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1 , s „ ,- ,_....._...�.:,.....:.�.. S.c..:aa_,........r"... ..:M'r...t.:.,. ,r. .4,:,!a�'ss:,a.'.. .v-i.... ...:.seas ..rt,. 7i .,. :'c '.a;.,, _ n:,: .a. ;1 '�,::' 5,,• +r7; " fir, •. " ti VOL. XLV 11, - PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB.. 17, 1928 t. 1rTo. 2.1 7 f �xaf0list,critral fEtsyesa. + C*Teen Mive-T DUNSARTON. HIGHLAND. CREEK. Medilea lSa,W XM d ��$� _ At the-Community Ball on Sunday A euchre will Morrish's GR. EEN'W0Oafternoon' service will-be held at 3. Hall; HighlandCreek, o the'evening - E. FORSYTH. Oph.D..-Director o'clock. Dr, H. S. Coulthard, of Wy- of Thursday, February 23rd under JLtA ometrieal Aasociatioo of Ontario.Flea• �,'d, cliffs College, will conduct the 'ser- the auspices of the Highland Creek. kerd,. berot the American optometrical �' vice and prgaeh. Wvmeu's Institute. Good plr2es will " -MTLIO • - Eyes' examined by appointment. agog, Clatemont, ont. be given and lunch will be provided WEST HILL. by the members. Playing wibegot 13stablished 1886 _ �ga�• Baskets oI all sizes Rteather permitting there will be $t 8.30 o'clock sharp. Admission* , 35 A E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and another-Fancy Dress Skating' Caz_ cents. .All are welcome. ,/s•Solicitor,Notary Public 9tnsonay y nivel at the Skating Rink at West ' ass South wing,Court Hoose, tby. and descriptions g GREEN RIVER. - ; Hill on Saturday night of this week _. Q..BRAWNINIi, B. C.. Barrie Prizes will be given for the best Herb. and Mrs:Percy were Toron+u Earl e" "y As ter.Solicitor,�YTotary Public. Annes'Blk., at lowest prices - -men's and best ladies' costumes, the visitors last week. I= .1c west of Yost Office,Dundas Street, . �. Mbltby. Horse phone 39(i, Office phone 392. best comic mens and, best comic Amos Slieard -OOas in Toronto a •Salt feta Bale ladies' and the best boys and girls, few days last week. �EATON & ROSS-Barristers, So. It is expected' that a band will be End ''p[ ' Miss Glady"s• Pugh spent a few L3}idtorsottbern Ontario 'Building,330 in attendance at this carnival, The 8ayseret. oroato. days last week with friends in To- 'q,J.gam; CHAS. A. WHITE. carnival last week.-was a big success, ronto. - s.D.F.Rase, Adelaide 2767 there being a fine big crowd and the Mrs. Wm. .Cowie spent a' couple •W h e 8ucaessor to]ate W: Q. Barnes ice very fair. Some of the costumes of days alst week with" friends in ICHARDSON & PICKERING- Phone Mark 8420 were exceptionally good, the cit ,iZBarristers. Solicitors etc.. 213-219 Confed- Alfred and Mrs. Michell entertain- i eratiotiLife Building Corner Yo a sad Rlch- mandSta.Toroato. nes Main 1&and Main Roofing Material f CHERRYWOOD. 0490. Pickering office open Wednesdayand • ed a number of friends on Monday -Wanted `XMutdayeveniaga. Phone Pick.8600. Stf A very, successful meeting of the evening last in honor of Mr.Michell s - 5 z British ColumbiA shingles Women's Association was held on birthday. p _ Dental S z Thursday of last week at the home The Union Sunday School are ire_ No. 2 and of Mrs. George McIlroy, A very in- paring for a fancy dress carnival Highest ' TR.J.R. FOWLIE. Dentist. Cor, sting grogram was rendered con- to be held at the Locust Hill rink Mate. bus Rd,and Victoria Park ve, To Ms g of a beautiful solo by Mrs. on the eveningof Wednesday, Feb. Mate. (Bw atoyo at door)•. Ovenveninga "' r �S : 1Ptiaaa Howard 7212. 19l L. Gates, violin and piano music by 29th. y TORONTO ASPHALT Mrs. Flett and Mrs. odd,and also a Frank Pennock received a few bad prices -BLAKE B. BEATON. D. D. S.. ROOFING a few• Graduatetof the Royal Colelge of Dental reading by Mrs: A. J. Taylor, The bruises and a bad shaking at "< Hurray's 18 in., 82 in. and 33 inch officers wish to announce to those in- days ago. He was engaged at fallii • _.J3nrgeons and University of Toronto. Gilles Paid ser Nf,udock's Gonfectlo y arms. Whitby, widths, 4 is 1 Shingles; also terested that the piano which was a tree which lodged in two otl>.er Ii eheurs9one to 12 ,t eo bn�30 laa,'p Metal Valley and recently purchased has been fully paid trees.Bell • - y ll.o R Ridge--- - _ g -'for, and they wish to thank all those Albert Heisey returned from Grace -• �� T.1� C����N -: NEIL C.SMITH. D. D. 9„ L. D.S., Material, or will give price on helped by donations or other- Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, hav- 1\(Sneceesor to Dr.J.N.Dales). Graduate of wise. The committee will be pleas- ing been receiving treatment for the Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Toron. finished job.. ed to receive- new members at any some time. We are glad to know lq_�niversity. At Claremont office over D. A. Seo is store every Tuesday and Frida Ph0A L one : ' PICK Q IN : time. thati he is much improved in health.' \."Stour tall; 2'�tt • - �iattl,G • w BROCK ROAD. «\\�BRBERTT. FALLAISE, L D6„ �U#�RD�;j� v A D� Dotl't raise the Racing Carnival at 171DEJ% i Ait3� A RAod supply of Hard and Soft D D,S;, Graduateot the Royal College o! - ClaremOflt, Feb, 21st. Mr,�Wm. Taylor has gone for a. Coal on hand, Also s supply Sorgeoas and the tJnivernt; of Toronao. 16, eabave) S.Ba!■doa'■store,P,ckeriag,Ont. DUMBARTON. �Gnto visit with her parents in To- of Hindliflg Wood, a TSE �dII�INAR��T. Pho97e Pack 3700. s1 Mr, and Mr,. Wm. Taylor and Mrs. We understand that Walter Ham stove length. • - stslttsss� 4�GcxacDs. and airs. Bates, of BoWrrhanville, vis- niton will hold an auction sale of farm _ •.....,.,,... .. �.-,_�..,,,,. ,,•__��-.,�, We buy and sell, furnish quotations community friends in the Phone Pick. 1709. ty on stack in the near future. - -and information on all Listed and AEL12A88Tbi AIOHARDSON- Saturday. Mr. Popp and family, of Toronto, DONALD MCNRO,-PICKEKING - ' .Firesadautoatob+icm■uranceofallic+naa. Unlisted Mining Stocks. Miss Marguerite Cook, of Toronto, will occupy Wm. Badgerow's house •_ t ug.•■enWng compaaiesof solid financial stand- We will be pleased to sd+lee what was the 'guest of Mrs. Chas. Annis during the summer months, / w w�/� w stocks to buy or to hold,or over the week-end. John and Oscar Neal are busy L. SURNI riI�.7�"1 A M BORGE KEA,Y-Licensed auction. what stock to sell. On Monday afternoon• Miss A. these days cutting ice on Jackson's Building and General eer,Alton. L;ve stock and general sale, . Clients are making money by Thom entemained a number of her pond, and supplying their customers- Contracting. Iy attended to. Terms reasonable R. following our advice. friends in honor-of Mrs. Clark, of Mr. Smith, Jr., of Toronto, has Estimates furnbhed on all classes r l e�a Sto"$Y,iu• PSone sto„s ®cos.' al-4 g l� g• sl rebted James Farley's_.dwelling and of worn:-Interior and Exterior. - Our loo experience in minis ex. Alameda, Sask., former resident of FPOSTILL. Licensed Auctioneer, tending over a period of twenty our community,. is going -into the huckstering busi- Alterations and repairs. ■ ase osasstsr a4 Twk sad osbuto. ass. years• allows us to give sound advice Miss Elva Arms, accompanied by ness. Chimneys Built Concrete Work. Dtae Was of as khats ansussd is as @bar*=$ on the 4avestment feature of a mine her friend, Miss Lillian Field, of NIa- James H. Keyes and family who phone Plckerili 6712 i walls. Address organ shv P o„ oda or the speculative feature of a eras- era Falls, N.Y., spent the week-end • pectula mining feature of g have been on the sick.list for some g _ a% ��••�� B.Hg'.ATON TOWNS OLERK with the former's parents, Waltol: time, are now on the way to good FAIRPORT, - ONTARIO oa.esrkniartee sam" SOLLt)WAY, MILLS sic CO. and Mrs .Annie. seam r►aseaakaa Imam�MO� ss teas Members of Rtaodard On Thursday evening, February 23, health. Ct H 11LT G T T.� S ' gases• � Y g A number of farmers are busily �7 i�l Vf .1:1 .i`.� ons. �` Stock Ilzehange. a bean supper will be held under the employed hauling gravel on to the - �7 Members of the Montreal auspices of the Ladies' Aid Soclgty Brock Road, The County Council is Nova Scotia Shingles F4 M. MAW, LICUN8RD AUC- Mining Exchange. Supper will be served at six, after determined to keep this road in, good 'Idalt Galvanized Steel Shingles ry ies. AB R for Yosk t�otarlo aadDar6am Office sad Board Room,Ground Floor, which a good program will be given. condition. Bird's Felt State Shia legs iCwntier, Ab k1arL of saiei attsaded R i . le, Termsressoname, Dsteafar may ba Metropolitan Building. Miss Isobel Scott and Mr: Jack Mc- W. H. and Mrs. Jaddon were ilz for sale at at •�cvc: Hell and aO• TORONTO, - ONTARIO Intosh, of Cedar Grove, will assist Toronto on Sunday visiting their son,don - _ pbODe` `oD flay Ph�ea: Adelaide E671 sad-68W. with the program. A pleasant social Archie and wife:. The latter has T. PATERSOWS • CLAREMONT evening including games is promised just arrived home from the 'hospital Call and get ptdces. Phone 2612 We THE RURAL to �i where she had been for i couple of d LAWS m GtJ G 'GREENW000. weeks. She is now making a good JJA �h f SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. recovery.. _ We are pleased to hear that Miss r / - Have Them I Marjorie Byersis.much batter this GREENWOOD. �., Real Stints and Insuraoee j G A R P'f�` ( E f week. bars F. L. Green is indisposed at +'arm Properties a Specialty. The Mission Circle had a Valentine social in the ehgrcTt on Thursday present with a cold. We are prepared to do all kinds Head Office:213 F14 Confederation Perry and Mrs. Wilson and Leslie of repairing of este, also bat- Head Building.Toronto. evening. spent last Friday in Whitby. tery charging. elertlrk �68t 6ersp, Oyster Shell, phone N.I.18110. Mr. and.-Mrs. Simon Adamson, of Will Brown attended the Hockey welding and in tach Mica Grit. Moose Jaw, are giaiting at the home Match at Whitby on Friday n�lght elerythiolt is coo• - Broach Office: Gordon Building, of A. and Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Richard Wilson is, to re- HOCI[ey StialrB and Pickering Ontario Chas. Ledgett had a very success- cov=ered• after an attack of Quinsy. n car work.with - Phone NW. 28tf ful sale on Wednesday, Horses and We are glad to see Win. Middle- Tube skatefl, cows sold at a high figure. ton nese,out again after his recent ill- sae, oil on hand constantly. and Aeeesiories The 'Audley Community Club m A splendid line Heaters, TIY& TdBLB-Piattaris; 8tali3n at the home of F. W. and Mrs. Gib- blotly TAL Trains sous East dna as tallows A number of our young people,at- son on Monday evening when a v Ranges and lee. 30 Mail ' . • 7.68 A M: -. dei the drama at Audley last Fri- Call and see our Catalogues of _ - 28 Local 12.14 P.Y. pleasant social-time was enjoyed day ni ht.. Dodge and Star Care.: General ;3ardware. •• so Local 8,26 P.>E about sixty members aryl friends gan The Ladies Aid propose hof Au ey S „- Sunday train, -�' 6.96 A.M. the Club. oyster supper and having Audley W �LYIN BUSHBY Trains �g Wast "duo follows- An oyster supper will be held on Dramatic Clhb. Ise, 28 Local 9,22 A.1MC. the evening of Friday;-February, 24th, liQ:iss Tressa, Loren, of Stouffville, AND SERVICE STATION g7 Local - p�M,__ in the=Greenwood Church, under the is visiting with Mrs. George Middle- -- ]PICHERING ••' '9- 9.06 P.M, auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society. ton for a few weeks. - - ' , -- . - he Dramatic Club--of the Audley going is according. to Standard Community Club will present thein ' The Mission Circle are having- a Pori` Valentine Social in•the basement of m - drama entitled "The Prairie Rose." 1 he Get the" Mo'st ti°°e, the church on Thursday night, Feb. -Music will be furnished between acts. 16th. " Supper will be servdd from 5 to'8. CLARE' Admission;50c.; children 25c. Siam and Mrs, Adamson arrived 'New For— � � � FROM ��,�� 1 here on Saturday morning_ to_attend CREAMERY 1 seethe Broom Hockey-Match at the funera lof the former's fal er, Your Sleeping Mr. John Adamson: ie NOT on ninepin a't Claremont next Tnesdyy Ev'g. y BRt6Z!HAM. annual The . Sclass Greenwood Gmeeting hrecently, Hours. Cream"$ighest price paid frit - _ an elected the officers for the coin ones' Diu Store _ Creatn at the A..grand concert under the auspices ing year as follows: President--Mrs. $ z of the Citizens' League will be held F. L. .Green; ist Vice Pres.-Miss V se a -Marshal t Claremoa t Cre= in the Town Hall on the evening oi' Edith Ormerod;'Sec. Treas•-Mrs, P. Bnt we HAVE on display an Thursday, Februar;r 28rd.' A splen- E. Wilson; Asst. Sec.-Treas.-Mrs, M. eiweptional bargain in Y did program will be given by the fol- Pegg; Miss. Sec,=•Mrs:'A:Brown So- Writing Paper.' ,Mattress.- Give us a trial and be convinced lowing Well-known artists: Bert Har tial colrimittee-Mrs. P. E. Willson, EL1Vi DALE MILLS vey; comedian, of Brougham Miss Mrs. F. Disney and Miss Doris Gee, x? Darin F braar cal Dorothy Passmore, whistling soloist, Membership Committee Miss Jessie One large 25 cent B 9 y- y - _ of Toronto; M. P. Parks, Scottish Beelby; Teacher--Mrs. F. W, Gibson; . <. Free Slip Covera are given withal! = d Comedian, of Whitevale; M. J. Wil- Asst. Teacher, Miss May E. Brown. writing p grades of Marshall's Inner ker, violin soloist of Claremont; Miss There passed away at Greenwood C 1.' ' Spring Mattresses. Dorothy Swan 3ocutiolnst, of Cher-' on the 8th, John Adamson, at the One 15 Cent pkge_.• l - rywood; Ed. 1 (;;;i; , tenor solpist, home of his;somin-law, Archie Davis, Alarshall'_Special" Mattress, don. � For Pastry nae of Whitby;"Fred T. Bunting, bari- in his 82nd year. Mr. Adamson had Envelopes b1e bed size, =28.00. tone soloist, of Pickering; Mr. Pass- lived around and in Greenwood prac� Our Royal Brand more, Pianist, of Toronto; and mem-. tically all-his life time, having re o�L Red Outfit, wslaut steel bed, bers of the Greets River Dramatic, tired from i#lrming ten or elevet, h sagless spring, all._felt _ -_ at.-your.6rocer's._..__ Club,_..who will appear.-In:- dialogue. years ago. Mrs...Adainson-predeceas-. - _ mattress. x$1.00. _ Local talent will assist with piano ed him flue years a o. A family of �C ; Fwrmars who have 2►heatg your duets, monologues, etc.-'Phe chair three sons and one �anghter'are lett for ! Qebts'• a flour made from youiro� will be occupied by Rev. W. Reek- to mourn his logs, gone daughter, Mrs. - Ste mitt wheat. We can = ham, of Whitevale. Proceeds are in Emmerson, having died a few years i J - a grind it aid of the Fire Brigade.' A dance will ago. The remaining family are Main This offer 18 for a'limlLed be held after the concert. Come and and John, of Saskatchewan; Norman time Only. \ " Furniture Dealer and Feed of all kinds-Chicken tfeed, hear a good program, and help the of Kane, Man.,'and Mrs. Archie Da- Funeral Director hen feed, chop, millfstd. boys along. As they are-prepared vis, of this place. The remains were L ` BePhone 1900 _ - Cho in eve Week-da to answer a call from any part of the lairs to rest beside hs wife in Salem Ea . C. Jones, Phi• B Chopping ry Y. - township, a large crowd should turn Cemetery on Saturday. The symps- _ InOkB>� � olli�0 out- Program begins at-8 o'clock. thy of the community goes to the g �2 �• Admission 35 cents; children'20 cents. bereaved ones. Druggist Pickering :.. •'., - ., .. ..: .. .. ... - ., .. .., .... .c•� Y s.!_ s,''%� /WZN 7'!P8.µ� ". '�':-.s... p.. ..,. r,,...v: ".,. •.a.• ,.:..,. ,; ;7. ..,_ .,,: rY .sSr .•�-dtar.z, �^e: .•t�.t•.grrct�,.�_ ' ..t ''.nw•G F 4 r- - '.iEF.:i•w•L Y J q: ' ♦"r,�ff'-K'". :Yj v`2k1 .SVxNui',.•N;"' _ *` ' In..r... n - - ---- think "He's hittin me," Tits Riggs said thin that Pelton did not want him to - stilt u" balk tn—lUy with no dtaplaY of annoyance• Bax gee 'Therefore it was something that /� _ . Some �"t—�, thm we P for dia»t �e Stot>e, that ixitrintiirtsted"Pelbou ire.sonieDody Pet= - FOR ��- we kt7o�r, t xve,_Dom•' _ els.- _ . �� 'a tectives work slowly. That the snap Th�was ons o3 these aw t t as ea ts• ` riot dlscor�d a� /��e-�1 "��Oe1, WiM judgments and hasty conclusions of of intuition and sudden enlightenment ✓_�" � �s e saes to 11Ids the amateurs are of'gittle worth coca that come at times, and Stone was Ic : „ • used• to the, astounding ,results of quick to act upon it., He determili -• -. �,. "AG deliberation and meditation. to find out if an aerie ffiendly to Pel- to .glassing of himself with the 'ton'had accomplished this�act, what- -� famous Stoke was -forgivable because ever it. was, that had changed him BAKING ---_' of Riggs' whimsical' tone 'and good- from a spirit of aptirehension and fear . humored smile. satisfied, tented ` to a s is ed, con md.) �� 'Well try to compass both," Stone (To be continued.) said; "we'll hope to get the- speedy results 'Mr. "Pelton so- much -desires, Model Ships Are 1_ Mode in C-anada - No Alum 1 together with the astounding results .1Apromised by Mr. Riggs. And now to Found lri Luxor altstnssttcsa� '• i j business. Mr. Pelton, yeur. part will : 1 tLL `yap be to show me all the papers of your I late uncle's that have any bearing on Many' Precious Objects Still :.� Ankh- the matter of his death. Or. better Come Out of Tut Anlch- still, all the papers of his you have down_here, for it's easy to be mis- taken as to the bearing of a docu- Cairo.—Eighteen beautiful 'model �+ wI at carawn merit." was the re- ships, d'eeigned to provide the dead Sea All right, Mr. Stone,» a de- king Tut Ankh-Amen with the means "" - •^'+a+v 1 but the observant,eye of the ply, _ of voyaging to the sun, in accordance tective noted a disinclination to cora- with ancient,beldete, were found in r ' 1 with the r eats, ' the t'an's tomb #sat season, acv WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE. Merely ac=quaintances. She is very. ply � FgYI? qs�q Garrett Folsom is stabbed to Beath. "Perhaps that,will be"our first step,". cordingto the report of fioward Car- - besutifuI, but''ahe is,not-the type of Stone w nt on determined to push ter. The American archaeologist is whtle swimming at Ocean Town, N.J. woman I make friends with. I like her , �+ th4 matter, since Pelton-vias ao ebur In chs of the excavations at Luxor. ' 'nlaom's. Bathing companions had companion, Mrs. Burnaby, better. I'8� been Roger Neville a business part- "You now cathing of Mrs. Valdotr ously adverse to it. Among other rare objects, found in probably knows nothing about what tier' Mrs. Helen >#arnaby tans Gar- to her disadvantage'! I'm sorry to be Yet it was not a lengthy procedure. the tomb were a large Ituant}ty of the punishment is for, and that if you rAeg1 s. H After the seat bundles of et;tm and funeral figures of the finest workman- stsilie it,or de'live'rately hurt It in aill ta so plain spoken, but I know that we Anastasia . Folsom. eccentric and. beth have at'heart only the cavae of Palms were brought from tho desk ship, and a maga:flcent canopy and way, you are simply ruining It as a' a masterful easter of the dead man, are and-looked-over,'Miss Folsom directed receptacles for Tut Ankh-Amen's Det or for show purposes. hives and takes command. At the in- CTOydOII Sears, and any possible side- her nephew to produce the suitcase visitors. I have' recently heard of people, quest it is learned that the death weal light I can get on' this matter may flan was a pichaq, an•Oriental knife,'help UA." that he had brought from New,York, The report says clearance of the otherwise kind, who forget to have and it had been bought on the board-I "Then I will answer frankly. I with additional data in it. bird and fourth chambers of the tomb fresh, clean, .cool water where the cad walk. To this Pelton showed unmiatakable' has been completed. can always find !t. I wonder hew those It is learned that one Croydon Sears I know nothing of Mrs. Vald»n,_to ben unaInin eau. He-said he had mis- i definite detriment, except that she l±m _-�— humans. will Seel if their supply ot5, is a fancier of curious weapons. He laid the key to the suitcase, but his drinking water depended on some one, tries to bribe the servants . let her and that one forgot tc furnish it: admits buying two knives but not the; aunt brought him u with around Under-the-Tabic Manners + i icha . go into the rooms that were.occupied g. p 1P q turn. it's very hard to be polite When correcting a cat, speak is a Anastasia engages Titus Riggs, am by.Mr. Folsom." " s„ „ atrchitect, to work on the case, Dan "She did do that" Do you mean Nonsense. she exclaimed. "You If you're a cat. low, firm tone. Pltase,do not shriek Pelton the dead man's nephew, ar-�she continues to do so?" haven't done anything of the sort, and When 'other folks are up at table at!t! Stroke pussy's head gently and rives and is intrigued b some curious: if you have, it doesn't matter. We Eating all that they are able, do not bold her against her wishes. gue "Yee ` My nurse known her than- can break it open. You bring out x French dolls In Folsom s room; berrnaid, and I insisted on her telling pe g You are down upon the mat - - HOB' would you hilae to he lifted high'. Croydon Sears' initials are discov-I that suitcase, Dan." - If you're a cat. in ttie air and held therm by a giant' e'red in a notebook of Folsom's and me'„ Pelton went to the closet to get it, ` against whom your struggles were fn t' Pelton thinks his uncle had been do- "That is helpful and on have.done right inletting know. Rest assur- and before he returned he could be You're expected just to alt vain? Would not you, perhaps, scratch Ing same blackmailing. Robin Sears, g g heard opening the catch. It you're a cat. just a little" ' Croydon's son, is worried now that ed such information will only be used l g suspicion is resting on his father. in furthering the cause.of justice, and "Bring it just as it is, please," said Not 'to let them know you're there The cat will repay Your kindness ,,, Riggs tells him he has learned that it is through some such chance knowl- Fleming Stone calmly wondering if By scratching at the chair, with affectlGn and sweetness.—The Croydon Sears had purchased a third edge that we often reach the facts." Dan Pelton was, after all; concerned Or a light.--respectful pat Cat Review. _ ¢, dagger, ` The whole party arrived back at the in the affair. It you're a cat. The elder Sears sends for Fleming betel about the game time, and, though "Don't you dare meddle with.it, $ Stone, famous detective, who arrives the gay scene in the lounge and dant- cried Miss Anastasia, jumping up and You are not to make a fuss � { soon after. A Bilingual Ireland ''. NOW GEJ ON WITH THE STORY acre r°°ms was attractive; Stone de- going to her nephew. "Whatever ails if you're a cat. London Truth !Ind. Llb.): tiational t glared his readiness to'meet Miss Fol- you, Dan. Wbat, monkey tricks are bo' there's fish upo atbe plate CHAPTER XXXIX. nom and her nephews and have a con- you up to noNCr' lbu'te expected lust to weft; fen uncontrolled to reason 1r, like r' tenants an the business that had "Nothing of the sort," he returned Walt politely on the mat moat tams, no better than e�unding "I mean to question everybody can-I brought him down. "t had put same of my awn letters in if you're a cat. braes and tinkling cymbals, sod'res- - cerned, Mrs• Barron," Stone told her.f The Barrons were excused from at- here, too—that's all." son boggles at the idea of trying td _._.n, r -4—`-- change "a nation's language To - I talk to you alone because i think it tendance and Rabin Sears and Angei As he talked be had set the small be ask ace. on 8 table and, flirt n it open; IMinard's liniment relieves pain.asfae• teach a helpless Irish child at schoollita lees distasteful to you than to Fair were sent away dance., case flinging k sed questions before others." Then Cray�don Sears and the deter- was looking amazedly .at its contents. -- 4--— a language which ill never be ripakea -- - amYn eot � everybody conte nedfihi ,Live accepted an ]nsitatioa- brought Apparently something surprised him, �+� Y�•� `Y� or understood outside of Ireland nor Y rY L gle glligi�C1� Oi y them by Tite Rigg-, to hold the sea- but;,, in a moment he gave a sigh of $ Ireland Itself north of the Free way." j bion in the 'rooms that had bean Fol- relief, and said: game frontier,without and a lateratf rsuAse at the "No' but you stood next the man Understanding same time wlthoui a 3lteratnre -why ' y nom s and were now occupied by Dan "There you are, Mr, Stone. I cMdn't !anothing ellerthanorae o at the time of the—" Pelton. put mine in there after all. 1-thought this b cruelty t 'Not next to him. My husband was This sulied' Stone and they went I did." great many people'-Claim affection children, between Ithere at once. "Forgetful youth." Stone 'said, light- for the cat, A very. tew understand "Oh, yea. And you both had been i "I am glad yogi are here, Mr, Stone," ly. "Well, here goes for these then," it, says Margaret F. Bussing, In The talkingto him'" Anastasia said in her straightforlvard . But no more evidential documents Cat Review, To one who really loves Mtnard°s liniment for asthma.~ t I , "Not I. He addressed kir. Barron. way "I wish I might have gaited were found in'this lot than in the an animal an article on humane treat- who, of course, had to reply." t you I have one defective easy:' other, and Stone's.suspicions o{ Dan went 'is unnecessary, for real lore fQr 7.1 "I see. And you, then, never spoke shp said, Qlancisig at Rig "and I Pelton took a new lease of life. The anything Includes understand ins. How' Ainung the groups of .women studied to Garrett Folsom'." find no fault with him. But he has young man acted nervou+ and anxious, can an intelligent woman allow a,durinR an investigation, uudertake•n "Never." not your experience, whatever talent until the suitcawe was opened, then he child to dress a cat 1n doll's Clothes, to;by the Industrial Fatigue IieaeIIreh- "You never saw him until that,he may po,49"P. Now, I hope you two was calm and tat ril What had he force it to°walk on Its lurid IeKR, or to Board; one of fife finest had bees born morning?" will work together, for there is much expecul that �e didn't find?' hug It to sutfncation+. A little child 'and brought up 1n one of Ula�xo.!'a "I saw him the night before in the,to be done. 1 know, as well as.You . Stone began to see thiw affair had will do such things with,no thought of�worbt alum'tire". lounge of the hotel. But I did not'do, that 31r Sears is comm into no ramifications at he hadn`t- n 'the errneitive frreet_ tire, and t{ever there was a ridiculous fore sua<pectec;. And if Dan Pelton animal, and the cat Is probablyto S Q ' You suspect, he is it!" was a factor In the case, it behooved ill soul creature o9, earth: .It i NUR E J "Now just one more thing pec WANTED know Mrs. Valdon"' ! "Why 7" and Stone looked at her an imextigat4r to walk delicately, for is the-business of Known peopte�to con-i "Slightly." gravely. •"I came down here, Miss Pelton had the whip hand in his pos- rest children for thoughtless actions,i ?� tut a�fon �tihDBelle for e7and lolled `"You are not friends"" Folsom, to save my lriend, Cro}don xasion of rAl documents, and lettere. fu a gentle, kindly way. . ! tlo,eipl New Yoi 0 y ones • Sears, from a possible {else -accusa- The mole Stone thought about it Surely any reader of The Cat Re three >'ears' course of 'he re ng d `�— tion, and it'you s b.htl} toga aside young women: ha�tna the required y R the more inure he was that something view knows how inore'thaa ageless education, and deetrobq �s be.^omtns I e r V the danger of such I shall think I bac} igen abaft til ed from the suitcase it is to punish scar. 1t you are not n�ght.1. Tnt. I tem.tT ha.• ails rovoPted the a nt e e qht h,u: ar'etetn, a pupils •ec f %^ ' , sd• came unnecessarily. , durinlG' Pelton's absence front the kind enough 10 Nhudder'at the thought unllurm+ of Aho School. nlntr' "Diaybe unnecessarily for that et- froom, ;rid thnt whatever it was had`ot inflicting pain nn a creature wholly 6na,�cnnc/i ens tr..�'ttlnc sge!isca u js 7 fort but there is still the question of I n.l fl•nm New j ork. For further 9 given Pelton satisfaction rather than at your mercy. then. for your own � oho killed my brother. That has to otherwise. Therefore it was some- sake. pleasecremcmber, that the c^, - - Information r<'r11e the CuPrrintendent. be answered, Mr. Stone, and if You will take it upon }•ourself to solve the - i - • i i;,i- -� � mystery, I will gladly pa}- any bill y(�n nlA}' prescmt:" lC _ ,., "To my mind, 'Miss Folsom:' Stone <, �1 ssaid, "the best and surest way too save i Mr. Sears' -name from unmerited ac- `� - i� ;. _ Y cusation is to fine} the real murderer. In this I am quite sure you agree with 7 � /• Add to the 'o of the i '' "Yes,.•indeed, \rAs the emphatic re- tl �► �ep��� open road,-this pleasure W. sponse. n e way giving•refreshmerit. I,Nve are just starting out on a new • A sugar•coated gum that in- vestigation, or rather• on a new phas srt 1* e's affords double value. Pep- r of the investigation, but better equip- r 1 in ed for an intelligent inquiry." ,In fheStorLA // - pecmtat Savor in the sugar F Arrowroot Biscuits -- . coaifngandpeppermintj Fleming Stone looked at the speak- tt�1"011 thE'f�hOJIG' _ flavored gum er with evident admiration. erlwQys a5A-fol• . inside. R, L i "A wise judge could not put- the matter more accurately,"he caul, "and ' - 1(ani g�lad to work with and for you I S afi'i K-our colleagues." Chridies a• �} ":%nd for,heaven's safie flet some-I 1 " I where, said' Pelton, who, while gay- Smoke 04 1 ifig-little,'had been listening to Sone�, C19 � 'a ant• "I'm no detective m _l I and hi_ a } i self, but. I think if I were I'd work' — --- ---' �-- harder and faster than most." a ,. _ ISSUE No. 7—'28 — —1 k •✓RBST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING — Pies, Cakes, Buns and Bread — DOES ALL YOUR BAKING h' ST .+r_ - „a..-.;f: ,x* •.. '.o.;...,... �.. �.,:.,• >x -.,aa:w :: .- :�••� .ti: til.:. "Ca.:.!�r Via.: ,r: :: ,. .f r.,, ,: ,„L; a•, r- ;;�.ww 4 „m,...T,. ... r- cR., � ..f^,S� � >.�s -�.ic,.. �c:,u•.:,m,.• �:'+f.z. .`a.,.r'� 5. .•.�'- -� .,x .a.�',:'�r -�-r--w�:. ��ts-. �i i� .. ..y�„.,rdwq„ �.r. ..• . .�,,,, :: .. .. :•K.,, .,*nc,k. .F!' -.f.a'�:..- .-v,+..a�.,r -.' r '�.. O .".tis ^:i 1..Y. rt, r. -.NFT.- .. •e r� ",g• , � .r, r r.,j r, 4, J. . �TAJUO_.-��LY 0PENS-- _ -_ Asks for Trade . O .LIAtC�ER MINE VLSffED BY FIR WITH INTERESTING CONIES With Palestine Early Friday Fire Was Discovered in a Disused Stope-�' Toronto and Pittsburgh Help With Supplying Gas 'alative F.ndeav rs As Outlined in Speech From 'Throne Expert Sees Future for Cana- � �,.egi u p� Masks and Expert Fire Fighters To Offer No Surprises dian Flour In Hol Tom' Land : 'HORT SESSION LOOKED FOR —To promote closer trade relations RESCUED—SOME 40 DEAD betyveea Palestine and Canada is t On Friday, Feb. 10th, word reached come,.:but soon after that reports wero' Gunfire In Queer?* Park and hoof facilities for the adequate, training of twii a the visit to Montreal of Ye• the outside world that the Hollinger circulated that the rescuers were get-' beats of+mounted escort; the Llenten- public library assistants. #setbuds, Itis vice-president of the Charity g upper g y ant-Governor aed staff officer passing INDUSTRIA LRESEARCH. P gold mine at Timmins, Ontario, was tin the u r hand, at to h slo police down the Chamber between rows of bar o1 Commerce, Haiiba, Palestine. experiencing the first disastrous fire' The information sent to the police eautifui gowns; the a b, the Scientific industrial rese4rch offers This is Mr. Itin's third visit to this I that -ever took place in the-Ontario from the mine indicated -that water ; Speech, I was being'poured on the fire and, sp- an important opportunity for public�continent but the first time he has mining`fleld.- Mace, Bill Number One, and adjourn- I went at 3.22, .a twenty-minute cern- enterprise, closely associated with the comb to.Canada. He is staying at the Some fifty'miners were egtrapped patently, this method was proving ef- t moay, the 47th Legislature o! Ontario manufacturing, agricultural and com- Mount Royal Hotel and when inter- in the workings though hundreds of festive, although some doubts had h Iran opened itis,second session. mercial life of the community. viewed expressed his confidence that miners were below ground when, the I been expressed with regard to the One of the social problems which i the near future will see.a regular in- alarm was first sounded. action of the water on the gas being .CEREMONY EXPLAINED. engaging the earnest attention oflterchange of commerce between Can Train From Toronto sent off. Major J. G. McMillan, the On arrival at three o'clock, Hon. W. my ministers is the better care of our ads and Palestine. I • A special train from Toronto ar- mining inspector for Temiskaming, D. Roan t ted the rd of honor dependent aged population. Mr. Itin, as official representative rived at 9.60 Saturday at Timmins said that this gas beyond question was ' nkpec 8va I I he reaching this and thea entered the Chamber pre-i It is hoped that the re-organization of the Grands Moulins de Palestine carbon monoxide, bearing equipment with which to car ceded by Col.' Alen. Fraser, official and strengthening of the staffe of the and of the wine growers of Richon-le- conclusion from the appearance of tTie ry on rescue work in the gas-filled ' secretary, and Capt Eric HaldeQiby, Mental-Hospitals will lead to the ap- ion, to primarily interested in the bodies of some of the men recovered, i workings of Hollinger Consolidated '.' lside: His Honor was accompanied by .PUcation of: curative methods in the. Canadian market for Palestinian mat- � Little news was available through- Gold Mines. Premier Ferguson, and thea* followed i treatment of the mentally afflicted. nobs, the unleavened bread u by The special train from Toronto:out the long Sabbath afternoon, and Sir Henry Pellatt, Brig. Gen. Bell and The arrangements made for dental Jewish communities in celebratl the made the run in a little' over twelve the watchers about the main shaft treatment and additional social serv- Passover, and for Palebtir an wd'ne• houis, a run which normally accupies were kept in a.long agony of sus- ; stis officer* of Military District No: x ice,work in comiecbion with the Men- He also hopes to find in Cs da a twenty hours. The C.N.R. and T. and penes while the work of combatin„ the "2. After the Governor had read the tal Hospitals give promise of `Denefi- market for olive oil and for Pal flames went on steadily underground. Speech from the Throne and retired, N.O. Railway lines were laid wide Mr. Speaker tabled his report on alae- cial results, tan almonds, the quality of which be Noah A. Timmins, president of the open to the special, which shot along the neral :'bion protests eta tri. South Bruce and Port The legislation of your last Session says are of a high grade. through the night at a speed never I company; 4. F. Brigham, ge Arthur, and n Sr. th Btu, of Prince providing for the establishment of In exchange he is buying Canadian before attained on these northern manager o e Hollinger; John Knox, Edward, was introduced. Then Mr, the Liquor Control Board During and American flour, as Palestine im- lines. This train brought adequate.,the assistant manager, and C. G. Wil- Fer ard, ins introduced. the time-honored the comparatively short period the ports all its flour and is in need Of provision for any possible medical or liams, mine superintendent, were di- Act has been in force there have been that commodity. nursing emergency. i recting operations. x -Bill No. L Here the Prime Minister-Bill :set & precedent bye Priming to all many-encouraging indications of pub- "Them its no reason why in a few , Official List =. The workings of Hollinger'have a present the significance of this appar- lie support and co-operation. years Canada should not establish a total length of nearly eighty miles,I Following is the list of known dead: ,ant formality. During the' past fiscal year the regular trade in flour ands other com- and there are twenty shafts connect-! Ira P. Graham, W.-M. Stevens, 0. Treasury succeeded in obtaining a modities with Palestine, Mr. ItIn Ing theao workings with the surface Ahvenoski, F. Martin, V. T. Higham, LED TO POPULAR GOVERN, lanced budget for the finT time in said, "and that Palestine in exchange This illustrates the very good poasi- S. Dunlop, 0. Chenier, D. Nadeau, G. MENT. number of years, notwithstanding should find in Canada a market for bility of men finding their way beyond Mazonovich, T.- Gren,ke, A. Vale, W the fact that the debt retirement lar purely Palestinian products. The the influence f "For many years," as you are all requiring substantial payments was I prospects as I see them are very good. b main there until I indasy. P P Y P o gas smoke and , aware;' he said, "there was a keen I inaugurated, The improved financial It only needs encouragement and fore sing content to -re i List of Raacued , struggle between the Crown and the the fumes may be expelled from the D. Krakana, C. H. Trevenna, C. situation of the province was reflected sight-to mate such a commercial bond upper workings. Levin, N. Petchick, A. Teaolin, V. people as to the right to dictate the ,. inthe advantageous terms secured in a binding one. affsrirs of the nation- As a result of I �o U.S. Rescuers HelpRrusac, G. Zolob, R. Kuranen,F. Jack- this struggle, we received the advant- recent borrowings _`�� ... gg The recovery of the bodies and the son, I. Lizzie M. Lozock, O. Kest. age of popular Government, by the1TO EXTEND UNIVERSITY AVE. t station will be submitted for . control of the fire is largely due to Follewing is the official list issued ,people, through the elected represen-i Legislation I Ml�lPatlO�i Be�n8 the efforts of the United States Bur.,from the office of Hollinger Mines of 3 tatives in the Legislature, so that ell I your consideration-to make further I eau dines Department crew and their miners entombed in mire calamity: over the British Commonwealth-today, provision for the development of In China Pro Proper, up to-date apparatus.' Some of these' P. Hede, M. Swy�ttt D. Krakana, wherever our type of institution pre Northern and Northwestern Ontario; men, and the Hollinger men who have G. Aubery, B. To M. Whalen, P. vafls and reeptnsible Government is''to amend the Workmen's Compensa- --- I been working with them, along with Kiirnko, W' Roberts, H, Barrett, C. P. in effect, we have the practice of thel tion Act and the Mining Act for the Harbin, Manchuria.—Manchuria is; the two volunteers, Black and Steven- Trevenra, C. Leven, N. Petchick. A people asserting at each session their I purpose of increasing the protection preparing to receive this year be son, worked tilt monday fo gain nom-' Tesolin, J. Kusac, T. Grenko, S. Dun- w right to deal with the business of the of minus; respecting General Hos- 2,000,040 and 4,000,000 immif;rantal plete control of the fire. i lop, C. Richards, A. Valo, C. Hache,' session before they take up the,speech pitals and Charitable Institutions; to I from China proper.• Earl Sunday night ;he powder 0. Ahvenkoski, 0. Tittlit, R. Irving, delivered by the Crown for the_provid - for the Establishment of a j A tidal wave of humanity, one of magazine Gas 'reached, and there F. V• Perre, 0. Tremblay, T. Sarar, _ Crown's representatives; and it has, Research Foundation; respecting the'the greatest immigration movements, were found S. Dunlop and 0. Chenler, J. Balych,S. Maki,A. Aho, J. Kangas, been the practice to introduce a bill,'registration of stock salesmen and in history, poured north out of China ;Near the magazine another $nan'also C. Johnson, A. Kampala, W. Y. Al- and it has.been for a good many years brokers with a view to the proper}proper during 1927 and in the fir+. was found. O• Ahwnkoski by name, tans, 0. Chenier, I. P. Graham, 0. a bill respecting the admf istratton-of regutatioh and control of the sale of month this year I In order to,prevent any possibility of, Bastin, J. Aubrey, E. Lei.lanc. F. r _oaths of affice,to persons appointed as securities; to simplify the procedure J Continual civil war in Central. P Y P � danger of the fire reach.fa8 the pow-� bfr.rt n, J. N. B+Rham, G. Zolotr, !4[.' _ Justices of the�¢eaee, It is done pro{for" the incorporation of companies; China,- particularly in the Provinces der'magaine, the enclosure was clear-!Garde', B. Kuranen, F. Jackson. W. ". forma, .an an sasertion of poular respecting apprenticeship In certain,of Shantung and Ronan, coupled with i e;: of alt exploaivea,sures, etc: `Lindsay, G. Masonovich, D. Nadoau, 4' trades; for the extension and drvelop- high Lazes, overcrowding and atony When asked this afternoon as to I. LizAa, M. Loz-)cir;0. Kest, I. R hit- merit of University Avenue in the City;archy are considered responsible for the inquest into the dtasater, H. Mont.;ney, W. M. Steven_&. SPEECH.FROM THRONI';. q of Toronto as a boulevard drive, and!the great population movement. somery, -Town Clerk of Timmins. ;Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen o! the for other purposes. I The 1928 hegira will s£ art in full,' stated that this would sot be tined;Wolves Attack Ontario Cattle - $wsislative Assembly: In conclusion I desire to commend;blast late this month and will con- until all the bodies were recovered.' It affords me pleasure to welcome all these matters to your attention,i tinue undL the late fall, poverty- The funeral of one of the first vtc- Owen Sound—A pack.of wolves-ars qroa to the discharge of your legisla- and to express the hope that your de- stricken Chinese taking advantage of -time, Ira P, Graham, took place this'believed to have been responsible for. Uv dutLes. . liberations will, under the guidance the warm weather to move the;r fam- afternoon, under the auspices of the'recent attacks on domestic cattle in Once again we offer our devout of Providence, result in measures that ilies and belongings into the three Masonic Order: The bods has'the Irish Lake section of Glenig %Unks to Aht4}ghty God for a fount!- will advance the moral and material'eastern province&--Manchurta. been shipped to i ondonderry, Col township. N harvest and for the many bless- welfare of our people. I In Manchuria, it is not the flocks of Chester Count. : Nova Scotia, for In- It is reported that Sheep and cattle hags we enjoy as a people. NOTE:—Your paper will have a wild geese and ducks which the Chi- terment. to the calue o1 $1,"500 have been wort The extension of the local lines intoi non political resume of the proceed-'none consider as the first sign of The second victim, W. Martin rigid to death by the unknown mar- - the rural districts enables greater ad-1 Ings of the Local Legislature eonolsa'spring, but the eight of the first ami- Sterane, will be interred to-morrow I aliens. aantag&Ao be taken of this Important i ly told In pithy paragraphs under the grants from Shantung. morning. )Railway, are building rip the north� heading � Local i ommercial unions Forces, Ministers are takiaa_afsp_to--swain- tO�At�EZi18 — I basing their estimates on figures from mourning when the intent of the Granter Big Sum pious, Ontario is destined to occupy an THE SESSION WEEK BY WEEK.- the over-populated districts in Cen- death toll was reatiled/to-night. "Isrio to the water powers situated in Watch for it. It will telt you about tral China, believe the exodus this Fire -Nearly Out Washington.—A total of $12,729,000, this province. your member's activity. year will reach 4,090,000. Japanese Sufficient headway has been made ----o-- transportation experts suggest that Timmins, OnsteAccording to an was provided for the Prohibition the h7 the group settlement along the ` A terrier, owned by a Scotsman, has 2,000,000 will be closer to accuracy official notice posted t the police ally eau e a supply bill reported to the Transcontinental Railway to warrant learned to drink whisky. His master's The great bulk of emigrants' are letin board,rife fire in thestlat finally House by its appropriations commit- i fturther aettlemeats of a like nature, vice. I expected to settle in the district north had been got under control Tato in the tee. This amount is a decrease o! Which aro now under consideration.nature, Four marriages were solemnized is and to the east and west•of Harbin. afternoon after the efforts of the res $591,004 from the funds provided at ' 'Tbe extension of roads, and the con- thick fog at a North Country church Timber and water are plentiful in this cue Parties had been concentrated on present imruction of additional lines of the recently. I understand the brides area, but marketing facilities and this phase of the operations for the The coapt guard, described as "al- ter art of the da As late as most rivalling the navy," was given !['omdskamtng acrd Northern Ontario were asked to examine their hus-i transportation are absent. In addi- gree p y- $aUway, are building up the north bands carefully before leaving the al-'tion, the settlers must cope with great four o'clock in tine afternoon the $29,902,000 for the maintenance of its ovantiy for which the outlook is ex- tar, as no mistakes could be rectified bands of bandits and tax collectors of smoke from the burning material was fovice of 15,000 mea, 4b0 boats and i; csedangly promising.' afterwards -_ Generalissimo Chang Teo Lin: proving a stubborn obstacle to overt five seaplanes. _... Indcatioae point to the fact that in Addition to the gold, silver and nickel CMeral View of the Scene of Disaster ptining for which the province is fa- ' ova, Ontario dei destined to occupy an � _ Important place in the production of ; ? <' zv * 1lopper. e Through the medium of the For- ; y r _wry Board,-tor w b legislative pro- y,_n was made last year, a special ,, Andy is being made to pn�sure the con= � :s.... •.K. • ity of our forest yield. The adtrp- of 'gni roe ed methods of dete_ting _ .. d°exttrgiriah-'tsg forest fires has "» followed by a marked reduction _ the fire losses, The work of re- forestation attracted increaaad atten- tion during the past season- Highway S$rprovement.occupied an r .- sv _""•x h�..F x..... z y' c Important place in the activities of _ Vie Government. The provincial Sys- -a t tam was considerably extended by th addition of many miles of cP. ountry xoads iTndar .tiles ctoptracts .entered into, the ctnngl.01o�n Of the permanent hway front•Wtndwr to the Quebso l p w!a x eq ,w. ,A" epi, •n..., der is assured. Good results wail 4 ubtless come from the efforts to an- WSW the safely of the public, both by �r^ locational methods and.more effee- 4:A tra - In education the development of the � "�` ' �.. t Correspondence �` 4 r courses and the travel- � �tb.�"�• Mg seroob spa meeting with marked ' �rubltc fa�eDt; Tb*rs azo gratifying - —_ FIRE INVADES WEALFHlf-14"Ll-NGER-VAN-E--A'�TiM-WNlS--A"_SRiNGS DEATH.TO TRAPPED h11NER that tabs Adolescent Act is 8poataaeoua combustion la believed to have been the cause of a Rre which broke out on the 550 foot level of,the Hollinger mine at Timmins at 10 a.tn, --- - satisfactorily. Yocamional Friday. The above panorama of the mine and relining plant, which is the greatest roducer in Ameiioa, is taken as it appears from the,tonn of Timmins. haining 30 enhancing the usefulness Tye main abaft, visible as the most prominent object in the central part of the picture, !a directly above the refill'stope where the fire started. Below is, � 00 ot3a�1 s r seen a view of the mine and piflnt at night. • 3 :9 i ' Dom r 1. _ nom: s m,i,.: �y� •.FM1,t .,�. �� SIG "� }* a.. -.i.• ✓ w , ry •. .. ry :: '. .. ...z:s van, v., of the Christian Woricer to smooth Great Kaci carnival and BroomAft 0% filets_.. a�l�a t,-- owu their eangUd-6----Kn-d-ata -- �- 'Tuesdsy Ev'g nett: t Win ter will be here Very aoo>t►aad them men of 'the highest type of ! it you have any notion of rcaRaas _Hard and ft ® pa sleigh,hlaw ee7l manh9od,and men who will be a i{1.7bper year,; 11.60 if paid ia advance. credit to theal8elvee'1D every ways. BONDS—Government. Municipal and , :. Mort age$Dade, Also, Industrials. 081 0E tb8a subscriptions to the united states-and creat and to the nation which they have Safe investments at from 5 to,7 per best quality on your order now h that it . PJritaln_;9.00.in advaaca. r . . . will,.be ready when the made the land of their-'adoption. cent. _ hand first snow appeArs. JD !�l MURKAR, Proprietor. mother pleasing feature was the 1NSURA£�i0E-All classes written In-' ��] L O RINE REI D readiness with which our neigh- cludidg trice. Automobile, Wind- _THOS. AJ .�• bore in the• American Republic storm,Accident and sickness. o f CLAREMOIgT fyQTE8 AND COMMENTBr r -` 101C3coxi 1 , Q=t.` rushed to the scene to reader such Phone or write _ -'Within our prison walls may efficient aid for the rescue of the tf _:__Bg BOWMAN, R'hltby -------+ 'be found Wren who have been cot• entombed miners. They had the -- •;� Gold Medal Braid Groeenes v. ted for serious crimes, but who equipment necessary for such em. The PickeriII ergencies which the Canadians W are featuring this week Gold Medal Brands and recommend and were not really criminals at heart. guarantee any goods.carrying this label. did not possess. We cannot inag VId11ance Committee In a moment of weakness they a9 Bantam Corn, 2 for .35c ice a war between these two conn- as to per. Gold Medal Glarge tin. 156 _far forgot themselves Gd Medal Tomatoes, ;form a criminal act z bit h landed tries. Thep are of similar race, The object of this Association ie tea Gold Medal Sweet Corn,. 18c 5c similar language and' similar lessen stealing and rosecute Gold Medal Peas, •. 1 - them in prison, where they will f ' . 3 ideals. We are to a great extent the felons. Gold Medal Sardines, for 85c pass a period of their lives to expi• 2 ate fur tkieir crin+s. It way have blood relations and our interests -Gold Medal Shaker Salt (iodizbdj 2 for 25c v �1lembere'having property stolen ooinmanl Gol&Medal Shaker Salt, l0c are so intertwined that we cannot 1 been the only time is their lives cate,immedistely with any member CloId Medal Peanut Bulter, 1 1b. tin, 25c X lona for war bet them in all of Eseontivrt Oommitte9. Gold Medal Coffee, lb. tin, ... 35c when they allowed themselves to . fall from a position of respect. time to come. They may have their Membership fee 31.00, = little family quarrels which never, Tiokets may beha3 trom.lhe Prs.i3ent or ability. For such persons we have Hens-.Lap 6ecret.ry oaapplioatloa. Make your the deepest sympathy. There is become serious, but an open break l Exec.Oom.—L. D. Banks, C.-9.Palm• -Royal Purple Spec•fic,5U; acd t to day in the_Prueineial Reforms- is sometbiog that we cannot im•I er, M. S. Ohopman, Pickering, 'Royal Purple Laying Mei,;, Per lb. 5c tory at Guelph a man of high edu aaine to take place between the i 'Big 60 Meat Scrap, 4 lbs for '... 35c United States and Canada. D. Munro, Jas, Richardson. - Grit, 15 lbs for 25c, Shell. 101bs for 25c cation and who was held in high Preaideni Secretary ? Royal Purple Calf Meal, 'L5 lbs for 1.25. respect, and greatly beloved bq a /•� 'l 1 host of people. Bat he prat ed `� Ilse _ �� �� _,_ GROCER rovhyporrtie, asit s as SPECIAL ►R,I �, � proved in court that for years he fi •lived a life of crime. The deed , which landed him in jail utas not FpR TEAM HARNESS k due to any sudden impulse bat io erin.g Hardware Store r was premeditated, and his sin was indulged iir for years. He.had Brass-aloha ted Team Backband Harness, 2 inch Iayer trace with heel chains. $i2.00 ample tine in which to consider ' his positiuu and forsake his sin, «'itti 5 ring breeching. instead of back- �, t band,_ $49.00 Poultry Food and Egg Producers'. Prat a L9 fag deal. Beef Scrap. but he set aside theL. turnings of - ante Oyster Shell. Mica Grit. ` his consciCnce and continued in ..Black-mo d Team BackbaInd'Harness, 5638.50 his shame. Be i= now tared on „ 'Blatchford's Egg.Mash and Calf Meal are P _ 5 ring Breeching $44.25 worth giving a trial, tbo saEne level as the worst trim- inal in the conntr and be is cum- This isnot a factory harnesA, but c�.ist•,m made in our y• own shop at-Markharn. — Ifyou want a Wheelbarrow or a �a palled to wield the pec); and shuv el, ed until his body aches from head -We specialize on repairs to harness and collars. Circular Saw, we have them, s to foot. No wonder lie hoes round - I Easy Electric Washers and 1900 Gravity Washer are Rood washers, with head dotvp•cast, thinking • T 0 D D over his terrible light, the result • 1 A free trial given at am time. -. of sin. His greatest problem now I@ what %%ill he do When be regainsHarness and Collar Manufacturer Agent for McCortuick•Deering Firm Machinery ' = his freedom. Hi9 future is ruined. ��.g.R+ ��g�/S Home Phore 3100 sad Repair. : and he will never regain the poli- _ _ - tion.be tust. Veriiy. "the y the wa- of the transgressor is hard,," ++' ��Gu��r+Motto : We have it, can get it, or it is not Made. P , +One of the worst disasters In U �: J, t7. BAi7JL,"DON histor of minis 1 Canada 0 R N S the y R q tookplace last week- in the Hut- � p p _, �UNIVERSAL . t�TORS linger Mine at Timmins, in North- S' ell R+u eat CUStOnlers. �'- urn Ontario. Thi.3 mine is one of w the most valuable in the world. .. ' and the tragedy that was enacted 'FEST HILL several hundred feet below the Overcoats, Overalls and SmooSweaters, $birih, A earth'++ surface has cant a gloom, Trousers, IIIIderweaT, Neckwear. 'STAR AND FLINT SALES e not only at the scene of the des- These lines are the best-makes obtainable, - aster, but over the whole country.. f bne of the moot regrettable fea _'Footwear, both leather and rubber. Fine, Work aad tare,,* in connection with the sad Heavy Sox, Baps, la iitts, Cloves - •nd Toctues. = = =-En - F P .A I R S �. occurrence is the fact thHt it wan If you want a uatanteed F epair job at a reasonable X due to careiessne94 and to the ,Ask for profit•5h9ring coupons. price, Sh.E T 6. lana. , . . coal mines, where so many tralre. Ew--C-- L----L—B-R Experience&Mechanics. -- . • _ '. Repairs ca all makes. -- � dies Have taken place in the past. � A D-].Ey - �'hone-5c�rrrtx'>� .- they have been due to causes over p S C �''R I N' G3° - which man had no control, that i; the generation of coal gas, which, on becoming ignited from miner' d F-A lamps for otherwise, caused THE -:+CENTRAL -GARAGE — SPfiC1.4I six , -terrific explosions, with terrible loss of life and property,- But Telephone 4900 - ; $1IS , ` scientific research has eiiminAtedq. p much of the danger in coal mines. ` case of the Hollinger 1 _ But in the R � .. - _ .. - mine the diaster was due to the carelessness of some persons tai AUtolRe airs, Aeces�orl `'` r allowing the accumulation ( fuse matter, which should have been taken to the 3ui are rusted line, 'Ac=cts--l£`$ of leaven it in the mine where it k g d .d - - :Battery Chas in , - decayed and ultimately took fire' S"' -- .through spontaneous codilau,tiva. " `While the death of thirty-seven ^. Repairs in,ade du K11 makes ..n,���: eyeFOROA6 pyrer<a,�, -yaenhas brought sorrow to many �C �krro�n- for eos�r'honze there are features in con• s•t tai .. nection with it which cannot fail -Two hands are better than one. t) excite our• adiniratiun. Men, _ - of foreign birth, and who belong FAI}A sets are two dial . doubles the number of stations to a class foie- whum many of us ry f have not Mich respect, have dis- H NRLES B. 'Refines reception. Tisk It a� -Played-a a-ptrit of heroism that has _ ea� -6- ..been very seldom,surpassed in the - your dealers or your home. ` �fs A o tone . clear .cl ti 'history of heroic deeds. These Proprietor, :Plekeririg- , , , n �$...reOpnaIIt...FAD i men of rough exterior, showed >dOOthC53 Lila "n"s that their hearts were as pure as _ i FA OU . . . 3tiQe .. that gold in search of which they :Complete Quality Funerals ti a ca_ } at t0 $J.?Q.• - spent their days. In risking their SOLID OAK. ' $145 lives, and in some Deese sacriflciog 7Q, 1�Q, $125 CASKET- FUNERAL $1 45 their lives, in their efforts to salve r they-follow mea, -showed- I -A T714- E W S' ,BURIAL -00 We FEA3 s OST:- . ' their that,they passed the highest test - _ f,ljrtstian character. The _were -219 Dansorth Ave., Toronto !Phone errarcJ'3300 i --,Agent governed by the Golden y Rale, Our Funerals_ include: Embalming, Hearse, Casket, Outside Case, _ which led thew iso"do unto otliere Electric Fixtures, ChAirs, Our Personal Service. Funera-1 complete. I Broin Am, Ont. .'•-:t;s ye would . that they shonld do No Extras. a — J Visit our establlshwent and prove the truth of these statements Y1nt0 yon." They are men whose for yourselves. outward appearance is rough, but These prices stand good within a radius of 40 miles from Tor'me ,1 they need only the pAtient work' REMEMBER, Clip this ad. for reference. "ltf t :c•. � n_..;sc�;•+, .,.. .. , : '= •, . ,, -... .' s`o-.,. ",:wr�+`','.ta. 6'+-«•:'�+�. ,'K jus• .a+�'+.. +"'+a.. ,, ,•a.,�% vg �.dla• ,,,�.�"�,. • }: .� e� " �s� � ,. a,ski++• ?��rt-fwd ..� ..,u. :.. r •�•. z�„� , ;.• � .'L•t•c`� a=.,' ."•+a�� sM a w r r1 r +� M•r• - Joseph Timm@, who has beau Thos. Gregg-had it businese trip 3 .Bert Harvey, of Brougham, was employed in,�e city daring the to the cit on Monday. "I RNESS SHOP Maple LeafMutual ftj past few weeks, spent Banda Rev. I. Stevens. of Owen --- lln town on Monday. with Cecil and Mrs. Black, y Sound, again occupied the Having moved Into ® new �►�� Co.* Mrs. James Evans is under the p pulpit premises :'.. xftctor's care at present. Mise S. E. Evans waa in the city in the Baptist Church on Sunday, opposite Reids Blacksmith shop, Cheap kndrery Flemin of Burketo on Wednesday and Thursday of when he preached two. excellent I anwepared to do all repair @ rates for farm and country g, last week attending a meeting of sermons. buildin • a+ .. work,and I will handle all building*. M g Windstorm Insurenee on balidi spent the week-end at home. the Women's Mission Circles of this Our local constable has received kinds of new he,rneee, wino-m��Won ew �` Mrs. Frank Boden was is the ;which I will keep constantly -'city on Thursday of Iast week. - Baptist Church. instFuctione from the Highwgy on hand, or will secure .Automobile Iasurance The Continuation School pur Department to prosecute all same on shortest notice, _ of QMra. Towner. of Glen Major, kinder. " pose holding their angual concert motorists who are found using the =,. - _ P= L spent Monday with Mrs. Lynn.. E Y. FARMS FOR SALE in connection with the Commence- 1927 license plates on their cars. g.12 (7LAREMONT Lewis Sanderson, of Toronto, Write or wise. home far a few days last ment ezerciaee on Thursday and The B. Y. P. U, held asocial is phone week. Friday, March lat and 2ad. Watch the school room on Monday,even- ED. BOW M A N Palter Heath spent Saturday out for hilae. iaR, when a very egloyable time C. A. and Mars. Overland went was spent by all. They were en YPl QJ //! 20 -� � In the'city..with his daughter, Mrs. � TBY, -ONT. ' .Broad. to Toronto on Saturday owing to tertained by Mr. and Mrs. Barber. Mrs. Bnehby and Miers Laura the death of the former's cousin, •• BCi.11tx a Morgan were in Toronto. on Fri- George Lawson, whish took place .,.BTOUFFVILLE. Always on Hand in St. Michael's s Hospital,following day last. acritical operation. Our'curlers are active in the many "�. �. Fresh Stock of Groceries, Miss Janet Allison, of Dunbar A well•contesled hocks match bonspiels of the province and will • ton, is visiting her cousin, -Mrs. y enter for the Globe bons Ciel in To- i r Fruits and . I?laming, -wai Played on the sehoal rink here PT. ronto. ,:Confectionery. on Mocdwy evening between the , Leonard Pilkey was in the city vchool teams of Brooklin and The Choral Class under the guid - o a on business for a couple of -da a ante of Prof. Fletcher, will ve a A few Hate tog t cost price s _ last week. p y Claeewont, which was decided in high-class concert on th even A of j - while they last. avor cif the hitter by. the score of Friday Feb. 24th. Firs. G. M. Forsyth was in the 7 to Give us an Early Call- city on bueiness on Thursday of Our High School wIli hold their s last week. The curling club will.lTold a rat- ,oratorical contest on Friday eevetung D. C7 A N N .0 IV Walter Symey is shipping large ing cxrvival on Caledonia Rink, of this week, when the winners will _ Clare n ut, on the evening of Tues• enter the Toronto Star Contest. 30 BROUGHAM quantities of turnips fmcu Clare- day, 1'el•. 21st, when suitable A crit on behalf of Mrs. G. H.' ^^reated out of en• a ; wont these days. rues will be offered. A feature Thomas who has V during stone ,and James Byers and eon, Stanley, P been to the hos- faehoined into Time de• of the evening will be a broom pitai during the past six months as Dressed Poultry Wanted of Greenwood, called on Claremont tying designs. This is �1 friends on Saturda .44 hockey game between the presi= a result of a motor accident, has the story of our mem- dent y dent and vice president. A good been issued for the sutra of X5000, oriels. It you.ark in. Good prices paid for poultry. Mrs. Thos. Paterson is spending The $ band will be in attendance. Ad. Haig Memorial' Services held terested consult us to• s: few clays in Brooklin with her mission, skaters 25 cents, specter- in the United Church last Sunday.af- day. Birds must be properly bled and dress ,r daughter, Mrs. Clarence Pengelly. tors 15 cents. Come all. * ternoon was attended by the veterans ed'clean of feathers. The Anchors Society of the The Continaatioa School Liter of the County of York, there being a -No GreaterTribute" Lrnited Church will take charge of err Social large turnout, with Rev. Mr, Ward W. STAFFORD, ~� y y is holding an Orator' ON L; the service on 'Sunday evening es, Contest in the Community Hall Preaching the sermon. - ; neat on Tuesday evening, Fe'b. 21at, Mr. Dan Hoover, who resiled a Kin�rstoa Road, We have the Original Billy Benson had the misfortune little west of Stoufl?ville, died sud- eFhitbg- t` commencing at 8 o'clock. There on Sunday evening to fracture a denly on Monday, Feb. 13th, at the Phone Whitby �t ,bone in his wrist when cranking are seven contestants and the win- age of 96 ears. The Hoover family �8 r R' Bridal Rose China. his car. ser ai.t represent the school is Were of Empire ya stoc - the were Stare Oratorical Con- and came to Canada about one hu-n- _--bn hand open stook. C. H. P'ilkey, of Pickering, visit- test. - Each pupil will speak On ' P P , rather years ago from Pennsylvania, 8 Sold in any � ed with Frank and ISdre. Soden on �"Canada's � . Monday and also called on other the•snbject o Future," rather than live under the stars and friends. and there will be a gold and silver Stppes• quantity. Charles Johnson ]eft last week prize offered by the principal as for Toronto, where he is learning Brat and second prizes respective _ FRANKr- CHIDLOW Iv. C, nra and Admission a real ora �REMAF?KABL.E•' lthe barbering business. We wish toeical treat. Admission 15 cants �[ y ^L`/ER✓ `h!m success. and 10 cents. 6tf Claremont, Out. The tawnship assessor, Adam AICD WONDERFUL SA`INGS Spears. has been m.%king his annual tour of the village during [� Mea's and Young ]leD'a Navy Blue Chinchilla O'costa, reg. >$:0, 14.95 the peel week, Fro 17 t ! ' Geo. Banbury returned hame'on Navy Blue Serge and dark brown tweed, sizes 36.40, reg. $20. 14.95 _ Thursday, after spending a few Men's All-wool `epts, Coats,Sweater@, fawn and leather, reg 4.50, 2.75 ' days with W. H. and Mrs. Bray, _ - T. rot Pickering. ©� ® We have a full line of Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers, Joe Alsop has returned home e,/ Men's from 2.50 to 8.50, Boys' from 1.25 to 2.50. after spending a week in Toronto oeRlfSfAf� ,• . "with friends. ire reports a very Men's 15 inch Leather,Tops ase't, rept. 8,50, special 4.95. °�" F ST en ogable time. - Call at i A y re. Borland is confined to bed Phone 3800 L .'for a few days, having undergone I FI �vOLD �asursticaloperation. She ispro• �'i a can save yon some,greasing favorably -money by orderingHov" is � ^ Several from this• vicinity at- eSrl Mended Hutchings Bros' sale of y : !farm stook etc., at Pickering on 'Our prices are right. Bread p f - t _ Mond afternoon. r . ,_ u Warden G. M. Forsyth was in "' ' We will allow; W kltb for several days this week LHeakh attending the adjourned meeting lc per rad off regular price for +:, w Character and of*"County Council. ordering before Mar, let. a •� r _ -' Henry Johnson is confined to ."- J.ndividnalit in Banks .Trya' Loan 2c per rad off for taking off J � ' • 'his bed, having undergone an o g •eration on his tonsils. We-are men the roads areM nod . . N THE course of development of a - -' g P• j Bled to report that he 1@ now im• �`: �� + bankingbusiness _ lIct policies are form x �S :-:,� „proving. lc per rod for spot cash ed, habits maintained and methods 41, The omen's Institute held a practiced which awe peculiarly and of .�•�N „ -very successful open meeting on Order early and save 4c per rod s intimately connected with the inati• #Y�. i :_Tuesday evening in the Commun• on the beat wire p s totion that gave them birth. It is MILL ity HaIL A very pleasant time is Z. fence made. these things that give a bank indi- HONE ::re orted. �idual character that influences a 4 l �jCK'Ey C H A S COOPERoffering _ q• S . Luna. ID Obert Rowan arrived home 113aa in his financial aflilia Ih on Wednesday morning from To- our services, we t" routo, where he underwent an icit your enquiries regarding- - operation in the General Hospital. �LARE;yi+f)NT - Ctaed-ard-Ban lf-pelieies- as affecting '1 -Farmers, Attention Robert is doing well. yc.'ur own business. The B. Y. P. t. will meet at the Agent for ••Ackerman's Quality �„ - - • 1 Harnees. Ask the user, - I have" the agency t� the Famous home of Judson and Mrs. Ward, y' '�, J����dvl/!11f� It - Renfrew Machinery. Separator*. epara're. of Balsam, 00 Monday avenin M. Scales. and the high qualit naxt, when the meeting will be Range. and am pre. largely of a social character. �� r -� Acorn 1f• ► ) pared to give beat terms. Edward Gibson was removed to MidWinter ~ ESTABU3HED ld�s Give we a cafl when wanting some• St.Michael's Hospital, Toronto,on thing in these lines. Phone Pick 1007. ; Saturday last where he underwent �le „ a0. A. SHARPE W. C. WILLSON, �'. an operation for mastoid. - We V na rr, PickeringBranch LOCUST HILL •are pleased to my that he is doing 8 R. R, No 1. -- . •iceCt.--- _ � - _ - _ �8.00klin. wa: t•&u. Wlricbi - � �, The Young People's Society, of - — - - - - 1Z'er _. Bre;- visited Claremont , Y. P. S. on Monday last and ren Clearing out -some - _ Basket Factory I ,t a splendid progrma. A social 18 evening was enjoyed after the Qur lines- meeting Manufacturers of meeting with games and a dainty inds'of Fruit Baskets, _ ianch. j s . ' s 911k Turin sons were born to Herbert t great Berry Grates, and Mrs, Yates on Wednesday of Farillers Bushel Baskets. • _ ..;last Week. Sorry to note one of ;reductions. . - - • .��mltt�n . Clothes BaBkett3i •r.= them passed away on Saturday, = =and interment took' place in To- den ii Underwear, � � Frank Pennock retic on Sunday last. The family reg. 1;?3; for L�9 �� Proprietor ! dace the Fprupathy of the tom• �fet�e Fleece Underwear, i" - _ ® .. P ' p munity. - re 1.00, for :'i9 O - Phone Markham 1604 • The directors of 'the Horticu'.• Men's Pool Sox, reg, 50c, .39 . "� a aural Society met on SA ay Men's Overalls, reg.2.50, 2 19 ''We sell drafts, money 'orders °evening when they seise d he BEATT Y premiums fuer the 'coming s�ltng Men's smocks, reg, 2.50, ,2.19 y i _arid 'caE�le remittances c: all �.. Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose STANDS FOR THE BEET -h - STANDS Ttte premium lits will / - fQ� reg. 1.00, for. 9 'S� parts Of the world—at low. days to the subscribers. The reg. 1.25, for Airectors would like to hear from Ladies' Underwear, reg, 1.00 - all those who contemplate joining r d per garment, for 79 a * the Society,'so tliat the prelniam genus Flannelette, colored, Quick service ac all branches , j list may be given them, reg. 30c and 35c, for' 27 The tractor demonstration held _ in A. L: Pilkey's garage on Priday Dark Flannelette, rex. 25c, __ THE , Flannelette Blankets, reg. 21 y ' ,F =� • z last by the' McCormick-Deering 2.75, for ,Mfg. Co., through their local O } gent, Chas. Cooper, was a great A few broken lines of Men's _ k,'t r.••�-- " success. Nearly one hundred and —Rubbers greatly reduced `` l� `�% :, _ fifty-farmers from the surround Ladies' Overshoes, zipper, �-•-�� Ing country were present and reg. 4.50, for 3 85 BstabWhed 1871 Litter Carriers, Hay Carriers , ,' were highly pleased with the in. - - Ise 1 Pumps, Door Tracks, COW etrnction4 they received on the d Bowls. Pressure Systems Etcm%uagement of farin tractors. It D@ii• C O' T T rJ �1 It will'pay icon to get my prices on 4' .• wag decided to accept an invita- above before buying elsewhere. tion to visit.thecompany's factory Rhone 140`3, Whitby $rnrch,J. H.Perry,,Manager FR-ANK J. PROUSE at Haiiuilton some time during the �L^ ',,'11 ON _._... • >'.. :-.. ,.'.... .. ,rti ,:'::..a ..-:.._. ..-..: .• ..... -., .';,y. '.. _w-.i. w •e-. ^, ►. e d+..<i:z.+ .f env,' -ai:rr'?a+. .�..e.o:�a!fsr' u' ,"+� ;� ,�> :. Y a. .�., ry .=,:'.e-'-�xx-..;.'R'!`qa*/+' -e;�.- '.,�s': '• 'a&,.•s�_', '�'"� ,a '°,;�"{. '`yam'.'++rm•''".s+.e �`' � p� _� e� - — 7 The Kim's place is taken In the In the LOAM of Nations the Irish *` Wilson,PublishtaQ Company Breland--Free State Irish Free State by his personal repro- Free State is on a ipotfas of complete sentative, the Governor General, who equality with all the other states 'aCE is now appointed by the King on the members o2 the League. She has,the O � The New Ireland Looks For- sole advice of the Irish ministers. The right of election to tae Cetmcil, ��� ward -to Friendly Treaties democratic character of our oonstit•>- Calmda'p election to that body in r' With the Rest Of the tion has thus been pushed to its ex- September of last year must have re- `• ; - �_, ereme logical conclusions, moved ail doubt from the minds of s The people have the fullest possible those who believed that Great Britain :� 'V - -- _World aJ d _ " part in the election of the Dail; the represented the other members of the - William Thomas Cosgrave $Y Dail elects the Preaident-of-the Execu- British Comaronwealth on the Co�n- _ t u itreaident of the Irish Free State, Who tive Council and approves o1 the min- c!l ti us bring y0 ' ie" Now Visiting This Side-of the !eters selected by hint. The Goverunr I think that I have written enough / Success Atlantic. Oe�•eral, on the advice of the Pres!- to prove that the Irish Free State 1e a ..in ardening. -_$uy. - r • " dent, Yormaily�D op ints the ministers. democratic and independent state, C BEels-direct-from us 1 The Irish.Free State is a co-equal The kingship in the Irish Free SiaLP, with an the powers, internal and_oa• a ` member of the British Commoaw.ealth+ for best results. .Sev- operating through the office of the terns!, necessary for her.fullest de• oral new variede& of Nations. To understand what her,(}overuor General, to therefore 4 , 24 hour service an s" still velopment- precise status is it is necessary to re-;.mora democratic institution than RAS - call some of the chief distinguishing'in Great Britain. The Govortior Gen- A r O�e^++�,l 1'O . Orders rECelVed. characteristics of the states that are eral has ceased to be in any sense a is V p Witte for Our logs ! members of that group. servant of the British government as s Catalogue. It's free At the Imperial Conference held to:he wiks formerly in the overseas do- Canadian-American 1V1otOi- London in November, 1828, it was;minions. John A. Bruce & CO" Isnail`ed rtune to make a Solemn' _Cade to Visit Europe s..+ � ,�,�,,,�ow deemed oppo He no longer acts as jhe channel of declaration netting forth for the later- communication between the Irish and and British Isles a+.o...r■..1..•off+er••+•Am" . Ma of the world the status of the`British governments. He acts solely commonwealth group of nations as It+IRECEPTIONS ARRANGED i on the advice of the Irish ministers could be deduced from existing Prac•i and in the manner advised by them. A friendlier feeling between Cans- tics. It must be remembered that the+His signature to a bill is in a very ape- a a i + Prime "Ministers of all the member! than, American snd European motor- — chat manner khe manifestation of the I rats which, in turn, will be transmit- g,p— lbw states, including the Prime Minister people's will. ted to a much wider circle.of people of Great Britain, were present at the' Tme •government of the Irish Free on the two continents will, it i hoped, conference, and its, proceedings were ,State is as free In its actions as any be engendered as a result'of two pgr- Farm Women Win , a t� "1 therefore sanctioned by the highest `government in the world and freer Isonally conducted "goodwill" tours to authority. than a great finny of them. :. .New Recognition ' It was declared that the group of y In external affairs the position to ;Europe this summer organized by the White Star Line under the official aus- ® �_• .1 self-governing communittes composed ;similar. We are free to make treaties. picas o! the Montreal Motorists' - f of Gfeat Britain, the Irish Free State I We are just now negotiating a treaty League, It is stated'in an official an- Five Are Being Chosen 1111. and the overseas dominions were with the French government, and (nouncemeni by the White Star Line. Ea Ch Of 23 States This Year. "equal ia' statue, in no way bordin !when our commercial ayaten has be A novel feature of the tours will be as "Master Horne- lux ate one to another in an�peet of I come more developed we shall make to Europe with these Makers" their1 ' 'treaties will' a one sou though united by a common allegiance I parties will take their own cart an which the volume of trade exchanged 'motor through Europe and Great Bri• Cedar Rapids, Iowa.—A new tiatlon• • to the crown, and freely associated as warrants such a step. Main, al movement Is just getting under wap '1106 1! members of the British Common We possess the right of legation. Wherever they go receptions will be wealth of Nations" We already have had the honor to ea-1 to honor dignify American a of it ` They are co equal internally sad ea- arranged in the principal cities and ft kk women, to dignify their job as one o! OUR BOYS' PAJAMAS• chanbe ministers p,leuipotentia v with Ifs anticipated that the Touring Club I the most important professions in the ternally. The King to the King of all i the United States, and thus have put lof France and the Automobile Associa• world and to emphasize high. stand- It is essential that boys have cow-'and the King of'each. .Students of I ourselves in the beat generale position I tion of,Great Britain, with which the ards of rural home making. ;.. ort while asleep ae during the play I English constitutional development to study the means of developing in v hours. !Nether will be happy to find{know the exact meway our century old friendship I Montreal Motorists' League is af- In each of the twenty-three States meaning of that king-Ievery I filiated, will tender official receptions this year five outstanding women will is simple pajama pattern is large!ship. Every act of the state is deem- and of studying the methods of en- sad roomy for the little fellow, Yet'ed to be •derived from the King. Ia to the parties and, in this w�t y play be. 'selected on account of their nn• ' grown-UP couraging commercial intercourse be their part in promoting good*ill be usual achievements for honor as ilored enough to suit the gro former times and even down to the,tween our two countries. tween Europe and the North Amerf- P"Master Farm Home-Makers."' E Amy soft washable material is I latter decades of Queen Victorha's{ At international conferences and in Iran continent. table for this night-garment. The!reign the monarch maintained in some The dile is new !o the history of ' liar is high about the neck or rolled the signing oY treaties resulting there Already there have been inquiries farming, significant of.a new era in L .," state mattters a certain independence from the plenipotentiaries of the Irish 1 from Winnipeg, Vancouver, Toronto the progress of rural women, accord- ;.- for the warm weather; and but- of action. With the development of Free State, appointed on the advice of ;several-cities in the province of Que- us and buttonholes or brgid loops democratic ideas that power com Na to l M leaders a L, J. Taber, ' h the front closing. Na 1106 is ,the Irish ministers, have alone the bac, Ontario and Manitoba, and with I National Maxtor of the Grange, who - pletely disaplfeared. !right to enter into obligations on be the announcement of these tours in !recently said, In speaking at the no- nt in .sizes d to 16 }nears Size 10 At the Present day to Great Britain halt of the Irish Free State. in other ,the United States it is expected that 'cognition ceremony of Ohio home- ' arras 8% yards 82-inch, or 3% the monarch can do no state act what- r words, no plenipotentiary can speak i there will be a regular string of re- I makers that ,this movement. if 3e-inch material. Price 2Ue the I ever except on the advice of his Mtn-I for the Irish Free State who does not ',questa from American motorists. brought to tuft fruition, will do more ttern. latera; and as these latter represent I derive his powers ultimately from the One of the principal ideas underly• I for agriculture -than any other-one in ` 'i HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS the Parliament elected by the people. ,irtsh people through the machinery of ing these.parties is to persuade Cana- existence." the King's signature to an act of Par• the Irish coastitutlon. �dfan and American_materiats, who al- t .r Write your name and address Plain- !lament becomes simply the manlies- In internatloaal'as well ria in nation I ready have much !n common, to tra- Ed. 44 hy'can't Ontario start a s!>sai • {�+ giving nnmiaer and size of such+,tion of the people's will in its final I ai affairs our responsibility is cow- ,vel across the-ocean together and, by lar method of honoring her tarty ti Patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in form. The King is therefore the em•!plate and undivided. When the King I is pa or coin (coin preferred; Wrap bodiment of the people's will. He is II seta as high contracting pirty In an personal contact with motorists In heroines—and there are many. Fd'"r arefully) for each number ®rid the instrument through which the Great Britain and to Europe, build up tI international agreement his contract- a firmer feeling of friendship between p ees your order to Pattern Dept,+ rates of the people speaks ling capacity only extends to those the people on the two- continents. on Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- to. Patterns sant by By such an evolution has the saying, members of the commonwealth on The first party, with their own cars, ��� � � St., Toros the prerogatives of the crown have whose advice plentpotentiartes -have will sail from Montreal on the White" t mail become the privileges of the people."I been appointed and to the extent to star liner Megantic on July 28 and entered tato the realm of roacrete which they .have been empowered. d return from Liverpool an the -White • . tact. in the Irish Free State demos- When he acts for more than one mate I Star liner Calgarle on August 31. _--– tatlollV1n$ racy has taken a further step forward, of the commonwealth he Is a faeveral, -The second group will salt'from ati v News one __ The Dail is elected by universal. out- not a single. contracting party_There Montreal on the White Star liner Al- F�JL�i'r �ltltj trage. All men and women of twenty{is no single constitutional or aortic oat. September 6 and- return • one years of age and over have a vote.I covering all the states of the group. from Southampton on the same steam- LoseI.Icense$ In Great Britain the leader of the ma-+There is no unitary government such er on October :0. jority party is summoned by the King I as exists, for Instance, 10 a federal ' as a•matter of course to form a gOT- i system, and there is consequently no Both these parties will follow prae• scent Announcement. of tically the same Itinerary, landing at ` ernmen, while ha the Irish Free State group of ministers who possess the Havre and motoring thence 1. Rouen, Disaster by Unidentified the President of the Executive Coun• right to advise the monarch on behalf through the Canadian battlefields by �^ ~ 5 4 Plant Stirs Board to Em- ell Is elected by the Dail, of the whole group elle Amiens, Doul- _yF, Plan - _ lens, Arras, Vimy Ridge, the Somme, r -- `,phasize Need of Ac- -- Lille, Tournay, Moas, Cambraf, St. r I• ar• CL1raCy Quentin, ComDiegue to Parts whose _ a.. ' Washington: — The Federal.Radio V '. several days will be spent, then 6y " Co- Sion will cancel the license-of is i/0 a way of Chateau Thierry to Rheims, *° p, f Verdun, Luxembourg and Treves, Co- radio station which broadcaata t , logne, Aix is Chapelle, Brussels, Ant- radio Le news reports. '``'4 ` This was the declaration of mem- " ;' •ry, a warp, Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotten ::- ' is of the comm atter.receipt dam and.the.n by steamer to Harwich, from where the party will make a sir• <� _ f information that erroneous reports 5: t o i disasters frequently were being cular tour of England and Scotland. roadcast. r c Migration to Canada --- Newspaper men.informed_ that cow y Y Sion that they were continually » * x5 r " t Ottawa. 'Canada—Immlgratlon to + -' No,mother to atis enlightened nee _ laeu�d by: these rumors snd were '. + i� fir. �" Y " Canada for the Brat nine months of i would give her baby something she reed to spend much time running Jz the current fiscal year, .ending De- did not know was perfectly harmless, t em down. One such report was tae n ,� ,�, I cember 31, 1927, totalled 128,928, EKt especially when a few drops of'Plain llaged radio announcement that Col• t. " increase over the corresponding per Castoria will right a babX's stomach el Charles A. Lindbergh had been + rod in 1926 or. 14,893 or 13 per cent, and end almost any little ill. PretJut•- led is an aieplane crash in Panama. Of lche total of 128,928, the inimigra- ness and fever, too; it seems no time newspikper and press offices many tion of British, United States, French, until everything is serene. Dutch, o t Cas t oris its - received Dut beauty a e Scandinavian, be re v a the y i a at'e. were d n Th w can is S it e is u wins ne s o q - leph Belgian, ' m persons who hail heard the false gentle influence seems just what is nett In. Chicago it was so the or German origin antauntet�to 92,955. to announcement apparently had ° In the -nine mouths under review needed. It does ell that castor oil ° 33,7 22 Canadians returned to live In might accomplish, without shook to a made about 3 o'clock In the • ruing, but efforts to establish the �? ; `� x �' r< it the Dominion from the IInited States the system. Without the evil taste. deatity of the station making it were where they had gone with• the declar- It's delicious! Being .purely vege• -- : table, you can give it as -Often as ed intention of residing there Par' there's a sign of,colic; constipation• fleas. honer d. H. Caldwell de• T' , �t� s monently.. diarrhea; or need to aid sound,.natui•. - fared the commission would deal t . ,i t' � �}4 '`� Immigration during the month of u al sleep. - ummarily '� `�� December, •1927, ' totalled 4,586 of Just• one warning: !t 'Is genutns with any station rwwith- ., s rrM$>" .� ; � "� �:. ��r�j" 4a9 �4 hich 937 were British, 1,234 from sP read false news of a disaster Y N wx.�� :: � �ase tis 'n� a$Y. , " h P letcher's Castorin that physicians tit making extraordinary efforts to 4, >•w Ram : tr....:.. « ,,,.<5 r the United Staten, and x,345 from recommend Other preparatlous may er!!y it He said he doubted !f any other countries. be just as free from all doubtful --- ■pansibie�tLtion would broadcast Travellers drugs, but no child of this writer's U eh reports, " owing co-tea-sere Mother Goose Chins For Tiny fish.R. R- •Radio Used on Eng going to tact them! Besides,_ the enalty for such offense and the de- Special attention to kiddies, tatavel- dren, each of the plates, cups, etc., be book o care and fetcher.of babies 1te of station operators to keep tae Ing decorated with paintings from the Experiments were recently carried fast comes with Fletcher's Castorlal ling with their parents on trains of,nursery rhymes. The famous cow out with an eight-tube receiver aboard is worth its weight in gold. food will of the public. the Canadian Natonal Ralways, has a Southern Railway train. With the f Section 28 of the radio act of 192 Jumping over the moon and 311ss 'Mut- >rtet shrinking !n horror from the use of twoo electric phonograph am- firm + sue- S: ,No person, or company for some time been a feature of ser- in the jurisdiction of the United vice on Canadian.National dining cars.: spider which. "sat down beside her" cessfpliftes, the results were fairly sec Child"re i-try f®r f Con- tea shall knowingly utter or trans- Nursery rhyme menus, •illustrated are but two of 'the nursery rhyme cessful. \ t, or cause to be uttered or tracts• with all tits popular nursery rhyme'characters illustrated in colors on the Several other railroads el the Con- ltted, any false or fraudulent signal characters, have been prov[ded for edges of soup and dinner plates, cups tinenti leave been of enexpertertaining with K t distress or communication,relating the youngsters to select their own and saucers. High chairs for the con- radio as a means of entertaining pas sengers. tq^ meals, and special •meals, suited to venience of tiny travAlcrs who are ` .. the kiddies' tastes have been provid I still too aural to be seated at the re- . e e, r '" ed. Now another attraction far the Solar table, and special bibs to pro- "Papa, what wag the Stone Age y What do they mean by the 'witch- n provided, with the' On Soiling of pretty dresses, are "Thal was the gtortous period, my ' (IOtlTT" •'Don't you know? That's children has been P _ e hour whew the wife greets you placing on each iof ces he* dinerthe s cof hi!I partard of the dining ca=ipment of every stand;{ urryl hitt �a mate axed a woman to .both .Whieb story is it this timet" special china sere ,. - r''�,,._. ..,. -: -,.• •. :G� 1 ,ob.- s.•e. ..,•-�.• -- .r' r`r'R�, y,M.i•- ex,,y., ..&_ r':�.,k :�fi:...�. ,.• t .,"r .. ..._ i-. :.. -.::,,. "rt....'-s. .. c:_.,.i ,L.. ?... a ...it ,. .�.. :..e•,...._v' ..: .%�'.v ::` ,f. 'a "i � � :,K�.• .:ate wp„ w as-Vdl All That.is weeded is a Tonle to r BaBd Up the-Blood. a x ` There are many people who have .•. _ _. been•sentl4nvaitds-so .1oug tUt they. - _ accept their condition as a life bur• - - 'den.. They..have endured nervousness, , � 'broken sleep and -a generally run• - 4. a "1 ©fl ed _ down feeling so long that they have - r --given,up hope of again enjoying Agod TM health. In most of these cases a well zvr i w t �youT - :chosen diet,_ireah ,air.and a tonic to i build up the blood would do wonders. And as a hlood-bnflding tonic no other Y - tmedicine can compare with Dr. Wil• a,Y fi�� ;,: �. r liams' Pink C3CWsa bf'a� - Pills. There is scarcely -I Ahmt<trnarrt' +a spot in Canada-where you will not 1 ;Sad some formerly ailing person who r, ty r First Loafer-"L hear all the men Aytybe � 4 has found new health through the use t, u m hake gone on a strike. Second ' of this medicine: The experience of Looter-"What have they struck i - Mrs. Thomas Ahearn, St. Malo, Que., X x tort„ - "Shorter hours." "L#ek to F RFJr -A XZW BOOK OF POUL'PR y� bears out these statements. She ~- r�f �x ' ` Aock 000d, L. R. Guild A Bons, lEioa +err sr: 6m. I allum did say that sixty min. 1, w jsaye:-"I have the greatest reason to - utes was too long for an hour.", 'be thahkful for what Dr. Williams' a ARRY-JOI1S CANADIAN COAT ;Plat Pills have done toP me. I wag Moose Plentiful in Ontario ,L►al RESPONDENCE CLUB. Addreq -0-a very weak and run-down condi- It is not an easy thing to shoo: a family are looking for winter quarters Woodenwn-Keep Minard's handy. Iioz 1738,.Calgary, Alberta. ltioa Frequently I would saint and moose but there are plenty of them in'as the heavy snow and low tempera, - Imy legs would swell'badly. It was al- tures are warning ilgnhls that fall oat Impossible the B:g Pogamasf district of Ontario A TE _� ; possible to-do any housework - has gone and w•inte: is here." At that Vaccination _ IG seemed as if my blood had turned which, calk be .reacbed, comfortably i time,Bob Becker and his guide were in jr you � avawes: we wit yon Llst of ' "Wanted 'Inventlonsr k ater. In this weak and despond- over the lines of the Canadian Pacific a snug.log cabin on the shore of Big say ri to enact at the 4 and Tait 2afotmatton Sent Free ? ' ondition I began taking Dr. Wil• Railway, Bob Becker, the sporting bog Lake, Metagama. Suddenly there session of tae offal>totwoa RpueatWaite for laformatioa at oaoa !i>t is11331A! DO. sept.Plnk Pills. A few boxes provededitor of the Chicago Tribune; visited was a rustle near bit and a' big bull vtL-�aoala�tioa 7[edleat rAuestygra scant 3tt.. Ottawa, Oat.they were helping me, but I' con•phis district during•the present winter moose hove In sight. Bob B.ecker's Lose • of Canada, t>�1 d taking the pills until 1 had,used and he was successful in.accounting 1.30rifle spoke and downwent Mr. fila aaa:oath fin, zozoato. 11 T1en boxes, by which time I found for a magnificent specimen of a bulf-`.�f one o nose Long coups ~ myself a completely restored woman, moose. _ I which usually follow a knodk out by FQN_ LEFT able to do my work without fatigue, a `"Flow these big boys are travelling,'.: •a 100 grain bullet, so there was moose TtCACh Childlfea abetter appetite an da sense of cheer- said the guide to Bob Becker the meat in the frying bait and all was set To Use �� VERYUK Woo citulness; where before I had been des- morning after he' had arrived in the i for a celebration banquet in camp, a H yondeat. For all this, thanks to the district, "Papa moose and all tlfs that night. sutra-._- - health-giving qualities of_ Dr. Wil- _ -_ — �`���� l. _ -- - Booth" and seat. lsetter Tells of Woadetcf>ta! _ It you are feeling run-down, give at Cu ty .I VE (CONFIDENCE >� a� '�'``o� �JRerief After Tiking Ly*d ia • , - Oenoara soon 8•saae she Clear �• Pll�a=3laS • itl;t °tz iU1. Williams Pink Pills a fair trial The Brat city In the world to Install ��.�r.....�sa ;and new health wit be yours. You dogs as regular members of the police COIIIQOUI71e�• o .can get the pills from any medicine force w'as the quaint old city of Ghent, TU YOUNG M��I ® ® .•- tri: '.'dealer, or-by mail at 50 cents a box Belgium, observes The Pathfinder.. ` e ]from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Years ago the chief of police of Ghent ® Coniston, Ontario.-"After a se- f" ++ Vere operation and a three weeks' '�rockvilie, Out., pointed out to the governing authort- By Always Keeping Baby s.Own i ® ® .. ,, w, stay in a hospital ties that a cleverly trained dog could Tablets the Home- x'. '�` '` ' tea— rundown a criminal more surely and ¢ `a' I returned home jj` "Growing pains" in children are the so weak that 1was tffirat warning of rheumatism, accord- quickly than any two-legged police A simple and rate remedy for the �5 unable to move a :. man, and that it was better to risk- a Eg * chair, For four s jag to the Ministry of Health experts. common Ilia of_babyhood and child• .c qty dog's life rather than that' of an of- ® I months I was &I- I most - hood should,be kepi 1n every home ce ficer. -The Idea found favor and the JL r pain pantie with where there fa either a baby or. R •, and �ggr , chief was rommirafoaed to get his 4 : m A Cornu ated Iron young rh!!di Otten it 1a, necessary y to f�jrprfj23 .. ' mg until I thoagbt dogs This he did and trained thea give fife tittle ones something to t 1*' sure -ihere._could ASK FOR �to distinguish between skulking trim- �l Alf Drvstf "° not be an ' FFFFFF break up • told, :Hay fever, correct 9 hmp �a • Innis and the ordinary reputable ettl- sour stomach and banish the lrrita• O»� Sf•GI S �., for me. I had very Wheeler & Baia, zea, who walks by day Special ten bliity. that accompanies the cutting of �°'• �""' Severe pains int� �� vials were built 1n the police stations. teeth• left side and suf Count Stan&rd' and collars, coats and muzzles were } i ere agony every month. One day Experienced mothers always keep when I was not able to t u A thick, even, heavy spread of I provided in the way of uniforms. The P Bgby's Own Tablets in the home as n mother be me to try your galvanize over every inch of sur- dogs yroved particv arly useful to the. i med- face. Deep corrugations. fernard against the troubles that �offl t No lest kine• My husband got me a bottle Write tae, stating size of police at night and saved much nine seize little ones se suddenly and the S3'onehxal i;plds of VeEetable Compound at once mad % I alrig backwards sad forwards These I took it I started a second bottle. barn you want to coven young mother carr feel reasonably � •Ptiawmoata, "f'tv- and other danger- barn tom rise and joy the pains dose are so htghiy lntelii;ant that safe with a boa of these Tab:eta at et+• ttaalsdir decal■p from sommea y sorb r WE PAY FIMIGHT i —WL To prevent trouble take Buckley'a iri m side Left me completely and II a, LIMITED they refuse food from strangers bring hand and ready, emergencies. Mixture. It ewacky. :a1Mvs the Covey am able to do all my pork witlYout " WHEELER O GAIN, home .lost children, *to. Many of Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but and ressrow the e+••a • •+ ' i Dept.'W, '101 George 9t, Toronto - ofd-fashioned srruvc it's a saimudis hells i am a farmer's wife so yom them are so anxious to tet-s "case" thorough.laxatfve- that art with wt combination sd proven •irttum sobs by tee I can't be idle lou In all I have t that they will follow and look askance !gripping and they are absolutely guar- �druniste sad ltca•ants«i. s taken six bottles of Lydia 1;. Pink- y �- ata person of auspicious appearance. anteed tree-from Op' or 'othr: A• 7[ IRsehlar. LWtci. ham's Vegetable Compound, five The Idea proved each a success flint 142 Mateal 8t-, Ta.nte 2 arc boxes of the Compound Table tins harmful drugs. They are sold by po 8 other municipaiities have followed the '' Medbottici e, L dia a alsPino used m s loom Sim- Do"CM work of a medicine dealers or' by mall at 26 ��� Medicine,and have also used the 9sn- ' seneo.rb aasYiae,�Ie1S example of.Ghent. I cents a box from The Dr. Willia-tnW r oaasmteted, Mrt°aalM' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Aeft a AaaA- ative Wash Mrs.L LAJlsvN11101 ; t .ullataifleibal.. Box 108, Coniston.Ontario. a ' Kentucky Paper-"A woman hers E ��-_ • dp beam k � � � �iO was kicked on the shift e • mule.i J"�e � win! -----._ - `t 'causim* her to bite os the end of her f �/��,,��// tongue, and her husband several times Baltimore Sun. - The Royal Dutch "h+bionder Concrete Mixer since has refused on offer of 1600 for Sbell and the Standard Oil of New The New Brantford Wonder Mizer York are giants 1n the oil business, the mule." ' ""at apcicesolowtbaraelarsercas - --� coming into competition 1A many afford to xis eoaoraa,mortar seed I couatrteR.. It. they _ push their price �o grain. fertilizer.feed, eta. by hand. Mlnard's Liniment for sick-animals. tYruata.,desstipttntotdeclfa3t I war In all of them, this country x111 F0;?.. 1 OOOLD,SHAPLSTa XMILCOJIM. "Was 1Mra. Jones Ilk-her new 4gown be dawn In, a development which RHEUMATISM ]�aastora Oes s when you saw her'" Partly, my could not be vfeKed here without _ -- grave convert by an. industry which g `.?. ' fi �r f --- - - dess-p"Y. . . y - s now fit the doldrums and whose to- �¢ � S ,y ture seems most uncertain. The dis = Save LABOR i aslrous reports of various Americana ., 'companies for 1927 leave no doubt that Ainingstocks Now 'few of them are in position to stand ' ''� 4�• T4s y, � �'� � during the 'spring rush when time up long under a draetie cut in selling ilk' at a premium. Because D W The are now at low levels and Fertilizer to doable strength, you, y prices of their products. there are several . which- show —== -:--- save In bags, freight, teaming, and spreading splendid profit posslbllities soon• "Flow did your rife take 1t when ',; , DOt1bIC - you won that Christmas owe"- Write, ''; •cap x s i Worth Write, wire, or phone us for takes?" "All at once." ,,. Information: because ane ', Ten D W x .a a �z may, pyx ;;, ,,• '? e.,ss two I-Y BELL & CO. �RITAIN Tons 4.1.4. Minim Dr TO �, x i D. W. GUNN, LTD. 1114 Mall Bldg. ELpin CANADA c� � o Toronto, 1;1367 20p Vine Ave., Toronto, Ont. YOU csn.arrsadc for}woe felaoitip {,''' and friends this low oras fate-- - ----. f7 reduced rail races chi J. r7-tarried FREE— _=y 1tEE- - Ask at ones, for details of the ,ilrittsit Plowina'tionscheane AYE [tom any offia of AggJlt of the j DOWN" CX re a o�NUlpt _ - O Cu =; pNItLIPS �/QM f. •• UNE! ;<' - �Of l9AQpft For ^c mac Acid Why SU far tnoro Ari _ s AC-10 svow.c++ McAXr8 "" From Rheumatism when Min- f `"" a MEADACHIL ,\ - - - }• Perhaps you didn't realize tlia� Aspirin-tablets are made t0 y•wusEA ~ - ard's Liniment will bring south- p y _ w Ing relief, relieve the deep-down rheumatic aches as well as dispel the ossa- eadache. They do! In cases of neuralgia, neuritis, lum w bago for those pains that penetrate one's very bones; Aspirin - Just -a tastel"s dose c,r 'hiili +.,' pa rt:. You aro happy again In live 1a ! tablets offer real- relief. Just be sure you are getting, the real a 11dilk of 31agnesiat in water. That is minutes. ` 'an alkali; effective, 'yet Itarmlesa. It "&sant dep-9-h-d an•crude methods. Em- Aspirin, a ith Baser on each tablet and on the boxy--wltlt proven 'has been the standard antacid for 60 -ploy the best away yet evolved.In,all YWh OF �irCCtl'ms r hSide: A11 dTUggists. the years. nt searching. That !s ' K0 Y e • Y e `a _-a • e yenta amotit Physicians everytghere. Phillips' bink of .hfag>fesia. t hY3lclans pregmbe 11711 y _. _ . _ r ? One FpOouful will neutralize at once Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' - • _ - ata.np !limes .its volume in acid. It is ;Milk of Magnesia prescribed By physi- �# does NOT affect -the hekd the right way, the quick, pleasant and�clans for 60 years in correcting excess • tlrrJirtn L the trade mark troatafr:ed fn•Cansdal SndieailnE Bayer manaracta , Rule n efficient wayto kill the excess acid.The nelds. Each bottle contains full diree -- .. = - »rd ta.t .urrr:n >��-aucLmanur_eslar., ta.••sir. tee n'tDIic against lmitat stomach becomes sweet, the pain de•+tions-any drugstore. ISSUE No. 7--'21 tics+, me Tritan ww be staljsd w:ct. t6er "barer Crowtr�m,y>� -- - , o , 3 -r, ., t y,• Y, '. .,� •w.. � :;�_`meq. ..,',��'•�:r•scr c'�,�?..:;.u.'S�. .wv.�., � ='�' P i -,a.•rrrr!".a .. .a.' a• ,y'..: -„`'?'=.wy*` .2 'x:34 ..�SRs� �.'r Y':a— ,",f aA�, :;•..: ,,�-.rte,,-��.'fi*yr�' '�k^ k' _ -Sip• -k'"r .a fix•' ' r � -•'(�;'iY. BAi�e�` 7►.0.8 'ih flee City. .�,:<•E'!ROIIGHAb� ^x. _ :.':.';�. ;'too � � "' on Tuesday. s _ , Ba' =F. 8. and Airs. Hall entertain- 1I he W. M. S. meet at the home 'of (� i . taiged frionde.from..Toronto on Mrs. T. Cassie on Thursday after- 11�_ i j Rabert Rankin, of Lansigo ng, Suudag. ]Rents Sunday here with his moth- -Arthur and' Mrs. Boyer and yrs• 8hepheiil tie's been ill for rev- - t+r;'Mrs John Rankin. hire. Bnyeal were in Toronto last cralovyks. We hope for a speedy Rokiert Devitt,of Oshawa.was . Tuesday• J, C. Cowie, W Brown and J. ,• Six Tube"DeForest:.Crodey Set in town on dionday,and'gave THE _E. L. Chapman is in the city Smith, of Toronto, were'yin town on __Naw a pleasant ca , this week attending a session of Saturday, -Mrs. George Lang spent over she week-end with Arehhie and the County Counafl, G. L. Middleton is in Whitby this ` Mrs. Muir, of Coartice. -Miss Ferre Led Rett,.o! Oeh- week attending a meeting' of'the r -John L Cowie, o! the Massey-. awe; sprint the week-end with County Council. Ones Myrtle Lockwood. Stock reducing sale will commence _ Barris Cp., .Toroate, spent Satan -Farmers have been busy dun- at the '"store" on-Feb. 15th. Come day with J. C.and kers. Philip. 2aclnding Ing the past week in harvesting and get a bargain. rL. H. and lire.Devitt and lit their season's supply of ice. - Those who -attended .the : m)cial _ tie dangtiter. o! Toronto, spent �5-201 Westinghouse Tubes the week sad with Hugh and lL '-�'$'T. ' d am dance in the Town Hall on reports Ar .!ischia. 1st. pierce °vim Balsdoa's hardware day evening of last week' report a 1-W X C 25 Power Tbbe . store. Offiee-hours, 9 to 6 daily said very enjoyable time. -win. R. and. Mrs. Stork, of ev�gs by appointmenf„a K pleasant time was spent at the 3-Layerbilt Eveready B Batteries A . $eIleville, spent the week-end -gale of home made 'cooking school-house on:-Tuesday afternoons 2-=Eveready C Batteries with the former's parents, Robert and candy in $t. Paul's school when all enLoyed a Valentine par)y. y ;U. and Mre. Stork. March the 3rd Did you get a valentine? - - - 1--85 Amp�Pet Battery sb r room on Saturday; The young People's Society meet- - Hatchings Bros. postponed ender the auspices ,of the E. R. G. 1 Complete Aerial Kit sale on Monday- afternoon was class. . ting at the Ellicott home was a grand very largely attended and good -Coat, on Wednesday. Feb. 15, success, and the novel erperiment of 1-DeForest Crosley Musicone Mode B prices ivere.,re�lized. giving offering according to measure ' between Geo. Fawcett e, Brock g n -The membere and adherents netted a good collection. The meet- regular price $245 0� - `'of$t. Andrew's congregation will road, and Pickering Village, a Lire ing"s since re-organization have been !' a'- • chain. Finder.please leave at W. hold a social evening at the manse G. Reid's butcher shop. well he Y. P. S. meeting' next week This set is a wonder. We will be pleased to demon.* :this(Friday)evening. --J. R. Thezton, who has bee row's strata it for you. Personally, we think -Miss M, Robertsion, assistant be held at A2isa-PhX teacher in the Continuation school employed in a printing establish and Wallace.Ellicott will have charge itis the finest tht"we've .. .was off duty for several days this 'sent in Ottawa daring the'past of the meeting. Our president should ever handled. ' week through illness. few months, called on a number be congratualted upon the success of -Mrs. W. H. Westuey; who. of Pickering friends on Tuesday. her meetinglast Monday night. We �1 m t' pickerina -The Swastika Club had a very are hopinfor similr occasions in Fred T. Buning! b ~has been laid op for two or three enjoyable meeting at the home of the future. Established 1857. weeks suffering from qufnsey, fs. Mrs. C. A. $territt on Tuesday On Saturday last a meeting of ---- - -- nre are pleased'to report,improv- evening,-when a scene from one those interested in street lighting con- t ing nicely. of Shakespeare's plays was enact ferred with the Council in the Town --A very large number,of our all, but as many felt that they preVlanta are suffering 'from the -A heavy rain fell all Tuesday were not ready to accept response- '• reVsning epide e es is very serious cases, however, have afternoon t a a -p;ht� cellars in from,the petition', and the matter F been reported reenit theta number of cellars in P + ' the village were filled more or less was left over,for more enlightenment Oliver Crammer has been in on the subject. - a with water. The creek also bad +f Bowmanville, during the past few The Y. P. S. of St. John's Church, _ the appearance of a-good spring W having secured a position flood Brougham, visited the Claremont An- ` s with the Highway Department shot Society on Monday evening• the t -The services in St. Pauls Unit- • operating aenoW plow. varied program was given by -Hrs, W. A. Reid returned ed Church on Sunday are : 10 30 after whieli'the vis- w.'m., Rev A. M. Irwin, B. A,. B. visiting Society, h, home on Tuesday, after spending itors were socially entertained by the D., of Whitby, in charge. 6.45 Claremont Society, All report a good _ a week in Toronto with Mrs. Reid, p m 8iag Song. Regular serviee time. More entertainment of this - or.' Mrs. Reid i% slowly recover at700 p. m., subject, '`ddaking a kind would -be an excellent thin for in I from her recent illness. young Man Strong for Battle." ole, who are to be the 11 • "mom -Weare still enjoying most de- our young pep '� - tk The minister will preach. men.and women of to-morrow. �� £dean- � Y'1C8S =- lightful winter weather. As the '. -The Y. F U. of St. Paul's _ _ J month of February to now more United Church are hAviag an open -PRAYERS NEEDED than half gone we will soon be in evening on Friday, as the are -- _ the enjoyment of s riva weather, The evangelist was fust finishing Q having Rev. Adanson Doyle, !1, . L,f Ok Em Over -At St. George s Church ria , Sunday next, D8 S. S. Coalthard, Rel. Education. W. up one of his serveces. Let all in - Ase't S y freehnnents after the program. the house who are paying their 'of Wycliffe Crap e, will roaduet debts stead up!" he cried. Present- the services and preach at 1Q.30 A general invitation to the eon- Bo e`Felt Slippers.felt and leather soles,one hackle, r Us is extended. Come. ly every man, woman and child, with ysizes 18, 1 and 2, rag.1.50, for 98c. u. m. and 7 P. m. Sunday School g -On Tuesday evening clout 8.45 one exception, rose to their feet. .{meets at 9.30 a. m. The preacher asked them to sit i o;elock two trucks collided at the -A number from the village east sad of the village is front of da9vn e "Now every man not Child'sTelt Lace Boots, with black•laee foxing,sizes attended the draw&,entitled 'The a n his debts stand up." The one 5,6, 7, reg.1.95, for.98c. . T. E. Crawfords. One of these, p n g �s•a - 11�rairie Rese," which was present exception assumed a perpendicniaz as International truck owned by iod by the Andley Community H. G. Transport-;Do., of 83 p° On' Uisees Red Felt Stipp ere, leather soles, eizes'12 and 2, Mi 101nb ab Andley on Friday even "How is it, m friend, asked the reg 1.50, for 98c. r„ iia last and were well ceedio w Ave., Toronto, wasp ,. with leather g pleased WOodevangelic;, that you are the only ' 'with the entertainment. g west loaded with cartons roan who is not meeting his'oblig�- of empty beer bottles when it was 'Women's House $hyper+. canvas soles -The extremely heavy fog of tion.' », side swiped by Republic truck ..1 run a newspaper," he answered, sizes 5, 6 and 7,elastic front,reg 1.25, igoini at 98c. - aWedaeeday evening o!• last week or driven b D.Johnston,of;Cobourg, y "and the brethren here who stood up - n!a t very dauxerons serious character, were About 40 cases or carton of bot• are i nliec ray• mexclaimed t11e " going at 1.85. Don't miss thia�-away below cost. asotariag. Severs]accidents,rose which was proceeding eastwards. s. Women's 4-bnakle Overshoes. sizes 3 to 7 reg very nearly all d and nOliTra Crammer Infante, Child's and Hisses Underwear, all onr r reported, due to the inability to ead and i{enister. - ver .res the pavement and approach- nearly all broken. Traffic Officer lines ~ t Now L�►srtsaewdloss. Ing sutoe. reduced 20 per cent. were soon on the scene and clear- : • -Fred Andrew, who has been the road of broken glare which ,employed with the Hydro Commis• ORN-Car of Distillers' g riiios at " L was later picked np by the High. Cioca.t Hut elevator. Prooe Mark 7212. u ._.Boys'V neck pull-over Sweaters, sizes 24 to Ski;CP lore during the post few mo�the will; orsage. green with With his tassel 1n their work why Dedartment a track. It ie - grey with pus�e, purple it alio reported that a motor car FOR BALE-A red and white cow, Band etc, re 22i, now 1.69. of construellug the new line due Feb. 14th. Appiy to Gerald Clark.Dna- g - which appeared upon the scene �,tw. 24-23 alsroop;h the tonrleitp, 1s confined - before the broken Rises was re •.. :- to his bed eafferiog' from a very RENT- cos.2. Pictterinat. Jl kiss's Grey Worsted Opercoats, well made. peal moved ignored the signals to stop - >l�ctercomed�ta�e• APPY to 7boa. Watson-4d ---- , ' r --James Davidson. of Carman, with disastrous reeults to the Man.. who Is in the employ of the Cg OUTTIpp-G-Grind quality. For good quality, felt•lined ff tires. Evidently the driver of the t llLea's 4-hackie Overshoes, n, .. .. ;,�royiacir►i Go meet o lease- ICE • to T.G-Mansfield Fairport. 4.00, for 8.29. car did not .know whether those or�, Peek ', &j 24 res 40ba, id a firbe visit with-John <•. , pa siRna}linp; were highway men, --- wad lits• ffi�rl<sr on liooday. who were to attain t a hold-nD, r1r OR BALE-A pair of eight 1-borne Mr. !Das tient to Ontario is, F manna coaaitlon Apply to Frank alias's Plain Blue and Plain Black QyensUs.all sig, for the poroma of parchasing friends who=:Fto see no dam ebidw.r��ciaremoet. �t worth 2.00, for 1.59. apse done to his car. The resudasi• ' pare.bned cattle. TOTIOE-Fruit tress sad sbrabs of bilfty for the collisin ties not yet u p seat line of Mend Auto Knit Socks in brown. gre9 _- ilwantid. A Wife," Mara all kinds for sale. Joe B.Gormley•Usabsr - Zisabwall And humorous be°D,p��ed lino fe the thief ton. and heather-six different shades-real value at sad refined play, will be given in o! time." ie .a° old maxim, but it FOR BALE-+�aa yon"& Jerae7 _ 5Q cerate per,pair. , -the Town$all on Tuesday evra- sow.ewe rra,eenea. A co J.L.wearer. rag, Feb. 28th. by the Y. P.S. of is as true today as it was -ages 1 1-z miles west or Pickering. on the K:;,i alto. But is this age procraetins ram- St. Andreas United Church. , Be - ' seised of a Rood evening's enter- for. tion will do more than steal time ]RADIO HOSPITAL-A{1 kende of It will god right into nese pocket.' radion in. Satisfaction iced. Pri• s ' spa �wnn ble. George Tool: R.R 1. Lticuat _ Wnel#t, Watch the bilis. book and take oat nod read Hill, _ --Will the members of$t. Geo•. g y Hiu, phaoe Pick nota. 24-27 cash that we were saving rap to - rxe's Guild please leave their dopa- OR 8 ALE-6 shoats pboot 100 lbs. bny beef steak at 40 cents per each. Apply to Wilber Johnston, at 24 coo. tions of new and,.second-hand dozF, warm clothing for the missionary pound and eggs u 50 teats a asci s p,ckeriag_or address R.R. 1.Locust Hid, 2S f s - so CHAPMAN bels k_es an. Thiaprocednre of proerasti• ,OR SALE-Young Embden pan- •q na los Wee-brOnjtht forcibly t0 �'der, 1 youn6 ey sander an -- -.,nn or -�•- — -the date date on which the coni- m°t''sra°R9°Phon residents wbo werepreeented with z,Claremont, Phone dare 2x1 . z4-2s mittee' will meet to '--pslsk the a neatly folded blue paper •R few RONTO LVET-WASH LAUN- bale for shipment. here was a decided drop in asys ago by our local constable x DRY (Semi finisher Let our driver call and ve s m e n pr v i c —T P explain our 24 hour service. . just ieage your v e 'i 1the tempestare daring the week- asking them to appear before the name with•Mr.S.W.1 avis, barber shop. we end, which was welcomed w the police magistrate and explain why will pick up and deliver a times a week. they were driving their care with RENT— boy and girl who are the fortunate' ARM FOR BALE�OB R1�NT-96 goeseseors of a pair of ekatas. No last year's license plates, Being Facres of land in lot 12,con,b Pickering,lots , ._ n enable to give a satisfactory ell;- of aur er bothp(sees•ate'good holding" aac-nd ,E�en the moat wisely selected time was lost in flooding the school planation to--the magistrate they �iam kenos, I ams Jan to J,dt rent Cb -1. risk which brought joyto many a P coast or r3realab. Jaaaea t�,rir�utf R.1, 1 youngetsr. During the two days were all under the necessity of Locust lit _ . ' the ice on the bayy increseed abort paying a fine and costs. Of course OTIOE-We have just purchased ' .Ynvestment8 Should receive.r:e-. ,1 wo inches in thickloess.' The ice ttiey all took 1t good aatgredly. N a rhesus white Boar sc for yauag sows. • #xart;enbrly good this year, and were site willing to do their also old Tamworth nor >srn sows Please These piss 4. ct fn ging off the Provincial• ;eemutime iones. servCeat eesav00to'ep sea nslder�rtlon- fPOIn tll�le t0 rage clear and of a good thick- debt.hn�t ace:t year they have de- 1•Ky,tit sa.8.F.ooa..Pickering. 19- line. We suggest That y011 1�Se t tided that some of their fellow- CARD OF THANKS. EL - ;';� T "Me s�care thronaboat mo este will perform this plee►�- - :. Our services t0 revalue �Ot1T , a the province" ave received ex ant di><ty. Some of those who I wish to thank• the ladies of the plieit instructions from the High- were fined had their license plates village for their kindness in calling • .way Department to proseeote ani. but that 'did not on Mrs. Leng, a stranger, during tbe holdings wit view t0 llYl• y in their` este. ` metoriiits wbo are found driving • —their ante with old limes plates. COmpty with the law, sad• they illness and dace t>te death o! her • had to bear the corse ae°ces. husband, and• for the symPsthy o! �rO�n� Our 1n088 a t' " "A month was given in whlcb q the People_to me. -�--eery one tier+►napes aims to peo- -....-- - 3Us� 4 • r_ p eure the necessary plates. Those - gAtg RtOIiTEA. 1 - _.. -w bo fhiled to get them in January Thursday, February 2Sra---Extensive iii f + r�batiVi'dF < � hoard not neglect this duty any saile of reg. horses, reg. cattle, reg. -' longer, if they intend to use their sheep, .bogs and implements, hay > $lOOd8r8 G a W , A R K 9 f ` . ears, for if they ere "pinched" grain, etc., belonging to john For- Oil or Electric. - �hr ,, - tbey will have only themselves to syth, Glasgow, lot 4, con. 2, Ux- patented Egg-turning Treys. ~' - PIOHERIN( �" blame. and if the traffic officers bridge. No reserve as he is giving ; overlook any offeadere they will up farming. Sale at 12 noon. S Send for Catalogue. p O$ 40 a rte*► a great risk of &Ing die- months' credit, F, W. Silversides,I E.,�� StallBIl, 0 B J auctioneer. PlckenIIgl Telephone Pickering 4.$00 missed. , `��{ .,.[,• r--'. �.....,?i•«.es. a ..,....,,� .' ..w,.••:. ,. :.'.,: ..osl�- d+. s..,... e• ..-...:..,,, 4p.s,:M .u.e��fi.. 5 �." wi�,3x." a. .r. c".e �y,,a T�r� ...': •r" �'^w,. fw'..:....r www, � ,-•i?, .-a.:y"x-«w•k •�.nn,.a:, ?r:e.y ,,:,•�+•,;,�,. ..4. ,o-...t r _M -1.. ^•'a.,,us� .i ..�'.,�M.• ''y^ :irt -"�,w�„'ri. �"�H .,,r.: 8"w. y..: �'�"•» a• '�'i•i_ r'�'v'�7, - .,., �'a• , ,„,. ,-c.N........,..'t•Yn,--e,.•:. ,x..°,N��.,,fi., ..,,:cx ....'�"'^�« .,• �.. 'y�'�:° .. .>.'�,*.�%a •s• �?«,',�z? ,rad �'�> ,�.�;�� : � _ "µ:.