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F 22
VOL. XL11111 . •PICKERING, ONT.., - FRIDAY, SEPT, 14,. 1928 - . No. 2
�><rl�Darf{Otsttl.{Bras>:at. GI0191]. AUDLEY. FAilr#PORT. GREENWOOD
saw XM
aa� � � School re-opened last week with a A number of the summer cottages
M good attendance and the students were re-opened over the week-end.
DDR.L.HOOEY—Physician and Bur- Y havestarted to their schools at Pick- Mrs. Sylvester Hadley, of Quebec, MLM
�I. Graduate of University of Toronto. 'aCO erir3 and Whitby. is visiting at the home of James and
Dm�a°rion.Phone Pict 1526. 81-4 Brougham and Audley Softball Mrs. Hadley .
E. FORSYTH. Oph.D.. Director teams played a tie, 6-6, o>z Monday Mr. and Mrs. IIavid Corbett were ,
nl Association of Ontario.Res. p • evening, when rein intervened when in Toronto recently attending the ,,, Betabllshed 1888
��� �OOe� Baskets of all sizes six innings had been played. wedding of their son, David Corbett,
examined by appointment. -on Jr.
The corn roast did not roast
and descriptions Monday owing to the rain. The Club Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien, Miss
lLeyai. will hold it at Grasmere_next Mon- Grace O'Brien, and 'Mr. Frank Flet- The
AE. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and day,evening,instead, when all friends cher; enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls
eSoiieitor,Notary Public Etc. Money to at lowest prices are invited. Pumpkin pies will be on Monday.
esu- SouthWin&,Court House, Whitby. 281y the password. A program will be Deep regret by the residents of the Chopping Dept.
G-BROWNING.-K. C., Barris- given. "� Bay at the sudden death of Mr. A. • 1-
r Ler.Solicitor,Notary uWic. Annee'Bik.. Balt for sale DUMBARTON. Blight, the well known Toronto sing-
AEA. is now In
hnssedlatelwest of Post Office,Dundas street, _ er who had his summer home here
�lhkby. House phone 386, office phone 392. mbar years.
CHAS, A. WHITE. Mr. Nobes is erecting a.porch at for number of
EATON as ROSS—Barristers. So- the back of his house. p . pleasant afternoon was spent by „4u11 blast
_�� uu��ttess
Northern Ontario- BvildiM sso Suosessor to late W. G. Barnes Miss Minnie Bennett spent the the members 9f St. Georges Wo-
9_=VToronto. Phone Mark 8420 mans Guild when they were the -
W yr� Beaton holiday at Penetanguishene. _
r,.J.1',Rosa• Adelaide 2787 Mr. and Mrs.*Towers and Miss guests of Mrs. Wm. O'Brien at a
birthday tea to celebrate the second
Roofing Material ! Field are holidaying at Rosebank'this year of,the organization. Mrs. T. G. law ready to buy
erg, Solicitors etc.. 213-214 Ceonfed autumn. Mansfield, president of the Guild, cut - new crops
�Building, Corner Yonga and Rich- Miss Ethel Blenkin has returned
6 z British Columbif► Shinitles home, having spent a pleasant boli- ,the birthday•cake, which was decor- E A Tr Pickering office open Wednesday and 3 z " " ated wi4h two candles and contained
Batntday evenings. Phone Piclt. 8600. Ste .. dray in Detroit.
No. 2 8 and 6z _ fortune telling charms. A shower
Our pupils and others Bre looking way ven on this occasion for the
Dental forward to the school fair .next Tues- A�D'
day, September 18th. Baby Booth of the GuildIg Annual �-
TORONTO ASPHALT Miss Mar Bazaar, and many pretty gifts wereARL
LANE B. BEATON• D. D. 8.. y Anderson has return- t
Graduatefq! the Royal Colelge of Dental ROOFING ed from Wassaga Beach,having spent received.
8ttrseorta sad University or To:on:o, Office Murray's 18 in., 32 in. and 86 inch a month or six weeks there. WHITEVACa- and will a the highest rice.
everMutd.elt's Gonfecti store, Whitby, pay 8 P
I�ee hours 9 to 12 :l wo8n Iad;phoae 6. widtlta, 4 in 1 Shingles ; also
6leltphoae220. -- 441y Metal' Valley' and WHrTEvat-E. The Women's Institute -of White- �.
Ridge Roll. vale were honored at their Septem-
'IIkTEIL 0,SMITH. D. D. 9., L. D.8,1 - Mrs. Cammack,. of..Chicago, is ala- ber meeting by having as their guest
ON Royal
oil to Dr. J. N.Dales?, Graduate of Material, or will,give price on itir,rz Mrs. Hick 5 :sirs. Will Pugsley, -of, To- _�
Rhe Royal College of Dental surgeons and uateToron-of speaker,
Ro University. At Claremont of9ce over D. A. finished job. Miss Fereusan, of Port Parr_:. i� i.^. t :
0 A - L
Scott's store every Tuesday and Frida Phone y rorto, Mrs. Yug .gip .outiiri d in a
Stoaft 10-11. 2 tf �I+CKERIN charge of tl e ser.:or division of the very clear and concise manned a short
— -- _ �•� -.:in pa.�lic school. —
ERBERT T. FA LLA ISE, L D S,. • • W'. J. Beaton, of Toror4o, and Dr. h``tcr} bf the temperance moveinert.
D.D.S., Graduate of the Royal College or in this province, arid a surJey of the A good supply of Hard and Soft
L TMB� YARD B B. BPa*on, o€ VChitby', and their pp y
a surgeons and the Univ re,Flickering.
of Toronto. �+ f am ie c pa present situation.:, with.a vers strong
OfficaabovcJ,S.Balsdon'setore,Pickerrng,Ont. .pent the week-end with the appeal to women to do their utmost Coal on hadd. Also a supply ,L
fH6ce hours: 9 a m to b p, m., or by appo int- r > ro^.t� here.
sant. P'hoaePick 3700. 431 to protect homes and families from of Kindling Wood, '
._ y THE MINING MAREET Frark are and children,
and`Mrs+• p stove length.
' the great evil which no-Ar exists, She
iyusttssyis QL4teDs. Clare Cooper and cnlldren, of! Wind believes the open bar would be pre- 5
�.� sor, are the ¢::gists of M. R. and Mrs. - l2tf Phone Pick. 1700 t
1dL]ZABIf'I H RICHARD80*I— We buv and sell, furnish quotations ferabie to Government Control be-
_ Parks and other friend, here. cause intelligent DONALD MUNRO, PICKEKING
and ioformation,on all Eluted and gent men and wome.�
As F•ire and automob,it wautance of all kinds, Mrs. Hugh Pugh spent a few days Unlisted !!fining Stocks, used to be ashamed to drink at the
Irepr++esting compatueof wild financial .tared- last week with. her parents, Mr. and bar who now do so shamelessly io � �qkl� �
Qtts, We will be pleased to advise what Mrs Geo. B. Meadows, of Toronto, their own homes. As women- form L. d�I
storks to�uv or to bold,or }
GEORGE KEAY—Licensed auction- who came out with her on Sunday ty p Building and General
what stuck to sell. six per cent. of the voting power
err. Alton Live stock and general solea and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs.
08ents are making mon-y by of this province ,much responsibility Contractlog.
y attended to Term, reasonable R Pugh Estimates furnished on all classes
a vale, Phone•Stand coos. 61.4 following our advice. rests sith them, and there is much
- -" Our loo experience in minin ex- Mrs, Harold Pugh, tubo has been ,
---- R �' g' F ndin the summer herewith,Jud- that the Women's Institute can db of work—Interior and Exterior.
FiPOSTILL. Licensed Auctioneer, Pe q Alterations and repairs.
, ro+ ODUAMON of k.ne oaa.rlo sae- tending over a period of twenty son and Mrs. Pugh, and her relatives 4n the matter ct education on this _ r
lloaasNs of at1 kinds •ssennad co os ssostssr
years. allows us to give sound advice subject. Chimneys Built Concrete Work.
sores• Addrass Girfam JUmrw P o,, ooc, on the investment feature of a mine In Arx:aster, left on Thursday last The meeting was held at the home ;i
for her home in New York, and spent Phone Pickering Vill
or the speculative feature of a pros- p of Mrs. Hugh Pugh and there was a ere
B.lBF,ATON TOWNBHIPOLESH a few days with friends in Hamilton. FAIRPORT, ONTARIO t
peetive mining venture. splendid attendance in spite of the
• 0m+e•suss oeomiraKoo te•r loom on her way home ;
sxWavlss. sawmr.os. •ra. tgnostr w login HOLLOWAY. MILLS dt 00. threatening weather. Mrs. Cooper,
(k30 new �t'sO's o Janesis4s IIw Members of Standard BROCK ROAD, of Windsor, rendered a piano solo I
S El ( L EI S
r Inness• T-, Stock Exchange. very acceptably, and the vocal solo
JJ Id, HAW, LICENSED AUC- Members of the Montreal Seth Badgerow has engaged with of Mrs. Tran was very fitting for tho ;,Nova Scotia 8bin les
II 7 TIONEER,for York,Ontario and Durham Mining Exchange. W• C. Willson for a month. occasion, This meeting will long be Galt Galvanized Steel Rbingiee
Counties, All ttndr of shim p v=ptty attended Office and Board Room.Ground Floor, James Tripp visited friends near remembered as one of special inter- Bird's Felt$late Shingled
w Tiros els' Date fell sales way be Metropoiltan Building. Ballantrae over the holiday.vrares4 at 'Office. Bell roe todepes._ i3 Y• est and inspiration. for sale nt
'dost psoras• Whitby.Oot. gay Mrs. Thos. Knox is slightly better
Phones : Adelaide 8371 and 6872 this week. We hope the improvement Call and get prices. Phone 2818
may continue. Mr. Eddis has his sister visiting Twine George Id -tri and family, S day
THE RURAL him at present. Q
awn, visited friends herr Qi Sunday LAW l7
and Monday last. T. C. and Mrs. Brown spent a few
SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. day% last week in the city.
OF John Knox, arrived some time Frien3s from Acton were with the G
oh_ nox A i� A C� E 1
ago from B.C. to see his sick mother, Perryman familyover the week-end.
'tel ^ '. Real Rotate and Iaspraoce. has returned home. y
�llj$u Miss Grace Bisbie, of Hamilton The Everest Family, of Toronto, re We are prepared to do all kinds w
Farm Properties► Specialty. Hos ltal stab, is spending a few days cently visited with Thomas and •Miss of repairing of cars, also bat-
Hospital g Gammage. tery charging, electric
in l! lb. and 8 lb. balls. Head OBice:ms 214 Confederation here with her sister, Mrs. F. R. Jack Miss Shaughnessy and other friends welding and in fact
Life Building. Toronto.
son, from Toronto were guests of , Mrs. everything in mn-
Geo. and Mrs. Longmire and fam- 3
Phone Mala 1960. Philip on Sunday. _ . section with
Perfeu ily, of Toronto, who spent two w-eeka car work.
ction Oil Friends from Montana; who- -were
Brssch Office: Gordon Building. at the Wild Widows have returnee+ - - -
StQ Pickering Ontario. on .a motor trip and taking in the Gap, Oils, Grease and Accessorise
oves, . - Phone 0800. 26tr home' Toronto Exhibition, spent Sunday with on.hand constant! _
School re-opened in due form on y
. • Tuesday of last week with Miss Leigs Thomas and Mrs, Beer. Call and see our Catalogues of
J�780 i supply of. Misses Helen Barclay and Kathleen
f B� pp Y TrnE TdBL$--Pickering 8falion in rile chair. Why not cut the weeds McKinnon have returned to their du- Dodge and Star Cars., •.-.,`- --
T•R. Trains going Iles*due as follows,; on the school grounds and be up-to-
Other Hardware, ilio.- 10 !fail 7MA M. date? ties at Wellesley Hospital,with-
onto,their T AWS GARAGE flA('��'
28 Local- 1+.66 P.M. after a pleasant holiday with' their LAWS VKn tics
Frank " WkIter H. Jackson are
Phone 4600. s0 Local 5.24 P.Y on a fishing tour to northers point:. people here. AND SERVICE STATION
train, 8.815 A.M. Mrs. Frank Jackson and daughter, The Women's Institute' will hold _ _ t
E�ii.1�11� �jjQQQv Trains gong Wset due as follows— their regular meeting at the home of
sail+ v SHB i June Rose, are,,durir>p Mr. Jackson's
Ifo. 26 Local 9.28 A.M. Mrs. M. B. Burk on Tuesday, Septa School Opening
•' 27 Lo°al 2.26 P.M. absence, staying with W. H. and Mrs. 18th, at 2.30• p.m. The WhitevWe 2 :
PICSERINGF •04 9 !fail 908P, M. Jackson. ladies will be their questa. s
Sunday train, 8.32 P. M. GREENWOOC. ' The W. M. S. of �St. John's Church (] G `1
. . .
If you in the class of the wise LPoregoing is according to Standard will meet at tFie' home of Mrs. John ,
would excel time, Died, at Greenwood, on Thursday, Miller on Thursday afternoon, Sept.
And stand with the beet at the top; September 6th, 1928, Jennie Devitt, 20th. All the ladies of the congre-
CIJAREMONT. Rife of James Byers, in her 70th ation are invited to attend
Then rea3-what the merchf►ots so year. The late Mrs. Byers was the q A number from here attended the ��..'� s
carefully tell secon9 daughter of the late John and �7Gi,�0 Self-filling F
And shop where they ask yon to CI4EAME'14Y ! q funeral of the late- Mrs, Byers, of
Mrs. Devitt. She resided in this Greenwood on. Saturday last. Being Fountain Pen
neighborhood all her life. When: a a life-long resident of this neighbor- t
comparatively young woman, some hoot! she was well.known and highly 24 g, old point, old banded. , � '` �?"
MATTRESSES Highest rice Aid for
-thirty-five or thirty-six years ago, esteemed b all. The sorrowing fain-
K P g
OF COMFORT Dream at the she contracted rheumatism, ' from ily have the sincere symathy of _guaranteed
wh'rh she never recovbred, and dur.- their many friends.
When you are considering new Claremoa t Creamer ing those many years sat in an in- A special Harvest I'iome Service ?
matUimses, your thoughts natur_ valid's chair, unable to help herself 'will be held in St. John's United Y
in any way. Although she must have Church on Sunday, Sept. 3rd, at the "
idly turn W our store. Let tie5c Leather. Bound
Gi>re no a trial and be convinced suffered a great deal of pain very regular hour of 2.30 o'clock stand-
: show you the great values we ere -- few outside the family circle heard g
offering: _ MILLS , y and time. a concert will be given on Webster 8
FLMDALE any complaints. She was always Moniay evening, September 24th, by -
eAn all felt mattress$7.50 and 8.50; bright and cheerful.and retained her the Danforth United Church Orch- Dietio�ery � ^.
otherti at 10.00, 1250. 16.00, 26.00. =p+rOgZ=N� memory until the last: She leaves to estra. Watch out for posters. `
Examine the quality of ticking.
mourn her death a sorrowing bus- •� •, (880 pagee)
f3oB-epeinp;•fUled Marshall Mat-
band, two sons, Fred and Stanley,. SALE REG16TEM ;
tress,in A. C,A. ticking. 26.00, ani a daughter, Mrs. Perry Wilson ]Rothwr
Window Shades, Congoleum Rage
For Pastry sae none of whom can forget the mother Saturday, September 22nd— Auction r
sad LinQlenm slwayo that required so much of their care sale of 10 colts feed cattle,
on hand. Our. Royal Brand and attention for so many years. springers, and 50 hogs, at lot 88, $1195 0
Beside r family, three brothers can. 6, Pickering Township ((near
y fa ily p
s Wm. J. Devitt, of Brooklin; Greene River), the pr rty of John
- wt your Grocer'*. survive, qpe
Robert ,of Brougham, and John, of A. White. Sale at 1.30, rain or
C A Sterrift Farmers who have wheat:get your Toronto. Her remains were conveyed shine, Mark your calendar.' F.
g t flour made from your own 'to Salem Cemetery on Saturday af- Postill, auctioneer. (,let rifle while the last
wheat. We can ternoon, after a short service at the Wednesday, September 19th. =Auc- _ y
grind it. me, conducted by Rev. Mr. Smart. tion sale of farm stock, implements, at
furs Dealer andl ho
Fan csl Director, During the service Mrs. L .Pegg ren• and real estate, the property of
Feed of all kinds-Ohiekgq Meed, dered very sweetly that familiar the estate of the late Isaac Haver *Ones, Eh-uSton,
hen feed, chop, millfdbd, hymn, "Some Day We'll Understand" Lincolnville, two and one-half milei~ J
F. -I P C_- E G N E
•:9Phone 1800 The many flowers and the large corn north of Stouffville, lot 11, con. 10,
—Chopping every week-day. — course of- people showed the high Uxbridge. No reserve. Sale at Phone BBDO
k t >7
Qke r r, -�IIten9 r esteem in which she was held in the one o'clock. George Keays, euc- P14 en , a
(�+ 7�. N. S_rOCKWOCZ` neighborhood. tioneer.- �ng OII �0
. :
'a.0.." w.-_... ': /. ,..` y^ ..'.:. '.a.. ... ".. .. ... .•. rF �o%� i"t[i
:-•. "lt6r:, 4.:•.. .G. n .. w...,, • -,:..: '' :a:"�.' .'y d.+'u •,a. .,, a Rs.'u. ,'*:7 'YC''+ v'�•?t�
y a..,'h .�,r, �'.6 •. �:In �•,-�r4n;,�+•,,y+'tA,.;.... r. .... , :q; ,, _, :« •�. `°'i r.,rh" h Y - rid, .,:+.;. '1-' Y h4.. 1-a+may.,^•i '.7s..t;} ..rix '� '1„�k''•
e,;y. :... ,. . .� r �"',+�,�,�, �'* -�,. .. ..�.._... .- .�..�.,- :�...�. s. �,w� ! •.a• a..�. `��.mc'�:u�rl«Su.�• tw�• s:,. -,._n .'�• �.,. .i':,.•w. µ?�«.�
1.., �. ,,.;:il+'y.ti. a•'v'Yyz TQyp7 _"ra... ...:wY... ... u', w.,.._ ,.. R - �.`T
or Inversion each as octose with the • - • '
England's Bus De Luxe U.S. Biul�ill!@� is
h� New
• • common plough. That is to say, tn',
;, 3 »� � w 4 stubble land the stubble is miaed with
kz, the_lumpy soil. A AfiY-Sore Summer
Truth�u�iness M Behind Domini
Ysllo�v that had become covered with Comparisons Show Canadian
pw a strong growth of weeds was plough _
.� y ;Conditions Well Ahead
How the Up-to-dAte Biogtap- ,, ed to a _depth,, of four inches by
€+ " 7%-toot machine In two days' time.
,her Slates His Hero For Fear_ _
E The opinion 1"s expruaeed' by the
"Btiogtaphy moat first of all be rx j superintendent that, where sawflies
trtlrthital" • So declared not long ago ;�y!i • ,r: a �a are present ploughing down �iy this RAIILWAY TRAFFIC
one of the beat known of our can- machine may- have a tendency .to ...
I temporary critics I suppose it in spread these inaects, which, when Ottawa. Comparisons between
t accordance with this idea that a new turned_ down with the ordinary business conditions in the United-:
iv: fashion has grown up in the art of plough, ate largely destroyed. One States. and Canada continues to show
writing biographies In old-days, of its advantages is to reduce.the.time an advantage on the side of the Do-
the w point of biography was to +' and labor cost of preparation for sec- minion, according to official informs•
ehuw t a wonderful fellow the nd-year crops after summer fallow. tion available here. There have been
r' man was who was being biographed. ° By hastening the spring work it is some recent signs of increasing ac-
If he was a solider, he had to win R possible to get at the summer failow.'tivfty in the American Republl'c,.and
` eery battle. If he was a statesman, " earlier and.-make a better'job of.the I predictions are 'now being made that
� 4 k , fr the second halt of the
he had to be wiser than all the others r< , c ,,, W ?.. : :; ,� field. Year in that
' put together. Ii he was an orator, 3;„ ,c � ;;; i <, .°,,, .,. . 'f I country will give better results than,
ro. a.. .
? ' he was supposed to leave the legisla- y A NEW TYPE OF POWER BINDER the first half. Canada, nevertheless.
;tune gasping with .admiration and -TO BLEEP AN FROM LIVERPOOL TO LONDON cutting a ten-
A power grain binder cu g still stands in decidedly better shape
codled up in heaps on the floor. First sleeping coach of Albatross Roadways Limited, which gives a !foot swath was given a trial•at the than the United Staten, the prosperity'
Nowadays this is all changed. Under regular service, with cosy accommodation for 12 passengers and 'a kitchen Swift" Current Experimental Station oY the early months of the year being
" the influence of what is called histo,- last year. This machine is operated now exceeded in many lines.
the task of the new with asteward. - I One of the fields in which compar!• -
9cal research, by a tractor that drives the machinery
biographer is to prove what a pitiful —.------ ---- —- from Its .own power.. It proved par- son is being made is that of railway
. limp hia subject really is. Take, for return from Japan in his old age.eas-�_ _ traffic where carloadings are available -
titularly useful in heavy crops that
examples the fallowing extract from fly fell into a garrwlous way of talk- �j,, were lodged and tangled which would to the and of the third week in Aug- .
' The Real Washington, 1928, ?00 pp. ins of his sixgposed discovery of Am- J Notes
have been slow and difficult to handle ust. According to these figures, which
$25.00. erica. Columbus was long supposed 1 with the ordinary binder driven by a are for the week ending August 18 in
_ __ _ _ both countries, Canadian traffic was
UFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON to have been buried in Havana, but i 1 ground wheel, whit!}, under,a heavy moving on a higher level than in the
modern research has proved that this THE CONTROL OF PESTS load, would slip and stay the ma-
written according to the new „ ; chinery. This new type of machine,corresponding week last year, while
style of searchlight biography). was his cousin _ "_.
DID BRUCE SPY THE SPIDER, f The greatest menace. to agriculture United States traffic was on a lower
was capable of harvesting from .0 to-;
•"This poor sap was born in Virginia is the large number of insect pests 30 acres a day, depending on the con-I relative level. This comparison repre-
$a 1732. The twenty-second of Feb-
seats eves when the modern re--which, wtth•very little encouragement, dition of.the, crop. In the report of
The the general ire d of the year. -
rtbarp, generally held to be such, is search student has not quite finished spread at an alarming rate. These the station for last year, published by Stripe January there have been only
a = Irrobabdy an erroneous date. Professor with the biography business, he still are particularly prevalent and persist- the Department of Agriculture, Ot--!four weeks in .whish Canadian traffic
Searchit, in an admirable paper on haA another mission to fulfill. One by ant in gardens, and unless Control taws, the superintendent remarks has been lower than a year earlier, -
Washington As We Don't Know Him one he takes up the pretty legends of measures are instituted soon make that with standing crops and dry wea-'-While in the United States It has been
a !. presented to the Historical Grouch history and rewrites them .so as to crops of vegetables and flowers a total they the advantages of this machine .almost steadily beluW last year. The..:.
Society of America, expresses the show that there is nothing in them. loss, over the ordinary horse-drawn binder United States' returns have, however,
inion that Washington was born im Every body who read in his child- Injurious insects may be divided,. been making a better showing,of late,
�P were not marked, although he points
August or perhaps in November, hood the story of Bruce and the spider roughly, into two classes, by the na out it may be operated for longer days and during the last six weeks" bane
"Recent researches into the history I thrilled with the noble example of un- ture of their mouth parts, "biting" Indicated an improvement over a year.
� in favorable weather. -
of the Washington family show them beaten eaurage-itt-in --Th' pAl- !ns}efta which bite and chew their ago, -
to have been people of little account,lant Scottish king in a mood of des- tool, such as cutwrorms, leaf- eating BUY CANADIAN GROWN BULBS ` General Trend
—in fact a poor lot A William 1 pair sits watching the heroic efforts beetles, etc., and "sucking" insects, The Canadian returns for the week
Canadian bulks are rapidly div- :
c Henry Washington was expelled from of the spider gs it triesbutevery- which Suck upj their food by means ending August 18 gave a movement
+ Princeton Col]'ege in 1720 and a John body knows the story. of their beaks, such as aphids, the plating Holland grown stock, and the of G8,31 carloads as compared -with -
r Washington from Harvard in 1690. Here is what is left of it after the true bugs, the scale insects, etc. For reason for this is apparent. British i
Either of these could have been modern research biographer has got the first a stomach poison is necessary Columbia grown bulbs have been test-'
63,383 !n the. corresponding week of
ed 1n every piro'liice-oi the Dominion
1927. The cumulative figure up to -
s Washington's father or grandfather, !n his work upon it: and for the second a�0sntact-tn3ecti- August 18 this year was 2,136,000 car- _
or both. "The legendary story in rell to tide. on the Experimental- Farms, and in;August
s ra'etieally every ,case the verdict was loads- as compared with 2.005.000 last
"Legend has grown up around the the spider has been shown by the . "Insects of. the Flower Garden and D year.
"as good" and in some cases "better"
first president's boyhood. It is now diligent efforts of modern students Their Control' is a new bulletin of than imported bulbs. These figures reflect up-to-date eon-
: "g` definitely established that he never I to be without foundtation. In the the Department of Agriculture, No, These results, are fully .outlined 1n Id and also'the general trend dor,
�. _
-. tut dewy a cherry tree, never had an first place, it is quite erroneous to 99—new series. This may be had tag the year.
sae, and probably lied as often aru3 say that 'King Bruce of Scotland laid on application to the Publications Bulletin ND. 95, "39me Flowering
Bulbs," which may be had on applica- In the United States, where the fig-
as successfully as any wholesome and!himself down, in a weary mood to Branch. Department of Agriculture, tion to_ the Publications 'Branch, De-j urea are naturally on a much' larger
clean-minded youth. I think'; there is-abundant evidence to OttaR'a. and in it will be found a very
artmeat of Agriculture, Ottawa, Scalg.t he weekly loadings as of Aug-
Is earlier career. espe- show that at this time Bruce's eneriies full treatise on the cultural practices. D lust 18 were 1,056,000 cars in 1927:
d lly on the arilitary side, has beenI+cere chasing him around so feat that for the control of Insects, also the Tulips, narcisses, hyaetnth, crocus,
etc„ are bulbs that are planted to the There was. thus, a falling off of 10,000-
- the subject of gross mialmot sentation. it was out of the question for him to formulae for Insecticides and the ivay; I cars as between.movements for the.
-We know now that he did r# serve I sit down.- let -alone to la him�a:f to apply them. Arthur Gibson, Do-! tall, and whether for the garden or
y two years. The loadings, moreover.
minion Entomologist, hag covered the I the house orders should De'placed im
,- artist Bzaddock, as it has been proved j down. I mediately. The bulletin referred to Soy the corresponding week !n both
a that at the time of Braddock's defeat "M-reover, Professor J. A. Thomp-, control of destructive Insects In a 1926 and 1925 were higher than those..
Washingtear was carrying on a saloon son, of Aberdeen, has proved that the very full and complete manner la this I gives suggestions and advice on soil, :
p� � I fertilizers, culture, etc., and in addl. ,�of the current year.
saki livery business; at Acquis Creek. spider was unknown at that time in bulletin, and the work is fully illus A circumstance In connection with
I tion lists the best varieties by color,
"The part played by Washington in i FeWand, having been brought in by traced. Th of o .these figures which to perhaps not
--JRA y revolutionary strut le has been I the English after the Union. It has given om chap a very common
lent Ib uls, generally apDrecf$ted fa that ilia Can-
:--the tevo fa greatly exaggerated. National prideialso been established that 'apiders do -FARM MACHINERY -. K D adian returns are .published several
in the foundation of our people has not climb and- reclimb a silken cob- New types of farm machinery are days ahead of those of the United
led to a false view of his exploits.!web clue' from any sense of heroism tin, which also contains many !lluaira-
P tried out every year at the Experimen-+ States. The Canadian figures-given
The saner military criticism of today Ior determination, a feeling which is I tloav, including a colored piste of Dar- . -
tai Farina and Stations. At the Swift!.win tulips,—Issued by the Director of:above are those which were issued on
shows tie that, as • general, Wash- quite unknown to them. They prob-I Current Station in Saskatchewan the Publicity. Domtion Department of Saturday. The United States figures
`Itneton was a w9sh-0ut- It seems ably merely wish to get to the top, (results of a test With a new type of Agriculture, Ottawa. were published only on Wednesday
iastablished that he let the entire Brit- "And, in conclusion, it was not Rot
disc plough are given in the report of _ and have just become available here.
Ifs$i forces, both naral -and military, ert Bruce,'but.An ue Bruce, who saw, the superintendent of this station for —'r O
lalip out of his hand and get back to not a strider clirckinir. but some other the year 1927, which is available at The Empire and a Policy
Engisnd, while the escape of 50,000 animal doing something else." I the Publications Branch, Department London htSays Canada Lies
Uo-cailed loyalists out of the country I Etiening Standard; The
r - ANI! SO WITH ALL THE REST of Agriculture, Ottawa. This machine •
moat be laid to his account And it is with all the other works tike a dlae harrow. It consists froblema with which we are op Br1�8�1 products
"As president Washington showed of a series of discs 20.to 24 inches in Dressed In Great Britain cannot be
beautiful legends, lives and stories solvel In Great Britain alone. We
In office the slams fatal Ineptitude as 1 diameter attachedito a frame carried• _
.on the fleld. He selected his cabinet Madera research is washing them all 1 here have spent much of our energy j Toronto Speaker"Assures 1n
nut King Alfred didn't burn the I on wheels. For ploughing the discs'
at random without reference to par- cakes: Oh, dear, no! Research Showa are set at an angle of about 30 de•!in pervious ages (and the energy dustrials .That Com-
Hie speeches are said to have that.Alfred trod worked as s French green from the line of travel, and i spent is adequately represented In petition is.Welcome
been drivel, while Ma "social appear- the! at fife court of Charlemagne. throw the soil In one direction. The j the figures of tt:e national debt) !n ; ;
ante was rendered ridiculous by his 4 Caesar didn't say. "et tu, Brute!';`widths of cut varies from 6 to 10 feet building up something that is greater Toronto= Members of the Federa
_ extreme shortness of stature and by and the rate of travel depends on the than ourselveq alone. Our motives tion of British Industries party
lirda excessive stoutness, which in- he merely said, Who hit me that in that process were often mistaken which is touring Canada met repro-
,,, power and speed, of the tractor and
ereated from year to year. His con- „ » . y :: .the depth of the cut. A ten foot
and often disappointed. For that yea-!eentative' Ontario business mea ah s
.__9*{sation__4Winrr.ng always with the' And to think that we are paying plough, it is shown, is capable of cov i son the economic unity of the Em luncheon at the Royal Canadian
verde 'When I licked the Cornwalle, raoney, "public and private, to ertr-g 30 acres in a terf•hour day. The pons ire h�hitttled away,s been In cand.i unless we ' Yacht Club. An under current of
:- —is Paid to have been dull. keep r soil is left in a lumpy condition which s me ad, re%se ataading was evident In_
keep those research students at work. can discover a new fruitful use for the ad`reaaes.
"On the other hand. it should bel hcn Leacock In The Mon- Rill not drift readily. All the soil is
,"remembered that Washington wea airI—By Stip rut, but there is no complete turning it, will he cast altogether away. I A, n, Ct:ope:', c'a-rmati of.the To-
f' excellent card player, sittirrR down tT� Standard. routo Brrnch of-the Canadian Manu
3 " after breakfast to a game of poker factui ars tatAssnot
onon. who >3reCan&-
from which he.seldosn rose till after declared teat not only would Cana-
xY ;Irrid`rrv_h't. Ir religion he belonged to ;•than manufacturers receive. gladly, _
the Catvation Army." Br
itiah products which are not msnu-
e` factured in Canada,
would welcome competition in their
own lines from British industrial
When it is not possible for the new `
lutriniate a man's
biographer to caconcerns:
:whole life, becauseit .is not widely Col. W.- H. Price, Attorney-General
�� Y i of. Out representing the Ontario
known anyway, he fastens, upon his
� ' ,y �• �
told the British reprea-
-hialill achievemert and de= entatives that they world not find the
rsiee that it ever happened. Here, for. ,
t=; itrstance, is the kind of thing the bio- Cagadian market an easy one to en--
dies to ttto immortal Chris- Iter, but 1 e asserted .that it they put
t forth sufficient effort, they would find
topher: " :� it a tremendously prgiitabte one.
"It was long widely believed -that .
_ Christopher Columbus d':e`overed
America. The painstaking researches I Markets and Military Defence
of modern scho'ars have Borne far to ,
disprove tt>: Chicago Tribune: The United
his. Colurnbua may have
t =`discovered something, but it was cer- States is told that it may not, a
ts4nly not Awl-�rica- All that we creditor nation, close its marketss to
"-...know for sure is that Columbus sailed The
w'orld's goods or its fields to the
t' from the harbor of Palos with three world's labor. The American Stan-
r -
eltips in 1492, and that he came back da
rd of living depends on these re-
Brix months later and said that he had atrictions. Their defense, in ,last e•
lost two of his ships and that he had
'• sort is national military defense. .
been to Japan. He w" Riven more The United States can ill afford to
now when !t contains so
r' ships and made by the Spanish king �ro ~ = drop its guard at any time and ter-
XW queen grand admiral of Japan. E. W. Beatty, chairman and president of the Canadian Pacific nallway, photographed at the C.P.R. Station, North fainly not
! :'After two more voyages to Japan he Toronto, recently together with the party of business me i and directors of the company who are accompanying bim much that ie desirable restricted to
r .,reti•red. I on an extended inspection of the railway's lines and r4etivt lea throughout the Dominion. From left to right:—A. D. use of Its own citizens by protecting
"Columbus, in stature And appear- MacTier, vice-president, eastern lines, Dr. W. W. Chipm tn.Hon. Senator Smeaton White, Ross H. McMaster, C.P.R. walls and prohibitory taws- -
<-ance� seems to have been as awful director and president of the Steel Co. of Canada, Slr Char ea Gorden, director of the C.P.R. and president,
Bank of
;little rurA. He was apparently quiteMontreal, W. A. Black, C.P.A. director, E. W. Beatty, fair Herbert Holt, C.P.R. director and president of the Royal Life ie a one-way str+st.•and you're
of navigation., had no idea
�Ihety 10 was wDing to, and on his t BanM of Canada. F W. Molson, C.P.R. director and Bewdtt.. Leman, general manager Banque Canadienne Nationale.. not comtn; back
- ,.:` � : ' .. .. .' . • S+'E ",� •["gaff' t
'..a^^, n. '... .�,py' , • .,. '/. „' p: 'i.lse '.a—.q� -� 1� a.B d.Y t4,.
.. a..' •t e,.d;v .,. i :-.' '..+..,t .. ..ci 4;'»nri n.,.: -.,r ,�Aa '.:.: sioc� .s,ti, c.: �, •.Km'r.- :�dr+. »,'
' 'i •'t���'�,41�,�g�k.."-,.4Y t�"3:=,�y,,yS-'�L..-,s•,,cc,a�,`,�.,.'"„e�3:�4i 6�r.^t,, tY;<i` ,y;Yh: r•- .�t,cWa:r.. �',�" _-•� .��.,, i:�-a '-'a.. .., :...::• .:.,r � .::.. ..;� -sM'
PV7 1�'.1 —6rf--V-�y
:F I A
ne 'Morning Nevis-Bby
-MM' MOTHERS Before the city rises from Its bed,
Or the first smoke` !s to the sky lip-
`'. THM curled.
Ile comes, that we may know what's
thought and said,
And- done; in any* corner of the
Baby's -Own Tablets Are Fine A4.
for Nervous, SleeplessLL
I never saw e
w him, as I have never seen
Th@ pqw�er that opens and closesth6
is good tea
From Canada the fame of Baby's'
gates of day
weather. or foul or'
7.� But snow or, rain;. eather
Own Tab.1eis spreading' over the
world. Mothers recommend them to clean,
and wherever they This youthful toiler is early On his If want the vwy bowt� "]k 77
other. mothers Y(M
are tried nothing but words of Pralse
&r P
are heard for these pleasant tasting
little tablets that 'promptly relieve I He ends the Isolation of the night—
the minor ailments of young children. In ckan. bright Aluminwn
We wake; the very world !a at our
"Baby's Own Tablets are one of,the doors!
best remedies for children's ailments
I have- ever, used," 'says Mrs. r Cla"ified Advertisements
Arthu No - Stockings
T. Allen. of Auburn, Me. "MY little �0OLICE ?UPS—REGISTETt=
girl,was nervous',and could not sleep. and females. Ship anywhore.
Since Its inception the Le of -
ague a. Go., Cobourg, Ont.
I tried the Tablets and she was re
't 'lleved at once. She was also troubled Nations.,has.been brought'up againstILL THE X0V=—PlOXrJM DI&
with constipation and nothing seemed Syinptoms That the 'Blood Is many peculiar problems, but recently HTANQ_3 movers of Canada.
L padded vaas. Now Equi a
to help ftr. I had used the Tablets it faced a new one that. absolutely I=Y methods. Two
but a short time b' for hei bowels Mine. *Alah6moud' Samy pash-1, - Thin Should-Not be Neglected. staggered the members. Three ladies every trip. . All loads Insured. B*yo
before beautiful young Egyptian, One of the 1� Weak, run-down, lacking strength, appeared with credentials for en- sc- skill and cam Before 1*4
were regulir. ' All mothers should molmorlot.11 no or wire and rover" the
keep Baby's Own Tablets In the house, first to discard the veil in 192-3, is energy and ambition, neryous, sleep- trance from one of the most Influen- eharroL Read office, Hamilton On
for they are a valuable remedy. wife Of the envoy of King Fund in less, poor appetite, digestion disturb- tial members of the League. They cRn&d&- Hill the Mover.
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all Washington.. ed—these are -the symptoms named wore no stockings', but the usher who
'druggists or will be mailed on receipt by a- great majority of people 'who tried to bar their entrance found him-
A Glasgow —An whose business and
of price. 26 cents per box, by The Dr. have been benefitted by the use of Dr. a,elf powerless, in view of their creden- private reputation would not have
Williams— Medidlne tials, to do so. They remained stood too much scrutiny ultimately
Co.. Brockville, Williams' Pink Pills. . These tonic a serious
Ont WhySome Hate pills 6or'reci' the condition described throughout the session, and it is re- found'himself'in the dock on
ported by cable-that the Council was charge. But his lawyers played their
the Church and If�you have any of t�bse symp so slly that the judge dis-
London Bombed toms you should give these pills a plainly upset and that the members Parts killfu
'Xappa in-the'Nation and Athenaeum 'trial. Their great value In cases of seemed abstracted. missed the case, telling the accused
dinints !this ki statement This Will never do. .if•the delibera- that he "left the dock without a stain
(London): (Londun was "devastated" Dislike of the Ten Common is shown by the scat ague are tions of the Leto, be brought on his character. On leaving the
the air manoeuvres last mouth.) In what explains the indifference of the
and its population gassed wholesale In rather than opposition to*theology Is !Of' Mrs.- James A. Tibbetts, Halifax, through the absence of building one of his cronies approached
w'bo says:—"I was completely to such a pass stockings, then it would seem only. , him and remarked: "Man. Jamie, did p,
another war any city that Is attacked so-called intellectuals to 'the Church. run down In health. My, blood was I proper to draft a protocol. requiring YOu.,hear what his lordship said about
from the air will very quickly be made believes Dr. Frederick Lynch. who Is !thin and watery, and my nerves so all and sundry feminine. visitors to your character? Wasn't it a darned
uninhabitable, If there to any thought. himself a writer.of some note and had that I did not sleepwWell at-night. good.Job you were arrested, you lucky
about It all that would appeal to the eminent among the 16ade'rs of feligi- my appetite was poor and the least wear gtockings in,addition to their or
of,Job, It. Is the rellectlon that ons thought. - Dr. Lyneb, writing in exertion left me weak and trembling. dinary attire, at least while In the dog-P"
rl I went out I would have a Be. League chambber or. Ia. the purlieus'
,the next war will be suddenly and de- "The Ch stlan Herald" (New York), of the League offices. The fashion of "Honeymoon,- Salad" "Let as"
vastatingly destructive of civilian life says he Is acquainted with most of Tere Waebe, and would have to 110
going stockingleas In the summertime alone,
that it cannot-r.o on long. And e*en the novets which deal with the strug- down as soon as I got in the house. was introduced In Now York some
this consolation is precarious; for the gle between faith and doubt. ortbo.!A friend advised me to try Dr. Wil
result might be not peace, but anarchi- doxy anal modernism, and he regards ne'd somewhat
Bums' Pink Pills. I soon found they years ago, and has gal FREE BOOK
tical confusion. the treatment of the problem as an were helping me and by the time I In favor, though it Is not likely ever. CAN C E R sent On R*4u*St
had taken "the sixth box I felt Like a to become-widegpread'or popular. Af-
indipation that the public has not lost ter all. It is merely a harking back to Tells cause of cancer and what to do
new woman. and hale enjoyed good
Its interest In religion. These books. ; for pain, bleeding, odor. etc. Write
-The Peace Pact health ever since. For this on I' the practice of two thousand years
he says, are full of the difficulties ' reason
for It to-day, mentioning per.
Review of 'can highly recommend the pills to isgo, and more, But since we have got this pe.
Wickham Steed- in the Re �*hicb the thoughtful man,experiences anyone run-down or troubled with used to stockings. whether sheer or Address Indlanopolis Cancer Hospital.
Reviews i Lbudon) It cannot be said the I Indianapolis. Ind.
In accepting the confessions and 'their nerves." otherwise, it appears -unwise to die-
-!th&t the British Government has die- creeds, and 'they*all end vifth the as I Not only do Dr. Williams' Pink turb our most responsible legislators
tingulahed itself by enthusiasm for sertton: "Let the Church drop, Its i Their main of peace plans by distracting their at-
the Peace Pact Its tardiness In an- pillil help the nerves.
'antiquated theologies. rewrite 'ta'function to to enrich and Increase" the tentloEL from ..abstraqt problems by
A Rubdown
nouncing its final acceptance of the creeds, or abolish them entirely.;. let blood, and as the blood supplies the
such practical charms as the absence
last American note may be explicable. it preer-li 9lmPFY -the fatherhood 'of-' of stockings way reveal.—Montreal Exercise will not cause stiff
and Sir Auidn' Qhamberlain's exptana- God and the brotherhood of whole body. new life Is given to the tress It you'll massage your
tions c4 It may be perfectly sound. man; entire system. Better sleep. steady Stan bode with Minard's.
above all. let It make.service the only nerves, Improved appetite. increased
-bore has been a woeful absence
But t test of membership, andthethought'
-undisguised-goqdwlH*on the part at ,, !tog
theme can be yours by tak-
at :0le'anA' the students will Bock I ful POOor Business
• British-Ministers. ,Ing- Dr. Williams'WillfiLms' Pli3k Pills. Begin
to It again." All this sounds COIT- ,them t*-dty gold by all medicine
vincing., but it Is not true, says Dr dealers, or by mail post paid, at 50 A young couple,' allotted a telephone
And while w6 breakfast Ju the morn-
Ing light. Lytieb. "The coUntry Is full Of cents a box froml The' Dr. Williams' number that formerly belonged to a WNW- OF
-on other
ther churches which.have. done just this Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont Turkish bath place, were frequently
yFaa We hear the waves beating
thing. and those who neglect the
shores-,' rung up by mistak6�
Church because of its antiquated doe- • One night a man rang up and asked
trines db 'act go near them." In sup• for one of the company's car to be
And thus I thank the boys I never Hawafians Propose' 8
port of his assertion, Dr, Lynch re- sent for him, and, although he was
see.—. cites:
Song Birds' HaventoldPolitely be had the wrong
'Unliveried page of current'history., "In the summer of 1925 1 happen- her, he rang agaln—and still again.
ed to be in Rome, .....
Alexander Louis Fraser. It was Holy Year, Atter midnight he ran* up a fourth HELPED SIE
and thousands, of•pilgrims from all Hilo Chamber of Commerce time•
over thewoild were flocking into the - Asks Permit to Import The Irate husband went Into a long
city. Every day at noon the Pope Songsters for Island and embittered explanation of the :.'WONDERFULLY
met -hundreds of these pilgrims in a whole situation, explaining thatbe.,
.1t fiVay Be hall In the Vat!izan and preached a T.1f.—It present plods ma- wag a' private resident, that be had
short sermon to' them.' I happened terialize, Hawaii may become a para- certain rights, that he had no cars, Woman strengthened by
to be piesent one day, and'l-was-very �dise toi song-birds. and that he gave no-Turkish baths.
curious to know what the Pope would I To-day there are very few sang He rang off, congratulating himsilf Taking Lydia E.
say to that dense throrig. What he birds on the islands, but the Chamber that he had at last put the man off. Bnkharn's Vegetable
of Commerce. of Hilo is sponsoring ef- A minute or two later, however, the,
said in substance was this: 'You will Compound
lind in every -to-day-groups forts to.obtain .permission from the man rang up again.
country I territorial Board of Forestry and Ag- "Lemme tell you one thing," be said.
of men who hate the " Christian i
"You'll never, never get �any -custom-, -.]port Colborne,Ont-�"After
Church, and
are attacking It. They I ricuIture to import the birds. able
will 'tell you they are opposed to 'it 1 The downy woodpecker, Ricker, ers that way!"—Helpful. opftation, I -as very miw
ornervous ��
-indifferent to it because.jot Its doo, red-faced warbler, chickadee, brown fit to
trine. Do not 'let them deceive you, I creeper, house wren, breasted nut- Minard's Liniment for aching oInts. ork. I saw
'batch, purple niarttn, nighthawk, 0 1
Pinkharn's eg-
It Is not the Church's, doctrines or
theology that disturbs them: it Is ber-'brust-tit, cliff swallow, American, gold.- Who made'the flixt radio? Answer.! table Compound
• iss and
morality that they hate. It is her die- finch and the roadrunner would be in dvert
Adam; he took one of his spare parts
ed it and believe
mends al the pure, unselfish, sadri-,'eluded in the group. These birds, it and made a loud speaker. won-
helped me
is pointed out, have no destructive have no
ficial, sinless life tbat--keep. them,'
habits that would them undesir-
out or makes tb4im antagonistic--not If you take temptation Into account, 4
able in the islands. better tPmt
her theology.' who 4s to say that he is bet
"I inclined- to �think that the Already the Board of Forestry ve roe_ an
restry and his neighbor?—W. M. Thackera-
Agriefiltuie liai approved :he impor- es are much
Pope irge nail on the head. I am
tattoo of such birds as the Chinese tter. I feel safe
Young man inclined to think so since J
more . Father—Madge, is that Yo ring Lydia E. Pinkham's me&
thrush, Pekin'nightingale, yamagam,
have noted the-covert or even,open, r going home? Daughter—We've !• 'n 0' me wonderfuIV."—
Of pewee ... I cinew have helped i
meadow_lark, willie wagtail; - 1 MRS.WK.H.BESCHTOLLER,Bog 144
attprks on the fundamental Christian . been talking that over and we've de
I lark, chacalaca, currasow and guan Ade 0
morality found in many of !be feligi- tided It all depends upon, y-pu. port Colborne Ont
ons books and articles by. our cleverl kiince the meadow lark Is already
::fieri a uthe approved list an attempt Is 'to
#011r - Intellectuals.
"Personally, when.1 find a man-who i be made to import a..number of these
birds immediately.
Children, Cry . • begins telling Me that he -does not!
have -anything -to -do -with the
"Ah, these capitalists'
it churches because they repeat the., Agitator:
If we poor people only had our rights
�Or Apostles' Creed, I am inclined to ask
I'd be riding in my own carriage; as
Nm It It Is not rathpr bQcause �they
PS 7
Castorli is' a comfort when Bally-is I did before." - Sc6ptic- -"Yes, but
fretful. No sooner taken than the lit, repeaf the Ten Commandments."
your poor old mother couldn't 'push
Ile one is at ease. If restless, a few you, now."
drops soon bring contentment, No
harm -done, 'for Caftofla is a *baby Young �Barrlsttlr (coiiclu-ding' his
remedy, meant or babies. Perfectly case)—"If, gentlemen of the jury, the Veterinaries use Minard's Iinirnelit Far Trcilll�se
'due to Acid
Aafe to.give the youngest Infant; YOU defen.dant's� bogs Are permitted to,
have the doctors' word foi that' it of They had both spent an amusing ^r-10 STO
;roam at large over the fair fields
is a vegetable product and You could I y clie t with impunity,,then—yes, evening, and.as they lived-in the same ACPa
"11 M
use It every day. But It's in an 1 in It was not remarkable that
-'emergency thftt Castoria-Inea�s-rhost:J-then-�lndeed; .-have-our. ferefathers street,
Some night when constipation must,fought and bled and died in vaIA! they. should---collide with each other
—or other' on the way -home.- -.Said the first re•be relieved—or colic pains before?" "No,"
suffering. Never be without_it; some veller: "Jevver see me Excess acid is the-common cause of less'..and -tasteless and its action Is
mothers keep an extra Dottie, un- In the days of Cromwell answred the second. "You know who
indigestion. It results In pain and quick. You will never rely on crude
opened, to make -sure-,there will al• fine quality tea cost as much I irm, then?" "No!" -"Then you don?t -sourness about two hours after eating. methods, never continue to suffer,
ways be Castorta In the house. it is as thirty dollars a pound. know who. I am?" "No, I don't." how
effective for older children, too; read )m The quick corrective Is an alkali which when you learn bow quickly,
To-day, you only a few "Then bow-do-You ow-W&me?!' pleasantly this premlir method acts.
neutralizes acid'. The best'corrective e
the book that comes with it. cents More dor Red -Rose --------—1�--- It has Please let It show you—now.
Subject—"Have I the right expres- Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia.
orangrvekoe tharv-for ordi-6 Ba..sura to..get the genuine PbIl11Ps`
stob. you require?" Photographer— remained standard with physicians in
nary tea, but YOU get the "Perfectly natural, sir." ' "Then be the 50 years since Its invention. milk of magnesia prescribed by PhYS
correcting eX-'
quick; it hurts my face." of clans for 60 years In tun
4E01t hi hest quality and greatest One spoonful of Phillips' Milk
r y many cess acids. 'Each bottle contains
Value. Put Up in clean, Magnesia neutralizes instantly
A S T 0 R bright aluminum packages. ISSUE. No. 37-128 times its volume im.alcid. It Is bArm- directions—any drugstore.
;Al 0
°,).ir.,i.,1..w.�a. •a -.:u;w^rF.''-.,r,r;�.,S.vi+x..''.."��c,.i„�,:•yyS....>.0n.1.f'v,„.w...,b-, �1.,.,v s._' ,'X,•...':..a,r,�w`..t.�-..e''f..a.."+-,s.i,.L°a.YF.mt.-N•.'!.'k,y+,,.r'l..axar".,➢e''.•:•-.r:S'ir�..a..'",,:Tb:'..Y,.rr-a&»i.. ;.'.a}srwc"5r,t:'. e:1a�!„sM.'.F.Iimo.,,-,1•M..Y..r•te,,3:.-•_.a-..'.+I..'+x:Wu..s.gr•.'..°.-...�:,.'.ia...4e.x,n,vaw�•+'.. `a".1..'..r'.-;#+aa'ls--•..r�,'";c w➢";,a•u>.''_..pawa.^saw.aFe+,♦-:y.,,:y,x.erMa...-",.,..c.kam-M:?Ayc'•'1';iuc,'Sa"y4$';:-z✓.,.IWw.:A,r'....;:,as+ v.--p,�w•�,-.a?.S:Y¢Y;
•b - '._Y:_ _ .r
.T.k). 5 w am.4.� ^J+a.•.r +De
• GREENWOOD. Mrs.-M. 'A. Sadler slid'family. "Buy.
_hg. �' � " —' Our church is steadily gaining in YOtiY' Groe�,ries. ilt . hes . . ers.
Walter Gree Buffalo, was. `popularity-as a few-days ago.-Mrs.
alta n, of B is ;
Taax2d5t the village on Saturday. S ' sister s married t, and
masts ' to wa me in i < .
i>»7tipersarr,: 11601[paidtnad�anea _
and Mrs. Raine spent Sun- on Sunday the infant child of Mr-and Bt}y your(�roceFiee laic $iPh4.rdsgq'Q (;Frt cry, _where the at�oelc.is
day with friends in Stouffville. Mrs, Bell was christened-in it. carefully selected, quickly turned over and replaced with fresh
sub•criptlow ro the United Stam and Creat Mr. and Mrs. Lawton, of Uxbridget
Britato39.00 to advance. W __ ploode, You are always sate of the flneat brands obtainsble_ansl
spent Piiday with Phil and"Mrs: it BROUGHAM.
':: •;' - P at, prices asually.oharged for second grade goods. ,
�fOpriStOr. Mrs. Russ P.hflip,.o Buffalo, is vis-. Doa'c farytet the final-softball game
iting with her parents, Wm, and Mrs. here this (Saturday) evening at o 00
$ - 'clock. between Audley and Brou- •T V 8 T N 0 W
Middleton. ham. " The la y ie a good time to stock up on your Clover Leaf-dishes. A new
r, NOTES AND COMMENTS. g They Sed at 3udle last
,. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of Belleville, MoadavevPninR,the game being call• supply iust in*. We are also offering
1' called on James: and Mrs. Raine a -ed in the 7th' innings on account of
The,immigration question is one SIX CUPS AND SAUCERS AT $-1.00—
,,. •. cl few days ago. darkness, with the score at 8 0. •-
y of the greatest. problems with Will Barnes, of Thornhill, was hereThese are-nice chinaware and have blue stripe.
' which our Fedeial 'Government on-Saturday, attending the funeral of
the late Mrs. Byers. DUNBARTON.
has to deal. There are immense Mrs. Hand has returned to New ' 'Sunday, Sept. 16th, has been ee•t - GO/NG BACK TO SCI�OOL
'districts of choice, agt•icnitural pork after-spending a-few weeks with aside as 13ibie Society Sunday in the
:lands in the-north west as well as air. and Miss Pengelly. interests of the D_inbarcon Branch of School supplies of all kinds, including Readers and Teat Books for
c in Northern Ontario that are Fred ard'alts. Dennis, of Windsor, the W RPBEr Canada ro ie w:IIBible
t eak on Society. work both Public and Continuation Schools.
¢ r spent a
few days last -week with p p
awaiting the settler: The lands James and Mrs. Plaskett. of the Sdciety in the.Community Hall. Phone us your your order. �Pe deliver.
can be secured cheaply and at tilts. F. Mantle returns home on at 3 30 p, m.
reasonable terms, acid it is greatly Saturday, hawing been i�the city with rTFsflic Offi•er-Hilliard, who J A M E S -R I C H\ -A R D S O N
r Luui,e, 'Fho ;a hac:n- her tonsils
to the advantage of the Dominion has been residin in Whitby. is
re�no�•ed. � R Y•
to have these lands under cultiva• Thomas gnd Mrs. Ormerod ,of.To- contemplating taking tip residence
tion as soon as possible. The gr.,v-. ronto, and W. 'F. 'and' alis, Marr, of here.. On account of the nnnierous
erument is continuously carryingCobalt, spent Sunday with, Will aro a officer
this locality,a tPick. Picke-titg ; Haridware''
Sto'r' e
A y -Mrs. Ormerod. ofTicer should be located in Pick•
t on a campaign in the British I�le.> grin in order to be more conven-
A Mr. Jenkins has erzaged as head g
and on the coutinent -inducing miller for Mr. F. L, Green, and began ient.,
settlers to come to Canada. The his duties of Monday. .His farnily The tennis club members have _
-ideal settler is the one who come= ,ti'lll folio-v shortly. been engaged in a tournament Fi A R M :i R a
from the British Isles, provided he til'11 Byers w`.t': his brothers ,and luting the pact week which has
' 'sisters from near 7"r.orr:bury, was here created much interemt. Thr club
Now is the time to use Paris .Green, Arsenate of Lead, Bordeaux
Y is of the right Sort, the kind Of on Saturday a:tecd_r.g the ie-eral of has been in a flourishing condition Mixture and Climax Bug Poison, We have them all
stuff the early settlers of Ontario hie. aunt, Mr;, James Byers. this year, and arraogeh:ents will in whatever quantity you want.
t - .were made of. We want the Wm Sadler, of Ham:lto'n, W.• J.''soon be made fur next year'.) sport
British settler, if ha comes frr,nt Harbron and son, of Marquette, Mich., so that the courts will be ready
:'pent a couple of-days recently with early in the 'spring. The Beatty;Electric washers to save time
the farm and is familiar with and hard work. A free trial
1 - -
farm work. The city bred man _ -------- - - _-- - - —_ + Riven at any time.
w4 from the British Isles is not the
kind which will make the mostOur Poultry Food and Calf Medi are
- desirable settler. It is true that (� r I
worth vin a trial.
some of tho most-successful farm- h l j (, , �j[ ,' Sh
ere in the ou'rth-west are men n ho P i
': ... were hrmight up in the e'itiea in -__. Agan - -McCormick
Repair, Farm- c Lacey
+ t for M ilia h'
England.and Scotland But they Try.) invite yo
to =oa)e in and see r�nr new Fall
' -are n,eti•- o-f• great determination and Winter Goods. A fedi lineupOur Motto : W e have it, can get it, or it is not made.
and are.exceediogly in8uatr•ivtts, ,
' ,and who would snake a success of Dresses, Coats, Hats' and _ � '
.. life no mattewhere they might J. S. BALSDON, PICN
r J
'be placed. But there is a large �f 1e
class from the cities, weak physi - 1
• ` - Have you renewed your subscription 2
� - scally, who their beer= but '"'At I the pretty new styles iri all sizes a$d colors.
- snot hard work. They are imbued
Give us•a eall before purchasing and
with the idea that "the world see our goods. UNIVERSAL ��� MOTOR �� .
4 -owes them a living" and they da _ •
itheir best to collect the debt. They 3 Ll Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded
are of no use on the farm and they voce north of Hewis' Stitcher Shop. -' -
.^re not needed In the cities. What - '
we want more thso any other ie (SAMUEL 9CHwAR'TZ)- STAR t�R AND FLINT 9AL�7
the settler from the British farm:
b The:;e we cannot get but in very
. limited numbers, because they _.___.___ _
r• cannot spare them.. TLere wag a Brock Street Forth, - Whitby, oat. R _i P & 1 R
- time when the farms io- Britain. � If yon want a guaranteed P epair Job at a reasonable
were overcrowded, but they .)tui _ price, SI+.E U .
--- - - __.._ --.._ w .
grated in such large numbers to SPECIALS SPEC/ALS '
' �iCttnada, Austraiia, South Africa. , E:pec enced Mechanics'. Repairs on all makes.
United States and other Phone9carboro 52-31.
~ Our regular 62 50 line-4 of Ladies' full fashioned Pure Silk Hosiery, in"
that the cryine need of the Brit- all the leading shades, are now on sale at 1.50. and we want
i-sh farmer to'dsy 6 for more help, to convince.you that in Ho-Aiery, as well tt+ in other
Under the circumstances we mint lines, et of. u service and law prices is the SPECIAL '
-look toother countries for- Ami• secret of-our lung list of satiwfled costumers.
grants, . They can be found in Hosiery for every mentberof your family. F=ootwear that staode up
-Central and Norther ti Europe: Ai to every occaiiun. School shoeA unbeatable -for the wear of
the pre"nt time there is a strong the active boy. New assortment of wind breakers just ,.:.'AOR TEAM HARNESS
? - arrived, Titre for these cool murnioga and
prejudice against Germans, re gilt evenings and priced jnet right.
. ing from the war. We have in ,'Trousers for every occasion in f i;nnels and serges, cut , Brass-m hil ted beam B c heel chains,
Canada many settlements of Ger- smartly and priced - attractively. - cyber n $12.00 _
_incin breeching. instead o
taana, better cicizens,can be. With,5 ring h nRWi d f back-
found than they. They are io- Cheaters',Cltaners. PreSAers and Dyers are still doing the same - nd. -__..._._... . 649,00
wonderful work, satisfaction guaranteed. lack m n Team Backband Harness, -.688.50
3ustriod thrifty and law-abiding Geta price list.. ....
_ -iB - ou tsd
and loyal to the British bans. - in ,_. --'Ask For silverware coupons _ 5 ring Breeching 644.25
the great war thousands of'them, - -•
fought aide b aide with the Eng; This leant a factory harness.'but i'tletoiii made in our
y own shop at Markham,
- :.-IUb, Scotch. and Irish Canadians C E-C I L ,B R A D L-E-Y .
In the cause of democracy and P = R = INT
We specialize on repairs to harness and collate.
and freedom. 'We believe; with'
the advent of 'a republican form 0 . D D "S
of government, that the military • t•
spirit of -Germany has largelyHarness and Collar Manufacturer -
died out. We. believe .tbat the ._
_ Germi►n settler• from the rural ��AR� a.ALm. OlTrr. Some�'hoce 340U
districts will make, A trust' desir -- peri
� encs
(able Canadian citizen, and be as
I as those Ge:Luaus who carve " The herr Wa - . CO
t to Canada' fifty` or seventy five Y THE -CENTRAL GARAGE
years ago in ord(-r t,5 e,,;.ar,e\rnili: I assure ladepende3lCt
Lary service forced ,you the_.i by later in life is t0 - Telqphone 49.00
despotic Gerrie i,a Em,RerOrs W11 .. w _ `alt' - -;
believed thf-v ruled by divine Start $ pro- _ _
.right. Tuere ;ire also the Dane, 1 vision for it now... .
the Hollander, or
Dutch. the _
Swede an high type.ofl Of w manhood
1 I� Regular savtat
ba ^
II `
;' comes' a- t-� Auto 1ftepairs, Accessories, Oils and
and should be most weleadi6 to
our Dominion. Those who come ;!{jil which once formed
::from Italy and-other countries in asoline, Acetylene Welding
affoids peauc and ,-
s Southern Eu� a should not be _ attars V�aI 1 _
p tisfaction. '
veu a heart invitation to come •� `
,- V to Canadpi. They have, of course,
- proved valuable to our country in ! -
__ :the building of.raiiways and other � ! '> Repairs made on all makes
public works where man)�c+1 labor - -
is required and where CanadiansON
3XX 11
�> could, nut be secured,. Btkt they of cars,
are not desirable as permauentAANX
residents. B•talaliahed lrBfl -
Manchester-September 12th. lk
mber 14. .. ARLJ, ES • SPENCER
Brougham-September 17. „� Whitby Branch, H. Perry, M t t
Brooklin-Septembex 19th _ - Proprietor,L
.v Y .' .' . .. t.a .... •G ...1 ✓.... '3 .,wffi 23An'.IF Y fr kr-:,Sr"•• `••'S. t,�,y;•4y,yt+..�• I( f, }
;� ', :� "r'�''kri2?'�`.^8" µ6w... ± ;', _y.. Yr-.J:-. „ ^;era.._ ,^iW'•ii. -,�w;a,�,,.,-. •Y..,..yA"w,.*.. .rs� t••. :..&..:.,...':,,,.t 1:7 r. _
a- %7
CLARZIMIONT. l Winton J. White, of Brougham, The Horticultural &,cioty are -here for opine time, took a stroke on BONDS—Government, Municipal
Mortgage Bonds.
has purcbaaed the C,:U. Bennett orderinga. large supply of bulbs Saturday evening. last and was re- Also. Indwtrlale
for f
-farm west of the village. . Safe investments at.;
from on Thursday, Sept- Othp all planting. Members wish- moved to Toronto. Mr. Waddington from a to 7 per
to Roy and Mrj..Weird, a son. Miss R. Stattaford, the High Ing bulbs, who have notalrealSy is well known around Clareinbrit, hov- coat.
Lather Bowes, of Peterboro, I& School teacher, "u4 the week seat is their order, kindly-do so at ing carried on the blacksmithing trade
Jolt his Holidays -here with 1NSURANCH—All classes In-
herad end with parents at Ashburn. once to the secretary or president for a number ot years at Balsam. eluding Fire, Automobile, Wind.
0 mother. ff We are. glad to state that Mrs. of the Society. storm. Accident and Sickness.
Ashford and Mrs. Bell, of-Ba Richard Ward has improved
spent the week-end visiting greatly and Is able to Sit.--out on =2NT 'a S I a Phone or write 14
the verandah.
friends here. -ED. BOWMAN, Whitby
Mrs. James Forgie, of Toronto, - Airs, W. S. Forsyth,o€ Pullichy, A number of 'residences are being BLANCHE W. RAMM. 4stf y
Sias been spending a few days with Man., is spending a couple of built and completed this summer in Teacher of Piano R. H. STROUD, DUNBA
Claremont friends. months with her brother, John town. Conservatory Course Taught
Hart and Mrs. Siotzsel,of London ScotV and other friends in the The schools have re-,opened with 0. Harness, Boots and Shoes repaired
i4pent a few days with their grand prov.ince. an increased attendance and an ad- Studio at Mrs.-Overiand's. OlareQ1300t.' at shortest notice. Harness made to
parents, R. J.and M's. How. The police trustees are haying a ditional teacher. on Saturdays, for out of
par your.order. Give me a trial, and be
town puptle.
J. Jarvis and Mrs. (Dr.) Arm- now cement sidewalk constructed Mrg. Middleton has sold her brick convinced that I can give you so"
• ,stiong,'of Markham, spent Satur- at the Korth end of. the village.
house on Main St. and will remove- faction. Agent for STACO Brand
day; with Mr. and Mrs. Mann. The work is being done by Albert to Toronto. .ATTENTION goods.
Mr. and Mrs.- Kilpatrick, Of Mantle and Will be u%uch apprel- Dr. Gray, of -Melville Church,
Preached two good sermons in the
Brampton, have been spending a ated by the residents of that part pr, Farmers, Attention
week with their son..Ben and Mrs. of the village. United Church on Sabbath lost. I have taken over the.Agency
Kilpatrick. Chas. Cooper reta Rev. Mr. Warren left.1ast week as - .7
road homeon Thave the agency'for the Famous
-1. Chandler returned elegate to the United CXu-rch Gen- Renfrew Cream Separators, Scales
Mrs. A. Saturday evening, after his ten a d Renfrew MacbIrier), Separators,
eras Assembly being held of Winni- Stoves. Fleury's Famous
to.her home in Toronto on Mon-
day trip to-Quebec find the .Mari. Scal6s, and the high quality
-day, after'speading tbe'pAst weektime provinces as on'of the*guests peg. Plows.. Points,, Acorn Range, and am pre-
Dr, Rowan, of Toronto, who resided
with with he Scufflevs and Wheelbarrows. pared to a beat terms.
_,r parents, H. Mrs. of the Wire Pence Company. here about, 25 years ago, has par- 'Give me 'a call giyhen -wanting some.
Beat. of Hamilton. He re eros a most chased a house and iviU fi e here per- Phone 505 Pick. thing in these lines. Phone Pick 1007
Clark and Mrs. Rawson ; and delightful time. mane;ntly. Y
-children, of Toronto, spent Satur- A number of our residents have The County Commission are expect- W. C. WILLSON,
day last with Frank M. and Mrs- been attending the Osba*il Fair ed to begin soon at tearing up the AGENT (48) BROUGHAM . R. 14o. .
Cooper and also called, on other this week: The attendance at the old corduroy " nand re1LOCUST HILL
f Hroad in towplace R
ands. Fair has been affected somewhat it by a paved road.
Luther and Mrs. Pilkey'and son, by the wet weather, which, un Our baseball team has added ad- Swed to Eat
•Raymond, with wife and child, fortunately, is a' frecldent experi- (Etional laurels to their winning by Lusets C ACW*3WdLWWJft
Spent Su6dory at Cedar Grove enoe for Oshawa. defeating the winners of the Toronto
with their cousin, Howard Pitkey Mrs. Ed. Sparling,- of Denver, and. Northern district& If they de'-
and family. Colorado, and brother, Hillyard, feat Peterboro here on Wednesday ST M10-138
Miss Annie Balsdon, of Port of Brantford, also Mr. and Mrs. they will enter the Provincial finAle.lived Winter will be here Very soon and,
Credit, is staying with her grand- Bell,of Chicago, with the latter's J. W, Waddington, who has if you have any notion of
parents, R. J. and Mrs Mann, and par6rits, Frank and Mrs. Allaway, ptrrchagLng a flew is attending the - Continuation of Whitby, spent Wednesday last
School here. sleigh, leave �2
The fence around the Union with J. H. and Mrs. Beal. YOUR our order now so that it
On account of ill-health, Cecil
Cemetery- has leen ra decorated Slack is giving Up farming And Groceries, Picnic Supplies, Tomatoes, will be ready when the
leased his farm to George Mid. large tin Ile Sunlight Soap, 3 bars flirit snow appears.gates have been has lea,
�and the entrance
painted, all of which greatly dleton .who will take possession for lee.,Ile.,
Jars, medium
improves its appearance. in the spring. Mr. Slack intends 1.19. Small 1.05, Grenulat- L' O RN E R E I D
We were pleased to see F. M ad Sugar. 10 Its--W.
to hold an-auction sale of his farta Other goods priced in proportion. CLARE40NT
Cooper in town on Saturday. He stock and laments some time HEN you have
imp -Brantford Binder Twine
is recovering rapidly from his re- this We understand that he Wplaced an o r d e r
cent accident, althmigh be still will more into the village to re- We deliver goods ordered within 'The Pickering with us fora memorial
you have looked far in-
suffers considerable Palo. side. reasonable distance. V.
Jonathan and Mri, Mair-i and to the future for our
Floyd MjirQ. of London, and Mrs. Many of our residents attended mee CO ttee memorial work stands
the Catiadian" "Tational Exhibition P.- Willows, Greenwood., 19U
'up under(streas of time
Georsto Hodgson and daughter, during the past two weeks and and -weather. Itis tru. ....
Marie, of Wilton Grove, pent the are now able to get down to the, ly a lasting tribute.
week end with Robt. J. ad regniardntiesagain. While
Mann. a Tho oj)j9ot of this AmssociatA to -No GreaterTribute'
8 mach Co I
a Mrs. h
at the exhibition is old there are Coal, Die
Fred and Mrs. Percy. of Detroit, always many new features that leaspen stealing and p to
and Mrs. Caster and daughter. the along. N. W. STAFFORD,
make the exhibition of great inter-
.11AInnie, of St. John's. N, B . called eat every year. Hard and Soft8oal of the', Kin too Road,
R. J. and Mrs. How while stop
on pass best quality- on Members baving property stolen commutl
ing through the village one day oaip Lmmedissoly with any member A Phone Wbliby
last week. hand. of Ezecative ommiske. t%r R9
d A
Rally Day will be observe in Our Membership iss $1.00.
the Sunday School of the V,cited os t
`"40burch on Sunday. the 23rd of THOS. A. LAW TWUW maT be b&4 ft-gm un Preekle
"wets" =Aloplicau".
September. A'good vrogamme Mc- Deering 201=3acezinir. Cd=t_ Ex9c. Oom.—L D. Banks. C.S. Palm
will be provided And all are cordi
er, M. S. Chapman, Pickering.
-call invited.
aev. A. McLellan. who Is holi Cream Se,parato..rs ' BRING IT HERE Munro, Aas. Richardson. llapklAd XlLtUl fIrl
Baying at Sturgeon Lake, was Presidene, secretary
borne over Sunday and oecupled for themselves be. Now is the time to get a new Spt of 'Insurance Co.
-,bin pulpit in the United Church- Harness. or got the old set re i ad
fore'y6n pay`for pa r THE BEST YET
Miss Mabel McLellan .resumed her I have in ';tnek simples-of S&mjel . ..... Cheap rates for farm and couiiti-y
duties in the Richmond Hill High them. Trees and Jeffrey's harness. - The buildings.
-d through.cat&-. We represent the Waterbury odor- Windstorm insurance on buildings,
former inAy be ordered
....School last week. Ask uisbotu-th4 ball-bear• logne at.pileesquoted. less Chemical 'Toilets especially ad- wind-mills.Silos eta.
Quite a heavy rain-fall, accotn-
Q C#ttalngue freed apted for rural schools or where there
panied by an electrical Storm, ings, the frame, the oiling o water system Can be installed
ralso carry cullers, cellar ad is n of all kinds.
passed over thi,4 locality Mondoty i lip' in the building. A card will bring
.,evening. As; the land was getting -,systeal, the heavy re tin= p&dR, harnc�s oil by boli',L �.ra,,.. ful FARMS FOR SALE
dr"sinir. ;tNo'silver polish I-information with drawings for
very dry the rain was most wet •ned tinware.and our terms is-nd other parts. �each particular layout Write or phone
come, especially &.a the harvest is �.'?Rppairs promptly dome. ED..- BOW M-A N
over. The turnip crop and the of eighteen months to pay Whitevale.
pasture fields will be beriefitted L.- W. PILKEY. CLARRMONT 20 .-WHITBY, ONT.
greatly by the rain. without interest.
Miss Dorothy, daughter of Wid- Liberal sllo*ince for the :F 1:z Im im V MR4 im- im
mer and Mrs. Miller, was taken Farmers, Atteutia3l
M old machine.
-seriously ill on Saturday after. PREMIUM CARDS GIVEN WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE
noon and on that evening was Let us prove that they pay for OF STAPLE LINES AT THIS STORE. Iihave secured the agency for the.Frost
taken to St. Michael's Hospital, tbemi§61ves b.#'pu-6tinx one Be sure that you get them & Wood and V.ockshutt Farm Imple-
Toronto, whAre at eleven o'clock in on trial. • ments. and will keep constantly on
that night she nnderwent an oiler- hand repairs for these popular
S(�llpo be opening in a few days—we have&.-' Implements.
atiozi for appendicitis. W. .e are C H A S ., COOPER will full li'n*a ol supplies. Also, Loudon's bartiand.stable
glad to report that she is making fittings.
a gooll recovery.
CLAREMONT I will also take contracts for painting
Mrs. Carscallea,of the Oota�rlo baras and houses by anew
For the Pickling Season— hill tine of Cider,.White.Wine And Heinz
Ladles' College, Whitby, and re- DURANT MOTOR CARS process, by spraying.
White Pickling- Vinegars, go
turned missionary from China. AND TRUCKS Estimates cheerfully-given.
will give an address In the Untt*d J A RS, RUBBERS AND RINGS ... Phone IM,
Church on Sunday morning next Prices Reasonable Quality Goods- ;27
at 11 o'clock. Mrs, Carscallen is A F . J. Mann, Claremont
very Interesting speaker and she Highest prices-paid for produce R.
should be greeted with a fall house. Cott-A7 Store
-Phone your order, We deliver. reel River
Everybody welcome. The W. M. G
. _. : Claremont Phone Markham.W2.
8 hope to receive a liberal offer-
Ing. Basket Factory
D. A. and Mrs. Pugh, of Lake- len,,1 Manufacturers of
Careen_.field, spent Saturday and Sunday For Tickling Wm M. Duncan, ..Merchant en River
All kinds.of Frii-it Baskets,
with relatives in Claremont kc
A full line of
'Cow n Berry,Crates,
panied by Miss-Laura iior,a, jX011W_o pints 90c
and Mrs. Thomas Wilson, the Crown quarts 1.25 Farmers Bushel-Baskets--1
;spent several days list, week at Jar rubbers, heavy, 3 doz 251d
the -Toronto Exhibition, where Clothes'Baskets.'
Zinc jar rings, 20c Boz
Mr. Pugh as exhibiting butter, Parswax 15c pkg
for which he received second and
We -congratulate 11A Safe Repositor' ylor Frank Pennock
third prizes. All'liinds of spices and vinegarls Proprietor
Phone Markham 1604
him on his suecess. for pickles on hand at Bonds Proprietor
Meet at the
The Women's., ' Institute will Idwest prices. i.
hems of Mrs. George
'Richard 4on'on Wednesday after=
good pro-_
�.noon, Sept. 19th.. .. A Dr * Goods.' SAFETY Deposit Box in your B E AT T Y
gram will be given by the tuem. STANDS FOR THE. BEST
bers of the Altana BrauQb. the Ladies' Silk Underweare and Hose Anearest bran'ch of the Stoodpird
uestg.of the afternoon. Those at reduced prices,
. .9
wanting transportation are Ft�; B�ink '19: the* logical place to keep
_ked Fuji Silk in colors and white
.65c per yard.
to meet on the veranda of-Mrs. lig your valuables for S*ecuirity and con-
jos, Evans' house. Membeis are
Men's Shirts, special, 1.00 each
'requested to bring dishes. venieoee. We shall be pleased t
Map's Sox, 3,pr for 1.00
The, services in the Baptist
furnish you with space necessary
Church next Stinday,'16th inst.,
-Capt. for your requirements at minimuip
willbe conducted by Rev,
:'T. F, Best, of tWbiiby Baptist Groceries
Chnrch. rates.A very cordial welcome
Afresh stock of Groceries always
extended to visitors. The annt•
versary services of the church,will
Try us with your 'TM STANDARD BANK
be held (D. V.) on Oct: oth and
on hand at lowest prices.,
being .next order. Litter Carriers, Hay Carr era
Stb, the special preacher OF 0
I& I Pumps, Door Tracks, Cow
Rev. Prof. N, H. Parker, B. Sc,,
ESTABLISHED 1.873 Bowls. Pressure Systems Ete.
It will pay lyou to buying
my prices on
Monday evening, -Oct. 8th, the t
Th. D., McMaq,ter.University. On D_ A.,__SC0TT1 fiabove before buy ng elsewhere.
.COIrlAdRobb,&L".colored choir of First BagttstW. V. REDDITT
z.•Chnrch, Toronto; will ren er a
Phone 1402, ager,Pickering 1�rdnch FRANK J PROUSE
musical pr3grRni. Watch for fur= Ivfan
BranAiw dw at f
ther announcements, CL&REMONT Broalin,West 1401.vmtby ON1 A R14%
46 4
- , ,, _e�� — - . %�
�rt 11" v
first week after father's strange at
-tack except that Uncle Roger seemed
r to grow more deeply troubltd. He had
promized'to give a lecture on archaAs-
ology at the high vchooa last Wed-,
needs 'PEKOE
y. If I had only
"Was the lecture not giv ?00 BLEND
"It was!" Bitterness sh&rpened he t
soft, girlish tones, "And the next I
X0 JA - , %
than It had over father's behavior!
- ''` eLr`• Ol4z'l If CA 46MICA,InG.
Sergeant Miles, that-lecture was the
hideous travesty imsgi.nable!
day the villitge was talking w
CHAPTER I. fortune in sheep-ranching. , You can most 869 4
Hat it been sheer dri-vel It wouldn't the Ch li'dPak-h P9-
44POkoe't Col 0
It was beicause, of dainty, little pa- see that the three brothel are Widely have"been so bad, but it wa6 a clever 0
tricia Drake, te'dirAlmilar in character and tempers-
satirre, riddeuldng the archaeological oneaning silver hair, which was applied to the tip
fifm in his private"ofWfie&etedthat poaAlLt- menti, yet a very great affection has discoveries of recent years. The
ed between them I have Waves on the Chinese ten bush* Tip leaves are
tonnes John Wells had telephoned to always exist,
audience &dn't know whether to
summoned known them all since wiry In shape. In India they w" more orange
Police Headquarters and they were mere laugh zited at his In-
a tan or to feel affm
dark-halred young man with boys and I can speak from personal
suit to their intelligmice." Involouri so won called','Orange Pekoe" (Pak-ho)e
the respectful but bored manner of a observation —Pat." Wells turned to "The next day no one told me i
x "presumable eon of the elect. the young girl, "did all three exhibit
thing until Mr. Grayle came over, It
YOU was awful!" Faith
"Sergeant Miles. sent for 'the symptonis apt the same time?"
"Na Poor father was the first to . Z
V Her lips quivered. The essence of faith lies in this,
Who is Mr. Grayle"' queried the
John Wells gave him a swift glance —to break Out' detective.
of appraisal and with a giesture indi. "People put the most—moot scandal- deep sense and conviction that in
Petri- Channel Flown' by 2,000 a `wbat we do, though it were single-
"A neighbor,'a' naturalist,"
eated not only his youthful, feminine ous construction on it, connected with cia responded. "He and Uncle Rog*T 'Planes- Link
Week; handed, with-all men standing aloof,
eldmt, but a vacant chair facing the the wine cellar, and I know that it 'b 0 • t friends been res 0 ever since he
ng. wasn't true!
Id light of early spri London to 73 and even saying 'nay to' it, we have
bought The Rose Tree, next to the
"Miss Drake, this is Sergeant Miles. "For the past month of two I have Cities
God and all is universe at our back
Kemp esta.te�—"
I should adyiss you to be as frank fancied that father was worried about
She used and a-deepeT flush buf- London.—St,tistles just published
with him as you have with me. Be something. I don't think 'very. seri- The British Columbia salmon pack
fused her face. Sergeant Miles 'show that Britain Is rapidly becoming m_
seated here, Sergeant, If you please.11 ously about it until that dTeadful glanced at the attorney, who smiled air-minded. Every week for the last this year totalled 519,359 cases co,
The time a fortnight ago when in the mid-
detective took the chair indi- and nodded almost Imperceptibly. five weeks more than 2,0000 people pared with 336,562 cases up to the
ed young girl drew a die of the night we were same date a year ago.
cat all awaken-and the "What was your uncle's explana- have taken the once perilous air jour-
quick, convulsive breath. ed by a loud knocking on the front
j. "How—how do you do? I would door and finally Carter, the butler, ,
ney across the English Channel. Thial
He made none. She shrugged. Is an Increase of more than 600 over
"He looked dreadfully worn and ill the highest figures for last year. ACENTS WANTED
ave consulted an alienist rather then went down and opened it.
my father's attorney had it not been "I was leaning over the balustrade, -as as dignified as ever and
but he v. During the busiest air week last
for the fact that I feel I, at least, am and what do you think I saw? OUT. Selling Four-Piece Boxed Pipe Beta
14* merely said that he regretted his dis- year less than 1,600 people took ad-I A GUARANTEED MONEY-MAKER
V Miles. Do--do'local policeman, Sam Clark, was cou LO sena still sane, Sergeant M Tse had not met with the approval vantage of the quick service from U'! Be d 81.50 For Rample Sent Prepaid
-YOU know anything about psychology bringing in a stout figL3r-Fa, all
of his hearers. On Saturday when the don to Parts. London now has air Have Lots of Other Novelties
"Psychology" from a, big-eyed in 'iwing white like a ghost, that 'm
paper came out there was a perfect trips to-seven ty-th ree European cities. X&M Solway, 94-08 Wellington at W.
eighteen-year-old kid! Owen Miles,'reeled as it walked. 'I've brought that the There are nine scheduled services each
Toronto -
University graduate, pauperized by Mr. Hobert home, Carter.' Sam said. 'fuTore; the editor intimated t 3.
I lecture w%z the work of a disordered day to Parts, the first at 6 a.m. and
-bb3 father's mining operations and 'I'd get him to bed meal quiet, but in
member of the police Department the mor-Aing you tell him that If it mind and recalled father's oration be- the last at 4.30 In the afternoon.
again we'll have to confis- fore the soldiers' monument, insinuat- More than 50 per cent• of the crossi.
through an innate passion for crimin- happens ing that they had both fallen victims Channil passengers are women and
�dogy. pricked up his ears, repressed
-_a smile and replied grvevely- some strange aberration. In thethey have included the extremes in,Ito
very face of'it Aunt Jerusha made age, babies travelling from time to
"A little, Miss Drake. Enough, I
ime go to ,ch,.=ch with her,yesterday time as well an the septuagenarian,
think. for practical purposes."
and I never thought I could go throughoctogenarian and once a man of nine-
It wan John Wells' turn to conceal, r!
surprise i SLch an agony of mortification ......
L at the cultivated, veiledly "I made.up my mind I would come
tr amused accents of thil most sxtra-� to see you today, and then when Minard*s Lin'iment for Every Pain.
Uncle Andrew was found this morn-
ordinary emissary from Headquar-
ten, but the girl merely hesitated a ing!" Isle of Sark Reverts to Early %
moment and then spoke in a quick';
She broke off once more as thouch
Tittle rush- too overcome to continue, The debic- Custom
r "Thm perhaps you can understand'
tine and attorney giariced at each! Reverting to a law and custom of
wh-y, %nth no ineanity in the family,!.
other bekre the letter remaxited: the days of Queen Etizabeth, which
7- -aged -I
three dignified, middic gentle "Go on. my chAld. Tell the Ser- long has been in abeyance. Mrs
-u� brothers, should suddenly be-�
Dudley Beaumont. the Dame of Sark,
geent exactly-what you Wd me."
onme victims of the wildest hallucina- "Early this morning. Edward the one of the Channel Islands, has is-
tions, like--like three Mad Halters,
Houseman found Uncle Andrew sitting
sued an edict to at the Inhabitants
and do much queer, ridiculous things on the drawing room floor in his pa- must pay their tithes in wheat or DON'T suffer headaches, or any of
1. that they are the tjdk of the town?"; jamas playine like a child with wcr* other grain Instead of In caAh. those palms a tablet of Aspirin ria
in her voics.I - 'N
There was a hint of team end in a hurry I Physicians preset
191 suppose this will seem disrespect- omaments which he had taken from Sark ranks as "an entirely inde it -mid approve its free use. for It
_e pendent feudal state within the Em-
the cabinet and mantel. R-id when h
M71 d6e&.nw affect the heart, Every drug-
when I till you that It is of Edward he ran toward hint on all pire," be�lng' one of the numerous Jp3t has it. but don't fail to &&it the
f father and my two uncles I am saw Edw of
speaking. but it to the truth!" , fours. growling as though h Wv" anomalous legacies of the Duchy druggist for Bayer, And don't take
"What sort of halkicins, one have pretending to be some kind of he
any but the tablets that are stamped
&rA-, Normandy to the Engillb crown.
,What sort of hallucinations have likely to with the "Bayer a
-they. Mire Drake?" Ithey, Miss Drain?" mall Edward has never gotten overland what its Dame mays is Croda,"
being shell-shocked. This morning(go, in spite of the protests of the
-perhaps.,, the attorney interposedleate what he's got left in his cellar,' wss the lest straw and he gave imine-I islanders. Her exercise of her feudal
fri his urbane. well-rounded torfAs. "it
'He was down in front of the.
dials notice, so Aunt Jeruaha sent me,rights, however, is not purely arbit.r
will be well for me to tell you a little into town to engage another houseman
of Miss Drake's family. She to the diens' monument.' Sam explained,
I'rigged 'out in these hem bed-aheets, and a gardener That Frave me my Agriculture In Sark has reached a 4
I Ory.
Drake of the,
daughter of Hobart unity to come and comult Mr. low ebb, due to English residents oc-
New York Stock Exchange. His wife and spouting-like a Fourth of July cmPort
died when Miss Patrkta, hem was orator that he was Julius Caesar. Wells." She hesitated once more.. 411 cupying cultivable land and letting it
"born, and she was brought up by his, Lucky*it was so late or he'd have had don't know, though, what she will s&71 run to waste. With the object of
the whole town round him. Soon,s I when she sees you, Sergeant.." reawakening interest in agriculture,
maiden sister., Mine Jertisha. Drake, a seemed "She need see in rite only what she the Dame has decided to install a
Indy of the soundeat practical com—touched him he me to sort of men!" Ser- milling Plant On the island, which
!rton-aeneft They have always lived:collapse and he come alone home with. sent for—the new house
out any trouble. Hell likely be all geent Miles, announced. formerly fed itself.
In the old family residence out on tMd k
right in the morning'." Patricia's blue eyes opened very
Ims Island, at Brookka_" It Is useless to cry out and protest k3aztdactwe. Wbils It is
Owen Miles nodded quickly with- Patricia had given an unew9dausly wide. against the decrees of Style.—Paul
It I graphic Imitation of the country eon- "Oh, could you"' she breathed. tb&t tLIPtorutmbli
out wipesking, and the attotney wet Polret-
Istable, but as she paused and covered "I want an 8wist&nt Outside as
her face with her hands them was well," interrupted the detective. "You
"Five y6im W Roger Drake. the ener is needed, too?"
. ......oldest of the family and a scientist Of nothing of amusement In the express- may that a gan"d
trilioris of either of her hearer& "You—you don't know any detective
_world�wide reputation, returned L from gardener. too, & you?"
Europe to the old home at Brooklest`Did,you get a closer view of your who in a tar
and a few months since the other father, Miss Drake?" the latter asked 11 know the very man!" Sergeant NEW PRINTING EQUIPMENT NOW, INSTALLED
after a moment. Miles exclaimed with'enthusiasm.
brother, Andrew, came back from "Yes. lanced from om serious
Auetralia—where he had amaseedL
a I heard a sort of gasp behind Patricia p A-
7 me and turned to find Uncle Roger face to the other.
"Then you don't think it Is Just fe
them staring down at father with
such a shocked, horrified expression that they're losing their mlinds, my
my anise? You don't
that I thought he was going t —an'(1 . : -, Cana"s Grextee" Ifla trat*d Newspaper
o have father W4
a stroke--.or 9ornethitnig. We stood think my aunt will bo the nest to ge
watching them bring father upstairs." ard then—perhaps`—I"
I" L' '!L'-' NOW Offers to it's Read
"And where was your other,uncle, She faltered Once more but
Mr,Andrew Drake,during this time?,, meaning was unnAftkable. and &I- COLORED
"Uncle AndTew slept through it though the attorney Vr" diw1`0007
all,"'Patriciapaused. "He in awfully silent be laid one slim, blue-valued
TLfl J*Iiy and the next morning Le tried hand upon her arm resesuriinift.
(To be continued.)
Ito make light of it, but when he
learned bow really ill father was he SHORT STCRIES by Leading
was terribly -worried." Writer of Fiction and Humot
MInard's Liniment cleanses cuts, eta
.father was seriously 111,
then?" Husband: "When I'm dead and
"Yes. Tt was a week before he gone you'll never. net another man LATEST NEWS OF THE WORLD written by 'Special
went to h13 office In Wall Street and like me." Wife: "W811that'll 901116 Staff Correspondents
he hasn't gone to the village once.— consolation.." MAGAZINE SECTION
I don't blame him I" Her amaligloved
00.000 Is spent each year
TV hands clenched on the arms of her About-*
"The things that were Bald' b the Caiadtan Oovernment for the
he agricultur.-.1 Industry,
V v and the horrid jokes that have been promotion of t SPORTING SECTION.
made! I was ashamed before—but It
'Sntertabiment for the Whole Fa
i? even worse now!" mily
All for 10 Cents
"You mean that your uncles have
A treat in the Pepper6int-davored
exhibited similar signs of—er---eccen-
lugar-coated ja&et and another in tricity " the detective asked.
Patricia nodded.
the Peppermint4avored gum inside—
"Not exactly similar, but they have
utmost value in long-lasting delight !
done things that It seems to me only Learn
i people whose minds were deranged
would do!—And Aunt Jerusha's atti DRESS DESIGNING
10 I&W%Mf)PAWMA pan
I rude is the most inexpldcable of 'all!"' _1 00
"My dear Patl" John Wells ex- A School of proven worth, Gr4duatesI jt
0 All New* Dealers 5
clalmod. "You cannot. mean that she 1 recommend It. Manufaoturcre endorse
4440 A*nt
"Oil, no. Aunt'JeTushe hasn't gene t7ow is the Vine to enrol for the F 11
n 40N.
crazy, too, but she Insists that there! day or evening classes of to
Jr oink is nothing wrong. When I suggested! Send for Free illustrated Booklet, To- Qu
she .. day.
an alienist this morning
ngHer than I have ever seen her. Graham School of Designin1l
S4 oikk 4VDI 1%
ISSUE No. %7—'=. "Nothing more happened for the
� �%,_.�,Pll��;90 . ,. � ; , ,�" ,
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I Fernie, B.c.-The disa . � w.,,,.�?� i4; ,
, o� ., ,�,������,'��:�.�".��.:.�������i.,, l I . - . I
1, .,�,I,� - . a :I_,I�...;l�i.. I .
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IN i;.,4,,'.,l�1,,�i,l,i. ,, -1 I.
i'llast Mine, Coal Creek co!leries here. ' -1 �,;.:*,,�.;.,!,,... , , •
b_ 11
, .
, . " _� � 1�:: :W- , ,,,,,, "', �."I.��:tl . �;,� :l_: _�,. -j;,::.:l:-;-;,;;.�� . - ..,
., , ;1%,_ . ...,
. , .. " ,i.,...,;.. - �i 4 �, -
- I-_
.. li.:���:� .,.... ;I ..
I shortly before noon Friday, took a toll 1 ___ . I ,s;:,.;ll� .�i,-.N-� .
. .. �,-� _,,.�;� �,i.:�;.',.:;�_�, . _. .
1 , ... .. I
1 .. .:.".III I
. I .
of six H : i .. ".." II, ., �,.i .
ves. The kat of"the bodies� :.," . p� _I�:��.'�,� �,',',`..-'I�� ll.'i.".. . , 9!.��;.,;:i Z fl.il., .... .
:1�..: .1 �- � I I 11,1111w7i ,'.T4 W ;i�i
. ,�l.', �, , ,, , . - : 1.I —, . ,, I .. .,il: . ". ,.. .
; ", . I .
were recovered from the mine shortly I �'.�., .. .-I -i -11- .I � %.. 11 �%i:;l lV .. . .
i0i.........;l". F, - , .. ... I . .. .... . .. ... .. , , "I
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,-,$Lfter six o'clock next night. �_._-� .�;l, 1.1 1%.:, �'�l 77
I '� , " �11 ,��'.;l...%` . .
.!l.:!.'...,..l:;.. ..:1ll.!.1 1. .. .
. �: :%"�.Zllli�lil�.,�, .
i . _.::�...i� pi .,
�,-. l'I 1''::, liIii .., . - _
The dead are: "' � 7. � l�, �_ � l�.. �l � . I.
'7..:_._ ,,..;:./
. 1 , �.........:.., ��,.: . 14 �k ., "i:]�::
b,' "... . ',.......l...,;
r : ,. '.�!l�%�;�l,.,,.-'I'.,,-�..;.... � ,�.�, . '.i� _.".._ I . . .
r Dowle, Coal Creek; _' :.- 1. �, . 11 �..:i_ .,:�:..
Pet- k Tony Ca .. . 1,..:.oi1.;, ,"�': li:. , , . .4
.,;��,'_-I,—�;l �� IV " I . , I .
� i ,; .I ,�.11 . i� I
. ,
I - : ,^ �l:��t;l,l. .
sola, Ferilie; Jos. Sedrovitch, Fernte:,i '' .� _ .. ,".iIi.,� .. .� ... I I
- . , . t I , , .1
. 1: 11
., , %.. -"I, ,
. . George Perkins, "Sr., West Fornie; I . ._!Ii��l.. ., I �,:�:.�.,, -
Tony Sprlak, FernW, and Tony De- . .. L , . � 1." �.. . ..� ,... �.
. - I? ... 11 � � . ��: I. �_....
. : �.�.,,._
� I georglo, Fernle.
The bodies of the first three were, t- , : I. 11,
I taken from the mine early, in the af- , --,
. . .... ;.1 I., .. .
,.i., . .
. ternoon. The cause of the disaster
. " . ";,
.... .: ..J. 1� :
: Is attributed to a blowout of mttRne 7. I .
. .
F gas at a working face in No. 16 slope,
I - I'l, .. ,I... . . �-
.''... I�_',i�:�,:.:...!�,:.;e�,:��%!!:%-�:,:,ii:�::� !.'�;:� : . -- ;. .I
but owing to debris and hundreds of� . �; ,.::;:.*.N�.''..�:��, , I I .
I .
-_ .�, :
. tons of coal dust being hurled through-1 .,,,1: ,7 . .,. ... ,-l.Xie.-:: ,',i -:, . I ,: . I .
... ..�,l��:,,��.;�i��:���:::��:��:�':I;i::��: ._� �� 1. : 11 -.'
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out'the affected district of the mine,' . , �' ..;..":, �.'�.�I����,��", �,�.] �:�! "l;;';.7.__:4",0ii0lil�%%,.
.. -1 . .' '.'.:.':,...;.",: '."".,�l:.Illl��l::;;. ��'i.,,.,,',,
I , 1%ill�%;;'i.3�-.!,;:l`i::,:: . . �1.:L:::��:�I�,,liN..-:: ... . . �
.. - -
rescue crews and mining officials have . . ���:��::���::.-i,�i��:;;;Ili������:�:��:.:�����:::.��ly�-.;�i::!:;�'.��:.i�i,.�:�I _: .. : '� ,;,:i:::, 1-::
I : .. .,.... :�:�.. .lft. ..: . �;.,::.::-;:.4I j�11.li:::;iI l�
I .. .:. . �.]���.�i�:,*.�':�;:��::;�;:�.��,: .. .
. I , .,., ...������.:�.,,!�,i�i�:ii�:��i���::::�:!,�i'������i�!����li�i',.�',i�i;;��:��:ii� ....:! �.,�:...:.:!,:-l:!:_!,.::i:�.i�,:l!�!�:� I "; . �, .. . .:
:.;� :.1 ,�
.been unable to penetrate underground _. ..'' l'i .��. .��i�,�:�l�:ii!,.. :�M;%�X;::V.:,::"�, .... .
, -1-1�...".,�-I ..�.:" �.fl;,., , . �; .
. Il�fla.11. � ' i.',* , *, :
. ., ..
1: ,.....'�.
. il , l- ..�, ;!t.......... i...���,..il 'i�'..,. .....:. .:. 4�.;.',!. 4 .:..�ll::� I �i�i;;::I�j;::r .. ..1.
far enough as yet to determine the . . - I" .or��,,� ...,..I �-,�:l l.:i--:-,- ,., ,I-:;.,�.,..:.:�:�;zii; ,i:�...t..!.�.- :,ll:.I:!1 l';%,..:.1.l-1%ll1il.l.::.::, ,,�:::...::::,.�i: A
. :. ".1 ; � :i1:!L_ - .
I . point of origin. . S.:�i,.,t :. �, , .�,�1 . , ..
. ,�,�l..I,.il;,,,,;..:�%:it.. . .
. ill..::m.; j:
. - ::IIi��i�-;:
;1 . i � %:;�`�.i�. ....� .l.;...".1'.;"".1". - �
I .� , ; !l::l1'.:.
. ,I!'.,:�'i.'i:, a I..."I
. . _��ii��. � ,.
The stricken men apparently made , i
Unsuccessful attempts to get out as 1, �%,.:;.l,i;` . .�.::t.`::1.:"'.:,.I,:;,.�_'.:� ....: ..,.� -, ",
ii' .;..!,i ,:..� , : . ''
. :,l1.:;!,::1!�l;, l::..;..i:.'1�.::.:!' .,,.'I1,1,_l-1,l;.�, !I' , i�� .
, "' '" .
.. . -- --
I ., . :.:, -
their bodies were found-in some casesLlil, .,.I%. ".. .,_ .. .;
� - :I;ili._:.q..�;.,.:,:;:.:.l :
- . I�:; .": yl ;
7.. EL consid1rabl distance from the coal . :.,_�:. _%�.:.!:..... ,
... . . ..
I � ...--I--
. - _... •
-. .faces, but were overtaken by the.dead ..
1. . , ._: ,� �. . .. .:��!.�:,. �ll,
i- ..I ; ..
; 17 fumes. - ... . ,:; ''::,:,
, .1 . . , .
One horse, two thousand feet away '.. .1
. .. . . .. . ..� .
bom the estimated source of the blow I ...... �o, , .::: . . ..
- Ii . .
. � . .. I .
I . .. 1... 11 1
. . I
.�. Several - . .. .� I "I - .
out, was found suffocated.. . , �mul.p..'ar, .
� . ." .1 . I : ,, ..
- . . I
I. Tescue workers were temporarily ex• . . L M I I I
hausted and orvercc�me from the poi- ;s- .. l.. ...- . . . I
I . I . I W�
; •
:. : .
� I
.. . I 7
� sonous gas. . . , 11 I � , iI l
I I I i , .
�. At the time of the disaster, about , _
I 200 men were at work and.all but the -. � - I I :1�,,�.,""! ,�. . ,�:: :1� I .. i ..... .� ... . - .
. . -1.. .. . , . , � I I . .�
. six who perished escaped uninjured to ,i..;, .1 . .
.. . 0 �
I 1, the surface. ... . .. . ,.�,!�!,.: I�.4� .I - .
I A,I ., ,11 ,.
- "
.. . 1. t. ." .
. . I ;::.��: - I . . ... .._. . _. .. .
I .. . I � I �,;,".. .. '. .:1 . . . V ... . •I I
o .� - .. . .I.,_7 ; I":s.,..,_..I I I -:.�..
, , , "
.. 11 � ,� , . . .�. -7F!",��': ��,, , �.. �... .4� 11 _ , - i . I _14.11 . .1 . .
1. . I . I . I , , n I .
. . . " ... , l., I.; _: .11 �, .
.. .I . I. . I.
I . -_ i -,:j'l� :`l�`l:.,L:;,. 1�1�.,,�,. . , � , " . e. , ,. ;.''., i.., , . .. �..,:7l; . . . .
-Radio to Rescue ' t 1. - ..---.-::.i4- 11. �.. .I,.,�� �; 11 "'..."�, ,.,. - � . . .l,,.T.:" . I . .
L I . I , .
. - . 1 , �,_ .1 , � .� - ; , , . . . �
.... . I . I'll. .
. I �, I-, , . 11
. lmqw I
- I , �
,�, I .
. . . . I I - - ...I ,:,
'� ..; ." I '-t ._III1� -
� � � 11"''... 1�...�.:...; 1:1: . �' . 1� . *1 ":Jel � , -, . ,�, .
. k6 _.W,,l,: ,'' I 0 I ..''- ��,:,�'_ : ��� ..I ,� ,. 1. .
, Medical Advice Radioed to I 1. I ,/ _:
�, . ., - . I . � - ,. ;� I . . '',": .1, .. .:... " . I
- - i ..�:.."�'...:L,�-,. . ',".1.,;,I.�: .I ;,'_ . . l I �, . , ..
_ ...;�. i ,� ,.�V:`11'110'-'� 1.� I . _ . .. ...
��le ,e�� I....1�11 In , 1� . � .
Ship Saves Student from " ,,,,,�7 1119, - : 1 I$ 1 ,. . I
P .. - :.."R.., 1 .11,11, 1, I 1 4:��-,. ,:4.;,,!, - . .,.A I
. _2 1. I . ,
I ..z .I. . �. 11 . .. � .1 , �
I _ , I
J�, ,� - �
�, . . .. .. 11' ' , , *
Snake Bite � III` * ; ... ,� �1 ' .,q'i;,X ., p , I ,
I I .._ I I I . _ . 1�
I: New York.-Metheal advice radioed - I I I I ,,,I�... ''i"'IT, l", - I 4 .1 ,.. '. . .
..., .1 . _ . . , 11 .
� . . , I I 1,:��.,0-.;:",,,:.4�z�.,
.. . 1. ".
. to a ship in mid--ocean saved the life .� ::n,�;,�:,;4i,- "_:7.�� ;., ... .." �. i:.
- ,
of M. ShiffinnarI student at the [ani- � ,. . I 4 I—I, ., Al.,:,," " ,. 1
- �e,l l 41 I., . :, L- Ii , ..,,;,�.,
. I
;, .!:: , 1.
versity of Viema. who had been bitten .. .. W .t "
. P. �11 - , , ..". �`..,
. I /:
i -
by a copperhead snake. . ., ,;, I I 'i ,''. ,,� � ,. L1.1
. '. . I : I 1 , :1� . ._ �;�1.:: ..l."'.. . . I .1 __ ., I ....1. . .
.I-—U.4 A , :1 . ..- - ,;..
. . I . 11 , �' � r I ... I� . .
�. . ; I I " : I I, ... I III,,, 1 - . .1
I'll, I . � d I 1, : _ L.,l 1� . . . . ..
III I I I, 111�� I, � I I. L L' .! -� , . L. I�::%�.V�
Shiffman was taking the snake back , 1 " I I �_ -
II :I . . . .. .
III IC 111'III iI I. I . .1" .
� . i L'l I . P I :1. , . � ,
to rbonns,on the Berengaria and when I .11 � ' #L , ,
- ,
1. �������� .., 'L ,, . :: � � . . ,.�,. __
,., � '! �
.,11. tf.:� 1 �
. .�.,!:,I� � f - .
he -as bitten he wired Dr. Raymoild - . 1 . .- L I . I .: , - . .I., ..1. -1 _. ... _' . .:.,� ... _.: � - .
.. . ..
L Ditmars, curator of the Bronx Zoo. L . .. ,
Dr. Ditmars told how he had radio- I�.� I k� I -- _- . I -
. , . . . -,
ed institmetions. The first message �' I" .. I . .
. .. . . I . . . .
..L4 4,•, ".:11 . L...I L. : -*-.-.'. .i :, , '...' " _. L. . ... . .. . ..*
____1 I ,..
' I . . - . �
:, .. . J�. I � I ,..- ...... `.- .. ._._� .� .. --
- sent him by Shiffinan was: . . . I W.. I 1' _7 - ..*- __1 . I -1; _. ... V "
"Bttten on finger by copperhead, �_� - . .,.1.- - I--. - � I . . I I. I I . - . a . .. ... ..� . .
What &I I do?" . .-.. . I - ... . � L � .� I -_ 1i . I r�... , I 1, .. .I 1. ...;� . - :.. .
I I . --- .I,- . .11 . . ... _L
. - . . .. - I lir - , . L . -
In arte-wer to this Ditimats sent the .- - -�. . - ... _ � . I . � . I .- . - . ...-
. ... . . I L I .".. . . - 7-._� - I .I .I .,L _�.._. , ....'
I I &&I.. .. .. 11, . . . . GOVERNMENT VESSEL BRINGS STRA NCM TALES OUT OF ICY HINTERLAND ... . I _' , ;........
. L"Wash wound thoroughly with per- I Her annual pilgrimage to the ArciI ended, the 8.8, Beothic, government vessel, is back home at Sydney, N.S., from a thrilling 450-day cruise to
- -
�I nia.Manate, potassium Place wet anti- which she covered 7,000 miles. She brings back stories of succoring- anothe I rabi) stranded nearly a Year.On a remote northern island, of an Eskimo .-. . . . L.
septic dreasine on wound. . Don't being torn to pieces by an enraged walrus, and of the ac-clolentaLl self-shooting of a man at an isolated mounted Police post. As a romantic interlude to M..: .7, I. _.... I
, _ .
,.lippor"'01 I I related the,queer sequel to II wooing of a maiden by an Eskimo. In No. .l is shown George.P. MacKenzie, commander of tbe_expedition for the fourth
Four hours later Ditmars received consecutive time, and. in No. 2-19 the Becithic, pictured at a former visit to Pond Inlet. In No. 3 Is Dr. L. D. Ltyingwtone, who-.was the medical man-on '- . I.....1. .. .
* this moseage: I I thetbe voyage.just completed. No, 4 shows Baffin Island and-the Paugnurtin ig mountains, No, 5 is the schoolmaster's house at Godhava, Greenland. and ' �.. ._,, .
- . .
Swelling extended np arm What; which
..Ill h again figures In .
I No. 6. Is the Beothic at Bache Peninsula. where the world's farthest' north post office Is situated aiI moiinfed pollee station, w c 9 n - ' ...... ;
. sbiall Ido " . .1 .
; . the annual cruise. ,No. 7 Im on Eskimo woman fn-native garb, typlical of the girt who provided the rowalille touch to the last voyage , - � � -.-; I.
- . . - I
� Ditmars radioed back: . - i I. - . ___� I - L
� "Make drain incision in wound., -. ' _ _ ____ - - -_ -_ ' _____ Mrs. McPherson promoted the "col- .
Continue wet dressings. Moderate . Market Reports .1 Man. wheat-No. 2 North., $1.19; Aimee McPherson - ..y" by radio addresses and the d1w .-.�'. . __111�
. swellings must be expected." . No. 3 North., $1.12; No. 4 wheat, .. I 1. . ) I ..
Thi following day Ditmars received __ _ tributlon.of literature-. as well as 11111- . 1
,$1.09 (e-i.f. Goderich and bay ports) . - 11 .
.the following message: PRODUCE QUOTATIONS.' ., I Man. oatsI 1 feed, 56c,
(C.I,f., Noted Evangelist quirt' Into the bank accounts of III ,--.....
"Swelling - I Golderich and bay ports). . congregation, the two women charged,
g redu,ce(L-Feel much bet- Toronto whoiesale dealers are ay", Am. corn-No. 2 yellow, $1.17; No. . .. . attorney, _ .
'bor. "Many thanlM." , delivered: �is Sued by Pupils Arthur Veitch- her called .
III following prices 8 yellow, $1.16 (Ti6ftnto fteights). - . ;. the suit a "publicity stuaI
. 7 . Eggs, ungraded, -cases returned-, I ' . . .
Fresh extras, 38 to 40c, fresh firsts, Ont. oats--Good, sound, heavy oats, .- ... -
I m .- . . . .,
a Fruit " * I near lots, 43c, f.o.b. shipping points. Two Former Students Allege . 0 1 �
tan chim F i . 36 to 37c; seconds 28 to 29c.
. . . Butter-Creamery, solids. Pasteur-I .Ont. good mil ng wheat, f.o.b. ship- Fraud. and Ask for ' i. - "! .� . '._. ' '
16_�__._ .) ling points. according to freight&. . - ' ' -
Much Too Dear ized, No. 1, 39 to 39%e; Na2, 87% - . Irish toMake .
III i . _. . . $26,525 � . .
. to 38%c. 1.65 Aa� f 1.I 0.
, ,_
Barley- 11 - Tractors .-_.
� . . . Malting, 62 to 68c. . . . . .. � . � . - 11
. * cream-"'Special,
" : - - t - -- - Ford Tract .. . , �*
-Ottawa."You seem almost ashamed 'Churning cream, 86c;1. Buckwheat-Not quoted. .
. first, 35c; second, 32c. . PROMOTES COLONY ' - - . - "' . ,- 4
of your own fruit." said Sir D'Arcy Rye-No. 2, not quoted: . . a .w .1 ; . .- . . t _1A
I Cheese No. I large, colored, para- a . .. 7
Lindsay, of the Indian delegation, at fined and Government graded, 22 to' . '- I- Angelus Temple Referrea to to Be Begun \
.a recent afternoon's sitting of the Em- 23c. 1 Amundsen Plane - - � Large Scale to Meet '+.,. ,�
. pire.Parliamentary Association. Sir PROVISION PRICES * ' . Real Estate Office- ..� onrg ' -
. IYArcy was referring to the display of "Toronto wholesale dealers ' --1 ,- . -A4a . .. . Demands of Europe . I. �.I "
I lil,evot- ' .Wreckage Found ' -Los Angeles, Calif.-Aime Semple . : � , ..
trust In the Canadian shops he had ing the following pricesto the trade: I - .- I I . . .. .
� Seen, Smoked meats--Hams, med., S2 to � - ., .. .McPherson was asked to leave her . Loudon.-H. S. Cooper, general man.
. .��
. .1 . . I
1. "And the Prices You,have to pay!" 34c; cooked hams, 60c; smoked rolls, Oslo ..NeWspaper ,,.Report Angelus Temple recently to make a er ,of Ford's automobile works in
exclaimed Sir D'Arcy. "Talk of your 27c; breakfast bacon, 33 to 40c; do, . ' ' . I Blanchester, referring to the 'transfer- - -
Doubted Since Craft - I business call at a place not -entirely 'Ire-
profiteers. Why you pay here In your fancy, 40c; backs, peamealed, 30 to' . . . encs of the manufacturing plant In Ire-
. -
it' own shops In Canada an much as you 35c;,do, smoked, 39 to 42c. . . Much. Further. 7.: ., !unfamillar to her-the district attor. land to England, says It is intended to
Cured meats-Long clear bacon, 50 : ,..I" : ++!
. . .... I . '
..,, North . I ney's office of Los Angeles county. The, build Fordson tractors id.1reland. '
pay for the same fruit in London.I And to 70 lbs., $21; 70 to 90 lbs., $19; 90, . d - .. ,.." .:.
. the hotels-!" ght! Oslo. Norway-An unconfirmed ills- business was to discuss whether she The Cork works are being tempos , .. .. . �i
- -
.. . tc 100 lbs. and up, $18; lightweight publicity arily employed In making.g parts for -, .�� . . .
But Sir D'Arcy had reached his ten M,1.1s, in' bbls., 11.50; heavyweight'patch to the newspaper Aftenposten has been the victim of a pub -
.minute limit and his speech was rolls, $38.5,10 per bbl. from Its correspondent at Harstad stunt or Is involved in an alleged new cars. This is now to cease and . �.� .2 .
abruptly ended. Lard-Pure. tierces, 15%c; tubs, said the wreckage of Roald Around+ fraudulent land promotion scheme. I while cars and trucks are to be made . ..
. . .. 1.He remarked earlier that while the 11I pails, 17c; prints, 18c. short- sen's plane had. been found off the Two of the evangelist's former Bible in England, Cork very shortly'will con-
- � -
. . I. .
-billboards of Great Britain were cover. ening tierces, 14%c; tubs, 14%c; paUs, Lofo,ten islands, south of Tromsoe. school students, recently instituted centrate on the manufacture-,of tract-
,ed with advertisements to "eat more 1514c; tins, 17�4c; prints, 16%c. .j The Aftenposten's story, was far civil suits fol $26,5i5 charging fraud ors. "It has been rather 'a sIdw pro. .-
. . I - . -,.-
fruit" Canadian apples were not push- I LIVE STOCK 1=.confirmed from other sources In a r�al estate proposition at Lake cess," Mr. Cooper says, "but to-day III � . .-
I - ' I- I
ed on the streets of London. & Heavy beef steers, choicd-,-$'h.50 to Some Arctic experts were inclined to .Tahoe, Calif. The plaintiffs were European countries the demand for - .� -
I . ... I...
. .1 '
0 - . �_... , $12; do, fair, $10.20 to $11; butcher doubt the report, since the plane was Melissa W. Puryear and Ada E. Whar-, tractors is very considerable. Coll.
. as decided to remanu.
. Toronto Helps in o.... steers, choice, $11 to $11.75; butcher found so far south of its objective toll. Attorneys said their suits were. sequently Ford
I � heifers, choice. $10.50 to do. and even considerably south of only the prelude to other civil actions facture tractors on a.large scale for
$11; . .1
.. 0 . 0 •
- corn., $8 to $9.50; butcher cows, good Tromsoe, from which It beaded which wilLinvolve $100,000. !the European market.
- . � :;.."!.. I.. �
. ,Wmmpeg Epidemic to chaise, $7.50 to $8.50; do, fair to . . � . .. "t Involves this change wthe new ; - I I .
, north on leaving. Assents Appellation. . 1J .. ...':
good, $6.50 to $7.60, do, corn., $5.75 to - I . - . � here
I . I ".
. 0 . plant at.Cork, for what is coming
$6.25; canners an+d utters, $4 to $5; . �. - Mrs. McPherson resented the apoel- ;�-
. is to be replaced by - special plant In. I . I l-:��!
Serurr. for Cure of .Infantile butcher bulls, good to choice, $7.50 to .. tion . _�-. lation of her In the suits as a "ten per .1 . -1 ..�,
.. I I . I ,volving new capital expenditure. Ford
Paralysis Dispatched by $8; do, med., $6.50- th $7; , bol- : Edinburgh Evening News: All over cent. commission salesman" and also
,. has stood the cost of the duties III
: '. ..
- � _�
. ,. UnI $6.25 to $7; baby beef, $11 the Empire immigration policy d the reference to Angelus I 1. 11 _�..fi��
I Train , y is too dislike 'posed here on Irish Free State pro. _ . `.!-�:
' . . .50; feeders, coice, $9 to $10; For ,. .-;, ..�`
.Toronto-In r .r, $8 to $&60, stockers,,choice, cautious. It is far too selective ,to Temple as a "real estate office." '.:_'. .
esponse to an urgent!do, fair, � duce for four years out of his own 1:L..'...,t.
have the impetus it ought to have, this, her attorney said, she was seek- .. .,11": ':
request from Winnipeg, Toronto sent�$8.50 to $9.75; do, fair, $8 to $8.50; ,Pocket. Had he been,a hard-hearted'i .. �i: ` 1.
. I springers, choice, $110 to $150; mi-Ich and one would like to see It gather to Ing 'legal redress." . I l.." I'
a precious package of serum to assist . husiness man be would have stopped .-P. ., .. . ,.
. in the fight there against the epidemic cows, choice,. $90 to $100;. calves, itself some of'the courage that marked The crux of the charges In the suits Cork four years ago, before the time
of infantile paralysis. Less than 43 Ichoice, $15 to $17; do, med., $10 to the rush years in the United States, was that the evangelist proposed erec-,has come to .put that works an a dit.
$13; do,grassers-,$7.50 to $8.50; lambs it must not be forgotten, too, th t he tion of a tabernacle at the lake resort.''
,bours after a message was received $13 to $13.50; bucks, $11 to $11-50; American courage was unaided. We The complaint said that around this ferent product."
by Dr. Alan Brown from Dr, Gordon
56 . I
- `sheep,,t(choi.c the means of smoothing the was to be built a "Christian . . 11
Chown, Professor of Pediatrics at the )$6 6� $7 to $8.50; do, heavies, have . . I - � I .,. I.
_ ; do,cull*,$9 to$5; hop,,paths of the Dominions now. When and neither was ever established, &I- I .e
� Un;lversity .of Manitoba, asking the select, w.o.c., $14.50; do, fed, $14.10; A very small boy-was trying to lead, .�
to-operstion of the hospital in col-ado, thick smooth, w.o.c-, $14; 0, fed, we consider the hundreds of millions though the evangelist as a Promotion-
,that have been exonded upon "dole,- al agent of two real estate operations 'a huge St. Bernard dog up ,he road,
.Ucting blood from patients who have $13.60. " - I
. ,
held infantile paralysis and from GRAIN QUOTATIONS - in this' country, and think of the emt. sold lots on the project and caused her j,"Where Are you going to take the dog,
-ed-a passer-by.
. * former students to sell other property,,my little man?" Inquii
vrbilch serum would be extracted, this Grain dealers on the Toronto Boat'd gration schemes these sums might I III-I'm going to see where he wants
�priicticifl response was the dispatch of of Trade are making they following have got up,the tragedy of the present at a sacrifice and invest their money
situation Is all the more acute. In the deal. . . I to go first," said the boy.-
-the serum - L, ,". ... -- . . II ...I . .1 .
.. _ quotations for car lots: . ,
. __
. . I
.. . . I ,.. �I L ... ... � . .." .1
I , . L' �. I � L_ ., I I , I .1
. .4 I- I -� I. . . . ., . . .
.. .. .. .. ..I ,
, ...
- �t.�
�, .
ll ..:.*
1115! .
3! .I,.
I .
I � . . . . N , , I I , . . � . . . . 0 1 . ��.. � ", I'�
I � I . � � ,. . , . . .. I I .. I ., . I ,
I . I . I . .
.. I I I . . . .. - I . �. . 1 ,.,��
. . I I - . I
� . . . I
,. � � . . I .
, .
. . '.f,, - ;r.,e 1���tlllk
�. $ . . .� . . I 1".. I. . ,V ,,- ,
� "; . , � I . L, � i , l I .I ...1� . I .. . � � I.. . -�,_. . ,. �I�, -,..- . _Z%�IN�� I.
I, . I I . . 11, . . I. I - ' ' 1!� . I ... .,.... '. .
I ?i) VI,... .. .. _ ;1 mi. I I . . I ..I , .1 I . .. I i I I . . �. , I ; - ,im,._,4� . - 14�,
. . I �_ I I L . ,; . , l. . �'._ .
_.I I'll, .. . I � . I. - ..i. . . I...,I I I : ,.�.. �:,-'I I I ., I .i I— = . "," . I . I �111, ,�.--,I,. . '.. I .., I.' 11". �'-'�I � ,� *. I-
.1 . _ 1. 11, I �-�� 11 . , . , , ", -, 5:;i I '.,',�� , - , . . 1.4,& &I'll... - .-
. 'I,; �-*� .;',�..,_."".� -"4 .�� t".� � 1. .I . ." i, � It,
, 1,'IN .* I I � le *I ., I�_ ,vl� 1, , .
'w�i 3 jiii .,�,�� ,, - � 1, §n� I ..
R."14%&R -AIr I I I•, = '" �-_ - -,-- II; - �_ -_.. _&I X. 11 I I
__ I I
,. ;•;�;;:' ,,:rzvJn"'..� .,S: �,,�..::» vNw.1J.Ya. ::k r• +vY:a41K.;_ yr .vv�,+..� s.:.••,-,v�.. ...�� :y.,,, _ _
.t ."� '�Y..•,.�.'S e_.� .;,s .��s""��>�,'a".`i '+ y1.. Y..1�, �:'` :e••xY" .t. �:sti"".+re. ,. - �. m' - ",�
- "`LJIJ�riiJ1171L �. —Mrs. Norman Banks spent a —Miss Margaret Taylor.of Man-
s ecia� �eas� �elc�#hen
few days recently in'Detroit with cbester, spent a few days with
her aiaEer. Mrs. Shepherd. Iver eousio, Mies Ethel PowelY. *,
-Cora'roasts are quite in order —Mrs. Harvey :Stockfish, of —Lost, near Pickering, 2 buggy
Hollywood, Calif., called on Mrs. ruga. Finder lease leave at M.
,these be evenings. y N a ••
Geo. Martin, on Tuesday last. S. Cha tnan'a store, Pickering. . - ' 7 "
—A number from here attended Y P • • -' ��' '
the Oshawa Fair this week. —Mrs.Floes,Mrs. Segrla and Mrs. —Dr. C A. Philp",of Port Elgin, Tapeline 18 getting 1tChy for 11ew busts
—Win. Morrish, of Kitchener,. Fisher, of Buffalo, returned home nhade a brief bu•t pleasant call on
^ spent a day recently.with his aunt, on Monday, after spending a week John and Mrs. Murkar on Wed- Hales since ills Fall and Winter Samples Y
-Mrs. A. Burrell with Mrs. James Gordon. nesday. p
—A. Finkle and a friend, of To- —At St. George's Church on Sun- —Arthur and Mra. Boyes, Mr& haeme arrived = After lookln over the
lro;nto, spent a day , with ,W. B. day, Sept. 18th: 10 a. m., Sunday Theo. Annan and Mrs. E.L. Chap-
and Mrs. Powell. School;11 a. m., Holy Communion. roan spent the week-end with rela- new samples, Tapel>lne has informed us
—James Thompson. formerly Rev. D. B. Langford. 7.80 P. m., tivea in Belleville.
harness maker of Pickering, spent Evening Prayer, Rev. W. R. —Dr. H. T. Fallaise, Resident Dent- that bar no ing, these three outfits
Sunday with W. B.and Mrs, Pow. Sproule. ist. Office over Baiedon's hardware , g,
ell. —W• g Redditt wad family are store. office holimt 9 to 6 daily and T� To Read and Lowndes are
—Lyndon Crook left this week spending a two weeks' vacation evenings by appointment.a Tip y
to attend Pickering College at with relatives in Waterford. 'In —Mrs. Grant Arnot and dau
Mr. Reddit's absence, B. N. ghter, Grace, have returned to ,a ut the finest he has seen.
Newmarket, where we. wish him. Hughes, of Stouffville,is in charge their home here"r,after spending a
soccer°' of the Standard Be,pk here. couple of months on the shores of --'
r ,
_� . lilies Wm. Burt two eons, —The Women's Institute will Lake Simcoe Tapeline assures us that after his holidays he feels
f Robert and Will, of Toronto, conduct the refreshment booth at —Charles Haight- has resumed fit and fine and will guarantee to keg u
e tit Sunday with Jabez sad Mrs. P P
Hallett. the School Fair to be held on work in the General Motors, of the high quality of his workmanship,
—E. Y. and Mrs. ??yea, of Bat Tuesday-next, the t8th inst., in Oshawa, after being laid off duty
tie Creek, Mich., visited with the Memorial Park. Donations of for several weeks as a result of
.latter's brother, W. H. and Mrs. "mall cakes will be thankfully injuries to one of hip hands. :If you are not acquainted with .Tapeline, come in and
Bray last week. accepted. As the Institute is de —Mrs. Dale, who was taken ill meet the gentlemen. He will be delighted to
siroue of adding to their funds, at the home of her daughter, Mrs do hie best for ou and will make you
—Ed.. and Mrs. Walsh and fam- y Y
they ask for cc operation from all Arthur Richards, Toronto, has re- a suit at an rice you desire
ily moved'on Friday last to their members. turned to her home with Mrs. y P
new house at 18 Weller St., To-
ronto, where our best wishes ac-
The following new books have Smith, and is recovering from her
Comppany them. been added to the public library iIlnesa. :$24.00 to $75.00
Guthrie, who has been and are now in circulation : The —ComiNo, F. E. Luke, Opt. D..
residing in L. D. Banks' residence Bridge of San Luis, Rey Wilder ; Optometeriet, 178 Yonge St., To.
.for several months, has leased E. Kitty, Deeping; Captain Wareen'p ronto,-may be consulted about Fred T. Bunten ` PickerIn;
• J. Walsh's house, which Mr.Walsh Ward, Lincoln; The Beloved Vaga• your eyes for glasees at A. H. g� 9
has jest vacated.
bond, Locke;The Virginian, Whie- Atlin's drag store, Whitby, on Established 1857.
—Dr.and Mrs. Fallaise moved to ter; Madam Clare, Ertz; Steeleof Tuesday, 3evt 25th. e e
their new residence, Hing street the Royal Mounted, Ourwood ; —A serious motor accident oc• -
east, rm Weduesday. The doctor Story of Marco, Porter; Their Yea• enrred about 12 o'clock on Friday
avail have his dental office adjoin' terdaye, Wright; The Wrath to nicht last on the highway is front •
ing the residence. Come, Oppenheim; Nevada, Grey; of Cook's store at the west enc] of
—Iocel H. and Mrs. Murphy, Up the Hill and Over. McKay; the village in which the occupants j .
he �' q Jt
accompanied by W. J. and Mrs. Hermit of Far End, Pedler; Mon- miraculously escaped fatal iniur-
McKitrick, of Orangeville, motor- sieur Reaucaire, Tarkington; Oh ies. A truck owned by Cridlands,.
ed down and spent the week-end Money Money, Porter; The Holi- Limited, dealers in mea tad, of Ta
with Walter and Mrs. lira ay, Lenanton; Cotton, Betbea; ronto, and driven Mt Robertson,
Y• Miss Tiverton Goes Out, Anony• -of 39 Giebeiount Ave., of Toron-
—For the third or fourth time,
-Walter Sleep had his hen-house moue : The Quilt of Happiness, to, collidedwith an Oakland se-
entered by chieken-tbieves one Wiggin; Prooer Place, Douglas . dan, owned and driven by Mr.
Z. The Woman Haters, Lincoln; Eyes MvKenzie, of Farleigb Ave, East
'- � night recently- and helped them- y
;.,aielves to some of his choicest fowl, of the World, Wright; Whitby,Anne of y. w ho, with his wife and
—Mrs, Kirchner and family, the Island, Montgomery; Mysteri• two children escaped with minor ti
injuries. The driver of the truck
tvho have been spending a couple one Affair at Styles, Christie; Buff. IL
• -. �, - of weeks' vacation is Pickering a collie, Terbune; The Mutineers, was injured in his head and arm. _ _ _ - -
'where they renewed many old Hawes; Betty Gordon, Elverson; Medical aid was secured when it
# a acgaiiaintances, returned to their My Dog Simbo, Kearton; Roavd was found necessary to insert _ jQ o�° re�tW
. home in Chicago on Friday. the World with Jocko the Great several stitches, to close a wound
Ornitz; My Life as an Explorer, in his arm. After receiving medi•
—On Saturday next. Sept, lath. - •- . . .
4�• at 3.00 p. m , a sale of home'
bak- Amunadeo; Isobel, Carwood ; cal attention be was taken to his -
'`� ing and afternoon tea will be held Dawn of the Morning, Lutz hot�ie in the city by A.T. Law nod �+� 'T' _ .
Il in the offices of Richardson & Pick- —Oue day last week as Provin- Tt affi� Officer Billiard, whas heel l ile moors 1 '1'h� ' ear
erlas. solicitors, by members of tial Officer Cecil Taylor, of Osh q ck y arrived at the scene of the Y
8t. George's Woviao's Guild. awa. was returning from the city accident After eeeiar the coin
tete wreck of the truck and car
_ ! —Mies Lillian Wiman, who has he saw a truck standing by the P -
�< one wonders how the occupants are 'the
_beea residing with" her grand side of the road near the Rouge 1 a
.,�'". moLhelr, Mrs, A. Burrell, has left Hill and two men sitting down escaped with their lives. M� '
for the house of her parents in clo'e by. His suspicions being Robertson states that he was 1�.,��' � _ .
Peterboro. She will be greatly aroused, he began to investigate blinded by the glaring lights iof
d Beautiful !i longest
imissed by her aamorous friends in Looking in the rear of the truck as approaching car and "to avoid -
]Pickering he came across an empty carton colliding with it he turned to the
A - —On Satnrda a nung con le with five empty beer bottles. This right, but going too far he turned :• - , ` .,
Y y bock on to the -road and collided
from Oshawa. who were motoring -did not satisfy his inquisitive din-
ti into the city to eve tbe'E:bibition, position, so he continued his in.
with the car which he dad not see ��'•�_ ,
had a rather unpleasant expert vestirations in the front of the on account of being blinded by 1 Zit Fit - .1 ile rrices
the glaring lights of the other car.
e®ce which deprived them of their truck where be fennel another car. Chargee of reckleps driving have
! intended visit. Just west of Dun. ton containing four sealed bottles ,�
e been laid against the truck driver,
barton they tried to pass an of beer and one partly filled: This and the firer will also be charged �s " `� iaf
; •
American car which was stalled was sufficient evidence for him to r-.
with employing a man who did
im the road. In order to avoid lays charge of having liquor in -
not have a chauffeur's license. Mr. l i
hitting an approaching car they other than a legal place against Robertson also claims that he had P ( ;t �easQ]Sable
struck the American car, damag- the owner of the truck. As a re-
ar been drivingsteadilyfor seven-
lag it badly as well as causing stilt Wm. T. Elliott, of Toronto, teen hours dring thaday. l ,
much damage to their own,a com• appeared before !Magistrate Clark
1 �ee restively new Mel angbliersedan. and pleaded guilty to the charge
.-'�,':'•� '... . _' .
�9Vhen the accident occurred the and was fined $100.00 and costa, Nares j
American had gone to a garage amoIIntior in all to $100 b0 Elli- - ,,,;„� ,,,,�,.,,,•,� -
�� for assistance and wss most on ott had been engaged hauling saw• OR SALE—Chinchilla rabbit& T.
$ essantly surprised to ase what duet from Toronto to Arnold'" FE.O'Reilly,Dunbarton,'Oot. 61-2 � �'•i
k bad occurred in his absence. store in.0ehaws, where it is used, —
—The final girls'softball game not for sausage, but for the floors. EA VY HORSE—Fnr sale cheap.
of the season will be played on When to Oshawa he purchased the HApply Fred Williams,Highland Creek. 2 8 75(� A . 950 50
Friday egvening.Sot. 14tb, at the beer whi(--h proved to be arch so FOR SALE OR REACT—Brick house. lJ
1Piekerin Memo .' Park.between unprofitable investment. ten acres of land.in North Claremont. Ap-
the Lakeside Ladies from Toronto —Oo Sunday afternoon a party ply T,Condy,Claremont. 49tr
slid the Pickering Glens. This of Ukranians from Toronto,to the OR SALE-1 Happy Thouaitht
will be.tbe first time this 'year the number of abort 18 persona, when FOR
as new, will sell for law thea ,,:, �] "n
aliitl>reoe of Pickering have had a retnrniog home from Whitby hatrror girl sale. Apply at NEWS office. la - n d },.{; [�j j
chance to see the girls from the where they had been visiting a OR SALE—Ford coupe,witb start.
'big smoke 'perform here, and a friend, bad a pleasant. outing end• Fer.quick change bands.good running order. _
large crowd is expected. We have denly terminated , by disaster, newly painted. $75. R.Feasby, Brougham, z
to hand it to our girle for.the wben.tbe tri2ek, which carried the ANTED—Fresh Eggs, Live Poul- [�
°-•sporting spirit they possevi in whole party, upset just west of try.any quantity, write for weekly prices. •�� •O�
taking on a team of such calibre 'Dunbarwn and io ured 16 of them TTwtn City Produce Market.Box-84,Ki.chen�,
as the above mentioned, but they more or less seriously, and damag-
s '_gill be right ont there to'do their ing the truck badly. Traffic Offi PASTURETOLET—WilltakPcattle
beat, as they have been doing all cer S. A. Hilliard was soon on the to pasture. Also for sale, wagon box, like -- - — _
new,plow,and-other articles, W m.Lacey,Dun-
�= !summer, They only ask one and scene as who rushed
Covetable re H. Barton. 51"2 me
wA MA�
all to be on hand at 8.30 sharp, Cheerer who rushed the injured to* d bring your voices along. The t•he Toronto llDs itals a ci to the FARVS TO RENT-150 and coo so• - '� y P• � acres lots 1]and 12, concession 4,Picker-
also wish, through the coluros of OchRVt•a General Hospital. . Mrs. ing• Good buildings, Apply to George west,
thiiaper, to express tbeie thanks Ann Wevilieo, a widow 5S'years'
R.R. 1,Pickering. 2 4
on $cod friend "Pete" Irwin, of age, was the most seriously-in- OR SALE—Good saddle pony,
r Fy ..for bringing his girle� oat 'to play red, having sustained a fraetnr_ Fquiec,excenent for boygoin¢toschooi. Has
'r•: ' been driven also. Apply of Andrew Pegg'e, or INSU-RANCE
this game.—Corn. ed t-kull. She was removed to St.
* phone Claremont 322. 1-2
4 --On, Monday morning four Michael's Hospital where she is
hildren, one boy and three girl", still unconscious. As the ocen- WT OUR PRICES—On new and -
+ used farm machinery,cream Be rater,also • : r
ranging in ages from 7.to 12 years pants of the track have very poor Frost wire fencing and gates. It will pay you.
of are were loitering around Port English,it was difficult to ascer w,F,Disney,Greenwood.Phone Pick 2814.33tf
We repre'se'nt strong Mutual Fire 1nsnraa�
ar Union station, "all dressed up and Iain the real cause of the accident, ARM FOR SALE—A firet•class COmpanie8 whose rates are the
no where LO go." County Coll- but according to their statements Ffarm of]]o acres, good buildings,water and
t stable W�kL . H. Chester took there it would appear that another renter. on provincialEishway,narschool dna lowest obtainable.
a. in charge. The told a very in- motorist cut in on them, oansin Miller, A snap for quick sale AppiyBR.D.
J g Mil Brougham. - — -
Wresting story o how they came the upset. - Although no liquor •. we insure both Village and Farm
from Rochester, N. Y.,to Toronto, was found in the truck it was FI
OR RALE—Cream separator,Raeo- Properties, ,
line engines,riding plows washing machines,
toles the Canadian National Ex- evident that they had been drink- and wheelbarrows,all new. Also 2 good liLht
F.' hibitioa, having made the trip on ing. The driver of the Lruek and wagons. Will sell chap. Apply to Mrs. Ira
x .• Powell,Claremont. aaxr Premium rates gladly supplied without obligation.
the bumpers of • railway cars. another man were taken to Pick-
' Thaev had only 45 cents with there, ering where they had their injuries TORONTO WET-WASH LAUN- _
but Sheir unusual plight did not attended to after which the were DRY(semi finish)—Let otss driver all dna
p y explain our 24 hour aervue. just lave Tour
+ o.seem to worry them much. Coo placed under arrest and 'lodged in name with Mr.S.w. avis, barber whop. We IN$URANQE—Life, Fire, Auto, Aecideet, 8id<aoele.
t stable Chester took thein to the Whitby ail. One of the men, will pick up and deliver 8 times a week.
y j "- BONDS—Government, Mnnicipsl, Corporation.
Children's Shelter at Oshawa, who was the driver of the truck, WANTED AT ONCE—Two strong,
. ,MORTGAGE LOANS on Farris Prgpertiel.
where they could be looked after. was `charred with. driving a car coon kitchen and �r r ihigh-class h ate: REAL EST kTE—Farm and Reaf�dtintial.;
As they appeared at the shelter while under the influence of Previous experience ih hotel work not essential,
they were immediately recognized liquor, and the other with bet App n roon or write THE FALCON,Kings-
by the matron as the Brown fam drunk. They will come up for ton Ia„Highland Creek P,o. 52tr W 'BARKER. S NA
ily, of Toronto. who had on several trial this(Friday) evening in the TOR SALE OR TO RENT-107 acres ' s l
4 previous occasion°been in mates of Pickering Police-Court. As a re good land,adapted for grain or dairyin�and t
the institution. The boy's arra pelt of the accident traffl/ Was
is chs 1 for fruit m buiT in well watered, sage
y' orchard,$noel farm buiTddinga,near a school and ,�PICig�iRlNG -,
was black and bike, which he held up for abont 45 minntea a8 church, Lot 4, con, 3. Pickering I-4 mile west
�f of Audley. Possession April Id, 1920,with/civ-
naerlbed to ptiniphment adm' is- there was much confusion at the liege to ow this tau. .Appt to Mra,jamas Mc-�
• tCrck'by his father. scene of the accident. Brady. 1 Kendal Aveatre,Oshawa. sur Telephone Pickering 4.800 : �. _�P, O. Box.40
.. . ,,':..'stns s.-. •..,.. +. .o ..'..... �'r�-. !., .�.lp :"� 1 +Y' Y,.
.. w �: d • a.'g. ..,.... .,; n .'.c-...J_. . •'.n. '`... .._.ir7..r. w,.» .,C }. s`s w.aa'.'.r k .vr $w't -.
.. :.. w 'l. -.."{.- ., .. •... Z,r,� 5•'.; �••.'m' - 7 . y f •..•e r^..h'-�
•@o� M,; a. ,.,,• •fir ..a a,.d �'s' a m�,• .w f 'd-t. �a.�.. .'.",�.� 3.t.K;i.� .:a .:a• „•"`Ra"'xm';,"�.�'
}� Ask •:rE:� �„ML' .i<..�,�. • e i kC'vev o..,,s.,v�yr.�.,. "Y�{„ .'�'�11",� „ y,
•'...1> ..,: 'spa ism St• °.x fn 'eAA.'