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'•'� .,,... �;,",�:' ...f,:y•• . . r .. - . a - H .F,- C R N E W. -S. i I K E I ,S OL.' Ll I_la - PICSERINGt ONT., FRIDAY, l�Tt1RCH 28.,, 19241* .. - No. 29 -VV0fissafXl*tal 9a%-b*i GREENWOOD. _AUDLEY,• : • --,' 'Geos •• -BWk'er Rev,•Mr. Leigh ie spending*s few -Mrs.Thos:Brown,ofToronto, spent GEENWOV dfedl ical' days in Toronto with Mrs. Leigh tend a day or two with relatives in,this family. locality. ► R•� E: FORSYTH, Opb.D., Director '�� Mr. and•M•r9.Fisk, of Toronto,spent • On Wednesday night of last week i *Opptometrical rAss«iation'of Ontario. Reg. !t -4„ ��//��' esu�• t'pp the weekend with the latter's parents, fire deafroyed the Q, P. R. station • MILLS Istered:Member.of ithe American Optometrical. To , AVO1C 2y1�8{Ja,JtsQiB Mr. and Mrs. Smith. here. In the evening two tramps were ' Association. Eyes examined by appointment. _ Phone 2804, Cluemoat, Ont. oy i n, o as been work• n to ntgr the,buVdin and start a ... , . •• - ieglin NewllorkRf.irhsowe time, re fie, and at rnidai ht it Bras seen to Established 1833 _ g F. TOMLINSON,- R. Member lied-isnraie on M-iday. - -----he-in-flatrtt�r;-$etrrvernrnr,is nn"foot- '' Hiss Viola Oliver The oldest.established industryliq .t N Stogy �- . • of the College of Physic�tans and Surgeons oP` Claremont; asking the C. P. R. to re-build as the fr -•,•`otOntario. Ofnce: that formerly:decupied by o lient the -weok-end with her*grand.* station hAs Leen s, great coriveriience4. tDe tate Dr,R.P.redie.and latterly by Dr, Ca1d- iasis T P wen. Phgne. Claremont,,Qnt. 2Rty Look' parents. firs Stewart. to the.residents here. n county. Born,at Kinsale. March 24th. to ...'.__ " t ? T C. MCKINNON; At.P., L.R.C.S., r } Norman and firs. Gibson(nee Caroline Bakof'g Joy :' LlSten _.Lawrence). arson (Robert Jatnes). Death of lose h Henderson J Edinbnrgh, utelrl her of the.College o! :, .. _ _ p _ - :of and Surgeons of Ontario.licentiate Diss. Emerson, Toronto is here - For Bread.' :of Roysl -College of- surgeons. Edinburgh. The funeral of the late Joseph$en- 6pecial attemtfoa to d•ieasea o! women and ' spending a ftsw da s with her father, 114.,en, OIDee and•resldeaoe.of wo en. To�Baker ti S lendid Choice deraon washeld from the family seer Not excelled bs ANY OTHER Splendid John Adamson, and her sister, Mrs. of Phonographs. Davie. dance.349�iorth Russell street. Wed- BRAND ,; -- nesday afternoon (Mar. 19)'. Besides Satisfaction guaranteed or Gltait^opritcEC Word was received here, this Reek thetmcnediatefamil three brothers - FOUR MONEY BACK t of the death in Miclii an of James y' It dont matter who.ma.kes g Thomas of-Torouto, James of Scar- .:a. DR. CORDON DIcBAY-Chiroprac- Middleton, foruherlyof Nils neighbor- tor. Otnc-hours-2.30 to s.00 and 7.00 to hood,aud brother of William and Geo. born, and Willis Y Pickering, were Kisstmi Flour- - 5.00 an by appointment. Phone 320. Brock —the Record, 011. �V81 d pr•esen't and als�o many friends from s. Streets Whitby, guy Middleton. the city and co try. The service For,' Pastry. _ Horn Phonograph Mrs.Bush and daughter returned was conducted by ev. J. R. Hall, of , --- Lepat. _ Toronto on •Saturday, f after 9t. Paul's Presbyterian chnrch,assist More KIS9IMI FLOUR sold is Oa- from 'W111 1a It. s endin ga few days with riende tarso Cot than an other ed h CReYM c-h.R, .H._Harnf•- E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and t ere. rs, Qrawford accampatiied --tifatid-of paegry: flour- Tyhere la's them home for a few da ker a reet et o t chore Favor.•Soli4,or.Notary Public Etc. Money to ys' ite'solos. were est church., b Messrs. reason. oan. South Wing,Court House, Whitby:251y i1jej The services on the Greenwood cir- - y ,ffv0� _Summerft and Hiistings of St. Paul a For sale in Pickering by M."S. ChILLIAM J. BEAT%X,B, A,.Bar- cult for next Sunday ovi31 be conducted aP'e by the pastor els follows: Greenwood, choir. The floral contributions Weteman. is rioter,Solieieor. member of the firm of10,30 a. m.; Kinsale,.1.30 p.m ; Mount many and beautiful. The bearers Farmers will always Hod a Market Ryekman,Denison.Foster and Beaton. Toronto were the three eons and -three sons-in- for their wheat at highest price. t General Trusts Building.8d Bay Street,Toronto. Zion,3.30 p. m:; Brougham,7.00 P. M.Telephone Main 9e1 and 902. The Sunday School-B wughamessions . Green. law of the deceased. A coincidence Phone for price., e and. nsale Mount Zi6n Denial ^ lie i e Beal Ltd 2130 Pthe desires�a nointmiee a all onburia�March of the �that the iSarni Observer.were 17arrlL� Wanted �t Barley g pP t 1 .T e • TTR HARRY HUDSON. Dentist. Funeral Director will meet oil Friday evening of Chia. �- LWf:itby,. Office-Adam's Terrace. Byron e O$HAWA week at S o'clock - � St.North. Phone 124. teas extraction when - desired).. 51rf _. he haWa War e •Licensed Embalmer. WH The stone for t Os from R. D. Qw$m)th. Deati§t. 3rrntB- Memorial e 'und r lastruction from •��•�� Mem r al s nt e L.';lle. Honor Graduate of Chicago and•To- �jOT08 IIC.II2SE Avery serious accident_occurred on the late Wondrow Wilson as a contri- rents Univer+itiey and the Royal College of hution from the United States landed ~;- DentalSurgeon+r Phone office 1011; Residence. the Provincial'.Hightvap at the east in Oshawa Tuesday morninf;._ .The = 1015, No outsid: appointments.. ..2ely ��AQ 'r' odlt• end of the town earl' Saturday morn- . + y y atone is of-grey granite ijuarried from. ing last, when--a -McLaughlin motor .•L B4�LAKE B. BEATON. D. D., S., Richmond. Virginia. the' native state car crashed into a truck heayilp load- , Graduate of.the Royal Colelte of Dental of the late Woodrow Wilson. This 5urae.,rs and University of Toronto. Office ed with auto tires, resulting in the is the flret of the collection of stones `• over w,M. Pringle's hardware store, Whitby. injury of four occupants of the car. Office hours 9 to 12:1 to c5.30. Ind.'pbone a to arrive in the city for the world Memorial BASKETS FOR SALE The truck, which..belonged the To- Ben phone zea. arty which hoe"created such world wide MET .Oslo Commercial Transport Ooptp- - .• ' +�' - -`- anv,was heinp_driven by W. Condor inteeest. T eterinar� " The ut,derai nen wishes to Aa a seen! of the shooting accident a` Y _ M q gotify the and aecordin to hie sGitpment he was tt- g whieb occurred on- Saturda after- public that be has purcbaped from the driving within two feet of the edge of 9 The Un1S7e18a1 Ec><.KERSLAKE. B. V. Sc. Honor executors of the late W. G. Barnes noon.John Barclay Is in the Oshawa -{ ..Graauate of Universit of Toronto. Au the pavement. which gave am pie hospital sutferitig.1irtdw a bullet wound ' � 1466ChirstD ' cases given prompt and cared attention.Phone all the basket and basket material in room for the car to pass. The car to the stomach. The accident occur- (ane of Our Productions) tIt102. Claremomt.' 121, stock and will be able to furnish fruit was being driven by W, Train, taxi. red when on -a bunting exppedition We sell Sure Rite-Li Lene'f w baskets on the shortest notice and at driver,of Harmony, and It Js clhimed with a friend, Alex. MeN b. The two all makes of t:art3-L�e beee� current prices, 'Write or phone. swerved to the left a few feet before mea had been shootie'g at an object in. _ meeting the truck. resulting in the is the met for- ark ,. ,®ustnevs saas*as. a creek near Howlett's woods in East W. V. RIQHARDSO.Y- Real Ea 'FRANK PEI�NOCB collision. The motor car. with sir y. Keds that nae of _ - _ the price.. f Whitb and it Is afte ry Conveyancing. GREEN RIVER ..ONTARI occupaota oveeturaed and ekldded on bullets which was flred?rom a 22 tali- +FOR SALE . tate, Insurance.Coav atedng, Notary + its side for 51 feet, and the occ ants Public,Etc.,Pkkerins.Oat. 311, 39tf up bre rifle, ricochetted either of! the obs Heav 4 were east►.aced along In the ditch. jest or the water and passed through Y Wagon,. POSTIL Licensed u Two of the mean. Kenneth Brooks and abdomen. - Bugg . Barclay's L, O trioses., B. Barton, of Whitby, were most ".Set o Iron-Harrows F. for oneness o!York aad Ontario.s Ase- Hardwood serious! , All in, goodshape.xenonral•rofalt khan. aqapedsaoas6ortws y hurt, and when admitted to sottee. Address Or•sa di*w P.O., On0. the 'Urhawa General Hoepita4 little Annual Combination Sale under 7 Tl B,BEATON TOWNBHIPOLERS hope was entertained for their recov the auspices of the Farmers o-Woodworking and General . .V ery. Train sustained cuts about the Club at Claremont, on Sat- Blacks with in.R.j O. Allooaoss Oomatisdoeas for wd'y oofing hands and forehead, and W. Smith W. H:JACH30N, Brock Ros►d addavlb, ♦eeoonNaf. Imes. hlloaay b loan . urns,, March anf4arra '•bras. •f Itarri.p Ids of Oshawa, sustained cuts about the 29� anew" :, Out. tt-r• . leg', Walter Moore and Geo, Cbarl- Pickering,Out. DnAVIDA. PUGH Livestock'auc ton. of Whitby,came out of.the wreck DUMBARTON. tioneer. Graduate of C. M. Jones' School. We can supply yon with the with nothing more serious .than a Chicago. Lifetime experience with pedis reed beat brands on the market in plain shaking no. Chief of Police Lavery' Leo White had' a b'doiness trip to stock. Block and ring work. wu kinds of sales and quart. cut red and white Oak, was on the scene with his car a Sew the cit eat! this week. Here YAre �psly attended to. Terms reasonable. Pbonie cI Y to Claremont. 101y Beech, Birch and 'Maple, minutes atter the accident and took Leonard Milts, of Toronto, spent r one of the men to the hospital,while the weekend with Jimmie Blenkio, Ourbusinessis not confine 'Mrs. Geo. White has one to-Scar- e,p T M; -MAW, LWENSED ACU- Eukt�ambulance conveyed two gg TIONEER,for York, hardwood floorio onl as we car torn to visit her sister, AMrs.Setlldedy. - ' Qntano and Durham 8 y others. Smith escaped from the scene Cement Counties All kinds of sale• promptly }ttended ry a large and welt assorted stock and returned to Oahaws, where Lav- ' art. Term•rea•onable. Dates for sales may be Mr, Hewitt returned to his summer arranged at NEWS•Officv, Bell and I=,,b! of rough and dressed wall boards, ery picked him up and conveyed him hotne•on Tuesday. 'We welcome him dent phones. Whitby,Ont. 31y roofings, etc. • . to the hospital. Barton and Brooks back. wt re operated upon and are in a crib- Mrs.Selleck aad children. of Toron- _ Coal TIME Td HL Piokerfa; 8tatton pi('�Y F�IN� C. condition. The car is a total g Mrs. Wm • • ICKL++` + • • to, are visit her stater, T.R. Trains going Eas{Jae as follows wreck, the engtae being demaliehed, 3�• No.- 10 Man 7.57 A M. the top and side smashed and a wheel Nicholson. TT,''''�y� .. - - n Mr. and Mrs. Burke are apeansa a L'titilber, 80' Local 23 P.M. LUMBER YARD torn completely oft the. axle. The h � " 80 Local 6.25 P.>g week or two with their deug ter„ rs, truck alsoZ•eeeived considerable Assn- Asa Pearce. ` • Sunday train, 8.27 A. M. age.; _ - Shingles qa as ows- of Toronto, visited with relattves•and No. 29 cal 1050 A.M. T1 A 1kA O��T7�{ Remember the Combivation-Sale friends here over the Week-end. ReadyRoofing ^, 27 al. 2.44 P. M: L r A• lU v t4 ••, 9 ail 906 P. M. at Claremont to-morrow Miss Muriel Thom entertained a _ number of her friends to an old-faeb- Sunday sin, S 43 P. M. Afternoon, coned art last Frida evenia and Latl2 1 ;. Funeral -Director _ ___.___ P y y Foregoing.is according to Standard A number of our men attended the BROUGHAM. *; time. L,ietased Embsl>•er = meeting at Pickering- last- Monday - - Up to-date Motor legaipaaeat R• Feasby lad a business trip to the afternoon and listened to an address Fruit Tres Shrubs Etc• city on Tuesday. by Mr. Barber, of Brantford. on hag F. A. E E S O R, I Successor to The League dance was one of the grading and witnessed a erac�t`tcai • • great events of the seaeoil. demonstration on cutting and trim- Having secured the agenny for E.D. CHAS.BEIERL. -- MARKHAM L. Deooy'ie dismantling the brick- ming. They found him'interesting .Z.+O�iUw9 �=T•T• �� S w i t h&Son. Ltd., Nurserymen, work'of Annis' store, preparatory to gnd intitructive. Without the proper of Winona, Ont. ;• ,:Phone 9000 re-building. type of hogs-farmers cannot expect. I am prepared to'take orders for all Who Ray! Spring bas come. Rab- kinds ob kinds of Fruit'Trees,Small Fruits, - ins sing, rivers run,babies cry,women Ornamental Shrubs Etc., at talk.bens cackle and geese squawk. GATFS-SHAW e A lowest possible prlbes: Fla'vo� Bread• Flow The llthlaf June has been set for - -- Special rates for large quantities, -- - the-msimmot _ -ve y.-prett wends was solemn- +ckerin- s. P B q --- 28tf r d Marvel warn others not to file theirs on that- ized at the home of Robert and re, date. Shaw. Bluevale,Ont.,on Wednesday, _ N. J.. ChOfl an+ Pickering A masa-m'eetiog-of the 'electors will March the 19tb,at high noon, when be held in the.Town Hall on Monday their youngest daughter, Mar aret --- - ---- �� Pastry Flour evening next to protest against the Wilma was unitedinmarriage teaDrug Plows and Points MRv be obtained from you'Grocer. C. N. R, being torn up'between Orono Leonard SidneyGstes, son of�eorge and Malvern, _ and Mrs. Gates, the 'Rev. ,Crawford 'Another narrow escape,from anon- Tait officiating. - The hrjde; who was FOR SALE, ALSO Brooklin Flour Mills fla ration occurred the other da B• g y Riven awes,by her father,was becoro 'S - Ford Touring Car, Maple Leaf 8 inch when Mosgrove's blacksmith shop ingly attired in a white straight lined - grain grindFr, Veraot 6.4 inch grain CHAS: WILSON; Prop. 6aught' fire on the roof from a spark accordeon pleated gown, and caarry- tore grinder, Foot•lif4-rid ing !Slow,-Lister _� _-___�- from the chimney, The prompt actino ing aphelia•-rosea, Miss Verna'Gatea ' engine 5 b. p.. Crown gang plow,33 ft of Mrs. R. Conner saved the situation, sister of the groom, acted as brides- and 40 ft extension ladders, . It.will be,of interest to man of the Heavy`tea y maid. wearing a gown of smoke grey p�,wagon.• High-OYade ladies of $t:'John's Presbyterian'con` canton crepe and cari.ied wbite carne- t _ tz egktion to know '-that the Queen tions. Cameron Mustard, cousin of � W. F. Disney, .. Greenwood • �ictoria Diamond Jubilee autograph the bride. supported the groom. Mrs, 43i f Phone Pick 714 In$triletion Only quilt, mitde hy, -the Ladies'Aid and Robt. Nicholson. aunt of the bride, sold at a garden pArty held.at Wiliam sang"My World," while the register. ore that Cold b -- — TT Norton's on Sept. 24th, 1997,-arid-pur- wasbeingsigned, The groom's gift toCi Sl�ld b chased by Mrs. Johih Aicken, of Enid• the bridewtts_at_-rnpe_of- pearls,.to the = - =gC sf gollel AL� '/� Oka ma, I?- G_.-has-been-presented- bridesmaid, soloist and organist a bar E Y p be groomsman a tie'pin set 808., Remedies mann - b her to her niece, Yonge ac Gharlea $tai Toronto of Pickering. There ares 252 diamonds in p t'rls, The bride's gift to the with ea . . worked' on the quilt and 420auto- groom was a signetring. Only the factured Will be found Remains open all year and admits grFi hs. ..Upon- looking over the : _ Crain Chopping students at any time. Strong de- P P immediate relatives were present num- M names over one hundred persons there bering about thirty, who were served - mond for our graduates all the relgistered have passed away in the with a dainty wedding breakfast im- AND FL',KING time. .Right now is a splendid time y $ in our store, - meantime, Among them Hon: John mediate! after the ceremony. The to commence.a course here. Tito.- y I rim prepared to do Chopping And ough preparatio❑ is absolutely pec- Dryden, .Han. J.D. Edgar, Charles presents were numerous and beautI- -- (jalder, M, P, P., George Parker, H. N ry ,, Oat Flaking every day but cessary to-day and it always pays g fn). showing the high esteem is which E McWEI t Saturday. _ to wttend a strictly first-class school Westgate. Thos. Poucber, Dr. Eugene the young couple arca held. The hapos' T t `; Freels Colin Philip, Robert Greig. Sr., air Ieft on the afternoon train for �• • and not an imitation one. Write P Stoneboats For Sale George Philip, W. G. Barnes, M.glee- $trst[ord and London, ' to•da r for free catalogue. son, Rev, A. McAuley(pastor of the Veterinary 'Burgeon congregation at that time)and many "' g John F. Bayles,! Claremont W. J, Elliott, Principal ntb�rs. The gift ie much appreciated 'Milk Is blamed for poisoning of Rural Route No.2 by Mrs. Mechin. (:trey County family, PiOl�etl.ue �JZ3,f;Ct,z1C! r ...,°�,•. '.. :•"`1:Y. .•F.. ',.�.: "� ..y;`:.�„�,„ '' ✓ ,�µ mre•.•.y 'i.t`, 'r1pv rr 'iti'nf'F'KG�Y.ti �t. ..21t".. r, ^w+4• ,�°. ,yYir .�:. ��.. 4 f, r. :F 4 .^y; ,,..-' ' . :s;'. ;u�., r, '.-.:•�•- ix�e:. ,._ -...k i::-cw.-^ -.. - '.*,. �r. ^Yy..:,. .:y -w'.f• n: 'v .,.s2,c:•1-r�,.vx- !r :e: ,�. :., .:.. ,r..«...t' .:,. ,..!C'y„r.•+,.r,..r..RSr,;..,�. 'r•. ..r•...�•n. ,,..Z:rr'...... .t�',^o.b•,—..r.- 4�x' �t,'� {{yy, .� n�,. • iY rn•- ..- 1� .q .i'"^`.- f�••' "-C•t}K db -k..., xi i/(n V" .,y.. yn4 ,•iyk�.. �e 05 1r r r • - , ,y " n —_■1� -- forth. Hercules-himself has given an ESTE -PINEER JELIS .. t° as adjective — herculean — meaning and"2--. est I TERESTING EXPERIENCE Serous. A � � .Poptu4ur Phnis�s vPhen we Speak of a person being"its eyed." o-indicate that nothing • — >r,s = ---- estspe9 his notice,we are DatTetuating iZ believe .Tanlae really Qeved my Frank Rikert, Who Left Min-�: 3 ;/Ailiing Pe le Made :3t1011lg by the name of a faithful servant, Argus, , lite when I took it alien• the Flu about O¢ Who was this KA Midas?" was a Stant with a m7rlad eyes which ae Olt for CaWornm illi Covered I a year ago;' continued Mr. FAIkert,„tor � F. :, wi]]jgqfl'__Pi&Pili. asked the other day .by an inquirer used on behalf of his mistress.the Sod• W on In 1864, WoliildA�t the attack left me' 20 pounds off in , who had seen.the name nand• s Juno. Mercury, the messenger ! weight, and unable to turn over in my lift Dp. WiUlaaps' pink Pills do- one There are many legendary and sen Soar slew Lm. and Juno-gathered up Take X100 for BOttle. Of F toricsl people whose names have b Tanlae. bed.without im4a had s I tell you, I thing; and do it well. They build up his myriad eyes and scattered them - .: thought my time had safely come. _ the blood, increasing th@ number of lacorporated in our lsngnage as des' °over'the tail o! the peacock. that _- "But,. thanks to my wife's Insist' =ed c'orpuselex._As-this -1s-done'0 ci'iptive of certain attributes,and King she might-have ever befor her a' Frank Rikert,Cedl-kngwn resident' ceI kept on taking Tanlae till I blood becomes a richer red and is able Midas is one of them. Thus to-day to souvenir,of -her devoter atav _ .-._ of North Sacramento, Cal., who came x to carry more oxygen, the great earD- call anyone Midas means that. he is was able to do all my work88sia *r---= 'L porter of human life. As the r ao - anrlyor has the moans turning in- The Goddess of Revenge from Illinois in a covered wagon in• Rack all my lost weight, and I've been AL proves in quality the tissues os-the gold everything ha touches. We often speak of Nemesis pursuing 1864, along with other hardy pioneers, feeling years•younger ever since. I'm _ r0l -'• body are better. nourished and tfie King Midas was the ruler of Lydia, someone. Nemesia was the goddess of 'recently exhibited a bottle of Tanlae, always telling my Lriendk`about Tan- i taxations of the body are better per a ki=ngdom_in Asia Minor. He did a revenge, who mercilessly hurried to which he had just purchased, to a lac, and can't Bay too much for It.•' } formed. This is the reason Dr. Wil- Sced to Bacchus, the.god of wine,- punishment guilty souls condemned by friend at his home and remarked: "It Tarlac is for sale by all good drug• ! '�4 13sms' Pink Pills have been so Sao- who thereupon promised him anything the goddess of justice. Her name has I thought this was the teat bottle of gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 .,Y easeful is the treatment of diseaae9 i he asked. Midas, being a greedy old become a aynoaym for retribution. Tarlac I would ever be able to buy, I million bottles sold. due to poor.thin blood, and it is also;person, begged that everything he • "As sure as•Fate" is a common wouldn't Lake one .hundred dollars for r 1 r 'the,reason,why they are so suecese'ful;touched might be turned into gold. phrase. Why le fate. so sure? •'Tile. it," thus proving the high valuation he is building up strength after fevers 1 Bacchus granted his Wish, and Mie'+a Fates were three sisters who control- places on the famous treatment _ Take Tanlae Vegetable Pills. . 'V. and acute diseases. Among those who i went round touching things to have led men's destinies. The first sister -- -� k have, used br: Williams' Pink Pills the pleasure of seeing them grow'gold- 'spun life's thrad,,'the second twisted !t, 'with great.advantage is Mrs. -Helena.on under his fingers. and the third cut it oft with her shears. Rol Mance of Makers.' o• Ikifish ftnj 0 ' B. Taylor, Hanover, Ont., who 98,79: The Fatal alit. They alone dared oppoae'the sovereign "Not long ago I was critically ill. The I His joy was short-lived,however, for will °f-the god$, and they issued ir- !-�' trouble started with anaemia and a revocable decrees. So many great arterial roads are be �an Abbey burial has a token o! the na- he presently •touad- that . directly he _ tug planed 1p this coua`ry that Britain;tion's_respeot. run-down system, and ended' .with fou had his fa it also turned into 4 r' pleurisy. d was confined to my bed I c will soon have regained her Proud' Teifo d's name, to the minds of e d ' lumps of Boldo that he could get The Sugar-Maker. position of having the best road-sys gineers and highway experts, is linked Y for three months and three' doctors nothing to eat. Worse than that,when with th&t oL Jahn Loudon McAdam, were In attendance at'd_iff6xent times:; Peasant is form and face old Phi111ppe tem in the world, Bay9 a London maga who Invented what 18 now well-known came to him and zine. Yet,if it had not been for two c x )dy,life was des•palrea of,an Wsh i be stroked her hair, to his horrnr s ora and as the macadamized system of road- " practically living on doctors'medicine.I Upon broad snoeshoes in the so en • es;ause 1-could not Wit. My LHeads turned.into a gold statue. Filled with Ing snow John McAdam-our roads might..etill;making. a was 't' did not expect me to recover. During'agony, he besought Bacchus to take That'apread w whiteness throngh the have been, in-more senses than one, Telford—in 1766. 3Rty girlhood Dr..William's' Ptak Pills away, the fatal gift, and seeing his insufferable. While at school, McAdam modelled misery the god relented. sugar-wood. a section of roadway in clay, and his had brought me through. a severe at- Above him cawed the first returning The Romans were the most,famous I interest in the subject of road making tack of anaemia, and my mother urged Lydia, b7 the way,' seems to have crows "' of all road makers• They constructed I was kindled at an early age. His first that I should try them again. The' been the hums of rich men.for Croee• A blue haze danced upon the hilltop's a number•of great main arteriae aur- us, whom we commemorate when we ing their occupation_of Britain, some efforts to improve the roads were car- .doctor could not understand why we rim, ; ried out at his own expense, and he wanted to try these pills, but we de-I say "as rich 10 Croesus; was the last Where early April wrought her of which still exist as monuments to monarch of that country, and amassed their thoroughness and ingenuity,1 spent large sums in perfecting hiss aided to do so. After taking six boxes , magic spells; I method. As a result he was given the �i so much wealth that it became pro And from tin buckat8" filling last to When they departed, our roads were s decided change was taking place. I`verbial, post of Surveyor-General of British was actually getting hungry and aazi- brim,. allowed to lapse into a more or less Roads, and in this position he soon qts to live. After using twelve boxes I Then who was Damocles, of whose sword we hear so often—"the &Word The dropping sae rang o4t like neglected condition, until in-the sigh-1 found opportunities Lor putting ]ria a miracle was worked. I Gould walk' sanetua 'bells. teenth and nineteenth centuries the theories into practice. .,and inti my,strength coming Deck,and o! Damocles' He was a courtier who _ art of making durable, well-construct- r people on all sides wase asking what'heaped extravagant praises upon his Briefly,a macadamized road is made king, extolling his happiness and good Ansi as old'Phillippe heard the echoes ed highways was revived. To-day it by levelling and draining the ground was helping me, and we were not slow ming - may well be said that our roads are over which-it is to run, and spreading 4 in telling them it was Dr.'C5'illiams' fortune. The king, Dioayatus of gyre- Among the'maple trees and silver paved.with Said, for on as average it pink piffle- With a;y.health !Wily re-(((clue, to teach him the unstable nature on the surface a quantity of broken birch costs 2282 to maintain each colla. of flints. The action of vehicular traffic stored through the use of these pills i of wealth and luxury, fnvited him to a ,fit rose above him like the vaulted highway. r >< am a striking eiample of what this most sumptuous banquet,but he found.. causes the eagles of'the stones to ceiling Shepherd's Cottage to Westminste� unite, and, finally, to be welded In a wonderful medictxe can do,and now I seating himself st the table, that lira belated pillars of the '.►illage Abbey. solid, mass. A tarred "top dressing" , tysver ss- see a pale or sickly-looking girl over his head a sharp sword was the church, What we ogre to Telford's genius at is thea applied, and afterwards relied oc woman that I do not feel like going Fended by a single hair. Hence the . f Aa looked.up,toward the blue mysteri s time when most of Britain's roads m up to her and asking•why she does not sword of Damocles has become typical one sky Were in as sorry a state as they were Wim-paving, which Is becoming In- of stake Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.' any impending'danger. Thea bored pa though the.,Hast were In pre-Roman times will never be fully creasingiy popular in towns, was in- s',.: Ton can get these pills through any Man With Many Eyes. passing by estimated. Telford contributed - al- .trcduced tato this country ninety _ dealer-in 'medicine, or by mail-at 6o shakespeare mentions Hydra flue ._per -Oliver Call. Bishop's College, moat as mach to the comfort and con- years ago, the first wood-paved road oenta a boa from The Dr. Wiatams' times in hie plays, and "hydra-headed" Leull wills. �`• -htledidae Co„ Brockville, Oat - � veafence of modern road travel as any being laid, down in Rriseia:' Formerly' - _ 3s a by no means uncommon exDres• highway authority o! aur oWn day. the blocs viere laid to the manner of *ion for something which recurs with - Jupiter is the largest planet,Imeas- The son of a Scottish shepherd, Tel, bricks, bn a"surface of gravel. Later love • does rat always want to,increasing violence. Hydra was a u,�g,86,500 miles in diameter. -Mer- ford was forced at an early age to tend a system of sand bedding was adopted. y iplease,•sometimes it wants-to hurt. !seven-headed serpent slain' by Herm- curt', 8,030 miles In diameter, is the sheep and to do odd jobs for a living. ' Hcw'many motorists, or. for .that les. .He found that whenever he cut . 1 amaltesk When he was fifteen he was appren• matter; pedeatrltas, as they progress' wx mo- The turfaiting mark of strsno.b 1s off one head, seven more sprouted out tired to a builder, a trade which he' in comfort along our roads, give a mo- . patience• 'is its place, until at last he-hit Hili lep:rned so thoroughly that at twenty- meat's thought to the two men who the happy expedient of burning the Life would be intolerable if it were three he was a master mason,in which literally paved the way tot• them? �'he woman who knows bow to.iaan- severed neck with a hot brand before not for its reconciliations,—Lord$irk- capacity he came to London." age a man never lets him know it the new heads had time to spring enhead. • His work. on the construction of The Duey Whirl. Somerset House brought him an order'' to build a house for the Resident Com- We commend w the natural phimon : miasioaer of the Portsmouth Dock.• phare this original view of a common x masse, and from this be wear on to un- phenomenon. it.was found in the ex 4 �•., dertake a-number of more Important amination paper of a youthful scholar tasks-including the building of the twho o was ambitious of being admitter bridg over lh`e Severn. to the upper class in high school: "The earth revolves on its own axis one of his .greatest achi6vements three hundred and sixty-five times to was the laying-out- of the London' to twenty-four hours. .This rapid motion Holyhead road. which capers a din 1i81�-apacB causes its sides to per- :.I _ to _ the reorganization of the road. to the, s . pins: this moisture Is called dew." I r. Highlands, involving the construction The enemies of lite are pettiness, of 920 miles of highway and 1,117 narrowness and selfishness. .. - bridges, the task occupying nealy - twenty years. He left his mark on There are 3;114 dairy factorise to otherny roads in the United king- Canada. The value of the products is dom, and when he died he was given p a a , —AND THE WORST 1S YET TO COME Simplicity of Operatiow. t The Ford is remarkably �operate. Gear shifting is done auW madcall7 by the feet-The driver's hands are always . on thealways �.. • Fits are f n the 9e •o et' : - road. He can watch traffic eoastandT- s't' There is no possibility of failure.to - f '' — ac gearshift Fordgeambeing y? ' of the planetary type are always in mesh - - _ and every sltiftis positive and unfailing. The.Ford is very easy to roses and re- i" sponse to the slightest model hent of the + :'wheel. It will turn in a circle with a radius of nineteen feet three inched. 'The short Ford wheelbase is a boon in // r ;congested trLri3ia. It given easy nzaniptr- .lation everywhere,-and enables you to _ .. in crowded-sections w bene a big - -. l handicapped. car e ttrey Ai4thof-lzed Ford Dzufer 1 _ .- t -.. ... �;�r!�`S-1 ,•\ � �J��, may/ l� .. 'f C' RA .TRUCKS`• TRACTb. CF-23c - • - 1 1 n_9 i•o t-- _ „. ny...^'9'� <rwy :'h-" . ,. ..>..... '' F�':,; ... ..,:• ':•".:,.:.r ',::.'. :,,: ;.� .a' f,.,.� r.« h;'. a ,�� :i•r ,r'-n" ':r.4^. ^'i":a.� .d.w ::d'. "x V'"�+.. .�.k _�. ^,'�y..^. ti.. , �Sf^ .;�,i ,,." •elM. t. ,^ .'f •� x,., •4.+ry�3 .tv,�:n•-.x0+9!`' -il'3`nd�SGtS;:ijS,'�`••bAT.SSI,-44'.:�:_�:''�7v��t�}S�A«, '�' '� 'y x'- r•' ,, NNW �.... a .. •i.T . .. ,_'t' 7 imp CUT a UG -� A 9 p - T6e ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY makes �/n►; '� x finer tea and more of it T.a tree- :• � . .. � :HEALTH EDUCATION E Remove the royal gush in din- ,. '-BY DR: I I bUDDLETON monds from a pack of cards and Provincial hoard of btealth. Onfsrlo t under your tack them unci r'belt at the I r. rear. Give the remaining cards. 3111"atoa will tin tied to aaswer.Questioaa oo Paiblla Health W (do not suggest that the.pack is In+s through this column. Address him at�>oadine Soars. •�!r not complete), to a spectator and /" o"�a•o•at. Torontq ask him to shuffle them.'Then hold N- them behind your,bask. Ask a spectator to. mention • ' o w While the Canadian National Exhi- give an definite information, which color he•prefers. If he says because .. y red ask him which suit he prs- ::bition was in full swing last Fall, a I there are no available statistics on the fere. If.he says "diamonds" you 1 sub eet, and besides, it would be diffi- a very Mteresting stranger had a,talk j are ready for the rest of the trick. `with me in the Provincial 'Board of cult to associate the one with the other However, if he says "black," raft Health's exhibit Pr the Government as cause and effect. However I oh, will have to say: rained the opinion of a prominent phy- building. ,He was an Englishman, cian who was especially interested "Thea that lettuce the red cards 1w 1 2 • well educated and well read, who was si t>ce y for the trick. Which of the red in Toronto a the`subfect of canner, and he gave snits, hearts or diaamoads, do yon ytra�,aaow "' ` paying a visit to Iiia son. his opinion as fo22owa:--Firat: There prefer?" If he says "diamonds" This man asked me if we had any .is considerable difference of opinion ;';pamphlets on cancer, and although he that cancer has in reality increased, you are ready for the rest of the was not a doctor said he was much but even if it were eo it would be im- trick. If he says "hearts," you `r interested in ffadin out all the eat- will say: ' "Then that leaves the / res B pos sihis to attribute this to any one diamonds for the trick." You will �' y tet ideas about the cause, treatment,!factor since the cause of cancer is -- etc., of this great-scourgeof mankind.i hase no that the spectator really unknown. Second: It has been sug- (��defT+� ? - I told-him that the origin of cancer` sted that the alleged increase of has at choice - a snappy h if the "� "„”' . was still unknown but. there wend thing l not. s !n a snappy manger — cancer has coincided with Intensive • many scientism to-day who were be-,production by machinery, commonly he will not.suspect this. ginningto feel that our resent cus-''associpted as it is' with a compare- While you have been talking pp you have taken the royal flash tom of eating foods not in their na- tively sedentary life of the operators. Ten-Point sue"Creed. Priceless. R i lural states had something to do with Third: One might hazard such an- them ander your belt pack. pat the cause of stomach and intestinal other suggeetien as the poisoning of them on the top of the pack. Ask 1. Vrarg asci stars, The world has no each !{ower to any .'cancers. Prolonged irritation of time the air of titles by carbon monoxide the spectator what hand, if he land, *: E. Make a Budget . were playing poker, he would Expenditures And no such pearl in any gulf the sea. ` bowels due to constipation or to fumes from the exhaust of mature �' Rn'4Q'd say babe on any mother's knee. most like to have. The answer In- k gste fro-intestinal stasis may have a .with its deterioration or lowering of 4. Have a Bank Aocodat, tendenc to cause i an while health. Fourth: The "weowe out" vartably will be "The royal flush, b._C e Insuraws, some thinkers hold to opinion that cf our body cells due to the greater of course'" 8. Own Yonir Flans Slender expires t s woman's As he speaks. head•him the five xp flood cancer may be brought about to some intensity of modern life inducing a a«' extent at least b the toxins resulting much earlier pre-servile state which cards you had hidden with -the 7• Adake a Wi11. door• from the gastro-intestinal stasis being we know is conducive to malignant comment: 9. Invest in Sade Securities. , absorbed Into the blood. Of course disease. Fifth: Notwithstanding that ``Well. here it Isi" 9. Pay Bills. Promply. :. AJvw there is much difi'erenee of o inion on serums and vaccines have been used (CMP this o'at awe Vest# it, settle 10. fihsre with Others. these paints,but consideration of them for more than thirty years, no single Other of tete 1.r(er.4" rr acrasbook.) OOjects accepted AND r r will not do any harm from whatever,ease has been reported associating Ask tee Nlnard'e anal take ea Nrses► ]injects accepted for limited single they rre vlewel• their use with cancer. Sixth: Cole fs + lima only. Apply Georgetown Woollen• This visitmrr to the Fair had a sug-,Fluid, as you know, has been used for WHERE THE BEST TES: -Where Is Florence? Mills, Georgetown. Ontario. geol on and an inquiry of his own to at least thirty years for the treatment GROWS. An old colored woman came'up to offer. He wondered if the increased of sarcoma. The tea plant flourishes best'on the the ticket window at a big railway ata. use of serums and Toxins hypoderm- Bo it would Beam as far an our well drataed side of s monntafa !a a tion and addressed the s=ent. "I ieally had anything to do with the present knowledge goes .that serum ,minty where there is plenty of mois- wants'a ticket for' Floreaee,"she said. ^ supposed increase of cancer in late In ie not associated in nay tune and a warm-sun. Costain parte of The ticket agent spent some minutes :years. On this point I was unable to tray with the cause of cancer. -- Ceylon, India dad Java are !deal for turning over railway guides apparently, the growing of del'icloas tea, hence, with- no success and thea atked: '+ -Flo rio TWaLl1L1\ hll�Vib C 11iit Bi1�L1<. from these countries came the fluent "Where Is Morasses?" Few things playa more Important varieties. "SALADA"is a blend of the "Setttn' over der on ds beach.".TO- Gpait is our lives today than the eye- choicest qualities grown, in these, the plied the colored woman. Baby's teething time is a time of tem of banking. three poet famous tea-irawtag coon. Marry and anxiety to most mothers. The word bank originally meant a tries is thi world. Whatever would our grandmothers The little out become Irma; peevish; tradesman's stall, and the first bank say they �� that women had their live stomach becomes deranged is anything tike the modern -sense The Perfect Illusion. cInM as well uncal-Lady Lecon- and constipation and colic sets In. To existed about 2,700 years ago. We Harold-"Poor old Winkus! His im- field. make the teething,period easy on baby Learn about this bank from clay tab. aglnatfou gets the beat of,.htm." ..as Percy-"What's be been doing nowt' the stomach and bowels must be kept, !.eta discovered near Babylon. Ap- -I' 1 sweet and regular. This can be done pBz�.Gy the first firm of bankers was Harold-"So hoarse he can hardly �$BdOr Takes Newer by the Ww of Baby's Owa Tablets--- that of Egibi and Son, who flourished speak today' "Tore the Inside out of c 1 , the ideal laxative for little ones. The to Babylon about 600 or 700 H.C. his throat cheering a football game he. Form of Iron--Feels Heat Sion Troa Iftblets are a sure. relied for all .the The early Cbi'neae were in the habit was listening to over the radio. , , -Minor ailments of childhood such as of issuing paper. money-indeed, they Jafand War on Typhoid. Years Younger Cuticura donatipation, colic, indigestion, colds got Into difficulties by Issuing too ` If you on troubled with pimples, : ;'and simple fevers. They always do Typhoid fever, which formerly was "Six weeks ago I naw a special otter !a redness, roughness, much. There was a bank In China very prevalent to the Virgin Islands, the paper tell! how thousands of peo- bona' , wbkh die - aever harm. . The Tablets are Ie ow old in looks and energy long asci ted- `boat A.D. 1.000. �tsg burning, $g has been abollshed by inoculation p gr Aoki by medicine dealers or by mai] at But,banking as we understand it to- 'before they are really old in years, be rue y�oompla:foa and skin,Cud- -•26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' with anti-typhoid vaccine of all per curs Soap and Ohmaeat will do _ day did not begin natli the twelfth cea• cause, u ezaminatfone by ph7tldaaa p Ddedleiae Co.. Brockville, Ont., sons between the ages as b and 45. much al help 7w. Always includetof _ • . tory, when the Bank of Venice �saa �-w have shown, as enormous number of � �m Talcum is soar toilet established. This was followed by-.the, My heart was troubled th seeking people do not hate enough iron In their s. Bank of Barcelona. In Spain, and the her; thergfore have I gotten a good blood. I have been taking Nuxated rwbeaObabrdllr+iiac T�4slSe Sold Bank of Stockholm, in' Sweden. ron for- twe weeks,: the reew The possession. ell mglaahouading The roses have 11�i�3cwM.ee.1 Issue paper' money. This was in 1866. I can consciously ass that I feel ten X Other early banks were the Bank of years you•pger." St.George,at Genoa,the Bank of Ham- The above is a typical hypothetical BEFORE Win, and the Bank of Amsterdam. case showing the r wits that have r MY ASPIRIN been achieved by a great many people sines we started this "satisfaction or JABY CAME g` MO" back otter on Nnxated Iron. - BeWd�'6 of Imitations! We will make you the same guarantee. `\ It, after taking the two weeks' treat- ` meat of Nuxated Iron, you do not feel and look years younger, we will. *Wihi .��� Bt?ilCB L,� _ Call at redund your money. ' Taidng � 07 Call at encs`for a bottle at Ntuated s ]� � F. p��si Iron at any gdad_drug_Mo�___ How to Purify -,� Sydenham. Ont.-"I took yot� Wasn't Sure. madieitfe before my baby was born, aafl w ��18 Blood it was a great help to me as I was vel She-"Don't you think the Van 1 until I had started to take it. I `Lucre's all have a wonderful car- Yes, That's'What He Meant. "Fifteen. to thirty drops of Ex- felt as though I was toed out all - ri ? Count DeBunk--"What u call that tract of Root, commonly called h�e time and would have weak, faint He (absent-mindedly)-"I know they department of.your church for young Mother 8eiyel's Curative Syrup, spells. Myneryeswould bother me nn- Wised to, but I thought they sold it and may be taken in water with til I could get little rest, night or da . people -what is always giving ice meals and at bedtime, for indi- I was told by a friend to take Lydia got as auto:imabile" cream !estivate?" Unless you sea the name "Bayer, gestion, constipation and bad Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I Keep Mlnsrd's Liniment In the houses Church Member -= "Oh, you must Cross" on package or on tablets you blood. . Persistence In this treat. only took ll few would and recoit mmend- me r -�mean.our sundae sdhool, I'm sure!" are not gettfag the genuine Bayo!Ks- ment will give permanent relief wonderfully. I would recommend it to If men, .understood domestic coon i '----9 pirin proved site by millions and pre. in nearly every case." Oct the any woman. I am doing what I can to esus halt as well as women do, then: His Last Chance. _ toribad by physWaas over twenty- genuine at your druggist. recommend this good medicine. I will their political economy and their en-! 1 certain canny Scotsman had car. three.years for Tend that little book you sent me rang p y one I can help. You can with the great- tire consequent, statecraft would not,reed on a courtship of long duration Colds I9eadacbs est of pleasure use my name in regard to be the futile muddle which it is,=Jas. without definitely committing himself. Toothache , 7 Umbago the Vegetable Compound if it will help Stephens. 'The girl, if she worried herself at the Neuritis ;Rheumatism CUTS others take it."-flus. HARVEY Musa- Ice "es four and. a half years to long probation, gave no sign until one -Neuralgia Pain,•Pain C V .GAN, Sydenham, Ont. travel from the Arctic Ocean north of morning her tardy lover, thumbing a Accept "Bayer Tablets' of Aspirin" Minard's eases fnflammatio'n, It is remarkable how many cases have Siberia--to-the bhe East Grenlan3 current, small notebook, said: ' "Maggie, I has only. Each• unbroken package con• soothes and heals cuts and been reported similar tp this one. Maus a^:,A Where rt begins to affect-our---own-bees-weighing up your gold p0lnts, tains proven dtrsetioas. 'Randy bo=ss braises. women are poorly at such times and get t of twelve tablets coat few coats.-Drag• -- =into a:wen one run-dog rnnditioa, weather. ° and 1-tae already gotten ten. When I fists also sell bottles of 24 and IAO. when it is essential to the mother, as get a dozen I'm goin' tae ask ye the. well an the child, that her strength be fatal gnesttdn." Aspirin .Is the trade mark (registered 1 kept up. UR[NE is Canada) of Bayer liManufcylica of I "Weep, 1 wish ye luck, Jock' answer- i Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cotn- et2 the maiden; "I h$e also lYfonoacetigcldeeier o! 8alfcylicacid. y �, t=s° gotten a While it is well known that. Aspirin ss VW� O�' M" pound is an excellent tonic.for the N Keeps EYES ; wee hook, and I've been putttn' doors means Bayer Manufacture, to assist iegiY mother at this time. It is prep`red x your bad points-.. There are nineteen the public agafuat Imitations, the Tab from medicinal roots and he and does _' ED- S -E Clear,-Bright and Beautiful i In it already, and when it reaches the lots of gayer Company will be stamp notconta.man harmfuldru�s.Itmayboo vpriw)A,uineCo„Ch+cso,(orEyeGreu..k Score'f1'm gain”tae accept the biacb- ed with their general trade mark..the taken.In safety by the nursing mother. r . 5mlih. ���Qc'ase• IsstJts w;,M.+F,.+.-adkr,JHR.a,i:,e•„' "w,'ti r`„' '" '�' ^,..•q,' "'+.." .-t: 1h a_-! y; .army ��,., •'v;§^•• ,k'S.. a ,y :: :, ion. � •' �. - r, ...fix ,�e: •x - '+,. ,+-w, '3;.: .e fid. r' �� i: •- .x v a'". 1 . •- _______�—• - politics. Men oceapyinR-the high-- River,the property of J.W. Doted. THE BUYING VALUE.*AN ,�'�h•• �( � ► �' � Sale at OOP Q'CIOCk sharp Sep bills: - - id eat 'positions and celndidate!for No reserve as the proprietor is giv- -` the presidency have been Involved log up house•keepiog. Fred Pobtill, _ QUARTER-AT TMs auctioneer. A 11.15 per year,: il•bo it paid in advance. in the disgraceful LPatieaCCione. _ _ _ ' a The Britain WOnld TsoRSDAY. APRIL 3RD—AuctionealRICggRDR01� S GRGCR 1 t�iptions;ro the Un;ted States and Creat of 30 head of-cattle,pigs etc„ at lot ` Britain$2.00 in advance. scorn to e.toop to each actions- 23, con.-7, Picketing, the property They have too mach consideration of•Thos. Hardy, Bale at 2 o'clock, 1 G H N iN U R KAR, Proprietor. bii'arp. See bills. Fred Postill,nuc- for their honor and good name. Uoneer, !2 lbs. Santa Clara Prunes; 25e greed for gain is one of the great- ' 2 lbs. Beat Cooking Figs, ,.. .. 1 NOTE$ AND COMMENT$. est weaknesses of the American A tremendotis growth is Cana• 2 targe tine Borden's Milk, C 25 .. 2 } ole. Night and day the she est twelve months.reports of alt, ,;, 25c people. , y p 2 pkgs free running S --ft seems a settled fact. that worship riches. They are deter- 8 Anchor Jelly Pdrs, ... 250 the Ferguson Government has de mined to get wealth, even if they -" tine Aylmer Soup, _ 25c sided to take a plebiscite on the have to sacrifice their friends and ANNOUN(;ING 3 lbs, Baker's Cocoa, in boll;, 25c 8 lbs Rolled Oat@, ... ,. 25c y' - —prohibition 'question. - "c r their- good name in order to secure 2 8-oz tins Egg-O Baking Powder, x- dispute the fact that the O. T. A. y e •� Zoe : 'has been• violated times without it. It is to their lasting shame 4 4-oz - slues offered that the American people allow ,REFUNDING LOAN 1923 number, but the defect ,does not � - `These are .oaiy�a few of -the good Q o their leading statesmen to be. 5 PERCENT BONDS r lie in the Act, but with `the gov smirch the good name of. their Grocery Store. . :. . at the G ernment in not taking a more act. �. live part in enforcing the law. Country with arch low and con- 20 year Bonds, price 98.25, to yield h Buy your Groceries .at the ( roe@2't3'. temptible transactions. If suehl b 14 per cent. 41 t .. cVhile the ' is not being enfarc- tine the fruits of a democratic b rear 8onda; price 99. to .yield �-t f ad as it should., statistics do not form of governmen6.23 Per cent. J•• ,�Cg.4RDSON� t, it could be lJf V1'1.CL - abow that it is such x bad piece of Oanaidaa National Railway (0'N. R.) t' to their advantage to snake a. (sevenpeat) first mongaae Deben• legislation 6e the liquor party — change. fares.maturing May 8, 1930, Price ` i N j� �"' woul&like us to believe. There *- 40-- 6iU per thousand,or $1000 invested FARM L` A +� +� �+ Lave `been' less too I tions for BALE REGI8TER. ' now increases to $1,i�.4i1 at mrt, drunkeiin,ess under the Act than _ turity. ~ ` SATTiRDAY, MARCH 29T8—Cotnbma-'�' Phone or wire orders at•our To buy or;sell your farm, consult the Farm!.ands Department of is any preceding time While a tion Bale in the Village of Olatement. expense, inn. mane not a thin of.the. $ The United Farmers Cooperative Company, f3 Send in your entries to John Scott. DYKES& ROUERS, Limited. past, a comparison with those Secy, or D. A, Pugb,•auctioneer, or- Phone 268 J Dundas St. East, bring them in on morning of sale. _ 2tf- Whitby, Ont. Pickering, Phone Piek. 1508 w ears'when the-liceuse lasv$as.in TsgEieDSY, APRIL 3rd—duction: sale A. J. ALLISON, Representative, force, is strongly in favor of the of goo&general purpose horses, req- present law. In those days a istered and high grade cattle. imple- p� drank man on the street was a meats etc., the property of John A. - a� Hallett, lot 39. can. 3, Wbitby Tp. ,very common sight, but now the $ale at one�o'clack sharp. W. Maw. s fOltTll'Y aumber isfew. auctioneer. 6 . YOURSELF ' Seed Grain 7lerchants in towns and cit, say SATURDAY. APRIL—SrS=�iaattou-eraie -r , r� -.that their bad debts have greatly °t household furniture etc., at t3reen d _ 6AINST 49 1 , wig; F s TML 'I'O obtain maximtua�n ells you need to sow Test ' s� decreased. Men abo used to spend GREAT AUCTION SALE - ''' COLD. ed seed Grain. To purchase good seed you 1 their savings in drink now spend, -oto- may require financial assistants i I itin'their houses.- Theclatnor for 100 CATTLE' ! Extending accommodation for such purposes is as i ; the repeal of the'O. T. A. does riot — , _ -- itaportant Phase of Standard Service. t . -tome frowt the temperance people, j hweheen authorised by NOW THAT the wits- a tassell ear baa1 Manager but from the .distillers. bre%vers ter time i+., with us A.SrEX- CA.ZZ7ER ` fortify yourself a- C l► 1�1 K +. and those w6o are interested fin- Again, y w7 ��l'' TH6 To sell by public auction at Lot T DARD HANK _ �r anciallp in the liquor traffic, It is .• 20, Con. T. Whitby. on gainer the elements. Make or ewrwos +� - loot beca-use they want to see less FR#D7►Y, APRiI. THE 4TH, 1924 a food that you sure Lost th € - drnokenaess that they want it take into your system is a W. F Law,Manager �t '(repealed, but because they wants The following valuable cattle: palatable and nouriabing: Dickering Branch' - _ -._ Red Shorthorn Cows and Bulls' p Whitby Branch, C. A. McClellan, Ms�a' ` greater demand. 'Nor is it becat;ge A number of Cows with calves Order our bread and our - - `r s: they are beco[ning alarmed at the by sida pastry and after each meal ywmeruus violations _of. the law - ynu will express your gra o- Stockers. Steers and Heifers, . ,for they have no hesitation in 1 and 2 years old tifleatiun. #i breakiog the law themselves, and Fat Cattle-=alwnt 20 bead Subscribe now or "The News" 7l�" _ .. their conscience never troubles ll the above will positively be sold — 3without reserve — them iv this respect.- The very - � o1f11►t tact'that they wish the law re Sale begins at 12 o'clock,eharp � � 1�,11�' — ��" -' sled is strong evidence that the — pe TERxs a—All sums of 823 and tinder. a Pickerl Ha re law is not the dismal failure that cash; over that amount 8 months j e d PHONE•90� n - Hardware StorV credit on a roved Joint notes. Si: a, they picture:it. it is now up to PP j � jCj{Et2i�1jG per cent per annum off for cash. thetemperance.people to wake up' 2930J. BAIRD. Auct.lnaeer! and not lose any of the ground ` that'they-have Rained, after years -- �' D T O �, G : pf.etruggles "61tJALITY --SERVICE, - SATISFACTION" - We have a ._ S .. . ^, •' et +otic 9 rias Seed a•good E The people in the United States _ er ed an Timothy r Farm s, now ie.the time tog Alfalfa.PAI s8nnly believe that they have the o o. ate ,� supply f R Clover, falfa, Bike d ' hy. form.of government in exist- best _ A 11N d 1 Te geed sate. It is a democratic form in _ e a ao av g variety able and FlowsSeeds. 1 li- e • nod t of eget Flower ,every serve of the term and, they take delight in saying that the — w We h v 1 Uo about a tonic for the stock. W a eit main of the most humble birth has - - est n y c - .s ehance of becoming president - The b rode an buy. equal to the man nursed in .t6e or the young calves. _+ I Royal Purple Calf Meal f lap of luxury and wealth. This is Farm a and ii's. �--t►A t:rueand.worka-ont splendidly a Deering _- Ageot•fnr McCormick and Dee 'ng F in M chinerp Reps• n theory o coun tries - - :each as England, where the. gov• .`(erasing powers ,are vested to a 0ICKERING - -igreat extent in the wealthy andJ• R --- - utristocratic classes. In actngl - ~''• - S,, A '-:'practice we do not think that the Metal-di6 E M PI R E" Plank•truasad BA R N S. United States has anything to ' boast of in ting respect. In Brit iiro-ssie i Permanent t y Pi C :+ - Lightning-Prop.Brit- -Super-strong sf sin the highest positions are .not NG Wether-tight valYe Comien lent !barred to the men born r Bumble ARKET eircumetances. The war premier, If you need a new Earr>4 or an old one remodelled, +ou ••l✓'111 ' e' Barns I JL1Qyd George,one of the#•eatest let a quote'y ou� EAT ■ -- statesman .Britain -leas ever pro--, -��bulli:�`i><ey, sire ormously stron�,roomy, - to work in, and moderate in cost. .00 dared, and the present premier, Ronhd Roast or Steak,' 2&:per lb Ramsay McDonald, were both Estimates gladly given for roofing with the famous"Eastlake" Metal- •• , ��ii r �. men from the poorer classes, sa is lie Shingles,or"Empire" Corrugated Iron. Repairing and alterations _ .Sarloin RoaeL or Steak. E: 'done. All work.absolutely guarantvcd. Porterhouse Roast or Steak, 'also Sir Hamar Gr*6enwood, a r :wative of Whitby. So that,while F. , R®u L ao P I.0 K�R I N G Rump Roast,... - 20c spoor man in England .may,not .: Fine Rtb Roast, •. •• t, BUILDER iLi HeavyRib Roast, 18c -rise to the position of King; he 16 and 18a t :.Barns; HOuse� Buildint Contracting Should Roast. .. may ascend to a position of even 4+ e � of all kinds Pot Roast, c " greater power than that of King, - 14 (,4; : •Pickering Dealer for the Products of .•. Brisket, to buil• 9 j so that in actual practice demo 1 Leg of Pork . 25c �} , ¢icy is as powerful in England The Metallic Roofing CO. Limited, Toronto : Loin of Pork, - 25c ws in the United States. The A Shouldet Roast of Pork, 20c,23c :- scandalous revelations made in _ _ _ • :.� -- -- - � Pork Chops, , 28c the latter, country in respeet'to _r 25c •� I Pure Pork Saitss ge, i. the Teapot Dome Oil •dealings is a ! ;Finest Salt Pork,... ,. 25C. " disgrace to the country and have .;T'he Wage Earner s Bank ;Finest Breakfast_-Bacon, piece, 38c " never had a parallel in British VERY wage earner should feel that his savings account, = sliced, ... c 38 _ be, is welcomed at any branch of, Mild Cured Cottnge Rolls (half or whole), 32c Ehowever small it uiay • this Bank. The maxi or woman with a few dollars to ,:�Bark R � ".---_ ----4�c-.deposit is afford-6d dZd the sasrle prompt and careful attention Cooked Ham,•• 2 C as the depositor•with-i� large amount.. It is our constant 'iVeinera,.. 0 A' L ' 25e i .. "— aim to extend to all Our depositors every possible courtesy gead-Cheese,:. • • 15e $ have been appointed 'sole agent ir'nd service. Easy First and Domestic Shortening,' 8 lbs 55 cents; t :"for Royal Smokeless Coal for this 'TM4. 5 lbs 90 cents 44istrict, also other grades of coal �� ib prints 18•cents� , from $8.00 up. Fresh Trout and white Fish Every Friday • Kiy'l Smokeless Coal is preferred : DO B for economy and G P. LYATf), Manager. rAf efficiency. BROO Y BRANCH, L c CROSS, Manner• W. G. REID, PICKERI!vG�' f= aRoolclN f3ltANCH, .. � LO� N. VI j'V-rt(1� PTf'Y•�`�Tv-r = ....'�!�FTesF•SI�TTr^-1e7C�C'°� ww • y :,, ��, . . ..; i ..: - •' A. 'P'4 .� tC '.:,,may t:: r '+,�.M,�' ;"',y•�,:i.�, ..r:.•'';;:,� •&;•-."� �'dw-�c�i-'t `r „. .,^7.�Tr "ati ..:.: xM. I"d'• .r ,yK' � , : ;�� �,."�^ar� r- ,:ao"r1. Y y. w.-.;c5 .wx -,d•�s,:; , i ,, �„.�.. •s <•�.. ,ass:.;: X •ores, .^ • e.. CLAREMONT. Richard How is spending a few days D Richmond WILwitti 13A ,,James AllaVvay spent Sunday n g Brio orlon our suite to b6 cleaned ' daughter. Mrs. Archie ADderson. the city. g g y (THE DECORATOR) " Remember the.combinativa sale and pressed. Satisfaction guaranteed Mr. and Mrs. Hammond %74 in of farm stock, implemeiote, 3 sets O -ar es moderate. For every description of Painting, 'Toronto on Friday. of new hapaess, seed grain and JAMES BRISCOE. Paper-Hanging, Interior _ - Widmer Miller had a business feed grain etc., in Claremont tc• O netts D.Taylor's Baker Decorating and _ tri to thecity on Tuesday. - morrow afternoon. P� Claremont, Oat. y Hardwood Finishing. - Born, n Sunday, March 23rd, Best Workmanship. Prompt Service, to Roy and Mrs. Pard, a Ron. •--- -: � •_ Prices moderate.p PAP Rev. X Orsborn had a business trip to city on Tuesday of this We take this opportunity of starer- �Whltevale one or �grite ' THANKSOF . Ph Week ely thanking our friends for their " c- _Y The quarantine has been lifted Ronderful kindness.and'sympathy,in The Service.Garage Gerrard 84 Torrent Ave:` We carry a- full line from the homes of-the scarlet fev- our recent Irreparable lose. 0842 M {6 91) Toronto .I er patients. _... MR AND MRs.C.S. TRvzxAN l- _ Staunton and Mrs. D. A. Scott is spending a - -- Overhauling, Painting, all kinds �r��� Per �i41s 1 Boxer few days this week with friends 7- T,� repairing done. .Ignition _ 'un the city. S � 1 N G L E..S -- a specialty. Yottr old Fo d to r LOGS WAN? 3D mall Papers, We are pleased�to see James B. t p p-covered- ��,� p -Madill on the street again in is :British Columbia Cellar for $13.00: _ I will pay, diellvered at mill, fora 1th Utast two makes usual good form. Galt Glxivanized.Steel Shingles J limited number ae,followe; Luther Bowes, of Peterboro, Bird's Felt State Shingles Barr w Pnyu uCr No. 1 Basswood, $30.00 per M - `fin .the maket• spent the week end in Claremont for ease at No,2 •' 33�00 '+ with his mother, Mrs, J. Read- T. PATERSON'S - OLAREMONT Sound Dead Basswood 2d 00 i Call and'get prices. Get Read for- -No..LBoft Elm - 30.90 0 man. V George Turner has engaged with .7 No.2 20.00. we have them tr m a farmer neir Audlev and will R * �T Sound Dead Rim 15.00 leave in a few days to 811 his new j j� " No. T Rock;Elm 40.00 •.10 cts to 50 CtB `' x,30 00 :position. ' Look up your broken harness and No. 1 See- Growth Pine 25.00 r poll Mrs. Sparkhall, of. Searboro, Custom sawing e • visited with her parents, R. J. OU get it repaired before the spri'oq g done as usual, p RUSH Turning; shaping and wood repair- .and Mrs.' Mann, for. a few days CANNED =•Ha _ ing of all descriptions. lastiweek: •�R GOODS We sett new rness Parts Oat Flaking t. plelldld COIOrB and Mn and Mrs. Frank Spence and g and Chopping every dap. little son, of Toronto, visited over ARE =CiKa.R EARNS CHAS. A. W)dITE t the week-end with Clifford and C ,•; �PERat the `'Corner Shoe Store," Successor to late W. G. Barnes and beautiful Mrs. Soden. Et �R Claremont, Ont. Phone 6420 or write Locust Hili,. Oat. designs. ` Mrs. Feashy, of Uxbridge, is litga _ "spending a few days this week 9Ati t�,t With her parents, _ ander BAR. - CAR OWNER Duncan MMe�e�Evans and Fiagdld _ � �Callland see k� ' ve large amount of material on t,$S THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS are over th8j71• the grounds for the erection of OU really ought to try ✓g, i uur canned goods. If now is the time to get pour car overhaul- the new creamery. ed. Do•not wait until o D. Ar SCOTT Messrs. Walter Ward and Alf. 110 the weren't in at the open- you, need your car to Ilfie Pretty have tom leted the' work �fng you'd think they were sprung. Get it done now when you and I have P . fresh from the farm. No. the time. No o y CLAREMONT. - • , of tearing down the old school- job too large or too small on an ONTARIO house. They are hustlers. we don't have"a stand in" .make of car. ' - E with the wholesaler, we _ Men are now busy building the aim demand that the •cement foundetioa for the new simply y WOR11; GUARANTED X Large Stn k creamery. The work will now be geed us their beat product. GET OUR PRICES " P ra9hed anti] the building is tom RE RIGHT. THEY A p1 • The Mission Banti social held in _ (� & good stock of Parts, Accessories, Tires and Tubes, the Union Church one night last HONE _Gas. Oils and Greasee. - Rubbers of all week was a grand enceeas. Miss Mabel Bryan won the first prize g 3200 sizes to Clear -- „ .for the beetcoAtame.. , i CENTRAL GARAGE, PICgERING •-at greatly reee9999.; 61ra..9. F. Robins, o! Whitby, i Phone 4900 CHAS. B. SPENCER,•PROPRIETOR . 1 ' V with Claremont friends f "IF ..on Friday and Saturday dtf last �. 1 Late of the Davidson Motor Co., Whitby, Ont.- - duced ..pric" week. A hearty welcome always d-u r i n g the awaits her in Claremont. ` • i 1 Y We a.re sorry not to be able to month Of report the much hoped for recov- g �• ery of Mrs. Thomas Birkett from . . _ B U 0011 • 11110- SERVICE March s" her very serious illness, her con. r dition being now most critical. Boot and Shoe Repairine J Fingolds CSaremont Frank and Mrs. Sodev, who sold - • 'Toronto "Pickering and Whitb their farm on the eighth enures- Also harness repairing at the new c 1 Y ' cion recently to Mr. McCullough. -stand. opposite them moved into Wm: Coates' residence poet office. S^ll Yourn r ls on,Tuesday. We welcome them Best workmanship guaranteed. WEEK DAF SERVICE' Gar1 to our village. Charges modeiate ;Leave Whitby Leave Toronto , Mrs. C.O. Bennett, who under 7.40 a. in. 9.45 a. m. went an operation in the Western -'9.30 a.-m. 1.30 P. m. and save-fence ppee THOMAS WATSON ]Hospital, Toronto.a few days ago, 1.50 P. M. ti.$0 P. m. � ist we are.glad to report, recover- PICKERING, ONT. 145 P. In � X8.00-p. m,. � - I oney tog nicely and expects to be - SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Why pap for the privilega of main �? - 4+nme shortly. - , On accoudt of the bad""a the ' Leave Whitby -Leave Toronto taining and building rai4 [ences when :.WEwe man was unable to make Coal, ' �Qal 7.40 a, m. __ _ 9.45 a. m. it costs less to have-wire fences. his usual trips to Claremont dur 9.30 a. M. 1.30 p.m. Now-Don't wait until cop]is plead Jog the past two .weeks. He ez- w 130 p, m _ 3.00 P. M. fol and fuel prices come down. pecte, however, to resume his $a?cj 8IId BOft .081 Of the 8.45 p. ru 8.00 P. m. It will save you a whole sere of isnd for ever 400 rods of Frost' fence weekly visits next week. 5.40�. M. 11:45 p. m. Y you Rev-A. McLellan is beginning s met gne}ity OII erect. o place to breed weeds. .emeries of sermons on "The •Lord's hand - SUNflAY SERVICE longer, nes costa less because It Prayer," The first sermon will i Le8av Whitby Leave Toronto THOS A LAW, a, m. 9.45 a. m. is�I�hee saving gale, wire defies wen= be next Sunday morning from the S. M. -_ 10.00 M. (b)It's laterals act Like surds a tak[ng . •- words. "Oar Father." Common• P. P g ion services will be observed on 0103cerinE'• Gat• up strains that would'break an _ Fares :-Whitby-to Torboto. Bingle 75c., return $L.25 ; Picking, single 9.- April 8th. The Anchare Geld an -•- - - - return 90c,; Dumbarton, >3ungte 40c., return 70c.: Rouge, ordinary fence. 3 :,exceptionally good meeting on C Std to :pin le SOc., return We.• Highland Creek 20c. (c) ;The Famous Frost Tight Lock 'on Monday evening at. The g keeps it tight and neve. gets.oat' will entertain the B. Y.P. U. next 4 (Cat this Time Table out for future reference) of shape. Why w • » nes n tter price on it now this n we o in Roy and Mrs. Morgan sitter LL AC TT'S GARAGE the'spring, and-you neye•more time to , ' twined a few of their friends on �CO Monday evening, it being a fare- p=cr 3=EM et home. ..well party to Archie and Mrs - " Fleming prior to their departure Phone Ind. 200- F. ffi oc+00p8Ts �'ilalemOIIt ifor their new home near @tonff- Wheat or any grain taken in :..Ville, where Mr. Fleming has pur• -The Piekerin� -chased a farm. Their numerous -,,.exchange for Flour. Claremont friends 2 regret their We have Brao. Shorts,• Chop, � ance Committee departure from their midst, but - vvish them every success in'their Oil Cake Meal, The greatest Service The object of this Association is to new home. ;'all kinds of grain. lessen steeling aod.prosecuts I Ne-sk- Su-nday at the Church the pastor will routines Ogilvie's Porridge Oats. e eastAttention ��b.r.�� • the two series of sermons., details _ a8 property stolen oomraasti� of which have been rintfd and Royal Household Flour, wish P nate immedia/ely as member placed in the stores for the coo. Cream of to West Flour, There's no piece of farm equipment that of Exeoaltve coalmines. Venience of those interested. Be gives so much service over oro to a period Membership fee sure to secure a list of these sub- CHOPPING EVERY; with oro little attention as a good windmill. TioUts may b•Lad from the President of jests and hear as many of them That's why I recommend the Toronto Self- s.or.ts:, on applieamon, d19Ct199@d a8 yOtl pdseibly "can. WEEK DAY Oiling Windmill so highly. "of TorontoD-Bunke, Next ynnday morning's subject Windmills have given from eighteen to er, Donald Munro m is "The Angel of the Covenant," TD: N. y+OCK'TRTOO= , Pickering. twenty years service with practically no sodic the evening, "A Preacher t Who Blamed his Parishioners." L attention outside an ,occasional oiling J. R. The.xtoil. W i, Clarke Not for a number of years have Piekeriag wn�anu and are still operating satisfactorily President.' Beorebry a the roads throughout this locality >�; every day. been so bad as they have been this Leather Goods Stoxo t n the,Toronto`Self-Oiling Windmill all spring. The storms 'during the gears operate in a bath of special oil ITU onth of Febt-teary filled the reads• affected by neither heat or cold-every u with snow level with the tops Our stock comprises .everything in bearing thoiou hl and.' automatidall " p leather cods and our rices g g y y ���� ,of the fences in many places. As g P i are second to ague. �.' lubricated. New oil is required "only the mild weather of spring began .. to show its power the roads be. -Everything for the horse. oncA a year. } 4-ante impassablefor both wheels Blankets, $2.90 tip,heavy If you already own a Toan;o Windmill, I can _ runuera, except ander great give you thin self-cilr.. fe.,,ure Ly merely inter- and ' Trunks-Club Bags-Suit, 1l leather Halters,90c, u a -ch the -head and using your present x difficulty, and as a• result there 9 Wheel. blast Toronto Windmills,too, can be Of all materials and design " -has been little-traffic on the roads Cases .'..made absolutely self-regulating in operation. kept in atook. It will pa; you •dilring the past two weeks. Men Harness and boots repairs ' oall at our works dcd inepeol oar 1600 have been busy this week assist- Our re atria service is The!,Toronio" Tower will stand for W R. Emerson, Whitby, box 425, agents taido prices be gn�inl• P g a li etlme because it IS((JU heaalesl, we not ing the sun and warm winds in unexcelled. strongeit and beat=brace om bath .Chas. B. Rice, Whitevale, Ont. ly we can, and do Throw o the agemtt getting rid of the snow'by the use of disc liarrows. Ina few days if CECIL BRADLEY f°r OW mindmtu. oo isinlysomission of 10 per c asing fobyon wo the present. favorable weather oerbialysava by purchasing teottt ore, k Qontinne the roads everywhere " O WINDMILLS sallwUoited. ; should be passable for all wheeled Harness maker. WINDMILLS J. T. MATHESON s`y PIGSEI<iil`it ON�'+1►IiIO Office and w4prlisl whilb vehide9. • : Jt 920A0 ... �. . • -. ;;, ,- ,„ .:,, � . . - ;... ., - ..�. _ -- _ tea: ��� ` '�¢• �' .k�`a,:. cam`-��`' MIN doinplow ;:. `s;. .n +n•.,y, .,,�r : a wry' ✓?+'...� 411 _ F<m"....; ,m,=w;trrv.. da`!`..rx.r ...•ra ay ;^.F, ,r�•: '�. r, ': 1 ... '-n' .. ...::w.'......'.!+ ..Y' .. ..:.. ''S'.. � .:., )1'-•(a... � .S :�/i•bt. �• -'Sc'&''rn'd �i'-ti +i„ ,� )Y e.'.VA, '!.•.i`k...".to--�..-. • _ �• ... !cT'.: ... . .. - .. ^T'� .y.. . • - , - - • me Better __ _ _ - � ' 'an led 'rat, W mer Vzu.LAM MACLSOD i1<.!l1V111 11 etAssellatss ' appetite sat 13442 't aide dtOsetlea. # _ - (Qopisi t'Mom"Mies). - At 11"194e ylk" - Aced do you ON" - CHAPTER XXYIL-(Confd.) thing -sus suspicious going on at -any oo& Nets hewn T� QRIMN .-TEA : . - , Kirby knew that Hull was conceal t' e." Kirby asked �� J►t tslievse fiat stnAtF r� ing something material, but he saw he No, sir. Nothin a-tall. anw warty ea>ttaa. ,.- s t�$ finest tlZlCEslored green could not at the ppresent moment wring rough rider signaled the taxi- waltsas testa, x� tea procurl�► e f n the Wored it from him.. He had not,in point o! cab, which was circling the lake at e w e e t e a Eget 'the faintest idea of what it moss. t}re foot of the hill. Presently it came brsata aa= ILpeA�Ote' t0 tj1e best Js�ssnts. "� ?A'7 Therefore he could not lay bol&of any up the incline and took on its pas- trsscoe.4 ' t e. lever with modioli to ry►.it loose. He nesce. , tact - -- so" harked back to'another point. "Drive to the Parado: -Apart- t,fe•t� r --'The Street U Dreams- „Do menta, Kirby directed. WaTiri� a Stu, you know that my cousin and Ise He left Hull outside in the cab mobile a _y I know a'liktie Cornish,street. _ Miss Harriman came to see my uncle-1 went.in to interview his wife. The It is a'little known fact that•the That winds down to the sea; that night. I mean do you know of;lean woman with the forbidding coun-, erirth receives heat from the stars. SO A street of crWzy bobbles, neat Your own eyesight that they ever; g reached his apartment?" tenance opened the door. tmalI' h©wever,. is "the amount of As cobble-stones can-be. "Weil, we know they reached the Metaphorically speaking, Kirby ' warmth imparted to our world from It simply teems with life by day Paradox,an' went up in.the elevator. landed his,knockout. instantly. I ve the nearest star that it would 'take And yet, at night, it seems Me an' the wife watched at the win- come to see you on serious buaine x,00'0,000,000,000 years for it to ball'a Throughout its nhrrow, moonlit-way, + Mrs. Hull. Your husband fisc con- ;L,00#,-000,066,000 Yore consist James waist with fessed lww.be did.form uncle. Un- ',:-Dint of water. A'fairyland:of dreams. Miss'Harriman. ' The dude orfe was y "RA� -- -'•i The heat fent is about equal`to that with.her." less you tell the.whole truth he's likely of a candle burning fifty-three miles. The little houses seem, in Pairs, "Jack!" exclaimed Kirby, aston- to go to the death cell." owns .away. The beat of the stars is Ines- To lean acmes the stones She gasped, her fear-filled 'eyes $ Ye ., fastened on him. Her hands moved sired with an instrument called a Discussing all the day's affairs „ p' i} I blind) to the side of 'the' door for "You told me what.you saw from to whispered undertones. 1#ovv do.you know. How did you Y the fire sacs of, the Wyndham, but >k thermnbooaPle, which consists of two - dint recognize them T1 support` o-m the pieces of wire soldered together to shadows in the moonlight ,,Saw , you didn't tell what you aaw'fr } - em as they passed under the fire escape of the Paradox." a" make a,circle: These pieces of wire To music of the breeze, - street light 'about twenty feet from __CHAPTER XXXVIII. "Who says 'I.saw anything frim- S are of different metals, one piece'be (And it to see them yon sdronld chance; our window 'We couldn't a' been tis A FULL MORNING. there?" - ',4xg of bismuth and the other a mixture Do not.disturb them, please). took as to the dude lellow. O' course $ut only tor. an irtstaat. A faint "I say so."' ` ' of biemluth and another metal. we don't know Miss Harriman, but,color dribbled back into her yellow (To be continued.). .•The.light coming- from the star is yo g cheeks. He could almost see courage - I call my street the Street o' Dreams-- the woman•walkin'.beside the uh allowed to tall, through the lens of a The name appeals to me, fellow surely looked like the one that flowing again' iffto her veins. Advice from the Cheap Sesta. HBe telescope, on to one of the feisty fainted at the inquest when you was I «That's a lie," she said flatly. We have often wished we might be Because its. cobble.seems. resent•,when one of the bright re- '' of the thermocouple, aad the' heat is testifYin' how you found'yore uncle "I don't expect you to talcs my 'p To breathe of phantasy; dead in the chair. I reckon when you'word. Hall is in front of the house n*rks'so often reported'ss,uttered,by fust sufficient to set up a currentThe Cornish air,-the Coruish shies, said it she of to. seem'• a picture.of - - e P here ander guard.' Come-an' see if some one .is,-a bored.audience is ae- which can be detected by a very-dell= Explain in part-end then one of the young fellows sunnin' their'you doubt it." tusay uttered. While we are gaiting � cafe galvonometer. _ My street is like the dream-blue eyes uncle." She took him promptly at his su Of Cornish hshermen. "One of them. You, ust said James I P �' for that- is happen are oupl from the » j ges tion. One cook at.her husband'Is Tatler this'amusing example: There Wens ace.a Road. = wasn't with her. f it, huddled figure and stricken face �w-',� I lave my little Cornish street "No, he come first. Maybe three- was enough. 'dor nearly an boars the lecturer had +hr�,the Wim• four minutes before the others." �+' ++ held forth prosily without getting any- That winds down to the sea; You cbicken-bearted louse, she They shut the,road through she woods "What time did he-reach the Para-I spat at him scornfull where. At fast.he stopped sad thea I-love its roiighnees "What my feet- y„ P y- Seventy years ago. dox n "They had evidence- A' man Saw said in impressive tones, "I pease to Its quaint antiquity. .� „ 'Westbec and rain have undone It again It might'a'been ten or maybe only us, he pleaded. ask myself a question." And now you wamld never knows., The.timbered cottages, rose-clad, five minutes after we left yore uncle'I;i "Wbatr.man?" "Better sot," (.•ame_a voice from the t Tbore was saes a road through the The crystal -side streams; room. The wife an' me was talkin' it I ��'phia man." His trembling band back of the hall; "yoa'2l only get woods � - "indicated 4lsori. "He 'was atarldin' Before they planted the trees. Leslie M..Hurd. before the Rot here. Then he come j on the file escape acro e o AIQ'those dear memories make me glad over whether, I hadn't Dug to. p -01--you---dear Street o' Dreads'. back--upsSaiss-and--untie yore uncle Y She had nothing to say. The Md The spider Monkey. • It Ie underneath the coppice and heath, _. r an' that settled it. I couldn't go." i had died out of the sails of her sager. The spider monkey Is so called an ` And the thin anemones, �g "Can you give me the exact time i " e're not in' 'to arrest Hull et The a I Miss. '.. „ W y account of its extremely.long slender Only the keeper sees he reaehcfd the apartment house? -not technically," Kirby :An easy thing, O'Power Divine, _ "Well, I'll say it-was a quarter.to her. "I'm arran� n' to explained to limbs dart long tall ';That. where-the rta,g-dole broods. g� ire s private And the badgers roll at ease, To thank Thee toe these gifts of thine! ten." „�'detective to be with him all the time. w For gummer's sunshine, winter's snow, Do you know or are you guessin . ;He'll keep him in sight from mornin' Clock as Savings Bank. r "There was once a road through the "I know.. Our clock struck the till night. Is that satisfactor Hull? ;To save money, an-inventor has For hearts that kindle, thoughts that yy�� woods glow quarter to whilst we looked at them Or do you prefer to be arrested?" made a clock that liar to have email Yet, !t you enter the woods Hut when>sdrall I attaln to t3rls= - Amin' down the etreeL" The wretched mea-murmured that change droppers to fi before winding. 'u To thank Thee for the things i mien. "At them or at him?" he would leave it to Lane. -- A Of a summer evening late. _ "At him, I mean.:' - ++ "fid, Then that's the moa if 11 A Epidemic. LViten the night-air coots on the trout. For all young Fancy's early.gleams "Can't stick to.his own story;' OZ` be." Kirby turned to the woman. The teacher explained to the elan 7. ringed lt The dreamed-of fags that atilt are son gmn3ad. "Mrs. Hull, I want to ask you a few- tlaat an epidemic was "something that - Where the otter whistles his caste dreams. _ hl A" slip of the tongue. I meant;questions. If you'll kindly-walk into spreads;' Hopes unfulfilled,and lesaurer7tnown "And Jack.and the tad were three the house, please. Ther- Now, Tommy,give me an You will hear the lidat of a horue's feet p ( She moved beside him. The shock And the swish of a skirt is the dew, Through others' fortunes, not my owu, or four minutes behind Kirii?" Kirby of the surprise still palsied her will. exam-pie at an epidemic." Steadily cantering skirt i And blessings seen that are sot'- velli, reiterated. omarry- Jam, miss." - gi " In the main her story corroborated T W The misty solitudes. And ae'er will be, idle side of heaven. „yes' �„" that of Hull. She was not quite sure Was your clock exactly right. when she had heard the shot in its ddiaard•s Liniment Meals Cuts. As .though they perfectly knew _ 'Dda be • five minutes fast It relation to the trips of the elevator -Had a too. shared the Joys I see. .� The odd lost road through the,woods,= gains- i up and down. The door was cloned at But there Is no road through,the moods. Woutd�gre have been a heaven tics Paradox?" standing they turned in at the the time. They hid 'heard it while WF.�TF-R -Rudyard Kipling' Could I have felt tiny presence near, "AIA three of 'em: Mrs.-Hull she Riondiwasathat tht the edsound had cer ome MAGNETOS 0�_ Had I .possessed what I held dear? opened the'door a mite an saw em ' after James Cunningham had sscend- Aty_deepest fartaae, hlgAest.bliss, go up in the elevator. It moves kinda ed to the floor above. PART8 and SERVICE Have grows perchance from things,i slow, you k--ow. The heavy-set young) Kirby put one question to the wo- Auto starter and Generator Repair {fl fellow went up first. Then two-three man Innocentiy that sent the color Conyany. " ` d � miss minutes later the elevator went down,washing out of her cheeks. 669Jt Yonye at - Toronto' - ' an' the.dude ar.' the Toung lady went! "Which'of- you went back upstairs - . Sometimes there comes an hour of a •• - P to untie my uncle alter you had run calm; Kirby put his foot on the cement)away in•s fright?" IWHEN 1A TORONTO vlsrT THE Grief turns 0D blessing, pain to beam; bench-and rested'his forearin on his l !"N-neither of us," she answered, -Royal-Ontario Museum A power that works above my-will knee. The cattleman's steady eyes teeth chattering from sheer funk. :.: elcer et. west, Neat Mea" Re" t aced Still'leads me onward: upward still. were level•with those of the unhappy I "I understood Mr. Hull to say-" opermancet eMbtuoe Is, Canada. Archaeokw man making the confession. "He never said tkat. Y- on must oio1oa. u1newea, ralsamtelow, zoelav, Ones And then my heart attains to this ., " y d,s, to e,m. t° 6 aa: seeds an4FtnN)a aw Did. you at any time here the be mistaken. _ To thank Thee for the things-I miss, end of a;shbtY" « t �O�d" ""�"" wO0`' w"' ud �°'`b `u' -s-� -Thomas Wertworth Higginson. "Well, , Mebbe so. You didn't' go back, - I-I heard somethin. At then?" Direct Sub ' ' Service, I the time .I thought maybe it was a n the street blovAn' I The rhonosyllable "No" came•quay- GTefu. and intelligent at attended given 1 Absolutely Untrue. TMNGS NEW AGAIN come to think of It later we figured "I don't avant'you to feel that I'mto all "`q� your vonzo - Acquaintance--"The payee charges it ovas a shot:" . here .to take an advantage of you publication from England, United tdrat yogi college bora put in almoeL alt "You don't know for care." Mrs. Hull," Kirby said. "A '� States er Canada. Or mail us, the ro your time at gambling." - Dye or rant AAy Wdrp, Shag "Well, come to that I-I. don't many have been suspected of these newais on the magasiasa or papers you Student-"That's absolutely untrue! by Garment or Drapery, reckon I do. Not to say for certain murders. Your husband is one of now rece.ve we will send the bill u _. lowest prices later. Higheat retereacee. I don't know a`booy that doesn't epeaA _ sure.' these suspects,, I'm another. I mean .. A tense litheness had passed into',to find out who killed Cunningham an' The Noldsn Browne Company a great part of his time at the shows, the rough .rider's figure. .It wqs as g 130 Richmond Street West Toronto -"-�-� though eve sense were alert to catch i In rayju I think I know already. V Trian�WfieeL Diamond arid re sterr impressions. In my judgment your husband didn't ,AMAZING VALUES— t q w P do it. If o did, en much. the worse REMNANTS The carts that travel etre "rocky _ .- ' _"At what time was it yon thought for him. No innocent person has any road to Dublin" would have a much you heard this shot?". thing to fear from me. But this is Each to-cent package of "Diamond "I dunno,, to the minute." the point I'm makin' now. -If you like Worn Warehouse, For's Indigo.Berge, rougher tete of it it their wheels were «Was It before James Gunningham I'll leave a-statement here signed by Pare Wool,Navy Blue,Black,66 inellve uInt ins -directions so simple went u in the elevator? Was it be- me to the effect that neither you nor =1.50 yard postpaid. Remnants only r uses on bis ox cart. The:two wheels, that Jany woman can dye or n tween t e• tme 1 to 4% yds It" brder now. Money flays Mr. A.,S. Kent In• Old Tartar old, worn, faded thing new, even if she other twA went up? Or was it after amen.Cunningham• It might make 307 at. Paul West, Montreal. Trails, are unprotected by iron tires, has never.dyed before. Choose any. Jack Cunningham an' Miss Harriman your mind a little easier to have it.. a and therefore with constant use over color at drug store. passed on the vas up?" alta " " --- P it She hesitated.' Well if you-like. stony roads they soon-lose their round- "Seems to me it was-" He stepped to a desk and found Y nese-apd become flrsl tagoual, thelL Consolation.' "Hold-bn." Kirb raised a-hand in PPe „ I ROOFING :' ,� y paper and'pen. ,I']I dictate it if you'll we ..1 .METAL SHINGLES •and hexagonal and then pentagoual. At `We are consoled for the loss of those Profest I dont"want any guesses..write it, hers. Hull." CORRUGATED GALVANIZED You know or you don't. Which is it. SHEETS direct W CONSUMERS ,.: that'point the Mbugol begins to think confiding persons, who doffed_ the Not quite easy'in her mind the wo- "I reckon it was,between the time ' that he ought'to have new wheela; but. heavy undies two weeks too soon, by , . man sat down and took the pen he VERY LOW prlcew Write for bafare his caravan has reached a place the oamfortable reflection that they'd yore cousin James went up an the offered. _ others followed." particulars. wheie he can fihda Chinese to do the have only Lived to rock the boat-<ir, .. , , "This is to Kirby begais, THE CORDON ROOFING C0: You reckon. l m 'ostia for deft= and dictated a few sentences slowly. 724 8padina Ave. Toronto K• work the wheels have passed the ree- a'til? later in the, season, carry the old• nite -information A man's life may f She wrote the statement, word for taugular stage and have become tri, fowling piece at full cock. - hang on .this." The Cattleman"s eyes word'as he gave it, raring her -left ` gular, and the vehicle will go no far-.: 0 were ice-cold. hand. The cattleman signed' it. He ther. . Mammoth-Sone From flea.- - Hullswalloweda lump in his fatlleft. the paper with her. JIG-SAW ------- --- The shoulder blade of a mammolb threat before he committed himself.i After the arrangement for the pri- r : Making Use of Monkeys = was recently dredged frow,the-s•ea by "`Jell; it was." - ivate detective to watch Hull had been ' ° PUZZLE ` Thi 'Malays for centuries have do- "Was between the two trips of the,made, Olson and Lane walked to- Foil THE , a trawler >}nd landed at Douglas in � „ •_ _- ` masticated turnkeys and have trai Man• elevator, you mean? gether to the hotel of.the.latter. CHILDREN rwA the este of . Yes. • Come up to my room a minute and � � .lust- a them io�cIInib cocoie nut trees rad pick - �� "Your,wife heard this sound, too?" + �� y the Hats. Success lies in the man and not in .+ " I let's talk things over, Kirby rug- Send four _ Yep. We spoke Df1t afterward. gested. his materials. "Do you know an din e]sR that �Pp�from• ,'• Slaughter by U.8: Railways. • -_- Y g As soon as the door was closed the In the fiftc,eea. couldtWssibly have had any,bearing man from Twin Buttes -turnQ on years..chore have with hats os, tea ear ,on my uncle's death?" �the factor_ and flung out a swift de - been o can hue flat bed by .. been 26,29`) railway collisions in the 1lnm.aeitb r,mo,ed tti � "Nei, sir. Holiest I don't" mend at him. United States, Deaths, 4,326; injured, Inw.troryete. wmoh u Olson shot a question at 'the man) "Now, Olson, I'll hear the rest -of po,lti.eiy-,the oal� sal "Did-you - 10,682. I trea:;,,e, o.er so sesta eze.rien e. Rs�hsatse., on the grill. 'kill the Jap j-your story. -- O - _ •�Ep,,,�y, w'e tri air see•coataslow fills. scalp, servant, too, as well as his boss?" I The eyes of the Swede grew hard !VBES There is but one tragedy! it is to $,rr see Qemyle:tota! teeubh, M m.u. 9o°kiet , "1 didn't kill either the one fir the and narrow. "What'a'bitin' you? I've T.0..lAntlted,232LemoineSt..Montreal. - jee petty, to give up and to be afraid.) •'_" ud eanwO,atlen rue• w,tte a•w. .. kn,lam Other, in help rue." told you my story."' _-- �A D - ¢--_ NIsoOTT f%STITYTit, UNITED, 118 "Ito" � "Do you know anything at all about "Some of it Not all of It." fallr+ard's liniment roc Dandruff. I IN- Tennb +tiiti Jnp' ' deatb? Did -you see any- "Whadja mean?" ISSUE No. 13-'24, ,•r: - . ...n .. � »i? '"., "-. .. -M., ... M1� .., S.f :t're•- z1 •yti� "w"`t— `ry'nz. S•. z: �:' "'F ,+g''_ :�i v'` r) -ss, ^tit 2.i :'ti g3"�.r-, .�. .�• .,'' ,:,u ..k.. �'m; .�".t,+"�+ tr i•s• ,�'' + »r} ^L-'�:� .,,�f+f" :c ..nom.." :a a •� _ �'�' ,�, ::Y` ,'s r •Y,: Z•4 7' .'r• •�, T : .'.iykr t. T ;v. p.r:^%,",N•sa vr.o-_.. 7`1,.qq,.... 7 5. r , ����1�p�� f .� fes, �A of ,;. , , •GERMAN PARTY BACKS .F EERS 4 s` s ma®y L y r TIRPITZ AS PRESIDENT SH00T DO" PARTY OF BRIiSH SOLl3�ERS , �? ,� n > .� f �, - � y People s BLOC Issues CaII: k ay, ,,, ,,�,,y, � �',• .One People, One Nation, A despatch' from Cork saya:—A.t sweeping the countryside in automo- Q� r.n - a British soldier was killed, Your are biles to Siad the. Bring :parte. The t>t a - ,,� i wounded soldiers were takes bask to A Berlin, March 28.--"Ode people, dying-'and thirty-one otheis, includ-I Spike Island garrison. y " do two women,were wounded Frida �r , �r one nation, on Kaiser. g .• g =x 3' �` \ ' 'That Is the most sensational lank President Cosgrave has telegraphed 9 t'Ss P ;sight by lour men dressed as Free frons' Dublin to Premier MacbonaId in the most'sensational ptatfareaag "State officers, who bore dewr%,_an_ a as follows: :, 0 �W - rman political partyhas 'dared to Wil' ` military pier in an automobile •and `•'I am s ocked to learn that British !ame since the armistice. To-day, , Har- fired a machine gun on a leave party troops were fired upon in'Cork Har- rf�,f „ ( °• �� s: exactly six week's before the German of Royal Garrison Art}1}erq, nninber-'bor this evening. I hasten to assure a MOT` ,+ '' a + a k &Y elections, the German National Pao- you that this cowardly- crime .will � „ A ��� "`` ��' u � ple s party; one of the strongest to ti �+t Ing fifty, who had just landed from 1 ;f u a : publicly adopted this tan Spike Island,': s British naval 'base arouse the same horror and detests ' a ' c>� o� et1s11Y. P Y P p ., ' G - under the treaty. _ tion throughout Ireland �as. .it has r }tSM *� V y 1'.� t�s •• form. - zw caused to myself and my collesgncs. In a ringing manifesto to the -vot- As the four men drove off, the are'l a4 �, • } K ?' I Whether the criminals were mas- t,� Ors, it sot ontq declpres the resters said to have shouted: "Up Tobin." - ��( s querading in Free State uniforms or ��t „ � n � � ; n4t-��,j� tion of Kaiserdom a 'vital necessity Major-General Tobin headed the Free otherwise yet remains to be fleter- ,?'1`� C' ru-^ �'' =S'' ,+s for Germany, but demands that Ger. .'State army mutiny last-week and mined. No efforts will be spared to _ ��,A" ' ,� •A�1€jq •* mans repudiate the Versailles Treaty, 'escaped. bring thein, to account. The rel& . `' '"'t'�f x�r axe '' teach their youth to use arms and t Driving back to. Queenstown, the tives of the victims and 'the British ?'' 4 :y �S . . .` Y "wwSn s obey discipline, tear away "the tissue lour men fired'on the destroyer H he. .nation can xel u ou the s ^ Germany's - Y Yt y p ympath t .� �" a,- sof lies about warguilt," Y f l� .� �' .;4.. .- �� �;?d 1. ', �z - --No.casualties :were reported among and justice of my Government in , ` x •�.� ' rebuild Germany according to Bie- Lhe crew. Free State soldiers are everything rebating to this tragedy." �`' + ..•�� .it:a �.k �'.` 1 marck'a_ia'ttern, with Prussia as the foundation,.end.'the supremacy of the COURSE .OF ,ROUND-THE-WORLD FLIGHT Reichstag, and "fight everywhere FREE STATE TO PROBE I The aerial itinerary which hag been mapped out for the American air- 'against the destructive spirit of the INTO 'ARMY REVOLT men who are to circumnavigate the globe Is shown above. These Biers will Jews." • w shortly hop oft from Clover,Field, California, on the first leg of a Sight in Simultaneously with the publication i President Cosgrave to Assume � jk which"the four planes will cover about 80,000 miles and be absent perhaps of this platform the announcement the Offiice of Minister of ;dam' four and a half months. ,y,�. comes from ..Munich, the hot-bed o! fy 9 . '_ Defence. " ,xehieal that : wj£ � committees appointed by various Na- Adespatch from Dublin sags:— Xr tionalistic parties have definitely de- ''A Weeks Market Report $ tided that ` President Cosgrave will assume thq J _ h their candidate for the next '. office hof Minister of Defence, from � �' - _ - President of the Reichstag will be that per 6- ,a1. tin, $2.44 per'dyed-in -woo) Monarchist, that-in which Richard Mulcahy has resigned. TORONTO. gal., $2.50; a . The Dail Eireann, after en exciting "� Man. wheat--No. 1 North., $1.10. Bal.;.n►apTe sugar, ]b., 2be. . carnation of the old Im tial German - - »' Man: oats—No. 3 CW, 43 c; No. Smoked meats—Hama, ,med., 24 to I of debate, adopted without division the, + 1, 421yc 25c; cooked hams, 34 to 36c; smoked spirit, Admiral von Tirpitz, creator - motion of Sevin O'H� ns, Minister £; ` ,, rolls, 27 to 18c; cottage rolls, 29 tp:of the-German Navy. and father of . Germany's hof Home Afi'airs, that the res en — i y s ruthless submarine war- be appointed to the-post: � Mr. WHig- �.� All the above, OLi., bay ports. tial breakfast bacon, 28 to 30e; ac are. k n dded that,duringMr'Cos ve's s� Ontario barley-65 to 70c, boneless 28 to 33c. I Should Tir itz become President it � ` " American cora—No- 2 allow 98'{ac. ' p " - 'illness he himself.•would act for him , ' xn r "' ' Y Onred meats—Long clear bacon, 50 seems self-evident that.'he would as Defence Minister. yt Buckwheat=No. 2, 28 to 82c. to 70 :be., $18.50; '70 to 90 lbs., $18; merely be a stepping-stone toward the A striking' feature vl the debate . Ontario Rye—No. 8, 75 to 79a. 90 lbs. and up, $17; lightwcight rolls,;enthronement-in all probability a g Pena—No. 2, $1.45 to $1.50. - is barrels, $87; heavyweight rolls, $32.I member of the Hohenzollern family— was the :testimony of Major Bryan Mii]feed—DeL, .Montreal fres htsv Lard—Pure tierces, 1414 to 14a1a-; and the confrontation of the world Cooper, who was British press censor' ba included: Brea, r ton, g$28; 141,�a to rbc Bir Prabasham Kar Pattani Ys tube, , pails, 15 to 153fie; an Ireland duringthe war, that the shorts r..to idliags, fj88 with the s ' Jam+ Knight commander of •the British per.. n, $90; , pprima, 271,4 to ISc; shortening tierces,r pectae]e of the German Em rank and file of the army kad beeen Empire, is one of the most devoted of good feed flour, $2.10. 14 to 14%c; tube, 14 to 15c; pails, 15 I pire born again, disposed to throw ..-absolutely true to their oath, and that -East Indiana to the English crown. Fie Ontario wheat—No. 2 white, 98 to � lblhe; prints, 17 to 17�fec. 1 aside all ideas of reconciliation with the insubordination had been limited is at present ezecntiTe member o 1.02, outside. Heavy steers, choice, $7.60 for$8; the war victors, and later to resist counsel.of India. Ontario corn—Nomina1 white l.,s�4f to 48e. butcher steers, choice, $6:75 to Stito France and other Entente powers, _ .• _ to officers. Demobilization had near- good, >j6 to $6.50; do, red., $Ti to ly predoked a mutiny in the British •� _ - Ontario flour—Ninety per cent.-pat., $5.75; do,corn., $4.50 to$4.75; butcher oven .to the point Rf plunging into a , army In 1919, but in Ireland, he as-, in me ba Montreal h war of revenge.. CANADA RECEIVES j gs• , prompptt a i heifers, choice, $6.75 to $7.50; do, g z -.serted, the men had stood firm. ment, $4.70; Toronto has*414%;bulk med., $5 to $5.75; do, com., $4.50 to� But their foes, the German Repub, The Army Council had put them- $8,000,000 WAR DEBT seaboard, $4:85. 1$4.76; butcher cows, choice, $4.75 to licans, Liberals, Socialists and the ! me selves indefepsibly in- the .-wrong. ' $b.b0; do, red., $3.50 to $4.50; can- rest, even, unto_the wild-eyed Reds, :• - Manitoba flour-1stpats.- in j Remarking the Ireland was not yet Britailn Makes Final SettYe� sacks, $6.30 per bbl.; 2nd pat .. $5.80.1 Hera and cutters,$1.50 to $2; do tom., why by Die Rote Fahne, Ber- h out of the woods, Major Cooper. app Hay—Extra Nor 2 timot y per ton,I.$2,50 to $3.50; feeding steers„ choice,i fin's-Bolshevist daily, have absolutely ' pealed for unity and the banishment men# of War Accounts Be- crack, Toronto; $14.50 to-$15; No. 2, $5:50 to$6; do,fair,$4 to$b; stockers,I no intention of allowing the Monarch- = .of personal,considerations. tween Two Governments. $14.60; no. 3,,$12.50-to $18; mixed. choice, $4 to $b; do, lair, E3.b0 to $4;i ists a walk-over at the elections. $12.50. milkers and springers,rs, choice, $80 to Professoi John 'XacNeiI, Minister ' ' 'Straw—Cailota r ton, $IO to $11 do 1 � opeiaing guns in the. anti- _p from London says:— + per $9.50. $120; calves, choice, �- ln s b. ba rte r m $20.50. iambs, choice ewes.- Monarchical campaign are.-already expecting unusual ab abnormal things will receive from the Britesh, y ports, per 19. to 20e: �• $7 to $9} do tom., $a;. Monarchical � Treanor next week the sum of $8,- $5.60 to $8 $14 to $16• do, Ing peach to the discussion. Anybody, bucks, $12.50'to $1 .50; do, culls, $8 wi as 20 to 22c, o uca r_at- tan recleaned screen .o Y large,- 1 _ - 000,000 in final aettlen:ent of war ac- twins, triplets, 21 to 21%c, to $9, sheep, li ht ewes, $8 to $9;I ��— not to happen in the neva Irish State,}counts between the two Governments. Stiltons, 22 to 23c. Old, large, 25 to'do, culls, $6 to 6.60; hogs, fed and British Unemployed Have he said, expected miracles. Secret The British 'Treasury is returning to 27c; twins, 26 to 28c• trinlets 300 !watered' $8. do f,ob. ,-$7.50• do combinations in the. army were once Butter--Finest creams Tints ,Received$IO0,000000 Canada at the same time the $6?,- ry,p 44 country ants, $?2b• do' selects -Hetes but the Governments task - Po ° 000000 of Canadian bonds which were,to 45c; No. 1 creamery, 43 to 44c; No- $11,80. lues to enable the army to grow out 40 to 42c; dairy, 8?c. MONTREAL despatch- from London says:-- . - received in the'early days of the war fresh, tri cartona� 3b The remarkable sum a racimstel a! that state. Mutiny b9 subordinate' Eggs=Extras, Oats No. 2 CW. 68c No. 3 CW. PP y� -officers mifcht be bad, but the deliber-f as .a loan, but were never marketed, Oats,36c; fresh extras, loose, 33c; fresh-51c; extra No. 1 f lof £392 000,000 ($1960,000 000) has49 to Flour, , the securities being oast!-merely as firsts, 30 to Slc fresh seconds No. 2 )oval white, 46 to 46'r5c. Flour, fate and conscious setting aside of the! +' 27 been contributed by the British Ex- collateval.. The British Government to 88c, I Man. e authoritg of the Government by the� prang wheat pats., firsts, $6.30;�chequer for the relief of the uner>i- Arm Council was worse than nr t at first asked Canada., to credit Iyer Honey-60-M tins, 11 to ll%c per seconds, $5.80; strong bakers, $5.60; y signing of the'armis. yV ' y y' to.the extent of the face value of the lb.; 10-lb. tins, 11 to 12c; 5-,%- tins pro ed since the winter acs. theft lice- This includes over E100,000,000' :and a Defence Minister who stood for ]lift to 12c 21,4-Ib. Una, pats., e, $5.65 to $5.76. It had no option but to rest bonds. $67,000,000, but Canada point- 121,5,. fo 18c; Rolled oats 90-15. bag, $8.Ob. Bran, k; P ed out that as they bear-interest at comb honey, per doz., No. 1, $3.75 to $28.25. Sorts, $30.25. Middlings, ($500,000,000) used in resettling'sot- General Mulcahy then gave his ver-1 only,835' and 4 $4; No. 2, $3.25 to $3.50. . .. 3 service men, but dote not include sion of the incident. Neither the. g ger cent-, they could Live m }$ 6'25: Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, po try—Chickens 8 to 4 The . Chief.o! Stas nor the Quartermaster- be marketed among post-war inves- 25c; hens, over 5 lbs., 26c; $18' I£100,000,000 ($500,000,000) coatribnt< do 4 to ti unemployment fund b tors here onlyat a b' discount It. Butter, No. 1' pasteurized, 3b1si to ed #o the unem to y any. .General he.said, had anything to do' Iba., 24c; do, 3 to 4 lbs., rbc; spring 3&• No. 1 creamery,+ Yt g rp 3434 to 35c. plovers and workers. with the raids which was carried out would, therefore, be inch cheaper-to chickens;4 lbs:and over, 25c; roosters,;E lander the direction ot. the Adjutant-L Iet the bonds remain in England until 15c; ducklings, over 5 lbs.,• 19c; do;a 82c. Patau res, 36c; fresh firsts, ' the date of maturity, 1945. After ne- 4 to 5 lbs., 18c. , ger bag,car-lots, $1.55 General. .He intended to deal •before Dressed' poultry—Chicken 2 to $1.60. Lighthouse for.Automobiles � gotiations between ChanceIIor Philip s+ to 4 Cutter cows, $2.75 to $3; canners, _,the Cabinet tribunal with the question; , lbs., 30c• hen over 5 lbs 28c•. do on Dangerous Hill in Snowden and Canada's representative, + ' + $1.50; calves, fairly good lots weigh- an$ EII$Ial>I� 9. of brotherhoods and secret societies Ind 4 spring 6 lbs ens• . l . .to 4 lbs 1& 1 Ing the army, and he considered that the >-' Larkin,pthe' British Treasury spring chiekens,� 4. lbs, and over, $2e; $5 and I up; hogs, $8.25;do �dog than, Psays:— personnel _ of the tribunal should lie' agreed to acct t a rate of 57.48 for roosters; over 6 lbs., 18c; dneklin ,fbacon 9. ,. select A despatch from London _ the bonds. Providingthe , extencled to Inelude cancelled,- Canada's war- debt will be geese, 22c.' - lighthouse. It has been erected on a ----than the Ministerial party. - r efte d- by between`$8,000,000-and Beans—Canadian hand-picked lb: A win man will hold his tongue till dangerous hill between Birmingham A later despatch from Dublin i 7c- primes, 6%c. he sees-opportunity,-but a babbler and and Manchester for the guidance of .Mays:—The Free State is breathing, $9,000,000 by this adjustment !freely' again after -the sensation of --+�=- aple products—Syrup, per imp, s fool will regard no time. automobiles. `the last fortnight. -The feeling of Scarecrow at 6 Years, _ _ _ -- _ __ _ _ - _-__-- -- -• �� calm Is enhanced by the announce- Mc- Merit M.P. and-Farm Leader at 74 of the release of Colonels Crea, Thornton, an, Griffin, •Slattery,f A despatch from- London says:—AG ' t Tickel ,. NOW . .. Commandants Dolan, Griffin, Byrne,: lad who began his farming career by Ou Halpin, ex-Commandsat Shanahan hiring out as a scarecrow at one shi and ex-Captains Collins and Leahy,I ing a week, when only 6 years old,has all of whom were arrested in con*nee- own u to be at 74 chs}ria of the fat PrizC tion with the military siege of a'pub- P n. FOR TH't j } Council Of Agriculture for England. C C'C C C I'. . lie house in Parnell Square on, Tues;A,y night in He is George Edwards, members of VV vVv etersn-i• -� s General Tobin and Colonel Dalton. divistom ar a of Norfolk and the recognized le der All accepted and.approved the cau- of farm labor. .2nd Prizes 31st MARCH 1924 lions laid down by General Mulcahy j g , , and while helping . •I . That first job was .good for seven ' . when he was Defence Minister that� ' days a week,- and during his tenure all arms, `ammunition and store&. (£ •000) tIMO Veterans:' O taken from certain barracks during; of it he incurred a thrashing acrd a• you may - ' docking of two pence• for falling 3rd PrizF the recent mutiny be surrendered to asleep. Mr. Edwards'is the son of a _ the officers at'¢resent in charge of 1 farm laborer who supported a wife $49555 _ tease barracks; and.that,all the offi-I and seven children on eight shillings (�1.�) WIN OIRTUNE cars concerned surrender, and on-.pre- a week and was sent to prison for and 2000 other cash • denting parole be' allowed--out under prizes from,prize fend, taking t i from a field to feed Open arrest, the same conditions also, of $138,888 (£30,000) his fa 1 . Yogng Edwards never <:smbracing 411 absentees from duty. went to school his wife tau donated by Bovril Thus it appears that the whole of taught him to Limited. Competitors arrangements of the Posters must reach London, England c read, And he bought books by. for- (address postage 4c) en or before 30th April,1924 ' the present trouble has'blown over,' jivers on ticket-folder, 'i swearing tobacco. He is now a maRis- Bend your donation with.coupon though skeptics think only for the j present, as cleavages still ..remain in. trate and a county councillor. properly filled out to any one - ` - _ _ Lea ue of Nations Assigns 2725 Pyar Vete., Montreal. the army. . o h following: I enclose a donation of $ .... ................................. ......,_o- Veterans Assoelatlon of Great Britain, The Lethbridge and district alfalfa $ $ M -Please. send me.....:....Ticket-Folders for Bovril Poster Com- G Association, Cltlsee owers are signing up a pool to TWO Villages to Hun petition One Ticket-Folder will be sent for every $1.20 gives. $ Hary Building, Ottawa. handle the production of alfalfa and --- Army and Navy Veterans in Canada, 121 Name in full all classes of hay, and may merge A despatch from Budapest, says:— Bishop Street, Monfieal. - with the'Pincher Creek Co-operative The villa (Mr., Mra. os Miss) • gas o! .Sumoskoe-Ujfalu and . imperial Veterans In Canada, 700 MaTim , ;. :, •,.. Street, Winnipeg. ddress ......::....r,:..........:.:.................:..:...:'; Association and'thus control'al] pro Somoskoe, oir the Czech frontier, have duction In the south and Tubereuloua Veterans!Association, Room Hun- eastern art of Alberta. It s expect- ect- barman authorities over to the Hun- 47, Citizen Building, Ottawa. ............................................. Y P P- y Czecho-Slovakia. CLOSES M A R C H 31st, 1 8 2 4 Association. Make Cheques and Money Orders to Vetotans od that 90 per cent. of the growers They were assigned to Hungary by 2-324 Bovril Poster Competitim will sign up. J the League of Nations last gear, • »::.w. dt* }.. .- - yr. ,.._".'....+ �,,�: .-..�Erk•, ,.'•.-�,. q +:- ,,°. ns.v u,1'i•.� „y.:. •�y+ �.•.. 9z," •w: _..tM=;, C.... ,� � ..y'".: i"�`d :.r. :;g L•r r} ni. � rS'�•;3•" "�iii� s .. � ,� ;st xa �+ ... ;. '•�• ., ,. •' y;tom' � '- n rG •s. �..v,,,�• 3�4°°. 'ems" "�ti�' ,�: jw; ..:.� .t•., »" n;. '�?+;� � ifu� +,»4 z ,. c. ,f i T•"` ..: n_,4. .xs.µ,,'1a,v,.� ...yy .:x-. ,+sy; -' . r11 91m,W- Z;Z" Y V� rK.. 't w t , •i r n r w, CALISIi�IS Htitry Moore was in the city —blaster Billy Heron is spend• a , . ou Tuesday. _ ing a week with leis grand-parents.' a wear !. '-t- .� `--- Ncilsotl's Ice Cream, on .hAxxd J-abez and 31 r Hallett. � � �n �0 O t�� e ar 1 at Tllezton'r. * -Edgar Batts 1>,es .eS�tered' -the NNN� t� —Frank and Mrs. Hall weir in --Dr. Henry will be'here astisu- employ of.. Victor Ross and will t ' 4he city on Friday. �^t � �al nest Tuesday to attend to,.hie start his 'work' on the fares at . Ol]r Specialty--Everyday Styles -Frank Bundy, ofToronto,was. professional duties. once. in town on Tuesday. —Mr. and Mrs. •,Fielding, of —Dr. E. A. Sadleir, Dentist, to keep your .feet dry `• —Chile. Elviss is visiting friends Graveyhuret, •:arrIved: .here this practicing in Toronto, will be here - >: In this neighborhood. week to spend a few menthe with in his office on Thured from 10 an warm; _ ' Frank Prouse has completed Dr. and Mrs. Cartwright. a. m.' to 5 _o. m., as usual. the erection of his new garage, c Williams'G. Toiratice. of Toronto, —G A. Bradley, Paititer and :Ask for vt' Boots--they wear —Miss Marjorie Allaway spent spent oven Sunday with Oliver Decorator.. A telephone Vail'will - ' .0 few dayft in the city last week. and airs. Crummer and other Pick= eceive otir hnalediate attention. �t ICI]ger and easiery . —James Rose spent Mon-day and - r whi -`L7atisfae`tion guaranteed x eriag friends. Estimates- _-furnished promptly. 0. :1 Tuesday last in Windsor on basi- _Mi s Corinne Doyle, of To _411 300 or 58 tby. *** F —Gordon and Mrs. Law sent ronto, spent the week-and here y p with. her `grandparents, Geo. M., l their relatives Xeuy Advertisements. T /. the weekend with and,Mrs. Paltue.r. Q in Toronto. —A number from here accom- Big 88 Ove-ralls .Slid Smocks —Mi ssesBallantyaeand Burner P&Hied tlieField.Orebestra to Br L�OR SALE—Colite pun%. Appy to sprat .the weekend with Port ]"ham on Friday 'evening and at- l� s.Mrra°ch,tot la, o°n;a. Pic>terina: R.R. That `�'otld Famoit§ Arni and Iiaulmer Brand. Absolutely none Hope friends. tended the social -danee ill -the No. 1,Pickerinu. g'-� better. ,Just try them once and you'll always. Kenneth and Airs. Gordon, of town hall. I'OR RALE-2 Rep a and 1 gauger, say BIG EIGHTY-EIGHT. ..Toronto, spent Sunday with airs. or will exchange for chickens. Jos.B.Goren- .7anles Gcadoll: —M�t's• Booth, of Tillsonburg, ley. �unt,arton. 29 Alba has been spending a few —'Mrs. Richard Pnckcin has been OR SALE—Yorkshire White saw,: * ' weeks here vtith, her daughter, T„� epending a few'days with friends Mrs. W. F. Lsw,.ou account of the +" due the middle of April: Apply to T.P.Rob- 27-29 ' in Cannington. . • c kir. R.R.No.1,Pickering. 2i 29 Lathe' Ladles ' —Arthur ,Boyer and his men latter's illness, returned hove on — " - know that firs. Law has ttearlwing the latest'in Oxfords, in swedes, have res}]mrd work on' the Pro- Wednesday. We .are, Klad. to WANTED—A single man for eight ,. glacial highway. y r.g Phone Pick.23ZS, 2r-tf , -,-David.Bath, of Whitby, spent recovered from her prolonged ill• months.-Apply F.Ni.M. Chapman,Pick- YM are 6h patents find kid. ness. UR SALE—Several goung pigs ,Also, a dandy line of.the-last word in Sunday here with -his daughter, � /� 2 —farmers report that f+til and a sow due about April Ist. Apply to Jas. 'HOSIERY Mrs.'Edgar Andrew. wheat,is coming through-the win. Kinnear.R:R.No. 1, Hill. 23-29 - , S;r —Mrs. W. G. Scott'. of Clare-' ter in Rood shape. The covering (}OS FOR HATCHING—From - moot. visited her sister, Mrs. W. of snow which protected it all• E well bred White Wyandottea at i5 cents per • • • -3:Hitler. onSYedaesday. raatkerima n. d t winter frQm the froom-is tux w a , 07 —Norman and Mrs. Machin and is needed and, ,the. }weather since WHEAT FOR BALE—A quantity °� Fzatablished4857. E family, of Oshawa. spent Sunday vv of Mar tsa in wheat, flee of all weed }� the snow began to disappear has au' pr g mere with the former s parents. seeds. M.B.Burk, Locust Hill. Phone Pick The Rose Exek+lsior Mills have bebn favorable.- The greatest dun• 1031• - 27 29 - ger from ftost is now over: secnred orders which time keep —The spring flood was of very ri'OR SALE-2 choice Holstein cows. � � them busy for'a long time ahead. fresh: also Pick1quantity0 of good clean oats and t short duration this year and LOUk barley PhoneAck 1920: John ,Wilson. R.R. _ —James Ricbardsoa is still off lace on Sunda afternoon.' 'For No.1,Whitby. 2x-29 to re.�,j t duty on account'of the felon on p y jr r.•.-- about fifteen minutes the water DISON PIKE-Pinna teacher., at '' his hand. He finds it very vraq backed uD tothe extent of .-EClaremont on..Saturda3•s. Pupils prepared -Aire sonae wor nuramR surehe the ig way, When � , flag@P. BB key's. Phone 3009.'• 6-27 the ice m6ved oat of the creek and --= —Airs. Thos. Mkddaford and lit• it allowed free course- far.the. rANTED=Youn or middle-aged 'tie daughter,-of Toronto,spent the `N W. experienced, Rto Fork on a 50-acre ' huge volume of water. farm,corner of Kingston and Stock roads. Ap- week-end here with th'e former'• —On Friday morning last as J. ply 1sox 47.Pickering. mother, Mrs. J: Dwyer of Church w ___�_ — - -Sensational Stock-Taking Clean-up In is street. S. Balsdan entered his hnrd.nstp q ED.OAT% FOR SALE—O. A. C. t store he discovered that b.nrglar• ' fru from foul seeds. Also a good gelding.. k Farmers are now gk-ttirig had effected an entranoe during Apply to R.Guthrie..KingstonRoadEast. Hell .. _ the Boot �n -Shoe De As ready to begin their spring work, phone Whitby 103 r 14. 29-30 ?Where needed men have been en- the night by remocinR a large r ane of-glaGs from the front dour. rARJi TO RENT—In the tnwnshi 1 x aged and I -a few days it will L of Picker, .consisting of -23 acres situated --.-Among the bunch you;will find e ' _: a all hustle On the fartns. he glass was broken Into a nam- °+4 on lot li,con,t, Fo terms and particulars ap- - her of small pieces and was carried ply tu_Box 76,Green 29tf —The 'Kingston road i9 nnw - — — i_ rt aFound to the west end of the Ladle$_ xfords, Strap Shoes, Lee Bala almost entireiy free of snow and OST—A cnllied wllh ahorttail, Re- ice but a good heavy rain is want- building. 11ir, Ba19tlOD CanDOL Lely L has 2 tags with aumben 14a and 298. Re- a definitely what till Z sig taken,%nt. wjrd G imior:aation lendingg to its recovery. p p`T ed to wash off all the dirt that has he has missed two rifles, a ntitn Russell Conner Brougham. Phone Pick 513. 29 -.Misses' Lace Ba1B, Boys Boots, accumulated- during the winter, her of razors, ral�r blades, alarm a} '-moatbe. BED OATS FOR BALE=Improved p n �/� - —F. Hurst, had the misfortune Clock,- watches and other small ►Banner.government crated,grade No, 1•ger• _ Children s, Boots, Men's articles. N. J-.Cbapmac, who bas m�mat,on 99 -per cent. and a6 lbs.per bushel• one day last week to fall on the wn from registered seed. Thomas Rleso*• _ice and injure bif!back sad se a rooms Above the store, saw,the toa_s,scarboro, R.R.2.Pickering. 29-3r lresak is now off dal taking sa burglars about one o clock. There SERVICE HOG—Pure bred Tam- -• Heavy Koots, y g Were two mens One tall and the enforced holiday, though recove Swarth, limo 1 9 Elmo 3-18196,erred by other rather abort. They hada 1KoodrowsElmo 14972- gam inverygie Bacon d lila nicely. Beauty 181!31. Fee><lso pa able at time of hien B Fine Boots Etc. small track and he-saw thein s•rvice FYrd Lacey:lot 35, :F. con. -Picker- -Mise Jennie Cookmals, of En. 29-32 - r :niskillen, has been spending a carrying the Roods out. He ing. We are enable to note all the noes here, but we thought that.it was either Mr. q p week or two with her uncle and Balsdon or some customer ba in �'00�-.FOR HATOHINGF—eo cents _ _ aunt, Jamee as Mrs. Potter. On y g a setting, Cockerels for sale at $2,00 from can assure you that there will be a. Rood R. so did Dot give the alarm. the Lewis Clark White Leghorn strain; also t Tuesday she and Mrs. Potter left choice whin Wyandotte hese for sale (Martin F,reat big Olean up. to spend a week with relatives is The Tnrotito police have been Doti• strain)at$2.00each. Apply to Norman sir• __ Brantford. Red and it is hoped that the burg Greenwood. Phone Pick, 1. 2esi -Don't miss the opportunity. Lara may try to dispose Of t e _ ' —Mrs. W. J. Miller was In $ OR BALE—Cheap. all kinds of Whitby a couple of days last week goods and in that way may @ Fwagons,harness,and all kinds of farm im- visiting her mother, re. T. E caught. _ _ vlementsin goodordei.. Also severalb6av and - „ fight scales and cook stoves and heaters. High- Pugh, who has been very ill-at the —"Cranberry Corners in the est pricepaid for hides and wool. also.live DOni- And Don't For0ei the only place in town horse of her daughter. Mrs. Geo. Town Hall on Friday evening try, H.Herman,Stouffville. Phone 19N 17tf W. P. Every, but w'bo, we are proved to be a real_ treat to a -'to .purchase' Carhartt'B Overalls ° glad to know, is improving fairly large audience. There savers EOGs FOR HATCHING-Ilpnu wtitit _ winter-layers get hatching eggs from bred-to- a number of counter attractions -din all' the world no ov6ralls —Miss Edna Boyer, wba has ]ay White Wyandottes,. Dorcas strain,and been n rator' in the telephone which no doubt kept some. away. White Leghorns.Barronstrain. These pens are p R' P Nevertheless, Almond'a Dramatic beaded Isatyear'uprise-winners. All selected like these.) central for the past two and a half eggs at 75 sent•for 15. Also Mammoth Pekin V ears, has resigned to accept a Club received their fair share of duck a�s at 75 rents pest setting. bf. B. Burk .1 y g p R-R No.1,Locust Hill. Phone'Pick 1031. 29tf Position in James Riehardaon's patronage and in return presented _. — Ladies Holeproo.f Hosiery (the genuine, -store. . She will be Succeeded In their drama to the entire satisfac- OG9 FOP. HATC`-RING-From guaranteed kind ). sto telephone egntral by Mira tion of every one present. The Ebred•to-lay Plymouth Rocks, a good winter cast was Nag well..filled throughout layingq strain, also White Wyandotte• from a ` 1 Meryl Hall.• first-class flock. Both flocks have been laying Staunton Wall-Papers (the old reliable with ruing John T. and ever -one had their lines, steady since middle of November. Chickens Stephenson received a telegram thils avoliing any Uncertain mom• hatched from titers flocks mean early laying pml- _the original-patented'Semi-Trim, eats that often OCCUC-with,Amit• rets for next fall. All eggs carefully selected at _from Deprot stating that his bro• 75 cents per setting or$8.50 for le dollen eggs• 6 a OII tears while ebgaRed la this work. A pig,-Mrs.Jae.Richardson, Pickering. Pbone Completetock always hand. cher, AV ill' m, bad died of poen• 2e. 27-32 mania. Mr. Stephenson left at The presentation was a credit to — _ once to bring the body to Picker- Almond's and the Club will be ;1 ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT— � �tElastiCa" =Paints and Varnishes in The faoeral will take lace welcomed bae$to Pickering should �: im acres,No,1 tray loam,all level land, z• the satisfactory,line. B P story brick house. hardwood floors=throughout, (, this (Friday)' afternood to Salem they ever have another program 10-ft.veranda. Rip' root barn, 40x70, stables � Demeter to offer. During the evening bliss underneath barn. Small orchard, winter trait. Dominion Linoleum in Four Yard Width Cemetery. 40 acres seeded down; plowing all done ready for —J. R. Thezton left on Thurs- M. Draper, of Whitby sang a eTOp, s aces of bush, watered by good spring ,t day,for Cheslep, having seemed a number of solos iieautifully. ' Wil. .piped to stable R'A1 sell this(arm right or rent at The Big Store." _ s lie Hall was also on the program to good tenant for a term of years. Willlet the _ QOOd po8ltlOa as foreman In Lhe stock and implements go with farm. Possession office of the Cheeley Enterprise. with a number of good piano $olos April 1st. Dick Moore, Pickering. 29-30 S. )CHAPMAN ~ -Mr Thezton will be greatly,miss 'and was,well received, The enter• ' ed is the,.village, but we hope tainment was given under the'ttus HetY.Clv1�00d Flooring s - that he may return in the near Pices Of the Young People's Soci• Furnaces and Shingles future. ,Airs.Thezton and family eZy of St.Andrew's Church. the summer, to continue the burl• country has' been comparatively plain red oak, gnvrter•cut white oak, birch or maple. _� 1 R E 114SURANCE Hess in the store. free from the tretilp nuisance Hecla Furnaces—pipe or pipeless —Don't forget..tile April Fool which was so prevalent twenty or social to be held in the Methodist thirty years ago. ' The prosperous Rub beroid Fah$late Shingles and Roll Sunday School on Tuesday even- times during the war, when the RoatioR, l8 or 38. inches wide. , Also, a few._settings of-bred_to-lay _ ing,.April 1st. Tea will be served demand for labor- was greater Barred-Rock eggs for'sale. from 6 to 8 o'clock;followed by hes the supply, bad the effect of From Toronto Globe; February 27,1924 _ programme and games. . .Thin is-reducing the number of tramps to JOHN DRAPER,• rices ING • the only day in the year in which a minimum. But now when there — Call and get prices 30 Discussing farm loans before yes- loaned belongs to the Province," he wise men can mingle with fools' is such a depression throughont terday afternoons session of the an-l stated, ,and p must be ntiageguarateed without,.IOaln their re ntation; the county we ma expect a re- n'ual convention:of the Mutual Fire(against any possible contingencies g p y 'y P Underwriters' Association{of Ontario !against loss under any circumstances. so come along and forget the wor-' turn of the peet in great numbers, 'BE: ATTY at the Carls•Rite HQtel, A.''G.Farrow, We have not-taken an attitude of in- ries of everyday life for a few especially in the more densely Chairman of the Agricultural D6vel- sistence that insurance of farm build. hours, Admission=according to poptilaied districts, such as along STAN DS FOR THE BEST opment Board, claimed that satisfac-'ings be transferred to tariff companies, " your/ftppetite. Those not wishinlx the provincial hij(111vaV. There is tory arrangement with mutual coast- but we'often have made that recom- j refreshments-15 cents. no necessity of all these men be- patties was impossible. The looney mendatiou. --The.Forestry Branch of-the log in 'this position of begging -' I have TARIFF and MUTIU AL Companies ,. ,'�Pcovincial Govern'nlent are .offer• 'their living, as thev can get em- ing to distribute trees free bf cost ploynient on felt ms, flat mor of :-r CONTSULT ME WHEN INSURING to farmers who•will'agree to plant them would father starve than. - them on ?vaefe land; and protect humiliate themselves by working them from animals. A maximum. on a farm. They want work in' of 3,500 trees or enough to plant the cities where they will have 3 — t INSURANCFt-Life, Fire, Anto, Accident, Sicikness. 8 two acres-lull lie supplied free in short hours, and wages twice as BO�'US—Gnve'rnment, Aianicipal, Corporation. one year. For wind-breaks and intTch as they are worth.� and un- `MORTGAGE LOANS on Farm Properties. shelter belts, 500 spruce or cedar less the get tbis they would re-I REAL ,ESTATE—Farm and Residential. p Y P will be supplied free. The person far begging. With this change ' rereiving Lite trees must pay the we may also expect an increase in. Litter Carriers, 'Hay Carriers, . express, and will be supplied only crime. Merchants, especially, Pnu1pS. Door Tracks. Ctl't 1 q wishing ,: should take ever precaution to Bowls, Pressure Systeme F.tc• CA e'' ' � „ ,� A R K E R -an the spring. Person. w]_h}ng tt y 1 seeitre a number of trees should I guard against burglaries, and 1t will pay you to Ret my prices on , pIC$ERINQ write to the Ontario Forestry! this clanger is greater now than I above before buying elsewhere. p Branch, Parliament Building°, To•,ever, Since the automobile plays' FRANK J. PROUSE ,• t,,, stating the pilrtieniar kind suchPICKERIN(l, an important p}rt in this ONITARI01 Telephone Pickering 4800 P. o. BOT 40 L; ,c ork they propose doing. I form of crilre. i -y v. 4^� ' c .. ',,�s..� -v:. .'•Kit _. , --�.•a-:r _ _ ' k° rd:,e. , � ,.w.^ •.. t,y:. .c;;i3.., �'3 ti.; , ,q :'�:...! .,,.. r'�• .+'Yu ..nr'ae M•tr. .$1• .. l,` 9,r+,y=., .•-, a ra..$:,;,'�.a .R?;,y:.ntav��7" '" .+Yrs a',c."e. :.al. �.,2�.- v'*a.f