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4. • 77 �4_ !p. VOL. XLV11a ' PIC'EK-E-JR]ING, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 129.' 1928 No. 43 *1101100*t0nall 9AZZ-bo. OUNBARTON. WHItEVALE. On Sunday .at the Community Hall, The Whitevale Baptist Mission Cir- GREENWOOD saw mm ana mut Sunday School will meet at 2.34' p.m. cle will meet on Tuesday, July 3rd, at At $ paw appropriate Dominion Da TR.L.BOOBY-Physician and Sur- y the home of Mrs. James Kayes, at service. Preacher, Rev. W. R. Sproule. 2.30 p.m. Word for Roll Call "For- Graduate of University of Tornnto. Phone Pick 1626. 31-4 . ]ELLS get." The report of the Association R. PORSYIra, Oph.D., Direetor LAKE SHORE. held at Whitby will be given by Miss X Ada Michell and Mrs. Kayes. There Established 18% tbe American 01 Wabaska Park, Hamilton, last 4' ca' A"o`a"`o"`=tn&-Baskets ot all sizes will also be musical selections rend- Fyss examined-br-*ppolatment- Thursday was fortunate in winning Claremont.Ont. 'the valuable prize- in-the- ered and tea\will be served. All mem- Treasur,.- hers kindly be present. and descriptions Hurst: The pupils and ratepayers of S.S. The annual picnic of the Whitevale Women's Institute will be held on the 4 AB. CHRISTIAN, No. 2, together Vith our esteemed to .at lowestprices, beautiful lawn of Mrs. George Burk- Solicitor,Notary Public Etc. M teacher� Miss Kine, intend holdin am! holder, July 4th at 3 p.m. An en- Barle South W--g.Court House.Whitby. Ly a picnic at Riverdale Park, Toronto, y A G-BROWNING, K. C.. Barris. n Thursday. -Salt given by the following artists: Dory- It for sale 0 tirely different programme is to be -Cxa ter,Solic4tor.No and 1_ublic. Annex'Blk., inanWdiaWj west of Past CmEce,Dundas Street, AUDLEY. von Sisters, singers and dancers; Whitby. Phone SM. Office phone 392. Folk Dances by Misses Mary and Bet- -CHAS. 'DEATON & ROSS-Barristers. So. The annual garden party under tbK.- ty Beaton. Instrumentals by Billy JLP"t- Northern Ontario Successor to late W. G. Barnes auspices of-the Ladies' Aid Society Sloan. Everyone, come with your 21aylkxet.Torooto� Building. t3o A. WHITS. "Wheat Phone Mark 6420 will be held at the home of Mr. W. baskets and have a good time. W.J.Beaton, 1.D.F.Ron, G. Pratt on the evening of Friday, Adelaide 2707 JEtwfing. Material I July 6th, at 7.30 o'clock (standard BROUGHAM. A ]RICHARDSON & ploKs time). A first-class progxam wi1J bel Solicitor etc.. 213-214 Conked- .presented by the Newton Concert Co. T. C. Brown I went into the city anted e y 1 e and Rich- on Tuesday. Tor and 5 x British Columbis,Shingles composed of the following artists: U9. Ce open is - Pearl Newton, -elocutionist; Ethel Mrs. T. C. Brown is still 4 the 3atvtdayWed and s ev ne Pick. 67 Grainger, contralto; Famous Boote city owing to the serious illness of No. 2 8 and 5x : 1 ., Highest 11- - t- her sister. ---------- DeesEal Trio, musicians; Thorqas McLay, Scot- tish Tenor. Admission 35 cents for Farmers are now wearing a broad. -D. -TORONTO ASPHALT adults, 15c, for children under 12 er smile, sin- e the refreshing rains prices BLAKE B. BEATON.Gradvatelof the Reyalcoletre D.of Dental S., ROOFING years of age. Come and enjoy a of last week. SUrgeous and Univej it? of Toronto, Office Murray's 18 in., 82 in. and Be inch pleasant evening. The Brougham Softball team played "*r Wardeck's Gonfect=ery atom W-Wtby, at Kinsale last Friday evening, de- paid Office hours 9 to 12 :I to 5.30. Ind.'phone 6. widths, 4 in I Shingles ; also 80 phone rA. 'HIGHLAND CREEK. feating them by a score of 17-7441y Metal Valley and The Township Council, which met Ridge Roll. NBIL C.SMITH.- D. D. 9.. L. D. S.. The relarmonthly meeting of the here on Monday, have a difficult pro)>- Material, or will give price on tem on their hands in the matter (Succeemor to D- J. N.Dales�, Graduate of Highland Creek L.O.L. No. 2934 was of tm held on Friday evening in Morrish's dealing with she worrying dogs. Royal college of Dental surgeons and Toron- t9 University. At Claremont office over D. A. finished job. Scott's store eve"Tuesday and Fridg,, Phone Hall, Highland Creek. There was a Tommie French has gone away. C 0 A L Stone 10.11. large turnout of the members pres- Where he has gone I cannot say. He PICKERMG ent. The W.M., Bro. W. A. Crowe, may come back some otWr day and ERBERT T. FA LLA ISE L D S.. surgeons and the Univemly of Toronto, odd supply of Hard and Soft D D.S. Graduate of the Royal College of umrn YARD in the chair, all the other officers in visit his friend, Albert Gray. But as A g ice Py minutes L Fix% their' respective stations, the min to ,hat I cannot say. eSce hoursabove Saladon's.store,Pickering,Ont, of the previous meeting having beet �e-publie-school pic Coal,on hand. Also a supply I?a m.to ape m., or by a ist- pic came bff anent. Fa;�Pick 3700. 207 read and confirmed and the entire on Saturday last and was quite a -of Kindliog Wood, fluoinsom gar THE MIXING MAREET business being transacted, three can- success. The weather was not what stove length. fidates were duly initiated into the it %hould be for such an event, but l2tf We Av and sell, furnish quotations Orange degree. The final arrange- for all that there was quite a er Phone Pick. 1709. ELIZABETH RICHARDSON- and information on all Listed and ments wen e-mado-for celebrating the in attendance.- The sports and games A-fteand automo6i*mswvwecf&likinti.- Uslis ed Mining Stocks. -ann3versa-r - DONALD MUNRO. PICKEKING 0001FUnift at sour al stand- y of the Battle of the were enjoyed by all, but more espe- We will be pleased to advise what Boyne at Sutton, Ont. Also the cialIv the throce-legged race, the nuc- stocks to buv or to hold.-or church parade which will be held on cessiul contenders being W. E. Holt- L. SURNINGHAAN GBORG 9 KEAY-Licensed auctierh• what stock to sell. Sunday afternoon. Julybert, leaving by and T. Beer. Building and General OV.AJtom, Live stock and general Sal" the hall at 2,30 sharp, daylight sav� enoted to. Terms rannombie. R Clients are making monpy by Contracting. 03M.".91114le. Pbo-Stouff MM following our advice. inj time, to Melville Presbyterian GTOUFFVILLL '61-4 Estimates furnished on all clam" Our lonit experience in mloing, ex- Church. West Hill. The lodge was of work-Interior and Exterior. FPOS"LJ- Licensed Auctionew, The annual school picnic will be toodin over a period of twenty then closed in due form. God Save F• SW 0"OU- 09 T-11 SAW 01000cia. Ann. years. over us to give sound advice the King. held s:8 usual this year at Musselman's Alterations and repairs. I111100 Adles 64 all Jda& &sisaass as an aaft". &&dren Gress Juvw JP 0., ovaL, on the investment feature of a mine Lake on Saturday next. Chimneys Built Concrete Work. or the sp&ula4ive feature of & prow There are a number of new resi-. Phone Pickering 5712 .33LATON TOWNMPCLZRK pective mining venture. OUNSARTON. deuces being built this spring in dif- FAIRPORT. ONT4916 tr• awomaimmem ser asues, ferent parts of the town. Aommuftes. ass. Money ft Uses SOLLOWAY, MILLS & CO. Exam' s ar"e now over, to the �'elight Salem 0 Bowling tournaments are now the est I N. L ,00 Us, Members order of the day, Stouffville beime of the school children. ' S H Stock Exchange. Born, on Friday, June 22nd, to Dan two weeks from Wednesday. LICENSED Auc. Nova Scotia Sbinglea Y. MAW, . Member*of the Montreal and Mrs. Gormley, a son. Big preparations are being made W TIONEER Jet YorMontano and Durbso hilaing Exchange. Rev. A.. McLellan, of Claremont, for the First of July Celebration. The Conagme. AM--of mGalt Galvanized Steel Shingles attended OfRCS And Board Room.Ground Floor. visited John and Mrs. Forgie Bird's Felt Slate Slaingleel 60. Tersservasonable. Datep= may be last Old Boys, of Toronto, will be out in a Metropoll tan'Building, V9AWgPdatNZWS*Ogbcv. sea and indepen- week. 480C Oilseeds. Wbitby,Out• force. for sale at TORONTO. - ONTARIO Mrs: Mackie and Mr. Daniels are Our streets have been well oiled T. PATERSON'S - CLAREMONT P'bone'a: Adelaide (1871 and 6872 visiting at Alex Gourhe's for 4 fon- by the County Highway Commission C&II and get prices. Phone 2812 Mght_ and afterwards sprinkled nth fine THE RURAL Misses V. -Allison and May Somer- I visited Mrs. Mills in the city gravel. Spring 'Time SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. _117- The new roadway through Stouff- LAW'S for a couple of days. ville is expected to be started next C. Annis and family and Miss Helen week. They cannot begin too soon, G Real Betaterand Insurance. Thom attended the Taylor picnic at as the present condition is very irk- A. R A G El Pain tin g Time London last Saturday, some for motors. Farm Properties a Specialty. We are pleased to stat-- that Miss A farewell party was given. in theWe are preptired to do all kinds Mary -AnJerson, who has been i Head Office:218 214 Clonfederation 11 at United Church to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- of repairing of cars, also bat- se Building. Toronto. mott Brown and Mr. and Mrs. A.'E. tery charging, electric P&int get tJ30 I )V90 the e best Misses Marjorie Annis and Edward her home lit-re, is improving. nc;ne main I=. " Is Booth, on the eve of their leaving beat results. and friends visited J. and Mr, welding and in fact • for Toronto. Messrs. Brown and everythinx�n coI3. BewWrani-Randerson's Paints an' Branch Office: Gqrdop Building, Smales, of Enniskillen, last week. Booth were presented with canes and tiection with d Pickering 00"rio. The S.S. Picnic at Oshawa Park on car V Iotquers and :8hsIlacig Phone aeft. 29tf July 17th, is anticipated with great Mesdames Brown and Booth with work. bouquets of flowers. Fare Nt.;r"'Zon.toed. Give them a trial. pleasure, especially the hall games. Our garage man, Ernie Stouffer, Gas, Oils, Gres" and Accessories You will be delighted. A garden party and a Band Con- - rIMB TABLX-Fiekaring met with a serious accident last week an hand conitsopy. Also, Muresco i a all the colors, Oils T.A. Trains going East due an jilhm est under the auspices of the Ladies' While driving down the eighth eon- Turps and General Hardware. 110. 10 Mail 7.1%A M 16 Aid of the Dunbsrton United Church cession of Whitchurch, the gearing Call-and see our Catalogues of 64 28 Local 1144 p, will be held at Maple Park, Liverpool, of'his car broke and he took a head- Dodge and Star Cars.* 4. so LOW on the evening of Tuesdp.y, July 10. Phone 4600. 5.W p. er into the wire fence, with the re- served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Sunday train, &38 A. Tea will be ro sult that fifteen stitches were'neces- goi Weas - the Ontario Regimen' LAWS GARM."XICE T falaw,,_ after which Trains ag do* so sary in his face, while his body was ALVIN BUSIRBY No. 29 Licoal 9.22 A.M. Rand, of Oshawa, will giye a choice pretty badly shaken, ..AND SERVICE STATION 27 T,00&1 2.44 P.M. program of popular songs; old time PICKERING .9 Jdail 9.06 P. W. favorites and instruenintal solos an Sunday train, 8.32 P. M. trombone and piccolo. The assisting GREENWOOD. • iForegoing is according to Standard artists will be Miss Mildred MacDuff. Win. Ornierod is doing as well as. Zell Thrifty Housewives time. elocutionist. of Brooklin, and Waltei can be expected after his operation. Kerr, baritone, of Ashburn. There Mrs. Willows attended the decora- Will quickly recognize Ahe unprece. dented values now offered in Congo] will be a refreshment booth on the tion services at Uxbridge on Sunday. CLAREMONT grouros. Admission, 50 cents; chil- Miss Ella McKittrick, an old Green- eum Gold Beal Rugs at the new iowtv• than-ever pri,7es, prices that tffer* dren 35 cents. On t& Sunday pre- wood girl, was in the village on . .. ... CREAMERY vious, service will be conducted fit Tuesday. tremendous savings. Church the at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell and family, Patterns-The new 19M range is the Toro most beautiful yet shown, by Rev. Wallace Christie, of Rhode.-, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Jas. ]Highest price paid for Avenue Church, Toronto. Mr. Chris- and Mrs. Raine. George Green is able to be around IMP40VED QUALITIES Cream at the tie is one of the outstanding, preach- The Dew Multicote Surface ers in the United Church. Do not again after beirig ' confined to the in LhV greatest improvement in years-long. miss hearing him. house with pneumonia. Clanman t Crea=7 -rwear is built right into and tbrotigb- On June 21st, at his late residence, Mr. Gauslin, of Claremont, and Bob ant the thick long wearing surface, there passed to his rest one of the Wilson, of Toronto. spent a few-days Give as a trial and be cotivinced oldest and most highly respected resi- this week with Will and Mrs. Mid- S40.00 .*Am You .know Congoleum Gold Seal dents of the community in the person dleton. • Rugs are all guaranteed by the Gold In Prizes for the best turn outs Seal an surface ELM DALE N1111.S, of Cuthbeft W. Holines,, in his 75th Lloyd and Mrs. Wilson, of Oshawa, in the year. Following a serious illness he spent Sunday with Ed. and Mrs. An 'Note'these lower prices: was much improved'in health' th*and his nis, also Mr. Lyle and family, y, of Wouthumpian Pima death came as a great shock to his Port Perry, were• their guests that 9212 size formerly 15.00, now 1&50 family and his many friends, is d - AT- He slQ 13-25, 11.75 survived by a widow, three daughters, 11r. Scott has disposed of his prop- 92 IDL 50, 8.50 -For Pastry use Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, of Dunbarton; erty here to a Toronto ;man, who P 1. 0 K E R I N G 7.60, 0.75 .. .. . . -_ - h.17- Mrs. Jno. McWhinnie, of Toronto;f ON- takes possession about the 20th of 6.50, 5.0.0 Our Royal, Brand Mrs- E. Barry, of Toronto, and' two July. We understand that Mr. Scott DOAHNION DAY Ire ire Dow sellia g Imperial Floor sons, Albert, of Yanzouver, B. C., and sister will locate in Toronto____ Walton, of Dunbarton. Much Quite a ,somber from here attended TJULY 2ND), also a wax that is hard to beat and W the funeral on Saturday of the late *X at your Grocor's. for'glon and hard wearing surface sympathy is extended to the bereav- -VALU_XBLE PRIZE Farmers who have whestget your ed family. The funeral, which took W. J. Carroll, of'Grand Valley. We For dozens of Other Events wnlelk flour made from youf',own place on Monday at 3 p.m:, interment extend our sympathy to his wife, for- will be staged on the wheat We can in Erskins Cemetery, was largely at- merly Amelia Barnes, of Pickering ce A. Sterrift Itrind it, tended and the many beautiful floral Township. day of feed, tributes showed the high esteem in Quite a number attended the Dec- -Pickering's Greatest Celebration Furniture Dealer and Feed of all kinds-Chicken which the deceased. was held. Three oration service at Salem on Sunday. 18 The minister who conducted the ser- Funeral Director: hen feed, chop, millfetd. brothers, two of Toronto and one of PICKE ING R NE E WS ID." Phone 1800) Sault Ste Marie, and a sister, Mrs. vice preached his first sermon there E. C. Jonee, Phm. ]Be Chopping every week-day. - McFadden, of Columbus, Ohio, also forty years ago. Needless to say, n relatives from Orfllia and oth- very few of the residents here re' i*-eliag, Ontario mr. =.oq3c-vr,.rco= many the rrigg er places, attened e funeral. member.him. DistPicke-iring W r: .. ,r .d+'M+.;4,{I•Ys.# y,CRk. LTA. bt. J N. �..IY't'�',.i4`. ,. ,m C'^G?+f uJ'.i 'a.. 10. .,..i''.K.rF' Yi•.9!d... ':t1M ryad� Nh.3Y•itX...Y-j,.. :•,•' y -#'*' .. �.cY. .iw;' .^"N; i llroJ`de.+y T'. ,.. ,A 0. F)`ma•. ,. ,. .. •.: .:.... '.': -.., r{yam.,.. r t.4 r'•.t� ! e..r.5.r �+ .�x+a.-.. ,.. rf= x+i. m, w :b.' ,J .:p�,'.•^F.... :.i*-•• ..!. m+•r i .'.�5veb.4..�W. -.. ,, '..:_ .':' s.:'•.M .i"tYNf'r.N "^'T �' .M,i—u+ 5s •h :Sj„� �. : ^.r lattgliing anti.,tteli chattering. But .. �__ ._.__-- _ _--.— -- _-. _-- _ -- •- —� .- a` ' you're Irieant for something else. And 11 ULU 1-1 I've sworn that I'd keep you to a quiet "Who. had the right to make yob swear snc3t a thing as that?" „Your mother, Jean.,, ♦' ALEXANDRIA GOLD MINES LIMITED k "CHAPTER X. elopment, holding, exploration and operating { f ?H>o HAPPY Pi;IAONF� Company with five ou4 tanding properties in three It had been the intention of Lee yi the prod u In � �g�d�re�ls of Canada,nano'+ Sud- bury and Kirkland . Districts, Onta o; Portland Canal ;7I " 3a7 Haines to leave the town the next apd Haselton Districts, British Columbia option on 'control of morning. And he had been on his Akxaadria Mias, PAlliipt arm, Hritiah Columbia. This coupon b for T E In remote and distant parts of the world, fine way eracross the verandah of the hotel Yottr mwsa[eace,Rad it today for this complete report. paying his bill when he re- + 'teas are grow"—wherever they grout these teas ceived•news which halted him. A tall, Name 1 are procured for"SALP9 blends. The best the •well-proportioned fellow with a very world uses 6 sold under the'6SALADA"label. handsome lace and bleak eyes under Address ..,, _ - _.•r_�,,,... r l level black brows was passing. A _:.Millions know the satisfaction "SALADA" jfivm black planter covered one side of his CORPORNFION _• — chin and the lace seemed swollen and AINGLO SE discolored. _' TORONTO ^n There was a ebuclde from a chair near atter the young fellow 1►asaed. - U\�! 1 Lel "Young Gainer ain't going to be so World Iwanl<s l,r darned free-handed after-this," rumbl- ed a cow-puncher, cocking his som- brero on the back of his head. Sounds Battlec � V State« "He ain't,', agreed his nearest p� y . MAV 1'�lA*TI1��'M� _ neighbor. "He euro got plenty. Pretty in War on Vice i Bt. Albans, Vtr-Vermont's dgim 1_IHl� �''iQ�l`W near got a busted jaw, they say. Took him fifteen minutes before he could to leadership in the production of q» nit up and ask where he wan." Friendly . Relations Between maple products is being challenged BEGIN HERE TODAY. I Leave the ranch. i by Canada, "I got an offer a while back, from There was another laugh. Canada and United States the monthly statement "Joan lives with an old recluse, "He swears Chat somebody sneaked of the Vermont Customs District Buck Daniels, presumahly her lather, Mr. Calkett. I think I'll take ler l'Bu�� shows. More than half the $68,821 „ u behind him and hit flim with,a ' in a ranch house. One night she slips But you said that was terribly P �, Seattle, Wash.—"Never will vice away and rides to a schoolhouse sev- small?" I crowbar on the back of his head In revenue collected aE Newport ors] miles distant where a.dance to in "It's large enough It'll do to move Wasn't no such thing: I sees it Dermanently prevail oyer_ slrtue- so r during April came Lrom dudes paid progress. On the way home she car- us." all. He got soaked so hard that it long as we have minds to reason and on maple sugar Dro�E6 crossing ries on a romantic conversation In the " lifted him off his feet,and land him souls to aspire," John 'li. Meas of Mol• the border iron Canada. Nesrty 'shadowy thickets with the outlawed I But where, dad?' Waukee, W1s., past-president of K!- 1,500;,00 pounds was Imported. Harry Gloster and then rides +way at "we'll Bo to some city. Maybe to i_on the back of his neck. Lee Haines looked thoughtfully'wanis International, said at the twelfth Automobile travel showed a a gallop before Gloater can approach New York That'd make you happy,; annual convention here this week. marked increase. A total of 28,811 her. Gloster goes to the schoolhouse, Joan?" !after the retreating back of the man is into a violent brawl with several "Oh, yes!" who had just passed.. He was well "There moat be, however," he de- cars with 82,418 passengers creased aver above absize. He was solidly Iclared, "a continued combat with the line during May. \ �nen over a girl, and is lodged in jail He sighed. a by the sheriff. "will you tell me where you went, built. He might weigh, ,perhaps, a crime and vice and excessive excite NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY: Joan?" hundred and eighty pounds. menta. The criminals, the vicious a "I can't do that." Lee turned to the cow-punchers with and the constant pleasure seekers are �� t CHAPTER IX. She shoo her head, and as she did a question. never habitual dutydoerb� The con- 71w Worker QuE vtvA LA ao9sHA• so she heard a voice come clear and "Did I heard that straight.? Some- ;ditions which challenge, our earnest you said that I must do this, and this,: The fear which drove Joan lasted ema11 across the night from the direc- body lifted him of!his feet and dump- efforts for correction are of such a pad not what I love, if I must hsys well-nigh until she had reached the' tion of the road—a voice full 02 ed him on the hack of his neck?" character as to demand file thought- bread, house of Buckti Daniela _ quavers such as are thrown into sing- "Ain't you heard about the fracas?" cul attention. of the serious-minded But I gave said that my soul ahall hsys She entered the house and went'Ing by the jolting of a buckboard. asked one of the punchers. portion of our people, to thoughtfully le fa one I bread, through it with the same ghostly ail-I And the Bong he sang was: "I slept late," said Lee. �of those forces which !e thoughtfully I will never consent to live and U!• - encs, and again, as she climbed the "Que viva la rumba; "Gent named Sandy Williams clean- waging the combat for the suppression d scala,--chore 'stag t,ot a ao�md nr{?p*-�Que viva,que via placer, ed up John GaInor and ii: more last iot vice and the supremacy of virtue. foot. But when she opened the door QUO iah las nuns, chulitas, bonitos, night at.the �1 ." as express- ou said, 'We seed but a commos� ' to her room she saw theebroad outline i Y guapes quo aaben querer i" I "Seven �!" +ed in SEa constitution Lt "To give clod," of a man's shoulders against the stnra) It brought her to her feet; trembl-, "All- of seven. It was a mighty primacy to., the human and agues- of But i Deeded you not and appsaLd beyond her window. It stopped her�fug, listening with her soul in her�pretty thing to watch. Drifted through rather than to tl3s matsrfal values- o! unto God. with a shock of flat, but the gentle face. 'em like quicksilver through sand. All life.'" Oh, do not tear, I shall give you your voice of Buck Daniels spoke immedi- "You've been seeing a marl" Buck!good fighting men, too. Gainor, yon- At Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C., due, ateiy, cried. Is that it?" •ler, he's spent a lot of time on boxing .where the Harding lnternationaeGoodd But ,at yout. L God's shall I readsz Why shouldn't I see a man?" she i lessons," Will Memorial fa located, delegates Who is it.' groaned Buck Daniels The"What's considered question 1visftara to the -convention heard —Emily Busby. "loan?„ , giant?" asked. I q Henry C• Heins of Attanta. Ga„ presf � "I'll light the lamp." " 9� Sr (dent of Kiwanis International, tell of His voice was perfectly quiet and to a sort of ecitasy of rage and grief. soberly, 1 A reliable antiseptic,—Minard's. half of her +par died away until she "What's his name?" "He looks bigger than he is" one the friendly relations existing between - , aratehed-his r,4 as he bold the match She shook her head. '�� said, and the second agreed. Canada and the United States. Materta Medica Takes Over the Sun. + id you first meet him. he Lee Haines recalled the stalwart ! ' "The State of Washington and the tc the vrIA-az_ine lamp,the that hand When d Y "Exposure to natural sunlight oras trent And n con- asked at length. who had walked into the hotel dining- Province of British Columbia are ofy--- earn for hl�yc allover `�er terror.' "Tonight;' she answered. room the day before, but who, when �dtffsreat colors on the maps," he said, should only be undertaken .when rhe s. s bun's rays are properly regulated and "Have yoir been deist►t3ria much?" "Don't tell that lie to me'" he thun- he sat down, was hardly higher at the I but the waters on each side of the he raked at last. dered. "This gent has turn yt ur shoulders than Lee himself, He re- line are just as blue, the trees are of under' the direction of a competent ' She shook her bead. "`ever be- -- called, too. the blows that had dropped the name shade of green• the aun, the physician.", _ f ore.' Joe Macarthur and left him sense sky and the sir are common to all, 0 ' � t bush of curly yel'cw hair"" for oars is eve conthent and we are She— Freddie hasn't been out an "Neve.-T' - z he asked one people in Idealism." evening. or taken a drink for -three n She nodded. '. . •'' •*He went on smoking ani watching -_ ! � "D'you know him?" they asked in More than 1,700 Kfwanla clubs are i weeks." tie—"Turned over a new her steadfastly tly until he had finished 1 chorus. "Hes a stranger r.round now engaged in giving a greater per-.'leaf?" &he—"He turned over a new, his civaret, and then he said, sudden- q these parts," r conal service to under-privileged chid- car." lly: "Here you are standing and me frit- ��� �� "I've seen him. Seem3 to be quite dren, J. Hayden Oliver, of Scranton, ting down!" And he started to his ea a man." I Pa., chairman of the committee on _�. They declared fervently that he under-privileged children, told the ' r feet. d!" she cried, tears rushing into e� was two men rolled into orle ,and there delegates. " her eyes. "After you've worked all I followed a graphic description of the It Is, estimated that 6,000 Kiwanians :! the day and then waited up for me so 1�\\ fight. from the United States and Canada "Whish he was laughing all the are attending the ,convention. Dr. ` many hours tonight?" -way through," one declared. "You'd Thomas Arkle Clark, dean of men, ' Sita curled up on the bed with her elbow on the footboard. -br,ught l of thought that he was dancing, or University of Illinois; Dr. John Mae- That•her face perilously clobe to him.' lie something like that. Tock every thing Kay, Manitoba College, Winnipeg. and would be able to watch and estimate ,� plumb easy. Floate,: around and jerk- United States Senator C. C. Dili, of every alteration of her expression, ed his fists into em and every punch Washington, are expected to speak Nevertheless, .there she sat. was like ylie tap of a sledge hammer. during the week. "Jo.:W'he acid at last,"I guess I've "I knew a man once—" began Lee _ ��j made you pretty uhhappy,here." Haines, and then' his voice trailed Su�ilt For ' away an4 his glance was lost in the T,1"N shook his head, sweep of a distant cloud. What's be- He Extra Mileage Ti "That means 'yes.' Well, I ain't come of Sandy?" �• vet'y entertaining, and you're pretty She watched sa he held the match �.E �»' �� c_ _ �� F'$'estone Gum-Dipped raw - young. Maybe j o�'li be glad to know to the wick. _ .� that we're going to leave the rartchl _ '_ "Five hundred dollars batt. For ` � .asstQe greater safety, 'comfort pretty soon?" disturbing the peace, they say." and economy. head. Want me to think that he did Leg Haines forgot' the journey z=-- -- it at one meeting? Talk talk! Lemme which was before him. Instead, he Gum-Dipping saturates and g/ a „ I hear what you got to say for your- went to'the jail, and there he inter- OWN � � � v/,�' self!" . viewed George, the deputy and jail itnsulates every fibre of every r She shook her head and-this-denial GET THE HARt much cord with rubber—buil extra .. . _ `.� � �1� a' ��� I' , keeper. �� �, /, threw him into such a frenzy that she "How's the patient" he'asked. 'They say there isn't much to be ' WM14 � ''w � � was almost afraid, for the moment, " p made out of the whaling business strength,and endurance, while Wants more ham and eggs. It'd' that he was going to strike her. bust the county to feed two like him. now." the scientifically designed tiI•a , ,, 'Such a pity—once there was a s the road and ro- � / 'What was the song that I heard�He s all stomach. tread grip p somebody singing a while ago on tits "tiny I see him?" great Prophet in a whale._ videsi positive traction. road--the one tbat made you jump up "Everybody else has seen him. I Asked to pray iGr warm weather so ` , - to listen?" guess you can," nodded George. that her grandma's rheumatism might Your nearest Firestone W "It's a—a song of happiness, I sup- "Does he mind it?" " pose I may call.it, she said at last.. "Not him.• He's got a word for 'em ease away' a five-year-old enfold knelt and Dealer sells these better tires. "Happiness? Happiness? And in said—,"Oh, Lord, please make it hot all. He'll have a word for ;ou, You for grandma." See bin today and let him w F that lingo?" growled Buck. "They watch!,, serve you better and save you ' I don't have no such songs as tfist itf (To be continued.), tlsat language. You're keeping things , Always have the tnagle back from me, and that makes me - - money. WRIGLEY package in h I know that this is the beginning of the NVRESTUNli TIRE en RUBBER CO. W_ your pocket. . N t end. I know things about you that A mimiater who was making a sea OF CANADA LIMITED you'll never know, God willing." voyage expressed strong disappe•oval S�o_he3 nerves, allays W "Ane} you've tried to keep me here of the language used by the sailors. sanniitoo•oatario *hicrt aid; I awn from eo a so that I_ mi ht "'Tis a very bad custom," agreed the y P g MOST MILES PER DOLLAR ' never find out?"- captain,,"but when there is real dan- Harley Davidson Twin with; Sidecar, j fy 1;C9f�o�,. 5_!M \ II `'That's it." ger our lads cease swearing." Pres- t 1 ` I "But now I'll go mad with eager- ently the* weather grew very violent 'gets you there quickly, comfortably,. , t „ safely. Upkeep ie only a fraction the ��® � nese u learn. and a sailor came into the clergy- ""„ u�' t ^' cost of a Car, 3c per mile, gasoline, w r N,• ' "You will learn, now that you've man's cabin. "it blows fearfully, f9li`� " �r � started on the out trail, But I'm go- said the minister. "Are the sailors oil, tires and depreciation: Prices as ing to fight to keep you back from it swearing? "Damnably" replied the low as $b45 complete, on easy pay as - guilds the Only l After as long as I can:' malt. "God be praised,' said the par- you ride. Terms one third 'down, _ K' Ewr' Meat "Why do you do it, dad? Why can't son: � balance to run fifteen, months. bee -GUM-DIPPED G� I live as tether ours rls live? Is y Walter Andrews before buying. GUM DIPPED TIRES 1 a i4 00 a a a % Y g gi - WALTER ANDREWS LIMITED, 346 there anything wrong with it?" ._ IgSUE No. 26--'28^_.` "Not for them.. They can do their For Rhsumatlem 'Minard's Liniment. Yonpe Street, Toronto, ----- , L•r ..r-, a 'r'. 'i', .,w.,.. �:.:::..:.r ,�!— '...j.:�.+..s - x-,M, C y,(.•' J?' .y `.r+sr?°W ?•n'4� . �<y? n.� rW7'""e. •..5, 'X: ba«*.•.r �y.i t •^k;�H [ 4Cfr' L.•zm -.a:.«:,+-.. L ': .. ..., - e1z.� ..rv,.» r 53=3," N - ,, >,yt' ..eb._. .lino.�,� ...vcU'atn ens'".:sal'" ..r.. : skrr•.xri.:''.u.6' d+.rt' ;; .9->- -.a:r, >rcrs+''> ..-:si>:-.:.a+.+ _ v3i•n-y. .<+ i,i,:Kf' ., ''�, a.. (x. _:. _';.-..- .G,...:.^R-'Y••r`4.p,..:P.-•n'..fib,„Y. :T"'. i'ST[ -•F`. -.Miev• t -.. - <.+✓.S i.: �'. `?PS' ,Y i• ,• 3$�Ml' flxa+..6�• M .: � .t-. ,.r ,a•T,.:°N ... ...; ss>.'. '..:,... 'c:q F. .m^'i•'�r•P:"- F a'. �,.. k ._�y"G�°'-,-*'- •..rsu^•.s,,,'�"+^;n..r.'"'$`4�"ra Cza'-a'v,:ai.�;,c�. �`a; r,�+,,.:,fa .•,f... p. ° .. fi:..-.. +. - +r--m.+-c. ,:, •,,'d,T - e.:di:` .3e"q..,tw.^..•r.a,.?•:'""gym..•}. ..:.'-,. ;.,...� „i.,rt., ..d,-1".-x.�{,.-.. .,'•i: ,s•. •::,r.. < sa~ ;•f sa+,x.. a✓,.•*..:,Illi.v. e.f. .'Ev..-. . '. .,... ,h-.d 1;;. nL'�y;�;.- �., ,dhy�.�wF+r'`.,.-. .,,.01.: .a',,e�E,-.Kr �..,,:fl.'.k�s•'kc^'?'�,u-t h, ,.� S".. ,w a.... x,.'u�', ^.�r"". Cc W.' <t ' .., •_, iv'M • - .::' r.':.... '''Y.,. ., .• I., •. .. :. ..._• .'• :. - ,... M•, ,Y '2np(. ,`Av. ,1"i"-i4�Ms` '.+ . ...M .. � '� s .. .. :.,- ..,, .. ,!P'b` •y ..'�M•-. 'T"YA-•'+AYY1y 'sW '-FI *+� ° -• -- �- �... _.__ .._..----'-- •-- — - -'� ..moi L� -w- • Wright Whirlwinds roaring at lull other great tragedy of the North had 1 Southern Cross a Hybrid ' aero a Progress lat speea, throat itself up from the panda been written. t� • Oakland at 8.51 o'clock, Thursday "Nobile is lost. He will never come i ;, f ":Forwards Aviation morning, May 31. Twenty and one- back." These were common expres11 wilt From Two Fokker* ,> halt hours later it swooped out of the alone heard more and more frequently 1--- - _ - - _ skies to a graceful landl.ag at Wheeler as the days passed. Radio, mean- the fifth monoplane to make the 2,400- Although no one knew just where to ...Cracked p by Wilkins chines; Flight o the Southern Cross Field, Oahu, la the xawauan Islands, while, had hastened relief expeditions. Plane 'That Flew to Australia Was Made From Ma Over the Pacific Proves Cracked U Its F�Hicienc . : mile air voyage. look, men, materials planes and-food I y The Southern Cross, which carried plane America, a high performauE The following Sunday at 6.20 o'clock were being pushed 'through the tee- 8 Captain Kingsford-Smith and his In its final form the Plane had a gas** choked seas. It wag planned to recon• I Nobile s Safety Reported ' a,m., Honolulu time, the Southern three companions- on the. moat re-I line capacity of more than 1,100 gal- Cross from planes as the ships forced i - Crone again took to the air from Hark- `markable ocean flight yet accomplish-I lona. The engines used had.�lready Ing Sands, Kauai, for Its flight over their way northward. II ed, is in reality a,hybrid plane, It been flown 150 hours, but.,were good Short Waves Bring News'That 3,100 miles of water to its haven at At the time of writing (June 23rd)1 was built from two Fokkevs which,for 150 more before they needed over, Expedition is Fighting Suva. This was the longest over. Nobile has been located by plane and;Captain Sir George H. Wilkins ad!haul. They performed well oil the Way Back to Base water flight ever, made by an airplane. he is asking for batteries to keep his 'l I during his Brat disastrous year in I long fit&hn• There were but two possible landing touch with the world-his radio- Twice within the last few months alive. His party will, with reasonable Alaska. One was s three-motored The cruising speed of the piano io . places on the route, and there were plane and the other a single motor- 100 -miles an hour, and it had a high radio has written glowing chapters luck, be rescued: ed transport with a Liberty engine,!speed of 120 miles an hour, and a coral atolls jutting above the restless; to the epic history of man's conquest pacific. Thirty-four hours and thirty- —� �' and both were cracked up, .�landing speed of fifty-five mile*- an- of the air. On one of these occasions three minutes later its wheels touched Loneliest Island The planes were shipped back to hour, which enabled the pilots to set It turned the keen edge of what might the sands of Suva. Its journey from the Boeing factory in Seattle and it down safely In the small field at well have been another tragedy o1 the Suva to Sydney was a repetition ofthere rebuilt. The wing of the three• of 150 NaEuva in Lie Fiji Island Arctic. On the second occasion it the earlier stages of the air voyage, Natives motored ship was placed on the fuse. The performance of the radio used faithfully recorded the triumphant BeComeB tr ol't�I lage of the transport and three Wright on the trip was one of the most re• i with radio ticking out a continuous , flight of the Southern Cross, with Its story of.its progress. Whirlwinds installed, This gave the markable features of the flight. With crew of four men,Across the wide and During the entire eighty-four hours - turbulent expanse that is the Pacific Canadian Liner Leaves 20 plana, with its aeventme size wing,I the exception of a few intervals the !n the air the Soothers Crone kept in a wing about .thre same size as th9l plane was in to with the -'_-Ocean. Mobile's fateful voyage in the touch with radio stations in California, Tons'of Supplies at Tin one used on Byrd's transatlantic'world practically all the time. _; Italia and the ,800-mile flight of the Hawaii and on South Sea islands. pp y Southern Cross demonstrated again .Station in South While Captain G. F. Kingsford-Smith,- - what the foremost aviators have said, leader outside their own circle. There commander of the plane, and Lieu Atlantic , ' 'namely, that the development 'of avi- is no need to abandon Tristan da � tenant Charles T. P. Ulm were at the Cape Town.-Tristan da Cunha, sd -*tion and mane conquest of the sir Cunha, for a profitable trade in whales,, x= controls and Captain Harry W. Lyon, once the loneliest island in the World, depend in large measure on the de- fish and seabirds eggs could be built Q navigator, was taking bearings, James !e becoming-_-regular-port_of - -- -.- • •• velopment of radio and radio signet' --Hrttaan--Slues-'aD the-false -- ----. �iAza�aer;--radio--operator,-sat for huge liners carrying tourists ---��ystens�ta their= some other nation would quickly seize radio cabin behind the big gasoline around Africa. The Empress of -ee craft through storm and fog and night it, Norway would be glad to :stab- : ' tank and sent his dots and dashes France which has arrived .in Table - to their destinations fish a whaling station here. •• ticking the story of the fight. Bay, brought the latest news from the - Clarence D. Chamberlain, who pilot. Need Wood for Homes ed_ the Columbia from New York to A little more than thirty minutes island. Ati "Lazy people do not exist here. The after the plane took off from Ookland Dr..J. W. Edgar, a. passenger who x t Elaleben, Germany, pointed out the men could work as well as any other ,'= the first message came in.saying that landed with several of the liner's offi- y; necessity of radio for use In airplanes, n to the world if thehad up-to- He me ' Ha explained that, while aviation de- they were experiencing motor trouble. cars,declared the islanders were badly; Forty minutes Later a second message in need of relief when the Empresa date tools. They very soon built our Y Vended 1n large part on the develop said: "Altitude 2,000 feet; everything!of France arrived. Fortunately the house with the wood we brought from ment of reliable engines, radio had an South Africa, The neat job is the O.K." Thirty-seven minutes atter this I weather was good and twenty tone fr Important function to perform. This erection of a school. We need wood.! was shortly after he had returned from;dispatch the plane asked for test sig of food and clothing were sent on ry tar and zinc for roofing. his transatlantic Bight. In outlining;naffs to locate the radio beacon. This shore. We are the r ' poorest folk In the world, and cannot was at 10.57 a.m., Pacific standard 160 People on island. a ?' this function he said that an efficient I help begging. y transmitter and receiver would have time. From that time until 10.05 The Rev. R. A. Pooley, who went "I married three couples recently, o'clock p.m., the Southern-,Cross kept to Tristan eleven months ago with aI pulpit, as been of.Inestimable value to him while using a gramophone In the contact with shore stations.- lay assistant, had met no one from, , he was struggling to make his way the organ had broken down. Dancing thrangh the storm over Germany. At the latter time it radioed that the outside world since his arrival.! ! ,a on"the Island Is a scream. The island-! - "There 'has been considerable dla- It had hit an air pocket and was losing He gave Dr. Edgar %favorable report'ars take short steps, then suddenly s cuasion over the added weight with altitude. There was a brief fifteen about the life of the tittle community 1 turn round. The fox-trot will reach which radio burdens the plane," Mr, minutes of suspense when no word lot 150 people. There had been only' In fifty years' time." was•Beard from the plane. Then at one death since the last ship called- Chamberlin said. "It 1t comes to_a I Dr. Pooley considers that some of - I0.25 o'clock Warners set was heard s'Uttle girl had fallen down the moun-,the islanders should be removed to question off miles or safety; and a (running "idle." Just after midnight, tain and been killed. The people have' the future of aviation depends on the South Africa, as a state of over•popu-) 4. answer, I should say safety and radio !the plane was heard by the Mytual enjoyed the superb health made Pos-Ilation Is rapidly being reached. Like ' Wireless Station. Its report was. "All sible by the germ-tree atmosphere of 'with the shortest flying range." oftother missionaries on the island, he illIli n communication with the the South Atlantic.- - !a explaining fhlo statement, he!well. Cpieada for an annus* visit from a Brit. a Maliko. Will t to et radio bearings The Islanders approached Dr. Edgar i try a Iman-of-war, pointed out that the Columbia was fah s$$ ` originally equipped with radio, but that from the ship Maliko" At noon the with' bullock horns, shells and penguin I Stores landed at Tristan Included ` this equipment was removed from the I same day, as the fliers were nearing feathers, which they wished to barter!1,800 pounds of Hoar, 1,100 pounds of - plane when it was found that iL would`their goal, Warner asked what dap It for food and clothing. They had no sugar, 406 pounds of rolled oats, 160 reduce its flying range by 150 miles. was. Nkneteen minutes later the plane use for money. Many of the islanders 1 pounds of tobacco, several gramo- =`a landed at 12.19, Pacific time. rowed out to the liner is their canvas He stated also that H he ever attempt• i phoney'and records, and several bar. -ed to repeat his flight he would insist I The_radto toE of the Southern Cross boats and tasted ice cream for the monicae. 'rbe tourists. made genes• that the plane be equipped with radio in Its 3,100-pule hop from Barking first time. �oua contrtbutions. having a sending radius of at least 600 Sande to Suva is a second complete Dr. Edgar was Impressed by the -,Q miles. chapter in the story of the plane's physique of the Islander:, especially Well. If all goes well, the United ,Prayrsss Toward FulAllraent !light. At no time was the crew out I their very One teeth. He thought,I States will known soon both who to in _ of communication with the world. however, that their mentality had ant• the van in the presidential race of His statement amount a predic- During the voyage 'they reported their!fered through their isolation. There bath parties, and also how crowded.. tion, and the past year seen I'm progress, ws-lCther conditions, their was no Insanity, but their outlook on the band wagon is going to be. portant progress made in its fulfill- - _ speed and the condition of the plane's life was extremely limited. Only a —:.---- "meat. A number of companies areiaiotora. The last page to thrr chapter few of the older people had ever been "Oh, dear, tomorrow is Jack's birth- now engaged in experimental work was written when James Warner kept!away from the island. day and [ don't know whaE tb give One-Piece Dress, closed in front is linking radio with aviation. New lop a running story of its progress as Dr. Pooley, in a letter recently re-'him; he doesn't smoke, or drink; or coat style, rolled with convertible col- types of radio compasses, more eM- the Southern Crocss shortened the I celved, said: play tarda, oto—" Give him a lar, forming revers. Drooping :howl- rlent receivers and transmitters for distance between itself and Australia. "The .!slanders welcomed me as a water bottle." � dere, forming short kimono sleeves. atriilAnes, and new radio beacons are During this last leg of the flight they' - 1 ~ `Long sleeves that are gathered into being developed. Recent months have!encountered a terrific storm; but while I wristbands and finished with turn- also seen a trend toward,abort-wave f they plunged blindly through It War- cufrs may be omitted. Patch pockets equipment for airplanes Seta of this Iner's 33.6-meter transmitter kept up JASPER PARK LODGE ,and removable belt, For Ladies and •type enjoy many advantages over Iong• its contact and Informed-the anxious AT Misses. wave equipment. These advantages Australians that the Southern Cross Size 16, 78, 20 years; 34, 36, 88, _ should make them ideal for aviation was nearing its destination. 40, 42, 44 inches bust. -Size 36 re•• work. They have 0 much greater I quires 3% yards 40-inch material with range and operate on much leas power. `` In the Arctic r Static, which !m 1 ong sleevevs; % yard 32-inch coo- pedes long-wave trans- It any further proof of the value resting rnaterial to trim front"view. " mission on low power has no apparent of radio In man's conquest of the airFrice 20c the Pattern. No. 838. �. effect on the higher frequencies. In Is needed and it any further refuta c DOW TO ORDER PATTERN& order to get a message through heavy tton-ot-the idea that short-wave seta 7atatic belts, longwave transmitters are not efficient on aircraft is Hetes-;I Writs your name and'address plain- ' must use many times the power that + ' d size of ace's t sary�, there is the story of the Italia. �, ,. '< 4, giving number an A short-wave set needs 'to work�On May 23 at 4.40 o'clock in the morn- r ;.atterns as you want. Enclose 20c ins', itanips or coin (coin l.referred; wrap through the same area. Even then I Ing the Italia left its base at Kings �. t i , the message may be so distorted by Bay for the North Pole. At 2.20 r, it carefully) for cath number and ,2 ccdress your order to Wilson Pattern static as to make it impossible to o'clock the following morning, after bervice, 78 West Adelaide St:,Toroata r read. circling for two hours around the patterns sent by return, mail The one surface drawback to the imaginary dot that marks the top,of short-wave transmitter for airplanes the world, the Italia started back: - is the "skip" distance, Short waves Twenty hours later she was almost leave the earth with a radius of a few back to the Citta df Milalio, her base f °""` x Buried Treasure . iiundred miles or less from their ship. Much of the time she had been source-and-return to the earth thou- fighting "against head winds. But iI ".sands of miles away. A demonatra- through It all her 900-meter transmit- I Old Tales Of Sunken Pirate tion of this was Captain Will Ervin's ter kept contact with the base. Then, . Treasure Revived by § -'set in the Dallas Spirit. Captain Ervin suddenly, radio communication'ceased, ?�aM1 a«.': Find on Coast_ of ti flashed out a distress signal from the portentious silence Maryland - Pacific. The message was not heard Hours passed and no word came , on the nest Coast, but it was picked JNational Park. which will be mountains within the park have an aggre- Baltimore-Tales � Gunken pirate from Nobile. The world speculated aspec up in New York. There are those visited this year by members of the gate length of several hundred,miles- treasure, which ever so often start j on the fate of the daring,Italian and y 1:. who say that this factor eliminates 'Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associa- and they are being steadily extended. hunters to digging up the beaches his heroic crew; but while it specu- tion is noted as one of the eat show Some of them were blazed over a century I ='= ' abort waves from consideration in air- ST ry along the �Marylaiid coast; were re- _y fated radio started to assemble relief places of the world.With its area of 5,300 a by Indians,fur traders and explorers plane work. The answer to this goes• go vived by announcement that an ole - v. to go to his aid, It he was not beyond square miles, not only is it the largest who traversed the Athabasca Valley on �;y tion, according to prominent engineers, aid. Days passed. The suspense of game sanctuary in the world but it con- their way to and from the Pacific. These silver 8-real piece had been found at - t Is that with the efficient and wide- tains the test number of mountain in particular,are historical,almost sacred Moneybeach, about two miles north of iiiio_f the first Yew hours wore off; but from >;� Pa spread lands communication system Few of these are below 8,000 feet for many of the men who trod them in Ocean City, Md. • ; time to time it was fanned into flame which forth networks over the entire and Mount Edith Cavell, Canada's early pioneer days have left their im- I Clark E. Jones, a Baltimorean, who z as reports came that garbled, SOS .world, it does not matter where the! mountain memorial to the memo of the print on Canadian•history. But most of spends his summers at Moreybeachr messages fro mthe Italia had been ri British Red Cross Nurse,is 11,033 feet in the trails and roads have been con- message is picked tip, as land *fres ceived. A check of these messages het ht. strutted by the Dominion Government and who is a collecctor of rare coins and cable can carry it to its destina= g was strolling along the sand Sunda tion within a few minutes of its re proved that they were not from the Set almost in the shadow of the lofty in order to provide pathways b which g P Italia, but that. they were one tries- Rocky Mountain peaks and facingg Lac tourists may have access, with the mini- when he spied what proved to be at x „'� ceipt. sage reported from various places. , Beauvert,which reflects in its glistertia mum of effort, to mountains, valleys, exceptionally well-preserved specimen The value o1 the short-wave trans- water the towering peaks encircling i lakes, rivers and other paints of interest of a Central American dollar. It is w The message was from a Soveit ata-• mittens on airplanes was fully attested jaspen Park Lodge and adjoining rustic within the Park. (believed by the finder to have been one, to by the successful flight of the tion asking that amateurs keep a, bungalows. Although situated amid Lakes-tun uoisc, ss��nphire, emerald, Southern Cross from Oakland to Syd watch on the 30.33-meter channel ford scenery noted for its wild.and rugged amethyst, according NP":ie character of of many such- pieces-of-eight whiclF 5 i Hey, Australia. During this flight of word from Nobile, as 1t was known besot the hod S went down with a wreck sonic time «: y, Lodge,and adjoining bungs- their environment, and mirrorin ad- � { °ney, miles the plane was in contact that he carried a portable short-wave lows which are operated by the Canadian jacent-mountain peaks on their placid shortly after-1825-which is the datt ' set working on this channel. I National Railways, offer every con- surface-are scattered like jewels every- of the coin. - with land from,the time it hopped off vesience to the tounst. To those who where. Glaciers,great and'small,abound' Several old Spanish coins have bee But as days paseed and no word calif If landed. ; love the beauties of nature and the great while the ColumNp ice field,just outside .'found along this beach. was heard from him, it was feared out-doors there is no place in the world the park boundaries; out-rivals in vast- , 41 Southern Crone Soars that his ship had crashed against one: Mr. Jones coin is'a reminder of a i which can surpass Jasper National Park, tress and iii beauty those found in any The Southern Cross, with its crew of the ice-clad peaks that make Splta- i Trails and roads,winding amid spruce other part of the continent, with the nation which no longer exists, for the i of four men,and a capacity load" of bergen one of the most Inhospitable+ ir'id pine through valleys, along rivers possible exception of the Mount Elias ice Republic of the United States of Cen• gaecline and oil and with Its three and formidable oi•lands and that an- lad tabes and ascending the slopes of field in Alaska. tral America came to an end-in 1839, , •' '.. t n- ,.•... Y,.. ,-.::. •'�...:.., .>t' .,4:icrv, '+ri,u �.'..�.ww..- ,t'+•:+a+. ..k ;.�' y A 4a w "9n t• :sm w' K a. •, k ['u. w.:S: u, ,r'n .,.g ;'.Sr .U• 's""x. `'.c+ .4k•+� r n - r�h" ,,....v ^i �,,, .'>;•., 5 .:,q.� �, ".d"i' ..:..:. .,;- ... �- e. r°"s ra� s s �., ;.�. r%"' ry:�� .2;$ ;.n U,:,-:f../.• i: o -'`t.• �,y.. ., n[+. .� �+ccu<..,fe,^,liy"•+'m7 �:. :y.'v;4. b r•,� ..Asca^•a.. sif ti's fi' vRe' ...ar^ ;bu..,,sxw°^ r 'i•,. .u+:, +.:en• p.... Yi x ad.;i,vh4. 'w< nJ�' .�ti ..•%:e:,l°: •N� - _ .. �•�. .-.T.. '.� .._S r1w. ;:: ,s.'.,? ., ,�,,:.,x .a4.,,,�•ve. :rr^^-.f-1 . .2.," .,w.f�.;.,- ^-c, «^...r .,, �ss�^' a•. -a. .•!r,- t•.�- `+ a.. ,+" 4. ,.it '' '.� ,. -"'S P!'' 'R J % .wG•.' <. 77 «r� .. ., ••o.A rm-1,'••' V'e' `'F'.. t. '- f`.� �' . key ''....,' .. .... '... ♦. ,:....... .. ..�':'i ,.�• t„ " ✓:' .,." iS .W[�i• , ... .. .,. .. ... .. .. 'M;•1 . ... .... :'�..,}jR..'.d r'3.',,., �. .,: � •. Y i. .TY {M S Y•.1' }. :'� .r .: .. _:' .. '.....r, a ... .' : ... ..�.. •!' 'w r i..... s ::' �'.', ,. •. .rj'_•....... w' ,,,. :•...:i _-,... ..,.:`.. A M b .tri''' .. .A..' '. { .w',.. •L ..'.�'.",1R'.,.,• ., ... ,N.h_ ....r .. s \ ''C• wry, Y' i� :i. ti 0. m LIKE AN ARABIAN NIGHT'S a day or two as you pass through � - �- k l g ADVENTURE ran e, after- range of mighty igrpst- �•- SOl' l BALL, -a To V ill\A T t ' ' Have you ever wished to see with cl gg mountains. Taste again the joy - TXRMs your own eyes deep-caverned valleys, ofacity life at beautiful Vancouver $1.73 per rear,: il.50 tt paid in advaaeesnow topped mountains, rugger path- and Victoria. Then take the far-famedml�nlotz Day. at -'"gnt,•crtpci�s m uie Uiutedw ..nista•.and Crest ays that lead adventurous souls trip throylIgh the scenic seas•of the - - - L Britain$2.00 in advawe. from the heart of forest lands up to North Pacific Coast-to Alpska —_the rocky misty heights? land of-the Midnight Sun. ,��/ x _All•this is part of the magnificen 'J I/f Low tourist fares are now in of- E.M-0.-,R. IA L l�' A Fi' K -• _ -•. .• JOHN MURKARt i Pro reor, p panorama of mountain, ,glacier and feet. The, complete Goat of the trip _ racing stream that you can see and is surprisingly low—well within the /� c _Q PICWERING COU IL.. enjoy as you travel through to the reach of the average person.This way P_ /._V�\. it G /T t N Q ; Pacific Coast and to Alaska. you really see,the Voest . The above council met puhsuant to On the way there you can stop off Ask any Canadian National Rail- - . ad journrneat on Monday, the 26th lost. at Jasper National Park—see the ways Agent for full'information and Members all present, the reeve in the wonders of this greatest of Canadian literature on these tours. He will r s chair. Minutes of last meeting were g KkN S TEAMS LADIES TEAMS ' ":read and approved. playgrounds. be glad to assist you to plan your Mr. Yeomans and W. H. Chester Then leave civilization behind, for itinerary. MEN'S TOURNAMENT, PRIZE, VALUE $25.00 were heard re police protection for the -- , residents at the south-western part of • �iT _-_LADIES._TOURNAMENT, _., PRIZE, VALUE $25.00 aownahip where there Is__much_lac�. " :—=A�r O— -to-atteA� - — ` .Have.your entry in the hands of the Secretary, -C. Jones, John A. White was heard r.e work _._ .—_ HE _ _ Pickering, before Tuesday, June 26th, 1928. :.",on road adjoining his premises, - - "� The council now resolved itself into ' Dominioll •DaCelebration a Court of Revision, when several y JASs" � . appeals held over froom the last sitting .,,were dealt with. The standing committee on Conti n• — AT gentles reported and recommended payment asri follows: John Alurkar. Tiokering � _of r and printing' Phil, p E Turner, P I CK -E R I N G Hrdiares re r del notices re watercourses and court of revision 12.50; J Phillips, attending • i: Trustees'and Ratepayers' Convention + at Toronto 5.00; D R Beatdu, on acct of salary 125,00. :. - The standing committee on Bonuses F•' .A. R :N& R 8 for Wire Fences, report and recom• Monday, „ July the 2nd, 1928 g mended the following payments: Sam Now ie the time to use Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, Bord6auz . ....., Farndale,40 rods on lot con 7 10 00; Mixture and Climax Bu Poison, We have them all Toho Powiilt;8lI-rode on let-ll rauR - in whatever quantity you waut. ` lipe 12.00. _ ., `The standing committee on Dam- ages to Sheep Worried by Dogs re- THE PROGRAM WILL INCLUDE : The Beatty;Electiie wanbers to save time ported and recommended the follow• and hard work. A free trial +~ ing payments : Cecil Story, 2 sheepBaseball Girls and boys), Football and Ripen az any time. ,t ' killed 30 00;J Scutt,iaspectsng Story's , sheep90;; Win Pegg, 2 t+heep killed ; 40 00;J Scott. inspecting Pegg's sheep Calithumpian Paradeour Poultry Food ani Calf Meal are 1.20: F C Pugh, 1 sheep killed and b -,_- _ _ -injured n W; J Scott, inspect Pug's Novelty Races, 1 Mile Race.(for men or w a , %heep 1 tin; C R Puc tin. 1 she and '2 ��cc l -� girth ,giving tri lambe kilii•ri April 1'265.00: R ` Mow. boys), 50 Yard Race (for girls), _, Agen Mc�ur k•Deeriria Farm Machinery bray,in,p-'ctiuK Puckria's sheep oo L' mic ' ,April 12' and 3 4 80; C R Puckrin. 2 Slow Automobile Race, and Repairs. t for isheep and 7 lambs killed and 3 sheep. — ik1 s land 10 lambs injured on June 3rd 2W SO. Tug-of-War (Farrhers vs. Pickering Village), and Evening Our Motto : We have it, Cao get it, or is is not meas. The standing committee on Raadn Entertainment not to mention man other and Bridges reported and recommend- ad 1 S. BALSDON _ �'IC :ERING ve iso the following payments, L A Bala- Attractions which will be on � -- don, work on r I and con 1 41 26; D � d ,Nigbowaoder, drag a t 1 7 00; Willie the Park' groilnCls " :Davia. plowing con 9 6 25; S Fretz ` — haulsbovgrav con , : . is Have you renewed •( ur subscription 2 x ... wander, ditto 13 00: T Burnham. sbov Attractive rtzea are cared for ear'h and - - �-- $rev Con 9 5.00; D Niahswander, drag - Baseball Teams wishio to compete for rizPs should .. land haul grav con 9 38.50: A McGlash• Q p P _ n . un, haul pipe from Oihiawa 31 ��� F have their applications in hands of Secretary. - �� a_ ;Turner, bead for plow 2 W: F 1 50e , E. C. JONES, Pickering, on or UNIVERSAL s MOTORSinam - cbanging creek etc con 4 57,&,, W;; bebore Monday June 25th. �7 T �� -• .Mitchell. ditto 93,05; Oscar Whitson, _ EST HIAJI� rovork•gradiog with enggine 31700: C Come and �aV@ a Good Day's :port _ 1tl' #, 1Puckrin. operatida grader 73.23: Roy 'Ward,dyoarnite, [use and caps 13 10• Admission to Park—Adults 50c.. Children (under 15 yrs) 15c. - "�T AND FLINT 'S -::Also. salary from May 20 to June 25 156.90: J Einpringhaai, haul grad cons 7-3 29.50;J Stephenson.haul grad ahoy i` grav cons 7 8 8&50; W Gaualin, ditto 09.00:T Stanhur di22;4i: G Scutt, y'ditto o a o a iI Winter a itl be here very soon and " REP �. s R Cditto 72.50; J Middleton, ditto 37 50; if you have any notion-of L Gaudio,ditto 17 5t): 1 Mi.Avay,ditto purchasing a new ' l[f pox omant a guaranteed F epair job at a reasonable s 2150; R Birrell, gravel for cone 7, S. 9 slei b, IeRve 1 49.50: W Sullivan. haul grav BAy id Hard and-Soft Coal of the' g ori©e,_ SEE UH. north of highway :N)06; A NJ line, haul bua q y est lit on your order now, so that it " -,grav Bay rd 10 00; H Allen, work nn will will be ready when the Experienced Mechanics. -.Repairs on all makes. ? Hay r 10 t10; H Mitchell nitro .>tr s,: _ hand first snow appears, Phone Scarbaro 5y 31. R W talsdun, ditto 37.ioi; T Annan, THOS A LAW, ditto 12:ri; A Pegg, arsid con-7 31 15: 0 R \' E R E I D R Howt,ray, grav haul fraerl can 7 •29,60;_R Parrott, bail ac c ro 7 22 50; E l2edraaa,ditto 3��: H Parkin. F'1C3Ct9=il1g. ...21t. - CLARE�iONT - SPECIALTIRICES ditto 10,00; W Stevensonditto 1:3 56: "` ""` "` -' 8 Farndale. ditto 20 35; C .\ R, 7641 yds grav I11 65: L 'Gates hnul grnc grad 96.95; W HolliogNr,.ditto 45 till: • E Mitchell, haul gray.3u iN,: W Petro. p FOR TEAM HARNESS ditto 10 011; A McDonald, ditto 15,tii,; i 1 Holiday ���eN Colette. ditto 15 iRl; J Soden, lU7i � _ _ _ - $ v Harness, $! yyds grav 18,10; F Barelay, grav cons - T B CII b8 and south of bj hway '253,50: J m ted same a a 2e0 ,' Brace pan rkb nd Ha Bnrkholaer, haul grav rep holes w t I 2 inch layer trace with heel chains, 7.00; A Petty, hatilgrav con 3 25.00; J 'With.5 ring breeching.,instead of back. EBurkholder, ditto '25 Ill); R Garlaud; T AY SALE 3t>etid, . 49.• •ditto 25.00; Jos Garland, haul grav THREE D - : Black-mounted Team Backband Harness, .588.50 clean ditch con 3 •1`2.50; J �icGriskin, - - • ditto57.50: Jae Todd, ditto 92,55; L H . Thursd-ay, Friday and Saturday ti ring Breeching $44.25 ; S ragge, haul grav drag r l and con 1 86 55; H Vale,ditto 86 50: J Williams. gip• s t m made in our grav r 1 and con 1 11,25:0 Pascoe,hant on tarn ha 'This i oo a fat harness, but custom grav drag con 160.60;J Greenlaw,ditto ow shop at Markham. 60.00; L Squires, grav con 1 and r 1 :Every. Article in the Store is Reduced. We specialize on repairs to harness and collars. 17,85; W Linton, grad drag con 142 lir " .0 Gates, clean ditch grav cons.2 avid 3 - Plow con I;337-85;AA (rates. haul arae Now is your opportunity' to save ri�oney and het con 311.ill; E At mstrong, ditto 12.50; the very best articles the market :: f0 J Barnes, haul grav cons 2.3 40.1x): W _ - �• _ .-. t•Teefy,'ditto 45:00; J Mainland, ditto can offer-you. ..-67.00; 0 Petty, haul grav cons 2 3 and ti Doors north of Hewis' Butcher Shfl�^ Harness and Collar Manufacturer - MLK Bryant McPherson. ull gred Tavlor's bill ravoconditto 00;E - (3Aa1L'EL 9CHWARTZ).. p•. • omits. 0 - Home Phbre 8400 M,ARKHA. NT - A Brvant, ditto 13 50; J C Bryant, in. stat pipe lot - tion 3 haul,grav can 3 _ -THE IDEAL SHOPPE . ` •79.75;Winter Bios,gr;+c for r..)t1310 60; -- rT H Moore, shoo gr,iv con 4 'L U: Paul THECRNTRAL Vi ' ::Diamond, haul grav grad c,,n 4 clean - pit 57,09); C Huhhmd, ditto Ia W: Geo Brook Street, "�i orth, E. whlt'by, Ont. ' Viigh, grad grav con 4 M 75: T Ark- ford, bawl gr•ty con 4 clean pit 45(4); - W Taylor, ditto 25•(x); J Bayes, ditto _ _� , Telephone 4900 :7.50; B Hood, ditin '12.50. H Stover, —�-- grad con 4 1,�; The Pedlar People. We • •pipe culverts ]ii9ti 56; Joon er. gr as �� to g,* ive haul pipe n t 12 5t1: C Cooper. Rrexse bolts etc 15:24: Canada Ingot Iron Co, rep to small grinder 24 35; L Reid, rep j - grader etc 11,00: Wm Linton, drag Our Customers the benefit of good buying. the very best Auto. RepairsAcces9orles; 0118,and t pipe g e in the country fur• the lowest possible price, _ vii-id instal pipe r I and con 1 4,10:'A116 Clriremontps� 4 50: A F Stork, drag merchandise Service is our situ—Trp ns, Gas ne, Acetylene Welding Clark, in-tai i e haul rat r 1 413 00; Ol1 C ne A,Fidler, haul grav drag con 4 aA 85: A Peicy, haulprav con 425.i�1:J Baxter-, - -MEN'S FANCY SPORT TROUSERS in Flannels and _ •' •• - �', Battery �jhai'd�,.,ln;db -_- :' ditrn 42.30: 'R Fuiler. ditto, 2000: B Tiveed See these. They are a real buy. ' - o - r ''RIt'•hl�,tlitLO..oU;G White,ditto 15.06t Flii,:ott, 140yd-grav 21.00; AJlxt• fen'.; Fancy Shirt= in brr,.adcl th and printed materials: - Repairs„made On all makes' -:then.:, ;;rav cern G 11.35; Gen Holtby -Titre;ire of esce}�tiunvl cinnlity'and priced at a saving, -. d i t _O hi): C IT irlil:,di t� 11 00: Deiin _. l -_-- ---- : ,llaii<, ditt„ 3,7:x; S Rr ehrough, R'rav r Briy:' TCUII el' , ltJn�: and bloomers, blue Terga a.�ld tweed. �1 cars, ,tier con 0 4 ii. � Thr-e lines are worth y our iii?pectiun and the price is (7n t iotirin it nos derided to eng.nar :' right, W H Chi-ter Na., tnn,tiihie for the l Dionths cd Jul} anil A'ngii:?t,and later, Buy?' fine wool or Cotten Jersey •Tiie:3e are a real fine - - ,,- if required gtitde rind ,{oat the thing for preseut Rear. The tour rii ro a- ndiwirmr•d to niaet . train ..r, i'i ,l, i�3Ath fn�t thP, .BCH ARLES Be -SPENCER traasaati;in ufgenri,,l hn;iness. 0ECIL 'BRADLEN Come to the Dominion Driy Cele- bration at Pickering on July 2. � = c � E R I rT e+ _ .Proprietor, Pickering- ... .. �' 't.. ,,,. ?.!'vey ., ..,' >t,' �••. ,.. ,.,,,:. .;' .:'v.'ti :, :.; .s.._-4, Sr. c ,i�4 ,,¢s,a'�"•., ,5.,.�.. •,.-41.,�ti¢".;ats ,.a..."F:-..,s.r 'v,.,dS•r'.,Ai ,6}. w_. '-, :':n:,rm++_'.tS+as ',t"$n.a.:�..• ..r,.-.,.���+r..v,.::,_,:,p. .&f.,M•#-�;. .<e..f�#�=- •-'-'"'rTy�,+'..:'...••u•uex`;�,rc .'•-r=• ...r.,<....,s <.�,.•�•.x:.+s._S!•ii+. }•�t�- :r��^-."^k: _ .a.+, ,;'',' At'� "'1 �1`' .,+ -�..� .w :"�.:,,-r.,. ''.y,,...:_.d:.y-_.C,::`w".a!u,.hy.�.•h,,.s-.': wrs o�'c.6„r•..ti.-F•>'Y•+,�.K.•.,,.,:....:e%e!�h"''•.'!'o�'••,'.rwfRr.��,,ar.., .1�'�"_'b•9GFe; ti,�_, `'�X.: *,.. .„• " .. 4r4o.1•.:+•*tri- . ..'I.,`aM :+{' A, .,.�• v3r u a-i `''. g y.L.`' aa . .r , e• .. "'�'.,_. sy,f S .x. vd.T+' i � ..• ,,,^ .r,S1z '''a. .ti:a ..:;h, :i d .... ,.. •. :". y .:: .� '•P: :_. -.. - , P' . 'ti.._ a•� 4rr. 0 1 CCAREMONT, Miss Mki Tilley; of London,.. is A carload of friends motored $EINE IT H�'iRE` BONDS—Government. Muoigtpal and c F visiting with 0, A.axld Mrs. Over. from Allendale and spent- Banda _ Mortgage Bonds; Also,Industrials. Mumps if still quite general load. � y Safe Investments at1from15 to 7 e ' among our juvenile. opnlation. Thos. and Mre. Har rave, of with Mies J. Young Now is the time to get a new_Set of cent. - per p g The infant son o? Herbert and Harness.-or get the old set- I » Wm.Jones is brightening up his Markham, called- on friends -here Mrs. Yeates has been ver ill with I have la etock samples o[ 8amael s home with a fresh coal of paint. y 1NSURANOE—All classes written in. .` on Su day. an attack of bronchitis:� Trees sad. Jeffrey's harness. The � - Joseph and lyre. Betz, of Mtw- Mra James Gregg, Of Toronto,. former may be ordered through cats- eludlog Fire;. Automobile. Wind. �tolis. spent 4unday with Bert and The Anchors Society will hold a logue at prices quoted. storm. Accident sad 8ioknea: spent Sunday here with. George garden r i'n the Memorial " - Mrs.Liekorish: and Mrs. Morgan. Catalogue tree, _. Phoue•or write s.6 -' D. B. and A1re. Ta for attended M. and Arra. Morgan and L P. Park on the evening July. I also carr collars, collar y g Watch for bills and further an- Y pada, sweat thi decoration services at Salem' and Mrs. -Do kin motored to-Nis- pada,-harness oil by 'bulk, harness 48tf ED, BOWMAN, Whitby on'Suada afternoon: P I; open. emeate and keep -the date dreseiag, also silver polish y gars Falls on Sunday. open. and other arta. Z41 On account of this being the mo- F. C. and Mrs. Madill and familyP p toting season the church -attend- The Claremobt Club,of TQrogto, Repairs promptly done. :w of Toronto spent Sunday with the would like to have all the, friends .'ante is nauchsmaller than It should former's areata here L. w. .1'ILg>sY. - CLARFMONT be; P meet them at the Claremont Park= W�eYt1' i Our blacksaiithing and wood- Monday neat being observed ae on Jnly,..24d, fur games, races and - 1 working shops will be closed every Dominion Day the places of bus.'= and musical program. Bring'the HELLO RE!' ` Saturday afternoon until the First ness in town will be closed. family and the family basket and ' D. M. Morgan spent a couple of *e'il all have tea." Do you know that it is celaning up of October. days last week in Coboarg,attend time,-?. I am prepared.to-repair and { H. G. and Mrs. McIntyre and y The Rev, Mr. Warren, of Stouff- y ing an insurance Convention. build chimneys, also concrete work Miss Margaret Graham motored to villa, occupied the pulpit of the � , g Miss MKbel McLellan, teacher in United Church on Sunday morn- and painting. Chimneys swept and , Q�fYI/l � `Detroit'one day last week, return- the Rich ruond Hill High School; in and "readied an ezcellentser- furnace pipes cleaned.- Hard mortar ' /+ ing home on Friday. is halide to at her home here g p used. Work guaranteed. Charges ; holidaying mou to s good congregation-, and Charles and Mrs. Johnston and g ' Mrs. M. J. Leppington, of To• the Anchors Society took charge moderate... _Phone Pickering 5501._.. i family have moved to Oshawa 34-48. • where sit•. Johnston has a position mato, is visiting her pephevq.and -0f the service in the evening to the - �with the General Motors, niece, C. A.'7iind Mrs. Overland. delight of every one. _ The heavy Islas .of the est The B. Y. P. U. had a social THE BEaT YET 14 y P hour on Monday evening whicn " ' HEN you have w week are proving vet beneficial Strawberry Percival at Piokerina We re resent the Waterbur Odor- P g y ended tip the seasons tictivitiee, to-night F Wpls for a ' order to the farmers' crops, especially There will be decoration services (Friday) and hear the less for Chemical Toilets especially ere with us fora memorial In- the turnips which have .just been at the Claremont Union Cemetery Hottentot Entertainers, apted for rural schools or where there you have looked tar ia- gown. nest Sunday(July tat) at 2.30 p.m.- Mrs. is no water system. Can be installed to the future for our , Mrs. S, Rumohr and, grandson, A. ,IF: Stevenson, principal of the b A N / N in the building.' A card will bring memorial work stands Gordon Birkett. accompanied the public school, is leaving today for full information with drawings . for up under stress o[time �. the tatter's father; Thos. Birkett, his-home near 9t. Thomas for his There will be dancing at each particular layout and weather, Itis tru of Stouffville, to the city on, 5a.t- summer vacation. BURNETT'S - DANCE HALL H. E, Poynter, ly a laeting tribute, vrday. ' The bowlers organized last week (Dew Dro -In) —35-tf. Whi:evale •"No GreaterTribute" F _(3eorRe.an_d Mrs..Cowperthwaite:. and_an_Monda played-off_ateurn_ - Drop - Farmers, Attention of Blackwater and John a�Mre. ament, R. Ward and Oscar Barbee EVERY SATURDAY N. W.gSTAFFORD. Gray and daughter, of Oakwood, being the winners. at 4.30 p, ao (standard time) vVhitby ? Kin Ston Road speat Suhday with, A. and Mrs. The Entranee examination is in I have' the 'Forsyth. progre9a here this week with M. J. Rouge Hills Orchestra in attendance agency for the Famous pine Whitby Reofrew Ma:chlnerg, Separators, Lorne Reid and J. Mundell mot- Wilkes presiding. About thirty E• Hewlett, Floor Manager �r q� P g• � Scales, and the high quality •ored to Chesley and other western candidates are writing. Round and Old Time Square Dances Acorn Range, and ani pre- ppooints one day recer};1, Mr. Reid 4tiss 9. E. Evans is spending a to Elret•eFase music- pared to giye- beat terms: having been engaged to shoe a few days in Toronto attending the — Give me a call when wanting some- _ 'horse in Chesley. Admission 76 cents acouple - thing to these lines. Phone Pick lOrYi. aP Women's meeting in connection Rev. H. R. Stephens and family George Burnett, _ - Prurietor -- --- �„ with the World's Baptist Alliance. -are in Toronto this week 'attend Half mile east of Rouge Bridge W• C. WILLSON9 in the World's Baptist Alliance Tpe Sacrament• of the Lords i g p at Rosebank Corner R. R. No. 1, LOCUST HILL aple Leaf �ntSia� Fere at which -delegates are present SuPner will be observed in the — Prom all parts of the world. United Church on Sunday mein- The anneal re anion of the Gregg lug. July 1st. Preparatory service FOOTBALL i i BOj'1'j'S 'family was held on Saturday last this(Friday) evening. V i i�rr's•LL V a Cheap rates for farm and country buildings, at the horse of Tbos• and Mrs Thomas and Mrs. Bacon have Steve Bloomer's Lucky Gal Scorers—the Boot that never fails Windstorm Insurance on buildings, , - Coady. being prevented .from ns• been confined to their house with to,score—reg.4.00 to 4 5Q. at 2.95, windmills Silos etc. ;ing the park on account of the an attack of summer flu, but are 1 :-Automobile Insurance wet weather. About seventy were now improving. This complaint Men's Oxfords, "The Spencer wood Shoe," reg. 5.00 to 5,50, at 4.W. of all kinds. press at and is very enjoyable time seem+ to be general at present in _ _- _- ..was spent ys chi a�i� Suits uitle ��d9 FOR oneSALK ` R John Coates returned home on � .�.:. ': ._ _. _. rite or phone .' y W "Wednesday last after receiving Men a and Young Men's Suits—one or two pairs of pants- ED. B O Yl[ M A N treatment at Wellesley Hospital. ,ILg Your from 9.50 to 18.50. Toronto, for his arm which waa 20 WHITBY. ONT. badly cut when operating a small A lull supply of Running Shoes from 75,cente up. circular saw. It is expected that Kitchen' ,.. in about a year's time he will have. - - Call at F+ N j D' Phone 3800 ��1® p1C�[®?1>Q� proper tt$e of his arm. � - ' ,.' J. I'�1����.J.! � -- _ .` We are sorry to report the dud. `.•=+.EES ON2'. .ON'TARSC v $n�'►8 Committee . den deatb of one of•our mosthigh- - --. — ------ H o t ly respected residents in the per. _ - oa of Aura. Hugh Gregg, which Then buy an Oil Stove or • --- lessen stealin�g,�mrosecute - r 'The 1 Rook place on Tuesday morning a Gas Range, .. the felons. • . , : in her seventy fourth year. ' She _- . _ _. _ m - .'-' • itand ook & stroke on early e grad iiallyada sank kdunt fu ee We have Florence Oil Stoves Members l 4 �e Members having propels denten aommoniy Sunday , is stock. 3 and 4' Sending Mon".7 .. -as"immediately wi� any msmbar Aral will Lakaplace this(Thursd&y) _ _ _ of Executive dommittee. , burner. .; �- -.'afternoon to the Claremont Union Also a number of good used � to Distant Points Membership fes n.oa ,Cemetery. Deceased, whose maid Uil Stoves, reasonable. S 'rtea:a.s may be baa tram one tMeldon*ar ' 9ewet►r1 on applfeasion, 'en name was Janet Story, was a OU can rend any amount of money Rl a !lila long resident of Claremont, COLEMAN GASOLINE STOVES Hzec. 00m.—L. D. Banks,0.S. Palm. - snd o survived by a, sorrowing (faster than city gas) to any point in Generis at a acini er, M. S. Chapman, Pickering. roam of expense by using a Standard -. !husband and two daughters, Mrs. ,Ask no for a demonstration Bank Money Order. Thin metbod is D Munro -- las. Richardson. •'W- M. Palmer, of Claremont, and in nuc home. ► the sign lea t, safest and moat conven• Mrs. Chas. Elliott, of Brooklin. y P President, BearNary • We can supply you with wicks .'eat deny to send remittances by mall - One daughter, Mrs. W. H. Pugh, n �' ?l Rl y- `�- : died a number of yeme ago: And d all other accessories in the Dominion ; t the ,mail gold Farmers Atteuw' n Report of June promotion in Screens, Fly Spray, Fly 9watterd, ;tray no lea is sustained. Should t '+ Doors and all kinds of Mid- y6u desire/to send money to a' oink I have secured the enc for the Frust Claremont Junior School Room : p ' Sr. U to Jr III—Promoted on an stammer Hardware. a unt3ide theconotry, a Standard Band i &W� and Cucksbutt Farm Impls• avera¢e of;0 c.ter more in ear's Drift will serve your purpose for .p. . y (i forwarding money toforeign places. !Q menta. and will keep constantly on - work (names in order of merit), C H A S . COOPER baud repairs for these popnlac Implements. Robert Johnson, Doris Linton, Also. Leudon's barn and stable Jgyce McCullough, Adelaide John- CLAREMONT Mt TLt= D fittings. = ' son, Isobel Johnson and Fern Tay it 11.. I will also take con-tracta for painting -lor, Harry Degeer and Howard DURANT MOTOR CARS ► s ;a ► barns and houses by.a new Evelyn Taylor, Gordon AND TRUCKS !' ' DF•CANAL . process, by spraying, Spenoeley, Birkett; Dorothy Millet; Erwin - - ESTAPLdSHED 1875 Purdy, Stanley Hardy, Neil De Estimates o eerf620.y•given. .. _ - "Phone 1820. .. r gePr, Lottie Neal, Passed-in JuneScott Q a V�7, �7, REDDITT • 2?•62 -exams : Grace Tonlinson*, Margaa �� Store is erin Branch R. J. Manny L'iSPBI�O>ti�i ret Overland, Bible Wang. Mild- *, ManagaP ��.g J red Loyst, Marjorie Selman. Ab- Claremont r siooklia,WwHiA,wNtbs sent from exams., Harold Morgan. !Green River -' Sr. I to•Jr. Ii=Exams, not held be- - e - - v for Basket Factor i cause of several pupils being away -Specials J ., through illness..*9r. Pr. to Jr. I* _ Quos Manufacturers of 'Alan Tomlinson , Frances Loyat . , 't $a,glCetBs Ivan Reid*,','liyrtle•HF'%con*, Dolly All kinds of Ern: g Beaton*, Gordon Overland, Mary DRY GOODS IBerry Crates, Morgan, Mean Hill, Mabyn Licor• Mena work shirts, fl8c t Farmers'Bushel $ael[eta. ish. Absent but promoted - on Men's overalls, heavy, pr, 1.99 a` -s * la k t 8 e s. year's marks, Audrey Eagleson, den's fancy sox, .., 50c -- Re11111�1I� _ - Ladies',ailk hose,.; - Clothes Bas Retty.Eretfy. Annie V.Spoffard, _ O It Teacher. 93c Claremont Public School Senior. Moody': silk underwear,-.. ' 1.00 _ Fran eon ck, Room : Jr. It' to Sr IV—Pas-led on Newest styles in men's - �' o �►�] - Propriepor r J "Phone Markham 1804 ' year work,George Bowen, Kath. sti<aw hats •.leen Beelby, Milvin Johnson: Mar- �� GROCERIES - a , e Ward, Marion Kilpatrick, , �< .We sell drafts, money or E Carl Dnpkiag, Billie Tum Inisoii : Ready crit macaroni, 2 lbs., 19c ,� _ B EATTY -wrote promotion ezanis. find pass l Curn fl-die :3 pkg, for .. 25c , and cable remittances on all p Dorothy,'.,Shredded wheat, 3 pkgs '25c ' 'a vl STANDS FOR THE BEST ed, Gordon Stephens, 5 parts-of the world—at low - Gordon Evelyn Bassette, Arthur, Bran fl.ikea; 2 pkg� for c , g: tr+� :3 Jell powders And tumbler 2,5c �•� i:oyst. Grace Slnia'n. Sr' III to S' 1 esL rates. -•J IV—Pa--ed on year's Rork, Large prones. 2 for w5c �,� •• % _ Myrtle CliApm[an, a'iln�a Pugh, Ted l Catsup, gntirt bottle, `�3cSyrup, 5 lbs f2r 35c >� nick service ac,all branches. . �Z'oiulinyoti,- i�:a' DeGeer, .Lester P, 'ti•'. Q • • 11ScCnllough , rope promotion P & G soap. 5 Liars fair 2:3c exams, apd passed, Kenneth Dnp- Friiiry niivM biscuits; ib... 28c j S ys' Christie s �da3 2 lbs. for 3oc d THE` �� '• ` !' ' king, �+lo 3'd -Pugh, Charlie Neal. I , 3 Pea? corn and tomatoes Jr III to SrI11—Passed.;ili -year - All. a�— Rnri:, Jnne Forsyth, Jean Gtr,z�, Aylmer, '2 for.:.` :9c O 111:irgaret Dopking, Lena Slack Rnik black tea, special, lb, -63c Harald _Lay_t ; n.rote .prom6trrr,! Rltie Hose-i-ice, 8 ib�s, for :25c .exams. an-i passed, Kati- Seaton, White tapioca, 21hs• fol• ... 23c •r ti Ralph St, Aliens, Laura Hill, Prt•'; Fancy stripy toc,iauut, lb. 27c r " Bi b 187I Litter' Carrieem ay Carriers, .pi's absent through illness and ' +.ra ids Pump-. norTCRCk�. Cote given enuditional promotion, Olive _ r Bowls. Pressure Syatema Etc. Ba.4�ette• Stewart Oliver, NJ De- t �. sc OTit will pap iynu toygegt mp }�ricea oa5hri ; pni�ilQ who wrote and fail l above before buying elsewhere. ed, R•:hest Spenceley,Wilmot Hill,`' Phone 1402, 'Whitby Brahch, J. H. Perry, Manager PRANK J. PROUSE Pupils arranged in order of merit. I •�.-,- A. J. Stevenson, Teacher. ` 4 L j�'�t ;.v Z' r rirT AftiO 1R 4 S _ i• 4 ,+..' _ ,, , .. u: .. .7... '�t xa r, r... .. «.� : +. .,. d aL.�'t' :,' ,A. :xlL S§rr+k.'+ty. f'.,.'...?ti• '. ' u1'a4," .hi• ,•.w•pry, ,.+. 'a. • , � ., ,.�. „� l.a' .o .•aF,afia .d �.7L ,..:.-,2� a _d-'.s.a acrrfi<.:s;:m...,e,.,u.. rte"�J:;a•".i•':..•lw...,. 3r..,..< ,"`4u -`12r +•u...-, «�.F -Y�!'1'�„-".','t,., r .:.,. t,,.,idr•'"'_na'£�•,.�.;y.� .,{,. i'^S71G.a�. .?�rf•a+•.� ^'_�,[:..,,,,,..r', rN•'':Aj"'•". '^�:.. -, . t .rz - W_N a :. ,,- ;.....> .-.�� ,I;.- ;:.r;+�.^+r "+-' w ,nmc. .� u-.� .4q, . -mrri'*a:'F.�n n ^vn.SM*4°i'4.a.. ^:,'p...v.vr'is+ :w,�*s's•Gw. •}" 5P--7--7,, L''. '.•5,e .'....r_ ...', a 8. :.t a .:' tom.. - ,rd�•?";,. S -t '7G.t 1':% X, ..a r i:.rY'- .: _ b . .. 1 11 ., .�., o .• - - 1. ... 11 ... •'.• * ..- T . Y� r n. ,. .', , '. 1 .. - y \. r titer,. ._.. �_� _�.,_y\.....S...o.. __............... .. "a• -- —--_—•t � 1 *_. __ _ •. s_ Jago-Siavian Cabinet resigned this day because of the tracks being flood- *`- Plane Successful m Savin No��e afternoon. It as indicate that their edi just outside of Humberstone and Aviator butructor1. • colla esiwould. follow suit and a. Port Colborne, e. Port Colborne • • ` But Overturns o>r>� Second " K m �Crae - new•ministry formed with Raditch as Fire Department has been working la is-�, � _. . ._. - . - -- a member, should he recover from his relays attempting to um • awn "a " min store lake which has formed on Student Leariner i Beverly �>� F- _ ?ahnv Swedish,Flying Ace Succeers.In Bringing Leader of wOMUST LIVE FOR COU TR. King Street, the main street of the . • Polar Party to Safety It was reported the surgeons had town. - _. }cared Whe>a Plebe Htltrt�es '. - off for . :s . ,. _ -. _ - -'Stefan Raditch and thathewaspro- erallhours� _ . was cat o sev to Ground .JW war c - 1:1-1 . 1 NO WORD OF AMUNDSEN greasing favorably. Strawberr . gra R y I . . y. growers are.-,--- hit„ SUNDAY 'MISHAP wOa' >, 'June 24-''During the Satur• to 217• miles)= .too great for more I . The.King told Raditch "Don't worry, as the fruit.is covered with layers of Capt. Richard Turner of the K111ot day night the Swedish plane, equip- that one or two flights a day. Pres- everything will be all right" ,mud, and much of the,cro.p_will be un- Air Port, was killed and E. A. Boal 411 , -:.ped With runners, landed boldly near ent indications are that the rescue Raditch replied: "I don't mind.my salable and cannot; be picked for a way of Berkeley, California. waa in- the Nobile group and departed with operations will take a long time, I Tile, your Majesty, but I moat live week Many stone road's• have been jured near Toronto when their Somal- t3ea. Nobtie. It transported him 'to ' -Although tb;e rescue 'of ' General;for my country. There is still much washed out, and. railwaymen were low airplane first tail spun and then • Hiningen Strait, whence another Nob'le's own party is now fairly well•work to be done and I don't want to busy,today replacing washed-out bel- nose dived to the ground: The accl- r Swedish plane took him to Virgo Bay. assured, no contact has been made see Jugo-Siavia become a vassal of last. Culverts in many places were deat_ce_cur;ed_a few miles.nstrth�reaL -= There he'w)a placed aboard the Citta yet with the two missing parties of i Italy, which will ha n if the Nettunfl�rashed-away-slid-smashed ---- of Toronto at about 11.3Q a m. _ 41..10111440- ._ _ ._-. the All-fated=-lta!'a-eapedttlou. "--One convention is ratified." 1. CANOEISTS DROWN Turner, who was sitting in h)ie fronR -�- "The first plane went ne%T the eoneists of seven men, who were car-� In political circles it is regarded as' The Chippewa Creek claimed the �gpit, auftered such severe injuries stranded men again in an at- rigid away on the gas bag after the inevitable that the events will cense first two drowning victims of the sea- that he died in the Genera Hospital . tempt to continue its rescue work, but wreck of the Italia. . the resignation of the Cabinet and the son when Vino Iant�nzzeIi, 30. and within three hours of the crash. Bead- -, I overturned in making. the difficait rejection of the Nettuno pacts. Grave Marco Camicia; 16, beth of this city, wap was receiving his first instruct - 'landing. Fortunately the' valorous • _Another Reported Saved consequences are also expected in Cro- lost their lives when their canoe cap- _tion in aviation. He escaped with a• ' pilot was not injured.'.' Snob was the Loadon,rJune 24-A despatch to the aria Where the.wounded and dead men sized in the turbulent water. They badly shattered law broken nose, t :. "zasesaage which records a heroic Exchange Telegraph from Copes I are tremendously popular. , i hired a canoe and seemed to get along and a fractured arm. He is now in � t : Rescue In the Arotic'wastes. O --- l all right until they neared the mouth the Toronto General Hospital.' �_- ,�, hegen says that the Italian Legation . • • r a The other members of the Nobile at Uado, Norway, had received word I Niagalra D><str>Eet (of Lyon's Creek when their craft cap- It, fa thought that the plane went Z ' party will be rescued from their peril- that a Swedish 'plane had rescued sized and both were thrown into the into a tall spin as the result o2 air ' 111 x pus ice camp ea soon as possible, but Nab11e and another member oL his ex. Suffers From Flood water. Help was too far off and when currents,.and it is-supposed that Cap- ? - the task~ie full of dangers and difit- pedition, both injured. the scene was reached both bodies had tain Turner got it out of the spin- culties• The Swedish expedition hopes The second rescue probably was of disappeared. Dragging was at once which,tb one of the hardeit feats in hs"tt - ' . `to be able to remove two men ata Natale Ceocbal, motor chis[ of the Worst Storm in Years Visits started but Vitto's body was not found �4 - Uwe, and bring Chem back from the a constderabl Otto . �� dirigible.Italia. His leg was broken Peninsula Doing Much Y nose dive, hurtling earthwards at ter Y5 - desolate Arctic to the wt►rmth and below the knee when the airship was later. rific speed. Comfort of Ki Ater { �,. cg's Bay.' wr The swollen waters of the Chippewa The only eye-witness of the traged7.. . x-1 ---1roTi�Atonoplane i Logging Whole ' River made into a turbulent stream Waiter Harold Acerman, saw .the - �C -,_ The man who saved General Nobile 'No'Word of AmOndeen . District by the torrential rains of Saturday, place about 11.30 a.m.,when it was - . • t ': :ibs said to be the most brillimit airman . Oalo, Norway, June 24-Messagee resulted in the loss of another life, plunging straight to the earth. Rush- 1. in the Swedish Army. His machine from Moscow, replying to specific rd THREE DROWNED When Steve Arvie, 9-pear-old son of Sag to the wceok, he found the two . - ., . .. - Is an ordinary Fbkker monoplane used quarts for information, stated Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arvie, 57 Crow- men unconscious amid the ruins of t Cor mils Niagara Fella, June 24.-What old- land street, was drowned while in the Diane. Other helper s arrived tart' purposes, but it 1a'fitted that the ice-breaker Maligin had re timers ea was the heaviest electrical awimmin from nearby and helped to remove •- with skis for Arctic landiage•. From ported it received no signals from the y g' Y pe 01I the Swedish base ship. the Quest Latham seaplane, whereon Roald storm in memory, struck Niagara' _ 0 the two men from the wreckage and . .6hackleton's old ship, on Virgo Bay, Amnnadea a d flys companions went Falls-and district. Saturday, causing.Nansen Plann>m ' do what they could for them while `, I tremendous property loss in the city Ar u Turner's confreres at the air port to Nabile'e red teat on the lee la a In search of ,the crew of the d1rlgi- and on farm lands. The storm, which Trip into Arctic telephoned for as ambulance. . ` distance of 840 to 8b0 kilometres (186 ble Italia. s4m { i raged for almost seven hours, was " 0 �tF A -�__ 'accompanied by a downpour of almost .. _ F � _ 'j uz= Assembl itch. Like host Montenegrins,' he cloudburst proportions, and many Famous Explorer Will Use I British Troops s* .7 `carried a revolver constantly, and the business places were flooded and stock Dirigible Monger Than nt to Tan$sha •l11an:jo' , L other deputies have been awed by his damaged. - .,lnto Shambles _ _ Italia '�- K ii�i•fiI„t �• Physical prowess Farm lands in Stamford and Ni11 - r :-� R Paul Raditch, who was killed, was a agara townships are waterlogged and Leaingrnd, 3Etnsaia.-Dr.. Fridtjor j WiII Protect Against Black- �• . jug Slav bills Leader of.I Croatian, and represented the districts farmers will not be able to even walk%Nansen, famous Arctic explorer, re- ” e moiling Tactics of Chinese "' of Sarajevo (noted or the assassins-'on them for several days. Practical! 'cantly told the International Congress P'itce�sant Party and Y Y ,. , tion of Archduke Franz Ferdinand .all cellars- of Aerial Arctic Exploration that in GCACi81 I 1 .t:. - �j,.* : ;:Wounds Five d the Arch,d an nico So bad did flood conditions and 1929 he intends to make an extended Pekin, Ch1na,-British troops have _ - . } and Banjaluka In Parliament- He was�landslides become in Queen Victoria polar light in a dirigible airship. HCbeen been sent to Tangshan to protect the �� 41,7! IAIT€� GROUP header of the Peasant Radical Party Park that it was found necessary to said this ship was now being con-�propert7 of the Kallen Mining Admin- t lr_'• �. J. when his uncle was in jail, and he close the park to all traffic. Lar structed is Gbrmany. lstration and the Yves of British and.du$o- avia-Infuriated changed the party from a Republican sections of the banks were washed Dr. Nansen thinks the disaster to other employes of that concern. by i'Feyuant •it1Wrul:hions and the re-. p �a - • t'usal of the disputants to withdraw'to a Monarchical body. He did much away down Into the park and onto the the expedition of Gen. C*mberto Nobile Ths British authorities to China . 'to promote conciliation between the buildings. was due to the small dimensions of,had hoped to avoid this measure, but r" i kis& •W ,,ishnica Ratchitch,i government and the peasants. the Italia.; For that reason he said 1t was forced on them by the black- - 1 iRa cal'de nty,`drew a revolver dur-'g° ! HIGHWAYS FLOODED. r all �ionnds intoational the the shooting a!f g gn Eriemiverehso YA_dad thatnman d auto- mThe veteran was optimistic about mailing demands of General Chang Premier Voukitchevitch called at, that his own airship will be mach .;'oe�. the palace and informed the Kin of, g -Y __ _ Tsung-Chang, military Governor of group of Opposition members, g Twy. The aoverra Y Shantung. - F • •�'- ,was deeply moved by a recital of the mobiles became stalled and men and the chances-of rescuing Noblle's men. . ' s ti� ,,, •..Paul. Alsti3cb, nephew o! Stefan terrible scene and sent his condolences'boys in high rubber boots helped to He believed that the powerful ice erltish Troops Arrive - s_ ; i,.I 1"tek -the peasant leader, was kill- to the families of the dead deputies,;push the cars through to higher breaker, the Ktassin, which the Rue- Tangshan, China-Detachments of - . ed Stefan Raditeh himself wax seri- and afterwards visited the hospital to ground• aian Government has sent north, will British troops arrived here from .1 I . . ousli wounded. The Croat deputy, Dr. see the wounded. 1 The electric railway line could no be•of -the _greatest _assistance in se-'Shanghai to protect foreign lives and . ` tas�,u,i �' sitchek,w was so:gravely woutide The Democratic members o! the enter Port Colborne from Welland to- compiiahing this. -- ,�ulat he is,,rgposted to have diei on his _. property, �. w" to the hospital. Dr.. Pernar, and .----•---.----- . :tx Ra other deputies, Grandja and Jela-� :Intrepid Woman Flier Cros ses Ocean, Reaching Wales . ,, ;;,slick, also received bullet wounds of a . - ' t dzngorces ,nature. 1 ;-- . Tt is was the culmination of flerce -��- F - _ _ �fi t e••ntroversies and hand-to-har,.i fights i laonw CT TyMA c w0 , -'-- a►hich have recent! taken lace in the -. '� � IO.SI ASM tio•o+d 11��� Y p �,�- kl,A A I Ttc" _ mN �,j..0�=- - Juga-Slav Parliament The crimp is ,' J� CoQ,.-� caw Ccs I +d considered the most terriole since the nE c n una •� --_� ns' E _ memorable assassination of King Al- ''* ,`TIME 00 FIJONT A�40 AM exander and Queen Drags, just 25 x !TED �' cVA94iY �120ttotsRSb Mut W ' e,1 , pears ago this month. It has thrown STAT A FAX Au '`' �cx - the ahc,le of Juga.�lavis in a ferment I os.oM Jan ATLANTIC of excits:nent.. _I ,. .►lei QC �jy..., SP ' Parliament had scarcely opened. F £ osTtrnti�urtE 3 ..__. when the Opposition, led'by 3tofsn ` - Xaditch, began its obstructionist tac- ,- .-----. �'„ . is .tics against the Government's legisla- >;i �. .•tion,in the forefront of which is rat'- - - ., - � - . facation of the Nettuno convention , : , m� ltrith Italy. , '` . At the height.of the angry debate, .r ,, v Stefan Raditch, turning to the-Gov- y ernment benches and shaking. his fin 01 ,�;: et ger, shouted: "You are.not men. You '� .are swine!" - ''� +•� KILLS ONE, WOUNDS FIVE. ' , y ` " 9 _ There Were 708Ta Of `'Withdraw," - ' •'r. '. � s' ?,,:: •'-. �I Y p sr i� i ~ �! and Deputy Punica Ratchitch, who is _ , t, 't one of the moat vehement defenders of .. / M r the Government's policy,Tushed at the l ;ilgr z t ,;_speaker, brandishing a revolver. The i . . House was.thrown into a wild tumult. rp% % `�` ' Paul Raditch, who leaped to his. • _. _ k F _ : �_ uncle's assistance, fell dead from a I . "` fill w bullet as he attempted to throw him- �`_ # I :''l _` _. > 'self across the body of his uncle, who ` ...- . ..Y was already wounded. „ j €' r? P., - - Members of the Raditch party at- "::' a �� a -- tempted to seize the murderer,brit•be- 3 �5 ) _ lore. they could.do so. Ratchitch shot, ". j - Pernar and Basaritchek end two ' '' r ' others, and had exhausted all his but- _,_ !4= .. , 'lets. Profiting'by the uproar, Retch- i '''A , I AW i ��. •itch dashed out of Parliament 'and - F 1. ;escaped. He is reported later to havrb ,. surrendered to the police. The public and newspapers, which ,bre profoundly stirred by the crime I 1 1 .. 11 recall the 'threat uttered' in 'Parlia• . _ �� •went by M. Popovitch, Minister of i wIll, iv Hs�ieie,,to Stefan Radi'tch: s„ "I warn you that you will lose your , . -head in Parliament one of these days." z G , The dire prophecy was almost ful- - ` , 5 . V r� z - r,. .�„� s - - - . � Rlled, and other deputies shared with - . -�"'` -.-- ' the stormy leader of the Opposition ._, - c o ,, -.• ,. -FRIENDSHIP MAKER rL[GI T IN 20 HOURS 86 MINUTES -- • - .4_' 1 • \' the.tragic chsatisement . Wt. all',England and Ireland waited on tip toe to welcome the.transatlantic plane F44iendship, from her Atlantic flight, Miss Amelia Earhai•t, the Punica Raditch, who belongs to the' first woman to conquer the great ocean by air, and her two companions, settled down unexpectedly in Burry Estuary, Wales. Above are shown: (1) Government Radical party, is a Mon- Miss Ame1la Earhart in her Costume as an aviatrix. (2) Map of the flight o f the- Friendship from Trepassy Bay to Burry Estuary, Wales. (3) Miss `' tettogTin. In all recent' disturbances Earhart In her uniform as a VAD. in Spadina Hospital,. Toronto, where shosezve:l during and after the war. (4) The Friendship, hydro-aeroplane which 3. ,- in Parliament he has been the noisiest carried the first aviatrix, In the person of Miss Ea'rbart, across the Atlantic.• (5) Wilmer Stultz; pilot of the Friendsbdp, (6) Lou Gordon,•mechanic . -and most vehement in his denunciation, aboard the aeroplane. . of the Opposition, led by Stefan Rad- I. - • . . .� .. ' , S' . .. �' I* , . _ . • . I • S � � . .. . 1 .. "1' „h1. f Y r w .ar.. .. s. m.. ...r ._.-. 1.e.o.•.,vN., .. . .'o.. .x : -x :.. .. .y Ay a'v hn na ,� 1^SLYm.r+.Dc• •�+.}h .. i. ., n :.. �,.,. w? y... >w...r- ',., _...=i.P'--i', g... .: �.•..�p,,!>�:. r J^�a:.. '; ":k..,. .;...,ta >e _ ` \rgal.r ..• l"''7:+' •? ft' w.. ✓ 1 .,n .I, ,.t .> a :ro --,..¢..T, G.,Y>^ 2E - ',:h'e+f ,.`.•,-s"+:'S�= `y ,.e,..'- "'' 'r Ft 4, ...� ,!'�J..$.. ',.::y."cr. .C' i`d'•>,yyyn,;.k. ..l:Y"'gAfiaR..c+r•. .._rvr,.,a,( .ny. .tw .:,-. ,i.Yr .,,,,..s ,.�,_., _ LS'•:.:"1; - • i{N',: 'k°."i?-.kJX!".�✓a.Yvr"l�• _ .: a+t'+x3�r'..53!.A.-'4—�. '":+c+. •?s. ._ ' lFw:.." , o`er ..e lY .w. a, M+<..N(,1.,• , ... }•h vp•'-J r t my: - 4- 4 - t _._-BMALL69T_RAILWAY 1N THE WORLD_ Relief Comes Through the Use F Y of Dr. Willlallns' Pink Pills. ` u The•moat a rheumatic eutteter •can te _ t ... OCl � � hope for in rubbing something on the swollen, aching joints to a little l f 1 t while the trouble O •• ' to ie, and all the is becoming more firmly rooted. It y' _ ts now known that rbeumatism' Is . i' Red Rose Orange Pekoe ted in the blood, and 'that as the trouble goes on. the blood becomes _ is .g prelim : still further thin and watery. To r II ,-clean $ hvitf37 f Set rid- of rheumatism, themtere, - - _ ,,. you most go. to the root of the trou- . f " '-.-his In the blood. Tbat to why Dr. Clatlalfied Al3verti6e3me1llltt f �ae _ Williams. Pink.Pills have proved so F IIlg MOTE 'beneficial when taken for this trouble. iF `: �` ", MAUI CMCZ7 ? They make new, rich-blood which ex �;' t sVfilsas Oi�>rOss'VsiT! �` ! U.S. Bureau of Entomology .:� :gels the poisonous acid and the n ;Alt ADDED VAN BODIES, ORIGINA4;r ar' "theumsitiam disappears. : •., • Outlines the Best, Plan for P' LY cost between =800.00 and ;800.00s AN P There are thousands of former , for sale cheap. Excellent opportun=t; the Annual Treatment-, for local movers. Reason for selling: )rheumatic sufferers in Canada, now O x � `?9 . Clothing these vans have been replaced by mods k Well and strong, who thank Dr. Wil- . , f Winter rn tyye for long-distance moving. Appif y, llama' Pink Pills that they are now dill The Mover, Hamiltons When a succession of mild flava In- ABY CHICK13-WE HATCH SOU cwt: • free from the aches and pains of i v t f, �';. dicates that heavy Winter clothing varietibs, prices lOc up. Ws w , " this dreaded trouble. One of these, %• snd coverings may be discarded for tC-ave 60.000 for July and Au est WrtTO 9 l►lrs. W F. Tait, McKellar, Oat., who ' �•. �' ' \ the Summer, the housewife has a I for free catalogue. A fI Bwftssl. -bays':-"I am one of the willing ones ' V ' Granton, Ontario. _ busy dap making blankets and cloaks, ! tt eel3ced from:the use o! Dr. Williams' s f_Lsi =.the_ Furs Persian ntga I Chleka_} rQ Stood-tested block «. Strong, healthy chicks fro---m FiF -pr + , and other valuable objects are pack- Str stock, blood tested and free from i Pink Pills. After lying !n bed for ' ed off to cold storage, while everyday j baccl111, white diarrhoea stales with heves weeks suffering untold agony , l " household and personal effects are Asci roes of loo eggs and over. Bsra avith inflammatory rheumatism, relief Ao Its luly delivery, ;l�.00 r hnndsrpl -..tlaelly cams through the use of this Great numbers of holiday visitors have travelled on the world's smallest taken care of in the house. I S.-c. white Leghorne 312.0 Terme li oy pnedlcfne. h could not move in bed public rallway, which serves Romney, Hythe and Pymcburch. • Picture shows For generations' hauaewives each per cent with order, balance C.O.D. > r year have taken up the cudgels''press paid on 300 or more; five Osltvesy ucly,as,they,.lifted me, and I could the tiny train,steaming Into Romney. - guaranteed. ' only Bleep when oblates were given against these destroyers, Many of,Otter"116 Poultry rum. ottervills, OaL s"`t -only The medics! treatment I was HELP rn� their old-fashioned remedies are ac ` Crawls Four Days it talars sa certainly taking . wtuw 4 In- taking seemed of no avail. Then I espied sill] by science, such, for fn course in reducing Its army and naR { was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink ilL i �d n- �i�c' stance, as sunning clothing to kill the With Le Brokeni �n���ILBUJ costs !n following out its program of Pills, and soon I began to get relict. -���L v larvae. But other science has pro- 1�Ul� nounced worthless-tobacco extracts wages f instead of employees. the After taking six or eight boxes the wages of government employees, rheumatism was banished and I had - _ and tobacco powders• lavender fill.- rheu telt better is my life. It d Courage and. Scout Training ere, cayenne and black pepper, dust- Baby's own Tablets Have Many several years since this happened and. ,Save Life Of 12-year- several lags of allspice. of airaLeked lime; of . ���) - - .-I have had no return of the trouble .. Old Boy Uses and Are Absolutely salt, of eucalyptus leaves, hellebore, Let Cufc ura Soap since I may add that I recommend Harmless. quassia chips, angelica root, pyre ••� t-0 ,the Fills- to two of my, friends who San Francisco.-Crawling on panda theam stems, powdered ffuVhur, �eep YQua 1JiDiss `£ and knees for tour days from the rim To have In the house s simple, borax, colocynth pulp, sodium r"! -were suffering with rheumatism sad Dome ul of Half Dto Mirror Lake on the harmless remedy for the minor ills of bicarbonate, lead carbonate and lead Fl and Youthf Ithe pills were equally effective Id.both re�s p�.floor of Yosemite Valley and part of babies and little children Is a great oxide ars specified in this category t•0.s.a eetr"ale�=11C tis �eaaee' the way with a broken leg. 12-year-old boon to young mothers. and this is by the United States Bureau-of En ==04== Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pitta for exactly why-�sby'e-8wu Tablets have tomology. Cedar chips. and ebasings GeorfCe Monhett, of Piedmont, fought anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia. la+lL-,a herculean lfight for !fie--and won. gestioa or nervousness. Take -them been found in thousands of house- are said to be only partially dtecUve. as a tonic if you are not in the best The boy, missing for about a week, holds. The Tablets regulate the The first essential in battling moths f and for whom all hope had been •ban•, stomach and bowels, break.up colds in to make erre that no larvae are Athletes air physical condition and cultivate a 1e doned, was found alive,' collapsed On land simple favors,-allay the Irritation hidden away slong the, same, to deep: For sprained ligaments. Y 14t -__sistance that-wlil keep you well a'nd {a rock at the edge of Mirror Lake'of- cutting teeth, yet they have no tolds or in pockets of the clothing to I !bound muscles, lucks and strong You can gas three pills today according to reports here. _through any medicine dealer or by drug taste aad the children like them be packed away, and chert that all bmisea-use Minard's. mail at 60c a box from The Dr. Wil- He was virtually naked: his face and i Concerning Rie Tablets Mrs. Ruth, containers are absolutely tight. « li lips torn and bleeding and suncracked.,ven Crommiller, Rutbven, Qat.,writes Beading and brushing and cleaning! !isms' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.' his body covered with bruises and one'-'*kindly' send me your little book, must precede laying away, and furs a � t li w ork Times The furl new from the rim of Halt Dome down an Larvae lodged on material to be pq;f. �t,� leg .broken. Tice boy had. 1n four on the Care of the Baby. I have tl.o_I suspected of being latested moat be y and.--Jhe_ f&V_Y_ w,-erawled-an his.hands and knees eh n_-� r. f gone over with • fine tooth comb --New Y ( the other a year end a belt. Both ► : Vuited States af'rpiatSe carriers, Lex ialatoat perpendiculpr cliff, a feat prob- are In excellent health and the only away may be killed' by Ironing, by' : ably never attempted-before and be- medicine they have had is Hahy'e Own tagton and Saratoga• are very teat.' exposing fa superheated moms or by lieved Impossible. Tablet&. I always keep the Tablets :- and heavUy-armored: and, each liaa�. � leaving severed hours in the ran• Or pocommodation for 76 planes 1 Great But his courage and boy scout train- to the house and am happy to recom- the labile may be dipped for ten eco grttain can. build no more carriers, i Ing saved his life In this, one of the mead them to other mothers..•' ends 1a water heated to 140 degrees 'With completion of the Glorious, one Imost heroic of boyhood episodes.,, Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all Fahrenheit. A strong solution' or Ct three converted "hush" or mystery Young Monhett disappeared while on medicine dealers dr by mall at 26 eta. TIRED, �"� ' ins effl laundry soap also Liss • kill ` cruisera.planned during the war, the a hunting trip near Vernal Falls. a box'�rom The Dr. W111fsme' Medicine ink effect. Since his disappearance posses and Co., Brockville, Out. Cohere being the Furious and the The naphthalene of Entomology balls th :,NERVOUS WOMAN iCourageoua, the Admiralty will have IIaearching parties have heated alai - _ a _ _ are naphthalene in Bakes or DaUe the 111 ' fall the floating airdromes it is en-?Yosemite wfthoul eucce4 They neer, believe 1t poasible fora mountaineer,i _ best preventive of destruction Prom (titled-to. None of them !a• or will be, d �av�ee,> moths, provided the clothing Is clearHE�IT�� ins big and fast as the_American pair. let alone a boy of 12, to crawl a cliff nearly a mile bigot from HpH Dome, I h confined and not packet! on closet ° i where he was last.Been.-(Mail and shelves or a drawers where the e :Empire.) ' fumes may readily escape. Psradlch• �--- _ Tont NEake a oy iY--- lorobensfne, gum camphor and pyre Praisett Lydia E. Pin�thiltBy>t Fear of Poorhouse by Aged.- Out ged. _ i��t>�powder are also pronounced ef• •V�rle CO1R>p0iltfd Out of Baby' ,Lacking M Saskatchewan �4l,.Li LI,...,,.��� .. For Hay Fever--use Minard's. Asbestos Mines. Quebec.-"After-Bablift Ottawa.-Old age without fear of the birth of my second child,-,I was always SX RUTH flRI'1'T >\j the poorhouse is an actuality in See- nervou[eeliagttred, katchewan. An a result of an agree- -• playgrounds for Children �' `` nervous sad weal[ ` ]hent between•the Provincial and Do- Le Canada ((Lib.): Never a day and had headaches. 1 \' minion Governments, persons of sev hackaches and ter- \ passes by but we read in the, ter- rible pains every x enty years and more who have resided that children have been struck by m6nth. I sufferet1 ' ° in the province for at least tweAty f „` I • �' motor care or heavy -kwTiee The ac-I two years�lkfole years and who are British subjects cideuts ere, alas: too frequent in the tried'Lydia E. w will be pais! a 1200-a-year pension,it is "'1 summer, especially while the sebool; Piakham.e Vete a� ,• w, f table Compound. announced.fn a.bulletin of the Depart• �� J holidays are aa- Parente ebould im- I got four bott �' went o1 Colonisation and Develop- press on their children that they must at first and it � went of the Canadian Pacific Railway. s not play is the street&. They should me a world o[ o0000000dddd Halt of the amount of the pension s - be sent to the parka and playgrounds. I would no be i is paid by the Dominion Government ` - Without it in the house now,and hs • and the other halt by the provincial. �- Another six bottles in.I recommend r j Saskatchewan is the second prov- Many a fellow who's big noise nt to every woman I know.'!-MM. T' the office is only a little squeak at I BuAeReTT ,,Boz 114, Asbestos Miussi ince actually to begin old age pension 'A woman has been known to shoot home. Q bc. Much of the nervousness in older payments. British Columbia has been a man for a bit." — - - _ "',"children can be traced to the over paying them since last September and, - — -" stimulation during infancy, caused by up until the an Bot March of this year, Minard's Liniment for insect Bites y - regarding baby as a sort of animated I ha S dfBbureed about $240,,000. Yukon toy for the amusement of parents, re,i Territory has also accepted the _ )ativee ,and friends. Baby may be Cscheme, but. it not-so far in effect. Canada's Great North played with, but not for more than a Manitoba has passed the necessary Baltimore Sun; North America, `* Quarter of an hour to sit hour daily. j legislation to take advantage of the one must assume• has got its affairs a Beyond that, being handled, tickled, caused to laugh or even scream, will old age pensions act,. and It is_ex- into very good.order when, as a mat- ost+uii+eLX sometimes result In vomiting, and fn-I petted that payments will begin there ter of routine administration,_the Can- PS variably causes irritability,. crying or during the aummzr. I adian Government -imports reindeer sleeplessness. IAlberta, another prairie province, to supply food for Eskimos in danger Fretfulness, crying and sleeplessness:and several of the Eastern provinces-I of starvation in tore distant and de- C1!► 'from this cause can easily be avoided have the matter under consideration eoiate regions along the 'Mackenzie R 1}.oubies r by treating baby with more considers- j- due to Acid when you est can't see w of pa>'in'g their old-time citizens a inti• River. Not the extremeat part of this aau*,oN th "''A ' d <o tion, but Y j hat ST is making baby restless or upset, bet pend annually to ward off the wolf of vast territory lies"outside. the atten oHs �R" ; ter give him a few drops of pure, 'poverty. I tion of authorities•. Very tittle time - ark harmless Castoria. Its amazing to;_ has passed since Eskimos of the u see how quickly it calms baby's nor. Red Rose Orange Pekoe has North or Indiana of the great plains ,ves and soothes him to sleep; yet it carried the patronage and E,taxved on occasion or died of disease contains no drugs or opiates. It is p g withcatt notice, but now even the ,purely vegetable-the recipe ie on the good will of more tea drink- Sick stomachs, sour stomachs snd Take a spoonful in water and your wrap Leading physicians pre- ars than: any other high- nomads along the Arctic Ocean are indigestion usually mean excess acid.(unhappy condition will probably end , scribe it for colic, cholera, diarrhea, under observation. The, stomach nerves are- over-stimu-!In five minutes. Then you will always constipation. gas on stomach and u a 1 i t y tea in Canada. �, latea. Too much_ acid makes the i know what to do. Crude and harmful bowels, feverishness, loss of sleep and I edges of good tea gladly Excited Boy-"Come on, quickl The stomach acid intestines sour. ,methods will never appeal to yon. It• Nx it other upets' of babyhood. Over I ive more for Red Rose I ould man is batin' the ould woman Alkali kills acid instantly. The best,may save a great• many disagreeable 6 million bottles used a year shows an a Pekoe because they overwhelming popularity. g again." Policeman-"Why don't she toren is Phillipa' Milk of Magnesia, be-!hours. With each bottle u Castoria, you I know that the value they re-, I come herself if she wants to make a cause ane harmless, tasteless dose I Be sure to get the genuine Pbllilps' , bet a book on Motherhood, worth its I calve is worth many times complaint. or have him arrested?" neutralizes many times Its volume in Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phyat- 1 weight in gold. Look for Chas. H. the few extra cents they pay. Excited ,Boy-"She's too busy. She's acid. Bance Its invention, 60 years clans"tor 50 years in correcting excess Inetcher's signature on the package 1-E got 'im down and Is bumpin' '!s head ago, !f has remained the Standard acids. Each bottle contains fuil'dlreo- '►o you'll get-genuine Caeforia. Thereon the flute:' with physicians everywhere. (tions--any drugstore• Y, )trP many imitations. ; ( ISSUE No. 26-'28 I s , a,. .,, - . ..;, _.. ,, .. - *. a .,T __ ',,,":n�.�'.f a.�*o'or .. dna. •fir s...:2.151„ 4. , .. ...1<v x::.• � ::;.^>;•x .�..�6.�. ;:'.;'e...e:rer...'i:,. :...:j-:'Y.• s-a :.ys....<+y3;:3d.,. s a w r "e::_-_�._ ..C'i,..,,,r."'e� r',.."+i.•`L,"'. - 7. 7"; -.%.WZ`TA- '644 7, T-747M ENWANNNENOW H F Denti, qt��Dr. T -Alex and Mrs. Wilson and son, lata." office wure., Al., of Whitby, spent Sunday -LOCALLS1118i �vearaqMon's hard 9 to 9 daily and with Th.oniaa and Mrs. Andrew. store. Of5m hoursk :.,....Grand Concer :. t ' �1, byt appointibent.0 -Clowicg-F. L Luke, Opt. D., Mrs., Postef visited i -Th' e publie- and oahrtinuatlon' 167 Yonge St., Toronto's able eya. friends in toe city.on Sunday, visited sch a have closed fdr the on laht'speciali8t, way be couc-ulted -Mr. and Mrs. Powley m with the Miesse Bunting on, Sun• mer vacation and the teachers about your eyes for glasses at A. 'The finest Concert ever'given in Pickering Township have gone to their respective H. Apia's drug store, Whitby,,on day. Satisfaction- wiu be heard at Piellering MemoriP4 homes to enjoy a well-earned rest. Tuesday. July 10th. 1 Park Walter and Mrs. Shepherd -Walter children, of Detroit, are visit- The pupils who have not yet pass- guaranteed, On M03aday, July the 2nd. ed,thi-ir examinations are still at lug Picketing work at the greatest ordeal of the so"00 '�ha following Artists are engage L RKPORTG d': -Tom Johnston has been ap- yeal pointed foreman of the Bowman- year' qtilet but- pretty wedding SCHOOL REPORT FOR S. S. NO. b The Ever Ready Battery Boys villa section of the C. N.,R. Names are given in order of merit. took place at St. Paul's United -Arthur Bo ea his been ongs.g. Church parsonage on Wednesday Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.--George Bennett Al. and Bob. Harvey. A. a B. ed to operate the steam roller on afternoon, June 27th, when Hazel (hon.), George Willson. Sr. -III. to Jr.- IV�.Hilda Hood (bon), Alfred the highway repair work. to 17r -Cecil-Cecil Bradley was in Toronto Fuller, Jr. III. to Sr. •' Bert Harvey S May. daughter of George and Mrs. Shutik, of Port Perry, was United Smith, Noram F .1"t week attending the Grand III.-Ross Willson, Ruth Tripp. Sr. in rntrrisge to Allan Frank.son of Canada's best known Comedian. q�k liodge meeting of the I. O. O. F. 1. to Jr. III.-Mildred Gibson (hon.), He improves with the times. John E. and Mrs. Nottingham,of -Arthur and Mrs. Clazie find Raglan, by the- Rev. A. X San.- Doris -Bennett (hon.),, Edith Hastie friend.of Belleville,called on John on.), Harold Bennett, Cecil O'Riley, Red New man demon. The young couple left, and Mrs. Murkar one day last after the ceremony on a motor Myrtle Ellicott, Ross Hood (rec.). Jr. Week. 11. to Sr. II.-Harry Hastie (hon.), Known to all as the ONE and ONLY Newman, -J. B. and Mrs. Horn. of Peter- trip to Peterboro and Ottawa.and Alma Hamilton (hon.), Stanley Tripp. Dambells. home in East Class of the e at. will make their lborougb, accompanied by the 1. to Jr. II.-Ivan Fuller, Letty Ure father, W. G. Raw, speno. Whitby on their return. Leslie, Mary Neal. Primer -Billie Remember the strawberry fee- Leslie, Verna Fuller. Number on the Mary'Smith , in the village. Sunday tival on the lawn of St. Andrew's roll 22. Average attendance 20. D. G. Redditt and son, Ross Church this(Friday)evening. S p- Leigh; Teacher. contralto Soloist. well, of Toronto, spent Sunday Su here with the farmer's brother, per will be served from 6 o'clock MALCOM WOOD Piano Accordtoniit (daylight saving time) Come and S. S. SOFTBALL LEAGUE W V and Mrs. Redditt. enjoy a feast of strawberries. bq Come and hear this Wonderful Concert. L and Mrs. Oourtwe are Supper will be followed by a most Following are the scores for the 693ending a few days in Weston interesting program given satin games played in the South Ontario is week, and"wbile there are at t a- Football Association last week. tending the wedding of the letter's sly by the Hottentot Entertain- ers, of Toronto, who are most At Whitby-Claremont 2,Whitby 0. -�-Jqee Fred T. Bun' ting) Mias Retc Bull. -ens Xsmewift-dw-of -popular wherever they have &p. At Brougham-Brougham- 1, Green Pickering eg Will_U67-River-9- St Paul's United Chnrch will "ap-?d.. Brief "ri -Th-ew a 'FiAtablielied 1957. hold Riven by Revs. R. H. Rickard.•the , At Goodwood-Goodwood 5, Cher. their monthly meeting on. Wed in rywood 1. coming pastor of St. Paul's Unit, nesday, July 4th, at 8.00 m.. at Games to be played-this week are ed Church, Rev. W. R. Sproule, of bo-we of Mrs Gordon Law. as follows:-June 28th, Green River St. George's Church, and Dr. -Next Sunday at St. George's at Goodwood; Whitby at Brougham. Cho rch :'At 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Fraser, of Dunbarton United ON 'T . Imlss ening he '%rviee8 appropriate for Dominion The League stan4ing is as follows: Church: Should the evening June 30th, Claremont at Cherrywood. wet the progrard will be given in Day %vill be hold. Preacher at Club won lost draw THE the church, as will also @up- pointe Clapemont .4 0 1 , 9 ..6 both services Rev, W. X Sproule. ,tiper. Admission, 50 cents; child- -E. C. and Mrs. Jones are Green River 3 . 0 2 - 9 Ufa 25 cen to. Dow enjoying their new home ren. Goodwood .. ....3 16 1 .9 3 z -One of the most spontaneous Cherrywood _whieb they pnrebased some time silo from Tbo8. Walsh, and into and successful congregational Brougham .... ..1 3 1 3 ,461 0 which they moved a few days ago. meetings ever held in St. Paula Whitby . . . . ....0 .5 0 0 -St. Paul's United Church gar. Church was held on Friday, the At a meeting of the S. O. F. A.• des,party will be held in the Pick. 22nd tnqt, in the school-room for held in Brooklin on June 20th, it was AT . ,eriag Memorial Park on Wednea• the purpose of saying farewell to decided to have all entries for the day, July 18th. A supper(will be Rev A: R. and Mrs. Sanderson, Sinclair Cup in by June 30th. There wh-)have just nompleted the most is an entry fee of Five Dollars f6r Z* served, followed by a good pro. N successful f onr years in the history this campe6tion, and all teams play- 1gram. .1 -C --E R G t association A.A The refreshing rainp of he of the church. After the meeting ing in tbj-; assoc n will enter as p" wee if7--k_"1W*1e_tr_ea0 --bonefitt;ed So-called to order-by-the-chair- it is a eharity competition y 9vtation of all kiods. The rain, man, E. L Chapumn,F. W. Hobbs. It was also decided to pick an all ON came rather late to be of the recording steward, on behalf star team from this association and -bay or straw Official Board sod thp COO. play the Oshawa City Club some time soh benefit to the of the'Mcia grews tion.read an address ex press Cry crop. in the near future. In a tittl® over five months ing appreciation of the faithful SerViCePl Of Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson ' KNOW THE JOY OF BRIGHTmond ' y, Judylhd Mrs. Match has got over 8000 eags to hens, and al-to ex pressing sincere regret WATERS AND HAPPY LANDS from 30 White Wyandot and from 5 bone that she bad set. at their departure. W L Cour- The Indians cominsr upon a chain 112 chickens hatched, and of the* tice then presented them 'witb a of gleaming. shimmering lakes about 156 are still livings. purse of gold as a alight token of ninety miles east of Toronto, named W 1-ii-Whieh -Bright-Waters--_ - --- - -Rev. 14. R. Il ism ppreach tb 9 se too they are hold. them "Karwatha" - ed big farewell Germans On 800day Theta.on behalf of the Young Pon- and Happy Lands." re a It is many years since the Indians . 0ver $125.00. M* Prizes Ust to large and appreciative Ole"il Society. Leslie Morley ad n 1W put.%, drese expressing the kindly feel gave the name "Kawatha" to these Dir and to yLMaX P01*0 was Inspl#. gexistiog between pastor and the lakes; Yet today vacationists find it for Fit Mao, 1st. 2ad the source of happy, holidays in the Heaftht Race. Volae 9.26 ir and he]OW, 1 wish I were 21 Young people of the church, foll. and 8rd prizes, Total owed by the presentation of a. shores. $ many resorts scattered along the again." for Mon. let and 2ad -Mr Trott, priticipal of the handsome-chair by Morley Law. If you ire an ardent fisherman, Cast Pickmaa�back Race 10.00 Continuation School, is presidia - Last, but not least, on behalf I ptizes, total value bell son your line in the larger lakes for bass at the evtrance examinations of the Young Worshippers' League and maskinongt, in the smaller lakes 'for Men, let, 2nd and'3rd this week in Pickering and Mr. Marie Raladon and Wilda,8 speckled trout provide good sport. e .aeoelp 17.00 'Wallace, principal of the public presented Mrs. Sanderson Zt"b'"ar speckled any of the many good summer prizes, total value school, is prodding at the Wbitg� basket of beantiful room. After hotels there is every facility for at, lit, 2nd and 8rd 'Vale centre, the presentation followed Ppeeeb Farmws' Race, 21.00 canoeing, motor-boating, bathing, -St Paul's United Church ser• as by a number of the congregs. tennis, golf and all the other out- viesson Sunday next will be at tion, all exproseinst the success of of-door recreations. Farmer's Soup, i00 yards, Illustrated folders with full infor- Carhaft Rwep let, 2ad .value5*W T, I&SO a. m. Lad 7.80 p. m.(daylight the church under Mr. Sanderson's and 8rd, total savisit time}. Rev. Roy H. Rick. ministry. Dainty refreshments mation And map of"Kawarth Lakes Boys, Ist and 2od aid, B 9- M. R. E. the now min- were served at the close of e it a y any �: 3.00 A� the wilt be gladly given you b Y *%eelbaff ow Race, prize@, totalmalue later, will preach at both services. meetino.-CON. Canadian National Railways Agent. Zd at Andley " 2 p. m. (stand. ' -Don't forget the Dominion for Boys, let,2nd and 8rd 1"7" -ard time) Day Celebration at Pickering on OF THANK& Sack PiLeelpri tow valule ,* 4.50 Meet Monday next. The committee in -The township council is d Mrs, Holmes and family wish to tormined to enforce il&e law m charat-are making elaborate plv* thar* their many friends for their let, 2ad and 3rd pria", 3.00 &M R&c& Oardlng dog tags. All dogs that paratioas to make this the great kindness and words of sympathy' ex_ total value ntertaiD- are found within the towaghip set day of sport and e tended to them during the illness and without wearing the necosegry meat ever hold in the village, sold death Of their loving •husband and Newspa. Slow Auto- tag are liable to be destro ed. are spending more money for father. c4ntest� 0 D, Iet� Zod and d prizes,. total 15-000 Owners should see that their Sage prizes and entertainment than on Ino C4 value bavc the U49 on, if they do not say previous occasion. The day's wish them to meet a sudden death. fan will begin at 1.00 P.:m.,(stand Now Ad~ftep""Ints. 9 31eanut I;ta Ladies, let,2nd and 8rd .. : -Mrs. 13 Meebin received word ard time) vRith a grand calitbum - Ce 4,50 IOTRY SHE prizee, total valu D FOR SALE plan parade which will at ply to Harold Barclay.R.R.2. Clairmont.on TuoRday that her aunt, Mrs art f�o�; TIN -Ap. ry'Sche umberg,_*boee maiden the west end of the village. and Phone Clare 318. sotf 4@t,-Zed-wid-4r-d name was Altos Poacher, had died march to the Park grounds. Dur Married Ladies Ramp prizes, total value 129 brick �niiftp on &6 Hespelor on Sunday. The late ing the alterneon an extensive' T cOh A. ChurchSt., Pickering. Apply to Mis%E, Mrs. Schaumberg spent her early program of sports will b Ri,b., Girls' P 100 jasdr, let, 2ad and 8rd e Richardson,Pickering. staged, 43 '0 7*50 ,aCo, prizes, total value days in Green River and resided and which will consist of a soft- 'FOR SALE-S"d hurkwheat Silrer there until her marriage, when ball tournament for boys and girls, Hull variety. ApDly to L.Middleton,IBM- be 8moved to Hespeler. Her fune• tug of war and a large variety of gharn, Prone Pick.528. C43 Ladies' Eloot and ml took place on Wednesday. races. for which substantia] prizes WANTED-1 WAnt to hap orr lot, 2nd and 3rd rent -Lake Sbore Park, Oshawa, on will be given. In the evening a a farTnor acreage close to Pickering. State Shoe Racer 10.(* prize, total value- Saturday afternoon,July 21 at,will Program will be given which price and terms. Box C.Pickering News, 43 Conserve Orro choic'. conking ' Greasy Pig Contest, be the scene of a great Conse promises to be the best ever ziven JFOR SALE-Borne Live picnic. The Eton. R. B. Ben in the village, - The Ever, Ready potatn". Apply to T.E.Crawford Kings- nett nett and the Hon.John Martin are Battery Bops, Al and Bob Harvey ton Road East.Pickering, Phone Pick 1401, 43 to be the leading "�kerg, at who are known to all railway fans; PtASTURE TO LET-Will'take rat- Prize "rhe Greasy Pig" _8 1.t _r articles like new, Wm.Lacey,Dunbarton. r. M-, Visltors are welcome to r., w o is recogniz- ots, 0 pasturi.--m r sale,wallRn box and visit and inspect all factories- in e from coast to coast, as one of 4144 If you can catch it* - operation' up till moon. Loud Canada'sleadinR comedians ; Red ABY CHICKS FOR SALE-The peakers-are to be installed, bonds Newman, one of tbeoriginal Dum. Blpst hatch of the season,July 7tb. new low. ad the a "v er pnces, $14.00 per hundred. We deliver. Bruce T offaRed, sports arranged a bells troupe, who entertained t1-- ug-6&W Farmers taite, setforit big day. Every soldiers in France; Miss Mary Ritchie,lot 11-con.3,Pickering. 43-44 lady in the Smith. contralto Roloist, and Mal* FOR SALE-Brown bay Village is expec to .,,..Vs. Pickering fit] her 'basket and set sail for c)lm Wcod, piano accordionist, H ho2eL 7 old,suited for a farmer b !ip;yneo-Jaime, at farm of F. Osbawa. with her entire family, have all been engaged for the or gardener, Maddalord 3 mi es east of Pickering. 41-43M 011lithe.afternoon of Jnly 21sL evening performance. This ag• tions ere .-OAS day last week while Wm, gregation of famous artists will (jET OUR PRICES-On new and See fist '041 Other Attrac -Gormley wap busy i1faing in the supply a good, clean program of used farm machinery,cream sepmter,also ill appeal Frost wirt'-" and tes. It will pay you. alarden+members of the Pickering Pufficient variety that w W,F,Disney,Gren 92 Phon Pick 2314.Mf ,e ff:0 this paper. �,.'Flre Co. were busily engaged test to all. The Whitby 8and will • a�new force pump on their firm tollydaDee to furnish FOR SALE-Ford Ooupe, in also be in at splen. Stay I' didcondition. Will sacrifice. $200.zobal- 011119ine. The unusual noise friabt, so abundance Choice MUSic. ance..Also a&tube Radio,eovmplete,aluxat Manyotber interesting features tone,1111 . Ayply to George Burgm, seed the horse, which is consider. C_ t,PbODe 2405. 4" Qm-'eEarlyd : 11%t :,ably over 28 year@ of age, and will also-be on the ground during eauopd it to run away, with the the day. Refreshments, iveluding TORONTO WRT-WASH LAtTN walffer coming along in second bot-loge, sandwiches, cake, tee DRY(Semi finish)-Let our driver can a� Leave behind, come and " r eiplain our 24 hour service. Just leave your 11see. The horse had no difticnity cream, soft drinks etc., may be nammewith Mr.S.w,1 avis; bar R CIS&AUff& will pickup and deUver Ttinm arvrl. have a good U*me*. wire fence, and was secured from booths on the park. brought to a standstill after poina Oars may bA parked on the grounds FARM FOR SALE-107 acres good abont half a mile, with very little for 25 cents. Admission to the land,adapted for"in d2'rying and is No. damage to horse or outfit. Mr. grounds(which includes afternoon I for fruit gard,ning,well watered,large orchard, farm buildings. near_a school and church, Chapman Gormleay is thinking of training and evening performanees) 50 Mt con.3.Pickering, I -i mile weal of Audley. This space 'belongs to M. S. Chal the animal for rho next King',- cents; Child on, Under 12 years, Possession April 1*L,1929.with privillfe to plow L this fall. Apply to Mrv,7jarnes Mc rady.241 Plate. 15 cents, Kendall Avenue,Oshawa. and G. W. Barker & Son : .a.+ ',r$ :• ',.. �''. w. ... ,: .. ,.�. ..._.. . :... :...... ... 'J. .1 �s r$ 'E`,'A YaS ":W.iV; ,!^?'W'✓ } 4F tAo