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-5, 1924- No. 46 t
CHERRYWOODI, Eatrance Examination&..
D, of Madoc, via-
Mr. Adams and so VVEUTBT CENTRE
7:, Helen AllawaT,
-7 ited James and Mrs. Sargent over the Margaret Akey.
Hazel Allaway',Irene Allin.' Levi Ark-
Mr.and Mrs. Hogsrtb and daughter say, Joe Bascom. Alfred Bell. John
of--Oshawa. visited James and-Mrs- Bentley. Doris Bfid, Walter Burt,
ID B.*FORSYTH. Oph.D.. Director
JL%so ometricialsfAssocistion of OtitariO- Rea. t on Sunday. Erxieso Clarke. Ruby Cook, Made
ember of the American!Olit`31104trkal V
latered 0 stakes sargen
Association "Eyes gtzgte.d:by al*iat=I To Aloid Mi Devine, Edgar Ekdridfle(hon.). Dal- Established 1888
Inione ton Fluke.- Frp nk Green. Doria Gn dest.9 1 stablish dustryon,
. , . I I... AGINCOURT rdinw. Jessie Her- The 01
rJupt --,7- L. - vou (bon-), Joe HA I - .- I
F. TOMLINSON. M,B.. Member While unloading bay on Saturday on (bon.),. vororny i0to3a U t1I
-,NO of the College of Physicians and SursecM je4mee* Lawrence.
at his farm about a mile fr here. Long.
Office., that formerly "cupied D "red Long. Stan.
Of fttaeo. Leslie Armstrong.,aged..45, fell off the
Aho lite Dr.I I latterly by Dr. = -,�LiJiokii ! I
well. Phone. Claremont.Qnt. "; ;1 is neck. or"thyin.' John Math
car he war,using and broke h
fie was usiog a horse fork at the time,' Marston, Douglas Maundrelr. 45.
0. McKINNON, 311 L.R.O.S., Norman.
Brodie. ey t loon, Clarence
roke as McQuay, Graee. Newman,
Of Listen And it is stated thett the rope b
No Edinliqrgh.tasunbor Of Shp Oollege Ing thecar back Into post- Pindar. Verne Reid, Carman Roblin.
Physicians end swgeons of Ontario,Hoantlabs be was pull
bf Royal 11 of Surgeons. Ediubumlu. thrown viol- Helen Rodd. Daisy Rodd. Gertrude
id Ohdice tion.causing him to be
t 128
to dirie"es of woman 111I ToBaker's Sp' lend )all (bon.-), F
ofsee-and residepos'.8rousbam.
children. not likely that An inquest will be held. (bon. nd Sleeman a
ently backward to the ground. It is SROoggle Jack)�rSp rancev
Rttymo d
of Phonographs. ey horndyke, Murguerit6 nle
.0 Armstrong. whose wife died aboutS, (bon.). Lorne
Chaircipract c !r, Heliths, Van- HIGHEST PRICE PAID
leaves two daughters and a Tome. Harold Tuck(
years ago. 'Gardon
tt don'i matter who makes years of age. The stone. Allan Wilson (bon.).
R GORDON KeRAY--Chiroprso- son, the youngest 8 Jean
D%pr-. to 5.00 and 7.00 to Ur O'la . funeral took place to KnoI Church, Wilson. Olive Wilson
V (bon.),
Office hours-2.90 the Record,:o
VVillatt, Cecil Williams. Harland Wil
T: 8 00 a bXg Phone 320. Brock Cemetery. Seed Buckwheat
S7 ft
Y�olntmeut Born Phohograph hams, Arthur Wright(hem.) FOR SALE
...... LE CENTRE
*ill play'it. Lillian Dawson. Dorothy Griffin.
Best quality of C. hick,Feed ad
A Raying IPCOW in full owing. Merle Hollinger.WilHe Hollinger,Ads
E.!DHAISTIAN, Barrister and rd, Robert Me. Scratch Feed always
Miss Annie Fuller spent the week Michell. Viola N
"'"A.Solicitor.Notary Public Etc. money. Griskin, Verna Veatytna. it Petty, H&- on hand.
can. ,SouthlWing.Court House. Whitby. My end here.
Howard and Mine Mildred Hoover zell1toirers. Violet Swan. LorneTran.
touffvffle, Ont. holidayed at home last wec%k. Ruth Taylor Beanie Waddell. Stanley
rister Solicitor member of the arm Of obwn. Mrs. P
!�.�ter and Bestoo. Toronto Mrs. and Miss H MI white.
G40ampi Yr;;-u Building.93 Bay Street.Toronto. Eissimi Pastry Flour-
in Later Roy visited with Mrs. PICKERING CENTRE
"Teleplicas Main 981 and 962. Bice. Dorothy Andrew. FlorenceBaker.
its Always Good.
A league game of football.will be Phoebe Baker. Ethel Bleukin, Ethel . ....
None better made In Canada.
Green River on Saturday, Bray Irene Coupland (hoiI Evan-
D*I 11 : ,He Bed July 25th. between Claremont and
Played at lin�Cowan. Lizzle McGinty.Harold
!Ring at 6.15. Ulwbetl. Mildred Murphy, Florence
_D R. HARRY HUD Funeral Director Game be
office--Adam's T Byron
SON. Dentist, Green River. Liverdale Libq- Mutch, Elds Pearce. Edna Reid.' John
Whitb7.Phone 124. (Gas e=1i.VVAU and The executive of the I -thd
desired)., rat Association,of Toronto,held 'r Remmer. Billy Sounders, Robert
d E-onbainter Park on Stook, ,Alice Sullivan. Hilda Ws"b.
rAcense annual pi�olc at Wilson's enjoyable .R E A M 7
..-MOTOR . HEARSE �10 . .
R D. C. Smith. Dentist. Stouff- Donald Morrissey, Eunice Squire
Monday lasrand report an
Dv HoI TO_ time. Th
raduate of Chicago and Is Members nnanlmouslY
a . I r year's picnic also 1 re got for our batter
e gal colle CLAAEMONT, Out. ag eed to bold next it's e grl.
ronto Universities and the R BROUGHAM. th . lee 1%
'26ly Phonia 924 - .. . _. - ._. a
DentalSurgeorip. rhor�Isofficel 11, ReW= in this beqntlful spot.- that e 118 to pay the price
1015. Nooutsidilbppointiliftlts-
Ed.and ,Mrs. Crocker and sons. of for cregin, and it,3 oar accurate
L KE B. BEATON. D. D. a..
HIGHLANO CREEK. Toronto. pent Sunday with Mrs- S.V3teul of doing business that on-
.'"BGLEuate of the R0721 Colelge of Denta ables us to render you service.
Office Matthews.
Surgeons and University of Toronto. On the evening of Thursday. July
over W.Id Pringle's hardware store, WbItby. Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw', of Toronto.
Office hours 9 to 12:1 to 3.30. Ind. '447': Trees, Shrubs Etce Slat. a grand garden party, under the spent their bolidays,, with the latterIg Haive qnr track call foe
DWI phone 220. rQ4T11 AU lee@ of the Rome and School Club your cream.
father. Dr. McKinnon.
of 5bland Creek.will be held on the and Wm.J.
y for E.D. L. R. and Mrs. Devitt
Veterinary Having secured this agIen^ , rounds of S.S.No.T,Scarboro. I.Spent the
Smith&Son. Ltd.,Nureerymen. Beboo g and Mrs.Brown. of Toronto StoIle Creamery Co. .
An excollent program will be render- h their people here.
Phone 18602
G.KERSLAKE. & V. Be. Honor of WIDOD16 Oct. dared by the following able talent: week-end wit Mrs. Mjlroy. of Cedar
A. W. and
E-Graduate of Un1v=oI T_ to. All am prepared to take orders for all Murven Lennox..cornet soloist. Mrs. STOUFFVILLEi ONT.
given Prompt and attention.:Phone Grove, And H. and Xro. Jones,of To-
M 1217 kinds of Fruit Trees.Small Fruits, Kenmore soloist-. Miss Booth and visited Mrs. Philip last week.
Ornamental Shrubs EM. at mi"Bowle�. piano duets: Miss Ruby r6"to, ban been making altera-
t,possible prices. Carnegie. soloist.'Miss Hazel Annie-. Mr. Holmes
lowes tlon&,to his property here, which adds
fu*ftssas gdwbo. Special,rates for large quantities. elocutionist-, Mrs. Miller,soloist;MASS much to-the appearance of the corner. _CREAM
2stf Mamiestid Jobs Peebles, entertain- Elijah and Mrs. Bedell and daught-
-W V. RICHAl I Be- ere ' MISS Eileen Brown. solointand SEPARATOIRS
11300N.I R" -man, Tickem per. -During the *van- on motored over from Ohio and spent
.,tate. insurance Convelsocing. Notary N. J. Chap g D. McLean. pi a few days with Ed.and Mrs. Willbob
lows, and and
ftwic.Etc Ing the resentation of dip
, "I . . I . U made and the on their way to Cobourg. Friday I am agent for the Melotte
1hols, ips will be Thegardenparty lven as DO LAI
"STILL Licensed Auationeer, -will be given. T !as of at-
valedictory address evening last, under t a saspic
Fe for awanai" of Taft and Ontarto. Ass. be grounds ecese. New Separators always la stock,
There will be a booth on t John's Church.was quite a an M
-men MI"0I kinds at"anka so-0gog" Roofin Also.several good second hand a-
River F.0., for the sale of lee cream and other re
ask". Adar�02"8 9 tits. ' Everybody come and The attendance was I&rxe.notwitb
freshwei a a the iLttractions In nearb chines In good running order,
dmisiiOn The program was sojove
1r% XBRATON TOW198HIPOLERK Spend a pleasant evening. A
JLI Converanow. oamaninioamtes takka Z0 cents.ebildren. under' 12 years. 15 by many,who were present. D. A. PUGH, - CLILREXONT
IMMI AseenaftalL 21& Money iso b=s :_M cents, Write or phone Clare.207.
_oa larva tosser ad Marriage us atedal
m. W�
lonow 0"' T-v GREENWOOD.
rrived a car, of Toronto,, WIEST HiLL.
7-%AVIDA. PUGH-Livestock one. Just
Asphalt Co's Roll Roofing, Mrs. Fred Lawton.a former resident
XFtioneer. Graduateof C. M. 4ones' School.
Ldetime experience with pedigreed A randgarden party willbebeld, of this village. was bere on Sunday.
the Becto of Orton,
Shingles etc., &I weat er P Here' -You Are
S&OCk Ali kinds Of affiles so ermitting.on r Mr. and Mrs. Himi
_Block and ring work
rom, ly attended to-,Terms grounds(near stop " Kingston real 1) spent Sunday with = and Mrs.
10 g 61y
areolont. 161 A-large stock of B. C. Cedar
on the evening of Wednesday. Aug. RaIne.
M MAW, LICENSED AVC- Shingles, BeaverBoard oth. the net proceeds of 'which will be Goorge and Mrs. Morgan,of Clare
ont. spent Sunday with their niece,
W TIbNEER,for York.cntarlo and ad Lumber. used to reduce the debt on the build
Is Cem' ent,�.
Countsea, AH kinds of sales prow -Church, Scarboro. A M
Ing of Christ ra.Emerson Ormerod.
to., Ttrms reasonable. Dates for= maybe I be rendered by Mrs. Robert Brown returned home
splendid program wit
offanod at NEWS'01 Sell and Wel)"I Call and get our prices., :Coal
on Su siting with her
dent pbones.-Wbitby.Out. 51Y the following able talent Miss Caro nday. after A
Gourtle, the we.1-known entertainer. sister, Mrs. Nelson Lidgett.of Brook-
PICKERING osil who will be supported by the follo
W- lie.
___i_HA,S,K_E T S_ The Corrigan Sisters. wordwas received bereSPI Lumber
Ing--artists ±U
cute ivening 6ftb-e-&eath-or Mrs. 09-LAAW.-,
Having purchased the stock from LUMBER YARD the youngest boy entertainer to CSMft- mother of our esteemed villager..Wm
the Estate of da-t Miss McGee, elocutionist and en Many of the villagers
tertainer-, Phil McLeod, character made her acquaintance here when v
-W. G. BARNES and the entire .' i
reader ; Harvey Cooper. eomedAan; Iting her am and se ember her as a
-D A.* MORDUE Miss Hammall. dramatic contralto ; very brlFbt�active woman, although Reiidy Uoofing
business of JOS. W. DOTE, Miss jean PcsI pianist.and others. at that time over 90 years of age.
Am pripesed to supply all sizes 7, The ScarbI Military Band will be The services-on the Greenwood elf- I
from BeI Boxes t& Flutiml Director -present during the evening to furnish duit for next Sunday will be taken by d Lath
rrialf Aeshol.
an an abundance of choice music. The the poster: Gmenwood, 1100, KID
U*""d asab'"' program Will begin at 7.9D o'clock Sale,1.80; Mt.Zion., 3 90 p. m Bran
luve.r., Basket.Works Up,4*4W"NII"M R"*Mm Sharp(standard tinI Admission.25 Igbam, 7.00 p. MI 8undayl4abool See
cents., children, under.12 yeah, M vices will beat 14 00 a. w. at Green- F, A., REESORP
Phone Mark.e409
I . .1 _ Successor to Cents. Wood and BrouStarn and.at 2-91)p.m.
.:-:FRANK PENNOCK ..: . S . ;: ;-4..., The Ladles' A
4 at Kl000le and Mt. Zion.
CHAS. BRIERL - MARKHAM r appointment*of the
eyourivVILLS. Aide of the fog
"The Man that made the Birries' meet At the parsonage an
circuit will
Baoke.L"� Phone 9000 ii�;U.F.0. have engaged the Me- August 61 at 190 P.in.
...... morial Park for a picisic in the near
fature. DUNISARI
0 0 IdL
Baker Broo. have completed a$plen.
F A R M E R so flavo Bread Flour did utto-date garage.being decorated . Geo. and Mrs.LvI of Osbaws"Wire Pi :'-'N
with frontal row of lights. guests of Allison Bros.on Sunday.
is In a _f
Arenta be kro and Msx-.-o--fo-
The Cha
Arvel 17h:t"Lk�ay bave signed up roato,s0entgundaywith Mine Janot
the public t
Rgar welt1h Ad guarantors.
Coekshtltt Co_- Miss Gertrude
W. Go*er,Who*W&SL run over hv IL Mrs. 0.WItt"Ifit-
-Pastry Nour ding a week In Peterborci and
1.61 improd are open
motor last week; ii
,.Goold-Sbapley. but It will take some time bif6ret other places.
be obtained fromyoa Grocer, and
will be seen on the street. We are pleased to see G. A
Muir, FlourM Manville in our
11. Mrs, Gillespie, Of BI
Moit. and Mrs. Flint,formek we
,---Fleury and, Bisse'lls Brooklin known residestobf Stouffville,now of Ilage Stu
a couple of MIM 9%9,el;n Thom and Annie Bran-
California, are spending r a t
CHAS. WILSON, Prop- weeks with friends In town, der are visiting at .Sunnyside fo
Lis' ters couple of days. Ore.
The Liberals of StouffAlle.and N.,
Frank Dides
d& Mammoth picnic at .Dr.J.R. Dales and J.
SALE thelOth Aug. Anum- have arrived saI.
York will hot y in the Old Land
Markham on to see the sights 2--
Hay I Loader her of the Cabinet will be present, And wIH now pro&ed
John Deere A Sumnjer.SesslOtl The StouffvIlle School Fair to be Louis N
Parker, of Regina; while
Rake p to Montreal, spent
side-del held here on Sept. 13th boa Its prize on a business tri,
I Sulky Plow 2 Walilag'Pl'ow' i '18 HELD IN THE lists out abd among them Is one from last week-Iind'in oitr Midst-71th rela, 4ecial Week-end.Bargains
and friends.
the Rt.Hon.McKenzie King. Itts an tiveir COLUMBIA
Crown Gang wine.. POPULAR extensive prize list. We are sorry to report that Mrs.
___Brantford Binder T ir Is in the hospital un- CORDS
Fred SlIversides, who was badly Gardner Dunb it- NFW PROCESS'RE
iLLIOT'T a dergoing an o eration for appendic sample255 cents.
F. Disney, AreenwoA Injured In the railway smash-up, F, 6 speedy recovery. A
Pho Lindsaj,is n6w home and is recover- is.' We hope or F
42Lf ne-Pick 714. Ing nicely. The Railway Co.gave him it IA with deep teL7rettbat we report
thel Vidal
a cheque for $1000 an paid all his the death to India of Miss E
d Strickland,eldest daughter of'the late lteg�lar Stock for Saturday
Yonge CharleiSts,TorontoM bills. d for
Graim Chopping Mrs. Wilson is completing her large Owen Strickland.of Torobto. an
2nd. when -three years missionar
From now until Sept, ' Main St. by M, twenty y of the 'Each-50 Cents-Each
First-class brick -residence on a. 0. 0. Miss Strickland formerly
-A- It will
ND FL.IKING, our Fall Term opens. addition of a large verandah
ns ill Add resided with her parent
I' truction in all Departments, be finished about October an�w a here, receiv-
nII And Accounting, Stenogra y, Tye- largely to the appearance of that ing part of her education at the public
?d to do Pboppi
I aw prepar( 3he ive clivirch
oat Flaking'bvery day but writing, Sevretarial, neral I m- sebool. She was an Rct No E. McEWEN �Wti� -
G_ N -
E P I'C� R
satumiliv. provement. Banking, Conalbercial The bowling tournament beld here worker And wa,4 beld in high esteem
Cours a. point of play was a lit all, Only FL montb previous to her
Teachers' and Business E?ridpv last in I stidd-eq.1y awa
on Ptb her father passed
'Stoneboats For Sale Write for Catalogu
Enter now. succesa, there being about forty rinks de left Veterinary :Surgeon
to to Oshawa from heart failure. There are to
takIDUPI from Toroin
of the three mourn her death.&mother,two sletere
yies, Claremont W.:J-Elliott, Princip eterboro. 'Two
Joh13 F. Ba I prizes were captured by the locab., and oner br6ther.
I Route No.2
An Immense tendeme" wit his
:1 eyes as he dropped theVood and dre%f
-Will -Enjoy her
-00h, patty, honoy�__11 he whispered.
He did'no-t In the least ieiea her
previous,,preference for Cullen. That
was the natural, instinqtive reaching
out of her weakness for'se'eurlty, and
4..." it was hbrKery weakness which espe-
cially endeared Patty to him.
Then with vexing distinctrie,;s the
Z41110 oid problem of'Cullen's return came
L i V`
He could not, he
back to fr�t him
decid4. endure '*aiting an instant
longer to know the cause of-that am..
flavor indicateS thilD biguous return.
Putting Paity aside almost sternly,
:1: -�7'
t he strode across the hArd ground
rfect ble'ndind Of ChOICO
fts" todare purposefully.
Wit cog! a-sms
Cullen, lounging belote M VFW UU "as
9EN 7u unN ROUT, I-SMOV5 701101M aw
M. 601spJ111100
_-FW swu 9f 012 place, he put insistent questionj
coming to listen.
IIE! ye didn't come back fer pattyp
Cullen, whutever air ye hyar fer?" d A0
"Hain't I got a right hyar?",de- if*buay
manded Cullen-violently.
Maw Beek Interposed,. quipt
NCES . !.
forceful in her black calico.
"Answer Joel, Cullen."
_4eirful h
Cullen weakened.
-of LL
PI hain't never goin'back!"he flang
"Cities--I hate them -An'
-BY JAY ELZER. . . _ 1. L : . .
anyways,.Uncle Xeatin�sent me b
lie says ter tell ye ter send Joel ef he
PART Il 1. like Uncle Keating. Hit'o.411he thinks ain't cut off In the same piece o' clotb�
An' thar 6 more in I "'He says Cullen paused
iL� $ - . BUOY
tk Cullen Beek, remembering more Ox-,ofl I vin"than
P Sometimes a body jest "Uncle Keating says'l'in a
R. Beek all
rig ges in his St.'work, Joel.
NF. �cftr amorous Pam H 513AP
days, sighed.
likes ter sit an' think" thiou He says there ain't'zio golill
Louis .91i
ad an' thought, by appearances!"
Patty Jessup,,ke told himself fret-. "Ef everybody jes' w6w
rea- '-There foLowed a brief silence dur-
kuliy, -was thial -and hid preferred.folks'd starve," pointed oiit Joel
sonably. ing which it seemed to'J64-that ]kTaw :."rho adatur af"r qw,
:7 'plump � irls. And Patty. manifestly
91 4'We raise moreon we. need," declair- aged befor4_his-oyes.
lacked spirit. _
"Thar's fish ter 11TJncle Keating s4id-tbat?" she in- XTO
His heavy chin sank lipon his,ed Cullen restlessly.- A TORO
bre.ast.. in the warmth of the blazing ketch an' rabbits ter shoot An' honey quired at last,
ter find. An, Maves got more quilts'n . Cullen" nodded sulkily.
Are, he drowsed comfortably. i acknowl-
'Patty Jessup, her face flushed, and she kin ever use now. Paw workpd "Reckon hit's-\tme,11 he
'slipped at: hisself phim6 out,so vwch?
It Maw Id hev odgedL "I like doin'jes'whut Pap did Birds in Summer.
7 her eyes bright with tears, untinl, fishin' an' jes' settin'" -Wait & Bito -are HOW Pleasant the life of s. bird must
7 Is J quilts a-plenty I" -h *q)o It Novel and
tircle of his careless
ngth from the 11 be
- embrace and went out to where Joel Cullen" said Joel sternly, "that's ' Spectulatively she,allowed er eyes known to on* and Ali--
about in each leafy tries;
som"ethin"I want ter talk erbout: You t�`reqt bporr her older,son. the image Which of them belongs to yon 'by Flitting
Aeck snioked StQndly -trees, so broad-Lud. tall.,
in the leafy
bin spendin' too mugh time down at othis shiftless father. choicel
With &.littleiob she sank down he- _"J Like a green and beautiful Palace h"
May Gowdy's place sence yo cam oells the Keating the fam"71" By-their use you'll 'notico' that Your
side him. informed Cullen suddenly. "Only ye With its airy chambers, light and booW
Joel dropped his pipe. back. Tain't fair ter Patty fortunes rise or tan;- L - =9
-Cullen never c'd we hit, Maw." That open to sun, and stars.
"Whar's-Cullen?" "Patty's skinny," shrugged --po it Now".will make your heart re- Z
moodilyl "An'T like'em fat an'sassY. "Joels done right itmart with the e.-
"Asleep." .� :.* . .. ... . Joic e bright blue sky.
That May Gowdy--"be gesttiulaled firm," briioded, Maw aloud. "MebbY "Wait a Bit." the alussa That open unto th
"Cullen's jes'. tired," consoled Joel Is rd'a phrase.
hitls true whut Uncle Keating said And the frolicsome winds as tb*Y'ww
Bee-k gently. -"Shouldn't wonder but inarticulate prate*.' or. erbout appearances," With Idleness imbued. -der by
-whut he'* plumb tuckered out." A quietness invaded Joel,'s mann -bands fluttered u 'ShIrks the task from wbich.it runs How pleasant thei life a bird muo.t b4-
d. An' Patty- Jessup's p away.
"Hits more than that,""said Patty you. an' Patty .air tokens toward -her throat.In a gesture of Skimming about on the breezy Beel,
Patty's waited three yea:rs now." Cast It off, and own It not, an enemy Creating Xhe billows like silvery foanV
almost Inaudibly.
Remembering the-candy Produced .-"But hoiirpa a man g9in' ter khow.at agony. so rude; % - And wheeling away to Its cliff-bURIL
terthought, Jo.el was silen enty wb't kind ol female he'll want . at was r. . .
Instantly_Joel, krfew wh She start with -Do It Now" this very 'MY. home!
an af thinking.
-Together they watched -an auWam.1:atl! twenty-Itllree?"
Another lover was to vanish Over What joy It must be to saIL upborne
"I'm twenty-five," said J6eL- "Ali! "Do It Now" steps out the oppartulitty
_rioon rise above the mountatu top and rip of to the By 6 strong free wing, through the
remember the thin at road leading
"float In a Pool of silver-bght.:- I've known ever sence I kin fo seize, rosy moru-
Reckon.411 bev the last o puter;world,this time never to return. Chance that neler may come your way
the cot- that I wanted Patty Jessup May But Patty needn't be afraid. He To meet the yOu4 sun iace to face,
',ton in shortly," hazarded Joel. "Then whyn4t ye marry her? And pteroe like a shaft the boundlem
n 0�wd ts me better." would never forget Patt7l "'Wait a Bit,, IOUs carbiesely In Idle-
-7. Patty-Jessup-murmured somethl 9 W. But' M&wms imploringly. space!
Wurred - Hfa 'eYes -met noes and 6affe,
Joel Beck trembled. a litaxe
-indistinctly. him his chance?
his vision., Cullen w4a scorning Patty Would Raw give Chance to rise may knock, and knock hat joy
Joel sighecL him, knowing be- W it must be.. like.a living
Little Patty___Bo nearly hie own Jessup. Would Maw spare In-vain. 'to breeze.-
n-dnd set yond mistake thq Cullen could never Which of th
�vrife! "Patty Jessup's got her 'Reckon take his plac I e on the farm? ese belongs to you, To flutter about 'nabus the Kowertne
Days. followed- In which. Cul]en on you!" he 'returned thickly. make for good or 411? trees;
Maw-spoke at last with surprising the wise man makes his
lounged contentedly in the sunshine Ye.90t ter keep y6re word, Cunen;" _entirely It Now Lightly to so'",and to see beneath
gentleness, the old prejudice
ught and held. Own.
'i1pan the steis before the cabin, col- ' Theif eyes ca The wastes at the'blossoming pur014
"Well."yie'ded Cullen, sulkilymgLk- wiped out of her tone. -Wait a Bit will pun yon down and
lariess, unshaven, vest unbuttoned . heath.
"Reckon ye better go,oJoel. Yelve keep you waiting still
bv�er what was quite frankly a paunch; ing goo.l.his escape. And the'yellow furze,
;Worked-right spry on the farm and I For Succe"that leaves you well alone. like fields dt
or departe�l, a battered felt hat low Lacing a broken bit of harness to- reckon hit's yore due, som" gold,
i)vor his eyes, with a fishing rod and a gether with itout twine, Joel wonder-
Instantly the deep-buried restless- That-gladden some fairy regions oldl
can of worms. Rapidly he revert�ed to'ed if Patty knew of Cullen's, atten- ' I all the old Protecting Whhles- on mountain tops, on the billowy sea.
slurring speech of the back- tWns-to May Gowdy. Likely she did, ness came alive in Joel . . I
the soft, I On the leafy stem of the forest tree.
throbbing demand for new conditions How to protect whales.from extinc-
woods mountaineer. news circulating freely in the Valley.
of ii ing and new problems to wrestle ilon I@ & matter to which the BritM How pleasant the Jtfe,of a bird must
Once, awkw rdly, Joel Likely that was why Patty be! -Mary Howitt.
a tried to Jessup's His whole-being flooded with a Colonial Office is giving serious atten.
-late borne with.
broach the subject of hili-prospective eyes had frequently of
tr - He Uan. The Arctic Is already 1wiialed ---------V---
return to Cullen. aces of tears. mighty emotion of joy and release
had no slightest sense of fear of the out," and the 'Antarctic In being In- .*Woman Doctor Honored.
"When ye figger on goin' b Maw -would prefer May Govidy. A
world outside. which had worsted tan"ly hunted. A scientific exped- Dr. Christine Murrell, a'distinguish-
Cullen?" he asked strapping, broad-bipp44, full-breasted
d Ouiia" May -a-lively way with her;
_C_ukqn� ttq_,��dy-AeL-quost on
--k-slow, dark Vu -inva _giT1_ do-wn tLon sent ou. lo- eA inettlea-1 weman at Load haw
1Z CharreteristicallY he Aho-ke-& will shoot --&-mail metal darts Into been oehed' a member of the council
averted f ace. Patty Jesaup; it seemed, did know his emotion, accepting hi whai found south of
s release the equator.
'When I've wore out my welcome I" about -sad-X-a --Gowdy. i of the -British Medical Association.
y lie
"Sho, -casually.- They will lodge firmlyAn the thick Sh.e is the first woman upon whom
uowt*,-- oe "I didn't found that out that ver
.y evening, 141, takin' Patty-with we;" he ac- blubber without causing and &Vrecl-
nitiiin no7harm, Cullen." wh��n he encountered her outside the In this honor has been bestowed.
cepted quietly. able pain to the animals and will
QuIlen's resentment faded. Raptly,cabin; staggeking under a load of fire- of
And he saw, with the pld stab serve as identification marks If the
studying the twin mountainsides, he wood. Minard's Liniment Heals
tender pity, that--Patty's hands relax- whales are ca:Ptured lEkter., It it can
proceeded to make a strange remark. "Wbyn't ye let Cullen tote that ed their agonized clasp and a glory be proved, as I&hoped, that the whaler
"Reckon Pat must bev had con- wood?" he demanded hotly. "Cullen's The entire coast line of the earth
chme into her gentle blue eyes. return regularly to a breeding ground
sid1ble-of a timej with Maw forever gittin� too lazy 'ter live I He's allers (The End.) measures.,136,000'miles.
hounding him," he observed ne bin lazy but be's worse'n ever now." off the coast of Atrics, it will be a
gently. gli- Patty allowed him to take the wood simple matter to protect them.
WemJ61eyS Monster Organ.
"Cullen's -a Beck,'� shi ZZPAnM
Aspinwall sr""as
Astounded.by L h b asphemy,.Joel i returne al The monster Organ 9A the British
uttered a feeble defence of Maw's dilt- startlingly.. "Only yore Maw tain't - Exhibition Is one of tle most Which Jackanapes? on MbdLum
gonee. see�hit- 'cause ol his looking like the Empire tM �AU SoWs dkipped tron war0hmn M
tence. It it was in the days when German i All dine oQuIned VIM d-"
FtrASztng instruments in exis Guelph, Out.
IlSomeb;dy hed to drive Pap--ter' ye cain't'allers goby ptre and folk had to:be care- I tam Lrwj�. sweremi ioo saim task. ill -
Keatingrs. . But
i .g any i 3,000 pioes ranging from 82 was an em
t -work out'n him." appearances. You-you're the Rest- cQnt4'1'. what they said, lost they be &CC,. des. Trtplex Panw� 69&k6un aDd 96046 90
"Work! scowled Cullen. "Son I ft. in height to 3 ft. 8 in. it has live ful L 001RAFt. 20 Pw%,Aw� GROW
nds Ing o' the family, Joel." A*
t. waniWls with 75 stops, and .over 85 cused of treason. A carpenter, says
Joel gulped astonishmen Mt. Israel Zangwill, was.in a cro d
_tl" of el6ctric *Ire have been used siw
y seq the empePer Pam.
The Keating 9f the fam" ne�6tlon with ip Pneumatic action. walung
17bel," said Patty Jessup suddenly. in'CO 'be heard perfectly all ever man had an
"Did ye know Cullen's qcourtin' May it can
-1116 SE005. IE! lien in its quieteet mo. ws uneasy because-he had preeised Here Is"n-e Pu rn p You Need
-cxcel- to meet a conceited young brother-in-
After EVWY'Med Joel stammered with pity. rdents, and its tonal effects are
brother-in-law had not dr-
"Why,-Pafty-7—P. lenf. The reed stops.'truimPets, and law, and the
tubes are on very heavy wfud pres- rived.. T_4 N DEM
'Irs the I rs" he OOV49,tdr AcIrlIVO
In the faint glow of the sta "Will the Jackanspes never cOme!40
saw Patty Jessup's small bead go up su 4-
ceWecUon yam can a rd, so that it will be possible to PrO-
Cn duce a special- fineness Of tone and cried the carpenter angrily.
Irs a help to. d1le prou A policeman promptly arrested him. 1
—a" quality. N
"I bain't carin',"' she aid. "Hit But I was spisaking-of my brother.I PumPs e I , oresiien*and
gesdon and a eleansw ! I For its size it le a very sensitive In- )M a ld r1the"ni
wuz all a mistake-, my beiii tokened 'law!" gaspM the. carpenter, teirt- more
'An oganist w4ll be able 'to in
I the mouth ent. model i bl, n
terCullon. Livins owerful hard f6r strum
P ut of it remarkable varieties,of fied. Repairs
'Jackenapes'; ybilf must: A freeAng
=d t e e ft wimmin in the mountings, an�I hain't get "You said
W*11gley's racams strong. Reckon I kinder figgered Cu )iave meant the omperor," replied the! Easl
benettl as welill.as 4en-Id be able ter give me an or Common SUbstances.
easy life,
New Uses f pQ AT yWQ HO.WWAge 5TORE
,kl4emair and marched the man off.
him lookin' so much like a Keating SHAUTPLANT
little salt added to whitewash Im-
an' all,--xWk:on hit'a powerful hard fav proves it. some onein the salt bust- Recayed Toot
a girl ter know jest why she likes Ft ness or the lime bu3thess learns of It if your teeth are de ke
cayed they ma
man sometimesl But Cullen, be ain't and advertises It and thereby
In' poisons-in your body. Be sure to clean
r-take care'o' no- creases the, gale both 6f-tsilt and of
goin' ter be able te your teeth, tongue and gums thorough-I
buddy; he ain't tbet kind. An'besides" gilicate of soda'added to the ly
lime. each nighA and morning by brush-
an excited
—her voice dropped to water in the hot-water heating appar- Ing with a tooth-brush. Move the brush
whisper---"I'd Tuther hev you, Joel!" atus bf a small house Is carried every- up and down and wM a circular Mo-
It seemed to Joel Beck In that mo- where and'lJreclpitated on the internal tion, as well its across the teeth. It
2 ment that he had not heard iright. 0,11, of the pivei, where It forms a you can do so, clean them-after each,
Himself, with his lame leg 'and his pr6te'ctive ftim. against rust—A dis-
ir � meal. Fruit, especially apples,'after
11#1 lack of Cullen'i charm and &R.re- to I' . ve good Mouth and tooth
covery that proved PTOfitabli the a mea ar
semblance to the shiftless Beck97 manufacturers of -water glass. New efiganerS.L
Patty—TI he implored. L as for familiar substances are con.�
sup crowded closer'. -,,r stantly d1scovered, and a new demand
Patty Jes Oshlsh Flag the Oldest.
S' Ai w-1 I
f Lt,
utr40�1" *�Pv
face raised to his. for them is created. The oldest, of European flags is the
"Joel—Joel I Were hit jes' the pron-
ise ye rnad* ter Pap For Sort Feet-1111mard's UnImetit. muish.
ISSUE No. 30-24
'7- �,a
WeeVs Markds
YMan. wheat-No. 1 'North.. 41-42; More Moisture Needed But' .2
wo. 8 kortli., Lim
Serious Drouth Relieved
Man. Oats— 0. i CW, 52%0; No.
S"k. and Albwii*
1 feed, 49%c.
All the above; c.Lf., bay portL
July 18-With rain in':
Am com track, Toronto--No. 2
_A 77,77W, many districts of Western Canada
during the past 24 hours, crop condi-
Out. rye--74 to 78c.
Ploas-No. 2, $1.40 to $1.45. Rlt an appreciable change,
t, ho
and Prospects are much better to-
Millfee,&-Del., Montreal freights,
agis included: Bran, per,ton, $28; hight, though some sections still are
in need of heavy precipitation follow-,
shorts, per ton, $30; middlings, $86;'
in the
Agood feed flour,per bag, $2.
9 Prolonged heat and d y spell,
Out. wheat-No. Z white, red or according to reports reaching here.
mixed, $1.20 to $1.25 f o.b., Those is close touch.with thezituation,
jpoints, accord however, ari of the opinion that, even
ing to Ireights
wi h
Ont. No. 2 white oats--39 to.Ale.
NA his time*
it favorable
weather frolp t
Out. flour-N&ety per cent.
the Priarie Provinces a-
w ill harvest something less than an
7b seaboard, $6.80.
average crop, because there are said
Mon. barle:1=14o. 2, 80 to 85C
to be large areas where little
Man. rye-No. 2, $5 to 90c.
than seed will be returned.
Man. flour-lat Thpugh rain is greatly to be desir4d
pats., in juts sacks,,
. :'i*7.40 per bbl; 2nd pats., $6.90. at points in Saskatchewan, p
Sir Frederick F161d, F-C.B., who recently arrived in Vancouver wi th Br ti h Naval 0
Ray-Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton, th a 1 5 squadron Ph to, tion varying from recipi a-.
izack,Toronto,$17.50; No.2, $17; No. graphed with an Hawaiian girl when the squadron stopped at Honolulu. It Is stated that Bir.Frederick Field Vill showers to a heavy
$15; mixed, $18; lower grades, $10 officiate at the opening ceremonies th an tiona Erb n downpour was reported during the
of , e Canadl Na I jbitio twent
'-,W $12. Y-folir-hour period in many sac-
Straw-Qtilots, per ton, $9.50 to tions- In Central and Northern Sas-
410. LAST MOUNTAIN PEAK CANADA!S IIUDE DEPENDS ON CANADA katchewan, where conditions were re.
Screenings--Standard, recleaned, L OF ROCKIES SCALED BALANCE STILL GROWS FOR GRAIN SUPPLIES ported as serious early in the weel�
�.ob., Bay ports, per ton, $19.
there have been scattered showers,but
Cheese-New large, 19. to 19%c;
-twins, 19% to 40%c; triplets, 20% to TWO Canadians and Americami Exports Continue to' Increase Great Britain H" Received along the Eyebrow, Outlook and Ker.
robert areas there. was no
214c; Stiltons, 21% to 22%c. Old, Conquer Mount Geilde After S,tuati rain and
larl , 23 to 24c; twins, 24. to 25c; While Canadians Curtail Pur- Bulk of Argentme.crop and the on is not very promising.
-trip eta, 25 to 26c. 26 Iibuxs' Continuous Australian G Sold. Southwestern districts of the prov,.
Me chases from Other Countries. rain
Butter-Finest;-creamery prInts 87 EfforL "The si'ze of the
inces recorded a general rain during
to 38c; No. �cresuner7.85 to A despatch from Ottawa says:- Loiidc�n_, July 1�. last night and early this m
86c; Montreal, July 18.-Mou't Geikie' 'Canade?s trade continues to show a Canadian crop," �says the London
'20 84 to 815c; dairy, 28 tor 29c. as a result orning and
has been conquered. After years of,healthy condition. , In a bulletin is- Times, "is now-a matter of great im- favors,), the- Prospects- are
Eggs--Extres, fresh, in cartons, e. more
�Nc;as loose,84c; AiAs,29 to M; unsuccessful endeavor by the best I s3aed on Thursday the exports for the.portance, because the bulk 'of the last
The drouth conditi
secondas 25 to 26c. alpinists in Canada and the United'three months this year of Apr,il to I Argentine crqp has been shipped and ion in many see-
States, this-grim peak, highest and June, inclusive, totalled $240,250,S7%1 a large proportion of the Australian tioW of. Aiberta ha
Uve poultry-Hens,ever 6 lbs. 26e; s been relieved
following a heavy rain in many of the
do,4 to 5'lb&.24c; do,.3 to, 4 lb&, 15c; most forbidding of all the*mountains an indreass of moie than $tS,000,000 crop has been exported to China and
ituation in
:ksos, 2 The and ever 45c; in the Ralimpart Range, Jasper Na- over those of the -same period last Japan. In fact much of the upward Eastern Alberta al-so improved to-day,
spring chic 11;e1m;&Z I to i &a. I I affected districts. The a
roosters, 15c; tiftel Park, Alberta, has surrendered year and an increase of more than I movement in the price of wheat is and the 9outhein are.as benefited this
to the efforts of two Canadians and "7,000,000 over the same period in 'attributed to the failure of crops in
Messedpoultry-,Hens, over 5 lbs., Am Word to this. afternoon by heavy ruins and light
..28e; dQ, 3 to 4 Ibs., 18c; spring chick- an Itri"n- effect was 1922. Imports for the three-month the Far. East, which led to large ex- -showers.
received to-day at general headquar- period this year were $198,667,221 a ports of grain from Australia and the
-enso 2 Um and over, 50c; �rooster§v
There bag been no'change in the
14�ducklings, 4 to ton of the Canadian National Ran- decrease of about $36,000.01A fropm Pacific coast, and North American in- Manitoba situation, and no rain has
82 hand!1ri-25,815be, Me; way* In Montreal from a photo.-Ithe same period last year, and more ternal consumption accounts -to an in-
-prim se. - been 'reported up to an early hour to..
lanis grapher and guide of the railways at!than $23,000,000 over the same period creasing extent 'for the large propor- night
,prod ct&-S ar IMP- Jasper Park Lodge, Alberta, who ac--in 19n. tion of grain grown in the United I The southern Part of the prov--
nee is in need. of a heavy fall, but
-SALL, 112. P1 5-ga?"4 1940 Per compallied the alpinists to their camp For the month of June this year th
Sal.; maple sugar, lb., 23 to 26c. States. There has, within e last generally conditions throughout the
at the foot of Geilde. the exports amounted to $87,218,747, few weeks, been some little inquiry province are
Honey--4W& tins, It to ll%e;tgr The" who successfully� m
ado the a decre fair, and more moderate
1b. 104b. tinst' 11 to 12c, 5-lb. us, ase of nearly,$17,0q0,000 from for, the tonnage to load grain in weather of the past few days has aid-
III% to 12c; 2%-1h. tins, h% to'l&- climb were: Cyril G. Wates, Edmon- May and A decrease of more thanlouth Russia, but it is plain that the ed the situation materially.
4witub honeyj per doz.. No. 1, $L7_5 iZ too, Alta.; X D. Geddes, Toronto, $7,000,000 from June of last yean Im- supply of grain in Russia will not be
V.50; No. 3, $9 550 to $2.75. OnL, and Val. A. F733n, St. Louis, ports- during June this year totalled Dearly sufficient for internal consump-i Regina, July Is_' HeavY rains
-Hams, mecL, 24 to Mo,- Their'effort was a prodigious $66.0 7 , a d drenched all Southern gas
Smoked meat* 5 50 &rease of more than, tion, and British business men are be- katchewan
21c; cooked ham , 35 to 87e- smoked One, necessitating 26 continuous hours $8,000.000 from those of May andLao ginning to give up hope of seeing Regina to-the International boundary,
-rolls, 15 to 171 1 last night From slightly north of
4c; cottage ;OW, 19 to of climbing to make the ascent of'10,-'decrease of more than $18,000, supplies worth having
fuming 'from clear across the province, thi min fell
'2(k- breakfast bacon 21 to 25c; a 860 feet and the return to their CAMP'from June of last year. that unhappy country in the early in a steady downpour, beginning at 7
�cial'brsnd breakfast bacon, 29 to 3C..
-backs, boneless, 30 to 85c. in the Goikis Moadows,�and.they en-; Duty. collected -in the months of future at any rate. So the centre of 0' lock. At a late hour rain was still
Cured meats-Long clear bacon, 50 countered difficulties which all but Apr% 'May and June this year am- interest is Canada, knd any report on falling over the whole district
tbWr oLttempt ounted to $30,606,561, as compared;the condition of the'Canadian gr at ben xt mol the.
-to 70 lbs.,$15.75; 70 to 90 lbs.,$15.2 ; baffled
*90 lbe. and up, $14.50; Hgbtw TWO other parties of alpinists were,1 aln orm J g e re y h vy between
with $34,754,425 in the same period crop have their effect on Wicog-" Arcola and Assintbola.
in barrelm6 $29; t waiting to make the attempt on Geikie;last year, and $32,463,NO in the-iame
-rolls $24. if this effort failed. 1periail in 192-9. At Cadillas there was a fall of on e-
Ury_:Pure tierces, 14% to 15c; Mount Robson,'Mount Edith Cavell; Soviet Ship of War to and one-half inches In two hours, with
tubs, 141A to 162Ac;, pails, 151A to and,Mount Gelkie are the three finest Salvaging of Gernpn Fleet Visit Brit" Ports a little hail. Estevan also had hall, V
15%c; prints, 172A to 182A�4l=_ Peaks accessible from Jasper Natioral
I with a heavy rainfall.
Ing, tierces, 18% to.14c; Under Way at Scapa Flow
Park. Mount Robson has several A Soviet ship of wai, the Vorovsky, Edmonton, Alta., July I& The Ed.
'14%c; pails, 14% to 15c; prints, 16
times been-scaled. Mount Edith Cav will visit various British naval st4k, monton district was visited by anoths?
-to 16%c. - ell At Scapa Flow a serious-commence- eye & Mos- heavy rainstorm last nigh
ttons In the near future, i t, which.
for e ment has been made WI brought'the precipitation for July up
Export steers, choice, $7.50 to .$8, W conquered In 1915, but Sam US the salvage
do, good, $6.50 to $7; export heifers, years Mount Geikfe has -been known of the German fleet. cow despatch. h Is under. or. -two inches. This is in excess aj
$6A0 to $6.76; baby beeves, $7.60 to as "the mountain that no one can One of the divers states that some I- The Vorovsky, wbi-e to
.$S; butcher steers, choice,. $6-50 to climb.- I ders to proceed to vostok for 1923, when the total for the same per.
47; do, good, $6 to $6.25; do, med., of the'sunken ships are covered with Vladl
pateol duty, Is the first Russian war. iod was 1.88. Warm sunshine follow.
growths twerity feet long and record- the rain in making the
5.50 to S41; do, com., $4.50 to $6 ship to inake'a: lengthy cruise since Lng same ideal
butcher heifers, choice, $6.26 t6 $6.75- DeValera Released _pize4 fbarnacles and mussels. The the Introduction of the Soviet regime. growing weather as prevailed In 1923.
_7_ do, med., $5.25 to $6; do, com., $4.50 by Irish Free State divers found the.Hindenburg, at one It is manned by Communists and the a
Ito $5. butcher cowsz, choice, $4.25 to time the pride of the German navy,-
commander,. it'is' understood, Is a BRITISH FLIER SAFE;
$,L76! d ed. $3 to 114'; butcher A despatch from' Dublin says:-Do with engines and interior Intact.
mlls,'g= $4.50; do, fair, $8.50 Valera and Austin Stack were released'Chaulpashe bottles and'glasses' were ranker who served 'with aft ordinary FORCED WNInnFOG
from Arbor Hill barrack& -revolutionary days.
to $4- bolognas, $2.50'-to $3.50; can- rating In pre DO
The or.I found at the officers' quarters and
12ers and�cuttersl $1.26 to $2.50; feed- der for their release was signed by The statleim at wUM-the Vorovsky
-bunks undiep will call at
.-Arbed. The-41fudeabi 10112. viator
ing steers,choice, $6 to 0.76;,doi fair, President CosgraTe. There- was 116s; fit el_e_v�n fathoms of water and, bo, Singapore and Hongkong, where it
Zo Plymouth. Aden, Co Aroujid - the- World A
wi,_ - --fii $4.90;,milkers, Wj�b Coal.
to $6 50* "stocken4�eboieg. 46 to--demouffm-non W any kind as they if she.proves seaworthy, she may be will be supplied MaClAren Landed on One
$4.25 h the Lwed for. dismantling to Queensbor-
rs, choice, $75 to $90; do, fair, left their prison mates, alth too of the Kurile Islands.
5 to $60; calves, choice, 48.50.to releas6 was not altogether 2expec ,gh. A curious fact is the entire ab-
'14. 60; do, med:, $7 to $7.75; do, com., ed. It ls�stated further releases will sence of Ash it Scapa Flow. Crabs Prince ofWales Greets Tokio, July 18.-Dense fog forced
the MacLaren party of British round.
to $6.50; lambs,choice ewes, $14M be made during the n6xt'24 hours. and lobsters are as thick as trees in U'S- Arodnc'�World Fliers the-world aviators, who hopped off
17_:". $15 60; &, bulks, ;12.50 to $13.50; The excitement. In Republican . a forest, said a diver, but other kinds
cuf1s, 0 to$11; sheep 'fish must have been seared away. London, July IS.-Three A' from Lake Toshim4ye, on yetorufu
$1 ,I�gflt ewes, circles over the release of de. Valera I or
merlcan Island, last Wednesday, to6 land_ at
6, 6.60 to f6; do, culls to $4*50; exceeds all bounds. It was received und-the-world fliers, Lieutenants
Egs, fed and watered, $8.50; do Lo.
Uruppa, a neighboring island, soon
-1. $8; do, country points $7.75; do, in other circles with relief, and the There 4rf4,upwards of 100,000 people Lowell Smith, Leslie P. Arnold and after taking flight, said wireless ad.
Qe;� f. and w., PAS; 3� off cars, release of Stack enhances that feel. in Canada actively engaged In convert. Leigh Wade, were entertainef,: at din-I'vices received from the Kurile I
long haul, $8.90. Ing. Stack's name was mentl6ned Ing the products or the forests into 'ner to-night in the Abraham Lincoln slands
earlier In, the day In connection with wealth.in some form or-other, and Room'of the Savoy Hotel by the Roy to-day Whether the advices came
to 57c; An application by Stepben ,O'Mara de- with the families they represent this Aero Club. After the banquet thelearly this afternoon reported' Mae-
'Oats, Can. West., No. 2,,56 fendent in the Dail funds case, 'and means that half a million people in fliers were received' i from *the 'merchant steamer which
No. 8, 64 to 55c; extra No. 1 feed, 52 1 . privately by the'Laren and his associates
to 53c; No. 2 local white, 51% to the cou.rt decreed that he be allowed1the Dominion are dependent on the P,ince of Wales, who Congratulated': safe- and
ere relayed by the Japanese destroy.
62%c. Flour, Man. spring,wheat to give evidence. i forestslwfor their living. them on their achievement.
Cats., ists, $7.60i'2nds, $7.10; strong Isokaze, which was searching for
kers', ;6.90,,' winter pats., choice, $7 the missing aviators, or whether the
tG, $7.10. Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs., Isokaz Urupou and-mn
Shorts, e had reached, t
'1110 to $3.20.
Bran, $28.25.
them after direct communication v0th
190,25; Middli a
2, ton, car lots, fI6.50 to*17. Mrs. not:c Go*
rurZ, No. 1 pasteurized, .34 to
-said that all members of the party of
,94%c- No I crealdery, 88% to 3314c;
4scon(is, 81% four, headed by A. Stuart MacLaren.
extras, 36c; fresh, firsts, 30c. Pota- ..IN I were safe and that their aeroplane
was un -machine, after
-toes, per bag car lots, $1.35 to $1.40. damaged. The
Calves, ZI good 7ality, $6'to$7; landing in the ocean, was removed to
.hM, mixed lots, $8. 5 to $9; sows, a lake on the island, the better to rides
'.44.76 to $5.
out the fficriasing wind, which arose ,
Soorf after the landing, the advices'
chooses as Big as Men.
Your monster cheeses have been 0)
manufactured., in Taranaki, New Zea-
land, for the B i:�,7 Maj y Aga lib
rittall Empire Exhibi- -rit S 0' t'
in lu"
=Wan 3i2,07;0
Alon. Each is the size of an average X17
man, and extraordinary care has been
Aaken- In the manufacture, the cows
Regina, July 19-Lateat p ebiteite L
being specially fed. figures available to,
day give:
For probibition-�-70,430..
Took Her
Z- For straight Government control-
TW�Irua, an active Ilttl6 person of
JBIX, rosen*'the saineetion that she
'"Vas tired'. For dover�mefttcobtrol plus beer.
"But don't you ever go to,sleep,"sho
+rV to
Northbtn AlbprWk ej" industry
Thalma shook )ier :head. 0 1 becom r
a y Ing inc oasijigly i%Portaut. One
an I'm not looking," she replied.
week'a expbrtg rdb6ntly amounted to
1,600,000 eggs. Yet only a few YOM
The eucalyptus gro�ft' higher than Members -of the track and field tearr. which.reprefented Canada In the Olympic gsinei photographed aboard
ago Alberta' was IniporUng eggs, In
wV other tres. ship nu-th.eir arrival at Liverpool. some Instances, from China.
D A� N
.-C -T. N .GJ W ipfale
Every-Satturday night at
Th6 -&ryice-Gw
paid in advanc&
$1.7.5 pa year.. $1.60 it
Subscriptiotro the United stat�s and Criat all 8unither frdn 8 to 11:50 P- In- Motor'overhau ling, top and side cur- FOR HOT WEATHE'RILUNCHES-Sardinest KIP ered Snacks,,Best
an$2..00 in advance. Herb PaweVo Prehestra. tain.repairing. BroInds Salmon.Fork and Beane,;.Crabapple Yelly,Olives.. Salad
Pickles, Marwalade, Fit
try Sorvice-Ctiarging Bey Biscuits.
A and-overhftulfbg.-.
10101' MURKA Proprietor.' uarauteed. 'Flat rate, FOR� FRUIT PRES190ING-Fruit Jars, Perfect Seal and Crown
All work g,
eivice 6hsige-.. lbs. St. Lawrence or Red.
DOMINION OP U0WA Sealer Rubbers, Parowax, Certo, 100
Phon:5610 hlai4.Central.
PICKERING COUNCIL path Sugar$9 00.
�iReport-of Road and Bridge Com- REFtNDING LOAN IM in-
W. E. S E R R Y FOR PICNICS-Pure Food Waxed Papir 5c a roll, Picnic Pplaes,
wittee continued from last Issue.) a - .
5 PE 'IDS Cups 15c a doz. luterlake Folded,Napkin
R CENT__BV� dividual Drinking
R Brown.ditto 12.25 ; A Trimble. plan -80c per 100,-
",t- clean ditches draw gray spread bet
IL2 2o year Son"price 98-25, to Yield EkSY, CLEA
-is coos 4-5 67.26',- 8 Corbett. grav NINGAND POLISHING-O'Cedar Pol
Goo ,Cammack. 6.14 p6rcent. b, All Laundry Soaps 8 bare
bet 12-13 con 4 21-00; '.Veneer, Brasso,211vo, Mack's NoRu
9.50 -_J J 5'year Bonds, price 99. Ao yield
drag be for 20L
ditto 20 00 K Baelby. ditto cefat
-5 con 9,2.50; 0 Arm- 5.28 per cent.
Ward, �t 4
12-13 con 03-50., E
strong.clean ditch bet (C. N. t.) . .... . .....
8, plan lots 20 to 26 cons, Canaidan National Hallway
W A Court . :7or day inand day o e ery day in-Ahe year, you
A h.l, ut, v
9A 9-Vt (seven year) first mortgage Do
nogers. draw grav furea 01016....e --y - witi HBO ir,Economy .0
570 per tbotitand, or $1
cons 7.8 le 56. hob invested
lots 43.7 cons 6-7'20.00; F Disney, draw "Buy Your Groceries at the Grocbr's"
now increases to,*I,764A0 at ma-
shov grav late 0.7 cons 6-7 25 00 i W 4
Stevenson.grav lots 2-3 and 6-7�ou 6 turity.
F,Harbr orders at,our
lo.00, on.ditto-10,00; A Pegg Phone ar wire iff RICHARDSON
drag plow lots 7 to r2 cons 6.1 17.08
vel cons 6-7 18.75: We Deliver Your Order. Pho][146'600
DVKHS&ROUERS. ..........
W Sadler.125 vda Igra
J B Lyles.6 yds gravil, con 6 90o Thos phone�268 j Dundas St. East.
Hirst, 184ditto, con 6 2,70; 0 Richard- 2tf WbitbV, Out. TTS Spring' tbe'energetic
lots2-2-&7con625,00; Bruce it time of the year wheu
X -son, grav Sto
P,. Concer.gravel Lots id-17-18 eon 2 40.00, �tth,&gmwa-ups and the kid.'
Fickqring Coal Co.107 yda gravel lots The Pickering dies need energizing. pure ' Hardware re
Tickefir ...
con 2 16-05', C-Madill,grav 19 V0 61 ood, instead of nostrume.
to 2117.160; J Riddle. shov plow lot - bread disap ear 7
ance- Committee Le t oa r P
19.20 24-25 coins 7-8 11-25; W Black, Igil
I f rom your table three -4
rev lots 19 to 28 cons 6.7 32-M: P Ma-
- L White,ditto$5.00
gill. ditto 32 60. The object of this Association Is to 7,.times a-Ony- Try our Pas-
T Hardy.ditto Se.50; G_HoLtby.clean i . tri.es.- You will be stir. dr this� hot weather.
Mason stealing'ind proseoute. Now to the time jouneed an Oil Stove.f
It haul gravel lots 19 to 28 cons 6.7 the felons. rised at thei Come in and let us show You the
r delicious,
W75. AM&tthewL&, ditto 25.60; Jos -tome-made like flavor.
team qp Members haviux PTOW- 4"Ien ocramuni
15r W Happy Thought Oil Stove
Mitchell. -dttto 27.150 W Bennett,
r5 1�.,".- ditto 44.00, J Beelby, d J 01&rk *Me imrosdisggly wi may member N e
d r IS to 25 cons 7-8 1
Greg" of EzwudTs 00mmilt". S&tisf-sction guaranteed and a f ree trial-to make you-satisfied.
1415 ll,,OW. A Clark.drag
grov 14-18 a and R lines 41.50, 9 Pas. Membership fes 81-00-
coe.dltto 27.50; D Orawford. gravel reen boors and Window Screens,-Wire
%laws may be had from Ine President at- 01 -We have a complete line of Be
'13 linia-17 50- -17 SOM R. "Keep put-the.flies."
F Andrew,grav lot&16 Im on application. Cloth f row-18 to 42 inchea.
R line 10.00 L squires, instal pipe
50 yda gravel ft And Is lipes 11-40', 00m.
-1.. 0. Banks,0.B.P ARE
d en and Arsenate ot Lead
unro, Pickering. Paris Gre
drA8 .
]a axter. oil for tractor operating er,Donald M
grader 12.00; W U Brown. Instal
k pipe bet" B 1108 12 25; J lAxgitt. L.R. Thextoll. W.J. Clark. Forks, Rakes. Hoes, S11ovels. Spuds. Scythe@,.Sprayers, Pruners,
ClIppers, Lawn Mowers
�,Gpread%gravel a t I Uxbridge to ,pay President. sears*&ry ete.
-h&If 2.50; T Bacon. AT;a t I US. 'for McCormick and Deering Farm Machinbry and.Repairs)
'bridge to par half 900 J Coates. (Agent
ditto 20.00; J Underhill.Xrav bet 10-21
n t I Uxbridge half 10.00; Rose
Watson, ditto�02M; W Dickenson,
ditto 21)00-. Geo Coates. ditto 10.0.0
J Pailleter.spread ditto 15 62 TO
Alsop,ditto 10 00; W Michell, teams S. RALS1.0v
on grader con 7 10.43; a Wright.drag
low Instal culoort 28-29 con 1 12.25;
W Goodman,80 yde grav 22-23 and
tr 68 yde W-21 con 934,00; C 0 Bennett,
D 9 10.00; E Ward. drag clean
;0 ditch instal pipe 11-12 con 9 1&25; 3 SJ2 'VICE I
A.WA as
Coates.clean ditch ditto 6.00; A Tom- BUS
j,,'. :n team grad instal pipe 16 17 4,25-.
D Graham.spread grav con 9 5.00; W
2-23below Blloe9oo; M Beason Toron riukermg
h Instal pi and Whitby
Burningham. clean dito ISIT the fastest-growing city
V .
I 1pe con 9-1,50 "en. team&
ata, P -in Ontario-the. great Motor
on grader cons 3 4. S. 7.9 225.65: J 0
rep w&about drag eon 9 12.25 City of Canada. Take advantage -'WF,]FK:DrAY- SERVICE
Cammack. team on grader cons S Leave Whitby ,,.Leave Tor
and 4 4 96; A Carrutbers. drag clean -.of the Special Excursion Rates 7 40 a. M.
ditch con 8 11-12, J Palmer drag grav, 1.80 P. m.
9 30 d. 106
clean ditch 42 50-. JL Carruibers,drav eek of -7-&80-p. m.-
1.80 P., m.
on all railroads and have a w
drag Maekham t 1 12 82-. W Holmes,
6.00 P. T.
I �drag clean ditch 11,37 ; J Pallister. COM-
solid enjoyment in Oshawa.
grav coo $ 20.Q&; J L-eggitt. spread
grit v con 9 3.75 : J Coates.baui grayel rograrnhas been prepared
p ete p Leave Toronto
10 w. I Underhill.ditto 10 00: Hiram to give Leav6 Whitby 9,45 a.
on 0 10.00; Thus se spared m.
Aldop,shoy grav c nd no expen 7. 0
Bacon,haul grav coo 9 25 00; H Elson 1.80 p. m.
grav c visitor a royal welcoMe &00
Shov on 9 10.00; R Alsop. haul every P. rm.
con 0 2D.00. R Connor. team on ;L 30 P. 6.00 P. M.
grav - 0.
ader cons 4. 6. 7, 8 .79.70; F B re _0-
gir Auring- 11.45 p. W.
5.40 p.
Instal pipe wn- 0 2.00; G WIN
drngcoo7 1537 : Canada Ingot ASUNDAY SERVICE
d3 serapers 91.80-: G
0 nto
Iron Co. 0-alui Leavg Toro
repairs -to grader 150-, W H Leave Whitby
9.45 A.
8 00 a. M.
Jackson,ditto 2 00. Sawyer & Ma4sey OM vvwaEK
LDH E Vww .. -
Ir 10.00 P. M.
:8.80 p m.
�2 blades for graders 19.12; A G Clark
Putting top on culvert And hauling .9ft
'hitby to Toro �5 Picking- single
IV nto. siogle 75c., return $1
ti m ber 3,50. Fares :-W
August 1rd to 50c., return 90c.; Dunbarton, single 40C., return 70c.: Rouge,
(kin gle 80c., return 50c.; Highland Creek 20C
t for future refereace).
(Cut this Mime Table on
Tenders %ill be received up to Satur-
day. July 26th,for the lacing of 180
�the ;arkham and
Vrkerdo of gravel cc
ing townline.from R. Tweedie't.
way south to the Dutch Meeting
CUSP. the W01tk to be completed by
Oct.let. d. 200 .
Phone' In
The lowest or any.tender not neces-
ly accepted.
rAcust KID.
Vowwhip -of Pickering
Te"M ftr Ww"
`A T
BRALIED TZVDVJ&g will be received M Em ARK
:by the uDdersign
ed up till a o'
n.,on Wednesday. July Both. 1M.
con, per b
or the construction 011 rot ::�ftnii-Roast or Steak, 2&
ar"to structury" 1. Town. Surloin Roast or Steak,
;=* Packer-
ship allikot!to*niin;Qt
e Roast or Steak,
Ing-suQ%lavirIUKU AW-U-1- A- . -Porterhous
% plane and specifications may be aben
and all infolmiation obtained at the
offices of the undersigned. ipe Rib Roast,
sarilv Accepted. io OL�a ISO
The lowest or any tender not coca@ Heavy Rib,Roast,
: Shoulder Robst,
iTowvehi�Clerk. Whitovale,ODt., -,�Put Roast,
D. RZAP9, Plank-truss Brisket, to boil,
!Cngineer, Whitby, Out. " EMPIRE91 INIftel-Glad BARNS Pork,... 26C
IOiu of Pork. '
_'Sbouldet Roast Of P
DALE M11 -1 LightnInj ork,
Weethor-tight I VSIUO I 28c
Pork Chops, 26C .64
P re ork Sausage,
yop need a new 13am bran old one remodelled, P
Berm 1 8 tPork....
'Empite" Finest &I
grain taken in lot me quote Qu. S&
Wheat or any _y Let me show'YOU handT
bave built. They are enormously strong,roomy, Finest Breakfast Bacon, p see,
exchange for Flour. .0 sliced, _77
to work in,and moderate in cost. ...7
nous"Esstl9ke" Metal- I Wild Curied Cottage Rolle(half or ivhole),
We have Bran, Shorts,'Chop,
Estims",gladly given for roofing with the im 45c
---Back Bacoh,
r... . .... Oil Cake Meat, lic S s,.or"Empire" Corr -Iron. Repairing and alterations
worlL absolutely guaranteed.
0�n ule� 55C
Cooked H�mj
P'K all kinds of grain.
0,"IvIe's Porridge Oats.
55 CQD
ining, 3 lbi
use SUM I)ome8tic Shorte
Royal Ho' hold Flour,' First and 90 COD13
bufld�g Contracting 5 The
Cream of to Weat Flour. a lb]PAnts 18
Bar s, Houses, etc. 11 Unds
Fresh Trout andotWhIte FisJL Every
Pickering Dealer for the Products of
TheMetaffic RoofingCo. Limited, Toronto .124
A 1! A&M"N
Mrs. Chapmap and her sister,
The NEWs Infin;k1i b�S_ke*next
on amotolviag tiip'ih'rou h Th 0- S e
wCallurli.lift 04-19,01
week on Monday instead of Tues. era Ontario. .9 OIREAMERYV
'day. Miss Lillian Birch, of the Toron
Mrs Andrews, of Toronto, has to Cunservatory of Music staff,
price paid for
spen Ft ev
een ;Pending a few days visitiox t f v day@ with her friend Creaffi at,the
A L a
laremont friends.
Miss Veta Stephenson. IV
W.and Mrs. Peofit and son.,All. ohm and Mrs. Fleming&'ad son. ev
lon, of Aurora, spout Sunday Vvith Andrew, and.Roy and Mrs. Mor- C remat Creamery
.,:Lyman anaMrs. eilkey. gan a ud family spent Sunday with TMP9WL"
T r o u ii, h OSHAWA. ONT
Misi Acnie Spoffard is spending W. B iiid Mrs., Armstrong, of Giye us a trial and be convinced'
pleasant holids at Orillia with- Aptinco'urt.
Get n eivetr6ughing done now
.her friend, Miss 1-Kinuon. Qufte a large number of the rela-
D. P, and Mrs. Macfarlane gild tivesand friends from Claremont yo %Tickering
oeon, Scott,of Hawkston, are holi- and the Parrotinding country Pt- :0,.before-the fall rains and
C 0 A L
da Iag with Mrv.Macnab. ed the funeral of the late W. ..I. . . ., ':, � Leatber Goods
-,It' --d--da te -frost slat in,
Ar. and Ur an ughs,
reac J.,101che-IF of_'r6ront-d,-6V--fttt0. I purpose havitig on b
and continu-
-re k6pared to do an
oualy a 9 V ar
ter Madelitie, of' Dresden, were 'd tuck of hard Hf RNE
g at the manse last week. tber land Mrs. Pilkey and Jno. We a
'Chapman, w .....Our-au
Mrs. ho has been and Mrs. BeelbV and daughter and soft.coal. PVY-0 s now complete.
it her M -Mins
to Stroad 011 %J"U�MJF UL Mace yourorder now
has returned to"her home In Kitc& --"'— ":., BOOTS-GREB SHOE
Iasi week to visit Mr. Beelby's of any-nature.
the rise in price.
etier, We have a large stock of this Famous
brother, Win,. who to in poor
Mrs. Hague, of Toronto, Red health. 12tf Thone Pick. 1709, �No extra cliarge for Boot on hand-imbeatable
for hard wear and tear.
Mrs. Beanett, of Highland Greek, The seeo_ nA lessou"Im. the life of DONALD MUNRO, PICkEKIN6' distance.
spent a few days with -Mrs. John Sitbon Peter will be the sermon
Flemrng. stjbj�-ct next Sunday morning at We maintain our established reputs.
Mrs. Richardsop-,'Miss Hianititon.' the Baptist Church, the subject be- M. J. H. Chapman McCorm"Ick Binder Twine, 650 feet -epairing all kinds ot
tion fort
Miss9with'and Mrs. Beal- spent Ing "Under a Cloud of Self Depre -DECORATOR big ball 15k lb. harasss-mud boot&
�'Friday with S. F.and Mrs.Robins, 'Ztion." In the evening�he sub-
ry we Dealer in-Blob Grade Wall' Papers,,
of WhItb is "Jeens late 2eled sanitary Wall Coverin o o - CECIL 'BRADLEY
Miss Fa fis, who has been v1sit- g Clark Jewel Oil Stove$1 0
jag Mrs, -McCallum for a �,few ative Burlaps agaDecor.
weeks, has returned to her home Mouldings. Harness maker,
Prices to suit everybody's pocket. PICKERING, ONTARIO
In Toronto. F. M-1. C 0 P E R
4,_Uxbridge.Tp. or phone
Bart atld Mrs. Ham, of Toronto, CMNI PRESSIN Call and see we at Lot 1. Con.
araspending a fewdays with*the Bring along to be cleaned 3234 2401 Olar'emont. OIL-AREMONT
latter's parents, ThOL and Mrs. and pressed. glottlbrfeaucltlie-n guaranteed
Charges moderate.
S. R. and Mrs.Pennock,' of Tc� ___JAMES BRISCO13,
roll2w, and-Archle and Mrs. And. "Opposite D.Taylor's BakerY FARM LANDS
Orson, and datighter. Christina. of Claremont, Oat. To bu pa'rtment of-
Ricl:lmond Hill, visited with R.J. y or sell.your farm, coosult tbeFarml.ands De
-and Mrs. How on SundaT. The United Farmers Co-operative..Comf"Y, %UWY
The picnic committee invite the Hardwood
members qknd f dends of the Baptist TIM
Furnac4ftens and ingles
Church to join the Sand School Th"aaman Kent line of flooring In A. J. kLLISON, Representative, Pickering, Phone Pick. 1508
wholars.in a picnic to OSIKAWA an plain red oak. linarter-cut lrblte 7."24
Tuesday, July 29th. Care will oak. birch or maple.
leave thechurch at 9 30 in. Becla Furriaces--pipe or pipeless
TheClaremoat Club will hold Rubberold Felt Slate Shingles and Roll
Aux Ist, and will most at CIAM Also, a few settings of bred-to. Investors
theirpicale at Oshawa Park on Roofing. 18 or 85 inches wide. To
I&Y LONG while a.go Iks
woni Park at 2 80 .P. in. Those B red Rock eggs for sale.
re and those 0..ar 0 you appreciate the advisability of having your basker A'found out that it was
with car space to spa DRAPER, - PICKERING D in matters pert-inift
serve you g to Invedments. a watfer of real econd
who wish to go and have- no ear
revort to C. A. Overland or Hiss, Call and get prices 85 The Bank is always in dkeet and constant touch with the to buy superior foods.
4GIeeson. Ladies remember refresh. inv . nt markets and is wall equipped to secure sound- you haven't demonstrated
and attractive securities or to place any banile you
-7�' wents and dishen, and gentlemen HORSE REGISTER. wish to dispo" of. .'..this to your complete @at-
-the usual club tm The Oshawa AscoT PRIDE. JW, the pure bred I At any branch of ths Standara you can Qbtain Information isfAe'tion it's about time
you got acquainted with
Park pavilion W been taken for -in reaped to invostments.
regWkred Clydea&le stallion, the
�6. T. Davidson, will the choice provisions vro
the evening for a private dames. pro 017 of Ot
The Clarerbont*Melody Orchestra d for wares during the season(if THZ vided by us.
1V24 at hik own stable. lot 8D. eon.
will be in attendance. ,,STjkNDARD BANK
Pickering. Terms:To Insureis foal.
A pleasant afternoon was spent OF CANADA
$10, payable Jan. 19L IWA.
-on Thursday last at the houie of
9W" C.
Mrs. S� ffard when she save 4 KING SAUL.(14M) a. S. B..
picnic ror the lembe"of bar Snu- S. S-, the fashionably bred imported Pickering Branch, W. F.Law,Managej J01101m, 0
Clydesdale staXion. the property of
7 day School class,twenty-five being Oscar Wilson Brougham.will make Whitby Branch, C. A. McClellan, Manager
present: A most enjoyable time the seatson of i924 as fallowe: Mon- Z700
'Was spent-in games and races 6f
_day.will leave big own stable. and
various kinds. Ref resh-atente-were Voc rner of
served on the beautiful lawn.after r toad and eon. 2, for ni#ht-.
oZd Hutchings Bros. co
Tuesd W. J. Miller* Pickering.
which a short time was spe6t in noon.lk G. Wilson'@. base line, for
-siaging. with their teacher at the Wednesday, Urban Blake's, FCf PR .5,
Before leaving for horue I b"
piano. ng
Adl.y.- noon. Wm. Oimerod's.
all joined in sivalng "For she's a Greenwood. Dight; Thursday. T.
...,.Jolly good fellow," %nd gave three Eli,.t',. Kinsale,neon. own stable
hearty cheers for the hostess. until Saturday morning-, Saturday,
The Union Sunday School Will Joo. Patterson's,con.7,noon.thence
hold theit annual picnic on TALes- za�btsl own stable until the following
Boots & Shoes,
dayuext. Cars and trucks w
at the church at 12 o'clock, so all
those w bo desire to take In the ou t
�iox should be on hand in plenty of range of the famous drob'
rinoes. A boot that is wall
time so they can join the company Coal, .---"Coal It known and guaranteed
In their trip to Oshawa Park where to keep your
the-picnic will be held. A cordial 0
feet dry.
'invitation to extended to all who Hard and Soft (3oal ot the All sizes In wtock,
wish to attend. - Come along it)
picnic style. with baskets etc. best quality
,in of sports and other events hand
hodl THr%Q HIM =5: a 0 Thisisanewcaske. A good
comfortable fit for every
will be readr out Sf Sunday -Sc
011 StItiday morning. WS0 A. LAW 4by use. P1 i6e
A grand-concert by the Whit ILM
Citizens' Band will be given in the Znc3cemlma, out. ra is a=
�0&11 Early. Phone am
Claremont Mernorial Park on Aug. A M
11th. There.will be a varied pro-
gram consisting of selections by . .:M
the band, performance@ by Gib.
son'@ Juvenile Tumblere,and Capt. 'British Columbia Cedar
Tim Hooley, the Irish comedian 'Galt Galvanized Steel Shingles a r 1 :1
will be there to make you Iani gh. Bird's Felt Slate Shingles 19M�nd Buk
Prof. Pryor will also be tbere. to for @We at
organize a citizens' band. The T. PATERSON'S - LAREMONT -Massey-Harris Farm Machinery,
groceeds are In- aid of the Call and got prices.
I am prep", when the seaaeu or.
aremont Memorial Park'. Ad
rive*, to gu7ly ou with am
fe ow ng:
mission. 85 cents; children, 20 eta.
Fall particulars will be given in I qt. Barry Bdies and Crates,It and
bills and in our next Issue. B EATTY 4 qL Fruit Baskets,E[ampft%
Aft"-&- lingering Illnesit. Win.
Bushel B"ket on abort-
J. Hicbell, of 16 St;Clair Avenis"
East, Toronto, and a former re*i.
The above stock In made on the�
dent of Claritrout,died on ThurF- principal"the late W. G.
Barnes' Baskets.
ulyi�en at --alsw w&
years. seessed was born
ed or qu
ery day
Chopping done ev
Ikere in 1848 and he engaged in Ulm
cept Wedneeday,on and
farming on the ninth concession 0 w, is the time to get your Haying
N after May 14th
near the Alton& Corners. until he
moved to Toronto Phone 1506 Pick. (fth For Sale).
in IWO. He
tonk a prominent part in Munici-
pal aff rdrs, having beerr ow member D. J. Gorrnley, Dunbaiton -Suce-esaor to late W. G. B&rn"":'-
York Township council and
of the
th York County Council for sev- Phone 6420 or write Locust Hill, Out.
e*years. He was a Conservative Litter Carriers, Bay* Carriers,
In rlities. He is stirvived by his Pumps, Door Tracks, Cow
wl e. who was Mary Story, of Boivls. Pressure Systems Etc. SELF-OILING SEUF-REGUIATING
Claremont, and four - children, It will pay you to get m ces on With the Strongest Tower Built
Jennie, Agnes and Helev,at home, 'a*bove before buying els;wphreire.
.and Charles A. of Marmaduke St., It!s the "Toronto" �elf-Oiling Windinill—requi i on on1y once
Toronto. He Is also survived by FRANK J. FROUSE a year". AR gem operate in a bath of sp WeOa oil affected by
a sieter. Mrs. Mary Scarr, Of TO- PICKERING, ONTARIO neither heat nor. cold--every bearing and
ronto, and a brother, Frank L.
-working' part thorougW� and automatimBy
Michell, of Pertb, Ont.
16th of December last Mr.an", the Nat Aad Shoo R9&=11 Z lubrkaied.
d Mrs. dw Of 241 inaterish and design
if you bave a'Toronto"Vmdinill now. you can obtain
�Michell celebrated their golden ff.0iiing fmwm by inum6npns t4 had Q- kept in swak. It will Pa.- you
' . oall at our works acd Inspect our Itook
wedding'. The large number that Also harness repairing at the new. wing your presmt wheel. Most Toronto Vmdwills.
stand, opposite the a be made absolutely s&-regt&tinv in am tim oboMn prioes Donli bg 1111111"
attended his f tineral on Saturday too,ew
post office. rue-raronto"Tower will stand for a life "an ploy*bow onsequm6o
to Mount P]eF%Sftnt Cemetery testi- time becaun it to we do loot am
Best workmanship guaranteed. IS the havied. t aM best-bmeed one built for any Ly we san, and do throw ;* the go" 4k
fled to the high sateemin which he Inmisdon of 10 per asu$.,wbish you'VIII,
A 4�
See ncw No noo-or Vt my bo&kt
-was held. Rev. Mr. MeTaggart of Charges moderate. eerWnly save by pumbeatag tsm sm,
St. Colutubs Presbyterian Church, W.1R. Ernersno, box 425. Whitby asa$*units&
Toronto, and Rev. A. McLellan, of THOMAS WATSON Chas. B. Rice, Whitevale, Out
'CUrawout, conducted the Impress-
I"funeral servicc PICKERING, ONT. Odlos and Won*, Va"90
bout he
EINOW. Ready
absorbent cotton. The patter is a
R" After ago a woman's most
sincere square of absorbent cotton placed in
told water, and folded
1dend a
1N.- q4 rsniiiesleis critic is bet a basin'of :7�
feed is obtained; when finished it is
looking well, that her back hair is be, T-
M&ro �*hien ji'tells her that she is under the water, so that a firm -sur- he Dunov
conlingly arranged, and that she is about four inches long and two wide.
1"kUy very good to look at, she may Use the patter by holding one end of
and slap-the-
0 In
way, con n a well-it-in--the hand
go 311*32-her
esor o ntdl;i
POI94 serene in, the kno-
u wlAdze.
;j only SkIn the skin. lee is very benencial to,the �,,a Nutshell or t 4 ot6rist."
-7 7
deep, it is:�& very comforting posses- aldn; -it makes�the muscles firm.and
awakens tbA,sluggish circulation. Use ------ i�
On the other hand,when friend mir- it after the message and you will
ror declares that hir face is sfiowing need no rouge. TheDunlop'Trail" is the "nev�-idea"tour'lng-book,which re
.-faint lines, that 'her akin is;losing the resents the first attempt to 14yOntarid before the holiday-seeker
am contour 4d tints of youth, and RONDEAU OF A HOT.STOVE. -in such a way that he'can motor over
the Province.systerdatically
that she in 'rapidly assuming some- 4,Whn winter comes," says Me, "I'll
�.;;,,thing auspiciously resembling a double The whole story of Ontario is told in sequ eince--�-Ontario-from.
chin, she knbwa she must procee4 at
To where the summer's overflow Winnipeg to. Cochrane, to.Windsor, to Montreal—yet the book
once to take the necessary ataPe to Of all the things our garden grow; ze,
com -ket si
i'-, check the rava Of time. Our berry patch; our orcha:rd too;
ges ly prises forty-pages, and is,poc
to S d wai g in a a ning row. —in other words, you
Good.looks are so great an asset tan tin hi
NQt a reference page from cover,to cover
a womm that the time which she
-th -whole story of a district when you are-at the iwo pages
spends on their preservation should no "Atop my pantry shelve& You know, get . e
tizae devoted to the co-e of bar teeth
Icular district. 'No advertising of any in-
-morie be regarded as wasted than the Theyre pretty, even as they grow,. covering that part'
But.prettier, I'm telling you, "The Dur&O Tra
or bodily health.
When winter comes!
A smooth healthy skin, clear com. I�But stoves are hot in summer, zio All maps and illustrations specialty dravm; all material speciall�,
Ing hair and. we'll-kept
plexion. shin
There's many hunts the porticn,- Compiled. 'Mink of this feature: All your mileage figured out for
'bwWs bestow u possessor a
pop their, A themselves, and takes the
And far the entire Province--the first iim'e this -has been at-
certaft you over
7.' eonfidence and ease and most view;
tempted in the history.of motoring.
ftinly add much to bar happiness
(I understand their feelings,;too)I A
contesitment. The same hot stove's a blessing, iyer and Lake lip.
Them though
In "'Me Dunlop Trail" you find every R'
attributes- to - beauty mbinati6h
within the reach of every woman who When winter comes I" Ontario that has a schedule; a6d special Train trips;-co,
willing Auto, Boat and Train ti
is to work a bit to secure
rips; the first complete list ever published
tels are located; eye
them; therefore. if your mirror tells
here Summer Ho ry
SECOND-DAY SANDWICHES.- of places in' On o w
You that old Father Time in beginning
When, sandwiches have been left Colf Club and Camp Site in the Province, mind real information
Ao, adorn your face with his tentale
and ferry services for
Hues. you.wil]. very wisely prqW& over and have become aligbtly dry, where you want it, about.steamer
to do battle for your good looks. .,; Place them in the toaster and -toast autos aboarcL
The city Woman, v4th time on her lightly an -both sides. Serve at once.
hands, will go to a reliable beauty In order to keep the cire
The beat will freshen up the sand-, ulation of "Ile, Diinlo Trail" in the
specialist, where she will receive a wich as good as new'and will-make a has Ee
1pioper channel a-nominal price of.fifty cents en put on i
titbit;o citen more appetizingthan the
-treatment that will bring back the Any Garage or Tire Dealer in Ontario will take your order for
soften sandwich wax in the first place.
glow of youth to her cheeks,
her skin and brighten her eyes. Rega. The Dunlop Trail" or you can procure it direc M
P�r�t One point to observe Is to serve th It from this Co
lar clients of the beauty spetiallat pany
a sandwiches in a very.mat and attrac. at any of the Ontarior Offices mentioned below.
spend an'bour a week in her eomfort- tive manner, perhaps cutting them
0 .
abli chail-. wheriss real seekwe of into tri"9109- If there has been let,
beauty are even' more frequent ps, tuce in thn sandwiches, this sh*uld be
removed, and If it In at all wiltcd.
B�ut it in possible to keep one's good rePlAce with fresh lettuce. before the TIRE A 'RUBBER GOODS C063 LIMITED
tients. v DUNLOP
even if one dwells in the deAwrt, toasted sandwicli in served.
I every lli� of tbe beauty 9 HEAD OFFICE-AND FACTORIES: 870 Queen St.
or pecial East, TORONTO.
Into$ meth&ls May be followed at home KEEP HAMILTON BRANCH:.18-24 Park Street.South.
If one will devote just a few�moments When hams,- shoulders, or other CH: 571 Richmofi� 'Street.
night and morning.to good looka; and pieces,are taken out'of the brine and -312 Sparks St. W
satisfactory little home course dried, saw each piece In a taut cover- OTTAWA BRANCH: Dunlop Builoling, 306
Is v"7
of beauty treatments may be evolved- Ing of cheeseclotb, and brush it all
"All that will be necessary in.
the over with melted paraffin.
Canada for Thirty Years.
way of equipment will be two or three When taken ,out of this coverin -Dunlop—Tire Makers to
Pa - 0
ds t absorbent "tt0n. a good the mest emerges clean and there is
cleaniini Cream, a skin tonic, which no lose of meat or-time in getting the
F1 N- be - nothing more than witell, paraffin out.of the ckevices.
b elo a skidn fiocotL perhaps also a T
'vanishing cream and the patter, of TAE MAGNET CIRCUS.
1. which more, shortly.
At night, just befom going*to bed, the boy who has outgrown Less ' Air, More - Comfort
this face should be cleansed carefully blocks or for the convalescent, there
'with a pad of cotton dipped in diluted is.probably nothing which wiU furnish
rtainment than a-large pow-
bawl, then into the cleansing more ente
-ream� following fhe motions adopted erful horseshoe magnet and a box of
nalls--preferably of the
�by the beauty specialist. assorted
treat;mLmt should be.followed smaller aim.
f llove�, the hottest fit I have ever
ao by a brisk patting with An Old Friend.
7�-r.-. . the patter Wi-th-the nails may be built'swinp I I w-in
Ino with tack children Mytengin thesn, Ohad ould have-died for-you. The
istened in ice-cold water. This will
-14". Old-hild-sunimert.. Are YOU era
awaken the tired and sagging muscles. and trapezee for the mort-exacUng __c PS last of your kisses was ever the iweet- again;
Then, if her pores are large and.con. acrobats. On-the top may be built an UPID CMRIER est, thi'9 last smile the brUhAes-t, the
With all your haft.est -store of oldiin'
Indian, Wigwam with. weather vane last movement the gra,csfullest..'
spictious our womanmay apply a spe- C-
cial pore cream that will in tim4i make stop, and a hortiontal bar, with its "Here and Hereafter." Vast overhanging meadow lands. 4
rew of acrobatic actors. -letters, too.
them less notieeable, or perhaps eradl- c when to witijam Hazlitt's love . rain,
ate them, or she may simply use a Even cats and dogs may be made- in these degenerate days, have the authentic'note. He wrote to Aad drowsy dawns_an4,noons when
be.sentime I utal Is to be silly. and when
3kin food, leaving enough on her face with tack legs. and ears, a nall.body Sarah Wafker: "When.1 think of the golden grain
le she and a ibo.-- tack tail. we boamt-, that we do not -wear our
Ao feed the hungry cells whi hearts on our sleeves,"'the art of wht- tfiousand endearing ceresses that have Nods In the sun-and lazy truant'bqya
"sleeps. worthy of-the name,- passed between us I do not wonder at Drift ever listlessly adbwu the, day
171,the morning she will cleanse, er �, �TCHEN SHEARS. Ing !1 hyre-letter. the strong attachment- that draws me Tb full pf joy to rest, and dreams tq
Is In danger,of b6ing altogether lost. 9
facie with the 4e Keep a pair of clean, sharp sheets I hear the wind sigh thiough
rearn and skin tonic, The letter of to-day Is, with rare ex- to you. play
4PUtting on a little vanishing cream. hanging on a convenient hook in the -ceptions- a "mere-busine�s missive," the-lettuce, and keep repeating. over
This for a protection for the tendtrl kitchen. You will find them the great- lears,..the I and over to myaelf two lines of B.ryon's The..same old
tissue4 and if the day is spent in the est possible conveniene;for many un- wlth few of the hopes and . i tragedy: summei with the same
heart-throbs, the "splendid sentiments, old smile,
';�verat thy iide, 'l3eanitng1Uj)6n-`ns In the same o we
open, drying winds will not harm her expected purposes. They are much and rare, sweet rapturei�' that a mod- So shai.t thoii find me id
skin nor will it be possible for thi beiter than7 a knife for- trimming off In lovir feels Judtas- Here and hereafter, if the last may be, We knew' In childhood; -though a
11 0 11auCh as bts:pre- applying them to thee, my.lo�e, and weary while
,dust raised by household tasks to clog the rind of bacon.. They are eppe- -ors did
--the pores. cislly desirable when snipping up thinking whether I shall ever see thee Since that far time, yet memories re-
In former days it was a man's pride
Any superfluous creikm to marshmallows for a salad,and often again. Perhaps nQt-Jor sQm!t y"rs at -concile-
_gently dnd pleastfe-to pottr out-his very soul 7
blotted off with a soft cloth and the save getting out a chopping knife and least, till both thou and I are old; and
%icy patter flopped over the face ta bowl when only a few pieces on paper, in ardent homage-to the e The heart with odorous breaths (if
of green then, when all else have forsake- the c�lover bay,
lady of his choice. On such of his let-, I,
..,Stimulate circulation. A dusting of pepper or_other garniih is'to be cu as survive, though their pages are I will creep to thee and Ze thy And. again I hea� the doves, and the
powder will remove any shine left by in strips or in�all pieces. The she te re arins." sun streams through
yellow,-and-the ink faded,the words.
the cream. should always be wiped-and hung la Thwe are a few extracts only from Tbe*old barn doorJust as It used to do&
Tt'&all very easy, you see-none of where gtftffl t�strike�-then*-� 9ttU burn with the tenderness- and the letters of-idnpj-deadl��ers, Nihose,
passfaa tilt tusoliovi Vuvluq
sthe steaming and hot packs-that once cause rust Thus, In one of.the letters oi John ,delight it was to-Vaur out tneTr-v4krT--vud-*o it seems like welcofining a
wero deemed necessary. Just soft Churchill, the-great Duke of Marlbon" souls to the ladies whom they loved. -f-ri-end-a-
coolin- creams to nourish-and protect PAPER UGHTERS. Who can dqubt--��- read and -An--old Ald friena
g creams 0-fth, 0- Sftrah jeopinp,-WP r-L-Ad- I -unn" his eptni
the skin from the effects of wind and, , The little old-fashioned paper-light- ' 'Love's Language. treasuYed with a joy which the car'e. home -4
:-,?Weathek, plenty of put%ice-cold Water ers are convenient when using a gas, mylless, cold-blooded letters of the mod- From some Mrcountry-coming a
ectl I do love and adore you with a
or ice, and one is equipped corr 7 or oil stove, where you,can light one ern -lover can never Inspire? to spend 7
'to do battle With Father Time. flame from- another, and they save heart and soul-so nTuch that I do and .......... Long lo4tering days with me; and I
w 7be better plee;ied with your
It is very important, however, that striking a match every time. Cut a ill ever 'Father's Riipoinsibilit ext.end
the creams and tonics be applied cor- happiness than,my own. But-oh, my Y. Ify hand In rapturous glee-and -sa
newspaper into strips an inch wide
The beauty ipecialist has and about a-foot long and start at one 80ul!--if we might be ,both happy, 1 Under the -Ontario Act requiring you've come!
ntain children born out!
studied the structure of the face and corner to roll diagonally., Turn over what inexprqssible joy t4at would be! fathers to Inai in so glad! Come'lu and take
I will.not date to expect more favor]of wedfo'ek thi?s�um-of $67,000 wa?, col-"
,..knows that,every stroke of her fingers. the top when done. They must be a chair,
than you shall.see fit to give me; but, lected last year in cash, nud addition.
must be'just right. Cream that is Well, this is Just like.old time, I de
rolled tightly.- We always keep.a lot could you love me, 1-thin 'due-would bring the sum-1
7: rnerely'slaptWd on and�tben rubbed in of them'handy. ness woul,d be so g�reat , k the happl- al amounts cla '-Jas. W.'RlleY.
..'in any fashion will not benefit the skin that it wbuld dp to well over' $100.000. Steps arel
"As it should or produce-the desired IT SAVES MENDIN I G. make me Immortal'." taken to ensure the health and.best I MakIng Blind Beggars.
t c�ver; He welfare ot infants and fGL this end ad-1 '.-cltfe� of Iniffa It is fib:
7,Tesull* The movements must be up- It always worries -me to see the Xeats 'was also a grez I to moth-I In the great t
ward and outward, coaxing the wrote to Fanny 116wne: "I never vice and assistance is given :uncommon to gouge out the eyes of
corners of 'tablecloths, sheets. or knew before what such a love as you ers. This Act VAIL it is expected, pre- children in order. that they,may.,beg.-
-wrinkl44 and lines away from the blankets flapping on the linv in a eal of neglect and aban
,mouth and eyes. have made me feel wai;J did,uot be- vent a great d
strong wind, for I know'it 'mean's that a deter- the realu,
Select tbe.powders and creams with lieve in it� my fancy was afraid of it, donmen-t of Infants.-and prove pupil's education remains un.
t -A
these same corners-,-7111 be'frayed and of this
.,"the utmost 6it; be very sure 11it . . 1- lest it abouTd .burn me ap. I would rent to-men who are guilty ized.
worn. 'On n'really wnidy day, I a g:1��t pleasure In-.great wrong to Yo ".27,
�,`the' never see anitbli ung wonien, Mr."J.
y are pure and fine. An astringent ways double these large pieces-len "Before', I extend credit to 4,-m no,,
is ekeellent, as it closes the pores gth- your eyes, love on ymir lips. and hap- J. 'Ke:&o Is the Government adminis-
*ise and pin the four corners to the
pinezq In youi steps. trittor, amisted by the various wel- said Uticle Ebon, "I got to b�e satisfied
Which the cleansing cream opens, and
aa boFic,.Qcid wash for the eyes after line. 'My dear vou ver and'i fa.e' cf1icIiI.s'4'nd social agencies. be will T4ke h0teat use of it., Xhei6
. girl..l love . I"
rer, apd iltbout reserve. The more are feik�it �hbt�rould buy a beef stew
man eads a dog's life
Ahe beau* treatment will leave them At the foot of the Monument in 01 -nor
--�',refreshed: tagft-d -and bright. London, I.,; an order forbidding the I have 1��n the more have I loved. Many A bp- on the ri*Mey-down -plan if. they.
ray Jcalcuoie3 have been agonies cause he grov,,,s too rnuch� could."
Thezotton pads are merely fO!ds of beati,ir of -1-vets against its base.
Itl��11�. NN 7
17 .
19how In. Pale. Faces Tired Feel
Jx5 827 Z
ing and Breathlessne-w.
+7 9-
nguid, with
People who aiNi vale, la
pal�ltatlon of the heart anEt shortness 8Z54 x7Z
dd t
---Q-0Q-VT-XT0 Is 40%p
lug from-thin, Impure-13lood. If'tho7
have the resolution to taker the right +6 v- --a) The 0
d-�iU61L to, M--frbd
remedy 4i( ey w
health aiid'Arefigth. Thowemedy finer tm a" nmft g(
that can always, be'relled upon Is Dr-
Pink pills. With every" ble Cure for Inns Robin.
Williams' Rashfu
they-Improve'and Invigorate the
But, doctor, rm dmerent; rm Ift tdw a lot of staccato stem, owli,
blood,' and this ]law blood means
of people. My han4a azad feet tMas a bw toe,46iwer,with dizzy bw 'e";
health and strength. Mrs..A.AriffitbaL
Tftw triekster'a, farmite nu=bov- seem
so-bit, ara 1;ews,talk ind-if
*a be-
Plersoal Man., is one of 676 many ought to be the number n walk into a room I'm sum to fan 'over That issFer cos&v,4kpInzdzA
cause many of his beat tricks*pro.
de who'have proved the value something. How'can I ever got over a Icariate
Of these pills. . She says:-----"I was 80 based upon the mysterious qu&U-; it"
41badly run down in health that Uwas ties of'that number. UntiL they come to tbe and of whaVe
Here In 4 simple stunt witb 'khe doctor looked quiiZICLI17 at the ta It
almost bedfast. The least. exertion
which few are acqualute& but ra*, half-do-jeloped boy before hjjL
would leave me breathless., I suffered
which is.deeldedly Interesting. 'When I was your age,"he said sliow. Us rum OR IL line like A tigb4-w"-
from -headaches -and- backaches-and :1;:d: �`.:
Write the digit "0" on a slip ly,"I was about
had no appetite. I could only drag, as you.am,only worse.
of paper and put the slip face Trim not to look socared—DOr 60
I waa, Poorer, bigger, slower in school
about the house And found even light down on'the table. Ask a firtead
anA more awkward. It was real tor. swiar talker.
'housework almost impossible� I tried
to write on another slip of paper
ture'for me to meet pooloo'
several remedies but they did not do any number he 'likes and to mia-
ti by nine or any multiple wOme
n and girls. No m&ttqr bow fast be may VD Or
me a liarticle of good. Then a friend dead�
:Lp ift
vame When he does tb* he "One day." I was going downtown,
head still---an oblivious
for a visit and she urged me to 8,
He boolids his
'try'Dr. Williams'.Pink PtIls,--When I 4:� show you the vroduet and
baxefot I saw eorming towards me
will show kin the ally an head;.
finished the second box I*could two girls whom I knew by eight; they
which'you wrote Lbe.dialt �09." were well dre6eed and Joliy1 thought
By 5.: �'; L .: 11.
feel that they were'lielping me. -14 �". �;�
Then 'It Is your job to jIboW bin Birt Just-down bela they twist and
.the time I had taken four boxes more of skipping down a-side street, but I W.
that his product really tfflAIs niniL
they squirm
I was a wall Woman and every symp- He" are a few exampka b= you was in the. mIdd1e of a long block and
Liks a tecrified ocza. or an anglis.
.!tOn af my trouble had disappeared. Sir Henry Imbert-Terry photo- will have to look carefully tome- had to face them. Suddenly I noticed VOTUL - . .
'It would not be liossible far me-to say grapheO while leaving Buckingham times' to avoid missing tha ar- a cow In one of the side yards. ]per. —Alfred Kren borg.
too much in favor of this medicine, Palace,' following an Investiture of M329smant. haps If I could seem to be driving her,
and 1, always recommend It to run- mstabers of the Order of St.-John. Mip this oit and paste it,904 my big hands and feet w4ouldiet show.
Kinardlis LIn1ment Raileves Pah%6
down people, and have seen It prove pther pf the serie4�f,in a scrapboolLj. Gathering a handful of'pebbles gad
-just an satisfactory lwather eases."' nalling to het to 'huy�buy, boost' I
In ibevoiill GarditiL Politeness.
If you are weak and ran down you started her off.
can begin getting*.new,strength lo- The spring wAs late in coming, SUMMER ffIT "The' Slirlos came to wheire I was A Chinese editor enclosei a rejec-
-:'d Dr.Williams' Pink Pills. The flowers were-very shy, Bgy vigorously tion slip, when retdruing �ontrj
ay by tairin When In my Dev6nL driving the moiji;nso from I tiot,22, Which read as folio . bit-
g4rd4n fair ws: "We
gold by all druggists or sent by mail her -chosen. pasture. Then a clear,
at 50 cents a box by wrijin to Th' The sweet West Wind swept loud trebla roles called 'trom tjjj'bAT4
by read your manuscript with In.
Dr.WiluamjV lidediclue'Cor., Brockville,
house: finite delight: Never before ba.ve we
revelled In artich a masterpiece. if 0
out. She dropped some tears in pan ing, No season of the year Is to danger- 'You. b4y..wba;,t are you dotia with w
lvhat magic in them lay ode to the life of little on6ea as is the my father'@ dil printed ft the authorities would take it
That on the wall Japonica for 's, model and henceforth would
Holidays by Chance. aiimmer. The excessive heat thromos You can Imagine the rest.
Leapt forth in crimsot spray? I bad ,noover permit anyth!ng inferior �o It.
the- little stomath out of order so
Of urCWmz1 holidays few can have quickly that unless prompt- aid 12 at made a ridiculous spectacle Of myself- An it would be* Impossible to find its
occasioned more interest than that Of The violets just unfolding In my confusion I stepped into a patch equal wltbdn 10,000 years. we
hand the- baby may be beyapd a'U- of sand.burs with my bare feet Tobe -shaken with sorrow, to
a retired American brewer now vt*W. Were' startled into bloom;
human help before the mother real- pelled. thqueb
Ing London an his way to Greenland. The witch.in the -bush ize, be 1, 111 pain made me wines- I imt my bal. 'and for
genista Summer is the season return your divine manuscript.
�:At his home in Milwankeo'he has a - Waved high her golden broom. when diarrhoea� choleis, infantum, sues and,fell into a in��dy ditch. I so doing we beg 10,006 pardons.
globe of the earth's surface. Whon his can still hear those girls laugh!
dysentry and colic am most prevalent.
annual holiday Is due be takes, a- hat- The pixies through'the-saft red earth Any one of these troubles mi.�y prays "I bid out In the haymow for' two
pin and,giving the-globe a;spin,Wcks Thrusfup their small green rpears, days to think it over. When I mime
deadly If not promptly treated. Dur' back I told my mother that I-had been THEY TELL THEIR
the pin Into it. Vi-hore the pin Sticks. Ab, would I had the magic touch Ing the summer the mothers' best visiting, and she wisely a
there the brewer goes! Of West Wind and h1ir teara! rofesied
friend Is Baby's Own Tablets. They believe It. As a matter of fact I had
Last year the pin Ina4cated the Vale -J#net Read. regulst; the bowels,
the 'visited myself. I so
of Cashmere, In. India, whither the sweeten res, nod that my
tomach and keep baby healthy,
brewer made.his way.. 7%e previous The fear& of other people were groundles
L. .....1. Tablets are sold by niedigine dealers NEIGHBORS
lisho and that I had been stu
'year be found himself obliged to visit and.foo
7-.-: Germany. while the yew before that A swan-on-the river In salling- or by mail at 25 cents a box firom The to Imagine that the wtLo!e world wAs
Dr. Williams' Medicine . watching Me.. The ro2da 6"+all the
Co., -Brock Weam Tell,EaA ffier Haw'Tliolilpi
..& town not fifty-mDes from his tome I me her drift down to the bayl
unfalling world were free to everyone, and Wen Helped by Lydni L Pink-
vine. Ont.,
�waa 'the holiday resort thus chosen. A convoy, she.
He has visited In this way places an To craft that know not the way! solved to use them without fear.
far - " Christiania 'and Melt O*h' white the salls that are going won hm's Vegetatile C=Puzilit
apart ."It was a fight of CO.UMs, but I j
bourne, Montreal and Cornwall, and To an-tale"In the waters below; And I learned tlast people are not to
Stockholm and CLlro. When the pin And-solden the paddles rowing be feared or avoided but to be loved Ont.—III twit L Is.Z.
WOO&I'Vejetable Compoozirfor fe-
*ticks Into the ocessi'the origirmtor bi In the calm of the stream's nUU flowl and enJoyed. I'm not lonesome say Pinkhain
'this. decidedly novel .plan allows him- moors; You see that everyone calls me male tr6ubles.'I would have hesclach
between in ahoul�
backaches, y
self a second try. A harbor there Is In the rushes, doe-and how we all enjoF It. W. hy not
A hurtior a safe and sure .....a live YOU go along?" ders and er my shoulder-blades
an utj dragging down feelings an each side.
I suppaii, I was sometimes unable to do
AIL With scarcely a bough that birmshes "Why, doctor a that I—B
Raw, But Well Done. thull nw
Broadcasting a Pin 0 work and felt very badly. My mothev.
The pool to a rippling lure! there, I'm still trying to believe
A pin was dropped on a.dealk by Dr. "How" does he succeed In putting 'Veptabb
Then meadows there are gat-spreading I'm different from everyone else. rm I-in-law told me about the
over those y%w deals?" not! I'm g4g to have friends as!-Compound and I got some right awap.
Gano Dunn, in the ociumb, of.his,ad-. - Where tufts of searice grow; "Doi
dress at the dedication _;:t knOw but you must adm�it It has done-me more- good than aw
Of the new And a convoy heading, heading other people have!-
bther medicine I over took and I rec-
buUd]Ag of the National Academy of Her fleet of yellow and snow! Buy-your' outof!=n supplies with And with chin up and eyes shining command it to ray neighbom You�-are
Sciences and the� National,,Res .rch =--Leslie Clare Manchester. Dominion Express Money Orders. the boy started off to seek the great quite welcome to uge this letter an a
Council in Washington.
adventure of friendship. --r, Youth,11. tegtimonW ifyou think-It Will help some
That pIn-fall was perhape the most As a'cauntenanc-e is made beautiful - The rtzain line Is usually open'for companion. *Qr sufferer."—Mra EDGAA 8131hKO14%
significant and'wid6ly lijeard of any by the soul's shining through it, so the fellAr who travels with -a full R. 2, Woodbridge, Ont.
In ly every neighborhood in every
in,history. Without being warned to the world is beautiful by the shining head of steam. 'lChIld Vaerents. and city mi this country there are
silence, every person In the high- through,it of a God.—FrIedrich Hein. town
In Russia vagrancy among children Immen who have been hel by Lydia
6omed,-wide-winged hall heard the ptu Minarcl's Liniment for Rheumatism.
rich Jacobi. 91,
in so prevalent as to shock even peo- P- Pinkham's Vegetable , mpound In.
as it struck the iFoodwork. Thousands
of wireless Hateners hundreds of milew ple who for ten years have seen-uttie, the treatment of ailments peculiar to
eir sex, and they take
except suffering. Soviet newspapers th,
a I way, also'heart; isaing the good Word along to otba
women. Therefore,if yva we troubled
Specially designe(t artIfieteal stone report efforts_by the Government to
walls molde the sound clear, distinct, deal wIth -the, evil, but the child
:HEALTH EDUCATION !.-7 ren inthisway,w not give Ly*&& Ptnk-
are many and the means of curing..for ham's Vegetat Cai-npaund a fair triaL
sud without those hollow echoes which
-characterize old (hIgIr-*auIted build- them are Insufficlent. The newspaper This f&moujv remedy, the medicinal
. I. -�.: . , :, Pravda recdntly'estimated that there ingredients of which iri derived from
�ngs. Tbaf ptn-fall counded an an-
t provinoial,111111oard of 14"ItI4 oaftele are fifty thousand vagrant-children roots and berlm, has.for fbrty years,
gineering riumph in tlia long-neglect-
ft 11111111114191011 w% pillum jamith M16 merely in Mosciew and Its suburbs. proved its value in such cases. Women.
ed science of6cousticif J1141 Wed. to answer 41114111tsolliol as test
We Qrsso this solzina. Addross him at SpWillas R08M 1111111111111111118 everywhere bow w1Il1nj=
4 f E.Pink-
-He that rinth.late must trot all day Toronto, the wonderful virtme
holn's Vegetable Gonkpound.
-und shall scarce overtAe his work at
aroused and sent
r kI n bobWd-haired bandit has in the morning W EYES
b n lanTedgin prison. The record.of out on the street.to*beg for pennies to ZINJUTATED BY
crimes committed by 'this.dare-devil buy their father whiskey, Half the
vounir woman has occup clad.and had SUNNINADUST 6-C
-As Ilaft ied the frontitime qjffe��t�rtj antily
"61 page of all the daily newspapers for. very eg
I%ro*V f ===1:9=CAM8"86 MAU01 CO,C11100034
eeks hat4s the record t wa
some w t- I Is a sad sto all the
oacX 01 all - c career that I —Tno er
- ---------7- rw
to prison? It is a sorry story but one t QIfferent, the fi
too often told. The young of the bildren Thin --i Pf
sther, a drunkard.
_girL Cecilia What is the likely fate c op
-'Cooney, had no proper upbringing. of--guch. parents?- Just what we oft i-hin, nervoun,'-uncierweigert people
fte was born on the East Side, the here, a life. of Mine and then-the
lid section of New York City. prison. take on healthy fiesh and grow sturdy
Us Bitro-Phosphate
er father was a drunkard. She was Character-bullding, uprightness, and ambitioui" when
r eared in neglect. Sometimes she was honesty and decency are products"of an guaranteed by druggists is taken a
cared for by the children's society and 1 heredity, but they-are also products of few W#siks. .Price $1 per pkge. 'Arrow
sonietimes she slept in thecoal-cilrars environment. The family life, the Chemical Co., 26. Front St East,
..Say Bayer Aspirin". when -there was no other- shelter for home.cir'cle, must never depart fr9m Toronto� ODL
her. As a child she had to live by her our country or its doom is sdaled. A
INSIST I Unless you see the wits, and'growing up, she lived with,nation's greatness depends upon the
whatever men' she cbdnced to meet.' character, uprightness' and 'trust-
,"Bayer Cross" on tablets you
Finally, she adopted as her philosophy worthiness of its-people.- After Shaving
are -not--getting. th"enulne �.the2emmemonal attitude-of criminal�! What a lessonthere is here for par- Rough Pimply. Skin
i - - e the face with Minard's mixed
ayer Aspirin proved safe by "What the world does no give me, nts to learn. What a clarion-call, it Rub
up a child in the with sweo-et oil. Very Soothing
Hions and prescribed by Phy�- take." -Frain the� very day she was'.is for tb.3m to brin f,- I Cleared By Cuticura
born, Cecelia got a bad start. Her,way be or she shou d',go. Tho-care of the skin,
-ease at weaning-
*cian for.24 years. mother could neither read nor write.!the child does not c You may rely an Cuticni Soar and
�s The father had-very little education tim i wheii it goes to school..' Intel-
Ointment tocam for your skin,scalp,
Accept �nly a and.had been an habitual drunkard;llg:�supervision,Idndly interest and haft and bands. Nothirtz better to ;:tc,�
11 his life. He never worked steadily 1 true comradeship are necessary even
a clear the eldn of pimples,blotches,
Eackage - and never supported the family. What;up to college days and after if the cal f
redness or roughness,the
little support came into the famil?j young person is to benefit to the full- daladruffland the bandsob=pprz
came through the mother.'. The. chi--est from parental care. If more of OF
whichcontains proven directions swavif Z"x
dren—there were eight of them, and,the old family,.qpirit, carried out amid RIED t DFW: -owmews, P.Q.2" 5414,newwww'.
i-- 110s-
'Band "B yer" boxes of 12 tablets 'ICecilia was the youngest—were sadly,the right environment was in evi. r Seap So-01wbnaatX and 14a.Talemank
T,car-now shavlas Suck.
Also LX11a of 24 and 100—Druggists neglected; they were sent out. to beg dence, it is most likeiy that fewer —
4Lsptrin Ix the trade mark (reStatend to ttle children,- n young folks would stray from the
-at Mae. -and as ]I had been know ISSUE No. 90..�24.
,=d,)Wssf Bairer Manufteton
7 UM W Of I&CI" to sleep all night in a coal.cellar and paths of uprightness and hollwal'y.
-Found,a stuall arm of money. -L. K. aad- Ure. Devitt, of To,
Ravin -hav r
Lorne and Mts. a a
just returned frow-4-i-ma o"ip-tolMrs chia.
'is off utY, Smith'A. -Dr. .E.- A. Sadleir, Dentist,
-week-end with
LOCALISM& �A�'Loser ekil itt ;hlg,offiee. rout event 'the
th, ,11;6�tti 's pa�rents, HugV and
ey ht Iq J- 0191e
--Mis'&.Leil Mona
Dr. Henry wil),be bete,as natf- practicing in Toronto, will be here
Miss Louie F
uckrin is enjoying ad
next,Tuesday to-attend to -his in, his pface- on Thursday from 10
%�,,,,"afewda ' vacation.
a. in. to 5 v. m., as usual.
professional duties.
Misljr-,Z&Andrew is visiting
'�-Mrs.Irish his beert seriously -The members.of.tho. Woman 8 7
Keswick for a few days. ill during the past week, but we Adult School, of Maitland Stfeet,
friends in
J. ,R. Thexton. of CheellLy.
are pleased to know that she'is Toronto; tothe number of about
L -A 0.
spent the week-and at his home 'Ined in Pick ..
nd*'8dme*ba.t improved thirty, were enterta
ore -1 by their- Vice-Presidant'L
F3,� -The picnic hold on the old coil - oring
Miss Marjorie Clark assisted ge grounds last Saturday-by the 'Miss Wright; on Tuesday, July Now is the time yon will want some Nice Now Fanc'
a mnentortaInmentatEnniskilleu
% :tudente.of 40 years ago was a de- 222 a d. They were welcombd at
-on Wednesday evening. r. Its success wait in their Bible Clas af ter- ' We hive JUA vl&V In stock avow
lightful affat a,held in the 7
JX. --,I-A—.A Aoqp, by Mrs. n resident
assortment of "Stamped Goods."
V6routo, called L On ft number of
who.gave the use of the gg�roun a or th-e-Wtffr-#a4
t friends 6ii Sunday.
Pickerlul and rovided all the refresh. Torontq visitors, who were all
Miss p
Rosie Sier'has returned
mentS A f all account,will be English, were enthusiastic over
h after spending &.couple of .,:Crepe Gow 'a, dd' Ro
ome. n Princess Mips, Ki lea m
given in our-next issue. thebeauty of our little village$ PIM,
�:,�'weeks with friends in Audley.
-The, many friends of Miss and thoroughly enjoyed their out
wel Guest Towels,
9� ne Rogers will -regret to hear ing.
M* Madge Annetta, of-To- Ire' Linen.To.
ronto-,f-spent a few -days with of her death, which took place at
Tray.Cloths. ntres., Scarfs
Misses Rath and Babe Murphy, .. thehoine of her aunt. Mrs. A. K. Tea Towels
Now AdvorlItsoments.
-Mrs. John Powell, accompani- Sibbald, on Thursday la6t at
a after a long period Pillow Slips'. . Vanity Sets,. Buffet.Sets Etc,
d by Miss Marie Balsdon, is visit, Bapff, Alberta,
ng I VOR SALE-Fee&imts, baAvy wmA
Miss. P. J. wrlirl Z�or'if you will.come inarid'fodk-
-I bar son, Harry, of Ancaster. of Illness. Deceased was a dau.
it, of Toron I X' a few good beef-ringers. Apply C. A. Bala-
k. _''I'' Rogers, vdon.Pickerinz. 44-46 'We will consider it
ghter of the late Clarkson
to a
a been spendiax K' few days sad was highly esteemed by all
w and 13 pigs
with hei sister, Mrs. Ms S. Chap- who-knew her.' JL days old. Apply to W.J.M ot 24. over our asgortnieit.
man. -We congratalate the pupils con.2,Pickering. 46.
- Mrs. Williams, of
-J P. and b f and teacher of the -EntrAnce Ulass
Tlho�, called on a Dim or 0 of the Pickering public school on A DT'S BIOYOLE,FOR'SALE
Jescillent-cD,ndition.For parti 0
PickerinA friends one day last their success at the recent exami Box 21,Greenwood. In the Grocery Dept,
A "week. nations, thirteen candidates out
-Miss Murial Bush and the 11 UGGY F04 SALE-A good rub-
of fourteen having passed success- Bber tired bu
of as good as new. , Apply to
New�Potatoes, Early Apples (Transparents),
Misses Parker, Highland Creek, fully. We also congratulate Miss Gordon Law. ng. �33tf
spent a few dayi-wltb F. and Mrs. Irene Coupland, the youngest of MRS. EMMA ELVIRS-Nurse with 8,
Cucumbers, Orange Bananas Etc.
r* Raird. secured -practical experience.Open-for engagements
W, the Class': On having
in town or cotmtry. Phone Pick 1106. 30-4
Rd. P. and Mro. Gormley,. of honors. Gulden's.Salad Dressing, Heintz Prepared Mustard,
Toronto,,spent-the w -end here - -Wilmer Ward of Niagara 1MOR SALE-Am going away.' Will
with the former's brother and Falls, accompanied by his mother Ll sell my Ford sedan. 1922.in good coaditim. JE[eintz Pork and Beans, -Spaghetti,
ig.Morgan.R.R. No.2,Pickering. Phone Pick.
sister. and sister, Miss Annie . Ward, 1712. 4"7 Peanut Butter;Olives etc.
-Mrs. (Dr.). R. M. Stewart, of spent a couple of days this week
'Markham, moitored down on San- !IR SALS-A. blind horse and a
-with the Mloseo'Bunting and also F all quantity of last year's hay. AW Big assortment of "Convenient Eats"
-day and spent a y
few hours with calling on other Pickeritig friends. Mrs.Win.Hailt 11-4 miles north of Pickering .-for Campers.
N*_ : '
friends here.
They are spending their. vacation village.
-Mrs. Robert Andrew, of Mark- in motoring as far. . east a ANTE D�Cairetaker-for Pk-keK-
ham, motored to Pickering OKI W
to the Unit
Montreal, thence over ing school. Tenders for the year's worit 'S
inning Sept.Ist.1924 should be addressed to
Monday and spent7an hour or two ad States, when they a ill visit Metary G.W.Barker,a4d will be received up
-with relativee. Boston, New York anij other Eapt- to Friday.. Aug.Ist.
f TO.-
Mips Helen" Douglas, o ern cities, after which th ivill
ronto, is sponding bar vacation at Ve1stern 17OR RENT-In tbp Village of Clare- -M- en's and Youths' Khaki Vants-all aize@.
t-our the Middle and mont.a building Is I blacks=itb
101 t
he home of. her a a
nuts, Miases 1. States,and arrive home ID time shop or.qZge,,and ted. A ply to -both two piece 'an i e orn-
Ian in n _Men's Balbriggan Underwear
inting :F - . .
d B. Bt for the re-opening of the public Mrs.H Claremont. 4tf
Ralph Annan and frieud,,of
schools. Mr. Ward is now princi- I OST-On Thimsday. JaIv 17tb.an
Myrtle spent over the week end pal of a 12 roorued.school.' a post. J either King or Elizabeth St- Pickering. a Men's Fogr'Point and Six Point Invisible Braces.
-at & home of the former a tion held by biv father a t the black purse.containing about$16.00, Reward
parents, D."d-Mrs. Annau. At t9e recent for re I covery. C.H.Burling. Plckering. 40 .. .Men'er and youth's Negligee Shlrbi-blg chojae, of colars.r
time of his death.
-Win.and Mrs. Stork. of Belle- Entrance examination he sent up VARIVERS. ATTENTION-1 am and sizes.
. ....... 'ville, returned home last week, 52 candidates, all of whom p^ssed, A agent for the Benfrew cream separators. the
best on the market. Also sumes and scales. -_Child's. Youths'and Men's White and Brown Tenalis$hoes.
'after a pleas at holiday spent at and 49 taking honors. Thiq is a Robt.Devitt,Box 17. Broughem.. Phow Pick
the home of the former's parents record of which he way well feel 3015� 40-47
ILIOR SALE-Sow and plai. Also
-F. Hooking.of'Wbitby, is'now pure bred Collie ?ur and
-The jarden party, under the 9 ror"17M.Y.lot
K, busy wiring the Methodist church R1111111
auspices of the Ladies' Aid Sock. heav el - C HAPMAN
con..;4 us.HkhL*nd Creek P 0. Phone 607 M a -So
_.1..: and parsonage for the electric at of the' Methodist Chnrcb, Malvern. 44-47
system which is about to
be wlich was hold in Memorial Park WANTED-Liv [try. hides.
6 pod
L paid for
on Thursday evening Iw4t was a wool and junk. Highest price
-Owing to improvements being decided success. The evening was -me, m,soiovitch, i 1-4 miles north of th�
Village of 33 m,on Brock Road. 3" Pee S
'=&do in the Methodist Church,
fine although soffiewhat on the S
both union services were conduct- VOR SALE-Seed buckwheat. beef Grocery
ad coal side. A very Interesting foot..
ball match was played between FIV,.b6im and crates.at the Grwn River Mills.
in SL Andrews Church on San X, ringers.6 and I I quart fruit baskets. berry
the Brooklin Juniors and the Pick- h es A.White. 1.4must Hill P. 0. Phbne
day last.
Mark 6403, titf
F. F. and Mrs. Balsdon and oring Junior@, which resulted in �__On a Cash Basis
&mtly,of Burford, end Mrs. W. favor of the latter by the score of VOR SALE-House and lot In the
Weeks' 'of July 7th to July I
Clark motored The house is a good
to Lakedeld on 1.0 This was followed by an ex J7 Village of Dunbartm.
frame buildir 9th
Baturday and spent the week g with 8 rooms. On the gemises
-end cellout program. Charlie Jeeves, is.good sta e suitable.tot llj=. or full
with the latter's son, Allan, and Dunbar-
Comedian. of Toronto, won much Particul-apply to win-
his ntkm-
favorable criticism for
P. and Mrs. Powell and ;'OR SALE-Ctreap, all kinds
bers. Thii was hits first apfear- I wagons,hartiess.and all kinds of farm im Dominion Matches, 3 boxes for�Wc
'daughter "tit several days last ements in good order.-Also several heavy and
&ace in Pickering, and shon d be
week motoring'through Uxbridge, will rt. High- Aec per pkt, 4 for 29c
ght scales and cook stoves#ad beaters.
come again a hes, t welcome iric!H- for hides and wool. alw*ve ooul- Corn Starch,
49cott and Mariposa where the ! H �d
await him. r&ge Annetta. e*t
Miss try Stouffville.Phone 1903' 17tf
-visited a number of friends an of the Toronto Conservatory of Paper, 6 rolls for 25c
relatives. Music, with Miss Ruth Murphy as HRESHING-Wby draw water
n havc Grimsby Peaches, -20c per tin, 4 for 75c
Tand wood or bring coal.when you ca
-Wanted, 'an Tuesday night, accompanist, gave several viblin ED,,,threshing done with a few gallons of oil?
July 28tb, a t.7 o'cipek, 15 it a to a whtch detbrtited the tslese by half. The new Birdsell' clovet '10c per pkg, 3 for 29c
selection thresher gets more wed and cleans it better than ��_�Soda. Biscuits,
71 --mobiles, to gather wat the Fresh _7
audiPtice. F. T. Bunting also sang the old style machines and does it in less time,1
eeeiV ourtwoprain threshers are belincout in the best
Air'Camp to take the children fol� two solos which were well, r Aylmer Toinat ... 15c'pet tin. 7 for 1.00
of conditwn. Give a fellow a chance who has
an hour 9 outing. Leave your ad. The Whitby Band were pres" tried to give you the best service possible. Roy
�:.Zalada Tea, ,,,-Reg 75c, for 70c
Mame with Fred Bunting. eat during the evening and play- Carter. Phone Mark SM.
-The many friends of Miss E. ad in their us6al pleasing at e, Lombard Plumsi Reg 20c,for 15c�-
M. Davidson, chief clerk of the Y'
and they were generous in tb
Rome Telephone Company will be n mber of their selections. The
leased to know'that she isau u Finest gricles of Men's Furnishings andB-oots alwaki &riied In stock
proceeds amounted to nearly $180,
ft thirty da 6 vacation Our Overalls and Boots are something we.always brag
...relatives and Mends in Western' which will leave a substantial bal A gicer4lyurpose.Feed for Cattle, about, for you can't beatthem.
&ace in the hands of the treasurer.
Hogs and Sheep.-
-Miss Edith Law, of-To*roato,* If its feed you went we have it. ..W kiy Specials in igroceriei and shop
open : -HILLSIDE atch for oii Wee
t the iEeek-ond with her aunts Sampson Feed and Western Oats, where you save money.
the Miesse Law. 'On Sunday she Destillers Corn and Rye Grains,
of Hillside
Wdedgrestly to the pleasureof The anniversary services Bran,Shorts and Oil Oaks. -..:We deliver orders tit thaviliage.
ices in the Presby- Sunday School will be bold on Sunday. Poultry Scratch and Obick Feed.
the union.sery Servicep at 11 a. m. and 7
Stily 27th. CrackedOorn.Tankage Etc. 0
I_ateriau Church by rendering t*o
ring .
00106 in hot!novel pleasing manner. Special prices an track loads.of feed Fred T. Bunting
thy Women's Instir. ehj':Ae1!6bzo2pb9'4 Of we 21 -delivered toy6urdoor. . L ..I
-The Will be I ro w th servi at g Zatablishod'197.
Miss Jos y oist' in 0 wo nin
ftte will hold a piehic at Haydn- EL a Little in thReveRrug." Give.us your order
ore Park this (Friday) to cele- We will do the rest.-
brate their twenty-Ifth year of IN MEMOAIAM. Phoni 9W
Organization. All the branches of ........
8--&1- Q-6--an f,_ GRA arnory nf,m W UTI.T..Q A
are invited- &"4 A - - i1j" tuat
7" dew-i-star. who-passed &-way one %.IF.- ,
Pi kerlux will bowen
represented. In St. M ret's softly sleeping, arehouse Locust Hill
The motor traffic on the King. W
Where the flowers ently wave,
a road on Sunday last was us-
Llee dear sister in A ISark and lonely
Idonbtedly the heaviest yet and it grave. Notice to Creditors Are-yon protected sialust the unavoidable accidents
was continued from daylight to Quick and sudden was the call, r
which menace every car*Wu�
.=tdntgbt. One person counted'187 In the Estate of-Thomas Henderson,
Her sudden death surprised us all.
6 certain point in five Deeply mourned. Carpenter, late of the Township of
.cars passing a ..:. - Pickerin to the County,of Ontario, Rates in this aistrict are low.
130inutes. Fortunately no meet- -Becky c 9
de eased
dentirhave been reported. Protection Is cheaper than damages.
-The Catht)]1c.Women's League NoUce is hereby Riven pursuant to
JWA I R PO R T 49 Section .56, R. S. 0,. 1914. Chitpl;6'
Will hold thbir annual garden I will refund proportion of premium for winter month@,'
:----.party on Civic Holiday, Monday, THIRD ANNUAL 121, that all creditors and others ba'- r is not in use.
ing,claims or dernAda ,Wno, the when your ca
Aum. 4th. in Memorial Park y estate of th' a Henderson,
e said Thoria 7.,
.1ootball game will be playe� by who died on or about the Ilth day of
th Highland Creek and Pickering FIELD TA it n or be-
November, 1914. are requ ed o
Seniors at 6.30 p. in. Individual fore the 7thday of August, 1924, to
INSURANCE-Life, Fire, Auto, Accident, Sickness.
prizes will be given to the win- ON send by post-prepaid or deliver to the
-61gued Administrator of the said
ners. Lator a good Orogram will undet
be given by �he Mlsseq Corrigan, --r"IC HOLIDAY estate. full partictilars of their claims Municipal, Corporation.,
and the natureof thesecurity0(if any),
who will sing and dance,.Ian Et- (Auguh 4tb) 4 MORTGAGE LOANS on Farm Properties.---.
held bV th(-M.
tenor Poloist, all of Toronto, `�.:-.'-ADM, 1SSION FREE. And'tbat afterthe last inentionea
ikud Bert Harvey, Jr., of Green- date the said Adrainistfttor will pro- REAL ESTATE-Farm and Residential.
wood Martin's Orchestra� of To The Forenoon will be devoted to ceed to di�tribute the assets of thevaid
rooto. will furnigh musledtirin 9 Aquatic Sports and the,After- deceasedamong the parties entitled
noon to LandiSports. W
will follow the program. Wm. clairng of wbicb he sbAll then bave ri-
the evenin g and for d and n g, tv hich thereto, having regard only to the B A R k ,-E - R
Pole. of Highland Creek, will ciffi- FORTY ONE EVENTS beived notice,
ciate aq floor manager. A good Ladies' Soft B-41 Dated Fit Dunbacton. 'Ont., the 7th
wpper will be served from 5 to 8. day of July, 1924.
One admi-3ion, including sinpperl FAI RPORT vs. PICKERING William Henderscn.
lind dance. adults 50' cents, Child- Telephone Pickering 480-0-3 F. .0. Box 40
X 20,cents. Orget Your Wo DunbiLrton,Ont
rries.and Come 4 1 t48