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-1 7t 7
FRIDAY, FF'B. Us 1927
'No. 2
sorry to bear that Mrs,
Saw We
confined to her bed due to D ur.
�we are 8
The Whitevale Baptist Progressive
Class intend kolding their annual 4
t a an thoi-even- ins sustained in a fall In her cellar one
P R. FORSYTH 0 h. D.. Director concert a bfx social =0100tad, Reg. daylastweeL We hope for& speedy
J.'rican mg of ThursdLy, March 17th. 5-4ep %
*44d Eso J tt. FactOX7
by this date in mind. A good concert is recovery.
d -7
=Pat. C==S&;t. MILM
now being prepared. Full particulars
Fruit Baskets of all dpacriptions, later. AUDLEY
L000ss. 'Established IBM A
including q t. boxeei pt., b9zes,
S. ORRISTIAN, Barrister and ZIJNBAR Walter Mercer is cutting wood for
A.It!=04;q0tary Public Etc. to himself on the 6th.
mg. Court House, 1�h PtonoZ Crates 'and Baskets at Next Sunday at the -Headquarters
by 51Y Community Walter Pratt was in Oshawa on sat-
lowest prices. Hall, the Church of England service urday last on business.
G. BROWNING. K. C.. Bartle-
9 ter.Solicitor, Public. An 'Blk will be held at 3 p.m., when Rev. D. Bentley Bros. are thinking of going
P. B. Langford will preach. into the dairy business.
-W co"B"eff west Of Met ce, Dundas S Shaping and Turning.
bitby. Ouse PbO" 3", Office Phone 392. • An old-time dance will be held in Gravel is being placed on the Audw
FO R- . D
-Kiddie Kars, Sleighs, Office Stools the Dunbarton Community Hall, on ley road south, and some on the 4th
EATON & ROSS-Barristers. So.
Northern Ontario Building, the evening of Friday, Feb. 11th, at is needed to complete a good job. CORN
330 ground
whole or
Salt For Sale, OATS
8 o'clock. A good orchestra will be Thesocial evening in the church
172 F. Ross, - in attendance. Admission, 75 cents a was much enjoyed by all. Rev. Mr.
Adelaide."67 CHAS. A. WHITE.
"P11CHARr,80,N & PICKERING- :Successor to late W. 0. Barnes SHORTS
couple, Ladies please provide. Sanderson argued for a new church. BRAN
The Club meets on Monday e
-VkBaj�risters, Solicitors etc.- 213-214 Confed- Phone 0420 or write Locust Kill, Opt. WEST HILI_
OrationLife Building Corner YOU e and Rich. next at the home of Theodore eve
for poultry amend Son..'roconto. &
Main 1 and Main
The induction of the Rev. Mr. Me- and all members and friends are exp
UM- PiciteriuS Office Open Monday and wed- CR&CKED CM.
'd utbd&Y evenings and all day Satutday. including- Connachie to the pastorate of, Mel- Vftted to turn out.
Saturday evening. Phone pia. Woo. 8tf for poultry
vine Church, West Hill, will take
I He Smi Don't fail to read The Big Store I -ear of Cereal Feed which
place on Thursday evening, Feb. 0th advertisemeat on local page DenW
Aftnerat Z)trector at 8 o'clock. All friends and acquain- I consider the best value for
DR. J. R. FOWLIE. Dentist. cor. and tances are cordially invited. WHITEVALE. .,.feed I have seen for a long
us st? Licerised Rn&batmer On Sunday morning, Feb. 13th, Rev. time. It will pay
Rd. and Victoria park Ave, To
I. ( . I Is at door). Mr. McConnadhie will p The February meeting of the Wo-
i4ward 112. reach on the to try it.
MOTOR HEARSE subject "The Cross of Christ." The men's Institute is going to be one oi W
r%R. D. O. Smith, Dentist. Stou soloist for the morning will be Mr. the most interesting of the whole BEAT and BARLEY Wanted.
JUville, Honor Gcaduate of Chicago and To- CLAMMONT9 OuL year and it Is hoped that weather ana 0
110111to universities and the Ro College 0, A. H, McCurdy, who will sing "In
.11,10 Phone 9A Chopping Mondays, Wedues.
Diartal Surgeoris. Phone Offic 3. Thee 0 Lord." The anthem by the roads are going to make it possible --*4
1013. No outaid � appointments. choir being "Come and Worship." In for niaziy to be present to bear a very days and Fridays. .21
talented and charming speaker, Miss •
LAKE B. BEATON. D. D. the evening a double duet entitled, G. C. M. White, of Toronto. Miss
Graduate of the Royal Cotelge of Dental "The Heart that Was Broken For
I=- Roofing Material I White has recently taken a position
,Z4nd University of Toronto. OjBce Me", will be sung by Miss Doris HAr-
5 Confectionery store. Whitby,
Offict how$ 9 to 12: 1 to 6.3o. Ind., 6. ris, Miss Marjorie Neilson, Mrs. P. on the "Mail & Empire" under the
Ddl phone 220. PbZy 5 x 'British Columbia Shingles Booth and Mrs. Jas. nom-de-plume "Bride Broder." Sh
Scott, assistea
by the choir. Mr. ldcConnachie will h been prominent in journalism. for
N. DALES. L. D. S.. D.
J D. as
* Graduate of CollesLeaf Dental k1- :.; su;• No. 2 3 and 5z: preach a special sermon to the some time and it is doubtful if therer 0 L
'gems and the University of Toronto, onice
D A. Scott's store, Claremont. ont. young people. You are cordially in- 11 a ,,an. of wider experience in
- Saturda a; g a. t
effice bours, 9 8 his field of work. Do not fail to be
Phone rn vited to attend these services,
0 to I p in. hone 4 -y rd and 'Soft
1405 on hand, FeTruary 16th, promptly at A Rood supply of Ha
ROOFING KINSALE. 3 o'clock in the schoolroom of the Coal on hand. Also a supply
D c LLB I8& L D S.. Urrted Church. Every woman-and
Graduate above ry of the Royal College of Murray's IS in.. 82 In. and .30 1 n t1h Mrs. J. Richardson is still in very every man too this time, who can pus widths, 4 io I Shingles . of Kindling Wood,
J 5 Balsdon's so ; also poor health.
=Rckariog, Out Aletal sibly attend is urged not to miss this stove-loogth.
'DfN* hours a in. to 5 P, W or by Ant- Valley and WnL Bell Jr. has engaged with opportunity. It is
ft"t Phone Pick 3700.
an honour for
Ridge Roll. Chas. Lidgett for another_year. 12tf Phone Pick. 1709.
his branch to be able to secure Miss
John Bryans has engaged with t
*=*Am** "Tog *. Al. Or will give price on White who is ill much demand as a DO,
fliolshed job. for another year, speaker
Mrs. Weller has returned home af•
ter a couple of weeks vacation in the
-L:Aen" to Lhe late W, V. Rjehar4son repro-
1WQtd3%=weQ 4nowo
Fire Imiuramc Com;"97i
low I standing,
on the ice and
breaking its leg.
F fft ceassise of yen
=d 00"efin, Ase.
of &U kisda an "auto"
'ad*. a, 0
R. V.. Mowbray has not sufficiently
Motor oiirb au log, -top and side our-
tain repairing.
Miss Mair spent the week-end In
0-ver"Gar. oessandusoft•r riar biains,
#AIM&vhd. A000111111111al. Ste. K" so isgooi
an Am= OC 1904U TA*•
We buy and sell. furnish quotations
and information on all Listed and
and overbaullog.
All work
What might 'have been a serious
accident, occurred on Thursday night
Unlisted Mining Stocks.
guaranteed. Flat rate,
service Charge
Phone 6610 Mark. Oentral.
We will be plemed to advise what
TIONEER for Yost. QntXAo and Durham
All i• of maw Zrhandsif
stocks to buy or to hold. or
- what stock to sell.
reasonable. Data tow be
d=n"eat NEWS' Bail said Indipes.
Clients are making money by
Wb1tbT. Owt. my
following our advice.
Our long experience in mining. ex.
tending over a period of twenty
Coal and feed
Years. allows us to give sound advice
on the investment feature of a mine
and it -was able to come home under
or the speculative feature of & pros-
pective mining venture.
F. A. R E E S O R,
„food gain
The Citizen's League will hold a
Members of StandaM
baturd evening at The
progressive euchre and dance in the
stock ftehange.
Mainbers of the Montreal
Mining Hzchan'dre
Mrs. Weller has returned home af•
ter a couple of weeks vacation in the
D011't m6s the Concert and Box
. �, 11 0 r]
Lou Dunn lost a valuable horse List
Week by slipping
Social, Town Hall. BrotsRham,
Monday, February 14th.
Whitevale '...lg
on the ice and
breaking its leg.
We are sorry to report That Mrs.
R. V.. Mowbray has not sufficiently
Ice-harvestrig, is now in fu U swing.
Motor oiirb au log, -top and side our-
tain repairing.
recovered to resume her duties as
Miss Mair spent the week-end In
Bat 7�
church -organist Her many friends
will be glad to see her again.
Mrs. Ed. Willson is quite. improved
and overbaullog.
All work
What might 'have been a serious
accident, occurred on Thursday night
in health this week.
Borden Middleton has returned
guaranteed. Flat rate,
service Charge
Phone 6610 Mark. Oentral.
last while R. V. Mowbray was return.
home much beriefitted by his opera-
ing home from Toronto, but only re-.
suited' in his truck slipping into the
I- Middleton, our-Council repres-
ditclL With him in the cab were his
entative, is attending thie adjourned
and her sister, but all eswiped
uninjured, The Kinfale wrecking
session of County Council at
this week.
Coal and feed
crew went down next morning -
or and af
. Eli and Mr,;. Willson were renew-
ter some difficulty got the truck out
ing old acquaintances around Brough-
and it -was able to come home under
am one day last week, and bidding
its own power.
farewell before leaving far their
home in the West.
F. A. R E E S O R,
Every one goes to the auction sale
The Citizen's League will hold a
baturd evening at The
progressive euchre and dance in the
toft, Pickering
Hall on Wednesday evening,
• eb. 240L Remember the
vulY. Imperial Oxford Range,
Z"06d as new, $20.o0.
.-:Tube Skates and all other
skating supplies
Wes Grit and Oyster Shell
kinds of Hardware on hand at
right prices.
Phone 4600
Mattress Cover
With all g•des of
fi ..�.,For the inonth of
February Only
=Comfort, Sanitation and Ecanomt
are cornbined4a-thos MarsW
Office and Boars Room GroundFloar- HIGHLAND CREEK Everybody welcome�--
metropolitan Building, The Y. P. S. held a fine meeting Nut -and - ---- Sib"
auspices TORONTO. - ONTARIO Under the of St. Simon's at the home of Geo_ Phillips on Mon ------------- _00-81 7
Social Club the most successful party day evening, there being a good .4.
Ptouss: Adelaide 637i and 6M at fLn(l Coke, also
of the season, was held in MorTish's tendance. Mrs. Shaver, d4i;vtionai Hinds
Hall, on Friday evening, Feb. 4th. leader, had for her topic, "Christian All nds of Feed- 11
A- GOOD CHANCE Young and old alike tripped the light Virtues," Which was much enjoyed by
fitnta-Stic-toe with untiring energy all.
For .Beginner -All A
till the wee sma' hours of the morn-
Complete. � Eugene Wood visited J. Gerow dui-
to the strains of Joffries'A piece ing. the week. 3 Cement, LuMbelaii,
25 Bee hives and frames -Lan orchestra. The success of the party There passed away in Winnipeg
stroth-hand made. was undoubtedly due to the qualit3, Mrs. A. Percy, once well -]mown here. Lath
Honey Extractor -two frame and variety of the music suRplied by She, with her Ia te husband d were N1
Bee Smoker"Ront style the orchestra, if one would judge by born in this community, She has
Drone' Trap. thQ repeated encores of the dancers, lived with members 6f her family tt
The 'above are all practically and it autbrs well for their future in out west for years.
ti0allY ue'wl-'. the district. They have already,sec- :-.,Strictly Cash
Hives all painted. ured engagements e W. M. Swill meet at the home
assie on Feb. 17th. A
_nts for the next two * Mrs. F. C
W. J. GORDON, Box 71, Pickering parties to be held in Morrish's Hall, sewing meeting is planned,
an old-time dance under the au-spices , Mission Band .meets as usual, on
TIME TABLE-Fiekeriwawjon� the Highland Creek LIC.L, to be Saturday afternoon.
16th, and a The McGregor family and Miss E.
T. R. Trains going East dos F sry
'60. 10 Mail 58 A box social and dance on the following Hood ,isited A. and Mrs. Lemmon on
old. box held on Wednesday, Feb. f
4# 28 Local 2-99 P. X. Wednesday. 'The proceeds of the St. Witt] each purchase 4. Sunday.
so Local 6.25 P. X Simon's Social Club dance will be 'de- Mr. Elson who has been home sick
. amounting to $2.00
Sunday train
M• veted to tho ij - 9' fn -with flu was able to return to work,
Trains going West at* &a follows- Simon"s Church. or over,
this week.
No. 29 Loodi 9.22 A. M. Another -of our fell known residents The Citizen's League held their an- A serviceable heavy paper
2.44 P. M. passed away in the person of Mrs. nual meeting in the Fire Hall on
9 mail 9.21 P. M. John Coakwell on Saturday morning Monday evening. The following of- ..-Sunday train, Shopping Bag
7.42 P. M. Jan 29th, in her 73rd year. Mrs. ficers were re-elected: Pres. E.' Holt-
Foregoing is according to'Standard Coakwell enjoyed good health up to by; See. W. Knox;_Treas. F., Cassie; containing a liberal avort-
timme. about five months, ago, when she was Fire Chief, L. Matthews, asst. A.
taken down with heart trouble ment of
She Carlton. The company have aims]]
iffy, 1 0
ELM DALE fromseveral severe heart balance with which to begin the year.
1J-ALA;7 attacks but during the last few weeks There is a _great probability that
had apparently been gaining in Brougham will at an early date be
Stren d"'11Ttv A
_gth-until the evening before her placed-on -nUQY-RW-6ffe-of the pro- R
death when she r P-89 =11ttr088, another bad at- gressive villages or the province,
L teed for 5 years. tack from which she never rallied. active steps have been taken to pro" OUIY A. limited number- 6f--.
For Pastry use
She is survived by her husband and and power. Our highly •esteemed
Marshall Special, with f one daughter, Mrs. W. H. Knowles, vide our residents with electric light bap on hand, so got
25.OD 9M of Highland Creek, also two brothers reeve, G. M. Forsyth, has been active 4111
slip c Our Royal Brand M1111
and two sisters Samuel and Benjamin during the past week or two secur-
Price is for Fosbrnw7'only. at your Grocer's. M4nning, of irlooklin, Ont. . Mrs ing.6ontracts as the preliminary, to Be prepared for emergene
_y by
M. Bui-joughs, of.arooklin and Mrs. the active measures to be taken keeping Your medicine chest eet
Farmers who have wheat get yon r J. Jewell of Killarney, Man. The ser- the Hydro Electric Commission. The well stocked. All popnl&L*
Boar made from your own vice was conducted by the Rev. J. R. results secured by Mr. Forsyth are rvmedlee and sick room
A. Ste rritt wheat. We can Fraser, assisted by Rev. H. D. Cam - most encouraging, as he has already supplies always
grind it.
ervin of Port Hope, an old friend of got nearly enough contracts signed; In stock.
Furniture Dealer and the family, also Rev. A. M. Durnford and will likely be over - subscribed in
Food of all kinds-Chicken Ifeed, of West Hill. The large number who a few days. The line will come from
Funeral Director
hen feed, chop, millfeed. gathered at the home on Tuesday af- Greenwood, and carried on to Clare- E. C. Jones, Phm.
Phone IWO • ternoon, and thy beautiful floral trib- mont which will also be served.
Chopping every week-day, - Druggist and Dispensing
utes testified 9 the esteem in:%,lo
Ont&rio XCm=•qVV(D0= she was held. She wag laid I Chemist,
Be at The Big Store. Pickering,
in Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. Saturday evening. PICKERING,
A� "A
.1 4'Lt.. . • n ie1 >+ie +i' o- Y r .. .,..^,t ..:'SL'h .,... ,.,.o. 1t' i?4aY9•.i •: 1M•. t,, .,i.q•. ,x . 89:a•:i'Nan: w ..n +s .rY'c�tta� W. !....,Y ,.. �.:5 +7 FG s'. -q'^ .3rt'R�Te•..;3. .r a- -Y. `q' . -•v c^ ^-. •,�, -. .,l'_ -x -. - • t o
"r ;i'r.'';'�',"`",�f' •., +',r: • -a ".;4 +�'a .y�• +,,..,,•fr�' < •xs rbsr,ffiry y�-a...S�: a.k.• •r -a -. �s _a�... t; `�..�_ 7,3ak.. ,:vqw`..'.. *o i:'.!"`w'_ T ,,:l7' ,�,�z ;,�y�'.., •;;.wy��.�„ - ..s'..� s . -�,P, ;.�,.,,s.:»r. ,9'r �..,�, ati., �'•ei,' -i
r `� .. ro �,etaa..n'�In.v,<'•V r. ,,,'f'3,,.p-� o ,. "i'i ."w....f".,,,. ,, «„y i .�.;. .:r.7w. sif�i • ,.w... :alit,. ".'� .:a .x,..t "'^' ',.".� cr,..fc- ''&.,mJ . r •,,;, �;, • -a'� .u:•.xxr, R_�" , -w. ,
;�riuyxlF.�'8u -n..n ao...... ,d.. ,. -,r• ..,w,. , , ,.v�^. .a y .i'.. , �?r� '+' y. •t 4. 'i ;'t''+. :n r..h.. • i .av " :v� ,r.. "" +.°
Cd..,,,, •n, - ,,,r...n•.. .- •. '.,,,d. r ..a, :•^e .,' . ' `x., . r. _, `,l.a "3E . " _ '3 is . a v y� .
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:. .. r '' ,all F.
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c .. ..
. � .. _ 1.
" � '
British Opinionavor - -
F • `� 1 , 11 s :'ew 3�Iteanin C-iven �� �, °• 11
:Diver ion C hinese Force ` �.
-- Unitin a'
D�.n�s g * � - -
2 ''"
�_ - -- -__ .,.". - a
. ?' x DEFENCE TROOPS , .. OF:
I Three Young Boys
PR1 TIER KING •AND • L -Prince to Lle&ve _ - _ A Rlay Vhith Dynamite
HON. ERNEST for Canada August I Toronto, Feb. 7.-Three bays, +{ '
Great Battle About to be
LAPONTE. London, Feb. 6. -The Princes �`�
'_ :, of Wales wall sail for i✓anada v s
_ 10 Il and 12 years, were
` F Chinese War �'
1? . L or Possession of ,�,b Did with
arrested Sunday
about Augus"E �Un� unfore- i _- elsske and Dori
?' E BanC(tlet Of Ontallo seen circumstances prevent his Shanghai. stealing 200 eticka oL d9aamite ,
�•jyg � and as many percussion cape
$ylg I;ears prime lViinis- departure, it was authoritatively
tad today.
. _ I i ?t London,- p from the Russell Brick Works
# ter Declare t Cpn h u- British o inioli is growing 40 Blake Street.
, At the same time the report � in
' i6 Or An Oth � •I favor of the proposal to hold the boys, $ of knowing the f r
�� er King George and Queen � _ - - - -- -
. tt ' Sh n
a gh� _defence force at 13on Kong, 7 1.
th Mary might go to Cana a or ; 3 - thus placing Great Britain in the same '
DOmI»OII Not ;dagger o! ral attempts with to sa
celebration of file diamond into made several attempts to sat it
Y I position as Japan, being able quickly off It was found to have been :
•° l lee of the Canadian Coufedera• , I z ` to move troops to Shanghai in case
,� T'oranta- Canada received from her ! frozen, otherwise all three might
" Right lion. W. L. Mackenzie tlois, was met with a statement t' have met with serious injury. '
ter, ! of need. It is believed that such a de-
that Their Majesties would be cision would facilitate resumption of • playing around the brick yards
x' , the assurance that Imperial unable to go to Canada this year,
n nee had in no way altered the - negotiations at Hankow, now prac- they tried to discharge the ex
nstitution o! this o - any other Do- The Sunday Times learns that . , . . 'tically deadlocked, and give the Can-
although the Prince of Wales plosive by striking It with an I
14` . that the rights of any citizen and Premier Stanley Bcld�vin _ toneSe Foreign biin{ster, Eugene Cheat, �e They Placed several sticks
F ri any province in Canada under intend - visiting Canada .during Crimean War Officer Dead time to win over support from some of it in a furnace in the boiler i "
" riti North America Act remain_ + General Sir George W A Higginsca, of the extremist - loom, was ao fire on. tact an the rtii�esect y'ei . is high : _service in h'is policy of conciliation. ` Oilier pieces of it they had ! i
table that they will be able Premier BaldR-in and Sir Austen
to attend the celebration c the r; died recently at his placed is fire bozos. On arrest- i,
* a : !$tip of the nations within the Cam- Dominion's 60tIl btrthda.. on July home, Gyldefnscroftr Marlow - on - Chamberlain, Foreign Secretary, re I I ing the lads, Clarke and Dodds
wealth had been brought about. arture for Canada Thames. He celebrated his 100th echoed deputations from the Trade ! found out what they had done `y
• n 1 as their dap - - -- - -. -- --
"W�le in oaQ same it is true, lie will sot take place unfit the cad difficulty. In view of the close also - F
N old the monster reception in his of July or early in August. Pre• birthday 'last June by reviewing th Union Congress and the Labor Party ! _.: with the dynamite. _the officers where theyhhad
" Grenadier Guards, which he joined 82 with whom_the�_dlacussed the Chinese
l � y 'r .. ak the KI Edward, that, ae placed it, and the police removed a..
_.. -__, - -- - + mice Baldwin's plena will largely �h and Italian n governments ts.m elation between Eugene Chen and the.;
Q_ sets the constitutional position o! depend on the political situation be sup- it - - �
,s � larest Britain and the Dominions, the then �i---- -->- -- �j � British Labor bodies, it may
Conference has established nothing liaT� LU l tg\ 1 that Sir Austen desires, as fart �+:
f� jam, it is equally true that it has --' ! as to practically possible, to carry the States Minister John Vaa A. Mac - "s
`lgiven wholly new force and'meexAng Upward of 2.000 people, overtaxingi �c Opposition with him in his Chiiaese Murray at, Pe13ng had presented the
.to the established position. PUNT DESTRUYED policy. communicattan last Friday to Marshal ,i
u'j'�t posit {oa;' now carriee with it the capacity of the Crystal Ballroom' The latest Hankow advises report Chang Tso Lin, Manchurian war lord -
of the King Lrdward, did hoonr to the calm and the absence of the usual and dictator of the alliance of north -„
'itse imprimatur o! an Imperial Con- Liberal chieftain and his Cabinet col -; New Year celebrations.
iarence voiciT►g in one note of common ern military governors in China, r�
I� I leagues, and beard Mr, King declare, Spectacular Fire Caused Dam- Shanghai. -A great battle that may which dominates t'he Pekin Govern- � �'
; agrasfr nt the opinion of all parts of 1 irimsal f serionsly and assuringly on! a e of $100,000 and Threat- determine the possession of Shanghai meat
aths British Empire ae to the basic the matter that has constantly inter -' g `
nci ao which that Empire testa, i I ened Whole Block; is about tol�ble fought in Central Che- At the same time it was transmitted
#ed him since big return from, kiang Province between Cantonese
;4"c ���10 it mean nothing to the future I An ovation the like of i Hamilton, Ont. -Fire did $100,000 to the United States Consul - General �,
a! the Empire that this unity should I forces and those of Ylarahal Sun at Hankow !or presentation dimect to
I which, it is safe to predict, has %eldom damage to the Aitchison Lumber Com- , Cbuan -fang, striving to prevent their Genera ,Chi Kad -Shek. military �i
r be made known not only to all P been equalled la his long ParIiamea i pary's plant on Main street, between g
bf }� Empire, but to the world at 1 netratirrg farther northward into
does {t mean nothing that the . tars career was his reward. The ac park and Bay street;, and while the the eastern war lord's territory, Goveror of tits Southern or Cantonese
claim of the audience that had listen - Raines were still shooting into the sky back YenchOw by 30.000 Governtnen2 whose troops are driving,
foundation' o! Empire itself have ! ed his two - and -a -half -hour oration; at midnight, the blaze was under can - northward. - through Che -kiang Pro-• ,,i
- -. 1seen made broader, deeper, and more I trol. For a time it appeared as if the picked troops of the Cantonese. Sun's I vince for the capture of Shan•gt£si, ��,
r 40doring in virtue of the clear, de- i indicated that he had succeed6d_in dis. army dug in along the Ysien• tang b the forces of Gen. Sun `
,. I whole block must Residents of oFPoeed Y � y
�3riita and authoritative statements of yelling the fears for Canada's gta- i apartment houses were warned to pre - j River. Reinforcements are pouring Chusrn Fang, Governor of the Shang �'
IGreat Britain and the Dominions, tus�� which he at times was inclined; yore to, get out and essay of them left, into their camp from Northern, Ciie i provinces and a1HeY3 with ?VLatshaL F�'',
. !which it has been the great achieve - I treat as "idle worries," but which; y kiang and Kiangsn Province, of which Chan Tso Lin, Tile Consul- General;
scantil attired, with a few house- R
i ;a7snt ' of the Conference to bring Shanghai is the chief city. at Shanghai has been instruct,.ed to '".
i '�ut�„ he. sought so painstakingly to banish. hold effects, but they were able to re The Cantonese followed the foe�take the matter up ddrect wilts Gen- . '''
". _ _ • turn safely. The conflagration was Son, V.
r _ northward, but .halted to bong up I eral
cher cows, go•,id to ch ice, $5 to $5.75; the most spec�acutar in many yearik heavy Forces to their best troops for+ __,t:_ _ -
do, coma to meal., $3.50 to $4.50; do, and the reflection attracted thousands. the attempt to break through toward I "
t , L ~ L j ;canners and cutters, $2.25 to $2.75; 'I Officials of the company had not I �RD �N SAV `
butcher bulls, good to choice, $5 to Shanghai, amain objective in their i1Ldl a+a'
I had a chance to enter into the ruins j cam ai which began last spring for
$5 2b; do, raed., $4 to $4 75; do, holog- of the planing mill, storeroom or other. I P m' �Y PLUCKY M.
r TORONTO. ;nos, $3.50 to E3.80; baby heel, $8 to ;buildings, but they stated that the j domination of all China Foreign o
!$10; feeders, choice, $6.50 to $5.80; `lO '�achiiiery__they contained would be' experts believe t1teNCoanto a wig:::
bias: �*hesi�I"io. 1 North., E1.St3i ;fair, $b to f5 - ice, i
230 2 North., $1.51; No.. 3 North.,' S4.75 to $5; lo, fair to med., $4 to ruined by water, even if they capture Shanghai from Sun Chuar-
$4,60; milch cows, $65 to $80; spring- escaped the flames. There were many lan before the arrival late this! Led Five Other Children Out - I
*-$1.4234- I ,. g
� Man. oats --No. 2 CV, nominal; No, ers, $80 to $100; plain to med. co�ss, costly pieces of apparatus contained month of the large British force being of Burning House and {roes "4
7 3, sot quoted; N0 1 feed, 62c; No. 2 $40 to $60; calves, choice, $13 there. The company's representatives to protect British interests.
`°' !�, nominal; western grain quota -!to $14; do, med., $9 to $12.50; do, estimated their damage at $100,000. Back to Save Another.
a 'tons in ail. ports. oom, and grassers, $c to $6; lambs, The Bottii rg Works of Best and That the Cantonese can defeat the i
T.oranto -No. 2 old choice, $12 .to $12.26; bucks, -$9 to. Sun forces and push an to Shanghai Wallaceburg, .Oat -Fire, believed'
Am. corn, track, choice, $6.50 to $ ?.b0; do, Bennett at the rear of the Aitchison is doubted by those familiar with the to have ,eriginated from a defectiys
yellow, We; No. 3 old yellow, 88a $9.50; sheep, structures, were also badly (rutted
Iy(illteed -Del. Montreal freights, i heavies, $4.50 to $6 ; do, culls $3 + with a loss of several thousand del- situation. They point to previous at- I chimney, totally destroyed the home
bags induded::Bran, per toe. $3226; $3.50; hogs. thick and smooth, 1Eed and tempts of the Cantonese to break, with contents of hie, and Mrs. John
begs l per ton. $34.25; middlings watered. $11.50 to $11.75; do, f.o.b., Lars in stock and machinery. The fire Kin some four or five miles from'
throw h on this line, in which they I B.
$11 to $11.25; do, country points,) was controlled after it reached this ( were B thrust back after penetrating Wallaceburg. The loss will be con-
i$40.21L $10.76 to $11; do, off cars, $11,90 t0' building.
- Ontario oats, 504, f.o.b. shipping `$LZ 15; select premium, Per hog, $2.20' Canned heat drinkers are blamed farther north than the present battle- siderable
il• Points. to $2.ib. onnd. If Mr. and Mrs,. King were bath ab-
Oat good milling wheatr -$1.28 to i for the blaze. Officials stated that gr D C Feb 6: Secre sent from home at the time, Mr. King
_ I iMONTREAI, the men gather in the =ard at night Washington,
. $1.30, f.o.b. shipping points, according y I being en at his duties hi the _ ,
to freights. Oats--Can. west,, No. 2, 75c; Flo, and as' many as 18 empty tins have �y Kellogg made public to- night the la3s works here, while his wife was " -
Na 3, 67c; extra No, 1 feed 65c. been found in the morni77Q. It is be- text of direct proposals he has trans-' g
- . Barley - Malting, 6G to 64e, Flour, Man. q tin wheat pats., fiesta, in town doing some shopping, . `s�
Bnekwheat -79c, nominal. p B j lieved that they secreted themselves Witted to the military heads of the l Alone in the house were seven chil-�
Rye__ 2, $1.00. I$8.10; do, 2nds, $7.611; do, strong bak -' two Chinese fectiona far exclusion a! 11 _ Mra_ air- �`izat put. k^ $8,10, To- ! ers, $7.40; winter pats., choice, $6.10 in one of the sheds, for it was i I tbe ing si iniir ationa se ems t of whom was a
1�oei vi ing o t e west that the thirteen-year-old girl.
$ tiro was discovered. from the Done of hostilities in China's f the other children from the downstairs
Ont. flour- Toronto, 99 r cent., 3.65. Bran - $32.25. Shorts - $34.25. - loll war. i
tent, per barrel, in carlota Toronto, Middlings, $4Q,26. Hay -No. 2, per '� The prop{ is presented in older (portion o! the building, and then -
ton, car lots, $14.50. GAId from Canada luckil made her way upstairs to
1 6.60; aieaboazd, in bulk, $5.60. Cheese F west'., 19 % to N l
06eeee• -New, large, 20 to 20%c; I i6 Pour Into New York ��thst Americas citizens and other for -' p y .
�gn� may where a three year old girl was asleep , z ;
, itwins, 20% to. 21c; tri Mete, 22a Stil- i 19%c; ter, No. � asteu pasteurized, 41 to �S receive adequate protect at the time. When her elder sister ��r
28c. Old, large, fibs; twins, 28e; 4134c. New Yorrk.- Canadian gold has been tan" as an immediate necessity, but
:qi Iets, 27e. 01d Stiltons 28a „ rescued her from the burning dwelling c1.-
p storage extras, 48c; storage pouring into New York since January contemplates also_ friendly and order- the flames had almost crept to the bed i
Butter- Finest creamery prints, 45 j Eggs, negotiations ro rl instituted and in which she was tying.
to 46c; No, 1 creamery, 44 to 45c: No, ; firsts, 45c; fresh extras, 52 to 54c; 1 at a rate far in excess of the aver- lY nego P Pe y ? .
. L, 42 to 43a Dairy prints, 34 to 3bc. fresh fiesta, bOc. age for 1926. imports 3 the first 28 o f the ed re eyK" t tip future stath TO � �
Eggs-Fresh extras, in cartons, 601 Potatoes, per bag, car lots, $1:40. says of January were $37,500,000, ac- of the settlement" to which the Weah -,1i.!
62c; fresh extras, loose, b3 to 69c; 1 Med. uality dairy type cows, $4.50 cording to the Bank of Montreal, in gton Government expresses willing- 3. '
fresh firsts, 52 to 53c ; fresh seconds, 'and $4 75 ; common ones, $3.60 to which alone received, $11,000,000 of Hess to become a party.
42 to 43c; fresh pullets, 48 to 60e. x$426; bulls, corn., $4 and $4.50; calves, the consignments This compares with In announcing the plan to prevent {l, .
$toi+age extras, 49c; do, firsts, 46c; $11 to. $11.50; hogs, $12 bo $12.25; 83 x,000 total Canadian gold im- anti -for to disorders at Shanghai,
ds I ackesa price for hogs, $12, with a $ - - _ __ _ - -_ fish Law to PrOtCCt .
- -, -aecon 42 to 43c. p its far 1926- the State Department said United �,
Poultry, dressed- -Chicktns, 5 lbs. $2 per head bonus on selects. Po - -- - - - - -y - -- -- --
40c do, 4 to b lbs., 38c; do 9 New Bn
and up, 36c do, 234 to 334 lbs., 39c; .,� - ,�• - - c - �•�, y >' ,
17 , ,� 2 two'234 1{�s. 850; hens, over S lbs, ` r . State From• Trades Unions. ma
. « >' s f'" Dianch ter, Eng. -The British `-'
$2c ; do, 4 t0 tl lbs., 30c ; do, 3 t0 4 .. .. ' r> \k . ,
.. Ibs„ 28c; roosters, 26c; turkeys, 48 r
_ Govea rsment a proj brill ending
cried am
-. - #p 47c; ducklings, 5 lbs. and up, 3b � the trade union law will not take awayl -
fo s k % ` > - "" any o! the reasonable ighfis of thei �s
ns --Can. hand- Picked, $3.80 to '# ,.• trade union, Winston Churchill, xi. 1. 1.
;$3.90 bushel; primes $3.45 to $3.60. W � s e° � 7 Chancellor o! the Exchequer, declared �'
Ms to producta- -yraP+ Pm �p * 'j, � .' here, in the course o! an address on
2.25 to $2.30; per 6 gaL, $2.15 ��
, FLi i" . natibmal finance. `
..2.25 par gaL; maple sugar, lb., 2b ,. i w yt ,t 6' t I "No legislation of ours will deprive g
-• s l' "' +, t ► '' the trades unions of the full wee of '
Honey-- 60 -1b. tins, 12'fs-to f&; 10. i t t +r?"_R ft• ti
1b. tins, 12% to 18c; 5-lb. tins, 13 to ,.. � 8 { 1
�# coll:ctdve bargaining in trade disputes
1334c; 234-15. tins. t6c. ;`�a:.. t �• ;;, t 1$ !� � ' E, j . or the right to strike, or o! practical
Comb honey - -$3.40 *,N $4.50 per doz. s: e. ,Y sari reasonable incases of condl7cLing a
Smoked meats -Sams, mad , 28 to k"
8pc; cooked hams, 42c; snicked rolls, strike;' he said. "Our legislation will
F6c; breakfast bavn. 3i to.Scc; backs, have for its object the protection of
-boneless, 89' to 40e. the State and of the public from
Cored meals- �1Jong clear bRCOn, 50 abuea of that right, and from its per-
_ ----- '• q 70 Iba., $22 i 7A to 90 lbs. $20.10; . ' 1a version to political or reviiitiona. I
2034 lbs. and try, '$21.84; lightweight , . -
i $41.50.; heaYyweight r r j objects. p cellor Churchill declared that . _w
roils, n barrels, �„ I
.. rolls, $38.54 per bbl. •," F
. „�, 1 throughout the year of dmi stet off
Lard -Pure tierces, lb to 1534c; �' 1926, Great Britain had met all hart
lobs, 16 to 1634c; Pails, 1634 to 170; y
riots-, 173'to 18c ; ghortening tierces, r-» ar ,, obligations out o! taxation. q. T'" °' '" a
7 ' .. • frim to 13t/ac'' tuba, 1334 to 14ef pails, ,z �� r ` London. -The Westminster Gazette 11 ..w., 1
•.14 to 14%c; blacks and tars, 15% to - - .:.. . * 01'. stays that the, trade union bill wlttch� ,. 1.
16a'.: ��'..?, ... ; �,:` the Government is planning to .intro-
Heavy export steers, $7 to #7.65;'• `
good $6.25 to $6.50; duce in Parliament will make a gen-
beavy steers, eral strike statutorily illegal; will eep-I
butcher steers, choice $7 to $7,25; Shanghai, Chi",, showing-bbe residents of the foreign quarter prepared to repulse any assaults by incited Chinese state benefit funds from strike funds,)
:ido, fair 'to good $6.2� to $6,75; do, Nakiq�,�{s, who's activities against foredgnars have become more pronounced as the situation in China heat
• . alone -, $•4.75 to }6; butcher beilers, gmwa wore& The photograph Dal and will limit strictly the number of
Band, the princi thoroughfare
idtoice, $7 to $7.26; do, Lair to good, is ShaagLas. . . ka . .
$4.60 to $5; boar ; .. , ".
h shows the volunteer corps bivouacking on t e t = `",a
X6.60 bo $8; do, coin., ".
_. y
�� _ ; ....
r , �,.
sa .
y -
.}�.i +t,._w_,,� .ra r •.. . .,..w. » .ss ,:. a _,.< ± ,, a ," .. .t' e. -._ ss, . s- w,., -= , :- , -«. , :z.sw� i,�. A �� . rrR �"+ax „rI-A -a2 r � will, -4 "a& .. «� v �.4� ;.r.�+i'�. e..- e; �sU-T: '.�.��•s.''�.�5`.�i3tse � �n'�� 4
... ,.:. S'.'i 7+ea ^i` t . +`9±r ti ''f a•;:9? IL'•'� r?xc R•X>; prm..; -o; �F '40M, C7.,ea!CY'PY' :1 .RI'. 8A - na}. .T,6,., "•rLSCyu.. >�, .0 " ^,;vtY .;..��, r: , ^T ".�:u
as.z -. .. i. .n� r. ...,`,"''.:,FSp ';e!' ,w' t, ,t�i,v*x .:+s_7�c -•^?.. t ^'•+,_y .'«'.:ew• ✓. 1"�",+° ;'a',�yt ..�J yc.,arksq. 10$4! W. s: w "'M1%`. ..i�•'4'. - h'''`wr•.x a4 ..,a',- SY,:,nb ��. .. d- N�q •',h.y�...4ss,srr.
..:,.,N Z¢i[u':Yrr';,Fk. ,n.•:+7n..YaF'/j,ys,,,e.x . r.,..'•.. w.'[asr'I' ,.`k. t? :r'd,r..,, t.ei; .sx. 5's.•,c %3';k•uoan'"' leis w ire :. r� .:W.t- +,a•uM,'f:1cr' " >y,'"E.,s_ .....•o „a+.- - i "' >e <i'5,�['rae.lr•'yn.:a'.'si` rw5 .m''..+w."w m.a;'RA -,sn*n :an5v mm, �x •aa"'a
3:y"'r # - e.:.�.^ '�'*s. ..; ,„ R. „v*••,,.., v.•,f., - ��.=^. -•ar. �.» ff�k �Lx,x.} •e� .�rtrtee lrs 441', �tr�+.w- ct�.vc,,.y. _�^. •s.
i.aJW ".'�':"fs? •..,fs:..' -� -� rr tz� •x-- ,. >,- a;•.., =.� ^•y>-'a rt,.. k u.,m.:ar^.^t.'It'..�al, t.:a^^" -s a•' s,'Y ^- ;ah•.� ,,:..•P ..�, .«.,•y:p'. .kr.c .,yn:r�!.•`t ,�.. ..
a,,• -,w . g;.,�, '- +�•°" .,. , ;,, °:. :: ;, ., ..' ,� - ,:' ..:: si' <,r .:�r."-' •?%• .•b �. u, ttx•;'i..�'?¢�';, . ai%.u.... ti.%:";�».• ..sa:.. "�'31*,e.,k.., ,r. e�,' S� r w. ;»`• .•:r. a .,m n•�'•4" ,k� st.ti: : t',. v�t,« r e- 4u , ���``
..r. ., y'�: ,.E'T'A*"' :.,., .. ..: -.,,F •iR4. :.• t'• s, �'�' - m. �. i .,i' .. "'at.: ..-F,a '- '''�'P°tsr: ^:ra¢•sr `a:i- ��' -,i. ?•tv - x, #�.:
.. ,�•, .„ •ou•�•.• .wµ s" ,e '. ,. .. ...r.. ••.:.•. �.r - rigr''�," -.r, i.^�s�.�*vcT�'�� '�'.p.,r•wR ¢, ., _.+• ^.•,.ir- .p•.:r +^•� *Y>av ;w'�i' ..'�''Et '� 5^ ro -'".'r .s.•� .v -}•'.
alb t i >, — . A Winter Might.
'.A DOCTOR S PRM 'Pure; ,lttil:llall; tla17p>�re ehov
.. :�- s the
-. western sky '
Where a crystal planet shines with
'A Noted Doctor StrenBly alt• , _. _ _clear•orbed-clear
dolfses Dr. WOMB' Pick P An e t _
And mere remot through
Aetds of
- dark -blue night.
Why Such 'Jumper -? � -
Pills. Ties ate
i The 'sickle moon, ' u polished'. el,
1- • What makes you think that auto-
The test of any remedy lies in its rides high
mobiles were not unknown to, an ear -
)i<er civilization. Reap1uj of little diamond' -stars- a '
_- acceptance and employment by the ?" harvest bT1g312. Q �'"�
17 V�
eltrevHfied medicai..practi#loner. No j_ •'We14, how else can you account for _ 1 _
less an suthofity than Dr. Andrea • the kangaroo ?,.
(Amiri, I There, where the hor[zon a azure l0i ~ �'
physician to the Papal house- - Lit ' th !11 s
_hold, writing on the subject of anae• I Correct. ` me s e h
m1a, impoverishment of the nervous Snow crowned, sharp ridged above T�EA
Little Betty was attending her first f..
' system - and disorders attributable !day at School. After her name was the frozen stream
A rOnely- -elm icons, bareheaa, half .:PEKOE. A little higher price than other : �q
thereto, atroagly, endorses Dr. toil• registere ^, er sac ed, ' "And adre'am,
Iiams'•''Pinlr Pills, recommending thorn have you any brothers and sisters."_ #ea5, but a real difference in quality: NOVP ,
Laued branches moveless in the even - .i
as superior to other tonics. I "Yes, Ma'am," answerers the _ little packed In Aluiunttlitte `*�
Dr. Amici's testimony reads as fOl-' beginner. ing still, p_
love:- "For several yeas I ..have Are you the oldest one In the fam-
Sentinel `watcher for the first spring
made,uae of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fly ?' was the - teacher's next question. morning's gleam, Influenza in here. P:Ctnp�>worst C18g8l�1Cd AdVP.ltlSeltrlentti. "
In my work and 1 have always found - Florence We'staeott. '
"0h, no, Ma'am," Betty answered, FOR SALE. ,
them efficacious In the treatment of mother and father are both oiaernI for perhaps, �utbeft is bad enaug v v
i BABY'S IcraorA saxtE, rot . tARrlutr.PLA
disorders cave to impoverishment of me•„ - W91YA co s are r e so-ca a oomm n I �% au morn. ss Kt�csoa.. .umm.tic v.lao the nervous ')stem, saaoaMa and _ "I% .. toles" may be considered a catarrhal tes_oo for $35.00 suamutee& Porason• 30 uoans
neurasthenia, 'stomach isBekness, r� - taffanlmation of the nose and throat. a°''I Eart, �tdntresi.
larded development !n young women, M �► Little' Mixed. PURING FEBRUARY With simple treatment the infiamma• �1ARML21s. PUT YOUR SPARES era TO "
Father -believed in educating his lit tion-subsides in a week or two. In say i` rm�nu use durwa m. winter month. br
'and laregulaaities. There Is no lack tTe son Freddie ol? modern Imes, and repte.ams Tae Old •Rename FoUthilt Nuraedea r.;-.
of tome comedies, but in my expert- etght 'cases out df ten there are no xishin commissiada paid. eacautn tmitW7- baud
once no cue d them manifests a au- I he invented a new way of teaching general or constitutional symptom$; ' some Lt6e oumL . Splendid list .of new- and. rpe du be 8 .. t e '. 3 e• - .. ' es. 'end for kit and full partieulare• etoar '�
o r, fa the other tRO, cosier, see ona weuinstaa i ----- -
Pink Pii7e ,> that took place a2 the first lesson: ed by All Mothers. di - tines may be found in the bronchial
Father - "F for - Freddie:' END TO" FAVORITE NEGAT2YE tRYTiT$21
No more conclusive evldeace of the tubes, fung tissue, stomach and fates- S XD) and loo for rataple . ettlariemenL. ,east `kp
value of Dr, Wf41liauna' Pink Piffle could "M for are." February ' fs one of the hardest. tines, nervous system, heart, etc. I�uneeted, cape Pottage Maine, � be asked for or given, than fa found >,hq for you. _ months of the year on little ones, It These are sometimes termed compl!-
b the above endorsement of this noted "No; Y for' you." Is a month -of cold, blistery days chat aadtons; it matters little what we call Literature Was formerly an art and
in the ab: physician. Besides ibis, "Oh, no! F. for me. You said so." prevent the mother taking her baby them; this') are essentially part of the finance s- ralli"g -- Nowadays one SOUFe- y
)Rrowaver, this medicine has enjoyed a The lesson hereulwn eam!Md abruptly, out far the fresh -aix so necessary to disease. times Wonders if the two have not
world -wide p.lbMe conSdence for more and father inteade to adopt the hack- its welfare. Baby is consequently con- It would be weM for the public to changed glaeea - - i
` than a third of a century and has' neyed rant attmglea "A for' apple" Sys- flned to tale home. More often than understand di- tlnctly that in all cases
,' brought relief to thousands and thous -
'and neat time! not the rooms are over - heated and bawd• of prcuounced Grippe the heart is dis-
r suds of weak and suffering people, ly ventilated and the little one catches eased. Alter ' careful investigation a
cold or grippe. What is needed to keep
Try.. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Unprofitable Research few years ago a committee of dls-
anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner- Two friends who had not seen each the baby well is a gentle laxative that tinguished London and Parla physt• -
r win regulate the stom:t,eh and bowels;
+rousness and stomach trouble. Take class rfiadct the statement "Report of
other for sae time met in the street
�, bandstl constipation and indigestion thirty
them as a tonic if you are not in the one day, postmortems showed ooastant', I '
4 and in this way will either prevent or occurrence cf dilatation of the heart . v`
` beat pbya,ea! - condition and cultivate I "You're looking rather down In the I
s resistance that will keep you well mouth, old man." said one -Lo the other, break up, - coins and grippe. Such. $ wlth myocardltts In the majority of
? laxative fa found in Baby's Own Tab - mimes, also inflammation of the ,bran - I �`
and strong. You can get these p111s "Are: you feeling seedy.' s f
through any nfedicime dealer or by "No, not exactly that," replied uts They are mild but thorough fn chial tubes and lung tissues which we M .
ii aetioA: are aimplutely side and they may call bronchial pneumonia." �� ®CSC�j! d���yer$
mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. friend, "but' I'll.- adtalt I've been war -. are guaranteed to contain neither ✓
'Williams' bledickw Co, Brockville„ rled of late. You remember I hired a The affection of the beart is ,really ( -
Ont. man to trace my pedigree ?" opiates or other harmful drugs. They the serious condition; as a r0a !t pre-( a rub down us ke pro- i�.:
" "Yes," sat d the other, "What's the never fail to be of bene'Jt to little ones after s strenuous game pre .
Bents oo symptoms, gives no positive a
,'I and may be given to either the new• indication (except vests stiffness.
Back to the Antarctic, trouble, Hasn't he been successdul •' pt some weakness not
- -' --• "Successful! I should say he lad!" born babe or the growing child. properly appreciated) and no physical
Mr. James W E. Marr, who as a Boy the reply !n despairing tonne. Baby s Own 't'a'blets are. sold by all sign which can be definitely detected.
Scout patrol leader. gent, with the desLers.in medicine or may be bad by What Lappens? That to a large ex -'
r "I'm having to pay hlm hush money!"
late Sir Ernest Shaekleton in his lam mall, post paid, at 25 cents a boa from tent depeada upon the patient's con -' r f=
expedition to ''the Antarctic, is to be The Dr. WiIH=s* Medicine Co., Brock- duct. Even ht exertion may have a #46 ��
-. �#rlaitlrtq !lure. - - - �1S' Jll1�i�� 4
�soologlat to the Discovery expedition vfkle, Ont serious effect; not iatrequeatl7 it the �
to Investigate deep sea ']tie In the Ant - The new domestic help was stating
the, terms as which ate would accept * patient indulges to exertion too soon
aactfc• To-rnorrow 'WI'll Need Men — tie result is death. V
the sit +ratftw Prevention: For the next three I i,t
"I want twenty dollars a week." else -Who have learned to hold to-day t'
.� Tranquillity is a word that carries said, "and I don't wart Goara, or tiara months consider the common cold as {'
p - -- `
little of its meaning to the unr mty b� a:_.. -Who would rather be right -than
speller. "But—" protested the mistress, prosperous. there are frequently wanting. If
feebly, -Who cannot be terrified from do- there la the 'ligbteat sign of anything IMM
a {
- "Work after sift o'clock," went on ins great-deeds. beyond a sore throat, such as chill,
weakness muscular pains, etc., go to d
l�Othin; (.,�, the woman, steadily, And I want every -Who dare to take [felt orders d!-. mss,
it to-Relieve Colds bed et once and send' for a Physician.
evening off in the week and a -Sae re- redly from the people.'
in forms" sad "dos. 111130iim's fereaoe, and —" -Who event today to preparation Stay In bed and undergo treatment
Mlztum sa dRereat from all alas But - surely the referents, 'mu wait -for big tasks. until permission is given to get out of �
remedies. U lsteraifs sere tike a bed 'Than stay in the house and keep 1�� ��1 �
�to aondvering toughs sad till you leave us?" broke In the mis- -Who can think and will let other' �i Kid slily BO� SM�
1sag etce iadamed parts. =dais. tress..hurrtedly. thick. _ an. quiet as possi le untla the muscular' w �+
j�eanc relief that follows the Asst - strength comes back to the system. �.'
does is asatti�.a a, times to a as. "No. I want the- letter now," replied =tote *111 d-o with ease - *bai we ,� Give "c Caulartia" for i
east bottlel "Bddkfi s" aboard be to Is the dangerous time when' ��
t r .oars tom. Your drttifiet as0s the new domestic. firmly'. "I've tried have called impossible today. W co sour stoula
a.h.� sn.rsrttas. getting them when I' leave, and I've very slight exertion !a often followed ( - �r� S,z
w. & 39areltlq, Li.sed, by a fatvr! rEetlk. Fr�egnently it is the'pa��
t h<3 l[atasl at, lAutta s sta never got a good one yet.' Are there wink to be any regrets tomurrow- 1
P about that Good_ meal you re c;i set to scow > energetic people, who go III this
Bul�� There is no better es ■•ar tdttistu• Better raise Seises s Syr op. Any wad and we know many of our aid
_ t (set a 10-cent box now, �g
Primitive Hones
Sass than the drLgarose, friends who were snuffed out by re- Most nt the ills of childhood ass'
excees of gratitude. 'a
c wen sills s Paoli— turning to work' too emu. causal by a sour, disordered stomach.
a'srtaM sip lts°etrk Primitive
Prilmeot for a rilmal�allmenta �, sluggish liver and constipated bowels, ill'
Brkish Air Ministry Communique I They catch cold easily, become cross,
- - No. 14041, giving the official account of I listless, irritable, feverish, restless,
' .
FOR, i ti
the R A. F. 14,000-mile flight sf tour H IS jl tam uaeea coated. ssue lecleanai Hof the 3
airplanes England t;attaueh 1 to June 21
Tasty; contains the following incident TROUBLING YOU — seating dose of oil into the lift-
one's `
narrated by sting Commander O. W.
FT : Pnlfoud "as an Illustration of the already sick stomach —!t is cruet.
irucla of We saying that 'nothing ie ]flsiantlyt End indigestion needless and old-fashioned.
M ' Any chil�wtll gladly take Caacaretsw
r Lost a Aiuloig' a African Rifles or Pipe's D Misery
pdpsin "� C 1aCips or h they clesa19 the
e !
i which act pently-
"Whilat , the officer commanding _ n er grips or produce the slightest
Second Bettalio King's ! unesa ess - thous e9
�, .• '\ a 81es> which he for a oone -Ae soon as you eat a tablet or two I little
nch and put the liliver and bowels in a
_. ..� of us, blew off, They fell in thick bush of "Pape'' Dlapepsia" your Indigestion f pure, heatthy condition..
about Six or''evian miles south of Ta• is gone! Heavy pain, heartburn, flatu• I Full directions for children sad
bore. The lose of a pair of goggles fence, gases, palp}tation, O3 any misery gaownrrpa in each. _�erkaglea
was inconvenient -for it msour, eant that from a s acid Stomach ends. Cor• Mothers can rest easy after giving
B somebody in the slight had to fly with- rest your stomach and digestion fbr a this gentle, thorough laxative which
out them. Early neat morning about tow cents. Each package f;naraateed � costs oats IO cents a box at any ds'nt
two minutes before taking oil, a native by druggist: - _ stors• is k•
was nd toward ua:g On reaching us he
' handed me the goggles, quite nirdain th its weight in gold" ^��
aged, and then walked away. Where h
or how he had found them was never
discovered'; but the incident beam wit• C
seas to the Honesty of the average na-
7 Ottawa Mme. Beatrice Charlebois could not hold pen to wrllt� Y:
— Nerves completely shattered, health ruined. Now taker,
English Beg Trees to Bear by
t vigorous and strong, shy' gives praise to Talnlac f'
= - Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Song in Pagans Ceremony. The two -year ordeal which she ;
A ceremony surviving _ from Pagan sed through. before Tarlac eame to
Colds1�leuralgia times was carried out on the eve of erpe ant relief, was recently de-
Colds R- N I N �•�• old Twelfth N1g+hL; January 18, at Car- .. sculbed by�Mme. Beatrice Charlebois,
.Pain euritlS p� �+ enn west counts i. - Ottawa.
_ .. getv8ie' 4Otp0� no W..h-ato d Ben red i that time weak
Headache Lumbago There is only one coons which echoed
trRwatoabear a I could hardly walk. My appetit'
Tt�OthaGll6 - I�hetunailsrn "ASPIRIN" tablet. Ii a tab- • Iueby Drop meat s_sson. poor and my etc uch gave no en
_ �s
ht is offered as "ASPIRIN" The ceremony was accompanied by trouble. Gas and pain' would bring
much cheering, gnnflring and 'cider on fainting spells.
^317 and is not stamped with the "M'y nerves ware so completely
'DOES NOT AFFECT "Bayer Cross " - refuse it with _ drinking, and it is on record that on
- •- one occasion the reveIere on arriving i chattered that I um i B fright
cantetnpt- itisnot ASPIRIN every time the doorbell n Ply ..:< not
•t: - RT at all l D611 take chances _•• a lilac bush instead of an apple tree. ; hand trembled rem name.
-r k�
>- 1 at the last orchaxti- solemnly wasesi•lel
o e pis to
after night I'ie.gonemithout sleep, 'Y { �
-Accept O� "Bayer,' acka C _ I _ . -too nervous to lie still for even a few
Doctors vouch for Minard's Liniment. momenta. Even my housework be-
- which contains proven directtons:
r came too much for me. calm and steady as evesR. Tatulaa in
Handy 'Bayer" bones of 12 tablets The Coronation Spoon.in the Tower' "I tried all kinds of remedies in worth its weight m gold."
Also bottles of 24 and 100 - Druggists• of London is believed to be the oldest f those two years, but can honestly as Build up your health on Tanlae, R
�1rin fs the wee mart (rasistered to Cassia) of Barer Yaantacture of Monosaeud- English silver spoon still existing. t Tarlac gave me my first real relief. It asture'e own tonic made furor roetar
1 acf8utar of 9alicylicaetd (Adet71 saliane Acid. "A. 9. A:'1. wbsle it Is .roll lrno•o built mepp� that l'vegained 11 Its., herbs and barks. YourdrugpstLwiti. 1 r
Aspirtam li� Bvsr maanractttre,to ssasat tae yublta atatttai isulattaas the Tablets ISSUE No. 7- 27. sat and glee fine and have nerves ae t7ve'r 52 million bottles sold.
comt>a*rr will be st.stved with their Eawrai trade mart. the "s.Jer Otaw"
�s� '_ ;i. -•_' .,a;•_.. •. .'.. .- •+r:......, :. :'::;r.,^, -. a:,. -, .,- ....r'., __... .. ,_..� :_415'......._._ - .. _.,.__. ^•r. __ate„^,.. _..._. .... ... __•.__` - -. ._ _. _ ...,. -..- _ -v ., _.._.. m4AM __..., ..._..F +d...,,.a.:'._ _.._'_.. rt, �iS,. a,. �. Es• Nss., u;.: i, �'. �"'.,'. �.. +&1;.,;..:�a�r+FS:rtk¢'�'k, "•�5
•i, art•
q � F • ,._... t}}, • xt- +,.�-.S�f .•�1" .. "'1r.g:9 5.,Y. :d : ; '�' • ,- '- 7b✓drT�isr • , ' k.i." .'w.u. S;i1 f «Y..i.� tt`` . . C:a2 ,, °.''F . .uW - ••Ti.':.' . •`•l�b.,ny; i7J . r.^rr•'• .°•� ,.+.; . ^t .•. ' y'?•„fi.:r K .? • •! S ' wr . ,r £« ' �., .p r- . - ar. :`'k5.9: am'?. �;.9. n *( t•, +q 5 .• .. s'•a swq .x � . o '•". ' ro•. .,. .• . u i, 'a a
.+: wiX g •_^ Y ..x : «.. tr.t. !'
- .
n 1
Com unl0M; qs were read - roan lhltisT ,►itu... _y
r� the Hydro - Electric Power Commis. - Extra.
` eiou re b dro service to Claremont �p�8 with bat the eldthes -upon'
9 their backs, the family 'of Jose • ,�
p �11f �
• TxRMS A bow munication ayes reed from
, 1!1.78 per year,; IlLbeil paid in advance. Martin Turnbull. Assistant Provincial barely saved their lives when fire' _ j
o v" cilptiams'ro th;2uaitet states sad Cleat 'Treasurer, we distribution or railway destroyed their home early yesterday -
l3dtaia .00 is advance. tax. 1;829. morning. The father helped his wife Your Aladdin
Wm. Lunan, foreman on the Victor and .four children, one an infant in -AT-
Rose farm, was heard'_claimt re- - arms, out of a dom stairs win af- '� ('! C
`- URKA -Ri PropriSt0f, ward for shooting t► dog fob worry- ter rousing-them when he was awak-
e pp. ened by •the smell Af iiitense smoke OUR "Hegot ut �
wm. &merod. -was heard re grant •t-
NQTES AND COMMENTS. irk their brick dwelling, just off the „
J for South Ontario Plowing .16*tch g a is Order." It will �
Association. •Kingston road__The- house which 'kas tell you how to make your Aladdin
Straight dealing has 'always The standing committee o❑ Contin- valued at about $9.000, was totally give better service than over. It's `
been the rule with Greet Britaln. eaciee reported and recommended destroyed. Recuprio N;-as covered by yours FREE. We-also carry afttll x
Rhe following payments : D. R Beaton, insurance .on, both the home and con - Una d 3 LbS. Good Pranee, �Sa
'"Sharpness in business matters on acct of salary 126 W; Municipal (tents. - • - -
with other nations she )has always
World. 8 subscriptions 8 00; John Mur- The family, which has adopted the 2'4 Lbs: Pastry �`lOtir, 9if3
held in the greatest contempt, L-ar, township stationery for 1927 99.50; �' English name of ',,Cooper," consists
Thos Gregg, attending session Divi• of the father and mother, and four �h;tA Lily $akIng
Wand she has never tried to evade sion Court 4.00; Ed Gleeson, ditto 4.C•0. Mantles. Cdimneysaed W[e(cs
children; Margaret;' aged 9; Kathleen, Powder,
her obligations in the matter of , The standing committee. on Dam - I aged 6; Charlie, aged 4,' and baby Get ready now for the long winter
. ages to Sheep Worried by Dogs re- i evenings vahea you will need the
.- debts. She believes i-a therold ported and recommended the tu!!ow• Sammie, aged two months. The fam B y FiC1Ik Macaroni, 3 lbs., 2+�4 ±
-.-maxim that "honesty is the best ing payment: Wm Lunan. reward ! ily- have only been ltving in their pure white light of the Aladdin foe
for killing dojo found worrying sheep I house for half a year, and while they your indoor work or pteasares.
olicy," and this is shown in her ? �� 111 are covered by:,insurance, they are in
} recent 'action in promptly :ie- The standing committee on Roads! a very unfortunate position for the I C HARDSO N
knowledging her Obligations, and etnd BL'idges reported and recommend - ;present, being obliged to- live with JASO
ed the following payments: F Rudd, 1 friends until they can replendish
taking steps to meet them. This haul-grav opp 12 con 1 and bet 10.11 , their supply of clothing and obtain
-19 in contrast to the stand taken cons 1.3 88.85: F Crawford, haul neap � another dwell'i�ig. Scarbaro fire brig= '
F bet 10.11 cons 1.3. bet 2 3 con 4 and oppickering. �ard�are More k
joy .the• United Staten who de- L ade responded to the call about
1, `and 3 con 3 6U 50: R Hedge, ditto
. %mands her "pound of flesh." 42,00; L Stephenson, haul grav bet 2 -3 ; twenty minutes after being called
coo 4 and opp 1-2 con 3 18.00: Harvey but we're unable to do anytfiin¢ to
After many months of deep mys• Edwards ditto W.00; W Fuwlie, haul Quell the flames. r- Shell M WA qVit.
e . 3 con 4 ._Poul.trq Fuods and E Producers-
_ _..
t -y regarding that individual de- and opp 1.2 con 32,50; winter roe, ea a can -up u o s an en d4 a
Beef Scrap and Laying :)deal.
-scribed by Premier Ferguson as haul and shoe grav het .10.11 cons 1.3'1 The Big Store Saturday evening. _.
>; the "strong man," into whose and bet 2.3 con 4 and opp 1.2 con 3 and
R�yat Purple Calf! Meal for the young valves. x ck
bands would be given the task of 421 d -haullr gray' beets 10 111 con 1,8 and PICKER +• i
bet 2 3 con 4 and o 1•'3 con 3'158.80;
Administering the government 1 C1nly, .International Cream Separator
Theo Annan, haul gray bet 10;11 coos LEAGUE STA;vDIN'G. ,
a'ootrol law which shortly will be 1.325.00; Harry Boyes. ditto 29.31: 1: i P �y T L Pts at a Reduced Price. -.- ��
` ` placed on the statute boots by Blake, ditto 30.00; E Bryant, ditto Maple Leafs, ■
r' 21.85; J C Bryant, ditto 90.00; John 4 2 2 0 8
a the legislature, has at last been Adams, haul ray o 1.2 c�'o 3 820; R+acgers, 4 1 9 q• o If there i8 anything In the Hare Ware lines you want
-exposed to the view of the public, g opp Shantreeks, 4 1 2 1 4 S �° y �!
p p J Stephenson, spread grav bet IO and I Greyhounds, 4 '0 1 8 Il
%an the person of. D. B. Hanna. Mr. a con 1 7.35, H G Calvert, er, ceps :give us a call. The - chances are we t
{ for blasting 1.06;'Rov Ward. salary
Hanna is a man who has been be- from ,Fan- 9. to Feb 7 97 A H Dowo,
Core the public for many years, haul gray bet s 9 range line 43 80: G Auction sale at The Big Score on have .it in Stock.
Burlkholder. obi yds grav bet 28 and 27 . Saturday evening at 7.30
•nand for a long time was connected -
coo 4 8.47: Q Hamlin, haul grav bet . -. _ --- . - � • _ , . _ . -�
•with the Canadian tiorthern Rail. 28.27 con 4 6.050 :,A C Diamond, haul I. r BALE REGISTER. 'f-
way. We believe that it would grav opp 29 coo 4 5 So: Jas Ptitsey, i - Agent fur International Farm machinery and Repairs.
ditto 5.af►: Ontario Good Roads Assoc!• Tuesday. Feb, 13th, - Important auc- 'I
°tee dif$irult to figd a man better ation. membership fee 5 00. tion sale of high - class' furnitare, at Our Mot-to : W e Have it, -can get it, or it is �n'o�EQmjade. l
fable to put the new law into e$ee- The Committee recommends. that lot 27, eon. 2. Pickering (just north iC� ►jL�� +,
hive operation tlrtin Mr, Hanna, R R'ard, Road Superiotendeor,a.ttend of Erskine) the property, of F. J. J. S. BALSDON • fPl J '+
the annual Conference of County and Blei htholm. Sale at one o'clock
rind the appointment should-130t Township Road Superintendents to Foe g
i meet with any serious criticism. held on Feb 21 and 22. Also, that the sharp. See bills. W. F. Powell, � �
f members of the Council attend the auctioneer. i4
otar {n Good Ronda Association on WEDNESDAY. FEIi. IBrH - Auction Don t forget to renew your suhscripta
-0 �
Abunt a month ago the whole Feb. 24 and '.a, and receive I day's pay sale of 2v horses, the property of '
Civilized world was thi- Wed. the A by law •vas introduced and finally Oliver Denny, Mt 24, COD. 4. Whitby to The Pickering News
passed appointing Mesers E L Chap Tp. Sale at 1 31) o'clock, %harp. See
z e•etua,rkable feat of George Young, man and Jnbo A «'kite, members of bills. Wm. Maw, auctioneer.
"+the 17 -year old Toronto boy, who this Council, to the Board of Manage -- Tr EsD.►r, MARCH 1 .4t•- Auction sale
swam the Catalina Channel on meat of the Pickering Community of horseg. wilch cow F, bogs, bay,
a .. 2he coast of CdHfornia. Thin woo- Memorial Athletic field and Par
k grain etc., belon¢iag to the estate of
A bylaw was introduced and passed the late Robert Toms. at lot 9• con, S, '•
rsierful performance is• considered its first and second reading to close a 1. Pickerinir 1 Rifle and half east of ,
•+one of most wonderful athletic certain portion of the original nlloR• Pickering `flings) Sale nt 12 30 ; ' n,
-Yeats in histor , and ds a result ance for road between -concessions 1 o'clock. See bills. Wm, Maw. auc- "
4 Y aad 2. opposite lot. 20. and to close a tioneer,
the boy is lionized everywhere he certain portion of a deviation of said i
as ars, and is great rece tioa ofing
f wa being prepared for him on his such iclosed portion to J l Rkbtaons4 NOt1Ce I� -
oriRinxlalloa`a:nce for roe oppoeite�
convey �'
son, owner of the. y p a • In Rolls.
return to Toronto, and large Snnis � TAGGING OF BOGS 1 • � Talc Au
of said lot: and for the northerly por•
` .•of money have been collected in tioos of said lot, and for the establish- - -
i Toronto and solicited 11r0ni Tana- ing as a public highway certain land Owners or harborters of dogs in the Light ♦r eight • • 35 tbs.
duns throughout the Whole -Do. on said lot 20 in concession 1, in lieu Tewnship of Pickering will please
of the said portions of higbw »v to be' take notice that the Dog Tax Act re- COMPETITIVE QUALITY
f •winion a9 a mark of erteem for his closed. also to close as public highway 'qquires them to procure a tail for each
a :.:-personal qualities as well as for the north half of the original allow. ;dog and keep such tag securely fixed
- the fame be 'has brought to Can- ance for road between lots 26 and 27 20 the Hniroai at all times, under pen. Medium 't i Te1�{,t 5 lbs.
lot 3rd coucession.. I aity of slii and costa. VV ci
add. Btit the proceedings which A hy•law was 'passed to establish a Alro that the provisions of -satd Act
': have been enacted since -the slid- Community Hall at the Police Village as to assessment and taizgiag of doge FINE QUALITY
of Claremont, in connection with the will in future be strictly enforced in
'. •den fame has been thrust upon Claremont Community Metnoifid t1hie towM%b413 -' C
. - %.him has. been nauseating in the Athletic Field and Park already es -' p :1f. FORSY TH. Reeve Heavy' Weib ght '- - 55 lbs.
extreme. The hy8lterical actions iablished in the 'township adjacent to 1D. R. BF.ATON, Clerk .7
the said Police Village, under the porn Dated Feb. 11th, 1921. 23tf _IEXT'RA FINE QUALITY
of the ttvo'factions who have been visions of the Community Halls' -Act, - -� a
' striving to get control of Youoq's 1920• and Acts amending the same. ! New Butcher Shop -- -,` • w
11 El ntfot
theatrical 'engtigements; in order Aehy•iaw was also passed provldi Lxtra Heavyweight 6$ lbs. m<
+W ma a pro C rom e y s ship fur the year 1927. The estimated v;
expenditure for- road •construction, I have opened up in the J. 9. Brandy v
flame, tends only to kljt the inter- b %idge construction. machinery, super- Block, opposite David Tayplot's Y_ SUPER FINE QUALITY .
eat which has been created in the intendence; maintenance and repair is store, s new butcher shop, - - ri
and will keep on baud p�,,�
-- iloy'e favor, If Young t3ad re g32•5M a supple of fresh 8�>ttdf�d 1R00 Brantford: Ogtari0 :
turned immedit4tely after his great A by -law was passed appointing G. and smoked
swim, a'treuiendous ovation would
M. 'Forsyth and W. J. Turner, both _ meats.
members of this Coupcil;`ae members
have been accorded him in Tor-on. of the Board of ManxReroent of the Clive me a trial,
'to. But now when hedoee i'eturo, Claremont Community.'Mlemerial Ath- CLARIJ�IO \'C
letfc Field and Park, and of life Clare- D. J, J01 ES,�� FUR
his reception will be a Carle fiurn moot Community Hall for the year - - -- -- ` - --
compared to what it would have 1927. and in 1928 until their successorF AKEW&BL
Fred ' •
..been had he returned earlier: - We have been appointed. Also, r. I _
r Cowie, John Scott; Fd. tleecnn, Dr, N. %
believe no word of adverse criti- F. Touilinson and Thos. Condy_ form-
-believe r nembers, are hemb re -R ointed, - Gilson's of Guet 'h • now offer w
ciattl can be tiirecfed tow'dtda t y p ..�._.....» `
A number of applications were re• � -,_, yop a perfected furnace- pipelesa _ , -.
Yo:ing, as we do not think that or pipe style -at a -sensational
eived•for the position of, road super- rice. The first revolutionary irn• �� •� _.�. 1 "'
P p y +.. «.... -- w.
,be-has been spoiled by his newly intendent for the year 192'1. provement in home heating in half
but it is those who The council now •td' corned to meet �r -� - n century- low - priced. efficient
,found riches; 1 ours BRfAO quickly installed in any home, .
,profess to be his friends who have again on Monday, Mar-b 7th, for the CS` AND school or church, ?
transaiitioh of general 6'm-iness. PASTRY Costs Less to Buy- • i
Made consummate fools of theta Les�c to Use 7
selves at Young's expense. Mrs. ggp,OUL REPORTS The new Gilson "Magic" is built
Young, George's mother, 1139 also THREEsTIMESifa t Transmits Patented a!
acted un�'isely, but She s'hotild The following i3 tllo report •Of the I Bread, Bu ! �� � air•blast burns ell the gas- and i t
_ Cherrywood public . school for the and Pastry of all kinds smoke. New epee cone-shaped
>Z]Ot be CC1LiCised, as she has had month of January: grate gets more heat unite out of
little business experience and she Senior Room delivered at yollr fuel• Electric arc_- welding seals
, the furnace tight as an egg against
`has. been fee @d with si nations for V -John Garland, Laura Petty- Sr. door, leaks of gas, dust or smoke. NAEt
which she was not prepared, and 'IV'Mary Teefy, Beatrice King, Annie . Surds Hard or t101t
Rittenhouse: Jr. IV James Lawrie, Our.deliveries are regular and de. Coaig .Coke Or Wood "
----- - she - is- deserving f, h a nt- F obol, Geor a 11ICIITO Leo You arc not .dependent upon
' pathy� por the 'veryaukward posi- Mc risken. Sr. III Wmnifred ernes hard coat atone as you get
C .do not chill oux ardent• excellent results fronran kind of
lions 'into which she hds been Aimie Petty, Leslie Beare,._ Vincent fuel -$oft coal, coke, oil. or gas.
forced. Teefy, Bertha Smith, Evelyn Drink- enthusiasm. You enjoy an extra saving ,by _
i - tisirig low cost fuers.
-water,. Harold .Feeney. Jr. III Wal-
ter Waddell, Gordon Petty, -Lloyd Chocolates in. boxes and bulk Write for,
PICKERING. COUNCIL. Petty, Marion Ferguson, Earl Taylor; at all prices. Easy Payment plait
-- Murray Hollinger, Ruth Hollinger, • A moderate payment down in.,
"The above Council met pursuant to Allan Rittenhouse; Hazel Petty. stalls . the new Gilson - Magic."
adjournment on Monday the 7th lost. `Vedding :Cilges a Specialty. Learn all the features of this new
Jundor Room sensationally-priced heating system, we will welcome your Inquiry.
,{ .. r "...Members all present, the reeve in the IT Class •R., Pilkey, A. Maynard,
Catalogue, sketch plan forms. estimates and full information. gladly sup-
plied without obligating you In any way. Act at.oace -this is the time to
chair• *R. Maynard, •A. Petty, M. MacRae, - make plans for heating your home properly. .
i The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
J. Teefy, F. Sobol, B. Peters. Sr. I t D. J GORMLEY, Dtmbalrton
Class, V. Drinkwater, E. Barky, P. D .
A number of accounts were present- Teefy. Jr. 1 Class, H. Teefy, C. Hod - r •' jj4ii Y Phone Pickering 50$
'red for payment and referred to the y' �'H• 11.1 +ONIR R '
Free ective standing committees. gson, C. Calladine, N. Petty, B.-Tor- Gilson Mfg. Co.. Limited - 9510 1'o -:c St.. Goeiph
Frank Harris. Arthur O'Connor. :ance. Primer, •W. Mellroy, "A. 111- SAKERYI.' °"
'x H, Hodgson. No. on roll-19.
John Richards and John Adams were key, HQAiE'9C0•I�
heard re bad condition of the Audley Average attendance 1 7.
*These have @ llhlt f
road and asked for a grant for gravel been np.itber late nor absent during 1i11 `�I�fl� �?" r
'Oing the same: the month. Nancy A. Gollan, teacher.
rx.._ .-. ,� t. ^s... .. .. _ ._.. -._.. .. .. -. .. .�,. r:- ._ .. : :..., -h,"4 s.'. _., -e._ ..._. .•��F- ".a.i?w : -uis e?'. .. re.: �...... e+ +!�i?S•+�<F•4!�+r. "- ._�.Y.•e•.- .rv..y..- �.'�!'... ., .dr&._�:!; __._s,•en -..r :«e'�_a'ea".,. :,-,s ...- w.�. ._.__r!'gL•L�x` -. ..
Little Miss Margaret Overland L. 19UNNINGHAW Muslim
I under the doctor.a care with an Bulldl!W and General oey - Harris ti
Beal was In Bropgb# a' " — 1�� �.;;,CW f
Ai o -attack of -pneumoftlai -N-aree -War-
-- __Monday. dell, of Toronto, is in. charge. We
L Fingold had a bu6neim trip wish her a speedy recovery. Estimates furnished on all clafisee
to't6e city on Tuesday. The Anchors Society of United of work—Interior and Exterior.
.- -1 - - --E4wd,-im(1_Soft @oal of _the'
Thomas Paterson had a business Church will debate with the Young —Alter t1bus-and repairs. We .,appoLu
to the city on Tuesday, People of Port Perry next'M 'd agents for the Massey- Harris best quality on
011 sy Chimneys�Built ConcreteWoz 4k
drip._ ifford- and Mrs. goden;,� of Wil evening., Subject: "Resolved, that Company and solicit the
hone'Pickeilug 57M hand,
Jowdale, spent Sunday with their the Legislator has didne' more f6r patronageof thqifarm.
Civilization than the Investor." era of the district.
relatives here.
We are pleased to see William Come and bear this interesting FAIRFQRT, ONTARIO
T,Hf%c-. A. LAW
debate. .,Graham out again, after. his long All M.-H-. repairs kept. constantly
siege of Illness. on hand.
W-G. Bingham has sold out bisFarniers, Attention
Wilbur Gleesori, of Toronto, is pool- room business to Jack Brig
-spending a few days here'At the. We also have the agency for the
who posRessionoin Mon- products, iuclud-
-home or his p4rents. I am agent for the World's Greatest 0 W
Cook day norning. A room will be The Renfrew," Stoves, Is the time to bring in your harrows* �A
_,and Separator. Log tires etc,. , � ., . .
Stanley and birs. fitted tip in the. front part of the Scales and Oil Engines. Fleury's or any other -implements that a.
friend, of Oshawa, spent Sunday building as a barber Shop, which famous Plows. Points, Grain Grinders, need repairing, so that % -3
with relatives in Claremont. he expects to have ready in a few Wheel Barrowsetc. they will be all
Lorfie Reid has *rented Mrs- days. Brantford binder twine and si<cond-.G- & 'A. T. LA W ready
Harry Thocason's-blacksmith shop Clifford Pilkey, B. S. A., Sci. hand separators for sale. Sly PICKERING, ONT. for• the spring work; t
and will' take possession sbprtIK! enL'e Master in the Kincardine A special reduction during he
G.-M. Porayth, reeve, is in W High School, underwent an opers• next few weeks.
.-by this week attending- -the ad tion in the Kineardine General Phone 5% Pick., BROUGHAM
Green ]Ri,,r'
journed meeting of the County Hospital on 116i3day of Aaat week L O R N E R E I D' it
Council. for appendicitis. At last report N' G' E S Basket ;Factor 'I
Next Monday evenlax the B. Y. h�, wAs doing well and- hopes to H 11, 1 Y CLAREMONT
Manufacturers of
P. U will hold their regular meet make speedy recovery. Nova 7—
ing. "Stewardship as a Rule of ------ Scotia Sbingles All kinds of Fra-t Baskets', Maple Leaf Mutual Fin
Life" will be the topic. Galt Galvanized Steel Shingles
George -Banbury, of gaskateb- Notice of Bird's Felt State Shingles Berry Crates,
.12SUrallet GO.
ewau, who has been visiting his f r-sale.at
Cheap rates for farm and country
I 'itil is now visif- AppReation For D-.Yaree Farmers'Bushel Baskets, c
ing his sister, Mrs. Rumohr. T. PATERSON'S - CLAREMONT Clothes Baskets. bungs.
Notice is here given that Percy Ash- Call and get. prices.' Windlitorm Insurance DU buildings,
Mrs. Chas. A. grant and dan- 1. 1
Davis, of the City of Oshawa. in wind-mills. Silos etc.
gliter, Jean, of Toronto, k Pennock "Automobile Insurance
;Pent the and Province of Ontario, W A N T E E) - Fran Proprietor . r
"''over ' er the week-end with the form Electrician, will apply to the Parlia- of all kinds.
-el� s parents, Jai and: Mrs. Evans. ment of Canada at the present Session Phone Markham 1604
been enjoyi thereof,. for a bill.of Divorce from his
we have ng delight- FARMS FOB SALE
'fal winter weather. There lavery wife, Alice Maud Davis, now in the
City of Toronto, formerly of the City Write or phone
little anew, but sleighing is good, Lif. R. PARR Y.
of Oshawa, in the County and Pro- all kinds.
and the roads also are in good
vince of Ontario, domestic. on the Good prices paid for good quality.- —BOOT-MAKER, ED. BOW M-A N
-condition for motoring. -of adultery. - I I .. — I I .
The Women's Institute will Dated at Oshawa, this Twentieth Phone, Clare' 27 00. 20 WHITBY, ONT.
meet at the home of Mrs. Walter day of Decembo r, A. 1).
All who desire to get theit Boosts
Ward on Wednesd y afternoon, JOSEPEE P. MANG&M, FRANK CHIDLOW
..'..-February l6tb. e following 2o.2s Solicitor for Applicant Harness repaired at a big,
The CLAREMONT, redaction, call at the The Fuller Brush Co.,
program will be given: Paper on
!The Coddling of Criminals,' above bove address.
A Demonstration on CLAREMONT All work done while you wait
and,, guaranteed.
Music. Do- you
Next Sunday morning at the CREAMERY IV. R. PA R R y We desire to have 'a resident
Baptist Church the pastor's text representative of the Fuller Brusill
1. 7 will be -Who Touched Me?" The y in Pickering and WhW
-evening sabject will be "The need Tires Highest price paid for No W. STAFF
K"%JI%U by townships for immediate viork.
Tears of Jesus." Will those who Creigm at the People right now are buying
' f a . 9 ' Marble and Granite Dealer.
4 pies of "Awakening Songs 0 Christmas presents in large qu&n
Cemetery Lettering etc. titres from our salesmen d we
please bring tbim to the evening r simrig Clarozop t Creamery
service ? Let as sing some of the First-class work have a very extensive line of thei
-old favorites. Give us a trial and be convinced guaranteed. articles, including Ivory Sete, Tor..
d Pickering toles Shell Sets and Christmas
Kingston Roftd an stmaa
Last Monday evening G. M. and
Mrs, Forsyth very kindly opened
East Towailine. novelties as well as the household
-their home to the members of the Do, UOt Wait UUtil Lu'dis 5 C 3nd roft I Pheone Whit by 68 R'32 cleaning equipment. Our basins"
Following the regu- -they go up, but bur I Cm* Ind Lwift has always been good in this die- B. Y. P, TT
them at the winter
tar meeting a social hour was them O.—Wbitbr R. R.2 tract and unless you are a bixbl
and thoroughly enjoyed by price and pay for respected citizen- with a car, don t
all. Miss Lois Brodie, who is soon sip ly for this position
Ir to take up residence in Toronto, ef you are this type of man ap.
1 4
given a presentation a pec J pi in ers to Chao R. Stone,
. . ... . I t ho hem in the spring - S ial anuary Clearance
Z itoken of appreciation of her fa Do not buy just &I Bldg., 13 King St.
# 5 COT00i"
ul service as B. V. P. V, president, -tires, but buy
West, Toronto.
Report of Junior Room. Clare-
Regular stock has been marked down to lower prices
wont public school for January.- Goodyear Tire&' for quick sale:*
I Class — Margaret Dopking oi heavy blanket cloth. all-wool, half liaei (a k), L 3-pi
Jane Forsyth*, Liens, Slack *, Jean the tried and tested MeD.8 O-C silk), ece BEATTY . . . . .
-Gregg*. I Class" Doris Linton*.
1tv T-1-1 1, . belt, reg. 1.50, for 12 95. STANDS FOR THE 31
A I n1p 0 it 1. A EST
Billie _Ji have 0 CS I y osw, ne . same as above sizes 28 to 35, reg. 9.50 for 9 95
-Jectual, Fern Taylor*. Sr. Pr, — Men's Mackinaw's, extra heavy, all . wool blanket cloth, reg 8,50 for 6,25
Of Goodyear High
.Tack Morgan*, Gordon Taylor*, Boys' Mackioaw's, same as above, reg 5,00. for 2 95
Edna Taylor", Billie Oliver". Jr. -Pressure and Bal- Men's Heavy Shirts, military flannel, .reg 1,25.1or 95 cisi
r. —Anna Forsyth*, Margaret .7. loon Tires to choose Men's Heavy Shirts, all wool flannel, reg 1 75, for 1.35
Johnson*, Charlie Johnsto n* Men's Work Points, extra heavy, all-woci, reg 4,00. for 1.05 and Z65
Mary from ,
Morgen. (* honours). A. V.
!Spoffard. .-Call at Phone 3800
The Claremont
Continuation Drop in and look J. FINGOMPS
.,---!School will hold their annual Con over our stock.
'cert and Commencement Exer.
rises in the Community Hall on
the evening of Thursday and Fri. F. M. C 00 P E R
day, Februar
- program w, consist of drills, CLAREMONT
Tl7tb and 18th. The
.-choruses, Illustrated son 9, dia-
logues no and vocal solos etc. Agent for Ackerman's Quality Bufld Dollar I Dollicu I pis' 11 1 y
will Harnees. Ask the user.
There also be a one-act play,
entitled "His Model Wife," which l'%ON*T negie ct to open a savings account
-Is most humorous. Doors open at
J_.i because you may have no large amount'
7.30, program begins at 8 o clock.
S ee.
of money to deposit.
The Dominion Bank
sharp. Reserved seats, adults 35
will accept deposits of $1.00 and upwards.
-cents; children, 25 cents rush
seai cents. Reserved seat O small amounts
tickets may be secured from pupils" ..pen an account 'now and add
regularly. You will be surprised to. see, how
of the Continuation School. rice's .
We congratulate the metubers- -rapidly your savings-will grow. _-P
of our Continuation School who
went to Pickering on Friday even• for""611 goods, Jan'y
Ing last to take part in a debate
with members of the' Pickering 24th -fo Febly 5th -
Continuation School. •The sub.,
ject was "Resolved,• that intoxi- inclu.9iVe-... WHrW SPLAPM I H. PERRY, Mai
eating liquor has wrought more Thompson 's Seedless Raisins,
evil in the world'tha'a war.". The -2 lbs for 27cents -840OWN BRANM. F. A. BURT, Manager.,
Claremont debaters were Sam Currants, recleaned. 2 lbs. lot, 20c
Fingold, Adelaide McCullough and Lemon and Ora ' nge Peel, lb. 23c
Phyllis'Gerow, wh'o, uplield. the Dates, 2 tbs.-for .,. ... 23c
t. . 17c
sffirmative, and after a close con- Bulk Soda Biscuit per I
Ht,,A they %*ere *decided the win Fancy Biscuits, per lb. .19c
for . ... .... H
iii, ri by one point.' They enjoyed Prune§, 2 lbs 25c
tli,: evening very mupb,jis. there Rke, 3 lbs 25c Create Your
war also an excellent program 2 Pkis Shredded Wheiit .25c ,
...presented by the Pickering pupils. Coro Flakes, ... loc 4 Own Currency
After the close of th-e tueetin' g all -Campbell's Soups, 2 for 25c
re aired to the school where re Heintz large tins Tomato Soup YOL-R-ownership-of a Savings Bank
f reMiments were served. 2 for 33 cents Account creates a currency all
G. M. Forsyth has been biie:y dur-' 2 lbs. Orange Pekoe Tea for Lp your own. A irbeque bearing your t
ing the past two weeks perisnadibig 5lbs Rolled Oats for --w, - that of the,
8nte J intly 4th
people that it would be greatly to 4 bars Soap for ... 23c Stan dard Bank adds the prestige of fe
their advantage to sign contracts 8 bars Palmolive Soap 23c our name to the integrity of yours, a
for hydro light and power., The 3 bars Veg. Soap reg 746 box 25c combine ion of inestimable value to
Hydro Commission have quoted Pastry Flour, bag 98C y6n from a business and social view
rates so low that no person should Ladies' Hose, silk and wool 75c point, while offering other practical
be without this. great woftrncon! Dress Goods, reg. 75e, for... -49c AM Advantages of incalculable number. Hui
Y -tence. Mr. Forsyth has already Flannelette Blankets, large 2.39
en The deposit of one dollar to your ere
signed up nearly enough of con- Man's Heavy Rubbers, pr 3.40 YEARS dit in the nearest Standard Bank
tracts to meet the requirements Sox for Rubbers, reg Branch will lay the foundation.for a
of the Hydro•EleetH6 Power Com, 1,35 for 1.10 r
currency all youown.
mission, so that electric light is Wove Work Sox
Spractically assured to the rest- rog 50c, 3 pair fer 1.00
entg of Clar emont as well as to ' 66 Work Mitts, per pair 89c THE
the farmen between Brougham
and Claremont and between Bran
1rharn and Greenwood. No one D. A. SC 0 T T ST��IrIDARD '�A1�IK.
.'should heFsitate abont taking a
,; something they PICKERING BRANCH—W. F. Law, Manager
contract, as it I
Phone 1402, Branches also at Dro*ktin. West Hill, Whitby
will Dever regret doing, after
having used it for a time. �CLXREMONT,
-,.I zL c�z_
ijhe Pickering
viguiLnce CommAtes
The object of this Association Is tali.
-lessen stealing and prosecute
the felons,
Litter Carriers.- Hay Carrie
Pumps-, -Doi Tracks-A0cm-
Membtra having property stolen oommusil
Bowls. Pressure Systems Fla
oate immediately with any member
It will•P get my prices on
of Ex*ouvive 00MMI"".
e buying elsewhere.
Membership too 11.00*
VOW$ may bitbail from the President Oe
89oretory an appliaelfion.
Exec. Oom.—L. D. Banks, 0 S. Palau-
ijhe Pickering
viguiLnce CommAtes
The object of this Association Is tali.
-lessen stealing and prosecute
the felons,
Membtra having property stolen oommusil
oate immediately with any member
of Ex*ouvive 00MMI"".
Membership too 11.00*
VOW$ may bitbail from the President Oe
89oretory an appliaelfion.
Exec. Oom.—L. D. Banks, 0 S. Palau-
er, M. S. Chapman, Pickering.
Do Munro, Richardson. .
. . . . . . . .
President. .800rei
Leather Goods Store I
Our supply of quality Harness and
Parts Is now complete.
We have a large stock of this Psi
Boot on hand—unbeatable
for bard wear and tear.
We maintain our established . reputa�-
tion for repairing all kindsof
barnit-9 an -boots.
P T C R T7 n 1 Y 1j, C"71JARIO
4 1� 4A IQ f37 `S.. 7 -11V�`i'110M,4-1"107 AJ,-j'!q-
IT T151
IF", "Mill
A rt V, a •fir
Prom on stseldetion of we as. An acew Into the ball and shouted for Adele.
'Sbe came rumdnc down the stairs and
gory to the IAthrop, mwdet?"
"I never entertained any such sus- Iollowed him into the study.
G t St come the swift assurance. (To be continued.) rT
A cordn"Med
toe the g ect was Use Both Your Han& and
on Your time, my lear round. Thanks obj to you
a Give Your Brain a Rest.
revolutions about the anonymous call
Out of every hundred babies born,
ORANCPE ers I have succeeded beyong all ex-
seventeen are naturaUy right-handed,
th-e, remain-
three are left-handed, and
PEKOE pectations.'t
"What are your next plans ?"
BLEND log eighty are capable' of using elther
"I' Shall hunt for Sir Guy, Lathrop 7,7
hand with equej ease. Yet owing .to
, D
-1 t in London."
our methods of training the young, by
"You are not returning to Chev-
� rw alms -red babies axe-
?It the t those hundred Jf
three years old all except the three
"No, air; I have left a very good
watchdog there—no less than a peer who were left4ianded will use the right
being a bit and for such' essential work as. writ- Beftew.-
T" of the realm who, besides b h
f Ing, painting, and the use of all tools.
of a sportsman, is a friend of one o:
There are said to be over four hen- 'Bread
4 If rou vmnt 410molthinfil bettOt't'17 It* our assistant- commissioners. Name
dred different sorts of work* in which I
You grocer of. Bulpeter, Viscount Bulpeter your
the equal use of both hands is an ad-
0111111kikM00"" have probably heard 0 him." L
"Lord Bulpeter,
vantage, but even In those In which
eb To murmured ,yes, one hand only Is pezerally used it Is!
Mr. Stampage reminiscently. I
tremendous ad-vantage to be able. to ■
the chap. Years ago, when
I can place
use the left hand In order to rest the
I was in practice in Harley Street, I
41, .
Chopped off 'his appendix." right
W4 In awe - struck - veneration for a mere Sir James Barrio, when right CIAK
hand- failed him,had to learn to write
commoner who could so violate the STANDAIM Or Ty
with his left, but Sir Aottert Baden• Im 50
august body *1` a nobleman, Mr. Roake
Powell, when bitten by a dog and
EMAWN URAL stared at his host. forced to carry his right -arm In a
HIrGIN going, sir," he stammer-
antics of his rain- gauge, annoyed him must be I sling, went straight on with his work.
HERE TO-DAY. "I have 0 catch the southbound
greatly. It is true that he had a cer- ed. writing and drawing with the other Modern.
am,',i�lsaanel Hioneybun retired zinguan S [go of the meaning train. Thank you r your Tolerance
245*Untryman finds blood in his rain- tain inside knowledge h
t for an intruder who must have been
use on & morning of the death of of the phenomenon, but he wished the unwelcome. h,
ranciz Lathzop—.--_-Sir Francis' the same end could have been gained moat
�a "On the contrary," replied -Mr.
4,auzhter, Margaret, had RIaAned to without, 2 much publicity. "Detective- Stampage politely.
So when the card of
1R, 'Sir Guy Lathrop against her fatb- ard"' The Reverend Mr. Larkin was root• tt
Inspector Roake, Scotland Y VMS .
Sir Guy is suspected of the plantains out 'of -his lawn with a
4. brought to him as he stricked his after- 'Tlg 01
150,;purder by— spud, too] beloved of country clergy-
'11hapector Roake of Scotland Yard, dinner cigar be flew into a rage.
a � men, when the postman came into the portrait
K'While Adrian Klyne, private detective,. "So damned unnecessary," he con- with the mid-day delivery. The
Margaret, succeeds in -eluded rather lamely as his_ anger garden-
&jiipployed by
sing all Lord Bulpeter t.6 Roake, but petered out. a
nonplussed by the strange behavior "He don't amount to much, sir," •
I said the athletic footman -who bad k
KAidela Larkin, daughter of Rev. Sep-,
111mus Larkin and niece of Silas Stam- i Parleyed with Klyne. "Purty little rat. e
' Niage, who reported blood found in his I Easy to chuck him out, if ybu say the
�Z�?Irftfivauge on two occasions. Rev. S. word, air." c
n n You can ,how 0
-. and Silas Stampage seem to be, "We won't do that.
Ing to defeat justice. him in, Carter."
out for a stroll, meets Adele. "That'll ma)be be more cruel than
k.ihe reo,l, her surmise of Klyno's � the other way. Anyhow I'll stand by i e t t
Klyne attempts to bluff, al- I in case he howls for mercy, air," grin-
&th6tigh for the moment;y lessinterested 1 ned the sinister satellite of the once- N . ,
� ist'*16athins than in the fetching miss
r- before bim. farnous London surgeon.
�NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. I "Get to it," snapped Mr. Stampage,
cannot even guess at what . you t "I am sorry for this intrusion,
which.is rather in the nature of clear-
&A taMing about," be said. so'nal to your.
yes you can." came the speedy ing the ground than per
self, Sir," began Rpake. "It is that
"You are - wondering whether
26tort. infernal red rain, as the penny-a-
In actuated by ambition to become
liners call it."
!)Wly Lady.' or by admiration for a "I am as much in the dark as any-
t i*ry ele"r man."
"I would rather credit you with a one," growled Mr. Stampage. "It Is
1 stnnger motive' than admiration— no use your cross-questioning me
about the beastly stuff, And I- tell you
*fiatber"for a peer or a clever mail."
straight, I don't like the looks of you." 7.
ii� said Lord Bulpeter quietly. And, Roake ignored the rudeness. It
jialding to the impulse, be stooped quite suited his.theory that this un-
and kissed the- provoking lips. He fortunate gentleman was a victim of
'�expacted to have his ears boxeiL It
e: the wicked Margaret Lathrop.
k,�. was a plessiant surpr1se when two ,I did not expect that you could
?.shapely arms were flung round his throw any light on the affair, Sir, but
"reck and drww him closer. if you will state your view of it I
"Now I know that we are allies," may be able to relieve you by suggest-
'cooed AAehL "Just as I knew It'"as
ing a solution," he said.
You since last night In the library at i "My view is that one of my neigh-
the Grange, Tell we how I Can hoelp'
7oa disk that odious Inspector.,to bors is playing the fool with me," re-
joined Mr. - Starripagm "Bore, don't
u went all,
"By Informing me why yo stand there on one leg. Sit down and
the way to Suffolk to pay a one-nigbt i have a glass of wine. That's better.
visit to Mr.. Baas Stampare", wus the Yes, some silly ass has been pulling
ameompronu - - reply. ' In leg. Though why he should take
Adela dr�ew ack, a little in swe a y it twice is a ZZI It was a pleasant surprise 'when
the trouble to do pin e two shapely - arms were .
the speaker. She had only a minute which I do not pretend to fathom." flung
ago secured this man for her lover Roske nodded. "You.bave got half around his neck and. dr6v him
and she was very conecious that she of it rightzir,' ho said. "But I can closer.
herself had loved hira at a rht�-� go you one bettir'on the other half.
such was the sporting Instinct of the It is no neighbor of yours who has, mail consisted mostly of circulars, but
man-hunter that at the supreme mo- been filling your rain-gauge with there was'one letter which the Rector,
ment of their romance he could thrust blood. Would you mind telling me if after a glance at the postmark, tore
all emotion into the background and anyone can gain access to the gauge open eagerly. This is what he read:
endeavor to strike a professional, bar- from the road without being seen from "DEAR SEPTIMUS—Last night I
'IT will t I ell you qverything," she the house?" had a call from Inspector Rouke of
"Certainly. It is hidden by a screen the Criminal Investigation 'Depart-
..gaid quite humbly. of shrubs." ment. A more futile idiot I never en-
Mr. Silas Starnpage, like niost re- Again the Inspector nodded. Th:ngs countered. I simply tied him in knots
tired notabilities who daring the years were coming his 'way. "Those TA- and played with him as if he were
of1beir fxme and fortune have enJoY- throps and their fraudulent crime ex- a bit of string.
god the respect of their fellowmen, set port have been monkeying on yeur All the same, the fatuous' Roake
a gLod deal of store by the opinion -of premises . " he said. "The daughter and coughed up one item 'Khich has filled
-%le neighbors. The inyssion by gentle- nephew. of the ' murdered baroniet- In me with a good deal of apprehension.
am of the pz andtho consequent love with each other." He bragged of having gecured'tbe co-
7Atoriety accruing to the Strange ,The demeanor of the once eminent operation, as a sort of non-official'
mrgenn was growing more frlendlY. assistant, of one Lord Bulpeter, taken
"That bftrc out what happened bers on- under the auspices of one of the
a few nights ago," he replied. "Two Scotian Now some
d Yard mandarins.
mysterious callers turned up at brief years ago I operated on the one and
intervals--a malo and a female I only Lord Bulpeter for appendicitis,
ww dining out and saw neither of and be did not strike mis as at all the
them." kind of man to hanker after detective
Roake purrel like a well-fed cat. kudos. If a personal description will
"They Will have teen Margaret La- aid Nou my Lord Bulpeter was a fat,
lethargic little creature--one of those
throp and either Fir Guy or the im
postor, Adrian Klyne," he affirmed. frequent freaks of the peerage, a pe-erl
y(M)II "What was the purport of their . busi- without la, presence.' Andi on top ofl
ness with yousir?" tbi% discrepancy, I Seem to remembe-.11
"They declined to state it to my readinit� somewhere lately that Lord
just love man-servant," replied Mr. Stamilage. Bulpeter ,vas in Canada. )t might be!
"They refused their names mid would worth while to look into this. Turn
Wrigley's Now DIOUA E not say if they wdre staying in the Adela on to the job if you can't takei
Muff — Real Peppermint heighbortimd or would call.again." it Oil . your-elf—Yours,
Flavor.—lit's so wonderfully d(I . see," the Inspector swallowed it I "SILAS STAMPAGE."
condorting, —ring all at a gulp. . "Just an excuse to --Mr. barldn carefully re d the.letterl
ance into the grounds. a' I
and delicious. cover their entr for a second time. when he went out
Iwo Probably they had ascertained that
you were not at home and tampered'
-rain- gauge on their way in
with your, I
or out.11 N U RS ES
"I am very greatly obliged to c you, Inournbles, In
Inspc-,tor Roake," Mr. Stampa- tle- ff, Toror:!a ffoo;lital fur
livered himself pompously. .,.,It is rot e Mir three ytv&l Court*
too mew York City. ciltra a
nice to dwell among evil-disp".,el C1 Tr.1jn1r.1 to yot:na *oPfell, ItAvino th2
AFM rrnuired rduc�lion. and dcArous of betornIng
people and you have completely exon rurcrs. T�.i, Hoopital hat Adcriltel the ".
EVF-Ry of
erated my neighbors from PI-IVIng ltn�' hocr ly.1,en. Tt.e pa,110 rectiV. I .,,:for 0%
r1CKs in :hi and Masnttnp
Clint a scurvy trick—two scurvy t ' sch.01, a allowance
MKrit; to and from k,*,,i York. For turbot
fact. I hope that in doing me t . his intormstion write tat &ortrlort.pdont.�
JOSUE No. 7—'27.' good tar- You have freed your mind
and, for he has been able to use both
A modern adaptation of 'a famous;
ply iROI
ads equally all his life.
couptvt would be:
The great anima-1 artist, L-andse-er,
I shot a word Into the air,
ould. paint two pi -ctures at the same
It fell to earth most everywhere.
me, using both hands. The famous
oeonsrdo da Vinci was equally &c.
For Colds--Minard's Liniment.
mplished, -and so was Holbein, the
ro fi%&q1Tf
painter. More wonderful
Bait for Wild Cate.
eems the fact that the well-known
Oil of catnip Is used a;& bait in catch-
uTgeou, Mr. Simeon Snell, could opor•
Ing bobcats and lynxeo,
e equally easily with either 'hand.
Ir Oliver Lodge is another well-
sown man who uses both hands with
8est and
It is the, left side of the brain that'.
ontrols the muscles of the right side
ply iROI
f the body, so by learning to use the
eft. hand a person actually rests one
Me of his brain and Is, therefore, able
o do more work at a stretch.
'The Wooden- Hat.
ro fi%&q1Tf
Wood-en hp:rnetsfor miners are be-
ng manufartilred in England.
Athletes use MInard's Liniment.
Canadian- Plan Book
octiral Ardelea an
Planning, Building, Financing,
Decorating, Furnishing and Gardening
illustrating homes that reptrawnt the t
ideas and latest treatment in Colonial E=I'
Spanish and Domestic design--bungalow.
cottage and two - storey renicliseces, They
cover all types CA construction. Designed
by Ca a inn architects from each pronruwa.
Ready Now. Order Yours Today.
Special Ps so owatta Par Copy.
MacLean BoAder's Guide
344 Adelaide St. West
%g -
depends tor e ur you use. We belfeve
Flour —made from the fine vigorous "MUT welcome t1;1,3 suggestion t - the Atthv
Western cat. Thousands Of
'cooks say Rarity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread.
RI TY F 60- U
L R -�
Saud 301c in iteaVs fm a& 700►" Plir"I Floarr Cash &A
%vissers caseiiia Plow mum Co. unksc Toreew ki"N"L ours. saint Jens.
Read Good 1Vlagazines 1
.-We will mail you, Prepaid, the following
At the prices Indicated. •
�.�-Chwk Uwe
lVaclean's ............. ........ I year $2.00 ........
............ I... ......
:.Maclean's 3 years $6.00
...................... 2 years $5.00 .........
The Canadian Magazine .......... 3 years $3.00 ........
Saturday Evening Post ............. I year $2.00 ........
.Ladies' Home Journal ............ I yeir $1.00 ........
Country Gentleman 3 years $1.00 ........
Good Housekeeping ............... I year $3.50 ........
Cosmopolitan ..................... I year $3.50 .........
Harper's Bazaar ................... I year $5.00 ........
Set ....... ................. 1 year $3.50 ........
--True Story .......... I year $3.50 ........
Just check the Magazines wanted. Fill in your name and. address,
enclosing cheque or money order.
Na n,. e ....... ........................ . .........................
�Address ........................................................
Room 425, 73 Adelaide Street West Toronto 2
MacLean BoAder's Guide
344 Adelaide St. West
%g -
depends tor e ur you use. We belfeve
Flour —made from the fine vigorous "MUT welcome t1;1,3 suggestion t - the Atthv
Western cat. Thousands Of
'cooks say Rarity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread.
RI TY F 60- U
L R -�
Saud 301c in iteaVs fm a& 700►" Plir"I Floarr Cash &A
%vissers caseiiia Plow mum Co. unksc Toreew ki"N"L ours. saint Jens.
Read Good 1Vlagazines 1
.-We will mail you, Prepaid, the following
At the prices Indicated. •
�.�-Chwk Uwe
lVaclean's ............. ........ I year $2.00 ........
............ I... ......
:.Maclean's 3 years $6.00
...................... 2 years $5.00 .........
The Canadian Magazine .......... 3 years $3.00 ........
Saturday Evening Post ............. I year $2.00 ........
.Ladies' Home Journal ............ I yeir $1.00 ........
Country Gentleman 3 years $1.00 ........
Good Housekeeping ............... I year $3.50 ........
Cosmopolitan ..................... I year $3.50 .........
Harper's Bazaar ................... I year $5.00 ........
Set ....... ................. 1 year $3.50 ........
--True Story .......... I year $3.50 ........
Just check the Magazines wanted. Fill in your name and. address,
enclosing cheque or money order.
Na n,. e ....... ........................ . .........................
�Address ........................................................
Room 425, 73 Adelaide Street West Toronto 2
.,, .E,. ;i �4' Tw :: '�' `• ,; .; . ,,= F,.dr. �vw; aye �F ,fit, .. a sc• . ,,0.; V Y`1 n r A ,-W,'. j ,.:" vs•
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. ',�G ONE OF CANADA S ... -
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-- --
- -- �,
-- - . v -�_. _ _
-Topulalrity of Royal and Ancient Game Attested by the Large PLANNING; . BUIL,DI NQ . IF NANer1NQ , +�
and Growing Number of Its Devotees. OECORATm . FURN13 HINC,, . GARDENING. a.
.. -
* - Curling, which is akin to the sum- katchewan, and Alberta is remarkable. �■� Cap Y.lte- ;i iQ
Mer gam_4f golf in its appeal and Its, The sport in the Canadian West dates . _ -- >ar,
physical deutands, ,is rapidly becoming 'from about IS78 When a few games
" sue of Cteaada'e most popular winter were played oa the Red River is Win �,,� __
pastimes. The ideal conditions which' nipeg. 'A� tti, `. �} + `.
A �'' --- "ft a 11
prevail during the winter season have, The curling season is Canada starts _
�gaiaed tar the Dominion the name of 1 about December 15 and continues un �� 1.
- "The Curlers' Paradise." Nearlq every' til about the middle of March. For t�� `� 1: r
province has its branch of the Royal : the greater Part of four months .the. � , X .. _ � :
Caledvniaa Curling Club of Scotland, roam' Same" holds away in nearly ; , .► ; -
+ the parent body ol.the sport, and every every Canadian city and town and its . ,.-
" i3phore of pocfal life 1n Canada fa re devotees are numbered in thousands rrt� --� �/i i'
pn�esanted among its devatcee• In the cities where, the game !a played t -•� t y~
Apart from the intense interest in covered rinks, there is little or ao ,'_,, ,1,.� 'f �I,,,d.•- - L. / ;4 '
aroused by the Same itself, curling interruption from thaws. However in c ,•: • . Z /�� � :
((w�'2�elds other and more potent in• the towns and villages where pond or t i � y 1 ,arc � "-
'Iuences. Wherever curlers me, t there lake supplies the surface, the weather - ( 2' ;!` T j t ~{ / ''
�o formed a brotherhood of goWto,,low- is always an important fact or , the 2 : `•: ��'i, -h`f `� �� 7, / . -...
ship inn which men :from all walks of success of the season's play. , f. �: ,;,,� 14nsl °" ■ % .�l, /
affe fraternise and in which the honors Bonspiels are held in nearly every ' a - r I�:.' r :1r'
go to hImN who makes the best shot• section of the Dominion, and many -" 1 = 'fs•'s I '
11 The best curler is the man who "pia }e later -club competitions are carried
`the game" and the quslitles so t''evel- along. In the I4farlti t l ' t '
I �
oiled are reflected in the success of the event of the - season is the' series of _ _ t
Sndividuai In the social and business interpiovtndal contests for the D'Io sr -n
...�+' `- `^4,v''i �' %f�!'�"�t4.,V„'�'�� ?rte- ' „� I■�
ilia of the eauntry. _ Clelan au p, donated by the late Hon, _�" '�_`� r- - �••"._'— - .a►, -+'°�`�'
Just when the first curl•in'g' match X R. JlcClelan, former Lieutenant !►4 ��r� ...•�..�-
-took place in CSanada is uncertain. It Governor of New Brunswick. The an-
' is olaim�ed that the Highlanders who nual competition for the Governor- "rI 1\M BUNGALOW OF M flD�� � "�•�.
Served under General Wolfe played the General's trophy is one of the blue rib- IJVa' .
game at ' Quebec and there Is little bon events of curling in Eastern Can- By Richard P. Blakey, F.R.I•B•A. __:. ; s
doubt that curling was blayed in other 'ads, , the finals taking place oa the `'� "
f :.: parts of Canada (bower slid Upper) rinks aL Rideau Hali, Ottawa, the of Here• is a aenaible little bungalow vielon of windows in two walla. Notice, passage between the adds garage �ol�.
a before the formation of the Royal flcial residence of tme Governor =Gen- of English design which will undoubt- too, the splendid Iocaifoa of the base sad house duiittg all weathers
iliantreal Ciab In 1807. Although Qas- eral of Canada. Each provincial edly appeal to a great many readerrs. meat stairs in relation to the kitchen RAturning to the dining room �cSt► ��
tea city olaSaae the distinction of the branch in the West holds its regular items which will be sure to contribute and rear door. A verandah protects 1 map enter a small inner halt tt
11rst match, its senior club wos not Pinter -club contests but to curlers in to its popularity axe the moderate cost, the rest door, and assures convenient which access is hod to a bathroom
forreed' till 1821, while the Brat club fn the Prairie Provinces the Winnipeg yuitabiiity for narrow lots, ease and, - -� `sad two bedrooms, bot)1 of which '.
well lighted and ventilated, and ppo•
M Haki[as tm� just over a century old', hav- I meet• which hen became the greatest °oavealence of plan, and the simple i vided with ample sae closets.
4 . , .. tug bean fouadAd in 13?5. About the bonapiel 1n the world, is the big event beauty of interior and exterior. Heating ie accomplished with a hot;
9 middle of the iaa•t century the clubs of tl a season. 1>datchea are held at la- Analysis will show the principle' rea i ,. I air gas heated furnace, an unusual it& °
to what !s uc >w kno.tin as Quebec and tervals between Canadian" and Scot- soma for the latter to be the good gen- 1 ture for a home of this size, but alto ,,
_ ;the eastern part of Ontario were or- tish rinks, alternately to Scotland and oral outline and proportion of breadth; which Wquite eooznomical where 'na. '',
gan'zed into a brauch of the Royal is Canada, for the Stratheoas Cup, and to height, aided by the use of materials CAWr I tural gas is available, and which eves Z,
r ,�
- Cal'ed'onian Club, and this branch has the skill Canadian curlers have attain- of appropriate colors and textttres. t, : when manufactured gas musnt be uae$, ,
tgrowa until it now comprises 84 clubs } ed to attested by the ancceee they have comprising grey etu'cco walls, brown vccimwki• ofsets the higher fuel coat by Its $I I .
t[tof which 18 ore ladtea' clubs) and a II achieved in a series of years in these ah �f and grey and white wood• convendence and cleariliaeisa
'. Rotas membership of about 4,000 With contests. work. The detail work e.Lso P43Ye. Its I The app�roximafs cost. of this hors
the foutiKliag of clubs la other parts of As each succeeding Year rolls by pstrt in the general hatmony of the Iwouid be 54,400 exclusive of 1000.
T . the Dominion, yrovinctal branches of I there is a greater appreciation of Can - whole, Lor white !t has been reduced i Readers deetrttta luriher infariri+atim , ;,.
the Royai Caledonian Curling Club! ada's wtater season. The appeal of the to a minimum. thus avoiding unneees- I - !ct trt♦sw it COVICO e ' t regerddng the Plane and specification
r . :were oTitaniaed. Ice round numbers I out -0t -doors is becoming as strong dur• sa,ry expense, tits entrance bood and I 3 i ■ a o _ e a `n at this h�etae should comttrunicate With '
� . here' are 20 clubs in Nova Scotia, 15 I fug the months of ice sad snow es in oho emblematic device fn the gable are I.the ar6jtect, direct- Ad**io Mrf •
ra , . ` to New Brunswick, aarl 115 in central i the summer time, and no small part Igeasing objects which lead- individ i- I i Rt'chard P, Blakey, FMA B.A , 417 Zba-
i - r end western Ontario. Ot those in the � in this benefleial movement is duo to all to the dwelling pi're .block, Edmonton. Ajberrta. F
'Ontario branch at least six are ladles' 1 the poptilarity of curling •Both sexes On ezam:ining. the plan we find the i 1 ."
+' slobs. I are: en#oping tL.18 great sport endr as same spirit of stmpiieity and straight a'y"'1O �OOf� - '�
The popularity gained by curling In I in other lines of outdoor recreation. .forwardness prevatling, and the reault j 6 o a 1s•o b�•vft: I Question: With a 58.000 capltaL lioW
r I to builds b 800
the Prairie Provinces of Manitoba, Sts• wtih benefit to the aatloaal heabtji a praiseworthy and convenient ar' °an weed f.
' i . tnatsse't
.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ranga�ent Y� =5 OOD�6 be justtflet! Fla pntttay
HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. The living room, which !s entered I your Dose oa
'� directly from the amakl front hall, is _ la 'the aetghbouh,cod of 11,000 'Chad
IDEM i Write-your name and address plats• cheerful and cosy, and has a well de- ` - �„� would malls pour whole investment
s S8,000. Yea have enough cash to covet u`
�,� '.y, giving number and size of sur.^s signed fireplace. A very wide door• U-Ak m-6-sad ,4
.r ICW2jr t e halt of Lhla tota'1 ezpease. You ahaald
- - _ _. pas try -as u want Enclose 2 dlnir}�at d living I ~ �.o .`
J I stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap rooms; an arrangement which in adds• : be a e bataate of fhb
needed money on a first mortgage at k -,
t it carefully) for each number and tian to the recognized advantage of I I .r
address your order to Pattern Dept, using file tyro rooms together when' ►iM.t. favorable rate of interest. Inveskmettt
i . • ' W ilsoTi Pub %shing Co., 78 West Ads- desired. also aYMo�rs the cheer and i
companies 'consker a risk of thia� kind
f laide St.; Toror to. Patterns sent by warmth of the hearth to pervade the i very high class it the house is of 6apr1 .,
t it is ere! g tt materials sad design. T'he larger tbS •' 01 i, n urn mall. dining room. when s n s 1
s - '► 0 usual functions. portion of money You borrow, the l
- Haw Seeds Become Plants. The kitchen is ct very satisfactory ! granter the risk becoa�ee to the age
' -e stztl has built-in cabinets. and is a - I who leads and therretat+e tb�e lasg9er iha :�l
' i The trees of our forests are plants; ail of cross ventilation by the pro• I 'Ga0um R.IOOO lniene,st and eammissioms on ,he lose. , W i.
t - so are the grasses of our fiedds, and .
' j . ferns. and mushrooms, and the yeasts r�
�1 .A : I / ) that make bread rise or form the = Without ! tree 'e to t of
��� Blg[LiILL11 to th
force of thew ode d d
6, .i :. ._- ' "motber" 1n vinegar; so are the algae - - snow&, the quail were certain) snow-
u . .that form the green so= over stag• .. -- y
' i '
ed is sad su1localed This tg a caeca t
• , _ ' ` t. teria, good and bad• that live in the me CL:
r _ .soil or on other plants, or to our own by a blizzard. I o -day, the bilner 9anc-
Conservationist. teary has thousands of trees, among e
bodies. The simplest forms o[ plants which are Spatch pines, codare, white
- 3,''I are exceedingly minute single- celled By Edward R. Kerr, Secretary, The Jack Miner League.
bodies scarcely to be di®ti gtttehed Piaesti maples, awlberty, elderbefTy,
from the single celled' "protozoa " — only a few years ago, during the hut they soon observed that the quail climbing rase arbors, grape eFr170t�S,
__ B I various shrubs, etc., and the gYali are ..
the lowesk and etmplest forma of sat• month of February, when the )soda dally visited the banks of 0th& ditch to
I sale during the winters and tiro to re.
- mal Life. were covered with snow to a depth of I sun themselves. A few days later, populate the are" dtaring the sammee `
- Every flowering plant, of whatever fourteen inches, a covey of thirty-two Jask strolled back to the bush and ob to afford recreation and sport dsrrina
type or nature, gooes back to a saed. quail somewhere in Gosfleld Township, I served there were Only twenty.two. t the open season. 1.
_ � :: Plants that ,come from grafts or buds Essex County, were Vowly trekking in Knowing that some specie of hawk or It is when we become serious for a '-
= A * or cuttings or rootstocks or tubers axe the direction of Kingsville in search owl was responsible for this reduce ,moment and look over the farmlands 11
but parts of another plant, and that' of shelter and rood. When they reach- Lion, Jack obtained' a ffbze'n sparrow, of today, barren of ices ilia sad olilsilE
, t, parent plan started as a seedling. ed the middle of a field lying between and with the std of seine Peale lures attractive to both wild life and
. 1523 If a seed of airy kind is closely dts- the foil.rth and fifth concession s they Lathed 1t to the pan' of fhb Trap which h
_ seated it will be found to consist of stopped for reek from fatigue and .it he set out in the -open, but near nmaus, sad cast our eyes ant! a
two eaaeatial parts -a "germ;' or tiny was whdle Jack Miner with a grain enough to Lila ditch. A day cater, thoughts northward to the auk -eve;
A DAINTY-FROCK FOR ^THE new plant, and s larger ox stnailer sup - sack on his back Ras prowling about when Jack ezamined' the trap, it hold
null fire ewe�t national forests, file '
• • YOUNG MISS. - ply of food which wtill support that lit• the open spaces, looking for such a a Marsh Hawk with the back meat breeding gTaunds of windbreaks and
tle baby plant until it is able to secure thing as 'that they obtained "first aid” torn off. The quail had been reduced forest border s. Shat we stand is won
Very appealing is this dainty frock 1 deoreat and - amazement at the care-
- . �having�a two-piece skirt gathered to a � from the soil. When we plant tram hanger and 'possible starvation. to ellihteen. He removed' the Marsh lesenees, thovghttesyneas and waste■
``7b__odioe with the back lapping over the I a seed we do so in order that the little But, when Jack Miner reached them Hawk, and reset the trap, A couple of fulnes9 of the Past and pres"t Worse
tlront st file shoulders in an attractive I plant it contains may become a bigger their numbers had been reduced to days later he removed a Red Shoulder- tions,of Canadisaa The' angler, hunt-
` . �� ter. The sleeves may be ,made' plant. We put it into the ground know • twenty -five. •Jack observed' species of 'ed Hawk from the trap, but the t thO er and'camper with their cigar, cigar-
iwng and gatbered t0 narrow wrist - fng that a certain amount of moisture hawks and owls hovering above the had been seduced to teams Fie reset the s tt9 acrd Dom; the settler also with his
Ibattds, short, or omitted altogether oa ca ore of a Barred Owl, and the qua& y
w i14 auntie it to abesorb water, to in• q'ua11 slid directed his stage toward trap in the usual way, returned tw „gr� smoke awa in ooateartmeat
-'= -;and the armholes simply bound. Satin I crease 1n size, and to push Itself out the slashings, ar bus'h, h his farm, days later and was rewarded' with tail and Dag little attea#ion tC sad care
or velvet ribbon is tied in a chic bow of the teed covering, first downward wb$ch bordered the fourth conaessi , >n less about, the siparks that fly to sm• �"
';in front. The embroidery, as illus-
to torn a root, then upward to form a' a.nd ledt a trail-of grain behind him. had been reduced to air. However, bed themselves in the dry unities+
trated in View A, is a simple Egyp- stem or top. The' whole process can He reached the bush consKerablq in with the capture of the Barred Owl gtowth, later to sweep into oblivion.
. J be plainly seen by putting 'a few large advance of the quail and set about the the remaSning quail survived. some of the, lair est and finest timber
'.i;tian design and is very effective when seeds like bears or grains of corn be• business of erection of shelters: and . 1.
tworked in s contrasting shade. Saved by Trees. in our land.
The dress, No• 1523, is in sizes 8, 10, tween two sheets of blotting paper or covered feed boxes. In due course, The :staking out of a pled of land-
+12 and 14 years. Size 10 requires 2t/a I in a rag3O1T tier keeping he- quai•1 arriped at "headquarters" Oa another occasion, not so many _
. - . rde 36 -inch materiaS qr lri6 yards m °let and R'arm, and watching tlte_m and were soon safel3 in their shelters• In rears thoee� day; lirefo e t inn oLg win3- a a� GAME SANCTU RY,
—: Ya breaks had only begun an the Minor nd . =,ICo Hunting Allowed,"
as they develop.
— :. • -84 -inch, and 1>� yards ribbon for _Enemies in Ambush. ;
lash. Price 20c the. psttgrn.. As this devetiopment goes on the lit
The Transfer he pat is . , 1190 tae plant —'the germ of the e�eed -ls One sunny day, the quail, now recever- Sanctuary. Jack had lured fifty quail is not enough. With a Jack Minot
and includes E flan and Floral leading upon t'. a rest of the seed; a ed from their wcaknetsst, flew and to his Darn, where they were Instruct- e in each County of Canada said
_ -. $orders, Mntifit.anyd Sprays (B1tL. at�li grain; of corn, as, the young plant ,� liked about and reached a ditch at ed to remain and feed during the win a manthky copy •ot "Forest a•zbd (Silt
(Yellow)• Price 25c the pattern. starts, Loon becomes but an, empty 01;3 southern exposure' of the bush teT. However, t eltortly before the. doers" in each hauaShold and •t reftii•A
storm broke, the quatall, wishing' to
The desiiCns illustrated in Derr new husk. Presentlq, however, litfle fine where Jack a�.ro left some grain. Every ly read by 'ch and every houaehadder,
ro.�tlets— "root hairy;' they are called day the quail visited. this ditch. The take exercise flight, lefC the barn'and ttticcess is assured.' _
{Fashion Book are advance 'styleis'ifor began playing among the' hazel nut fi >
r, :the home dressmaker, and the woman `Push cut from the main root uC the bush formed an angle, The .hawks `
)ant, and the top of it reaches above and owls that followed th'e quail to bushes, Stxldenty the winds an3 bliz- The fair- haired have enarrrtatvi d�
or' girt who desires to wear garments p zard travelling at the rate of one bun - cants }ea over dark - haired," said St! 3
: the ground and puts out leaves. Then the bush took to the trees ,at the
dependable for taste, simplicity and the plant begins to feed from the air northern part of the ar<gle. TLe hush dre3 miles as Lour broke ou-t and the W. Arbuthnbt Lane;- the famovs oAr :
economy will find her desireg fulfilled nail 'huddled closelY together on the "The seem to be able to f3 t
in our patterns. Price of the boots 100 and the soil. and is fully started in life was so thick with slashIngs they could q y
Itlta ��,� for itself. r sot penetrate to Set after the quail, ground beneath the bushels "referred agatinat disease very much beYter.�"
. - �i! % _ _
. - ', - -O
- r, . I. . - yy
.:. ��'a�
b - .,' . 'a -.e c.• a' . '• ...., r.Su -•.. - . Sk,. s i "* a Y•, f -A a ��,. x. � � ab ,.- ra".,3 �� ».akoic, t 1� �,.... ,� �yi,f
•ty- + ... k �_V: r -.- ..:•1 w,..,an �. .. r� ?`ls " , 7 srk'r. �,..t -.,t : :. ry, ;•
,., '}••, 'i''""",•..:'A „+c'.'•',ss.F F�iY'^arirnr"%'f.'`a,.d :: ,.a.:a..�nL3^g ,.7 ?,.;, 's' "' . .,,,l...2k«crL nL^^;t., .,:.:v5„ii3�.,Wl"it� 4O— ass. ',j.Ea.:•- fi•il"i- .?,Fl— lt:k'«2 "�.c_ ,«s'i 1..s. :n„•a„+..ac ..<n�"�". "�`r. , �.. '��^�`�i.,�. X :'�.,:"'��:,�.caa+iii.� ?.", r7r :rr�+..1:.'s.r"�y3��'3` "�Sa"t: :..� a. �rh -�'�
{{��,,,� 4,,i /. •S�I:I'be ;? .A},K.,., .. .._ ,.. 7 V'tt ,. ✓'° ..... A" a'.k' ?" Pi vi 4» MC '• 1"* J+'4' . r. q:,,,..,r.. G'. • +M q.�.. {s ' {:/:..'.1. ...i'.. .�[ Wig; . ^fir -s#r 'M.41 a4. Y9!:R.' . ww "' n ".WU4T r.3 °fw• t w ,.rGY�'+ M,' R4� ..
:'�`..T�^x ..• "^.,. e.4wr•�.. 'k-w eY .'R.!. -p6 r'`Z4.y ;C?' '., r.� nEf�_.{rA,trP•'- .. A'"4 fYlw W..n 'i'ebit i `r•�. : vK."� �'.` "t;�, N,,,y, .- .s¢^•Xw. o+ti'" mv+=•d. :.,.,.S;i•p +:M
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,.. 'gs' �...-.. `- gawwyyppd . tSY�i� )f � ' w'4'i -.. -_ •zY'- R:�.i•`�1. : }`- ��+Jai9 fY3' r'JY...Y mn'dFk`N
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kYw� N.v.r r..p..
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:.. G 1,y �, % {f xy. ,rob• ",G„'
�,b :i•v,a..l!M
°�; ^h:'
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�n- ��,,• +x
is -, ..,." ., ,.. ,.. .' •.. :. .. .. �
.' ,' r,d+t'. ,. ,.. ,y-.
Board. This company are in very
of Sundridge,
who was delegatyee
offvuse an ay n rst�•clan order, cheap, Alm
a to the Fairs As-
truck scales and light scales. Highest price paid
Toronto, but also in the b07RLa
soeiatign Convention in the city
Y last
roc poultry, hides, wool and junk. f Herman.
Stouiivitle. Telephone 194. left
throughout the Province. Their high
week, made a f! visit to her
repute is shown in the fact that they
Miss Agnes Thoth, and other re-
j —Ohe a. all kinds of
wagons. harness, kinds
frequently receive as much as $IW a
The Young
and or farm In-
�`, ments in �
. night for their performance, and
People's Society will
cook yes and h..eers h
they have so marry dates taken utr
sir "L� Vl11JiA7 ►�■ k'7• ML48 Ida Bunting is spen4ixg a =pr- E. A. Sadleir, Den'.ot, - —
J y Miss B. Bunting spent last week .office from 1M prin. will! be here in his r ' '
week in Toronto. ng
• r�
p. in as-
-- Miss'Bessie Bath was in the -city vdth Ilei slstera in Toronto. ual on Thursday.
�,6 * _# �1
> on Tuesday. --Mrs. Smith and son, Arthur, e tq,
ire :
f -- Frank and Mrs, lialLa were in th s t at the
UFF1/ft.LE. -- —
elty on Tuesday. ,es city, -
; " —Miss Audrey Baird spent the week —Arthur and Ws. Boyes _ spent a Mr. Abe Brop�1 is'gpeaing I< general
send with Bilea Qraee Park of Toron- few days with Wm, and Mrs. Boyes, store in tfie building formerly occupied
tO• of Belleville. by A. Leary. We are announcing
— !lire, Fitzgerald, and daughter, : —,Miss E: Richardson is still eon- The wind -storm of Friday evening
Dorothy, spent a few days with friends en,
,',in Toronto. fined to her house through illness, last blew out one sad of the Mustons _ t,
—A. T. Law was in Toronto, last but is slowly improving. green- house. V1� infiovation
-F' Friday attending the banquet ,given
—V. O. Matchett, of Toronto, spent Wm. McKay, an old resident of Pic - A
by Messrs. Moore & Hughes,, of the Sunday in Pickering With his uncle kering Township; was buried this 1 s
a Motor Co. and aunt, H. A.'and Mrs. Matehett. week at Altona.
ire. Fred Baird had a sudden call
—Mr. and Mrs, Chas. G. Bray of A number of the Liberals here at-
for the
' !home last Thursday when her mother, Wolseley, Sask. ansi. file former's tended the Mackenzie King banquet }
Mrs. Basis Bush. had fallen and hurt uncle, W. H. and Mrs. Bray last week. at Toronto last week, e :
herself badly . Supper home on Monday Mrs. Calvert
pe returned The entire service was conducted by People-*
o _ F1
—Keep in mind, the Irish Su r Y after spending a the Garrett Mission Circle in the Uni- "
on St. Patrick's Day, March, 17th,,. by month with their daughter, Mrs. I. O. fed Church on $u'Fxiay,
the Ladies' Aid of $t. Paul's United Shepherd, of Kitchener. The Eckhardt Family, the famous • • b
rl� .church, Pickering. —Dr. H. T. Fallaise Resident Dent - bell rin rs
- ge , gave a concert here on -
: •,rosin and Mrs. Stork are spend- ist. Office over Balsdon's hardware Thursday evening of this week.
and Vicinity`*..7 ; g a couple of weeks with the for- tore. Office hours, 8 td 6 daily and Apost- season Hockeq League is be- ,e
suet's brother, Wm. and Mrs, Stork, evenings by appointment.* ing formed between Uxbridge Port
—ILev. A. R. Sanderson 's themes �
_ : of Belleville -and with friends in Perry Markham and Stauffville. + • + -
' iarigbton. ' for Sunday, in St. Paul's_ United D. D. G. M. Malt.olm, of Toronto, Commencing Saturda eve Feb'
The Young Peoples Union of St. church will ibex 10.30 a m f'BuiId- ladies here who are or- A •f y
addressed the 1 th we area�„a a a
w :1?sul's church will meet this Friday a Home. 7 p.m �� The Band- ganWng an Eastern Star Lodge. , ' in
. 'evening at 7.30 o'clock The Mission- writing on the Wall, continuing Inspector Hoig, of the High School,
'astir Committee have charge of the series. Good music. All welcome. advises a consider4le addition to our series o '
� g —The concert and debate staged in school building. In its present con -
The icy roads that have been pre- the Town pall or. Friday evening last d Ben it is overcrowded. � ,. AUCTION j�'�`rO1►i �+ ♦ T L+(;
by the pupils of tfii Pickering Con A i j l� SALES •
x � ':vaient 'this winter have proved of ginning in the spring, the County • - •
tinuation school was a decided suc-
rwwh. benefit to the blacksmiths .who RoadsCommissiam will build three
cess in every respect. The hall was
f -
have been doing a good business in well filled with as appreciative aud- miles of road on the 8th concession
;9r0rae- shoeing. ih PP of Markhatn, between -- Markham and February is our Stock- Taking month and as We come across
— COMING —A. H. Allin, Druggist, fence :� A prominent feature o! the ev- StouSville. 1
1�, .Whitby, has arranged with Dr. F. E. caring s entertainment was a debate them We are laying aside all our Odds and Ends and
liaike, Optometrist, to be at his store on the subject, "Resolved that intox- - GREI:>Al RIVER. bryken lines of all kinds of - �uerehandise in ,
t� icating liquor has wrought more evil ai „
`� A. ca Tuesday, Feb. 22nd. If your, eyes our Big Store" for these
are troubling You, see him. • * in the world than War. The affir- Leo Hagerman is quite ill again.
w —Miss Sarah Law, who has been motive was upheld by three students Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pugh spent a SPECIAL AUCTION BALES '
° "fleously ill for the ast few months, of the Claremont Continuation school, short time at the old home. f
' is now somewhat improved, and' we viz. —Sam Fingold, Adelaide McCul- Miss Tena and Mr. George Gray ! - s
In n that the improvement may be lough and Phyllis Gerow, while Stan - visited their parents recently.
Children s Boots and Shoes galore
;,.hope until she has fully recov- ley Taylor, Glenna Gilmer and Mazy We are glad to hear that Mrs. Tre-
eyed. Spencer, of the Pickering Continua- wartha is improving in health. lien's and Women's Boots and Shoes
The ice - harvest is now in full lion school spoke on the negative side, Mr, and Mrs. Alf. Trewartha visit-
' All the debaters put up strong argu- ed with the latter's parent recently.
f • 1►
RYswing. The ice is very cleat and oI P Y• Men's Wear, Ladle: wear
a31ood thickness. Our butchers aria ments, their language was fluent and The many friends of Mrs, Alf. Hoo-
their enunciation diztinct. The con- ver are sorry to hear of her illness.
. ice cream dealers have been busy teat was not a one -sided one, as it Maw -ter Roy and Mrs. - Pravkett Hosiery, �a w$�'e� Groceries
during the past week laying in their y y �1j
� was hard to deride which had the bet- visited with Mr. and Mrs. Heis over
arxasoa's supply. gar judges the week -end. Y •
, se St, George's Church next Sun. ter of the M. merit. rid ' Wall Pa Ear Graniteware Dishes etc.'
r were, F. M. Chi man and 'Dr. Dr. Fal- Spring is sending out her courier
� "it�y, service will be field at 10.30 a.m. p P � g g �- � ! ! •
mod at 7 p.m. There w111 be a cele-
laise, of Pickering, afid K J, Willfer, Fred and Frarilc saw are in isle foist!
7� ''lorration of the Holy Communion at the principal of the Claremont Cantinua of a robin at Wilson's Park recently. please remember, every article we are offering will be right o t
5" morning service. The Rev. D. R tion School, who gave their decision in The hockey enthusiasts are seeing �
- gf P favor if Claremont by one point. The a good 'deal of Markham these des of our regular stock —first -class in eves articular.'
« Im ord will reach at both services. days. y P
holding of debates in our public and There seems to have been no lack of
Simply clearing out our broken lines. ii r
—W. F. I�w, who has been tries- ply g
continuation schools, which is an in- rinks at an 'rate, almost ever field
eager of the Standard Sank here far y y « . _
nova tion. that was introduced a few and lawn s
ported any number, Positively Ret�rns
f� past few years is to be transfer- D p
std to Markham'. We congratulate years ago, is an admirable feature The council, it seems has derided .7 ,
Sales begin at 7 30 p m�
' tri the curriculum. It trains a per - that the repeated killings of -sheep
!him an his promotion, but sorry to ga p
low him His son to think vt+lllile standing before an are to be laid at the door of, At��*++�* • • •
li bids month transfer will take plate g i r,
audience, -arid kelps to oveneeme that visitors. The southern section of the £;
* --+✓. C. Ravin has raturned home af- nervousness which nearly every per- township may differ slightly but sev-
son 1s afflicted' vrhen a1�arp _r
r spending several weeks in Mon- ppeanng on a eras summer visitors at the camp here
;t}e+al where be was attending a buss- public platforta for the first time.' It were eye - witnesses in the late suns S,'-10HAPMAN
-tress meeting of a committee of his aecompliiihes the same purpose as mer. at daybreak of two separate at- a
railway organization. He was ap- the debating societies which were tacks upon sheep by dogs and the 1l-
s, much more numerous years ago than leis were an type of a a G
pointed a member of this Committee the are now. Another feature was dd not -red by average t tit dwel- t
' some time ago to fill an unexpired Y • •
the Trial Scene from the Merchant of le B Su Y ut forth at
c. f rm, and- be was recently ars. appointed Suggestions, were ..Mid � — � � n ter, �
for a term of three years Venice, and also that bumorous scene that time that killers should be ident- T
from -act V of the same lay. Miss ified b the witnesses and shot in or.
—The mild winter which we have P Y , ' I .
been enjoying so far is proving quite Glenna Gilmer took the part of Shy- der to prevent further slaughter.
lock and Miss Marjorie Diamond Lho This to the minds of
w o saving in con} bills. With the ex- people uncorr ; . - `• �
i ceptioti of a few days in early win- P� of Portia. All the players were cerned as to the circumstances suc
ter and a day or two in January, the dressed in the costumes familiar in rounding any particular phase of the Mea'e Macitiaaw Coate, eR,-1250, for O.TS :
the time of Shakespeare and each ac "'
winter has been unusually mild. How. � case, would appear the wisest course.
ever, we have still the, greater part for in the scenes did his or her part Men's Windbreakers, reg. 6.50, for 6.00 - -- --
excoedin 1 well. The reading of the. ,
Of February and the month o! March g y g -' CARD OF THANKS. Boy's W}Ddbreakere, re 4.50, for ... ,; ... 8.50 *
" ahead of us, and they may provide us school paper "Blue and White ", of y� g•
which L Mr. J. Ooakwell and daughter wish
with some real winter. Lyndon Cronk is the editor, by fi Men's heavy Shirts, reg. 200, for... .. .: _1 60
to thank their ndany friends for their,
--The drama, entitled, "The Little' Miss. Jean Annasi showed much liter- kind to essions of 1.SO and 1.15
ary merit as well as much humor, P sympatby and for Men's Fine Shirts, reR. 8.00 and 250, for ,
Irish Rose,. which texas presented in their beautiful floral tributes, in their w
and was well received b the audience.
..the Town Hall feat' Wednesday even- y recsutsad bereavement.
ing by the ' Brooklin Dramatic Club, The parade of the wooden soldiers by' Mon 's Sweater Coats, reR. 8.50 and 8.00. for .. .2i and Z OQ a
'under the direction of Mrs. Norman a number of the pupils created a
aides the X� Lttaer�t{sawes►a. Thom are a few of the many lines we are sacridoiog.
YIiFB,;l. gavel N+Lel�r _
foregoing there was vocal and In- 4'3
Group D. erf $t Andrew's Ladies' plot IGS FOR SALE —l4 store bogs, at
strumental music and read b gR. Con. S. Pickering Tp, Arthur Car. 1 - - w1
Aid Society, was quite' a suoeesa � y
There was s good attendance and the pupils o! file school which tisaS much rutbers. ` 2324 .,HOCKEY TO -NIGHT
lay was thorn bly enjoyed from appreciated by all. ' Miss Muriel West-
p , nay filled the chair in a very capable FOR SALE- HalsteFo baiter. due ..
beginning to end those present. Feb. Sth. from a good milking strain. M. B.
Two boys were apprehended by 'annex. The meeting was brought Burt, R. R. 1. Locust Hiv, Phone Pick 1031. 23 Thos. Johnson's YANNIGIANS
Traffic Officer Reid on Wedneeda to a close by singing the National -- �
y' Anthem after which the visitors� re T)OTATOBS FOR SALE —A gnan• vs. Huth Miller's YAHOOS
Charged with stealing two Sweater 7� tity of Green Mountain Potatoes. James -
aosts and overalls from E. Bryan's escorted to the school where refrdsh- Farley. srougham. Pbone Pick alo. 23-23
store. The goods were hidd in the ments were served and a sbort time . SLOOND G}AMB _
IANO LESSONS —Miss Aldine Ap
boys' home on the Brock Road, for - spent in social intercourse. Pward, Claremont is prepared to take a lam-
'The School Teoint vs. -
ited number or ponds on the piano, at 25 cu. per Jack B ant's GREY HOUNDS
3neily, Harry Moores residence. They rye
hall hour ]soon. Phone tOS. 18 3 t
• were taken to Whitby where they
'DUNBARTON. Got our hocks ea g
were lodged in jail • awaiting their FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT— y y supplies from as we are
featuring the c`
trial which �vdll take }ace this Lot 35, con. 5, Pickering, 70 acres. Good Spaulding ligp, and you
P Mica Elva Mitchell spent the .week- house andqppd buildings. Applyso S. J. Man • can't beat the .
(Thursday) evening before P. M. end with friends in Brooklin. nell•160 ginSt.,East,Oshawa, 22-23 J.
Clark•_ - -- - We regret to report Mrs. Peter ORONTO WET -WA$A LAIIN• p
—Auto thieves have been busy dur- � T Fred' T• Bunting - 7Ciekerin� �
Marks under the doctors care. DRY (Semi finish) —Let our driver call and
_ ing the past week. Traffic Officer liii.1ss Mary Pearce spent a few days explain our 24 hour service. Just leave your
Reid has now two in his , ossession. name with Mr. S. W. l avid, barber shop. we ' Established 185?.;,
P last week in the city with friends. will pick up and deliver 3 times a week.
One of these is a touring car belong- Neil Fraser, of Toronto, spent the
ing to Edgar Cropper, of 232 West- weekend with :hip father Rev. J. 1Z FOR SALE —Baled Straw -at $15.00
r ton, Hay at X1 ye 2 pure bred Here-
mourn 'Ave., Toronto, which was stn- pe _ i x
Fraser. ford bull calves, one 2 yeah old. Tamworth ,
fen on Jan. 29th, from in front of James and Mrs. Marks are visiting fir• Male and female goats. Fred Lacey, lot 3
one of the theatres in the cat and 35, B. F. Con., Pickering. Phone Mal ti07. 27 THE. -CENTR L G�,RAGE Y the latter s brother, James Smales, of �E
was abandoned on the Kingston Road Enniskillen.' FOR SALE -21 wboats, pigs, young .:
east of Pickering: The other was a We are sorry to report Miss Eve- sow• male and female goats, R�pure bred t ti
sedan, also belonging to a Toronto Hereford.bull calves, one 2-year old Tamworth TelephoII 4900
lyn Annis confined to the house boar. Fred Lacey, lot 33, 2g ear con., Pickeringq.
man, and was found near Port Hope, you h illness. Highland Creek P. O. Phone Maly G07. 20 24
on Jan. 31st. The cars are being Mrs S. Morrish and Mrs. W.'Tay- — \
held here awaiting instructions from, for, spent last Monday in the city FARM MACHINERY —Frost
i Pe Y Wood Cockshutt, Tudhope, Anderson, John
the insurance companies. The Toron vigiting a sick relative. Deere. Bissell, Gould. Shapley & Muir, Fleury,
to and Provincial 'Police are working Miss M Anderson has been con- Wilkinson. Best_prites. Order your repairing
raw• Also De Forest radio.• W. F. Disney, auto Repa><rs; Accessories, o�iB and
on the eases, but so far- have had no valescing at the home of her mother, Greenwood. alit Q
' clue as to the thieves. Mrs. C. Anderson, after an operation OR BERVIOE— Tboro•bred York.
—A Minstrel troupe consistinw of -- i,.� .>,...e. Ti _. _ -- --- -• -- -• -- ,._ .- - .. .. . A • grim _ t1 Mm
__ _
.. .W— ..v arae••eu , gaunt we
. Knights of Pythias, of Toronto, will
Elmer nrld Mrs Barry are visiting
for sate, ,resu mticn cows ana spnngers in goon
eond;tion, Young Yorkshire sown due to farrow
' appear in the Pickering Town Hall ot,
the Friday, Feb. 26th,
the latter's mother, Mrs. C. W. Hol-
mss' who is oonfined to her house as
in March and April App1 to Luther Middleton,
Brougham. Phone Fick �28. 19-24
evening of un-
'der the auspit" of the Public Library
a result of a fall on the ice:
Mrs. John Harper,
V OR SALE —New sloop sleighs at
Board. This company are in very
of Sundridge,
who was delegatyee
offvuse an ay n rst�•clan order, cheap, Alm
great• demand, not y 'in the city of
a to the Fairs As-
truck scales and light scales. Highest price paid
Toronto, but also in the b07RLa
soeiatign Convention in the city
Y last
roc poultry, hides, wool and junk. f Herman.
Stouiivitle. Telephone 194. left
throughout the Province. Their high
week, made a f! visit to her
repute is shown in the fact that they
Miss Agnes Thoth, and other re-
j —Ohe a. all kinds of
wagons. harness, kinds
frequently receive as much as $IW a
The Young
and or farm In-
�`, ments in �
. night for their performance, and
People's Society will
cook yes and h..eers h
they have so marry dates taken utr
give a Valentine Party and box social
eat price d for hides and .00l, abo live po
icy. H. Herman, Stouffvill•, Phone 190 lair
that it is difficult to secure them. It
in the basement of the United church
- Is owing to having friends in the vil-
on Monday evening. The young lad-
�OIIBE FOR SALE —Good frapie
lage that their services have been se-
Its will bring boxes which will be at1C -.
house on Logan Ave., Pickering Village,
1 -3 acre of land, all kinds of fniit. Possession on
curers. Do not fail to hear them.
tioned off. A good program will be
April 1st. For full particulars ayyply to Frank J.
AdrnigAon: Adults, 50 cents, Child -,
rendered. If you want a jolly even-
y J•o Y
Pickering, or George Straughan thtn-
barton, Executors of the James Found �stau.
= re n, 25 cents.
� 1:1g, Jodi• ir.
23 -24
of 'N•Se ✓" *.
tit., -_.. .. n' w•':-.. �..... _�.��5!.-
C .�.... ,.5
'!a.....!•�C'...�"m+x, .,....t:, .n!�. _._ .. •ra. ._- rwl..rn_ rs:�e. _... -... .. ...... -. -. .. _,P�. .,i :M�•,.
V• MYV1•�Y V' t•i vw �� �vrV � • ��w�rvy
A }
- Battery aharding.
Repairs made on all makes -f
d " of cars./
- w
Proprietor, Pickering
1 a.
.:.w ... •: r: ., y.,•W :. .} •ae•' _' -.r- -Y 'r n. �w..: w^ 1" �PwStr .Y.I :9•�l.Ie,:u..<..,+..sruv iiM: E-...- �A.,.. irr< i,+ 4W', C3. nwi. �i'C'LAd.'J+�i'lK.i!1.�( {RCIM.. -