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Pi i$Ilk .2 U COIL _4926 �No 5-1 ERING3 ONT, .-FRIDAY , 7, G -0 XTnT --V-%JJU XLH',A-1DT c"rK-Mi DUNBAR. --TON. -CHERRY*OOID. S&* Min "a B&A@t • 11 Sunday- -kt the CcrnmuniV Mrs. James Davey, Macleod AltiL, GnmENWOOD Hall. Sunday &hool meets at 2 p.m. is -visiting- with her. sbAer_Mn._.Fw4_ Alte=oon Church service at 3 pim. ney, V J 'Me members of the Dunbarton A.Y. Alfred and Mrs. Fenne•� celebrated T 0 Of Ontario. Ret. -h weddiiig R .crical D. or. are holding their fir am their silver anniversary at I lotered MeMber of the A,,,,km 1�= —IJO - Eyes . W by -e .Heir home in Cherrywood on Satur- service at. St. George's Pickering at' !a Iaamontv,� to'be Histabillahed ISM Fruit Baskets of ail 'd,-Aeriptibu p;eserrL Confirmation era-are-urged-to guests from Toronto were preseri+, T4iesday At 8 p.m, in'the.Commilhity' and a most enjoyablp, time. was speen N. `.-Zb`.KlNN0N, including qt. boxes,. pt.. boxes, t rgh. member of the *An* of Iphysildims and Ban"" of Onsama Hall." by all. Mr and' Mrs. Fenney and- Baskets at the r . ecipients of many-- beautifAsxul Of PAW&I 001140 Of 513TOOMS, Z"--- ces of silver, also the good wishesed I r� ulfe'� Feed t9entlon io daleasesi of v AUDLEY. pie • of their many friends. The storms of 1st week damaged Shaping and Turning. 'There is no feed on the mar. - standing crops badl'y. 9ROCK ROAD. Threshing ti E. -CHRISTIAN, Barrister &ad Siddle' -Kars, Sleighs, Office Stooli .21era ons are going ap ket gi�ves better results A by. Messrs. and Puckrin. Wm..Badgerow had a trip to Wh� can. south Etc. Money to for the money for in House. Whitby. 251y Salt For Sale The school bell will_ soon be heard by last week. . . . -on and wife spent a again, when Miss Gee will be in W. A. Jacks pig feeding than 1PIUSARESON. & PICKERTNG� 0HAS. A. WHITE. charge. week -end with the forn-rei's pare It. .3 . tr 0- LitBarriaters, Solicitors etc,. 317-319 Coated- Several from here atterided- the Miss McDonald of Dunnville was erationLife Building, Corner Yonge and Rich. Successor to late W. G. Barne ban the guest of F� R., Jackson and wife mend Sta.. Tor... horm Main 2 390 and Main et to Donald Beaton at Brou- BARLEY FEED. 0490. Pickering office open Wednesday Phone 8420 -or write-1--ocus.t.alill-On qu receDtly. sham, on Friday evening. Wedn"day and--Satutday- eye-i-ett.. F. W. Gibson and wife, F. W., DI*s-. The transient campers of'this lot- .,Get your supply now ney wife and family of Greenwood, ality enjoy the bathing privileges EATON & 8688 called upon F. M. and Mrs. Chapman immensely these hot days. -Bairleterv. So. mtors. Northern Ontario Igaiminsuet, Toronto...s. ago J. He, Beal Sunda- A motor car was found just north ion -�Fa;d. Vlitfin�r __inT_famW=ha,* 'Ee_re_a?iiw days 4, Aay the Department of Agriculture its 1?uftefta D49wtor returned from a ,-*Sit with h with the licence plats and one Uaws, -!d A= her mother Ago, od J. Atilealai4v 2707 ts and 'in Toronto who has just returned from tire missirig, it was stolen J %. 11 _t -from "Wr regard to your pure Barley ZAceftsr�d zmbWme,r a trip to the Old 1.%nd and the Chat. owner -in London. ----The Pickering Fred under Reg. No. 242, note the Defttai nel Islanis where she fcry.nerly lived. constable was notified and he got in we ..MOTOB HEARSE touch with the police aid Ale car was chemical analysis indicates a better R. D. C, Smith, Dentist, WEST H I ILL. product all the way through than Stouff. soon restored to the oumei. Hang'a �.Dvdle. HowxGraduate of Chi T MAREMONT, CW. ief anyway' your guarantee calls tor, which should- =Universitle 29t= �; th be very satisfactory to 'your cue - Surgeons. 'F=h001912, Phone 924 very well repres-entp-d meeting of J4fi lot6l No out3id i appointments. My DUNSARTON. tomes.' the congregation of Melville Presbyt, LAKE B. BEATON. D. D. S., ean church met in the basement of B riGraduate of the Royal Colelge of Dent^1 he church on Tuesday evening, Aug.s. Bje'nkin we are sorry to say U?9. $urgeona sad University of Toronto, office is laid ulo, with blood poison, stom Whithy. OAK FLOORING the at eight o'clock. The purpose ofilce bows 9 1.2: Ito 5.30. Ind. 'Phone 6. of the meeting was to decide whether Miss Florence Annis leaves Fridiiy 'A W1 Phone M. the congregation were ready to- call a to resume her duties as teacher at SPECIAL... Fort William. pabtor to take charge of iheir work 0 A L JN. DALES, L. D. D. D S. The Rev. Major A. L. Burch, Moder- Miss Muriel Johnston of London is *Graduate of Royal CAIM at Ewntai a -8z2 inch No, I -Oak Fioorin ho = am I Sur 9 ator and present pastor of St. An- the g�est'ef her"cousin 'Miss Muriel the University of Toronto, - Office per M. B. M. Th-im this week. ,e D A. Scott's store. Claremont. Ont. drew's Church Scarboro, was in th bours. 9 a =. -in. Sat= e A d inipply of Hard .7 m.office chair. After his careful address A number from here attended the Rood and Soft &8x2 inch clear Oak Flooring. $0 ban et in honor of Mr. Beaton at to he I P. tn. lsbo�ne= band. Also a supply IT explaining the usual procedure, Coal on per M., B. M. Brougham last Friday night. ERBERT T. FALLAISE. L congregation were invited to submit of Kindling Wood, A� I D S.. . . Mr. Lobes of Kingston and his son -1. D. 5_ Graduate of the Royal College of in lots,of 500 ft or more. plus names for consideration. The con- R==seons and the Univershy of Toronto. in-law are visiting the former's bro- -stove length. , J S 8.1 on's time. Ackerms. out 24 per cent sales tax. gregation chose to call the Rev. Har- ther. Isaac and Mrs. Nobes. here. (a= hou.% : 9 a in to 5 p m or by int- vey Carmichael, M.A., -B.D. Ph.D., a 12tf Phone Pick. 1109. former pastor of St. Andrew's Murch. Mr. ani Mm. Oweneth of Niagara mean Phone nck 3700. The above prices are for promptvats acceptance only. &a* they 'are Scarboro, and whose charge now 'IS Falls, N.Y., are guests of the letters DONALD MUNRO. FICKEKING sisters Mrs. Morrish and Mrs. Taylor lower Uwm. the curttq"_ in Cromwell, Cbpn. Dr. Carmichael this week. wholesalequotation& was the unanimous. choice of the oonerr- % 1W UZ A 89TH RICErA RDSON--8-4c. JuAcessor to the late W - V. WAchardenis. rel"_ who has been I a month at her Down Fire Insurance Companies of gregation. 11 was indeed with a spending mcdw 6taad=g 340 W:.-','P1CKER1NG -:0 great deal of pleasure that we had parents' home hem, has resumed her work in t'he city. resent with us Mr. James Duncan Ile Service Gar and Mr. Geo. Scott. two of the oldest w45%- . I LUMBER YARD pre' est of her cousin, Miss Elva v1v POSTTLr. Ucensiodtoctiones, Miss Nettie Nichol of Orillia is the for 0-mun Of Test A 3wasn. los. members of the o=greg&tion. ot0" Mitchell on recurn; -ig from a. Visit Motor over�bwullng. !op and aids our- On sibionsiss together to 'Muskoka, re WHITEVALIL P""n Next Sunday our pastor Rev. Mr. IBiatte" Service-4COtervivilt rvice and Overhauling. Do 0"em"Maims"01MIalm "Afte Our goft-ball team wirli to nffer Frazer will take charge of the se babooftile. &400"Isms. 868. swam be loom in the United church. Service will be All work guarstitesid. - Mt rato- 'TOMW Our congratulations to their iJL$BK 04 MIND &C=. Ot NOWilAW ZA& service chmi4ra NNW Have'' -Them" 11 second baseman, Pat Nowlan, on ob- held morning and evening. -_ &a tral. 009L Phone 6610 Mark. taming his certificate of entrance �o WX MAW, LICENSED AUC- I at the age of 16 yrs. ..D. R.' BEATON HONORED TION Berry Boxes BAskets, Crates norm's W. E. a E R R Y' i. Y=QDWZAo and Dorbasa attood" and Containem Our peaceful village was invaded an Am Wednesday, Aug. 18th, by over forty One of the'lal�gest gatherin �gs that ERS, offirv, tad! mod :Perfection rfection Oil Cooking of Toronto's finest members of the ever assembled In the Town Hall,. =ft"A"-w Wilstbi. Ont. stoves -the stove that Police dorm, -many with their wive. Brougham. was that of Friday even - will give you every and families. and. also their fine sil. irk last, when all parts of -the town - 70 Coal and Feed ver band under the leadership of the ship were represented to pay tribute Warmers, Attention Also, Binder Twine, Lawn Mow famous conducter,. Signor D Lrbano, to, Mr. D. R. Beaton. who has been its well as a baseball. team from Lhe the efficient clerk of the township or _: :Iq am agent for the World's Gre&test ers.'Poultry Fencing and force, who spent a tine . afternoon .the past forty-three years.. - Only Chicken Setting. 'picr6ckirre in our park, while the base- those who are resiaents, or who were Separator "The Renfrew Swvesi� F. A. REESOR... Scales and Oil Engines. Fleury's Get our prices before buying ball team engaged the Whitby base- at one time residents of the township famous Plows. Points, Grain Grinders, elsewhere. ball team in -a close content, winning were invited, and the gathering in - Wheel B&rrowsetc. the game by two runs. In the even- cluded a large number of ladies . The MaOOMM"M 3!KXMX, *00 Brantford binder twine alia&second- Phone 46 2. ing the band reinforced by Jinim dinner was provided by the ladies of hand separators for sale. Reed rave. a high-�class concert WhicK the U,'tbd Church,, amd they are ALVIN IBUSH13Y pleas'ed everyone.. The picnic was en- being highly complimented for the Nut and Stove Coal ROM DEVITT, joyed by everybody, and among those manner in which they catered to the phone 506 Pick. BROUGHAM PICKERING present, we noticed lookinsr up old assemblage, for the tables were hand- and Coke, also acquaintances -fhe� -Rev. J. B. Moore, -,omety decorated, and the eatables who preached'in the Baptist- Church were all that could be desired. When All Hinds of Feed Grain DO YOU WANT %-noppmg here for a number of yeas:-, comment- all had been served, R.R. Mqwbay, as I .yonr house heated for half ing in 1868, and with him his son, toast -maker, took the chair and called Clark candidate dress AND PL kKING: the cost of coal? W. H. Moore, the Liberal upon W. J. k, to read an ad referred for Ontario.County, who was looking to Mr. Beaton. The addw.s Cement, Lumber, -1 am prepared to do, Chopping `andt. If 96, instal one of the Instant'3119 up his old haursts; The 'proceeds of to the good fortune of the township Owl FUking every Monday, rel -11 yoiir-range, or the day found the funds of the Cem- in -having a clerk of outstanding - -- Wednisday and Friday; Oil Burns �: -, Lath a Board increased by about $270. efficien!y, and one who commanded an Intern tionlid Oil Burner -etery. 11toneboats For Sale i.n.your. f urmace. for which the Board is very grateful. the respect of all classes with whom Much credit is .due Chief Dickson for he came ill contact- His long , exper- Call and see them. successful event, as it was r _.V Terms: as la gely ience in directing the affairs bf the townshiphis John F. Bayles, cla"Mont the throuirh his efforts all were ens let clear legal mind and his GORDON'S to enjoy the treat- wise counsel as well as his -thorough RuralRoute-No. 2 W. J. j8trictly Cash Church Street,- knoirledgef of Municipal law have been (]dMfo. t, Salit _at.ion The thoroughness with which he Agents Wanted 231y Pickering -ilckERING REACH Ol of inestimable value to e townishi per - Mrs. Hughes vrho is occupying the formed his duties as clerk and his r Coles' cottage for the balance of the P' PiCe�ene SIGNSng clear judgment have saved the town - and Economy' Glass Signa of all kindi made to order, season, has as her guest her sister ship from nIarry financial entangle - Mirrors Re-silver6d. told, Silver, Miss Childs of Toronto. menta. His. integrity and the noble Are combined in the Marebiall Pewter, Nickel. Copper etc. Saturdbys storm and bad weather qualities of mind and heart, has en - ring K&tuvm , - ' Articles. Orniameitits, caused the cancellation of the usual deared him to all who knew him. Pateftt 4 r—yre .Tableware -sod Jewellery dance at the Pavilion. To -morrow His unostentatims manner, dharming guaranteed weekly function_ -personalli Ind rich of humour, -Titzht--the-popular :ch fumi Darion A 'vist a free slip cover or gold-plated. a will be restitbed. have )nad; him a mostami e. an Riven with each mattress Bet4m&teolpr". The Irwin cottage with the com- desirable companion and has won for letion of'the new screened and shut him a wide circle of 'friends. Always -7 _1 I p :a 0:3E-' i DM tered porch, is now one of the hand- ready to assist in every good work Owing to the lateness of the sea- LOCUST HILL, ONT. sourest and most spacious of summer and those in search of advice, he Verandah Chair* have is son, our To M7 Customers it Pioker-� Phone Mark5683- 9042 homes on the looked upon as a friend of everybody. -vicinity bilien redubed iwpriie. Pickering and the Pickering Beach After the reading of the address Mr. in and soft ball team will. compete for local Kowbray, on behalf of the township, ro 'next to the n6W-1 7 I Only. White SeWihg Machin' -E-LM MIT I honor on the Bea6b urvis presented to Mr. Beaton a beautiful Some have objected drop hood, long bbuttle, ball Saturday afternoon, . Ae game will illuffdnated address; a valuable brief , 'signs recently painted on my 4*_ -thirty in the after- bag and - a- handsome cane. In well store namely, bearivo, golden oak finieb, be -called at five y, "on and promises to be a close and chosen words Mr. Beaton replied guarrmteed for IQ yea", .$40 interesting contest. expressing. his heaftfelf thanks for "PTCKERING DRUG STORE." Spsi prices during L July' and Isabel Black, the young daughter of the gifts and the expres�;ion§ -of ap- We are according to Law -For Pastry Use' the Rev.- A. E. Black, jumped from a preciation of his, services. This was .-obliged to have it than ed. on bed.outfits boat on Tuesday morning and rescued followed •by a nurtiber of appropriate the small boy of one of the cottagers toasts, responded to by a number of We still sell Crude Drngs, Patent Electric appliances, including Hot Our Roy9L, Brand who was flounderinz helplessly in the present and past officials and Medicines, Toilet Goods, Point Irons, Toasters, National shallow water near the lake shore. members of the Council as well as a. City D airy Tee Cream, 2'Vurner Hot Plates etc. at yonr Grocer's. Isabel turned him right side -up an" number of others, including% -Chief of Tobteens, Cigars and Cigarette@,.y proceeded calmly on her way. Police Dickson, of Toronto, W. H. also anew Star Car if you armers who have wheat get your pr The unexpectedly 'close flash of Moore, Liberal candidate, ani others. flour made frorn'yonr ova need one. 4� lightning with its accampanytng crack During the evening community sing - Wheat; -We can of ear-splitting 'thunder near supper in was indulged in, and the inimi- Pickering Patent Medicine Stour- _ - Go- ASterrift grind it. time on,,Monday reacted sharply on. table Bert Harvev Sr. rendered sev- feyninine nerves and Tuesday's con- veral selections that were greatly en- -trniture Dealer and Ft Feed of all kinds -Chicken feed, " tions whenever two or more joyed, as were also several numbers versa r. Funeral Director hen feed, chop, millfeed. N.'E. McEWEN T'7_CKE ING N fair cottagers met was. given over by the Whitevale Male Quartette. tte. Phone 1800 largely to descriptions of Just where The singing of "Aiild Lang Syne" Chopping every week -day. - the bolt fit. , It apparently . struck brought ' to a close one of the happiest geon Veterinary Sur within two inches of each cottage Piakeftgo utwi on township gathe ngs ever assembled in the 0 the Beach. ownsZp. 0=t&llc� "!Z 1% 0 4 Mcp We -i Nr M", 4p wamp"N'Ra y. 7� .7r7 0 :v$' :,. We.. ,s .'. -.., si. ,w Si--' •''. *n` - ,;; .ie.: �,,. .;' ,::4, 'a t`�y, �„g. � ;v .. ,, -, ':1 ^�. ... .�,.. r ��¢ 5 .4- r4• :e .oNM : 7, :4 3� -7- battery vomPiuYy__ Visitors SUNDAY, SEPT. 5, AT 3:00 P.M. to the From Masey Must* Hall, Toronto • Big Family of Settlers. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stundebeck- train Minnesota, baye recently settled in -the Humboldt district, Saskatche- wan. with nine children ranging 14 saw R4 froul two to 49�.-years. --They bought Iand in'thIs district at- tarin --and-cam-e--w" several thd"and dol - Tim it in cash and • effects and farm *QQSimksat---VftIUed -They WW SIE made the trip from their home in Min - IG .. ezota In a motor car and motor truck on, which was built a house Isive See enough to hold the big family, which 44'to Is the modern style of covered v�agon Ise or prairie schooner In which settlers of to -day make• their migrationlL_ In f tits old days, . the ox or mule -drawn A. YOU ARE CORDIALLY DMTED TO 8 MAR BY f a ftes Loe4www A Broadcast nes, RADIOChristlan, Selenap, sotttlied .2—WipAktion to,-Me-=Deetlny cll -j an. Station C.K.C.L.. $57 (N!txImIte and Reliable battery vomPiuYy__ Visitors SUNDAY, SEPT. 5, AT 3:00 P.M. to the From Masey Must* Hall, Toronto Exhibition will be, By Paul Stark Seeley, C.S.8, of Portland, Oregon, 10161med A member of the Board Of Lectureship of no at Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Massey HAIL Scientist, Boston. Mass. covered wagon took- days or -JEW TJW -Dover long _ distances, whereas now the F motor driven IVY. Ivan prairie schooner makes Thou ads of Birds -A NIMN the journeys In hours or days. Ivy poisoning is so prevalent this at llswa&wsl lkilia w` summer, It leads -one to ask: How This-r4allow, so dear to the hearts many people know this plant, "ther at the German people that 60tioitues Cood ftories by a Canadim Writer. LH WAS A BUBB worst vegetable skin poison in Amort - A farmer member of the Ontario At one, of these functions an old lady songp and Poems have been dedicated bed to loudly ca!" It ,is native to Canada ia&-ls to them are reported to be on the loarlsliatire, who atterwarde sat In the burst Into tears, and sob commonly found In hedges, In House of Commons, once. put up at an that the retiring minister said: "I must &IOnj verge of extinction. in Toronto. After a night or two leave the platform to try to console Restored to Health 11rough. the woods, country roads and, all too Investigation has revealed that the Often. even in city parks.' Poison Ivy birds are being electrocuted by the Jie approached the hotel Clerk with our distressed slater." Use of 'Dr. Williams' Pink I, a lo, w shrub. The leaf Is large, the words: He sat down beside her and We. 1 thousands at "Swallows' Pass' in the "Up our way we usually give a fol- her hand, saying that she would find Pill& semblos that of the Virginia Creeper I Alps, which in recent Years has been but Is divided into three distinct 1"9- 1 spanned by high terision electric 'low IL lamp when he's going to bed." all was for the best. But she, through ..It is llues, a, pleasure," says Mrs. Ross lets; it Is of a bright green color which -7 nan't there a light In your roomr' her sobs, murm.red:. from the power plants of take Como. basked the dark. "I've been going to this church for Boulter, of Victoria, "to tell you changes to autumnal shades. On their flights through the Alps to zz •"No," said the poilitician. fifty years, and I've been hearing that of the new health and strength I got Children are quick to recognize It, �'and from North Africa the the_ through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink and should not go where it is liable to � rest On the wires, and In flattering ---Tha-clerkcalled -a be,14-boy-and -speech---you. just made Bei -ore _t_._akJ`W__ the pills life was be found until they can recogntse It i about frequently touch two wires at MM to so up and see about it. The Years. They LH say the next -man will f a burden to me. I was so badly run and know the danger of touching It.: the same time, Thousands of dead Y found an overcoat hanging on the be better. But it Slut Umo. They down tha Ictric light bulb! t I did not know what to do. In the city of Hamilton the Horticul- Meds hay.* been bound In the c&vor-zw worse and worse!' My blood seemed to have turned to tural Society, co-operating with the The farmer had never before seen . * •0 •0 - • ' 0 . wafer, .1 -was very pale, constantly School -Medical Officer, suppdqd a below. i1a electric light, though he bad "been The author recaps the visit to Toron- tired.,and was lodIng flesh. It was a specimen of the plant to each of the �OULTRY PROFITS. Warden of a Western Ontario county. to of the great Chinese statesman and trial to attempt housework. Added to city schools; this was used for teach - 00 "a kaes beast b,"4 kaeo imul Awl*" Mr. Hector Charlesworth, the cele. soldier, Li Hung Chang. This super" this I had a bad cough and -my hus- lug the children to know the plant waft Biddy , 0&4k itirint. The 0� �bratd Canadian Journalist, has many mandartn. Instead of adopting Euro band and friends thought I was going how to treat Ivy poisoning. 1014111 s. acv to at" her oradace darial tot Mad other amusing true stories to tell in Dean clothes for his travels, retained in consumption. h 114MW "thL Y46re of CXterWaas A" .lady h to The medical treat- Cattle can eat poison Ivy with PftoFidra weer aaoq Ila Out twebt as how,to oaks BIG Pis book of'reminiscences, "Candid all bin native pomp. you ft" Ila the mug. 6" Mont I was taking did not appear to do. tiny Ili -effects, but flogs are poisoned. 61 tho "er' 'Phronteloo." and earl"I ftr year ftek In a "I"Ma *W JLdd When he went abroad he was taken me any good. and I had about given up by it. When it human being Is affect- I rap rew%rds this slater. • 0 1 dead $I ter - about In a great glided chair which, hope when a friend urged me to try ed, It shows as an inflammation of the! Intereatton. Oliver Ptultry Far.. A certain lawyer, while making, a because of his' bulk, demanded four Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got six skin Immediately or within a shortl Speech on one occasion, commenced tasty bearers. -boxes and found tio. much benefit from t!me after edming in contact with the with 9 recital of conditions In the com- He brought his own food with -him, t1irern that I got six more boxes. Be-' leaves, although some people are so 0 —Olt Inanity In which he was reared. He Including a great co n I P/d/7 a U Is Mont Of five fore these were all taken was a new susceptible that they an affected if 1 A said that when a Methodist minister ducks. Included !n Sia food supply woman, restored again to good health. they merely pass the plant and do not M ---W witil via" Of to another station, a "social" was a vast pile of clay cubes -that look. I gained I, - goinga weight, the cough left me, touch It. The poison can also be car - was held to bid him God -speed and to ad like cement bricks. Actually each my appetite returned and I once more �rted on clothing, tools, etc. di�adfi to a `i the welcome the now minister. contained an* egg several years aid, had a good color. Better still. I was What to do, Treatment must t * be The retiring clerle would invariably which he esteemed a gfeat delicacy, able to IIQ ' my housework without, prompt., Hot solution of baking "a, may that -though his heart ached at He was very genial and expansive to fatigue,. �Nsedlees to say I always re- � or vinegar' or salt (4 tap to 1 pint) leaving his friends, liq was consoled all strangers presented to him. His commend Dr, Williams' Pink Pills to'are recommended, sa they a" easy to 816 &dddWft SLOL Waft by the thought that Providence was ST%t query, Irrespective of sex. was: ailing friends, and RMPNNW a I hope this will be get in :any household. Good strong sending them an abler and better man How old are You?" and his second, the means of pointing the road to good )tllow laundry soap (because -of the to take his place, "Have you any cnildren? health to some other sufferer antiseptic action of the potash) Is 7 Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for most helpful when used promptly to ansemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, nor - wish the Parts affected; It is a wise Z Twenty Miles Do%m. esu --Take them as a tonle if you precaution to carry a piece of this kind -COULD NOT -SUM HEAT Great -intimisit-lias been Lrgused In are not in the best 'physical condition of soap In your Pocket when going for circles by the fr—opbsal 'to and cultivate a resistance that will 'a tramp in the -code, and to use it HM ON BABY rw I form a syndicate to explore the chomi- keep you well and strong. SLEEP OR REST free after an outing. eat and mineral contents of the earth If You will send us Your name and In severe cases. apply Clean cloths !at depths far greater than any yet addiess a little book. "Building rp the soaked In hot boracLic acid (4 tap. to Eczema Formed Water No ,season of the year in so danger-, ons to the -HU of little ones an is the reached by nuen. Blood." will be mailed yon repaid. I pint). Changing frequently. Very Experiments carried Out at McGill Thlo'book oontiin* many useful health severe cases should 14. summer The excessive beat throws ould be "on by a d*%- Pim les. FacenDisfigure 1 University. Montreal, Point to the fact hints. the little stomach out Of order so tor. Euticura Healed. quickly that unless prompt aid to at I that a depth of at least twelve miles You can got these plus through any band, the baby may be beyond 611 i Is not beyond the range of modern en. ni#dictn* dealer of. by mail at 60 cents Keep Minard's Liniment handy.,' 1114sems broke am on my sister's iWv humanhalp, before the mother realizes gtoeering, while in ewtLtn parts a a box Irom TIte Dr, Williams' Motif- 0 chin. It started with an itching and depth Of even twenty miles would not cine Co.. Brockville, Out. burning and later formed am". he to Ill. Susamer Is the season when Rare Songster.• diarrhoea, cholera infautum, dysentery, be Impracticable. The deepest work. • -stagy pimples that turned to sore rF The nightingale, If he should sing by -options. She could not sleep, or and colic are. most prevalent. able mine in that of Morro V*Iho, T1114, Old Saw Talks. y, when every goose is caoliltug, rest on account of the Any of ... Irritation, not Brazil. where sold and other materials There and her face was disfigured. these troubles may prove deadly If was action In the old days when would be thought no better a musician .I read an adverUsement for promptly treated. During the summer, are 'found at i depth Of 6 Mile sada I learned to love the sea, than his wren. - How many things by ti the mothers' best friend Is Baby's Own Quartw- - Caticura Soap and Ointment and Ther-e-*ve-beautty in the canvas season seasoned are to' thei� right; Tablets. They regulate the bowels, The greatest difficulty that will con- which Your turbinag cip't m sent for a free sample. After using sweeten the Stomach and keep baby front the boring engineers, if the above place, praise and =-e POrfectlou. -Shake- it she got rchd so purchased a cake- ;.'b*altby. spears. of Cudctua Soap and a b= of The Tablets are sold by Mentioned proposal to Proceeded with, Oh..the liner Is a lady, but she's not �Chitic a Ointment which healed 4 ,!medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents It that Of Overcoming the Intense heat the glirl for me. bar." (Signed) Miss Muriel JOetdr,, . • a box from Tfie Dr. Williams' Medicine! that will be encountered. The tem- For she's business -bike' and snappy Harrigan Cove, Nova Scotia. .,,Co- Brockville, Out. Perstare rises about one degree for A New -Scie'ritific I . : and there's hardness In her face, Keep your skin clear and your 0 sv017 thirty Yards traversed beneath po. salve by dally use ( Cott - Great. Hof the surface; Skin Treatment And I like to as* my woman weer a an, this means that water Iftile bit of lam. . cum 8 P. Heal infitations. and A tall man was trying to lift a wagon would boil at a depth of two miles, SCIREMA to the discovery of a rashes with Cutkura Ointment. while the hardest known In silting when the Canadian Druggist of 85 Tea A wbeel out of the mire. A little fellow, , substance There was poetry Teen's Rub PM as" war Repat.. about five feet high, nearly as broad would melt at twenty-five miles. a running free, experience who freed himself of PSORIASIS after 14 years' suffer- X We. Ta� 31,L -rigging when stick 2sr- he was long. 'was optanding near,' There was music in the the wind began to blow, Ing. The ointmint Is readil)r ab- Mth hin7harias in his pockets. After Multiplication. sorbed into the third and fourth But the liner, she to haughty, and she's layer* of the akin and at awhile the boy sang out: Doctor -"Now take a deep breath not the girtfor me, attacks "Mister, dos you want me to help and say ninety-nine three dines." skin troubles at their vc 7m? I can grunt while you lift.,, She iwalks away'from bramble ships Sorems, is -moat effective as a com- EXpECTANT . I The Hustler -"Two hundred and who try to so "Hello!" btnation treatment - The man wasn't able to lift on the ninety-seven.!' And I like to have mi woman sort *I '.wheel any more for ten minutes. , ,,, friendly, don't you know. �SORTIMA OTHERS 'OINTMENT 'and TABLETS P .6ad MM M.nard. I. We aR btuatudiso-"now, is sailing, as I morems Is said by your Druggists or: Sprains. .' . tter. thilik you will acres, write us direct. Sorems, Ointment. H4 Her Experience Wkh arrivals and dopartures just as $1.00 per box: Blood Purifying MAY Avoid further pain and stiffness b • regular as bed, Tablets, 76 cents per box. J. rubbing with Minardle. It relieves Chatham, Ontario.-Ilwant totell inflammation, soothes and heals. Oh, the liner is a lady, but she's not FLASK PRODUCTS, LIMITED the girl for me, -1"7 SAY ST. Fou how much y°mMedicine has done Be- ♦ she always shown about the same UNUSUAL OPPORTUNI'MM the time the log is read, for* &by t mm O.C.A. shwaa am ftecadully came Td rather have a woman with -run- evepic"d creatins Advertiong onion And weak and and 11101147811ca% Interior Boras nonsense In her head. down that I oduM 41 -Edgar A. Q L, hardly do m3r Work Swintel _ Jov"I", -d W- hitilay-palif wol& '00 OF RVN- work. My head ONTARIO COLLEGE of He W"of Filight. ached con FUT II., and I wasl= The chairman of the advertising con - DAY AM P10M400 CLAAMISS M940M ft� .., .1 raired could cry from fi7m ow� 1-11-11 me If ktowiedge.that his speech had been a morningtillaighilL oucoess. I had suether babyJusioneyear "No," he said ,turning to a gran by an Imelat .... - PtMd" t gave me a 16t to his side, "I don't =think that there is So I thought I would try Lydia a single business under the sun that i r-Pinkbain'g vegetable Co would not benefit by advertising." it as I had read so much about "Well," remarked the other, "I can't little -books. I found a difference right au .. . . a _y head was relieved and gree with you." away as in in "A Of course enjoy Keen's Mustw4 With "What?" The chairman's tone was had My. sister you d bii;:d ?Wings gone. been doing r washing and she'' g my. cold meats. Try its appetizing flavour with cold. He was not used..to contradic- continued doing it, as she said It ti tion. hot meats, too -roast beef, lamb, pork, bacon, might set mei back if I started to do No," came the answer. "In my line rJ it again. It sure did help me and I sausages, etc. - I , I . . of business advertising Is quite un- had taken just two bottles. wheV necessary; we find that our clients do baby came. He. is a fine big now r Keen's' Mustard adds deli- the pushing for us." nearly five months old. I am &M snapped the other, medicine again and I ciousnees, and aids di ea- "Rubbish! Is 0 my work all b self now, "What Is your line of busineza, any- timv tion. Mix it fresh for every wea recommend a egetable way?" WAIMAND am CIL aww'JollWiff st�ompound to women, and especialli meal. Perambulators," was the bland re- to expectant mothers, as I -believre ply. aids digestion ey need heif at those times."- rs. R EN".D, 54 CAnter- I a Liniment for Co:s.�,VJ Warts Chatham, Ontario. Minard' ISSUE No. 35 b, A t he a the I se", foss an • si 0A '16 -,". �....,, a _toot« r <:;.,.. ..•a.. +rx . _ rv. rm _ :c:u :va ,.. f t �d . ,i .y .1 . , , ,; s.:. � .ar1 ,•, . r... 'r , !"r n, -* ;s , r: a•;D r. 'ti.�o _',y ..:A" ; g;*r.!!n.+ ,�, •r e ; i ,�. : i ,.r^'a • a ,f , a*' y ; �' '�. � fast. -.r'. +•.• ���'S.t�r �7'....�°.>,.�+}''.a"?"if�'ow:Pn�a... +.a.Y�"•',r'� . `1"`-t`.''w. ."4",r.4,�%.:' ,�.. i r - la' ,. .i �,1-K's. ,�2n. toot ti .. . . a...,•. ... _,. .;"'. _;_,,,,.......,. �... ,, .,. -r.:•.�..,,,.mn� .-ai:.e:. '.v: :,.3 ",v�C `fie.. �' .M.- ,,. .a.._Ae:i.,,� •+.may- ..torte ym+n _ :•. f.%� . w �e -' .. _', .m.... n» a' _ v'...... ,. . 'm✓e'9xta�iM�Vs•. i . ""•." r'� U - .a. "� - ..• - ,. i ,�' C".4. 1 I ,:toot - . •ta4}M1 _-.r'JF •.Lwis•.•,c:•s W. ... ✓yK. ... +toot. .. - - F PZ ww R k Picker Lug, 3rd. TIML TABLE-Pieksmng Station __ "� �� �j f k� i61i3; 5 11 1 • hl G L E ► , T. H. Train. in +� W. STa�� D r -_-- Ethel Powrell, Pickering• 4th. Fred R East else se torioava� N. _ - ` e'-- sca ac�son ort -Perry; 1Ns 7. - -� : -- -. _ 2 hooai I3.f99 P. R. Af0ble and Granite liealer �-Merger 1mR.lb Maor ddafd,PWhitby 6th. Marie Devitt, ''.Nnva Scotia Shingles 0 i1.7speryear,: i1.60il paid inativaace. Brough , 7th. Willie Crook, Whitby; t pelt Galvanized Steel Shingles Buntiay.tii�aiGe,al -- - - 888 A. M. __Cemetery Lettiin etc, scriptione ro the united Staten -and Crest 8th. Beit Elliott, Pickering; 9th. Clive --Bird's Tel CS 5htnRleB g° P`I�raE c18ae work 4 Safi , Britarn sz.00 in advaaee. Lawrence Bxooklin; 10th. Floyd` for sale at Trains gulag west dna sa, follows F.4 " Coates, Claremont. - T. PATERSON'S - CLAREMONT N44 o. 29 Lexi • -. Q 2&b. M. Kin Raton Rond and PfckeriDg -- -• - l}+►lladd-Batt Piker-- _ S-MiuL�-•�-.-.__906P {Mitt. --- --- -EastTowraine.- d TTot1ie o Creditors Sunday train, 7.42 P. M. t Theone Whitby fl8 R 32 l BROUGHAM. _ ti3,]St$ Ot1:IOt8 Foregoing is according to Standard 27-40 P. O. -•Whitby R. 8. ._ The Fuller Brush Co., time. C.Bate acrd family spent Sunday In the Matter of the Estate of Snp hie rf with Miss Bate. Bray, isle of the Township of Pick- Whited FOR THE CANNING SEASON Miss Wilma Ferguson returned to eriog, ib,the County, on Ontario, . 1 her hoarse on 8tmday Widow, 'Deceased. 4 Mrs. George Philip spent Sunday Notice is herby given. puieuant to �... 8m'all Frillt8� Fresh Every Day17 t' Beaverton with her sister and faro- 1) 1914 Cbaprpr 121 -By that all creditors and others having - se err ee, Cherries, urrdnte, Rasp rrles, lac arrante. Mi ss Gammaidge -has had her sister claims or demands against the Fatatr I ani so burry with custonaere is Pick- '' 'Mrs. Everest, with her during tdie of the &aid Sopia Bray, who died on sting and Whitby that i need another- ,' All sizes of SealerR at ri & week. or about the 20th day of Sept#-mher, man to help me demonstrate Fuller ght prices, Certo, The W.M.S meet at the home of 1925, at the said Townahi of Picker - Brushes in this district. If you are a , Parowaz, Jar Rubbers, Zinc Tops. r Mrs. John Phillips on,Thursday Aug. ing, are req,iired on or before the 1st a:)n+clruti,+ca, hard-working man cad , /'27th. day of September, 1976, to send by wish an opporturnicy to become afflli- SUGAR STILL AT •6.75 PER CWT. Pickling season is here now. Call post prepaid deliver to under• sled with a la rite, grncvini; .concern g P p p dealin to hnu�eb„id necessities, kind• Also, all Fresh Vegetables in Season -New Pothtoes, Green Peas, a •:at Gannon's and obtain all that is signed Solicitor for the Executors of g y required.* the last Will and Testament of the ly get in t•>uch with :lir, U. R. wtone. Butter Beane, Ontario Tomatoes, Duchess Apples u Miss Beatrice Stevenson is .• home said deceased full particulars in writ- 504 Coloaisl fild,t., 13 King St. Wast, w Toronto, t�da c� again and her two nieces are holiday- ing oftheir claiins and the nature of y• securit if any, held by them ang with her. y • p' - ed Mrs. W. Carlton son and daughter And that after such last mention Plekering Eiitiii+u?ing Ageut, _---BIN D .E R \ TWINE s date the said Executors will proeeed have been with the M. Hamilton 1 to distribute the assets of the said de- ��}} familybyhis week. ALBERT J.RANA+f 'First-class quality, made in Brantford. 18e per ib, �r He C. Willson, of Waterville, ceased amouR the parties entitled r Kansas, U.S.A. is calling on friends 1 thereto baviaq regard only to the I claims of which' the shall then have full hoe Berry Boxes, Berry Crates, Fruit Baskets land relatives for a few days. y CIS Brock Ave., ,A of - a Covers. The fire company will sell by sur -notice.. . _:. -' an vers. Dated at �Vbitby this 8th day of 391 -" TORON 1'0, Out. tion on Saturday evening a furnace j August. ART Y J A. M E- S R I C H A R D S 4 N El. and a quantity of used lumber. i ART>3IIR E. CeRrsz'ia:x, ` Mr, and Mrs. Dishley and Mr. and W hili y Onc., , !i .'Mrs. McFarlane of Toronto, motored) "THE GROCERY STORE" -';out to E.E. Perryman on Sunday.- Folicitor for the said Executor.oil[ Visitors during the week included; ` Walter Herbert Brmv, and -� - Henry Wilson, of Kansas, Mr. and 4051 MIn'nie F.tta Bray Mrs. E. C. Thornton, of Woodstock, arra Mrs. McaMster, of Toronto, who WHAT dickering Hardware Store Sang very acceptably in the United C anY o Ll /Q K SAY :'.: : Church on Sunday. Mrs. A. Malcolm has returned plow at the right time no matter V�RVT � home from her trip out west and re- a gRf: fl l i how hot car hoer cc,ld . ports -'very pleasant visit with �� _ Now is the time to het an Uil Stove residents of Brourharn, among them A McCOft1iICK-DEERING sl •.Arthur. Cassie, John Linton's family - TRACTOR - ' 3 Burner Florence for $18.00, 3 Earner He Thos, ht 1� ::and daughter Mrs. Jackson. Will en ble yon to kr•Pp c,p ;kith Neilsaa s ICE CREAM PPy R Dan Gannon, Gladys and Hugh have yonr w'r,rk, an matterb++a h, t Lorain $25 00, 3,Burner New Pdrfaction $ 08, @ . tie weather or h»rd the j,,1,, while the fiat. returned from Haliburton, having . '• y - had -delightful trip and fine Holiday q;ccc,iar•, Suri+�, Cones and Bricks. ;among the Northern Lakes. Many Exclusive frgtnre�, curb a� Sween Doors from 2 00 tip, Wire Cloth from 18 inch up to 48 ineh, .are finding these beautiful spots and "'l a"v`"'' Black and Galvanized. st , 1i Ball hearings making beautiful summer homes. (, crank ah�f_ hPyringP l Hl, 4 R,%"L H. -,r f,., . ciiii and -- -' guaranteed for ebe -- --- Ltd of tb� cractur. toff•-ningdrink. . Low Bros'. Paints and Varnished -best on the market. ` ROME GARDEN CONTEST t2) Guaranteed crank shaft N. i:.,,,,`. t''u,r <,i,tP�, 50c r Ib, or Field and Garden Toole of all kinds always in stock - 1(d) Puller, Rovenore, impulse stwrter.be'a Hire ib. hoz sad at right pricee�{Harry 3pang, S 3. *to. 16 Picker-�fenders, steel platform. slemi:e; Cak•••• 4r,f %li'kinds __-:-. "'-tihich there avers in the contest in 25 competawrs greasing as regular egeipmenr, i. Wedding Cakes s eiperislty ng Is the makes this tractor the hest u,nnry I -�, Agent for•International Farm Machinery and Repetrl. "The Home Garden Contest consists of ; can buy at a price soy one can - --a garden laid out according to a plan i reach..O;ic {lotto : We have it, can get it, or it is not made, r'f sent out by the Ontario Department of Agriculture. The 18 varieties of 1 Let us go into details,. •garden seeds are furnished the tom- �� 0l petito i at a cost of a cents. The �. M. 0 w C �1 - ooliection contains Beans, Green (! J. �' e' BA' ��*' - PIC���C, p $�f'li -onions, -Radish, Spinach, Lettuce, G j� �lN Corn, Carrots, Peas, Seed on!nas, Parsnips, Tomatoes, Beets, Cabbage, ICLAREM02N I 4� - '' 'Citron, Cucumbers, Squash, Pickling; e Y ! � r AR nt for Ackerman's Q lalit ( IA,'r,+,. 'onions, Swiss Chard. 1 Harnees. ask the n'-er. ` ;i Judging was done on the following ^'•� '� basis:. General appearance, straight,- ;' even, well filled rows 10. Correct size of plot and arrangement of Fops i 30. Freec:,)m from weeds, diseases + 1 ` 811(1 insects 20. Cultivation and care r t of pplans ?0. Quality of vegetables, , , ' uniform in sizes and shape l). Yield' r(Approximate) 30. - Harry Spang's score was ' 'The nearest competitor to him, was '7 Elgie Drinkwater, also a Pickering Township boy with a score of 891,-jMAKE YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL -with Ethel Powell, who won the con- test last year with a ,score of 92 com _wft a 'Brantford Roof of Asphalt Slates. You can have a soft -' w " ing third. towed roof of any color _or combination of colors that pleases your 0 �rsert The list of prize winners is, as fool- taste. They add permanent beauty and valuel to any-ldad of Morse gee at tld! Aaowl gtsoddoa +w- aest l "VAMP. adisa 0961 {tows:-Ist. Harry Spang, Pickering; Itta r iasis of weadw protection u , ' �:w taatatio Go..re,a.a, SZOWs to'bs sees" *is root. -'• Public �@@ � s t - - - '�.�; ' �t � CANADIAN NATIONAL ` - _ � � - � �ITION Public Meetings in the interests of W. 4. H. Moore, Liberal Candidate, NTO will be held at ' ^ 'e - "� -- - ASHBURN and BROUGHAM 3 EXHI TOR - oft pale:-AYS. 2d-Mpl. 11 1>o?O - Juesday, {August the 310, 1926---- - &Nu AT -- `WHITEVALB and DIINBARTON v 'Friday, September the 3rd. q � s---- ---.. tk _ The meetings •will commence at 8 P. m. W" �„ _ • • • '(standard time). "They will be addressed hp W. H. - smnasw, coAtafle Moore. the Liberal Cwndidate : F. M. I - �'Own•s of Guelph now offer Chapman, W. F. N. Sinclair. K. l)., you a perfected furnace--pipelees ` Ontario Liberal Leader, W. A. Dry. , stock. Carried, Information Furnished and Servies or pipe style ---at a sensational .den. A. J. Grazes, G. D. Conant and on Brantford Roofingrendered by p�� The in arse revolutionary hall im• -�, -.others. .. a century- loww--yrir• dinifdcleut. soot �. The ladies are cordially invited. F. J. Pro -use, - - PiekerinS epaekly installed in any home. J. S. Baladon Hardware - Pi hiao Casts Less to Bow - Less to i7sa 5-0 :.0 0 0 ..•oo I ' TO WINNIPEG HARVESTERS Pitts half a cent per mile beyond all points is Mani- j tuba, Saskatchewan, Alberta -EE dmonton, Tarsals, Calgary, MacLeod,and East. V1/ANT E D i0.etasrrain jg-Half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, { plus $20.09 to destination. Through special trairks for Wiriiiipeg via Canadian. National Rys. will leave as follows; (Standard Time) : , • - FROM TORONTO August 31st 12.30 P.M. 9.00 P.M. (Uniion !Ra tion) Sept. 3rd 12.30 P.M. 8.00 P.M, i Special through cars from other principal points connecting with the above special trains. 1 ror�taiis consult local . •. _ _----._.._, - CanadiiitslNaYional Agents. - -- THR000H TRAINS -COMFORTABLE COLONIST CARS -SPECIAL CARS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Purchase your ticket to Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways, whether or not your final destination in the Nest is a point on the Canadian :National. Tickets and all.information from near"t .Agent. Travel CANADIAN NATIONAL v _ ._ +W � _.;�e,u�r. ''A ;�'�,i}•.55. ��"F�'�° ''� • E •d'�, �`", '.. '., .�,�,. . �-n ,y?n+ym,r•,:r �a•.�k•�:�sM •, ..w 'W ,�.�, _ �Y'•s'f,u;'.^a� N w -d " _ 4 �:' a.F'u ��:aG't2'•Sk� hos,, _ no new Gillen "Magic" to built of Tan stew Plate. Transmits beat THREE¢ TiMES faster. Patented air -blast burns all the gas and smoke. New type cone-shaped gate gets more heat units out of fuel. Electric arc welding seals the furnace tight as an egg against leaks of gas, dust or smoke, Barns Hard or Sett Cost, 'Coke os Wood You are not dependent upon ha+d coal alone as you • get excellent results ,from any kind of fuel -soft coal, coke, oil or gas. You enjoy an extra saving by using low cost fuels. Write for $any Payment Piss A moderate payment down In' stalls the new Gilson '•Magic: • - Learn all the features of this new sensationally -priced heating system. We ,.ill welcome your inquiry. Catalogue, sketch plan forms, estimates and full information, gladly sup- plied without obligating you in any way. Act at once -this is the time to make plans for heating your home properly. D. J GORMLEY, Dunbarton Phone Pickering 1506 Gilson Mfg. Co., Limited 9510 York St., Guelph I 1k 0 V E;= L7 ,- ,. _ toot. .. ,. «' ,.. .. a,,a .9t' .w:aWa-,Suva-::'�b?�vr:;•�..! a ai?.i{:1•ava: w'k•.w; ;,� m ,».. ,., - nor. .. ,,. .., „v: ..yah. P1n",,,,�,, .fit r.�w.:^n . .M'Y.T:S .:nYx, a,q., ?w .'M1 :r,u ! ....� 5' vkAl "Y'!N"•� •..y. .,cej`.+w s, ° mss: y... "> r,•r, rad y?R r 'i ). Ci s ».. o r '?fit .: ?' Ix,rlM ,' .':.i. " 4'�^ .•+ i i'/4'a3+"... ' ,:., "�',j„.s^4.::y]. !, >.:°.. . ,+i,.•_•X".,,a... Rj.^, •'RInw«a, .•n,...•.��,r'..-.'�^:., v• i v, , • .r.. ,, .n .• .,, , '... . �+: ':d. cp•u, ,:rci-s '-- iMh.. �B.{•; '-,*:an rn(J• .':'.m_i. 7__,a-. ?^413".,.:::'3 '.M. •.s:.t,+�'S'£'-•1 'r.9"• ' �rar r .h:»•'•Y 11.„ lJ.:^�'y.r. ` .- .A .. ... .., ;'. • - - x. la isitin wi£htAdam and of S Line M-ARiRi!©M Mrs. Wm. Murdock of Winui- - -_ a oa! - -- -- -' __Y_`_ -- ... anis Sorra; na Sunda Anq mod, to re. 4eare..: and other fcteada, �� — ,i- , Sunday, L. and Mrs. Fiogold, a. daughter. here.— Miss Oil& Miller, of Otterville, is _ to 7t+ea �taa n- nq with B. and Mrs. lesson. Mrs, Bosse returned home last � _ Beaverton to. Toronto, via - a (,� Wedn�eday, after spending a sou- Uxbridge and Claremont. -� D�iia Rattan. of Piston, Is visit ple of weeks with heFeoo, Reuben, Leaving Beaverton ...-x,15 a m. $fid SIIt Soft Oo81 of ale; lm�__ y ling her sister, Mrs. Thos. 9pencely. is Stayner. arriving at Toronto ----9.90 s o}--,b@et _. ue�lltp OII_ Mrs: -Morrie, Of— oto __..� OD p m. i grti -Dixon?efE-for h�ir�t5"ib . — -naaS — .m. spending a week. with L. and Mrs. Buffalo. after spending a couple arriving ri Beaverton 0 a m. ' •, il'iagodd, i.,eave IIYbridge 7.20 a.m. � _ of months with her mother, Mrs THOS; A. LAW 'Mrs, Armburet and daughter, of Speclials e Leave Ctaremc}at-(J.Mc• 9 _ oconto, are visits with re. homson. Ge-Ger•�—�rt.� _.---- lti . ng Mise Mary and Master George a Parlor) at ,.. 8.20 am. 1?:oanb. Porter, of SneIgrove. spent last Miss Doughty, of Peterboro, week with their cousins, Misses - F'E'N C . I N G spent a few days last week with Marion and Shirley Kilpatrick. f 'Green River Mise S. E. Evans. Kiddies Silk I am prepared to build and sell all h a Mee• .nater and tam C. A. and Mrs. Overland. 0arry children have returned name from ily motored over from Bramptonasket Factory-1— ox, special , C _ fences ate, reasonable prices. on Sunday and visited friends in Manufacturers of It will holidaylag in.Erin. payyou'to consult me before the village and at Breezy Knoll. F. Chidlow picked a mushroom �7 j. �t All kinds of Frua Bashete purchasing. .1rom-his yard'on Sunday morning We regret to report that Mrs. Youths' Silk ' � I also haveforAsphalt ! 'which weighed tl lb. John McGrath has been seriously r Berry Crates, Readv Roofdug and ill daring the past week or two, Sot, 8pecia►1, 39C Bale Wire, Will Thomsons of Baffslo, spent + ' . i� bat is now somewhat improved. , Farulers Bushel Baskets, ithe week -end with his mother, Ladles Silk Mrs. Harry Thomson. Clothes Baskets. Whitby R. R. 1' Rev. E. and Mrs. Orsborn and HOB; JdC and 1 children• are spending a pleasant ' 1 � $ Frank Pennock, 31.43 Phone Piok. 1984 ' 1 . holiday in Halibiirton. a �e r _, t • Proprietor ; G. H. and Mrs. semis and fam- Ladies' :>,llk Phone Markham 1804 CLAREMONT Illy, of Brussels, called on Clare- ' moat friends on Tuesday. See the 1928 Samples at Bingham a Hose, 75c per pr 'THOS. F. SCOTT C 'EAMERY / ' Kra, Wm: Wallis, who has been before buying. ..,confined to her bed for along Fancy Crepe for CLAREMONT, ONT. time, is now able to be up. Over 508 samples, to choose from t� - y P ';Highest price paid for "• Mrs. Doheny and daughter, Mrs. _at lOc per roll and up. _ _ladie-s' dre-sses-: ----Dealer in lord- Cars, new and -- - _ Cream at the Leckie, of Toronto, visited with A complete line of Paints, Oils and used. `` } Claremont friends on Tuesday. `Tarnishes at right prices. Marmot Cream Mr. West, of Aahburn, will Estimates cheerf ally given for &Il Fa�nCy and plain Massey -Harris Implements and, again �cupy the pal it in the interior and exterior Repairs. United Church on Sunday next. decorating. Curtain Scrim. - Give us a trial and be convinced Master Ivan Reid, we are glad Life and Car Insurance. to report, is able to be around Call or phone 1813 Claremont --+a.- Phone Clare. --102 t+� ;agate; after being confined -tin-hie G. B I I G H A M A Frost line of Groceries and 2 _ _ BEATTY bed for many weeks, owing toW. —p ' 'illness, Fruits always on hand a$ --Reduction' STANDS FOR THE 15Wri' t Mrs. Wm. Mandeilleft last weelt (Painter and De6orater rook bottom prices. From Auquet the 15th tn Septem- ; for Edmonton and other western � her the 15th, I will make a � points for a three months holiday Claremont, - Ontario reduction in sleigh shoe prices. with her daughter, Alice, and 1` friends. SCOTT Bring in youtreleighs and Ret the Lorne Wilson, who has been s e benefit of these worth while. e riding a few weeks with rets- �•"' CLAREMONT reductions, 3 . fives is Claremont. Taft on Taea- >. L O R N E R E I D day evening on his return trip to �r C sow Mirror, Alberta. -~tuadsa7 L►' CLAREMONT -- Our football team is going to b til* Brooklin on Thursday to take part •�l �E in the field sports. They a re Ha Carriers, r� . scheduled to playa friendly game _ _. Litter' ar Door Tracks. Cow }� with Green River. ao gvyr Our baseball team played an i i� o� _ _ _.- Bowls. Pressure Systema Etc. interesting game da the Mttmocial --�a©h loaf 8 the tea} Park here on Tocsin list with same H i �""` 'us �����'� it;will pay yon to get my riom os the Wbitevale team. The latter k well t� t 1� �^• .will above before buying etsew�etys,- won by the score of 7.1. M&1 a011r O -- FRANK J. P80Q8I' Thomas and Mrs. Paterson mo- name � �' '� - - 4 r Cored to the city on Sunday after- r. PICSgR1N(3, U!dTAfti@ WHEN dealing with purchasers of - u -noon, accompanied b Mrs. John �• nncertein financial rating at , Psterroa and Mise Hera Paterson, home or abroad the Standard Bank The Pickering who returned home, after spend. TAYLOR 3 � � can be of signal service do approach lag a week with the former. ,- GOLO CRUST '� int the new or untried customer foe � C� C�m� a Clifford and Mrs. Pdlkey, who i O R £ A O if co ectioo. The Bank is do a position ' °) to protect your interests -without s had joined the party of teachers tC1 ODA0 E g Nri p The object of to Association o las who were touring the 'British compromising kiss good will of the loan steate sad proseouts d t�'• (; L A R E MOM T �' customer. EoIist the services of the teles and Faro trio the peat( the sloes., few weeks, set sail on Booday 1 _ - I Standard Bank to safeguard your Aug. 22nd, and expect to arrive in prope►rtg by cooductiog diplomatic �bors hawing peopsehystole000meodj a Toronto on the 800. I aegotiations , with customers'_ whose ens• immediately wish any mambas Moray of our residents attended Bread, 3 lb. loaf, 180. standing is unknown. of B:•ondv Oommitds, l stns banquet at Brougham on Fri 1i•sab•rebip his 11.00. PrONW401111 Off day evening last. which was given /� ' ,hHE lietras a �•�°r`doa: pliieeaseoo. - +' in honor of D. R. Beaton, our r1. D A N A C L Palm - highly esteemed township clerk. ST � DARD BAN K iso. Ont:. Cha. D. Beaks, r S. Paha- -�, All report the affair a gnnd sus The Store that saves er, M. S. Chapman, Pickering.. �; '5 Icon in every particular, you money. OF CANADa°► D. Munro as. Richardson. Ed. Pugh, who is erecting anew ibarn on his farm, has the stone Quality First Courtesy Always plC�t`N" aur t a M� � President gay �vibtabr 4 ___,and cement foundation completed and the carpenters arrived on the s - '�L 3t ; ob on Wednesday to begin the Pickering t rams work. It is expected that o' C e • l :the building will be raised is New Arrival Z+@a" or Goods she Y - ' _ :�s►bont two weeks. + Next Sunday, Aug. 2Atb, the G roce r es BARNS88 S pulpit of the Baptist Church ill Our supply of quality Harness and _ las oceupled by Kiev L. F pp, Parts is new tom lets. B. A ttor of ''kis Canadian Bas being €ortaeate in aecnriag a large stock of Mena and Hoy a _ "stun ---.. p fist. Mr. l�ipp *Wted. us twice Fresh Every �e�eT, Serge" Snits at Reduced Prices, we are now offering etnpeo- BOO'1`8-0R8B i3HOH ''i• last year and those who attended S done bargains for two weeks only, We haves large stock of this Passey �—tha services, iwspite of-theinclem• t hand—unbeatable a� Lhe Qe _ ., Boo on h abet { slot weather, were all pleased with � J These clothes are going to be sold for lose than the pceeetit poet of for hard wear and tear. his services. Dome and hear him manufacturing them, rooting from 41.2.00 to- 1122.50. REPAIRING ,;rmnelf wxt Sunday. lowest prices Boys, 115.00 w 117.00 .. W maintain our eetabliehed-- reprbh While playing on the slides in 1St. Lawrence Granulated 9pgae, $6.50 per 11i01ba- tion for repairing all kinds of k� • the park on Friday evening last Hi hest rice aid harness and boots. - b _Master Herbert Stewart. -eon of p Dome Early to Receive Your Choice and Size CECIL ��� tleorRe sad Mrs. Stewart, had the s a f Phone 3800 misfortune to fail from the top of -for farmers eau ,.t Je ' RNGOL.D S :IHarne�ss-maker, ` a slide� s_ distance of about ten feet, sbo sustain a bad cat his - " _ .. - in .. • `�nroduce _ � .._cr* ..���aaor��r. orrraRso � 1 PIOH88IN(I, ONTARIO _ s •tcfnee ro erose nn =e_WZnna_ The young lad, who Is only four years of age, was unable to 'par- take of any food for several days, but he is now able to be around ,and is quite lively again: In addition to the subjects of the Middle School course which were published last week, the fel lowing pupils obtained standing in the subjects of. the Upper School course: Edna Green, Eug. ~ Comp. ii, Eng. Lit, ii; Alice Peag, Baa. Com. c, Eng. Lit. I. As Up- per School work cannot be under• taken in a Oontinuation School, •..these subjects were undertaker by the pu ils themselves with the aid of after-school hours of in struction by the staff. Thea( pupils are to be congratulated foi their excellent showing. In tht ,..two years' course Alice Pegg hal " obtained nine- first-class honors and three seconds. The Contina. w, ation School will re -open for thi fall termon Tuesday. Sept. 7 ith All pupils are urged to be preren on the first day to receive full in stritctions re test books and reQn lations. The public school tc it re open for the fall term on Wed inporlAv. Sept. 10. t � - .,lar Bcmloat#eal Tra�sspottirti0s _ - • - - , :'` - _ '` - Roadster $60 •AMIL Sport Roadster 71 S- Touuilk nrtnttgg a v sport IroCID .uring - i; 810 1 slo y Sedan '' 920 %aada970 a • - tt • ink with such evident ease and samothoess. Commercial Chasis 495 _L'ROM a tnovetiteat almost Compare the smooth Chevrolet —not '-.Vtility Express 730 3 i' ceptible—thro�h easy+ qukk ezation--to a thtilgag dispVy of speed alone with cm i$ 11x3 price clave ---bac All pis a1. Factot�r - all with_ u n b e l i e v a b l e ease . and with arcs more expetutve, more costly, Taus EXtra46 smoothness — Chevrolet sail serenely of upkeep, more di>�ctdt .to handle. ; over the hardest hills Chevrolet welcomes any test or Conk- parison you care to make d l 1= To the resistless power and a:preme r .emnom of the Chevrolet en ne has The Smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet See the a,1vRnce;bowing of Canadian National been added a eawothnemt—a freedonk history is selling at the to.vesc Pnc.i. Exhibition 'models at the showrooms of from vib,4d, _._expected and hith- for which Chevrolet has ever been aold $ erto unknown in a four cylinder arc. In Canada„ auA • • • A--. 1Vevr before was even Chevrolet cap- 'Ask about GMAC Plan of Deferred r-I�r'K�R=�, - 0Nw• ' able of escablisbing such performance Payments �k y�..y.. •., .. y:. ... ^,..i:... ,... _ '. r. -h, -'� w• �".� 1. K'K . _ _ .,, ax ;,:,.:; _ .s:.; �.! _ :..:,,. ,....._ ._.'`s . ,.,,. �3...,..a.�+Ar"�'.,,.�ai,.�,t,•.�.c�t' � .".:ya.,...•;s.�,,.. a�•.,.�'.,...,s_.,s�`s_„^F��e'�';.s�,.^S°:��h,.�.`�' "5"6tiei•,;w: �, t v .d:,f,Y'•w.- ". ary;:R ,.;W *"`�•. 'h 4i' t' " •; al ''+'s,3 '. i*.�`'".': av .e saveg k L g s 777- �� �r .. ,. -,r . ,,; ?�,..,-. r , L'ie:.. r,..l.�,..x,s �' ? �Ec ';� .i* ';� P;;:��• •�.vi "9 � ' U 4J p fell,,.....,,,, .,«..-- ,,..�., ._...,,;, ,.•_ ,. _ �-�;�- x�� .r-•. �'•s q� .� ,,:.., Y - - , • �V F goo was Navin - ons?" asked Felicia ��Ce ot�tthiR .�dg heardp�pi that kind: . f i Trial �� Agair► he esplained. "It hadsl't toy i heel. It was _a church organ, Fell: ®�� .,.'_� +a " �• sr ---_-1- ------ -- .r- -- ria;- And ane day a very to ented young m=n, quite ric came to listed V �► �.-ice _ An . me at practice.. asked me- to _ ,Q _ w •s ' � � t t^ hear him ay. And when he played I -- — -- - - - -you refcI �. -- pp - . �s DIR���� could tell he paid- no soul- for monis. - '- - t' c •' P E although he conIlk :d play better than I �. ��®. < could myself. So I trained him afresh TLJ�r Iwdiscovered his dormantsouland v+c� 1 n, i, akened it:. His soul began to play (rfj�ry instead of his fingers. He offered me money, but I told him it was a labor o Zit Y Lace t '' of love, not ordinary teaching. I think 11111 NI I told him I was casting my -bread on L.. t the w-ter"s 7 could afford to do in rh5 those days. I sa d there would always -cur'EsiTtS, , be something of me left alive as long IOOt egtitlslled �r si r otb*r tefte- as he was playing. And then one dathe . S�Oi+ll� be , they told me that the' rich young man ' . �y - had sacred to become the unpaid • organist to save the church money. He „% wanted the honor. of la 'n it eve (,� Z'1- - and he played better than I �QW %% e!e din LUX inter - 'BEATING Sunday; Eas a bIackle I" flashed Fe- , � a, with the first of real inter- Iici � 1 . '. _ eat she had betrayed. _ , -. -- •' " - .. - • . � } �.,i l "No. He was a gentleman. He EKY hour of t2C da E LISHY offered me money when he heard I was y 3' • e • - poor and couldn't get another organ. �� Kd But my pride forbade." N • Mr. Barley sighed and left her. In s �a. BY ASHLEY MILNEB his attic room he found his virgin If th have been7 launder. r 4 ! J� sheet of music -ruled manuscript paper ia,llT and resumed his search for catchy ed they am a. eons= annoyance. PART I. a yw i� J the door of the second -floor front. music. Felicia was banging at the _ �►; q.He was getting feeble in mind and 1 Apig-tailed little girl of 12 glanced worn-out piano again. _LUX latitl�ing' WiU .keep them -',body alike, mild -and almost character-, round at him over her shoulder as he But the next day, with a theme halt"`'` mo`'`'t' - xFi leas; that sort of docile person who is entered. Then she went on playing. written, he met another man who told true 1II both OOlOuf and shape. ~ always ready to agree with the man Mr. Barley crossed the Soor and touch- him there wes nothingin who spoke last, ed her on the shoulder. Still she la ,lg writing y- nowadayd. Ned be wise to get that •,vW pelmet them to' drape 3t>f ed, with an indignant wriggle o her job as a pianist at a film theatre. - In shoulder which made the treble notes � Halt his lice had been spent in mak- np his mind what to do with the other half The latter half lie spent' wobble. "My dear little Felicia," be- Safer money.[ fiDlds. to dim dismay that he was getting too l gen Mr. Barle urgently.So Mr. Bayley, strangely fortunate, Y g Y engaged himself to play Roil two " old to make a fresh start. "Pall h ," corrected the girl, and until ten -thirty every day for $20 E Be earefud to get the genaui go he kept to his living as a muni- , went oa p ayin�, turnipg over the leaf weekly at the Empire E cetyls The- clan. One mdst us- that general term of her music with a lightning expert- atr- G because his experience had been gen- i nese that made the old man blink For a long time nothing happenedy Jia oral.._Twenty years ago he had been; "Felicia," persisted Mr, Barley, Mr, Barley clung to his position like PQCAWges neve' in tx& _ _ asn organist andprofessorial tutor, . "Listen to me, my dear. I'm trying to a leech. And twice every week, he under a glossy silk hat. Ten years make a living by composing music. called next door to teach Felicia. The -" later he was a suburban music teach- ' And If you would be so kind as to lay girl, with a natural aptitude for the er, under a velour, Five years later more softly, and keep the doer abut, piano, began n to Iffy rather better t he was s pianist in a little orchestra I should be grateful to you. And'... than Mr. Barley himself. I under a brave but faiArig old felt. Iand don't jump your hands about so! But his sight had been fai:ing when re.ow he was a co ser somehow gen- i Can't you see that the right hand first he engaged himself to the work. _fEeei under his Iryear•old veleta. should have crossed over the left to Now he' found he could no longer bear - - SomebodyLIUX in a vivid y 'bid cap had: that note?" the ache of his eyes. When he ven- _ met him in the street and explained to Fe.ishy glanced up at him, then at tured a few precious dollars on a visit ted him that fortunes awaited the con-: her music, then at her hands. She to an oculist, the man plainly warned Brother Unli ' posers of really catchy me:odies for went back a fevl bars and crossed onekin that his sight world only last" him Toronto 1 comics. So. Mr, Barley, who had been hand over the other to get the lonely another six months if he continued in LJ44 ` _.on his way to try fol a place as a bass note. Without thanks, she ac- this work. motion -picture theatre pianist, imma- cepted the instruction, and played on. "Sitting right under the screen as - --- -r-il diately turned back, bought himself a The o:d gentleman, standing overyou are, the pictures ium4 and flick - e music manuscript book, and returned her in characteristic forgetfulness of said the oculist. "Aso, the re hr i* to his dismal lodging to write catchy his owti business, watched the deft Rested glare from the screen is dazz- Comics. play of her fingers. with astonishment. ; ing, Also, you need to keep u a i+ pp $ • B y continual refocusing from the gpar- Now, as he sat to in the bank ut suddenly he reached -forward and' 1 }, music paper with his pencil, be be- 1 tsE d at the music. � Ing and jerking pictures to the print r came aware of excruciating noises You're playing crochets and quav- ;.of your music. You'll need to rest 1from the piano next door. Until this' ere alike; you've no idea of rhythm," yo us, Heyes, give up the work, or go i inoraent, Mr. Bar:ey had been unaware ' be said. "You've no sense of the beat. blirid, r. that any of the families living neat : That's why it sounds such a botch- It ended in Mr. Barley buying a door possessed a piano. He frowned jpo tch. Go back these two bars. Listen pair of dark gray spectacles, .and 'mildly, and stuffed some cotton -wool first while I play them over. You see"' remising to use his eyes no more than Tl` into his ears. The piano next door was' Felishy listened while he layed needed. He walked home slowly, il : still distinct. He set down a note or over a few bars. Sha obeyed when he wondering what in the world he was 'two of a catchy comic, -but wearily told her to them again. In grow- to do, recognized it as a fragment of the � Ing Interest, he forgot everything ex- "I must :earn how to play without clattering din which he could not abutcepting the obvinus need to make this using my eyes," he said huskily, "That out. He rose and went down the stairs pig-tai:ed chi',d understand what time- d mean practice; much practice, 'm $unset on the Lawn. Out of my open window I can see at lawn. _ It lies like as oval pond of j green water surrounded by heart' trees It to trimmed closely about thel edges where beds of brilliant itowersi drop their petals gently upon (tai stretch long sharp shadows, for thol evening sun is about to slip away be-' -hind the cloud pillows. The -lawn is richly toned and richly l covered, and an tmpresa'ion of some- thing prosperous and stately rises to my tafndow, something of abraadence. of true restfulness. The shadows of the branches are dignified' they tali y to the street door. meant to + .asic. Being by I Nearly ha:f an hour later, Felishy's afraid. ight I use your rano!' be Contontod to Know He Had It. like the folds of a lady's train reattag separated only a doorstep from his deattit tion, he was af, flrsi mother stopped on the landirg and (To continued. Dad -"You don't know on which• side upon a rich carpet. Almost, in the f minded to go bareheaded. But sudden- Lstared in at them. -- 0 — your reread to buttered, young man!" half light, one might fancy the trees y ly remembering that a bareheaded I "I thought you was coming to stop 'er him. - Was Bobby to Blame Bad Boy -"And I ain't goin" to drop' to be gentle personages, standing to-- mauiltas no hat to raise in courtesy, he row!" she reminded Mr. Barley drew back from the 'r'�� It to find out neither, I'll say" gather, coaveralag to undertones; .went back for his deathless velour, Ween the front door of the next hones piano. Even Fe:ishy stopped playing. „ i d I forgot," he Brown is very fond of his young son. He was talking to a viettbr about the *. every now and then there seems to come the slow, graoeful movement of i 'was opened in answer to his tapping,I-I'm pI ^ . be gravery raised his hat and bowe afraid sa gent "And I've promised Felicia that i y P A wonderful lnteilectna] development and future possibilities of the little . ;, True Politeness. a hand, or the bow of a head, or the al-, most timid Rutter of a tan. to the slatternly woman who peered', come in once or twice a week, to was in." Ceremonies are different to every never my:organ. I did lose It " stat at him. "Madam," said the old ntle n teach Tier. She'll never get out of her bad habits unless she's properly fellow: "Not two years od yet, and he knows country, but true politeness to every From aide to side of the lawn den be traced a mower's pattern -light 1 gentleman, "may I beg that the piano np "If you can stop 'er, it's more than ,taught at once," relish 'a mother advanced sus i y„ P - all the animals by proper scientific classification. He's going to lie a where the same. Ceremonies, which take u so mach o! our attention, are P he1R►e ignorance and dark, light and dark; and where, the oldest tree rises in the middle, I can," anticipated the woman; risk- b cloudy. You won't get paid for no teaching," she said great naturalist, Here, let me show only artificial which assumes in order to tmttate politeness, there is a circle. I cannot now Refect ly, flattered into civility by being ad-) dressed as Madam for the first time in I dont ask it, said Mr. Barley. `,`I you." He took a book of natural history which is the result of good sense and that most reminiscent of scents that I rises from freshly mown grass; maybe iher life. "That`s our Felishp, tin-, -I'm earning my living by compos- Pan on the piano that m second- ing, now, Mrs. Wood. But Ill teach g P Y from the bookshelf, placed Bobby on his knee, the book good stature. A person possessed of those qualities, though he had never the morning claimed It for its own. ,,pp floor -front left behind him for six 'e Felicia �+ "What? For nothing? Galin!" opened and showed him a picture of a giraffe. - seen a court, Is truly agreeable; and evening -no The Bir; rather, is tnit of event special event, but a breath of eons • months' rent couldn't pay. Go up to °er yourself and see if she':l listen to � g • "I cast m bread on'the waters," y , look- "What's that, Bobby?" IlHorsey," if -without them, would continue a clown, though he had been ail his lite i , thing golden and brilliant and purply -:, you. Sbe's beyond mei" Mr. Bar:ey assented. During the mi.d:y explained Mr. Barley, and ed at his pupil. said Bobby. Next a tiger was exhibited, and Bob- a gentleman usher.-tioldamith, in ,+ "The Citizen the World.: i blue. I �h, in the mauve sky a tiny moon r si:6-hat epoch he would have marveled Mrs. cod disappeared by inches. by said "Pussy." Then a picture of a of , is resting=�Fhs trees took up nerd site r -at the commission. But seven years Something for nothing is not be:ieved )I in the East End. Ween her mother loin wean shown, and Bobby said "Dog- __ tie their fine gowns. One of than, I in a mean street teaches one things' He went up the uncovered stairs i was gone Felicia turned her grave Mr. Barley. gy And when a full-page picture of a Heart Trouble. think, has dropped a diamond upon a blade tip. To -morrow I will ries, very I .' guided -by the clamor, and pushed. open, ##"What's„ eyes on f composing.? she asked. chimpanzee was displayed. Bobby ex. The young woman . travelling with early -maybe I shall find ft! _ He told her. Almost before be had claimed, enthnefastically, "Daddy!” her stern -looking father was evidently -----+—�- 'exp:ained: not in the best of health. She was de " Qasy! ' "You used to be a toff once, didn't 'cfdedly pretty, but her cheeks were "I don't believe in learnin.g German, yon?" asked Felicia, "A real one." "My ;" . Keep It In. pale. I Spanish, Frenoh, or any foreign Ian father was a vicar; mildly A yardmaster was interviewing sp• A hind - If inquisitive -.passenger gunge," said a man. "Why," he eau. asePD9 "I've heard of vicars," said, Felic a - - f dTivi of a fitting opposite leaned forward -and ad• timed, '"I 11ved' among a Lot of Ger _-- carnfully. "They wear aIl-round-yonr� r - neck co:.ara an grin you an speak motorbus, and an ong the volunteers fuss an Irishman. Your daughter seems very Ill." he well as it I had known their Inn � gunge, funny, ;an' they're nice. My 'father "Can you drive a car?" asked the remarked, sympathetically. 'but I didn't not a word of !t." F - -- wasn't a vicar. He was a policeman. yardmaster. "Yee, replied the father. "It is ea� ."How did you manage?" •�� Awftw Only e died. What d ou cast bread Y 'Y "Can Oi ,drive a oar?" repeated the affection of the heart" ; ' "Well, you see, they all spoke En - Eng on on water for?" Irishman, -scornfully. 'Dear me! Aneurism?' fish." Mr. Bar:ey did not explain. His -face "Well, run the bus into the shed."- "Oft, not Only a lieutenant in the 1 handsome, age -pinched suddenly " :coked bitter and bald. Pat climbed on'the trembling vehicle. Navy," Minard'e Liniment for Dandruff. ,. y Once before in m ifs I cast bread He lookers around, spat on his hands, . the biggest lever, and pulled it on the waters, but it never ratu�r led to me;' he said. gabbed for all he was worth. lLSp she went in- ' rq Fair Question. , . Husband to wife driving a nail) i < g - "Must 'ave sunk," offered Felicia, to the shed. Pat was a bit put out. "I wonder," said Legget, 'why old �< However do you expect to drive al i helpfully. "It was a silly sort of thing He saw 'trouble .ahead and, guessing Tomlinson changed the name of his nail in the wall with a clothes brush? _ i to do. ++ what would happen, reversed the lever. new bungalow?' i For goodness sake, e' use your head, 1 Mr. Berle ex slued the brass, y n p p Then, Out she came -in again -out again. "Changed6 s a " ' deaf." t Cie�1ClOU/ I responding to the interest int The yardmaster yelled, rel not. was rather. friend. Surely er 1�VOT Of flCSl child a eyes, he went on talking of himself. "I thought you said you could run a proud of it, because he's thought it '.'It happened when I was a, younger motor car?" But Pat had an answer read out by himself. It was called the Nut - shell,' wasn't 1t?" II1iil3t gives t16W I man, Feli'cis " he told her. "I was an , `That's thl:'ill to every. bite- organist in those days. Not a -a ver yy good organist, but my father he'.ped "Ot had it to here three times. Why didn't ye strut the door?" right," said LeggPt; all the same, it's altered." i ••++�ylii++ WrWefS me to qct the post. They paid me sixty �� At this point a third pian spokes. !' "Tomlinson; he "got 'r'�� rounds a year, and with that and my _ seid, tired of �,r,,,ejr qty SISIA8""" pupils in those days I was nearly rich. No Punishment that name because small bora usej to I used to asy that Pd be comfortable Teacherd"Could a fellow get punish- ring the bell and ask if the 'kern7�l' ' for the rest of my days so long as 1 lost but ed for something he didn't do?" was in." never my:organ. I did lose It " .,Why, no, of course." � - S►- _ ISSUE No. SS -126. "Did some one wheel it orff wbon "well, I didn't do my 'rithmetis," Mfnard'a Liniment for insect bites. . i1 �... -,+ 4 v. .� r"`t' :/i:.... .. '.,✓.�'.�-'•L. Yc.JrJ •-..� • e' : .. w.y�'.tQn e•,i w'^i _' •rwC "'�m'Y. -'x" <'J., v,'��'LC�.i acA b�• .S.ri �9nG' '� 'Mu M a �i .k. 'r'�� ,n'*•., r .,y., -., y.., �.,. Ynibl. 4,, •'��.� . •l,g ,. �; ,• r ; ., Ma:: -us,, ,K�,,,,n.. ,,r.... ,�tt•�: .i'•?Wf xs s ;i+�' *4'` ,,r., WFM e : v. aH, " , ; ! ., fexa , ; , :. G• r r s .-�. ``_''�" ..'°`P"'�'§t `"�5''?c.'."', . rc� f • .-a;r� �;' r .�re,: ;:, . , r a a F i y.',. 'r'"�h-.rt'•�io,:.x91+ w ;}�(!{.. ; ,'�?n yc, J ..0. ave r r.J - i k n,3 Y 4 d• ,' •7G{:.:'4': . •.. flit a,' J' ....•:....n' .. .'. .... .. -.. ": '.:. . -. .... .•-, t._ '."tl'.. 'i' a'� '��.•'% 1 `! "yg:-• �,: -'0 9asL'. �'- 7 is.. y'.r _511 71 t ^27 .tw ... �, _ y, ., '., -., e*•6'�',,,, .� -. .., -;:,- ,s.,, _X!! .:'� ,.ss. ��'+• 4 sa..' -< "�.� > ., ry ..i • +...- s.. � •'c- .�„ ..Ye �L < ;,,ateG •.,. :y, � :�Y ?T �••.:. ��e:•,t-:ld�c.tt i,. .+tx. r.,.r .w.. • , r : < .' 4 .'ter;.•; • �^`'K ' :: `• . - a as - `ti1 t. FAi The Dentists Will Have a Bnsp -Rs Machines toUFL KepL .l _ y`' E.: -rte► — ,- 6y The arrangements for. the various r�IB activities connected with the Ontario : s v - - ■. _ _ '.ysri�� �ad',%ifj QI'hcl2ts Dental Milth..Day ,to -be -held -0a Ked- nesday, October 20th, are now well un- PLANNING . $UIL61 NQ . F'► NANCING der -way, and this dental health educa. bE:cmATw3 rAJANISHfNq GARDENNG - •tional=effort promise8 to be a greatiydtats. r, - success. This is the first time that an Copyr•1` S'a educational campaign of this kind has ever been attempted in Canada and _ 2, the Hoa.. Dr. Godfrey., Minister of ting * p artant�public health tendeavoris The fact that mouth infections and dental 4 s r sepsis cavae a vast amount ' of 311 health Is now generally recognized and the value of a movement which will tend to prevent tooth decay and ' pyorrhea will be appreciated by the - general public. The popularity of the - - effort to demonstrated by the fact that - all the prominedt health, educational ' and social welfare organizations in the _ Province are- oo-op6dtting is a ' moat enthusiastic manner. One of the r activities being organized is the pro viding of 'tree dental examination and44 - -- -- advice; over a thousand dentists will have a part in this survey and it will be extended to every part of the pro- vinoe. In every section of Ontario those who desire will be able toget the -- _1 service e freeX-ray pictures will also be avail M • iITCITs Ot![�PJ<-OItT• r _- abie. The general public educational cam- �i���'''ttt p f palgn will oonslst of newspaper - �`�a. 3 i ' x:e ticlea, motion pictures and radio talks ,M M"isVi'oW� raw ROCK OF DELIGHTFUL FABRIC Public meetings and mass meetings for By Richards 4 Abra, Architects. while the bungalow Idea Is not quite i sized verandah, and the ground floor) school children will also be held. The AND DESIGN. service olub>i are giving prizes to the Many homes are called semi -bungs- getting an "e-vea-break" it is at --least I bedroom- '�conventently arraaged The beautiful bordered materials children writing the best essays or pre- lows simply because their exterior ap• a compaomiss and one which assures cupboard Lad bathroom, and is -roil. °' 4". + tare bringing about many charming;-DarWs the beet posters on Dental pesranoe suggests that the habitable much comfort and convenience. suitable for the owners' room. 4ovelopments in frocks these days. Health The merchants are • The foundation of stone or concrete On the first floor the bedrooms are a tau# with a batteau neck to slipon arranging s000nd door area is not equal to that ;`� for suitable window displays and bust- to finished off with a dressed stone fairly roomy and have good ccpboards' of the first. Really, with the esCsp ' over the head, this attractive frock sass coneeras 3►ave altered to .enclose I course above grade. The walla from and read'7 access to the second bath,' a elect's laity at the sides to flare tke tion of this rather insignificant detail, p dental health leaflets in the commun3" i they are to all intents and purposes the top of this atone cons to the con room. , straight-line" 40houette. A narrow cations sent out to their customers and I ales line are veneer construction in There -are hardwood floors through•. 'bel# appears at the top of the plaits two storey houses absolutely lacking rugor tapestry clients. The .Ontario Motion Picture i � any form of semblance to bnngL• I pastry bricY with white stucco out with good pine ltalsh suitable for. r`x# and short kimono sleeves provide a Bureau !s ooatribnting the motion pia' gables. Stained cedar shingles laid on paint or enamel, ; aunamery air. Taus diagram pictures I lows. When one remembers that the asbestos r I lure films and the various siohanges ;chief characteristic of the latter type ape provide an attractive Bath are fitted with the doors �( the simple design of thus frock, and are distributing them to the theatres, and serviceable root. and dadoee and cod the pattern provides long a neves. No of home is ground float bedroom*, the g quality bulk -in A Th7s has been made possible through I The central entrance opens into a fixtures. 1081 is for misses and small women, l the courtesy of the Toronto Film' why and wherefore of the application good efsed stair hall which gives direct! The dimensions of this desirabls' R3 • i and is in s#ss 1 18 and 2t) of the term, semi -bungalow to any one �"e d+ ye. Board. A short of health film + and a kali or two storey houses having access to the living and dining roams. home Lre 26 ft. x 41 it. and including Size 18 years (86 bust) requires 214 will be shown in each of the .larger; The kitchen is wail sighted and laid hot water heating the approximate bordered material• or 2% yards Lit the bedrooms on the second door out for the eonvonient arra 1st theatres in Ontario. Dental Health ! agement of coat Is i7,500.'' 86 -inch plain material; long sleeves concert programmes, including a short is a bit perplexing. 1 cupboards, refrigerator, etc.• and also i Readers desiring further laformatloa The door plana for this hones show I P Pacification j yard additional. Price 24 cents• talk on the prevention of mouth dis- I has oonvenieat and direct access to the : regarding the tans and s The secret of distinctive dress lies eases, will be broadcasted frogi 'the' that one of the bedrooms and a bath front door. Opening off the vestibule, of this house should communicate with, in good taste. rather than a lavish ex- radio staaeas. zoom are on the ground floor, There I is an outside lighted and tienalated ;the architects direct. Address. Messrs penditure of money. Every woman q are two more .bedrooms and another I coat cupboard, Richards A Abra, 126 Sparks Strs should want to ma kr her own clothes, - bathroom on the second. door so that The li 1 ` and the home dressmaker will find the designs illustrated in our new Fashion Book to be practical and simple, yet maintaining the spirit of the mode of. !the moment., Price of the bcok 1.0c f� '�'opy. NOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address phdn- ;iy, giving number 'a nd, sloe of such a" pattas as YOU want. Enclose 20c in Iatampe or coin (coin preferred; wrap lit Carefully) for each number and address your order bo Pattern Wilson Publishing CAdo. 78 West Ad solt� �� Toronto. Psttetrs scab b7 ImPi porters, Attentiont - _ .. ._ ., .. - xr Wide (already scantily scared)-- 6T "Women' are wearing- altogether too - rf. ' Oats Yale Degree. i mazy otothee".'• Tale university has coaterred the Hubby (disgustedly) —"Well. in this • -'— -- ------ ---- - ---- -' , When OatrloiNss Aro Angry.. 60gree of Doctor of Laws on the Owed- latitude fig -leaves slmply can't be dpi a Technic. fah Crown Prince. grown." Ostriches, hfgs when attacked or if p ThiBrifish Landscape Spoiled angry, Now of this fundamental Kipling the By Ugly OdClfl j0t3aei _—-------' _ _ _•. _ _ •' _ . _ _ _ -- - cardinal qualities are three. The first -England is beooming worried about - r x. Il�DA�N�S ADVENTURES _ - _ (a! is as overpowering passion to{de its couatryslde The English Country- -• finiaon . 6' hunger, for certitude side Is famous, not only for Its lovely- and ovelysad system. The second (b) is the &r.landscape, its hedges, meadows and ® attic'counts parklands, but also for its pietu - Nol NO! rDari and imaginative !a- cottages maay of -them hundreds of.Wkey w• strument. of the first: a prodlgious� _ KAY W tT H ' ' _ mental Capacity, namely, for enforei ric origin � years old and of histo � • - TM! SA : design, for compelling coherence, for! Many of these cottages. nestlings 4 ' stamping Insubstantial dream -stuff fn- , se cloto the ground." their thatched to shapes as clsarcut and decisive as roofs blending with the contour of the �� Q� • _ newt land, are now decrepit; and one by ova` y milled and minted metal discs. a 7 - And the third (c), on the physical; they are disappearing, to make wayI4. i / :r plans, 1s the manual counterpart of" for modern houses of practical but RAP. - ugly deifgn:- Post=war real 'emtate, "de -1 these: a Cuanlnc craftsman's gift for p p away whole' r a 'fitting these crimp units into complex veI° iaeats" are sweeping ! a _ patterns, adjusting them tike the colonies of old-tlms• lfiaglish' homes: ' Agitation against* this "vandalism" .? , Y' , • ( works of a watch, with an exquis;te ac- hoe finally prodnceod a definers mous T ` curacy, pertorrfec miracles of minute a»at to- check it. A number of lead; mecbanfcai perfection. ? 4a societies, including the -Royal Sa•4 These- are the three tsrcuitle*, often clary of Arta and the' Society for the ., " bitted and strained, that form every- i'rotection of OM Saiidin 4;) where the sinews of his work 1Cs, is raising e r yt ma —run wit a seep from 4un of $150,800, to be -Wou ti39te -to time; which 'will be' used to. � stop to 'step; every eentgaca fa as , a - straight as a string; each has its self- repair and preserve all worthy ex.. ! contained tune. Prise one of them out ampler of rural architecture, so far aa' of its place and. you feel it would fail i it is poasible. ? " with a clink, leavinga ,lot that would ' The fund may shortly be supplement., x H e I ed by the Government, which _la con-� never close up as the holes do in wool- FHE liar work. Replace it, and it locks temp1eting anew housing bill. As ' NAIL �' back like type In a torn,, fitting tato •forashadowed by Neville Chamberlain, the paragraph as the paragraph fits In- the Minister of Health, loans will be. x I to the tale. There are no glides 'or Provided for the re r of cottage pro—. - - WAW - ace party. While-th4"ll hits.A primarily . grace -notes, notes, or blown spray of sound. The rhythms must port hem- dis `-• r m a re t utilitarian purpose, it will automattcal= - + selves promptly, prove their 'validity. y If Id the fight-Rgsinst vandaltam. ? start a4tiesh after the full atop. Lack -"-"" _Golf Courses for Women. r ; of faith, if ycu like—but also, it must ; Ibe admitted, a marvellously unremif Golf courses for women only are r , : ting' keenness of craftsmanship. And common In England ,and 9Cottanti. -- s .`7.2 it is the same with tbeoptleai integers , Feminist desire for complete lndependl.' - as fizz third. Sudden scenes stud his I encs is the cense for the separist F page like- inlaid stones. "Th movement. r - f s leisure- _ y ti r f'iy ocea all ,jet 1?td,_a�itii pes.obcka :, .. n iters r f eyes of taem," "I swung 'the car to clean Out Dust. ` f clear the turf, brushed along the edge A surprising amount of dust drifts " - s4 teUe00$r.&caa, Iof the x,iod, and turned in on the _into the necks of horn -pipe !oae spestc• `. hrorl ath to where the dea to uascrew the e talo bastnlaynplike one star -sapphire.. hon every oncef laa while and to blow ; "6 Watch th-e NalMen of Letters," out any accumulation that L -rimngDixon Scott tn ....�`f 1•i� .j� .... u,", - • ..'.'w ♦ - r•4 ;y:. t« -LAW .�a• .aucj.- rr'm .F,.., .�.. 's.clae, :. ...� .' •,. .,. � .,.... -.,. .,:.... .. ..... .,,..'.. ': a... "Op- d,.;.. •,4,. _ .:. {r..+•,, .Ww...._.....d. .. ,.. ... +ae.-rv�•rW^.v .e.p• .. ,�^•+. h .p.. ... . Rm.., s,. „ .._ ' . '. `•M' .e: l .+- �%- '.1 w .i �v -. ,y , `mk'taJ��'ss,.�auLi�-.,�";,,�,n.. �'ranw�Sw2+,.�.eM...__:•,:_._..r..,:..'�i'.,rr......w,c:.�''?-,;.ebn-.....:a_.-.nssst _=......e i... _�. v�.._..k.- _. Mz ....,.,.._..,i.�: '.e R"i'....._.-.':__a .. ..�: -:1: _3-.. �....L_ .�i-_.: %S:� Ss•,,..,.�.�.._.._.....,,.,._,�."C?t...r_.s:. .e•'ia•..,. u.�.r,�..,e,....�. i�i.'�J��,.fr:...i. ...,..: is :. 5s'i�n.s".?A: v sg room' opens Into a good -Ottawa; Oat. a. a... rw• SAM ? 9i .r:.KitV solt� �� Toronto. Psttetrs scab b7 ImPi porters, Attentiont - _ .. ._ ., .. - xr Wide (already scantily scared)-- 6T "Women' are wearing- altogether too - rf. ' Oats Yale Degree. i mazy otothee".'• Tale university has coaterred the Hubby (disgustedly) —"Well. in this • -'— -- ------ ---- - ---- -' , When OatrloiNss Aro Angry.. 60gree of Doctor of Laws on the Owed- latitude fig -leaves slmply can't be dpi a Technic. fah Crown Prince. grown." Ostriches, hfgs when attacked or if p ThiBrifish Landscape Spoiled angry, Now of this fundamental Kipling the By Ugly OdClfl j0t3aei _—-------' _ _ _•. _ _ •' _ . _ _ _ -- - cardinal qualities are three. The first -England is beooming worried about - r x. Il�DA�N�S ADVENTURES _ - _ (a! is as overpowering passion to{de its couatryslde The English Country- -• finiaon . 6' hunger, for certitude side Is famous, not only for Its lovely- and ovelysad system. The second (b) is the &r.landscape, its hedges, meadows and ® attic'counts parklands, but also for its pietu - Nol NO! rDari and imaginative !a- cottages maay of -them hundreds of.Wkey w• strument. of the first: a prodlgious� _ KAY W tT H ' ' _ mental Capacity, namely, for enforei ric origin � years old and of histo � • - TM! SA : design, for compelling coherence, for! Many of these cottages. nestlings 4 ' stamping Insubstantial dream -stuff fn- , se cloto the ground." their thatched to shapes as clsarcut and decisive as roofs blending with the contour of the �� Q� • _ newt land, are now decrepit; and one by ova` y milled and minted metal discs. a 7 - And the third (c), on the physical; they are disappearing, to make wayI4. i / :r plans, 1s the manual counterpart of" for modern houses of practical but RAP. - ugly deifgn:- Post=war real 'emtate, "de -1 these: a Cuanlnc craftsman's gift for p p away whole' r a 'fitting these crimp units into complex veI° iaeats" are sweeping ! a _ patterns, adjusting them tike the colonies of old-tlms• lfiaglish' homes: ' Agitation against* this "vandalism" .? , Y' , • ( works of a watch, with an exquis;te ac- hoe finally prodnceod a definers mous T ` curacy, pertorrfec miracles of minute a»at to- check it. A number of lead; mecbanfcai perfection. ? 4a societies, including the -Royal Sa•4 These- are the three tsrcuitle*, often clary of Arta and the' Society for the ., " bitted and strained, that form every- i'rotection of OM Saiidin 4;) where the sinews of his work 1Cs, is raising e r yt ma —run wit a seep from 4un of $150,800, to be -Wou ti39te -to time; which 'will be' used to. � stop to 'step; every eentgaca fa as , a - straight as a string; each has its self- repair and preserve all worthy ex.. ! contained tune. Prise one of them out ampler of rural architecture, so far aa' of its place and. you feel it would fail i it is poasible. ? " with a clink, leavinga ,lot that would ' The fund may shortly be supplement., x H e I ed by the Government, which _la con-� never close up as the holes do in wool- FHE liar work. Replace it, and it locks temp1eting anew housing bill. As ' NAIL �' back like type In a torn,, fitting tato •forashadowed by Neville Chamberlain, the paragraph as the paragraph fits In- the Minister of Health, loans will be. x I to the tale. There are no glides 'or Provided for the re r of cottage pro—. - - WAW - ace party. While-th4"ll hits.A primarily . grace -notes, notes, or blown spray of sound. The rhythms must port hem- dis `-• r m a re t utilitarian purpose, it will automattcal= - + selves promptly, prove their 'validity. y If Id the fight-Rgsinst vandaltam. ? start a4tiesh after the full atop. Lack -"-"" _Golf Courses for Women. r ; of faith, if ycu like—but also, it must ; Ibe admitted, a marvellously unremif Golf courses for women only are r , : ting' keenness of craftsmanship. And common In England ,and 9Cottanti. -- s .`7.2 it is the same with tbeoptleai integers , Feminist desire for complete lndependl.' - as fizz third. Sudden scenes stud his I encs is the cense for the separist F page like- inlaid stones. "Th movement. r - f s leisure- _ y ti r f'iy ocea all ,jet 1?td,_a�itii pes.obcka :, .. n iters r f eyes of taem," "I swung 'the car to clean Out Dust. ` f clear the turf, brushed along the edge A surprising amount of dust drifts " - s4 teUe00$r.&caa, Iof the x,iod, and turned in on the _into the necks of horn -pipe !oae spestc• `. hrorl ath to where the dea to uascrew the e talo bastnlaynplike one star -sapphire.. hon every oncef laa while and to blow ; "6 Watch th-e NalMen of Letters," out any accumulation that L -rimngDixon Scott tn ....�`f 1•i� .j� .... u,", - • ..'.'w ♦ - r•4 ;y:. t« -LAW .�a• .aucj.- rr'm .F,.., .�.. 's.clae, :. ...� .' •,. .,. � .,.... -.,. .,:.... .. ..... .,,..'.. ': a... "Op- d,.;.. •,4,. _ .:. {r..+•,, .Ww...._.....d. .. ,.. ... +ae.-rv�•rW^.v .e.p• .. ,�^•+. h .p.. ... . Rm.., s,. „ .._ ' . '. `•M' .e: l .+- �%- '.1 w .i �v -. ,y , `mk'taJ��'ss,.�auLi�-.,�";,,�,n.. �'ranw�Sw2+,.�.eM...__:•,:_._..r..,:..'�i'.,rr......w,c:.�''?-,;.ebn-.....:a_.-.nssst _=......e i... _�. v�.._..k.- _. Mz ....,.,.._..,i.�: '.e R"i'....._.-.':__a .. ..�: -:1: _3-.. �....L_ .�i-_.: %S:� Ss•,,..,.�.�.._.._.....,,.,._,�."C?t...r_.s:. .e•'ia•..,. u.�.r,�..,e,....�. i�i.'�J��,.fr:...i. ...,..: is :. 5s'i�n.s".?A: ::,, �� ,; , .. ., -. , ,,., .' .. . «....; , .:: ,t , _ :. , ." - ,•� mss^ : dry%-:. � .`•r, 't'=m , ` M 1 µ • ✓ T [117 A T ISMS*' $�-Miltoir Sleep left last week on the, -Dr. E. A. Sadler, Dentist, practis- ic. ug.slJOCALi17 harvest excursions to the north-west. in in Toronto, will be here in his glt e olf Thtirsda from 10 s. m. to ' k 11 1 �' '--J. S. and Mrs. Balston and family, off b spent the week -end with friends in 5 p.m., as usual." y • 6 - „ J -John and Ma s: ' Gaegn, on- Hamilton. -Dr. H. T. Fallaise, Resident Dent-' yeourt, visited wrath W.• T. a s• -Xise Helen .Katchett is spending ist. -Office over Balsdon's hardware 1 ' Monney,on Tuesday. her holidays at the home of relatives store. Office hours 6 -daily and 4 _. -The townshit� Co cul will meet, *y � Z. In ivTOIIiO. eve11111 Olntnlen� �"'_kl— eZt »--u4u`--- Ill—$ $�i� = of general business. - a omens on..r acre y c family have returned from a ten days of St. Andrew's Church; will meet at L. K. and Mrs. Devitt and baby. you.ever have�nade3 _. motor trip �to eastern _pO s. the home of Mrs. W. J. Clark on Wed- — _ _ G , ----have been ho11da3nnQ with Hugh-- and p� -- _ `---Mrs MechlII the sat week -Star�]i ey NelaIe- �°f rlontcl, -rB nesday afternoon, Wit: 1st., at 8 `7iB8 ou "fin use nothing but vacation at the o'clock. _ , . ._ y g 4 -.- -Mrs. Austin Franklin, of Pbrt spending of his parents, Leonard and -Mrs. R. H. -Cronk and Mrs. M.S. r m Perry, .spent the week-en3 with her. Neale. Chapman, teachers in St. Andrews the very fin ingredl- 5 Arthur and Mrs. Boyer. -Belli Telephone workmen have arida School, treated their classes ' Mrs. L. A. Van Skiver, of Picton, been engaged m this locality�** during to s picnic at Simeoe Point on Thurs. eats .ln the making.. ti F is visitu>,g Mrs. W. V. and Miss Lizzie the past week putting. in - I new �y aft"moon { , Riehardpon and other Pickering wires to Toson'to.etc., th r friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Roffey and family Our spicae are e: very beet d ? .. -Pickering Ciontinuation and Pub- and 3dr. and Mrs. Smart of Torah _ __-i1r•�o ddvsr>ett•r�settess• - ^ _ , Schools will open for the fall term. have been spending a week with A. n we ca uy. en Wednesday morning the first - of and Mrs.'Emmett. f • September. -Mrs. Thos. Carey, of Hamilton, "TlELQO PLANT FOR GALE-Ap• ply at NEWS OFFICE, -Gordon Ham; of Peterboro, who M. and Mrs. Powley and three daught- is now on his vacation, spent a couple era of Tro N.Y., spent Monday at ANTED -A lk3'gauge Wellington . K111o days this week with friends In p or Winchester pump gun. Apply at the W. A. Henderson's. Following is wlist of our spice prices € n A NEWS office. bl J ekH rt seri Wilfred Monne Sohn Stepgienson 'and three sons — Y motored to Brockville on Monday and 1OR BALE -Happy Thought ran¢e, •. , were in Toiorito on' Tytesdaq to see Heinz's Special Pickling Vinegar, 80 cents a gallon attended the funeral of the former', B holes, is flrst<laae condition. Apply Mrs. the baseball match between the Tor- brother James Stephenson; S.W.Davis, Pickering. botf onto and Jersey city teams. P = Ground Ginger, .., 50c per lb. Gr, Turmeric. 50c per lb. • -Mrs. C. A. Sterritt and daughter, -Born, an Sunday, .Aug. 15th, to OUSE FOR BALE -12 rooms. ce- Oasaia, ... 80c Gr, Allspice, 40e Edson E. and -Mrs. Andrews (nee Hment blocks. For full particulars apply to ,a 60C +. I,Miss Ida, ' have returned home after } P -" Pearl Wood), 63 Boston Ave., Toronto Mia. McGinty, Pickering. 49tt Ground Olovea, ..: 67C Wh. Blaek•Pev er, ' y spending several weeks with relatives a daughter (Mildred Lillian). - Keen's Mustard, 's 27c,!}'s 58c Mustard Seed, .. ' 50c and friends in St. Mary's. L�OR -Cottage and }sere of -T. M. and Mrs. McFadden of �' A. Matchett, of Toronto, 1s land. 5 room*, newtp-deccirated. See this. ;- • spending two weeks' vacation with Make an otter. Robert Moon, wbi_evale. sat Certo' 31. cents per bottle --, Durham, . who. are on their .annualMrs. Matctlett at the home: of-tlieai= c a2tnual alotoring trip, called on Pick- tee's mortise Mrs. Geo, M. Palmer.1 OR BALE -O, A. C. No. 104 Beed 7. ering friends on Friday last. ' Fall wheat. No smut. Price, 11.50 per • r - A ver severe rain and windstorm —gym' Stanley left on Wednes- bushel. F. M. Chapman, lot 9, con. 4, Picker- Fred T. Bunting • - Piekerina ra Y day on his return trip to Fishers, N.Y. ng. Phone Fick 282s, bl-s2 a! b passed over this locality on Friday after spending several months here Established .1$57. night las levelling alar amount P q TORONTO WET -WASH LAUN• of the corn and grain Crop with his daughter, Mrs. J. S. Balsdon. •i DRY (Semi finish)—Let our driver call and -Students requiring High School, explain our 24 hour service. just leave your -The monthly meeting of the text books please leave your order at name with Mr. S. W, avis, barber shop. We a.�; ••-,z "� "• Ladies Aid of St. Paul's Church will J. Richardson's store as early as pos- xi11 pick up end deliver 8 times a week. )' be held on Wed. Sept. 1st, 3 p.m at moble. A full line of school supplies '�� AS9EY HARRIS MACHINERY IilOme of Mrs. Thos. Law. in wk.* Mand Repairs.._ Ford cars, trucks, and trae• rt -On account of the heavy rain, the tors, Gilson electric washers and furnaces. No. he • z -Rev, A. R. and Mrs. Sanderson, ,+ -Liberal rally, which was arranged to 4 M. H. corn binder. For sale or rent, a brick be at Mr, Moore's home on Sat returned home on Tuesday from their house and garden., J. Gormley, Dunbartom, r urday_afterf►oon, did not take place. holiday. Mr. Sanderson, will .preach Ont. _r 21tt _ t neat Sunday 10.30 a.m., and 7 p.m. ARSS MACHINERY -Frost dt - ` - -Mss. M. C. Zimmerman, of Tc�- Audl 2.38., p.m. FW ood Cockshutt, Tudhope. Anderson, }ohs onto, returrra-d home an Monday after M2`,' —�'l ra, IA1118 Gilroy, of Dixon, Ill., Deere, Bissell, Gould. $hapley & Muir, Fleury, ,• - . spending a week with Mrs. W. J. who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Wilkinson. Best rices. Order your rep, icing Mf21er. fir. Zimmerman slap S raw. Also De -prices. radio.: W. F Disney, pest John Stephewon and other relatives, Greenwood. zrtr----- it— dui last week with Mr. and Mrs. .j� _ F1 - r Y for the part few weeks, left FridaySwat�,ej )Miller. Hast for her home. �OR BALE -House And lot of } acre vv large num r our residents on main road at Myrtle• garage and hem- -A -' —Miss Myra CiOnk, of Toronto, is house Good rden with fruit trees,, well fenced. attended the banquet given in honor ga 3 enjoyin3 a month's vacation at the House, which comtains a furnace• is in good re - of D. R. Beaton, the township clerk home of her parents, R. H. and Mrs. parr Apply to G. B. Fisher, Ashburn, or R, G, FLY SWATS TANGLEFOOT SHEETS at the Tawn Hall, Brougham, on Fri- Cronk. She also sent a week in Heron, Myrtle. 4str -LunyWire-hg15 y ogees; - da eveni� last and report a -most Wellington with her friend, Miss Wood handle, IOc 8 double sheets for ... .. loo i ea oyable time. �j OR BALE -Chea alt kinds_Qf 2 fur -- y j• Bessie Dorland• 1 - wagon*, harmers. and al kinds of farm m- -Allen and Mrs. Clark and family lenient* in good order, Also several heavy and ( -Mrs. F. G. Wiman and daughters •. i of Lakefield, arrived here on Friday rght scalar and cook stoves and heaters. ?oW ,t Misses Eileen and Dorothy, of Peter- est price paid for hides and wool, also live moat; _ last to spend a few says wjrll the born and Mrs. Thos. Douglas, Master. try. H. Herman. Stoufivtne, Phone i9o8 late TANGLFFUOT FLY SPRAY' TA:tiGLEFOOT FLY SPRAY $ormer's ms, W. J. and Mrs. Jack and Misses Dorothy Mildred and -- - - --- - pare Small iia 4. r Clark. Mr. Clark left on Monday for i AR1li TO RENT -Being part of lot Large tiow, Mary, of Toronto, are holidaying witb L' 3. con s, Pickering (Kinsale). at present oc• -`-'with blow t raper, 45e Windsor to attend the anrrusl eonven- i P with big hand sprayer _ �36u Mia A. Burrell seed son, Russell. -pled by w. j .Bell. and consisting of 12s acres tion of Fire Chiefs of Ontario. -T%e Electric light on our streets Possession for plowing anis fall posse won on - `r -W. C. and Mrs. Murkar and will be much a re6lated as the dark March 1*e 1927 For fullDarticulars,apply to children of Sheddtn, have been holi- PP ArthuroZonmor R R 1,Ptcltenmt, or Mia J 8peeisl'elean•u rice o0 autumn nights will soon be with us. A. O'Connor, Whitby. bl•s2 p p One only, comprest sprayer, >; daying at the home of the formers g Hand Sprayers. with shoulder straps, During some of the dark cloudy ni ht�l PB r parents here, The also spent sev- �- OTIOE-I am wrecking a few Ford field or garden, �# They that we have had recently, we think ti p R alightly used, .$ s1 days this week with Mrs Mur- can Will ern the parts very cheap. 1 have 1 Fir's father at Vasey, .near Midiarr9, that the lights should have been Turn- alw r•r wle one Maxwell touring. areal tune ear, 4nart jar. roR• 850. for .. •!OC .. going at $860 . ••' ved on earlier than they were. runs nice. ndes nice. looks nice. a snmptuow out, ' and with 'friend$ at Gravenhtuat. 6t. which gives the tmpressma of some dans. and Ti ey are making their trip in their — r. N. E. McEwen has been ap- at the rldwulously low price of gibe. As cars am 1 car. pointed registrar for Polling Sub. sdIing thu u a remarkable b.rgstp. Also a Ford —lid. S. Chapman was taken bo division No. 2. All persons who are ton truck at ilbo T. C. Brown Brougham, sett Ze' �®���� �����eum entitled to vete should see that their x Toronto on Thursday evening last to names appear on the list. The re s- �ce.tO Cre&tOri undergo an operation at the hospital is now busy preparing the list - •..• for Rhe removal of an abscess. The + ti so do not delay seeing that your name ra?�,d O.lZlss No don�bt the best Disinfectant and o ration was successful and he was — — pe is on the list _ i able to return home on Tuesday., We -A, G. and Mrs. Green and faintly In the Matter of this Estate of For. Fly Spray for farm Stock are pleased to know that lie will be rest Alexander Beaton. isle of the ` r of Burlington, are visiting with the - 'able tta resume work in his store in Misses Bustin Mr. Green, who is. 'Township of Pickering, In the i3. on the market. a few days. now the principal of the Burlington County of Ontario, School Teach - A public meeting in the interests er, deceased. oa?W. H. Moore, the Liberal candidate Public school, was formerly the prin- will be held in the Pickering Town ei 1 of the Pickeringpublic school, Notice is hereby given pursuant to �• lg g the Statutes in that behalf, that all Large tine 75 cents ',Medium 4o cents Hall, tomorrow (Saturday) eve after which he held a similar position f Y rains in the Georgetown public school. persons having any claims against or at 8 o'clock, standard time. Address- -During the unusually heavy down entitled to share in the estate of For - es will be given by Mr. Moore. W. E. pour of rain on Friday night and rest Alexander Beaton. late of the Small tins 30 cents N. Sinclair, the Ontario Liberal leader again on Monde night many motor- Townsbip of Pickering. in the Counts --• .'VW. A. Dryden and sellers. Ladies of Ontario, Achool Teacber. deceased. ists were in trouble through wet igni- are cordially invited. t. wbo died on or about the 21st day of .JELLY JARS GRANITEW kRE ton, due to the rain getting around - ='litre `Toronto Exhibition begins tA,- :�Isy, 1928, are required to send post - the spark plugs, which are poorly With tin top9, We're titakin>; a rest morslow (Saturday), and will be open- prPpaidordetiver to the undersigned _ infected. Man cars -also were nice clear lace, clean u io ed by a pprominent man with an unpin P Y Adaltnietrator or his Solicitors. on or g up. 1a name from India. It ditched owing to wet_ pavements, _}put before the 18th day of September, per -dozen, - odds and ends, will as usual be continued for ,two few serious accidents have been re- t928, their Christian and surnames, only Sgt: _ Have•a Look - weeks, but the directors are consider--Public addresses and descriptions, and full - Public meetings in the interests trig the advisability. of`continuirrg it particulate duty venfled of their GE11i JARS` ' of W. H. Moore, Liberal, candidate, claims, accounts or interest• and the .. GLASS TUMBLERS BLERS t for three weeks in the future, as the - will be held at Ashburn an] Brougham nature of an securit "heldby tbetp. Now. is the tiole Imperial.pints, per-doz ... 1.40 attendance and the amount of exhibits Y Y are increasing eve year. on Tuesday, Aug. 31st., and at_White- Immediatelv after the 16th day of 'Vine quarts, 1.85 g r'y you need -extra ones, vale and Dunbarton, on -F4•iday; Sept September. 19P8, the assets of the said y 1, 75 , -At St. George's Church next Sun- P strop and durable, perdoz 75c Wine half-pints, .., 3rd. The meetings will commence at estate will be distributed to the arties g •e day, Sunday School and services will P _. be at the usual hours. The evening 8 P•m• (standard time) and will be entitled thereto, having regard only service will take the form of a special addressed by W. H. Moore, the Liber- to the claims and interests of which Nice assortment of ' P al candidate, W. E. N the Administrator or his Solicitors QUART PITCHERS young People's service. Tine Dtulbar- F. M. Chapman, lie Striped Bowie,. Wil` 'ton members of .the A.Y.P.A., will be Sinclair, K.C., Ontario 'Liberal leader shall then have. notice, and all others White with fancy pettei psi present in a body. Officers of the W A. Dryden, A. J. Grazes G. D. shall be excluded from the said distri• convenient; size, two very handy sizes. - organization acrd visitors will be pre Conant and others. Ladies are cords butioa, going at 88 cents special, 18c sod 25e _sent from Whitby, Oshawa and Tor- ally invited. Dated A. Toronto this l8th day of onto.' The entire service will be con- . --On' Wednesday two young men *ugust. A. D. 1928. ducted b members of the A.Y.1?.A. m a car had trouble with one of their DONALD R. BzAToN. Esq., r ---There will be special music. The tires near, Liverpool, and none of Wbitevsle, Ontario. Confirmation class will meet Friday them knew how to make the change. - 80 62 Administrator CHAPMAN • s' at' 8 p.m., in the eburch Their actions were somewhat su$pic- H1iATON A Boer, e have sent out a large number ions ani a phone message was sent 980 Bay Street. Toronto, -W _ of during the past two weeks, to traffic officer Reid, of Pickering, 44licitors for the Administrator. accounts have -and have received a prom t n:c who Was 'moan on the scene, -but in iO� P the meantime they had got fixed up public Meeting , - ,from a few. We would like al who • - `dlave received the interesting little the assistance of others, and M r'� +alips of per, ZW—* and who hav LbeY started off no on the 'side- u c ee o 1 - res a reml as earl' as s- r. 1 had now received Y po word from Toronto that the car was W, H. Moore. Liberal Caadidsee, will • • si a as we needAhe money. We have be held to the Town Hall Pickering,'I ' still a -lar number who are in ar- a stolen one, ,and isle -started .in pur- ge on Saturds , Au ust 28th. 8.00 m. T rears to the News, and who have not gre As he could not make fast pito- Y g p trig$ fj THERE�S TE1,.1. YOUR A►i.RIG[M fLi yet been billed. We do not wish to grew on yc the rough roads' 'with his (standard time). EXCUSE 5 TO '1'ELEPNON sit 0iat those and bo th will motorcycle, he hurried dome for his Addresses by Mr. W. H. Moore, W. THE CONST BU�L THE JUTE NIM pP �' car, but no trace, of the •culprits E.. N. Sinclair, K. C.. (Ontario ztot feel slighted at the delay, 13t1t they Liberal Leader), Mr. W. A. Dry-: owdil hear from us at an early date, coin je f _ 3, and we trust that they will exercise The [nal* friends of F. W. Hicks den and others. �t little patierroe, as' we are rushed in of Pine Grov4, will reFret to hear of Ladies cordially invited, work these days. the accident with -.which he met in -The Women's Institute lents Peterboro on Sunda of last week. - GOD SAVE THE KING 1 - P_ He and Mrs. hicks had been visiting G 4 1 ' ., ,c• 0 was hehd on Tuesday "afternoon last friends , in that city and iri the after- Maple Leaf Mutual Fire on Mu. H. Arnold's beautiful lawn noon be decided to. o out, for a motorVito east of the village. The District drive accompaniediy his niece, Miss *- President Mrs. Hunter from Brooklin Meryl Horsby, who formerly resid- insurance CO.' ggave a very interesting talk on ed in this village, when coming to an Cbeap rates for farpn and country Health work and of the work -along • intersection in the streets another car buildings. e t ! _ t Ahis line that other Branches were ran into them upsetting their car. Windstorm Insurance on bo{ldi� s, �a planning to do. ' A pleasing part of Mr. Hick's hara<]s were so badly in- wind -mills. Silos etas the programme was the presentation jured that it was feared they •would -Automobile Insurance •�� �. W_ by Mrs. R. i•1-Cronk of the GOIa have to be amputated, -but at last re- of all kinds. Medal to Miss Dorothy Ling S.S. No. ports it was thought that his hands _ 4 east for hightest entranc@ standidg could be saved but that several of - FARMS FOR SALE - 4 ms sum The races and ..ball, games interested his fingers would have to come off. ter--- - t•r a��"c� = > _. the young stili. A good lunch ,was Miss Hornby sustained concussion of Write or phone served in [runic style and all went the brain .and was taken unconscious B�pp �7�� *� �T home satisfied that the anrraal picnic .to the hospital. Their -many Picker- ED. L7 � 1lY tel Aly • • will be alws looked forward to ing friends wish them'* speedy re- With pleasure eovery. 20 WHITBY, ONT. X. ,_ '.. .... :. ' --4.,, „ �^. ., _ . •� . .. • - •" .. ._ ..• - C, 'ser .r3...+x6•''• sa ,{ �.5 a °e.: `>.. .""" s?,d' `%'s �!) .• i ".1+b4 ".. ' , '.:.: ,.,,,, - a,. ' R Yrt ,4 -k ., 1.SyA w}pV.{`'� .J .v:=a4+ r�bO'. n.nr,• :..,;,.. .^+R•:;• .' '- .. .'byrsx+r,l,.e,.ankh•„S.aN.-..--,:F4,:,,'s.�Ysn'r-:.aee7a'a:s"•':esa1G.•c_...•,-•.r••..i.•:w1.itz:§�.'4�S.n:.r,:'°r.....:��:c,.s.w.'....._._ i n' k r Ali' .4•