HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1925_07_03 cwt -. l ,�., . .. v .,.-., �. v....,. 'i"1..," „. -r<a:• �'v`� ",T. wy-a =`•u"'Fa ".%,,i'+rrw.+9� ,, ?i.,p'`s� `'."'.ra T?., 4,• ,t,, � .;�,• ,., y,. _ aa'„� }T�'. :,x,.w•.<...�y,... <.'a-+w,e• r<% ,yrr'».:t :.••Y ,. .,,,..,,7 ,.0 ••n,, .>tu.v-+.^ r.. v- ..Xtc+ '..^� 2'M.r:4-utX 11 ��•'• ..�v�p.J. �i1,. ,.. Rh -.k. —Ae. > 9 -Fi '�''aV ,•N Jura_ ..LW�YY!t Tom.. irJ.i ^'F•i"q'M 'Gw'4'-'V,vJ 'F'�.. Jin. �++�'3="".. x ..7�... x,....x .'•� n a^. �i II ... t +—.,'F1C'`J` y;+± ,�, ivy' •w+•S,!k'e. —�_�,r� FIT, ....i.,,.Ay". w.I"..`. ✓;i.��. .tw. •^.r.F. �.. ��.t'S'7& • a .'.� ... ., ...: .' r},. sass � � p' +., , .' ..,.. d sass sass ,a � ,':._• •.... .,. •�! - .. '. .. '• .I' sass a 21 �� . • L. XLI " -_ PiC�'.F.>*RINQ, -ONT.., ' irIi�A3�, JULY 3, X925 ::No... 3 �¢sw ~J00* 0sitsl"irb1. C>l'I003'i��i��T�S CNtRRYWOOD S.0. F.Association ti The"e•egulrr meeting of the Lwdieb' REEN WOO Saw �, Basket ' Aid Society will be bald is the form Osmes played last week: Jane d6th, of a picnic to the fiats oa the'farm of Green River at Goodwood—Green �.p);Z. FORSYTS,Opb.D..'Director J. Barnes(Clark's Hollow),. Will the River 0, Goodwood 2; Juste 27th citLLS ==beer Association.of Ontario.Res. is aCt4t"9 friends kindly accept this notice as as Iekeriagg—lllaremoat 0. Pickering 8:0. , w r Member of the Amertan'opt4metricat along invitation Wil] be brc�freshmenta At CheWhiLbywowodhitbyCher wood Manchester 8, Asocia�oa. E�Les esa�ined by appointment Y y 1?Ysme , tllaramont•Oat y� Brooklio 1. ., LOGS WANIED and sports. The date is July the 9th :]3atabILlied 1888 ��'. �. McKINNON, M.D., L,R.O.S.. ° , - at 2.80 p. m. Word-doe roil caU fe Games nest week, shb July 4th=Brook- 1�1 sdl.nbut�, waxnber of tbo Ocilla• of Ca tOw easing done, Oat Rolling "Olve•" lin at Green River, Aehbura at Clair paya8o•t�sns asci s,itYwi t as os 0ntasto,itssnatsts wont. Cherrywood at Goodwood and _ G ; �waa;'ne'to°=d�.wa of nom and Chopping, Wood ~” Whitby at Pickering.. SCRATCH FEED GLEN MAJOR. : �in. ome..ad sswddsmes,Baoostsam, - t LZAa S sT Dt FOR LAYING S Repairing, II At\ N(> HEN won lost draw Pts" «� The'revival meetings conducted by $2.7o per 100 )bets Cb4"Pvact�c Shaping and Turning Evangelist McGuire and Sidney Pugh Goodwood, 7 0 1 16 ' e Tiefoilowing-are some of the many ailments in the Glen Major Chu:ch were Cherrywood, 4 1 8 -11 t Kiddie Harts, Slei Le Office Stooie Claremont, 5 2 1 11 �y tic adjustinas are efficient in overcoar 8 brought to s close oa Wednesday of CRACKED CORN—HEN SIZ>i� . irk "All formsot nerve trouble dna aces-acne last week. after a very successful cam• Green River, 4 2 2 10 4 packyw, apiml troubles,thro€t ana luug.feat= 8911 For Sale Brooklio, 4 3 1 9 $2.90 per 100 lbs. sieasea.rbeumatism and sciatica,digestive drsor- palgn. Sixty-four sturte sought for- Pickering, 8 4 1 1 ;},►sera, nt�hblood presanre'snd other circulatory il givenese at the altar durin the four. froubiea heart trouble and goitre. CHAS. A. WHITE. g Ashburn, �y teen days of spbcial meetings. Whitby, -.1 7 0 $ �R. •DURWIN E. STECKLEY, Successor to tate W. G. Barnes On Sunday evening, July 6th, is 1 $' 1 1 FINK CRACKED CORN Honor Gradwts of Toronto College of Chi- Phone 8420 or write Locust Hill. Out, the church. Mrs. H. J. Howe. of De- Manchester,' Ingv:use.Claremont residential rrt ndi 'adisttrricctt, has had will wide experlenoe in Mrs. perso al BROCK ROAD. ,8 cents BABY{iHI FO CKSr a� p Taeaday. Tbn:sday and Saturday forenoons. N G L �. S work among the hospitals of De oit, c ' Far ae appointment call 141 J Bpsrn=ville,or fi lease teocd sritb abyone taking treatment.471y .eo a real treat may be expected. Miss W. H. Jackson is doing ♦ rushing Eflle Graham and Lawrence Howe, of business in motor goods etc. POWDERED BUTTERMILK TCR. British Columbia Cedar xs�yY ! Galt Galvanized Steel Shingles B 6 service. Mr. Hatch and' family have moved Y. Detroit will sin duels the Bird's Felt Slate Shingles to theta summer cottage for the sea- PUT IN WET MASH i Z. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and � Dl1NBARTON. `. mon. •Saiicitor,Notary Fabric Ece. Money to for sde•at _ Seth Badgerow intends to build van Sciutn W;ng,Conrt Howe, ,Whitby, hay T. PATSRSON'S - CLAREMONT An old-fashioned strawberry feed- another house oo ble lot in the near TRY IT ! /"1 O. RICH ARCSON CO,—Barris- Call and get prices, val, under the auspices of the Ladiesl future. Watch Brock Road grow, `�•�•0. Solicitors etc_ N 313 Confederation Aid Societ will be held on the beau= George and Sirs. Farley are both in a " Building,Corner Yo and Rienmond alas. _ tifulLiverpgorounds of Walter' Nlebolson, Osbaws Hospital undergoing treat. GIVES 9PLEINDID RESULTS ; Loureooto. Phones Main 13 and Main os90 etf _ • g *, p_, Jd'1y IOth on the willeObe servedrirom co�ery, We hope for their speedy re- g 3s`o J Jn pC� P p y a ILLIAMJA2VZ8 BEATON,Bar. 8 to S oelock, after which a choice Rev, S. J. Thompson, of Loddon. riatn, Solicitor, Notary Public, Room Funeral Direet'or program will be rendered by the fol. Con ,called on his cousin, W. H Jack• W2,Coatedetatioa Life Building.TBzoatO. En. traocea'4 and l3 Richmond Street or nt sen . and lowing able artists: Mr. NValdruff, son and other friends recently, He Sim East. telcy5oae—Main 7080, Residence baritone; Mrs. Fobert, soprruio ; (leo. began his ministerial career in tbie � Hadsaa Itae. - Ltcetrsmed LlmbaE»ier Granville, elocutionist and entertainer ]tfiality about 42 years ago and will be Dental MOTOR HEARSE )Gold medalist 191,3' 19P.1) and little remembered by the older people. He SIM: reacbed his first sermon in the old _ _ 31tea Vere Seldick, who dances is cos p ?. ICL,+ACR.EMONT Out. fume There will be booths on the tbel Church on the 5th con„ and _ y`SR. D. C. Smith. Dentist, Sto•lff. • visited the ace when here, elan call- 33..rrvLle. Honor Graduate of Chicago and To. Phone 924 grounds for the sale of`refreshments , mato Universities and the Rom CoU11ee��c of and oeEdle work. Admisrion to tea call- in; on H• liicott and family, with A Rood supply of Hard and Soft : Dental Surgeoni. Phoneotlice 1011. Residence and conceit 50 cents; chiidreo� under wham be lived for one summer,43 -Coal on baud. also a supple _1}a, No outaid: appointments. 2ely 13 years,28 coots, • years ago. > _ ; of Kindling Wood, LASE B. BEATON. D. D. 8., _ BGOPe length. Jr . B Graduate of the Royal Coleige of Dental Fruit Trees, Shrubs Et _ S eons and Umverwt� of Toronto. Ofke GREENWOOD. BROUiiMAIM. e•er Murdoek'a''Gonfeeirottery .tor Whitby. —••� r 12tf Phone Pick. 1709. of it hours 9 to 12 : 1 to W. lea_-pbooe e. Having secured the agen^y for R.D. J. Jones, of Victoria. B. C., called on Elmer Wilson stud famil Sunda ed ON phone 220. b�ty Smith do Son. Ltd., Nurserymen, Bred and Mrs• Oibeoo on Sunda of Winona. Out. y with his parents hare, y y DONALD ML NRC, PICKEHINi3i ' r N. DAL$q, L• D. 8., D. D. A,. Miaedon Band at Mrs. Fred Gibson's Grant Malcolm. of Galt, spent the _ It.. t'1.Graduate of Royal College at Dental sur. t am prepared to take orders for all this week. All the children welcome. weekend at his ome here. • Dions MA the University of Toronto Office kinds of Fruit Trees.Small Fruits, Vernon Disoev and Ddiss Mioa Black We are please to see Mrs. Holtby teVale D. A. Scott's score. Claretsoat Ont, Ornamental Shrubs Bta, at were visiting on their entrance last out again, after her recent illness. - 9+ hours.9 a W. to a p. m., Saturdays: 9 a, lowest possible prices. week. As.to 1 P.w. rboae Clare 1". 471y A number of our people attended The ��i� (~�,rsA� - Special rates forlmle quantities. L Pegg's barn raising came off on Decoration Dry-cervices at Salem on G"age - Tbursday of last week. O. Ambou- SundaT _ L �ast�arws �a7Ely!• �tf burst is the builder. W,J. Brown. accompanied by Airs. Motor overhauling, top and side eur- N. J. Chapjmaaa PiCkensig Don't forget the garden party at Raney, paid a flying visit to his home fain repairio V. RICHARDSON— Real Ila Fred Gibson's some time arcuod the here on Saturday. Battery Service—Charging !' . tate. tnsia snee Cooseysocias, )weary loth last. Partiealare later A number of friends from Alba. add overhrulla PtsbYe,Etc.Pkarerfna,bat. 1117 HARDWOOD fl• Sim Fred W. Gibson took Florence cuurt, vWted Fred Fred and Mrs. All work guaranteed. Flat rate r9�W Mowbray and Noreen Welber down to Cassie on Saturday, service charge a FFj POSTILL. Licensed Auscla. im& FLOONIN G Toronto Conservatory of Music to try Robert Greig ham returned from the ..Phone 5610 Mark. Central. s. tae as a l kinds toes.af Osseo aa. _ rt mamas s11 ktala asasasiep to as rt,oesew their Elementary Pisco exams on June hospitah whose be was undergoing an &&dais Oras wvw P.0., out. 20th. Both little girlspa cad ver operation on his eyes which was very W. Es i8 E R ` 3 8 clear plain oak. $100 pr m, b m sucoessfully. Congratulations to bot successful. 1 B.HBA4'ON TOWNI98IPOLESB 3.8 No 1 clear " 85 " pupils and aeher. :tars. Linton's eoodltion continues � D. oar..yaaar, aammtroawtae aastq 38 clear birch, 84 very much the same. Her Macy $NTHRACITE ; atMasflss, ao...as... sea, lLoa.y ao less -C a■6ea_�eay.rsf, iasis oR asssMw tis• 3 8 Nu 1 clear " i7 a. s Flynn and Miss R to are vlmIt. friends sympathise with her. In her �a sorsa' wuNs.ta. Osra f-y serious lune.) Ge al Al I Sizes Beech and maple same price' Mr !Nrp. Madill and son. Colin, Mee. �AVID A. PUGS—Uva stock sac as birch Ing friends in Lindsay. Philip, and tie Misses Gerrard spent , ;.. tioneet. Graduate of C. M. Jona' Sobool. Will supply material only, or eup. Mrs. Lang. of St. Tbomas is visiting a few days last week with Mrs. Ma- CJraago. Lifetime espenence with pedtgseed 1 labor with material. Ger stater, Mts Alt Trimble. dill's sister at Keswick. $ 14.50 at pard Sock sad ri • ' na work, AU kinds.of sale• ply y attesdea to. Term.reasoaabk. Pbooe Quality guaranteed. The Cadets, uoder the direction of The regular monthly meeting of the �at. Iely Mr. Wall.are with us again. Brougham Ladies' Aid will be held at Or,delivered at NVhitevale, Greeny. = r Prices enbect to change - Mlee G. Pengelly"spent a few drays the home of Mrs. John Miller on Wed- River, Cherrywood or M. MAW. LICENSED AUC- _ withount notice. __ last week- with friends in Toronto.. eeaday, July, 8th,at 2.50 p, m, Every. TIONEER,for York.Qntario and DurAam" Brougham T? Casabas, All kinds of sales peomptJy attended . - ����� - .' The services ogthe Greenwood Cir- body welcome. .• , as Terms reasonable. Dates for sales may be . s cuit for the first Sunday in July will The Citizens' League and $'ire Co. asrasigted at NEWS'Offuv. 1pell and Ind epea • • be in the usual order. met to Temperance hall on Monday �5•DO per Lan ) . dant phones. Wbitby,Out. 9y a LUMBER YARD W. Backe sed W. pe and Mrs. eve ted The following officers were Powell. of Pickering, spent Sunday elected foe the taming year: Presi• ST. MARR'S CEMENT, FRES>� A REALwith George and Mrs. Green. dent. Luther Middleton; Secretary, 4 Mr_. and Mrs. Boyes and MF, and W. A.Knox.; Treasurer;F..Clssele. No. 1 Lumber, Hernlock -and CANNOT Db BETTER Mrs. Coughton, old neighbors of Jas, Pirie, Lath and R. C. xxx and Mrs, Raine, spent Sunday here. - _ No. 1 Robt. McNair . B A R G I The Greenwood Mission Circle will GREEN RIVER. Brand Shingles Install one of our Inst-Gas Oil Burners - 8 es 1 in your Range—Cheaper tbancoal hold a social evening on the church ,,, abundance of beat just when lawn.on Friday evening of this week. Pbon Yard?1100 Bet of l3olid Golden Oak Diners, y J Miss Ellie. of Oran evilte. is�isltin }Markham"" you want it. Per. WI1Itam Sadler and wife, of 8ami1- g- g Evenings lk ooneisting of 5 chairs and arm p _ ton,sod-Will Harris and wife,of To Mrs. Nighswmadee. • ,,; fact) sate. W. Aland Mars. Fuller irisited re- chair. Regular price $28,00, Santo, at Sunday with Mrs.�. A. SOIL FURNACE BURNER'$ �e y ceatly in Bowmaaville. y F A R E E S` � ti Sadler and family. now mlliag for$19.00. Instal in any furnace. No.Gas. The anniversary memorial services Miss Tens'and George (ire visited. F. s y get of Solid Golden Oak Diners, Heat controlled at any lidorit Bemired. at Salem were well attended last Sun- Mhome ea,of Brougham,ham, visited her QV.BT ��, p wistiaR of 6 chain mind arm Superior to any other form _ day and the addressee were very mueb g _ of beatin Mother. Mrs.Postiil,o;uotla� y hair. Regular. rice 25.00 ' ep�ib�• The thank-otle$1.1 was (been River's Sold da will likely be p $ W.J. GORDON'SCO ' , vary liberal, smouatiog W $110,, for held on-August 4th. hoticelater. p Pow going at=15.00. Church Street, which the trustees express tbelr grafi- Jlgents-Wanted 231y Pickering tudv. Bliss Femberstone,our genial teach• PIC"ke1'111 Oo display is our window. er.has lett for aummer"'vaeation. ; A. Shird is over from the Unittd ••• Flavo Bread States visitinghis sister. Mrs. Cowie. We sell Apex Records or Needles. Flotut CN ERRYWOOD. A large crod from 'Armadale pie. Any Apex Record 65 ets. - _ The game between Brooklin and, nicked at Wilson's Park on Alaturday and Marvel Cherrywood was w Hoz o>4200 needles, either medium Saturday attended last last. Saturday evening and as was antlelpa• Thos. Dixon has returned home af- CIO 4, or loud speaker, for 30 cts. ted the spectators witnessed an excit- ter visiting at--his old home and vicin- ing game It was well on in thesecond ity. Pastry Flour -Store //�� itt heli when flreenwood ee°red their Wm,and Mrs; Pugb. 'of Toronto,�, ' ��+/� 1 May be obtained from you Qrticer. ttecond goal,putting them o�up, fol' "visite with the former's parents on. `e r • • lowed short) afterwards b another Sunday. Brooklin Flour Mils the final result being 3 1 for the locals, Frank Pennock Jr.and Raiph Car- (Snece"or to C. H. Burlih8) The first balf of the game was clean ter spent Suadsy with Alfred Mates, Furniture Dealer and. _ CHAS. WILSON, Prop.. and'enappy.'eodiog with one goal of Cedar View. New 4loeation 1 Funeral Director. — Shortly after thg beginning of the see- Our football manager, Mr..Wbite,is n and half,one of the Brooklio players rejoicing how the boys turn out on Phone 1300 had to leave the field for the remainder practice nights. New Store ` ' of the game,a year-old Injury to'hls Our truck driver, F. Williams, re- ! - PYekeftg' Data ie It Pays to Attend knee being the cause' in this hie first porta a full week for live stook deliver- - Stock. to ��11 7 Isince, -The game still continued s to the stock yard. New c7 " BASK T The Very Best ! fust but near the endnpl becampe rough, ig way) is_greatly needed on our t t with one or two unpleasant eases and highway, First-class roads' to our ' arguments which made rather a nasty burg ie a necessity. Dillingha�n'e Block Baviag put-chased,the stook from LLIOTT ending to one of the best games of the The ladies of the village spent an the Estate of season. We are now tied for second enjoyable afternoon at the bows, of ' place in the league with Claremont, ,Mrs. Hornshaw on Wednesday' last W,,G. BARNES And the entire; with 11 points each. Our record for when the Ladies'Aid wets held. :• ing Street the first half of the schedule is as. fol- Our home team will meet Brooklio •iii'business -of JOS. W. DOTEN Corner Yonge and Alexander lows : Played 8, won 4. lost 1,drawn here on Saturday here at 8,,30 p. m. Amprepared to supply all sides Streets, Toronto. 3, scored 19 goals against 11. Besides for the first game of the last balf of from Berry Boxes to Three paying out$37. 00 for referees at$7:i0 wonderful excitement. Give the boys Call and, Bee Lig . and Half Bushel. Every graduate af- the per game we have cleared our expen- your support when at home. 3` sea which, owing to our being a new A large number motored to Picker PIC-, K. -ERING NEWS last fifteen months has Qi<e@II River Basket Works entry in the Association, were pretty ing on Saturday evening to witness Secured employment. heavy; goal poets, nets, field, entry the football game between Pickering m�7 - Phone Mark. 0409 fee and player's registration forms be- and Claremont. Our boys were not N E McE yr rJN Open all year. Enter ing a few of the larger items. We beg eq eus s coeasful at Goodwood on Thurs- t f FRANK PEN-NOCK now. Catalogue free. the kind indulgence of the PICKERI,.G dal evening. The wet weather made Ngct•a• we thank our supportets and the field and bail very wet for good Veterinary sII?g90ri r - k�a '-The Man that made the Barnes' W. J. Elliott, Principal congratulate ourselves"on our general I work. The score did not count for the success, aide of play as the boys work to win.Baaket." C: a,..Mr,-. - .,__ _�_ :W -w i.:• .. n:s�_..� �W _��� 1 ,.._. a_ taxc..-.s� rati^d�S...sars sic:._w i. �ast�aLs- �ts5..u.__ar .rr:�s�cws�x�la,ry fifes;x + .v) �, yi sa iw sG'Q?+ra - i1.. �„R.5_."'. .y�'��'1• '"FA.Sr" i 4 ,;�' yw. 16^•4, •'Y�Fir S�+.F� �,. • • ,3c, # H •:, ,d*'"' n ,�,.., .�.,c''. s-� >s '�";�� 7'^na'�,-�. :+c*�:rr^}o r,;�A • -,: rJ ....,,�„ �v. .•;. ,_. w.y.y.a,I a t� .�•'. <�4i;. amu' w:r..• w �.� ry AM ., , " 1\ � _ _ A Rolnaz;ce�f the Great Lakes tiind the-St. Lawrence Route F - .. h p ''' C ape Trinitr, one of the im ressive a 1 r 1. r - eau p on t to S guenaS• -- -;: -_ b ty.a ota 1 a Th@ ^— � ► _ r BOY ' . • +� • - •. � � �i •%- ',� ♦ ^`f .fly{ S ...y� Ml .•.. yrrs 1 " :It is good for Sconts to remind them- . :.. x. ,. •�� <�"� selves that they belong to au organ•isa• r .i ti '^,.t a •t tion which to world wide-a great In-! " v ternational Brotherhood. ' There are Aw two million scouts and each la a ''e a ar I :iKs �4: fi .i 'brother to every other'Scout. Even in i' .-some of the isolated isles of the seas s Scouts will.De found, fellows with the n - same games, fun, and Ideals as Cana• - �ARP ' •i , '-'tie w N ... :.lien Scouts. These thoughts were , conveyed to the Princeton 'Droop, ! :.< which in some ways, like many others in Ontario, is somewhat isolated, b: s 1 -recent visitor from Headquarters. The boys of thin Troop will in future do as 1 Sir Robert Baden-Powell says_every ' Scout should-chuck his chin well up, " I look the world in the face, and be s.s.•a acnay.onello . Caned■ atexmaom anded,lD bet t. f"r.)ea yrotid of tate organization to which he •fid BaDJenay (TyDs of wa»I commanded br Caot Dutoar 9Z. _ belongs. New Leaden. ti.t We are always looking around for i now capable men as boy Ie3dera, 6o � �pry,:>,!J�,��y' ,w ^'•�� � � y yur�h a a -- "that it was a real pleasure to interview a prospective Assistant Scoutmaster in Ingersoll whom !t is hoped will throw himself heart and soul in the Troop , g work there. This Troop is doing nice +l• ly under the Leadership of Scoutmaster 1045 • �icltd111an. I ,�,;.• Firs Prevention. A "SUNDAY BEST" FROCK AND • , ° C$Dt• J• T'• Dufour and Presentation _ s+ Tf I remember rightly three Scouts ONE FOR EVERY DAY. "_ Cioc�. In Woodstock have been recommended Nowadays a little girl's frock is =' " -.for medals, having succesafu-fly Passed Just a matter of two seems, a few When Captain Joseph Pierre Dufour,I - ;- S.B, Noronic, Canada Steamship Flag- as a boy of 15, signed befure the mast I ship on Great Lakes. (Type of vessel I, ventlon methods arranged by the Pro- commanded by Capt, I)ufcur�. , frocks of this type arc pictured here. on the old 5.9. Savoy• la the Great i � - b .. vincial Fire Marsball. . The Troop Is The daintiest one for a party is worn Lakes trade, he probably could not was wheesnnan on the Tacoma In ada Steamship Lines 'for the Eastern ,also very busy laying its plans for the by the larger girl. The pattern is all �._ !asst camp.yeL in one fess, with kimono aleevee, and foresee what tins years had in store 1911, second agate oa the t3 9• I]anna-; Passenger Division, rbc i+iM t was P for him. That was nineteen years ago cone and finally took his master's cer•' appointed Deputy Harbor Master of _ Reforestation. extensions at the sides which are and today we find him Deputy Harbor tificate at the age of 25 in 1916 on the i the port of Montreal, the official duties One of the Troops to 9l. ThooQaa hit partly gathered to the frock, the re- tisster of the Port of Moatrea!, the:, H. I- Packer. Since then lie was auc• of wbich he took up June i. fin that F..- -- upon quite a naw scheme In tree mainder hanging in cascades. A deep second port on the North American! cessively master of the Mapledenejdate he was presented with a ship's -planting• They obtained from the shaped collar finlshea the round neck continent . - ` Manola. India. Cape Trinity. Maple-!clock in honor of his-appointment and i bush numerous saplings and replant. and hangs gracefully over the shoul But those nineteen - years were'•dawn and Manoa, the latter on the services with the C.S.L. There wen gad them on vacant places is the town. der. The aimpieat of froclts to ! crowded with swift y moving Incidents Montreal:'ewfoundiand route. The'gathered to honor him at the head The owners gladly reeompeus•ed the ll achieved by omitting the collar and For the first two of them hw learned, long line of Canada Steamship mas-�oindes of the company, the General f boys who by this method raised over I side extensions. Sizes Q, 10, 12 and the stern discipline of chips and proved' tern+ was worthily-continued Ia. Cap- Manager, T. R. Enderby, who mad4 _ $30. The three Troops In St. Thomas 114 Years. Size 10 years requires 2% ifs mettle as worthy of the traditions! tain Dufour. ! the presentation. Lind most of the ex. - are doing excellent war k, sad two yards of 36-inch to 40-inch material. of the Great Lakes In 1910 he got its I From.the Manoa he was appointed; ecutives of.the company. _ ` mors will soon be organized. The re. Price 20 cents. promotion to mate on the S 8 Canada,:Assistant Super!nteudent_of the Can-1 - The rments illustrated in ours _- _ eeatiy formed Local Association !s` >� p for the hometdressmaler,andthe ar-I Sto I A Song for Faith. + aalculat�ed to bel the work very ma- new Fashion Book are advance styles Beaten Soul, and he•made up his mind To the Bea#tin out. - ear It. He menta dependab e for taste, Simplicity filling as engagement recently in New �right at the end t*o sentences`seemed Tter bywork inCubbin and Aylmer b buthwaa-left oldaand unto chedruntil Brother, tune yourself is key p t A famous i3^-otttah preacher was tui- To the music of the apherea y I Fork when th!s tac4deni occurre3. A- + 1 Life has song for heeding earn. - ' setting along splendidly. The Leaders sad econom will find her desires fol- to gr.p him Remember lou-can ai- filled in our atterns. Price of theI i 'Life has rhythmic harmony; + sure have a great time answering their p i prominent New York daily wee elver• wags hold on a little longer, You never j + book 10 cents the co Each co 1 Love is beating at Its heart, many questions, and is providing py PY I tiling the preacber'a sermon's, one of know wast la waiting for you round the games as an outlet for the uaboniMed includes one coupon good for live cents which was entitle+!: To the Beaten Life is one and you are part-- in the tarchaae of an sttern. next eoraer, These two seatencea l d Take your heritage tied be •energy possessed. One little fellow P y P Foul. The a nster'dellvered the ser-• saved him. Ha realized their truth ,` nearly struck the ceiling when giving HOW TO ORbER PATTERNS, �mots, but to his chagrin he felt that i Sharer in its treasure dtore, {{{ and "round the nest corner" he hadj his jump !a the"Grand Howl.' If he Write your name and address plain• to could not finish it the way he-had i discovered a chance to make life worth I All )on need !s here, and more; had succeeded there would undoubted. 17. giving number and 'size of ancb�int'ended,- Unde a curious con straint! while after all. Life basto�es abunCantly, ly have been soother howl patteizus as yon want Enclose 20c [tt t e added -two sentenced at the end,i It is such incident* that make us Silence ev'ry nate that jars: Stam 5 or coin (coin referred: wra feeling as if they were uite uazuit-.feel the truth of the tines• Llte is singing witdn the star' - Finarce. P P pj it carefully) for each uranber, and able. The sentences were these: "Re- There's a divinity that shapes our 'The Troop in Rldsetown seems to be Brother. look with seetng eyes ti an adept on* fa seist address your order to ?sttern Dept.,. sember yuu can always bold on a tit• ends, ag every oppoi� Wilson Publishing Co., '13 West Ada-' t: loaner: You never know what is' On the world. fns 1t LS fair: Rough hew them,how we wiIi, ¢ tunity for creating funds with whiah Beauty reets you everywhere; "'to carry on operations. Sometimes by Lide St., Toronto. Patterns .sent M waiting for you round ti;e next cos• 1 -`�-- VWon finds a glad surprise: -collecting waste paper. ,then disused return mail. T ner." _ Bismuth was reported for the first, Where the blind tuuat fall to trace , a bulbs. Or by a booth on Fair day, sad w A few days !slur he received a tet• time in Canada's mineral production Hue of ci;arm and.line of grace, y ter from a man who had heard the +ser- for 1924. This metal" r.cc•ugrs iii the.Only be is ttvly wide M the latest Is an arrangement whereby Was Probabl Ktcited Out they have secured the !callus booth F'armer's Wife-"D'yer hear light man. The man sold that at the time si:ver-cobalt ores in-small uantities,- +aa the Race grounds. They ars now nin' struck I31 Johnsons silo, jumped!ha thought he had fini3hed with tile,I and in th�trTxectment it is allowed to: ��'ho in all Li[e's wonderment .silently pmying that the race day shall to the barn and ran in wbero there'because he felt that life hal finished build up in the lead and silver bu-ion Seca that sued is the intent -, , lie shall conquer, he shall rise ' be the bottest ever and they are afire a wns wiz mules!" with him; he had decided to commit. until it reaches a marketable percent- Far above the mist that bides record sale;of drinks, pop, and hot Farmer-"Ter don't day! Dyer °uicide. Oa the `morning of his de- age, Shipments of thi3 metal report-� Love w•hirh tht•n al! change abidea! dopa will be done by them. A Scout hear what happened to the ilghtnin'I cision, however, he had seen the ad- ed for 1924 amounted to 1`_',863 pounds: r vertisement of the sermon, To the, valued at 16.079. " As wide awake, alert always, and these then.' � � Brother, swing yourself in line -fellows in Rldtetoivu are that every With time. - -- ---- - -- -- -- -—- -- _ _.....- - - - - - Get in lst P and keep the pace; Blenheim ta' also `concerned, With "ADAIV�SQ�t'S ADv R�S--$ Q. JacobttaCal. 5 :` .Be-not slow.to see the sign -finances but hope to mise what they Y Of the fast approaching day 'require in another way. IL y proposed When the Right shall have full away; to 1 put on a Scoutgram Campaign To the ground your ear incline, " which is hoped will give good publicity Hear the steady, treasured beat 'to Scouting as well as provide funds _ OL s myriad marching feet 'jHthout the boys having to employ the _� Cl4mbing_up..the steeps which. shine diataatetnl art of begging. in fact i, - Vti ich the glory of a dawn Scouts are not allowed to beg. Bien have longed to look upon! A New Troop. i�� -S. J. Duncan-Clark in "Success." 'fisc first Leamington Troop has-now d been chartered and a recent visitor I �- p was delighted to find every boy In unt- foray,' while the whole group' showed 1 1• - I ``�\�C'-�_ \ ��\" '' _ evidence of having received good early training. Assistant Scoutmaster Craig 1 deserves much praise and it to hoped that plenty of real help will be afforded him in the•work. We are hoping that I 1 - No. 2 Troop will not delay Its appear- encs t.o k>n ' Baseball ._ ' Baseball has its attractions for the i! _ "boy, we all know, therefore it is very i - - .,encouragtng to be, able to-register at i a -Troop meeting practically every i '.�. i - _ Cruet Dad. -,rr Scout right on time in spite of a.tas- Her Dc l-"How do you eYpec:io sup- A` einating game being. played near by. /.1 pert my daughter o a paltry hundred n This happened at Dutton. It's just an- -. a month? It won't pay your board.' other evidence that where Scouting 18 `l•�a� t a Algie- "Oh-aw-I say r-ow--yup l really done nothing is more attractive 1 t aren't going to charge us board, are than it. The Scoutmaster and the r i - t - yuu, s boys of Dutton have every reason to r be proud of the Troop and the writer S� The total stand of timber in Canada Spent a ��ry happy evening with lista. is estimated to comprise 482,000 mil. They were a little over confident in - lion feet board measure of saw ma- h i Kelly's game, irhittb quickly sorted ` tenial, and 1,280 million rorde of pulp- 1i 'them out, but throughout they ooar �i . I - wood, fuelwood, posts, etc., a total of 7" ducted themselves as res!good Soosts ` ' r 248,826 million cubic feet Of this, --fellows who are striving to live tip to t+ i 108,946 million cubic feet is in the y3 the Scout Law. • -'''' Eastern provinces, 58,423 million to the Prairie Provinces, ai'td 81,657 mil • "�•�"-" _ '� -' _ - • lion in British Cohmhia; but British !Lein has recently fallen in yarn -- Columbia has 70 per cent of the,saw r of South America for thr Aral i I - material in this Domanion t - gine 16$1. -- -- ) 'a..�i}z •���:�n?«:..s:..,:�.�;x._..?!�3;_..-... ._,.,,.,,,_,: .. '.._ '..-. _. ...s-.. .---. .... _.. .... . r,..... _.. ._.. .�-.. _. ,. ...Y.,_:...::r �'f,c,"bY�h°u'=�#��.�:`•�mr��C.•:�m�,d.r't � � �� a. �ik�,• !'l _. r ' �t ,�,IIN d�J' '�:b. kT .�"4rv. i 1, .a, ,i'yf'w.` b '.Nf ,'� •..�.' 4,y, x���+*".��� i ^�k�� ! 1,4 ?9 �• r��� ;x��a��• a 4' +,l'ea ate`E"cl.� r .� :, +' 'fit, ?++, ed.. �j!f r `' ore ,:i���..'-,... + ..�ty .'� .. .. ,, , y. '.. „�.,,A,'n ::.... �.,,... .,t. .w... .,fir ..rG•"." '�`� N.�,:6... �"� :6�',," i•.. < •t v. -e'-•:..-�1+L4', .. •� R"�n.M. •I'•--IT �A.. - .n. •ws,I�' -tel^' -i,-Iw r'V.�.` .�5�''h'.1�,'.' ,. - AiFJT, " "' - -.f :}. .- �.,r,.,., •. .,�,.. ' ,;•+•.....a'rlt"._ ...;. ,.:;... ,wv,...,,- .l+ :.L. •,.f„S,y:,. a,.. s,� "•.,-_.. «n.a fy ."•s i r>...., `1,`w., - • _ - � w r !r t ' !`OMACH TROUBLE - - a r FARM BOYS i YOUR OPPORTUNTTYI THIN BLOOD {y w y u r DO Not Let It Pisa ' u + �i�i'1 ?Q 1 Ff�ry i N g •ti• The Ontario Agricultural College offers you an .education-that will fit VE iii IYY laA, VV •, ,, x a you for practical up-to-date business farming or ptofesala,pal life. {tn education to a farmer is a clic time gift. The years of youth aro afiort. " �[t Usually Diss, ears When the � come to the O.A.C. on September iath. ,win y pp Tuition fee for the first year only S20. Board and room only tfa.se per week. 700-acre farm, fine live stook, modern, well-equipped buildings, . . :Blood is Made Rich and Red. • living conditions the beat. Thin blood la one of the most eom= y .." ::: Write for College calendar, descriptive of all science and practical A `mon causes,of.stomach trouble.; It at• k courses. :. •" ' J. BB: REYNOLSD, M.A. A. M. PORTER, B.S.A. �sIY. tecta"the digestion very quickly. The ..fY President Reylstrar. ' glands that furnish the digestive fluids ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE are diminished intheir activiti, the GUELPH ONTARIO stomach muscles are weakened and there is a loss of nerve force. In this " state of health, .nothing will' more --Classified Lesson from the Hebrew.. ( Advertiaernents %uickly restore the appetite, digestion - ' I MALE& OF and normal hatrition than good, rich, • ORGANIZER, WANTED. l�^ J r" -red blood. { A man of'high character,but ordia- Anpz FlsvoalNO sxrascr noret y '' L out. direct to b9in", xer aua bright .na Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills act.directly ary education was addressing groom- man or Imman u salo orsaalter ip ee.:h mw . on the blood, making It rich and red, s M. ful of.school children, and he said to Light Party ria nsily mate ass. we Craig flew and this enriched blood strengthens Dent n, Messrs. Fa1L OaL : them: "All of you know the verb which weak nerves, stimulates tired Mae- { kti , --says, 'I am, thau art, he 3e'; and all of snuffs-sloo, fxoo xo : aerrl cies and awakens to atAlmal activity :M you know that verba 1s, English, A Ua-waab, "ash.. elotbes Whit rcu r,.s r « Y au rubbin4 or boulaa ralulr0d; end 15c for.30 feat- "^w the glands that supply the digestive French, German, Italian and Latta run ox weahtas.. U. at.auracn,rio,i co,, eeult stn $uids. This is shown b an improved EMINENT CAMA13tANS-H9N9RE-0 - I'""- oaa x y P in that way; I love, thou' lowest, 'ha appetite, and soon the efte of these Edward Wentworth Beatty: one of the distinguished graduates of the I ; or I walk, thou walkest, he WHY BE LONELY? �. •blood oarlching pills is evident University wf Toronto, was among those who received honorary degrees at walks. But do you know that that to ' throughout' [he whole cysts You the annual convocation recently.' He received the degree of Doctor of Laws a very bad way for a verb to run? Do Many' a happy friendship has flees a " •glad that.what.you eat does not;dis- (LJ,•D.). - Another to be honored was Charles Edward Saunders, the din- formed through our .Correspondence t you know that. the aid Hebrew people trees you:,and that you are vis oua stampBureau. Let. ti introduce you. Bend coverer of "Marquis" wheat. He received the degree of Doctor of Science arranged their verbs ibe ot_�,r way stamp for particulars. Strictly conft• �;• instead of irritable and .listless. -4 �• " • Your appetite is fickle, if you have any (D.Sc.). In the shave photograph E. W. Beatty is at the lett in the round: IIs tor, thou art, I tm. dential. 71 MacKay Ave., Toronto. regalia of his new degree, while C. E. Saunders is on the right in the robes Then he added: "Thatis the way to of the distressing pains and symptoms of his degree. SSOng.look ori We. Say to yourself, looking " -of Indigestion, you should -at once - • - • up to dad, 'He is'; then look at your .•. take Dr,'Williams' Pink Pills and proHi — --- - neighbor .and say, 'You are'; last of Take me and bind me, grief. 'by the better condition to iphlch they Gates. F.,,+, // all think_of yourself and say, 'I am.' And goad my heart with fears; will put your blood. First God, then your neighbor, then Quench every little flame of goy , Ob. I think they muse and mourn, With tears. ? These pills are sold by all dealers yourself. That is the way to think and - And tremble at my touch- !n, medicine, or you can get them by i- to live." The old gates are solemn [hinge, QI One who heard this story was so Try each keen way you know, mall at BO cents a boa from The Dr. For they remember much-, " Us every subtle art hViitlama' Medicine Co., Brockville, struck by the thoaght that he could its t'Jnt_ not rest until be found a Hebrew You cannot kill the song within t , The little hands that opened the My heart! . �/ scholar able to tell him whether it real- ' The Thom Driver. ` And little feet at play- true,ly was that Hebrew verba are -John Richard MoreLad. � The sad bearts that went throughs!;w With the disappearance of the horse- them � conjugated In this way. He sought out -i--- � drawn omnibus, writes fir, W. Pett Forever, far away: a scholar and put his question. "Yea," The importation of copies of the Ridgein much of the gayety of the Would More Likely Be Pulled." 6 said the scholar, "the Hebrew verb Bible in-to Soviet Russia is still pro- London streets has-undoubtedly gone. Down-arid-Outer--"If tt weren't for'13 conjugated as you say. Why do hibited. Yi The hot tears th&t-fell on thew z The motorman wears the lank of a the undacerved misfortunes of me lige,i you ask?" So the other told him what I inti The handclasp through Ilse bare, bltosopber; certainly he has, at In- The 1'd be riding fa me carriage still, my the man IIad said to the echnol child-' ahrtg life asahe9f�nds tt reputation of anyhow be Beneath he wistful friCnYeeling Quy--"Fes. but who'd 'renGoor heavens!" exclaimed the T` I'�-- quests, has uo chance of paying attention to Silent loves of other days push you now?" !scvholar with radiant face. "I have Pit remarks aimed at him by those who OF speak to them as such, a been studying Hebrew forty years, and de Q ouiy just escape collision with his con- Grasshoppers as Food. never once has !t occurred to cane that 'a S w{ For old gates are mournful things � g Hebrew verbs have that wonderful and vey&ace And they remember much. Everyone knows that Gats, eat(-h- whowasC1 ti For my&e'f i do not miss the-con- -;V. D, Gough.t beautiful stgalflcance." "5�q"•' ii For of the old omnibus driver and grasshoppers and eat them with great ; He sat for some moments saying, l j relish, though housewives will tell you .. .; wf his.colleagues The conductor often He la, thou art, I am. How beautiful. (�� that they grow thin os, that diet. Fabre, bad a ,grievance against'a ticket In BABY'S Ti'1iJL I Yes: to be sure: He 1s• you are, i am. _! the taraous naturalist, believes that ,. Spector or a member of his wife's Wonderful, wonderful grasshoppers and aimtlar -insects ;1.. gamily or the deportment o4 a pasaen• i� would be palatable food for human be- ger } O!� Wlidoffi.Brom Victoria, and he never tailed�ALWAYS ill ME HOS' p tnge too„and 'in one of his books, says a •to tell me all about it. They were Is, aced earnings invariably bring \dr. Percy F Bicknell, be quoted with i � 'both for one thing legal advtsers; 1 Increased yearnings 4 Once a mot -has used Bab7's Own approval this passage from General :never better pleased than when some i i The nearer you gel to some people ex—Tablets for her little ones she always; DSU mas's book. The Great Desert, spice point was submitted, and always i the smaller they seem. Y, first th f d b l keeps a supply on an , or e rst pialning in a footnote that the grams- - - ready to give counsel's opinion. I .do( 'those why people possess self ro- e trial convinces her there tir nothing to;hopper (sauterelle) referred to is more not Iike to think of what happened In f spect are never really poor, i - equal them In keeping children well exactly the cricket. which must not be eases where their advice was followed. T'he man who_ Is always beat vs, The Tablets are a mild but thorough' confused with the true grasshopper: The laws regarding landlord and ten- pleasure gets broken very soosr. ` z t Iaxative which regulate the bowels "The grasshopper Is good eating ! t - 1 ant had for-them do secrets. Sweeping assertions raise clouds o[ _ + "You sue him,” they would generally !ng out.constipation and indtgeatioa,; Crash or pickled, it is eaten after the misunderstandings. 3 and awesten the stomach, thus driv- both for nen and for Camels. Either , say; "that's a1T you've got to do; cue colds _and-simple fevers, and making feet, the Wings and the head have been I Those who always depend os, lack - him. Or else jolly well lock him up. ' soon have nothing else to depend IIi's teething easier. Conceraing them,' removed or stew-the rest is broiled iltag which, your best and wisestwill on- Fres (j•o��t]-,�' Skin- plan Balance>?elletler. 9t Dumas. Que.,! ed and served up !n.the form of meat I j j� j fir,$ �ll�I(L plan will be to sash his face In!" writes':-•'I have used Baby'4 Own balls. Atter being dried in the sun it The mean person, who always saves e Is, a lesser degree they were medical for a rainy day. seems to expect a Tablets for the past ton years and am to ground to powder, which may be By (',Q# a 1 _ Mdvlsera and political experts with in- flood. gide knowledge of both subjects dented never without them to the hoose. They ,tarred into milk or made into dough Nobody loses an by politeness, 3 , have always given the greatest satin- and then fried in fat or butter with ; It. Daily use o: Cuticura Soap, - I to ordinary folk Though they were taction and I, can gladly recommend' salt. i but many people seem to risk with Loathes of Cuticut�a Dint- iLlways ready to give the ben inform&- 4 When a man flatters himself that he men; when of aired, «iii do ? , them to all mothers of little ones."i "Camels greatly like to eat grain- �.tion they possessed. there were mo- The Tablets are oro; understands a woman he flatters him- much to vent pore-clogging, menta when their patience was sub d by medicine i.hopper.&, which are served to them I self. � 6' . dealers or direct by mail at 23 cents either dried or�afte'r being roasted in a i bfackhewds,pimples,roughness K e glad other unwholesome condi- iected to. unfair tr$aln, Two Amer!- a box from The Dr. Williams' Med! heap in a large hole between two � Coleman glacier, at.the head of N' .oan women coming on top at Trafalgar cine Co„ Brockville, Ort. (layers of life coal&. The Negroes also!Sm ky river northeast of Mt. Robson,� Dtions theakin' M •Square fired half a dozes questions at _.__� - seat them cooked in that way, Js,& r Par Alberta, is situated In a their driver before the omnibus start- I• , ZI 'Tbe Virgin Mary,haying asked God 'part of the Rockies renowned for its cat.�a lDd• ► C iliak i5a. +;j - - •' for some meat that should have no'scenic. beauty. The lacier is Warned .: . �► "Look here, ladles," he said,.sending� '�' y' g - � - 'blood, He sent her some grasshoppers. after Dr. A. P. Coleman, F.R.S., Pro- his horses up the hill. "That's the y ( "The wives-of the prophets, when feasor of Geology in the University -.,.,..Statue of Nelson os, the lett; St. afar- •F °'' anyone Bent them a preset of grans- of Toronto, who traversed thip region PINS I N BACK -tin's Ohutich is here on the right; hoppers, always shared them with the in. 1907 and 1908. further on we pass by the Garrick 6 other women. - Theatre, and Wyndham's, the back en- trance to the "The Calif Omar, one day when he Alhambra and the front grass- AND S of the Hippodrome; a bit higher' up, If wan naked whether the use ofe all goes well, the Palace, and farther hoppers for food was permitted, re. DOCTOR 'i piled: 'I should like to have a basket- on unless you're suffering from a Cul of them to eat.' T H U NAr i nasty cold, you'll tell when we go by "From all � this teatimonit>a clearly � ���� ��aa � Td�[�i!$ Ljd1 E. Crosse a Blackwell's. Halfway up evident that by the grace of God grass. - a-snk aasssra Vegetable 'Tottenham Court Road we&ball see by TM' 61 ns of Culture.. hoppers were given to man for food." HERBALIST abs 'elp of Providence-'�Whitelield's - _ 1i _ C01npOtiIId Tabernacle and not much then Lill we First Castaway-"Yep, this island's - ' Keep Minard's Ltniment In the Nouse. For RemovingTonsils and + 5` get to the Cobden Statue. Higher up inhabited, all right. Just saw four :are the Britannia and the Adelaide, white-toren, all drank." Adenoids Or any fouls OP Fusilier, Saak.-"For two or three -where we atop and go no further.And," The Other One- "Thank Heaven! Revenues from the Forests. Goitre -without Operation days every so often I would,have such w with a flick of the whip, "this In the We're'In a civilized country."- Over eighty per cent. of the timber ee call to SDr. Thum. gams is my back and sides that I could :bun, and them's the 'orses,and I'm the _ s land In .Canada is owned by the Do- not do anything-could not even lie '' poor blooming driver, and I've gSrt tin- sa�tlelll the Daj/ipriln� of minion or provincial governments, aid Main Office and Laboratory �Bp��' and my bead ached, too. • » the timber is disposed of almost en- 426 Queen St.W. Toronto was this way about three y but. - -_ ". Wed lobster for supper, and now you Courage. wu worse after I was matried�wan - know pretty nigh an much about it a Urely under licenses to cut over de- Tel. Trinity 9771 on a farm with not a house nearer than as what I do!" As a man's footsteps In the dew of Butte areas for which an annual five miles and there was not a�person to the morning are the labors of the grotind rent and a royalty on the Lim- Branches: 2206 queen 8t. East. me,as my folks live in Mwdtoba. minor artist; but It he challenge surerWNT her cut is charged. These licenses are, Cor. LeLty Ave., Tel. Gladstone My_ �s�ister-m-law told me about Lydia - E WACHURNING' feet and greater strength to pursue his for the most part renewable annually, 0409; M Danforth Ave., Tel. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and _ quest before the dews are dried and the governments reserving the right to Gerrard TY76. Call or writs. [told me to it I took her advice and <,<: :• have been thankful for it ever since. k"i his passing forgotten, then he aisa hasi . alter the rates of rental or royalty and After tall-ing the medicine for three �r •, played a part. The masters flash to Impose such regulations as are I months I can say it has helped me a lot Y +► lightning through our clouds of human deemed expedient. The direct revenue f and I am dolsg fine. I am glad to rec- CREAM passion, ignorance and error, or hang cp ommend the Vegetable Compound to to the federal and provincial govern- E ET ACHE ? -we supply cans an'l rainbows of promise upon thetr gloom; others and o6 may publish trig testi- : a p&y express menta from the forests amounts to •+-_ y a °- •M but for us of.the rank and file, It is monial. lire.HELLrN$ALANOFF,Fuei r- ebarges. We pay dally by express about $12,000,000 annually, of which Rub them well with bier, Saskatchewan. z enough that we make happy such as money orders, which can be, cashed about $4,500,000 to-spent in protection Minard'a and know what i Often some ell ht trouble will cause a have heard only of happiness and g anywhere without.any Charge, and administration. real toot comfort means. general upset of the system. Such waken the dayspring of courage..is, t To obtain the tap price. Creafearful hearts; it !a enough it we _ symptoms as nervousness,painful times, m Must betaine from end Savors and kindle one vats; mist with a gleam of Mount Canning is situated on the irregularity, backache and headache contain not less than i0 per cent. beauty or pour some few pure drops International boundary between Brit- indicate some form of female weakness. iluttor- fah Columbia and Alaska, let. 69 deg:, • Women so botheredatioald give Lydia FaL of hope into the thirsty and percipient long. 135 deg. and reaches a hgight E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a Bowes (Ai>OF/a>F1� Litaiited soul.-Eden Pblllpotts in "Children." I trial. This dependable medicine has _ of 8,927 feet It was named after the a o f >?e u �- Right Aon. Geo. Canning, British helped thousands of women and it is . Toronto Stockings ornamented with clocks B S, reasonable to expect that it will help . that have a phosphorescent grow in,a Secretary of State for Foreign Af- yyon� . Trp it today. Your drug]f d sells ror references-Head Oince, 'I uronto, dim light are a now fad in Paris. fairs, 1822. who carried �n British ne- this mstid�cine. 0 Sana of Montreal or yo tr local banker. 1rotiations with Russia regarding the •iM'' AU"blshed-for over thirty reals, For Every 111=Mlnare•a Liniment Alaskan boundary. 189UE No. 27-'26. ,5 �w ._ t..h g:..1:.!�eii �;.,_..,r•.. ..n„�._.�:.�.:.,e+.:y.s._._.as:_-. �_.,r..,;.,,.,„•.::'.,...t-,..?:,..�.�A.e_;.. --. -_"% -s,.....,.... .,.......... .-.... ..,.c..,,.'`-F3,...�..!*.....,_.,/.5..:,f+a.c.re,:..�..'�xw!r:n2N�' ..:bwua,.a,.�a.Fu°,w`:'..,S. r ,x,i<ti lir�� .+r''.:'n•���no' - 1N r yS,y i`"k.�'*., o'"•P` r a'w 5 .r. ,' bn;+. +r''�ix..ti* .�a,• �.'.� Oq;'TRW •I. •n r r ,.; ,;;. .� .. ..q��� :dt e•' '.F•.. ;'jyv.. .'�v`"!z`. �.•-, # r' `+, ri,: r.r' �, e y,, " ^V s- '_+ .p. :4 t15P ass :lw .mn �, vM k Qw?� yy t+�' Er C .It'Wl. '•'. . �x'S'ti. �N #>w. .�^wYt 'S:?✓ 1'.' '.:.A_ ,:.v: ',pa' .:J$' „-,�ir'.xw:�. .,"�•.......^� ,.73 >r.�'•>y.. '�,., +' v,+r r-�, n ..,;, .fie-. .�.�:•. .��'.. t•:,: • "l J h� iu lrx c >c n� Tarwnsbf ria `P c ermg ; ' tiR l C H. ARD . S O 'fAi S a f11. P of Picke TMLeather Goods Storo 1 . . ._ . • T �3ZS -*Lib p€r year,; 41.50 if paid in'advaace• Sealed Tender plainly marked as to - _ _.. _ �.__ - subscr+ption• ro the United state, and creat Contents. will be received by the un- "HaRNE98 NEW POTATOES PER PECK 60c. Britain$2.00 in advance. dersigped, up till b o'clock p, m,on Our suppl^f quality Harness and Friday. July the loth, 1986, for the Parts is now complete. f4H�1 MURKAR Pro rietOr. aonetructiou of the following strut- °Ripe Tomatoes, 20 eta Ib Fresh Strawberries, i P turee : $OUTS-G1REB BADE Oranges, 50 rte doz Market price . Reinforced concrete bridge, span We havg a large stock of this Fsdieua E0 eta doz i New Cabbage, lA ebe NOTES AND COMMENTS. 10 feet, Lot 30-31,Con.2. Boot on hand-unbeatable Bananas, 2. Reinforced concrete Beam Bridge; for hard wear and tear. An optimtsti.c tone prevails span 28 feet, Lot 30 3l, Con 9. REPAIRING -•: Ol�arigeade, makes 16 glasses, •15 cts. S. Reinforced concrete Culvert,span 8 ,:'throughout,the whole Dominion feet, on towaline between i the We maintain our established repute- in regard to the crop outlook.—At Townships of Pickering and Uz- tion far repairing all kinds of .'.-Queen Olive 25 to 50 eta Clark's Pork ~'r ' the annual'convention of the Cana- .bridge. haapees and boots.. i e' 18 eta and Beane, 20 ete Plansand specifications may be seen CECIL BRA�LE ' I�'p°r`'� Sardines. than Weekly'Teas pare Asssocl- p Ayltneir,Soups, 2 for 25 eta banned Pineapple, - ' 26 ate. y• pa and all information may be obtained Ation�held at Winnipeg last week, at the offices of the undersigned. _, Harness maker, The lowest or any tender not nec• • .aaetnbere were present from every cesisarlly accepted. PICSERING, ONTARIO LaVOhne, tie >iZeW 'Cleaner, 15 - eta. ,province in the Dominion, as well Dorms g,BsATox. ' as from New Brunswick', and from Tp. Clerk. Whttevale,Out. TO CALL— • "BuYour Groceries at the Grocer e. ,every quarter came repirts of 'D. J. KiaN, y \•' bright prospects of an abundant Engineer.Whitby, Out. _ harvest. Never before,, at this ��TT T ,� �•. POLIOE !' 'R` `� .,.time of:the year, did the crops F E N C 1 Vr EMERGEI\CY CALL— -- Jook better than they are .this We are prepared to build and sell all •"year. Of course a bumper Crop etylesof lawn. chicken wire and stock Searboru 59 ring 3 r Store ie not yet assured,' as they may fences at reasonable prices. Bell 'honePickeringy Hardwal a yet be ruined or badly injured by It will pay you to consult us before $ail, frost, dronght or some other purchasing, Ind. Malvern 609 cause, but so far the outlook is We also have for sale Asphalts i ' Ready Roofing and .WM. CHESTER, w2ost hopeful. For the past few Bale Wire ` the farmers of the North 43 County Constable -Now is the time to get your Screen Doors, Window Screens 7ears (CEO. FARLEY.k SON.Brock Road; and Wire Cloth. Be protected from the flies. Went provinces have had very �� Pickering R. R. 1 moot crape and it is earnestly Phone Pick, I?OB This is just the place to get an Oil Stove for the hot weather. . shoped that this year they will be We have the New Perfection, Clark Jewel. Florence. :able to get on their feet kgain, All nr refunded. tion # guaranteed to give satisfaction crops. Coal, -foal s o y•with the aid of gac►d cru The or yo monsVmsperity of the whole Dominion _ �, ITK A Hamalocke from $2.23 up-Call and see them. -depends to a great extent on the �URPOS� R%ke - ,,mo�oo aperity of the west, w•bieb has Hard and Soft Poal of the; A foil line of Barden Tools. Forks, iridg,s. Hose, Lawn Mowers, L �Imeome one of the ¢rent granaries beat quality on neva 8pr�yere of all kinds, etc. V of the world. and as the years go hand ' ' by and as the country becomes ,Agent for McCormick—Deering Farm Machinery/ •aa"re settled its importance will THOS. A. LAW, l and Repairs. v ;.*row proportionately. onne - . 1=1CXarLnff. 'Cont. from N bread n made ? Vrotm present appearances the from W ediententflour F !9a - - • sad all ingredientsacro - . • '�► `tfiel problem may become a serious The P1t;kehng ingly. BrowuAread the +question to the people of Ontario rovhule ,r heat, and stone �. '. � ,j.. Ni PICK RING ° durinx the corning winter. One V Iaxce ComrMttee {;round. Cakes and pastry %-cause of the anxiety is the report i�f the Brest -luality, fresh - --- ---- -.- -- -- -- leggs and pure jams, lee ,-that there is likely to be a strike _ cream in Sngdaes. as among the miners in the autbra- The object of this Association is to Sod lessen stealin and prosecute o bly �� land Bricks. Wedding _. -cite coal regions of Pennsylvania, theeloaa !Cakes our specialty. ar° The NIOSt r¢rom which residents of our pro- -wince seeure the bulk of their fuel, Ka mbwe h.+intl Proptrt Mr►l'°°°mm°°il ' y 1 ' Liquid Investment -i - _:sand another reason is the possi eau ®adialaly ni mambos s ,o w 4vility that we may not be able to of Ezaaotira 00saw,Hes• SAVIN�B Sank account is prim. !/ambarsbi too S1A0. fJ ,^+ A Aril an investment. Blit it is +secure Alberta coed, as thecrAiciala D R,,M� ° .Tial:eta®av e.bad lreao cna prgtddaat a; • l y ' • s...ary ooaDpu«Mwa. the only taveat�isgnt yipldinsl A fair i -of the Canadian National have `. rata of interest, that is available for a,ref>ssed to carry out their promise Ezoc. f3om.-L. D. Banks,C.8.Palm. t. i your nee at a moment's notice. Em. I . •of supplying Ontario with a ter- or, M. 9.Chapman. Pinkeriag. { 'HONE O�i ergpociecran be immediately met by - " ,train naafis of coal which. it � ►+�+"••i'9:1�! the bank arrottiat that has been eon- ­"a y D.-Munroi Jas. Richardson. n.,..... B' y6 sistently developed. Your invest• • .4was hoped, would relieve us from esseid•ai s"reawy Dlli�ns�i>1n� meat. as such, yields regular returns *worry over the feel question. in interest. Your investmAnt as a Thle report, we underetaod, has bank Band pecjt yields inn i x t fAc , •been denied by Bir Hediry Thorn. �'Dc faction and peace of mind in the fact • .ton. who says that they will fulfil Denosfts ii.Hi1.7 that it is athe t ready [or other nd O� IyMafl ries w ithuat the trouble of convert- - . stheir gromise to move ,G00 tone inR into cash. •- . rse a trial order to find out if it -can be carried at a rete that will HOSE who find it more convenient to T>^sa . make Ontario independent of the do their banking by mail, will find that 'BANK ` Moited States. Alberta coal has the co-operative services of this Bank meet STANDARD 'the reputation' of being of excel- all requirements. Write our nearest branch OF CANADA. lent quality and evidently it will. today and arrange to do your banking by APiCKpRING BRANCH-AM. F. Law, Manager Abe the solution of evidently vasitis / maiI. You will save the trouble of frequent Branches alae at areelrnr., went HW. Whitby ' :problem so far as this province is trips to town. concerned. -The coal fields of the wtestern province is anlituited in - - 7a1`1S Subscribe four The Pickering News r ,extent and the only difficulty to •'b't surmounted is that of trans- „portation, _ _ mom� Jioliday Lands Near the Water Wli['l�Y B T : • . Ca, P. LXNDI, f6oa� ^� - �: ..: � .,, E G CROSS, M+n>g.r• • "QUALITY - SERVICE - 5ATISFAGTtO�l1�" . "Holidayo are more enjoyable when •��,-,-,�Mme. .�, ,....�..+� ' =•spent near the water. Ontario hae a - .- - wide choice of beautiful lakelandsfrom - g: which you may choose a healthy in Weather- Fire- experience piece for your vacation. PICKERING�.-` The Rideau Lekesin Eastern Ontario �OOf Ti$tht `,.-+offer splendid camping and flehinir. 'a The beautiful resorts of the Muskoka AT M Rk. ET,1[wke+e, Lake of Bays,Aawertha>;akeA, ME it Algonquin Park, 30.000 islands of the • Georgian Bay. and Tirnagami in:Cet.- _ .... 1 " -teal Ontario or Nipigon and Queticu - ' 'Park in Northwestern port of tE a Rotund Boast or Steak, ... �.. ZOt per Ib -,Province! will provide .you with a , .. 'Lightning Durable �. never.to-be-forgotten holiday. A great Surloin Roast or Steak, • r00 _ -diversity of amusements are afforded Porterhouse Roast or Steak, ,••," ` .. ,,6 'in the various districts, including fine Ramp Mast,_ _ Aching. - ... We Ask. any Canadian National Rail- Fine Rib Roast, ... .. wa s Agent -for Illustrated booklets Heavy Rib Roast, 16e �• - y , EASTLAK .find full information regarding routes, Shoulder Roast. •• .•. ... 14 And 1Kc ;lrstee or!arae to any of these resoi ts. 14c " 'METALLIC� SHINGLES WLZ - .. - _ Brisket, to bail, ..: .' .:. .. 9c _ 1araess Boots. Repaired ... , .' • . For 40 years the most reliable Roofing for sloping ,. Leg of Pork,.-.. ' Loin of Pork, �... ...' 26e - ,goofs of every~description�. Now bei. made from tll►e.: , 11•Iow Is the time to get your old Zpc,23c '� world-famous Queen s Head Galvanl$zed Iron. Abeo- Shouldet Roast of Pork, harness and beets repaired ' - t a the market o-day. at a price that will .Pork Chops, .: best roofing pre Corrugated Iron . • ` Estimates gladly given also oro"Em t rrut ted � 1u sly th suit you. a Pure Pork Sausage, ... ... .. " or new or repair work. 25c =:They will wear like new, �'p'ineet Salt Pork,... , ... buildings epai _• _ y 25c � f 35c . " �T'HOMAS �YATSON ..-Finest Breakfast Bacon', piece, .• Get my figures for alterations or remodelling of Barns,' t .r _. „ ,. sliced, ... - _. and mple- „ went Sheds a specialty. ` Sac Houses, etc... Empire" Plsutdc Frame s PICKERING, ONT. Mild Cured Cottage Rolls(half or whole), 30c v'rte' ,. Back Bacon, . . 45e - - E P I C K E R I N G . Farmers, Attention •Cooked Ham,.• 55c '' ,� PROUS r - 25e Weiners,-• .. GUILDER RM • I am agent for the R'orld's Greatest "" Oeparator. 'The Renfrew," Stoves, Head-Oheese,.. I .• 15c " Buil CiOIItraCtlIIQ ' clBcales and Oil Engines. Fleury's -Easy First and Domestic Shortening,•3 The 55 cents earns �Dus�Sf etCn of all kinds. 'famous Plows,PoinL8,Grain (binders, l e 5 bs 90 cents Wheel Barrows etc. ___' •"•' .:. :, .. 1b prints 18 cents' dickering Dealer for the Products of ford binder t.v ins and second- IoBrantFre�b Trout and White Fish Every Friday t •'� end separators fur sale. The Metallic Roofing Co. Limited, l pronto H T DEVITT f� X , r � � _�.�,_v • RRnT-GHAH W. `l . REID. - _ ,:., .... .__ <._��..,.-... .,..0 a ��iro.::7,rs'.aiin ott«xS.+2't.'ssrC;3�?.;r•,.. . .::�: ,. . .. ..:.. ..,..`• ' � r"`tibF4A"`^ TM"r `:u d `1+"�' ;.4`'Y .t �. •`r�. •rM->.y nJ'..a.sS,KSs',a� v'x§=aTr:" +tr. 'tx F" . /° �'�,'..•._•.r`.�'u?+aa^.a„+y,•4K",'�`,'.�,"�a,7T 3"?'�=7`:,a-.: a.^ �••^n,Sv� '. .N."�1�w"E.�.y.,...��.qsz,•..,�^.^W'��.•2a„,x.,a,. �`.°.!..'p{y'...�..-d'.'.,'��.'•.;�;�,'',”9 ,-,.�R:„."v,'ya'�Y"wnSi+•;,7,,-',"�a..s.Y"L�'-s,�,�s•'.Y,am:ZIi1!•."'`^. „•xTP . •,.:d-•,+'F:.i.� ”.,�$,N :, •:;+.z•s dF '�. :•,, �/•M4�[ ''h.. x� �.,. .,;r2''. :. ;2, � :. ,.f W''4..^S 7,-•,. '-0 i . - .. *�-r i. _ CLAREMONT. Dr. rind Mitis. Mills.and Mies Pel L. Reid @pent the weer end with David Taylor had a business trip Maple J.i{fiLi �Q{r�� j ' ton, of Toronto, spent Sunda friends in Copetowu and Cath- to the cit on Monde -'The Lynn family' spent Sunday with D. A.and Mrs. Scutt. y cart. Mrs. Robert Sadler, of Myrtle, Jin U a ridDorcae McCullough has Master Stanley Linton had the Thos. and 'firs. Scott, of-Sag- spent a few days during the past Insurance Ce• - , misfortune to fall one day last inaw, Mich.. are spending a few week with David and 'bice. Taylor. returned-home for-the holidays. week and sustain a fracture of his days at the home of the former's Mr: and Mrs. Henri G. Smith Cheap rates for farm and Goantry a' Ww. Ward and family, of Oah• arm. parents. (nee Arthurette Coates),'of Toron- buildings. swa, spent Sunday with friends A number of the ladies of the Miss Myrtle Thompson, of To• to. motored out and spent Sunday -,Windstoren Iasaraace on buildings. .'; here, United Church attended a meeting ronto. spent Sunday at the home with the latter'a father, Juba A. wind-mUls,SUw eta. " Miss Merle Stephenson left on of the Whitby Presbyterial At of her parents, _Pm. and -Mrs. Coates, at Geo. Coates and attend- Monday for a trip through Cali Oshawa on Thursdaylast foroia. . Thompson: ed the decoration services at Automobile Iosur&no$ C. O. Bennett, who has been Mr. and Mrs. L. Kindree and Stouffville Cemetery. of all kinds. ' Mrs. Albert Rawson,of Toronto, geAonsly ill during the .past few Mrs. Robertson,of London, spent PARKS FOB SALE spent over the weekend-with re- months, was able to come into the . lativee here: a. few dRye with the formers, SECURE s village one dap last week and call daughter, Mrs. D. A. Scott. Write or hone ` y Miss Mabel McLellan. of Toron- on'a few of his friends who are RA LPH.GORDON p to, spent Sunday with her pazenta pleased to know that he is ranch Our continuation bnd public The popular Entertainer for your * T at the manes. improved in hgalth and hope that schools have closed for the ram- Garden Party. He introduce@ 10 E D B G� ll1( 11/x. A 17 Rev. David and Mrs. Porter, of the improvettitent may continue mer vacation and the teachers are different kinds of entertaining. s Toronto, spent Friday with'Stan• until, hie former good health is w enjoying a well-earned rest. Send for free circular. 20 'ley and Mrs. Cook. restored.. Farmers have began their hay Address 927 Crawford St.,Toronto WHITBY, ONT. x Sherlpan and Mrs. Rumohr, are harves, which is not a ver heavyPhone Kenwood 2424 W -spending a week fir two with their Neat Sunday morning at the one. Fall wheat is Hestina mato CLAREMONT ~ ' Baptiet Church the pastors's sub- .;son, Ray, of Hickson. ,. it and the cool weather that we ti act will be Judah, a Renegade y Frenchman s Bay James Allawa+y left on. Sunday are now enjoying is oat what is p �/ for Bowmanvflle where, he has ectcirnecj.' The Lord's Supperj _ CREAI rI ERI I ;. ,: secured a position With the Orr will be administered at the close needed to produce good plumpn Barrel Co. of the service. In the evening the grain. -FAIRPORT HOTEL study of Job's will be contin Highest price pall for ---A number from here attended y now open ander New Cream at the i the picnic r from m re a eon subject being• k -yRg- GALS REGISTER. Management the pia last. Two of our foot- deemer Livetb.' You are most _ y cordially invited to come and eu SATURDAY. JULY 4TH—Auction sale f C aremea reamery ball teams won in the football of household effects, garden tools- Dancing every Saturday :v �rt • test. joy these services. ., carpenter's toots eta, at lot ib, con, Evening F. and Mrs. Michell, of North - - $,. g (1}miles north of Pick, 8 to 12 (standard time) Give us a trial and be convinced - Markham,and Elwood and Mrs. MORSE REGISTER. @clog Village), the property of Wm, Carruthers, of'Glen Major. visited ^!+ Halt. Sale at 2 o'clock.. See bills. , with Lyman sad Mrs. Pilkey on Bwwigrand champion Imported Olydes•z'FLIeS(18364) (18`280]19961, the Wm. Maw,auctioneer. DON -T BEATTY MIS$ THIS 1 Oaraiotball teem went down to date stallion, the property of Gra- a « Pickering on Saturday evening for mares during the season of 1926 - �Pee. �l V�����IIVJham Bros.. Claremont, will stand STANDS FOR THE REST Inst but were defeated by 3 0_yhe at btu bis own stable, Cairnbrogie game was warmly contested on Stock Farm. ✓ ._ both aides $ceTABT. 12133811 (20019), the superior ' r Mrs. McCallum, who has been Imported premium,Olydeadate stall- for the sl1ffiCiler montbs Carrying on a millinery business ion. the propgrty of Oscar Wilson, _ for the past few months, has vs- Beoughamv will make the season of Men's Tan Oxfords, calf leather, Goodyear welted, rubber heels '�•, " '' dated the store in t$e Bondy block 1926�follows: Monday, will leave his own stable, Brougham. and pro- Ven's Broadcloth Shirts, hand-made, pongee and blue shades .and intends going on a holiday' od' _ seed to Wm.Ormar a, Greenwood, ''trip• for night; Tuesday, Urban Blake's, Men's and Boys' Khaki Pante, good quality d While calling on one of the Audleyy, noon; H. G. Wilson's, base `. ineighbors one night last week. line.uigtt ; Wednesday. W. J, Mill- ;Men's Balbriggan Shirts. Drawers and Combinations Mrs. Geo. Richardson had twenty- er's. Pickering, boon;Ohaa.Palmer's eevea chickens stolen from their Liverpool,aight: Thursday, W. J. Men's Sport Shoes, tan and *hite, all sizes Litter Carriers, Hay Carriers. y �" chicken.c'no °that»is no clue as Dd, 1=1d's. rock Road,noon: his _ the guilty�a parties. own Mable, niatit: Friday, Ueorge .Boys Jerseys,khaki and red colors Pnm�s, Door Tracks. Cow Mies Clara Underhill left on Fri Middleton'@. 7th concession, night; Howls. Pressure Systeme Etc. aSaturday,proceeds to his own stable Boys' Canvas Shoes, tan and white, sponge soles, all sizes It•will pay you to get my riose 032 day on an extended trip through where be will remain until the foil- Phone 5800 above before buying elsewhere. 'EuJ. rope, being one of a party of ow log Monday afternoon. ,Cali at FING�OLI3!S' . tourists. We wish her a safe CRowNDALz. 1237411, the imported y FRANK J. PROUSE -voyage and a uleasant time. Clydesdale stallion, the property ofPIOSERIN(1. OVTARIO ;. _ Mrs. Ed. Gibson and daughter, James McLeod.Claremont,unt.,will �GrZ is► 't aT.!1.r►dO2�TZ'� QN'2'AR2Q y at Miss Mabel, have returned' home make the season of 1955 am follows : ELM TM� after spending over two weeks Mond .wall leave his own stable;it D M11 .1 _ pe H. S. Pu b's. Glen Major. awr pro- <+"4 with relatives in Walkerton. Han- 1 gg i o are sed to Wm. H U north !CI c s. =NC,li' =over, Greenock and other western P2G7�R ,# moat, for noon; thence to Dar. Mor. tQ°°nc'• els'Glugow, for night; Tuesday.W. '100% The Sacrament of the Lord's H. Major's, Wbitevale, u1Q0RETURNShi: Wed ..•!Government Standard -Supper will boadministered in the aeeday, I. Dltddtetoo's, Brougham 'United Church at the sorbing noon: Jus. McLeod',, Claremont. Recleaned service on Sunday next, and pre, aighi: Thursday. Mr. Simmers' You want to get the tia0at out of the f paratorp services will be conduct- Hassam.noon; pert Jones' Dat. Zion. Se eenings will tatm ed this(Friday)evening. ptiigbt, Friday, Temperance House Morey and labor you are putting into a_P1. Promotion and Recommendation {{'' t ' Ashburn,noon;Lower until t night. {j��of COrn and beef and dairy Cattle? ten yourhogs at Saturday, own stable until Che toll ,B-,Bof the Claremont ' .C7ontiauatloo School. owing Monday morning. Then you can t afford to be without a lea '' This report is the average of all �` profit. e examinations throughout the good $ilo—IIle my Toronto' Silo. p ' "th g :We have this Feed at _year together with a final examin I .8 N T • It supplies the equivalent: of etch lune ation held at the sod of the term. right prices. au In the Middle8chool,recommea pasturage all through the winter. It i -.'We carry all the different dations to try the Departmental ,,�T HOT ? quickly pays for itself in more nd& Mill Feeds. Middle School Examinations aro _ 'ibwed on these results. _ and healthier cattle n., N. In the Lower School (Forms I. It is on everybody's lips, but es "Tornado"Silos are made of double tamed ' -and it.) these results are final andw°-" pedally those who are work• and grooved stave of selected race. treated ..,certificates will be issued to the WS over a hot range. sp New Blacksmith -successful vapila by the Deport- with ereosooa. Silage jtRces do not affect went of Education about August Why wear yourself out when you treated o,"J. You get 15%„I capacity' Haying rented the blacksmiths 1. Grades of Honours are as canset an Oil.Stove due to the apeeial 'Tanwo Hip Roof og follows over 75 p.c.—i.; business formerly conducted by 87 to 74 for$10.00. fpeet- p c ii.; AO to 66 p c.—iii.• 50 to - - _ Thri9. E. Stephenson, I tee +�0 p—c, Names is Order o4 Merit. We have a fall stock of I'll be =lad to to& about diese splendid Cully solicit a contionance, o the � Form iii.—Recommended to try petro g extended to him. h' PBRFBATION OIL STOVER _ _ _ '��!U' time. _ - Horse-shoeing and repairtor, .~ Normal Schools i r the Mabel Universities. e itsad COLHiAN GASOLINE STOVES Whits P. O. E�ERSPb Phone 308j °5a AND a specialtg. , Hoeaca Leigh (equal) i., Bertha y L O R N E R E I D ;. _ :Bacon it.. Albert Harvey ii.. Mar Oar prices on Paris Green and F - ��sareL 4e, li., Eileen Cooper it., Amnate of Lead are ezcep- CLAREMONT .Robert McCallum and Allan Miller tionally low this year. 4(equal)Ili., Mabel Bryan and Edoa A ricg 4n the phone will bring at � Fain Chopping Green (equal)ilii., Gordon McBride to your door with a stove or ` and Aldine Ward(equal)Ili.,Edith 5 gallons of Coal Oil. SAND FL LKING; i teohenson•Ili., Isabel Gregg and +e ^Gladys Jones (equal) c., Evely �7 - '!- - -- - --- I am prepared to do Chopping •sed ::McCullough and Margaret Pugh r • X. C 0 Q p E R, Oat Flaking every Monday, 4-equal) e., Donald Beer e., Myrtle Wednesday and Friday _.Wilson c.. Helen Dawson c., Jena OLAREMONT Stoneboats For Bale Wright, Kenneth Remar. _ Complete Lower School (Pro ' 1 p ) Best Quality of John F. Bayles, Clare>a�oat motel to ForaLiti.' Muriel Jones and Hugh Miller Re1ralRoute No. 2 - (equal) i.. Irene Cowie i,,Elizabeth GROCERIES N. W. STAFFORD ` t Ward ii., Adelaide Met`aliouRh it., :<,• EI ie Mathews-it., Fred Byer ill., �lr p . .x. Edith Berens and Ewrl Black(equal) ,Marble and Granite Dealer. . at Ri ht Prices. _ III., Dorothy Harbran(Arithmetic) g - t� ' Cemeteryetterng etc. Li : Ili., Collins McBride III., (French) 4 Bars Soap 25c, 8 Bars Castile C.�l '4 Jack.Gsrow (English Grammar)c., First-class work 'Sam Fintrold c. (Latin, French) Soap 25c, t3 Pkgs Amonia 25c, ' Altna Doweette(Latin)c.,Margaret Giiliez 15c a pkg, 21bs of 1 guaranteed. Linton c.(French Geometry), Peter Prunes 22e, lbs of MtL07TE Kingston Road and Pickering Scott(Arithmetic, Physiology). Dates 22c, 2 The of HE Pmt+ ca>Aast bi alt tavet East Townline. , Part i. of Lower School (Pro Seedless Raisins _22c, to : moted to Form ii.) 2 lbs of Palencia Raisins 22c. The aloes s° t°�etber . =n'� P. O.—Whitby R. P.1 — Stella McCullough it., Elmer rosy osdw' Tis enol bowl wiped ,. Evans it., Alfred Moles lit., Mar Fresh Fruit and Vegetable's �with clo& The bowl etmpties - a AM awy be Raret Spenaly iii.,Cecil Oxford iii., always on hand. itself Aft dies washed at -Tom Oliver, and Lillian Dawson by - :(equal) c., 4george Middleton c., FreshtFancy Cooking, Monday$, otxe. Every woman appreeietes the Gerald Harbron c. (French), Kath- Wedneys and Fridays. Melotte for it is a time and labor leen.Taylor(Latin)e.,Sadie Linton saving featao4L Ask tats to deummatrate 0421i lilts I ` et (geog. C. Hist.), Margaret Bina Fancy Broadcloth 98c and-1.19 yd. the ` ' ham c. (Latin, Algebra), Phyllis Ginghams and Voiles - `* -Gerow (Latin, Algebra) c., Hazel rap to 40c, for 29c, b -Wilson (Canadian History, Latin, plain White and Fancy Curtain O materials and d*sign F<: ,Algebra), Margaret Doucette(L`an. ,Script a and 40c per yd, O Q 1 G 1 NQ6. It will pay�ou to call at our Works median History, Latin, Algebra), to inspect our stock and • wb•`{ _ Malcolm Spercely(Cxnadian His Fancy Chintz 28c. j;lA obtain prices . =(torp, Arithmetic, Latin,indicated Phone 1401 �'/±f ��11L I (7_ All orders left with our teive A.T. Where subjects are indicated in �Lr� t ��✓' Law, Pickering, will receive our ; -! -brackets ptepila mnat peas etibie' �rompt and cwrafrl attention Dek SCOTTG-ev,-Id A x..311 solici'e3Hent examinations in theseeabjects. CiArk, Dnubarton. Oral. J9mr. Tn,9ri. ,t. R: 2 J. T, MATHESON %I. J. Wilker, Prin. Disney, R. R. 1 , 1 L.?cn�t 1311;, I�.'J P,i. c.c Pr k. ,Ll lied ; > U F. • - R•, Merle Stephenson, Asst. •GLA$E�d l�i'I` Evans, ClAreroont Creamery,!C1arPm rat, ^.e and Work4, Whitby,Ontanr _ .:w.:n-�_ ..:d:.,�•y . :.._ '::._'�:• :• . � .: .....a:,,.. ,,. __ . . -.... ,�_, , .. .. _ _.... -. -_.-_. _.:.._ ,,. _ .., ,.,".::n,�,y.a,=..:."':.::?'e�..,, -��u,.•.,.Z,i..•,..-_.;:s,iur3:��a T•^au��nCsk 6«!�'.�irn ..'.�s��:�u,,,4•� t;C�S, `�7.0.,a, "..C:: s i=-i.. x•F y,��Y" a A.. Sa a ;.. ., ,y ..,'.., ;,•.- -,x....;�a.,N,'rt „,v. aa*r ,..' :, v't'` ...�° ✓.ee�: '��' v`!,=;. s- ^:•!",.'"y. a..,�.a. o;a, .•,aa:..,..,,.... -,.•, .,6::: a,'. :-c,.<r.v.' ..�,.. :s;•, 'fi• w .te Jj«:., 'F•,,, u1 ..nM.'. r'4:• ..%,-;w:=.'Y,'"P�i o a.r..a,+ ". v •" a' ,,: r'. iK.� : .,,. •-. ,.. .. „�+s..� -- .,. ., /�.. .--. ..,;,. ,.\ ..'7,L .., ..q. 1, c - sd?ronts a self-respecting cow as much ., a as a human'being, en a� osed to Aur - In this epirtt she greeted Kit when �. he appeared. r ` ' "Where hae ye been ye careless teim roses'i#m strength eind flavors, deevil, ye? A quid.mina bee I to,gie -. ye my milking-stool owre yer crown, ye senseless, menseless blastiel What - \' 111-contriving tricks hae yet been at r the we haena gotten the kye milkit? , q hae been feeding the sheep at . fl r the pits, mistress," said Kit Kennedy. "l}lona 'mistress' me," cried his em-' ` i ✓ ployer; ye hae been wasting your time . s - ..: at some o' your thievin' p:oys. Wtfat y u-tbt a Johrr Mac Walter, do o nk that -- s� --loft silly man,-feeds you for? He has i • lenty o' weans o' his win to rovide r r t reason $ never sold x1 h likes o or the o � e dd,ing wt t s me p t• � " for without - NV;' .- lsulli. , Your,_ grocer '!sells this You-care:@saF useless, fushlonlesa b'.a aird that.ye delicious bleAd. TryAI,>ADA. Mlstre&a Mac Walter bad sat dawn on GF her st000l to' the milking .b this • - � - time. But her temper visa such that she was milkingharsh, and unkindly Y y t �•dd�irt • saves you the d and Crummie felt it. Also she ha not forgotten in, her slow-moving bo- kicked. so rd won rflbb4)4 hA l F-: . • , - . e wap that she had been , ri n her turn she lifted hr-r foot and let yrp drive punctucting a gigantic semi- colon with her cloven hoof just on that p v _ Mac Walter where it was fi�ed t take -n - ---- :'- t most effect. hey��afore yer mslster tale's the i(;ptril11eI1Ct1Y1Crit. By 8. S CROO"". Mistress Mac Waiter found herself who cried Mistress Mac Walter, On every hand young people have ou her back with the warm froth of who was a religious woman, and been.sianding to gay farewell where the mil] running all over her. She "came forward" regularly at the halt- the brook of school ar college with its picked herself up, helped by Kit, who yearly comumnion in the kirk of Dun- t:;i:�F'l'r.3 1C\.-tCort'd.) mar-ger. before the buL'acks, and sic- clad come to her assistance. - tocher. She did not so much grudge gay, fleet current meets the depth and against I ing each a friend:pp pat us he went by. Her words were few, bat not at all Kit hia meal of meat,lint she had her breadth of the river of life. . r t Kit slapped his long arms ag Great Jock, the bull in the pen by welt ordered. She went to the byre own t2eeroies of punishment. So she Today a graduating class assembles =brie side=. He stood beneath his em-'himself fn the corner, pushed s moist door to get the driving-stick to laY called Rit in to wash the dishes from os. a platform and the tles of close as. ''W g]oyer'e window, and crowed so like, nose oxer the bars, ar.ii dribbled upon on, Crummie. Kit stopped her• which he had never eaten. Bicycle sociation through the Ferre teem so s Cock that Mistress Mac Walter Kit with slobbering amicability. "Yell pit a' the kye to that o't that stood beside them and dried for him, binding and so Intimate that it is hard _ out of he'r. bed. ' Flit put down his head and pretend- they:l no let doon a drop o' milk this and her little heart was sore. There to imagine any severance by time or " ave us." she sold, "What's that P e ace: To-morrow the devoted friends ed to run at him, where t Jock. whom morning. An' the morn's kirning- was something in the bottom of curses heckling beast..doin' there at this time,nobody else dared go near, beamed day." of them, and this, Kit ate quickly and P • in the mornin'?" ' u n him with the solemn. affection of Mistress Jiac•Walter knew that the furtively, Meysie keeping a watch have the world's diameter between She got out of bed to look but she' upon s could see nothing, certainly not liiL. "bestial" for those whom they love, boy was right; but she could only that her mother was not looking, The. Years hence the one who in the period Bit saw her, as she stood shiver, his great-eyes shining in the light of!turn, not subdue her anger So she day waw now fairly broken, but the of tutelage waa marked for shining 'But the lam with unlovely bat genuine I turned it on Kit-Kenned for there sun had not yet risen. distinction has unaccountably col- Ing at the window in her night-gear ,affection was no one a-se there. Ya Tale the pot oot an' clean it. Gia lapsed Into insignificance and tailure-' "s Kit hoped that, her le were cold., Then came the cows' turn, Kit Kea- "ye meddln' corse" she•cried, "it the scrapin's to the dogs!" arderedi The laughing-stock, of whom'little or This was his revenge. Ne was a re' ned took a milking-pall,all, which he I Mlstrea9 MacWaltxr. nothing was expected, has found him- vengeful im- ven ful bo y �'p was a' your blame.' $in had the Kit obeyed. Tyke and Tweed tai- ge Y• 'would have called a •'.uggie," set his shank of the byre besom in her hand owed with their tails over their backs. self,.and those whose reminiecenaes As for himself he was as warm �'knee to Crummie, his favorite, who y l- a toast. The stars tingled above witb' as she spoke. With this she struck all The white wastes blimmered in the begin "I knew him when" are con- frost. The moon lay over on her back!was m inching her fodder, and soon the troy, who ducked his head and bol and yawned still more an racefll lied a warm draught. He p'edged lowed his back in a manner which grey of the morning. it was rosy founded by the Inexplicable. g y 'Crummie in her own mi:l•.,wishing her showed great practice and dexterity. where the sun was going to rise be- Much good advice 19 uttered by those She seemed more tired than ever. good health and man happy returns,I The blow fell obli ue: on his coat„hind the great ridge of Ben Gairn, alive to the force of the Freneb adage: : Kit had an idea. 116 stopped and go Y p q Y, : Then, for his mistress a sake, he care- making a resounding noise, but doingI which looked, amooth,y covered with "if youth knew—if old age could." 5` cried up at her, -Get up, ye lazy' B g snow as it was, exactly like a gigantic guid•for•naethingl I'll come up wf dully wiped the luggie dry, and set it no eat harm. 1 George Herbert Palmer defined his r . Y ,,, where he had found it. He had got Then Mistress Mac Walter picked;housturne Kit. t the back of the milk-i i a stick to e, i his breakfast—no mean or r one. house Kit set down the poi, and with university as s place where the eiders But the moon did n-)t come down., poor up her stool and sat down to another a horn spoon which he took from his were trying to pans on their experience , But be did not doubt that he was, cow. Kit drew in to (;rummie, and w On the contraryp, she made no sign as Mistress Mac Walter had said, "a lest he shared the "scrapings" of to their ]unions. Those wlyo have Kit laughed. He ha to stop in the, the twain comforted one another. Kit'pocket, lazy, deceitful, thievinghound. his!the t equal! into three arts di- learned that are burns and water . snow to do IL The tmitation of his Kis Kennedy came at o! the b re, tions no malice, but he hoped that hia vidiag it mathematically by Maes drowns are often pathetically ager to mtstrez'• oleased him. He fancied him Y mistress would not keep back hia Lor-No drawn u from the bottom. It was a and trudged awn out ever the Heid P persuade impetuous, Ingenuous F�eh self-eltmshing up a rung ladder to the at the back of the barn to the sheep ridge. That was what he !eared. No good big pot, and there was s goad ;C ... moon, with a broomstick in his stand' P other word of cod 'or bad said ihei of the fact, and,gra cot heard wtlliin r in the ark. He heard one of them g deal of scrapings, which was lucky; ly, young people have to leans for He would start that old moon if h®' P oodwife of Loch St carried by two for both Tweed and Tyke, as well as !fell down and broke Ills neck. Kit cough as a h:man beine ices behind ater of Ken Kit carried the two I themselves. It Is not an evil that this was hungry now. It was a long time;his Land. The lantern threw dancing rust reaming cans of fresh milk tato good for Kit Kennedy. reflections on the snow T lee vel- g g Now this was the way that Kit is so. What they learn In propria per- l+ince supper-time Porridge is, no y grovel the milkhonse; and as he came out sons. adheres Like a- burr; what they Ppe 'ed and roiled in the tight drift, bark- K4zkned -that kinleas loon, without i doubt, good feeding; but it vanishes • empty-handed Mistress Mac Walter father or name—won his breakfast, gain by prosy 1s soon"In the limbo oto! Ii In lou He bit at his.,own tail !away like the mcming cloud, and Kit set down the lantern, and feU waited for him, and with a hand both He had hard) finished and licked discarded and forgotten things. _ leaves behind it only an aching void• them had rolled tussle.another into a hard nod hew sidevy of et Mm = ringing dhthe n, the do irltiing on their But the gradnatee are never suint - ry Kit felt the void, but be could not help j l blow on the side of the head, which spoon, gs lit, Instead,however,o! dwelling upon, haunches and watching every rise and � forget the taftuence of a peraonallty. _ hh made his teeth together rS snowdrift in exact:v -en seconds, from fall of the horn, when a well-known ,At, his mind was full of deer thous tai eyes water eros« shrilled thtrou the air, Who some one was to them will in the which the rose g:owin;g with beat-- long nun mean more than what a e by and funny imaginings. t is a sing on! y "Tek' that, ye fil some Icon! she "Kit Kennedy, a lazy, 'an ' thing that the thought o! rattling on I the heat of yours? f bins! when the said, "ye are aye in some miac}tlet'•" bound, come ben to the �'Bnt1c.' Ye �k impressed. They will areae by the ribs of a lazy, sleepy moon with blood runs fast. Kit Kennedy went into the barn 1 a ]f!e they studied at close range that a besom-al:ank pleased ti.m more than Tyke, being excited, scoured awn with fell purpose in his heart. He set an ar' than h o' rod that per- " t a plats -4 porridge and as much milk wildly, and �iry ed the park at a hang up on end a bag o! chaff which had regardless baith o trod wad meal" a similar performance Is possible los as be ecoid sap to'it Ami semi! waw'gallop b• ' his return: But Kit been laid aside to fill a bea. He sgaar- o Sit Kennedy cheerfully went them, and they will not care to dlsap- orsl Ittted, the lantern and made for ed u to it in a deadly way dancing Into prakers end thanksgiving, think- point an affectionate expectation. The the fact Y I in himself net ill off. He had had Kit next vert into the stable to get,the turnip-pits. lightly on his feet, his hanva revolt'- 8 teacher who does not care what his ' a lantern. The horsey were moving; The turnip-cutter stood there, with in in a most knowing manner, his bre Twee this beasts{{ g g I pupils do after they leave him Is cots- • about rest. but Kit had nothing great square mouth black a snst the His left hand shot out, and the week And Tweed sod Tyke, Ila' I cast in his califag. Those who never ` to do with them. He only went in for sky. That-mouth must be filled and of chaff went over in the corner. that perish, put their noses into the " Y Stand n , Mistress Bloc Yfi alter," porridge-pot to sea it Bit Kennedy look back to a preceptor as a vital In- 1.lantern. It stood on the great emptied man times. Kit went to the had left anything. There was not sol fluence have been unfortunate. How- .-wooden corn crib in the corner. Klt;end of the barrow-like mound of the said Kit, tan' well see who's the bet- _lighted it and pulled down .his cap turnip-pit- It-was covered with snow, ter man," ranch as a single Kula of meal ever many years !t Is one's destiny to , .T over his ears. �� that it hardly showed above the It was evidently Kit who was the (To be continued.) put between the day of graduation and Than he crossed over to the cattle- leve4 of the field. Kit threw back the better man, for the sack subsided re- • the final goal, titers should be a lively i sheds. The snow was crisp under foot. coverings of old sacks and straw which pe atedly and flaccidly on the hard- For First Ald-Minard's Liniment and tenacious memory of all that in His•feet went through the light drift kept the turnip& from the frost. There beaten earthen floor. So in effigy Kit -♦ the auroral hour of entrance on, active ` whieh had fallen during the night, lay the great- green-and-yellow globes, mauled Mistress Mac Walter exceed- life was held to be worth the strife to and.crackled frostily upon the older full of sap. The snow had slid clown ing shamefully, and obtained so manyytng Secoriti F�e• and border undercrust. At the barn upon them from the top of the pit. victories over that lady that his grew ,Young students of medical Instru• will. - ` v door Kit paused to put fsesh straw in The frost grasped them from without. qulte pleased with himvelf, and in time menta would be wise to remember s. !kis iron-shod clogs. Fresh straw every It was'a chilly job to hand',e them;but gat him into such a g'.ow that be for- of of Schumaan's: "If everyone � -Sent Ce ��n�' morning in the bottom of ones clogs Kit did not hesitate a moment, got all about the tingling on his ear There Is Great Satisfaction — In is a great luxury. It'keeps the feet He filled his arms with "swedes" which had so suddenly begun at the played fine violin no orchesjrs would owing that you have given your _ ;�►►aarm. Who can afford a new sole of and went to the turnip-cutter. Soon milk-house door. be bot together." The leas promine3t work your best effort. 'fleecy wool every morning to his sleet the "crunch-crunch"of fee knives was "After a' bhe keeps mel" said Kit instruments are just as useful as those 'Kit could, for straw is cheap, and t be beard as Kit drove round the Kennedy, chL;erfu'•ly. in the limelight. To excel, nowadays, —In having nothing to conceal,from even his mistress did •;tot grudge a I handle, and afterwards' the frosty There was another angel'up aloft as a performer on the more popular in-I Four best friend. "handful. Not that it would have mat- sound of the oblong finger-lengths of who went into the inner court at that struments—the piano and the violln— —� being able to help someone who -itered if she had. l cRRt turnip falling into the basket. The moment and told that Kit Kennedy means exceptional giftr and a vast i'cannot be expected to return the favor.. The cattle-rattled their chains in aheep had gathered abont him, silent- had forgiven hia enemies. Being a amount of work, The higb standard —In toeing the !acts and 'having it friendly and companionable-way sally for the most part. Tyke sat sti$ sympathetic recorder be said nothing wh;ch used to be reached by only-a over with. ? be crossed the yard, Tyke foblowingg a and dignified 'now, guarding the Ian- about the chaff sack, So Kit Kennedy —In being able to promote an em " -' little more sedate! than before. Rft'a fe w,,now i8 reached by many, for the y ,tern, which the sheep were inclined to began tbe day with a clean slate and pioyee. first morning job was to fodder the butt over. 10t heard the animals a rin n ear. ,simple reason that ever so many more %tn`ttle. He went to the bay-maw and g —Ta being able to may "I told fon y knocking against the empty troughs He went to the kitchen door to than Hood to study those Instruments _ _ carried out a huge armful, filling the with their hard liWo trotters, and in and get his breakfast now do so. There is far more room at so without saying it snuffing about them 'with their nos- "Gae 'way w!' eI Hoe dour ye the,top' for players of other instru- —In feeling competent to do your : • -- y - trill. come to m door after what yer work•menta, and it the student would give work as well s.it can be dons. w' -He lifted the heavy harket, heaved has been this mornin'?"cried Mistress his thought to the viola, or the 'cello, it against his breast, L made his Mac Walter as soon as she heard him. I011nar�s i_Inintentfor geaekachei. r i among the stringed instruments, or to way down the long line of troughs. "Aff to the schule wi ye. Ye get , The sheep crowded abort him, Ahoy- neither bite no sup in my hoose the one of the various woodwind or braes Tin ukele.ee, stringed instruments S ins and elbowing each, other like-.so da instruments, he would be more likely i like guitars, are being introduced 'as many human beings as callously and The three Mac Walter children'were to command a prominent plane. ; l handles for paraso:s this san:aier, +� selfishly. His first basket did not go sitting at the table taking.their por- - ----- — far, as'he shovelled it ii great hand- ridge and milk'with horn spoons. The' full into the troughs, and Kit came ham was skirling and frizzling in the, f back for another. It was tiring work, pan. It gAve out a rod amell, but / """ and the day was dawning grey when that did 4 not cost K1t Kennedy a ' gg SALIBE ,he had finished, Then he made the a thought. He knew that was not-for 3iAtfED circuit of the field, to assure himself the like of him. He would as soon S P .v`" SNIP TIGHT :that all was right, and that there have thought of wearingg a white linen NEPT were no stragglers lying frozen in shirt or Having the Isirdship of a = } RiG"T a "arel" in the dusty barony as of ettin ham to hie break• ��- R Q g t irkA o Relin fast. But after hia mozning'a WOrI; Being pure SNP Enameled Ware, pets pea in t a d it comes to boil'far quicker than Pia t 1?o n °P ss. it 1lirOt111d Then he went back to the onstead lig had ? sore bear, enough to mi, coyer over with water. other wares �1'� nleAl: i of Loch Spellanderie. The moon bad hia jjorr dgc. the >famiuy gone down, and the farm buildings But be knew that it was no use to �� S rte' t11t benefit d Its loomedovery cold and bleak out of the angels with Mistress Mac Walter. Sr. �.I lie went outside and walked tip and t�id I Mistress bloc Walter was..on foot. down in the snow. He hears! the clot- lir (? � te�• She had sept nearly two hours, being; ter of dishes as the children Rob,Jock, �"•p SMP I(ttp it &IWU i= half an hour too long, iifter weafying and liPysie Mac Walter finished thele _ — S In flit , hotlle. q1 herself with raising K'.t: and further-,eating, and otherMeysiset their bowls on: _ t� I more she had risen with a very bad w'itbin the other and carried there: The potatoes are mealy, whole. ` s`096 l B'�tjpf 11lVFW- �C M th temper. Hut this was no uncommon into the bac�C-kitchen to be ready fo wb«, muhee do+n:ar ch3w2tter m the washing.�M y ttniner spout. Handle loch coves a+ in covered ove ed '] Serve with buttar. occurrence. She was now in the byre g e sic was now near.;; Dover e�;.`ah. •,'No,c.fdina or�oorcMnr. "' i fourteen and was Kit's very goo', ' " with s lantern of her own. She was I friend. dock and Rub, on the oth - �lo p OTAT talking to her f, and "flyting" on d have cool ` 04 the patient cows, who now stood chew- hand, ran races who shoutSm C breakfast. She tales to tell of his misdoitiRs at iing the cuds of their hn , t�Q` p©"�'`�' tow+ iclap d them apart with her stool,I and a'.sn ^.t the village �chooi. VT plying it savage:y to their flanks.' "Kit Kennedy; ye scoundrel, ISSUE No. '' r She even lifted her foot to them,which ]n this nseenit an get t dish `. ,•. ... �+ + - .., .w,• - r�i . yr �..� xh`y� iy •.� e'a rF.:. - ao...:•y .., R ..x^. -. �^.•�«: „, ...R- :✓-,'q" !•nc -'Ct .'ati�'J., •r?�` > }33.,r" b•d- ..a;+, , ;, .:..... m.-•o. n.. ... ..i „ � ,. "..<YD,.. . t...h .+c."!" ., Mn", 0'_ ,"r. +. ,..... r....., •- .• hr ., '� >< ..,+.;�*t .two t. .n•.. .. ... .4.,,, - §,.. ... .: ., .. .1.:. ..:-" :'. ,. �,. _vl+-,r� -tV .. y, '7p.S' ,•#' .'.L' ,.wG= ..?`.. ,,Yfe.y,yTb`.. k+,`:-` Y A y.5i� 'Si'. 'f -"�+Y•e".ysby�, t'- w d .. r y .. _---- - -- -- s• CONSERVATIVE LANDSLIDE IN NOVA SCOTA�- ` -CONVICT[ON OF HOME BANK DIREw oma :.. .� j k . .���I��ASHEA-RY APPELLATE C{II fi ti-q AVER 43 YEARS LEM GO Toronto,-June 29:The decisions of J.-F. M. Stewart, d°rector; convict-, A despatch from.Halifax says Premier Armstrong would tna�e no Nova Scotia rejected the Liberal Goo -statement as to the general result"or' Judge Coateworth in the Home Bank°ed on one count,"and sentetzced to ths: ernrpent, which has been in.power for as to when he would'resignr. Bon. I0.1 " ease, which resulted in the conviction Ontario Reformatory for four months, -of. the vice-president and- five direc-'plus four mon-ths indeterminate. the past forty-three years, and decided N. Rhodes, ,who will,succeed as Pre-' tots, and the sentence of five of the C A. Barnard, I{.C., director,,con- r: tenth unmistakab:e emphasis to' afford infer,'endeavored to beach Hgiifa `' six o varying terms of imprisonment,,victed on three coupts and eantatxued *' the Conservative party, under Hon. following the.closing of the polls 14' -have been set aside by the First Di- to the Ontario Reformatory for eigh-' ^., E. N. Rhodes, an oppoitunity of ad-i Hants County, where. ]Se was oketoA � « visional Court at Osgogde 11 11, the teen months, plus six .nontha, Leas one. �e ministering her affairs. At a late our by a safe margin, but his sapporterg ` majority judgment of the Court of day, iniletermi�zate f on Thursday night Indications were Insisted-on-his, being the recipient o$'_ , .` 'Appeal being issued o-i Saturday._Tho� Clarence F. Smith, director; con- `�y that the final count would show 4 I an ovation in Windsor, and he wad sane director who did not figure in the victed for concurring in a false re-! Conservatives erected, as against a perforce obliged to remain over. a i 2 Liberal Opposition of 3, Premier E. The issue raised by Premier Arw . appeals was F. J. B. Russill, who was port. Sentenced to the' Ontario Re-. dy. reform was submer H. Armstrong and, all his. found guilty on one count, and 'on formatory 'for six• months;_ plus six s Mirister ,.strong for-tariff save Hozi: Will Chisholm Minister!ed in the popular demand for a clean 4 . 'schen sentence was suspended. The months, indeterminate. �^ of lfinea were defeated the Attorney- and it may be said that no grave.issue , deraeIons which have been quashed The-Home Bank ceecw have been, were:.• under way for more than two years.! " :. General, Hon. W. J. O'Hearn, trailing,of public policy was decided by the' ,1 th Liberal ticket in Halifax. contest. The i in Governmolif r. R. P. Gough, viee-president; cpm The tria:a under the Bank Act opened' g victed on six counts and sentenced to before Judge Coatsworth last Fall" Lt.-Col. C. P.'Constantine Unprecedented majorities were re- stands commitfed to an independent I, i = corded in marry of the constituencies audit of the finances of the Province . the Ontario Reformatory for one years;lasted"through the V;inter, and the -who will become commandant of. the and it was estimated that the o ular' and 'a eom `ete•investi ation of tee ."Plus one year, leas one day, indeterm-I appears recently came before thef Royal Mllitary College at Kingston vote would run five t� three in tavoz�industrial situation in Caps Beaton. ' Inate. ,Court of Appear, and when the judg-Ion August lat, when Lieut.-Col. Sir of the Cones atives for the Province An .interestin feature of the re- 8. Casey Wood, K.C., director; con meat of thatStourt wag issued on Sat- Archibald Macdoneil.retire,;. Cot. Con- as a whole.ryIt evens. the most over- sults was the defeat ct the Labor victed on two counts and sentenced to!uxday it carried the endorsation of the; stantin@, who was well known a4 a r whelming victory achieved by-.a poli- candidates by the Conservatives in the tha Ontario Reformatory for. six Chief Justice, air Wi4iam M.glock,l rugby player at V.C.C. and R.11.C., had tical party in the history of Provin- mining constitL ncy of Cap* Breton "r months, pdtir six months indatermia- and Mr. Justice Hodgins and Mr, bus •an enviable record overseas during cial elections since the Conservatives East' The remaining.eight Laborites y�` ate. ,ties Smith. the war.. were routed in 1867 on the repeal offering in the contest lost their ds- - "-'- - issue, following.Confederation. posits. r to $31.26: Middlings-$84.26 to I CANADA S FOURTEENTH _- -_-_ _. I _---_- -__ $14.26. Hay-No. 2, per ton, car lora,f p�A�NT �JD� Son's Burial DelayedDrowned While Swutaming _Cheese, finest werta., 19c; finest by Death of Mother' - at Crystal Beachl =dIs 288S,t'c No. 1 rc mans p 35'!ic; Home t$B k D vi�ei�8 Cut TORONTO. n$ j7' Kitchener' June 28 The second) Niagara Falls Ont. June 28.-. - 'Man. wheat-No. 1 North., $1.76, No. 2 creamery, 84%e. Ems. fresh l + � -No. 2 North., $1.71%; No. 8 Narth.,.sipecials, 89c; fresh *xtras, 87c; fresh tp ��QQQ�Q()4. death reeu:ting from injuries received 'Harry Chown, -age $4, unrtmrried, of in the .Lancaster Street leve. crossi $1.683y; No. 4 wheat, not [i4oted. 'firsts;'34c. � - n�g',P:o. 80 Highland'Ave., this city; was' - Man. oats--No. 8 CW not quoted; Steers, mel qua;Ity, $7; do, eom,, Ottawa, June 28.-With but little collision, Wednesday night, occurred;drowned tb4a afternoon while swim• Into 1 feed, 59 Vic; No. ¢ teed, 66340. $6; cows, med. quality, $4.50; calves,`of the pomp,and color that marked its at the iKtchener and Water:oo Hospi-lining at Point Abino, near Crystal All the above"c.Lf. bay ports. med. quality, $7; do, better, $7.50.;inception, the fourth r',ssion of Can- tal Saturday morning, when Mrs.!Reach. American corn, track Toronto-No. Ho d $ r Hogs, mixed tote, $13.7u to 14. ; alas Fourteenth Parliament pro- Homer H maserz died, + Re with five others had motored 2 yellow. $1.2$- --s- }rog•,ied shortly before noon Saturday, On Wednesday night!, Ward there to spend the day aQ y { y gh her son, Millleed-Dela, Montreal frai�hts. I I � pe y and had j�e4 bags included. Bran, per tan, $28; Ike sitting a:'most continuously for ymasen, the driver of the car drat-entered' the water and was caught in ishorta, per ton, $80; middlings, $86; GET $7,000 PAYROLL I five months .sea one week. _ �Rgured in the accident, passed swag heavy undertow and poled undo `. .f Igcod feed flour, per bas $1.80. _ Tlzm time-honored ceremonial, nasi-''He was to have been buried Saturday, to deep water. 13xe others were on, Ont. oats-49 to 61c, Ub: shippU%g +dental to prorogation attracted little'but the funeral was postponed, and a;able to assist him and had difflcuky a"• Cashier of Pare Milk CO polars MOrlit" interest. Guns boomed, bands blared I dnnbde funeral will be herd Monday.I in getting out themselves. Up W a Oat. wheat--$1.26 to $1.28, f.ob. tion at Hamilton Victim and d braid listened,but the go: g legis Miss Sarah Lois. the Hyn:mea.fan-'late hour the body had not yet bees Illy _ shippping points, according to freights of Hold-u latom were too tired and the general;fly maid who was in the car at the recovered. ' $arley-Malting, ?8a �• I Backwhsat-No. 2, 78a A despatch from Hamilton says:-- plc too indifferent to make a boli*• time of the accident, and Keith and, 4, -.-• ,. ,� • R No. 8 nominal. day of the obsequies. Eric Hymrmea are still is the hospital,I Sweet food and drink are tasted idea. floar,�first t. $10; Toronto; 'Blocker � ca as it attempted to, in prase of the hundred who crowd- the first two being aeriousl r, though with the tip o1 the tanguei hlt,fov at i� second $6.20 t o$0 0 Par;soca cuurn ss Friday, two haormed up streets alit; ed the state: Senate chamber on the not critieall injured - thins with the back. Pa Y Y. j s 1 flour, ba day of th-s opening,only 0 few,woman, Straw•-Carlota, per ton, $8.00 to in an automobl.s robbed George Fowl.! a handlo', of Senators, a meagre rep. t * or of $7.000 is casts, ties payroll of the: resentation of the Cm,a,asons and a � _:���� '�'�'���: PUZZLE ' Screenings - Standard; reclaeansd, pure Milo Corporation. The bandits sines: i��Y rivii servants heard !'r :f.o.b. bag parts, per ton, $21. escaped, Mr. Fowler, who has been Hay-No 2, per ton, $19.00 W the Deputy Governor-General, Chief ' emp.oged by the Pure Milk Corpora-i Justice F A. An 2 1'(' 6 t0 Sr `• ..$14.00; No 8 per ton. $11.00 to glia. of the i3up:eme $112.00; mi tion for 22 "am waa returning alone' rt, read the Spoech, from thel k ze� per ton, $9.00 bf ening Coni $11.00; lower grades,88.00 to $9.00. in an automobile from the Union' Throne and pronounce the words that 1 Il 1 14 y. �- Cheers-New, large. 21% to 22e: Bank. where he withdrew $7,000 for, sant the lawmakers home in much the 4 twins, 22 to 223;c; tripieta,.22I to ones. Mostly bliss, the.money was same frame of mind that agitates the IS 16 7 28c,; $tiltons, 2831 to 24c Old, ;arse, in a aaxtirel {schoolboy when holidays cease being •' X27 to 28c; twins, 28 to 29c; triplets, As his ear proceeded along Hugh-i 28 to 30L *on Street,Street, end was about to tarn, dreams and become actuality, W; Batter-Finest eroamery+ prints, ! 1n tiro Commons the last hours of N east on Cannon Street only a oak!_ 88e; No. 1 enea>arery, 87c; o. 3,fib bo! y the session were lifted from the banal 861c. Dairy prints, 26 to 28c. I or two from the company's offices,' by the unanimous ado I Eggs-Fresh ortras. in cartons, $8l another car was io manoeuvrwi that o prion of the z �0 to 89c; loose, 87c; fresh firsts, 34 to he wa,s obliged to slow down at the 1 ai the managers en the Senate i• a; amendments to the bili for the re.ief Sbc; seconds, $Oc, inbereeetion, There were two young I I 32 3 Llys penitis---Chis. ckens, sesta �, pw in the other car. One of them 1 of the Horne omo Bank measureank asemend- lbs.,'l�s4rin a hicWpa s.��Ula,I Jumped otrt;and; stepping to the run-�ed by Eire Senate and amended again37 38 3 +a�% $� sing-board of Mr. Fowlers cu, neve!- Y gars was put through at ' 'sand over, is,ti` �c,�,cora loh,22c• b the mane led a revolver and said,_in cool, even: 4 o'dcek after brief disc scion and 4 roosters. lbs= ackliags, 6 lbs, and up, 40 +i`l toner: "Hand over that money." V ' a•, ! i-withoot a vote. •: Dressed pospring. Upon getting the satchel, the ban-, It wase 4 48 lb., 45e; hens, over 44 to 5 lbs..`$8a lit jumped hack on the-running-board; „ gid to aces-pt the words, 'do, 8 to 4 lbs,. 22c; spring chickaae, t� other car, and told Mr. Fovver; or in straitened' circumstances is 4 S 'JI ' Me. and over. ItL.F., 86e do. corn led, i the clause defining the basis on which '• :: ` a2c; to turn round and: drive south on r roosters, 200; dockiinp, 6 lbs. payments were to be made to de i `•;nand n t7a Hugheon Street. The bandit then got p"6 55 D, tors c&iming' more than $600. The Beans--Canadian,' handpicked. lb,; amide the other oar, and both gun- total amount of the grant weird re. 4%c, primes, 6e. men sped east along Cannon Street. main as stipulated by the Senate, $8,- S 37 S b : Mapis prodoats-.9yrap', err i They are• said to have driven a 1000,000, and paymerta wane to be parial gal., $2.40; per 6�a1. tfa, $2%4 Hudson coach bearing license number made without further investigation 6 '! P r ga maple sugar, , W to 26c. b2-149. Such a car was stolen Thurs- 4 Hone -60-1b. 'tins, 13%c per lb.; only to those depQsitora claiming;500 : day night in-Torotzto, police stats 6 10-lb-tins, I83Se= 5-lb. tins, 14c; 235- Mr. Fow:er described the ban tt or less. lb. this. 16% to Idle. d '►e - Smoked meats-Hama, 'mad., 30 to ung a young man about 26 year4 of tr,a rN1csMAtioNA arMoiuts .82c; cooked hams, 46 to 48c; smoked age, of medium height and .weight, Canadian Memorial Church BUGO$3TIONS FOR 80LVIN© CROSS-WORD 1UZZLE8 rolls, 22c;,cottage, 23 to 25c; break- who wore a blue suit end cap. last bacon 32 to $4e; spl brand pdfoe bvelieve that the two bandits Y Inaugurated Start out by filling' in the words of which you feel reasonablyTealitfa ecia dst �a , 87s; backs, boneless, _. .sure. These will give ou a clue to other words crossing thsm,_ < i6 to 420. may be of the same gang that resent Parls, June 28,-The Canadian and they is turn to atM otherd. A letter belongs in each white Cared meats-jAng elear bacon, b0 ly murdered young Be!],.an attendant Vimy Memorial Protestant Church space,words starting at the.numb ad sgwres and rataains either j� 70. Lbs., 22; 70 to 90 lbl., no,50• of a gasoline station in Toronto. On was fust rated to-da at Lens:•Phil- - ho�ontatly or vertically as both. 80 lbs. an up, $19. tweigh� the other'hsrid, they,are at a loss.to y - `` .1 in b}}e-r�a}t, ' heavy- know outsiders Would have such hp� Roy, Canadian High Commis- HORIZONTAL. � VERTICAL _z r -. t sells, $84.b0 �b sioner in France; Pretessor'Biel'er.of $--Compensation -- 1---Achieved �. per bbL • accurate Information regarding Mr. Montreal and representatives of the tndistinot Q-To be read Lard-Pare tierces 18 to 18%c; Fowlees'movementj with the com- ready fee ` tabs, 183�i to 19c; p1193ac; Protestant Federation of France were f the city = ; 8-To procure prints 20 to 20%e; 9110%12 tiarces, pang's payroll. For that reason 0o- present. and _:12r-Te be Indebted 4-Investigator ' lice ho-Pa to trace a local angle tothe Minister of War of France weirs also -1b-Altows 5---Arrange in folds 1434c; tabs, 14�Jfc; palls, lbs; blocks, . 1robbery. represented. 14--Southern State of U. S. (abbr.) 6---Make known Heavy ste, $8.25 to $8.50; , -�---- _• 11�-Smart 7-High-priest's headdress �. do good, Ti$ i to $8,86j butcher!�' u&on s Bay Company '17-Approprlate 8-Employ E �ers, choice,.$7 66; do, good, �eclarei Dividend bf ZO , Wife of•Toronto Doctor �s-i� good time 11--To shut out 7/r $8.75 to 7 do m .25 to -$8.80 - 20-To emit fin._ 10-To.apportion d , eom >6b.60'to ►b r heifers, Filled•111 Massachusetts pp i p 21--To bend 11-Refusal .'choice, J7.60 to f7.1 dp, Wed., $5.76 A despatch from Winnipeg rays:, - 24-Before- -' 18-Sod of soldiers �p $6.60; do, co to $b.50; baby Sir Robert Kindersley, Governor of Moncton, N.B., June 28.-Word was conk, !:6-Cotors 19--Per tannins to birds beeves, $a to $e'. i butcher cows, the' Hudson's Bay Co.,'bus resigned received here this afternoon of a fatal ZS_Corner 2t-Atmospharle stectriolty (pl.$ i hoiee, x.80 to $6; do, fair to good, the Governorship, and will be succeed- automobile aceident at Newburyport, 30--Dull 22-Preposition to $5.50; carsners and cutters,I ed by Charles Vincent Sayles, the Mass., -in which Mrs. (Dr.) H. S. "81-Prep"Con 23--dAarauder 2.25 to $8• butcher bulls good , 60 to 6.60• do, '(,present Deputy Governor. Frederick Thomson, of Toronto, formerl'y of I 88--To separate 25-Trade ��44 $ , fair, $5.76 to $4; Henry Richmond will be Deputy Gov- Moncton Was instantly killed, and 88-Spare ` ," 26-Province of Canada dabber. bologna, $3 to' $3:50; feeding steers, $$--To exist 27--Unfruitful good,$6.50 to$7; do, fair, $6 to $6.25;;ernor. Dr. Thomson and their daughter Ruth -To uii 29-African village X" 1' -stockers, good, $b.60 to $8; do, fair, The annual meetin;; of the eom- Snjured and in hospstnl at Nedrbury- p g 38-Wicked wretch 30-To postpone c $4.60 to $6.25; calves, choice, $8.50 to pany, at which Sir Robert• presided, port• Dr. Thomson is connected with 89=A Ash , 32-A weight ;, 4 10; do, med., $8 to $9,76; .do,.com•,`was;held in London,-and a summary dental.rese•arch work,in Toronto. I 40-Preposltion 34-Point - 4 to $5.50; milch cows, choice, $70 to of•the earl r -'� 0 do, fair, y y sport was received at =i _41-To crank and roughen Y6-Gauer $8 $40 to $50- springers, ,Answer to la,_ wcak's p::zz'B 42--Skillful the executive department of the Hud- r 36-Evil ; choice, $76 to $90; good fight sheep,l son's Bay Co. ,here. p LEAS S H C K 44-PrefIx. Two 41--To end, Y '' _ ..$b to $6.25; heavies and bucks, $3.50 Sir Robert's rest nation was die- A E x H A L C S G 45-Part of a shoe 43-Fixed compensation (pl.) - _.. to $4.50; good lambs; $15:76 to $16.b0; g 47--Outbreak -- - - . 46-Pronoun do, med., $16 to $16.25; do, culls, $12;tated�by his medical ndvisers, The P L I E A R E R 49-Weapon 46-To feast �* to $13; hogs, thick smooths, fed ani' annual report showed the past year A _ P E w S A L V 0 E R 61-Lair 48-Prepositlon •- _ f watered, $12.60 to $13.0; do, f.o.b., to be one of good financial returns, 63-To shut $12 to $12.50; do, country points, $12 which enab:ed the payment of a divi- L A i N F I E B R tr SO-Ostentation - r bti-To deck with peens _ 61-Station to 12.261 do oft' cars, *13.50 to $14.81; dend of 20-per cent. to shareholders. E TOP N S E R G E =66-Smoothed � ' !i2-Ctrl-like structure of nods 4,4„ select. Vvemfum, $2.4.5 to $2.60. It "also declared that continued im- T REV E A L S A y MONTREAL till-Nominal value 54-To brush up ` Prov in conditions find prospects E A S T A `/ E L '` S 60--Property 6g-Watch-pocket ' Oats-Can. west., No. 2, 753ac; do, in Western Canada justified the com- 63-Poets .r j U R G E A G R T. A L E 67-Conducted I �!o. 3, 70c; extra No. 1 feed, 623X. puny in resuming pre-w8r pro am in 64--Develops . °.` Flour-Man. spring wheat pats, lsta, I h E S L E E P D'�' E `66--Over ~` 68-Cortdeneed vapor - i connection w{th stores, and anticipat- r E (P°st-) "*!�''• - ;9.60; do, 2nds, $9.10; Etrcng bakers" L SAD L E D I - ad.-To sprinkle with moisture 40-A tree $,90; winter pats., ?7.10 to $7.30. that extensions to the Vancouver, T E I LE 3 ! I E S Y 67-Golf term 61-To dip to a liquid ' - Roiled oats- Bag of 90 lbs., $3.96.1 B.C., store w d be co:npleted about I 69--joyous z-$28.28 to$29.28. Shorts-$180.26 December, 5 E w E R G R E E' Y Jp162-To endeavor .k ,.. � _�.. ri:' ,,� ''air y�..j+".b q' a^'"'•'`�k '-`"Alm.•. ,iasm.s.-....+.. ....,.:-.-m,... '''' ,:,eP.:�2iS:.,iw^ '--,-••mak-r.:......... .....r. :, .m.. .'�j rn.d:._�_ ..ar-:...y..r.�10-�:� v,1s:,,.- l...u..r'�c.:'su.._..Lr....,._.,_..,tirrJli,...�:.ar.+:s..� .,..14'_.:..-...:x�..<+..�r:�.t .-'a.....,iS,n:,.._..ec.Jin,l�...r.+34�."".s�'�a�4:,'v.::['Y....Su:,.:;t,,vi�,.+w� c24.�¢i�.ia�.x.,".�:-OtEi."Aix�Y��.�..,h�..: _ _ ,.•rE w♦jc�,£ u„ .. AMA ,.•r.s a• �.;. ...L •L Y',f�✓ .s ;+.0 •{7;> ,}v. 'air's "ti'a" s• ,' ".., d'; ;w„,dc^,.. .rr'Ux. ,4.• � ti.: .,� .. wKn, _ :.>,�,G- � ,.•... ,rLR, •,'y,,. ,_.y,}�' „,�,,;•. ^a+• ,r 'r!+r, .. .r�r ..h !,1 s� •�i-.-F�/t� ••►+,, ,.•.y '.� •�{'`. �'1:. -•:«r�� ;•r.,.�x,-. '"•mac'. s ti -^,r is m�-.x.s;�`"•�gtiw••�.o•?�. s >w � � viii •�. ,r. Y.•° s •..s.�: .,.„;S ,'yam ,,s r:v';. r .Iw..;, ~� _:rYY''. r• ,� µ •a:. w? .` .'vF „w",”� v -.,.s- 4 •n ,q;. ,.'s. ..a._ .-} _:t: '>. :'�� .vert• '..,, vG ••"' r.•s: , .. • .'. .,s•..Y`f w :,}fC.� r. ...� M: �i�, .. 9.. • — l : h�p •' ,'....-A. :..♦'. 4 ,,., � ..�W l grit '... ' ... �• p;• ,-' .. J~. , YY , { L011l1Is � -Mrs.' F; Hurst, of Toronto, , -Dr- Herbert T. F.allaise, dent- V �$ spent the weekend here with 1st, a graduate of the Ruyal Den- `� PY E•0 r A L friends, tal College and University of To- ~ - -John Brown, of Toronto, took -Dr. Henry will be here as nail. Tonto, has decided to locate per. Wat' In-ti sports here on the let. al next Tuesday to attend t his maneatly in Pic)fererinA• We : . -W. J. and Mrs. Calvert,of To- professional duties. welcome him to our 'uridst: Hee For July, and -1-6 immto, were in . Pickering for the -John and Mrs. Mania, of To• card in Nswa. _ _. .. � . Tonto spent over Sunday with • day their'son,Qeo, Martin an family. 1N MEMORIAM. ` t Mrs. Alex. Clark, of .Lindsay,. -Bernard Heck and family, of ' '$share this week the guest of Mrs. yy Hvltsr-In esd wad loving memory o! Owing is this,being the elgek season for hand tailored Garments. Toronto,Gave on rip residence we ate offering Hand Tailored Suits, made by_on®of i', J. N..Richardson. In their summer cottage at the my dear busband, Frederick Hurst, , ` Gleorge pad Mrs. Law, of To- lake. who died July 9rd, 1924. Csnsda finest tailaiiag houses _ Iltoato, spent' Dominion Day with His waw s beautiful life,to whose space c�Q n(�n(� the farmer's sisters here. -Dr. E. A. Sadleir, Dentist, was mptin peryies toeod and mss, ,� 2SsQ0,. regular p>�iee 138.00 _ J. N. Richardson, we are practising in Toronto, will be here gorgettla��self in'all he did,' - sorry to rep rt is ill at present in his office on Thursday from 10 •' it sutifuT;them when his course was .elad under the doctor's care. A. m. to 5 V. m.,fan usual. f run, Extra Trousers $.7.00 _ 1 -The -township council will -Fred F. and Mrs. Baladon and Beautiful twilight at set ofetw r mCi on Monday next for the Iran- two children, of Burford, were Beautiful death with a lite well done. @action of general business. here a few days-this week spending -Olitherow R. Huest. Summer Caps .and Hats k. -Our Audley friends have de- a few days with relatives. Scarvxit--Robert J. ggcraver, laid to d.oa - " eidea garden party for Jnly -Donald Munro how just receiv. rest,June 28tb, 19yF A.dandy line of Palm Beach Caps just in. Something to keep your [ 27th. Remember the date. ed a carload of cement. Those Our Dear Father: head cool in hot weather. -Mrs. Frank Series al little wishingmay secure a supply at We miss our to*i g smile, your uid- eau.Carman, are spending s week y • pp y * y n lag hand, Men's Balbriggan Underwear is two piece pe Arthur Boyee Service Station. with hermother, Mrs. Rankin. -The W. J. Gage & Co..softball Your place will neer be filled and Combination. :. re. Simpson .sad Until the sands of time shall run anew, -Bruce and Mteam motored down from the City And.ere many years have passed, little daughter, M Toronto, spent � the holiday with Wm. and Mrs. on Thursday evening of last week In the reeaurection we shall vellums • Bullis and played a friadlp game With you, Unr gewple KeWp Shoes - -Thomas and Mrs. Msddaford the local team. The score was Daughters. Gertie and Iva. 20 to 5 in favor of the visitors. Are going great. and child, of Toronto, spent the WHITEVALE. . - holiday with Mee. Dwyer, @r., of -Cecil Br'kdley has leased the Shoe gomfort means Kewoie Kewps for the kiddies ` church St. Boone promises, just vacated by Miss Frances Powell is holidaying , Andrew Carrick and daughter Dr, MeEwen, and moved therein with friends at Weston`ad Guelph. Prof. Tracy'. of Toronto University. • � r ,*ad Mrq. Ben Allen, of Toronto, this week, where he will continue Fred 'T. BuntiII , Pickering his harness and shoe repairiu spear a day this weal: with Wm. and D .. s�peent Dominion Day with the Q Mrs. Peebles. Establishedi1857. Gordon Bros. business. He and his family will occupy the dwelliag in connection •���• -Mr. Schneider, of the Rose therewith. D*atb of•ludge McGillivray .J&exrelAior Mille, weaves today t0er 'r r i . ;� •`spend the weekend at his home is -Although the day was cool and After an i aVe of several weeks, ; Syracuse,N. Y. threatened rain all day there was Judge Theodore McGillivraypassed -Come and hear'George Grain. a record attendance at the cele• away on Sunday morning in bis 03rd � � India on . 1 ville, entertainer, and Mrs. M:P- bration on the Memorial Park on year. He was burn near Audley and ' - I(ynff. ecntralto singer, at the Dominion Day. The celebration received his early education in the garden party on July 28ed in began with the band of the Ser public and high schools of Wbttby, .Memorial Park. vice Army. Corps, of Toronto, and began the study of law when a G -. young man. For a number of years ' s -Wm. Call ia left oa Thursday, marching through the streets die- he was associated with the late J. B. accompanied by his two nieces, coursing sweet rjueie and after* -Dow.to the practice of law in Whitby. .1 hire. Chisemore, of Long Branch, wards leading t e Ealithumpian In 1912 be was appointed Judge of and Mrs. Graham. . of Orillis, to parade from the west end of the Ontario County, a position be filled Are Now Showing . c visit friends in Orono. - village to the park.. The Cali• with great ability snd dignity up'to -Dr, N. E. McEwen has rented tbumpians amused the crowds the time of big death. He had the reputation of being one of the beet A big range of Youths' and Che 19 Khgkt Summer Panta,"niee olive the Dillingham block and has with their comic out$te and their ud es in Ontario, his decisions being shade, all size+, 1.75, 2.G0 and 2.25. u' moved his drug store thereto. He entice. urn. and Hugh Miller and justfiand tempered with mercy. eipeci- and his family occupy the dwel- the barber shop tied for let prize, all towards young offenders. His t ling in connection therewith. Geo Baker won 2nd prize asw milk. .looial manner made him al friendsBoys' wind Girls Play Suit3. 3 to 8 year', new designs, ,r -The Maple Leaf Milling Co. maid riding on a Jersey cow, and wberever be was known. His Tuner- very neat, 1.49 and 1,98. ? `rill take action against, any per. third prize was divided between al on Tuesday afternoon was very son orpersonfound tampering the two clowns, S. W. and Harold largely attended: He wase Coeeerva- t a he d�,�1 0 yis.. . Is ttie sports Brooklin tive in politics, a Presbyterian sod a r► -• any other portloa oft e' iflill pro- wino the 11 club bags by defeating Mraoa. $e is survived by his widow, Lsdiea' White Can rubber Bole Suppers,all sizes. Pickering by 3 i in the football two sons and one daughter, also four Also Misses' and Children'@. ag 3mTt+� brothers and three deters. '.-'Watch our' window for these at Half Price. Par Rev. A. R. Sanderson's themes contest. In the men's softball rl for nest Sunday will be a coatlnu• contest Brooklin defeated Clare CARD OF THANKS. {� ation of the same subjects of last moat sod Pickering defeated ' ,Lord's Day. 10.30 a. m., "Na Dif• Whitevals: In the finals between We wish to express our sincere F f®reuce", 7 m,, "A Clouded Brool[lin and Pickering the latter thanks to our many friends for their ,Another fresh shipment-Of the famous "Holeprool" -Vision." A welcome to all.' won. The games created much' kindness and rspressiono of sympathy to our rarest bereavement by the Howie for the ladies. •. --C. H. and Mrs. Pilkey have interest and were keenly contest- Hosiery a'l Igot nicely settled is the residence ed. A number of races 'were run death of our darling child, _ } y Mark and Mrs. Linton. All the new shades specially priced at 1.00 to'1.60 3. loin Church street which they in which the children were eager Claremont.June 29th. 1935. ' t reeentl purchased from. L, A. contestants: As night approached Van Skiver. They had consider• it began to rain and many left the dery as. able renovating done and repairs grounds. However, the concert " maade before moving in. was proceeded with, the entertain. "Hurlbut" Slippers and Boots for, the Kiddies. -AC the recent examilaations of ere being Messrs. Jeeves and Yale, OR SALE-Heed Brtckwheat, ail- People whaare particular about'the kiddies' ithe Toronto Conservatoryof Music of Toronto, who pleased men F a r Hull variety. Are ljrigaan. R.R.N., feet, want the "Hurlbut." T 2.Claremont. a'hoac Clare 30g 41-4' a Wiss Dorothy Cl^agatou.of Dauber. with their numbers. The days _ " ton, passW in Elementary Piano proceedings were bronRht to a OURESEEPER WANTED-For - land lea Mary Dixon, of Rouge close by a dance on the new pavil- Htwo tiemea• middle-aged wool pe,New shipment of "Gracia" Shoes icor L,dies. Newest Io v Hill, ,passed Junior Piano with ion, which many enjoyed until a `n pr`f`rr`d Appy Box 4d,PxJcenag. 4a-44 black, kid and pateot.� Moet of the 'honors, both of whom are pupils late hour. The total receipts were C•TOVE FOR SALE--GumeyOxford ladies want -Gracile." , of Mise H. Law. Tss N>twi3 ex- about $695. which will leave a range,in� condition,suitable or summer y cottage. For particulan apply stUre NEWS ,y tends congratulations, - substantial balance for the im• office. astf Ulleil "Arrow" Shirts. a specially nice line, in plain -Pickering Public School pro- provement of the park. f OST-On 8uti 219t, Jim Picker- white, blue, mauve. grey and pongee. ;•i motions, Sr. Room : Jr IV to Sr -Final report of Pickering Con. Hag, a gentleman's tie pm and bow with a "r They are going great at 2.50. TV ass, Ralph Annan. Wailter tiountion School. lower school good bar pin attached. Finder please ooromuni- Richardson,Allan.Andrew, Austin dept., for term 1924 25: School rate with Wm.Thompson.Pickering, — - Ell Barbara Hall ; rec, Myrtle was open 180 da a in the year. TRAYED-On to the premises of lien's Pure Silk Knitted Ties, 1 y Sthe undersigned,lot 13,con.4.Pickering,two A wonderful line, going at 1.00. Lockwood. Sr III to Jr IV-Hoa., Florence Mntch is the only stutlent whin bull terriers. Owner may have same by Basil Byll Bert Elliot f pass, Jae. to have sn atttendauee of I86 stays roving property and paying'expenses. John Hing, Kenneth Riebardeon, Ethel -perfect attendance. The marks �uinlan,pre .ring. - 40-4 - ;;Splendid new lines in Tie Pins, Beat Chain@, Powell, Irene Hall ; rec, Dorothy Are not those obtained in this ASSEY•HARRIS MACHINERY ,Cuff Button@, Tie Claap3. Bulldog Fasteners, Riddley. Jr Ill to Sr IIF-Hoo. final tests, but are the averages . -And repairs. Now is tbq-time tolook y J - Dorothy Ravin, Winona McEwen, for the ear's testa is each subject. art«your spring needs, cultivators, drills .rid Stead Bolton@, Invisible Braces and the ver _ Y ] barrows,sprayers for the orchard. One a 1-2by Newest in Men's Straw Hats. Sam Irish ; pass, Morley Step en• Names in order of merit, A de' 11 wagon gear.cheap. D.].Gormley,zDDulnbar• eon, Marie Cowan, Echel Cooke, nrrtPs a percentage-of 75-100 p. c. O71 Harvey Bath, Maynard Clough, B 66 B, C 50.66, D below 50. If OCAL AGENT WANTED-For . Arthur Clough, Isaac Coupland ; any pupil failed in a subject that JPickering and district,to sell for the "old a, Reliable Foothill Nurseries." A splendid open• 3 (great Values in the Grocerx Dept. : Chapman a Bak- rec, Annie De Belle, •Edna Green- subject is denoted in brackets. ins for the right man. with exclusive territory• ..y. low A. Jaeklin. Form II-Annie Baker a, Glenna For full particulars. write Stone a:wellington, er ,r —The bestyfootball match play- Gilmer a, Will .Powers a, Ruby Toronto. +1-�+ ing Powder at 25c lb. Horsley Blend Tea 60C. �,.•. ed here this sessan was that of Toms a, Harold Richardson b, Bill HERBERT T. FALLAISE, I.I. D S., iBstnrday evening, when Pickering Hell b, Earl Lockwood b, Harold D.D,s.,Graduate of the Royal College o1 BYllk Cocoa lOC lb., 3 lbw for 25e. ted Claremont in a les Dental surgeon.and the uniore or Toronto. tllafea► sue Wilson b, Lilian Wiman a(writ. oefiee above J.S.a3alsdoo..tore,Pickering,oat• - game, the score being 8 0. It was eow). Elsie Lockwood c(lit arith.) officemens done: 9 a m.to bp.m., or M a eat- _.... meat. Phone Pick a'roo., p4�i°y' i a epleadid exhibition of the game, Form I-Irene Coupiand a. Flor- both teams doing their .cry beat encs Mulch a, lydoa Reid b, Ma OR SALE-Chea . all triad. of . Se ;� H A ?�A A N ` to win b fair la in The me Spencer b, Marie Devine b, Violet r wagons,harness.•ria all tends or sarm ind y P y g• pe �7e menu in good order. Also several heavy and eta was free from roughness. A large Swan b', 'Hazel Rogers b. Hilda tight,cales and cook stoves and heaters. High- ` -number of spectators were on the Walsh c (al Merle Hollinger c est pricepai d forhidesand wool. also live Twat: - field and apronounced d it the (art lit), Robert Stork c(eat), Liz. ' H.Herman,stoufrville.Pbooe 1903 latr best contest witnessed bore this zie McGinty c, Ethel Bray c(alg), RUPTURED PEOPLE ?� 0%r season. ' The score was no indica. Don Morrisey c.Wg), Dorothy An. If you want a comfortable,sasv and • s tion of the, laying as the tel drew a (lit alg let), Mildred Mnr• • t p at the same time secure hold- 0144S. '� were no evenly matched that the pby c (lit sig bot'eat). Number ing appliance, write' ter `� result was in doubt until the final of pupils in lower school 25, snb- paticutars. whistle sounded. Referee Me- jests tried 218, failures_17, paesee THE GORDON APPLIANCE Lean gave every satisfaction, he 201. Reports have been Spat Out THERE�S TEti YOUR ALRICTNT •1�.4 nein siert and unbiased is all to the rents or guardians ehow• Crawford St., Toronto SN 5 -fl;LEpNONE his decisions: lag thee'percentage standing in �T THE CONST,8lXl TKEJUDCiE .NIM -Pickering Public School, Jr. each subject. If the standing is .•.N E fr Room promotions : Sr II to Jr III above the 50 p. c. the pupil hp@ -Bon., Donald Straughan, George been succe@sfnl in that subject, if � N Ridley ; pare, Jack 9� peneer, Aus below 50'p.c. the pupil has failed T- 1 N S T H - r, tin Hilliagback; Tsai,We Mor. and must repeat the subject rissey. Jr II to Sr II-Hon, Ane• another year, except in the case ' "t tin Crockett.• Jack BOyee, Ruby of literature and certain escep- ••w .o Andrew ; pass, Arthur Smith, tions. All failures in the follow saving purcha<$ed the Tinsmith. � Andre Baird, Irene Elliott, How. in subjects m11'st repeat the y R J PQ ins and Hardware business form• • �. ,� � ��. ,;� .ard Bradley ; req. VIncent Byye, course: a11r,art, aritb, geom, bot) erly conducted-by J. H.. Bundy, I f Cecil Lockwood. Sr I to Jr II- latin (except R. Stork), The re• am prepared to do Tinsmithing. _ Hon, Wilda Spencer, Leonard porte given to the pupils the last Eave troughing, Plumbing and , • Cooke; pass. Mary Hickey, Elias day of school Wust be returned on yurnace Work. '�-^_s • :Y tri . Liscombe, Geraldine Bath, Floyd the opening day of school for the Baird, MarjoryBath. Jr I to Sr 125 26 term, Sept. 1st, All the 'Satiefation guaranteed ,� `I-Pass, Jack Baker, Walter Reid. text books authorized for this year Prices moderate ' Sr Pr to Jr I-Hon, John Ridley, Are renewed for neat term except- Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Hardware _ Jobn Barker, Allan Bath, Georgie inrg grammar and arithmetic, -,o �' +�- " Goodwin ; page• Winnifred Law, which will bew,seunless a resole• Etc., always in stock. _ - �`n' Stanley Bal4don, Lloyd Co1}acntt, tion of the local board make-.; the ,ALVIN BUSHBY -- Marjory BAker, Lillian Cook, Vera gild one4 valid for one more year. • Greenlaw, Rae Law. G. M. Top- F. Purdy, principal, H. Proud, ' Liffe• PIO$ERI assistant. i�TL1d.i � i._.,