HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1927_07_29^F
F F.
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.. .1 �T
Pi- IN
saw xin =a iwht
Turner entertadned. a
At the Community Hall on Aunds;y
Dext -, Sunday School meets at 2 PL M.
H. FORSYTH, Oph. D., Director
We are glad to see Mrs. Purcell Is
and service is at 8 p. m. Bum-
Cal Association of Oat aria. ReC.
- 9W
14MY -thOlIgh -Slowly.--
2 00'.
Do Saturdayi Juty-90th -at 5 9D-p m-.--
i h
OUP781ibd-0 Scl alc will be held
. ii
.. .. . -
a of football of
this best game the seams
this (Friday) afternoon at the home of
a Green River between
will be played. at Gr
H. A. Newman. Friends of the Con•
Baskets' ot all sizeS
Brougham add the home team. Come
gregation are invited to pack a basket
111stablished ISM
and your team along andeses
and come along.
B. CHRISTIAN,''Barrist-or and
fast game of ball.
ACIL eSaUckor, Notary Public Etc- Money to
as&. South Wine, Court House, Whi
and C38' '1
Rev. Mr. Howard. a former pastor
.7 It ROAD
thy. My
of White vale "d Green River. wilt
preaj oh next Sunday morning at 11.00
R. J. Fuller's little boy is in very
ecounts must be(
IL C.. Barris.
;oeA, Solicitor, Notaxy.Putttic. Arin�' alk..
. _ at low prie"
o'clock and at preen River at 7 p. in.
We hope large
poor health at present.
or armnged for by
let, as, I for
lately west of Post OffiGe. Dund" Street,
mlskby• House Phone M, Office phone 392.
-Salt for sale
to see a congregation
at each service.
Those attending the garden party
at J. Miller'e.report a very pleasant
A much needed cost of gravel is be-
England early in July and .... . il.
-require my books closed
Inot later than that date.
TON & ROSS— Barristers. So-
LIC110178 'Northern Ontario Building, no
J Beaton
A sad drowning accident occurred
Ing applied to the 4tb Concession west
of Brock Road.
ti l► Row; Adelaide 2747
.'Sucessocir to late W. Q. Bareles,
Phone Mark 6420
here on.TueBday afternoon in which
OhRrles A. Br refry, 13 years old, eon
Mr. Mille and family and Mr. and
Mrs'. Hatch have taken up summer
A large
Barristers Solicitor etc., 213-214 C4mfed-
of C. and Mrs. Brierley, of 44 Herbert
erationLille Building: Corner Yonge and Rich-
�'Uwwd Sts Toronto. Phones Main im and main
0190. Mckering office open Monday and Wed-
Avenue. Toronto, was the victim. The,
lad along with three Companions,
A collision between a ear driven by
John Neal and a buggy driven by Jan.
Diamond Tizesday
Sfiock "' of Feed
d an da S�t including
C=tWev=r �ick
Allan Walsh, Terry Featherstone and
on night resulted
Phone! atf
George Dobney, wheeled from
A-brnken--buggy' wheal and other
J", :B
city in the morning for a swim in the
river here. The unfortunate lad, who
damages. The car w"_Iiftle the worse.
This is another argument In favor of
:-of-vaeloue kinds on hand
R. Dentist. Cor.
DXj Rd. Victoria
could n-ol—e—wUm. stepped Into a deep
hole In the river bed, and the other
buggies having a light at night.
Better seen your a p lies now,
and Paft Ave. To-
mato. = a at door). Open zv..G.gs
• Z.- Phone 1112•
Dressers $12 up, Washstands
boys, who also could not swim. were
to him The
it ,,,Ire
AS be scarce lannixtier
in price later on.
kr=n lay
94 up. Chiffoners, 5 drawers
and good mirrors,
half It
unable reader assistance.
boy's call for help brought to the
Scene Roy Yeomans, of 127 St. Clem
C. S. geld "at the week-end with
Buffalo frienc*.
R. D. 0. Smith. Dentist, Stou-
zr D Honor
ville. Graduate of CIticego and To.
to niveraities and the Ratal Cotle
U _ p of
AW Phone office 1011. junacence
SNO 8=6d,,
price. will
pay yon to call.
exit's Ave., Toronto, who is
at his father's 'summer cottage here,
JohriA.13u6b,prin ot the Con-
tinuatiou School at V%allm&cker, has
015. appointments. My
and diving in repeatedly recovered the
returned home to spend his holidays
Roofing' Material I
BGraduatebl' the Royal C Ige
body alter about 15 minutes' search.
"r.1 people worked over the body
Mrs. Essie Bush.
with his mother, Mr
who is seriously Ill'. being conflned to
and of tronto. 005on
over Murdeck's C
'Onfectionery micro- Wwtby.
Office boars 9 to 22: 1 to Mo. Ind.'pbone ik.
until the arrival of Coroner Dr Cart,
wright. of Pickering, acid Dr. JeweLl.
her bed for the past seven months,
H. H, Bush had his barn with con-
C 0 A L
-.'Bdl phow 220•
5 x British Columbia Shingles
of Scarboro, who, foi an hour. applied
the usual art•flcial respiration but
tents burned down about ten O'clock
last Thursday night, during the elec-
NEIL C. SMITH. D, D. S.. I- D. S..
No. 2 8 and 5z
without suecess. It is said that there
trio storm that raged
-d in tbisvicicitv.
The Scarboro Fire Dept,
to Dr, J. N Dales- Graduate of
tt•. yal College of Dental Surgeons and Toron.
to Univermty, At Claremont D
were people close by who might have
as-ved the lad. bad the companions
responded to
[bo call. but cnuld do nothiag toward,
A good supply of Hard and Soft I
office over A.
T-6eaday And-FrkU%__Fho_.
given an alsrm; - A sad-feartur"t the
sav log t-hs-buUdiog� They-u" a-laree
� I
_-Coal- on hand; - -Ala & supply
SWYII 1011.
accident is the Illness of the boy's
mother. who is undergoing an opera•
quantity of chemicals In saving the
other buildings and several houses on
of Kindling Wood,
D D S . Graduate of the Royal College of
Murray's 18 in., 82 in. and 86 inch
Lion in the boepiW, Constable Wta
the next street which also belong to
stove length.
a. &a. =so= and the Universt of Toronto.
widths, 4 in I Shingles ; also
Chester bad the body removed to
Mr. Butah. Fortunatel y there was no
live in barn
l2tf Phone Pick. 1709..
0 ore.
atora.t;e OnAll, Out
Offite pour : 9 3
Metal Valley and
Sterritt's. undertaking rooms In Pick.
stock the at the time Of
a an to P m.. try Vitt
Want, labose Pw-k 3700•
Ridge Roll.
ar-ing. and aftermards It waa taken to
Matthews Burial Co..
the fire and-the to" is. partly covered
by Insurance.
Material, or will give price on
the parlors of of
Danforth Ave. As the drowning Was
clearly so accident. no Inquest will be
*ssor to the Late W V. Itachardson, ropm
A sad motor accident willeb has cast
Building and General
Fire Insurance Compown of
OMM =41 na"a I h
a shadow over the oommuell y occur-
Estimates furnished oll all Clans"
a s 34tf
An Interesting party of parents Wad
red on Sunday afternoon in w4wkb
Alfred Calvin Spencer. only child of
of work — Interior sad Exterior.
`V POSTILI.. Licensed Anctioneer,
• Iss' Ommusai of York and Oussida, A**.
friends gathered at
the home of C- M- Paasmor" 010 15"
Alfred 0. -Don" and Mrs. "car, of
'alterations And reps"
asia of AIJ assessed toon abor"M
A* A&AT1014 GrSdD SiTal' PL 0., OUIL
♦ I
Webavand furnish
urd&7 afternoon, July the 9th. the
occasion being a -recital by Mr, Pass-
more's CIS". assisted b4
Ashburn. met his death. TheyoUng
man. who wan only 10 years of age.
had taken the car out while his motb-
at was gettiog ready to go with him to
Chijnneyv Built Concrete Work.
Pboas Pickering 5712
A.11RATON Tow Ns =RE
• oisaveranew• closandesissawhar 1161112101111
Acovanams, See, Ka W to 1=
`lo mss of jemcibw
sell. quotstions
and Information on all Listed and
'S 1.0
0 soprano. also a pupll
of Mr. Pasemon. Rev. Y and Mrs.
visit her brother. George Lynda. of
&ebb,,,. • He was driving slong the
S H I N G L 19 8
Mining Stocks.
Ratcliffe. of Whitevale. were among
8tb eonceworiour of Whitby, as" his
I T rIONIMR toe York Qatatio nee Durissais
We will be pleased to ad vise-wbat
stooks to buy or to b old. or
the guests. and MrL Ratcliffe Ably die,
a barged the duties of chairman.
home. Row the accident occurred 14
not known. but the gewEraJly accepted
NOT& Scotia Sbi I ,
Gait Th
AD Zn& as, ZQ Pro= attes"
what Stock to sell.
speaking kindly words of encourage'
theory is that be bad driven ovrr a
Galvanized Steel Ing !es
Blrd*e Felt Slate Shing last
to. ratans reasonable. ristis, or, asay be
Ut" at NXWS'Oftv. Beg and ladepas-
C1111lents am making monoqy by
ment, to the youthful performen and
of congratulation to the parents and
snake on the road. and a looking
around to see If he had killed It, the
for sale. at
Wbithy. Oct. my
our advice.
Our long experience in mining. ex-
to Mr. rassmore. The popilc whose
names are herein given. played the
car swerved to the side of the road
and icto the ditch where It turned up-
'eisiding over a period of twenty
YO&rs- &110ws as to SITS Sound advice
various number* well. IM iving great
lileasure to the guests lad reflecting
old#- down pinning Spencer ucderneatb-
and tdi-o-tbe mud where he smothered
Call and got prices. Phone 2812
-401111 the iO►S10tZD4Ot feature Of A MIDS
or the apeculaiti To feature of • a pr`O*_
credit upon their own endeavors and
_u'pon the work of their teacher. Mr.
to death. Mr. and Mrs. Carrie. of
Pickering N�
perdue mining ventur4L
Pasomore. Mies Beue's charming
Oshawa, who were visiting friends to
the I bborbood. In
t.. Uy a t
solo made & pleasant variation in the
came along their
car %I seeing the auto upside down
at: er Goo& stari I
Memben at Fltand&rd
program. Following am the name
f tbow who took Dart in the Drn'
stopped to "a the amount of damage
They were- rized and
C !w Perfection
stuck ftch I
am A, Pl_vto�v wigrjon_!�__
Oil Stove
Members of this IMMUM
M wMaUS&
Officis and Board Room, Ground Floor.
;"W. KA
Marjorie Turner, Row Turner.
Evelyn Drickw&ter, Alan Gray, Lloyd
I w r
from underneath. Being un;UMO,ne
to lift p the •csr, Mr. Corrin immedi
Our supply of quality Harness and
Parts Is now complete.
. —AND — .
KotropwLan Building,
Pherrill. Dera Jean Malcolm.
Christie Miles. Elmer Pherrill, Prod
Griffin, At the close of the recital
ate) secured assistance and extricat-
d the body. Mr. Booth. who helped
We have a large stock of this PAIDOW
Bave Tinle, Toil, Padence
ftmes: Adola*e W71 and 601
the assembled esilts at . a � pleaftat
Mr, Carrie. recognized the bodv am
that of a net son. Much sym-
Boot on hand—unbeatable
Sm our Now Model
solaw half hour, refreshments
were served, when the hostess. Mrs
pathy is felt for thefamily who are
highly here Kinsale,
for wear add tear. •
You Will Like It
Pasemore, was assisted by Miss Doris
esteemed and at
where they formerly resided. The
Jdso a good line of Hardware
Cambridge, of Winnipeg, IbO is at
tisiting In I
funeral was bold on Wednesday after-
We maintain our astablisbad uta-
ticm.for '181811 I kinderoT
at reasonable
prosest ar all
Kim EMS miles. Miss mmollear",
Done Inteirment taking place In Grove.
hams" an boom
'Phone 4600
Real Betate and Insurance.
or. Min Marian Hornshaw, Miss Dorn.'
thy Hornshaw and Miss
ew of Charles and Mrs. Spencer, of
Farm Propertiesa Specialty,
Pickering ViIIW.
Read. Office : 213-214 OonfedersUm
Harness -makerj
Life Building. Toronto.
Phone Main 1890.
. :.
Branci 'Office: Gordon Building,
Pickering Ontario.
Vboze MINI. 18,tf
Mrs. Perrier is the guest of her oous-
40, Miss Phyllis Ntcbolson,
Dr. Dales and son, Frank, made an
enjoyable motor trip to Timmins last
MissVidaBste is holidaying here
with tier sunt.
Mrs Haywood and family have been
with Mrs. Barclay the past week.
wee IL
Grant Malcolm and Miss McBride
W. A. and Mrs: Remmer are guests
spent the week-end with the Malcolm
WZ require a Mattress doriag
following few
of be latter's sister, Mrs, Walter Nich.
Rev. Mr. Leckie prestebed very ar.
weeks. We
Miss" Gladys and Della Buena, of
ceptably to St. John's United Church
congregation on Sunday last,
Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs.
---SkeH-the arsbal
Herb and Mrs. Feasby- add family
friends here. They
s ,
Russell -Tow-naea,4 and fSmily'L Of
are visiting motor.
Prices $25 to $75
Highest price paid for
Kaln'mazoo, and friends Ppent a few
days his Mrs. John
ed all the way froru theirbome in the
7 Cream at the
with sister, Taylor
last w
Our football team are-distleguisbing
Wejarantee our $15 Mai
The Sacrament of the Lord's $,up
be in
themselves this season. They defeat-
ed Cberrywood last Saturday evening,
tress to be pure white
per will celebrated Dunbartoo
layer felt
United Church next Sunesy, morning
at 11. a. m. and at Centennial at 2 90
he wore being 2 -0.
Mrs. Ensign had the pleasure of an-
AU Outdoors
'Ow 8 50 and' 7.50 Mattresses
Give as a trial and be convinced
p.m. At the Dunbarton church there
will also be an (Yrdination Elders.
termicingber sister, wbomehehad
not sea for years, who motored, with
In vites Your Kodakl
0' In grey felt and very
Preparatory service on Friday even.
her :on, from Pontiac.
tag at 8.90, conducted by Rev, Mr.
John Miller arrived home from his
old country trip on Sunday, but was
e Ear en,'
-At the beach, in tits d
ofPick rin
Mrs. BlIen. Taylor, I* Cbeirrywood,
disappointed In not being able to bring
at the mountain camp, wherever
Slidining Couch, in a pretty
while visiting her daughter. Mrs. Chas
Out stock on account of stringent
for foot disease.
YOU go—your Kodak will keep
times long after
figured cretenaeand
Annie he", had the misforoune to fall
quarantine sad mouth
A splendid the W, M. S.
your good
. -good inattrow 12.60
For Pastry use - .., ' i
way down stain last Sunday.
rre. Alex Thom had the misfortune
meet of
was bold lost Thursday afternoon at
you've had them.
Abo, some now designs in
Our Royal Brand
to fall at the barns both ladle@ be.
tog bruised badly. Amd Well. Thomp•
the home of Mrs. Bamlay. The pro.
gram, given by the members, was a
Get your Kodak here and have
it handy for the picture chances
it Simmons Walnut Beds
Sala sympathetically fell from tbii hay
Confederation one, and was very In-
that don Tmit-
at right prices
at your Groeer's.
snow, We are pleased to report that
all are improving.
As Robort Devitt intends to move
Atelaviphic KadAs am fivist 88 101
Farl"m who have wheat got your
We congratulate our former teacher,
to Oshawa to reside. he bold an
Q A. Merritt
Molar made from your own
wh"L We can
Kim Reesor, and her entir
entrance CIS" on
a total Success. Misses Evelyn Annis,
auction sale of home, buggy.
implements. furniture etc., at his
grind It.
Jean Geasion, Helen Wood and Buena-
promises here on Saturday, Aug. Oth.
Furniture I)esller and
Feed of all k1Dd@—Chieken'Jfe*&-0haS-
dette Robioson !obtained honors, and
Lennonv&ps. S. S. No. 2. with
S" bill for particulars.
He v. Bruce Morton, .4.,
E. C. Jones, Phi
P Funeral Director
hen food, chop, millfoed.
Kim Rime as 14acber, also deserves
credit. Miss Zillah Vale took honors
sionary, of Porta Rico, is to address
the Sabbath School next Sunday
PhOntD 180%
Chopping every week-day.
and Kim Margaret Mitcbeit passed
afternoon, As the school has con-
Pickering, - Ontario
Piakeringil ont4pjde
=1 Xq. 3LIOC=-VI�r0=
Miss Edwards, of Mitchell, will be o;;�
new teacher while Miss Beare v
tributed to this mission, the members
should show interest In hearing of the
tinne with the Juniors.
work In that far distant field.
minutes, K leant - - -__ and 1II her stress of _ --
a -- _ _ _
C few min Wiif you be' "t)h. Iioea,"
`"`trill tO +gyp is a receptSosit. 'won, N3sa fa}aoat. g>EaRPed his
'r iliihal shi►11 Quick, eda, atss+ salts! fwas
arsons, un can get: ON ow }
"Na,1 . a#ayr>tieie.: AM Tit Wr4 do ?' -' ra dart Ml��w wrtec * + f
n '`gwflil, yes, ma'am," Rose agreed, ?"
at once. P xil you sit the 5 8 .
She %Al tad :&- uwkrtT divapr-- sad keeping his poise and proper. attitude, ..' pyfO11e�-
y the maid• sat down. even though Miss ' Anastasia seemed
' "Pile tl?e bags there, end i letout" an the verges of hysterics.
ORANGE Miss Folsom further ordered the her p00 -
And, indeed, the r woman lost
PP OpE laden porters, and then made nears- er nerve at sight of the familiar gjtj'I'Aj}� l,g�ei1 S �k "
less gesture which Paxton interpret- figure of her brother's valet. Hither- Ill WAR MNSIONS 'Ye
to the strange sights and sounds had
ed as an order to fee them as they ' _ --
_ •� '� ar so diverted her -mind that her ergo -
went away.
sl or-leo eu merged, i ol. Stanley Asks Parliament
in t
-ab�Y- noses- I but Rosa' well known face and voice`
great reception hill, the women
In brought back the realities of her life, for C j 927
- evening dress, the flowers and lights, and she almost - collapsed. - Appropriation
.._T82 Mina Folsom gave a sniff of .bored a "No s sia," Ross London -World War pension a h 4
w, now, Miss Sta
disdain and held 'out her hand to the tt `
said, in a low tone, you must brace meats by Great Britain and the British
f �s t�iC $1Dest soranile Pekoe' sold.. maid. up you knew. And don't stay here, Dominions during the asset year 1925-
E,vidently used to silent orders ma'am. There's so many- poeple about, 26 totalled 986,000,000, Col. G. F. Stan-
Sy r Paxton o ned a bag, an drew forth'
and they're all so curious.= Won't ley, parliamentary - secretary to the s
c " a cigaret case, and as Miss Folsom yon_n Ministry of Pensions, Informed. the
L,. took one and tapped it on the back "What do I care ?" she cried, an- House of Commons recently.
..w -a0` of her hand the maid piovided s gtily, "Did I ever notice people, Col. Stanley made this: statement in
i :wQ _ ro lighted match.• 4 s +tt asking a pensions appropriation of
ii y 't' q , '
A � *_ �
Calmed a little b the first whiffs But the notice you ma am, and' £81,442,000 for fife current fiscal year.
- ��+• - _ - at down to I make no doubt In the 1925-26 period, he said, pay- y N
. �,. _ nG�g of nicotine, Miss Folsom s its not to good.
- - - - -- - '' wait. She crossed her legs grace" you can go into one of the offices of menta of pther World War belligerent
fully, exposing only the conventional the management-" for pensions were:
< WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE. Mies Anastasia wriggled herself amount of her pale colored silk stock- "Of course'I c}n! , I can go where France, £47,740,000; Germany, 960,
Death strikes Garrett Folsom while out of the enveloping folds and stood, ings and smoked thoughtfully, with I likel But I prefer to stay here. I 000.000; United States, 946,000,000.'
'swimming with a party at Ocean a miltant, belligerent figure before an entire absence of 'self - conscious- thouight I'd see Mr. Neville before The per capita payment of Great spry
' 'Town, N.J. At the Hotel Majusaca,' the desk as she waited for her keys. near . or embarrassment. this --oh, there he is, row!" Britain and the Dominions, he point- '
where the had alt-been guests, an She was tall, heavy, and of a com
y It was not long before Tuttle re- And even as she spoke, Rogez Ne- ed out, was 91.7 -0, of France i8 -6; of
& ingniry id begun „after a doctor, per -' raandflng presence. Sbet would have appeared and told her that Detective villa approached, holding out his hand Germany 19 -2; United States 8.3.
anctorily examining him on the been ungainly, save that she possess- Ply
'beach, pronounces him dead. I Jepson at. the police force would ar- in greeting. In subsequent debates on the pro-
ed a certain air of sophisication and
Folsom's companions had been Roger I rive In a few moments, and he thought (To be continued.) posed pension appropriation Frederick
Neville 1tJrs. Helen Barnab and Car -+good breeding that was accentuated Roberts, .former Labor M[uistez of
y these was no reason why she should _ 4
meIita Valdon. 1t is established chat by-her clothes. not take possession o! her brother's Pensions, criticized the administration
- Art Heeds Solitude .
w Folsom just before his death, ha These, These, though of pronounced mas- of pensions.
+ rooms that night.
'been standing ne-.t to Ncd Barron,, culine cut, were perfectly tailored ,. „ Mr. Dempsey will try to thin the Dr T: Drummond Shlels, Labor, ape r.
”` who was one of a art includinpf his Very well, snapped the lady. ,
'wife, Madeline; a Ilea Fair ding his and fitted. exactl9 the muselElaz, vi "There are two rooms?" � crowds at his training 'camp �Y pealing for greater pensions genet. 4k
Angelica orous shape charging $1 admission. salty, cited the case of a soldier who
fiance, Robin Sears, and his father, -- When ea artist such as Jack was wounded at Gallipoli, returned to
Croydon Sears.
V It is decided to telegraph Folsom's o ° °" Sketches out his masterpiece. England and married, went back to the
SN .sister, Anartasia, i:: New York. d- �� '� !All distractions then should cease. army and fought in France and Italy, �,
Then the startling announcement is Lee the madding tbrcng stand back. being wounded again. He died sub. ..
,made that Folsom had been murdered - When he puts toe final touch sequ'etly. His widc:v' was rafvscd
in the ocean--stabbed to death. '
a pension on the ground that the die tit
;< ,. t On the lower maxillary]
Ro-s, the dead mans valet. is ques- + ? >t: '" F. I r
2 �.. Y eau^ that caused his death was due
tinned, as are Barron and his wife,'
Of a protein. adversary,
r" 'but no light is shed air the mystery. o- - "N "� He must shun the g ?ad- hand's clutch_ to the Gallipoli wound .prior to his ^t
Police take command of the situa- + :,' r - _ when he PTe l�s the parry, I
* N • p
tioy until the arrival of Anastasia. When he delicately punches ` .IAICT J, B. Brunel Cohen, E3ritfah
They learn that Folsom and Nevilei r J Training partners in their lcnchea.. Legion treasurer, who lost both legs
B+:id ,been - business associates. r. r in the war and apo`de from his seat,
NOW GO ON rWITH TI3£' STORY. - -- • ' R" •" - r• Quietude is necessary. a
i supported Dr. Shiel'e appeal for j�
".� ," in an opus ditScult,
` �,,r x • greater generoaity and leas red tape.
Art should never�iend an ear _3
f 1
CHAPTER X. ro To the adulating cheer, ¢;
13 Cauliflowers may result. Ease sunburn with Mlnard's LlnlmenL
_.'t Garrett Folsom's sister, 5'iisa Anas -i -__
testa, blew into the Hotel Majusaca if the folks won't stay, however,
' y r��% ;� At n reverential distance; - Heroic Cure. ^,
.;'that evening. -a,
She made such an entrance as the ! r t If it brightens their existence Eugene Jones, who ban been fn- iri,'
' / ��{ To behold his high eadcavoT: poor health, is gaining rapidly under r
Queen of Sheba might have made on `� a t !, g
her historic visit to Solomon. And' � � � � , if they Peel they have a holler ' 'the treatments he 1s now taking. He �3
to carry scripture analogies still fur - I As the hero plants him books !e at work.;`
then. the was terrible as an army) ! i�, f
' '� On his third assistant's looks,
with banners �+- a i rt'"'� They may watch him for a dollar.
Accompanied b a maid and fol -� he ,t '' G oa_ , Where t3lienee is Golden" ;1
y Foreigner airing h hl
lowed by a strhw of porters carrying 1tS_.... & hOht1C3 - e! our i by a +' i8 r'
• First E'ar English)
--b-- bane, Ju Q, the strode u to
ItFC =-g - � � � SL Louie Post-Dispatch �1'•e sus- Second Foreigner - "Thank you no �
the desk and demanded the manager.
/ I� � � pact that our political diagnosticians. { + Ia
Tuttle, the suave morn clerk, ate doubt." r {
P' 4 who are almost dally voicing theta {:
'ped forward ant! proffered his aer -! "�' amazement ove rthe fact that Ameri• i
vtc lea h Miss Folsom' ann.nnced the i i r' cans do not vote in as great numbers I BICYCiE BARGAINS �a
• + + I �q t Now end 811g•+tly
y a-, i y •C ` , / ' / _ as they rmight, could do wome than 1
/ used. 310 upwards '�
- new arn�a). I want the beat tcoms ! , follow tbo suggestion of an unnamed * ran.pertaUon F -re -,
^ philosopher, that the beat way to un• for Price Writs.
you can give me Or, be yet, lt;. i�
'me have the suiilto my brother'occu ,� `` { i'
dersta-nd a nation's' peculiarities is to FEEIti.ESB
pied; that is sure t0 be the best in .� l /{� v t study it at lay. They wputd flaid .� , PICYCLID
the house.' tea,
z.. i \ that our Dll�y possesses a Quality «OFtica y
r ., r c /
I rant Rice you that just now, , ±� which seldom nets into our 'politics.
' " --:G a Tlila quality is humor. P 19J Dean" Btreo: Went. Tosoato
madam,' Tuttle told her, for the t I
fpolice haze it in charge. But I feel r ? t�, 1;Ut there seems to be a stFitit�n `
aura it can be arranged that you mayi that humor ebould not intrude into _
N i.`tt r k , _ gar #t,1I;,
,occupy it while you are here. If you ex.
will take another rooms for - -LFie ,+
I preaxlcn and a heavy and poatiflc <�
night -" �• 4� I manner are necessary to woo the
' Nu, I wi1T act - -Get Mold of the I y' , _ electorate. This may have been true
polio: and tell them I insist on having I < traesstq In the days of the founding fathers, l 46
those room =. Who else could have all of whom, except Franklin and" pos•
them? And why let them o to , stbly Jefterson, appear to have pos -' , -
-- waste? They're nod rooms ren'tl GARRETT FOLSOM'S SISTER, MISS ANASTASIA, BLEW INTO
y g THE HOTEL THAT EVENING. j sassed little humor. But we doubt
they?" 44that-it has ever been eo true at any
'"Van' g°°d -" An ensemble of black cloth with "Yes, madami. ' A bedroom and sitj time since then.
"Then I want them and I mean to trimming bands pf .black Bengaline, ting room." Our politics may requird more good ,
have them. Lord. I've enough trouble, was of the latest made and /its lines "Then arrange to have a bed put storytellers like Lincoln and more
ahead of me, without being put' into. Fattrista like heed
t adapted to make the 'very best of her' in- the sitting room far my maid. Or
an uncomfortable bed. Plazton, take somewhat difiicult figure. 'can you give me anotker adjoining
this bag, and take my coat." -
She turned to the woman at her
A close, smell -hat of black Ben -, room ?" --
galine covered almost entirely her "I'll find oat" said Tuttle,'hastily ' { e ' • •
side, who obediently helped `her off
t bobbed hair, which escaped in front disappearing, for he, dreaded further
:with her trave.ing'coat,
in - little curls of mingled black and; talk with the explosive personage who ! ,.
gray'• i had invaded bin quiet domain. -- - --
Altogether, as to manner and garb, ; And then Miss Folsom remembered
Miss Folsom was. correct but her face her brother's man. He woul4 be of •�
was of the type that has tong had the help, surely- f - " -1SOO PERFORMERS present
reputation of • interfering ith the "Where's Ross?" she demanded, the Grand Stand Spec-
i motive g - tacle "Canada" a vivid dramatiza- st'r
power of, a timepiece. rising suddenly and pouncing on a' tion of Canada's Historic Develop. _
It was large and long. The high' clerk at the desk _ ment.
r; cheek bone was prominent, the nose, "Ma'am ?" he responded, startled by., -= __ -- ►i ;ti0,000 H�hChampfons/ tip 11-
though undeniably aristocratt�._.wa.3_; her peremptory - manner... Y -' -- -- ;z
large and aquiline. T1ie eyes were "Ross -the valet of Mr. Garrett Maroihort -ten Wednesday August
gray and glinting and darted about Folsom. Where is he? Get him at -
in angry- ftwpal- enice. And the mouth,' once!". Dogs and Cate. i � Nearly one hundred modern per.
G a snapping, thin - lipped affair, I rr Pike- "You say you lizvo moved rnsnent buildings, costing 18,500,•
prom''- Yes -yea, ma am. Ill dl nee ?" 000, contain exhibits from the
Into a quieter place.
ised unpleasant consequence to those i about it' -" I ' world over and provide an eduat-
P 1 who incurred the lady's disc r, t r Sunfish- "Yes, where there are no , tine beyond description.
y' Pproyal•) Don't Fee about it. Get him. Now r •• I
- smmediately I dogfleli or catflsl _ . -Voice Exhibition Chorus
i' Yet her maid seemed to evince_ no .-_ l'_ _ - -- �i0s
-" ft a pr+o6tta6le M�Pa�' fear of her stern - visaged mistress. casts a divJne spell, lea the
But assistance came from an un- small, Small Voice spectator with a catch isg the
It removes the odor of
Nonchalantly she trok the coat expected quarter. Airs. Petunia, Riggs has at last lo- throat-and a glow Imthe heart.
flung at her, carelessly she accepted Tubby, passing, heard the demand cated the squeak in the rear of her A fascinates picturesque, 13-
diaing or smoking from the ' 1, P !t', r
the bag, and then stood waiting, but i and his quick mind leaped to the con- ;car- which has been bothering her for j day expositiongthat stuns by its
breath, soothes the.mouth scanning with interest the gay scenes
elusion that here was the sister o! the , magnitude, amazes b its com
' the -last few dg-va. it was her hue• 3r var- '-
md to allays' ` thirst about her. I i heneiveness, enthralls D its var- K
°B4O' dead man, and therefore a possible bead requesting from the back seat iety, and fascinates with its nobl
and aids appetite and Those nearest Mere at once ob- chance fob• services on hia art that ! e'
P that she drive a little slower. -L fe. brilliant pageantry.
Ifervant of 'Miss Folsom, for no one might bring welcome emolument. Thei •.-_—
could be rear her afid not notice her: { Folsolns were rich and the lsdy was- I ldc -of Pcesescicn ' i:-r'l:e Dept of Publicity. Canadian
Already ' I National Exhibition, Toronto 2. !
g she was leaning over the evidently anxious. I "Cool: fella me you r:: ut to go out Ont., for all partiet:tars. -
desk, adding admonitory gestures o[ "You, Miss Folsom ?" he inquired, to- night, ,Mary. Is it urgent?
her spoken insistence' on ftrimedia s with his seraphic smile. "I'D find ^No, mum• it's mice."- Tid•Bits. - 17th Year Celebratf"s
µt't'� • �,Ml�,..T'` {Ross for Oa." - -- Of
the Canada's .�
service. y notp y
"But,;&tiss 1?olsorll," 'Tuttle _ implor -1 "Oh, heavens, boy! Can Sou? Do If You:l: B,e :itvs'is ''CTt C.N.Z. lttrraliri '
Afar ed " leas. realize can't do this thing then. 'Get hirai and bring him here." High above are atones anti cidy c x Fn
�m Every Meat in a minute. I will confer with the BVt Tubby was gone even before heaped ands stacked in incredulous posh J�D1 0:1 / O'tNI t
police,,over theitelephone, and if Fos she finished speaking. forms ap_d shapes- Boston Herald.
will give you your brother's I And he returned in• a very 'short <-
- ISSUE No. 31 -'Y7 -4 rooms to- night. But it will take a! time with the riy1n in question. Minard'c Liniment for earache.
�w,, ". :.... +.. :- :....,.` ._• -. ....... :..-.. .�,.. J :..,. :,.-.........., h.:' 1c\: n. t_.__ 72;. �r:. cu.•. r<..._ f...., �-., �..._ r:" 5�,._.__- �a, t:,-.-.. r.._`+• f..,....> �_w:W..,,•:•u7'�,w.,w,_..ia.. .an.?r•.::'r_......��.': ;;�.1...- ,.w :.:,
V - nw�. F na� I n i,��
7�% say .r�i era
bow to eaunterset this niembe then
1 la the memory of the_snvll Paiser6iit Pas. the new plan is fine, but so vivid il
s ne
-of-the- �iriouii' "caves" along
-Viray Ridge brought to mind that one
wonders just halw greater under- -Cry-N6WApplies to French Eastern
Bounds ground workings can be safely ven-
Where New- Defence Plans Have Been Completed ed
that to assure the security' in&-
sated in the above article.
r You to" mow
43ecause I Tell
easons Why You Should U se
13ecre't Undergrouncl Workings to Accommodate all Branches Ethel Peterson.
He was about-4eur, I should judge,
F- Service From Artillery to Hospitals —NATIONAL FERTILIZERS 7
and had come down town with his
Paris.—The greatest experiment in. powerful cannon.. These, guns ran on ,mother on the street car. As they For Your Fall Wheat
the history of `war defence has been I spiruls and suddenly fired their de- ! got off, he "pied one of those me-
*%,ked out by. the French General n they just as clalties that hold balls of gum, wrap- They are properly - balanced Fertilizers, manufactured structive salvos. The from formula
which have taken many years of experience to perfect.
Staff. It• is an underground defence suddenly , disappeared again under, Ped in black, red and yellow. 'ftu de.
aground, only to appear a few seconds posit a cent, push a rod and—lo and 2 They-are uniformly -mixed, -in good bags and good mechanical con-
that will have. whole cities and a gro behold! —as if by magic a ball of gum - clition with guaranteed analysis attached to each bag.
Top ulation of hundreds of thousands, later.
Stores of ammunition were haeld'drops out into your hand. Can't you ;3 Because increase yields without extra acreage', labor or seed— I
-Impitals, barracks and stores -in the
when the -4 They Improve the quality of the crop and hasten its maturity.
'depths of the earth. underground. It was only wh see how fazeinating it might be to a
The forts, located in secret places forts became isolated and the muni- �5 They are "Made in Canada", by Canadian labor, with Canadian
and equipped' with a new type tions ran out that the Germans could The little chap rushed toward it, capital.
pe 0
artilIM, the most powerful that mod- I advance, and engage the garrisons in I crying, "Mania, please give -me a pen- 6 Our factories arc so located over the -Province as th give the very
-to-hand ny; I want* gum.,, ry
I.-'ern research has produced, will con- the terrific hand. engagements best service.
"NOT'. returned Mother,
that epochal battle.. walking
stitute France's main defence in the that marked right along briskly. Good fertilizer is an investment, not an expense.' Don't delay gettIn:1
next war. This ne waystern of defence VERDUN MODEL FOLLOWED your fertilizer. Writeus now. Ask also about National Stock Foods
Perforce her son had to, follow, but _t results I
has practically been completed. Con- Th,3 whole re
of France's new fort tearfully he persisted, "Mama, can't
► struction has gone on' uninterruptedly system will operate on the Verdun
I have Just one?"
since peace wag declared, practically model.
It will be a chain of under- To which his mother replied brus• AGENTS WANTED in districts where we are not
unknown to the bulk Of the popula- ground Port- cities. quely, "I said, No.'-" and started across
tion. Marshal Foch is the. creator of 'Tinnel-s will connect the forts.. 'the street with the boy walling lustily-
this new system. When it has finally Some of these tunnels are half smile beside her, NATIONAL FERTILIZERS, LT
been approved an ble
'impregna Well, maybe Mother didn't have a
tested by a series underground.
They are
and tactical and practical manl)eu- against artillery fire, being Construct- West Toronto 9, Ontario
penny, or possibly she didn't approve
:vres the marshal intends to resign ed of massive concrete. of the gum habit for small -boys, or
from the directorship of the Supreme They connect Also with immense she might have been in a great hurry
War Council. stores, hospitals, barracks "and" ma- to accomplish her shopping and get
Though the location of the fort chine shops. Whole cities are prIsc- back again. But just think back to preciated, why not try to explain so
Wilson Publishing Company
circles will remain a secret rigidly tically underground. Armies can the days when you were a child= that he will understand?
'guarded by .the General Staff, this March for miles without being seen what would such a short, brusque de. Children are becoming Lucreagingly
ntalL L • Mneh JA certain that the story of a by the enemy air service. They will I said, 'No!' have done to restive under ally restraint, and the Poll
-stupendous concrete trench running suddenly pour emotions? Wouldn't you have more rebellion they store up In their
all the way from the Out through the In- your as' souls while they are little, the sooner
North Sea to i the visible forts of go to re,inforce,or , re- felt Injured - and rebellious? Even they wit break away from discipline
Swiss border, which popular imagina- lieve the garrisons. I now, with an adult consciousness, how
lion had conjured up, is a myth. It is because the Government has do you react when some one makes In adolescent days. But even the i.
NEW FORTS INVISIBLE confidence in the perfection of this la short, dogmatic statement, without tiny ones are surprisingly logical, and
France Arill rely on nothing so Ob_ ne* defence ryrtem and considers proof, In refutation of your opinion? while they resent unfairness and ar-
— --erete ditch. The new forts are invis-
n that sufficient proteotion is afforded It doesn't "set, well". does It? littrariness, they, appreciate justice viously tangible and visible a& a co- I in the event of a. new invasion that My mother Invariably when I press- and fairness quite as much.
M. Painleve. the Miniater of War, will, ed her as to an adequate reason for--
ible and only the General,Staff knows
consent to talk about a reduction in I her Insistence on my doing something
their location, The troop' Useful Hints for Housewives
a that have t to do said. "Because
*WOrked on them were sworn to see- ,the term. of enlistment for soldie"rs I did not wan &
roe-Y and labored in monthly batches. • and that Marshal Foch will take some I tell you to." For her that ended the Lemons If placed in a bowl of cold
-None of the soldiers knew in what rest, after being in harness continu- matter, and many a scolding I re water will keep fresh for weeks.
of France he was
part They we-re ally since 1914.
ceived because I sulked afterwards.
A piece of wet muslin wrung out
. ,
;,......held in barracks and were not allowed A staff of the ablest engineers has But to MY childish injad it did not Of cold water and laid round a jug ct
to communicate with peasants in the been at work picking out spots where 9,lem a, sufficient reason for having to Milk or bottle of lemonade will cause
other points of resistance may be do something that I dialtke4l,
eve ration and keep the liquid much
Aelghborhood, receive or -send letters. built up and linked with the general would apply the word "arbitrary" to
While Cabinets came and went, cooler than if It were placed In a b1s'n
There ties been nothing feu- such a statement and though MY vo- 1
while France hovered on the brink of system. of cold water. In the vame way. wet-
cabulary did not then contain that
bankruptcy through a financial crisis erish or hasty in the re oration; • Muslin placed over butter ket;s the I
everything haa_b"n conducted alang, word,, my thought was the same butter flym In warm
uilding the -pe-athk
,I year, the work of b utmost care!, I noticed another arbitrary mot
scientific- -lines with t
. - Vorts has never ceased. It was the day. She A little vinegar sprinkled over IL
and after corusiclerable'iionsultation. on a street car the other
first requisite of peace he high mitt- wet cloth and laid over fish will make'
The next war will see France de- ordered her little daughter to come I
Lary command considered and nothing and sit by her. The child was sitting it firm.
�fend itself with these underground
was to interrupt or obstruct the work. t across the aisle, looking A linle sugar sprinkled over cord 'a. They are so constructed that quietly right
`.-Not until these forts were completed c1tie he window. and the car had ham brings out the flavor,
they will be able to hold out monde Of t
could France seriously consider the people in It. The child evidently Ink stains on white material often A
Left rendendy for a great length of time. I few —perhap t, .. 13
evacuation of the Rhineland. enjoyed being alone 3 playing
without assurances of security. from Neither inih, power nor munitions can be removed by soaking
-!that she was going shopping by her- in lux after first applying salts of
Britain and the United States and will . lack, for there will be concen , self. Her brow clouded and she ask-
trations of troops in the 'depths of lemon to the spot, with a cup of boLl-
with only Belgium as a, constant ally, isions of ..V'rhy, Mother?" I too. wondered,
" -I.' the earth—regiments and div Ing water below to Moisten it.
"as she was in the first hour, mill- and then I heard, "Because I tell You air
tarp authorities insisted that the ,them —and they will have the im-.1
mewqe stores that are being gathered
forts be built and that France rely on If- seemed to o me, privately, the only Found..
in peace time to draw upon. 4
"her own resoarces to ward off an Itroe'a"son the mother could give—ishe, A go!f course is not a place "Mcf- A MODISH SEPARATE
It is the greatest experimer.t in the BLOUSE
enemy invasion in the future.. I was merely showing her authority In ated with business. and Jones was AND SKIRT.
The high military command was history of defence. Every French- public. The little girl obeyed reluct• distinctly annoyed -when tackled by
man hopes that it never will be nee- Exceedingly smart is the blouse
�,Df the opinion that there have been ahtly, all her pleasure gone. Tears one of his clients on the links the
espary to use It. But at any- rate, shown here, of unuls"I design, having
.-.-.enough invasions. If war should official . al France feels secure. 'Ils no r1lod,bor brown eyes, and she cried other day. After some discussion the tucks at the shoulders, and a square
come again the enemy must stay out- softy until her mother threitened to deal was fixed up. and then Jones
__side. A repetition of 1914, when the I passeront pas!" asked— neck. Contrasting material is usel
punish her when they got home It she for
Most industrial part of the country HOW ABOUT GAS? didn't "straighten up." "BY the way, how on earth did you -the bands under the scallops at
place." the left side of the blouse and on the A
..was laid waste and national effort Such Sucli is the report in a recent copy My sympathy was entirely with.the manage to track me -to this p]
handicapped by the cutting oft 'of the of
-The Mail & Empire, but the first child. None of us like to be ordered I "Oh!" replied the client, "that was I long tight-fitting sleeves, c
-affs on the
whole north had to be prevented. Ithing that strikes one who has I peremptorily to do things, and the easy. They told me 4LAlie office that short sleeves, and patch-pocket The
-is No, 1589 and is i
blouse n sizes 34,
The general staff is of the opinion "ground-hogged" it in France during stronger our personalities, the less we you were enjoying bad health, 0 1
--that, the remedy has been found and', t6 Great War is "How about gas can endure it. Why not. then, be put two and. two together and made 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 36
'bid with the children? Don't 'Fore I requires 2% yards 39-inch or 1%
that the new .system will ward off attacks?" Polsoxj_ gas is 'heavier reasonable yards 54-inch material; 'A yard less, j-
lany attack, by land or by air. Ithan air and always searched out the deprive them of innocent pleasures
39-inch for short sleeves; % yard 39-
the for no real reason, and If you have a I am a Rotarian tayself.—King Al-
PLAN DATES FRi dug-out, the funk hole, bert of Belgium. iine
reason that the child, has not ap- h contrasting material. Price 20c
'd i the pattern. -a new plan is not trench 4>ottom. If France h 0
Th OM .1914. and
%It d -t, having an inverted plait
dates from 1914. Evea then it be- The rkh
came obvious that the old system of at each side of the front, and slightly
fortifications, bastions, ' walls, bul- gathers at the back, is joined to -a
warks and defence works was useless,
dart-fitted under- b6ciice having a
The French watched with, alarm as shaped top, or shoulder straps. The
the feria of Liege crumbled 0 pieces
skirt is No. 1590 and is in sizes 34,
prider the German. siege guns. One V 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 36
'shot went over, the second went short requires 13'a yards 86 or 89-inch ma-
and- the third generally hit. The first a terial for skirt; 1% yards 315-i.Ilt
two shots were fired to find the exact mateeial for shapoi top, or 1 yard fqr
range. The remarkable accuracy
of op straight top with shoulder straps.
the -Gernian gunnears andthe-d1strue- r". Price 20 cents the pattern.
tive power c,� their guns made of the Every woman's desire is to
that smart different appearance which
forts a ridiculous anomaly. In some .7.
instances the motto of the German draws favorable comment from the
Artillery became "One ehot, ona fort.'! observing Public. The designs illux-
If the Belgians resisted for four- trated in our new Fashion 1>'o;>k are
daF&-and- held-up the German 'ad- - originated -yin the heart of ihe style
Icentres and will help you t-) nequire
Vance for that length of time it'was
--b .
ecause the Belgian infantry opposed that much desired air of individu,
'Its flesh and blood to German steel Price of the book 10 cents the copy
explosive. M�aubeuge Was HOW TO ORDER
And high explos PATTERNS.
con sidered impregnable. The forts
were of different make-up to those of Write your name and address plain
ly, giving number and size of such
L Hopes ran high for a day or
Do, but no longer. Maubeuge fell after patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
or coin (coin preferred; wrap
.three days, its forts smashed out of stamps
it carefully) arefully) for each, number d
:,-�exIstenc*. address your order to Pattern Dept..
At Antwerp the lesson had been
Wilson Publishing Co, 73 West Ade-
- learned. il
Forts were useless. So the 1W .4. .
laide St., Toro 'Piiiems sent
Belgian army simply blew them up 'return mail.
itself, saving its garrison from being
7, M %
�Pxterrninated by the enemy.
r IlCituada's First L Reproduced The. Ideal X
Verdun was the first decisi*e test
The "Dorchester" was the name of tance of. IS Miles. The "Dorchester" floats represeuting historical subjects M-rii. B.—"Mrs- Binks al*ays Aske
ible, fort system.
Of the new or invisf
was built in England by the Stephen- were features, the "Dorchester," 'built the price of everything.
^Not all the forts were built according the first locomotive Placed in a-rvlce I she been t
sons. The original line now forms at the Point St. Charles shops of the! Mrs. C.—"And what's ry-
�-tn, the new scheme, bur some were and
7these were the ones that resisted best in Canada and It was In use on the part of the Canadian National Rail- Canadian National Railways, was ing to find out now?
and checked what the Kaiser called Champlain and St. Lawrence Rail-' ways system.
K*lossal attack." As the enemy on the occasion of the annual pr oeele Afterwards the raincarnation Mrs. B.- ''`She wanted to know how
rat Canadian locomotive ap• much I paid for this dress."
road, built in 1835 and connecting IA- o. cession of the St. Jean Baptiste peared In the Diamond Jubilee par-' Mrs. C. - "Such Inqn1sitivenesel .
advanced over open ground, the hori-
series of jade at Ottawa.
-Iron would suddenly show a row of prairie and SC Johns. Quebec, a din. Society at Mon . treal where a How much did you tell her?"
4 Z
"".,Mat.. I
P 7
Was. Evoy, a hydroe ployes, -To-morrow (Saturday) in the
m IT 0 W
out Pudal. sms Whose home is in Toronto, met last day in which you can secure a
permit for driving as automobile, �4` the time to bring in your harrows.
)natant death about noon on Wed
needay, when at work at F. H. without rennin the risk of being O�a�. - implements that 1. TA- g
or any other
need repairing. so thiat
Rictrardsou'a. He was near the flood for the neillect , After Aug
TCORM �hisy will be all
top of a pole when a current.piss lot every person found driving a Hard and Soft @oal of the," d
173 per yaw.; 01.w it pAd in advance. ed through his, bodjr, causing h1m -car without a permit will be liable
beet quality on for spring work.
subecriptions, ro the united stma and C,,,t to fall to the ground, a distance to a fine.
if A special reduction duirinifthe
26W4 42.00 in advance. of about 25 feet. go was an ex. hand next few, weeks.
perienced hand, but had become
JOHN MURKAR, F careless as he ignored the rules 'TENDERS WANTED THOS. A. LAW
Proprietor, L. 0 R N E R EID
laid down ror h, T
vdro workmen.
The deceased, who was a deaf Tenders are being asked by the Gat CLAREMONT.
...NOTES AND COMMENTS. mute and about thirty-five years School Board of Pickering Public and
of office of
f age, leaves a wife. Continuation School for the
The number of American tour- caretaker fort year 199.7-1928. Du- J
ties commence Sept. lot. 1927. Partic-
ists t-har, are passing through the WH ITEVALE.
ulare may be obtained from any, mem- -C
village on the Provincial Highway we wish to congratulate Miss Mary her of the School Board.
Is much greater than usual. Hun- Nolan on her recent a ecess in obtain-
dred of American--rars--tinty -k
in laas Certificate from Toron- a4d Picnicker's Su p ies
M, 93enool.
seen daily. Canadians are Jlad to
Tenders are - asked for the construe-' ;Paper Table' Napkins, �..Pa er Pla tea,
them and welcome them to our CARD OF THANKS: p
tion of a cement tank beside the school Paper Cups, Lanch Paper, W%xiad
midst. They leave a large amount Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gibson wish to well on the Quinlan property. Par-
of money in our country for which thank their many friends and neigh. titulars can be obtained from any Fresh Cured Ham, 'Sliced Bacon,
a c b F r
F' bore for their kind expressions of sym. 1 member of the School Board. -Low • we eLre extrqrRely gr* A, but Corned Beef, -,Sliced Smoked Beef
atef L any tender not necessarily ac- shown them in their recent sad I eat or
M. Canadians do the same when they bereavement. cepted. Tenders must be in the hands
Jams, Jellies, ardines,
of the. Trustee Board by Thursday. Haddie,
>Tth . Lobster,
go touring through the United Pickering, July. Marmalades, Soups,
Aug. 4th.
Canned Vegetables,' Herring.
States, so we are no surther ahead CARD OF.THAN
KS. Pickering._ July 28tb.
the game so far as getting their
We wish to take this opportunity to
money is concerned, unless there express our sincere thanks to 't
xa 'are more Americans touring Can• many friends for their kindness Fresh Vegetables ar1W"-y-6n hand in season
words of SyTpathy in our recent sad
&dA.. Canadians and sudden ereavement in tire death Our Delivery and Service Free A41
-than theca are
touring the , United States. But of our beloved husband and father,
and alsotor the many, floral tribut
both countries gain greatly from
-Mrs. Chas. Smales and Paz. to inform the
this interchange of tourist traffic. 'We wish
It promotes a greater friendship public that we have. open- JAS'. R1 C HARD SO N
between the people of the two ed up a Garage 'dad Ser-
FRIDAY, AUG STH-40 bead of choice ivice Station in onfp` remis-
atriep. We are at present on feeders and beef riogers..also 4 cows, -es just west of the Eastem
the most friendly terms with the at stock yards, Stouff Ville. 6 months Restaurant, Pickering
Pickering Hardware Store
Sale at 1 30. J. A. H&wtim, QJL
4. q credit. Village, Out.
Americans and have been for more
letor. F' W. Silversidee. suet- M
than a hundeed years, and as the ioneer.
A tirst-clai4s niechanic o'd all
.-years pass by this friendship is SATURDAY; AUG. 6TH-Auction sale makes of carp. No* is 61lo-time to eet your Screen Doors, Windo'- Sciree
no and Wire
me. Cow. buirgy, implements w
becoming mure 'deeply rooted. of ho Cloth. Webaveacompfetestock.
furniture etc . the property of Robt.
Workl Guaranteed
But Canada gains from this great Devitt. Brougbam. "eat 2 o'clocir. Screen Doors at 1 85 up
V No reserve. See bius. W. P w- adow Screeris %t 40c.
�influx of American touriato frotu
the greater knowledge. th efl,,auctloueer. I Only, 3-buruer Florence Oil Stove, 16.00
'visitors gniolfrom
1, 14 AND SERVICE STATION Only, Loraine oil stove, 25-00
a personal con MORSE REGISTER-
with with us and by seeing -:,Keep:fiiee off your stock with Dr. Williams' Fly Oil--
one tried always used.
what our country really is. There: RoYAL MAim f 233601 (20170). Clyde 401
4S an amazing amount of is dalevtollion (imp.). the property /el Prost Wire Peace, Posts and Staplea always on hand.
Nelson WW. Claremont. willotand
among Americans in regard to it his own stable during t6e- season Fteury Plows and Scufflers and Wheelbarrows.
Oanada. A story is told of an of 1927.
FAIRVIEW Krsq SEA.L '7(]r261 1
-�American, and this is vouched for (211395) 1 Agent for McCorm Ick -Deering Farm Machinery
Imported Hackn�y stillion, the pro-
@ being absolutely true. This , perty of Nela<m Wagg. Claremont,
a, sad Repairs.
American crossed over to Canada will stand at his own stable for the
at Niagara Falls and he left his season of 11M. •
, r family on the-American side while 19xAxvqinR [IM21 (18732) IW-,, the Our Motto We have it., can got it, or it is not mad;s.
choicely bred imported Clydesdale
he wDuld-go to, liffmtreal - and stallion. the propertr of Graham J. S. BALSD01%. PIC
pend a few hours fishing, but he Bros.. Claremont. wil make these&.
son of IM at his own stable, Cairn-
•had to be back in titue for supper, brogie. Clarewo
When he learned how far it was PRELUDS [248*221 i2CQW). the well bred
to Montreal. he gave that idea up imp. Premium Clydesdale Stallion,' 4UNIVERSAL-': MOMRS,
the property of Oscar Wilson, Brp- reated out of ea-
and said he would go to Winnipeg
gham. will make the season of 1927 d
uring stone and
instead. There are others to the as follows! Monday leaves his own fashioned into Time de- WEST HILL
..':St&te8-wbo 4maitine that Cangr- stable to Wm. Ormerod's, Green- fying de8i DS. This is
dians go all the year round on woo
d. night - STrkR AND FLINT SAT ES
Tuesday, H. Wilson'@, the story of our mem-
base line, noon and night ; Wednes- orWs. 11 you are in-
Snow-ishoeo, and that we are con- day. NN. J. Miller-@. Pickering. noon. terested consult us to-
tinually memac C. Palmer's. Liverpool. night; Tburs- day.
ed by war-like In. day 0, Cowan's, Brock road. noon,
diano. This tourist traffic will his�wn stable night; Friday,Joba No GreaterTribute"
'help to dispel these erroneous ScotL's, Sth coo., night ; Saturday 1=6 M I T M S
ideas, and will teach them that morning, to his own stabler until N. W. STAFFORD, �T r
CanadA is a country -as large as followi�&.Modday afternoon, If you want a guaranteed- Repair job at a reasonable
Kin ton Road,
their own and that we have a ECHTAsy, .23381)120019), the superiorl %bithy price, SEE US.
.,magnificent climate, and tbatour imp. Premium Clydesdaie Stallion. Phone Whitby
nodeveloped riches In lorest, land, the property of Oscar Wilson, will 08 r 82 Experienc
Repairs on ail makes.' A
ke the season of.19*2-i as follows:
Phone Scarbom 5n
and mine is something the Monday, le&Tes his own stable, Gra
sea, y
have never dreamt of
ham's Hotel, Brooklin, to Mr. Coolr,s
Myrtle Tuesday. J. Thom
e p-
,�oight; vy
AUCTION SALE OF son's. n. 2. Reach. night; Wednes- �-Complete Quality Funerals
day, Temperance Hotel, Ashburn.
Pumitun ight; Thursday. own stable. night-
day, Wm, Bradley's, Whitby, $ IL009 $125 ` $1
The property of night; Saturday, own stable until $709 CASKET FUNERAL
Red and White
the following Monday afternoon.
At her, residence TIME ZAD.LS-Piakering Slation M A TTH EWS'BUF?1AL 4001r,
=J0CrU8'Z Z-XX.T.,X-, T. It. Trains going Eas* do* as follows Daworth Ave., Toronto Phone Gerrard 3300
ON No. 10 Man 7.58 A M. CHAIN. STORE '. . I -
.4 28. Loaal 12-59 P. M. Our Funerale include: Embalming, Hoarse, �Gasket, Outside IN,oei-
TUESDAY, AUGUST - 2ND, 192 7 is 80 Local 5.z P. X ric Fixtures, Chairs, Our Personal Seryic6. Funeral complete.
g- property: Sunday train, 8.38 A. M.
The followln Elect
No Extras.
:iBedroom suite, oak, Bedroom suite, Trains 90ing Wist duo as Visit our establishment andAprove the truth of these statements
-Ioak.flnish, Chest of drawers, Morris No, 29 Local
0.22 A. M.
.chair. Rocking chair. Large e tension 27 L000l 2.44 P. M. for yourselves.
1able, Parlor table. Number of kitchen
These price@ stand good within a radius Of 40 milesirism Toronto
Glass cupboard, Closed cup- 9 Mail 9.06P. M. S.'Q'ilor'rish
Sunday ti-ain, 8.32 P. M. REMEMBER: Clip this ad. for reference. aitf.,
board, Camp bed, Wall bracket lamp, Foregoing is according to Standard
Number small lamps, Clock, Dishes, time. -DUNBARTON'
iCrocks; Pots, Pans, Kettles, Coal oil
istove 2 burner, Cook stove, Coal heat- The Pickering
7- '�-r self-feeder, 2 Vinegar barrels, Lawn
Mower new, Washing machine W h Buy -for cash and
jtub. 2 Wash boards,: Hoes. Rak�, ete's Vi 'lance Committee
91 save money
Sale atone o'clock, sharp
Double (U.'IdTr le J nickn..00 - ��
The object of this Association is tA 10
FRED POSTILL. Auctioneer
lessen stealing and prosecute
the Gran'.' Sug�ar, 10 lbs.
3 SIM 25c Beauty, sfrengih, fire-reii.stance
Clara Pratti' Ellis Cabned Tomatoes, 2 for 7'.
a -you get all these in Brantford
Anionia, pkg 6C
Super-Tite Slates, besides Double
Mom property Oolon ooramuni Corn Syrup, 5 lb ti'ns �-37c
HLOCUTIOX and DRA31ATIC ART Thickness all over the roof and.
=ri11.b&V`ug,,,y with sof'knomber Aunt Dinah, large
I moall
I Terms for Tuition of Ex0outive Commifteg. Tripe Thickness over 4817c of the
NEY'S Membership too 01.00.
-MON. �roo
PARLORS, I oc Special Lock Butt prgvent4
PICKERING Vokists mav be had from triii Pretwent or )?uff ed Wheat, 714c "bulging and curling.
48 Every Wednesday from 8 p. m. Secretary on application. 'Clark's 8 aghetti,
Exac. Oom.-L. D. Banks, 0. S. Palm. Lux Toilet Soap, . Joc
ABig er, M. S. Chapman, Pickering,
"q'u D. Munro, Jas., Richardson.
X& 'le, Leaf 'Mutual IF' a 11=91
-M erade Dance President, secretary
AT -
-Insurance Co. Above is straight view of
'Cheap rakes for farm and country Brantford Super-Tite Slates,
-Burnett's 1)1=6 H&U J. BROADIBENT buildings. showing triple tbickness in
ON - Windstorm Insurance on buildings,
obaded am, Made in four fade-
wind-mills, Silos etc. less colori and when Bad givo
'SATURDAY, JULY 30TH W7 Main street, Thronto 13 &D appealing "keystone" effJqt
-Automobile Insurance
'Good prizes will be given to the Late of Greenwood, will be'at the shol5i of all kinds. Drovitf ord Roofing C90!
two best costurnefj of opposite the Post Office. Limited
13i, or
FARMS FOR SALE 11rautfor Out. to
the evening
Write or hone
Everybody welcome 1 0 K E R N p
Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service
Rain or Shibe Every Tuesd&3 from 1130 a. in. on Brantford Roofing rendered by
7. 5c per couple, plus tax to 2.30 p, m, , standard time ED. BOW M A N
F. J. Prouse, Pickering
Kingston road Rosebank Corner 26tf 20 WHITBY, ONT.
w �M�
?i:°X Ar^� ;,•r•m "
,C sulk �rs� .� -. ..
�W _,.; ww xa 'ar .,
.. • . :..,.. ,;.,,.$'S1.. n.. t-•`'z'.•', !,'.. •,A..er:°;r.... -• ' , sa,.
�- �' �
�,y...nr.e� .- ra°tnm
,era `ern"- a.'.:,, . _.,�'.:��r',+r- ;.,a,,n -+•.' • *., . i u, ..rf,�iw. ' w.:� 'wv'`:.. a
".. :; �y+•^•... • 'S..*..'�.�_•...sR'.a
l� s. •. t.
�. ci
• sees
•. .«K.._'.,_:
w•+ .,.
�Mn -M_'. fit. .,..�'µ�
w. :�.g
•,y :V t,.. F•.u'r�4aHo-ery,v .
- •, .,,�, ,4.
sw,...c m..V'�itn ..�'3-
daughter, Mrs. A. J. Chandler.
296 bores, pressed brick house, bank
. -, '
Thureda ' l
:: a ..
•.. ' ...
.. '.
� ..
Quite a large number ilrom here f
.'' .. s.
• j
to the city on Tuesday.. Q
attended the garden party held M
M. J. Wilker, on Thursday last, b
175 Acres, clay land, brick house, back
*R' �J�' -'AYiF •R:J•• P 'W
• . 1•" j ^R- l b
5 ?,
Thom, and Mrs. Gregg and W. M
Mrs. J. M. Beal spent a few days
�! U.D I T O RI Q ffi •
' Kr
Mrs. Colima was in the sit on
barn dance at the home of' d
daughter, Mrs. A. J. Chandler.
296 bores, pressed brick house, bank
•.• .
. -, '
Thureda ' l
report a very enjoyable t�e =and a M
M. Palmer are spending -a few ddy l
lead. runnier stream. Can be ury- �
� -
Lome R
Quite a large number ilrom here f
funeral of the former 's niece. 1
to the city on Tuesday.. Q
attended the garden party held M
M. J. Wilker, on Thursday last, b
175 Acres, clay land, brick house, back
had a business trip to the city on c
at John Miller's on the- aeventtt c
concluded his work of examining m
mttnated, tench teas_ than 8100 per g
. Monday. u
undelrthe auspices of St. John's b
been engaged for three weeks. P
Phone or write _
'a day or two owing to illness but G
United Church, Brougham. L
y y -
•i3H ED. BOWMAN Whitby' .
again at work. i
Gordon Scott, of Detroit, Mich., W
Wm. and Mrs. Wilson motored U
- '
Uack 'Hoxie)
_£8 a
is visiting his parents, W. G. and o
out to the northern wilds on Tues- L
visited her mother, Mss. R. J. W
We understand that Gordon has g
getting a large quantity of bias i ,
, K
Buster Watch Tie
heaviest rain falls in years. It a rea o —i
_ end visitors with their sister, Mrs. caused some fields of .,heav rict.
y grain
� Wm. Mundell. A garden party under the erns
to become flattened and' it also
R. J. Mann and Frank Barclay bleached the hay badly. picas of the Anchors' Society of Health
z motored to Vineland' on Tuesday the United Church will be held .in
,�- - -for a load of eherries for which Memorial Park on the evening of
'they, got a ready sale. FULL LINE OF 'Monday, Aug. 8th. A splendid ' Lod
t^ The members of the Claremont i�" „ program will be rendered by the y ' Try a Lod
f 'Sacral Club purpose holding, their following abietaleat : The Aurora
annual picnic at Oshawa Park on Psints, Varnishes etc„ for interior and Comic Quartette; Mrs. D. A. Scott,
A anterior work. Nap is the time to use -
y $ Friday, Aug. 12th, to be followed it. Give us a catTand receive malls- soprano soloist; M. R. Park, Scott - r
''-.,by a dance in the pavilion in the faction. Prices right. ish comedian; H. -C. Cooper, bari•
evening. Members who are anz= Fresh Fruits. Cakes and Oonteotion- tone; Miss. Beatrice Taber, elocu- R. MO \
•lour -to go and have no convenience cry always ear hand.
tionist; and Stouffville Band. A
for going are asked to eommani girls' softball match wilt be played
mate with H,r G. McIntyre or Fred
Highest prices paid foe good butter 1 at 8.45." Refreshment 'booth on �(��; 9
vans. eggs, the grounds. Lunch, cafeteria !jQ{E�ttrt�c� c
` We are pleased to hear that Miss- Of G A . IV N O N style. Admission: 35 and 20 cents.
!ter Allan Tomlinson, youngest son
(, cif Dr, and Mrs. Tomlinson, who 30 BROUGHAM
was taken to a Toronto hospital _ E R E ,. T O U A R .E
:- ' - tooeda last week to receive treat
�ment for a serious malady, ie malt- Have you is
lug progress to ez ho aged that h® will be giblet to
;leave the hospital in about s. week. B ht -
11, -. H dro men are busy this-week Men's, Young Mena and Boys' Suits -.Navy Blue, Dark Brown and
a erecting poles in the village, and Light and Dark Grey —with 1 or 2 Pairs of Pants.
- that work along with the wiring ' your _ = Ranging from $6.50 to 617,50.;
•of the residences which is now in
lization s Men's Oxford @ —Ox- blood. can.' (Brown 'and Black — Goodyear Welt,
progress will bring the rea
of the ho s which have been en Rubber Heel, Good Fitters, regular 5.50, at 450. .
tertained by our residents for a • Idea's Khaki Pants, heavy twill, sizes 32-40, Special $1.25
— cumber of year@ We believe that
- " tuside of a year there will .be ve
few hom�n the village that will 'YET _ - ' -- - - J.
''T" I �' � S Phone 3800
not be lighted by electricity, A. very interesting Illustrated O?�AREZ9d01�7T. ONTAR =O
lecture was given in the United
Church . on Monday evening last member that baturday, ,
by Mr. Storey a' returned mission.
: ary from South America. This Jul* 30th, i� the list
' work is interdenominational, and day at the very _
' Mr. Story . im a very Interesting speci$1 price of '
speaker. Those who had the psi- n -
m vilege of hearing him will be glad
i�; ®.5V „
to know that he will occupy the ANN''
pulppit on the morning and evening
- of the 21st of August. 7 -8 draw rope, pure - manilla,
We congratulate Miss Margaret 26 cents lb.
MacLellan on passing successfully
-the examinations t,eld recently at Sling rope, trip rope etc.
the Ontario College of Education, If its hardware we have it.
which she has been attending due-
ai who, 'iresent. ie taking the fl H A j'�+�OOPER
Specialists' Course in Physical V � • �
(Culture at the University of To
ironto, has accepted a position- on ..ICLAREMONT
the teaching staff of the Richmond -
$ill High School' for- the coming Agent for Ackerman's Quality
year, Harnees. Ask the user.
-The sCaniversary of the Haptist
Church has been fixed for Sunday The Boots that
` and, Monday, Sept. 25th'and' 26th.
On Sunday, the 25th, the preacher
for the day will be Rev, Dr. W. ke -
- T. Graham, the president 'of the f
Baptist Convention. The annual Walking Easy
crupper and entertainment will -be
' held on the Monday evening foll- .
o sR,y
Von 3P
- IN niAking your-collectioos through
The Standard Bank, you enlist the
efforts of an 'organization which ex.
AMN tends the efficiency of its courteous
�+�p service into every part of. Canada.
ri['!+ I Thus can you be assured' of making
regular collections locally or at dirt-
YM . ant points, with the courtesy due
those with whom you transact bass-
mesa and the efficiency you demand.
QV C NADA - 11
PLCKERING BRANCH -O. A. Sharpei. Manager
Branches also at Brooidin, west Hill, Whitby
owing. but the details for this have
> _
not yet been. worked _out. Full .
particulars will be given in a later Pauco �!
,. The Claremont Continuation
School purpose holding their an _ O _
qual excursion to Port Ilalhouaie
ion Wednesday, Angust mod. A :' ' ` _
c rdial invitation, is extended to
all students and ex students and A fall line at low'
Save Each _
' .heir friends. Everybody come - ,
end enjoy a real good holiday with prices _Pay Day
the school at a very cheap rate `: �• _ I
4 ,Adult's tickets, $1.00; bhildren's
Al M Bl I - -
Also Men's ack and Tan
•' Pickets, 50 cents. The boat leaves t -
ir - ._the Canadian National Wharf at Shoes,. regular 6.00 - _._If you 'do' this the savings _
-- — '£oronto Teritialsauilding, Fleet for .4,86 from your productive .years
Street, ,at8 o'clock, returningirom will later on provide you
Port Dalhousie at 8.80 p. m. Good Misses and Children's Shoes - p y
parking accommodation at the
= p' g greatly reduced � with an- income..
- wharf, free of charge. _
A most interestine meetinc of •'_ .� r gal Ili ! ����I ___ .. ..
4 �Y
. Tires.
NAORE milealkee
!Better non -skid.
,Slower, more even
tread wear. 'Quiet Y
ruaaiam . SUPER -'
TWIST Cord con•',
Go & A♦ To Law, '.:' ` �h
Pickering, Onto
You can get your tire as SOW
as you want it hale.
. fq
Farmers, Attention ?;
I am agent for the World's Greatee6
eparstor, "The Renfrew." Stoves,
Scales and Oil Engines. Floury's r9;
famous Plows, Pointe, Grala- Grinders, qg
Wheel Barroweetc.
Brantford binder twine and second-
hand separators for sale. xas
Phone 505 Pick., BROUGHAM
Green River
Basket Factory I
Manufacturers of .
All kinds of Fruit Baskete, = ;'
:Berry Crates,
Farmers'Buahel Baskets,
Clothes Baskets. f;
Frank Pennock,
--- -Phone Markham 1804 .
o sR,y
Von 3P
- IN niAking your-collectioos through
The Standard Bank, you enlist the
efforts of an 'organization which ex.
AMN tends the efficiency of its courteous
�+�p service into every part of. Canada.
ri['!+ I Thus can you be assured' of making
regular collections locally or at dirt-
YM . ant points, with the courtesy due
those with whom you transact bass-
mesa and the efficiency you demand.
QV C NADA - 11
PLCKERING BRANCH -O. A. Sharpei. Manager
Branches also at Brooidin, west Hill, Whitby
owing. but the details for this have
> _
not yet been. worked _out. Full .
particulars will be given in a later Pauco �!
,. The Claremont Continuation
School purpose holding their an _ O _
qual excursion to Port Ilalhouaie
ion Wednesday, Angust mod. A :' ' ` _
c rdial invitation, is extended to
all students and ex students and A fall line at low'
Save Each _
' .heir friends. Everybody come - ,
end enjoy a real good holiday with prices _Pay Day
the school at a very cheap rate `: �• _ I
4 ,Adult's tickets, $1.00; bhildren's
Al M Bl I - -
Also Men's ack and Tan
•' Pickets, 50 cents. The boat leaves t -
ir - ._the Canadian National Wharf at Shoes,. regular 6.00 - _._If you 'do' this the savings _
-- — '£oronto Teritialsauilding, Fleet for .4,86 from your productive .years
Street, ,at8 o'clock, returningirom will later on provide you
Port Dalhousie at 8.80 p. m. Good Misses and Children's Shoes - p y
parking accommodation at the
= p' g greatly reduced � with an- income..
- wharf, free of charge. _
A most interestine meetinc of •'_ .� r gal Ili ! ����I ___ .. ..
4 �Y
. Tires.
NAORE milealkee
!Better non -skid.
,Slower, more even
tread wear. 'Quiet Y
ruaaiam . SUPER -'
TWIST Cord con•',
Go & A♦ To Law, '.:' ` �h
Pickering, Onto
You can get your tire as SOW
as you want it hale.
. fq
Farmers, Attention ?;
I am agent for the World's Greatee6
eparstor, "The Renfrew." Stoves,
Scales and Oil Engines. Floury's r9;
famous Plows, Pointe, Grala- Grinders, qg
Wheel Barroweetc.
Brantford binder twine and second-
hand separators for sale. xas
Phone 505 Pick., BROUGHAM
Green River
Basket Factory I
Manufacturers of .
All kinds of Fruit Baskete, = ;'
:Berry Crates,
Farmers'Buahel Baskets,
Clothes Baskets. f;
Frank Pennock,
--- -Phone Markham 1804 .
owing. but the details for this have
> _
not yet been. worked _out. Full .
particulars will be given in a later Pauco �!
,. The Claremont Continuation
School purpose holding their an _ O _
qual excursion to Port Ilalhouaie
ion Wednesday, Angust mod. A :' ' ` _
c rdial invitation, is extended to
all students and ex students and A fall line at low'
Save Each _
' .heir friends. Everybody come - ,
end enjoy a real good holiday with prices _Pay Day
the school at a very cheap rate `: �• _ I
4 ,Adult's tickets, $1.00; bhildren's
Al M Bl I - -
Also Men's ack and Tan
•' Pickets, 50 cents. The boat leaves t -
ir - ._the Canadian National Wharf at Shoes,. regular 6.00 - _._If you 'do' this the savings _
-- — '£oronto Teritialsauilding, Fleet for .4,86 from your productive .years
Street, ,at8 o'clock, returningirom will later on provide you
Port Dalhousie at 8.80 p. m. Good Misses and Children's Shoes - p y
parking accommodation at the
= p' g greatly reduced � with an- income..
- wharf, free of charge. _
A most interestine meetinc of •'_ .� r gal Ili ! ����I ___ .. ..
4 �Y
. Tires.
NAORE milealkee
!Better non -skid.
,Slower, more even
tread wear. 'Quiet Y
ruaaiam . SUPER -'
TWIST Cord con•',
Go & A♦ To Law, '.:' ` �h
Pickering, Onto
You can get your tire as SOW
as you want it hale.
. fq
Farmers, Attention ?;
I am agent for the World's Greatee6
eparstor, "The Renfrew." Stoves,
Scales and Oil Engines. Floury's r9;
famous Plows, Pointe, Grala- Grinders, qg
Wheel Barroweetc.
Brantford binder twine and second-
hand separators for sale. xas
Phone 505 Pick., BROUGHAM
Green River
Basket Factory I
Manufacturers of .
All kinds of Fruit Baskete, = ;'
:Berry Crates,
Farmers'Buahel Baskets,
Clothes Baskets. f;
Frank Pennock,
--- -Phone Markham 1804 .
4 �Y
. Tires.
NAORE milealkee
!Better non -skid.
,Slower, more even
tread wear. 'Quiet Y
ruaaiam . SUPER -'
TWIST Cord con•',
Go & A♦ To Law, '.:' ` �h
Pickering, Onto
You can get your tire as SOW
as you want it hale.
. fq
Farmers, Attention ?;
I am agent for the World's Greatee6
eparstor, "The Renfrew." Stoves,
Scales and Oil Engines. Floury's r9;
famous Plows, Pointe, Grala- Grinders, qg
Wheel Barroweetc.
Brantford binder twine and second-
hand separators for sale. xas
Phone 505 Pick., BROUGHAM
Green River
Basket Factory I
Manufacturers of .
All kinds of Fruit Baskete, = ;'
:Berry Crates,
Farmers'Buahel Baskets,
Clothes Baskets. f;
Frank Pennock,
--- -Phone Markham 1804 .
Go & A♦ To Law, '.:' ` �h
Pickering, Onto
You can get your tire as SOW
as you want it hale.
. fq
Farmers, Attention ?;
I am agent for the World's Greatee6
eparstor, "The Renfrew." Stoves,
Scales and Oil Engines. Floury's r9;
famous Plows, Pointe, Grala- Grinders, qg
Wheel Barroweetc.
Brantford binder twine and second-
hand separators for sale. xas
Phone 505 Pick., BROUGHAM
Green River
Basket Factory I
Manufacturers of .
All kinds of Fruit Baskete, = ;'
:Berry Crates,
Farmers'Buahel Baskets,
Clothes Baskets. f;
Frank Pennock,
--- -Phone Markham 1804 .
Green River
Basket Factory I
Manufacturers of .
All kinds of Fruit Baskete, = ;'
:Berry Crates,
Farmers'Buahel Baskets,
Clothes Baskets. f;
Frank Pennock,
--- -Phone Markham 1804 .
12 *,Rig +�w
b qr
an Atlantic 'PLEASES AUSTRIA ),7
. . . . . .
Makes More and Better Bread
Prmces and _Premier __Leay. Say Bakers of That
;i England 0XVVISIt'of Clood Country Man. -wiieat-No. 1 No
'No. 2--North., $1-66%; No. 3 North.,
-Caftada "The Austrian ba)Een, hkys..dIscov-
Will to" $1.60 ci.f."ports'
ered that with the use of Canadian Man- oats N6. 2 CW, nominal; 45k
DEPARTURE QUIET Hour they can mM more and better No. 1, feed 69%t, Western Vain
bread. The prohibition o f night bak-
quotations in c.i.f. ports.
On board Empress of Australia, Ing also, fators the employment of
American corn; Toronto freights, tx
..duly 24 (By Wlreless)..-To the in- fast-bakingfiour," says a recent edition
'Irm, kiln dried, $j.15%; No.
No. 2 yellow,
tense delight 9f the passengers aboard of the Commercial Intelligence Jour- 3 yelli)w, kiln dried,. $1.14;!.
she Empress of Australia and the nai, was.
N -.. . Ottawa. The statemnet Millfeed-Del,; Montreal freights,
throngs ashore watching the ship de- made in connection with Ifitiukrk as
baggy included.. Bran, per ton; $32.25;:
pasting from Southampton for Can- to the lately ratified trade agreement per ton, $35.25; middlings,
ada, yesterday, with -the Prince Of with the United States. Information $42.25'
' '
Wales Prince George, Premier Bald- given by the Auetrian Consul In 11tiont-
Ont. oats-55c, f.o.b. shipping
` "w . lfand party aboard, the two princes real recently !gyp to the affect that his points.
Ont. good milling wheat--$1.38, f.
-and the premier appeared on the country is- anticipating w1th gratift-
o.b. shipp-rig points, accord:ng to
bridge just as the ship's siren sounded cation a treaty with Canada. This
th,6 final note prior to leaving the would Increace the large amounts of Barley-Malting, nominal.
dock. and produce which already an- Buckwheat-Nomirfal.
With the emeption of being received -.,ers tha.dis,tricts around Vienna. Rye No. 2, nominal. s.
by the Mayor of Southampton, P. V. Tha• Austro-Canac(ian trade rela- Man. flour-First, pat., in cotton, 4"
Bowyer, the arrival of the two princes tion-s may be restored is the hope of $9.06; in jute, $8.90; Toronto second
pat. in jute, S8.40.
leading 'Austrians, said Frederick
__&:nd the premier at the Southampton I a, 90
5F 0 t. flour (old crop)-Toront
dockside station was marked by the Franke, consul in Montreal.. He con- -per cent. pat.. per barrel, in car,
'.6lightest ceremonial. An eager crowd tinned. by explaining that Austria, be Toronto, $5.90; saaboard, in bulk:
which kept at a respeWul diatance, fore the war, populated by 54,004,000 $5.90; new crop. $5.70. its
broke Into hearty cheering as the people, and now reduced to 6,000,000, Beans--Can; handpicked, $3.00 to
-prin-eff--marched.. from the dockside, has still a food problem whiled troubles L-t. Uesniond Burke $3.90 bus 1•
Of - 6,tatlion to the ship.- its stZLtesmen. The reduction in 13Y only one point, Lieutenant -p-rodia
nant Des- yrup, per Im
ported gal., $2.25 to $2.39; per 5 gal.,
mend Burke, a the high-
The Prince of Wales had previously population was caused by the loss of f Ottawa, lost
$2.15 to $2.25 per gal.; maple sugar,
-won and after the eat honors for.marksmanship that the lb.
.,:,V0fUfi6d to pose for camera n Ukrania and other provinces 25 to 26c.
tatter getting through the crowd he war. Vienna. historic city of pleas, can bestow, In the final for il;ney-60-71b. tins, 18 to 13%c-,,
ore, Is too big for the country and the King's Prize repontl
-,iv= conducted to his apartment by y 10-1b. tins, 13V4 t., 131154c; 64b.; tins,
W European The winner was Captain Vernon. 14 to 14%c;t2%-1b. tins, 16c.-
food distribu-
onal Sir George Brown. Eupean presents a problem in
tion among Its 2,000,000 resident
-=Umaer of the steamship empany. 5 Uzi- formerly of the Royal Army Medical qpmb honey--7$4 to .$5 per &26.1. w 21
The Prince glanced arund the r changed in number for ages, says the Corps, With an aggregate of 292. PRODUCE.
slid said: "They are Austrian representatlyp. 4: -piv--tic Burke's-amecate v4as 291. Burke City wholesalers are paying, deliv-
very nice,, indeed em-sure I shall be very comfort, Before the Great War Austria had 't. might have repeated his victory of ered, Toronto, as follows:
Serg-Major Hawkins
able." the largeot consular staff In Canada 1924 had he scored Just one more Eggs--Fresh extras, 32 to 34c;
Toronto marksman and former King's point In the second of the two dis. fresh firsts, 29 to 31c; seconds, 24 to
The Prinee was then presented to of any coxintry. National poverty de-
C&Ptain LOtta, commander of the manded the reduction of the consul- prize winner, who won the. Prince of tances in the final. It was this dis. 27c,
area and reduced that in Montreal to Wales prize at Btsley. tance, 1,000 yards, the longest of the Butter-Creameries &elling--'
ship, to whom he said: "I hope we
shall have a good trip, Captain." one mqn . whole shoot, which cost him the prize. Solids. No. 1, 35 to 35, c; o. 2, 34
to 34%c.
The commander reassured his royar Creameries are selling prints to
0 lit this he scored '40 out of 75.
guest on this point, replying: "I am FARMERS HERE FROM CHINA Jobbers at-No. 1, 36 to 37c; No, 2,
I atoms _M PAID
we shall." 4 to 35,c.
Menin Gate. Arch
y TWEXrY-SEVEN MILUON From Churning cream-"Special." 35 'to
Premier Boldwin also was heartily Has- Come All 'Way firsts, 34c:' seconds, Ile.
chpere4 He smiliZly waved his
Cheepo-New, large, 19% to 20%c;
Land to the crow Men n Mernotry of
Hong Kong To Compete Memorial Arch, i
d Mrs. Baldwin` Western Wheat Pool" Menri- twins, 20 to 21c, triplets, 20% to 21c.
came in for friendly cheers and she in C.N.E. Marathon
hers Receive An Interim 56.000 Dead Who Fell in'Stiltons. 21xic. Old. large, 25c; twins,
was obviously grateful for the racep- Swim 'Ypres Salient, Unveiled _by 26c. Old Stilto%s, 27c.
Payment on Last 7.:
All the way from Hong Kong has PROVIS:O.-Ta-WHO A LL
ti An ainualm Year's Crop 'young English- JGeneral Plummer. 1rq
g incident occurred when come Arthur May, Wholesalers are quoting to' tha
Ypres.-In memory of 56,000 501- tr,db:
80nmbo(17 in the crowd ashore shouted Winnipeg, July 24-The farmers of man to swim In the C.N.E. marathon
diers of the Empire who fell. in the � Smoked meats Hams, med., 30c:
CRna1a who are members of on August..31.
- Mr, 1-Ypres salient during the war and hams. 40 to 42c; smoked rolls,
to the premier: "Where?v youx piper Western and made his entry. Baldwin smilingly waved hs the prairies wheat pr-ols will receive a Slay Is hardly more than 20. but he breakfast bacon. 25- to 30e;
S'npo WCTe Interred in nameleo.gi
hand, In which he was holdin his total of $27,G00,000 during -says he has been swimming raye3_the 25c;
h. ng th2 present
famous briar. races dignifies! INI-nin Gate memorial arc] eless, 32 to 42c,
been In swimming 1!L backs. bor
week. 1914 and has be ii
The ship failed at one o'clock andl for four years past and has done as was unveiled by Field - Marshal Lord! Cored Tneats--Long clear bacon'-60 nay
E. B. Ramsay, secretary of the Cen. to 70, lbs., $217 70 to 90 lbs . $19; 90
iial Sellinj A an -ern far,as 12 miles. Pluiner. High Commissioner !or to 100 lbs. and u;). $18; lightweight
tbe &9tinguished travelers immedi i
Agency cy of the west i
-..'ately proceeded to I I Pa!eztine, in the presence of King rolls. In barrels, $11;50; heavyweight
unchson. May's ftther i-a Major.G. W. Msy�
pools announced an interim payment ! Albert cf BeIgium and some 4,000 rolls, $33.50 per bbl.
1. on w1itat amounting t> 20 cents a superliatendent cf the Hong Kong;
�7 The boy Is 'a natives of the dead, Lard--Pure tierces. 14% to 15c; eta
THE BEETON BA'1711Z bushel o* durum. *15 cents per bushel waterworks Rover
on the h*hfr.- grades, and 19 cents Scout.atil has-become acquainted with' Seven hundred poor mothers who tubs, 15% to 16c; pails. 16 to 16%c;
Inquest s' authorities In loo: their sons in the saliert' were prints, 17 to 17%e; shortening,
on Dead Robber Was per bushel on come of the lower some of the Boy Sco�t tiercea, 13%. tubs. 14%c; pails,
grades. Toronto. granted a free passage to -Ypres, to.
Opened on Saturday locks and tins, 16%c
With three months! tratn!ng in the participate in the ceremony.
Of the total Saakatchawan farmers CATTLE AND HOGS.
'Beeton. Orst.-An inquest was open- will receive $17,825,000, Alberta *6,- waters of Catalina to support him, Around the gaunt ruins of the old I
I Heavy beef steers, choice. $8.75 to
Ceth -Hall a new Ypres is arming 4
ad on the body of the unknown 'man 500,000 and Manitoba $2,696,700. Nathan Larson, a itxteen-yoir-old
$9- do fair, $8 to $8.25; butcher steers,
whom Alex. Hodge killed in a savage cfioo! boy,.arrived In the ctiy and the -resurrected c-,ty was bedecked , r to good,
No paymert is being made at this Buffalo 5 choice, $8 to $8.75; do, fair 4
are hands in his cottage time on coars -t a final recently to enter in the C.NX, mars- with flags in honor of the
I. iftht wkh b se grains, but occasion.? to $7,75; butcher heifers, choice,
hear here yesterday. The jury were ptyment will be announced soon Mr than. Parents, widows and children of the, $3 to s8.5o; do, �om., $6 to $7 - art
'taken to view the scene of the en- Rainsay -said. He has already swum a 413tanct, 61 dead, -as well as war-time comrades, butcher cows, good to choice, $6.26
made pilgrimages from England by to $6.75; d*, fair to good, $5 to 7
mianter, and after examining the sur- Mr, Ramsay alpin announced the fol- fourteen - miles, but if at the time of
Tlound*rgs, which 'showed every evi- lowing as the initial payments for de- the race he does net think that be can special trails and steamers, and gith-$5.775; do, com to med., $4.50 to $5;
dance of w furious bettle. returned cover.. the fall distance he is going to ered in a vast concourse for the care- butcher canners and cutters, $2.50to$3.50;
liver-im on the new crop (1927) on lbutcher bulls, good -to choice. $& to
,scratch hJs entr; and keep his place many, yL.
here and adjourned till Wednesday, be,,s Fort William: 5cra. $6; do,• med.. $4.&0 to $4.7.5; do,
'July 27, in Beaton Town Hall. on the scbodi swi-nmirg team fie is The memorial was erected by the, b,lgrs, $4.25 to $4.76; baby beef,
Numbers 1 dut-um and Northern I
-1 Finger prints of the dead man will wb. per bushel; 2 e.w. oats, training at Niagara-on-the-1,4ke and Imperial War Graves Commission.'It,$&1io to $12; feeders, choice, $T to
at, $1.00 - does his eigbt or nine mileii a day. is an arch of stately proportions $7.55; stockers, choice, $6.50 to $7;
be sent to police bureaus in an effort 34 cents per bushel; 3 c.w. barley, SO
Other entries include a 16-year•old asti-.42 the Menin Road with a "lion do, fair to med., $5 to $6; springers, --be, establish his identity. d cents per bushel; � 1 n.w. flax, $1 ZO - per Toronto girl, Ethel Quinn of 31 Jen- vigilant" facing the direction from' choke, $80 to '$110;' milch- cows,
I Although 1,500 persons had viewed bushel; 2 cw. rye, 70 cents per bushel. nings Avenue. and Harold H. Freeman. which the German -armies were flung, choice, $70 to $80; plain to medium
the body. of the dead 'man, none could i cows, $45-to $65; calves, choice. $12.50
7�. thmolar any light on his identity. several The aged 34 of - Kingston.. Ont.. and unsuccessfully, duhng as ral ydars. 1.
owners of the ceYnete to $13;
HJalmer J. Johnson of Los Angeles' An inscription that is impressivb in I grassers, $4.50 to $5.25; spring lambs'
ry have refused PROPOSES C14AIN ;,Oo, med_, $9 to $10.50; do
fire-department. its ''simplicity -is at the head of the choice, $14 to $14.25; sheep, choice, $5
to allow burial, and the coroner has OF EMPIRE STORES
been *steed for instructions. ...TO FOSTER TRADE list of names engraved as * anAmper-;` t6 36; -do; heavies',' $4 td- $5: dQ culls.
ishable tribute $2 to. $3.50; hogs, selects, W.O.-C..
. I
URITISH PROTEST King George, Comforts L;ttlt� Sir - Laming- Worthington-Evans, $10615; do, f.� and w.. $9.85; do; hick Theo Feilden Plans Shop's British Secretary of State for War,
j smooth *.o.c., $9.65; do, f. and w,
A Scot,% I.Assie $9.35. Rtgular discounts on inferior.
Which Would Sell Only after a hymn had been &ung, request-
Edinburgh-Little Annie Laurie ed Lord Plumer- to unveil the me- of hog
British Products '.Mackenzie was' a good cry cne 'rial
Caravan Is Rushed by. F-thi. mo . Lord -Plumer, who himsolf
opian Troops Mont:eal-A schime to establish a morning in th-� streets of the Pleas- commanded the troops -who held the Notable Feat BY Shipbuil diY4
chain ot, stores throughout Great ance shim d!9triet lerruse a playmate
salient for so long against heavy odds,
London- -The Brit4ab, Government Firm
Britain which would sell'only British had stolbn her teddy bear. An the led'and dedicated-the memorial.
unvei ...
bas lodged a -protest with the Aby.s- Empire produets and would •-probably midst cf her tears someone patted her He recited a prayer whioih had been London.-It was abusy day In Hamel �:.z . ray
eltilan Government against an attack mean a definite Increase for Canadian tousled head -asking;, "What's the speci-alli written bythe Archbishop of land & Wolff's great sblpya�rds recant-,
cm-a-British camel caravan traveling trade, was hinted at by Theo..Fe0den, matter,,11ttle
Canterbury. ly, when three vessels were launched'
Chi Province of Httar fast month- dfrector-genem.1 of the empire trade It wps KiAg George who, with the His Majesty sent a message thank-;and another was-handed over to the
-The caravan was carrying suppl!ea for league, and editor-In•chief of The �w=, was inspecting the settlement, ire the King of the Belgian's for his'owners. , One of these( ships was the,
the MaJharaja of Kutch, who was vilth palsy Mail', who addressed the Mont- T-be King intervened, restored the presence et the ceremony in honot of Canadian Pacific, liner Laureittic of
■ party. including Sir Geoffrey Archer, real Rotary Club recently. teddy bear and went his any smiling those "who made the supreme sacrifice., 19,700 tgns,• launched in Belfast. The
'formerly Governor-General - of the A away her
According . to Air. - Feliden, the as Annie Laurie bruslic in the immortal defence of the Ypres second, the Grantley Hall. of 500
-a' kl,066,000' corpora- tears and wondered who the kindly from 'thb' flr&s
schenie involves Salient," tons, was launched
Parnilss!,on to -enter • Abysslula had he. 9hipyard,"and the third, the
been asked from Ras -Taffarl, the re-
Lien to establish Giese shops to popu� "gentleman cculd The'name�of 7,024 members of the Greenock
larize and sell emr.!re foodstuff a. He motor tanker Agatha, of 3000 tons.
Canadian military forces wo among
.4 h..
gent, but the local Deputy Governor emphasized the 'Importance of high the 56,4COO ria-ics engraved in alpha-1from the Govaii yard.
apparently denied that he had been good, packing and -fair prices 7.,
quell .!yl betica'l order-6n panels inside the The' oil tatiker, of 2,400
..,warned of the caravan's.impendlug or- as X, keys to success in the British arch. The memorial compr6es a "Hall 11 tons, was banded over to the Lage
weal. The upshot was that the care- Shipping Compiby from Belfast, and
..van was rushed by Ethiopia troops of ' Memory" wbich.is'120 feet longi J-_
66a I ee' a sister vessel, the Icottea, on the
with the result that there, were a by t wide, and from the centre
I following day. Not the least satis-
dozen'fatalftlee among the British Channel Flying Boono this broad emireases lead to the ramparts,
1119 1-factory- feature of the Laurentic's
and open-sided &Ileries which run
Somalls in charge of the outfit
Year launch Was that her berth on the
The ralatlo na Wtwfttf Great In the length of the building. I
building slip was at once allotted'to'
Lon-don-Channel. flying is boom-' "Now it can be said of each one in
and Ethiopia have been unsatisfactory the fourth of the 15,000 ton motor
-Air- whose' hi:rior we 'are for some time Past, partly owing to this year. The Imperial wh re assembled, that
are baiug built for that y
the Anglo-Italian, economic treaty. ways reports that 2,4q0 passengers he is not miszinz; be is here,'' •- Lord, ships which
-tend-!w4re carrf;5U during the month of Plumer said i.AL14nveiling the mentor- Royal Mail Line.
which the Abyssinians believe In
June, . as compared with 2,098 the ial. King Albert said, "Truly, for
ed the partition of their Country Into
spheres of influeuco,.. and parity owing same month last year, while the Air f fty months Ypres was the threshold Sweet Compensation
to Indiscreet pub4le utteTanoft of as I Union reports 1,000 as against, 852- of the Empire. Its: names will stand
"Mrs. Svensson IW such a lucky
Between SO and 60 per cent. of the
Englishman in Egypt about the con.
throughout� the centuries as a symbol
man; she has been left a widow
of British heroism and endurance."
dwance of slavery In Abyesints. passengers were women. Many busi-
1. 1 4 and Both times there has been
I ness men have utilizM the airplanes
Twin GrIelemess. for continental trips to branch o�fiees. Fried Tomatoes, mourning sal*
41 against per' (Stockholm).
"Wbat Is Biggins" Oevanc t with their secretaries and typi 'is. Take: some tomatoes, not too ripe
{Ile rgliroad company? 'A new air liner, carrying 30 pas- and cut them Into round slices Beat
t 'He has two grievances. One Is seng-pra, is to be put into service up an egg, turn the slices Iii It and Post•Mortern Joy
t all the trains don't stop at his �ahortly by the Air Union. It will Maurice Cody sprinkle them with salt. Then turn "Lots of people commit gut Ide
on and another 49 that when he run from London to Paris in 2 hours, Son of Cannon Cody, who lost his life them well In bread ��mbs. Pry they can see their names in t�h
board they lose time stopping 10 minutes, 20 mix6teg faster than recently on a canoo trip near North them Irf a7 small quantity of hot fiat or paper, "-r-acclord Ing to 'Professor N
a aboard
stotlow." Bay. Serve very hot. -crogs. -The Dickinsoulan.
the regular airplanes now running of on & low fire,.
1 ,4.- ''•".`Y :ix,,,V' 'ji4 vum•^.5h+"...� »,.; xa'yy.. ¢.j ,, 'd1 K.*. .,r•R..w "S.aY°+'u'•' �. .;*'w.,' n ;;,"
{ %,s,.n... .. �r„. ,,. Win.. «..r:••� --. ,.�., ..�.:;r. •;a•-- ....... ,,,,y.c ...i, .�, _•yo _ .a..
T" :t,. , ...' � ,, ,...1 ., ?:..:. m'.'... "r: �.r:•ae - .:... vr: • ».....: . �,{y,- .- .tea• -w'. a. wr• . i•�: - �,...: �..�.' - .�"'+4,�' " .,�I. '
Often Finds herself Weak ,and
Feeling worn-out,
. 1 ' • z N :. .: k uyF '> as w ^.3 '�
The nursing mother more than any
other woman needs rich 'blood and
plenty of it. The demands upon her y'
health -are many and- severe. House-.
.. L•old du:les and the care of her child= '
rcir exact heavy toll, while hurried � fea".
mcalr;, broken rest and indoor living gs • Lead tn, weaken her. No wonder she x O0d Is often indispose) through weahneer
headal0lte_:, backaches and nervous- r lQ7.
- ne-sa. In this condition the blood will '
always be tt,and weak and watery, When you serve REIN ROSE ORANGE ,1
3 f 'r� ;. �?EKOE to your -faintly you are giving
r2 r
and relief will come only through en- +
riching the blood. For this purpose,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -ia --the beat ate" R� x �: ,„ ; :;;� ,v, .; a i ' 6 .4 thom the best tea y^'' .can buy
blood- Indking tonic known. Through _ -
their use many weak, ailing wives LUNCH SWiMMt NG -POOL STYLE
and mothers have toan�l -$ew health p1� Classified Advertisain2etnts f°
and Strength. As an example of this There's nothing like a bite to eat pool style was somewhat of a new - - -
Mrs. 'Sarah Cortez, Eilenstowu, N.B., after a swim. At. least that is what ,
one on ,him, nevertheless he compli- Magistrate: "You say thla manI LOODHOUND and Fgxbound Crosses r `'
one on the ,originality of idea. state your watch. Do I undore nd Breda s months old, arc roz, noun
says:— "While nureilsg my baby I be these young ladies maintain and from j But Lake LouSae and other moon• that .you prefer ,the charge against and deer dog; - also ReRiacar•d Scotch
weak and nett- the
came run down ry Collie PuDs, natural woricer�, born heel -
general consensus of opinion they l train resorts in this vicinity have al- him?" Lers. ' Wrfte Charles R•sback, Vankleek � .e
ous.• My head ached all the time and aren't tar, wrong• ways novel attractions for thousands Pat: .,"Well,- no, your worship, I Htil. Ontario. I,
- I was not able tb do my work. �l had The photograph was taken recently. o ftourists that visit bi the Canadian prefer the watch, • it It's all the fime. Read This to- Your Pet Files. r{
often read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
at -lye Chateau Lake Louise swim - Roches each year, regardless of
and began using them, -and what a ming pool and not the least of its at- whether he season is summer or win. You." • Domestic
Par atic Insects Urged to Post.
IIp• ,
blessing they -proved. Before I had Minard • Liniment for insect bites., on Parasites.— Washington Pont.
tractive features are the two young ' er. In fact, in winter open -air bath-
-'used a halt dozen boxes I felt like--a- Ip.dies who decided that -the invigor- j tug is indulged in at Bang with the I English Traveller (who has missed
new person and by their continued sting water of the pool was too much almost co na orally warmed his connection) — "Which fa the best F BOOK
use for a while I was entirely rester• CANCER
€ for their appetites. The waiter ad- sulphur water pools making this pas- hotel !n this Lawn? " - lriah Porter— 6ENTonREgUB8T } r;
ed to my former health and strength• mitted that serving lunch swimming - sible. "There are some that prefers the
-T- Telia cause of cancer and what to do
I take pleasure in recommending Dr. ._ ..._ Railway Hotel, and there are some for 'pain, bleeding,' odor, etc. Writs for
~ Williams' Pink Pills to everyone out that prefers the imperial; but which- a to-do mentioniL�_thls paper. Ad. y
feting as I did." KEEP CHILDREN WELL ever of the two you go t.o, you'll Ile dress l�ndiane� its (�aa�' Hospital.
You can get these pills through any Indianapolis. Ind.
awake all night wiahiHg you'd gone to P
medicine dealer or by mail at 80 cents s t q {, iqtpL p
- a boa from The Dr. Williams'.Medi- ���� ; II�1� ��I',NlEIER the other."
clue Co,, Brockville, Out r
Every mother knows how tatal the Blisters. Y:
4 hot summer months are to small Prevent any ehance of infection
children. Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, by using Mlnard'e. Heals also. t
3 ,,,y,�► dysentry, colic and stomach troubles z?;
are rife at this time and often a pre-
' cious little life is lost after only a few a
o keeps s 1 11 ae as. The mother w '
` Baby's Own tablets in the house
G feels safe. The occasional use of Eire ;,
Tzblets prevent stomach and bowel I , ea+yl f! (��1 ii �L• FAIN
troubles, or if trouble comes sudden. I �
• wil bring the baby safely through. ;
They are sold by medicine dealers or
I f by mail at 28 cents a box from The -- -
: Dr. Williams* Medicine .:Co., "Brack - n ` - 0. We + i v111e. Ont. 4 WO"AN COULD
(Os WIffi Late:) .1 ; IA fla�pq Home >n Japan rtst6ne
1 �.. ,
Now let me write mY mother's Ufe,AR�I(lK tt
Talkative Balloonist (finishing a lust roughly, Her father was a great
'story) -"And, then. thousands of feet scholar of -t8e ancient Chinese etas• I ys a
sag n
- above the cruel ledges, I pulled the sits. When she was born he named i . DE ��g Mrs. Horn Tells )tow Lydia E.
of View. stria that released me, knowfn well
'I think the world juste revo g her Katsu. The meaning dt Katsu ARE PIONEERS IN pjIIiL�aIIl'g- Vegetable Cow poand
at should my parachutes faiCto o9ea- ;. "w
a- around the woman." ; I would dash my poor brains out on He wrote that od_e on a parchment. ,I _TLRE SERVICE
Gestated Her Health
"Well, they - certainly need some - f the Anodur Reason Why They Sew
rsc7ta beneath." It runs like this: $amilton.Ont.- Ihave-taken Lydia "»
thing spore ..around them than ivbat Interested Girl-"And did. you' Melarids Barer and Sao• Thar, MaAey y
"they have. When the vlae-of Katsu grows in tht• ' T the Bailees Tire re- Z~ Pinkham'n Vegetable Compound
would n o be
and would not be
�} 4 A doctor can tell. at a glance expansion .in
deep valley, birds come to rest Q'�c'� without it now.
. in Peril. J- whether or not a flanper to In good on Its leaves and they sing were
o meet this situation Repair Schools' " 1 had n f e m a 10
opined at the Firestone factories trouble so badly I Y
Pett Ridge tells of a junior clerk shape—and so can your old ama! oweet songs: - where � ga•�e deal" and their
Rho approached the head of a firm when the vine of Katsu grows in the repair men have frees instructed in the could hat�diyy walk
- was doing none too well, with Footprints on the sands of time are deep valley. Its leaves are so care of tires and the use of the specially I and I was c run-
which I d
B down and c oil 1 d
.,_a view to a raise .in salary. not made by sitting down. ' green and Its vines get, so
designed FirestonE Balloon Tire equip- hardly get around
"Certainly not:" was the reply, "and strong. rrrerct , to da my douse- "
let me warn you, young man, if you're New banana song— "Hanging out I.et ua cut the vine and take Its fibre. Iln each territory throughout the work. I would be a
not jolly careful I'll make you a part• with the bunch." Let us beat the fibre ant! make it In. country Dealer
Meetings in bed three or
ner! "= London OD'•nlon - to threads: . have been held. These have been at- four days at a�
She (to her Intended)— "Mother's on' Let us weave a cloth with that ticrdedbymostoftheFireatoneScrvice time. I vPaa laid I
Census Taker — "Your husband's our side, darling. She nays you can't ; Dealers who have obtained the latest -` by a friend to try
thread, and let us wear cite ' information regarding lire your e$etabieComponnd I did and
name. please." Mrs. Grogan — "Pat." possibly be as brainless as you look." - cloth. - ion, care and repair methods y the trine I took two bottles was
Census Taker — "I want his full jWe shall never complain how poor it Firestone Dealers are kept up- to-date Ibeginnin to get aroumd again. I took ;
name." Mrs. Grogan — "Well, sor, Choir Leader — "Aunt Maggie, you I fs', I oa tire development.,, acrd swice -- ten bott les in all, and now I am all
when he's Lull be thinks he's Gene have been awfully native in the i ° continually progressing and improvm� right.again and doing my own work. - ,
!1'unney, but when o1 lays me' hands church all these• years, and now. you She might have met with --many a their ability to serve you better and ' I have"
ave s:a own-ups to work for, so €4
on 'im. he's lust plain Pat again." are, going to be married, we want to rough storm 1 nthis world; but she save you money. Seethe nearest Fire I have plen�Lo do. I also used Lydia I;ti
= stag your favorite tune for you as + aborre Dealer today and let him handle 'E. Pinkham s Sanative Wash, and I
always persevered everything to hex- . tire requirements. think it is good But I owe my bealth
?roil march down the aisle. What will your
sett, and .let all merry birds rest on F1R88,t•o•,r8 TIRE d RUBBER C0. en the Vegetable •%Srmponnd, and i
' ft be ?" think if more of it was used women
her and sing. • She` always, dressed OF CANADA LIMITED,
Aunt Maggle — "Aa I march down herself in quite plain cloth, and never Hamilton, Ont•rip would be better off. I would not be
• s the aisle on my wedding-day, just sing
that old familiar refrain, 'Thin 1s the complained. She gave all comfort to MOST MILES PER DOLLAR withrn-t it if it cost much )viers.
the rest of her family.... ,Mrs. NELL1ZJA►sassorr, 805 East Caa-
way I loug have sought and wept be- r non Street, 'Hamilton, Ontario. "
cause I found it not." My parents were aQ happy. fibers Do you feel broken down,'nervous.
_ was always some sweet fragrance in ���0� and weak sometimes? Lydia l:. Pink-
my aroom, no matter how beauti- �my home: Iletween my parents there ham's Vegetable Compound is excel-
Harley - Davidson Single Cylinder was always existing some sweetness, .' Lent to take at such a time It always
ful, that is not lived in lacks some
rey test little ma- appealing qualify, so it to with a gar- 'abiin an sympathy, and much re iFl.eww>3uhd.sbeOotsoua+-D3t d helps. ly, iillrelievegularlyand Per-
Moto 0 _
tide. easy to control, and most coon• epecting to each other. I ally, wz11 r
6iste relieve ttug COndltlon p j
chine that has. been made. �Safe to den. I We all had to abandon our dear t —"" -- -- — - -- -
o amical. Stands without a rival. 100 home. It was
decided quite sudden! c
Miles to Gallon of Gasoline. Down The man who brags loudest when
j r
Payment ;100, Balance ;22 per month. loudest when --he I was told to join my father in .MS- I _�
price $305. Walter Andrews, Limited, I6'sea. `Yoshi village. Jus a ew we e
3" Ycnge St., Toronto, Ont. tore, my brother bought nice lotus - +j`+O�
plantain a beautiful vcse and some j c9 i
At any rate we know what plat• P
form we stand on when we're wafting buds were comfng..opt. .I.aged to get
for a train. up very early every morning in hope)
j to Fee the flowers quite blossomed. I _
USE He that cnntiolleth Tile 'temper Is On the day when it was fixed to leave l
greater than he that winneth an else -,our home the lotus had not blossom I
ed yet. I begged my father to post
e 5' mom lion }poAe our departure. until they would j( s
WS ..Why did the ffy, fly ?" i open,'. and despite of all the luggages i t.
"Because the spider spied 'er.'
packed up my father consented to 9 enV
d Machine Kni s wait. After two mornings they all bioe-
siwoNO•evsos SAW CO. wo, These are the days when we to if 11 as it they were
nck Lun— bored by VIA'^'- -
Ir VAMOU9EN• ST`JOHN.no a private paving brick-in the -hope of_eomed, beaut u Y,
ToTO i1 meeting the bird who said 1927' would bidding Eaten ell to us.— Yoshio Mark- IT spray clears your home of mosquitoes
have no summer. n n I �Ya� n Child." Jand flies. It also kills bedbugs, roaches, ants,
ing i "Ribs
"Don't' you think he 1s a convinc- land their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to
Wlien'a man has a birthday be eel- ing talker'!" "i did, till he talked
I deco (akea even a day oft but when ' back to a traffic cop." tmankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. A
woman has one she usually ta;:es a D;u,r3wed i. (�wda h P+vdj• R'h1trow &Ca•, Lisiced, Toronto
year off. _
Safe For the_Tlme Being.
PAYMENTS I My Bonnie lies over,;the ocean,
Made Daily : Aiy Bonnie lies over the sea,
I3y Money O: der _ I But while. she's -over there Eying, ;
Without Charge She's not here lying to me!
An interesting and popular form ct
r • solitaire is figuring hory rich you'd
• - • • I be if you'd stayed single.
ICSUE No. 31 -17 _4'"cP idinard s Liniment near at hand. -
v .ri•^ :'J.3 - .fM:_' ....,. -...— rY_a ✓..uT SVl .a,C' �S+.s M1 ,Ji.:.:•.' •' ,a•:,i.•„, wr\ ...4"^`w'f ti��W"•i'3 v�` e, f'. L •iFA.�•Y,.ail."l::'.:e. +sx_xCi: f3Yti%IJa'vt*��
+�,� • .:..:'. -'. , .. :... t- w..y:�_ _. -r a r...:�• _.'. .- ._Y,.... ... at...., s��'-.a ?,- ,...?mss:._ ✓r.... . • .......�'.•h?.'•F.r s. �,...;x,�_- ..,_�' —��sr t.�r '�+�%1�,. —�..._ �R.%'yav,s....J.: r•' �.- ::.,.:..�A. iw'+a
Flies Mosquitoes Moths ,.Ta.ff• Cal
Ants Bed Bugs Roaches ,A ftb,rb. brgr�6a•d
ICSUE No. 31 -17 _4'"cP idinard s Liniment near at hand. -
v .ri•^ :'J.3 - .fM:_' ....,. -...— rY_a ✓..uT SVl .a,C' �S+.s M1 ,Ji.:.:•.' •' ,a•:,i.•„, wr\ ...4"^`w'f ti��W"•i'3 v�` e, f'. L •iFA.�•Y,.ail."l::'.:e. +sx_xCi: f3Yti%IJa'vt*��
+�,� • .:..:'. -'. , .. :... t- w..y:�_ _. -r a r...:�• _.'. .- ._Y,.... ... at...., s��'-.a ?,- ,...?mss:._ ✓r.... . • .......�'.•h?.'•F.r s. �,...;x,�_- ..,_�' —��sr t.�r '�+�%1�,. —�..._ �R.%'yav,s....J.: r•' �.- ::.,.:..�A. iw'+a
.. "to � Fi..W ;''1 •.A. - :.. .+ia. . _..,."• .";lT• -., ". _., '_.. ,.. Jy. lf. ,• .
yy /1,!.
,�. . •,','X
.. •wawa ..
—Miss Doreen Lamoreaux, of
—Miss Grace Potter, of Toronto.
Toronto, is visiting with bar coudn
spent last weep with Miss Meryl
Miss Audrey Baird •
—Mrs. W-m:.Haiil and,daugghtere,
--Mrs• T66116 and little son, of
Toronto, :are
—Mrs. John C. Stork is 'spending
in Lakefleld•
Mtrott :tire visitirlirifitli Pi
visiting with the
a week with her b.ro-
ariag friends.
former's mother, Mrs. Fawcett,
K. Mrs. Devitt
ther, Allan and with other friends.
The township council will meet
—L and and
of Toronto, the week-
--W. B. returned home on
Saturday evening,
-on Tuesday nett for the trsneac•
.baby, spent
end with Hugh and Mrs. Mechin.
after spending
a few days friends is Buffalo.
.'trion`of general business.
—Mrs Bedson left ob Saturday
—The monthly meeting of $t.
Paul's Ladies'
—Dr. E. A. Sadleir, Dentist, prat_
to spend a couple of, weeks is
Aid will be held at
tieing in Toronto, will]. be here in his
r ^
. (Neveland with her daughter, Mc s.
the home of Mrs. Garnet Courtice
Wednesday, August 8rd, 8
of$ce from 1.80 P. m. to 6, P. m- as as-
on at
sal on
—W. A. and Mrs. Remmor and
P• m.
—Dr. H T. Fallatss, Resident Dent -
faelily, of Brockville, are spending
—BdRar and Mrs. Mains and
ist• Office over en's bardware
ion• Office hoe to
*ample of weeks with relatives at
daughter. of Belleville, Mr. , 4ad
Mrs Curtis and daughter, of-' .Vo-
8 daily and
eveninge•by &Wintmeat.'
^ nday next being Clvie'Holi-
rooto, paid Hugh sad Mrs. Meohin
—A $sedan party, under the
the places of bnsineea in t he
a short visit on Sunday.
auspices of f tot. Francis de Sales
Church, will be held in Memorial
- ae will be closed as usual on
—The potato crop promises
Park on the afternoon and
public holidays.
from here
an. unusually good one tole
•year. But if the heavy con-
even -
ing of 'Monday, Aug. lat (Civic
—A number attended
tinue, those that in low lying
Holiday.) A splendid of
tha Audrey garden party on
or very, heavy land may
of sports has been prepared - be-
,fi ursdsy evening and pronounce
:it a great success.
ginning at 2 p. m. (standard time)
—Alex and Mrs. Wilson and son,
—The Women's Guild of St.
and which will consist of softball,'
..Aliie, of Whitby, spent Sunday,
George's Church will hold their
married men vs. single' men; also
with hire. Linton and with Thoe.
monthly meeting at the home of
Mrs. Bu'rningham.
softball in which the Centennial'
aad Mrs. Andrew:
Fairport, on
girls will play the girls.
—Wm. Crummer, jr., who is
Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 8rd,
There will be running races for
taking a Bummer coarse at Queen's
at 2.80 o'clock.
boys and girls, 14 years and under;
.'University, &ingston, spent the
—A good many people seem to
and a sack race for boys 14 years
AVe®k -sand at his dome here.
be wkware of the fact that it is
and over. A feature attraction
lilies Charlotte Taylor, of Mid•
not now necessary to put stamps
will he a football match between
-� --
dletown, Conn., who has been
on checks for amounts up to $lo.
the Linfleld Rovers, of Toronto,
holidaying in the North - west..
On amounts above $10 a 2 -cent
who are the junior• champions of
ys�p�e a few days last week with
excise stamp is necessary, no
matter how large, the
Ontario, and the Cherrywood foot -
ball team. This be
:Pickering friends.
amount may
game will
—In 13L. Paul's United Church
called at 5.45 (standard time.) A
on Sunday, services will be held
—The Thietle. A Shamrock ED
free supper will served from 5 to
"at 10.W a. m. and 7 p.. m. In the
tertainers, under the management
8, after which a good concert will
morning tike Sacrament of the
of Capt. Larry O'Brien, of Toron•
to, appeared in the Town Hall
be Riven which will consist of an
exhibition by
Lord's Su per will be dispensed.
Friday As
of gymnastic work
the boys St John's Industrial
7 P.m., The minister. Come and
evening. the enter-
14inment was arranged only a few
Since the bills were print -
—Fred F and lids Bald f
hour@ before being given and was
ed announcing the garden party
T AI y +,
T t
Swimming ''T at r
,y Its here. Xou'11 need a new`•suit
Swim Ina
;'��►e Snit that made Bathing to Swimming
Baseball ! Football ! Tennis ! Goit
These games signify ,holidays.
Be well egaipped• with Spalding Sporting Goode
They are the Best.
We are showing the finest lines of Cluett, Peabody aiid
"Arrow" Shirts with collars . attached in white
broadcloth, khaki or blue
Also, a full line of Khaki Trousers &at will stand the gaff - °«;•
Headlights famous No. 53 x'
Fred T. Bunting, Y Pickering '
- Notabliahed 1857. ��?+
a - : Snrford, spent the week -sod with thus poorly advertised, the at- a change has been made in the pro-
relatives in Pickering. They re- tendaDce was not large. Those gram, which will be appreciated
turned home on Monday, but the present, however, were - delighted by those who may attend, There `
'' ohildren, Frances and Allan, will wits the program. The pleasure, will be a Grand Open Air Musical
remain for a couple of weeks with however, was marred by the dis. Comedy featuring singers, dancers
relatives here. orderly conduct of some boys in and instrumentalists, vaudeville r •
-At St. George's Church : Sun- the gallery. specialties, including Charleston " n 1 o n• 2 REAL
-day School meets at 6.30 a. ul —Rev. N. M. Leckie, B. D., of and Black Bottom champions, no. a
.'Morning Service. at 10.E a. m.; Motherwell, occupied the pulpit der the direction of Denman l►l±
r+ Evening Service at 7 P. m. The iu St, Andrew's United Church' on Coyne, presenting The Melodies of -
®hole will reader eaeciai ,
Sunda last, w hen he
music at y preached 1927. Musical Comedy ke's a even• �� I L a
the morning service. Preacher at two excellent sermons, and will Lai attraction, also 9toke's Juven• ��..JJ
T4 both services, W. R. Sproule. - occupy the same pulpit on Sunday ile Orchestra from Toronto. There
--Mee. W. G. Ward and son. next, Rev. J. S. Ferguson, who is will be dancing from 9.80 to 12
oD his annual vacation, accum• o'clock (standard time), for which
� ' . � Wilmer, and daughter, Miss Annie
of Niagara Falls, who have been parked by lifer+. Ferguson and dun- Arthur Lynde's dance orchestra • =N
s_p�ding a week with rho Misses ghter, is visitingg relatives in Perth will supply the music. Admission u
ix sums their motor t moLo Tuesday Sault Leckie a pulpit ie Mother ell Mr r mission ®togg ova ds: adults. 50 ets. g
.Ste. Marie and other polAts around the two Sundays on which_ Mr. children under 12 years, 25 cents.
the Great Lakes. Leckie is in Pickering.!
-tSome poises or Garcons enter- eying of very tennist entho enthusiasts Now LAoers4somn ts.
-ad flee premieres of Gascoyae Brae, _
on the 8rd concession daring the met in the Town Hall on Monday
e latter's absence, and stole a gaan- evening sad reorganized for the '
�.j Olt SALE -1 horse, 8 years old,.. - •
tit of household good iDclisdf� Present seessuaa, Mr. W. R. Sproule i" sooa.driver. Also top buggy Orval shn, � r Dl O ST blend is splendid value
� $$ a� iw ORE e
- - ng, - dlibes etc. They are occupied the egialr esud sra,e ap Brougham. _
offering a $25 00 reward -for infor• Gpooiated President; O. A. Sharpe, j� at � cents per .pound, but aQa special -
Yice Pros.; h[orriaon, See. T L R8_(N(i —Mrs. M. C. Webb, reg.
+ :.,1>G1don loadlog to their conviction. 11 istered aurae, is
n —A very heavy rainfall oa3taarred rotary•Treas Arranitemente were Pbow Pick $71a ape for roe `°"f2' o"u inducement to place this tea in every t ,
hems on- 8atarday forenoo n. which made to improve the- court b -- {
havin ban All O RENT —On con. 2. Pickering. a in ever home we are vin awn With
t was genera] throughout the pro- g - - -. k stops erected, , T4-roomedcotwx, Apply wTboa .Wataoa, y g y
vto es. While we had it verryy Lboee interested is flaying tennis R R 2, Piekerum, 44tt ABSOLUTELY FREE _._
heavy in Pickering, it was inuch will be made welcome Arrange every pound, , y
heavier in other parts of the .pro- your membership immediately OR SALE --Star roadster, "A. in A N it
wince, where it has been described with Mr. Morrison. 1 cooeition. 82W.aw. A snap. Andy J.-F. one lustre finish cream pitcher. ,
Hrenkta. Dunbar•toa• 48 47
as the heaviest in years. In some —The Women's IDStitater h�1d _
a very delightful meeti at the JW-OR SALB -18 young pigs 8 weeks - various shades to choose from. Don't
}1]sees the water overflowed the r'y 8 oIt i
home of Mrs. W. J. Miller on Tues• old. Apply to R. Wiggras, valentine Farm,
highways and the rivers rose to at Greenburn Station 47 j
spring flood dimensions, culverts afternoon. It was in the form of — -- -- let this offer slip by, as a gross, of these$
were washed out and portions of a picnic, and no more pleasant i 'ANTED—Experienced farm bend 1 ti
Wks Aariest. Nb per month and board.
ppaavement washed -sway _ At• spot coald_be found than the spa - �d per, G„�wood, "47 1>le�aatifnl little pitchers wont last long.
Hitebener rain to the depth of cross lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Miller.
*see chi f feature a of the meeting FA02 BALE -12 pigs. 5�weeks old.
about ].aches fell aCQO lag to g Ain .bone 4 sea or ``nod Brooke bay.
the etatemeat of the gbovernment y
Mrs. Dickens, standing. Jr. Graeulaw. Pkk �9
representative, and was the heav• the superintendent of the Wom•
Jest in rnany years, It is feared en's Building at the Canadian Nat F1 OR SALE -2 Berkshireand 2York• Oar "FLOWERDALE" Orange Pekoe is
that the root crop will be 00D- stir: boar.. regisee:ed, sea yottag .tort. W.
Tonal Exhibition, who snake abon t P. Disney. Greenwood. Phone Pick 2314. 3W.
_siderably damaged. especially is an hour and a half on the work _ well worth 8fi cents per pound. As Our _
-low -lying land. Bay, grain crops under her supervision. The ad- ORaAN1ST WANTED —For 8i
T Andrew's United Church. Pick For ful! u
and garden vegetables, will also dress was Rr•atly enjoyed by all part;<ttra,a ap�rT. to Q. s. cnapa.aner''Cket;ag. i3pecial No. `2 and in order to. induce
have suffered greatly. present. Mre. Hooter. of Brook-
4 1' the District President, was Ii' - every one to this line also, we are
—At the last session of the - la+ North halt lei 27, eau. 7, Pickering. A y "'J �y g �
slature a law was, to come also resent and spoke of the on remise. or Phone Clare zoos. Mrs. x. a o°w-
into force on October let, regale- pp po ie, R 2, Clareasont. 47 -ao g ring y every pop "f.
ealth films which would be i awn with eve pound absolu
ing all vehicles to carry lights. shown at the various branches. FOR SALE —A• bay mars, well bred. -
'The lights must show. white in The Whitby Branch- were guests L 7 77�nt, old, a splendid driver, broken inn tely free" one 7 is -h beautiful glass ,
or doable. Would make an eitcellent sad
front and red to the rear of aH of the Pickering Branch, about bone. Apply Telephone Pick 1712. 47
horse drawn vehicles. The action twenty being present. Sapper was ad bowl. -This bowl itself is Well
of 011@ ' tur'e In passing sac a , located. excellent arn7. Possession to piongb — cv {
law was made necessary to protect being about ?5 in attendance. after present c7p, Fan ponession April 1st, IP28 Worth at least 20 - cents. .?
motorists as well as those in the
The annual pfenic of the JAW. APpry to G. D, Canaan, Oabawa, out, 4ou
horse drawn vehicles. Numerous Burton family was bold on Wed- W IRE FENCE —Car of Frost Tiubt
accidents have occurred in this needay of last week at the home binders, Lock fencing just arrived. fo Ale, a axe _ q A tea
locality daring, the pe t few years of O. H. and Mr's. Hall, 218 College binder, a mowers and z bagg�e�s for sale, W. a.
Ave., Oshawa. Relatives were Disney, Greenwood. P!>ahe Piclt 2 314. 'astr • •
' '.owiap; to the absence of lights on ' - - -- —
bnggieaand wagons, which motor- Present from the United Stelae TORONTO WET-WASH LAUN-
and all arts of Ontario a number DRY (Semi fi r see Let our driver call and
late are unable to 'see until it is too parts , explain our 24 hour service. Just }save your
late to avoid a collision. Hitherto of whom had not been present at. name Mr, s. w, l avii,, barber shoP. we :•
• it has been optional with muniei previous gatherings. The first will pick up and deliver 3 braes a week. THE. CENTRAL -GAR
pal councils to pass by -laws to Part of the day was spent in get- DARN $25 WEEKLY —Up at home,
t1n acquainted uainted Wlth the D8W- EcliPp' newspapers and addressing envel- " 4
govern the matter, but few ecru g g oyes, o canvassing. Eve thing furnished, -
oils would take the responsibility, mere sad in talking over old spare or fall time. Particulars orstn Gill- 'Telephone 4c�W «
as they thought such s law should times. Softball and football games ies Mailing service, Box s, Sydney, N, 5. 47-48 -
were indulged <
`• - govern the whole province. Bed is darieR•the after• T� ADIO FOR SALE —A flue tubed - : -
-What do you do with your noon, after which a,' splendid sap - Beet used as demonstrator, good as new, r
milk bottles ? Do you r wee served the tables groan Complete with brand new tubes, batteries nand '
y RIVe them Per R al equipment. Regular price„ $17a.00. swill].]. M
a thorough cleaning and return under the weight of the good .es for g1aa.00. Apply Box 170, Pickering. 4atr.
'them to the milk -man regularly, ae things provided to eat and the Auto Rep iirs, Accessories, -Oils and
you are supposed to.do, or des you decoration of flowers of many FARM MACHINERY —erson art
y Wood Cocisbntt, Tadbope Anderson John . •
appropriate them to your own kinds and colors. After sapper a Deere, Biefth. Gold. shapley, e& Moir, Fiettry, �kgeollIIe Acetylene Welding �r
use P There are people in this. vii- Program of sports provided a Wilkinson. sac�r�ces order year ppouring ,
pro raw. Also De Forest 'radios, W. Frc)7imey, _
jags who have been known to use great deal of fan for both old and Greenwood. 27t! - ,,-
ra k bottles in going to the Rro young In the evening s program Batts Cher 1 s x
ear a for vinegar, and judging by of music wps rendered from the Faces or land in lot 12, con. s Pickering lots
Abs oomplainte-of milk -men, many spacious Verandah consisting of or water at both blacesland good building: and • `
solos, duets and quartettes In- "�it►m recces. am rartxd to sell or rent oe ac- Repairs made on all'makeg
-bottlee are not returned to them. count of beattb.slJasses W. Hick. R. R.1,
A few weeks ago Magistrate eluding several se eetioos from L «tit H rl 44tr -
Cohen, of Toronto, imposed a fine the Pickering Law (�aartette. Reward tin Information
.. .of cars.
of $25.00 and costs on Rouses Tboee present from PiolieriaR $25.QQlesaingtotbe conviction of the - r
AneloQ for .having need ten milk were Thomas and Mrs. Law and or penbas who entered our pcera�i�ses oe
bottles in *which to keep catsup, family, A.' T. Law and family, � g�OC4o,ds°Cone Pickering 117FEainga�
' The defendant claimed that she Gordon and Mrs. Law and Misses Rd.- Toronto. 47 4F " ---- -- —
/ 'sae not aware of the fact that by Nellie and Hattie Law. The L1ARM FOR SALF OR TO RENT—
doing this she was violating King" and od also "Yankee aghDood a ac Being 1, t lab e, air buildings ld ng Township, B PENC�R ny lra,w. The law governing the close by singing God Save the _ ICHARLES a
that of they must not distinctly ussed states , for the benefit of the American Ales n�K Possession s�ril l t,19 o to g°idoroe� crop. : e; Pickering*' <
auy other parpos than for milk. ( visitors.]., _ R. No. 1. Locust Hill. 47.40 Proprietor,
f -t'
-�F rF. v'..2\ "' {± s. ' -'... i. '. ...;..k.e <X • �% �•1i5.1. `q¢e.c. 'i:f „Y,
•+t° +�" . a .:,• ,.n .';'.;: . ,.. ". "� A � a. _.' ,, C."
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