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gr,ms fg.v 'IT" 4 X
01"YoweWmal. Gambo. DUNDARTON. S. 0. Football 'Associatioe •
• At the community Hall next San-
XedUa GREENWOOD . . . . . .
saw min sad Basket day : Sunday School meets a' M
-Anglican service at 8 p. in. Preacher, W L D
FORSYTH, 0 h. D., Director
Rev. D. B. Langford. Summer visit- Brougham, ..S, .0 2 18
*A .Claremont. ical Aftods of Ostedo.-R
_t .1! as out, .6 3 1 1
berof the Aniorican Opicosetricil 7.
are are cordially Invited. Olarern 1.3
Green River. 8, 2 5 11
es tic by Appointment.
Goodwood. -.4 10
Cberrywood, 2 4 4 8 Notabliabed I
Baskets ot all sizes Community 1pn4lel Claremont and Brougham will now Day a Brooklin
IL CHRISTIAN, Barrister sad Wednesday. August 17tb. play home and home games for'the
Pro am 16;nAs of apart-in-the, xbkmVilou
'A SaM or Notary Public Etc - Mosey to iptions ship.
t WQ. MR Hoose. Whitby. ea, hii AssocliLtion will bold a meeting All aceounti roust be Id
av, South and deser afternoon. T served in the evening. T
edneiday evening,
G. IBROWNIN(J. R. C.. Bar The Olde Tyme Quartette, of Toronto at Brougham on W or arranged- for by Yaly
Barris- lowest prices :Ist,as I am leaving for
ter. Solicitor. Notary Public. Anacs'Blk., will vide a splendid program at August 10th. at Op. m.
ce. DtniAss Street, ht!roA good time Is expected. The
t the 1==8 or Office phone 392. -,England early in July and
ladies t community are expected CHI"
CKEN STFIALING require my books . closed'
to provide liberally, As. a large crowd
Salt for sale
PATOM & ROSS- Barrbten, go inot later than that date.
,&pci - to
Northern Building, no Is expected..
a The warning that has _been given
ebicken•tbieve8 recently by the long
r1D F -R=' terms of imprisonment does not seem
Adelaide 2707
Successor to late W. G. Barnes to have the hopect for deterrent effect
number from the young people's on this despicable form of crime. In A large
JUllilsarrimitem Solicitors etc.. 213-214 Coded. Phone Mark 6420 classes of the Whitevale and Green the vicinity of Milton a number of
d Rich- River Sunday held v recently and
MiAdonLife Building, Cam I'll a picnic
main Island.
aboad Sit Toronto. Phones Schools thefts has been reported
offloeai*n Monday and Wed- last week on Centre Toronto, tic the township of Pickering several
;:=eningsaad all ackbatutday, including
'Be 'I and while there visited the Royal CAD cases have occurred
during the peat
y ev-1- . Phone 6600. go
F URr+ITU RE o ck 'of Fe ed
Ldian Yacht Club, whose grounds are week or two. In addition--to a term
AT'SOTTOW PRICES very beautiful at present. of imprisonment this lash might be of vario,
gu us kinds on hand
D@W44 rpond and picnic grounds are applied with vigor with good results. %
�1- - IT. - :B :M -& ZJ the scene of a large and happy The farmers are up in arms and some Better secure your supplies now,
7-tR. J. R FOWLIlL Deatist.
Oar. CLAREMONT.ONT. -throng every Sunday. A viol tor drastic measure must be taken. as it will be scarce and higher
J_QU.= Rd. and Victoria Park Ave, To- teasers $1! stands
2 up, Wash from the city recently made the
=.,=tr at door). Open Evening-
1913, that the city people did not -in price later on.
d 112 64 up. Clbiffoners, 5 drawers, remark
realize how many beautiful spcits DUMBARTON. goo a In
O. Smith, _J)@WA&__Rtn,,ff and d sized Irrors there were so near -W tbielr door.
UPI-NoPiLmior Graduate of C%icago and To- half -Price. It will Our community is again to be Mrs. C. $males is at preseni'witb
Destat Phone office 1011. - Raddowe
maso Universities and the Royal czaage of p57 you to call. 'WANTED
favored by baying the Toronto police her son, James, at Enniskillen.
Miss Annie Brander has returned
Iola. Xfto=n: appoiatnwnts. 207 Silver Band in our midst agaia., We
from a lengthy visit at Sarnia.
:"DLASE B. -BEATON, D. D. S., look forward each year to this event, Rev. Me, LeRoy preached a very
JL11 Graduatelof the Royal Dental Roofing 'Material I as this popular band always give such
impressive sermon last Sunday morim-
SwSsaw and Unive:wtT or Toronto, excellent programs. Coupled with, hibitioc.
Whitby, the proceeds go ling in the interast's of Pro
aver Murdwk's Gionfecti -thin is the fact that e procet
08lor bows 9 to 12 : I to x.80 = He also officiated in tb4 evenlri
sell phone M. 5 x British Columbia Shingles to the upkeep of our cemetery, the 0 0 A L
64 On Sunday last at the dismissal of
condition of which we are very proud
66 of. and the object r.hurch service several boys were
ZI S. of this entert-sial,
N(SuL C. SMITH. D, D. 9.. L� No. 2 Band 5x . .. so
to ibe south side of the pave -
A to Dr J N.- Dalai, Graduate of -,.1 went should assure a large crowd. We cv088i'39
7 . 7.--. . : _
RoYal College of D=W Surveons arA Toice - went to walk westward. when Keith A good supply of Hard and Soft
to Uftiveraily. At Clareniont office over D. A
welcome you all.
Pearce was Ptruck by an automobile Coal on his:od. Al@ko a supply
!Scott's store every Tuesday " Fridpit, Phone TORONTO ASPHALT
stouff tali. coming from the east. The driver of
ROOFING AUGUST POULTRY CULLING car stopped and everything available of Kindling Wood,
1_1 ERBERT T, FA LLA ISIL L D S.. Hurray's' IS in.. 82 in, and 86 inch WAS duce. The boy was carried Into atove leolirth.
Poultry owners should not fail to go
D. S, Graduate of the Royal CQUeV of Dr. Dales' office and now has returned
I Surgeons and the V&vam1y of Toronto widths. 4 in I Shingles also over their flocks 12tf Phone Pick. IT, 09.
CWlk* above J clarefully during to his home. not much the worse.
S Balsdon's more. F*jwring, out. Valley and
Metal August and remove all non productive
• gouts 9a in to 6 W M, or - by a on'" DONALD MUNRO, PICKEKING
P11500 Pick "oo IT
Wt Ridge Roll. individuals. The profits of the year's
price mrstions may depood upon Riving Don't miss the Toronto Police Sfl_
ce oi acee ted poultry practice the ful , 1- ver 11
Material, or will give p Band at WhitevaleGards g
flumb"06 Saw**.
finished job. PSCOgDitlau, The revised edition of. Party, August the 17tb. L. SURNINGHAPA
7, Farm Poultry, Bulletin M. Ontario Building and General
to. i vem a
-.X!,ftasair to the late W V. Rxi-r4gon, repLq,.. Department of Agriculto Oontmeting.
imandir Down Fin Inairance costvanies of w:_,P1CKEPdNG complete outline on poultry culfirig on HI;ZVALIL Estimates furnished on all cls.Asss
If you own *Hock. A ad den party, under the of work - Interior and Exterior,
mancza, stand-& 34tf pages 24 to 81
grand far
I. Eft YARD you are advised to adopt culling fees . . . . . . .
POWnll� I.Jeensed Auctioneer. Akerttimt and repaim
if a the Cemetery Committee.
F part of your poultry waiiagemost.
so an 11 possible. armage to visit one of lawn on the
&DOZ 00041*1011 Of Taft .ad Class" Acs art be held on the United Church Chimneys Built Concrete Work.'
of all ki
usises. "dross amoo siver F 0.. "L V A evening of Wednesday
THE MINING ALJLR-n-T- the Calling Demonstrations be' t Phone, Pickering 5712
'I pu August 17th. A splendid pr raw
ICU ture
on by the Department of Agriculture by the Toronto Police 'FAIRPORT.
Ontario County. A representative of Si
aww"Massr, comaniosbuborfter 101111111 We bay and sell. furnish quot&Uom liver Band under the leadership of
�.-Ndkhwsxa • Aeosassass. the Poultry Department of the Oots- Signor DUrbsno. -assisted by the
sa ban I'll- u0my 10 Loa and Information on all Listed and
_12mor of Maximo &A*. S H I N G L E
tic Agricultural College will demon. Urrhano Sisterii. Misses Norma and
onow Unlisted Mining StotlCkL
strate culling of pnultry as follows : Toroatino. Instrumentalists. and Miss
We will be pleased to advise what August 18, 290 p. m., F04h*rgill Bros. Alice Story, of Markham. gold medal. Nova Scotia Shingles
stocks to buy or to hold. or Whitby;
Iry TIOMMR km York ontorAossid- list In elocution. A baseball match Galt Galvanized S�eal Shingles
what stock to sell
AN EW - . Aug. 19. 8.90 a. in,. N. Fair. Uzbridge:
Cso & of ZQ =p=
W Term rooscolable. Dal will be played between Whitby and Bird's Felt 8late'Sbingleal
offie•, Clients are making won by. Aug. 19. 10 80 - M. Gormley. Brook. the Toronto Police team. A refresh. for sale at
doot gibooes. Whitby, Oat. Bell.sed following oar advice. Pia, R. R. 1; went booth will be on the grounds for
Our long experience in mining. ex. Aug. 20. 1.90 p. uk., Gilbert McMillan. the We l'bf rod•bots, lee cream etc. T. PATERSONS CLAREMONT
tending over 46 period of twenty Be&7 arton.
The proceed* are Ia Lidlof the Come. Call And get prices. Phone 2812
year*. allows us to give sound advice Fund. Adailsoloo. 35 cents
on the in-vestment feature of a mine Hear Miss Alice Story. Markham, corldren, under 12 years. 15 cents.
or the speculative feature of a pros. Blocutionist, at Whitevale
pective mining venture. on Wednesday, Aug. 17.
'--Buy a Leat� er Goods State t
Members of Standard Mrs. Warwick has returned to her
stock Exchange.
Wew Perfection Crcnis Lee being harvested and they cottage, after spending a few days in 'HARN
Members of the Moo treal are generally SO the city.
W1. 3g Beach is looking very Our supply of quality Harnew and d.
Mining Exchange. Squire Bros. so a An@ carload of Pickering
Oil Stove. big stews on Monday. MUCh nicer SiV06 the 1011S gross has Parts is now complet*6 4
Ofilloo and Board Room.'Ground Floor.
Metropolitan Build.Ing, Obarks Puckrin threshed a good been cat
AND - W. A. and Mn Thornton and T.
TORONTO. ONTARIO told of &Wks cloyer last week. We have a large stock of this Pam
The Trustees of S. S. No. 5 have sad Mrs. Douglas spent last Sunday
'Pbqa#w - Adelaide 6371 and 4M Boot on hand-unbesbable
Bove Time, Toil, Padenoe had the school re- decorated by Thos. at the Beach with John and Mir. for hard wear and tear.
Brignall. Boiwins.
YOU Will Me It
Seie our Now Model THE RURAL Team* we busy taking gravel from Mrs. Florence Skinner and family REPAIRING 7J
-0cov Nook," the saw-
the Winton Pit for the now MelAagb. are visiting at We maintain our established repute-
SECURITIES COMPANY LTD. no hone& wer home of Mrs. J. Bowlas. She . . .
Abo a good line Of Hardware Our beat wishes go to Prod Anvan surely enjoys the water. tlon:for repallefull all kinds of
Co. John Bowine. of the C. P. R., To-
04 reasonable prices Roil Asitalte sad Imsumn and bit bride for a long sod happy life harness and boots.
in our widet. rento, has been at his summer cot
fhone I" Pam is
a Specialty. F. M, Chapman sent a shipment of "Oosy Nook," during the past week CECIL BRADLEY
Yorkshires to Michigan on Tuesday recuperating from- the Iffect6 of a
ALVIN BUSIM]BY He" Offlce; 218 214 Confederation from Pickering station. horse crushing him severely while be
Miss was visiting at his former home at
IAfo Buildidg. Toronto. Mrs.4ohnston and daughter,
Phone Main 1300. . I Pontypool -shout a week ago. PickkRINGi ONTARIO
-PICKERING Ruth, of Niagara, were recent visitors Pontypo
with friends and relatives here, I
Branch Office Gordon Building, We are sorry to learn that Mrs. 111TOUIPIrVILLE
Pickering Ontario. Myers. who summers on their pro.
Phone 6800. 28tf party herd. bad One misfortune to Tom Paterson, of Claremont, was a
-Many --Homes break both arms. business visitor here on Saturday..
-13t. Andrew's Sabbath School held a The United Church Sunday School
Will require a MattressIdoring CLAREMONT a Chapman's woods last picnic v week
picnic will be held on Wednesday nexi
the f6llowing few and had a most enjoyable time. This At Oshawa.
w I
weeks. We is a good spot for such an outing, Rev. T. -H. Mitchell, of Edmontonj
'CREAMERY / . I . _. .
-Is spendluK ble
BROUGHAM. home here. Sell the Marshall
Washer Gould, of Uxbridge, has sp.-
Mgbest price paid for
Prices $25 to $75 Mission Band as usual on Saturday cured the cement contract In tbp wa
Oreato at the
afternoon.. building of our school.
WS g%rantee oUr $15' M tit James Holtby epent the week-end at The alsike crop around this locality
Claremont. is turning out splendidly and farmere
tress to be pure white of The Ganimage home is being treated are feeling good Over the excellent
-to anew roof. yield.
1j felt A1.1 Ogddobrs
Give no a trial and be convinced Mrs. Buckingham. is spending a Stoulffville sad Aurora b&eball
our 8 50 and 7.510 Mattresses week at home. clubs are a tie In thin league. They Invites Yoar Kodak I
M11 I S The W. J. Brown family have re- glay again on Saturday afternoon to
in grey felt and very ELM DAU turned to their city home. the tie. At the beach, in th rd
e en,,
Mrs. Mackie. from Manitoba, is via- Stouff ville Girls'Sof tball team went erevw
serviceable iting with L. and Mrs. Middleton. to Uxbridge at their re•unlowan at the mountain.ca
d "p, go -your K keep'.
-Slidbxing Couch, in a pretty -The berry crop. which was an sibund- tared the Ist prize of $100 from Toron• You 9`0-,
sinL 0 In this vicinity. Is About on• to as well " other teamit, your good tim
Jonathan Nigh, ex•Warden of the you've had them.
figured oretenne and
For Fastory
Alin Bate ---m- iced her nepb ow County of York, died suddenly on
good mattress 12.60 \ Get our Kodak here and have:
"d Mrs. Bate to t a city to "ad the Sunday evening, Mr. Nigh was in
week town the previous day and was to it handy for the picture chazioel
Abe, some now designs in Our' Royal Brand -end.
The Gilman family are visiting Mrs. good bealth. that-don't wait.
Aimmons Wftlnit'Bedii; Gilman's people in Quebse, travelling Wbile swinimin Sunday afternoon
='' at your Grecor's.
Lt prices by motor. at Musselmsm's lifts. about four miles
right AsilogroPhk Kodak are rose W aft-
ftrimisre who have wheat got your XWsHilda Middleton has returned north of hors. Fred Agnew was seized Srmos4; prka -#W N V."
to the city. after spending hop hall- with a cramp and was drowned. He
"T" la"s from your Own dayie at home. was an excellent swimmer and b"
wheat. We can' Mrs. Wallace and daughters, of To- one out In a boat fo the centre of tbr,
A. grind it. routo. visited the formees sister, Mrs. none In order to swim to abore. When
Brown, lost week, about a dozen yards from shore be E. C. Jones,
burn 1)"Ier and -Ohick
-Feed of a kinds 6111 If"d, R. DevitVs We on Saturday was was seized with a cramp and sank to
Funeral Director hen few, shop, willfood. Druggt8t,
well patronized and prices were fair. the bottom. The body was recovered
Phone Iwo
They )save for Oshawa this week. about three quarters of an hour later. Pickering, Ontario
01LOPPing every w6o"ILY. Thke'W M. S. of St. John's Church I Mr. Agnew was about 22 years old
a io meet on Thursday afternoon, August I and a baker by trade. He was em-
-OntWi* =1 39, XA40C0C"VV00= 1111th. at the home of Mrs. J. Phillips, played by Percy Stover, of Brooklin.
ts Is Back in Canada
'on Gr 'wth of Trade in
Tour ProgressftWestward
Farm Products
Prince of Wales;
�_Uniqus in the history of Caluvcla, Royal 31*113%es`s the
--George; Secretary of
our royal and distin state Frank B. Xeliogg, former Am
of the toUr of
,2; Highness! erican Ambassador in London; REQUISITE
of Wales, Prince George,! Hon. Will4am Lyon Msckenz�e King,
the Prince
Mrs. Baldwin Prime Minister of—Cansda; Hon. Q.
Ham Stanley Baldwin products,have ',_rnproved in quality:
minister Of
MM their entouTsge- Forgetting Howard Forgugon, Prime n�cently, as a result of which pro-
Governor Alfred E. Smith ducers can hope for better prices ial
Ve ig thousands of of Now York State, and Hon. W. D. the British inarket
of On-
Go or This was the, optimistic. statement
Canadiang, addressing great gather- Ross, Lteatenfint- vern
visiting 'the stricken soldiers, tarlo, 'whiae -word has been recei made by Hon. P. C. Laxkim, Canadian
daily,inaugural cerenion- that the broadcast. of this, iinteTMZ- High Commis-aAmer in London, ho,
ka wbich have been bell '7their 6nal 'expression of good will w
d for as. arrived in Montreal on- board the
L our guests have endeared' heard in England, South Africa -and' White Star liner Megantic to make
to the Canadian People. Australia. -THE'ROYAL BROTHERS his'periodical visit to Canada to
�Quebec, Montreal, Otti for with the Privy C6uncfl. He will
r: Vine, Garen 'ue, Kingston, Toronto, return-to his dut4s in'Londezi in five
N the
Hamilition, St. Cathariffes, Joe Wright
..: I Hop-Off at Sea Battery when Chamberlin took off, One of the greatest sti4dea made
Niagam border cities have so far all
according to an account sent In by by.Cin-mlian producers 4who competA'
had an opportunity to see and heai Adds. to F
rGaertatives of the Crown and ame -,BY Chamberlin wir4lesa. The Leviathan headed Into in the British market Is.in the pack-
ing of their goods, Mr. Larkin declar.,
-lie TV a stiff southwesterly breeze Just'be
Government of the Mother Land.
'OardmAh fore the little Fokker started down
Toronto's Famous is Successful ed, discuss' this suVject more fullyj
AN INTERNATIONAL EVENT. Wins Major Single Scull the runway, observers on tht destroyer and it is this, improvement,which. has. I
day saw the high Spot of the Flier U 0 reptrted, and the gs'
Sun win gri�P�ed the done so much to impress Britiffhere
*69 go far when the leaders of Can- Events at Trenton,. sea Oply 75, Feet
air quickly at the take-off. The pilot with exports of produce from Can-
smA. the United Sta
tea gathered Mich. I I 8-Foo t k��y . on circled over the I-e-viathan- and over acla.
um- is of
rie Peace Bridge k -tye destroyers Lawrence and H, -adde&,-quali
at the Buffalo-Fort E at
Of course, he
Levi han Der,
*9 RECORD e Coast Guard.De3troy-
to decR�� rmiLUY open, SEIS'WORLD' h i and th primary Importance in holding a� 1,04
-d obtaining bette�r prices
In the shadow of the er 26 market an
newly opmed,
The ascent was y use which encoura;ge produ�tlon, but if the'
,1' Peace- Brifte, Right Ron. Stanley I Joe Wright, Jr., Cana mn sculler, made b of
blocks which held packing is bad, then, t quality is im-�—
-.-Baldwin, Priine-Ministei of won the chsmpion�shjp sin the plane In post
message tion as the motor atta_ln_�a paired and the producer suffers ac-
the describing - Clarence Chn be Il
ol, 7azipd Americans: "Problenis have,dine Barge. Club, Philadelphia, assured a take-off. Chamberlin i eordingly. It is therefore exceeding-
-to- 90 that itIly pleasant to Dote the imPro vent
and-will artse. Opinions vary only other entrant, in an easy race. successful inauguration of ship manipulated . his plane ven
U vary as to how they should i Wright an hour previous to his and the flight was in.. packing and eerpecially in apples,�
and wl shore aiTpolane qervice was received leaped the blocks
be solved. Only recently we have championship r�ice won the serdor
by the UnitediStates, Lines recently, on. but the packing -of Canadian apples
bad an Irstance of this. - We have had quarter- ile dash in *the single sculls,*
shortly after ChamherlIn had landed' is not by any,means perfect yet, he,
-to differ for the moment, but we know 1� svtting am world's record of 1.12 2-6. at C,,rti,, Field and taken off for said.
In our hearts - Gilmore, PbiladeIpWa entry, Teterboro, N.J. Our AailWa 0inadian bacon :s more highly m;
that this does not affect! Ga y 3 Earzli
-War friendship. The statesnien of the was second In the quarter-arille dugh "Inaugurating the ship-to-shore
0 ''. I I i - Tbn gross earnings of the Canadian garded in England now than - in the
!L' IPA a airplane service contemplated for all - 1 Past, and If the producers maintain
It ve truly laid the fouradations, event. National Railways. including the Cen
of friendship and good-will in thel These two wins simply confirm the the veesels of the United States Lines tral Vermont Railway, but excluding their high quality, they need have no
bearti. ot 'our people in the heirtis! opinion held by Joe's friends that he, 9 meesigie* read. "Claren-ce D.
deet." th eviff and Diamond Jufic- fear* of the futun--. said Mr. Larkin.
lines 6ast at L
of both bur peoples,!' is - possibly the greatest oarsm= Chamberlin took 6T sucettsf ullY from
tion, for, the week ended July it. 1927.
."THE BOND WILL NOT BREAKm Canada has ever produced. the Leviathan at 8.14, his - plane leav- were 31.59.&.00 as compared with
Columbia Now
Charles G. Dawes, Vice-President i
Ing the runway about 75 feet from, $4,653424.73 for the same wc-It Of 4W
Exports Foodstuffs
point where he started. The sue- -7,669.27, or
of the United States of 'America. re- the ; 1916, an In-creaDe of $7
Jeessful take off from the runway de- Victort
f4wred to the, -breakdown of the Gen-! Says British Want Compact two per cent. a.. B.C-Final offictal figures
ova negotiations in much bolder, and Lasting Until 1931 or 19361 nionatrated that his theory of employ* i This method of showing the earn- preparel by.ebe provincial Department
almeft undiplomatic tones, assuring ing. a runway in preference to &'cata-. tags of the Canadan National Rail* of Agrtc-utture here show that the
Y,�* his greal audience that it - was " un pult was logical." ways is in 11ccordsace wttb the find- agr-,cultural production of Brkish
*_U11alrable that Great Britain apd the
Stites. soleranly pledged have be itrinal estimates by- many millions
-.'United A GOOD "TAKE-OFF." E en giTPU force by ArA of P& 'o!umbia during 1926 surpassad
diplomatic cortespondetit says: The runway was 118 feet long. ngs of Lhe Duncan commission which , (
I am In a position to state that Sir cr
t*'Austen Chamberlain's carefully word-
the people of equ4ity, will ags' , the ilament. w1wic the gross earnings of',f dollars The total" value of farm
ed statement In the House bears the "Orders were given to he"
a week ended July 1 output. was set at $71.362.209, which-
pIZce upon their peoples the burden tion- ship In thk 'wihd, the Leviathan', the Railwikys for th A
followtux practical Interpreta Is as c'm' I is greater than the figure for any
of competitive naval building because speed was increastd to 24 knots. 21, 1927, wF-re 54.916-27 .00
Great Britain would be willing to
itempoTarily thigir.exptnu &sagree in eat', pared _ WIth $4,882.865.49 for the sda:10! r-revious year and a gain of 9.63 per
1comle to a compromise -airreement- ChSmberhn--r1imbed Into his 'fie an increase of S33.- i nt
ithe&r practical layierpretati= of that I with the United States lasting Until Warmed Up the Motor. and. after a week OC 1926-' 0, over the total for 1925. The
S' Per cent.
prtndpie6 The conference will only I
11931, or at the outside 1936 (the few moments, w,.th a tremendou roar,' 4 10.5 1, or, one uctiou of the Provinee's farms 10
:resdit in the stronger tlemand of the about 40 per cent. of
period of the expiration of the Wash. the plane started down the runway years ago was
world that the work of interpretfir-Z the start of another epochal flight the 1926 vo!ume.
the Pri that- the
nciplo of equabity in respective ratio and a figure for 10,000-ton cruis- to Mr. Chamberlin's credit. Will enjoy mountain I The new statistics show
ship programs be coutlamed until a I iany w Province which only a few yearw ago
in,- I climbing 0. summer during their
fmdr agreement Is reached. The i action re- Leviathan, going to Cherbourg and ; import*d most of Its foodstuffs has be.
parity, leaving freedom of,. . J va�ations will prboablY -,register a -come a substantial exporter of theseF
-t -of self-preservation,-the most 'a, beefs of Sodthamptbn were on deck early to
wd3w r cruisers on
-4347xis us 1 kick it the elevator to out of order and AgricWtur3l exports last
of ummkind natiobal defense requirements. witness the hop-off.' just as Mr., tea � producta.
I they have to walk up eight or
together, and in that unbroken tie Is ..Such a temporary arrangement Chamberlin started down the runway, year amounted to $8.409.639 or a gain
1 flights next winter. of 24,91 per cent over 1925. Imports.
the ultimate ff=xa;nt6e of the safety would pobably save the confereaqe a rainbow appersed in the sky. Pam-, ion t . he oth-er hand, increma . ed only 7.53
and progress, of this Western civiliza- from fal.Iure because it would obviate angers cheered wildly and lined the
tiom The bond will never break." tying the ii;�e Governments concern- port side of the ship as Chamberlin' HISTORY ;or cent., tctkIling $2LOGS.361.
said goodbye to the Leviathan and -1.1tatory is thii raw� mite
3ASTINGUISHED , WITNESSES. ed to a permanent International agree Hal
with which the imagination In the Assistant-"That. air. Is a jacket
Witneisym of the Baldwin-Dawes meat artaing from-the unsatisfactory started on h6 return trip."
Igaptu" of renewed faith in thi lm- Geneva Conference. It would. more- Aboard the Uh-ited States destroyir novelist builds his castle.—Sir you would never wear. out." Cus.
i tomer-"No. not -without being laugh.
breakabi relations of Great Britain over. leave tho door. open for a more Lawrence, the nearest of the'L-ftnvoyl Philip Gibbs.
0 r 1931," ships, it was estimatbd that the Le- ed at!
and the bAlted States included: His satisfactory arrangement afte
After visiting the wounded sold�ers.j ficial photograph The Princes Vien
to RIGHT, shows Mrs. Donald Ross. i Lascellos.
FRONT ROW: General Preinter King, Sir Lionel I
Street H,,pltal the
I hurried away to dress for a game of 'General
Royston, H. C,
FRONT, Jean Ross.—Photo 'by Cbs
A ces, Premier King and members
i golf at Rosedale Golf Clab, not even
Major the 'Honorablbe Plers AV. Leigh, I Prince George, Mrs. W. D. Ros s. the
pf the royal quite posed for the Ir of-
stopping for lunch. Back' row, LEFT
Donald Ross, Susan Ross,'
p! , wom
_q"k RM 17 wi V P I T�Ilwl a T WTZ; K M WFI�V �11W_ Fr�.� I
WWI, R -
7 .
Life and Baseball. LU Wh4kt Promism to be the b4sest At
dower show ever held in Canada in to Wheat___."__'_'
111.11161 e Yiiur ran
_2 lAte is like a baseball game,
be held- in
That Is conceded;
ve got to make
.,u e
Dr. Williamis! Pink Pills Highly Auditorium, Haudkon, Out., on Aug.
tTewin, kou' your hits "NATIONAL FERTILIZERS
When hits are needed. Praistil by a Quebec Lady. 24th and 2M. Being the combined s
-a of the Canadian Gladiolus
-Logan, Thetford Mines Soclet and the Hamilton Horticul-
A Mrs. David
True Stuff. 4 As a good farmer you know that good fertilizer is an
..i West, Que., gives uustin*d pmise, to tural Society, it wIkI tax the school to' inves
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the good Ita capacity. mient, not an expense.
Of feet, of course, a-watch has none
-This simple truth we all must grant. they have done in her family. Mrs. The Secretary. Mrs. Schumacher, 'National Fertilizers
fertilizers. They are a
Itet, whIle a footless watch can run, Logan says; ---- �1-have been a user.Df 112 Victoria Ave. N., Hamillton, Is busy 'properly-balanced food for the soil, "Made
A yardstick, which bm three feet, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for many SEnding out the prize lists and, she in Canada!"
from formulae. it has taken years to perfect. Eveiy,bag
can't. years, as occasion required, and have reports keen'luterept In ail tho'classes is
h guaranteed analysis attached to each
�uniformly mixed wit
always found them a most reliable wh4(,h--tncIude th-3 jpen, amateur and
medicine. My -husband, who was re- rcvire.
;And Yet They Wng.
40; love indeed all those who sing covering from an attack of typhoid 'The outstanding features of the Asa rule prop&ly ferTflized w
fever, and was'ln a very weak condi- show will be the competition for the heat inatures from a *eek to
Whatever work they're�at;. tion took the pills, and through them Spectator Cup in the open class, the ten days earlier than unfertilized wheat.
�Txlt who can.bring himself to love gained - health and strength. My Eaton Trophy In the amateur clasn. Get the advantage of an earlier and better-quality this
-Mosquitoes--or a guit? daughter was In a run-down condition, and the Klwanis Cup in the seedling on. Order your fertilizer
now. We ship anywhere in
and was forced to discontinue work. class.
the Province.
4 Too Near. t
Again Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were Two years ago the Hamilton
ni n
"'.1' 1 love with a girl In Nebraska, resorted to and she was soon restored Kiwanis Club� offered to the Canadlaa
ut I'm really afraid, air, to ask 4er to excellent health. Then my eldest Gladiolus Society a cup to be award-
To be my. fair bride." boy had an operation performed for ad to the beat seedling gladiolus of NATIONAL FERTILIZERS, L
��,-�-�-"What's the hitch?" I repHed. adenoids, which left him in, a we outstanding merit This meant that
—West Toronto
ve a wife, air, at home in Alaska. ened condition. Once more Dr. Wil- the win,,r must be a better Dower
Itaxas' Plull ruls--were tried, and he
than any on the mn It t at the present
Not Curious. was soon In exeellent health. So I
This stirred up a great deal of in Now
�'-�The a nit makes quite a pit, I've can truly say that more than satis-
faction has been obtained by the use terest and the rivalry was very keen
Is playful as a cat. of this medicine. The pills have done Among those entered was one from far' Ask about AGENTS WANTIM
I'll take the other fellow's 'word more good In my home than hundreds off 'New Zealand. In &Pite or the
National S in districts wherg �2
I F4r-anything like that- of dolars worth of more expensive tock
-inedicines." I high 'caliber of the eateries, the
Foods—they we are not
judges would not make an award. The
Alarming. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills assist di- results I.
_--set --repr
.94stlan,-ccmrect-the lissitti e,' 1 same thtng-happen,-d at Peterboorout'h
a a the pa - la
the wtse country crbw at year and although there was keen
pitation of the heart, shaky nerves
When to town he did go: disappointment among the exb1btors. The Foll—yes, I always sleep with
4�' "It's back to the cornfield for me and the pallor of the face and lips tha' Classified Adv
ertisements 4
are It stirred up the!r blood with the result gloves on my hands because It keeps A,
the result of thin, impure blood.
For he read this one line I that this- year Is going to see the them so soft� you know." Pert Miss- A GENTS, ILATHER '13EX-$76,00
You caa get these Pills from any -1, WEPKLY EASY selling PALCO
On. a specialist's sign: greatest struggle for this coveted "And do you sleep with your hat on
medicine dealer. or by mail at 50 (.'LF.%N*Fas. Cleans *everything Ilk*
$"Crow's feet removed
quickly, trial prize. as well?"
free cents a box from The Dr. Williams' j ugrl Removes ROAD TAR without
Besides The 225 classes for gladialus, y to Paint. 3ells on *letnonatra-
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. I.tIon. I'Vpe marnplem. P. A. LEFEBVRM
there are numerous sections'for asters, Minard's Liniment relieves Backache. & (70 Alexandria. ont.
"You look tired. my friend , sald dahlias and dozens or other fall bloom�
AUe-Old Custom Ing annuals and perennials. A widow who rema
!he sympathetic, soul. "Well. ma(pm, rries can always Teacher-"Use the right verb In
'it Is hard work carrying a hod of� sing the pralses of her late husband this sentence4 'The toapt was drunk
because dead men tell no.tales' in 14tic Tha to-Itt
bricks up to the fourth floor." "Have Empress of Japan Dons the
you beeq Ootug that for- loing?" "No, NO KEDIME LIKE-----� I ate in "in
but I start next week Sacred Girdle As Crane
..Circles Palace, Pres-
A policeman's wife stated in court aging a BABTS 0 iv N TABLETS SENToPREQUE.11T
that she left him because the eight
Tells cmise of cancer and what to do
of his uniform got on her nerves. Her Tokio -Tbe Empress to-day donned For Either the Newborn Babe or f
let for pain, bleedl?.X, odor, etc Write for
"obi," or, girdle. which she
departure was a bolt from the blue. the sacred t to_da rnentionir.L this paper. Ad
-were. until the certain -bapp) Ahe Growing Child.
as it wear 81-rs dress ?�dianapolts Cauca Hospital
event' which Is Indiarapolis. Ind.
expected about a
There Is no other medicine to equal
month b"ce. To-day Is a lucky day,
will Baby's Own Tablets for little ones-
accordinz to the old Japanese calen-
dar, and It was made doubly fortunate whether It be for the newbor.- babe Offel*&MEE
r the growing child the Tablets al- CARRIED
by a crane whk-h flew over the Im. 0
ways do good They are absolutely
&am .4i
oiber hurulf;;l
several times. Time crane's vitit. jm�fn
the eyes of the populaice a Most foj�L drugti and the mother can always' feel WIFE-TO.-Ho
NEn two pa_�vljrft, rand,
tuaste omen. presaging the birth of a ORrO in using them. Tlr�vn acinal ear"idaue rt Cov-
Concerntug the Tablets, Mrs. John trument exrer's, cucta.0 kni T=atk. I Suffered So She Could Not
Armour, R,R. 1. South Monaghan, of genjime value w any ium,
Owinx to the frr�perlal mourning. Walk. Restored to Health
the rejoicings whhh customarily iFe. Oift..r rays:--:-"We have three fine, "Neserw4rut Fruit# and vesv*
iq th4 IrOtftf" �- A 4-1,.
�43 by Lydia E. Pinkbam's
h Ithy childrin. 46 whom, w4en a booklet ParticulLey va;wL,f at th',
-sentation of the sac- thmeal
company the prt
td jime It Im yery jzwy =3
lcine is needed, we have given Negetable Compound i
red girdle v.ere omitted, hut the ;in. rvpry dn axtrAeut of canapq- -truttl.
-ri �as mui�sociated with 4. t The Tab. A-4 Miles. P!eklft�jpc�
clent relWoTY& onry Baby's Own Tablet,
the ceremony were solemnly conduct eta ar best inedleliti you can It d aas the varicus cuetha* v.d Mir,esLg, Ontzrio. —I am a prise-
- I r the
As the Rain Be0an. ed by Shinto priestm. . . 'e, rtakft many recommendatLam helgj- tical nurse and-1 rtm�ori-nend Lrdia
�4 p In any hoine where there are tar t�warjj better prow" aml 1E. Pink ham's Vegetab' e 0)m paurse, to
jewr Todum- Contains 74 eiffe:r
.8he--:-"1)oo't you deiplbe a man The girdle, which is of the finest young children."
?" L cat rec Pm sulTering women. ror tf,rec m.nhs
'who hides behind a woman's mkirts white %Ilk, t-&Ive feet long, was pre- are a mild but I was almost helpless and cc,iW
Baby's Own Tablets
"Robbln"---;I%-" the real htV not
thorough laxatIve which regulate the sit at
He—Oh. yes'; but Isn't It all right sented to the Empress bv Prtnce Kan- about thil PrDrItALIC lAr?n 01;t-JIM0. the table long enough tr. drink
tirula:1 t!�Q ropvjaf a cu Many a tirnt mv t�us-
-.1or a fellow to take shelter under a in In a ma.-nificent lacelier box. Clinchills. TxrAAiqs t�e chances of bany of tea.
stomach and bowels;" banish. constipa- vient"afting
carried me to bed, I wo.'
woman's hat?" - 1tion',and Iadlgestlon� Ores.k up colds .11d be Z
Her majestr Immediately sent It to mone -makhl In nwat and polts.- -4
and ilaiple fever and make teething -eetaaTl jv It tke best methob so weak. Then he read in the paper
the Imperial Shrine. where it -was of of a woman suffering as I did who
ceremo y
!The Fighting Man ket' cur%s A;�Iti and got better after taking the'v egetltHe. J
11iOU91Y Purified by prayer. easy. They are sold b medicine
The - spirits of the imperial ancest- dealers ofl-direct by mail at 25 cents Compound, so he went mund gut it for
I,6ndon'Daily Telegraph 44;ona.): ors were Invoked'and prayers wpre a box from- The Dr.- Williams' Medi over SOO otber parriphirts on. mp., hen 1-had-taken-three bc-.tfex--
The Light Brigade (Blarlavai 7und 4 cine Co., Brockville. Ont. j= 4 111 dable Wrtte
-bas come to an end with the death of ed to them and to the Gods of- I-Iir- '192"ll!"Mil 1. i�d..# I was just like a new worran and
't this slip Pon fr" to
*!-arveeand Earth. have had s&Iendid health ever since.
gi� the last survivor of the n6n-commir- Whqn I fee any bearing-do
The Empress enjoys 'excellent Turtle, I OQ009066 wn pams
.sioned officers and men who rode in health. PL7Bt1CATT0!q3 BRANCH I always -take it; sometimes a half
-the famous charge. - A good many Department -if A�piculturr, -bottle or whatever I need.
It is my
The presentation of a special g!Mle Years Old, Found. Ottawa, Ontario. only medicine and I have told many
years ago a special fund was collect- to -expectant mother . i . is a custom 4
one about it. Any one wanting to
�ed for the suppor of these vetefams.
whieb bas been observed for centur- Please send me frce pamphlets on: know rrore about Lydia E. Pinkhan
Nothing In the Crimean CAm- Dug Up in North Dakota With
tes among the nobility and higher Vegetable Compouril, I will glary
paign except the fighting qu4litf of
class families cf Japan. AVhen th e Floating Rocks and Other
er -write'to her. I do Ekll I can to rtc-
bur men reflect much honor on Eng-
who' made It, is no son In the, fAmily, the occasion together witk tia of ell, free parmphlew ommend it for I feel I owe my life.
laud. The' statesmen Prehistoric Relics and strength to it. Mrs, NeAL
assumes a -special significance with
the higher �ommantl, the Staff. divi- Bowsm R.R. 1, Minesing, Ontario.
-generals, a UL
11 blun- additional prayers that the child may
0ional and brigadier ON EXHIBIT IN ST. PA Do you feel broken-down, nervons.
-dered ruthlessly. But It wa�s the cour- be a boy, for In Japan there must be and weak sometimes? Do! yotj have
-Age and endurance of the troops In a son to carry on the family name. St: Paul-Floating.rocke and i petri- this horrid feeling of fear which same-
Thus the adoption of the girdle by fled, turtle. a-re included in the collec-
times comeff-to wovrein when they are
the Crimea which first roused the na-
�.'_tlon as a whole to come sense of duty the, Empress wad attended by the tion of Prehistoric relies which have X not eCll�l Lydia E. Pinkham's V-ig-
rnpound is excellent to taka
ers of the whole country, fo stAhTe
r the Ueen'found, in the Bad Lands of North
towards its soldiers and sallors and
at sach a
time. It slways'he�ps, saidl
_==-their families.- only chi-ld of-thie-Fan"ror and. Env -DakGta aqd placed oiL exhibition.aj St. . ............ if taken re arty and permstantly
press, who before heir marriage 1:6 tlae Paul. 'M I n ri.
will relieve gwjl-conUitiaji�
then Prince,Regent on Jan. 6, 1924,
Tbe.turtle and other articles we,%el
was Princess Nagako, eldest daughter- pfcked up in the' proposed Roosevelt
of Prince Kuni, Is the infant Princess Park region near-eedora, and weie
Shlgeko Tern, born Dec. 6, '19295. described recemtl3f by C. R, Stauff
er, 7"�
1110- E W&g Saws As an edict- promulgated In 188 professor of geology at the Uni-yerajtv
bars women fFo_m___thie throneth-ena- of Minnesota. U�)
a-MONDS tion to anxiously awaiting thef birth "The turtle probably was buried ten
of a Crown Prince'. Until thfLt e Ut
vq mililion years ago by hot ashes car-
Prince Chichibu, the second brotyef- ried by the wind from the erupL]n*g
SA or the FZeror, who, visited America Rocky NAountairls," explain.E%d � Prof.
Cmaranteed becaum made on his way from England to Japan St'ayffer. "the fact that the shell to 7,
frorn our ownsteel last year, is heir-app4rent.' Intact, Indicates that the turtle did
The 'Empress was not permitted to not die a natural death."
attend the funeral of the late'Em- He said the floating rocks were
peror last December by the court m4ated by the Intense beat of burnifig
physicians, who a:nnounced then that coal mines. The rholten rock was
Imperial child might be expected full of gaseous bubbtes which remain-
in Aitgust. ed as the mass solidified, thus making
1prov�ed safe by millions aud prescribed by physichns for
the rockp buoyant.
Motor Slgnm� Other articles In the exhibit Includes
ffi&ers. Colds 14eadiche Neur s Lumbago
Signs notited on the balcks of. ram- a petrkfied. piece of redwood. the point
Take a bottle of FAInard's In shackle touring cars: of a prehistoric mammal and bones of
your Idt' bag. Relieves Fore "Will trade this for 'slightly used other animals, buried centuries ago. -Pain "Neuralgia ."Toothache Rheumatism
feet. r
Liniment for bwrns.
"The Ghost of St. Louis."
."Narclse, didn't "The modern factory and the rail-
Master: I tell you
A 7'
�-Psterday to call me at eight?" Maid: road tralit, running at lightning speed
are as wonderful as theAlnest sculp- �_i
"Yes air." MaRter: "Then why didn't A t only "Bav'er"
a Lt package
iure In a Gothic church."-Arthur Lie- 4
-ou do so?" Maid: "Because you were --s p, oven directions
bert, V.�ch coritai, s. A?
OF PM asleep, air." _34andv "BQ.T(!T` bOXeS Of 1-2 tableft
tiany a sly little pu Allki bottles A 24 ;L'!AJ I.)o-Drurgists.
ss has a gay
N Ou
r niusehm has acquired a new (jog on st lead. Awrin to t" f�A;tp mark (rosirt-s'd in CL: f BAL7.r :4c"It."are of Mmioacztle-
1z li wzl! kr.7�nb
Rembrandt," "About time. too. Tho acidehter of A tv L,;
-pirin aftaba cu.�,c
other one was getting very old." iSSUlt No. 33--127 of Dayer company %w W wiLb Wi�r travc ral�:ko to-It "0411#r ct"01",
.. :. r,, ••.. +r :.,,: .y. ; -'7" aW .: ', .,� s: ,y,,w,, ^'au L�. ::3% ;*.; ... :r,...� •-,, ,a•A ,a,v'. ,••wsl,�,y'°riV• .�s, •+'n✓•.s+.�r.... ,. .:.,'�. _ ;;; .,Y;,af- - .'��.3 -?' •+. .� 'F"" . 4 k .iPar'xc* atia• -+c r
v •«
_ _ „i. ^• _''. _
v >..... v Q,Y .. .�' :w: "�. ' %.. • a: ,.� .,, _ .. -. k- y- ' „r;,y'.'; '
c r ..,.•"#'�^L'fi .,..; .. wr::. ro ,'> . . .ra . - &.. ,v rl. � ar.' - - : . s 'T'' • wvLl• - .e. . u
., ,:.p :fi�tL J •R?ew.•,,,'+R.q.� �+.'.,,f.;e. R...- ':• ^.:
a ,v,. r� r ° z a,• - , -: m . , y . .. . •....... ,. t`s. a - r ; a. a• k !' „• - x.
.r 7 7 �
��t -e'er• y
> haul gray bet 6 and T can 710.00; t) Co - it O Yv
Richardson, ditto 20,00; W Gee, 87 ;
• Coal , �� or. implem
yyda gray lots 6.7 coo 7 and drag bet NOt1Ge to Cm&tori we ,
cos 6 8.85; R CQaner. haul Saar Dot � <
f Iatlie sn a 4r ehoutrrii that
24-95 con. 5 55;'P Mantle, rep smaU All persons hav g claims against neeedtrepwW be o th"
^t t.�aaeey�r,; ii SDaidtaadvaaw - - ggrade av bet 3.6 roar isebduohi 29 Township of Pickering, Fin he CoaW� Hard and Soft OSOUOf t2]e, for the springwotk
K Pp and Province of Ontario, widow, A special reduction during the
Svbecsiptioos so ,the United Stites and Crest 4 25; L gaiter, plow and scrap bet died on or about the 85th day of De- h Pe g
aritain -92.70 is sldvaroce. 18.19 r 1 and Opp lot 19.20 r 1'21,25; W cember. 1928, are required pursuant hand next few - weeks.- - ,
H Westney. haul gray Oreeowood rd to the Statutea in that behalf and
• -eon 38.50; W Cammack, haul gray bet amendments thereto to file particulars THOS. A. LAW, L O R N E R E I
` JOHN MURKAR, Propris#or,' 10.11 con 435.00; F M Chapman. 15yds of theirclaime, duly verified, with the
> gr av greenwood rd con 32.25• Wm �8+ Got CLAREMONT
undersigned solicitor on oc before thep3t>e4® • ,
IPICKERING COl7tNiC.iL. Todd. gray bet 10-11 con 4 12x0; W F 27th day of August, 19'3'7, after which
_ Hollinger, rep washout Opp 32 •con 1 date assets will he distributed among
grad and grav Altona rd from high- those entitled thereto, and the execu- CA�m K
��e above council met pursuant to way to con 2 73:50: L (fates, ditto34,25; tore will not be liable for any claims R
is -adjournment on Tuesday, Aug, 2nd.
es all resent the reeve in Che W J Petty, ditto 25.50; W Culotta, not so filed.
112 ®a°be Dated at•Dxbridge this let day of -- - t •.
ditto 26.75 B W Lotion, ditto 27,00;
r ' chair. The present, the
the last meet- F Berkey, ditto 21.00; J Rittenhouse, August, 1927. • • f •�
t in were read and approved: ditto 5.00; G Middleton, low, scrape g- '."
4n r Dlonccti terof new bridge Fatr• Q R. E. Forsyth; and Picnicker a Supplies ,
p Opp 25.28 cpn 7 8.00; F "'right. plow -% � Ezecutore
Dig g scrap Opp 25 and 28 con 7- haul- gray F. C. Madill, -
' p a 29 con 7 and drag bet 28 and 29 Paper TabIa Napkins, Paper Plates,
`r R D Miller was heard re electric con 8 and "721.00: T NOPCOn, haul grev W. g. Ormiaton,
3ighta on streets of Brougham. d Paper. Cups, Lunch Paper, blazed
Mr Brereton was heard re the new oppp 29 con 7 7.50: A Michell, itto Drawer M. Uxbridge, Ont. '
bridge re eton wa 10,00; H Michell, ditto 10,00; 0 Carter, 48.50 $olicitor'for Executors Fresh Cured Ham,, Sliced Bacon, �3
The standing committee on Contin•
--ditto 10,06; B Tumlineon, ditto 10.00; JCorned Beef, Sliced Smoked Beef `
+t g W Carlton, haul gray Conti 3 and 5
y gencies reported and :recommended - •
instal pie grad lot 18 con 5 98 00: A Jellies, Sardines, Salmons,
F sa follows: D R Beaton,' on Lobster,
�s account of salary 175 00; Munipipal Hamilton ditto 52.60; F HamittoAttention � m�gdes, Soups, Haddie,
.' World. supplies 7.48; J Murkar, print- ditto 50,00; I Conners, ditto 55,00; W Canned Vegetables, - Herring.
pp Connelre, ditto 46.25:W Ellicott, ditto
' fog and advt 10.00; D R Beaton, att and ravel cons 4 and 5 18:'3.60: David
a% - watercourses meeting 3.00; J A White, Stephenson, grad lot 18 con 5 8,25; O -
ditto 3;00 W_J Turner, ditto 3 00; Ae'
sere, extra work re aeamt 15. W. Carter, ditto 10.00: C Phillips, "ditto +{r
-$p •20.00; H White, haul grav cons 4 and We wish to inform the Fresh Vegetables always on hand in season
The standing committee on Dam-
S instal pi a -red con 59D,00;04�c7.opg� ublic that we have open•
ages for Sheep Worried by Dogs re- p Our- and Service Free �
greads and oil can for grader 1,85: W " ed up a Garage and $er- Our-Delivery
ported andrecommended thefollowing Shea, haul grav r 135,00; G Hamilton, ,
aymeote: O H Pugh, 3 sheep and 1 g vice Station in our premix -
'iamb killed and 1 damaged 85.08 ; ]d haul gray cos 4 4, W: The Pedlar Peo• es just west of the Eastern
pie, pipe culvert 19.91; J Tweedie, haul R H ARDSON
-Bork. inspect above shed 1.20: Joe Restaurant, Pickering Nay
- .Hoover, 1 lamb killed 15.00; J CO Spang, gray moving old bridge Whitevale - Village, Ont. JA89
t+ -ins act Hoover's shee 200. 241.00; G KcHay• ditto .00: D Annis,-
pp p ditto 5.00: J Herbert, ditto 2.25: Roy °
The standing committee on Bonuses Seebeck, clean ditch w It 1 con 6 Mark 1 A first -class mechanic on all
for Wire Fences, Drainage Matters to pay half 2.50; L Hunt, moving Tp makes of Cars.
t etc, reported and recommended the machinery Kod lumber 2 50; Brougham Picke'ringHard-ware Store 4i
Ui following payments: J Garland, bonus Gaited Church, rent fur storing Tp Work( Guaranteed
V. on 40 rds fence 10.00; A E Armstrong, 1 III►
i machiaery and timber, Aug et, 1928,
72 rods fence lot 30 con 3 119. 00; James Q -
g to July 3231, 1027, 5,(0; L Reid, repair
e ( f (f'`!� � //'''���
5st Todd, 85 rds fence Altona rd 21.25, to scrapers. 25. LA' i S �i�►RAILiJG
,tl The standing committee on Trans A bylaw was passed assessing the Now is the time W get your Screen Doors, Window Screens and Wire
rogt~ , aprtation, Power and Light reported AND SERVICE ICE STATION
3 Township of Pickering to provide Cloth. We have a complete stock.
and recommended the following pap•
funds for the genera{ expenses of the Screen Door% at 1 85 up
anent; Hydro - Electric Power Com , Cor nation, also to aadeas - the Police
lights in Greenwood 58.56. P' r Window Screens qt 40c.
` and Hrid reported and recommend- and ownship purposeeBadd for village \ ? ,1 Only, 3-burner Floreace10il Stove,
. The standing committee -on Roads ` 16100
` g� p A by -law •was passed levying a ape 1 only, Loraine Oil Stove 25.00
,•ed the futluwiag papmenta : G Tlaa,
vial rate. on the taxable property of _ ,� QCiut Keep flies off your stock with Dr. Williams' Fly Oil
de= � - - -
av half 45.05: C Ireson, haul grav w t
frsy the annual expense of the street
grev bet 28- x9 con 7 and Opp lot 28 con
lis is v for
lot 36 U x to pay half 2.1.00: D 8 Craw•
fanc, haul etc Opp lb• 17 coo 1 and
cons 4 -5 Mark pay half 20 00, Ewart
lights in said village.
Anthony, ditto 34 50. Fred Horushow,
ditto 7.50; J Graham, ditto 12.50 ; H
A by -law was passed assessing tbe�
HONE :900
t lh
'White, abov gray w t I coca 4.5 Mark
several school sections to provide
funds for the purposes of the said
The Bread of
28.17, 18.19 r 1 and Opp 19 ;20 r 1 bet 24.26
�ss ay half 3.75; P Nolan. ditto 8.75; G
/Murkbo ►der, 108 yda gran w t con 45
school sections.
-W Linton, ditto 35,00; $ Spragge, ditto
bet 34-35 con Sand bet 14 and 15 con 7
r r9a=_l -'h ear
Mark pay half 18.20; F Turner, drag
A by-law was passed appointing
Thomas Gregg
Sit collector of loxes for
c� whit e
L 40.070; J Greenlaw. baul gray bet 14.16
s 142 00; D Woodland, grav for n t f
-clean ditch w t I cone 8.7 to pay
the year 192?,
40J yda gray bet 6 7 con 7 6 05; S Farn-
that all sbould comply with the law in
,half 4.80; also drag con 7 lots 31.35 1.86;
0 Tran, drag patch can 4 lots 31.33 and
The council now adjourned to meet
t c
drag bet 32-38 con 5 11 10; B Pascoe,
a sin on Monday, August 29th, for
the tran9aCti00 of general business.
.,plow bet 8 7 cos 1 000: H G Wilson,
..$avant, drag bet 10 11 cone 2-3 and rep
drag t 1 1 3 d
bridge bet M11 con 2 haul -rav drag
a Loaf
Plow baul gray lots 2 and 4 con 1 and
low bet8 and 7and 8 9con 1 87.450; W
to at once.
reated out of en•
fir/ during stone sad
Breen. bawl gray bet 14.15 con 5
l50.00; J Soden; 79 yda gray bet 14 11
We are deeply grateful for the kind
fashioned Into Time de-
D. R. BEATON Clerk,
. Con 13 and Oper grader bet 24 -25 con 8
act* sod expressions of sympathy
expressed Co us Burin our recent rear
P g B
fyintz design+. This is
the story of uur me�m-
119.85: J Palliator, haul gray bet IS. 19,
0'Ll and 22 28 coo 920 OU; R Rawson,
bereavement in the loss of our dear
ortals. It you are in-
Late of Greenwood, will be at the shop
,ditto 10 00, A Redshaw, ditto 18 t)'); H
wits and ►aria- mother,
terested consult as to-
P I C K E R/ N G
Dickenson, ditto 12 50. S Slack, ditto
-James Kinnear sod Cbildran.
to 2, 3') p, m, (standard time) "
". 12000: E Degeer, ditto 20.04); J Coatas,
- -- - - - -- -
••No (ireaterTribute"
Zito 2000; M Bill, ditto 2000, Wan
_ "Tindall, shov gray ditto 10.00: D Daw.
aeon, ditto 10.00; D Graham, ditto IWK):
-G Itedabaw, 164 yda gray bet 18.19.
Bin ston Road,.
24'21 and � 23 cos 9 right of way 3°3,80;
also 474i yds gray n t l tote 19 24 Ux to
Phone Whitby
p by half 19 20: J Tweedie, haul grav
lots 19 24 IUx to half 1150;
68 r 9'r
to a t pay
M Hig. ditto 10.00; Ja.4 Coates, ditto
10 00; M Degeer, ditto 10.00. S $lack,
Frost Wire Peace, Posts and Staples always on hand,
Fieary Plows and SCaf iers and Wheelbarrows. .
Agent for McCormick- Deering Farm Machinery 1
-,- and Repairs. -
Our Motto : W e have it, can get it, or A is not made.
If you want a gaaranteed I epair job at a reasonable
price 'k hE U S.
ditto 10.00; A Redshaw, ditto 10.00: H osrw O _ 4i r
' Dickeosoo. ditto 10.00; R Rawson ditto r PAST R Y
r` 10.00; W Tindall. abov gr+sv ditto 5.04): Experienced Mechanics.
l3epairs ogfill mak ®a.
:'. D Dawson, ditto 5,0(2: D Graham,
pay half 20.00; W Ward, operating
grav lots 10.11 con 2 4.75. E Elson, baul
grev bet 28- x9 con 7 and Opp lot 28 con
lis is v for
lot 36 U x to pay half 2.1.00: D 8 Craw•
fanc, haul etc Opp lb• 17 coo 1 and
1? 12 50; G Thompson, ditto 17.50; M
__:gpkeld, ditto 17.50; I Lehman, ditto
ux-ets s
c s� to �.
> pplow het It -17 r 1 and con 1 52.75; C
'7 8 opp 26 to 31 con 8 drag bet 3031
HONE :900
t lh
g !had 1�
Halter, labor grad bet 18 17 r 1 3.75; O
P"6 00, final gray tots 13-17 can 136.00.
' Coppp 28 con 8 10.00; O Wilson, grad bet
The Bread of
28.17, 18.19 r 1 and Opp 19 ;20 r 1 bet 24.26
1, Allen's ,road from highway to
- 2, bet 26 27• cons 6.7, lot 16 con 8,
-W Linton, ditto 35,00; $ Spragge, ditto
bet 34-35 con Sand bet 14 and 15 con 7
r r9a=_l -'h ear
The township council- are gratified
d a
Re D
c� whit e
L 40.070; J Greenlaw. baul gray bet 14.16
s 142 00; D Woodland, grav for n t f
idents.of the township to their request
40J yda gray bet 6 7 con 7 6 05; S Farn-
that all sbould comply with the law in
rots 31, 32,33 Ux to pay half 28,10: also
lobe coo 9 14.55; J
gl yang,
dale, haul gray drab het 8.7 cons 6 7
There are a few, however, who have
..$avant, drag bet 10 11 cone 2-3 and rep
drag t 1 1 3 d
bridge bet M11 con 2 haul -rav drag
a Loaf
� A N C
to at once.
grad bet 8.9 con -49;00; Winter Bros.
pay half 20.00; W Ward, operating
grav lots 10.11 con 2 4.75. E Elson, baul
grev bet 28- x9 con 7 and Opp lot 28 con
1? 12 50; G Thompson, ditto 17.50; M
__:gpkeld, ditto 17.50; I Lehman, ditto
'13.00;• -R Ward, salary July 4 to Aug 2
42 50; ditto; W -D Parker, ditto 20.00;
-J Byer, haul drag griv bet 28'29 cvas
'7 8 opp 26 to 31 con 8 drag bet 3031
HONE :900
-�' con 8 plow bet 28.27 con 7 30,10; Fred
`. Marsbman, bet 28-29 7
t lh
shoe gray con
Ui�;,. ;,"PICA {ER11
' Coppp 28 con 8 10.00; O Wilson, grad bet
3talf 17.25; W Raiser, labor grad w t l'
28.17, 18.19 r 1 and Opp 19 ;20 r 1 bet 24.26
1, Allen's ,road from highway to
- 2, bet 26 27• cons 6.7, lot 16 con 8,
•:a Clara Prattis Ellis '•'
bet 34-35 con Sand bet 14 and 15 con 7
r r9a=_l -'h ear
Buy' for cash and
Friday and Saturday,
Aug, 5 and 6
Grrati, Sugar. 10 lbs.
pay half 20.00; W Ward, operating
-radar bet 18.17 r l and bet 24.25 con 1
Terms for Tuition
Matches, 3 for
'13.00;• -R Ward, salary July 4 to Aug 2
W R Brown, haul gray opp 2
New Pure Clover Honey,
154.00; F Lee, ditto 16.00: A Car -
` '•ruthers, drag lots 31.36 con 8 4.55; also
46 Every Wednesday from 3 p, m.
rag grad w t I opp con 8 Mark to pay
I C, E
Insurance Co.
3talf 17.25; W Raiser, labor grad w t l'
.N T.
con 8 Mark to pay half 2,001: D Pugh,
Windstorm Insurance on buildings,
windmills, glide etc.
clean ditch haul gray Opp lot 28 con 4
The township council- are gratified
12.25; H Stover. ditto 5.00; A Ackford,
at. the ready response made by the re-
team grad opp 26 con 4 5.00: T Hirst,'
idents.of the township to their request
40J yda gray bet 6 7 con 7 6 05; S Farn-
that all sbould comply with the law in
dale, haul gray drab het 8.7 cons 6 7
regard to the cutting weeds.
drag 1 to 7 con r 65.00; V Parkins,
There are a few, however, who have
not yet cut the weeds on the roads ad-
joining their premises. The council is
desirous that this matter be attended
� A N C
to at once.
G. M. FotssFTH, Reeve
D. R. BEATON Clerk,
_ 2urnett's Dance Ball
J• R O A D B E N T
- AT -
��7W =±130P I1�TN'
Wi Main tstreef, Tbrtinto 13
Every Wednesday, Saturday and
Late of Greenwood, will be at the shop
a?•ive -piece Orchestra.
opposite the Post Office,
Come-Rain or'9hine
P I C K E R/ N G
:Kingston Road, half mile east of
r Rouge Bridge,
Ever Tuesda from 11,30 a, m.
y 3
Good prizes for lady and gent
to 2, 3') p, m, (standard time) "
every Saturday,
Buy' for cash and
Friday and Saturday,
Aug, 5 and 6
Grrati, Sugar. 10 lbs.
Peas,' 2 for
Corn, 2 for
Matches, 3 for
Serve Us, Corn Flake9, 3 for
New Pure Clover Honey,
5 lb. pail
Maple i4af mutual
Insurance Co.
Cheap rates for farm and country
Windstorm Insurance on buildings,
windmills, glide etc.
Automobile Insurance
of all kinds,
Write or phone
ED, B 0 W M
rte„! 2rS...CL- �'OO.Z C w.•ovc "Alp
Complete Quality Funerals
$70, $ 100, $125 CASKET FUNERAL
219 Danforth Ave., Toronto Phone Gerrard 3300
Oar' Funerals include: Embalming, He Casket, Outside Case,'
Electric Fixtures, Chairs, Our Personal Service. Funeral complete.
No Extras.'
Visit oar establishment and prove the troth of these statements W
for yourselves.
These prices stand good within a radius of 40 miles from Toronto ' a
refer ence.
REMEMBER: Clip this ad. for refer 131tf r
�Cood t5erv1"ceable'%of �
Brantford Roll Roofing is - made in ;
four weights and qualities -The light ;a
weight (35 lbs.) is a good quality for _ w,. ,
temporary service; the medium weight
(45 lbs.) fine quality and the heavy ;.
weight (55 lbs.) extra fine quality. 'Phu
extra heavy weight (65 lbs.) is super- y
fine quality--the -most IfflaiMbLe and ;r
substantial you can buy,
.. ra
Aatford Roofin C6., Limits i 10e
Aft.110bLAM5111111, JA
• �,►>atfora, �it ►tang -- �. •
- o0 zn w
- Stook Carried, information Furnished and Service
on Brantford Roofing rendered by
F. J. Prouse, - Pickering
2 .- ,M1 a.• -..i ^ -. :} :, . ".: '' il- -}'! -� (.. it - ±.'.kv.'r'�1t'•'y &SAeK
%4•: '% ,•r N r•S� ...�.' :.w. .,y r +'4' sn: ':w �',hr- y+j:,epk
.1i ., .:.F'.ty^ S w••. :,,s ! ,. ,..w.A_ 4;' •:n�, n:, n':: •jd" "yv Cifc rs lu F m t �: a.,.'.f- „�+,�;, ,v..%. .,°+a' -' ri:A+ vim{., •3 fit- rY'.'�t,'`'.,'•••� • r +t', ,r ar a3rd';
;, , a...u, ;���e•:.'!,�, `+A R�'�' 13�: v�41�e �" sass:., ...," v,,..k;. .r.,f,•�' �,r"°. .c,.E�l q.}.y�':yK"'+1�:. �.,-�:}�', ^„"' .:'H•' „. '^z. r
r.�,. '{' .",,�:.., at1 ..• .. e....m- G ?°S"oJ.
r: >'-. n,';y , a: ..,+-..: y a .Y y KU.- . ...:: ;h•� , - w.>r, ;i....
y,� �.< rW- '!. �..� r. ..,y,°.;w... - r ,n,`.:a: .�p;R�,q �+e .,.,
1::. 1iW). :...`L, 7a�rs••.L. Ka. ... . :. :•. tY^sT, :S� '^ii^r'vnF"i' . -1i q-•
. "+`: . ..,... a ,. :.+'' . , . '�n.o'7 ..,._ a .,. sit •• '• r?«•i •r N ,+"'"+:� . i:. ,ems .cm M „5`'.%L.� .aa",+. �, r'a• .,?
t 3a+a .. r .., .. ,_..� � :`+ r_ �^c�4s.� -..T•. .. -.' is.^.. . "�
"K.•'9b�" y { °. :' 'x•'
CCAR11MONT George Thezton, of Oshawa, and M. J. land Mrs. Wilker left last Stanley Cook who has been erit
Mrs. French, of Toronto, is visit F� Stork of Pickering, visited week to spend s few weeks' vacs- ica ly ill from the after effects of
.J. H. and llirs. Beal one day last Lion in Tavtatock with the former's an attack of flu, is somewhat im- �>
% friends bore. week. parents. proved at the time of writing, and THEATRE
ss Jackson and eieter, of To- Milton and Mrs. Bark sad Harry
Mrs. Alex Morgan and. child, of his many . friends earnestly hope �+ 4'
,,onto, called -on Claremont friends and Mrs. Wade, of Pickeriag, vie- that the im rovement may con- STOLE FVIL LE
Lakefletd, have n spending a P t
last week. ited Claremont friends one day week with the former's parents, tinge. -
Mies Jessie MCGlashan, of To- last week: Nelson and Mrs. W_ga g, -
soato, is vi6iting Miss "11[argaret FRIDAY and SATURDAY
Adam and Mrs. s FARMS FOR SALE -
IBamiltoo. pears motored
Mr. gilpatr[ek, of Brampton, .19
FULL LINE OF to Orchard Park, N. Y., on Friday _-_ AUG. 12 and 13
wieitin his eon, Ben, and wife for. "MARTIN - SENIOR" to spend a few, days with the for- 10 Acres in nice village, brick house, , ,
s few days. Paints, Varnishes etc., for interior and mere uncle, Mr. Spears. garage, fruit trees, splendid poultry `THE WRONG MR. WRIGHT t'S
Mies Raid Cook, who has keen, exterior work. Now is the time, to use Mrs. J. R. Thezton, of Sarnia, or garden proposition,. priced right. wtt4 Jean Hersholt
visiting in Toronto for s week, has it. (live us a call and receive satin- accompanied by her daughters, 26 Acres, A acres orchard, good build-
Laughing stage hit of the Season
faction. Prices right. KinO ram s+
ireturned home Mrs. (Dr.) B. R. Atmore and Mine legs, electricity, running stream. g
Rev. A. MacLellan is spending Fresh Fruits, Cakes and Confection- Margaret, also Mrs. A. J. Chandler real good value. "Mediterranean Cruise" �=
ery always on hand. of Toronto; spent a couple of days - Corned "
his vacation in Detroit and other p p y %Phone or write y
.western points. Highest prices paid for good butter 1 last week with J. H. and Mrs. >Tsne's Flirtation'
Mrs. Smith.' of Hampton, Iowa, and rash eggs. Beal. 4.3tf
$ visiting her niece, Mrs. T. Gregg, _ ED. BOWMAN, Whitby Taea,� Wed. 16 -1?
for a few weeks. 0. C A N N O N Sally of the Sawdust
R at. 19 bq�p,d 20 ..am for the worse oa Monda is ; g E R O , E , "'1`hq�O1d Soak"
Mrs. T. Caster, who took a bad go BROUGHAM 'Fri and S
now much improsed.
Wm. Graham, who has been in Pr ter'
=V'e re sVM�/tER A.C+AIN l — ,
the North -west judging horses at `- nts,
Adults 25c ce
t 'faire, has returned home. children, under 14
George and Mrs. Bentley, of a years, 15 cents ; �;
' Trenton, spent over Sunday with aedin to our already Men's, Young Men's and Boya' Suite —Navy Blue, Dark Brown and
g y _ Light and Dark Grey—with w S, G. Schmidt, Proprietor .
the tatter's mother, Mrs. Lynn. B y— ith 1 or 2 Pairs of Pants. p
stock of large Ranging from $6.50 to $17,50.;
! Mr. Balmer, of Toronto, will g :
reach in the United Church next Men's Oxfords—Ox-blood, Tan, iBrown and Black— Goodyear Welt,
Sunday, morning and evening. ELECTRICAL
tallied Heel, Good Fitters, regular 5.50, at 4.50, '
Raymond and Mrs. Pilkey enter-
tained the Young People of the �r TT 3� T TT,� C —M�'� ghaki Panta, heavy twill, sizes 8140, Special $1.75
f U iced Church on Friday even- ,►7.V r P.L IE ►.7
Call at �^1 i ! Phone 3800
Mrs. Archte Anderson, of Rich- J. M + N'�iOLD S
wood Hill, is spending a week We will have a full line of
uvith her parents, R. J. and Sire.
K °
electric stoves, *where,
How. I r ,la
Mrs. Leslie Heath, of Drumbo, irons, - toasters,
has returned home after spending bulbs etc. ,
a on Pte of weeks with relatives
Wm. Cooper has been confined Bee our stook of table lamps BANK r�tp
] Z5
to the house for the past week eto. before buying.
suffering (roman affection of the -
heart. Onr P y r�� • F COLLECTIONS
Thomas and Mrs. WAteOn, of noes are ht and on J
Uxbridge township, called on a
p n see them with _._
tnnmber of Claremont .friends on ca
` 1►rr► � x
f�►turd ay. the lights on. � � - • � „�. - �5.
Mrs. St and sister. Mica Jes• Iti making your collections through
. _ .L __ f Toren e. _a +s d Bank on enlist the i'
- . ing their cousins, Thos. and Mrs. If its hardware we have it. efforts of an organization which ex. GOODYEAR'S°
Paterson, for a few days tends the efficiency of its courteous
l " _ Miss Margaret MacLellan and i service into every part of Canada.
Mlee Josephine Bemrose, of To- C H A S C�® EE Thus can you be assured of making
" ;Tonto, are epeadigg a few weeks regular collections locally or at diet New BALLOON
F st Gar"emen Lodge, Lake of CLA.RR'MONT not points. with the courtesy due
�'Ba s, Muskoka. � those with whom p transact bast-
he Claremont Social Cinb Pic- Agent for Ackerman', Quality f nesr and the efficient y y ou d �.�
emand. R • ,�
nic and dance at Oshawa Park Harnees. Ask the near. I _
l will be held on Wednesday. AuR: "'MORE 1.1 @ 8 $.
17th. Instead of Aug. 12th. ae pre-
s ,TioaslyAnconaced. The Boots that � � 'BANK B$ er IIOII -Bkld, 'i
Farmers are now bus with _ M. -
their oat harvest. There is still s
�mak OF c1wrl�.�
tread WGdCU�
large amount -of hay standing in „ OR�E'r, gar. Quiet
the fields. the harveetio opars IPICKERING BRANCH -•O. A.- Shar"; ifaslaps►
ed b 'Walking Easy
the hds. t been deist p the Hr�a.6r. also at tremknn.Rest 1•Iln, %Utb,r rI v% . SUP RM ,
frequent rains. TWIS Cord con- '
The Women's Institute will
v meet at the home of Mrs. Thomas _
BtTUCtlt)1L .• - ��r
A t'
°Ooad on Frida afternoon, -
ust 19th, instead of Wednesday. ah V
when the members of the White- �' wo
vale branch will be the guests of '' :' T. La
the Claremont branch and will 4'
_ Sole - Pickering, Out, k
rovide the Tog - - .—
Joseph Boyer, of Detroit. spent - _ -- -- T ,,Remitting
�/' can get pour' .9h Ar '',Friday last in Claremont with his
sister, Mrs. a. B. Madill; his broth A full line at low You -dre as roan'
or TryL Rnyer; and his w D.
- B, Taylor. On his return home he
was sccompanied as far as Toron-
` "to by his brother, Ira, who spent
Also Men's Black and Tan
. ;a few days with relatives in the
Shoes, regular 6.00,
I Am agent for the World's Greatest
he garden rt held under
the AMC of t e ono Peopple
..,for 4.85
MiBlles and Children's 13h068
United Ohnrch on �ondap
are assured eaileful
Customers ,
Wheel Barrowsetc.xi,
Brantford binder twine and. second.x
of the
4avetiing *as a decided success.
greatly rednoed
'The unfavorable weather condit-
ions daring the early part of the
Gingh-ams, Rayons
Phone 606 rick., BROUGHAM
q . evening did not detract from the
. number present. The girls' soft
-and - Broadcloths
hall game early in the eveninpl
for dresses
was not completed on account of
Manufacturers of
a the rain. The Stonffville . Band
rendered special music during the
_ reduced to clear
evening which was much appreei-
sled. The entertainment was
l . splendid and the young people are
Fresh Groceries always
to be congratulated on. their sac-
on hand and at
` Rapid progress is being made
lowest prices
: by the hydro employees with the
erection of poles. The polar have
all been erected between Broutth-
Us As S C OT T
„e : -.am and Claremont and the men
ed in- Claremont Village. It is
:petted that everything will be
endy to turn on the current by
the First of October. Those who
. -Intend to instal electric light in
their homes and have not yet had
7" " _ their houses wired should attend
- to it as soon as possible. After
the power has been turned on and
the men have all left it will be
much more difficult to get the
work done and delays will be very
Next Sunday is "Dad's big day"
at the Claremout'Baptist Church
In the morning the sermon, which
` will be especially helpful to Path
ere and mothers, will be on the
theme, "Thy Son for an offering."
In the evening it is hoped that
there will be a large turnout. Ev.
eryone is invited, bu t especially
Dad. There will be special music
-, by the male quartette. The pas -
.tor's subject will be "If Dad Be-
lieves." Strangers and visitora,
- - brothers and sisters, husbands
and wives are all welcome, but
this is the day of days for the
fathers of the community. Let
all co- operate in making the day
?,• :.' ' a real success in honor of Dad.
HAR.VESTtRS 25,000
Plus half a cent per mile beyond to all points in Mani -
$15.� TO WINNIPEG ba, Saskatchewan, Elberta,_Edmonton. Tanaie.
Calgary MacLeod and East.
RETURNING—Half a cent per mjle to W ndpeg, .
plus $20.00 to destination. J
l W%w %Pww 1 .VL iy ncca , ua eawau, b ^v... +, .. ....+p, - --- ---- _W__ -
South and Past in Ontario, also Stations in Quebec West of St. Andrews and Lachute.
SEPT. Tth —From Stations in Ontario, Toronto, Inglewood Jet, and 'West and South tbereof. -
aped" Teams fop Winmtpeg via UWad,an Nat,onaa itamw•ys:
From TORONTO (Union Station) —Aug. 30th— From OTTAWA —Aug. 30th— 12.01 a.m. (Mid -
12.01 a.m. (MidnightAug.29th)12.30 pm.; 10.40p,m. night Aug. 29th); 12.01 noon.
8QPL Tth -2.00 p.m.; 10.40 p m.
Prom PETKRBORO —Aug. From WINDSOR- -4ept. Tth From PAL.MERSTON -6epL
30th — 1201 a.m. (Midnight i; —12.30 a.m. (Midnight Sept 6th) 7th-9.00 a.m. via Guelph,
Aug. 29th) via Lindsay, Black- via Chatham, London, Hamilton Georgetown and Inglewood.
water and Atherley. and Inglewood.
Through can from other principal points connecting with above special train-s. For details �unsf:lt local Canadian National Qgsn"
TMSush Trfth%6-- *0Mf0r0dI colewisl cars--apecial cars for Wome" and ChlWrsa
.�... d. ...,•..,. '4."y,ri_ v _...__. xti.:¢:,,... ._ . :.� :. _......., -. ... m..< a ...''S_" . s z..... h- :.rW.ar...?; :-..'w
nVe sell drafts, money orders
And cable nmictaaces Pa all
I Am agent for the World's Greatest
pares of the world. :
Soap and Oil Engines. FleaaT's
famous Plows, Points. Grain Grindeib,
are assured eaileful
Customers ,
Wheel Barrowsetc.xi,
Brantford binder twine and. second.x
quick and economical service.
Phone 606 rick., BROUGHAM
Q Teen River
Basket Factory I
Manufacturers of
Established 1871 :
Whitby Branch, J, H• Perry, Manager
mer@'B�she1 BaskBtit:
HAR.VESTtRS 25,000
Plus half a cent per mile beyond to all points in Mani -
$15.� TO WINNIPEG ba, Saskatchewan, Elberta,_Edmonton. Tanaie.
Calgary MacLeod and East.
RETURNING—Half a cent per mjle to W ndpeg, .
plus $20.00 to destination. J
l W%w %Pww 1 .VL iy ncca , ua eawau, b ^v... +, .. ....+p, - --- ---- _W__ -
South and Past in Ontario, also Stations in Quebec West of St. Andrews and Lachute.
SEPT. Tth —From Stations in Ontario, Toronto, Inglewood Jet, and 'West and South tbereof. -
aped" Teams fop Winmtpeg via UWad,an Nat,onaa itamw•ys:
From TORONTO (Union Station) —Aug. 30th— From OTTAWA —Aug. 30th— 12.01 a.m. (Mid -
12.01 a.m. (MidnightAug.29th)12.30 pm.; 10.40p,m. night Aug. 29th); 12.01 noon.
8QPL Tth -2.00 p.m.; 10.40 p m.
Prom PETKRBORO —Aug. From WINDSOR- -4ept. Tth From PAL.MERSTON -6epL
30th — 1201 a.m. (Midnight i; —12.30 a.m. (Midnight Sept 6th) 7th-9.00 a.m. via Guelph,
Aug. 29th) via Lindsay, Black- via Chatham, London, Hamilton Georgetown and Inglewood.
water and Atherley. and Inglewood.
Through can from other principal points connecting with above special train-s. For details �unsf:lt local Canadian National Qgsn"
TMSush Trfth%6-- *0Mf0r0dI colewisl cars--apecial cars for Wome" and ChlWrsa
.�... d. ...,•..,. '4."y,ri_ v _...__. xti.:¢:,,... ._ . :.� :. _......., -. ... m..< a ...''S_" . s z..... h- :.rW.ar...?; :-..'w
';e-y .c,... ...: .. -.,. _..,. ..: $wr.. -.. .., '" .�.. .•_ee -wn ^�- _,.,,. :. :. '- $',.Y "c. a.;n :.✓.uYl2 A. -. .:v;. .« w.ye.�'..a :.su+- .+.,a._�.ks, x_i".'it�^.IE'.,�aw..w}i.a''c�1 �t':•'I;C,1 \"�z�'�
Farmers, Attention
I Am agent for the World's Greatest
separator: "The Renfrew," Stoves,
Soap and Oil Engines. FleaaT's
famous Plows, Points. Grain Grindeib,
• yt
Wheel Barrowsetc.xi,
Brantford binder twine and. second.x
hand separators for sale.
Phone 606 rick., BROUGHAM
Q Teen River
Basket Factory I
Manufacturers of
All kinds of Fruit Baskets,
Berry Crates,
mer@'B�she1 BaskBtit:
;:. Clothes Baskets. `
Frank Pennock,
Phone Markham 1604
Litter Carriers, Hay Carrier!.
Pumps, Door Tracks, Cow
s .
Bowls. Pressure Systems Ete.
lt'will pay ►you to get my prices on
buying elsewhere.
;above before
Pl(�F{Ffll�'(3. ONTARIO
';e-y .c,... ...: .. -.,. _..,. ..: $wr.. -.. .., '" .�.. .•_ee -wn ^�- _,.,,. :. :. '- $',.Y "c. a.;n :.✓.uYl2 A. -. .:v;. .« w.ye.�'..a :.su+- .+.,a._�.ks, x_i".'it�^.IE'.,�aw..w}i.a''c�1 �t':•'I;C,1 \"�z�'�
Q1�4.W g,�jp A 4-7 -,R�WVIV
. Ril:
7��, WlrwT�5
7"A -
.:0 AS thank you for what you have already ciple, to her way of thinking, hung�all
% done for my brother and for me and the law and the prophets.
lmcauy "Pached I-eXcuee you from further responsibil- So, ishe brought it about that when
'ty. No, thank you, I need no other -the -guests -of -the -Rcto Majusacu
escort than Mr. Jepson and my mal operied their _pyes the pal mor�iinl
MaJellitkallY, she stalked'�iat a the they were greeted by the eight of an
door, and the trie-disappeared down envelope latuck under their bedroom
the ball toward the elevator. door.
"My word!" exclaimed the Due
hel The message waz to the effect that
"isn't she a cautionf" anyone knowing personally the late
she 11ghted a c* ret.- "Clear out, any fact that bore upon his tragicl
-we're going death, muet.immediately communicate
Roger, I'm done up, and
I told you so," Carmq1tta, "Id as Garrett Folsom, or anyone knowing EX
to bed�oj h the managembn't of the hote
-All right, Ca --Good n the minds of the most of :LEANINIZ
But-I aon't like it." ders of this notiAcation, there was
TOG "Neither d' I," said Carmelita -aroused only curiovity'and the Wft o
exelited. ity'Arest that the now df A Clergyman's Reply.
U stir
t The three who entered thesuite of murder usua y a up. A friend of the Rev. Mr. Lill
a freefrom dust, as te c9Ln-b0- he late Garrett Folsom were struck -Yet there were many who felt wrote a guide to Slicheater, the &u-
with the attractiveness of thel rooras. themselves called upon-to r" cient Roniall city, and Persuaded the'
d to
"What charming atmoapherel�' ex- the SUMM0113. bishop to write a preface 0 the vol.-
claimed Miss Anastasia. "But It'$ Soul be sure. wete merely urg- -ume. Staying at a Q
squire's house, he
easily seen why. There are lots of ed to auch-a course by a morbid des re w the daughter of his :,:;i4
g" A Garry's personal belopiongs . about. to-mix into the matter, In f h as talkin gto
1�.1.11. out, Ind expressed a *tah-to--see,—
--Aridf16*ers and -oh, my goodimal pride that lured them to the limelight Silchester. "Have your never seen
!R! udb",
WELS Look at the dolls!"
under any pretense. And some felt It?," asked th'
8 ladY. "Why, you-wrote
There were several -of the quaint cOnscieritiouslY 1�ound -to tell what about Itt"
and curious French dills, so much they knew In the cause of right and ."Well," esi the bishop, ,r thoughe
"WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE. eve for wishing your brother's affected by smart society people. jug e.
te, of refusing to write that preface at
Death 'Wherefore a goodly number of the first, as I had not visited th#-place;1
ely a
strikes Garrett Folsom while death?" These dolls were not errtiri
hbthi with a party at Ocean Tovi-1, '"Many," she said, looking at him, novelty to Miss Folsom, but they had boOtel guests presented themselves at but then I reflected that many of -my
N-J. At the Hotel Majusaca, where squarely. "My brother was a man of never appealed to her strongly, and the deslill and were dlr�eted to Room cloth have never been to heaven and
thi ilad been guests, an inquiry is wide and varied Interests. He was a she had never owned arl J, where they were met by Mr. Pel-. may never be there et they say
b"63m, after a doctor, perfunctorily rni Of independent nature and strong "Bless- his- heart!" she itald, vrAh ham himself.
lot about* it- a;* I consented to write:,
(To be continued.) about SlIchester."
exAmining him on the beach, pro-
''itiounces will. He usually -got whatever he, feeling, to think "of Garry liking
g'ir him dead.
4 ri, I'd
cles that these puppets! I wish I'd know
Folsom's companions had been wanted, irrespective of obffta
-Roger Neville, Mrs. Helen Ba6rnaby stood or seemed to stand. in Me way. given him oneon his birthday. Owner of. Ancient Car-"I'm a
and 'Carmelita Valdon. It ls'estab- In these proceedinigs he not infre- "They're very beautiful dolls, I shall have to ask yo
u to walk up
lished that Folsom, just before his �quel2tly inade en tea, or at least ma'am," said Paxton, picking up one this bill." 'His Passenger--�-"Rlght-ho,
death, had been standing next to Ned ver em used - ill and examining Its costume. old chap; I'll wait for you at the top."
se 4id friendships and ca
Barron, known as the copper king. feeling, even hatred, on tho part of .Yes, and they have that wonder-
isom's sister, Anastasia, is sent those who had once liked him. I tell fully human look, that only these real
go :fOr in New York. Then the startling
�%. Captain Lindbergb Is said to have-
it".. announ ade that Folsom you this, frankly, that you may know F-rench dolls have. Why, that one
K cement is m of man he was. But I -looks liki��well, I es-in't think who it received numerous proposals of mar-
11ad been stabbed to death in the what manner
KR water. Ross, his valet, is questioned, rever thought that siny of these ene- is, but she looks Just like some one I riage. A flight across the Atlantic to
fraught with great peril,
sts are Barron and h,.s wife, but no 1-mies he made were so des,
K'A perately know.," 'Now, Mr. Jepson, don't wait
light is shed on the mystery. angry with his as to kill him I- Yet for any sort of pr*limlnaries.� Just
Anastasia, an e-qcentric, -masterful, that has come about,' and so, as I! wit down there at that table and - 11 .11 w,
te as In a big rush to get to tboo
1;'1voman, arrives. She lets everyone said, it is now my life work -to seek me what you propose to do." ofation. your honor. so I couldn't have
,X unde irtand, evee Jerson, a_ detective,
been going very fast." "Couldn't have
that she is in full command of., the
Anv4stigation. beil Why not?** "Well, you know
Would Only Be Ptemsed With Success
the rule: 'The more haste the less
GO ON WITH THE STORY. 7 lie "Would-you be angry if I trie(t
41 to kiss, you9"
CHAPTER. )UI. She-"Y09, certaln'ly-if y'ou only,
Two offii�ials were discussing the tried."
A slight warning glance from failings of their ministerial heads In
�:.._Roger Neville -was caught by Jepson tn. Pa n1i
e" and. understanding. be, answering questions- r1lame
ye "Personally," said the one, "I don't In a certa n scho,51 in the Care, the
agr*ed tacitly with th.- speaker and see any necessity for ministers at all� teacher was questioning his.class of
raid- The departments would run better boys - on t . heir favorite author. "An4
"Very well. Miss
Folsom, we will -zou.--
L"�- `Pui it that way, then." other, "they have their wes Yotr see. we�e making me a present of a book;,
"We will. But 3ou wouldn't have' the permanent official needs someonp!what author would you choosoil",
agreed soo easily it Mr. Neville hadn't to fell him how much the public will When the hand of Billy Jones shot up a*
...griven. you the wink. Now, you may rtand." the.teacher was.surprised, for Billy
I underitand, once for all. Mr.
as wet 4 was the naughtiest boy In the class.
Jepson, that I am at the head- of this
Minard's Liniment for scaly scalli and was seldom ready to answer any.
"Well. Jones," he said, "what
whole afra;r. I am the one wh3 hasi thing.
loet a dear re�ativ6; I am'the one who author -would' you - choose for me!"
is Investigating his death. and it is Peggy always sticks the Stamps On I "All Caine." was the reply, in very
to me that you are to report a nd- from her envelopeis upside down.". "I'm 'feeling tonsil
not surprised. You know how Peggy T�
me you are t(x tal.ce instruct-iom 1' 7
Isuppo3e until I came.'Mr. Neville W1113 -enjoys turning a man's hoad."
The hall resound@d to the gentle
by way of being 'n charge, Lut that is -shoos
A 1 and TeX11lar shuMe of dancing
'm no longer, Now, Mr. Neville, "Do you.think early rJolag Is jood-, upon' the Polimhed floor. Seated In a
though my frierld an d my brother's l for your health?" asked the lansuid 'shAded 'corner were two men. . "See
friend, has no authority of. any. sort I'city visitor. '*f don't know about my that tall woman with the sharp nose!"
e "TtY.-�r-iii-p-D-ed--ra-rmer Haw kins, I n
-and is --not to be- consulle4 in. any it &Eked th4t first nl His compan o
wa) but next to sun and min and fertilizer 'nodded. Well." continued thili other:
ny 1.8 it's the,best thing- there' Is for crops." 1 "I've been looking at her for som,
Whatever he r--. ve felt at t �[IF : , Z
114MO and-she's a-cat The verY lant
exceedngl-y strz!ghtfo.-veard speech,
Roger NevilI4 said no word� merely for woman I'd marry," The other man
shrV-ging his shoulders ard nodding The sleigh t-of-hand performance was I gazed at him In admiration. "Shake!"
as if in acquiescence "Cani any lady he-Eald at- length. "We are in perfect
not going very well.
"My 'heavers!" exclaimed the -or geiitlemaa lend tris an egg7" asked I sympathy with each other, That wo-
Duchess, who was outspoken herself' the eonjurer, coming down to the "man is actually the last woman I mar-
"I'al think you'd be glad of help,' footlight, `It we'd 'ad on! ",110�, a
!d ried.,"
Miss Folsom. And, Xr. Neville wal a man in ths. aiidfence,
got it long'before this." Vinard's Lininient for gore fiet.-
your brother's c6nfldential friend, f
'.krww. Why do you out him like that?"
Anastasia turned on fier and�!.eem-
e r
launch fortla anoth
�ed about to
Angry 'Then, with a-sudden-
smile that transfiguired her* homwely
face'and-made it almost attractive,, 1A
she 84M:
"I'm running this, Duchess, dear.
Don't bdtt in!"
"Now, tell me, Miss Folsom," Jep-i
son begun, fearing he wa.3 l(wing his FRENCH DOLLS.
whip hand of the situation, "is there
-The detective had never,before been
any onle-any one in the world. wbom'Out that murderer and hang him." up against a proposition of this sort,
You would sugpect �f having any mo. Though speaking ToOtively, Miss,
but he realized not only,thai it was IPRO"%(�T
Folsom's voice was controlled'and hetij rie�essary for him to obey orders but
manner quiet; Her rage seemed to:
that this strange woman might be. of ::11GREATE,9T,LITTLE MOTOR BOAT AFLOATv
have spent itself, and'when she an- i; '
real benefit to hint in. Ma ifivestill
nouriced her intention of avenging- her,
brother's death, she looked It Clearance' Sale of New and Used,
"I don't believe, Miss Folsom,. that
great ad majestic-goddess-
her eyes, no longer snapping with 'YOU quite u7iderstand h6�F-soon it is --Boats at Remarkably'Low Prices
a 0 111el di M anger, were sombre and deep with in to expect ally real work to be dom e
A tensity of purpose and r'ghteous y '6 Scouts, no starter, Dispro Engi . ne @ $ . 1 �5. 00
ct. You see, the inquest has not yet
.0 41
been held."
6 Scouts, with starter, Dispro Engine @ 150.00
"You "No. When will tha� be done?"
Lre quite right, Miss Fol- 5 Scouts, used to -demonstrate (4) 250.00
\"I don't know
rom," Jepson said, a little' awed by "Ob, you don't? Then I -will tell 2 Delux, used to demonstrate .300.00
this strange person, but endeavoring
you. It w�1.1 be held 46-morrow after- 3 New ScouLq, starter, Dispro Engine @
"I am told," he wen S5000
not in show it.
noon . It would be to-morrow morn- 2 New Delux, Dispro Engine @ 400.00 :N.
on, "that you wish to occupy your
brother's rooms--" ing, but it will not be possible to get --2 -Delux,.demonsfr-tor, Caron kn'g,i`n*e Cq�-v 450.00
the -witnessei together by that time.
V "I do," she said, "and I'd like to Caron Engine .............. -(9) 550.00'
ff S,
N - But to-night, as soon as.you leave Mai it New Delux, latest
go there at once. We are doing no model, witJ1
SPEARIZINT-h=s a tans m ... you will'get pogfers printed and have
thing here, of course, and I Nvant to
and zest to brighten your them up by sunriise, all over this part The used )>oats have been thoiroughiy overhauled
get started." E
whole azayl "To-iiight?" of the beach and boardwalk. They and rccondltion6d .911 carry a _ thrge . mQntlaiS
It keeps teeth white,, will summon to the inquest ev4l�rr one gQaranfe-� a'ncr m a-y bQ � se-'en and tried opt-at our
"Certainly to-night. oli
soothes the throat, P1 9' P ce don't in 0cean Tqe�who can give the Factory at Port Caring, On�.,,
aids digestioa. o to bed at curfew, do they? If you slightest bit �of information or evi-
please, Mr. Jepsorn, we will go to the' d9nce concerning the death of - Gar- Immediat.e action will secure choice.-
rcoms at once, and then we can get a rett Folsom."
Be- s�re and- see our Digpirlay at the C.N.E. sho-w4n
real start," 16
And, after a short but intensive
Ahe new Caron G H.P. Valveless Manne Engine.
Already Miss Folsom had risen,, session, Jepson--departed to carry out
and was picking up her hdt and Put-'the lady's orders.
Ung it op. Disapp�earing PropeDer Boat Zom�khy' L,
After "Come, Paxt3n," she said, "bringr As somebody or other has pithily
82 King St. W Toronto Canadall,
y Meal the things that are here. and voli saTa, the way to do'some things Is to
Phone ELgin 2376
can call the porters to br;n-g up do theyn. D-3
r e st. Good right, Dzuche%s; %�ooi Th�s was t�.o 41
og-matii belie" of
I: - 5,,VL!
ISSUE No. 33- night, Carmelita. Roger Neville, I,Anastasia Folwm, and dn this prin- Ill
107#" —! �R-7,
'I w1v wmewv,
Wr "��,FUF
��;jv P�� I, - NeQ
i W
oinp"y which As 9 conductor in thq daytime
bing c RacHo Notes and an Insulator during the night, be.,
Quick rellef ftom paW- cause during the daytime the sunlif
Prevent oboe pressum rays Ionize the air. The reflecting
Effect of Aurom j3orealis-on Ah a dne ar4shas smm
medium can then be.' considerably
Canadian Radio* downward. or as bePg nearer the
earth's surface Auring the daytime
ecep on
sain 14 go"
Z"W pads than *it is at night, for after the sun
'_R ` ti
Morktreal—"Does the- Aurora bore-
set� d4'lonizafton `0�cur' I ' a'l' the
s n I
alis.when.in visible display interfere 'lower atmosphere and there is left
There is no record on the head?.
with radio receptIon,".was a questiou the upper layer, or shell, 'o ding
an" un
-drected to A. R. McEwan, Director quarters of the Radio Department of
the earth. Heavysld-e then assumes
of Radio, Canadian National Railways, the Canadian National Railways, a let-
i that radio waves glide along the lnsl�le
ter from the Federal Government
in an endeavor- to -reach some solu- of, this shell for great, distances with
tion of a probliem. which has caused a agentat ;Fort Smith, situated on the v-ery little loss. The irregu4arltles of
great _i_ei�r of discussion. Mr.. Me. Athabasca at the northern' boundary
reception. are a��ted for by tho
of AIVerta;-and-'the'Northw*est* Terri-
Ewan was approached because his ile. changes in the Heavyside layer.
partment has unusual. opportunities! tory, to the effect that on more than Changes In sig-n*l-istrength at 6, gIV
p en
for .0servins. the manifestations of !*one occasion he had splendid rec6 - oint are aoeounted for In this way
the "Northorn:Llilits," and the effect tion at that point from CNRA (Monc .',Probably the best indication . we
jLp. ton, N.B.-; CNRO, (Ottawa) and other
of the phenomina, on reception have of the existence of this so-called
stations in' Canada. and the United
During a period of three years logs States during periods when the Aurora Heavyeide layer Is the Aurora bore-
alls display. This display, aarobserv.
have been preparo daily by operators was particularly,brilliant.
6d by the individual, may be mwely
in char e of recetveing sets on C "This testimony coming from a
�lsml gift. M
an*indication that the Heav7sde layer,
than National trains, an average of 120 point where there are no local dis-
such reports being filed each week turbanices of interferenc�e, I& of some or. electrozi-chargtd atmosphere,, a
hundred. or.. more. miles Above the
a on e.
j�alinK wtth receptloa--couditioas- interest In, thi3 ge eral diacusal r earth's stilfav -realt�-exfsts- -At any
-across --Canada from the Atlantic to garding such phenomena on b
rate, whether the Aurora borealis ap-
-"the Pacific, this
material being ob. casting and th reception at distant
pears or not, the electrical'condition
talned from the performance of sets places.
I . 1. of the Heav
Installed on the pri al trains of the . a 6plhion' ys.ide layer seems to affect ITORROF N TO
I� M6MllIlan
the transmission of radio freqiAeacy,
�aaadlan National System. `One man who should know the ef- waves."'
Out of his own personal experience', feet of, the Noxthern"'Llghts'oa radio The conclusions to be drawn from
amplified by the observatlons t
the foregoing sire that whtle the
con- is Donald McMillan who passed righ
tairted -in the train radio logs, Mr. Me- under the Aurora display during'hl", Aurora cannot he said to actually af.
Ewan answere*d The question by sa
to'the Arctic and reported that
fect radio transmission and re�eptlon,
Ing: It had no effeA on etatic.
Not To Blame "Referring again to c"les of poor at the same time this phenomena'Is
1587, f other
"Periodic cycles of poor radio cioadl- radio rec�i$tldn, the theory has been at times the visible eign o
AN ATTRACTIVE NEW FRO", causes which do affect radio,: and,
tiOns have occurred recently and no advanced that abnoril2ally large dis. Arnon R the ne . w features of
therefore, ther6 is certain relation be-! tne 192T
Canadian National L'thibition will be
The amArt daytime -frock S1104(11 doubt the Aurora display has been turbances oil. the sun have -been a,,,-,,.tw-een them.
be found quite simple for given a share of the-bla companled by violent expulsions of the rew LtNe Stock
me by owners pavilion—an 9-,
I mere extension to th,@ C. V. E. ColiseUrn.
---the -h e modiste to fashion. The of radio receiving sets. be;1 tr6meudou-s-(!Ioudg--ot--electrouN.--- lu C Canadians W11.1 point with particular
shirt hR3 tNro plaits at'each vide of Ing oloset to the magnetic.pole than order to understand how radio chan- 'Onj�6ntK341 It—thts4nammoth.-ne�w structure.
'the front and is joilied to the bodice, Most 'countries'* offers greater opport- nets may be affected when these -ex-
49th Year
From a third-storey flAt on the
U e Due de- Pere, I &cok 60th
Iwbdle the back Is in one piece. There unity for the' study of this effect -0 tral electrons are shot off from the heights above tb of the Cklnada
'are tucks at the shoulders, long radio transmission. These Northern sun, we must first take into consider Q X. X. Birthday
110 ed out on the most beautiful view I
sleeved gathered to wristbands, Or Lights are believed to be due to ation the theory devised by the late
ever saw from a window, Be4ow'me
-,thrfwquarter length and having lace clouds of electrons sho, off from the Oliver Heavyside. This theory an-! the Sea of Martuor, was lashed Into
cuffS to cOrreePond with the chic sun_causiag Ionization In the rare up- sumes that should ' a person ascend'
i foara by a cutting wind, and on either
Xor, rexidor f
vestee, and a narrow belt fastening I per atmosphere. The Aurora Is gen- through the earth's atmosphere he side deep blue mountains were massed John J. D,'
ith a buckle In front completes this I erally accompanied by large disturb- would eventually reach a point at aWnst a- stormy*sky. To, the east
I N. 7,
frock. No, 1587 is in sizft 34, ing currents on the earth's surface ef- i which the atmospheric pressure- is so vra3 the Guff of I,mtd and behind I
86, 38, 40 and 42 irtches bust. t
Size for-tiag land telegraph lines and ocean, slight that the gas becomes a good in brill1ant sunshine the high ridg
U b�ust requires 3% yards 39-inch, cables which use the earth as a return 11 conductor of electricity, hence a good of 'the Asiatic side. - This Is only a
2 % path, These wandering currents ap. reffector of radio waves. self In earti**t he solemnly goes into
Dr 2% yards 5 ' 4-inch mater:al; segment of the crest Cbnotantinople the
yards 3-Inch lace for View A; I % wilderness and quits the city
yards forr View B. pear td.be of low frequency and, there- Thus we can consider -the earth as f penomms; 90 up two storle, and look which waa-the pride and shame of the 4.,
Prift'20 -cents the fore. would not directly affect radio re-
being surrounded by a reflec us Ou
pattern. ception, such as In the case of statle. I medium. Near the earth Is more. air, � On eithw &We. Now you see the crid regime. To the ' modern Turk.
Our Fashion Book, illns�ratjng-thWe Golden Horn a:nd Stamboul and the Conatawinoplo reeks of th craall
e Ott
howest and most practical styles, will great mosques with. their dOMW and Empire. and by leaving It. he wishes
minarets rising above the :A-
be -of interest. to every home dress- crowded you to understand that be ha� castle a
Maker. Price of -the book 10 cents roofs of the old city Tlirn again and compipte break with the old tradi.
7du msy� trace thO tion.---;-J A Spender, In "The Changing
took north end
V course of-the Bosphorus by the mud-i'Ea4t.- (1926).
HOW IV don @been of its waters between the 1
i tip- 'Write your name and address plain.
wooded hills.
17. giving number and size of suc!) 71
There Is in ajl the world no ouch N
Enclose 20c in -..'site WT &,city, and- whatever it may be
patterns as You Want.
stamps or toin (coin preforred; *rap orious
4 within. Coxietant1nople, is all gi
for each number and
without Looking at it. cfne undsr�
Dept, wands Its lure. It It beautiful, his.
addres �our order to Pattern
Vflson� Publishing Co., 73 Went Ade.
torical, and romantic; It has every con.
�Wde SL, Toronto4 Patterns nnt'b Itarian advantage
y colvable uttl
It Is
IL on
return ma
0 of the g74mt gates of the world ...
Constantinople to the unsolved prob-
-God, Let Me Give— -Tem of the Now Turkey. Kermal has
debbemely turned his b "ek on' Cow
God. let me be a giver. and not one stantinople and taken his azernment
Who only takes and taken unceas
Ids of Asia Mier. There
Into The wL
-ar% from a Turkish point -
f vlow
God. let me give. so that not just my
own. QWte sound. Political reaeone for this
In 0or*tjLntjnop1e the Turk'
But others' lives as well, may richer -emotboried by foreigners,
feeds hIU3601f
7t There is ZhO More C4DOMOPOITtan city
A Holding the Line at Say.
In the world; fate and geography have
Let me give omt whatever I may hold
at4lLcted to- I"t s-mixed population from "Got anything on the and 01 that.
all the maritime nations; Greeks, y
Of What materials things life may'be
A� Pas et, Bill?"
"Have I! , Say? jet wait till'that
Jews, ArmenJang, Syrians. and non.
loot me give raiment, sholter food, or
; . .., % descript Levactines have for genera. Revenuer gits further -away and I'll q.tUil
-it their home. in the
tioull made show you what I got."'
Jftbese are, through Thy bounty, in'
W, A bracing Climate and CoMpareLIV6*1901a.
my keeping. T
r tion of the Anat9lian bi
gfilands. It is
4-1 A14,710 Handbags are now made to repro'-
�A �41
TfiE 140M WZ&TL believed thal he will learn to be him- !sent stuffed animals. The lady who
'r"�`ut greater than such fleeting treas-
self and unlearn the fetal Irabit- of
ures, may absentmindedly delved into the�moutkL
running for foretrn assistance (and'ot her Pekinese for a 'bus fare is get. -
I give my faith and hope aid cheer-
bakshftsh) on any slight em ting on as u ell as. can be. expected
To quit Constantinople Is Mgr=re
.-'_�Belief_and dreams ancrjo� and laugh- deolared t3 be a neofteary part of the 'The British shilling does not al.
ter key
j policy of Turkificat
-Some lonely sout to'Vess. Is from hen�ceiorth to be'master in his cles. "Mine was changed on the v
ion. The Turk ter," states an authority on cu
Mary Carolyn bevies,
own house; I e_princip�ally the "home- day I reciQlved it,". sighs. e op
th end
lanids' cf Aniatolia; and to show him. thrift who was "cut'Off wl It a bob."
7 Have You Noticed It?.
Girls might *.troll lor a simple good
Vith narry a hook nor a line,
They need not take bait
Agor a sinker with a weight L.-'
they'll catch a few suckers each
ThIrtY-sIx Canadian aviaturs an.
iounce their intention to race r'
X-ondon, Ont, to London, England.
What another "London bridge It fall-
Ong down."
Probably no event of the resent Mrs. D. Chipman, a daughter of Sir
Jubilee Celebration in Canada brought Leonard Ttlley. Theer, two. ladles,
the Fathers. -of. Confederation oloser direct links with the men who made i
to the heart of this generation t"n union of fhe danadlan pr'ovinces, -be-
came the houcied members of the
the visit to Canada of Miss Hortense University tour party dtIrtrig their
Cartier, daughter of one; of the- Illus- journey to VancouveT, through the
trtous founders of Canada; Sir Georges Canadian Rockies and return.
Etienne Carder. The accompanying photograph. . was
.Miss Cartier -arrived In Canada in taken -at Winnipeg In frGn t of the
June at the Invitation of ' E. W. Beatty, Cartier monument and shows, Miss
Chairman and Pres ' Ident of the Cana.,. Cartier, at the. rIght"and.. Mrs, Chip-
than Pacifte Railway to 6e'come a mem- man --wtanding with the Hon. John'
b4r of the University of Montreal Bracken, Premier of Manitoba who
party to tour the Dominion., A h err welcomed the party on behalf' of the
distIngul"ed S'ue--t Of Preal& 1 as I GovernaleuL I
V 'o*is
IP Ful
TaBuzz,fain to malm d'hom''er'
LIT spray clears. your home of flies and mos-
.'_,.Fquitoes. It als'o kills bed'bugs, roaches, ants.
and their eggs. Fataito'llmects but harmless to
snankind. Will -not stain. Get Flit today.
Dbhibwad ic Q=- lky?*q- X�kkkv & Cx, LWW, Tymto
Ants Bed Rugs Roaches r4 a
. 91
M T,
122, V. -_w
-- Mrs.-Wm. Hall and daughters, —Miss -ELelen Burtin 11 visiting
LOCAIASUSs" Misses Barbara and Irene, of De- with her sister, Mrs.'Fired Bunt,
troit, returned home on Thursday 1.119.
'after spending these w6eks with Gralia-m, of "Tureiitb, is
—Fred Gray, was in the city o
a friends here.
S"day. . . - . I v e _. j iq
visiting* her sister,. Mrs. L. D.'
—Comixa�-F. E. Lake, Optum- Banks
—W. R. Sproule is now taking a
etrist, 167 Yonne Street, Tof6nto, --W. M. Flumerfelt, of Toronto,
_.,v,4�*rued holiclay. fJoaierld Munro has had &' radio may be consulted about your eyes motored down from the city on .7
for glasses at A. H. Allio'e drug Wednesday and caned on a few
Installed in his residence.
store, WbLitby, on Tuesday," Aug. -friends.
— Robert and Mrs. Goruiley.en-
28rd. Don't forget the date. Mee T. F-nalae Resident Dent-
�'terWned quests from Oshawa on
_H. J. Clark and companions, jig. Mee -over Balsdon't hardware
�*_�Jgsruqg� from Ohio- is Charlie Marquis, and Lyle Ramsey, store. Office kouri, 9 to 6 dally and
rag ax "rte her daughter. Mrs. *W. returned home ODLISunday, after evenings by a4wintelent."
Gormley. Spending a week at BcOieigb. —Joe Clark motored t;sBurford
where they had -a very enkp ed by
,able on Wednesday, accompanied
—Fred Doyle, of Toronto, spent
P-,L."1!F�'!"Wodnesday with his brothers and in boating and ug. his sister, Min Jean, and Allan
outing fishing, havi,319 and Miss Frances Balsdon, who
sister here. They report good
caught a large number-of black returned hQ after spending
W me
—Mrs. Wiman, of Peterboro, W •
bass, -of which one weighed four a couple of weeks - with relatives
visiting her mother, Mrs. Burrell,
pounds. As an evidence to sub- here.
fora few days
stantiate their claim that they —Themembersof the-Women's
Series and little 'n
rs. Frank
f Trenton, are visiting the
a number of serving-an afternoon tea and hol r
really did catch fish, they brought Guild of St. George's Church are
home with them cl- e, e Out.to-Clea
mother, Mrs. Rankin.
former's beautiful specimens. Ing a sale of home-made cooking
—Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and child, Goo. Barker
—St. Andrew's United Church, onth.e.lawn Of Mrs.
-many of
from Virginia, are --visiting the
y afternoon from 2 to 4
;former a
sister, Mrs. W. Gormley. Pickering, was the scene of a very' on Saturday
on Friday, Aug:
--Miss Blanche Walsh is spend- pretty wedding
with 9th, at 7 p. In., when Margaret —The Ladies' Aid Society of ft
in few days in Frankf Ord w
J.1asind. Mrs. Jephson and dau Ann Carson, daughter Of Mrs. M. Andrew's Church held.% most sue.
Carson, of Port Union, became the cessful meeting on Wednesday af-
George Alfred Field, son ternoon at the home of Mrs. Harry -ummer
and Mrs.
*r. Parsons and bride of our.s
of Windsor, are holiday-
of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Field. Rev. Boyes, when over thirty members
7. S. Ferguson was the officiating were present besides a number of
lag for a rouple of
weeks with Dr.
clergyman. The church was taste- visitors.
'And Mrs. Cartwright.
fullyclecorated with gladioli and —Mrs. J, R. Thexton and dau•
On Monday worpinir after a a M
ferns. The bride, who entered the ghters, Mrs.-tDr.) Atmore and is
slight rain nine care were in the
church o -on
ditch at the some time betwom a the arm of her brother, Margaret, of Sarnia. called
Mr. Howard Carson, to the. strains number of Pickering friends on 7
Whitby and Roou e Hill. 71 , I
of Loheogrin's wedding march, Thursday last. Mrs. Thext-ou and .'Ladleo' and Misses' White Oxfords and Straps, P.Opula�r sizes.,
P. SexomM, principal Of g�yed by Miss Smith, wore & Miss Margaret were on their way values an high as $2.50 in the lot—we're losing money
boo), Saska-
In %
well public se
visited with John and Mrs. dainty gown of white georgette to their new home in Ottawa, heavily on them, but they must go, only 98 cents.
"Staphe and satin ribbon, add her veil of where Mr.Thexton has a good
noon on Tuesday,
embroidered tulle was caught with position in a printing establish. -neatest styles. sizes
,I- —P. T. Bunting was in Toronto Boys' Gun• metal and Brown,Oxfords, .7
4 orange blossoms. She Carried a meat.' hire, Atmore spebt a few
.--bn Wednesday playing with the shower bouquet of roses and li)Y- days In Claremont with her aunt, 2 to 5J, good quality calf, regular 3.50, going at 289.
Oshawa Golf Club in their match
of-the-valley, Herattendants were Mrs. J. H. Be&], returning to her
ft-one-of the Toronto Clubs. bfeii�e Overalls. in black and plain blue, in all sizes, worth
Yoe Miss M. Patterson as maid of bon- home in Sarnia on Tuesday.
Dr, R. M. and Mrs. -Bateman, -'sister of -- - -least 2.wper-palr,7�i ' -orreale at449-1mar-psir-
Miss R. Carson, —W- -A. Reid;---- Traffic Traffid' Officeio-
or, and at
They was a'
Toronto, who recently returned
-_.bowo from 'their European trip, the bride, &a bridesmaid. t Fort Brie and Buffalo on
were attired in gowns Of Peach Sunday, being g one of the many
'spent Sunday with relatives bore. Bath Towels, splendid for common use, camping
—Mr. and Mra Elsasser and
taffeta with black picture hats and hundreds of constables through. ate., size l5x8Q, going at 19c each or 6 for 1.00.
carried pink roses. Mr. Charles outthoprovin -ce who were eum-
t1a g
ehildren, of Toronto, are vial
with the formers sister, Mrs. Jae. Ferguson 8uDported the grQ()m mooed to give protection to the A groat line of handy size Kitchen' Bowls, in blue stripe
-Mose, and with Mr. and Mrs. and Messrs. Jack Carson and Ar- Prince of Wales, hie brother, and flowered patterns, priced for quick sale at 15c.
Weller. than Field, brothers of the princl• Prince George, Premier Baldwin 4W
—Rev. George bil. Chidley, of pals, acted as ushers. During the of England, and the 'many other
signing of the register, Mrs. John notables who were taking part in 150 yards Gingham in good quality, email patterns, eopocl--
Thames Road, preached very ac- f
Stork sang "0 Promise Me." Fol• the dedication of the Peace Bridge ally nice for childron't 4w ear, going on sale at l9e 9d.
eeptably in St. Andrew's Church
on Sunday, both morning and lowing the ceremony, a reception between Bridgeburg and Buffalo.
was held at the home of the bride's No trouble was anticipated, but specially evening.
Catton Broadcloth. in maize, orange and rose, a
The presence of the royal mother at Pnrt Union, after which on account of the iw moose crowds flue for children's school wear—worth 45c, but we're
guents In Toronto over the weak. the ha Py Couple left for a trip P of exithusiaAftic worshippers of
elearing it up at W, per yard..
througli the Thousand Islands, the royalty, their presence was neces.
and had an appreciable effect on bride travelling in a drees of blue sary to make way for the process.
Um amount or motor traffic on the canton crepe with hat to match. sloe. Boys' Brown Leather Sandal Oxfords, heavy sole, rubber
provineial Highway. ,,,7%w heel, sizes 1. 8, 4 and 5, wear extra good, now. I.M.
—A commodious new kitchen is Upon rim they will reside —one day recently as George rare value —don't woes this one.
on the groom's farm on the lak
• "being erected at the rear of John Elliott was delivering mail on
w occupied shore Rural Beata No. 2 he met with as
way train e0uvoYtDX the Prince of not prove very serious. His home AN
Annan's residence no
by 0 A. Sharpe. Yberb is also t4 —The Canadian National Bell- accident. which fortunately did hi
be a basement underneath. - Ma'Se CHAPM
Wales. Prince Georxe and
I —J. B and Mrs, Born and foss- Prom- and buggy was standing in front
ily, of Petiorboro, motored to pick. isr Baldwin, of England, and their of Palmer Bros. on the Kingston
tsting on S►torday sad on San day respective staffs were guests ofd west when a car came along
m0rainx motored toNia, Pickering Village Saturday more- f roin the east and drove right into
where they spent the d gar& Falls, Ing from about three o'clock until the buggy, wrecking one of the •
swim Rig
nine. The train, wheels and e using other damage
—The Rev. J. K Moore Ph, about half t
which co =d oft;*1vs coaches.
D. D., of Uibrifte, a former prA to the vehicle. The motorist said
will preach in St. Paul's U'Dit• including baggage cars, was placed that he never saw the buggy. &I-
ed Church. morning and evening. on the siding east of the station though It was broad' daylight. .. _Its here. need a new Suit
and at Andley in the afternoon.
and north of the main tracks. No He assumed all responsibility for
—Robert Rankin, of the Len. One in the village knew of the the accident and told Mr. Elliott
Swim in a
sing Enterprise, spent Sunday and honor which was thus thrust upon to get an estimate of 'the cost of
"Meaday here with his mother. who it, but after day break It got Dois- repairs and be would forward a "J!
Asis been somewhat indisposed, ed abroad in that _eheque for- t1he a - mon - -L - The XLINGTIGHT 'UIT
but who is now recovering nicely, the distinguished guests of the motorist, who lives in Toronto,
Dominion were peacefully slam- promptly forwarded big ebeq The Suit that made Bathing to Swimming
—While luting heavy timbers us,
at a new bore that reet-
&t to mg me boring in their coaqbes, and it was after receiving the bill.
ed on Mr. Somers' far Do the tad not long until there were scores of
eCM" Walter White m JDJLU"d his Carson the none with residents IN MEMORIAM. Baseball I Football I Tennis molt I
be off of the surrounding district who
will were eager to see what a prince Law —In loving memory of Abram
back and as a result
duty for some time.
W. Law. who passed away, August These games signify holidays-
-0,90rao Bradford, who sustain. looked like,.and it may be to show
painful injuried when struck their loyalty to the royal familv. Ifitb, Be equipped with Spalding Sporting
'Tim evieet to kr ow we'll meet again,
Bat -the heir to- the crown of the They are the Best,
be automobile on Post's Hill
Where troubles art n4 inore,
Sart two weeks ago, to making World's Greatest Bulpire vi am not
And that.tbe two I loved so well
slow program towards to exhibit' himself to the Rave just gone on before,
bar, inclined e
and is now able to leave admiring gaze of the loyal sub
—Sadly missed. Wife and Mother. :�,OUTING SHIRTS
—The bum of the threshing jects of the crown, but preferred
machine to again heard in our to get a nod rest to prepare him-
031110. finest lines of Cluett, Peabody and Midst, which in a sigh that,winter 94 for ply two strenuous days X0W A---- -we art showing the
Is approaching As we have had which were 0 follow, beginning "Arrow" Shirts with.00llan attached, in white'
but very little hot weather, it is with the opening on the now eta VOR SALE-1 horse, broadcloth, khalif or blue
8. =rs old,
Lard to realize that the summer tion, which has been waiting for V gooddrivr. u..t0pbuggy. Shea,
"tf line of Khaki Trousers that will stand the -fail'
'is &at passibit &*&y., many year@ foe this, ceremony. Brougham. Also, 011"
—At St. George's Church next Those who had arrived upon the XTUMINL Headlights famous No. 53
G—Mrs. M. C..Webb..rex-
Sunday, Sunday School will meet scene, however, had the satisfac • 21 istered nurse. is open for e e ents.
*t 9.80 a. w., and at 10.80 a. m, tion of seeing -Premier Baldwin, Phone Pick ,57
Stk a brief respite from :
tiore will be a celebration of the who had r
RENT—On Pickering. a Fred T. Buntin
-]Rely Communion. Rev. D. 13-- writing speeches, go walking -roomed cottage, Appli to Thos, Watson, Established 1857.'
T 40
Langford will be the preacher, around on the station platform in R. R. 2, Pickering, 4•tf
There will be no evening service. his shirt sleeves and with - -lie.. _ _ a1Y
—It has been suggested, and has favorite pipe in , his band. He V Also about 4 acres of good timot Y,
been considered by the Highway seemed much interested in big standing. Jae.Greenlaw. Pickering. i 9'
Department, that there should be surroundings and particularly' in
S mininfuluxpeed ofi the highway the huge locomotive, which is JL' North half lotI27, con. 7, Pickering. A&ly
M" H.
miles of a number' now being built on phone Clare 2206. + `, :. j
for motorists, fifteen per W _R2!_M.rreZ1iont.
speed- Kingston. and which is said to be
---'Jbour being proposed. The Tele hone 4900
eris the source 'of much dangbr,' the Is rgest in the British Em l5iire. ARMS. TO RENT—Ubnrenieriti!r
located, excenerit tioil. Possession to plough
-but the motorist who drives at a This large locomotive wee in
after op. Full possession April lot, IM
To" slow rate in also a danger, charge of Engineer R. J. Milne and Apply to Conant, Oshawa, Ont- 40tf
for be often is the cause of those Fireman W. T. Muir, of Belleville.
Seming behind to "cut in," which Another fact that -Pickering pro- TRAYED—On t-6 the , promises of. Carl E. Devitt; lot 15. con. 6, Pickering, ve -d
In the cause of so many bad acei. ple considered an onor Was that rosin steer and boas heifer. 'Chriaer may ba I
dents. , W 0 IS S son of same by proving paying Auto pairs, Acce.ssonest Oils an
Norman Kerr. In opm y 6cr pa =00- e
—The year 1928, it I expected. Mrs. Kerr and the I&W Geo. Kerr,
- twill see a bitterly contested war formerly manager of the bank ORONTO WET-WASH LAUN• din—g,
here. who was born and spent his (Semi finiab)-:-Let our driver eau Gasoline' Aeetyleine'jWel
among automobile manu'facturem eye explain our 94 how service. Just leave Few
will be Go school d Pickering, was the name with Mr. S. W, I avis, barber we
chief of whom General "g1nd - : -. - r
I will pick up and defiver a times a =X� 1_-�- .
Durins waster mechanic on the train an B ttery Oh
Motors and Henry Ford,
the past year the sale of Ford can upon whose shoulders rested much -D ADIO FOR SALE—A five tubed "Makes
X k4et and
Las fallen off groody,to the benefit of the responsibility for bringing te with Repairs made on all,
of the Chevrolet and other low. will
the train safely into Toronto. t. Regular
prilliBas ice
To retrieve the lost Herb Willis, night operator, also nu for 135701to! A
priced cars.
had considerable reeponsib'llt
ground Ford has had his ongineen ARM FOR SAimon, RwqT-10
placed upon him, and also C-9 Facres of land in lot 12 ZA 5 Pickering. kyte
beind their energies ward pro-
duping a now car w hie will prove medium fences.
I Y=,= to sell or rent ac-
e Ravin, station agent, who assumed of water at both
formidable -
rmidable rival to his com t' his duties at seven. Our police e.ane ar r bealtb.7lUsmes W. Hick. R. R.1,
Mach tore. pch curiosity bas been trustee@ have good reason for feel- l 44tf
sed in the public mind as to ins Blighted at not being informed -VARM_FOR SALF, ORTORENT—
so, 'this type of car that he will place of the coming o our noted guests, X1 Being lot 9. con. 6, Pickering Township. I is
early date, an they were thus nuable to give acres in all, tillable, fair buildings. well watered' 161S Be SPENCER
on the market at an ear convenient to school, church. store and rural CHARiin
route. them an appropriate reception, te. Possession to plow after present crop.
but the feeling is general hat it Full n April Ist, IVA. A
ty •
and to read to them an address A]. possession out., .11 to =tt, R' Proprietor,
will be low in price and of a pe
ths, - w1l meet with popular favor, of welcome. R. No. 1,LocustsHill. 4749