HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1925_10_09 ­� - - ­ 4 11,��� I 11.���, "; .,_4' ;, .Ile 4� rr V4 tl, X YOL -XLV p in 71 1 . -N9 ,OT., 'FRr Diyq OCT*' 9*, 19125 -­ ­ IC"u"'ElGN i Vvi01#**W*taL garb*. -4:VrO64 71d:-Ver SCARRORO..JUNCTIO.1�4. BROCK ROAD. The 8oriiver..,v of the Scarlboro Fitzpatrick Bros. have purchased ,; �.. Saw ICU 'W. Basket Jai"ticia-United •Church,will be hold new Star. Brougham car fr6ih Mr,' GREENWOOD on Sunday and Monday. October I&h Coleman. of Righland Creek. RH. FORSYTH, Oph.D.. Director and 18th. On Sunday. at 2.30 p M., Our publib school emjo'yed.4L two =V00 Cal Association,0i Ontario.Reg. P 1=61! the Amerreaz optom"rical aCLO Rev. H. Wellwood, of Beach Avenue AAY.4'Vacation last week on.account of Eyes e United Church.Toronto, will conduct the absence of the teacher, who was XILLS C, Tnil:t� by appointment.y rolari 0 �AseVe=. e -7: the service, and music will be fur- attending the Teachers'Convention at LOGS WANTED nisbed by the Washlogton Church Ottawa. Established 1898- 0. McKINNON, M.D., L.RX.S., choir. At 7 p. in., Rev. D.Gordon, of N- Ildinburlb, member at the colleg Custom sawing done, Oat Rolling Agincourt United Church, will con. AUDLEY. . duct the service, and the music will be mMghest attwtioe to daieases of women ,rad and Chopking, Wood ; -;� Apples are being shipped from the price led V the Scarboro Junction -boir. L A atria Oa Yondav evening a Tbankstlyi,,je udl;�station. 0 supper will J>s served from t08 R. inters bas cut over I00 acres paid Shaping and .Turning; o'clock, after which a splendid pro• of cora this season already. gram will be given ..7. E. ORRISTIAN, Barrister and Kiddie gars, Sleighs, Office Stoolsorb, but some- fields have bien n. Py "A Concert Concert Co„Coof Toronto. 4n by the Stewart Frost has the greater-part of the for 0 Solidtor.Notary,Publ tc. Mon to A 'touched, 0". South Wins.Court HA4 dcaleslou, 40 cents; children under u -NEW Whitby.'Aly. For Sale L bied. The water holes in our roads here' 12 ye�rs 20 cents, need some attention before the bad ...... .... !`I O. RIUFIARCSON 8z CO.--Barris- WHEAT' . .tare,Soliatora etc.. 9 Confederation CHAS'. A. WHITE. 16HRRRYWOOD *eatber begins. Richmond St. T.:onto. Phoaea Main 1380 and Suceessor to late W. GL Barnes' W. L. Smith.editor of the Farmers, Main 0492- '�f Phone OM or write Locust Hill, Offt. The following Is the-, report of. the Bun, visited with F. M. and Mrs. senior division of the Oberry.wo Chapman recently, 41. od Elicitors, R089-Barristers. So- public school for the-month of Sep. RN M. Chapman "a been invited by ficitors. Northern Ontario Building, no tember. Names are in order of merit. R. H. Halbert. ex-M. P.. of Mug 1K I S S J M I Bay Stret.Toronto. koka. W.J.BeatovClass V-Evelyn Beare, Walter Fee. Ontario, to speak on his behalf. J.D�F.Rosa, Adelaide 2767 ':X H. Beal ney Georgina Garland, Sydney Beare, Politics are beginning to warm Up fine - Sr.nay, Petty. Elgie Drink. again. The Progressive@ are holding Unexceffled for Z)OW4:4 JNff1,ft"`a1 DifwtoLr water. Dorothy Swan. Jobil.Garland. some committee meetings to consider cake or. pastry and Donald Milne, Fredo Rosters. Jr. IV- the situation. Stmff- R. D. 0.. Smith. Dentist Beatrice King. Mary Te-efy. Annie baking wille- Honor Graduate of CEDAR VIEW IQ-ago and To- itte house, Peter Sobol. John Blood, Dental Surgeons. IQO'to Universities and,the C4ollqe of MOTOR' HR,4R8R Phone oft a George McIlroy, Edith Rogers, Mer. ice 101 No outdid: appointment$. ' Sesti4arkee A carload from the c1tv spent Sun. The largest sale oi say past 261y vinCurrab. lncentTVfy. Jr:Ill- CLARZMONT, ftt. Witinifred Barrieg. Annie Petty.Mary d.&L afternoon at Spruce Dale Farm, -BLAKE B. BEATON, D. D. Phone 9-24 Switzer. Evelyn Drinkwater. Lorena, soy fronrithe eView attended the floar-in the;-country. Graduate of the Royal Colelse of Dental 8-geons and Universitf of Toronto. Ourrah. Harold Fenny, Le4* Beare. -great Fall Fair at Markham on Satur- There's a reason'. over M=dock's Gortiection offlue da atone, Whitby. E. L. Dennis, teacher. CHUt hQuY92920to 12 1 to 62. Ind.'plilone R.find Mrs. Purcell and familv Sell phone . .: 'P. "r- The following is the report of the visited with friends in the city on Sun- ASPHALT junior division of the Oberrywood dar, a .Graduate of Royal College ar Dental Sur- part in to the concert this Friday) N. DALES, L. D. S.. D. D.S.. public achool for the month of Sep- Several from our.burg are taking -SHINGLES tember. Natnes are in order of werit. lifeans and the University of Toronto. Office Class II-Walter Waddell. Murray D. A. SCOtL*S Store.- Claremont. Ont. evenIng, Ho!lioger, Ruth Hollinger. Allan Hit--- Saturdays; 9 a The Wbirevale Baptist" Migaron shave D. 9 a M. to I c 0 In to I P.m. Phone Clare 1405, 471y We can supply Toronto Aepbait SbIn. -,enbouse, Llovd Petty. Gotdon Petty Circle was held a;the home of Mrs, J. files in Toneblecd, Tile, Healthier. and Hazel Petty (tieil) Marian Per. Cl, Wchell on Tuesday afternoon. :iR7�ERT T.�FA E�LA 19 E. L D S_ Red. Green or Blue-black. truant). Albert Maynard,,Earl Ta*lcr. Oct.6-.b. ED D.S., Graduate of the A good 9L Royal College of We can give you flames of who 9v I-Pat. Teely. John Teefy *and supply of Ea rd and Sof Dental Surgeons and the Universitv ol.Toronto, W, J. and Mrs. Turner and dough- Coal A hand. Also a supply will use no other brand of Frank Sobol (ties). Ronald Maynard, ter, Vere, acoomvacied by Marjorie CoMtskce taov,,r'Jg"A.Bma'tsOdo5n'P'smo,'e'opr'cbye"a"'pgp'oo,nP,t- Asphalt Shingle'l. Bill Peters. Jr. 1-Ray Pilkev,*Axtb. —2 Phone Pica 3700. and Mrs. Petch motored to YoDge St. of Kindling Wood, 41aly MXZ WALL-BOAILD Ur Petty and Keith Currah ftleii),Mary on Sunday afternoloo. MacRae. Adelia Sargent. Sr. Primer - stave longtb, The paseball game between Cedar lllu*tneso 19avilite., This Is the warmest board on the mar. -Vera Drinkwater. Eather Barkey, View and Heippy Corners was post- 12tf Phone Plek. 1700. ]tet, coo] In summer and warm in Bobby Turrance. Jr. Primer-Hugh )oned owing to the u a(a.vorable.witeat h- V. RICHARDSON_ Ro&l ga winter. 7-18 In. thick. We Teefy, Kenneth Curkh. Charlie Hod. ofteing, Notary can JWDPIY roti,with the gins. Norman Petty. Willis Mellroy, at*4 o'clock, tote. Insurance.CAMVWT er. It will be held Saturday afternoo DONALD MUNRO. PICKEKMG r. jp;tl;h�Etc.. Pkkermg,obt. 310 names satisfied customers. N. A.Gotlan. teacher. MARK AIM.KINSALM rMtevale PlOtSTI" Licensed Auctimew. "M obles of slu kinds al"4040 to Do tibm"" "PICKERING F ftir COnsUdw Of Tort Lad Ow:asgis. Arie. A bomb thrown into Markh more con- am Doom& "491"Gram ajvw P 0. Ont L-q 1CD yA,,M end in Fort Perry. litsmat1*0 tha Mrs. Fred H&rbron "*at the week- could scarcely have causedThe Service Gamige a the arrest late Mon. LUMB MrS.MoWbray is not improving in R-BEATON TOWNBRIPOLERX day night Sept-.28,of fire well-known health as her many friends would Markham young men. charged wl h "Motor overhauling. top aadsld® ettv. ass, Kew I* hem like to see. t Go Am= being implicated id stealing and try• talc depairt *owe Lwow at UNTAW Iiiis. rMark, Bri inall Is picking at Ian for Ing to disposer several bags of almike Battery Service- DiL aLraing 4=. 0" ri 0 Menen. and does V shop seed. taken from the iseo of and overhauling. 7. re Irlog aftPrinigbit. Nobbe Bros.just south a All Work guaranteed, Fiat rat* AVIDA PUGB_Uv9s R E ME M [3 E R rtbio.village D Tr, Martin has returned from the rudgate of C. M Janes' Sd)od 1 4, on a recent cigbt. Chief (,cost& service charge west and Is now at his ®owe here. NO v phone and ring Work Eric Thompson. of Unionville. 5610 Mark. Central. sumn Bespeaks well of the prairie witlido 7 at to. Terms reasonable, pbow provla* the arrests and took the accused to Iwo When yon need a new vas and may locate there come day. PUMP, New Furnace, Re. Chas. and Mrs, Russell. who were *Torcinto. They were formally arrago. W. E. R Y_ ed before Police Magistrate Brunton whf, MAW, LICENSED AUCL recently married. paid the' pedring. Kavetroltighing their manY onTuesdayand remanded for trial. ANTHRACITE TTONXER,for York,QnUU10 end Dwhses rriends' s visit here over Sunday. at the request of the Crown Attorney, tass. AA 1-a-4,of maw pm=pu7 attended -or. PIntiptling remember Tama rossmablig, They rece?vpd many cong"tulatiOna, boil being accepted for their a Daties for asks may be the New Tinsmith. ITP, joining in wishing the young cou ppear. Z" "dot NEWS,OIMCV. Bea and 11adepes... Whitby,Out. le a happy and prosperous inarried table Thourp Priced-wo-dera e Eiatlafatlon guaranteed friende in Wbitbv atter Oct. 15th. son, who has been working on the zes 1k iife, They will be at home to their case for nearly, & week, other arrests ante. AccorldingtoConet Oal, All "S1 are likely tofollow. The young men Moderate prices also Ili Paints, Remember the annual Harvest under arrest are all well connected, H-)me services in our church next see b#ing a married man with a wife N UTT COAL JU S, t 0119, Hardware &c. Sunday and .Monday. Rev. Dr. and two children,and much sTinpa. Phone 4800 Pearce, of Toronto, will preach at tbT is expressed for theirf.Lmilies, and b-)th services on Sunday sad the Union it hoped that the charges Lnay prove Or cali and see Choir, of Brooklin. will provide music to be unfounded. There has been an STOVE COAL 3- ie Tbe' m at 'lie evening service. -On Monday epidemic of chicken and alaike thiev- Se Avenlag the Ladies will' give an old- itig In this neighborhood for some ALVIN BUSHBY fashioned fowl supper from&00 to 8.00 w,ekir, and the authorities are bound PICKERING o clock. followed by an excellent pro- to stop it. ',..PEA COAli The young men whose araw by the following artists: Master WalnUt names are G. Robinson. F. McGill, F. We are showing a Gen. Grenville. Massey Hall gold liakey, G. Rushbrooke and G.Hardy, enter tai Michael appeared befot10 Magistrate Brunton b*tbDfr, and DO YOU WANT medt"r""Dewland.soloists, of W nT,Tuesday, and at their request-s, finishud Steel Bed, with ver . Sire woven wire spring and good until d Mr. Priest, violinist. The eh 0 ran':d was felt mattress, complete for X00 -your house boated for half re granted Oct. 13th. will be taken at 8.00 o'clock by the C-0616bf coal It' w the' a pastor. Rev. W. M. Leigh.- Oome and and their his as resumed. now assortment of If 80, in*W one-of the I enjoy a splendid treat. Admission to ,We have a d WHITI&WAL& Ferneries in this week. Call ! Oil Burne natant ass tea an doncert 50c and 25c. Burners yqur range, or C. B. Rice -visited 0obnooffik .1in and wits them. 1l0t4111rDLati0Dal Oil Burner last in Your furnace. week. A� R E E S O R4 Fe 0 The MiwB Mmie were bows over "A c%aring out of cJd mock in "Coli"d "is them. Mrs. George Philip is at home igaiin.' the.week-end. V 33�� MM M.Price.of Mian1fdog In visit. Window Shades at bLr. Miss Helen Appleby is with friends W,J. GORDON'S, at Rarea6hole at present. In1with Mrs. Joseph LmLrr. Church 8 4tobun and friends Isises N.Tweedie and Acisfie Larkin 14 gain pripisis. Mr. and Mrs. kin Street. Sundayed with Visa Bate. motored to 'Pickering on Thursday AgI0011111 Wanted 281y Pickering daughter aughter was born to Cecil and last. Mrs. Beter an,th*-18t4 of Sept. The Public Library Amocl#44*a has Miss Bate Is -home again after a postpone& their concert forSe�rl# �0Bread Flour P1C g� -.� another two weeks' visit with her nephew in mouth. P rt Hope. Dr. R B.and M Farniture L)ealer and re. Beaton,of Whit- :.andOtitford Wan'cop has Just arrived by.spent Sunday with D. W and Mrv. i� Marvel -D. g Fineisl Director home frbw the west and thinks that Beaton. P Pbone 1300 Acisy Brougham is all right petSchool was closed on Thursday and. We are sorry to report.that Mrs Friday last, -owing tZi the Teachers' Fickezlug, . Jfttario may Shepherd 1-.4.not yet able to return Oonvention. Ma be obtained from You Grocer. home. Her friends sympathize and J. and Mrs. Tweedie spent Sunday tore bonshe may speedflv recover. with Mr.find Mrs.and Mrs.Allbright, ere will be a me;tIng of the Bro. of Brougham. uft Hour mills ugbam Tennis Club at Gerow's Hotef A. 9. Major has returned home frnw .Coa, 1, toal. : 11 'Bro&r oil Friday evening. Oct. 9th, at 8 00 Lindsay, having spent few do CHAS. WILSON, Prop, O'clock,sharp, to make arrangements with friends as well as attendingNew location t vk_- for a dance at an early date. Ail Lindsay Fair, Hard and Soft 60111 of the' members of this club are requested to S.J;Tool and W. Tweedie have • 11 attend this meeting. built a cement walk "d steps to R. J. .,..---New Store, -best quality- on It Pays to' Attend Mrs.Roland Perryman and child- Tweedle's residence, which adds much - hand re, have been with the Perrymana to Its appearance. New • Stock the BeSt here the past week and' on their,re- All who attended Markham Fair turn to the north Thomas and Mrs, say itwthe best y-et. G.,Trants.to, THOS. A. LAWi Perryman accompanied them as ufar as be congratulated for winning some Toronto,*here they expect to tipend prize's in th4 pony racing. cl�erinDillingba' m. sMoCk— �3_ 1W. Cnt. some time with their dabghter, Mrs. John Larkin Is having his house Love. We hope for their early return, painted as well as-having extensive )L meetingIn the interests of L.O. Interior decoration made. Corner Yonge,and Ale arider' He has ng Street Fmit- Rrees, Shrubs Etc. Clifford, the Liberal Candidate in the built a garage and intends purchasing Streath. Tokonto. approaching Federal elections, will be (*Willys-Knight: Having secured the agency for T. W. held in the Town Hall on the evening The Whitevale Baptist Mission Noted for 7high grade Bowman& Son, Star Nurseries, of Friday, Oct, 16th, at 8 p.in. Among Circle wilt hold a bazaar and a cata- Call and see 11S, • Ridgetown.'Oat.- instruction and pl&e. ihoeii'who will be present to deliver toria-tea, and concert on the evening S in addresses will be Mr. Clifford, the can- of Friday, November 6th. Please I am prepared to take orders for all ing many student didste: W, A. Dryden. 'president of keep the date in mind.' kinds of Fruit Tress, Small Fruits q . p -good positions. --Ornamental Shrubs Rtc.. at Write the S. O. Reform Association; W. 9. The first choral practice will be held N. Sinclair, the Liberal Leader In the In the 1. 0. U, F. Bali. WbItevale, on lowest posgible prices. for catalogue. Enter r-cleal Legislature-. G. D. Cdbant. ex- Tuesday evening,Oct. 13th,under-tbe N. E. McEWEN) 4, Special rates for IlLrge uan#JtIes, now.. MavGr of Oshawa, and others. The leadership of Dr. Passmors, of Toron- 45tt PICKERIN G_ 1 N, EWS I ladies of Brougham and the s'firround. to. Practice will begin at 8�ci`oloak. A J,Elliott Neterinary Sargeon 'Principal Ing district are especially` invited to cordial invitation is extended to out- an, 4icke& attend. 9 siders to Join the class. 7 f '.'r• t ., r,..,, .. - ^',: ' h k - - :'h' , _ - k , tkino y ha I Ave ka o ad the moor g Its� Deiace lav, o ;: ...; cont down with you the i,lE-situ (# ireawrso. the' bitter un04111Hg ro TNi for the part. 1 tell you, turn r}nd i y '... draw Gall, g from the,1e®Vas•Ol' _ rand nut,on ihv ordrir of your Igo, 1►ij, 411X& not from "I: 'w111 slat," said Kit, a*(sitaln+tri6 Ts,'p c hat - and, anmvr towarluu In him brain, •. 7�- have td out oP'tY way i Wliou right � ga �� ���� , s R have you to easy whom I mlfuuld mu, or with whom?" // And-with him strvn� young rnan'a _ s tarot he would aaellyy irnva' mWVpt the r; 8000 frail body of the "Orra Man" out of - his way, but ull at onctra whlta slants boomed to pass neroms tho enuolonanw tryst 1 stopbdlingtluelothesl nREENT TE.f--- � = of the rug ti liian who wlthmtouti him, 'W�� aita4 try 3�in.A, whiirh I did, with such ddigbt- �{w lzfe►s wogs it millions of users. Fines. It wns as 1f his faaturea had mltddsn• /til fRsttlta tlyxt i� t�1:1a say , J�►p_sa, p ly'been lit up by a flash of liuhtning �0 #W any since Giga owder Or which ahone on thorn. flash• �` - Asl� for SALADA "I will •te:l you, y } Kit Iiannudy hu Youssd H3►soa. _ • .I. cried, "the right I have to withmtund .a'1 found that k4wo is exselleat!herrretetoviraghztg+es you=-I also am Christopher Kennedy _ -- - - — - y. !" rusts frost► white Paint and for woodwork. and our futhar, .:' � P Nati r "It CHAPTER X LI V._.. ... has cut my hews cleaning troubles in half f " THE INFIDEL LECTURE -con"Uently I felt thio-it was only yow Clue to.kaOw The strange revulsion of feeling that Ringo has a much bigger work to do in-our hove v which came over Kit at the Orla 11 ., Man's" words, the new 'light shed back 1 to ilitan the dirt from our laundry." upon the past, his mother's warnings, r ��r • the half-understood taunts of school- aY 8. 8 CHET?. j mates, his own vague questionings, all u thin. F n°'�' s"d' - e� combined to compel belief. Why e:se °�' dim the ;3 should this man spend .laborious days _ fly ,.sh �Y by soattiti --fit Is and s'eep:esa nights in teaching him excellent los wear household dudes, stash m CHAPTER XLIII.—(ConVd.) from h;.; arm, and turned to look fol —whence came his indubitable learn- +.,'. cleaning woodcock, scrubbing 9OW3,, floc. The had moved out now and Kit, Dick- Ing, if this were mot the sometime ,prdM Ruse today. They „ classical master of Cairn Edward ' looking down the narrow hall which You are at liberty to go astd find Academ whose name be bore? Be - ,girl that girl with the dyed hair if you y formedthe private entrance to Spon- like, she said, with a pretty,spiteful side's, tKere was something else, a �Q f�� >��r ten s, saw Mary Bisset standing near uses. "I will accompany m brother." reverberating string in Kit's heart Toronto Cdr; the door as if meditating flight. As P y Y +» which, told him the man spoke the t 'soon as she saw Kit,she made a slight Why, what's the matter, Mary?" po. cried Dick-Bisset,' who was comlag truth. " s� "gesture as it to go to him. But seeing alon after them. "What's this?— I will go he said broken) I will r 1 :Mies Clifford's hand on his arm she g ,,, y' • Kennedy wants to go house! Oh, nen- So home. Come, Mary. stopped suddenly, and somewhat sense,of course not—unless you would And the girl, with that sense of w osteatationaly resumed her converse- bean bound u with eat occasions .. (^� r " 'tion with her brother's friend Mr. rather. Well, make up your own g P gr -. .. Marmaduke Styles. minds," which more than a>jything dominates 1 And he seed on with Miss Violet women, turned away from the door of + "Now go," said Miss Clifford, giv- Pa the' Els ' 'ing him a little Imperious push;_ "do Clifford upon his arm. As the latter Elysium and waked southward - ae I tell yon 1» went by she cast a look backward at with Kit without a word. The Orra 9 - + t Man" did not follow them. He stood Somewhat unceremonious) Kit took Kit over her shoulder which happily sou ase" n of Jid Mary did not intercept still on the steps from which he had ga ary, ousting r. Styles p '`a without apotogp, and they were on! Mary stood a'moment; secretly Fe- spoken to them,the garish lights shin- t 'the doorstep end going down the steps,renting at the eight of his dejected Ing steadily down on his pale face and before he knew it. The Elysium was countenance. ragged attire. e "Are you sorry?" she said severe t and Mar were Just vanishing quite near to ;3ponton's and as the .::Are sorry,you .are arigry with into the darkness wheDick Bisst <' t 1 -night was fine the party kad elected to „ ' ,e me, said Kit. came to the door. He peered up and walls to the boxes which had been re- "Well, let's say no more about it— down the lame, and a liveried official ,q r !served for them. „ alts was ve y come alongt also looked out behind him. l suffered Kit to, take cher hand and put And putting her hand more conA- "Ker�ndrdy—Marr," he cried, "harry _ It on his sleeve. But there was aawv 1 ,. „ the watch-chain.. He frightened me a I sight. I s the have own i j der�tly than before on his arm site C uP• We are waiting Then to him- _ * warmth in the pressure. said, "Kit 1 did not tike that man with se.f he muttered, "They are not in - Mary, said Kit, ori aeon o they'the But I,feel quite sale with Dick f chicken-hearted-and one home. Al:I from -he Hignot h compete hoof oath,eveapwitglt i se f t the cameound of forward 9 wifhe Mary bar- were out of bearing of their compan- q t; 3 ions, "do yed think we should go with.—and you!" right l - I've got the yokell dollars i such FreL'-trained youths. from the beightened co:or the o'therr to this place. Would your' There was nothing left for Kit but and they can please themselves. country as himself: My mind, matur-! He %vas a tal:ish, dark, ofticia:-look- K ' llsadmaster like to hear it?" to obey. 3o now the-pair, tett last of The official, a fatted bull of Basilan•ed in many things, lacked the 'easy Ing man, with a formal manner and & "I am not responsib:e to him for a11,'ei]ently followed the others in the in livery buffoon and gold braid,!suppleneas of youth It was more dtf• rather melancholy address, as if the ' . where I' So Nor to you either, Mr.!direction of the famous Elysium The caught sight of the"Oren Man"stand- 11cu.t for me to acquire, easier for me resporsibi:ity.of so many children had - - e.' Iisnnedy,o said Mary, with consider- etre Andito ium, and Music-hall—aa- Ing at the foot of the steps. to let slip, more difficult for me to taken all the youth and boyishness -able as rit '• „ it was nae in the advertisements. "Hey, get away from there," he summon m knowledge at call. From out of him. i Asperity. ,Lana i-w t brother. At that time the entrance. to the cried. "you itr here after no y you g Mr, Ken- "Why, Plias Eisset, them you did not �q Kit wondered wsLaL-waa the matter, good• what school did u repos, but had not the tact to find out with-I-better place. was not through the I']t brio„ a policeman to you to x Hedy' There are I hear good schools " rout asking present spacious hall,•with its bunch- minute!." in Ga::oway." et the tsights f herfter sill he said. think"you should let ins take yon eleFtrfc lights and countless paltos A- ' the eld,!r Cl,ristopber Kei.n r•Iy Kit bushed crimson. "No." said Mary, a Iytt:e breathless- {° home," he said, lamely enoogh. 1 and statues: The entrant to the boxed alae turned and 'went out of these "I did not'cone from any school," Iy, "I knew ncth.ag about it �_;1 Dick Mary instant;y removed her hand'or stake bad to paws along a Harrow dusky Elysian Fte'ds into the keen, said Kat. "I was taught privately•by -told me, and then after AU..be. wns Ilane. bait of which was occupied by frost-bitten, lamp-lit cheerfulness of b a friend." asked e:rew}ere!" - p --y 'a concreted channel down which in the town. Kit and Mar were already The _ - - • i Y y InfldBi I.ectntrr g:anred keenly Kit tcatebcw 7e:t a strange, angry the winter rains a stream flowed to- out of sight before him. A light snow at Kit resentment agair.at thin man begin to wards the subterranean levels of the wns beginning to fall, and the broad, "He must have been a five scholar„ stea: over him. Ile roted jea.;us.y. Cowgate. It seemed to Kit that, as far-saiang Bakes b:ew In their,faces. sir," he answered• "did not you win the flush on Mar 's cheek when she t he turned down here with Mary on Mary Bisset did not speak. She knew a bursar +" }i !his Arm, he caught a lira y spoke to him, an� F.e did rot under- y. \�M EAL glimpse of a instinctively that Kit's heart moat be Kit it , and looked at the floor. stand tl_at she was.trying to preserve i dusky figure flitting before them:' a whirling chaos. But she did what "He is ashamed of t`tis Leacher," ' the• ba.nnee between rtreth and toa-3_ But he saw no one, and he was just was better. She put her left hand up thought his uestioner, for the first;r j g q eputat.on of a brother 'sko Dick, (making; up his mind by which olzthe end joined it to her right so that the time disappointed in the lad.' "I will I (To be continued.) three inscribed doors arranged side fingers of both :ay ;ight:y netted upon End out if this is so. And if it ia--"i �.- } t by side he was to enter when out of the lad's arm. And the alight action Kit's welcome in the house of the Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. the darkness, straight in front of him, healed and stilled Kit's heart more Bissets hung on his next words. _ Yom' food do TM �a figure -stepped into the glare of the than any words. "He was perhaps not.a very desir- _,. -First Scok In Norway. " ostia s 'eta, a man ha the time the turned from the ' gOOd. gal I haggard, worn em- BY Y able aquaintance after you Lad finish- The first book in Freeway xas as Note how bow► �� aciated, scarce of this world, a ftlguro glow and clatter of the main thor- ed with +*' almanac aa3 was printed In 1C43. rx your studies?" that sem, feeling (which struck shame and gratitude and oughfare, up the long defi'e of the The clouds cleared instantly from ofierbl fear all at once into '{it's heart. It street at the end of which loomed Kit's brow at the question: i What does Upper Cylinder Lnbricatlen (was the man to whom he owed all et their door, both were calmer. But it •, „ Y Oh, no, he said, eager. you Mean to the Motorist? Sweetens- the upon whom since leaving Galloway he Res the girl who apoiCe must not think so. I was on.y sorry It means ellm'inaticn-of carbon, Fric- s bt>dc. � !had scarcely Bestowed a single "I!you can te_t my father anything, that he would :et me do so little for tion and Knocking, Mileage increased F} !Food }►articles � e► thought. he is a wise man. Many come.to him Lim. I have not been in the least 15 to 25°x, Lcnger Lite to Engine, 1Ftvm ta• teetlh, The "Orra Man" stood before him, for advice. He'dotes not believe like worthy of his help and friendship." j mora'e8tctency and repairs reduced >, 91vee new vigoe Td' )between Mary Bisset and the door of others, perhaps. He does not go to "Kit glanced over his shoa:der. Mary W%. This Lubrication can only be iso tired serosa. ,.1 • the Elysium. church. They call him an infidel. But had stolen quick:y and quiet:y out of obtained by using I1'Iirsc!e OIL Mir- so to 1 !c Kit disengaged his arm with a quick he will tell you what to do." the room, He was alone with the sale Oil- Sales, 64 Richniond St. F}. fraeh, clean sad r;, and ran forward with his hand "Thank on; said KIt, "Perhaps I , .. + Y P stern-brewed man who scented to wait Toronto .. held warmly out. The "Orr& Man," will. But not #o-night I think I will for him to say more. -�-=- Instead of shaking it put his own go straight home to-night." • ght hand behind him "Co in with me" With all his natural impulsiveness�• "No,"he said, " ,a pleaded the Kit dashed at the difficult . I will not shake you girl; tltep tviiR ask a e where Dick is "He was my, father, air,-but I did } s by the hand.till you tell me•what you and'I sha.l.•need You.". mean by going to there." Kit 'silently acquiesced, and tbt3 slot know it till to=night: - i Tice dark man'nodded without manI i He pointed with the index finger of pressure of the little smooth brown (eating any surprise. He was scans- ' his left band to the bri:liant portals gglove on his arm was more than suf- 1 of the Elysium. ficiant thanks. tamed to.hear unexpected things, and , "Why," said Kit',-o sort of quick When they went in Mr.,Bisset was 8O when Kit rushed headhxl+� into his 1 chill obstinac coming over him "I bending his dark brows over.$awlin- dory+'not sparing himself nor blink { 1g1 am taking this young lady to loin n sea's "Five Monarchies" and making Ing.the facts of his idleness and neg f O� company of whom her brother is one. copious notes in a ruled notebook. He leer of ,ifs e n work, he merely sate 'jr8 Nothing more!" looked up with a sudden brightening 66lll and,iistened. Kit could.not enter( j $ "No,"cried the "Orra Man" tragic- of the eyes as his daughter came in.. Into the events of the right without j to l "DIAMOND rr •, „ Un ac tin Dick. But he said enough DIAMOND DYES �' ' � -. n.,y, But it something more! That Thep the girl, without taking off her �give 111 . Bisset-the clue. "The In-� P for you is the way of death,with Hell ha , ran over to him and installed fide1.Lecturer heard him to the end' foP.owing offer. Others may try it herself on his knee. without comment and then held out COLOR THINGS NEW unharmed, but not_ you. And if this "At it again,Dadl"she said,bright- l , I 9 girl is as innocent as her face Lis hand across the table. - - :. gi pro- .y. I declare I thing it is you who * d . c_aims here, as I think her to be—I are the student and not Mr. Kennedy I thought you were a feathehesd 1 t Look for it just Dip to Tint or Boil pray•you—T command you=take her here. He never seems-to have any- like Dick; he said, but I see you will on the tinfoil, to her home. She will thank you one thing to do. I don't be:ieve he is a make a man yet." I t is your guarantee of ` D3t8 day." dent at a'L» Then one of tha things -happened quality and flavor. "I owe you'much " said _,,Pit dogged- -Mr. Bisset Iooked over at Kit sober- which are ca]:ad provident-a;. T ere �tg•' - _ ly, "but•you have no right to dictate ly. and said with a certain character- came a ring at the little rink:ink be:'., ITATAVOIIONS.Im. yta� free' Foch'15•cent Asnk= g ., and present:y Mrs. Bisset, %vho hal. lir ne tele - to me what I should da. No, nor yet istic sententiousness, Mr. Kennedy is 'recipe book tge contains direr- tot s young lady. I teal you I am getting a_great opportunity—an•op- been busied in -the kitchen with the �. �+ Cons eo simper Pny taking,her to,her brother." portunity for which I would have preparation of supper, ..ushered in a __— „ ,i .v.sitor. aotaan can tint Pott, ' Brother or no brother, cried the given ten years of'my life. I am sure It was M. Cathcart Mtir Bia pt's e23` r delicate shades or "Orra Man," "you do not pass here he is profiting by it. I also have at- , 9 ------•-•--- - --••--••____.__. dye rich, perman'enE whi.e.I.can stop you. Listen, I have tended classes at the university. But l.eadmaster. ' colas in lingerie, p right to prevent you. I fnyse:f hive . t flaunted it in such companies as you - ��` I' irks, Libbons, ektrs' were led into to-night.' I,have tasted - • t-'r, %salute, dress o so the tree of bitter knowledge. I have u RS ES conte stockings, . W-he*.n ou deeeaen the app_es of Sodom that grow sweaters, draperies, coverings, hang. thereon. The ashes are wider my •Y'e Ter..ta (feeolFal for Inaaremce, In ' logs—everythtagt' tongue now. Kit Kennedy, that g k way rtsnana+ with aeflavus and Alned HDNlhfe Bur Diamond Dyes—no`other kind-•is.death,to you. I have seen the worm clew Yerk' aih. ofty •lathe. v:u•e• owu•n B0VP1L"" . . �. tell your druggist whether the ma. that dieth not. The germ is in your of Trailred odq to mane wet eve ha,:aa ettTitot blood. I knew that it would row, rcautrd .dno.Hen, and aetaraee of heb"amint t0f. ._ ieMa3 you %®duh to soler is wool or silk, g nar,ee. T>tfe Heepital hes eeotkad she elphf. and that I atone could save you. For or whether it 13 Linea. cotton or mixed hour aden, The pupils redia unlfarmt d ; �, •this I left Galloway.. For this I came the seteot, a monthly 1:l-wanos mai trireme 45 E Ito Edinburgh %at •yon might never expense. to end from now vara. Pre t,rherdrink _ SALIMA K .�•—:• — — i '—' --'_• laformattop eeDlr to the 3iwhtand*A } IS•15 ' 16SUE No 41—'20. Mlnard'a Llnlmekt used by Physicians, P w 'f'1 r,t,. ,A. r m +e,ni•t•^':t r ' .... .+jw+� y ,. ,..a r��.. ,.. ., a. r.. a.�.• .•.M.,,.,.•..; .a.y ae. ...:. �'.„d ....b,.. :a ;G _ .5 �+t. �`' +e +..",M.av2� r -yw�lk• ,, ''.`C e C h;,e^..s:�1rt,.`�.0 .ki 5L4M r w" ,sarsaar,L' +N•1''aua .F:,�xva...:a?SSS ,:: 5s,aa;.dc„�aYta°,.�d '�c..,e..:t,*...u,a..r.,of'i�r:«_e.a'a.'n_.,•.,.... ..•".., �."�'�,..='x�v'S�.L-rc.k".:,' .s,e•Y:.w'5.;: ri.+d'0'tn.,` `.Am. --q to '4 e+�•' YSl it� 7 JIV�U. Ancla"s that dawwp in 5*1& are we 9-sum-to- 2, same, PWINti VACUUM day than ever before. Too many peo- o- T "M ple-who'are obliged to wear g:atses, do 30 without a thought as to the offset particu:ar shapes will have.upon their appearance. Before purclissing glasses some at- 4 tentiori should-he.paid to facial char- acteristics. The person with along, straight nose shou:d hesitate before r. buying glasses with an arched bridge, � ; good te' a . , .� piece, as this w1:1 appear to lengthen the nose. The ORANGE PEKOE is MT !La ryit I Those with Roman noses can im- N prove their profile by having g1a4ses • with a low bridge and aide e:ipa ad- oWelgiving the Past. lSICKNESS 'HEALED BY justed so that the akin above the 'Weights and measures used In an- SPIRITUAL MEANS bridge io pulled slight:y downwards. rlent Egypt have been f6und, dating This slackens the skin along the back as far as 800Q B.C. length-of thb nose and appears to re- C%ristian Science Lecturer duce the curve. ISALESMEN, W Claims No Incurable' A per sok with ti tilted nose who We offer steady em1plOyment and pay is. desirous of 'straightening it should �.weekly to sell our complete and excla- Disease. ' .- I . II�� L . 1�11 sive lines of guaranteed quality, whole wear pince-nez and not spectacles. The Christian Science lecture radio- The latter serve. only to pull at the root fresh-dug-to-order trees and cast from Massey Hall,.Toronto, gave plant a. Attractive illustrated samples bridge and still further elevate the -operation, a money-mak. many an opportunity to, hear for the tip of the nose. and full co Ing opportunity.. IfiTst time something authentic about Glasses can be made to alter, or Luke Brothers Nurseries Montreal the subject. -appear to alter, the whole form of the After halt & century of growth the face. Any dark, horizontal lines-SHIJO us YOUR claims of Christian Science that spirit- such as well defined eyebrows-across ual healing is to-day practical Is be- the POULTRY.GAME,EGGS, Ing recognized by material oval of the face will seem to systems BUTTERANOFEATHERS shorten its length. For this reason .7 -We B ALLYZAR ROUND. of healing and by th,6'older churches. a long-visaged person should wear The lecturer, Robert Staul' Writs lo?ay)b�r)"-ices-we gliliaraweal ey Ross, of narrow spectacles with reavy rims t a week ahead New York, spoke in part as follows: and a titraight bridge-piece. -P6 ULIN&Q-1.kINIM Christian science 3s demonstrating A3dyt from personal taste it would that It Is the Christianity of Jesus e 3&3�9 aowoccuis t"at made practiI to-dsy. Now, as of Fee '�.dyisable to wear pine-aez in old, it,is showing mankind how to es- pre!erenc* to spectaces, as the ear- ape from all evil. No matter how bare of the lather cast shadows which, 19 long one has been in, no matter how add age to one's appearance by em- deeply one may be Involved In sin, no Phasizing the wrinkles at the'corners matter how heavy'one's burden of sor. of the eyes. The 1,hickness of the The'10bQCCO l 0 poverty, or care, Christian rims a1ects the appearance of the Qu old ill,. NW, i aty face. GeneTally speaking, the darker Science joyfully points the way out,-KLONDI KE the rim the smaller the face appears. METAL POLISH ;not, through death and the weaned 'hereafter... but here slid now. The A full fact, is made to appear thinner CAPO Bible tells'lls that the kfugIlclin of God, when heavily rimmed eaaslea are the kingdom of heaven, Is at hand, worn. 14 10 K L 111 0 H 1 N K here, now: and that now is the day f Cupid and a Camera. The black opal has been adopted Tho Casa PollibaL Ud., NasnUtoa I ^ a . that now are we the Boas Dr. C. W. Sanborn,of San Frulaclsoo as the national stone 'of AustralijL- Ons of God. Cmuff Is not likely to speak well Of the salvation, MM i All of us know that RD ug'y dispoal- now that photography has Cl"Sified Advertisenlerils I tion (which Is a mental state) will 'given him the surprise of bis Hfe _B It nIES PRIER:camera ITI .I 'I I3OwcARD warruxt; manifest Itself In harsh, unlovely fea- AccOrlibg to law reports the doctor Is Powa WO 4114w M& war StudwU gal goa ---­­— . tures (supposacHy a physical state); had a breach of promise suit for $IM,- • throaA 00m, Zass, 49wUra. sham . 000 brought against him by 5,11" Beat.1*2*01'. ro"'al"' '--t- ni- w-,- :R I whereas a gentle disposition (which I 114by's Own Tafilets Are a 'Great"I Is a mental state) will manifest itself i rice Lichteadorl, a Chicago typist. The I Ir AI)Im ONLY--ocra BOOXLLT. LAD1281 1 V J F"and. malkd %U,plain r AD-a smiling and serene countenance, He1P to Mothers of Young doctor had fallen in love with MIS& ­=tm 2422 W. ' Some one has well said that if fear. Children. Liebtendort, but he was a cautious Irritability, and hate will distort the a wooer, &nd� to each of the letters he L"DILS WANTED TO 00 PLAIN AVD ljoklT SIVIAG at h=*, wbls or IV&rg tMo. V�j features, theY.will distort likewise the ' Stomach diaturbances:and constIVA. wrote her he appended a postswipt! shames P&1d7 "r4 heart, stomach, and liver. Why not? 'Conare responsible for much of the requesting her to retu7rn the missive u-m"aL V1KW"kM 1 UOMAI Buy Th-ugh Oar' Catal" ' Jesus recognized clearly that It In Peevishness of babies. The modern f after she had read It, This She did. W , Beautiful durable designs not inere, food which disarranges the mother does not resort to so-called f But She &11*0 Pursued butdneaslike sysem, but fear, sensuality. soothing mixtures but corrects the methods, and when the doctor de. Big choice,ready to install human t IN clared that he had never proposed in hate. and other Wisonou, destructive Sold all over CannAn,� trouble by sweetening the little BLOM &r & Below all others in CIS beliefs. ach end giving s, gentle laxative that riage to her she Produced photographic, 4. O'oreampla III Ratme Writing on page 248 of Science and acts without griping. letters in Some of which E ES far Such a remedy -0OVI69 Of IOV`8 1 VLAI TA 9 D By slasm Our pim SL Health. Mrs. Eddy says; "Let un• is found in Baby's Own Tablets, easy 110 *Wks of marriage! Send for Free Catalog selfishness, goodness. mercy, justice, to take SUNNINADUST&CMEM and guaranteed to be free Orden Pr-paid for 19 nard• Liniment Ditumpe, ort1cm-.4s ibealth. holiness, love-the kingdom of fro opiates or salicotics, P. ."Ut.'"s va GasaAd" heaVen-reign within us. and sin dis- ery mother who [rtes Baby's Own 'ELECTRIC FIXTURL %,0. A I I - I- After Dark. EaKscourt and St.Clair Aves, ease, and death will diminish until Tablets becomes enthusiastic I astic about. "William the Conqueror." read the Toronto. they finally disappear An of which them. Mrs. Oscar Anger, Holyoke, &a that mortals are healthy or Mass., -"I have Small boy from his history book � l SNEEZIN :0 . unhealthy, -happy or unhappy, strong 0,Wu Tablets and think them a splen- '*What does A.D. Stand for?" in- ladica, Says: used Baby's "landed In England A-D. 1069.11 The sign that You 9re or weak. alive or dead. In the propor. 1 did medicine 'for coust4ation and 'quired the teacher. catching cold Heat and tion that their thinking Is good or bad : . !other ailments was Inhale MInard's-and rtor spfrltual or material. which 'lff set little 'Why, 'after dark,' of course,. the cold Centuries ago ones, I have no hesitation in race=- the reply. the wise man said; "As he (a man) mending them to other mothers," thinketh In his heart, so he Is.— Bl%by-s own,Tablets-are sold by medi- • In the sight of influfte Love there cilia dealers or by mat: at 25 cents a Sure Enough. 4_1 are no incurable diseases; there never box from The Dr. WTI-liams, Medicine Mies City-"And where is your 1I have been any, there never will be Co., 134,ockvilid-, band, 311 Hay?" Ont. A little booklet, any. The PeaIndit knew this wten he "Can of the Baby In #ud Sick- Health Mrs. Hay-"in the O.-chsyd p"ning. - s`y OF PAIN" sang: "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul and ness," will be sent free. to any mother acme treea." forget not all his benefits: who 7 for. On request Miss City-"Oh, do, you raise your own pru " giveth all thine iniquities; who heal. laes? eth all thy diseases." Note well that poison) ng Plants. M, For leaving a newspaper lying on M, it reads all thine Iniquities and all Poisoning plants, by cutting a notch the grass in a London park a man was r tby diseases, not supe of them. In the s4d-e of the stem and inserting prosecuted by the L.C.C. and fl e arsenic, tied fir son c, Is being practised by the AuS, shillings. trelian governineDt in an attempt to RON exterminate the eyed, a desert plant Z Cuto 11001849. 841404%. Lembaw NNO*II& ��­�! •ANEUMATION MRS, Be He HART icura 2011t 61WHOIL S"aa. oft.. Wo hWdWJ&bV tb&t causes paralysis. GO= WHO :V Heals trfita* Itashes listlo.s..am.- ahroolm Ask for Minard's and take no other. 0— :1•- SICK FQR YFARS $1.00. direst fts: P" CG.IL Don't suffer. 'Wants Women to Know How with b. „ sten U90ONALD 199DICOXi colApANy, Germs Against Germs. -shn ecum a or itching' ---- PROV0 SO -fWONTO It Caticura Soap and Ointment Malaria serms are bad, but paralysis She Was Made Well b rlydia' quickly relieve and beal.Bathe with get=s ar-j worse., and the two kinds a E. Pin�== etable Cuticurs, Soap and hot water, dry W/ ate each other. An between two Take Without Fear as Told "M and anoint witiS culticura Ointment. ws Nothing quicker or safer tb�an 4>ni- -04rlvoe 711ZAfMZffY evils, the lesser Is' prefemble, so Pro- cam Soap and Ointment for an fa-P F-1 W.te. ­� wMe" feasor Wagner-Jauregg, Of Berlin, has In "'Baly Cornwall,Ontario.-"I am now giving cmk" wtth storm Ww4owL Low your medicine a fair trial and it surely found he can--save patients from pro. skin troubles. ­dyloaxwl: Zr Paw" pn� a"**X&A rrm f. !lwy vwant*w. Fm pias gressive brain paralysis by dosing IS doing we good and list"any milavarins dwt. 90 D—Vocle lot-bl"10% N=k"L* Prim.S-P me.U12111bad 115 and SOL Takm se. them with malaria. After the mitlarijL to kee .�� A on g t. I useg Aw C Sharing SO&250. 0KALLIDAY=6=31 germs have killed all the paralyeds to feel so tired in the germs the professor dru go the victors. A morning that I aidn't et. but to The medical profession 1% Indeed, b*_ eav- L coming more and more A matter of isAYS want that f to L LA k L bacteriology. ing me now. I also L ire.A more and feel more I a work!' n g. PryIJIS WE WAW C For seven or e hteCHURNING years I have headaches,tired feel- ings painsinmybaek and across my bod read letters in r lie Western Wheat Producers. the REAM Does not affect the newspapers say rhat good Lydia Naturally. to be gueeeufnL eo- nd others,have�thstario honey men a R Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had operative marisattar must be handled Inalle co-operlative sell- a marked the Meant done others. My husband says I quit b..=pr, emetOntly. How to jorin ani 0ZftZ success. They have sta .Otis b, Fe Supply Cans and, pay. express an, successfully a local organisation too,soon, but I-am not going to stop Increased their Pi standardised gradinir and shipping methods, and talled In the FREE booklet, "C)O-aper- charges. We pay daily by express Unless You �seo the "Bayer-Cross- taking the Vegetable Compound and atiou in Marketing PoultryProduab", aPPlying'efilclent "IesmanabWand real money orders, which can be cashed on packs. L dia F.Pinkham's Blood Medicine uhm. - merchandising to the disp*sal of their- Issued b7 the Department of Agriculture Package cr on tablets you are not U1 am better and haven't an ache or a at Ottawa. This is C3,90 of oTcr a," croos. By these methods the vou anywhere without'any charge. getting tb-e. genuine Bayer Tablets of i PrOductr1l,tOO.can secure those bene hlm&vd LaW I% , I,valsiphUft an farm svb- pain. Isn't that the right way? I have leats. To o Aspirin proved safe by towather wit], alim-, To obtain tbi top price, Cream P milUorls and ' eat faith in your. miiaiclnes.' They., The outstanding proof of this is Prince not or FREZ vmvblo* 1111 In . I prescribed by Edward island, where, for the last trAp,and return Wwat free to must be fies from -bad III @M physicians over twenty must be good when those who takeltheth thirteen year; rt and effitient a five apn= manship to co-01I r 4it- -7. ftntaln not Is" than 30 per sent Years for speak so highly of them. I am recom- saved tids of don rho Publiewillem;AI Colds mending them to my friends and I will Buttei Sat an UAL for the pou : ., , I-- fad1goanswer letters from women ask- W.- '. . . Lumbago- - ; farmers a" Departakent of Agricultare a ga Lit them.-—Mm BURT H.HART, Ottawa ostarle Limit) Toothache -in Box 10$1, Cornwall, Ontario. stabilised their inarkots. Bowes company .11heumatis Pain Mrs.-Hart wants to help other 13 NeuriLlgla Pain -Toronto women Name__ X.R. Each unbroken "Bayer" packiie ,n. and is willing to answer letters from IL r6r refereaces—Heid OdIce, Tor' nick women asking about the Vegetable post pnto� talus proven directions. Handy boxes 1,t Gompoun& Bank of Montreal, or your .local baaltalr. of twelve tabi ts cost few cents. Drug. P. a .......... Jktabliabled for over LbIrty years[ skits also sell bottles of 24 and 100. 1 Ise No 41-125. t"A A! 4.. 7, 0; Alfred Zft11-AuctIOU pale OfSHINGLES ers, Attenda 04'. is con a b*Ul gray con�t 1&0e0ale boriee. Shorthorn cattle, Farm IM -VimX41Z!yww 11'uasDAY,:OEr. Clyd na�uiltan, fill and grav at oulvt lot 13 con 5 baul gray 16 bon 6 1160 A E pigs, implements and fuTailure. the Nova Scotia Shingles "Galt GAlvanized 1$teel Shingles Separator• --The 1�1.eofrew," Stoves. TCILRIALS Major. drajrW 31 c,)n 5 haul gra, bet property of Samuel Kivell. lob 29. 1 am &cant for the World's Greatest 80-81 con 5 and drag Opp 25'to 813 1.50', rear on. 0, Whitby TpW Sale at es 81-75 Per year.; $1.50 It paid in advance. e bibs. a]. Maw, Fleiiry's 1V A Fleming. cut weeds*bet 30 81 con 5 12 30 sharp. Se Bird's Felt Slate Shingles- Scales and -Oil Engines. Jug"ptione to the United States and Cmat 200; T Hamilton. cat weeds yr)p 18 to auctioneer. for We at plo*@,P6ta:tj.gisin Grindenit famous 4ritain$2.00 in advance. 311,sale p 26 and bet 24 25 con 511.25; A imble. WEjDNZ8DAT. OCT. 2119T-AUCti _E;ATIk11tSOt?S . CLARHMONT Wheel B&rroweetc. 4 5 bet 10-11 of farm to a and fur- Brantford binder twitrai-and seeond- h-i drag Greenwood rd come stook. implement ij�-. Call and got prices. suiSrav Greenwood rd con niture, the pr erty of the esta�e of hand:separators for s0e. _JOHN MURKIER, Proprietors -come 4-5.L grAr plowing the late Waa.01amp. lot 84, con. B. 5 7.50; D Anals. ltE yds i A ROBT. DEVITTt red and shov grav bet 30-81 and on F.. Whitby Tp. Sale at 12.30 sharp. The Pickerijig PICKERING COUNCI Whitevale streets con 5 4175; George See bills. in. Maw, auctioneer. Phone'506 Pick.: BROUGHAM Burkholder, 20 the for Wb'tevsle 2 00; Tu"DAY, OCT 27TH-Auction sale of tock,implements. bay.grain, The above council met pursuant to F Sembeck. haul_yrav for Whitevale farm 0 VigHauce Co ee :,adjournment on Monday. the 5th lust. streets 37.50, 3 Tweedle. ditto� 42 60; roots etc.,At lot 26, B. F.con. Pick. the G Hodgson. drag con 7 Opp Members all present, the reeve in 12 to 18 sting(just south of Dunbarton). the IsY were haul grav app 17 18 and bet 1 .15 con property of Michael Kennedy. Sale a 4 BASKETS chair. Minutes of last meeting .18 49,85: A G Green read and approved. 6 ahoy grav bet 17 at neelock. Lunch provided. See presented for haul prall het 14-15 conO The object of this Association Is to Having purchasect the stock from A number of accounts 4.60; W G bills. Wm.Maw,auctioneer. ".6 lessen stealin d prosecute Payment 'and were referred to the Gibson. bal on Nighowander's. Clark's the Estate of the ;respective standing committees. Hollow and RoAab's bridges 769.26; J W. G. BARNES and thi"entire Communications were received as W Gould, Alsop culvert cribbing etc 1 1 business of JOS. W i0ilowe Uxbridge to pay half 384 34;Jae n t I UX H W A L S' H DOTZN V. DM. Graham. re damag"to horse, Oadden.60 sticks dynamite and labor b ' and harness'and Injuries to Aug EleiDtrical Contractor Members having property stolen Inal Am prepared to supply all sizes as per bill 9.70; R Ward, sela asts Luainadismily with any anambw from Berry Boxes to Three lry as w 4 to Aug 2184.10; A Spears,aa, of Exactative 0onamilialies. Bushel.A T. W for and Half Bus Gasetayne, re claim com during absence ot Road Supt f row Mambershlo, fee 41.00. A, ""t Aug 27 to Sept 29 158.70; Win Bootly. One. Gi een River Basket Workis M storage of Dement soorgiery on application. T ansfield.re streets to Fairport. I am prepared to accept con! Tt,keft mai be bad from in*President at; nent etc 20.00. L. D. Flanks was heard re carrying On motion it was declaed io apply tracts for electric Phone Mark.e4O9 out of Engineer's award. to,the Hydro-Electric Light and Power wiring in axse. 0om.-L. D..Banks,0.S.Palm. I Dr. McKinnon was heard re cemeigt' Commission fora reduction of F L er, M. S.Chapman, Pickering. FRANK PENNOCK pidevvalk in Brougham. Green's hydro rates. 'ING VILLAGE PICKER heard re building "The that made the Barnes' J. wagg was of The ma�w adjourned to meet D. Munro, Jas. Richardson. stone fence on sideline bet 4an 5, again on Monday, the 2ad day of No- and viui4ity. secretary Basket." vember for the transation of general 4; The standing committee ob Contin- business. Estimates given-free 6 kl� lencles reported kad recommended • the following payments: Loudon & Prices reasonable Lancashire Ins. Co. for collector's SALE REGISTER. Phone at my expeuse to Gerrard bond 20 00-,J XurkarI hal voters'liLt, -RDAT, OCT. 17TH-Auction sale ad It etc ?27 00 - D SATU 8823w or write to collector's blacks. in. c x; R Beaton, on acct of salary 125 of farm stock. implements, -gra se stamps roa In the honse, or for early spring flowering in the RogbPugb.stamps nad exci" is.apples etc , at lot 12. coil., S. 25 Mi. Pickering, the property of Taun For winter blooming 46 Fracklin Ave. Relief Bros. No reserve as the proprietors autumn. You cannot Theatandiag conimittee on garden. These btflue runst be planted this at te4 and recommended the fol- areretiring. Salestonesharp. See irepor bills. Win. Maw,aueilomeer. TORONTO EAST obtain them in the-sprtog, Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocuses mod Beeping payment: Thai Law, 510 The Narcissus, are most charming, sweeL-acented and '.:,.nolle auppfied GeoStepbenson 2.05, NOW. attractive soring flowere. ORDER The standings committee on Dflm• .flower, GeneritlKohler, Marconi, Queenof A 0 -Dutch So n ages to Sheep Worried by Dolts HYACINTHS Armin,3 shept) killed aad 4 injured the Blues, Double La Grandesse, 20e rack. 15.00; Win Thom, loopecting above' 0J- 4beep 1.20. TULIPS-Giant flowering Darwin variety, 5c each, 6 for 25t The standing committee on Roads Bridges reported and recommend. 'ARCISbUS-Manamoth size, paper whil!e, 3 f-)r 25c. ed the following payments: Herbert CHINESE LILIES-Mamaicatla sir,?, `_'0c each. Stote. lahor filling ist Clark's bridge Petal Reesor. ditto 10 00. Bert, 6,25, Afin.3 fur 215c. Btaver.ditto And repair some 15.W DAFFODILS-Double Von Sc '�"..G Phillips. drag con 5 Opp 19 V and lOr bra ditching bet 2. 23 con 4 7 30; A A Complete line uf the Freshest Groceries Hastings. clean ditch bet 22 23 con 4 al ways on hand. gravel bet 10.11 coca 3-4 i &(10: W Todd. 6.00; F M Chapman. 24 loads grsti el Greenwood rd con 3 3 00, Win Cam Mack.40 hre haul grevel Greenwood - -:- JAMES -41R - RICHARDSON rd con 8 20 00. W H Westney. 10 bra s. ading bet 10-11 coo 4. labor and grav cons 3 4 bet 1011 99 751 F H I n.e Greatest Radio Value in Weelvey,plowing. grading And labor mg: Hatdware Sbet 10,11 cot) 4 6.75-.i3 khouse. Diemo=&-Ae It,? Pickertore h 43 dL%ys work Nighavrander's bridge I -_ 34 60; A Mapes. cut weeds bet &4-W a d-a us i eon 6200; W McNair. I"days filling approach Altons bridge 8000: 8 Bor • Bumi am Haas New Model R.3 of the M;ORE investing ma Radio, be i 'S"s bolts for Clark's Hollow brides and rivets Mr scrooper t 06; F Bassett. sensadonal DeFoarest & Crodey series It vast weeds bet 82 88 and 34-36 coca 1-2 wast in rat'dito B 28 7r- Burlington Steel Co. steel for ofiers so th" yon cot" This is the' Place to Uy - 'Aieo culvert n t I. Uxbridge to p%v beasuitiful. cabinet designs a new degree of b^lf P20 4!; W Mitchell. cut weeds on vf6 Safe Pkee effidwncy, diae utmost in An ties 1900Brevity Washer-Pully gaiaranteed &ad a coup 12 and bet 32�G and 34 35 1,00 ; 86341ficity. F Nilthawauder.7 days fill Approaches To Buy new DeForen & Croaley refiladm0hCoft- B&dt free trial given. Ito Altoca brides 85 00: W_ Reesor. I We are selected of it--tbe names in Radio I Yet this day ditto 500; H 8 McIntosh. blow 2ealare appai"ad 16"PuLcwt s7 Home and Happy punas in and see the Now Cosy, fine Wtsd-speasli:er M*dd costa; only $64, onm- Out stomps and stones bet 90 31 con 9 to the D4;.e Thought Stove. The beat Raotle t.h&t moony ffi 00 9 all approaches Altona. Crooley Fratudsive plete with three Weetwomw Rail6catroins, can buy. bridge 10 00; D Niabsw&ndvr,5 days because of am ?Aknicone Headset, PhonePlug and Grid 1611 apprcache@ and lawillng otone o bridge 25 00, W 91,4ck, 11 days LasAgent for Flonry Plowp and Shares and HcOa rmielt- ,Alton,Altonit. Demonstrated gladly your own "Z 11) approaches to Altotia, bridge 55 00; withook olialigiltiC1116 '$" an todayJ Deering arin J&acbinery and Repairs. A Cartrutbers. cit.weeds nod dragon s 38; 0 McBride.: ditto ary PWasseasts ZI Devaimd IDur Idotto: "We have It. can get it, Or is '76c; T XAdOl. dit,aO 2 00; else cutting is not made." weeds eon 8 Sf):. GMcBride. ditto 50,:-. k ;in ' A Osatruiher4. ditto 4 25; D Crawford, f T. Bunting Picellj 9 idrag het IS 10 from Kingston road to !r I and on h I opp IS to 19 7.00; J 0 SpArag, drag cut weeds Soto 33 con 9 1: 0:1 -11henebra,fill At culvert opp A 41L 25: D Sti CKERING I3 con 3 abnv crav cons 4 5 J. S. BALSIDON9 0011 weeds con 5 16 23; El Wbite• fill culvt' t 'Aunrol-i7it'l %TIME TABLE-Ploltering Station Subscribe for The Pickering News T.R. Trains goinit East Jas,as follows DIE FOREST-CROSLEY No. 10 Mail .58 a U. boLose.1 281 P.X. Local a 25,p. X, ­40 Sunday trai a, 8 38 A.M. SERVICE SATISFACTION" Trains going W"I due as follow@-- 151 o. 29 Local low A. M.. ! r Vk 27 Laaes1 2." P. hi. 0 man 9 05 P. M. Sunday tMID. 7.42 P. 3[. 4 ICKERINWeathef. F Foregoing is according to Standard • Tight IQ ire- ams. Proof M EAT .,,:-,.:'M ARKET 1 Round Roast or Steak, 2k-per Ib 7 Barloin Lightning �able Roast or teak, 25c 6. '. ... - DONE Tortsrhonse,Roast or Steak, 28c Proof --Rump Roast,... . ... q 20C Fine Rib Roast, 6C • Heavy Rib Roast, EAS' TLAKE . Shoulder Roast. 14 Find 10c Pot Ro"t, METALLIC SHINGUES ES, ifs pleasant to have Brisket, to boti, Y your baking done-if most reliable Roofing for slopinit 2ZC For 40 years the It s dtne in onr :bakery in- Leg of Pork,... 0M the ag made from Now beil boo. stead of In onr bwn home. .. .. ,,Lcain of Pork, 25c lv()fs of every description. ed Ircan. A '20c 28C "Queen's Heilid" GilklVatral Yon will be pleased when Sbouldet'Romt of Pork, world-famous you see onr display in the market to-day.lutely the best roofing value on the 28c Pork Chops, q Fkny lines we have-bak. 25c # for"Empire"'Corrugate4 Iron i n Pure Pork Sausage, Estimates gladly given also _4ng every day, as we do, Finest Salt Pork,... 25c �for new buildings.or repair work. :there.Is -variety in cakes, col Get qLy i Finest Breakfast Bacon, piece, 35C figures for alterstions or reniodeffing of Berns, Houses, etc and bread. Fruit cake at '85' plank Frame a and Imple- Dkie8, pastries,pies,bttn sliced, c Empire Barns meat Sheds 300 a specialty. ­�­85c and 50c per lb. Wed. 'Wild Cured Cottage Rolls (half or whole), fling Cakes a specialty. 45c .'Back Bacon, ERING 55c ROUSE , PICK Cooked H �F` J.- P `We rr Weiners,.'. BU I LDER J H ad-(Jheese,.. 15c Coultmcdft e Building 'Easy First and Domestic Shortening, 8 Ibis 55 cents --Barns, Houses, etc# of ig kiii4s. R.Mo 5 The PQ cents' lb prints 18 cents:] Products -6f BAKERY" ,Pickering Dealer for the Vresh Trot&and White Fish Every 0 1 Roofing Co. Limited, Toronto ti H014V The Metallic ­eN Pop Iwo, P T(7,V_F F T N 0_4 ob.. W. RFT 7,'!5g . :5 S: FM WA'- 2 N Ot CLARCM6.MT. Mr. and'Mrs. Cow ba. of Toron.' 7 J a. Evans has begun' the Miss Jean Evans, 61 'Aurbra to, tAtinday here witli the 'erection of a ban house on the Ppent the week-end at the home o ^,ds LAI 39utual fte Fred Evans is about to. Preet a I&t his premises. ter's brother, David and Mrs. prolgerty wh1eh he purchased from her parents here. Chao. Cdoper had a business trip Taylor. -the Edwards estate. lasirance Co' St&z&y and Mrs. Miller abd son, 'to Autora,on Manday. Fifteen of our. loe^l Baptista at- Me: Swift, who has been con- EarlV%Oflauderland, and James Cheap rates for farsp and oountx7 tended the Baptist People's ducting a garage business in the and Hort op and Mrs. Morgan-were D Rally in Massey Hall, Toronto. _p and daughter, buildings'. "'In the city on Monday. on Th6meo"lacksmith shqp during M188VaIdee, of Fort Perry, spent We re pleased to see! D. Gregg Alooday evening last. All repurts the &at two years, moved t"t Sunday with Thomas and Mrs. SWindstorm lasurance'on building*, __ft oub a again after- his recent ill. highly of the occasion, week to the north end garage. r d speak very A hasp. the singing of a large juvenile Paterson. wind-mills,Silos etc.' Mrs. , Hopkins, I choir being an especialll' Attract OalMondaY next J. Fingold will The South Ontario Inter',Oon. Automobile Insurance of Midland, a Athletic ive feature. begin a two weeks' sale, visiting Mrs. Spoffilrd for a few it being The Schools Associ. of all,klads.� days. the tenth anniversary of his start ationwillhold their Field Ing bdainess In. Claremont. J. S. Bundy is busy these days Call Day in the Claremont FARMS FOR SALIZ Memorial i1g on him and spend an e0jr),yable Park on Friday, Oct. -loth, com- reshingliag Thomas Staubury's ru. Picker social hour and take advantage of Write or phone G. M. Forsyth was at Ma the prlce the great reductions to Brooklin,Claremont and Pickerin Leath 9 ba wearing at one o'clock sharp. rkhani Le b or -Goods St4re of fall and winter goods, whieb he schools will take par on Friday last judging ca, w t1a' 'the con- their Fair. No admission ttle at will then offer., Spa bills for fall tests. ED. BOWMA a ion fee. Al[All are pa�rticulars., Robt. Worthy, of Brampton, wel6bme. 29 WHITBY, ONT. V&S in the Village On Friday ' last -Our supply of quality Harness and on business. Parts is now.complete. Henri G. and Ury.Smith. of Tu • CLAREMONT 1 'L 'BOOT$,— ront4o, spent Suffiday with MrLa. ' GREB SHiDE .0 AV, I Sm.ith's father. We have a.large stock of this Famous Boot on hand—unbeatable CREAMERY Many of our farmers are Corn- for hard wear and tear." ,-plaiiiing that their potatoei are Never Sell Grain :-,,,. rotting very, badly. %Highest price paid for REPAIRING ..................... JCreara at Archie and Mrs- Fleming. of We Maintain our established repute- t" :Stonffville, spent Sunday with tion for repairing all kinds of on a 'Dull Market fLoy and Mrs. Morgan. hartr6as and boots. t Creamery , Mrs. David McFarlane, of Wil IT does not always pay to as Cod kie, Sask.,is spending a few weeks CECIL BRADLEY 11 grain with relatives and friends in Clare- Give us a trial and be convinced as soon as the threshing is finished want and vicinity. .-Harness maker, If you have a good crop and the. Levi Gleeson and son, Lorne, of PICKERING, ONTARIO market is depreseed a" the local Ft. William. spent a few days last BAMING manager of the Standard Bauk.and BEATTY week with their uncle and aunt, arrange a loan until a more favor. • Ed. and Mrs. Gleeson. RM able situation presents itself. STAINDS FOR THE BEST a Rev.,E. Oraborn and T. C. Gos. tick purpose attending the Bap YEM -tist convention at London the Our manager is. always glad to discuss such problems in cotilldenes latter part of this week. A large crowd from Claremont and vicinity attended Markham ouft Fair on Saturday. They report the ocr 05 4nost suceessful Fair in Its history. ARE Next Sunday at the Baptist t OF C.0%.NAMA46 STANDARD BANK , r Church thA pastor's subject will r6po 'be"The Essence of Christian Fel- ell; PICKERING BRANCH—W. F. Law, Wamger" 4, -lowship." The eveniaR topic will 00 who Braziches alao at Breablin, West HIM Whitby be "Ye Know not*Wbat ye AiRk." Frank and Mrs. Cooper, Litter Carriers, Bay Carriers. ' lave been spending the past six ou should try Pampa. Door Tracks, Cow Mr. X weeks in the Peace River District (Bowls. Pressure Systems Etc. with the former's brother. Herb. It will pay you to t mar Priam on 'out before hoping;Md other relatives and friends in above elsewhers. that district. Tenth Annive!Saary Sale I FRANK J. PROUSE A number of the members of .. .-Bulk Tea ONTARIO �ICKERIN`0, no Brougham Union Lodre. A. F. & A. M., motored to' Toronto on 'Wednesday evening to pay a fra- It's Real Good Yon are cordially invited to come -and spend a'social E—UlM- DA_U M11.1 tornal visit tp Queen City4 Lodge. hour at our Tooth knnivereary Sale and bay,, your -LOX Needless to air, they had a most Olaly fall and ...... ..Apioyable time. winter supply. Be well dressed ---------- at the beginning of the.seasda. Our football tosi m will leave this �60c; 1 b. (Thursday) evening for Timmins f (Thursday) Standard wbere they will play the team of eerie@ f A great reduction will be offered to 'You at this Sale. Recleaned I Why pay more ? Ithat town In theor the Ontario Cup, The game will be FAch and every dollar's worth of goods,reduced Scre(n ings will tat- Aayed on Saturday afternoon. Phone 8700 'we wish thorn success• for a rapid clearing. Rd ten your bogs at Pugh. Miss Jamie Morgan. 4FRkNK CHIDLOW1 -:1144ginning Octobe 19th. to October'slat. Mrs. Thos. Wilson and Mrs Wal -.lord motored to Brantford last CLAREMONT, ONTARIO la profit. T, 19atnrday and spent over Sunday Call at Phone wo 'with Mrs. Wilson's,daughter. Mrs. -y 'a have this Feed at Scott Theyreturned to Toronto, right prices. where Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Wal- !ford remained for the Baptist N ':We carry all the different Mill Foods. 'Young People's Rally in Massey ------- 'Hall. Thechlef of the Fire Brigade We have employed G�' ; ;.,'°' strongly advisee the residents of Cl&romoat and -vicinity to clean a very competent New Blacksmith thoroughl. y their chimneys and 0 ve and furnace pipes before tinsmith and to W. Now is the time to got ow starting their fires. Many dke plumber and are itrous fires are due to dirty pipes plows in order for the Prepared fall work. sad.chimneys. By attending to pared to do this you not only . protect or to foUr- but your neighbor's It can bedone -own property' Hot air heatiing, *9 well. :' . satisfaction by Mesm. Tuan Bros., who have Plumbing, J-2 tired from farming and are re LORNE REID A. move to Stouffville, ,about to Water bowls, where then will reside In future, "V CL&REMONT win hold an anetion sale of their 4.14ave-troughing Y. a :4arao stock and implements, ha, Etc. .:�-, I . "I I" 0 gmio.,roote etc . at their promipes lot It con L gal 11UP Grain Pickering(If miles eftet of Claremont), on Saturday, I Get our prices. AND FL IKING: .-�oOct. 17th, beginning at I clock, 0 sharp. See bills for fall pa'ftleu- am do Chopping a" --lam F* ver Monday, ay ani -WM less saw* FridaT The apple crop in this locality VLAREMONT 4 is the heavils. Jim a number of Stoneboats For saw :It is not remarkable that mora '..ycars, many trees breaking with I While the titan 300,000 Canadian women John F. Bayles, Olaremont ,'the weight of fruit. ,Now i's the time the Happy Thought for fte - ,,crop to an abundant one and fruit lffw Thn6m, praise RaralRoute No. 2 6f the best quality.-it is not likely r V,4,� is kow 'exceptional ability to'hcat� cook to prove the source of mash profit fo bake. The firebox is adequate 7 ap - , the price is so the size of the oven and the N. W. STAFFORD very low. Som4 farmers Are -4cientifically constructed flue car- Marble and Granite Dealer. willing to let them go at 05�cents 0 --..a barrel rather than have them FRUIT of vies a stead y,_b:aforin heat to all J cemetery Lettering etc. Others are selling _Jp�of the oven and cooking saw- First-class work go to waste. face,Throuth a perfected systm of draft their whole orebaect at 100 per guaranteed. 'barrel ready picked. When win. regulated at will,this heat is ahnwe under Alw OW40L your coubol. Naturally with a Happy Klngsi�ii Road and Pickering Balm ter comes many orchards will 'Everything in *10 • Thought. good and tow— b Fast Townline. likely remain nnpicked and the `whole crop go to waste. Jars, Rings, , Certo, -Pheone Whitby 68 R 32 features you will -Additional worthwhile After several years of illness. J. 1311plex 27.40 P.O.—Whitby R. EL Allaway,of Oshawa,- died Friday Rubbers, rh Appreciate are the 04 It gratM brail- reiaanoir Ing andvadilatedtoastingovau ftmt, ampleMorning last at the borne of his ,..,, sted , sister, Mrs J. H Beal, in his 58th -Paraflue etc. and f"L -tsed was well known year. Deci�i Happy ThOuAt Pipe,Pip,�aa4 Com- bina6m We= Air and HotWa"Fur• in military circles, being connected neces now "cry type of bows. ..�with-the Ontario Cd.Regiment for, Reductionlin all number ofwhich he f eArs, in 0 rose totbe rankSergt.-MRjor. cotton goods. He was also awarded the Long 19ervice medal. For a number of years he was caretaker o Of all materials and dedon a f theFre 'h Groceries ' I armories at Oshawa. His funeral, CA it will pay:yotx to call at four Works -which was private took place on ANTFM ways on hand ht to inspect our stock and Sunday to the Metbodist cemetery obtain prices Wkt Pickering. lowest -prices All orders left with our agent,A. T. Among those who AL 53 attended were: J. R. and Mrs. ]Law, Pickering, will receive our Thbxtonanddnughter, Margaret, prompt and careful attention �gare 1 of'Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, A call solicited Mrq. A. J. Chandler, Mr`alAdyq. and Mrs. Da A, � SCOTT POUNDRY C0AU%W-UMITED Smith. and MiRR Atlaway, , 4 T. MATHESON W Tr-: 1:- r10 OfA V .,., � ��•HV.y.. w. r�•��.' :.. - ,-;• .. •� ....a�wwnn ��, _„.y, �! C ..,q,,... -w... .o+.' hP•� •Fr ".g^�,�A_ *C Z' i3;"9{ri i �F; .., - .V > j :. ,}R_ R �,.... t. P.Fl.•r . , " >i,.:> -0.%.1, Y:v'F,�y}y.,3% :4�,£rypyAf%eq- 1'.•�L,i+,.r....Ai:M /)4 Ad•b6'. : q '�,•., ,XANAt M,'I. lW.uY'F �'` .{ i't�" ;.,'.�b?i+i v., ,e /�,• �'• }3,g} 'y1t" i,aA.,'iv`V. y V+v�. ,.. .6+A7:)h M:7',..9xa eh,-.- . W Y"'>"1sY•.v•G•r.Y�'+'"^�6 a.'T ..b. -�'� 'iy:. J•,,T.>n tl.Jv` ""'l-••"-�A .y<..�,,. $gZ`.7 ,Y"j'` .'y '' + 'iY vr. .�.,mop�ii,�,'M.,. '.ems'nom �� u� +.•���.!� �A:•,S�"-- ,a..,fi��',a .�nAM1 . .yrs d •Y� � .!.�.r .. 'i® >..{`.rX, �'.,Vyy'.'biy,' ,..G w d�t'„y 4�..1,v+v :^^,.a a.n :1*. -f '• _ .^?a„, 4'�,.. `^` --:Taw•'!•.` •w. — �,I T � » " •^'`�W a i��'_93rr..4 T•TC-.ot�+"�+'!SFI..,✓.�..c a ... •.: .:.:r' •.f.:..,.-a'I err is N•:'_ ,^.1G`!id"' ••'b' R✓ `.. _ i 9 OM pt y Y � i _ e Y '' w.'�`s�f P�lficians b�al the its; r�tance. Are they Wit? What are the •.Acta? , ROBABLY no part of the business of farming is less under- _ "'Western wheat farmer out of it;It could ,be droved that over ' stood and less appreciated than the value of the _hoax _ .80% of what the- Ontario farmer produces is consumed by this marketto the average Canadian farmer of to-day. '.ro3ne market. -First and foremost, given a Government that is sympathetic The reason sope people have an•exaggerated idea Of the im•` - - 'with you, the home market is one that you can absolutely con- • n "> trol, at all times, ate least against the foreign farmer who would po�� °f the port market for farm produce is that they have x !invade it. On the other hand foreign market is one that looked at it solely from the standpoint of wheat! It Is true that y' we export :n one.form or another about 75 percent of our-entire ..yqu may be legislated out of at 'any !moment by the vote af-n s ., . AG ;wheat crop. But the wheat crop, important and el-as It 18, re- �" < foreign government that. has decided that-it wants to give. its presents only about one-fourth of our totar annual agricultural' 1 :own farmers an advantage over youl production, and it Is only when we take into account what be-; ' Next, the market that is best worth.cultiv�at� is always the _ comes of the other threw-fourths that we can arrive at a true es. "market that absorbs the largest part of your production. The timate of the value-of the home market to the average Canadian 1 ' fellow who ear after ear bus more than half 'your A Y Y Y Y �p is farmer! M , That's 1nor� ental!Th te's no getting away from !�5 of it. �r is our calculation. Check up our figures f worth Y Y Y_ °w .y ' glias from the Canada" - - j Year Book, the official statistical publication issued by the Goin-' From the figures below we prove absolutely that the home ernment. Subject our deductions to the most searching investi-d eta Itlaarket absorbs at the very least 63 % of the produces-not gation and you•- will find that if we have erred at all, we have - ,,. of the Ontario farmer—but of the average Canadian farmer, under=estimated, rather than over-estimated the importance of the - ;> .iittcluding the.wheat farmer cif-the West. If we were to leave the : farmer's home market. " - . - - - A _ _� - +fes• _. - _ TOTAL EXPORTS, FISCAL YEAR 19246 OF 3 Agricultural and Vpegetable Products.inc _ e tobluding fresh dried and acco,fresh and prepared vegetables,reserved ts. grains,aple yrup,flour and maple 4ugmilled d mmiscellaneous, but peaeuding grubcts and prepared er,sue ar other vegetable oil), ! molasses and confectioner a! products not of Canadian agricultural origin; also excluding alcoholic beverages,g mom)' y ps si ager whose .export value ie out of all relation to the value of the agricultural products used In their production. - ,$'394,407,Z4B Animals and Animal Products. including live animals, hides and skins, leather, !fresh meats, cured and canned meats, =A* and its products, olla,.fats, ;reales, eggs; r ' honey and miseellsnequs, but excluding fish oils, seal and whale 611s. and furs other than black and silver fox skins, as products not of s agricultural origin. - • - _ • • - ' 91,939,305 Fibres, Textiles and Textile Products. _ ►• r - including all wool and woolens. also flax, lute and hemp products, but excluding.binder twine, manufacturers acture��cotton and silk, =Lmu- 2,74?,alr°'3 : 1 factwvxo of mixed textiles, and certain kinds of Waring apparel, as products not of Canadian agricultural Grand total exports, all kinds of farm produie _.a ,; « r . $4x9'9,094,184 !'glow the gross agricultural revenue of Canada for crop year 1923 is given as $1,342,132,000. Deduct- In - ' Ing the grand tote! exports, as above of ;439,09!,124, leaves a balance of $833,037,876 to're *sant what � Rrsust have been consumed b the ha>rne Market. In other words, the e , n, y xport'ktatarket took only 363•�'Plo X _ of our farm productioh. The balance, 63�%, was consumed in Canada! - TWO TH I RDS OF WHAT TIE CANADIAN FARMER RAISES, HE •SET I N CANADA _ - _ - a ..Export Prices that Fail. to sj^saocerrt `' . .than fifty miles away, received -x'1.00 not a Canadian tariff be a detriment to ,!iodic Prices. for theirs. In that same year. farmers in ­foreign farmers and Y gn consequently a benefit Perth County received an average of only 'to our own? In attempts to belittle the home market; . x,9.2.8 a ton for their hay,,while farmers inthe argument has been used over and over --: a adjoining County of i►.'iidd]esez rt Whaf a Now`Industry, in your Market _Y - again that the rices obtainable tri the �,�: Town, g p �eaeived $11.05 for theirs. Means fo Yoix! _ export 'market always govern the prices It .increases the prosperity of the town, gives Discount these illustrations as much as Portion, obtainable in the domestic market. work to the unemployed, adds to the r - ` Statements of that kind constitute one ;you like Ari the ground that differences of :gets the empty houses rested and starts the build- -, sof the meanest forms of dishonesty. It quality ' had something to do .with the Ing*of new once. The town Immediately has - is probably true that in the absence•of differences in price, yet do they not serve rncre money to spend on the butter and eggs, the P Y to shake your faith in the man who would inegetables, fruit, milk, and grain your farm an effective wheat _ pool, tr.' Liverpool y have you believe that Liverpool prices Pr*dul price pretty nearly fixes the domestic The forei n market is admittedly an important -price of wheat. But the Liverpool price always govern domestic prices? -Did Thun, s _of hay, or of negligible der Bay farmers, for instance, get $19.64 Market,but after all what does it consist of? Isn't- y, potatoes, i8 almost- n 1 ble it made up entirely of town and city dwellers-- '" ,• . in its effect upon the local prices obtainable for their tray in 1923 because it was of - wage-earners--who cannot obtain from their own such _superior quality, or did they get it harmers as munch food as they require so they must -. - ' for those commodities in Canada. And the _ reason for the differen+x is that wheat, because of the high coat-of bringing $8.98 buy from you? Is the city dweller an asset to the ;reason bean a differ iodi that can at, :hay from Huron County, or $10.11 hay Canadian farmer only_when he happens to dwell r 1 g commodity in a foreign city? If we persuaded him, by the from Laiiibton County? If Liverpool ...::stored indefinitely, has been provided with of a better job than he now has, to come and terminal facilities that enable it to be prices. governed flay in the'way and for the_ -'live in Canada, would he not be a bigger asset to _ - - handled at a minimum of"eipense� and' is same reasons that they do wheat, Ontario --our farmer than he-is at present? farmers would have to pay shippers a A {: •carried at the lowest of all freight•r'ates, Those who scoff at the home market would en- whereas transportation coats on hay and Premium to take their hay away l courage those dwellers in a- foreign city to sta)I when. they are, thus leaving our farmers in the -potatoes substantially protect the 'pro- t What s Sauce for the Goose is Saucer position where they must talk* a chance on ship- hundred - ,;` :outer against surpluses only a . for the Gander. =rillea away 1 ping their products long distances, and then selling Belittlers of the home market assert,that in�atition with other producers from all Isn't the tariff on farm products is of no benefit plea ° those - _ 8 a _ flay and Potatoes for Instance, would the up i hie marlk _ to�our farmers. Ip the United States tariff one? y In 1923, for. instance, farmers in Nor- on farm producti of no' benefit to United -' A higher tariff will.give znorc worJkers cod folk County received an average of only States farmere? Is it no dttnment to i _81 cents a bushel for their '" ,}obs in thif country. Canadian arnor anksa . foreign _ ,with, good jobs are the beat customers the ._. 1/�g potatoes, - Canadian farmers. Ff a fbrel tariff is a • ' �rhrle farmers in Weiland County, kers ;.detriment to Canadian farmers, whyihould' `jthe Canadiawfarnwr will ever have. VOTE' CONSERVA. - T- - , - IVE . r. •a FOR HIGHER TARIFF AND FOR LOWER TAXATION . I1 Ylegtr Casomtq•s,fa10 Sal aR Torm9o! ,Everybody's Helper. gargle made with a, solation of half borax to Agro widely-distributed.is Keeping thaD School. Band games. When the games are over the a pint of water and one teaspoonful of Tibet, peru and Canada. band breaks up. A-band can be made Those people who use "borax," a borax, added -to a teaspoonful of,Sly- 77: ly `: intact Throughout the &elfmaintainiag u they proper iatereat popular white trade substance, make cerin or honey. Borax has a perultar• Entire Ye". is aroused in the boys minds. UP a strange medley, which includes ly fresh tame, and for this reason it � N64ic. ,The_school band is dependent iron, A series of coneerts in the.early r doctors, ice-cream,merchants, engin- 1 s ri or a tour will do-much •to makes an-aSrQeable mouthwash when two Important,factors for its exist- p nS sem, wholesaile butchers pottery Yesterday—a row of solemn trees, f heighten the'efQcieacy of the band and added to bot water. ,sate: morale and loyalty to the or- g makers'Aad ulnen starches. Proud and green and high tighten the organization. A member of the borax family,boric To-dad—a row of go'.den spires ganization. The first is built p by Th id-is also highly regarded by mot h• cultivating in he boy's mind a pride jt , mild antiseptic, Against the evening ,kyr I Autumn Woods. borax because, when be place* Kon ere and oc - - ?a his performing with h and helping to metal and'heats it with a soldering suitable for dressing woua�s+.ad 8 n- - produce- an erganizaticn that -ter. of,Far• in the. wide,.vehiteRpathways of ikidap-six poplars saliin, aome'oonsequeaae' to fie• acl?ool sxid• the skies, iron it will..remove al±.tarnish and stops. Standing straight and true, - *aaae and thus''snake soldering or The icecream mnn, like others with To-day—six wondrous tbYches eommunriy: The second'!s banned up Brig$t are the wondrous beauties of biasing Two metata together an easy food to keep, uses both borax and its on the-"gang spirit" of.the boy. _A. the stars; Blase into-the-blue. task• Meter boric acid. . M boy has- a.prid_e to numbers of his The autumn woods, ere winter's ruth- Most doctors value borax^ for its (treat masses of crystallised borax, _ kind. less hand t " mildly astrfagent qualities, which fit for use without purification, tom• a'- A band should be organized as en Bereaves-them, glpw like' some'en- make it partteularly'ouftable for the pose the bed of Borax Lake, in Call. The wound caused by the lancehead integral part of the school. It should chanted :and, e -itof throat troubles. i'oruia, where crystals sa long as &even is curab:e, but khat caused. by the. not be 'organized around any other-in- Imprisoned in the sun's long go:den A:good prescription for cases of sore inches and weighing as much as a tongue cannot be cured.—Arabian tereet. For f_naticce: some bands _ 'baire. _ lhraat in children sad adutls is a pound have been found. Primitive Proverb. are built up-in the fall to play for the —Eugenie Du Maurior. 1; M r : „g•,-t c eve ! <i•`�'+h ,r,i;i.i,r Ji•bt(.,•:'tir•..'+.,,+.'-e..i.;.Y..,•r.•..,'�”G,.�+.,".rn,•.•"'°K,-4w y•�-'G".�1'y�'R.,�aR"�,�'...�._G.^,.'e "}.a.-p..'r,.,>,,_."k,ya�:,'1S•..t«:^,'*.Sr,R`.�,.s"'�e.v_:_r.o.".A....'.'A."•abw•Jsh"eati.y,,.t9s:5,,�s.,"'.,..r.'.�Y':ar„,te'..:'•�`"_'A.:R.. :•++._,3.:4-...-.,,•.�.,”."�.'.',f"xY_!,r,4�..,U:,-ry„'l?�l,�Y'.4-.sa.�.w - _ a 4-,•.'�.;•s-.'f•.Ye.;;'ar'�r°•c,e„.wn�_••- itKs4?"�.'rx.�.. cJ3 a5;*'P!owM,6f.' P,'..^e�aa"!`4 '12 lip -..•�.!_..wY,"'M,..Kr+F;�,.y..,i3G ��s.y$.."w(�'+y+o�..''6R` ""T'?.,'.Y`�,y,•'.a^.mar'y^^ ,.J _- hE'e�n�'«'"". y, if'.r'.,Y_.'•n��_y':`:�'i`*5i4fr�':•ey•"'y;l:.n"'sSJi'a"9•>w J:34'-la7:1. .,,.}e.•;a.Lt,-�'!:.-.".;e. .?��•wt ".'e�art"` «. : Sli."',4?;"iiw"e•md`- •'^rc„.Y7g ..t.`• i ..,•. ......,..... ...'.,..7:r_�•.. -_.. .• _xw:•...,. ..: - :�;. ;,;.. �..,... wf :;J �'r,« ,~..�" ....,c ,�. ry .",i• „r ..a... ,,.•^+...�. :.a `C P" ;.�.�n. .: -. ry shCr10Ck aAd'��ir sSt"10&" the Baker Street lodgings of the gpeat �u� r Lew weeks I could Leel an imAso►e► Sherlock Holmes; but they could not lH TIL 'pEQp t i'wsa able to get un. I kept It is almost certair. that no char- , b3 gratified since- Conan Doyle has o4- taking the pills until al; traces o actor in fiction created by a ifving l author has become so internationally;always discreetly declined to Identify jj the trouble were gone, and I could the building. In South America Sher- -i��j� again do my housegork, feeling like A is.so well Itr►own that a eonven- ,. new rson. Three years have ed'•-t tailiar as Sherlock Hol. based eat detective. Sir Arthur •$n lock Doyle, in his recent ve cent`new word, upon his name, since'that'nail there has sever be Y , ry interesting has.been .ad to ..the language; 18y Driving the Poisonous Acid the sl Meat roturti of the double, 4-o book-of reminisce ge! rises, Memories and � a AdYen clever bib of o@hand dedyction• are that I Leel safe in asyfttg that-the r4• titres,iela#;eaftwt` sh rtl after Fro1n rife'3ystelu ' GLEAN Int he had been kris h P . y now tersely defined there as"aherlock- - _ -lief-brought by this mediaine is g ted--o4- k,_heaccoune- holmitos." Rheumatism attacks peopla when manent" .' AND. sue another literary v,!o�k,—.13e re- Letters in praise of Sherlock the blood }s thin .w and atery,. or '_You can get the pills from your om_a rs ceived a bill fiAesLnan that Hglmes or propounding problems for charged with,-impurities, thus setting druggist, or by mail at 60 cents a box N T is y was correct and buainesslhce "y Sherlock' Holmei's'creator 'to solve up inflammation of the muscles and from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., detail save that it was made out. to I - "SJi Sherlock Holness:' ached m from the four corners of Joints. Cobd, wet weather or sharp Brockville, Ont. re Iii ,need be no worry. u the world, including_the Samoan Is- winds may start.the pales, -but the ' I hope I can stand a joke as well lands, Robert Louis Stevenson wrote cause is rooted In*the blood and to get Send to Parker's. as my neighbors," records Sir Arthur, to him from Vailima. reifel it must be treated through th :'Rebel - "but this particular piece of humor ' Earth is a loves yip 1� P� Fie had been retailing some of my blood. As a blood buiideL and nerve y place— - <� oEvery facility for seemed rather misapplied; and•I wrote Sherlock Holmes yarns to his native tonic Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are un. Why shou:d I break Bread with grief 4he m Q 8''t .e=peh�t' sharpse sharply upon the subject. In.reaponservants,—I should net have thought ,surpassed, and for that reason do not Or look in a sombre face <�^ to my letter there arrived at my hotel that he needed to draw upon anyone fail to give relief to rheumatic suffer-! When I can run light'as a leaf? ,!work. a very repentant clerk, who expressed else,-and he complained to me in a ere when She is too 'forward ar.d too bold — p. gives a fair trial. Among his sorrow at the Incident, but kept . r If you .wish ad- pt camical'letter of the difficulty of tell= the-fheumatic sufferers who have Co-r-ing unasked to my table; on repeating the phrase,'I assure you, ing a story when you had to halt every proved, the great value of this meds- Her eyes are strange—sunken and ?Pity Or 1IIf01'a18t10D. air; that.it was bona fide!'= moment to explain what a-railway cine is Ml's. 51meon J. Tattoa Indian old— on any dyeing prob. "`What do you mean by bona fide?' was, what an engineer was, and so Head. Sask., who says:—"Fos over ' She sits Huddled therein-Sable. - t . r flint write 118. I,asked' forth. He got the story across in two years I was an intense sufferer O she can have my house, my food, "`Well, sir," he replied, `my mates 'spite of all dffficnities,.and, Said .he, from rheumatism and until I began the Cook the herbs and salt and atir. Prompt 9 Or- in the Shop told me that you had been 'If you could have seen the bright, use of Dr. Williams'' Pink Pills no I shall be tar in a glimmering wood.. .4� knighted, and that when a man was feverish eyes of Simite, you would treatment that I took helped me any. I will not 'sup with her r`' der Service. Car- p knighted he changed, his name, saes �,ti _ •- - hive-tasted glory• :• The trouble grew so bad that I could Lillian 114idd'Iotoa:" ' triage :chargee paid that' you had taken that one. Simite and his comrades accepted not move around the house without x one wa} "I need not say that my annoyance all the tales as literally true; they help, and finally 2 had to give up aad " vanished, anti that I laughed as heart- c be n that go to bed. Weds cannot toll how ;Fllpher Education. old not. convinced t any story fly 4-S hie pals were probably doing was merely a feat of fancy. But to much I mffered, and I could not bear Gosh—"Has your son's college adu- n ' mond the corner." y m a admirers to have anyone a near me Final tion helped o an on the farm?" - A man ore sophisticated ad re Dom : ea p you Y , party of French schoolboys visit- real—superd+atective#s little leas real— IT one of my neighbors strongly urged Josh—"Well.. for one thing, his Ing London asked as the first of the and certainly if ..he is ,not true he me to try Dr. W11-I1ams' Ptak Pills,,and f4•eaky clothes has kept the farm clear RKJ6lrL kF eights-that they wished to be shown ought to be! I decided to do so. In the course of a of crows." _ WORKS LIMITED. . 1 'YONG1 ST 9TORONTiy World's Easiest F.lwatOra. Three small electric elevators that i - . .: have been Installed in the cloak-roam r, � The '{,,� "�, _ -•;�s Of the Savoy Hotel, London, are the most ut ent requirement in swiftest„in the world lies 8LTheir speed Is ?, uaarlq seventy mile&s sea hour. ` Cana a"s Agri cultural Products When a button s pressed, the elms ° valor with its cargo of bare and coats - 1 ANADA produces every year large quantities'of wheat, oats, barley, Is shat vete a rocket 3o a roan, loo Leet above to a 'ittle ove 'fir butter, &eese. bacon, beef, eggs, apples, potatoes, gravis seed and a i, lr one and a cloves seed that else cannot consume. _ Fier natural outlet for these a �palr seconds. This tr�meadous speed 1market ducts it, o£ course,the with s ursopen Gress Britain—the one � . Is obtained by' flttfog each evelator ddra great consuming Country Of n� JPrith a epecfatlywound electric motor .+ a ' p land controlling gear ` l f! Unfortunately. nearly every other country with any surplus of food ti. lip. te Coaare brushed and hats are g>soducts stems to want to send its surplus to this same marketpolls t1natlsed when they reach their' des- ,, The keenness of the competition on .this,'our only market, and the tfnation. Then they are pieced fa vel. � ' - tae - . -. - energy and resourcefulness of our competitors began to impress thein- �} veL•tfned receptacles until their Cor. �+ -sespoading number 19 sent up through selves upon the Department of Agriculture some time ago, but 1t is only the pneumatic tube that runs ale ' 1witbin very recent years that the real and only way to grapple with this side the elevator. . Problems has been discovered, or at'least put into effect This Department � 4 . now believes, as do also most of the farmers of this country, that the -----e "grading" of our agricultural products is the policy and practice.that is = Waited In vain. _ seeing us through the irtrMgle and will assure us of our-rightful place on `' � _ H I the British market Nadiorfe casae-home, after bar first day at school, crying as if her heart - "Grading" means tins classifying' 28 shillings a long huadredweisht belo.�+il would break. ,Her mother asked the of products, whether they be hogs, but- Danish, has gradually grown in the esti- reamon for her. morrow. ter, cheesE, eggs or anything else into station-of the British wholesale buyer - r� . "Teacher teed• me a what nil#bt be called in a g�eaers'1� way until it is now quoted at welly from 1 or .y p Present, 4 "B F:S T ', "GO Q D", "F1kI$" and less to at most 5 or 6 shillings per long but she dddn't glue me oris,' sobbed , :n "POO$" classes. hundredweight below the best Danish. 1liarjorie. "Teacher promised you a present!' These exact words are not used In This ingnvvement in price Is, of describing the grades, but that is what comae, due to quality and baa coma d Wald mother, "That's funny. Fhrst ,,,Is meant. The purpose served in grad. about very gradually, the spread War- time I ever heard of such a this i , Ins is threefold-- rowing down by a shilling or two a J er,waa giving out seats.and she called , (1) Educational When the pro- month two now it a no: at all a rare -' Weigh'• ezgM fries ts, ands teach- - , g i ocearretscp to sctif best Canadian selling �? me and said: Marjorie, q 4 list with the Danish'article. • e �ducer sees the relative , uaH of his on's, rJ you sit Here � - . :Lor the prise- �1ssodusct he is elrttrred on to maintain _..that quality if it is the "best" or to Eggs—Canada was the first country reThe �anal y Improve the quality whenecessary. to grade and standardise eggs, These . „ , grades and standards apply not only to (2)Fair Play,. When products are export, interprovincial and import ship. - j ,r 1 _toot graded the inferior article for names, but also to domestic trading. ;g , i • w�a#iow caseins often briaas as mach as The basis A interior quality, clean. t tba superior article, and tile.credit and, new and weight. Al "advantage of patties the superior Ino- Standardising Canadian e duct on the market is lost to the oma orated ` so I �i who really deserves it. established c ewe between producer Y , and consumer and,between exporter and y .'(3) Fake itating 'Dade. The British importer and bas resulted in a Int dealer learns to have co ea -increased demand fes;• ,• n5dence is the �W or the Cance-- li r 1" article he Is baying and buys more free- sig both at home sad abroad. - --ly, because it is guaranteed by grading. Otherrodacts- ' p Haight be mentioned and gradually everybody gets to•know. where grading has worked to the great i•' „+ .... MP v �, what the "best"' article really leaks lilts .advantage of the 'producer and to the foror testes like; In short, f1t brings 'advaneem:eat of Canadian agriculture. H ' about standardisation sed. ensures to Already.Great Britain raeoinizei dist ' + e ' ' the producer the best price. _ store cattle, wheat, ebeese, eggs, apples Caaadli now grades her cereals, tli ase ;'and oats as the best she•can buy. t -.zeed9% bay, potatoes, appttea, eggs, but- It is for us to so improve our other ` c ' ter, weal and locos hogs: The, products, particularly our butter and " e 'results have been in -every case bene- bacon, as to bring them also into this The Ih t Wayficial and �'a some cases quite markedly list of `the best an the British market» so, even though the grading system has and consequently the highest priced. 'bees in effect in some cases for only Grading enabled us tb do this SW j to BOaI Powoes two or three yearn, thus:— _ cheese, wheat eggs add apples. - �Cheese--caraaing egan April•-1st,. (3sabing 1s.,belping,its to do It fob ' lE'nt the 1923• Canadiaw tbeesc the year before butter and bacon.. potatoes do an -.lead fallen into such disfavour on the !L; Enameled Foists Pok Cover -British market that New Zealand-cheese Quality Couple with water. Add salt to . was 'quite commonly preferred Toch Quality is thus the first objective for the v y Canadian export trade,and,then steady, regular, �.� taste. Boif until soft. When ( Cauadian..Cheese- commands cents per lop 117- Izit aloes thus lines the Department of finished, drain off aid the _ % pound higher than New Zealand. Arr culture is working by educational methods, w , "•' and the result of this policy la seen in a rowing strainer Spout No dntger • 8utter'�Gr2ding began sme timeVolume of Canada's agricclti rel capelin Look at these fignees :— x of steam scalding the hands as for cheese. The reputation of our but- because the handle securely ter was thea indeed at low ebb. Canadian Cstnnda's Principal Exports of butter today, while not the best on thq Farm Product locks the cover on. If your yam niarket, is rapidly improving in.quality. 10-21 1924-23.asz ` `.famfly uses potatoes,'you . . _ f and gaining in reputation Wheatw t ct is9 ,167 191.vsar require one of these. Flour ibbU. 6,017,032 11,029.227 .� a :H098—Over two years ago the De- aeesiO4"r card ` tawif» ssz ass 1,208.74-1 partateat ofAgricirltnre began to grads Ruoff 'cda•1-.' `"" s.rn<ii 2i 681;951 .; live hogs at the packing houses and. " c j ------^-^-- stock yards. The 10% premium paid by o,w (b—) _ 14.921.M 92.775,761 the packers for"'selezt ��bacon hogs asRre Barley ih3aca�(>cw:t-----,, $� 2s30 11.0.g �sn4 and artmental graders-.against " thick has done wonderstas classed i e�al uia Relkd a f15.7E1' 7,oss t - y - z, Improve the uzlit bf ode ger � d +' r� '�+ q y ho and - :Gn�I,�Le1_, - _ _.'de�eiop tizc bacbm in8tlstry. .-Clover i ttra.T s y ii�'.�oo'sl • - { z 1 (,L 1si ' it was t from 10 to �s«a�c�n: _"_' i.4-aiii sA�.1ot< c` 1 - Best Canadian bacon, which ordiaar POTATO POTS = _. y quoted two years ago 1 ;--- -- 4 �$ 178 - For Further 1nfermatioa and publications write DOM011 DUARTMIM 0$ AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA - e., r _ y y ...,.•.•-r'W'W.. .;9R't 4. ,.y� s•.lass:nr� ...-.nr. .,. -.r:.ar -h'. _ .'x�`.:. ",cM .:'E:,L..,:rl-car's,[.-i•,t$:`,.,, „5..+�a'�. ,r,'.a.:�'�•fuss:�°w'L.:;..�:..:a^�nss,•v.•F-�iss.•r:»�:�i+•'YiP�rz• i:1 ,n. nYr"•sA-..� S!c+% .�L w "J2r" .¢ �� •r..;S<: ,,e..._..,sy' ,. ..,: .'a*�d......,;-:.i3 '�„a.:`��e�ri�"}i7`-.. a .., v�';,...,�,.'�.. k .t. .... '4,'t• ... I ,„�; :a .. � _ •e s., � _ •,� _ to • w fir•r —Samuel Knipe, of Toronto, Fred Pr{ce, who drives one of ;LOOALIS IT1 '�• @pent Tuesday with W. J. and S. J. Collacutt'h busses, has moved Y� 1 ( Mrs.Clark:' to Odhaws in order 'to be more ��� —Dr. Henryill be bore as user- convenient to his work. a iq —Mrs.Tboe. Walsh was is the yy Dentist, on Tueedey: air Jt nazi Tuesday to ahead t his =Ur. E. A. Sadteir, •cam professional,dutiee. prootleirm In Toronto,'will be here .—Mise Minnie Bray is spending p —Mr: and Mrs.,Wm. Cook, vY iq his office on Thursday from lU _ a s few days with friends in Olargr Richmond Hill, are visiting IWT, a:Fri: to b v. M., as usual. " i 41613 t. A. R. and. Mrs. Sanderson this —Tbe-loss from fire in the Do —MTs. James`Andrew is indis. r � at present and is.uoder the .'eek. - _ minion of Canada le $1Q0,000,000 a - Qneed , —Hoo. Mr. Meighan. ex-premler year, only a fraction lose than the ddoctor a care and leader- of the Conservative cost of education, and amounting r —Ed. Walsh. jr., who is Attend- party, will speak in Oshriwa on to abiiut$10 per bead.of popgla• A Ing St. Michael's Collef e. Toronto, Friday. Oct: 28rd, a few days' tion. r a was home over Sunday. before the election. --Rev. A. R.Sa derson's subject '• —Jeremiah O'Connor, of Church —During the recent thunder for Sunday worn at 10.80 will ®blest, is ill at' present and stoem Thos Walsh hada valuable be "Four (Treat Essentials." - and r. s: ..under the doctor's care:'. cow killed_ by ligbtaiag Mr. at T p.ru., "Christie Way of Rous- "- •-' - D. J. •and Mrs. Callaghan, of Walsh,lortuaately; had tits stock Ing a Mari to Do His Best," +:` tToronto, are spending s, week at insured in the Maple Leaf Insur• —Rev, Gl. S. Lloyd, of HeeDeler; the home of the latter's parents aDee Co. paid a brief visit to the home of " here, —H. A. Matehett, who has been John and Mrs. Murkar on Tuesday Apple•piekiag is now in full traveller for the R J. Lovell Co. whit@ motoring through the will• swing and a very large quantity for many years, has this week axe from Oshawa where .he had is being taken into the city on completed his last trip on the been'on business. r trucks. road for that company, and'^it is —Frank and Mrs.Hall and .dau• el —Mrs. (Dr.)-Mare] , of To7onto, his intention to enter office work shier, 'Mies Meryl, and Norma ` spent s few days last week at the is Toronto. He is now spending and Mrs' Banka have been spend' ' = home Of her sister, Mrs. Fred T. s. few days in Pickering with his Ing a week with relatives and , ,Bunting. wife and daughter. friends in Detroit and on their 0 F —We are pleased to re�flrt that —It is not likely that the Pro• return trXg will visit with'J. B. -Mrs.F. T. Bunting is rapidly re- ressivee of South Ontario will and id re. Thexton, of Sarnia. ' }covering from her serious illness gput up s candidata st the coming —The stirvicee in tat, Gleorge'a � - _ and will .soon be able to return Dominion elections. At a well Church will be conducted nezt NOW ` hsmo• attended meeting recently hold at Sunday by the rector, Rev. D. B. —Mise Laura Andrew, principal Brooklin a committee was appoint- Langford.as follows :9,80, Sunday sof the Enniskillen public school: interview the Liberal and School; 10,80 a. m, Holy Common- �� c9d -� was .home for a few days this 7,00 p, m„ Evening Service. Conservative candidates to ricer• ion; r� week, owing to the illness of her tain their views regarding the The day will be observed in cow ' r-t .'vsother. different pleaka of the Progreeaive memoration of the'#00th aaniver• N s.. �,. CD —Reg Sortserville, of Cherry• platform, and will support the sary of Wm. Tyndale, one of the t'" wood;had the misfortune to sus- p ,err• fain a bad fracture to his wrist candidate�whoeo platform will greatest of English Christian bar' ' come nearest to theirs. oee, whose traaslation,of the New come day lae>, week while creaking —One day last week Miles S. Testament. and part of the Old �i✓ • ;� ,Lr his car, �F Chapman, secretary of the Police Testament, into the English �,� —Mi'9, Myra Cron];, of Toronto, Tr toes. received assurance from tongue has been an eaornioas fat• vs� L a. i • accompanied by Mise Dorothy the Hyydro Electric Power and for is moulding British character. Waugh, speat the week-end with Light Commission that work on "' - '.' the former'@ parents, R. H. and the line between Pickering and IN MEMORIAM. ..a " Mre. Croak, Whitby would be started in the _ _ _ _ _� Thanksgiving Day has been course of a week or ten days. Wttbox—ID loving memory of a dear Died for Monday. Nov, 9th, by the Ottatena Wilson, Is a guarantee of excellence in quality sed norkruanship. . �eoverninent,- - Nov. 9th has also They stated that the delay was wife and mother, k�ea set apart for thecommemora due to not having the contract who passed swag as Greenwood, on New Fall Shipment in U. 6 Ladies' and Men's just placed irr- Ott.7th, 19%. P tion of Armistice Day, with the township council return- ' —Charley B. spencer. who hes ed to them, and they could not Weare thinking of you to dap,.dear atOCli. Gall and see them. „ begin until that was received. mother, 'been occupying the brick cottage Think Ing of the past. opposite the 'Misses Bunting's They found out afterwards that picturing you to memory - it had been received, bnt had > ken"s Tweed Pants For Fall residence daring the summer been mislaid. Thus it ip expected ®s we naw you last, MOD the. moved last week into You lett behind some acbinghearte ` Man new lines have arrived, ranging in price all the way that mea will be on the joti within from $2.50 to$8.;i0. t James Hennedy's dwelling just a few days. That loved yov most sincere, y went of 9t George's Cbomb. which That never did and Dever will r —James Thompson,of Arnprior. Forget you,mother,dear. r has been thoronably renovated, ,who has:been one of the leading —Husband and Two Sons. t s ;N — �]ad R J. R. and Mrs. Thexton, cf lawyers in the Ottawa Valley Men s a; oyB Caps. For Fall Sarnia, who were attending the district. and a very prominent - E� . funeral of tt.e lattsr's brother. X*w Aas�lls. John Atiawsy. from the ho-me of Liberal. hes been appointed aeeior ` .. .'ti0e hMa show you some wonderful values to Afeo'e at$#.50 hi'r sister, Mrs• J.H. Beal.of Clare- cadge of Ontario County sad focal Colors and Styled ezceptiona�. 1s moat. oa Sunda , called oa a few Jadge of the High Court Division L�OR SALE—Ferrets. Rood hunters, y IL A 1PIckering friends on Monday prior of the Supreme Court of the Pco• 7oba tYs:tea.Franchmaa'. Bar. R.R.ran - wince of Ontario, as successor of E'pidtertn° �s ' GJ'r to their leaving for their home• he late judge T A. McQillivray Ol;r SALE—Fresh cow with calf by a a �/ H P _ R " —On Friday evening last this t g F side (second calf), At�y w:J brtebobwa, ' lloeatity was visited by s heavy cadge Rudd continues ae jaaior Duatartoa. b.. judge of the County. Judge — _ mia•stor9m. accompanied by a 'TFOR +0. hompson is a Boa of the lateE �inRF Janie aR - I&rge amount of lightning and and thunder, W1si1® the light CBS— Sheriff Thompson. of Laaarle Co., R bio 2,el„et•on: the telephone linea who was the oldest sheriff Ra O HYf3HRST PRICES— j was not near, P int of ears and of M PAYIN Ontario in point y ='s pare badly demoralized. which For all kind.ofgra,n and seed. at Locust service at the time of bis death. were soon t into commis e3on passing away in 1912,shortly sitar Hill elevator. M R Haove: std ggaa again the following morning;. celebrating his 103rd birthday. ANTED—Girls and young+Pem� - • --The Bat HOD. W. L. Maclean' to warn to Inv sad pick api>le• in boats T 'p sic Hing will speak in behalf of L, —The residents of North Mona• R. ptem,ng,xiapton Rosa. s o� jg the time. R,eCe �loll is , fine. O. Clifford, M. P., thelLiberal Can gbaa; near Petee Inc are greatly IDER.MAXING-We are prepared Flection speeches and returnA �vlll . dilate. to the armories in Oshawa axitatfd over the increase 0! their Cto make oder every week-day unur Dec.ler on the nigbt of Saturday, Oet. hydro rates which are now nearly petty a Sinclair, cberryaroodi a-s^ be broadcasted from now 17th. Other speakers who are double of what they formerly —lpER-MAKING—I am prepared to �intil ()@tuber ?9th. t `,17th.expeed to be present and deliver were. Some are Musidering the make c r every day in the week during the addresses are Hon. (icor N. Gordon. advisability of discontinuing the xason of 325. john Windsor,Green River. 44 Minister of Immigration, and Son. service. They are calling a meet- EolsON P1SE—Teacher of piano— Your radio . will certainly be a source Vincent Massey. Ing to discuss the situation. But Conservatory Coarse taught if desired. Stud- -The teachers who attended while the rates have been inereas ;oat Mrs.Lyauar•slk•y'•.carrmont•satl Say' �� great entertainment - Phone dare 8008. the Convention at Ottawa on ed It,is admitted that it is yet r Thursday and Fri ay of last week cheaper to use the hydro thnh LANT RASPI ew mIE3 IN THE fromnow returned home on Saturday, and kern@encs not considering the �PniT kiu'nItt `prta 'nicau early23, �t i< report a most enjoyable time. bus great convenience and great clean• an excellent Canner. Price bo cents per dozen ` lag most hospitably entertained linea° of electricity. When alae- For sate by w•Gormley.Pickering. s while is the Dominion Capital. tricity is once used is a house, it OR SALE—Ore reed bah@ carr- . the parliament baildin$e, the is very rare to bear of a person Fiage,and ivory crib,>�.00:.laornal Baa wood � We 8rg3 exclusive agents fair and pipes, and platform scales is perfect mint and the ezpertmental farm Rivio r it np and going back to von Amy Jo•. Hackett Orchard Inn' a" • ..were among the places of interest coal oil. - Even when the cost le Rouge Hill,KingstonRd..phone 4xar3921.51 t t 'De Forest-Crossley Radios visited, considerably greater, elecrlcit'y is �T ASSEY•HA•RRIS MACHINERY —The aonivereary services ogl' preferred. awl—And repair.• Now is the time to look -y the UnitedChurch will be held on " ..�..--- �y %prayersn 0.j'i- : r�'he best on the meirket. ard ,Sunday sod Tuesday, Oct. 18th DUMBARTON. a ancon gear,cheap. D.J.Gormley, bar- private. y and 20th. On Stieda , Rev. S. W. ,_ nr Mr, Ceabtree vWted his gates, Mrs. e w p ett,88a3 Yi0 WTmge a demoaotrstio>a Fallie, D. D., of Toronto, , t the manse last week-end. OR SALE—Cbeap all kinds of iU f our OWII home. - preach at 10.30 a. m. baa at? p-m, CI F Alii ~ Mui MWJ rh Allison bad returned wa°oo+,hasneas and finds of farm im- A propriste music will be ren emente to good Also severatbeavi_ r : . boIDe.having agent a couple tit esotlthrtt.caks baa-coot stove.and beaten la ` �t I ed at both services, On`Tuesday arc yrloe,y�forbidea ane wool, also live coni; F�� � �dd at Niagara Fahr. t3be war.rec8go- H,Hermaa.swttffvitis.Pboneiltog lettl•8(} Te $IInting� 6 evening a fowl sppper will be ponied y Mr.sad Mrs. Andetsoio and Fetablished�I86T. ed, followed by s first- am,coo,who spent the day at-bar bogie WANTED=Married couple for a program, Riven by the following .bora 1 v at«t term. YeVOT em ymem. Mast , drrtiste: Mies Erma Henry, enter. Mlar Verna saltier b the sgwveat of be u, ye:perieneea to wort. tom• twlt or, of Toronto, gold medalist bar cousin, Mia Phyllis Nreholioa. rortabte°fOdweflins,tae wood anq cornea plowed. x State age.refereaas and iespeete0 to flat of Massey Bell ; Alexander Me• this week. letter. Apply D. Btrrea�r. Rif•No a. O 1! Waster, violinist; and Mise Me Walton and Mrs. Amis sad family. Ciaremons. # • •Master, pianist, of Toronto; Music visited at Enniskillen this week-end- ���� �� A-ift&51010- G ��a �Mrs, Tbomse Htaaerson, Qf Tort:.• �1 by the Symphony Quartette. also to, was the guest of Mrs: Chas. Anal; PUB11Cb Mrs. Hallett and H. Salmon. Inst weekend, - „ In4#seinterests of gg Osbaws. Sappee will beserved Misses ,Robin and' Marion Whits'from 0to 8 o Blloe Admieeioo, visited with Miss Minnie Bennett leek H T/iERE 5 ExeusE 5 TQ 7 50 cents; children, ander 12 years, weekend. tL,.. �. CLIFFORD* YNE CONSTt Bt1. "fELEPNONE - 25 coats. Misses Bids Pearce and Emily Liberal Candidate, will be,held on the THE JUDElE KIM � —Many complaints are being .Knowles spent the weekend with following dates at the tf: made regarding the large amount tbeir.couein.Miss Helen Thom. platen named 'Of unnecessary traffic on the Pro. Miss Gladys Chown was 'the guest Brooklin,Thursday, Oct. loth / �t of Mrs.Nobe@ last weekend. Fri p•. Oet.IBtb ,vincial Highway on Sundays. A large number attended Markham Brnugbam' Not a Sunday passes but a number hair sod found it a greater success Oshawa(Premier Kin and Son: 0. ' off p Massey), Saturday. Oct.'l7th of heavy trucks with large loads than in former years: Greenbank, Monday,Oct.19th of merchandise map be seen, and The Ladies'Aid will hold a chicken. •" 4 1 ' Utica, Tuesday, Oct.20th the number iq gradually inerea9- pie social on the evening of October Scugog, Wednesday. Oct...21st Ing. This is the thin end of the i5th. Watch for particulars. Whitby (Hon. G.N.Gordon),Thurs � /� •r The Mission Band will meet at the ' v;edge which ' will open up the day,Oct. 22nd _ Wa for the American Sunday, home of Mise Agnes Thom next;gat• Olarefnont, Friday, Oct.23rd y rday afternoon. All are welcome. Pickering, Saturday, Oct. 24tb .� ' which no true Canadian wishes t We welcome,firs. John 14 cGlAshan port Perry(Hon.Thos,Lowe), Mon= ' � $..• � � �� see established in our land. This to our midst. The bride and groom. day. Oct. 28th Mid in many other ways we see have ust returned rfrom a pleasant White'yale.Tuesday.Oct:27th " . the Lord's Day.Act violated. So cdeddl'nR trip, and the ;'boy°" made _„� m�� --•r , tang as there etre no praeercutions, merry on Monday evening by an Did- These meetings wtU be addressed by t W, E,• N. Sinclair, B. C., Ontario .. the law will be openly violated. time serenade. _ = .'� -w Those who are interested in the A meeting in the interests of Dr. Liberal Leader; G. D. Conant. ex- 3= • Kaiser,the Liberal-Conservative can- observance Mayor of Oshawa;,W. A. Dryden; �. observance of the lacv ahotild re- didate in the comiog Dominion elec• L. O, Clifford, M. P. ; (leo, `Vilkie, r� ort the conditions to the Lord's tions, will be held in the Dunbarton K.C„and other special speakers Tobe' h �ay Alliance, who would take gall on the evening of Monday, Oct. announced later. a, • <::r arse necessary etepe to remedy the 12th. The meeting will be addresat2d See postero and hand bills and fur- ape ptD fi ,',., by Dr. Kaiser and others. cher Nnaouacementa is thegie columns. tter. '����?° ;-s •Y Jr4 � , , -. r e•'�y,;..� i� n3 5�*• {'x'� p'!m�t,� '�M ��{ �x..,�1� ° xL�r,�«vr�:.� .�' ''a.• �• ;'_ :,; .:. '' .w. - - �,,,.s+ ;g ray° ya ,���+i�'��,✓•i:? �r.2 r•: .....n o,.;y �.,, cuss&�51^4.Y:.�" v�,..r:r, s*.^4..?.z;#'.' u... w "<o :: �` .....t �� :A..•k�• `.'+t'E+ "S4"ity.:sa `'Niva*e w�s-,m-.�1p17R.•_..-._a.. ,� •''�.•." B 'A 3-' f•wf w rt-.'.... `.i '� "'I' -•-^ta��,��-.eau,uu!!:!`ih«tlY:u,:."5,-�-r..-la_,.-:r �.r'�" :AI..a�.1TS'1i.vn 1�s'w�:.Mw:fidw.�n,w''r�.ya'�..Lim:4s.lL��r y�j.3. �� lu �r.-'42A�u..�tYIA-.Si� .. _ __ - .-