HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1926_12_24T E% 1:7 Sf^'+". .. . . ..... ��, 'Z 7 4 RMA "VOL. XLV1. -1926 No. [a PICKERING, ONT., F ----Yl DEC. 241 101"famotmal. garb*. OUNDARTON. CLAREMON7. -7 Next Sunday at the Community Skating on Christmas -and N Saw Min "a 13&*ot New GREENWOOD ',?4 - Hall, at 3 p.m., there will be the Years nights, also every Tuesday and special Christmas celebration of th� Saturday nights throughout the win- $. FORwTTEL OPL D.. Director JL.Vap . .. -1 � Holy Communion. ' Christmas musk ters good ice, band in attendance. - 4.0metrical Amodatioco(O Is Member of the Amerkm OptolattelcTa Ontario. Reg. Rev. D. B. Langford will-tifficiate and AssotiHILLS'" I_KARR_ Eyes examined by appointment. preach. 401400L R111PORT8 *toaaefeob Claremont. Out. Fruit Baskets of all 6script' The following is the report of S.S. Established ISM O. McKINNON, M.D., r.R.C.S.. ions, GREEN RIVER. No. 4E. Names are n order of samba to bar of lbs at including qt. boxes, pt. boxise, *1 lute -S.S. merit: IV Class --Leonard Barrett, 'Headquart owe mad a The following is the report of ers of a Mary Anstey, Jack Ansley, Sr. III Crates and Baskets at No. 11 (Green River). Names are in ")rant, Thomas Arnold,.,Jr. -Ernest Br of merit. Jr. IV Class -Thelma, as sae rssldaaa, order ss lowest prices. III -Lloyd Andrews, Reginald Bryant Harniman, June White, Alfred Harn- Shaping and Turning. ice, Neil Postill. Sr. III Class--Aud- Jack: Annan. Sr. 11 -Ivan Barret. OR �'FEED, -*Q rey Plaxton, Sandy Winchester, Jean Jr. II -'La Rene Barrett, Ada Arnold. B. CHRISTIAN, B&rriaber and Kiddie Kars, Sleighs, Office Stools Malcolm, Thomas Schofield, Alfred- Jr. I -Betty Arnold, Doris Bryant, e Itor No -CORN --Lor -A Money to whole or ground House. Whitby. 281y Olive McNabney, Clarence Crawford. --OATS oaa. South *,,g=blic Etc. -Salt •For Sale 7 Bielby. Jr. III Class -Lorraine Taine Harni Primer -Alice Thurman, Mary Neale, man, Ross Turner, Gladys Bielby, G BROWNING. K. C.. Barrio- Edythe Williams, Jennie Lightbody, Llewellyn Crawford, Harold Barlow, BARLEY FEED CHAS. A. WHITE. &S IV, Solicitor, Notary-ublic. Annex' Blk., BRAN ' IMS&;iiatelt Of Po" Office. Dundas Street, Iva Postill,.Harold White. Jr. II Class M. Thompson - SHORTS y Phone age. Office P bone 392. guecemir to late G. Barnes --Chrissie Milne, Ida Ormetod, Arch- -SCRATCH FEED Phone OW or write Locuat Hill. Ont. ie White, Bobbie Malcolm, Donald .7 BROOKLIN -nBATON & OSS -Barristers. So. for poultry JL-Plicitors, Northern ortari* Building, 330 Williams, Rohs -Carter. Those pro- A -,,v�edding of unusual interest took CR &CKED CORN mated from the Jr. I Class to Sr. I Class -Dorothy Nelson, Doris Smith, place at the Parsonage on Wednes- for poultry Adelaide 7767 day evening, December 1st, when Rev. J.Cecil Potill,, Hughie Lightbody, Lois I have *,car of Cereal Feed- which T�IOHARCSON PICKERING- He Turner, Aubrey Smith, Jack Blelby, J. R. Fraser, of Dunbarton United lconsider the beet value for .11-tBarriatem solicitors etc.. 213-214 Cooled- FU490ral Director Robert John V4ndsor. . Those pro- Church, was married to Mrs. Harriet feed I have seen for a -long B uldlziit, -met __C Yonge and Rich- Eddy, of Brooklin. Mr. Fraser was Sts..Torobto. Phones Main im and Main and mated from "A" Class to Jr. Primer pastor of the United (Presbyterian) time. It Will pay Pickering Office Open Monday and Wed- -Mildred White, Billie Harmiman Des" and all day Satutday, including L4c4n"d Emba4stsor to try it. Church of Brooklin and Columbus Pi Mary Malcolm Leo Hagerman. L K. sa=`y Phone o6w. 8tf MOTOR HEARSE Mackey,. teacher. previous to July 1st last, when he WHEAT and BARLEY Wants was transferred to Dunbarton. Mrs. .0% CLAREMONT$ Out Chopping Mondays Widnes - 4 WHITEVALE. Eddy has long been prominent in the Phone 924 R. D. C. Smith. Dentist, Stauff. musical life of the community, having da D ter Evangelistic Band been organist irf both the Methodist Ville, Honor Graduate of Chicago and T yo and Friae, The McMaster very interesting and in- and Presbyterian Church in the vil- -cQnducted-two v United C _Sbee_ es Aon vn '�N structive .services m connect age, an ifi Church since' _;re.-- ---- .''...-BLAKE B. 261y Roofing Material I the Whitevale Baptist Sunday school the union on July 1st. Both Rev. and BEATON. D. D. 15.. anniversary-, 'The singing by - the Mrs. Fraser have a very wide circle G Col of Dental quartette was a striking feature. The of friends who wish them every hap - over '101 the Royal of Toronto. a Gonfectic omca 5 x British Columbia Shingles addresses were bright and . instruct- pindss in their new Whitby, _home. 0 A L GE- how. 9 to 12; 1 ta, 6. a x tive. P- ad) pbone 2".• No. 2 8 and 5z The Whitevale Baptist Sunday Come and Pee how to get thin at 40 J N. DALES. L� D. S.. D. D, S.. School will hold their annual Christ- at Whitevale Baptist Graduate of Royal ColiNt af Dental Sur. Rood supply of Hard and Soft mas tree and entertainment on the Church, Dec.D25th. i scop. and the Univerwy of Toronto Orke L. ;. above D A. Scott's store. Claremant. oat. TORONTO ASPHALT evening of Saturday, Dec. g5th, Coal oil hand. ' Also a supply Mace hours. 9 a w. to s p. = . sat : D a. ROOFING (Christmas night), beginning at 8.00 WHITIVALL of Kindling Wood, 0. to I P m. Phone Clare 1405. or %4r, Murray's 18 in.. 82 in. and So inch o'clock. The program will oonsist of -e. is stove length. FALLA 18F, L D S.. widths, 4 its I Shingles -, also choruses, recitations, readings, solos, Our beautiful new brill now 1JERBERT T D D. S Graduate oft he Royal CaUte, ofMetal motion song%' dialogues, drills, vocal proving its usefulness, especially so 12tf Phone Pick. 1709. tel Surgeons and the University of Tomato Valley and .- the for motorists. arabQve J S and piano duets, etc. One of Balledon's awe. FUltering. Ont Ridge Poll. hours 9 a W. to 3 P, W., or by ajr-t- special features of the even;ng will Geo. Hamlin was'journeying to the DONALD MUNRO, PICKEKIN% 4 Pbone Pick 3700. 7 or will give Price 013 be a dialogue entitled "Thin arid Material city with a load of cattle, and was finished job. Fohy", given by the young p6ople. unfortunate in breaking a rear axle. Admission, 25 cents; children 15 George says only a little drop in beef: Revale cents. Newton Robinson, of Swan River, KI:!ZABRTH RICHARDSON-slit. • PIC��G emor to �he late W. V. Rwiardwn. ftpre, Man., is spending some holidays with = -an" Campania of Old Bachelors. now is your chance his uncle and aunt. W. H. Major and lmwz Mrs I Ile .service Garage standing LUMEAR YARD at the Whitevale Baptist Mrs. Whitson. Newton is always wel. 34ti come in our community. Motor overhauling, top and side cult POST11.4 Lken"d Auctionew. Church, Dec. 25th. tain mpairl JF FCanaan me Iraft a" fts"'In, Every one enj6yed the Institute of all US& asseew ft 00 @&Mtn* NROCK ROAD. meeting last Wednesday at the home -_--Battery I- An*. 4d- Q_ft ntvw P. o.. out, 44LIm! . Look Ahead, -Jor. and overhauling of Mrs. W. S. Ma The paper giv- All work guaranteed. Plat rat* 2-2ZATON TOWN CLPAR The concert at the school was a en'by Mrs. Ratcliffe on "The Le9gue 'Dr Gen-ramess, onnessissimsertm "kag Bay -your now Furnace mow or decided success. of Nations," showed a great amount service charge ha da Aaww"I. Ms. Blow an in" have your old one repaired Mrs. T. A.'Knox is slightly indis- of research and thought. Mrs, Pass- Pbrove 5610 Mark. CtntrsJ. im bm loom ON 19serAses LAS. ready for the winter, Posed at the present time. 1-9 p O"EL more gave some piano solos which Ask as about the appreciated as were also other James Storey, of Torohto, is visit- were We L W M. MAW, LIURNSED AU rjw a 0- :E c ij i t the home of Win. Taylor. items on the program. These meet- TIONREAr Ywt. QDtarw I k! a and, the young people here have creat- in gs are becoming increasin Cifteties. All of sans attended You cannot do -better. fly popu- ft. Tom* r"sonabla. 6 0, - ed a nice rink here on the pond. tar. as and lades : M.' Or if its a Range, let no supply Wafer Jackson, of Toronto. Univer- by. Out. By si Coal aM Feed you with a -Good Cheer." ty i ' s home for his Christmas vacs- AUDL EY 15 2F You will be satisfied tion. MINING 11A John Neal, formerly of Claremont, Remember the school meeting n Plumbing, EavOtroughing, repair ext ` work.of every kind, all has moved in James Farley's house Wedne.sday. Wet. 4'r and sell. furnish quotations F. A. REESOR,, &ad information on all Listed and guaranteed. bele. Mrs. Fowlie is visiting her daughter A good deputation from here at- Mrs. Puckrin. Unlisted Mining Stocks. Hardware of all kinds. tended the concert at Brougham on The the XJ00 0 93rM Christmas concert in We will be pleased to advise what Phone 4M. Tuesday evening. school on Wednesday evening was Mocks to book to hold. or The quarantine has been raised one of the beet ever given here. The who; stock to sell. ALVIN BUISHBY from the Ackford home and all the teacher Miss GLOP, had prepared the Nut and Stove Coal nts making money by patients have recovered. Pupils in many drills and songs. following our advice. PICKERING F. R. and Mrs. Jackson, of Toronto Richard Winter. acted as Santa Claus _and Coke, also Qac i=9 SZPM4�nce in mining, ex• are spending Christmas: here with and many Presents* were distributed • hauling over * period of twenty. W. H. and Mn.Jackson. from a very large tree. Several allows a" to feature sound advice DO YOU WANT All. Kinds of Feeed- speeches by ratepayers and a gen- ct's investment of amine eral gifts your house heated for half of candies by the trustees or We speculative feature of a pros. ma the cost of coal ? de all the children happy. C Poetive mining venture. Mrs. Littlejohn has. been in poor s Appropriate , Christmas ' service emei SOLLOWAY. MILLS a Co. If go, -notal one of siant as health for some time. were held in our church on Sun . day [it, Lumber, thq In a Members of Rt&ndard . We are' pleased to learn that Oil Burners in your range, or afternoon last. - Rev. A. R. Sanderson 7. jo ange. Mrs. Norton Miller is improving in stock Exch an International Oil Burner preached a very excellent sermon Members of the Montreal to yonr furnace. health. which was much appreciate Mining Exchange. !vei d by Termii A number of our residents are ryone Lpresent. Next Sunday be- 4Mos and Board Room, Ground Floor, -Oall and see them. spending their Christmas with friends ing the last Sunday of the veal, we Metropolitan L Building, in the city. hope to see a larger congregation ','-Strictly Cash W. J. GORDOPPS, Mrs. C. Wannop has gone to Tok- ­TORONTO. ONTARIO' present when we expect Mr. Sander- _Phonea: Adelaide 6371 and art Church Street. 'o to to reside for a time, Cliff.haiv- 'Agents Wanted 281y Pickering71 son will speak further on the Christ- iiig secured employment there. - h 'mas subject. Charles Brignall - sang Santa was certainly pleased with a YOUTSE SURPRIS40 r1MZ TABLE -Pickering Station solo which was much enjoyed, and the greeting he received from the - T. R. Trains going East ins as follow r which added much to the effectiveness Befo M. friends at Brougham last Saturday of the service. 8t, tile sxceptionol value in V -28 Lom 12.59 P. M. A, re No. 10 ld" 7.58 A M. evening. Xmas Gifts on display 30 'Local 6.25 P. X The _W.M.S. meeting was not, held DUNBARTON. at the the Old Year OOMOS to a last Thursday at Mrs. Johnston I s 11S unday-train, 8.38 A. M. 7 - MiAiz TAnille Brander is, the guest of.,;New"Drug Store..,--. olle, we tabs this op- T,,,.,. going west due as follow$._ so few attended on account of the -Tortunity of -thanking No. 29 L6"l 9.22 A. M. very severe weather. ki-cs, Emma Cowan this week. Many of our little. folks have been We are sorry to 'report the illness. Children's Ganie@, Toys and - 27 Local 2.44 P. M. 9,11 our, friends for their 9 mail indisposed during the past week. We of D. E. and Mrs. Schwalm, and hope Books at half price. 9.21 P. M. patronage. Sioday train, 7.42 P. M. hope that all may be aisle to attend for their speedy recovery. Foregoing is according to Standard the big concert on Tuesday night. Next Sunday morning the Christmas%For Ladies: Only a fdw more days until Christ- service will be led by a young people's Stationery, Candy, Perfumes, tisne. It -Powders, - Dishes Etc. mas will be here. Shopping is the choir. Everybody welcome' order of the ay. Full supply of sand- The collection in the United church We extend 'nid6t IL : For Men Rif 9, nuts, fresh fruits, oranges, grapes Sabbath school on Sunday morning, JS ie '05 ELM DALE etc., Dec,26th, will b at The Store. d of Miss Mel Tobaccoes.' Cigars, Cigarettes THE PICKERING e In ai N EWS 101% 00111"s 79-taisals usentl"s "w1ax 4ma-tiaN." Mid ebaftell oz hearty dood w1shesi Eli Willson and wife, of Swift Cur- lick's Orphan Rome. A liberal Pfpsx. shaving Supplies Etc. for a rent, Sask., called to see Ed. Willson offering is asked for. and family a few days ago. . Several The young people's meeting on Appropriate Gifts of good quality. - years have elapsed since Mr. Willson Monday evening w well attended. at reasonable prices. Jay For Pastry use Mer Christmas resided in these parts. The debate on the subject "Resolved t It will be worth your while A Missionary program will be can- that the Automobile is more injur- and a us th come d a" these wonder Our Royal Brand ducted by Miss Roberta Phillips on ious than beneficial" was well band- fa! values mud be-mn- bulladay -n-e-k-t-7ait the BrouLglia�me negative winning. 'r . 'Jauppy Itrzi sterrittA. Furniture 1)"Ier and Funeral Director Phone 1300 Pigkerina, Ontario W at your Grocer's. Farmers who have wheat get your iffour.made from your own wheat. 4 We can grind -it. Feed of all kinds -Chicken Ifeed• hen feed, chop, millfeed. Chopping every week -day. Union Sunday School. Will all the teachers please bring their Mission- ary money. The Women's Institute at Mrs. Bayle's on Tuesday afternoon of last week had a fair attendance and a most interesting and Pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Roll Call. "Thoughts that helped" was answer- ed by many quotations helpful inspir- ing, while Mrs. Miller contributed the beautiful solo,' My Task" and' Mrs. Carl Devitt instrumental music. Following an operation the death vinced that you get occurred on Monday, Dee. 20th, In St Value for your m4on IJoseph'i Hospital, Toronto, ,of Joseph Quality Hackett, of the Rouge Hill.- Courteous Service. eral too place on Wedn 7 ­aft. noon to Norway C erne Prom One night recently some ill-disposed person cut the hose of A. Burnett'.E. C. Jon'es', Phm. 13. gas tank at Dew -Drop Inn, and stole a quantity of gas. Walton Annis 'Druggist and Dispensing and Allison Bros. also had robes, Chemist. spare tire and tools stolen from their garages.. PICKERING, ONTARS *.`i•C•;;.^1y�,ef.'R,^--,4 fk�CCTA' S-P'"�'+`'a f'"�''�.r'$'�'�;»."3X;4;' • j E""rr:: ;', R Tau" : ''�°''�'"�'C ,,,'a'a�••y,-5.?iv iy s. u•. .vw}„e.r .s�Yd..,;..n;a•"•C,..,.:�..»;,* rt.,,.,is'•+aC'ar ��pp'"M!*L" r. .'7w .r. .,r; ! w•.xnr4•+�u's. •.•a $+ rn y .r..'^vx a.�4l�F: a u -�•d'r. x.i+.. Amin �tgmvq>d+,ir..m?, "g.'r �: TO �j .J” 727. a +a s•.y. s �•f.'; ::... ......-iq,+ `+i,°r .e'.. +rT'„ � �+-'- -. .+w ,+, vr. �. ,,.. w;., ...... ..: rr .„ y' y r• u^" »t'q 6 A u, 2�• •'�':,,,,,G. ',i_ •s ,5+.�•' .s 'w -,� .7j x": �ir,a �. ....._, r 'nr'; 't,� Jd *� I -a : _ i `J — A ride in our sedan -chair. I heard 8faaosr (sem DMand Daniel express a desire to see the blooming, and they can go and carry q. s; jtheir schildren._ _ --- matar's " BY JEANNIE PZNDrEETO1*i: H*]6- r. ' -$Y FRED_,1dY80N CQL_BY. _ `�.� "I will go, too," said the knight. The children will need to s.eeg some- The little Jt sus dropped the glistening To Dade the beast," saith he, "vrlth y Dobson were twenty-fifth Nicholas and Merger was New Yi ar Day,:where, and my father's half-sister will thingq things so rare. ,'�e '. t►u English .lad and lassie,, who lived until William the Norman's t mP. ills be glad to welcome them. But I prom- (The place atnelled sweet of !rank- When 1 our. Sonling need that in-,, in a great old hones at Amersham, in coronation happened to occur on Janu-1 Ise you they shall see no blooming." mites' s first and as it was considered an incense and myrrh), Dense there?" Buckinghamshire, not many ry ��� Nevertheless the children persisted " "`' had Important event,-theireal`�sa-oTneresr* r from Windsor Castle, which they in going. So, on the afternoon of to her. Where were the gifts those three once visited, and where they had seen to commence on that day. But it soon twenty-fourth, Sir Jasper, mounted on 11: seethed so very strange! "' sharp, crowded years "the diminutive; consequential King grew out of - fashion, and for four hun- his bay steed, waited at the gate of the j Like any other baby's.were the rings 'Twixt wilderness and Calvary? .George II., wbo'waa'then ruling Eng -;dyed. years we' have begun the year, mansion, where the two stout serving- with the twenty-fifth of March. Now 8' • Of soft damp hair upon his tiny head, Mayh'sp land. I suppose it is to begin on the tlret of i men, Simon and Daniel, stood with the And yet—those Three, the stately His mother kept them; sometimes The hoose had been built in Queen ppo� gaily -painted family, sedan -chair be- camel -tread, I would unwrap - January again:" The Star that did not chalige3 "The covering and behold Elisabeth's time and its vast rooms, , „ tween them. "And a fine mesa it will make, said present! the little le came run- The we11 saved treasures throu h �`" antique stairways and pl•oje&ing'the clothier. "Our whole realm aril! y people g � ` gables gave visible proof of age and Hing down the steps, Nicholas dressed She hid the MagL gifts half tenderly, lonesome tears: 1 " faded grandeur. It is true these were be in confusion, for no one will know, in a smart wasitcoat, silken small- I Half jealously, for Joseph in die- The little censer, deftly wrought and " a` hen the church days come due, and somewhat disguised by the new coat? are ea likely to lees Christmas I clothes, silver knee -buckles and a tress a! paint and the stylish furniture of y „ p j cocked hat, and little Margery gay in I Groaned of.their_sp:endnr and their Worthy a prince,, delightsome, to a� the period, which the present owner Fongas y may a flounced and furbelowed crimson uselessness shirr!, had provided, but the mansion OwO W. "There will be no contusion only for: petticoat, scarlet stockings, and her And would have proffered them The myrrh, the yellow goad. r '::not altogether relinquish its claim to this year, father," returned the dame,, mother's jeweled necklace sparkling' Back to the givers, could such rude- an honorable antiquity. `When we start with the firs: of Janu- upon her bosom. ary all right, things will go on smooth- They were in 6 merry mood, and I nes's be. Where now? Were they caught beav� One of its most diatingnlshing char- ly enough. i But they were gone; the rested cam- enward, glowing, hung, a` Sorel know, but it looks bad once fairly upon the way, borne easily els s ed As was the Holy Grail that none y acteriatica was its turret of indisput- I p able Tudor was iteeture, from the roof y you l along by the stout servitors, with Sir + Busily ,eastward now, and rumor said might see r ,; t :• ; . to me all the same. But there is Jasper riding gravely beside them, Not by Jerusalem. Except the knight -.of stain5ess purer, of which Nicholas and Margery, as Thomas, the butler, to call us to sup- they felt as proud as young cover- ty they watched the sunset, could catch so mistress, we will let the mat- 1 ? a gleam of Great Hampden, the seat �' signs• The warning came, ."To Egypt l" and No matter! Fat away ter rest." "I am Queen Elizabeth going to within The winds of centuries the shards, 5 of the patriot, John Hampden, far up Nicholas kept his birthday, despite) Kenilworth, and you are Lord Leices- ' among the Chiltern Hills, the change in the calendar, and he had; ter," said Margery, trying to look very H� simple bundle Mary.stowed the have flung. ' The elder 'Dobson was a well-to-do his oyster patties aiso, which like a I „ gifts . Of larger trophies, but thew; centuries _fie , dignified. Mothers Cousin; Jasper is (They scented it like apple -blossom keep most of his class, hs was a busy, prat- ry�of--the guard. drifts. The Magi -thought, and while the CBe. r No further allusion was made in task «But didn't Queen Elizabeth ride in -'In May), but Joseph frowned sacs sleep tical man of business, far more fa- Dobson household to the introduction a coach?" asked Nicholas, who, for a ds "I fear it is a menace, half a sin, Our hearts grv0_gifts to -day. an- the with the rise and fall of goo of the Gregorian reckoning until the ,wonder, was nearly as well versed in in' the I.ondan market and the latest twenty-third of December. by the new I English history as his sister. The little folks looked around with ;(f rut of coats and waistcoats than with l We'll imagine this is a coach, said CilristZIlas lIl Aiden Time. s style. On the evening of this day, .. , ., ' political intrigues or scientific m- which would' have been the twelfth day some apprehension, but a Cousin heir � the girl. "It to much more comfort- per appeared, and to add to their Sir Walter Scott was known far �i�ons b the old way of reckoning, the Dob- able, and rhe not much slower," 4 y y pe Ps trouble, neither Simon nor Daniel and wide as a poet Song before he won s One September night, as the boy sons had a visitor to tea. It was the "I would rather ride a horse, like i could be found. They did not know fame as a novelist. The following IS a and girl eat in a eoxner of the grand stress' cousin, the knight, Cousin Jasper,"said Nicholas. "I would " ": �`- sitting -room, the clothier entered with , which way to go, and so they did the are taken from Marmon — ` a flown on his haus! cheery face. he "Well, generous �,roslice o! capon for play the knight them, and you should best thing they could do—got into the Heap on more wood! the wind is chill; caked as he Sir Jasper," said the host, as : .a be a distressed damsel that 1 had . " ,Do you know what Parliament has elan chair, closed the door, and sank But bet it whistle as it will, been dol mother?" he his guest, "when do you keep Christ- I rescued. I clown on the cushions, where they soon t' x °g' mag this year ` "But I am your queen, and I say fell asleep. 3 Each keep our Christmas merry sti}3.' a' ' took a seat to his hi h -backed arm- Each age has deemed the new -bora; ` g "Jost think, "Why, I keep it on the true day, as that you shall not ride a horse!" cried s chair by the fireplace. They were awakened by a hearty year e those old periwigs e. Westminster j a Christian should." answered the Margery, with a mock imperiousness voice cryi-g: The fittest time for festal cheer, knight. "No one shall change the that suited well her richly -dressed "Ahl here you are, almost tike the ' have been and taken eleven whole days' B figure. And weal our Christian wires of old, I ble%aed day for me." (chi',dreiY in the wood, only there are r from us. and Bing George, they say, „Laved when this year its course had has Oven his sanction to their pro- "But how are we to know which is Most gracious majesty, cried a no robin -redbreasts to draw leaves rolled, .eeedings! I think :t is shameful!" the Prof dBy"•" asked Dobson, glans- voice at the window, "I pray your over you. But come go with me, and And brought blithe . Christmas back "Are you so sure that they have Ing shrewdly at his •wife. leave to ride on and prepare the castle I get some breakfast," again ! s "How do we know?" exclaimed Sir i against your comine." I The rubbed their a and looked loon this?" asked Mistress Dobson, in y With all its hospitable train. u' i her quiet way. "And i! they have, Jasper. `Why, this is hose we know. And, with a pleasant laugh, Sir Jas- uo into the faces of Sir Jasper Flan- Forth to the wood did merry -men go } I have do you know that it is not right?" Whether the calendar be wrong o per bowed low and gal:oped forward. I chard. And by his side they sat the To gather tin the mist:etoe, . "Am I sure?" cried the -clothier, right, the tborn-tree at Quainton will They heard the thunder of his steed's ; js, servitors. Daniel and Simon. Then opened wide the baron's has + somewhat irately for him. ,All I I kna:vr. It always buds on Cbristmas I hoofs on the flinty road, and soon the '[be bells were ringing when they To vassal, tenant, 'serf, and all; e know is what Simon Collett, the hater- eve and blossoms on Christmas morn- echoes' themselves died away. I went out from the field ; but, as they Power laid his rod of rule aside : dasher of hats and tobacconist, who I•" It kept growing darker, and the I reached the streets. they found no one And Ceremony doffed his pride yi l das just returned from London, told, "%nd do Sou think the thorn will crowd also grew thicker, and some- going to church. The shops were all The fire, with well -dried logs supplies!, Mme. He said it was so, and that the i refuse to 1+Icssom on our new Christ times the sedan -bearers had to stop open, and the smith's hammer and the' Went roaring up the ci im-nhy wide. . new style wc"}ld take eleven days right mas, Cousin Jasper?" inquired Dame; altogether, on account of the pressure. ch;mney-sweep's voice were busy. i The huge hall table's oaken face, out of the year; an when I came by Deborah• Torches and lanterns gleamed all Jr, the church door stood the pariah Scrubbed till it shone the day to grace, k-the King's Crown, they were talking "Truly it will. The thorn will know • along the road, and there was a tu- minister alone. j Bore then upon :ts massive board y s -• about it there." the day, mark that. It was a slip linos of many voices. All England 'They will hang no mistletoe tc+- No mark to part the squire and ford ' But suppose they are right, after) from the sacred G:astantury-bush seethed coming out to the blooming. day," said Sir Jasper. "They will _ y There the huge sirloin reeked; hard by all, and that we were eleven days be- I which the holy Joseph of Arimathes At last they reached the field where wait until the true Christmas 'or ; plum porridge stood, and Christmas hind tta right time, how then, fa -,stuck into the ground with his own' the precious thorn -tree st'Sod, and tk,e that." f e• ,r„ in- hand" !two children dismounted from the se-) it was as the knight said. It was in Nor fai*ed old Scotland to produce, a �` f then . and Deborah Dobson looked i i uirih i Into her husband's face, I "Pshawl The plant {s only ahaw-' den, glad enough- to stretch their l -lain the minister to:ked an i scolded. At such high tide, her savoury goose. ' q "What then?" said the master, I thorn, and- 'naturally blossoms that limbs. The people would nct sing caro:s nor England was merry England, when i shrugging his shoulders. ''HA do time of the year•" said the mistress,! They found the field all astir, and tilt holly -boughs so'nn; as the horn- Old Christmas brought his sports y they know whether it is wrong or I incredulously. "Many k time during countless :ights moving around. About tree refused to blo,3m. again, right, and what business is it of theirs 1 our first years of marriage did I ride the thorn -tree . there was a great "The new wav . ' all r'ght for kings , ,was Christmas broached the mer - anyhow'. As it is, they have just rob- I over to Quainton to seethe blooming." throng. � and queens, perhaps," they said, `but � riest ta:e; f 1 " not that it' "It is all nonsense to. think that this for us we keep the Christmas our broached t might- will i t - bed us of nearly a fortnights time, Then you dispute 'Twas, Christmas brow h he gh k` which no king or parliament has a j brooms?" cried Sir Jasper. aril! blossom to -night," said a large, father's kept," yet ale; right to do. A pretty kettle of fish r "Certainly not!" answered his host- burly man, who looked as ' he might i And so there was no Christmas ditr 'Tomas Christmas to'.d the merriest whey have made of it. Here was our ess; "but it's no sacred bush, for all be a butcher. "Just look a it. ,The her eaten that day in Quainton. Vie; - - I •s d." (,eor heard at Lon- _ anti lea !lin cheer Glaaton- II herr fie t could - icholae eleven years old an the mor that, I ween, even 3! that at , P t W g A Christmas gambol of N : row, and he was going to have a birth- I bury was which the soldiers of Crom- i It was a quarter of twely ,and all ;don how the people c f Qusintor. and those day party. Hb as bora on the 5th well cut down, -4n the time of the Prep- grew silent, A tall man, in a blac?s' in The poor man's heart through hal! the year. of September, I suppose you will al- I tender's great grandfather." j garb, and wearing a very white neck- adopt the Crthe other villages refused to new style, be laughed till his ff low, Well, this parliament says that "I argue -not with you, for you will tie and lace under his great, rued fat sides shook; t* -morrow is the. 16th.. So the boy has I ever have the right side of a question,", took his post just before the i Birt when the thorn -i ree bloomed, a3 �slOWlii$ Tl'ee8• lost his birthday, and, it's a wicked said the knight, good-naturedly. ."'Jut thorn'. I was its wont, on the fifth day of Janu- There should be Christmas trees. But °•` " sl stems, I seq." I will warrant you this dttp at Quain-; He held a lantern in one hand and, ary, the matter becarr.e serious. To tet them stand Here Nickolas spoke: " ton will not bloom for more than a heavy silver watch in the other. The, settle the dispute, the fat king and his Dip rooted in the woodland and t "I don't care i! I lost my party, " he twelve days to come." I thorn would bloom at twelve precisely, jar:iamPnt ordered that both days, old lawn; , said, "if I helve gained two weeks on "Well, we shall keep Christmas here if King George's Christmas was right, I style and new, should be similarly. So may theypoint to Christmas stars Sieter'Margery." on the day after the morrow. We As yet there was no sign of a bloc- ke t. , "You have gained no more than she stand by King George, Cousin Jas- som. The stock looked dead; would it But, however satisfactory this ar- Andaboow before the wonder of the has, relined his mother. "Margery per " and Mistress Dobson sat • down ;revive? ! rangement was to the people in gen- ' dawn. Is twelve, and you are eleven, just the her silver tea-uTn with such force that; Off 'n the distance rang a peal o!, era!, it did not remedy matters any for Down as the singing highways`�of the ' same, So I say, that in Introducing her towerin'Christ- g head-dress trembled. bells. It was twelve o'clock. ' Nicholas and Margery.' They stayed world this new style, as they call it, they "Mother," cried Margery, "mayn't ma day had come; but the wonderful the twenty-fifth with'their generous Confided to each wind and listening .bsve not dealt justly with you, boy, IllNicholas and I go to Quainton to seemilk-white- blcom showed not. King: cousin, and returned he on the breeze robbing, you of a birthday." the blooming of the, thorn?" George and his Parliament were clear- twenty-sixthWill , come their hymn of gratitude A ` The countenance of Nicholas fell, "What, child; go ter. miles, and, ly in the wrong. At Amersham, the 'new ' Christmas and- joy,-, i ' Then, it. I tare not gained eleven mayhap lose your Christmas dinner?" i Nicholas and Margery stood hand in, had been kept, and as they did not go Themighty choir of growing ":4 days on Sinter Margery, I. shall have Dame Deborah Dobson looked some-' hand on the outer edge. They could'' back to Quaintoo when the old Christ- }a ( Christmas trees.. m3rbirthday party!" he said. what astonished. ( catcli a glimpse of the thorn -tree now 1 mas came, the poor children missed it —Alison Brown. "Thatyou shall, dear," declared his "I tell you it won't bloom on your, and then, by standing on tiptoe and altogether. And this was bow Nicholas mother; "and Janet. shall serve the new Christmas!" said Sir Jasper, de-' craning their necks, and they felt very and Margery Dobson came to spend _best dinner for you that she can get cidedly. 1 much disappointed when the wonder- one year of their lives without a HoUy Berries. UP. " "But if it should, the children would 1 ful blossoms did not appear. Christmos dinner. of Ireland holly '. The boy clapped his hands. want to see it" said his cousin. I One by one 'the crowd broke up,, and • In some parts "And you will make her cook some "Then we may go, mother?" cried' the field ere long was almost tenant- At a Christmas party the husband in as the special tree of the, oyster patties, and please cook enough, Margery, jumping from her chair. less. of one of the guests arrived very tate fairies. t. so that Margery can have some?" "i! your father says so and Cousin 11th I am so tired and sleepy!" "I have only come to take my wife In Rutlandshire there is a super T' ,You shall have the patties it you Jasper will go with you." yawned Nicholas, home," be explained. stition that it is uru ucky to take holly, ;will tell me how many kinds of years "That they may,. whether Cousin 'And I can hard! stand,"'said Mar. "Oh, my dear Mr. Blank," said the into the house before Christmas. we can reckon,",said Mistress Dobson. Jasper goes or not," answered the I fiery. "I wonder where Cousin Jas- hostess, "why didn't you comp Holly is valued a� a wood by cabinet "Don't ask me! Margery will tell head of the household. "They shall per is?" sooner?" makers. It is white and !lard. • you. Holly trees are grown in almost And the lad went to work with re- fittle every'pa'rt of the world. The leaves tr x ' doubled exertions upon the toy he was tof foetblebemip on a holly in the Himalayas are from manufacturing. eight to ten inches long. t "Well, Margery, you may answer," r r The South American native drink, aid Mistress Dobson, turning with t1���mute, is made Yrom khe leaves of abe Ott species of holly. pride to iter daughter. jbab) "We have the sidereal year and the ` , Hally has been popular for decors- „sr s e �' - `tions since the time of the Druids. sidereal year is the time the sun tabes in passing from any fixed star ap- araund to the same star again, or one complete revolution of the earth in t•espect' to. a fixed point in apace. A : lunar year is a year of twelve moons. -A soisr year in measured by the revo. Iution of the sun-" "True," said Mistress Dobson, de- lighted with the readicess of hoe danghter's answer. ,Here, In our England. Decenbes tittle tob)tt of 3setbUbttit, r fjotp QCIjRD of etijlei�em ,, kohl am Inc gee tbee tie! �Btaetlb to ug, tut PUP; W • Op beep anb b>`eamttO OM ,.Clot out our gilt, mtb enter ill, ., glare born ►n ug to -bap. taro gtrett gUfnetb ! lime bear tte (ef igtm, angle - VbtOtt 3Cfg tt; etc great glaar tfb{ngg teU; t bow aitb leanl of ani t#1t pentar come to ug, a'bibt Witt ug, 130;btt to4tt .' our ii orb emntanud ! :: England was merry England, when 014 Christmas brought his sports again. 'Tomas England -broached the migbtiest, ale; 'Twas- Christmas told the merrieai:I �. tale; - A Christiiras gambol off. could cheer) 7f The poor man's heart through ha� the year. --Scott, .. •, ,: _' �: . _ :. ...:.,. ,;. o.. 4'r:, ::,,i+ -.�'r�:r �•wv�..,. .`.,.hes" .e;, , y 5,.+.. ,, �..._":C ,: :: -.. '! , . :.. ;•,->.. < � - �' '' 4 ,� ,... .. ''C`.y„r,•f :,'p"'*^,J;^y:'_ "y,�,,..r ''''C xx,:.�'-.M3'.,' .. $c{wt..wxc�i- __ n,'''�c' �tR K k+.•+��� y 4 a a ''�• r,"t ,� ie ¢ i,• 'yr.fi .-�" .W. � *. - ;'� t p•Y ?' .:�•,,.. c..r :.�3,., �{+., - �''m,c'd' ake/k.t'} ^•t+ _`4 »:,,vb ww5 ,•%.ia;n 'Y.; ,:cYn•;, ween•,, t n'.e'a" Nig` ;2' 'd' w. w., ti`5�..,,. : - . r,}- �.1 . ^-.. ti••r, u;t . ,'',,,,�, +}�� :v '�' �' try �.G ,•t.'!:r' .xkv 7 �^�, ,: "y. _ "i�' i`+t ' •"it r �•M �.w ro • w,r •c• & :9,gM1„ a•• w ai. i •h ,ef. y • .+• A . ti .` a+ :q'�+i, "° ''"iw..�? '.y 4' .,a: , _ 's,:'` ...S.ti .. , _ ;� t ... ,t . ''2 • ..,;,c, • l . :: S :,,.w r --a ,g +^^ .-^ 'r -+%y'.... . .'Vtl'".^.a.• 3e,e :.,-.. �++:�+aY . ✓e . R," ' .' ��a., .. .... , �a'z.: •a - "."Y^", ,r^•.."��`,,z'7�'v N' "'av ,..m; :•.,,,. �a.'+ei,: .'s ..: . "'F� '�a..-'�-r - "s4:i ,Y .,. . d�;. ��.Yx`«roti .,.i,�'k.�+=e'„uaa•., , . ,..Yw..,.-w.c.:5•.i ....•. A.,,.l��T''+•M • r,,.rt ,-e� .a,v +.5;"r�,•,' .,.+g: r`.•. •w,.. , tic ..i r '»atw. • '�aP ,.'� i's. '%a�y','�^°..-! , w.-'}' L • > Yom... •"'4:.�,,�..avw.. �,.r .:p 2�M�., .. �,. r .. •, ,., Y ,..N v 'tt'.. ,:4t�.. a.. Y,!. e.',,y.tt W .,^,.r.LF �Nd' !L..; y'." �+�'\: tr .a.t ,y .� ri '�,>,'1 ',1. _➢'•. {•!". ,. :'., .. , .. ",•�%'s.. ;.gyp. �. ..:.r - a•.':'. .)'”".. .'-R..,5•r'r.+:. ;.•!.3•..... y,..: . s..•S: : tf'- •M.,•tyn Y?"'`M• •Y .. ,i L,-y� n .:.sin M1 i.,M1J:.i, d y.1Y :*.w Ax . .: 4v '. �' -. a • Le T T•.. Y-..' .. 1'. '. +,, .,2 •.:••--T ..y. pD� •/w� D.:�'. •4h': i,l• -ro �r'!1' / _�, a1 �.•� � 'r �.'' � '�h f •: tre a1 el sed secondly. althoughb eanada L tmowa tie an agricultural country, it may not be realized abroad a man 1 t e 110vV ty 'e n '9. e very street In which he lives changes ------------ 'FHB FTNESi' IN RADIO �' ROGfiRS mrr8R1�Iei ss ' - geeing London at Home. o Montreal A nuaf !M[eehn With bird -songs dr•i'Lt.ing through. - "The aggregate of Canada's foreign trade still 7, n We are acme told that the , _ American visitor as more o1 London In rain, and a:not'heT under the full tslr einem, ussedttb. Ptnldetat m a na>vso of General Manager's Addreu than the people who Ylve in bt. This, I for the same year. . a eomdiam. a m in pan: i think, �. . _ j err rnderb* WuliallIp Taylor, caner., >tan.ee.. --+ sense is truss only in a . null -ficial. The -American liven more of "t broad survey or - trade aottions In the. m ars godsaa said to pdkrt: m to haarten and few Can - idetcok London, but the Londoner of these so much fuse is made that _ s'aar under Whiff ands much He declared that there were ver9 new l lanae more of the London that is woitih t'"" Style m d1mouraga• In almost every department I aatan issues coated in Lohdm during the Haat' Vale .• .:, - - L ehaags4 imports having Increased and exports ' S r• ' ' or commam activity is greater and: desalts "tum • Year and appatenar there is tittle prospect of an seeing. He see® his own house and his - dacr"bud, as • ech"quencs of which tis f•ygr- .• .,(, eomwauon. posts an larger- Cmadaoce 'ands early ..entry to that market us addax hoer, friends' houses—buEding, that contain as a people Is not weakened by ex. iaactical daaonac.nm In tacraased capital m- that Amertaau taptul comma« to slow mo. fa.r. more of the things interest- flow of norelti'ee in the world at our :-vartment in dargopmest of natural teaottrtea and Canada ing to h1m than cathedTa18 and palaces Q = to •ewer v=isit espaslgtm of mamttscturing plana outstanding Facts.and museums of the arts: He sees his r" t Trend Upward. ' ouLtyas Rding thisrvpatt L the growth of the ? Then mitammun9 ruu regarding caddis a:s1 own garden, which con'tai'ns more ' Imb and paper Industry. the nPloitaaon of min- : l stressed in me report. with . view to lntormmg plea.sUreS for him than Lhe greatest OL 3. deposits and the harnesdag of water powan, pot"Ital investors in Great Britain who have the tndigmour to Canada and, the parks, and he Sees his awn Cat, � , ,' • � e • 6.'� closely allied induArtea welfue of the Empire at Dear' which surpa§ses the King's horses or has smersed from tho shadow of restricted bunt- to respells of which she ar be said to sand un- gtygtkd,•• mFirstly It is pointed out that leas .than 50 yekra .. _ ago the' three Prairie provinces were uninhabited: Survey of Conditions. Today on the fertile plains is a population ofpclrngan the lordliest beast in the Zoo as thei'3 of animals.AS And do not think that tri does not Awn two mlliltin-.prosprrow.people. with. millions , d ' lDs president proceeded to gurrW eood UOM rich and idle acre/ .waiting settlers. In 1900 the ' 1n the learner and footwear todustrr. m tattles., given value of the avid crops of these '. :.' ...Iron see 'as many noveltie8 8e lY . he were taxi•1n$ from Chuzch to church and ~ " . _ ..r ',' >i 1 . or( • and steel and pointed out tae possibility at is close t at $9 mnlloa dollars: now it L close to r06' from museum t0 m�lls,'um hi a YOre1gII ,.:'. I��^�`�� - a dowing down In Its buildtru s trades follows" a millions. city. The' seae0II9 .lane should ' give . ustlnctly upward in practically an lines of traria .. ears active period. The noticeable Improvement h 't in those over recurring instancesntt to why a•�`� �p� oro these d business D ' na brought ' with it • decline m min srA secondly. althoughb eanada L tmowa tie an agricultural country, it may not be realized abroad a man 1 t e 110vV ty 'e n '9. e very street In which he lives changes one of the houses and rang the bell. • "' ,`.anampt°ymmL_ = that the gross value of our manufactured prod flrom hour to hOUT.` It 1$ 0118 stl`e•e't With bird -songs dr•i'Lt.ing through. - "The aggregate of Canada's foreign trade still in 1924, the bast obtainable figures, vas $2.695,- when the nun is shining, another street , . expands. hating had a value of $1.290,560,000 In 000,060, nearly twin the agricultural production In rain, and a:not'heT under the full ' .''the saran months ending October $18t, or $42,- for the same year. . moon. Foreign travel is pleasant chief- 'Above the azure wide and high, ' - 000 vee more thea in the ntrespondmg period Thirdly, such progress has been made in harness- ly because it makes us realizewe of these so much fuse is made that Ian rear. The character of the trade. Dowers¢, '+ Ins water power, that Canada le stow the second .that. flys e.a'l.Ong novElties, but when we are Royal East, Montreal. - - .• .:, - - L ehaags4 imports having Increased and exports country per capita in this respell in the world, i+ + -""-'e-'' "" - dacr"bud, as • ech"quencs of which tis f•ygr- ,•%rhea deveiore pments now under way acomplete. sufficiently t0 she the constant as a people Is not weakened by ex. ..;6b" balance has 41-1,1,befs caned• will •Da.. III are 4.s00.tN10 Done power. flow of norelti'ee in the world at our ` - representing a capital mre>tment in power planta' doors. we Can enjoy a11•the excitement Transcends our feeble thought. r" t Trend Upward. and. transmission Imes or 854 minion dollars:" of foreign travel along with the pleas- but cannot t1ireaten the majesty of the f three facts alone." the General hi•uager ure of being at home. If I were holes in the end of •,the short rib and oesccrilting vr¢am: coodiams m Canada. Me"Those r president drew rte conclusion that the Dominica says, -'should be eneugb to attract the notice cf. offered a free trip a'rmlid the world, I • • And God's vast heaven of blue; "_ t has smersed from tho shadow of restricted bunt- Britsgh sn"Sneers, promotm: investors, msstntac- might accept the Offen' through weak- civfllstwon prevails It Is the reepeet- nw, unsatisfactory earnings and mdisatent bal- curers and rot -ding `'migrant'`" pees, halt I do not wish to go round the "n"Amos - ..' ante ahem and the tend of business is now sir r'redorL•k ravUwed the varices sertfcaa womid. Have I not been mound the sun ...: + . ustlnctly upward in practically an lines of traria rendered by the bank In this interests of the once a year ever sdnce I was born? in those over recurring instancesntt to why a•�`� �p� oro these y., ... • 'Z canam we any tndleation that CDL period of arsleral public and that of Catlada. gosh as ibe That seems to have, Satiated 4bn'y crav- . k to 1 belie" crop so"= tis onthly crop reports during the m Y, quettes Hardware, 790 St. Catharine No Batteries! No Chemical ! ' Y UST THINK OF IT! Radio for Christ- s. Mae without the usual disoorlravemeut and inconveni'en'ce of A. B. and C. Bat- ' teriee or chemical chargers. it's really very much cheaper and Oonveglent in the long run for you to decide on' a Rogers -FIRST and have no regrets later on. This remarkable batterylese Eet operates from your light socket at a cost of less than 4c a week. It 18 all oompdete in one cabinet, single dfal control and.con'venlent wave length OW. W �_4 See Your Nearest Rogers Dealer. -'You'll Be Glad You Bought a Rogers y pro•perity Is soon ro g an InI may have had fors' distant travel. /�� :.the underlying condtttom are sauna and the fa- bu lum analrds and the various or St least t0 have mode a jaunt round Q•�pamphlets isaad . MUSIC LTJ• C• � L iL. Introre4so cotiasrtasSTREET atter —._. _ _.¢90 KING STREEA `T WEST portance: From "The. Money Box," by Robert Lydd. • STOMALH TROUBLE DUE TO THIN BLOOD It Usually Disappears When the Blood is Made Rich and Red. Thin blood is one of the most com- mon causes of stomach troublo. It affects the digestion very quickly. The glands that furnish the digestive fluids ase diminished to their activity, the stomach muscles are weakened and 4 therr'e is a loss of nerve force in this state of health nothing wli'1 more quickly restore the appetite. digestion and normal nutrition than goodrich. red blood Dr, Williams' Pink Pills act directly on the blood, making it rich and red, and this enriched blood strengthens weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles and awakens to normal activity the glands that supply the digestive fluids. This 1s shown by an improved appetite, and soon the effect of these hloo4 en- riching pills to evident throughout the whole system. You And that what you eat does not distress you, and that you we vigorous instead of lrrltable and listless. It your appetite is fickle, If You have any of the distressing pains Had symptoms of indigestion, you- should sit once take Dr. Williams' Pink Pme and profit by the better condition in which they will put your blood. These pills are sold by all dealers in _Above the Heavens. The Marriage Hold one of the houses and rang the bell. Abave the gold the sunbeams Piing Among many misleading generell- R'fiile-"What's your doge name?" With bird -songs dr•i'Lt.ing through. tires needing to be palled to the mast Classified Advertisements -' - God's glory Ia a richer thing, of falsehood, one o4 the most perni. GRAMOPHONE.+ And sweeter singing too. clous Is that married folk are not coin ' do you cel him crystal?" tinudng to live together. True, some INET, Inlays all records, 48 selec- , 'Above the azure wide and high, may not be, and, indeed. are not, and t The steady, undid blue, of these so much fuse is made that ;35. 00 gnararAesd• Poisson, 340 Mount - •God's glory is a vaster -sky. i the is heard of the mill•Ions who Royal East, Montreal. - - Illimitably true, a i$ neither court nor receive publicity. i+ + -""-'e-'' "" No, the hold marriage Ism upon us REMEDY oot44os L�CZAs;s -Above the-Wilteet, farthest star as a people Is not weakened by ex. r: �� Use osis In distaentchaos wrought, posures of tho exceptions to the rule. ` Gare glory, Inflaitelly tar ;' These may excite our pkty, our sy'm- + Transcends our feeble thought. pathy, and 4ometimes our aversion, k " but cannot t1ireaten the majesty of the f Yet God's rich slow, and (cod's great Social Custom that is the common rite holes in the end of •,the short rib and wag, of all. It ts, Inviolate, tenable so long ` • • And God's vast heaven of blue; "_ t as the Anglo-Saxon conception o4 And God's fan' Starlight ages Dong. civfllstwon prevails It Is the reepeet- ' Comes down to me and yon' ed comm,ou'place in daily life that fa. "n"Amos R. Wells. molarity does not Asperse And it Is h. ...: + expressed perhaps most teiicitoueiy. !''� L A Y SA in those over recurring instancesntt to why a•�`� �p� oro these visible hairpin. Twist the ends of the Cobalt, Out have s r. 8.-Laz. L. Brissette c/o J. O. Pa- pralries lived together, have Y, quettes Hardware, 790 St. Catharine totted far one anther$, sad oaten " Mrs. Alfred Trtanebemontagne, St. Michel des Sainte•, Que.. writes:--� fought with each other, have drunk to gather Gilt of the same cape of JOY and t' ' "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent sorrow. but yet. remained together, ^ medicine. They saved my baby's life i content, mated, Indissoluble in their and I can highly recommiend them to I immersion of each other's oomple- &a mothers." Mrs. Tranchemaa-, menta tilt, with mutual pride Lad prob- " + tagne's experience is that of thousannali ably nat a little to forgive, they pro. Of other mothers who have tested tht claim the celebrations. of their silver, worth of Baby's Own Tablets. The golden or dianwed wedding aaafver- t J" !Tablets are a sure and safe medicine sa+ries. One such 0011'114bial occasion . for little ones and never tali to regu• j tar more the permanency o[ avtr late the bowels and stomach, thus re- ariaplover mrge cuawfn then a thousand aL`• y I lieving all the minor ills from which., counts of dissolutions foreshadow its children suffer. They are sold by: a an by. mall-aL oa atw deelinA•= Manitoba Free Press. ,�- portance: From "The. Money Box," by Robert Lydd. • STOMALH TROUBLE DUE TO THIN BLOOD It Usually Disappears When the Blood is Made Rich and Red. Thin blood is one of the most com- mon causes of stomach troublo. It affects the digestion very quickly. The glands that furnish the digestive fluids ase diminished to their activity, the stomach muscles are weakened and 4 therr'e is a loss of nerve force in this state of health nothing wli'1 more quickly restore the appetite. digestion and normal nutrition than goodrich. red blood Dr, Williams' Pink Pills act directly on the blood, making it rich and red, and this enriched blood strengthens weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles and awakens to normal activity the glands that supply the digestive fluids. This 1s shown by an improved appetite, and soon the effect of these hloo4 en- riching pills to evident throughout the whole system. You And that what you eat does not distress you, and that you we vigorous instead of lrrltable and listless. It your appetite is fickle, If You have any of the distressing pains Had symptoms of indigestion, you- should sit once take Dr. Williams' Pink Pme and profit by the better condition in which they will put your blood. These pills are sold by all dealers in . 'a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi Hood Reason. ey all medicine, or you can get idMail box from The Dr. Wil• one of the houses and rang the bell. s cine Co., Brockville, Ont; R'fiile-"What's your doge name?" at lid cents a iiame-hfedicine Co., Brockville, Oat. (Contest Winners. Contest Classified Advertisements -' ' ,Sand Memory. One of the most Interesting Cam- GRAMOPHONE.+ �� "I em try-fng to find a woman whose i paigns ever held in Canada to select ICTROLA STYLE, FULL CAB• V do you cel him crystal?" a name for a new product has Just INET, Inlays all records, 48 selec- , is, Pro y ilhrstrated de�nas ' been completed by Sheet Metm1 Pro tions, autorrlatfc. Vshle ;96.00 frac ducts Co.. of Canada. Ltd., In Toronto. ;35. 00 gnararAesd• Poisson, 340 Mount 4 This firm invented a splendid new Royal East, Montreal. - - 94 stove -pipe which is extremely easy to . Taking them in to the beach dusk, -""-'e-'' "" put.In and has three locks In each sec-LD REMEDY oot44os L�CZAs;s i/atiesn 1laiMra� �iY tion which prevent 1t' bulging and It r: �� Use osis and at its deepest point, Ire bottom is make very rigid. ray emeortes a sure relied Jli A name was wanted for this productII held Cana- ter ltas, Ptsnalr. sa `i `'�l"`�t> •a3 - and'k contest was among 4 ala.... a than hardware merchants. Contest s lige °sa.r.rs. lar $2 is evastsa»' ran from April 24th and ended Novem- holes in the end of •,the short rib and labouiausly, with no accent whatever. b'er 80th, and the lucky winners of the P.O. as 142L visa.+& WL � < prise money were: o Put the shoat piece over the long o_ ue 1.-C. M, Farrow, c/o G. A A, Gardi• That Was All. with an edge on each side of it so the nes, Ltd.. Sarnia, Ont. Vast clouds of awoke and bill h. 2.-W. R. Finlay, Traveillug Sales- tongues' of Same began to Issue from man for Northern Canada Strpply Co.. the top windowe of a house: A then visible hairpin. Twist the ends of the Cobalt, Out ran over to It and pressed the edectrie s r. 8.-Laz. L. Brissette c/o J. O. Pa- bell. quettes Hardware, 790 St. Catharine -The door was opened by a wo>rran " St. E., Montreal. Qua. who suffered from deafness. t' ' 4. -Walter Klink, Hardware Mer- "Madam, your house is on Are!" esv ' cilaent,. Elmira. Ont. claimed the man. And the name selected was Self , ',What's that'" Made Pipe, which also embodies the "T our house fa on ore!" be rope" " principal letters, SMP, used by this big ed" firm. "What's that? House on lire? 04 Twos She. is than a&I r' "Wim." t J" r"Ifed the man. a . The prosperous looking man was ate" "that's arW f can think of at present . stranger to the neighborhood. You y could telt that by the way he kept The season's boat ce:lar-the cine pausing uncertainly to look at the filled with cosi, names painted on the gates of the houses in the Street. I� . 'a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi Hood Reason. ey all medicine, or you can get idMail box from The Dr. Wil• one of the houses and rang the bell. .l� T� l' anx r /Lomev cine Co., Brockville, Ont; R'fiile-"What's your doge name?" at lid cents a iiame-hfedicine Co., Brockville, Oat. r opened and a smart maid a, , � wad In ��, ea ' ,Sand Memory. Freddie -"Crystal." Willie -'That a funny one, Why Elephant's Appetite. plied the 'servant �� "I em try-fng to find a woman whose i 00 bul7d�, act Softly the sea do you cel him crystal?" Very name I have forgotten," he began, "but j is, Pro y ilhrstrated de�nas ' With its handfuls of moonlight. Freddie --••"Because he'd always on The Dead Sea iv 47 miles long and I know she llvea in this neighborhood. ( roti aooreaaf ' ons. send Iii Its arnattlls of moonbisht,_ J the watch." ten miles wide. Its surface is &Mroxi She is a woman easily described, and , �prgsaR ice, . Taking them in to the beach dusk, -""-'e-'' "" mately 1,500 feet lower than sea level perhaps you kudw her -a s•Ingularly i/atiesn 1laiMra� �iY Sfiting them over the dark sand. Gas, biliousne-s, heartburn. d$•spepcia std and at its deepest point, Ire bottom is beautlftxl creature, with pink and white 344 Adelaide at. w.. " Jli t il;ar ill "i bre another 1,300 fent down:' A friend o1 peat the umbrehla into good oon&tion rerssb oat S1oR'�v, in wide ttrtvets, _ Softly and slowly the sea ` ;Scattering moombubblea, a m , w nos trou you >f YOU In a Seioel'sSyrap. Ativdrug store. O Another Use for a Hairpin. complexion, gloa•lous eyes dike stars wars, who visited therereoeetiy said: on a summer night, and hair which "I dant know when it died, but it ia. outrivale fide gold. in quality and certainly dead new." it's gtlees he ie lustre." ' ' to awn upon en e triumphantly: I Frost Bites. --`Handfuls and armfulsright• Who has not at some time raised "rm afraid 1 don't'know her," re - x ` 'On dusk•darkened beaches = umbrella and seen one of the short Elephant's Appetite. plied the 'servant brella in -this way over a- year ago and i Over and over ribs unezpected'ly fall out of place? An elephant weighing fire• tons will "Jane tell the gentleman 1'11 be awn 1n a mlAsiie,." said a voice from �►� Ian ^ stories of moonspray And night dripping win;., let the rib is broken, this •probably eat 100 pounds of had' and twe•ntc•ftve the hewn of the stairs - �''h means a Job for the umbrella me9der; of grain a ` fine wire wlli answer the purpose. Over and over and over. frequently, though, there is no break, •day• ---- I - -Frederick R. McCreary. 'beat the little' rivet which holds, the two Got It, At Last. I --- ! I ribs together has cbme out. Wh A patient teacher was trying- to s Generator ready and 'handy at all 1 happens, it is quite easy for anyone to show the .mall boy how to read with � `AlBaltil peat the umbrehla into good oon&tion ! expres 40n. ' to a Lew minutes. There are two "'Where are you going?" ren'' Johnny holes in the end of •,the short rib and labouiausly, with no accent whatever. � Rays, flays one in the long rib where they join. .:,e I "Try that again," mild the teacher. o Put the shoat piece over the long o_ ue 'Read as 1t you were talking_ Notice with an edge on each side of it so the that mark at the sad." A FREE holes ams -in 'line, and insert a flue .illy Johnny atudied the interrogation idea BOOKLET visible hairpin. Twist the ends of the , mark a momelnt, mad as areemed U b- I t 'w h' d 11tm Th h read kxplains the simple •methods of hairpin around t e ri s so no Don a will be left loose to rub holes in the ' to awn upon en e triumphantly: I Frost Bites. treatment in your home for the re i Covering. The writer repaired an um. I x "Where are ybu going, little button- Minard's takes the sting out of ' lief of pain and the restoration of by Violet Ray with the brella in -this way over a- year ago and i ff i book?" • them. Qulckens circulation and r health Branston Votlet Ray Generator. has had no more trouble with the rib. If a hairpin -le not at hand, any kind of. - - A Canny Child. oto prevents complicatfls. Any home equipped with electric ` fine wire wlli answer the purpose. fy j Uncle Jim had given Itis, smell lighting may have the Branston _�. I nephew a dime; but not long atter- i Generator ready and 'handy at all Keeps the Heat In- ward the child appeared, long of face, 1 times for ae e . Aluminum paint is used- on oil tanks, rej to re • Drop us a post card: "Send ins a r toilers and steam plpes to reduce hest slipped througli a hole in my pocket." copy of your booklet free, and II .• sign your nanle and address, losses. _ _ "R ell, here's another,"Saeid Uncial Jim. ".Don't let thin one get lost too." t Chas. A. Branston, 14mited Gross tonnage is the sum in cubic d Sir Samuel Hoare The yaungffi'ter looked thoughtful.l -- Manufaeturrn' of cuotro-radical •Apparatus feet of all the enclosed spaces of a British Air Minister, who predicts "Perhaps tali a dollar would lie safer, 126 Wellington Street' West vessel divided by 100. big strides in Empire aviation develop- wouldn't It, uncle?" be said. Toronto 2 meat as result of imperial ConferenceIZiBUti Na 42-'26. ,. Minard's Liniment for Distemper. discuesion. Keep Mlnard's Llntment In the house. a ,^ x:, .+%dL•ir.eta.Y`.'2`~a...'s�i3st5ix:,�wx�:r....a•N.,era.:�%.^t'3.�•�...:�...,.�.>i..>.., ,x... -__. .... .., .. ,�'�d .`c.. ,_4.•�: ..:. LL",y+�P •.� 4 Ayr ;. v.m%ty r �Yn:^.:9•.••e.. •.. �>.•»4 "sor.�ra A...^y.,'% '.,..:_.i4 ler. �:f �,'4.�'aF.•�.iY{ _[''+lbs .ykV-.. d'�M9F„rb�4•v W.iv.. i 17ZEIMIN114010 5 .7 CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC Far mers, Afteu t'an R I C H -A IR D' S O'N' S: G* R' 0 C* E' RY COAST FOR WINTER In California, the suri shines 3ipon TTRL%IS I am agent fortbe World's Greatest ad ble.--scd an Aith. a mm',x-oa �aiptims re the Un ted States and Crest --nder� Sep-rator.- 7�7- al and per year,; 81.50 if paid itr sd red �ul' clim'ate--bhossoniq- everywhere-- Scales - a ud Oil Engines. F'Ieurvls Britain $2.W is advance. orange trees heavy with -fruit—tropi- famous Plows, Points, Grain Grinders, cal plants lending an exotic color'to Wheel Barrowsetc. Candies their every surrounding. California Brantford binder -twine and second- .,Choice ..Chr'istm� as fir JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor, is a veritablepicture-andofwarmth, hand separators fcW sale. health and happiness. • DEVITT -:-Oranges, Mixed Nuts, 'Grapes, ROBT Choose your own amusements— NOTES AND'COMMENTS. surf—bathing —riding—golf —tennis Phone 503 Pick. BROUGHAM Chocolates,' Table Raisins, —yachting—any type of summer :The Christmas season.is agaLa'with 'port you desire is here for youi Figs Etc., Etc. is pleasure.ti :.'.US and with it the uual time of mer - The accommodations, too, are lux- ..ry-making and bringing joy to others. urious or simple, a's yoii choose—hun- �`Peace on-Earth,good-will toward dreds of resort hotels offer you their 31 .1 To all A - Merry Xmas and Dien" is the outstanding feature perfect services at reasonable cost., true- Christianity, where this does Make the trip to California one Way a.Tf w) Y -N via the North Pacific Coast---Vancou- r not A R VV VP, prevajil there is somethings lack- ver and Victoria where extreme win- a jL in that which poses as Christian- ter is unknown, Where golf .is played We believe, however, thatthe yons freely indulged in. the RICHARDSON ear round and other outdoor re- — -true spirit of christianity is a more e creations scenic grandeur of the Canadian Nat- JAS* fi dominant factor in civilization than ional route tothe coast in -winter is K It has ever been in the past. This is wonde�-ful. All year tourist fares :SHAMPOOING evident in -the tremendoue efforts with long limit and siopover rive- 0VR,,raMP00i13g 19 that are being made by the numerous thorough, being �� leges, are now in effect. You have' lr choice of various routes when you g Hardware Storetho otmations in their conferences at the P*ckerin" done by a method travel "Canadian National Way." that lin variablv sends 'Uague of Nations, to prevent any re- All information t illustrated litemt- the patron out with eurrence of wars, such as that of ure and fares gladly supplied by any renewed life, vital - 1914 -1019, and also to have all Mat- Agent of the Canadian'National Rail- fits and brightness. The beat policy is to'buy useful presents for Xmas Giftsa tiers in dispute between nations set- ways. "Look Your Best" We would sagest a few of our many lines : Hockey Skates, Sticks slid pled by arbitration in an amicablePacks. Kiddie Kars, Wagon@ and Sleighs, Flash Lights, immner. The growing spirit of Christ- SALE REWSTER. ROSE MARIE Safety Razors, Pocket Knives, Silverware, -(unity is also ivident in the fact that Tuesday, Dec. 28th, Auction sale of BEAUTY CULTURE Pyrexwars, Snnz)y'Blue araniteware, me of great wealth are now realiz- wood, lots, the property .of W.J.H. Brock St., Whitby or a Pair of Warm Hittsi, Gloves or Fauntlets. Ing as they have never done before, Richardson, lot 3, con. Broken front Phone 385 i that a great responsibility rests upon Pickering, a few acres of mixed An Electric Iron An Electric Toaster timber in quarter acre lots. Sale at An Electric Hot Plate wi them in the matter of the distribution 1.30 o'clock sharp. Usual terms. White Cap Electric Washer 1900 Gravis Washer of their wealth. They seem to real- Wm. Maw, auctioneer. C, _that the wealth that has been in- Coleman Lamp or Lantern qg; trusted to their care is not intended 'T -to be'spentsololy to satisfy their own eel F0RSALE oa fish ends, but tv bring relief to suffering humanity, and to bring At Cberrywood Station N. R. Agent -foi-International,Farm Machinery and Repairs. happiness to those whose lot in life C. AR71COIAR Our Motto : We have it, can get it, or it is not mamade,brings them very little sunshine. D WPLE Very few realize the vast sums of r money that is being devoted to mad- A frame building about 20240, 9 �TIC KE dI * S. BALS'N . .FIM '-Aea] research in order to discover used as & grain and feed ware-RCT AS- 21' -remedies for those diseases that have house. Cornizated iron roof, been considered incurable and which matched pine ikidiag and watched Xldmls� IN iV .,eause a terrible amount of suffering floor. Will make an excellent With Xmts so near at 12j%nd wet .2L The erection of hospi- garage, workshop, stable etc. Jn the world. are getting ready with lots of tals and other institutions for the D. N. REESOR & SON., good things for the -]Braim festive season. benefit of humanity presents a strik- MARKHAM, ONT. 0, trimmed PILUM Ptid. 00c tb. Mona as they or John Petty. Cherrywood, 14tf Christmas Cake, almond iced and 'n 7 'Irtg contrast to the condi existed a century ago. All this is dinShot ol, 90c each, Scotch I Roo practical Christianity.. It is also with- IsTotic4b 01 Short Bread and -in the powers oft who are not Application for Divorce Fried Cakes. In Rails. Talc Sui 'blemsed with much wealth to bring joy to others by giving appropriate C-tridies, Nnta, Oranges, Grapes. Light Weight 35 lbs. gifts but if a person does this with Notice is hereby given that Evelyn Stockings ancidecorations May Bateman of for the Xmas tree the City of Oshffwa. COMPETITIVE - QUALITY the expectation of receiving some- and the house. in the County and Province of Ontario Ahing else, possibly'of greater value, accountant, -will apply to the Parlia- Wedding Cakes a Specialty.' In return, that person misses the ment of Canada at the next Session 4. Ali thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from Medium' Weight • 45 1�o Ih great joy of giving. It is more her husband, Harold Victor Bateman, FINE QUALITY - A� -ble-sM to give than to receive," and now of the City of Windsor, in the it is a real joy to give to a person County of Essex, formerly of the City of Oshawa, in -the County and *b1o, you know not in a position to Province of Ontario, tailor, on the RM return the compliment. ONNEY Heavy Weight 55 lbs , ground of adultery and desertion., Dated at Oshawa, this 29th. day of 4 ,BAKERY; -..-.,EXTRA FINE QUALITY 1� April, A.D, 1926,• Christmas and New Years's Trav*el HONE -900i JOSEPH P. MANGAN, I ,,: 4 , ICKERM 2hrougbout the year there is no Oshawa, Ontario, period so like a magnet for drawing Solicitor for applicant. 12-16 Extra HeavyWeight 65 lbs. i. -w time. SUPER FINE QUALITY people together as C4ristm, No matter vvb'L '-re you may be, there is an intenstive Inn -for Christmas &t. home- Long[ ago. when travelling Rmntford, 0nUrk facilities were limited, people journey- AM. I Y' te ed many weary miles and endured( Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service wrest hard hips In order that. they on Brantford Roofing rendered by •might, be with their friends and loved 7 --ones on Christmas Day, but this has F. J. Prouse, Pickering -.all been changed by the application S. Balsdo*n Hardware, • Pickering of modern rkilw'av methods. whereby A quamfity of Clover or Alfalfa J. 9 .even the continent map he crossed in safety and w1tb every co*fort, in a comparatively short journey. Hay. '-Appl This'year Christmas and New Year e to r-avel promise to be heavY, and with —#L view'to placing every facility at the HARR y dispood of their patrons, Canadian -ARNO LD Ew&BMERFUR a}National Railways have made tbeir MM ..Sdvan preparations and plans for e 61 W .-extra c' Pr:p rd Rqitional equipment train _Phon on regular trains. Full pniticular.,a _vAll appear in newspapers, and special off& ime tables will be shortie obtainable Gfl30n'9 of Guelph now offer Pickering Ontari® you a perfected furnace—pipeless- . ...... from any Agent of the Company,' or pipe style—st a sensational Those who wish to prepay the fare price, The first revolutionary t -,n-- provement in home beating in half wf relatives or ft iends from any out - D a century—low-priced. effictint. quickly installed in any home. F side point can de0osit the money at LASO/1%'S GREETINGS any Canadian National Agency and school or church. the transportation will be delivered Cesu Less to Buy- immediatelyand nd economically, 1AIN to Use The Canadian National telegraphs To you And all otherswho are factors in the telephone The new Gilson -Magic- is built place at your service their wonderful Tungsten Plate. Transmits heat Industry, The Home Company's staff extends the Season's o' T TI�ME4 faster. Patented k t fission of --Greetings and Best Wiihes for the coming NewYear. air -blast burns all the gas and tfacilities-for the quic trans I THREE g' d .P. EfolidRy Greetings. A special' staff is smoke. Mw type cone-shaped -engKged during the Christmas rush in This is a busy world and the time rushes swiftly by, grate gets more heat -units out of fu ?Electric arc welding seals -order that transmission and deliveries -'leaving all of tis with little opportunity to do much more thefurnace tight as an egg a inst -map be qnickened to the highest p,)Int. Ithan what duty absolutely reqnires. le.ks of gas, dust or smoke. A very for. i, =live design of message Burns Hard or Soft' prepared for the holiday. At this time however, The Home Telephone Compuny The Canadian National Expressoff- desires topYou are not &.pendent uponause long enough to wish All its subscribers and CeaI6 Coke or Wood lers the best vebicle for the safe and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year—and hard coal alone as you get swift transport of Christians gifts. That particular feature receivesiso here's to yom excellent results from any kind of -soft coal, coke, oilor gas. spec fuel: e and You enjoy an extra saving by ial supervision at holiday tim 'been a 'a p The past year has n active 'One in the telephone using low cost fuels, -;this in itself is a guarantee of efficient service. Remember that a Oanadian f Industry and 1927 promiees to be no less so. It is grati Write for :National Express receipt willprotect Ing to every body'connected with the business to observe z Easy Payment Plan that t telephone service ie constantly improving and is 1.-od:r!,t: pa mens down in-, and will ensure complete satisfac arnwino In publie favor at I h w rlil,an --hu"k Learn all the feature, of this new our pat- sensationally -priced heating system we win welcome your inquiry. Canadian National solicits y The Home -Company sincerely hopes that the New ronage for every branch bf its public Catalogue, sketch plan forms, estimates and full information, gladly sup- rvice utilities. Every offort of each -of prosperity and happiness for you and plied without obligating you in any -ay. Act at once --this is chs t t* INS Year will be fall employe Is centred on the efficient per- All your interests and that our staff will from time to time make plans for beating your home properly, formance of his or her duty, and those co-operate toward' that end. 1� I who place their business In the handsD. J GORMLEY, Dunbarton Phone Pickering 1506 40f this great m0rchandi4ing nrganita- Whenever we can serve yoti, please let us know. tion may rest assured that they will 1 Gilson Mfg. Co.. limited 9510 York St., Guelph receive the full value for whatever ex- Cordially y6urs, 'jpenditure they may make, plus that imeasure ofpersonal interest which is The Home Telephonie Co., • the true complement of perfect ser- JL=d vice. Markliaw, Dec. 21st, 1926. Officers and Staff. A. • 1% 7 1 we� om - -U- - -7 -CLAREMONt; Leonard Pilkey had a business J, trip to the city on Tuesday. S H, I N'G L E'S Mrs. F. dhididw 8pei2t Friday in The -r -e- will be •Spe n) Massey - Harris C Ga I, Coal- i6ervices- if) tile Uated Gfa"-rch an soya Scolir, shhu;lr_�__ A J. H. Seal wag in stouff Ville on Sunday next..' A special feature 'Galt Galvanized Steel Shingles Tuesday. Bird's Felt Slate Shingles will be a male chorU9 both morn. E[Ard. and Soft Coal of the Luther Bowes, of Peterboro, was ing, and evening. 7 forsaleWe hAve b4sa appointed 1* d here over Sunday visiting his mo- ucal ether. -Harris The B, Y. P. U. will meet next T. PATERSON'S - CLAR­E�-­&gb�nts for -tri-e Massey .;.,best --quality on �U Monday for their re and solicit the' gular meeting. Call and get prices. -hand - Mrs. Bush4y spent a day last R. S Willis6n. M. A., will give an of the farm - patronage week in Pickering With hereon, address "What ChristmAtf Means err of tile district. THOS. A. LAW W All young t)eople tire cordiall'y N. W. STAFFORD. Lorne Reid and Widwer.Uiller i,Vited. 0ZXt_ I All M. -H. repairs kept constantly had a business trip to 17xbrfdge -Marble and Granite Dealer. on hand.' Cemetery Lettering etc. I Monday. The post office will be open to- N 0 T 0 E First-class work- We also have the agency for the THO0Q*,F*,_ zvorrow (Christmas Day) from 11 - -.1 t Goodyearproducts, includ. nd hf-wr January lit, 19217, we guaranteed. :.to 12 o'clock only. On , -i iug tires etc. of are introducing a strictly cash system- Xiag4ton Read and Pi CLAREMONT, ONT Frank and Mrs. Disney, . ooklin, visited with Claremont of. business - which will Br -.ends on -MohA—ay.- meet our oblikationii, and furthermore Pheone Whitby 68 R 32 reduce our overhead and increase effl- A. Mrs' Hugh Gregg spent o*r. T.LAW Dealer in Ford Cars, new '&'ad, clo'nev in service to the customer. 27-40 O. -Whitby R. R. used. Sunday with her .sister, Mrs. W. Truiting our litany customers will 31y PICKERING, 4ONT. -J. Michell, of Toronto. co-operate with us In carrying out the _... Massey -Harris Implements and Mrs Ross Soden and daughter, foregeina plan, believing this to be to W A N TE,D Repairs. ,of Stouff Ville, spent Sunday with our mvtual benefit. -Green River Thanking you ip advance. Life and Car Insurance. Frank and Mrs. Soden. D. A. Scott is again on duty, I=X. I? Phone Clave. 5102 DRESSED POULTRY , RY Basket" Factory after being confined to his house 14-17 Pickering Bakery. eufferiag, from a severe cold. an kinds. Manufacturers of Mrs. Woodburn, of Toronto' quality. ty- All kinds of Fru -t Bask, ir visiting her parents, Bart; J. R. PARRY Good prices paid for good q eta Kaple Leaf Mutual1iro and Phone Clare 2700. Mrs. Mantle, over the Christmas K -ER, # Perry Crates t, BOOT -MA Insurance Co. holidays. FRANK CHIDLOW Cheap rates for farni-and country Lost, one day last week between CLAREMONT, ONT. Farmers'Bushel Baskets CLAREMONT, ONTARIO buildings. .Claremont and L. W. Pilkey's, a "Clothes Baskets. Windstorm Insurance on buildIngil, new axe. Finder please Idave at All who desire to get their Boots wind -mills. Silos etc. big .PUkey's garage. and Harness repaired at -A Reduction Frank P AufomobHe Insurance & Pennock Mrs. A. D. Peters of Port Perry reduction, call at the of all kinds, is spent a few days with hot daulgh- F_ 15 t h aboveadd Ph -h M IW4 FARMS FOR SALE i. ter, Mrs. Beverley, and other her the 15th, I will em August the roes., one Marsham All work done while you wait e a Claremont friends. reduction in'sleigh shoe prices. Write or ph and guaranteed. one Thos. Gregg to able to be around Bri jq y ng in your sleighs and get the again, after being confined to his J. R. im A R benefit of these worth whild bid for several days suffering re uctions. W1 CU 1 20 WHITBY, 'ONT. W"m m very severe cold. Thos. E. and Mrs. Stephenson and daughter, Miss Merle. of Birch LORNE REID. See the 1926 Samples &t Binghat 'I, The Mer Bruh C spentiSaturday and Sunday L CLAREMONT before buying. with friends In Claremont. Miss Margaret Macnab returned -Limited Over 500 samples to choose from, 'home on Monday evening. after CLAREMONT ;. - I — 4 at 10c per roll and up. 111 visiting for some time with W. A. d Mrs. Dryde A complete line of Palo to, Oib and We desire to have. & resident an a, of Brooklin. CREAMLERY I Varnishes at right prices. representative of the Fuller Brush +l Archie and Mrs. %nderson and Company In Pickering and Whit- t Estimates cheerfully given fo an daughter, Christina, spent Sun- b towns 4V day with Mrs. Anderson 8 parents, Highest price paid for interior and exterior townships for immediate work.Rt CrejLm at the 00 Is right now are buying JR. J. and Mrs. How. Miss Ander. e decorating. ChrF : . ::1 . - stuiss presents in large qn&B- -son will remain with her grand- Call or phone 1813 Olaremon tities from our salesmen and we t parents over Christmas. claremol) t Creamery have a very extensive line of these Since the fall of snow of the �N articles, including Ivory Sets, Tor Give assi trial and be convincedW.G.BINGHAM 1pa,st two weeks the roads are in to6e Shell Sets and Christmas good condition for both sleighe -novelties as well as the household and motors. The merry ialeith a Painter and Decorator - cleaning equipment Our business lbells serve to remind us of the -LUdS 5 C %1d 6 ft 0 q I'll Ontari ; ha, always been good id this die - JI C111*1001tLEN&L Claremont, old-fashioned Christmas. tract and unless you are a highly Our merchants have been doing 't., I respected citizen with a car, don t �p is good Christmas trade this yeAr. ap is position If for th I Many are beginning to realize the If you are this typis of Man ap. • Mast that It is not necessary to go ply inT toR. Stionotr the city to get the worth,of their 04CnialBldg.. 13 KingSLsnone West.ronto. Stever _y. butcan doJust as well at Fj ,bome. , _A�, , I Sell Grain on 9. No. The annual meeting of S. (Claremont) will be held on -a Dull Market Wednesday, Dec. 29th, at 10 a. m., I B E A T T Y for the election of a trustee and treceiving the financial statement. STANDS FOR THE REST -IT DOES not always pay to eeK :41 A full attendance of ratepayers is grain sissoon 'as the threshing iii re4luested, finished. If yon have a good crop To -morrow and the*market is depressed see tho (Saturday) being Cgleman Christmas Day, the stores in the local manager of the Standard Bank A village will be closed as usual. and arrange a loan until a more Those who have not yet done OwiAo favorable sit cation presents itself, their Christmas shopping must not postpone it 6eyond this even. ym =Our tnanager is always g'lsdfto die- F. M. COOPER - The severe frost of the past cuss each problems in confidence. - week was much appreciated by 4CLAREMONT r 612 r sporting' fraternity, as the were able to indulge 10 Agent for Ackerm%n's Quality their favorite pastime on Friday Harness. Ask the user. Litter Cartiers, Hay Carriers, ..-evening last, and on Saturday our -Pumps, Door Tracks, Cow skaters held away over the ice. STAN DARD' 'BANK -Bowls. Pressure Systems Em We regret to report that Mrs. —A large supply0-F It.will pay you. to get my prices an Evans Ward, who time been Ill for PICKERING BRANCH -W. F. Law, Manager� above before buying elsewhere. some time, is now in a very criti- 8—hes at— at Brooklin, Waist Hill, Whitby cal condition. ' We hope, h 'FRANK J. PROUSE 4ever, that there may soon 0, PICKERING. ONTARIO turn for the, better and that she .1XInas 1�4 Will regain 'her former good health. P Th e ickenng. Committee Richard Ward had the misfor. .9,"Goo'ds *-Aer- rist -all tune on Saturday last to fall in f y Ch mas v. ance front of D. A. Scott's store and tiustain painful in to one of "Aiis knees. and as a= has'beeo now on display, The objectANa of this Association is t6l$ fined to his house and is under con lessen stealingand prosecute `' H the doctor's dare. We are. glad Something for every one of the elons, to know that he is improving, the family. Special Christmas services will U be held in the BA-ptist ChA;F(.L having property 94016n 0ortimmal 7# next Sunday. . Music specially Fazicy China, Books,, Games Oaks immediately with any Member Members aulted to the occasion will be ren- ers ;'- tiered by the choir in the morning and Toys. To our many Custom' of Ex"Utive 00mmiftes. Alembersbip too 7 by a male 'qnartih-tte in the Ticketi talkv be 12ad from we preiridoul or don. e ening. Come with your friend, Ladies' Hose, Handkerchiefs, Phone 3866 Socretery on applici to iliese services and join in sing. - Gloves, Scarfs and Toilet J. FINGOLD'S hymns. It is %b . Exac. Com.—L. D. Banks, 0. S. P&lm• ing rhe Christmas er, M. $.Chapman, Pickering. Artibles.C?�ARE�/SQN'ri'. ONTARIO one of the best ways to really en- joy Chr.istnaL Gents' Scarfs, Socks, Ties D. Munro, Jas. Richardson. Master Victor Prouse, tile-. five - ear old son of Arthur and Mrs. Shirts, sweaters and Pros raent, 811110roillArY Prouse met with a painful asci- Sweater Coats. __dent on Tuesday. He was play. Pickering ' ing in the barn, when he fell New"Fruits. and Peels for through a trapdoor to the floor Resnacti4 ''Eichange'. Rates.' Christmas Cakes. beneath, a distance of nine feet. Leatber Goods Store Ia ,. He alighted on the side of his head all 'matters of foreign exchangti and shoulders. =Medical aid was Grapes, Mixed Nuts Oranges HARNESS ' -summoned. but the injuries are and Candy of all kinds. our arrangements for keeping in Our sup'Oly of quality Harness and not considered serious. touch with the worlds exchange mar- Parte is !212w com Dlete 7. The annual business Mel 9USSUIC YUU-PrOM-PT-se-m--ce-.,-Dir-ic-t- BOOTS-GREB SHOE stialf -All-these . goods are exe� and rilFcalrolr the Haptiat Church tions]] good value. wire connections with the large'- fiiiani- We have large stock of this F&mevu is to be hold on the first Thursday, y Boot on hand -unbeatable tial centres enable us t6 quote the In the New Year. Reports of for hard wear and -tear. the year's work will be given in -..Give us a call and be closest possible rates. the afternoon and the election of convinced. %REPAIRING IF officer? will take place. Supper RIM We maintain our established reputa- tion for repatrini all kinds of will be served, after which a spec- I ! ': , harness an boots, jai program of music siu4 address r FaDff W WHITBY. 01 will be given in connect-itu with Ey the roll call. Keep the date in Do A, 'S C 0 T T DOM*MH CECIL BRADLEY WHITBY BRANCH, 11-1. PERRY. Manager VIn., Wind and make arrangerponts to Phone 1402, Harness maker, Z be present, Thursday, JanuaryBROOKM BRANCH. F. A. BURT, Manager. Sth, -CLAREMONT PT( -KEPI G, 'ONTARIO 111 1. q, 1:�: 11 1, . g-tI ml - 7,�?-Fwz ow„ 1fi r,N� 'T M, T Tz < Z xsi -4 Wa 44, P 4 ; k-1 x� D varymR Qu .......xk _ ....... IJIF BEGIN HERE TO -DAY. The two men did not even nod to each :A other. . ..... Samuel Honeybun, retired English nw countryman, finds his rain gauxt filled Kiyrnc propped his newspaper a instead of water. And against cruet frame and, as soon with, blood 0en comes news of the murder of— . as he was 'served, began to scan the Sir Francis Latli-vt�p-,-f-attie-r—ot-XRr;---"n iiis.- - The Da, Planet had a STA RD 7 ret Lathrop, who had planned to keen no -se for topical Sensation: and a "TEA Tot OF QUALrm. rnarry Sir Gay Latbrop against her 'a glaring heaidlina caught the reader's FOR OVER faiber's wish. S suspicion is directed MAKS- 0 Insist on SaleAs. That is whr 1000910. toward Sir Guy. Margaret bides birn eye: MORE -RED RAIN." 50 YEARS BETTER in a Secret roorn at her home. Inspector Roake of Scotland Yard IN ST77FOLK THIS TIME. a bit of good you're going on. Mr. Inspector an assistant, Bas: FltdeW. HOME set, in the H murdered ibe paragraph underneath elated Stumpage is a human clam or oystar, Touch but with gentlest llxlgei� -th home o.ver.night, and he is in that on vis�cing his rain -gauge at the Tight shut. He orderd me off just aryvtal that circles the MADE.. On the. same. night Sir Guy is missing w, and threatened me with a shot - et chamber at the Grange- mer's Gulde­ from a seer usual hour previous day, Mr. no A man believed to be in the employ of'Si:as Stampage of Ruxton, Suffolk, gun it I didn't dear." idif To -,the East and the West how 111� BREAD Jaems Honeybun escapes from the had found the gauge hall full of a I Klyne did not seem. impressed. drifts, - and trembles, axidf secret chamber when the do�r !sired fluid which, oni-analysis after in-IStampage is that sort of -person," he xs ..,SeaT40heS On eiVerY -Stds! opened in search of Sir Guy. quiries -duly instituted, proved, to be said, "how did you get that pars - But it comes to its rest, and Its light STORY. 1human bood. graph for this morning's paper?" % NOW GO ON WITH THE I tante poises only one selfI, "From the -rustics, and eventually.4 way. later Mr. So= hours I CHAPTER XV. from, the police." Since ever a ship spread her maI A Honeybun• had a card brought to him.' 61(� On it was engraved the name of. Mr.1 So late In the afternoon of that day ."How do the pI account for it?" lous sea -wings, or plunged b0 g train at BY the line of the least resistance, swan -breast through the a, .,Bl=&rs and Blunderers. Hiram Z. Cable. Mr. Honeybun gave he descended from a crawlin as they always do. They think that For North po4nts the needle! a.g.rudging order, for admission. a tiny branch station reeking with the thing is the work of some local Not all the sine of orthography can the be laid to the printer When Horace -he said austerely When practical joker who took his cue from "Wen, Sir?" tang of adjacent salt -marshes. It was Chicago was raining heavily. Ye look not alone for t1i 0* 9* of tb* the antique fancier from Grceley saw, that he had been maderto the two cases that have- ah-eady oc- lode -star; , the lode -stone, Way quote Shakespeare t the effect that Shown In. "I hard' expected ­r" The only railway servant on the carred They are working on that 0 latform. was an aticient man who lendeth cheer; _04 flfty Itig "tilt "Nothing like a Pleasant sur theory, trying to discover the person the visitor chipped In. "I know you t doubted the parts of station -master 0 L Yet one, in the heavens is establiallaci two", thUs to . nonsenee Palo- I who furnished the blood. " I d not X, ulus's sage. "'Tiffs •true 'tie pity; and turned me down the other day, Mr. I and porter. share theix opinion. It strikes me forever, and one li compeI -PPhewl" 4CIyri,--aiddkeissad this _.-through the sphere. -ftshed-to-th* HoneI that all three instances, including 0I •vn­,--but-the-fact is- I.-simp17 Pity I worthy as he handed over his ticket, What! and ye chide:%ot the Uttering way from that Sher composing room to an obdurate couldn't keep a last one, have some common origin, magnet that seemeth to 07 • Scots printer %-he recommended him aton sideboard. It has been well said and are part and parcel of the same that"moneyr talks. Cannot my money troth, to attend ndsht School and learn to affair. Yet- even now is again recording. Its :Write. Today the typesetter has the talk t� you about that sideboard? I "You've got more sense' than the y fealty's Silent 0I couvenbent excuse that the machine will give you five hundred pounds for -police," said Klyne. "There's very _010 _4 As North points the needle! it, English." little joking to It, Knowles, and there's 14 to blame. The LoI Sphere •Mr. Honeybun lost his temper. _TTom "The Selected.Posms of FAdth. gathers up Some of these lapses: only one murder—Sir Francis La ­ M. 'A friend was compwning to me '"I'1 see you damned first," he splut-1 throp's. The two later cases were the other day of his dtiffictAties in mak- tered. "I thought I had made It c:ear mere camouflage to cover the first. lag speeches, and I gave him a few of to you that I wouldn't sell at any Well, I am grateful to you for your tba examVies of 'opening' wb4ch attar dgure.19 warning, but I am going to scrip it, Poor Ventilation Blamed for Mr. Cable looked pained. "I am' 10 Coldiii. a bong life of pI banquets I had old man. r shad go on and beard the lmedmuate ventilation of homes aadl, beard at such gatherings. Here are sorry to have annoyed you, he said; redoubtab:e Stampage In his den. By plea of the kind of thing "Evidently I overrated my' powers of - a 4 &I exam the way, hare you pricked up any in- school room 'a one of the Pe All the same, I'll have a, causes of sevexe sad 3-cI may h?ar if you go to one particu- formation about him?" danXerous colds, winter among children durieg the kind of function, that at which try to soften your heart- towards a' "Hang it. It's like chatting in a Ir printers and their friends foregather. brother collector. SupposeI showerbath," grumbled the jourI san according to a heating and venti- -You must trot out all the printers' er- "Yen, I've got one or two crumbs. He lating expert. Mr. Honeybun rang the bI rors of which you have ever heard. as. "Is Mr. James in?" he inquired of is a retired surgeon, formerly pracd . Children should "I be perviltteI the a 61 Over-' flor example , In 'English Utilitartans.' p, r1ormaid who appeared. ticing as a specialist in London. Made to gorse, on aweet., or dew loading of tobtr s.:,mactha and the re, Stephen, the index has the The parlormairti opined that Mr. p, by LI&I Ila bit of a reputation. Now practically suiting ddsorde.r% r%f the system are, words: IHed, John Stuart Mfg will go James was 0%TL in fact she had seen I a recluse and not very popular among to. -II, A referenceto the fact that cole.. him. start with his g%n haff an hour I at predisposing cauves of co-Ide lulnevewl his humble neighbors. I gather that beating of living and school room la ridge -had no omlets. fair h4s, spiritual' 8,90 bI a mean old devil, keeping tight energy was altered Into: 'Coleridge 4419vut about Wilmot, the chaut- purse strings." alneascstochildren'sbeahli A", had oo cutlets for his -spiritual enow.' four?"' "It all fits in," rejoined Klyne cryp- kept for hours in .a stuffy to=, .sad "There Is a story of a German print- "He is at the garage, I think, air. tically. "Well, I'll see you later I,! than subjected to R tiraddem draft, wII be clilkled and ready to be sick. whft er's wife who surreptitiously shared He was out since last might, but be you are going to put up at Beccles to ale BibI pamag* that the husband- came back a little while sea," night. I bear there's no sleeping ac- he who hae spent the time in a rooin' uniforml:l, freaberied and heated. by a should be his wife's (Herr) lord so as "Go and fetch him" Mr. Honeybum commodation here." -as, the d'. good eyatem of mechealcal ventilatum to make him be her (parr) toed, per.. comnianded. 'Tell. him to look guppy. "Not for a dead dog." w I've got a chucking out job for him." 1�_ will laugh at the cold air outdoors, haps the beet of at printerI errors gusted reply, "Yes, I shall stay in If' the old gentleman expected Mr, The child who has a thoroughly vtn)' was that In. wbdch a printer had to an- Beccles and come back to Ruxton- for ton Hirarn'Z. Cable Cobe intimidated into tilatsid school room, living mom and, nounes to the world that Into2icat �'anotber match round ba -morrow." i's folly -and altered it Into the more flight he soon discovered his mistake. sleeping room. Is. provided with the (To be continued.) genta-I statement that, 'intoxication Is Mr. Cab'',, sat -tight till Wilmot come 'JArst and greatest safeguards against Tp -to -date school roams am the Jolly.* Theodore Beza was stated to storming i n. Varied TIvush. cI L most sctenlitlI Tentileted of all have, lt�one to F�3a, In a Candlan vessel.- "Throw that man out," said Mr. -As slippery a& an eel. Cable In the Pacific Coast regions extend- rooms now, whey The primer steered this to "Canadflial Honeybun. "He has been annoying wriggled himself five and sprint- en they have a positive. A; Ing from Yakistut Bar, Ala" to Hum, ly. controlled 7� It. vessel. There Is also that retereI me. Yuor master would appI if 4&d for the front door as though mechanical &I of the devil were afters him. bobdt County, California. lives a bI ventilation, 'brings In fresh oug• to the 'battle -scarred wai-rior," which he were here." tiou, which ful bird knows as the Varied Thrush- door air, warms It, di as became. 'bottle -seared' warrior!" With cat -like agility Wilmot ad- said ffu IS it It is about the Size of a robin, and Is equally. -� It In utifortlinsAs, that this Thee Is also the case of the index vanced to the fray, the only break in "there'll be something besides blood 1 I I often called the Alaska Roblu. But It system is not generally In u" for maker to a life of the famotis English his program being that there was no for Mr. Sfampage's rain -gauge- to 1 i's ac shyer. more exquisite bird than fudge, Lord EP11001 Tb,6 index had It, fray. As meaI to seize Mr. OnNe register to -morrow moving." s play -rooms In their homes, "Lord Eldon, his great mind." on by the collar, hustle him per the robin. According to leading oral- as. well 'as in the sohools. out of the) "You be another Lannon newspaper "There's thoI it it not found in other - The uneven heating'af school rooms Awrittric to the phige, indicated, we read room, and so across the hall and out chap?" queried the old man. "Lord Eldon said he had a great mind of the house. - He got hoba of the un- been )ct of 'em down here to -day." parts of America. depending upon winI ventilation in- -to cIonrithit'tbe attorney for contempt wek-ome visitor's ool:lar all right, but It is at once distinguished by its viten coI The reason is a lack ot "Where are they stopping. asked K, ­ lovely orange -brown breast., and- thar�; control. * The 'school room becomes 71'11 of -coiurt." then the affair was literally taken out yne. "Is there an inn?" 40 . .1 tylack stripe or necklace crossing the. of his hands. As slippery as an eel, "Nary an inn, nor yet a pub," was overheated. -the hIldren pores are lower - paxt of its throw. The upper opened, an when th4 win Mr. Cable wriggi6d himself free and the reply. "They've most of 'em gone, �,w is open - parts are dark, bluish slate. The.sides ed to coo1 the to 4e Remembered Oak. sprinted for the front door. as tbough',tq Beccles for the night, and the rest om_tb Tes. I lag dratt 0 that' XreI enchanted bill of the head.axe black, bordered above of cold. 'air. uearIT always results In the devil was after him. of 'em wi:l go by last traln." I= t#d Eugiand far away, !by a brown streak. colds. "No need to chavy him," said Mr. "Then that's whI must do,". said ' When the snows begin to all to the Crowned, by a- mighty Oak tree Honeybun. "He won't ever come here Klyne, leaving it to be inferred that Under which [used to play! mountains, the Varied Th rushee for -IL. again. Here's a quid for you, Wil- the station -master's cliagriosis of his . - 1. Pensioned Officers in Japan. mot." professional calling was correct.. He Isalite the deeper woods for the lower. I There are some 330.000 saperannuat- more -open places. They" fr"uectly Played with leaf and acorn cup In the meanwhile the subject of his took a few steps and turned back 0MCPTS and ofilcials, on the Japam. come into the outer districts of Seattle a' 'AM alone; watched a white loud prophecy had gained the road, and "Gan you tell .me where Mr. Stain- xvy'otorm esso pension roll .which amounts to looking for*f000d. After a heavy Through my ca-stie's leedy roe, behind a convenient hedge was page liyes and haw far"" he asked. about 166,000,0000 anhimily'. Pray, 61 f>ak-thoughts do not crowd fully 'removing his collar.. When he "'Big house on the "edge of thel of snow one, may see them hopping about looking for *berries;* peering' had wrapped the circle of white linen marsh, matter of half a mile straight Oak.thmo in several folds of tissuepaperI der leaves, and even peokIng at frost- ot sing them to I cann and. up the road," was the information -tten a %les In the treys. Afthough 4.dBig Saving to -YOU, Too deep In -my heart you bide myered the parcel witb a-41eIl- -tendereI­-- -&go kerchief he bestowed it in a side pock- Klyne stepped out briskly, thankful extremely shy in the Solitudes f t e mountain homere they quickly be -co I beard wJtb heart at your tide. et, adjusted another collar to his neck, that he had brought a waterproof friendly where they find food. and stepped out. coat. The driving rain obscured all s a single,RAD 1 0 An anthem I a an oak tree The song, of this bird is a "'If those are not the clearest Played by zeI sottest touch! arest finger- but nearby objects, and though for sustained note, beginning ad .a plants-, SETS and SUPPLIES prints I ever obtained I shalt be very. over -a minute he had helird footsteps artmo, swelling into full. tone of de -son - A gratieful child' remembers Much disappointed," he communed approaching it vas only -when -the At Practlestly Wholesale PtI 'To give homage, owing much. ant poI and sweetness, and taper - with bimsel4. vftyfar*r was -passing that Klyne Ing tato poth�ingess. One who Is fol-, Mall Your Order To -day. The landlord of the inn was 1 won- recognized him as a journalistic se- lowig a trall through the dork-florested 100 volt Storage 11151' Batteries, Days were failr, stout-hearted friend, dering, and wondered till far -into the- quaintance. He cultivated the best of mountain glopis. heI this v6ng'cb`m-:%i WbL*r* we sang, where we belong, ....... $19.00 evening, where his sprightly clerical relations- with the Press. ............ Ing regularly from different directions, a volt 100 Amp. Rex -Storage And -your blI a cbEkd child; guest was spending his time. For,it "Why, -Knowles, I" he exclaimed.it sounds'llke, a vibrating bell tone Batteries ................ $14.150 Wit4i your treasurao, make my song. was not till nearly closing time that "Yiiii are working this red rain stunt, ringing from the temple towers of tel} 6 volt 90 Amp. Rex Storage -1da, Cr�Dcker Duncan. n - I suppose. I thought I • recognized firs, and, drifting down the fragrant Batteries ................... $IL7111 the Reverend Charles Danvers stroll e ------- ed fp.. your roman fist, i7f that news item in stillness of forest a4slea. It is uttered 46 volt Vertical -'B" Bafterles $3.00 "Inspectoi Roake conte back from the Planet this morning." 45 volt Fiat 'IS" Batteries, Isr;e, 4 �ls Only Chance.- in different keys. . z ......... $4.00 5 y a 'The' other Ped6strian express"d joy one who. visits the northwest *004-1 Candid was tbs�-reVly-#Iven b c Lozidon"?" he asked cheerily. ad Yes, sir, and gone out again," WAS In a sound like a gurgle ending in a 4 voli, Y- y "Ill" sattirles, the of his clan. His -master's bald was a good deal soon learns to listen -fo-r ................... "Iia said, I wasn't to sit up grunt. He was a hawk-nbsed, $6.00' badly lumbered, and try as he might the reply. ca- this serene note and can detect Its Radlotrom 201A Tubes ...... $2.16 each for him. so I gave him a key." dRverous fellow of indeterminate age. In . to . el4c;t*- N);hen the ordinary. he Idn't get It'outagain. At es ned d -Rad(otron coir -ikot "-Did-be moved on 200A Tubes $4.90 tc 'seem happy, landlord?" - Where the crime specialist .114 *zled bF,; set his teettli tigb eir at much. HA wag a bit short the generally VI&Itor niny need to ll&ten 'long and Radlotro-m WX199 Tuties .... $2.110' and grew mora and more purple -earth there was sibarpiy to hear- it at all, Thrrrugh­-tbe­- $125 a �quar er �Oan�aui-s wtim Me. to be garnered. Hence his joy int misty beauty of the dawn; -amid the Reliable A & 8 Chargers ... $20.00 excavation, he stopped and �wlped his On the ii -I -iiiening somethirI the men -ting. noI stillness; of a sun-ivarmNi gap Write fotII an Standard Guar' 20; # X qiRAT k, cur -red which carried Klyne's thougntil - "I,es, Mr. Klyne, it's little o'd Ted in grove of f1r, or spruce or cedar. cr ' antee4 Radio Products not Ilattd.. ,H=c it!" he said, "I*ve tried all far from Cheverel, something -destin- I Know:es- all right," he made answer- down the darkening loveliness of corn - my clubs on this abominabk-, balL ad to carry his body elsewbere as well. I "And I am real glad to -meet you, as ing night, floats this -mysterlotrs, wist- BIG FOUR RADIO. CO. When he entered the Inn coffee-ro-)m it shows you're on the Lathrop end of ful Iterated music telling of r- 2 Gould Street Toronto 2. Ont. -What on earth can I do now?" emote 'tb, was Dept. WP "Gie it a swat wl' yer bag," Said the for breakfast the Daily Plan , case. That's all to the good, but solitudes and mountain wildeTne-_q li"i. -1 am most'y grad because I can save laid by, his plate, and at -'another another table Rooke scowling you a heap of trouble in this beastly __4 the now aloof was scow. _'ISSUE No. III IL � 01." 1 !weather in this beastiv place. It isnot Minard's Liniment for Sore Back. . r Minard's Liniment for Colds. over anOL 401 COPY 0 same Journa I W4- ZI,.;..,4-,. L'a. gr?-r 1q. 91- 77 Z .14— r 717ss V. 'il -V.­ 7f­� L 0M mel6y C"tmu T HAVE YOU PLANNED 0— A P UN.PUDOG PARTY ,v K bR Qtr:-Obey that. miWptoo 10. im old grudges and qgw Mr— Forget BY MARGARET M. SCOTT. for this day? 4 —Tune, your. r"o A Pluni Pudding Parti I Doli't you 'The Plum Pudding Fairy. services? An at obrimooss y start it this minute? Nut since. wont to The pium,pudding falry's+ a beau- —FIZ up on good ol�tu.rkey and. &,*ob- posts do"add to a party it might be tiful queen ing?, 4* 8 good tbijig to invite 'some. ' Tbli Who posseisses ttie magic key —Remember the mail' man and the Uttle verse on brown wrapping Paper of. the wondrotO. land of cookies 'dedivery boys? �wuidb6-usedfortbsivvitatiou: a —Join in the fun with the Idddisw?' The. 1111�= pudding Irair;y be in 2> Where sugdr •plums, grow on a 0.--Send greeting cards to, your town, tree. friends? Past, sundoym family reunion? Thursday, four hours —Hold a 'if you would see this - Jolly sprite This wonderful'land -just out —Attend your church services? our reach o*,? I)on't fft-Set to conte that `night. 'Has trees that are very bandy; Good Fet Name— Date-- place _Contribute, to charities? They all are covered with cinns- —He'-p those less fortunate than �60 ...Than fold the paper and tie it UP won bark the holidays? in a four-inch square of white cotton enjoy And twigs that. are n�kde of Attend your community festivities? A �to represent a pudding bag. candy. 't, ii a Christmas savings account —Ope Bare branches can soon be changed for next year into sugar plum trees. Just hang The toadstools are Jumbles; the seeks of candy, lolypops, cookies, springs, root beer; IT �21b— —Mail your presents.before the rush? V strin-'-Flower cookies afound--with —Wish everyone a Merry Chistmas? gs of raisins, and of cin- re namon bark on them and watch atch the I ---Decorate you own Christmas tree? 'transformation. Narrow strips of While squirrels and birds are fat —Fill a. Christmas basket for the little cakes, poor? stamps? bright-colored paper could take the as Red Seal Apd, jellies. ooze-out of the trees. —Buy Chriatm place of leaves, and you might Fin _Hang holt y wreaths 'In your win- some fb cut-out birds on the curtains and in the very midst of this wondrous 04 draperies and hang some from the grove,dows? w. —Read Dickens' Christmas Card?If you prefer, you might invite the chandelier. On a stalk that's not very tall, —Sing Christ=26 s0n999 I There grows the plum pudding, guests as early as six or seven and 4 —Visit all your local friends? spicy and sweet, —Have a greeting for every child You" serve the r reshments as the evening The best and the grandest of all. ------- .9f meet? meal., and thea follow with the pro —Tol 11 stories around the grate fire? gram. As a supper party you �znlglrt i sift, currants, adip-knot, suet, orange, cOL'. serve a more substantial menu. But van0a, eggs, shape, heaping, boiling, —Go window shopping? —Keep your Chri]atihas tree UP tilitil in either case seriing at seven, We- beaten, crumbs, unooth,. flavoring, 'Me Childifen's Friend New Years-? esding the program.-or at ton, follow- thickening ------ teaspoonf u 7 -j, drome4!�� the 6M folks? fag it, the ceremony of fatr-v-and dates, tsb�jagpoenfuL -,-Hang up yhour stockings? ... ... her pudding can be made especially delightful and entertaining. nL Have the Christmas Writ? THE FLLrrrER1NG RIBBON, C"S FOR THE CHILDREN'S PARTY —Recall the days when you were a The suggested decorations are not • bard to obtain or to arrange, and Players in this game are arranged youngsterT should enable the hostess to gi in a line according, to size, the largest Christmas Company Is played thus: person who first writes tl)e oorrect ---Give useful Christmas presents? ive a a Christmas smile. different kind of Christmas party on -one end and the smallest on the Stretch a sheet across a doorway and answers. other. Each player stands with his behind it place a barn lantern or elec- Get up early Christmas morning? that vMI be quite as enjoyable as the 1. 'Tis in the mouth, to this add a fall. Place your Christmas tree near the 'P" gale-honored kind with a Christmas hands on the shoulklers of the person tric light (do not- use an oil �R=P) And now you have can for cbd- At a sign�&l the game Let a group of young fo'ks dbrees In window where it..ca.n be men -froin in front of him tree and a Santa Claus., begdren.90 small: ins, the largest Player tries to various grotesque disguises, and ap- the street? 2. Sometimes 'Itis f0011-1811 PrZI90 tis —Enjoy the happiness of others? Tv, catch the smallest one and the others pear, one by one, behind the screen so, 'A' Cheese Sandwiches attempt to prevent it by twisting, I that their shadows will be thrown I true) —Put on you' r Christmas neckwear? Meat or Peanut-Butter Sandwiches 1 coiling and turning about. The line Iupon it. The other guests then en- it And sometimes itl;s secky candy. —Take a walk through the snow? pickles Olives must not be broken. too. —Refrain from eadri The antics caused by keeping the g too much Al Plum Pudding deawr to recognize the "Christmas company" by their shadows. Noses 1* A word for nonsense you'll oft ex. Christmas candy? ­ p—Keep open house for your friends' ends apart furr'.ih no end of e R. - 'Coffeeexcite- can be built "up" or "out" by means claim ment and fun. When the smallest And thus a favorite candy name. —Forget a;l your work and worries? Af supper is served at seven youl of wax, in order to change the pro- sM a salad or a hot vegetableplayer is caught the game may be re files; pillows will change the slender 4. Your Christmas-candy box. may —Road the Christmas editorialin like baked beans, eeLalloped earn or versed, the :argent player being Pur- to stout; and it will be no easy prob- hold your newspaper? - Dr. something even, more sued this tiara :em to determine the -identity of the A meadow flower, bright so gold. —Wish "Peace on earth; good will to 1 5. The first a dairy product men"? elaborate. *Herei, the recipe for, When the game Is'over, place a various shadows. T. smal: table in the centre of the room Christmas Presents can 'Tis always Oil the table. -�—M*ke this tbe� beat Christmas you b Scoteh Plum Pudding (for 20): grade a The next, a pe(*.e o'er the me; everhad?- One pound seeded raisins, I pound and then bring in what appears to be 7 . . .- . -4 - I I jolly game. The players sit in a circle pound! a pudding. But Instead of savory , and the leader aieks a player "What Now guess if you are ab!el.' 9 �Mrranta, I Pound (Aced Suet, I steam, red and green ribbons come' -P't 6. Where they make money, so shining CHRISTMAS SPELL& granulated Sugar, 1% loaves bread- 1did Santa Claus bring You. The from the top. - Fastened to the rib- and bright; Cbristmas in the old days teemed crumbs. q pint mRk (enough to mods- player may reply (for example) "a i boas are little packages, two of which,, And so as a candy IV must ten and "bind"), 4 ounces grated uku:ee" and InvnediatelY pretend he be 611 with 'spells- anif- omens -and if our, right hem all open" pee4l, 2 ounces grated lemon !one red and one green, contain a few' ancestors fa�ithfuliy observed t is strumming one. In answer to the 'first, a they certainly des r (enough 1 raisins, two others a cube of sugar. 7. The second is a color, •-the e Ved to have 'the peel. I pint sifted whits flour same question, the next p:ayer maY 'You might 111.1 the rest with' nutmegs, chilly season, best of - luck during, the ensuing year. to "bind"), 2 ounces chopped figs, 3 mention d4a vacuum cleaner" and be-1 'eggs (well beaten), 1 teaspoon (heap. orange peel' figs, hard candies. cur- gin to roll an imaginary cleaner, Who-The whole, a candy old folks like, of Here 'are a few of their most cher- or lttt'e cookies, but there course "there is a reason!" ished superstitions for 'the condilt 'ground cinnamon, I teaspoon rants. nuts, ever names a gift that can not be 1 4'. venv"a extract. (level) ground cloves, I tablespoon must be a red to match each green:. pantomimed is "out." The leader goes I8. A French word meaning 'season: Give each girl a red ribbon and the round the circle until all are *panto- Suppose you say it twice, Draw "terSuppose a clear we.1 on, And you will have a candy aristmaa zwirning and you draw Nlix ingredients vvelil; mould Into green ones to the boys, and as the their presents in an absurd I I I That's always very *el' round shape.' HaAng boiled % yard, large pudding is untied the guests pull manner. The question is again asked good luck to all those who think it. 'e packages are open- 9. To maks this good candy, two Eat mince pies in as many different --of new mus:ir (unbleached) ten min- gently. The little pull, ikulele player, who may then' u utes, wring out, spread on table; siftwords ed then, and the matching contents de­ answer "hAir-brush" and try to brush y10 must take: houses as possible during the Christ- tour 1-16- inch deep and 14 inches in tide who are supper partners.his. bair and p'ay the ukulele at the I The first is a nut, the next "sawy mas."ason; for according to the num- d�ameteT In centre of cloth; deposit Serve the sandwiches, salads, and, same time, The questions continues to break." ber,of houses so will you have good 1 mold; gather up edges of cloth tight- coffee, or whatever you decide 'upon, around the circle and it will not be 10. A slangy word for whip luck during -the coming year, ly and evenly (allowing -for pudding! for the first course. And now is the l long until the game breaks up in a A vowel, then a food, Embrace as many friends as pos-. aweMng a little)' and Ve with %-inch- time for the fairy. Your little sister gale of laughter. You'll have a candy that is blurk sible bar, 4th the mistletoe for those In a slipknot. will enjoy impersonating he. e- -But also vary good. who 'kiss beneath the Christmas mis- wide strip of musli-TI rTo hrFor the Christmas Candy Box gut in deep pot of boiling water, and aid her coming, "The Plum Pudding cardboard into oblongs the shape of Answers: L Gumdrop- 2 tsffy; 3, t1stoet will never quarrel. A flat boil,for four hours briskly; keep cov- Fairy" is read aloud. The fairy is on each buttercup; 5, �d&r - man about the bo'u' ri - - candy boxes and the fol-', fudge; 4, butte scot�&h; footed we as du ng dressed In a light brown c ;owing rhymes. Have pencils in readi- 16 mint - 7 wintergreen 8, bonbon 91 Christmas erect with water all the time. An old costume to time will always bring' t bad luck.' of the pot will prevent which are sewed raisins, cand7, an'd plate in bottom ness and ail a box of candy to the peanut rittfe; 10, licorice from sticking bottom of ll, 'c9okies. She carries a wand The- burning of the Yule log VMS a pudding f ngom small, k a smaH pudding bag on the end. 'great event. If was dragged in with. with RMCIPE Ing an -ished the Tiny Tim's, Carol. songs and rejoic -d placed on the FOR SAUCE. As soon-Im file poem, is fin Two ounces butter, 2% pints milk, fairy comes -in and bows to the coin- Th6p,.-he waves her L ,God bless us. evbry one"— fire, the larger the better, for Yule I an wand over Along the pears Wurning each log Hames out alri l memoriesof wrongs 2 heaping tablespoons sifted white the table, and two of her'attenftnt,s As far as faith itself can reach, and anger, and brought peace and -tour, 1 heaping tablounce grated grat6ad appear. One carries the pudding, the That message comes I frldyn'Tiny Thn. goodwill to all who armed themselves' cocoa (or chocolata), 1: other the Sauce, They place them, "God bless us every , on , e in its heat. gone was i1o�red to stir, 2F crystallized ginger, 1 tablespoon, van- 7-how, - and disappear. Then the fairy It echoes with a weATi of love the fire, for- fear of breaking Its bene- -jils extract, sugar (to suit taste). bdwi and goes out, and the guests find That wings its way to God above ficial influence; no squinting or bare- _ Brims milk in sauceps4i almost to boil; add butter -and slowly stir 1n that fairyland puddings are as good With hope and chest that will not . booted person was allowed to--enter (which has. been 'mixed as they'd dreamed they would be, Ready., dim— the room while it was burning for Wckening Me. Bug-:--,VY, .1 never sawleas us every one." ht little "God b this brought poverty and poor sig .,Wittj cocoa) ; add ginger and sugar. There Is a Room. J'ohn'ny so Industrious before-­ to the household. it 'was" thoughfun- Bring just to boil & momant; remove IAdy Bug—"Why, don't you know "God blessTs every one"— lucky too for an odd number of Per- and add vaniti& 1 The little -King ties come, has come!' -sons mas is mming?" Magic of kindly thought, is there', to be in the rpom at this time t whole pudding, Hast thou a guest room in thy' h=0 of rarolq 113 the si a chArreA i!�� of the wa's boil 134 bouriO Send Him not forth with beasts-to lie, Gummed paper for use instead ­ of As I in the days of Tiny Tim. carefully saved and preserved in the Scest thou? His. star shines in the sky; lar during the folowing year; this CONTM Orsinams.• twine in wrapping Christmas parcels', "God bless' us every one"­ We�come E=mnnilel- ne'er-depart cerl the -ice' can be thus-: Take a large sheet, Christ's soul itself is that plea, VMS an infallible security against all A good way to !'break t There, Is a- r6ofn within` mq- heart. 1hg paper 'and paint it That sparkles"like 97 Christmas' tree, this. petty would be to hold a "Con- of your wrapp Unger of fire. with one coat of gum-arabic mucilage With Bethlehem's star its shining rim, -teatd Spices" first. Appoint a judge Watching their sheep on distant hill, ggtst will m4ke up for "God bless us every one."., to keep the wore. He sits at a. table that any dru Angelic strains the shepherds thrill, ant it —George Elliston. -on which am arranged six or more ell him what You W you if You I d'p6per Is dry, Joyful they-baste to see the tl�� 'When the gummed -ed erArelopes each containing a The promised Saviour, undefiled. numbei for. different spice. The players are pro- cut it into strips about one inch wide. In the time of our youth and ad to greet So would I hasten, grad can then be cut into pieces from two abounding interest in life, we give Ided with paper and pencil, each And kneel 0 Christ-child, at Thy it liiity oif'attention" to our houses, to .paper having a column of numbers to hree. inches :Ong,'Cr� *Ctd-nd into p feet. r,611s. The siriiiA are drawn over a our clothes, to our games, to our fond,- sorresponding to those'on the 'an -of lit The prayer moistened sponge and are used effec- 'but about the main problem velopes. layer writes his name Alas'! 0 World, turn not away n -ends of the package, how to feed and nourish our personal- on his paper, approaches the table, Thy Sacred Guest, this natal dsyr—,— -timely to fasten ities, so that they may have a.vigor- Smells (but may not see) each envel- -Too oft in ignorance and .;in If you count y6ux time worth any- , 71, g 'it maybe cheaper to buy, the ous and healthy long life, we take far ope in rotation, and writes his guess thini l7ave-rations turned Him from the r instead of waking it,. less troubldt than' in choosing the route . . I . I d paper on his piper. 'When all have ons this, gummed the judge collects the I papers and inn, Better see first. for a motor trip. a rite of an. ale-stuck full Beit from me, Saviour, ne'er depart pppE)wel �J— �Il yer g ue.TQ,= ,j+llim my benrt.'— of cloves to the pia havinthe —Emma Watt Easton. "keenest noxa No player is'allowed spore than three minutesJust About.to examine, b., Ahe envelopes. -A want" a shirt for li4ale brother," 'G BEE. said the child lu the dry goods stare. PLUM TUDDING SPELLING h &gested: wcrds is su. 'What size, my d"r? How old fs "I broke_off' my, engag-with ent 'Wit This list of Dick until after Christmas." Pudding, sugar, candy, jellibg; sauod, your brother"' "You're cm#,- girlie, wby not get nQt v granulated, bark, spices, ingredienks, "I don't know 'zactly. lie's ery crystallized, sifted, cloth, old. He, Just ta_kes two steps an' nen his Christmas present and then break It off?" nutmeg, crystal string, raisins, mold, walnut, milk, ho falls down "Oh, holi give me a much more ex- a lilemar,' butter, pound, stir, level pensive ptesent this way—just to got extract, sewied, bat- Christmas was first celebrated as ed, loaves, quart sweeten, ginger, flour, sited, muskin, back." religious festival about A.D. 19% !k A Q I a ML .4, 5. : .. n ;fi. z 'C•,` r :. ,�a: • - :rt e -� i - f wrh r .fir..�°i µ.'"•1t` .aq•z.mwss^!•' a•6. s SR:?...^ . •,,.%, Jr. . >i. ¢ •vEx.r d�,. ? 4 •_"m•�+-''�$. �vx,, rft-�aui,�- r.:.tT s :�' ., ,:-�' rk x -... : r•... ra+.7co, » -, • '-: � �': .. ,. «z.�k-�•. . {�' � ,- r ....., +... 1^M-�'�3..• .rn.ti•^•-..t'�: c?' ,... -, t• x' . 'la. .w, w- • :r .... y W x ,.. •r �� '•'�*'C+• 9'^ � '4 "�i p.t3 Rr,�c; .-,ter „�„ . ,,•; ,s +�.a;••':r r C.' " .•,-*,., ra -,.T ...,,"ri , �•'•". ^rt^^ -r10*: wr+. .i ''�<'�• .. a ,., ;y? -,F � YiT fr' , R r, i �r �,�• . �, •, L.$ ° .+w may;: :.fir. .a, ..f,+ .. y. ^ V r C .,, rr.: * ¢. ^�.rf • . ��r.•.., .$ ... °4 .. ., ... :,w ...: s:. .l"yk T,�., .' � s�� w:i-, c ("a'r. >T •: r 1. .3,�t ".,:. o g-.. � ••.•w. � . xr ., . ..- ..r »•,. qa �-.•.,� •, . �w,.. ....�a a. .i"r .s x a.. �. ,*• �` ,. ,.:. :viii. •,:�..., ...,.........:._...a:,. fi a' s r � SUNNI •., .. - _Smallpox German measles, Scar- =Dr. E. A. Sadler Dentis., practis- + 4'Lt%V11L�►7 ew■ A7• let fever end colds are quite prevalent ing in Toronto, wilf. be � ere in his - throughout this part of the pro,.in;e, office on Thursday from 10 a. tri. to but none of them, of a serious nature. 5 P•m•� `Vk iq ore . = We wish all our readers a Merry —H, A. Mlstchett returned to the —Dr. H. T. Fallaise, Resident Dent- 0bris�s" city on Monday after spending a ist. Office over Balsdon's hardware H, R. and Mrs. Monney spent store. Office hours, 9 to 6 daily and week here on account of the illness Tuesday in the city. evenings by appointment.' f and death of Mrs. Matsbett at• mindset, _ --Miss Annie Keighley, of Toronto, Lost an Wednesday, 'Dec. 22nd, spent Sunda with Pickering friends. Mrs. Geo. M. Palmer. — -'. '' �' —We regret to report the death orr in front of ' Cecil Bradley's shop, a `a —St. Paul s young people's meeting of Mdss Ma $5.00 bill. Finder please leave same "- n V again �a i w� Thursday evening. "New Years Ser- Wednesday, at Whitby, Mary g { icer McCausland, a -former resident of with Mr. Bradley. Reward. < -Mrs. H. , A. Matchett and daughter Pickering. Her funeral is taking e this (Thursday) afternoon to DO YOUR WINTER TRAVEL TO $dies Helen, are spending Christmas P Xaa a S e a s o n_. *th relatives in Toronto. the Friends' burying -ground, Packer THE WEST 'VIA "THE NATIONAL" r -Born, on Friday, Dec. 17th4 at ti►g. r o $he Victor5al Memorial Hospital, Tor- -amu Balsdon, of the Massey-ldr- For comfort's sake go "The Nation- a ` onto, a son to Dr. and Mrs. McEwen ris Co., of Brandon, Man. is spending al" when travelling to Winnipeg and y � � bere -•Frank Hall, who is working in a week wiM Vs here. Mr. the West. This .fast Castadian Nat- r yt..the city during the winter months, is Balsdon has been transferred to this ional train has every convenience to , °a i'lending a week's -holiday at.his home Company's offices in Saskatoon, Saskl make your winter trips enjoyable. ala hers and will assume his new duties after Attentive service, modern steel equip- -St. Paul's church services on Sun- New Years. We congratulate him on meat, convenient hoar of departurewe are lYlaln$r extensive preps• ` his omotion. all favor "The National" when con- • :r r day at 10.80 a.m. and 7 p.m. Morn- > . tions for •this season of "Gifts." . --the annual Christmas tree and alienia your trips to Winnipeg. � ing 'subject: A Christmas. Apzopriate gP _ ----- - ; 'music for the occasion. Evening, song entertainment of St. George's Sunday "The National" '.leaves Toronto ae hope to inset with School was held in the Town Hall, on nightly at 9.00 P.M., arriving at Win- .�. service. The choir ,will render several extra numbers. Come and wora w Saturday evening last, sad was a nipeg at 10.00 A.M., the second morn- yOUr approval• ` extra St George'sandChurch,, Sita• splendid success. There was a large ing. Connections are made at Win- _ �l„y next, at. 10.80 a.m. there will be number in attendance, and the child- nipeg for all Western .points In ad- - a celebration of the Holy Communion ren in the program, acquitted them- dition,to regular equipment a special ;Preacher; the Rev. D. B. Langford. selves with credit, showing excellent sleeper is carried for the convenience Our Toy Department is and will be full of all gindB of dem w At ?. p.m. evening service and carol work on the part of those who had of Sudbury passengers. lig, tful things for the little ones—"Games, Picture ' .:Z p.m., evening service and carol their twirling in hand. Of course, San- Tickets and inLorlaaation .from. any to Claus arrived in good time to dis- Canadian National agent, Books, Mechanical Toys, Dolls, Dishes etc•,. A singing. Preacher, Mr.: W. R. Sproule g t tribute is among the children aria ay," there will be no service on Christznas t� g ,and "by the We meat no Day, but special Silristmas music will a mast happy time was spent by all. sow `�,y.{iaNtsstreta. forget to mention the clone 'be a feature of both serviies on Sun- -The annual conceat and Christ - 'be tree of St. Paul's United chutes OR SALE—lObead of young cattle particular item" was held on Monday evening. The —Dont forget the Womea s Insult Fat lot 3s, B F con , Pickerin , Phone Maly • • • LL • 1 l ute meeting to be held next Tuesday weather was all that could be desired bot, Fred Lacey, highland Creek P.0. is -la Santa Claus is coming .again this year and the large,nusiber of peolpe who ra home 28th. s. the usual scut at the OTATUES FOR SALE -A quanti- 'home of Mrs. des. Andrews. A Christ- came packed he Sunday School -room p - . to Bee all the little klaalei and ty of `cod potatoes at i2-25 per bag. Rei. tries paper W!I] be given by Miss to listen to one of the best programs Fuller. R.R 1. Pickering. Phone Pak 1033. 1&i 'everybody On Saturday aftez- i IEaWkes. If you bring a present you ever given in Pickering. Promptly at tition g•� o'clock. Rev. A. R. Sanderson, �j OR SALE -1 Ayrshire cow, reg'd, noon, December the 18th, at n --milli- t�� �`alle� on t}le first num- 1' due in December; ,1 Holstein bull. 6 months will also be given for Which a pr1Le old. n -bred. will register. Wm_Gr Jr. R. 8.00 o'clock. .is being offered. Areal good pro- ben Everyone of the boys and saris a�"Ctdremoo -1 b-a-ciam-2213•- Vie,— __ _ knew their ieces and ve them so ,TnBt Read T1116 - is P gram being prepared, Every- P AIR DRESSING -Powders and body come. well that the audience applaud ed Hereams, soaps. candies and nuts. Cali at the Tis —On Monday night and Tuesday Elsie Lockwood and Ida Stern by Siaaty Parton. Bron ham. for all kinds of Christ- 71. re - morning motorists hail their troubles a masbargatns, Mzs�obt. Devitt. 1518*• From away 3;x In keeping on the roads on the high- ceived a hearty encore. Mrs. Fal- �+OR SALE -25 yaung pigs; 1 2 -year CIIOgraln - IIP.North` a way., The merit was generally laise', ever -ready class of Girls gave Fold stock boar, ret, 'ramwortb• z neon two numbers so well that the audience goats and 1 buck rt, Fred Lace • lot as. B.i To THE BIG STORE, Free of snow and a very slight rain encored Leslie MoTley's class r4ng" Siigntand Creek P. 0.14 tPbone Pickering, Ont" and light frost made the road exceed {' irigly ,slippery, so that many cars and of boys �1ui� themselves admir- OR BALE -In the Village of Duo- Please tell all my little friends and'all my big ably in several musical numbers led -friends. I will be at your store on Saturday, Deeem- itrvck8 LhBt had AO chains found it Fbarton. a 6 -roomed frame house indict, k! ' -impossible to cilias the hills, and it oY CYC Morley. Santa Claus attired small frame barn, Hard and sort water, Aµple was exceedingly dangerous to attempt in his beautiful new suit caught the and email fruit Blvd.. Apply Mrs. W . B. Dunbar her the 18th, at 3.00 o'clock. little ones at once. The many pres- 243 Gtetxho►me Blve.. oroato. 14 r7 > to the tide hills without chains ents exceeded other years, especially ORONTO WET -WASH LAUP7. $AVTA CLAUS 4 as the ears Woul _turn completely TDRY (Sema finish}—Let our driver call and "and generous were the -donate , ' the nplain our 24 hour service Just lave + � . —TuesdayDec. 21st. was the beautiful books given to every name with Mr. S. W. l ay.s; barber shop. i Our stock of Ohinsware, Fancy Goode, Leather Goods, scholar. A heart vote • of thanks will pick up and deliver 3 times a week. :. asktortest day in the year, and it cel- y Ladies Wear Stamped Goods, Fancy Towels, �. r ebrated the event by treating us to Waft given to those Who did the train- ARM MACHINERY -Frost A the mildest shortest day in 36 years. +n8 of the scholars and who assisted Wood Cockahatt, Tudbope, Anderson John etc , etc , i8 worthy of yOflr inspection. in an way. Deere. Bissell. Gould Shapley a Moir. Flavty, A r' the temperature being above rile y Wilkinson. Best order yoae rc�trt•g - r! freezing Poiret all day. The whole —The annual nomination meeting .no. Alio >k POr=.rad,o., W F. Dtabey. ,Boost your town—Buy in Pickering. of the Township will be held at one Greenwood. rite ,yi1 year has bten.characterized by its te- o'clock an Monde next in the Town ' cord-breakin career. We had aptiion- Brougham, for the purpose of C •aRgom.,Aharms a �'ki . o intim l� CHAPM r late spring enol summer, exception- nominating candidates for the pose-p�emenes do rood ordler. Alsw sawsl haa.yHrnd a a �, AN . _..ally wet fall, and in other ways, we g light sd�las rad cook stoves dna beaters dgb see - have experienced nnvs_vsl weather, tion of reeve. first deputy reeve. sec- eat ptY4e paid for bides and wool. also trse pool; d We hope that it does not keep up its and deputy reeve and two councillors tri• _ «tnan. stout3vAle. Pboae 1903 tett = reputation by giving us a very cold for the year 1927. There will be a OR ggR�?ICR—Old and young � winter and heaps of snow. general discussion of township mat- Fboars, Hereford . 9 and bask Loat Service Fall � ear —Tae annual school meeting Will ters and the retiring members of the lee for those animals. al oo payable at time of O Council will beprepared to furnish •snits -. r. Fred service of 35e. F. c char[e be held in the school at 30.00 a.m. on i! left over. Fred Lacey. lot as, B. F. con. Pict - Wednesday next, for the election Of any information regarding their work erme Naehland Creek P. O. Phone Maly sot. for t9le year, and to answer any criti- 14-17 a trustee and recei'vin the financial trims that mayy be made. The pres- �/ ,Insist on - _.'report of the year, also a general cis Council vrill likely all stand for BURN/NC�HAM discussion of school matters: The re-election and it is probable that BuUdini; and General rsetiring trustee is Geo. W. Barker. It Oantractio (�i Utta Pereha Rcibbere $e very desirable that there be a good there will be other aspirants for mun- g• ,. ici 1 honors. It is felt in the south- attendance of ratepayers, for as a Pa, Estimates 'Interior on all erior. -and Penangle Underwear a gennerai rule school matters which ern part of the township that the of work—Interior and E:urior. -' r 'should deeply interest the Whole coni- south should be better represented as Alterations and repairs. munity, is relegated to 's very few, four of the five members of the coon- T i usually to the three to ateea and two cilBoard side north of the sixth con- Chimneys Built Concrete Work. � Yott Can't Beam Them ar three others necessary to make a cesasion, chile it cannot _be charged phone Pickering571$ that they favor the north at the ex- i rise of the south, they feel that the FAIRPORT. = ONTARIO Q - --The usual Christmas tree and en- representation on the cont?cil Beard 3 Rubber �peclale - tertainment of St: Andrew s' church'edl�tra Perfec'ti Prodn�t s { was held in the church on Tuesday should be more evenly divided. If evening with a large attendance of the south is not more strongly repr•ea- Boys Waberproof Canvas -top >lloccaaiu 9oL,... ;members of 'the congregation and ented it is because they themelves are •76 ,' to blame. The majority of the rate- Being agent for The Pedlar People, I - Misses, Cloth Over-Rubberr;.Feg• 1.25, for F their friends. A most hnereastist� am prep to toppply you with all program consisting of piano duets. Payers of the township reside south kinds of steel. Includiog Steel Shia Men's recitations, drill etc., was of the sixth concessiion and by the glee, Corro. Crimp and Corro. Iron for Men's All -Rubber Overshoes, reg. 2 50, for „. principle of representation by popul- Tbeee are No. 1 Rubber, but are p p• ;" rendered and mach enjoyed by the roofing and sidin , also Metal Coil- job lots we picked a `• audience• Santa Claus Was unable to ation they are entitled to a majority loge and Walls. aiatel Garages eta arrive in time for the beginnir><g of in the Board. However, as they have Slerial spring terms after Jan. let I the entin ime for Ott a beg' of v- never insisted, on a more equal re- am also prepared to do barn building ing trouble with his reindeer, but he presentation, they cannot blame the repair work. For prices pbonoWN. _ .. was in time to distribute the presents north for having taken advantage of or write. Lowndes' Clothing f T to the delight of all. The singing of them in this matter. J LEVI NORTON, � the National And hem brought the 15.18 Claremont R. R, I. Featuring the Conomy Muffler in a, happy gathering to a close. PACK YOUR BAG FOR FLORIDA overcoats. '= -The ratepayers of the Police vil- lage of Pickering will meet in the Wouldn't you like a gallop along,-$W-1WK AUfN0RfiY^ s i Town Hall next Monday evening for palm -shaded bridle . paths by the Fred Td . BuhtiIIg, l'w Pickering the purpose of noniliating candidates 'ocean? Wouldn't you like to spend w� Ry$ 19stablished 1857. -position of police trustee,. re- your winter where it is glorious ceiving the financla -tell ent-- and- miler all the time 7 ' Then_ pack N � ��nQN�. discussing matters of deep interest yourbags for Florida. A short train to the residents of the village. We journey and you're n a land where pI,iM�ONARY CENTRAL GARAGE understand that the, present-. trustees satsth e r b e sports and pleasures are --n-M ��M WE& THE - -, will likely stand for re-election, and at their best all winter long where that others will likely offer their ser- hospitality is the keynote. Because X: vices in the capacity of police trustee. Or perhaps you prefer the Gulf :Telephone 4900 On account of the park development Coast. From Pensacola to the Mexi- Hundreds of Supreme Court ;y and other important matters relating can Border, hundreds of comfortable Judges concur in hishesc raise of the work as their Aut�Oriap. 1 tti the village it is necessary that and picturesque resorts will help to a . cod men be appointed to the lice The Presidents of all leading Uni- g ppo police make your winter holiday in the South versities, Colleges, and Normal tru�tee Board. A good attendanr_e of a pleasant one. No matter where Schools dive their hearty trtdorax• A � ratepayers is requested at this meet- you stay, everything possible will be Auto ]Repairs, ACCeBSOries, 0118 and ing, done to make your visit one to be re- "w , `c r ` - -James H. Lawrence ,formerly of membered. Winter tourist fares with All States that haveada large dictionary as stanched have Pickering who has been farming in long limit and stopover privileges are selected Webster's New Interna- . -Pickering Gasoline Acitylene Welding, err Saskatchewan for a number of years, now effective. You have choice of doh - ''bas followed his custom of the past gateways and variable routes when n few years by returning to Ontario to you travel "National." 'lite Sc}tooibooks of the Countxy Battery Qharging 3 tspsod the winter months and is snow Any Canadian National Railways "cmadhere •f diacridcal marks. the bee: • at the—Clyde -Ho. Toronto. A gent will gladly supply you with ' The fo lowing from the Sask wan {t> ilioitrit►tioss, resp a a at �°nt Printing Office eD$i made. on all makes Star will be read with interest by ani literature. at Washington use it as a,dtitortej. �- t. of the New + } smarty of Mr. Lawrence's friends: watts for . ssa+pte lia•e t s - ".1am@e H. IAwrenx, Who hear farm- Wmils, specimen of Raguter and Indts of ear • ' FUM ed in the Alsask district since 1909 N Q T I c Pal'e`s announces the sale of 1,3(10 acres of Re Snow Shovelling et'R C' _ • IJ his holdings there to a Saskatoon pur- chaser. W. Herron of this city acted Residentai are hereby notified that sae broker, Mr. Lawrence said the welts mart be cleaned within a tea- f� HARLES Bs PENCER purchaser did not wish his name or I ennoble time after ettcb snowfall. �� 1� the price disclosed. He said nor sub-i Otherwise work will be done and stontial cash payment oras made.," I charged In taxes.T>:.tlsarl Mr. on Lawrence has more land .Which WM. CULLIS; Proprietor, -Pickering' ss. he is offering at a bargain. 14.15 Iuppecting Trustee �ji i .. i .. G : a .' .CL''slec...,dJ' .Y 44:.+r• "i1' <•` .. 5. ..... .raj r.•.-v'FF .. _ ' r ..... - i ...�.a t..,.f;.,. .. _ : ..... w.s.�S.r�Yiiv:'aF�-4t��"„.i'^ ....... �. ri - q ' SP 9y�J'S'�.va .9 _ i 1