HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1926_04_16�:*•!4, J'' : Y. .a,,..,, y .uv ..ay:•r�wrr.,'yt:y s, .. .L .Y=..r. .,K"f*!�.*eM.,wy-..p.^W- �.,rtb*' ,�'sw .y,.'W/.2'+We apS i'F4Wly K✓+Fb n..y.vy,J x'M. .i/' „-0: .y..
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VOL. XLV • -^ PI�SERI�T(I, OlT., --FRID��;Nom_:
- --_ _
- ,altadiCerl ..
RE. FORSYTH. Opb. D., Director
.O temetrical Association of Ontario. Reg.
--littered Member of the -American Optometried
Assodatlon,'., Eyes ezamined by appointment.
-Phone 98f}f,'Ctatemont. Ont.
NC:`-ffC-*MNON, M.D., L.R.C.S.,
. Edtnbarph, member of the College of
Physicians and Nsurgeoste of Ontario, Reeattat•
Boyal College of Burgeons, Eattntiu=tglu.
special attention to defaaaos of we and
Ondren. Offies and reddeaee, BronghLul.
.V or Graduate of 'Toronto College of Chi.•
rawactic. • Will make residential calls in Picker -
lug. Claremont and surrounding districts, Tues
trays, Thursda send Saturdays. For aDpp-lot
ment call 141 jBowmanville or write. Conenl
tation.ie free. tily +
AB. CHRISTIAN, Barrister Nd
► .Solicitor, Notary Public .Etc. Money to
wan. South Wing. Court House, Wbitby. 2517
Barristers, Solicitors etc.. 317-919 Coated-
erstionLife Building. Corner Yonge and Rich -
Su.. Toronto.
Sts„Toronto, Phones Main 1390 andlMain
-;-9#90--- -- - ---8cf
MEATON ac ROSS -Barristers, So.
39aitM Northern Ontario Building, 330
say Suet, Toronto.
W. J. Beaton..
D. F. Row, Adelaide 2767
R. D. C. Smith, Dentist. Stouff•
viile, Honor Graduate of Chicago and To-
canto Universities and the Royal Colk¢e of
Dent” Surgeons. Phone ofd ,4 11, R_cence
3015. No outaud • appointment). 2617
Grad%pte of ilia Royal Colelze of Dental
y &neona and .University of Toronto. Office
`i Murdock's Confectionery store. Whitby.
hours 9 to 12': 1 to 5.30. Ind.'phone 6.
ISSN pbooe 920. 4417
jN, DALES. L. D. 8.. D. D. 9.,
. Graduate of Royal Cdk a at Dental Sur•
ii genas and the University of Toronto. Olfice
*ave D. A. Scott's store. Claremont. Ont
4i e bouo. 9 a. in. to S p. m.,Saturdays 9 a,
a to l p, dt, Phooe Clare 1405: Irly,
D. D. S.. Graduate of the Royal CaUege of
=i Surgeons and the University of Toronto.
above J. S. Balsdon's store. Piekrring. Ont.
laical. Pbosie Pick 37005 p. m . or b7 appoint.
��sw'ben+t+s 641tr1bf. 431
. . tatsu, IssMaC4sveyasCbk& N100"+' Palmae. Etc , Pickering. taint. aur
YPOST11.L. Licensed Atictlaneer,
e tar OwaOlea or Tart sad 006sela waw
' !*a @alp ad alt **A" aneaso se oe parsast
_ mak aa, Address arass atver r o., tai`
s.ilit "TON "WN31nP at.ZR,g
• aravet}aaaas, Oslo<isl Ne.Im tnitlag
sa.�aAe�raw4�ataas. »a• a W is Lia.
- 026
I44 $011101 saoss" t7M atYaR
TiONEER .for Torp. QntarW aqd Durham
Gwat,a. All kinds of sake orou aetended
to. Terma reasonable. Dates for rfas alas be
eerangad at NEWS' (acv.Bell and Indepea-
AW pboses. Whitby. Oat. my
..Bed Outflit =
Walnut finish steel bed, link
springs, all felt mattresses
only, ., 20.50
Take advantage of this offer—
yon'll soon be house-
Linoleums and Oilcloth in 2
;and 4 yd widths.
New Apex Records.
a'T414t Certafin Pari-." 00
Many Parties and & Many
Paddlin' Mandelin'
Home." Balm, Bglm,
_ BslaDy Shore.
Other new recorda•in stock
C.' A.Stertitt
Furniture'Dealer and
Funeral Director
1%"e 1.300
Pickering, Ontarie
,Having pnrchased the stock from
the.Estate of
,W. G. BARNES and the entire'.business of JOS. W. DOTEN
Am prepared to supply all sizes
from Berry Boxes to Three
and Half Bushel.
GI een River, Basket Works
Phone Ddbrk. 6409
"'The Man that made the Barnes
Bp akeL"
Members are requested to' attend this
=alis Marvel
■y{ ���j
Claremont Junior Room f,.r March.
3F. II
A meetingwill be held Eo San der•1
List Church.
May be obtained from you Grocer.
�i d
lII-ordel ef n}eEiL-i -Sas-
ter McCullough*, Arthur Trueman',
Oliver;g. Jr. II -Wilmot
slRobert Spence•
pril 17th, at 8,15. for the purpose of re.
organizing the football club' for the
season of 1920. All and sup-
� �• '
- •.
SL art
Hill', Stewart
— _ - - - ---'
ley. Sr. I = June -ForsyEh`, -Jean
pbrSs ar$requeeted to attend.
- 7
Grep�g' Margaret Dopki4R'., Jr. 1-
Doris Linton', Isabel Johnson', Vic-
F�stsbliehed 1888
Custoru sawing done,'Oat Rolling
for Paxton`. Pr. -Harold Morgan°,
Joyce McCullough*. Billie ¢cher.,
*Honours. A. V. Spoliard, Teacher.
-• —
b#.ise ttiiuriel Thom is confined to bed
/�,.Ji �
�� w Feed
- :an&Choppiag, -Wood- ., . ,_
gown of sky blue crepe de chine with
f g t
Rep:9iring,' -
rry to report Holmes
Istip with the flu.
Elsie Wagg, looked very charming in
Shaping and I'ututnq.I
The Church of England Bible Class
James Jilks has sold his pretty cot-
There is'no feed on the mar
VIII he cjnn the near
_ het- givel3. bes�_er�e lits
Kiddie hard. Sleighs, Of ce Stools
o'clock in Cotnr-wnity Hall on Sunday
next, followed by service at 3 (Y) p. ni.
E!mer and Mrs. Barrie spent a week
for the money for
Salt For Sale.
trp: R. S route, est residentUf the
with the letter's parents,'0. W. and
pig feedln0 than
We carry all the different
A. Y. A., will bethepreacher.
sirs. Holmes.
wool crepe sand, with hat and coat to
Come with your children. The con.
gregation will meet witb tbat of St.
Miss Anna Allison is spending a few.
days at her home here before setting
t a
-Successor to late st G. Darnel
Phoue.i3420 or write Locust Hill, Ont.
George's Church. Pickering, at the
latter church at 8 p, m. on Thursday,
22nd inst., strictly to consider the ap-
sail for Holland.
Jack Mitchell. of Brougham, spent
his EAster holidays with his cousin.
y P.P y nOW. `
your Get supply
pointment of Mr. Sproule as lay assist -
Harold 3litchell, a;
J• He Beal
ant to Rev. D B, Langford.
Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Hy.c,
Morrison and family in their recent
The Following is from the report of
Funeral Directors
_ -
sad bereavement.
Mr. Striver. who has been spending
the Department of Agriculture at k
Ottawa; t '�
The Ormerod Bros. have rented the
tbd.winter with her daughter, Mrs.
,; r p
With r and to our pure Barle
ic6ied L'Is6fttrt
Tyoda y April 10th, to
Bora, on Saturda
Mrs. Wm. Lottoenepend•
ee un er eg. o , we note the
chemical analysis indicates a better
Wee. and Mre. Sadler, a sow, (Wm.
ing a few days with her daughter,
Mrs. Gordon Murison, of Cedar (Trove.
Product all the way through than
(a.A�MoivTa Q14�.
' Phone 94
Ronald Pope, of Toronto, spent the
Mrs. Crabtree, of Meatord, and J. D,'
Crabtree, Toronto.
your guarantee calls for, which should 3
be ver satisfactor to our cue
y y'
Easter holida s with hie randmother,
y g
of spent the week-
towers.' ,�
Mrs. Pope.
end with their mother and sister,
Mrs. Ed. Jackson, of Fort William.
is here helping to nurse her father,
Mrs. (Rev.) Clugeton.
The W. M. $: will meet at the home
- �P
F• _+� �RE�N ai
George Wilson, who is quite ill,
Trimble Brooklin
of Mrs. Nubes next Friday, April 18th.
A number of ladies of the W. M. S.
'�1 ��''•11
Mre. was called to
for a couple of Altus last k. owing
illness her date titer, Mrs.
Tire attending the Presbyterial at East
Toronto on Thursday.
C 0 A L
to the of
Rev. Mr. Ballantyne,- of Sutton,
C. Wilson.
3-S:2 inch No. 1 Oak Fiooring $80
Horace Leigh returned to school at
Lindsay, on Monday, after spending
who is preaching for a cath will occupy
the pulpit in the United Church next
r M B M.
the holidayys with Ilia parents, Rev.
Sunday morning and evening and at
A Rood supply of Hard and Soft a
3 -Slit inch clear Oak Flooring, $93
and Mr's, Letgb,
Centennial in the afternoon.
Coal on hand. Also a supply'
per M., B. M.
of. Kindling Wood, '
in lots of 600 it or more, plus
Don't mise seeing how Cinderella
finds love and happineso.
24 per cent sales tax.
Preparations are b•eiag made this
12tf ,Phone Pick, 1709
The above prices are for prompt
week by the farmers to begin seeding.
A complaint is made that --rap- is
acceptance only, as they are
)ilea Featherson has resumed her
running very poorly, owing to no
lower than the current
wholesale quotations.
school dutlea+ $
ry (T
Res" spent Sunday with his
frost in the ground.
Ernie Stouffer has sed out a Rot
teVale _
.. ..
• PICK:I?RII�i •
The miller. were on duty this Lima
claw garage in the baaewent of the
Auditoriaar building.
Service Garage
• •
for the biith tide.
The Obinese restaurant seem@ to be
Ralph Carter got 111¢ car fast to the
mod on Cowie"a sldeeoad.
aortia¢ up a gond reputation for
A few attended the last skating of
tb@ reason at Markban last week.
M. Petah spent the bolidny
meals and party sup rs.
The new Bapfisc ppee
p Oing t bas about
Rnlabed the deooKtla toncbesaod
is expected to be opened the first Sun•
Motor overhauling, top and side cue- ,
talo ryler- Ob k
-Bette: 8arytee-Ola
and overb+tulia mg
f� C� / /Q /with
i i 1,� 1,� V I I
with her aunt. ?lira. W. J. Turner.
A large number from here attended
da in Ma
y y'
All work Geed. Plat rate
the fuaarral of the late J. 8. Beare on
the purpose of building a curbing on
tb of pa
see barn a
Pbooe writ) Mark. Oentnl,
And we have a complete aback of
Bandram-Hendereou's Paints,Oils,
J. and Mrs. Dixon spent the holiday
h a de Main 8t. gOes a
long way in giving beauty and Syme-W.H.
Vargiahes. 8taiao and Bbeliae,
with their brother and sister of the
t to a street.
—ready to brighten up
your home.
seventh concession
The Greeg River Football Club will
bold their opting meeting on Satur-
Alr. Pierson, an old resident of this
ph►ce. died at his home here on Sun-
day list. Mr. Pierson was one of the
our Sample Bork of Semi -Trimmed
day, April 17th., at S in Green
River. Fiery ioteresied in
best violinists in the province, bayingCoalw�Wall
Papers. (food sarortwent
tae good
played with the grand operattrebestra
^+ � z
and good prices. Place
clean sport isu rged to attend.
of Toronto for yeas,
your orders early.
A meeting of the representnt•iven of
Electric 'Bulbs. frons, Curlers etc.
Come nod Pee the drama, April
this Masonic district will he held here
next week to for
F. R EES 0 R
213th, at Green River.
make preparations
on band. We also can supply
the presentation and reception to the
you with a higb-grade of
Grand Masser of the Grand Lodge of
coal oil at reasonable prices.
Canada, on his visit here to May.
Ernie Cooper spent the weekend at
The annual meeting of the United_
` Phone 4600
Quite a number are laid up at pres-
Church took place on Wednesday
evening of this week. Tbey held a
Albert, Semi -hard }4
est with the flu.
banquet for the congregation from 6
to S. succeeded b the business meet,and
What about soft ball team for this
Purnmei? Let'agetbusy.
Ing, Every organization was found to
- _
I'he roads are•Improving, but would
stand a little more dragaiox.
K. Hastings and A. E. White were
be in a florishtog condition.
j� (�� ��J
busineps visitors to the city the fore
your house heated for half
pari of the week,
Cement, Lumber,
the cost of coal?
Mr. Breebin-occupied the pulpit is
Charlie Puckrin wears a smile that
If so, instal one of the Lnstant Gas
the Baptist Church Sunday morning,
owing to Rev. Ratcliffe's sickness.
wont come off -it's ag.
Kenneth Pratt was in Buffalo for a
Lath w
= Oil Burners in your range, or
The Wbitevale Choral Society will
few days on business this wFek.
an International Oil Burner
hnid their last practice on 'Tuesday
Mrs. John Puckrin was taken seri.
Term: '
In your furnace.
night next for the concert to he given
ously ill last week, but is. now slowly
Call and- see them.
April 27tb. Full, particulars next
week. All members are requested to
The Vilage Doctor will be given by
b TbesenL Women's Institute'srill meet at
Club n Min St. Paul's
the eb. Pickering.
urcb, Pickering, on Monday even.
Church BtreAt,
Agents Wanted '.231y Pickering
the home of Mrs. A.& Major on
Wednesday, April 21st, at 3 o'clock.
[no next.
The drama. The Doctor, was, given
/ /;
t f► 0'�*f"� ii_ ,
Flava Bred Flour
younger memlxre of the Institute.Also a talk by Mrs. (Rev.) Ratcliffe.
Members are requested to' attend this
=alis Marvel
l;omeand eee'rat Coll
ege,' at the Green Riviv er Bap.
List Church.
May be obtained from you Grocer.
Brooklin Flour Mills
A pretty wedding was •solemnized
-at the borne of Mrs. Thos. Dunkeld,
Sth con„ Pickering, on Wednesday.
April at 3,30 o'clock, when Vera
Helen DDunkeld, only daughter of Mrs.
Cboinas Dunkeld, was united in mar-
riage to James William Melton, Rev.
Edgar Moefon, of Stouffville, offici•
ating. The bride, who was given
Government Standard
away by her uncle, W. A. Dunkeld,
looked very becoming In a beautiful
gown of sky blue crepe de chine with
genrgette and carried a bouquet of
Screenings will tat-
beautiful roses. The briedemaid, Mies
Elsie Wagg, looked very charming in
ten hogs at
reseada green' canton crepe. The
groam was assisted by Murray A.
Dunkeld, only brother of the bride,
• arofit.
Following the ceremony a beautiful
luncheon was served. Onlq_ a few of
immediate friends were present. The
We have this Feed at
presents were numerous and costly..
_right price?.
Mr. and Mrp. Melton left by motor
for Niagara Falls and other places,
We carry all the different
the bride travelling in a suit of French
Mill Feeds.
wool crepe sand, with hat and coat to
match, On their return they -Ails re-
�?! N- ZiOCK'C7C3'OOId
side on the Stb con., Pickering, near
A t be-
, ' a
evening of last week, followed by s'.
most successful box social, sold by
auctioneer Wof. Maw. The drama
was acted in a most attwbmendable1
way, allthe persons Eating t wb ports
with credit to tbemselvaes: Gard Win-',
ter was the yonng doctor and hada j
bard part. but did credit to the pro-
fession. The girl he won was Mrs. K.
Winter, who made a charming bride.
Miss Uladys Puckrin and Miss Doris.
Gee. as young ladies of the village.'
portrayed rel life in a most fetching;
way. The doctor had many patients.
Rfflicted In divers ways and paying,
Just as wonderfully. Mre. Gazely was'
a real groan, Mrs, Wm. Bell wash
comforter in distress, Wm. Bentley
and Eunice Squire acted Mr. and Mrs.
Grabbe to the deliabt of all. George
Squire, Geo. -Puckrin, Walter Pratt
and R. Winter all ebowed theirparts
to advantage. Mrs. Walter Pratt
hada difficult situation to handle and
as the widow with a tombstone to
pay for, acted her part perfectly.
Mrs. Isaac Puckrin, with widow's
weeds. looked really forlorn. Rev. A.
R, Sanderson -was • chairman, and
music and song by Misses Gee and
Puckrin and Ch". Brignall was inter-
sperced throughout the program..
Afterwards Mr. Maw auctioned off
the boxes. wonderfully made in all
colors and shapes from a canoe to a
brick house. At the close something
like $92 was realized. The Club wish
to thank Job» and Mrs. Puckrin for
the piano and the trustees for the ups
of the school.
-.Store x
We have a complete new stock of iw
Max-i-mur Wall Papers a
from 7c per single roll up to 1.253.
We can supply a paperhanger,,
to- put it on.
-Decorate that old room
Max-i•Mtlr Papersare "asy
to lent on. .}
N. E. McEWEN, r. s
Veterinary Surgeon
,e.. - `w,..- ..._...„ ,� ...�o: ..., . _ , �y. _ F _ R•.-. :.•r+u .
rid off, his offs finer her- tw t�� coroner anaoL.weed that he _
a .. .. t before aho sdloam the
'• , aaisl ot► asst, iflr: � fagnizy for a west
r ,
< : " ?!'routs w It#! a eablsiri m- hiss.' the folk who had crowded ti}e boort
. a 'brxg lerreeasi to _
M - Melbou:,W �s ,cid banks a as a _ r sat
H waa ik ngbn wfiat was this
- $soon as I k t YOU yesterday," -he said: t of w1ziCTh Ashton had boasted
Here's their answer, -the possession? Wt
' Vinev read the cabibgram carefuHy: WA in the afternoon of that -day;
7011 Ashton we H kxiown here, thirty_. _ Mr. Pawls -rang Viner up on the tels. -
' : -yea -deck In ras4 ee�,E - Res phone: -
_ said
- -
sYeetiai�_ .y._.• myth ilyBuTheres�a new deve.)pmentils i
�- bachelor. Cannot trace sn - .
a about friend named Wickham, (To be continued. _
r ° - 1ADA80Qf : n was • away from Mel- 1G�Il
_ � Ashto wa i -f
bourne, ` up corn! four T is
li"tle ed ....
yea ao. have.kaiaa�a--- _.�mition-ive -may
Wickham then. Ashton _lest. -here- - --
a end J by--"Maraqulbo," for prises we may win, ose people
than- LondonT*aa accompanied by two who understand..wbat real love, iq .
--- S>4 -- »,s�� �1'- �- r -friends-Foedlck and S hens. know that it fa one of the things which '
p I>tsaiat sspoa '- •
��Ll'aZ%�. � "There's the mention :of--twD 1Aen oaanot-be wC1.- Trae, w*e•mny appear
who might know something of 'Ash- to have won it, but in a little whiles Keepston's habits," Viner observed as he we sbaH find out our mistake.
looked up. Tate love is more than a passion, Gleatls bgea& 6We"$
} -��
"I'll advertise too both,•' said Mr. more thea an attraction, or sense of >it<pC 8nd
]Daarie: But now, herea another mat- possesajon. It is something fine and
ter. I asked these people if they tout . noble, of the spirit and the mind as di$esdon gOOa.
� � � tell ase anything about Wickham. 'Things
a� Well, .you see they can't. Now, it's a well so of the heart and series.
very curious thing,but Mise Wickham y we want to give great a"� -
UaualI w an
BY J. S. FLFTCHER. hoe no papers, s, in fact, nothing happinese we study the person for.. NL�
whatever to prove her identity." whom we have the affection. We do
- -
v Author of "Black Money," "Scarhaven Keep," etc Just then a elerk came into Mr, not study merely our own desires,
Parole's room, and bending down to We take trouble to diao6yer just what I
him whispered a few words which he or she needs in order to complete '
s LEADING CHARACTERS IN THE ly. "But -1 know what I saw. And if evi&ntly occasioned him great ..r -
STORY. you want to help me, Viper, find that prise. our owes lite. And we send out loch
Richard Viner a young hs honest radiation of teudersiM s that we To Proto League Welfare Work.
y ng man of leisure man -because must have come "At once!" he said. "Bring them �
living with his aunt in London, one straight away from the body! straight in, Parkinson. God bless mel" make that person vibrate in tune A eesfot lectures, in cities of Cart -
with f1
° night while taking a- walk, comes, = t were you doing with that he exclaimed, turning to Vines. "Here our own thoughts. ads acid the United tastes
is piaaneb� !
Upon the dead body of I knife in your possession?" Driliford are the two mea in question -Fosdick The young girl with beautiful face for the year by Dame Rachel Orowdy,
Joseph Ashton, an apparently wealthy asked, and Stephegs I $aro our name in the and manners who can draw men to director of the deyastmbnt oj". thei -
'3 resident of the r�ighborhood I bought that 'knife when I was in per as Ashton's solicitors and want her bas 'Ittt14# power to keep them al- League of Nations, which y d"If
D•. Cortelyon, whose residence isse
the States -more as a curiosity than e me urgently." ways caring for her unless she has opium tramp -
d nearly_says. Aahtan had. -been stab- .anyt.b.#ng--indlve carried- it1-
through- t fine, unselfish nstnre which ii
bed the heart• pocket ever since. �a s
Ina , . CHAPTER VII. ever drawing love towards her -even Minard's Liniment .used by piryaiolans.
Inspector DrillYor�1 finds Ashton's Drillford looked again at Viner. ? in those moments of an and_ irrfxa _
r mosey has been taken from his "He'll have to go, now " he said.wxwT wws TIM $!pens!• . - -
'j clothing and learns from Viner that "I'll send m own solicitor to yon, The �*° men who were presently tion wl3loh Batter the lives of sM of ua, IBasabail Hata In haste.
a Young man whom Vlner had I Hyde, at onw'�said Vfner. "Be abso- Ushered in were occasion deeply in- no matter how devoted we may be to A
p perfect Dee�ebaiS tai L tand,s >ai
' s sere recognised had Sed from the 1 loin y"frank with him about every- tereated in the occaaioa of their visit those we love. 30 seeonda
` to Mr. Pawl• sometimes mea who ere
" 16disa Wickham, an attractive girl, is I Viner' went away troubled and Mr. Parole, I understand?" the elder dewy �'
Ashton's ward. I thoughtful. of them said. "I'm Mr. Iroidick of tacked to certain gists vainly imagine
Melbourne Victoria; this ism fr'�end that by spending money on them they First Meta! t3tltlsed
' ]hire, Hilleahall is -Miss Wickham's ; He walked rapidly to number seven � y
Mr• tp hens, same place." ere winning their love. Lore is rarol'y Gold is, said to.bave been the,>ira#`
chaperon-companksn. These ladies! in the square, Intent on doing corns. ,.� tng> down of coins The meta] worked by man.
be iastonish Dril:ford and-Viner when thing toward c:earing Hyde of the Gentlemen," said Mr. Pawle, "I'll won by the fl
they declare they know little about ! charge brought against him- In the j frank With you. Here'c a cable- girls w•ho marry such men seldom i . °
Ashton. living room he found Mrs. Kiilenhall 19 -MM which I have just receivEd from bring into marriage that sweet thrill ' �!
The young man whom Viner saw run.! and Miss Wickham who Introduced elbourne-you'll ace your names of lifelong hagpJnees which is ever to .
nip awes mentioned in It. If there is something TORONTO OFFERS B68T
g y from the scene of the' him to Mr. Ashton's solicitor, Mr. the fore when love is real. MARKET FOR
crime Is arrested when he is found. Pawle of Crawle, Pawle a Rattenbn you can tell that will help to solve this
Money that is won !s'
my„ y glad to bear - srWom valued: Poultry, Butter, Eggs 1
B trying to pawn one of Ashton'& iia- mystery, I shall be ver as highly as that which is earned. And
a mond rings. Viner finds the accused We Oyler Toronto's Bas! Prices.
to be CHAPTER.VI. - 'I,ll tell Yvon." repiied Fosdick. This the same applSa► to love.
is what it comes to: Ashton was a LINES, LIMITED
Langton Hyde, an old schooMsate, and erec�tarsoxs. ok�ae ti a man but one at Lawrance Market Toronto 2
is convinced of his innocence, -Hyde, Mr. Paw'e, an alert=looking�,� little 'l'}fC hp>Rpn pf /�71 '
s explained that hunger drove him to; man, smiled as he -shook hands with night In the mocking saloon in the tltipratico.
snatch up the ring when he saw it, the new visitor. `Mai ��, he opened out to us a bit. Two men, says the Tatler, , met In —
-- -- ---
,, lying near Ashton'a body. Ashton "I knew your father very well; Mr. Wed talkingg about getting aver the street one day "Hallo, Bifl," said
r be thou ht to be mere) .. to En and and :he talk ran on what one, "1 haven't seen you for weeks'
As be entered the passu where the ' of business. said.
rFin our time. This we'd Ashton was turning home But what's wrong? You're lookin'
body lay he met a tall man whose is s -sad business that we've g'ot con- for good. And he said to us, in a mighty seedy. Been ill?"
face was partially concealed by a : cerrwd in I sort of burst of confidence that he was passed his horny hand
.'white silk muffler. . yQunQ marl Now, what do The ocher
think of the proceeds we've-' �°emton-aole possession of a
> across his blow, "To. I ain't been In.-
' Miss Wickham's home Viper meets � Inst heard?" most extraordinary secret, the. revelaX he replied: "ht's work root's iota' for
AsMon's solicitor, Mr. 'Paw:e. "f had better tell you something) tin Of which would affect one. of the
.• famiLes in England, me -work from eight in the mornin'
that's just happened, relstied Viner, ng ander sad he was � six at sight and -o
C,$APTER V.-(Cont'd.) He went on to ret the statements going to bring it out ea soon as he'd ts}T one bons oil:
Drillford. who was leaning against : which Hyde had ust nude to Drill settled down in London." Think of it!"
Drill -
his desk, watching his prisoner closely, i ford and himself. '•Iqg o rnion," be "Is that all you can te{i+" exclaimed "Awful!" agreed the first "And •ow
,tatped Hyde on the shoulder. • concluded. "is that Hyds iu speaking Mr. Pawle, lens 'ave you been there?"
'Can you describe the man who t the plain truth." "He !didn't tell "I ain't been there yet," explained
came out of the I He looked round from one listener you what the secret
Passage as te, enter- was. Bfil gloomily, •'begin tomorrer,"
fed it?' Masked. Be accurate, now ! ' to �tnather. -.-- -
Hydo-s face tri htetsed a litL:e. The real thing is this," Miss Wick- o• He said it would possibly lead
Yes I., he " ham sale' +'• hit •1 to legal proceedin In that Minard'• Linime"t for colds.
answered.I was dull '' -+g u+ R none of ns would be one of the most celebrated I
enough, in one way, but alert enough j knows , thing about Mr, Ashton,
in another. I can describe the man real]y He may have had enemies." cases ever known. Celebrated and ro.
-as much as I saw of him. A tall man "Mise Wickham is quite right," Imantic-those were the word- `
-neither broad nor sender -half -and- ! Pawsn
!e said. "Mr. Ashtrn is ore or tart week we saw Ashton for. just
half. Dressed in black from to to leas a man of mystery. What do I, his a few mi-nutes, down in the City. I -
Ito*. A silk hat -patent leather boots so!icstor, know about him? No more I asked hint sort of joking'!+y-, how the
rand muffled to the eyes in a white than this -Mr. Ashtor. called on w 'secret And Ie saki st waa just
IsiIk handkerchief,"- s at about six or seven weeks ago, told n.e about tG come out, and we must watch
'`There are a few thousand men in Id
thhe was an Australian come to, the papers. He said it would be of
- :
interest to our Coonial
' fire West End of London wbo:s answer settle in London, that he was pretty just as much'
the description you've given," observed we:l off, and that he wanted to make a papers as to the English." -
IDrillford. wilt. ' We artfled a will on his instruc- "We're as 'wise as ever," exclaimed
"Ali right!" muttered Hyde dogged- I tions, and he duly executed it Mr. Pawle despairingly.
_- Ashton has left every penny he had :f °NO." said Fosdick emphatica:ly,
to Miss Wickham. He told me she was I "wiser! The man had a secret, affect -
the '
only child of an old friend of his Ing powerful interests. Many a man's
and that as he Ashton, had no near ben put away for having a secret" -
"Well there's aWe, k1rdM relations, he intended to leave her all good deal in that,"
he had -That is all I know about him Fawle said. "Now, while y.,u're here,
_ $Aft, "T•here is one matter we haven't Ashton." <
mentioned," said Mrs. Kiilenhail. "Just "Ever since we were 1'ada;" answer-
�' after wa got settled down here, Mr.. ed Fosdick readily.
your �� Ashton went off for some days -three I "Did you ever know of his, having -- _ 3_ ;
or four days. That, of course, may be a friend named ,Wickham?"
�— quite Insignificant" "No," answered Fosdick, "but a
"Do you know wl_ere he went?'= ask- good many 'years ago, I remember that-
+ �M/� ]/D��PRIM ed Mr. Pawle. Ashton was.swaY ap country for some B4ttet&Stj
ilJ`i� i "No, we don't know," answered Mra. , time -as that cab am says. Most
Ki:lenhall "and he '.idn't tell ns wherelilts he knew this ickham then."yy :' he had been." "►ell," announced• Mr. Pawle, "L S_ -
,. Mr. Paw:e' looked at his watch -and waht to know who Wickham was. • In
Lux is,ecof1omica1 becaUSC rose.. the meantime, gentle_s'sen, there is a .0 • a -
/ "WeII!__.hesaid. _"We :hall hwve to asst ice You can do for_us. The roe- _,-, Mles��� � # 1� _
- -- find out more .about my late client's loner's inquest is to be held to -morrow.
YNexpenave 10 buy— , habits and whom he knew in London," I Go there and volunteer. the evidence •
-7slakef cloth&last kn and Bidding the ladies good-bye, Viner you've Just told us! It, mayn't do a �'� � wah tar faosow Not Point. cm&les • . -
- + fol•owed Mr. Pawle into the' square. scrap of good -but it will introduce _ Y� to l?s 9cihiY andendxy�� Fes- T
_ treed accordingto direaiow, <iCome and lunch with me," he said. an clement of doubt into the case P�+t'! q�, even better >�t+, whilealLe
We can talk over this at our :eisure." against Hyde, and that will benefit � tg�pP � -
a very link goes' a long way. "Thank ou-I wig," answered Mr. him•" amt Roar and iiel Stand rete
Parole. "Very pleased," "To -morrow?" said Fosdick. "We'll _ I:oa °t °� ' °� Y ky, -
��t Y w� tris
Viper Introduced Mr. Parole to Miss do it I see your point, sir -to intro- °s6 d7°n ° oe
Iron lr "`�
There is only one LUX. It is Penkridge with the remark that she duce the idea that there's more to this ]world• And she !� of a gsnu3ne Horpoint Ina is oras
made by Lever Brothers Lien• was something' of an authority in mys- than the police think."
g,gp :
o ited Toronto, and Sold only teries, and as soon t -s they had sat When the two callers had gone, Mr. L
' down to lunch, told her of Langtft Pawle turned to Viner. Special Hotpoint Iron at ,41,00 extra,
�II packages, Aever in bulk. Hyde and his statement. "Now, my friend," he said, "you've
"Just so." said Miss Penkridge dry- alread sent your own solicitor to
1 "That's much more likely to be Hyde, haven't you? Who is he, by
the real truth than that Shia lad killed I the by?"
Use Ashton. Now, there's one thing struck "Felpham, of Chancery Lane," re-
m& at once -there Must be In p:ped diner. -
LUX London who knewow;" said raW , -
ou, should invite men who knew "you go to Felpham and tell him what P
for- the sm to come forward and te:l what i these two Australians have dust told - they know. And there's another thin us, and insist on Hyde's beingpresent _
whole _ - I should find out- what can be told at the_sn nest -to-morrow. to ive evi- - -- — -
�a sl about Mr. Ashton where he came denco. That must be done, and I'iI
i y from. I believe you can get telegraphic wager things will
go better for the PON
�jaSh information. from Austraii,) within a prisoner at this inquest]" -. ••
few hours. Why not go to the ex- When Viner walked out of the cos-
pense-when there's so much at ( oner's court next da}-, he fest that o Nom'
stake?" things had indezd gone well for--Hyd ,
Leve: Brothers limited The old solicitor went away, pro nis- ITc hal seen that peop:c were impress -
Leve. to t to work on the lines su ed Icy lly'e'S c�i lents: they had been -- - -
Y(�S.l Toronto ted by Mie Penkridge and nez imps' -cd,tco. ll • the evidence vo:un- e
`day he te:ephoned to Viner asking him teered by the two Australians. An/
�a-�� r
'3' .M. :: 'r }'.alit ..q •.�•,p 9..._.- ..Ya.•+�'•- -'. G,a.:`-".u.,, 1e.....,s .-r :::.'1w.. - .,.e,; .. a - .,.. ..R .. ._,.
t, -
e.Czq -W.. a w,e.'yn.., i IIx,,. .. .. .-. ..ce, _ ... x �.�_..a....c-r.._ ,_i. >.u.r_ ._.-,..-_.__. .. -....-,•.._.- v
...:.. �+- , a.u_..2a92..•..-m+ _..cr..f ..'v.., s4, 4..s -. - ... - „_- .r.:t•,e+_,.�-.f7+...-.d �'.ew4mt-, .. es.. ,.:z� ,..,-.u..s.., o ;Y �..�C., _, _. -- �+°M�..- ,.•ern:. _mua,.a,.'ee.�x:, �.t
ja "--I
LVI"HER BURBAJNK I'm - ' - - - - - I . .
.... .. IN STHES
Famous the
World Over, Pawes, Away id
t!=� - end of
kracterlsIng the St. Law
and Farm property -Two Lives LosL .8ants, Rosa, California, Apru li.- rence River at a pcifnt- 40 miles below river. It'Would contemplate a b1maw! I
Luther Burbank, withered by Is^ Ogdehaburg.- N.Y., as a "second N1- dam, c&pable of �24ffl' 004
A "patch from San Luis Obisro, the history of the Ariwi-tesh oil in- died here early I to -day amid the.fiowor- -t-*-bie�wn
�*:_Herelded by a -ser- dustry, believe that the AA10" 'Which Ing frutue_arut_blooms-amt,-�� river at a cost of $238,000.000-
-broke -out
We of tbunderous ex �offi r mankind's benefit. aklv known water -power engineer( d4- half the developed power would. go"o to'
"Ir No. Z4 a flaming sea of oil on Q �ontl6ua on The noted hortLouhurigt passed on bed t -half to New Y
of the reservoirs, ogk
wia aoA -o this New York.State Water Canada and on*.
1-the4r destr.uctive, way for another four
Thursday night burst the bounds of to the groat 94VOntlim Of & hw6after Power Commission now plans for de-� ftato. be said.
be vub.; in which he decka-ed, he had so faith. velopment of the stream proposed by The "second Niagra F&IW' state -
the Union Oil Company tank farm or five days. The fire cannot
houses dued, they assert. ft must burn *997.1 Only a few weeks be6r;s the' ena he the Frontier Corporation. The cor- ment was made by Col. ODoper in com-'
dre here,,wiping several farm
off the� landicape with Its -sponge of Out- had declared that he could not believe poretjoT4 it w&A'brought out at a paring the 1.M,000 borsopq rer to go
of donse, b,.uo- in a life after death. And as, life previous hearing, is a subsidiary of to this State with the as
dairm -as it engulfed a small valley A tfemeridous column tifnst4ed 1,-'
to t north of the main bhLze. black smoke was rising hundreds of ebbed way and he stood at the brink the-Altisrainum Co. of America, the 840,000 available from all develop-'
feet in the air wid was fully throe- he did not falter In his convictions.
tbe.se"d twilight. of "fire and General Vectric Co. and E. 1. duPont mento, present and future at Niagam
-Amoke seft,)ed. down on Thursday ni lit qu&rters of a mile in dbuneter. Infirm and worn after ye'Lrg 'dsv-tsd de Nemours, & Co. Falls. The amount of power now do-,` "4
over, the form, six greAt regervoire, . Bur8ts of fiame occasionallY flaaln,4 to developing #nd guiding plant life, priday's hearing was granted pri- veloped on the UrAt@.d States side of
and at least several smaller slirface, I across its sable sides, and ftlL muffled the controversy started by his Pro- marily to receive the appliestion of the falls. the engineer exlAzined, to
tanks vase burning In the centre ofi0XP*iOn5 Ahat rocked the' eaz nounoolnents on religion and reinear- the Frontier Corporation for permis- 440,000 horsepower, while It Is estl-
fbLming "d of oil that e nation, contributed to his lost III
a xtended! sounded Intermittently the bollili ness. sion to amend original plaiis for do. lusted that SW,000 additional could
from two vailse In one direction and buriiin,'C fluid spilled over the edgea of Burbank was born at Lancattter, valopment go " too provide for pod irr the --gorge 42 monthe
-90 - March 7, 1849,of English and lnt6rnation&l dam rather thai tw after a State license was issued. Fu
thr"uarters of a thi akel 11 o�one be devolo
from 25 feet to e reser;rolre on to tb6 rain Hem.,
''milib in the other.. Scotch ancestry. He was tbe l8th of The St. Lawrence devek9ment do- ture develo�ment, he mid, might add
More than 6,000,000 barrels of oil "San Luis Creek, meandering o"r 15 chi,.,dren born on his fatliees 200- scribed by Col. Cooper woul Id be at, 600,000 horsepower.
and at One Plam
incapable of being sa ' lvaged were feed- twO miles of ground Acre faxal.
'Ing the danies, with an ultimate prob. ivnnirg within, ten feet of the coast
It has been estimated that Bur
able less in oil and equipment of up -I highway, was a. flaming ribbon of light bank's 100,000 or more experfinents FIVE rju P FIFTY EXPORT WHEAT TRADE
wards of $15,000,OW. as t1w burning contents of the reft with plant life invoWed the plant:ing, HURT, IN TRAIN WRECK DPFMTM TO CANADA
Two lives were sacrificed In.the fire voirs and tanks poured along Its W. poll-onation, -;5bser-4,ati:on.and propags- :t
In an effort to prevent this spear- 10 Ne York-Adantia City Ex-
4irly on TbAirsday when A. H. Seeber, t' n or destruction of a 'billion indt; W
head of fleme crossing the highway, Issued by U.S., Offt;ials.
a Civil War veteran, and his son Wil- vidual vegetable growths. krom, this pre" Locomotive Leaps Into Report
liam F. Seeber, were killed in an ex- the main artery north and soUth, A vast number, however, only 886.we Shows Canadian it-coutes,
pl*sion which to believed to have at Isrze gang of men Wers f*"rir.,hly selected and recommended by him " Air Dragging Six Pullmans. Used Increasingly.
tended the boking over of one of the 1 throwing up earth works. of value to humanity. Some of these A despatch from New York says
�.tremendous flamfug reservoirs. 'Doris To the north, along the level ground, were under his observatiow for 25 Five persons were kill:ed and fifty A �desP&tch f rom Wasbi
I with thei� Isays:-Foreign commerce traffic on
Seeber, daughtef of the e!der man, was; at least six ranch huurft year -9 before being given to the world. injured at 5.30 o'elock. Thursday after -
lightly Injured In the blast, wl�ich do- barns* end o-atbuilding-s had been en- Several fine varieties of spineless noon, when the New York -Atlantic the Great Lakes was -nearly 1,9W,000, %
blackberry, now grown around the City Express, which left this city at! cargo tons less in volume in 1925 than
WOUshed their home, about 300 yards gulfed hy nightfall. This added dil- . - J1
�ster, however, had bepri anticipa*3,11 the Bureau of Research of
f roirn the blazing world, were bred from a wild variety 3.15 p.m. -was deraged at Delair, near in 1924,
0 il, fire experts. belpless in, the fece-1 land the occupants" with their -belorje- tea S I p ng Board
Oil. that was considered useless in its na- Camdm N.J. The train bound for the United Sta h P
a as the I ings, moved out long before the sea of ' ted out to -day In the fourth of a
of the disaster, which Is rate tive state. A certain variety of rhil- Atlantic City consisted of ten Puliman i poin
greatest petroleam -condagTation in Are reacN�J the farms. barb, under Burbank's magic. toM, parlor cars, occupied mostky by Philis- series Of Rnalyses -on-, foreign trade
increased its stalks from the size a delphis, commuters to Atlantic City. I fluctuations.
The 1924 movement was 11,826,000
do, off cars, $14; &-, thick fats, fo.b, lead pencil to that of a man's wrist, The express, known 668 train number
ME MAM $12.50; select promi- 12.65.- and was made perpetual insts9d Of 1077, was en roulto dTrect from Now cargo Was -
MONTREAL. bearing for a few weeks on�ly- Can- York to Atlantic City. It left this The anah-ses revea:ed radical
tra ffic and decline
Oats, Can. west. No..2. 67c; do, No. ners appealed to him for a perfect city at 3.15 and arrived at 5.10 in changes in grain
coal exports through Great Lakes
68c, extra No. I feed, W. F',our, pea, one which would -mature all of Bordentown, NJ., where Philadeltphia in
iian. spring wheat pats., firsts, $8.60;. its crop, retain uniforinity of siz;e, and commuters and others board it. ports to Ce-nadian destinationi. The
Man. wheat--No.1 North., $1.63%; Iseconds, $8.10; strong bakers'.. $7.90; all ripen at the same time. After Engineer Prebles' and Fireman An- decline was taken as indicating'that a
No. 2 North.. $1.66%; No. 3 North., iwinter Pat&, choice, $6.10 to $6.16. !large part of the export Cariadian
three years of work he met the do- -thany Rankin. twenty-seven, Jersey
hot quoted.
L Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs., $3.20 to 0-30.
Man. oats --No. 2 cw, nominal: No. 1 Shorts, $32.25. Mid- mand. City, were thrown into the heap and grain previously handled through Un -
Bran. $W.25. Before they ited States take and sea ports has been . A
3, not qooted; No. I f*�-d, 49 % e; No- dli1n1s, $39,U. Hay, No. 2. per ton, rowers, frulta. grains, grasses. buried umder wreckage. div
.r Ot', 4;1&50. Cheese, finet West- regetab:es, even orchard and forest died they sobbed and begged to bo ldll_ orted to Canadian routes to the I" -
feed. 47,%c; Western. grain quota
tions, on r -Lf. bay ports. erns, 26c. trees, were Improved and given to the!ed and taken out of their misery -as beard.
Am. corn -No. 2 Bow track, To- Butter, No. i pasteurized. 38% to world in now usefulness through escaping &team scalded them. They,
ronto, 85c; No a yerlw� i3:- -fro.- died before they could be resc ed f orn
I s9c. EgV, fresh extras. 88c; do months and years of patient wA u r
Millfeed-&;J. Moaj;g;1 frelghA� FOURTEEN -YEAR-OLD
fresh firsta. 84c. Potatoes, Qi3ebec, per
begs Included. Bran. per ton. $30-90 1 be car lots. $8_5o. 1 quently discouraging experiments. the wreck.
I Wonderful as many of Burbank's The locomotive, going at a fast rate SAVt$---CHILDREN
to $31.25; aborts, per ten, $32.26 to I A' I
canner and cutter quality.
-.'P3.25; middifngs, $39-25' to $40-26; 1112.4 achievements with vegetable', P!Snt through the semi -darkness of fog an
good feW fivar, . sr bag. W-30. 50 to $3.25; calves, fair quality, 417; 'and flower life seem to the bsTman, rain, is believed to have struck 'I : In
do quality, $6 to $6.26; hom, Seven* Little Ones Rescued
hipping i $11.Poorer by which they were ac- open switch.
Ont. oats --40 to 42c. fob. A the thods
Pot ate. ished were not in themselves re-; a from Burning House by
Ont. good milling wbeat-sl.30 to CANADIAN DOLLAR markable. Patience was the chief r0,- CALWORNIA OIL FIRES
ints. according Young Girl.
f.ob. shipping po
to.. frei gbts. ABOVE PAR IN N. YORK quisite to his success. A despatch from North Bay'sa.
Barley. maltipg62 to 640- seven children, all under the age of
ckwboat-No. 2, 72c. For First rime This Year MCGILL PROFESSOR Loss EatimMed at$ 15,000,000114 years, were saved by their 14-yleex-
Rye--No. 2, 95c. money C 01� Two Tank Farms. old sister when tke boom and I Aore
--No. I on
_AQL earn. track Tomato IS FATALLY SHOT
ye3ow, 64%e; No. 3 yel:ow, 82%c. premium. Los Angeles, Cahforaia, April Il.- Mrs- W- G. Fer", postmistress at
Boston Creek, vrm destroyed by fire.
Man. flour-FIrst Pat.. $8.80, To- A despatch from New York says:- A. Herdt Had Successful oil fires on two California tank farms
"he girl managed to get the children
ronto; do, W paL. $1.90. For the first time this ymr, the Can- (;areer asElectriCal F I
Ont. flour-T6ronto, 90 per c=`L nginetW. lof the Union Oil Co. last night had I , though they were all jeesping on
el in car1ote Toroato� adian dollar moved to a premium last been brought well under control and Out
t. per b&m second floor and the staircase was -
seaboard, In bulk j?.75. week --in- the Now York foreign ex- Montreal, April I i. -Prof. Louis great reservoirs thM for several-daya I the
1 ablaze.
Straw--Carlots, per ton, $9 to $9 -ft change market It was quoted at 1-64 1 Anthyme Herdt, D.Sc. and F-P-S.C., had been raging � funsces, were but The origin of the fire is believed to ie:,.
13creening"tandard, rec5saned, t of I per cent. over per, as against a. Xacldona!d Professor of Electrical En- smoking vats.
Pb. bay ports, per ton, $21LO. discount that had prevailed since the, gineering at McGill �Univerxity, and The loss is- approximately $16 - have been overheating of the stove.'
Cbeess:--New, lara%22a tw1a16 Mrs. Percy was absent at the time,
I A,;0,3
22%c; tri 23c: I us, J4,. Old. first of this year -and that had result- Vice -President of Montreal Tramways 000,000. of the but T. A. Cass, -postoffice Lss4stant, 4
of gold from Commimion, was found dead in his At San Luis Obispo. the first .;l
large, �Vrlaso was in
tov to ne ad In a steady shipment fires started by I httaing.- a c'o.ud of the house. He escaped without
tr!plets, so to ;;tl the Dominion to the United States. office in the McGill Engineering Build ig The damage amour.t& to
I nj uxios.
If the present relationship should be Ing with a bul'ot wound in the head light colored smoke hung over'the six A
Batter--ritneek Crearnery - prinils, 5,ow-.
."c; No. I eves"ry, 46 to 47 144L 2.1 maintained, bankers believe tb�t a re- this afternoon. A revolver was found great reservoirs which had given 5,-
4.5 to 46e. turn,moveraent of Cold f -i the Un- beside him, and examination showed 000,000 barrels of oil to the flames.
O=nts, 41 to 42C
E Irrs-411'resh in cartons., So Ited States to Canada may set in in the that the bullet had gone thi-ough the Fire had spread,, in _an. adjoining field I
brain. Increase m
-barrel Federal Reveml*
to 37i; fresh extras, loose, 36c; fresh near future. The discover"as made by to two more of the 5,500,000
Dressed poultry -Chickens. spring, The highest discount on the Can- one of the watchmen thi� building. surface tanks .......... of Thirty M.Mio.ns
lb 35 to 87c - bons, over; A � was - Dr. .....
adian. dollar that has pi*vai:*d'thtx An autopsy performed by
to 5 Res.,
Sj� - do a to 4 Ibs., 27c; roasters. 26c; year was 5-8 of I per cent., establish- Derome of the Coroner's Court, and Mother Bore Triplets
Ottawa, Aprii 11 -When Hon. J.. A.
--iWckiinis, 5 lbs. and . up, SO.to 31c; ad on March 3.- Qanadian exchange showed that the bullet had'I :n fired After Long vwa VOY46 In
11 t .. I 'Robb mirAster of Fi -ance, brino
turkeys, 40c. 1has been gradually strengthening in at close quarters, there being powder
Bean*_Qft'han&pIeksd, $2.60 pw' down'his Budget it is expected he wi!l
recent days, and the discount on Wed- 1 marks on one of the- te�mples. The body A despatch, from Toronto
1bushels; prium, $2.40 W bushel. says:-] announce an increase in ordinary rev -
is per ho nesday has been reduced to 3-32 of 11 was removed to his home. Prof. Hardt That the hardihood of the newcomers enues during - ilFe fiscal year endi ng
ru Unusual activity deli*710POCI't had been in U health for over -a year, to Qu-jada is equ*1 to that of the pinn- irty
U12.40; per 5 -gal., $ go per cent. M
per gaL; and under a liberal demand the rate arch 31.or ratb*r more than th
�mapl* sugar, lb., 25 to 26c; fusple "r of the DomirAon was evidenced
Iraii7ions and a reduction in net debt
Vnday by a young mother who
was pushed over par. Homored by Officerg on ;of about twenty-four millions., The.,A
111yrupf rawar Cal., $2.50.
11% to 12c per The ro%umpt4on of sallings from gave birth to triplets upon arrival sit figures
ar* based� on the monthly.
11% to Via; 5-1b. tins, Canadian ports and general navfga- St. John. Refusing all assistance and
public deb�, revenue and
.11 to 12%e.; 2% -Ib. tins, 14 to 14%4. tion on the Great Lakes, which arei
Smoked, numits--Harne, WAC 29 tot unted on to result in large�y increas- accepting nothing in the way of char
expenditure. The statement is pre
ity but a litt*e warm milk tendered by
e; cook" 'kams, 43 to 45c; smoked co limintry to the cOmPlete.ststemprit is- %
ft. - 22c; coltage, 25 to 27c; break- ed exports from Canada, were . decer . . . . . the Dominion.Express.messenger, she I.sued . IRter in " the yeai�.
bacon, 22 to 86e; sppeial brand ed to be the chief factors res nsible continued her journey without delay, I' 9rdinary revenue for the fiscal year
breakfast 1111semp Con difin am and- arrived itt Toronto- s as $367,958,495, again
bonoless 36 tAo 4 change. It was the seasonal shri Upon arrival, slie, was taken to the w st $335,vlo,748
car previous, an increase of
C�W-w mests,__Long dipar bacon. CO in United States purchases jf'Can- home of Robert MacAdam, 131 Ran- in the y, Ordinary expenditure
Ile 70 lbs., $24.25; 70 to 90 the., $23.75:,! adi,n commodities last� - winter Ahat lelgh Ave., where, with he, on aid! $32,591,747.
20 lbs. and up, $22.34; lightweight! was $300,669,860, asagainst $296,594, -
caused a reversal of the movement of two clau ters, she was r- ported as
heavyweight an increase of $4,086,220.
rolls in barrels, $42.60 United States to Can- "doing well."
rolls, $39.50 bbL Lard -Pure gold from the
-tiercex, 18 to 11% C; tube, 19% to l9c;, ads.'
%.to2lt;l American shipments of go,d to Can-
paiis, 19% to 20c; prints, 20'
phortening,lierces, 15 to 15%c; tubs, ada. latt October, when the exchanget TWO'
to of pres
16W to 16c; 'PXf1s; 16 '16%c; ; rate was in the. neighborhood
blocks, 17% to 1-9c. lent-ftdrel amounted to about $440,_1
Heavy steers, choice, $7.50 to $8.25; 00() ()00. FALLS PREY TO FLAMES
Canadian shipments to thel SUDBURY B CK .4
$7 to $7.25-P
do,. good, n a
do, good, United States this year have bee"" p
steers, choice, $7 to $7.50;
$6.25 to $6.75; do, com to med., $6 to proximately $66,000,000.
d be,heard for b:(*ksT, which was
Qnt., April ii. -The cou
lowmo�fieyrateis in the Sudbury,
t6-, -but �her leners, choice, #15- Lu he present cauk4d by !rapped heated air, occur-
Frawl-oy Block, a two-storey frame
$7.25; do, good, $6 to -46.5P; do, com., Now York market and the large $up- :4,g
red, and Firemen Jack Grant and
Ahe most
$5 to $5.60; butcher ciDws, choice, plies of funds availab'e 'here are b'Ock, situa.ted on one of -of the nozzlei -
Fred Burl*ck, in charge'
15.26 to $6;'*do, fair to, good, $4 tO,.understood to be causing a tendency prominont corners of Sudbury's bust
I-ess.-seict-Rim, an'd dne.of the lindr.liarks, yVere blown by its fnrc.- down the siai�
5; butcher bul's, good, $6 to $5.75; for the transfer 91 rnqr�ey 0 C411A a -ttr-the--Xtre0t-- -TbA
_t __C* A- - 0- rly-� 1rRy_hn&_dtit__b_rr
ners- and - -
bo,c4rns.a, 0.50- La $4-' cam I for financing commeicial and in'dus i of the town, fe'i -Y t
cutteis, . $2.50 t. $1�0; gpring,r,, 'K. the I explosion was accompanted by 8 burst
tri.l.activity in that country. this morning, which leveINA it to
-ant, in addition to
choice, $83 to f9t); good milch cows, :.,.i ground, T-wo f1twilen were injured i of flames, and Gi
suffering sea:p wounds,. was. severely
$70 to $30; medium cows, $46 to $60; 'Princestit- Victona fighting the flames, olle of wlOn' is in
�feeders, good, $6.25 to $6.75; do, fair, il us burrfed abeut the' face -and hands. He
the ho�spital, as a result of a con
$5 to S6; stockers g6od 5 -to' $5.50; is Recovenng i ental' was rushed to the hospital, and Bur.
W,le explosion. Four stores, a d
do, fair, SCEI to'$5; cLves, choice,
partments'beck, ',*ss' seriously injured, was, taken
$12 -to $12.25; do, good, $10 to $11; A - Aespatch' from- London says:- fPeT10r "d three, living- a 7 -T.
do, lights, $5 to $9.60; figure in the losq, which, with gmo�e Ito his home. Both will recover.
-good lambs, Princess Victoria, sister of K ngl
$1.3.75 to 414; do, med., $12.75 to George, has so far recovered from an' ...Baron Syng and water -damage done i ned by the
adjoining 1 The. bbilding, which is ow
t13'n; do, cults, $10 to sit.; good attack of 1� Who at the annual vimy afnne� 'at.stores, will total $75,000. �Frawley Estate, was bui'.t over M
hTy, $7 to $9; heavy shoep an I influenzal pneumonia that, m-
id I The flre burned fierce',y, and when, years ago, and owing to the infla
to $6.60; hogs, thick! her physiciains have announced tizey Qttawr was presented with a made -in- 1
bucks, $5.60 at its he�ght n 'hose line wa3 taken tn'mable nature of its structure,. fell an
smooths, fed and watered, $13.60; do, I do not consider it necessary to issue Canada limousine by ollIcers who
the sezond 5toro%, sn explotti.)i whicn easy prey.
fought under hIRL
further buldletins on her oondftion.
$13; do, country pointt, $12.75,
sive forest@. The lose' of forests• -
W 1i91ttills IMM :The Pickering � F3 im IT J ZT
three lire. is also -vver d.estrue- = N
tive to the value of Inland flehin ZTg' m1'nitte - RI
s«.ta per year • X1+1
g an' C o a t I ,Q CERA Y CE S
,; fi.Wif paid in advance. as the beat in the world is to be
IF sobecriptione ro the United States and Creat found In Canada. As flab require �Dn �j
Britain 12,00 in adeance.The object of this Aaooclstion G ttiA. : -l'1<1 _26114
-good clee►r Water lh order to be- - ieesae etealinv Ana r+.>o .
'" Imb the fele _ -
_.-._._-.Y�.�:`;.a 4aneeerB' forests be-'-. m n oc 'Cleaning -
NOTES wi ars Comfort, mold, 1�_& G. or uprise Etc,a.,-Y-;{lp-
In r r u e(=ecotie Commifloe. A good 5-striniL room. 75
The.. Dominion Goverutiieitt is y• p oo. 2 Tins Gillett's Lye; "' '25
alive to the fact that more active ttie forests are necessary for the Views may belied trom the President or '2 'Tine Old Dutch, :: ,;, �
steps must be taken eleerer.r7 oaeppuoafion, .8 Packages Ammonia, ... 28 • -
p en to cfierve the protection of.- our game animals
p Exac. Oom.-L. D. Banks, O. B. Palm- 3 Packages Pearling,25
vast forests of Cauada from de- and to provide there with food, 2 Packs "' - • '
er, MSS: Chapman, Pickering: gee Luz or 8 Rineo.�
r strnetion. Timber is one of the it is necessary to protect the fur- •• -
chief assets of the country, este from the destructive tires that D, Munro, las. Richardson. 21 BARS BUNNY MONDAF SOAP >al oD
bat' it. is • being depleted at a occur every yearg It is estimated 9 _..�
President . Beorelet
- that on av avers e, over 8500 mil- _ LQvrreucec3-lb LoafflBread,�75 y'
rale that ?Fie cotintly cannot _
stand, Vast quantities etre-being 'Iion board' feet are destroyed H. A R N E S S •.
.used u ever annually in Canada, and It is a ---n 1�1
„ p y year by the lumber aim le inatter 'to estiuiate what 4ny person wishing new Harness James''R•ic4 �rdson s Gr6de'ry;'
men for commercial purposed. but �'
this is worth in dollars and cents. should call on me before pur- A
` more than hslf the depletion is chasing and secure
due to fire, insects awl decay, but In order, if possible, to prevent prices.
chiefly by fire, and vin per ranch of thio loss, the governmeui Harness repairing done�at- -
ean o t e
est fires are caused deans imp to educKte the pro- all times. ?Aer'.ing'Hardware Store
pie in oris important rbatter, so as All kinds of HKruess Repalra keptby carlessneas. When'this eoun= to induce then) to exercise ever_
care in the use of fire, y eonstautly, on hand.
try was a east forest the settlers -
did .not realize their great value, Luther Pilkey, ClaremoiA
and they looked upon them aeFAR,YI�S F A M E R •SAli
'sowetbiag that must be destroy, Farmers, Attentio
ti ed in order that,tberbuntry might �t'pW is the time LO het your Now is the time to get your spring seed. We havd a g' d stock of
be utilized for farming purposes• barrows sharpened and I am agent for the world's Greatest Red Glover, Timothy, Alfalfa and Alaikp.
Thus by means of the axe in win Separator: "The Renfrew," Stoves, all No. 1 tested seed.
ter and fire in sunidier unWId ..repaired, ready Scales and Oil Engines. Fleury's _-Leave your order and we w•ilI fill it promptly.
famous Piows.Points. Grain Grinders,
for spring
wealth was destroyed, and it waft Wheel Barrowsetc. Ladies, do not worry about wash days. Come in'end gee -the White
not until it became evident that Work. Brantford binder twine and second- p- Ca it's a dand also the 19Gfi Granit Washer. !loth
$' hand separators for sale. y- y
suffering a seri L O R N E R E I D are guaranteed to give ertisfac•tioo or no sale.
the country was suffering
vous lose by the destruction of the ROBT• DEVITT, y
1 timber, wag it decided that stPpa CLAREMONT Phone 506 Pick.' BROUGHAM Agent for International Farm Maebinery and Itepaire. dl
fury.. -
A ; . ' • must be taken to conserve this - ---- - -
great wealth. The deatrperiou of ]�j /� / /� / "Our Motto : We have it, can get it, or itis not made.
the forests dues not mean only the E •� A T V R A L e
dose of the tirc:ber, lint it also GIVE THE CAICKs A CHANCE
suedes th+t the country duffers Incubator Hatched and Brooder Raised Chirke have not tilec.pen i � *i -
greatly frotu an agricultural rouge which the old hen and her flack ar4oyed. Therefore S �AJ.+7DOi� �'J� I�, (! q�
<<+ . •standpoint. Farms need the for• we must furnish the food w•bicb nature • f
i; este as a prote(giou egaiostr+torma furnishes under ordinary conditions. ;
and a protection for the farm '0.
i uttock It Is a well knowuuffact K. CHICK MILK
that a country that has no forests Is high in viraRunea, which furnish health and vitality, while the : -
€ is subjoet to more destructive minerals contained bone, feather and body
. R
r stoms than oils that has ezten- _ buildin material.
t A Well Balanced Feed -Properly Mixed. ,_ Don # -ScLurmce vour i
Opp"n - Many Satisfied Uaere.
Write fur eaH�E OK. LINE
o feed the O.FK Feeds - _
4t ;AND FL BIKING telling �tock-or �crQ��
Gas prepar"d to do Chopping and -
i. Oat Flaking every Mondac, -Manufactured by
Wednesday and Friday EFORE selling your lisle
Sweebotiza For dale ,M AR R H A M FLOUR MILLS stock or field crops,mu-
+ sult our local maa er He is •
' �, 1 ag
John F. Bayles, ClaremontD. N. REE & SONS constantly in receipt of market
Rora)Route No. ?, '
,r � MARKHAMt ONT. -. and is kept thoroughly
-- _ -� reports
d :1' W STAFFORD posted on the conditions which
W. if your dealer cannot @apply you, write direct. ._ affect cropand stock prices.. His
Marble and Granite Dealer. advice be greatly to ns -'
I -advice you with to es• may g y y4
emetery Letteriag etc. _,.,for Economical Traniportarios large deur holdings advantage.
,l<Itirs �ce•ass w rhin k or laureate your
-si! '' stack? Tbast is cal
_ g � � - � y y Our lobcsneb places a
aura icry .
s read to
assist grolocti.e complete add efficient banking
''Kinn on Road and Pickering! t ,�-
L�'asL Toanlirae. �: ,'��•.' --__ tattrgrfser. service at your di
Pbenne Whitby 88 R 3E41
Wbitty-G}. P. Lyad, Maata�gger
- lBrooklin Brancb-G. O, 0row li[s0agar
1 S
y ',NAT N
•,.Setter 8reatd at - � - ��Q - . - .. -- - -- - .:�-• .- .� .. ,. .f.�
a Better Prsce !
:s f111EAT MARKET 1
'Only.Ik, per Is roe loaf, strictly` l
ecoPow,ern _
cash and carry fr•otn . Round Rosa, or Steak,', • ' 20� e th
the store. per
--Bctier Bresd-deli.xeretl at �___DZMON§TRAT1bN - o ev PortehonseaLRoast or Steak;_door.2Dc perlargeloaf
rolet will delight and surprise Ram Roast,... 18e
It is our aitn to make the best pro-
YOU.IL brim w idea of
g _ P
ducts possible, bread or will g You a ae de :.Fine sib Roast. .. cakes, tN sell at the ` ' ` our-elinden power oothriess. Heavy RtRoast.... .. • • 18e
and sm
l p •It willmake the new LOWER Chev 9hoalder ?;oast. ... ...: • 14 and 18c
l.iw est cash vice.
rolet prices appear all the more re.' - 'Pot Roast .. 14c- -
markable. ,
Brisket, -to boil,.... .. ... 9e
„Drive the new Chevrolet and you will Leg of Pork,...
t. n understand the reason why thousands ".Loin of Pork, - . ...: :. 26e
.R.NI0 l of satisfied Chevrolet owners- wrote , �Shouldet Roast of Pork, •• 20c, 28c "
- unqualified expressions of appreeia- _ , • 28c
lo'-n-dorm--� sl—e ear I,M: --You-wt)i Pork Chops, ..
ONE'900a understand, too why Chevrolet'_. ure-Pork Sausage; . .
Finest Salt Pork.... ... "
„: •filGlfl popularity is growing in an amazing _
Finest Breakfast Baerie, piece, $5c
' s "
- dent in motor car „
.manner unprece ed'' t - sliced,
--- : - - t
l lila o n s a whole), • �rY• t g Rolls i if
Mild'Cu tae 1 (h or a 30c
Ask us for a demonstration of Chevrolet's Back Bacon, 45C
Glass ass Signe of All kinds made to order. - smoothness an p " y 55c
s d ower �1
Mirrors Re -silo red., ,fold, Silver, _ ,Cooked Sam, .. .. _
Pewter, Nickel Copper etc. _ «-t•ti -
:_ Artieles. Ornaments. -... - •-
.Tableware and Jewellery f� D LAW
__ _ ... _
- ' 1..1^'h
_ , . Ptivet ed:. nickel•pinrPd `-G. & A. 1 . ♦r , r `Hasy;Firatt and'Domestic Shortening, 3 lbs 55 cents;
tv l.7•� •N:,• i. ... - „ - . 5 lbs 90 cents,
Pickering, Ontario ib pri{1ta 13, cents -
Estiriisteq i't�e• _
16R - resp o and:Wbi Every aye J
"W 13 0 Z 3D E F Tr nt to Fish r Friday."
Lc> nr 3T H [ LL, (,\ T.
Greater Quality at Lower Cast a G. REI D, PICKER TSI
Pit^r Vlnrk �;?" Il•42 • ,
,'rX`:•,. £?... �'�.c..,�°tY'r.tr' .._,.w„.'�x::a _a:",;,s.y. . �..r.,:...'.�.h u}� � .s, w . .., . , _, ... _ - _ .._. -._ •.,.- . _ - ... _ _ .. _. -. ..: - ..... u4�t
t 474R!z'"^^y.G4•••Nr.,-RkPuya, ,.. -.A,o«...',,, ., .., e,-.. :.; ..�,-...... ,., „.T- .. _ •+ .:, ,,.a,
_ - _ _ •S. '4'
. i ._ y, u. « - anus ..-::•... . • . r.. '•"Fr _ +"•� ,.
... n '.: a 112• d
4 •,J
F - --CLAREMONT. Mre. Wm. Jones and Miffs Mar- Rennie's
HLESgaSpeucely were in theeity onIl� `�' T. Oliver was in Totronto on.Sun• I�ridspam nd 8attirday.
sr r .'.
"dad M. Anderson has moved into Mrs. Nova Scotia Shingles F
pard Pilkey motored to the R. Rawson's residency, recently . Galtftivanized Steel Shingles'
itg on Tuesday. vacated b Albert Slac 1F. _ Bird's Felt Slate Shingles
James Allgwsry spent Sunday in Ma.a Leslie b'easby, of Uxbridge, U!� �- ►�- `�°` ` for,etyle nt O'tip.;�,
the city with hiA sone. visited fur a week with her par- T. PATERSONS CLAREMONT Oft
- T. Gregg and J. -Paxton. wtLre in ants, Duncan and Urs. Morgan. Alfalfa No. 1,, 11.00,
--Uxbridge on. Saturday per bae1;. Gill and get prices. A Lc ,
y . Chas- Cooper, was in the lty on - - Red Clover No. 1 17,50- �� POPULAR
ba, *aims oo Wednesday. y 4` �' ---- - A V� - S A * ._
y�-Alsike No. 1. 14.50 �i Q BALI --
Walter Ward had a business r
trip to Aurora en Moadag. . $2,500 Buys 10 acres of land -with an .
H. and Mrs. Found visited Get our prices on Fortilirers, 8 -roomed house, 'on the High- ,
\friends in the city over.Suaday. Garden Seeds, Corn, wa Y. closeschool.
to B U Y
Roots Ete. arch and store.
Hen Kilpatrick was laid up for Terms.
several days last week with the s. ' = E D Everything you can in your home
1 flue , T
27 Real Estate, l)nt. _Town. The more you buy the
Mr.Cooki-of Georgetown, is vie= - t - - FROST FENCE __ .._ -_ We pe�cheaper
y o seg oa gtnarket price
iting his daughter, Mrs. Brum,
mood. is for your produce-btitter and
Mrs. Wm. Jones, of Myrtle, :The child's. de- 8 -wire, 12 stays to rod, 56c. Coal, Coal t eggs, poultry, beans etc,
`visiting her parents,
J. B. and Mrs. hgh
Madill. = - , Fine wire, 12 stays, 62c. _� Our goods are positively the be
Mrs. Morgan Pukh and daughteq They know it'd' � � and cYeanest that can be bought,
Alma, spent the week end with right. Hard and Soft Goal of the g p
C O O quality and the margin of 'profit added is
friends in the city. - best ualit on very small, so you run no risk. of
iui,,o lw-rgeret Mact ab returnedhand paying high prices. Everything
home on Saturday-after_spending. _... — _ __-- _ CLAREMO'NT is guaranteed or your 'maney is
It he winter moatha with friends in f ' cheerfullyrefunded.
'j AYI.GR S f Agent for Aekerman s Quality THOS. A. r1 y
the city. GOLD CRUST / Harneee. Ask the user. Get So let u get together ,and boost f.
L ,Qdiss Hattie Walker. librarian of ', �'iC1tC1"iZl�'
thepnblic library, attended the ^�a,
, 8 R E A 0 ��'' our Home Town and every-
� Ah one C',f,body will be happy for
librarians convention at Toronto e L A RE Map{ r •" Ever and . Ever. �
last weer. -
StewartGraham, teachAr in U. , FRANK CHIDLOR'f,
`S. S. No. 1, returned to his duties `
on Monday after holidaying at hie—.111 CLARE1fiUNT, - ONTARIO
home here. Bread 3 lb loaf, 18ci,'
]lir. Stmeer. of Chesterville, on ' ' �a le i�tleaf
i' Tuesday spent a few hours with { p f,.
his eon who is on the staff of the,Aunu, " Braasch Store 1 hSuraace Cc
Standard Bank here. Q
Frank Chidlow was able on The Store that saves
e , Chea rates for farm and country �s
w make
on mon � P ,
Wednesday of l week -to y y
y . ,.
!his first trip to Toronto in his mol buildings.
''tor truck since spring -opened. Qaality.Firet Courtesy Always • _ :Windstortd Insurance on buildings.
F. bi. Cooper has bis men busy wind -mills, Silos etc. Vis:
these days installing a furnace and _
�• water system for Silas Dixon, of Goo,2"2 Automobile Insaraace
the Rouge Hili. They, hays aiiw the
ted the Installation ha of a y ° A Fail Line of Choice of all triads. --- -
furnace for Roy Ward. G R Q C E R I E S �� �+ FARMS FOR SALE y
R. J. How Was in the city for -
!three days last week attending Fresh Every Week at -' ARi'LER Jones has invited me to stay at - Write phone
W i r h
the Sehoof Trustees' Convention. city prices. - 17 his place. He knows I will remain on his
Mm How also visited her daugb- lbarn roof for many years to come_ He knows E B O YY A
ter. Mrs. Archie Anderson,of Rich- Take_ neischman's Yeast for _ i am made of the famous "Queen's Head"
fr mond Hill, at the time: your health. ',copplr-bearing sheet steep, heavily galvanized. 20 WHITBY, ONT.
,And just look at my size -24 by 24 inches. 3>3�
The Y. e. S. Cf the United We sell it. :
- 1
Church of Rion hang paid a frater- Fresh every week. 4c a cake. I
nasi visit to the Y. P. S. of the - Quality and quantity splendidly combined.'
We have Bead and Leaf L,e, CI.A RF�Ii4)NT
Clarsnsont United Church on Mots- not invite me to come to sur faun? . Fill
=day evsa3iag when a most pleasant fresh every is days. I sW sou below. y CREAMERY
� e e y
Also, Fresh Herrings, See Poi CRE AMG R l I
social evening was spent all.
Miss Margaret McLellan taw Salmon land Whitefleh. j � Yours forever. K,
er is the Gaoanoque HiGh School. paid _ Highest price paid for t
who has been spending her Easter atter and Eggs.
Cream at the MI
Highest prices id roc
- -..holidays at her home here. was _ �s !i ;
: unable toreturnto her duties on _ C on t Vreamv
Monday on stecooat of an attack •
E of the no. ftit Rnm Shrubs Ftc. _ -
Waste will have a large part in _ Give as a trial and be convinced
F the program of the B Y. P. U. Havinx secured the agena for T. W. r
nest Monday evening. Is there a Boesmaa Bon. Star Nussaeter. . ..
lav to hymn of which you would .. "I' N• Oshawa, Out-
y Ridgetowa.Oat. l
like to know the story 7 Let us I am ppre red to Lake orders for all Pkase send r.:e, fres of charm an ng'forta i. BEATTY
--, .know of it and we will try to work kinds o>�fivit Trees. Small Fmles, _ I i g of ng the c he di 'ofin and ilia 'f by,
It into the program. Oraameu Shrubs Etc.. at MAIL 3 rough I
s g
•' lowest possible prince. 1 . building of the dimensitii�• indtrand ,I
J ---McGrath wishes to infurm the ......::.
ppuublic that he hsui re -opened Dia
'a' rates for large quantities. t Nara.
1ce.eseam parlor for the season. �itf -
Se has also for sale British Amer• N,
J. C 1avmn, Pickel'IIIg' 1 Addrrs ... ................... i.,
loan gasoline at 32 cts. per gallon.
-and British American Bright Light
coal oil at 27 cents per Gallon. SPRINGlseertAe O¢�es: Gste,oa, J,.r. Fane,;r. 0.1►aw nwd Jre..tre.!
- The many friends of Miss Mary g s.eke� monis• i, 'Qwbe ((a::ie S�. Jokx. Grter+a, ro"neo. i.owdow.
Forsyth will be pleased to know sv;,,,,�Q,. vo.•.e.,.,"., s ' �
(that she passed with. honors her -- .
Jaoior examination in violin and. v
-also.Theory with honors .at the is here
irecent examinations at the Ham- Litter r%
Iboarg Conservatory of Music, To- SHOE
� L ter Carriers, Hay Qarcie:$ T SPnmpa, Door Tracks. Cow
fronto. ' Bowls• -Pressure Systems Etc. -`
Since telephone lines are being t e - It will pay you to get osy, rices on
At L ai
- w see et- E R � . - -
. repaired we feet that a : , • - ANS RU B B ,
. ting back again into •civilization.
above before baying elsewhere.
Not wan years ago the telephone : - _- - - FRANK J. PROM
was coos aced a rosary. but now, , _ $eFe is another list of these wonderful values, which you ahould not PICKERING. - ONTARIO _
since it bas Dome into general ase. _ miss : Men's Knee Rubber Boots, red and white soles, 8 50 {
it is no longer a luxury but a ne- to 4.00. Men's, Women's and Childrea'a plain
oeasit,. Bee our new line over Robbers, W. 75o aaa l.lo. .
The Women's Inetitate will -
-moot at the home of Mrs. Brown We also have a fall supply of famous Greb Shoes, __
special clearance. c
on Wednesday sttern000. April Wall PaperB 1
21st• A good progmm'will be giv- Men's Black Overalls, regular 2.00. for 1.58. Men's Khaki ' OSt�#� Z
ea. coosistiog of the following: Paper for every room and Pants, regular 2.00, at 1.50.
—Balancing our Lives," "Little' `
• that Make Life Beautiful," � .at every pri - �art._st---F1'hone 3860
" 18ta y of Ontario Laws." Manic. �r• q ry:4
I! on need a real uplift come to _ _- Of annatutak and dedom -
theptiet Church next Sunday - CNZ'— ON'rir.AiO
morning and evening. "The at--- e
What We Promise -•W Dol;
'Bros flee Brotherhood is the mor-
ming subject, and in the evening Sherwin -Williams' t When it is something that can be '
the pastor will discuss the quer ,,. �`,done but once, be it great or y .
tion, "Do Our Sins Always Find Paints and -i.Z o '•: - small, the best stone as Oat?" Both are cheerful, help � f;•�� is sufficient.
fax meeeagee. Come, and enjoy Varnishes ` z�}, Maxltnum_Secunty J. T. MATHISON
A great treat'is in store for the Make tbinga look brighter r�, ;�� ' Office and Works, Whitby, Out. -
vesidente of Claremont and the.
and better
at Wilrltn t 1
'surrounding eonntry on Thnreday
May 6th
and Friday evenings
and 7th. when the ClaremontSAFETY
;'. w
Deposit Bos in the
—= (lhnrai 'mina will render their
$rat program un er a able lead-
_ -
j _ nearest branch of the Standard
I Bank will relieve any anxiety regard-
of Mr. H. M. Fletcher, of
�. - -
s a��j �+ ing the whereabouts of your valuables
Toronto. The class is composed
good raIIge Ot
DAI�1 NG while permitting free access to them
-of about one hundred members,
by you or a duly ;authorized person
who have been practising faith-
New Giinddhams
jY . atallytime during banking hours.
'cost lase one cent
.'folly for about oar moatha and
� The is than per.
V are now prepared to give a first-
just arrived
YM' day; the value received is an estim-
.018119 concert. They will be assist.
_:- .
able sense of secrity.
ed by Mrs. Miriam G. Anderson,
Glome and t our ohoioe
•soprano, and Mr. N. J. Wilker and
Miss Mary Forsyth, violinists.
.,,before they are all
: �r>•tE - _ _
Mrs. Thos. Gregg, will act as Fie-
�coanist for the Choral Union.
picked over
will be one of the araateat
usical treAts ever given in Clare-
moth, so do sot fail to be o y and
Commie o Hall
m -
Ds A. S l
a T '�"at
I 1'ICKERIi�iG BRANCH -W. F. Law, lllanater-
the Claremont
B h 1 8 kiln Vi Hill,
••rc •• •;. ac_fO"
where the concert will he Riven on
«-_ ---Whitby-
..Yl ¢r.. _......•. ..x -rye. ...-..,�.. ,. .......,_.. ,, �,'."... _: _.„._��.i. ..._ ..,:.. .-W: a._ �. � - ` ..,.,.. __ .. _.. ..._ - ___
Leatber Goods StM !
Our supply of quality Harness and
Parte is now complete.
We have a large stook of thin Famest
r ,
Hoot on hand -'-unbeatable
for bard wear and tear.
We maintain our established reputa-
tion for repairing stI kinds of
'harness and boots.
Harness maker,rT-K
f •
_,;�,., . ��. w,vsr .
,�4) ,V, a. .. .,f
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aewdered nrcnn T9+Inn ai+.her -41, a1
Qohod, asimotda-vor water, forming a. ---------
71 -
thin paste. Ther[ with a moistened
cloth I apply a thin Cm. of juste to s=DIAMOND DYE" ANY
the Bass: After this„has dried I VO
it off with a dry c:oth.s'
I clean ldi:-ver by the.e:ectro'.ic way', ;GARMENT, i3iAPERY
It is a quick and easy methyl, and a
safe one. Isere are the steps I foao•,v: Just Dip to- Tint or Boil
Heat the water to the bpi.ing point in
an aluminum kett:e and to every quart CO Uj+e
add one teaspoonful of Balt and anl
� _"_-T------ •--”-- ' -- - _ _ illi.-- - -- -- - ---
a *�* ��y� _ _�/ '
equal amount of washing or baking t 'Eacu 15-ctnt pack.
;��(�G Y�NI]� �j � soda. Stir until these have dissolve!. � e;a Contains dlrso•
ss++ss vvaa Lit
° ' _ The pace the silver in the kettle. tions so simple any
Every 'piece should be covered with woman can tint volt. .
By Henry J. Mpore 1111!!
�- --- _- - -- _- wales. -P crit tiiaco:a ti - -- � ase.-ah>i SS oe'
�[a thh article It Is proposed 1 -tel 4 the ra on xs ! d D
!► few P Posed to give have flowered should, be removed ba largely p/an•ted-Che pro3uctton of removed. Empty the water out of the ye rich, permanent
statple !>3�itrucLfoas as to the'. fore seed tormatlon takes place, their lovely fiowere, clip or slicer them.kettle, rinse the silver in hot water! colon !n. lingerie.
a way
in which the owners of a home growtba bet e, , and then dr t. shits, ribboLe, skirts.
:may D ng cut back to the next Hedges of the Japan. ,e Ilarbgrry yi When I rub it vigor -
toper Ey prone the shrubs he has joint. valued for lose rad stems ani berries ously I find that the polish is satig- w Slots , dresses,
used to beautify the surroundings, To factor c o a t s , stoekl
� tn<!lCate the importance of Bub -class C. -' This cla:ta, which aho�tld never be clipped but be thinned Y•' nisi
sweaters, dra erles.
c �t3seurss of �� Proper � alight properly be termed asub-chase out lightly every y; fir, so many The important precaution to heed in D •
pruning, it should be said, of Class B, wi11 comprise the ahrubs gro-wths beings left as to leave no sus- cleansing mirrors is not to use enough=overings. iaaaeings
that the successful Aciveri-erarythilgt
•:.' na of the which are valued for their ornamental piston In the mfad of drastic pruning. water, when the wet method is em- Buy Diamond Dyes -no other kind--
* ahruEhe- Wherever cultivated depends 1 berries (fruit.•), or for their colored Foliage and Evergreen Hedges. p:oyed to permit any of it to get be- I and tell
nPOa it. Unless shrubs are
Yctu druggist whether the ohs,•
pruned, stems anti_twfgs during winter. it ; 9u pruning Lasses such s� the bind the grass. i;'ir.n this occurs a Coria] you wlab to color is srool or"A.
many Of them will grow so high as to' should not be aece ury tm aa� ilial It English Privet, Amur.River Privet, or_ cloudy mirror is the result, -
boppme unsightly. They will crowd after dowering these shrubs are t a3ifwmig I'rlvet (the last men- = --- gyp---- or whether itis 11aea, cotWn or mlzed
Four small la -l" areae and the stems � heavily pruned there wild be Pew bar- tioned not hardy in e6ld winter Iocalf- goods�
wits beuoas soEd&tted as to preclude ries or colored Stems left to cheer the ties), also evergreens such as Arbor V
the prdtiie
otiou of IIOwers In profusion. eye during winter, in this class we Vitae, or as 1t Is somottme�s called, '- Alchemy.
WI114e Cedar," White Spruce or Vor-
have shrubby Honeysuckles, the same " , Sometimes my day so sordld seems,
There are certain thingsfie in class B. and where we deslre to play Spruce, the practice is to clip - � _ - ` of import, J � So blank and coI_or:enas, devoid of f�
mce aboeet which we must learn be-: preserve fruiting growths we -simply these to sauna the branches -to thicken _ ff } � � --d
do not thin out the growths winch have out, Such hedges are usually planted (b° That like the gralnfa of sand in oyster
'Mrs ws can late111geafly prune our
ishrtutl< The Chief of these 1s that flowered, very drastically. The Syru- 1 to serve a purpose where utility is the I �, shekls,.
!there are sitrraba of varied character- Dhorlcarpos two kinds, the $naw chief consideration. Tt�e evergreet>ti w It seems 1t, too, must irk the--piaoe
b. Istics }vs ehotHd know the astute of : Berry -and Indian Berry, Barberry and are usually pruned during July and the __ - wherein it dwells
r the shrubs before we may successfu117 Euonymua, also belong to the class. i Privets in spring and midsummer- If
tsarry out the work. We may for our: Droning of these should be, lett I necessary: For the ordinary 'deciduous III Tbeti 'through the hours, mouotonous "
,Durpoee divide the shrubs into tour; until they have served their oras-! hedge one pruning a year will how- and gray,
cladeea. Even akhough we may grow mental purpose dtrf9ng Late winter, ever suffice. _ r There come adventures, quickening
only a few we may have a represents. l ehClassreaaon The be v laced V a class,l To Irro a rl g Shrubs
a an art 1 nd gay;
D.- � evergreen efhrubs Pruoin Q
"Gave of each In the classes h
Y D Y ! e rove Wye of friends, the-gaitt-
• Th p
t Class A. --4n this class we will place by themselves. It .Is true that very 1 whlc'h however, when studied is easy - of right,
the shrubs which flower upon the cur- little prthning 6s eves aeceesary, i of accomplishment. To be able to a The sttrging forth of all the heart's
rent year'• growth, that Is shrubs Whether they are used as specimens! diagnose the, case lis of prime import- pure might.
kt .which dower upon the growths meals In the lawn or massed in the border, ( ante,. for du_,A
pruning of auy shrlb is nd, as the oyster to a pearl has -
is the same year as the Rowers are It to folly to Interfere very much with really an operationturned
. BeRe certain first - the sand,
Vrodneed. -Hybrid perpetual and Hy -!them As they uaihaliy ase of very stow to Which class the shrub belongs and She Dad sa s you don't know ! Th® alchemy of Trull shows Ereaeyre
t; brid tea Roses sad Hydrangeas below; grow the only Pruning necessary ; then prune'. Tba objects of rruning, enough to go it, when It rains' t close at hand.
l to this class. It is the practice to ',tit be to remove a wayward growth ; may be summarised as follows: -To Fie "Doe$ he?" Mary Chase Witherbee
t prune these shrub* as soon as danger, occasionally. Any pruning if neepe- Pnmurage the devf-loptllent of vigurf w She --"He tiure does" I Q
arom hS116 (trot Is pact, As usually "ry should take the -form of a thin- flower. bearing growth. To eliminate He— "Woo you tell 1111-.1 1 stay In in I A litt:e cold tea rnixed with wast,
the lower buds on the growtba will' alug• ; superltuout, and wortble%sl growth or the first place." water and applied with a soft woollen
produce ei brancbes, end thrRe winch are dead, --�' - =�= cloth will make stained woodwork look
tron,g dower -bearing growth.! The writer knows that during past
It is well to prune severely unless for years evergreen trees and shrubs hare dPfes'rlve, or which have pprfermpd Keep a can of c:earser, a scrubbing bright and fresh,
Some reason.. been 8•ihol'A to grat - ,t, -, 11 their fuuctivn. To promote by prun• - -
brush and a _
'arge baa•Itea are deatrr�t. • el+git* Rha.lr�Q. ._., crt :isv .,uifw;r,,�;, �- 'r ` .c=,� � O; '1� �i� r .
�, .. _.sae -say to nota!❑ targe=blooms of-t=hSeveRer this ha0 been dere at,to tY fare the old end wortbieaa and „za7p_ot in•tL, bOttogi P v-a.ccz., :iar3.in'ii,a
slat Wo Pmduct.lon -'ef you s _
Hsltdtangea paaicttlata is to remove the Dense of the -natural beauty and i D no excuse for thr arson not c:eanhn , united States, women are engaged in
VWY weak growthe and restrict the gracefulness of the aubject. 'rhe a general rejuvenation of the out hip c: her tub after ba'hirg.
shrub to fear or lire stns beauty of your shrub.
ng ones, thea e*erg'reen ehrubii, no
Ito cut these back rust above buds, matter 'where planted. except in When effesAlalt thiw annual pruning of your shrubs, don't leave Rny stubs. ! • • • • • r • • • • • • , • • •` • ,~• • • • •
the 1! are rug ! mote*' lies III their naturalness Ile Remove the bra at their junction
three or tour laches above the wood of
the pre re p Year Hybrid Perpetual not despoil this In this elate we have s I Cleans Like �hiria
t pruned n much the stem*' the JsMueee Yow, Thuya (arbor vitae) with otb6rs. if neerasary, I s tt sogte-
" 1haY except that the growths are Dwarf Spruce, Dwarf Mountain Pine times times ta, to whurtPn lona Dors, cut
Junipers (although these lust above smaller branches er 1 When you use SMP En—eled Ware
� - ;shortened a little- further above the gh not eo'good for the Utensils. You neve; need to. scrape, eoottr it
+seaod•of the previous year, say eight 'atmosphere -of a city) and similar low buds with a -Planting upward cut A'
or teff Intoes Hybrid Teas sig pruned growing forms, great rAr..s.n for entoureRing young
and scrub the way some wares dezaarA
slot water. son a cloth - that's all you
a little more severely about toss inches i 1 growth Is that the stronsert etems need to clean theta. It washes Eike.
Y FruNts. , ;
- Alxeve the previous peaFe wood Hedges for Flowers and or 's=ow quickly to this Ifgltt. The latera, china, has the cleanliness and aur -
Clam 8.--[n dolls chins the shrubs 'ones ere tbus badly shaded. This moy ; Lee of china, but wean like steel
-which flower upon growths produced + result in their partial or full defolla• I Don't be the sh}ve of your cookies
I the Prevtoas year, as Spires Van Hout- Briefly the pruning of hedge* such [fon and sunN+tltnav, dnnth, [t simply.; wase: egnip.withdean, puresani-
:. 'i*!. The Bridal Wreath. WaigQlia,' as of Strube which flower upon the being a ewe of survival of the fittest ' tsti7, lasting i
Lilac, Lonicera Tartartea, Tartariaa
previous year'* growths, each as the L'nles+ we tareful:y prune oar shrubs
Horfysuclde, and Lonicen ,Vor•rowf 'Bridal Wreath, should take the form unsightly leafless stems will appear
HoaeysuCkle, sad all shrubby Hoae of a thinning (never a clipping ori near the ground ane dilapidation will
" suckles, also Dentala• the Snow Flow. eartng) just alter the shrubs have quickly eneuo, When the practice of 1
!towered. Even the Caragana, Siberian proper annual prunir '
or, the Pbrsythta, the Gfoldea Be11 and � 8 Derta.na, so- ;
otbetst too numerous to mention in this pea, should receive this treatment aovaUon will constantly take place, lir
iahort artioie. ii much a* to the contrary we often see much to the enhan.oed appearance of, ; ,Enameled
i it clipped. It you desire to defeat the' our plaatatiorw, Copyright M$4, liac• --
The shrubs to this class are depend.
Mt upon the formation of new growth' purpose for which Ukase hedges wen bean Building Reports, Ltd. tBIA
ftr the ibilowing season's flowers sad 1
eYouid as a, rule be pruned as soca sd -
• • • • • • . .
.�#et Qowen fade. The run t
40us!*t in'the removal of old flowering-
jgrowths to favor [tie aeveiopmeat of High Schon Boars and Boards of Education
4 the new and the subsequent ripening
Of the floweei buds. -
ng before winter.
' .. rte!
Ari authorized b law to establish
The rhea y
P � of , t ee-ed "th should •, r . INDUSTRIAL., TECHNICAL AND
more property be termed "thinning." ,
If the shrubs have grown somewhat - - ,ART SCHOOLS
ItsALthg should be reduced fn Rize by With the approval of the Minister of Education
-thinning oat the oldest and the long. - . - - ' _ .
est of the growths and not by dress DAY AND EVENING CLASSES
_. `: locally shearing or cutting back the °`•Kra■ may be conducted in accordance' with the regulations Issued by
rrowths to a given height. Shrubs the Department of Education.
should not be allowed to become over. -
Xrown on the average city- lot;"if so Is given in various trades, The schools and alae■•• are under tho
Ahsir beauty will be sacrificed• In the 110 11 UI1PRUNl.DRIVAf +� direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE.
_ case of the Litacs .the growths which /1Q2 PRUNED 3MRU!
Showing'how to prune shrubs of class d3 Application for attendance should be made to the Prins al of the
--- _ _ school. _
- �� �� � Q�f1'�i8 1 Sr In the AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are providedHigh
STM '• every home there are windows and' for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and Hiyh
�� mirrors and glass doors to be cleaned, Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments.
-+ I have two ways of doing this work: Copies of the Reputations issued by the Minister of Education may be
..BY NELi. B. NICHOLS. the wet and the dry methods, I strive' obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parllament Buildings, Toronto.
T have a rent admiration for .-he po: always to take long, overlapping,
g , stands the ish is distributed eveWy--strokes--{n-cleaning-and drying grass, '
ability of soap and water in cleansing ;through it I take •epeeist pains to for they are easier than short, jerky
woodwork and furniture. When prop- avoid the application of too cutch pol-.Dories.
sr.y used they accomplish wonders in! ish, for a surplus serves as a collector pot washin lass I _
rsmoving'coal dust, finger prints and'for dust and soil, I g g Fr ter to use
.-iother soil that accumulates on wood! clean warm water and a chamois skin.
Purfaies. ' 13RL'SREti AItE A1Ds. 7: _' = I wet the chamois in the water, morin;
Most wormer have D!N
a favorite furni- it out quite dry and then rub the s:ir-
If my -furniture or woodwork is ' face with it. I rinse i he chamois in a
lure e which the use, Frequent
• eo{kd badly I moisten a soft cloth :n a p°' Ys f -
lrsain containing a rich suds made; ly I use paste wax. I like this on i second basin containing' clea)t h -a. as ist Prize.$100 5th prise $'4(i
` item a mi:d son or soap flakes ani painted surfaces, for it gives a dull, i water, 'and go over the grass again. 1 1� w• ,
p p rich finish. I4 is a:most dry when the chamois has ' • • , • • 2nd Prise $75 6th Prise $30
-tepid 'water. This c:oth is wrung very + • v • w I 3rd Prise $60 7th Prize $25
dry and then I rub it on the soi:ed f In c:eansing waxed surfaces I fre- been used a second time. A chamois •� w p •' • s. -
uentl employ 1•asts a lou t' s 10 • • 4th Prize $50 8th Prize $20
' - surface with the grain of the wood, , q Y p Y gasoline instead of g� time if you are careful to • �� '
soap and water. This method is safe! rinse it in clean warm water and dr + e e ..'e w 6 Prizes of
cleaning a small area at R time. With I y etre * • $10 each
I only when there is no fire in the room. � it by spreading on a tab:e away from . � 4 6 �
-' a�dry piece of lint:ess cloth I wipe ths� .•,i • •' - � 10 Prises of ;5 each -
clean surface. I find that much brie -a -brat, such high heat. +• �y f lw • • • Finery rontr■taut will receive a -Pita•
After the c:ssning- is completed, ! as vases, candlesticks and picture DRY CLEANING. •� s i • ..r ■e re■ee seas rata•.
polishing is in order. Thi_s_grv_es th*-: frame�_inay be c:eaned in soap and On cord days 1 :Ike to clean glass ♦ s'
wood a -fright Rppearnnce and re-` water. Then there are excel:ent pol- by rubbing it with derratured alcohol. COUNT THE DOTS
stores the oil which _ is lost as the ishes for cleaning the metal fixtures in I wou:d be tempted to -use, this method 1f son count thw datq r•aertl,. and tion rs tutwo of Rust and wain
wood is dried b heat and is washed. ! the bathroom, keeping them shinin a Reegver ■e sec ■ tubs, x•n ,ria rerelve ane of the" pri■ro.• And
y g in a:l the time, especia::y on windows, if Jou Mil have ■ rh■ace for the _—
sprinkle my dust c:eth, which Is an appearance. the a:cohol were not ,s expensive. - anawt4r wo w ,r*t-tied +eein Remover ■t once. Try
sour skin now. /
aid piece of velveteen salvaged from Brushes are aide in my horn in My dry methods utilize any one of UNITED SUPPLY CO., Dept.' 40, TORON3'O, 3
an ancient hat, with the liquid and c:eaning the crevices in cut-g:asa many excef•ent commercial preFa.ra-
ro:E• tate nbsWrial tightly. As this `vases, silver and other ornament's. In tions now availabia:11 I -moisten the "
11 .. °°f:i .;i.. _:--�• ,.. �.4 � :J 4 �+ , Liv *y( .a. .r9_ illi 6`^:c.• 't+ms� ' _
ry.: ' •. r - , '
£�" .a" v: *`�'+• '•',:.. !.,.. .s.•-a4•.,.r.. • s ..s^, _•�:� .�:," .N, :[rvr`: ..F.•... .w. .s.. a •w a.-•w3A`.i'!„ 'y^.-'�•,r•.
d 'vG+r'
., '6
.._... -, .mint+, a.. �. -'s .... �•'.- - - -'�,i' .J. -'S. - Y"'' }..
.� ,.- --. •- -moi e.v • l� �`•
i -
0, 4:
01 - - i
it- In to be yea
`]lI --
-Of -ieeierhm of -,U `�llit 'lil5 E1
strangeness, of wonder, of things
tbrilled with the unknown.
r "mo�1,i`e Help. of a Tonic. Titters is
We poetry of fanifflar th ings,
The dictionary defluelloa touts' as a , � � �
true nevertbelem in 'the4 llttienean or x
Inedicine that increaads the 4t;rengi
greatnenq. This is the klub of poetry �� t
and gives vigor to the systetn. That In which that neat ury so dear to ���
felts why Dr. W1113ame' Pial[ Pills are -
" a real tonic. Thousands of men and Thackeray, the eighteenth of hop" Is
memos So decorouely deilg4ted. One
�; .
women are ailing today, not sick. 11 almost ttelaftstes to speak of "decorous /✓�
~bed, but without ambition to do a Lnli` o t" delight" in thlis day w•hicb it so proneday's JW�jd(Lj\ / /(d�, � j�{� -
keep' work, though they are forced to to thedstafl ed orthat iAriiticialus to be near
The de _ _ is 7a•"' -''�� �� ^�^
keep on. They are always tired or
—_-• - •
votis-do-aot;Illeep-well, and s:ivake ou — --
- s is not necessarily so any more
h the m'aches, backaches
a • Many than the abandoned !til \necemsadly ur
have headaches, Dackaehee aad atom- tistic or sincere:--('ornclitis ��'rygaadt Vy� '
ash trouble. Such. people . need the in ''_A Cleutul`y of 'the Engilsh Xtrel." When the Dead Were Judged. C "iSied Adverdsommmillts.tesnic help of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
J— {'
Th'e eLefleiwl effects of this medicine In ancient tin the dead Were
trout SALIt
reaches the whole system, Dr. Wil T� r� /�(� taken
betcrE a }ridge aad jury aad
SIXTEEA ! EARS U1J VI' given a trial just ae though they were W tve� , °tea to �soe.:w awet� �4
dams' Pink Pills do more than relieve k
the symptoms—they remove the .cause. (R-(�y` f t (� 7 '�ilp {+! . t alive. rdcrarC &&roes soociett Ana sOtA n
r'll4B �_V��'� 1 i11�,F C� 1n Egypt, the body was taken noon E Yutm rr.a�teis se.,
Iris. .E. Virginia Gray Tofleld, Alta., 3 ��.
after dearth to -an embalms&• and kept - sussaa Gaon&
• .has proven the this medicine •, *�
and sa . • by hL1n'tar forty days•. It•wae them Te} usBEn-rr rya ivAn>A or &saes& wa
ye.—'7 can sincerely recon- - r�
mead Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for a - Has Shown One Mother There is tusne�d to its old hams where rise lays It. wltte to No memo" '
tired and run
-down tonditfoa of the -moo Co.,,. neve• w, sea U tr u a.
t _~lathing to,Equal `ihetn. OA" aad nlghtet atter whAcb ix was
system. I have followed the nursing - --
profession for number of years and A constant use of Baby's Op'u'Tab
llcarted to the nearest sacred A; fie -greater part ot-lite-ia spit t
. a-fe-a•eeka o1 hard or trying "' lets -for their child -ren has proles to ate" witnesses were heard. at work, the workroom should bre th*
cap beaut�bjt»—gam Thomas J.
cases I take two or three boxes of Dr. 1n the cave of a good ares the body, ody, P'
thousands of mothers tiler flier are Lennard,
Williams' Pink Pills, and always with _ was allowed to be taken. twrole the
_ __ _ without an equal for babyhood and
- the iiry'best results. The pills also -lake In -a boat -and buried on the other
childhood ailments. One mother, Mrs. Minard'& Liniment for dandrirQ.
Proved a great boon to my daughter C. W. Jackson, R.R. 1, 011ford, Ont., e4de
at a trying age, and I have seen splen- writes:—"We writes:—"We have used Baby's Own if the evidence showed that the dead
'did results follow their use In otherwas not a good man 4t* moarners bed y
Tablets ever since our first baby was j ARE YOU BUILDING? 4
i ease „ born sixteen years ago. We have I take the bods bask home and keep MacLean Builders' Quids conA
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by seven fine 'healthy chlldren ittsti tAe !t until such tune ae ?hep conM, by
aN medicine dealers or sent by matt THE CAPE IS ADOPTED BY Tf3 Tablets is the only medicitse they re- ��
works, gifts to the, prteet In- tains many practical designs by
at 60 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' JUNIOR miss. ceived In their I cense sad such things burly k proper- promineat Canadian architects,
r ye reale. Our baby actually built and lived In. Also l
Dtedicfse Co., Brockville, Out. _ is for the young miss adhere is one and a halt years old, its walking 1Y in later years.
p Y g contains well IIlustrated artleles
Closely to those in vogue for the elder and talking and weighs 25 pounds. ♦----
-- A WonderfuNnventlon. y g on plannfag, building, decorating,
woman, and the ca in all its varia- Baby's Own Tablets Is the oDly. medi, Minsrd'a Liniment for &ore throat
Cassidy.—"I see De ly IlIshing and gardening, Protn is
that.they've Invent- tions is authoritative. When the little cine he has ever had." - 4 -- Iy Ilivatrated. Seed Twenty Cents '
ed a new whistle." Baby's Own Tablets'aro 'guaranteed
MISS of foul to fourteen years of age New Mons for Erin. for a copy. Questions answered. - r�
Casey--"Phwat kind of a wisietie?" to be absolutely este for e�ein the new
goes walking, how proudly she'll trip New ooiaaW in shyer, aksDoel aad ?►iacI.ean Bn1Iding Reports, F.td..
Cassidy—"One •that sounds just Gas ( abng in this smart model styled with born babe. They are free from opiates`..`
Y 344 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
load to the morning am 1t does at quit- attractive aimpiicity, and developed and narcotics; act as a gentle laxative , bronze is augge&ted for the Irish Free
tin' time." in are of the new tweeds, homespuns an the 'stomach and bowels and thus State. The proposed naaneY '%IX bear
or wool pWcU. There is a seam over relieve constipation and indlgestloo: j Irltttlt designs instead of the King's
An acid' stomach cause& br indiaeveion oflen each shoulder and two slashed open- break up colds and simple fevers and head- �R
create, rheur:atic eymptoma. Set your stomach Ings for the arms. The co:lar is of make baby healthy and strong.
r4ht with Seiaei's Syrup. Any drus atone- .
comfortable design, and may be ware You can get 13ebp'e Own Tablets I Imperfectly Coached.: ' �� r�����
from your druggist or direct by mail a -
Fair Enough. turned back to form revers. No. 1302 ( Magician (to youn�ter be has oilled - r"LAfrsy
Wil—Gis in sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
uest—'Do You play anything people_; y llama' Medictae Co., Brockville, Ont. ttavP never AePn me before. have you 9" f"' a L" s 1 .
request?" Size 8 years requires 23,4 yards 89- SOCK EVERYW
Orchestra I,eader� srtainly." inch, or 1 % yards 54 -inch material, -- _ Buy--•'N;o, daddy." �8
with 2: yds 3t3 inch lint Price 20c. ' "W. ay.yda&o.,Un"a+w..+t...�..a.
►- riiuesl' 'Fine: I viiaE you d take yoar ng Insects Sense of Snell.
men out and play a game of pool while Our new Fashion Book contains ,I
1 Many insects have a keen serge of AU Tired Out—reel
I Snieh eating" many styles showing how to dress boys I.
smell. A piece of decaying meal ao Misefrable Generall ' YOUNG WOMEN
('sad girls.Simplicity is ,the rule for covered that it can not be eeen will, ' y' d
I The United States has never had i well-dressed children. Clothes of on a warm day, attract numerous flies.! If.yoa feel out of carts, yaur kidney, y�
enough internationally -minded men. ! character and +individuality for the �a" of which apparently spent !t at a and liver are not actlag naturally. r MOST �► Victor M. Cutter, junior folks are hare} to buy, but easy distance where no odor !s dlscer�bie I Don't delay but go to your dru"! t
to make with our pattei iia A stnsli to man. and Bet a.Dottlo of n art er's Sate Kid• r
amount of money spent on good ma- Many Of the social tnsPcta recognize ` >xy' and Liver Remedy
t,erials, cut on simple lines, will give the member& of their hoetsehettd lir i sn$ take aocordfnil These Two Found Rem by
children the privilege of wearing odor- to directions. In a 'r E. ;
factory sense. :
smelt, and the male of some lapeciee
able things Price of the hauls lies seeks h� mate by th•e nI {short. time you should Vegetable �Oln _
the copy. notice the benefit tram
- Among insects the organ.? of tsmeH '
HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS, are located In the antenna or palpa. tbU urn*dy wade from ,Ayes Cly, Qum- — "I have l
Writs your name and address plain- herbs and other 'bene- been teaching for three years, and zr
bfabe bumblebees with the &sten&& re I
moved can not fl>Ld their mates t3ome flctai
ingredients. Used.
at the end Of the.
iy, giving number and alae of soca for over 60 yParts by year I always !cel
&iters& as you giant Ensues 20c in crustaceans seem to poesesa organs of: tired and have no
P y mllifons in all parts of
Tape spoonful
stamps or coin (coin -preferred; wrap smell ca the antRnnu ate _— _ the crid. For your awful t3nisi each *`Y'
It carefully) for each number and Deatiith's bake take Pyre too,havlrt �+
of Sal Lithofoa address your order to 'Pattern Dept. I(;$AMSERLAIN'$� y aP
in 8 ss of water y° P (of your kldneya and m b i.
g� Wison Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- PA1N•BAL,M liver. -
break- until sometimes I
y laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by '
fast and rid yotl<t'- ►•&turn mail Y.a,lee.us std so! 1 by" uIl drngssat,. Price 11:26 a was obliged to
self of that tis- working. A rule
per L *lite. Warner's S .fe Re *-dies r e c o m m e n d s
__ �N T ! Ca,, Toronto. Ontsrlo. s Lp d l a E. Pink- ° .
Pink -
agreeable feeling Measuring Ocean Waves. nwwJ'•ar.drrdaw r r ham's Veretable
o dullness. !tri "
and other skin irritations
By means of a speclauy constructed
E, +efficient saline
camera. •the exact length and height of
lazatve that gent- •
ocean waves have a4 last been mea-
'"•`• Batter fht m bef0�
ly •purges the
'Iwfutto ap,41
tem Of clogging
g g g
Ordinary waves are from 6 to 12 feet
poi9021d and makes
high. In a high sea they may rise to
� Its wall -known soothing.
e flew}JCiAgOf you.
27 feet, or in Iiviolent gale to 116 feet_
bealimg aad peaetratiteg
' have been tnten-
r '
The length of the largest waves, from
qua ties
a� m •e now, comp&#
has been of great benefit to me, the:
crest to cre'st, is said to be 900 feet,
'and k takes twenty seconds for one
wave to replace another.'For
over fifty years it has been
The tidal wave that followed the Lis-
a- standard household -remedy for
bon earthquake of 1765 was 60• feet
sprains, braises, rheumatic pams or
high, and a tidal crave off Peru once
Mt�lar' 1amene" �tn any cam'
n over a 'church and
Gentrous tube for 26 t>�. .
left It a mile inland.
_ _
Sold Everywhere, or by misH from
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto
Crapped bands
and other skin irritations
" are quickl)v relieved by a
•few applications of Minard's
dl:uted With street oil.
me- slit
battles ev year and reoopunwd it
to 'others.-- DoNALDA FANTwrx,
Ayer'& Cliff,
^" Conk to m4
and I heard many women telling hofs
good it was eo 1 thoa¢ht it would help
And I did Now I take
me- slit
battles ev year and reoopunwd it
to 'others.-- DoNALDA FANTwrx,
Ayer'& Cliff,
g f
"Unable to Work"
- a:
Canning, Nova Scotia.—"I had ir-
regular periods and great suffering
at those linear the pains causing
vomiting and fainting. I was teach•
ing school and often for some hours
I would be unable to attend to my
work. Through an advertisement is
the I:apere i knew of Lydia E. Pink.
r '
ham a Vegetable Compound, and it
has been of great benefit to me, the:
troubles being completely relieved.'
Few of us would itke to -see our- _LAuFtA J. EATON, Canififug, King
selves As others see us.—Lord Ernie.-- —'-,w_ County, Nova Scotus.
_ SNIP V-9 Ycrtm RASH
JQ toaei• flor soveka gi,a>,aniQo FACE AND NECK
slaQrrt 16r a Iwteek &fisted
khat Shockingly Painful LI,M"ITED
There are few of us who have not
suffered from this trouble, but little
do we realize that in most cases it, is
due to our own neglect.
Medical authorities Sires that
Hemorrboids (piles) could be largely
' avoided were one to assist nature by
observing nature's laws.
Hemorrhoids are most frequently
brought about as a result of constipa-
&ion. Therefore, assist nature by as-
suring an easy passage of the waste
matter, and this can best lie done by
V the use of Najol.
Nujol simply softens the waste
matter, and thus permits regular, easy
J elimination, without any overtaxing of
the intestinal muscles.
Nujol, the scientific internal lubri-
cant, repkices: the lack of nature's
lubricant,'rand obviates the possibility
_ -
Ask your druggist for Nu1'ol today
and remember—look for the name
"Ntdol" in red on 'both bottle, label
!ind package-,
• � M
Tree : 8l1A8ArTEE/
i -
For every purpose In the
{ - orchard, cutting Iimb& up I;
to 11 inches. Handles— h
4, (5 8, 10 and 12 feet ;
Tar aerftsro Soaker k"" tM soab 1.
our deaciptive ctrctilu sent yI
60 any addrees on requeet-
�r r
Caused a Lo# of Pain, Itched
Badly. Healed by Cuticula,
"My trouble began with a riab
of.pimples that covered my face and
neck. The pimples grew larga and
f started to fester, causing a lot of p
pain. They itched badly and I was
very restless at night. The trouble
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for-- gated four months. - .I
" A friend advised me to try Cutl-
-Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago .'3, �` cu=a soap and Ointment so I ,
chased some, and after using tux -
Neuralgia ° .Toothache Rheumatism `' cakes of Cuticurn Soap and one box
g -' of Cgticura Ointment I was corn-
-- piece 2ie4ed." (Signed) Miss _
Martha Mllrttedb, R. R. 2, Crediton,
Daily use of Cuticurs Soap, with
touches of Cuticum Ointmera abort `r
„ ,t and then, keeps, tbij skin frF_s1a;
_— 'Accept o Bayer package smooth and clear. Cbtk=m Trhum
which contains proven directions. also is ideal for the skin. „.
dandy 'Bayer" hazes of 12 tablets s�.m�t., s��erM hrmMef�tnaac PrIee.ao ` Seso Nis.
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggista. '' �. otoeaxnt T and roe. r.leaa test )"'
Act:lrtn Is the lute mart freWintered to Onnads) or Bayer riannfactun of Me,noacetlt• ! !�- Cutieura shaving Slide 250.
ac o --Inv nt sallcpllcactd (Acetyl 6411cyU Add, "A. S, A."1. wh0e It b well town * e
that AYrIfw weaus Barer manafaetum. to asalat ?tee public s&atnat lmitaUooa, the Tablets
pr Syee Oompaar wul he staatped site flail amoral fleets mark, toe "Dryer dies," I ISSUE No. 16—'26.
71 t
_ ., . � .. ,.. a,. .,, ,: „ y..ro,a. :.:+s r. n. ...: .,,.mow r..:w :+r r.c -; .. z...rqw .r '�•,p -
;,1.7�.i..<. i, cc .. A'µ tyf+rrs�,.,,«t. � ,,,x�,g. ;+F. y...:'��E4+'b'"go w"<,'•^ w..,, r , ,•r'+c,,s'e' y`.`'.;. ,a �,s?l�•s,;r +•+ y., �...c"C ,. t: »' , Jx s;w�"* ,: ?y,�n •isiw,;n��. ?sW �'�wr,,,$tra ..... ,..... ',� =y. .�-C!rtr „�' c. : rf'.'. c •�� .-.;. ,g. -ro•_. :,i� aa,wt w
,,rep �+.[.I ... -A" � � 'i _ .. t -.: .. `$. ,.r .... _.' ... : �. .,.. _ ;'�'•,e�*�: -•y.: - .5... k..b% - �„,. { �Yyf•�.w.r-+s.•[,.-w lr;.n "as.
. q,,:w. �,k,,,... .••�- .'�, _._:..:',. '._... •�.. _. ,:c: .g. ;•, .-,:. - -.,tiny .-r', �'- . ,=...1:, �i.;:r � ,n.,`ti,,'. _ c,'. i. •n...,... :.' y��r�.
' :'+JYL'a9rs. b... . - .. .,:..:.. _ .,.. . w..,..el t, ;;,;•, .w+.w•^+-',. _.... .�.,,,,✓ . ,. .:J...- _•s -.v e• _ - " - a.:..,.� .. .., . ... _. - ..,...... _ ...
j -We are lad to hear that Cliff- -•-Dr. E. A. Sildleir; Dentist, _
is LOCAL�ISM,�, ordSititer is doing as shell as cats+ ApCaetising in Turan .o, - -�- -
�� t be expected after 1nteting with a in his office on Thu ay from 10
very serI'�us aceident last week, a. m- to D= tri., se usual. '
da Ida Bunting ie' spending 1 5
a few days in the city. D. anld Mrs. 1licNell, alio have -Dr. H. T. Fxlixise, Resident - -
`r' -Mrs.- Geo. -M. Palmer, we re- beer) spending the winter months Dentist. Office over J. S. Balsdon's
vert to report, is seriously ill a•, with their daughter, - Mrs. (Dr.) hardware store. Office hour", 0 to
present. McEwen; rbturned to their farm 6 dailyand evenings by appoint-
-Mrs. J. E. Apdrew and Mrs, on the base line last week. went. -
=k Frank Hall were in the city on -The Women's Institute will -Dr. R. M. and Mrs.' Bateman
_ •� . ;Friday- Rive an entertainment in the and George and Mrs. Treloar and -'A GREAT LINE.. "
-D. S, and Mrs. 'Watsolg, of To- schoolhouse on the evening of child, of Toronto, visited with the
ronto, spent over Sunday with J. Friday, April 30th. Keep the Mfsses Bunting on Sunday. On 1
and Mrs. Rose. date open. 01111 particulars will their return they were accom• < ---Our- .. xor&o-n
Miss Gladys Powell, of Toros- be given seat week. partied �_, tea H.�-nntinq w
to _ n.t Sunda�at-the-hems-of Ia Bt: Fa�rl'e Chard bu n-
Ts -spending aifew, days in the city, - ;� 'uara+nteed Eng
her pparents here. day next the pastor's subjects are ••
-Ddiss Elsie Rogers, of Toronto, 10.30 a. m. "Gideon, the Mighty Now Advo•tlseAerara. _ - _.. _ -
-Sunday- with -her gran man a�Va1'or: - $eeond:aerman. 7 -- `` �1$h Bf'Q�,dClvt�
mother Mrs. J. H. Rogers. p• m„ "The Man with the Ink .
-Norman and [airs. Banks spent Horn," Third sermon, WANTED-Qiri for .light house-
i -0. H. and Mrs. Flumerfelt. cork, Apply Pickering shlf,t in new
_ Sunday in the city with tl% fat- Mies Clara Flpmerfelt and Mr. MARQUIS WHEAT.FOR BEED. ti 11
r tar's sister, Mrs. L. Ravin. lYl A pl at lot t8. B F wt,., Pickering. John n
r -Mrs. F. H. Doyle, of Toronto, Heard motored ant from Toronto Tome, � 12 at lot "ring. 32 shades S e.�1a11
has been spending a- feat, daya on .Saturday night, and spent -..__.______ f Y
'here, owing to the illness of her few hours with the ,former's sister, FOR.SALE-One sow and 9, pigs 6 -
* weeks old. la R. Jarvis, lot 23, con. 9, Pick- ��� at
W. A. Henderson. ering„ Phone Clare R.
Jar 31tt '�
lb - _-;Imother. �prlced for quick
r -Arthur Bundy, of Toronto, -A special meeting of the n
was in the village On Sunday, and Chamber of Co.nmerce is salted for O RENT -65 acres 'pasture farm, selling at 2 In
of its return was accompanied by Tueada} •evening, April 20th, at 8 with creek, Lot 18 rear con. 5. Pickerin�gg, e7a
For full particulars apply William Badgerow, R-
his father. o'clock. Important business must R. 1, Pickering. 31-32 ,
- -Mrs. W. J. Clark went to Bur- be attended to at - ung men, in t e seasons latest shades,- -
ford on Sstm•da own to t e mem ars please attend. �j 009 FOR HATCHING-WeII-
R Ebred White w andottes,J, S. Martin strain, from 4.00 to. �6 00 per pair. _
=The annual meeting of St. An• y T
serious.illness of her son -law, F. g 75 cents per 13; Call or phone Pick 8208. bars.
F. Bxledort. drew's Church was held on �Yed- Geo. Muuh. Pickering. 29.32 -
�' -Miss Irene Cou land returned nesday evening with a good at 'VOR OR SALE -About 200 bushels of f
home on. Saturday after spending tendance. The various reports Priest class Maacbeurian seed barley :1.00per Of Course -We always }have the Famous Carhartt ' line
w� her Easter vacation with friends were of a most encouraging char- bushel. Ap�1y at lot 17, con. 7, Pic]Cering, or
�a'.. " •,"la Oshawa. aster. All obligations have been phone Joha-1Gtiller, 302 Claremont. 25tf Of Overalls and SII ticks-Standare�' dMxcellenee. _
The public school trustees had met and a de$cSt of $22F5.00 has FARMS TO RENT OR WORK ON
men bas at work durin Eapter been wiped out, leaving a balance . Shares.' Farm tat lel acres. For Farm No. -.. We made a Luck Bu in Ladies' J
y R 3, 80 acres, Immediate
week making some needed repairs On hand of $56.81. The con grega- lars write John A. White, Locust Hill, altf y y
to the school. tion exceeded their allocation for ,Artificial Silk Hose -The ,It going
�* -Mrs. O. Dale. o! Toronto, who the budget by $30. The outlook FOR
SALE -Quantity of Improved y R s
3= American Sasser oats from 1924 registered -
-is visiticg her daughter, Mrs. for the future is most promising, seed. F. H. Westney, lot u, con, 3. Pickering. - fast at 50 Beats per pair,
and 6 good PhonePick1413. 29-34
Smith, is confined to her bed ft
R year ahead is anticipat• 169 crate per yard is the price of
Account of illness, OR SALE -About 600 bushels of
-The township council will -Tile special meeting Called by "POR
tµrcu in condition. at lots
4 >� aur English Broadclothe in all the
f. meet in the Town Hall, Brougham, the Township Council for obtain 9 and 10, Pickennngg. Will be sold in any quan-
ioR Sanction for street lights in uty. Robt,Birrell, R. R. 2, Claremont. Phone
on Monday seat for the transact- dare 326 32 popular colors -Simply .
ion of general business. Pickering Village was held on
ARM TO RENT acres, beim - -- `t
R -All those interested in foot- Monday afternoon. April 12th, is FA 24 and 25. Pickering. on Provincial Hive great value.
ball are requested to meet at the the Town Hall. Mr. Mulholland, way, Just east of Dunbarton. Possession April
,1ball ar House on To meet
eves- of the Hydra Engineering staff, tet. Also 60 -acre farm to rent. W. B. Milne, R. 1
explained the requirements ein of the R. 1' Locust Hill. 29tt .c� full line of new 4inghama and Chambrys, 32 inch
Ing. April 22nd, at 8 o'clock. P q ft AS
TU Sell Telephone Co. have Hydro late, After some discuss- PA TURF TO RENT -About sixty Qinghams for 28 Dents per yard. - -
' ion it was moved b Wm. Glirtn- acrtsof excellent pasture, with an abundance
as large gang of men at work In y of runningwater. Lots of shade and well fenced.
ley, seconded b Geo. W. Barker, A Dlr a: t 9. rear or can. 4.Pferering M. o.
y _ `- --this district repairing their lines y y P
'wi 4ek sustained so mach damage that the village trustees request Tindall. R. R. I, Locust Hirt. 31-33
--- --- _--- Harlbut -Stanton Csran" stated
A. E. Calvert, of Toronto, was the Township Council to Issue ,�tTRAYED STEER -At farm of W. Bhoea 'Wal] -Pa Sugar
In the village on Saturday. He $1004 00 debentures llbr 15 years ►►77E. Redrnan. R. R I, Brooklin. owner may - �
1 e3 t0 cover Coat Of ingtallia about 30 have same b paying expenses incurred, aiso for for $8.8$
provtrt; that t corresponds ,o every Children Home Decorating per bag
expects to move down to their street Lights. This was carried way with the above owntt�oed. aI-32
*ommer home here about the First
unanimous! Mr. Mulholland ea
of May y' -Fairbwnk@-Mor@"light-
�i7illett. of Toronto sad Plsirtt�d that the 23 street lights lFamouszsine. 1-2 rns.
"(3(-acia" Heighten IIp d3nr Balk
idaughter, lies. Harold Reid. and 'Would cost the village $11.00 per y �ORSA"
8nws plass fine been rscmtly iStra s a d � wi.th Orange Pekoe Teathe latter's little son, of AeLca, Per light !or overation, Wer and sad repsared. A reel h.rs:;a. Bo1bP 4 Po other egwpmant withouLFred Bas4xforde *'S1aeUaa" Paints at SO cents
Isg�ev4 8atnrday with W. 1.. and maintenance. AddiLiooal tights F�ckenns. �:f'for Ladies and Varnishes is a winner
_ re. ConrUce. -- added would bring down the ,SRM MACHINERY -Frost do
charge per li bt, and 40
the seven }�
and Mrs. Findlay, of To. g Wood Cockshatt. Tudhope, Anderson. John
imotored down on Saturdayand additional lights. now proposed. Dears. Bissell. Gould.shapley a Mutt. Fleury.
willinsonw Best Order your rrp In
•�ppa�aid a short visit with lin. and would probably lower it to $10.00 now Alan Do F�eres�t radius. w, F. Inaaey,
4 "tries Fawkes, and also called on Per light. The Township Council Greenwood. cru M a 's ■ CHAPMA
other friends. then went into special session and
--We are sorry to report the approved the action of the wee OR a eatrrt� One�.kin all o ram so
pry critical illness of W. V. Rich tag, so that Pickering is now tmaat. to Z-
tardeoa. He was takes ill early on assured of street lighting. ►ee`ghp„nl.p.s f■d(orca a" and beaters.
live H u� - Tuesday morain and his eoadiL -After a lingering and palofnl try. H.li rerman,stotiflville. Prone won lstr illness froth cancer. Heo Morn -Pa Cash and-tatry-
and�oa to the caose o� much anziety�to ('yeon died at his home on the second OR BALE-M.•H. farm machinery y)ilia fr1'tlads. re ire one 7 ft hinder-.srttcrt and car.
-Mr. Ridley and family left on concession West ,of the villatfe, on r+er: o.4
gg It bander. trneii and carrier, both in
". lMond(►y morning, via Me(ilaehaa'e Thureda ' April 8tb. in his 62nd r � uyspaii Doe N9. 4 welt bindar. one No.
pear. His funeral tool lace On I separator, Doe 13 -inch De
1mOtor truck, for their new, home P Laval cutting bo: Doe 1929 Ford coupe with '26
In Otterville, where the will ee. Saturday to Erskine Cemetery and license. Also one i>nek house, 6 rooms and dou- Quality remains 'high, bat prices come down. If you
y ble garage, with hat( etre far ale or rent. D. J
gage in dairy farmiox. We wish was attended by a large number rorwey, Dunbarton. 21tf hadnt our new price Iger, ask for one- ever
Ithem success in their new field of of triendsand relatives. Mr. Mor- ��G(18 FOR HATCHING --I have article substantially reduced in Our
labors rieon. who was a son of the tate t� �i7 11 _
orrison Sr wa born net
from Mr, J. A. Clark, of Brantford.
new rice list. .` a w!1l
- --- -The Audley' Community Club Henryy J a first-class Barred Plymouth Roc cockerel. p
" will resent the play. Young west Of Dunbartoo, and, with the This bird was hatched from a pen of high laying save Foil. from .(
P T R hens. Governmont inspected, their average re -
'Village Doctor." D Clara ROti1�P@ll exception of two years spent In cord being 213 With this fine bird to head _
y 18 to 10 per cent on your grocery bill.
Anderson, is the school=room of Toronto, he has been a resideotof my Pert of first ass Is ing strarngl,. you
Pickering Tt,washi all his life. cannot do better than order your settings from �.
gt. Paul's United Church, Picker g P me at 75 cents per setting. Orden filled from r r
Ing, on Monday April 19, He ie survived by his z< ife, whose --on. Cpll or phone 2000, Mrs. Jas.Ricbard.
g g• P son, Pickering. 26-31
at 8 o'clock. Good musical pro_ maiden name was Elizabeth San-
plram. Admission. 85 and 15 cents. der, two sons, Frank, at home, TENDERS WANTED Fresh Fruits -and Vepett3liIes .
-St. George's Church (Angli- and Norman, tetter of the Stand- _ _ _ every Friday morning. +
and Bank Piekerina; also one
ego) nest Sunday : 10 • a. m.. Sun- SFALFD TE\DERs, addre to the _
dap School; 11 a. m. and i p, m , daughter, Hilda, who has been re- Architects will be received u�o Mon• $a�8 OIIr OFCI r in earl
..services. Preacher, W. R. Sproule siding at home since her fatber day, Apri119th, for the erection of a y y F 'f
of Toronto. poet pi•eaident of the became ill. He is also survived by Factory Building for the Rose Excel -
Toronto Ai Y. P.
A. Thursday, one brother, Fleming. on the @ior Products Co., Ltd., at Pickering, and
'test cast Janet. in the Ontario. No Tender aecea@arrl ac- We deliver to the village only. -
April 22nd, at 8 p. m., meeting of ceteris T
- and Danberton con re- b and Mrs. Mrs Jos. BteG r of Plass, specifications and particulars Ph, g
Rations to consider the appoint- so be obtained by applicatiop to '-
`:,iment of W. R. Sproule as Lay y g ELLIB A BELFRY, one or send your order, but preferably come yourself.
;Assistant for the
Dunbarton. Deceased wise held in
parish. Architects. �
-The Home Telephone Oompa- high esteem, and the heartfelt = -189 Church St., Toronto, Ont~ --we'll do- the rest•
ny have Inen boa e m thyof the t -
e Bas a y their liner during en a to L sorrowing !amily in 1�T n :
the recent ice storm. and connee- their bereavement.' r' Fi C I 111 �S Fred T. Bunting, - Pickering
- atone are being gradually restored. Established 1851.
Oonnection between Pickering IN MEMORIAM. I am prepared to build and @ell all
:land Markham and between Pick- - styles cf lawn. chicken wire and stock
aria sad Claremont was restored HA�Hs-Io loving memory of our dear fences at seasonable prices.
g Reta M. Hooke, who passed away. It will pay your consult we before O� J
the early part of this week, and April 11th, 1923.
the other lines of the company Just one more fleeting year-�� - i also have for sale As &t.,
� Iuick y put sable. ommieeion as pt►e@ed, Reado aRoofingWire. and: � C8,,gaiekly as poeeible. Which beings back memories ot, � Hale Wire. �'`'�-
-Word was received by his re- the petit,
' ,latives here on Thursday of last Of our dear loved one Rome before, G� E O. F` .E�. R a 30 Y ,
week that Fred F. Balsdon, 'of To rest on that eternal shore. WhitbyR. R. 1 QOSN THERE'S TELL. YOUR ALR1Ciit•1T '111
,,Burford, was taken seriously ill Lo'vingly remembered by Father, . 31.43 Pone Pick. 1922 iNE CONST BuLI EXCUSES TO TELEPHONE �'
Brother and Slaters,
with appendicitis, and was taken r THE JUD&E M I M
t0 the Brantford General Hospital 'SAWICNT-I0 laviog memory of my S
' .where he underwent an operation, dear father. Alonzo Sargent, who Fur torage It
We are glad to know that the op- died April 18th. 199.4, at- Cberry- _ -
oration has been successful and wood. -
that he i -i now doing as well as Gone from among us, Oh how.1 mire can be expected. We hope for an him, -
=--'---+early and complete recovery. Loping him dearly, his memory I Cold Air Vault O
-The following interesting de- keep.��w
cisions respecting newspapers are -, -w bile we live ahsiI a forget bim S percent. of your own • ^ , � �
•worthy of note •-1. Any person for the good advice be gave us.� We valuation.
4vho takes a paper regularly from know that it was the Fathers will
tbat he was taken awav, •
the post office, whether addressed Coate Re-modeledin his name or in another's, or -Sadly missed by J. W. Sargent
and Family. and R'e-lined - - �_ = '
whether he ha9'sttbecribed or not, •- qtr_• -. .�....• _.� -- � A
is repponsiblefor payment. 2. If CARD QF THANK3. -: at•summer prices.- T=om = s == "' r' 4
t person orders his paper discos- Bny from the manufacturer.
'!tinned, he roust pay all arrears, lire. lis Morrison and Family wilt • -� -
tn es rasa -their -hexa
or the publisher may continue p O u OU.Y3. '� = = •� ._. a "
to rend it until payment .- made, the many friends and nefgbbors for q v c �-
„ nrd then collect the whole amount ibeir kindness and expressiongof sym. calf block east of Broadview
pathy during the illness and death of 2.31 Danforth Ave. •Is
Y• �+Ptller the -paper is taken Oc , ser belnvPd husband and father. also
Xlvt. (for the many beautiful floral ttibutee, j TORONTO, ONTARIO
yy� :
Y • -
�.. tin,.;. r ,. ate.. 4.,..'._-. :.-'. ..,.•.. .. ': : .. .:. ".. _. ..•.. -". __- � ..tc.r.:.._., ...._-.e._.. .. _._....,.... _.�^.a,.::..-.-.T;.las+tco...ilics:.,s.._,.:rr1.r,.'L.binJ.w. kx.:: i"Y.di'•�s•i'��.»•a.,,a�:w..r......M...�..Rs�,, .,.a:..: .... -` ^':n>-''- �,•:'. - .. •1