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''Y' 7U:5E!5;it-7
- VOL.. XLV 11. -.--TICKERING ONT.., , FRIDAY; --MAY -11, 1928 No. 3G
wworstowromal C*ree= MU-70r . GREENWOOD. DUNBARTON.
Xdd4eog n Wednesday, Apr` 30th On Sunday, at the Commynity IL
min =a B&" Born, 0, all GIRE& WOOD
G40rge and Mrs. Pegg, a son. Sunday School vIiI meet at 2 pm.
IL L.HOOEY-Pbysician and Sur. and church service at 8 p.m., when
SAM. r of Toronto. AUDLEY Jrhe-
Shisl6artors.phone Pick 2526. a D. B. Langford will preach.
Graduate of University
Factor Rev.
above is daylight saving time.
The Ladies' Aid will meet at the
R. FORSYTH. Oph.D.. Director home of Mrs.Simon Puckrin on Wed- STOUFFVILLE.
WR =c&l Association of Ontario. Reg. t 8 DI ail sizes nesday afternoon, May 16th, at 2.30 111stablished I=
of the American Optometricif
Baske R. W. Bra. McLellan Officially vis*a- ClErej easnained by appointment. o'clock. All the ladies are cordially
Claremont. Oct..
ited our Masonic Lodge on ftdwp
The Audley Community Club will evening last.
and descriptions I"*
t at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Baker is rushing his buildrl
ter and ay eventing
are already rented.
May The 'editor has not re-
to4N -
meet He
it ., .,A E. OBRISTIAN, Harris at lowest prices F. H. Puckrin on Mond ig on Main Street to compb�tion. The
aces. South B a'
ceived much news for the "Club Pa- A large consignment of bushes and
A G.BROWNING. S. 0.. Bairrisi. per yet, so please remember that all bulbs are being distributed this week
ter.Soli , N blk Anzsu�Rlk..
"tor, ::-Salt for salt) by the Horticultural Society. al
tely west of ad- Street.
It members not sending in some item and
toward this paper before Saturday . A large delegation of Masons vis-
ozse-Phone as Weu e 392. eig"
A. WHITE. night will be obliged to pay a forfeit ited St. Andy Lodge, Toronto, on
of 5c. at week.
he coming meeting.
ROSS-Barristers. so. t Tuesday evening of this
BEATON & buctessor to late W.Gil B�rnes Our Council, In order to prevelli, gf,
lea yea Toronto. Bwlditsc,Uo
Phone Mark 6430 BROCK-..ROAD. accidents, have placed "stop signal, heat
at the corners of a number of the
A ve sad accident happened here tie streets ane-ALain
_PICHARDSON aterial a On Thursday afternoon of last eiV, " Da-vid Clark, a farmer near here,
--L Uftrristkm Solidtors etc.. 213-214 Confed- when Murray Clifford,the little three. received a vicious kick from a horse
t e
5z British Columbia Shingles year-old son of Clifford and 'Mrs. and was rendered unconscious. It is
toMo- packHubbard, while playipg on the road, expected that he will recover.
No. 2 8 and'Sx by some means got in the way of a A number of residences are in
passing mptorist'and. was injured a,: course of construction at the present
seriously that he died in a few hours time. Mr. Robert Curtis is building
TORONTO ASPHALT afterwards. Every possible assist-
IQLAXS B. BEATON. D. D. S., near the United Churc)i, while Mr. C. pric4%
ustelof the Royal Weise of W ROOFING ance was rendered but to no avail. Stauffer is building oh O'Brien Ave.
94L:d Den,
University at Tora-,to. tomo, Murray's 18 In., 32 in. and 86 inch The funeral took place from the A meeting wal held last week b
'a Gcofecti y
home of his parents on Saturday, the the friends of McMaster University
IO lee how$9 to 12 15T I=Reif abaoe 220. ..1MtbT: r ty
I to pb=v widths, 4 in I Shingles; &I to si paid
so in the Baptist Church here
Metal Valley and service being conducted by Rev. A. .N
Ridge Roll. McLellan, of Claremont, ani inter- cuss and assist the McMaster Build.
EIL 0.SMITH. 0, D. 9., L, D. W. Mil. M2%3=Mq
ment being made in the Whitevale rig Fund. About $11-00 was contrib-
(Succeesor to Dr. J.N.Dales;; Graduate of Material, or will give price 0_13 Cemetery. The floral offerings were .uteri at the meeting.
1 0 C ege of Dental Surgeons and Toron.
7tar n1V t3ty. At Claremont Office Over D finished job, beautiful, expressing the sympathy oi
A. A.
Scott's-store tore every Tttesday and Fr, a wide circle* of friends. An inquest
fil . 4* ;C 0 A L
11. Rit - ... ;
PICK was held on Tuesday evening,in tht 0% very large gathering of tl�e Free
IJ ERBE RT T. FA LLA Town Hall, Pickering, by Dr. Cart- Masons of the
194 L D 9'. suburban lodges of
Js-L D D.S.. Graduate of the Royal College of -right, Coroner, when the jury
so eona anO the re- Toronto District B. was held in the of Hard and Soft 0A
uluv-Sig, of Toronto
9 am.to a P W.,
'LUMBE n YARD turned a verdict of accidental death. Music. Hall. Uxbridg A good supply
Be=b0a J S Balsdon't atom, eke in&.ont. e, on Tuesday Coal on hand. Also a supply
041ce r,e c� byragoint. evening, , May 1st, to welcome the
M-t fton Pick 3700. ly WHITEVALE. Grand Master, Hon. J. S. Martin, of Kindling Wood,
THE 111NING 1URZET Minister of Agriculture for the Pro.
@Iulitns" garb*. A high elass concert will be given stove length.
vin:e of Ontario. The Grand Master
We buy Mad sell. furnish quotation* in the Whitevale Baptist Church on d Grand Lodge Officers were wei- l2tf Phone Pick. 1709
A - RuzABETS RICHARDSON- ..And Information.oa...*I I Listed and__. the evening of Friday, May 18th, by an
14211 MW so tomabil urtnet Of ink, the First Avenue Baptist church corned in the lodge room by the Rev. DONALD-M'UNRO, FICKEKING
es nds. Vah's"ted Mining Stocks. A. McLellan, D. D. G. M., I, , few
ia:71"9ava-of saildfinancua stand.
choir of Toronto. The program wl
We will be pleased to advise what well chosen words, after which they
stocks to buy or to hold, or consist of choruses, duets, quartettes, 4
repaired tothe Music Hall
.7- BORGE KEAY-Licensed sLuctwhat stocktosell. solos and readmga. Come and enjoy where a L. SURNINGHAM
Gew. Alto Live stock and general asks -011ents an m&kI g moupy by hearin&some of Toronto's leading art-. magnificent banquet was spread. and Building and General
W.*311S1=Jt-,4ed to. Terms r ".7 1� ��-A&�U_ Lb, ran'"Aaatef-mall.- esented with
reasonable a. - Laefteft.
JI-4 - _W4 u lm
ine. Pbme S14me following OUD __G_ pt
ISM -TeVi-iar--Qigj�t�- r, -
I adqice. ffitTmataiCt -
Our tong experience In mining. ex. gins at 8. 'Admission, 30 cents; chin-
Auctioneer, tending over a perio4 of twen dyers. 20 Z*nta. silver-ware, by the Hon, Geo. S. of work-Interior and Exterior.
F "BTn," ty The annual meeting of the White. Henry, Minister of Highways, a - -Alterationesnd r"Y"M
ter 0-21" at iort a a be-
.7 Me sake 4&U kin" Team allows as to Alva sound advicehalf of the suburban lodges, as -
auraAddre"0=1"Uzor vale branch of- the Women's Instl- Chimneys Built Ocacreto War
an the investment feature of a mine
a.. oat. souvenir of his visit to Uxbridge
or the speculative feature Of IL Pros. tute will be held at the home of Mrs. _,_and
B-BILATON TOWN82EXPOLE expression of the esteem in which Phone Pickering 5712 '4
110"" afternoon, May 16tH,, at 3 o'clock, for p FAIRPOR ONTAXIO
RX pective Mining Venture. (Rev.) W. Rackham, on Wednesday he is held by them. R. Wor. Bro, Dr. T,
Z"Wift. 'Jasom"61. Ma. Kow of &I" SOLLOWAY, MILIA sk CO. Blanchard, Proposed'the toast to the
"Issew ON ussit"le "* Membemof Standard the election of officers and
o T_V receiving Grand Master and Grated Lodge of S H I N G L E
Stock exchange. the annual reports. A short pro- Canada •which was ably responded to
WMMAW. LIORNSED AUC- of the Montreal gram- will be..given, followed by -a
. 5 o'clock tea. A silver collection will by Bon. J. S. Martin. Able address. NOT&Scotia Shingles
TIONREit ter york (�asario and Dwhsm Mining Exchang be taken. Hostesses: Misses es were delivered by the Deputy Gr. Galt G&I'Vajilzed Steel
ON rga-"-1 '�� WO1 Shingles
y R. Dargavel; Rt. War.Bro.
sonabu. As, maosiss! Office and Board Room Ground r. Michell, t Mas_
_115FIM-1115L I -� nuildlaff, -Ma6re
01F;r-Ud 7, 0101411tan ,Bird's Felt slate ShInalest
-IYD.G.M.. of Toronto District
0 PQQ. win,4.0. McKay Lydia Major and M. Miller.
L my TORONTO, ONTARIO All ladies will be made very welcome. D.; Rev. D. Wallace `Christie and for sale,at
P11101106, Adelaide 11373 a972 T. PATERSON'S - CLAREMONT
others. Music was discoursed by the
ROUGE HILL Uxbridge Orchestra. These voup Call And get prices. Phone 9812
THE RURAL On Saturday evening as Traffic Of- gatherings are of very great 1"wrel"
Time ficer Jillings, who has been on duty as they give all the suburban lodges
on the highway here for severalds�ys, an Opportunity to see and hear the
mk a Hudsomear with six men going Grand Master, which they otherwise
west. As the car answered the de- would not enjoy.
M -1 P-04 Ektate 604 Insurance. - G A R A G E I
aintiDg Time • scription of a ear which was reported
Bit Farm Properties Specialty. stolen:-in the city, he turned round
and started in pursuit. He caught We are prepared to do all kinds
Read Office:98-U-4 Ocafederadou The South Ontario Football Asso-
Life Building. Tomato. up to of repairing of cars, also bet..
them at the Rouge Hill ciation held a meetin
too the best Paint and t x at Brooklin
go the Phase Main ISIM. and succeeded in bringing the car to on Thursday evening, May Jory charging, olectrW
best reetilts. 3rd. A
a standstill. The occupants all jump- good L' . -welding and in fact
representation of the district everything in COS.
Branch Office: Gordon Building, ed out of the car and started to-rtm was present.. The foHowfnx offieez�
11ft8d rum-Iffeuderson's Paints and
:VwDishes,Lacquen and Shellwe Pickering Ontario. away. Mr. fillings, soon wdon
Captured were elected for 1928. Hon. Presi. oft With
car work.
a"guaranteed. Give them&trial. Phase OW. 28d one of the men, but the others COL dents, W. E. N. •-Sincl4ir and I- S.
away. Word was immediately sent McLaughlin, of Oshawa; Pres
You will be delighted. President 'Gas, Oils, Groan and Apeesioties
TZAVZ TABLE-Pieltse the Scarboro police. Traffic Officer James Palmer Pickering; 1st Vice-
on hand emetantly.
Reid, of Pickering, Constable Ches- president, joh� Ashenhurst, Good-
Alecs, utireow in all the colors. Oils T.IL Trains ping Bass An*as Wim"
and General Hardware. We. 10 Mad 7-M A, H. ter and others, altogether about nine wood; 2nd Vice President,John Scott, Call and me our Catalogn" 'Of
28 Leval 12."P.M. or ten men were engaged in' the Claremont; Sec. Tress.-,Thos. R. Price, Dodge and Star Care.-
Phone 4W. 30 Local 5M P.x search. Chief Constable Smith, of Myrtle Station; Asst. Seely., R. D.
Sunday train. &38 A.M. Scarboro, captured another man, who, Miller, Brougham. - The follo
Tr%W _Sofng west as* am iiaijawe_ after, persistent denials, admitted clubs entered teams-Whitby, 'Cher- LAWS GARMSE,
.-.,-ALVIN BUSHBY No. 29 Local, 9• .22 A_X. being in the car. Those captured, rywood, Green River, Claremont,
t7 rAW 144 P M. gave the names of the other met%, Brougham, Goodwood and the follow- AND SERVIC.1 STATION
and it is exp-e-c-tia--Waf--tli-si--i-dil- be Ing affiliated Oshawa city and 0 h-
Sunday train, &32 P. M. rounded up. It is also alleged that awa Motors. Oshawa City an
clubs to
OUNBARTON-- enter for the Connaught' Cup, and
Thrift3r Housewives , ,Foregoing is according to Standard" liquor was found in the car. awa Motors were the only el
Will quickly recognize the unprece- this game will be played at Brough-
Some of our young people attend- am on May 24th, game to commenceIs
"6101 Gold Beal Rugs at the new Tower. e� the WhitevaLe concert on Monday at 6 p.m.. standard time. This yeas
Wonted values now offered in Corwol. CLAREXIONT
thasi-ever prites, prices that offer evening.
the championship will be won on total
savings.. 0RE,&4MEP?Y / -
Win. and Mrs. Nicholson visited the point
s the season. There will
letter's mother at Barrie over the be no playoff ai the end-of the sea_new IM range is the Kodak ime
most beautiful Own.
yet ob week-end. son. Following I.-; the schedule fo:
Highest price paid for Rev. J. F. and Mrs. Clugston and this season:
IMPROVED QUALITIES' Cream at the Miss porothy, of Columbus, called on May 19--,Goodw6od at Green,River.
The new Multicote Surface In the friends here this week.
Cherrywood at Clareinont.
greatest improvement in years-long. The ympath, of SHE V&
or Wow is built right into and through. Clammut Creamery the community May 22-Brougham at Whitby.
is extended to Mrs. S. XdConochie May 26-Claremont at Goodwood.
t I
out the thick long wearing surface. About
& moder up to date
in the death of her husband. Cherrywood at Brougham.
As you know Cougoleum Gold Seal Give as a'trial and be oonvinkled -Lawson McCoonchie.of-Moo Kodak and Brownie
May__29==Whitby at Green River
Tftl are a guaranteed by the Gold Sask., is here at present, being sum- June 5-Goodwood at Whitby.
Seal on surface FIM IDAU milaurnoned home on .account of the ser- June 9-Brougham at Claremont. JBrownies 2.25
ious Illrpss of his father.
Cherrywood at Green River.
Note thaw lower prim:
The Y. P. S. met on Monday even- Junel4-Whitby at Cherrywood. -Rodaks 5.00 up
t 9X12 size formerly 15.00, now I&SO nir when the members and theft June 16-Claremont *t Green River.
friends enjoyed a Weiner roast just Brougham +rat Goodwood.
fti 18-25. 11.75 adjoining Mr. Moore's farm. June 19-Claremont at Whitby.
If it in't an Eastman it
9.50' &50
For Pastry 6.75 We congratulate Rev. J. It. Fraser June River at Brougham. N't a Kodak.
ftf .7.50, p ..
5.50, 6.00 on the honor conferred upoh him by Cherrywood at Goodwood.
Our Royal Brand Queen's University, Kingston, at the June 28--Green River at Goodwood. ao
wo ago
We am now Isoludg imperial Floor Spring Convocation last Wednesday, Whitby at Brougham.
Wax,a wax.that Is hard to boat when the Honorary Degree of Doctor June80--Claremontat Cherrywood.
at your G ea.
for Sam*and ham wealring surfs" Farm of Divinitywas conferred on him. We July 8--Green River at Whitby. Developing,
Oro 1*130 have wh"IP1 YMI. hope Dr. Fraser may be spared many July 7--Goodwood at Claremont.
t. _11our made from YOTLro" Years to enjoy the distinction. ywood.
Brougham at Cbprr
wheat. We can After a lingering illness, S. Me- July 10--Whitby at Goodwood Trinting,
I '-SterritteCanoe his, 'ord resident qf Dunbar- July 14--Claremont at Brougham.grind It. an
ton pamd away on Tuesday night
Green River at Cherrywood. -Enlarging
Firniturs Dealer sad Food of all ,kinds-Ch VW& at shis home
Jim food, chap, milli agneral Director: here- ' Elie funeral will July 17-Cherrywood at Whitby.
ter: f
take place to-day (Friday)- Servies July 21-Green River at Claremont.
will be held at the housq at one
Phone ISM
!0cilor. mc.
Chopping every week-&y. - Goodwood at Brougham,
I o'clock and at 1.80 the funeral pro- July 24-Whitby at Claremont. • C. Jones,"Phm. Be.,
Pi*8rWg1 Ontw*l=I ZV. r ee$Mou will leave for interment in July 28--Brom ham at Green River
the Newinarket Cemetery. Goodwood at Cherrywood. DTE Pickeringi
1%g, g r, A Cr
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--- --- -- {— .
u —--- ,— W hPR Bruin Make: )t~riends _ ._ , •- . Restori ,g Famous .
" A-TM F�E'I�1NG _ . 1 . .Ruin
. .
Z MUM -:.- i
I- , • : .. IN SP . ' Ruins. of Whalley Abbey Ac — —`
-- _
- Not St--- But Not tap toy-the x, quired by Tivo Chu ea a-. -
` ,,at u11 _ e la y
Mark-You Need the Help of bey, the d
London. Whalley Ab
ti »- ii� of the abbeys founded in England _ -
�,1. Tonic, Dr. Wil- t
That Sterling ` the Ctatercians or Whites '2onks, is be=
,� :
�` liams' Pink Pills-;They Give ins restored to clerical use for the
Y"' �.. h,,; 3 �first time since its last abbot wag
'�. .. New Vitality. y:
t•, ,t" hanged, drawn and quartered in 1537.
r With the passing of winter many : A small part of its magnificent ruins
,, _ people feel weak, depressed and easily . j has teen acquired by Roman Catholics
f 7. 11tired. The body lacks the•vital force k'' I for conversion into a church and bur-
and energy pure blood alone can give. "'
ground The rest of it hese been
•' u8
F1. In a word, while not exactly sick, the ? bo ht by the Church of England as a
indoor life of winter has left its mark place of retreat for the new diocese of
upon them.' A blood building, nerve- Blackbikrn in Lancashire. The thou-
I- 1.
- ,� restoring tonic !a needed to give re - j I sands of tourists who roam about its
� newed health and energy. Dr. Wil- r !abandoned buildings and grounds, , •l
4 11 . llama' Pink Pills are an all-year-round X �af/i h ' rd� r,, '� jevery year will before long find part
_ blood builder and nerve tonic, but are s a "' �' 'i'i `' M r of it restored, inhabited and closed to
✓ especially useful in the spring. Every /t.,r.. :.,� >., of
_ dose helps to make new, rich, red The village.o. Whalley lies seven
blood and with this new blood return about five
. 'alloys to Jasper National Park, their Priend inxtead of as their enemy• miles north of Blackburn,
ink strength, cheerfulness and good which is Canada largest and :finest 1 Now it is a daily event to have one or I hours by'train north of London, and
�`� health quickly follow. -
w�" j more bears visit the Lodge grounds the extensive grounds of-the ruined
tib If you are pale, easily tired, or national playground, situated in the in search' of the .titbits which theX abbey•come down to the fringes oL.-
i breathless at the least exertion, tf heart of the Rocky 'Iountaina, have a
know tourists love to Peed to them..the village. Llsed for residential and.
. . : •� - _ .your complexion is poor or you are splendid opportunity of studying the. Nor is it unusual for a golfer playing farrlinrg purposes far a century or
;1 11r troubled with pimples ar eruptions, habits of wild animals, For Jasper 1 over the magnificent scenic course two after Abbot John Paslew was put ii
N _ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are just what
you need to put. you right,- IL you rational Park ta,a game sanctuary in which'has been laid out in the Atha Ito death in 1537, the ruins still reveal
the finest sense of the word, and guns basca Valley, to meet a bear at the I the stern grace and the severe fitness
have twinges of rheumatism, are sub= I
'91 I , I: ject to headaches and backaches, if and hunting dugs are iurUidden with• turn of the fairway, or to find a shy that characterized Cistercian disei-
in ifs boundaries. It is of interest to deer viewing him with interest as he j Aline. 4
ut you are irritable and nervous, it your observe the ries. r in which the ant•!gets down to line up his putt on one I Whalley's site is typical of the re-
�'",to1. sleep does not you, or your ap
, � mala recognize ' this. Though !t is I or another of the greens. moteness and desolation that the Cla-
y petite is poor, you need the treatment only comparatively -Yew years since i A shot•t time ago, it was estimated I tereians used to favor. It is likely_
xµst Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills .alone can I 'that !n their ddsy the abbey, had none
py��,.. this great sanctuary way set aside, the that the mountain sheep population of
rip give-you need 49e new blood, new I shy deer and mountain sheep are no this 5,300 square mile national park I oR the trees that now beautify its
strength and' Crew energy this med!-I lest}ger.shy, the black and brown bears was over 10,000, with an equal num ruins But they had the Calder, as
'1 I.
clue always brings. Mr, A. Marcotte, her of deer, while the bears are nu'm-clear and lovely a stream in that day _
have become dally visitors to village
North Ham, Que., writes:-"I have I and to hotel grounds, and the animal 'Bred in 'thousands-and are seen at as in this, but they diverted it from "4
k�` s 4nd bounds almost. say turn of the road. And lits bed in their masterful way end
* . found great benefit tram the use-of i population of the park is increasing i -• _
Dr. Williams'1�'iltiamaPink Pills. Before I he {by 1 when once a bear cub has developed I made it flow close beneath their walla
an using them I wad,to a badly run- -
l 1. .'EFFECTIVE SPORTS DRESS g However, it is Hruin who demon: a taste for sugar, he Ss a confirmed and, serve their own purposes. Since
down condition, and at times felt strafes perhaps most forcibly, how the visitor to the Lodge grounds.-Cana ;then it has been sent back to,iia old
r _ _ _-,_- ___ ----- -
This tremen'aoualy smart aroyls scarcely able to work. Dr, 1,Citilams' National Railways photograph.
perfectly animates have come to regard man as Bourse, but. the course they made forI.
tZ • dress of silk crepe has a pe i Pink Pills have changed all this and I it can still 1•e seen and so can the old
•j" bloused
,straight back, with slightly !s#nee taking them I am enjoying the - —�� � � i canal co�•rse along which theyhrouFht
fa bodice and skirt pr:ssed in box Alai' best of health. Every man who feels Old Chicken Dishes NO BETTER MFDICINE down from Pendle hill the immense
��"` effect at front The plaits are stitch-
I rundown and easily tired should give - I quantities of brown stone needed for
,el ` ed part' way to assure a snug this great medicine a fair trial.- ®� ° ONE it their building,,. -
c thmugh the hipline. Jersey, geO�tte Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Sbring• ehic�l:ens arc :will too high ! �� �,1 The ruins to-day are extremelg
�.� satin, priced to serve frequently, but don't .
C� crspe, two surfaces of crepe anaemia, rheumatism, neuraligia, indi• D fragmentary. A little more_than a _
f canton faille crepe and wool crepe are have the older ones always plain stew-
jeatlon or nervouaneaa. Take them as' ed. Try some of these unusual wav4 Is. What Thousands of Mothers after Abbot Paslew's death;
'" also adaptable for dewi•gn No M. Pat- a tonic it you are not in the beat _
of cooking. the owners of the buildings, having to
�� }err can be had in sizes 16, 18 and Physical condition and cultivate a re to Floridathey have a delicious way Say of Baby's Own Tablets. I defend them against Cromwell's men,
UL Igears• 88.. 813. 40 and 42 inches boat stsionce that will keep You well and built a great rampart along the north -
C trteasure, The 34rinch size requirea of adding cocoanut to'stewed chicken _
strong You can get these' pills A medicine for the baby or growing h perhaps explains why no-
-._. _ ix,cisl.with- . Prepare the.chicken as for any. stew ehRd-ane that the. �t,t e; eau teal gid _-
assured is found to flab a Own Tab• sidewhie ps xp a
k rrlee 20c through any rrnYdl�ir denier °r by end boil gently in water to cover until t eflicteut-lsab tet} enfy as well as Zh g n remainsow t b -
yard of ern. contrasting, mall at 60c a box from The Dr Wil• neatly a Dint of young's mach, mese lets. The Tablets i are praised by church except a minute fragment of
w� 'tine pattern tender, about three hours. Have -
� !lams'-Medicine Co.,'Brockville, Oat.. D the arch at the west end, and why the
One Fashion Book, illustrating the __Y-__-, old dining hall ane' kitchen are entire-
,,,eat and most practical styles; will , tired after cooking., Grate a medium thousands of mothers throughout the g .
_` _ ,ibe of interest to every home dream- Ontari M��e$ sized cocoanut or take its equivalent,j country. These mothers have found ly Sone % ,;
c ynakpr. Price of the book lac the copy in the Yreah canned, 'pour over it"a by actual experience that there is no j Excavation in modern times has
Are Classified other medicine for little ones to equal j suggested the .main lines of the
flOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. I pint and a half ut milk and tet fc ggea •
r i,land twenty minutes, then pat them. Once a mother has used them !church. It must have been very long,
�' ` 'r U rick your name and address plain- - through a sieve. Add the spinarh to;tor her children she will use nothing and its tower, probably lour and plain
1p, giving number and size of such, "jJ" and „A.. Stand for "Unl• the chicken, let boil flee minutes,then:else. Ito
all true Cistercian towers, seems
sl .' ,patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in .. else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles Ito have stood separate from the church -
�'�==P� or coin. (coin,lreferredt wrap versal and "Adult . add the cocoanut. milk and boil up,Hutt, Tancock island, N.S., writes.-
L it Carefully) for each number and oat e. Remove tram the Etre and add ..I have ten children. the baby being I itself. Excavation has also brought
%. y Educationists and leaders in wo- pepper and salt to taAte, the latter,;just six months old. IR have used up from beneath the green lawns -,-
±''- address your order.to Wilson Pattern men's organizations express pleasure last, to prevent any danger of curdling''Aaby's Own Tablets for them for the (eines of the chapter house, the par-
..`�. viCe, 73 West Adelaide St.,Toronto, at the announcement of the new class- Spr;nkle same of the drained cocoa• for, the warming rooms, the infirmary
Patterns sent by return mail ification of motion 'clunes soon tb be {past. 20 years and can truthfully say kitchen. the foundations of svndry . -
c p out over the top and serye.: I that 1 know of no better medicine for
ka - --�' - requirec�by provincial censors. Com- ;Nnother splendid chicken dish is,little ones. I always keep a box of towers, the great outer gate or the
A Strange Use I' mencing in a few weeks every picture made by boiling a large chicken to�the Tablets In the house and would west, the entrance gate on the north
passed by the board of censors at To- just enough watbr to cover it until j advise all other mothers to do so." and the towers over the river on the
"- ronto-for exhibition in theatres of the I it is tender. Remove it from the fire south.
ovines will bear either the' letter j B.tby's Own Tablets are sold by all
and add to the water in which it was Lancashire men everywhere will be -
.- Ancient Temple of Heaven.pr medicine dealers or will be mailed
•. Used As Army Store- "U" or the letter "A" These classi- cooked two minced onions, one table- upon receipt of price, 25 cents per glad that Whalley Abbey is saved.
.house at Peking cer alnsand adult; and Iwiilosignift- not tomatoes and salt-and pepper box, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine R
respectively, spoon of chopped red pepper, halt a Russ" •, y ca inn Car'' lsim Japan
°Pekin-The Temple of Heaven, whether the film is suitable for uni- Co., Brockvtile, Ont. ��**..
to taste. Cook this dovc'n until thick. ",: (let Licenses as �sClahas
whoa+� three tiered dome of blue is vernal showing, to audiences of all stuff ,the chicken with mashed pots•I �• "
one of the old capital's crowning ages,.# ta�fr grown-ups only.' toes, moistened with gravy and two " " Tokio.JaAll geisha girls in Japan
!glories acid the first- landmark to Theatres will-be-required to use the tablespoons of raisins mixed with the `The Lille Level Fraud are not Japanese. There are at least
.1gt•eet the traveler coming to Pekin letter in their advertising, and the potato. Chicago Tribune: The most respon• six Russian geisha maidens, all with
•j[rom the seacoast, has been converted public will thus. be informed of the Have you ever tried a Yankee pot sibility wl9ch.has been attached to blonde hair'and red cheeks, entertain
'Ao a military storehouse. roasted ' chicken with cranberries? Ing the tired business men of Kobe
status of the picture. Children will the Chicago diversion for the drop is
On the plea of military necessity the• not be prohibited from seeing the pic- Prepare a three-pound chicken as for lake levels has been six inches out of Osaka and Nagasaki. Now there is
temple inclosure, with its great white tures marked "A," the•judgment in roasting, brown It first in three table- thirty and this diversion has been the one in Tokio who has adopted the pro
marble altar on which the emperors such cases being left to parents. But spoons of hot tai.' Remove from the only one condemned, although it fa tensional nam of "!'lien Doran."
for hundreds of seats made the an the marking will be a guide to par- pan and add three cups of wafer, ally the least of them. What if anything Mises Doran appeared at metropoli -
nual New Year sacrifices to the ents,most of whom, it is believed, will until boiling, then add two cups of tan police headquarters recently and
a is hurting navigation in the Great tnade an application for a geisha 11-
_ Supreme Being, and- its 'beautiful take steps to see 'that their children' cranberry sauce made less-sweet than Lakes is the influence of.Canadian
„ . cense. The invasion of foreign girl en ...
wooded parkland, has been closed to see only films which are marked U. usual. • (Canned sauce s ava a ile tie power'lnteresta a e
;_,. . -,..... thn general public. Only privileged The introduction of the classification year around.) 'Replace the chicken in,erument, which is able to prevent the toT inele is- not-encouraged by the .11
+visitors, with ,passes from high of- system is along the lines of the scheme the pan with this gravy-sttuce, cover' authorities, so the young Rxamin can-
building of compensating works, de• didate was given a 'rigid examination
l4ciat. quarters, may enter and view in effect in Britain. ' . and proceed in thg ordinary way, add•,sirinpf to get more power, That's the di her knowledge of the Japanese fan
•these wonders under the eyes of - --+ Ing salt and-pepper to taste when i reality in the controversy, covered by a e ancf ability to strum.'the shamt
Areiny officers, alert to prevent prying Larkin Not Selling - cooking is halt finished. % I a pretense that navigation•and lake gn g
Saluda Tea Busineiss commerce were being• destroyed sen. She qualified in every particular11
`'into military secrets. 'Fricassee 'chicken with asparagus
Until recently the temple itself was sauce is ,specially delightful. Boil and the license was given.
!flied. witty explosives and ammuni Officials of the SF.inda Ten' f'um• the fowl until tender, adding a bit of She told the police she had been
tion for 'larshal Chang Tso lin',, Parry, Toronto, have informed this chopped celery while cooking. Cut in. - 1Gabby Gertie born in 1Mloscow and brought up in
paper that the Hon. Peter C. Larkin, Harbin, where she earned her living
arm.es, so that a careless soldier's neat pieces for boilipg, discarding all
Canadian High Commissioner in Lon- as a carbaret dancer. [t was in that
1. , _ ' cigarette or an-enemy's match might j bones, and put into a'double boiler 'wickedest city" of the Far East that
don leas cabled a denial to the rumour
"have destroyed what is generally con to keep hot. Fer the 'sauce blend two she began learning Japanese. Subse-
sidered the highest triumph ot, that he,-was selling his SMida
Tea of butter anncl two of flour,
business. "There is not a grain of \ \� qucntty she came to Japan.and coin-
- chInese arch'itecture.'" Now greater faith #n iY', he Said. "Rte have had add one pint of chtcken stock, ,, slice pleted her study of the language.
s• consideration for the temple, which of'onion, a small slice of carrot, one r/ y^ - ''
the Chinese call the "Great Lofty numerous offers>for the business since
bay leaf; a tiny bit of mace, a sprig Dress of Italian Girl
Shrine," has caused the removal of I took office under the Government, of parsley and salt and pepper to taste. °� )
to he Halt of Abstinence, heft 1 would not entertain the idea of ileal slowly, stirring. When heated ��e\\ Students Worries Rome w ,:t
g less hole building in which the em- boiling se ac an s mer we ost"'l� Rome.-Hare ,
terests of myself or nus son, neither /ll y
• ,perors rested and fasted in prepara minutes, 'Put the tender-Breen heads short skirts.woutic be taboo for Italian
I. would my son". ]to
#fan for the ancient rites. from a bunch of asparagus in n cup of ��Y,� high school and college girls if Minis-
--- ,. Hon. ;Mir. Larkin said he hoped to
The Temple of Heaven is the crea boiling water with half a teaspoon of t ,ter of Education FedeIe took the ac-
return to Toronto to ' resume his asked in a letter now before him.
tion of the architects of Yung Lo, salt and Half a teaspoon of lemon y
former life there when the Canadian I , `- ,
1. ;',greatest of the 'ling emperors, who juice. Cover, boil twelve minutes, /N, Ition
The body known as "The National•
Government no longer requires' his I ou
iluled 500 pears ago. services in London His son, Gerald'drain,rub through sieve, combine lvith i ?gyp Committee for the Correctness of thti
f --.tv- - the other part of the sauce'nnd heat �° t - !Mode`' hese petitioned 3nim, requesting
General} "Con•to.and you, sir, why R• Larkin is presidnt o ,the Saluda to boiling point and serve over the ,
Tea Company, that nl those whose costume "does not
0on't you be careful? Army Clerk: �_.,�--_ -- fowl.• Canned asparagus tips may be I conform to that modesty which is din
"What do you mean, air?" General: It is to be assumed .of course, that used. stated by civilized Christian usage and
+q'hy, instead of addressing this let• 'Ir. Lloyd George will pursue no 1"MA Ieeniiment' he barred f oat the instlUt' - •,
to tt:,e intelligence Officer, you steam•rolier tactics with that new Thereason why the woman pays ' RM tions under his eontro ,
' '.have addressed it to the Intelligent tractor Henri Ford has promised to and pays and _pays is because she The- school supervisors in several
;Officer. Yat ahonid know there is no send !nim. buys on the instalment plan. large provincial cities have already,
r 1. *uch person in the Almy' .0 -- - - 4 =_ publicly admonished girl students for
___0,___.____. The lianitoya Co—operative Whole- A proind man !a seldom a grateful immodest dress;' but with little of
i' -
' A nnan that. halh{tirlends must show ®ale, Limited, tvltich a^cared its char- if
III November, 1537, began bnslnesa man, for 'be never•thinks he gets ss ; "�tihen dumplings taste like paper 'feet, and the "correctness of the
` jbimreif`friendly: and there !s a friend ter i n
• that sticketh closer then a brother.- in Winnipeg recently with 14 paid-up much as he deserves. Henry I�i'ard pulp you cap gamble.they were made mode" committee wants governmen!
1. member associations. `Beecher. out of a cook book." action.
_,.' 'joverhs of golomon. .. _ _ _ - .� " , 1 •- ..
ri' ,,.—s1 iF
y., 4 e•:v. - x...-•. .'_:.,.4 �;, _r...''..',5- " ,r�...,. �e '.'v .rts._-b`�.r- -.:'. ,.,...� ia're I" I :.�.r r.. ?it. c,..t .>•.o. ;a-_"avu.^s-�"' b'' %i,, c"`.' 'x. :s....wn :.s:., 11� fit:. ..w.:... ,�"h'. -tz .'..scat
�y n ,��. '�sye'+„ c Na .:. .. d- S'�N +v$f *•, '+•4y- 6.; ga . i ,, r �x- '-�';'t"h� �5-L.r< _ -�'" ",!'
ltd' .dt :. .. •
TIC PAINS Helpful Hints to Housewives - — -- n
Pieces of newspaper, first using a
wet piece and then a dry piece, are
very effective for cleansing mirrors
and winnows, giving quicker results
than when using cloths.
Relief Comes Through the Use
When Ironing eallars start at the
Dr.'Williams' Piffle'Tin&
centre and Iron toward' thb en7d, be-
ginning at the center again to iron the
The most a hope f6r in rubbing something sufferer can other end, and no-wrij�klea will result. d teer
on the Round centerpieces and -doilies
swollen, aching Joints is a'Ittle relief, should not be folded when put 'away. is gpo
and all the while the trouble is becom.
It rolled I
led carefully around a cardboard
Ing -more firmly rooted. It Is now cylinder. they.can be tucked away and
-known that rheumatism is rooted in VA show no signs of creasing when.takenRed Ro' " Or e Pekoe' is
,the blood, and that as the trouble goes
.,jDn the blood becomes still further thin out for use.
A small piece of charcoal In the cor- Ae but
and watery. To 'get rid of rheunia- ner of the refrigerator aceta as a 09- ,
therefore, You must go to- the a rn dem, bright Ahvwnwn
odorizer, absorbing all sorts of malls
FpOt of the trouble In the blood, That 'helping elping to keep the food fresh. It
Is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have 61 should bb renewed every,two or three
proved so beneficial when taken for weeks. Faces of Living Men Carved CUMified Advertisements ..
this. trouble. They make new,. rich On British Chemical Building MQVZNQ AND STORAGN.
blood which expels the poisonous acid
and the rheumatism disappears. MISTAKES-MOTHERS MIKE London.—Faces of living men are ML THE MOVER—PIONEER Dig.
Youth Win Prim carved In stone on the new million- HTANCE movers of Canada. Largel
There are thousands of former rhea 11 DIRE OF LITTLE ONES Speedy padded vane. Now Equipment,
Imatic suffer6ra in Cin' Arthur Cleland Lloyd, ninteen-year- pound building of the Imperial Chem!- latest methods. Two experienced
Canada, now well *very trip. All loads Insured. Ee4.2
old Vancouver youth, who won the cal Industries nearing completion at
and strong, who thank Dr. Williams' compare for skill and, care. Before you
Many Mothers give their -children Westminster. move, write us or wire und. reverse the
Pink Pills that they are now free from prize of $1.600:offered,by.,,E:-W. Beat- solid foods at too early an age and say . One of the faces is that of
the ad ehargeit. Read offlc6 Hamilton. Ontario.'
the aches and pains of this dreaded ty, Chairman and President of the he Canada. 1-1111 the
Canadian proudly that.their babies "eat every- of --the concern Sir
-One---of-tbiwe`,--Mss—.-W —Pacific for—, for-orehes- tlifn—g--t at grown Ep—p
. 4c the other carvings are said to be oz-
Tait, McKellar, Ont., who says.- tral suite open to all comers. This a coqrse is almost certain to bring on
ellent likenesses.of many men pro.
"I am one of the willing ones to tell
prize is given in connection with the., Indigestion and lay the foundation of mcinent in the chemical world.
Qu6bec Folk Song' and Handicrafts much 111-health for the little"one.
You of the great benefit I received
from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Festival. which Is to be held In Que- Other mothers administer harsh, Minaret's Liniment for insect bites.
Pills. After lying In bed.for seven tree May 24-28. nAuseattng purgatives which I$ reality a
Mr. Lloyd has been under the tuto'r, Irritate and Injure the delicate stom- Machine Plays Violin
weeks suffering untold agony withAn-
ship of Percy Grainger In Chicago, ach and bowels-and at the same time Paris--A' "mechanical violinist,ly
'llammatory rheumatism, relief finally
came through the use of this medi- and Is at the present time studying cause the 411dren to dread all medi, Ike a player piano by A
which operates I
cine. I could not move in-bed only as,under Harald Bauer and Nicolal Mad- cine.--
"they lifted me, and I could only nikoff in New York. a perforated roll of paper, Is the work Their teeth are of•a tout.
sleep He won the dis- Absolutely no. meat should be given ness whicht niakesthernhoold
of a French inventor that has just their keen cutting edge un.
were Alvan me.
of Associate of Toronto Con- to a child untJI it reaches the age- been dIsplay*d'here.' der 00-3F usage•
when opiates The tinction- of
medical treatment I was taking seem- servatory of Music with fi;1I honors 18'months, and then only if approved SIMONDS CAKADA*AW 00.LM
ed of no avail. Then I was advised while at the age of thirteen. by the . doctor. For medicine, all The caddie-master overheard one of W024TIUCAL
to try Dr. Williams, Pink Pills, and strong, disagreeable oils and powders his youthfur charges using lurid tan- toao.rroC
soon I began to get.relief. After tak- Cars should be*abandoned and Baby's Own guage. ":'-My lad," he "aid severely.
Ing six or eight boxes the rheumatism Tablets given instead. "do you know what,happens to kids
Baby's Own Tablets are especially who swear?" "Yes." replied
was banished and" I had never felt bet- Henry Ford.watched pensively, last the boy.
'ter In my life: - It Is aeverai,years, made for llttl46 ones. They are pleas- pertly, "they grow
we9k, while a line of motor up and join the
care no
sinee uh is-h�� bathtubs FROIFAF1 ant to to and can be given with club."
-ib-soluta To even Our brftdm u%kwW A
return of tbe-trouble since. I may add!towardhw-uew--born-
completion In the huge, hum. sarefy T P"id w1w1a. h
They quickly banish consdpa- Buff Labors&BUT
that I recommended the 'pills to two ting plant of Morrim. Motors LtAl at babe. 11, qX uction.
of ray friends who were suffering with Cowley, England. tion and Indigestion, break up cold$
rheumatism and the pills were equal- Because there.1s a ermshin British and simple fevers and make the' cut- L�
f g Br Wr:uWQ"u,.,A. a
17 effective In both cases" - ting of teeth easy. They are sold by be,&h"ry
tax on en irines of Ford dimensions, ftwo f6f rotil
Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for I the tiny and medicine dealers or by mail at 25 igascatnty CONOM
lightly taxed Morris-Cow- &"AM.&
anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, indi- lays are bought in preference to Fords cents a box.Irom The Dr. Williamd
gestion or ner"usuess. Take-them by thrifty Britons Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
as A tollic If you are not In the best� Through minute after minute Henry
P] mir-81 condUlan -eu1t1v -&-,re 1' --i-To-i F—AeM After Shaving,
sistance that will keep you well and"
of bathtub care with a fascinated gaze, In common interchange of.workA. and and Mix Minord's a Rh sweet of
strong, You can get these Pill" You English," he observed at last. play . and rub the f4re, Soothes
through any medicine dealer or by
"are further ahead here than most You are the min ttmq cannot wear burns of a dragging razor,
at 50c it box from The Dr. Wil- Americans realize away.
"llams—Med1cine Co. Brockville, OW. Formal entertainment proffered last The Gohl that keeps its value to the
to- the ittalting Motor Man end ;
..She: "He calla himself a gentleman included a luncheon - given by And makes me rich in having you a
..farmer" He- "Oh, and what does he David Lloyd George In the Mem- friend!
go In for?" She: "Wild"6ats. Orincl. bars' Tread Is
Resturant of the. House- of KMQ OF
-Arthur Wallace Peach.
Commons. "My goodness!" said Mr. :,
Minard's Liniment for Toothache. entMeaft"
Ford, later, of Sir. George, "how that 0=
man can ask questious about Am� The be a much nicer ton in
Rod Rose Too is:guaranteed erica! world would Dow
in every way. Omer a pack- place in which to live if there were
'de -switches for When Firestone eawneare were
tarda , Use any portion I So in German Fa some way to Prov, developing the Balloon Tire they
if you are-not on- fatind it necessary to design a tread
21to Xcr, Ctory singie-track minds
tirelypleasodYOU may return ,Yictims of Poisoner .&]together different from that TO-. Most EveryoU41
Berlin.—Excitement prevailed Inthe
the balanC6--t0 your &70cer quired by High Pressure Ttires.
Rhineland recently over an attempt
'and your money . will be to Tle Firestone trend was not do- Needs This T*ue
refundo�d. poison with arsenic , fifty signed with large, rnseslivv projec-
0-2 workmen of the firm of Theirileche tions for appearance or to make Blood Tonle
Should Get?
Eisenwerke Gebrueder Faber, at Du- plausible sates argument. On the
eren on the Rhine. contrary, the projections of the NOW—lo the SI)44-0809 PQOP%
After taking,coffee during' a,rest cross-and-square tread are small seed a took-
period the men collapsed shrieking t 'BY RUM Brittain and the rider Strips narrow, permit- Men and womm of @2-ages, ben&
with pain and showed every evidence ling the tread to the
to irreguWfi- fitted by taking TRU-BLOOD,atroode"d
of poisoning. Analysis of the coffee ties and cling to t e road, giving the proven tonic for the blood,
greatest This
showed high arsenic content. The non-skid surface.
tough, pliable tread has the wear. First successfully used as a doctor's PrO.
reason for the plot has not been aqcer- resisting qualities that give thou- scription. TRU-BLOOD is wonderhany,
tamed, but-many believe It was the rvice and effective In bringing back heakh to aft
sande of extra miles. of oe,
FOR ins work of a dismissed workman. whose 11-ents are caused by im
save you Money. POVW.
Ished or impure blood: And while correct.
lees'. "The Ca*nadlan If You are not eattFiled wltb y6ur cr, /4p do Your- nearest Firestone"bealer Ing blood disordcrsof which disfiguttW
11i and other design* lot. build on it, will gladly supply Your needs and rashes, actems. and painful boils we the
at your dealers or write give,you the better service that roes outward evidences--TRU-1111,001) given
us for I-liustraied Ilst. with theme better tires. you a clear skin of velvety sottam.
TWZR The tat of any fam of skin dbew we
Save Your • .FrRUSTONZ TIRE 1k AL
Running Boards. Hamilton.Ontario TRIJ-111 D. Besides beel
SIENT softeps mW ben
tin" R,
MOST MILES PER DOLLAR 5-kldY 211 Cm 9Q&y at Say Item
- - W -fteS the
j that during the first six months. bablea
Baby specialists %gree '
a vee ounces fluid Per
roto Dundas aetuwa� pound of body weight daily. GUM-DIPPED TIMM
Fire�Suit&the Only Gum-Dipped Tires
pound baby, for Instance, needs twan-
ty-four ounces of fluid. Later on the &us)
rule is two ounces. or fluid per pouni
of body weigut. The amount )! fluid
absorbed by a breast fed baby is best
-a ermined
"TINKHAM'S determined by weighing him before
and after feeding for the whole day;
and it a easily calEulated for the bot-
tle fed ons..,.1hen make up any de-
ficlency wtth7Vater.
Giving, baby sufficient water•of
relieves his feverish, crying.upset and he
THERE is nothing quite equal to restless spells. If it doesn't, give him
Aspirin for all sorts of aches and a few drops of Fletcher's Castorla.
pains, but be sure it 4 Aspirin.' ForAbete and other Ills of babies and 0
Read This Letterfroma such as colic, cholera,
name Bayer should appear on every children
Gxateful Woman tablet Raycri&-��� For
A c�
mine—in red—is on every bo= constipation, sour stomach, - lose of cid
can't go wrong if you will juis sleep, underweight, -etc.,,- leiadint e
Vanessa, Ont.--"I think Lydia M look at the box when you buy it; physicians say there's nothing so ef-
FinUam's Vegetable Compound is
ft Is purely vegetable—the
wonderful I have —and zhillWns GAS"-KAUfl"
had six Zildren of recipe is 6n the *rappef
of mothers have depended on It In
whi�hare liv-' over thirty years of ever increasing A.
and m
ing yyoung- baby's ' bo*6M,
est is a bonme use. it Sick stomachs, sour stoma chs and Take a spoonful In water and
makes him sleep and eat right,enable
baby bay now 0
him to get full nourishment from his Indigestion usually yo
mean excess acid, unhappy -condition will env
eight months old -weight as-he -The stomach nerves are oyer-stimu-yin fire minutes. Then you will alwX
V, ff food, so he !.'creases in
who weilho 23
he should. With each package you I lated. Too much acid makes the stom4know what to do. Crude and he
get a, bc,61C oft Motherhood worth Its sell and Intestines sour.' methods will never appeal to you.
aken your medi- t
cine weight in gold.- AllMIf kills acid instantly. The best prove this for your-own sake. It
before each of
them was born and J word of caution. Look 'for form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be- save a•great many disagreeable hou I
ust a
have certainly re- the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher on cause one harmless,- taifeless dose I Be sure-to get the gentitlIS PhflI1
ceiv great benefit the packaga..so-you1l.be sure to let
frien to &tbf troo mLrk noutralites many t1 , It. volume In Milk*of MagnesI4 prescribed by
take it as lrosiftd the genuine. The, forty cent bottles
from It.I urge 111505, as It to acid. Since Its Invention, 150 years clans for 50 years In ovi"eting 01104
"I am ewe they will receive the same own that A mean B. contain thirty-flvc doses. I
1,igo, it has remained the standard i acids. Each bottle corltai" tAll i'mi
help I did."—MRs. MmToN Mc-
No. 19-1911111 v!tth physicians everywhere. rections—any Araistore.
F _a - --
lee The C.•
,ty" and other
at your
dealers write
for �11.,tat.d IIsL_
+4,; 44roe
ta; r6t
_V:� , F
MR IP'..
26 ail 27 con 4 and Opp 25 to 81 con 5 •
to Go
': .
:N wfro m -The Grovury] &j # $ 41.85; Roy ALOM&n. right-of-We'gtavei10!n of 0. Middleton, am- a s:
It decided to
an L as
dedi by Mr.'AKG
„s TKRM3• close Mary atreeIrn W.=Claremont.
01.70 Vitt YsUi; 11140 it Pllida Wvance. The council noir adjourned to meet ST ARRIVED
• Soft l8oal of -the.. - PRIDE OF- GANAD& MAPLE-SYRUP- JUST'subadptiass,ro the UnItlid statlis sod Cmt again on Monday,May the 215th,at 10 Aaara-and
vane_*_ of. general -Quart bottles. 75c
allitain$2.00 in Ad a. in.,for the trausswattoD best quality on 0 lb. Tins,- $2.50
business, and at I p. m.as a la bulic, per quart, ... . ...
d' 660
JOHN R, Proprietor I'AW
THWQ'* A f
are deeply grateful to friends 9 -,-,Broom9, Brushes-Soo Soaps,Polishes,Cleansers-All price low or
PICKERING COUNCIL» nada spe'eial'price on Lui'
and neighbors who so Idndly assisted Fillz3r .0=6t. immediate use, i
-Tho above council met on Moaday, us during our bereavement and for the while the stock lasts.
the 7th inst.,pumuiint to adjournment. beautiful floral tributes.
'Alembers all present,the reeve in the -Clifford and Mrs. Hubbard. .*BRING IT 'HERE J.,T_7=9 3 20=31' 29 OWS.
chair. Minutes of last meeting were
roved. of
read sada
P Now get a new Sf-t STEELiE-93RIGGS' AND RENNIE'49
. A number of accounts were present-. Harnese, or get the old set repaired.
-`'.ed for payment and referred to She Winter will be here very soon and I have in stock saraples'of S&mael
respective standing committee. if you have aWriotion of Trees and- Jeffrey's harness. The GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS
A petition signed by 31 residentspurchasing a new dtirds,.5 and 10 centij each.
of former may be ordered through cata- Lovely Easter Greeting
,�,Whitevale was read asking that a sleigh' leave llogue at prices quoted.
�road overseer be appointed for that your orderthati Catalogue free,! -.-Lots of new goods and good things to.eat:'sleigh,
village. I also collars, collar. pads,sweat
y when the
A 'communication was read from will be read pada,'=4 oil by bull., harness
first,snow appears. dressing,also silver pol"h RICHARDSON'S GROCERY
J 3 Tuskett. asking that a constable
and other parts. AT
for Pickering Beach be appointed,
similar request was received from L 0 IRNE R E I D Repairs promptly done.
residents of Faiipart, CLAREMONT
T G Mansfield and Mr Corbett were -CLAREMONT L. W. PILKEY.
Pickering .Hardware Store'
nei�rd re signs on highway regarding
Fairport Beach. which led to confus-
orif i us
ion.the east and weal &idea claiming
-the name
dition of sideline bet lots, X 'and 27, ning
0-C. Ricbatdson was heard•re con-
Arthur Cheater was beard re C N R Big pe We have it-
-crossing. Now is the time to get.your seed for the spring crop...
AT� and Sweet Clover.
The standing committee on Contin- Clover, Timothy, AlfAlf.%. AlAke.
gencies, reported and recommended
the following p1menti:-1) Gon. fin
goods supplied boo French, of Broa The Beatty Electric wwbarg to save time
' Ideal Sboppetugbam,during March and April 14,25; 4LThe' and hard work. A free trial
J M 4 00; en at any time.
urkar, ptg notices of meeting x1v
A Spears, salary as assessor 375 00, de- WHITBY, STARTS ......
livering dolz tags 67, 30. postage 15 00,
457.90; Londch & Lancashire Guarau- 7
tee and Accldt�ut Co,trees bond 40.01); TH RSDAY., MAYTHE 10TH Onr Poultry Food and Calf 'Meal are
:D R Beaton. on acet of balary 126.06; worth giving atrial.
fay Then Gregg.att div^out t as,clerk 4.00,
Ed Gleeson,ditto as bailiff 4 K; Thos Sale continuea until a good proportion of the stock i@ disposed
Farm Maehi
.Gregg, p,)-,.;ige ISOO. H High, for of to make room for new stock. Agent for McCormick
-po t Re 10 90; T Eator.'Co. duplicate -&ad Repairs.
52!4 Every, article in the store will be offered at HALF PRICE
k 40 ou. 7
The dtarding committee an Roads
This N a 4ale *uch a,3 has never before h;eea staged in-this or e have it, can get it, Or it is not made,
and Bridges reported and recommend, Our Motto
ed the following payments C-Cooper. any other di-Arict. MerchatiAtse of the beo9t quality for
--ibolteand grease f•:r giaderl.C.L.W such a low price. Come. save half on each bny.
' Petty. repairs to -der 150-. R.:�y
Doors S
-Ward, fretabt on drag 1,5i�; E Pascoe, oven at 9,00 a. ill.
..4r&gbet 67 and oppl to con I 1444L
111 Somerville. drag bet ai 29 cons 2 3
Tr", I ne ed your subscriptiiDia ?
-2 30. 0 0_&tec._dra_g.be.1-29-29 and 30 Have-you re w
cons 2-3 and opp 2Z to 31 con 8 t Whitby' Ont.
v .'Mainland,ditto 11 W; F Turner, drag Brock Street North,
t I Opp coos 6 7 18 46; A Carruthers,
drag w ti 4-ona 7 and 8 19 73, G Tran,
Adrisir und parebing w t I cons 4 and 5 �UNTVER�SL :- MOTORS
O,IM� C Ireson. bawl gran w t I zotz a
00. E Anthn ditto sou, 0 Burk WEST
y w t I 2-35;,-Harry HILL
holder. ISyda i;
White, haul gray bet 32 38 coo 4 13 50;
JE Anthony ditto 3,00: 0 Tram. draft
135 F L I N T S All.ASE S
ask t Npatchin t 32 83 con 4 and opp 32 STAR AND
61 coo 5 29 90; Burkholder, " y*rdift
grav 8 16- T Ana an. drag Fairport rd
17 11). '1 Rork 2,95
7.50-. R . H
B.Ido.. ditto MerA t and tip'
Down. instal pipe bet 10 11 r I dray hr;
Men's Woric Shirts 79c each and up I. IRJ 8
16.7,8 9, 10-11 r I patch bet 6-, r I Ii 90:
R Powell, inatal pipes bet 10.11 r 1 1 25:
A Carruthers, drag and rep..cul guaranteed F epair job at a reseona,ble
ver. Sox 25c, 350, 50c. per pair Jf yod *ant a i
to 85 con 8 12 35: J D Hemmer. . a SEE US.
'2 prio ,
dpr.PgG enwood rd come t.-
Itron V3185; S Farndale dragopt MeL'S,Khaki P I ants 1.75 and 1.,1,95 pair Repairs on all makes.
-1-7 con 7 and 2.3 con 8 bet 6 7 cow,o Ezperienced Mechanics.
rep culvt opp 3 con 7 V 00. A 0hester. -_Chileren's' Play Sults 69C up 'P
honeSearboro 62-31.'
drag clean ditch bet 34 35 r 15(Aj, A
Matthews, drag bet 22 Z3 t on 03 21 93: .-Tennis Shoes for every member of the family
T Hardy, rep cIv. bet 2).23 car. 6:a(4, :
at prices which.mean a
0 BalWori,drrig, rpp'IP.V2 con I acd.
bea.-h S ',C SAVJL�g to YOU,
bet 20 21 r I %cape grav on SPECIAL PRICES
I J Mitchell, ditto 4 bij; DNighbw,inde..
.drag bet ;31`31 and 32&3 con tf 14,4t'.
.&Iso drag opp 31 to M a t I la,W;Ch,k,
also di-mg het 2829 con 9 0.25; J.Tudd, R
Bak keT, drag opp 27 to 31 a t 14 W; CEC I L' -B R A D LE Y
drag Scar t I opp cons 2 3 2.30,
drag het 32 33 cons 2 3 and or"JLJ'-3
a 3 d Harness,
Brar -mounted Team Backbar 2.00
co 31-5.96; WJBel.dragbt cone is
A-5 Is 85; P Dinmormil. dra, 0ge 19 25 Slav layer trace with heel chains.' $4
con 4 3.00: NV Gee,drag C013 5 With 5 ring breeching, instead of back
4 00- 0 Pat-coe, drag bet 14-11' con I
-ditch' opp 3 con
.,opp 13.17.ccin I clean
1 13.35; F Wright, drag bet 28 29 cons Black-mounted Team Backband Harness,
6. 26 31 con 7 patch bet 28-29-con
4 Opp (D
7 25,80; A Pegg,drag bet 10 11 cons 6 a ring Breeching
-opp 7 to 12 con 7 S 10; C PuckLriii, drag
made in our
i :not a factory harness, but custom ma
-!bet 2.8 cons 2 3 4 opp 1 to 6 cons 3 and 4' This 9
26 56;, Dam 0"layT-gravel. 1.50: Wm own shop at Markham.
32 con 2 6 W;
Mitchell,haul gray
0 n
L Wespecialize oa repairs,to harness and collars.
Gates,drag bet 32% from late to
centre con 2 opp 3* -355 "n 2 3.3(i();
2 to
Crawford, "This used to be such
W Hollinger, ditto I i.ft D Craw
haul grRv drag 16.17 r I con 1 11.2.5: .4 dull corner
Vale, haul gray bet- 10 IT, r 1 2.5(!;-L F
7 r I C
Spraik haul gray drag bet 16-17r I '.."Permalak certainly
e NrBry,,t, drag bet 10-11 Harness and Collar Manufacturer
con I N.'26-,T - I . I . ..
righten Up the I r
-does b
cons 2-3 and opp i to 12 con 3 and r p
-et 10 Rome shore M
culvt and patch t -H con 2 39 S3: v
Winter Br9e,gravel'80c; W Johnston,' howe. J&:E?j MC 11.&M, 0.79rz
drag opp 19 to 25 con 5 and bet 24-25
•cou 5 rep clot heL24-25don 424 95,B W Color is so cheering in a
Jon ea,d con 8 bet 4 5 cons 40, ; ,
-tz, room-the new colors-
9 32,75; also drag e t I opp cons 7, S
7.8 bet 61:!i�cons OPRI�i'rep clot list 4.5 don # 'G
Permalak colors. A spot �T1AGE
11,55- E Ward,`drag bet 1-0,11 and 18.17 of One of the beautiful THE 'CENTRAL
drag opp 14 to IS
con 9 7.M; F Pugb, dr, Per
con"7-5; H Ta;�-lor-drag Ro-se6ark malakredsorye
on '4900
in aliving room, a glint
rd 2,00;C Hutchings,drag"opp 15 to 25 e
7. Telepb
bon 2 12.50; G Bennett,drag bet 2111-229 of orange in the hall,or
• from lake in cent!"i of con I fO.00; soft restful-Peirnaldk •
r FWhite,drag het 27 And 2S 29 f x-o w
1 29 75@ F TuLm.
ce tr, ,f L .-green in the edroo
bet 32 33 con 6 opp 32 to 83 -\V f
k There is a wide range o
con-7 and rep clot bet 3249con 6 16,15;
'colors,every one of them
,-,...AC1FArk, pciap gray on beach drag to lep'Ears, Access.
V _ oiies' Na'and-
-bet IS 19 i I and 'con 1. 8.00 is Stotk. imus. You'll
rich and lue
- drag cpn 2 Opp
ditto 18.40; A Swan, '80
enJoy*u'sing them.
25 to 81 rephole opp 28 con 2 10.25: A J Acetylene- Weldiug
easy to apply. And they Gasoline,,
-.Taylor, drag bet 28-29 cons 1-2 lots 25
1c,31 con 2 8.85; 0 Petty, work 17.00; dry in no time.
Battery Cla,arg-i-0,41
-W Linton, drag opp I to 12 con 1 bet Ina
rep clT.L opp 12- con' 131.70;
W-11 con I
Roy Ward, salary from Apr 2 to May ......
irs made on all mak
1 105.00; J Byers,drag bet 28-29 cons 7
_,siud 8 bet 30-31 con 8 opp 25 to 31 con 8
40.00; J Steppenson, rag clean ditch
Opp 1 0 9
-t 1.5 con 8 13.50;-J Beelby,drag
opp,19 to 10 con 8 15 00, A Trimble
','Arag and clean ditch Greenwood ro"
y. cons 4 and 5'bet 10 and 11 cons 4 and 5
27,50-, J Pallister,drag n t I opp 18 26 little bipoklet!'Ths New Art of Color
Nnzler Decoration" Is yours for the
d bet 2n-21
-18,50: also drag(bet 18-19 an
91; asWg. From your dealer or write direct
con 9 3.10; G Pugh, drag opp Fro-
r -27 con 4 15 10: Frank to tbd company at Montreal.
con 4 And bet 26 :1 11 1.11 CHARL
)3.9 (,cenR 2 9 5.30; 4 ES B., PENCER
51AcRie,drag het 3L.
jor. rep road hat'*I KJ?ti 31 con DRAN-H
A E Ma
4.00; J T!weedle,haul graN'ltnd drag Pickeri
Whitevale streets SAO: F A Major, Pickering, Ont. -Proprietor,
.41rag bet 30 arAd 31 c9us 4,A;A 4 i6;.d bl�� •
... ,y ,r'S:, a "^F4 yr!',.: ,y,;m.ruP ...�, 'tf. rCl. r!'••d,W.nMn«4:G!*'s ,�.51 ..}+^w:uv-„ a.,a .1,.,Y, w.*y„y :,y..,.,v`;re.n -,.y "+,'.m^':'4.�S�v9?&t , 'w. may.,n,
., 3. '' `'.+:,.. : ti"' +G f,+�w;,. 'CF-t4'.3.�•-r 'ra •i i i 'w+' =`'s 1!'x•!r. ':"?=""".".�.+?' y!• - w:.^4 "` .;.•w., �: 0
r.l•+, a '- crr� .Nr•"x.,s' -,., .v .,_.t, .3,.c -*•, '-'sv«-x^� 'g.v,'A z . ,R:`
x. >11_ x-+«✓'S3:Pi. y� - -..,,w.. v 9. a wn+w .-... :a;a..3 .. :ws..,,, ,.w =m ,�,a-.,./.+:.- ,lr._,> •.. -•der.: :.?cn,r. �'S. - ra .,.a �.� r*+n,
M•^A>. ,z ficY ,-•aa.,,: ..•.r-. .i ....._.. ..e ••^t>>. 'r..- """�'• a. y�""'i! "''°s ; :.`." x'
, ...�y,.c, lar ... .: '-•.. "!r x - ..r' ,gr
s• r.•ew -,Set-r ay 4t '�
CLARt>riDNT. _ Mrs.D..A. Pugh. of Lakefieid, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND BONDS-tiovernmenk Municipal-and .r ` t
_ has returned home, 'after spend - OTHERS Mort age Bonds. Also.Industrials Maple_ i{ri �QY
=�Xr a Ohidlow was in the city ing a �� of"Weeks with bek In the matter of the Estate of Wil- Safe Investments at;;trom 5 to 7 per
F parents, D. Al.and Mrs Morgan, liam Dickie, late of the Townamp of _ cent. ��````,,���� �A1''
'Wether Ward hal parctissed"a - i8iii Uce VFX
A number of the members of 1'kkeritig, is the County of Om � ,
.:skew Durant oar. our local -Masonic lodge paid a tarso, Gentleman, deceased. INS classed written in- Cheap rates lbs tam aad'oountry
E. W. Evans,of Whitby, wits in fraternal visit to St. Andrew's Notice is hereby-given, pursuant to eluding Flee. Automobile. Wind- buildings
howu a dap last weep. stoma.Agoident abd Sickness. Windstorm Insunusee oa
Lodge,•Toronto, on Tuesday even. Secti9n 51, A.S.O. 1927, Chap. 150, iia.
J. Fleming is busy tearing dawn _ y . wind-mill.13t2pa oto.
Oscar Barber's kitchen. iDg' that all creditors and others having Phone or write
claims or-demands against the estate Automgbite Insurance
The B.-Y. P. U. purpose organ• of the said William Dickie, who'died 4Stf' ED. HOWMAhi, V�hitbT' of all loads, '.
iziag w baseball team this year. _ on or about 1 t.twenty-fifth day of - FARMB FOR SALO
Mrs. C. O. Bennett, of Toronto, Saturday, May 12th.-Extensive auc- March, 1928, at the Township of - 'Write or phone t
'Is visiting with hlcs.• H. G. McIn• tion sale'of horses and cattle at the Pickering, aforesaid, are required ea T
tyre. Wilmot -Brown farm, adjbining or before tho Twenty-third day of L s O W M-A N
J. S. Bundy, was in Oshawa Stouffville. List includes 6 good May, 1928, to. send by post, prepaid, , 20 w$ITBY a. '
and Whitby several days last Holstein cows fresh; 8 GREY" ONT. r
R or deliver to the titndersigned Execu- ,
week. - - cows; 25 young cattle, andd3bgood for of the estate of the said deceased, -
fiO°d fuil articualrs in writing of their
Mark Linton is able to to around ,horses; the property of J. A. Haw- claims and the nature of the security-, Alwe'yB 4n Hand '
again, after being laid.. up .with tin. F. W. SiLversides, auctioneer. _
the flu. Saturday, Slay 26th.-Atictioa sale of, if any' held by them. Freeh Stock of Groceries, +
Mrs. Woodburn, of Toronto, is And after such last mentioned date Fruits and
` valuable,summer cottage, property the said Executor will proceed to �� �
visiting her parents, A.. and Mrs, at-the. village of Fairport (or distribute the assets of the said de- ✓7 y.
Codfectioner '
Mantle.. Frenchman's Bay), consisting of 2 ceased among the parties , entitled A�SYlt! ,
S. and Mra,, Stephenson, of Osh detached partly constructed.houses, therettr, A few Hata to go at cost
pp -having regard only to the ,• � ��' �, price
awa, spent Saturday with Mrs. T. the property of the estate of the - while they last.
Gibbons. late Thos. Mansfield. Sale ac-three
coatis of which he shall then have
Mrs. Richard Ward is much im- o'clock.' See bills. • W: B. Powell, Dated at Whitby this 1st day of Give us an Early Call-
Froved. after her serious illness of auctioneer. biay, 1928. L
ast week. -- — - 4 D. G A N �N:•O N
- Thomas Andrew,
Mr. and Mrs. Benne, of Oshawa, _ ,•:HORSE REGISTER. Executor, Pickering, Ont. 1./HEN you have s 30 BROUGHAM `
visited Magnus -and Mrs. Morgan by" Arthur.E. Christian, r'r placed an o r d•e r-
RILE OF PITSPORD 1190-19283—
On Sunday. -Whitby, Ont., his Solicitor, with us for a memorial dressed Fault sit
Wmr and Mrs. Slat:k, of Mona Shetland Pony-at stud. 'Winne', at you have looked far in-
- -R $ Canadian National Winter Fair and. , ` to the future for our
"Road, visited Cecil and Mrs. Slack — --- _
Sande, July 1st parades. At Glen Do:: m_Ah ti833 ---- -me martai-work.,stands
Farm3;-R-ft o-1 Egliii$ork;I-ots up under stress of time (food prices patdi!or:poultry.
L. and Mrs. Feasby, of Sand- �
' ford, spent Sunday with D. id, 1-2, con. 2, Markham hhave secured he agency Por the Frost and►veather, It ie fru• ' ..
ly a lasting tribute. Birds be properly bled dt Wood and•Ouckshutt Farm Im le- B pe 7 ed and dress
and Mrs. Morgan, HELLO, THEREI meats. and will keep constantly on ed clean of feathers.
D. M. Morgan, who was eonflned No GreaterTribute"
to his bed for several weeks, is able )lead repairs for these popular •- _,_-___FF.,.._
Do you know that it is celaning up implements.
t i be u and around the house. time,"r I am prepared to repair and Also, LoudoD'd barn and stable N. W, STAFFORD,
Bin. H. H. Thomson has return- build chimneys, also concrete work fittings. - Kill 0 Road, We have the. Original
ed home, after spending the win and painting. Chimneys swept and I will also take contracts for pal. Whitby
.iter with her daughter in Buffalo, barns and houses by ng. Phone Whitby
Bridal Rose.. Chiesa
g furnace pipes cleaned. Hard mortar' ' proceed, by spraying. fie r R� y i
a Mise Helen Scott returned home .used. Work guaranteed. Charges Estimates cheerfully*
from the General Hospital fast moderate. Phone Pickerirsg. 5501. y.g
week and is now doing as well as 84-48. Phone 1820. on hand, open stook.
THE BEST YET R. uT �ktnn, 'G`ISt8�0$!� I .` quantity.
can be expected. • Bold in an <�
Our vublic school baseball team , t
played a league match with the — ~ ,
Alton& team oa Friday afternoon, We represent the Waterbury Odor- t
Twinning by 18-4. less Chemical Toilets especially ad- Q J,( I / , /e FRANK -:- CHIDLO�VSt',
Several-of our ardent fishermen apted for rural schools or where there `REMA '�`ABL Ei VALra,�./UES
., . went down to Pickering a few is no water system. Can be installed 'AND WONDERFUL SAVINGS 6tf Clarement, Ont'
days ago and succeeded in getting in the building. A card will bring
is big haul of suckers. full information with drawings for Mea'a and Young Men's Nsv Blue Chinchil 'O'coate, reg, 82t?, 14,95
Mrs. W. Bennett, cf Markham, each particular layout. y La,
'ihas been @pending a Pew days H. E. Poynter. Davy Blue Serge and dark brown tweed, sizes 86.40, reg. $20. 14.95
with her sister, lira, Minnie Ben. -SS-tf. 'Girhntevale
a ineti, who has been in poor health.
Men's All-wool-Vesta; Coats,Sweaters,-fawtr and teattor, reg -4-50-. 2,75-
Mr. and Mr%. Hill.Mr and Mrs.
Our stock of 'eye have& full line of Meu'a and Boys' Heavy Rubbers, _.
- IFulierand Mrs. Chandler, of To-
Men's from 2.50 to s•50,'Boys' from 1.25 to 2.50.
{roato,visited with the Istter'dpar• _
4ents, J. H. and Mrs. Beal, on gun• s Men's 15 inch Leather To 4ti11 AD
id&y• _ pa sae't, reg, 8.50. special 4.95._ _ • -
Andrew Flemingmotored from ri nGoods Call at Phone 3800 T ,YSJ. FIlYGiOI,D S
iBarketon on Sunday and took J .. -
and Mrs. Fleming and Ro and _ C=-+.ARE3dON2`. GNTA�22C AW - ,
firs. Morgan and family to Mark• _ -iscomplete'" ham to spend the day with Archie etdand Mrs. Fleming, - • . .
Special Nothbrs' Day services r
+sail! be held in the E nited 0burch Ronnie's Alfalfa,Clover, Timothy@ Bred of
'nn Sunday nest, Everyry motheris Corn and Garden Seeds. , - v`► ,
rexpected to be
in 9aadr School
ome Sending Money - Health
and church next SundayCome We have Garden Seeds In pigs, 4
,land do honor to the mothers and at 6 cents eacbr. T p
uenjoy the services. Mothers are Perfection Oil and Coleman '� to Distant r 171ntf r.y a
irsgnseted to bring their children. (}saoltae Stoves. ' r.7
Rt. Wor. Bro. W. J. Dunlop, D. : i YOU can send slay amount of money
G. M. of Toronto District D, Beatty Bros'. Electric j YOU
any point in Canada at a mini
...,accompanied by several of the Washers, mum of expense by u::ing a Standard
_ ibrethren fr m Toronto, made an Bank Money Order, Thia method ie M .�.1'to
oflici&1 ins otion of Brougham Callus about your leaky roofs or s a the simplest. %afest and moitconveu. M
lUDion Lod e, Ar Fr dt A. M., on eavetroughsr We &160 ictal . ient way to send remittances by mail A ..'
-Wedneed &at. A very pleaeant furnaces and water in the Dominion ; if the mail goes
evening was spent, -the ladies pro- systema. nstray no loss is sustained. Should ql HONE:
vidiag the lunch, - you desire to send money- to a int r, '` •�PICI{ERINC,g E ,
A very interesting dram& was Phone us Claremont 103 for 4rutside the country, aStand�rd Band i;
;given by the young people of estimates. Draft will serve your purpose for .11
Christ Church.. Searboro, in the _QQ //�� M. forwarding money to foreign places. Farmer$, Attention '
+Cog munity Hall on Monday even C H A h7 C V OPEx tM
In under the auspices of the An-
,ohors' Society of .the United m; I have' the agency for the Famous
'Church. A pleasant evening was ICLAREMONT T�. STANDARD -iten$ew Machlner3, Separators, t,
B s at and 1•dainty,lunch served at ► Scales, and the high quality
the twee. All report a very ea. Agent'for'Ackerman's Quality * -OF•CANADA r Acorn Range, and am pre- '"o
�oyable time. Harnees. Ask the user. ESTABusHErD 1673 Clive mea call give best
`'Our Beet Compaalo�;, This • thing in these lines. Phone Piok
will be the topic at the g��ti�� e c .
: 'Church neat Sunday, May Fath, Mid-Wititer e W. �DDITT W• C, WILLSON.,
at 11 a. m. when the Sunda Manager, Pic{'E,��;,',m Branch
!School and congregation will unite * d B Branches also ag R;R. No, 1, ;LOOL9T BILL
Brwklin:Wat Hill.Whitby
in celebrating "Mothers' Day." Sale-',.The address will be given b the - - Green River.
R. Stepp : !
minister, Rev. H. Stephens.
'. _ -
and a children's choir will lead the Basket Factory f0.
-staging. A large attendance is Clearing Out... some Manufacturers of
hoped for.
At'a-meeting of•the Ho"rticultuP- Of. ;our liIIes A s of II: Blwk9tdlt
al Society on 8atardsp it was,de. _ 11 k�ha$ Fruit
. :. .. tided to eek' the merchants sari � - •- � "_. .- - -' �• '. _Bel, Crates,
: _ �t..,_�. y es
other business men of the village ~B't great Save LLC �'>k1e2'8'Bnshel BsBketh• ;
to provide bones or pails and the r8C�L1Ct10IlB. Clothes Baskets.'
Society will fill these with earth n
and plants for the purpose of , Pay ay :
beautifying the village. Parente Men's Wool Cnderwear, _ Frank Pennock,reg. 1.85,for.• 1.59 Proprietor
are urged to oy t their children Men's Fleece Underwear, If you 'iso .this the saviri s' Phone Markham 1804
Ac to. destroy these when the y &. '
reg/ 1,00 for . •- r:• .i 9 -
`plants have,grown. - from our roduuaive ears
Claremont is fortunate in h&v
Men's Wool Sox, reg. 3tic, 39 _ y p y ,.r
---ins an excellent play-ground, and Men's Overalls, reg.2.50, 2.19 . �._ _;Will later ori prcivide you -
,this is the place where the child- Men's 9mocks,'re 2.30, —2,19
roti eho►itd go to play ball or'other Ladies'Silk and Wool Hose With an income. -
reg, 1,00, for ,7g t .41. ,STANDS FOR THE-FEST.
games instead of playing on t'ke Ladies' Col. Cashmere Hose- r
streets which is very dangerous in reg. 1,25, for ",g¢ We. will add interest for - ,
Chia age of motor cars, Many fa- Ladies' Underwear, reg,�1,00 ou and com ound it half-�
tai accidents have taken place in
- y p - '
this way, and parents cannot'ex- per gar►hent;for 79 y yearly. _ - y
oiae too great care in seeing that Heavy Flannelette, colored,
regi 30c and 35o, for ,,27. i((((
!their children are not exposed to Dark Flannelette, reg, tae, .21
this dun er. Flannelette Blankets) reg.
` The Women a Institute will
meet at the; home of Mise S. E. 2.75, for 2,39 •, _ r
A few broken linea of Men's
Evans on Weds} 0sy af'terneou, q ` ?
Rubbers greatly reduced
May 14th,and not on the 22nd as
arranged, As it will.be the annual Ladies Overshoes, zipper, -
on of officers a good attend. meg• 4.5Q, for 8.85 Betabliakted 1171 »_ - Litter: Carriers, Hay Carriers. '
:b;: ed. The program will In. Pumps, Door Tracks, Cow
VI elude discussions on "The Pleas ' I ti' Bowls. Pressure System, Etc.
' ares and•Values of & Hobb and Ds AtS 0 T T
y It pay you to get my prices on
"Keeping out of
Ruts." Current V above before buptng elsewhere. ,
Events. The summer meeting will Phon8-1402, Whitby Branch, Jr H. Perry.Han, u
be held on the afternoon of Jlisy rLA RF1iU'�T FRANg J. PROIISE
31st, 1 ,.....a_......:' - -- _ .,_ 7 7 AF.IO :.
.. --. :.. .:..:,. ,..,. ,::,.,• •,_ .:-. :.:•.. ... ,• ..,, .... ,.:.-.. a5<w,. ."amu_ a' ..a .t..,p -c.. 'a a.-.".{{ yam.,„,,
, '... .-, ,;. -.ti, .. wit,. ,..,, §.. ...,:, � .,.x.`;:.•;J^ ^ :n .S. .E ANf": t.at 'a,'7L�Fw+-i 4+""+s3s•�.4 _
h,,. ,#:, L' ..... r. ..5• �.a'•'r•'�' .st4x .. ,*•t., f,;:, .:'3+... T:,n.1e .+,a• ",';d- ,y,+vq "'t�.f „^ s,lt `.f,.,. „w '^ "a. 7„�-,. 3t '' .rr d .!r
Y'F.✓.b✓,,'w , ;.4;. .a, n:Y„t..,. M1 .�-a:y.,'a... w'a •�v� n. waz:pd 'iAr^:sit .,t? �, r"'
'NORI.,41.1 M10"t
71"Mar 19MAIRVO Tl'� 'Is 7
:'Weli TIM91 T.
oestulon- Only two grown 4 000 to 7AN feet ObOV9 SM kVd 1'.
.waitress, chambermaid and
filly clerk in the General Merchandise
US" In "SACADAPP Orange Pekoe Blend
to talk. She are
-Store, was full. She had ant
the flavour Is therefore rkhery more fragrant
would have talked to the wall had not
Only '..
��++++ -
Ious then other t Oni
the chinese cook been there. -,.much Moro dellic
tall." said M groovy store.
"He's about that. -Ib.—Buy It at any
"He's 0_
D reaching high above. her head.
Why, he'd fill that
about that broad.
4W* all man,door -plumb full. And 4
Wu. There he goes now I He's finish-
going Around ORANGE
washing up and he's 9
14, ed -in PEKOE
Infront. Look quick thtough them
dead mon to the Same spot. And when BLEND
ODA dew—"--BEGIN HERE Jay.op- their back-s-with the dirt d
they - But Wu, with a grunt which might
to -faces, they 'Wert' _airecWc frying
old X
recluse, brushed from their
"Joan" lives with an -either-at-the
y her father, the-two have been
Buck Daniels, presurriabl wonderfully unchanged,frOm, steak or at her remark,turned his'nar-
-of-the-way ranch house. She st
;o4jq where he had left that morning.
in an out back upon her and reached for the row
compla, that she never I They must be buried. And he bur showed Mary that
alarms One glance
and obviously He took salt-
other girls miner's fashion. thing of stone.
OuSlKaa night her confidant was a
-Daniels by this statement. T lit led them in in they had 1* So she kneeled on the chair' and
from her bed after Danielsthe old shaft which
',Joan slips them to e until the false vein dis-
'ias retired begun 3egun to dig
the mouth of Ahe hole poured her heart through the window
Two middle-aged prospectors, Hal appeared. At toward the big man. He was not quite First Landlady—,,I keep MY lodgers
Nichols are visit- w inches, wielding longer than you do." Second
S tiger.and Rudy, he sank a drill a few as large as she had mAde him o4 but Ditto V
Mt their camp by a scoundrel by the a double jack with on, hand and rain- he was big enough: And he was one "No, you don't; but they're so this'
of Joe blaearthur. Springer and 1 - swinging
name into a heated argument I ifig the blows as if he were . of those men who cairy about them they look longer.".
MacArthur get i n carpenter's hammer,' for he -fts S such an air of conscious strength, such ...... .
over a bad deal the prospectors receiv- �he
ed from Macarthut in the past. "You giant of stiength, Then ut in good na- A reliable antiseptic—Minard's.
t p a high headed and frank eyed e fuse,7, . It 110- good, -MacArthur," says his stock of powder, lighte ture, that they appear lafter than
twenty It;
Springer. ,You skinned me out of one and watched the explosioii they are.
neat little bunch of money. out
won't tons of stone across the entrance. Ile carried his hat In his hand, Those who say that Prohibition 18 &
Macarthur ride to, town! He sad- f-iluie have.never tried it, says Pussy me out of another." Now for the which showed all of a handsome, sun- 7 toot Johnson The same can be said
draws a gun and kills Springer. Nich- died his hors,6, the only horse of the He had tiken. off his
which -t] bandanna; also, and -opened his shirt of capital pudishment.
els comes-up-wi- 'they pastured near the browned face
as -ch was caPA,
NOW GO ON.,WITH THE STO mine which the saddle at t to
;-�ft high falsetto by his emotion, and he�came to him
�;,,.- what he had Tee E
to weight. It was not until
,You damned cutth At'" he was bought whole manner was.one of utter care-
thrown into a�,�vas in place that the other t sne&s, and Mary. when she bad
ag' his Voice i
L. Suppose that he rode les sat
swap with hi;,into town and told them with her
down suddenly in the,chair NEW R
red until be was out of Sight,
ran forwarif, pumping out
Not a bullet t biarnmed close found. The)r would come.pouringhead thrown back and'a foolish little FACTORY
�.,to the mark. His aim Was SO Wild to See the site of the tragedy' "GraZe is accused of being a gold-; HEAVY TREAD F
smile upon her lips. SECONDS,
that Macarthur raised his-own wea-, But no sooner were they there than As for.-Harry Gloster, he paused at digger,- 002SIDSof one they would begin to ask questions, and A malest eh?" VZW ZXAVT TAX"
With the calm precision the front of the building to laugh At "Fradulent.use of the size Z"os Shabes.
firing at 0, target�,and Nichols Pitched,those questions would be pr( 1two'sweating boys who, in the middle 7:. ..............III coo. .$L"
un rolled and' ithe discovery that the min- aoxa& oversize a."
of a great dust cloud,were attempting 9.93
on his face, while his *g 12
dattere A rich,mine owned by I to drive back a pi A gentleman, whose suburban home 1 VU4 33x4, S4x4 as IL75
d down the slope ing in rich ore. g which had broken d, was 3u4' 0
0 are sad-through er Ode abuts on to a football ground, J, aaa4b, 34 2.93
until the echoes I three partners. of whom tw in the farther 3.75
Macarthur waited , Ho.., f,rtun.�through -the fexice o riling to 1 30" 34zs, 3526 13AO
his horse, which denly and sadly killed! Then he entered the much annoyed one Sunday Ino I aw Aso
died down. street. 312IL40 6.75
He faced of the
head and was regarding ate, how extremely fortunate for the hotel and went into the dining room. hear sounds of rugby strife emanat- 27Z
agx4.40. 2ft4-40.
had raised its 4.40, 2924,78 6.94 1.96
with a mild in- third member of the gTOUP! the field. Holding strong 1 9.76
- .`the motionless bodies.w to him. There was only one other present, ing from 1 ilifix,11.1116, 3oz-L75 8.95
It came sickeningly home and -this"was a pleasant !fleas on the subject of Sunday observ- MZ5.00, 3Uz6_26, ill:lrs-si
v, terest. No one he aft5.77, 32z5.77, 3226-20 12" 11.210
--This Is bell," breathed MacArthur. He was new to that land. for Ile was one of those, men who show ante the stout citizen went on to t Other sizes. Prices on request
i knew him. No one would vouch co and not in'the body. fle,14 and addressed the players, say- We ha%e Your size 11 to.eqaally low
.111 didn't mean—" f
-compose the age-in the fa price.. All Prices b- Toronto.
wife done, And Strangers would as wide, his chest tnj*� -,If you don't stop this game and low prices
However, the thins �hinL !Tits shoulders were I Owing to the amazingly
since :t was accomplished Only a fool i jury that tried him. A strange judge as high arched, the carriage of his go away I shall be compelled to send remit full value of your order or
y athletic for the policeman." There was a mo- enoulh to guarantee carrier charges.
would let a twinge Of conscience drive,would advise them. A furious prose head &a noble as that of any and t for any reason You And our
one I re not sati,41fiLctory n do-
:.harve bim away before he had reaped the youth. ment's silence and then )f the 9010.dr!) a Yo
of-pia crime. He went to the prepay exprestaoretur. -modi
w almost a silver- players spoke up pollittely: hope We vqlll ch !rtuny refund-
But his hair was
--r- -gA-broftii-and t str-.- -He�s Jusit
-and asr� 701i %on Ut 'NOW,
OR shack, searched it t Or6i'ghly gray
little cash, a ten pound sack
found a pard with time and trouble• scored a' very pretty try for us." THE KEYSTONE RUBBER
gold which was prize almost Harry Gloster waved a hand. in --------- CORPORATION
.:of a
decided. andl I greeting and sat' down beside 1he Queen and Ontario atat" Toronto worth the shooting, -h. Minard's LInIrment for
finally be took from the wall a bridle fatting.hair.
with which to replace his own broken Riding through or living here?"
one. In live minutes he was riding 111 11
he asked answered the
down the mountain again. 11
"Riding- throuab,"
He used at the first crossing ' � !older man. "You?"
valley. He tied a "Just blowing north," said Harry
the river in the vs
rock to his bridle and threw it
heavy Gloster
Jr I , said"the other. - "In a
was wry human "S am
.1 After that, bow 0
ad been thereT matter of fact. We might
-.being to tell that he b rush. as a ma
For not a soot in the world knew 14 ride on together tomorrow-"
Harry Gloster eyed him askance.
what destination he had been ridingi
starting in a little while
Jay and certainly the keenest eye -I may to ital
that i
in the world couldN rning," he,par-
never trace him —May'not wait for,mo
the rocks on which he bad been ried.
r He could have.sworn that the other
But before he reached the river, smiled, althrugh very faintly. And
Harry Gloster returned to the nil" Glt star leaned. suddenly forward an!
horse, icoked his companion aauarely in the
and be returned leading his horL
loaded down with game. He
which was shot. But luck had He,took a bridle from T,.he wait. eyes. skel
0 really was. a poor "Wbnt's on your ntind?'9 he a
been with him twenty times this day.
Icutor would pour forth his eloquence *hat piy•
he could not miss- The older man hesitated An instant
It had seemed that about this dastardly crime—the mur-
He came back, however,to the black' I . and*then laughed. He added, speaking
1 der of two honest, old prospectors.
and silent cabin, and when he-lighted Sweat stood upon his forehead- softly: lit's.all right,son. But there's
gmtem he carried it out and found 3 armpits. And no red dirt of that color south of the
the I Sweat poured out at hi ebbleford
,-lying as they had I him itea rl You're just off the P
the two dead met
fallen. n-shuddered in his every mile that he traveled gave
The lantern trail. "You're heading south."
time forAhought.•
'- I
band. i e town, indeed, but twinkle in his eyes focused to R gleam.
the double killing, He went to the —pronto!"
The motive for centre of it-IY6u're for' Rio Grande lwuell�-iiralue,
For the.gold was lie did not ride into the ce Harry Gloster did not change color ou get
vras patent at once Instead he left his horse at the out-
He went back and carried the -a- at the last words of his tablemate;
Thete he PAU
gone. skirts, saddle acid all managed to maintain a smile,
&S uw&dron of
ed a moment W rub the nose of the he even n dt the base of
honest mustang and murmur: "They'll but the big muscilies
jaw were bulging a little and he
They'll give his
find you, old timer, I EDDY'S
I know you're hungry stared straight before him.
me chock. W
so "What do you mean by that?"' he
ty/A AS. sirl Then he went on.
-He sneaked the the village. He asked. said the older man.
e railroad-station, and half i "Nothing,"
came to th TISSUE
an hour later he was aboard a freight',�N.thii*, except that I don't 11ke to
farther bluffed. if I were sheriff, I'd lock t,
and bound for parts is so supena
trainn-a you up on suspicion and hold you until TJ ECAUSE the tissue litilelf
South. But Ij hot you p w it�t ordunq ML
Whet,-the rat tl:ng wheels.had spun I'd had a look at your back trail.
,in not sheriff—not by a considerable
be Snowy-wintill, welvery soft. even
r two hours. ae, In cure Ai&
beneath the train fo
dropped off at a place where it had-distance!" Dopul&r ckm because the big White Sw&b
for water. For be must leave .T% hat's finish9d?" CDOY TISSUES Roll Is romplegfly sirapprd, absolutely •a-l-prooll,
stopped Jm he decided, giry handling
n trail behina.1 guarded against oil unnecm
a broke - (To be continued.)
and he was already far, far away No,only is White Swan Tissue a benis i
double murder. aw"economiolill
Add to the joy of the from the place of the I"sue-if is one of the
You Set big"
open road-this Pleasure-' He cut across the country. In the rolls you can buy
ranch welght,710 sheers-full count-a unctil
gray of the dawn he came to a
giving refreshment. les
A sugar-coated gum that house. Theri;, In thebarn, he found "001, 61' IONLIWW 01AVY sanitary Time, a paper worthY Of
affords double value- PCs), saddle and bridle. In the corral were .#I Neat,baod- A real good pla"to the well-appointed bathroom
The fine It.11, full
-a dozen horses. 7105ve that some,com.
flavor In the*sugar Ask you dealer fnr White swash At
permint rpopey can pact.111.,hea wcl9bt- 700 t
stoutest, without re-,
coating and peppermint He picked the s' blAy. 1000 'IrGdetisne. itliesm sarutary,big value Two*Xoll
for lines whizh might indicate itheou. ernes two
flavored gum Bard oh eets at a
of a
for his first requirement dine.
Davidson Single Cylinder
horse was the strength to betar up his The Harley-Da
Somewhere WA- I t bas been made. Sao to
her,& ahead of Motorcycle is the greatest little
unusual bulk. If F's 111 10
Me ha
ti him. was lliexico;af:
file, easy to control, ah
times slept. 1. 100
some ontleal. Stands without a'rival.
Allies to Gallon of Gasoline. Down
smokes • CHAPTER,III. Payment $105, Balance $22 per month 1. . - J . I.-
_0,14 U Lt.Ca NADA
C19 ntbs. Price $305. Walter rHa 8.b scay Co.. _I hA 1r r
_'ARE is 9 K F, val r in the kitchen Andrews, Limited, 345 Yonge St.,
There was 2 fluster Tororto, Ont.
.-�.f Mary, the
ISSUE No. 19-128 of the hotel. The heart
Bread V01101% BAKBVG as- Pim 'Cakes, B= and
.7- fvoR AU
0". "You
nt- 0
of d �hen he
Jig lit th
u t
high ig an air
h headed
e ed se that they
x Sion n y tur" are.
his watched
the e roll'
t t
0 one and a t n we he e carried
c showed
ed to fA
of 0 e pl'
't tons
e ria ce
ur 0 t n a t a
sea t 0 d-
ri ger d se o ' wh
or f brow
h N h
;ic for
he nl
pastured ea he IS
Springer. It horse,
e t y
is which
they PAS r n t bandanna; a
E STO in, Which was cape
t at to
he Was a, not
u ti saddle t
I t n n he. whole marl", YN
i&:,"i 1 11", W -1 1
_rg, • e
irlz,_ N, im"
VW Al Alp� Mt 7.
.,_ �.� �7
-P 2-
Constable 'a" }CenralAir Accident in heland
Shot Air Service H dro Chairmany
Murderer mill-ed To Mining Industry Backs C.P.R. Pres.
Phase of Commercial
:Policeman Fulfilling Du Canada Embarks* oil A New Chairman Mcgrath
Shot While Brother Of- With President , Beatty
(icer Kills the Slayer Aviation — Little
the C.P.R. that-One Man
Luxury Flying
Commission Should'
er^Wak- A
Commercial aviation has be dvise Immigration
An F.'Maker, Pro- Ing great -ii in Canada, particur
vincial constable for the County of larly In the put year, and develop-
Peterboro, was ghdt dead Thursday
morning by David Montgomery on the ments have been along peculiar lines, :.44
Ottawa.—Eon C. A. Magrath,
Stokira of Montgoi. Hotel,._and_A'..1ew__1191190-Ing- to--the--Ciaif4dfa_nFacIfIc
chairman-of"the Ontario Hydro-
rairii later.Police Constable 1"n- Railway. Commercial flying in Can- tric Commission, appeared before the
and Matthews shot Montgomery, when ada has-been almost purely economic
House probe on immigration and
the attempted to fire his revolver art
and luxury flying practically non- I a ressed Ae need of financing theoset-
-the local officer.
existant, says a bulletin of the rail- tler, urging that pne man be placedfT
Early Thursday morning Provincial ' 7P
d, which continues:
-Officer Joseph Stewart received a call
road, *t
• in charge of the department,
"Whereas, In other countries initial
to go.to the Montgomery Hotel, where Mr. Magrath told the committee 19
David Montgomery was causing services hare been between the larger
that he had a
centres of population, the trend In good deal of experience
trouble. Montgomery frightened the Canada has been to bring Isolated
with immigration', including the,"dug-
other rbsidents of the hotel when he, sections 'of the country where stns-
commenced, to make threats about out"pioneering conditions in the West.
shooting, fdf it was known that he "Mic development Is taking place in He considered every immigrant as an
"had a loaded revolver and a ride in
closer touch with the business and
financial centres through cutting down asset, saying that he did not criticize
his 'room.
the department or the railways; there
The police were sent for, and on traveling time. In the stimulus affect-
was entirely too much criticism over
ed lately to such frontier activity, par-
entering the hotel and making' a what is and not enough
titularly mining, commercial aviation
search. Montgomery came to the land- constructive suggestions. "If we want
Ing at the top of the stairs on the has come to have a new and greater
tkird-�v-braulifishing-9 revolver. As impDrtanrA_ more people,"added Mr. Magrath,"we
tion that in the future the airplane f ge fbe system and lend our
Constable Kaker, looked up, he'fired.
to a greater extent than we have
III become a factor of steadily in- credit 1.
The first shot went wide, but the w
second struck the constable in the fore- creasing Importance in furthering the been doing. We must keep in mind
economic development of these out-of-
- oint ial bead and came out at the back of his the national p
the wap places,
ional rather than the commer,of view.
-.'bead, killing him instantly.
Montgomery fled and hid 12 an old crease In �fiylag
The remarkable In I
of this nature, particularly In the last
point shop next the hotel. Constable While he had not been following :_;I
Matthews, lYear, Is briefly summed up In the fact
who was out on Simcce the Immigration Department, he pre-
that- while such services accounted sumed it was d--)ing its best; but he
'Istreet, noticed the front door of the
paint shop Open and Montgomery stick for 4,091 hours flying In 1926 and 6,860 strongly suggestO&that some young
out his head, Matthews made for the�hoLrs in 1926, this increased to 12,0770 -man, some 11nancidl genius, should be'
.,door, ,and, guarding himself as he hours in 1927. In the two-year period engaged to go into the whole question :!:A,
the number of passengers carried by
pushed it openmmigration and colonization and
these services increased fcom 4.9s, to come back next session and advise
10-Iontgornery, who had his revolver
16,677, thte increase 1q the past year
Tointed at him. Matthews pulled the what should be done.
% trigwr first and Montgomery fell to alone being equal to more than 1621 A FATAL PLANE CRASH NEAR BELFAST Mr Magrath agreed with President n.
the floor per cent. Freight carried almost IVrp,,,k of th. R.A F. aeroplane, which fell at DuunurIZ, killing 'a child. BeattyHa of the C.P.R. that a one-man
As'Montgtomery dropped, Matthews doubled in the two years, rising from Is desirable, one who
592.220 pounds to 1,098,346 pounds,
will eu;nmerclal aviation regarded would be independent within the lim-
grabbed the revolver, for the dying while the increase in mail transporta.
man made a second attempt to shoot with steadily- increasing favor and it4l money he is given to spend _01i
tion was even greater, from Floods Still Rage its of the mon
him, pounds tQ.4.4,686 pounds, V'o sphere of'. activity growing every; • on work which the Minister has auth.,
On Saturday, Dec. 4. 187 in Minin y: 1.
8. William month. JAZeAS orized.," He proceeded to say: I have
Montgomery was shot by R. N, Roddy "The 'Work carried out by these ser- "Conslde�ring this in connection with dealt with Premiers of different pohtt-�,
In Roddy's barroom on Hunter street. 'rices,% unostentatiously, largely un- civil government aviation. In the less cal faiths and have never had any
Wat r till Rises Porcupine difficulty whatever. They have always
William Montgomery was a brother known, Is In many ways remarkable than ten years since its inauguration, e S
and constitutes a unique and outBtand- an astonishing value has District Interfering With
of David Montgomery. allowed me to carry on my work In
Ing phase of aviation. Long. arduous Calved for the- money expended. Railwaymy own way,having regard to the fact
trips Into the wilderness, requiring Total expenditure on civil aviation `'Lthat:Parliavi In supreme."
Odays of d1flicult and hazardous travel• and ct'fil government aviation has Cobalt.—Reports from the North Iti Colonel J. S. Dennis, chief commis-�
Will ur Banks
have been reduced tot an hour or two been approxtmatetly $8,000,000, an dieste that the water is still rising at sinner of colonization for the C P R.
of comfortable transport. Mining pro- average of $900,000 per annum, and in was critictl of the new medical inspec-
FoRow This I South Porcupine. and that the flood
pertf�s have been expeditiously sup. the opinion of authorities no Country I
tion of Idurligrants at ports of em-
ed with_ursently required equip- in the world has received greater situs_t -there is yet seriousi----- Psa` barkation; He cofisidered that these
__13ig --New--7 Yor� Bank An- meat, the ship of the air carving as- value for money expended or such sengers on.trains state that the T. Intending newcomers should be exam-
nounces Small Personal tontshins loads at times. Remote I value received by the State in return. & N. O. tracks are under two feet of imed on the other side by roster doc-
camps have been furnished with such !Effort has centred upott he conserva-I t - that it is impossible to tors under'the supervision of a small
wa er. and
Loan Department h1therto'trairnown luxuries as regular I tion and development of.:natural re- . body of Canadian doctors•
fresh food and daily mail. use the station at South. Porcupine,.
New York--Virtually sounding the sourcesi wheTe it was found such work
-death knell to "loan sharks," the Na- "There is every Indication that In could be accomplished more efficiently Trains are--being stopped. at Dome
the present year developments of this by air. Road'crossing instead of at the
tional City Bank, biggest institution depot, Berlin Hear
in the world in point of capital, an- nature will be even greater in a con. "A quarter of a,"bilhon acres of,for- ,and passengers ars'-sent downtown In • s Fliers'
nounced establishment of a personal sideration of the widespread acttivlty eat land have been given efflelent fire busses. There is no evidence as yet Will Return By Ship
• istrall, loan department. with which the airplane as a develop- protection for the first time, Inven-
Effective immediately, the bank of- Ing factor has come- to be regarded. tories have been prepared of 60,0010 of any let-up in the situation.
One company alone, whlcJ2 pioneered square miles of forest lands by type' Koehl and von Huenefeld Are
fern personal loans, ranging from W
to $1,000. without collateral, to sal- a flying service into the Manitoba mapping from the air. A quarter of a London 'Change Derby Expected to Sail May 12,
mining fields and started with one million miles of Canadian territory
aried men and women, at a discount Abandoning Air
of 6 per cent. Borrowers•have a year plane In De�ember, 1926• has fifteen has been photographed and'mapped tSweep 9500,000,
planes in operation with ;he opening 'from the air, Fishery protection lia.3
_be repay the loans in monthly, semi- Double Last Year's ..Voyage
monthly or weekly deposits. With an average of three been greatly Increased on the'Paclfic�' Berlin—Reports here are that Cap-
of spring.
aircraft in 1927, this company carried Coast. Ice conditions In the Hudson ' I-fone , Stock don--Th
Applications will be considered from Exchange tain Kiehl and Baron von Huenefeld
1,200 paying passengers A 300,000 Strait have been under observation
any one who has or opens a compound d sweep on the Derby totals 9600,000 have given up the project of returning
N'. poundsof freight, and in the Mast for the first time through the use of . more than double the stake last to Qermany b7 another transocean.
Interest account with $I. General re-
three Winter months transported 600 aircraft,, and the transportation of year-when tte list of subscriptions Right and that they will sail Instead
quirements are that the borrower rrower be passengers, 30 tons of freight and thousands of pounds of material and ' was closed
a resident of New York for one year, 8,000 pounds of mail. hundreds of men has been furnished i The gen' on the Columbus, leaving New York
steadily employed at the same place general belief Is that Lon. Alai and arriving at Bremen May
for six niontba, and twenty-one years "So great and recognized,has •been to all remote parts of Canada. don's pool on the . yearla greateet 21.
of agethe value of the assistance of the air- horse race will surpass in size the Whether they will bring the mono-
There are no fees, no investigation plane In furthering preliminary min- Calcutta sweep, hitherto the Em- plane Bremen with them or leave It
ing'development in the fields Of-Que- pire's largest and most famous.
costs, no service Charges. Application at ]Exports of Forest Products. to an American museum has not b4n i..J
',blanks may be obtained at any of the bee, Outside, Manitoba th , a com- Exports of Canadian forest products A quarter of a million persons determined. No reason is advanced
pany was recently organized at T6ron- are said to have-subser!bed and why the two
twenty city branches of the'116-year- I Constitute one-quartor of our total ex- fliers have decided to re-
old institution with its one and a half to to give a gp'neral service to the port
rt trade. one of them will win the first prize turn by a-hip raitber than by air.
billion dollarmi, mining Industry instead of operating of more than 9100-,000. When the The,first organization in Germany
regular services into definite fields.
Stock Exchange sweep started in to honor the German and Irish heroes
No collateral need be offered.. The The proposed operating plan of the Spring quickens the sap in the trees
1920 the total was only 9100.
bank will require signatures (if two e sap In the office. is the American Club of Berlin, whichSr
...'responsible co-makers on the borrow- Northern Aerial Mineral Exploratiton, but slows up th is giving a* dinner In honor of
Ltd., whose object Is to stimulate min-era] development In the.Dorninion, in- veIopment on Tuesday evening. the
ars' note. three men and Germany's aerial de- �74
Cludes the establishment of headquar: Lest We Forget Am-
Pulpwood From Our Farms ters posts and bases at stratotgic bassador Schurmanand yepresenta-
tives of the German Government and
About one-third of the pulpwood points as jumping of pladbs. Ftiel,
used in Canadian pulpinflis comes oil and spare parts will be kept at aviation world will pay.tribute to the
from farmers' and settlers' holdings. these bases, and by the use of radio heroic.deeds of the fliers in after-din-
In conjunction with airplanes it will Her speeches.
The Fatherland does not want to
possible to maintain daily touch
Ocean Phone Calls be. i �N. see foreign countries outdo it In re•with developing properties In the re-
relvink Its sons, and a series of recep-
OVA"; Service Extended molest sections.
"As to the matter of the cost of the tions al;d banquets are planned from
Two Hours the time the Columbus arrives, The
maintenance of such services, only
Aero Club
of Gerin any is giving a din.
LIondon—An announcement that meagre information is procurable, fi tier to which 'Major Fltzmaurice In tn.. :i-
Dismissing the que.9tiorr recently, J. A.
transatlantic telephone service will
Viltvd. Ofticlal,re�,eptlons-by the cities
Wilson, Controller of Civil Aviation,
and the Government also are planned.
be extended.two hours daily here stated that the cost of operating a 200-
th Pilots of t'-0 School Staaken flgw
beginning Monday revealed at I horfepower commercial machine fur." ten planes In formation over Raril
traffic over the-oreautc-ph(me is In— n
stx, days a week over an 800-mile
creasing rapidly., for more than an hour recently in
Postoffice officials'attrib route in both directltons, and through bonor of the achievement In Cross'lng
attributed the
easy country, such as the Western
Increase partly to the reduction of Prairies, worked out , at 65 cents a the ocean East to Was,—
the toll from 215 to C9 for three The CRY of Bremen has finally
linfle or $1,30 per ton mile. At 800
minutes, but principally to the fact -ton miles per da ed. congratulations to the, fliers, this
for 300 days, this act ha I.
ving been delayed by the rad
New gives an annual operating charge r
that the business worlds, of IN �e 0
York and London-are beginning to about $300,000.- Cal e4yrients.
appreciate the advantagg of (,errnan Is gradually warra4ffg up
The status of cominerclad aviation
and it is believed by tf,e tame the air.
phoning. The recent activi y in in Canada, with mort than a dozen
men arrive the popillatft)n will have
the stock mar]teta is,said to have
companies operating, is encouraging
been worked to tire highest pitch
In the up
been another factor. One day io. 'view that ftaera Is Just opening
Gently there was a small queue of
and will show the enthusiasm which
up and that these enterprising pion-
`amseemingly has been lacking or Tenet
-P'Persons waiting to get a connec- ears went ahead unaided, without sub.
.0 not expressed at flrst. The largest
sidy of any
_sort, In the, face of condi- plane operated by the Lufthansa line
The now hours of service.for the an those 'en- FIRST TO FLY ACROSS ATLANTIC
tions more difficult th
oceanic phone here *91 be from now Is called "Koehl," and this hu" A I
countered In most phases of the opera- , Lieut. Artlitir Brown and (:apt. John Alcock, who made the historic flight machine lead 'the formation of the
16 11.30 a.m. to 3 a.m. �J tion of aircraft. Indications are that from Newfoundland to Ireland In 1919, Alcock wa.a killed In a crash near '�'taaken student Pilot&-In their demon-
they are about to come Into their own Parts in 1921.
10- N 't PAO"Wt"
Au �;A1
:7,',X--, 7�
_-Arthur Boyes still sharpens
Dr. H. T.Fallaise, Resident Dent-
Office over Balsdon's hardware
0(3A_ mowers Kt his residence, King.SL ist-
evenings by appointment." iq ore
IN, store. Office hours, 9 to 6 daily and
AV-Gardening operations arenow he 4
-George Elliott has purchased -Fred Oray, who Ca6t With 8,
All In full a%N ing as a result of the flue
a motor car for use on his 01 weather of the past week. serious accident on Wednesday of
of be last week, is p
-1-r4ate. The deepest sympathy t rogreti�ing favors.
CuIlli spent a bly in the Oshawa
couple of Hospital. His - JUST TO- Z%Xi
J --Wm. on busi. residents of the village goes out to serious as they
days Ifteb week in Orono Clifford and Mrs. Hubbard, of the Injuries are not so a .1 Z-40
no" Brock Road, on the traglo death were thought to be at first.
_iag, prouse visited his daugh
Crossay,of Bowmanvills, of their little Isom. Hundreds of
ter, Mrs _Wm. and Mrs. Hall, of Do. WEST-In loving memory of our dear
1, the troit, called on Pickering friends sister Mrs. George West, who died paftera-sto
--Misejean Clark spent last. Mr. Hall, who May 9th, 1927.
on Thursday
-end with n Vivian rs trade Oft our thoughts do wander week MiViin Banhas given up the carpento ' dchoose from, 8c4b
To a grave not far away,
nor, of Dowmanville enter the real estate business,
to -.4ts
-H. J. Clark and Charlie Mar A.
g from a business 'Where we laid our loving sister V, roll. up*
64, quie. of Toronto, spent Sunday was returning V;4 por
Just one year alo, to-"Y.
�here with the former a parents. trip to Gmvenhurst. She bade no one a at farewell,
-Alberta coal. of the beet varl-
She said good-bye to none;
-Goo. A. and Mrs. Gordon, ety, is being shipped into Whitby-
Toronto.visited i of
it the home of his it to claimed that this grade The heavenly gates were opened
Sunday. wide, : The new Spring
1ather.Robt. Gordon.on Alberta coal is superior to the
A loving voice said, come.
-C. W. and Mrs. Pilkey and anthracite which Ontario people
daughter, Miss Phyllis were in the have been using for years,and in .-Sadly missed by brothers and
-.,city on Win
Sunday visiting Mr western cities is. being used in Sisters.. Shadesin
Burt. to coal.
-Hugh Robbins, of the Stand- ppeference to Now Adviviritsen,0008.
and Back at Oshawa. spent Sun. -,-Houses in the village are very
day at
the home of his parents on scarce at present. Several per- PASTURE TO LST-Will take cat•
gong have come into the village Ila Ptle to pasture. Wm.Lacey,Dumbarton.33.36- Holopr0of
i 6_ Brock Road. . .
-Norman Mechin and family,of search of.a house,but were diaa p, 008 FOR HATORING-PIyollouth
rents pointed. Asa result of the sear
Oshawa, visited with his pa Muck. Miss Agnes Thom.R R 2,Pickering.
risen greatly. 'her
here on Sunday, and also visited city rents have
Good brick houses which rented Lae Clover Seed For Sale-$10 are - -------------------
friendsic Brougham. As bushel., Apply to Gordon McKal,White- .-Igo
-Born,on Saturday. May the for five dollars a mouth twenty isle
Win. A.-and five yearn-ago, .naw command Y"'
Mrs. Heron, of Pickering,
a dun- twenty and twenty five'dollars
to H TriCA* 75c*t 1-009
Harold Barclay.R.R.2. Claremont.
month. In these days of h b Phone Clars ar
als. anti
ti bter(Rath Marion). costs, a person can not Win
-W. A. Henderson, accomP&n UOR SALF,--Two Shorthorn bullp.
F his son,Elwood.and family, good substantial house and rent it �U ready for service. John Scott, Claremont. and 2.0041
led b: $25, and realize a fair 86-37
Sunday inGoodwood with for less than Phone Cure 8603.
leareturn for his investment.
--11r. and hire. Gulliver. "VOR SALE-Seed drill. Bain *axoo fassessessessaiii
Mrs. Frank Read and two dan- -On Thursday last a motor car JL' box, plow and other artiaes like neas
, Wen
dealer from Goderich was taking 35-34
Lacey, Dunbarton.
hter's, of Miami, Florida, are via-
number of new cars, but 6,
t the home of the former's home a TO LET-With an shun.
onto, J. Y. and Mrs. Hadley, of met with disaster near Highland PASTURE &U the"World
inapt a dance of water. and shade,at lot 19 eon 3,
was taking the lead Picks lag. Joseph"eilly, 95-36
r hmau'a Bay, Creek. to see If the
.61 going east And on turning round 0 SALE-Marlhoro Rasberry 0
The C. N. R. local p. others were following close behind FOR
OOX"housand $1.50 per hundred. K there's n OveraUs
La now due at Pickering at 5.25 ced his own, a fine new HaJay,S Junction
standsrd time. instead of 4.25, be tnr
ble having gone Pontiac sedan,right in the p&tb of SOD POTATOES FOR SALE-- Me
the new timetable another car he was meeting. Glrish Cobblers and Doole�s- Ed Stony,
fxP into effect last week. Edgar
Miss Helen D oron- They collided with great force re, Goodwood. PboneStouff?603.
Douglas, of T
P-her duving bat- N riso-poy or m
w, in visinng art the U-0 01
prandmother. Mrs. A Burrell, wreck. The other car. A an. den and cut lawn grass weekly for rum- MAN*
- 1 ser
-while convalescing after an opera- was driven by Miss I Legg. mer. Apply W.T Dvnbar,Dumbarton. 36-37 rRA
f=ur appendicitis. who was accompanied by Mrs. E. p=A8ZuRE TO RRNT-80uth
Itlon I injured, but of lot 9 con 8, Flickering 48 acres.
Legg, The latter was
-The Y. P. S. of St. Andrew's - Apply Fred.Holao;�R ii 1.Scarboro ict. 36-37 nesvy 'oval enamel Dish
will most this (Friday) not seriously, and was given medl Large
',evening in the basement of the cal aid. miss Legg on1hred slight pOR SALE-Four Holstein beitern. Pan, I large chipso, 4 cakes Gold
STI in%he fan. M
when ly from shock. Both ladies are 3 Mrs.old,due to fresh=
church at the usual hour. � an, B.Bur L Locust Hill. Phone Pick 1031 1 Ivory Soap-
doint nice!y. The Goderich w 35tf 2 Guest IvOiY.
AnIntereetiag program has been C. McEwen, assumed all re- 130hp
_--larribn4red. - R SALE-Potatoes. Early Cobh- .,fteg. L20 worth, for
_L X, and Mrs. Devitt and sponsibility for,the accident last FOR sultable for or table me T E.
tittle daughter, of Toros-to, visit, -On Thursday morninit Crawford.Kingston grim Phone Pici 1402. only 1.48.
s parents, H. and between 4.80 and 5 o'clock the 0, t. Don't miss it,
ad Mrs. Devitt Mr. Do- Studebaker touring car need for old. The best ye
Mrs. Nwhin.on Sunday. P 8, 2 woo a
is brother. Carl. conveying the Toronto Globe to R S L of Apply at Can•sift also visited b OR
ncksil"�:Tb. J
the nowedealers at plate On the 3&37 mirk
In Brou If as
Lsors and too, Clar highway east of Toronto, was 1004-
-W. ME -In Pickering
another, completeld destroyed by fire near TO RENT CH
C. ..: AlOce, and the former's mil too. How the fire origin- H Ov�,I so!.seven rooms. electric hgbt hard M so APMAN
Mrs. J. H. Rogers, motored from Dunbar
last week to visit ,ted is a mystery as It was well •"I"I water, possessocia given June Z6 Ist.
Apply to L D Banks, Bate
Ahe city one da
the letters, sister, Mrs. Savage, under way before it Was noticedTOPICS-Havingtaken over the
=.pr=.N..,fil of WU. She..I am
by the driver. The car a very,, N
Aad other friends. t Zr to do kinds of bay and straw baling •
Mothers' Da will be observed large one. was heavily loaded our H at
We Chce.Brougham 35
in St Andrew's Aunday School on the days issue, which was &I of Lobk- at
-2000 raspberry empeo,
there, entirely destroyed. Pickering SALE
Sunday next,when the mo getting its con- 03.00athousand. AltmaRoad. R.R. e
cordially I'D wag fortunate in F2R . . . Everybody else does.
And fathers too. Are- cc N . L Pickerua. 1-4 mile a orth of H311.
too Roo
vited to be present Let there be signment� but at points east the Kings o J.Posiboroush. had them in for Easter,buC
a good turnout to honor man's subscribers had to spend A Ter Turn it in on oneof our now models. We
what cougoT T,%ECORATING AND PAINTING- Id.but they are "rarlu" to 90 DOW.
-beet friend. lonesome day or get kyr a.of rint-ins didn'e sell many, it was so co
1_11 we ore ptepared to do all kil 7
next at St. George's ation they could from the other d 1. J.A.=I Steele Eldon
I ;a. Phone, 7 J
-Sanday a '36-37
Church: Sunday School will meet papers. The spot at which the Avenue,
Holy Comm l plainly indicated
Communion fire took place if VOR SALE-White Blossom Sweet is
at 10-00 & m.; Tanco oled Work Boots
11.00 a. w.; Evening Service at by the charred pavemeaL JL1 clever oeed. government standard No I at
at i 63 Goo. T
Z - winos. 1. - .., , :t,
W. &11 services on d&Z- 1. Phone e ismti�� "t Mennonite Leather.
7.80 P. Made by Williams Of fin
sbt saving time. Rev. D. H. BROUGHAM.
-11 SALE-Bav borse rising 10 FLRGULAR PRICE $COO
Langford will yeanold. Winsollchel A to Gen
officiww at all get- Mission Band will meet se U]siml FOR L= Nothing w
Jane, an the fans of Freak save like "PADCO
tim h;;ii.3 miles cast of Pleberive
Da seirviefog in St 01111 Saturday- still continues in .8
a Mm Duncan
as ere -
Paul's United &urch Sunday very unfatidactory state of health. 1-%UCK NGGS FOR SALB-Mam-
re on daylight saving t4goo: JLoPm9th ei�at rain. EUDO
next IN on Sunday Miss Brodie and- Mrs. Pecan Hatcbi= a $1 00 Per nine
46 and 1.7&
10.80 A. M., Rev.A. IL Black, Goo. Philip occonUmnied S.' Dobson, =;!vet=..::r'PbZ Pick 2314. 33tf "new line of Work Shirts to sell At 98c- L=
Splendid -fire
Anocia" minister of the Metro- of Oshawa,to Beaverton. d of t-cla"materials.
1politan Church, Toronto; 7.90 0 im, and faulift and r-NET OUR PRICES-09 new and Extra large aim SO
W %-A used farm machinery.cream UK,Ww
s,; Frank "to
go Miniaftr. subject"A Grant Malcolm, of Galt, spent Sun- wire fencing andgiates. It
A F"
Ambition, (food And Bw L r realtives here. w.F.Disney.Greece-
day with their
riAtill-ISM1110 by the choir.
All The urchasinc committee of the Z BAKER-Is prepared to
PM-P truck- g
Public Cibrary are ex"cte4 to meet GdBooplUokincill of local and long distance Announcin
-It was decided on Sunda library room on Saturday Able. If you want
Y At at the III even ns�bs Prit" . r Pbonevick 1403 a1
Hne:con*Wt him.
United Cb The arrival of something absolutely new,
St. Andrew's arch to ins to Alect books.
f Oscar Brooks,an old Brougham boy, 'Von SALE-0
',,leoldalliteservices bal an boar bestant mare,8 Yean
Thus Sunday agent for Chevrolet motor cars, i JL1 old,good drive rand saddle horse ;also a RIB OVE
man. Tholes o1d.both good bar- A CARPENTE
earlier that usual. Ant-clan Clydiesdole,%X
School will begin at 10-80 a. m-'s proving a successful salge Wf- a pockets in apron.
m gains. wiUischange for.daigi cow R. 2,
H separate -
from our sop
t Saving time, church ser- Philip has Just, A= Nerlicb, Map) F.A.�R With mail apron attached. gas f
purchased a car
daylight 33-37 Ask for It.. A knockout at
C I Don't fail to
vices at 11.80 a. M., and 7.80 p. Is. him,
These hours were PASTUP 9 TO RENT-Lot 2,con.5.
considered more The tragic death of the: little son
convenient for the farmer element of Clifford and Mrs. Hubbard has .'Pickerind,
1 7 1v to Bunting;
I the hearts of the en- Piekering,about 0 ac:re% well fenced
of the deeply touched gring creek and lots of isbade. Fred, To BuU Bstablished 1857.
cougrolgation. Dg a jury community. The little boy was Conno�,Pickering.or Mrs. (Y'Conuor.
-On Tuesday 'evemi ire commu box 31, Whitby. W37
into the a very bright and lovable child, and
lempanneled to inquire
Clifford Was greatly beloved by all who knew
-7' cultivator M-H,Melotte
machine. Turnip pulper.
Clifford and Mrs. Hubbard, of the
Sunday and week-end visitors ill- Gilmer,,Dunbarton 35-36
Town Hall, th following:
tragic death of Murray ,�im he sincerest sympathy is 'L-x- rnroller, Seed drill
Hubbard, the 3 year-old son of e parent.9 and friends. Cul
Brock Road,met in the To clue
owing: The Crocker fam
tent 9 OR SALE-Bar-
_ S U R A
to the
clu I
with Coroner Dr. Cartwright pre- Bert,Matthews BABY CHICKS F
ily and Mrs. Wbitter, s2o,00 per hundred,
siding, -witness of and family, with*L. and Mrs. Mat- -"-d Rocks.bred-to-lay. weekly thereafter.
The only eye for April 27tb delivery and wftkl
Mies Smith, Bruce
the sad occurence was Mis thews ;A. Wilson and family at Mrs. Also hatching eggs, 73 cents a setting. .... .
city friends -
'a and
12-year-old daughter of- Mr. Beer ds at B. Harvey's Ritchie.lot 13,con.3r Pickering. ' 93-42
Mrs. Smitl:4 who live opposite A. LittleJol- i's; Cecil Bate ATTERY CHARGING-Having
Bar evidence a familywith Miss Bate,the latter com pgnies whose rates UO the
chargin re-charge and
Hubbard's. and
Von in a �g� one To wicin I vi.. outfit I am Orepared to re
ear, A and 8 batteries for either cars Or
gi _ set obtainable
ie, ger�i all
a received visit in Port Hope; Miss Kate . H.E.Poynter,Whitevale. 28-40 low
goammer for which ob M
and Mr. and r&
Inch praise. She,testified that Mrs. Russ Brodie TORONTO WASH LAUN. t
.10 a. George WET. both VIR&P =d Fum
the car, driven by J. C. Philip, Fair, of Toronto, with Mr DRY mi finisb -Let our driver call and We insure
fora . service. just leave your
was going at a Tory gm explain 24
moderate Philip, the former remaining F.S.W.I avis, barber shop. We proportion.
rate, and that the child was Play- visit. name with
will pick deliver a times a week. without obl4wo
.:Ing with a dog by the elidill Of the Premium raites 916MY supplied
As the car came alongside, COURT REVISION ARM FOR SALf."_.OR RBNT-95
road. F ring.let*
a on to the rows And acres of land in lbt 12 con 5 Picke
..the child ra of water at.both flacee;;Wi j;�a buildings and
hereby given mediumfenm. am famed towilor notes INC
was struck by the car which PUBLIC NOTICE is her health. jamesM.dick.R.R.I.
Ire, Auto, Aocidecit,
-Mrs, I
knocked him down. The driver's, that the ant sitting of the Court ot =,Olrr 44tf INSURANCE
attention was detracted by the Revision of the Municipality Of the LB-00 ..BONDS--Goversment,Municlood, Oorpoiratm.
Pickering, for the re- p,!!TURE LAND FORSA Pt ties.
actions of*a dog which Was run- Township of Pielb ist M()RTGAGN LOANS on F rm Alnr
eut roil for 1928, no of 48 acres in tbA=put of lot
vision of the asses9m 3,in ibe Tow*&ip 0111 Two sprlinss6
to the whistle and in try ADALU Moo
�.�Zimff ul striking the dog he will be held at the Township Hall. =dle trecs,no boogy lApd. W outside Peaces.Ing to avoid
Brougham, on Monday, the 28th day P Pb if deWreC
ei-ffp,'RRkV== I"
did not notice the
be boy. This evi our of one L W-- P, 34-3
corroborated by Mr. of May, 1928, 'at the h ; W A R K E RUICE SaO
dance WAS G is
.,Philip. After cc afternoon 1W ARM FOR SALE-107 acres good
moldering the evi-I o'clock in.the
verdict Of which all persons interested
deuce rho Jury returned A govern &- I",adapted for Vain. dairying and is No. PICKERING
well watered,large ombard.
will please take notice and I for fruit gardening.
death, and exoner-
of Accident eirnselves accordingly,. form buildings. now 2 school and church,
sting the motorist from All blame. th Dated the 8th day-of May, 1928. MV4,con.3.pick".
1 29.with priv to Plow
Possession April let Wd 0. Bog 4a
Mc T county Crown o
• A, McGibbon, Donald R. Beaton. Apply to Mn. Imam Mc rad Piokering 4.
Attorney. was Present in the in- 'Clerk of the Municipality, KemdaH Avenue,Odwors. TelePholib
telvis� Of the crown.