HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1927_01_14+�ri, `.. ,. ,.,m ..... y . Q° , ` ::: ..:+" 1� _ . :,. '.,, .. .. d' ., ^..•cone - s '^.' ^,: a -..MC _ _ - ° >v+3+�d- «a6 p• ,.r, ' .y . .•sdr�':', :. r �Sw:.Y .n4 „ n: .., i •C'•. .-,p :A•F r,..,nw -.• .4 .- ..- ....✓ •.. ' nT : :i �Y'•ln ✓s. ',8 - cox :,!S :i vwi1V ;4.-^' �: 5.: P' �Y'.T 4.• C' "'._M.. 4eJ:F{'A .'Rr.J'•er' ..,,q•..r'v: ..�,'. ..+'. ,•7. --+. ', "°:.�!`F. - - .. ....i v.. ;1'�S".. - •'It, a,' .:A .' :a +ralws ?f."' a�' n�, °'�i '.,�,tt "',i'S :V'.'' s�;..ts:rcT. )�.'- : - ..•i....•- 'Y+3�+. - _ .1e:. . •r�", .', . � � a.....,...:. ..� :'..: n. ra'�EFr" :a-�. . -� .., + ..9,e -...a« 'ir .. ' •'.,, :a .,'`�' :,x..i k ..nM.,.; rn'~� -T` •^a ,.x''. ;L -,..,' - �i.5�� -•,ice ��A -'fia ,K.: :,. �•w<.«P5 :r. `•� - r' E� .y .a. �r•^+-- b...3' -• ''•'+. t;,L h .l .A _ +\ PICKER NG �'__'_... NEWS 'VOL. XLV1. - PIC"Ern 9 ONT., FRIDAY, JAN. 14, 1927 _ i�To. 19 �l10�>•liBlOftRl �i4t1C�s• C�io ®� Rivmr GREEN RIVER. CHERRYWOOD. - 4 ill and Basket A faooT dress carnival will be held On Monday evening, Jan. 10th, G N 00D Me@Noa Sa in Locust Hill rink on Wednesday Mere passed to his rest one of our B. b. D.. Dtari •tor i �a O Clues. evening. OTwo prizes illubbee given fo years.C' 'Mr. Gilchrist nreeslded on the LT bRaeee ember of the rtua aptamett beet dressed couple ; two prizes for old family homestead, now occupied id - Jans1 Eyes esamiaed by appointment. best dressed lad and beat dressed ;Claremont, asst. y by his nephew, Reginald Somerville, Established 1838 " Fruit Baskets of all dPScriptions, gent; two prizes for clowns. Every- for a number of years lived retired - 0. McKINNON, 3UD., L.R.Q. 9. body come and have a good time, in Pickers ' sdisb�, mombat of the Calas of including q t, boxes, pt. gazes, rag, where his 'wife who was 5 r6wdaa." .was atoa"A0 asatW. an Head uarters aii.sttoa ee aste..r of women and g, (I, Tarr and tamitp, of Mongolia, Of late' Mr. Gilchrist made his home i� ease and rocidsaos, Brougham. lowest prices. with his nephew and niece Alex and moved to tb[e town this week. Isabella Lawson at Cherrvwood and OR F E E D� Evangelistic services are beld in the a tMa4. Shaping and Turning. g at their home passed away. He par 8 United Church every Sunday evening. _ w E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and Kiddie Kars, Sleighs, Office Stools It is rumored that au '•Eastern took of New Years dinner with his CORN A•SoBeitor, Notary Public a Mane to R ' Star Lodge" is to be organized in town mete Mrs. C.1 W. Holmes. OATS } whole or grouna� , •: ese South Wiag,Court House, Whitby, 4Vy Salt For Sale in the near future. WEST H1LL. BARLEY FEED ' 4. BROWNING. S. O.. Barris. Mrs. Neal, late of the 7th concession BRAN s ter. Solicitor, Notar Public. Armes' Btk., CHAS. A. WRITE. of Pickering was buried this week. iaamediatel we4t of pant Vice. Dundaa street, She lived to an old size. Mr. A. H. McCurdy, one of the' best' '. SCRATCH FEED r y. - - Successor to late W. G. Barnes Lindsay and Stouffville played- fine known bass soloists of Toronto, will __. _ BATON &ROSS- Baerietere. So- YFoae 6M or -write Locust Hill, Out, hockey to a large crowd on Friday sing in Melville Church on Sunday for poultry Ldtors, Northern Ontario Building, 330 evening, Lindsay winning. evening, Jan. 16th. He will be accom- CR AC$ED CORN ld�'Stret,Toroato. The StouBville Hydro-Electric will panied by Miss Margaret Damp, who for poultry? W. J. Beaton, have a handsome surplus for 1926, has been heard over the radio during i J. D. F. Roar, Adelaide 2767 i 1 which will result in lowering the pree- the last week, and who wl•Il aecomp- I have a car of Cereal Feed which J. • • ent rate. any him- in many future radio engag- I consider the "beat value for RFOHARi:SON PIOKERINQ- " The bus between Uxbridge and To• feed I have seen fpr a loo ; .Barrister,, Solicitor. etc.. 213 -214 Confed- Funeral Dsireetor ements. Mr. McCurdy will sing that g armiionl.ite Buitdi = Corner Y and Rich- :.. roato, via Stouffville, is still on ached- favorite selection "The Lord 1s My time. It will pay Sts., Tor Phoaa Maino1390aad Mafia a uled time. notwitbstandfng the recent - - �•'i 0 Pickering office open Monday and wed - Light ". All lovers of good music are to try it. n�saday stealnsa and alt day Satutday, including Licensed Lem"Inwr inclement weather. inrrited to hear him. The service SeWtday evening. Phone Pick. 6600. su Eugene Leavens has been appointed WHEAT and BARLEY Wanted. a MOTOR HEARSE postmaster at Stouffville this week. starts at seven o'clock. Owing to his "! Dental (;LAR$MONT Oni mr• Leavens has seen service through- many radio and other en ments, s Chopping Mondays, �Rednea- s out the • great war, being in all the Mr. McCurdy is not able to continue days and Fridays. `r �R. D. O. Smith, Dentist, Stouff- Phone 9d4 y •� big battles, as director of the choir of Melville Dville, Honor Graduate of Chicago and To- church, but he is retaining the posi- re canto Universities and the Royal ��gee of OUNBARTON. tion as soloist of the choir, and will �• Td. Dental Surgeons. Phone o[fice 1011, RCeaidence 1e16. No outside appointmenu. 2617 be at the regular morning and even- Roofing The ! The ice harvest fie in full awing. ing services. The congregation and a BLAKE B. BEATON. D. D. 8., John (iourlie has returned to hie choir of Melville church are indeed Graduate of the Royal Colelge of Dental home in Aberdeen, Sask., slaving Bsarg * and University of Toeonto. Once spent an enjoyable mouth in this Very fortunate in having a soloist of ± Sell phM�e oa :s Gonfecuonery store, Whitby. 3 x British Columbia Shingles vicinity. the highest order in Mr, McCurdy. Odke boors 9 to 12 : 1 to 6.20. Ind. � hone 6. No. Z 3 and Sz •r miss Helen Thom, we are sorry to Pp -N HAb188. 1J.8 ,� say, is confined to the Novae with `'London b Day and Night" In 9t. A Rood su 1 of Hard and Soft' a • Graduate of Royal Cofle a at Dental Sur- bl �,mes d Mre a Marks and sonj _Paul's enni g Church oG thej - - -_-_ _ PP y Eittoaa and the University of{loronto, office aneedle. .. evenin of the 21st. Coal on hand. Also a supply TORONTO ASPHALT �abwe D A. Scott's store. Clasemoat. Oat- iii Kindling Wood-i c hours. 9 a m. to S p. m,. Saturdays 9 a. ROOFING Alktow, Bask.. are visiting with their WHrMVALE ' it in. to 1 P. m Pbone Clare 1105. 471y' Arent*, Pete! Marks and Cbas. and stove length. _ -' Murray's 1S in., 32 in. and 3t1 inch �rs. Smalea, and other relatives and ;�ERBERT T, FALLAISE, L D S.. widths. 4 in. 1 Shingles; also One df the most entertaining- events 12tf Phone Pick. 1709. p. D. S. Graduate of the Royal College of friends In this commualty. Dental Surgeons and the University f Toronto. Metal Palley and Our Choral Clan is proving a decid- of the year will be the annual social ie46ce above J S Balsdoo'sstore. Pickering. Ont Ridge Roll. ed success. About for p young people evening of the Women's Institute DONALD MUNRO, PIOKEKING 102ke hours 9 a m. to 5 p, m., or by a int- nmt. Phone Pick 3700. � Material, or will give price on were present on Tuesday evening and which will be held Friday evening, finished job much enthusiasm was manifested in Jan. 21st, in the basement of the Uni- �pwt learning the doh-ray-me way to sing. tad shuttle The supper will beeery- .;Whitevale .•-- P��� ;�E!� ?� .ate TBere Is yet room for more and we ed at 7 o'clock. Everyone who attend- r _r AIL - L�LIZABST'H RIOHARD&ON -Bur. . iRI a will welcome any one and every one ed lash year will remember the good �e i�ee Vs�i -�e L J�eesear to the late W, v, RMbardson, repro to our class who wishes to (earn how tinge we had and will not want to ` s eNI kao�a Fire Insurance Companies of to sing. If you are already a singer miss it this year. We have now 84 A 1wiid 6aannal atnodmg: Shit LUMB�t YARD come and help us along. Theme mber - P08TILL, Licensed Anetlooeer. members and' eaelY member has the Motor overhauling, to and side eur• � !; _ ship fee, which has been put within pp F. ton oegattes of'reei sea ona.aso, Age• the reach of alt. is 81 a quarter of tea privilege of bringing a guest, so it Lain repairing. Ifte sass of all klaAs ansu too so abarMa P than lessons, to be paid next Tuesday will be a lively }oily crowd. ready for )Battery Service - Charging sews. Address Green after r O-• ono V y all the fun for which the executive and overhauling. night. The time fie 8 p. m. sharp. All work guaranteed. Flat rate B.18SATON TO WNSE IP OLZBH committee has made elaborate plans. service charge e Oeaver"cor. G+nmfas oser �� Hear Archer Wallace. in St. Paul's The supper is sure to be good, but no Phone 5510 Mark, Central. eilr.t+ts, Aeeounmas. Bt0s. 1[0047 to lass Church Friday evening. thf3 21st, matter how much we eat, there's a p sew i Oaf of issa ><I► ' y Qu on "London by Day and Night program to follow which won't allow cos E. 8 E i1T R Y -- anybody to fall asleep, "Ye old �] M. MAW, LICJWSED AUC- _ AUDLEY. Maids" of Whitevale have something y� v• T ]ONSER•torYork.QotarioandDurham for your patronage to tell us; "Courting when we were Cesrotgos All kinds of aaMs ,attanded The Community Club held their Young" will recall former days to W Teresa reaaoaable.. Dotes for may be regular meeting at the home of W m. arra#AW at NEWS' Oewv• Belt and Iadevoo. In the act and many of us. But perhaps the most in- Coal dare ;boas. vrwtby, Out. sty Squire on Monday evening when a ♦ +��1 (good crowd turned out. The were teresting feature to be given is the �N1N������1i rust you may made right welcome by the host and history of our village which will tell ♦, 1g Yir j hostess. The election of otScers trwk the events of one hundred years, ago " a Bright place in the usual order by ballot and and the changes which have taken F1 • A. ` R E E S O R We bov and sell, furnish quotations resulted In the following "being select• place since then. So, let us leave all y' e and information on all Listed and and Prosperous . ed to serve during 1927. An Honorary our cares and aeorriea behind us and ?10worr - Unlisted Mining tocks. t was selected In the person n a little before seven R Prssiden Pe be on • ha d > , �T v � We will be pleased to advise what New Year of Thos. Puckrin, who hap been one of o'clock with an appetite that is ready stocks to buy or to bold, or the oldest and best community bright for a feast such as the rural women -t what stock to sell. 8IIS8BY • �• and it is a tribute to hi* service Nut and 'Stove Coal po well know how to rovide and a mind r,.. alientr are making money by that this choice was made ; Provides t. that is free for all the cation of following our advice. MOKERING F, M• Chapman; gat Vice Pre@., Miss a jolly good evening. and Coke, also Our 1 o experience is mining. ex- May Brown; Bad Vice Pre@., Richard 9 R pe g• Winter • Sec.•Trays Me@. Walter bending over a period of twenty YOU T ���` HITEVALl. All Hinds of Feed bends allows us to slue sound advice V i Patt Pratt; Directors, Mrs. Wm. Bell. Miss �' ----. x '' 7 the Nowt s to five s of s mine Doris (lee and Kenneth Pratt. The J. Bernie visited friends 4b Myrtle, b"� ur the laths feature of a roe• -your house heated for half auditors, George Squire and Walter recently. @peclu p the coat of coal? Pratt, gave their report showing the psetive mining venture. books to be in good shape, A total H. E. and Mrs. Poynter anfriena -s Cement Lumber BULLOWAY, YILLS dt CO. revenue bt near) q00 was made, s visited Toronto friends recently. > > If so, instal one of the Instant at" y Lath' Members of- Stanifard piano bought and a balance of iii on Lawrence Hilts, of Detroit, visited Stock Exchange. Oil Burners in your range, or his rents here over the holiday. g an Interuntional Oil Burner hand. Games, community songs and Pa w Members of the Montreal a dainty luncheon thlln followed. What is the matter with our light? t Mining Exchange. ' in your furnace. while a vote of 'thanks. followed byy the power is off. How often is it'! T:)Terml3 _ OiSre and Board Room, (around Floor, Call and see them. the singing "They are jolly good for Mrs. McNeely is spending the win- Mctropolitan Building, lows" was tendered to Mr. and Mre. ter months with her daughter in Tor- Strictly Cash - L TORONTO, -ONTARIO W. J. GORDON'S, Squire, who invited the. crowd back onto. Phoaea Adelaide 0971 and 637 Cbureb Street, again, The next meeting wiliconvene Weather permitting, Whitevale will -,-- , Agents Wanted 231y Pickering at the home otTheAnnsn. be well represented at the S.S. con- 1 g GREENWOOD. ve J. Wa A Good- Habit , TIME TABLE- Piekerin Station J. Wideman, of Ashburn, visited ,.t Fr aV T. R. Trains going' East Jos as follows= James Raine Is visiting friends in his daughter, Mrs. G. McKay, on Sun - No. 10 Mail 7:68 A M. and around Toronto. day last. " 28 Loral 12.59 P. M. Bob and Mrs. Harvey spent Sunday bliss E. Chambers and G. Griffin, of For anyone subject to coughs,- Cold.. Bronchitis, Grippe and Lung OUtfi v , " 80 Local 8.25 P. M with Bert and lilts Harvey. Buffalo, vi sited friends here over the Trouble is to take during =1' Sunday train, S. A. M. James Pla;ketb is confined to the holiday. Trains gain cost doe sot follow@- house with a bad attack of erysipelas. the winter months 8 Mrs. Griffin and eon, Fred, visited' No. 29 Local 9.2.2 A. M. Mine Mabel Bie ,returned to school the farmer's daughter at Markham, • • for 20.50 " 27 Leal . ' . • 2.4.1 P. M. on Monday, having recovered from Cod Liver Oil 9 Mail 9.21 P. M her recent accident. for a few days.' Sunday train, 7,42 P. M. Harold and Mrs. Matthews left last Keep in mind the chicken pie sup - Oonsisting of "Simmons" finished y week on a Vip to the Coast. We all per in the Whitevale United church, Strongly recommended by the medical , feel bed with round contin- Foregoing is according to Standard hope they may have a pleasant trip. on Feb. 11th. profession and endorsed by all = P time. who have tried it• uoue poste,* good grade Milton Ormerod fie expected home Mrs, Eliza Turner is spending a all -felt mattress, A� for a few days this week, having few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. link spring@. s iM D ��'JliL1L.a.7 underwent an operation for apppeeudl Austen, of Coniston. 1 citi@ a couple of weeks ago and Ie now J. L. Bernie, of the Domiuion Live Higb Vitami ine Cod Livery Oil convalescent. Stock Department, is spending a few PI =I�TC>! Our new merchant, who is to sue. weeks ,with his daughter, Miss Bernie. Biologically tested. ; .V and Mattress, 10.00. Deed Mr. Harvey. is expected within s Newton Robinson, of Swan River, few days. We hope his sojourn here Man., is spending the winter month's Not onlyy gtrengthea@ Tour resistance • may be both leasant and profitable, g ag&lost coughs and cold*, but ���_a_ Fi, to tes inH vitallt II:tAi1LL� s Bat d alt Major and Mrs Whitaon after sue a @• T7 - _"from 115a to U.N. ; -- Card Tables etc, �. A 1 Sterflift Furniture 'Dealer and FSneral Director Phone 1300 Fiakering, - Ontario Our Royal• Brand W. Fens y at ur ay er noon at Port Whitby. He was so L Mr. and Mrs. McNalley and family, "their enthused with it he bar some notion of Alberta, have been visiting at our Grocer's. y of taking a cottage there for a week or two during tbts month. He bean t aunt, Mrs. H. E. Poynter and other friends in the community. Farmne who have wheat get your inet said whether he will require a Mr. and Mrs. Rice and family are Soar made from your own housekeeper or not No harp to you Rettio in your application. movifl this week to WoodstocY, g where Mr. Rice has secured a good wheat. We can ' `• grind it. ti On rtday o! last week fire destroy - rd s her house belonging to Mr. Bush. position. The will be greatly missed P y !1'� y Druggist and Dispensing together with about eighty hens. in the community the church and Feed of all k'inde- Chicken [feed. Owing to a high wind [t was deemed Sunday School. Before leaving their ben feed, chop, millfeed. advisable to call the Brougham Fire Sunday school class in the United Chopping Brigade which responded and was on Church gave them a presentation of - ever week-day. PP g y y. - the ground within twenty minutes silver. Miss Doris was the recipient of and thus added greatly in confining several pieces of ivory from members =i: N• S.rGC7SWC�0I� the fire to the one building. of her class. For those who And it difficult Lto take �� Pure Cod Liver Oil. the tasteless extracts and emulsionsi are recommended. Z✓�- • Accurate dispensing of Physician's Prescriptions. E. C. Jones, Phmo B. Druggist and Dispensing Chemist. < PICKERING, _ ONTARIO ItQ _:aJ I& �C. I NF -w :7,., m�g -1. 3�- •�4', -7 4- tr. "47 4 W. Zf ra X., g'� b. -7 • .7 :7 I bumhty apologize, I was not aware of your loirdship's distinguished per- -to regard son4hy, aud it is my duty r ur &a qtw4ws with suspicion while-en- ` Better ped on a murder case." F Kike W 3% gstd y6tit mean to assert that- I am own-S 0� Z!, P, of the murderer type?" bellowed the - pftr. -and' "God forbid, my lord," the bar- "What I was 7' assed officer protested. % IF, going to sugffest was that if you am Save.Mpn • going to.. ca- at the Grange and I lord- accompany you I may save your allip, some trouble. The Grange is FU -A under police observation and a word from, ?tie will PROS you through the 7 co of C. I. D.. men. "AM right. It's dark now outside, so if you make faces at me I shan't T62 see 'em," 'ed Lord Bulpeter. grow. (To be continued.) Zconomr in its rich dmwinfif froohnesse Sees Him a Long Way Off. "Does a debar see you very far now?" "Yese, and dedges-befoDe-1-can-sel anywhere near it, too." D) :A 30 V. Don't blame your digestion for ev- erything. No car can do its beer-on! SeSureYouGetTheGenufne a hiA it you feed. it too much gas. XE LYE; G I LLETT'S FLA It is estimated that millions oP pro- HEAD-ON UIM -00f ple night:y listen in on the radio pro- the murderer yet That's what In- grammes Another indication that! BEGIN HERE TO-DAY. "Ohm, Sweet Ohm" is becoming morel Spector Roake is staying here for." wenty-three candidates were suc- Samuel, Hone bun, retired English The, Information e' licited no immedi- and more popqaar. _1.uily e,mamined during the month: led ate response. That it had had its ef- November Countryman, finds his rain gauge fill and obtained certificates? _-with blood instead. of water. And feet on Lord Bulpetef, his long aCence -M Inard's Liniment for chapped hands.. of proficiency in radlotelegrapbT. fi tl*n comes news of the murder of— indicated. He was evident:y ruminat- Sir Francis Lathrop. Sir Franc r Ing on what he had heard. Three obtilt-ed-fIrst--olass- oorlm daughter, Margaret, had planned to A Hard-Boiled Boss. cial certificates, all three residing at! Sir Francis Lathrop?" he said it Egg—"'%'Iiy did you quit work- F. one or marry— presently. "By Jove, that must be the lag f,, New Record Made Cape Race, N these was a' Sir Guy Lathrop against her fat I- I Frank Lathrop I was - at- Eton with. that fellow?" Power Sets girl, Miss M. A. Mylick. It is seWour 'er's wish, and suspielon is directed ; Has he 'eft any family--a widow. for �,d Egg -"I had to.. He*s too hard. On Low- that a girl arise Wthio certificate, the toward Sir Guy. But— instance, or sons and daughters?" boLed for me!" A new Canadian ID--powor trans• number holding thch In Canada being Adrian Klyne, private detective em- miseLon record was established recent- less than six. played by Margaret, works on the ly when George F. Stiff, C-3EL, radio 'theory that 0 neybun may know amateur of Toronto, who talked with ---- 4--- -- something of the murder. To obtain Australia, A npighboring editor. rier*lved fr= 'evidence be poses as-- station A-2RX of Adelaide, Au takes up Rev. Chares Danvers, an. The transmission took place between a lacii� soire ve?,%P.-; daintily ;I-ed up poF.-, with pink ribbon -and entitled: "I Won- his residence at the inn clo��e to La- 8 and 8.45 a..m.. and was made 'thrOP Grr.nge. He lea-.es 'suddenly Bible from the Toronto end with a 5- d4lr If He'll Mls.s Me?" After reading' -hen blood is reported found In the them he retui uP4 theni to the "nder -matt tube which had sewn much sae. ::rain-japore of Silas Stampage of Rux- i f, with the f0owing note: vice. The power input at the time a ton. u k. There he meets— was le-.3 than 20 Madam —if be does he ough, never to a tha transmi*.91on ass— L-a t?ustel wi•th lln-arrrA iig:i1n.- Ted Knowles, rep: rtes, returningi ampage. -attF. from a fruiCess, call on St They discuss the latest angles In t-hel The Toronto vignals were reporte mystery and. agree to meet again In Adelaide. Australia, as quite clear men, later. For Colds — diesel's Liniment. and easily realabtror. -At the Toronto' -tation -2RX came through on a But the yv6rthy frinkeoper eoon had is A WINVe length of 32.,5 meters. Mary great man of the past proo- ry 1 ably on,y se, Teason to forget the loss of the agRb',- I nied great by contraqt Mr. Danvers. Tba young cerg3 rran ; The r,:Vo branch of the D_%vartmen 'was replaced by a fresh guest who! or Marine ani F!st,,erl" annuattec', with their• feol con ntuents bade fair to be more remunerative, �f less amenable to the ruts 6T eondue't prevuling in country inns. 4. Lord Buipeter arrived in a. gorj1..>ut M , ° Yi car. and within a minute J his corm' ing set the who',e place humming He was a wed -bui:t man, apparently in the Its superior Strength makes Puri T go farther than rnidcge fifties, and his voice wa.i dom your cakes, pies, 9. inant. He must have garage -for his' ordinary flours. It is perfect for all baking— car, board for his cbsuffe`41T, a bed-!" buns and bread — so the one flour sack only is necessary. room with south aspect for himsoa�.f; A t Try Purity Flour to-day it is certain to pease you. and, above si:-I, no undcsirab*e company' in the pubic rooms of the inn. Ilo lordship and Inspector Roake 4 V U were the on: peop.(% dining in the' L They sat at aeparate tar I TOV coffee-room, Klee and glared at each other, the peer -Sind 30c in stamp for our 700-rw;�pe Purity Flomr Cook Book. 262 reaping the advantage that alwuye a,.- I Wastarp Canada Fl~ Mille Co. Limned. Toronto. Montreal, ottawa. Saint 100A. 'a ri ng trues to the man vrho doe., his gL throuirb a manacle. Roake st!�Upx:ed Remedy to strike a balance with the Prerr.aless of his official eye, but thO. effort was a signal failure. Lord Bu:-! The Oxford Edition peter's single cyeglaqs froze him -to l the marrow. NY It was anno3ring, becau%e R,,sKe, for Makers of Canada sy democratic profes.,ions 1 sLA his rai. -.,,w a bit of a tuft - hunter, fie dearly, i Five Acts. in loved a lord, and he had ascertained A Drama of Three Hundred Years, n before sitting down to dinner that the 7 which 'the Characters are-real and the plot is the new arrival was a Niscount of the .,.-Making of a Nation. United Kirw&qn- Lord Bu:peter, pr"urnah:y, was to,:� Act 1. The French Regime. Act 2. Early British Rule. vat a man to inau:ge curiosity about 1 '--Act 3,. The. Winning of the Act 4. Struggle for Respoms- is fellow-guest beforehand. He had Great West. XiTen the litn.T.ord to wriderstand what lble Government. his course would be if he found him - Act 5. Confederation and Expansion. ry a9f in uncongenial z 111pany. But, 2. C U'rite for Illustrated Prospectus. after dinner it was different. He had; found the company uncongenial, and' 'he wanted to be able to put a name to S. B. GUNDY it. He swaggered out into the ha-'I and up to the desk presided over by 1• .:OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS the land]*-rd's daughter. She wore, 25 Richmond St. West, Toronto 1-, and Adrian Klyne in his Mack sV .4 "Danvers" incarnation had been most &-ferential to her. Not so Lord Bulpeter. _Ai "I may, young woj-nan." he thundered at her. "Who and what is the bounder who made face* at me while eating Me dinner?" A • "He is Inspector rd, Roake, my lord from Scotland Yard. I don't rlghtl�y Who and what is the bounder wh know, I don't, but I hc4ieve lie is in- 0 made faces, at me white in- vestigating a murder that took plac* eating his dinner?" :7- Yt lit-re a hide •t%" ------ M Only a daughter, my lord Nl*q 4'110! You have had a 2nvder. have F.4 you?" said his lordship with lofty in- BELGIUM IS SATISFIED. rider Your grgaret. You can't har&y count 't new baronet, Sir Guy, seeing ...... differtnee. Farm ow only a nepheir. , Besides, he Help N "It-was %14 in the newspap'ers, came home at the Grange just now.19 the feeble protest that anyone couM "And Aliss Margaret I' Governor of State Bank De- hare a t the To BE OF SERVICE . to Eastern Csnstdia I n Farmers and help to meet tl�elr 7. have missed the pub'.icity of Chivere`l i Grange? Then I"Al do the right .thing fends Stabilization at the -nft�ds in securing compietent farm help. tife CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY y S Val 3 n 7d AL E, -A e r. Do iWill coirAnue Its Farm Help Service during 1927, suid Nvill include In this and go UP anal condo�e with h doings. "My good girl, I never read r, her good to have a lord calling o Market. Service, as last year, tho supply of women, dotnestica and boys, ews n her, A papers the nobleman snubbed -. what? And. after tt:ol, thou her. gh Frank The. Governor of the Rauk of Be% 17hrolaith exrotrience in the past few years, the Company.is now lit touch "Who was murderea, and by whom?" Lathrop, so .far as I remember him, --with a number of Sarin laborers in Great Britain, Norway, Swcdci%, Denmark, "It was Sir Francis "throp of the was a illy young ass, he wt.sn't a bad glum, M. Franck, returning lately from Trance, Holland, Swifteriand, Poland. Czechc-Slovakis, Hungary, Jugo- VP I U-Ith .191mia, Gertnany and Roumania and can promptly fill applications for form Grange who was murdered," T chap, take- him all round* Rome., N�here he ha.1 conferred kelp. e Ix.-M Bulpeter retired, to book his the Finance Minister, Voklpl, and. with the bookkeeper. "They ain't caught cap off the hall stand, and as he did pointed out that, in face of M order to lisre the helix reach (!&n^dn In time for Spring 6veratlonr, fanners equirinx help must'get their a plications in early, to enable us to secure so. In ctor Roake speared at the 1 1-9.1 4— 1 1 In 111 :r P -r:l J__ . grow ng �c C , t1w 'NOX 011a an door at the coffee-room. The Inspector takes full responsibility for the choice 'tively smirking. 13 was posi of the Belgian stabilization r4te. Bel- ' v muldn 4, help -hearing what your glum, he _stdd, Is very glad that othm- Th# Ters*ts Hossital for 1MtVr&b146, 19 lordship was saying to the young XMIstlon M1b VN11#VU# $ad A111*d H94011*13, lady," he fawned. ' "I had no notion countfies are able to stabflize at a "M York City, evert a thru rears' Course that I W been feeding in such august' higher rate, but Belgium dependent on of TrAvilve to V0461 W4106R• having IiM company. I am going to the Grande rts, could not have chosen a higi- expo r"virsd oessaVon, sad dearews of 69"wing ftie liriv,- er rate.. .1 p9ows. " " , N tlqtlt'� .- rlla,') lave 1\ 11 1 � ress it�or grails, Thg lt,9111 rtc.,,ji -01 J*ge Of walkIng u with you'I shall The Belgian stabilization . m4-aau be T I resulted in an friflow of foreign -cur- ! jahow. a ryenthiy aw"Ras and travating g�eittly honore crwm to and item um YerL For farther by did you make faces at me in rericies and in a partial alleviation of th4 the coffee- room ?" inquired Lord Bul- the Mtuatloii of the TreeswT. v peter in tones of the utmost ferocity. Roake ]coked pained. "If I annoyed F",,',,k defended• the originator of tim ISSUR No. pu with facial contoritions, my lord, Belgian stabilization, M. Franegul. .1 7: ,%U* Delp needed. 2� :Blank applieatlon forms and full infdrrnation r4ardinsr the Service raity be lb=d from any C.F.R, atent or from any of the officials listed below. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY Department of Colonization and Development MONTREAL J. nourall, General Agricultural Arent. Le Duo Norwood. Land Arent. VORONTO Ft. R. Parker, General Agent, Ocean Traffic. 8HERBROOKE W. M. HtHhouso, Poscial C.I.nizatten Arent. SAINT JORN G. Bruce Burpea. District Passenger AfferL XZNT'%rrLLE George E. Graham, General Manager, Dom. Atlantic 111111. OTTAWA V. A. McGill, Goneral Agent, Passenger Department. J. N. X MACALISTE1114 IT. B. DENIM-81 . . Anfatant Cemaiaisl*nbi. .!Chtef comal"I"ar. F r F IF I 7; F MT . .4.. r� 4m W o 7 r ADABISONs ADvENTURES—By 0. Jacobwat d_ IMATLARC ITU.BRIDGE HE SIDW 11to SH T HIM SO FAIR — D&FORNrIll"95 . . . :. I . . , . �4, • r UPI 7 '4` 1926 11M PRO '= OiA AD^MSON "SON GOES OUT TO HUNT FORA Available for Public Sur- 15EAR AN D FaVect overseas Radiophone to Be J LOSES HIS Tkne--Observen Review De- vice Within Short WAY velopments in- Broadcasting. .... .... 7 NIC4-IT COMES, AND HE GOBS To SLEEP ON Radio takVhMy across the Atlantic. A LOG,- IN "m witness, weather maps by radio "Radio Views" Will THE MIDDLE hotogmphr tilp veisela. at. sea and the OF THE NiGHT Replace "Radio News ts HE WAKES UP AND FiNOS =ding *I abort waves around the oworld are listed by experts as the Cqft- "Looking London, England. A SEAR standing radio accomplishments Of in" by radio may soon become SLEEPING SLEEPI familisr as ,listening In," JT_ L. BESIDE HIM, Baird, inventor "I believe that the major achieve- Baird be8eve�- 7 4� GOSH! =4it of th4 year in radio Is the sans- of & television machine, demon - itactory establishment of radio tele- A strated his invention TeCently -comintinication. aor4)ss__the__A_t-_ 'phomw Pantie through the joint efforts of the It was imperfect, he admitted, -S M . " Telegraph but he expressed COUJI-dence American Telephone and `loivs up I Pompauy cad the British Postolfim that the introduction Of Ciyrtsla A GIvIcK MAKE �Wlares Major Gen. C. McK. Saltz- technical Improvements would JOB' OF ME! puan, Chief of the U.S. Arm7 Signaa overcome the defects. V r1 "The experiments conducted orpe vision of a persm date have demonstrated the PrRc- Already the ty of connecting a telephone has been ra6loed ten mik4m,. his Ar riber An England with a sub- said, but when the invention is 10" of th a podecte:d torIfLylsion thTVALM 7 Pnitedi States, and tt is not difficult to wfil be added to the Uit,of pub- -ch a system en toregee the extension of such lie entertainments, and It Of the United States." be possible in England to watch to the network Likewise Dr. George X. Burgess, a baseball game In the United Director of the Bureau of Standards, ! States or a cricket match , in and Dr. J. H. Dell4ager of the Radio Australia. "Messarch Laboratory of the bureau, 'agree that the perfeetta-9 of transat- Dr. J. H. Rixmrs of fiantic telephony to whare It is ready I t&ws,, venturvd for commercial use was a big thing of 'I Md., who, with a minimum i amount of electrical energy and most • I 7thia year, have so (CapyKS'ht. 11124, by Th4 ZZ 3 "I can say that it see•ma to me that ly home-made instruments, b the, otastaad4ng radio schisTeinent in t&b1isbjjd communication with everr' Ir States Senator sl the year 1926." United nadon. OIL the globe.' M of Washington, author of the Dill i Dr. A. Hoyt Taylor. bead of the , and sensitiveness to reader unnoeces- Heart Diseem in Mdren. [DEW— Radio ContrcA Bill, said, "is the deve'­ Ngvaa R4-search Laboratory, b" bean ,eery the older type of aerial. -mission of radio DilskuTbanoes of the heart iv children krpment of the trant impressed with the� experimental work i There has b6en considerable work wAomatically ddo themselves Into 9*uals by this beam system developed which has thrown so much light On the , done in c-onnecitiou with short waves two groups, Tttose which were Drs' -by Marcoul." struettrre of the outer layers of the and in utilizing the reftection of wayee. Fladio Witathier Maps.­ rth*s atmosphere. also In modifying receivers and trans -'sent at the time of birth, and are due. 4_745 &-ok the progrv_�,-) in braad�; l to defects la development and those .1 Discussing To Charles M. Schwab, speaking for mitters so they will work with ouch which Ida sting weather maps wilikh are pick- -nding feature abort waves Are acquired after birth. the Ustemer, the outsts those Congenital heart conditions. or I A at sea. C. Frascis Jenkins. the, of r",!o was the year's development; pre"nt at birth. are not uncommon. a, jule, easily reccigniz- 6areutor, of Washinstoti. D.C.. said of Opportunities heretofore undreamed They are, as a "LANOW17 for such & 97SE61a Of Ship's! of to bear apiseebes of President Cool- able� and while they vary materLaIlY, -,!wesabe�r Information. I* the fa6ift that idge and _others on important occa- 1p eaten!, the majority of them tormin- Jn tair weather. when good maps are sioni, ate fatally within a given period of � .7 easiest of reception. they are of most "I rarely area irt a chance, to 11wen time �yslue in keeping the navigator In-, in.- Mr. Schwab said, -The only time Acquired hear: disease Is rarely Pre- �foraaed cp? the direction aad approach' I do to when there 's soma speech 1. sent beforo the second or th4Td year of of a storm centre. When the ship is should like to beer, sul to me the' life, and when found - to extmme,ly In a stam he doesn't need weather'. roAio hai bean a scarce of great p,!ea*- hildren, Is almost always &I- maps, for cUon. wand and interest In tb Is respe, y.Z3,T8d','.e to it. rhousA019 Infee he already has his storm. "The rellinecaent of the reOGAYARS1 of school agi Dr. Wfl3am A. Kininan, IMT., 1­ Careful examination r as, children shows about a machine Co that Ink and automatic cent. to t put Patent Commi-mlone tit us PeT c pian makes the map aboard &hip, btias' jL been So much -disturb Q-tten- anes 'Thers has no be suffering IYom tome so simp!l5ead the equipment required I don givea to the receiving Set be of the heart In 'many -Instan"6 the that aft ships can have radio weather pressure of this diseadme, -as unknown $26. but efforts have been made toy % -il 1v gasps. no photographer or photograph I. combine the functions of such sets to the parents or child affected. Rheu- io chemical or dark room being re- for example by combintog sum-hete- matism in some of its farms, St. Vitu Aliallr9d I , , other infec• red"a devices with refloxiag means Dance. dlphtheria or some "The localu(m 1170 direction Of movie, and by combinlag some of those with tion was usually found to be the cause, xamwof Icebews, could be added to the the so,�Wted roper-regenerative tics Uank or the exi-ittas CQsft of heart She­­,Woth�_ir had her face lifted radio map with a further apporturilty, tunes Mse'a-ze could have been avoided If of chanstaig the-shim's oour.,e to avoid . ace has bF� made in again.** 111rurther advance adequate revs had bean taken at 1110 utitising commertlial power to eue7vize He —"And you had your dress lifted tfu2" of the onset of the dir� respon- another two inches." Amatears Score 4 the circuits of racuum tube receivers' ibte. Rbetimatism. do" not necessarily RIMey McLean, Dtreevor'by means of 'ellminaters' used alms C.I;e Corre4tt Address. have to be prosemt in the form of acute To Caiptatft I I or combined with rectifying cad rheumatic fever in order to dau4wo of Naval Communtcatlati. the year I The next tLmo You write a letter be -out devices. Some such de- the pearl. 'duck slight manifestations Stood out for the conatautil Increem- ,srixxxiiing isure, that your name and address are -,1TP 'trickie chargers. of its presemes as "growing am, hort waves and the con- vices are tormed put on the envelops. Last year. ?,10.0,. Ing use of is PSAUS sufficient warrant for careful super. sotantly increasing number of vacuum Sow* further attention has been given: dead- letter of- 6u 000 letters went to the dAmsc tubo -trans=ftxw*,, which has greatly, to collqpsibie aerials became of tbetri, c.. v1sten of the Child's activities. Slight "'reduced interference. agarked advantage of portability, it • pain or swelling in the joints, of a P-Z�e it is 'the-clean tiab'_-66th that catch- transient character, should be taken "T thick the most remarkable having been found that the 11' achievement was attaluel by ams, • reo6Lving set has sufficient s&.ectlytty c3 the tarry grease Spot. very seriously by the parents and physician., Tte early recognition of surlit din• "S cases as d IDlitheris, and scarlet fever, and th e prompt adoption of adequate, MWOR treatment, will do much to limit the early heart disease In children are not The long sleeves are gathered Into �row cuff-bands. Patch pQcketa narrow poealbility of the Infection involving GRACEFUL LINER. tho hearttis . k and disease the tonsils Tonsili' This is the type of dress suitable for is another common contributing factor Many ocessions. It in made In one- of braid may be used to trim the co-. in the cause of heart disturbances In piece, and the collar may be wom 1 .least. or shortness of breath on user. Idon, mr, s:eeves and shirt- No. 1859 is for ladies and is in sizes 38, 40; 42, 44, children, not perhaps dlTectly,' but as cl: or open in osed, V -neck sty:* . AIL work, . many different kinds of wocd. The: ownars which would otherwise e rising. house Is In �Fh_erii­itl Loss of weight or anuemia may I be-preseat. The disease is. as a ride, possible lodging places for organisms added touch of cv.or could be intro- -finishes and effects obtainable from � only gligbtly less lubor.to 11tilsh. If your situated feel the' I which m-,y grow and spread to the duced in tbp separate tie, wMle W_ heart itself. essary fulness is obtained by the skirt 27/6 yards 54-inch, and 45 1 rards nor - row braid. 20 oentq. associated With being flared at sides and louver edge. dltt4on has become exaggerated by some Intercurrent illness. . . I MWOR WOODWOM' AND BULT-IN FRKME early heart disease In children are not The long sleeves are gathered Into �row cuff-bands. Patch pQcketa narrow M as definite as one would like. These -n the dress and, if desired. rows adorn Floors and doors, base and picture for the materials may be purchased In traps hold a little water which 91 L.Y.Ichildren tire easily, may have palpl- 8, Pain over the region of the 1 I t tiOn of braid may be used to trim the co-. ea moulding, window and door trim, panel the one Outlay when the home Is be- at a cortalia, level and provides a seal A ;�- and cupboards and shelving lnvqolv7 nooks and'betwd�en the stack and the house 1 .least. or shortness of breath on user. Idon, mr, s:eeves and shirt- No. 1859 is for ladies and is in sizes 38, 40; 42, 44, work, . many different kinds of wocd. The: ownars which would otherwise e rising. house Is In �Fh_erii­itl Loss of weight or anuemia may I be-preseat. The disease is. as a ride, 46. and 48 inches bust Size 38 re- -finishes and effects obtainable from � only gligbtly less lubor.to 11tilsh. If your situated feel the' I brought to, light on examination by quires 3% yards 39-inch material; or qu3 should be carefully districts you will probably need kluds take from the viewpoint of cost need of having a septic tank, to 1 e school physician, or when the con- 27/6 yards 54-inch, and 45 1 rards nor - row braid. 20 oentq. considered Make Your Plumbing Safe, Sanitary oo-d- oak, pine, fir, and Satisfactory. the place of the city sewerrs. A w %at. and utMtY. For floors, es fairly lined is sDmeotim dltt4on has become exaggerated by some Intercurrent illness. . . I Our Fashion Book, il-lustratl.ng thd -birch and me-ple, are all suitable' lint cesspool hi Fa t .ers. If Your plumbing system and fixtures isfactory, however, especially- sandy poine are more dinlraVie then oiN I i The avoidance of unnecessary ex. the newest and most pract4oal styles , will be of interest to every hon" dress- W6odwiark or inillwork should not ase up to standard at the outset your goe. I poeure, wearing of sufficient warm clothing in extreme weather,' careful -er. Price of the book 10 cents the mal, be brought Into the building until. the first cost is likely to be your last. It Septic tanks' constructed under- i COPY- Uniess this, properly Installed there should-be few: ground and are made of'st,6,61`_,Ce�ffilent, 110"00ft to d0feetS plaoter to. perfectly dry. s cT'other breaks, con- or tile, consisting of two ehamberss,lsuffici-ent rest during conva:f� Is rigidly observed you are, leaks, freeze-up I �regular HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. precaution from Infectious diseases, with stantly adding to upkeep, Remember'tho upper one taking the sewXge.-dIs- jLpt to be confronted with open joints, I I complete physical examination of all is un- first, where the tolia matter - Write your name and address' plain number and size of such 'twisted trim, doors that won't close that your plumbing system nct posal I - are measures w4ilch will do '71 giving Enclose 20c in I liquids land windows that stick. like a tran,9portation ays-tam. There sinks to th-c bottom while the i with connect- overflow into another chamber, 1)Ass much to. le tho amount of heart all kinds Is! Is a main or trunk line s patterns as you want. stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap Built-in furniture of me-builders Ing lines converging Into a, teirminal. through a further discharge pipe favor home - builders disease now existing among children. it carefully) for each number and growing in with This trunk line Is usually a four-Inch! are carried through to ducts ,.for For one thing it address your order to Pattern Dept., many reasons. ,l I ---%uW--be-a"roPriatol.y--design txI in re.,1 na.st I-Ma pipe running from basement -just below the ground 'level. The To Finish Paper. "fillers" Wilson Pubishing Co., 713 West Ade- lation to the rest of the woodwork in to roof. In the basement there-Ts—g-, 11 q 1_3 Ad heuca closer har- connection with a sewer or a septic: and are carried off to be Purified by (Jay an-d tale are used as to, give sheet paper a finiali, -nnto. limide St , Tni Patberns sent by return mail. 4 the house, an -d gives arge from Ithe action of.th-e soil. The tanks, rhich t the entire household scheme tank to" tal�o' care of discharge mony 0 �) i 1 d its architectural expression. Fur.. this "stack," as It Is called, which are provided with cleau-out cove", re- According to a -Swiss scientist, the Dust is now being blamed as the Du -3411 es through the root Meaning Only at long In'te"als. Orly constructed ln'usuallY pratrud thormore, if PrOP and sanitary, but nerve centres which react to music are the feet. This carrier of the Berns of infection of the first place, It is usually more'dur- about a foot to PETIVIt a constant flow are simple quite of fresh air to ventilate your plumbing should be chosen with care, and with On explains why we i tap time to music with our feet. various diseases and. ai:ments, includ- alyie than movable, furniture, partly regard to the Character of the soil because it is not so much handled or'sysitem. "I ing asthma, diphtheria, and tonsilitis, , A awred about for purposes of cleaning) Traps in the basement, to prevent the size of the family, the size of the and plumbing system and the slope cf the There is nothing that can earn the dividends of good wil so much as an Life abOu'd be a route rot a ro4- and so forth. And finally, It to more sewer gas otber odors provide ou tine. -o;:. r neighborhood. 0, further escapement below. Th*w'ground In y unlimited Investment in good wi1 'Sconomical, both in money and apace, -4 r_ ..,,. - ... .. ,., . - .• . ,, 7,,N`w.'. ' 1 ^r.s.,- °d. .fo r..TM - \ , � +..a; xr•,V r� r••-' • w 4 - .:. „ ... ;, �„ ; .+ . :' r .`.�� ...�,.; . _. .•w :.t.:l "' •�.. 'e:'+w:;rxa '1'`- a.�•sn '"Y��.r�•""„l�: .. r..t_ 'r,p,'. x'+tn s".s .x,.: .••'- ^�p6 * +ai-w.. .:5.'' yi't. �- •�'r�•{+•'`t t..!,.• r'i -x' . ' °•' '.n . •. � a .. :. 3s w •n • wr 4;s L' '. .. ' .•,.. lY .. - t. _.5��, : 7`- '.k . -•Y .,,5 . , � '' -, K . -r %°N il'�i'f�.Y.N ,.. \•l 'J . 1. ,... i'!.. .y`•,1 ,.s. .. .'. '.,,u "'. ✓.�' i� , : :7 s° �_ � ,g� � • -_-. •�eQ dittoBarkey ditto 882, Jas -- _ , dletoe�, E E Aonte, 'Tlros-Norton; O F. - - • Todd, ditto tl vUl E3 13tller, ditto 8.50: Farrtier, i A JoUNa, 'P C C4ostick,- Vic- • ,aSpedial This W- ee it Nei J PLtty, ditto 425; F' Barkey, ditto for Jamieson. 11lurgau Evans, Amos • - tl f` a t.t -d tt 8 30 d• a Pallis et. J•.4oh t. r 3 'l, B sse i u I the Y'e Brign II J t �1eTe • lar Pt c pl: , 17; ft cull pipe 1'L.2Sa 1lrs _ _ I'> pct: viE�t'rat� AT f M1�{ 21.75pe {year„ $1.50 if paidiciadvance. - J O',C. :cu (j[-, right -uf -way tagravei C' Mc(.'.auslxnd, I) Cirruthei•s, L . -. - -• '`'''� S'vliscri7tions ro the united Surtes and Crcat i)it 10.0. Fiel•1, 1Vus Got usle�. J.:s Andrew, G i Britain 32.0'0 ;a adxance. a (; r e RIMIARDSON A b)•la�v cca_ p.t.sed RppuietiGg a lien, 1: R bl p. 'lhu: Arlo .n, Ft'[u �OCEY Adani SpF, as Rssa�r.r- fcr •the- year ( tlirehelf,•Irv[ng ' \� bite, W 14 Che ter, ' li''?7, and al: r; \h ,iutiuu 1t. J. 13 t, ;v « P Patti, Jac L)dd, Thos Puck[in, JOHN MURKAR Pro rietors _s p 1 ayci Ni, J. R c;iter xs :,udltt,re of the N Ei Ekli�vtt, 1Vuc Pucu,�•s, buc,i,s for the ter, l:r2ti. Gee, A J Boger -, J to 13 e,'Geo Dun: ' - -- ROYAL PASTRY FLOUR,. A b I:Am N�'y5 i<issed a ntiu the tau, «' B 91i1[;P, O li f'ugb. Jas 4 PICKERING COUNCIL. y t Pp� g tollutit irg ovc-r eveis [ f bl,tap for the Wilson. 1V Jones, \4' li 1'u�i1, J x 5 ROSES BREAD FLOUR, .. 1.30 wear 19'27 ac,d. uutil their ::uces;ors Evans. DaN-id Urei:g, i :u \1'hitson, The abw a council -ni t t;ursultnt to 53'$ITE LILY BAKING PO: «'DEII statute on Monday.' thib "10tb inst rxie been appointed fox- the year 132Si II rmon V;[ke. - Members cirri, viz; G JI Forsyth, Poilingsub-'div!Aon ,No.•1 -L. Puck- A by -law w:cs pasvd appointing- J reeve; G L Middleton, 1st deputy- erin, 3 -T, 'E. Czawfurd, 3- Thomas John Phi,lins Sebool '.Attendance Off3' GL ?NN'9 PL RE I:'A RD, bulk, lb I9e o Aunan, 4 -Chas. Acnis, 5 -Jas. Todd, ter for the year 1027. _ "reeve; J A White, 2nd deputy•ieece; B -R, V.' !1lowhrav, 6 «'. B. Burk, • The council now adjourned to meet �i HYTE'S PURE_ LARD, 18C E L C}l;apman and W 7 Turner, coup• 5 -A, L Slime.' 9 -« . P. Jones. 10- again on Monday, Feb. 7th, for the ' coun- cillors, present, all of whom prescrib- John 5cott,.11 =J, O. Spans,, transaction of general business. CRISCO SPECIAL ed to the necessary declaration of A by•lacv was •passed appointing a office' member of the Board of Health t,nd 2 �• 7 ANn I yLL MINL M FRENCH The minutes- of the last meting On Friday evening l -t, Lotidrru Sanitar Inspectors, as follows: Meui• FRY, ALL FO'R $1.59. were read and approved. her of the Board of Health- Rottt, E. by Dap and Night." See tTie ' A number of accounts were present- Forsyth; Board y Inspectors -�ti'. B. most interesting parts of 3 T• red for payment and referred to the otiveit -I�J�y Inspector "_Walter_ W, - that old_ tit .thrown _ _ KARU _ various standing committees. wt.rd• on the screen. On motion the standing committees for the year 1921 were appointed as A hy'law•was passed officers ti r the • follows: following township officece for the CARD OF THANKS. year 1937: Roads and Bridges- Slessrs- Middle• P017ND:KEEPERS ' Words fail to express -tbe gratltu a ton, Forsyth, Wbite, Chapman and Henze Wilson,F W Hobbs, W John' and appreciation for the many seta o Turner, Clark. Root Balsdon. Alex Thom, Ar• I kindness shown me by the trustees Pickering .Hardware Sto*re Contingencies - Messrs White, For• thur Chester, F Underwood, Thomas and residents of S. S. No..2, during syth and Chapman. Puckrin, P J Rhwe, W H Stover, E R our recent bereavement. Bonuses for Wire Fences, Drainage pilker, W 'B Burk, W S Major, L , , Helena W. game - , atters'- and -Snots Roads - Messrs Ragerman, Victor Parkin,' Wm Mid- - Chapman, Forsyth and Middleton. Damage to Sheep Worried by Dogs SALE REGISTER. Messrs Chapman, Turner and For. �l7QTIOK SALE OF eytb, - HORSES AND CATTLE MO,DAY, JAN. 17TH - Auction eels of - :' Relief - Messrs Turner, White and boise, cows, poultry, bay, mixed E is ash to thf►nk our'tuany customers sad friends Forsyth.. - Sheep, pigs, Implements, grain, furniture etc.. at lot 25, rear _ for their very liberal patronage duriag the year F ; Traaaportatioa. Power and Light- Furniture Etc, ti of con. 5, Pickering (It miles •vest of I92f3. Our intercourse and deallugs have been very ' Messrs Turner, Middleton and For- Brougham), the propert7 of Oephas pleasant indeed and we trust mutually profitable. syth. The property of Stephenson.. Sale at 1 o clock sharp. -NVe ask for a- ooatinuaBCe of the -same happy .1 . The first named in each committee See Wis. �'�' B; Powell. auctioneer tions during 1927 It shall be oar aim to continue to p is to be chairman of said committee. W.' R. SAR�T'ZB TUESDAY. JAN. 26TH- Auction sale of £erne you in a satisfactory and v.easing manner. We � .tip A communication was received Lot 23, Con. 9. Pickering Township farm.stock. implements. lurnituie again thank you and wish you eser'y prosperity. from Ross dt Beaton inclosing state- .. _ (adjoining Graham B.ros�), on etc., at lot 23, con. 9. Pickering. 1 went of account for services, mile west of Claremont, the pro- - A com, was received from H D TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1927 party of W. R. Jarvis. see advt. Browne complaining of the bad con• The following property, viz : w anotber column. Sale at 1 p. m. dition of the elderoad on south half of - 8OP88g sharp.. Wm° Maw, auctioneer. lot 8, con 9. Bra - -3 y�wre olds _.R p: Bay Agent for Intersational -Farm Machinery and Repairs., _ w Messrs J Rains and W F ..Disney mare, ?years old, R p: Bay mare, S were beard re hydro -rate in Green- years old, h d, In foul to Commodore; _ wood. - Bay mare, aged, h d; Chestnutdriver. January 2, 1927 Our Motto : We harce it, can get it, or it ia.not made,,, ` The standing committee on Trace- 6 yea re old, Bay mare. aged. ; portatiou. Power and Light reported Txke notice that I, James Oourlie, : t'ATTLE FICKERING and recommended payment as inflows: of the Villa of Balsam. Township *. S. ����N, !Hydro- 'Electric Power Com..'for the Ayrshire herd, accredited never of Pickering, County of Ontario, will J N Greenwood streetlights for Nov and had a r•e•actor, not he responsible for any debts con- Dec 2 years old, bred by-J. Caves tracted•- by m wife as from this J�ec �' Armston Quebec; Cow, 8 ears old. j y " The standing committee on Cootin• k date. 18 2n gencies reported and recommended bred by snore breeder. milking good, i Payment as follows Municipal World bred; i1•'edrgrees for the foregoirg.will Am supplies 8.24; Home Telephone Co, be furnished on day-of sale): Cow. 5 COUNTY COUNCIL pbooe for 19':7 1000; John Murkar, Fears old, supposed to tresben in COUNTY OFONTARIO 13rua '. arch; Cow, 5 years old. supposed to - `ptR financial statement $U W; Beaton freshen in 'Slarcb:. Cow. 4 ears old. � - _.r _ k Roar, aolititors' tree re equalization fr need to freshen Cow, Cow. 4 The first meeting of the Council of ` � f : .lasseasment 88 89; also fees re Picker PP the Corporation of • the- County of feting Village vs Gordon and Kirk, years old, bred JAn, 4; Cow, 3 years > �patrick 25 QU; A Ackfard. rebate of old, in full How. bred; Cow: 9 years On for the year 192? will be Ilk pat rick on takes 200: G Elliott, error old. in full flow, bred; Cow, 2 years held pursuant .to statute in the Court tin taxes 8 20; F W Hobbs. rebate of old, In full flow. bred; Heiler. 2 years Cfl Chamber In the Court House in dog tax -2 W: D R Beaton, on acco,unt old, supposed to freelieulnJune; Heif• the Town; of Wbittby._on Tuesday, the 'in ROIls. Tale SiurfK� - er, 2 ears old, bred Jan. 2; Heifer, 2 25th day of January, 1927, at the Hof salary 13a -00: 1?ickarin�g Public y y ' i.rbrary 1000: Ctaremoot Public lib years old, noy bred, 3 Heifers. rising hour of two o'clock In the afternoon. ��j weary 40 4 Brougham Public Library 2 years old; 5 Helfer calves. All accounts to laid before the Light r ♦ eight 35 lbs. ' .116 00; W hitevale Public Library 40.00. PtdB 88EHE AND FOR L Council should be forwarded to the QUALITY - The standing -committee oo'Roads 2Sows. Yorkshire, bred to farrow' In Clerk, -properly certified, at least COMPETITIVE Q. and Bridges repporte -d and recommend. March, tad litters :. Sow, bred to far- three days before the meeting of the, - "ad payment ae tottaws : G Redsbaw, 15 row in Miry; 4.Pigs, 3 months old; 8 Council. _ y r yds grav bet 20.21 con 9 and iight•uf' Pigs, 21 months old, 5 Shoats; 8 Ewes Dated at Whitby, this 10th day of McC�luli] Weight • 45 1�• way 300; Wm Linton. haul grav bet supposed to be io'lamb; A.number of. January, 1927. - 21J•21 coo 9 15.00; W Booth, haul grav fowl. A$'IvHL`R E. CHRISTIAN, QUALITY ' fret 20.27 con 4 2U 00: B W Jones, haul IMPLEMENTS FINE Rrav bet 8.7 eon 8 and net 4 5 con i Binder.'b1,•H., tl ft- cut;Mower, M.•H.; County Clerk. .. _ J 116.00; Levi Day, ditto 19,50: C Jones, Drill, 13 disc, M.•H , nearly new; `- J��+ ditto 3c.00; G Wilson. ditto 10 00; A E Roller, M,•H.,. nearly new: Disc bar. Heavy Weight ` • JIB lbs• Jones, ditto 13.00; J Harlock, haul row. M.•H„ pole truck; Corn cultiva- , M: grav opp 7 8 con 5 18 50; tit' Gee, ditto mr, M,.H,; Spring tooth cultivator, - 'EXTRA FINE QUALITY '3, lti 00; J Brown, haul gray and 13'2 yda P -H,; -Set of Wilkinson harrow.: 2 t gray opp 7 S con 5 30 80; Geo Squire, No. 4 Wilkinson plows; Riding plow, shov grav opp 7.8 con 5 10 00; C Butch- Farmers' Friend; Gang -plow, Verity ARTICUIPR ' ings, drag opp 17 to 23 con 2 2.50; Jno National- Hay rake, W -H.; Bain p Extra Heavy�Veight 65 lbs. Coates, clean ditch bet, 12.13 con 9 wagon; Speight truck wagon: Bain. EOPL� Super -FINE QUALITY ss 7350: C Armstrong, ditto 8.75; Evans wagon box; Wagon box; Gray to RFFER Ward, drag bet 14.15 con 9 instal pipe buggy, good; Gray cutter; get of - 14.75; FCrawford. haul grav opp 8.780 sloop aIgood; Set u[ PringlesleiRhs. 9 ERFECT icon B and opp con 4 and bet 10.11 cone bench; Grain grinder, M. -H., 6J inch AST P.Y X00 � Brantford, Ontario ;1•'2357;50; J C Brvant, ditto 88.00; T plaice Cutting box. M.-H.; Root'pul• ' x - Annan, ditto 47 50; H Boyes, ditto per, M,•H.; Democrat wagon, 2seats. 45 00; W Fowlte, ditto 32 bah U Blake le and shafts; Set of wagon springs; Stock Carried, information Furnished and Service ditto 39.50; O Puckria, haul and slrov }rain rack, Corn rack; Feed box, With XMAS ' so bear at Mind we ore B :antfoed Roofing rendered by. grav clean pit con 4 lots 8 9 and con 3 Chicken coop, f -horse sleigh,,2 seats;. are getting ready with lots of - P3C�e1'iltl$' f'_ iota e, 7. Band bet 10-11 cons h, 2 and 3 ,� PrOiliC� 132 00; �Vlnter BCOa, dlCEO and 368 yda 1iARNE88, HAY AND GRAIN good things for the .j. S.. Balsdon Hardware; Pickering grav 143.20; E Bryant. Haul grav bet Set of single harness. Set of double festfve season: 10.1 t cons 13 20.110; Fred Rodd, ditto back W.50, band harness, Set of brass moon- W.50; R Hedge, haul grav bet 1U -11 led breeching harness, Set of brass Christmas a e, almond 1c and mounted back band.barness, A num• " ♦_- Inns 1 Rand.opp 7 8 con 548.00; Levi frimroed, •fi0c lb, Plnrn Ptid• her of collars, A number of- whiffle-. dings, drag bet 18 -19 r line and con 1 dings, 90C each. Scotch u trees and doubletreee, A quantity of Short Bread- and �� opp 17 to 23 3.50; 4i 50; Roy ' rep eulct ANEW&S� opp lot 1 r line 450; Roy R'ard, 150 timothy and. alfalfa, A quantity of Fried. Cakes. 12,s Jpnan[ito and .caps 30 00; also sal- ,redclocer a.ud timothy, About 800 qry Dec 14 to Jan 10 131.25; J Burk• bushels of good oats, A few bushels Capriieo, . Nuts, Oranges, Grapes. i holder. shoe rev bet 28.29 coo 1 and of RITITU seed'. +�p1'��'el g _ p' Blackings anddecor`ai;�ons .opp 30 31 con 2 and •bet 32.33 con 2 FTRNITL RE ETC, for the Xmas tree 1 1600; F Bat key, ditto 18.00; Edgar Cook stove with warming Inset And and the house. Gilsoa'ef of Guelph now offer Mitchell,'haul. grav bet 28 2U con 1 And reservoir, Quebec heater, A number you a perfected mace -p pe ess M -- - -n•• » «� opp 30 31 con 2 and bet 33 33 con 2 of stove pipes, Parlor suite, Wooden `yedding Cakes a Specialty. or pipe style -a; a sensational 29.25; N Culletto, ditto'21,00; A Swan, bedstead, A number of chairs, 9mA11 price. The first revolutionary elf ���•��__�� ��...«- I ditto I'2 50; «Davidson, ditto 10 75; cupboard, Bureau, . Table, Daisy provement - home heating fi in. half !! a Century- low•pricEd. efficient. :W Teefy, haul grav het 2S 20 cons 2 3 churn, 2I[scubators, Set of bed springs quickly installed in any home. IS 50; J McGriskin sr, haul grav . bet 2 Lanterns and a number of other school, or church. [ s 28.343 cons 1, 2, 3 And opp 30 31 con 2 and articles too numerous to mention. i Costs LesRs tq Buy - 28.,_)9 bet 32 -33 con' 2 50.50; G Benneti, ditto - __ Tess to Use 29.00; L Gates, ditto 45 50; Jas Todd. ".Sale•at oneVelock, sharp : -'. = ' The new Gilson "Magic" is built r a c, .- 6 of Tungsten Plate. Transmits heat i ditto 42 00; J Barnes, bawl grav het 28• TER-Hay, strain, small pigs and G �'�j' THREE TIMES faster. Patented 29 cone 2'3 9.00; F MacRae, baul grav all sums of $15.00 and under, cash; �;�•R•il�tONNEY�' air.blast burns all the gas a'nd bet 33'33 con 2 7,50; F Sullivan, haul over that amount 10 months' credit v smoke. Raw type cone-shaped ".grav opp 30.31 con I and bet 3?, and 39 f,. ��5 I' will be given to parties f[trnishing y� n �y grate gets more heat units out of : non 2 27.00; S Burk, shoe grav bet 28 [� HONE'900 - ;l fuel. Electric arc welding seals approved joint notes, Seven per'I the furnace tight as an egg against < 2fl cons 2.3 4.50: G Gates, s read grav off for each. "I'd;'. !�,gpJC ERsl';�;I,��I�I,'!1, leaks of.gas, dust or smoke. 26 29 eons 1, an Opp - con Wm, Maw, F Bassett, John Scott - and bet 32 33 con 2 20.x0; � - '4031 yda grav cons 1, 2, 3 1;0,55; Thos Clerk. Auctioneer, COou Coke O! Wood '4031 Bardy, haul and shov gray opp 22 con Z=oo are not. - dependent upon 710.`..,5; F Madill, ditto 1$00; Joseph hard coal atone as you get ` Mitchell. ditto 13 00; C Madill, ditto Debe'ntures exc ellent results from n it kind of Perry e fuel -soft 'coal coke, oil or gas, - 78 00; L White, ditto 8 50; J Riddle. 8 Port You enjoy an fuels. - saving .by ._`_ using low cost fuels. ' -ahoy grav lot 22 con 76.00; A Mgt- g for thews, level grav and drag opp 18 to • 25 con 16.50: G E Holtbv, shov grac For Sale bearing 5 per cent.' Easy-Payment Plan opp 22 con 7 dra and clean ditch lots < __ y _. 23 con 6 ; se roug yda T a1lsmLd rot PgGAson down n- e e i st he new "Magic grav opp 22 con7 12.10; U Baker, shov price- par and aecued interest Deben- Learn all the features of this w ' grav lot S Con 4 2,50• G Burkholder, sensationally-priced heatingstem we will welcome your Inquiry. g ;tares for 100.00 and upward; - - Catalogue, sketch plan form es In and full information, gladly *up - 5 yds grav cone 4.59.75; Thos Postill, plied without obligating you any w Act et once -this i• the time to _ ' haul grav bet 34.35 eon 6 22,60;,G Lee, make plans for heating your home y " 1171 yds grav 9, 10. 11 con 111.60; F different maturities•. .. D. J GORMLE . Dunbarton - - - M Cooper, glass 8.65; L Reid, sharp Phone Pickering 1506 pikes and bars 175; •W J Turner, drag 1 w t t Markham to pay half 1.90: Also Apply t0 Gilson Mfg. Co.. Limited - - 9510 York St.. Guelph dragg bet 32 -33 con 6 And clean ditch 76.30; ft Spencer. 97 yda : F ac ono HARRIS & HARRIS, . f3 And bet 4'5 con i 13,70; F MacRae, i haul grav Scarboro t 1 14 00: J Burk- Port Peiry' opt• - °bolder, ditto 14,05; J lt f cGriskin, ditto f '10.87; T Reesor, ditto I7,25; N Beare, w,v. .r_ ('r .. ._. ,, .. ....rs'' ..i. ._a., _rrt;ex+.....,.'r_, :r.. .•..tt.°..:"^`u°!r _.. � --+3;. _.,... :°fie- '�- ...�_...,..:.�.,� ?.•s,e" -�' :c CLAR#M'ONT. F6v sale, 4 465aill dicing. (.hairs ThB directors of tho Claremont! Apply at Frank public library held their - ye ilud I ario chair. Masse '-.Ha'r' J. B5ignall was in tile city 00 Chidlo'Ll S. weeting on Jan. Sth, Mrs. G a] y ris oa oa A titimber from hPre attended spent Tuesday with his bmther, cial report was sLubtuitt6d.* shu �V Court at-. Brmigbaill oil W; R.:Jarvia: iiig a btilance of $33.00. Tho foll- Hard and Soft Coal of th -a %vere appointed for I We have been a-ppointed- lo�,al 4G.'M. and R. E. Fursyt4. attend- etul of - the late H-.- Booker at the ensuing yeRy: Pre+4de-nt—Mrs.--1 agents for the Mas"y--11%rris d the funeral of. the late Mrs. Stouffville Dr. N.. Company' and s W L13. _Batlik; -of Manill.9',on StIn- coi the at-rival -of -the tr -ow F. Tomlinson; Treas.—M. J. -IVil- --patronage of the fa-rea- Ed. Gleeson, has been (in Tuesday, Jan,.18th, a hard- =Niss H. Walker. c9rkfloe�dL to her bed suffering from time carnival will be held in the All M.-H. re�airs keut constant.ly ill be given tl.) the coupl -have -the agency for the THOS., F. SCOTT Goodyear products, includ- M. J. Winter, havebeen appointed of hard !.Iuies, the orchestra of the NovaScdthrSbingles ing tires etc. CLAREMOIN ONT. It6rs by. thecouncil nfglittube the judge;a. Good'ice Galt Galvanized Steel Shingles at theii meeting on Monday. and a good time for everybody, Bird's Felt $late Shingles The roads have been in excellent Mrs'. Thos. Neai of Stouff vile, for sale at condition this winter so far. but a' died on Stifiday ai� �& 'advanced T PATERSON'$ - CLAAEMONT used. "now storm last Wednesday made age of 91 years, Her funeral took Call and get prices. Sly E!�CKERING, ONT.. them heavy in some places. place on Tuesday, iatermeat being Massey-Harris Implements and MoiRan and MT9. Pugh eater in Salem Cemetery. For a number Repairs. Life and Car InqurAnce. ening to help them celebrate the ,Ie,, she was well and favorably 21st anniversary of their wedding. known. - Her husband predeceased Basket Factory .1 Phone Clare. 5102 DRESSED POULTRY Mrs. Thos, Paterson has been her over twenty years. Slue is' Manufacturers of spending a week in Brooklin with survived by two sons and two all kiuds. e Pe" daughter Maple Leaf Mutual Firs. her daughter, Mrs. ClArenc -), George, of Stouffville, All kinds of Fru. lie s- o has been conflued to. Charlei, of Agin-court; and mar Good. prices paid for good quality. Phone Clare 2700. Rerry Crates, her ted with the flu. garet and Joanna, of Stouff ville. Insurance Co. Farmers'Bushel Baskets, Cheap rakee for farm a4d country Joirary Board it was decided to FRANK CHIDLOW buildings. have a story hour for the children Clothes Baskets. Windstorm Insurance on buildings, very Saturday f row 2- to 8 P. M. Farmers, Attention CLAREMONT,- ONTARIO wind-mills, Silos etc. Come next; Saturday. Frank Pennock,. Automobile Insufance ion Proprietor Raymond Pilkey left on Mon- I &M agent for the World's Greatest A. Reduct' of all kinds. Separator. "The Renfrew." Stoves. Phone Markham IW4 day for Cobourg where he will Fleury's From August the 15th to eptem PARMS FOR SALE spend a week Attending this Young #cales and 09 Engines.* re famous Plows, Points, Grain Grinds her the 15th, I will m!k. 8 a Write or phone tion as the repre- reduction in sleigh shoe prices.. F?. i sentative of the Y. P. S. of the Brantford binder twins. and second. . BOOT-MAKER, N your sleighs and get the ED. BOWMA Claremont United Church. hand separators for sale. Bring in: benedt of these worth w'hile CLAREMONT, ONT. 20 WHITBY. ONT. W. & Jarvis will hold an e;uction Vale of his farm stock. implements ROBT- DEVITTI reductio.ns. remises, adjoin' ROUGHAM All ho desire to get their Boots etc. , At his p 'nit Phone- 5W Pick.^. B w The Fuller Graham Bros., one mile West of and Karnes repaired at a big Claremont, on Tuesday, Jan. 28th. reduction, call at the For a complete CLAREMONT above address. list see advt. in an ..Limited All work done while you wait other column. Head Next Sunday - morning at the and guaranteed. stor will CLAREMONT We desire to have a Baptist Church the Pa it J R. FDA RRY resident preach on "Contagious JO: F?8"ERY 11 representative of the Fuller Brush -subject for the evening t mpany in Pickering and Whit- Via- tiar ers c "Conscience and the Cross. N. W. STAFFORD bcy" townships for immediate work. Hors and strangers are cordially Highest price paid for People right now are buying Marble and Granite Dealer. invited to these services. -Tor Cream at the Christmas presents in large quan' Henry Booker. of TorontoA died Cemetery Lettering etc. tities from our salesmen and we the residence of his Sunday at -F, Madii. 1250 First-class work have a very extensive line of these brother-in law, J. uaranteed. articles, Including Ivory gets, Tor%; Woodbine Ave. ' D*ceased, who Kingston Road and Pickering toise Shell Sets and Christmas A a d be convinced was in his %et year, was a son of ddin Give us a triiil an East Townlinia. novelties %a well as the household 1.Booker, who was cleaning equipment Our business the late Rev. to ft . pastor of the Claremont Baptis Pheooe Whitby 68 R 82 - has &I ways been good in this dis- -church about Afty years ago He IT was & brother of Mrs. Fred Farm Lam .,WMsc swed respected citizen with a car, Ton% or and Mrs, John Madill. of Toron. P a ly for this position P?f you are this type of m a alp. to, and forionerly of Claremont. ok place Tuesday ply In rson to Chaq. R. Stone, The-funeral to 'Su- les Special January Clearance I e Come- Iro It was high, t 0 of all Regular stock has been marked down to lower prices andthatbeing the opinto for quick sale: they gathered last Monday even- -:Alsdy tag for A social time. If to enjo7 'a O'Coat -wool, half lined Coilk), 3-plece BEATTY. Mev -4, heavy blanket cloth,.all a hearty laugh is to lengthen one a STANDS FOR THE BEST dave. then the members of the B. RepairlB tor belt, reg. 1 .50, for 12 95. Bop, O'Coats, full-lined. same as above, sizes 28 to 35, reg. 9 50 for 0 95 Y. P. U. ought tobe nothing less Men's Mackinaw's. extra heavy, all-wool blanket c4oth, reg 8.50 tor 6.25 than octogenarians. We all know Eloys' Mmkinam's, same as above, reg 5.00. for 2.95 more about one Another than We ever did before. We know who Colen-lall 'Men's Heavy Shirts, military flannel, reg 1.25, for 95centj Men's Heavy Shirts, all -wool- flannel, reg 1.75, for 1.35 blow," who is the is the biggest Men's.Work Pants,'exttla heavy, an-wool, reR 4.00, for 1.95 and 2.65 sweetest chorister, who is the best choir leader, -h to the most level Call at OMPS Phone 38M "Lam headed, who h PS J. FING -hymes etc. We might for nursery r have known who was,the heartiest 7— *&ter and the heaviest drinker but to notice, other peol, --irefreshments Litter— Carriers' Hay, Carrier% Pumps cks. Cow might have Known, but "Three's rV inst the same it was a _d You Bowls. �ressure Systems Eta. ple. Ther are other things we CLAREMONT n r p- M - D;;�r Tra a crowd. Agent. for Ackerman's Se De,osits A 6nd every on ed Ask the user. It:will:pay you to get my rioes an the aff air and fek the better f6r it. HOSE who find it ni;6ie c6nveni6ftt to Q above before buying elsew Thursday. Jan. 6th, will not %T- do their ba.nking by mail, will find that FRANK J. PROUSE soon be forgotten by the members the co-operative services of this Bank meet of the Baptist Church. It WAS the PICKERING, ONTA11118. ist -to all requirements. Write our nearest branch j Occasion of the annual business rollehIl. -Theafter- to-day and arrange to do your banking by meetina and The Pickering noon session was featured with -mail. You will save the trouble of frequent -the present& trips to town. tion of several well Thalik Vw1ance 00M written reports by means of which swereable to realize many 't'the member that a good. steady year of. work was behind them. There were. no The object of this Association Is tog retreata to report and in some 'Customers lessen stealin , and prosecute branches of the work'ihere was the lelons. :DOMDWN RAXK a notable advance. The treasurer's tor thedr 1111,1111M Bib J. IL PERRY. Managn 4 report showed'tbat 1926 had stir. F- A- BURT, M&n&M Members having mper stolen ammeall turse eats in 1025, more money obte immediately wit 61my membew having been mised last year tb4n during of ..in any other sinTle year of the Membership fee 11.00. the Secretary onappli*61400. officers followed the presentf�tidn reports. The rnembers fiken en joyed supper together after which tii.yre-convened at 7.80 for the seisiou. The splendid spir- year. Never Sell Grain on i D. Munro, Jas. Richardson. p which it of unity and fellowsbi had charact6rized the -afternoon and a Dull Makket J nieetitLg swept on into the eve ing n, Mgh _.,seasio --wish —Pickering rol call w'69 &'benediction to eve. DOES n6t always p�y to sell IT special music was much Frhaein as soon. as the threshing is d 1e ire ,ry one, the atb or- Goods one na If you have a good crap %ppreciated and four brlef-. but splendid messages by four of the see the a;nd the market is depressed reat uplift "The and local maba4ee 6f the Standard Bank velop Kill Our supply of quality Harness and Cb�urch Member and h BAIN IG and arrange a loan until a mpre . I FIFTY favorable sittiation presents itself. Parts Is now complete. 4nent" was the general theme, and all a, the Addresses dealt with the BOOTS—GREB SHOE 'to dis -of this FameW church member in every phase of Happy YEARS 'Our nianager'is always gladj We have a large stock - 14, his public church life and In hie Boot on h&nd—unbeatable .._,.private prayer life. The thank- New cuss such problems, In confidence. for hard wear and tear. REPAIRING thanktf nl spirit of the the joyful, Y We maintain our established re ta- gathering and as they sang V13lest ear be-the Tie that Binds" theic hearts tio.h for repalvinj all kinds T harness an boots. %were indeed knit In Christian love 8TANDARD 'BANK oughly enjpoiyret� and for which all Do ISO 0 TT were so thankf n1 to its Giver, that PICKERING BRANCH—%�. F. Law, Manag'er Harness-maker, spirit spiritual Phone 1402, anches also at Brooklin, Woot Hill, Whitby PTCHERTNO, 0-N-TARIO achievements during the coming CLAREMONT 't" 7 i. 7, ,,,�,37 9W t0i 1 7. , . - ­ ri , ly, - i 1­ *4"'*1 r, 1 ?7 1 7 • n Z 7 r 0 liSh WAR SPEED OF 90,000 Canadian ­:J Sam sS MOTOR YEMCLES lu" A IGNACE DoT eek., iwy S Mo Will Not Mean Increase of le * *; W Accidents, Says Motor ntreal - - Theatre League Official. ge c ascs, 141, Toronto. —That an'Inercase of the MANY CLASSES OF EM-1 QUTBREAK OF FLAMES speed limit on the highways t0,85 PLOYEES INVOLVEE�--- DURING SUNDAY -ifles7 an 1-.our win not mean an in- crease, In accidents-, is the opinion of MOVIE afety League officials. I Ontario & !Men's Demands Range froliii J. F. H. Wyse, General Manager of declared this -organization, -deO that o. Ten to Twelve Cents, Addi- we the raising of the limit thildren Trampled to didn't bell,, tional Per Hour. m Mad- Rush for Exits— in outside municipa'ities would endan- Stairway Jammed W r the safety of motorists. Mr. , Wyse hadJust returned from a trip through Montreal.—Wage negotiations in- B"es of Vkfivhs• v vo' Ing more than 90,000 men, arid. the States, having been as far south I wage demands ranging from 10 to 12. as Georgia. He noted that many I cents 4n hour, confront Canadian rail-; highways in the South allowed the 35-1 Xontreal, Jan. 9. — Bodies of ways in the opening weeks of this Weventy-" and possibly more, boys mile -an -hour -speed, and where the' 'highway began at the edge of a moot- year. One parley is proceeding, an- fwd girls lie lifeless on the floors of other dispute Is, the subject of Boord 'the Montreal Morgues A store of c1prality signs anno3anced Mi!es" or "Speed 35 Milt... of Conciliation proceedings, and other Other children and a few adults, sear- negotfflZ �gwlll f"kw this course. red, crazed and burned, repose at four In Maryland," said Mr. Wyse, A that therer was opposition to I Tegotiations opined as to. . ..... N around flic re- hospitals. y the proposal to raise the speed to 35 quest of 35,0N maintenance- of -we. crease Ali are victims of a stampede that rai!es an hour. But now it is found men of Canadian lines for an in. Mowed a minor outbreak of fire this I c f I0 cents an hour. Three repre-,er.,.a- i that there 1.i nA-> increase in accidents afternoon during a moving-picture I The Ontario Safety League w114 -not tives of the men are meeting the Wage show at the Laurier Palace, in the Mrs. John Thorburn ioppose, the Government's plan here.! New Zealand Premier Will Cross Cinrinittee, of the Railway Association Js# end of the city. I don't think the increased means; Canada. c•f Cznada on this matter, and cortnin All evening the toll mounted, and Who is dead at Ottawa at the age of ii I I !increased ' z ' - I w< rkii,g conditions ure. also the sub- may continue to mount hour after. 91- Mrs. ThOrbum was a fcAinder of used accidenti." Rt. Hon. J. G. coates, Prsmier� of i The Safety League in opposed to New Zealand, accompanle4 by IAN, pct of. discussion, previous negotia- )4L boar as ambulances make still inere, Lh6 Women's, blissionary Society and 'bag tft-i,.s. having been -Alourned. also of the National Council of Wca),�u. I' the ratting of the speed laws within Coates and memberi Df his Party. journeys to the old grey mortuary I municipulitim left London on his way homeward. I Rail shopmen in Canada, to the 5 Rra itt ford.-B rant and Brantford The party is travelling to yew Zealand, number "of 35,000. innpliiy-d on 'all c4ambers near the harbor. Long after �'.the last wisp of steam and .smoke had. (�arne temporary morq•ies. Am6ulUTICOS: in(rtarins, que;rieJ regarding tbeir'vis -New York. Montreal and Van, lines, a!-e looking R:so to ru*-d the injured to the various east end disseminated over the gaunt ea. ioon : op tons cr% the r, roT.,osed new :e tars -; eburer. re?urription of neq, tistionn, when their building which had been a tomb for pitals- The news spread, and tion to makp the motor vehicles speed repr..�4ntiithmis wiTI put forward their 00 Many, mothers and fathers, broth- hatless. anxious parents were on the, :imit 'on the higbways 35 mi es an request for an increase of 10 cents an J On and sisters, tramped wearily from run toward the theatre. Reinforced the � hour, 'expms%ed themselves as being 127 LOSE LIVES hour. Their negotiations also will be `` 1�oepital W hospital. police Were merciless to CUr(,,.UJ, d with the Rallway Association in accord with the. idea. The general resume Some cried hysterically as they kindly and sympathetic to the people impresilen seems to be that the 25- AT LEVEL CROWING. of Canada. 7- -4 in safe care. who feared their little onep were In­ In ound their little one. Ile limit is too stow, and some motor-' The Canadian Brotherhood of Rail-' 'Utbiers left the last hospital with one side the building. They got rtttle�, of the city ; Ist., ,tated that this ruo was seldom., Bureau of Statistics Reports road Empl*yeepL are looking to nege- #Oro call to make. And the Mort"", news. The safety forces .observed. Record Total of Canadian , ti ti with the Canadian National -the hospital squads warked so at Ong wl pilliveloped In the deathly sti.11ness of and 1 London. Ont. Masrf3tra to for a wage Increase breach- -Po:ice ig business &Arict hushed on the quickly that either hospitals or the -Victims During 1926.' 4 � G Graydon and Chief of Potice Bi rrel-,! ed to. the cqmpinj( in August last. ;joventh day. saw the ever-filling lines morgue alone could Answer the quer-, as �e:l as other prominent citizens, I Ottawa, Jan. 9.-The level cro3si4.73 I Their requf*t involves 18,000 Can-, of tau"truag men, women and chil- ie& i re-cord total ,)f 1-!7'adiain National -Rafway employees, I � &sc:ared In favor of the 36-mi:e-an- of Canada tuolr-a- :4ran, even, still searching and await - Then the trek of tragedy fi-.0 hos- hour speed which the Ontario Dept. lives durirg 1926, arid caused injuries including office staffs, freight shed JWX the worst, pital to boopital and then to the rno- of HlXhways is to establish shortly. to 36-, others, according 4) StatiSCesiemp.oyees, - rourdhouse men. ferry- n. A;�hittirig officers at the An raid-afterfioon from a stairway, The, mate and mutilated ,were taken XUO began. 'compiled from monthly reports boat crews, ate., and is fora 10 cents foer Ng hospitals were "ieged for 'barely 80 feet long, leading from the -,he. names. of the patients they h,%& 13RIMH AIR MINISTRY -'issued by the- Railway Board. There per hour increase for. hourly -rated - ,eastern `'ere reported to the Board a total! men and $20 a month for monthly and of the theatre gallery to The beat was dons for th- questioners COMPLETES AIR TRIP I � rated men. of 2-117 crossing accidentiii, and it, 229: its street. Ten minutes'ancompassed but there was need fof tict. for mote invclvQd. I Negotiations are expected to open (of them autorilorAles we" -jibs whole tragedy, were fting, and the rustle of 'he 'Left Croydon. England. (M As recently as 1912 there was toot a '- toward the end of this month betwaen Nearly All pulled oat of the stair- 9i"isno was beard in more than one; 'in'the-Canadian, Naticnal Railways and 1 Dec. 27, and Covered 6,300 1crossing accident in all Canada 'way were dead. Two or three boys corridor. which a motor car waa concerned. ac-', ropresentztives. of some 800 emp:oye" their nanwa and died. Outride At the end of the journey was the, Miles in 63 Hours. corqi.vg to avail:,ble figure,. The pre- in the s:eering, dining. and we of police re- _parlor car police worked fewrisbily. While Morgue. Line after line pelted the inastent, near-crazed peo -,: Delhi, British India.-A salute vvz�s! vious high total of crossing apcident'services of the railway. The emp',oy- zootor fire-pumps roared in ear-Wit- Hercules rmodeldeaths was met in ces request waCo,- Increases of approxi- --timig, catophany. •as the interior base pie Who wanted to decide once for all fired when the air liner Here 1W24 whin 9.6 live' ones were do" or missing. 'A graceful landing here. and Sir i were lost in this manner. matey 1$ per otnt.. As Wo:'l LUS A rial- wias attacliled with tons of water. doc- if the loved 1 Samuel Hoare, Bri%ShL I months -12 4ngers form schedule, instead of the four Air Minister In the past 12 The scene in the little room Of the, 'tore wwo summoned Frail little be- unparalleled. A. were killed on Ganadian railroads ed '!lss for this class of workers in ! and Lady Hoare, co6ploted their a,, and sch u dip were laid in rows on the sidewalk Coroner's Court was un ` Meed and Injured were quickly separ. long line of weeping parents voyage frarn England. Tha- last leg' 334 passengers were injured. In the use At Present, led to the. ated, Prwaits were on the scene, and bench. where Ckiconer McMahon. in- !of tine .long fight was from Jodhpur. !samo period 1�9 eniplqyis were killed . The wage requests of some G,000 Sir Samuel and Lady Hoare left, land 1.741 injured, and others killed, railway and wtearnship c'irks employ- the last rites were givvn to a I tor of crime and accident cams Canadian Pacific Railway 275 injured 5r 7. few 7 t o5, � this ed on the C &%song little ones, who revived a lit- Nin AM!:treral for more than forty years Croydon, England, in the Hercules on totalled and h one particulars oonmIdn Dec. 27. They concluded the 6,NRI.-classifimtion including the victims of became the subject of the - Board of -.tw in the open &IT and. then died asked each 9, Concl.fatioii proceediag.q toward the ii miles in 63 Aping hours. crossings. Near-by fire and police stations be- the dece2med. Field Marshal Sir William Bird- ir"w" C.O" of Last year. wages and working conditions being the issues. The-pro- Smoked meats--Hams wee­�,te ,wood, Commander-in-Chief of the ceedings, it is understobd, are not yet nri- pl&= for St. British Army in India, headed an Lawrence Tunnel' 90c; cooked hums. 42c; zincked rolls. i posing assemblage of welcomer. Soon comp:eted. Lrx; breakfast . bs---zn, 32 to 4ce; 6acxa, bone:ess, 83 to 40C. after landing Sir Samuel delivered to Are Submitted in Quebec U.S• Factories. on Border TORONTO. Cured meats--Long c:ear bacon. 50 Lord Irwin, the Viceroy,, a letter from i " I to 70 lbs., $22; 70 to 90 :be. $W.50;- the King. Qu��,c.-Plana for the construction Issue Citizenship Mandate Lawrence Man. whost-No. I North, $1.46; 204 lbs. and up. $21-34; ligbiweight, of & tunne, under the St. 2 North., $1.42; No. 3 North„ ?rolls in barrels, $11.60• heavyweight To prevent the form . Ing ef dust on'River, between Montreal . d res An I1.PV.e' Toronto, Ont.-Can&dian mechanics Us, $38.64 per bbl. uil, were submitted to PRF)ianw-t by ri nominal; Na to concrete lloor�, wash the surface I and workmen emp:oyed in factories I Man. oats -No. 2 CW. now! LArd-Pure tierces, 14% to'15%1-- Lting the Montreal Underg"und Tomminal iborder Cities of the United States have S.-not quoted; No. 1, feed, 59%c; No. tube, 16 to 16%c; pails, 16% to 17c; , c:ean; when dr1r, cover with a coi a milslion-do3ar concern, 'vrh!ch been toad that they must become Un- feed, 'nominal; Western, grain quota- prints, 17% to 18c; shortening tierces, I of linseed oil. Sodium siticr-te. (Ordi- Co,. rQA;y water-eass) can also be used for wit.) be established for the carrying ited States citizens or lose their jobs. C. , ports, 11% to 12c; tube, 12% to 13V,&; pails,; bons, in i.f. purpose, altb>ugh its wearing Out. Of the Project. The bill WRI be The result of this mandate from a li Am. corn, track, Toronto--No. 2 13% to IS%c, blocks, 14% to 14%c. 'this f. resented before the Legislature at number of emp:oyers in Detroit '8&; lqo� 3 old Clow, 87c - Heavy export steers, $7 to 47.T5; are not so goud as the linseed prese Bu 4114 18J.0w, I .. I I the NO. 8, new yollow, 85C. oil. -has been the re- Leavy- steers, good, $6.25 to $6.50; forthcoming session. falo and C.eve!bind, butcher steers, choiae-­$7.25 to $7.65; turn to Toronto within the last month 3611feed Del- Montreal freights per ton, $3'2.25 -,do, fair to good, $5-1:6 to $&26; do, hags included: Bran, of a ngmber of young men, accord corn., $4.75 to $5; butcher heifers, 11 AM per middlings i ro w. S. Debbsi. head of the employ spborts, ton, $34.25; 1 choice, $6.25 to $7; do, fair to good, WMADA UNM WrrH ENGLAND �ment service of Canada. UA "A gemral overhauling of factories Ont, good milli 2 her cows gd. to ChO:ce $5 .26; -do, to $5 ne U & overhauling 140.25. milling wheat -11.26 to 5.50 to, $,6; do, coin. $4.50 to $5; but- -RV $127 $4; do, canners — - ...&P A f.o.b.. shipping points, according: coin. to ;;�., $a td -EMME WIREUM -TELP ;in T tes� seems -to be -in freights- -i and cutters, $2.25 to 12.75- butcher progress," said Mr. Dobbs in discu�ss- Rirley--�-Mslting, 60 to 64t. buKs, good to choice., $5 to $5.25. do, wards, director cf 'radio in the Marine ing the situation. - "What is happen- and Fisheries Department, spoke f"Orn Ing is that cmii.oyers are giving for- Buckwbeat-75c, nominal. med.. $4 to $4.75; do, boognas, $3.50 :j Rye-No. 2, 90C. Ito $3.80-, biby *beef, $9 to '$10-,' THE E50MINION CAPITAL his home in Roelicliffe, this (qtY, - to sign workmen -tl* opipartanity of be- Man. flour -First pat., $7.90, 'To -, feeders, choice,• $5.50 -Co $540; do citizens or losing their jobs, TALKS WITH BRITAIN. Mr. Vyvlan and Mr.. Matthu, after coming cit* P to $5.25; stockers, choice, %;onto; do, second pat., $7.40. fair, -which J. Fred and it a pears that there area num- flolur-Toronto, 99 per cent.., $4.75 to $5; do, fair to toed.,- $4 to_ Booth and his son, J jpLtqmt. per barrel, In carlots, Turianto i $4.&0; mi' R: Booth- alsoo conversed with the ber who wou'd prefer to, return to Ich cows, $70 to $90;-spring- I - The corn- Canada United - '95.50; seaboard, in bulk, $5,60. same parties-in--England.._ - than live in the erg, $90 to $110; plain to-med., cows, Sermon Preached at ottaww: -New, large, 2,0 to 20%c-,:$45 to $65; carves, munication was over the agan ri6 tiatei'- United - Cheese -New, ca: choice, $13. twins, 20% to,21c; trIplets, 22c. Stiff ; to $14-, do, med., $9 to $12.50; do, D66nc-dy Heard Across the: system' between. England. arid Drum- r­ tone 234. Old, laa -ge,-Wc; twim, 26c; 'corn. and grassers, lafnbs, Ocean—Ex0eriments - Forse-'mondville, Quo., to whitutee a was'Command of Fleet to Pass tri lets, 27c. Old Stiltons, 28c. choice, $12.50 to $12.1*; bucks, $9.75 ar Ion.- Into Haads of Canadieu Watter. -Finest creamery prints, 45. to $10; sheep, cho $6.50 to $7; do, shadow Opening of Direct � connected' with the distance telephone. So distinct wAA ito 41 s, $4.50 to $5; do, culri, $3'. to flow k; No. 1 creamecy, 44 to 45c; No. vies, lop 12, 43 to 44c. Dairy prints, 34 to 35c. $.3.50; hogs, thick _smooth, .fed and phone- Collmunica the test that Mr. Ahearn turned on Montreal-One of the few remain- With AM Parts Of Empire. the loud speaker of his radio, set and it, held -in th remain- Eggs -Fresh extras, in canons; 65 $11; do, f.o.b., $1 g appointments is country to 38c; fresh extras, loose, 65c-,' fresh country points, $10.25-' do, $1p.60; do, Mr. Vyviari heard a minister in one of by English naval officers is shortly to firsts, 640ic; fresh seconds, 38 to 39c; $11.40 -1 select premium, per hog, $2.15. he local churches,•whose sermon was, into� the hands of a Canadian. fresh pullets. 62 to 53c.- -Storage ex- being broadcast at the time. The dis- Ottawa, Jan. 9.= Empiro wireless; When Con-unander Massey Goolden, ;tress, 46c; do, firsts, 43c; do, seconds MONTREAL. W.Ithl� tznce from Ottawa to Bridgewater is Officar '86 to 37c. telephone connected Ottawa. e R.N., tetlres Lts Senior Nava, I slightly under 3,500 miles. Poultry, dressed-Chickers, 5 lbs. Oats-Can. west., No. 2, 75c; do; lof his Majesty's Canadian ships and Bridgewater, Somerset, -England, at;! n r up 36 to 38c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 35 to 37c; No. 3, 68%c. Fiour, Man. spring To-day's tests are in no way con -r , esjab'.-ishnvnLs at Ha'.i Fax on Jan. 30, Z,3 to 4 lbs., 38 to 85c; do, 2% to 3% wheat pats, late, $7.90; do, 2nds, noon to-day. - T. Ahearn, well-known nected with tho radiophon,- communl-'it is said that be will he succeeded by 31 to 33c;.-do, 2 to 2% lbs., 30 to. $7.40; do, strong bakers, $7.20; do, Ottawa financier, picked. up the tele- Ion inaugurated between New York Lieutenant- Commander Vie'tor' C. lbs. eat -i9quabs, 1-to 1% lbs., winter pats., "Can: -C.N. .'.82c; do, spring choice, $6.0 to $6.15. phone receiver at his home and and Lendon on Friday of last week Brodeur, Ft.,. 82 to 33c; heVs; over 5 lbs., 3ft; do, Rolled oats bag 90 lbs. $3.65. Bran, reshadovir the opening up of di-� tray `;1formed hiih that "England de- and fo, i While the Department of 4National `�4 to 5 lbs., 28c; do., 3 to 4 lbs-, '26c; $82-25. Aorts '$34.26. Midd?i iota, sires to speak -ir.11 rect telephone communication to all gal to YOU, 6, Immedi- Defence at Ottawa have not as ,yet an- rvosters 22c' turkeys, 42 to 46c; $4-0.25. Hay, Re. 2, per ton, earn pants of the Empire. It is a new and 11tely he beard the, vwct of R. N. Vy- Pa official appointment they duck:&�R, 5 lbs. and up, 32c. $14.50. nounced the 04' Beans-Can. hand-picked, $3.60 to Cheese, finest wests, 19% to 19e; viaft, engineer -irf-chief of the Marconi, distinct inter-Empire project which it have intimated that the routine orders' 90 bushel; primes. $3.45 to $3.60. butter, No 1 pasteurized, 41% to 42c; Company's long-distance communica--t is hoped to carry out through the covering the- pr*mQLon of Lieutenant-' -beam system. Commander Brodeur will be issued at Maple products--Syrup, per imp. eggs, storage extras, 47c; do, storage tion at Bridgewater. The converse - 'Marconi ty t le 41 Cal., $2.26 to $2.30; per 6 gal., $2.15 firsts. 44c; do, storage seconds, 40 to tion between' the two was most dis- The first two stations to be �buil. an early date. to $9,25 per gal., Cmmander'Brodeur is the son of, maple sugar, lb,, 25 41c; do I fresh specials, 75c; do, fresh tinct Mr. Ahenrn afterwards spoke are at Bridgewater, Eng., and Drum- Ao 26c. extras. age; do, fresh firsts, 6k, to Mr. Matthu, r.,ersonal technical rep-'-rnondville, Quo. Others 'in the Im- the late Hon, L. P. Brodeur, former Honey--$O-lb. tins, 12% to Jac; 10- Cows.. cutter quality, S3,, canners, lb. tins, 12% to 13t; &lb. tins, 18 to $2 to $2.26; calved $10 to $12; hogs,, re8eritative of Sign? Marconi. A few perial chain are now being construct -' Canadian statesman, jurist and finally* Uc; 2%4b. tins, 166, $11.26 to $11.60; tows, $10. minutes later, Commander C. P. Ed- ed in South Africa and Australin. ILieuteriant-Governor of this province.! 4 s - .• ; r s �w aNa,a 4ny;^fcS�S�" r,sw: + .n�.y, ]� .:.y, : +i „f a., �: +wa a ` . - a Sa n u « e a.. y�G . r- . f m 4 t i5f" ,C .�i$..45' ice'•: .rS' , -•:: tie, . '�. �•'" �'M. .,- . :i:+.,+.+C+1 ..& •'e't S:t<. ..,; •a 9'y vlY ,..::, h vcm" J .r.r. ;5,. r:Y.. � ",.,..: :.Hr:••.v a. �.•�•.e•�•. —sa -w •.S ... s. ', r r _. • - , '. m r UT. "i G, .fir.. ..r;'• l..' -•.. _ , / q.5". :t •. y,,_. •u r� •-yr` .; :L•'P' _ v. ..} ..u•x,,:. •, }..-- ..'a.. ,6 '".vr, .. "+,^ . ,•r •'•+ • P:J.:.e4a •,S-, `... „ "' A^ d _ "Y:y -Y ..r.+,. ... y. ,: ..,.y. .' _...... ..... S., ... .,` ... .._ j, ; o-•1 .„�• 4. .d The Wife's Song. Caa>/ai5ed Adverdseenelltes. .;.��. ,K After long( esba we are c I sit besKe my sewing- wheel ��� �� GRAMOPRONE. t - • • • And croon my little song, Content to Dade a v, le at holne A R STYLE, FULL CAS ICI OLA TYLE VMced. Aluminum t$ t e — Why Many Merl and wonreir n INET, playa all reeorde, 4i1.. . The sweet day long. tions, guaranteed. automatic. Value ¢95.90 for ' befit contain for - tea• The i•keettlev stt+abot wiaw � hob, �lrlteu you'are;so ruA down In health Royal East Mont aI. >,. 840 Mount , The ri, Mat it impairs the efficiency of your I _ For him who comes so rwLft of foot W® cyan �Wr. a7 ' At close of day. work as well as your power to enjoy SALESMEN. ym as your leisure hours, or obtain rest, it is emplo etrt pay weekly to sell our complete and IM The gravel grlflds beneath his step, time-you Iooked to the cause. If you exclusive lines of guaranteed quality, r� I By to opt' the door, do . not, a serious breakdown ts, almost, whole root, fresh dug -to -order trees ; Oom -pared wi' me, the 91:1ded Queen pure to result , sooner or later. In and plants. Attractive illustrated - -iipon her throne is poor. nearly all cases this- oondition, which'ramples and full co- operation, a doctors usually describe as general ; moneymaking opportunity. r p, I stir the tire, d e I trim the Ism �d `Lu es. M debility, ie due to poor blood -blood ke Brothers Nursed ontreil I set his place and mine, that is deficient in 'red corpuscles �« A• 'Tis fine to see the linen white, When the blood is thin and weak your. et0 otttaatc �� good ted whole system suffers. You lose ap- 1ZEMA REMEDY- The silver shine. �s" ►w cxb w use ow petite, have no energy, your nerves LW Tae ceoturia • +u» n31� And while I sit. beside my wheel, trouble you and you feel restless. 'o t � �ru� u a� • Bumming ,my song, What you need is help to build u? ,. alts.& No mum bw t Now packed only !n 1amtHorn. And dream of curly heads a -row, your blood and you should begin at sr t,°. am u . � once to make your blood rich and red ( a.atroas lac :tits sotr.H Beams stout and strong. 610. Y. L[E. by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pi]}s. P.O. amt 1+2z, Yiaietill. e•0. Setting, the Table. The Rhewnatic Child You will soon notice the difference in ,• I see their father watch with pride, your health by a better appetite and Bridge. 'Betting the table is Ilk* visiting We chose this title, rather than Full - hearted at their ways, increased vigor. The reason is that strange lands. "Treatment of Rheumatism in the I turn me to my sewing-wheel, the new blood created by Dr. Williams' The engineer -stands in the moonliglld II lay the cloth: damask from Done- Child,' because the disease itself calls jqa-Pills, stimulates all the organs of Surveying big achievement: gal- for treatment with drags mainly, the body to healthy activity, an so e ; • can see e t of sbam- which is not a proper subject of dis- Ah, who could leave a dream like, this system, gains nourishment and Rhythmic as a poem, rock and fern ctt,ision in a- nonmedical magazine, For any pride ar place Between two points of reality, Nil strength. If ou are week or out of + In its frosted surface; while the treatment of the child who Beyond the simple dear of home sorts min gaining new strength to- IS acid steel from Birmingham is subject to rheumatism.. is chiefly With all its kindly.grace? day by taking Dr. Williams' Pink P11Is. Across it he walrta: And the fiery Selde of Sheffield; hygienic and dietetic. The disease is No longer a dreaat: You can get these pills from your 18sit from the ass coast, tasting 61 sea not very common- in children un er ve me or ape to dreatm m7 dreean, druggiaf or by mail at 60 cents a box -� Baron Cooky wiude and sea foam; five years of age, but between that age Beeide my sewing- wheel, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., "per from Zanzibar, black with the and fifteen it is. greatly to o be dreaded. (Nye me to kee �P p my singing heats. Brockville, Ont. The great open space® lase mush of tropic sun; The first attack is seldom very painful That knows to love and feelt 0 'Bogor fiom . Cuba "and the clattering or serious, but it is likely' to be follow- their attractiveness to the itldxtviduarl canes of the' Caribby; ed by others, and then there is danger Give' me, mg arm for man and chiltL bays Tall Men Are Hungrier who ha run out of gas. While life shall last! Bread -frnm Saskatchewan and the still' of damage to the heart. That a tail thin man, requires mare gold prairie seas; For this reason the first attack is Yau can have all the pride and rleee; 1004 than a short one, even though ! 1i, P Olives from Italy and the' ancient fb be taken as a warning that a predis• I gut them past. both are the same weight, is the con- / �- "$ gloves of the Orient; position to the disease exists, and that -3fa p Gilmore. �`an'rrOr %YOl?7P�!' >�? 4 teuticu: of a Japanese doctor. He de• East ward in builders' aid. PrwtW 4 bfaybe figs from Smyrna, dates from everything possible must be done to - _ claree that the amount of food needed vp to• -date ons on planning, Algiers. ward off another visitation. A child jtlfl]i�('t T® L�iJlaLd 11v u�u 1 hey depends on the total area, not the bu,lding, f�sdti=, desisting and Nuts from Brazil,. from Cal!- with the.rheumatic tendency must be weight of the body. gardeatng. ProTux�lpp illustrated, e; - fornia, protected against exposure to extreme _ tnrndscoresofectuald011u3 cents for And a round r:d cheese from Edam. cold asd damp. Woolen underwear: BABY'S O TABLETS �_ fiend 23 cents for As we wipe off the travel ttalns including stockings, good stout sboes S � ante=ing. Use Minard'a Liniment. gamma +� In littik brass bowls from Bagdad, to keep the feet warm and dry, and .,._._,ei_ s•s +a�"w. a,. v. It seems that all the ends of the earth +confinement to the house on stormy .- Mfrs. Georges Lefebvre; St. Zenon. Have met at my tabi2, or Bold, blustery days are of supreme ld e - . -ThC l.iVC�y Serpent. • Que., writes: "I .do _not think there is t r -Floyd Roberts importance. The house should be 1 _ say other medicine to equal Baby's l An old feat interesting experiment !s a •. a. kept warm, and the playroom or � thus arranged• 'Take a circular piece nursery should have a southern ez- Own Tablets for little ones. I have Codliver Oil. used them for my baby aad would use lei thick paper. or moderately stiff card•. • � ^ : pastire, to Insure. sunlight through the IP i board, about nine inches in diameter, .- Dlaay of us have distinctly unpleas- wine" months. nothing else." «hat 3Irs. Lefebvre' y s other mothers ea and, beginning at the oatside with a t e �' •- 'ant - recollections of the days a genera- .When the weather permits, the win- says thou. and of o e Y lion ago, when the three chief con They have found by trial- that the Tab- sharp knife, or scissor -a: cat 1t out in lows should be opened during the lets always de ju$t what is claimed graclWly thtcke'ning tines, getting "_JttiSu is of the f,tmlly mAlicine cheat hours of sunshine,- for the health•giv narrower nearer the centre, and end. ' for them. -The Tablets are--d mild-but- were Castor Oil, Eclectrie Oil and Cod- tog raps cannot pass throzgh glass• ing to a fine point, exactly like an un- liver oil. These three were individual• thorough laxative which regulate the The child should be examined every I coiled ammonite shell. Then, with the r ty' or collectively administered on in. six months -at least, in order that any bowels an$' sweeten '!te stomach and thus banish Indigestion, constipation, aid of a few wxer- colons or crayons, I mouth common Ito al! ands out Oin our mem• � or throat may be detected � early and Cold $. Colic, etc. o They- are. sold 2 J as�ouitcan. artistic ni'.ttto Ittssktal $at ach a! ,Stuffed l„J j7 ury-, namely, their disagreeable taste. - removed ac compiete'.y as porsible. me< ne Y rhread a yard or Y�ro in Ieng[.h .. The first ttv0 0L too ttmAhonored :1n antiseptic mouth wash, gargle and cents a box from The Dr. Williams'! I Clear, your head H,ta M,nard's. r medicine Co., Brock.rtl]e, Ogt. On allowing it to hang freely by the.' «Tartu the ifnir ent and i.=O. i remedies have been gradual.y sup- ;nose' spray shotrtd be-ttsed montlad ��_ thread the )iapar irill Porn: an aseeni- planteti by preparations equally eil}ca- and evening, and the bowels should ( ing spiral• with the bead pointing t clous and infinitely wore palatable. function normally. - Unsealed Bills. - Cod'Mver Oil. however, to more firmly I Attention to d1ei is Important, Dur• Cus'.otn'er (who ow•can bill)- "Is yoar1 downward, at,d abo+tt a fo• t ]owe�r l ebfabil4hed :o-day than ever. ing an attack only milk, butter, cream business affc:cte4 much my Lh> tan:'et• J than the tall, if the raper h. of the a ~ Co�dliver Oil In its pure form is still or cetta" cheese, toast, zwieback and tlpd Vieatther ?' proper stlfft,P�+t: It the And or the three 1 be now fastened to' the roof, osr s _ coasidere•d io._ exert some rather de cereals sttuuld be.g3ven, but _after ccn• Deal-r- "pct- a6 much as b.y' �1e f held up so-that -tile serpent eha!l hang s +� �� p��� snits influence in the prevention of valescence eggs and meat in :neat unsetiletl bf }I9." right over a gas or lamp flame, high �' diseases of Lire respiratory ,tract; to moderatfoh -that !s to say, . at one - `--�- enough not to catch fire, 1t will be an excellent tonlr for younger chiid- meal only two or three times a week - Thlnam taste to sood we can't heir satins er o ] ran . ,taken alone or combined with may be added. The child should drink t> unit, r.�w and then. D°t''t a+iftr. for it: 'rake ['onud and round like screw till fife $e}ge1'aSrruR Arn�drusarose. thread has got so ,ouch twisted that other medfcai agents. it Is. -however, plenty of wafer and milk bath during It can no longer move freely. 1 as a- preveatatipe and cute for rickets and after an attack; lemonade and -fiat it is now nest widely used. orange juice are excellent drinks. The A later Trick. la the temperate zones, owing to the I use of candy and of sugar In any form Tack of sufficient sunshine in the siiovId be gre�a.tly restricted. In short, Everyone ..is familiar with what nn n everything must' ber done to bui :d up tales Puce when a pail fun of water�lti + au'tuinn and winter months, It has be, n round , the head. �� V $ - - found necess -arY to give all twtLlle fed ..the health of the child and maintain' is swung rapid.y and most breast -fed infants Codliver it tit the highest lrosstble level, it the Even. when the pail is mouth down- ' /OZC� $ oil, in order to avoid the possibility same time avoiding any coddling. Play ward, at the highest point of the of their dev. loping This extremely in the open air should be encouraged swing, the water lass not escape. A \ ° common complaint. wheneve45 the 'Weather permits. sorhewbat similar hrnomenbn, though P " - Codliv ^.r Oil may be sateiy adminls- duo to a diffei�nt cause, may be ,y �.: . tered in small doses to all children shown, a fo:Iows: A tv-ineg:ass is in- wlthout tear of digestive disturtianee, troduce4 into' a basin of 'water and Laurier Memorial )and is readily taken by intents. One. fired below the surfac taking care half teaspoonful twice daily, under -Ready for Casting. that no air remains in it. three months of age; one teaspoonful Paris,-The original of the statue of No :cling it•moutll downward in the ,+ o - ._twice daily from three to six months Sir Wilfrid Laurier, to be erected on water, a thin card is sapped in below Of age; and from one teaspoonful to Parliament Hill at Ottawa, has been it over its mouth, and it is lifted out a j. one dessertspoourul twice.a day up to completed by the Montreal sculptor, of the -water, when it may be held two years. Brunet, now 'living here, who'was con- mouth downward without either the DAYEj: Cod-liver Oil should be given pure missioned to undertake the ,work by card dropping-off or the water falling - fo with -such ar he- C- smad•lan'-Government a Year ago. out: You mat y_ea.?ily. make a_conjur- y . ,ticles of food as milk or mange juice. fasting of the statue proper will be ing trick of this. Challenge a f[•ierid -.0 _ !� commenced Immediately. It is under- that you wil set a wine -glass full of -- r_ �---- =- stood that Premier Mackenzie King, water on a table, and nobody shall be � d : - - while in Paris some weeks ago, made able for lift -the glass without spilling /� several suggestions to' Brunet. Hon. the water. Easi:y done by laying the L. A. Tachereau, Premier of Quebec, fi,ved grass on a - fable and pulling _ f • - �- and Philippa Roy, .Canadian .Commis• away the card, - By dexterously work- - ' have express• ing in a sheet of paper you )-ourself - i sionePhilii pe in Paris, 'iit. the g7m*s, -water and. a:�i but- work. " . ed t�itiir sal- i�aefTdn a•ltii the__trtist'a nnay,� your ndversary probably 'will not i,% � ^�•-ar, i : %/i The unveiling of the statue has bean think of that. 1st Snowman - "Going to the hall arranged tar July 1, in connection a it - -- — 1 co ntgl,t,� the celebration of the diamond jubilee , ,Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for of Confe•dreatton. It has been suggest- Lon' Handled Umbrella ; . s 2nd Snowman -' What ball. g is Aid to Queen Mary 1i ed that at the same time Premier King is�t Snowman - "Why the +uow'- ball, Colds Neuralgia VL' A R N I N �i 1` might. plant two popllar trees behind fof courie." Sacietp women often have wondered the statue, to soften the prospect in why Queen Mary, foLIowing the ea, Pain Nellritls front of the buildings. ample of Queen Alexandra, always Beware of Co>l>Entterfeits "Senator Joseph M. Wilson, of )rent- `.Headache Lumbago, ' real, has Intimated that he will present led vas an umbrella of the long-hand- _ "ASPIRIN" led verity. it now has became known There is only one genuln0 t `x a replica of the bust of the statue to that the Queen finds it uncommonly Tt�othache Rheumati�tT1 ASPIRIN' tablet. If a tabs . - ' J�Sb1StC1d "'H Laurier Howse, Ottawa. useful during the many duactione in - let is offered as ASPIRIN' t There is an effective w to less- w . which she takes part. She uses the DOES NOT Al' ' 1r' CT and is not stamped with the an relieve that distreesstm, t;Pot,e<b• "Bayer Cross " - refuse it with Buckle 's Mixture is delightful and Minard's Liniment, -ever reliable. umbrella as a support and it has help -„ THE HEART contempt it is not "ASPIRIN" "tries " Yet it act. like a bath in 6d her through many tiring warts. r ��a•ring eh• throat and chess. ons at all! Don't take chances 1 doe stops covshtntr -+nd -there area Princ�ess Mary also takes an um ri does in a is- e.ntbottle t All drussieta A little English girl named Mar- bre" or porasol to function& at which g ` - stn it under a money -back guar-tee. ganef Clarke this year celebrated her W. m yl,ai abe may have to stand some time. iACCe t o "B acka d 141 Mutual' flit„ Toronto 2 seventh birthday on the seventh day . - �y CO.ntainS plEoveri diTeCt1o11S,t sns of the seventh month,,and she is the '• "• p,, rs have bben found on +V Uand `Ba er'' boxes of 18 tabteft � a IJ�KL seventh daughter of a seventh chill. Grasshoppers y w its 18 000 dho bottles of 24 and 100- Drcggi" " ! tx'rura if there is anything in lucky numbers mountain summits as i Acts life at I11asti " feet. S�� desk dptatova i ---and seven is proverbia:'ly lucky- Aspirin is the trade mark trettbtered in Canada) of Baser 7danufactnre of x•71 C +aM this young lady must be marked for ' $bat Asp of Ballcr B&"r. (Acetyl gdiarna art t e p l w: ral white u a wW soot Aspirin mesas B41er,a*nntactare to ieatat the public against tmriatloaa,4b• t ISSUE No• 3- -'.47. an extraordinary career. God is good to those who perse caret of Beyer oompaos vlll be swap" tritb their conetal info: merit, tea ':ealtatr ,, :°.6F: K v .,. ..i' kY1,'i .: 1 , .:T „„,hO,,...; .n, ..wr..wY'✓• -D nr..,y,.•• ro,w1S •.wp P �x.,.r - A.,. .- ...,,,. ..yy -. % w.."kl ..«. a' 1 +' 1 : nF• f �?.ex,.�sys �. ., 4r. a., a s,. _�r r rw fa w. :� a ,w wx.. .�`?:w ..n.. N •wt:."w, ...•r, 'l sw,w- .."-N.s„•..- ,- ....nom "an _:., '`-- : -,.+, .. .-„#.: r,- -''+=.�^ a.�: a�,e+'�-c ---�" v-s• :,.'..;�a .- 'tir .., 0° .w'14 .. . .. .'':.%' .::=:t%'r` - ,:. i • €,' �... .w.bb,n .s +s. +v +-+e,.-c±m. w.v w.x>y.. . ;�••Yx:.,.a -•c° a-. < a :w Si„:...nrrw.. ,.,,. >.v.s',.�4�..vur•. . a ' !7 nz. s•.:+- r.''t •' _"+ro» - •:a. °'r•.,c -S 4x -r�.. .,sr•..r lw«•+ aye . 'lA .•M •.,r ..• o -A «.- .9 t....� .. .. r •a '.h '1•., .^SSA ,t• . +, /•' - : : • ' .w .•... .. .. .. .... .. .— _ ...awe ,.......,. ...—. ....— .. ._ _ _.. -r - e � G A T& T t� Ai/' G.2 Fouad, a, ns ^k scarf. loser call -.Dr, E. A. Sadler, Dentist, practis- r �►.Ilw , ,1k71Zi 17. at the News office. 1110 in Toronto will be here in his '' { : f -L. A. and Uri. Findlay, of Jor- office on Thursday from 10 a. •m. to -± s onto, visited Pickering friends on 5 p.m., as usual.* f —At St. George's churdr next'Sun- Wednesday. -Dr. H. T. Fallaise, Resident Dent- ' t ore :. spent Sunday at the home of J. E. -Mrs. J. E. Andrew and sister, ist. Office over Balsdon's hardware -- - Doyle. Miss- jdessie Bath, spent Sunday with store. Office hours, 9 to 6 daily and . a -Mrs. W. B. Powell, we are sorry relatives in Oshawa. evenings by appointment.• _ 4 to report, is confined to her bed thru -Mrs. W. J. Clark was confined to -On Tuesday evening a very plea- illness.' her 'bed for several days last week sent time was spent at the home of q -• ` "`; -Flu and severe colds are very -suffering from an attack of the flu. John and Mrs. Murkar, when Group - - -prevalent in Pickering and vicinity at -A drama entitled ­My Little IL lob C, of St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid gave a - present, Rose" will be given in the Town Hall, neck -tie social. There were about Hen's and Boys' Heavy Caps -= Men's Rubbers-plain avers with -Mrs. W. C. Murkar and two child- eu Jan. 25th. Particulars next week, sixty present, and a very interesting p fen, of Sheddon, are spending a few -A meeting of the Public library program was rendered, consisting of mostly 'mall sizes -reg. X1.60 doable red sole. Especially days with John and Mrs. Murkar. will be held next Tuesday evening at instrumental music by Miss. Ruth and 00, now 98ct. Boys all- made for heavy rough wear. -Mrs. Winlan of Peterboro, return- 8 o'clock in the library rooms. A gvwd Murphy and Mica Edna Reid, read- (ilo_ #a in dark heather shades. Clean -an -price 1.79 , ed home on Monday, after lugs by Miss li. Fawkes and Was Clean -np at age. ' fear days here with her mother, Mrs. -On account of the Rev. Dr. Robt. Margaret Westaey, comic songs by Burrell, Laird, D.D., treasurer of the United Charles Brigaali, of Audley and vocal Boys' "Wind-breakers"' in fancy Thames Field, we are sorry to Church of Canada, occupying the pul- solos by Mias Bessie Braidwood. Me n'9 Overalls in p1>sin black sad bright shades, very newest, z ' report, Is again confined to his bed -Pit in St. Paul's Church; on Sunday Misses Doris Gee, of Audley; and K. plain blue, all sizes goinb at sizes 80, 82. 84, reg. 8.50 now through illness, due to the infirmities rrp ruing, the morning service in St: Fawkes and Ruth Murphy acted as 1•79. Carhartt's, the good 2.89. Boys' pi akin mite with of old age. A'ndrew's Church will be withdrawn, accompanists. An interesting feature high standard for quality, cuffs, fit`s for skating, reg. 76a, t St. George's Chur& next Sun - in order to allow the members and of the evenings program was a .de- cow 2.50. ; now 49. , day services will be held at 10.80 a.m. adherents to have an opportunity of bate on "Resolved, that the influence and 7 p.m.- Preacher, Mc. A. E. Pep- hearing Dr. Laird. The Sunday school of women is greater than that of , per, of Wycliffe College, Toronto. of St. Andrew's will be held at the men ". The affirmative was upheld by 1 Only, Man's Heavy Winter Over - Special for two weeks -in Men's � -The Young People's Society of regular hour, 10.00 o'clock. bliss Robertson and Mrs. Crank, and *oati nice heather shade, Underwear- Standfleld's Red St. Andrew's Church will meet this ---St. Paul's United church is hold- the negative by W. H. Westney and plaid lining. 8 4 length with label, all-wool shirts and draw- !ay) evening at the home of L. ing their Missionary Anniversary F. M. Chapman. Both sides put up belt, size 89, good value at ere. worth at least 2.60 per H. aad. Mrs. Spragge of the lake next Sunday. The hour of the morn- strong arguments, but the derision 20.00. Clean -up -pries 17.49. garment, now 1.98. share, ing service is changed to 11.00 p.m. was given in, favor of the affirmative,, - -Mrs. Frank Sarles and young Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Rev. The Rev, J. S. Ferguson performed e son, of Trenton, returned home on Robert Laird, treasurer of the Maint- the duties of. chairman in his usual We're �L Monday after spending a couple at enance and extension fond will preach happy manner. The all. After par- weeks E11C18, regardless of whist they - . wveeks here with the former's other, The friends of St. Andrew's United was much enjoyed by all. After par - birs'. John Rankin church will worship with us. Come taking of refreshments the meeting -Port Perry is selling its own and worship, 7- p.m., the minister will was closed by singing the National cost us- •- can't - -carry - -- ' iebeatures, bearing 5 per cent int- continue his - series, subject- "The Ev- Anthem. r erest, to Pickering investors. These olution of a Sinner. them over. � - debentures are gilt -edged trustee in- -The congregational social . even- Ssso ddesri4serASasEs. • - t vestments. Apply to Harr; 's &Harris ing held in St. Paul's United church l Porf Perry, Ont. on Tueaday last was a real success. .. We regret to report that Miss Before 8 p.m. the school room was UTTER FORSALE- (food, second Girl's Skating Boots, sizes 2+�, 8, Ladies' Silk Scarfs. fancy colors y� =' CUTTER Apply Gordon Law, Pickering. 18.19 , regular 8.00, clean -up price_ in flgnred crepe, regular 1.49, '4bpliffe, assistant teacher in the Con- full. A fine program of solos, instru- _ _ 1. 'tinuation School has been compelled mental duets, a men's chorus, with OR BALE -30 breeding ewes. Cecil 1.98. Youths' Skating Boots, now 1.19. Ladies' Fancy Silk :. to lay oft duty for several weeks. short, spicy and historical addresses F9tory, R R 2, Claremont. Phone 3817. 19 sizes 11, 12 and 18, regular 2.95, 'Crepe Kerchiefs. regular 49e, -Mrs. Ha Arnold received word by the ofWals, made it .a very enjoy- - -- now 2.59• Clean -up at 89C. � that her brother in Fort William was able and profitable social time. Games L�Ho BALE -Good cook stove, 8 hole -- P i` Home Comfort, in excellent condition. Mn, dying with pernicious anaemia. for the young folk, and games for �, E. Ham, Brougham. 19 L B. Tapson, piano -tuner of the adults furndshed much amuse- Children's Wool Jer6ey Suite, sir- Ladies''3ilk and Silk and Wool LARGE BARN FOR SALE -At Bowmanvilie, will visit Pickering anent. As usual the ladies excelled in Scarboro Juaction. Phone Hiltcrert ee3e. es 8, 4, 5 and 8, very pretty Hosiery in fancy shades and .,village and surrounding district with- their refreshments, after which all 414 Rushton Raad, Toronto. 18.19 pattern@, sweaters and bloom. plain shades, all size@, really * a in a week or two. Any orders left at joined in singing the National Anth- - ° - - - - - ere, reg. 8.50, going t_t 2.89.' worth 1.25, clean -up price 98c. the News office will receive prompt em. �ANTEQ -A qugntfty of small or p P s uted onions, J. C. FFlletcher, Whitby AM careful attention. Orders may be -On Thursday last in the police Greer, hooves. Phone 234 Whitby. 19.20 �- .: sent from any part of the township. total held at Whitby by Police Magis- OR SALE-2 good Holstein cows. 2 Only. Ladies' White Pull -over Bath Towels, fancy stripes, large -The President of the Pickering trate Willis, Harvey . Cooms, who for- Fone due in about a week: 1 good brood sow, Sweaters, roll collars, fine for size, worth ?oc. RoinR at 49c. ma Vigilance Committee has called a merly resided at Bsooklin, was sent - due in six ,reeks Chas. Fuller. R R 1. Pickering skatieir, both eliRhtly soiled, Small Bath Towels In fancy 7meeting of the members for Monday erred to two years to Kingston Pen- evening, Jan. 17th, at 8 o'clock in etentiary for Chicken - stealing. In TR J. R. FOWLIE, Dentist. Car, the Fire Hall. At this meeting the addition to this sentence, Coom must rig ton Rd and Victoria Park Ave. To- general business of the postponed an- serve seven months of a former Con- Phone Howard at door). open. Evenings * „_ One large Fren+eh fry pan with mush meeting will be dealt with, also viction on a similar offence, be being Phone How`d 7112 191y 1,,00 ... arrangements considered for holding out on parole. This is the young nIgNO LESSONS -Miss Aldine an oyster supper in the near future. man who broke into the Atha school C ward. Claremont is prepared to take a 13m- -.. strainer, Wear ever Aluminum, and " A full attendance is requested. a year or two ago and stole some of +led number or pupils Phone the situ. ■t za its. r �a halt hour lemon. Phone 903. 18 81 • -On Friday evening, Jan. 21st, the equipment. This is a sentence w a 3 lb. sin of Crisco, all for 1.69. Rev. Archer Wallace, B. A., will give which should have a deterrent effect WANTED-Ten to twenty acre ;hie illustrated lecture in St. Paul's on this class of criminals which has keep in Would buildings for with opty and of bee- keepers would buy or rent whth option of bay- 'United Church at' 8 p.m. "London by become so numerous throughout the .0g. L1 SALE -ent Evart. n 18.19 >* Reddick, Belle Ewart. Out— C. Barred H A P M A N 'day and Night ". Mr. Wallace is one province during the past few years, - -- - � of the most interesting speakers and inflicting great loos - on the farming FRock cockerels, hatched from 28 or e he knows the Greatest City of the community. The sentence is nine too Also Wycross strain white Leghorn cocker's, , _ -world thoroughly and will give a severe, as only very stiff sentences F Chapman, PSckeseng. Rhone aa2s. 1820 26 cents. Children 15 cerA>s. Doors tible crime. Cooms, evidently has Oahawa. lot 17, c p - very entertaining evening. Admission will have any effect on this contemp- FOR SALE -100 -acre' farm close to _ en. S. East Whitby. Chia • '/ •. -. lopen at 7.30 pm. decided on following a life of crime for quick sale. Small payment down. For full -The three Americans who were and will not meet with much s parteettlars it interested call at 140 Ames Street, r e e t i s - ym- Oshawa, 18 -zo •,reported in our last issue as having a pathy. On account of the ease With \V � ,rather unpleasant time about three which chicken- thieves can get away "FOR BALEe Two Rood grade Due- :. P ham cewa, one due Jan. 10th, and the other - - ' o'clock on Monday morning of last from the scene of their thefts, by the J,,, 22nd. Ap�1y at lot 15, con. a. Picatering week, when their car ran into a ditch use of motor vehicles, the crime will address R R 1. Locust Hill. Phone Mark 1822` - Alfred Hamilton. 18.19 ,just east of the village following continue to be committed. � which they nearly perished with the I TORONTO WET -WASH LAUN• _ icold, -had further trouble awaiting DUNSARTON. - DRY(SemiflusherLetour just leave and = _ explain our 24 lour service. )net leave your � them. They 'had prolonged then At the Community Hall next Sun- .rill pick`pMand S.W.) e 3 � ;mes ai: `pop we : �1 visit to this province beyond the slot- Y led time for tourists day. the Church of England _ ' - - tll�n- sit car -being seised by t}le Pro- d at 8 p.m. Preacher, ]dr. i wood. Cock.hatt, Tt dhope Anderson John _ vincial authorities. A. E. Pepper of Wycliffe College, re, Bissell Gourd. Shapley l Merv. Fleury, -complaints are being received Toronto. Sunday- School meet at 2 Wilkinson. fit,, w F; ' To all our Friends and Customers sow from our subscribers, that the :dew$ P m- Greenwood. 27cf York- bas not reached them until Monday LvAR 8$RVIOS- Thoro-bred York- l following the day of pulication. For BROUGHAM i' shire boar. Service chugs gi�:o casb. Also we extend the - years We have not failed to mail it for sale. fresh milch cows aad s'prtagers, is good condition. Young Yorkshire sow■ due to farrow on Thursday evening, and it should .Miss Bate is,41ldng a trip W Steet in March and April. A to Lutber MWIston. Q p - reach every - subscriber ia' the own- ford and other Western points -t�llia Brougham. PeooePir use 19_u ��jASON'S GREETINGS ship on Friday. During the Christmask- OR SALE -New sloop sleighs at rash, there is some excuse Eros the de- A word 'to our sports, make haste F factoay .lw all kinds of impleahennts y4' but that excuse slowly around the corrips on these of use on a farm. in first-class order, cheap. Also lay in delivering, truck scales and light scales. Higheat price paid should nut hold good during the past u3r r'�ds for poultry, hide., wool and junk. 'H. Herman, week, when no subscriber in the town - The W.M.S. met at the home of stottfivfue. Tetepbone 194. I8tt ship excepting from Pickering village y Mrs. Brown, Thursday afternoon, OR SALE-Cheap, all kinds of - received the News until Monday. We Jan. 20th, at 2.80 p.m. FOR harness, and all kinds of farm fat- J ' understand that other papers have The arunual meeting of Broughaarl m�smear. in good osier. Alw several nes.y aad Public Library' will be held at the Light .cafes nand cook stoves aad heater.. the same complaint. We have wade eat pricepa ed tow bide■ and wool, ahto live pool; S oollaiats to the department - home of T. C. Brown, next Saturday Hermaa, stoaffviue. Phone 1908 1 &r LZThe first games in the Local evening- _ Hockey League were played in the The young people m:et at Miss D OF THANKS. School Rink on Tuesda evenin Feasby's Monday evening, Mrs. Shav- e y g. I would lice through the News to ,. Pickering -Some very good hockey was displayed er taking the meeting, a devotiona. thank Messrs Pengelly, Stewart, Fred T. Bunting, at times but they all show a 'little meeting. Wall. Lemmon, Shortt, and the boys Established 1867. A splendid meeting of the Mission of the Brougham Fire Brigade, also - lack of practice and combination. In bend was held Saturday afternoon other neighbors, for their prompt and - - the first game, the Maple Leafs cap- last under the leadership . of hiss timely assistance in•quelling the fire tained by Tom Johnson, defeated the Duncan at our place on Thursday. By their j e Greyhounds under Jack $`yarn's cap- united efforts aad uick work the CENTR�►.L G�aR,AGE ` : iaiacy by 7 to 2. The second game `� preparatory service for Sacra- y 4g g y�� saved m barns from going with the meet Service was held last Friday in �. brought out a little better brand of the United church when Rev. hfr• other building. We certainly app`s• - hockey, the game being much faster. McLellan--preached ciate their goodness, - - -1At full time -the--two teams ,Sham= -'- - E• Bu$h. T hone 4900 Sunday a larger• number than usual _ Telep£ >'- rocks under Hugh Miller and the attended the seltvice "Rangers under Bob Stork were tied Our fire company had a call to the L. BURN /NGHAM „ - F. at 4 all, each team securing 1 point gush farm on Friday last and ' ar- Building and General t, in the standing. There were a good rived. in time to prevent the barn from' Contracting. `lumber -of spectators who all thorou- ignitng from the fire which destroy- Estimates furnished on all classesy ` g}!ly enjoyed the eQening's sport. ed a large hen house. It is only when of work - Interior and Exterior. 1�lutoRepairs, AcCesBOrieB, 0118 and -The dog nuisance in the town- a need arises that the community Alterations and repairs. - is one which the township coon- realizes what a protection a fire eng- • gasoline Acetylene �r el in -• cil is giving much consideration. Dur- ine is, Chimneys Built Concrete Work. , ing the past year the township has An event of much interest to the n j paid #990 for damages for sheep kil- community took place last Sunday Phone Pickering 6712 Battery Oharging. , led by dogs, and it is claimed that the when the Union Sunday school united FAIRPORT, - - ONTARIO ' majority of the offenders are owned their service with the United chunk by Toronto people. There are stores service. S. S. meeting at 1.30 p.m. Repairs made on all makes of dogs in the township that Have not and the church service at 2.30 p.m. A Pedlars' Perfect Products Y Rage and consequently have escaped little confusion was the result of ad- - fs -- - taxation There are a number of dog lusting the classes to the new sur- Being agent for The Pedlar Pe le, I of Gars. p _ am `spared to su pl yon with all a p p y owners in the township who have 1309- roundings, but everything was ar- kinds of steel, including Steel Sbin- a+ lotted to inform the assessor that ranged very atisfactorily, and the lee. Corro. Crimp and Corral. Iron for they were the owners of dogs, and move should be very beneficial to roofing and siding; also Metal Cell- are thus liable to a heavy fine. The bath services and be a great conven- loge and Wait. Metal Garages etc. council are determined to enforce the fence to those who had to travel a dis- Special spring terms after Jan. let. I law dealing with the nuisance. It tance to attend these services, twice am also prepared to do barn building � ggR�E S Bs SPENCER would > e well for all dog owners to on Sunday. The well wishers of the repair work. For prices phone 2008, ct see that their names are not omitted movement hope. that Unity in the or write. from the assessment roll, as dog own - Community may be spelled with a LEVI NORTON. Proprietor, Pickering` 1 era. capital "U". 8 18 Claremont R. R 1. .. .gyp ,,,;.e'4 -`?•, ..— .._ • -'.: -GdG- -_: ': ;. y- '.... -...., AW •