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XLH'11.1.- PICKERING, ONT., -FRID.&Y. 9. 1928
- No. I
rn 7
Mrs.T. Mansletd has returned home The annual Christmas tree'and en- GREENWOOD
Saw, X91 aad Buket from a two weeks' visit in United Church
in.Toronto. tertainment of the
Mr. Croker, of Fairport Hote!, Sunday School will be held on the
E. PORSYTH, Opb. D., Director
%Q01tometneal Association of Ontario.Reg. having the dance- hall by the -water' evening of Thursday, December 20th.
Jeteged Member of ry
the American ca) front demolished. It is rumored he Keeep the date in mind.
Eyes Facto MILL'S
tido examined by 0 1
CWemont.Ont. intends to cottages ' n this site. The Women's Association of the
The fishermen are.,finding it aM-- United Church will hold a bazaar this Retablished 1838
a25 ]REWARD 'thing but pleasant these mornlrigs out .(Friday) afternoon, beginning At 3
on t-sAak4 in such cold winds. Wbitp_- O'clock, when there will be offered
ter and fish are very scarce but herring are for sale home-made baking aryl many
A6150licitor.Notary Public Etc. Money to 825 00 Reward. will be given for more plentiful and are deman(Mrig a useful articles. This will be
0". South Wing,court 11'."use. Whitby. 251 a good
y and conviction
(3,BROWNINU. K. C.. Barris. the apprehen6ion fair price. opportunity to,secuie your Christmas
I tar.Solicitor,N of the parties f, wide guilty of re- About twenty-two little friends and presents-. Tea will be served from. 5
0�trj ublic knnes'Blk.,
bwpaedialte�ly west of Pon Moving and carrying away out of playmates of Miss Helen and Master o'clock until all are served. Admis-
ffice.Dundas Street, 8 i
Wbkby- House Phone 380. Ofricc phone 392. ghi my Basket Sign from MY Harold Scott, celebrated Hallowe'en in sion 25 cents. Chopping Dept,
premises early Sunday morning, true fashion when they ' were the
:13EATON & ROSS-'Barri&tere. So.- October the 21st, I
n1cit0MToronto.4 Ncrt&- OnOirio Building, 3W 128. guests at a delightfifl party given 1)y SCHOOL REPORT S.-S. N;). 9 -Js now in
may-Stret. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott. PICKERING
CHAS. A. WHl.79. •
Successor to late W. G. Barnes DUNBARTON. Re -h of October. 'full bla9t
Adelaide 271&7 port for the morfif
Sr. IV.-Mildred Corbett, Evelyn
Barristers, Solicitors etc., 213-214 Conred. Mr-4. Blenkin, wbo-intefids leaving Clarke, Margaret Bayles and Ross
arationLife Garner -y
non eo and Rich- Dunbarton to reside in Toronto, -Fill Disney (equgj), Willie Clark, Jr. IV.
wAsod Sts.,Toronto.Phones Mair Roofing -Reginald Clarke and Robert Kin-
Pickeritig office open and Main is -
5 hold an auction sale of her house-
Wednesdpy and : L, lam ready to buy
Satutday eveningii. Phone Pick: NW. s-i hold effects on Saturday, Nov. 17th, irear (equal), Olive Kinnear and Leon'
5 x British Columbia Shingles There will be ik service of Holy Jinks (equal), Ruth Annis, Frances new crops
Detttai .3 x Communion at the Com.-r.-:--.:tY 'Hall Mantle, Hazel Priest. Sr. III.-Ger-
No. 2 3 and 5x rnxt Sundav at 3*D.m. The rireacher trude Corbett, Edna -Harris, Laura W H E A T
.ULAIKE B. BEATON. D. D, S.. at this Service will be Rev. D. B. Ormerod,Dorothy Clark,Mildred,Con.
JLA Gpadvategof the Royal C-clelge
of Drmt;W
8*qPx-2 and University of Toronto. Langford. ner, Ellen Rinnear. ,Jr. III.- Cecil AND
Owes Mwdock's GonfectioV Offick . .. TORONTO ASPHALT. The,regular monthly meeting'of the Wall.,;, Gordon Commack, Lawrence-
011111cc hOws 0 to 12 to ff=,Whitby W. A. and Guild will be held at the Commack, Iva Smith. Sr. II.-Phyllis
IBM phone 2n. ROOF A R L-E Y
4417 Murr' ROOFING l-rorne of Mrs. W. Lunan, Rouge Hill, Clark, Clara Wpjls, Elva Middleton,
BIL C. SMITH. D. D. -4 L RY'a 18 in., 32-in. and 36 inch_ on Tuesday, 'november 13th; at 2 p, Murray Ellins, Ronald Green, GordonSutceescir to Pr,J.N.Dalej,, wid tiag, 4 it) 1 Shingles; also ill pay the highest rice.
L . R. and w
she Royal College of Dental Gradua.,of rr. Miss Summerhayes, of Toronto,, Priest. Sr. Pr.-Dorothy Disney, Roy
5,Jrgeons and Toron. Me-tal Valley and will be present to give an address at Walls. Harold Short, Lila Hiltz, Jr.
to University. At Clwemort offIce over D A. thisn.essa Walls and Musial Clark
Ridge Roll. meeting. All members :�rr., Pr.-
9tore eve*Tuesd��ttoo�oaHH lollay and Fr Phone-
MateFifrl, or will give price on quested to try to be present. Mease, .((qual), Leslie Wilson;Mercedes Maa-
ERBERTT FALLAISE L DQ liDighed job, note change of time- tl-. No. on roll 29. Average attend- %
as ID D.S aM
Graduate of tfi, p,�y3l'Collep't"U" !e 3G. Jean A. McWhirter, Teacher
C 0 A L
and he L'-.Nerb,ty of Torv-! FAIRPORT
:CMke in residence secozd a(,Or east of s t. A,
.:Tew's Chuf c1r,-Pe on t. offiti . . nd.. • PICKERING :0 GREEN RLVER.
"g. holr*. 9 On Friday evening, \
0. to 8P M., or by in Nc-vc tuber r..2nd.
8PPC tMert. Phne Rood 413pply of
3700. • y LUMBFc-',i nI% •Y A R D tb,. members rs of Pickerinsr Branch A. C,4. P. J. Rowe, of Pickering, VI., A Hgrd and Soft
Y-RA�Te*%at the home-of 31 r. !Mani- itod at Wilson's Park on Sunday last. Coal on band. Also a supply
fuotirts** field, airport. The eveniii*',� F-n�te of Kindling L Wood,
THE MINING MAREET 4iainment t,ok the form of a Hallow- -The W. C. T. U. will hold their
AgLiZA15ETEI RICHARDSON- (-'en Ma,querade. There &were many. regular monthly meeting at the home stove length.
s Fire and a-,toracb.!einewance of al k,nds. We buv and sell, furu6b quoratioce beautiful costumes. There was the of Mrs. M. Draper, on TuesdAy, No- 12tf Phone Pick. 1709.
ting COMPSIIIAC"f solid astancrial tind-
dies• and information on all Listed and soldier with several medals, red cros..; vember- 13th, -at 3 p.m. You are cdr-
Utilisted Mining Stocks. nurses, old Mother Hubbard and he: dially invited-to attend. DONALDIMUNRO, PICKEKING
1GEORk;G,,RKEAY-Licensed We will be pleased to &d-vise what hue-Zry dog, the bandit in leather leg- The Baptist Church p;xniversary
ser, a. L,we-stock and general $4104 stocks to t)uv or to bold.or pings and gun, the darkey boy with ,ervices
fat a Tersoarawsiable R. were conducted on Sunday L. SURIVINGHAW
'Stauffydie. Phone 9003. 3.-4
ANA What stock to sell. his accordion, little Red Riding Hood, }a=t. The week-night entertainment Building and 0eceral
Clients are making' money by and tyle old witch that made everyone will be giv,-n this (Vriday) night. Contractin g.
11 . for Licensed Auctioneer. following our advice. tremble over his shoulder, the QuPn when Rev. C. Cameron, of Torono.
OPULD9410 01 Turk and 0os*o,0,,. A Estimates furnished on all clams"
00111 N""of obi) kin" sn"; to ,& a"" Our long e2perietice in mining. ex. of Sheeba was there,also Faith, Hope will give a lecture, which will be fl-
006-. A44mas Gross 1U,W or%QF1 , of work-Interior and Exterior,,
.0. 0011• ending over a period of twenty Anti Charity. At the merry crowd lustrated by lantern slides. Admfs-
years. allows cis to, give sound advice marched arourd the room Bert Elliott seion, 25- cents; children 15 cents. Alterations and repairs.
B-BRATON TOWNSHIpoLERE on the investment feature of &-mine received first prize as a tramp, Irene J. Benson Wilson, ,who Chimney@ Built Concrete Work.
- .. was leading
Aciammunt. ass. Nwasy to = or -ETT0tr-ffrst prize as am vtd-witcfr,� home a rexiitered bull n Phone rig6eping &719 -7
*new me Mesita" Lia� pective mining venture, Tony Mattingsley first prize as the on Tuesday evening of lam week FATRPORT, ONTARIO
SOLLOWAY, MILLS.& CO. bandit. Then followed many amusing badly injured. Max became e e te
x i d at
MAW. LICENSED At: Members of Standard games.- A dAinty lunch was served. passirw motorists and tossed J, B..
_YV TIONEIx, C., Stock Excbsmge. bringing to a close a very happy into the air, throwing him to one side.
8 H I N G L E
-York.Qxtano amid Durham,
%A100does. All Mcdo of sake
ba. Teruo PM=Ptty attmd_q Members of the Montreal evening. The next meeting will be When he came down he suffered as
I bk Daun raw gal" may b, 'Nova Scotia Shingiem
all at= 130111 Mining ExchAngie.- 'held on Friday evening, November to, bruised and torn. hip,and four frag-
'Galt U#Llvknlzed Steel shingles,
t. sly0121ce B6 nom. roun nor, -nt-44p.m., in the A.YL-P-A, Phil- roarm tured rib an hist,Wt P"lle, .-A
Birds F
Metropolitan Building; Kles!
Arthi,, meeting Mr. Channon will give right side was scratched and bruised.
'TORONTO, a report *on the convention hel.I ut He also received a hole on the - for sale AtAv
Phnxiee: Adelaide 6nI and drt Windsor. ? of his heaft. Max has never been T. PATERSGN'S - CLAREMONT'
known to act ugly before, but will Wl and get prices. Phone 2912
Out It not allow strangers around. ' Alf. Mi-THE RURIAL BROUGHAM.
succeeded in catching the infur-
family were with L. 'him' a tele-
SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. The Crocker iated animal and tied LAW'S
7' and Mrs. Matthews on Sunday. '%
phone.pole. He afterwards took Mr.
Mrs. For ie and Miss Barnett via- Wilson home where he received nied %-4 A R A G E I
Real Estate and Insurance. ited F. and Mrs. Cassie on.Sunday.
h*t old-furnae� that smoked ical attention.
26 188t Winter,-the One that Farm Pro perties a Specia.1ty. -tillifis�, Phyllis Gerow has been vis- -We are prepared to do all kind*
I ng with. frierxls for a of repairing of carr, also bat.
msde Yot shiver w; HwW Office:213 214 Confederation few days. MACKEY-MICHELL
tery chs rginir, electric
• Life Building. Toronto. Gordon Wallace and family,,of To The home of Mr. and Mrs. John welding and in fact
Aaw is the.time to replace it Phone Main 1890.
ronto, visited with T. C. and Mrs. H. Michell, Green River, was the everytblux in con,.- 7
Bioivn on SW�turday, scene of a pretty wedding, when their vection with
-wit'li a new one. Bra
ncb Office: Gordon-Building. Miss Muriel Shepherd is en route daughter, Ada Rowena, became the car work.S U
Pickering Ontario, to California for an indefinite stay.
Our rices-let no instal Phone 6600. 28ff bride of Mr. Everett Pascoe Mackey, gas, Ofl@, Greape And Acces 40fiew
0"NOW and be real cosy Our good wishes go-with her. youngest Ron of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. on hand Constantly.
when winter comee. Hallows'en fun was . geiieral, ole Mackey, Brooklip, Ont. The borne
r1ArR ri BLF�-Piakoring_Station and you-nx entering into the spirit was beautifully decorated with roses,, Call and see our Catalogues of %..
"4 do*as follows
Or if it is Hardware you wamt J.. 0
T.IL Trains going it of the frolic, which was much enjoyed. Rev W. Auld, of Markham, officiated. Dodge and Star Cars.:
Jdail 7Z8 A M. The Sun-lay School teachers have The wedding music was played by the
giV6 us a Call.
23 Local 12-M P.ld: now the annual Christ:n-o- +rpe and bride's cousin, Mitss LAWS
ra Turner. Tht GARMAE,*•
90 LOW 5.24 P. M entertairimprit under their consider-4- bride, who was given in marriage by AND SERVICE STATIO-N
Phone 46M. Sunday train, 8.38 A.M. -,jom her father, wore a beautiful gown of
Trains gain; W"t due as follows-- Born, at 116 Westmaril"and Ave., pink georgette over pink satin and 7
No- 29 Local 9.29 L.M. Oshawa, on Monday, November 5th. carried a showet
-ALVIN �BIJSHBY 27 r TOOMI bouquet of Colurribig 0
2.25 P. M. to Lorne and Mrs. Ham, a daughtte' Roses,' Lily of the Valley and Fern. -
-PICKERING 9 Mail 906 P- X. (Marion Louisa). Miss Hilda Mackey, 'sister of the
Sunday train, 8.82 P. M. 0 111]
Foregoing i Henry Shea is slowly improving groom, was as in bridesmaid, and wa,,
-ding to Standard from the injuries in
s according s he sustained when pink taffeta, with gold lace
he was accidentally knocked down by trimmings, and carried a bouquet of
his son's car about two weeks ago. roseS.r
F R E E I The groom was supported b.,.
NIONT Rev. J. 8 .Ferguson enlightened the the bride's brother, Mr. Hugh G. M e
.-CLAIRE. 'Sunday School children on the effect chell. During the signing of i- On or befor
$5.00worffi of the reg-
of alcohol the brain during the les- inter music was rendered by Miss
-CREAMERY son period of last Sunday, it.being Turner, after which a weddirm dinn?r Monday, November'
Temperance Sunday. was served for the inimediat6 rela-
A number of our oeople. attended tives.-JAter the happy couple left -the .12t
'Higbec the fowl suppers of the past week,at
In at price paid for for an extensive motor trip to the
With every Kitche Cabinet mild Cream at the. we expect be
Pickering and Greenwood, and report States. The bride travelled in blur •
during the first three weeks (A
Nov. we are giving atroolt, in both cases excellent-hi;n-d6 abundant gmrgette ;and velvet, a navy cloth occupying our- .
as well as a superior quality' coat with opossum trimmings ani a
rely free $5 00 worth Claremert, Creame tables •
of entertainment.. small. hat to match.
On their return
M. S. of St. John's'United they will reside in Brooklin, Ont. f
of Groceries. The W New Premises ust
Give as a tripl and be convinced Church wilt meet at the home of Mrs. 01 0
Price of Cabinet.*.3900 L. Johnston on Thursday, November IT'S TAKE SUMMERTIME
Mi, opposite post ice
IN 0
Nifthmain guaranteed spring ELM DALE 15th,. at 2.30 p.m. A cordial invi- CALIFORNIA
filled Mattress, tation is 'extended to the ladies of
in the store
... 25.00 .
the congregation. A Glorious Place to Spend the Winter.
Mareba.11 Mattresses, 28.00 The Women's Institute will meet on In sunny' California you formerly
will find
0 p.m.
Tuesday, November 6th, at 2.3 wonderful places to spend a month or
Cki4rmoor at the home of Mrs. Walter Bayles. two this winter. 11mown as
It is a land of un-
Other Felt Mattress from
For Pastry use A good attendance is expected. Miss equalled sinuate, of high mountains'
ea Music" colorful F sby will read a paper on of.colo I deserts And fascinating Baird's Meat Shop
7.50 to 15 00 P
Our' Royal Dlmnd and the roll call will be responded to cities.
by a humorous anecdote or quotation. Sumptuous hotels at the many re_"Woblaut Steel Beds Alwa son at yotir Gracer's. Armistice Memorial service in con -sort centres along the Pacific Coast Further
h"d at moderate priceL nection with St, John's Church will Will make your stay a.rlesant oris.
Farmore who have wheargot your be held next Sunday at 2.30 p.m. in Many visitors to California ,plat,
-own the Town Hall. The friends from-the their itinerary via the North Pacific
floor made from Your Anniouncement
wheat We can surrounding country aloriR -with the coast. The beauty and cosrnopolit
grind It. '__t Greenwood and Whitevale charges are character of Vancouver and Victoria
-Ce A -Uter.
Feed of all kinds-Chic invited to join in this Oservice. A -Canada's famous far western cities,k
Furniture Dere_- andl I fy"If"d wreath is to be placed on the tablet make the journey-enjoyable-and in-Funeral Director: hen feed, chop, millf d. in the hall in memory of the fallen teresting.
Jones' Drug Store.,
heroes. The Greenwood United Church Complete information regarding
Phone 13001 Chopping every week-d6y.
Choir will assist in the service' of I California-fares, accommodation and
Piakering, Ont&Ao z,0c=.VV00= nrais,- Mt. Walter Kerr, of Ashburn, literature gladly supplied by any Can-sing. adian National Railway Agent. Ontario;
4i_ ?
4 7 1_
Of lcelsncic Parliament r.
in 930 Will be Commemorated
,:.,Descendants in Canada and United"States to Attend Millen_' GHTNING
fual�at Reyjavik—Visitors to Camp in Teat"!-
----*Aay Take Trees as Their Gifts
Several hundred Canadian and U.S.i "It was In 874 that the first settle-
rJtIzens of Icelandic descent are ex.1 menta were made in Iceland by peo-
petted to begin Laying plans soon to.ple from Norway, who left that coun-
Bail for Iceland in 1934P, to partici ate 1,try some time earlier to avoid the rule
of King Harold, and who lived for a
In a celebration of the 1000th anni- 1cou
'time in the Orkney and Shetland Is-
Versary of the foundntg of the Icelan.
dic Parliament, according to Dr. B. J.1 lands before finding their way to Ice-
of Winnipeg, Man., chair- land." Dr. Brandson said. "Though
-.=an of'the Celebration Committee In they brought with them the common RIAL SIZE
of Norway, they found them-
America, who was In Boston recently., PER BOTTLE
& selves In need of an executive head,
sr -bration will com-
This millennial cele the Athling together
Memorate the beginnings of what is and so called Children Love
tary 930. 'STHMA
said to be the oldest parliamentary VENO's A
Cabinet on British Lines' V.I
government In the wcrld which has
"The Athling was at first,more at
had a continuous existence do*u to
�- the pres.nt time, antedating the Eng- an administrative body than legisla
llsh "Mother of Parliaments" at West• tine, and its chairman was the head -cents of comets. It has been discov-
VIV : f � iJ ��]1,`��r
of the Government of the island. The
minister bynnore than 300 years. Dr.. seed that many meteors move in well-lEmpire Producing
Brandson pointed out. The celbration present Athling has 36. members and defined paths, and in several instances
will take the 'form of festivities eE&. operates through a responsible cabinet.the path of a stream of meteors car- Much Raw. Cotton,
ar Phasizing the national culture, tastes On the British lines, In the times
4%. and characteristics of the Icelandic of the earliest sessions the members responds to the path of a well-known
comet. Others believe that they are Industry Will Soon Be Self
people, with addresses by native and of the Parliament slept in tents about nebulous formations that attract unto
foreign dignitaries, musical programs the meeting place, and in keeping themselv4 the chemical properties of Contained'Within-Limits
and a;thletle contests, with this tradition the visitors at the starry bodies as they progress toward of British Territory
These events will be held at the festival two years hence will be shel-
tered in a large encampment. the earth. London—The British Empire- now
actual meeting place of the original But a very small percentage of them
4R, Parliament or Athling which first "The long rule of the parliamentary is destined ever to reach the surface df produces 30 per cent. of the world's
came together in the year 930.
This government Illustrates the Strong tra- the earth—which is fortunate, since'raw cotton. This statement is made
site a spot about 40 miles from ditloh of respect and obedience to law many meteors are mammoth in size, by the Empire-;Marketing Board in:
ire 'is annoducement which it makes re-
ReykJvik, the present capital, and is 112 the Icelandic people," he continued. and if twenty or thirty millions of all
'now a barren and deserted section "and the absence of any monarchical them were to fall to earth in a da 'garding the remarkable progress of
head in those formative times instill. Y' British cotton growing. It Is recalled
:'Of lakes, cliffs liffs and deep canyons very little would be left of life or of I how for centuries Britain was the
Onto Had Woodland Areas ed a strong feeling of democracy and cur highly developed civilization.
!home of the manufacture of cotton,I
independence, though the country "Some are scarcely larger than
-The denuded nater g of much of again came under the rule of the bile raw cotton all came from over-
grains of sand; others weigh many w
the Icelandic country has given rise King of Norway in 1262 The pioneer tons. Were it not for a blanket of seas, largely from the southern States
to recon-iendations from several Ice- trend in legislation was exemplified in of America.
protecting atmosphere aroLnd the The American crop failed during
landers In America that the delegation Iceland's being the first to extend earth we should be pelted continuous- the American -Civil War. spreading . .....
from Canada and the U.S. should take suffrage to women."
ly with these bodies.
% misery a4d famine among hundreds
a cargo of young trees as its gift to It Is estimated that appioxir�ately' "But the moment the meteor enters
the mother country on the millennial, 25,000 Icelanders live In Canada and the earth's atmosphere its pace is of thousands at British cotton work-
'Tradition has It that Iceland once the U.S., the greaterpart of them In slowed down by the friction of tfta air era. Thirty years ago one of the mas-
had large areas of woodlands, but with Canada. This number Is. equivalent and its outer is heated by the ter spinners of Lancashire ent ten
4"tl, 1 - -, . tons of cotton seed to BrIti:h West
their disappearance the land has be. almost to one-fourth the population same process. Combustion is caus8d;
come in Many places. almost bleak- Africa. The experiment succeeded.
2 1 ale of Iceland. Thus, Dr. Brandson ex- the meteor explodes and gives off its More and more of. the great open
cording to Dr. Brandson. pects a considerable contribution from nebulous matter, and atoms are freed
N spaces of the Empire are' being plant-
For the visitors to hold tree-olant this cottinent to the program of the into the earth's atmesph%re and energy
Ing ceremonies would be to a tat an festival. Reports from Iceland indl- expelled." eand sown to insure a supply Of
,tiactive reforestation movemen- which tate that especial interest already When fro gments of meteors do raw cotton for the spindles and looms
of Lancashire.
the Icelandic Government hat begun Is being taken In composition of ape- break through, the effect is stunning.
In the hope of broadening its Indus• tial musical numbers, all with a clan- Recently Siberia was the scene of such The supply now comes from-East lip
tries. which at present are cf fined sicail trend, to - and West Africa. the Sudan. Rfio-
PArgelY to fisheries and r the festival. with many D catastrophe.,when a giant meteorite deals, South Africa. India. Australia
grazIL;;. he composers seeking the honor of adop- fell to earth and tore up the territory,
said. Young trees from the Willson tion of their work, The celebration within a radius of 20 miles. regiso
Empire's production of the world's raw
red and the British West Indies The-
Bay region of Canada would be adapt. will be held during the third week in a shock felt within the radius of 25
able to the Island' climate, It is be- June In 1930, and probably will occu. rr lies, and completely wiped out a cotton to-day amounts 3.000,000,000 and 4,000.000,0to between
00 pounds
Bleved• py three days. herd of 1,500 reindeer. yearly, So that betas a long 4t in pre-
n 1802 in Williamette. Oregon, the dieted that the cotton Industry will
portion of shooting stars with very largest meteorite ever found in North
be selVeontalned within the Empire.
'Earth and Sun 'Ea few "accidents." America, weighing '31.107 pounds,
SHOOTING, STARS. g crashed to earth, causintremendous •
1MMons of Meteors ar damage. .-Jane
Almost every one has seen shooting
stars, but few people know exactly
Prof. Shepley began the work of IA Tame Owl's Epitaph)
16aenring the size of- f h-A u1ni ow little o0org—
Afe And Ciyili�fi.. ..j i a -1-h--t 'they ate, how they fuartI;ow-,an;T 11 ir,.-�M3 lvpr*p little 1366 V44%
about 15 years ago. It belief The air of. wisdom that you wore!
Planet Protected By what purpose they serve. Without
-e, consisting of your solemn eyes are closed; your
Of that the'visible univer,
"Air Cushions" them, the atmospheric "balance" about-one billion and a half stars, is
our earth would be destroyed and all boots YOUTNFVL F1,ARF
a al, ute approaching dusk no more.
p Dr. Shapley se vast that it takes light, traveling A new diagonal line appears is
The appetite and "food" supply of light might disappear. ahaped like a watch; that this watch Bill,
'hem as follows: is
the sun and earth have been measured APIains at the rate of 186,M0 miles per 8ft- More softly as a spirit -ilrd bodice of black lustrous crepe satin
'bY D�r_Harlow Shapley, a distinguist- "Meteors Or shooting stars are and, 3,000 centuries dress, with effective embroidery in silk
fragments of matter in space. Every s to cross its dia- - You could not wing from gloom la
tad astronomer, who has just made his day as the earth whirls along its meter and 1,300 to traverse its thick- gloom. and metal thread which combin:; with
astonishing conclusions public.
journey around the sun at a rate of nese. Finally, Dr. Shapley tells us Than when, as light as air, unheard side drape of skirt to carry out smart
that our sun is at least GO,000 light You'd-waft acros's our lighted room.lore-sidedness. It will be difficult tc
According to the emirfent scientist, eighteen and one-half miles per sec- . distinguish it from the original Paris
years distant from the centre of this
who is the director of the Harvard ond, it encounters millions of these
, from the garden's dark
2 watch—and the character of this It ever . . model—and t�ne cost is, so moderate.
Observatory, both out-globe and the fragments, many of them travelling mass, which lies at the veiled centre We hear a faint, remote tti-whit - Its bole trimming is piping used to
much faster than the earth. of the universe, astronomers can only We'll recognize your voice, and �ark finish neckline and b*(4i(-e of the dull
sun have an enormous capacity for "There are many theories of their
guess at. To catch your friendly note In It. side of crepe. The drape is a separ-
food. This comes to them in the form origin. Some have tried to account for The stars radiate away their mass ate piece of material, shaped to fall
of shooting stars, or meteors,* which them " projectiles thrown out,by the
in the form of light. But where do When came the summer gleaming on in cascade effect, and stitched to left
�..,,;-sre drawn toward them as a terrific mountains of the moon ages ago, the atoms come from to keep up the Then were you happiest. most side of skirt. It's exquisite for more
the moon was young and its moon- I
9 Dr. Shapley!s rain of meteors awake;
rate of speed. They "eat" and radi- process. formal wear, made of perveneche :blue
tains were active volcanoes; but very sheer velvet. Bordeaux anti red flat
ate energy in much the same wky hu- few astronomers hold to this theory and comets—the revelation of the In the deep shadow Where you've silk crep�e, black.crepe Elizabeth, bil-
"iron food" that nourishes them— gone
n being do. And. the other plan- today. furnishes one answer.swer.. lined green canton-crept, printed sheer
.._-.ivts and gun, of course, do likewise. "Another bypotheis is'that meteors Be there good hunting, for your
velvet, golden brown crepe satin and
The earth,fibsorbs. from 20,000 to are the debris of planets that have sake.
30,000 shooting stars a day, while the broken up or are material left over Gene Tunney, I read, i_*fond of some —Serrefile in the- Glasgow Herald. tweed are ideal sug&stionq for
rrl.� of sport. and ,
'7 About of the quieter for' tyle No, t86. Pattern can be had in
sun's intake is lar from the birth of the earth. e'-,en enjoys ail oc-casional day's fish-� 6, 18.20 years,36, 38, 40 an(; 42
ger. a;
'Dn meteors shoot into .zes I
Is billion me the huge FRAGMENTS OF COMETS? ing. I expect the fl,,Ii keep a good The Mner-Haii-vesters, bust. Peice 20c in stamps or
-maw of the sun every second. This
of.-stars—centains about ING They are also explained as fragr- I or U t for his left hook. Edmonton Journal: The experiment coin (coin is prefe.red). Wrap cols
spray Ily., Emb. No. 11139 (blue)
tons of iron, magnesium, mapbe ranked as a great success so,caref u
far, One knows that some of the costs 15c extra.'
:-gen and other well-kn,wh elements. far,
have made up their HOW TO ORDtR PATTE.RX§.
The res are staggering, but so
-are most facts and figures concern- minds to stay. As yet, however, it is
Write your name and address plain-
impossible to say how many. One thing
ing our mysteriou s'universe.
AFH.]p MILKY WAY I,; certain; Canada will look after ly, giving number si4d size of such
Enclose 20c in
-these men. Those who settle here will patterns as you want.
Dr. Shapley made public his con- 1)6 cared for until they' can stand on stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
--zlusions at the annual Halley lectiire it carefully) for each number and
given recently at Oxford University, their own feet. ,Thos� who prefer to address your order to Wilson Pattern
Zo back to Great Britain will be sent
England,-taking as his general sub- -one hopes there will be not Service, 73 West Adelaide St.. Toronto.
aack, and by return mail.
Ject, "The Search for the Centre of Patterns sent
many of thest, but rather that there
the Milky Way." He illustrated 'his will be a flow of settlers' W* ivft an.d.
--qffdffigg with selections from 80,000 -hildren into the Dominion to rejoin
photographs taken at the Harvard
husbands who have made good..
University Observatory -in South
of fl-e most amazing phases Afghan' Troop in Expedition
of the earth's intake of shooting stars ; Against Ghatzi'
is the way. human life is protected
while the process goes on. There is I Peshawar, India.—Afghan troops lc:;
a succession of atmospheric blankets consisting of ,:-tillery and cavalry
or air-cushions between our globe and :have carried out a successful punitive
x. d-i tii against •the village Of I
space which form a 1 rotecting buffer
-Ghalzi, Mur
and absorlithe meteors and meteorites in the vicinity of- Alti
Pass, Qp the Kabul-Gardez read.
before they can break through.
f . 1o. London.—No cl�tails have been re-, ..%.-.THE CHEAPER SPIN
stbl,- to break through 7;
If they were :1
A ; .: I .
ceived in London explaining the Inc'- The Lover: Love
there would be a continual storm of -4-AW makes the world
which led to a punitive expeclition
hard, blazing fragments which would. ��o go round!
wipe out cities and all plant and the village of Ghalzi. Recent, Old Grouch' Yes, bei'a'�slug of gin
animal life. Occas',inally a dangerous New Zealand Goias in for Rabbits riws..has Indicated that them is much '11 do it'.m6eh_,choaper,.young man.-
If it and mile OPPOS11
meteorite does break through. a ticm In s4lone sections of Afghail-j
istan' to 'the determination of King
a big one it hits the earth with a' One hundred of these chinchilla rabbits made a tvvlve ihwi�
is Journey under the auspices of the Canadian Pacific Exjlrt,�s Comi�any from
terrible thud,blazing and sizzling, and Amillnullah to force European meth- ' The rule he has two feet behlad.
Lincolnshire, England, to Auckland. New Zealand, where the-y �Nlll form the ods, dresi and mar."rs on the inhabi- And two he has before;
stays hot for days. it nucleus of a rabbit farm. The express messengers disbursed one ton Of s And
to stand behind to find
But the Divine-plan has made tants of III& country at too quick a We
What the two behind be for
feed to them during the voyage.
polsible for the earth to eat its daily pace.
1B >kigaitbba Free Pres (Zib,): (A ,.
f; .1 'sem �_ _' - • delegation trom IBritis4h. Coluinbia is
`-Need Rich, Fed Blood to Mala. ' -ursing the Geverriment to ask Aus-
#ain (,aped Health -NEWS - " tralia tariff.
for further concessions ^
;Propositions made by Canada to Aus-
,After passing' the age of forty ;.tralia, looking to enlarged opportuni-
every woman has- reason -to grow ties for the sale of Canadian products
anxious about her health. Thi,7 time Out in Rain Without Umbrella lilt-the Commonwealth will be met.,iry
of trial, with its attacks of 'tatntness ' It was estimated early this week Inquiries as to what Canada has to �� •
_ and fits o1 depression, its often violent that the short interest in Wall Street Wolfer in return: Great Britain, which is O O flea
headaches, and back pains is rightly in Niekel must amount to at least I now has a preferred tariff position in g -
dreaded by women; but if reasonable!100,000 shares, With the market weak I Australia. takes the great bulk of
leteps are taken to safeguard the 'for a brief period, it would seem as Australia's exports, and the favorable �0 � a ,
health, no serious ill effects will arlact !though the shorts had increased i treatmeat. given British goods is a -
At this tuning point in lite Dr. 'Wil-!rather than drawn in their lines, as{tangible sign of appreciation of that pp..
:. Items' Pink Pills have given a helping I there _was not. much opportunity for fact Canada has not been very nuc• - r Red i�f7>OC �' So P
band to thousands of suffering women . t f
�them, to cover at yesterday's low lav-I cessful in giving Australis special j ��' �i � A���� -
who were fighting a hopeless battle•I els. It this is the case their position rt}consideration in return for partial 17 8,
against poor Tealth and waning its unenviable, to say the-least, for the preferences given to Canadian goods
strength. isituation is that the stock which they under the Australian tzeaty: The baI- -
The very best help for any woman have sold short is being called for ante of trade is iq our-favor, some- P�1111 of Call NoiA1 f Clasa'fied AdvE1'tiaElilellta
of middle age is.the health help given deposit immediately. 'It does not ap- thing like three tb noe. __
by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These f'pear likely that anyone who had had Lonely Islanders of Tristan da PER POUND UP. TWENTY-
pills reinforce the blood supply, en- enough confidence in Nickel to stay `� tjrl Q (�j ( u R Y
v it. In doing this what storm �THOUSAMIS Iv XOT"�•' Cunha 1 �131tS fro �1 �llil one samples free. Stocking'&,
riching and purifying ing with it through the some y I F nd s, Dept. 1, Oriilla. Out
.they, nourish the starved and over-, going that has obtained recently, will USE
' i
taxed nerves and give neer strength I hold up their deposits of stock to ac- USE 1 U OTHER. MEDICINE �.inerg Increasing r ,.DIES «*sewln D To DO PLAIN
l L and light sewing at home; whole or
and vitality to the whole 'system. 13y `cominodate those who. have sold it London.-It would seem that a new i spare time; good pay; work sent any
this natulral -process Dr Williams'!short and done their beat to destroy chapter has been o ned u for the distance; charges pard: Send stamp for
Pink Pills completely dispel all,pains confied�nce, in the company itself, and Baby's Ow Tablef�, Are, the , P Particulate.—\adonal Manufacturing
y p lonely islanders .of.,Tnstan da Cunha Co., Montreal,
and weakness, and a better; happier 'all the factors that have gone to in- ,Ideal Remedy for 'Babies by the voluntary visits of big 1•iners �R �T I S. (LITTLE FRIEND TO
condition of health and spirits arises.,spire confidence In the stock. Share- gni Young Children in their passage acrozz the South At- either hex) mailed in plain envelope.
Every woman of middle age -should holders will. immediately start depoall.- g lantic on world tours. heal, Specialty Co., Casier 2423, Mont-
take advantage now of the wonder- I real, Que.
ing their-stock, and !t looks as though Canadian motheis are Holed for the In 1926 the Re Mail steamer,
tui health-help of Dr. Williams' Pink the short would.have to stand some care they' give their little ones-the. Orta called, but if was too To to,
Pills. They are sold by all medicine 1 calling for orrowed stock. ,They will j health of the baby is most jealously land In 1927 the Asturias paid a' Aez YOUR LOCAL VZAZ.a11R irOZ
dealers or will be sentby mail at-60 t either have to buy in their lines or guarded and the mother is always on c isit which was a great success; the Canadian Artists :series
cents a box, by The Dr. Williams for the next few days will be• some- the lookout for a remedy which is.,weather was ideal, a large amount of Christmas Cards
Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont.` what slim, although, of course, the `efficient and at the same time abso-'stores was landed and 30 of the island- Beautiful Hand-Coloured Christmas
shorts can ma.'te adjustments with l lutely safe. Thousands of mothers ers visited the largest ship which had
Cards designed by Canada's Leading
---¢ _ g P Artiste. Twelve especially attractive
. the certificates.of deposit_ The tact have found such a remedy in Baby's ever called at the island. A few weeks Cards with charming and appropriate
Feeding 'gees that London is a heavy buyer of the I Own Tablets and many of them use later the Sumeric called and landed sentiments may be purchased o a
coo�lderable eavin in boxed adsortr
new stock at 33, indicating a value of nothing else for the ailmenl.s of their over 40 ton's of stores. i mt-rits at hoc, $1.0�, and $1.50.
nearly 200 for the present :;tock, aa- little ones. Among. them is Mrs. In 1928 the Canadian Pacific liner{ Published•by
By C. F. GREE1"E8('?�RPE.iTER, I {
F,R.H.S .1 turaliy cannot offer much consolation I Howard King, of Truro,' N.S., who Empress of France called and the! ROUS & ?MANN, LIMITED
Why should shade trees be eapectedl111 for those who find themselves short, says:—"I' can strongly 'recommend visit (narked r red-letter day for the i 172 SXXCOZ sT" TOSONTO
All in all, it is a very. Interesting situ- ! Baby's awn Taleta to mothers of 'women and children of Tristan for
to thrive on insufficie4it food? Yet ation, and appearances are that "those j young oung children as.I know of nothing
they were received as guests and feted.
there are thousands pt tree owners Canadians" have scored again to equal them for little'ones." I Eiffel Tower Tri is Scenic
w who do not realize that the trees � �Quickly following this visit came an- p
Toronto Bank Clearin s Baby's 'Own Tablets are sold by other b the Harrison liner Author,.
under their care need special help be- 0 •�I Y A trip to the top of the Eiffel Towel
-cause of exigencies of city lite. 'rhe bank clearings in the city of i medicine dealers or by mail at 25 which landed stores. in Paris is slow but interesting. he
l cents a box from The Dr. Williams There is'a problem now of the sur- four of which run to,
In woods and forests there !s a con- i Toronto for the week ending Nov. 1. ; P 1 seven elevators,
giant yearly feeding of trees by nat.ur- 1928, amounted, to $2_'3,766,19.4, An Medicine Co.,_Brockville, Out I plus population of the friend. 'Ships!the first level, two to the second and
�. al .processes. The process by which Increase of 55;935,973 over the corse- ~. that call on' their way from South one to the highest level, are always
she feeds the trees !s almost miracu- sponding period last year, and an in-I ^ Africa always go on to South America'' crowded and more with a minimum of
rhetnfcal laboratory. The leaves of previous week of this year: ;� / /� i aconadered one s that a suitable j b here
lous, for a forest is like a gigantic crease of $39,737,684, as compared i Y P speed at regular intervals. VS'
with the there are tAm or four elevators half of
the trees absorb a certain amount o[ Reek. 192" 1928 being the number leave at the same time in
vessel, manned as far as so directions. Each elevator
nourishment from the air, but it is Oct. 19th .....,.$139,490.979 $1,66,2(11,59; i possible °pert
from the soli that the trees obtain Oct: 26th ........ 128,651,216 184,028,510; - \ islanders, should be purchased an c,Ferator has a differently sounding
their maximum amount of fond, and j Nov, let ........ 167,830.221 223,766,194 j slo 1d be worked un charter when whistle to .announce his departure.
i u ori+ der
!a woodlandq the telling leaves remain I T4 ;not required for trips to the island. One car Founds its whistle, the °cher
oronto Monthly Bank Clearings The other is for a ver.sel of a Ca answers'aid both letive.
on- the ground and are acted upon by -The bank clearings of the city of t' �� { Pe
steamship line to n eke a yearly visit' In alI it taker approximately half
the elements until they decay and Toroato.for the month of Octoer end. ;
form -humus or natural plant food. ting Oct. 31, 1828, amounted to $.54,• i i to the 'island and back. The older,ars hour to react, the top from the bot-
Under the artificial conditions !n �., I inhabitants cling to Tristan, but same',tom and vice versa and costs 3 francs
220,119. An increase of $130,OSb,902 ---�-ate
which the trees on lawns attempt .to I
t ve, t ey are epr ve o t s re- and an increase of $200,231.103, as Tof the..younger ones might-be jpd 'ter- the reund
launch out and settle at the Cape,
funding of food as the lawns are usu- The Cape Government has undertaken An irate cricket spectator who had
ally kept nicely swept, and, ea a re" compared with the- previous month; an inspection of the land (tear Wal- watched his home team defeated scop
_ this year. , �fish.$ay with a view to such asettle- ped one of-the umpires as he was
suit, the soil, becomes impoverished. 'So Tom is mixed up in one.of those - leaving "R here's your
der such.con-- Month. 3927 1928 . }Ment. ie g -the Heid
~ dihtione areuweakened:ay, trees re attacked by August ........,...$457,351.114 $564,142,181• t.r"Gnoglhn no' T It's a hectagon in, his Tristan da Cunha has the distinc-I dog?" he -asked "Dong ejaculated
September. .... 560,763,207 663,989,016 �Iai Pn t antAe_' dog-"
and fungi; and decay sets is a the e
In this way many a stately tree has c oer .......... . - ,'2l7 754.220.119 { _ known to naturaiis•ts. 'This is the! "� disgusted
(ever Y who
"Well," s fd• e o
been lost. - IMIMns Bglets �— flightier ntt rel w
s rail or "4tla^ •9iif Rope ' '�' the first blind man saw
How Can We Feed Them? a A despatch from Rouyn states that
LAXATIVE FOR BABY to give it its full title. � didn't have- a- dog."
o the '•H•'ore ody at NorBhda has eeen ,/� >'f -
How are treses artificially fed. To THAT "STAYS DOWN"' Minard's•,Liniment tor,Backache ,6ANGE
o nod up for 7b feet on the 1100 toot 1 X111 r.7
'answer this question we need con-i pe 4---
aider how a tree fa formed. It has.a level, and that this has sen drilled Baby's tiny eystem rebels against ( Sent Oil QleaO!!f
trunk ant.foliage we know, sad it has l Into for an additional 325 feet, show. Greatness I-Tells✓cause of cancer and what to do
_ toots, to castor oil and strong Purgatives; but
+ o; but just how does it feed, I Ing massive high grade sulphide ore `here's a medicine that just suits him. Greatuess Is to goodne-s what gra- , for paiq, bleeding, odor, etc. Writs
..,..we wonder? The branches spread for the combined distance-460. feet, vel is to porphyry; the one Is a mov, for it to-day, mentioning this paper.
And !t does the 'work quickly and so Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital
from the trunk for a certain distance h is also stated that engineers esti•1 able aecumulation, swept along the
I gently that Baby doesn't feel it.
and jhe roots spread approximately mate that this recent development:1 i surface of the earth; -the other stands Indianapolis, ind.
1�'letcher's Castorfa is-soothing crone,
the same distance fn the ground. At I wojk will add approximately- $40,000,-'fretful babies and children to sleep fixed, and alone, above the violence of •
the ends di the long roots there are�O,p6 to ore reserves. and,making the feverish, constipated,{war and of the'tempest. above all that
I a number of fine thread-like feeding The scene of the latest find is re- upset ones well acid happy, in millions Is residuous of a wasted world. Little iheck Colds
' rootlets which take up the nourish-'ported ported to be _Duparquet Township, men 'build up great. ones;. but ,the
of homes today• eastoria is purely
Ment in the form of liquid salla, and i Quebec, where Jack Cochglan is said, snow colur ns soon. melts: the goodAt the slightest warning of a
vegetable.-harmless and endorsed by
this is transported throughout- the ito have, discovered an important cap- .the medical profession Avoid imi- stand under rhe eye of God; and there- told, rub your chest and
whole system by the sap in the tree. Iper-gold deposit for the Duguis Syndi- fore:.stand. ..throat with'Mina-rd's.
Mations. The Chas. H. Fletcher sig-
Trees seek certain chemicals, for Cate. It is stated that engineers of nature marks genuine Castoria. _ I
that il';.their food, and these can be,the Bunker Hill Extension Mines are Head, Hand and Heart a !• ,
-given in: the form of a commercial!examining the showing with a possible • -
viev: to a uistion. The discovery is ad: have trusted too much to the
' fertilizer which, with the aetioh of i «1 ,Andrew Fisher Passes on bean and hand and have not function- ;
moisture, releases just what the tree said to run.about 6 per cent. copper, London.-Andrew Fisher, • former 00 a
'requires. w4th__subatntlal gold values, over a Prime Minister
of Australia, has ed enough through the heart.' Men
j • Bore 18-Inch ..Holes width of about 9 feet. It Is located who succeeed in any itnE moat get
t {passed on. Mr. Fisher served as head, hand, and heart to function to
gout 30 miles north of Noranda. 1
For feeding deciduous trees,,astand- Prime. Minister from 1908 to .1909, gather.-Clarnece Howard.
Further news on Noranda is to the l
* and commercial tree food should. be I from 1910 to 1913 and from 1914 to -?
effect that excellent results are being Damage amounting to $600,000 was' _
purchased from a need store, and a :obtained"at the concentrator with con 191b. He was Australian High Com done in Ke ucky by a tornado: I M
'number of holes 18 inches deep and misaioner !n England from 1916 to ;
- centrates,running 22 per cent. copper. undet+etand that there are 'thousands
two feet apart should be bored under 1921. -
the extremities of the branch spread.)The new reverberatory furnace, it is 01 anxious enquiries as to whether the! P�N KHAM'S
said; will be finished in three weeks.
' . Each hole should then be ailed to Slight not what's near through old Kentucky , home that everyone
within about tour inches and the hole —' -"— aiming at what's far.--Euripides. sings about is alit] all right. COMPOUND
plugged with soil. Then, after fer- - ,lCharlkaer -- --- - -- --
tilizing, the land should be watered,' _
• - I call education not that which � •• • � _ � s'' -
turning the hose on it and leaving !t
f' until the land is almost sodden-r smothers a woman with accomplish- - IS WONDERFUL
ments but that wh1-elf- tends to con-
about eight to 10 hours.. I solidate a firm and regular system of
Deciduous trees fed ev.,ry second'or-characters-that which tends to�fdtij
`third year will well repay the extra a intend,-a companion and a wife 4?Q, o .Read This Letter from a'
__care and attention and be far healthier 41Nu'NP 1
'Hannah More. PHIS Grateful Woman
than those which are not provided ona" Whg
1 . n
with food. Break Coids with Minard's I- itnent. ,��h4^►. . ~
a, y Vanessa, On�I think Lydia E.
"„ ---- - — , �.: For itoubieR U
1 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
A Friend iu c:�S ii t wonderful. I have
Enterprise r my 1 due to Add had six children of
The We I ctlt dpif� Iiien�fit _a tawocs*�. a '?• -4!f, i r
Enterprising men often succeed be. which four are live
simply to be his friend I have no �c�osTo►+.w
and all human 'probability. wealth upon him: I[ he ing and my ounil-
vt sorter "ene�ca+a est is a bonne
knows happy !n loving him, g't r i'i ;, s h> :t cF lrq ul r noY baby boy now
-- -- — '- .ole will avant no other. reward. Is not 'tl h t�r.'itq� �'• eight months old c
Red Rose Orange Pekoe has friendship divine In this?-Henry Da•�v4•$ s:. ytr-'.t3t;+ *A,:rtitt4 LOgohli;gs-f vvt qr i- i' a� 1; who weighs 28
.•earned the patronage arid':v!d Thoreau. ut1RlloaG ctsatryE�4+9.op� )w 'LaBrigestioat 4eit {D�!►ikal}3131Hv will neutralize pounds. I have
-good will of more tea drink- — very often mei s oxce$1 cid t t e iva i man times as much acid, taken our Medi _
or* than an other high ` Comrades - '' y' cine before each o!
y gof l stomach. 'i`jie a omac i hive§ a aHd'the sy I s disappear at once. them was born and
qq u a l i t y. tea in Canada. !'It is my joy.in life to find, bete' over.%iululated.,. nd toast-&ov +liwiwitlNnever use crude. methods 1, ave txrtainly re-
118hJudgea of good tea gladly I At every turning of the road, 4Vhe cprcfsNnb
i ,atlkal wwen s;n.ge, guy 1 n the efficiency ived Yteat bene
�g11've more for Red Rose .The strong arm of a comrade kind neutra�fif} s. $ �Qn�i o �j ! Gott >l' 11 �oftle to try. from it.I urge my friends to take it as
Oran a Pekoe because they To help me onward with my load. best a at � aqire to get the Genuine Phillips' I am.sursi.they will receive theg know that the valve thea re- 4nd sin<;e i have no gold to give, is Phillipa' Mil �gnesia. 'rt ha� fk of Magnesia described by phyai• ..help I -d`d."--M O•t�0'rON ;Ida'
! krenoained the standard with physicians clans for 60 years in correcting excess
MVL + 4216811a+
Ceive is worth many times inn love alone -mint nt;tke amends, { -- ----y
:ash!few extra cents they pay. Nly only pi.a,er Is, while i live; 'in, the 50 years since its invention. acids. Each bottle contains full direc- l ISSUE No. 45—'Z$
1-)s t God make 011e worthy of my friends! One spoonful of this harmless. tions-any drugstore. `
. ,;p„L x.J ... u..._. ......_ -,.y..�' v. ' _.... '.. .ro�. ,...... .. ... 1:. c�.rlc.+r-.. y ..a ..i. 3,•'':
/ -... ��•'a{u Y..'f ':'9' a ..:•,. . �.a:�• .•1,-<. � d,�: ',rte - S'+6• '.N ..,Gt �v. «rt � .4. 1,
' .'i:. .. :_ _. ... ..” ,s.r+:.w:i,IY," µesu..tin.�M.,Y,^" .r. ....... ,r.. .. .:...!.. .._ w. - _ - Hu-ti�J.�"' r•.�. -
-ki,•-. f.. ��yyq...+rt". .. .--,L 'C•�'U'wrr���X�...� u r:u`SMi�i ^NW'.N:,_.:.M yLir,Wi' "�. .'Wrn�yl^.. ,'n" „�,-m �f- M1,'i i.Y.h•J• _R.. Y• �•.
'., f'1CF "'., 'k.Y+ ,^.� 'nStiF'wYi�'ertii .i :9./'�'",qj ..-,• i'i�,.'>V..= *IT- •.✓u-•./1 •��. i•�'41'. ..g'' .W'�C-' :�•,: _ :.}. _.
+': .._* "'+, .... ,�' W,.V .a' - ._ ,,. b.�, _/«w.,,... - '•3 :Y"'i.'.'.. .fir•;. _ .„k.
�f'{'J'p ,_.� 4y .CL �.,rf'. ..ra�w•,,. ..•',,. ,,. »c.>. .�v�� s. � "^,
�.Jy SM r.., Y«�� .. wn•-'..e.• ... .. •.. :. .,.:• :: - C
i�,2, '.::�-'�•"'.�'�.•�'ra•�,+4.i.APM*%4M•'Y.tSi'a:1V•,.r,.i.. sM•wr`•r+++.irw.- eaaJie�'. -�,• ..
+u�---.... ..rYurtr•.'w.e r.•-. +a+-+sr-.+r.rr.v a�ni.:'w...r.. w-:A'r.w. ..-'. ..
p,a* T Bis? taf;o clFti girl''this life
an'^. "es>av ,..r 9tst vidTe. itA Ks. '-'�'�18, rwjLermg r
»aa►a K .< tt'lc+ is d c tlooa
ISast S d'ay' .Ari uef'dplane-ibl.the. ep y Rood one, +
' . . •�_ io`� becaii'dlaableO and after'nearly Y Wish to-convey, throq,ghthe News• both se regards gezrsnttty and .' ^ +
Ing.> sdtoa HoTnaee' house, a- my sincere tbas to the firemen and .quality, but in some parts of the v =(r'e ` ommitte0
N1.73Per yew.;,*Lboit titaidtnsdirioce. lighted in Chas. Annis'.fleld. It was many residents of the village, f^.r province the crAp has turned out Fy ,
their ready fesponse to the call for a failure, being badly affected by
t -gobs«•;pc; ro the un;sea scale, ,aa Crest quite an attraction for sight seerssiataace when fire broke out-in my the rot.
moo in advance, for.a couple of days.
store in the early hours of Tuesday,
October 30th and also for the many COUNTY COUNCIL - COUNTY OF The object of this Association is to
10HN MURKAR, Proprietor.
CANADIANS TURN TO FLORIDA expressions of sympathy. ONTARIO lessen stealing a adproeeouts”
r.- —_- - FOR A CAREFREE WINTER the felons.
- SEASON Bryan' A meeting of the County Council of - '-
DiJN8ART0-N. the Carporatiou of the County of On-
Semi-tropical Florida is-again draw^ FROC�IA�d�TION tario will be held pursuant to ad-
Miss Mary Anderson i9 residing .in trig large numbers of Canadians for .Armistice Day, Sunday, November 11. j°urrment in the Council ChAmber in 'Members having property stolenoommant)
'the city for a time. the winter season• It is becoming y y the Court House in the Town of Whit- Date immediately with any membw
Miss Ruth Diamond spent the week , ,_. Whereas the 10th anniversary of of Risontive Committee.
P more popular every year-principal, by, on Tuesday, the 13th day of No- ...
:Lend with Miss Jean Andrews. Armistice Day, which falls on Sun-
because Walter and Mrs. Neale ani family because it is so near, its climate is day, November 11th nett, i3 to be vember, 1928, at the hour'-of ten Momberehip tee $1.00•
so inviting, and'it offers such an an'- o'clock in the forenoon.
have gene to Toronto to reside. ya,' of interesting s orfs and specially commemorated throughout
We are ]eased to see Frank Wood n P pastimes All accounts to be laid before' the Ttokate mev be bed from ctxe President
P peculiar to that part of the coffin-ry. the Dominion, Council should be forwarded to the secret.rT onapplioation.
-out again after his severe illness. Where'else but Florida can.one e:r And, whereas, it .seems meet that Clerk, properly certified,at least three Exec. Com.-L. D. Banks,C.S.Palmi
Elmer Annis had the' pleasing et- the Township of Pickering should join days before the meeting joy better such an exciting novelty a.• g of Council. er, M. S.Chapman, Pickering.
perience of flying in an aeropalne this Tarpon fishing or aquaplaning in remembran ce of that happy event, Dated, at Whitby.this 29th day of -
-week• or speed-boating . or polo. Where which restored peace to the. .vorld• October, 1928, _
Mr. and'.Mrs,'Davis, of Oslia,xa, vis- els? can one motor for miles throe n( Therefore, the people of the Town- _ �.'MunrO, -1 a4, Richardson. -
g' Arthur E. Christian, president, Beoretar
-. mated with W. and Mrs. Nicholson this avenues shaded by graceful palms -
ship c f Pickering are hereby respect- t Y
*week• f fully requested by special services or - County Clerk_-
by great citrus groves o_ ripening or- t
We are sorry .to report Miss Elva in connection with the ordinary church p
a Mitchell of duty again ane under the 'tinges and lemons--or alonx the shore cervices on that. day to. remember ;� E W /� I-T R / V A L S
r S of the Atlantic. There's gglf too'
doctor's care. all winter lung. -+that happy ending of the world war,
A number from dere are attending and return. thanks to the Almighty Each v brings; nuiething new and appetizing
Arrange row.to'spend your winter
the•Scarboro Plowing ivIatcn at Arm,a- month in Florida and any Canadian for the peace that has'continued ever � this time of the year at '
dale on Wednesday of this week. National RAilway.: Agent will gladly since. j��j
Mrs. C. Holmes Yeas go:;e to the supply you with information about This is also to. give notice that iC % �S d"130�rtii� 1
t city to be-with :ler daughter, Mrs. armistice Day will be commemorated �`� ARDS4N
- - .Jno- McWhinney, while the former is ratQ:, routes, and its resorts, by•a public service conducted by the _
a11. We hope er a speedy recovery. Rev. Messrs. McLellan and Stephens
On Friday evening, Nu�ember 16th, 1928 Christmas Seals at'the Claremont Meriorial Park and R Bulk Raisins, eeedl'ear,, 2 lbs for #25c
a' conFridatiove social wall be held s �'I the laying of a wreath at the base -No* Puffed Seeded Rai4iti4• 1b.-i for 27e
The 1928 Christmas Seals, in aid of•' memory Ra1,inR, :. ,ikiti 29C
in the United Church. Everyone is the Muskoka and T,,ronto Hospitals! of the Memorial Table in memo of
8�enroRid ;leedlesa
invited. -Games and a social time will.. for coneucnptiva nava lust beans the faller. Stenmaid Seeded Rdisius, 2 pkg i 34c
The enjoyed. lesued. These hard orae Seals, beer-� . In Pickering Villate appropriate " New Currants, 2 lbs 38e
J Y tng the double ba :ad Red . Cr,=s•1
i Married, at the.Manse, Markham• carry a R•N5saga o. u sue t,, those wn.,. services will be conducted to the ver- New Prunes. 40 to 50, 2 lbs 25c
ion Oc o r are-Ai!!"-ted . ' ' w Table Fier , en' kR 10e
dollar received thru igh their sat. lr ��� p
Auld, Nellie Edina, daughter of Mr. used for the mainc:-.ac:;e of paint and at 12.15.p.m. al! will meet in the Cranberries, 1bH fur - _ 48c
and Mre. David Russell, to Mr. Jos. The National 9anitartum Associ,.- Memorial Park when the Last Post New Mixed Peel (drRioed) per lb 35C
tion is in need of turas to carry nn' will be sounded and the wreath placed New Peels, Orange or Lemon, per lb `�7e
i rSllison, of Dunbartoli. the .work of its hrrapita:s Ir. b1,3koita at the foot of the tablet, and closed
5 Rev. bin. Warren, cf S.tauffville. oc- and at Weston. Why r"t buy these WeLhery'� aiince'Meat, 2 Lbe.for . .. 3Se
cupied the _,alt,it in United Church Seale to lire of othNry Not only will by appropriate exercises.
you get good valoA In ret•_rn, b,.t
c very acceptaol;• Sunday evening while your money will iwrve a great Pr ens At most places the serv`ces will be
- I3r. •Fraser uff:ciate! at the aS riii'eF- for It wlil go to help someone' it commenced at a p.m., aril-appropriate FINNAN HADDIE, 16e and 18c lb.
d%tr.!% • r the donbi -b ere l r,.•a
L'Irka ' music wi'.l•be renderer'. In the event HADDiE FILLETS, ISe and 20c Ib.
- Cr•, s .�n every packet: Nune ocher �of inclement weather Lht, 4.;-n-ices at
r, Al'::I'lOV SALE l)1' err genuine. f?aremont vvi: be held in C>m' J
Far sale by school c'htldr-n ane A lei E S R I C H - A R D S O N
Choice 104 acre Farm 1 Santis. or direct from the Xmas runs j 'Nov ty Hall
0 Department. Gage Institute, Town + y4 -
� to z, Ontsrla '�ntiemi,er 2nd. i3_•
St.)c'k anti lasplr+ueItte G. M. Forsyth. Reeve.
g — _ l *.(lTic l? - Pickering Hardware Store
Tho un .LIrU ne,3 has received Coal a
e ' - instrucu°es tii�tu �`+J ( I I' A,: -a;.�pgi�•.; '�aF.:^ Ll:? Township
kcr.: who are :n a position _ -
- --
to dray.• ,crave! on the roads. should row is Me time to look over thaC-old Range or Heater add if yotr
r T,sell by public au.tion at gPt in touch with the Road Foreman
Lot S, rear Concession I, Pickering Hard and Soft Cc;EaI of the, in the various subdivisions within the need a new ane esti and see ours.
On the Highway, sheet fuer befit gllallty- OII next two weeks. Tile Coancil are The Happy Thought and McClary's Stoves, y
5 miles WpeG u Whitey haIId very anxious that as much work be
Town. on .done in the month of November as is Rangas and Heaters. _
THURSDAY, NOV. 15TH, 1925 THOS. ' Possible to do•
s - r By order of the Council Electric and Hand Power Washers
t The following vali..i,le property; O• G. M. Forsyth.
Red cox, fresh, Ayrshire Cow, due -- -- -- "—`_-- — - A free trial given at any-Lime. -
_"Dec. 9; Gra lc Durham, due Jan. 4;-.
_ ides Jan. 24, a Jazi.in cowl Stein cow Our Po[tltry Food and Calf bleat are worth ItiDing a trial:
Jersey cow, uue Jar,, 2�3, Hol
due Feb.
--27; Holstcin env, due Feb. '20, Hol- - - Q the Ladles of Pickering _- The famons Fleury Flows and Shares to fit nearly all makes of plows.
r rtstein cow, Jut Feb. 25; Ayrshire cow.10. 9TAl=tP; -
+w du Holstein cow, due Marchue March 30; Hol- icini y Agent for McCormick-Deeriog Farm Machinery
-.- and Repairs.
t istein cow, bred.; Ayrst.iro eoty, 'tired
- July 5; Holstein col, bred July. A; _ . _
s Ayrrh-,Te heifer, bred Aug: 6: 1101-tein Our Motto We have it, can get it, or it is not made,
'Cow, bred Aug. 10: 5 Holstein cow:, SALE NOW ON
S r;. bred; Aynthire Cow, trod; he[ferro. ALSDO
.2 years of i; 4 yi.Lrhag ticifer.; ' ilei- Tbtt-rsday Muroing starts our I Sr B N, PICK.ERING
lfer Calves; Buil, 2 ye;,rs old.
HOUSES � ---- — -- ---
- :Bay Geldiig, to yezr.: Brown geld' BIG :.10NTH•EI�D SALE
ing, aged; Bay. Gelding, ugtd; Black Every Coat, Dreas, HHt and other artiele-in the stove, R OTEC T , C
Driver, aged; Hay Gelding, ri,ing 2 greatly reduced in price.
- ' :•„years. ;:, �. - - _ - _.
s • PIGS We must raibe tet,, thousand doliars in ten days, so now is
Sow, with Ii ter; r gt.; our opportunity to p[trchase your neve winter
�. .; store lm .., t y
�- tshoats: 3 outfit very reasonably. Lots of it for yourself and fablily. The changeable weather is here.
48 year. Id hews, F. Rocks; a0 Pullefz, Be on guard against these changes. Our,store is crowded
.pays, ..(SAMUEL SG�HWaRTZ - - with many lines, representing the-Very Beat
�4 HAY :11�D GRAIN ) in value to protect your health.
„o(f bus. Mixed Grain; 60 bus. Of THEw IDEAL SHOPPE; Mena wear from Overcoats to Underwear,
Spring Wheat- 24 tons Timothy liay.
: !2A feet of Ensilage, 40�bus. maay. -Footwear, Leather and Rubber for Boys,Girls and Men.
golds, - �2 doors north of Hewi,' Butcher Shop .They all spell perfect satisfaction and are
' ;M H. Binder,8 ft. cut; M!H.,Bind- Brock Street North,' — Whitby, Ont. priced surprisingly low. -
3er, 6..ft. cut; M. H. Corn Binder, new; You're •particular about Hosiery? Then eaamioe our A. B. C.
M:$ Mower, 5 ft.; M.-H. . Reaper Brand for growing boys and girls.
l }= ne-N; M.-H. Seed Drill, 13-
Mower, —
,r..- -spout; M.-H. Coen Cultivator, 2 row; -;--Kut Eezi Patterns sold here.
114•-H. Orchard Cultivator, rl o : Tun'- 4 -
- nip Drill, new; troller;-13 Tooth Int. `i Use, - l rs Cultivator; sCt tla[row's, 4 sections; CEC I L RADLEY ---
Blower,-ret Harrows, 3 sccLinn;; Itzt. E,isilagi 14 in.; �q. 1ti,.:,g Plow; ..AT BARGAIN PRICE S - P I e � E It I IT Gi' -
1Cockshutt Rid,ng. Plow; l.An<• PIo=F, '
-: Single Plow, ' llkinsor9: SinLie Plow, �
• :''Oliver; Truck 'agar., Mtn box; now - _' -- _
---= -
�eeveeeeeeeeee r
Wagon will box compete: 2 Hay 1'9.2`3-CHEVROLET COACH-5a1a11 ►ui(ee}ge, t'trea and GLiRii
Racks; Stock Rack; Lig1a Wagon;k' .+Gasoline Engine, 4 horse l:zt,; lubber `general canditiou as new, $125.00THE
CENTRAL GFTired BuggyMcl:.; 'Ct:ter, McL.; 19.26-CHEVROLET SEUAN-Thi=CRC has been crlrefnlly
` M.-H. Puiner; t`au t p• :nit; Set of used, tires goon, tnechaniaally sound $475.00
;Scales; c:t 1'intPorni :' h Scales; Tele bone 9UU -
Set Bobs;!-:1`i--; S:ufflcr; Lc-:i•ng Fur- ' 1926-OAKLAND ROADSTER-A fast car, a good buy at $495 00 p
- �.nAcn; .aS�'t ti;r<;�ill .Spain, Bug.vY = - _
^--"-- Pole; Hand t:uciing BUx; -1(aS 19'23-STUDEBAKER-Wiuter top, 4 new tirei:,
Racks; Pair of Log Bunks; 'Cream condition Rood, snap $l$5 00
.Separator, Melot•te, nearly
new; and 192.3-CHEVROLET TOURING-A gift at __, '4-85.00
many other articles. Auto Repairs Accessories Oils and
The above farm is a, very de.,:rabte 1925-CHEVROLET TOUAI\G-We have four of these at $180.00 � ` 7
property, consisting of 100 acres of
$ clay loam, in a good state of chili- - ` Gasoline Acetylene Welding
-vation, with 12 miles of underdrain-. Yeti pr-esent car taken in part payment, balance f f
ing, bank barn, modern stabling,'wat- ;spread over 12 rnonths.Q
xer system;silo,implement house,pout- .-Expert repairing on all mages of care. Tow Car Service. ',Battery Charging. ,
try house, garage; 10 room soba Let us quote you on a new paint job for your car or truck.
;brick house with hot,water. heating _.. - - -
'an first class; condition'. Titea and General :4eeessoeies alway on hand. ei� - _ Repairs made oil all makes-
Sale at Eleven o'clock sharp. Motorade Tickets are accepted at this statidn, a
w ._Lunch ,provided• for those from a tybat about s new top and side cushions for pour 490. We have a ~''nf ears.
: listance. few complete sets, brand new, complete top
:. ,�.. _
and side curtains $20.00, '
t •• Terms--Hay, Grain, Roots Hogs, Phone 0906 -
;:nsilage, Fowl, Potatoes, Apptles, and .
sTl sums of X25.00 and under, cash; 1 ' ,Alotors
'a pnverart that amount 6 months' credit to a _.Cu L lRL 1�J p N R
3narties furnishing approved notes m7 s-with interest at 6 per cent. t.J J-•1a 1v-er �
' f;d. Bowman, Wait. flaw, �] K RT N C. ' 'roprietor, Pickering, _
• _ Clerk. Apctioneer, i.� Cr
r :': .erg raN• p: �7 •'•!� .`fit S:3'n
r��".�,[•r',e• _•,,.. -.' ,,,.�.... •..... .... ., ,,�. .a.... `?S ..••.:. .a� ,. y;. ,.:1- �.s.t•-.:•.• ._...erg .;[a--. _ �-qi 1 >....,.°...�,•.. .
�F- ':.,,u .rt1Yu.wl.�'.s,.. `,^'!A. ..,. !roll,:,. .. :w: '. - -
_ 4. T
4LARLqI40NT,'�- M. J. %od Mr&_Wltker
Mrs. Lyman PlIke emu ing spent the otow and
d I D. ANand 'Mre, Puifi; 6f Let&. no
-OW friodcu'at a mortgage&b"-.�. Also.Wditrlaw
Forsyth. had a busizess a f rays with tere wiesk-end with Jock and Mrs. fiold, "at Satids' ylwit.h relatives n
Steaffrills, Markham and TorQn- Fraser, of Ilderton. here, Aafe fimisetwo to at•1ioul 6 to I per
-trI te'Toroatg on Tuesday to. "On Friday aftero'
Wm. and. Mrs. Johnston, of To- 00n, NOV- 10th, 'Mrs. •
RoesSoden- of Stouffville'*, cent.",
the witiner
tobto, visited the latter's brother. J.R. and Mrs. Thextoo, D. Hill a of the speaking con- lealled on her- relatives 'here od INSURAN 1 OB--,All ol4wes written in.
and'sister, Jean, and Mrs. A. J tests of the various school fairs Sunda
'Oscar.-and Mrs. Baker on Sunday, throughout Y. cluding 'Fice, Automobile, Winde.
Mrs. R. R. Forsyth attending Chandlep, all of' Toron'to-, spew -thevounty of Ontario Thoa.Patterson had, a busine
I is atten Be. storax. Accident ffizd Sickness.
WOM66,8* MIselobary -conven- Sunday,with J. H. and Mrs. Beal. will speak in the Council Cham- trip to Toronto on Wediii.ediy of
bers, Whitby. '-A cordial invita- Phone or-write-
-tion-of the Baptist.Church which ' Mies 9.'E- Evans left on Monday last week.
tion is extended to all: Mrs. HeMarchy aind Mrs. Wit 48tf
is being held at - Brantford this for Brantford to attend the Wom- Mrs. 0. A. Overland received a ED. 13OWMAN,Whitb
son left on Tuesday last ob-lhelr
Week. en's Missionary Convention of the sudden call to. London' on Sattir-
Clifford Soden, who Is employed Baptist Church.' Befbre� retn'rn- day on account of the serious ill return trip to the Northwest. R. H.STROUD,.DUNBARTOX.
-Maegey-Harris Works, To- Ing home she will go- hom. - Robert and Mrs. Worthy, of 2_J , ,
in the to St. T nese of her sister-oter,.Mrs.-Little, who Branlpt(3n, 8pent Wedn-�6dayof Harness, Boota and Shoes r"
ron to, was in the village over the as'to spend a'few -days with Rev., bad undergone an operation for t Harness
last week with the latter's mottier a shortest notice. made tot
week-end.. Chas. W. And Mrs. King, formerly and
and who is now.in a- M,a. Th,mas Gibbons. your order. Give me a trial, and be
Alex and Mrs. Morgan, of L,.tke- of Claremont, very.critical conaftion. James and MrR. Richardson of convinced'that"I can glie you satin
The Agent for,STA.Co ' Brand
field, returned home -on Monday, The B. Y. P. U.-held a most en- A number of the members of Pickering, and.Mr. -and Mrs. &k, goods.
after spending a few-dayawith joyble time-io the school-rftrn of Brougham Union Lodge A.F. &A. of the take shore, visited with T.
-their relatives in Claremont. the B4ptist Church on Friday M. purpose paying a fraternal. aud-M'rs. Gregg on Sunday,4
the Oshawa public school.s
Miss Vera Bingham, teacher in evening last, when about forty visit to Doric Lodge, Toronto, o
, acCO-m- nienibprs were -present. -, They the evening of Thursday, Nov. I?
SALFE.REGISTER. Winter will he here eery soon and
ponied by-two lady friends, vi,3it• came dressed in appropriate Hal- Any of the members who desire
ed Claremont friends 6n S66day. lowe'en costume,- but those who to go are req%ested to -notify T.- Thu"y, November-15th- — Auction if you have any notion of
H. G. and Mrs. McIntyre left an frilled to (to so were purchasing a new
fined 5 cents Paterson. Xrn, farm. stock, imple- sleigh,
t -sale of Pa
"Sunday on a motoriog ments, grain,
trip to De- each. kiss_Viblti Forsyth was roots, etc., at lot 34, your order now so that it
troit and utber western points, awarded first prize by.the judges -rear of con. 6, Pickering To h!
nly._ 9 wng 2, will be ready�v,he'p the..
for the best costume, being dress- 'Cash 0 the property of Thos. Dixon. S
combining business With pleaeurei 132 ra t snow,a ppea ro.
I'lAst we forget." Will our war ed as a 1.1-ieen. A pleasant time • At one o'clock.sharp. .See bills. F.
veterans kindly attend the service wa,.4 s1 „t in gamei of various Postill" Auctioneer., L -ORNE REID
in the park on Sunday, -Nov. 11th, kids. A goc)d.collection was also Wednesday, November 14th—Auction
and also�.wear their medals,as it No
to commemorate the first armiq� taken i.ip; Mone-y' 'Tai ks -11 salo-'of farm stock, implements, ete. -CLAREMONT
at lot 3, con. 2,'Uxbridge, (Altona)
tice and to honor our. fallen com- belonging to Hewson.Millard. Sale
ri0eg,' It 1-3 our duty. to attend. BRING IT HERE
S 1 BR -Listen : at 1 o'clock. Win. Maw, auctioneer.
So turn out in-good numbers, Saturday,'November 17th — Auction
The Rev, J. §. Ferguson,of Pick- Now is the, time to get a new;Sot ot3 'Pack Corn kiaked, 24csale of household goods, Including •GR E YM
' '
Includingeritig, accompanied by the Choir Harness, orget the old set repaired. beds, bedding, springs,- mattresses,
.,of St. Andrew's Church, will eon. I have in stock samples of-Samael 2 Shred Wheat. 23c dressers and stands, rugs, tables
the Trees auct Jeffrey's harness. The 2 Lbs Thompson's Seeded
duct Thanksgiving service in . former ordered through 24c stretchers, washer and wringer,
United Church on Sunday evening chairs, garden toots, heaters. good
logue at prices quoted.
2 Old Dutch '24c
next, and the Rev. A. McLellan, Catalogue free.1 2 Cans Pe�aa coal oil stove, lamps, etc., the prop-
.accompanied by the United 25c
also carr. collars, collar pads, sweat- 2 Cans Corn', 25c arty of Mrs. Bbinkin, in the Village
"Oburch Choir,' will conduct service (;f Dunbarton..Term cash. Sala.at "?FC
in St, Andrew's Church, Pickering. pads, harness oil by bulk, harness 2 Cans Pumpkin, 25C one o'clock. W. B. Powell, auction-
d-ressing, also silver polish
8 Lba Best Blue Rose Rice, 25C
Widmer Miller and Frank W I : I - eer.
Ill and other parte. Christie's Soda Biscuits,
left on Friday last for the Pa ,y Repairs promptly done.
bulk, per lb., 15C
Sound District to try their lack L W. PILKEY, CLARRMONT M T-T S 'l 0
All Dry Goods, by the at
at deer-hnnting, On Monday ........mom.
'.7 evening of this week Lyman eil. 20 per cent. off, as I am
key, .W. T. Wilson and goo, Roy, going out RLANOHE M. RAMER
ATTENTIO t of Dry WHEN you * have
and Chas. Reynolds also left for Goods. Te4d&er of Piano placed an order
a point twenty miles north of Cduservatory Ccurse Taught with us for a memorial
Ardbierg, where they expect to I have taken over the Agency W. J. H OL M E *9 [Studio at Mrs. Overlav�d's.Claremont, you have looked far In-
got their quota of deer We wish for to the future foe our
Renfrew Cream Separators,Scale@ 7-9 BROU"THAM on Saturday% for out-of memorial work stands
thein all,success. Stoves, Fleury's Famous town-pup'fls. up under stress of time
The service io the Baptist and -weather. ItIstru.
Chttreb wAJI commence at 10.45 Plows. Points,Sc�iffl-rs and Wheelbarrows. g tribate.
next Sunday morning. The cod- "No Great;rTribute"
gregation is requested to observb
- "RICES 1 'y "t"
Phone 1506 Pick. SPECl ,� L
. .
this earlier time that we way :zCMrm, N. W. STAFFOUD,
observe the two minutes of silence 2 Kin too Road.
at It o'clock, Morning subject: AG9NT (48). BROUGHAM %hitby
;'Evening r
"'The Supreme Sacrifice OR TEAM HARN&E.Sft'S Phone V
stsbJeCt : "What mean ye by this Vhltbj
Winter is Apiproaching. 7 48 r q9
service." We trust many of our
Brass-mounted; Team Backhand Harne'
friends %ill pay their respecta anti With-it-W07-LIAVOP0.6111 as, -
2 inch layer tr-a-c-e-w--ith-heel chains. aliz-vu
the memory of the fallen by_their a stock of 'With 5'ring breeching.
eeching. instead of back.
attendance at the - community Stoves, Heaters, Furnaces, Pipes band,
memorial service In the Hall at049.00 2W7
I and Elbows, Painta. Blankets
S p. m. Reeve Forsyth will ay a and Halter@, Mits. Gloves, Slack-mounted Team Backbend Harness, $3860
wreath at the base of'the memor. 'Flower- Pots Ete
tabi-etat,tbis hour. - - - 5 ring areeching
Let us to over your fnrnArfk he-.
'e. w as obse i v ed in ou r
Halt.i.a fore it gets too cold, aisi yonr This Is not EL faccin! 111irness. but custam made in our village In the usual manner last - eavetrdughibX or roof own shop at Markham.
Wednesday night. When the Cheap rate@ for farm and country
Way need It, and- we buildings.
pranks played are of a harmless are prepared - to We specialize on repairs-to harness and collars. a Windstorm Insurance on,building
character no person will object, give you the beat of service an wind-mills.Silos etc,
but when the boys go so far as to any repair work or -Automobile Insurance.
destroy property or to cause an new Jobs. F ,T -of all kinds.
�O 'D D
rioyaDce to others, and elspecially ]FARMS FOR SAL
We have for quick sale th
to elderly people, It is time to call Is
st halt, and, if necessary, summon following speciAls
Harness and Collar Manufacturer Write or
phoo e
the'poiice. Some, coin f)latnt has 1 Furnace,
been made in regard to the ioac- _)o inch fire pot, pipe 011,-TrT. Home-'Phore 84,00 ED. BOW M A N
legq-, nearly new-
tivity of ony village c-onstable9 on I No. I Fleury plow,new 20 WETTRY, ONT.
]Hallowe'en night. Thep would no I No, I Fleury-plow, with Tinkler MR0 3M :0 1
"'d wheel
oubt reqpood willingly to any _V JE?j M W,
call, but they can reasonably ob Farmm, Attelation
.'Ject to doing sbuolegs they receive 2 Cream sep-irators, in good condi- PR-EMItTM CARDS GIVEN WITH EVERY CASEE PURCHASE
-tion,cher-p OF-STAPLE LINES AT
I have secured thea gencylor the Fcost
McCormick-Deering. separator,
eremnneration for their ser- THIS STORE.
a0i"Mei. Thev receive no salary and new at cost to clear Be en a that you get %liew. Wood and 'Oucksbutt Farm Imp
meats. and will keep constantly on
.�_�munot be expected to give their
band repairs for these popular
-unless they. are ov.
aervices gratis-unless will.be opening in a fe* days—we-have it implements.
.'erflowinX with public spirit. C R A, S - ' COOPER "001 full line of supplies. Also. Loudon's barn and stable
On Friday evening, ov. lot fittings.
: I will also take contracts for
the Dramatic Club of the Anchors' CLAREMONT - --------
Society will Ove a drama, entitled For the Pickling' Sea-,on—a hill-kni o-f--Cider, White Wine-and Heinz barns and'bouses by a new
process. by spraying.-
'"Oranbury Corners,'ladies
In the Com- MOTOR CARS- White Pickling Vinegny�, also
Claremont. In coo. AND TRUCKS Estimates cheerfulIv given.
Inunityi Hall, CIA
- rectum
with It the of tlie 27-52
.United Cburch will give a splendid Prices Reasonable Quality Goods
an ppe
r,-served from-6 to 8 o'clock. _Highest,piices paid for produce R• J• Mann, Claie6ont
rama;to begin at 8 o'clock 'sharp: Soott's :-Store'
'Admission to supper and &ania -Phone your order, -We deliver.
1550centli., Ca'9tofchFkjra6ters:Tote -,.Claremont .,Green River
Phone Markham 64a
Dexter, M. J. Wilker; Sidney
Eve -Basket F ry t
Everett, Hugh Gregg; Ben Lath-
an (tralimp), Dr. N. F. Tonilinsou; M. D Manufacturers of
r . .-For P Merchant Gr' een R,iver All kinds of Fr
Andrew Dexter
eze 13 o ins, A.Stephenson; A full line of jars
Berr z,
Speck.' -Lyman McCul Crown pints 90c y C 7.5
Natb an
loug1j, Carlotta. 'Bannister, Clara- 'Crown quarts 1.25 Farmers'Bushel Basketi;"
tar Jar rubbers, heavy, 8 doz 25c,
adertrill ; An"'teca Bannister,
Annie Spoffard; Amelia Dext_e�:
Zinc jar rings, 20c doz -- Clothes Baskets.
Aldine Ward ; Mrs. Mnslin,-Mrs. arawax 15c pkF_
Kilp!xtrick; Bella Ann,:-Mi,,rs Stud. All kinds of spic,-43 and vinegar A-SafeRepository for Frank ,Pennock, '
daford; Florine, Ida Brignall.. for pickles on hand at m 4Bonds-or Other Proprietor
Avery successful tea and con' lowest prices. Phone Markham IWI,
-Mi, n
..-Cert wFrq Riven by the ifdo Valuabk Papers
Baod of, the United'. Chrij Goods Wednesday evening of,' last week. Dry' SAFETY Deposit Box in your s BEA TTY
-'The weather -VRs favorable.- and a
crowd . of Young as well RS Ladies' Silk Underweare and Hose- nearest branch of the Standard z-STANDS FOR THE BEST
at reduced prices.
-older people assembTed, and.after
enpplyiog the inner man, a splen- Fuji Silk in colors and white Bank 14,--tbe -logical place to -keep
program was. given. by the 65c per yard.
_.:�.vjembers of the Mission Band, voile valuables fd� security and con
Men's Shirts, special, I-OO.ea�h
consisting of songs, Instrumental -We�-`gball be' pleased to
L" Men's Sox, 8.PV for vemence.
duets. recitations etc.- The little
furaisb_"yotf with -space necessary
folk certainly did themselves-cre.
or your requirements a minimuln
- 'des. ftd
dit to the delight of all, particul-
arly to that of Mrs. Dopking, who 'Grocet
is the efflicient presidetit.- A very Afreshrates,
stock of Groceries always
pleRsant feature of the evening
on band at lowest prices,
was thepresentatfon of lifetnem
Try us with your TM STANDARD BANK
-bership certificates• top four faith•
ful workers. viz: Mrs.. Lymfkn-Pil-
..next order, OFPCANADA I'd Litter Carriera, Hay Carriers
N,1issJennie Forgie,' Ml9,s Clara Pnn)pq,- D6or Track%. Cow
-bill Enid Cook, ESTABUSHED IW3 Bowls. Pressure Systems Underhill and Miq� Etc.
towether with a Mk,sfon Band in., 9, It will Pay you. to get my prices on
D. A,-- *S 'COTT
pinned on each of them by Elur W. V. REDDITT above.before buying elsewhere,
ittleme.nbersof-the Band The'
Phone 1402, Manage?, Pick:',lrg&4Mh FRANK J, PROUSE
8 he$also at
i' financial returns exceeded all ex --Pill WMtbr T(�'rN T1,7 "1 A RIO
14 UN T
'C L A K kai O.\
nii= N�
w, ............ . .. _ _.. .,�"".a�r=see„ z..ax,^' ".-.+�1x' -•"'e�•' i"'. r�p'u*6'am•�u•.:4ks+. �,�,.. _ .. ., _ _
'. C4d ���•.�' t>7: .. .,�~'. rte,,• '; ,;C.;.. .•, «a,:., a4Y?r,.v. ..,, �;,`'••timA .✓5" •Stn J, - - -1 - _
.. ..:,;r- !'.. r •:r rw rt4>d!i' ,crw .5,^4c.�un,,?�i,. „S•3`�T.,Q•,�<t": ..�,`ar+t.v,�+',n• '•+'v'�-`i. ..�c rs. .,.�. .,,. ',-�,a
_'•,.y,- u;J,. '.��u"a ,..s;•' :Yt,. _ .. '-: .;:5"w '�. ,. .�... ._. v,s+'ra...,r•c,. -ws— 3',�ti..w -- Vis„ �.:w -t .u..
,M t .a,,. 'Cw:Y^,A�'. ,,.,�'.,�ti�>y,�,,,�. ...,..�' ..:' '.-.••�`I..•'�.:+'x'ti.A:r'ur+t.lr'°.'" ::. LM d:;s•'. - '>i'4T'a:, y. ., - +.�. ��• .� �' .",. '•a e
'7$M � Ac,,�G`Y "-�+J +• �+, .w. 'k ,. 'Y yW.: .x'fc'-.-P'✓I.J�. .`• 76. .w'�.%.." - 1.:' f ,�.�.�,.����i�..
lot that mess tl Mir."Wells'startecl
s>� li'lllii01A1 Of it AtNJapm
rice is +the,right. direction," Zorn.re- YhI05f it ii'Mod f11r WwV
w t { pi!ied, I,,ckagM the first train to `
4 `s' ' Brookside. Itr wasndifficult to lo-
cats a new¢,fpmily named 'Slocum' an
learn the nagie of the f4rniture mover.
"The bosk:of the mo'ring gr-ng de- '
' V scribed the house,,at Freedale where sY -
t he had left the girl. I-took the eiiily
- ----
afternoon trlin and located the girl
' at the Higgs plate." . -
_y`, • _ .
rLi:7lf ar— r -- - "Did you see Wells'•ibtinight at ata
-eleven?" aske•1 Miles.
'�CgAVTER XV. - things which haw_ so distressed you .,Yes: It came near being a disas-
• of late. . Novy they-. are facing ruin
.Hobart s reply was a smothered cry ti-obs appointment for me l"
sand Mlles and.Scottie had only time and, disgrace Brough no fault of their
own, but you, my dear, can save them.f "Disastrous!'!
to regain the shelter of the rear stair-(.- III 'hav'e "known ycur family for I "When I left his house somebody'
case when bliss Drake swept across
r the hall and to her own room. many years and it is my duty to tell!tried to hold me up; hit me with a F>�b
"So she knows, does she?" Scottie
you the truth. I arY •an infirm old hla�kjack and only' .the soft felt -hat rt - „
'blood his chin. "I wish to the Lo'rd�woman and live at come distance, but I Nan wearing saved me from being' _
that Eve did, but it's my opinion we'll i my car will be oucside your gate at I knocked for a goal' See. Zorn re- A name that stands for character,
find out nothing more this.. eleven tonight and my servants are;moved his cap and displayed a strip Settling the West 1 that is, synonymous with integrity, is
Scone was right. Nothn4 happen- me, I wntae you cto be trusted to,bring you safely to,of plaster where .his smocth, blond Toronto Globe (Lib.) : If young men;the-best advgrtisement in the world.
ed ill komfortable for�hail' had been clipped away- He are to be brought-from the Old Land
until the next morning when Zorn ,
appeared in the,garden-and had the
the night and you may feturn in the sneaked up from behind and landed on to settle the West, there.should be a
" morning. Ime, but something must have scared corresponding number of young wo-
older man summon Miles. "'W a-teh for the 11. -h of fight twice f him for he'took to hig heels and was men introduced into the cout,try, that'
"Where can we tack?" Zorn asked i ir. the read ar-d be prepared to come I gone'before I could recover sufficient- homes may be established and colon-
as«Miles appeared. ;at once, telling no one, or I cannot I ly to give chase. It's on me, isn't it?" 'ization may become a fact. On the 118e25
'r Just down the road here. 1 under y j "It certain)• is," a eed Miles but prairies at present there are more men
>� help you. -Have fai,h:in me for my y gr
stood your message Sunday eveiiing,', p there was a peculiar quality in his than women. This condition has
of course. Did you trace the--er— on.ly wish is to 1c.. S•r?;I a d y'ovrs OCE
��; FARE
' y �firom 'eater differing been getting worse gradually. It is a•
tone. "Are oil vin back to the cit g g g Y•
�4 bill of lading? g {I •• l ,,, 3 going y int to which the'Government should!
Friend." row. .
Zorn podded smilingly as they, �� l,r' direct attention, for it is essential that TO CANADA
strode along .the road torv'ard� the Great heavens. . exclaiwed Miles.. Zorn nodded and rose.
'"Anyone' but. rn vrsophisticated child "I wish oil would deliver this let- the men have opportunities to estab-� or the
weather-beaten st.ed. y f :--.
"Yes. She is at Freedale at .thellike Miss Patricia ;would have seen at lish themselves in their own homes.
ter. I daren't trust,them to the mails _
home of 8 certain estimable but some-in glance that this was the hunk! Tell and time is an essential factor. It 4 Wives and children of
what peppery old farmer naiiiedI we what -she told you, Zorn; what is to Professor Nigel Lorton, at the Minardts Liniment•for Asthma. British Subjects who ari
Higgs," happened,to.her?" Archaeological Museum." - rived in Canada prior to
"Eliphalet!." exclairised Mil hist ' "She says OiV Satureav night she It was late that afternoon before
• +.sister Hitty has been a maid here in l saw' that-note h int tin the floor just Patricia put in an appearance and Good And Bad June s, 1928
..'.the household for a generation but I i under 'her opened window, She never I there was a new, shy dignity in her Keep your eyes trained to look for' Children u n d e r
,.iserer thought of him! How did II si.tktou�it of doubting the good•faith of the good rather than the bad, and you r
bearing that silenced the reproof upon 17 years--FREE
Patricia happen to g0 there, and the `infirm old woman: threw a few1 will be surprised at the•good you will
her aunt's lips. Apply at once to
µ,by?�• -!things into a lag and waited for the discover in most 'people.—John R.
"Perhaps you had better read her"gigiial. It came, and Mics Patricia) Roger had appeared 'at -luncheon Gunn. : hANADIAN HERVICE
more wan and fragile than ever, but I
letter first," Zorn glai.ced about the tipped down the drive to where a i Inter Miles had caught a glimpse of Cunard and
'ramshackle-shed and produced a small, !'•Inovaine etood At ttte gate with one him totering down the drive muffledC '
-'bulging envelope; man t,el+ind the wheel and anotherl� the earstin a greatcoat,in spite of : YOUR V -Anchor - Donaldson
Miles tore open the en\'e!upc* and i holdine the door. i the mils spring weather, and won- can be made perfect by the dally use Lines —
T took from it two folded slips of paper.! "After that things happened tool P g of RP:CH4:Kt HE Coaraetles "For Ladles
i dered what errand could have dragged µho care." _ CQr• Bay and Wellington
f care.-
.."Dear Sergeant Miles: - i
'quickly for her to utter a cry. The I s
him forth. The rete n .of Patricia, one 2-ounce Jar of Vanishing Cream . Ste Toronto.
"Mr. Zorn will tel.you hove he foun�tl man 'took her hair. elapFed. his hand i however, turned his th,,ughts to othtr and 1 Sox of Face Powder maned to -
me and wily I.stayed away: I have I ower her mouth and bundled her-in any address in ontario for $1.00, or nearest agent
also, and then wer off, She remem- channels and the arrival within an sosnsTsoa.'s, .�
promised him I will come ht,me this, hour of an i mexpected caller banished les bangs strew- - Toronto
heta stru ting, . but a sweeti4h-
though, that I have broken fur agree-' all'idle speculation for the time being
afternoon. I had to tell you first. zme!ling .cloth—chloroform, ?robablyI ° _
r —was placed over her fare and thea from his mind.
Yt ment; I am sending mord to J.. Kemp The caller was Miss Ora Hawks but}
At; meet me and I mean to tell him as there was a blank. the transformation in her appearance
- mucN its I cis without being di-doyall "When.-she came• to herself there was remarkable. If she had not quite
to my family After all i have been I wa+ a rush oP craol air in her face, succeeded in re air:.n,• the lost year -
t through I don't know what to think --
CCeede $ e
_ �bf her youth she had made a victorious 'r t
r except that we have terrible enemies effort to mitigate the inroads of time: - �e
who will stop at nothing and I am - � tea in the draw- ° th
•- . The butler ce•wed
- guard my father ^� �...> ,j J,•^ � �ei
nearly crazy. Please Ing room, but the detective knew that J
i UNNY land ofand the others w
f it is that threatens them bef we it. in � mon both Hobart and Andrew only the r'^rY t�= ult ari overs,
' too late'. Don't let them know what ' '� — latter appeared and that reluctantly ` °a;F !where living is a joy
happened to.me,- I am going to tell .: �
• enough, Miles loitered in the hallway r �'u t `-Ithe whole year
them I Left because they,:reiated mew r;
Below trying in vain to catch a wordround.a
atefnly. The paper l am s^ wit.with of the conversation between MissM �;
this will show you why 11Pft the h<tiuse �
w y ( r Hawks and her.former sa+sin. t ti w
V r' t and b t i
without trying to see you ane i>.a - a e3n
y g ed and the visitor reappeared. It was pp Mile-high mountains,
.in your hands. 1 oat} found it a Uttie i
1 r' -after ten that night. Pe.rhap- !t will I f doubtful if she was conscious of the -- smooth beaches—
help you to trace-the dreadful woman 1 pseudo houseman's shadowy figure in' Y _
ilrho wrote it and the men who-are in the background as she made for the groves, pepper ts'ees and palms.
__- World cities—quiet retreats. Eve sport
1 -W. h'er-pay: especiany the c n-e-`-wtth the I� front door, calliti back -over her Every
.tattoo mark-on-his ..rm. }_ e g
' ahovIder with a quick,convulsive catch = _ everyday. _ ...; •
- "Hastily. of her breath. '••.: California 11fid-Wter inEscorted Tours-21 days—all
"Patricia Drake."' j(�I .No, don't trouble, please! I can Q ae
,e, On the way—Indian-detour, Grand Canyon,
,,.,. "This letter tlQesn't:tell nie- much find my way.- Tell Jerusha I-1-will Phoenix California and YoseYosemite. Returnthrough
except that the young lady is on the see her soon. Goodbye!" _ _ 'Feadter River Canyon, Royal Gorge, Colorado Sprmgs
verge of hysteria," he commented: ve- = = It was not the words nor the Lona and Denver. LeaChicn.8 o Saturdays, Januar 5-19,
January- Mile§ had unfolded the second note. _ - in which they were uttered which for _February 2.16, March 2.16, I929. Ask for detailf_ e
° Dt was comparatively brief, and.Al- a moment held the detective rooted to -
_ y Iter that iliirtk-• Happened too, :.' .' -...V.T. Hendry.GPs.Agent.Baste Be&y. '
though Its fine, cramped, ah.,ken hand quicklytfor her to utter a cry." t the spot, but the dazed look of half-
. . as p rtatll;n Bl�l):•,Detroit. slice, '
t - was unlike any that .he had studied incredulous wonder upon the ;roman's ' 'i'e tae: l:aadoipla sits
•-• r Got'r
before during his invectigatton, there i I face and the.glint as of dawning fear
for the, window behind the drivers;,
Was yet something vagu.ly .familiar .coat wah down'and the two men were II in her eyes.
)about it which arrested him. - talking. t Scarcely had the door closed when
"My dear child," he read. there was a crash is the drawing room
"Her heavy beaded handbag was
"Great trouble has come upon your Mill on lie' arm; and a-ithout stopping followed by the }sirs of frame and a ,
eeteemed father and your uncles and mans bellow of, profanity mingled
}n think she smashed the man over -
compeRed them to do the strange the face with it, tore open the nearestlwith pain.
door and.jumped,rQlling over and vier A putsgent odor of smoldering cloth DE M A N D
' - into a ditch They cured and halted, assal a sa nostFLTa stiflingly ea Miles
_ 0 but another-car was coming and that dashed the portieres aside to behold
Rave her an opportunity to scramble Andrew tearing off his scorched coat
+ up and over a low stone wall into a I from which a curl of acrid smoke arose
_ mass of willow shoots growing by. $land stamping out a tinybluish flame
brook, that darted heros§ the-rug from'be-
I neath the overturned tea-table.
tt•hey.gave up hunting for her and r„
drove off. She s'.umb:ed alongin th f that three-]egged stand. the
darkness with sense enough to keep'latter growled beneath his teeth.
to.the main road. 'A mow} van came "Help me,get this off, William, never
�•I .. F-f ` d,kt. .4 d the g , .• ,
rumblia8 s� tin ylse
"I am--AKalit yoti'are bbl `bdrne'd, ^^ { '
hailed it;'she sa s e tdea'ifas a lf+ Miles._yentrued �J
across her mincl•-tiira -witE cvs
• /r out the nartte of-the 'nearest village', (To'be continued.) n
} f fi;• RSG and get word
%4'14r. Wells he vraut 9 i f/AYER
kee -her.co•flder.ce and come to take
�► j'� ;care of heat the iIaane tim-- sending'
t a warniiWq you.
:. •.. J ` _
Whe a asked them where they
n•ere goj@Wnd they told h
• �i�{� dale,` ?MW-Patricia ; roe
bought e
of this II nd got themgihe ' �l
a h t. L�ii dFs
"Wh they thought, theyI
p e�tr,, u• `: Y^, i' � � ,, �: �
Reis her cli And on tip ��aye at- ' F .'
P• ,,'j ?ranged ite of tlieni,,tsp, akgr#hati r;•Y,•r1.r' JSe,•,art t
i note to s' house w lien. they got' u ZMArI . : The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for
d •�,,, 'handy ;back to th. in •t1k—morninit?'"ThOy ''i�'`a ' •" `` 7• pain. Bitt it's just as important to kno%O,tkat'there' iS oidy ort?
ek 'reached Fre. S at dawn.and.Miss de,;. 1.
genuine Aspirin. The name Ba er,is on arc b t and on the; _
} Patriciapa
'got down and went directly P T. 9 y
box.' If the name Bayer.appears, it's gl pt5n ,�fif it doesn't,
to the Higgs, place." 1 Toronto call at our ar re-dig lled b Ir 4 are colds, and
C.., Wherl n W It Is not) Headaches a pe y As{� trtlt
/� =fOT Did she recognize either of the two rpoms, to see these wonder! _tbC pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rhenma-
'''/ men who Abducted her?" "demanded fitidtruments i-• Upright — Piay P g g —
.,: ,pati Grand�,Pianos—at write t tism promptly relieved. Get Aspirin—at any drugstore--with
Here •. Miles. tilt`
"No. 8u `• then one of them flung fustrated Catalogue a Price List prOVGA dirtCtiOriS. -
1* beat: Benefit an her traveling- care into the car she _
saw that his sleeves were rolled up Helntzman Hrall hyslclalls resenbe 'As Irin•
sure in generous measure) - `QQ P
C1 so and a-device of same sort w°as tattooed 195 Yongi St., Toronto k __
on one
-rm." It .dUeS 1\VT ail dile heart
_VVVVerm;ot .Fiiaror I •Tell me how you located 'Miss Pa '
tricia;," asked Maes: a'- -'" A,piHa to the trade mark (registered in Cana Is) Indicating Rayer Manafectnre. While It
ISSUE o. 45—•28 r[i'S �inlment for Grippe.e "..'sun keown that Aoplrin means Bayer maunheture, to assure the IMi lle against [nits-
' ` 111 T scrap of paper he ha,I :se;l hila, pose, the Tablets will til staatped wit]& their "Bayer Or*W' nademarh.
, - r
pin ,` •• ... <: x .•' ,. - :.r': '..=.•. ..,,',- '� ,. d•:�,r.,,.' »b.. :�:+m :.,e..�.ru....x.�.S:,r .,Lywm•:�Sw• .Y,-, 4
,..ro. �,. %�ryy...•gg.,,s; ., .£..sSi -�-_i'_ -:,.�'...-n„ v.;�;rtl,..u1°aS;L..T 6m�-�t :•^t.,:
'M"}'3^•'6y!'•''"¢2'�"•,F tet., S'Y/L":.!.xi�.�%k'X,a•,.'. •';- � y: •R """' L .Y.^•-
.:. -'+•'raw - .'Y
0�t,+sic,W av, yri s 1.+"K� •a:..a'4iNa•{... a7%vs S7'� r! >rG' +«M»r y. ayV'.'�'•+Sr.d ..RTI.reg-:w,u;. '�.s�r h`cv.� ,y ,srs.M1 r ..o.�p Fy..:,.+.. ai a;r' g v ..`�+ r� •r +•2Tp.d!„ �y,ni C;.,`(..*. •':^:"1'•',Gr-.;s ..,,o• ,'Gl f r,^m
„qo •mr44 r.,., a.............,,v rA,:. ..,. - ::✓ ..r = -n_.:'.': n..✓. d., v+G,.' '. .. . T°'`;" ",M,t(l:" -.®.. L:S.., v+, CS'4 i,`. �' .`g .ie ,�-`''a a .. `.Ye+. r,n,z�
e ''�,a ...-.,'t.,:,..-w-,.�.-aa++*_r::e-.w. z,.:-.:w+v :z-... .cu: ,a:•- •....+,. r z',,a•s=......w• . -:r•sw:•w.. >?... xt?rzr`:a,...:vz-: •3+r.-:nr ."� .... .ex.0".•i-i.fc.�,f;..•Zs•R _ �a�yi.-
,. .." .: ':•' ..4:'a:..: •. .. ... -v., J 'd .'ter •:f"! .:5 ..�. ,. \ :
. w
• garding the operation of bin vehicle ' ., pltilncess on Visit to Wild heland + - it• .
j..�s 4+vntro�T IOr vehicles as the deDartnfent may RdThis
require. All owners .of public, com mss :t. `x i ' y- *r-s>z- .►;;
of Ontario Roads mercial behicles must take out an to ,� "y' `Don'ts" For I- witers '"WhO .
Big .Trucks Not Allowed i surance policy. Go into the North Woods
Persons to, whom licenses are Is,
- Freedom Unless The y. � Fir Dew
sued mast immediately notify the de- r �;Y, w +
Comply With. Rules partment of all accidents in which
!�Y P Now that the"big`game season 'is
any of •their -vehicles are involved. on in the north woods, careful guides
HOW TAX IS LEVIED where such accidents result in loss o1 ► 4 .
are rehearsing then list of injunctions
life or injury to employee .or,other "� > ° ' "
j ,,•, for inexperienced sportsmen and mak-
�Om�fleiCial ChA!,iller$ Pay Oris persons, or to property. It is further w M" Ing sure that their lite insurance
provided that "no person owning. premiums are paid. There is little ex-
Gross Ton Mileage controlling,' operating or managing
any public commercial vehicle, used cuss Lor` the "Mistook Him for a
,�as18 Deer" headlines that seem Inevitable
lin the transportation of property;as 1
BY as Order,-In-Council, the Pro• about'this time of-ygar.
a common carrier for compensation, As a matter of sober fact, nothing
Vince' Ot Ontario its.enforcing some, shall cause or allow any.driver or ' In the woods looks the least like a
drastic regulations- governing com- operator of such public commercial deer except a deer. No one ever saw
vehicle to work as driver or operator a human being with long, wiggly eai'e;
mercial vehicles. Besides a standard for more' than -a mfaimum - of ten four limber leg& and a white tail. No
-bill of fading, which forma part of the .hours in any twenty-four-hour period. " man goes bounding over blow-downs t
Order-in-Council; It.is.provided that All motof veb isles,used for the con-
and eta-foot windfalls,.snorting Iike a
the tee for a license to operate a pub-
1 veyance of merchandise and operat- &team calliope.
lie commercial vehicle Is to be_com• Ing under licenses-granted by_the-de-. ` The poorest slitil In the world for
puted at one-fifth of a cent per gross partment shall be L,pt In a safe con-
to -mile: _ slamming a soft—nose lead slug through
dition and shall be subject,to iuspec- "I saw the bushes
New Enactments )tion- at a21 reasonable times by su- s a man Is that trite,
move and thought it was a deer!"
It is also enacted that the driver in thortzed inspectors of the - depart- { But there is one real tip--never carry
charge of a public commercial vehicle menu' , { a white handkerchief into the woods
is required to carry on each trip, a Braking Pe+tormaneev7.. .4 £ on a hunting trip Red or blue ones
report on a form, provided ay the The Province of Ontario has also „ ., ;, are permissible, but white, never.
Highway Department, 'setting forth issued regulations covering motor "A few years ago two young guides
each particulars regarding, the opera-'vehicle••brakes. There are two.'classee: r ? and a sportsman.were hunting just be-
tion Of his vehicle as may be preacrib•!A includes certain clas9es of trucks, fore dark. They had separated and were
Kms` k k r rs i `t a .hundred yards or so apart when
-• ed on the form. The owner of a pub•'and here toot brakes must stop veh• `, } '
lie commercial vehicle must report teles within 50 ft. at 20 m.s:h. on'a they came out on the bank of the
the operation of eve ' trip, of•his. dry level road;: under the same con- s z " y f� w s "a' *; river toward which they- had been
vehicle: Such reports are to be made'ditioas hand brakes must stop ve• � � � w�„�' •� $ ., ; �� 'driving' several deer. One of the
OR the forms prescribed by the de- hicles within Iii ft. Class B includes " '! ` s ° F es ? guides pulled a white handkerchief
.Partuwa*- Trip reports must be for-,vehicles over 6,000 lb. gross weight, Fx� a! `� ,'i a? from his pocket and started to wipe
°.1Natbed by registered mail to the jtl 'h'w hf9 forehead, As he whisked 1Z up
d,p- designed for transportation of goods r?:' Y:r
partment each week, accompanied by and all cars not in class -'A.-=79ot 4' to his face the second guide,
a weekly statement on the special and hand brakes when applied aim- �� �� s,•x�� � : .; r emerging from the timber some dis-
-form prescribed by the department. I ultaj(eously must stop the vehicle INSPECTING GUARD iN BELFAST 'lance away, saw the 'white flag.' He
The owner of every public eommer•'within 50 ft or within 75 fttf appliedwas a good shot, and the bullet clip
tial- vehicle must file with the de. separately. The new regulations aim, Princess :diary speaking to Major Torr, in command Of the guard of ped pff the forefinger of his friend's
pertment whenever required a return to unity brake regulations throughout i bonor for her royal highness. y right hand and passed through his
In the form prescribed by the depart- the province, which at present vary neck, killing him Instantly.
"When our sporting goods manufac-
meat, giving such information re greatly Itt different localities. Fresh extras, 60 to 5U; fresh firsts, tures get over their. leading toward
- Market Reports 43 to 46c' seconds, 32 to 35c.
Butter' r , solids, Pasteur_ the artistic in hunting clothes We
Grand .Mary Rumor : Australian Ready Butte reams y shall have fewer accidents during
t�. • GRAIN UOT A'i IONS. !zed No. 1 39%e; No. 2, 38%::.
Q the fall shooting season. About all
Grain dealers on the Toronto Board Cheese ng cream—No. i, Ore
• '��
Unconfirmed for �`•'���� Flight
of Trade ,ru makir , the following Cheese No. 1 large, colored, par- �e hunting toga are of khaki materil
als, exactly the color of a deer. This -
1� / #gLlotations for _ar dots: attlaed sad roverntnenL graded 23}lc,
InCO(?eiling{ O Aimee Mc-1 Sydney. New South Wales.—Cap Man. wheat—No. 2 North., $1.21; PROVISION PRICE'S, camouflaging the sportsman's attire
twin Frank Hurley and his two com• N 483 North.,
$1 1 , t; No. 6 wheat,, mT the following
edea leo the trade: 80 It rllam It into her shades of,the
Pherson Case Now forests- ( s may
panloaa, who -are flying to London 87c g g P
Suggested from Australia, arrived at Wyndham (c.t.f. Goderich and bay ports.) ' Smoked meats—Hama, rued, 29 to tool some deer, but it also- is very
•- In Northern , Australia. This will i Man. oats—No. 1 feed,,57%c. c.f.f. 31ccooked hams, 44c, smoked rolls, likely "to tool Inexperienced woods-
LosAngeles' moatEcw defy of
'be the last -port of call on: this y j 25c'-; breakfast bacon, 32 to Seer do, men Into committing fatalitler"
Godericb and ba ports.)
Am. corn—No. 2 Ilow, $1.20; No. fancy 39 to dOc; hacks peamea'ed;
timed criminal cases reverberated continent. Beginning next Saturday, 3 yellow, $1.19; No. 3 yellow, kiln ,29c; �a, smoked, 38 to 38c.
through the Hal] justice age a re ,
costly as the county grand jury,Which orable, the trio wit' leave Wyndham MWfeed, del , Montreal freights, to 70 lbs., $21; 70 to 90 lbs., $19; 80 �� � $
c the ofcial start of their attempt bags Included—Bran, per ton, $33.26; tc 100 lbs, and up, $18; lightweight
indicted Dfatrtct•accepting
Asa Keyes � aborta, r ton, $35.25; middlin
- on charges of accepting bribee, aa- to reach London In tea days-and re- Pe gs,�cella, !n -bb's., i1.b0; heavyweight • • -
-�jwuaced that it was not yet through turt; fa twenty-eight. $45,25, rolls, $38.810 per bbl. by "
Hurley'e 'plane "Spirit of Aar ., zi
Ont. oats--Good, Bound, }'envy oats, Lard—Pure, tie'-ces, 17c; tuba,'
and would continue Its investigation to car lots, b0c, f,o.b.'shipping, pointe. 17%c; Pails,.18c; .•+rhes, 18%to '19c:
forthwith tralia,' to a Ryan monoplane similar Ont. good miiiinl; wheat, f.o.b. ship- Shortening, tierces, 14'fi;_ ubs, 16c; foresees imperial ShoppiMcitg
Grand Jurors haus declined to con- pines pointsadzc>r rug o
-Arm published reports that the case of St. Louis," though a later model, $1.18 to $1.22, 16%c.
of Aimee 'Semple' McPherson, the The engine can develop 230 h.p. It fa Barley—Malting, 68 to 72c. LIVT STOCK Future
evangelist, formerly of Oxford County, a land machine with an-air endurance kwheat-78c. $9,50 to London—Hon. P. C. Larkin, H1gb _
Fe Heavybeets choice,
of from 20 to 24 hours. Its tanks hold No. 2, $1 tc. $L05.
Ontrab, and her mother. who nearly $10; do, fair, $9' W $9.25; outeher Commissioner for Canada, in a letter
350 gallons o[ Man. flour—first ata.. tri ute,
�. two years ago were held for trial on petrol,' which is con-� � j steers, choice, $9 to ;9.50; butcher
X17.40. Toronto; aecor, pats., in jute, to the Morning Post says:—•'The I
:eonepMracp chargee, but were released named at she rate of a gallon every ied,.
heifers, choice, $8.50 to $9.60; do,10 miles. The ane, was presented r 'com., $7 to _$8; butcher.cows, good arguments In favor of shopping -lm-
when Keyes dropped the charges Lor Ont, fico Track, Toronto, car,.oia, to choice, $6,50 to $7,50- do, fair o by a Sydney man, I:. E. Rofe. pp ;5 tofact of evidence woaid be reopened After leavia W dham the aviators seaboards in bulk. $540,not gnot- , $5.50 to $6.25; do, cora., Derially are aaanswerable Lrom an
for investigation. ! g5.25; canners and cutters, $4 to Imperial point of view. Canada as
Mrs. McPherson and her mother, will fly 1,500 miles to Anjer at the I SEED PRICE QCOTATIONS $6; butcher bulla, to chance,
Mrs, Minnie Kennedy, were accused western end of Java .and thence' a The following range of rices, f.ob. �., $$6 to $676; .a huge exporting country, fe vitally
similar distance to ifctoria Point, p $? to ;9.50; do mod.,
.of conspiracy to obstruct justice as shipping points in Ontario, Is being baby beef, $10 to $13; feeders, choice, interested In the problem. We claim
the result of the evangelist's story to which is between Siam and the 1ljalay offered: (x8,50 to-$9; do, fair, $7 to $8.60; that Canadian products are asattract• -
a grand jury that daring her mysteri.;Peninsula. From Victoria Point their Alsip*—No. 1, 97 per cent. purity, stockers, choice, $7.50 to $8.26; do, Gve as they are varied. The high
ous absence from Los Angeles she route lies by way of Calcutta, Kara• per bushel, $10; No. 2, 96 pe- cent. fair, $6 to $7; springers, choice, $120
was held by kidnappers. The State chi, Bushire, Munichrand Rome. The Purity, per bushel, $9; No, , 95 per to $135; milchcows, choice,' $80 to standards of quality demanded by the
cent. purity, per bushel, $7.fi0; No. 4, 90; calves, choice, $14 to $14.6x; do, las' of Canada 'commend them to dis-
charged that this story was falese, trio eXpect to spend five days in Lou-:_go x
f _ _- j 90 per cent, purity, per hostas&, {'6. +�;, $9.50 to Y13.610; do, grassers, criminating buyers.. .lip belief to that .
Chargee against Keyes and others don before returning by the same Red Clover—No. 1rade, bushel,
e 'so far have been made principally to 'route. $14 g $5.50 to $6.25•; lambs, $11.75 to $12; shopping Imperially will become an
� ; No. 2 grade, b_shel, $9.50; No. bucks, $8.75 to $9; sheep, choice, $6 even greater reality' when Empire.
connection with the,release of 10 per- Accompanying •Captain Hurley are S grade, pus el,.$8. to $6,50; do, heavies, 60 to $5; do,
$t products are capable o1 being sold an
sons accused of complicity in the two other Australians, Moir, chief i Alfalfa—No. 1 grade, bushel, $14; culls, $3 to $4; hogs, selects, w.o,c the same competitive basis as foreign• _
manipulation of stock in the Julian .pifot, and O*en, nhfei pilot en►d me- No helgr de, bushel. gig; No. 3 grade, $10.50; do, fed, $10.10; de, thick products. Everything being equal,
Petroleum Corporation, which tailed chanic. $ smooth,w.o.c., $10; do, fed, $9.60.
--� f Sweet Clover—No. i bright quality, _ .we Canadians believe we should have
a'-year ago for several million dollars.l — —
ff Never provoke an enemy, however from machine, bushel, $1.80; No. 2, it sentimental preference.. We ikik
Examination of evidence upon which,unimportant he may seem at present; off color, from machine, bushel, $1.25, Teacher: "Yes,-'Fritz,. your essay that and nothing more. All our ef-
-. the grand jury acted disclosed that is very good-but it-Is word for word
:for a stream which Will sear �L'Ll'fA'!'ION forts is building up an export trade.
itis alleged bribe money may have _ the same as Karl's. What shall I
• a strata at its source, grows !�—Toronto wholesale the are I.
totalled $140,000. The district-attor- Pay conclude from that?" Pupil: "That are centred on beating the foreigner
aey himself was accused of having ac- course strong enough to carry a camel�Ing the following prices, delivered: n equal terms,, and In dozen
and .its burden,—Rous,eau. Eggs, ungraded, cases returned— Karl's essay is verygvod also." a•
scores of products we do that already.
Copied one gift of ;10,00 and other - Canada confidently looks to {h-e,dAy
gifts of uuknawu amounts, - when shopping lm,erially wi ,te
Keyes and four Others under indict- A Most Unusual Thing in England economic and not a sally was sa
meat appeared in court yesterday.and
ve to
„*ere.given a week to.enter pleas. t1 re. F.
- - _
: _
• �..
;Pan for Winter t
Air Photography ` Sir Arthur Currt� `
c► i Hundreds o1 men earl women who
Process Developed Which Will know and admire Sir Arthur Currie,
Revolutionize Timber _ V thousands who fought`under him In
.. .Cruisin ,,. " Ya•r the'Great War and'tens o7 thousands
$ �.. to whom this gallant soldier 1s the
Ottawa.—A new process in aerial ` living embodiment of Canada's patri-
photography which wall revolutionize otic effort will rejoice that the verdict
winter timber cruising has been de. _ +, which a jury of his fellows returned
;veloped by International Airways of at Port Hope some months ago has
Canada, according to H. L. Sellar, di- '
rector of the photographic section been sustained the Court'of Appeal.
It is a complete vindication of 9tr•
here. Mr. Sellar declared the trees
Arthur Currie and it Js to be hoped
scheme would enable work to be done that the defendants in thecase will
' in a few days. which..would normally not carry the matter. further.. +
take months.' It would entail the em- Sir Arthur Currie, whose health has
ployment of ground p&rtiep in consid- " _ ;:, been seriously damaged by these
arable numbers. _ � !►�-, charges and by the court action, will
The process, 'he said, made use of # be comforted in his (ionvaloseence by
photegrabhy to show up varieties of ` the thought that not.only has the ver
standing timber even when 'naked of
_ dict of the jury been sustained by the
-•foL-g— , The approximate number of
trees to *a staAdard area of the photo , '- unanimous judgment of the court
"graph taken at a, certain altitude without the formality of hearing the
-. arguments sultmitted br,hia own coun-
. would be used to calculate the num- ��„ F � $ "
.slog.':° t� t •ti.+t
•• - ,� +, ;�F ��•�� °;; "` mel, but that,thta judsntPnt is warmly .
her of trees of each variety in the _ _�. .—_ �. y _ endorsed by his many friends with a
area under survey, he declared. �— y rider of ryaipathy Em Slr Arthur by.
The system 1s primarily a scheme TWELVE WERE KILLED AND MANY INJURED IN AN ENGLISH TRAIN WRECK thouKands to whom life uanin and his
to macre aerial photography useful in A passenger train crashed into a freight train brh,g ,ghtmterl and then drove into another freight which was achievements are Komcthinz or which
,inter, passing on another track at Charfleld. Fire added to the hurror, four of the coaches being entirely doatroyed. Canadians areNrou-4. 'Montreal Star.-
...•-i. •r!, 1-:....r .q<,.,. .., ., n. Y....., e.w ......::-. ..,+� a•.y '_.W,•rs � ,•-h ..�.. .t�9.,.•c.a '.r+' r 'L..,
. ';pS3^�'wsi --if':'• .. :'...". :x: 4' '�. _ .Y:;ti .:xr. L .».,=ts:fra..- •s - xR..cr^!�. S` 'r-. :'"++Y1�y '•
,;:;.•... �:•r rg y;...,.,.z ,',^.."Y...•�: a ;.-rr:.'I .+."t�',✓•'�•M .,cY'� '•c -','•:. ct ;,'w•✓;,y ..,,y,x„y..+.: ,y••x.• -'Q„ r.. _
_. „oC, `'.,•�'ad -d,t>=t�".,...•e5` .,,•�..,.vs,+,1ny,r..w,^�<r"C'• 1.2da .uti'1 t .�-�°• 'b :•,?: -.•a: ..e„- - ',+�.,. - '.'g
:4�"rti+ ...G, �.' :. .- ',�"'' ... ,-. ,rxnn�.. .t .. _„ , ,-. -. ,. .'..•. ..'y1. .-,".. - �s+1�r a..�uve•-�.« _ '>
.A.�[., p ...i.^aE<,o,4• ...,;:,v..+ :... ,,... .,,-;.ar--..,... -,., s «i..•..r. .., 'e-w a a-•7'•. •y.rvy,.. �' .t:. _ "•.cY• ?4 x -. w, 9.'r,.. L 4
-Mrs. Alf Clark, who has been -Wqa. Cullis was in-Oron:p for a
-• �: visiting friends in Toronto and couple of days last week on buei• ' `' ,�: .+ ' `'' .,;�
Woodbridge, has returned home, nese.
-W.,B.and Mrs. Po*ell were In' -St. Andrew's Ladies Aid will -Monday being Thanksgiving
` rthe city on Monday. meet at the boroe of Mrs. 'Dr.) Day the places of business will be
.-K-L.Chapman has purchased McEwen on Wednesday, Nov. It. closed hs usual.
^� -a new Chrysler sedan. All the ladies come. -On account of lack Of ;pace
-J. A. Bushby is repainting the -Look Out! and be sure to we are holding over the minutes
” front of his hardware store. come to the Bazaar on Friday, of the council until our next issue. t �,
- - - -E. L. Chapman had a buaines ov.8th, at 2,30 p. m,}at St. Paul's -Mrs. 8- W. -Davis has been _
^:`trip to the city oa Tuesday. United Church, for the sale of spending a week in Stoney Creek -
�. -F.-$.-and Mrs. Hall entertain many fine and useful articles and as the guest of W. A. and Mrs. s
led relatives frdm Toronto on San. home mads cooking. Tea will be Reid. ;
day, served during the afternoon at -Dr. H. T. Falabse,Residenr5entist.
-Mrs. Robertson, of Fordwich, 15c, Candy andfish pond for the Office in residence, two doors fast ofThe"
spent several days last week with ebildrpn. • A good time to buy St. Andrews Church, Pickering. Of- w .
E. C. and Mrs. Jones. your Xmas gifts. flce hours: 9 a.m. to'6 p.m.'daily and. ,
-Mrs. (Rev.)J.•8. Ferguson and -Many complaints are w%de by evenings by appointment.
.daughter, Dorothy, spent Sunday residents througbont the town- -Beginning to-morrow (Satur- s ry
a •' with friends in Toronto. ship that the roads are in very day) M. S.- Chapman will holk an , Ig Store
-Mrs. McCallum, of Aurora, bad'condition, and the criticise 8 day sale in which great bargains
spent a couple of days this week the council for not looking after will be offered to his customers.
with E. C. and Mrs. Jones. them. The council find it very See bills.
-Dr. N. E. McEwen left on Sat difficult, if not impossible, to se -Rev. A. McLellan, of ClareIs Announcing a
Urday for his annual deer ihrrntiog cure teams to do the work, as,tbA wont, will occupy the pulpit in -
'trip fn the northern wild& farmers refuse to go on- to the St. Andrew's Church on Sunday
• -Mrs. Enos Remmer,, Mrs. Jas. roads while they have urgent work evening next. Hischoir will accam• JUMBO
Andrew and Mise Annie Mergtlis to do on their farms. The i ouncil pony him and lead iD the service
were is the city of Tuesday. are requesting those who Can now of praise. SALE
-James Heonedy, of Scarboro find time to go on to the roads to CO.MINa-Dr. F. E. Ll2ke, Op-
Bluffs, was in town on Saturday, do the necessary work to get in tometri8t, 167 Yooge St., Toronto,
-when he called' on a number of touch with the road overseers at play be consulted about your eyes Ys
friends. once, that the necessary work for glasses at A. H. Allin's drug �or a
-W. V. Cornell has returned may be proceeded with. store, Whitby, on Tuesday', :Nov.
.kerne, after spending a few weeks -Several days ago repreeenta- 27th. Don't miss seeing this able
with his brother. Walter. of Ar- fives from the Ovaltioe Medicine eye specialist.. * * * ('\ O O o
a�i� solo►, 'N
Sask. Company, of Toronto, were'in the -The regular monthly meeting �J s e
-Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane, of village for the purpose of investi- of the Chamber of Commerce will
'Toronto, visited with the latter's Bating the advantages that this be held in the Town Hall at 8 00
,` parents, W. B. and Mrs. Powell, locality may present for eetab• o'clock ori Thursday evening, Nov. `
s�. oD Sunday. lishing their plant. They require 15tH. _,All community men are re• r L_ « f� •
,• -Wm. McGuire has sold his a site where they can obtain a gnested to be present and bring Jumbo Values at P1gTny Pr><ee8 '
farm in Manitoba. He expects to steady flow of cool water for con- their ideas with them.
be home Boon, after bei-ng there densiag purvoseie. They employ `
,+ } -or 8ev,"al months. about one hundred hands and µCONFEDERATION" TRAIN TO
-W. C. and Mrs. Mnrkar and they are 4% strong financial cool-
EDMONTON ENSURES PLEAS- Watch for balls and read
two gone, of Shedden, visited with pony, which would make them a ANT, COMFORTABLE JOURNEY. `
t '-the former's parents here on Fri• degirabie acquisition to any town. _ [__i
day and Saturday. They have their doubts, however, Canadian National Railwpy Offic- -carefully
-W. J. Clark has had -a new about the quantity of water avail• gals are, being congratulated on hv- -
tivetl dug on his .premises. An able here. They are also visiting ing continued the popular "Colzfeder- -' •.
n "iabnndance of water wag obtained an of other sites with a ation" in operation between Toronto
at a depth of 19 feet. view to locating. and Edmonton. r fifi
a1 t' -Geo Baxter continues to im• -The radio is playing a very This innovation has eliminated most
t✓ ,
rove, after Itis recent accident, important part in the presidential of .the delays experienced by travel- Mi i
c - vers crossing the prairies in winter
- �nt is abl- to leave Dia bed only a campaign wh ;:h has been curried
4 dew honry each day. on io the United States during theorr.ftime as it provides a fast, through,
-Mrs. F. T. Bunting, who has past few weeks. Many have Heard Winr,opeg, service to Bina a d via 'CHAP
nl + 1Vinr;peg, Brandon, Re rra andSae-
�t � been ill for several weeks, iq now, the voices cf the reopet•tive condi• of
we are leased to report, much dates which otherwise they would katoon. By this route good connec- '
p tions are made to all important points
` ilumproved and is able to be around have been unable to do. In form
y • "laRain. or times comparatively few would by lines radiating from these cities. MAL
- ' -Mr?. Blenkia, of Duabarton, have the u rinDit (if hearin This splendid equipment and•court-
ppo y 8 eous service-always a feature of the
..who Is about u)-leave village, will the candidatea. and thea only by "Confederation......ensures a pleasant
-bold an auction sale of household attending One or more of the few journey without the discomforts of
effects, garden too)@stc..on Satur- public appearances of the cardi- winter travel.
day. Nov. 17th.. dates. But now, when a pregiden- Full infornWion and reservations
i -On Sunday at St. George's tial candidate speaks it is eatimat from any Canadian National Rail-
Church 10 45 a. m., Holy Conn- ed that about forty millions Of ways' Agent.
? . m., EoienlDg prayer, people are hearing his voice, and
The preachtdi _.__
'_ .Ie Rev. D.B.'Langford. dates that otherwise would have flahwmian Wrecff
-Harry gild Mrs Boyes and the `been impossible-to do. But-there —
tokmer's rgother. Mrs. A. Boyes. k one feature of the campaign that Peter was a deep sea fisherman Buy
d tram ane or the Maritime Provtn00
for0 Uland Mrs. D. Dann sootore to doesn't appe it to the mass of Cana• woo came co Onodi, married and
i9helbarae on Friday last to attend ulnas, end that is the maaoeir in. made pts ham. here. Went In roc - -
' he latter'$ aunt. which-tbe Sabbath is deeerrated commercial fishin but be says the ould
3' via ter work bore to even more tryln
' -One of the Fire area ern- era r -
: sinctor's wag in town one day last that party parades are being held, his ora as fns grounds of course,
{ . he was working harder because there '
'week in connection with E. Bry• bands playing and great cheeriag were now two people dependent on •
ad's recent fire, but found no clue being indulged in that i-4 not hip, Anyway, De caught a sever. A car that lad been made by a handy mechanic Irom parts
cold whleb brought on pleurisy. and
that wonild point to inceodfariam. pleasing to the average Canadians. hacause he is a sturdy-willed Cana- .bought from a dozen different
-Grant and Mrs. Arnot enter- a m'ly have these Daisy demon dian lad he wouldn't give up, but
fought on at home, for over a year. makes of care 9
but On
?taioed a Dumber of their young etratfoos in week days. No use! +the doctor finally gave him _
b• friends to a Hallowe'en party on Sundays Canadians, as a rule pre. up and said he would have to take �� : 0 1
;i ' hos ttal troatment—his only chance. -
Wednesday evening of last week, for to make the day one of rest eo here peter is, to the Muskoka
-sad all enjoyed s thoroughly good and quietness. Rospital for consurn es, where
-Lime doctors sad nurses of lk111 and ez- TheBa a prinoiple spplie to buying your adio.
p m s A
` H.and Mre. Matcbett sad da a. -The among
t ncP which prevails, to show ys of health and him ]back
- even among the educated creases. "
titer, Helen. of Toronto, were in - wt .10- w lows road, but better rets
g is the British Isles. >tg appalling. can the rare that u.ed almost is-
the village on Tuesday evening of The do Dot seem to realize that evtcablY� to overtake the consumptive
They r WOtild Ton not like to help rn
-Lest week. when they topic In the there exists in the North Ameri I a T. sre:t workr A subsertptloa Own a Deforest-Crossley Bet and be a booster for a reals
-ebickea pie supper in St. Andrew's can continent two great countries, would mark boar sent
to at .res onsible company, employing only the-best-
Church. the United States and Canads, the Chariton or A. IL Ames, 222 Coneaa methods of assembly, 8IId Who makes '
-E. C.Jones is grad move latter toeing a part of the great street• Toronto 2, Ontarlo.
�z roll hip drug stock to his Dewnothin but Radios.
misee o ite the poet office. British Empire. They do ' not' g
W'e PPS seem to know that these tre two ' •.
' and be e: to to do business at �N° tawraasnrwwa.
PeC entirely separate nations. They
�� •: the Dew stand the. early part of have not yet learnt the vastness /�
:'next week. of Canada. The British Isles could `OR SALE-Dwelling. will $chow• DE FOREST-CR068LEY-
-The residential campaign io .Bunte�families. Terms to suit purchaser,
.•, -. Pbe thrown into one of our ghat J. S.Bundy,claremont.r � ' - au --
Ahs United Sta.tee,which was end lakes and entirely disappear. r Leads An Others,
�,tad on Tuesday with the election of Man in England seem to think ANTED=A cahinet vin applying,in
y good condition.State price when applyins,
Herbert Hoover, the Republican that the United States and Can= Elizabeth Graham,Green River. 10 Bets priced for all fpAIBeB,
z*ndidate,was watched with much ado are only one country, At the OR SALE-Canada Pride range,
hater,eet by Canadians many of present tivie there are touting in F6 holes,with high oven. in best of shape.
whom favored Hoover. the British Isles two young C&c_ $10.00, Joe B.tcormley,Dunbarton. 10 t�j�� 1 S
The sympatby of thecomrnuc- adian9 who are ungaging in an OR SALE-Registered Shro shire Picker
sty is extended to Mrs. John Ran- oratorical contest with students Fn is. Would exchange for breeding edea. Fred T Bunt' Pickering
-'kin on the death of her brother, in the Universities of Britain. One G•W.Hodgson,R.R.No.2.ClaremLnt. 8 10 0.
James Hetldereon, which took of these Canadians is the repreg OR SALE-Bred-tq-lay B. P.Rock Established 1857.
place in the Toronto.'Genet-al Hos- entative of McGill Uaivert;ity, Fpullets,April hatched;$1•10each. Apply 0 "
-pital, following a motor accident Montreal, while the other, who Stanley M doth lot la,con.a, Pickering R.
which took place a few days pre- represents Torpnto Univerwitv% is R,No. 1. 10-12
viousl _ A
vy• �1. K. Kenny, sonof Mr. and ikice. �A !I TO RE. T 30 acme of landing ownshi of Pick cin bein northi h T e e isl meetin of be St. e p g•-A c tK n � .Pe B e n of 'F g y, bitby, Who i8 ga]n1Dg halfof lot 6, rear of con.3. Apply to Mrs. S. 1 N S U R N C E
i, George's Women'8 Guild will be falue as an orator. . In their fie- Puckrin•R.R,No.1, Pickering. 8-10'
x -held at the glome of Mrs. Harry bating tour they visited Leede --�
:.Wade on Thursday, Nov. 15th, University, and won a victory. 1 1v THE , trucked grain. bay
_Qt 2i 36'' . m. when final arrange- i and straw, trucked fro. farm or on can - -
p + In honor of the Canadian9 the gal- Highest prices paid.6/1d.R Gallagher, 12 Glad• _
went8 will be made for the annual lery greeted the visitors with atone Ave.,Toronto, Phone Lakeside 7554w. 11 -
Yankee Doodle. The Cana- OR SALE-Lister lighting plant, We r@ resent 8tron Mutual Fire YII6t1I'aAo6
haz�sar to be held in the Town " p g
' '- ' ;Hall, on Saturday, Dec. 1gc. A F Companies whose rates are the
k y+ diaus felt obliged to point out that conaiating of 5-H.P.Linter enaroe,1200 watt
3 'miseellaneons shower for the ba- the selection however, well in. Generator and switch board. Also a turning
+ + lathe, Apply Robert Feaeby,Brougham. 9 10 lowest obtainable.
=` Zaar will be held at this meeting. tended, was not appropriate, OR BALE-U riabt rano in nod `
• -Next Sunday Armistice Me and informed-, them. that they OR
has beautiful cone. 'Reason good
We insure both Village and Farm
. for
worial Service will be held in St. were Canadians and not,Amerf• selling,ampurchasina aplayer-piano. Apollr to
r ;. 'Andrew's United Church, in ac•, cans. IL woald be impossible to 1I1 PPhh & Properties.
E.Morgan,Rouge HL oneMaly 1712. 10
r-ordtince with plans for all the find such ignorance in our Can. � _
F ai ET BUR' PRICES-On Dew and Premium rates gladly supplied without obligation. -
-churches throughout the Domin• adian schools with reppect to their �Tused farm machinery,cream separster,also
'ion- A specially prepared pro- knowledge of the ruother country. Front wire fencing and gates It will pay you..
:pram will be used for the occasion. Similar lack of knowledge in re W.F.Disney.GranwOod.Phone Pick 23I4.88tf
At the conclusion of the service gard to Canada e:'3ets in the Unit WANTED-Information rpgarding
congregation, along with the ed States. The great progress t v the
whereabouts or Mash smith, or his INSURANOE-Life, Fire, Auto, Accident. 8ickn�ryr.
P woe.or children,or their heirs if communicated ration.
rotfier congregations of the village, which is being knade by our coun. 'to Dept.Mat,End„ Aetna Life ins,Co., Hart- BONDS—Government.Municipal, Cor Po
'will march to the Memorial Park try will gradnally attract the at. �•Conn,,.will be to their advantage. 10 MORTGAGE LOANS on Farm Pr•gpertles. -
'� - REAL ESTATE-Farm and Residential.
:.:- � -land at 12.15 p. m. a wreath will be tentioa of other t~tauntries, end in� ONTO WET-WA81� LAUN• - s
h i of being'known as a land of
TOR (Semi finish)—Let our driver call and
laced on the ildemarlal Tablet stead
1Ff .4 the last post will ,be sounded sad ieeand aaow, with Indiana,roam•. ne explain th Mr.Lour ' vis. Jost leave your WE
. ._ �'� R K E R � S O N
the proceedings will close with the ing around 'with tomahawk in willlppicktu"hd5de]ver 3 tiimes a peekT1Op' We
-National Anthem and Benediction hand, ready to scalp every white, ANTED ATONCE-Two strong, T D
The service at-St. Andrew's will man within reach,it will be known wkitchen women for high-class tea-room. PICKERI
. > _ begin at 10.55 a. m. sharp, and all as a land of great natural wealtA Good money and all year job for right person.
TnAmbors and adherents are asked and u one of t}ie wort important Previous experience ih hotel work not anaemia*
, p App] in rens or write THE FALCON,Kings-
go boon time, countries in the world. ton ted,Highland Creek P,0. 52tf'- Telephone Piokering 4.840
R. 0. Box 40
i•�Phi'1•.h;.. ` ....rt
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