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Mle 4� 1F m P106I'M7 �'k Z.,. :j , WS lo ER NO— P I C11 rL EER I I N 0 VOL. XLV1s G9 ONIT, FRIDAY JAN 7. 1927 AUDLEY CHERRYWOOO. The ociety saw Im uaBasket The snow is remaining with us. L Ladies' Al A7 wiJti, hold 'GREENWOOD 7 their monthly meeting at the home of rW Keep the neighbOrhwd alive' by hirt, W. J. Petty on Wednesday, an ..%�-MJLTO turning out to every good thing. 12th, at 2.80 pm. Poll Call to be an- a re-elected trustee swered with a-New Year---Tho4ht- Urban Blake wA at-the annual school meeting held en All the ladies are invited to attend. ry Wednesday of last week.Only five per- Retablished 1838 Fruit Baskets of all descriptions, so= turned out. including qt. boxes, pt. boxes, F. M. Chapman entertained his GREENWOOO.- -H- Sunday School class of St. Andrews eadquafters Crates and Baskets at church and others of the school at Ed. Bie was in the village on 'Sun- Wednesday evening. day of last week. his home on lowest prices. Tremble The drama will be discussed and Vernon Disney and E. I were i h -8 aping and Turning. finally arranged for on Friday 'even n Toronto gh Sunday' of ladt FO R 'IfEED 11 �1'. ing, when a.meeting is being held in week. Kiddie Kars, Sleigbe, Office Stools the church. All are expected to turn Miss Dom Bexon, of Toronto, has CORN whole or ground 'and Mrs. OATS been 'visiting With Alf. out . Salt For Sale . .: . The Community Club will meet at Tremble. ]BARLEY FEED CHAS. A. WHITE., the home of Win. and M;s., Squire, on Miss Mary Raine and Oscar visited BRAN Monday, Jan. 10th. This is election friends in Toronto for a couple of -13ELORTS Successor to late W. G. Barnes night and a full attendance is request- days last week. SCRATCH FEED Phone OM or write Locust Hill, Ont. ed. Theo. Annan was td have enter- Bert and Mrs. Harvey and Harold for oultry tained them, but sickness in their and Mrs. Matthews spent the 11011- CR ACKED CORW home prevented. day in Toronto. for poultry The council has prevailed upon Milton Ormerod is expected home I have a car of Cereal Feed whieh- Winters Bros. to open up a gravel shortly after having undergone an t back of their barn and teams' are -operation for appendicitis. I consider the best value for pi feed I have seen for mi long Yulteral Z14"Otor gravel on to thb Fred Disney and family spent now busy drawing gra time. It will pay and needed placV. It is a perfect bed of Christmas in Whitby with his par- to try It. good gravel and it insures a cheap ents, E. F. and Mrs. Disney. X0Jr0R HEARSE supply for the township. Miss. Viola Oliver, of Claremont, WHEAT and BARLEY Wanted., has been spending a few days with MAX" Mr,Ont. SCHOOL. REPORTS. her grandmother, Mrs. S. Stewart... Chopping Monday@, Wedues- Phone 9.34 Miss M. Wood spent the Christ -days and Fridays. Report of the Clare-ont - Contlau- -ma, holiday- with her sister, Mrs. T. anon School for the Fall Term. -Ex- -_ _T6F-nW t G. Robinette and family, of o aminations were held in all subjects. Perry and Mrs. Wilson and Master 75 100 p. c , lot class proficiencY 1, 86 74p. c., god class prof. 11, 60 85 p.c,, Leslie have been spending a week Roofing Material ! 8rd class prof. 111. be 00 p. c.. credit O. 'th friends in and around Orange - Names In order of merit. Form IV - Ville. 5 x British Columbij% Shingles Hugh Miller I. Margaret Pugh and Emerson and Mrs. Ormerod spent C 0 A LL ,4 d6 Muriel Jones equal I, Elsie Mathews it, the hAjday in Claremont with the Elizabeth Ward and Irene Cowls latte 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- -and 5z- - ' ' ' - .1'. -9 . - ` No. 2 3, equal [I. Adelaide McCullough ii.'S Fin- Ian-. A good supply of Hard and Soft. %;old III, E. Beans. Form III—Stella F. L and Mrs. Green spent Christ- ,C,11,ugh III. Fred Barnes ill. Phyl- ma.; in Toronto, Mrs. Green being in Coal on hand. Also a supply !TORONTO ASPHALT Its -Gerow c. Elmer Evans and Mar- ROOFING X&retSpenceley equal c. Alfred Moles the city during the week owing to an of Kindling Wood, accident in •-which Miss Edna received :- . - . . Murray's IS in.. 32 in. and N inch c, Collins McBride. Ueorge Middleton. injuries, principally to one of her stove length. 4 widths, 4 in I Shingle also Margaret Doucette, Katbleen Taylor. Metal Valley and Lillian Dawson, Margaret feet. 12tf Phone Pick. 1709 Margaret Bingham Miss, Mabel Bic arrived hovie on Ridge Boll. and Thomas Dawson equal. Form It— DONALD MUNRO, PICKEKING Alma Ward 1, Mildred Pugh it. Sadie Sunday of last week and has been interial, or will give price on Evans it. Mary White "d Clayton conflaed to her room owing to the ac- finished job. Parker equal it. Doris Johnston ill; cident with which &he met in Toron- Byer Ill. Mal- to, " she was coming home for her Marie Plan Ill. George IANt•vale PI calm 8penceley c, Dorothy Bowen. Christmas vacation. Form I—Edgre Pegg I. Thelma Par- ker I. Wile Graham . Douglas Bacon The Service Garage it. Helen Spencer [I. Sadie Ward Hi. YAJRD Gordon Borland III, Wiest Me Bride Ill. 13ROUG Motor o0erhau d side our. LUNSEE61% lin to Harry Spang iii. 0ordon Bowen ill. meeting at A. tain *I 4� The MeTis Club Hugh Pugh W. Duncan Sveng Iti. Battery Beryl tax Rose Fingold rile Pauline Price c. Carlton 's is well -patronized. and overhauling. e thaik Leona W11sum e. Isabel Cooper c. Dor- The Mission Band will meet as All work guaranteed. Flat rate othy Spencer c. Dick Cooper C. Iva usual on Saturday afternoon. service charge Sbaw c. Margaret Porter. Annie Mrs. Ed. Willson has not been sr Photo 5510 Mark. Central. Bernstein. (William Jones, Eric Run- well as usual during the past week sell and Grace McMabou absent for 'a making an W. E r E. a E R R Y_ I You most of the examinations.) M% J. Mrs. Peter Matthews I extended visit with the members of Wilker. Principal. Miss L M. Barton, her family in the city. for your patronage Assistant. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in the United church -in the past and DIUMBARTON. oal and Feed I on Surviay- afferriociii- next. trust -you may Mrs. M. E. Cowan has taken' rooms The. Young People's meeting will in the city for. the winter. beheld at the home of Miss Margaret Feasby on Monday evening next. -have a Bright Mrs. Gertrude Scott of Detroit is R, Frank and-Mrs. Axford and Master F. A. REESO the guest of her sister, Mrs. ROY Stewart, of Coldsprings, spent Thurs- and Prosperous Thom over the New Year.- On account of the illness of Miso day of Last week with W. H. and Mrs. X,00r0l3rM .. New Year Beare, teacher, the Junior room will Ellicott. Misses Audrey and Myrtle Ellicott 7- not re-open for a week or two. ALVIN BUSHBY Much sympathy is felt for George have returned home after spending Nut and Stove Coal Christmas holidays with friends in and Mrs. O'Leary in the sudden death Toronto. So PIORERING of the loaner's sister, and Colke, al Mary Ellen OIAWT, Who had come from her Mr. Shaver has opened up a new of cY home in Toronto to spend the holiday industry here in . the breeding All Kinds of Feed DO SOU WANT with them. Chinchilla rabbits. We wish him sue - Next in his venture. your house heated for half. Next Sunday at the Community . C. and Mrs. •%nnop have decided the cHall, Sunday School session at 2 p.m. oat of coal that Brougham is good enough for Church service at 3 p. Cement, Lumber r them, so they have returned from the if 'so, instal one of the Instant 3se the Rev. D. B. L4uWa�L PTC1P1"L_niiXgr1 OHL Burners in your range, or (Friday), Rev. T. G. A. Wright, 0? city to their own home here' •-Lath an International 0111 Burner 'WNtbyv' will give an address under Mr. and Mrs. Cassie, of Agincourt, and,Miss Margaret, of Brooklin, spent Year week-end at Fred Cas- 'Terms: in your furnace. the auspices of the A.Y.P.A. All are the 'Call and see them. welcome. sic s. The Cassie family are alwayh -twenty five years On Dec. 24th, -Strictly Cash wisicarne visitors in this neighborhood. ago, Charles and Mr�;. Annie were W. J. GORDON'S, The Brougham sports were fortun- matri- Church Street. united in the holy bonds of ate on Monday afternoon securing Agents *anted many, so-on Christmas Day relatives 231y Pickering assembled with the family to wish a very- large rabbit of the German is variety of which they are very proud. ear them many more happy years. Amon A New Y 9 German is bound to fall TIME TAR.LN--Pioltering Station the other presents was a beautiful Anything T. R. Trains going East due as f 11011; w Am before the skill of our sports. - o. . tea service on a mahogany tray. The RE,SOLLTTION I No. io Maw IM — M. The WAT"PnIs Instit will meet on 11 News extends congratulations. 28 Local 12ZO P. M. Tuesday afternoon, Jan.- TRE-� r So Lo"i 6.25 P. M A very successful start was made Sunday train, on Tuesday evening in the work of subject/for the 'afteriloon will be TMeTG—ut%ra —welly'an—r-Yealth 8.38 A. M. Franchise," led by Mrs. Glen. These Trains going Wett due " follows— the Choral Society, now being organ- subjects and discussions are proving What more important reaolu- No. 29 Looal 9.221. M. ized under the leadership of Mr. Pas- 27 LooQ 2.44 P. M. more, of Tor6nto. Mr. Pasmore's wide Very interesting and it is hoped that tion conld you make tbap to safe. -A more ladies will avail themselves of educational work sniard your health ? Timely pre 9 9.21 P. M, experience in e rk along Sunday train, 7.42 P.M. musical, lines makes him a particu- the privilege of taking part in them. cautions againRt the many small large num- An important step was taken by the ailments which occur from time [b Foregoing is according to Standard larly efficient teacher. A and much interest was evide Union Sunday School last week when to time prevent them deveipping nose time. her of young people were in-attend- they decided to. unite with the after- Into serious illnesses. noon service in the United Church which promises well for the future Of The future of any churches in a coin- Bring your prescriptions here to fF EUM DAUMIUS the class. Those Wishing to join would do well to do so at once and thus get munity depends largely on the co-op- be filled and be sure of woursite ion of the different bodies, so it dieriensing by a qualified, ezperi- 20X! a fair start with the others. The class emt is to be hoped that this union will eased druggist. Kindly be A' starts at 8 o'clock sharp. Meftictai R. FORSYM Oph. D.. Director .0 metrical Association of Ontario. Reg. istersd Member Assoc anon. at the American ftw= 9 exandised by X.I. 28K Claremont. Out. N. O. MoKINNON, M.D., L.R.O.S., 13!1;r%, member of the 4yolls" of A E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and :_JM*S0Ucitor. Notary Public Etc. Money to 0, son. South Wing. Court House, Wbitby• SSy ,AG BROWNING, K. C.. Barri. e' s 1;j;. Solicitor, Notary Oublic. -Annes'Sik imai6liately west of Post Office. Dundas Street. Whitby. House phone 386, , Office p bone 392. `7n EATON & ROSS — Barristers. k So- =N-rbern Ontario Eddig, 330 _.tt.to. Adelaide 2767 IDICHARDSON PICKERING- tars. Solicitors etc.. 313-214 Confed. li=idfle Saildi Co mer Yonse and Rich- L E! rl Main 13010-and Main Sts..Torcoto Pb= Pickering office open Monday and Wed- send and all day Satutday. including P, ay ev= *ck. 6W. day X. Phone DR. D. O. Smith. Dentist, Stauff. g- Yvtlle, HonorGradaateof Chicago and To- TIEto Universities and the Royal College a tat Surgeons. Phone office 1011, Residence S, No outsid.- appointrneftu. 261Y -OLARE B. BEATON. D. D. S.. A-A Graduate of the Royal CoLelge of Dental 8 d University of Tomato. Offlice 4;:�-9 Goofectionery store• Whitby. Murdock -9 wr Gal" haws 9 to 12: Ito 6.30. Ind. Ipb=e. ball phone 220. N. DALES. L. D. S., D. D. S.. a Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur• and the University of Toronto Ofte aamove D. A. Scott's store. Cliyeinont. Oat. 095C hours.9a in. tosp. in., bet , 98 a to I P in. Phone CIA" 1405 urvy -IJERBERTT. FALLA18H. L D 8.. D. S.. Graduate of the Royal College of U12 no and the University of Toronto. Calm 2=7 5- Balsdon's atom Pickering, Out AUBM hours 9 a in. to 3 p ca., or by t- ;niiest, Phone Pick 9700. 7, ELIZABETH RIORARDSON—Sue- eam to the late W. V. Richardson, repro. Fire Insurance Compres of tf I atandog.. IINMT11J* Licieused,&uationese. s ter Omst&ft alltwita"oussefo, Ava. Was aske of all unwis is"MU40 to as 11beirtaw souse. Ad4raft G"M Rive P. o.. 0816 'W116.211ATON TOWN51UPOLERE essiveirasaw. 00GURAMMMUM Im taw" a. Asommuss. X146 man" to I*" 0" 1 Issaw ad Itn itas-v s I" " M. MAW, LICENSED Atr0• ETIONEER for York Qntario and DwU An i;;& at @WZ pmwvd 'e** y attok= Is. Teruo reasonable. Dot" I" masse OW bi Mrs I at NEWS- Oftv. 3W aW tudipe& dsat",= Wlist by. out. my IHE ]LINING MAR= We buy and sell, furnish quot4btloam and information on all Listed and Unlisted Mining StoekL we will be pleased to advise what stocks to bar or to holdL or what stock to sell. '•Cli"tx are making money by following advice. Our long e24"riesee in mining, ex. wading over a Period of 'twenty , yoffim allows us to give sound advice -M the Investment feature of &mint or the spisciulatlys feature of a pros• peotivs mining venture. SOLLOWAY, MILLS & Co. 1kombers of Standard Stock Exchange. Members of the Montreal Mining Exdb&nge. 00ce sad Board Room, Ground Floor Metropolitan Building, 'TORONTO, - ONTARIO Phones: Adelaide 6871 tad 63'72. Outfit • or 20.50 `Consisting of "Simmons" finished steel bed with round contin- ucuBposts,agood grade all-felt mattraies,. . -.2 link springs. A Simmons Crib —11 inm s reel, .7 on time so " to got the full benefit of the lesson and also that you may Prove al I working together to inaVLre the in- A clean bill of hekdth will be `Hand - Sleighs For Pantry use not disturb others by coming late. .A terest of the coming generation. "All your most valued posmelon. from 55c to 6L54. Brand n pecial invitation is' extended to the the to A splendid - drama entitled, a Mistake," will be given under the &1lor;w me, at this time to extend young men of community come auspices of the Brougham Social my thanks to all who have so ear- Card Tables etc. at your Grocer'& and make use of this opportunity of and crialtivating their talents along'music- Club, by the Glen Major Dramatic dially welcomed we to this comm munity, and that IW will bring Farmers who have wheat get your al lines. Books for the course Will be available next Tuesday'nie_* at about Club in the Towri Hall, Brougham, on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. lZth, yon much happineis' Ear and is the heartir A. Ste rrift flour made from your own wheat. We can 85 cents each. Brinor alonW-' vour Den This popular drama has been given a number of times by the Glen Major great prosperity wish of aw 4 grind it. • Club and has been well received on Furufture Dealer aid Peed of all kinds— Chicken Ifeed, W. H. Moore, of Dumbarton, emery occasion. Do not miss this as a most enjoyable evening is assured to E. C. Jones, PhM. B. Funeral Director hen feed, chop, millfeed. will be appointed Chairman Of all who may attend. Doors open at - 44, Phone 1300 Chopping every week -day. — the Advisory Board on Tariff and Taxation, as to Hon. 730. Program begins at S. Admission Druggist and Dispensing OntlLr'6 =1 19- XA>CMC_VV003D successor Geo. P. Graham, who has been 125 cents; children, 15 cents; There will be a social dance in the hall at Chemist. 'Pickningi appointed to the Serrate. the conclusion of thir•drahis. PICK&RING, - ONTARIa jdlh� ir -qwAr IMADON 14ML -um a BEGIN HERE TO-DAY. ed when they. were within the h ven Samuel Hone. etired Englishof the study. eou t led I "A -little too strong�," replied the finds his jain gauge -19 rglmooadn' Instead of ter. girl- "I conveyed the suggestion to w And! -0.en comes news of the murder of-, him that he should repeat the trick. Sir Fmncis Lathrop. Sir Franc s i He thought, it a good idea, but he had daughter, MargAret, -had planned to I the cheek to propose- that I should marry- - --'- -I furni.,Th the necessary fluid. That is Sir Guy Lathrop against her fath-: or's wish, and jisuspicion is� directed! what I meant when I said that I toward Sir Guy. But- screamed. He looked.so blood-thirsty Adrian Klyne private deiective em-; that I simply had to. We were in a loyed b'K Mi� rks on the.beastly lone`y H may, know I place, too--a hut on heory t at the mdrshes--where.we had gbne for IT ure ;77 ------ 77— tit SALADA WREEN TEA T71' 011 It Is bT far the niost d clous. Ash for It. The Gypsy. Rider Haggarcra Mother. "Where do I live when I'm at homor' Uwe I will try to give 86ine a th, f To obtain p vacy. However, I soon tamed him Gen. John Graves Slm'coe 0 gypsy laughed to me. cription. of this, mother with whom wW. evidenc'efteo?ose, as- ri , Th 0tue all right First g<,,v&rnrr of Upper Canada, whoft "My hearthstons's laid In the good red were Meet. Tweuky-two h and he said he cou'd manage Rev. Charles Danvers, and takes up. bis residence.at the irin close to J,a_ 1 without me. .1, It is for to-morro burW pla�ce in an old chapel at Wol- loam. passed since she left us, bix7t,,L, -throp Grange. Re leaves s1ddenly! morning.'-'-- ford, Emglund, has beea purch-ased by Aild the sky was'ralsed for my own. hon-eatly th" every oine of those years! when blood is reported found in the, "Any sign of detectives?" qide-flod Sfr� Leieester Harinsworth, to be pre- rooftree. ban brought to me a; deeipeir apprechplil rain-gauze of SE-as Stampage of Rux- the Rector. served as a perman-eut memorlal In Aa he caxrtes his house on a shiny t1110a of her beautiful chamoter. ton Suffo:k. There be meet-- traek My inather never was a beau-ty I& "Absolutely none. My journey Simcoe's honor. Te� Knowles, reporter, returning dowm 'and back was quite uneventful. I OLT-17-th--eskY. _Wte-a-small, on M7 the ordInary senze of the word, but tw, from a fruiCess call on StamPTe, Anything fresh in these parts?" back, Youth, to judge by the pictures which: They discuss the latest angles in from, which was absurd on the face mystery and 'agree to meet again "Not much, except that fellow Dan- of it. I sent back a verbal message . Till it dabbles Its eaves in the sea. I have seen of her (Photographs we4 later, vers has beft the inn, though I under- that there hadn't been time, and that not thelu known), she musit have beed V. "And when dark drops down end- ths very refined and charming in appe"i NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. stand that he has not finally.given UP I didn't expect to hear ti-H you put In roof grows thin ance. Her abilities wm* greal L__�_Tlivd -and dusty, Adel-a reached the, his room. Inspector Roake is still an appeamnee. HuRe, here he is I haven't a plaoe to be lonesome in, takig her all in all she was perhaps Rectory, on bier return from the expe- I there, and there is a ritmor that he is again! They must -have got nerves For I look through the moon like a ableet wornaa I have kn'D:;_�', t�oo*� dition to , the scene of the third , "Ted ' hard on the heel Is of Sir Guy. He ex- over at Latchfield." pects to make an arrest 6ny minute." Wilmot was tapping softly at the cleim-waahed pane she had no lTon background to lim rain," late in the day after her de- And a candle set character; for that she was too.genitle. Tbe Reverend Mr. Larkin "I hope he wilil," said Adels, warmly. window, mouthing horribly through I In the house of a friend where I'll Her b.E;zkt no doubt was literary. and the glass at the nmate-. Mr. Larkin come again- had el-rCumstanicies permitted I am threw up the sash. �'As you see, my daughter has re- sure she would haev a name in that "Where I wake, sun-up, with.& fern- branch of art to which in the tatervals tnrned," he addressed the monstrosity. 7' "Tel Mr. Honeybun that it is leaf curled of he-r crowded We she gravitated by all In my chumpled palm, as a child nature. Also he was a good musician, right. Everything will be done ac- cording to plan." could comei� and drew well Of her mestal abtll- That's whem I live when I'm a, ties I have howevez spoken in a brW ---TheL creatUre'L'OU -d r iot have vanish- home-- -hed aa a prof*A* Rector had menuAr which I pul>lit ed more quickly if the t In the world," to a now editJou of my mother's waved a magic wand over him, Rio —Bealriee Ravenel, in The Arrow of poem. "I don't like Wilmot," 'sighed the Lightning." I think thad the greateot of her f Rector. "He is too sudden in his however, was that of conversation. No' methods for me. Reprehensible of me MOTO charmaing companion could be to feel odium for a feilow-man, but I for-a Wife. Imagimed. Also slie had the art of .5fan are not the only cre"ure b&t dmwiing the best out of an, cannot help it.. He causes nausea. a t vone with' Somehow I 4ear that be has a hold I are In IoTe. whom �he might be talking, as the earn to dance when they over my dear friend and brother The ugly scorpion Indulgeo in elab- sympathetic sometimes can do. In meteorologist, Samuel Honeybun." orate dances before mating. The male mime" or two sibe would and X14 fit Adel& regarded her tire with cooll crawle, up to the famaile and goes was his or her strongest point and to), disdain. through contortions not unlike, those rhLa ??vr" the comematiou- sh'" 5 x murmuiicd. of a "I should imagille hL shy man on introduction Then contrived to read a great deaL aind to� "that it is as reprehensible to-feel sus- he selzes her claws with his own and keep herself au ouraut ith an w picion as odium, whatever that may seodately walks backwards with her, thougbt me,emeritti and the N be. Personally, I shouMn't think it turmIng to right and left in a sort of affairs of the day, Fvrther, she. ddd� mattered much, what you felt against waltz. This geuerally continues for her very be&t to teach her rAimerous An ape like that." over an hour. when they rush off to chl4dren the truth& of reiligion. and to The parlormald knocked and en- spend their honeymoon underground, lead them into the ways of righteo" tered. I djAfterwards the female generally kills ness and peam "Inspector Roake has calle< an and eats the maJo! Her vurious duties. laciudiing that cd. would like to see you, sir, it you are I Spiders make love by a sort of housekeeping, of N%blch she was a Per.! not engaged," she announced. 1 Charleston bole dance. They lift one fect mistre,,%s, left her ocar c*Lv an bour. "Show him in," was the order. "No, side of the body aad theu the oth," to follow her own P-terary amd artistic don!t run, away. Adela. It wilil save! most grotesquely, and aterwsrds tameq All she could do was to Stye; repetition if you hear what he has make semi-circleis round the chosen a lftci� attention to garittening, to ay. to s one. someit Imee. a hundred or more, on- *hich h.- mis devoted.- Frorn "The The Larkins' tranquility- was rude- t1l she is apparently bewildered into Days of .1ly Life," hr Sir H. RWeir ly broken at the breakfast tab:e next acceptance. Haggard. morning when the Rector opened. his The crane wheels round In front of Planet. his future partner, makes a bow so s," he hissed low that his head almost touches the listen to thi What Man is WoHtL across the table and procecied to ground, and then leaps Into the, air, The t '�Pmlcal constituents that make d. read the paragraph,which Klyne had He then makes another pirouette nod, djciit�eto �e _K_noW_ti1Y —In -Alkwt- fa-cing ter -agatn,--a deep -one.. If Q, up R "' a " n 9 body—iron, llme� carbon, Street the day before: accepts him, the female bird gives a salt., pho,�ph*roous etc,-can be bought we are told, for "With reference to our announce- bow and a hop, and then togethpll they at any drug store. .7' -elght cents. Tba.L Is what man -s, bow- - w I ninety ment about the 'red rain' incident in,give a series of hops and Jer�. our issue o is i's worth—materizifly.. It is. the in- f v sterday, we are able ling ceremoniously to right and left in --Authority tanglNe, -nvisible spirit: that animates m la e a remarkable re-semblance.to.the 'his alm 71 - i L ost -valueless heap, of mineral that a detective 'engaged on the Paz minu9t. matter. the vRliant spark amidst t.he ent mystery has been at RuxtQn--In I.,.; the-man. Suffok and there recognized . ny Of dusk, fliat 0 bUke Your Own Hoilley the individuals who has claime his interest in connection with the La- Stick. For Colds—MInard's Liniment. i throp murder. Extraordinary de- if you need an lee hockey stick there velopments are expected at aiX early I are two ways to make It. The first is Sr.ctiamd's Oldest Castle. date." to bend the wood Inlo shap�e, the other Scotlaud's oldest inhabitc.ci ejvftle is Adela's sensitive lips quivered. to to select a piece of ;vood that is Ithat of Dannegan, in the tale of Skye. You must have been seen 01 already correctly bent. I After being IIL for nearly 1,000 years heard," the Rector accused her. "making the sharp bead is not eas' �tq Meanwhile Klyne had come to the Nv�th the equipment of the average, by taptrs� torches candles and lamps, this venerable linfl-ding has just been conclusion that little further was to i home workghop, but you can have this titted up with electric light. be gained in the role of the Rev.! done It a local mill, where they have Danver .� His I the inn facill a andl(rd at ties foi bending wood, and mak- The reAt of the sbap- I received a telegram from London an- Ing it stay bent. nbuncing that Rev. Danvers had been Ing and fintishing will be no tri�k at, summoned to Scotland and that a all. -fiWthod: A tree branch Is cheque covering his bill was in the The other mails. iseloected, elm preferred. that h4s, the "Well, did yoo: meet with qucces$*?" (.To be continued.) eo"ect bend t�o It; this Is first roughly hewed to shape ;�ltb an axe, then was waiting for her at the A, "I should just love to see that finished to the form with spoke,8have telegram had preceded her. gate man put hix foot in it." Leap OVer Bi00M3fiCk 12 or draw;knife, Plane, file . and sand- W V V V ACH NE KNIVES "Well, did you meet with success?" I "What's that? I didn't quite c Ronliany Wedding. -paper. After sauding.ismooth, a coati pilrred the. Re, is all of shellac should then be applied, you," smapped the Rector. k Jumping over.a. broomstic, "Rather!" rejoined Adela. I i "Nothing, nothing," Adela passed noung couple to,. that'ik necessary for a &erearned like hefl." off the slip. "I was only wondering if This One Included. do to become man and-wife underl "Corne indoors and tell me al�l about Roake would pull it off. It would suit Romany Law�- This wae explained by 'T�ares nothing'new In the world." it," said Mr. Larkin. For a clergy- 1 you 11 right if be did, wouldn't it?" Mairtba Smytbe, an aged gypsy w -you shoiu,d read som*th4ng bo4ldem "Oman man be was singularly tolerant of his! "It doesn't matter to me, One way wbo applied at Farebain for a pe In...emon. jokes." 4aughter's language. Perhaps he was, birth and or the other," rejoined Mr. Larkin When asked to produee her too used to it to'be disturbed. severely. "You know enough of MO, marrjage cert.i-Scales she, said she and "Uncle Silts going strong?" he ask-i I hope. to be sure that I should re- ber husband-to-be had merely jumped gret any rMsfortune to the Lath- - over a broomstick at a fair and, ac, rops. Adela ignor�ed the rewiark. She had cording to Romany custom. were legal- ly mariled. TTVI�:_, 7M �7_71 "And we havc lived happ'lly'as man ; X r, It depends I tely on the Hour yQu use. We believO '.11 father the side she Im actually es- h and wife for'dvew fifty years,* 9 e Z W welcome" su -try Purity, the rich, vigorous th hour—made pous�ed in the Lathrop mystery, and added proudly. The old ledy's appli-ca- trest,on e n wheat. Thousands of from finest Wester Ithat would not do at all.- Following tion for pension was granted: --':`�,cooks say PuriO Flour is beat for cakes, pies, buns �and bfeacL the train of thought induced by his hypocritical remark, she put the clues-, tion: - Death In Rose Thorn, t . horn Blood-Poisoning from a rose PURITY F"OUR "Have you seen anything of the crutch led to the death of W,,,,.. Honeybuns of tbeir new chauffeur "Not of the Iloneybuns * t Duckett of Keniall, England. Stnd30C in fUm Ps for our 700-mipe Awtiq Flour Ceoh Bmk. 201 jdlh� ir -qwAr IMADON 14ML -um a BEGIN HERE TO-DAY. ed when they. were within the h ven Samuel Hone. etired Englishof the study. eou t led I "A -little too strong�," replied the finds his jain gauge -19 rglmooadn' Instead of ter. girl- "I conveyed the suggestion to w And! -0.en comes news of the murder of-, him that he should repeat the trick. Sir Fmncis Lathrop. Sir Franc s i He thought, it a good idea, but he had daughter, MargAret, -had planned to I the cheek to propose- that I should marry- - --'- -I furni.,Th the necessary fluid. That is Sir Guy Lathrop against her fath-: or's wish, and jisuspicion is� directed! what I meant when I said that I toward Sir Guy. But- screamed. He looked.so blood-thirsty Adrian Klyne private deiective em-; that I simply had to. We were in a loyed b'K Mi� rks on the.beastly lone`y H may, know I place, too--a hut on heory t at the mdrshes--where.we had gbne for IT ure ;77 ------ 77— tit SALADA WREEN TEA T71' 011 It Is bT far the niost d clous. Ash for It. The Gypsy. Rider Haggarcra Mother. "Where do I live when I'm at homor' Uwe I will try to give 86ine a th, f To obtain p vacy. However, I soon tamed him Gen. John Graves Slm'coe 0 gypsy laughed to me. cription. of this, mother with whom wW. evidenc'efteo?ose, as- ri , Th 0tue all right First g<,,v&rnrr of Upper Canada, whoft "My hearthstons's laid In the good red were Meet. Tweuky-two h and he said he cou'd manage Rev. Charles Danvers, and takes up. bis residence.at the irin close to J,a_ 1 without me. .1, It is for to-morro burW pla�ce in an old chapel at Wol- loam. passed since she left us, bix7t,,L, -throp Grange. Re leaves s1ddenly! morning.'-'-- ford, Emglund, has beea purch-ased by Aild the sky was'ralsed for my own. hon-eatly th" every oine of those years! when blood is reported found in the, "Any sign of detectives?" qide-flod Sfr� Leieester Harinsworth, to be pre- rooftree. ban brought to me a; deeipeir apprechplil rain-gauze of SE-as Stampage of Rux- the Rector. served as a perman-eut memorlal In Aa he caxrtes his house on a shiny t1110a of her beautiful chamoter. ton Suffo:k. There be meet-- traek My inather never was a beau-ty I& "Absolutely none. My journey Simcoe's honor. Te� Knowles, reporter, returning dowm 'and back was quite uneventful. I OLT-17-th--eskY. _Wte-a-small, on M7 the ordInary senze of the word, but tw, from a fruiCess call on StamPTe, Anything fresh in these parts?" back, Youth, to judge by the pictures which: They discuss the latest angles in from, which was absurd on the face mystery and 'agree to meet again "Not much, except that fellow Dan- of it. I sent back a verbal message . Till it dabbles Its eaves in the sea. I have seen of her (Photographs we4 later, vers has beft the inn, though I under- that there hadn't been time, and that not thelu known), she musit have beed V. "And when dark drops down end- ths very refined and charming in appe"i NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. stand that he has not finally.given UP I didn't expect to hear ti-H you put In roof grows thin ance. Her abilities wm* greal L__�_Tlivd -and dusty, Adel-a reached the, his room. Inspector Roake is still an appeamnee. HuRe, here he is I haven't a plaoe to be lonesome in, takig her all in all she was perhaps Rectory, on bier return from the expe- I there, and there is a ritmor that he is again! They must -have got nerves For I look through the moon like a ableet wornaa I have kn'D:;_�', t�oo*� dition to , the scene of the third , "Ted ' hard on the heel Is of Sir Guy. He ex- over at Latchfield." pects to make an arrest 6ny minute." Wilmot was tapping softly at the cleim-waahed pane she had no lTon background to lim rain," late in the day after her de- And a candle set character; for that she was too.genitle. Tbe Reverend Mr. Larkin "I hope he wilil," said Adels, warmly. window, mouthing horribly through I In the house of a friend where I'll Her b.E;zkt no doubt was literary. and the glass at the nmate-. Mr. Larkin come again- had el-rCumstanicies permitted I am threw up the sash. �'As you see, my daughter has re- sure she would haev a name in that "Where I wake, sun-up, with.& fern- branch of art to which in the tatervals tnrned," he addressed the monstrosity. 7' "Tel Mr. Honeybun that it is leaf curled of he-r crowded We she gravitated by all In my chumpled palm, as a child nature. Also he was a good musician, right. Everything will be done ac- cording to plan." could comei� and drew well Of her mestal abtll- That's whem I live when I'm a, ties I have howevez spoken in a brW ---TheL creatUre'L'OU -d r iot have vanish- home-- -hed aa a prof*A* Rector had menuAr which I pul>lit ed more quickly if the t In the world," to a now editJou of my mother's waved a magic wand over him, Rio —Bealriee Ravenel, in The Arrow of poem. "I don't like Wilmot," 'sighed the Lightning." I think thad the greateot of her f Rector. "He is too sudden in his however, was that of conversation. No' methods for me. Reprehensible of me MOTO charmaing companion could be to feel odium for a feilow-man, but I for-a Wife. Imagimed. Also slie had the art of .5fan are not the only cre"ure b&t dmwiing the best out of an, cannot help it.. He causes nausea. a t vone with' Somehow I 4ear that be has a hold I are In IoTe. whom �he might be talking, as the earn to dance when they over my dear friend and brother The ugly scorpion Indulgeo in elab- sympathetic sometimes can do. In meteorologist, Samuel Honeybun." orate dances before mating. The male mime" or two sibe would and X14 fit Adel& regarded her tire with cooll crawle, up to the famaile and goes was his or her strongest point and to), disdain. through contortions not unlike, those rhLa ??vr" the comematiou- sh'" 5 x murmuiicd. of a "I should imagille hL shy man on introduction Then contrived to read a great deaL aind to� "that it is as reprehensible to-feel sus- he selzes her claws with his own and keep herself au ouraut ith an w picion as odium, whatever that may seodately walks backwards with her, thougbt me,emeritti and the N be. Personally, I shouMn't think it turmIng to right and left in a sort of affairs of the day, Fvrther, she. ddd� mattered much, what you felt against waltz. This geuerally continues for her very be&t to teach her rAimerous An ape like that." over an hour. when they rush off to chl4dren the truth& of reiligion. and to The parlormald knocked and en- spend their honeymoon underground, lead them into the ways of righteo" tered. I djAfterwards the female generally kills ness and peam "Inspector Roake has calle< an and eats the maJo! Her vurious duties. laciudiing that cd. would like to see you, sir, it you are I Spiders make love by a sort of housekeeping, of N%blch she was a Per.! not engaged," she announced. 1 Charleston bole dance. They lift one fect mistre,,%s, left her ocar c*Lv an bour. "Show him in," was the order. "No, side of the body aad theu the oth," to follow her own P-terary amd artistic don!t run, away. Adela. It wilil save! most grotesquely, and aterwsrds tameq All she could do was to Stye; repetition if you hear what he has make semi-circleis round the chosen a lftci� attention to garittening, to ay. to s one. someit Imee. a hundred or more, on- *hich h.- mis devoted.- Frorn "The The Larkins' tranquility- was rude- t1l she is apparently bewildered into Days of .1ly Life," hr Sir H. RWeir ly broken at the breakfast tab:e next acceptance. Haggard. morning when the Rector opened. his The crane wheels round In front of Planet. his future partner, makes a bow so s," he hissed low that his head almost touches the listen to thi What Man is WoHtL across the table and procecied to ground, and then leaps Into the, air, The t '�Pmlcal constituents that make d. read the paragraph,which Klyne had He then makes another pirouette nod, djciit�eto �e _K_noW_ti1Y —In -Alkwt- fa-cing ter -agatn,--a deep -one.. If Q, up R "' a " n 9 body—iron, llme� carbon, Street the day before: accepts him, the female bird gives a salt., pho,�ph*roous etc,-can be bought we are told, for "With reference to our announce- bow and a hop, and then togethpll they at any drug store. .7' -elght cents. Tba.L Is what man -s, bow- - w I ninety ment about the 'red rain' incident in,give a series of hops and Jer�. our issue o is i's worth—materizifly.. It is. the in- f v sterday, we are able ling ceremoniously to right and left in --Authority tanglNe, -nvisible spirit: that animates m la e a remarkable re-semblance.to.the 'his alm 71 - i L ost -valueless heap, of mineral that a detective 'engaged on the Paz minu9t. matter. the vRliant spark amidst t.he ent mystery has been at RuxtQn--In I.,.; the-man. Suffok and there recognized . ny Of dusk, fliat 0 bUke Your Own Hoilley the individuals who has claime his interest in connection with the La- Stick. For Colds—MInard's Liniment. i throp murder. Extraordinary de- if you need an lee hockey stick there velopments are expected at aiX early I are two ways to make It. The first is Sr.ctiamd's Oldest Castle. date." to bend the wood Inlo shap�e, the other Scotlaud's oldest inhabitc.ci ejvftle is Adela's sensitive lips quivered. to to select a piece of ;vood that is Ithat of Dannegan, in the tale of Skye. You must have been seen 01 already correctly bent. I After being IIL for nearly 1,000 years heard," the Rector accused her. "making the sharp bead is not eas' �tq Meanwhile Klyne had come to the Nv�th the equipment of the average, by taptrs� torches candles and lamps, this venerable linfl-ding has just been conclusion that little further was to i home workghop, but you can have this titted up with electric light. be gained in the role of the Rev.! done It a local mill, where they have Danver .� His I the inn facill a andl(rd at ties foi bending wood, and mak- The reAt of the sbap- I received a telegram from London an- Ing it stay bent. nbuncing that Rev. Danvers had been Ing and fintishing will be no tri�k at, summoned to Scotland and that a all. -fiWthod: A tree branch Is cheque covering his bill was in the The other mails. iseloected, elm preferred. that h4s, the "Well, did yoo: meet with qucces$*?" (.To be continued.) eo"ect bend t�o It; this Is first roughly hewed to shape ;�ltb an axe, then was waiting for her at the A, "I should just love to see that finished to the form with spoke,8have telegram had preceded her. gate man put hix foot in it." Leap OVer Bi00M3fiCk 12 or draw;knife, Plane, file . and sand- W V V V ACH NE KNIVES "Well, did you meet with success?" I "What's that? I didn't quite c Ronliany Wedding. -paper. After sauding.ismooth, a coati pilrred the. Re, is all of shellac should then be applied, you," smapped the Rector. k Jumping over.a. broomstic, "Rather!" rejoined Adela. I i "Nothing, nothing," Adela passed noung couple to,. that'ik necessary for a &erearned like hefl." off the slip. "I was only wondering if This One Included. do to become man and-wife underl "Corne indoors and tell me al�l about Roake would pull it off. It would suit Romany Law�- This wae explained by 'T�ares nothing'new In the world." it," said Mr. Larkin. For a clergy- 1 you 11 right if be did, wouldn't it?" Mairtba Smytbe, an aged gypsy w -you shoiu,d read som*th4ng bo4ldem "Oman man be was singularly tolerant of his! "It doesn't matter to me, One way wbo applied at Farebain for a pe In...emon. jokes." 4aughter's language. Perhaps he was, birth and or the other," rejoined Mr. Larkin When asked to produee her too used to it to'be disturbed. severely. "You know enough of MO, marrjage cert.i-Scales she, said she and "Uncle Silts going strong?" he ask-i I hope. to be sure that I should re- ber husband-to-be had merely jumped gret any rMsfortune to the Lath- - over a broomstick at a fair and, ac, rops. Adela ignor�ed the rewiark. She had cording to Romany custom. were legal- ly mariled. come perilous.y near exposing to �her "And we havc lived happ'lly'as man ; It depends I tely on the Hour yQu use. We believO '.11 father the side she Im actually es- h and wife for'dvew fifty years,* 9 e welcome" su -try Purity, the rich, vigorous th hour—made pous�ed in the Lathrop mystery, and added proudly. The old ledy's appli-ca- trest,on e n wheat. Thousands of from finest Wester Ithat would not do at all.- Following tion for pension was granted: --':`�,cooks say PuriO Flour is beat for cakes, pies, buns �and bfeacL the train of thought induced by his hypocritical remark, she put the clues-, tion: - Death In Rose Thorn, t . horn Blood-Poisoning from a rose PURITY F"OUR "Have you seen anything of the crutch led to the death of W,,,,.. Honeybuns of tbeir new chauffeur "Not of the Iloneybuns * t Duckett of Keniall, England. Stnd30C in fUm Ps for our 700-mipe Awtiq Flour Ceoh Bmk. 201 .7, 7, 2 t 'b-V L 7V 4; ADAMSON'S ADWRTURES---By 0. Jacobson. 7 Organimfion of Bnm Band IDIA1 it is Not Difficult. CUM5 -MIS 'M Many a halt &*Ieep, stagnant town dlew,-, OLLY11 EE AND $08 has been aroused and stimulated Into LDVT ALL Itl I CAN LOCATE a live, prosperous community largely TM CAM121 as the result of a brass band. During the summer months band concerts on the public square certainly do Rt"t tra4e, not only from the town people but from the rural dis- his is tricts ou rround&M. T proved by the fact that whenever Once established the. town band finds hearty support on the part of local merchants. . . . . . . . Still further, a good band will en- gender provide =c 7=7 ct citizenship advertising to the town and strong Influence to keep serve as a at young folks at home Instead of break - �4 tag away to other fields. Heretofore it has been customary to Ig IOok,,Upon R brass band as an assem bjage of musicians. In recent years, a activities that however, with variou are organized, the brass band has taken on 'a different aspect, So that we unity bands, village now find comm fac- hands, city, bands, lodge hands, tory hands, police, firemen. Boy Soout bands etc. 7 At first thought one might think oi% L-2 ganizing a hand was a big job, but • ':9 When you analyze the matter YOU will t difficult. Uvery COM_ 1. see that it is no t munity or organization has in Its Mom- Of P00P10 Who hers a certain number rI play more or less proficiently up- can on some band instrument.- In adAttiOn to these, theie are always several Who -are ambitious to learn and would glad ly take up the study if there were any A IS00 Incentive to do so. To got a hand together, first make you up two ligta---one of pax who you (C4pMght• 304, Vy 7%8 Ben 3 Inc) know play some, instrument, and an- other List of Persons who you think . ..... am musically inclined and would be interested. Then drop a line to these it IS Only When we have < pawr bill In OU I U hamde that we are not wastablA Of A DISTINGUISHED ONE-PIECE persons, announcing a mass meeting FOREST FAMI 16) BRIEFLY MD .0 Organization* have found out DRES'. for the purpose of organizing a band. it. Lax% meeting at some central that waste in little thingf%� even in Hold your rueet Re. icharmingly simple and smart is I location on some evening that will be Ontario is learning to plant trees, RuIp. The sulphati liquor, bearing 1 paper, coungs, up to a large total. irx ibis one-piece daytime dress having i convenient for all to attend. Arrange During the past season 3,500 000 seed- 'pine resin, is then sent to a chemical loently, offid&19 of the Southern Pacific 'the modified do man sleeve with the to have a few of your local merchants ling forest -trees. mostly Pine, were plant and the, resin recovered and ddecovered that if, one letterhead were .wmfortab�e deep armhole. Buttons on hand and appoint one Of them tem• distributed from the ProviDetal FNN% ma&nftDtuTed into soap, of which 60 wasted onto a week by each of its 94.- ..adorn the surplice 6osing and con- 11 000 employees, the Cost would be porary chairman Of the meeting. entry station at St. Williams. A 6s- tow are produced each Year, " well Aluue down the left side of the skirt. early The 0001• • Explain to the crowd the advantage mand for a million. in excess of this as pitch, painters' ink, turpentine, tut- mare than $9,000 y The shaped collar and cuffs may be pencol Lad wood alcohdt All over paxLys atationery to both the community =4 1ndITIdUaL number to antlespated for 1917. big for ISO Year w" gaahioutd of self material as il"Us- laying particular stress upon the plea- Residents in Northern FrouleaAc CurOPe the utilization of wood MA. 1508.000 Enough paw was purchased *rated, or would be quite effective if sure and personal satisfaction of Play- rl,.'terL%l is very complete. to lu aight76dve ftmaigtA care to 010 V29& Of C 10. are making a Then explain that it to contrasting, 'The wide be:.t. lag 1, , hand. Courtly. Outer M. ful occupation of gathering pine The average ';Iw Enghuuler regards P&C", (SUSIbses C oe" Wuh the erection Lad Operation of pas tens with a buckle at the left side, possible to secure prviressive band wok populated and book,, adapted to even the youngest taken seeds for reforesting work. The Industriarlized corner of t�ho world a nVw Paper mill at COrO the"by compk4lng this chic dress. and spruce cones from which will be his home land, as a -%M Oast. k' go. 1500 In for ladies and misses and. that d4striot have now a hand. prices paAd are 12.50 per toot for Plne'Dut 28,04DO.000 of Sew England's 39,: farmers in Js in sizes 18, 18 years, j8, 440 and 42 you will find enthusiasm tkldng root and $2.25 per ton for spruce. 500,000 acres axe still forest. Lumber'-new Opportunity to gem Dopler wood cones ;. B. WilkineM of the jaches bust. Stu 38 requires 4% yards and before you know it you will have continues to be the biggest resour0e. for VTjJV I cone& od. -inch, or 2% yards 54-inch material. a nucleus of a real band. ' of New England, veographl<A917- Row*rd Smith Paver MfIld. LImtt J10 owts, Of course, it glands to reason that lb Damage to wood products by in- has been In that Section and has pur- The, secret of distirictivie dress lies takes money to keep a band together 86OLS in the Umk*d States causes an According to Col. Serlachias, the cha"d a grou quaatity of poplar for An good taste rather than a lavish ex- aim -of at least $46,000,000, ac- Finnish Pulp and paper industry is making Heretofore the United _1 Vntil it can put itself on a &elf-sus- 'r-al I'm" -ranting like that of C though: PMW I penditure of money. Every woman tanning ba&ls. Therefore, have It un- cording to the Bureau of Entomology ad Canada. swee, has provided the only oppoa% .) should want to make her own clothes, derstood that each member is to pro- Much of this loss. the Bureau states, not to the same ext4mt It wM be Pro- tun*ty to Canadian farmers to dispose ducing boat a, milMon tM* of high nand the horror dressmaker will find the vide his own- instrument. This *11 = easily be prevented, 61- of POIAW. tag to a recent Associated grade sulphite pulp, mostly tow ..R&OOgnjzWS that- forestry is a part Assigns Mustrated in our new Fashion work hardship on none. because any Accord ho" in port by next year and' Is tuereaAng Tiook to be practical and Simple, yet person who does not have ready cash Press dispatch from France. t their to tout of papers of var$ous, kluds. of tho larger matter of land utilization, !maintaining the spirit of the mods of can buy an Instrument on easy terms America who weary of tho way I output we have conducted a study of our 'the moment. Price of the book t&il*r will Cost Som& local taxes keep rising may well enTy! The United States consumes 8.000.- 10 from any re It and have tramed a program of -cents the copy. the kLDd development Mob embraces .1 - thing for music and. an instructor to the AlsatIons woo inhabit the three 000tone of wood pulp every year, "Lod w a a HOW TO ORDER PA'TTERNS. I Set the band properly started. and valleys that run UP Into the Vosges. beavleat 00MUMPticift of the world. �broad application of forest maaaate own the tlmber�cov- Ninety per cent. of all paper $6 made cis expense Is generally gladly borne A dozen village* nd from A �, Paper prices have doou-bbed - i nunt. It is our hope that as time goes -.Writs your name and -address plain- by local merchants. Rare, indeed is erred mountain skies which surrou o 1 on conditions will permit the coutinu- ly, giving number and size of such local merchant who will not cheer them. Revenue from the forest% pays in the last ten years maittly because: enlargement of these activkies. lVatternsL as you want Enclose 20C in the judIng of the scarcIty of avallabla pulpwood., OUR I Our @A= is to perpe(uate our Softer fully and freely support a brass band all community expenses, ln'c 11tamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap Hage chu?Sh, What t9 in the United States, prise aud6 at the same time, to main- -he knows that every'dollar he, Puts those of the v 1 t was re- for each number and into It Is returned many times over. 1 left Over is distributed annually A gVer tree of greet height. . , tats the presenit high eftmolards, of our -tIY topped In the logging operations Cddress your order to Pattern Dept-, Therefore, put the matter aqua-rely up among the citizens at about the same . cen products," The Preskleat Of the LOOS lishing Co., 73 West Ado- tinw when the villagers in less fortun. of me ManarY Logging Co. of Toledo. B" LumbeT 00. Wilson PuV to your local merchants, as a clean hide St., Toror.to. Pattern3.9ent by ate parts, of France' are digging down Ore, T.te blgtk climber cut the tree off some read- out, legitimate business, proposition; to pay the tax col- 214 feet from the, ground and at that it may be surprtstng to 29iturn mail. explain t&�tb-em that iw�ll probability Into their savings point it was 34 Inches In diameter. The era to find the commonly tern;ed at the kctOr.' prairie Province of Saskawhemun with aeststance will only be needed The W. Gutzelk Company of Kotka. section topped off was 125 feet long, a lumber industry, but there &Te- as a THAT first. Finland. ope, --4wmH]s, pro. making.the tree 340 feet tam. _rate three I Imatter of fact, ten Mills it' QV"utIOn :�A MEDICINE during about one hundred million feet "Just throw It away. It is only & i in the porovin" In . which a Capital' Of Timber P"te. The refuse Is rum Piece Of PaPex." Tht is a 1 96 is jj:LTeeted which employ 130 Lj �, i $261.8 ALL g and sent to a sulpliftte phrase In everyone's ears. Though I%e of lumber per yeeir. MOTHERS PRAISE Have you come in contact Yet with throRgh a be : Man Paying them $93,847, and account another species of Pirate than. that mill which tum.,; but 22,00,0 tons of should knoll . that paper- costs rhoney, Ing for a production valued at $305-783. -0 The'man New York State farm Land abandua- found on the high Be". Tablets Banish years. amounts to- Is own In- a lRaby's '0" d in the last 25 who, bent on serving b :377.00 acres, *Says Superintendent or Babyhood and Childhood teres.ts,. makes political appeal b Pettis. This e Foiesta 011iff(rd P tat to n certain choice holdings of timb tt Affinents. is an area couslderabJ7 larger than an to! the man who -has a i neft presto! the e6tire State of Connecticut D%R% In the field All M�m H. Oakes, Sarnia, Ont., Says:— permanent investment - have used Baby's Own Tablets in finds his choicest fruit taken from be-1 r ecent years this abandonmMA tag 'has progressed at 'z&y h=e for the Pact fifteen years neath his nose. Not content to skim ,41,proST" a quickened PRO% pd I believe the good health my child. the cream, he leaves the remainder a fa.rMS Conta-tning 1,362,544 attfef having been sbw doned within the last source of danger from fire to the ad- 'tto enjoy III due entirely to this med-1. joining timber emps for years. Is five years. Une, The Tabbots, W* helpful at teeth- joining any question of those pseudo set- Wg time; redleme colde and are al 7- land? ever taking to the Inresti Gaya beneficial in we 10-1 ailments Of little ones. I have recommended I gato• first s say not! In the place the 3&bY's Own Tablets to other mothers land is usually strictly forest land, and experience with them has been In the second place the proximity to Satisfactory as MY own." forests makes the danger from frosts PA tabyle Own Tablets do one . thing an impossible farming Proposition for years to come. The pirates fulfil tbE-, VW*, but they do it weld. They not as for I minimum requirements required .AL gentle laxattva �rblch thoroU91117 locating, take out the sp6lls and say I •regulates the boweis a.tid sweetens the -bye to the place forever, leaving, stomach, thus bantshing constipation good simple! as stated before, a fire trap for those I and indigestion, colds and fevers, and turn the cross, sickly baby whose permanent investment is tied v I well, In the properti. to this honest ;Into a wel happy, laughing child. ' Baby's Own Tablets are sold by support of permanent Industries? at! classification Inedi ine dealers or. direct by mail I would of lands . by capable li cents e Dr. Parties, put an end to this men- ats a box from the Williams' 7 . ...... u .Me4lcine Co., Brockville, On,. a" and—would prevent this type of timber mining of our forests. This Practice is not confined to the East, Wonderfull but Is rampant In the West as well. TWO Women were'passlmg a butcher's It brings up the old question of proper re a pig's head was on dia. classification --an espent4al tishop where of lands $day with a •pmon In its mouth. step In evolving permanent forest pro- "There, Liz," exclaimed one of the parties where trees would be treated tbvt reaninds me that I pro-'sjs forest crops, and I our forest otsed to get a new p re- „ 1pe, for Joe." sources bawdled for perpetuity.—Cana. 4* '' , +_ .�' _1 than Forest and Outdoors. Briar wood used in pipe making Is t obtained from a species of heath which We praise in order to benefit in the Pyrenees and -ad elsewhere- otbers;'we flatter in order to benefit M & has nothing to do with the brier. ourselves. 4W M-L - 'Pb, The tidal miud is red hem Red as a harvest 11100n; And the fishing smacks are CmT sad drear But the roe" are in bloom— They straggle over the sagging 000M And cover the battered doors. The water id,9ray 68 a dove's breast And bleak am the sloping shores; The sI,00Ps Come UP, the yaw" crew' In, 'Tall Schooners nudge the • wharves. Port triciffs threid in and out here Between the bobbing yachts, -Drab dorjee filled witti nets and hooks Rug the beaten do—s" Slim, winged shells Of "AlbOMB Are etched against the rocks., Stampede, stepped.Th4b tide creeps 11" a Cat, now work. When Guy Wea4ick, manager of the Calgary and it is pounding the weary Shores, aboard the CansAlan Paciflc Emprfos of Scotland at New York recently But the roses 910131-ber, tenderly, the battered doors, phot over began to twirl his lasso, the sailors learned a few new.tri c'ks. The o above was taken just before the Empress of Scotb•rid sailed,frorn New York And the buts contentedly huddle-- December 2 on her round-the-worts cruise. Guy Weadir-k iW the tall 10212 in All clustered In the lee the centre of the grour, I while the fat and jolly sailor at his right Is Albert of a high hill full of pine trees Gilbert, who dons a beard and offlcia'joa at "Neptune" when the Emprom of j not out of reach of the me! Scotland crosses the "line," the Equator, during Kerr world tour. —Virginia LinwO64` 5 .b'.✓,� .... .,,. .k„ - n.. S V?_C'•_wR 4 :+ Yta . ^l.^. -t _ ^,xtW:l:+`*' '"4!. r\ ,T 1 :lr+,:-Nn.+••y , x+• ,g„'a y p p A d� g x '2 . , ..Ru . A '11 5.r '....I ..Sa. 0..,,•r: 7,.:,T�l, P 41 :AO.K� 1 S.L, . N'� b, .' ^ '.. • : .i ,.. . '"; N i...i %i'i6y ,rte' Vs . d. `Fi J. -B (0. 'X .w•C•. rhb'; ru r9',• o. P:ti•'111. .. I::i • _T f N .,,.., Jµ ss :. ;.!'Y U6Y^ ,_ „sr. '•tu!itir, .can 'yEV!rriw.mrt }}.. i_.;. a. ..:+y �.qt- � -4u!, ,, LIp n•-.e aa': -. nyy�- a.a••h.. ah••:v .. -... „��+,, - 1a,•,�y�a7�yAr -r -.a is PS. v'/�',+u•]n.. sc- *" +'.¢,+a a�ir•aa'.'^�•esaz: <F w and• di - M• w h.• p C S Y Y• " 4Z R 4. .. -'+S' ,�•. ',...•�,,.,+, ,....� -h,. ,.•ew.. Y" . "",.. •s'.r_.. r5:'^<, �.^"5 -?'K' .r' v -. a �# • -�ti.' t., Y*t••.sw` , }`",3'im' MN.t°° ?r P. ., - Jr ,.4+,' -i.:. �?pk , rnp` :::%) c -w._, . y...' •r ., r • *:•0' .. sF "' - ,... ,; ,.r . :.mss : ^^„-`� �. .e,.. b'� °rx,",'!..S;n,. er4; +''.��•�.{ �wn..,.�. '. +,' .+ �'i':�r i'r" -'�k r •t A"'� ;i` , y y�` . a , .. .. A 'Y7.'i +, ri, .Y, ^'r .•kT .• . . °+>i• _S`a . ...,, , ...., i� (�,,� i .rt 1. •S .� *7R*+.6�: i.'.i'•°. 5.31 y, .W.nr :. '.1 .A ��}.i .. 6. > ' 1 -•; i .s. .. The regular magazine has a very p good table of contents for January Father and Son ms's• Speoials This Week e with stories and articles on huntm k m -T- RIMS ` fishing, tra ping and kennel and out • A . - �1�;<g�at ���e �� ���e 31.75.per year„ 31.W if paid is ad¢anae. i door E,i26j�CtS. AT 1 bscriptions'ro the (Spited States'and Creat Rod'' and Gun and Canadian Silver �oY is c 1�N:,3some la c :itt : r_, Britain 32.ou in advance. Fox News is published monthly by i" :s vat -• Inv ri of a . ^. �: t �r h• ad OCERY p _ y i:o`,.,,3 t� trlru3 sc-t t i L.:r N;wii Af-,T GR �Sl: J. Tayto"r, .-Limited, WOOdst"oC$, I kn hag 1. rat a� non !:ls 0 - 3 ant, l.•�. 'Fczc n e3 com? r F - in, by F.t9 JOHN* MURKAR, Proprietor. - _-�... _ s,.. •�,: tftz. :e I in t;' 3 _ I o_c2 E C KSH BANQUET - r O£ UTT.8 QUE t pltaas 0- C` r!�'.t ��: d a:ttlrculjc e rL a i?� say-3 he 1.: fit. �i t'lv ",:.; i:.l e. @ FLOUR, ... i Pickering Tp. S. S. Convention '- v r, ROYAL PASTRY 1'I.O 98c ' The B ,Anquet to be held in the ca x'•_1_ h a IJa•3, t,,,. +- -- ctter sout'c? o_* uotLe r 'ri.' S ROSES BREAD FLOUR,.. Royal Coliseum, Toronto. on Jain1- Lead 1z in the s rr : s • or., a, -a 1.38 The annual Conventfun of the Pick- 3 rr:akln° ti:e r ?vet c. strc�,:c s eringTuwnsbipSunday School Associ- at'Y 18th, in honour of Colonel a -alns� tt,, ieu di_•' o. so .os:;•n. _W'HITE LILY BAKING PO'�t'DEI�, 22e ation will be held in the Union Church, Henry Cockshtttt, • L L. D.,,who B-" rr! ,� •;rw;t ono t:: ' Altona, on Thursday, January the is retiring from the Lieut. Gover. tan:li�• :ot:, ere r =, =':y rnAking gco3 GUNN'S PURE LARD, bulk, lb 19e 18th, 1927. FoIiowirgis the program: norshipa week earlier, is the lar- the e di!:c y!ne and t1eJcF�� of'kn -: :I, 18c 'MORNING 6E58ION Rest affair Of 1t8 kind ever held In nQ1'S`e rrd doetere ra hsving, U: tr WHYTE'S PURE LARD, „• ;•'10.30 - Devotional Exercises, led b Canada. usual zoa•3 seise: :a this effic; y - institution. " CRISCO SPECIAL E the president, John Phillips. Not only will the attendance- The muskoka iirpital is ur!••a .tly -,--10.50.Si in in need of funds. AV ha, can ycu afar© ] -3 TIN CRISCO AND 1 ALUMINUM FRENCH a g' 2,000 are expected -break all re- to het =;? !a 11.00- Conference. led by the Provin- cords, but iu many other ways a Ccntrib.:ticn, tray t:•_ e�ia to t: )n. Worker, Ur. Fletcher. high mark will be set. Such an s lee �Torou o 2 roriia o.L3 4 ol:e�s FRY, ALL FOR $1.89, . .'11.40- Appointment of Nominating event has never before been ever Committee and Closing Exer• thou g + rises. thought y and its ma nitude will S ;R AFTERNOON sESalox ;, be readily understood when it is Farmers Attention • ICHARDSON , stated that nearly three hundred ! 2.00- Deaotional Exercises, led by cooks, waiters, dish - washers, _ ■ Rev. Mr. Rackhazl. heck -room attendants and ushers I am agent for the World's Greatest 2.15 -Words of Welcome by Rea, E. ill be needed to attend to the Separator, "The Renfrew," Stoves, 1 - Norton. Scales and Oil Engines. Fleur PHardware store 2.15- Music, wants of the enormous crowds. B y's 2.30 -- Report of Provincial Coayeii• New York is pre- Volatead days famous Ptows, Points, Grain Grinders, - tx tion, by Mrs. Norman White. saw many eccentric banquets. wheel Barrowsetc. Brantford binder twine and second- _ 3.10- Selection by Quartette, n one occasion members of a hand separators for sale. 3.10-Reports of Depatmenta. p X8,25- Congregational tngiag an famous hunt club sat astride their ROBT DEYIT E Ofieriag, horses and ate from high tables ; . 1 8.35 - Address by De. Fletcher. other banquets have had an' Phone 505 Pick.' BROUGHAM ' 74.06 -Roll Call. equine flavoitr gaiged by the I WE wish to thank our many customers and friends 4:15- Donference, led by James Todd. presence of famou! race - horses 4.90-Nominating ommittee's Re- as pampered guests of honour, i for their very liberal patronage during the year F 1928. Our intercourse and dealings have been very s port and ?losing Exercises. who delicately nibbled sugar prof- I cant indeed and we trust mutually profitable. EVENING SESSION fared by fair fingers. O S 1 �e ask for a contiionance of the same happy rela- 1,00- Devotional EsercIaea, led by But never, even in New York, �t Ci�18ir�W00d St8tl0II tions during 1927, 'It shall be our aim to continue to Rev. A. G. Warder. hab the tan bark ring served as a serge you in a satisfactory and pleniing manner. We 7.15- Tecretary- Treasurer's Re port. dining room. Armies of workmen `again thadk you and wish you every prosperity., aA .7.80- Address by Rev. A. McLellan, are now engaged in the work of r+• N. R• ••A Talk to Young People." converting the huge arena at the ' 8.80 - Congregational Singing and - Offering. Exhibition into a banquet hall. - Over half an a-ere of canvas will be A frame building about 2Ox40 3 $.10 -Music by Quartette. , 8.20 - Address by Provincial Worker, required to cover the taubark used as a grain and feed ware- - - - - -= i - 3r.-Fleteber, with, beneath it, nearly a mile house. Corrugated iron roof, Agent for International Parrn Machinery and Repairs. "£3 60 -5 eclat Music, and a half of a matched pine siding and matched - - p yard wide heavy p `0.00- Ia trod uctlon of New Officers brown wrapping paper. floor. Will make an excellent r w. and Closing Exercises pp g p are Our Motto : ws have it, can get it, or it is not made. g Music, daring the dinner, is to g ge, workshop, stAble etc. The local committee ext$ a heart to rendered rt the famous Toren• I J. S. BAL.SOOiV PhCKERiNG >a welcome "to all dele atea y to Transportation Commission D. N. $EES08 dC SONS andfrieeda. Concert Band of forty -eight pie- MARhHASf, ONT. 7 ces. The outstanding arti.-tio, or John Petty, Cherrywood. 14tf - -- sc »out. REPORT10 contribution to the programme will come from the Toronto Jule Oberrewood public school, Junior Chorus, an organization of 175 -- _ ``Room II class -•R. Pilkey• •A. Petty, male voices, under the baton of E. a t, -A. Maynard, J• Teefy, M. MacRae, •R. M&vnard, B. Peters, •F Sobol. Bowles, will sing several numbers �.. ' Zr. I -V, Drink water, E. Barkey. P. between the congratulatory ad. Teefy Jr, I -H. Teefy, -C.. Hodgson, dresses to be delivered by promin- ' 7j {��AR - - 1 'C. Pr.- ins, 8 Torrance, A. Petty, ant men. . x -Sr. Pr. -W. McIlrop. Jr. Pr -•A. _ ��Paf,.E %Pilkey, •H. Hodgson. No. on roll 19. RLI:�+ > Roo Average attendance 18. . *Those have - ERFECT not heen late or absent daring this IA Roils. Tale Surfaced ,month Forman Petty is to be con. Renew your o AS rftY 'r - gratulsted because he baa not missed dRV of echool since Shpt. lat. N. A. Light Weight - 35 lbs: 1 _. �Gollan, Teacher. Cberrywood public school, Senior : �,S, ubscl'Iption With Xmas so near at hand we .COMPETITIVE QUALITY . 'Room. Those marked *were absent are getting ready with lots of ' r ..,for one'or more of the exgminations : good . things for the " 101ass V -Laura Petty, John Garland. festive season. * ,� ISr, IV -Mary Teefy, Annie Ritteo now Medium Weight : 45 Ibis a. ti house, Beatrice King.' Jr. IV -James Christmas Cake, almond iced and Lawrie. Peter Sobol. Leo McGriskin, t- rimmed, We lb. Plnm Pud. - FINE QUALITY John Hood% George liacIllrov% Sr, - diuRg, 90c each. Scotch iIII - Annie Petty, Winairred Barnes. 1 Leslie Beare: Evelyn Drinkwater, Bar- �'FRS�NAZ short Bread and old Fenny, Bertha Smith. Vincent __:. Fried Cakes. . + TPnty Jr- III_ January •2, 1927 n Bari Taylor, Gordon Petty, Walter d' q '�u A OFAD ea Cira eA. EXTRA FINE QUALITY i�'enay, Rttth Hollinger. Murray ol- Take note that I. James Gouriie, Stockings And decorations B y of the Vill a of Balsam, Townshi for the Tunas tree B• pp _ anger, Lloyd Petty. Allan Ritten• of Pickeria County of Ontario, wllI house, Hazel Petty. not be reaponeible for any debts con- and the house. Extra Hea ' 'Weight 65 lbs. December Report of Pickering Con. tracted by my wife as from this Wedding Cakes a Specialty. 'SUPER FINE QUALITY tiauation School. Form 3,, Grade. I- date. 18 20 - Was Reid. William Powers, Glenna !-Gilmer; o II-Ruth Taylor. Marjorie N W STAFFORD - IN 200 Brantford, Ontario � ^ Diamond. Stanley Taylor ; C- Harold ■ W. _ -Richa•rdson. Ethel Brav and Florence . Kutch equal, Ethel Bieokin, Violet 1ltarble and Granite Dealer. Stock Carrie, Information Furnished and Serviee Swan, Lillian Wiman ; Below 50 p• e. Cemetery Lettering etc r on rantford Roofing rendered by . -Mary Spencer', Robert Stork, Hilda f� Walsh, Dorothy Andrew: No Exams First -class work` .�•a'a ► y F J Prouse, .. Pickens -Jean Aonan. Form 2: Grade I= guarAnteed. J. S. Balsdon Hardware, • Pickering ; Muciet Westnev. Kenneth Morley, Kingston Road and Pickering ,tBaKEl�i t, p Verna Petty, Lyndon Croak ; II= East Townline. +, HOLE :9001 'Leona Spencer, Marjorie "Annan and IPheone Whitby 88 R 3'l ," l `PICF� iNG r:$ydney Beare' equal, Howard Law, y �. • Mildred Barrett, Margaret Puckrin, --- ' - g 27.40 _ P. O.- W6itbs R. R. + raise Chappman. III -Fern Toms ; C- Winnie tiVood, Bernice Crawfoid ; t IBelow 50 P. c.=Helen Cowan, Walter UAA Penney*, . Arthur Fields'. Lizzle ",Annan•' Grant Law`•, Form 1: Grade III -Ruth Diamond ; C -Bet t Elliott, Myrtle Lockwood, Austin Baker and Waiter Richardson equ,,l ; Below 50 p. c.- Pboebe Juniper. El. -mer Annis,,Helen Gibson% Jack Chap. --Vman, Sam McNabney, Allan Andrew',' Jean Anderson°, Dorothy •Swan', Brook Hood***. ROD AND GUN y. An announcement of importance and of interest to the sporting and ,general public is contained in the January, 1927, issue of Rod and Gun - -to the effect that the . well known :sporting magazine has been accepted _.. ..as the official organ of the Canadian Silver Fox breeding industry. With -the Januaray issue, the magazine has '•:become Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News and it is announced °"that each month, the magazine will carry in addition to its regular sport- _ ing out -door features, a full section �"of sixteen pages, devoted to the inter- - -ests of the silver fox and fur breed 'ins industry. The ch ange is wade as a result of the rapid growth of the Canadian Silver Fox Breeders' Associatiorr and a desire of the 3,500 members to have an official organ to assist them. The first Silver Fox section is a -very promising one. The special edi- tor, J. R. Barr of Summerside, has presented a good selection of fox news t'and photographs and the account of the fox exhibits at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, is particularly good. �A NEIL& BETTER FUR 17t +crsensa�`ionalP.�ic�e� x Gilson's of Guelph now offer ,l you a perfected furnace- pipeless or- pipe style• -at a sensational �""• -��� ���•` price. The first revolutionary imf . provement in home heating in haff e�••••�-- �••�••••"" "r l L a century- low - priced, efficient, f quickly installed in any ,home, school or church, . Costs Less to Buy- Less to Use The new Gilson Magic" is built of Tungsten Plate. Transmits heat 1 THREE TIMES faster, Patented air -blast burns all the gas and smoke. New type cone- shaped grate gets more heat units out of fuel. Electric arc welding seals• r the furnace tight as an egg against leaks of gas, dust or smoke, y Burns Hard or Seat Coal, Coke or Wood Yun -a *e- net- dapendent upon - hard coal alone ea you get - excellent results from any kind of fuel --soft coal, coke, oil or gas. You enjoy an extra saving by A using low cost fuels. Write for s; Easy Payment Plan ' A moderate payment down in. stalls the new Gilson "Magic." - Learn all the features of this new " r sensationally - priced heating system We win welcome your fnqulzy. Catalogue, sketch plan forms, estimates and full information, gladly sup- plied without obligating you In any way. Act at once -this is the time to make plans for'heating your home properly. `e p ., D. J GORMLEY, Dumbarton r�r; 'phone Pickering 16063 Gilson Mfg. Co., Liwit*4 9510 York St., Guelph t� r Pl!, _ S tin. +y 'y. iD'..,. :.•;fir!' y.,, : , - eA- ....r. .?c +t".,a,,.., .�'Z •Wc,, ;� S.t#�.W�. , • , ,, n: - �.. ;i4 ,K .•„ zSr'v 'vr�.. ' e p s;^ �.,- �' ✓*'.'f ei^.. T Y +.: \b. +1, L .w• d' .. J, ''„'y.. ,t�-' r•� ,w:' -i'e :"y w ',¢`. x•A.,, '•�t ;F t' +!�`4 ..- JH✓'tR .�c6d"l ^r?•�.: ... `,�• w. -...I A -T,. f•.. 5. '7"•- Nv'o°� -;' +�•Y�. "+a •. r`ry ' ^ .(i". 1,•.°. I'^` "•'.' �'r;^Y. �.•�<•r!•...-:^a., X' yF t> "A.R.Y" -�' - l+`''•�: '+a -*' .:`N'• ,O _,- Mi r'"_.f.. ".s;�'•'�tR: 1••_.,- - v�y;Ta •�4.-R.+T. � rryn..- •.},�,. a.. r d • r• a EMISSION 110i ,a:: _ m•,, y �'•`: ;.'�i ` "'' . �'Di�Vi*Y: �W">f,7aa �w' r�,.�y�` +4i� -,,.�' +.5 >� a- .�^z -.:n', ,/.c:+r -�': .x^5 �,^?.n:'xcU4`.�y.� ,.�v.�t- •+u...S...,a ?.n..v(� GLAREMONT. I41ise Kathleen Beelbp is laid up his punctuality acid executive abil r ' —" with an attack of flu. ity, coupled'vvith, a kindly disetp- Massev.- al �ls r Mrs. 3poffard, who rids been the Mrs. Fred Spenceley is recover- line have elicited most favorable Oal,%O�,' victim of a heavy cold, h improv i ing• John. and Mrs. Caster, of Toron- -- = —to, spent New Years with -tile fur- I mer's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman McCull'' j ough welcomed to their home for Christmas, a-bwby girl. E -4 T. P. Shirk left on Tuesday 1 L morning for Toronto where he ....will spend the winter months. James Allaway and two sons, Percy and' Mac, of Toronto, spent Sunday with J. H. and Mrs. Beal. Mrs. Bushby and her son, Wal- . ter, of the Brock Road, had a buei- vass trip to Uxbridge on Thursday Robert and Mrs. Worthy and @ion, of Brampton, spent Sunday , ..with Mrs. Worthy's mother, Mrs. :.gibbons. Mies Moses, a former teacher in the 4th line • school, Uxbridge, spent over the holiday with Mrs. R. Rawson. Miss Kilpatrick, of Toronto, spent a few days during the past -week with her brother, Ben, and *rs. Kilpatrick. pit Clifford and Mrs. Pilkey, of gin cardinal, spent the holiday. here with the former's parents, Lather and Mrs. Pilkey, Mies Dorcas McCullough, of Douglas, and Mies Laura Donglas, of Whitby, spent the holidays at :the parental home. At the annual school meeting held on Wednesday of last week. James Underhill was re- elected trustee for another term. u►, Adam and Mrs. Spears held a ;family re union on New Year's Day when a number of relatives -from different parts had a very ea oyable time. Next Sunday at the Baptist Church the pastor's subject will be "A Christian Housekeeper." The evening subject will be "Con- ceroing Temptation." A meeting of the Library Board will be held tomorrow (Saturday) in the library room, commencing at 3 o'clock. The public are cor- dially invited to attend. Archie and Mrs. Anderson and daughter, Miss Cbristiaa. of Rich - mond Hill, motored over -on New . dears and spent theday with Mrs. Anderson's parents, R. J. and Mrs. How. i Mr. and Mrs. Comb &, of Toron to. Robert and Sirs. Sadler sad famil�yp, of Balsam. and Wilfred and Mrs. Sadler, of Kinsale, spent New Year's Day with David and Mrs. Taylor. Biz members of Brougham Un- lion Lodge, A. F. & A. M•, paid ai ifraternal visit to Riverdale Lodge, - Toronto, on Friday night last, j when the installation ceremony was performed. •`IrlDavid A. and Mrs. Pugh, of ar Lakefield, returned home on Toes. ---day Years with the former'@ sister, Mrs. Jos. Wideman, of the Mark ham townline. = Communion services will be held in the United Chu -rch on Sunday next, Preparatory services will be conducted this Freda evening at 8 o'clock. Come aaienjoy al G. M. and Mrs. Fors th held a ?g ,family re -union on New Year's Day when a large number of the members of the Cooper family and their relatives were present., A :,most enjoyable time was spent by All. Clifford Soden left on Wednes' -'day for Willowdale, on Yooge Street, north of Toronto, where he has been engaged to take charge of & farm which is owned by a ' 40'' . Toronto man. We are sorry to ,.lose Mr. and Mrs. Soden from our midst. The police trustees will hold their inaugural meeting on Mon- day next, when, it is expected, ''they will appoint the third mem- bar of the Board, only two having qualified after the nomination, Thep will also organize for the coming year, Lnther and Mrs. Pilkey beld -s - .family reunion on New Year's Day. A pleasant feature of the Lay was the presence of Mr. •Pil' kcy's mother, Mrs. Joseph Pilkey, v, is enjoying the best of •healtb auy had on this day spent her 85tk New Years. Sam Brown, of Vancouver, B } C, who has been spending tho .past three or four weeks with hi: sister, Mrs. C. H. Found, left ono `- day last week for' Manitoulin Is land, where he will spend som time visiting relatives before re turning to his home in Britisl ';' Columbia. On Thursday morning last Leo ,R --card Pilkey bad a narrow escap us from serio i'n dry. He was com ing into the village from his hom and when near Mr. Goodman's one - .of the wheels of his car struck large hard lump on the road, cans ing the car to run into the ditch where it turned completely upsid down. Mr. Pilkey succeeded i g` $nding his wa`y ont of the prisor having suffered no injury. Mi '1Goodman's horses were brongh into commission and the car wa turned back none the worse of it experience. ig from a heavy cold. While In Claremont on Wednez- ay of last week, Mrsi John For - ie was presented with- a bealiti. A cut glass water set by the , %dies' Aid of the United Church, - s a token of the esteem in which he is held by them. The presen- ition was accompanied by an ap ropriate address, expreseiug their pprectation of her services i.n the ociety in which she took a deep ad a(Alve interest never sparing ersel:' in the good work. The 'he aa,.icess also expressed regret t losing her from their midst, but oned that 'she would return to enew acquaintances. The best ;i 'shes of the ociety would ac. ompany them o their new home. tlso on the eve of their departure be Managing Board of the United lhurch took possession of the ome of Mr. and Mrs. Forgie and presented Mr- Forgie with a beau iful Coleman narlor lamp, accom• ianied by any address which was ead by Dr, Tomlinson, and which zpressed deep regret at losing : dim from the community and specially as- a member of the loard, in which much confidence was placed in his sound and studi- <judgments, which seldom have been disputed or reversed, and lave always been highly respect- ed. On the Board of Session he lad been faithful, consistent and oval, and had always displayed chose qualities of mind and heart which will make his absence a dis- Inct lose. In the Sunday School N .,~ :oiii�ment• •As a-eitizen hh e-ad - seen energetic in the promotion - - - -• - A the public good, and his public tetivities have not been couRned We have been appointed ,local :o this community, a-ud wherever agents for. -the - Massey - Harris riven have been highly appreciat- Company and solicit the ad. The address closed with patronage of tliefarm- _ rishing Mr. and Mrs. Forgie sue. ers of the district. . 'ess in their new home, All M: =$. repairs kept constantly Q on hand. S H . Y N G L S,e also have the agency for the Nova S olds Shin les Goodyear products, includ _Hard and Soft -Coa2 of the, best quality on _ THOS. -A. -LAW . THOS. F. SCOTT c K ivg tires etc. _ CLAREMONT, UNT. Gait Galvanized Steel Shingles -; . Bird's Felt Slate Shingles for sale at . r. PATERSON'S • ' CLAREMONT • • Deader in Ford Cars, new and Call and get prices. 31y PICKERING, ONT. seed. W AN T C Q � Massey-Harris Implements and ar I G �r Repairs. _ � reen River r Life-and Car Insurance. A DRESSED POULTRY Basket Factory i _ -Phone Clare, 5102 all kinds. Manufacturers of • Good prices aid for good quality. Maple Leaf Hstnal, Firs Phone Clare 2700. aid kinds of Fruit Baskets, I C •±j, FRANK CHIDLOW CLAREMONT. - ONTARIG A Reduction From Angnst the 15th to Septem bar the 15th, I will make a redaction in sleigh shoe prices. Bring in your sleigh@ and get the benefit of these worth while redactions. LORNE -REI . CLAREMONT CLAREMONT CR�EAlwl CRY ! -Highest price paid for Cream at the Cla.remout Creamed ' Berry Crates, ns "ance 0• f ; Cheap raked for farm and country = Farmers Bushel Baskets, buildings. '. - Clothes Baskets. Windstorm Insurance on buildings, �� wind- mills, Silos etc. Frank c rank lCennock Automobile Insurance 1 of all tiindp. Proprietor FARMS FOB SALE Phone Markham 1804 Write or phone Y; EIIeBOWMAN Wall'' Pa e r 2a WHITBY, ONT. t - - The Fbller Bru& Co., -" See the 1928 Samples at Bingham,s' * ., , before baying.. Limited r? Over 500's&mples to choose from at 10e per roll and up. We desire to have a residelob - A complete line -of Paints, Oils and representative of the Fuller Brush ' Varnishes at right prices- ' Company in Pickering and Whit. Estimates cheerfully given for all by townships for immediate'work. Interior and exterior People right now are buying decorating. Christmas presents in large quads- -'p AO&H or phone 1813 Claremont tities from our salesmen and we have a very extensive line of these -s articles, including Ivory Se t@, Tor - Giye as a trial and be convinced W. G. B I N G H A M totse Shell Sets and Christmas novelties as well as the household Lm,seh 5 C 9nd ft ft- Painter and Decorator cleaning equipment. Our business,, ACN* � LM10L Claremont, Ontario has alwaya been good is this dis- tract ani3 unless you are a hiRhl� - respected citizen with a car, dos i app] y for this position, Special eClearance ply you are this type of man ae, ply in person. to, Casa. R. Stoat, t .504, Colonial Bldg., 13 King 8t;. ; ^;�; assess West, Toronto. , :,�' Regular stock has been marked down-to lower prices for quick sale: Men's O'Coaiq. heavy blanket cloth, all -wool, half lined lsilk), 3- piece belt, reg. 17.50, for 12 95. Boys' O'Coate, full - lined, same as above, sizes 28 to 35, reg, 9.60 for 6.95 Men's Mackinaw's, extra heavy, all -wool blanket cloth, reg 8,50 for 8,25 9nga �ldackiaasa'ar-sania ae awe; reel :00 for 2:95 - - -- — Men's Heavy Shirts, military flannel, reg 1,25, for 95 cents Ken'@ Heavy Shirts, all wool flannel, reg 1,75, for 1..35 - Men's Work Pants, extra heavy, all -wO— - ag -4,0o For i- 95 anti -2-O -Call at' J. FINOOLD'S Phone 8 . -- , �L+AREIdONZ'.- ONTARIO Fa M C o o P .Z_� _ _ - - -- - - - -- _ = CLAREMONT Send Your' Dsits e b - Mail Agent for Ackerman's• Quality � y Harness. Ask the user. HOSE who find it more convenient to do their banking by mail, will find that the co- operative services of this Ban meet -all requirements. Write our nearest branch to-day and arrange to do your Minting by j snail. You will save the trouble of •frequent strips to town. Domnam RAW t ARM BRANM i a 1 EL PERRY, Manages BRWKLIN BRANCK •' F. A. BURT. 11ti'anaget: a Never Sell Grain on :a Dull Market W ��' not �ivv_ays_nav to sell - grain as soon as the threshing is : ? -finished . If you hays a good crop 1 and the market is depressed see the ; local manager of the Standard Bank l and arrange a loan -until a_ more a FIFTY favorable situation presents itself. ! YEARS r Oar manager is always glad;to -dis•` case each problems in confidence. STANDARD 'BANK OF CANADA , PICKERING BRANCH —W. F. Law, Manager Branches also at Brooklin, West Hill, Whitby PEATTY c K ivg tires etc. _ CLAREMONT, UNT. Gait Galvanized Steel Shingles -; . Bird's Felt Slate Shingles for sale at . r. PATERSON'S • ' CLAREMONT • • Deader in Ford Cars, new and Call and get prices. 31y PICKERING, ONT. seed. W AN T C Q � Massey-Harris Implements and ar I G �r Repairs. _ � reen River r Life-and Car Insurance. A DRESSED POULTRY Basket Factory i _ -Phone Clare, 5102 all kinds. Manufacturers of • Good prices aid for good quality. Maple Leaf Hstnal, Firs Phone Clare 2700. aid kinds of Fruit Baskets, I C •±j, FRANK CHIDLOW CLAREMONT. - ONTARIG A Reduction From Angnst the 15th to Septem bar the 15th, I will make a redaction in sleigh shoe prices. Bring in your sleigh@ and get the benefit of these worth while redactions. LORNE -REI . CLAREMONT CLAREMONT CR�EAlwl CRY ! -Highest price paid for Cream at the Cla.remout Creamed ' Berry Crates, ns "ance 0• f ; Cheap raked for farm and country = Farmers Bushel Baskets, buildings. '. - Clothes Baskets. Windstorm Insurance on buildings, �� wind- mills, Silos etc. Frank c rank lCennock Automobile Insurance 1 of all tiindp. Proprietor FARMS FOB SALE Phone Markham 1804 Write or phone Y; EIIeBOWMAN Wall'' Pa e r 2a WHITBY, ONT. t - - The Fbller Bru& Co., -" See the 1928 Samples at Bingham,s' * ., , before baying.. Limited r? Over 500's&mples to choose from at 10e per roll and up. We desire to have a residelob - A complete line -of Paints, Oils and representative of the Fuller Brush ' Varnishes at right prices- ' Company in Pickering and Whit. Estimates cheerfully given for all by townships for immediate'work. Interior and exterior People right now are buying decorating. Christmas presents in large quads- -'p AO&H or phone 1813 Claremont tities from our salesmen and we have a very extensive line of these -s articles, including Ivory Se t@, Tor - Giye as a trial and be convinced W. G. B I N G H A M totse Shell Sets and Christmas novelties as well as the household Lm,seh 5 C 9nd ft ft- Painter and Decorator cleaning equipment. Our business,, ACN* � LM10L Claremont, Ontario has alwaya been good is this dis- tract ani3 unless you are a hiRhl� - respected citizen with a car, dos i app] y for this position, Special eClearance ply you are this type of man ae, ply in person. to, Casa. R. Stoat, t .504, Colonial Bldg., 13 King 8t;. ; ^;�; assess West, Toronto. , :,�' Regular stock has been marked down-to lower prices for quick sale: Men's O'Coaiq. heavy blanket cloth, all -wool, half lined lsilk), 3- piece belt, reg. 17.50, for 12 95. Boys' O'Coate, full - lined, same as above, sizes 28 to 35, reg, 9.60 for 6.95 Men's Mackinaw's, extra heavy, all -wool blanket cloth, reg 8,50 for 8,25 9nga �ldackiaasa'ar-sania ae awe; reel :00 for 2:95 - - -- — Men's Heavy Shirts, military flannel, reg 1,25, for 95 cents Ken'@ Heavy Shirts, all wool flannel, reg 1,75, for 1..35 - Men's Work Pants, extra heavy, all -wO— - ag -4,0o For i- 95 anti -2-O -Call at' J. FINOOLD'S Phone 8 . -- , �L+AREIdONZ'.- ONTARIO Fa M C o o P .Z_� _ _ - - -- - - - -- _ = CLAREMONT Send Your' Dsits e b - Mail Agent for Ackerman's• Quality � y Harness. Ask the user. HOSE who find it more convenient to do their banking by mail, will find that the co- operative services of this Ban meet -all requirements. Write our nearest branch to-day and arrange to do your Minting by j snail. You will save the trouble of •frequent strips to town. Domnam RAW t ARM BRANM i a 1 EL PERRY, Manages BRWKLIN BRANCK •' F. A. BURT. 11ti'anaget: a Never Sell Grain on :a Dull Market W ��' not �ivv_ays_nav to sell - grain as soon as the threshing is : ? -finished . If you hays a good crop 1 and the market is depressed see the ; local manager of the Standard Bank l and arrange a loan -until a_ more a FIFTY favorable situation presents itself. ! YEARS r Oar manager is always glad;to -dis•` case each problems in confidence. STANDARD 'BANK OF CANADA , PICKERING BRANCH —W. F. Law, Manager Branches also at Brooklin, West Hill, Whitby PEATTY FRANK CHIDLOW CLAREMONT. - ONTARIG A Reduction From Angnst the 15th to Septem bar the 15th, I will make a redaction in sleigh shoe prices. Bring in your sleigh@ and get the benefit of these worth while redactions. LORNE -REI . CLAREMONT CLAREMONT CR�EAlwl CRY ! -Highest price paid for Cream at the Cla.remout Creamed ' Berry Crates, ns "ance 0• f ; Cheap raked for farm and country = Farmers Bushel Baskets, buildings. '. - Clothes Baskets. Windstorm Insurance on buildings, �� wind- mills, Silos etc. Frank c rank lCennock Automobile Insurance 1 of all tiindp. Proprietor FARMS FOB SALE Phone Markham 1804 Write or phone Y; EIIeBOWMAN Wall'' Pa e r 2a WHITBY, ONT. t - - The Fbller Bru& Co., -" See the 1928 Samples at Bingham,s' * ., , before baying.. Limited r? Over 500's&mples to choose from at 10e per roll and up. We desire to have a residelob - A complete line -of Paints, Oils and representative of the Fuller Brush ' Varnishes at right prices- ' Company in Pickering and Whit. Estimates cheerfully given for all by townships for immediate'work. Interior and exterior People right now are buying decorating. Christmas presents in large quads- -'p AO&H or phone 1813 Claremont tities from our salesmen and we have a very extensive line of these -s articles, including Ivory Se t@, Tor - Giye as a trial and be convinced W. G. B I N G H A M totse Shell Sets and Christmas novelties as well as the household Lm,seh 5 C 9nd ft ft- Painter and Decorator cleaning equipment. Our business,, ACN* � LM10L Claremont, Ontario has alwaya been good is this dis- tract ani3 unless you are a hiRhl� - respected citizen with a car, dos i app] y for this position, Special eClearance ply you are this type of man ae, ply in person. to, Casa. R. Stoat, t .504, Colonial Bldg., 13 King 8t;. ; ^;�; assess West, Toronto. , :,�' Regular stock has been marked down-to lower prices for quick sale: Men's O'Coaiq. heavy blanket cloth, all -wool, half lined lsilk), 3- piece belt, reg. 17.50, for 12 95. Boys' O'Coate, full - lined, same as above, sizes 28 to 35, reg, 9.60 for 6.95 Men's Mackinaw's, extra heavy, all -wool blanket cloth, reg 8,50 for 8,25 9nga �ldackiaasa'ar-sania ae awe; reel :00 for 2:95 - - -- — Men's Heavy Shirts, military flannel, reg 1,25, for 95 cents Ken'@ Heavy Shirts, all wool flannel, reg 1,75, for 1..35 - Men's Work Pants, extra heavy, all -wO— - ag -4,0o For i- 95 anti -2-O -Call at' J. FINOOLD'S Phone 8 . -- , �L+AREIdONZ'.- ONTARIO Fa M C o o P .Z_� _ _ - - -- - - - -- _ = CLAREMONT Send Your' Dsits e b - Mail Agent for Ackerman's• Quality � y Harness. Ask the user. HOSE who find it more convenient to do their banking by mail, will find that the co- operative services of this Ban meet -all requirements. Write our nearest branch to-day and arrange to do your Minting by j snail. You will save the trouble of •frequent strips to town. Domnam RAW t ARM BRANM i a 1 EL PERRY, Manages BRWKLIN BRANCK •' F. A. BURT. 11ti'anaget: a Never Sell Grain on :a Dull Market W ��' not �ivv_ays_nav to sell - grain as soon as the threshing is : ? -finished . If you hays a good crop 1 and the market is depressed see the ; local manager of the Standard Bank l and arrange a loan -until a_ more a FIFTY favorable situation presents itself. ! YEARS r Oar manager is always glad;to -dis•` case each problems in confidence. STANDARD 'BANK OF CANADA , PICKERING BRANCH —W. F. Law, Manager Branches also at Brooklin, West Hill, Whitby PEATTY articles, including Ivory Se t@, Tor - Giye as a trial and be convinced W. G. B I N G H A M totse Shell Sets and Christmas novelties as well as the household Lm,seh 5 C 9nd ft ft- Painter and Decorator cleaning equipment. Our business,, ACN* � LM10L Claremont, Ontario has alwaya been good is this dis- tract ani3 unless you are a hiRhl� - respected citizen with a car, dos i app] y for this position, Special eClearance ply you are this type of man ae, ply in person. to, Casa. R. Stoat, t .504, Colonial Bldg., 13 King 8t;. ; ^;�; assess West, Toronto. , :,�' Regular stock has been marked down-to lower prices for quick sale: Men's O'Coaiq. heavy blanket cloth, all -wool, half lined lsilk), 3- piece belt, reg. 17.50, for 12 95. Boys' O'Coate, full - lined, same as above, sizes 28 to 35, reg, 9.60 for 6.95 Men's Mackinaw's, extra heavy, all -wool blanket cloth, reg 8,50 for 8,25 9nga �ldackiaasa'ar-sania ae awe; reel :00 for 2:95 - - -- — Men's Heavy Shirts, military flannel, reg 1,25, for 95 cents Ken'@ Heavy Shirts, all wool flannel, reg 1,75, for 1..35 - Men's Work Pants, extra heavy, all -wO— - ag -4,0o For i- 95 anti -2-O -Call at' J. FINOOLD'S Phone 8 . -- , �L+AREIdONZ'.- ONTARIO Fa M C o o P .Z_� _ _ - - -- - - - -- _ = CLAREMONT Send Your' Dsits e b - Mail Agent for Ackerman's• Quality � y Harness. Ask the user. HOSE who find it more convenient to do their banking by mail, will find that the co- operative services of this Ban meet -all requirements. Write our nearest branch to-day and arrange to do your Minting by j snail. You will save the trouble of •frequent strips to town. Domnam RAW t ARM BRANM i a 1 EL PERRY, Manages BRWKLIN BRANCK •' F. A. BURT. 11ti'anaget: a Never Sell Grain on :a Dull Market W ��' not �ivv_ays_nav to sell - grain as soon as the threshing is : ? -finished . If you hays a good crop 1 and the market is depressed see the ; local manager of the Standard Bank l and arrange a loan -until a_ more a FIFTY favorable situation presents itself. ! YEARS r Oar manager is always glad;to -dis•` case each problems in confidence. STANDARD 'BANK OF CANADA , PICKERING BRANCH —W. F. Law, Manager Branches also at Brooklin, West Hill, Whitby STANDS FOR THE REST _c w ay 4' a _ - ,•�' 4 i Litter;'Carriers, Hay Oarriece, _ Pampa, Door Tracks, Cow Bowls. Pressure Systems Eta. >i It; will ;pay you to get my prkass on above- before b uying elsewhere. � K li ?. PROUSE rw', PICKERING.. • . -• UNTAltIO The Pickering vigilance- Committee The object of, this Association is bob T lessen stedlingg sad pzoseoute the felone. " Mead[± having properl�yy stolen oommani� oit+i imaiediaWy with pnyy member of Ermudvs 09mm166se. Membership fee t♦1.00. Tioiiets may be had from the President er , seoretery an application. Exsc. Com. —L. D. Banks, 0. S. Pahk; ' err, M. S. CEA0 an, Pickering. D. Munro `has. Rithardson.'' , Preetolent; Secretary ` �5 Pickering Leatb er u s re i -HARNESS Our supply of quality Harness and Parts is now complete. BOOTS -6REB SHOE We have a large stock of this Famel Boot- on hand—unbeatable1.1 for hard wear and tear, REPAIRING �, We maintain our established re uta• tion for repairing all )Finds of- harness and boots. CECIL BRADLEY Harness-maker f� PT(`RFRT-,'G, - ONTARIO , �a ' . ��:.,., ,,,.e.'._ ' .�..0 ..+tu•+�_ .1 r`,w ..: ._.,,.4••fei:o- <i -...' -,^ _:6.- <r�siA:....a.ai. -.w ,- •.��kx....ws .... .. �... . r�� �.wwws:..w'a•1' -. �!K.a. .:., :L _,w. yaa, -.�- - .. - � s5:..aYL��"1'ti a. ��: , r .d .. .. ... . _ w. _.. . _ x... _r.... � _.. +r PEATTY 4' a _ - ,•�' 4 i Litter;'Carriers, Hay Oarriece, _ Pampa, Door Tracks, Cow Bowls. Pressure Systems Eta. >i It; will ;pay you to get my prkass on above- before b uying elsewhere. � K li ?. PROUSE rw', PICKERING.. • . -• UNTAltIO The Pickering vigilance- Committee The object of, this Association is bob T lessen stedlingg sad pzoseoute the felone. " Mead[± having properl�yy stolen oommani� oit+i imaiediaWy with pnyy member of Ermudvs 09mm166se. Membership fee t♦1.00. Tioiiets may be had from the President er , seoretery an application. Exsc. Com. —L. D. Banks, 0. S. Pahk; ' err, M. S. CEA0 an, Pickering. D. Munro `has. Rithardson.'' , Preetolent; Secretary ` �5 Pickering Leatb er u s re i -HARNESS Our supply of quality Harness and Parts is now complete. BOOTS -6REB SHOE We have a large stock of this Famel Boot- on hand—unbeatable1.1 for hard wear and tear, REPAIRING �, We maintain our established re uta• tion for repairing all )Finds of- harness and boots. CECIL BRADLEY Harness-maker f� PT(`RFRT-,'G, - ONTARIO , �a ' . ��:.,., ,,,.e.'._ ' .�..0 ..+tu•+�_ .1 r`,w ..: ._.,,.4••fei:o- <i -...' -,^ _:6.- <r�siA:....a.ai. -.w ,- •.��kx....ws .... .. �... . r�� �.wwws:..w'a•1' -. �!K.a. .:., :L _,w. yaa, -.�- - .. - � s5:..aYL��"1'ti a. ��: , r .d .. .. ... . _ w. _.. . _ x... _r.... � _.. +r , �a ' . ��:.,., ,,,.e.'._ ' .�..0 ..+tu•+�_ .1 r`,w ..: ._.,,.4••fei:o- <i -...' -,^ _:6.- <r�siA:....a.ai. -.w ,- •.��kx....ws .... .. �... . r�� �.wwws:..w'a•1' -. �!K.a. .:., :L _,w. yaa, -.�- - .. - � s5:..aYL��"1'ti a. ��: , r .d .. .. ... . _ w. _.. . _ x... _r.... � _.. +r .7M 42F 1_1177 ar, e, 77 MM .5 -F 9"WFT---P -7 PRM, t3l 4.6 4V a dr -Train Sirlkc8 . Recovers mmory Drug-Smuggling Ring _ . ; Backing Yegs. ter �.argc'st- on, Continent Auto at. Port All LHUI Saillor Reported Dead -Quarter of Century Ago Turns Up .1illing. Peron s Smashed in"ontr Two ' cal -Fftnk Burgess, Triti N.8,, Jan. 2. QPPW*UtW about 55 years old, caul shelter at the .ponce station here to- P V71 had )ust re- Several Arrested in Montreal day. delartnig that be ICIMVISITING ol S WERE VISITING covered his-memory' &fter"a blank % FRIENDS. After' Several Mondil period that started about 80 years ago, Work, nK when what was believed to be his life 7 less body was carried adohore from a L Burgess ..P of Car Did Not See selling aMp at Gibraltar. the $20,000 WORTH OF DOPE said that while working alms In. Headlisht--illillought Track woods.. near here a few days ago he SEIZED BY OFFICERS. Clear. was struck by a failing tree and rei dered uncioluseiclus for some times When he recovered, he said; he was blind. After lying belpiless part 'of a Quest for Clues Led Into Port Arthur, Out., Jai 2.-Sbortly day boo recovered his sight and with it a result Many Cities of U.S. and "or m4lidin,161vt last ulgbt came his ms,42ory. an auto- colvalon. of a ,]:rain and Canada. Coincident with the return of his on the Conadisto National PA11- 0 year 'A road. between rthur between en Port period Intervening became hazy. He im now believes that his home was across - The biggest narcotic bort WiEft2n two are dead and an- Montreal. the Avon River from Rantspi and drug ring on the continent was smai biller all u0conscious this evening. -lifJois Carmen MaTtuarits that an aged mother is still living ed at a Vow, officials ll when Tte dead we 'OQttar, aged U, deal them His MelvAY-reCOVOred memory officers of the narcotic squad of the at Wfljam Cotter, 259 West Amel Street. recalls. he said, blawmkinl ship- Royal Canadian Mounted Police closed 0. r1ort WHIJam and Mrs. M-. Mai -of yard at HsOiUlPlorto of helPimig to Put in oniiiiiii of the men who are edlegel ,J43l Arthur. The letter's daughter, i3r. Wilfrid Grenfell me spare and sails on a now and to be major operatives. Dr. R. H. Preston saftin away in ber. Narcol valued at $25,000 whole- ,, 111" 3180; Ryan, IN in rot wilmam t Of Newboro, who died recently, for so Flamilous. medical missionary ot lAbirs, Dul the years of his wanderinlgis sale, and worth many tirnes the sumn t pospital with very severe Injuries, 0. J. Parker, of Fort W111lism, driver of doll one of those detained at New York up and down the seal of the world, at peddlers, prices, were seized. Otbei years r*Pre-rated I.,sel Clo this =---the car, who was bringing the other on - l arrival Ol the- Oly1n.%d-c of which he recalls vaguely Austraill arrests 'are expected to fo3ol provincial House, A brother, Hon. Dr. throl a strict enforcement of Amel and South American ports, Pb I R. Jr. 'Preston, Carleton Pleas, revzw ttkne to Port Arthur after visiting and the One of the men arrested, 'Jose -triends, in. rwit Wilililam, escaped with can banding regulations' Many Caste Atilando seaboard, Buirgess said he be- Farley, is thought by pi to be the"" Lanark county -in. the. federal House, dians anxious to got bo their homes lieved he had an instinctive desire to head of this far-flung organization of Is. few scratches. for Christmas were dehLyed on board return to his boyhood home and that The train, which hit the car, was a smugglers. Three of the otheirs are on, whirl. carried this the investigation, local paseenew backing up from Port the liner, and a protest, it Is said. 14 when the accident occurred which re- railwaymen, two of them being color- detectives into many ties on both .-Axtbilir to Fill William, and Parker being made in official quarters. -stored his memory, he had been work- ed porters on the Chicago-Montreal: sides MR cities sxV.,a!ns that the accident was caused Ing his way homeward. ' He recalled run, who, police beieve. acted as die- S, of the border. Montreal was crossing he expected that if he saw a being paid off In Boston last Septem- the headquarters of the ring, and to -by l fal that in looking up and tributors.' T�� am George Edwards' train it would be with an engine and ber-and being victimized by crooks on it the narcotics came from the Mari- 'Atil the track Wore att*rr,�il the and Sam Reed-, white their companion. time Provinces and the State 61 headlight,. The, lights which he prob- the wharf at Boston, where be intend- is Chi Galley, a trainman on the Maine, hidden in cars of laths and ably saw set cmt on the rear platform, ad tatting ship for Nova Scott&. Montrea,To-Toronto C.P.R. express. The other material. From Montreal the he did not reacli am of a train ml The man said he was about 15 years fifth man arrested is Fred Monaghan dope was distributed over the eon- Ing in his (Hrection, old when he first went to see- At St. Catharines Street West. tinent. Mr. Cowan stated that be We& of The auto was carried a considerable Gibraltar be me" a remarkable re- Except Edwards, who is charged arnazed at its extent distance before being tossed off into a col but his illness took away hl' with having drugs in his possession, mow bank from where the injured memory and he started his roving E:l are charged with Dons piracy to were extricated by occupants of other with no more background than 'the r ay smuggle and sell drugs, and with sell-, su bilve folaoi allow the road. name under which he was placed in ing drugs. Farley, Galley and Read 45,000 Cana&w Miss Cotter dJ4d shortly after real the hands of share, authorities were all heal user remand, and baill Ins St. Joseph's Hospital Port Arthur. From, toulli inside to-night by long was set at $25.000 for Monaghan and States, Back from sad Mrs. MaLliondled at 7 30 this morn" dintlanois telephone it was Umumad $10.000 for Edwarda. that Flank Burgess left Centre Bus- Edwards a-ad Reed. the two Pull Ifington, Hants County, about 25 years Figures Swell Total man porters, were arrested as they; Noverii6er ceases S stepped off their train T1 W on a eating ship and that his our%4ay morn- Since April by 3,286. Canada Exp ympathy mother, wto still lives there, was ad- Ing, the other three having been 'taken er son's death of yellow �,on Death of Mftdo vised of has viously in otherrts of the city. Qtt,w, Jan. 2.-Immigratlon to Owl fever at Gibraltar. shortly after. pre His •pa ada, for the 11 months of the calendar With the arrest oil the two porters, a Ottawa-An expression of profoand effects were sent home to her and he four-mil investigation by the R.C. year 1926, ended Nov. 30, amounted to sympathy. with the peop'.0 of Japan in had since been mourned as dead. The M.P., aided by Arnold C. Lachenauer, 130,569, according to the Department the death of Emperor Yoshihito was mother, who was a widow when her U.S. Internal Revenue officer, of De- of Immigration and Colonization. This -son left hosts and had since remarried .13-IM-tnerease of 61 per cet, over the extended on behalf of Canada by trot and .#:.E. Kmj4-sp6etal-cu-stouw Premier Mackenzie Y is now past 90 and is anxiously swait. me period' of 19U. when the total Jug Jn a letter officer for the Canadian Government, so Written to the Japanese Consul-Gen- tag the. arrival from Truro of the. man was brought to a successful culmina-, humtgrazim roan 80.9,04. oral at Ottawa The Prime Minister who ola"tcl be her son. -tion. For the mouth of November, 1924. Peness fhW_rei66f`Ved_ from the i1a, F. W. Col head of the Narcotics immigration to Canada was 7.721, ol Canada's olidest twin, passed away re- Cons ul-Goneril an acknowledgment Branch of the Dept. of Heal the sisting of 2,471 British. 1,311 from the VooW in his 94th year, while at his and appreciation of the message men Minister of which, Hon. Dr, J. H. Uutted States and 8.939 0rom other Omls residence. Torento. iby him. t Retd Merchants King, instituted the investigation, was ol The total Immiltration in emphatic In , his declarations of the November 1926 was 6,323. Canadians Who had gone to the Offcw size of the ring which bid been un- �JHE WEEK'S NIARKETS covered. Mr. Cowan directed a :arp, United States intending to onake th** 40 part of the Investigation. Iperm"ent homes there and who red Miller Answers Sad- "There was no bigger base on the � hm-ned to Canada in November, decl % TORONTO. i30c: cooked hams, 4 den Call at Toronto Home.' i intention of - now remaining #A 2c; sulked rolls, North American Continent,". he mild 'Ing their de Parman-eul LIU Canada, amount" to Idaini, wheat-No. X North. $1.44%; 2,5c; breakfast bacon, 82 to 35c; backa, -It has been the base of ha:f thi 2 North., $1.41%; No. Noi bone:e9s. 33 to 40c. Toronto, Jain. 2.- Witham C. Miller, for the continent for inilliny kilill "86. The total of such returned Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 Canadians since April 1, 1926,10 45,. �flm %. Secretary of Ontario Branch of the' Hundreds of ounces of d?ugs. were . Man. oati 2 Ci nominal; Nc.'bo 70 lbs., $22; 70 to 90 Ibis., $20.50; Retail Merchants! Association. died at smuggled across the border d.aity S12., L not quoted; No. 1 feed, 61%c; No. i 20 lbs. aril up, $21.34; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heivyweight hie home, 255 Doverclourit Road. yes- pc:ice believe. I'leed, nominal; Western, grain qui � rolls, ;88.64 per bbl. terdal morning, after a very brief ill =. The American and the Canadian The "magu,," ' a Mexican. tree; SUPP. ions, in cAf. pol Am own, track,- Toronto--- No. 2 Lard- -Pure tierces, 14% to 15%c; ness. Mr. Milky hal been at h1s of- Governments -co-operated under the plies- from its bark, a thread three 111itow, Sk I No. 3. % to 17c; floe on Friday and evening 5 strong as ordinary cotton. -yellow, 81c, tub,,, 11 to 1611c; pails, 16 8t- narcotic drug in the work of times a. All" Montreal freights, i Prints, 17% to 18c; shortening tierces, tended a dance Wtth his 'wits: On his -blage included. Braill per ton, $81.254 11% to 12c; tubf, ISV4 to 19%; l3afils, way home he had complained of Ill- - -iliblorts, pas ton, $8845; middlings, 12% to 13Y4c; blocks. 14% to 14%c. and retired tramoddiat r IBL N0.25; good food Your, par .65 to $7.50; his arrival . sit hie residence. Mr- Mill- 12. 0.1 Heavy export steers $6 117 0A INVIS E SEARCIMPUn"T Ri Ontarto, cost4i, 50c, ..b. ipping heavy steers, good, 46.25 to $6.50; points 5. er.had been suffering from an abscess 1buticbes steers, choice, $6.60 to $7.5 1.2s to do, fair to good, $5.'Z5 to $6.26- do of the stomach and, according to his .:TO -BE APPLIED TO MILITARY I TqE Ont. good milling whel 4.. .1.27 Lill shipping points, According com-, $4 to 415; butcher heifer's &icei` physiollan, lonetunonia, developed. The freights. $6.25 to $7; do, 'fair to good, $5.i�; end came at about 11,30 a-m, Fully Barley-Matting, l to 64c. to $01; do, com., $4 to 415; butcher colne.cjol until about three minutes London.-British military author- Buckwheat-. 76c, nominal. cowp, good to choice, $5 to $5.25; do, p•i,r to hIs death. Mr. Miker had ities.'are trying to -keep for ibilemselves V R N 2 90c. com. to med., $3 to' $4; do, canners aeked about � 0. 1 t tho result of the municipal the Invisible "searchlight ray" which flour -First t. $8, To- and cutters, $2.25 to $2.75: butcher p � pat., 176k. 1-bulls, good to chic i$4.25 to $5; do, -or do, could follow eremy-aircraft; -in fact i Ont. 'Sour-Toronto, 99 per cent., med., $3-.50 to $4; dc, bo k, $3.ro, With Mp. Miller's passing the retail any hostile military movements, while I* merchants of the Province suffer a il the enemy fondly Imagined h'rl ,1914ntill. poor barrel, In, carrots, Torou to to $8.85; baby beef, &156; "aboard in bulk, $5.65. feeders, choice. $5.50 'to $6.80; do, tinct lose, for, during the time he was unobserved. This ray'was the most ChOagell.-NOW. large, 20 to 210%c; fair, $5 to $5.25; stockers, choice, secretary of the association, about 15 surprising deve'opment of expei �$4.75 to $6; do, fair to med., $4 to years, he had been- a nroet efficient rnents with the new "televisor" 20% to 21c; triplets, 22o. sdi- in- se. td, large, 25c; twins. 26c; $4.60-1"milch cows, 170 to $85; spring- sxeeu.vo, am had d been largely M vented by John L. Baird, and design- 0:4 Stiltions, 28c. ol $90 to $120; pain to med. cows, iTta, 27c. sponsible for the billilding up..of- the ed to transmit radio portraits & Per-. latter-Finest creamery prints, 44 $45 to $65; calves, 'choice, $11.50 to 4U; No. 1 creamery, 48 to 44c; Na be 112.50; do, med., $7 to $10;. do, con.;, organization In Ontario, sQ.nl speaking on a wireless telephone., ler's credit stands much 2, 42 to 43c. Dairy Prints, 34 to 85c, .an grassers, $4 to $6; lambs, choice To Mr. Mig Baird tad. no special military idea 0: of the legislation which ha's' been ad- in mind when he sought to improve Eggs -Fresh extras, in cartons, 72 $10.50 to 811.50 • bucks, $7.50 to $8.5 to 73c; fresh extras, loose, 70c, fresh !sbeue, choice $4 to $6.60; de, heavies, vantageoi to the merchants in the his "televisor," but the military im- to $5; ao, ill $2.50 to $8; ho past few years. Rel he . of fiis._discov�ery wilill alipa�. firsts 68 to 65c; fresh seconds, 88 to $4. had been portai hogs,. x. 25 Zip .8 52 to 51 Storage thick smooth, fed and watered,* $11. locl fresh pulliets working ou a system filr 14-ceii Ped- ent' and 's, e pecial demonstration was AM-. J_ . do, 0 ; i: :: 7 A- *I I K: dQ. f^b.,-$lQ.75- coon- 111-1A bel Britilsh Aif Force and 186 to 37e: cars, 11' Bum In Edinburgh, Mr. Miller came Military offi Then- th inventol trT poi $10.5.0; do, off Pool dressied-Chickens, 5 lbs, select premium, per-hor, $2.20. ip, 86 to 38c;..do, 4 to 5 lbs.; 36 to Vill to Canalla'as a ycmng man, and until wil urgently directed'to keep his p -teen pi ago, when he joined cei pacrt so the,,i about fif -drous ray 49, 8 to A %ill 83 till do, 2 % to 8 % .. ' . I 31 to 88c; do, 2 to 2_% 11m, 30 to, MONTREAL. the. wieoclatto-ni, he had sucQessfully: not fail into the hands of rival powers. do spring squabi I to 1% lba., Oats-Can. west, No. 2, 77c; do, operated a grocery business In Toron- Like many other" inventions, over lbs., 80c; do, No. 8, 67%c. Flour, Man. spring to. Baird's ray,was discovered largely by to 5 2 to 4 lbs., 26c; wheat Pats,, d.o.-Man... spring- Solmo-ye�--iagcl- hi appointed- ace en e1nva`t6x-e_xpFained that s' 8 John L., Baird • !� seconds, $7.50; 1 do, strong Consul for Greece in Ontario and Ill in his i1rat demonstrations of tee- l3ri'llsh Inventor, who has davelolped•au c turkeys, 42 to 46c; wheat pal at ducklings, 5 lbs. -*Trd- up,- biLkerall, $7.80; do, winter puts, choice, *Was, Vice-00i for the sarl country for vision, it was necessary-for the peTson • Invisible ray by whirl Ja possible to 82c. $6.10 to $6' 15 Rolled oats, bag 90 all.Canall In Ill capacity he had being "transmitted" to sit before -an see In toW darkness. It was demon- Reans--Con. hand:-picked, $3.60 to lb!L, $8.45. Bran, $81.25. Shorts, 0. done much too further trade between intensely bril'iant light. strafed reil in London before 1s,9,0'bushsZ:'primo $38.25, Middlings, $40.25. TTny, S; $3.45 to $2.60. Maple. prod x;-tl - yrup, per imp 2 Dr ton, car lots, $14.50' the two countries. "Its intensity was so great, in fact, naval, mil4tary and air force offloei gat., 2.28 to Vi.V.; per gal., 42-5, 'rh Finest vests., 181A to, -as almost to b:tnd the sitter. -So, be -- to $2.25 per gal.; marge, sugar, lb., 25 18%c• Butter-No. 1, pasteurized, fore my televisor rould be feasible and after six months' work success "Ao 26C 4014 to 40%c. Igggsw--Storage extras, Id-beaded men are brainier than commercially it was essential that this :fj B.&I such success as I had hardly Honey-- 60 -1b. tins, 12-% to i4c; li 47e; stores* firsts, 44c; storage sill those Cailne-_ W. tins, 12% to Igo I 54b. tins, 11.4 to I-ands, 89 to 40c. fresh specials. 75c; with lulu rant hair, according enormously briXiant light should be anticipated," he added, "for it is now to a noted scientist, who b6iievies that dispensed with," he said. possible for ray 'televisor' to aes Is 2%-Ib tins. fnwh,extr", sac. .'8?=rb =ey_-#8.4Q Ui per doz. 1 Vol calves, $9 to oLi.P6; hogs, tte irrowth of hair ' absorbs a large,' Accordini he set himself to re- person sitting in total darkness got" M, quantity of energy. ducinj the brilliance of the lighting, ddstanoo away." moked meats -Rams, nw&, Is to $ILT5 to $111. #wit- A 40 V o. NATH .7 IS NOW HARY Ito Ex"rien ce of a Quebec 'bec Wo - nn ounce ;en- _ nian With Dr. -Williams, PiRk PiRS. i"I X Mrs. L. D. Bernier, 89''D;Arguillon Street, Quebec, is one of the thousands �0 ,f ..RED ROSE7 of women who,. when she found her health "iling, resorted at once to Dr. yv . . . . . . . . . . . . . W . IVdams' Pink Pills, and now ft ads hereelf in-verfecit health. Mrs 5er- sub- nd was unable to nler was very weak -Enusil jerA to headaches a Most sloop well. TesUmbula-15 in the news- %opera persuaded me to try Dr. Wil Pink Pills, and' the result has been -most satisfactory. I have re- when tea was fi have 'CENTURIES ago • Maimed m7 heaAh, the headaches have .-k-dt me; I sleep *,&Il at night,• and I 'have gaInsid, in weight. Naturally I introduced to the English Nob ISM feeling happy. .1 strongly reoOm- mend Dr. Willitanlis' Pink Pills to all ..,the precious leaves—the n almost pri 3, 1weak people." Mr. G. Ghaus for Try Dr.- Williams' Pink Pills packed in. sealed lead containers. 12230 A, rheuma;ttem, neuralgia, Der- rir&t sacretary of the Afghan legation —were pa Take them as a tonic if you! to Landon, who has received Permis- LWon-froTa the King of Afghanistan to we not In the best physical 006WItIO1171 uke- and' cuWvae a restistaace that will ', mwry Miss Violet Parish, daughter of For many generations lead toriffn ed to be d keep you well and strong. If you will Mr. A. Parish, Marylshoue. it is the send emed us I your name and address a lit• ft rst unJon Of the kind. as a protective package for all fine quality teas. Then •09 book, "Building Up. the Blood," wild the modem metal, Aluminum, was introduced. But • be mailed you prepaid. This little Recent Sayings of British paper bags and paper book 0on"s e In many useful health Folk. during war-time and later, hints. It has be-come a commonplace, but boxes were largely used and have held sway ever, You can get these Pills through any co true mmonplace, that fear and denier or by. mail at 50 cents a box a since. from The Dr. WN-liama' Medicine Co., suspicion are the great enemies of peace . -Viscount Cecil '13rockville, Ont. One of the moot striking facts about In our 30 years expenence putting up Red Rose this world of ours is thai so much of Tea we have used all these containers and each hen Salt of the Earth." it Is uncultivated, unproductive, unoc- .iie are the salt of the earth." said cupied.--General Bramwell Booth. some particular merit. the Master to his disciples, ii If we as private citizens in peace are common figure of speech to d---..-- as worthy As our soldiers were In war, ry their function In society. The primary I there are no problems we cannot solve, -ights of destiny to which we can- But careful tests over a long period prove 'that, Mission of Christianity is discharged I no he Aluminum is by far the best container that has vkhout noise. It works most ff ellmb.--S-tanley :61, Bruce, Prime YM :s Mrilater of Australia. 'tiveky when it is. Wowed to e4pre been found, and apex packages of every kind this of. the greatest ornaments of itself In its own way. Like true sak� One I poor contact with dampness doge not attract notice while It the British judicial system Is expedi- est. When wai►kes Its works. Men are Influenced tion. 'Nothing is so subversive of pub- which soon affects the qu of ofidence as what 'Shakespeare absorbs moisture by it most deeply when It comes upon lie co "the la:w's delay,-- Sir Ernest them unawares. working In them! called the tea, and in some instances completely " !through the silent energies of the Wild. spirit, found in devout and faithful 1 It is an extraordinary comment on *_!Men, from whom there issues the 'the intelligence of human beings that -Having found the paper jwkage unreliable and Jaya hold of all � a much larger population should be Italtzins power which lay who c=e in contact with them. So crowded into the streets and sqaare• uncertain,, we have again adopted the Aluminuni than Is to be Christianity grows and iipreed•, thane and slums of London package which we used years ago. For we know now, 7 000 square mHes forming men's lives, giving them new found within the 8,000- with joyous I coVered by Avatralla.-Harold Cox, that Aluminum can be better depended upon than ..Tisjona; and filling them be will! Our duties to posterity include paying energy In their obedience to t I any other. ... ... God, When Chrittlamse fall in the our way,. but also paying our dqbt to Of are not the part and the future by keeping to "at and spice of faith. they the treseuTes which we have in r Alumin U-m� 'does Merely ineffeetive� but become actual- - order whorls. berited.-Sir Flinders Petrie. Unlike pape 4y the DOUTCe Of MISC1146C. But a Lang is felt in it to in a great consolidated Proles er its vigor an Con -1 tatvt church that we alone can Meet not absorb moisture. It preserves Vis companions cannot Ignore It. - ,'!sot with those in whom It Operates I the onslaught of the various Influences AI., The at work undermining religion. -Lord 11 the original flavor and strength. T has " Inevitable influence. a Carson. :Times (London). A one-rntnute pause after the daily in th -,So now and, e future Red Row Resourceful. petition, "Forgive us our trespasses, —T. each r "How would'.y0i the as we sre. in the hahit . of forgiving -:-Tea will be packed -in the luminum e Jhsight of IL �erdDy means of a baro- those wbo trespass against us," would lead to a little more charity--l'It. Hon. meter!" n years _P "We J. 14. Whitley, M.P. ackage, as it was i g6rie Bright Boy"I' lower the barorne� Coriscientiotmess t.4 no trustworthy tee from the top of the tower, and then 7, guarantee of wisdom or Intelligence- ure the rope." tole" The Bishop of Durham. happy' only when fool A person who is There's no fool -like the young -fool. other people make him so strikes me % To • Estabr6oks Co.. wno tries to act like an old as a rather a ther miserable.specftnen of th nan race. -- Principal L. P. Jacks. 3&lmt John _."Winnipog d 'Toronto Calgary le nkonton riiate and Sleep. So-Will You Sleep Is largely a matter of climate, At the first sign of according to a new theory. In cold Cold. buy first dose 4bem two thinfil"- to.n 8 mankind needs -a lot of fatty relieves ths, cough butantly and 'end not too much sleep:. in the His 01fRoulty. daltubts the tante. Different from J Yea'_S� have --been guarding the woodl Classffied "V an oth- --- - tor Can Its. tropics, an - the zther hand, a lot of N gdi_ . , Flu C, Colds. Bronchitm Prevent jeep ad very little fat in the diet is "How many ribs have you, Jobunj?. buffalo and w�ho: are now responsibls� GRAMOPRONE. Pneumonia and all Throat for the the new arrivals, Indicate that bore Lung troubles. Sold everyw the beat rule," asked the teacher. Y4,E, FULL do money-refunded ruarassisse. buffalo shipped last summer have V ICTROLA Bf "I don't know, ma'am I'm so awful the INET, plays all records, 48 s0140 W. K. RoeklM Limited. A dentist is the only man who can tiokl%h I never cotill cOuat sem.-: wintered well -and are fu the best o ' f fog 142 Katuall M Toronto 2 tions automatic. Value $96-00 W.1 a *omah when to open aid shut condition. .'Quttie a number of calves, guaranteed. Poision, 840 ?40MA UCKL her mouth -and 'gei Tway with it. An acid stornach'caused by indigestion often were noticed this �yvsx with the but i Royal Cat, Montreal. 0 creates rheumatic symptom& Set your stomach fats which were sent trom Wainwrigh 911 x-rVAic right with Solsel's Syrup. Any drug store. I *Acts like a Adfh Sneezing?-Use Minard's Limirment. In ttauigns a single Wp plow It 0 10 th soaeful issue of this north- FurtShhment of Buffalo word fer of the plains tmilfalo. toNor& Minard's Llniment#-;-bvv� reliable. During the post summer the DeVe msn4 of the Into;jbr continued the x. a In HLIS i4ead. perimont of moving buffalo from the w Vald the School Inspector, national bard at *alnwright, Alth, to -the great 17,006 s4li"O miles Of 114, "site me a definition Olt SPOAS." OLD O"Mall AYIER tural feeding Irrounds known as Wood Mommy stood up; -flustered and red. ECZEMA REMEX 113ufflao Park near- Fort SMIth, North• "Please, air," be- stammer", "Ops" fto I west TeTTItoriee. Canadal• success in to where there is notbine. 1-1 vm't saving the buffalo from extinotion In explain It exactly. but I have In in MY for head all right, sir!" by the fact that the national shown 090crou!Sr We pirk near Watnwrifbt, LIP, proximately 16 miles long and 13 miles Socks worn by babies obouid. leaves, 0. V. Lag. Quit 143% wide. I# not large enough to provide accordtig to one cqmrt, a Oompart- P.C. Quit 143% prov� safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for. grazing to an LVOM96 0824*n f6f a fur� meat for the big toe, just as their the, r ta,=4goe in the bard. 14ov'ear !rave for the thumb. Escepting in 1L few particulars. the Frostbites, itis Lumbago C61ds Headache Neur movement ws*-earrii Out along the 'a. Ease the pain with Minard The animals, same line* as In 1926. Counteracts Inflammation, Toothache Rheumatism Pain were forwarded by mil to Waterways' A)r Non?er Neuralgi4 Nom soothes a.nd heals. -cow to "the bnloidingi. hence by a --a Slave •rlver a uT seven I planning NOT, AFFECT THE HEART, point on th South of Fitzgerald. tinr — DOES teen intlel ate�d P required to trans- Fight trips were requ th-e-T;485-V*4r11ngs, 493 two•yeAr ions. celklts or current t only S. Accept lVeT, asks e' old,, and 93 three-year old* selecteA, t consignment liett Wahi- XW140n XMWNW Guilk 00 OF PAIN and the ]as which contains proven directions St. '�44 Ad413101# St. Hand "Bayer" boxes of It tablets wright on August 16 reaching its des- Toronto. Ont. sy Th�s enti e A .pape Als6 Litles 24 and ioo--Druggists- tination a week later. out with only opemtlons were carried @g1ste"d to amsi") of Bay" usaluft'!tUle Of mmoseptle- Aspirin to the trade mark (r ta *eW*~ of SallcytiewAd fAeetYl I whne It Is well known a o0MVSr*tIvGlY few )Oars. Re-POT Wicylle Add, "A. 8. A."). usgsas )sayer manufacture, to applat tb* public against W14001015. the Tablets a wardena, who for some 1SSUF_ 2-2 Wt Aspirts Cal trade "k. the "mayor 0MRS." made by th of saw 0-pow Will be stamped wits tbolr SM4 "A W., :T Ire, 7.' xr - =Miss Minnie Bray, of Enniskillen --;Drf E. A Sadler Dentist, practit- L)O GA-L 18MEA6 S has been spending a few days with in in office Toronto, ;U be here in his in N . � . ' "- Pickering friends. ice on Thursday from 10 a. m. to —The E. R. Girls of St. -Paul's 5 p.m., as usual.* Greet .9s. - 2, —Jae. H. Lawrence, who has re- 'United church will hold their regular —Dr. H. T. Fallaise, Resident Dent- ;X; centiy returned from 'Saskatoon, monthly meeting at the home of 'Miss ist. Office over Balsdon's hardware S4sk-, to. spend a few weeks in 0 - Ethel y, on . . . . . . . . Bra Wednesday, Jan. 12th, store. Office hours, 9 to 6 daily and arlo, called on a number of Picker- at g p.nL evenings by Appointment.* Ing friends one day last week., --George H. Thurman, of Detroit, --tion- Pick The annual conven of spent Christmela with *John and Mrs. Jfaw Adverstsomwelesss• ring Town&iip Sabbath School As- Stephenaor4 And visiting his little sociation will be held in the United daugbter, Alice, who -resides with .thurch Altona, an Thursday Jan. her grand-parents. CUTTER FOR SALB—Good. second hand* Apply Gordon Law, Pickering. 18-IS See pl;gram in another column. —The regular montbay meeting of 4; —At —IU condition of Kim Borah Law St Ajulreves Ladies'. Ald Socierr. will ARGH BARN FOR,SALF, LscarborojZtion t lion. T.6.Pb*De Hillcres Friends and Custo Continues unchanged, although she is be held at the home of Mrs. Wi J. 414 Rushton to. 18-19 waiewhat weaker. While she is in a Clark on Wednesday afternoon To all our mers &7. -d— 02W very critical condition her friends Are 12th. at 3 O'cloc V goo attendance FORSAL17 Pict 9 young cattle phone Maly 'bapiLmr for her -ultimate recovery. Is requested. 607.a'FZ=, Highland P. 0. 15-18 -winter has been 0 of "WOR SALE —2 good HoloWin cows, 'We extend -the'' 7he weather this —A meetain f the Chamber `enty Wl *at could be denired. While it Coma'ne be A: obout a week; brood sow. nioHal Tuesday eVWAZW next, Jan-, due in six FR_41. Prin. the last month has been ideal 11th, at 8 o'clock, for the transaction' Phone Pick 1010. 18-19 winter weather. We hope it may con- of important buainiss. A full-attend- ISEASQN)S GREETINGS an" is requested. PIANO LESSONS—Miss Aldine —Mrs. l$urrell and son, Russell and Ward, Claremont is prepared to take a lim- -The ice at the rink-is now in ex- ited number of pupils on the piano, at 25 cts.r 'daughtir Mrs. Wyman and the hatter's —The condition and, weather permit- hall hour lesson. Phone W3. is a daughters, Lillian- and Dorothy, spent ting, will be open for skaters on Mon- WANTED—Ten to twenty acre New Years in Toronto with the for -' Wednesday and Saturday even- farm. with buildings for poultry and bee - and d"Cliter; Mrs. Thos. Douglas in s. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday �—Pi uld. bWrr with option of buy- e wg Ef ReWdodick, Ont. 18-19 and favnlly� nights will be reserved for hockey ins' apea until further —Rev. A. R. Sanderson will her notice, .._._-L3rAIR__DRES8 —on-Sunday inorning "' E"Juhv --the —At St. George's church next Sun- LJL emms, soaps, candies and auto. Can at the ;Prophet of Fire." Second sermon,. day, at lry .80 a2a. there will be a eel- Biaoty Parlor, for all kinds of Christ- mas bargains, Brougham, for Devitt. 15-18 EveniAg subject, Mr. Facing bothways ebration of the Holy Communion. r nIngs Evening service at 71i.m. Rev. D. B SALE—Choice 0. A. 0. Barred first of a series of Sunday eve FORoRck cockerels, hatched fr CQme and worship. ^11r Langfo;d will conduct both orn ng, ekering services. Also Wycives strain White Legborn.= Fred T. Bunti lei "YowW People's Union Friday -On Thursday, ilth, a meeting of F. M, Chap=—. Pickering. Phone 2328� 18-20 evening at 8 p.m., Mrs. H. MOnviey, the Paxish Executive will be held at tablished 1867. OR SALE- 100 -acre farm close to Vice-President in charge. Good pro- the home of Mr. Draper, at 8 P.M. &I Oshawa. lot 17. con. 5. East Whitby. F9" jp%mvne. fall —The school skating rink has been for quick sale. Sman payment down. at 140 Agnes Street. —W, J. Reid and daughter, Kiss put into first-class shape. On New if interestaff call Dons, of Whitby, spent a day last Years Day a large number of the wa. 1a 20 week with the fornfer's brother, W. young folks of the village and sur. SALE—Two good grade Dur- 4G. ham cows. one due Jan. loth. and the other and family. rounding country spent'ii. ifiost Jan. 22nd� A de-' l!t"at lot is, con. 3, Pickenn fitful -time in the invigaiating sport address R R 1, t Hill. 11-202! ��� —Mrs. H. A.--and daughter I' FOR j�V h phone Mark Helen, returned home on Monday af- 4e young people am looking for- Alfred Hamilton.- 18-19 AL ter spending a couple of weeks in Tor- ward to a pleasant winter in their ORONTO WET-WASH LAUN. onto with relatives. favorite Pastime. TDRY (Semi finish)—Let our driver Call and Your —Gordon Law has purchased from —Three Americans who were mot- name with Mr. S. W.) avis. barber shop. We .:pia :n our 24 hour vernce. just leave 'W. G. Ham the hatter's interest in oring throuth. the, village had a ra- will pick up and deliver 3 times a week. the blacksmith shop and wagon shop ther unpleasant experience on Sun- pith its equipment. day light, or rather about 3 o'clock VARM MACHINERY—Frost & JL Wood.Cocksbutt. Tudhope Anderson John —You can save money by clubbing on Monday morning. Their car ran Deere, Bissell, Gould. Sbapley I Muir, Fleury, _ -r kinsan Best pries. reaairiog Pickering News with the Toronto into� a ditch a short distinct east of wil - c F Also De Forest radios. W, sney. dailies, Farmers' Advocate, Montreal the village, where it decided to remain now, Greenwood. -7- law, and Youths' Companion.- until Mr. Spencer was summoned to FOR SALE—Now sloop sleighs 7 in eiglis at —W. G. and Mrs. Scott, of Clare- tow it to his garage for repairs. The JV facton7ynces : also all kinds of i C=p- -age mont and Geo. W. P. and Mrs. Every three travellers came, into the village of use an a farm. in fint-clase order. Ahto '1 at Whitby, were the guests of W. J. after trying to gain admittance to a Uuck scales and light scales. Highest peace paid X - ;�� poultry. hides. wool and junk. H. Herman. mid Mrs. Miller an New Years Day. number of houses without success, Stauffville Telephone 194. ISO —Mrs. McLean, of Cleveland, Ohio, they gained shelter and food at the in spending a few weeks with her Gordon House, after suffering much SALE—Oheap. all kinds of FwOuRgons. harwas and all kinds of farm im- lnlotbev, Mrs. Bedson, who has been from the cold. wagons. % sa —At the last regular in poor health during the past few meeting of g • -,weeks. Doric Lodge, A.F. & A.M., the fol. 9'bFH- 7b —The schools re-opened on Monday lowing officers were installed into To our many Customers i with a good attendance. and work Is their respective offices by Wor. Bro. L. BURNINGHAM :wv entered into with the slid- sum - Goo. W. P. Every, of Whitby. W.M. — mer examinations Building and General and Friend constantly before Bro. & winters; &W—Bro. G. COW- both teachers and pupils. ties; J.W,—Bro. G. Winer; Chap.— Costracting. —EL C. Jones Vent the holiday Estimates furnished on all classes W. Bra. W. F. Law; Treas.—W. Bro. A • with friends in Toronto. F_ A. Bunting; Sec'711ro. C. A. Ster. of work—Interior and Exterior. Thanks-' - For the hearty —Rev. J. S. and Kra. Ferguson' and itt; S.D.—Bro, W. - Mee; J.D,—Bro. Alterations and repairs. Mae Dorothy spent New Years with Thos. Annan • D of C•—W: Bro. U.S. Chimneys Built Concrete Work, --relatives in Aurora. Chapman; F. H. Westney; Co-operation during the —Mrs. and Miss Dale, of Toronto, S.S. —Bro. I. white; J.S.—Bro. I;L Phone Pickering 5712 iopent over the New Year with the Morrish; Tyler—Bro. Win. McKenna. { daughter, Mrs. Smith. Whet the ceremony - of installation , ONTARIO year and especially ly duri —Mrs. (Dr.) N. E. AcEwen and in- was concluded, several short addreseff font son, Forbes, Neil,'returned home were given after which refroshmayta Mars Perfect Produch _7 tithe Xmas Season. in Thursday last from Toronto. were served. _."Tbe township council Win meet --on Thursday-evening, jam Being agent for The Pedlar People, ople. I, Ion Monday next for organization and the annual installation ceremonies of saireopared to suTPI YOU With all -the transaction of general business. Ontario Lodge T.0.0-F., were conduct. kin steel. Lae. ludling Steel Shia- : . - Greetings- -4day the New —Arthur and Mrs. Boyes motored ed by D.D.G.M. Brother Gordon Bun,- glee. Oorro. Crimp and Como. Iron for to Port Perry on Sunday to visit ker and staff of 'Corinthian Lodge, rooting and siding; also Metal Call- ings and Walla, Metal G so etc. -0eir daughter, Mrs. Austin Franklin. Oshawa. The follovVin,g members - Year light your path to —Mr. and Mrs. Heron, of Brooldin were officielly installed into their res- Special spring terms after Jan. I spent Now Years with Jabez and MY& pective offices: J.P.D.—Bro. J. Barnes; am also prepared to do barn buildi aIr work. For prices Phone= 1g,reater Happiness and Hallett and with C. W. and Mrs. Pil- N.G.—Ifilo. C.- Bradley; V.G. —Bro. rep or write. Bennett; R. S.—Bro. J. Richardson; LEVI NORTON. Treaa-- 15.19 —F. E. and Mrs. Law, of Toronto, F. SBro- Gordon Found Claremont R. R. 1. F�rosperitya -Mrs. A. law and Mrs, J. Law spent Bro. W. John Clark; War.—Bro• New Years Day with Gordon and Mrs. Mutch; Con• —Bro. L D. Banks; O. G. Law. J. Re PARRY —Bro. A. Mark; I-GBro. J. S. Bals-- —Um (Riv.) J. S. Ferguson and don; R.S.N.G.t—Bro. G. Law; LS.N.. BOOT-MAKICK Asughter, Dorothy, have been spend- G.—Bro. F. Prouse, p_&V.a...;_Bro. C. "CIA ELEMONT, ONT. iag a walk with relatives in Peter- Pakey: L&V.G.—C. F_ Sterritt: R.- R.-S,—Bra. R. Balsdon; ".S_ Bra. born. :A —Mrs. Frank Tacker wW two sons, I. Saunders; chap.—Bro. John All who desire to got their Boots George and Alfred, of Toronto, spent enson. Following the installation- an and Harness repaired at a big rt Friday last with C. A. and-Kra. Ster.; bow or so was � spent in sposclies and reduction, call at the ritt. social intercourse after which all re- above address. While YOU —Dr. Robert McQuay and family, paired to Money's parlors where re- All work done wait -of Toronto, spent the holiday hem freshments were served. and guaranteed. the formeles Aunt Mrs. W. D. PARRY —Harry Arnold has purchased the IN MEMORIAM. J. farm belonging to the Robert Tom's TIMRittx—In over loving memory of estate, which adjoins 'his piesent Hannah L.. beloved wife of Geo. H. farm. Mr. Arnold intends to go ex- Thurman. who passed away isnu' AUTNOIKFT ��" tensWely into the raising of sheep, of ary 2nd, IM.- M si s) ., CH'� PMAN __wbich he has already- over one thous- Life's labor done. WEBSUWS and head. Serenely to her final rest the passed, NEW INTERNATIONAL —The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- While the soft memories of her per will be administered in St. And- virtues yet the orb has set. morning service. Preparatory services —THE IAERRIAM VVESOTTR Yew's church; next Sunday at Livaer lite sunlight bues when DICTIONARY 11114 _VT that bright o will be conducted this (Thursday) --�—Husbnnd, daughter. father, CENTRAL". ARAGE evening at' 8 <cloA in the Sunday mother, brothers and sisters. Bwausi school room. Hundreds of Supreme Couti Telephone 4900 Paul's church is putting on . a Courts —lb loving memory of our judges concur in highest praise Social Evening next Tuesday at 8 p.m dear wife and mother, Martha Ann of the work as their A=. under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Courts, who fell asleep at Clare. •1he Presidents of all lesdirig Uni. mont, Jan. 4th, 1922. and Official board. Pefre4ments; win versities, ColleM and Normal be served. A good programme will be Hers ww a nature you couldn't help Schoch give dick hearty Wone, given, and games. For all who Attend loying, "left 'A Auto Repairs, Accessories, Oils and the church. The Audley church folk heaft that was purer than giold. All States that have adopted a are also invited. A good time Jor all. To those who knew her and Loved her, large dictionary as m"dard have Her memory will never grow old. selicted Websues New Interns- —A neck-tie Parlor social under Gasoline, Acetylene Welding, usband. Lillian donal. rew*s Ladies' Aid will be hold an the evening of Tuesday next, Jm lith, at the house of Afro. JAM. Murkar. A mental music, readings, recitations will be given. Everybody 'welcome. Silver ealktiom —Don't forget to renew your sub - scription to your local paper, and when renewing remember to remit th% amount of the subscription. Thia in the most important part from the publisher's standpoint, as it is some- thinr that is absolutely necessary in i�bflshing a paper.' If you are in arrears begin •the year right by hav- ing a clean sheet with tl* printer. 11-1 _z CARD OF irHANK& I wish to take this opportunity of thLrAdng the electors of the Town- ship of Pickering for the confident imposed upon me by electing we by acclamation to the position ad reeve. I will endeavor to the best of my ability to merit this confidence and at all times will do all in my powetto further the interests of the township. Wishing all a Happy and Prosper- ous Year. I am, • Yours faithfully, G. M. FOUTTH. adhere to the Merriam-Webow CYWAM of diacritical marks. ITW- 00vernment Pri-n—ting-g-offici at Washington uses it als awhow WRITE for a sample Pass of the Nets Wads, @Pedft4ft Of PACOW sad lade Papers FM ILAC. -Battery Charging 4W X. 70t C&M. -CHARLES Proprietor, 4 Be 'SPENCER __ y Pickering