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.�.,, L... ,•:: . MAT ... ::i.+ '.r'_ rl: 3,c•; ,�.�' 'Yx�,tis� am t` `$'h r :�" f�'i S. 's.»yy ,-s•._
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X'Ll le PICB:ERINT(�,, OTT., FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1924 = =. - No. 44
psf#{s!#fll#metal �sxD Geos Bak. e� ;BROCK ROAD. VPE%FORD x`
On the 26th of Jun t the home'of Dave says the next item'on the list GREENWOOD
Rev. W. E. and Mrii Hodgson, 24
In be must Lave a car. 1`
Woodycrest Ave..Toronto, a surprise Mise Shafer, of Toronto,visited ever
E. FORSYTH, Oph.D.. Diretetor �.: party and bridal shower waeffRiveD in ,.
b y Suadap'at' Oldham Farm." MLLS
Ra011ometrical Association of Ontario.Res. I onor of Miss Fannie gayee,.beuem- The farmers are guessing ore to who M
0=. Mem CIE the notimAsner-bycant Opointmint. To Avoid Mistakes bere of Jones Ave. Baptist Church. will have the beat crop'of corn.
,A. atioe. Sees esamiaed:by appointment.ptioae 2804.Claremont, oat. The dining room was prettily decorat• One of our bachelors was seen walk-
ad all-h w1blite sere SON, M. B., Member +Dp rosea, An address was read and many ower a I" t
.of*the College of Ph Asea sad Surgeon. f _ beautiful and valuable 'gifts presented. and As how is the Ice. i The oldest established industrylin �
of Ontario. Office: that formerly occupud b T Ali enjoyable evening was spent by Mies Jean Routley is spending(part Ontario county.
the late Dr.R.Brodie,end latterly by Dr.Cal :L 00 all Pres of Ler vacation in the city. afters c
wen. Phoad. CLaremont.Qnt. 2aly i ; eIIL' successful year at high schoo. "'
�T O. MCKINNON, M.D.,L.R.O.S., AGINCOURT Our good home store and Dost office
JAI List
has been new] decoleated, which .
• Edinburgh.member of the Oollea• of ' makes it look quite to Up-to-date.
Fbyaioiaaa and Surgeons of Ontario,lieentiaLe "— '
of Boyo Oolteae of 8nraeoas, Eeiabnzsh- A Field Day and'Garden Party will The football team ourneted u to
6peofal atfentlon to dairies of women and To Baker's Splendid Choice be held on the Fair Grounds, Agin- Thotn6311 on July let, wfnningwo s`
K atifids.°' OlIIoe a°d'vddena, - court.•on Wednesday, July .18th, Ue- strenuous-games,and each player re- .,
'— of Phonographs.i ]tinning at 2 p. m. Footbill, Ladies' ceived a$5 silk shirt. '
G'lzaif•opracl c. Baseball and other sports in the after• Want
DR. GORDON McKAY—Ohiroprac- it don't-matter Who makes noon. J. H. .Cameron, entertainer, s PETTY HIGHEST PRICE PAID
tor. Office hoursr2.So to 5.00■nd 7.00 to Stringed orchestft from Toronto, and _ n`
8.00 and b?appointment. Phone 820. Brock .`the Record, our Oval others will provide-an excellent,even• ,
Street. whitey, sly sag program, Lunch and refreshment On Saturday, July 5th, at 8 o'clock,
~" HOrl1. Phonograph booths on the grounds. Proceeds.in a quiet but pretty wedding was Mrs. geed Buckwheat-
y g nixed at the home of Jae. H. and hire. FOR SALE f:
lsysel. - of the Library Building Fund. Keyes; Hiilcreet Farm,' piclleriaR,
.- will la it. Admission 25c and 15c.
E. OHRISTIAN, Barrister and play whestheirdau titer, y y
g Fannie 1N itis,
+Solicitor.Notary Public Etc. Money to was united In marriage to James car Beet,qualit of Chick Feed and
Dan, Southlwine,Court House. Whitby. 251y GREENWOOD. Petty, eon of O. K. and Mrs. Petty. of Scratch Feed alwaysCherrd '
WILLIAM J. BEATON,B.A,.Bar- touffvoille, Onto The serviceb on the Greenwood cir• Toron o, o9, Rev. W, E. Hodgson,of oa hand.
ter Solicitor member of the firm of • cult for next Sunda will.be taken b Toronto,officiated. The bride enter-
ter y ed the room with Ger father to the
son.Y'oster and Beaton. Toronto the pastor as follows : Mt. Zion 10 F'r
: .General74netsBuilding,95Bay Street,Toronto• a, m., Kinsale 130 m., Brougham strains of the wedding music played
Tekphoae Main Dei and Bee. pp g by Miss Marjorie Keyes and was prep lissims FastrT Flour
at 1 p. m, The service at Greenwood ,ily.gowned in a dress of sandlewood
r *• at 11 a, m. will be under the direction ane pink cgtiton crepe carrying a Its Always Good.
Dental • • of the Sunday Scbnol and G. W. West bouquet of bridal roses and white. y
DR. HARRY HUDSON. Dentist, will reach. The Supda School see- None made in Canada,
P y carnations. She was attended by her
Whitby. Office—Adam's Terrace, Byron Funeral Director eioDa will be Greenwood and Brou• sister, Mildred. The groom was assist-
St.North, - Phone U4. (Gas extraction when and gham{Union) at 10 a. m., Mt, Zion at ed by bis brother. Ernest. of Toronto. e
desired). Sof It 30 a. m. and Kinsale at 230 m.
P• Little Glad
Licet,sred Etrtbal»ser YoungPeople's League at Kinsale on ye Petty made a pretty F
nR. D. 0. Smith. Dentist, Stnuff- P g if girl. During the signior oft e
MOTOR HEARSE Fridayevening.
g C R E A M
vi11e, Hoaores'and to of Chicago and To- g'
_ register, Mrsmato Vniversifies'anal the Coitega of R - E. PettyPe Ly sag. Adein
Phone CLAN Is`.MONT oat•. supper was served,t atter which ttte
1013. Nooutns., appointment*.
tL Res33dence GREEN RIVER. bx v sou le- left on a honeymoon
Iola, No outside appointmeata 2s1y Phone 924 s. pIt'K the price the get for our better
trip the St. Lawrence Rivr and �(
LAKE B. BEATON, D. D. S., 31rs.Carr. of Brooklio. to-visiting other points, the bride travelling to s that enables ni to pay the price :
Graduate of she Royal Colelge.of Dentes her sister. Mrs. Bice, agcy canton.crepe dress with hat and for cream,. and-its our 'accurate
Surgeons and University of .Toronto, Offihcye ♦, Green River house were filled with coat to match. system of doing business that ea. t"
over W.M.hours
Pnn�els hardware store. whit F1�1� Trees Shrubs Etc visitors over the holida
Office hour.B to3S:i to 5.80. Ing'.•phone N.
y, . � shies us to render poll service,
Bdt pboae,220. sUy , I • Our Sunday Scbonl field their pienic Methodist Garden Part in the 5'
r --- on Tuesday, July 8tL at Oshawa. P Have our truck call for .�
Veterinary Havin lt secured the agea^y for E.D. Our football team played Ashburn Memorial Paxlt, July 17th your cream. ;
Smith& Son. Ltd., urcerymen. on Saturday Imat and won by 5-0.1
E G.KERSLAKE. B. V. Sc Honor of Winona. Oat. The Purvis family held their annual 3TOUFFVILLE. $tQj(f �� 'Creamery Co.
eases raedduate of University of Toronto. All prepared to take orders for all re-unloa at Wilson's Park an July let.
Caret I amr, Stouffer, the
prompt and careful attention.ProneMr.and Mn. Bice and Mr. and Mr principal of our Phone 18802
ioa7. Claremont. BSty" kinds of Fruit Trees,Small Fruits. Doten motored to Whitbv on Sunda - continuation school, is In Toronto. STOUFFVILLE, ONT.
Ornamental Shrubs Etc., at Henryt with a bad cid t papers.
lowest possible prices. examining a
',�><i!#s!!!! �ti 1@s• - when returning from Toronto oa aua- Union meetings will take place is
Special rates for large quantities. day evening. Memorial Park between four of our O R.E A
V. RIOHARDSON—Real Es 28tf m 4•
Quite a number[rom here attended churches duringg the sum ee months.
W. tate' Inewaaee CMveyaaelag. ivetary N.J. Che 1n the garden party at Locust Hill on Rev. T. H. Mttcbell, of Vancouver, SEPARATOR Pablt4Etc..Picked".bat. guy Chamal Imak�g Tuesday evening. Is expected to preach [a the Park, at SE PA RATtJRthe S
1j'► POSTILL, Lieerised Aactioaeer, aUNBARTOIN. lug_nextQ services onSunday even-
ves- 1 am agent foe the Melotteaad
�aW 3
. ler O.mefs at Tort ad Oatsarle. ase. R0.0fin
_ e understand our botel was raidedDe Laval.
use sales et alt kinds atlsewed M on ahaeses
Robert Clark, we are sors to sa by the O. T. A. provincial police obmosses, address Green River P.O.. Oat, y y Mew Separators always in stock• '..' is under the weather. - Saturday aigght. They are summoned - .
B.BZATON TOWBBH,IP'OLERK Oa Saturday, July 12th. the Mission to appear betore the"beak" this week. Also.several good second hand ma..
'- lal• Oonveyeaear. Oem uleamm far taldtts 8 BaDd meet al the home of Mrs. Geo. The big bowling tournament of chines in good running order. w
�~~, a�m�. � Kona IS X1111 ateri al White. 3toufl!ville and neighboring towns
;, OU°w °t Y° ° r�► - , Mrs, Smaleo, of Mongolia. Is the will take place next Wednesday on D. A. PUGH, CL 1LREMONT
guest of Charles and Mrs.Smates for the green here. about 80 teams rill] Write or•phonet Clare: 2417, r.
Jest arrived a car of To' •
A V I D A. P Toronto compete.
-- t -•',-,
UGS=L[ve stoat nuc- week or two, mPe
ooeer. Graduate of C. leis Jos«'School Aephatt Co's Roll Roofing,. Rev. Mr. Mason,of Oshawa; will oc• The Orangemen of the district were
go. LiBlockShinjtlee etc., also copy the pulpit hese nest Sabbath on parade oa Sundav last sad march•t welco ap co the Ha limo Church. where as ere o u Are ly atteg and evening. Everybody PirCOWnt. 16Jy welcome. pp opr tate sermon 'wse preached
A large stock of H. C. Cedar Our church is being decorated and- They will go to Cannington on the
Shingles. Beaver Board Y 1 t�hb - :
TI, forTark,QatarioandDurhsos on July 20th we will have our aD•
• Couaues wllkiarlaof sales promptly attended and Lumber. Dtvereary 9 d .re•opeaimg servicpy a Mennonite camp meeting which Cement,
a• Terms reasonable. Dates for sales may be Rev. Mr. Ra of Orono, will occu has beep held during the past two — —
dent ped a NEWT y,On Bell and Indepea- Call and get our prices. the pulpit morning and evesttag a to a close. There was
Sir es' Whitby, ' Sly in the evening the Washington Metb• a large attendance from the different
. T pI�K:ERIN ndist choir will assist with the music. Part of the prosiaee ore well sa across CU81 - g
., !BASKETS '•' �D the line.
WHITBY. The-Chautauqua opened on Wed- 71
_ nesda of this week with a very lar a Lumber`,
Having purchased the stock from y �T
the Estate of Wilbert Wilkinson, cher Aed wile attendance. It will continue on Wed.
assault on a young girl at Uxbridge, nesdity, Tbureday. Friday and Sakur- ti.'Sb in glee # y
'W. G. BARNES and.the entire day. The Friday and Saturday even- t '.
was fined $5 and costa. He was ap• lag entertainments are the best and a °
rbueineee of JOS. W. DOTEN D. A. 1111 ORDTJ E Prebended at Victoria Corners by Pro• crowded teat is expected. It. will be
vincial Constable Taylor. Ready 'Roofing
prepared to 'su f all sizes s held in the Part. :
. . P P supply Jack McDonald, 41 years aid, oro
from BerryBores to Three FIIII8rd1 Dll'eC�OT fixed abode, was apprehended on �n d Lath ,
and Half Bushel. Thursday last at Uxbridge and charm- Hear Charlie Jeeves at Pickering, JJ 1►
g Thursday evening, :l.
• Lkwsed tom4bw ed with three offences of theft. He y g, Jgly 17th.
t� x
Glaen River Basket Works has been playing the role of sneak thief BROUGHAM. �.
Phone Marb.6109 z' � for some time past. He was given F. ,A, .R E E S .0 R}
three months at hard labor on each
FRANK PENNOCB Sutcessor to charge.' Walter wod Mie. Bennett spent the
weekend with Wends.In Barrie.
007U Man,that made tea Barnes' OHAS. BEIERL, - MARKHAM Burglars were busy around the town •hos,and Mrs.Norton spent Suaday =.#0C =SWdurin
Basket." Phone 9000 moeningthe ot Sunday feetof , bo sea and with the former'e cots at _ t
par Highland
were broken into in the vicinity of the
F Atown park.and In two of the laces A cumber from here attended the _
R M E R, S the culprits were disturbed. Ill decoration stery on
at the Olaremont
breakin [m lements. beiD found iD
IIDlon Qemetery on Suaday last. d I
av0 BreadQtt he dining room of Jitr, Eaton. Doe of The Messrs. Footer, o! Thorabnry, � � .
We&I* A cents for loInhillof (Inns" visited their sister, Mrs. Devitt. last
�+ MgjA
and Provincial 'Constable Ta for are
working on the case. n each case ,
• The Brougham Women a Institute
either a door or window was left In-
Jul wit]hold their July meetingat We
+t U01'd.Sbapie� - --Pastry Flour sert�re, making it` easy wort for the home of Mrs. L. Johnston next �s =
Tueeda tbe_l5tb,at 2.90
May be obtained from you Grocer. y. p.m. AU -•
'Muir, ladies welcome. �-
' 9
Brooklin Flour Mills DUMBARTON. paralytic Aftr a lingering illuese following a t -:
Fleur and BiFlsell stroke, Robt. J. Price died
__.. on aur ay ore. at t e oma o Mrs
_CHAS. WILSON, Prop. here near the public school on Sunday Gerow. Hie funeral toot place on tore
FUR SALE afternoon, when four persona were Monday when his remains were laid �As
more or less seriously Injured. The to rest in theOlAremont Union Ceme-
A Ford Touring Car, Delivery a car, which was a Ford touring, 1914 tery, He was a member of Brougham
Wagoa,,DeLaval 500 lbs., Sepa. A Summer Session model,had gone off the pavement and Union Lodge. A. F. &A. M•, 'which
rotor, Ressol 8 in.Grinder,
1n bringing it back on to the road, the t'ook.ch a of the funeral, the Rev. w
Ga S. & M. h, steering Reap refused to work propper•. A. McLellan. of Claremont conducting
]� IS HELD IN THE Iyy and the car crossed the road caro the service. He was an,elder in 8
Ga'so Engine, - ttie ditch on the opposite.side where John's Church and was very highly Special Week
•eud Bargains
Brantford Binder Twine. POPULAR• it tnrned over, and the occupants were esteemed.
W F Disney, GreenWOAd pinned underneath. The injuied are A garden party under the auspices NEW PROCESS RECORDS
LL10TT E. H. Arrowsmith, whose ]left arm of St. Johns Church will be 'bel on _
42tf Phone Pick 711 shove the elbovtµ was broken; Mrs. W. J. Devitt'e spacious lawn on the ;A sample25 cents :.
Arrowsmith,who received bead in- evening of Friday_, July 18th. At 6.30 p
uri s; Miss Arrowsmit,t minor in- a football match will be la 'ed be-
(sr8111 Chopping Yonge&Charles tats,Toronto' juries; Harold Craven, cuts and brnis- tween the Canada Wire and Cable Co,
e ul r Stock fort
4 '
e Only -
AND FL.hKINGi:; our Fall Term opens. First-class tnluries. All reside at 43 Simcoe St., ning at 8 o'clock a spplendid; prograrri•.
P Toronto. The injured received first w(11 he rendered by thefollowing:Jas. :Each-50 Cents—Each
Instruction in all Departments, aid treatment,after which -they were Kelly,. Irish comedian; Harry Firtb,
I am prepared to do Chopping and Accounting, Stenography, Typpe• taken to the Toronto Geneeal Hos l- Popular character entertainer; Mise 14Y
Oat Flaking every day but writing, Secretarial, General Im• tal by Disney's ambulance,of Oshawa, Erhel Bailey, accompanist: Geo. Stev '''`
56aturday, pproventent, Banking, Commercial Tr,la repnrted that one. of the injured enson, baritone; Bert Harvey Jr, and N + E Y• 1VI WEN
Teachers' and Business Courses. N. E. ! '
8toneboats For Sale received internal injuries from whZch the Claremont Melody Orchestra. .,+•
Enter now. Write for Catalogue, she may not recover, We, Craven There will be a booth on the grounds
Claremont has been In Canada only a week, hav• for the sale of ice cream etc. Admis- Veterinary 'Sturgeon '
�oh� F. Bayles, Claremont ElIiott,'Principal Ing come out from-England to visit cion. 35 cense; children under 12, 20 t
Rural Route No.2 hereon. cents. 1P103it:®ti]zH, Gata,riod
y ... .e4, ....,. �.r; tge €'-'".' .: .. .: .. �. ,;. , fix,v >..'. ,. .,.. •S:. �', 'a' .. 1 rayl^' .dr,,..r-,.:w- w.' e *#�',��.•: ^a s::il"' S.
•12�"t":-�� '.wd:� i2�`«r.,..aa.,;�' :"�"t:.w"r'?�+3,S3�t'�i;;as'r,+' �'z?J.:��.,L 4e:a..�.A.`.rd..n.� .l.G @ „e fir ."s3 fir.•' .. r5+ ,.. d"w, 'i.t "�' �iia;r. �a''"I"1, 'L�' .i
gip,, •
w..yr.e..:a.esa,.?,c.,,.,�"cuesfor,dw�a:cE:.,sTL»Lv „neSr.Y�dii.3�Y'!� i`. '�°:a's.et.312*T.sr�.�v��'�i''�'rD^`.,��..�:•�L''�Stifii � i •, ,,. .
� "" a `,...., .;: �rt "'n«r., ,-'sZ-• �...�,c:,.�r• w �. .. ,... .. ?� .x,.:,�; �•7^;n..,, r�.. �• �•.N�. ,^"� .-.
f, P°J wri14 "+r.' c:M�m. '1.'iM.w� ^'rY �;♦7,.'. ''� �', .... n'f� <Y.r♦ .. .� '� _ �•
—1 Zrw
he F - qcES_ _ _
.A - • .lifter every mead �a
_ _
„ 0"as"s ;
BY - wait and a _
benefit as
P f j v, sought Maw again, wistful:y eager r >E:
k r. .w _ - .. ....PART I. Good 1 o s
i Wei& At sunset, when long rayB of tight)for a softening of her grudge against testis, breath
866d Tell alsntingly across the smooth him, but from the eight of her thin and diye�tloa.
brown furrows he had so recently shoulders hunched into an attitude of Tigallses the
- i eciateCl I t eW. _ TI C turned, Joel Beek began- to- isnhitchl-aggres disapproval he turned
�g >t!►ost up l hastil awn ; limping to the outside . tett e cigar
lt' tOdB�r his old gray. mare from the rusty; y y taste better.
flakyor• Try anti uated low. porch. _ '
' "Reckon hit'e quit to e, ,
H�€s Heather.
he observed. home. Cwilen,`hawevr, was fortunate r
R COrleCtlythe softly,-.nuzzling. this as in his resemblance to the.
Gist Roses The horse whinnied'soft] nuzzling.
with Fetch the cattle tMary, blu"YOd hrough the heather, his shoulder with almost human glad-I.Keaiints., Cullen had escaped from
% By'cuttlU your roses correctly lass ofnese at the prospect of release from the narrow bondage of the worked-out •
Jong stems the Platt is
Improv g Yellow fa the gl w of sunset,set mine; drudgery. - backwoods farm. Cullen wan in St. R24
vigor and habit. When B Letting As harriers .drop, Joel Louis' with Uncle • Keating, Maw's
biloams cut the
stalk a point about Long the shadow of the P ei strode _to*ird the.-cabin at the other brother. -
bElle are tinkling x
two. Inches from the brain which i�as�s�as3'tee- -the-field—cion inly-Joel,tried to-imagine-.what •
bears the flowering stem This leaves In some lush aaQ watered dell; the mare, her long gray neck droop- life in the city would be like, eventu-
f "two good.eyes which will in about four^Lonely are the paths of heather, Ing with fatigue. ' ally abandoning the attempt as futile.
weeks produce more Sowers. Bose Lonely for the twilight bell! In the unpainted, ramshackle barn But a life different,from this, at any
bushes seem to do best when they �e Often you have brought the cattle. • he settled,the horse for the night; rate, he decided. _
severely. trimmed, as the bloom is in . O my pretty, slender lase; tossing a bundle of hay into the feed Restlessly he pushed back his old
proportion to the strength of the stem You have found them in the valley trough with a grimace of pain as his felt hat, revealing above bronzed chin By SpeClal Delivery.
that cArries it. Cutting,back bands Knee-deep in the tender grass!' and cheeks a forehead.sweat bleached
with flowers You sent therm through the star- lame leg began to throb after the day When I've-a''Quarrel in my mind
up a well-branche&Plaat to a trans t white. Red brown With one who`s-far away,
pi ��,Quality than those borne on a light in the field: Kith a detached pity he
reflected upon the weariness resting cur1B�bordered' the whiteness' of that To scorching letters I'm Inclined
tall, scraggly parent. In the months Single-trailed with' plodding.test;_ heavily upon man and beast alike. f high, intelligent forehead. His eyes,. In-which I.say my ssy.
•- of July and August weak Prow gut" .y� have T'rought'them through the limpidly blue and tranquil, were fixed „
heather' "Life in the mountings hain't none
fern from the-heat and the blooms too �y On or. critters!" tel upon the wooded summit .high above And thea I take those scorching
inferior: Avoid letting the I� Fringed with blossoms, P�plo- brooded aloud, realizing that theI him: - screeds
and thea picking them off, as this Ia sweet! A red sunset—to-morrow would be
words voiced hie unending protest $o full of ink and ire,
very hard on the plant. By attsudins another-fine day and he.would have in which I threaten'awful deeds,
y =-
to the-cutting o1 the blooma. which t; Draw the bars and set the staachioas! against the hardships of mountain a chance to get the cotton seed in tie- And mail them—in the Are.
a form of summer praaing.-oery,utile - Maty: bring the cattle home life. - fore rain came. And later on .there —John Kendrick Bangs.
trimming is required the tollawtag For the whip•poor walls are singing Perhaps, he told himself-dubiously, Would be,' barring mishap, plenty of
h spring ex the cutting out of the And the blooms.of heather.gloam! continuing on his way to the taMn, cotton for Maw to spin into the thread 1Ninard'e Liniment Heals Cuts.
old canes.
You may loiter with.your lover Maw was right, and he wan entirely to be woven into stout jeattd and �..s
There is a right time to cut•blooms if you will,but not too long;... a Beck. shirts; ,for the-inevitable quilts. u It isnot so easy as people suppose
for the best•keepiag-qualities. :Cut Fetch the white kine through the Being entirely s Beck-meant flint well; and for a surplus to be sold or to hate continuously. :
�` early in the morning when the wood heather; _ he was utterly lacy and shiftless;al se; at bartered for supplies at the, settle• ---¢ '
is cool, Atter the sun-'haan been shining Lo, their hoofbeats are my 11609'. Ing entirely a Beck meant, also that Experts have worked out complete .
on the !lowers they are somewhat --Leslie.Clare 'Manchester. he was an object`of mingled accts The Beck land lay nearest the tiny time-tables for an air service.to en-.
:wilted and faded.. Cut blooms will
and aversion where Mad Beck was
Jaat longer i1 placed in the ice-boz for A peace-time arrage is not a concerned, Maw having had titter ex- clear stream .purling rte way circle the world in seventeen days.
screen o! bursting shells but a low erience with Becks in the person of thr6ugh the Valley. From where he i s have been provisionally
�+ s few hours-before placing in the vase. P sat he could hear the ripple. of eager chosen for the flights across the
dam in a river, intended-to raise and his handsome, incompetent father.
r, to keep water at such a level 'that • Maw had been a Keating, and the water plainly. oceans. y
./� some of-it will run°off th;augb_canals Keaiings outranked-the Valley from Once, when the gelds had drooped,
M 'i / and irrigation ditches. The Indus the standpoint o! possessions and diisconrageci and sick from tack df The carcasses ai small animahy
rY ' � 'River in India is to have such a bar energy.
rain, he had cleverly contrived to di- such as calves and lambs, are fro.,
rage at Sukknr. It will be a mile long putside the door of the cabin, vert apart of that hurrying water to quently blown up by means of an airJ,
and will divert water enough to irri- through which the aroma of boiling, he purpose
healthy pe o turninthe ds green p p; this, arm-
y fields makes the removal of the
Y g t !
n gate six million acres of-land now -offee drifted appetizrngty, phi` foot- and again: Sitting there in skin easier, and is stated be h
f - tent upon the color .changes slowly less to the meat
�}M...a.. barren. steps involuntarily slowed into a mo- po
S "'a '; mentssy panes of vwid expectancy. taking place around the western sum-
It le! For.bore Foes-FAlnard s t.lnlme�h. A ick dating back to-earliest child- mit upon.Which his eyes were luted,
tat F 1 There orb r a .number of - __ be recalled his own- leaping pleasure. --
-:reat laveacloas' He who obeys with modes 11 hood that instinctive pause in which
ya tY. p• at Maw's rare praise.
2nd Fly="The•fly vvattsr`ain't one rs worth of some da or.other,be- be wistfully sought -to ascertain _
pea y. y y Far down the narrow dirt road
a K theta,..
Ing allowed to command Maw's. mood-before soaring into her curving- through the Valley he de-
rsence. ., �•,.•_
__�_.. .. _.. Always there had been the incredu- scared a blur o! white.
aW's b "Maw!" he called, lifting his voice •:���,;ai
i lous ho that M bitter prejudice '
againath himself might have miracu- into a warning shout "Patty Jesanp'a ,a cY D' ! *•��
i comm' down the road."
lonelymelted during his 6bsence, tliaf
there might even be a brightening of i Maw mppeared, instantly in the
# welcome for him upon her stern face, doorway. smoothing-the prim parting ® •••1 :
- As usual, his hope was doomed to her hair with one hand
disappointment "Hit's Patty!' shed. "Likely t o Qa
agree •:
Maw• threw_ him .a sullen glance she's heerd yore back from the settle-
from the fireplace, where she bent
i over pots and pans. Three times i year, in fav cantle{
"Set," she instructed briefly; clan'l weather, he made the trip to the near-
I'll bring the victusIs." l est settlement, thirty miles away,
There it wan again—her-dislike for hauling surplus produce to sell and
- _ him plainly revealed in even triose bringing b supplies R i •tT -
back the 'few not AR O CiJBMlOF! INNER TIRES
provided b t own
few words. cord y heir lea n these Composed of Pure Para F b-
: Flaming with a resentment which occasions, not infrequently he brought 1, ter, Highly POrOOB.
- — Qe l back a letter from Cullen.
-- he inwardly'acknowledged to be both .PUN CT U R ES
absurd and uriezpeeted liter all the Curren had not wanted to go away.
years, Joel limped across -the dirt,Oddly enough, he had demurred, pre-
0 floor to the rude table conveniently fearing to Stay in the Valley with its
rat close to the fireplace. He had so long brown pools filled with trout and its BLOW OUTS
• nc d slaw's, ik
himself,!rabtit,e and squirrels for fall hunting.
co ode dial a for
the'elder son, and her preference for "I like it hyar, Maw 1" he had pro- Rides Easy ori Ail'.- Doubles
e fie _ Cullen, his youtige! brother, that-his teat&L -"An' thar's Patt Jen 1 of
momentary re ton amaze ran•
we en . WRITE. FOR P71RTtCULAR8.
Dur Maw moved back and forth, word-� Maw had passed over'�ie Preference
'lightly ignoring Joel's-eager eyes.
lessly depositing steaming dishes of(- 1'e ski come back fer Patty," she Tire
_ �► food before him. Bitter enemies Aero-CushiOn Inner
�glsol�aboe pointed out "And hit's yore place to t�
could scarcely h}3ve had less to say �� Alen, as she' $eating o' the l Rubes Co••Ltd-
to each other. forlolrnly wishingI' mfly - wi l3a[n Ont.
i� , >� Toel-ate alone, (To be continued.) �
that Cullen were home again, willing,
Ice-sold, "With • J to pass over Maw's plainly shown pre
lerenca for Cullen In his overwhelm I�On�t(i0 Th. r
ng n o compan ons P• DOII.t go in on a soft spring night, w n H�,e �SYj18PUllnP U 86
geotad 'herself at e iced trees are swaying!
` fireplace. If Cullen had been there; Don't go in when.the elfin light on the a
: blri2n; invites she would have stood behind his chair,' apple bloom is playing! +
nil moving a brush made of iong.•Don't go in when the mystic elpe'll of r✓ece Ac o_i
wti yOii t0 delight � st`ips of paper' track and forth over stare is t:-sea-of blue p'UMp
- . his head to keep away the intrusive Is working a change that you cannot
taste, satisfy ' Nmpsmoreeesil ,mora ileo and
fiord bmy Hies o! early spring; granting to Cul- tell in the heart sad,. sant of
x--- you. more u e{�
- i�osb to Joel as, male head of the house. rr>o�et wl+id slriools _
yourmu'. Where Joel was�-conce'rn- she con= Don't go in and leave tt here alone end it d rs ��ed "" nt freezing.
7""'-- tePrwe
mptuously omitted this Baty alto- Iavely'atd sweet. fasily Primed♦
' . gether; merely 'waiting until he had Don't go in ori a soft spa ing night ASK ABUT RAT roV.R nARpwARf STJt7t
>} •: gone to liegin her own meal.. - when the lilacs fall at your ,»}�SMp1tT PLOT
Again the flood of acute resentment rest! siOC1�
: �. t r•
n boiled high in Joel Heck It .wasn'.tl Don't Bo in..when wisteria drifts like
'' - fair, this prejudice against him which'i an attar o1 moon on the air!
� � had been a throbbing hurt since ilial Don't go in when the fairy dreams of.
ma -. •earliest perception--of its -the apirittital•dusk are there!.
_• It wasn't his fault, he told himself _
/ stormily,that Maw had picked Homer Don't go in when wavering tree; leave i
i Beck for his father "and that-Homer wonderful shadows to dte! TGD
Beek ted-proud worthless. Nor was Don't go in on a soft spring night when
e's sshimierin lots"ane high,
- - — tt that be himself-res
the shiftless, wheedling'scamp ,of a When the flowers and the birds an yp
the _ insects know that some.
father as exactly as one pea resembles . thing's about to pass!
? another. -
,;pelicfot�s and R,tefreelun
Visioning the hostility which must Don't go in when the feet of apriug are_
Camp have scourged his father equally in touching the dew-sweet grass!
r ada� Joel smiled wryly.' -
Company his lifetime,
% Co"Cola.
phos:Tomato _ • _ "Reckon 'Pap must hev.been plumb The sun is the greatest physician in
04M glad ter die!" he'muttered. , •i88UE No. 28-24.
r the world.—Sir Herbert Barker.
i Rising clumsily, his mild blue eyes
...=_ar?.ri �._ w3rczs" .�' �13F, i.
'"K' ,.. r. .R .. •,. ... ` +. i tg. •;r.•^ y' ,r. ,..i a `:. TMxt ° • .1 � ,l, r you •f•'u"'.'?;a•. ,:^ ,I�:,.
,.. .. ..-•.-,: ,�> wr. .i•n.' :.,, .a .w ..-; ;.:. .. �.... : ,. "sal-'4, �.^+p•• �" ,u,' -•.n .•r'� r _ :fi- '"a,�°': •7r.-
t� 1..
. _CANADIANS.w L-oNDON. - '.
iR P�} -PAa]gCAnON OF: t�RO11 ),Many Have Played Part ;�
' sow .
Cometo 'oron#0
' Evens of Brilliant
A tch from Paris ss The a is _
dsspa says:-The, large opposition to,-it in Parliament •.Season. - -f
-$London conference on July 16 will #y,as. to-hamper Preimier, Berriot•- at for a rapid pacification.., of .Europe London. A despatch !rom 'London says - or Used Foids
There are aiore'Cahadiann in London ''
accordi g to the program unofficially Further doubt is raised hereby the to,•day;.than'at any other time.ia Its
•leaching Paris.' suspicion that a protocol signed at history, The, Dominion Da dinner >`
Prime Minister..MacDonald has pot London will replace the Versailles had a record attendance, iyncluding have From ,$25 to-$ 100
t fasted.the official invitation et,;but Treaty in essential".dets"a' It is
y Canadians from,every point of the "
'alt .01 contain four 1 ints: recognized flint it is'to'ai�ti a navy Keen competition in the cit h
p ti+e► Po world, some of whom had come over
I. All must'accept the experts' plan agreement, as the experts, plan is, from the continent s p y a8 forced'. ..
outside the treat specially for the
w Ywithout reservations y, 'but the French down rices on used lord.cars and trucks
' object that to'renounce their right to. accasjon. Wembley, is the magnet p-' ss:
2. Tile conference will 8x .a date which draws a great number of Can- to far bg10W actual values. We are Can- '
-for itis:coining of the plait, sanctions will weaken the power of ,
the AliieS. adian visitors, but other factors are ads s Largest Ford Dealers and offer you
3. A date°will be fixed two or three' the world' power, conference, to which
vveeka Istel for Franco-Belgian' cyst- . M. Herriot has refrained from ex- well known Dominion Hydro-Electric wider ChO1Ce as well as bigger value.
pressing himself but Is -conscious of ' ineers are de •tee' the Con refs
4. The Allies will agree not to Ap- yields the ri ht to coerce German m e re ° :Gotnmerce,
g y which is attendei! D man ROADSTERS, COUPES SEDANS.
Ply sanctions in cans of future Ger- into paying. y y,official and TRUCKS--Yariow Years' Models
man default unless 8' new body, not A despatch fzom London says;- .oi Canadian Boards of Trade, the ' 5.
the Reparation Commission,decides it The French, Be visit to the weekly newspaper editors; ALL �A R A NT §�
)Sian and Italian Gov= the Biala ehootin . the.
is necessary., ernments have agreed with the Brit- y g and- Inter- �r ,.
It is expected this new body will be ish that when the reparation experts'' national lifeboat conference. There f+
either out of the Lea was a Canadian competitor in the i^•
League of Nations scheme ,is put into effect the agent- early rounds of the tennis champion-
The Hague court. This creates general for reparations,' and the ships Pa at Wimbledon and a Canadian YOU ars
hing.of a- sensation here, as-it chairman of the-Transfer Canmit#�ee entrant for the Diamond Pouffe atTit> sa • OII are
a►iII mean'clipping the wings of the shall be the same nian. Henle . There are also one hundred on Protected OVA
Reparation .Commission; which the As these are the two fices that Protected
° me of the Canadian Manutao- � `"
!French dominate. will have the most to do with re ars- Price You Against
P tures Association here under the VSElD C'AA
Former. Premier Paincare's follow= tions, the man who holds them will.be leadership of CoL Hatch,of Hamilton, ,Us=
-era are .preparing to fight on this practically dictator of the whole in- A number of.prom;rent Canadian h;w- ' pad """m'«'�"s'�"�""'•"r�
point and may succeed in rousing such demnity question. .t
yers are in London in connection with
_{ the Privy Counsel cases, including E.
;BRITAIN.RETAINS CROWS NEST PACT L, Newcombe, Dep.. Minister of Jus-
PURSE OF.THE.WORLD ;.. IS AGAIN IN FORCE joined by hundreds TES DAYS to-Test-the Car You Choose
tire, cobs will be
of others when the Bar Association Wh are the first Dealers in Canada to
aYeW -
York Cannot comes here in a few weeks. Many of s
Displace Schedule of Freight Rates Ef- tomes Canadians :have been playing offer,Used Cars on the New Ford Policy, ;
London.as Finaacisl Centre. festive Automatically in their part in social, during one oi.the -'GUARANTE�:D values and repairs.
London.Jill•-Otto H. Hahn con. :-View of No Action �t brilliant seasons London has , ;You are sure of SATISFACTION, be-
tributes to The Sunday Times a two- b House. known since the war. Many attended
eofumn article commenting on the ' y th+a Boya1 Garden - * sides saving monej/. t'%� -+ ;,. `ea •.,,;,•..�:. .,.
Grow'ewl July 7-At mid$ t..the PAY sad courts. TOURING CARS .r from $ 90 up t0
... •statement.broadcast from Washington y � - ,
a taco days ago as eminating from ell agreement, affect- New Z d armers -
fain high Treasury officials o the in` freight rates in Western Caarda ROADSTERS ' •� a from $110 up to 75
effect that the American money mar_ and providing substantial.reductions 1+1en>tared Stafne Beni COUPES et to fitiOm $220 up t0 $445 7.11
kat was about to displace the,British I on a list of specified commodities SEDANS
cams into full force - A despatch from Wallington « v Is 'from $250 up to $500
taoney market as the financial centre again: its re= mfto
of the world. fsumption of effect Is automatic, in•s- says'--Great pressuie--L being ax- TRUCKS • from $ 75 up to $400
"It is
manifest," erted on the New Zesland Government "
est," says Mr. Kahn,i much as no step baa been taken b Leery car dhows the appraisal price-and the
".that a broad and natural) receptive Parliament to further suspend the ex-i to establish agricultural state 'here fir work dace. Come earl f
y p tension.of that the Agrarian fnteresb urging here, P Y or best eholr�, i
mrarket for foreign securities, based Pact Last Thursday' as they have done in. Canada, and
'ripon the capacity and the willingness)was the latest.date on which the pro- other agricultural countries, that t ?'
of 'the=ingesting community at lar 'ce'� of legislation could be beguno C�j
ge farmers aced further credit tscilitiee,
to absorb such aeenritiea, la. one os,and since that time there has been no Mr. Wilfrid, the O
the esaeatiaL the come as is a broad'discussion of it in the House, opposition leader, CQ 11FZD µ
and active discount. and acre tante' White it has been argued, by the moved a vote of tenure on file Gov- +rry t
$ I heads of the C.P.R. and the C.N.R.I ernment on"Thursday on 'the groundof 316osrieeasrt Sero,ree Steliewl. `"
market for the successful u ertak-
ings• of the' functions of'then eadhi that 'the application of 'the- Croves and
failure to extend pensjons„ 120 AdelaidO$t• L - 32 Jarvis street �r
_. 'intern Nest rates o Promote other social and h - tsata+ @ s•i
aftosas mo to Western u isrd�>
nay centre, traffic will manitarian legislation; to 'relieve
> (Jeri��of sd�>
"She could not dislodge Britain. baYe a serious effect on their earnings, soldier settlers:-to solve the housing
from her traditional �it was pointed up by cotfneel for the� g _ c,
- position ss e I and unemployment problems, and to
money centre it she would, and she Western Provinces during the recent establish f Dressed poultry-Bens, over 6 lbs,. -^
Might not want to do far K she coohf,+hearing that..the predictions made in agricultmral state banks, The p� _ Sf ; do, 8 to 4 lbs., 186; spring chick. 1 x
The maintenance of Britain's flaaaciat--1922 aby E.W. Beatty, K C.,and D. B.i Mr. Stewart, the Minister of Cul- eek ens,2'lba.and over,50c; roosters, 2pci
Hann•, for their respective roads � tams, .in reply; defended New Zea- ducklings, 4-to b lbs., 86c. .
position is
vital to Britain's welfare, were not.realised. ' lands bound financial position, and TORON-M. Beats--Can., handpicked, ib., 6%c;
and she 38 the beat customer of Am- contt.nded that the Australian exper- Man. wheat-No. 1 North., $1.29%; 'Primes 6c.
erica.. Winnipeg, July &-•alt is indeed
:. I fence did not,warrant the eetabltab. No. 8 North., $1.22'4:. Ms �e roducts-S rn , per imp, `sy
- From the tgere point of view of gratifying to learn. that the schedule mart et a state bank here. Th.e a o too--No• 9 CW. 47c; N. 1 8�• $2. 0• yy p i
of fres ht rates formin • M n. b b r 6-gaL tin 40 per
America's 'sell-Interest the prosperity
the Crows Nesta 8 Part of feed. 4bc. gat; mill ice r lb. 26 to E&. '
oats I. prteeedirlg but defeat of 'he. ga + R
of Britain is ori asset to America' greement of 1897 is All the above, c.i.f., bay f Honey-60-lb. tins 11 to 11% r �
Government is conaidered highly,iui- Am• corn, track Toronta�-tvo. 2 1 pe
For surelj the pant five yearn have again to become effective,'' said F. E, probable. Ib.; 10-b. tins 11 to l2c 6-]b. tins,
taught all too convincingly the inter- Hamilton, managing'seeretary of the -yellow, $1.14. 11% to 12c; 2%-Ib. tins 12% to 18c; F�
"Ietionship of the world's trade and Shippers' j`� Ont rye--74 t.t 78c. comb honey, per dos., Ro, 1 $2.75
Bureau, Winnipeg Board of ��� Of Wady Peas-No, 2, $k40 to $2.45: •50; No. 8, ;2.60 to $2.757
commerce and the importance o Trade. Tt
g or restoring the, eonsumping' rr g.of col
P wood Crop, Millfeed-Det., Montreal frei;chts., SmokEd meats-Hams, mad. 28 to
Thin will mean s Savin To Rei
servtn gba included: Bran per ton ' $25• 24c- cooked-hams 84 to 86c• smoked
..,:power of the nations," least $10,000,000 yearly to 'the can- -' I Shorts, per ton, $27;Bran,
$33; roils. 17 to 18c; cottage robs, i•8 to
_ suming public and'will materially re- A deapstch from Calgary says:-- middlings, 20c; breakfast bacon, '
- good teed flour, ppeer bag, $LSO. . 21 to 25c: spa- x
dace the disparities which have been r.� far as we know, no particular Ont. wbent-No. 2 white, nominal tial brand breakfast baron,28.ta Roc;
ABUNDANT CROPS IN hampering the Progress
o! the West n'.ans will be made. for the visit of his Oat, No. 2 white oato--89 to 41c. backs, boneless, 28 to 84c. =a7;
SOUTHERN ALBERTA for the past few years;" added- Mr: Royal Highness the Prince of Wales," Ont flour-Ninety per cent, pat,l Cured meats-Long-clear-bacon, 50
i Hamilton. said.Prof. W. L. Carlyle, mans in uta Nloatreai prompt ship- to 70 Ibs• $18.50. 70 to 90 lbs., 18•
Y ser o! j bags. P P p' 90 lbs. and u $17 li h $
�" - __ �• the E.P. ranch, the other day. "IG'is ment, $3.80; Toronto • basis, $5.80; r g twelght rolls,_
_ p
Belt I•.00l[s Forward to bulk seaboard nominal. in barieia,$87; t-cavyweight rolls ;8$. ti
t��` Clirlitlsnisl Reverts t0 t Probable that the Prince will make a Man. flour-'fat pats., in Tate sacks, Lard--Pure tierces, 14o1f� to 163ie;
,Harvesting Bumph Y1Cl�i�-- !quiet visit, just as he did last year. „tubs. Ill 15%c; pails, .15% to 1&• "+
_.._North Needs R+tin,
Ancient lame of Oala We did n_ot know that.he._us_toming, $ler bbl.; 2nd pats, $8.50.
aY=-Extra No..2 timothy,-per-ton; minis,-28 to 1$3lre; ,tierces,
but we are delighted by the announce- track, Toronto, $17.50 .Na. 2 $1.7.50 14 to 1434c; .ubs„ 14w to'1allal
8�y, July 6.-Crop' conditions .A deapat tt from Christiania;ment.,' No. 8, or mixed, 51 lower grades, 15 to 15%c; prints, ill to C.
Y of the country to the south of_Calgary says-Christaenia, Norway's capital,I Professor. Carlyle' did, n8t ktto $10 to ;12. E�rt steers,choice,$7.76 to$8.25;' ri
au'b excellent, according to reports will revert to its ancient name; Oslo,1 when the prince was coming but as- 'Straw=Cariob, do g�1 $7.25 to $7.60; export heft-
submitted .by The Calgary .Herald's Ion January .1. next. The per ton $9.50 to xp° r•3
j proposal,l�ed that the visit would $lO M+ q7 to.;7.60;•,bal:y beeves, $7.50
crop representatives in the, Which fins been Tong discussed, was' take place in October. Probably Scr--eni••gs-Standard, recleaned, t. to $8; butcher Steers, choice; $6.75 to
report for 'this year. The hot'finally adopted, by. Parliament gat a c.b. Bay ports, per ton,�$l6: - $7'•75; d0. good, $6.25 to $8w60; do
'weather following on the iecent rains recent Sitting. (, Professor •Carlyl'e said that ;the med., '$5.50 to $6; -do; com., $5 to ;
Cheese-New large; 19 to d9%c;
lbws brought the growl { Prince coos?d End acme changes. The twins, 19 to 20%c; tri lets 20?y to $6.25 butcher heifers choice $6,50 to
na grain along; - - +gardens were improvihig p $7.26; do, meed., $5.25 to $6;'do,-so
very rapidly, and the outlook is' con-I The'.'astoni'shinincreart otse in xVrn-I ante with•the original olansna d cat-;lar �'23 to 24c twin, 24 to 2bc,; tripOld- $SO 6do,bmue�dher3cows, choice, $
sidered decidedly optlmistie. of grain through, the �Ile and machinery ori g lets 25 to 26c, $ 60 to $4.50• b�.
reports that with,a July. p Y `sheds were b-in + '
- Lethbridgecouver to .the Euro can and Orientals Butter-�1?i ;, cher bulls, $4:bfl-to X50;--bolo a t
rain there is bound to be. a bumper markets during the past two or three consatructed. I n "• g6 $2.60- to $3.50; tanners and cntgtrri .
P. awhile Cardatvn says crops were years, is evidenced'by figures rsaued�--- }what cosi) pease the Frine3,"i
to 87c; ,No. 1 eceamery, 85 to 36c; $1.50 to $2.50; feeding steers, choice,
OP, said Prof. Car "will be the lux. No.•2„ 34 to. 35c; dairy, 28--to 30c. �, *-
never better: by the Federal Government which Ve' E $6 to $6.75, do, fair, $4 to $5; stock.uriant asa 'and bay and-the atbun- Eggs--Extras, flesh, in cartons, erc, dice. $5 to $6.50; do, fair, ;4 to
Districts north .of
Olds, 80 miles show that durin 86c; extra loose 88c firsts 80c•'aec-
ant oro I have never seen South- Duda 28e. '" ' $4.25; milkers, springers, choice, $78 =r
7114, 27
n so well fav- r ng April,delivered
8to Vancouver
r ern A•iberta look better than it does Live ultr to $90; do, fair, $45 to $60• only
Dred, not Navin had the rainfall that grain were delivered to VancouverW" Central t16xuun&a=& . Po y-Hens, over b lbA- A ., 28c; elioiae t 4 ,
Con - - - a spring chickens, 2 lbs. and °'very 45e� do, $4 0 larajis,-
sequently reports ars not so en-f eta, Great Britain and other coup- Don't whine over adversity, profit roosters, 15c; ducklings; 4 to b I5c; choice"ewes, $16 to $17; do, bucklill
eoursgfng, And. unless there is con- by.it.- 30c, $11.50 to$18.50; do, culls, $10 to $11;
sideeable moisture in the next week�' Sheep,
' light ewes. -$6.50 to $6.2ti; do
conditions win-be anything by favor- ;3.50 to 44.50; hogs, !ed art
ble• Along the,Goose Lslw line there V A f ;watered, $8.50; do, f.o.b., $8;
a do,
also great need of.rain, although _ s K 4 a '�' , s country pointa,. $7.75, do, select, It
s ` C w , C !and'w., $9.36; do, of! cars, tong haul, '
___ __
`• $8 90.
under the.intenee heat of the last few r ••.. t�� `
-dsya. f -
' Oats, No. 2 CW 62
British Cabinet Decides .- 3 r > % to o3c No s
' >£h Cid, b0 5 to 51c; extra No.' feed,
Against Channel Tunnel > I 49 to Oc; No. 2.I6cal white; 46 20'
a 46%c. Flour, Mar. spring wisest,
A despatch from London t"" i*� i sits, lsts, $7.20; 2nda, 18,70; stronss � .
Ys: bakers $6.60; winter pats., choice, $T
-'rhe British Cabinet, accepting the
Views of its military - -to $7.10;••rolled•oatx, 90-Ib. bag, $8'to
ry and naval advis- - .:
{ $3.10;' bran., - $27.25; sho ts, $29.25;
_ Ks,, is understood to have derided i ► middlings, $36.26; hay, No. 2, pas ton,
Against the construction of a anne t c fear lots,
$16.50 to $17, f
tunnel between' England and Frar<ce r ' f „ • Cheese, finest woste„ 27}t to 17tkc;
The supporters of the scheme will, fluent casts; 16 to 177i6c. Batter . :
however, press ter a public inqui;y, '' ,- a
and for an explicit etateritent of the " `� y. �C;sse Seconds, rat-$ -Fotfres
jotrate ical'objections soc _
g jact#otts taken by-khe de per ting, car Iota, $1.36 to $1.40.
!encs authorities to the project. Com. to.tned, quality cows, $3.5d;
- _•
fair) butcher steers
One who has climbed the ladder F ".;� gwt bullaY 6; calves ' x'60; com.
$5.50; lambs,
should not pull it pp or kick it dowry 14.60 to $15 per cwt; slice , $4 to" ,
:He should extend a kindly hand to the BRITAIN'S FINEST BATTLESHIPS VICIT VICTORIA DURING SPECIAL TO OF THE DOMINIONS 5; hill fed and watered, *8.50 to
8.75; light feeders, country order, '4
_Bean or woman-below. _. �. I3 M.S. Hood and Repulse, the mostlpoxertul units of Britain's grand fleet, arriving at Victoria. 8.25 to $8.50; selects, $9; aasrre, $4
jg�r: m*r
�dA I �,,. �J .x> 's�' s• ,:XP.'` `" ".�+ �": ,y��•a.,. •,n=. ,a..... .� yKt' .* ,•nS �-t•
?^::fll4�F�'"y��'°'�•. Ck'!e,�1's� !tati4aY�e.1�'2`iF�"�'a��a;;£�M.r�'I�L�`.•i�"�'t"`i.�„ .44iAi+..�'."`5�+�.td.9K�tris. ,2.5�"Y.YR"i�L."�7w'�3'a.,....X£'P1��*�u.,• ' *_=��'' �' "'. _ .
k W
..,^ ?.R: w r ..._:.n,�a .� ..I. c,. >;.$..� �'•fizs ay sx r; ^':•"`q .,;. �.!w
.•,,'�. nti ...•. .. :..y, 's.0 .,.„r✓•p-.:9rt._.5 ..xjv... ....y_.y L�. ..F'. I.A,. '+L,. ♦u' .y
„0.^F . A, .. ,..-.x;•:r r ,^ice '' s=... :-... �.. e� '��
.,,$`. ..'.�• '�•
'.,. .. 1.
' x �. �tw:1:. ...A► H• C I 11T•. G i 4,, Whitevale � �I, DA�LiE ��. t'RUU
' rMxtrts _. Every-$ati(r is ay niR11t at The Service C=argo
y I1L73 per yasr.; $1.60'It•wed In advance. " The► �'la,ls pot t I3ot�l 1�_ ,,
.. ( A.Criptioes•co;the
-United §tatea and Creat all summer fron 8 to 11.80 P. In Motor overbatMag, top and alde aur• FOR HOT WEATHER LUNCHES-Sardines, Kippered Snacks, Best .�
_ . 13ridaw$2.00 ante_. _ Herb-Pos'er's Orchestra. - LM III repalrieg.' Brands Salmon. Pork and Beane, Crabapple Selly,Olzvvs,`$altird y
- Proprietor.- AhIhOUNUING : ., All work�K�u*Ntrithe �RFta ice-Charging ate` ;Creasing, Pickles,PRESERVING- Jars.e;BlPerfect Seal and Crown, '
L4irO�tINION CF CANADA ' ar e '
_ ery ce h ® _
g Scaler Rubbers. Pa wim C rto, 100 lbs St Lawrence or Red.
Phone.631U Marie, Ventral. path Sugar$9.00.
REFUNDING•LOA1�1 14129 w E. B E R R Y
The above council met.pursuant .to • • FOR PICNICS-Pure Food Waxed-Paper 5c a.rolI,`Picnie Pplaee, In-
�^ 'adjournment on,Monday, the 7th inat. •S PER CENT BUNDS dividual Drinking Cups 15c a doz, Interlake Folded Napkins
�a Members all present,the reeve in the $OC per 100.
Ichair, Minutes of the .last meeting •
were read And approved. 20 eat bon-do, priCti;98.26; to yie14 FOR E kSY CLEANING AND-POLISHING-O'Cedar Polish, Liquid
A•number of accounts were present.- b.14'per cent: NoRub, All Laundry Soaps 8 bare
6 year Bonds, price 99. to yl6ld -
•ed for payment-and referred to the s 11v ac
'respective standing It 5.23 5.23 per cent, ' r 20 cent Brasso, $' o s
M1. Byers of, the Todoiuto 'Geperal (neves year) flrat mortga a Debeti• :.
g For ay in an aXy day in the year, Ott
r Trusts Corporation asking the Clerk tures maturing May 6, 1930.' Price '�', j will Snd iq•Econoniy to
i to forward the names of those who . pert thousand,or'81000 invented C�„r i/ % '
had paid the supreme sacrifles In the now ineeeaees'to if1,7b4.40 ab ma- u les e
t treat war. by tieing killed:or died from
p Yo r.Grocer' at the Grocer's"
rarity,_ o _ GROCER
�r wounds or disease cqutracted in the phone or wire orders at our J• ICH.A RDSO - "
war,to be inscribed on',a tablet to be eu�pense. y , ' e
rected in the county buildings, Whit-
le c We lleliver Your Order. Phone 800
`by;a bequest having been made by Pilo DYKES& ROUERS,the tate CoL J. E. Farewell, for that 6e 2gg J Dtladas 9r.,lust,
C ,v. :: .pose. Stf Whittrg; QfL .ITS Spring-,the gtter�et -
timeof the 'et,r when.
The standing committee on Contin-
the aru�cn n sand die kid- •
;gentles deported and recommended �- p3,Ckering Hardware More
the following payments: D R Beaton, The 'PIGk81R'lII dies Deed enerRi�ina. pure
on acct of salary.125.00; Ed (Gleeson,. ., food, instead of nostrtund.
att Dit Court•as 4ailitf 4.00; Thomas vidnanCe Committee Let aur bread disappear.
` '..'.Gregg.ditto a9 clerk 400. . from ynnr table three'
WThe standing committee on Dam- titnea a d .Ir Try otic pas•
r'Lea agqea for Sheep Killed by Dogs report. The object of this Association V to tries. You will be sur-
ed and recommended payment as fol- leesea st•alln and prosecute rised at their dellcioue, Now is the time you need an Oil Stove for this hot weather.
g +
�. lows : Jas Cuehrane, 1 pure bred Cots- the felons. -
W P Jon s:; .,.: home made it{:e fi dvar: Come in and lettis ahotiv pon the
killed 10,00 es.
•wold lamb ll .
liepectiag above lamb 75c. U mb•i's baylort PraPuI stolen ootamanl
The standing committeeon Bonuses a.l►.ir�.a�s•l,wct� .n mambas, - -New
Hap Thought Oil stove
rl for Wire Fences Etc. reported and d d f t to mak satisfied.
, : ,''recommended the following paymeata: _ of Ez.ontire aommittas.
qr W H Moore.190 rods fence lot IS and lt,tasbsnbip fee :, 41.00. ' Satisfaetioa guarantee and a res tial a potY tisfied
range B F'1r4.00; E F Disney,84 rods. 44"eas ma,in baa from ttta Proold"I os. . AMO We We have a complete line of Screen Doors and Window Screens, Wks
.. lot 7 con 9 21.00; Fred Hornshaw. 40 Boar t•d•r on apr►�+0a• `' -� Cloth from 18 to 42 inches. "Keep out the flies."
- sods lot 32, con 4 10.00: G Hodgson Ilzsa ��.-L, D. Banks,C.S.Palm•
sad others, breaking roads sf�ov snow er,-Donald alaoro. Pickering. g; ' OE:goo; Paris Green and.Arsenate of Lead
7 and sidelines 11,60. - r -
a„ The standing committee on Trans-
� W. I. Clark. F ��tl y TWHO """'h+�i� Forks, Rakes. Hoel►, Shovels, 9prids. Scythes. $pcayere,�raa�rs,
�por�tioa, Power and. Light reported �.R. �beXliO,l. . g„,i - .
'i .and recommended the following pay• Prosidenr• tle.:�s.rt Clippers, LI Mowers ete.
a stent: Hydre-Electric Power Com. ---
-: .
mission, 12 lights for (#reenwnod for • '- j' �.� CgReat for McCormick and Deering Farm Machinery and Repairs),
Mon standing
of May and June b4 00. �•. Maswy-Harris i rn1 Machinery-- • 4 _
it The standing committee on Roads '
_ and Bridges reported and recommend-
led the fol smears: a B Black . S. 8 N, - PICK:ERIN
draw dirt All culvt Greeowood.rd con ; � i c
I-L .5 6 00: Wm Todd.281 yds gravel 12.18 ,t J �"f SDO �..
con 4 93 yda gray bet I2-13 con 5, la /
yds lot 10 con 5 and 5 yds bet$9 con;
59 95: W Squire,draw gravel bet S 9 `•_ t-
�' cons 3-412.25; F M. Chapman. dittoSERVICE
9.90;.C Lidgett, draw gravel and team
an grader cons 8 4 80 17 ; C Puckrin. - »
*, BUS.
�•b team clean ditch ebo 8 1.1.25: 8 Fart-
tlsle,drag bet loft 1.7 47.37; A Coat;or
+� --
draw gravel con 2 timber for bridge
- - `con 54900; F Hamilton, repbillditcb S low is the time to Ret your Hatylug Outfit Toronto, Pickering and Whitby
widen rd con 5 45,b(st H White, aitch Phone 15(!6 PlCIi.
widen rd top on bridge con 5.2p 25; 451lr
;►Hamilton.draw gray drso top on
i Gormley' may, ~
• bridge con 5 18.Lv: C Hubbard. team D. J. iribartori - EEH�DA Leave Toronto-' _
aoa grader con 8 11.00; U Paaeoe.scrap Leave•Whitby
fir Y sE
�crevel oil beach gray lots 10 11 con 1 _ 7 40 _
93; R Found.ditto 34 37; W Lin- e. to 9.45 a m
�toa,ditto 28 1.:• L Puckrin, ditto 23.75 "QUALITY SERVICE SATISFACTION" _ . 130 P. m 513 P. m
�6. 9.30•. m
a H Wilson. ditto 46 07 : Alt Michell. a+ •-
team on grader haul gray con 5 15 00
_ '-- 8.U0 p
..3.40 � m
. m
r - 0 Tran, drag w t l ask to pay half
r 818; G Trxn, clean ditch plan etc (• ,•, SATURDAYS' A.
T ; y p
:. 'cons 3 4 5 7.18: R Birrell.58 yds gray a Toronto
con S 4u; G"Lee, t-bov ravel con K -
Leave Whitby Leave r to
gc..�---" 10 a, uo' 9,13 e. rat.
J `ltepbenson,draw spread gran P. M.
con 8 11.23: R Txrin,draw grav con 8 - -
'10.00: J D Remmer.-draw grav sad M 1.30 p n
8.00-p. m '•;
' yds gray con 2 19 00; t: L Chapman, �, ,. m, _ -11.4 P. m
S 45 p� ro.
grav con- 2 500; J htc(3rlskio, ray - -
g 6.40 p.
• Scott. gray ons S LAO
: 1� DA
con 1
W H RQ stop rep ra low open LeaPe WhitbL\ Y SERVICE
y p pem :-
culvert con 4 39.93: F Westney. _
Clean ditch con 3 .4.00; G Gates. ehov .
av Tor
ditch cons 'L•9 90.00; A Beare, = 3
W Q m.
clean � - Op gyp'
S 0 m 19.4 .q
draw and shoe gravel and 217 pdg gra _
2 73 40, M Maxwell, draw grav Fares :-Whitby to Toronto. Bingle 75e.. return 81.25 ; Picking, single
con 3 35 W CL Colletto, dt aw'ahoy _ � _ 50e., return 9(c.; ubarton, single 40e., return 70c Ron9% j
-; -�tda4 sora-3--rrw,L-Oaten,team nn 80c retilrn 50c.; Right& Ereek 20c.
grader clean ditch and draw gravel
cons 2-3 3:00: W Mitchell,. draw and t' _:. : (Cut'this Time Trtble out for future reference). '
pread grav team -on grader cone 2 9 " '`•' •
110 06; 11 Bryant, grav team oa grad• �t TS
er cons 2 3 21.00 : T Annan. drsty grav ■ 8 4 �18nk tlYtiti TTT
ditching.cons 2.3 19,25; J C Bryant. EMPIRE 020' "f-Clad KOLL�C V i Q jJ
-• grav plow ditch drag rep washout etc s =5a ,P•�ntats•nt
cons 2.3 89 62; R. Brown, team cleso Fir•-sof• _ _- a M
ditch con 4 13 W; .T Stephenson,clean Uf1�I�Pr f1 P•r vtronv=:P�l(1ne 1nU VV
:.ditch 9 50/,L Keeler draw grav bet Wath•r-tight 'Convenient
12.13 con 4 2.4.00: J Kinnear. ehov. '
gray bet.1213 si con 4 13.00 v Clark. If you,need a neer Barri.or an old one remodelled. _
{ ibov grav 'bet 12-13rcou 4 10.75. y Qlre_.
(Balance of this report next oeek)• (et me quoteou. Let me Shaw tW-•gym '�
Council now adjourned- to meet
have built. They are enormously strong,•roomy, 6sndY
a'Kain r°a Ddooday. August 4th,fol•-the'• to work in,and,moderate in cost. _
:transaction of general business. Estimate.gladly vera for rooting with the famous'IEastlake^Meth- AT <I;M A K E T _ !
111-c Shingles,of"Empire" Corrugated Iron. Repairing and alteratloas _M - `)
- - • 'done. •AU work absolutely,guaranteed. - - r,
- r
Furnaces and Shingles ra
F. J a PRO U S un 228 per lb
s - The Sesmav Hent lion of Snoring in Surloin Roast or Steak,-
_ plain red oak, quarter-cut white BUILDER Porterhouse Roast or Steak, •• '
oak, birch or ipaple. : `
Barns Houses etc. of all kinds „
','$eels Furnaces pipe or pipelees , , J31111�• C� -.-m_•Ramp.B�oaet,... _ _ • -� `
'�ltubbbroid'Felt SlateShiagles and Roll. •.:Fine Rib Roast,' .. ;'d' +.
Pickering Dealer for the Products of
Roofing,' 18 or 96 inches wide. �� a` Heavy Rib Roast, - ••• - " '` 18C �, . ...
-,. Also, a few settings of bred-to-lay t. •. •l an 8C
• Barred Rock eggs for sale. The.Metalhe Roofing Co.'Limited, Toronto Shoulder Roas •• 8 d i r:
Pot Roast,
...' .. ,.
•. - Call and get prices 36 Brisket, to boils .. ... � �
- -- ----- Lea of Pork,... ,. •• ... - .t
, ,.
DALE MI1.S - M - Roast•of Pork, ... = 80cr�g
�. '`Loin of Por l.
K. Shouldet
�'2CKEFi=N'QOti Deposits � Pork Chops, - .. 25cSendX
Pork.Sausage, ,.
are .
p Po '� 25c
=Wheat or any grain 'taken iii s ,•
;; H08E wh,6 find it more convenient to :Finset yell Pork,...'
exchange for Flour. do their banking b mail will find that 1 ` t Breakfast Bacon, piece, p
w g Y- lnea BSc "
:�' erativa services of this•Bank meet „ sliced, . 't. ., �
We tinge Bran, Shorts, Chop, the co-op .
Oil Cake Meai
;al} ;cduiretnerits:. Write our nearest branch _1Kild Cured Cottage Rolls(half or whole),
, and arrange, your• banking ).Sack$ ofl�
r _ :to-day .tom Flo 4 55C r�
,. .
_Vk kin s o grain'. ma ou ws o e
r� .
gips to'.towa. `Weinere;. ,
•Ogilvie s Porridge Oats. .• .. _ •• 15c `
� wa ,,. , _ - •��� •� • " 1s ;Head-Uhease,..
;;Royal Household Flour, - „i, �'. Easy First and Domestic Shortenin'R,•3 lbs SS conte
5 lbs 90 tante'
rt Cream o to West Flour. „ .• lb pririto 18 cents
Fresh Trout and;White Fish Every Friday;
e WEEK DAY WlinW BRANCH, a P. LI Manager. PICISE1�I?�-�
.-.-.mss-.e..+.-..._ f
;•w�.•,. ,3 .va'•V„�; .:a .:+'3.9
�'1���"L..'4 .' Cl'a.v.�.'h�i,�'%'.^.:�!,\'e: _Ane.`',:::•:'�e` ,ts�!2i .r'Yr° .ter..:mt2Sh:;r.,. a .. .'.x..::,,e4:Awi•..r6.-:',o-iA.a.-.TM�`.y...:u�+.ti•..-:.F.•::YRt+•calw.?'t:.:fi�,i e�:s.lS.'::A.:s•Y. r:]i" .1.4•^ 'a.�/ir+i'y :u''�.lY :Iwo;S:ash.C"+^��,C�,.s:l.,zKcGG.t.+w.4.;li'NaFiu, 's,rxrik,.eo:bo-t '� '* '" :! tlt� "`
r.• :,,,. ,,. x ,-. 'R. .,;'.;-c } °•a i a'+a
w,. •'a �.• w., c, c. ••c � :.„rr 'moi. ^v=f d
4 A
CLAREMONT. . ba, of•To-ro _._ _
DI aDd Mrs Com T
_ - - spent Sunday with the lat•ere -'CLAREMONT M Y� V -
John A1Taway, of Oshawa;spent+ 1 YOU r
mothen-Mrs.-A; W. Mackay. "Cofrl nal
i e week-end with J. H. and Mrs. Mrs. J. Hortop ,an_d dughter, CREAMER T J
sal. Valdes, have returned home.after
`- bliss Clara Underhill ie spending �TCHEN o
visiting T. and Mrs. Pateraotl - -
a few days with friends in Musko. Highest price paid to>•. �-—
Mr, and Mrs. Sykes and .George $8;?d and �Olrt 081 Of
ka. - Cream at the
and. Mrs. Bentley, of Oshawa, X
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Harrill spent Sunday with Mrs. Lynn. �+ beet gII&lity On ,
ton, are visiting with relatives in and hand
Claremont. The directotffaf Olaremtont Ar�aremoa t Creamery i
Union'Cemetery Co.'held a meet-
Mrs. HVS AW �r
Peter Maenab and Miss inR on Saturday evening. ,Jane Givemea.trial and be convinced V nCOmfortarbls p '
Mary Macnab were in and
on 28tb; when they s�pointed' the
'Wednesday last. following officers: resident—D.
' MI iAgnetHodgetts, of Clark- M, Morgutl, Vice.Pre§.=-T. Gregg, �i1 - e
eon, and Miss Rae Anderson, of C 0 A - L
' .L hen try a New'
rr Tor-onto, a ent.the week end with Secy.Tress.=W.J. Gregg. Those. PSC
desiring to pay for the up-keep of =-- Perfection 4tH] h *T��- Pickering
Miss Mabe Machsllan. their plot are requested to remit I iiaar
H:G. and Mrs. Tarr and eon, to the,treasurer. g purpose having oil band contihtr- ��ee Wier �oCd� Sfr��o i
Xlayton, of Mongolia, and .Frank • J. Gce g• oualy a studs of hard' a7�Ced burner"
The Decoration services at the
and Mrs, 11. of A'ortum-last- withh Durk• UnionUetzteter .on Sunday-after. and soft coal.
noon were very prge atter a lace year order now before Our supply of quality Harness and
and Mrs. Pilk-ey� Appropriate addresses 'attended.
ere ,given the'rise in rice.
~- Tilos.. and 1l1r9. Bell and son, p Heats in one half Parts is now complete, ,
by Rev: A. DleLellan, Rev. E.Ora- 12tf Phone Pick. 1709. t'
Victor. of.Oro, spent Dominion M-P,P, .. the time', 'ROOTS—G.RES SHOE
'-_'nay'with David and Mrs, Taylor. born and W.E.N.
Sinclair, ,
and Rev: lir: Hazzard, of'the U.C: DONALD*MUNRO, PICKEKING We h:
The large stock of this Famousr
The lattef is rematning a couple of Bible 8ocibtp led in prayer.. The Boot on hand—unbeatable
N weeks here before returning home, Claremout Citizens'Baod rendered We have 8 flljl stock of•¢coves for hard wear and tear. !f
The Women'sfnstitute will meet several 'selections and ills Male M. J. H. Chapmanbricks and access
>, at the home of Miss Clara UDder REPAIRING
Qu& AthlEoWhitbosite sanL tvo� Ay Dealier.in DECORATOR P. at all t1II1es; We maintainourestablished' repnta-
y. - ate ions.ttlne a etemuch -a preci Sao tart' Wall Covering,hill on the afternoon of Wednes
16 made nett weekuneements will y alive Burlaps and Decor• harness an boots. Y.K
da July 23rd instead of the Rh Grade Wall Papers; tionfor repairing all kinds o!
careful tuanig ' ent of Fred Lynn, Mouldings. CECIL RADLEY
Mrs. Crooker, of Hamburg, N. Presented a.beautiful appearaoee, Prices-to suit everybody's pocket. . rj o '0 P
Y., Will and' Dire.;Thomson and enhanced . a rest Call and see me at Lot 1, Oon. FA R
daughter of.Buffalo, L. Dixon of y- R profusion of Harness maker,
flowers. �- 4, Uxbridp�a Tp. or phone ;
B ffalo, and L. and-Mre.Reynolds 828( 24t19'.alaremont. OLAREMONT' PICKERING, - ONTARIO
offfToron0, spent the. week.ead. BALE RECii18T£R. .
with their mother,-Mrs. H. Thom._
SATCRDAY, JULY 12TH—Auction sale ' F
Next 'Suncla morning at the of house, 6 acres of land. furniture, ',F A R M A N D.S /'' 4 '
Baptist Church then pastor will tesla etc., at lot P.cod 11, Scarboeo;
speak in the morning on the sub- (near-Locust Hill), the property: of ;-To buy syr sell your,farm, consult the.Farm Lands Qeparfineaf of *RE
act. "Learning the Will of God B.D.Miller. Sale at 1.80 o'clock. C Tbt United Farmers Co-o raiive Co
Fred'Postill, auctioneer. pe Company, A�!
p Experience," and in the even- .. ?r
a Ing on "A Gniltp Woman end s ---:_ Limited. n0
On. Christ." rIME Td BL�Piokerfng dation A. J. kLLISON, Representative, Pickering, Phone Puk, 1308
The Claremont Club of Toronto T.R. Trains going]fit dao as follows g,
wish to thank the borne friends No. Io Hail 7.87 A M. .
foe the royal welcome extended to 2s Local , 2.28 P.M. ?•
them on their visit to Claremont So Low d.04 P.Y
On July Iet, and for the opening of Sunday train, f.� 7.B?A.M.
pe Trains going �Pw1 ailni as follows— . To Everyman
the town hall for'antsier from the Ab. 29 Local 7.47 A.M. J•"�
.'" rain, rest room,lanch and visiting, �• 27 Local ,1.44 P.M.
fust and most i=n
the rink for running off the races; •�� 9 Mail 905P.M. "TIE portant sun of E.eryman
and to those who kindly put up Sunday train. 9.05 P. M. who desires to succeed should' be the same as VOU'LL any, "You're the
tables, supplied hot water, dishes Foregoing u according to Standard that of successful business and financial houses.— '- doctor, all right,"after
r~ ate., and to those who joined them time. the formation of a Reserve Fond. we've repaired your apps-
ia the picnic. The in o. - - A reserve is not only invaluable when reverses of tits and put gin stood
' the Club left for their homes feel. - "HORSE REGISTER. ;working order again.Meals
Ing that Claremont was still the =- emergencies arise,but it is a ttuarantee of strength
ean�e uses kindly tows.and haopinR ASCOT PRIDE. 19883], the urs tired =. and promotes selfcxreisder fo the e a
p ads from a Rhole�ome
registered CI desdale atsllioa, the ods we sell will mak
the home friends will Powe day y THE ` new man out of yon,
property of.Geo, T, Davidson, will _
joie the Club in a picnic in Toron- stand for mares during the season of /��DAR D K „
to. _
On the evening of Moeda Jul 19L'4 at his own-stable.,tot SQ, cos.8, Or CAMAW►, rtt
y y Pickering. Terms:To insure a foal. - w £
846, the Anchor .Society of the 610, payable Jan. 1st. 1924. - . -•
4 n�
.:Union Chnrch entertained the Rind SArL,(14918► S. S. B. 9368„ C.: picke�g$ranch, - -W. F. Law,Manager .� i 1 • � •
Christian Endeavor Society of-St. S.-B.. the fashionably bred imported
y Whitby Branch, - - C. McClellan,
. .ColumboChurch, .TQronto. - Un Clydesdale stallioD, the property of
.ffavomble weather conditions did Oscar WllsoD. Brougham,will make
not dampen the ardor and enthas• the season of 1924 as follows: Mon-
day.will base his own stable and
ptorsed ad and eo 2. , corner of � � tills
whom there were about forty pcee- Brock road and can: 8. for ntgll� OOL� �
"ienG The tirst part of the evenl0R Tueedj 1V. J,,-Miller's, Pickering. A
the 9t. Colutubo young .Pe9PIe noon, 13�E3, ii�ilsna'P. have line. for sAO*t
entertained the' Anchors by not nigbi: %Vedneaday, -Lt-hart Blake's. �s. '` �. So o " H
i only an excellent but very bene Audley. noon, Wna- Ormerod's• _ ,
7 .
ficial program. During the latter Greenwood, night; Thursdny,_ T.
part of the evening the two soc•te Hir%t'R. Kinsale,ncom own stable' THESE FOLKS W eLL, IT ABOUT TM
until morn. Saturday.
ties intermingled for social inter- y g: yr• ,
course-and-the singing of society Jna Pattersoa's,ton.7.noon,thence THE CAR $ESS
songs. After thio lunch was served to his own ptable until the following i A N E W CAR 1 SN'T I T
Monday afternoon.
and the visitors, departed, every N E N RY 1 GRir$ SHOE) 1'
body feeling that they had made A large range of the famous 'ureb
a host of new friends. �r GG W Shoes. A boot that is well
About 100 Old Claremont Boys r S ar*I.VANtZZ :.. �knowo and guaranteed '~
and Girls came out from Toronto FEEL _ _ _ to.. kip_._>r
van July.lst; and,.notwtthatanding VM�MANfm - test dr `
the showery weather. hada very C� 0 All.sties In stock,. .N
'enjoyable reunion with a number arlgDl $O
--=of Claremont friends who turned Q m !LADIES' SHOES
.out. to. greet thein. Sports, for /lp#/6r e • .;4Lbla is anew make. A good
which prizes were given, were held 6 comfortable 8t for every
Ths1AR PLt Gwtles _ •
_•• =in the skating rink and were much OSHAWA. OMT. dap use. Pride ,
enjoyed by the children. Tables .ai!` T E; only 61.TE1. .
were spread in the.hall where din- --- --- -- ;ir•' G
mer and supper .were enjoyed, ❑ !� ^— `� __� 0611 Early. { - ;Phone"2900
�• nothing seeming to. be lacking to S H l N G L E S T_ � � +�
taake it a success. Piper John s L =� _ f. Fidsllaremoa�
^Graham, of the 43rd Highlanders -British Qolnmhim,Cedar
pipe band, a former 'Obnmont [last Galvanized Steel Shingles • a C�=atl01"Zyy= .
no ,and w brother. piper from the Bird's Felt Slate Shingles
-- Offhand wakened up the Village, for sale at and Sa$k8 Fa,etorp 7.-.
with the skirl of the bag pipes. T. PATERSON'S - CLAREMONT -
AyMeLellsm gave a short ad- Call andget.pricea. _—_ ad._�.h
dress of welcome which was re- rives, to supply�ou with the = `
en the seasm
eppoonded to by the visitors present. fo�lllow D
Diany happy re unions and remiD �O water �u 1 I L Hozes and Crates,11 and
iacences of school days were in. BEAT ;T Y pp y q Herr
dulged in and the happy party t1 gL FrOit Baskets.Hampers,
set entice.
pleasant ANDS FOR TIL Bushe
repetition of the.re anion a o _� ar The above stock in made on the same
next year. _ principal as the late W. G.
The many friends of Miss Mabel ; A.Continuous Servke--day and Barnes' Baskets.
- E. Harlbert, daughter of.'C. and night—always tiOde[ �[l�nle. You are assured of qualitysecvice,
Mrs. Hnrlbert, of Oshawa, ,and a Chopping done eye day as usual ez•
formers of•Claremont, eongratti
y A TORONTO-..Pneumatic Water rept Wednesday,,on and
late her on the well-earned honor. y
-of being awarded the. gold medal - , �atestwdl>l 1 fnr r: after May 14th. r y
for General Pro$eiency at the on.
less and best of a8, absolutely ata (Salt For Sale).
tario Hospital,Whitby. where she
ted by Electric moor or ' CHAS. A. WHITE.a. .:
was one of the graduating class of TORONTO Windmill s Successor to late W. G. Barnes
nurses this year. The event took � E
' l Phone 84211 or write Locust Hili, Oct.
Enjoy this convenient sesvict now
place, on Wednesday last, July- Litter Corriere, Hay Carriers, and save yourself and family From the
2nd, when the graduating clas+
received their diplomas and pine P'anaps, Door Tracks.-Cow coadrsnons dradaery of pomp- t
Bog Is. Pressure Systems Etc. ing and carrying roar daily
and congratulations from those in [r,will a you to
charge of the work and from their pay get my prices on water supply.
friends who attended the function. above before buying elsewbere.: TORONTO Outfits can be H-
;-The assembly hall where the cera• FRANK J. PROUSE quiekl installed. Drop in and �I oilmen-
to took place was splendidly PICKERiNG, ONTARIO let's tallt it over. Prices and full � �+ ;
decorated for the occasion, there ---_ - _ information gladly furnished.
being R great profusion of flowers. i
Boot sad Shoo .Repairing see me to-aay.
Dr. James note, of Brooklin, ;
presided, ezCelient- - Of all ma/erisJs and design ;
Also harness re kept in stook. If will psi ytla -Z
were Riven by the Chairman, also pairing]at the new W. R. EmFrFort, osis at our works sed In Pact our alert a
the Hon. Lincoln Goldie, Miss E. stand, oppositel the Whitby, Box 425 obtain prices Don't be misled
Macpherson Dickson,Superintend- post ogee.,. Chatler B. B Ri^e, yenisws do not employ tbem,wasegnsali
a ent of Nurses at the Weston Sant- Best workmanship guaranteed. Whitevale, Ontario ty we can, and do throw oft the shell �
tarinm, noes others. Music was commission of 10 per osnt.,whichyoa n0
Charges moderate, certainly uv by parebasing from as,
°furnished by the Adanac Spm- call solioi"d.
phony Orchestra, who also snp- THOMAS WATSON
lied the music for the dance that J. T.:MATHESON `
nation ezerctsee. PICKEE NG, QNT.
followed the gruff
,:3_kw',.•r:,�.'z`,!,. :.,.�x„••�.,+.N..r Ca�h, .- ' .a3-�r.;�}».Ynr,aoL^r.t.:o...•,r.,��.:.,,�,.�,,.•_ .y';.., .<.;:9b"•....._e ,">'i4F.a,.'.°4:^3.�a:�:.as•.rs,es.fYk'�K.m'�.:i�'',7„'� ....:.:of�."�'�.',,,LT'S^,Mw.`f'x�:.li'�X,Y•�•�Lt4.��1?.t'��:Y�•'.,fr� M.•y"'�'�'.•srt":r�•i"';w `.x_a}�'`r�"fi•ua"^'--5-�.�r..�res�n ,3'�:,ii.r.e,,.r,.�si'ers
nFr... ,;•:?.{"+4. "m .^.z,� e s
d WOrsaf
��' Oq .
"fir,. �• gig, � ..,lM �,
.,.•'04x4` .: .. .. ,. 's..:.' ...r":';, '� -�. •.•r• �-, ^ :a..:. ,y:,.. x- -,m•iG`sKs:M.'-i.. .c .-�:
,.r a .•.. ': '%� y'" r;aT�n.,r..,.«.:. .,-.t..�'?'.:,. ,, r,y.:..:-. :;,-x.r. �'- "�� :3-,'y
dren and husband will hunt amuse- —AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME
meat-in town or elsewhere.—P. H. J.
AA BATH BOARD FOR.BABY. S _---=-_-�—�-- �• ' s� - - _ ""�"
bo tl he '' House No one thing has been of greater
a k, foot and time saver :$"
to line,nathbe care of .my baby, - - -
, than H1frtM�ipE ='" '-
„ti the bath board which my husband ' 6 P,M
THE SUMMER CHRISTMAS are the out-of-the-ordinary jellies, made to put across the tub for baby's --T- ,
SHELF. areata or pickles—rhubarb jelly,elder- diapering and bath.
Y}` Iasteetd of waiting until Cliristmaa;berry jolly, wild plum or black cur- We have a small house and a small-
rant chiles. Spiced currants and or, bathroom. A nuraer table was out
t is almost here and than rushing-ml►d- j p y -�- _
for your spiced cranberries can seldom be of the question,.eo my husband made
ly about to purchase gift
u frim not start a Christman bought, aboard to fit across one end of the „���, \\ �► it
p��now? $very ,alk and drive If you start a'Cbri4twas dhelf now, bathtub. It is made with'cleats under-
f when the netthott of gift giving is at neath so that it cannot slip. and ,is \ ` /
'about the country and -ivery trip h i
sway,from home may be made to 0011- hand you will bo ttelthor urrled nor covered with oilcloth. The board is -
�' 'tribute to the coliacttos, ' worried, Be by 28 inches. l
On this board when baby was tiny \�
Baia pillows st -- x
tfld with balsam
nicapnthere was room for bath basket, small
bring d t to the weary city dwell- u a
e1i was bi encu h to put into the big
or. IA= known. but not"leas delight- g g
cushions Aped with sweet fern tub it was so convenient,to lift him"
Pill! " r onto the board which I had previously$ '
and bayberry leaves• The sweet fern
, .should be gathered when in full lt►af, " covered with a large towel, wrap him"
t before it has be to dry. !n the towel sad continue. with the
E ° tib rites of his bath with all his things in
The Deal place to dry them !s in a
hot dry room indoors Use
two-thirds ' -his basket-in front of me. When he 11
sweet Tern to one-third bayberry grew larger the basket had to. be• '
a •- < moved.from the board to make room "
Those who
'live where the white for him, but there was always room
for tha stack of diapers.
.6 9
birch grows will find it a contributor.
4� Unique and
rustic looking place .'-, .. As long as diapering was necessary
cards may be made for the friend who : • we used the board for that and_fo=d -�---
18 always looking for something alit- ' it saved dozens of steps. Everything
tie d.$ereat for her luncheon enter- needed was right there. We are using "'s'F •�.- 1
tainmenia. Your -camper friends. the board yet for bath and dressing,l -1
would like napkin rings made of birch and I don't know what I will,do when
` baby outgrows" his bath board.�.T. —�
'* l Anyone who has at her command - L• W W
era,old-fashioned-herb garden can pre-
Its which will be a = GUESS THE NUMBER '
pi�ae pprec - • . s
b� say housekeeping friend: Who Tell some one to think of a number; f�:egll t o J --
", would not be glad to hove the spicy . �< then' tell her to double it: Next, ask
1, fragrance o! herbs„ greet them when her to add to the resulting.numbar - -
R shaking out the woolens and furs in any number you,choose; for example,
�t the fail rather than evil-smelling Y• tell her to add twenty. Then have her THOUSANHS OF TONS OF PCIOUS KETALS _.
iaroth �! divide that sum by two and subtract)
It Trine_ following formula of caseftislly the original number from the uotlenl:
five ' •. .'• . Then t!i her Hast t remainder she •.
Occupies an
f�i dfyied .herbs is -s .g+ood proven by -
a moths• rosemary and spear- C3tiidd lmpOrtant Place a Producer of Csold
has fn'mind !s ten; The secret is this: . '
F �eteh a half ponad; tansy and the final number will be one-half the •tela Silver.
thyme, each four ounces; and freshly number you tell her to add. Since in To the end of 1923 Canada had pro- of 1982, this and other 'northern On-
The cloves, two tablespoonfuls. the above instance it was twenty, thel duced over $512,060,000 in gold. The tanto ether camps have contributed s
Mix and store in well-closed boxes tin- Anal number was ten. By-suggesting prospect of rapid increase In the Deo- total of about 325,000,000 ounces, or
'til the holiday season. 1 Q Q z that an even number be chosen to sent rate of production is good, and nearly 11,1-43 tons of fine silver to the
No perfumes mode by maa,can coin- start with you can always avoid com-1 there 1s reason" to expect that Canada world's stock. The niaxintum annual
para with some of those which are Btl g Ff oeltc ad Summer Silk plicating the problem with fractions. w}}} soon become "the second largest production of 30,500,000 ounces 'was
the product of the garden. If there Note the simple, grscefal 1000 e'. gold producing country in the world, reached !n 1911,
t are a fear bushes of lavender at corn- of the rosea-f!t[1sd. lost-waisted' A ppm you Ought to KnOW. says the Mines Branch of the Cana- For many years the sliver output at
I wand one has.material for many nice bodice with smart bateau Deck and „ ,. dian Department of MUM Hrttisb Columbia ranged between:two.
r� remembr_ances. - If there is lemon �a collar. Two styles of Oaybroalc. -
verbena around. ft fe well to know !t sleeves aro provided, either off The critics refuse to give Henry
Gold is. found In every province of sad four million ounces ahaunlsy, <
=: wbiah ars in 9=4 taste: the loaptr Wadsworth "Longfellow a place in the Canada, with else exception o1 Prince largely from silvea•leeri mines In the
combines wonderfully with lavender, sleeves finished with a tuck above first rank of the world's poets, bqt if Edward Island, and, In point of value. Kootenays, but in 1922 this .was in-
d 'one improving the other. Think how heats Attached two-piece slightly the value of a poet were" be rectos• next to coal'. is the most Important creased to ,over 7,000,000 ounces, due
delighted would leas the dainty hoose- ptbeeud altlrtt with graduated mineral product of the Dominion. Pte principally to the Increased produc
keeper who likes her-linens and sheets teach. Plata or printed silks. by the pleasure be baa g�vea to the
� largest number. LonRtellow'a position,rieerat tadicatioaa, indeed• point to the tion from the Premier mine sear Stew-.
to have the old-time lavender smell to ehaWss or eottan tabries may b® posaibillty of the value of Canada's art.
receive a of this •miztal'a well
for this �d� Misses' dress would be a very high one indeed. For
iso. 1002 est in sizes 14. i4 asd 20 one' person who could recite a verse I sold output surpaasiag eveui that o! 111 Yukon Territory rich silver-lead
0. dried. 9lae redair�ae I her coal during the next few years. ores which are now being shipped
Last summer I met a girl who was '41f 7 wt from Tennyson: Browning,"or Keats, a The opening up of the Porcupine
3 44 or 4i inch material, with hundred could Quote from the author from Kene Hill, in the Mayo district,
Po flaking her Christmas shelf '°rich vaga yard plYt>!t saatssiai N or 40 incises .• sad Kirkland Lake gold camps marked give promise of a silver production e:•
tables canned in , not the ordi- ot- "'i'lxe`Yiltase >tlacir&mith," Hia-
glees wide lice >iMrtbt collar. thebeginning of a"new era !n We his- oeedfag in value the present gala pro-
nary run of vegetables most of os - wathaw and "Evangeline." sofas Is tory of gold miniag" fn Ontario, which duction of the territory.
pot up. In a most exclusive shop In poem which yerhaps !s not so familiar h now one of the importat gold pro- The' er part of ltritt�b Colum-
the.city she had seem beets about the dueing countries of the world, Though bWs production is recovered "as re•
sias of marbles, tin time beans, Pattern mailed to- any address on the first productive opemdons at Por- tined silver at the Trail Smeller end
y receipt of 20c in silver, by the Wilson A wind-came up out of the sea,
string beans and peas in plat jars,#Pattern Service, 73 Adelaide St. West, And said, "O mists, make room for cupine date ,only from 1909, and at Reduery.
aK and such were the dainty first fruits Toronto. me." Kirkland Lake from 1913, these two In Ontario, touch of the ore, the alt• y
' of the vine which were to appease the :_ campy had at the end of 1923 paid out ver content"of the 'highest grades of
1 appetites of her friends Then theta It halted the ships and cried, Saki on, in dividends over $34,000,000. With which may rue into thousands of
I say "our" living room, for I have Ye mariners, the night Is gone." nearly every producing mine tacreas- ounces per ton, is treated at the mines
Ing both its proved ore reserves and for the reoovery of &liver only. the
• had the co-operation of the entire And hurried landward far away, its milting capacity, Lad with a num- remaining ore and cbnoentmum,
amid consists of m husband,- "Awake!• .. y rug 7 d. Crytag, Awsk'e it h the day." her of new mince rapidly approaching gather with the 'residues from the
daughter aged fourteen, two smaller the productive stage, the gold output loam tion pleats, which still cos-
y — bo the oun els reduction
- � y g� '�� � s � It said unto the forest. "shoa+t! - :of Oatarlu, which is 1925 amounted to fain some saver. as well as oobakt!
toddler. Haag all your leafy banners out!" $20.000,000, should show a marked In- nickel, arsenic, etc.,are shipped either
Our kitchen and dining room have crease within the next few years. too smelters and refineries .in southern
- - ; always been on the north-side of the It touched the wood-bird's folded wing, Canada's total gold production in Ontario, at Thorold and Delors, or ex-
'house-'-with-a small—nwi dow in the And said, "O bird, awake and sing:" 1923 was a. little under'$26,000,000, of ported for final treatment: The 9aai
north and a larger one in the east, which about 90 per cent. was produced products derived from the Cobalt ores
.! This did very well in summer when And o'er the farms, "O chanticleer, as bullion. include, in addition to sliver, metallic'
the doors could be open, but on cloudy Your okulm blow; the day to sees. silver odnm second only to gold cobalt and cobalt compounds, tnedrud-
winter days it sass dreary from day- among the metals produced !n the Do- lag the alloy, '•ste XW*' nickel and
light till dark. It whispered to the fields at corn, minion in poibt of value of annual pro- a{clerk compounds, white arsenic and
llfode in Canada This year we have�ebanged things. "'Bow down, and hell the coming duction, and among"the silver produc.I insecticides.
The two south rooms which have a morn." !fig countries of the world Canada T'o the cad of 1923 Canada has pro-
PAY45 DOW N ways been parlQr spare'bedroom, y':• ranks third, duced 460,009.000.ouneea ofoilver. The Y
used only occas of n' ally, will be kitchen it shouted through the belfry-tower,-_. Developments at Cobalt have made present rate of production is about
Amid Get Yourself a and living room. There are two large `•Awake, O bell'. pro-elalm the hour!" Ontario not only the premier silver 17,000,000 ounces. •Of this about 75 Y"
1RFIVIINGTON POIRTA$LE double windows in the south and the raining province of Lis Dominion', but per cent is exported In the form of
sane,in the west, a glass door and It crossed the churchyard with a sigh, also one of. the greatest silver produc- bullion and has been-marketed cWefiy
TO-&Y - large window in the east. And said, "Not yet! in Qhiet He-" ing countries of the world. To the end in Great Britain, the United States. �~
The Remington'P6rtable_haa the - _In our living room will be comfy __ __ --•-•--- _______ __ along Kong, China, and Japan, in the
mgular key card and all other rockers, an inviting coach,s warm order mentioned--------
featurep of the Standard Reming- rug, a,,cozy coiner back of the heater , - The enormous territory over`which
tom It responds to the lightest with a pretty box for baba's play � Metal'liferbus ores have been found.
: Wand
swiftest touch. It is sironp things, plenty of geraniums in the the cam arativel recent evel
and dependable. The beauty of
of many meet&Xurgtcad industries for
les a easy to carry u a small, flowered cretonne. The same cretonne _ , the recovery of metals, and the abund- ti
`hand-bap. will be at double doors in place of pot- ti = M ev ance of hydro electric power for oleo
the professional man, the tieres and also for overdrapes at the tris-mstallurgteal operations, bid fair
3:commercial traveller, the rotaii windows over inexpensive white cur- a , to chow a used increase in the pecans
Eton-kooper, the student, for all ;ns which can be easily laundered. tion of these two important metals.
who wish their correspondence We shall have a library table in the ,i i, y ' 6'I �,pJ0t% sowto - Vis• The Mines Department of Canada le
''ito be easy and pleasant to road, centre of the room (with-a good lamp 00 to S41.i..i0e`1 keenly interested In the developments
the Remington Portable h the. and. the late magazines and daily
"typewriter. Pay =6 down and , 1 Rlt.l.loN -fpNs. dP that are taking place in gold and etiver _
you can have a Remington
Port- paper) large enough so that the fain- ` F TH�� mining in Canada, and looks for much
able sent to your home immedl- ily can gather around in the evening i C,OA i t,pgED progress in thin direction. ),
ately.' Further payments of $5 to study, read or play games. I have ( I�-'{ C r
a month will complete purchase. a flat-top trunk which I shall pad SCN�L
- H. F. STILEt! with an-old comforter and cover with Smelling Two Mlles Away.
0 -
Vice-Pres. and MonsppInpp Direetor. I the cretonne for a witrtdow seat at the '
J. 'A. WRIQHT south window; this will also be a - While elephants are known to haus
"iee'y and Peevinolal Managers coartainer for needlework and games: a'wonderful sense of smell, the keen-
Mail this coupon before you forget it. When our room is finished, it will-be
t-scented animal to said to be the
r no cosy we shall almost welcome' the rhinoceros. One big game hunter has
Remington Typewriter Company jamR winter evenings. stated that in favorable weather this
w, of Canada, Limited �Dsughtsr is anxious.for the room animal can "wind" a man for two
A 40 King St. West, Tor6- Ont. finished so she.call invite her } ' miles. dost anlmale give off scant
s Please send m� piraftlera t!- s col friends in to spend the night through theft feet. The bkoodhonad
ardf the HosaitagWn ]?ortibU, _ can "scent"' the object of its scorch
fi fig witch her. The booms are just fie en- ^� many hours after it has passed. The
weludiag pians per Their rt will be to fix
thnsiastic. Th pa . ,"'-
„__• . '
Nems . the windows for the plants and the i length of-time depends upon atmos•
Address. .........,.•........... . box for baby's playthings. Fatherd. L pkreric conditions. On s sharp, dry
• W.L his ordered the rug and we shall soon `'� ted' day, it doe.:not"lay." On a damp day,
r . ,
7 : ` be snug in flus brightest rooms in the however, the
odor sticios to surround•
IssUB No. 2i--�>114. house- I have no fear that my chil- tag object.'
S ,C
f?� ,`A"""'r.. ,.`s. . ,.. '.-.�' ...: '•. . �'.. ....•:. ,.: , •, ,.._. ,.�.,. v;:. '?„:�' ,,.e. a.; •.r. �<rx:�” "�T,. tS. `r„;F' +,.{+ ,:�'�`"- °��a,e _.
.7 7.:,. > ,.,�'„j•a r .,� Y. .4". '� .c. .:? ?:. by.. yin. p: r. a :y,C`:•kms w•ia:,ff e ..P.• n"� a.1n.'�G.;��' 'r' :r.�•,�. °'td'.} y ,+a+'k 'Cf
r �. ., •* �. i�.,rt--�,E,. �. ' �! � s~';;+'�,• :�,� �,m;�x i' c•:��., vM �,f�i"r,�`.'''z a� :�:a. �.1 .,�.. � �'.w ,�",l�a ,� a,,.+r•, '�'r;•..
'. ..•"'. �..S' ?'. .,.:•. �', f _ vw.la4- ,d,, •:e�• M "-....w :" '"stY, - ,Nr Nrw t �..,'"' A .� ,'
••a'. 4r.•s. >I T.
•,.q,y - ., r .. ,.::',.�•:';' a }4. .a• c,".'
. v
_ Wolff with'
A It we with to label anything strange -
.� barbaioaa we say it in "outlandish," ...MONTREAL.- -HOTEL MAN" �-�
bspeaks of when the Bible speao1 an "out-
landish woman" it means a foreigner. z.
Another caricas expression in the A. Mongeau Tells How He ti
Authorized Version fs."The oilier bas- Strc2agth After
ket had 'very naughty Jigs.." That „
means rivlt which- was good forTE RheUlnttiit><s. f
naught. • To-day the word "naughty„ £int Years of
iRw ,T.t means "ill-behaved." In 'the Prayer F. A. Mongeau,-popular night clerk _'•,
- ORANGExtm is �Q Book the wor&--presently" means "at at the Prince of Wales Hotel, 17 and
PEKOE QUAI1'i'Y a r.
lir - the present Lime,"but to-day it always 19 McGill College Avenue, Montreal.
means a future time, though,not far Canada, lends his name to further the ' " �,.
distant. cause of Tanlac, the' treatment that t
` When the Authorized Version of the has pied of such great benefit to
Scriptures was first printed the word him.
"careful" m nt "L'II of care and "After all Tanise has done for me,"
anziety," as in "careworn;' but i! a u, us z
man were.said to be careful it would Praising it to everybody. Eight years
to be a good teatimottia2. Thus,. Of muscular rheumatism had just '
` Provkrd"I Board of Health. Oatarte when, the New Testament tells tisLo about made a cripple of me. I got to; x aril ; -
OL l�d� wip be aw jig answer awatio" cit Paw Bisalts >� "be careful for nothing," it is not en- where I simply had to limp around os,
111raCogl!<this 60UMfr address Hilal as ftsdift Soesser Blies Joining wastefulness and "speaking, a cane. My nerves became affected,
alYepn . against thrift, -but simply telling us my sleep unsound and I 'felt complete- r
not to worry about anything, ly knocked out.
"Sia bottles of Tanlac, talfen eight
A thirteen-year-old �ir1 has just its kind, was noticed in all the metro- - months ago, made a new man of me k
won 4 twenty-live dollar prize for htsn news Ters and au ported and UI3IYCT>6>;r� M1li1C. _ and I have had no tattier trouble with
writing an essay an' the subject encotsra by ).he • ublic epchodt"auth- There's music is the sighing rheumatism, or my health, since, My T.'4 Y fir.
j gel P ft ng of a reed; MONG$AV ass '
"Honor thy father and th mother." critics. Just before the meeting a There's music in the nerves are a'tesdy to a die, I sleep ane k.
yy gushing of a rill;'
She finds no difficulty is obeyi sg this radio message was' broadcasted, ifl There�s music.in all things,it men lead and feel the same way.' Anyone want,•
Biblical iaf unction, but states etre which these suggestions were offered ears-- lag to know of me what T'snlsc will Tanlac Vegetable Pills
:phatically that-good stents are a to areata: (1)-$et ro r standards �,
pp p P Their'Esrth" is bat an echo of the Just phone me.here at the hotel."- g ,)
necessity if the child Is to grow up for your children to follow. (2) Be 8phere'sI Taalac is for sale by all..good ding. Fos Constiyatioa.
Into a good citizen, • Her line of reas- friends with your: children, walk and -gists Accept no substitute. Over !0 1Hetie sad Recommended b `~
oiling is very clear. She says: "Par- play with them oecabionally. We must. DrYon-Don.Juan. Tion bottles sold, y the '
+ants have had the experience which not live above our children but with `` �ppp i �j Manufacturers of Tanlac. Y
we must get, and owing to'this. they their. (33) Do not scold too much• ��iblOUty DG[N�AIJi01i
can make wise•decisions when are most Encouragethem to do their best. LetOSQtIitQef! BII� 1111'jal. Her One Accomplishment.
- -need -them and by which we may us remethber what Phillipa Brooks It fs estimated that the deaths aa- Jue4 what a green servant girl can
benefit as foag as W0 ]ire. Make life said:' "Children are white, slotted fauatly from malaria numbersome two do aay�w'ay often puzzles the dlsfisaoted ~
easier for them and make them as black, not black, s tied white' (4) m1111ons, sad this figure may probably housekeeper,nowadrys, Mr. Robert u.
po r friends Whir PeOP]e Are LOW Spirited
ltaFPY as they maks 'us; the true See that they select pzope be multiplied by two or three hundred J'�� In Remembered Yestaeadaye _ y
friends, whose love is IF&eaduring=- and associates. (6) Make home as d Depressed. It we waii3d arrive at the total number thinks that we must ezpect to bees at
Mother and lather." comfortable and happy as your meansof people in the world affected by the such experiences as '
It 'is surprising what clearness of permit. (6) GFive-your children at Nearly all women and most men suf- that°t a Sw°edisD'
intellect some children show. In this least a high-school education.. (?) eomplalat Malaria Is mainly sails- America friend o1 his who,needing a
sisaaq content just referred to another Train them in the habit of regular fir at times from fife of depreeeion and ease of the'troplcs. and Is caused b 1L.maid-o2-all-work; resorted to a SCSI,,
of the rite-winners, also a to,
I attendance-at church and Sunda low spirits. Everything seems a bur- minute- y
p z's. y- parentis la' the blood. The dlaavlsss agency.
year-old school rl, evidentlyhad schooL (8) $ec: that they avoid all flea; then come periods of nervous ir• parasites In one malaria - r
ritabillty, headaches and weariness. pattesst may There she found s sturdy. Fianbh
:nada some invest gations before pre- games of chance. A gambler never number anything from one hundred to girl and asked her what she could' do`
paring "In
eamppooanion, for,' she i ear be a sucoass in life. (9) See that People who suf Rr this way lack vital- s thousand millions. In many cases Could she cook? No, she ooald not ' (�
writes. In investigating the prisons your children take plenty of physical tty because their blood Is poor and there are more
and looking over the records of the training in the open air- It b better nerves are starved In consequence, parasites in the syr- Cook. Could she do the washing? No.
prisoners, it is found that most of the exercise to walk than to. ride in a The only wiry the nerves Can be. are .a patient'thea there Could she wait. o1s tableY•..DIo• welt.
prisoners of.to-day were unfortunate limousine. (lo) Let your children people. os, the earth, and for ages what com3d she do.
in having lost their parent,or in hav- fell that any honor which they win in resCLed is through the-blood. By en }t Wats believed that mey'sbee and The girl thought for a moment-wad "a'
frig been allowed to treat them disre- school, or an act of courage or un- 'riching the blood with Dr. Wllliama' malaria were is some
7 cin milk the
a y" The compositions y Pink i way connected. thea replied, "Yet. i
• pectfnll positions were selfishness they meq perform will
Pills the starved nerves ase sup- Sir Ronald Aoss dleeovered fist it reindeer.
read at a Parents' Day Celebration in bring great happiness to father and Plied with just the elements they need. was not the marsh but the mosquito #
Central Park, New York City,arraaaagg��• mother and put .the family same on This, is proved by, the ezperia eytcof which bred in the moaah witch was V' Bslel� AeDb
� •
ed by "Uncle Robert" Spero, a weI]-I a higher plane of honor. Mrs. J. E. Dadsou, 12th -Ave.1 East,. the,originator of tate disease,-and -he
kmown philanthropist who devotss Do not forget tint the future of Vancouver, B.C.; who says: 'About doebu-ce that the parasite-of ronjXia ANTED-MAN TO OPERAIM
" much Of his time to work amosrg un- this country ends upon how your -three yeah ago I became very weak is, to the mosquito which earries fft. local Auto Supply Branch. Apr
fortunate children and to`Incnlcati boys and girls are trained to-day, not- and nervous. I had pal in my side a threepenny-bit would be to a h! L 7 Canadian AuW Shops, Hos'11611. .'
..'among all children a sense of films!,. .how you were trained wbea you sad (rack, and also suffered I fi y ids A thrBeR p>Ib- 1Klagars Faille, Opt
obligation. The occasion, firs Bret of were children.:, gaeat pains In the.back of my head When a d r s w
and neck. I was hardly able to do bites, It 1 lsease�caarry}seg mosquito
ajeots a saliva in which are ��
p TROUBLES - la A env TRICKS� anything about the,house. •I �eflarld the asalaria parasites. These are car.
wake with a start fa the night and tried into the hums, circulatory. sys. R LSU
The Ring And Block -,� my heart wNd flutter• so that It-al- tela and so throughout the body.
Baby's teethi r most choked me I tried much doe• The pure foe, malaria is quinine, but Y��
teething ,time 4 a time of tot's medicine but it did me no :par. the prsveatloa of malaria is the des-
worry sad aaziety_!q molt mothers. r manent good. One day I read about. truction of the mosquito-in wbkh it �
The little once become cross; peevish;'
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided breeds.
their little stomach becomes deranged � s ••_
- ^� . to give them a trial. These pills pro O -
-?.Aad caastlpatloa and colic Bets in. To - i
make the teethingduped such a beneficial change is a Minartf'e Liniment Relieves pain. Look
period easy oat•baby .
the stomach and boweb must be kept that 1 kept taking tbam us,-
short time �
and til I had used a dozen boxes. By this
regular. This can be done time theta was each an Improv ement Builder. Care-worn, none-ezhauated women
by the fire of Baby's t?wa Tablets-the In my condition that friends would ask Two hundred
ago. was born need Bitro-Phosphate, a pare orgaab
Ideal laxative for little ones. The Tab 0 me what 1 was Laid Jobe Smeaton, sI, engineer, who erect-are a sure relief for all the minor ng, sad of coarse phosphate dispensed by dsnggiats that
ments of childhood such as conati- .
I was only.too pleaa@d Lo tell them it h odrur monument in the third New York and Paris physicians pro.
Patton, 00110; indigestion. collo and was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I am Edd increase weight and strengt[} �•.
8mee ton a� sc ibe to
Simple fevers• They always do good now fasting like a new' ernes sad am and revive youthful looks d feel.
Eddystone case
D genius was almost lost to a yea ook as
never harm The Tablets-are sold cher, an actor lags. Price $1 per pkgs. Arnow
doing my own housework We would to
not now be without Fir.-WfilYau�s'Fink file
e nation, as his fa
--- _. _
was dealrotts.theE his eon should Ohemica! Co., Yfi Front St llIas;
— Y medicine dealers or by mail at Z6 Pills in -the house." oltTow the law, but. fortunately, Job& Toronto; Oat.
cents a box from Tis! Dr. W1111ame A coin, a- harness ring and a You Caa'■get theme pills from your Smeaton was allowed to follow life ns,• .
- Medicine_ Co;, HrockviIIe, Ont. block of wood are need in this d �L or by mall at 60 cents a hoz tural beat, rising to emiuienee from
- -� little Illusion. Apiece of paper-
from The Dr. Williams' Medic
rocer Out. instrument maker. Stiff ine Co., the humble position of a mathematical 'fjj �OlG Mme_
wrapping paper-is also used but
the spectators do not know how
up with th Mnards Linlmena
Portant aassring and the block per
WOOf�iAi� Scene.
The hkr• p A man's brain attains. its maximum Limber u wil ' `
. �•: ,
of wood are placed on the paper. weight, at the age .of twenty years; Leading athletes use it.
The coin is than marked and is One bright, sunny day in June I .that of a woman at seventeen years, k
Placed some distance away, also went by myeel! Into the woods. As I i
a on the paper. The block of wood wandered on I came to a little stream. a
placed os, the harness .ring and I �DPea to admire it and iia aur-
the two'are placed on the coin. The roundinge. The nun was shining -
Inevitable magic word is said and thigh the trees making the pure
the block of wood is lined. The water sparkle like diamonds.
coin bas vanished. The block is Next to the stream stood-three trees OTHERS
_ f Y :replaced., another magic word is They were alt alike in size, and tow- .
lit'eee said F►eeit acid arand both block and ring are
: z
S Bred above all the resit The scene had
e Coin reayyes' Booth - -
sun I Letter If'Olm*11.$mrt�i !](i HOLY i-..
Mary-"That-yap tried to make love The harness ring fa ,boat as big down upon the soft, ,massy bask aHUr �
'to you, els-t IWO positively Armen-" as a half dollar. .The opening of
Ann-"Perhaps that's.why 1 found the ring Is very neatly covered with my face-to•the'sky. The -rusting of Lydia L Pinkham i Vag
etabla ,f
" ei.-O, sainswranalthe leaven was putting me to sleep Compound Hehwd Her
maistioned an being so essential. Bud- I QhGft�XhR 0-1, of the ea
Too Zealous. The block of wood should be about nature. 'penton,Ont.-"I am writing to you
the size of the ring, so that the two Suddenly I'.was"startled by a little in regard to Lydia E. Pinkham s Vega-
P.C. R�9999 was walking along the can be lifted together without awk furry creature whleh filled b me as table Compound. I :
''bank of a canal,.,when he came upon wardness. When the Ang'rests on if oa'wings'. 1.2ay very still for it was would not be with- -
a youngster sobbing bitterly. , Stop- the paper, the fact that it in pre frighten out it. I have taken
a rabbit,sad I did not want to
IPiiia, he asked: pared cannot be seen-except by it before each of my i
• "What's the matter?" a eRTetul Inspection of the ring,abs it. I watched It drink the pure sun- children was born ,
cause the paper matahee perfectly. ��� waters of the stream, The and afterwards, and I' Qom:
The youngster, still stylar lordly, The secret being known, the opera rabbit did. not even notice me, but find it a h w-
pointed to ;mid stream, :where a bat D great alp.
tion of the.trick will be easily un- drank os, in:peace., Before my first
was bobbing up'and down on the derstood. Bengt I jumped up at this, for ft r
"My brother="he sobbed. (014p this out and paste }t, roffh w'as the sound of a gun, When I again cess of breath and Dandruff
j<a a IIat:h in
the sou other of the seri..: i>, a sr•rapbook.j looked at the stream, I saw .that my „
rtiseous oonBtable �_� eglttts J
Waged into the murky water. Thrice r___ 13We friend was no longer drinking, ver p On redrin
but lay by the stream dead. One da
e dived, but at last he was forced to �sREEN TEA IMPURT$ y a friend of gently rub
Alae! Not even to the woods can nay husband told him what the Vegeta- C a t i e u r a
come to shore again with only the hat LARCsF.R. there be peace. The world is wicked. ble Com d had done for his z¢a and Ointment,
In his hand. - tistics from Ottawa show that in -C. D. H. advised
us, to take a bottle home for ` with ,the
"Can't find him!"he gasped. "Where 1923-663,977 .pounds more Green Tea me. After the fourth bottle I was a , end of the
was he standing when he fell in?" different woman. I have four children f finger, on K
were brought into Canada- than in It is always safe to aend Dominion y i pots"He-be;-•he-hethe boy blurted, "he 1921, and 906,799 pounds more.than in Express Money Orders. now, and I always find the Vegetable s o f �,s~�
'didn't tall int ' I was going to tell you 1922. The reason given is -that the -.--♦- Compound a great help as it seems to dandruff
: that he threw my hat in, but you Sae quality Green Teas of India and " ` Tree Furnishes Food. make confinement easier. I recommend and itching. Next morning sham- ?
wouldn't let me finish." it to my friends."-Mrs. FRED H: poo with a suds of Cuticmra Soap .,
Ceylon have displaced the inferior The bassia tree is India has Dandy" Sx1TH, John St., Trenton, Ont. and hot water. Rinse with tepid 7 ?
Japan and China Greens which, due to flowers, the-petals 01 the flower beingLydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com- water.This treatment does much to *3y"
In Zululand the atmosphere is so their low price, were imported heavily rich in sugar, and used for too d• pound is an excellent medicine for ex- keep the scalp clean and healthy
-clear that objects can be seen by star- some years ago. Salads, Tea Company • pe ctant mothers,,and should be taken and promote hair growth.
light.at a distance of seven miles. II, the largest importer o[ India and We endeavor to make a merit of dnrin the entire period. It has,gen- - s.osre a..n Pro*y st►u ,►aa,a.. c.a past' M
Ceylon Green Teas, (salts that we are unwilling to Cor- eral effect to strengthen and tone up the •ouuews, F.0.an 1626 stontreaL
g entire system, so that it may work is e« 78c•O4ntnaaYc rls.Y+a to.'r.�cvm zso
Some men never find� the.key' to ----�— - reef; .� every respect effectually as nature in-
is cur caw Sk+a.iss Stink. �;•�
smecess, because they dont look in the Companionship with a powerful per. tended. Thousands of women testify
right pikte--inside their own minds.I son is never to be trusted. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. to this fwt. n ISSUE No. 26-'24.
- .. _ �. .. .. -.. .+ ... • ',..'.. .. 1 vq. .,` fr.,,i''.i"a .•.{.��,n y�k 'h:,.4 Sf,
.�<. .. ..; .. - �U. :"-.r. ..'•.. ,., ;.....' s !.r. ':4 .y+ n 'r',:: „'Cwo �•ti '�o 3.,., .;w" 3 7y. '�a, a�»
;-.., ,,,,w.. .,e<. ,.„ .q, ° ,; .w - 7'°-^• .;«...,x
�:.,AB�.., ,y a.. .t• ,"a ,�«•. .•r-'., ,,;,.."` 'ate id' ' E• .fir., •,. 4 e
�.._.i�Skta"P-1r�u'Culv''-h3v�^�.i•�.L,,.�.1'�i"�e:w"'"€.•`.%�il.'fts�.R:.�,•�a+'�vaS�.�s:.e�.x+;�:a-•s'�•sea.+:. ,iui?=1.>!v,'M.;Ya''�.�fifC?�.•fu�..�i�i:F�'.r�*'��5r'j<..r'aea�'i�elau' `�'"��•'y�'ain"�3���• ?J�"`''r i., �c�-".'Si1 "�` . - -
v. . .. •�,.�`�.'�.•� V:n. ,: .. ':,, '.-.w,. a,`a�... �:• .. .c''fia»;s wf:•,,.'+.'c ,f�� ..+A• y.. *'.r;.' +�;c S s•*�s''�" h•%'k;Yg.... > "�-.T"` A.,L'�•...x.w e �;• �. 'w�+.-•
.. ,. S•.. .. •., ..;.RPM
.� '..-•......, -.. ...vs.. '.,w•..,. }., .§,t» ki; W+..: ,A;..:.r,�•..' .r' '+t•.. ':.,.< s,. .b+r":
, 8'�'g .: �,y. '� Y.�" 6': .. ., ,�•, ,t.
�.. .,;d.•w.•. +C"�t G�• s cz� .�' .. ., ,r. ^`,' :'s ,. •� Esy' w: a L.. -seeks � 3'p
Pn� /'�(� AT T�C•t��I�'�,� -When motoring through the -Dr. Hent will be here se nen- #
N1 ,L\/VJi1Jil��w■ A.7c village en Sstnday.
Mrs, Horeb, of al next Tuesday to attend to his P
fled on .a au her of professional ¢titles. peel,
Toronto,called m Hawil- .
friends. -Miss Jenhie Allan of �,.
-Frank .rand ]lire. Hdll spent = Mrs. C. L. Morcombe and child ton, is spendsa week with her '>
Sunday vltith friends in,
the,city. of Om.emee.spent Filday last with cousin, Mre, �V. J. Clark. Y ,' ,:�► V� a$1$;
- Mlse'Helen Burling.teacher oftheir 'coasina, Odrdon and Mrs, -Dr. E. A. Sadleir, Dentist,
Ooebrane, has returned Dome for Law ppragticinR iu'Toronto, will be here -- je8 g O f duly 7th to
her vacation. -The following pupil@ of Miss Fr hie- office, on Tbursday from la _
-W. A. Henderson` hag been re- 8 Law passed euceessfnlly the a. to,5 p. in,. as usual.'
eaga ed to teath�'#p.S, S. No. 1 for recent piano examinations at the -
t B CARD OF THANKS. .> ...
another year. Toronto Coneecvntory of masic : .�, tmitiion >,[sEehea " 'i a hazes for 250
h F and' Sirs, Law.of To-
rsak Printery-Lillian Wyman ; Ele• Mn, Buret wishes to tbant her „10e per pkt. 8,for 2k
tanto, spent Sun, "with.. the meatary-Irene Ha}1 ; School Els- many kind friends for their loving (fora Starch, ' ,
farmer's relatives here. mentary-Bernice Chapman ;.In• sympathy extended to heir in her deep 0,rolls for 25e 71
-Mr. and Mrs.ppeeEleaaser and nen ; (Pare) Dorothy Cla atone Toilet Paper,
ohild,of Toronto,nd Mrs. Rost the e. e , .
tcoductorp-(Hon•) Marjorie An- .4orrow. - 4'for 75c ��
y Grimsby Peaches. 20c per tin,
end with James s -The hay crop, which At the Waw Advsr�tiserr@e011t. 1 ',z
--idles Marjorie, Johnston and end of May; promised to be a fail- -Soda Biscuits, n;'. 10c .per pkg, It for 29a t
brother, Ronald,of Toronto,spent tire, is now reported to be an ez- IGS FOR SALT-25 small pigs, a ,. 15c per tin. 7 for 1.00 -'
Sundaywith Pickering friends. cellent oris ata the fregneut' rains Fweeks old and up. Apply to Jas.Underhill, Aylmer Totna Joes, -
.. ..,
-Mise H1eviDe, of Toronto, has 44-43 '
durin the month of June have Claremont, Req'75c, for 70c
e and Salads Tea,.. ., .
to f - t
been apipand vee with her g he1.
Beg 20c,fur
N uncle and sant, Gordon an re. harvest has begun, but so ar 1t a few good bee[-ringers. ADP1Y s' mar ums, ••
Law. has net been ideal on account of don,Pickering.
E. and Mrs. Glover An the recent showers: ADY'S.BICYCLE FOR SALE-In.
t daughter. Aloha, are spending a Several weeks ago the C: P. R. IJezcellent-condition.For particulars app]y to Finest grades of Men a Furnishiaga earl Hoote'slways carried in stock•
4'•week in Allison 'with the farmer's announced a reduction is the pay Box 21,Greenwood. 40cr our
Overalls and Boots are something we always brag'
relative@. FUR BALE-A Ford tourinit.car,in about, for you can't beat them.
-Mica Laura Andrew, teacher of their section, hands, and the 1
r Canadian National .slay make nod condition. Price:100. aPPlr co J•T Watch for oi>p Weekly Specials in groceries and shop _ -
of Enniskillen, is holidaying-at' a similar announcement. In, many stephenb°n,Pickering. 44-45
the oma of her parents, James of the trades, especially those con- BUGGY FOR SAPLE-A good rub- where you save money. _+
and Mrs. Andrew. nested with the building industry, [3 ber tired buggy as good as new: Apply to
-Fred and Mrs. Adair and the wages paid are entirely too Gordon Law,Pi @rias• serf «'9Pe deliver orders in the yihage.
child, of Agincourt, visited Mrs., high, is many caees from $10 to FOR SALE-2 good Collie'paps. at t P•�s k ts1
�dair'9 618ter8,
Mr M. Barrett a there : lot S.con.3, Pickering. Phone Pick 1403 or Fred Ta Bunting - 1V es,
and Mrs. Edgar Bath. $1$per day. To be just, address W F.Crawford.Pickering., 41-4.5 - s n
-A baseball game will be played shoeld be a reduction iD all trades Established 1857.
where the wages • are Above �►/�'RS. EMMA ELVI98-Nureewith
`on Memorial Park this (Friday) normal. Of eotut3e wages are 1llpractical experience.open for engagements n�—.---:
evening between married and din. governed to a .great extent by in tows or country. Phone Piek 11oa. ao 4
t gle men. A-very hot game ie ex- the sap 1 and demand. But WANTED,
pasted: there wi� unrest 90 long as age Campbell.17 Elm St.. Toronto. Phone Main •
-H. J. Clark, of Toronto, se- class of workmen are being paid oos2. 43-ft
f companied by his friend, Harold exorbitant wages 'while another ,ORRENT-Io the Villa�e•of Clary• tore.
,'Sing, Spent the week-end at .the class.. V not receiving a HAD �•mont,abuilding suitable for a blacksmith41ch
a home of his parents, W. J. and wage shop or�arage.sad centrally situated. ADpiy to
399 f
Mrs. Clark.
-The death,of F. Hurst, which Mrs.x.Thomsoa,Claremont. t _ T -
-Strawberries have been a very took place at his home west of the T.�ARMERS. ATTENTION-I am
abundant crop this ear, the wea• village at noon on Thursday last, I' agent for the Benfrew cream separators. the '
then being most avorable for came as a shock to his many best o°. the marker.. Also ..`°"e'. and.aales• New Voile " is, `Summer Dresses, newest
Robt.D,.itt.Box 17. Brougham,- 1 on Pak
�4_� their growth. The price has be friends. He had been ill only a 303. -_ - _
ri the lowest fye•yeare, being ae low few days suffering from phen-
as these boxes for a quarter. �, OR SALE-Sow and Dine. Also patterns and designs 75c yd.
ti -Rev. A. and Mrs. ' Sanderson mania, and as he did not possess FOR
bred Damwarth pi Collie pope and
have arrived, she new pastor for a robust constitution. he Was ttn- hravy craning wagon. Fred Lacey lot 33•B F
able to ward off the attacks of the 'on-
PO''41-47> OeBOl �^r
Pickering Methodist Church. He Mah.ern. +Canadian lilghljmY and Scotch
disease and as he brie been a suffer•
renehed very acceptably on, Bab- er from asthma for a number of FOR SALE-15 . Also got class tim-
otbyandcloverhay, Alsogood'pa+erre to, Zepbp�•g? ChQ�-fle putter»,
�$ bath t0 goOd eougreRatI We years,be fell an easy victim to rent. Corner Kin ton Road and Rosebank' J
welcome them-to our midst. the dread disease pneumonia. The Road. Apply F. • Hill. a3s Coaredaatioh �.jC`r5C and 45c yd
0,` . -Mrs. S. C. Philp. whose has- deceased, who was in his i2Dd life Building. Toronto. 44 - 1 •
band was pastor of the Methodist year. conducted a provision hues• WANTED-Live poultry. breis@, _
Church here thirty ears ago, cress in Toronto!pr a number of • wool and ljonk. Highest Park Paid for
died at her homer, 58 Albany Ave., years, but about 18 ears ago he "n"' i`t•Brougham, 1 Br miles north Ohl'
t t• '
85th y YUlage $olovith.on,BrockRead. hl Ladies 511k K111t Ties, all, the popular .
'Toronto, on July tat' is,her 65 he came to Pickering, locating oD TRAYED-From the undersigned,
year, following a para] .41c stroke the farm he purchaa�d from the QpffOr.b,,,t saodaY. June 22nd, a ,yearling shades, special 40 cents
1with which she was on the late Robt. Deverell, a mile west brindle heifer. Reward or inrormaeuoa leading
t� previous Suadtry !!,,Pbilp pre' of the village, where he al tP�rn""ery w•x'Cttimme�.Piek«las. 42 _
r deceased her about .a 'year' and a �,j OR BALE-Beed buckwheat, bees Holeproof HOeiery, black white, log-
tali. $bents aurpived.by her eight in farming sad Rardenialr. Mt• 3' ringers 6 and II quart-fruit be to. berry P f ' -
if Hurst was born is London, Eng• et
base:and @terse.H Gee Green River Milts a+a�ln antique airdale, sponges _
dsnRhters. land. but came to Canada at the Charles A.white, 1AXNat :xiu P, O, Pboae ,
June promotions. Sr. Roam of a�of 14 years. He was held in Mar'`X03 41;r grey etc-., �.®�y 1. 0d
lPickeriag public school: Jr, IV to tory high esteem by all who knew FO.R BALE-House and lot is the -
Sr. IV-Kenneth f[or]ay /6(hOD), 1611■ a of Dunbarena. The bows >.a good
him. He is survived by his widow frame build;ng este s roams 1.95 per pairs '
' Soward Law 72, Battle, Morrissey Me oa the mise. _ y
x 7IA. . Sr. III to Jr. IV- Walter and three brothers. Walter Hurst. is ac, n only to Was. H�errso.n,. DD=b1LLr �
o!Toronto, and Wm. and Henry, 44-47 , aality
Richardson 74. Austin Baker 69. of Toledo. Washington. The day , 'Phe Soleproof label is the guarantee of Rood q
Allau Andrew 88, Barbara Hall e8. on, whtch he died, Mr. Hurst was 1VOR: waggon%,�ness,and;l'kind: o i:cdms imf _
J r. III to Sr. III-Bert Elliott 75 to .have been presented with a p1ements in good order. Also several heavy and i
,(boa.), Myrtle Lockwood 72,James Rold medal b his mother lodge in light scales and soak s`an'e and Fier'' Huh- �� �tYlri� Pure
H}ng?U, Ethel Powell ft Kenneth y est Prizepei d fothtdes and wool, alsoXe coal- Real Success
Ridla rdson 68(arith.?, Irene Hall the I, O, O. F. He was ae ADgli try. x,H rarmaa,st,,svilk.Pecos 190@ 17tf ,
can in religion and a Conservative OR SALE-In the Village of ltd Pea: j Raspberries.
' is politica. His funeral to St. Bakiil$
F W hitevale,one-quarter acre of land on which 25e per can a
-"The Farmers! Son" whish , is siiusted a frame harts@ with 8 rooms ■ad
James Cemetery, Toronto, on Sat- large @insets,in good eondition.'. Qu1Wldiag5 Regular Size.' �'
was issued three timrs a week arday afternooQ was largely at- satiable rot ppr,sa and stable. Hard and soft bombard Puma
R -some time ago and afterwards techtendd. wateraadabandance or large and small fruit• Kissimi Flour every can r can ,
only twice a week, has now be w,e___ a y to Miss H.Mom.or C. B. R42�bice- and Guaranteed
'� 1Bulk
same a weekly agnio. D. J. Mc-
. ... Monarch
Arthur, eon of Peter McArthur, IN MEMORIAM. �4 • . Chapman'e - Peaches ,3.Is 25e
the well-known Canadian writer l\O�1Ce t0 CledltOra 2 for 25e 20c p&r cat,
o awed awe one year
�kiDR Powder
---sad platform speaker,18 the @°stat +Irene.lafsot daughter of Lose and In the Estate of Thomas Henderson.
HILI-ID 13ving memo of Myrtle
,awhile W. L. Smith, who was for Mrs, Hill, who Carpenter, late of the Townebip of
so many years identified with the ago today,July 14tb, IRM aged b . Pickering, in the County of Ontario, Men's and Youth's Khaki Pante for Summer--cr.ffs and belt-loops-
,-I*Weekly Sun," will 'have charge months. _ deceased. nice shade, well finished, 1.95 to 2.25.per pair.
- ; of the editorial columna. In Claremont softly sleeping, Notice Is hereby given pursuant to
' -The union services which have Where the flowers gently wave, Section 50, R. S. O., 1914, Cha ter 1
Lies the one we loved. the one we '
g p blue'cbambry
•been held during the p st few ed 121, tbe�t all creditors and others hav- Men's Work Shirts- ttery large risaortment of khaki, y
psa could not save: In claims, or demands against the black and white stripe, blue_ and white stripe-great value 1.25 i
summers by'the Met liodiate and We watched her sutler day tad Dight, t -
Presbyterians, of Pickering, will IC caused ns bitter grief estate of the said Tborras Henderson. ,
who died on or about the lith day of ' at 5,00 r it tae line in.dark brown and black.
be resumed again this summer, To ase our baby slowly pine away, • November, 1914. are required on or be-
and the first of each services will And give her no relief, )]len a Ozford��e=ceptioaally f' �• '_
It fore the 7th day of August, .1924. to
be held on Sunday mornialtaezt Amd on that mora the SA-9 came. send by post prepaid or deliver to the '
is the Presbyterian Church and And from amongst his Bowen uader'signed Administrator of the acid Carhartt'a Overalls And Smocks Io aH the world no OTeralb and �a
the evening service will be held He came and picked the prettiest lily. estate. Cult particulars of their.claim@ 8moeks like these
g The malas be picked oars. and the nature of the security (if ROY),
sats@ Methodist Church and will
bs conducted by Bev. P. F. Gardi- -mother,Daddy,Brother held by them.
and Siston. And that after the last mentioned
fast. Bev: Nr: and Iltrs. 9siader- r date the said.Admiai@trator will Pro- • • 1C H A P AN
son, who arrived from Oaaniog• -' reed to distribute the assets of the said — s '
ton Let Week. will 'take their vs- _The Forsyth Re-unto•cation now motile the rso is Ir deceased among eche parties a to-the
pa nage — thereto. having rem only to'the �1
undergoing re irs. A rsuo�igo of the Forsyth Olaa was claim@ of which be shalt then have re-
-On Saturday, Joky 6th, Mr. held at"Woodholme."the home of G. salved notice. -
of Norw M.Forsytb. on Jaly 1st. when twoDated at Duabaeton. Out., the 7th
baa been,teaching school s e uD ,
@ring for some time, was united in having come from many parts of Can- William Henderson. -
marriage to Mise Frances Losses ada sad the United States. Acquaint- Administrator. -
Olanae, lol+merly of Springfield, �Oe' and games was the order Dunbarton,•Ont. `
Ont., who has also been living in of the day. At the gstheriag many -� -j,��VEYOU AN O� H� a
thiaga were revealed in segsrd to the *� P��AN� s+�"s ,
Pickering for oxime time now. The family history. It was made-known
ceremony was performed in the on that day that io the early part of j �jl bn a few"'aarloade of old TimothyHa Z
Walmer Road
Baptist Church, the 18th century, that is about two Bring along, our suits to be cleaned y y \
Toronto, .by Rev. B. W. Merrill, hundred years ago, that a James For-, and pressed. Satisfaction guaranteed
th came from Normandy into thCharges moderate,
B. A., Associate Pastor of the g
northern part of Scotland. and from JAMES BRISCOE. Telephone loris and I will Come
church. Imms+etately after the him sprang the Forsvth Clan. In, w,
,,ceremony the happy couple left Opposite D.Taylors Bakery
Scotland there is a Forsyth Associa- +
on a motoring trip through the tion.having their crest or coat of arms.. Claremont, Oat. _: .4 - AU3 see it., ,
western, part of the province.- their tartans etc. Then about the 7.
Com. year 1730a James Forsyth came from d0 YEAR$' -
-A grand garden party, under Scotland to Pennsylvania, and from ' EXPERIENCE
-tee atispi of the Ladies'Aid there he rode on horseback to what .
Society of the Methodist Church, was then called "Muddy York," He _ .-., c•kness
will be held in PickeriDg 'iiemorlal there traded his horse, saddle and ! Ngl��e;Firo �e, Aeeident, S}
` 'Park on Thursday evening, July bridle for one hundred acres of land, p
y where the St.Lawrence Market is now BUNDS-Government, Municipal. Cor oration
.17tb. A football match at 6 30 be• situated in the City of Toronto. This
tween Brooklin Jrs. find Pickering was,the start of the present clan here. Fr+>aoc E:7aar.$ MORTGAGE LQAN9 on Farm Properties.
Jrs. Tea served from 6.00 to 8.00 The day of the re-anion was not the Q=slcv� -
o'clock, after which a program best, the rain and the poor postal ser- Cop'•'r`Q7�Ts Ae. -REAL ESTATE--Farm and ftesidentiah—
n e sending a sketch and d^scr^ptf,�,l stay
will be given by the following vice due to the strike prevented many c as.ertatn Jnr or•r.:on frog•p•�et or an
artists Charlie Jeeves, entertain from coming to the reunion this year inventan Itpr°h►alytr�n�,.nl �Dnp°lentis
tionsstrtotl conador , tl. AflJB�OK KER r
at Clar moat, but all. reai3nt thOr- sent tree O�deeta nty2ornEcnnnaDatenu.. -W .
es,, Toronto ; Missee Ruth and Eva @ p patents takon tg°ron h arena ,§�Go.sane:�@
r oughly enjoyed themselves, including �pa1„ab,,wttt,oacc�anta,intho
a Murphy, ppianist and violinist ' the oldest guest. who is 85 years old, � }}�� �j MM {{�� e
Fred T. Bunting, vocalist. The'and the voungest, her great.great a ndi i� Ams IC0`io
Whitby Band will be in attend-I grand-daughter.who is three tootrths Abanesomely tnu.tratedwe.kI7 Lsraes�MT PICKERIN(� '
r` )anon f ani me§eatine loarna�. Terms for -
ranee. Refreshment booth on the old. All we=t home much benefited &=a, 76 a year,Pr"teN prepaid- gold by
Sanderson, by their coming to ether,and also Sts P. Q. Box 4n,'
grounds. Rev. A. R R
r h tirmsln. Admission 40 canto, their minds fully made• up that they N !°�(�p ss/sasseaay.NBW I�d Telephone Pickering 4800
���W-�: u4ildreD, under 12 years, 20 cents• I would meet again fie:t ye r. di'i�stin,�les_/t.,waromata�a7a.. ,
w,...qa. :..., , .. .v.- � ... :,,.. -, ... ..., _ .,. .: ;' A ;2". w:�. �"' .+:.' w. p; •+iw :'f y•r i.''y5'ke ^;?
.'4!.Y •: : 4 'a•t .ani., y ; .., , .i?.'9.. r. :y. M �.' r,,, .�,. ...i v n! .�". YAa* :r;. .n
..'.. ..{. .fir :�•� <; +.,�,�.- k,'. y*.4
f° -r• •�, a'�"'Y �' � 4 h„n>{, „� '�: .�,• •"^`�`'t''�y�„ n`, y.,c ,,tw.n,., :;^„ .�^S, u. ..rf,.;,a � `� ,�, ,,'�",��;'�r ';lige.. •a ',`t' .".3�t�F w•