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,.. ,n; d'e., ::•`l..,.,. M x ,.. :....y., w .., ... ` ym;�. :sg „ . .. .. .•.,. :Mew! .:z" •-'4M^. . +T °,Y•J'n... •'1. ..•,+ Ve ^- x - SJ/' ..a. -'. & a 'w "Y. r. - > -.. ,., .. 1'. •F..n i,.... '"a ..v. ✓, r.,': y, .,.,,.. , 1.4 y., ,•.. .,r4' 1 :. �• -..rY `� d,k.Y" - fx . ,C"..y •w: , w. Iff 1W I N 'KE 0 N.EWS a E. " VOL. XL1X. PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 13,:1929, " . No. l�` ' ip�l0itlrst�?stal QLarD#►.. .. h ■ ,1 , ■ 1 l ,EALSAM. . , , '. -MOUNT PLEASANT .. = GREENWOOD Atedtical . • 'W hit e S • Mill Lloyd Wilson, of Toronto: ,spent q Christmas Concert of songs, the week -end with her parents helm. dialogues,• drills and recitations is %�A. 8. C. PEARSON -Ph yeician 4r ® ®� Rj-� ®� Mrs. RQbt. Sadler -is ,in Whitby being presented' by the pupils of S. MILL0 ryDo dsurReon, Dunbartoo. 1(11x 'with `her mother. Mrs. W• Jones, S. No, 12 Pickering on, Thursday ev- + RE. FORSYTH, Oph. Director 'Ie rnnoing again after the flood, who is very ill. ening Dec. 19th in MotbA Pleasant �potometriW Aaaoclatlonof Ontario. Reg. Sawing Lumber, Chopping Misses Leona and Norinne ,Wilson'' School house, Admission i5 cents. 40 llets� 1 Ieaiter of the American Optometrical • G r;a i n i summer won t b s, - . of . Toronto, visited their parents R. School• Report. Established 1838 A,nsoisttob_ ea examined By appointment. on Tuesdays. Frida e. W, and Mrs. Wilson, on Sunday. Sr. IV - -Robt, Miller, Hon. Jr.IV- •�--r zso4. Claremont. One. ., y .. y Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Empring- Evelyn BrQvn, Ross Madill, Morris ARL A. GRUBIN. R. O -Eyesight ManufactuSing- Bapkets of all, ham'attended the funeral of the for- Gostick Jr.III -Dora Matthews, Mur- "Wheat and Barley ESpecialist. Honour graduate of the College kinds, including : mer's father, at Agincourt on Tues- iel Gostick, Fred Hodgson, Billie et�t ometry of Canada: Gold medalist and day afternoon. The bereaved fam- .Moore. Jr..II- Myrtle.Gostt1c, Kath- wanted - draft erman Prizewinner inl928, At Markham Bushel, 11 Quarts, 6Quarts, Pint -_' every Monday from 9 a, m. to b p, m,. in Dr. . it 'have the sym athv of this .Corn- leer Gostick. Jr.I- Russel Brown, be"X. edenteloffice: AtStouffvitlefrom Wed• Quart Boxes, Berry Cratos. munity.- p - Dorothy Burton, Alex. McLeod. Pr,-^•. • :Highest prices paid. =day to Saturday of each week. Eyes ezamin• ed. Glasses fitted and repaired. Highest quality A large stock on band at Russel Gosiick, Mildred pattetson, at Lowest Prices. Phone Stouff 2405. " 461y - - reasonable prices. vt/MiTEV At.@ - Jack 3loore. A.- Russel - Hodgson, ■. ye�ab. Pllee reductions at the r The Women's Institute will hold Lawrence Grey. Special Price factory: their meeting for this month in the ON . AF. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and � Green River district at the home of - esaic :tor. Notary Public Etc. Money to Phone Markham 6405 or 6420 or write Mrs. Will Michh, on Wednesday 18th GREEN RIVER. Barley Feed cane S" Chas. wiogCo.rt House, Whitby. 2517 Chas. White, Locust Hill, Out. at 2.30. "'Memories bf Pioneering' • The Women's Mission Circle will $37.00 BEATON & ROBS- Barristers: So- Days,' to be told by om of our oldest }told their business meeting on Tues- lieitors. Northern Ontario Building. 330 members, and Mrs. F. A. Major's 1C- per ton, Cash. Sa7Street Toronto. _ Apple Ba r re I s - clay, pee. i th, in the church d pp- � ]season count of the recent convention well P• m, Lathes kindly come and app - D. F. Ross. ~: Adelaide 2767 make this a program of unusual int- oint your officers for the coming • ICHARESON & PIOKSRING- "`rest. Contributions of @andv will by year,. Poultry Feeds Mairristers. Solicitors etc.. yl -214 Confed- FOR SALE collected at this' meeting ,to make tag The box sawn and dance held ig X Li a and Rich- a box- to be sent a some endeutiolt the hall here on Wednesday evenin .CRACHED CORN, tand qn invitation is hereby extended of last week was a decided success . SCRATCH FEED. cernj oice open Rednesday sad ayevenings. Phone Pick 8900. 8tf In 18t2'ge all the ladies of Green River district r>'bout $iG.00 rhas "realized. There will _ as well as tho :�Q of Whitevale to be be another dance on Friday evening, DRY M kSH. Dentat present. Dec, 27th, when prizes will be given. Prices right. _ _ i - - - -` - - -- o r GREEN RIVER. The Green River Sunday school '1\' IZIL C. SMITH. D. D. 9., L. D. S•• will hold their annual Christmas .tree _L 1 (Sueceeaor to Dr. J. N. Dales), Graduate of the oyal College of Dental Surgeons and Toron- (p (iniveraiiy. At Claremont office over L. A. is store teary Tuesday and Friday. Phone stage 1 o- 11. 27tf � ERBERTT. FALLAI�E. L D S.. D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of cal Surgeons and the University of Toronto. in residence second door east of St. And- - e. a Church, Pickering, Ont. Office bourn : 9 a. IA. to 6 p. m., or by appoiotmeat, tX -ray �ervtre), Phone Pick 3700. 431y ilea #sgasa �arDfa. EL]'GAB&H RICHARDSON- . Fire and autowcble insurance of all kinds. ragresentingcompaamsof solid financial stand- at. KGORUF KEAY- Licensed auction- l� eer. Aitona. Live stock and general sales pep . V, uteoned to. Terms reasonable. R Stou8 ,ale. Phone Swttfi 9003. 61.4 F. PO8TILL, Licensed Auctioneer, ■ foe oouattes of Yore and Outirt4 Aue- itioo sitar of all ktads attanued to on shorse,ss aeboai, Address grans elver P. d„ onto R. B14AT6i4 TO W14 SHIP OLERB• aeuve'asear, poaimiedenar for takia{ a4da�ts.�rA,ro�ssorrtat��nlisaL vest elman" M toes an paces' 1IltNrai9, O IA*- af., j R. GRANT-Lot I, concession 4. .x �+ Scaboro. Telephone Markham 7508. rid Aecountaat, Business and Mun,a• ap f sdetert GRANT. GODFRE Y &Co.. 31 WSt. East. Toro nto. Canada. Adelaide 15ly M N A W. LICENSED A170- TIONEER .for York, Qatarto and Durham tetra, AM kind,, of sales prvmyti� attended Y• Terms reaaooabie Dates son sefM as 7 be anansaid ants at NEAPS' Ofcv. Bell and indWen- Whitby.Ont. 517 - 1! ,- :Coal -Coal -Bard and soft G39al of the' beat quality on hand - THOS, A. LAW, : •.=nC.1C,eri W1 Gut. . .lBuy Your Xmas-, Gifts] small The annual Christmas tree and ent- and entertainment on the. evening of ertainment of the Cherr-owood Sun- Friday DEC. 20th, A stood progra ylgllaIIt]t]es day sch°,ii will be held on Friday of dialogues, recitations, drills, read- eveninz Dec, 20th at & o'clock. A ings etc. will be presented. Doors . * a � � �* ' first class entertainment of songs, open -it 7 o',Iotic, Program begins at . so !y .:a recitations, eirill.; etc iibeina prepar- .R. ed. revery one come and en iov a real - -� - LUMBER YARD £ood treat. Santa Clau a Rill anise fit Bet t• . We regret to report the death of - rand'e store. Cl- aremont, at.2 p. Jas. Oscar Petty, which took place - m on Snturde De(: 14th " �► Early Occasional Cbairs -These Chairs have that- "made to-fit ' feelina. $13 75- $21.50. Ferneries -1.50, 4.00, 7.50. Kiddie Cai•e, Kindergar`tee Sef�;, Doll Cradles etc. .Ohildren's High'Chairs and •_ Rockers'. Oileeterfield Chairs $35 00 -these are beautiful ebairs. Will Chairs - 13.50, 16; 00, 17.50., Radio Ttiblee. Junior Rnd Bridge Lamps at 9.50, 14 75, 10.25. A good assortment of solid brass and silver novelties. Cat-flowers and potted plants always on band. Orders taken for wedding and - funeral flowers. Kany,piec a of furniture already laid away for Uhristmae eve delivery. Ce A, Ste r ritt Phone 13001 Furniture Dealer and y Funeral Directoc; Also Ambulance Service Piskatug, - - Ontario .'THE RURAL o on Sunday after a week's illnes., y y' fullo• 1m, a stroke of anoDlexy. De SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. c cea -ed, who vas 38 year: of age, ii; G GIIEENWOOD. _ aurviced " by his Nvidow (nee Fanny _ a Kaye =1 and rwo small chile ?ren, al';o P Phil and airs. Willow:, anent Suit -' Real Estate and Insurance. K hib father and two brothers. o oiay in Uxbridge. Farm Properties Specialty. C CENTENNIAL CORNERS. b b1i.ti Play Brown- is confined to tht Head Office: 213 214 Confederation - ---- , h Ni trh i Life Btiildin(;. Toronto. s the sick list but are now on the mail M i n Branch Office • Gordon Building, . to re•covgry. H of R Pickering Ontario. - , ,n the ,tone school on Fridav evening M Mrs La Fraurh, formerly of Sal- Phone 6eW. serf D Dec, 6th when a pleasant time was em i,% visiting with Mr,. Geo. Mid - _ s spent by all. e Alston. WASHED OUR WAY. B Bradley Brothers from our mst. W counc,jeek moving -a bridle for the We have made a business of C Collingwood. We wish them success a awash day. Here each color i in their new environments. o on .iq. I fle formula that beet meets its i ing their annual Christmas entertait,- her father, Mr. Avers needs. For etch class we use m ment on the ^vening of Thursday Dec.• W Tuesdyy attending the funeral of the use froru nice to twelve Chan. 1 19th. Supper will be served from 6 T )at.- Qe6rge' Etnpringhain. likes of filtered raioeoft water. t to g o'clock, and -will be followed by ) An aveenge of six hundred Rai- a at concert and Christmas tree. Ad- )one for your family washiox, i ini3sion, Adults, 25 cents. - childret, rtuot.ev here are cleaner and - not of the school, 15 cents. r ° Out longer. u C. P.- R. Officials are erecting *the uROUGHAM. C steel spans on the bridge on the Mc- MaWa laundry & Dry T The early arrow has made the horse B Brady farm ' ' a a very- useful animal these days. C Chas. Puckrin' has received dam- All clothes ned frequent dry cleaning i ing a fast as his friends would like t trees which were burnt last year, Several radios have been installed to keep them sanitary. Our cleaning t to see. S here lately. Local interferer a with out like new. t ton, is with the Gannon family ;it t them by the Hydro lines is reported WE -CALL AND DELIVER p present. i in some cases, Phone 6 W W. J. Brown and f plo. with W. H. Westney for two E, C. Jones. Local Representative. o parents, T C. anti Mrs. Brown. M three'yd?ars, is now driving - TIME TABLE- hickerins StaHds ' 'Mr. Beatty. and Jack Gerow, of Tor- Majesty's Mail. ` T. R. Trains going East Jut as followeZ o onto, were Brougham visitors ore y Puckrin and family and F. M. and No, 10 Mail 7 b8 d M. M Monday. Miss Bell Brown.. P Mrs: Chapman attended the Whitby '• 2a Local 12-W P. Y. i ie'd them back to'the city. M High Srhool Commencement Exercis- Sunday train, 8.38 A. M, e eTki in 'the city- and found his sou e es on Friday last.. . Trains going West due as follows- ' 'Bobbie, who was badly injured in the O ed in his garage one night recently No. 20 Local 9.23 A. Id. h head from the kick from a horse, e a,nd all efforts to awaken his house - 9' ldml 903 P. hi. h some tlme' before he can leave the h hold proving fruitless: a passerby ,Foregoing is according to Standard T ho�pitai. � S. R. Wnmiacott, has been laid off time, n nextion '-With :St. John's- United. 'Chur_ w an operaUetn.-,which -vas performed by B 1 ac k s m it h i n g a ch on Sunday last, were fairly well a Dr. Paul, of Toronto: The trouble a h hAwa, delivered -an earnest ltldres -, a an a ;chile the choir of St. Andreaw;'s Chur- a a falling board some time ago, which Horse ehoeing n Specialty. c ch Pickering helped verb much i!r d damaged the .cheek bone. His work A A}1 General Work. including Wood t the serviFe of sots ' 'tt Grasmere is_beine handled by W. Wtirk, promptly - -- -- -- B Balsrion. Also, ` `/re are sorry to lri�ort Tl•:os..Ann- ` ` °a•' held on Monday night at the Agent fur Tied Fftrm 7 71.1 and Jas, Niitchell •in bed nnri under h ter reports for the year showing a Machiner�. t the' doctor's cart. t balance on hand f around 350.00, T. �t7CTCCCiW alld. _ guest of :her cousin, Mrs. Alex. w with considerable spent on charitable _ . .,lie g work. The President, F. H. Puckrin, - - W W. T. and Mrs. Dunbar and - and the election resulted in the fpl- P'/ / for the winter months. l Miss Penall is presentine the Un- F F. M. Chapman, Pres. -John Bryant, AND SEE i iced Sunday schcoi with a replenish- 1 1st. Vice Pres. - Gardiner Winter, 2nd. Vice Pres. - ment of its library among which are' S -Miss M Our new stock of e excellent books. We thank e Sec: ,frees.- MrS. R. P. Winter, Dire Good Cheer Ranges a Miss Penall for her, ki^1r• thou -ht R -Miss V -The Public library at ' -Miss r You can't do better for" i is open cash Wednesday •evening E Eunice Squire, Mrs. Gazely, Mrs. quality nor price. f from 7 to 9 in the basement of the a a 3t } ;You will also nee our - c church.. T Clarence Bryant. A hearty vote of " New Furnace - W Wood is Libmrian. T Thanks was tendered the retiring of- The annual Sunday school enter- f ficers. A special committee w on display. t tainment will be held in the church n named' to spend $10.00 in charitable (:live no a trial. We guarantee o on Wednesday, Dec. 18th at 7.30, It w work. After several good speeches satisfaction. w a r "_c OA : A good supoly of Hard and Soft - Coal on hand. Also a supply of. Kindling Wood, stove h,ngtb. 12tf Phone Pick. 1709. DONTALD'MUNRO. PICHEBING L. SURNINGHAM Building and General Contracting. Estimates furnished on all classes of work = Interior and Exterior. Alterations and repkin. Chimneys Built Concrete Work. Phone Pickering 5712 - FAIRPORT, - ONTARIO SHINNGLE S : Nova Scotie shingles Galt Galvanized Steel Shingles Bird's Felt Slate Shingles; for sale at T. PATERSON-9 - CLAREMONPT' Call and get prices. Phone 8812 _ LAW'S AND SERVICE STATION . We are prepared to do all kinds of repairing of cars, also bat• tery charging, electric welding and in tact everything in eon- nection with car work.. _ Gas, Oils, Grease mind Accessories always on hand. Taxi Service. ' .Agent for Chevrolet Cars., ` Gordon J: ''Law X mas Galore Lasit year we-had the larg Fist ' Assortment of Xmas Cards'ever shown in-Pick. ering ; this year we have much greater assortment. Nearly a hiindred designs to choose from. The latest designe at a .very moderate price ALSO, a We take orders for person- =!r al cards. Ask to Ree�oar two sample books. Your name printed on each card its low ae $1.00 per dozen. Get your cards early , while the assortment is good at Jones' Drug Stage Druggist and Chemist. Phone 6900 • Piokeriug % % to t P. F face around the eorr.er. `.!What are Ilis Tiade Bank of-mo you doing, Vira? Rehearsing a scene d Aw—t*y tiny leaf n Glenn? You're not falling for it, .,,Go" Over'Top finir are you, old dear' With three cock- Morehouse- of - flavour tails, Virzi, he would say the same things to me." Trade Throughout 'Onited President and General Managei'49. Suddenly sitting down, Rae turned Kingdom Maintains Steady view the Great Strides, Made by Ir a to her companions; "I have some Im Volume Despite, :Seasonal ...country- portint news for you. I've been hunt- ORANGE I Ing all over for you. Increase in Unemploy- The annual meeting of the Bank . at. Her voice dropped to a- "bzz-bzz- t; Iron, Steel Montreal, held at the Head Office or PE nien " ' I BLE14 bzz." Garrick and Dick strained their Ovand Coal Show the Bank, .was marked by interesting. `I was just up there.. And it ears. r t addresses by Sir. Charles Gordon,' .6 Crain r came in over Pinkey's wireless from : 634 President, and Mr. H. B., Mackenzie, I Z it said, 'Watch out for Garrick London.—Despite the seasonal in- General Manager. and Dick .•,. 1-hey got ashore . . . to crease in. unem ployment, British in- New York. • Get.. them out of the dustry enters the winter months, wfth Ili a comprehensive review of the A` its volume of production steadily main- commercial situation. In Canada, Sir Frall Im Igardens way for good." tained. From analyses made by the Charles remarked: "It should bi kept, There was a swish of somebne, pass a ing the.- door. It was Ruth. Dick Board of Trade, the British equivalent in mind that there have been five b. Sand Gari:lck were on their feet in a to the Canadian Dept. of Trade and years of almost uninterrupted expan- moment, quietly, 'down the hall after Commerce,,the following facts emerge: her, up the 'stairs to the second floor. Industrial activity In the United Mon. Ja that brief period Canada - r steps ]Kingdom in the third quarter )f 191>9 has achieved a degree of development., She turned as she heard thei was 1.4 per cent. lower . than the second quite unprecedented. Not -in one or 7 "What are you boys doing here. quarter, but about equal to the first two directions, but practically In all, i 7r . . bad idea." aim, I I -Snobpinii� agiiin 7 It's a '1101111m;110111 fin quarten It was 10 per cent. greater remarkable material progress hat I W1, n "Shaw us around, Ru'h. I'm crazy than the third quarter of 1928. occurred—in agriculture, In many in of industries compared lines APETPuz R Rt 2 V E"" about this shack." All of manufacturing. In 'mining, • with Her lightning mind seemed to tune th the third quarter of 1928 show forestry, trading, water power reduc- -CHAPTER V. Is. black, pointed mustache.. He had iiself to a fine adjustment. She open- improvement of betw--efi 9 and 1.0 per tion, and building construction. cent. been stand'il No Inflation In Basic Commodities. THE INNER CIRCLE. d 9 just at the, head of th. e!a door and admitted Them into a very n stairs. ;pink room. I T -P VoTume of produ2tion, the Boar Among the other favorable features They caught the afternoon -train for "Ah-b! It is 'Monsieur the Ad- "Wait here a minute. Does anyone lot Trade commeLts, would thus appear In jhe situation, be mentioned the' (the city. lmiral!" The Frenchman. grinned to have been more steadily maintained' kno�,, .you are - here?" fact that there Is no Inflation appar-'i It was a perfect summer evening in I pleasantly, displaying rows of splendid "No one but Georges." L`js year than last. , The output of eat In any of the great basio com- J)ane. They mounted the breakneck Iteeth. Indeed he seemed in fine trim. She went out into the hall again, coal in the 'third quarter of 1929 ex- niodities such as wheat, su&ar,.c!otton,, igJ& to the top of A bus and jolted j Before them openek. a little alcove closing same period of last year by steel, and other raw materials• ing the door softly; ceedid the 8an and swayed across to Fifth Avenue, reception room. Garrick paced on into Gr.rAck, running true to form, open- I nearly, 7,250,000 tons, the highest in- i Unfavorable features in the situa- ithen uptown in blocks of motors and it, followed b y Georges, and intro -!ed 'a cedar chest between two closet icrease recorded since 1924. Exports tion were, first, the small crop of the (taxis. Everywhere were gay crowds, duced Dick. doors. He beckoned Dick. "A radio absorbed 4,000,000 ions of the increas- I 13rairie Provinces and the slow mote• almost as if New York were itself a "You must knoW, )ilonsieur Dick, frequ-noy amplifier!" he muttered to fled output Compared with the pre-, meat of the grain toward the Lzea- ournmer reeort. who. made the old Chateau Rouge . up Dick. "All wired up. About forty vious three months' period, the present Board, and secondly the crash in the! Sauntering slowly dow.i Forty- by Tarrytown so wonderful in the old feet 0 d the picture figures show an increased output of f wire placed behind stock markets. -Xinth 'Street, they found the addiejs day. T' aI 1,000,000 tons. ('wire. The receiving outfit In a cedar '.There never was a time In the his- 'of the Inner Circle, a big Ad brown- Georges motioned them io a little chest where no one 'can see it, Iron •zind steel prf,%duction in the last tory of Canada,'; said Sir Charles, in stone house midway in the block west table, clapped his iands sharply. and Hu,,.ph!". !three months increased by nearly 171 summing up conditions, "when bus,-" of the Avenue, back of a high irons a waiter' appeared on rubber heels, j Garrick closed the chest and looked per-cent, over the same period-of 192• t iie'ss as a whole has been at a higher 4. 1ence with p.air brass knobs setting took An order an•! they settled them - ierne of the. Engineering and shipbuilding produc- k than during the year under re- -off the in N QM- keenly at the color a; peak -Now for t ystery of the ),6 per -off the sections. Heavy grilled L selves, lounge. ."Pink-Pinkey. cent. gTeatei ; non view, or when the developed soarces Me�ed doors I "was just Ition was I ripened into an English basement. dancing men," whispered Garrick to i up the, e. . . I gather that the threat I ferrous metal' production 4.J" gre.ateniof our wealth 'were more wide and, -e Two or three smart motors were Dick just as. Georges turned. There for warning ca-me over this N%Irele'ss-- Themical and allied trades increased i varied than they are to-day, and never.. 0e drawn up along the curb. was -ust a shade of contempt in Gar -!from the 'Bacchante.' It's running! 10.5 per cent. time when the earning power ofi "Recherche!" nodded Dick, hositat- risk's tone of raillery. At a glance throug1h my minim: 15-22-122 Z50 cases people was sustained In go many, in! Jr a hit. he had taken an estimate of the char -'S. S. Aroyo l CK G This iS_ �C-- MInard's Liniment for Chapped Hands (haunels of production. WA must not Garrick turned L. .at the gate and acter of the place. Do you begin to it 0 -pressed a button by the side of the For ten or fifteen minutes Garrick � Ruth opened the dour quietly. MYI- suit of a purely speculative orgy In .,TEST OF HAPPINESS jallow a temporary reactiout the re doors. "Aren't I select enough for the reminisced of the old days before and � tc:io-,;siy. She seemed to be laboring 1 the' stock markets. .unduly -to distort. -Inner Circle?" lie straightened with during the war. Gradually Dick ;under high nervous tension. She Happiness does not depend on our vie•." I he money leisure of-society or even on General Manager's Address. itrue British swank. pieced together the drama of the pre- tckoned them cut into t. hall. - Of m n or le s 1-course. 1 can't show you, around up health; It depends on our relation to The door swung open. Garrick in. sent. in reTlewing the business of the klulred 'nothing, explained nothing. It seemed that a. group of rapid j her,. - You see, these Pre the lodgings those we'love H. B. 'Mackenzie. general He Inclined I' htly toward Dick *to young people. many of them his own lof half a dozen members anti, I Bank, Mr. manager, drew attention to the fact ;precede him, they passed the Am- acquaintances, had started what they ' - believe me, they pay, That was a r Vr in love to lie abed till ten that the balance - sliest showed assets' iencanized butter, It had been a mag- called the "Fifty Club." There had flou,Le, really for ladies." Shl was And yet I must confess aggregating $965,000,000 against 3813.-1 rrificeitt get ture on Garrick's part. The bee n a split of some kind, reducing the !leading them back down the thick- My conscience sometimes chides me 000,000 a year ago, an increase of 1192.J ! 'most difficult thing had been aciaom.. stalwarts down to twenty. 'rho- twenty learpoted hall. "Theip's one thing you for 000."0. He also pointed out that de-' pushed on sheer nerve. had tried to go it alone. But it had might be interested in." She opened a My dreadful laziness. posits aggregated $772.000.000, an In-, oF wiless He might have owned the place sic; been too much for their allowances. It -i c.-wr, -and they followed her down a But still, ft Isn't really such crease of $50.000,000, despite the fact the way up the short flight of had been a bit too exclusive, :he led }Iright of stairs, then dowa another I A matter for regret, that desposits "after notice" had de- 7 statre from the former basement. Now it was really a private club run flight that led to the former basement. For.-If I weren't so lazy• thick-- creased $18,000.000, the last a rellec- "Monsiedr Georges.-as I live!" by 3 Lu!fei,>uS odors of cooking onto f. Georges who bad catered -tD the to their How urea I shwild get, tion principally of withdrawals for In- inostril-, They emerged into the kit vestment in securities. The last yer • "Garrick grasred the hand of a thick- -elite of a generat'4n,- at the Chateau set, erect, very dark Frenchman with Rouge. Most of the twenty had stuck ' h Ic en. Ruth opez,ed another door. and had been exceptional In that respect, and enough of the 9dected elect SO idiscJ9sed a -stairway and the Savings Department wonld down iwo the mitted-by card kept the inner 1-ircielcellar, in which a light was burring. probably now resume its normal going. ;She started down, and the door closed growth. The long, wide, high- ceilinged 'tpar- ibAid them. Ruth was moving to- ]or of the old house had been remodel- 'v-Rrd the - front of the building. "I Ample Ground for Confidence. led inta it dining room with a beautiful iful ; Summing up, be said, "A review of suppose you've been wonderin7." she Outside they could hear I'trade conditions in the various V dance -- floor. isa'd. "-where.the things are you asu- rD" the plaintive rhythmic notes of the lal.17 find in. A cellar." She Pa.— vlaces exhibits, upon the whole, not club's own Hawaiian orchestra of ;and open a door in the front, ther,j SCh0QL3 hAPP a banner year for Canada nor a qute irternationzi A%lation cloudless sky but sound basic cofidl- 7 three performers. !with* a twinkle added, "Th0heatin-, pened In, Toronto. a new And C, i�tghlyo modern School and 13 e(zalPPVl tions and, allowtng for a temporary As nearly as Garrick 'could make it apparatus. to teach Aviation in an its branches. out, M. Georges 'was making in e:k- Die'!!& faee fell and Ruth laugheill ,der the irAdance of ex-Imperial lull is business, ample ground for car. cellent thing out of the revolt agains, i ground and nying rnstructors. There fldence in our future growth and pros- vutright. "That was a meau one, 14 a trecneridoU demand eight -ail d reform'. I Av'stton experts, aim - perity. The chief disappointment is Diek. Disappoit.ted? I get you. Well, IeL If YOU contemplate or have plan.- the crop �n t-be Prairie Provinces, but In a lull 6f the covv'er'sation and !as I was saying, the most interesting ned Aviation as your future professlon. art' of 'a hopse nowadays is the: above the soft Hawaiian strains fl"Rt� p pt in touch With Us at once, FrT too much should not be made of one employment service while learning and lean yean! The West Is a coun4rY at ed new voices from a table outside, cellar!" graduates samisted to highly Paid P011- "Well, Glenn, here we are, alone -•- now. Day and Evening ClaW3 110W proved agricultural nothing is More e a lit- being formed. Call Lik person or write, for once.'_ She w:nked and stood befor dependable than richness and over a Dick pe ered c . autimsly out t . hrou�:h itle iron door. This must be what you INTERNATIONAL series of years seedtime and harvest." 're; and nodded I expected. Th� vault . . . onlv this is slightly-parted pr�rtie _,d,built out und6i the sidewAr. Nlow AVIATION SCHOOLS After a careful surrey of conlcsm- to' Guy. It was Vira, I •• • . •loat!, 137-143 Wellington Street West, porary- husbands, we feel that a wo- she "It does seem, good, doesn't it?" 'I She twun.- the 'door open. It was Toronto, Canada. man who shoots her husband can not ivas Raying. "No Ra,,-, no, Ruth, no i �;,,k and dank inside and cobiwilaby. i I very well plead inanity. rumpus. Let's have no worry. You've The light from Ole cellar did wt shed been looking nervous lately." (any ray into the vault.• Ruth held,the .d Vira, you're great tonight. Th't Id,,r, and smiling, gently took Dick's violet, tweed is slick. If I stole a !,,nl and guided him in, then Garrick. kiss would you register anger? i "Strike , match —if you want to see That'i the word they use; isn't it?I some good stuff! Register?" Glenn chuckled contented- 1 Duck struck a light: As he did so ly as they with thin-stemed a rush of air 'extinguished'it and back glasses. "It's mighty fine of YOU1, of them clanged the iron door. There Vira, to notice that I havep't been was a grinding of a bolt. all .I<•.)king qiiite right. I didn't think A gong began ringing stridently. It •,,,u carve any more f'Qr'me than for seemed as if the very floor on *hieh tne rest of them. . To tell the truth they stood was moving. Garrick ran 11 nni worrieii . . . . but I can't tell I his'liand up over his head. Here was Cbristmas, serve -anyone." 'This Ja heavy iron bow. The top of the U "I don't; believe* it's over 'exams. seemed to he parting iron doors on Christie's Puddings' You' don't 'seem to be carrying. your I either side. and Cakes{ Their whole - Horace or calculus around in your I "Hang it," giowled Garrick, "the some goodness will 'old. pocket. You're not in 16ve,.are you, .Ash lift!" delight, young and Glenn?" Vira gave him a look that They zteppsd off the lift. Slowly -would have thrilled the audience of the - platform began to sink and the any in(,vie palace from coast to coast. iron doors close down over the U. Gitlin reached over, took her hand, Back of them was the iron grill of the passed his foot under the table and Inner-Circle. Dick looked at the fence, -'.Aiffah/#1e �/j/�]�e ;laid if gently over her dainty pnkle, then at Guy, and laughed foolishly. t"Honest, Vira, I love you:" Then he i 1 .11 Just as the lift doors clanged shut !added fervently, "I 'want to get you I there came a voice merrily from the in my racer, soon, and we'll motor out depths: "You can't slid ies to some nice quiet spot, like Ca oe jar do,,!,, used to and I'm koing to Place (To be continued.) S tell you all about it. Wi.11 you let me - // tell you?" "Dear boy, I'm just dy'i,ng•to go on Puddings 14nat LA with you:" - �J BEAUTY CULTURE 7. "Nakii R '15-ni—orrow, Vira," enn Exclusive School, t.9 learn Beauty 'MADE B I Y THE BAKERS OF rroutidipps, one ,took her hands and toyed with the,. Culture. Refinto iLu t . - t or more subjects au Qh —easy ring finger on the left hand. terms. inspection invited. "Well, you dumbells!" laughed _, I - " C kr i*A* te 7s ������ Ran MADAME HUDSON I suddenly aillMde /M ' poking her pretty piquant . jant SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE 1. �... e..- ,.r,.�. - w . i .. �• -. . , "4 - d t-. ,. . i� _ .w . .,, ,. I N tt=. g V•C• - An Unusual Story of Recent Tidal Wave Havoc .,x , g to apt. G. �. Kerr Ihes _ .. . y „ 1. $ear Nuisance :L � . 7 y� Y R n„ s 6xY', Y: S b� x After Ilia Return Princes s r a � M ty of $2,760 Paid for ' Ban9uet _ : '- Boon _`. — _.. ._ . -_'� m — 1. o :k" r " N - a' ... , �.`u o . 1 1. Killing of 184 Bears in Hl9 .EXPLOIT ��,�}� .., � . , - ' Few •Months r 6 * . z, Death came inyidlously by asphyxia- ' s 6. ; .1. , . ; : r+zt,�. Quebec. —One hundred and eighty Lion. Sunday evening to Capt. George 4 K .. ° f�� ' ' ' kx ti. ; / -11 four bears, on which bounty o1 $2,'60 F:. Kerr, V.C., of Toronto, who for has been paid, have fallen in the pro- three years had defied with •impunity. wince of Quebec before the rifles and the bulleti, bayonets and gas of the ' traps o! farmers of this province riot• enemy and in so doing had won the !,` ins the past few months, or ever since highest honor ifl the gift of the Brl• Mt "the bounty of fifteen dollars per. bear tish crown —the Victoria Cross. , x {` f ,,.: W put into force again owing tot Capt. Kerr returned a short time s E , ;l . - damage wromght by Bruin to the ago from England after three weeks oi. + ` " 1. „sheep industry of the produce, as homage and hospitality as the guest t x' j ;3f !_ 4 ,! :well as to agriculture in generate ! of the Prince o! Wales. ? ; .,,�� '' ;t ` . The Lake St. John diatrlct leads the He was found unconscious by his i ”" '"". s , ,, �' .' r . t: away with. the largest number of bears wife, seated in the family auto in the ` r, killed while Saguenay county come garage. at the rear o! the house, 38 k ��� - �second and Charlevoix third. Fron• Cheltenham Avenue, a! about six � >: ; r�r •+�f 1 tenac and Terrebonne also Sgured o'clock on Sunday evening. Apparent- 4 • "" . -prominentlyy in the bear crop, ly he had been reading a magazine ae 3 . . •+ ' This bounty o! fifteen dollars per he ran the engine to 'warn it. up and , � , ,t � .y� :. the doors had blown shut, preventing bear was � rescinded last year, on a a Y E k ' ' f n3 11 4 ° Dye � bo " ,count of abuses which had been Fe- the escape of deadly carbot;- monoxide . *r ; � 9� �'< ` t11 � Yw d ' _ i. ��1. ported in 1927, biit was re- established Lrom th@ exhaust. . , I, ..j $ a , during August at the requeat�t the Police ' were immediately ealled. ?'r �w+ ' "• . S " :r' _ . rte 3 �o .G°5 :! ,s zS� ky f v. I When they arrived Capt. Kerr was ab '> ; �r +4rMv`uw 3 y a c �cDomaraintst from farmerse�thatothe ready, dead• He k•ad gone to the gar• s s'' . �4 � "' NOMMI flocks of sheep were. being worried age of about three o'clock to warm I. F ', , _ .... ... •'..and attacked by bears. up the car, for his wife, was to driv . lu order to prevent an abuse, how• him to the station .. to meet a' train .- • - ..esory; several new• regulations were from New York. FISHING SCHOONER PLYING A STRANGE.TRADE After three hours had passed and he S jvage is not uncommon on the sea but for a house to be rescued from the waves and brought home to safety introduced, among them being the - Lacs that the hunter had to produce had not returned to thb house, Mrs• is what happened of Burin, Newfoundland, after the coast had been dev.asted by the tidal wave. , - proof that the bear had been killed in Kerr became anxious ant went out to -„ ,. 1. • - a certain place. Another new factor the garage to investigate, Her phone • is that the municipality wherein the call brough P.C.'s Brown, 9; Stillwell, l - and stress of the work -a -day world; to .,bear is killed has to csontribute one 5$6; and Ramsay, 6'43, to the scene. I �h%1 Laffs And a late, bright flower at the Soy's � take a moment apart from current r dollar of the boanty, while the ears Attempts at resuscitation were con- piste laid, concerns and daily 'dStitc bringing . and tail of the slalu animal are to be sidered useless. 'When they had opened their tree come the Christmas p a destroyed ere the bounty is paldoit. �' Capt. Kerr was 35 years of age, HeI Joacph in his kind voice, would say, a wealth of enriching thoughts which • . surer, they presented unto Him gifts, I "Taller and taller lie grows; each mellow the mind•and nourish the soul. - I leaves his wife and two daughters, . gold and frankincense and myrrh,. I ' day, _ I Ennobling sentiment. Trinity Mary Louise, age • �4 and a half, and i n College,. daneE, age two. St. Diatthew, ; But the Mother, with shadows in her It is good to thrill to the fantastical 1 .This custom of giving love gifts at clear eyes, i Influences of Christmastide — that • Captured Four Machine Guns IChristmaa time has continued through', «p»Id whisper, "Lally -Ile grows more , ' 'pronto, Win Again The daring exploit which won Capt. out the centuries. It is a beautiful _ makes us all boys again lust for to- tY1ie' night" — childhood's laughter, happi• _ Kerr his Victoria Cross — capturing ! custom, this giving of gifts. and.draw- hers, surprises, fairy fancies, astieipa• - .. Enviable Record for This His-, single-handed four enemy machine i Ing together of our loved ones and 1 The y'earq spell by at Nazareth: ' t tions, twinkling trees and Jingling guns and 31 prisoners —was the third , friends. If you would be happy and , They seethed no more than a passing tOnC College lII Open bells, old Santy and his span of deer, Competition ( display of bravery' in less than two � enjoy this day of days, think not of; breath, - months which won him a war decara• I even unto the chimney story. yourself, but of otherK. Make an et• Till, counting her memories, one DY Inspiring youthfulness. The award of a Rhodes Scholarship ;lion, and two years previously he had ;tort to brioh•en the life o[ some - . , one, In the spirit of the season do w"e . •.tor the Province of Ontario to Air. ! won his military medal, I fortunate, and the day will bring you Mary, the Mother, wafch ?d alone. wtt+h that every wholesome and light. Charles Herbert Little, of Trinity In August, 19180 a con spicuou rife- !many happy returns. , . . ._ ._ t hearted impulse be yours this Christ- ('nhege,'has directed attention to the i play of coolness and courage won him 1 She marked the turn of the Christmas mas. And sincerely from the heart, ;srt that this is the fourth consecu. I the award of the Military Cross and a t hpnr 1 . 'Christmas Day has -come at lest, C t 'Everybody at our place extends to tiv� year in which Trinity College I similar incident less than a month «'ith a llttla cake, and a late, bright . �studeats have. bees .selected as later resulted in an extra bar being Atari I am glad 'tie here: ! everybody at your place the scuff; 1 2 ! For, don't you think, for this oue day ' flower• ( Monts of the Psalm which sings J2!tndes Soilolars. lagged to the M.C. Then, on Sept 7rj I've waited.Just a year•' Seeing.what• nc one else could see- '1'wo Rhodes ScholarshipF are came the heroic action which culmin• : Fov at her table therd still were three: - Peace be within thy walls and pros ssnarded each year !n Ontario. The -ated later in the pinning on his breast I - parity within thty palaces:" istudents of all universities the eliig ' of the little bronze with its terse . ?Qewt ysy the Iwtie of Christmas time be� � { 'ferry Christmas! happy • - _ _ _ I as candidates. During p j testimony. " , Year! , ' 'Auto Licenses li'f ' far' �_ with you, years, eight scholarships have I The official citation Is bare of de- , . - been awarded in this `'Province. Of tails, but it gives the essential points 1 .. ('� w . these no less than lour haste been I and leaves no doubt of the merits of I' The Christmas spirit once mare en • Ist us think of Christmas atilt' !n. Ontario Cheaper . , -. - ' given to Trinity' College students. I the deed or it worthiness of the covet - xelopes us In its atmosphere of peace, l terms of -love. Touch the fabric of - 'o This is a unique record for any col ed Y.C. It says: good will and attention. It draws new its mystic-story and we find ourselves - i � 1 Small Car Owners Will Pay ;legs., but especially for one as smaii i "lie displayed the most conspicuous I rtenda closer and makes ofd friends I enthralled by its sprall. And !n its t 0 • . as Trinity. There are only 190 men' bravery and leadership during the, dearer. The best thal we are and the i a•yrp and woof to woven a colorful ��• Others $� 0, FOr students registered in Trinity Coilege, Burlou Wood operations on Sept. 27, beat that we have take on new lita . Ensuing Year ' ` • - that is less than 5 per cent. of the I masterpiece —a picture too great for $ 1918, when in command of the left : and meantag. Friendship lives, I Pen a Raphael to portray with Jus- . rich students registered in the unlver- I supporting company to the attack. He Charity gives, Love forgives. And as J' Torouto.�efit o rista this month will aitms of Ontario, while 60 per cent. , rice, feel the benefit of the Ontario Govern- ( handled his company with great skill we wish for you the old wish. "A Yet it is only the simple story of , . - c'7 these scholarships have come to and gave timely support by outflank-,Merry Christmas," shall we not hope motto s $- .000,000 reduction is the I love, Deep snows and jingling sleigh- • _ _ pity. _Trt ins a machine gun which .was lmped• that our wish has caught the truest 1 motor license feeP ' The 1999 licenses 1. I _ , Ing the advance. I spirit of the season and so brings a . l bells are not typical of Christmas. and markers will be ready about De- AIr. Escort Reid, Alr. Lyndon. Smltt `Toys and tinsel but represent the camber 15, Owners of four•cylinder little more of good cheer anal happi - 1 - I Rushed Strops Point I superficial aide. Feastlas dose not be care and the lighter sixes w1I1 pay I and Mr. George S. Cartwright, elect., neFS to you ..nd to yours at this glad speak any of its holiness or its sweet- - ed Rhodes Scholars in 1926, t, and , "Later near the Arras- Cambrat road time. only $b this year-for their licenses. . the advacce was again held up by a Hess• Motorists driving cars o, from 25 192S respectively, are now studying strong point. Lieutenant Kerr, far In Lowe! 'This is Christmas! at Oxford. � They will be joined by to 35 horse -power will pay $10 for' -1 - D•tr. C. H. Little, elected !n 1929, next advance of hla. cocpany, rushed this ' . Christmas at Nazareth Something that kindles the spark their licenses' - October, Mr. Escott Reid has al- strong point single- handed and cap- within us; that peculiar flash which I Under the new system of prefacing. _ :* In the house at Nazareth, year by , makes the whole world one's kin. No, l randy a•oa the highest •honors at Oz• tared lour machine guns and 31 psis• t year, marker numbers with letters lndloat• we have never really seen Christmas. - lard and been awarded two lmporb t oasts. His valor throughout this ea- A feast was spread for the Christ- ins the car's origin, Ottawa has been _ .. : tint scholarships therc, gagement was insriring to all: child, dear; - i \S'e must feel It! - II allotted the letters A. B. and C. As is well known, the Rhodes I � There were gay little cakes by the i No license numeral will exceed the S.holar�htps are awarded, in accord - ". - • .i Mother made, I it is good to relax from the strain number 9,999. ante •.with the will of the late Ain I Bing of Empire -- ,Cecil Rhodes, to the students showing {.' . ... _'the best scholarship, along with man -' .O`�S on Increase Those Who Planned for Veterans Future This Year -- , 1 ness and qualities o1 leadership. ' _. p - -- I , EXPECTATIONS I FOOdStu#fs Demand in Bri .alp r ,,r. +�` £ W } a \ . f fi ? a. t.. Exceeds Supplies 'from Truly we expect too. much from life, 4 like the blind men Who made a long , Dominions < .' "a : } iN JournPY to go and listen to their God. , w o u o .t,; '� They =at dawn on the steps of thE'i Toronto. —So ef[ective have been �� # i I Temlik., and when anybody asked the efforts to promote buying of Em- , . x . ; them :•bat they were doing, they i pits goods- in the British Isles that >� t 21 -^ 1. . ans:we e'.1: "We ar9 waiting, and God ! now the demand for foodstuffs actual• _ - has not said a' word." But they had ' ly exceeds the supply from the Do ,' 1. not sera in the bronze gates of the I minions, said W. A. Wilson, agricul- a ° . ' temple :were closed and they did not , tural products representative for Can - i� 4:A:i; x r � ,, "* . ,know that the voice o! God filled the ;aria in Great Britain, in an Interview ;i _ . 1. +s edifice Our God never ceases to here. - a. e § <+ "° r.t'° �, °'.",,, ,� mow- I a i speak t sus, but nobody thinks of open- I Business men; importers, wholesal- S" `» In tb� 8ates.....Maeterlinck. ors and large retailers of foodstuffs in ��p , J d - Great Britain, who are desirous of do- , . `- x a ,,,; .we*•,' : _ OTHERS Ing what they can to correct the econ• n s �I i ,. omit situation in favor of the Empire, '' 1. If I ltnew you and you knew me, are 'coming to the conclusion, said :'Tie seldom we would disagree; 'Ir. Wilson, that the remedy largely �' : -" But n ^ver having yet clasped hands, I lies in the auguration of a policy of :.;< % iit ;; , BAh often fail to understand. greater production of agricultural . , That each intends to do what's right goods within the Empire. .' And treat each other "honor bright." __ e +r�a' Ho:v. little 'to complain there'd be, It I knew you and you knew me, • Women Are Persons s . London Sunday Times (Cons.) : It - 4::> TL'"' AN EPITAPH has never been very clear on what - - Wouldst thou hear what man can ,principle of justice or logic a claim .. __. say in a little? Reader stay. - that has been conceded in every other • Cnd-srneath this stone doth lie branch of activity except 't:e church - As m : h beauty as could die; is refused by the Hours. of Lords-. Now — ' • ' • ItThl, h In lite did Labour give it seems likely —or at ail events, in . CANADIAN LEGION, OFFICIALS AT THE REGINA` DOMINION CONVENTION , To more virtue than doth live. defence of their consistency and good Delegates attending third annual convention of Canadian Legion In Regina, Saakatc�T� wan, paraded to Cenotaph 6 'w It at all she bad a fault, sense, it is to be hoped —that what y in Victoria Park and placed wreath. Lett to right: A. E, Moore, Sir Percy Lake, Sir Richard Turned, Lt -Col. Leave it buried is this vault. Ottawa does today Westminster will James McAra, Sergt: Major @smea Robinson, and Col. J. L. LaFleche. — ,Epitaph by Ben Jonson.' do tomorrow. • ' ' w a t I I , - . y ,, Ka.- ..:.: ., ..... Puckris. Alt Cammack and Puckrin He is survived by •Ing-widows Mrs, bridges haul grav coos 8.4177.26: C Katharine Leary. The funeral on Stephenson, ditto 12100; Winter Bros, _ TwaMS Suinday w :t as attended by a large .ca- ' �i.7t)per year.; s1.59U paid iaadrance; Rrav for con 3 and Audley road 3U 40 ; course of sorrowing relatives and fri- J Byers, drag cons? 8 labor at Lehtna° . ,,.9*bw6ptions w the united Staten and Cis" ends. Interment pas made in Gorm- Britain$2.40 in advasee. bridals etc 27.56; F Reynolds, build col ley Markham Township: con 7 2 50; •F Wright, ditto 2.26; Wm Duvkeld, grav for con 8 12.15; J Wil- ;heir wood Srchool Report JOHM Ott IIKA1tr P1'tlrpltstor; son; cut weeds con 1 2-50; H.Orille, Y S dill « >2 50; W Linton, drag haul grav' Senior room. _ NOTES AND COMME TIL con 18.75; F Hastings, drag con 5 3 10; V- Crordon Petty, Harold Feeney. Sr. - - - F Lee, drag rep bridge con 16 40: W IV -Ray Pilkey, Arthur Petty, Ruth S Brown, ditty 2 W;. U Andrus, rep Hollinger, Earl Taylor, Lloyd Petty, This winter. into which we have bridge Ciro 1 000; A J. Taylor. drag Bertha Srmith,'James Dixon. Jr. IV- ". Jtjeten-tered, is likely to see a large cony 1.29.35; A Trimble, spread grav Hazel Petty, Fratrk Sob-ol, John Teefy smouat of suffering and rival ion drug clown ditch. drain G'wond rd drsrg Sr.111. -Mary 'MacRae, Jr. III -Ph$- x clean ditch cons 4 & 65 00: NV Stanley. llis Grew Mildred Hollinger, Alvin in the large tuw'ns on account of cut weeds r 1 10 00; I3oy i'otvell, ditto Pitkey;= Charles Calladina Peggy the business depresKloil. in Oh- 6 0.0; Jay Divine, ditto 10 25; A'4ir H v- Stone, I1;ugh. Teefy, Nlornran Petty. awn. hundted3 of tuett.` who were ley,, haul gray r 128 00, H Down, drag ',Junior roan. haul Rrav r 1 34 80; H Brudshaty, ditto Sr. II-- Clayton Grew, .Esther Bar - `employed in the General Motors at 49 SQ; F M Chapro:tn, grav for con 4 key, Bobby Torrarxe, Russell Perks, good Wages during the spring and 1'2.7 �V`H Westnev, cut a'eedo-eont ��_ ,- Jr.II- Florence Mitchell, Margaret 3.15.0, Cleo Nest, dittos 23: %V.%1 ich- 'reef Aforma- Flett; Alan Petty, smm�iev months, nocv fluid- thew- ell• 40 piles 80 W; R Rxiue, cut,wevds b�arly, Dixon, James MacRae-Sr'l ' selves out of work and all their won 51 75; A �2cUonald; t;t . n t 1 9 15; H llclutosb, dynarnite fore t I Daphne Stone; Muriel Torrance, Not- money gone. In Toronto, the 2 8t); W (!a =•ter, fill n 2 I bridge 4 2:,; it lean 'Thomas. , Primer- -James Arm C Dodge automobile works, where Atrop, ditto `3 50; K Reesor, luhor n t I strong, Margaret Somerville, Family about 600 mien were employed, bridge 10 50; R Tyudatl, ditto 14 25: J Petty, Anna T,,,efy, l.eorar•d T r4nv, was sicced cYow n pertnan utl Tyndall, ditto 142.5; M Tyndall, 'ditto. Bobby Itirrish, Kenneth Maicltue. y 17 0; J Pallister.'ditto 44, 00, Uxhridge Dunbarton Public School about. a. week ago. The satire tale to pay half on n t t steett; K B Gibson. Senior r00m- Sr.1V -` lA•r':r (;ull:ttu 89 is told in Other cities. Much of haul grav cut weeds con 3 4.50: Wui frAV- Hilton Wood 90, Edward Ite- Ellicott grav for Cori 5 till at the Men ading 82, Louie lteadirrt 1+0, JLarold this distress 'would not occur if bridge 39,05; D Steph'ens©u, fill at Glen Stroud 7.9, Charlie Nurthrott 7 ha- the workmen would exercise heidge 500; C Phitlipq, ditto 11 25; fi] C Hickey, baul grav Pickering etreete heI Mort, *Ftn� fig, Mary,,,grat;(te 65, greater thrift and teaks provision Pickering Villayre to pay 37 5(1; R Bye, Robert W arlane 64, W' Grif- for the inevitable rainy day. haul giav clean ditch Pickering Villsge fin fit, Absent, Tom Ya koff. Sr, III :luny -of these people, ivho are Pickering to pity 72 W. Thoma C,,,,v, I•%rneGt Stroud 82; Marsrtrrct Payne 79 grav,forcim 22'25; E A Calvert, grav Connie Morrison 78, Ruby Dixon 76, • r :tiow_in want, lived up ' to their fur con 3 4.73; W m Uerahka, Rrav for Marjorie 'Stephenson 72. Donald Spr ' last dollar when mousy was plenti coo 3 4:W; L Bath, instal pipe cons 1 -' - - - Jul. They did not seem to resIize and 2 5.00; Jas Dwyer, ditto 5 00. J S'A1.F_ 'REGi 37ER Sanders, clean ditch con 2 3.00; Mot 16 Saturday, De 14th -I that the day - might come when Hickey, haul grav clean ditch c,trr $ y k rnPartant cre- - would be , withou4 w'cirk.. The haul gray Cpn'2 Inc tal pipe. haul grav- -they h�>y sale Qf registered Jerseys and and also on con -1 6700: HighK•at-a t,h class grades, sheep, swine, beet rrlouey 'could buy wag bought Dept, rent of steam roller 2000: D ,N implements hay ete., at lot 21, Con for the table, ant-a4 and radios had Lockwood, dirt to till Church st 22 20; - 7 Markham. the property of Wm. J. "?to b® bought, and both these need M R Parke, nails, oil for Wv bridge Thomson. The cows, some fresh 1 80; H Pilkey, b.tt ou acct paintiag springers and heifers are of a very • !money to uraiotaiu thew. . They bridges 25 00; P Downtrod,. on account fine milking strain. Positively no • ezpect the .merchant -a to carry for work on r 1 100 00: Jno Fitzpatrick, reserve as the proprietor is giving 'tbem tbrough tintil they get em. l "bor oo Fitzpatrick bridge l0.06. Roy up farming. Sale at on? o'clock Ward. on acrount of raalHry 1541 (u) —harp. 12 months credit. Pren- - ,rploy.rreut. But merchants c•aunut The council now adj utrned to inept Lice and Prentice, auctioneers. do this for an indefinite time, and again -.nn Monday, Dec. 10:h, to pre- pare a financial statement. y';FaFs =a tilS ':A '.4 _ '}o1a. tdo1�'u.1 : for a large number of cnstotnere. _.N.. s�sH 'a' -r •auo lt; ap s •1!FQja, :11 they attempt it they will, ulti- WNITEVAtE. sou 9 'Ja1JSaa lnogltml 1(,1ipj,,no ornately be furepil iota bankruptcy, — tuS) poomzuili lnmplos ar o•,i.tling The death of Joseph Leary on the F n lV g b'- i ''Witt, so,n%ny f tciuR star vation a 6th inst, removes from this snherp `.-tua;ganu Z r»siar S yanl: *) gl!M Y% urge amount of crime. ruay be of action a man who commanded the uMgl LIOH 4010ga 9I -.41OZ 'JaG 'A8P!JJ ' Booked for. . A man w•eose fatuily respect and affection of every per- " Be on the verge of starvation w111 son in the Community'. He became Areyouusually tired andoutofsortoi g If so take Uall,aRher's Herbal Tonie . the owner of the r i id die Flouring It will m•tke ,u feel like new. Sold hesitate to commit theft, al. Mills in 1889 and resided here con - y' thong! at all other banes he Wray tenuously until 1926. when he took up by iJ `C, Jones, Pickering. _ r, residence at Richmond Hill, returning s - thoroughly honest, and w�Nb Here's Your Chance - to Whi2+twale and again Lalcirtst; over lbe.hoar3fied to think that he aright the milling property in the spring of without rink t,) treat sore throats. - =-1be guilty of such a crime. - One of -the present year. Dereased wits one croup brunchitia head colds, rat,arrh, the great failings of the present whose word was as good as his bond, tonsilitis and tonsil troubles with and in every respect was a splendid "Mrs. gyhilla Spahr I@Tnnellitis." Ab• loge iy e:travaganE'e, the.dP9ire to Christian gentleman At the time of �sofutelyguarantP «d. You ciconot lose. --keep up with the Tonsea his decease he �wss in hip 79th year Try it, .Jones' Drug Store. _,...,:t PICKERING COUNCIL w-1 d and Bridge C ummittee'v report W + e %� 500 MIS S ..concluded from Ixst week (J \ ' _. Wm Squire. baul grav con 4 29,75; d Spears. labor fill Wv hridy;e LW: B Annie, drag and, cat wends coo 5 8 M; `..Good gn'ality first and second out Alfalfa 'F. Wrleon, rep bridge and grav con U 19,W-, J Baxter. haul grav fill at Earn, fine, cured without rain, Wad bridge 17 75; S Murdock. ditto ` 18 50; J 'rudd, clean culvert w 6 1 Scar mow, - . Q 1 Ion ay half 5Uc: f3Todd, drag ditto 1 Fi5; r In tl a _ A Petty. baul grev con 28 90; J T_dd, - -clean coI� rt ron 3 2 25: G Todd. drag AlsO'IIOa' open for. amp -quantity of aWheaf, - con 37 5f}; 0 Trrn, drno cut weeds -fill '' K 0s1ta, Sarlfy or Buckwheat. k -- - at Wv bridge 23 W: E A airy, +cat, haul Cray con 36 50: J C Bryan .ditto 20 75: phone, write -Or Call, stating, what amourit " W Sadler, grav for e t 1 Wbithy to pay "half 4 50; A B Bertrand. haul grav e t you have to Offer. - - Wbitby to pay half •27,W; S Farodale drag con 7 6 ti0; T Burst, grad and fill : con 545 t10: E Bentley, ditto 1 Y5: J REESOR'S MARMILL LIMITED l Still, ditto Ifs 25; W J Bell, ditto 49 751 � A Bell, ditto 40 00. LLVVl: e, rep wash _ out con a and haul¢tHv 27 50: W. Curl- Markham Orit• Ion, ditto 28 75: A Carr uthers, rep to _ - _ f bridge con 8 11 00; also drag xnd c1PAn ditch w t 1 hark to p,4v half 7 15; C N R, grav con 3 9 00: Wm Teofy, haul ". Orev cou 3 20 00; 6 (? ate,:, shoe grav ` clean ditch con_ 3 Io 7.i; J Mainland, ditto 12 50; R Sonnet vide, ditto 33,50; A Pegg. shoe grav j,i - ^N1 pipe con 7.75; Witt Pegg, ditto 19 2:i: L Pegg. ditto 2800; G PcOg. ditto 37 75; Chas - - -- grciOsl the Vting's Vfghtvag Daily Coach. Services =71 J t - 1L .Tow �x� Display. See It -- Bear It The actual ,r == formaace of a radio is th -best basis _of selection. We will be glad to let the Kolster ...speak for itself —prove _ ks supgriority by results. Have a demotastration. ,Call on us.. WILLIAM C. MURKAR Agent ' )E'ickering - Ontario DICKERING- TORONTO = Fare 50 Cents .. Leavia'Pickering ;(Sti%pdard Time) Leave Toronto A. M. PI .W. A. M. P. M. d 7.25 355 A 7.30 3.80 d 7.56 .4 56 _ 8.39 4.30 8.55 15.55 980 5.30 9:56 8.55 : '10,50 6.30 1055 7.55 iL80 T., "'7.80 11.65 8.55 P. M. 8.80• P. 1K. 9.55 112.30 '9 80 , 12.55 10.56 , 1.80 1.55 c 11.40 :2.80. L 80 d Daily except Sunday c `Sunday only Com-h connections at Toronto for Barrie,. Orillia, �= Midland, 3chomberg, Orangeville, Hamilton, Brantford, Niaa; era Falls, Buffalo and intermedi-ate point@, Coach connections at Buffalo, for all tf, S. A. points, K�ST�TT. :� �a C oach L L :: ` ^All that you seek ines` : in Radio" l :.. ......__ ..... � .....- Mme.._ -.z. .. .._ _� -s._ _ �. _ ..... �„• ,,,- - -. ,._ . +ate _. _.,.. �sa. __.:._,.... .., ;•... ...; � ., -�.. '' <. q_ �+ agge 67, Phyllis Bird 61, Mary Me- BONDS-Boveratlttent. Municipal and Farlane 57, Auntie McDongld 44 mis- Mor age Boade. Also. Iadustrials. sed 3), Jr.II1 --Mary Reading 78, Safe Iovestments 6 to seer . Frank Straughan 69. Jimmy -Mc- cent. Donald 63, Absent, Alke Dingwall, 1N8URAN0F =A11 classee written in- Bertha Kennedy. eluding Fire, Automobile. Wind - Sr.II -Leo Usa'ty 94, Peter Crosby 92, storm. Accident and Sickness.. Frank Clark 82, Rosie '•Culetta 79, Phone or write Herbie 'Harrison 76, Paul Nicholson 4$tf ED. BOWMAN,Wbitby 62, Absent Ida Medhurst- a:- Unnstmas Specials at Riehardson's ♦:- Exeh cash purchase of $1.00 at the Grocery from now until :,Christmas eve• entitles you to it guess on how many beans Are in the best in our window. The winner will receive . the prize, a Xinay Stocking,• full a)f toys, dolls, books. _ games etc., value $10,00. SEE OUR WINDOW Xmas Cards, Seals, Buokrets, Twine etc: A splendid live of Xy1as Stationery. Fancy China' Beautiful Xruas Glifto Xtrlas Uandie4, ,Nixed Nuts, Oranges, Grapes, '.. . I+igQ, Dates, Table_ Raisins le te. " Order yon" Xmas Groceries-st _ RICHARDS09'S GROCERY Picke'ring.Hardware` St ore Bee our• extensive line of Stoves, ttanges and Heaters, if .y ou need one. What would be better than an Electric Washer for Xmas. `A free trial any time. We have all kinds of Silverware, Electric Appliances, ii -.Toasters and Irons, wagons, Sleighs, giddy Cars, Skates and Hockey Sticks, Gloves, Mitts etc, See our New Coleman Lamp —its a wonder. Our Motto : We have it, c!an get it, or it is not made. J. S. BALSDON, PIC KERIM A nOLLAR S- AVI.'D► I8 ONE EARNED. - ='This store is a regular Dollar Stretcher. Nowhere do you find seasonable bargains priced at -.inch low figures. A iarge and varied assortment of Christmas Gifts for every menrbrr• of the family. Misses' zipper Overshoes, 112, at 2.39 per pair. 7. Splendid stock .lien's and Boys' winter footwear. Hnse from 25e op. Gift'Sbirts in Apleodid range of oatterni and materials. Large stock of Gift Tiee, Hose and Handkerchiefs. Spats for Men at 1.25. Women's and Children'° Underwear, all g•aod makes to choose from. Flannelette Gowns, large and long, at 99 cents, Hnaiery of merited quality from 49 cents no A•B -C Hose for growing children -thin is a real goon line for cold days* CECIL BRADLEY p��KER�Ns SPECIAL"'PRICES --FOR TEAM HARNESS -- ` ' Hrass- mounted Team Backband Harneee, _ 2 inch layer trace with heel chains, $42.00 With 5 ring breeching. instead of, track - band, $49,00 Slack mounted Team Backhand Harness, $88.50 " •51ring Breeching •' $44.25 This is not a factory barnesq, bet cnstonl made in onr own shop at Markham. - -We`speeialie on repairs to harness and collars. IF TO D D -. flarne�, and Collar M;inufacturer ` MARKHAIZ. oWrr Home Phone 9400 Get your Xmas 'Groceries from us. Our stock is fresh. Our price@ are right. We have Miner bbers for everybody. Gireb Work Boot@ for neen.' Qarha tt's and Haugh's Overalls and Smocks. " Wool Socks and Over Socks. Get yonr" radiato r filled with Anti - Freeze and your batter? y charged for the cold weather. I Phone your order, Weldeliver..`t Phone Markham 6402, l]fl Qeneral Green River W. M. Duncan, Merchants Green F. s: .. . .. .. _.:. �. :_... r. e.. -ar" _ ...,,.,.+..,.�." '• ° 6, • o. w V. NOUNS e _� rL.ARlMONT _ a. r There will be a shooting match Notice to Creditors - p r rr - :.s in Memurial Park on. Saturday +- •' +i '�j�e1 I� ?Al�, had a business trip, Afternoon. In the Matter of the Befg6te of Jona ��� w tv t Won Monday. Mrs. W. J.- Gregg was taken to BamBe, reams D. A. and Mrs, Scott are, this the Oshawa Hospital on. wedues- than Lotion and James Lock to give service in Brougham s>e wd1. week, motoriag to Windsor. p tare of the Tow.nsy f .Picker r as in Claremont, v day lam to undergo treatment. "lug.. in the County of Qntario Service qu alas' ready, day Frank and Mrs. Allaway, of Word has just been received Geiitlemen, Deceased. O ' visited J H. and 1lra. T aal Service :, night serv3oa - - Whltbp, from Santa Class that he will be All persona having 13ea1 on Sunday. at Bertrand'@ store on Saturday estate of the said Jonat hat) Lotion, de. _ Phone' Clare. b106; Pickering 80d., Thos. Racoo has been under the neat. lies. 14th. f faro 2 to 4 p. w , tea, and the said James Loctop, d'e•. Gasoline, Oily $eiberlirur Tires.. weather for some time suffering with tt large assortment of Xwa+ ceased�wfiio died on or about the 27th. Calls by day or night promptly 261y. A. L. PILKEY. =::from ear trouble. toys e.tc. As he i� a very busy -day of November, 1928, and on the attended to, Dick Coo er was 'off dot for ldthday of November. 19229 respect• P y n�au, Iola. and girls are requested Comfortable cars. The PiCk81lIIQ several [la 's OR'in to a nail run ively. are required to file their claims . y R to be p: unapt, as he must leave at on or before the 29th day of Decernher, Prices reasonable. t `.sing into his foot, but he ia,aRai❑ 4 o'c•lock to visit other places. 1929, with W..B Lotion, or William '..V],g*1 a Committee on duty Phone 7300 Many In the village are still Lotion, Executors of Bald Estate, after y K ' -- -" - - -� ^ -- "- which the raid Executors will proceed The object of this Association to to■ ., suffering fro[n the prevalent cY,ide, MUSICAL , , to distribute the v,id )Jytnte, having • • - - lessen etealin and pr•nsACUte but there are no serious cases rvgar3 'only to such• elainls us'shali . g LAW, : :� reported. Edythe Howitt -Soden A. T. G. 'M have, been received by than. thg- felons. - Mrs. Fred Cowie, who has had a (piano, former basis) Dated at. Pickering this 'list day t T,, Uempers having property nw,«,,..�,mmnnll ' ' . Brougham Out. lAng siege OF illness, is, ice are — November, 19'20, oats immediately with Ko. inamber glsd to report, illness, i . itnprov "d W. B. Lo7r«N, n ct E=ecative eommitsas. Pupils .accepted in Piano and Theory. Executors [� 1GkHrLl.l -,, On tari() and is able to be around tie vil Regular Conservatory Course taught. h�'tt.• LorroN; I s91:OQ. la e. 119 r aced for examination in --- -- --' ---- ---- -- __... - -_- _----- - - --� .__.- Tickets emav be had from ta. Ord *%dent of ArthurNe:+l,'uf mount Forest, 'Introductory, Elementary, Primary, 1C4n�n mho has been attending the U. F Junior, ,Intermediate and the.'newly �) L ac. aeoraNr9�aB kb, t,. S. Palo. Gl. Convention. at Toronto' spent formed AAociateship. _ x ~" t1 F� V� °9Chp n the wepk•end with 'Luther and Terris, $1.00 per hour in both piano er, M' ri m n Pirk ng. l 'Mee. Ptlkey. and Theory. h istmas D. Munro, 1as, Richardson. Fred Hardy is off duty at pree- Phone Fick. 539 _$ =1? Be"' 'e C 1 1 r Specials president, ent and is confined to the hous t with symptoms of pneumonia. Notice to CreditoC3 We trust that his illness will be of — short duration. In the matter of the Estate of Samuel One Only, McClary Furnacette, reg. $85 00. This 18 extra Our Sunday Schools are how ..MleConochie,: late of the village of busy preparing for the annual ..Dunbarton in the County of Ontario Value and just when you want 1t, ChristmpLs entertainments, which Gentlemart, Deceased, at $49.95. BARR =.r the children are all looking for- ALL PERSONS having claims a- - - ward to.with pleasure. R ainst the estate of the said Samuel , • The pollee trustees hereby ref McConochie, deceased, who died on or Step Ladders ;nest the householders of the about the 8th day of May, X928, are - village to refrain from depositing required to file their claims an or be-, Z fbat ladder, well braced 2,19 ashes on the streets, as it inter- fore the 20th day of December 1929. _ Peres with the sleighing. with Ella McConochie, the executor $ of the said estate, after which this 5 c� " 1 89 /1llJYlE», Mr. Ayers, south of the village, said executor will proceed -to distrib- had alight stroke on Friday last. dQ.S`l.P' titte the said estate having regard He is able to move around the We only have a few of these which if bought - now would i only to such claims as shall have been y house, but is not improving very received- by%her• cost us twice as much. Compare these prices. a WE speak of artistic fast. We hope for his early and DATED at Dunbarton, this 16th designer that ore , templets recovery, day of November 1929. y _` dignified. not artistic Mrs. James Milne, of the went Ella McConochie, -- ' designs that would he townline, wbo has been very ill ,,,, Executor. One 9 tube Radio Freed batter less bran new, re price inRpproprlate for the e for egme Lima. died on Friday last. -' l + g P purpose 1. view, The +a aim- Her funeral took place on Sunday B U I L D E{ R s 195.00, t0 sail at 149.00. This is a cabinet inaehine one e, yet has artistry. ,when interment was made in the and ia.extra good value. atouffville cemetery. - Rt'e are now ready to - "No Greater Tribute' Dr. Tomlinson, who has been Large B batteries reg. 5.00, at 3.75. Auto Rua @. reg. 10.00, at 7.75. spending several months in the 'apply you with : lbospltalq of England and Scot Roasters edam from oa ters (all el) f 120 up. N W STAFF Dan�i, taking A special course in BRICKS, CONCRETE Kin %bi Road, , 1Paiot, at 1.00 per quart. Wt[itbp ` surgery, in expected house about BLOCKS, INTERLOCK- the 20th of this month. Frescota, entire stock going at 2 the. 29c 5 lbs. 57c. Phone Whitby Walter Syme@ has -,been ship' UNG PIPE, DRAIN TILE, tl8 r ga ping this week a large quantity of :Large Sinks, 20 :32, roil rim, for one week, tarolos tethe L'oited States and t3 ND Ah'D GRAVEL. <. very special at 11.95. -many farmers have been drawing them to the station. The -price ,Perry Cement Charles Cooker, - Claremont - paid is 26 cents per bushel. :' JProducts CO+ _ - Mrn. G. M. Forsyth. who has V �` �r I' been very !1l for several weeks, Maple Le Mutual �G bas been able to leave het' bed for y but i9 still 371 Bay St., Toronto - Inatrance r!� a short time each day, E. B E RT R A N Q `d c very weak. We hope that the PLAN T -1 mile north of Ohesp rates for farm and country 411, improvement mqy continue. Highland Creek. • Mrs. Pry, of Hamilton. sister of _- _._ . _-- - e Win -.-,...GREAT General Nrerchant, bu ! nge dstorm Insurance on buf Wlags Miss Sfe Miller of this village, - _ wind-mills. Silos eta. died on 9atard�y •Her funeral C L A 1 E 11'1 �'lr T, +� O N l Automobile Insurance _ 'took place on Monday and among r of all kinds. those who attended were W. G. '19coct, Robert Scott and Hiss Reductions' (Successoi to D. A. Scott) B ll?'AReta FOR SAL Miller: WrO or phone Sleuthing is excellent and sleighs _ 1f if loll A ��TT cutters are now . numerous Here is a Real © Ortutlit .. E D. 1Z -on the roads. Automobiles are pp Fresh Mince Sheet. per lb. -.. loc - - also quite numerous, but the .--' : t0 st98 $8 'MaraaehinoCherrie @, per lb. ..: .., 20c ,� � - WHITBY, UNT.... ..New Pates, 2 Ibis. .. 25c _. . roads are not in . good condition ' Sparteh Onions, 3 lbs. 25c ti Men's Knee Rubber Boots, + for motoring, especially in passing al'mei$, i+�r �n one soother, regular 4 50, for ... -8,50 Domestic Unions, B Ibs... ... 26c Master Charlie Turner, son pf Men's Lilebnoy Rubbers, Shelled Walnuts. per ]h. 50c I have secured the agency t+ir the Frost .. .. Gieorge and Mrs. Turner, and who 7 eyelet, reg 3 60 for... 75 - Mize) Peel r Ib. .. .. 25c ` , pe ac Wood and Ouckehutt Farm Implew ` is about eight sate of age, was Meo'q 15 in. Leather•tvpR, me ts. and will keep constantly po y regular 600, fir 5.25 CC L hand repairs for these popular taken to the Sick' Children's Hoe- Men's All -wool Windbreaker@ ,ee 011r �1$p�L1y of Fancy implements, , . pital. Toronto. on Saturday, auf d s barn faring from tonsilitis and pn�n• regnlitr 3.50. for 2 4 Also, Loudon 's barn and at mooia and also head trouble. The Boy@' All -wool Windbreakers •Dlsheti aind Notions fittings. regular 260, for 1,95 n I•wit} also take contracts for painting boy has been under the weather dies' All wool white sweat- for Ch�istmtlS. baron and houses by a new for several weeks. We hope that er Coats and •Pullovers, treatment he is receiving will - a t e , process, by tipraying. regular 5.00, for .,. :33.50 - ' '- • ' :- H t'mates cheerfully glv n ".result In his ultimate recovery. ��' All -wool Pullovers, Every week brings us mere satisfied cnetomere e 1 Phon 820 The Claremont Boy Scouts went regular 200, for 11.25 27-62 : to Brougham on Thursday, Dec. for our Special Order Clothing. Each'suitand - 5th, where a very successful joint Men's All -wool Flannel R. J• -Maffih C13rem0ni - meeting was held. under the Shirts, regular 2.00, for 1.35 overcoat tailored to your individual measure. Men's Pepper and Salt Shirts, A large varier of cloths and styles charge of Secretary Edgar Jones 9 y '� teen River regular 1.95, for .96 -tend Assistant Scout Master Lemon Men's Military Leggings. ` to choose from. One price, x24.00. : of Toronts. During the nieetinR 's M l Military ,for 2.56 �n inrveatitnre was held when the _ _ Basket Factory .1 leaders of the Brougham. and f C. A, Overl au d � " Manager Manufsctureira of FING0LD S .,Claremont troops and also four All kind&of Fruit •Baskets, BerrF .boys of each troop were invested LOWER PRICE STORE --- --- _- - -- with the Scout badges• and they Orates, Farmerq, Bushel are now Tenderfoot Scouts, The Phone 3801 Baskets, Clothes Baskets. -� Claremont troop wii+he@ to pi[btie• OLAREbSONT, - ONT. - ly thank Luther Pilkey for donat- _._ ._ _ Frank peCIIlOCkf :_ --ing the large roont over.the gartige BRING IT HERE ' Proprietor for the time of the bays. Bu3 gi on Lill.' -Maker of the well known Hubert Yeateq, who has been a Now is the time to get a new'apt of I B4rnes' Baskets. -resident of Claremont for about Harness, or get the old set repaired. - a '.three years, died on Sunday worn. I have in stock samples of Samuel Phone Markh 'm 9400 ing at his home here at the age of Trees and Jeffrey's harness. The Installment Plan '27 years, after several years euf former may he ordered through cats- EATTY faring from that dread disease, logos at prices quoted. 1 _ ; Catalogue free. S " tuberculosis, He was a man who PIIRuHASING commodities by paying a dollar did not allow himself to become' 1 also carry collars, colter pads, sweat - tr „ STANDS FOR THE BEST pads, harness -oil by hulk, harness down anti a dollar a week has grown into diacoarAged, but kept tip and At dressing, Also silver polish] great popularity. Often the object purchased is _ work. He was An expert designer an,; other parts. ,* worn out before it is paid for, and the purchaser and lifter coming to Claremont Repairs u promptly done. eoutineq to pay- Bay yourself a fortune on the i1 was employed in H. Gi,, McIntyre '@ L. W. P}tKFY, - CLARFMONT � tACtory, but about a year age he L _ installment plan by placing regular installments ." bad to give up active work and p _ - of your earnings in a Canadian Bank of Commerce �+ @lase the has been rapidly declin- H s R • Gallaugher •T i His hod was taken to To BAvinga acconnt. The money is always available r i g y for use if required And tliere is no depreciation,, ironto on Sunday to the undeetak er$lII Merchant g per's parlors, and his funeral took T02'011t0 but accruing interest as time goes on. , pplace .on Tnesdrty afternoon to Monnt Plea-cxnt cemetery. A Is in the market to pnrebaee Hay, J� /� j��j� number of friends from Clare- Straw, Grain and Potatoes.. ;� 1ti22 ♦ Bl'llpldl moot. inrinding ell the ste,ff Litter Carriers, Say Carriers of bit. b1t Intyre'. factory, r+ttrnd- ..For gnotatione apply " 2 Purnp., Door Tracks. Cow Feaft ed the funeral, they @bowing their ..OF COMME `CE a Boa'1 °• Pressure Sy9tFmq Etr. regard fur one alto was held in �' y�' _ S CN _ It will pay !yon to get my prices on R. R. Nn. 1, un .,,,r °his e.�arya.naree shove hefore buying else�chere. high ".teem by All who Knew him. �'j'Hv `.ANDARD BANK of CANADA He is snrvi_ve.0 by hiq widow who Phone Pickering }i12 1 I FRANK V PROII4Fyi' ' has the hearttelt sympitby of the — - . whole community. il5tf RefarencP Rank of Montreal �.. ..,.., .._ �.._. �._ �.... ....____.��..-- •- ----- ..'� -' -' P,(' ?:r : : :!�,r�, u�t1'1RI4 a _ . ., • "n_,. -.. _. ._.'. e. Vii'- r.�t'•_ ...'C :v •,:. .. ". -:.. ....u4 -. .. ati.. �_�*+C°_ _.. .- . :,u r..� •ae.' .. -..... .. -. .... _.. ,... ..._ �- ...,.Y:`,.�"u:..5: -s. - •`' ri: 7 r o L 1 7 ? 7. -7 lump 7 enge o'd P 'o ucers ana, ian .Fo REAT BRITAIN wants more Canadian foodstuffs-. Not yet is there among 'our producers ad adequate ization of the opportunities for increased production n in trade m some - real T %die Commissioners The plakn fact is that the increase Gof our food exports to the old country is not keeping which present conditions in the.British markets afford. Offices - in pace with the growth of demand. If you are a producertor dealer in foodstuffs, you can Great - Britain e �Britain's markets are�wide open to Canada. Becaus assist to your own profit in gaining a larger share of this of the exhibitions of Canadian products, the activity of our mark�t. Almost evtry comniunity in this country stands LONDON� Haffison Watson. Canadian Trade Commissioners, and -the effects of our advertising, to benefit. The result can- be attained by:: Building. Trafalgar Square. 4 1, Lmdon, England. the British consumer is more familiar with these products than ever before, and consecfuently'more inclined to buy. 1. Producing piore of the kind of products the J. Forsyth Smith. Fruit Trade Commissioner. Walter Aouse. Good will in Great Britain towards Canadian products British consumer wants. Bedfacd Street. Strand. W-C.2� - % . never has been at a higher point than now. All the facilides London, England. 2. Keeping up a constant supply. products from Canada to LIVERPOOL: of transportation for all clatses of .3. Maintaining quality standards. Harry A. Scott. Trade Com- 7breat Britain have been provided. roismoner. Century Buildings, 1 NcIrt e Canadians ov rlook or neglect the oppor Through its Commercial Intelligence Service, this'- Joiji Street, Liver. -Shall w . e pool. FAWand. tunities for increased -export trade which are thus laid Department will render valuable assistance to any exporter. BRISTOL- before us? Our Trade Commissioners' Offices in Britain are especially ZkxWqx S. Cole, Sun Building. ell-equipped and strategically placed to handle any export Clare Street Snatol. F-tigland. Just because domestic markets are good, shall we as w i GLASGQW�. producers be so short sighted as to fail to satisfy so large a problem on behalf of Canadian exporters. Enquiries re- 45ordon B. Johnson. 200 St. market which is more favourably inclined towards our pro- gardinlrBritish Trade rei:ei-Ve prompt attention. Write to V.incent Street. Glasgow. Scat- -land. iducts than -ever before? the Commercial Intelligence Service, Ottawa. O-F TRA AN soTHE DEPARTMENT: DE COMMERCE F 'OTTAWA RON. JAMES MALCOLM, C. T. 01HARA, Deputy Minister Irv" "Where does My-ra live?" question- C#2ed� at. the helpleps figure on itke light crept tip the great walis of the I ne Road to Home c I hospttal, he ralsed hims6lf in the bed,i Journals Alarmed ed the nurse. bed. t.iey could not restfain tho1r, �Barning — building-' children's tears. and. gave a glad cry. "Tell them their jApa-14, going -oad—the-roail—" he -cried. 1AtInsect Invasions _lCopyright-1929, by Robert Henry Todd mother.' The i The man lay on the -white cot- in the Very. very slowely the words came, o-n a—long—journey." 0 "The shiniag, silvery—road, and—the; lhogpltal. his head swathed in hand- For a moment the nurse glanced -at -Graut GraM, - the woman sobbed; end—af the—road—is—homr.". . Redoubled Wa, fare on f rt'llt him . uncomprehe-ndingly., then the "don't talk like that." fie fell back on the beJ, a cunvulsive szeA. and his e3res staring vacantly at I . Fly Held Necessary. ------ -the ceiling. Only it few hours pre- light of understanding broke-, upon Wei. - -:'And—wants them — to bel good shudder passed through his body. find --hai retitpu- Both "Nature" (England) a9d "In- 'triously they had brought -him 4a. and "I will send for Nlyra," %be said and rhfldren,".he continued. the 'AouI of the Nvantlerei tb said there 'was no she hurriel away. Papa wants. you 'to' be good child- I Ptl to- Ug CreatuY, dustrial and Engineering Chemistri-". hop?.. doctor had About an hour later the nurse re- ren," the woman cried. sti )klng -the have recently expressed alarni over.the Not S� Easy increased difficulty of insect control 'A very brave deed," the little, bald- turned., and ja matr9nly Noman-follow- -kead..of !,he younrest child. "The recent invasion* of one. rw?rc.� in- -n' had mat ai' ed- her down the aisle "to the bed oe- ',*Me always good," the little one -N,�,ti-al Advcrti,�.Cr' Some P—Ple have pared medical qp -tered, a pat aent !sect, the,. Mediterranean fruit fl�. be dressed the injured man's head; cupled by Grant Richards, whispered. hetic. falth7n the: Governn a rery brave deed, to be sure.: but Y, She bent ove - the sic)c, man. "ll have 1 , -."Yes,,t'0ar," tire mother said 1,:�. touch which they seem to (aney can serves again to call our attention to -fear the man will die." And then, brought Myra;" she . said. ing ',er. 'You are afl I good transtnute life's Aeaden metal 'into, the n.ever-ceasing warfare between with it alib, for'eveiii a busy medical "Go away," ifie man "Me wan-ts to- ki,�s pape' 'the chil(i gold. Among these fond creatures we man and these tiny competitors. We said, peevish confess that 1h,.re is almost enough in practitioner has some sentiment In I)r "I—wan-t—to - speak—to Myra." said, clutehijig the bed clothes. and! may count the Women ..wh,o voted at 1L.14 make-up, he bad hastened away'to Smiling, the ntirse bowed her head,. trying vainly.to.cUrntr up. the National Congress in favor of ask. the sitbalion to inake us -penin�sttr," and left them. other too' the child in her ing General' Hertzog's Ministry "Nature" is ..attend some other patient who was In to says the latter journal. ernee chiefly with the spread of need of -his -care, "'Oh, Grant," tire woman sobbed, 'a2se,.L ' eld her over the Sick mart rompi lel� forth With. a national anthem'cone -the bulTalo fly in Australia. fhis-iri' "Grant Richards, address not know In, sinking on-her- knees. ity his side_ and so thaLlu.r.tiny moist lips might presg to ".Please both the English and the sact was brought in from Java. Con. burns' and severe injuries to the kissing him. against hi., Then' the other children Afrikanns speaking section of the na-. -ditions there make the insect 4ess ck- -�hesd" is the way the newcomer was "Myra— forgi v e," he whispered, and kl."ed him.. tiou." "Not io. ipasy. not co casy." as strue+ive than in Australia, where the me," John Mur��y used to say uf wrihn.- -Inseribed-on 04 hospital- records; - but his eyes were-ful4 -of pleadinig,- -Fapa, been 'way a long, Nug d i plan of cattle faising - the cattle be?ng .4'Graut Richards, Heroic Life-Saver," "I do forgive you, Grant, I do," she the smallest shild Itspdc. Irounded up but ondoin a year, or even is the title the newspapers bestowed cried tenderly ptitting her arms about "Yeg. dear, a very jong time, but he 14 ears makes its co'nttol' next to ,.upon him. -him.. is comin� home again." na ont. "Dridget, Avby the are you swveping There had been a big conflagration! "I—couldiPt —help— It=?" Very -Th-� injured man sth!re.d. un(asilY. living did -roomi a ,Pcond time? You tenement house,,and the la. iL Injured slowly' 'the words es6aped* frDm his 1 "Pape—is—coming iome—lipme The woman an(l her children ch"19 i man, who appeared to be a sailor, bad lips, and be 'coke(] at t -be woman with hotne—.". Lovingly lie lin gered on face. dashed In, and saved the; lives of three his heart in his eyes. the words. staMing by his bedside ttrouglrt she small children, who were given up tor .-"The 1(1—longing;. the linging to 'Grant.'-'the. woman crie is-deepene'd and strengthened. To a lost. -As - he was*- bhijgj�ag the last wander—the: call. of- --Ahe—road—. worse. I will call the docior. cjlall(.e to do it at all.,, child out of the burning building he,,caine back,�and—1 couldn'l—res1st" ",\o,—d,,a r: I'm noI—worse'. Yin— boherebtly. "The ;'Iliad stumbled over 'socue obstacle, and Poor Grant,"�she' whispered. and , i'm coming—l' -better, lonle. you saved the children Grant." 'fell to the floor on his face, whe . He smiled. "Nio It —poor," he said. voice tralled off In t7 whispe!.,, and 7Tbe.manla lips moved once more, -Jay stuunaq.' Fortunately he UiiclL% Will—is--dead."" 'she llnalyl� dieA in his - throat'.' Tiji wife, rooted tradition, an ECititude W*ards near the doorway, fir *the 'ciilld* re- "Your u`ncle (ltead�' exclaimed. b;coming frigiiletie(i, iiurried away for Are flekle, my boy; leased herself from his grasp, and 9" "Why, when dld'he- die. the doctor. so long, and,71'm scampered to safety, Then, a lireman "List—monib. You- and the—kid- WIfen' -be 1 came tip lie' MtTe man- 'tbe—children-T' -Alad discbTered him, -and c1raiged him. dies—are—rich." felt the injure& man's pulse. 'Ind I "Want�Myra," he-mattered, impesMble. "The raising-of fat cattle .for s'aughter is rendered almost irn. osssi�le at certain seasons, and, indeed, it seems possible that this pest may prove to L-e a -nnairi. 1` miting f actar. in beef 'production in th5 northern nreas,, of the commonwealth. In view of-the world position in the beef industry, We situation' is disquieting from.an empire. point of view," says "Nature." i Changing China' Dx. Henry -Hodgkir.s ia. the Inter*- f: 1 T) ; f 1614 --se ",er- is out of the building, and he was sent "Oh,'Grant," she "I don't- gravely shook lils-head. He i� -going! na ont. "Dridget, Avby the are you swveping 'to. the hospital. want the rich:es; I want you.".. . .. *fast," be said. living did -roomi a ,Pcond time? You an increasing convictioi. amnn thouOtful Cb"ln--,e 'hat the problems He had not stirred since he was A smile of joy flitted across his The woman an(l her children ch"19 i li gn bour ago." :confrontifil- their countf; can only be brought In, but now, a nurse who was face. about --the hed', --witching the (lying Yes, nium, btit you see to-niorrow solved as-the moral I:fe of the people staMing by his bedside ttrouglrt she - "l-wascoming--home," he said. man fight for his lite.. Aud now be is my (lay-off, am' f�won!t� I;ave;a is-deepene'd and strengthened. To a saw his' lips move. th "Hunted you—up;—saw ' e -fl became dMirlotm, and lie nnitter*ed in* cjlall(.e to do it at all.,, large extent the old Confucian system "What Is it?"%he asked, heading "Yes, yes," she lntezrupte�7 a�nd boherebtly. "The A Warning has lost its former po-wer. Its moral him. you saved the children Grant." road—the road," he gasped. 'Ofi sanctions-are t,, be found in a deep- 7Tbe.manla lips moved once more, "Yes.' He lay,for a few. moments !'I'm lost—on�t he road. God! it's Courtships of all ships rooted tradition, an ECititude W*ards "Myra," he whispered. Smiling at the ceiling "Srived—tbe— dark—and-I'm—lost. The roarl-19— Are flekle, my boy; the venerable past Nyhich is rapidly F "Myra." the nurse repeated, eaier- childrea." he repeated, "Where are— so long, and,71'm It may be a derelict `s�6rf yielding befote the forward -looking 'tbe—children-T' -He baunled of meadows and brooks 'tides R n -of io�� Or tra spirit of today. "Want�Myra," he-mattered, "They're in the next room." I ` of trees Rnd flowers, of and oi SIM3rra will coma" the nurse pro- - "Let—me---tee —them," he be-9ged`;:] ships; but through ft sit there waiIs If the maid In the case wised. The woman beckoned to the nUrse. I the call. the call of the dusty, winding Loves a pet dog, b.ewai,e!! A diamond of Lhe first wAter, we "Want—Myra"-Uow," the man de- and, after a short c-)nsultattbn, therl road For your courtship will turn---:... presume, Is one that has a fu 11 iom.- children were, brought in. As they, As the sun went down, and the t.wi- To a bark of. despqir. plement of facets. �w.. 4...w•.�.•� "•. x, ;*'t i^ ..•gyp" • n .. t; _ . , ,.. _ 77 '# • -, ' ¢, 757 ', -. 7 ol -\ . , .•� _ .. '. '"` .. , try •• 2.,. s ...a. - e A'dv is could gay "Jack Robinson:' And new gospitai for Sick. C l drea _Dept. of Heath - they bigad conversing, watching with tli'i'tQ�tttl0if! Pa04>RT / t pleased- Laces, the' many- happy- re, "One man's food is another man's 1t r ORB MZN WANTND QUILCe unions of mothers and sons, brothers 67 COLLEGfE QT.. TORONTO 2 poison" is a saying which has Come M • pay easy work. laara while' I egd sisters, and husbands and wives. I December, 1939. ing barber crude undsaf Lemons Egos d they stand there, a voice behind Dear hire -Editor. down to us through the ages; in- our ,merican plan; world's -most r As day people are not content with 9' barber school systwh Write er ' -them is raised in anger, a-ad the -teice your newspaper goes to a lot of immediately for fr" cataiogue, 2l! seems familiar to Sister Aagela.I good-hearted people who will be very food supply whlch�is simply not harm- Barber' College. Itl Queen Westi Toros i ®e j Clutching her brother's arm, she .turns pleased- to learn . that the new country fuf, but insist on one that'is healthful - y branch of the Hospital -€ar -- Sick "Chii - as we as'sate. A Snow, Hymn - • and looks at the speaker. He i- a died, established last year a few r r What Does the Farmer Eat? 'I know not how it b1G�e and sifts .• _ + handsome, broad- shouldered youpg•[e1- miles away from the mala hospital in _. low —a returned soldier. -'A stylishly 'Toronto. is producing results even The .farmer eats more than re= In winds it always and roar; dressed youtrg woman presumably greater than its most ardent support- quires of certain ,foods (meat, sugar I only know it eIwaya thrifts :. his wife —!s pressing him •to do some- ers •anticipated when tha ambitious and starches) and be eats too little The deepest'at my door. , _ thing, and-he is protesting. ,- .project was mooted. So pleasg pub- of certain oiber foods hecesaary for d ' O Sister Angela presses her brother's lisp this letter as a piece of a:ooll news th equire ents.. milk, fruit you 0 for all friends of the poor little "Sick his. oral r m ( "What -are kin arouhd tq arm. Answering the pressure, the big _ and vegetables.. This is dot a wild the gutter fo1'? ". u "I '. card there a .lot of money dropped An fetl9w looks at her, and following the ' guess' on the part of some food fad- APPETITE POQR Thousands nt small sufferers from • direction of her eyes he sees the I all Parts of. Ontario, come to the Hos , list, but it the. true picture of the S treat young soldier and his companion. He pital In the course of a year. actual..food habits of farmers in a P�•°+pS by at gives a violent start, and his hands? Geriff91ty of friends throughout county, studied over a period of years. odor means, you have clinch. the Province has made possible the At the time the study was begun it We Pay the Highest Prices •ior been treating the syonptoou, sister Angela 'again touches her : marvellous expansion which has now was found that in many homes •in the DRESSED POULTRY rather than the reuse. Loss brother's arm. "Let us go," she says, j earned for Ontario the credit of have county, although the table was set of ippedw, heartburn, sour and she is. looking. very pale. 1 �nq the finest ones. where! every known three, a day, the food �Cae often Write for quota tons -For a 'moment Tom Stands glaring or lit tie the same old bill of-fare—fried meat, The Harris Abatta Co. Ltd. stomach, are symptoms that child distinction is treated and there is � �� � impure. �y at the other soldier end his tom- no il[stirictton !n regard to race or fried potatoes, .bread, cake and pie St. Lawrence Market, Toronto 2 _. szplaim the successful nN d panioa, but finally he walks' away with creed, and coffee. From their own state- �. Williams, Pink P!W his - sister. 1 }'hen they reach " the ; - For the information of your readers I ments many of the residents were --- street, she speaks again: it might be stated, as_ a matter of going along from day to day, not sick, A, T E' T'.3� an OU& case°' Hone s a "So he isn't dead, after all" she, great public interest, that in the year but feeling below par: headache was teal example: ��. i 1913 the. Hospital for Sick Children common, constipation was reported Ltst of "wanted Inveations'A « sa�.1o,' he answers a3lwarp]y:' "I recorded 70,153 p &t tent days- In 1923 by a great number and indigestion and Full Information Rent Ereo I began to feel assay the total wag 92,401 and in 1928 it on. Request. find," writes Miss Margaret guess it was her doing." i was 93,901. But in 1929, the business was i. cause of •annoyance to many of Tgy 2AUSAT Co., Dept. W. ., "But why- should she want to de- Year ending September 30th, the total the farmers and their wives. 273 8anit tit.. Ottawa, Ant. White, of Parry Sound, and tsf�m I sat down to a mash I ceive e. i had increased to the impressive one I Body Food Needs fek I did not want to eat. A 'She. wanted him for herself; I of 121,417. :flan needs food to supply the body This remarkable growth naturally I I{•hy tolerate ilPitisplCs doctor told me I was anaeo fie guess." ' I carries with it correspoudingiy large i (1) with energy to work, (2) with ma- I alackhesds wed Dandrulrt , "I wonder it he Is happy with her.' additiorra! expenses and as there is a' feria! to repair worn -out tissues in the 1 but I seeds lima progress, ��� ;'ell it' doesn't look ihat tray to cutieura Q�� loss everyday on the d a of ere is n- othhr person and to produce new tis- a°�4*' �° I me. Why, she was actually quarreling , a.ace of practically every little patlent, sue in the young, growing child. started taking Dr. Wilda°"' with hiiW before he was home two; the deficit to be taken care of by big To meet these needs, man should and (ew? "a 1PR ®tlit113lCillt Pink Pi soon noticed dim minutes," hearted friends of the grand cause 'm ae °°a four � ,. •�te.n� eat every day the foods wb1Cb will pe,•rr• ron..ry .ad my appetite war improving, "And she deceived him'" l runs into as enormous total. Please I result in this service to his body• Ia that the headadks causeless "Of course she did. First of all, she ask your readers to lend a hand. other words he should include . ins his fngttmely and dui I was not told you he 'was dead: Showed you j Who is there more entitled to a I 1 �tr"ea share of the Christmas bounty than i daily intake foods from each of the ! �� 00 shy tdrwL Flow - � the paper with the notice !n !t. B ?' � the "Sick Kids "? This year there are � following classes: i vmgk hsa iaca wsed, the way, her uncle owned that paper. ,many claims upon benevolent citizens, 1 (1) Meat, eggs, fish, cboese —about BUDIjo( coccus are �! and every Then, _ when you too1F the Yell, she I but none stronger than that of the 110% of the fuel to supply this energy " she and t?a+n ]W vasaa- probably wrote to him. Sympathized large number of affilcted children whoi or trsrcu i g should come from this class, which is o.weh- aesatsr with him. and all that, and the result j can be t eatored to the ' beneflr of ! called the proteins or tissue builders. ! t►t hasravas.. QZL was he married her. 1 only wish --" i the whole community. i2) Bread, cereals, potatoes and $2 25 au prr"kh e"er,etne trlen w n11ml _. Start tteday to iaa and the big fellow looked posltirely' Faithfully yours, ' other starchy vegetables, cakes and A. O. LEONARD, ine. pWW I iRVING E. ROBERTSON, 1 other street desserts: this is the to a�tne Ave.. rises Teri( tits f+m appsaits. IIo! l�r- Wii- murderotas, h _ dsoL'stes or i., sssal, post• Once more Sister ! d, T " she) Komi Ptak PWs from yew Chairman of Appeal 'Committee, ; ;sugar. aaf starch class and should _ his arm. "Never min om,' she)' I' �J a" . sopply about 60p7,o of the fuel to sup- l,f__� pad. m o caned s boat po . said, and ob, the sadness Imber voice 1 Woman m 8 _1ply the day's energy. Ate no doubt it is for the vest." 1 (3), Butter, cream and fat from�� I%@ M. W il"s— Medicine �., Dsocitvitb, Tom stopped and regarded her. 1 Dies From Caneer masts—the anima?' fat class — should for ftw `ooti�ta'rpt "Yes, my sinter," he said; "no'boubt it i ;supply about 30% of the day's fuel ! �e1 Is for the best" and there in the' •+.- _ in >B.e .� H,,, to filar". While Male Mortality One- In i supply. street with tears in hl. eyes, be ; y Protective foods" are milk and the �s its stooped and kissed her: I Says Canadian leafy vegetables. These must •fie t D - -.- # i � RadiOlo &i3t c-luded !n every day's intake to make.; on Coughs a Colds Britain and the U.S.A. " Toronto.—Out of every eight Cana• I np for the lack of Certain essentials Spectator (Lon ion) : great Britain in cereals tubers, roots and meets. ` A .peed ?• spry proven reamedy j ran and American women, one dies Growth elements are known as for chidren and aduhh. • I and America, having now no fear or; of cancer, according to Dr. Gordon E. •'"` }jealousy of each other, euuld arrange vitamins and !t is absolutelq caeca- Duc 11 a permanent ace tomorrow. But Richards, Toronto, chairman of the tlai that these be supplied in the L day's tax r'�i�tt Pe !1e I convention of the Radiological Society (fond supply: their common source 1a A[ht�keaF4aaA- /s�uts�aaoa <r Jly other relations have o be brought in. of North America, held ,here recently. The Latin nations a'al need 'a great i milk, fruit, and vegetables. i -- - herds la direct of du De- i •oa deal of persnabion. They will raisey pa meut of Radiology the Unl- r Constitutional objections. The one; p I Belgian Roads Cut Potato AITHMA • clear thing is that the United State, versktY of .Toronto. Dideffl I gmaS� ` ` Conditions,. however, are steadily l Ratter p K PILLS f and Great Britain in combination have improving. Brustxela. —To facilitate export of CDZC= >aBL»s ,u•s sea ' ± P+ �•J- a fair hope of llringi-tR the other no -1 sar.in tr -.:u4n use of Dr. J H. ouild'a "A mous9mot.o "Aa1� `lions into line and that there is nu t?vep within the Oa' Ave years, the exceptionally heavy Belgian potato UrcKn Nlaunt.in Asth.aa ComtwLnd. - in ,A Coun"taw, Improvements in merliods of treat, i harvest, railroads have reduced their its ple5L smoke savor soothes and lather 110pe. _Y went have increased the number of ` caiid•ea. Originated a 1rat by Dr. f freight rates 25 per cent. As all of ,;dud specrelle in rtarrh -t. -y daa- * *T A �L'i11Y cures of cancer In x. itn very great- continental Europe has a big potato I e Also reneiew catarrh Standard' L►.7 THE�ri KL ly," he saAd, "and cures of throat and (cr most of the Belgian sup lug will re't'oay at druggists: 06 cenn+. eo _ lister Angela au a as + ++++�"a E �' P cents and $l 60. owder c,gsretta myttth cancer pace increased by go overseas. corm. send for lases TfIAS. •>hck- YU[�R ilto�(�, twenty -Ave per cent. during that 4 age vet t riRaaas. d, Dept. a eta_ 1, n ;T3 ' Minard's Lin ment for Coughs. 2 bSt; Paal�st- WesttYosttr" Caps. Copyright 199, by Robert Henry Todd a ; veriod." Stater Angels is a cheerful, content Dr. Joseph Cott Btoodgood,'of Johns - 4pggN MOUNTA11111 ed looking person. As she walks up Is there a baby or, young children I Hopkins University. and one o[ the I Smith — "Einstein, the rich pawn ®p•Guii(�SASTIIMACIaMppuNtl Third Avenue this bright July "morn- In your. boats.? ]f there Is S'ou should ;most renowned cancer specialists' •tu i broker, died and left the business to _ - the world -who also attended the con- his wife:" Jones —"Poor load widow," t .- ,jng, quite .a number of the men and not be witout a box of Baby's Own - women —yes, and •children, too —bur- � s ~cation— stated in a recent -Interview Tablets. Childhood ailments come; that public education is today the Tying to work, touch their caps, or, quickly and means shoitld always bei - nod, as they pass. - �at hand to promptly fight 'them. greatest weapon in the fight against• It was late the night before, that this disease. Baby's Own Tablets are the Ideal � - i -`'k' � �'*•. Stater Angela receRed a telegram! home remedy: .. They regulate the he 1 - - 'Britain's New Forests ��-y' i - from •her,brother Tom, stating that bowels: sweeten the tomach; banish I would a-hive at the Grand Central Sta -1 constipation and indigestion; break Great Britain is once more becoming j tlon at eight o'cloek the following �, up colds slid simple fei-ers —iii 'fact a- toantry of -forests. The Forestry mprning; an] now she Is going to they relieve all, Ills minor ills of little Commission has planted 275,813 acres fir- it meet, him. Tom had enlisted, and { ones. Concerning them Mrs. Atoise ; of �y ands between 1920 and served his time in the Phillipines Cabott% Makamik, Que., writes:—! and 17,237 'acres were added in the 'without receiving so much as 'a � "Baby's pan Tablets are the best t past year. 1 • scratch. Tfe had been given his dig- remedy in the world for little ones. I It hai been the poll-:y of the commis - a charge and was now on his way home.. My baby suffered terribly from hall• §loners to "re -pl&nt the old royal- for- As she hurries up the street, she gestion and vomiting,. but Lire Tablets ! es s, ucl as 5hervvood, the New For- , siailes as she thinks of the handsome, I soon set her right and now > he' is in I est, Rockingham, a yi6 - nd -High ' jolly- hearted fellow, whon1 ,more than perfect health :' The tablets are sold Peak— ancient Harr, that .ring li::e {) one girl has missed during the past by finedicine dealers or by -mail 'at 25c ! trumpet calls down the lanes of his, few years. Arriving at the station she ' a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi• ! tory. ^ goofs thr6u -gh it, and out on to one of ` Clue Co., Brockville. Ont. The greatest stretch of forest- any- �� beats 3� Felt Ti ;the Platforms where Tom's train will' !where in England will. be in East An- come in. There are 3 great number glia, where an- entirely new area is Mead this wonderfnl lt-tter tram a mahng of . • Miserable —' of people waItiri� there for 'some of being planted. It is l:.eing started with �hhawkyoto theo lailyve�ul "poi grescDea _ 24 000 acres around Thetford and ul- shits. "I two Lydia E. Pinkham's Tom's companions are coming home, , " As a erthied of both goat and rheumdirns Vegetable Compound for mis- Y. too. they haring- enlisted the same ''�, timately the commissioners dream of f9r jug orer :,o yearn• 1 Irish to ackracufeage that l extending this in a might? forest of: i hero Sound nothia0 so abeotutely certain a+ ' arable and rived feelings and hime as he did. Hruscheri Salta. E m and owr things ou IL- aVe me strength t0 do my • After a few minutes waltingi the 60,000 to 1.00,000 acres. .This would be have their ridues,- EM and their drowbwki. g ctahg, clang of the engine bell - echoes four times the size of the I\'ew Forest. Hrwchen Sawa I have eo f�ar found, after s *"a' trOrlc. My nerves are better and or mops uainp them, haro no drawbacks and through the station, and the big en. In Wales the annual demand for. pot- „o cowter,,rea wht*rer. I am 76 and mops I feel well and strong and have glue draws up to ),be platform and props re uires i`00,000 acres of forest adire than 40 years ago,' a good appetite. I sleep «`ell P P 9 I ofAin t letter on acs tar inapeeuaa. comes to a fop.. Sb2diei boys hastily to supply, them. This is 'exactly file { Xmkben Ults Is obtakoble st drag -and and am lit pretty good spirits climb from the coaches, and for the area ,of :orestable waste land in the ' department stores in Canada at- �Sa. s bottle. and able to EVOrIc every day Principality. A bottle contatne cnongh to last for ♦orb i? next few minutes are busy kissing,. P y' ! months —rood hmith for Latt4-cat a day. now. I recommend the Vege -' hugging, and shaking hands with rela- Mr. Typed: "Doctor, my mind is a ' table Compound and you, • '" blank. What shall I do.? "" ;, Poverty of cite soul is the saddest `� a use this letter as a testi- ; - tives and friends. kind ' of poverty. Ij " _ aware Infection may Sister Angela's big brother Tom had Doc, Rise: "Fill it out:.' rnonial.'oil amiss De?tetut dal spled her blackelad figure before the — .10 1 In of cuts and braises !s �, Union Street, North Devon, train had come to 's stop; and'you may Minsrd's Liniment for Distemper. best prevented by applying , Eggs Three Days New Bnmstcick. be sure he seas at her side •before you —'--""'�' S$' Y Minard's. ! are guaranteed by crushing "\Iaglc F.gg 1 The statesman of the future will not Gland Tahlefq" Ili your fowls' drinking I boast that he was born in a log cabin. water or mash. or your money back. Are t t Fie will begin his autobiograph: "'MY ! wonder- 'rich scle ntific. eggina�ting sing edients. } ♦n a xtal feeding re,luired. D[rs Craw- e r a s Compound people were a ono -car family." U - = t ^ fare, Ordtario, writes^ "Your tablets have 1990 I splendid results nn second day or use." _ Airs. O'Soaks: "John, it seems t0' IVIll keep your hems Itrying big' through me that you are under the influence of l the Fall and AVinten T.'sed for years by t thoupands of farmers. Free Auil tins for liquor." 'Mr. O'Soaks: "Ile under the the askinir• one hi box 60c: two bl�• Influence of liquor? Not by s jugiul,I liab el Stock F004 CO.,. 239x w.Mell' ;ISSUE No. 54—'29 my dear." Ave., Toronto. a'' - ;y C •+* ``• s't; at r M n ••r +r' - -..,,w. f :: r 1P";,f�r" re..t, ,' �... t V. - ; - 'J.J �M& ••-M $.. Banks, who , has- been Cpl, number from -here attelided the on the sick list, is note somewhat- reeeptiorr given 1aet•week-tor Clifford -' ;- improved. Case, M. P. P. of Aurora. ' ` y . -Chas. W. Pilke is confined tu - Co.Nuxo -'Dr. F. E. Luke, Op Ms. W. B_ Sanders, one ofourold- ' ie house with a very severe cold. tometerist, 107 Yon rte St., Turon. est residers and Postmaster for 40 --Fred land Mrs' Andrew, and to'i3.able eyesight speeialiat. at A. years, lies in a_critical condition .at "fasaily were in 'Toronto one dap g AItiu's drug store, Whitby, on his home here. 4"t -week. Tuesday, Dec. 17th. *. * * We have at last both sides .of -our - Timothy Reddin is ebnHned td -Dr. H. T. Falahse, Resi,4ent.Deni-1 main street lit up in a 'nladern and' bed bed with heart trouble. We ist, Office in residence two doors �aurch, baliiiant fashion which will afjd great- ly to the life town, hope for sr speedy recovery. of St. Andre w's Pick- of our -Mrs. Clarke,` of 'Belleville, eas g' hours 9 a.m. 6 p.m. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wni.' spent a few days ]amt week with her daily, and evening by appointment. 1X -ray service). =' Ball, of our town, was taken to the hospital. in Toronto where one of daughter; Mrs. -(Rev .-) - R. H. Werkard. - N- othing but optimism at "The eyes was removed. It is expected expected -The 0washi council will P Big Store." They have leads 'that the doctors will be .lible to Save the Vight of the eye. ;rneet on Monday nett for preens Preparatiora for .a bigger, better , t - -- ..�.....— - ties the financial gtatemept for the and happier Xmas than ever. A SCARBORO year '920. wonderful stock of Xmas Gifts to -Mrs. Chas. Palmer and two meet the demands of the whole Something new and original in the g children,' of Dutibarton. vjsited family. "Boost your own town History of SL- arboro was .staged bj .::with Gordon and, Mrs. Found one aqd buy at home." * the "Lakeview 'Women's Institute" -day last -OWin g to the errs& cold tveath on Wednesday y, evening- last. Despite .week - Jaurem and Mrs. Rosh ' are er the iliisaion•Btand of St. , And• 's the bad condition of the reads, mem- bers and their friends• numbering spending a week at their home here, after spending some weeks raw Church are holding their bas l aar in the basement of the church seventy turned out to wartake of the 'Progressive "Pro " at Winnipeg and other western p 8 on Saturday, Dec. ,14th, at 2.30 Dinner Soup course at the home of Mr, Alex. Baird, ., _ points• -H. J. Clark, accompanied by o'clot clock., A number of the articles for sale are on display in Dr, Mc- .meat course, at the home of Mr and MM C. Lyle and Mrs. Rains& and child• y McEwen's store window. .Home Stevens, and Desert, at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham. Com- sea, of Toronto, spent Sundry at baking sale, and afternoon tea mittee in Icharge at each. After do the o e a of.hia parents, W.J. and will be served. in g f-nll justice to the lroodies pro` :Mrsh. Cla rk. -About thirty attended the :led by these fg,l:lous hooks. e�-ery.- - --The anneal Christmas tree Women's Iastitltte meeting at rs. g M - beery .adjourned to S. S. No. 9 for -; and entertainment of St. Pawl's C. A. Sterritt s last Tuesday. Mrs. progressive Euchre. The Women of Sabbath School will be held on and Miss Louie& Richard- ,Lakeview Institute wish to take this `'_the evening of Friday, Deeem- .Powell eon gave a splendid report of the opportunity of thankinv their many .. .'bar the 20th. convention. The Women's Inati• friends and acquaintances for their -The Choir of St. Andrew's tuts is the largest Women's Orga- splerX.iid support to this unioue affair - 'United Church assisted in the nization in Canada. The quilt, Proceeds in aid of the needy. - - -ietsrvice of Praise'. at the annivers• made by the members, has been The regular • monthly meeting of Gary services in St. John 'a United given to adeserving family io our the "Lakeview Women's Iristitutt church, Brougham, on Sunday cntnmunity. Mrs. Sterrittand Mrs. was held at the home of the Presid• afternoon. N. Banks were appointed a cow- ent Mrs. M. M. gennedy stop c -The services in St. Paul's mittee for the roll call contest Kingston Road, on Thursday aftel- ' ' ibnit®d Church nest gundaq, Dec. D hich will be carried on for the noon, With' about thirty - rhembers' i °`.15th, will be as follows': 10.30 aim, next few months. The next meet log will be bald on Jan. 7th the Present. Glowing tribtite was matte to the late Airs. Sherlock; member of •- morning worshipand S.S. class 1145 a. m. -Y. P: De t:• 7.00 at home of Mrs. W. Bray. long standing. Reports of the recent "�• m.- evening service. -On Wednesday evening of last week two men were walking convention held in Toronto, wome read by Mrs. Geo. Heron, Mrs. Petrie, find --31en have been busy dnrimg the past week dynamiting Lock• R on the highway near the scalt -s at Mrs. 'Ms;Lean, £ollo,wed by a demon - data and making clear g West Hill, when they met with an ,stration of home -made chocolates by Mrs. Harvey Dix, sam111es risers. read- passage as for the water so as to 4accident which caused painful; but fly disposed of as were recipes ' for lessen the danger to the ..hi hwtL •,. 8 $ y. This work ie being done by the not @erions ioptrum. - They were fHciag the traffic, which is always same: Much pleasure wa. expressed over the returns the Pxotiressive . Highway Department. contatdered the safer plan, when a of Dinner, vote of thanks was nassed to -Harry Boyes, of Pickering, car carte up behind travelling on a]1 who helped make, this unique af- Will Sadler,' of Greenwooa, and on the left -side of the road. struck fair such a sts.:cv.-R. Tea -teas served Fred Caseie, of Brougham, were both men and knocked them into by the hoste-4s in charge. • - among the Jurors who•were on the ditch. The nian' P� hi! atop - -- - - -._. service at the assizes at car and went•back to where the Now LdeartssismAnte. 1 Whitbv during the past tyro men were lying. After a brief : tweaks, have completed their work pause be returned to his car and HAY FOR BALE - Alfalfa and tits• - .end baps returned to their homes. drove off without ufferinR an y o,hy, J Kmnesr: R R 1, Locuaf Hall 1S•17 . . --Tae Anglican Young People's assistance to the men. The men - _ _ _ FOR SALE -One set T,dPdn sprfnlr Association of 40. George's. Pick. were able to get up and go to a aatd'go� all riew- Apply HjH. Bush. r Bring, held its regular meeting on nearby warage and .phone to H g� Dec. 4th. The Rev. S. G. Pintlock• Traffic Officer John Kay. who �•OR SALE -26 Star sedan, new of Toronto, gave a devotional '�drese, his subject being "Christ, " Phoned to eastern points in an effort to locate tbs. car, which Is tares new pistons, in Al ,hape W. T. Heron end of car hue west Hill. ,8 _ (Jan Service." . His .talk was ltlun- described as a touring with green _._ TO LET -Broom frame house with -t: trated by references to ilia 3d body and light top, but so far the garis'e. botfi in flood condiUOn Appiyto H. H, Bush Highland Creek, years missionary work in North motorist bee escaped the police • 2tnf _ ern Nigeria. . His helpful and in -As a result of the floods of last j.�OR &ALE -lf1 pigs, 8 weeks olo, ispiring address was great] a y P spring the Whitevale bride was R Apply at l0t� 28- 2e,con_7 Pickering. Fred N right PhorAWark 824 15 ., preelated. completely destroyed. As the - -- -Our merchants are putting sew bridge is a long ftracinre. ABINET VICTROLA FOR SALE �— : their stores in a most attractive the to*msbi eonneil tuaiotained and so records, an tine cooe,uon, coat sell for i3S cash. F. Cha18.16 Clare- Clare- form for the Christmas season, that it should ld be elaeAed so a n,;;? :11 _ - and are also stocking up with seasonable Now county bridgeand touk. legal pro I OR SALE -d roomed frame house. goods. is the reedicas to support their claim 9 in good condition, situated in the calageof 'time to secure your Christmas The case came before Judge Roddy Puker,nq For full particulars apply to A, T. Law' drifts, a@ there is a wide assortment who decided in favor of the Pickering, litf - from whieVill, select. Ito not leave county. - The townetlip council �`O RENT -House with about 5scres your i Christmas shopping until Chrktmae eve when the stores was not satisfied with his decision and appealed the case, through Possession f gr April 1tatb e. hen Aphouse and rc ard. er, Pickering, Pick 1016. -` will be crowded and when the their counsel, W. J. Beaton. The or phone - 14tf . stock has become low, matter came before the Court of OR SALE -40 New Process Ortho- Fphomc victor -The amount of, traffic on the Appeal in Toronto, a few weeks records. Latest numbers. Good as new. Regular price. 75 cents to $l,5o. - ki1thw%y over the weekend was alto. and their decision was 4and• Now 40eenU Or 3 for >l1.lC. Phone Piek2712, la less than at any time during the ed ont last week. and this upheld ADA RADIO -5 tubes, like neW. F.tor Year. This wan dne to the cold the contention of the t ,)wnship sale. gelling in order to get an electric weather and to the slippery con. council. The bridge, therefore, iq radio. will trade on cow or heifer, J. W. Brown- mdse, lot 27, con. S,: Pickeritig, Phone Pick. dition of the road, which made a county bridge. Tlae. cost of 1026. l4tf . ;;motoring difficult and Sangerous, 'One motorist is both trials is placed on the county. The "to TRAY ED -On tn. the premises of Sthe goieg between 'Oshawa and Terono, said that township, however, has beer a certain percentage of the undersigned. lot 27, con, 4. Pickering, a 2 Year. old heifer. owner may have same bypre v -. -there were about 20 or 25 care in cost of building and maintenance, an y and paying expenses. Geo. E. Pugh,' Rgri A"�kering. 14.16 the ditch at one time. No dam• based on the amount of foreign 'breeding a_ ge. however, bas bees reported.. traffic. The township, it ie esti- FOR' l�ALF. -Large geese. The Highway - Department has had in busy mated. will save about 06,000 as a also a limited quaruity of Christmas geese. Orders taken now. Also 100 bred -to-la Leghorn lint sprinkling the road with restilt of their winning the appeal. pullets, Junebirds. A. M. Gibson, R. R. No. 1, sand which makes ,travelling- - •�• - Pickering, Phone Pick 1712, 14 -15 mneh safer. - Numerous complaints have '. 24ALVERN rTORONTO WET -WASH LAUN- 1 DRY (Semi finish) —Let our driver call and ibeen made against the drivers of - About midnight on Sunday fire explain our 24 hour service. Just leave, your name with lair. S. W. Davis•''barber shop. We .'~Gray Coach Lines in not giving broke out ' ill the Post Office which will pick up and deliver-3 times a week. ppaaseeogere time to get on to the As was completely destroyed. The fire was heated STRAYED-From Grabam's Flats. -bnssem. no waiting rooms are, caused by an over - stove Rouge Hill, a 2 -year old heifer. May have ` proYida9jd passengers are compelled and as the_ structure was of frame been taken by mistake for another 2-year. animal to take shelter in near-by stores and about sixty c y years old, and being farmed now in my possession, whicli ownei may have by proving property and paying expenses. Wm. tjnriaR the very cold weather. by a. strong breeze• it rapidly Bennett• Dumbarton. 14.0 When a hut; arrives it sto s only P fell a prey to the flames. The build - O RENT -Tn the Village of Picker. for an ingtAut, and before the iiaesenger reaches it, it I R ay, ins urns owned by the Postmaster, J. Gilchrist and was used both as the- Ting, situated on Church Street• three doors soutb of the R. C. church. A comfortable fr a roe 1 eaVing Llie passenger to -no pleas- Post Office and Grocery store, but Mr• And Mrs. Gilchrist did ho se 6 rooms. electric wired, soft'watec pump in the kitchen. All in good condition. wtfl be, eat frame of mind. The hue line should revile a Wallin room,• P g not reside in the building. ,�' truantitr Of mail vacated Jan. 1st. 1930. To see the house.and for acti unarsappply to Mr. Harland, Printers Guild, which can easily be secured. If matter was destroyed as well as a g• Phone 3800. 15tf dais is not done the busses should large quantity of merchandise. The loss is estimated at $4.000 or - Pickering Mills -wait a sufficient length .of time to more. The Scarboro fire - brivade responded allow passengers time to reach it before departing. to a call for assistance, and wag -soon —; _ -ThoAe who imagined that the on the scene but their efforts were greatly handicapped by the—'lack' of We have a•good .Dairy Feed old - fashioned Canadian winter water. A chemical truck was broug- at $38.00 per ton. Was a thing of the past are likely ht into action and thev sulceeded in Try this. to realize that they were mistaken, saving considerable propertv adjacent ' Judging by the sample tbat bas to the Post' Office. Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Cake Men],- been dealt out to us since winter *trade, its appearance several weeks - STOUFFVILLE- Barley Meal, Oat Chops, ,.1140. Not mince the winter of 1903, Mill Feeds, Steel cat a winter been so severe at this The winter. Chatautxna will be held Corn, Whole -- titre of the year as this. In West, here about the end of January. Corn,.Corn Chop. .. p- 'ern Ontario @now to the depth of Our skating rink' has, been ;boded two or three feet has already fall- and will this week be in condition fur Try Red Head Ma>ah for egg ,en and the roads are now' sable for motor traffic. The rail bockey. At the Hawtin sale on Friday last production. $3.00 per cwt. roads are also .having their dif l- the price. of milch cows soared,. to $150.00 each. We have another good mash eulties,.. and are runaine away behind schedule time.. The tem- Mr. Wm- Watgon is recovering - at $2.50 per cwt. Y ppeernttire has also been mach from a partial Stroke he received a couple of weeks ago. gee ice for an y feed yon need. - :.lriwvr than usual at thiq season A number from here attended the Our Prices are right. .•e" 1 UertiltLsi W keeping at a low I+`.l.• L. •unc•rai of the late George Leary, of WhitevaIe, Pickering Milling Company on Sunday. . - .'".ea'Y"",.n- wv.^�.."•'4 i- '..•'+_�:�'.a,.. �i1W. .. .: ...5 � ate. ..� i;4'ld "—'.., ... ,.:.4' ...... '_.... ��_:9;.� . ,.. ._. _. ... .. .. _ °.� ... ... ..: - _.. �.., .On S ' t u rd a ' Afternoon, December the 21 st,' at 3.00 o'clock ~ Here's his message ju13t received„ .To all the little boys and girls at "The Big. Store,''. Pickering, Out.: s Sorry I oan't come sooner as those are so . -many, many places to call at, but will be. - there sure Saturday afternoon, December the -21st, at 8,00 o'clock." ": INV