HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1928_04_27 :a sw;;sx. c .V!,.,vs xvcM1p .asaw • •rrw a,ws s.�> ,rot,,v•. -y wM 77,+ , � -�vr-- . ms, »r gwx .
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-"VOL. XLV I1. PI CKERINGI, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 127. 1928 No. 31 .
ljttr� J*0&W"01 ag02rb4s. 4=een i�S McFAE"",--MUNRO OUNBARTON.
J94d4o l ■'' A quiet wedding- was solemnizes On Sunday afternoon at the Com- GREENWOOD
Saw XiU and Basket at the home of the bride's mother, munity Hall, Sunday School will be A.
�R.L.HOOEY-Physiolan and Sur. Mrs dames Munro, 10733 123 Street. held at 2 o'clock, and church service "'
Graduate of University of Tomato. �r Edmonton, on Thursday, April 12th, at 3. W. R. Sproule, preacher . « MLLS
' `
?gym cion.t'eoae> rx ia2a. si-a - at 1.30 o'clock, when Rao. K. C.
4# 14. FORSYTH, Oph.D.. Direotoj XcLeod united in marriage Mise Alice WEST Mlt.t. y
-�AL tzic.t Anocyitlaa of Ontario.Res. • Munro and Mr. James McF ne, BatabWhed 1885 ,4
ambtsef the t►medrart optomatrtta, Baskets opt all sizes formerlyof Claremont,, in the The services in Melville Presbyter- _
$ye. �•.,e;,,ee by appointment. ran Church commencing April 29th,
Claremont.Ont. ence of the immediate families..Aftter will be as follows:-Sunday School,
and descriptions the ceremony a buffet luncheon was 9.3(1 am., standard time; Morning
Legrst. served and Mr, and Mrs. McFarlane service, 10.50 a.m., standard time;]£. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and left on the afternoon train for their g 6.30 p.m., standard '
A•Setiritor.Notary Public Ete. Moneyy�t. at lowest prices home at Cut Bank Lake Farm,Wemb- Evening service, Ba'riey
oar. south wins.Court House. Whitby.& ley, Alberta. time.
(:}.BROWNiN(:}. S. O.. Barrla- -, Calt for Salle REED--HALLWAY 'DUNBaRTON. �IId Y '
ll ter.Solicitor.Notary 'ublic. Aa�a'filler. - "'�
tsswe�tiatel�r.enc of Pest Office.Hondas street. Mrs. Pizer has returnad to our '
Whitby. crouse prone ase, ,Otf cs photo 399. On Monday, April 9th, a quiet wed-
CHAS.A. WHITS. g was solemnized by Rev. M.Hum- midst again for the summer months. L
EATON # ROSS-Barristers, 80- hrey, of $carborn, when Miss Flor- We are sorry to report that Miss
sots xottLera Ontario Buildin ,ago $neee•ror to Iate Barnes Glenna Gilmer is ill with scarlet Wheat
stns t.i•costo. g Phone Mark 6429 ence Hallway became the bride of fever,
w,j Beaton. Harold G. Reed. The bride wore a We regret to report that S: Me-
X.D.F.Raw: Adelaide 7107 beautiful blue crepe-de-chine gown C9nachie is very ill and confined to t
Roofing Material I with hat to match, and the brides- hiW8
IOHARDSOI+F .& PIOgERIN4- maid, Miss Effie Reed,_ was dressed W.
Wm. Thompson had the iuisfortune •�
Sarristera, Sotidtors etc.. 913 914 Centel- w. ink lace dress. The m
f entiootdte Buiidiag. Corner Yo - 5 z British Columbia Shingles p� P groom to fall a few days ago and sustain in- - - -
waadsta,Toroato. hones Main 1 ., „ was assisted by Mr. A. White, of Highest -
weo. Pleisuina elate open wed ee.lar sad
ax Highland Creek. After the ceremony juries to his head.
Satatdary evenings phone Pic1c16600, icr NO. 2 8 and SZ "` the happy cuople left to spend their Miss :Anna•Allison is home again, ' N
Dental honeymoon in Niagara .Falls and having spent the winter over the
Rochester, N.Y., and on their return ocean, in Holland.
.: TORONT'O ASPHALT will reside at West Hill. About two inches of snow fell west prices
: BLAHE B. BBATON,MD. D. S., ROOFING of here on Tuesday night, thus fur-
Gradaatabt the Reral Coidge of Dental ___�_ ..
I�M-4 :i t' of Toronto. omn Murray's 18 in., ther. dela seeding operations.
.risid' -
Goofctio ery 82 in. anti 36 inch WNITEVALE. yang g !'
o�hours• to 12:Ito 06.30. sad pAooe widths, 4 in 1 Shingles; also - A number from here attended the .
Itbdl vboa•99e• � Metal Valley and A musical treat is in store for the oratory contest given by the,Contin-
Ridge Roll. residents of Whitevale and vicinity nation School pupils in the Pickering
40 7\TEIL 0.SMITH. D. D. 9., L, D.S. when on Monday 'evening, May 7th, Town Hall on _Monday evening, and
le Royal Cell to Dr J.N,Daler). Graduate of Material, Or will give price On the Malvern Choral Soviet of Ta were well pleased, white others re=
the University.
Cortege of larea!Surgeon and Taros. finished obs y' '
ee Uaiveraity, At Claremont office over D. A' j rontoi will appear in the United greeted their inability to attend,
stat'•more every Tae•dar and Fndayv Phone : ���,�;~!.a _" "� Cgrhaurch and present an attractive pro• g
C 0
Swus tall. 9T7I e. - .•a�F{aa,��, • • m of choruses, sextettes, guar- See Thieves and Bride rooms at t .
SRHBRT T FA LLA IA$. L D 9, tetter, solos and readings. This So- Greenwood May let.
D D.S.. Graduate of the Roysi College of �� Y ciety has appeared frequently in To- A Rood supply of Hard and Soft
pp�,y t and the University Pickering.Toronto. i ronto Coal on- hand. Alson supply °
t�ire.=-.J SBalsdon'sstore•Pickering.Ont. , and their programs have BTOUFFVILLE.
06e hour,: 9 a m.to 0 p.m., or by "My-t- alway8 delighted the audiences. In
neat. Phone Pick 3700, 1�1 of Hindlip Wood
T33�� �ININ41tAR8ET connection with the concert a dinner We understand that our Council has g
�usirsiteks 6a�r#�� will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. purchased a new dumping ground. stove length.
w We buy and sell, furnish quotations Admission to dinner and concert 60c., The Hockey Club are having their .12tf Phone Pick. 1705.
qq ELIZABETH RICHARDSON- sad information oo all Elated acrd children under 12 yeas;, 25 cents. Do armoal At Home on Friday even-
&M Firsaedattcomobileinsurancedall kinds. Unlisted Mining Stocks. not miaa'it. it�g of this week. DONALD MLTNR4.'PIOHEHING -
rtersamtiag Companies at rolfd financial stand. The Hydro financial statement for � BUR[gI J ArGHAM
las We will be pleased to advise Waal GREENWOOD Stouffviile operations shows a aur- In1
stocks to buy or to bold.or plus of over $2,000 for the year. •
What stock to sell.
�80Ri313 BB.a>Y-��Lfceaaed auction. Don't fail to attend ll[ra. F. (.. '
8 #7 y Bruce's sale for Mrs. Truman, of Church 9t., died
cd General i
aer• attended
err• .cora and general saa, C111ents are making anon b good furniture on suffered a stroke a few days ago, - ng,
���lrx aemd•d to Terms x•0111. k. R, followingour advice.
>R.O.Sioufiarl�is. Peoa+stoaslwtos. 61-4 Sunday. May 3rd. on Sunday last a4 the ripe age of 86 Estimates furalahed on all elaaaq '
-� Our long experience in raining, ex. The St. Paul's Dramatic Club will years. of work-Iat•rior and Extorior.
PO4 ALL. ILoaoaed A __ _..-
� • tee owesfas d 1'aa ud Oswadn���s>!A tending over a period of twaitty prtfaent their into drains The --
restfn![ The Stouftvil]e Bowling Club has. Alterations and repaba. ••
yuar•.allows rte W ive sound advice ganized with Jss. H. Ratcliffe as Chimneys Built Conerate Work.
few sales K til 1<tada is•a& Aso. Bashbul Mr, Bobbs," in the church or
srsssaa, adds+as 4sar. o.. ter, on the isvestment feeature of a min• here on Tuesday, May 1st, under the r
or the spe•ulatlwe fettur• of a pray- auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Do not secy.-treas. Dr. -Neil Smith 'as Phone Pickering 6718 `
D•111.sm•�TON TOWNSffiPOLMM restive mining venture. fall to hear it. It is fill of thrilling The Stouffville Council-sent a strong FAIRPORT, - ONTARIO
,� Asesea's•s.�,�w yds+ 80LLO W AY, MILLS A CO. and amusing predicaments, and if
pretest to the. Federal Gorernemnt QQ" //�� QQ -
erar�s ow Mari" Lr Members of Rtandard ndoy some hearty laughs against the closing up of the Sutton Q H � N l� L � f,7
aoasef' you do not e
Stook Rzahang•. over these, why-•see 'the doctor. St. branch line. -
''WM. MAW, LICENSED AUC• lltemb•n of the Montreal Paul's orchestra will supply the music A number of members of the Lib- :Nova Scotia SbinRlea
•' TIONZ= br yora,()newto"d n,�s,n Mining Szchange. �� acts. Everybody csme ant e� Club took the trip to Ottawa last -Galt Galvanized Steel Shingtas
�Ttma. All let &ad Dam le�a fo°'r��attaodsd OfBo•and Board Room.Ground Floor, bring a friend. Admission-25c., chil- week to attend the Canadian Liberal Bird's Pelt Slate Shingleel
Zara �•�v SO asd 0adapo Metropolitan Building, leen 15c. Convention. for sale of
nets« w>dcen Oa4 sh TORONTO, - ONTARIO -""~' The Markham Church-Choir of 40
- - Adelaide 6871 and 8872 GREEN RIVER. T. PATERSON'S - CLAREMONT
- Spring
voices intend to give a concert in __T m e Miss Dixon is improving after • Ratcli8'e Hall on May 4th, under the Call and get prices. Phone 8814
r• THE RURAL serione auspices of the United Church Choir. A f
Kra Wheaton Hagerman visited Noah Baker and-sons are"-busy mov- LL �
IS SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. friends in Detroit for a week. the buildings on the Wilson prop-
The football boys held a very suc- erty on Main street. They will tom* A R Q E l'Painting flirts Real arises and Insurance. eesduI :nesting last Saturday evening. m the construction on � opfe a number _
Farm Pro r"a Specialty. We are pleased to-report that Mrs. Mr. James McCullough, barrister,
Wm. Cowie is able to be out again. of this town, after two-'weeks' illness We are prepared 'to do all kinds'
Head OfBes:US-214 Ooatedwation A carload of Y.M.CJL protmoten of repairing of cars, also Use the best paint and get:the bat-
Life$uUding.Torvsto. from Toronto were is our burg last � Gbtood-eneral Host tali ed n Tueesday tory g
best results. Phone Mala 1860: week-end. last He was burled in the 'family. charging,
rg d electric
welding and in fact
' Our popular buyer and seller, T. -: everything in too-
Bmach Office: Gordon Building. Williams, L kept very busy in the plot at Goodwood. er thi with
Hraadram-Sesderson's Psinb ani Pickering Oetaric. stock line. car work.
Varnishes,Lacquers and Shellacs Phone am. 2kf A number of corloads from Toronto See Mrs. Wiggins and Obadiah
b Mee gaYou will
bGive,them. trial.
were at ilson'a Parti last week-end Stump at Greenwood.,May 1st,' Gas, Oils, Grease -and Accessories
delighted. rmB TLBL.IIr-ri•kwtas etamoa to select their camp site for the sum- on hand constantly.
Also, Yaresco in all the colon, Oils T.A. Traiaa gig"a..1 sae se f•ibtia -Mer. BROUGHAM.
Tarps and General gardware. No. 10 Hari 7.68 A M. Toronto viaitars--last weA were. - Call and see our Catalogues of
98 La•al 13.44 P.X. Mrs. Alph. Hoover, Mrs.J. B. Wilson, J. Moore and T. French are Dodge and Star Cars.
Phone 4x00. " s0 Loeai 6.25 P.X Herb and Mrs. Percy, Mr.-o Wm. Cow at present working at Fairport. - --
'' Sunday train, 8,88 A.M, ie, Mrs. Elias Bice,'an8,Mrs. Sheard. Miss Eva Hood spent the week- LAWS
A�fQ /'r , p , �L''
ALVIN BUSHBY T N ns _tlMag�;at ,due as foUaws- end s. .Alfred and Mrs. Le turned irl"s• r.7 <.i/'litllVi:r
v i 90 9.82 A.M. Do you enjoy t good laugh? Thea Mrs. M. Hamilton has returned ,-��S��CE E,1,ATI0_Y
"-.-f -Loess- r-2.44 P.M. seethe Painfully Bashful Mr. from.Oshawa where she has been _ =--` =
PWXBRING •" 9 Nail 9.06P.M. Bobbe, Greenwond, May 1 Thin Russ Brodie family, of Torun- s s
Sunday train, , L32 P. M. '
' tForegoing is according to Standard AUDLEY. to, visited Mrs. Geo. Philip on Soh_ ,
Thrifty Hol wives time. day Springtime
Will'gnickly recognize the unprece• The cold late spring is giving rare Miss Wood,' of Pickering,is' as-
dented values now offered in Congol• CLAREMUNT wheat and seeds a rough deal. silting_Mr. Holmes in his store at Ig
earn Gold Seal Rugs at the new lower. Fred Woods is at present with rela- present.
than-ever prices,prices that offer G`REAMEiRY / tives in the State of New York The friends of Mrs. Duncan are tremendous savings. Only a few acres of seeding have hoping that she may soon recoverKOa Time"
Patterns-The new 1921! range ie the been put in on the higher ground. from her present ilingss.
most beautiful yet shown. William West has gone to the city Our young men, who are on an ex- _
Highest price paid for and is employed in construction work. tended motor trip, are reported to.be _
IMPROVED QUALITIES' Cream at the The hog market has been trying at Atalntic City this week. ��-
The new Multicote Surface in the the patience of the farmers for some The W. M. S. of St. John's United SEE IIS
greatest improvement is years--long. GTelaOat Creamery time. Church met at the home of Mrs. Lem-
W wear is builtrigbtintoaodthrough• Chwrk, Puckrin has purchased con- mon on Thursday afternoon, About a moder up to date
out the thick long wearing surficee siderable wire for new fences this Fred Cassie and familR spent Sun- $tank and,Brewais
As you know Congolenm Gold Seal Give no*trial and be convinced spring. day a new Mrs,with his parents in Agincourt, C
�• lWge are all guaeaateed by the Gold Squire
ear, butaare anxiouslhave y waiting healthCisof lliter., having been in poor Brownies 2.2V �p -
8ea!on satiateDAU delivery. Thos. Paterson, of Claremont, has M r.
Note these lower prices: �s=Q Q Harry Wade has been malting stock jirst received a large consignment of �DdakB �.W �
purchases in this vicinity and paying wood shingles which be is offering p
1312 sin formerly 15.50.'now 18.b0 �_ fairly good prices at a reduced price. Call and'see them ,
SIO} +� 1&25, 14.. 11.75 Br'Oce Ritchie found his bones near or phone 2818, if it isn't all Zia iia n it ;
fi�T} l�i.50, S b0 For Pastry flee � the Rouge. Apparently they were on On Monday evening the Y. P. S. isuit A Koasis -
o .7.50, 0.75 a trek to the ciV, too. meeting was beld in the hall with
!z3} •• 5.50, " 5.00 Our Royal Brand The members at the United,Churcb Mr. Beer in charge. He also coatrtb We &W do �
We are now selling Imperial Floor J Board here attended a meeting of the uted an excellent paper, the subject
Wax a wa: that b hard to beat .': A your @rover's. Board at aft. Paul's qn Monday even- beim, "Making the Beat of One's
for gloss and hard wearing surface ' . ' 1ng Self.' Developing
s Farmer's who have wheai�, q your James Ravey was in Oshawa this Seeking the Strayed". Next Mon- -
float made from yonrowll► week looking for employment. He is day eve it would ;give us great pleas-
����' wheat. We eau engaged in day work on the farm at ure for you to allow your height to. ..-CF!f Y
• A. grind it. present. measure. Five cents for each foot
Congratulations are coming t4 and every inch over we'll charge you - Enlarging
Fnrmiturs.Dealer and - Feed of all kinds-Chicken (feed. Misses Muriel and Margaret Westney a copper, and then it's all over. A _
Funeral Director ben feed, chop, milli on their wins in the oratorical con- delightful programme and a
quer-Miss Margery Annan came tion bureau. A tasty lunch and Es . C. Jon m' ,`p • Be
i'y y� "' withal a point of tying for first place a good time we assure you. Brougham f
assay ' e Qnd also. We wonder where our boys get Y.Y.S., April 30th, 1928, at 8 p.m.,
gt =1 3W. ���CVV00= off in the talking Line? in the Y.P.S. hall.
Druggist Pickering \
..,r._.,. _._- __.-' --_• t s••.:;; �,} -.. .r. _ .....•�..,.;...�.. ..yam..,-"'+a•--.�^.' �,._;.., ^per+`~.^'
C e :. :r r , .. , .�. •,:q••s :. .. .,. .v ' .,<: r. arA,;. ,a, gx:e .w R'."' ":�, ., a. M"•:*5T .v! 'r��' ,�,
P„ n Y. �.fir. �. �, ,. xy K -!' A 4N .... '. L:,' M ,.�.^,-:5- •�•
py� ..,i.i�a.'•5� t+s.,t 'tea. 'nt...r ., sa-� v%Vs'D-.-T r._. ..,n t. ,, •. t. ,�, .., .,,,.. v;. y:,, .:.�' <a'�� a.�.`•. �.'�.* -'t• � -.• "'+.- ',s7•f.. ],'�,"-•�`'�.... °7< �'sz
.��,,,r•• ..�''+ .,. � .�,F�^:. .,,r... 4�v., ?'�•. �,. , ..?" .�.,,"�. _�', ..v. •.,t:k i_, x ,�'..,y� ^.:'� moi,^'". .� .'3�'."/,,.
K•." , ..i',4.��., . • ...,.,:+' � ' s••s,•1,.,. u. ."`..+u ao•+",i,.+Mr ry:'.',,. :...:..st,'r'fir " .. , 'i.s .L'`?^.4 ,..'"iv. •�W: .;L ^ d• �ev+'r J », z.-csv.
;'•• - - �' '�,"•�..•.: _ r"'--1 ,•may-^ .
Hard -- - -Year Round Delicacy on Tap 'St range.cJtreams •
Underground Rivets 'Are
_ .
sew of the Sir James Clark " _.' Found in Originate it, _
Ross Tells of Streliuous _ v
AdV j.• Three aye'
en>Eures in the Ant ;f i
8lCL1C W.lth th0 One of na�ture'6 oddities L the
_ - undo and rive , of which
t'gY'o s man>►
Harpoon _ i have been found beneatabr the Untied
- States.
Streams, under the earth's
fe on.a whaler in titre Antarctica,! surfa,oe arise in three differs
described vividly by members of aa'^ I One of there is by water seeping
e crew of the Norwegian steamer thhrough limestone rock and running
8tr James Clark Rosa, which arrived fi� r•
recently in New York from the bottom under the stuface, to emerge some
distance away- Charles P. Berkey,
the worts with a large cargo of Professor of Geology anti Mineralogy
hale 'IL-" _ ! { at Columbia University, says that "the
The vessel, whose home port is the 1
lsndergTound waters move tibTough
tUe town of Sandefjord, not tar from <,
� . �I the fractures and saints of the .rock
Oslo, has just gut in several months , r +r .s...` .,.� . .' - and gradually dissolve some of !t,
is the Rosa Sea, which Commander making in this way more and more
' rd will erose to reach his base for •1.Collectind the sap out of the buckets attached to the trees, room for the Sowing water. . . . This M
South ole flight. She is a sturdy 2,•-A dugaring party indulging In 'the frolic of testing. kind of action- forms eaves, many of
` craft. 470 feet long, aad having a Every season has.its joys,. but !n. which-the syrup and sugar are pre- which are extensive indeed." '
linage of $,224. Her single funnel Eastern Canada the spring brings not!pared, The first process, ,that Of tap In manw limestone regions small
buff and black and her soIld Vow !ping the tree, which is usually done ,streams developed on the surface have
a : Bauble plated; The paint has been only the warmth bearing breezes and li just higher than tits snowline, about disappeared into the ground-
warmth Sub
ped off her aides by the tireless pleseaht reminders of coming summer[three or four feet above the ground, is terranean rivers are also formed in
S of the ice, and great irregular activities, but also the actual maple performed previous to the arrival of sandy and' gravel to reappear fu
splotches rise upward from her water- sugaring time which' demands great the visitor. away,
but on deck she is neat and ship' attention immediately following the The method 9t tapping is•to place - T'he third a ay in which under-
�lyshape. Unlike one-legged Ahab of melting of the snow. I the=receiving can on the. taps, thus ground rivers take form,.according to
"MobT Dick." the men aboard her For the purpose,of giving everyone allowing the sap to drip into them, Julian D. Sears of the United States ), —
- --- +basting-a gingfle n opgurtunity-ta Vafticipate--sate en= ttli alt cans being proyerly protect-
ng Geological Survey, is disclosed in dis-
- bulous sea monster. They brought joy to the frill the pleasure parties fed against L unsanitary ' and foreign tricts "where large areas have been
x is 48,000 barrels of oil This neons usually organized into the maple tree submerged by lava which is likely to
substances. On sugaring parties the
' Iseats a kill of more than 600 'whales. districts, the Canadian -Pacific oiler- members taste the maple sugar deli• break up on cooling in such a way as
I'The crew of the Ross said they saw ates trains covering we periods. encs by taking a stick, placing it in to be v'erT permeable, In some of the
s" IIl�ore whales this year than ever be' The visitors go into the maple bush the boiling syrup. and then
'letting it lava�overed areas the water sinks as
an¢ see . the details of collecting harden and cool in the partly vanish• rapidly as it does in limestone and 814
f The Start of the Ross' Trip the sap, boiling it, and the method by ed snow. tends to follow ,the preexisting
r - "The Rome left Norway 1n August. -- streamwaps and eventually to
)as she does every year," a;id one of south of New Zealand, but this year! emerge in large sprtype, Under-
sr sailors a bloadhatred desecend :did not meet,tt•for nearly a,thousand� Sheep GOW Own pasture ground streams of this type are found
t of the Vikings, "and steamed for miles. in Iraho, Oregon and California.
} London-Grana growing on the A CHARMING ROCK F'OR TUN
s Antarctic via the'Panama Canal. it.is the.ice that causes tt:e w'halingI backs of sheep-is the latest form o1 I''hese rivers are often traced by r
k he made taco stops. The fi'r'st was ship her greatest difficulties. Even mixed farming in tb4s country, following sinkholes- depressions chap I
n New Zealaad, where she took on ilk calm weather 3t grinds and scrapes This freak of nature 1s reported ed like saucers with holes !n the bot- The attractive novelty silk crepe
1 cal, and the second was at 13tewart against her aides and frequently be- from Copton .Hall Farm. Beams- tom. Sometimes underground river! model pictured hese (style Na
? land, The latter is s small !eland comes so heavy that the crew has to .grove Rorcestermhire. where the wear away the earth and rock above 914) ie one of the season's
00 miles further south. It has 240 in- disembark and cut a way through it them and make their subterranean
backs of sheep, which for some smartest frocks. The long collar
a abftanes and its only Industry is the with picks and ice axes. At other month's had been grazing near a I courses visible. They may be traced�and front panel are of contrasting
jaistng of sbeep. There she took on times the safety of the vessel has been! - when Invisible by pun d coloring
haystack, were found to be green. material and give the mach-desired .
$resh food and pushed her way south menaced when a high'wind has turn-I Examination showed thin was due
matter in them, uranin dye being slenderizing linea• There is s shirred
�a►ard the roe. ed the floe into a grinding mass, to the germination of Braes seeds r adapted to the purpose. Last year. inset at each side of the frost. tucks
"It is within the ice that the Ross which at times seem almost to shave, which had fallen from the hay- (near Manchester. England, an y wa•• at the shoulders, and long slerves
ground river traced !n Lhia Ray was ;gathered into wristbands. Sizes Be,
-Moes the actual whaling. She !s ac the force to crush her heavy aides. stacks on their backs T"a COII found to be more than at 'miles
,Qmpaaied by live small Steamers, salt Horse and Hardtack dauous wet weather, coupled with l38, 40,Size
44, 46, re and y Inches
h about 117 rept tons, or about the Monotony of diet is another hard- the heat of the animals' bodies. long. bust Size 38 requires 8*� yards 8a-
"' life of a tugboat, These are known Big Lake, Arkansas, is one of the inch. or 234 yards 54-inch material.
The D ship we call ship faced by the whaler. Only a had caused the meed to sprout• beat known outlets of underground Price 20c the pattern.
the whalers is D limited 'amount of fresh food can be T�'heiher the sheep are to be rivers It to supposed that this lake 1 game sewing brings nice clothes
e '?ffbalcookery.' Aboard th bis ship the carried on the vessel and the whaling' trained'to graze off themown backs-._�ii coaneaction'wI the 3ILINSIPPt
are cut up and boiled down _ within the reads of all, and to follow
men are forced back on the -salt' is not stated. as it Asea and
falls with the ebb and the mods is delightful when it can be
� as to set the whale oil." horse" and hardtack of calling-SbIP',I flow of the river The mea in the small_ships are the days They seek to relieve this situ• hundred whales and was'carrXtug 76,-� done in easily and economically In Our
at whalers,
and during the time ation by trytng new sorts of food of• 'd �� following the styles pictured to our
000 barrels of. whale oil when she i new Fststsfors Book- A chart acaom-
at the veaaed !s within the Ice they tiered by the Antarcifc.
Fish they;struck a reef outside of the harbor of I Two Chosen to panyir.g each pattern shows the -me-
sad a life of extreme tardship. On have, which they can often catch in Stewart Island. Fortunately most of �� the ala ��d � ,� ag
it appears when cut out
_ e way down sad back they are pas plenty, and they also try penguin eggs the oil was salvaged. w Every detail is explained so that the
leugers and have nothing to do, and and whale steaks: The former are j Bost of the returning whale shtps % rt C
lar, but the latter are inexperienced sower can make without
- IheY are idle liltis Che rest of the what- not very RoRi3- _ tell tat'encounters with ice, *a aC SLudGIits grit Long difficulty an attractive ares P c
men for the three months of the considered palatable, esPec3ally.: - J I of the book Joe the copy.
� ugyrner while the vessel 1s refitting they come from a small whale. -" --' Taking Opposite
Out while the whaling to going to they "The steak -should be cut about An Enterprising Citizen. Directions -
iaork tirelessly, They are constantly -'µ'hat are yule doing with that red Write your name and address plain• -
thirty or forty lnehea_forward of the IT, giving number• and size of Snob
` 'exposed to wind and weather and tail," said a sailor on the Roes, "or, lantern.'' Tokyo.-Two young men of sJpan,
metimes go days and even weeks in other words, just aft of amidships. ••Oh. I just found it. Some careless patterns as yon want, Eacbes 20e in
F one traveling east, the other west, stamps or coin (coin TreferredI wrap
- li7h' only a few hours of sleep. They In that case it-!a •likely to be very allow . lett-1t beside a hole. in .the left Tokyo early this month for a race 1 it csrefplly) for each number Sand
ro, however,,extremely wail paid. g�-" road." around the world I address your ander to Wilson Pattern
A single gunner-•the man Who alma . The experiences of rbc Sir James i. - _ . "'� They will be allu.wed $1,500 apiece'
tires the small mortar which hurls Clark Ross' are about the same as I for the journey; only regular trans-!6eiti rn i 3 We-6t b Adelaide St.,Tornntw
cavy harpoons loaded with dyne ,Inose of other whaling ships. Sixteen Mr. Hangaff-'�Vhp, no. Whatever I nation lines may be used; in car- Patterns tent by return mail. ..
to-makes frequently as much as members of the crew of the wrecked put ninth an Idea inard head P' . Maob- ttain•defined cities, city halls, embas- 16 Rules Of Health.,
he captain of 'a transatlantic liner. C. A. Larsen-a steamer of 13,000 tons, by-"Ya did. I heard his may to Ma
adeed,according to the sailore-on ttte- the largest -in the 'service-returned u-nttle while ago, 'I guess Lifll get his sies and press association offices must 1-Ventilate every room you OCCUPY. .
tr James Clark Rose, there is a came be visited; the trip mdbt be completed ._Wear light, loose and porous
on the Ross, and they told how fhelr scalp to night. She's gone urs t'pul withiri a fixed.minimum of time, and
f a gunner accounting for 615 whales vessel had killed more than eight her war paint on'." the contestants must wear blue serge clothes.
a'stagle season and making=50,000. - - ---- suits and felt hats. 8-fleck out-of-door Occupations and
The_Gunrae r Work The -contest is under the auspices recreations.
_ Norwegians Aid Canada's' Development il.-Sleep out-ot•doors It' you can. "
A gunner on the Rove described of• the Jiji Shimpo, a Tekyyo daily 5-Avoid overeating and overweight.
the method of working; ,,, newspaper, -and is undertaken with B--Avoid excess of high protein foods. - :
oat tries to creep up as Close a of ascertaining .just how
"When the whales are sighted
hem �� � � the hooch as meat, fresh foods, eggs;
.. rapidly the world may be circled by such
also excess of salt and highly sea.
bs poss4ble. Tibia, is a ticklish bugi• .:' `` existing means o1 transportation. soned foods.
aa it !a necesary to get within Linton Wella, at present;holds hte fathoms betote we can fire._We ;-Eat some hard, 'some bulky, some
Frecord of having gone around 'the raw foods daily.
to fire at the 4hale's heart, and x world in 28 days, 14 hours and 36 8-Eat slowly and- taste Your. food.
- —' frequelitly four or live shots •are minutes and no effort will be made _8-Use sufficient water internally!
asecessarY. N to break that record, since It was
s �, , and externally.
F "The harpoon weighs several hun- r achieved by the use o1 special air- 10•-Secure thorough intestinal elininqq
"Vred pounds and to the end of it is !t planes and special private mesas of ation daily. - .
red. Close to the harpoon it is rather °K j
i `Uttaehed a heavy cable. This is_tsP �'e � travel- / -Stand, sit and walk erect.
New 'ork, London•, Parra; Berlin '12-� not allow poisons and lafeo•
thin, but it soon becomes heavier, and Moscow must be touched. . The
tions to enter the body.
r 'having a maxi clrcumterence of �Y '�' Jiji believes that the trip will acquire 13-I{eep•the teeth';•Bums aad tonsue
y live inches. Naturally this weighs -� about'35 days,and that the man going. clean.
i considerable, and is the reason why eastward will have the advantage be- '
i 1, A group of Norwegians photographed i4--`Fork, play, rest, and sleep to
the gun has such extremely short - - cause of flying conditions moderation..
,:range.' after having spent a few years 15-Breathe deeply; take deep-breath-
Ae_ soon.as the whale ..is killed It fir Young girl dressed in the costume The trip must be made for not more
typical of her'native country. 55 than $1,500, which the Jiji Shimpo _ -tug exercises sveral times a day.
'is pumped futi of air, hq said, and will pay, This will pertnit first class 16-Keep serene and whole-hearted.
w marker_in the of a tall pole ter a ort ta�enf as-that o1-L1te.Neison,500' Brig roughly e.ai are o1 Norwe
_-- - — By introducing into Canada such win.1500,000 ro _
wvith adistinctive flag 3s=placed on it- _ in. The annual average -in.,+accommodationillbei everywhere. The wis-
p-- van a prize of $1,500,
Then the whaler aces after the neat brothers in ski-jumping, and others in flux of-irtrrn#grants from Norwegian I Her will be given
} 1
one. When enough have been killed figure skating, Norwegians have_�yonIPorts,is 5,000, the majority travelling and the loser one of $500 provided,ho+ 1
iCtte are-.towed back to the main ship much favor and esteem.in the.eyes of by Canadian Pacific ships to• Quebec returns to Japan within a specified 4 ►fir
�or reducing. This must.be done fair- Canadians. and 11IOntreI In the summer, and St. time Ryu
Ry soon, for a whale lett too long in - Nels Nelsen, , C.P.R. brakeman, John,
e£sPle splendidly equippedn-the winter. forthis ki hhe Matsui, an contestant alumnus
of Keio
_ � water swells up like a balloon and created''a world's•record in 1925
Shiba, Tokyo, and the east-
8poils. Revelstoke, B.C., in making a success- purpose and song .as many e, 300 Munk
The life of the whaler- is not only ful leap, down the mountain side of immigt ant passengers at a time,.can- bound contestant Toichiro Araks, lac-
*xditing'but dangerous,-for the whale 240 'feet, a distance that has not yet siderably exceeding the capacity Of Y kohoma Higher School managementTeehnol-
ometimea becomes infuriated 'and been surpassed. His brother 4*1n l other lines.
urges. As a large whale is 150 feet Nelsen,. created the record for the Th.e settlers travel from OsIO and ala•ates fr0mFlall�walks of from
ife many
long and can attain a'speed-of twenty Quebec jump this winter in making I Christiania by the 'weekly service of whom.had..neYer been abroad be-
$nota he can do considerable damage. 114 feet, a highly creditable perform {Steamaitmshlp Linetto- llull, sac ossllerfian vEng- fore and were immediately rejected
"A charging wbale has enough force ante on that particutar-•jump. I on that account.
�ta smash right through the-plates of At Banti and Quebec and other win- ai the London and North East. ,
one of these email boats," said the tetr _spent centres in Canada, Nor Iern Railway, and embark at Liverpool. She..
I thought this place was
'gunner, and Feniarked that once ori weginna, as amateurs and Pr C.I'.It. trains run from Quebec always crowded?" fie-"It•usually-is' `
the coast of Africa he bad, seen a ale, have contributed much to native througts to Winnipeg
for distribution between seven and eight, but I believe
7. mall boat sunk. figure•skstkrg talent,-- They have un•-',of the irsinii;r;tnt t throughout tcestern
the men on the doubtedlp shared in the training of-Canada. in coming late to avoid the rush that "What`did Jack mean when nt told _
}. 'Phe life led by a comes early to avoid the rush." you he and I were engaged tentative-
another ship, though less vigorous, Is the -outstanding Canadian skaters, The Canadian Pacific maintains ` —�- ^�
orwogililrlVicious criminals get too much rope "� ri lie said, if he married you
yatrenuous. This year it was relative- many o1 whom have won great distinc- agencies 'tor the sen fee is t tale- on hia�alary you'd have.to live In •
Hy easy, or the Ross countered ex tion in international and world tom I sund,ive `Bergen; Oimmigrants
lo,iStavang r Aand of wrong Hort and too little of right
- ceptionally good-weathahe usual- Detitione. `
qy encounters ice about 06 miles out. of Canada's population of 9, Ttpudhjen+ _ - - - -
'x N:. . �� 'Cm�3f�9'l�jN••�'�`/xRA"•Y '`�'� :. s. )!F�y,'�y,,m�'.4'�u'a:�-j�P•.ry-,4�'�41+. �i'. ro..'Gy�'. J-!�. ry"+� v � '..Yf"JS`f�%e• W�„am.,nr �,r:'w, '''�'�i-v"`ty'•T..t
kp.,. 1sa. 9iad. y ud s: �i.nw �'Ra;nr.+ a `, ,e SA.. 5• a u a�i.°z e: � K mac[. r'& -"'.
•.:; ... ,„-.:tea.�"+ .•r;•�'a•:»r-a. R zanl...*,r�}, 'r*fax. -...,,r,', ,•... -•y „„ .....�-:. .`�:• �;e, :'wen. ��;'"ia,. ^ua, :.,F.. "�„,'. w',�, ,;. y
Y ti• �
r __ ,-
.. NN■■//�'��ll,�N* FOR' - - - 'I�e-Fall of David -
` NG i i` i Ol•
Los Angeles Times.-The Prince of -B fro
Wales to an.attractive- 'and gkllaht
young, man of thirty-four pleasant oases Ayp.araaoe .
summers and twenty-six hart} falls. In �:' ThKy keep it loan �
-, lnlde and peeves! - .,;. ,•
___ -_ O.HI:L..•- t two of the falls some bona boards.
ruaaing- _
at leas
Indigestion Dis4ppeais When-the AGN WffH UWGMTER) Were broken,'but the Prince goes
taking risks. He has had as high as
-Blood is Enriched Of the high cost 9Y Irving I ilea: men three falls in a single day and iu one - ► 4 s�'�p pLAT S ► e .
complain case he won a daring and dashing _
The most -urgent need of all who • I cannot refrain from replying: cross-country race after he had sue Ask Your Automobile Dealer to show
buffer from any form of indigestion is "It is still somewhat.cheaper on earth you the New Models or write for list
a tonic to enrich the blood, Pain and twined .a couple'of bad spills. The $ p
to remain; Prince does as much venturesome rid- u�'� press Foundry , 2388 Dundas 9t West
' distress after.eating is the 'way the For just think of the high coat of ing as any man in the Empire and he -Ltd Toronto, Canada.
stomach shows that it Is too weak to -dying.". takes his..tumbles .with., better, grace
- perform the work of digesting the and cheer than any of them. Tom patriots and Suckers l�dOerfeII7eIItf
food it takes. New strength is given If a man will talk, you can size him Mix would have a hard day in follow- New York World.-It has been rath• Orli-HAVE YOUR OWN BUSIa
.` "
-to weak stomachs by Dr. Williams' 'up quickly. Ing the Prince. The.English races are er convincingly proved recenttly'that NESS-earn bis bonuses, Writs
Pink Pills because they purify ant?-en- . Johnnie Rapp gazed delightetdld at a bit trying. In the Grand Rational Standard Company, Box 601, Toronto.
rich the blood. This accounts for the his- stunning -date. as she' gracefully steeplechase only two horses finished the two organizations o Patich have - -.
speedy-relief in stomach disorders descended the stairway. His heart out of forty-three starters. Try that made the loudest claims t0 patriotism iao4t>gG A]MD srolsAOH.
are rotten to the core. We refer to
ilial follows the use of this medicine. beat violently as he realized that all on your harmonica. HILL THE MOVEN-PIONEER Dis. rx
the Thompson gangs, with their cry jl TANCE movers of Canada Largest
The value of this medicine in-cases of this beauty was his. Charmingly, she _-.;�=- r . ... _ ,
of America First, and the Knights of poesy padded van. New Equipment.
• indigestion is shown by the,case of stood before him and whispered, ���i Safest methods. Two experienced mea
Mrs. George W. Johnson, -Lequille, "How do I look, dearest?" WHY TORTURE the Ku-Klux-Klan, with their insist- every trip. All loads Insured. Beyond
once that they are the guardians of compare or skill and care. Before you
N.S., who says:-"I have no hesita- . "Sweetheart," he murmured, as he T move, write us or wire and reverse the- J.
.,tion in recommending_ Dr. Williams'I took her in his arm*, "y.ou look mighty - THE j fj ONES 100 •per cent. Americanism. Is !t a ehargea Head office, Hamilton.,Ont,►r1a
Pink Pills. 1 was greatly distieased good to me." j jl LITM 1 LL mere coincidence that these two con. Canada. Hill the Mover.
with Indigestion: Always after eating I "Don't let your impressions mislead spiracles against law and order and I TY>!>BWa.iTll:Ir�CSlsas�a
suffered frompains in the stomach you," she breathed, snugglflSg closer. - human decency should have made the
fano other dlaCFesaing symptoms. 1 I Mothers, do you think it fair to tor- most brazen use of the American flag? Y OU CAN BUY A NEW UNDER-
ate for
lure your little ones by forcing them WOOD for e a month. Write"for
(tried different remedies, but without ,lam--"Knowledge Is better than It !a no coincidence. . , The swind• Booklet on "Little L'nderwottd" for the
getting relief. I was advised by a'wealth." to take ill-tasting oils when they need ler who wraps himself in the flag or home-fifty-five dollars. Underwood, Is$
friend to try Dr. Willlama' Pink Pills,ii a laxative medicine Don't you find victoria Street Toronto.
. . � i Tem-"Yes; I know, but I'd rather puts on the mantle of,the prophet is
:which I readily did, and I am feeling that the child's dread of these med!- very often able to hypnotize his vic- ROs QUALITY CLANS A CffiOSb
have the inferior article."
cines often do more harm than goody Brom healthy heavy layers of large eggs.
3 1very grateful ever since'to the person - time with sacred words while he picks s C. English White Leghorn, Ancone.
"A forty-dollar•saddle on a twenty Baby's Own Tablets are the mod- R
' who. gave me. the.advice. .,The very}; their pockets. - Rooks; oda' and-'Assorted ohiekes e,0'.-' -r---=-
�first box helped me and before I had I dollar hose" looked silly; and that ern substitute for these nauseous _r _ reasonable prices. Also pullets. No
� ken a half dozen boxes I was re-. doses. They are the very medicine money down, Pay Lull amount ten days
•a may explain-why a college boy doesn't Minaret's Liniment for Backache. before chicks are shipped or C.O.D. ~*
ktored to my former good health and wear a hat. the child requires and are so pleasant Special discounts. loo per cent• live de-
fall traces of this distressing trouble to-take that they are as easy to admin- livery postpaid. Catalogue free.
disappeared, It 1s now about a year aster as a glass of water. They are - Car
Monoxide Dangers Bos 8atohery, seelaad, such, a No. sC.
Since I took the pills, and I have not If a fellow stays more than ten min- the perfect.remedy for all the minor New York Sun.-(Surgeon-General
utea 1n a.phone booth- while others ailments o1 little ones, bean absolute- r ARIES RANTED-TO DO PLAIN been troubled with indigestion since. g Cumming says that those who use the L and tight sowing, at home, who
1 have taken every.occasion onto since.
(are waiting he deserveds the wrong ly guaranteed free from Injurious sidewalks are In no.danger of carbon or spare time; good pay; work sent sny
numbers he gets, drugs. monoxide poisoning). But 1t this fn• particulars.
chargee Paid. Bend stamp for
-mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to those I particulars. National Manufacturing
n need of a medicine and shall con-1 Baby's Own Tablets accomplish all Co_ ontreal. .
Their Strange Habits. veatigatfon showed to be almost negli•
ainue to do so." g that castor oil and other bad-tasting gible a danger which often has been
A little booklet, "What to Eat and Spring, summer, autumn and •,later- remedles can do. In fact they accom- discussed it revealed another and
more or less come and go every I plash more as they do not leave the real one. Samples of air taken in re-
;Oow to,Eat," will be sent free to any- 'year,year,
e asking for it. You can get the1111 child exhausted from its struggle pair shops- and garages In fourteen Edge-Holding So"la from any medicine dealer or by ot only In Springfield, Massaebusetts against taking medicine. They re- cities almost uniformly showed more
at 60c a box from The Dr, Wil• but all'over the country, we lieve teething pains,• banish Indiges- Fast EQs -Cu4fkt
;hear than two parte of carbon monoxide to / y g
-jiams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont, tion and consItpation, break up colds lo,000 parts of air, and nearly halt the �������
-Springfield: Mass.. lrut011. and simple fevers and promote health-
samples showed twice that proportion.
ful,-refreshing sleep. They are sold In such proportions carbon monoxide SAWS
An elderly millionaire proposed to Spring, summer, autumn and winter by medicine dealers or by mail at 26c
is pretty girl. "Think."bink," said the old come each year to-practically constitutes a hazard.
a box from The Dr. Williams' Med!• . IGtaaranceedbeeausernede
• (gentleman, "of the motorcars and all of States. cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Doctor-"You say you have dread- Isom otar own seed
'pearls and saddle-horsea a rich-hus- But out here in Newark, Ohio. we now --- - --- ful pains-are they.worse at night?" a[wo�oeG" °a SAW CO.Aso•
band could give you'." The girl look- and they feel that they- have • atle t _ "Probably - but I cannot g�„v�`',pec,■•,
John Chinaman P n
- "°_ • 'pert-at--him critically, and with some mixed their dates. - tell." Doctor-"Why not?" Patient- Te"o"'TO A ♦ -
amusement. "Oh, a rich father would ltewark, Ohio,.Advocate. • ••I am 'always- asleep thendr esrss
_ado nasi as well," she said. "Marry - Gets More Privilege,
�m►mma".Site's a widow!" Spring. summer, autumn and stater •
come by and visit,us,@very year
as n rule New Jobs Are Given To -Na- An Unsightly Sk"
'we se, without fear of successful fives in Shanghai From Burns.
Corrugated Iron
And, Y
I- contradiction the.iatter part:ot Which Formerly They Ne"sThis a prra Mlnards Lenime,it
June is Quite ,cool mixed with awes oil, on brown
d '
_ Were Debarred
ASK FOR - "It is worksag marvels with me,.. wrote paper and covert Injured parts.
- WHEELER 6 9A I IV - "Ie Edna dumb"' - - - a grateful man who, etrHet�fng from pate-
Sonthe4 and heals rapidly
» "Ie, she dumb? She tried to slap tho A NEW ERA pain-
ful and dlafiguring enema, got complete
"Council Standard doctor when he told her -she- had relief, and regained a clear and healthy
131iang ei That a new era 1n the •
A thick, even, heavy spread of acute dyspepsia." skin, by using TRU-BLOOD,
galvanizing over every inch of sur. _ :.-. 'relations between foreigners in China As Its name implies,TRU-BLOOD Is a
face. Deep corrugations. Ageneles and the ('binese actually has begun, true blood tonic. It removes the underly- ee •
{` An angry dental fa open a carafes• C btuesa7 a-beteg $d- - use a pi T- blackheads, y/� /�
still open in some localitles. to aBir 11 itis- mg ca of eczema, mp es, a 1� 0 OF MW
'Write us, stating size of I Sion of guilt. ,_ , ,, mitted to participatfon in functions itching rashes, boils, carbuncles and every
barn you want to cover. ' ! from which they u itherto have peen other skin trouble due W impure or
WE PAY FREIGHT Customer-"Well. it looks like rain." excluded, we-s shown by several re- impoverished blood.
so, but It's milk." cent events. _
Dept. W. 108 George St., Toronto 2 _ So many have benefitted from taking
tic, 3faude, it you doubt a woman's It is known that four Chinese em- 7-RU-BLOOD, you should try it. Get a
pioyeps in the rrmritiihe customs ser- dollar bottle at your druggi3t's today,and
judgment, lust look at sogte of the vice had been appointed deputy come prove, for yourself, its worth. a �M`'�Q
71'LtD LO�1►!gt husbands they pick, missioners, from which rank they pre Dont Mak aToB-a]Wy
s r tot vlousip had been debarred. This. Buckley's OINTMENT Is highly re-
commended for speeding up the healing
marks a breakdown of the rig as so ening of the skin. TRU-B i
11A CA>eAai story like this: "On one occasion I
Write for free preached to a congrepation• where deadline 1n the customs service that drives out the poisons-the ointment v_ li
Wr(te f f rer 1f there were' fifty-seven women and eAdured for more than forty years and heals magically. Try the combination "'�8b1eS i7�Ve 1�Ie1vV�5' 3'
is an entering wedge to Chinese con- treatment.
or catalog showing tour. men present. . .Thia was
a prayer _ 8S
• '• fro! of China's ftsesY'affairs. --
- complete lin of meeting: On - another occasion I
isrger sites. fig preached to 326 then and three women Equally Given Chinese TOfleS i gI000t
_ -this was in the state penitentiary," At a meeting of foreign ratepayers i \ l`
* - -0• --- in the British coiitiUpion- at Tientsin SLo00
n r
rantorrcl Master-"I am sorry.to may, Jones; there was unanimously adopted a re-... ... t'
that your composition e u iworthy of solution conferring absolute equality ° w�
%*cider Co1lCrete Mil7Cer You. The information is faulty and on Chinese residents and giving the •, �`
GOOLD,s8APLRT a 11im CO.N/. the •style crude:" Jones-";try father Chinese equal membership in the
Standard - Ora will be angry when he bears that." Municipal Council. SAN COULD r
Baster-"Well,' you-must tell him
In Shanghai t'he Chinese ratepoyers - -
you'll 'do mtich better next time." have elected three members of the RDMWALK o
-' r0w
Jones="Do-better; air? Dad can't=do Municipal Council of Oe international better than that." settlement and six members of a com- ters are bred for eisl, miltee vrho q ill take office on..April �Iljri. Horn Te1ts bow Lydia E..~ 46sidwd 19, the day following the annual for- p0 lituch of- the nervousneas )n older►ya."R Rd "It's a shame that 1 have to sit here i_• Pj6�lan1 g Yegellable.�OID ®d Oryis.eoes mending your old cloth-es." "Don't sign ratepayers meeting.uleesodup:ie0 Another innovation will be that RegtOled Hol' Health children 'can be traced to the over vpanatad w say .a word about ft, my clear=the stimulation during iufalicy, caused by
rodav for Feta Cera 9W least said soonest-mended.': Chinese will be permitted to silent}
'fa�swrs MATQWr(,,.aran1INNIMssRA►O,a`' the annual -ratepayer-o' meeting this Fiamilton,Ont.-"Ihave taken Lydia regarding'baby 'ass sort of animated a
year as apectgtors,-gpe•section of the E, Pinkham's Vel etable Compound' toy for the amusement•of parents, re-
year Hall being reserved for them and would not be latives. and fr-lends. Baby may be
without it now. played with, but not for more tban a
The principal resolution before the I had a female quarter of an hour to an hour daily.
meeting will be to admit tae Chinese trouble so badly I Beyond that, being handled, tickled.
t to admission'to the publtc-parks in the could hardly walk caused to laugh 'Or even scream,-will ••_
infernational' aettlenienf on, the same and I was all run- sometimes result in vomiting, and in
conditions as those on which foreign down and c ou i d vatrtably causes Irritability, ery'ing or t
hardly get-arotmd sleeplessness-.'
oeNv[roe era are admitted. - to do my house-. Fretfulness,- crying and Sleepless-
. .
l�`!� Will Relieve Grievance work: i would be nese from this cause can easily be
aH in bed three or
_ _ This resolution, which is certaU . L
in 20 avoided by treacin� baby with more •
four days at a
d4 be adopted, will remove along-stand• consideration, but when you lust can't
O time. I was told See what is making' baby restless or
! r� ® ' Ing grievance. The foreign class here by a friend to tzy upset, better give him'a few drops of
For houblee O ems to realize that the hour has
due to Acid se our a eta le Compound I did,and
{ rNo�assnow I D struck for the old-time privileges. i pure, harmless Castorfa. It's abase
ACI vs*oma" y the time I took two bottles I was Ing to see how quickly it calms baby's
u,r,, The northern milits,ry situation Ie, beginning to get around again. I took nerves and soot.l;es him'to sleep; yet
~scAVA'a uncertain, although no reliable news ten bottles in all, and now I am all it contains no drugs or opiates. It'!a
F - - �s'NWWA - is available'. The best information In- ri ht again and doing my own work. purely vegetable--the recipe is on the `
dicates that only minor clashes have I have six grown-ups to work for, sv p
f-, I have plenty to doA also used Lydia wrapped. Leading physicians prescribe
occurred, the, expected general offen• Er Pinkharn s Sanative Wash, and I it for colic, cholera, diarrhea, consti bowels,
litany people, two hm[rs atter eating, ! You Wil never use crude methods sive not having been started. s,
think itis good. But I owe myy health tion, gas on stomach and bowels.
tsuffer Indigestion as they call:it. It when you, know this better method. -"-'�'- _ to the Vegetable Compoutld, turd I feverishness,loss of steep and all other Y
Is uxualiy ext eye acid. -.Correct it with And you will never sxffer frotti excess think if more of it was used women upsets':of babyhood. Over 25 million
an.a1kaU. The best way, the quick, I - 'West and F.aEt would be.better off. I would not be bottles used a Year shows Its over-
acid when you prove out this eask re
•harmless and efililent way, is 'Phillips' lief. Please do that-for your own Nen York Evening Post.-The King wilhouft it if
it cost
ON, ch East CSA• Whelming
or Caatoria. Yots
Milk of �1ag;nesia.- 14 has remained of Afghanistan has find his tonsils re- Hamilton, Ontario. 'get a book'on 1lot;terhood, worth Its
`sake-now. :: uon Street,
for 50 years the standard with physi- Be sure to get the genuine Phiillps' moved. Pretty coon the only differ- Po you feel broken down,nervous weight in gold. Look for-'('baa. Fe
cians. One spoonful in water nen•I rink of Magnesia prescribed by physi• ence between an Oriental and an Occt- anal weak somt�times?Lydia E. Pink- ' Fletcher's signatt:re mr the package
_ tralizes .many limes its.voi>fine 1n,dans for 60 years In correcting excess
dentat will be the ultra-Western fas• ham's Vegetable Compound is excel- C so you'll bet genni[ia Castorfa. Thera
`stomach acids,. and at once. The hfons worn by the Easterner. lent to take at such a time. It always i are many imitations_
symptoms disappear in five minutes. I acids. Each bottle contains full dl- helps,and if taken regularly and per-
-: ales. - �rocttona-any drugstere. - tlse Minard's Llniment for Corns. Sistentlyrwlllrelievcthiscoaditi0n.a� l ISSUE No. 17-'28
.. - - .', `ter• , - - .. _ - \ - :t' ry .. ' V '� 44 -
-,. •Y•. .,. .. -,+- .f:.,i }3- 1J�u....Y•'-
� x.: a�-;,+ r X... :}, .:re,• ,h; ...: .sd ,.,._...5
�_7�73 %
VIM oufto Winter will be here.yery soon and
Coal, -Coal .1 '
if y6ti have any notion a
-a now
purchasing L
Bud and Soft Goal of the.
���� o' ppTe- sleigh, leave
4our order
at is
er now so that to'the United states and Cireat. on.
Britain$2.00 in advance. We&r and, Millinery. best quality will be ready when the f
Zp.to-date Ladiea' Ready-ko- hand first snow appears.
AOHN MURKAR� Proprietor,
:,-Friday and Saturday Specials
The fuel question in Ontario is
one that has attracted ,the atten- To every customer.we offer 10 per cent. off on every
tion of the government for several Dresses, Coats. News from Tire Grocery
article in the store, including
yea 79
ro. Since the for6it4 h4ve be Hosiery,
Underwear, eurfs.�
depleted our province has Dresses at 4.95, 8.50, 12.95, 16,95 and ST ARRINED
come dep VRIDE OF CANADA MAPLE SYRVP JL been supplied with coal from the
-Coat 10.00 uuto35 00. Watch for your 10 p. C. off. 10 1b. Tins,-, $2.50 Quart bottles, 75c
United States, but the Q-uPPIY 65c.
Ladies tLere' is not unlimited,' anti L of Nckering. make'thig store your headquarters while in la bulk, per quart, 1:.
time will come when that supply Whitby. Satisfaction back-.
will be ent off. FoIrtunatel'y,Can-' Taction guaranteed or FULL LINE OF HOUSE-CLOANIN
SUPPLIESo obligation to buy call will convince you.
A Cleansers-All price low for.
adg is blessed with an inex. Brooms, Brushes Soaps, Polishes L
h%ustible supply, both in Nova immediate use and.a ;pecial price on Lux
and is Alberta, but the THEIDEAL .SHOPPE while tae stcck bast?.
Scotia a 9 .... ... . . .
distiI h4s al w stys been a Nandi.
Brook Street North, Whitby, Ont. T"T-T=C..3 2*3=�- 29 0"MIS.
However, a
cap to 0
freight rate of $6 75 a tun has been
arranged with'tho C. N'._R and- -BRIGGS ' AND RENNIE'S
thus the h-Ani;c,:tp of.d1st,.tnr-e has STEELS
7 been, to a great extent, removed. N D FLO',,VER SEEDS GARDEN A
in Ontario have been
Consumers 5 and lCeents,each.'
used to anthracite coal f rcm Pt!';Ia- .,Lovely Easter Greeting Cards
sylvdnia foC s J long that ti: S C1ALV��__ Cu -3 t.o eat.I
Lots of new gocds and gcod thing
has resulted -clulte a peejl-zdice 7
against Other vatietiee, Lochulin'g
.7 ,that from Alberta. Butthat pre RICHARDSON'S GROCERY
. .
judice is geadrially dis,tppeariug
as its good qualities are bec-ockilug
�al"�ware Stbetter known. In. Witialpeg 4the Brasa-mounted Team BackbandAlberta coal has aluno-�t entirely2 inch layer trace with beet chaius. 642-(,Csnpersede,-1 the aatbracUe frow '.With .5)-ring breeching, instead of -back- Pickeringore
'St This change $40.C4
United- mtea. band,
he Unit
is due eutir,,ly to
of the forin,,r. t is c,airmed that Black-inuunted Team BackbAnd Harness,
it is a sm,,k-Plas8 co-0. - mitb very .,.A.
little ash imi no e_indert�. These 5 ring Breeching 94425 We have it-
Now' is the.timq to get your seed for the-spring crop.
are fact- v•hich are greatly in iti. ..-Thk i4not factory harneqii, but engtom made in our
f avor. if tt perm inen-t gapply-can own shop at Markha' tn'- Red Clover, Timothy, Alfalfa. Ahike and Sweet Clover.,
'-be secured tt uni Alberta it 'Kitt be
greatly to the advantage J We .4pecializ.e on repairs to h%rne@!i and collars.
Every dutfar p' .ii-1 tir'ojal The Beatty Electric washers to save titue
and hard work. A free trial
�irorn the United 9tatei Lneani
that that country i-, enriched -
tr, Riven at any time.
7 7r
..0 � F : T� 0 D -.-A
that extent and Can.'s is mide
m-tich Doorer. It would prove -Oilr Poultry Food and Calf Mead
a great boon to Alberta. which --flarness and Cdllar Manaf.;ictnrer worth giving a trial.
would thin secure a tipleriffid fnar
ONT. ll,,rqe Pliore 34,.�o
-ket for one of iti most valuable A.TZ M 1-I.A.11VT
WHI TXVA" and Repairs.
Agent,for McCormick-Deer iog F4 m Machinery
f illne:�s Miss Jo-ephine
After a brie ki 9 Furti ishiNowian, third raughter of Robert and prinfur Motto W-e have it, can get it, or it is not made
Mrs. Nowlan, died on Thursday night
7 -last, in her lith year. Her funerai
took palce on Saturday--to St, Jo.s J. S. BALSDON
eph's R. C. Cemetery, Highland Creek. Specially priced for Easter, Men's and Children'.3 Boot-,and Sboe,,,
The sympathy, of c o I
thi community is
extended to X 1,ate-t style Soring C4
bereavement.family, in their bereave , .3.
Fericy Dreas,Work Shirts that speak-f,.r theruselve
Mr. and Mrs ps.f ur N If In So
Sweater=are an indir-pen4able Item far the EFI Outfit. T,TA
We..-the-undersigmed merchant-c; of WESMAII
-you will
'the Village_-U-_1Kc_Wenng, have'_hi_u-_ overall, and S*4)vk-% of several mak
not be disappointed in the-he. .
1. Durina the monthe. of May to STAR AND FLINT
-tually agrPed: SALES
Soe(iil prices in Rat*band and Breeching Htrne;.4
both Inclusive,. to close uur Come in hrid look these over.
piaces of bu,4ines, each Wrdne;5day*az
-12.30 pjn. An`Ik for-Silverware Conpon,.
9. To ke+.1) aper, our places of buqi• MR-0 M3 IF A 1 16 S
nets on Tj ti-rsda� Pvet*,s.;s_ in plact,
.6f Wcane�-day evening-, -If yba want a guaranteed P epa.,r job At a reasonable
3. To aflopt Da�ligTime.ht Saving 0 E CIL ' : BRADLEY --price, IS
stamiriz- pril pit
Signed-S. W. Dai., 31. S. chap= ChS ije airs on all Makes-
"man, W. G. Reid, James Richardson, Experienced Mechanics. p
_%!F. T. Bunting, J. S. Balsdon, J. A. 52:11.
C. A. Sterritt,_N. F. McEwen,
SALE REGISTER. ��-�'Thu*rsday, Nfa.N Ird.-Auction gale of
C -G
good household fdrnitu're' the prop,-: THE ENTRAL ARAGE
erfy of Mr,. F. IC. Bruce, to be held
at Jarim, white's, lots 31 and 35,
Sale at
con. Ti, Whitby Township. Telephone 4900
z..1 11
2 b-'clock sharp. See-.bill,-. Wni.
Maw, auctioneer.
$arturday, 'May :ahs-Auction sale of
household furniture, gasoline en-
Bines, pump , jacks, etc., at lot 33
F. Con., Pickering, (King(KingtonAuto ]Rep'a,irs, Accessories,oils and
Rjad, RougeHill
-), the property of
:E. Morgan. Sale at one o'clock tylene We
Gasoline-, Ace
See bilT.,. Wm. Maw, auc- Iding
tion sharp
. .. ,.Battery Charg.ing. ." .
.."That's st pet;fect
Do };6u know that it i�� celaning u '.Repairs made 'on all,makes-
-1-ani-prepared to repair-ana Combination, John.
build chiinne also work
so concrete -I'm so ad you got
swept and
and painting. Chinine-
ot cars.
that B-0 book."
furnace pipes cleaned. 11;trd mortar
Used. Work guaranteed. Charges
It was your idea,dear,I was the
-,nioderate, Phone, PickerLrgz 5501.
84-48.- doubting one, but I'm certainly
convinced now-and I'm a.bit
Notice to Cre' ditors proud of my painting ability, "'0 T)
cc too." CHkRLES B OIL
In the Estate of Hxrriet Gerow, NN*id.
""Don't take too much credit, "Pickering-
ow, deceased,
All persons having claims against John, remember what the paint Proprietori
the estate of Harriett Gerow, late of ..'.man said about B-H "English
BI eased, who died to us ' and covering
I ham, widow, (lee e
about the, 15th day of Novem- being easy
on or -Sowell."
Com �tb�y Funeral
her, 1997, are hereby notified to
he underaighed Administrators Complete Qu
in'to t OR ANDRAWHEN00-*0
:.on or before the 12th day of May, SOLID OAK
full particulars of their claims. Oar now Booklet $709 $1-009 $125 .CASKET FUNERAL.� $1415
InimediatelY after the-said 12th day on corarriarmony
I ' - - -t- -sonfairs mons-0, MaN, 1928, the assets of the ir
8 1-y-" sfor
be amongst MATT H 1. WS' BURIAL 00,1
testate will , distributed
the parties entitled thereto aliving Phor e Gerrard $800
d Only to claims of which the 219 Dantortb� Ave Toronto
reg ti B 411
regard Guarantee '0
"Trued In It 0 Outside Case;
Adniini.qtrator hall then have' no-
Ase : Our Funerals include: Embalming, Hearse. Casket,
Dated at 0-haw re 12. 0 36,fo Electric Fixtures, Chairs, Our Personal Service, Funeral completes
No ExtrFm
a this 16th da.Nz of
April, 1928. 'ViQit our establishment
these statements
National Trust Company, Ltd., ishment and prove the truth of
wfor yourseives,
20 King St. East,
Toronto, On't., Administrator. These prices stand good within,a radios of 40 miles from Toronto
7- :,',W. E. N. Sinclair, X. C_Oshnva, On- Vickerina Ont. REMEM BER: Clip this ad, for reference, 81tf
Bushby,� ,
t5rio, their snlicitnr herein. -1.1-35.1
Thom Paterson is bqiay erecting CARO OF THAM%.
a now hen-house for LorneMortgage Bonds. Also,Industrials. &P]a 14af 11, ♦
RUA hl
Mral Hammond was in Toronto j Mr. and Kra. Robt. Nowlan and Sao investments at�ftow 5 to 7 per
John Scott, Fred Cowie, Prod fwaily wish to sincerely than their cent. CO
on Thursday. Bvano and D. A. Sqatt attended friends and neighbors for their kind-
Colds are quite prevalent in our the Football Associatiou Westing nese and sympathy in their recent INSURANOR—All classes wjritten in- Cheap rates for far=and country
BASS at present. �74
Vi at Brooklin on Monday night. sad bereavement. cludilmg Fire, Wind- - buildings.
D A. and Mrs. Seott were In Mrs. Besse, of Toronto, and her atom. Accident and Sickness. Windstorm lnauva2i4e on bulkUngs,
Toronto on Sunda wind-mllila,Silos eta.
brother, Frank Mantle,of London, Phone or write
0 may. BRING IT HERE e Automobile Insurance
Misses Mary and Margaret Mae-
�ys in spent Several days during the
nab are spendinga flow ch past week with Claremont friends., Now isthe time to got a now so.t of 48tf - ..ED. BOWMAN, Whitby of all kinds.
C.'Johnston, who' Is now *ork- The,C 0. C. purpose holding in Harness, or get the old net repaired. ,FARMS FOR SAIA
in in Oshawa, was home over the the Community Hall on May I have in stock samples of S&MUet 7.
y 8rd, Trees and Jeffrey's harness. The Write or phone
week-end. the return debate with Stouffville former may be ordered through rata- E D. BOW M A N
Several carloads of fall wheat Continuation School. The former logos at prices quoted.
were shipped frorfi Claremont to debate was won by Ularemont. Catalogue free. R' 20 - WHITBY, ONT.
Our will uphold the neg' ...C. i Y"
Tc ronto last week. a I also carry.collars.collar pads.sweat
Mrs. George Beverley and dau- tine side Of the statement, "That pad.,-harness oil by bulk, harness
ghter are visiting the former's the deepening of the St. Lawrence dressing.also silver polish Always on Hand I
waterway would be a benefit to and other parts.3
parents in Fort Perry. Repairs promptly done.
Admission, 15 cents. Stock of Groceries,
Mrs. Palmer, s Canada.'
of Toronto, I
epending a few days with
U her The third annual convert of the L. W. PILKEY, CLAREMONT Fruits and
aunt, Mrs. Wp. j,.;-nes. Clare uioi,t Choral Class under the kpsi -'Confectionery.
Robbie Johnston -is isolated at leadership of H. M. Fletcher, of . ,t
his home suffering from one of the Toronto, which was held on Fri. A few Rate to go at cost priee
-many juvenile complaints. day evecing of last week, was a I am prepared to take orders for paper. while they last.
Mrs. David Rose and sister. of delightful event. The Community hanging in Claremont Give US all Early Call-
Myrtle, visited Afro. Lyman Pil- Hall was filled with a large and and vicinity.
key and other friend; on Friday appre(ittive audience. The,pro Satisfaction guaranteed 0. G A N IV 0 N
last. pram included a large variety of Charges moderateWHEN You have
music I ... EDGAR SHIRK. - Wplaced an o r d e r 30 BROUGHAM
Wru. and Mrs. Willison and non, vocal ic and several selections 100 P.S. 30-33
John, spent over the week-end by the urchestrA, composed of Phone Blare with us fora memorial
far In.
with their son, Horace, and wife, members of the class, under the you have looked
:of Athens. leadership I of Evans Ward. The -ta-the-future-for- u r
memorial work stands
Beginning with May the 1st, selections by the class a up under stress of time
'r�-m,—h . Good prices paid for poultry.
-splendid-T6&-dersh The solo and weather. It is tru.
every Firday afternoon during work of Mrs. D. A. Scott, Mrs. L. I have secured the agency for the Frost ly a lasting tribute.
Wood and Ouckshutt Farm Imple-
Birds must be properly filed and dressAi
the summer months. Pegg and W. Kerr and also the
menta. and will keep constantly on "No GreaterTribute" ad clean of feathers.
Basil Roubilard,' a prominent piano duets by Mies Annie Spoff. hand repairs for these popular
Falls, N. Y., and and Miss Burgess were much
;.barrister of Niagara implements.
visited with Claremont friends on appreciated. The accolupanists :Also London's barn and stable N. W. STAFFORD,
Kingston Road,
were Mrs. Thos. Gregg, Miss Ad.
Friday and Saturday last. fitting@. 9hitby We hags original
Miss Helen Scott, who under- die Coates and Miss ice Pegg. Will also take contracts for painting . I -
to I Phone Whitby
lent an operation in the Toronto At the close lunch was served barns and houses by a new
General Hospital a couple of weeks the members of the class and visit- process, by spraying. 68 r 99 Bridal Rose China
ago, is progressing nicely.. ing members of the 9touffville and Estimates obeerfully:given.
sorry to Goodwood choral classes.
D. M, Morgan, we are sor Phone 1W. on hand, open stook.
-report, has been very ILL from Sold in any
bronchiti-3 and other complies Claremont
tions, but at time of writing is Millers' Ideal I=nbator% R- J- x1nn quantity.
.0ouiewhat improved.
J. 9. Bundy, who was in St. and 1.1rooders CHIDLOW
Michael's Hospital, Toronto for Oil or Electric. REMARKABLE VALUES
;four weeks undergoing an opera. Patented Egg-turning Trays.
AND WONDERFUL SAVINGS 6tf !Qlarement, Out.
tion, returned home on Tuesday Send for Catalogue.
last and is making a vapid re. Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Chinchilla:O'coats, reg. $20, 14.95
covery, E. G. StOn, Pickering
90. 14.05
rinnalmsetitig of the Clare- Navy Blue Serge sad dark brown tweed, sizes 86-40, rag. $2
Moab Union Cemetery will be
hold on Friday evening at 8.00 We have not the Mo.'s All-wool Leets, Coats.Sweaters, fawn and leatbAr, reg 4.50, 2,75
o'clock at John Gregg's residence, We have a full line of Men's and Boys' Heavy RubbeL 9,
All shareholders are requested to Men's from 2.50 to S.50, Boys' from 125 to 2.50,
Richard Ward celebrated hi.,4 New Ford Men's 15 inch Leather Tops asn't, row. 4.50, special 4.95. AD
"Seth birthday on Saturday. when W11 5 1all members of the family, except- but we have nearly .Call st J. FINGOLD'S Phone 3806 P^ T Y'
ing W. F. R. and Mrs. Jones. of
Toronto, who are on the sick List, everything else.
were present.
Miss Dorothy Bowen, who
underwent a critical opers;tion in Hovis. Bread
-8t, Joseph's Hospital, Toronto.
for appendicitis, Is convalescing At Star Coach, 199.7
Robert .., The Bread of
the home of her parent Chevrolet Coach '1927
and Mrs. Bowen. Sending 'Money
T. C. Gostick's driver misbehav Grand Touring(good shape). ....Health
6 —--trout--of the bank one 7
d 113
on the job and brought it under Try a'Loaf
:last week, but several men got Ford Tun Track (ruistell axle) to Distant Points
n -ton Truck and r
control, but not before same of Ford Half YOU can send any amountof money
new tires)tfie harness was broken, to any point in Canaclkat a mint
of the brethren of
A number Fordson Tractor (2 years old) mum of expense by`using a Standard
Brougham Union Lodire A. F. & Bank Money Order. This method is
A. W, visited St. Aidan'9 Lodge, Fairbanks-Morbe Lighting Plant the simple-et. safest and most conven- AMO
Toronto, on Friday evening. An ient way to send remittances by mail
interesting feature of the even I Melotte Cream Separator (new) in -the Dominion : if the mail goes, P"
was the putting on of a degree TRY- We handle Du' astray no lose is sustained. Sbould : HONE:
Durant Cars and
point'blind veterans. you desire to Send money to a
On May 7th the A. Y. P. A., of McCormick Tractors. outside the country,a Stand gand
Christ Ohnrch, Scarbroro, will pre- Draft will serve your purpose for
"at their humorous drains. "My forwarding money to foreign places.... Attention
Irish Ross," to the Community CH A S COOPER Farmers,
Claremont, under the sus-
I have: the agency for the Famew
picas of the Anchor Society of the GLkR�EMONT
-tnited Church. TM STANWD BAW Renfrew Macblner3. Separators,
Ageiit for Ackerman's Quality scales,. and the high quality
• very
Dr. N. F. Tomlinson gave a Harnees. Ask the user, Acorn Range, and am pro-
Interesting address at the Anchors' pared to give beat teinns.
-Society of the United Church on E5TABLISHED 1,873 dive mea call W.when wan SOM410
Monday evening on the Subject of . 4 thing in these lines. Phone Pick IM.
"Good Clean Rumor-," drawing
W. V. V. C. W
severalill strationsfrom Stephen Mid-Winter REDDITT ' ILLSONI
u Ing Manwr, Pickering Branch ;LOCUST SILL
Leacock and other stories,show*
i Bramhft also at it. R. No. 1.
the value of humor to general BmAlip.West Hill,%%tb'Y
Green good health. Sale 6n River
k meeting was held on Saturday a
-tAght at Randersnn'q Hot T to re. ---------
organi2e the football club for the ry
Basket Facto
number Clearing out some
season of 1928, A goodly Manufacturers of
were present and the follo, wing
kinds of F it
All ru 19asketst
officert were elected . Hon. Presi• ol our -lines
linson, E. Bryan : Pres., John -cufrent
dents, Wm.Wallis, Dr.N.F. Tom- Berry Cratei,
at great, mers'Bushel Basketi.
Scott 1,it Vice, Fred Evans ; 2nd Far
hes Baskets.
Vice, Levi Lin-ton ; 3rd Viet-, I. F. Clot
reductionse ,accounts
Dopking; See.-Treas., D. A. Scott; Accoun.
Manager. Fred Cowie. • Prank .Pennock
Our fire brigade responded to a Men's Wool Underwear, Proprietor
1.59 Markham 1604
fire alarm On Friday laet received reg. 1.85, for, Phone
from.Geo den's Fleece, Underwear, Customers cattlyi cw
Carter, on the 9th con., * ng busin
whose residence ... .79
-.-_,near Altona, reg. 1.00, for -0 -
caught fire from burning grass. Men's Wool Sox, reg. a C, . 189 accounts are given every "' 0
MI ,
-.On accontit of VOLd roads they were 'Men's Overalls, reg.-2:=; .2.19 BE
'too late to render any assistance. Men's Smocks, reg. 2.50, 2.19 sistancc and attention at thfs STANDS FOR THE BEST
The building, a fine brick struc- Ladies' Silk-and Wool Hose it Bank.' Scie the Manager 9t
rapidly and the furni-
ture, burnt refr. 1.00, for,
`cure from one room Only. "" Ladies' Col. Cashmere Hose =y Bmch.
is ex-
saved. Much sYmPatbY reg. 1.25, for
Carter in Ladles' Underwear, rag, 1.00
pre-.ised for NIr.*and Mrs.
AV their great losq., it, for ...
per garment,
M10 Jennie Whitson, an old an Heavy Flannelette, colored,
eted resident of Pick- '.27
highly respe reg, 30c and 35c, for
ering township and recently I Dark Flannelette, reg, 25o, ' 21D ON . 2,
S 7a
Markham Village 9, reg.
resident of Ma Flannelette Blanket.
the residena of Wm. �2,89
4, L-ed away at 2.7 5, for
and Mrs. Jones in the village of A few broken lines of Men's t
last In
Claremont on Wednesday Rubbers greatly reduced 7 Rikbilshed
The funeral ser y 133 Ca�rieM
her 83rd year. - Ladies' Overshoes, zipper,
Litter' Carriers, HAY A
conducted from the reg. 4,50, for .3.85 P11-ti-ips, Door Tracks. Cow I
Thome of M Bowls, Pressure Sy,
r. and Mrs. J Systems Etc-
the Rev, A McLellan, assisted by 11-will pair, ynu to get my prices On
-�uller, of the PreabY
vices were ones by
Rev. Mr. above before buying elaewberd-
�rkhatn- Inter- Da AL -S C 0 T T Whitby Branch, J. H. Perry 1
terian Church, ME W .FRANK 1. PR
.'Welit was Made in St, John's OUSE
She iAsurvived by one Phone]1402, (iN TA RIG
0 d
he' k
and t er.
N or"t"Trilitite
0 Road,
t by
phone Whitby
-'brother, John, of Pickering town MkRFMONT
iL .
+ ,zK . ,a .yyet:. ....,a. ..,. –K ,,pr. v.,,:.yp,,.ap, .,q�,n, '..4W:,':6!w"+•,.h'w,, 1.yt.. :n,s'awTP.". y+•,*:Twn �,xwe .w- ±,�,� �-' t —, vsf.
.• 'l..e•.^ M. .vr,o: - +-, 2 -rr•. ..✓'•rte. btiu" .'� �!Z:K- ', tv�...tr.:"e�'-«.. =, ..`.. '.iC +rL
>,i '' .. . pg. ..m.,`a';... s-�'"'°'•�+` .sa• cin., ' P"� S.s. ...tt. .."9F..,.•. y.. .ey .T'` "".''�•. f 'S ..,, ..v '.^•Irr!.a,;
i ':''�,lz'ti.( .tkm,k,eu., •.a°.-'!�,.�: . .a2,r.......;�u. i+ ':,m_`r,,•.a,.,'.ny r' P ��''rY.+'tn�,'3r -s� aaTr-rpt.�,g, x�.:L:•vu..y •su�+*, a:+ u.:45' 4' .P *z... �'s••iw 'w� :,r"3 t
°d,..._:f` .. ..,,.., _ .. ..,,. .... "^ .ter -w,...r•+-- ar.-' l <n ,.°•'... 'sy,.
«fir - ,. ., ,. »r x+ 's+::xr.•-• :v"t,, ,—... .i., n. *y'r"pk' * '�"'
..,, ;ry,a,.. •a a a: a •,..,• .. ,#•,�-x4...i•'v ..J ,. .. :. o'Kr• 't u`- a 7"d .v'. w a.r
., ,'ts�..... ,, a r. .. .. :.. .. s' ... '•lr..... S?!' P'4'. '. i,Me, .r.r
lite ee►lour of "When you went outside what were knew, he had no friends. -And The
� Judge the quality of Green Tea by you listening to?" insisted that she Iead the life of a
company,,meeting no one indeed, old
she brew when poured Into your cup before cream "The wild geese," she answered. hermit on the ranch,-seeing no young �. i .... .
added. The paler tt10 t1;01our tfie• finer the ® ewer whichThere alifted him from his somethingla chair. or young,-he led the same-life himsQlf,
- Green Tea. Compare any other_Green Tea wi#h He walked hastily across the room, driving to town only nor, supplies arid _
t. �'SALADA"—None i�an equa"t In fia�our, point, pretended that he had gone ca find his,coming hastily home again.
Only 38c per I_ib■ Pipe, and came back frowning and She had.Indeed, of him sa_a recluse -
--'-or clearness. - idling with it. ,�always Indeed, how' he' .could have
' "And when you heard 'em, Joan--- me and managed to win the love of •
when you heard 'ein, what went on her mother she could never imagine.
inside of you?" "But surely," said Joan, you can _
r Behind that "quiet-voice she could tell me about him?'! 1 ' t •
ti feel the fear working. What that fear "You?" cried Buck Daniels, starting
could be of was beyond her guessing.I from his chair leside, her. 'got for t
< And after a while she said: Ithe whole world- And-it's time for
"Of course, the geese are nothing. You stun in, Joan. It's your bedl ere is far more
But they're like milestones along a time. Run along."
read; they point out a way, you . . (T>) be continued.) ' y MAG IC
�r- know." —ti.
REEN to what
�- - � Awa to whams-a way � r
— Joan?" -.• (Mother's Day, J1ay. 13th)
"I mean that when I hear them QYho waits upon us eight and day, uS� in Canada than 1 '
r c m in the middle of the sky and I of all other kivarldi
l ✓.' n D 0
{J1♦ �= know that they're going north-" And meets us with a smile;
"Well?" he murmured, as she the hurts we get at play, combinedcombinedWho Boothes
e paused. And sings to us the while. ,MADE IN CANADA
w ♦ U ® _ "I don't know how it is,but pictures Our Mother. NO ALUM
simply tumble into my mind." Who sews the buttons on our clothes, E,W,0ILL ETT CO.LTD.
".OP what, dear?". And smoothes out every wresg: TOitON7C, CAM
"Of happiness-of a queer, sad
eau 000ihN sweet ,
Who mak s et our woes
singing some song I
, - ----_. - BY nCi g
- - - -- - ---- U
She , - back obediently - i$e --- 1 Our 1Vloiher.
e wentM--
CHAPTER I. t1 ---
him, but his band did not loose her d Baths Save- HOrBC�
arm even while he was opening and And when we're cross and things Nook V1tlI1] �f "RheLili<1at15I'YIt
Sometimes it sounded like the bark- closing the door. He did not even free, blue, IYax, France.-A course of mud"
Ing of dogs rushing down a trail and i her when they were back in the And the world seems upside. down,; baths - saved Grillemont; one of,
z closing on their quarry'. and again kitchen-living room of the house. i Who wipes away our bitter tears,
And kisses away our frown, France's great racehorses,' from the
..there was a shower of calls like no "Why didn't you answer when I' ``� slaughter house. y
other sound on earth; and sometimes called you the first timg?" he asked Our Aiother.
rt telling again. "Why did you stop? What Eight months ago Gri'sm that
single voices came dropping, g And when we have so many cares so stricken with rheumatism that his,
wonderfully of distance. So the wild'were you thinking about? ,Why did, _
That it seems we oannot rest, owner, as a humanitarian measure,
k gee a came out of darkness, dipping you go outside, Joan?" To whom do we Ko for comfort con=idered destroying him. As a last
toward the earth, and were lost again She looked upon him with a frank' reFort le decided to try on his horse
in the northern night. wonder. Time and many sorrows had But to her vv hum we all love beat, Y
` Our Mother what doctors were' advocating for n-d
Joan closed her book. Over her so seams and weatherbeaten his face it mans, and Grillemant for weeks on end
r tvhoulder had slipped a heavy braid of that every strong emotion looked like - patiently suffered himself to be las-
dark, metal-gold hair; she put it back anger; but although his brows beetled clad when her span of life is spent P P
And her cares all laid aside, feted with hot mord and steaming
with an involuntary gesture, and rats- and his eyes glared and his lips com- We know she has earned a great re- water.
ed her face, but all she saw were the;pressed she knew that it was fear ward Now, oily the veterinarians, he has
hewn�bearns which supported the up-'which had touched him. 1 C �� And always will with Iflm abide. completely recovered, and to cele-
�+ .Iter floor of the ranch house. Fear of what? - a -- brace his return to health, won a fast
If she heard the rustling of the; - e to ask or to an race o 'er a mile and a half course. So
"r newspaper which Buck Daniels. lower-!swer, for he went on again: raft. Larence Waterway outstanding was his performance that
red to ook at her, she paid no attention ."You go back to your book You i - - _
•' to him, not even when he sat up and'go right back and sit down there!'" ' e pro the Cour:e:•y ho:Ial. - As o the government of stud at Gees, in the
g g the proposed asses>' betas a melon department of Basses-Prenees, bought
----avatched her with a frown of alarm,' Heactually led her to the chair. i- He came, half running; toward her, issue in the Presidential compalgn, it him at auction for 600,000 francs
t For she laid aside her book and went "Now, honey,' he said, when she
to the window teasing close to has not reached the stage where it ($^4.400).
` • p, was seated with the book in her lap,' i e4F- wonderful, lonely, free will command such a pu+ition. I:ngl
the panes couldlooka •-ain t you cam o a e ere. " neers have decided t at t e un e J
flection of the room and the high light light where you want it?" happiness'
K He parsed a hand hurriedly across•tag 1s practicable. PstimAtes of the ; --•�
r which the lamp threw in the glass;; She smiled up to him and saw him
anxiously, eagerly.his face. Then he peered at her again, probable cost hate been made. The 1 ••h ams this child,' said the Vicar at
elle could look past this to the shadow tlace. Then he urn away to hi% own
p I St. Latwrence roiitr has been held f the christening, "Luthy,'_thir," fins.
�, oY the desert-and -she saw, like spoke again. "Joan-" "Pictures of happiness? What sort more feasible and more economical wet d the
hosts, the shiningof the stars. She turned toward him and smiled. ?" than an-all-American 6eaway,'but"dis i e Baying mother, "Neve-
g She went outside to the night The' , � of pictures, Joan?" � I will I baptize a child with the name of
A "Joan, you ain't happy:." "Why-just what every one thinks tribution of water power and of the
stars which s had seen from the I He was deeply. moved by something, Lucifer!" said the Vicar "Matthew
k window were bright and cold, and,still for she could see that he had locket I about of mountains, and the big 1 cost Is still highly controversial At John I baptize thee and the baby
� . trees, and clic wind everywhere., and the present and disclrssion in Con-I girl was borne away with -Christian, .-
the honking of the wild.geese dropped his hands together as if to, keep,the noises coming down it of all sorts of grecs of another enormous approprta•!but hardly suitable, names.
in hurried choruses or lonely .single fingers from showing any unsteadi- hunting creatures and creatures tl'lat tion measure would be hurtful to the
notes. The Galli died off toward Administration.
. -the north, and shegwaited through a'near, are being hunted all
' A tion.
g �. "Why do you say that?" she asked. •.You think of all that"" - - .p..
silence as if-for an answer from the; •Why do you say I'm not happy?" ��Of course`-and a thotx�tnd things -
i earth to those voices from the sky.
"I'm asking questions, Joan-I Mlnard'a Liniment for cute and bruises I
_ The hack door of the house closed. ain't stating facts. But .tell me true. more. Sometimes, when I listen, I -
:•.Z.,screen jingling softly. What you got on your mind, honey?" feel as though I were trying to re -
member something that I'd known be- "I"sometimes think 1'd like a wife
"Joan'" called Buck. Daniel. •Nothing."
She could not answer at once. 1t fore. I don't.know just what it is- Whoa dull," said blr. Nutting. i
_ He pointed at her a forefirger like but I begin to ache with longing, dad. -,The keen ones, sharp as ahy knife.
was as though a hand were 4 rawing`the pointing of a gun. ,
her back. I seen yc'i sitting over your book My whole heart begino to ache, you Say' things that art the
"Joan!" he called.again; and this know, to get north and find the
-for fifteen minutes and never turning,
:.time the sharp-note of alarm made 1 a page. Does that mean that you ain't;plate .,.,
her turn quickly. got nothing on your mind, Joan?" I WhatIdoplace. ' - •- -
N• I don't exactly know. But if I
es, dad," she answered. " i y
_LR as gust thinking," she said, of found it I'd recognize it. A .place
He came half running toward her. nothing."
lie c•iu ht her the arm.
here one would be wonderfully
g Y A flush of anger rose to his cheeks. ha That would be the end of the
"Why-didn't you answer up when "What made you get up and leaves journey,
I "Until what?",. -
'` g the room a while back?" he cross- °urneuntil-"
•I called?" he demanded, pantieirtS Ong
house. Come I "
Come .hack into the
examined her. ! ., •• • -
-,.back out of this darkness this- But in the fall when they fly
"It was a little warm in hare," said eolith-"
"Joan, it was so plumb chilly that He had"dropped his -face upon his
you wondered if it wouldn't be a good hand, but she was so dee in her w
idea to start a 'ire a while back, and. P �'
you put on a cont instead," thoughts that she did not see. .
It was an attack so direct that she
But in the fall when the days be- I�t'e Trained and
changed color a little. kgin to grow shorter and the wild geese s r ui to Save
fly south, of course, they're pointing YOu Money and '
I "As a matter of fact, I've forgotten'to much different things. One can't
why I wanted to leave the roon-L There'help thinking of warm winds, and Set'�►e You Better
was no reason." 'great blue bayous, and reeds as high
` Buck Daniels sighed. l as one's head argpnd the shores, and Firestone sella uses only through
,Have you 'started in to 'cowerup;flowet+s .even in elated." regular established dealers---the out
things-irom'rne, Joan? I suppose sushi p y conunng tine merchants manufacturing cuing
Joan, what ut this into our THERE I• nothing that has ever
things have got to come to ever ?' taken Aspirin's lace as an antidote l• rninmuatio This greatrwmaeris
- -- y head. P P • .w•ganisatloa---controlling raw materials
man." - -- -..Wh d"t-Y-oa'rre�s pale as a =� -= k,-is-saie, or-PhX .
She was instantly driven to retreat. ghost! Are you sick?" wouldn't use it, and endorse its nes al and distributors in all parts of'Canads,
Kc' No, no. by others. Sure, or several million
'I.river go where other girls i" users would have turned to something ! assuringdent fresh. clean etudes and quick,
she sai'. "Is thete anything so very wrong) else. But get the real Aspirin (at any eflieieat distribution--is behind every
"You mean to dancer; and such I in what I've said?" f drugstore) with Bayer on the box, denser. Firestone Deserve e, h Nee
Outdoors or indoors-. like? 'No--but-" He • paused again.1 and'the word 9rnuine printed is red: been traineiond
and the service, having
whatever your task. I "Yes." Meed aiaed at' Dealer Educational
— Let
your tas refresh struggling with his explanation. "I gs. a
"Wait till.you've grooved up, Joan."I once knew a matt--who found all those
you-allay your thirst, aid "I'm eighteen, dad." i thin in his head when the wild sg 1 Firestone Dealers Have the latest
appetite and digestion. l I equipment; the knowledge of
gservice Fire- -
He blinked. What's eighteen, No flew over." • stone spirit and idea of service. No
Helps keep teeth clean° thing but a bab !"
After Every "Oh," cried Joan, "tell me about' F other dealer can give you the same
I She said nothing but looked, himt i e values and serve you so well.
1\ quietly in the face. But he drew�3iimself back froin her( Ot FIRESTONE TIRE b RUBBER CO.
"It's what your mother wanted,,and exclaimed sharply,: ! fR OF CANADA LIMITED
Joan. She wanted you to live quiet 1 Never! Never ask me about him 1 { � B'a`Rtan' OII6wiO
till y were growed up." "Oh, hewas an'enemy'of yours?"; LL
" t when will that be?" eked Joan.
". aybe when Nou're twenty." "He,waa my dearest friend." epirtn
our years ago you said it wouldJoan.• tee trade mut
CIIt I And to the utter wonder of re�iasered to canadal ;
he when I was eighteen.' i daaI Barer Many�aetore. wbne it L
she saw that tears were in the eyes' ■rali mown chat Aspirin mean D& Munn-
Instead of answering, he changed me to the vubtie �a �tatlona.
i of Buck Daniels. It was the more' �aOat Tabiea`w' u°be.r.my.a'w`1`u,'e�etz"Sass TOO° '�'Choy -�oD�z '
ISSUE No. 17-'28 j the subject. I mysterious becailse, ro f'ar as she' o••" tmde nwL
:F'; -
:1a 5?' FOR ,ALL VOWA FAKING r--- Pies,' Cakes, Bun`s and Bread — DOES AU YOUR BAKING BES?'
w 7M
7 T
0. 7`7� bs
Britain Dots Globe With Isles
Taken in Centuries of Empire; -Reduce h Fim ?n
_,Var Uses Justify To -------
7 l��dsYeaAy• -u ��- - t
WT fire—but the CARELESS.
Spots Now Strategic in Long Chain of Defence;
"Imperial Prescience" Seen in Early Acquisition of Remote
NESS which fails to each
Possessions Close to Shores of Other -It when its useful purposequhas
Powers; Rock Once Commis- Alson served, is the ENEMY to
. .imankind. He who by neglect causes
stoned as Warship, ..:fire in the forest
may well expect the
A Is done absent mindedly, game should be known as Gelma's, but same treatment an
done by Instinct or done merely by I Is actually known as the Cape of
would be accorded 7 f
chance, history and -the map reveal lGood Hope. Kerguelen, ninety miles to one who tosses a
that England has shown a- truly re-!Ioug, almost due south of the Cape, snatch into a neigh-
mirkable habitude for posse , bone's h
saing her-'British gazetteers regretfully admit, tystack.
self of little considered ocean remain-!is "claimed by France." The Crozets i Inued by Aushoritr of
dere in,the form of 'Small Islands.iare uninhabited, but there are the, Charles Stewart
One can, of course, see the force of!Prince Edward Islands, with the fa- Minister of the Interior
her owning all the islands, even the!millar red underscore. There are
remotest Hebrides and Orkneys, that I Gough, the (Atlantic) Sandwich ia-
cluster or hand around her coast the lands, South Georgia, hundreds of
litter of them jumbled on the
I miles apart. The last-named Is I ualn-
coast of Scotland, the Scilly Isles, !habited, but Its 1,200 square miles of Y,
3danxland, Wight, Lindisfarne, Lundy emptiness are British.-Then there are
and the rest; no one else than Eng- the Falkland Islands, 500 square
-land could own them, and some owner miles, and the F. I. dependencies.
they must have. I'Northward we find St. Helena, the
But cross the--English-Chancel-sadblack -wart" reek, h patehes--of-
` 40 T
here are.the Channel.Islands, Jersey, !fertility in Its depressions that Eng-
Guernsey, Alderney and Sark. Geo-!land made useful as a cage for Na- t
graphically they are a part of France.I poleon. St. Helena Is 975 square miles.
'Politically and administrattvoly they! Ascension on the List. I
are England's.
They are so French!
that their Legislature functions bilin- Ascension, 700 miles away, is small-
�er; population 240. Ascension was V
gually. England says, of course, they
are a residue of her once large French I taken by the British because, as Ad-
dominions, and one must remember inlral Cockburn said, "We don't want
that it was not till'far down In Vic- some other flag hoisted there to in-
toria's reign that the British House crease the risk of !Napoleon's escape. IL
L L.
of Lords ceased solemnly to appoint Then we have the Bermudas,' 900
-jL committee to hear petitions from miles from the..United States, and Brl-
Aquitaine and Louratne. Well, grant Limb since '1654. In the war of 1812,
that having these islands only come the American fleet showed England
.,In this way, it might be awkward to how lmpoqent the j islands (alneteen
9 1
ve them up. square mtles-?s�afl),could be, and they.
were fortified from 1816 on. In the
Mediterranean Possessions. est Indies are farbados, 170 square ..STjWP OUT LESSNESS
Enter the Mediterranean, what is
miles; St. Kitts, 63; Nevis, 60,
bozo? Gozo is an. Island of twenty- -
buda. 8. and her islands In the Virgin
ix square mile near Malta..T whom I
It belong',' Uh. to England, of the entire area 9f the- g bung. and s sequent y at t res.
course. "Well," says England, "it Isj being only 275 square miles. -- Canadian Radiophone
too near Malta to belong to any one. In the sea between Jamaica and other stations . Vancouver Island.
Cuba are the three Cayman Islands, ome forty tug boats have been
but to me. Who owns Malta Great Aid to Merchants
by- the Canadian Marconi
dependencies of Jamaica, Of what
by the way, only 117 square I Company with radiophone sets on a
I use they stre in larnalra or'Janal t4k
course, England owns R-aRka, it No r,,,t,l ass_ asesetaare very
was a useful base when the Napoleonic�to them, It would be hard to say. Handling of Coo& Speeded Up by PhonL- Set Requiring
I Grand Cayman Is seventeen miles simple to operate. being tuned and
Wars were raging from Spain -to long. much of it swamp, much of it Radio Operator all ready for voice operation on 199
.,.Palestine and through Egypt. Italy, Imeters when Installed, They are so
white limestone. The Caymans were "Get me the tug Sea Lion," its own- since he was thus able to deliver his,
Austria and lIalmatia. Still more im-, built that a government certificated
I discovered by Columbus In 1503. The or told the radiophone operator in the tgoods before his competitor and get a
portant later iSB
paniards, after they took Jamaica Merchants' Exchange uIlding at Vafi- better price for them, loperstor is unnecessary and they eta
i be used by the captain or chief on-
Did some dim Imperial prescience'in 1509. -drew a supply of turtles couver. Thought of the radiophone service
I Maser.
warn England of the coming day, from these islands When Jamaica And from the other side of the!d1d not occur to him, it was as nae I
when, by the opening of Both the land and tug sets are ot
the Suez became British, in 1655. the Caymans counter the rachopho tural as the long-distance tetlephons;50 watts power. operating from a
Canal. Malta would become one of the radiophone operator-ask automatically tacked on to her• ed for the message to the Sea Lion, service in to the majority of people,
links in the chain linking London with; small generattor. Their average day
and by degrees gathered a population. wrote it down, seated himself In trout a matter of course. Undoubtedly It
7 India and the Far East. thus, was a greWinvention,-he would have range. to given at 60 miles, while they
- Us- Eng',some of its units being shipwrecked
land, Gibraltar. Malta, Suez, Aden, In- bailors, other Persons who for one rea of a table holding,but two simple In- are capable of doing 140 m4iele under
agreed 00 anyone had ventured the
struments, put his headphones on, and i favorable circumstanres
dig, Singapore. Ho-ngkong? escape -debt) spoke Into the microphone, just as h- "plirlon; but that It was a neoes"It
ion or another i often to
Enter now the Red Sea. Here Is
out-of-the- Competitive Service.
came from Jamaica to this Would Into that of an ordinary And as regular as his meals, he was
Perim, a very small Inland 'England's,'way-corner of the world. The pope- nh certain What the service hav r4eariA. f' _Bra_
or-cuuria.-8" holds Adeu, ilar sow one or
Lary opinion held' that Perim, it not large overflow :New it Ila" I a. "Vancouver calling -III.o tug Rea", Had he been told that It was the�tish-Columbia shippers can be realized
ow settled in Orleans Lion," went forth the call to the tonly of its kind In the world when it is known that owing to the
absolutely necessary, was very d*sir-1 and Mobile, Central-America and Ja- ug service of
and ludemted coast line, land
able. Hence Perim is British... metra. so'nae sixty miles away. towing a long he would have been surprised What'
Socotra at Strategic Point. line of logs, some 800,000 board feet No one else think of such a simple oz.' telegraph and telephone is out of th
There is one' other little Island, tug. unless It car.
in all. -Vancouver calling the Set pedient to keep in touch with tugs and question. Thus a
Now we are in. the Indian Ocean, stuck in the North See, which. of a
Here, as you emorgo, Is Socotra, pio- course, England'took — Heligoland. lin
the call was repeated a few :other ships? Absurd. Yet notwith. rind a costly radio transmitter with
during "dragon's- blood and aloes and She, however, swapped It with Ger- times, and then the operator heard In'standing this thought, the fact re• licensed operator, was ont of toudbi
his headset: hitins- that called& 'was the first to,with Its port while on a journey pre-
at-a strategic. potut. itis 1,200 square many for land.In Zaazibar, an achieve-
'This is the Semi Lion calling Van- .consider such a ser,%ice as a necessity vious to the installation of radiophone
miles and Is England's, of course. And ment of Lord 'Sallab. ury's that she orders?" and was the first to make such a suc- transmitters, The so-me applies to a
here are the Seychelles. 148 square came bitterly to regret during the couver. Have you any
"Yes," replied Vancouver. "You are cess of It. To-day, after this service cannery" or lumber camp. of which
mHesi with no very distinctive place'World War.'
to fill in the world of sand, air and There are two Christmas Islands, to proceed direct to Station 2 Instead has been in operation for two years, there are many In the coast province.
of Vancouver. Is all well on board?",and has proven itself to be worth Its The average tug, when towing any.
Z water, save,, trideed,, that here grows one in the Indian' Ocean, the-other in I
weight in gold, only to dap, we hear where from one to thirty sections of
beche de. mere (vegetable Ivory). the Atlantic. The- former has 2 400 To which the Sea Lion came back
I vice has been estab-,Iumber, measuring on an average of
Came III handy.- too. when England inhabitants, the latter 104. Both be• with "O.K. Got your message. All that a similar ser
prison for Arabi Pasha of well here. 'g," and lished in the Persian Gulf. 40,000 board feet to a section, can
wanted a pi Sea Lion speakin
long-to England. .
she had ground to powder his at- signed off. To Mr, J. H. Hamilton, manager of make but one mile an hour Progress
Restored Some island,)16 The owner- of the line of tags to the Vancouver Merchants' Exchange.I Thus a 300-mile trip is apt to take all
tempts to become dictator, or sone- Restored
for this service. Formerly
-.reign, In Eirypt. But let us not be unfair to Mother which the Sea Lion belonged walked belongs the credit of 300 hours to complete,
bough `Britain. She does not own the Azores, back to office a few doors away In'He it was who used his Influence and this meant that a tug would receive
We pass by Mauritius, for, t his efforts. to have the Radio Its orders at departure, and If there
small island 17 2o square miles 1, it has:the Canaries or, the Medefiras. She the same building. He had sent his'gave
a place with the world's great proonce possessed the Ionian Islands, but message which saved him thou-sands,B.ranch, Department of Marine -and was a change.In'these orders after the
them back to Greece. She cap- of dollars in time and actual cash_Fisheries, install such a service in the tug had left, the chance�of eateting up
ducers of'sugar, 'Once "Reunion or gave
Bourbon," It belonged then to France;-'tured Cuba in 1762, but restored It to with It 7as very remote.
Now *hen a lumber dealer is send.
half, at Spain in 1763. She captured Mar-
wheu she bade fair to own
in any
least, of India and not merely 'tke:tinique- and Guadeloupe, but gave g a load down one of the m
Where Sculling is Popular we erw
t ays which crisscross the ro.
small patch, Pnndtcbery, .now alone,them again to France, suill-in the same P
vince, he may have in thought a cer.
"-here The Briti,;b fleet, nt- way she handed St. Eustatius back to tatu port to which to send his in.
took Mauritius. We get along through Holland, and though her sailors knew.
the section of the Indian Ocean known and wanted the Sandwich Islands long During the trip 'he may sell this I go 7-,
-instead of having the tug
her, and
-Carahlan Sea, past the l,a,• before there was any United States of
as the
the United States, to its first declination, he calls her on
Ica, it Is to
cadives, fourteen low lying coral is- Amer t
lands; past the Maldives, 424) square not to England' that Hawaii belongs. the radiophone and gives new orders
miles. Round we go into the Bay of Similarly America. owns the Phillip- for delivery.. A lumber camp Is usually situated
,.Bengal' Here
Els nine- pines, though Spain still owes Eng-
are the Andarrigi
land'some L 17,00,000 on them, never 100 miles from Vancouver. In many
teen islands, 3,000-odd square miles A
cases the camp or cannery may be
useful to-England as a convict settle:!Paid. Perhaps never really ethically -.Should any part of the
In )are 585-1 owed; but quite enough to afford an farther away.
Thea come the Nicol .1
l 1
for taking the� Islands. 71. ....... machinery break down, of a serious
square,miles. England's. excuse
disaster o he camp, it Is im-
Perhapg, however, the.oddest of overtake t
Singapore Gate t6 East
!England's island po-seqsrons mates
possible witbout tile use of radiophone
Proceed eastward. At the tip of
Diamond Rork In the'West Indies. to get In tonch with a boat or with a
Yah" 7 Ni
city. This m4ant, in time gone by,
Walaya we find Singapore, which, This, during the 'wars with France,
it is an Island,' sometimes ellipse
.though few remember a battery post. that a month would
shone bravely as It
-ly commisslo
before new apparatus arrived to re-
strongly fortified, for was. taken and regularly -n-
21, miles. to he eCa k
very strategic. It is the big gate;
it is vL ed In the Admiralty books as a wir•
place that damaged.
'orth, es which show
to the Further Fast. On, and. N ship. Cannon were hoisted,up its pre. �Zl These are but two cases
we reach Hongkong. within call of the' cipt ons.side:i and for years -it go that the radiophone has been a neces.
Chinese coast, 120 squares miles* Pn!Z-' oil account of itself in naval con=lnf'- for the Province of British Colum
a 150 alty
land's. Say little of her possessions teqt" that took place neat: by. his. At present there are some forty
in the Pacific (they are almost itinum- tugs equipped with the apparatus.
-OW erable, counted as.'Repitrate isles and which can be In easy touch with any
-e tions on Vancouver Is-
Islet.4). in FL rvglon�whery on empire
G,•rr-rb! The trairt draw 'up with of the four stations
has absorbed Australia 13,000,000
crash k between installed at the
land, Incidentally. radiophone life-
a mighty c �h and shock
tsqdare miles), ',ew Zealan4 (104,000 Istations. saying stations are- A
"Some ono piffled the com- 1 ng resorts near Vancodve'r,.
-square mile,.;) -Rnd Toisinanta (297,090 1 municatton-cord! said : the guard. four bathing
square miles'(, to say nothing of rho and these can "also' be drawn on in
'Tile express has knocked our last car . ..... .S.
and rgenvy for the ship-to-
greater part of New Guinea case of eme
off the ralls. Take us four hours be.
Borneo, to whom should' the rest of,fore the track is cl-ar!- "Gre shore work.
At In fragments, sat 0
nits, like Fij!, belong if n at Scott,
d to be
I P0111.,holirs, f an) suppose
.,to her'! She has done. herself very
married to-day!- groaned a. passenger. THAMES RIVER RACES At the lesson in gi:ammar--WIlllA,
Well, even ff Rhe doe,( not own quite when I say 'I love,
The 'guard, a bigoted bachoh r. raised tell me what It is
all. ibis Pycbrona sll�;pi ii - -Forty-eight crews took lhc.lr. plaCe3 at Intervals of fifteen •seconde bu'yotj love, he Aoves" Willie "WN
(ously- "Look I
the renowed boat-race cGuree from Putney to Mortlake along'the, historic
But away to the Atlantic, rolluding. ier,�.' lie ejaculai.ed, "I heltV one of those triangles where some-
t3 you are
the Cape, which by all the rules of the'the chop who pulled that cord!" Therrim lbody &et. shot."
• 0
"III 17wi Irm P* . ."" .,4. -e. -.-Q -r
AA F�4.
AW.47- 174-17,�T IMIN
-T"Ov, 7-
—The townshIp council will —Dr. H.�17- P&Uais% Resident Dent�
L00,"I next for the- ist.' Office on's hard
ISMS. over Balad
meet on -btf8iness. store- Office hours, 9 to 6 daily and
trausaction of getyoral iq ore
ection No. 4 E evening$ by aPPOintment-0
—The school in a
H. Hall is now sporting
la several days —The regular tueeting of-II
as been'clo8ed for
new Durant car. bf wonlou'a Missionary society of
y 8�ent Friday on account of a number of ca,een
—Mrs. P, Murpb he St. Andtew's United Church wii) ........... 4
mudipo '4:ppearing- among t :1
And Saturday in the-city!- pupils. be held-ttt-the home of Mrs. W. J. T
—John T. Elliott, of Oshawa Clark on Wed 'e8day, Ma7y 2nd- 7 JUS tO REMIND You
rot Sundity with friends in th; K.,and Mrs. Devitt and dau a
ghter, of Toronto, N. F. Mechin sit 3 O'clock.
-uts Hundreds: of
age.a Blanche Walsh eats and Mr. Jackson, of 08hatirs, vis IN W'EMORIA,
ited Hugh and Mrs. Mechin on . - . -% -
tattled friends from Toronto on *-SEW- -A
Sunday. BRUCEIn loving memory of our
Sunda pafterns to
01 Y. -Miss Audrey Baird won the dear husband and father who pass
-Mrs. Norman Banks and Miss gold wrist watch awarded by the - ed away May 3, 1927.
Majorie Shepherd were to the city choose from, 8C,
Anstralian Medicine Co. to the Gone from us, but leoving memories,
on Friday. Death can never take away,
-Ralph Anuan has secured a winner in the popularity contest Memories that will ever linger per roll up.
held in the ball last week.
tion with ths General Motors, pan this earth we stay.
-:L; Pool -T. G. and Mrs. Manoffeld, Miss While u
Of Oshawa. Mansfi6ld and. Miss Fawkes were As -e loved him, so we miss him,.
-J. 8, Baledon has been tra
fresh in Toronto on Tuesday eveniffg.aII In our memory he-is dear;
Ing tfie front of his store to a Loved,remembered,longed for alwa a
eost of paint. -tending the gr-%duation exercities Bringing many a silent tear. y The new.,Spring
JuWycliffe College. Mr. Sproule
-Sadly missed by Wife and Daughter
Mrs. Oliver Crummer, we are e of the graduates..
3t being on
Shades in
sorry to report, is ili at pre9ei -Owing to the unfavorable vow- 44vorlRON-T-01-to
-and b confined to her bed.
ext at St. George's weather there was not a large at-
-Sunday n
a. m. and teridence at the drama, "The Prai- GOSPOR HATCHING-Plymouth
Church: Service a t 10 80 7 u rie Rose,"presented in the Town ERock. Miss Agnes Thom.R R 2.Pickering.
-,Sproule. ASTURE TO LET-Will takeeat. Holeproof
- .7.00 P. in., condacted -by Vli. Hall ou Saturday evening by the
-Mrs. 0. K Sterritt has been in Andley Dramatic Club, but those Ptle to pasture. Win.Lacey,Dunbaitoh-33-34
who attended were well repaid &8
Toronto for several days under. the play was thoroughly enjoyed. 'PIMOTBY SEED FOR
cing an operation for the removal he_rftguI&rmeetinX_of_the_St_TL
bogy to Harold Barclay.R.R.2, Claremont,L
-Master Jack Boyes, who has Andrew's Y. P. S. on Friday even AY FOR SALB-6 tons of good kormp
everal Ing will take the form of a social H s.Pickering R
been confined to his bed for a C.W,Holm
evening, when the young people R.2.ti=mllazv 170S.
weeks through illness, Is now im- -1 i0o
of Dunbarton will be the guests ofi Prices 75c.,
proving rapidly. iety.. The member@ ASTURE FOR RBNT-About 65
-Mitchell and Mrs. Atlas sod the local soc Pac. .wall watered..in lot is.con.3,Acker.
t. Andrew's are requested to ing Apply Win.Badgetow. 34-n
TO OR SALE-Turnbuilding IOU. each
'I".of of S
the former'i aunt� Miss Al ut in full force to make this
ronto,visited with J. sod Mrs. torn.o and 2110
Murkar on Sunday. evening a success. Fbfttgg on a main street in Picks, illage
-Mrs. John Aicken. a former Apply to A.E.Richardson. "3'4%
—W. F. sod Mrs. Law and dall.
111ter, Miss Wt,inifred. of Mark. resident of Brock Road, but for
o- ICE—A esir of bran and shorts.
wn on Snoday at� many years residing at Buid,OkI N21 . ed. Cleaning all kinds of wed
fam were in to
homs, still takes THB NII and g"in at Lamost Hill Mevator. 32-M
In' all the
tending the fnaeral of the 'iI Ito renewing 'her subscription world
OR SALE—Sped harlpv and alpike
Kin Sarah Law.
wisbes to be remembered to Flover aeed. Apply Geor
-Wm. and Mrs. ' Patrick and , ze Tool.R.R.No.
od and old friends. She Stat,08 that their 1, Locust Hill, Phone ck 1015. 33-34 eralls
twin daughters, and Elwo now potatoes are very large and SIKE CLOVER BEED—For sille ffq?!�r��TM there's no Ov
Mrs. HeDderson and family, of - L
08hawra, spent Sunday with W. Other jardbo vegetables are�Oing AaL$I?per bushel. Albert Ackford.lot 23.
A.and Mrs. Henderson. well. Con.4.Pickering. R R. I Pickering . 33-34 like
-Wm. Bart, of Toron all seven
to -eon of
..k*old, 52.50each. 1. W, Browaridqe.
-The monthly meeting of the �1011 SALE Five thrifty P11
'r Paul's the late Richard Burt, of Picker.
Woman'@ AssoclKtiun of b inx, died at his residence, 524 Qne- lot Z7,con.5.Pickering. Phone Pick 1026. 34 Carhaitts
United Church will be held on bee Ave.. Totanbo, on
MR y 2nd,at .3 p. m.. LFALFA SEED FOR SALE- T*A MAII
April 23rd. in his 78rd year, death AGvvernmeft tested. $I&per bushel. ly
0.. At the home of Mrs. L. D. Banks
Pick 1007.
-Henry Moore moved this w;�k being due to heart failure. His to W C. willson, R R 1. Locust Hill.
e, funeral took place on Wednesday M-35
his farm near Whitev&l
where -Ju lArge neavy ov enamel Dish
-ke will reside In future He has to Park Lawn Cemetery. Decons- OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE
-roomed house;
ed was an employee of the Q P. Hum V of Pickering. a a large chipso, 4 cakes Gold
MW bon house 2 - the Vill 9 to A- M Voily1=1— ArSdv to lohn 1. Pan. I
T. Law, who got possession IPD Ls. roranumueroiyes". x1owan Pickenng. Boap, 2 Guest Ivory, I Ivory Soop..
0, 'Wednesday. the husband of FMsa Stork. form. "VO R 9 A LN-Stied drill.dly'c borrow.-
of Pickering, He is survived
bol.plaw and Gum artwjesi like now. Box. L20 worsh, for
wadfu= cattle tb Pwtmv- Wm- Lucy,
-The snow-fall of Saturday last ;;h� widow and four sons. one A
�uausod considerable damage to lso w 1 33-34 only 1.4&
7 the telephone lines, a number of son having died a Dumber of years Dunbarton. X)on,t gniss it.
poles in the northern part of the- ago. F OrR SALB-A quantity of mixed 0 This best yet.
? township having snapped off with -Absence from jury duty iss, eats.wheat.peii.barley.and ceto, suitable
6 1 of for eed or seed. Duncan
a weight of snow on the wires. very setious offence in the @Ye4 clalre 361 a,
-There are several now mom of the law. as a Kincardine man
found ouU when Blood $25 by Mr. OTICE-R. H. Stroud. having
mumps reported In the vicinity moved to Duributou--oid manes. in WIF - S APMAN
So long Justice Wright when be failed to N for busiam repairing harrows, arA boots. M a
during the past week. Walker. My give him a can. 34-33
as they do not got It "to the neck" Appear at the assizes at,
ave too, af ter being summoned to do
any worse than that, they h R RENT-Hoax@ with shout 5
re- Racres of good garden land.stable and
nothing much to complain about
town- witted, although reluctantly by hen house. Apply to Chas. A,Fuller. R.
-Farmers in Uxbridge Pickering,, Phone Pick 1026. 29tf a
judge, when the jorywan a ' Yo ' I
ald are taking stops toward se. -the The fine, however. was Look t -H t
i due rpO RENT-10 acres of good garden
%=ng hyd ro power and light and showod that his absence wai
&ad a meeting is being held this entirely to a storm which render X isnd,,w*b new bmw andi1ragI on station
rood ties the lake. South Of g verybody else does.
(Friday) night at Goodwood at Sid thlb roads inj &@sable. He had j. B Cormley,Duribasuo. E
which hydro officials will be preis. also Wired the 9beriff that be a.&- -All kinds of local one of our now models,;, We had them In for Haster,but'
RUCXTXG Apyly for term Turn It in on
ent to give data &ad rates, pected difficrilty in reaching the Trucking doew simmour. as so cold,but they are "reirin" to 90 DOW-
I ft on WAd. count wo in time for duty. is A.a- - corner Kt=Road didn's sell many. It w
-Mrs. J. H. Roxe .kTtA!I!a-F
-Oy Ionday evening, April Rosebaink Phone Pick 2645
visit 90'reson, W. D.
day lapt to Was Se
-A SNetland II quiet
x1gers and family. She. 2W, th Pickering Continuation- VORSALE
am to drive. Also aboys=,d in
Socioi X for alsIr cVl, Ap F 0,
Literar g - Tan c
mpamied by Thos. nd Mrs. School 0 ty holld an .ty to - . ;=, Soled Work Boots
Johnston, of Gorrie, who bad beon open meeting in the Town Hall. d=.w con. Pickenag.
spending several weeks with her. The most important paA of the Mae by Williams Of glikess Mennonite lAesither.
SALB-Wbite Blossoim�Swsot
�and who have now returned bomeI program was an Oratorical Con FcoloRver wed. govermisaistptandillidNo I at ..:,.-.RZGULAR PRICB $4.00
-Rouse-clealliling has begun in test in which the junior oontmt- 'sa.00 par bo". Goo. T.Wilson. 1I 4j;
rs like "Panco.."
earnest but our residents hag% ants-were 5lart Swaa, and Mar. tion.R.R.No I. Pillow Care 313- U46
in seenrialt paper-blikair. Waret Weetusy, and the senior LUCK BOGS FOR SALB-MA1111111-
ors too do their work, as then am cont4wtaot;m were Marion White, Moth PatnHaLwag
C-,---"'Pliostl Pick 014. mf
no hancers residing in tbf RoWns' Whits, Marjorie Annan
no" should be a good hojudges, QBBD FOR of Work Shirts t6sell atill8c.,-1-M 1-45 allidl-7L-
and Muriel Weetney. T SALIt-Wbits INO"om Splondid Do
opse g on Whitby. and
for a man who cals do t atra large sizes and-of first-tiass waterimb
IL A. Hutchison. of jam seed. re-clowied.
and paper. J. Blowi Of Oshawa, awarded the k-Nueat c II
-4 I"R.2,
both painting i standard.No.1. A]
junior isodall to Margfirst Westney lot 27.con.7,Pickering. blart 810.30-33
-On Saturday eveninx re
the seillor to Muriel WS$tDOi,
quite a f&U of snow, wWb and -i BT OUR pRioNg-on now and
re in. (j '
soon disappeared as It was follow. Other items of interest we used farm mischinery.crem w"-rxt0r,aw AnDonneing wee
lod by rain. As sk result Seedin strumentals, duets. "sees and Irr"t wire fencing and gates. It will
operations have been delay2 clab.swiaging exorcism Thestu- W.F.Disney.Greenwoo.d.Phone Pick rival of something absolutely.1 new, a wl�
Yormers are very anxious to get dents served refreshment@ to the p BORGB.BAKBR-Ts Oft-Par011 to Thear
ion to the land, as the season is Pare Prices reasonable. if you want anything
ots and friends at the 610"of k3rd,aU kinds of local and loss distance truck- OVEMALL
now' about a month later than the entertainment. in-his anecousult him. Phone Pick 1605. W,
ed, Has four onmrsts kets lo.apron.
usual. On-Friday morning last Miss 0TOVRR BRED FOR SALB-A WJlI jI apron attach PM-2
-vu VT eanesony lost the fire 8%rah, LAw, one of our most'glg]3- Lq=y of government tested No.1, ed DOn,t fail to sex for it. A adocauuto 1
alarm was sounded,as the alfalfe seed.. W.J.
Friends' ly r"pepted romidentp, . passed and a quantity of 1
Turner,R.Ir.No.2. Claremont Phomne Mark
Meeting house *88 . threatened. peacef 611y away, af ter a prolong- 33tf
7. 'The old dry grass in the vicinity ed illness, in* her seventy. fourth -Aquantity of Canadian Fred - T. -Bunting) Pickering
,.was met on fire and this spread year. For several years Ighe has 'U*OR SALE Established 1857.
JL' Beauty field peas, suitable for mixing,with
-very rapidir t her other gra, , Al I
towards the Church been in very poor health, bu �jn,,. uso a n AWAlaaka garden
Rowevsr,� it was soon brought death was unexpected, as she was peas.
urk, Was R. I.Locust Hiu.
bone Pick 103 1. 33-34
under control and no damage was able to leave her bed nearly every
done. day, and on the morning arose at ar
AJred Rocks.bred-to-lay. $20.00 per hundred,
-The monthly meeting of St. 6 o'clock. but in half an hour she for April'27th delivery and weekly*thereafw.
Women's Guild will he breathed her last. Miss Law Was Also hatching eggs, 735 cents a setting. Bruce S R N
George's e,lot 13.con.3.Pickering. ji F 33-42
bold at the home of Mrs. Mans. the eldest daughter of the late Ritchi —
told, jr.,Fairport,on Wednesday, Thomas and Mrs. Law, sod
id, at 2.80 P. w. After a born in Scarboro township. Binrtalled a complete Battery Testing
May 2t
Chargitif outfit I am prepared to re-ciatrie and
short business meeting a program Aboutfift years ago the family a], A and B batteries for either can or
Mrs Inwiralkise
wi Every member came to Prckeriag township where teriar. R.E,Poynter,Whitevak, We r Strong MUtUal
pre ented. 2&40
and bring your Tal- they have ever since resided, for -are
please cow . . . ePr,8=nPt,,i,,, wh6se'rates the
to-of --OROXT
thirty years -being resid DRY (Semi finish)—Let our driver call and lowest obtainable.
omen's Institute was the villagi. The deceased was a hour service. just leave Y7
explain 0-M21.S.VIL I svis. bwba shop. 0
bold at Mrs. J".' Morkaes on T�aos- member of St. Paul's Church and ..with
e a aCti. will.pick up and deliveT 1 times a week. We inguro'both Village and Farm,
day afternoon. As usual the took a do interest in all it
gave a goW pro. vities. Ste vias of a quiet and TUST ARRIVED-one car only. T�opertiee.
Lud she tl Governmont telte Cobbler seed pollatow.
ga ion,
Cmin. At the conclusion fee unalgentniox dis"ition m Act quick for these, A. Armstrong. 26 oldi obli 6
Ifte latm gl&My supplied with
cream and calm was serve& The was always roI to TO&help- Ave..Tairlinto, Phone Hargrave 3107,Tprpplls =11M
Institute has accepted VMtby'a Ing hand in cases of Acese. Her 1707-
invitation to meet with them on funeral took place on Sunday ARM FOR BALE-OR RBNT-96
May the l3th. afternoon to Erskine cemetery
Facres of land in lot 12 Pickeri
-Life, Fire, Auto, Accident. Sickness.
-The Dramatic Club oommeeted and the large number who attend- of water at both INSURANCE,
�ed towilorrentgQ5012swe. Inicipal,C-Orporation. -
'With the Y. P.S. of St. Andrew's ed and the numerous floral tri- a 'umfence"' 1=101 BONDS—Government,K1
ount o beWth. James It.Aic It.R.R.1,
hurch nted their I r buites testified to the bigh esteem I-,ocuirt vidi-11" 44tf MORTGAGE LOANS on Farm Properties.
r @I
&Z, on t1i= W an ted a VRI f a'," in which she was held in the cow. REAL EST&TE-Farw and P.6- destw.:
VOR SALE-Hamilton incubator,
Is Ing St. FAUt Unitod Church, munity. She is survived by two X1 120 egg, goodas new,$12. Baby chicks.lot
@haw&, On Thursday evening brothers and two sisters, George, of May Rocks and Legborns, winter layers. S
sow,weighs about M choice pure
an pt,hundred; May 24th.S 16 d S10 N
last to a very appreciative audi- of Toronto, Thomas, Nellie d 9 eke oly Q$ 5 W ARKER .
once. There was a good attend- Hattie,of Pickering. Three bro- if taken at once. Mrs.L. on, Brougham
Once, the receipts at the door be- thers, James. Jobn and Abram -Con-
The artists were pre-deceased her. The heartfelt Mint of 48 acres in the north part of lot 6,
'n Two springs,
— ------------
Price$1200- 0
highol ented for the man sympathy of the community to 0. Box74
Iner they acted their extended to the family in theirj�, Win.Philp .606
bereavement. U-33 ',JTelephoue Piekering'4