic I have often met him at race* meet. slyfold, i vows to perform In tie dance as a
story, a mere prologue to the omen low "And why.- answered the When the Oreat War broke out the sacrifice to the spirits which had Bar-
cum In& on. g4ve and dignified old priest, "should Aga Khan 'was seriously 511 In East I ed them. Societies of both men and
D; women. similar to ladges�RMOnff white You would And. if you Inquired. not a god be food of ra,64STI Africa:. lits physicians triad to keep� men,
Itba, he 13 also & great Oriental po- East Is East and West is West. and him in bed At 311 costs." lie said,
took turns at the dance which 220
tettate. more powerfal than the IGgen- never the twain sial! meet Yet it "I must get to the telegraph office.".1 was usually conducted with an ac- .........
companiment of self-imposed torture.
.1,dary Tamarlsdua. or the magnificent. meets Indisputably in this gentleman He did. He sent oit hundreds of, while the *onrilpper danced with his
Aurtm9zebe. not less awe-inspiring to In the white flannels who takes his cables to the leade-s among his fol-�
his -followers. th. . the autocratic exercise—walk on the Promeittade des lowers. They were all in rue same! Or her face turned UPA-ard to the sun.
Periods of fasting and purification
himself. Ansials. vorords: "Stand-fast In loyalty to the A black silk crepe t ' owe, its7
Mahom*Vs Descendant Perhaps lie had Lust spent an hour _B—rftixh Empire." No am—nliving preceded the dance when the scar.4141P hat
perg reparer
parect thermselyse to meet the distinction to chic details that the de-
with his golf professional. George could have sent a message more!
To., !is reigns over no territory. He spirits fittIngsly. signer used to disguise overweight Is
Duncan. whom he always takes with valuable in that crisis of civil ation. g. illustrated in Style No. 220.
lhas soma* arty Million followers, scat-
him. Perhaps he had a round or two Turf Figure of skirt shown WTZV.
�terad throughout lu�dla sal Arabia COMMON BLESSINGS The upper tier
with the gooven w'.h the spa"tag
and East Africa. They are the Ismal-, t movement. split at centro-frorO
partner from the National Sporting When he KaLs( gave order's to A night's sleep, what a miracle of ped L
:41an Mahommodans. and the Aga preach a Holy War, tj suggest tli.,,t�mercy R Is, sad
& new day and the It is stitched to dress at normal waist-
Club, who often accompanies bim oil
! line at centre-front month downward
Khan Is their spiritual leader, much the Allies were attacking the holy 1 waiting up with health to fare It; eye.
m the Popis Is the Spiritual head of his Journeys. placeq-of Nahom. dWsm in Turkey, curved tendency toward the ftek that
*cmin Catholic community. wherever His Revenues ALps incalculable
he was countered by this quiet and I even a pleasant meal with one's creates a dec,dadly slimming line.
The faithful all over the world send household, is.not,that worth a thanks-
OAS to be found all over the earth" unassum.Ing Eastern Potentate and I giving? Or. an Interesting book. an The bodice has collarless neckline
A tremendous position of dignity- him a !mall proportion of their in- Western gentleman. The telegraph I - which Is best for larger woman. The
i �hour with an old' friend, a Sunday's
come—a sort of Peter's Pence lowing wires -hummed—a" the tea* cleverly shaped jabot raver of *gS6
'land of responsibility The Pope holdal r of. a'
year y yr. e spends Holy-war faded avray. quiet resting after a strained and
lht,4 lofty position. with Its invaluable! Inabyear. Hedthe shell crepe silk namwa -toward the
mD .-at Influence by virtue of,his elec- greater part of It an reliflous and Oue can hardly Imagine & Pope In i weary week, or soma neer,light of In- shoulders and lower bodice.
rarest of leaning in one's favorite
charitable or educatlorral eauses In
lUqn by the College of Cardinals. The arms, any more than one can picture' The sleeves are slightly full with
I - .the East. . - I 1 line of study—it Is such things as
7. --%ga Khan owes his X-wer tothe fact 0� Pope high up in the list of winning neat turn-back cuffs.
He has a b4ff dozen palaces In these, far mare than great special
that he to the hereditary head of the owners. But in tlio early and dart Everyeffort has been skillfully used
-parts of the Ortent, They days at the war- this high priest of blessings, which make Up the SUM Of endernees.
Itsmaill Mabommedans tbroughoV the various to give the figure sleek al
are full of treasures incomparablti, happy life; and It is such things. It
prorid. The are workal�ops also, crowded 31ahommedanism came forward and one would think of them morn, -and It can be .tad In sizes 16, 18, 20
llud he holds that position by"light - T offered his ser rices to the* Brftish years, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 49 inches
with secretaries and steels,. priests tang them a; a ma-t- bust
inf descent. He Is the forty-eighth in Government 469 a private In any In-
not be always t
with the. details !ter- of course, which would fill our
odirect descent frothe nephew of uthyletratin. tthan contingent to wlicib be might days with
thanksgiving—Brooke Her-. is It makes up lovely in chiffon that
the prophet Mahm oine' t htnwelf. There ad
' and students. busy at d&Y
sent. so smart Stow for afternoons and
Is no rank In the East of Mandarin or His War Services Norls he a mere dabbler In politics ford.
-of Prince or Emperor that can When the Aga Khan visited Fast or a,ilane:3r on the T,.rl. He inter- Crepe marocrJn, wool crepe- and
compare with this awe-inspiring Africa his followers prosfrated them. veue% 'rarely in Indian- politics—his satin crepe chic.
Selves beflzro him. Strewed the road health does not permit him to live HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS.
fiat- to the Aga Khan, In his with flowers.' and almost obliterated permanently In India—but when he Write Your risme and address plain.
413dental setting. Throitgbou't- vast him with gartar4i. Also, they beg. does It it with tremendous weight
territories tir the East he iy, giving nLLnber std size of-'such
-is regarded god him to accept gifts of motor cars, and indw-nee. and always on the side C�
.s coin by the tamed as an accepts.4 and in- and to honoi them by allowing theinI of peace, toleratioa, and good. will. pattem-In-ps or coin want. Enclose 20c in-(qOin preferred'
comparable spiritual leader, by the to defray all his expenses. , - On the Turf he Is one of the real it carefully) for each number, and
poor-and unlettered as a veritable ngt,the P ervis Would be hopeless- authorities on horse-breeding. ..For_ address your order _ Wilson VaLbeArt
god. ly incomplete it It-'did not indicatel years he I tas warned us'that Britain Service, 73 West Adelaide St.,Toronto.
Maurice Barrea, the famous French the high,seriousness of this remark• will lose, to France or America, her
Aubar, came In his travels in India able potentate, or his patriotic de. supremacy In blood-stock It she do6s
upon wayside shrine. Over the votion to the British Empire. His not *Iden. the sources of supply, and 0 CALAMITY
Ca' eiiii-on 4f virtue,seek other strains than the merely lanitty is the Oci
fashionable. "Those two, pugilists are liable to 1 and a spur to a great mind. The vera
He'Is as thorough in this as in all be arrested before they get much apprehension of a wound startles a.
IDelse. He is, perhaps, one of a few fdrther." he first bears arms;abut
scholars—he speaks French, English, "For fighting?" an old soldier bleeds boldly,-because
and Italian perfectly—wbo can read "No. Fpr being loud and Bolster- he knows that a Tuan--may lose blood
and-yet why-the day.—Senecel.
--omar. Khayyam-in
Is. and in English, And be has re-
corded his opinion that Fitzgerald's "Do pot be a miser with love; like Every person is responsible for all
The special steel used is made in the Simonds version surpasses the model on which money It to meant' to be spent.!'— the good witli4x the seaTo
plant sad is a some wear-r It .of his abil,
Is based. Paul Geraldy.
.that 16 in the expensive.cutting ity, and for-no More.—Gall Hamilton.,
it*hold,their a Crownhig Touch
edge under the most strenummuseandgLys If tberi' were nothing else; that
long servicq- surely would make him one of the
Xguo"Cls CAPVAA S^w Co.LM
world's most rmarkable figures. Then
2ZT.Jam.NA4 TORONTO comes the crowning touch of Rom-
Love has found a way 'across the
porticoes of palaces, past the threshold osNvlNt
C uce
of temples and the sequel is a wed-
-rF1UE ding ceremony in Parts between the
semi-god of fifty -millioni of people
1930 EDMON and the daughter of a French.
keeper and the sister of a shopkeeper For
is now otr the p'ress and will be available shortLV- and-taiklonablo-
The demand,.for.the-Almanae-frowyear-to-year is very In modern terms and modern s4tl- %w.L IJ
Heavy;tie entire edition for 1929 was exhausted Some time thug, It Is the marvel-story once again UK"
befor* the end of the year. - of King. Cophetus, and the Beggar •m^USCA
For those readers who desire a copy of this yeaz0a Maid.
edition, an application form is printed Wow. A modest, quiet French Catholic
lady marrying one '7
of the high priests Sick stomachs, sour stomachs and Take a,spoonful In water and your
Department d Health,
of Mahommedanism, IWUI share with Indigestion usually mean excess acid. unhappy condition will probably ends
Parik--ft BVildilliml him Ids high position, his friendship The stomach,nerves are over-stimu- in AVe minutes. Then you will always,
Tomto. with foreign Courts, his palaces and lated. Too much acid makes the know what to do. Crude and harmful
Planes-send Me it copy of the Health Ahaari4c fox 1936. fortunes, the pomp and -glam, r and stomach and Intestines- souk..0 methods will never appeal to you. Go
pag4WAtry of the Beat. Alkali kills acid Instantly. The beat prOTS this for your own sake. It May
Had wbo would "It all occurred In a romantlz form Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be- save a great many disagreeable hours.
... .. . . . . .. ..
.. .. . .. .. . .. novel, ba*6 said that It 'cause one harmless, tasteless dose Be sure to get the gdnulne Phpa'
w" anything but a dream, a fantasy neutralizes many times Its volume In Milk of Magnesia proscribed bf-pbyst.
P.O. .. ....... .... .. .... .. .. disordered Imagination I acid. Since its invention,-60 years ago, class for 50 years In• earorcting ex
tarw Th
a fact is that Truth Is not only It has remained the standard with coos steMs. Each bottle contains loll
stranger than ]q0tW& It Is some1Phyr'-1sns everywhere. directions--any drugstore.
- 4
7 %
-awand A&wfi&w
jag A Balanced in Oro-
owl r F TEN IS A BABY oii ditt t�ands to be too SN"
q talus, tats, starebLIp and sugar; and VXRT TLTZXDAY A34r FRUDA
Now IS�she only jitudws whMef it's lo lack Yffi-1118 and Winerla GILItS. 0 having 1,
a of borose; tncludluo�Win mat
of each week we ar
YOW Daylight savinjs or Standard Time, M Y'OUR ROME To keep healthy, ODA Must not eat boo E eti .
grays, blacks, roam wad We.
freely of meat sad I'Lirmelre requiring horma 0 -. ire' !se
work - - phalli be all. set. - - potatoes, weid t's""
Wife—'Remember, now. meet 518 At There Also ShOUW be a liox 0 Pastry and sweetmeats; but must good condition and ready to X"ight In
now triad
tilde to. Pit
Boby's Own Tablets have some fruits and vegetables =on bat 0
the Biltmote for lunch at id at all times. Private a"
Lawyer — "Very- wV, dear, but every day. .The raw ones are ricb*r every day. Our Harness'Department,
please be there by one, as i have an To keep her little ones well is the in vitamin &ad mineilal malts. "**U stocked with now second-hen
of all description. Write us for.
appointment With & woulall Client,R't fistant aim of..every Mothei and to Each day eat a raw fruit for break. oatatocue. The Repository, 10-114 Nelp"
werit III can't wait any longer than p bar in this task she should al• fast, such as an orange or gmpetr4ft St- -Grontm (Coulter Bros.. Props.)
ing in A three an
twch-44-am to own Tab-
quarry as a dtliller meet her 4t four." ays ll:eov a box of Baby's or graves or an apple. For the two
lets in the home. lrble" Tablets have other meals, have a salad Made from
IRS Mr.John J.Hogast
What's the difference between Play- saved many little lives WhImu illness raw vegetables or fruits,' and a cook- List of -Wanted ruirvationift it
of South MurJ4 Oat.,"I and olaying came on suddenly. ad vegetable other than potato. -For and Pull Information Pent Fr"
Ing poker for money
was mixed with rheum&. on Request.
bridge for,prUes? The maJority of troubles which 'if' ,the salad, the market pliers lettuce., MOM MASIZAT 00"most W.
timm,in the left shoulder.' filet little, one, are those Which aria cabbage. celery. tomatoess carrotaI "a soak 10L. O"aws. Out. 1.
1 followed treittinents for
time without raW. Some men are not content with be, from a di,-,)Pdered condition of the cumbers, mangoes and other aleen
Ing the
got" wh6le show• but want-tobe stomach end bowels. It is in quickly goods. Canned string begns, boiled
I had heard so-twh con. the street parade, too. correcting these disorders that beets' diced balled turnips and other
Dr. v1drutmeused `
Baby's Own Tablets sbow their value. cold cooked vegetables may be
Pink P96 that decided Clothes Make the Man- They banish constipation and fedi- In salads-
togiv e them a trial.They scan e.stand amazed, the while we sD gestion: correct colic and diarrhoea;. Thanks to refrigerator cars, our Am is
certaint' the matt- This race we know as human; break up co!ds and simple fevers And nwkets are colorful and attractt a wiaLvww
cine that I needed for it For clothes, we notide...make the man, allayteething pains. Conuerulux the with A wide variety of fruits and vase- N
"(T-Iack of them the Woman. Tablets,- Mrs. IL Roberta. Car qua tables At all seasoali of tile year. It in Too today.
W"not loag before I was Os; Que., writes:—"1 always keep our own- fault it we contract liver.
as Well am cTeI Now 11 Dicky.kept asking his mother for ftby's Own Tablets In the house " stomach and gall bladder trouble,
` y-• take them every Spring as
C I know of nothing to equal,them for hardenfug of the arteries, gout, IudP
an Ice cream cone.
Mother—'"But It really Is too cold lijtips,onea." gestion. scum, rickets, rheumatism,
11XU It one of hunate&of for ice Cream this morning." The Tablets are sold by medicine, overweight and sluggish intellects, by
cases ut which
these blood Dicky—"Oh. l,u put� my coat oa dealers or by jusill at 26 cents a box eating too much moats anif paAry' *a awn
sarichi pith have prayed to have It, mummy." from The Dr. WIUI&mW Medicine Co. and sugar and starch when we might
affeedve in oradicaties rhou-
audimu BUT Dr. 111VIIIIll Brockville, Ont. just an well balance our diets by the a 25 All DFM*b Dewot," town a
Paint heart ae'ar won fair husband
at! ZONARD, Inc.
Pink Pub now at ya!as delicious fruits and vegetable JL 0. L
sines or any dealer m supporter. Just a Trick hand' 10 Fifth Av#.. New yery Cit,
clsio, of by wall. 30 ens,
MdI,frac The Dr.Will, The trouble with the Person who Can you Boat a cork under water? YOUR TRUE SELF
wte= Cov Bn4** has nothing to-do but kill. time Is Try It..and see. It won't go under, Have a soul of you[ own. Be Your
villel, Ons. i•N that he is not satisfied with will it. Well. this is how the trick to
true self. Think, realize, reflect, un-
own time but has to conte over and done. Float a cork In some water In Y.,
In a glass iand stand another glias with U1 you-hare a measure of unborrow 'P
ad conviction.
kill other people's who need it which establishes a
which to make la- living. water In over this. The cork will!centre of repose, and i$.a source of W
ithen kp floating under water, won't
I happiness and contentment--a centre
The woman doesn't ilwim;Ys pay and I Iti This Is a trick to try on your
jwhicb yields to no outer- tumult, but i
pay. Sometimes /she charges and+ehums- is ever receptive to the Diviue'Solf.— XA
charges.. Horadon W. Dresser.
Us* Minard's for N euraig
C&ar 2*0ur SA-an
:;Bib and TLkker Patience cannot remove..-but it-can.:
always dignify and alleviate, mis-:
Put on good. thick underwear. The aeronaut does not worry 90 for!urre.—I.Aurence StaI
Use cutbfsa *cu
1%4 Black lisle stockings (fifty a Pair) much about how his air ship will-be- i ra
LIS Iright. way he makes his landing. The
race 00 YOU Lace your Frencb-heeled boots Just have in the air as he does about the
3-apis Scep,Oulassal,Tak-ow Eme, AAimip
ocadcws."Son 2614.monerlad.CaAW&
"A 11141UMMOLAOSAIIIIIIIIIIII Pull your corset string—Ugh! tight! :Is not won unlesshe can effect al
1 j
1101 as elews"I i Firmly pin your corset-cover: landing without accident. and the
Slip your petticoats down over, chances of mishap are many. It Is
Tie the tapes and pin them fast. V
much the same with life. A few auc- CMTIPATO?
44 -,,Rkirt on last. 'a
Put your milk dT)p ceases are tot
Never Say Die!" j _to turn a young Man
i OIL. three petticoats will do. head, but he should remember that a Countless remedies are advertised
-a'nazing manner to which die&- Less than that will Sure show tt1r1L start Is. after all, only a start. Eye" for 'constipation.. Many relieve for
bilitles can be conquered Is shown Now your skirt. Don't tat It sag,
thing to In Its favor. The test of skill the moment but they aria habit form-
nee more by the fact that a girt of I Ing and must be continued. Others
it must,ripple, but not dr99 comes at the end of the race.
Contain calomel and dangerous min-
seventeen. who was barn blind. has Here' Ill hook Yon,up the back. era] drugs, which remain in the my#.
Just won an open scholarship for ILW' MODESTY
Are You going in a back' tem settle in the Lotats and cause
tory at Oxford.
i'Tis beauty that doth oft make wo- aches and own& bome are harsh
Captain Ian Fraser is perhaps the Fluff your pompadour attain. men proud: purgatsves which cramp and gnpe
-Sen. -after effecL
--outstanding example of a triumph Don't forget to chew Ben 'Tli virtue that doth make them most and leave a depressed
over blindness in our own days. Not I Here's your hatoins, three's enough:,,. admired: Avoid lubricating oil* which only
only has he played a prominent part j Walt, I'll get your feather ruff. :I'Tis'modesty that makes them asow grease the intestines and
liaturielmachinery to become
in public life in motto of his disability I adore your willow plume divine. —Shakespeare. A pureW vegetable laitative sushi
but bit recreations eations Include boating, And the way you sweep across !be; As Cartee -k Liver
I litt Pitts, gently swimming., and electricity and wire- room. V0VR HAIR NEEDS touches the liver, bile s to now,
less experiments. Now your gloves.and'Vocketbook- the bowels mr,"gm* the in nes
bow nice you
Oh. my dear. look, we tehomr-tag* CW=ft W
Arecent exhibition f pictures at How well you look I
ilt 1.6111don gallery gave another proof, 1930 X tilon poilmoll. *WW. . stow
liver and bo. now ac -I sm W-raw sty Waal to "T"" of
of the fact that the "sever say die" oar tl�relme ou� LU 0 ONOCL
'Three snaps. and ' all 7C the syst I ofs"v twomm
sm 024%.. 1- do ameamod mown Ir
spirit wit always win Lhrouib. They!. &1418 VIL4110111421111011111 a—wh -W As* dm if
quick. All druggW Ac sa. .4 rW pkgL
9ftS0111M On*AW Weak a oft Md sw (WAO
were the work of Mr. Earnshaw Give your wind-blown bob one slick:,! TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE am sw a f—-saw a"WAM I Wdo _10*00
'Greenwood. whose right side was Paint your lips and daub each cheek, . ASK YOUR BARBER • inab rhoaffarma). Sul *0 PoInark W" uw
vau I Instal, I r=.' FML I Aaw M&
..__paralyzed some years ago as the re' Darling chic! Faffing Hair ErWrAm Saft to Be 0"d AW low
bult of a seizure. fly__ AW1W q7
A0W 71bru Lu a proven bair grow* I
"He will never paint again." said the Fashions, Fads, Foibles Minardle of course. Will r— aws Am" Rem
t octors, wu.M a.
bat Mr. scalp of damdrut and promote a 0
Greenwood taught
Corsets have come back. but they Kruactien aWt* obtainable at drug and
'.'himself to paint with his left hand, 12 0
healthy, glossy growth. departmen% norn I. Canada at 75c a bntibL
ittid most of the pictures in the ex- are not the hour glass variety. They A bottle ,00t0no mou" to last lot -C-or
are more comfortable and give strong Ruh Into %ralp four *!rnp. weekly. matta--good bWQ for half-s-amt amu,.hibition were executed after he had
lost the-me of his right arm. support Across the abdoman.
camouffages conceal ;the portly lines 4 4 4 It-eb
we have developed in the recent cor- %%`
setless days. The waist to higher In on Coughs Colds
.1 cannot think that the great soul of manA speedir.$a(-.Proven remedy
front and merely hinted at by means PAJN"
With its accumulated wisdoms, too, of tucks and shirrings. .This Is Ins for children and adults,
kust parish—why, the words be ut- trying than the belt. Boleros,, capes! pa t
and hip-length jackets add grace to BUS
tees live! the 00130 too slender silhouette. The Ads liArfFsssa.i5wareswororeclr
—And Is the spirit which gave'-birth-to
longer skirts seem to give added 3§eneatb Its own creation!' height to the short AThey alma gure.
add mystery, romance and feminine
—Barry Cornwall..
Another• chap, a Scotsman perhaps,[ The longer skirt, which at first was
recalled that it once took two sheep uneven of hem, to break the news,
year to roduce material for
enough gently to us, has now become frankly
�i —
L es
-a frock, and now two &Ilk worms can longer and of even hemline. It may S
do the Job in as afternoon. 11I—anywhere from four inches below ji f 1
_'the knes, to ankle length---for
a train,'
dance, and perhaps support
Was In
t NOIXAX at tW. We are already discarding iwiar Bed
P, the very short skirts without remou
harrows. Alsodoeslawn
own,discs,cultivates. is no but
I All Summer
s trance and thefe
mowing.seeding,spray-. I we will wear the long ones long.
i etc.
LAUNDRY Jo 119 also have more Rare and we "I have to work in the store sl�d
In&CO.. 01strtbuters Skirts allrootr
All NA."r Block, 3LA21[=TON, ONT. ;are making two yards of goods grow domyow housework, Ivo,Where one grew before; to the delight'
to got nervota and run
of fabric dealers,
Turbans are a popular form of would make me nervous.I was told
Flums headgear. They often match the suit A
much like to take Lydia E. Pinkhs&s Vew
FA& in 1 NhWto In material. Hato are table Compound and I haw taken
rg� tm variations-of baby bonnets, with.shat-
ilow- crowns long back brims, and 4t has made me stron&
III*" I ` . . iMildm TAII fret, offm 1W no 7"!
t tree.add disesso for goot" jeas 1i d I . — 6—
east Uttering long side lines. Urn As apparent reum. But theWs al- a and put lmw�CI51 W16 my
al as knees are now hidden. ways one sure way to'conifort a I am looking after my score and
Stocking ribbed jerseyieprom restless,— Cistorimil housework and my four childresm.
in snits. Prints are as good this Year Harmless as the recipe on and I am getting along nicely now."
wrapper; mild &M bland " It
as last, but they are smaller and less —My& L MaLin, X R. Na
Light blue and bright rust tastes. But its gentle action
ASTHMA -arish.
SL E4%Hamdowt,Ontariel Cana&
lk I QUICZ AZLXZ7 obtaited by r.cu. 'are good spring colon. Sleeves are soothes a youngster more surely undentand. A coated tongue calls
savos through use of ljlr.J H. Utitid's
more Important. The, log o' mutton than. some powerful. mel:licibe for.a few drops to ward tone
AlolintAin Asthais, Compound.
ratura that is meant for the stronger patio((; so does any suggestion of
Its ObItstilt smoke Vapor soothes and ties" and the bell sleeve are d
Originated in 1869 by M breath. Vftenevrr children
-systems of Adults.
spftlalist in respire T9 dig-, Ing., That's the beauty of this Special don't eat well, doWt rest well, or
L _70melly at 5 cents, so ch
Also"lieVea ftt&rrb6 tandard ildren's remedyl It may 'be have any little upsetthispure
I oro 7,
lostits and 20, is
Divitie conAllaucle caw swim upon given the tiniest mfant—u often vegetable preparation is usually
as there is any a"& In cam of AD that's needed to set every*
those seas which feeble reason "a nolle.&mom not ftftom—W. Recker. diarrhea, or similar Twwb. to rights. Gemiint Castoria
smics, It Is imisImble. Thit It loss Chas. 11. 1-kichees signattim on
Ill the wrapper. Doctors prescribe it
MM No. &--`30
"M Q
fil "IS Is Red hr Grippe.
X Vv
* .«>. . �°- :+:i;4v� � +.`� .c sl::e °r3`"'"" Y$.*`•.^i;bs +1 4•tr-"r''.'`q•ii` r•"' �`,rs,•C r°lila-• �,o. .wr,.ale ay. .:�; ,x _w J'P,v a;.::� :x'var=•.
., -. 'k'. ♦S,rxy .«r,3.�y 5,U aT•'2p ,. y1• v,,,.-5 'fit,' R y. , ''�` .a. .',,ew •� K" .'T• ',�'• 4-•ae.:1Se^.`4`Stla ,.... ,*13,:,Y�k ^etF-• ,'p^.- ,;'F=
i.,.t .,+x„'.::•-u. "e'; ,,.Ir4.. u. bdy.�•' "�'jt �l''... :, -,..Af-.r..e� .3s/. _ _
,: ... N s ... •R' M,cwo-.^f '`.^.. TM:�. �'' .+:;:,...�:c.+. w,�..
. ,e- u"� .. .. -'. ,. -�^. .+ p..... :. :.._ - .. ., . ..:..-_. •a :o•4k. - ..r"-•+ua.. ,.,io.�` � r 'a�`:1�u".i^.�.a... �'`?�•;r-. '.c - r's`
� r•
aHBO3feke the are s9ar QratststWjfep W' J. C�xk in tats"!" tin F _ atnit�
gop8 house ',but is slgwly roving.
--The it{adtes Aid, Society- of .S -Mrs. Dale is very poorly at the c� ? •
3 -Born on Thurs&y January, 30th n(ireR`s United Church, will meet onme of he daughter, Mrs. Smith.
WErtnesday at,the usual hour, at -Frank Hall accoxrpanied by hishC�
to Dr. H. 1'. and Ildrs. FA Ise, a son. th home,of Mrs, Pilke •: All the f dile
--The Township truncil will meet 3 ether, F. H. Hall, were irr,town on
- on Monday next. for the transaciitra !stiles of the congregation are invit- Tuesday.
-of general business. -Russell Flemingwill hold an
-lira. CaAwright,.haa been Awnd- -'-The een-ices of St, Paul's Un- auction sale of 35 high class grade,
- - - - -
° ing a week in Brantford, with her iUd church next ;Sunday •will be as Holstein- milking cows, and spring- - e -
.mother, Mn. Fielding. follows: 10.30 a, m. horning worship ors, at h 5 premises, 104, 5, Con. 2
a -Mrs. Walter $'erguac+n, of Whit- ,cr'+i Junior Divisiolt of the Su4tday Picker" on the Kingston High- New �by, visited with Rev, J. ;r. and M". cch sal. .2.30 p, lin. Y. P. Dep artinent• 'way, on Tuesday, March 4th. � -
•s-- -Ferguson at the M.vlse on S1and;ty, 7•00 p .lin. r:.vening =Prvice. --Tt e north and south.roads are in "
Born, on Sunday, Jmiutiry 20tH -,rhe service, in St. George's a very bald condition owint{ to the
,at the Pickcrin,; Priv ttr ilo;l,itnl, t,• !'hureb iwxt Sunda} .-.v!U be as us- sleep :now. A number of these roads
,,Mr. end 14i! I3t•tt N tit+�, cif C►rihaws( ualt 9.30 n. m. Sun,iay Schc•ul; 1o. ,here put in a passable st::e, but this ,
44 son. :i), horning Prayer; x.00 p. m. Ev- �s•,vuld Lc nu sonnei done than another FANCY r D `t -
i e1:en rayer. RP7.- ' . G. Robinson 1' `� v� PRiNT�7
T3t>r+,, t+t1 utt.l er t i>hrtiatry 3tui ti P fall of anti•: ti.vuld take place ac-
al Ur) l'itl.a fit 1 ,,it.t, +"ticlt+ lint, DO !! err;:'h at b�:? rcices.' eoitipaniect by �;ir_1 wh"e"t would put c t
G W: '� N `'t p - ` erf ne&t.,.. 2W hAC1eS 133 1'sila small .patterns,
Qllr, Mid V(�c. t�•vYnut l'r.+t�ft tttl, ut The wiltual u.c : ::g of the Pub- the road in �vcrz•- cenditio:t'than ev- - p&,
0:2,vtvra, a +to. lit. l.ihrsry, shish w-is to have been Er. just perfect for'house dresses, Enlocks, children's wear
` --This trajtht(• ttttrtiutl t•t the liuyy '' Id tut l''ti,la; el.o•1,1,g last was post -A .+_ravelicr i'1 th0 Congo Dist- -Et ;
heLat when c. Pr.ced for ulex turn-over er yard,. 2`3 'cis
: I3a+e 1aziiY`►� 1;+atlttlf1+{:! IwIdilk
!''n<d "it.dntto 'W C1 Cthe
ark,will bf iii [iuter in hwa; teyf,:eater thrill illayk-
he ' p
Y i;+tlurtitty altri tiff:Ht t;1cb. f+t h h. !:1 th•,.Uh,rr ry rr*n:;; ,his t Ft i- ret:civi.ti in that country, said it was (t RING
' j j D T'�� �t {
J. lit`\v, Vr l4k0fc,rd, tiny) , sKttin; n�1.:t ;; grind attefad �to h:ar trig Ben telt the hours .in RI1\ G a OS Y" PRINTS
sgertt ee cc�ty>st vP tt•tJ s jt 1, v,:ek 'r`:^ t)'P nr:n4-r i i� hoped. for. London. Tl� achie;cments of scien- J7
t w.
hiilFh dutzit aukfi 1411 ilrap.•r, w-,J cit ` , tr T•r ono :tcrri of expenditure cc are o wonderful :.•nd Ttu:rerpu-<. 1`h� !Host' atiraeti�e patterns and colors We have t
her PwIt'-rrrtlf "r!rll'i.• th:•tt ti:c [c-,vtichi:vr.onncil will b-. that rn.:n;; peopie,cease to _.�•onder,at
-r�u ar .tict ,g. neid.�u °r„ :ger• idle,! utrnn to t;a.: tniy }•ear, which ;hn;e iris*ntions of mrilern time,' Seed. Very fine quality Ui lotion. �+'or those W110
�itep;'the pat year twt3tilythree yep- im, 110: been a hVAVy one for sever- h ch c* l,i h: e been considered v;ant a little nicer quality 'than our 23 cent `line this �
ar�te atKttf:x a grt'rutt•1 alillost al year; That for ;n,,v;-.hvsrFl i w' 'o !self a center, (ego.
t g r-' i' P 5.
'twenty thcawnd peoplfl,. .;jcy`ed the trip;• tinct road-brealtinpr ~loch stilt -When you buy a C:haLtauqua new a,ssortmeLt ,"rill just $11 the bill. We're pricing
! Chautauqua pr,)gr:en1..q. -a-very h•ttv}' •a this year- Sv a.
T-- f thi iutrr a ter}' heavy ,e. n,'i r, eason Ticket, You or any one of ,hem �'eT�Y closet 2� CeniS a �'aTi�.
Bowe.•:,_ this w uthrr l .0,.,,uA 0 Pe Y r Earrity is entitled tv view any
Chrst••wv1•11, •• i1u was lucky 1st his lr.: locejl tn.urreti, :rid th• :in• carie or all of the performances s « }' p ,;"seri
fur4,east: for t1t: hui,rk of N0%•n1t*1 wilt not '^e entiP ! for pr•'>ia4>ly to 'n the Town F[aa on Feb, 14. to 15. T r "$�
c - itnd December, (silts! tting the month. y•rt - -►. - l�' +\ 1 1 ' .\ �T P���i �7�' �t
!nark for th^ rnont: of Januar}•. He --The [:r tNd Yount PtrRpte's Soo- SALE REGMTER. -
k p - i.-ty horts! ••t•Pekt mooting on In light, Medium aud�dark patterns. Slakes up
r redict•_d n:ilcl wee her i:1 the !:iter }' g
It art of the menta, but instep:i we ex- V--iay r :pnir.,: Jan. 27th, in th `aturda;f. February, lath-Credit
P `tlnrt::y School ronoos e St. .arcirtw .'s'-e -f' h-)rse�, feeding neer., very pretty "idled for an afternoon frock at a very
�periencAct real wint-r weat!:vr. It
still now be up to 3Ir. Bove % to ex- ( hurch: The rner nzr wai takon by _ tx] �r< for grass, springers, Yon- moderate pried per and 39 cents. �
plain hi. a*fur. this Uterary sand Recreration Comm- • •'.K .;ow.- and shoat?, at tet :53, Con. r
v -St. Gn,rpt': A. Y. P. A. heid tttno tTn, Pi• t1-e leadership o` 31
r.. '. Pickering !near Greeq River), ;
their u %;, niertan_ to-t Wtdhexia} Ttich:u,F ,r1t. rRlith �Iurra;. Rale`. �r .4lA,. Road. the property o1, FA�HER'�T
The conVPnir fuer the evenir;, uta.' I1•x;on, ce.''r a .acred :Ao which c�n .` White. , month., ere- L w
c,I w ale at 1.,,0 m. under
DirS itnb:-t:r,ft who prase rt~'-t n- • a wur!• e-�jo.( i by al G1m p
r y _ i +E. t.;, eraser. F. Po.-till, auctlonecr LOOIis and feels i11nOSt like silk, ns and
Patter l
O° r Lr h .�t c Alf Tt:,• ,lir P , \. \t r r —.
t: ,
1 ::ado c€ f i m 'tr imFl�ments.
•t inti• tt ii I ser !salt ease i o tis ,. f
t Ir,i-.r ti a Kr< :t tr�a-, it ( n^ctl,ia. "i`'iay .thiol ,rani. on Ni : lei, ;;rain Poultry etc, at lot 1 Con 15 cents per yard. but we are putting them.on at 59 cts.
e •'-1•n� F' •,rel•rat r !�• S. Pscke;insr. the property of C. O
,: ,
i F aur, _..1 tis u Val m"
t B-cial. Fanct ccrttvr'?= cP:^.vta}, '''1s c+•t:e arils ht-1p r tk• l.twt n, aaF at one v'chick sharp -
Li'l ArP r•x mat, ';, ,�. cn oyable :r?k z --ucre-,i ` \ Seo B;tt1t. Wrn. Mat-, Auctioneer. Please note-Ail the above lines
c•senlrsr :end hr•;:• €:r a !circ.• attenli• f �• ? 1' 1 . het p,,,{,,, the+:rn,triern is r
•r., tiekly tea
r arse. i meetinr on 3tnt, t=h• 'ieYa•a1 I . tllen�eOf Cs,l►H¢i;tel � A d. are guaranteed- -"fast Colors"
p threl$hnbt , t ` " ' rtirectinn of t'- r 1t en-
-Rural oC*'rt:..aa,: e 1 r ors Tit ut�dv. A putely 1'$••t Mal NI-d• -
' co:4ntry arp seek,-tr for carver rem hip rornmi cr v'ith t t. ,mantra a:tl:e rrf,t ►,� E. ('. Juneq, Picketing
t uresratinn for t4h-,;: work ie cities
I itli:tq Nlurra to ch✓,r�• 4 rex
the .- Wen,
an, ! til 4q. postma:'er, are paid on minute, e th,• last mf th- XIu, drteertlteemrr.e., 1��� � Check f a ;tett:¢ht zala-y bz i but to '"•ural era and the bu,lre�,, of the So-c-
a e
r- --- __ t
p t ,.cux:+e,l; th'e de�utrnal to ,r - .---- 3•ards o C'� �lll�hanl in .
ri`:art` !sntheir ret+-, 1Pration depend: � ' taken by Lillian llurny FR- l,'UR SALE-0-id York-hire'honr small patterns. Don't delay if
'Pa , o the n.rcentapa un the alp I
�* Of RtaM{a�, lt,•iler! letL�r p0,--',.age p,as t t--ti� repor.ts were ztven by; ' r'`e ° ,. s•rsalr r'r•�..p. Cru. rncreFarm :
d. ; �. frf,r� ��_. _ "•Zo 3o�a need this line .19c a yd I
cth [crray Rrri 5[.i+.elinr Cr a+s- 1
r*4lucc,l fr-.m three to tw tf cent-, 'it ---. _._ _ _
r S; o a: Cc ar¢ Th ro r Near ('hrrrrwn, d. a parao
3 members, resent-on.Mo , at c•.•,t iL�DR Y
f tht 'Trek vent by tht 1, _._.
mean! & 1uc r f t*. tlti!l of the rn�_ f�t " h a an 11 -u r or money. Ln lir a pay to
n • w1,,,e
1 alta from taus.soa,rce. _ At the an µ
ual meeting of t+t.re 5 p n•-t
s postmaatert=, held re- and we hope any other-oung �.•►►R i, as As lot , C.'". ire cf Fr,-,es- M
s � ■
t -_ +cert.ty in 'Poronba, a resolution Scat• peAple who are interested in Young .mn:h}�4ai ,,t lot 1�, c,n 3 p,cke'tnq eg-
passed asking the Government to tate of the►ate Timothy, Redd,n. Phone Pick
r Ilow them a'larger percentage from C HA PM AN
Peopte's work will join +with us and t7,a. 3I ,
r -help make our meetings a success. —
'the sale of statrn QENT—Or
p O Ii ('hurr•h se
, -
I. the roads are pa:csble the Y. P. Ting r 11f df hr;ck hesuse.lnctuding blindsand
_ . •
- A bitumen that maty bo speller" S. plan to take the Y. P S, banner (,stores t G. U.Bly :10 Indian Road, Tuwoto.
to roads in a cold state and that t}, Ctareml+nt Hort Monday cun night _ -- -� ---__-�►
--,within tern hours: will c►rppnrt tTaf Feb• 10th. Further antrouncemsnts >�J
t ;fic, is shortly to appPaa on the Can• `011 $A LI;-0-rnntued frairip house,
Till be Riven from the pullsita of LL ,r good'.n�.mrion. 9ft uatrc ,P the%ilia a of
ariian market, sponsoreri by a Tor• [c g
t, PBuI'a and St. Andrew's church- Ptckerla% F',r Intl particf,leri apply to A T.
ontr. marl, who returned from Frig. L,*_ Pic ertne riff .
'!aril with the >ole right for <'ar,• ea.on Sunday nest. A;ny wishing _
sada. The -o on will please communicate with T()R 9?a I.E incul,tarrr.,tttx,esir,ize
Product, it is el:$med, not r .
Hugh sr,uirna or Harald Richardynn. stttt.r'sttr+!,roxjvr Inv .an van nntyone lien s Winter Caps, leather with
- only hmrrlena fmmtFvfiiatell•. but I`+ _ .a•rNa,n atvcrrn:c!,rcX,recr •rove and canopy, 100D .
.riot sli ? n- ehlek sure Phci•,e lick trt3. A bf (:ihtwn. 24
ppeFy an,! C.cn be laid from a WMrTEVALS _ I, � 11
to 50 per cent more cheaply 'LhfCt -- - Na( RA�('P: Br€• re renewing :fur band, reg. '2 CO, now
1prneent popular ty-pa•z of Pavement _lira. Griffin and Mr.t R. W. Mel. l?star+nsuri. a•on your k, '
C perry. your ear.
accident or sk•kric".11 all! im)o yr,u to vonsult A. , . !!��u ((�� Q
I2nA+t{ tlTnt Were laid sty the pixy Y� 2 spent 8 cloy lq. town leer week. �t C.tfaon,P,ckennir, F!••nr Pick 1712 23;24. Men's heavy wool ..Caps, reg. 1.50 ,98
Ie in 19:3 show hardly any siQ'n� Yhere is a reutote• posAbil►ty that
of wt•ar twiay, Mr. White cla'imc. vedding hell, might ring in.the vale 11 OR SALF, OR RENT-Farm coo- r ,
tau=t 4, re-, bring bout is had of lot Ia. liens wool w ind-breakers
The mafA-Hal hSa been used exten_ st ortl `` py°� 7
Y• toe.a, erinq, �p ply on premise•. or phone
lslvely lit Fngland, India, Africa and - The villago extends its sympathy Pick 2709: Cifford-Huhnara, R R 1, Pickering.
;Australia. to the local blacksmith inthedeath _ 2nt, ,
- -- - --- Dreg. 4 50 8.69
_ = ,-On Mnnrlay evening Jan. 20th of his hor.;e. FOR SA I V-Ahni't 40 or 511'acres in 1
_ :the Brrmk4n.Y. P.-S. paid a friendly The biggest hit of the Season-will � %ad.suitaNcforpasture, rear of tot s,can. Heavy all—wool sox, 1e'g. .50, 3 prs.
- ?visit to th;e United Y. P. S. of Pick- he the drama entitled "The Re-union 4.Ptckering. P!o%ing pooft-smon April Ist, full
Mey.of Peter and Jane" ea Teeiall when r1n.-1,Locust
Ht rasa. Geo.F.Jackson, R.
►erfnR. Brooktin Young People put t 1 Y ,.. No. I,Locust situ. 20-82
on the program for the evenin and 'Voter takes the "gadastra golica .- :During the next two �t'eek8 X11
tz L'M1FER ICOU[) l'OR BALE-Out.
•• - 1"tuch praise may.be given for th•C This play will be given in the Unit. . soy length. Aoply at old Tait Farm,lot 31,
.!manner in which this program '1wy�s eel church on Feb. 14th. There wilt con. 1,Picker;i,g S.'f.Gndd:,rd. as 1 - , '
:Xiven, which was strictlygdevotion- be a Valentine supper sliced 'fro►1t Siemi Ready Overcoats going at
dal Mr. Weber and Mr. White de- ' to S !t- m. followed. by a splendipi OROIVTO l'<'E1'•«'ASH LAUN- � o
lin*ram; consisLin of readings mu TDRY (Sem finish'-Let our tins-call and �. 0 per cent o (cash)
-the-atxtTence v,kh their solos. r ,�_ - t=plain our 21 hour service r
t "cal numbers, inClutlin i1F-I2. pYl1C5, name with blr.S. W.Datta, barber +hap. We
Games and ref res;hmenta btiought will ick up and deliver 3 times a work.
i -.� the happy evening to, a close. Be- the Scotch comedian. Admission p
-._. ._.-
L fore leaving, the, Brooklin Young AdulLs, 25 cent,; chAdren, 15 cents. OUSE FOR SALE OR REN f- ! Don't
People presented th;e-Pickering Y, Our new bridge has taken uit the- HS-roomed frame house, with electric light Dont forget the, Chan
tiitlqua 0I1
P. S. with-the Young People's Ban- Attention of our County Legislators anA other modern conveniences, 1n the.Village of Feb. 14, 1Jr, 17 8II� I8.
f"tiering. Posscs-ion on March ta. For full U
{_ . .,,ilei, which Pickering will soon have again. During the summer the quos- pa rt'C"a%aapplyto Ed. Walsh, 1s Weller St.,
the chance to present to some_other p Toronto. r3-2k -
t z tion as to who should ay the cost of t _ - . - �•• - - w __
'$ociety of flits o erence,_who have. cons roc sort and main orient_ stay. AOR 9�T.1;-Ua.uline, 1 'h p. near• -
---"lot aIrea:i; •had it: .bout 100 were pia^-ed in tht, liaTxis of the ro"it ly new; 1 Rita y fzrcc-,rimptnd belt.
present at trill meeting. which Judge 'Ruddy presided. Af- ly new, Also au,.t,,,f t t-t Aatvanized pipe and } -- —_ ]• - 1�- —
ter hearing a number of wi masse na< v. Thin outfit used only:months and wt
Fred T. Bunting,- : iekerin
-The rabbit has become rather un- g t besold cheaA- Will vdl se vara Lely. 1pply to
=•popular in certain parts of the pros-- 'and_-experts,- e t ecldetl that the str- F1 Prouse, 'fckenng, ca tf -
Ince this *inter.- In the rill hbor- acture was not s County bridge ac- -- - Established 1557.
g �G F .-1\TED-lf..vnn are
hood of Clarkson and the Niagara cording to his interpretation of 'the i loo an uplmrtunit}•to bluer your ---- -- —
'District fruitt.gz were are waging A.ct, and consequently -lie-decided posaiun, a Watbins Buanes Hillputynuin
war again,t them on account of that the Tow ship 'hail to bear the the path of Success,cachou, risk. Pu n;famvely the
largest and best line of goods rel to iy. and
their de,tructivo propensities. They 1.entire cost. Thf• Township council �3 x.00 and more for the industrious man, Apply
have baconip. verynumerous and was not satisfied with Judge Tlud- now for the ne�re,t locality, Rural or G;ty. and
7 frUlt trees have Sffered _ T startt a New 'car right. 711E J. K. H'Ar-
greatly by dY's decision and entereai an nlipeal KINS CO„Dep,.tt:w3, rag era;g Went. lton-
"Ravine their bark eaten off. Z'h�-which came before the .appeal (':uu-
:.tl 2,
-'steps that hive been taken to pro-' rt -in toronto, in the. fall. The re.- ,. Telephone 4900
Q: tett has resulted 11z a wholesale des-1 suit was, that Judge' Ruddy's tdeck- picketing Mils b
t traction of the destructive animate I TnA,was reversed anti the bridge be-
t # Another complaint made agair�et i came a bounty bridge. The Cotnity- k
r " 'banny" is that of spre8ding a eery Council with the exception of those "' -
lain kind of fever, hifherto unknown who come from Pickering Town- We ho-ave. to good Dmiry Feer!
sorlesr.Olis Af)l�id _
- n n ario u p , , per u.
parts of the United States and now I decision of the Appeal Court ana41r _
: L very prevalent in the State of Mich- were seriously considering • the ad- Try Liles' +Gasoline, Acetylene '�elthA
igan. This fever known t„ the• mets-!ndvis::i>,ility of entering an appeal -
i -3ca1 fraternity as tularaemia, i, of a! Cotton See(I Aetal nil Cake ileal
t:rarnst that decTslon. But before ' °Balttery Charging
rather serious type and so far no pre', taking then step, they sent a comm- Barley Meal, Oat Chope, .
-vent'ive vaccine or tkrrative serum has ittev to interview the li,it;itw:ly Hep- ,dill.Feeds, Steel cat
has been perfected to combat the dis- artment. -They came hack st•ith th (1,n•n,
NtiTlletla i e on
ease. The disease lies lately appear- deeisivt+ thax they -aeon d act wisely Corn, r
• �ept� lis •mad all makes
"ed in Timmins, and there is dariver of if they let the matter Ar p,. `The- 3r .
;spreading to other parts of the prow ratepayers of the Town<hi are much T( R,P i Hwtrf Mash For ergg cars. ,#
Eedth has issu6d a warningagainst ln+ prutine.Lion, f$f3.00 �t
ga p fled'with`, the anti-nrt of• their _
ince. The Provincial Departmeart it Crwncil in deciding' to ficht the mat- ,art en's: -
"�, - /handling the animal. In dressing it I ter in the Courts. The 13i>rhways
a person should wear rubber glover. Dopartmprt cras_r the Cf�mmittPe to �Vr. It+tV••_stay 1x.11 •r s +',d to till : J :
Tllere '.s no danger of infection frim 1r,,1Sretnn th:.t at fhe next Ft-s-inti l .11 ,j t.
,. , �: ;dl lir, t•,� fl �`�{�,a1 0r t the: has h r/1 r a c L liJLJiJ �t PENCER
e -hr, lee•is ture. 1^tri,latinn wnuln'
rYr•,7Pn r�:' 9 ,•1P' �i- i' t!1 t•+vti ;: tl ray j
a f month ersmi ha; ti t: ",aril t0 dofulc m6n, clrnrh•
_ = attacked by t5.: d+, long tvltat 's meant Ly a Court.y brirlr~e; r1 ,, ltti r- tr ti111t.
'veli is r.•, , e whir h "nuId thus a'•'oid cost! leg-'
4 .,
ntt _ _. _. _ :� ,.� - Y j Pickering t Iilli>t�� Col�sx��nV Proprietor, r Pickering
y •a'„dc•2 .. •q:sv. \v- G )'$I#u✓�a?;•Ae+'••-.7II, :
�:� ,7r Vk.. .r ve �°•• _ _ y s::e
-..;;P"„c ar.utiT..,.�,'''�`.t-4.' '"�. ..ys�.4:�W,. F"" t r°.t:•S. .-.. �. .., _. `' ,,.,w� �'.5�+c�a..2�..^r.�ra';�f�,�a..a'.•3t.s��!��'S.s.w�..,a�,�l�s.."�_4'�1� w'°5�.�'