HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1929_07_26VS. 1C
..HJ ,
H. Q. P13ARSON- Phyeioian
and Surgeon, Dunbarton. 1017
D., Direi:tor tri al A
fetes {inember o[ the Americas ea e, b7 appointment.
Cl it.
-0 A RL A.. G R U B I N. R. 0.. -Ryp•igb t
JU' SpetiaHet. Honour graduate of the Colltg e
of Gip!ometry of Canada; Gold medalist and
first, Iftrman Prize winner in 1928. At MarkbEm
every Monday from 9 a, m. to 5 p• m.. in Dr.
$arker'e At Stouffville from Wed.
!day to Saturday of each week exani in-
ad • G1. fitted and repaired H= quality
at Lowest Prices. Phone Stouff 2805. 4617
E. CHRISTIAN, Bkrrister and
.AsSolicitor, Notary Public Etc. Money w
0,18. South Wing Court House, Wh:tby. 251y
BEATON & Ro.i'i --Barristers. So,
heitom. Northern Ontario Building, 330
SarStreet Toronto.
W.J. seaLoo.
3. D. F. Rous. Adelaide 2787
Barristers, Suhcitors etc., 211-214 Confed-
eration Life Building. Corner Yonge and Rich
aboc4d Sts, Toronto. {'hones Adeia,de 4489 and
MPickering office Open Wednesday and
ay evenings Phone Pick 6600. 8tf
vestal .
EILC SMITH. D. D, S.. L. P.S.,
Royal to Dr J. N. Daies I Grad :ate of
the Roya; College of Dental Surgeons and Torun.
to "vervitir. At Claremont
Office over
C's stale every Tuesday and 0.' A.
FridVif Phone
t'ttaa8 10.11. ERBERT T. FALLA 163Z L D L;.,
HD 1), Graduate*, the Royal College of
Vetita! 5urgeons and -he 'L'n; vervit7 of Toronto,
in residence %e�-ond ooar east of St, And
Church. PickeTirr, oat. Office hour 9
9. in to 6 P, m., or by ppointmezij. (X -ray
service). Phone Pick 3.04'. 431y
E 'L 12 of all ilmda.
W,:Z�a . I.! b'
.us Co., �
..so firtaric
i sold .I stand
G OGE KEAY-Licensed .,tiori.
eer. R aiAllona Live stock and general sailea
oled to Terms reasonable, R,
KT1V3jvt'1Ln1e. Pbone 5tou9 9003, &1 -4
10 POSTILI_ Licensed Auctioneer,
JL' * goir Counties of York Lad Ontario. Ana.
"M "a" of all kinds aftensed so on shorsess
0"soa Address Green River P. 0. out,
00oveyaosair 0•manalroacnar for sakt.
T9111, A"oucusit. Ran. man" to loan
liar Imam of Kitarrimp LA•
sZieae' I= , O"EL 1-T
M R, GRANT-Lot 1. concession 4.
Ake 'Carbom Teepbjsrkham
5%%gAccountant. Business and Muniet-
ps diors GRANT, GODFRE Y &CO.. 31
St. East. Toronto
Canada,, Adelasce
WTMIONEER ,tor Yak, Qntanc and Durbam
Cis =tse& All kinds of raise Promptly -attended
to. Terms reasonable, Dates for sales may be
asrao�ad at NEVI'S' Ot5cT - Bell and ln4epeti-
Wb,tby, Out. bay
Maoicipal and
Mortgage Bonds, Also. Industrials.
Safe lovestmentit, at Prow 5 to 7 per
INSURANCE-All classes written In-
rJudigig Fire. Automobile, Wind-
1, torem. Aocidemt and sickness.
Phone or write
433 RD. BOWMA14.Whit'by
Coal '',Coal
Mara and Soft Boal of the:
i - -beat quality on
Consisting of walnut finished Seivi
_Vanity 61 Fix drawers, large
Xnirror, with bench to matt -b.
walnut Steel Bed, with link
opring, good layer felt mattress.
V.air of duck-feather filled pil-
WWS, also good chintz covered
niforter. All for 1607.00.
01(gler Couch in sun fast colors,
the thing for your verandah
sun porch. $86.00.
410,0 ]Folding lawn chairs and camp stools from 90C
to *4.50.
= . A. Sterrett
...,Furniture Defiler &VA
Funeral Direct0e&-
Phone 1800j
hak,40AUg 011t840
White's -; =Mill
Is running again after the flood,
Sawing Lumber, Chopping
Grain, summer months,.
pu Tuesdays and Fridays.
Manufacturing Basikets of all
kinds, including:
Bushel, 11 Quarte, 6 Qnarts, Pint
Qnart Boxes, Berry Crates.,
A large stock on hand al
reasonable prices.
Price reductions at the
Phone Markbam 6405 or 6420 or'write
Chas. White, Locust fill], Out.
One Carload of
Plastering and Finse
ishin-j Lime and
in the following sizes
32 Inches by 6, 7, 8 and 0 feet'
and 4 inches by 8 feet.
Use Fraser's Scalp Tonic
Relieves itching scalp
-immediately. P ro.
motes healtby'growth
of hair, Tunes up the
scalp. banishes. d&od• .
:ruff.. Restores hair,
mot over 50 per cent
gray, to natural color.-
8,old on absolute money
`.back guarantee to give
Sold in
Pickering Barber Sbaps
.Real SetattaDd Insurance.
Farm Properties a Specialty.
Read Office. 213 214 Confederation
Life Building. Toronto.
Phone Main 1390.
Branch Office: Gordon Building,
Pickering Ontario.
Phone OOM. 284.1
TIME TABLE-Pickering Station
T. R. Trains going East due && 9011OWC
No. 10 Mail 7.W A M.
1. 29 1,000.1 12.55 P. M.
#4 . 30 Looki . 6.24 •P. M
Sunday train, 8.36 A. M.
Trains ing West due as follows-
No. 2r 9.213 A. W.
9. 27 110061 7.,19 P. M.
.., 9 Mail 9 03 P. M.
Sunday train, 7.32 P. M.
.Foregoing is according to Standard
HigheRt price paid for
Cream at the
Claremor t Creamery
Give no a trial and be convinced
Y 0
•een the now Coleman Adro.
O-Gas Stove? Just st the
. thing for hot weather.
Also, the Ameriesn Kamp
Kook. Call and see
.them. demonstrated.
Berry Boxes and Crates in
good supply.
All 'ready? What for? W.qy the
Com.ntunity Club picnic on F. M.
Chapman's Flats, this Saturday after-
noon, July 27th. Oome early and
have the whole afternoon of fun.
On Surday next a shrrt bright
open air service will be held at 7 p. rrL
(daylight saving time .). Preacher,
Rev. ' D. B.Lan'gford. All are welcomu-.
The folioving Sunday A.ug-ust 4th,
the service held at Fairport
Miss Edna Green is holidaying. with
.friends at Sto.)-.v Creek. -
Rev. Joseph Barnes, of Markham,
preached most acceptably on. Sunday'
morning last.
. Mr. McLean, of Toronto, and Miss
Ella Breri-nell, Of REgina, have been
visitine with W. W. Gee and family.
Clifford Pugh, of Toronto, gave an
interesting address on "Temperance"
Work" on Sunday morning July
The Sunday Sehool held an ice-cream
social at the home of W W. and Mrs.
Gee on Wednesday everting, when a
d�ehg4-.,tPj1 time was spent.
A represeraative of th? Bio',e Scc-
iety gave a talk in the Greenwood
Church last Friday evening. These.
are always very interesting anu
On San,lay. JL;';'.- 25-1,, 'F. C
•-.11 preach pit •.�,? ser-
,ree ir. the Comrnun;f• hall at 3 p. m.
m. (standard t�me), Sunday."-,ol at
P. -n.
Tie annual Sunday School picnic of
the Dunbarto-, AnzficaLn Church ww-
bpjd at Lakeview Park, 0--ha•a, on
rr4e;day afternoon. Mary race: were
held m which �ich tnere was keen rival-
ry. After tea a very intere•ting ball
game was staved between Dunbarton
and Fairport Beach Dunbartoon w"
captained by Bob Stroud. and Fair-
port oy Harry Newman. After the
bell garne a pearit and candy scram-
ble wag held, much to th- ;.atiqfactbon
of the children. The prices were
then givers out, after which all left
for .their homes, having brad a moat
pleasant afternoon.
There pwsed av3y very suddenly
from heart failure on Monday, July
15th, Mary Jane McGinty. widow of-
the late Robert Sullivan, in her 60th
year. She wr&s . a quiet "industrious
w-rian, and h'rhly esteemed. Her
!-.Lntral Lock place on Thursiduy,
After ben' -ce in the St. Francis de
Sales Church, interment took place
In the R. C. Gemetery ifs Pickering.
She is survived by four son.; and fohr
daughters; James and George, of Tor-
cmto, Frank aini William at home,
Mrs. C. H. Cnadwick. of Windsor. Orit.
Sister M. Cojetan. of Buffalo, N. Y.
and Mary and Alice at home.
Mr. Claude Elder is holidaying at
Silver Spring farm.
Mrq. James Elder and Miss Thelma
spent the week-end with relatives
Bud Corcoran has completed his,
holidays * and has returned to his
We are very sorry to report that
Mrs. James Madill 'is in very poor
.hi-alth at present.
Mrs. A. Buckingham and Master
Lorne are visiting ' with the fornier's
parents, L. . and Mr.;. Middleton.
no serious result8 are expected.
Rev. A. McLellan, of Claremont,
will again occupy the pulpit in St.
John's church on ' Sunday next.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Fly-
nn, who are staying at D. Gannon's,
'%--s rather badly bitten by a dog on
Saturday evening. In the absence, of
Dr. McRinnon, the child was ruch-
ed to Stouffvllle for medical aid I but
On Thursday afternoon, July 18th,
t'-,e W. M. S. rf St. •ohn's church met
At the home of Mrs Geo Philip. A
fairly good attendance of members
showed that a busy season makes
no difference with Missionary work-
ers. A number of children picnicked
on the lawn much to their delight.
Visitorg during the week, included
Xr. Flynn, of Toronto, with his fam-
ily, also Thos. and Mrs. Law, of
Ravenshoe, with D. and Mrs. Gapnon;
Will Greig and son with their re-
latives here; Dr Ben. Churchill and
family, of Milwaukee , with old
friends; Wm. Brown hnd famiIY-
And Mr. Wilcox, of Toronto, with the
former?s parents;Frank and Mrs.
Brown of Leamington, with T. C. and
Mrs. Brown; Mrs. Smith and daugh-
ters, of Oshawa with Miss Phyllis
Geraw; City visitors at Mrs. Geo.
Philip's and at Bert Harvey's; Robt.
W. and Miss Margitiet Feasby aft-d
other friends from Toronto, also
John Cowie, at ' their home here; the
Feast family with Alf. and Mrs. Lem-
mon; Mrs. Fred Morton with Mrs. J.
H. Madill and family; Mr. aril Mrs.
Locke, . Mr. and Mr.,. Stone and Peter
and Mrs. Brown and families, all
of Toronto, with theC%erryman fam-
The following is the League stand-
ing to date:
Team Won Draw Lost Points
Goodw,00d-, '. 4 1 . 8
Claremont, 8 1 .2 :7
Oberrywood, 2. .,2 2. 0
Whitby Tian, 1 8 5
Broriklin, I S 2 5
Whitby Hosp'l, 1 2 2 `4
Green River. I 1 2 3
Rev. S. W.'Harri, of Kitchener, Ont,
will take charge of the ser-
vices of the United church, this com-
ing Sunday. Rev. W. Rackham, is on
his holidays. We. extend to him a cor-
(Pial welcome.
The Women's Associaticr. of the
United Church will be held at the
home of Mrs. L. Hagerman, on Thur-
sday, August 1st at 3 P. nL " Rejoice"
is the word for roll call. The Pres-
)dmt requests every member to be
Mi." Elva AnnL, spent the week-end
with her parents.
Roy and Mrs. Thorr, %!sited his
fath.: -r last week.
INU,;s 011;ve Beare, is holidaying in
Alameda. Sask. for a t-rry'.
-Nl;;s Marraret , Allen, cf Toronto,
I -xith Xi- Agrv; Thar over
Q,;Ite a nL,•nb•P from here attended
.K,,, WKtevale C?metery service last
S_inliay afeemoon,
J(.-h and Mrs: NVWhinroey, of Tor-
onto, vi te.(i at Mitchell's over
Sy,lney anti Mrs, Morrish, and fam-
illy znd M: -s Marjorie Annis spent
M,,n,lay a" Mud Iake.
Earl Ho lmf--, of- Orillia, Apent the
week-en i with Walton Annis, and
family, aml was accompanied -home
by Mri.' J. McWhinney, for a week.
Communion senices will be held in
Dunbarton United Church next Sunday
at 11 a rn. and at Centennial Church
at 2.30' p. m. (atandard time). Prep-
aratory services vnll be held in the
Dunbarton church on Friday evening
at 8 o'clock The Rev, Mr. TAcCon-
achie, of Melville church, will speak
at the Fairport Church ,service at 11
a. m. .(daylight saving 'time). • Mt.
Arthur Crisp 'will sing.
Phil aril Mrs Willows were, in
Uxbridge on Sunday.
. Born,- on Monday, July 214t, 0 Mr.
and Mrs. Woodward, a daughter.
The Girls' Circle. met At the home
of 11rq. Ble on Tues(laty' afternoon.
Charle.i Hunkin, of Toronto, is hol-
idaving with Alf. and Mr,,, Tremble,
Herb Gamble, . of Brampton,
called on the Rain-A family on Sunday.
Will Hollis, of Chippewa. called on
.Q, few of hi.A old friends here on Tues-
Harvey Attwood, of Uxbridge, is
holidaying with his urr-le, P. Wil-
The Mission -Band held a picnic on
Rain's - flats on Wednesday after-
noon. I
Mr Banyard and son, of Cleveland
:spent a fe-v days last week with Wm.
Fred and Mrs. Dennis arxt friends,
of Windsor are visiting with, 'James
and Mrs. Plaskitt. -
Mrs Hooker, of Toronto, has .been
spending A few'weeks with her daugh?-
ter, Mrs. James Gibson.
Milton Pegg expects to raise his barn
on Thursday of this •week. J. Ash-
enhurst has the contract.
The carpenters are Working over-
time in order to get the store ready
to I *pe . n-as. near the first of August
as possible.
Percy andXrs. Middleton and daug-
hter of Buffalo, N.Y. are holidaying
with the former's parents, Wm. and
Mrs. Middleton.
Misses Mildred and Gertrude Cor-.
b;tt have returned home after spend-
ing pAi• of their holidays in Pick -'
ering and Toronto.
Mrs, Hoffland and daughter, of
Toronto, and Wm. 11. and Mrs Crum-
iinei, of Pickering spent Sunday 'with
Stewart and Mrs Corbett.
A carload of yourig people includ .-li
ing, Miss Plewme4n, of Richmond Hill,
and Misses Edna Green and Mabel
Bie, picnicked on the flats on Wed-
nesday afternoon.
-Lake of Bays is one thousand or more
feet above sea level, and the altitude
of this sequestered group of lai;es
combines with the fragrance of the
pine . s to give the visit-or A new vigour
in life. You have real enjoyment,
golf or paddling all day long without
tiring. You eat heartily and sleep
like a dog. Select your own type of
comodation, for here you have them all
from rustic cottage to the most pre-
tentious of hotels. Canadian Nat-
ional Railways',• comfortable trains
connect at Huntsville with the stew
er for all points on the Lakes. Ask
any Canadian National Agent for in-
formation and literature on this at-
No. 47
R6tablished 1838
S ecial Notice'
.After a'very heavy expense, the
mill dam is re-built
Monday, Wednesday and Friday..
Se per 2 bushel bag.
Feed of different kinds always
on hand.
Scratch Feed for hejas.
Now due. I require settlement of
all accounts by August 18t-
do not wait for further notice.
Thi.9 applies to small as well
as large ac:!ounts.
A good aupply of Hard and Soft
Coal on hand. Alao a supply
7 of Kindling Wood,
12tf Phone Pick. `1709.
B)ilding and General
Estimates furnished on all e'laases
of work-Interior and Exterior.
Alterations and repalre.
Chimopys BtJlt Concrete Work.
Phone Pirkei ing 6712
Nova Scotia Shingles
G% Galvanized Steel Sbingles
Bird's Felt Skte ShIngleaj
for sale at -
Cal! and get prices. Phone 2812
We are prepared to do all kinds-
of repairing of cars, also bat'
tery charging, electric
welding and in fact
everything in con-
nection with
car work.
Gas, Oil@, Grease and Acces-sories
on hand constantly.
Call and see.our Catalogues of
Dodge and Star Care.:
Weed Control
Non Puisonous Chemical
Weed Killer
A Positive and Economical
demtrover of noxious weeds
and Vegetation on Farms,
railway riiht- of - ways,
road sides, along fences,
-ditchea, tennis lawns, park
-,;gutters, sidewalks and all
waste places.
Merely diluted with water and
sprayect-on foliage
Weed. Cop Weed Killer Is, absolu.
tely non•poironous to man
or animal.
_128 oz. bcttle, 25e
.1 g at Ilpm (cont. extra), $1.00
Over 5 gal., per &L, 90c
Jon"es' Drug 'Store
Satiaf&ction or money back.
Phone 6800 Pickering
Shark Products
Istar`s Owner Classifies .514 - -- - - '
species rand Eatifnates - that :ts
500,000 Migi*te:'Dai a in ' - -
Mozanbique Chain-.
Durban, Nata . -A recent visitor to •� h
Durban, Prof. Alfred Ehrenreich, has ,
some interesting data to relate with
`regard to the conversion of sharks �/, • ( .
1 into ar.icles of commerce. 1 �j
-His floating faetory, the Istar, which
recently arrived in Durban Harbor for 1
fuel and timber on its way.to Tulear
in Madagascar and attracted a great d •I -.
deal of attention is the only boat of i
its kind in the world.
Dr. Ehrenreich has given 24 years
of study to the habits and species of
the shark and has gathered together
an amazing amount of knowledge. So 1
far he has been able to classify 21 I
families, 63 genera and 514 species.
of Italy to -day we must look at the sabre in Its scabbard It is the Inner He estimates that about 500,000
.° 'satecedei<ts which have gone to its doubts of Italy herself to which -he Edna E. Chrlstoirsea, world's chain- sharks are migrating daily in the lit-
Wake-up. 13 giving expression. i pion (38) •pistol shot, photographed
I In the grounds of ,the Empress Hotel, I tonal field in the 3lozambiquC Channel. ,
The first thing to note is that be- And that is the secret of his posi -, In thela. She f a member of the l Contrary to the general belief. sharks w
fore 1870 there was no such expres• lion. He is the symptom of Italv'a , are to be found in temperate arctic,
41 j Portland, Ore., police force and. won
scion as the Italian Natiou. She is, inferiority complex, the perfect syraf; and antarctic as well as in tropical
the women's• revolver shooting con• I
;therefore, the youngest, and--except- bol of the nation's reaction to every and subtropical waters. The knomt• '
teat at the police sports at Victoria,
'.Ing Germany —by several hundred renitnder of its weakness, whether it, and Esqulrnalt recently, Competing edge of their mis►ration is of greet _
years, of all the great nations in I comes trom without or within, from : I importance, to Dr. Ehrenreich in hi-s
Europe. As everyone knows• one of critics abroad or her own realism. with Seattle, Portland and Vancouver work.. -
ithe main characteristics of youthful- He la an idol set up, by Italy in her police three years, ago, Sirs. Chrtstof -I The Istar is equipped with small :
i fsen was within a mark of the open
s Haas is its acute consciousness o: If. own Image, the image of -a-- young boats, each fitted with a fulI.Diesrl
self. resulting in a sense of inferior; or badly treated or moderately ea -{ ehatpptonahip and easily
all wa engine for use when working in the SMART TAILLEUR.
¢ti rsty in face of the experience of its doomed person who blinds himself to men revolver shots In the world. littoral field or with drifters whey Its tailored simplicity will appeal to
,. eiders and betters. Italy has al- his deficiency by a constant display, +r -=--= working in the pelagic field- or deep gbo3 -taste for general daytime wear,
ways suffered from this morn- than of. , selfassertiveness- and sell'•com sea. Each of these small boats is pro. interpreted in silk c,;epe in novel dot
most young nations. mendation. Ships Upside Down j vi'•ied with nets made of linen. thread, pattern. The vivid plain silk crepe pip-.
To most foreigners, in spite of the He has discovered with so almost t steel nets being of little use, as owing ing and stitching which emphasizes its
grandeur of the Rlsorgimento: to spite uncanny divination the means or cdn- Tickle Seasiders t'. their rigidness the shark bites i clasji(. tailored lines, is what makes
Of the Cavour and Victor Emmanuel soling and compesatig Italy for all l i through them. Style No, 481 so sn.art. It's easi,y
.(and perhaps because ,.of the almost the insults, alights, ad self- pityingaf • The commercial returiffeom a'shark made, the pattern for'whicli cati bd
incradfblp romantic ,Garibaldi• Italy of the past; and for that she Is wta-, Mirage Adds to Gayety Oft i, the astounding factor connected lad -in sizes, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40
remained essentially what she bad I ing to put up with anythlag: the sup- -Seaskore Resorts Just with this floating industry. The fins -
J g y• and. 4., inches bust. " It is fashionable
been along -a museum of pictures I pression of liberty in speech and have an unlimited demand in the Far
h`'cf and sculptures and splendid build ings. press. tha- arrogance of Fascist squads. - North OE Boston
in augurs jersey in chartreuse green, -
Exsi and are considered a great dell- plain washable silk scrape in violet
:which one visited without paying,anp p-the loss of the constitution, and end- Mirages, rani to_ the Atlantic sea - cacy. Many kinds of leather are made shade, red and white gingham check* -
a attcintlon to the guardians. except 1 less petty tyrannies. R is because board as well as to western desert from ,the skin the finest of which is in silk crepe, featherweight tweed in
W'Itsibty to notice that the country of this so:acC which he 'bring,, that regions of -the United States. Schoon -`u3ed for the manufacture of ladies' I wood-violet tone, in tiny check pat- -
llvaq beautiful and the inhabitants pie- he has been able to make .himself I ers sailed across the sky upsidedown shoe° terni lipstick re4 crepe de chine, print- -
Auresque though dirty, supreme. and that his personal as -''' as residents on the North -Shore of Other commodities produced include ed pique, navy blue crepe marocain,
w3 And the Italians- tended to acquiesce ceadancy remains solid as a rock ! Massachusetts Bay viewed the finest! Fquid for the manufacture of basic grasshopper green georgette crepe
!n this estimate. Nothing is easier The Italians have no such. Dae9loaI mirage ii a quarter of a century. .1dyestu is" glove and wash leather, fish
and blue - violet silk crepe. Pattern fo r
when you have a reputation tbap to I for order that they would tolerate its; Y 2
� The - Pilgrim Monument at Province - , meal,'animal fodder, tanning, fertil' this unusual model price ..,Oc in stamps
�elirve it is unalterable and . to go Ineogveniences for Its own sake alone. j town loomed up across the bay for izer --rd glue, while the. dried and, or coin - (coin is preferred), Wrap
ion living up to it. It did not take` But they cannot.get on without the inearly 3"2 hours, although it is nor- Lsncoked meat is very mbc5- sought( coin carefully.
very many years of demagogy._ withfa comfort -of Signor %Iussotlni'r ora- )malty out of sight, Residents of after in the Dutch, East Indies, the HOW 1'0 ORDER PATTERNS.
Its constant changes of government f tory, booming defiance over a world 1 ;Marblehead, 50 miles north of the � Far East and Central Africa. All the � -
from one group of egoists to another -startled at last Into taking notice I monument, spw it clearly , outlined_ species of shark are eaten in the Write your flame and addeesa plsin-
_ ;labeljgj! diireredtly lie eorruptlon,�Aod tliat is 'w he will stay. at- the ainst the sky. civilized wvrtd. giving number and size_ of9su:h
�y 1 helm -and the bruaicaster -tor as ` ' Portions of the'Souih Shore came g c! .Oc ir.
. un�i manse inefficiency. to con- patterns as you_want Enclose
!clans a taiga seefloi of Italians that as Italy refuses to grow up; that into view, with boats in harbor: send- stamps or coin (coin ref:rred ;,wrap
tthe new state was lncapablc of the' Is, until she learns there is nothing i i ,g columns of smok3 both up and - `War Propaganda
it carefully) for each number, and
utondard net up t sliameful in accepting one's limita•IcIown from double funneis produced Le Devote (Ind.)' ("During . the address, your order to Wilson Pattern
t'o uparing thbmsetves with the Ger•; tfonb- especially when they mainly ; by the optical illusion. 'Itto mirage 'war lxing, 'became a patriotic vin• Rervice, 3 Nest Adelaide St., Toronto.
znan model, which was functioning, derive trom- youth. - Cornhlll ataga- was' unusual) ' clear'- at Ham ton I Patterns sent by an early mat..
y P tae. ") �Ve are now paying the bill
,l wit's the order and precision of a regl- zinc. Beach, N. H.
for -our war propaganda. The French 'a --
ntent of Prussian soldiers, they could _— — _ _
easily be persuaded that'It was giveul - —'' press and war missions on the one En g.
.hand; the,13r1ftah and American press Egypt L's. i
' — — .Pleasure 1 t news• v 181
only to the virile Nordic races to en- � � i on the other, our foreign and
..Joy their liberty In the modern world, J Pleasure Is one of those commodl- agencies. all of them sowed among o
and that. the Latins were condemned I ties which are sold at a thousand
r 'by their effectneas to endure alter• I us a propaganda often puerile and
i shops and bought by a t!touyartd ens childlah, -which shade s few ' stirtig Important Egyptian personalities
_;IIately disorder. and despotism. tomes, bb.t of whilh nobody ever their shoulders, but bore Its craft else- I are visitfng Great - Britain this'year.
-4 - In contrast there was a strongly '•••r fairly finds posseswlon; _ either they where amorrF the masses. slues the The Egyptian Foreign Secretary has
nationalist school, who, because they know. not well how to. use, or the war It has continued; now that the ' come and gone and is returning again;
were the most sensible of it tbem- commodRy_ will not keep, for no onb Mohamed Pasha
a selves, strove to ,get rid of this can- i has ev r yet appeared to be. satisfied _propaganda of wartime to over, IZris the Prime Minister,
cer of Inferiority, - seeking every op- l - - with his bargain; it Is too. subtle for still- s -f -us In peace time, of In -, been officially all also arrived and has
_ 'portunity, such as the war in Libya, ) transition. thou h snfitclantly solid' s(ratio force - force Its rain of -de- been officially received by the new
g corationa, its titles periodically -dls• 1 Labor'Ministry; King Fuad is expect,
to give their countrymen and the out- for sale. -W. G. Simms.
1 tributed. and all the rest. So many I ed on a private visit in August.
side world a better Idea of Italy's
• %� fi - -- I peopl,p will believe anything -and so These three visits are eloquent of
worth. - - r many are only gown up children. changed times in Egypt. Five years
Another opportunity, came is 1914, _ Little Things � ago, when political tension between
and. there was never any doubt that Ws. ought not to be weary of doing the two countries wts at its height _
.,ltal? would seize it thought she took • "Was It a case of love at tirst Doubts
a year to decide when and on wlilch slight?"
little things for the love of God, who � D such coming and goings would have
aide to enter the war But the i "No second eight. The first time regars not the greatness of the i" Doubt of any sort cannot be re been,-if not impossible, at any rate - -
chance of winning military glory for he met her he didn't know she was work, but. tire. love vyitb' wlrteb it is moved. except by • action.-Thomas the occasion for endless agitated ru-
a people which suffered from sal; de• I as heiress." - I Performed.- Brother Lawrencd. 'Carlyle. mor, centering acrimoniously' round
Drec•iation was one which could ' not - - - the prospects 'of an Anglo- Egyptian
et be refused.
Italy came out of the Peace with - �► Quaint Old World Relic of the Past l is just a year ago since Mo-
everything she fought tf ton- Trieste _ 4,amed Pasha Mahmud became Prima
Minister of his country. Under his
government the Egyptian Constitution
has bee
-' and the Trentina frontier- granted,
- but profoundly and secret) dissattailed -
tailed with herself. She had won the �L n susjiendpd '8nd King 1`usd
reward of .her sagacity in jo[nin the `e { i R s A rules through his Ministry without a
g ,g - ,r z � R
Parliament.. -Egypt is. thus at_ the. ... _
winning aide, but in her heart of ••r •.� yya r� `�� °+mac �.:
moment being ruled abnormally, an
hearts she knew she had been beaten.
She felt her disparagement to the at- " 4 _ the treaty question is wisely being left _
wi zr : • , w i in abeyance during -he suspension of
titude of the allies and of the rest ,: 3 „r,`. n. a. � the parliamentary regime, which Mo-
of the world which took any !n• a ^*'- ,a ,.y , harried
Mahmud says' he does
tereat, and, what' was worse, she felt � � �� F -�' � �.d not intend to prolong a day longer
• It in. herself. � '3 �n � �°*- then is' necessary. ime he has been
The old inferiority --- several cen=
I furies old by now- reappeared. sand < �~' But. in the meant , •,`
e the less virulent form be t� able, in the. domestic sphere, to set on
An non was hidden under a -skin of } k foot great hygienic and agricultural
cause, a
'self- congratulatlen. It had become. in 3 "* reforms. Simultaneously, in the sphere
fact, the most deep- rooted and Im• ! ,y
r ;t of foreign affairs, he has concluded
I. recognizing its symptoms; the sensi• "Y the important Nile Convention with
Great Britain. These accomplish
logy of the Italian nation.
We are all acquainted with this a ments are to the goon of Egypt and
`trait (complex, to use the jargon of
'' ' to the good of Englo
`t - Egyptian rela-
science) in individuals slid use to _ - lions;, and this growing cordiality be... r
recognizing its symtoms; the sensi -
tween the two countries will certainly !'
- tiveness to take offense, the over. stand Egypt in good stead when the
confident manner, the boasting, and " -- - time.comes, as it shortly will, for the-
' blustering, and bullying, which spar- raising of two more importat.t prob-
' son who is ashamed of an insigntli•' i lems which, however, are international -
cant appearance, or ignorance, or cow• and antside.ahe Anglo- Egyptian quen-
;.4 t' th the Egyptian.
ardice, or poverty, employs. to cover - ton- a duties on e
- up his weakness and compensate for " _•- capitulation:,. nd The bolrtton of
i of
customs` duties a a
the hurt to his vanity. The psycho-
logical lawn which apply to indtvi•
duals very often hold good for aa• _- -__ - Madness "
Assum[ng, therefore, '.hat as has BEST PRESERVED MEDIEVAL TOWN There are two kinds of madness.
been shown the essential idea in the One produced by human Infirmity,
Italian Mang mind Is a sense of politl- IWaR toilers of a,4oient Taltin. Hsthoula, looking like giant chimneys rising from root -tops of these homes. the other by a divine release from
,Cat Interiority, we. ahonld expect It t0 1W84 1►a11 Dttllt b>/ tk# Dense fin 1320. the ordinary ways of men. - Plato. _
..,�gypp ..:. .. ,. .- ,..,.. .._ -..». - ..• ':.; ., o ,r y�, K.,, ° �. �`:
�.,.. ;�ae•wJ,:. ..?:�:.. :.v.'�..;R! aka..;.' n�:3.`L.,d.a..,,,a✓:.c•y,'_. W ...,._•.. a,.. :'�:v,..:"us:..a..- .:,. ». -:... _- •. - -r. - ..�.. .(e.,:.+.n .._. .�. -...e _..J...�_._f_.,....:✓Tk.w,.. ....i .... ,. ... :fit _ ., .. ...,..__ _ a�.. r ..... __..a,a....,�. L.;.t:�,M...nu..u..�„b ti: s5:. ae •m?:vSM1?s_..�...M°a"fi�c:.. us.. 'w.�....:���....x�Jnta•a,. -.s'�
r .
j9•. �
.. `,.f
4. .,
v.�'✓ Y ��^1 L ,.�} T'
yi' Nc.war+« .4� ..- q .. 'V :i
.tl 1
w ;�
. '. a'..+.- , ..'.� s..N.: `.... v-�y ' /,.
. '- -
. .,::' Y:W. p '.•t �. p ,- .w , + .a. { A.n.. J . <'G. ,..
' i YY
.: ,
r• l-..
It Is seven. years since Signor=-Mus-
show the same sort of symptoms as
a r
$to" :made ..htmjglf dictator, saran
those that have been described, And
rears uriga which he has iuied with
they aril. WbAt *iklpd..1& tarx:' iii•.
(ts- absolute a power as almost any
most exclusively. to Abe words and
gontinu8 to be 'asked: HQw does he-do
ouLthe tiala of his oMce. i
It? How long will It'IastY Why do
Tlie bombastic "speeches about)
_'• the. Italians stand It?
"destiny" and " gloty," the Vague 1
'• Endleas energy bas been spent,
threats of "legitimate expansion," the
` and still is being spent, eulogizing
noisy • but carefully indefinite chat
for reviling a man. But - scarcely
lenges, and the as caretully unad-
Zany effort has been made simply to
vertised withdrawals if there Is .dan-
xalza� vp !
Factory US" -
Understand a state of affairs. The
- -
italy's Inf erierity Complex -
Shark Products
Istar`s Owner Classifies .514 - -- - - '
species rand Eatifnates - that :ts
500,000 Migi*te:'Dai a in ' - -
Mozanbique Chain-.
Durban, Nata . -A recent visitor to •� h
Durban, Prof. Alfred Ehrenreich, has ,
some interesting data to relate with
`regard to the conversion of sharks �/, • ( .
1 into ar.icles of commerce. 1 �j
-His floating faetory, the Istar, which
recently arrived in Durban Harbor for 1
fuel and timber on its way.to Tulear
in Madagascar and attracted a great d •I -.
deal of attention is the only boat of i
its kind in the world.
Dr. Ehrenreich has given 24 years
of study to the habits and species of
the shark and has gathered together
an amazing amount of knowledge. So 1
far he has been able to classify 21 I
families, 63 genera and 514 species.
of Italy to -day we must look at the sabre in Its scabbard It is the Inner He estimates that about 500,000
.° 'satecedei<ts which have gone to its doubts of Italy herself to which -he Edna E. Chrlstoirsea, world's chain- sharks are migrating daily in the lit-
Wake-up. 13 giving expression. i pion (38) •pistol shot, photographed
I In the grounds of ,the Empress Hotel, I tonal field in the 3lozambiquC Channel. ,
The first thing to note is that be- And that is the secret of his posi -, In thela. She f a member of the l Contrary to the general belief. sharks w
fore 1870 there was no such expres• lion. He is the symptom of Italv'a , are to be found in temperate arctic,
41 j Portland, Ore., police force and. won
scion as the Italian Natiou. She is, inferiority complex, the perfect syraf; and antarctic as well as in tropical
the women's• revolver shooting con• I
;therefore, the youngest, and--except- bol of the nation's reaction to every and subtropical waters. The knomt• '
teat at the police sports at Victoria,
'.Ing Germany —by several hundred renitnder of its weakness, whether it, and Esqulrnalt recently, Competing edge of their mis►ration is of greet _
years, of all the great nations in I comes trom without or within, from : I importance, to Dr. Ehrenreich in hi-s
Europe. As everyone knows• one of critics abroad or her own realism. with Seattle, Portland and Vancouver work.. -
ithe main characteristics of youthful- He la an idol set up, by Italy in her police three years, ago, Sirs. Chrtstof -I The Istar is equipped with small :
i fsen was within a mark of the open
s Haas is its acute consciousness o: If. own Image, the image of -a-- young boats, each fitted with a fulI.Diesrl
self. resulting in a sense of inferior; or badly treated or moderately ea -{ ehatpptonahip and easily
all wa engine for use when working in the SMART TAILLEUR.
¢ti rsty in face of the experience of its doomed person who blinds himself to men revolver shots In the world. littoral field or with drifters whey Its tailored simplicity will appeal to
,. eiders and betters. Italy has al- his deficiency by a constant display, +r -=--= working in the pelagic field- or deep gbo3 -taste for general daytime wear,
ways suffered from this morn- than of. , selfassertiveness- and sell'•com sea. Each of these small boats is pro. interpreted in silk c,;epe in novel dot
most young nations. mendation. Ships Upside Down j vi'•ied with nets made of linen. thread, pattern. The vivid plain silk crepe pip-.
To most foreigners, in spite of the He has discovered with so almost t steel nets being of little use, as owing ing and stitching which emphasizes its
grandeur of the Rlsorgimento: to spite uncanny divination the means or cdn- Tickle Seasiders t'. their rigidness the shark bites i clasji(. tailored lines, is what makes
Of the Cavour and Victor Emmanuel soling and compesatig Italy for all l i through them. Style No, 481 so sn.art. It's easi,y
.(and perhaps because ,.of the almost the insults, alights, ad self- pityingaf • The commercial returiffeom a'shark made, the pattern for'whicli cati bd
incradfblp romantic ,Garibaldi• Italy of the past; and for that she Is wta-, Mirage Adds to Gayety Oft i, the astounding factor connected lad -in sizes, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40
remained essentially what she bad I ing to put up with anythlag: the sup- -Seaskore Resorts Just with this floating industry. The fins -
J g y• and. 4., inches bust. " It is fashionable
been along -a museum of pictures I pression of liberty in speech and have an unlimited demand in the Far
h`'cf and sculptures and splendid build ings. press. tha- arrogance of Fascist squads. - North OE Boston
in augurs jersey in chartreuse green, -
Exsi and are considered a great dell- plain washable silk scrape in violet
:which one visited without paying,anp p-the loss of the constitution, and end- Mirages, rani to_ the Atlantic sea - cacy. Many kinds of leather are made shade, red and white gingham check* -
a attcintlon to the guardians. except 1 less petty tyrannies. R is because board as well as to western desert from ,the skin the finest of which is in silk crepe, featherweight tweed in
W'Itsibty to notice that the country of this so:acC which he 'bring,, that regions of -the United States. Schoon -`u3ed for the manufacture of ladies' I wood-violet tone, in tiny check pat- -
llvaq beautiful and the inhabitants pie- he has been able to make .himself I ers sailed across the sky upsidedown shoe° terni lipstick re4 crepe de chine, print- -
Auresque though dirty, supreme. and that his personal as -''' as residents on the North -Shore of Other commodities produced include ed pique, navy blue crepe marocain,
w3 And the Italians- tended to acquiesce ceadancy remains solid as a rock ! Massachusetts Bay viewed the finest! Fquid for the manufacture of basic grasshopper green georgette crepe
!n this estimate. Nothing is easier The Italians have no such. Dae9loaI mirage ii a quarter of a century. .1dyestu is" glove and wash leather, fish
and blue - violet silk crepe. Pattern fo r
when you have a reputation tbap to I for order that they would tolerate its; Y 2
� The - Pilgrim Monument at Province - , meal,'animal fodder, tanning, fertil' this unusual model price ..,Oc in stamps
�elirve it is unalterable and . to go Ineogveniences for Its own sake alone. j town loomed up across the bay for izer --rd glue, while the. dried and, or coin - (coin is preferred), Wrap
ion living up to it. It did not take` But they cannot.get on without the inearly 3"2 hours, although it is nor- Lsncoked meat is very mbc5- sought( coin carefully.
very many years of demagogy._ withfa comfort -of Signor %Iussotlni'r ora- )malty out of sight, Residents of after in the Dutch, East Indies, the HOW 1'0 ORDER PATTERNS.
Its constant changes of government f tory, booming defiance over a world 1 ;Marblehead, 50 miles north of the � Far East and Central Africa. All the � -
from one group of egoists to another -startled at last Into taking notice I monument, spw it clearly , outlined_ species of shark are eaten in the Write your flame and addeesa plsin-
_ ;labeljgj! diireredtly lie eorruptlon,�Aod tliat is 'w he will stay. at- the ainst the sky. civilized wvrtd. giving number and size_ of9su:h
�y 1 helm -and the bruaicaster -tor as ` ' Portions of the'Souih Shore came g c! .Oc ir.
. un�i manse inefficiency. to con- patterns as you_want Enclose
!clans a taiga seefloi of Italians that as Italy refuses to grow up; that into view, with boats in harbor: send- stamps or coin (coin ref:rred ;,wrap
tthe new state was lncapablc of the' Is, until she learns there is nothing i i ,g columns of smok3 both up and - `War Propaganda
it carefully) for each number, and
utondard net up t sliameful in accepting one's limita•IcIown from double funneis produced Le Devote (Ind.)' ("During . the address, your order to Wilson Pattern
t'o uparing thbmsetves with the Ger•; tfonb- especially when they mainly ; by the optical illusion. 'Itto mirage 'war lxing, 'became a patriotic vin• Rervice, 3 Nest Adelaide St., Toronto.
znan model, which was functioning, derive trom- youth. - Cornhlll ataga- was' unusual) ' clear'- at Ham ton I Patterns sent by an early mat..
y P tae. ") �Ve are now paying the bill
,l wit's the order and precision of a regl- zinc. Beach, N. H.
for -our war propaganda. The French 'a --
ntent of Prussian soldiers, they could _— — _ _
easily be persuaded that'It was giveul - —'' press and war missions on the one En g.
.hand; the,13r1ftah and American press Egypt L's. i
' — — .Pleasure 1 t news• v 181
only to the virile Nordic races to en- � � i on the other, our foreign and
..Joy their liberty In the modern world, J Pleasure Is one of those commodl- agencies. all of them sowed among o
and that. the Latins were condemned I ties which are sold at a thousand
r 'by their effectneas to endure alter• I us a propaganda often puerile and
i shops and bought by a t!touyartd ens childlah, -which shade s few ' stirtig Important Egyptian personalities
_;IIately disorder. and despotism. tomes, bb.t of whilh nobody ever their shoulders, but bore Its craft else- I are visitfng Great - Britain this'year.
-4 - In contrast there was a strongly '•••r fairly finds posseswlon; _ either they where amorrF the masses. slues the The Egyptian Foreign Secretary has
nationalist school, who, because they know. not well how to. use, or the war It has continued; now that the ' come and gone and is returning again;
were the most sensible of it tbem- commodRy_ will not keep, for no onb Mohamed Pasha
a selves, strove to ,get rid of this can- i has ev r yet appeared to be. satisfied _propaganda of wartime to over, IZris the Prime Minister,
cer of Inferiority, - seeking every op- l - - with his bargain; it Is too. subtle for still- s -f -us In peace time, of In -, been officially all also arrived and has
_ 'portunity, such as the war in Libya, ) transition. thou h snfitclantly solid' s(ratio force - force Its rain of -de- been officially received by the new
g corationa, its titles periodically -dls• 1 Labor'Ministry; King Fuad is expect,
to give their countrymen and the out- for sale. -W. G. Simms.
1 tributed. and all the rest. So many I ed on a private visit in August.
side world a better Idea of Italy's
• %� fi - -- I peopl,p will believe anything -and so These three visits are eloquent of
worth. - - r many are only gown up children. changed times in Egypt. Five years
Another opportunity, came is 1914, _ Little Things � ago, when political tension between
and. there was never any doubt that Ws. ought not to be weary of doing the two countries wts at its height _
.,ltal? would seize it thought she took • "Was It a case of love at tirst Doubts
a year to decide when and on wlilch slight?"
little things for the love of God, who � D such coming and goings would have
aide to enter the war But the i "No second eight. The first time regars not the greatness of the i" Doubt of any sort cannot be re been,-if not impossible, at any rate - -
chance of winning military glory for he met her he didn't know she was work, but. tire. love vyitb' wlrteb it is moved. except by • action.-Thomas the occasion for endless agitated ru-
a people which suffered from sal; de• I as heiress." - I Performed.- Brother Lawrencd. 'Carlyle. mor, centering acrimoniously' round
Drec•iation was one which could ' not - - - the prospects 'of an Anglo- Egyptian
et be refused.
Italy came out of the Peace with - �► Quaint Old World Relic of the Past l is just a year ago since Mo-
everything she fought tf ton- Trieste _ 4,amed Pasha Mahmud became Prima
Minister of his country. Under his
government the Egyptian Constitution
has bee
-' and the Trentina frontier- granted,
- but profoundly and secret) dissattailed -
tailed with herself. She had won the �L n susjiendpd '8nd King 1`usd
reward of .her sagacity in jo[nin the `e { i R s A rules through his Ministry without a
g ,g - ,r z � R
Parliament.. -Egypt is. thus at_ the. ... _
winning aide, but in her heart of ••r •.� yya r� `�� °+mac �.:
moment being ruled abnormally, an
hearts she knew she had been beaten.
She felt her disparagement to the at- " 4 _ the treaty question is wisely being left _
wi zr : • , w i in abeyance during -he suspension of
titude of the allies and of the rest ,: 3 „r,`. n. a. � the parliamentary regime, which Mo-
of the world which took any !n• a ^*'- ,a ,.y , harried
Mahmud says' he does
tereat, and, what' was worse, she felt � � �� F -�' � �.d not intend to prolong a day longer
• It in. herself. � '3 �n � �°*- then is' necessary. ime he has been
The old inferiority --- several cen=
I furies old by now- reappeared. sand < �~' But. in the meant , •,`
e the less virulent form be t� able, in the. domestic sphere, to set on
An non was hidden under a -skin of } k foot great hygienic and agricultural
cause, a
'self- congratulatlen. It had become. in 3 "* reforms. Simultaneously, in the sphere
fact, the most deep- rooted and Im• ! ,y
r ;t of foreign affairs, he has concluded
I. recognizing its symptoms; the sensi• "Y the important Nile Convention with
Great Britain. These accomplish
logy of the Italian nation.
We are all acquainted with this a ments are to the goon of Egypt and
`trait (complex, to use the jargon of
'' ' to the good of Englo
`t - Egyptian rela-
science) in individuals slid use to _ - lions;, and this growing cordiality be... r
recognizing its symtoms; the sensi -
tween the two countries will certainly !'
- tiveness to take offense, the over. stand Egypt in good stead when the
confident manner, the boasting, and " -- - time.comes, as it shortly will, for the-
' blustering, and bullying, which spar- raising of two more importat.t prob-
' son who is ashamed of an insigntli•' i lems which, however, are international -
cant appearance, or ignorance, or cow• and antside.ahe Anglo- Egyptian quen-
;.4 t' th the Egyptian.
ardice, or poverty, employs. to cover - ton- a duties on e
- up his weakness and compensate for " _•- capitulation:,. nd The bolrtton of
i of
customs` duties a a
the hurt to his vanity. The psycho-
logical lawn which apply to indtvi•
duals very often hold good for aa• _- -__ - Madness "
Assum[ng, therefore, '.hat as has BEST PRESERVED MEDIEVAL TOWN There are two kinds of madness.
been shown the essential idea in the One produced by human Infirmity,
Italian Mang mind Is a sense of politl- IWaR toilers of a,4oient Taltin. Hsthoula, looking like giant chimneys rising from root -tops of these homes. the other by a divine release from
,Cat Interiority, we. ahonld expect It t0 1W84 1►a11 Dttllt b>/ tk# Dense fin 1320. the ordinary ways of men. - Plato. _
..,�gypp ..:. .. ,. .- ,..,.. .._ -..». - ..• ':.; ., o ,r y�, K.,, ° �. �`:
�.,.. ;�ae•wJ,:. ..?:�:.. :.v.'�..;R! aka..;.' n�:3.`L.,d.a..,,,a✓:.c•y,'_. W ...,._•.. a,.. :'�:v,..:"us:..a..- .:,. ». -:... _- •. - -r. - ..�.. .(e.,:.+.n .._. .�. -...e _..J...�_._f_.,....:✓Tk.w,.. ....i .... ,. ... :fit _ ., .. ...,..__ _ a�.. r ..... __..a,a....,�. L.;.t:�,M...nu..u..�„b ti: s5:. ae •m?:vSM1?s_..�...M°a"fi�c:.. us.. 'w.�....:���....x�Jnta•a,. -.s'�
It Is seven. years since Signor=-Mus-
show the same sort of symptoms as
a r
$to" :made ..htmjglf dictator, saran
those that have been described, And
rears uriga which he has iuied with
they aril. WbAt *iklpd..1& tarx:' iii•.
(ts- absolute a power as almost any
most exclusively. to Abe words and
In" in history. And the questions
.deeds of her accepted'. ruIEr tliioagh-
gontinu8 to be 'asked: HQw does he-do
ouLthe tiala of his oMce. i
It? How long will It'IastY Why do
Tlie bombastic "speeches about)
_'• the. Italians stand It?
"destiny" and " gloty," the Vague 1
'• Endleas energy bas been spent,
threats of "legitimate expansion," the
` and still is being spent, eulogizing
noisy • but carefully indefinite chat
for reviling a man. But - scarcely
lenges, and the as caretully unad-
Zany effort has been made simply to
vertised withdrawals if there Is .dan-
Understand a state of affairs. The
ger of the challenge being taken up,
:!time, therefore, seems to have come I
are nothing but the, signs of a. pro-
to seek some explanation of blus•,
found eelt•dtatrnst. combined with
isol4nl's power which Is founded out
the fear of its being discovered- -
4he desire for truth and not on politt -f
the simulation of a confidence In
eal or temperamental blas. And the
one's strength which Is lacking.
„only approach to truth Is througt ex -�
But nobody imagines that it la the
iamining the psychology -not of her
Duce himself who suffers from tack of
ruler -but of the Italian nation itself.
self- botifldence. He has been accuq-
;The psychology of a nation, like the
ed of nearly every crime, but not his
[ndividual's, shows itself best in Its
worst enemy. would charge him with
bistory To understand the mentality
diffidence Nhen be rattles the
Shark Products
Istar`s Owner Classifies .514 - -- - - '
species rand Eatifnates - that :ts
500,000 Migi*te:'Dai a in ' - -
Mozanbique Chain-.
Durban, Nata . -A recent visitor to •� h
Durban, Prof. Alfred Ehrenreich, has ,
some interesting data to relate with
`regard to the conversion of sharks �/, • ( .
1 into ar.icles of commerce. 1 �j
-His floating faetory, the Istar, which
recently arrived in Durban Harbor for 1
fuel and timber on its way.to Tulear
in Madagascar and attracted a great d •I -.
deal of attention is the only boat of i
its kind in the world.
Dr. Ehrenreich has given 24 years
of study to the habits and species of
the shark and has gathered together
an amazing amount of knowledge. So 1
far he has been able to classify 21 I
families, 63 genera and 514 species.
of Italy to -day we must look at the sabre in Its scabbard It is the Inner He estimates that about 500,000
.° 'satecedei<ts which have gone to its doubts of Italy herself to which -he Edna E. Chrlstoirsea, world's chain- sharks are migrating daily in the lit-
Wake-up. 13 giving expression. i pion (38) •pistol shot, photographed
I In the grounds of ,the Empress Hotel, I tonal field in the 3lozambiquC Channel. ,
The first thing to note is that be- And that is the secret of his posi -, In thela. She f a member of the l Contrary to the general belief. sharks w
fore 1870 there was no such expres• lion. He is the symptom of Italv'a , are to be found in temperate arctic,
41 j Portland, Ore., police force and. won
scion as the Italian Natiou. She is, inferiority complex, the perfect syraf; and antarctic as well as in tropical
the women's• revolver shooting con• I
;therefore, the youngest, and--except- bol of the nation's reaction to every and subtropical waters. The knomt• '
teat at the police sports at Victoria,
'.Ing Germany —by several hundred renitnder of its weakness, whether it, and Esqulrnalt recently, Competing edge of their mis►ration is of greet _
years, of all the great nations in I comes trom without or within, from : I importance, to Dr. Ehrenreich in hi-s
Europe. As everyone knows• one of critics abroad or her own realism. with Seattle, Portland and Vancouver work.. -
ithe main characteristics of youthful- He la an idol set up, by Italy in her police three years, ago, Sirs. Chrtstof -I The Istar is equipped with small :
i fsen was within a mark of the open
s Haas is its acute consciousness o: If. own Image, the image of -a-- young boats, each fitted with a fulI.Diesrl
self. resulting in a sense of inferior; or badly treated or moderately ea -{ ehatpptonahip and easily
all wa engine for use when working in the SMART TAILLEUR.
¢ti rsty in face of the experience of its doomed person who blinds himself to men revolver shots In the world. littoral field or with drifters whey Its tailored simplicity will appeal to
,. eiders and betters. Italy has al- his deficiency by a constant display, +r -=--= working in the pelagic field- or deep gbo3 -taste for general daytime wear,
ways suffered from this morn- than of. , selfassertiveness- and sell'•com sea. Each of these small boats is pro. interpreted in silk c,;epe in novel dot
most young nations. mendation. Ships Upside Down j vi'•ied with nets made of linen. thread, pattern. The vivid plain silk crepe pip-.
To most foreigners, in spite of the He has discovered with so almost t steel nets being of little use, as owing ing and stitching which emphasizes its
grandeur of the Rlsorgimento: to spite uncanny divination the means or cdn- Tickle Seasiders t'. their rigidness the shark bites i clasji(. tailored lines, is what makes
Of the Cavour and Victor Emmanuel soling and compesatig Italy for all l i through them. Style No, 481 so sn.art. It's easi,y
.(and perhaps because ,.of the almost the insults, alights, ad self- pityingaf • The commercial returiffeom a'shark made, the pattern for'whicli cati bd
incradfblp romantic ,Garibaldi• Italy of the past; and for that she Is wta-, Mirage Adds to Gayety Oft i, the astounding factor connected lad -in sizes, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40
remained essentially what she bad I ing to put up with anythlag: the sup- -Seaskore Resorts Just with this floating industry. The fins -
J g y• and. 4., inches bust. " It is fashionable
been along -a museum of pictures I pression of liberty in speech and have an unlimited demand in the Far
h`'cf and sculptures and splendid build ings. press. tha- arrogance of Fascist squads. - North OE Boston
in augurs jersey in chartreuse green, -
Exsi and are considered a great dell- plain washable silk scrape in violet
:which one visited without paying,anp p-the loss of the constitution, and end- Mirages, rani to_ the Atlantic sea - cacy. Many kinds of leather are made shade, red and white gingham check* -
a attcintlon to the guardians. except 1 less petty tyrannies. R is because board as well as to western desert from ,the skin the finest of which is in silk crepe, featherweight tweed in
W'Itsibty to notice that the country of this so:acC which he 'bring,, that regions of -the United States. Schoon -`u3ed for the manufacture of ladies' I wood-violet tone, in tiny check pat- -
llvaq beautiful and the inhabitants pie- he has been able to make .himself I ers sailed across the sky upsidedown shoe° terni lipstick re4 crepe de chine, print- -
Auresque though dirty, supreme. and that his personal as -''' as residents on the North -Shore of Other commodities produced include ed pique, navy blue crepe marocain,
w3 And the Italians- tended to acquiesce ceadancy remains solid as a rock ! Massachusetts Bay viewed the finest! Fquid for the manufacture of basic grasshopper green georgette crepe
!n this estimate. Nothing is easier The Italians have no such. Dae9loaI mirage ii a quarter of a century. .1dyestu is" glove and wash leather, fish
and blue - violet silk crepe. Pattern fo r
when you have a reputation tbap to I for order that they would tolerate its; Y 2
� The - Pilgrim Monument at Province - , meal,'animal fodder, tanning, fertil' this unusual model price ..,Oc in stamps
�elirve it is unalterable and . to go Ineogveniences for Its own sake alone. j town loomed up across the bay for izer --rd glue, while the. dried and, or coin - (coin is preferred), Wrap
ion living up to it. It did not take` But they cannot.get on without the inearly 3"2 hours, although it is nor- Lsncoked meat is very mbc5- sought( coin carefully.
very many years of demagogy._ withfa comfort -of Signor %Iussotlni'r ora- )malty out of sight, Residents of after in the Dutch, East Indies, the HOW 1'0 ORDER PATTERNS.
Its constant changes of government f tory, booming defiance over a world 1 ;Marblehead, 50 miles north of the � Far East and Central Africa. All the � -
from one group of egoists to another -startled at last Into taking notice I monument, spw it clearly , outlined_ species of shark are eaten in the Write your flame and addeesa plsin-
_ ;labeljgj! diireredtly lie eorruptlon,�Aod tliat is 'w he will stay. at- the ainst the sky. civilized wvrtd. giving number and size_ of9su:h
�y 1 helm -and the bruaicaster -tor as ` ' Portions of the'Souih Shore came g c! .Oc ir.
. un�i manse inefficiency. to con- patterns as you_want Enclose
!clans a taiga seefloi of Italians that as Italy refuses to grow up; that into view, with boats in harbor: send- stamps or coin (coin ref:rred ;,wrap
tthe new state was lncapablc of the' Is, until she learns there is nothing i i ,g columns of smok3 both up and - `War Propaganda
it carefully) for each number, and
utondard net up t sliameful in accepting one's limita•IcIown from double funneis produced Le Devote (Ind.)' ("During . the address, your order to Wilson Pattern
t'o uparing thbmsetves with the Ger•; tfonb- especially when they mainly ; by the optical illusion. 'Itto mirage 'war lxing, 'became a patriotic vin• Rervice, 3 Nest Adelaide St., Toronto.
znan model, which was functioning, derive trom- youth. - Cornhlll ataga- was' unusual) ' clear'- at Ham ton I Patterns sent by an early mat..
y P tae. ") �Ve are now paying the bill
,l wit's the order and precision of a regl- zinc. Beach, N. H.
for -our war propaganda. The French 'a --
ntent of Prussian soldiers, they could _— — _ _
easily be persuaded that'It was giveul - —'' press and war missions on the one En g.
.hand; the,13r1ftah and American press Egypt L's. i
' — — .Pleasure 1 t news• v 181
only to the virile Nordic races to en- � � i on the other, our foreign and
..Joy their liberty In the modern world, J Pleasure Is one of those commodl- agencies. all of them sowed among o
and that. the Latins were condemned I ties which are sold at a thousand
r 'by their effectneas to endure alter• I us a propaganda often puerile and
i shops and bought by a t!touyartd ens childlah, -which shade s few ' stirtig Important Egyptian personalities
_;IIately disorder. and despotism. tomes, bb.t of whilh nobody ever their shoulders, but bore Its craft else- I are visitfng Great - Britain this'year.
-4 - In contrast there was a strongly '•••r fairly finds posseswlon; _ either they where amorrF the masses. slues the The Egyptian Foreign Secretary has
nationalist school, who, because they know. not well how to. use, or the war It has continued; now that the ' come and gone and is returning again;
were the most sensible of it tbem- commodRy_ will not keep, for no onb Mohamed Pasha
a selves, strove to ,get rid of this can- i has ev r yet appeared to be. satisfied _propaganda of wartime to over, IZris the Prime Minister,
cer of Inferiority, - seeking every op- l - - with his bargain; it Is too. subtle for still- s -f -us In peace time, of In -, been officially all also arrived and has
_ 'portunity, such as the war in Libya, ) transition. thou h snfitclantly solid' s(ratio force - force Its rain of -de- been officially received by the new
g corationa, its titles periodically -dls• 1 Labor'Ministry; King Fuad is expect,
to give their countrymen and the out- for sale. -W. G. Simms.
1 tributed. and all the rest. So many I ed on a private visit in August.
side world a better Idea of Italy's
• %� fi - -- I peopl,p will believe anything -and so These three visits are eloquent of
worth. - - r many are only gown up children. changed times in Egypt. Five years
Another opportunity, came is 1914, _ Little Things � ago, when political tension between
and. there was never any doubt that Ws. ought not to be weary of doing the two countries wts at its height _
.,ltal? would seize it thought she took • "Was It a case of love at tirst Doubts
a year to decide when and on wlilch slight?"
little things for the love of God, who � D such coming and goings would have
aide to enter the war But the i "No second eight. The first time regars not the greatness of the i" Doubt of any sort cannot be re been,-if not impossible, at any rate - -
chance of winning military glory for he met her he didn't know she was work, but. tire. love vyitb' wlrteb it is moved. except by • action.-Thomas the occasion for endless agitated ru-
a people which suffered from sal; de• I as heiress." - I Performed.- Brother Lawrencd. 'Carlyle. mor, centering acrimoniously' round
Drec•iation was one which could ' not - - - the prospects 'of an Anglo- Egyptian
et be refused.
Italy came out of the Peace with - �► Quaint Old World Relic of the Past l is just a year ago since Mo-
everything she fought tf ton- Trieste _ 4,amed Pasha Mahmud became Prima
Minister of his country. Under his
government the Egyptian Constitution
has bee
-' and the Trentina frontier- granted,
- but profoundly and secret) dissattailed -
tailed with herself. She had won the �L n susjiendpd '8nd King 1`usd
reward of .her sagacity in jo[nin the `e { i R s A rules through his Ministry without a
g ,g - ,r z � R
Parliament.. -Egypt is. thus at_ the. ... _
winning aide, but in her heart of ••r •.� yya r� `�� °+mac �.:
moment being ruled abnormally, an
hearts she knew she had been beaten.
She felt her disparagement to the at- " 4 _ the treaty question is wisely being left _
wi zr : • , w i in abeyance during -he suspension of
titude of the allies and of the rest ,: 3 „r,`. n. a. � the parliamentary regime, which Mo-
of the world which took any !n• a ^*'- ,a ,.y , harried
Mahmud says' he does
tereat, and, what' was worse, she felt � � �� F -�' � �.d not intend to prolong a day longer
• It in. herself. � '3 �n � �°*- then is' necessary. ime he has been
The old inferiority --- several cen=
I furies old by now- reappeared. sand < �~' But. in the meant , •,`
e the less virulent form be t� able, in the. domestic sphere, to set on
An non was hidden under a -skin of } k foot great hygienic and agricultural
cause, a
'self- congratulatlen. It had become. in 3 "* reforms. Simultaneously, in the sphere
fact, the most deep- rooted and Im• ! ,y
r ;t of foreign affairs, he has concluded
I. recognizing its symptoms; the sensi• "Y the important Nile Convention with
Great Britain. These accomplish
logy of the Italian nation.
We are all acquainted with this a ments are to the goon of Egypt and
`trait (complex, to use the jargon of
'' ' to the good of Englo
`t - Egyptian rela-
science) in individuals slid use to _ - lions;, and this growing cordiality be... r
recognizing its symtoms; the sensi -
tween the two countries will certainly !'
- tiveness to take offense, the over. stand Egypt in good stead when the
confident manner, the boasting, and " -- - time.comes, as it shortly will, for the-
' blustering, and bullying, which spar- raising of two more importat.t prob-
' son who is ashamed of an insigntli•' i lems which, however, are international -
cant appearance, or ignorance, or cow• and antside.ahe Anglo- Egyptian quen-
;.4 t' th the Egyptian.
ardice, or poverty, employs. to cover - ton- a duties on e
- up his weakness and compensate for " _•- capitulation:,. nd The bolrtton of
i of
customs` duties a a
the hurt to his vanity. The psycho-
logical lawn which apply to indtvi•
duals very often hold good for aa• _- -__ - Madness "
Assum[ng, therefore, '.hat as has BEST PRESERVED MEDIEVAL TOWN There are two kinds of madness.
been shown the essential idea in the One produced by human Infirmity,
Italian Mang mind Is a sense of politl- IWaR toilers of a,4oient Taltin. Hsthoula, looking like giant chimneys rising from root -tops of these homes. the other by a divine release from
,Cat Interiority, we. ahonld expect It t0 1W84 1►a11 Dttllt b>/ tk# Dense fin 1320. the ordinary ways of men. - Plato. _
..,�gypp ..:. .. ,. .- ,..,.. .._ -..». - ..• ':.; ., o ,r y�, K.,, ° �. �`:
�.,.. ;�ae•wJ,:. ..?:�:.. :.v.'�..;R! aka..;.' n�:3.`L.,d.a..,,,a✓:.c•y,'_. W ...,._•.. a,.. :'�:v,..:"us:..a..- .:,. ». -:... _- •. - -r. - ..�.. .(e.,:.+.n .._. .�. -...e _..J...�_._f_.,....:✓Tk.w,.. ....i .... ,. ... :fit _ ., .. ...,..__ _ a�.. r ..... __..a,a....,�. L.;.t:�,M...nu..u..�„b ti: s5:. ae •m?:vSM1?s_..�...M°a"fi�c:.. us.. 'w.�....:���....x�Jnta•a,. -.s'�
1-11;-.� - --- �? N� -.1 �:. 1, - ��: . ;, , � " - ..-, - - - . , .: , , , , - ' I'll- 1—.. � e � "
F 4F
> Unnecessary —Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea is truly economical. N
Man B cups im a full poun4
The barrister had returned home as many.
you -take The MUM after an importsnt�calse In which be
half pound makes almost
a -man charged of.cheap tea costing 50c to 60c.
Lloyd George has Intimated that the bad been defending Ipteasure In
balance .of power is-in his-hands and with muratr.
-vantage 'What, was. t4e• verdict?" asked his
that it will be used to, tee ad
Housew of the people as a whole. Premier wife% rushing into the hall and throw-
Ramsay MacDonald may take this Ing her arms. round •.,her . busband!s
either as a threat or a promise, but neck.
we. surmise. that he has little to tear "He was acquitted," beamed the bart
so long as he carries out the unem- rister.
ployment program outl4ned by the "Wonderful! How did you mange
Liberal party anti unalloyed by the that? on what grounds?"
opinions of the Fabian Society. NA- "Insanity," was the reply.,•'I proved
O 7 NOW so shoat my daily fly Air. Lloyd George Would like that father had spent five years In
work with pleaum," says to see the thunder Premier Mae Don- a lunatic asyluM." od'
"But he hadn't, had he T" Mrs. Scott of Guelph. In aid stole from him put into effect.
tanks As long as he goes, straight Premier Oh, yes, he hdid!" said the 'rising
and family cares; that is the MacDona
Mite of tiring domestic
Id can .probably count on young barrister., ':111p Was a' doctor RANGE FEKOE. is iextra -
RED ROSE 0 460
If way every woman should feell. Lloyd Georges support, provided he there, but I . saw no reason'to bring
certain changes In the Fran• that out."
But bow .marry do?. chise Act which should give Lloyd ts
Thousands of women all, b ....Hopes Classified Advertisements George twice as many followers as
over the world have regained has now and to that extent wo d Hast 'thou o'er the clear heaven of C�CZS
thy soul 'S'
strength and nervous energy make the balance of power twice as HOT IVEATHER Seen tempest roll? ABY CHICP .
by taking Dr. Williams' Pink puissant as it is t6-day. But Premier :DURIN B Rocks 12c, Brown, Leghorn. sia
t not forget that I-last thou watched all the hopes thou Anco as 11c. White Legborns 10c. as-
is write to tell us so. MacDonald must at there 71
Pills, an would'st have won a rted cblcks 9c. Express p0d on 200 or,
Is a Man Behind and that little Lia.vid Every mother knows bow fatal the over; free catalogue. L Ef awltzer,
Mr& Scott is one of these. with his stone the great Goliath -slew, hot summer months are to small coil- Fade one by. one. Granton Ontario.
"'I was
very much run-down, No doubt Air. Lloyd George still has dren, cholera Intantum, diarrhoea, Wait til the clouds are past, 'then �The up•and-coming Young man in
VAIrvous, tired. I took Dr. hopes for the .rejuvenescence of the dysentry, colic and stomach troubles raise tbine eyes likely to succeed, unless he, is up at
Williams, Pink Pills and am To, .bluer skies.
Liberal party. He still has the cam- are rife at this time and often a pre- Proctor.
four and -just coming home.
as well as ever again. Now I paign fund In his hands and at the elous little life Is lost after only a, few -Ade!aidii A. et
go about my work with pleas- next election can say to one, come, hours illness. 'The mother who ,seeps
are in fact, f-041 20 yesirs and he cometh, and to another, go, Baby's Own Tablets In the house Minard's Liniment for Earache.
younger." and he goeth, and otherwise, act with feels safe. The occasional as. of the -1 action Of 006
-"stores the norm
full authority. Tablets prevent stomach and bowel
Buy a box of Dr. Williams' it is this Campaign fund that Win- troubles or if trouble comes suddeol A.Thank Goodness i by its'wonderfully effective
y -ice cynic says
Pink Pigs at aff druggists and ston ChurcbAll deplores when he- Detroit News: The off =9iny and purifying quallifiesi,
dealers in medicine or, post. _as It generally does-the Tablets he felt instantly relieved this'morn- if ty Yea" of S."Ice
states in his post mortem on the elec- will bring the baby safely through. ading over the proposed i4ciap 2U. Ointment 2-le- &nJ 50e-
pa4 by snail at 50 cents • irg, when re
tIon that Mr. Lloyd George used every They are sold by medicine dealers
box from The Dr. Williams means to . sabotage the Conservative or by mall at 25 centa:`a box from rew tariff bill in full detail, To find
anufactured lava on the free list.
Medicine Co., Brockville, Party. This I& only partly true, the The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. unm Dandruff.
Conservative party having sabotaged Brockville, Ont.
s ti itself to some extent by having noth• your scalp
Rub Minard's Into yo
Ing more colorful to put,forward than Young and Old four times a week. Prevents
to let well enough alone. Is Mr. When all the world Is young,-lad. falling hair,
qsi Churchill snarling or has he drearn& And all the trees are green;
of being the Man Behind and switch- goose a swan, lad.
Ing the Liberal party over to his sIde9 And every
And every lass a queen;
One way or another, this Mr. Church, !Then hey for boot and horse lad, Ptea
III 1aa done 'a lot of switching In his
And round the World away;
day. Young blood must have Its cou
'PIES ibex rae, lad, "KING OF FAIN"
And every dog'bis. day.
When all the world Is old. lid.
Inter-Imperial Trade
Quebec Evenement (Cons.): Some And all the trees are brown;-
IP1141E PILLS people think, with Lord. Beaverbrook, And all the sport is stale. lad.
• A NQUARMOL.0 HAMS that free trade between Britain and; And all the wheels run down;
the British countries across the sea,
Creep home, and take your place fir a—
is the most practical solution D Is thelre.
so I
grave problem. Others, with The spent and maimed among;, a
- Radio Chamberlain, believe that the time Is '" grant you find one face the;e,
• approaching when the application of
Ottawa Droit (Ind.); The best plask You loved when all was young.
would be, isiour opinion, to commer- comme-rcial Imperialism, but with -Charles Kingsley. !1
guarantees for the daughter nations cialize radio which has become a pub-
licity medium of very great value, &I• of England, will be the only efficacious
'though that of the press still surpass - solution of the difficulty. In our hum-
ea It by many lengths. In this re- ble opinion, free trade Is no more de-
the Empire that spect the American practice seems to slTuble In " It would
and the United
u 'd
recommend itself. Certain Interests, be between Canada anc a n te
States. It Is clear that our different
companies. businesses of all sorts, are
-7 sold an hour a week, and the pur. habits of life reader a• proposal like in
'.'chasers are responsible for the or- this Inacceptable to Canadians. it A dour
would put our raw materials at ten eir musical programs,
gaulzation of th IffielloneyTbrCaW
disposal of British Industry, to the
reserving here and there a few see
Children Cly'
onds for their own publicity. This !detriment of the Canadian Industrial- You Must Do. Your Bit
-Method, besides allowing us to reduce let arid .worker, and it would not com- in the war against the fly, carrier
to a minimum the price of licenses, penaile this disadvantage by any ads-
Was In Bed Z
of Was and breeder of disease. tor It
will make radio stations paying pro-'quate. Increase in the importation by
We shall thus be enabled England of articles _produced . in Can- 'it laproviin that AEROXON wene "Baby has little upsets at times. Ail
All Summer
-positions. Q the amt convenient end most
to resist the principle of State owner. ada. What both Britain and Canada N *fhcimt Mezzo of combating th"ja your iare cannot prevent them. But
Is commercial treaty "I have to work in the store and
ship ,which there has been* some. at• appear to need evit, It a cosw bee. you can be prepared., Then you can
inmerefal 01 Ike 1-b-sal 11 is hygienic f do my own housework, too, and I
tempt to Import here from Canada in .....tiring to both a strong cl, �weeks'perfectservice. 113is Down get away, do what any eoerieuced nurse would
preference. Canada already gives got nefvous and runKitrign and was in
the matter of radio. causbL Each ,pint gives three do---�wbat Most physiCians' would tell
this, but receives practically nothing you to do-give a few drops of plain bed nearly allsummer. Tbc least noise
--doubt, London- Is
in 'return'. Without
And to think that we could have SZWAM OF IMITATWNS Castoria. No sooner done than : would make me nervous. I was told
our best client for the export of agri- Baby Is soothed; relief is just a mat- to take Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vege..
.!been rich long ago just by letting one cultural products. But in the invis-
.-janother have everything on credit. c tier of moments, Yet, you have - tunic Compound and I have taken
able exchanges, money, for 'exam-Ple-ir —,La Cie C 0. Gesest & W Liesitte 'eased your child without use of a seven bottles. It has made me strong.
difWatches to Eng- QM
Canada annually single doubtful drug; Castoria is
in" C.!&rJ. er and mere color into my face.
land hundreds of- millions of dollars In vegetable. So it's safe to use as of-
dividends. -am looking after my store and
tea as, an Infant has any little Pain
And It's al- housework and my-lour children
You cannot pat away.
M lnard's LInIm-int for aching Joints. ways_ ready for. the crueler pangs of and I am getting along nicely now."
C011c, or constipation, or diarrhea; -Mm I Malin, It X Na 5, Barton
effective. too, for older children. St. East, Harnaton, Ontario, Canada.
were I
Twenty-five million bottles
H-uhinp, E Vtat 16 a "fardsficle'?,, tor for Oat&rlo • bought last year.
evu. 3
u ce Chicago Tribune: Both the formula Lydia E. Pinkham's t
of eq•.xality and the idea -of a technical so Trout mt. 2. -roromo
of app. - P, U
cation. Equaifty, if it is not to be a Veo
Wnc t Eyes
yardstick are very diffi . cult Lonege
BY" IWO Gil Tells
V 4Ad ChtVW-W fluence upon our thought
Involves many more factors than the
delusion espkiall injurious in its in-
'Y and policy,
Tow' _She .'C A S T 0 R I A
gar„ eyes for vast gth-aue
for 6"Wrositr-Ciray eyes for proposed yardstick can -measure. ' It
i"WUSP-Isparkling " iii, involves strategi,; positions and bases, so
Skin, Gai*hs* 12 1
dicate beauty, Fes, ww good naval units nd -merchant shipping
, ilpla lips
health, tsouT, M our "T am a student at Columbia Unt-
natural resources, responsibilities, and
sparkle? Are the X-018 clear ersity." writes Miss Ardeh Ambroo-
interests. The yardstick, measuring v
ON are they tinged with "How tonnage, speed, radius of action, arm- klan, "and I am writing to Intiarm you
-4sidicading an ' out-of-sorts ainent, and age, is.sufficiently compli- of the benefits derived from fronized
condition - due to 1:onstipa. Yeast. It helped do away with sollme P6 40
dot;? U sot you pow catedi but it can cover only one phase unsightly~ pimples that were so hard UIJV
of the concept of qualit ore taking Iro
Y. to.get rid of, Bet nized
Yeast.. my , w - ins. Now ILM3: en in
eight. was 103 P"
I weigh 115 lbs. My face and ,neck.
T17 tfalP
tear "it 6 short
:1 Vegetable
1UNd abort Charvd4jow the Eyes in
lrtars Beeckam A ershem"u.
SWM Agentst Harcild F. Mufti* 9 1 r1t
are rounding out, my digestion 19 bet • -
ter, I eat and sleep well and MY
health Is excellent." For Ti-oublals
Letter after letter.. tells this same due to Acid
wonderful story. Five. to 15 pounds .^clos-roMACH O�e�
gained. In a few weeks. Bony limbs
rounded: Blemished skin cleared. #4ZS-*MNA ^cNZ
Only when Yeast Is lronized Is it
more eff ective-fdr iron -Is needed
to bring out the we g - u
and strengthening values of Yeast.
What many call, indigestion tasteless alkali In water'will neutral-
Get these pleasant. tasting tablets to-
day. Never cause gas or bloating.
very' often means excess acid in the Ize Instantly many times as much
r E R S
Safe-no harmful drugs.
stomach. The stomach nerves have acid, and the symptoms disappeat as
-Yo-1 will never use crude
Go to any drug store to-day and get
been over-stimulated, and food sours. once. .
full size treatment of rronized Yeast.
The corrective Is an alkali which Methods When once you learn the
It after this generous tital you ar
beutra-lzes acids instantly. And the efficiency of thls. Go get a small
Carefully compounded to promote proper growth. Fall and Spring- Illvery'
not delighted-. get Your money back
beat alkali known to- medical science bottle to try.
carlot and less caricit buyer should have our prices. Write Now,
from druggist' or manufacturer,
Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has Be sure to get genuine PhI1110Phillips
Wanted. Minimum car 15 tons. No reason to complain of high ices It
inconvenient to buy from druggist,
remained the standard with pbyal- Milk of Magnesia prescribed by pbyst•
you buy from us. Write today.
send $1.2� to Canadian Tronized Yeast
Co., Ltd.. Fort Erie, Ont. Deek425-BT.
clans In tha 50 years since Its laven• tians for 50 years In correcting excess
3 211. GUOSM Free- 0990 Zhissidam.1111t. Went, Toronto 9, oat
acids. Each bottle contains full direct
Oat affette I
ISSUE No. 30—'29
one spoonful of this rmless, tions-any drugstore.
-,*-r Nw, 41
lj .v . rY.. T! >:•'.T•C'_. ,,� X. .ec "f�^."fi .y a:- J: r'- K:'. -'. v fr vy a {t' ..r en•., y,Rmp.,.. ,,;Y v.f z•+-. w., r,,:l .'- .
S r
the informal social life in this lake-
F3 C
land region - balmy, lazy [moonlight
_ W
r 11.76 per year,: $1.30 it paid In advance.
Of course y'ou Would -like to see the
nights under the giowof Northern
stars - soft- music,• deli • people
9nbeaiptiona co the United Slaw and Great
Coast and see all the places you Lave
dreamed-of—busy cities like
everything to crowd your vacation
Britain 12:ou in advance.
Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Sask-
with real happiness.
' t
ices a
dayl fordst��f.0,cct�sfu1 g•ra,ivates T
For specially prepared booklets deal -
Dr. Willia¢ts' Fly. Oil fr)
AHN - MURKAH, Pfoprie'lof.
Vary Edmonton,
atchewan, Calgary , ,
ing with Muskoka Lake o_ : Bays, and
lessen stealing and prosecute o
couver, and Victoria —the spreading
Kawartha lakes, French and Picker -
- PIC14ERtNt3 £OUNCtL. -
prairies, Jasper National Park in all
its mountain ' splendor, the sombre
el- Rivers, apply to any Caradian Nat -
trip to Tomato re bteel foe bridges f
The above :council roes rrsuant to
Skeena River, the famous sheltered
- -... -.
adjournment on Monday,the2'2ad ine.
Scenic seas, perhaps even Alaska, the
-The amount -qf acreage In po
M @rpbereall present, the reeve in the
alluring :land of the Midnighx sun_
tatoes in Ontario County is lees.
chair, Minucas of last meeting were
Low tourist fares help you see the
this year than last, due to the low
- read and appruved.
utmost at least expense possible. Ask
pt'ic•css paid last rear,' ` the average
L. F. Richardson was heard-re trans-*
your nearest ;Cariidia't- lvatio ill
price being 15 cents per bag.
''fer of lot IF eon 1 (50 acres) from S_ S.
rl to 8. S U. 1.
F. E. Rrass was heard re blocking of
SItuations Guaranteed
u p
H . ; G a l l a ughe r
. Palmer's road.
Gen, E. Pegg teas heard re sheep
i�r'rgiII : Zii8IC�1821t
• killed by dugs.
EGE,. College and Spadina, is poY-
A oom. was received from P. M.
ularl;r known as ' 'Toronto's[ Great-
- :$iggins re Weed Inspection Act,
W. J. BeatuL, Svliritor; was heard
est School of • Business and remains to
Is in the mm 1%—t to purchase'$ay,
se Judge Rudda's award on White-
sea ion the entire year.
Anibitious,young people'w•ho cannot
Straw, Crain null Potatoes .
vale bridge. After due consideratioc.
_. the council instructed the Solicitor to
enter now may carry on by home study
Fur gttotati apply
octet- an appeal agalust the Judge's
and start' college later, thereby, sav-
ing. time and l paid n;nna, 1rdiviri-
':al instructa�n, Uni�rr.it)
A_ �. G = E_ � � N ,
The standing committee cp C'ontin•
R. R. tip, 1,
gene recommended payments as fol
staf? of t•u:nercial : peclaiists, spec -
Prune Pickering
low$ : D R Benton, on account of t•al•
ial uttc•ntio„ to backward or rusty.
ary 125.00 ;Thos Gregg, att div c;,urt
4.60; Ed Gleesoo. ditto 4J01t; J Jlurkar•
Enter any day. The Championship'
15[f.. Reference Bank of JI.?otceal
advt tenders 2 50• Nluuici al W-rld
Gold Medal Scho41. .4 situation guar- r
Take advantage of our new refrigerator counter, where your good
arekeol) cold, clean and Ftaanrtary. -When ordering `
your Groceries order your
Cooked Ham Head Cheese Rolla Pork : �8oneleso Butt
- Beef Bologna • Fork Bologna- Pressed meal-
Pressed Beef Corned Baef Yeameal Bacon
-Sliced Breakfast Bacon Sliced Back Bacon
Heinz Pickles' Heioi Catsups - Heinz Cream of Tomato Sonp
Heinz Pork and Beans C-ieitrz Spaghetti
Heinz' "Premier - Blue Ribbon
Granulated Sugar, is Cheap —Buy Pow— .$u.(;0 per 100 lbs, -
Pickering Hardware _Store
.' t00 GMF h W h
r ursy[ trip to Turonto re embers svtuz property stolen oommuxil
consultatiun with bridge eugineera When Thermometers in the. City are Bate immediately with any member
5,00; DR Benton, a ituessFa fees rr Dancing in the 90's of Executive 0ommhtes.,
WhitevaiP bridge enquiry 5170, _ -
• Theatanding conrmitee on HonusPs There's- a carefr , c nlo*ful vacation Membership fee $1,00,
f.,r Wire Fences rep.,r'fed and recom• •NaWnz fn you in the Highlftr:•ir. o° 'rtaftuoe mev be had from tae•?reatdeat or
, recess, l aycneot ++a. f,.ils fe : Chat lea Dnta :'i.u— o::.exe cool pine arr.! bal- Secrer.r9 onapp;ioation.
;Palmer, h,rnus on Ors rocs fence !ut22 am- cente.l breez ;.= drift arrr,�• ,.dark
con 1 15 W iing azure- bl',.P iak'� —ttho • i,•u eat' Ez3 Cam. —L_ a. Banks, t'. S. Palm
The 4tar.ding rn{n,ut Pe ran To ens er, H, S. Ch. m rn, Pu k <rin
pnrtr +t ion. Pow e• ar d Light rop ; rnj ` to the full tra out -of n'•* e I p 4
and ree'�mrnended pa; m .- f „I to �: creation' - including tern!.,, •.w �,
:)H - rotor- boatinz, a,,ua-planir.r, eat. ca' D. u ^r0r �33. R;` "drd30 R.
t 1 F' Cure . Grervkv 3 lights 3 33: ,e , tr ; President, Gecret.r
Mso Town Ha11 servb;r 3 G1. to ^u: q, , .., t,:k nr , a •d }vu w.l, h:•; S
: The wtanding cnrnrnitte. on Dan
r RPH to She. p Wm Vied (,y D.,Rs r e
Mr s „rted"Id ce, :UrAv ;. 3 *u ;b4 Lil H> � iNq
� = �olirrw•. ; ti'<-w Grav J„ 3 i +u.b +killed mr%Ar 0)(X); Bovl Burk, in,pecting Gray'.
- ` a,heep 10 dO, Geo 'Pegg. 5osheep killed
Iroo rX); h1 Pegg. 2 shr.p and 1 lamb
Rifled 41 (0. John Scutt, ia'Qppectiow -
G and M PeWg'e sheet) 2 3u: L 1liddle• I -
too, 1 rheep killed
- - 20,ri. ; Boyd Burk
ins Perdo R Middleton'9 cbee p 73c: «
' - -
H HAnku, 1 ibeep and 4 1.►mba killers
. T Atsnan, iaspecttag Bank'. shThe �� de Da ch Pa er .Co-
7300 .
cheep 1 #1.
The standing committee on Road.
and Badges reported and recnrSpenc -Of CL fiell the tollowrng payments : J' Bpeoce' lev, haul cemr•at w Hodgs.)o'a bridge
8 W. C Cooper, trucking cement wire
aails gas lumber to Hodgson NORP
4� 27 21: F Luyst. 89} hbin• cement H-,dg Trenton,- lT. r
4 . [ton bridge 205 31); lE Thorne, haul g r av do U al 10
Ho 7400; n Coady, labor Hod eont :mitts Are open t() _ptlCCllti9e Wheat t3lld Rye
.' 74 l t): T Candy, labor Sadgeon Gr idgr
7 W; R Cook. dii to 3.73: F W rcl, ditt
.35”, K Jnne -, r• Itto 1225. Jos 1111tor,
di toYB, iii; «' F :v►nA. ditto) 1" i51t: N I.7traw at the tollowing
Lynn, ditto 2000: «• Birkett. di'tn.
.260% F ' rrh. widening rand fi idtr prices :
• eon htidge 7 tN); F RKr ^i,�y, t;aul Rr„�' • "'
Hodgson brill re t.Or,; Uz t-, p, V h.it
exlwn *e of 1H •d)lyuu hridgr•; )•;rnP4t .('� raw
Jonea. lahi,r on Lint•m. -and Ginn bcid• No, Wheat a�l.< Ry e St l aw
gee etc ''S 75: i•` Wr,, d, labor Lintr:n
hr,agr 7 tNt; F Ward, lnbi,ri.int,n and Baled �E�.00 per . ton Loading, Point �
(31en hridge� et r, 825N; Jan Wi kin. . t'? )
_. •-.ditto and hil0d hridge ron 4 47 b3: ��' - ._._.... ' Q (�(�
Fvans.ditto5165; 1iI,vnn•(litto r54 r)J[ S.UU per t(�Il delivered
W Birk,•tr, 'tlitto 51 1r1: W Gee, ur.ty 1'
r for son 6480; S Faruda :e, drag (an. _ at file FaCterc.
8 7 6.25: F 014-,-m, haul, ar.,ty &)nr 6:
5.0xr' R hlowhtr,y. grav and haul con. L1
673'2]0 ARrKers•h��t gray can. 6.7 For turther enquiries Write-the-above
28 50: R Joni••, ditto 26 50; J Todd, c -tit. .
weeds :K t i Kart to ply calf 250:.J firm or Phone 18 Trenton:
r Garland, fill[° 2 50; G Tndd, ditto 2 to;
J Todd, cut weeds 8tl•Scarboroto pat
half 2 00; J McGriskin. ditto 2 "T9');:J.m:
:.Garland, ditto 00; G Todd; ditto 2 r>t); -
• A Petty, ditto 4 25 ; Jno Garfarui, (:ut s
,weeds haul gravel rani 23 4is 30; A
Petty, dittn40.26; J Mouriskiu,.littu r, ! i t1'
81.oD,.J Todd, ditto 24 23; Gen., Todd.
' 'ditto.Td.35, D Annis, clean ditch rep
wash(.ut gray for Whirevale 8 70; R .
Ttveedie, clean drtcb rEp ce.+shoutt,i :TRAVF.I, 1FiE t:l \r,'3 HiC3FittAY
Avliitevkle 8 50: OPetty', haul strati
con 1 rep Teefy bill drag ceir.s _> §'40,54); - .e
li Gates, ditto 23 75-, 1 J !1f,if T"f dint[ a I Coach'Services
%vee `s c cut weeds R MJ; -Ct' Teefy, cot a y '
e weeds can 3 15 lr); H .9outercille, dr:rr? - '
con 2 rep Trefy's hill cut, wpccl. Sri U0:
A?1laxteIl,ha ill t; : :ivcori.22 :;(lit ;C\ I Sa €e allx] comfort are COIYllilnr'.4 Rif);• i}i8
R,'gravO 1K 75; L GateQ. h'iuil gray- cui y
weeds drag 2•i 58.10; ktchinr!rc c01?VeniehCe of frequent se1•v1C'4. to the
iSt Equiprneut. Ltd. mixer, pump and
en4ine 55100; E H Wilbur. drrtt pin - ei;L•t:re Ct• (1verV cornu7 llit5 .
: et(''21.'25; J D Adam -, -rep. u,.g,Kdrt 011 the 11(71:te
14 II1); "$film &- Uni ins, steel f r Linton ' - - _
an.f Glen br er h 1937:13_,kc -c ilia..' PICI�ERINO- TORONTO
�hu'pen•Frnder hlede.4ld);.0 P.urkt•ur,
' eng ise grading runs 2 R 4 5 and 8 RI )d :•'
cut '.rc•erls cot :13 1 '1,53,5t1; W %V',rrl :, -
- Fare 50 Cents
- 'op,;1;1,l isig grwlt-r haul ruixer to Lit).
to., hr i ;lgo 61 101: A Brayley, haul gr'.cv Le<.ve Picket ii,K : :(l•: i -tern St:And,%vJ Time)
coil 1 10.(X)• B H :•esor. rep hridg2 con
6 50; Also 'drag n t I Ux to pa: half ti 'rv.- �fi.2 :3,' x6.5.3 i 55, 3' 5, 1)'5,3, 10 55, 11.33 A. to,
_.. 2 i5Ct:_ Ft PIRXI -n, rep whshoat cnn -6 p. m'. -12 55, 1 55, -2.55, 8 55, 4.5:3. 5.55, 6.55, 7.55.
3 75; F Wright, spread-grav drag cons S.55,' 0.553; *10.25 1). in. t'
Q 3 rep w�shont can 6 33 23: E Beelhy,. '
re.p- washout con 6 10.00; A J Tavlcir, x— daily,' except Sundays
°lase 'di!, h and drag con 2 20.00:, T *--Sundays only
Bailey, lrrrtchi-ng c(Jn 2I5ct.,,
Bnhrnce of lioaaar.d Bririge'•repor't Cuaeu Cnngeetiops at TurontciTerminai for New
held over for next week, ' market, Barrie, Midland, Orillia, Coukatown,
The council nnry v(l ,j,,urned th meet - Bratuptun, Orangeville,- Shelburne, Ham-
'ag+rfn on TueedP6-, Aug. 6th, for the• iltuu, I3r4utford, St, Catharines, Nis-
- transaction of general hu- loess, ¢sra 1`t 11 FiitfFalo, Aiuskoka Wharf"
_ • -• • GrHv,- t,hnr -t, 13r•,cebridge, Huntsville,
— '•Cutting in" is a M04t danger' lip avii, Collingwood and {
tius practice of motorists, especi• - —' - .iI) terwediAte pointq'.
ally on a Saturday or Sunday; -
when the traffic is very. heavy. Counei i,).ny at Buffalo for all U. S. A. points.
`Rot "cutting W, is especially dau'
l;eruu-4 when going up h hill,when - Li Q of the r „till for' r�, �Coa+ch IZeS
rtrly x few rods vheAd.• Tne anti
dent which occurred east (if the
village on SHturdRy afternoon n•n.
'line to this dangerous practice.
.._,.',.. Y.-., v;: ni... vsSi:_,..•, A. a._ rid' fd[„< v, fi. �nac'. r•_ r. i�.,:; sr.,.. is'..^'@ '..'.rw,.u..i,,.�s...m•_n!_.: :: Ji,.s:._r- «.._.,. -. _•+.,_._�,a'.. 7- °e - -., u.,:, ..:,: r .'.- .'...o-:id'n:•,i.+?,a'.r: ::t 'A•s,'...a«,ir.mr: :' .,w. �'':,:;:.
- Beatty Electric Washers and 1900 Gravity Washers.
A free trial any time.
-• .'Haying and Harvesting Tcxrls of all kinds.
:Agent for the a• eCormi,•k'hee %ing Farm
Machinery t;t.d Ropairs:
Our Motto : We have it, ran get it, or it is not made.
-(D. �O
We have put in a stock r-,f Black Di•tmond Plow Pointq. Give a call,
It we havz't got your make. 'we will gat them.
Our season's stuck of Brantford Binder Twine has arrived
Our prices will be. right;.
4�litnaz Bug Biller, Paris Green, A -"nate of Lead
for the potato bug•.
Fresh Groceries at lowest prices. H fat the9E prices paid fat
farm produce
- Batteries Re- clfarged. -
-Phone your order. We deliver.'-
. Phone MarkhAnt tHrw -
Wrns M Duncan, rai
�Geneireen River
For Sale By .
I N. M. Gordon _ - - - _Pickering, Onr.
Children's ;.tl:tiu Euglis•h, brrtadcloth panty dresses, nice range of colors
”' ages 2, 1 and f yeHrs, ac 1 30..
Children's figured broadcloth and figut•ed cotton panty dresses,
ages up ti) 6 years, uper•ial 1.19.
Children's black sateen, red- trimmed play suit*, embroidered figures,
aizes 2, 3 and 4, apeeial 1 00.
:Khaki coveralls and overall°, triwnied in red, the excellent
*earing kind, At-1.25.
Women's and Children's slimmer un,ierwear iu cotton and silk.
Women's and Children's hdsiery, splendid shades,
Men's light work bootq, panto soles of the splendid wearing
gttal.ity, specially priced $2 85,
Sporting Goods — Tennis wear, balIs and bat9. :
Ve still use the same high grade leather and give you the same good
service in otir Shoe RPpaiciug Depyrttne,ot.
C E 0 I L B RA D L`E Y
P 3. 01=1 = :R I IT C+
-. s ... .. ., . s ... Nd' u .a ....•_ ,r.•eae. -X. w.ar.v..."l,_.:,! Y h . -_. - t .- - ..._...,_•asdkm i.,..,. �
p a
anteed each ersrtuate. Last dal
Tie Pickering
r '
postage etc 1.08i United Typewriter e
e _
_ W
We have Ar =conic of Lead, Paris Green,' Arsenate of Lints Clime:
potato crop
' t
ices a
dayl fordst��f.0,cct�sfu1 g•ra,ivates T
The object of this Asso^iat'nn'ie to D
Dr. Willia¢ts' Fly. Oil fr)
> r
revision 15.01): hunus on collection of '
'•lUru:g the past thirtc ears Ask : l
lessen stealing and prosecute o
off your stock.
1C8 do tags 10 BiJ; G L Middleton. t
them, t
the felons.
trip to Tomato re bteel foe bridges f
I t
- S
Screen Doors, Screen Windows and Wire Cloth to keep out the Ries
r ursy[ trip to Turonto re embers svtuz property stolen oommuxil
consultatiun with bridge eugineera When Thermometers in the. City are Bate immediately with any member
5,00; DR Benton, a ituessFa fees rr Dancing in the 90's of Executive 0ommhtes.,
WhitevaiP bridge enquiry 5170, _ -
• Theatanding conrmitee on HonusPs There's- a carefr , c nlo*ful vacation Membership fee $1,00,
f.,r Wire Fences rep.,r'fed and recom• •NaWnz fn you in the Highlftr:•ir. o° 'rtaftuoe mev be had from tae•?reatdeat or
, recess, l aycneot ++a. f,.ils fe : Chat lea Dnta :'i.u— o::.exe cool pine arr.! bal- Secrer.r9 onapp;ioation.
;Palmer, h,rnus on Ors rocs fence !ut22 am- cente.l breez ;.= drift arrr,�• ,.dark
con 1 15 W iing azure- bl',.P iak'� —ttho • i,•u eat' Ez3 Cam. —L_ a. Banks, t'. S. Palm
The 4tar.ding rn{n,ut Pe ran To ens er, H, S. Ch. m rn, Pu k <rin
pnrtr +t ion. Pow e• ar d Light rop ; rnj ` to the full tra out -of n'•* e I p 4
and ree'�mrnended pa; m .- f „I to �: creation' - including tern!.,, •.w �,
:)H - rotor- boatinz, a,,ua-planir.r, eat. ca' D. u ^r0r �33. R;` "drd30 R.
t 1 F' Cure . Grervkv 3 lights 3 33: ,e , tr ; President, Gecret.r
Mso Town Ha11 servb;r 3 G1. to ^u: q, , .., t,:k nr , a •d }vu w.l, h:•; S
: The wtanding cnrnrnitte. on Dan
r RPH to She. p Wm Vied (,y D.,Rs r e
Mr s „rted"Id ce, :UrAv ;. 3 *u ;b4 Lil H> � iNq
� = �olirrw•. ; ti'<-w Grav J„ 3 i +u.b +killed mr%Ar 0)(X); Bovl Burk, in,pecting Gray'.
- ` a,heep 10 dO, Geo 'Pegg. 5osheep killed
Iroo rX); h1 Pegg. 2 shr.p and 1 lamb
Rifled 41 (0. John Scutt, ia'Qppectiow -
G and M PeWg'e sheet) 2 3u: L 1liddle• I -
too, 1 rheep killed
- - 20,ri. ; Boyd Burk
ins Perdo R Middleton'9 cbee p 73c: «
' - -
H HAnku, 1 ibeep and 4 1.►mba killers
. T Atsnan, iaspecttag Bank'. shThe �� de Da ch Pa er .Co-
7300 .
cheep 1 #1.
The standing committee on Road.
and Badges reported and recnrSpenc -Of CL fiell the tollowrng payments : J' Bpeoce' lev, haul cemr•at w Hodgs.)o'a bridge
8 W. C Cooper, trucking cement wire
aails gas lumber to Hodgson NORP
4� 27 21: F Luyst. 89} hbin• cement H-,dg Trenton,- lT. r
4 . [ton bridge 205 31); lE Thorne, haul g r av do U al 10
Ho 7400; n Coady, labor Hod eont :mitts Are open t() _ptlCCllti9e Wheat t3lld Rye
.' 74 l t): T Candy, labor Sadgeon Gr idgr
7 W; R Cook. dii to 3.73: F W rcl, ditt
.35”, K Jnne -, r• Itto 1225. Jos 1111tor,
di toYB, iii; «' F :v►nA. ditto) 1" i51t: N I.7traw at the tollowing
Lynn, ditto 2000: «• Birkett. di'tn.
.260% F ' rrh. widening rand fi idtr prices :
• eon htidge 7 tN); F RKr ^i,�y, t;aul Rr„�' • "'
Hodgson brill re t.Or,; Uz t-, p, V h.it
exlwn *e of 1H •d)lyuu hridgr•; )•;rnP4t .('� raw
Jonea. lahi,r on Lint•m. -and Ginn bcid• No, Wheat a�l.< Ry e St l aw
gee etc ''S 75: i•` Wr,, d, labor Lintr:n
hr,agr 7 tNt; F Ward, lnbi,ri.int,n and Baled �E�.00 per . ton Loading, Point �
(31en hridge� et r, 825N; Jan Wi kin. . t'? )
_. •-.ditto and hil0d hridge ron 4 47 b3: ��' - ._._.... ' Q (�(�
Fvans.ditto5165; 1iI,vnn•(litto r54 r)J[ S.UU per t(�Il delivered
W Birk,•tr, 'tlitto 51 1r1: W Gee, ur.ty 1'
r for son 6480; S Faruda :e, drag (an. _ at file FaCterc.
8 7 6.25: F 014-,-m, haul, ar.,ty &)nr 6:
5.0xr' R hlowhtr,y. grav and haul con. L1
673'2]0 ARrKers•h��t gray can. 6.7 For turther enquiries Write-the-above
28 50: R Joni••, ditto 26 50; J Todd, c -tit. .
weeds :K t i Kart to ply calf 250:.J firm or Phone 18 Trenton:
r Garland, fill[° 2 50; G Tndd, ditto 2 to;
J Todd, cut weeds 8tl•Scarboroto pat
half 2 00; J McGriskin. ditto 2 "T9');:J.m:
:.Garland, ditto 00; G Todd; ditto 2 r>t); -
• A Petty, ditto 4 25 ; Jno Garfarui, (:ut s
,weeds haul gravel rani 23 4is 30; A
Petty, dittn40.26; J Mouriskiu,.littu r, ! i t1'
81.oD,.J Todd, ditto 24 23; Gen., Todd.
' 'ditto.Td.35, D Annis, clean ditch rep
wash(.ut gray for Whirevale 8 70; R .
Ttveedie, clean drtcb rEp ce.+shoutt,i :TRAVF.I, 1FiE t:l \r,'3 HiC3FittAY
Avliitevkle 8 50: OPetty', haul strati
con 1 rep Teefy bill drag ceir.s _> §'40,54); - .e
li Gates, ditto 23 75-, 1 J !1f,if T"f dint[ a I Coach'Services
%vee `s c cut weeds R MJ; -Ct' Teefy, cot a y '
e weeds can 3 15 lr); H .9outercille, dr:rr? - '
con 2 rep Trefy's hill cut, wpccl. Sri U0:
A?1laxteIl,ha ill t; : :ivcori.22 :;(lit ;C\ I Sa €e allx] comfort are COIYllilnr'.4 Rif);• i}i8
R,'gravO 1K 75; L GateQ. h'iuil gray- cui y
weeds drag 2•i 58.10; ktchinr!rc c01?VeniehCe of frequent se1•v1C'4. to the
iSt Equiprneut. Ltd. mixer, pump and
en4ine 55100; E H Wilbur. drrtt pin - ei;L•t:re Ct• (1verV cornu7 llit5 .
: et(''21.'25; J D Adam -, -rep. u,.g,Kdrt 011 the 11(71:te
14 II1); "$film &- Uni ins, steel f r Linton ' - - _
an.f Glen br er h 1937:13_,kc -c ilia..' PICI�ERINO- TORONTO
�hu'pen•Frnder hlede.4ld);.0 P.urkt•ur,
' eng ise grading runs 2 R 4 5 and 8 RI )d :•'
cut '.rc•erls cot :13 1 '1,53,5t1; W %V',rrl :, -
- Fare 50 Cents
- 'op,;1;1,l isig grwlt-r haul ruixer to Lit).
to., hr i ;lgo 61 101: A Brayley, haul gr'.cv Le<.ve Picket ii,K : :(l•: i -tern St:And,%vJ Time)
coil 1 10.(X)• B H :•esor. rep hridg2 con
6 50; Also 'drag n t I Ux to pa: half ti 'rv.- �fi.2 :3,' x6.5.3 i 55, 3' 5, 1)'5,3, 10 55, 11.33 A. to,
_.. 2 i5Ct:_ Ft PIRXI -n, rep whshoat cnn -6 p. m'. -12 55, 1 55, -2.55, 8 55, 4.5:3. 5.55, 6.55, 7.55.
3 75; F Wright, spread-grav drag cons S.55,' 0.553; *10.25 1). in. t'
Q 3 rep w�shont can 6 33 23: E Beelhy,. '
re.p- washout con 6 10.00; A J Tavlcir, x— daily,' except Sundays
°lase 'di!, h and drag con 2 20.00:, T *--Sundays only
Bailey, lrrrtchi-ng c(Jn 2I5ct.,,
Bnhrnce of lioaaar.d Bririge'•repor't Cuaeu Cnngeetiops at TurontciTerminai for New
held over for next week, ' market, Barrie, Midland, Orillia, Coukatown,
The council nnry v(l ,j,,urned th meet - Bratuptun, Orangeville,- Shelburne, Ham-
'ag+rfn on TueedP6-, Aug. 6th, for the• iltuu, I3r4utford, St, Catharines, Nis-
- transaction of general hu- loess, ¢sra 1`t 11 FiitfFalo, Aiuskoka Wharf"
_ • -• • GrHv,- t,hnr -t, 13r•,cebridge, Huntsville,
— '•Cutting in" is a M04t danger' lip avii, Collingwood and {
tius practice of motorists, especi• - —' - .iI) terwediAte pointq'.
ally on a Saturday or Sunday; -
when the traffic is very. heavy. Counei i,).ny at Buffalo for all U. S. A. points.
`Rot "cutting W, is especially dau'
l;eruu-4 when going up h hill,when - Li Q of the r „till for' r�, �Coa+ch IZeS
rtrly x few rods vheAd.• Tne anti
dent which occurred east (if the
village on SHturdRy afternoon n•n.
'line to this dangerous practice.
.._,.',.. Y.-., v;: ni... vsSi:_,..•, A. a._ rid' fd[„< v, fi. �nac'. r•_ r. i�.,:; sr.,.. is'..^'@ '..'.rw,.u..i,,.�s...m•_n!_.: :: Ji,.s:._r- «.._.,. -. _•+.,_._�,a'.. 7- °e - -., u.,:, ..:,: r .'.- .'...o-:id'n:•,i.+?,a'.r: ::t 'A•s,'...a«,ir.mr: :' .,w. �'':,:;:.
- Beatty Electric Washers and 1900 Gravity Washers.
A free trial any time.
-• .'Haying and Harvesting Tcxrls of all kinds.
:Agent for the a• eCormi,•k'hee %ing Farm
Machinery t;t.d Ropairs:
Our Motto : We have it, ran get it, or it is not made.
-(D. �O
We have put in a stock r-,f Black Di•tmond Plow Pointq. Give a call,
It we havz't got your make. 'we will gat them.
Our season's stuck of Brantford Binder Twine has arrived
Our prices will be. right;.
4�litnaz Bug Biller, Paris Green, A -"nate of Lead
for the potato bug•.
Fresh Groceries at lowest prices. H fat the9E prices paid fat
farm produce
- Batteries Re- clfarged. -
-Phone your order. We deliver.'-
. Phone MarkhAnt tHrw -
Wrns M Duncan, rai
�Geneireen River
For Sale By .
I N. M. Gordon _ - - - _Pickering, Onr.
Children's ;.tl:tiu Euglis•h, brrtadcloth panty dresses, nice range of colors
”' ages 2, 1 and f yeHrs, ac 1 30..
Children's figured broadcloth and figut•ed cotton panty dresses,
ages up ti) 6 years, uper•ial 1.19.
Children's black sateen, red- trimmed play suit*, embroidered figures,
aizes 2, 3 and 4, apeeial 1 00.
:Khaki coveralls and overall°, triwnied in red, the excellent
*earing kind, At-1.25.
Women's and Children's slimmer un,ierwear iu cotton and silk.
Women's and Children's hdsiery, splendid shades,
Men's light work bootq, panto soles of the splendid wearing
gttal.ity, specially priced $2 85,
Sporting Goods — Tennis wear, balIs and bat9. :
Ve still use the same high grade leather and give you the same good
service in otir Shoe RPpaiciug Depyrttne,ot.
C E 0 I L B RA D L`E Y
P 3. 01=1 = :R I IT C+
-. s ... .. ., . s ... Nd' u .a ....•_ ,r.•eae. -X. w.ar.v..."l,_.:,! Y h . -_. - t .- - ..._...,_•asdkm i.,..,. �
.. ,. ...rym� '.° •"" ^ +v . ✓r w,,,y=, i ..
.. .. .. w+,a. ••.g.w,, . e,..M
YNy Y.. _ � .:1.
!ed her with a quilt - pieced and
quilted byt The
gems ass er a
Ladies' Bible Class gave a
' 'beatitifial purse; leather with am
ber trim ritingq. Miss Walker itiil
selves Able to render v:alliable ae.;;istaoce by offer-
reside with her sister in' Clare-
' moat,
ing timely advice'. Our transactions in foreign
`_ ��
vionias are conducted at minimum rates, and Any
Institute or Me monMoijuly,
personal assistance we cAn render is yours fcr the
Riven y the girls At which was
W CLAR940'NT Mac and Mrs. Taylor and James Some of our ap'orts heave been Earl A. Grubin R.O., Eye Special- Wm. -sod Mrs. Brown, of Toroia-
` And Mrs. Smith, of Toronto, were eajoving themselves on Lake Scu• ist, at Stouffville from Wednesday to I to, and the former'@ niece. Mies
Roy Morgan has purchased Cliff the gueAts of W. and Mrs: Thomp- gog and report some fine catches Saturday ofeach week. Office In the Wylie, of New York City, @pent
l Wen's Ford sedan. son on. Sunday.. of 'lunge. Grubin Block. Phone StouRville 2406. Sunday with Mrs. Brown's par-
L. Fingold had a business trip -A. league football game will be D. A. and Mrs. Scott left on At Markham every Monday from 9 a. eats, Wm. and Mrs. Thompson, t
to Toronto -on Tuesday. laved on the Claremont Park on Monday for a two weeks' vacation m- to 5 p.m, Office in the 'Wear
Mrs. Bushby spent T-ueaday fII Saturday evening beginning at which they will spend with rela• Block.
"'Pivekeriflg with her eon, Alvin. ' 6.15 o'clock, between Green River - tives in London and Port Stanley. EVERYTHING IN INSURANCZ
Born, on' Sunday, July 219t, to anal the local teats. Everybody Dr. and Mrs. Tomlinson and M. AlidltOrl'4ffi Taeatre t If you require anything in the wwa�r►
Mr. -aad ,Mrs. Lickorish, a dangh• turn out. J. and Mrs. Wilker returned home of insurance let us give you our prior.
tAr' - on Tuesday, after - enjoying a It pays to insure in strong flnaacial
Ed. Gregg and mother spent --- ` -HUR8E REGISTER. motor trip to North Bay and other StOt111E► �[lf, companies such as the Imperial Guar-
Sunday with Magnus Morgan and northern points. antee and Accident Company of Can-
ROYAL JLi RK [23359] (20170) --im- �— ads The Western Assurance Company
Walter Bushby and family, of ported C' •desdale Stallion, The tit who brethren• from
Oshawa, spent Sunday with his ro property of Nelson Wa Clare- Claremont Rho attended the of Canada, and The Mutual Life As-
Friday-Saturday y gg, , Friday•Saturday 26 and 27 surance Company of Can -ada, For
mother here. Grand Lodge,at Ottawa last week
- mort, w::i make the season of 1929 quotations apply to .
Clifford and. Mrs. Sodeo, of To at his o•�stable, Claremont, Ont, report a very pleasant time and Two ;Features A. M. GIBBON
Tonto, spent- Sunday with their , an enjoyable trip, which was ' ,
CL LRA�'EN CONSUL [250831 (2�0- Phone Pickering 1712.
relatives in Claremont. 59), tc,, imported Clydesdale made by motor. PLASTERED I1�I PARIS'
' Miss Grace Mundell has returned Stallion, the :property. of Nelson '- -- -- -- -- -� -- n -
3home, after spendiug a, couple of �ti a;,, Claremont, vrill make the " ._ and -' � NOTICE
-weeks' vacation at Rosebank. season ri: 1929 at his own stable,. ATTENTION LONE STAR RANGER" Having taken over Robt. Feasby's
Thos, and l4Sts. Paterson spent Claremont. garage,- Brougham, we are now ready
Sunday in To with the forth- FAIRVIi; iiING'S'SEAL —1022— I have taken over the Agency to give service in Brougham as well
`er's aunt, :firs. John Paterson. �r• ,i- g y Tuesday, Wednesday, Julp 30 31 as in Claremont.
(_�3.ai, tie Grand Champion Im- for Service car always ready,-day or
C. A. and Jars. Grant, of Toron• ported ifackney Stallion, the prop- Renfrew Cream Separators, Scales "SHE FOURFLUSHER"
Stoves, Fleury's Famous night service.
• ••` 'to, are spending a few daps at the erty �f _Neaon Wag-,,. Claremont, and � Phone Clare. 5105; Pickeringz bl1Q.
•home of the latter's father, Janes -tyal r nice the season of 1929 at his Plows, Points, - Gasoline, Oil, 105; is Tires.
Beans. own s:a .e, Claremont. Scufflers and Wheelbarrows. Comedies 251 A. L: PILKEY.
Jiaitland Anderson is moving to DOL— Perci,eron Stallion (12921) im- Phone 505 Pick, y
,.Burketoa and Charles Derli•�a is - porteri from France by W. J. Me-
9 into the house being va- Callum, Brampton, and the prop- RQS`='• 17EVxw=. Friday, Saturday, 2 and 3 /
sated by the former. erty o- E. .Somerville, lot 11, 10 AGENT (48) BROUGHAM r- "Sally in Our Alley" a�
Get year boots and shoes at H. line ylarkhl air., will make the sea -
A. Lawtun'e at' cost 'while tlles son at ^..a_ oa-n stable. Terms —
last. They are going fast., They $15. (Enrolment No. 2336 Form
must be sold at once. ' A. 1.) H E L P J S S C A R C E
Mrs. Watford has returned to DANTON. IMP. [12929] (171727) the BARK
Claremont, after spending a coo pure bred Percheron Stallion, im-
Fple of weeks with relatives and porte•i from France, the property•
riends in Toronto and Brampton. of Oscar W:Ison, Brougham will " " and Hard to Get.
Miss Marion Kilpatrick has re- make the season of 1929 as follows:
turned home, after spending a ylon•iay leaves his own stable and
of weeks with Charles pr,,c>,.I3 to Frank Hutchings, Brock Be ahead with your work by purchasing a McGormibk- �
and Mrs. Elliott and family at Roars, for, noon, home for night. �fC /'
Pine Point on Lake Seugog• Tuesday, T. Hirst's, Kinsale, noon; Deering Ball -bearing Tractor.. - ;0E7fj�JX,J►,
Fall wheat harvest is now in Brook"n. night. Wednesday, Wm _ - d'
foil swing. A number 4 Selo• Harr ;', Grpenwoaf,.noon; home. for -
-have already been cut. The crop nl h FrHay, John Scott's, con. 8, With one of these you can plow 5 to 7 acres a day. You can cultivate , l j/E speak o[ artistic
.'Is a fair) good one and nc•d Pxk:.-:n noon; John Norton's. con 20 to 30 acresa day (doing asl much good as a gang plow and tV designs that are.
y g g' n di oifled. not artistic
prices wilt be realized this fHll, 5, i x'arivi;e, night. Saturday. Clare- much faster). You can thresh and grind your own g
owing to the poor crop in the more. n. )-i; home for night where grain. You can cut your own' wood, and a designs that would he
i inappropriate for the
North crest and iu -other wheat he •z•. -. r main until the fo!lorvuw hundred and one other jobs. These purpose in view. The
producing countries 3lon:iay erorninR. Terms-.415. pay-
producing jobs can be done and are being one illustrated is Sim-
Lost. at Claremout, on Sunday able Feb. Is t, 1930. dose cheaper and better' ple, yet has artistry,
.might, July 219t, a black Yomeran• PRELUDE [24622] F20960)', the well and done when they should be done. -
li�n dog Answers to the Dame of . bred :n�rted approved Clydesdale "No Greater Tribute'
'Star." Any one Riving informs Stal„nr• the property of Oscar Wd- Ask the user and then ask us fur a price We can give N. W. STAFFORD,
- tion as to its whereabouts will be son Br u,3•bmm, will make the -sea- - yon immediate delivery. - lost} a suitable reward. Write . son o .?39 as follow;' Monday af-
-' --Ig i -
gin�cston Road,
Mrs. F. Barry, Unionville, or leave tern )cr, will. leave i-!S o�m stable, Wh t�
�lnformatiou at Claremont post Brougham, for T Hirst's, Kinsale. � ,: ;,� Phone 'Whitby
- Ho-
office. `te1 Brookln for ht Wednesday 018 r q•a
! f.
Mr. Stone, of Toronto, who i@ to for hn - Ramuel Frank Mhdda- One.�e Ford Sedan
—the employ of 13ydro•Electric afternoon. Samuel Hams', Whitby,
1Power Commission, wag in town y -' *' this week on business. At present fords. Kingston Road. for noon; One Chevroli•t Too Track. 1927 model
erection of
A". )t Shea's, Baaetine, for night: One Dodge three quartar Tun Truck
he ec
i e aed in, the _
she s a a
the new high tensing line rousing
Friday, W. J. l4itller's. Pickertng, One 1925 Ford Coupe. - - --
from Gatineau to Toronto and noon; Chas. Hutching'a, Brock Road, One 1928 Ford Coupe
-for night; Saturday morning pro- ' -.One 1923 Ford Coach
-� - � _ �daple Leaf Mutual Fsr' _
;running parallel with the former reeds -to This own stable where he -
line erected last year , A number r,f Trnrinc Cars, all makes
wit. 'remain until the fol3owmg - One 6 h . Lund Engine - - .. Imam Co.
Services will behold is the Sap• p y g
'tist Church next Sunda , July 28, Monday afternoon. _ _ Two 1 i h. p. FairbankA En fines _ Cheap rates for farm and country
:'•at 11 a. m. and p. ui. -The pastor v ^ .-ODe 13 Erich Lister Cnttiog %oz buildings,
will preach. In the morning the BACK TO CLAREMONT One 10-:.'0 Titan Tractor Windstorm mills, Altos on ildiogs,
subject will be "The Danger of Dear Friend : - '
Unemployment," and in. the even Charles Cooper Claremont Automobile Insurance
"The JIe4Va a of Forgiving Here I am back in Claremont at my • of all kinds.
;. ing R R n ?d stand, ready to serve you with a f
Love.' We look forward to the well ayrorted .ttock •:f gnnds at prices
- resumption of the usual serviceq that. you will find attractiv,�• - -' - - - -- -- - — - -- -- __ __ -- — - Write or phone
with a large congreRatioD, both It fs_my hope that the friendships ECIAL �, BOW M A 11
inorntnR and evening, ee n y etts during my Previous P �Luther and lirq, Pilkey and tern ye rs among y:�u may be renewed. WHITBY. ONT.
Lyman and airs. Pilkey left nn You may he sure that.[ shall do — -„
Friday on a motoring trip Co fit. everything rnesible to make my re• -
:Forest, where they visited rely- turn ad van to you is a bust-
rive�. They were accompanied by np`s way' FOR TEAM HARNESS ,Farmers, Attention
Since resuming ownership of this
their niece, Miss Mildred Neal, Store I,have.put is @cock a large as- - [ bave secured the agency for the Frost
wbq had been visiting with them, sortment of new merchandise, bought Brasy•maiinted Team Backband Harnesa, _ & Wood and Cuckshutt Farm Imple-
'They returard home on Monday. at right prices; and I am prepared to 2 inch layer trace with heel chains. '892,00 ments. and will L•eep constantly on
They repnrt good crops except sell it to you'.kT RIGHT Pi WHS, as you - -'With 5 ring breeching. instead of 'back- hand repairs for these popntar
C. north of Guelph where the fie will readily see when you come in, as band, $40.00 implements.
were parched with the warm and I hope you will do at the first oppor• Also, Loud'on'a barn and stable
dry weather, tunity. -Black mounted Team Backband Harness, $!38.50 fitting&
rains' R. Walker, employed by It is going to -be a pleasure- to see 1 will also take contracts for painting
the Steele Briggs Seed Co., Toros• 'you. Come in and let us renew our 5;ring Breeching _ $14.25 ttarns and houses by a new
RS friendship. process, by spraying.
to, fa the past twenty -seven and Yours siacerely,' Tlik ii not a factory harm -9q, but enstom made in our Estimates cheerfully given.
one -half yeAra, has .retired from L. FTNGOI'D own shop at Markham.
Phone 16.20.
business. Before, leaving the ladies 27.52
. -of the ware�o�s, also of the retail, Claremont, May �, 19:9. We spec•ializa on repairs to hetrness and collars.
and whblesale offices, entertained R. J. Mann, C1Sr8ln0II�t
-'her at a lndownn and shower at e I , �- p D S
-. one of the down town tea roosts. Sc Ott's. �- Store • -tG reen River
Two of the ladies who have been
associated with her for the whole Harness and Collar Manufacturer Basket Factory I
Mime she has been with the flrm, Clareinont
agave her a dinner at - the Royal ��aR��3g��• QN'T• Hpme Phore':3400 Manufacturers of .
=York. The employees presented All kinds of Frliit Baskets, Berry
- =- -'her with a purse containing $40.00 - -
T L d' ' A'd S t Crates, Farmers, Bushel
in gold. he a A.
i oue y
of Berkeley St. United Church, of
A fu1L line `'of
" Whichyhe was a- member, present.
!ed her with a quilt - pieced and
quilted byt The
gems ass er a
Ladies' Bible Class gave a
' 'beatitifial purse; leather with am
ber trim ritingq. Miss Walker itiil
selves Able to render v:alliable ae.;;istaoce by offer-
reside with her sister in' Clare-
' moat,
ing timely advice'. Our transactions in foreign
`_ ��
The ' rogr'am 'of the Women's
vionias are conducted at minimum rates, and Any
Institute or Me monMoijuly,
personal assistance we cAn render is yours fcr the
Riven y the girls At which was
Ready trimmed, 5 cents to
the 'home of firs. Walter Ward
1,25 per roll, also
on Wednesday last, was A roost
interesting once. One of the -gills
presided and a splendid program
of piano and vocal solos, readings
Paints and
and monologues was given,
`pleasant feature of the afternoon
VarniBheB I
was the presentation of prizes for
- .general proflciency in the two
,u,rh u hicA i.t c•n Glgmm�fRd
rooms of the public school. One
Call and see these Goods
girl obtained $2.50, another $1.50
_ you and will be delighted
and a boy $1.50. After this part
of the program was brought to a
with them _
K ,:close there were contests for
Wbiob prives were Riven to the
succes4fnl cr,nt(!Ved,ts. Refresh.
t0 55
D, \,J
21]P.ltf.? R'et'N �<rt'�rel, AbMlt
:-:persons. C,•r;cluding the after-
neon'? pru;rram, the girls played a
Phone 1401,
Faroo of bHSel,all Nnd to the
hers the ti.pstess presented a boat
r- A RE'1'IUv—r
Baskets, Clothes Baskets. '
Frank Pennock,
'"Maker of the well known
Barnes' Baskets.
Phone Markham 6409
• 4
Litter Carriers, Hay Carriers
Pump,. Door Tracks, Cow
Bowls. Pressure Systems Etc-
it will pay 'y•-)u to get my prices on
above before buying elsewhere.
of chucolAtes, L
.:�.... >.,:, ,...,.,� u ,. •. .. : - .: ' . w: • ...:. .. .w.'- - - ,, ;...< .�.: .. ' : � � � ,�, �'_,�- :c:... - '.- :.sue: '_.. �:. .. i .�.'.. ._.,.. . ,: �> .�: .:., :.. .' ... • -.::s: _ .. ...., _._ _.. .- .., _ .,w, _u.......,..'..��:-�7.° - . .. ......: ...
:_Bank Drafts to and
" F oiop eigrri Countries
i. YING and Felling foreign drafty is a regular
p•eft of the general business of The Canadian
13,ink of Commerce in which we often find our -
selves Able to render v:alliable ae.;;istaoce by offer-
ing timely advice'. Our transactions in foreign
vionias are conducted at minimum rates, and Any
personal assistance we cAn render is yours fcr the
.askinj;. Enlist the services c.f The Canadian Rank
-of Commerce when sending money out of the
,u,rh u hicA i.t c•n Glgmm�fRd
Baskets, Clothes Baskets. '
Frank Pennock,
'"Maker of the well known
Barnes' Baskets.
Phone Markham 6409
• 4
Litter Carriers, Hay Carriers
Pump,. Door Tracks, Cow
Bowls. Pressure Systems Etc-
it will pay 'y•-)u to get my prices on
above before buying elsewhere.
of chucolAtes, L
.:�.... >.,:, ,...,.,� u ,. •. .. : - .: ' . w: • ...:. .. .w.'- - - ,, ;...< .�.: .. ' : � � � ,�, �'_,�- :c:... - '.- :.sue: '_.. �:. .. i .�.'.. ._.,.. . ,: �> .�: .:., :.. .' ... • -.::s: _ .. ...., _._ _.. .- .., _ .,w, _u.......,..'..��:-�7.° - . .. ......: ...
7 .. . , .... -a 7, ....... 1 �.... ,.. „ ,... n._
1 '
1 -
you will derive far more
,satisfaction from SALADA
>5 than yea will frost
Cheap ter 9r -a
"Fresh front thle gardens
141. ISLL
v itN SQN
5 _
q - iLW9TRAT IV sy '
BLUIN HERE TODAY. ized ,nut any src,$nu• sne Might rear
Doomsdorf's step on the threshold.
4 ',Ni 'Cornet takes nis fiancee, Le- She glanced about till she located the
more, End the latter's mother on a voy-
;: age to Northern Canada and Alaska, Russian 's rifle, hung = the wall al-
He has two thousand silk and velvet most in font of the squaws chair,
gowns W exchange with t,$o Indian "Did you hear a shot ?" she asked:
t trappers for fine furs. With all the powers of her spirit, a-he
The craft is destroyed in a gale and kept her v+,'ue commonpiaco, casual.
the passengers are forced into the life- "Yes," sled answered. "It wasn't
.' boats. in one boat is Captain Knut- anything —w it ?" iii's tone became
xk fen. Ned, Lenore and Bess, a seam- cold. "Will you pleate give me a
EK. stress. . and is sighted by the captain little help ith Miss Hardenworth ?"
and a man meets them at the edge of p
..the shore. When the3 land the man "It i.as a tear —Mr. Doomsdorf
a te�is them his name is Doomsdorf and shot at it with his pistol," she went
't that he oas named the island "Hell" �n in the same casual way. She
Ned helps. Lenore to Doomsdorf's thought it incred'ble that they would
_ cabin arid Bess is left with Captain not take alarm frcm the wild beating
Knutsen. Doomsdorf sets the life- of her heart. She turned easily to
boat adrift, and when Knutsen tries the squaw. "He wants me to bring
to save it, Doomsdorf shoots ,the cap- his rifts so he can shoot at it again,"
tain dead. she said. "That's it—on the wall ?"
NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY She stepped toward the weapon.
t* '� "Sure —take 'him gun," •he squaw
r}' -CHAPTER %IV.— (Cont'd.)
r� answered her.
She fought tack the instinct to Now the Indian was getting up and
' peream out her story from the door- I presently was lifting dowro the wea-
' may. At the bidding of an instinct so pon. But she did not put it rA once
pure and true that ;t artook of a
D into Bess' hands, She ,rushed back
- quality of infa dbUty, she checke•: the lever, revealing the empty breech.
t her wild pace before she riossel the Then Bess saw a slow draw!nt of her
threshold. Everyth:ng depended on
`nr Ned and the cool, strong quality of
Ned's nerves. She ,aught her breath -
..:In a curious.deej ga8p, th(L s'emwe :
t Into the room,
r Then that gasp became very nearly
a sob, The way of deliverance was Ibs= -s
net clear. ' A wrinkled native woman,
-'an Aleut or' an Eskimo, who was evi-
dently Doormadorf's wife, looked up
at her witb dg t in crytabli eyes from
t _}te oppoatte aide of the room - r�
Thp whole picture went home to
' Sess in a glance. Lenore was huddled
1, in a'chair before the stove, yielding
herself to the blessed warmth, already
' - shaking off the semi - apathy induced
by the night's chill. But as yet there �7f,
was no nape in her. She was shiver-
' ing, helpless, impotent. Ned bent over
Deer, his arms about her, now and then
-.giving her sips from a cup of hot
liquid that he held in his hand. His
tare, his tender solicitude, struck Bess
with a sense of unuttergble irony.
Xvidently he had no suspicion of the The squaw sprang to intercept the
(real truth. blow, hurling the girl back.
He locked up as Bess entered. Part-
-1y because the light was dim, partly Iips —a cruel upturning that was
]because he was absorbed in the work seeminaly'as near as she co yid come to
of caring for Lenore to the exclusion a smile
of all t;ther thought, he failed to see "Sure —take him gun," she said.
- ithe drawn look of horror on Bess' "Got any shells ?"
Mace. "I'll need a little heap here, Bess shook her head. Her heart
,Miss Gilbert," he said. "I want'to paused in her breast
get this girl to bed. The night seem- "Maybe him got shells. He took
" ed to go harder with her Lthan with 'em all out when he saw your canoe
the rest of us, and rest is the best come In."
-thing for her." - iCHAPTER RV.
Bess almost sobbed aloud.
At that instant she knew slie must If, like her husband, the brown
..work-alone. She must give no sign squaw was a devotee of cr-iolty, she
of he: own desperation before this must have received great satisfaction
• stolid squaw: And yet . she almost from the sight of that slender, girlish
screamed with horror when the real- figure standing in the gloom of the
cabin. The fact that there were no
shells in the rifle — otherwise a despei-
ate agent of escape —seeme i nothing
'r less than the death of hope.,
'+ She heard Doomsdorf's '_ -eavy step
at the door.
The man came in, for an instant.
+: standing framed by the doorway, the
j light of morning behind him.
- ! He turned con tem tuousl
"What's the matter ?" he asked.
Startled and indignant at the tone,
Ned instinctively straightened. "I
didn't say anything was the matter.
Where's Knutsen ?"
"Knutsen —has gone on. Hell didn't
suit him. Hs went against its man-
dates the first thing. I hope it doesn't
happen again —I would hate to lose
any more of you. I've other plans in
Appalled, unbelieving, yet obeying
a racial instinct that goes hack to the
roots of time, Ned dropped the girl
from his arms and leaped to his feet.
His eyes blazed wit.'. a. magnificent
„ burst of fury, and a mighty oath was
at his lips, "You - -" he began.
a Yet no second word came, 1)onms-
Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia.
• i
_ y °" ..__ .,,..,b :. > -, ,.... �', b ..:G ^;�: ..,_..... .. _ .a ..�,.. ... .. �._,..t. :x'_..s fie•. _...... ->.... <,r.,.....,._�..... -_ _.': •P.. ... - - - .... _ :: t'�....
concerned. It isn't pleasant to be men' a t ere are over a mo t on
hammered to pieces is it ?" people unempioyed in this country Is
He took one step toward Ned, and dausing much needless co.i.,ern over -
i.enore started to scream again. 13ut seas; as it fosters the Impressior that
he infliettd no further punishment. ( this country is on the verge of com
He reuhed a strong .han i, seized f` mercial collapse, while there is. A
Ned's shoulder, and snatched him to course, also the danger that at home
his feet- I It may tenu to en ^ourage the adoption
Racke•' by pain but fully conscious, of panic legislation and unsound ex-'
Ned looked into the glittering eyes. pedleuts. Thro-3gh no fault of the
It was no 'longer po.;s;ble to diabetieve Ministry (of Labor) unemployment
in this hairy giant before him.
figures may easily be misunderstood.'
.J. • Vii.•- 'S
tlon the association desires to discuss
the possibility of adopting a different
derf's great body lunged across the names Eo often undergo such lacera-
method of calculating the number of
room with the fero,ity and might of
a charging bear. His arm went out
tion on the tongues of the, whites.
When I took her from her village,
V Splendid -
like a javelin, great lingers extended,
they gave her to me as ' Sindy.' You
too - -ure as you're standing here. p
and clutched with the effect of a
way call her that. It will do as goad •
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism
mighty mechanical trap the younger
as any -every othr squaw from Tin
man's throat. He cat.ght him as he
City to Ketchikan is called Sindy.
as a eesult you have to bow down and
naigbt catch a vicious dog he intended
it means nothing as far as 1" know.
One'of the greatest fallacies among
to kill, anatching him oS• his feet.
Ned's lashed impotently, and
- f °You'll be interested to ,know that
P 1 Required
i rm out
you are on one of the supposedly un-
upon him.
forcing through with his own body;, inhabited islands of the Skopin group.
Special contracts given during
"That's the law up here —that the
Doomsdorf thrust bim.into the corner.
Other islands are grouped all around
weak have to serve -the strong. I've
bly keeps success at arm's length. !
For a moment he battered him back
you, malting one big snow field when
August to men of ability and
The man of affairs must work
and forth, hammering his heal against
the ice closes down in winter. I could
integrity In this District. He•
through others. He cannot sing the
the wall, then let him fall to a had-
give you almost your exact longitud-
markable opportunity fQr an
leading role and play the trombone 1
died reap on the floor.
final position, but it wouldn't be the
ambitious worker to enter the
at the same time. "Create —then;
Lenore's voice raised -n a piercing
least good to you.. The population con-
'Life Insurance Business on a
designate" should be the watchword
scream of terror; bu', a fiercer instinct
sists of the five people —and various
whole -time or part -time, basis.
of a man. determined on success.
took ho:d of Bess. The .impasse that
bear, caribou, and such like. The prin-
you off:"
moved her was simp,y that to fight
cipal industry, as sou will find out
Write at once to
td death, now as well as later. A
heavy' hammer, evid,ntly a tool re-
later, is furs.
" There is no to tell in
Box 356, G.P.O. Toronto 2
cently in use by Doomsdorf, lay on
need you
detail how and ;whj I came here —
the window sill, and she sprang for
unlike Caliban; I am not a native of
another log. down, why don't
you ?" he invited. "I don't insist on
it with the strength of desperation.
the place. I hcp• you ara not so de-
` a
But her ban,] had hardly touched it
ficient as to have failed to read "Tem-
my presence. You'll have to sit down
sometime, you kno- "
before she herself was hurled back
pest.' I find quite an analogy to our
..Books "
Against the tog wail behind her.
present condition. Shakesaeare is a
\o book is worth anything which,
The squaw had not sat supine in
great delight on wNtry nights; he re-
is not worth much; nor is it service.
this stress. With the swiftness and
mains real, when most of my athPr
able, until it has been read and re-
dext,:rity of an animal, she and
slim stuck of authors fades -into air.
read, agd loved and loved again, and
sprung to intererpt. the deadly
(To be ccntir,ued.)
marked- so that you can refer to the
hurling the girl back by her hand
Passages you want in ft, as the
,Pon the lattxr's shot.lde -,
Unemployment Statistics
ter can seize the weapon he needs In
Except-for the huddled heap in the
an armoury, or a hojiaewife bring'Me «
blood- spattered corn.!* of the cabin,
London Times Trade Supplement;,
spice she needs from her store. —Rus-
it was as if it bed never happened.
R'hen all reservations are made the
ilia. (Sesame and Lilies). ,
The squaw was again stolid, moving
of unemployment are sufnci -I
ently formidable, but much harm �
The future destiny of the is
slowly back to her chair; Doomsdorf
breathed quietly and even:y The
has undoubtedly been done to British
always the work.ot the mother.
two girls stood staring in speechless
trade by exaggerating their signI0.
—� -
cance. At the (last annual)' meet-!
Dr. Mayo says you can keep young
"1 hope there won't be any more
ing of the Association (of British
by living as the young do. It won't
of that Doorns+:nrf said quietly. "The
Chambers of Commerce) attention ,
work, doctor. You can't get rich by
sooner we get thest little matters
was drawl to the tact that the publt- ;living
as the rich do,
straighteted out, th2 better for all
cation week after week of the state -
th t h Ili
concerned. It isn't pleasant to be men' a t ere are over a mo t on
hammered to pieces is it ?" people unempioyed in this country Is
He took one step toward Ned, and dausing much needless co.i.,ern over -
i.enore started to scream again. 13ut seas; as it fosters the Impressior that
he infliettd no further punishment. ( this country is on the verge of com
He reuhed a strong .han i, seized f` mercial collapse, while there is. A
Ned's shoulder, and snatched him to course, also the danger that at home
his feet- I It may tenu to en ^ourage the adoption
Racke•' by pain but fully conscious, of panic legislation and unsound ex-'
Ned looked into the glittering eyes. pedleuts. Thro-3gh no fault of the
It was no 'longer po.;s;ble to diabetieve Ministry (of Labor) unemployment
in this hairy giant before him.
figures may easily be misunderstood.'
Doomsdorf waked to the door and
I and in asking it to receive a zleputa -,
threw it wide.
tlon the association desires to discuss
the possibility of adopting a different
"Th_re's snow and cold .tit there."
method of calculating the number of
His voice was deeply sober.
persons unemployed each week.
too - -ure as you're standing here. p
weakling like you can't live -in that,
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism
out there. Non.: of your kind can stand t
it— tbey'd die like so •+'►any sheep. And
Others I
as a eesult you have to bow down and
serve the man that car-'." f
One'of the greatest fallacies among
Ned ',.ad no answer. The greatest
men of ability is the belief that if a'
fear of his life was clamping dower
thing is -to be done wen they must I
upon him.
do it themselves. it is a foolish
"That's the law up here —that the
policy and one that almost invarla
weak have to serve -the strong. I've
bly keeps success at arm's length. !
beat • lie North at its own game, and
The man of affairs must work
it serves me, just as you're goiflg to
through others. He cannot sing the
serve me now., You -in go out there
leading role and play the trombone 1
if you like —if you prefer to die.'
at the same time. "Create —then;
s y
There's no ,,oat to carry you off.!
designate" should be the watchword
There never will be a boat to carry �
of a man. determined on success.
you off:"
He paused, smiling grimly; then
with an explosive motion, pul'.ed back
Imagination has given us all pro-
the lid of the stove and threw in
gress, built our cities, - written the
IT'S folly to suffer Iong from neu- r:
another log. down, why don't
you ?" he invited. "I don't insist on
worth -while books, composed our
ritis, neuralgia, or headaches
my servants stane,ng up always in
splendid music, carved living statues,
given birth to modern industry and
when relief is swift and sure, :
thanks to Aspirin. For 28 years the
my presence. You'll have to sit down
sometime, you kno- "
made the desert places of life to bloa-
medical profession has recom-
Lenore,' whoLy despondent, sank
som as the rose. This is the essence
mended it It does not affect the
back in her seat. To show that he
of genius, the basis of success, the
heart. Take it for colds, rheuma-
was still her protector, Ned stood be-
creator of character, the soul of sym-
tism, sciatica, lumbago. Gargle it
hind her, his hands resting on the
patby, and t6 chlet witness to the
for a sore throat or tonsilitis. :
back of her chair. Bess stole to a
nature of infinite being.—H. X. Mil-
Proven directions for its many uses,
little rough seat between them and the
in every package. Every drug store.
today has ;genuine Aspirin which is -'
A --ingle great chair was ieft va-
cant, almost in the middle of the
circle. Doomsdorf glanced once about
the a -cm as if ' guarding against any
possibility of surprise 'attack by his
prisoners, then sat clown easily him-
self. ExcLse me for not making you
known to my woman," he began. "In
fact I haven't even learned your own
readily identified by the name on
the box and the Bayer cross on
every tablet.
Aspirin is a ltadesssri tlssistsrsd 5 Canals
• iames. She is, translating from the
vernact.lar, 'Owl -That- Never - Sleeps.'
You won't be expected to call her that, :, ::•
however, — although I regret as a gen-
eral thing that the picturesque native
- -- • �againn�t -- -HEAT. _
and I
_. Just as the cobbler waxes his
Save the Price of Your
Fare to Toronto
Permanent Waving.
By Experts
When you visit Toronto don't fail to
have one of our famous Permanent
Waves at the Reduced Rate of $5.50.
With or without appointment.
Specialist! in the Shur Wave Method
of Permanent Waving. (For ladies
who care.)
Write for Booklet "W2" on the care
of a Shur Wave Permanent Wave.
ISSUE. No. 30—'29
thread to make his stitches hold as long
as the shoe leather lasts, so Firestone
saturates with pure liquid rubber,
every fibre of every strand that goes
into the tire, to make the cords resist •,
internal heat, friction and strain as Y
long as the tire lasts.
This extra patented Firestone
process gives Firestone Tires the extra
strength and stamina to give "Most
Miles Per Dollar ".
See your local Firestone Dealer.
_. c.w .v- ..,�q�.y�. .v...,",, ..., :'•.'emu --'* ,N •-.r,.. _ y.�. -r,ca y , .K,: ^y_° -c=- _ a Y4.r•- -�v.., _ :'a _
.. .,�., ,.. yf -..r A t -.;. r i...h�w d•rtaa.' r ..• '"•u ..�', _ S :: P' `ti. 4.
l- w •A _
�.- r. X - N , .' .n, .,.. :.,'- .. '3 s'i. . -'�'n. fw .i' .'y
o ` :. .y / ..
: ... .
. , ,s
RC 1'11 A Splendid Idea of the '. "Yellow Bird" Markets _
'War Lord pro_ _ . --
AttaCl�, By SOVIet -.PRODUCE, - =�)' :: a
Toronto wholesale dealers are pay
_Marshal Chang Claims lag the following prices: . 11
__ -- Eggs, ungraded., .returned -- r <. -..: :-�.
Chinese Remained. oa the Fresh extras, .28c;.: €yeah Sreta:. Jlaa;_.r. ,- , ti
� i- :Wensive Butter -- Creamery, solids, pa.s?eut"' �-r
: r.-- -- ized, No. 1, 37% to 37%c; No. °_, 3T. `�
,I - -. - MANIFESTO TO WORLD - to 36%c. ..
. . Churning cream - Special, 39c: No.
"Nanking, China, July 21- Marshal t, 38c; No 'L 37c
Chang Haueh- Linug; Manchurian war Cbeese -No. j large, colored, a-af-
e p
Jlord. reported direct to the National- as i fined and governmen'. graded, 3811 to I.
' $st government that Soviet forces f 3 , 38�'ac.
,: s _ !. Poultry- (alive)- Broilers, over 8
,opened an attack on Chinese at eight .� « R y ;,Hx k y,F y X ,
o'clock yesterday morning along the' ,, y. tbs., 30c; do, 2% to 3 lbs., 2bc ; do, 15S
$uifenho river, on the eastern border h to 211/4 lbs., 22c; roosters, per lb„ IF+c;
.yens, over 5 lbs., 23c; do, 4 to 5 lbs:,
of Manchuria. Marshal Chang re- . 22c; do, 3% `o 4 lbs., 19c; do, under
. ported that Chh.ese troops remained 3t is lb s., l6cr ducklings, over 5 lbs.,
4111 the defensive and that Russian ;l � 23c; guinea fowl, per pair, $2.
(troops were said to be equipped with 1° a' Poultry- (dressed) - Broilers, over
$►oison gas and thirty -two field guns. M ll { 3 lbs., 35c; do, 2va to 3 lbs., 30c; 1o,
. 22e tbs., 28c; roosters, peT lb
..r N �l �, y 18c; hens, over 5 lbs., 26c; do, 4 to
Shanghai, July '21. -A maniftsto + x+ ti � i s s tbs., 26c; do, 3% to 4 tbs., 23c; do,
fanned b3 the Chinese Nationalist gov- �' under 335 lbs., 20c.
• erument today .;aid that is view of �' �` ` ='
+communist propaganda undermining r a _ Toronto wholesa.e dealers are quot _ F
the Government it therefore had been ' `; ing the following prices to the trade: •,
' constrained to adopt measures of sell~ " ' i + y « ", % �r Stroked meats -Hama, • med., 32 to -
� 34c cooked hams, 50 to 51c; smoked
deftnee with regard to the Chinese y + w INI. x rolls, 29c; breakfast bacon, 26 to 38c;
Eastern railway. , ' ?� backs, peamesled, 3? to 39c; do, amok-
The manifesto was drawn up yester- «' � ti V '' I. : ed 45 to 47c.
day, signed by the pr_- atdenb of the 1 k - y Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 5D
hive a u a p y p : 1' w '. 3 . .° ,: r r .
as, and made ub.ic to-day. :.. �` _ - ', . _ . `.. - ....:.F y ti _•• s �. -- ti,- .. 'x to 70 lbs., $21; 70 to 90 lbs., $19; 90
-It declared that the Soviet govern- to 100 lbs. and up, $18; lightweight
anent, disregarding the consequences, - .THE FIRST STOP AFTER THEIR SUCCESSFUL FLIGHT FROM MAINE - rolls, $11.50 per barrel; heavyweight
had tidopted warlike preparations, Striking night photograph shows, the Yellow Bird on the beach at Comillas, Spain, where the French fliers rolls, d-Pu.
tbitereby violating the spirit of the anti- landed after the flight "from Old Orchard. note the Spanish Troops guarding the place, Ito Laid -Pure tierces, 16c; tubs, 25ya
war pact to,which it•Ras signatory. 16 ac; ails, 16 ac; prints, ISya to
It declared .that the responsibility 18aac. Shortening, lierce�. 13115 to
for the disturbance of 'world ace ' INew . 1435c; tubs, 14c; pails, l4tFic; tins, Italian Monarch Richard Southam Buildings at 16 c : Prints, 15'.ac.
• therefore must rest upon the Soviet pork loins, 34%c; New Yurtt shoui-
government. The manifesto conclud• .. Decorates `I hers Killed In Crash! St. Hubert 'Drome tiers, 2b2,'sc; pork butts, 31'fsc; pork
. W with an invitation to the world to .. hams, 30S4c. •
give its attention to evidence of the GRAIN QUOTATIONS. • : .
i Soviet gover iment's propaganda, `Wil'liama and Yancey Have Son of Toronto Publisher Vic- Accommodation Will be IM- Grail. dealers to the T ); ,)i : + Board .
.. which it said was aubvers've to Chi. if Trade qre tnskiiz the fo;l:iwing
nese national intere.tta. The' manifesto ;- uncheon With Royal ! tim of Motor Smash proved and Runways q,,otatiuna for car lots: .
claimed that by interrupting traffic , Family I , ' Near Granby Paved at Airport Man. what -No. north.,, $1.78;
on the trans1iberian railways, the l Pisa, Italy --King Victor Emanuel{ ' ' " -Two bulidings, one for administra• No. :i north., $1.73 -i ; No 4 wheat,
g y COMPANION INJURED tion wheat N 1 5 wheat. $1,504-.; No, s
. Soviet government actual! had caused III recently bestowed the decoration
- interruption of internstiona com at Grand O�cer oC the Crown o[ - f i Purposes, file other a dormitory wheat, $1.42; Peed wheat, $1.29'4.
Granby, Que.- Richard So3tbam, for pilots, will be erected before the (c.i.f. Goderich and bay ports.
munication. Italy un the two American trans -At I Jr„ 25 years of age, o: Montreal, the' winter by the Federal Government at on track, lc hither than above.
TEYT OF MANIFESTO. !antic fliers, Roger Q. W'itilams and son of Richard 8outbam, of the Man. oats -No. 1 feed, 6831& c; No.
Capt Lewis A. Yancey - the St. lIubert airport. @ feed, 64aa�. (c.i,f. lsoderich and
+. The :nan'festo addressed to all for- I Southam Press, Limited. of Toronto.
ei •vernmeats b forei The ceremony followed the first Captain A. C. - Hardy, manager of bay ports.)
gn g'o y gn ministry,' was Instantly kited Ili an antomohlle D 2 ��
. r- said in art: � meeting of the King with the two Am. corn -No. yellow, $1 -iv No.
P I accident seven miles from Here eariy! the .flying field, stated that there yellow, $1.21. (AIl rail deliveretd. -
"Durin 191° and 1920 the new i aviators who flew fro mAmerica to would be offices for the airport man- .
g Sunday, fan Nla�ola. s companion, � I Toronto freights.)
Russian government repeatedly pub- 1 Rome. I also of .Montreal, suffered back fa- agar, the port civil engineer. the sup
Williams and Yancey �► Miilfeed, del., Montr� :t freights.
i lishe� aeciarations of friendliness to- 1 y accompanied Juries and was removed to the Royal erintendent of the mooring mast, and I bags included -$ran, per ton, $31.35;
award the 'Chinese people and their; by halo Balbo, Under Secretary of I Victoria hospital in Montreal. A the Royal (anadlan Alotinted Police 4hr,rts�,• r ton, $33.25 ; ilddlings, .
government, which thf latter, in ac- Aviation, drove from Rome to Ca 1a third occupant of the iii -fated auto officer. Space will alsi be allotted to I $39 25.
fcordance with their principle of uni -' taking a seaplane there for Atar[na I mobile. Frank Kavanagh. another the air port post office, the customs HAY AND STRAW. _ „
vsrsal brotherhood and peae3, readily j Dig Pisa. From Pisa they went toy Montrealer escaped without inJury, t and immigration authorities, The Local wholesale hay and Straw deal - ,
j accepted with an open heart. ; the, royal summer residence at Sail I The accident occurred while Rich• second storey of the building will be ers are .making tie following _quata -. '
g ' Rossore by automobile. tiOns to farmers (delivered at To- y
"However, in the course of 192? therr i I and Southam and his companions reserved to rthe radio and meteoro- . •
-'was repeatedly discovered throughout With a seaplane ativadron Iron Or- were on their way from Montreal to logical services. ronto: .
China communist propaganda schemes 1 betello and Leghorn escorting them,+ Magog, -They were traveling on the Landing and take -off conditions will I No 1 timothy, loose, per ton. Et9
--- planned and directed by the Soviet ! the fliers arrived at San Rossore for I main highway when they met another be Improved considerably when. the to $'�; do, baled, nominal, No. 2� do,
embassy and Sovie. consulates and luncheon with the royal family. The; autornobtle ranting in the oppnslte (do, $14; do; No: 3. do, do. $L- 'to
s - various other 3ovie, oomtnerciai organ Queen, Princess Alafaida, Princeas i two proposed macadam runwa3�s are `$13,50; lower grades, nominal-, wheat
1ta I , direction. The cars passed clogs to completed. When ready for use they straw, $9,50 to $10; oat straw, $9.50
izations where communists were hid- Gtovanna and Princess Marta were one another, and according to wit• will be 2,000 feet long and 150 feet to $10.
In theinseh-es ani secret! lottin present when the iCtng' received h!a
. g y p g nesaee the front wheel of Southam's wide. .LIVESTOCK.
against the' Chinese government and guests. ; allon touched the hub of the rear, a definite word has been received . ' v beef steers 10.50 to $11.50;
for the destruction of Chinese society. I During the luncheon the Kin ask- wheel of the other car and Southam ` N Heavy $
- Y I g re
gardtag the sailing from England butcher steers, choice, ail to $11.50;
"For this reason, the Chinese gov - ed many questions of the American who was driviu.c. lost control--of his of the dirigible R•100, but it was an- do, fair to good, 10 to $10.75; do.
` - trnment was constrained to withdraw I titers, going into details about their machine which swerved off the -oar( com.,, $9 to $9,75• butcher - heifers,
nounced recently that the mooring
_ _: •' Its recognition 'of Soviet diplomatic bold !light across the Atlantic from and crashed through .a fence. The choice, $10.50 W $11; Jo, fair to good,
and consoler representatives in China Afalna to Santander, Spats, and on to victim met death instantly. his c4e t mast was practically completed and $10 to $10.'5; do, com., $8.5U t� $9.fi0;
and to suspend various commercial I Rome. The aviators left the palace being crushed to by the 1mDact, the apparatus within it only requires butcher cows, good to choice, $7.50 to .
g to be connected electrically, while the 88.50; do, corn. to, med.. $6 to $7.25;
. ' organizations of the Soviet' union in grounds by motorboat at 1.30 p.m, 90-, Richard Southam's wlfe, in cote• elevator shaft 'will be ready for use do, canners and cutters, $4.50 t. $5.50• .
' _ -order to prevent a sudden uprising of ing to Marina DI Pisa, where they pany with their two - year -old daugh- in two weeks time. - butcher bulls, good to choice, $8 to •,
i . . - - Communists and in hope that Soviet were welcomed by workmen at the ter !s .at present visiting In Halifax. ,
Rassia would awake to its misdoings airplane factory. 6he is (fie daugt -ter of C. J. Burchell.' 0 - $8.50; do, f to .50; to $beef. do,
and return to ro r dt lomatic rely -. Balbo left for Isom± half an hour, Halifax lawyer. ! '� bo!ognas, $7 to $.7.50; baby beef, $11
!tions with Chin . "� P ( later and the two fliers took a Savoie' A cousin. W in. Southam Jr., was Water Supply is to 814; feeders, -good, stock s, good
do, fair, $8.50 to 9.50; stockers, Rood.
*. _ plane far Cbe Sesto Ca'ende airplane killed !n n some what similar manner • $9 to $3.50; do, fair, $8 to $8.50;
- works, near Milan. ! at Dunbarton near Toronto about two good. $14.50 to $15; do, med.,
• .:' . I years ago: rc
1 Sea a in England nd' calves,
p�11TI1C SulxmrinC Perk $1 .50 to $13 50;' do, rassers, $7 50
4 .r_ -- to $9; springers. $85 to g$120; mtikars,
` apelphia Ledger:- 'There seems - Q I Continued Drought Brings' $75 to $110; lamb., choice, $16: do.
to be only one sure way of lucreastng cults, $13; sheep, choice, $6 to $6.50;
..� Disfiguring Progress I~ orke O sets - y do, me.i., $5 to $5.50: hoer. selects,
- the safety o! the submarine, and that p� Man Cities to Brink
• Qa to abolish it altogether. Even,aR Detroit Free Press: When our an �i„]ulg Settlers - _ of Shortaoe . w.o.c., $14.75; do, f.o•b.. $13.50; do,
cestors came to this continent they Las ° thick, smooths, ,+r,o.c., $14. ^_5: do, off
as instrument of war, It Is' one of found it covered with the forest pri- ...' .. i London-All over England the water trucks, $14,25. -
�which the unrestrained use is benerai= meval, a spectacle whose beauty will Cur-"' are again running Iqw,• Con- •' -'
. liy condemned. , It Is a weapon which ;never again be 'looks dupon .by human Promises Steps Towards CUr- , tinued drought has brought many -� ,- -
'.'.1s directed In the main against non.; eyes. Civilization levelled the for- tailment of Assistance }cities to the brink of 'serious short-
combatanta and of which the effect is eats to make room for homes. That i age. Afanchestgr has only 30 days' EP and Dominions
;Left not by naval or military' forces' I Saskatoon, July ':9 - "The beat kit. L snptily left, and 'at Hull the water in New York World: iL we .(tlie United
was unavoidable. Cities sprang up., of immigrants we can get are th•-tse States) value good relations, with
ttt by civil populations. The history They kept their tress until traffic con,-., the wells is about 20 feet below nor -
. P the World War shows that the sub- who can pay tt.eir own u av, I Great Britain we must value. those
gestion. necessitated their removal. mal. In the hill districts of Kent
This oppinion was expresses to -dad , wtfh the Dominions as a contributing
arine, while it can sink as occasion- The greater part of the natural water .is beta; taken bq cart ?or con-
by the 'Hon. Robert Forke, minister I factor. ° Several of the Dominions,
tai troopship, is virtually powerless beauty one finds en route today is of the department of imn inrat'ccn, who s{derable distances to fill both [arm
p moreover, are growing too Important
Itgainst the armored battleship. In; along the waysides beyond corporate ,and domestle. requirements• ' to be treated casually: When we in-
1s abusiness visitor in the city:
. ;the long 'run, it would -seem, lesser limits. The preservation of this I Several deaths from fife heat have
Mr. Forks ftt�ther intimated that it i Jure Canada and Australia with our
r » naval Powers as well as greater would , beauty from the blight- o[ commer- a been reported la the North of Eng' tariff n e injure our best customer atx3
1 was his intention in the near future to I land.' The ex
Ibenefit by the tibolitiou o1 the sub• cialization is essential to the preser. r press from. London to
take steps toward ,curtailment as much j a country that will soon be among
'marine. But the lesser Powers, at vation of the -love o[ the beautiful in ! i Carlisle had to pull up in W'estmore-
3east for the present, continue to -, the cation, with its refining and ! as Possible of assisted immigration• land 'County, the fireman being over- the very best; we arouse resantnfeat
- block all progress in ibis direction. I While he had been seriously criticized in widA45' separated parts o[ the Em-
humanizing influences. Gas stations ! -come by the heat'.
for his action in partial cuctaiTinent, , pire.. and the result may be felt •ta
ss '�' rr and hot -.dog stands may be necessary ^specially of single met+ from Eurn- I ' -,� 11 The Ricla Pa nexpected way in London. . Com-
Y. to teed motors and motorists on the � pe3n countries, Mr. Forke pointed out u- s t ',
New York Times: The "rich" pay highways; but even they can be •; t Lessons in Swimming mercially and in other ways, we can-
two-thirds of the cost o1 the Federal i that the wisdom of the policy is' now not treat Ottawa antlielbourne too
made attractive externaliv, '�
11 e e era n• conditions a heavq influx of new- Eosrd of Education in Toronto now i °
• 'come ,was composed almost entirely ! may count for much. in meeting such
lot customs duties -more than half - i comers during the past year acute runs to many schools of, the Queen I questions. as naval limitations.. The z
t - _ probably have resulted in a serious I City special bathing- pools. where the i wide -flung Empire is sometimes men-
find internal revenue contributions ob.I Ceres • situation. children,, under the eyes of experi-
lyiously paid in great bulk by the Little gray woman I Honed as °a reason for the difficulty o)
At present, dl r. Forke is making a euced professors, can easily learn to Imunity the naval problem, but a proper com -
..'plain people." la New York Mate i Alad as a •loon, tour of the large- western centres with 1 swim. This example set by the of Dominion and American•
lbecause he change has not been so striking, ! Feeding all morning, a view of making a first land study City of Toronto should be imitated views may do much to solve it and
twenty years ago the State All afternoon. - _ of employment -and crop conditions. I in other towns, as it. is a fact that i other issues. 1. Iready had in operation three out of Grain to your pigeons _r- He _has discussed the situation with I most of those who die in drwning ac- . r __
.1 I e present big four - revenue- produc-
P In your old blue clii
The road gang of the High —Mies accom•
LOCALIS S Leila Mooney,
N, way department have b= an lintiy panied by Mis%3 M, Robertson, of
repairing. the Pavement in the - WL;zhy, left on Mumdav murnioz
�J, village and putting in seepdrains. toattend the Summei:ScbUulat
_W. 13. Powell. spent Monday
"lin the city. L
Tbe Young Pet,ple's Societi'to Oak Lake. tore
_Miss C, Taylor, of Middletowii- of St. Paul's and St. And;_ew's • —Fred and Mrs. BA.sdon and
�Conn., is visiting her many Pick: United Chtirches were entertained family, who were mowrlug to c 7
friends'. at the home ut-F. M. andlilre. Picton L o s pend a few dayswith
Spencer Chapman on Friday evening. All friends, epeat over Sau"y with
Charles B. and Mrs.
And children spent Sunday with report a very enjoyable -e. their parents here. For good 6od vi ue and
" ,heir cousin near Goderich. —A number of the erlployees' f —The Sunday Schools of 'St
E. Dennis and Herbert Oka the General Motors, Oshawa, who Paul's and St. Andrew's Churches
and son, of Toronto, spent Sunday reside in Pickering, have been will unite in holding their annual chic appearance'-
with W. B. and Mrs. Powell temporarily laid off work on ac- pichic at Frenchman's Bay oil
—Wm. J. and Mrs. Calvert of count of a depression in the auto- Wednesday afternoon next.
'01i mobile business: They hope to '"is nothing bet
are spending their h —Dr. H. T. Falalise, Resi&nt Dent" stheie
with their relative@ here. resume work late in the fall. ist, Office in realdence, two doors
--While engaged erecting a hay east. of St. Andrew's Church, Pick-
-Rvlatives from Zion, iffinois,
-ad over and spent the week- fork in George W. Philips barn on ering. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. "ter an
motored than
lend with Levi and Mrs. Salter and tba� 5th concession, Arthur Boyes daily, and evening by appointment.
—St. Andrew's injuries which might,haveproved —Mr. Carnie, of Pa Line"
family. , drew's Busy Bee Miss- and-John Annan met with painful (X-ray service).—* - Paris, who w . as "The 'Holep f
..,Ion Band will meet on Satur day very serious. The scaffolding. on so seriously injured in an auto
which they werf3* at work gave collision in front of Whitby's gar.
'Way, causing the'm 'in
afternoon in the � basement of the lug both men to fall We have
church. a age one day last week, died in the
--Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Benth• distance of abort twenty feet. hospital in Toronto on Friday
-am and daughter, Marguerite, of Mr.. Boyes fell on to the result of his injuries. t 9
Voronto. spent the weekend with 4"I"k his left fore arm. mow, in- morning as a rest ries. Ladies'
5 In fall. —George Bennett, of S. S. No. 6, and. Gen s
Miss Bly. ing Mr. Annan's log got caught in Pickering, won the Evelyn F.
—L. K. and Mrs. Devitt and the rope, and 'injuring it badly, Edwards Trophy -for obtaining the
d-itighter, Isobel, v6sitediltheir par compelling him to remain in bed highest inarks on the recent Eat- ...... i-
Hugh and Mrs. Mecbin the for a time. They may congratu ran-.-e Exams. of all Pupils writing
JDast week. late themselves that they escaped at Pickering, The school will keep
well. LADIES
—The Rev. Duncan Munro. of 80 the cup for the r-omit3i"year.. Geo.
Presbyterian Church Osb —We nuderstand charges have Bennett will receive a minature
been laid against twelve motorists cup to keep for his own, These - You'll be pleased to learn-that we have how placed in
awe, visited with Hugh and M re.
on Friday last. who had been visiting the Jewl,3h trophies are presented each ye-r stock another line of 'Patt6rins." Simply 6, wonderful .7
,, iitecbin north of the village on Sun- by E. F. Edwards" prinic
—Mlis Minnie Lawson, of Pel. camp ipal of line for the home dress-maker. It's called the
.- bamManor, New York City, was day for neglecting to stop before Dqnbarton school. ' Last year it
is visitor at the home of her broth. going on to the highway, as re- was wort by Olive Beckerton, S. S. SIMPLICITY"
q ui red, by law. Oil Sundays the , Pickering (unbartori).
er, Rev. F. A. Lawson. last week. 3 Piki D A one piece pattern. All-at one price, just 15 00.
-Wm. Crammer, who is taking traffic, is so heavy oil this road -An intentional interruption is It's a wonder. Oal) and see
a summer course at Belleville, that it is exceedingly dangerous sz!hednled w take place on next this. new line.
• accompanied by Jack Blow, of not to stop to' see if the way is Saturday from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Whitby, spent Sunday at his clear, go many of the drivers and again on the next day, Silo.
home here. come down the sideroad at a fast day, during the same hours. The
-Prank and Mrs. Brown of clip and turn on t6 the highway purpose of this interruption is to Men, Do you Know.?
Leamington, . Miss Brown and without slowing tip- In a number du very i;
ery reee,oary tree trimming
Mrs. T. C. Brown, of Brougham, of cases accidents have been nar• betwe,-u Whitby and Pickering,
We have a dandy line of Overalls at $d.75 per pair, " Work Sox At 4 pr fur $1. WL C
A called on Hugh and Mrs. Mechin, lowly averted at this eras =ing, And also to change all joints on the We have all wool.
on Tuesday. due to the recklessness - of these riluminum conductors from- one have fine Holeproof Sox in fancy colors for 50 c t,4
-The cfficers And directors of sleeve to the. two sleeve vnriety. per pr. We have nice black Oxfords for men at
the Worueri'q Institute will meet -Another motor accident occur- It is thort0it that tbi% work will 4 00, 5:00 lind-6,00 per pair..
on Friday evening. July 26tb at red bout 10 o. in. on Sunday (it) d(.) ruw:blto zuAranteea contibuity
the home of Mrs .- James Andrew, the highway iiiifit west of the of service in the future clis-tom-
at 7,3*r,%rAndard time). Andley road, due to the .practice ?n; of the Pickering RnrAl Piwwer A FEW SPECIALS IN DISHES
-Mrs. H. G. Calvert, who b of "cutting in." An automobile District will please govern theme Clover Leaf cups and saucera 1.35 dozen. Sherbert glasmeg with plates
!been receiving treatment in ale going eft-at, ocenpied by John A' selves Accordingly.
8 of each in set, only 98 centiR. New line of kitchen bowls,
108ba We General Hospital, has, re- and Mrs. Hallett. of Park Avenue,
Toronto, and W. H. and Mrs. white with wide blue band. 15,-20. 25, and
Iturned home ijutne% bat improved New Ad-veriftmemonts. 40c each. Nice fine cTilas and saucers
4n health, but still very w Hallett, of West Lake Aveune, wit
--P Tot-onto. was forced lot b narrow blue, band, very pretty at 1.75 per drz7
Lev. R. H and Mrs Rickard o the ditch
"ANCING-Every Saturday nivbt
Deft on Sunday night for Belle. by another car which tried to pass " at Liew Drop 1nn,`X-,ngst_on Road,. East of "KING BUG KILLER"-It's going like wild fire — nothing;
villa, Mr. Rickard is, tibia week, them. The glass of. the wind. Rouge Ht!l,
better. Don't take a chance on substitute.
shield and the side doors were
presiding at the � Somme- School
art IV%-ANTED-A stood pony costly dart Oak Lake, of which he is pre.si broken and the occupants were suitable for small pony: Mrs. Edgar
den t• all more or lose cat by the.broken Mitchell R R 2. Pickennig 47
-A Sunday School service was glass. John A. Hallett was most
RUCHING-Iocal and Lovir Dist.
held at No, I school, Picker' seriously injured, being badly cut Tance hauling, also sand and gravel hauled.
Prices reasonatile. 1 A W. Mitchell. Pickering. "CHAPMAN
Beach, last Sunday and an organi Phone Pick 5720. 37-52
a oat the legs and arrus. They
Lion will be made next Sunday received medical aid and'after, M a •
7,: am 2 30. standard timp, if enough wards were taken back to the city. USTOMCHOPPING-1 I am prepar-
The driver of the C ed to do cnatc= chopping on Tuesday After-
people are interested. car which wap noon and all daT, Saturday each al of ea week I have
11di@s Jeap Clask, representing a returned also chop for so H. E. Turner Whi tevale .33tl
St. AndreWo Young People's Soci• to the scene of the accident and
sisenting the c use.of the accident reto d s I
ety, and Miss Isabel Squires, of St. gave his name and address. -Let out driver call and
TORY !Semi finisl,)
:Paul's Young Peop)e'e Societ -A rather serious motor acci explain our 24' hour_ service. just le yow
Y. leave
M 'have been attooding the on dent occurred on the Highway name with Mr. S. W. Davis, Da� barber shop, We
akpoer will pick up and deliver 3 ulgee a week
ischool at Oak Lake this week. about a mile and a nalf east of the
OR SALE-Ford ligbt delivery
-Mrs. McGilvery. of Little village, which migbt have h--d We are showing afine line of Gent's Summer Goods
I truck in dandy shape. good winter and qum.
Current. Manitoulin Island, spent fatal results. An Bolf-ex coach. mer curtaing: can be used as roadster, W Ill ac. _--for this ward weather
a few days last week with her owned by a Mr; Lowe, of Toronto, cept pan each and potatoes or produce for bal-
. _3 ance.ot&Ucaab' David J. Scott, Altoria Road.
uncle and family at "Kinsaird." and driven by Miss Henry, teied 3-41 mi*e north of Kingston Road. 26ti STRAW HATS, BATHING SUITS3
Mrs. McGilvery ix president of the to pass a farm wagon when going —
--in- up the hill in front of the Flewing CARD OF THANKS
_ -_-
District Women's Institutes ARROW BROADCLOTH SHIRTS,
her district farm, just east of the school.. She
-The nursing course held here didn't see& track coming from the We wish to thank our many friends ARROW TWO-PIECED UNDERWEAR
-for the past two weeks by Mrs." east, driven by Arthur Henry, of and neighbors for their kind express-
ns of sympathy during our recent
Low, of Toronto, ended Friday Stratford, and the result was a 10 "'INTERWOVEN SOCKS
'last with an attendance of over head on collision in which Miss bereavement..
p fifty. Afterwards a picnic was Henry, the driver -of the car, sue The Sullivan Family. The very finest in the trade
hold In Memorial Park and was Lamed a broken wrist and was
otherwise bruised and shaken
"inch enjoyed by young and old up.
alike. There were three other occupants
Tender@ for decorating and painting
-Next Sunday the union seri in the car, but these escaped aeri- the Whitev&le school•bouse will be it
ous iDjuTy. Ur Henry, the driver That
066 in connection with St. An. received by the Summer SU
ULdelroigned up to
drew's and St. Paul's United of the truck, was badly shaken tip, July SDtb, IM.
.0hurebee will be held in St. Paul's but otherwise escaped injury, Specillcationg for work required to -'Yotl . can select from Semi Ready. Tip Top Tailors-or
United Church as follows; lo.00 Miss Henry was taken to Dr, be done may be had from Lowndell samples. We guarantee
-in., Sunday School ; 11.00 a. Oartwright's office, where she had HOWARD R. TumzR,
morning worship; 7.00 p, m., even' her injuries attended to, after 46.47 Whitevale, Oat. a perfiet fit'
Ing service. which she was taken to the city.
-St. George's, Pickering, Sun -The annual garden party of Tendel S fbr'Paiinting
day next: 9.80 a. m. (standard St. Nul's United Church was be?d
time) Sunday School ; 10,30 a. ru. in Pickering Memorial Park on SEALED Tenders, marked • Tenders Slater 'Shoes' for men and Rewpie Kewps
Service, preacher Rev, H. C Lew' Wed for Painting," will be received by the % • Wednesday, Intheafter. liindersigued road Supt. of the Sawn-
the the kids. You simply
18 Hooper ; 7 p. rn.. Service, Rev noon Centennial and Pickering ship of Pickering up to noon of Satur-
I'D. B. Langford will preach. Wed• girls and Andley and Pickering day, July. 27th next, for scraping and can't beat these
nesday, July 31st. picnic to Glen boys played softball, The Ills'
91 printing all metal parts of thefollow.
special notices. the Pickering team won the bov@' as Cammack's. Hiiight
Avis Park,- Frenichman'8 Bay. See game resulted ins tie score, while rinlridiwes,viz:Tbe bridges known ; Tiekerm*d
P tingi
gh s, Munro's, Fred T. Bunting n'
-Richard Soutbam, Jr,, of game• The memberRof the Wo-ni. Palmer's arla Clark's Hollow; one Established 1857.
Mioutipal, was instanteously killed an's Association, assisted by ot her coat of paint; paint to be'fiarnished
In an ' ointOnwobile accident near ladies of the congregation and by fhe municipality; the lowest' or
Montreal on Sunday. -Hh- death young people. served a vfiiry deli- any Lender not necessarily accepted, F
4,. .-recall 9 another motor Accident clone supper which was enjoyed Roy WARD,
icb,took place live years ago, by a large crowd from the village oadsupt.,
wb 46-47 THE .,CENTRAL GAR�.GE
�r when his cousin, Win Southam, and community. Rev. Mr, Rick. Claremont, Ont,
disc] fro an ='021:t Memd =211aq I
a 0
driving at a very ' rapid rate of and after a few brief remarks, Telep 'h
ne 1900
)speed, he ran into T. McGlasban's called on the artists for the pro
Artick at Diinbaikton, grain of the evening. The Ionic AT - 7
-A sale of home-made cooking Male Quartet, composed of Messrs. ..'AVALON P kVILION,
and fancy work will be held at Lynda, Cuthbert,
Cuthbert and ROSEBANK
Mansfield'@ Hall, Fairport, on the Moore, presented a varied pro SATURDAY, JULY 6TH, 1929 Auto Repairs, Aceessorie.s, Oils and
after000n of Saturday. July 277 th, gram of vocal and cornet solos, and every- Saturday night at 8.90
uvWWr the auspices of the Wom• quartettes, sketches and a mins• (standard time). Music will be
Man's 'Gitild of St. Georges's trel act. The artists were excep furnished by ,,.Gasoline, Acetylene Welding,
Afternoon tea will be tionally versatile and the program Fred Stainlon and his Merry•Land
-'serveld. The orange tree and sale Of serious as well- as humorous -44-47 Collegians.
Mile Of balloons will be the attrac• numbers appealed to all. Daring
lien for the children. The sale the intermission between the two
Re airs made on all makes
*11I begin at 8.30 O'clock {daylight parts of the program E. L.Chapri p a
,19aving time.) man auctioned off the an togra ph Now is the time to get a new' Spt of
-Is the Pickering Police Court quilt, donated and autographed Harness, or get the old set repaired. _'Ot ca
tor. n
Tuesday evening eigbt mo by Mrs. L. Sqnires and Mrs. Jae. I have in stock eamples of Samuel aSamuel k
Tress and Jeffrey's hatioma. The
Ists were fined $1.00 and Costs, Richardson, assisted by the mem•
former may be ordered througb cats-
ismeun in
ti g in all to St. 00, for ne- bers of the Woman's Association. logue at prices quoted.
irlecting to come to a stop before The quilt was purchased by Miss
Catalogue free.1
':Orossing the four corners in Clare. Myrtle Wilson. The members of I also carry collars, collar pads, sweat
one Sunday recently. One the Woman's Association take pad,, 'harness oil by bulk. harness
-charge was disruissed while one. this opportunity to express their dressiog, also silver polish
other failed to Appear Find was Rppreciatinn to all who in Any wad other parts. :;CHARLES Be SPENCER
Arlionrined. The eight who were! vvily assisted in making the occa- Repairs promptly done.
8twirl pleaded guilty to the charge , Rion such a Bnecese,—Cow, L. W, PILKEY, -OLAREMONT] Proprietor, Pickering-1
�i 4L