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V. I-K-TT M _V a 4 No.. W .- q.TICKERING, ONT., TRIDI!_ A VOL. XL111. V ' FEBRUARY 15, 1924 PH -ELLICOTT • GREEN RIVER. ��LI PS Aquiet wedding was solemnized on Don't forget 'the drama GREENWOOD Geo. K -Baker entitled _Xedika& Tuesdayi Feb. 12th, atthe manse, .$Willowdale" to be presented In-the Pickering,'by the Rev..P. F.Gardiner, GKeen River Baptist church on Tues. *Opto cal JAsioc!aEi,OW-OtOntarte.-4t"E.- r. and Mrs. H. Ellicott became auspices the Green Dramatic-ter of M 'MILLS FORSY when Alberta Lorei3ft.youngest daugh. day evening, Feb. 19th, under the T.HOpb.D.. Dkeetor metri I River Dr Istered.Me of Itlie"AZrican Cotometrical Cecil M. Phillips. eldest Club. A programme consisting.of a =cea E -To- -Ava 19.1 Clayeo examined by appointment son As, readingsand Phone re oat. Ont., of George and the 19 -cere Ovy violin selections wiR be given between ------Established 1838 Stop 11 Brougham. After the Admission 25 cents;--eb-Hdren The Oldest established industry in F. TOMLINSON.-M. B., Member W18 and Mrs. Phillips left for Barrie acts.. � N. f the College of Physicians and Surgeons and Midland amid showers of confetti under.12 jear.s. 15 cents, Ontario cougty. ref Ontario. Office: that formerly occupip and best wishes. y HIGHLAND CREEK. the late Dr.R.F rodie.and latterly by Dr, &�d well. Phone. Claremont Qnt. 231y Look, ' BROCK ROAD.' a Joy C. McKINNON, M.D_ L.R.C.S Social dance at valley Hall on Tues. .Baker's J -N IC 0 Pdlnbur.#b.mainber.of the,College Oil ..,Dsten e harvest has begun on the pond. day, Feb. 19tb. The urwaladmiasion= .'Physicians and Surgeons'of Ontario.Ifeentistm r"' : For Bread. Wedding bells afe ringibgto the 7.5c. and ladies please provide. There of Boyd College of sursteons. Ediobuz attention to didea6ses of woiren -t To Baker's Splendid Choice east of us. will be a novelty prize e dance. Dancing Not excelled by ANY OTHER a' sMldratt. Office and r;aiddsuoe,Brouglawm. Mrs. W:H. Jackson has been under starts at 8.30 BRAND Asocial evening of Phonographs. the weather lately w itb a bad'*cold. will be held at the Satisfaction guaranteed or a Miss McIntosh our teacher visited 'some of Airs. H. Brurnwell, Highland YOUR MONEY BACK 22 de 'Creeki on FriAav, Feb 22nd, un DR. GORDON MdKAYC - roc• It don't matter who makes her home in Toronto last week=end. dr tor. Office hours--2.30 to-5.00 and 7.00 to 'Art Badgerow has,secured a position the auspices of the WomeWs Iustitute.' KiSSIMI Flour 8.00 and by appointment. the Record, our Oval with the Rose Excelsior Mill at Pick. Music,games and refreshments will b Phone 320. Brock Street. Whitby: sting provided by the ladies. Silve' r'collec, For Pastry. is reported that Wm. Ackforil tion -will be taken in- aid of Library .... ,,Horn Phonograph rt MI -FLOUR sold to On. Leads. Will manage J. H. Bayes' farm this building fund. Everybody welcome. More KISSI. tario Oounty than any other pla U summer. .Y I coming r Miss Fannie Ka es bfks been home for brand of pastry flour.' There is Barrister and E CHRISTIAN, WHITEVALE. reason. ASoli�itor.Notary Etc. Money to some time through sickness, but is oan.4 South'Wing, rt House. Whitby. 251 now well nigh recoveri6d. The many friends of Mrs. W. D For sale in Pickering by M. S. Chap- Mr. Diamond has secured a position Rogers are pleased to know that she is man. W ILLIA M J. BFATON,B.A..Bar- -f.. Stouffvlll.e. ,.Ont, in a city dairy. His son's will, manage� recovering from her serious, and pro. Farmers will always find &.Market.. r.Solicitor member f the of Denise=.Poster and Beaton.Toronto the farm this season. Success boys. tracted illness. for their wheat-at highest price. a]Trusts Building I"Bay Street.Toronto.. e Main 961 ana 962. Mrs.J.a. Kayes'bais returned from We understand that W. L. Smith. Phone for price. the city where she has -been nursing Win. Peebles and other of our esteem• her daughter. who is in with bron- ed citizens are setiously considering ' Detrital J. cattle. , -of-electric-Hghts in.their Barley Wainted h;Dmes. T-WR. HARRY HUDSON. Dentist. rat Director Two of our local nimrods were seen ri JL-fWbithy. Office-Astain's Terrace. Byron rune BROUGHAM when coming home froms. successful rabbit St.North. Phone Qjoo,� (Gas extraction and t a dt; desired). all, Mr.and Mrs. Robert Devitt were in bunt, y or two ago. Bobby and .-Licensed- EmbaDner a the city on Monday. Ernie expect to have rabbit pie ei�e__ry- R. D. C. Smith. Dentist. Stouff. "ills. Honor Graduate of Chicago and To MOTOR HEARSE The L"ies AM of the Wbitevale ronto Universities and the Royal Collme of in the city for a few d*ivF-. D W. J. Deritt has been visiting day this month. DCRUISurgeoni. Phone office 1011. Residence Wrtr. T.C. *Brown has returned from Methodist church held a very success- 201y 1015. No'outsid, appointments. CLA"MONT, Oat. Woodstock and reports her-sister, ful tea at the home of Mrs. D. R. Bea- ID LAKE -B. .BEATON. D. D. S., Mrs. Thornton. somewhat improved ton on Thursday evening last. All re-j0 Graduate of the Royal Colelge of Dental in health. port avery enjoyable time. SToronto. 'Surgeons and University of Tonto. Office Mrs. Robert Devitt entertained Mrs. Mrs. J. A. Pugh entertained a auth- over W.M Pritigle's hardware store. Whitby. �Olbce hours 9 to 12 1 to 5.30. Ind. phone 6: Axford's and Miss -Phillipts Sunday ber of young people to a chicken din- 441y school classes on-Friday evening. and ser on Saturcla -Bell phone 220. BASEETS FOR SALE v evening last. Miss Deedless to say all present enjoyed a Irene Pugh and a number of friends veterilba" splendid time. (som Victoria College were amoRg The undersigned wishes to notify the publie that be has pdrcbAwd from the St. John's W. M. S. will hold their those present. The Universal G.KERSLAKE, B. V. Sc. Honor executors of the late W. 0. Barnes Monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Our enterprising blacksmith N. Mil E*Graduate of University of Toronto.Phone I Tb:g a rushing trade these all the basket and basket material In W. J. Devitt on the afternoon of Feb. ler I* doi cases given prompt and careful aturntion. days. recent heavy snowfall has (One of Our Productions) .3002, Clarewoo!.. 321y 4 will be able to furnish fruit' 21, at.3 o'clock. All interested are In- -again baskets on the shortest blitice and at vited-to come and bring thimbles. brought "Dobbin" into favor - We sell Bill's Rite-Lite Lens'.for It requires the bassistance of two help• all mattes of cars-the best current piricei. Write or phone. Hall call: Prayer. ers to supply the wants of his many up** The fire engine concert is engrossing in the.market for one customers. the price. the attention of the people of this FRANK PENNOCK, WV. RICHARDSON-Real Be place and all are joining bearttly In ti" Insurance.C4&vvyanctog. GREEN RIVER, ONTARIO the scheme. The Minstrel troll will OSHAW^. 'FOR SALE P !EM,Pickering.Out. SUY 8kf furnish ova of the most Inte ting Heavy 'Wagon,! co of the occasion. Ample ac. HdaWd R.Motbermill.ard 89 are Bugg}' a, r real ant Womb- 13 POSTILL Licensed Auctioneer, commodation for borne@ free. anative " Iffe-lons :BetollrouBar ws for Ocisatise of Tort and Ontario. Ana. ro The annual meeting of St. John's awa. met with th Instant death about$ All in- good shape. Em oleo of ail tinds atianced to an shofts*6 church was held In the.church on Fri- &clock on Tuesday morning to Toran- asim. Address Gram 8.17W F.0.. Oct. Hardwood diav,.Feb.S. A-fair attendance of the to. He bad gone to the city with his Woodworkiaq and'General members were present. The several son. Everett. to attend a meeting of R.2ZATOX TOWNSHIPOLESK Blacksmithing. I 0 04 to were encouraging. Money the Knights of Columbus. Behadbe- K0207 to less Poll D overasses. 00==Swinaor for fthf04 sawavieff. A010massat. 21e. ralsed from-all sources for the year come separated trots his.son and they W. H. JACKSON,,Brock Road) -Iftuer of were to meet at a certain point and as were some _tr � $1197.78-Expeaditures SOM.81. ooring Pickering, Oni. %C=;.- OU& W M. braised$150.00. the father failed to keep the appoint- AVID A. PUGH-Live stock nuc- We can supply you with 'the meat. the son returned to Oshawa. imneer. Graduate of C. M. Jones' thinking that his father W returned Lifetime experience with beat brands on the market to plal a GREENWOOD. by an earlier train. According . 111, lock=W ring woek All In information received Mr. Mot th "Cr k and quart cut red and white Oak, lb�esilel 1111unattended to. Teruo muctiable. Phone Mine Scott spent Friday and Satur- Here You'�Are 0MIM130011t. 161Y Beech, Birch and Maple. and another man and two women had Our business is not confted to duwith friends itr Toronto. summoned a taxi at 2 25 Queen St. MAW, LICENSED AU iea'Aid met at the homis of Mrs. W TMI'ONEISR,for York.AQntano and Durham hardwood flooring only as we car' F. L.Green on Tuesday afternoon. west, and instructed the Iriver. to lCountits., Allkindsof sales P--" attended yy a la'rg6 and well assorted stock Ernest Trimble and Miss Olive take them to- Keystone avenue and ,to. Termaressonstble. Dates.for sales way be also to Cedlarvale and Danforth. Cement,l -end with 0wransw at NEWS'Oftv. Bell and ludepeo- Of rough and dressed wall boards, Witheildge gppnt the week While returning to the city, Mother. dent Phan". Wbitb?,Ont. Sir roofings, ate. Alf.and Mrs..Trimble. spent sill. who had been drinking; jumped Mrs. Rains 'and Miss M. Wood Coa l --WM-B TAXLE-Plakerini Friday and Saturday in Toronto with Out of the tali, or possibly fell out. '�T-R. Triton going East lue iia tallows 9 PICS and as befell, fractured hit skull,killz Mrs. Robinette and family. No. 10 Mail 77.57 A, M. Owing to the bad condition of the In him tostantIv. H* bad was umber His taken to the morgue and on Resday 28 Local P.M. LUMBER YARD roads Monday morning the high school aquest was held, the verdict being 30 "Local 45.25 P.M contingent from here were delayed un- an 11 "accidental death"sod no blame was 8un4tty train. 8.27 A.M. 'til noon. on. Mr.' Mother- Shingles attached to any person.ITTi" going went dUA 60 follows- Mrs. Lloyd Pegg Is -home again, Bill. who was word-master for the Osh. No. after a prolonged visit. with her 29 Local 10.50 A.M. _par- street railway, was a member of 4� 27 Local 2.44 P.M. D. A. MORDUIE ants, Ed. and Mrs. Jackson, of Fort sw Ready Roofing 9 Mail 9105 P.M. William. St. Gregory's R..O. church. and in urviyed by two sons and one dausch- services on Greenwood Circuit for e Sunday train, ter. his wife having pre-decwLbed him _._and ILath --fd DR to Standard-- next Sdoda are : .` 8-48 P. M. LFneral Director Mt. Zion at 10.80 -Foregoin UrLeco --------- I two years ago. time. ch. am-math Sundsy -bool ab I.Acensod Zzabehaer itisale at 1.30 P.M. with Sunday r School at 2 SO: Greenwood at, 7 p. m. OUNDA"ON. hilit Trees, Shrubs '14tv.-• Up-to-date?4*w and Sunday School at 2 90 p. m.-. Brc- F. A.- REE.SO Rl successor to tigbam at 7 p.,m.. under the auspices Frank and Mrs.Toriande-were at f the Ladlee'Ald. The YoungPeo- horne!' to their friends.lost Thursday Maving secured the atency for B.D. AR HAk CHAR. BEIERf, . -M K pleoftheUDIOn Church. 0I evening. Smith&Son.Ltd., Nureerymen.' aremont. of Winona. Ont. Phone 9M will visit the Young People's League Miss Minnie Bennett and niece. at Greenwood on Wednesday. 20th Leols Bateman,spent a week with the a orders for all inst...at,8 1).W. The Young eoples' J am re aced to tak_Small Pruifo-i kinds of Fruit Vim, League at at Kinsale Mt 9. A ex.Thom.of Wadena,Sask., will Ornamental 'Shrubs Etc.. at Meet ' Mt. in in on Friday, 22nd Inst„ at and Mn.John Harper, of Sundridge, za lowest possible prices. Savo Bread . Flour 8 R, M. spent a few d^yi with relatives here. �1Ckermg%g I special rates for large quantities, The social gathering of the Sunday - 28tf and Marvel WHIT'EVALE. School last Wednesday itighlo was a decided success. Old and young&'Ike Pickerin as an N� J. Chapai", 9 Mrs. Ernest Berry spent last week enjoyed themselves with gam d d social Intercourse, after which ice 'Pastry Flour " in the city, Don't forget our Valentine social cream and lunch were served Plows and Points May be obtained from you Grocer. this Friday ev'g, (Nub. 15) On gunday. Feb. 10tb, at served. home Several milkmen from here took a of bar daughter,' Mrs. Southgate. To- TOFt�SALE, ALSO trip to Tweed last week and purchased ronto,-one of our oldest residents,in Brooklin Flour Mflls the person of Mrs.Leah Henderson, Ford-Touring Car, Maple Leaf8inch a number of good cows. sed away In her 86th year. The St WILSON, Prop.' . Mr. Vose,of McMaster University. j?as grain grinder, 61 inch grain' ' bu . in deceaped lived in our village, t of ,Wr , der, Foot lift riding plow, Lister Occupied tho Baptist pulpit most ac -city, She ore late engine 6 h. p.. Crown gang plow,32 it ceptably on Sunday last. sbent the winters In the and 40 ft extension ladders, The Ice harvest is now in full swing. is survived by two daughters and Heavy team wagon. Start Now to Equip Yourself- Nm .Numerous farmers are putting in their three sons, Loui . and William of summer supply,the 'quality being of Danbarton,and Mrs.Southgate,Char-. for a We ex n Greenwood the best. lee And Thomas of-Toronto.to, W. F. Dis 'ey, he family. Miss'Nokes 'spent Saturday at her tend our sympathy.to t 42tf Phone Pick 714 Mies in Uxbridge, her mother not We regret to chronicle the death of Cold POSITIOX of TRUST � (nee Anna Jead being very well, but we are pleased to Mrs. James Darling learn that she I progressing most fly Anderson), of Fort William,daughter rs. Anderson, sr., of this place. A CN*Ilmd tageft Miss �Luvets 5 C 3"d tobt LLiOTT vorably,Irene Is Pugh d Miss Flora After Meranoperation forthe remove)of Best Remedies manu- Mooney and Messrs. 8ifton and Lock- gall stones. from -which she did not wood, of Toronto UniTersity, spent recover, A' sorrowinlr husband p6nd • Y6nge&Charles Sts,Toronto daughter,Grace, 13 years old, are facture7d-*ffrVe found the week end at the homer of Mr. and one df Rise Fin Aged- �redn C110PPM9 I, ,]I known throughout Canada. Mrs�Jndson Pugh. lefttomoutn ber for superior training for,positions in our store. On Friday lost the trustees of the mother,one sister.t Mrs. Carpenter, of AND FLIKING Methodist cbvirch met and decided to Fort William,and two brothers,Wm. --7: as Private Secretaries, Stenogrs- have electric Hghte installed in the of Ringwo6d and John of Niagara I am prepared to do Chopping and -phero,Typists, Accountants, Cora. church. Mr. Earn Berry of this place Falls. We extend our,sympathy to Oat Flaking every day-but mercial Teachers, etc. Graduates will be In charge of the installation. the bereaved friends. Saturday. The Women's Institute will meet in keen demand. Enter any time, N. E. McEWEN9, CKERING.., NEW Wednesday,Feb.20th, at the home of Stoneb.oata For Sale Write for catalogue. Mrs. Gen.Pugh. An interesting -fen. -Ice harve8t-is now in III, ture of the pr?jzram will be a paper on swing. lee of excellent cplality is Veterinary John F. Baylesj Claremont W. J. Elliott, Principal -Courtesy" by.Mrs. Blake Annis. All being hauled to the village frorn Rural Route No.2 are welcome, the bay. Z , w' f' .k- C r a,Y$.•,-•d'43,...- -•i, a r.:...:,.y.Vs,,s . n^'•�.,; .ry. .r�''a- r•.'- r :'sir •n.. .iL'.:. ,, .x:, <q. T. � .per i ;... „---n ,�-,...,.r ': ..: . : ,o y :., ... :;.5 •s•i•• A•,r o.. .. .yam . •; V : -- =11 racial degeneration. There can be no V . A_ 1 • ��?„��••� � -,�A Winter Fancy. 1 doubt that continual nasi etimulatiou e ` AMT iiLW It seems that overnight the'spring has with strong odors such as.that of anuff ;. come r1 �'����1ttt'ry* we 4 Care youT&7 ,may induce a state o1 Insensibility to AM INFLUENZA h 1 Qt �lIOM► AbOtil�' Ifilmo, with butte is _ other odors, such as the fragrance of r 'For all.the air is white wi 4' _ i ^�- :'�,� !They light oa trees and grass until.the - • Ia~air Int digest r S sees ' ~ Zr.' •e•�--- 1 d ld -, sA Our 8 " , . Left W Nervone and Broken mal, 11ke a .. !R'�'� _� Is c s in silver galas. ems' ' Many o us know, or have heard, o1 d - . � ` DOW —Health Regained. 7. :0e0pie who Ag or a monkey, and still more so in 11 o become very Ill If they eatman, the cerebral 'hemispheres cover #O � ��5' The cherry blooms once more, they even a small quantity of egg unawares' the other parts of the brain. There hover there, ,A few yearn ago, says Miss Fran- r ; Very diverse animal foodstuffs—such are about 1,700,000,000 people living at And in the apple tree flown is the ses Ha$kla, of Plenty, Sitak., "my sis milk, mussels, and shrimps—often "Any of the following bn1Ie• mother, Mrs. Walter Haakla, was bring about the same result. present; but there are more than live this, giving timely information lane ' stricken with influenza, which was times that number of nerve cells to ` a� r A man's life has sometimes been ea' of value to farmers, will be Ever they 9oe: and drift and"drop to then epidemic, and for a time was in a our -cerebral tortes, though it only gladly sent anywhere free on I earth,' . dangered by eating some soup or the wet s about half an ounce, request. No - - critical condition. She appeared to postage required. Then seem to rise again. like which contained eggs too-w Simply tear out this advertise- get over the prominent symptoms of .' The number is estimated air 9,200,- ,, guised bo be detected even by the meat, check bulletins you de- the trouble but•,did not .regain her 000,000; and their• inter-connections. And as they fall these butterflies of strei' r tongue. sire, and slip it in an;envelope Bth• Some weeks later her weals: are past telling. The cer-ebr"emis- snow, The"poisoning"is rarely induced by messed to= nese developed into sinking spells is fruits or vegetables. There are some pheres form the seats.of memory, in. _ OnQ catches glimpses of the of which she would almost smother. Not- ferenee, attention, control, and the Publicadoai Branch, yore, � strawberries; a ies; and eat a se the sVIV, however, who cannot us- ese spells °hWhener gwe are walking at the rate o1 er faculties. -D Ottawa, `�' And a$mdost fancies winter Ytime has continued itigis and ng eshee1 aaaid thconstantly strawberries and in one ca 5 ' p strawberries four miles an hour, only half a second RedCan- And May is,at the door. growin weaker, until she was, "prat• provided they did not come fram a par- - _ tically reduced to akin and bone. Her elapses from the time -the heel is Elizabeth Soollard. gums were colorless she was r ticnlar locality! An°ther important p Best varieties of Grain. lips and ";. point is that the bad effects are not raised until the limb Is swung for- Feeding Beef Cattle in Ontario. d nervous, and suffered from indigestion ward and the foot is again planted on Co-operation in Marketing Poultry Spirit and due to anything unwholesome in what produce. palpitation of the heart. At this is eaten. the ground. Yet .in that half-second Grading and Markin& Eega stage a friend of mother's; who lived fifty-four engines have been .started Feeding Influence on Type of Haas, One with a rich nature does not re— The- The Fish's Diary. - Swine Husbandry ,a'Canada. at a distance, came to see her and In his book "Eve da Biology;' and stopped, speeded up and slowed Dairying to grew Zealand aadAsatrala, quire many material things , for his r y Milking Machines. happiness. Oftentimes it is good to strongly advised her to try Dr. Wil: - down a countless number of times. u� -Professor J. Arthur Thomson suggests The Corn Borer, hams' Pink-Pilla. ivlieh, she said, had that the saying, "One man's food, an- Buzzing Keeps Files Bus Hardy roses. be compelled to eatract ons'a_roy �++,t Busy. Storage of lea of little things. It is,that sort of test,Sreatlp,helped her in a critical Illness. other man's-poison;' Is perhaps found- When our left leg swings forward, Modern Orchard Practices We got these pills and mother began The Maple Sugar Industry. that proves to oneself what one's. re• ed on the foregoing facts: Here are the whole weight of our body is sup• Fox Ranehios_ln Canada. sources are. faking them. The improvement was h more tit-bits from his book: ported on the round,slippery, and ball- • Been and Now to Keep Thain. slow at first, but,we could see that the Rabbits. The rich man may, by hie great so- Just as we cau tell the age of a tree shaped head of the right thigh-bone; sinking spells were growing less fre- 5 The Strawberry is Canada. tivity, keep from being unhappy. But from the rings on the sawn stem, qo it is balanced there by the fifteen poultry Keeping is Town sad Ceaatrt►. quest, and that strength was return- },r has it been found possible to read the muscles which-surround the hi Bush Fruits. a poor man is impelled by.circum- -has hip-Joint.. r Weeds mind weed Seeds. stances to- Sad bia_-heaven near at ins. The treatment with Dr. Williams' story of individual fishes Iiy..-their Moreover, there are 144 mus�elea at- Fertilt"n for Fiera Crops, Pink Pills was continued, and day by hand. He cannot-rush hither and F states. A fish keeps a sort o1 diary in Inched to the vertebrae..which give our List of ass PoDlieatloo., dap health and strength-returned, un thither seeking it and by his rushing "'its scales.- In the case of,the eal on bat kboae poise asst,keep it from away- til she was again able to go about, and manage to hide from himself his hun- tti x we can tell from a scale how; many Ing unduly,backwards or forwards, to - help with the work of the house, The . ». ,, ger for a different and a better life. t ,z years the fish remained in fresh water one aide or the other,gs we move. improveme$t t tis medicine made in All'lovers need when they create a -before it event down to the sea; and Floe as our muscles are, they are are themselves and t her case was simply remarkable. how many years it remained feeding �P Post Oise*.. ...... ..,•............ : perfectheir love. surpassed by those of maaky of th "i may also say;' adds Miss Hankla, ." And mere millions cannot buy.that In- ia the BQa. lower animals. A bnaziag fly con- "that in my own case these pills were It often ha tracts its wing-muscles over two hun- R,R.No......:» .....:...: tangible, m8gicai, .'wonder creating - �r opens that modern man : . ••".•.:-»,.:•,""• tiling of the greatest benefit. Last winter I " shows considerable delleiency as re• dred times a second!.: a•.badIy run-down condition, - It is not so bad to be poor in pocket gad a r gards the sense of smell, and this is Province..............6..........................: •so long as one-le rich In spirit. -very nervous. My,appetite failed - �� indeed the.kindeat way of accounting The sheep in Taranto, Italy, wean I,Io (and I bad no color. Knowing what Dr. - Williams'for his tolerance of stinks; but when`blankets to protect theis.fleeces. This • - Smoking is now forbidden in all air- Wiltiama' Pink Pills had done for there !a deficiency it is more-probably I place is noted for its.fine wool and for craft registered in Great Britain,i mother,'I began faking them with the, i file to individual over-stimulation by the purple mussels from which a d "Slog and sure" is all right if Wherever result that they sown made me as p p yflying, and in all other air- strong find full vigor as the other Odors tike that of tobacco than to..any is secured for fabrics of fine tissue.- you're quite sure you're not too slow. craft in or over this country. i8 l 4 girWof my age. I may fust add that I think we owe mother's life and my U4 good health to.thq 1 other! la tiererll be of benefit , and I hope am _ BIIe LO some ' r —You these stills from any medicine ler or by mail at 50c,-a rtWilliams' Medicine,. - - b-aa from The Dr:,Willie F' _ •.. -, r - Co.. Drockfille, Ont. �t U-N� � ZAC �_ __ Command f'erformanoeis.The ordinary, conception of atom= - _ — --_ _ =and performance Is a flower-decked -----__ opera house, the presence of Royalty. - „ .•. °� the presentation of acme popular opera :. ,. „ _.. hems or Faust" or .. =ea _ choice—with a .coin t aq : p parry of stars o1 greater or lesser magnitude. •Revoln. --MIN tionary,Russia has, however, its own ideas on this subject, and they savor. y� ,�«�•P• v V.%,..Wow- largely of might being right. When Albert 'Coates, chief conductor of the. . �.�+.., Imp.-tatcn- at In Petrograd. remained _ r »�+• I+ ` ,v�J Willy-nil position under Bol- shevistime. he received a tele. • ,` � — hone message one afternoon instruct. ing him to conduct a concert in cels - -bastion of the first asiniversary of the - -e �'ae•;. ��t�:� programme consisting revolution, the ..••� of all 'things,iu the world, of Mozart's- t •_ - ,•Requiem." He replied that he was tip.. sorry, but he was due that evening at t u� - the open, rang off and thought no. t� ~,e Aww more of the matter. Half-an-hour aLa i terwards a file of•sold! if � s , an oates thought it wiser to comply with their leader's request. yrs- .•N...: •♦ 'f d' Acoordingly, In their charge he repair6 " ....� ` • ^,��� 's •-��, ed fo-the.hail, which was-unheated, c «� `�.•� ' ova„ �� fuel being unprocurable, and the tem. - y:•~ � ^ � � ���'a ,, ��`� «_•+ r1► �` � _ _ _ perafure below faro, conducted. ia-- woo= an a t i-ick overcoat, and _ fiddlers played ln.gloves. The -- _ _ ' _ � _ eves the 7yo u Cant t ' o l i e e s u 1 t s incongruity was enhanced by the fact that the entire audience stood during r the performance and many of.them roAny, ot l� T� wept _ - ' 'A Modern Me d. If you want a uu--,, tractor—and you need the The Moline is designed correctly. It is a one-man out- Mn. Jones advertised for a woman Y i Y to do general housework and a colored �. t tlaCtOi—dOlht watch the price-ticket: "''•fit--You sit on the seat of the implement where you always girt applied for the place., sat.. You can back up with any implement attached. You "What sort of a cook are you Y' was Look at the,tractor. -----Can turn short. You can cultivate. You have ample steady the first question put. You'll be able to pick out the good tractor, jus! ,power for nay work=in the field or on t)ze belt.' "Ah cain't cook," was the reply "Are you a gond laundress?" .'the same as you can pick out a good horse. The high-grade Moline motor is sparing with fuel and oil. "Ah don't do no washin' an' !ronin'; l --' _._ -•-- "'It costa Bas mon to low an acre with' a Moline. In " That's why we, want you to' see the Molino- �` p Its too hard on mah hands. ' . addition you have an easy starting engine, electrically 'Can you sweep Universal Tractor. .• ^..-goverried, which Can be stopped and started when you No, lady; I sin't.atrong enough to 7. When you do, you'll nee its superiorities. Tease Electric starter. sweep." YOII'11 see whyfarmers have roved four thi s The careful Moline construction does away'with moa,reppus and "What on earth can you do?" P ng "Ah dusts," the applicant answer about the Moline-Universal Tractor. replacements. Motor is up away from the dust. All moving pasta , _ __i"enclosed. Gears rum in oil. Hyatt Roller Bearings. 1. One-man control. Every one'of these things means longer life - Crossgralned. in the Moline. "Who is that- woman?" inquired 2. It will do more word M.l. . k-- Rogers. The Witt..-overland Ltd. Whao you see the Moline Tractor work— "That?" answered his friend. "Why 3. It costs less t0 operate and' west Toronto,out. when you know that more farmers operate Y, 4 a Sim:— NIQlinem than u will . in to keep up. � woe ieascamen ind 10 horyeat� ac acne MoIrealize the tremendous earniaother make a power of the but what what thar -that is t womantoo. I woul haven't aCross. And rdgoutbt , operated and maintain*d.tar less thou'it to d Climb a 4. It lasts longer. - -; costs to keep 3 or 4 horses. ----- You need.a Moline on your farm. You need fence, fust to be on the other side." _ _ • )Steeserson arae. it now.. .The reason lies in Moline con- Preeeeviue,Sadk` t you to do is to came in and see r (Skgued 8trilCtlOn. the tractor. We'll let it well itself. Sid pockets on Costa were therat All we wan h When 8wo ds Were Worn • ° — . comeeof he slash originally made to 4' rice $750, which includes Tractor,' , Plows, [Zeas Carrying permit the profectioa of the sword j handle. - - Truck, Extension Rim and Spuds* - h — _ The 'tui n who s wronged can for- r -- ----Prhoewlthoutt otichang� _ __ ' - can. l7i&a-woo _ -hive--- Bell Bros. Scarboro �/tg 1 neverBonged- 188UE. No. 7----124. {'' _5(: r+Yyp s.• ', .. .. ..;`,.,," �'.-.y-. ,• n,.a ...' .+;•e.•r.•s",:. ;t..^ :. G:. :V :,� _ ^v. '"� �N0.9,''•,J.. ,. a„ 'yrs • ...:.. '.. .,., r,. .,; :�• .^'.. P .^,, fi a«-. .�f.. '' -Yr. xv.id a• .:. :iw""':' �R:• ''.Lw: h. 4: o k. ' PIM •'�. G, �mak.; �' =% x -,w 'x-.�.�t.. `�e+'y a;� r , ',�:. .�„ v - ,..•°., '.,n„� >,.. . 2..• .:.. a.^•x. �* _ rt Vii';. � . . �.•a,,; ^"Y :� .n - - -- ::;- EASY TRICKS ser .Chance Foretold 4 .Extra cards hidden -- - --r- --- - -� -. bah red, t�'�ck Garb.. 11 EA Is .. .4 _ .Neat time tU the finest grade- -RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE - - TH EDUCATION "� The apparatus for the tr.:ck is BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON a bax tike that in which some provhtolal. Board of Health, Qntarieis brands of little clriars come. This or. ltlddletoa will d• glad to answer Qn"tions oa Public 8ealth mat 3uBi about big enough to hold a t• Less throusb:thts.colusna. address him at Spadialt Hous@, 8911411-16TheGarda are shuffied by a , Ctwroeat. A spectator is•asked to hold the Toronto spectator and placed In the hen. Cj a boz The performer then tells the, U� 'names of the three or Lour carts Child Welfare Clinics are a great -and six others have had prepared which are on the top of the pack. - 1 �L/ boon to mothers throughout the Pro- foods given them Ten mothers were Wberi the box is opened and L /Z attended at time.of birth, and Svc these Garda examined the trid>r- Iviiice. .Not only do these meetings i were looked after till recovery was star Is found to have spoken truly, - ,,: provide a means for, diacnsaxng with 'complete. A complete gut$t of clothes The box may then be examined. physicians how to keep well-babies was given to eleven babies, and eight A second box. Is used. The --- k well, which after all is the most im- others had part outfits given them. label is soaked off the inner part 2: 'portant point, but they afford'an op- Many thanks are due the Daughters of the cover and is pasted on the `- portunity for mothers to meet other of the Empire for their valuable ea- card half s laying os n cards err ep3a ed A�►d "' fr8grIItltt mothers, and discuss many interestingsistance given at all times." is "little poin hich may be of mutual' and.the little packet placed to the7 self-help in the upbringing of their cover of the. box.' The trickster, ' s '- the 88T17t children. The important point about a��iL'1Jd nR�i keeps the hidden cards from tall- _ Always-in good cmditiOII o� .these clinics is that,the tend to pro- VaaaLtaisua" 'mote health , ha y tag by pressure of his-Users gars oa Vpvpr0lftl�ff}1P11ENET 1>t PPY childhood, by the , y the trick card and at in. n giving of advice and by offering fug- S spection, the label bean¢ view, n ., "done. The children are all weigh- ALWAYSt.f LW WU oW and. examined; it the child is in there is nothing about the box to excite suspicion. When the cards good physical condition the motLer is The healthy child sleeps well and are put in the box and the coves : told -so, and complimented: If the during its waking hours is never crone .. put oa, the cards fall an the pack., -- child is-below normal in any way, or,but always happy and laughing It is As the performer knows which The Drawback. A Captive Tlgers Food. iin f it has any defects that are.hinder. only sickly child that is cross and cards he put on the tuck card. !t .�gtstmaA—"8o,your hired man's Quit Tigers to captivity consume from 14 painted its' progress, these defects are Is an easy matter to bring the '. potntea out-to the parent and.advice peevish. Mothers, if yo>ar children do smoking?" to 16 pounds of beef a day. � •�'' given to have the matter'put right not sleep well;' If .they.are:cross and trick to a conclusion. The box - Westerman ='Res—found it. too without dela cry a great deal may be examined. of course, but Cb1iw A!�ywdsQRle�ti ' y , give them on be the trick card should, be reynoved mach work to ap4n his tobacco pack= r A child may-complain of pains, Own Tablets and they will soon be from the pack at the earliest op- vagguue and indefinite perhaps,but still well and. happy again. The Tablets ---- . �� • FOR BALE sufficient to case sono aace and lets portunity. Keep Mlnard's Liniment In the house., Y are a mild but thorough laxative which OOLGROWERS, YOUR OWN -of deep. The mother may regard (Otto this call s.,tt poste it, toil!! these as "growing ppiai�ia" and pay regulate the bowels. sweeten the atom ether OT tyle ae*fes, its a scrafiboo>t $lire of Lata Winnipeg. wool manufactured or e=bA.ng6 w, little heed.to them, thinkin of coarse ach• banish constipation, colic and.in- ed for yarn or blankets. Woollen g Lake Winnipeg !s more than 1,000 H town Ontaria that they occur natant! is childhood digestion and promote healthful sleep. �.-Georgetown._ � y rpasre miles greater In area than Laps, and that they mean nothing in par- They are absolutely guaranteed.free Ontario. M AH BONG, FASCINATING ticular. Yet thesesins are.very sig- from opiates and may be given to the Chinese g�nme, Complete .net, Yt niScant—they point to trouble ahead. new-bora babe with.perfect safety. with full instructions, one dollar they are of s.rheumatic chant ter and The. new sales tax will not increase r 8 A L E S M E N postpaid. W. Aslett, Sarnia, Out due very likely to some focus of-ia- the• rice of-Ba y D bye's Own Tablets, as O N A E R S U L DISCOVERY !lection which isp��toHing the:ayster& ti+ We pay weekly and. offer steady em- 'Phis focus of iIIfectioii may be decay- the company papa the tax you can ployment selling our complete and ex- �� Charges batteries in 10 minutes. still obtpin the Tablets through lay 4 clualve, lines of whole-root fresh d Gallon tree to Agents. . Radioilte Co.,. ing teeth, diseased tonsils,—etc., which #t fit Paul. Minn. need immediate attention but which medicine dealer at 25 cents a box, or * to-order trees and plants. Best stock ' are often negIectedthrough lack of by mail. Post paid, from-The Dr. Wil- � ti � Ind service. We teach and along you r knowledge on the part of the rent llama' Medicine Ca, Brockville.'Oat, / tree. - A money-making opportunity. pa Luise Brothers Nureerles Montreal. .ata to the serious results which may -v arise from neglected treatment. These a IWURINEP t and many other„questions of interest ' �� -to mothers and their children'are dis- Depends on the Form. `1 KeepEYEScussed at the Child Welfare Clinics Betty- m"Is it bad forto appear Ia Is. Yo6r '.Alood throughout the Province. knlckersP' Ckar, Bright and Beuutil¢tel zr Many interesting reports are re- • W*i°'►tiss°eCo..t7uo.en,fo�EreCmeBook. m eeived from time to time giving some Been—"That dependsm�—o=the form.„ 'Starving ���� For 4 Idea of bow the work Is being carried _ R on, and what valuable assistance these Send a Dgzlon Express Money ' Child Welfare Clinics are in a com- Order. They are payable everywhere. �� of Iron?inunity. Following is a report from - the Public Health Nurse at Colling- - Cause of custard the wood.— When' making a baked . Thin year 52 discs have been bald, milk should be brought almost to boil- Without Plenty of Iron In Your Early Old Age 'b72 babies have been-weighed, .nes s- Ing point before-it is poured over the Blood `You Don't :: Get the tired and examined, and, 20$7 calls eggs. This will prevent the cnetard The celebrated Dm Mlehenholf, Strength and Nourishment Out ' made over 100 of the canes called rep- from turning watery, as so often ha says authority It "c early old ape, s mn.bung prenatal. A number of bab- Haven't Descended As Yqt pens when cold milk is used. ol,the Food Yon Est. says that It b"caused by potaori@ - .des were visited regularly who lived __ wean war-wash. lack of deep6 twomar teen cad generated -let the Intestina.” '. either too far away or were too sick �° believe that men.have des- - _ Stenon .hr res am ties roc ,wr mood •et a.a When your stomach digests Iood to bring to the clinic. A number of candied not only from monkeys, but, The beat way to ft rev "e'r "r'°yo sboukwrft-bte sad O •°Oi"°t won properly It is •beerbed without y get ahead ie 1;0 k v ti■par[aat -has you ebould•tie mes pat moa. defects were found and-the-babies•-ao farmer back, from fish"}»_ make r,os du. Jnr ewoa wuno,u �,m te. �aoa tow. forming poisonous matter. Poh' ” ate referred to the family "No—Moet of'em are �°d use °f the head ybu al- g on early old age and poor tach still." lead have, as oo..r to chaff.'rood bneo iiiar ei.e•e ••d sopa brio - y Marston sothias that you eat does ria the peeper I g>,' physician.- — premature death. 10 to SO drape Milk was supplied to fan fifteen babies. ,hath one soad ria rood eat set t°etaroaa,, of "8eigePe syrup" after meat@ Ask for pllnayd's and take no other. GIRLS! AND BEAUTIFUL r� roar OwAft me coca theoric a am With as mak" your digestion sound. 10 �— i�' ICK.AND BEAU i I V L tenors aD tide •pati that th. mill eaCt ,arlad Beam," of thti steady ,tartauon of the mord ■ad Free RIdeB to School. •ero. people often become w"kenw• -tired-out. Carfare in not needed b school nernoe `tie rmogoWn `m fteoneaclr desako all ' Y y 35-Cent "Dandetrine" Does — at Itawen alt m. mania erof d sten children !II•Vietorial ¢uatralia' They ares weiv l,on-i■ m r I • malclendk or d.nrer- RS1 are carried in street cars to tad from wonders -for Lifeless, � ,�„• the termwt��'�school free of charge Neglected Hair. ISIM"D snd the twee at health boom w dmft rant Were - . . _ �ie .� m loeffit ACHESAND PAINS . - A gleiiay mea} xo ea►tter .h.c oeDw ao-careen •nsni.e you Of Iazurtaut hair axil bile tries' If Toa ate not #tions. rfteatoot : beware of Imitations) Mot1> ty�GLi�.e sid��+8.6� heuty to youtuff to Ow �riYiO�1L i'� ���r�n full of glow, ins• oumrfas�tastc eee i YOU e.a . '3oww +'"r far you care wa without becomtoa -tied. Nae, r tre and life short. Y lye follows agenu- t too ff" day Ana meals E.NUMst�t ° -V�1sI1e� tE! Us1II� �.. r , Nanttle.@ Laxative to cleats Liver awd ins toning up of s$m arc your strath and on far :oatslr Fs �l>BIChrl�i s Ve Sstwela of Baby or Ch110. _ _ neglected seal bee,mauls yea bars saisee- You ens oeta"h NemNd vCOM Polund bid ��t� deaepsc an as dlamct @mar• —– yea .conaSl> - with depends t you at. not rnty s.naed nom , rote ed. biltops, favor- - ��" �-- "Dan derdlse:'e. "Bra or E Ont."on41 was I mostly - fah, or sick, collo 4' -- Falling h a f r, fiD you for help my srtion was mostly Sabi" and Child- - itching.scalp and p�mpted by curios- i - the dandruff Is, i I wondered it j ren 'love to 'take ` corrected Immediately. Thin, dry, I, too, would benefit a genuine "Califon .�. wispy or fading hair Is quickly invig• - by your medicine. It h » s >.. was the mosii have at- ala Fig• Syrup. +/ �\4 orated,_taking 'on new strength, color �.+ able action No other ;azattve (� and youthful beauty. "Danderine" is _ ^s ever taken, I heart- y regur'ates thd`'tea,' delightful on the hair; a refreshing. • .• ily.assure y for =t` der little bowels, } + , so nlcelp It - ;�� ��� stimulating tonic — not sticky or _ ` through its rebalts I Unless you see the name 'Bayer - greasy! Any drugstore. �� am relieved of most - Cross" on package or on tablets you Sweetens the stomach asci starts the _ of my Sufferings. 1 liver and bowels acting_without grip• have takensix bones ° are not getting the genuine Bayer A9• �, Contains ao narcotics or sooth• DONT TRY-THE .• Lydia.pirlu proved safe by millions and pre- ing drugs. Say "CsWorala" to your �"" ham's L E. Pink scribed by physicians over twenty- DO ATCH J I Com dTabletsand abottle of Lydia druggist and avoid•counterfeits! In- _ root three years for "CaliforniaE Pmkham'a Blood Medicine,and I can fist upon- genuine Colds Headache THI TEST _ I •honestly say I,have never been so well l ' Toothache Lumbago before. I had suffered from pains and : :Neuritis Rheumatism- {..� - I en e CATARRH 1 1 other d u ring the was War' years Neuralgia Pain, Pain R R �• al and during the'Great War' nod Accept � e, worked on munitions for two years, Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' -only. 'Each unbroken package con- For giiick relief heat Minard's and -CtLII yon Hear? Ch11d;'elY Dehgh# In I and, in the heavy lifting which mywork I inhale. Splendid for-cold in head, • I called for, I strained myself, causing tains proven directions. Handy boxes I �• You s to should then�' Cuticura Soap Baths pelvic inflammation from which have throat or chest •wat. You ahonld heu tick at Pe ?' of twelve tablets•cost few cents. Drug- S6 inches. Does a eiaain�en peau p suffered untold agony, and I often bad , gists-ciao sell bottles of 24 and- 100. care prevent>our proper hearina) I to give u and to bed. I had doctored Because they are soothing and re- P I3o Asptrtu is--tho'trade mark {registered �.EONARD EAR OIL.- freshing for tender skins,especially _ I for several years without getting per- 'in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture 'of a ' relieves both Head Noises and Deaf- manent relief, when I started to take :k. nen. Jnet nab it back of ears and awiettd by Ctiti�ttra Ointment on Monoacetieacidester of Salicylicacld.I fi first signs of redness or r hness. your medicines."—Mrs.GO1.DR*IId MI9- Incase 1n n0ltTilh Price 31 15 ° Pm, Braltchton Ont. While it is well known that Aspirin a For Sale Everywhere. The Cuticura Talcum also,delicate r (� �F �]H" Intereefir,d descriptive folder medicated and exquisitely Write to the Lydta E.Pinkham Medl- means Bayer Manufacture, to assist ee11�tte open.eawsr_ the public against im tions, the Tab-! A.oY,EONARD.Ina Is excellent for little ones. eine Co.�Cobourg Ontario,lorsfreetwpy ` lets of Bayer Com nye will be stamp 1 - 766 15th Ave. ls..stk otu..a=sndW T,t�zse. Sold oI Lydia E. Pin'kham s Private Texts 1 N•w York throughouttheDot ion CansdianDepot: !-look upon"Ailments Ailment8 Of WOmea.rr C ed with their gra 1 trade mark, the I --- ■. tom,>w St t..i'St.w. si°'tr"t 1 --•-- ---_ SE Cron _. SO•�'� "�O°t ISSUE. No. T•-'24.� ' '' r run-: '•.. "k.M1,� .. '.M.•. y'. .. • .'. '...,'.':.' .:� X'.^a'.,;. 1 ,Y '! !. �. >r 3$•1.,�1 �°"'; . n'�T ... :. a"t'yh.#'•ASF.v, : A•'ia^,. .:^^,' F+.!+~".rm" kS ""'!•;:. ".:�4;'�r,�ur �'� _.^',,. �•. P y .,.,. ',qs�p�'`° ,,,yy,: .Py„' �F.,>. v�At t � .' e+ � 9'i,:�•-:�• .t'p Y..i �T �. :n t, .,:+�' .� -' . :i. "I` i:' :'F` .. ^,�.. s �' ':i'. eWvr Tj."+'• �r'�• �•. y^.,W,+,.��- J Y , Z � $ would- have been congenial..to �*� _ y� _ MULU Ehem, they might have made_a rya DA .., FRESH_ FROi✓N FISH •, RMS success in life and be is credit to i ;SMOKED AND DRIED FISH - 4R ek, �i.7syacr•sr.: $1.60it paidin.dvsrca themselves and•to the community �C�SF11�I1�TC��. '� _ _ 4ubvaiytiooa;m,tbe United Stats and Creat in which their lot was cast. It is ? . . Britain 62.00 in advance. �,. true' that occ:assiouaily a boy is W heater' any grain taken'iD ;; r are o � :.,� =- ---JOMN MURKAR, Proprietor, Placed in a home where they exchange for Ftonr., „ brutally , treated,but these cases We have'BranCi , Shorts, Chop; : ..AWB TE FISH - SALMON - ISCOEB i MOTES AND,COMMENT8. are the exception and not the ntlp. .WH;TE Farmers-are like all other classev. Oil Cake'Meal, - ;HADDIE . and -FILLETT — There and a few who, are entirely - all,kinds of grain. Much ititerese-is maDlfested by I r ' _ lacking in sympathy, and they ' the parties interested as to the Ogilvie's Porridge Oats. the point,of exhaustion. A child u loon, Sardine -- -- - - -- � attitude of the'Ferxn6en Govern, wilIp ork tliutie in-,their etnpioy t Royal Household Float, need ►78�i 8, Herring trent on tine,prohibition question• Frooi tIt speech from the throne should never, be placed in the : Cream of to West Flout'. _ E. home o1 +uch a person, and strict '` :it nia7 be inferred that the CHOPPING EVERY _ ter - see high-R"-•'home" WEEK DAY of Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Peas, - - - _ 4 Cora...._ u fer S&e mat- inspection should be made of BEST BRANDS o-.the -people for an_es- s;P rime, Pineapple. bo or girl is laced.., z, Toiziat r' - of opinion. We feel con- y P _ ,r Went that the sentimen in ayor �- Don't ALBS`►gflme '.Mite F'18h far .giBlmOn t�]�$ Wee Of prohibition ,is stronger today Notice of ANNOUN(ANG than' ever, and that there ra Do, Registration of By-Law J. I�iC�l��RJV►J�Nf � 'GROCER likelihood. of the 0onntey .ever - DOMINION OF CgNADA tl7tlli \J I'1 JCL x # "earn voting -against prohibition, Notice is hereby given that By-law was passed by the Municipal Council Even in England, where the use of of the Corporation of the Township of ' �tEFUNDING LOAN 1923 .'.beer and spirituous liquors has Pickering•ou the 4th day of February, 5 PER CENT 'BUNDS 1924, providing for the issue of deben- - -been -almost universal, there is a urea to the amount of $11,000 00 for . • _ F-Al R M. L A N D' S growing feeling in favor of tsps the purpo�e'of assisting to defray the y p y To buy or sell our farm, consult the Farm Lands Department of t 20 year Horde,' rtes 98.23, to field r ranee,Ae it is felt that if else coat of erecting ao addition to the Y Y p school house in Public School Se ion 5 14 per cent. _. . . .:wants to occupy her pi.esent Number 4 West of.,the .Towns;# of 5 year Bonds, price 99. to yield The United farmers Co-operative Company, a position is the industrial world Pickering, and that such By-law was 6.23 per cent. _ Limited. ' she must becoms a- sober nation, °egietered in the Registry Office of the Canaidaa 1cFstionAi Railway (C. N. R.) A• J e�LLISON, Re resentative, Pickerio Phone-Pick. 1508 Registry Division of the County of (seven year) first mortgage Deben• P g. $ otherwise she cannot compete- Ontario on the 7th' day of February. tures maturing May 6, 1980. Price Mole r 19.24. n motion to quash or set 5.70 with-the United States. which ha iC y _ 4 per thousand,or �C1000 ingested ado ted prohibition. Ontario has aside the same or any part thereof now increases to '$1,754.40 at Ms- P P must he made within three 'manths turity. .' found frum;eaperienee the benefits after the first publication of this notice phone or wire orders at our g p y "cannot be made thereafter. expense. o rohi o o r and is not likely S Dated the 8th.day of Feb., 1924. -DYBe Warned . o ck to former,da s Y D - DoNAi R. BEATON. Phone 288 J gF.B Dundas SttAtast. The regrettable tragedies that X24 Clerk 2tf Whitby, Ont, j�IEEI'II�'� our insurance •Papers' have recently occurred `in which -- -- jam' Y deeds, bonds '.fico English buys, who were •• e`. k �xP said other valuables at-home until they are brought LO Can by charitable , ¢° Renew your sub- stolen or destroyed by fire, instead sof renting a► } •Safeiiy► Deposit z, is on a par with"locking i .institutions; took their own lives 1010? •��Y stable door after the horse is stolen." 3�1 � . .scription for 1924 . Dao t proaastiaatel Rent a ba: today at this Bank. -.in fits of despondency. has caused. c •, �! _ ° a greed deal of comment iD this i135ano NOR, TANDARD. BAN a country as well as in, England. .tdi.tll4� ,g�;.} - -- --The incidenxe have fireated the ►«� or CANA" impression with those -who are 6 A- . not familiar with• the conditions, c... a C/ L especially in' 'the Old Country. eriag Br _ , Maaq� _ Fick "oris _ _ W. F. Law that the experience of these two NOW THAT the win- • I haver been appointed soleagent W #by Branch, C. A McClellsui;i4iaaageto k unfortunate lade is the general ter time is with us for Royal Smokeless Coal for this psgaiD, fortify yonrself a- district, also other grades of coal _ experience of all of this-class. As V¢ gainst the elements. Make. from $8.00 up.' ai rule these boy* are plaeed with Royal Smokeless Coal is refected - sure that the food that you y p L •L- tt if farmers, without' taking into eon- take`into your system is. ' for economy and ' Subscribe-'no for The News sideration their natural gifts or 12tf efficiency. qualifications, and As a result, in palatable and nourtabiaR. rder our bread and our DONALD._HUNRO, PICKEKING xuany cases they- find rural life is Otry and after each meal extremely 'distasteful to them. ' • P i They cannot tei7ce but very little pop will express your gra• goad sad Shoe Re a1Tin1 , , �'�11g Hard 0c emares interest'its their work and natur- i ally they consider their lot a hard • f +lel :•. 1 f e (' one. Theylmake a dismal failure Also liarisesA repairing at the new - stand, oppor-ite the of farming, uut had there been �`,�, �_ � Vlti' _ post oflipceg. t greater earee:eretsed is studying 4"` r;� it i'�y Best wot�tmanslii uaranteed. P l V r * d ►s an d > their natural hent, and I. se ct �5�?,: nog some employment which . '.•,CRY harges moderate, • , ' J, PHONE:900 `THOMAS . WATSONNotice ofPItgERiNG, ONT.amRegstiration of B •Loll is . r11 .1 N"iKINN, c Producers ' Notice;a hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Munici .Ll Council - _ LAYING MEAL ".BEEF SCRAP AND BOGB of the Corporation o! the Township atm �„ ��R, OWNE R � OYSTER SHELI. ------ . _ on t�4t4-dw of Februt� U. providing for the IAeue of deben -- - ROYAL PTRPLE LICE POWDER -- ' fossa to the amount of 840,000.00. for THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS are over L ce you that these goods are the beat on the . the purpose of defraying the cost of - ar ONE TRIAL ail toavin `enlarging the school site and erecting Dow is the time to Ret your car overhanl- market. ` a new sc ool-bouse in-Public School Royal Purple Calf Meal for young calves --Number 15 of the Township of Picker- T :`ed. Do not wait until you need your car in the ing.and that such By-law was regia- spring. Get it done now when you and I have Stock Specific—the best tonic for hot see and cattle. x tared in the Registry Office of the the tiriie. No job too large or Loo amalI on any _._ . \Xegietry Division" of the County of Ontario on the 7th day of Feb make of car. _. � Y924. Ally. ®oust, to-quash or set _ XVORK dUABANTED � S. -`T" i CK INn aside the same or any part thereof •�E � • • must be made wttbin three months GET OUR PRICES rafter the first publication of this notice lend cannot be made thereafter. -` • THEY ARE RI =` Dated tbe-ith day of Feb., 1821. - - (3HT A good-atoclt'of Pairts,'Aeeessordes,:Tiree and Tubes, Doxer.D R. BEATON. --- . . ;I Glas, Oils and Greases. 93.24' Clerk. - .. _ M :P1� KERS r>F;lmn h. aaa fine 6thEA T � A R K - shafting. Puilryyap,�belts and,hangers. Pheae 4900' CHAS. B. SPENCER,'PROPRIETOR . "earl new; also Good Cutter, Demo- Oat. - Late'of the Davidson Motor Co., Whitby _ _ ... `28. lb �agoa. Harnem. .'Buggy. Good - Round Roast or Steak, ., •Pm' ...� ,.. " Driver and 1 Psis of Platform,$riles. - " - Surloin Roast or Steak, 28e 1 W. R. KR IL Butcher. use Roast dr'Steak, ,al•2! Highland Creek Ra prhB,oast,... . . •• _ . • " . ,� _ Fine Rib Roast; .:. .. .._ .• .. ;'. .sacrifice Sale for to 'Travellers Cheques Heavy Rib Roast, - 1�. - •. Shoulder.Rosst, 16 a' - 18c Two-Weeks-On ly` PZOPL$ travelling on long o• short tourneys will find it most Pot Ruatit, ... 14c `• and convenient to carry The Dominion Bank Travellers' Cheques. gc •Brisket, to-boil, ... .. 50 gasoline engines, all sizes, 25 They are negotiable anywhere in the world and can be obtained25e ' "_silo fillers, 2 silos, 8 grinders.$ Leg of Pork,... litteresrriere, 40 water bowls, 1p at any Branch of this Beak' _ Loin of Pork. .. .. �. y T saw frames. _ ~ Shouldet Roast of Tork,. . " � " -• These articles are all Rnaraateed 4: ' ' Z)o ' Pork Chops, •• � t and will sell for cash or time. p Pure Pork.Sausage, .. � Pur 25c - H. E. POYNTER, • Finest Ualt Pork,... .. .• ' 22 23 ,.Whitevole. - •.WHITBY BRANCH, C. P. LYND, Maoyer: Finset Breakfast Bacon, Piece, 3 „' .•,: _ _______L BROOKUN BRANCH, -IL C. CROSS, Manager. " '• sliced, ... 386 " Whltevale _ Mild Cured Cottage Rolls (half or'whole?, . . 32c " -•�- Bac "COD, -- -. A5c .. F INSURANCE-Life, Fire, Anto, Acctdent, Sickness. Cooked gam,•• 55c " The Service Garage 4 BONDS-Government, Municipal, Corporation. 250 •' MORTGAGE LOANS on Farm-Properties. Wed (3h •• 150 " Overhauling, Painting', all kinds - REAL ESTATE-Fat m and Reeidentiat. a eese,�. • �' � . He - repairing done. Ignition Easy First and,Domeatic Shortening, 3 itis 55 cents _ ae sap - . 1N B A R K R 5 1be 90 cents: Your old Fordcto specialty. ' "' lb prints 18 center • for'$18.00. - -_Fresh Trout arA'White Fish Every Friday s, - Berry & Poynter PICKERING -.- - l • 3 - - - W.. G. 'RE T — PIGLIRJ i J - �7 y w, t m �„>,« b .. ..�,.,, dal•' ep -,''::, .' .ti;,,� .}.�.;r. t, n.� ?aro' �' v ±-•hY. ^.+r " -�"_• .�> ' r„'m y„';,'.' ,. y �,Q^• a-•^•�r : .a�ees �, r. i .. •w :•ti; ... xx. ";, "i: ;;.. ,�!'• �, r..-. .;� .,y� v. v S" 3�•Cr •^";�.i�.aq,+-.�Lr.}r--o-*,rr ,'^.•e"a ,5; i -..•-•�. .,• :,. ,u`.,:" -'ay..x <,-i - r: .. . r� e .,.= - gY+•.c?.•,x - 'cti,. '.•.�7.:+•,.'�.et, �-,�v^^,.. to...J,,m•r-y.*.'+..3rr!.�,•. :.i:. .1�.. _+yam, y :';'f-a:"rt. . a..,; a,s.r':....•,... r':�3,1, �'..� :. _ ....... .�_ : '_-:-r•^—". 'a .. - ?.roe _ � • - S i _� .. There ie'a egnsiderable amodnf� Mr. Goodman,of Toronto, speer J. A. 'r E R K I � 5 - James Allawa .'was,in -the est of eidrneae in the village frow'Houseratthe+ homer;of his, par- Vil } y y colds and other. ailments, but, eco eimto here. "PW < ;:lover the weekend. far nothing of a aerions nature. (THE DECORATOR) " . Mima_'Margaret Macnib spent For every description of Palating,: Tuesday in Toronto. Good bleating at the Caledonian CARD OF THANKS. Paper•Haaging, Interior 1s• our Two riakd of our curlers are tak• rink to-purruw (Saturday) even- — l3ecorating and ing in the bonspiel at Oshawa this Ing. The band will.be in_•attend- We wish, through the columns of Week. We wish them good_ luck. aace to furnish an abundance of the Naws, td--expreee our heartfelt Hardwood Finishing. gratitude to the many friends for their M 0 T T Thomas and Mrs. Paterson are good music: Come along and en- ezpressions of sympathy and acte.of Best Workaianahip: Prompt Service; spending a sew days with' thele Soy a pleasant evening. In bmesa In our e death o! cues toys bereavfem Dost Prices moderate.- dan htear, Mrs. Clarence Pen' ll - .. -- one or wr, ter . •_ ;:.' ' - q - � y The Claremont Society held a ng • • ._ - - „� of Windsor. : moat enjoyable evening oa Fridayy mother,the late Mrs,Thos, Pearson. Gerrard 84 Torrena Ave., James and Mrs.Hoag, of'1'oron- night last in the !tiaeoaie $elle - Husband.and Family. 0842 M (9.21) Torontoi�+ + to, Mrs. Alex Nlett, of Peterboro, There'wa's a'Yarge number present wear-for winter wear and John and- Kenneth' Webster, of Audley.act@ @ra o n anc- G PRESSING Green River Xill� 1 Ladles' Silk and Wtfol Hose the late Mrs. Thomas Pearson on ing and 4 euchre.• The affair was . a grand e�uccess in every way. 13rigg along your suits to be cleaned Drfea's Sweaters sad Wo '11'sox Wednesday last. ' and pressed.' S on guamuteed-_—LOGS. WAN-SBD : ThEs school trustees-rovill hold- argeh a modern e. I will pap, delivered at mill, for a. Naw-Flannelettes and Flannelette- 4 'uetion sale of the old mebool build- .018,1 Willa XiHS 1 JAMES BRISCOE$ limited number as foIloWi:= `7 Blankets,large size,,white ' ing and its contents, including the Opposite D.Taylor's Bakery No. 1 Basswood, and re seats, stoves, stove pipes, desks Claremont,. Ont. No,2 •. $30.00 per M ; grey y etc., also outbuildings, fences and- ~CEDAR GROVE Sound Dead Basswood20.00 A good -range of. Yarns and -sidewalks on Saturday, Feb. 23rd. _ n �Io. 1 Soft Elm 30.OQ " Sweater Wools Watch out'for bills giving full par. Comet° Ready for No. 2 �` `. 20.00 ticnlars. Q * ^ Soaad Deead Elm 15.00 •� all line of Fresh Groceries A general meetinq'of the Board L0 W�1]'t$D - ` 1'a7 -R. i ..N G No. 1 k Elm ' 40.00 _ lowest prices Af 'of Trade and all citizens interested No. 2 30,00 Highest prices paid for in fire protection will be, held in Look up your broken bsrneaa and No.l Sec. Growth Pine 25.00 produce the Masonic Hall, at the, request SPECIAL PRICES PAID F get it repaired before the spring Custom sawing done as usual. wof thea tillage- police trustees,. on GOOD MAPLE, ELM. RUSH Turningg, shaping and-wood repair- .� A SCOTT p TT Monday, Feb'18th, at 'dk o'clock. WHITE . ASH, BA89WOUD 'We sell new Harneee Parte ins of alIdeacrigtcone. • IJV , All citizens-are requested to please Oat Flaking and Chopping every day. CLAREMONT: = ' ONTARIO attend. ANI-). _PINE LOGS .a... E=C+.e1h.'R KTARNI3 CHAS. A. WHITE, - • R. Patterson, who -intends to . at.the "Corner Shoe Store,". Successor to late W. G. Barnes . move .to Renfrew Cuanty, will A,E. REESOR, Claremont, .Ont. Phone 8420 or write Locust Hill, Ont. Mid-Winter Stock ' hold an auction sale of his farm = - -stock, im lementa, household fur- Phene.SW3. R. R. Markham,Ont. • .'nitare etc.. at his premises. lot M. . Taking Sale-Now con. 9, Pickering, on Tuesday, P4' c March 4th. Watch out for bills ier�� - �r�11t0 givinir full particulars. g• �,. Next Sunday morning at the / - jectBaptist l... be "he pastor's eab• Q©D Li e _ t jeer will... be "The Christiane VAR ��� �� the Qaest of Quests," and in the even- VIA ins the fourth sermon in theaeries n. E'$ -}3ieg1III31II Saturday, August 25th 1''iCe8. w "The All t e Piu t'ect Saviour" B � k't - Big Reduction now bele offered :will b@ given. � - ' - ."The iChrist of the Weak." in g The subjects for discussion 1n / to you i 1 linea the Union Church on Sunday Leave Pickering �. ..::Leave Toronto Big-variety to choose from. morning will be"The Last Assize" DON'T 49I$9 THIS SALH t h : and in the evening Charles Wes- -7.45 A. -M. �Dall�) 10.00 a. m. ley'e hymn, ..Jesus, Lover of my : ..: �! FiagQld elm yri: .Soul," A quartette wilt sing and l Dail except Sundays ' • Mrs. Clifford Soden will sing the 4.15 P. M. and Holiday@ y.) 0+� P. Va. S x hym&as a solo. Don't miss it. YOU'VE Ant to be pro- Th@ Women's, Institute will rl fed if Sunda s and. c� pe p. your go. 900 �. Holida s only) 10.30 . M. �.• - meet at the home of Mrs. B. Kit- lug- to be ,a win-ner. It y y) C041, Oa}�atrick on the after0000 of Wed tn0'a no difference what nesday, Feb. 20th. at 8 o'clock. 'your occupation is. goode (standard Timx The programme will include the Qroceries should be served . Hard and BOft Goal Of the following topica for discussion : to you three times a day. beet uah OII "The Influence of Drees on Char. _ q ::.acter," and "The Danger of Lax _ : •.. J hand Return trip from'Pickering $1.W. Intermediate points nrg in Modern Life." Roll Call- ` - Potato Recipe. Music- - charged 'proportionately. T OS. ; LAW, The fancy dream and skating car- jj�� _ -._.._.ulval held in the rink here on V - - _ _ - _ - . Ga-t- .:.Thursday evening of leer meek Bt'a•stops-a.'Gordon House. Passengers taken on. . was a grand success. There was o *3700p an nousually large attendance and + ;at any.point. - -isvervbody-had a good time. The _ chief tittraction of the evening fh waP a broom hockey match be o , , ' aLLACUTT SARA.GEClip, : vr g . tween villagers and farmers. The 1 u F • l gss-was intensely interesting. to . • t ,y both players and spectators. The s _ _ 'hone:Inti. 200 :villagers won by a score of 2 to I, �C a S We regret to hear that Thomas Peardou continues In very. poor - - heatlth aaid is now unable to leave his bed. We hope that with the - - ap roach of milder weather he - T - A Y S F will improve. Singe the above L was in type we have learned that _ Mr. Pearson bas passed away. and his,funeral will take place to)nor- - -. lour (Saturday) afternoon-at 1.80 -'- - Our Stewart No. 1 Clip pec o'clock to Hubbell's cemetery, — -- - -dose the easily, Myrtle. An obituary notice will _ and well F !LPpear in next weeks issue. - The police trust of the village have acted on the recommendation 1 _ 2.75 of the largely attended public - _ meeting which was held on the evening of Friday, Feb. lot, by F. 10. 000 e!l C1alremoIIt Rurchaeing a new Sickle chemical m-en---- gine.._ -.Tbeg__hd4e..not pet. --�-- .r however. decid-ed ua the size of the engine but will do, so ata p •— - investing which will be bold at an Ib"P iearly date. There are-several _-T= — -- - --- irtzrmg ei a are manufactured and ----- The Pion: - e these will:all be cogsidered at this, el@@tID'g. Ford Resources V• MCS Commititss . .. � - — kboat forty men turned out to ' Ithe wood bee at the Baptist me Ford is the product of a ability.to.bu* the best mates` , The object of this Association is is Church on Wednesday. Feb. 8th lessen ateaus and proeeoaia; self-made institution which;over at a minimum price. There was no lack of work as -a the 1 �4 pile'of logs bad been previ a period of years, has provided They mean the ability to organ- large - ously assembled, nor was there tr • tk* for big after- all any tack of willing hands to do each- .+ issseiiaMly wi ss► ms�R the work. It was -a, �.,�p� _: � �the purchase of materials to at gzondn being completed els the value of Ford the completion the finished cat, Roon'a -vork•, p �pgniving p Yem>tashtp tss :• 81.Mi, the light began to fail, but the transportation,these peoples have !�.such a basin that every non- si res m..banes tram me r.wae.t.r; < ' toilers were rewarded by the eight ;-- seas tr:r sinusal". of a huge pile of fuetl• and by the purchased Ford products in such ieseeatial operation is eliminated. 8xsc,Com.--L, D. Banks,C.8.Palo. "taste of a splendid supper pre- volume that the sale of Ford cars ,Theeconomies thus a�ccomplished er, Donald Macro, Pickering. ppaar�ed�by the ladibe.• About thin - and trucks equals the sales of all -are reflected in Ford prices ladies were .busy, alt .afternoon, J.-R. Thextont, W.1. Clark. 4 ao only preparing supper, bdt other makes combined. which, always coa�sistently'lowl 8earelse� President,; o making :Iuilts, four being As a result,the resources of Ford are now the'lowest in history. h. made in' A. E. Therrien, B. A.', of the afternoon, Prof. :-.bana f Canada. are now over 420,- This is what Ford resources �•��--- -Grande Ligne, Que., was the spec- A00,000. These resources mean rgeari+to you. dial speaker at the prayer meeting in the Ba-ptist Church on Thura- r . - day: An earnest delivery coupled T --.:..See Any' Authorized Ford Dealer With logical arrangement of facts nd apt illustration was employed _ r.. to present athree-fond picture of _ T � ._�_ _ ..-T•--•- - - f - -_ _ •;.. .::'„Baptist work in Quebec, each de partment of the work, the colpor- low Of all materials and design ' -t@urs, tbe'churches and the edpca- - kept in stook. It will pa; you rational itistitutions, receiving 1 �obtsin prioes worksl at our aDon,t becd tm�isiesd� their full share of explanation. 60; s we 05 not employ these hsegnsar. At the close of the address a � ^' 1T we can, sad do throw the tires bearty invitation was extended to CARS. TRUCKS` TRACTORS oommissioa of to per Gent.,whiobyon wtl u ee -Mr. Therrien to come bick on some rtiialy save by pnrohuing cane os Sunday in order t�a'faller dis•nuffllinn C-4 ". oallsolioiMd. fi _.._—_�___.a;_--- - - - - J. T. MATHESON Way be presented to the congrega- ---- -- - -- -'- 000, NOW�r Oltiae and Works,_ Wikitby,Oafarig �. F ,r,.: a...-r,. .:.,,.' '• +`. .. .,•. ,. ..K,,. �• :;Het ��a y, :" �-• tb -i4� ,-r •-'<. Wyf'^ °' . r•. �'�. ,.� $ '•r.wh .'4P. .A./ ,} a�'i4. F "?y C `"C", K,.A".�� "4., • ^YA �°• -� 'v .. -s ,.,:..,�«.�.+r " �:. `�G'Y¢f�"''-` ' �; .l .Y 1t. .�,y*em ~"1'w., rM'.+�.. ':i: �f�i ^�,1. 7.?'ss. ,� PCs -'� ,sr.a _ F, q «<..,Fv.'.r•..rs..+ -a CTY..: :u! �' '.'�'- 1 .• .3;Ir 4,.,�,. a._ - - ,. .., •.,-cam!.. .... .e _ Y • . " ou waft. Ill find her," he PTS- »Nearly But Not Quito a lead. "An' if I can lay my hands on Dining out the other-aying in the t or _ the man that's done her a meanness,, company of some two hundred muss- 4. r. Pen . I'll certainly give them hospital sharks ''� ' a job pate in' him up:' IIia gentle tiara of all sorts and sizes, for lugs- a� eyes had frozen, and the cold hard brious se musicians often look and,are, eftry mod -. t0 the $ltitilt�t Japans, light in them was almost deadly. they do occasionally relax, among the r; Kirby could not get it out o! h!s guests was Sir Frederick Bridge, the Cleanses lsioutbi slat a , head that James was responsible for evergreen organist of Westminster Matti slat odds di gesSon. - tke disappearance of the girl Yet he Abbey. After dinner, on being asked Rolle-vow t]kat eve!- could not find a motive that would to speak, tie, of course, expressed sur- ,�eaten�seen" and nail R justify so.much trouble on his cousins pries at being expected to do shything part: Out enjoy the pleasures of the.table, Its t-a-s-Nl�a-t aa�Ya! He was at a moving-picture house r on Curtis Street with Rose when,the and went on to say, "I suppose I must rtl asYeo an esavimg so! ' -- explanation popped into his mind. follow the example of the man who �►�r- S4i84S They were wa old-fashioned owned to"having made a fiddle out of t?srl let's is doable —GREEN TEA __ melodrama its whit the am and 'added he had value _ _ ter is laid at the door of the, untor, enough,.wood lett for ne L tunate. hero. of his stories told of some Americans �t ie i#sest to .any. pr c C y to Kirby leaned toward Rose in the being shown round the purlieus of the pyo, darkness and whispered, "Let's go" -- "Go where?" she wanted to know in Abbey, and in Dean's Yard where Bir' surprise. They had seated themselves Frederick still lives, a'member of the not live minutes before. party observed a as, lean cat, - 3 _ "I've got a hunch. . Come." lazily enjoy-Ing the sunshine. .On ask- ' .She rose,and on the.way to the aisle mg an elderly gentleman to wham the • Trails _ brushed past several irritated ladies. animal belonged, he was told it wasR23 n ed ,Not till they were atandias�F on the Sir Frederick Bridge's. "Waal!" sidewalk outside did he tell her what drawled the Yankee, "guess Sir Fred- was on his mind. erick :ought to be prosecuted for • ?_ ..•ftY WILLIAJ[ MACI:150D RAINS want to,see that note from my !uncle you found in your sister's desk," cruelty to animals." Pezh�rs you are �r - - ;,ae.said. not aware, sir; that this t is almost She looked at him and laughed a as old as' Sir Frederick himself," was little. -"You certainly want-,what you the reply, and it need hardly be added (Copyright Thomas Allen). want when you want it! Do your that it was the veteran musician alio Give iui avowed, the erect, the i 'CHAPTER XXXI, box with a'Slatter to *ake the seven hunches often take you like that vouchsafed the information. manly foe; I sleepers. Instantly he knew it had right out of a perfectly .good show Bold I can meet perhaps, may turn- TIM ` 'MASK OF THE RED'SANDANNA. been put there-for him to stumble you've paid your money to see?" It had'come by Special delivery,-an'over. A 'strong searchlight flooded "We've made a mistake. It was Itis blow; ill-written little note sc.rawled *on'the stairs and focussed Qn him. He aeein' that fellow'in the play that-put But of all plagues. good heaven, thy cheap ruled paper torn from atabletaireaugat a momentary glimpse of a me wise. Have you gat the note with wrath can send, I! yon went'to know who killed featureless face standing out above you?'.' Save, save, oh save ms from the can- _ :: the li ht—a face that•was nothing but "No. It's at home. If you like we'll did friend! Cunningham i can tell you..• Meet me » -a re bandanna handkerchief .with go and get it ".-Geo. Canning. ISO the Denmark Bilding; room-419, slits in it for eyes and a pair of feet They walked up to the Pioneers' at Woven to-night. Come alone. below at the top of the stairway. Monument and from thereover to her : One who known. The searchlight winked out- There boarding-place- Kirby studied the, invitation care- was a flash of lightning and•a crash Kirby-looked the little note over WUMEN DYE FADED . ' + was'it a'of tiiurider. A second time that' ckst carefnily. "What a clump I was not THINGS.NEW AGAIN a k at this before,' he Said. "My plant? He .was no handwriting ex- uncle never tyro pete It" rt, but.he had a feeling that it was crouched low and reaching for the .45 s dinguiced script. There is an itrimit-!under his arm. The boo*ring of the "Never wrote it?" e Able looseness of des in the third- revolver above reverberated down the "Not his writin' Mall." by Garment or Drapery. graphy of an illiterate person. H6 did pit o! the stairway. "Then .whose is it?" not find here the awkwardness of the' Arrow-swift, with the tithe ease of "� can make ® darn good gaea.i. n Inexpert- rather the elaborate,imita- a wild thing from the forest, Kirby Cant yon, . , •tien of an amateur ignora2nna. Yet'ducked round the corner for safety. She looked at him, eyes dilated, on Playsd'In Luck. n he was not sure. He could give no He did not wait there, but tock. the the verge of a discovery. "Yon "13o yon were playing is luck last de1}nite reason tor' this fancy. stair* down three at a stride. Not mean— night, eh?" And in the end he tossed it over- till he had reached the ground floor I. mean that J. �. might stand for ••2`11 say i was! " That Sazy guy board. He would keep the appoint= did he stop to listen for the pursuit. at�tesat two other men know. Jones borrowed my-flask ,just about moat and see what came of it- More-I No sound of following footsteps Your cousin James?' Each 16-cent pactage of "Diamond over, he world keep it alone-except came to him. By some miracle. of "More likely Jack." two minutes before the revenuo agents Dyes" contains directions so simple for a friend handing ander the left good luck he bad escaped the ambush. His mind back to fugitive mem- raided the Joint." that any woman can dye ur tint any = I dries of Jack's embarrassment.-when o SM at his side. Kirby had brought t was characteristic of him that he Eather's name had-been mentioned in Mlnard s Liniment for Dandruff- old,worn.faded thing new,•even If aha no revolver with him to Denver. -'did not By wildly into the night. His connection with his uncle. Swiftly his has never dyed before. .Choose aa7 easlonally he carried one on the range brace functioned normally, coolly. brain be to lase the bite of evi- color at drug stole+ to frighten.coyotes and to till rattlers. Whoever it was had led him into the P / -But a knew,where he could borrow trap had,lost his chance. Kirby_,ren- dance he ad not understood the sheen- / one, and"he ioceeded.to do so. I soned that the assassin's mind would Ing of before. .e `� -Not that there was any 'danger in be bent on making his own safe escape 'Jack's thi+s-man. You may depend TIME meeting the,unknown correspondent. before the police arrived on it. My SAVE T+uncle hadn't anything to ����- np� Kirby did not admit that tot s I The cattleman waited, crouched be- do with it We jumped at that cos- AND WOat►ii Mo- ment There are people so constituted hind an'out-jutting pillar in the wall elusion too quick. he went on. I CM MORE_ t of the entrance. Eve minute.he a*- "You think that she's ... . with that they revel in the mysterious.They'! ry �„ I( : wrap their most common actions in petted to see a furtive figure sneak him? hints of reserve and weighty silence.j past him-into the.street. His hopes "No She's likely out in the country s perhaps this man w oke et them.'were disappointed: It was nearly mid- m in some small town.' :He's havin There was no danger whatever. No-j night when two men, talking cheer- her looked atter. Probably an attack 4•body had say reason to wish him ser-!fully of the last gusher in the Buck- of conscience. Even if hes selfish ss, _ 4 _ ions ill _Yet Kirby took a 4b with burnett field, emerged from the stair- the davit, he Isn't heartless. _ e $�� him whey he set out for the Dei;-`way sled passed into the street. They (To be continued.) Cosxeetrated bee!-goodaes+, easil7 ,mark Building. He did it because that,were tenants who had stayed late, to _ ieoparted to dozens of dishes maku+g ' ' - strange sixth sense of his had warned,do some unfinished business. ' ' dwm snore tssi and nubi dour, him to do so There was a drag store in the build- The Spats Make a Showtns. Darin the day he had examined'the ing, cornering on two streets. Kirby Among the good-humored bits of the das*114.30,30 and 100 .setting for the night's,adventure. He!�Pp� into it and asked a question memorabilia that, Sir James Denham had been to the.Denmark Building and Qf�t a clerk,at the. prescription desk. has put into his Memoirs of the Mem- scanned it inside.and oat He had Is there more than one entrance to gone up to the fourth floor and.looked the Denmark Building?" orable .v►./tste llt11e'T'ale of the effect He--you wouldn't marry •a man CANADA at the exterior of Room 419. The office "No, sir." The clerk corrected•"him- thgt'white spats—'when they were first for his money, would yon i"' s s,a door had.printed on it this,design: self. Well, there's another way out introduced—had on- the-simple minds gh�"show me the man." silent-but eloqugnt LLING t The Pro0 ducers a Developers Shale of.those who were not prepared for _�- GOLD. MI MINING COMPANYLL-I and Oil Company bav_e a suite of of-I them. Of one thing I feel sure: that some- J Aces that run into the Rockford ' Going down to Buckinghamshire for 'thing outside of myself speaks to me, I But when. Sl: "tried this door ha• Building. -They've built an alley to a garden Darty in the middle of a Lou- and holds me .to duty; warns. re- _ tam;_'`i locked.y connect between the two buildin Its ori fifth floor." �' don season,writes Sir James, we wept proves, and approves. It is good, for MATCHES The Deismstrk-Building'IS a-little.out t down_in London' dress. I had white it requires me to be good: it is wise, -- -� -"Ia-i# open Could a .man ggeet out of the heart of the Denver business of the Denmark.Building now by way> numberto me a Ci - spats ora: During the slteraoarr-mgJ torit-kuewa.tha o ugs._and intents ; f district. It was built far n town at of the Rockford entrance?" hoof asked young -of us to corue of pheasants; h said of the heart. tIld4s characterandattri-- t Is a time when real estate was booming. „Easiest in the world. All he'd have and see theAdjoining it it is the Rockford Bn]ding. m do 'would be to erose the alley he Lred a very good Irish gamekeeper- bnteo; the one important fact, before The two dominate a neighborhood of a Maes squat two-story stores and roomingg_ bridge, go down the Rokford stairs, We had hardly'appeared' in'the pre. which all others Seem insignlScant.— " ►eras ' lhouses. In dull seasons the offices in and walk into the street." % serves when the keeper,mach excited. Whittier, s two big iandmarlm are not always Kirby wasted no more time. '-Be came rushing rap to me. It�hh knew that the man who&had tried to 'filled with tenants. j "Excuse me,;•sorr; come this way, The elevators in the Denmark had I murder him had long since made good j fi ceased running ho'ars since Kirby his getaway by' means of the fth- come on, son,.quickly this way. Get -took the narrow-stairs..which wound o y hiidge between the buildings. into the bashes apace the.ladies cant • round the elevator shaft He trod the -' he w4lked back to the hotel see yer!" He was dreadfully agitated he was ato�ping his eyes and and for he should Late aft I fol- where fi ears were busy, no roans nu dark- ow into the laurels. Leaning ',.. He bad so wish to advertise is pro+- }chances, but headed for the bright encs If there was to,.be any exp chances, toward me,he whispered: five surprise, he did'not want to be ligbts of the main streets where be "I would not for the life of me the ...SMP Enameled Ware has at.the receivin end of it, would be safe from any possibility of tee saw Ter, for yeeve got the laate a gmpOth SII21aCe and polish of s a second ambush. He reached the second Storey,cross- taste of yer dhrawers showin' be lathe ed the landing, and began the nuxt His brain was.as busy as his eyes. Tine Crockery—Wfthout the break- r Bight. The place was dark as a mid- Who had planned this attempt on his Ter trousers." night pit At tics third floor its dark- sure. and so nearly carried it to enc- °pge. Alto 1t;8 BO very easy to Clean nese was relieved-slightlyby a ray of cess? Of one thing he was sure. The i ' ' er-just like China, and therefore light from s transom rar down the �sasain who had flung•the shots at #Anerds Liniment Heats Cuts him down the narrow stairway of the paakes light Work Of pot WSshiIlg. ' corridor. -- Kirby waited to listen. He heard-to j Denmark was the one who had mar- ' ;Queer Belief. Try this test. T e alt S P faintest sound to break the stillness..1 dared his uncle, The motive of the s Again his foot found the lowest tread ambuscade was fear. Kirby was too Among the old German settlers in JEnameled Ware sauce pan an an-. hot on the trail that might send him Pennsylvania it was a popular belief and he crept__upward. In the daytime !to the allows. The man had decided 1811-metal sauce pan of equal size. t.. he had laughed at the caution which g thats,boy could be cured of homesick- - " • had-led him to borrow a weapon from Ito play safe by following the old nese by placing salt in the iseme. of - II1tt0 .each' pour $ Quart Of Cold an acquaintance at the stockyards. thei that dead men tell no tales. his trousers and making him look up _ Water. 'Put On the fire 8t the sante y But now every sense shouted danger. the chimney. ` y He would not go back, but.each tor- .,,, time. The SMP sauce pan Will be o ward step was taken with infinite car . CHAPTER XXXII. �... Waiters on skates bring tea to akar- �� boiling merrif when the Water In ! And his care availed him nothing. JACH' TAKES OFF HIS COAT + ars at same of the Swiss hotels where the other 1$ just beginning t0 y+•,•-. A lifted foot struck an empty soap � Afterward,when Kirby Lane looked � , � _- back upon the weeks spent in Denver the winter sports ate in full swing. ti simmer. • �r ng to clear up the mysteritls which TOSTER HOMES surrounded the whole ,affair of his OUR FREE 800KLET } l� MMooigOWARE uncle's death, it seemed to him that he ° had been at times incredibly stupid. z Nowhere did this accent itself so much Our little book describes our work and aa.. WANTED as in that part of the tangle which our excellent toilet preparations and "A Face of Porcelain and a Heart of Steil' :- related to Esther McLean. contains many hints on the care of the For B0Y8 and GIRL$ of From time to time Kirby saw Cole.; Skin, Scalp, }*air, Bands and Com sr4r�a �sad�Lout two enure, -school sgs. Specially se- lie was in and out of town. Most of pbezion. For over 80 years'we have coats, light bias, and white votal white llafatr + ' fatted fol Immigratiea to. _ his time was spent running down faint been succeasfuAy treating Eczema; Crystal warty tbro• eoata, oar• whoa lasida r.) SM -trails which s un'themselves out and. Pimples,f.Blackheads and other skin p •st.with Moselodsmi- `' Canada. Farther information b came lost in the hills. The chain- and -scalp troubles by mail. We re - AU war ar -_ ` rough rider was indomitably re-,move Superfluous Hair, Moles, Warts, InSMEXT MRAL PRODUCTS Co.bum iebo amply to to in his intention of finding her.'ata, forever., by Electrolysis. Write v. - g MONTREAL TORONTO WINNFPIIO `� Salvation .Army re were times when Rose be an to HIBCOT INSTITUTE TG Vp g fEDMONTON VANCOUVER CALGARY fea that her little sister= was lost to ND College 8L Toronto 4 .• iq 29 �orge SL Toronto' her for always. But Sanborn revert 18ffiUe.. No. 7—Q4. — °z shared this,feeling. j , �- 4 •' v. � ,. ,. ^��(. ;r •.c. ,'.., ..:.'h;;, ++ s•" �•. yH:� ;,>';� 5wl' .',n;;. �.,.",.. 2' -7'.�+;ru�• a•, t, r�+ 5E ar" �+.•S ,.{4� ,y. '•./Y A4•w `:;4, d Cp "�" 'f+ N �.. _ a",n a XSfw. 4' Y�hI:p,'�' _ 'V9Ja •C. .. . fir _ nv ' 1. ''.: 4 �� a , . �n . ,h ... . � � a .s.,,<km n�+.�•• nt -,n+.'--n' " n si �,.,,._ •.�. - ._ _ J, Ate , •� l^ �7, �, _ / ; _- w r t' rbc . / 1 "' - . . r , - .. w - • ' - :. - F.. FIT TO SAIFEfY ON. FLOES __ _- - i �a � f< OTTAWA GIRL .. rjx�' a `''y :lent tN r r , N ; ICE BI�IDCE B AT UEBEC u :, tr �s �. D r: . ,, *> a,� '` y. Their Malesties R � k< 4 �A 4 '' Pit t 'of Anxious Watching Ends With Rejoicing as Mar- 1.1 . n� *r � �� ,� t by Governor-General anal � .. r.. , s R Lady Byng of Virnp. : rooted Folic Are Saved from Laminent Death. . ��' "� 1. t' _ ;`� vs „ A • �, Ottawa, Feb. ii.--Mins I,cda Boob A despatch from Quebec nays:- other peoplq two men and two women, «'ii,r k �� 3 �� , a{ only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.1 -�`. Anti-climax is de. who were in the neighborhood hborhood at the ; " , ' „ ,.' Fred Booth, and nddan ter of the only word that g >;. :...; r,w.,:. Bra gh time and forming art of the self- y "'x r a' „Yfi the capital's venerable 'citizen Mr. ' scribes adequately the situation in 8 P �� P Quebec and Levis following the dra- sante group,were just too late to avail <. x John R. Booth, was united 1n mares themselves of the precarious chance, t a age with His Royal Highness;Prince lentis breaking of the ice bridge and and 'spent hours on a square of float- t f ,` , Erik of Denmark, a son of His Royal I- __ _the endangering o!.a score of,lives. ih ice before kindly fate intervened Hi hness, ' -- - 8 Y g Prince Va.demar, a first .s Op Thuredisy •;x let f ` cousin. of Hiss Majesty_King George entertained !or the people who were]ahoJo with the returning tide, thus y ' 'J � h the Fifth of Fngland. And thiai5right, stranded on the great ice jam as it enabling them: to effect a landing aI- : ., �h f ' �'' �< happy, vivacious Ottawa dsu ter, •' �. broke from the "batturW' on either most before the realized the were � ' a.�� who as a y y __ girl went to an Ottsws_pab• 6ido o! the river. Friday morning at safe. . 1 r.;I. ; lie school; is now Her Highrmss, Pi' least Sue hues were despaired o;, but ` _ �` ° ' cess Erik,,Countess Roaeabo Interviews with the survivors of rg. "« In the course o!the day it was learned this group give a graphic indication z <: ": y gee and token's and s doubt'thi;t these five were 1: r t ' 3 With mess's coating .. My o! the desperate strait's'to which they gr P.4 y ng from the royalties •of England and 1. .safe at'hom and that if-an athera ��'° '�X y' Denmark, with guests from near and Q Y were reduced sir. Coutre a resident . � Were still missing no record o! their of Levis, frankly ndmitted that after r "- far assembling 'tor the ceremony, 41 being on the ice had been obtained,t being buffeted across the river several ' x " 'Their Majesties King George and and the presumption is that what times and being jostled by other floes, „� °s. �'r Queen Mary were represented by k Memed an inevitable tra has :: �x Y and bein ! Their Excellencies,S� forced at times td make a les the Governor- 8 , been converted into a 11 story. of mir- quick•jump from one cake*of ice to L% R = General and Lady Byag of Vim °' �enlousPa. another, the �'' � "` the,ceremon was carried oat with ea ,X . y joined hands and prayed ;� Y Even "� so, the dramatic circum- to.God for deliverance. „-; ": dignified 'simplicity. Pareet white stances of the rescue of the marooned Another group of four, although in " Thies were the flowers chosen for the people ;night very well have'had a jeopardy a shorter time, had a.no leas , �: church decoration and a simply de- tragic accompaniment. Four men harrowing experience, because in• els ed gown of purest white satin " succeeded in making a perilous land-,order to make a landing they were adorned the young bride. . , -ie We on the T,evia side with the aid o!i pulled through a hundred feet of the i � The service commenced promptly at `Ir a rope and by virtue of taking a der-'icy'water on the end of a to* rope, �" " � four o'clock, His Lordship Right Rev. , . ittg plunge 1n the icy waters of that the other of which was maHned•.by .- J. C Roper, Bishop of Ottawa, ofSr Aver. It was their only chance, ae heroic scut on the Levis 'shre, who . ciating, assisted- by Major the Rev,- , they saw it, and they took.it.__,Four stood by for the rescue. Channell G. Hepburn, M.C., rector.OIL-1 .11 All Saini,s' Church. _,, . �_ fa ` Hia Highness Prince Erik and hit ,PRINCE SUFFERS. . . ALL NATIONS D� ... . .�:,, '%f.QUIRED ` bride left shortly atter six o'clock for, New York,,whence on Saturda the c� 'r">: " + 16tH, they- will sail-for England to- ". Fractures Collar-Bone While Unioe� Accord Necessary spend some time in London. They will NEW CHAIR FOR MR. SPEAKER . go to France to spend some time oA . f = __,Esercising Hunter-No Com- SO That the Other Countries _17t�hen Tion. Joseph Thompson, official referee o1 Ontario's political ba � Riviera,-and,-then go to Copen- . hagen for a lengthy visit On their plications Arise. Might Have Easy Mina, ties, took his piste !n the provincial house at the opening of the legialatnre, return to America, they will, go to A, despatch from London nays:- A despatch from Ge$eva says:- �� chair was waiting Lor Lim. It was built by diaatiled soldiers. California, where they will take np 1. n 4. For the fourth time in the last three Joseph C. Drew, United States Minis- _ pears the Prince of Wales was injured ter to Switzerland, who V acting as Americans NO Lo er Ge# u . .�� residence. - o may, ��Inn Friday by a fall from his horse.I unofficial observer at the sessions of �1.�� .British Dye Sidle Replaces erman W� demn2ty ' I' x.:. While exercising one of his hunters i the Disarmament.Commission of the Divorces in France +German Work on Sub , pear Leighton Buzzard he was heavily'League of Nations, on Thnzsday stat- 7 t0 China is X100,", thrown and broke his collar-bone. It j ed anew the position of cordial sym-I A despatch from Paris says`:-- A despatch from London nay's:-Ai p+ss the most serious of the injuries Psthy of the Uhited States Govern- T> 1� Premier Poincare s person_ I. A despatch from Shanghai says: lla has received, although in 1922 he meat far the coatml of the traffic is intervention, "tavo-minute divorces" book that cost more than tb.000 to The North China Daily News sa7a produce has just been published bare. bad to caecal same of his public en-j for Americana are a thing of the past ,. that Germany and Chins have reached1.1 Thin is the "Dyers Bibl as it 1s pseements and limp about on crutches i. Mr. Grew explained that the United in France. Y e+ an agreement under which Germany#& The Principals known in. the industry, an index to , .. to others because of a sprained ankle States objected. among other things, p p� must now prove 5rst war indemnity to China is fixed.at' colors, which laces the German ` sustained lwhile hunting. -- Ito the St. Germain Treaty, because of all that their grounds for divorce $100,000,000, less the 'claimg` of the are admitted in their native state. As work of Professor Gustav Schultz a It bears out the apprehensions of treaty would prevent the United Deutsche Asiatiache Bank and ether the British public about-the danger!,States forwarding arms to La matter ot-fact, this provision is in The last edition of Schultz's work German firms for property confscatetl ta. which this wen-loved heir to the j American States which had not sign= the existing law, but in practice few dealt with. 1,001 colors; the new Brit- by .China on ,entering the war. The .. Throne ed the convention. ' such embarrassing questions have ish work covers 1,236 synthetic d es net amount payable to China will bs er�posss himself on the heat- y P w� field. Viscount Cecil of Chelw been•Put ,to applicants. The u and 87 natural-dye4,mineral pigments, 000 000' of which Germin Aur cod, repre- pP Judges �. Kb. Y It is Bald that the Prince of Walea .senting Great 11 stain, replied that, had discretionary, almost arbitrary, etc:, which appear under more than pay Pekin $18,000,000 at present VM in the beginning a very indiffea although the United States was not powers for deciding whether or nott 20'000 trademarks, all- duly indezed.1 baAked in London and the remainder. " , eat rider. Ooarage and sportsman_ shipping any. considerable amount of i there were sufficient. grounds for I This index alone has taken three years I la TslaVu and Hukuang Railway ! have arms it wan also trn granting the divorce. to complete. �, - shi� greatly improved his sques- a that all States � . ' `: 'trlan abilities, ,musts the But new re lationa issued b I Experts in every dyemaking country • - . _ 111. but his added skill has, sign proposed eonventiop be- Hu y the . 00117 led the Prince to attempt more fare any single State would consent I Ministry of Justice.remind the j edges j helped with the proofs,with the single -. The coal consumption of the United ,. anti it L no secret that on the hunting I niorcing its terns. -There was of the tormaAty existing in . the exception of Germany, which refused Sksrtes armuany approximates , 800,. - t".11 field in England, as on the battlefield n° city for obtaining universal ac French law and enjoining observance, to assist the work in any way. 000,000 tons. 'in F din the United States-in Consequently Americans seekin di- �--. _ 1 rance,.he keeps his stat!on tenter- 8 I g. ;books because of his daring, spite of that country's tae r _�vorrce .will be compelled to produce c. The Prince was thrnwn when his So that the other countries would feel legal eergflcaes-eatisfyiag the French -- t" e Re - - . !mount bungled a five-foot jump. Be �9 in mind. 4 tribunal that the motives invoked ire We" , drove in an automobile to the nearest Signor Schanzer,-Italy, supported such as would be sufficient to obtain - a divorce at home. These certificates TORONTO. �gaL, $2.50; per b-gaL t�$2.40 per I. ,surgery and proceeded by train to� .Viscount Cecil's arguments. !t[anitobs wheat--No. f, Northern, gal.; maple sugar, lb., b Will have to be obtained bga 25e. .' Lfladoa, making light of his injury to o y a member $1,18 6:', Honey-60-lb. tins, 11 to 12c p� iaII who inquired.. He is new in o! the Ameriear. Bar. The new regu-'° Th.; 10-b. tins 11 to 12c• 5-lb. tin tea, Britiih Youths Encouraged lationa apply to 'sulfa now I dlanitobas oats--No. 3 CW., 47lftc; s' 1. PP y penile 12 to 13c• 2%-1b. Lina, 18.to 14c +! and will retrain there for a time, to Settle on Canadian Farms g yy pe• _ , `°$°b Inquiries regarding the Prince's • - (No. 1 feed, 46%c. No. 2, $3.26 to $g,oo. 1. $3.76 to $4;: ---progress -have- bees- mads-by .the British Premier Refilses :t Manitoba barley-Nominal _ h.-fro London { All above frac gmoked meats-87 to 89ea�emok25 m $('reach Ambassador at London at the -Dpuble fO161" k, bay ports. 27c; cooked ham i, party- public school boys left Lon-! 9 �` j" Ontario bane -66 to 70e:- ,. -VotViset of t Minersnd and Y roYls, c; co r-oils; 1rem ler Poineare. don on Thursday night en routs to j A despatch from London says:- Amer. corn-No. 2 yellow, 98%c; 94c; breakfast bacon 25 to 27c; ape. A bulletin issued from York House Canada where they will nettle on the premier MacDonald has decided to Buckwheat-No. 2, 76 to SOa tial brand breakfast bacon, 80 to 88c; land. Bulkeley Evans, Honorary Sec- tate a sin , Ontario rye-No._3, 75 to 79a backs,, boneless, 80 to 85c. -_� Myr that there are,no complications, gle Salary of only 95,000, a.- Peas-No. 2 $1.46•to $1.50. . Cured meats-Lon clear bacon 60 :1 a ,and t� Ow Prince is making satin- retsry of the public Schools Employ- though filling the dual office of First ' meet Bureau, who saw the soya oil, 1.Ord of the Treasury Millfeed-Del., Montreal freights,;to 70 Its., $18.50; ?�to 90 Iba., >18; ; ' pi'°ss' -- �,, , explained that one o! the latest acti- r7 and Fgreign I ba included: Bran, per ton, 8;;90 iba. and n $1?••,lightweight rolls vities of the bureau had been to intra Seerefsry, which carry a salary of shorts, per ton, $30; middlings, $36;; in barrels. 7; ighhtt- - � *- • $6 000-apiece. -__ good feed flour, $2.10. $32. to head masters of-Schools in a'" % ---- 7 R -S�et s t Ontario wheat-No. 2 white, 9.7 to Lard-Pare tierces, 16 !0 160 . Russ» Britain Prof,Lockhead of-McGill Uni- Ten huge concrete storage tanks;!$1, outside. itube, 16% to 17c; pails, 17 to 17%al 4 versity, who was h6re to encourage capable of holding 250,000 bushels of Onkario No. 2 white oats--41 to 48c. prints, 18 to'19c- shortening tierces, A despatch from Rome says:-The British youths to settle on land in Brain, are being erected by the Robin Ontario corn-Nominal. `14% to 14%c; tubs, 14 to 16c; pails, Canada. Hood Milling Co. adjacent to its mills Ontario flour-Ninety per cent paL, 2 to 15%c'; prints, 17 to 17%c. representatives of the Italian and _- 89 Montreal ship.,' u � o at Calgary. This will increase the.3n' jute ba , prompt a ip-I Heavy steers, choice, '$7 to $7.76; signed GoTwarneTrts the com- Exports of pulpwood from Canada mill's storage capacity to 500 000 meet, $4.60; Toron:3 basis, S4.60;,butchers steers, choice, $8.26 to $7; treaty on Thursday, and thus, for the year 1923 amounted to 1,384,- bulk seaboard, $4.25. Ido, good, $6.75 to 8; do, mrd., 4.75 to conformity with Premier Musso-`280 cords,' compared with 1,011,332. bushels, I Man. flour-Ist pate, in jute sacks,,$5• do, com., $4.25 to $4.60;..butcher . _ s previous'decisioa, estsbHshed de,for 1922 an increase of 373,000 cords $6.20 per barrel; 2nd pats., $5.70. he#fera, choice, $8 to $6.76 do mrd 4. u:e reeognition of Russia. The!or 35 per cent. The 1923 fiBu;es s;e : " j Hay-Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton,:$4.75 to $5.25; do, com, $4.50 oto $6; �i. . Government will immediatelyI equivalent to about 900,000 tons of °` track, Toronto, $I4.b0 to $16; No. 2, butcher cows, choice, $4.76 to $b; do, t. tat en. Ambassador to Russi I . $14.50; No. 8, $12.50; mixed, $12.50. med., $3.50 to $4; canners and cut- spPo a,,newsprint that could have been mann- Straw-Carlots, per ton, $9.50. • I ters, $1.26 to $2; butcher bulls, choice, titins rertoring diplomatic relations. factured from this wood Standard recleaned screening, f.o.b., $4.25 to $5.25; do, com., $2 to $3; . e. bay ports, per ton, $20< I feeding steers, good, $5.50 to $6.60, , ----- Cheese-New, large, 21% to 22c; do, fair, $4 to $5; stockers, good, $4 ` JAPAN WCL PROBABLY EXPEND twin's, 22 to 223lic; triplet's 22 to to f4.75; O.bA X100: Ali . 23c; Stilton's, 24 to 25c. O'td, lar ,'an 1 6 to 81 , large,' ice $12 to • o, ed., 8 to 26 to 80c; twin's 2 c• triplets $18.50, d m $ ay 27 to 82c. 11; do; coin. $5 to, $7 do grassers, :20 IVIILLIONS OF LOAN IN CANADA. Butter-Finest creamerq pr{nts, 48 13•to $4.60; lambs, choice pewee $12 ' ' to 47c• No. 1 creamery, 48 to 4bc; No. to 18.50; do, bucks, $10.50 to $1 ; do,., • ` 2, 42 6 43c. - culls, $7 to $8; sheep, light ewes, $7.60 Ottawa, Feb 10.--0anadian bud- of their preparedness•to,make large Eggs-Extras, fresh, in carbons,Ito $8; do, fat, heavy, $4' to $46.0; do, s will benefit oonsiderably from the and ready shipments of building ma- j 58 to 69c; fresh extras, loose, 56 to culls $2 to$$; hogs, fed and:watered, International loam which Japan terial to Japan, and,,it is known,other !57c; fresh firsts, 52 to 68c; extras,! gi�Q,_f o b,;7-,b0- do,country points, �s floating in New York and Canadian building industries have Storage, in cartons, 46 to 47c; extiie, 7.26; do, selects,,>8.80.. $,cation Ot'the total of about $300; been invite11 _d�t�share_in the scheme. 1. 443 to 44c; firsts, 39 to 40c; seconds, MONTREAL 5, �p ,000 which is its ba-raised by a -imine 'ami Lely after the disastrous BO to 82c. 4+ Orta, Chin. Went., Nd. 2; 66�4c; .do, hive ponitrx-Spring chickens, Rr�t, No. 3 66c do, extra No. syndicate of financial hqusee, headed esithquake' in Japan Inst .September a ti g Cay.. xgy .; lbs and over, 28c; chicken's, 9 to 4j do, No. 2 local white, b7 J. P. Morgan & Co., it is learned the Dominion Government arranged " ` lbs. .23c; hens, over 6 lbs., 22c• do 1' feed, b8 c; [rom outside circles that Probably to make an advance of $200,000 to 4 6 lbs.. 16c; do 8 to 4 lbs.,�16c;;52%c. Flour, Man. sppring wheat $20,000,000 will be loaned by Can- the stricken, nation, the money being I roosters, g I pats., lata, $6.80; do, leis,$5.80; do, ' 15c; .ducklings, over 5 lbs., atron bakers $5.60• do, winter pats., ..- adian moneyed concern on the con- used solei to purchase supplies in � 19c; do. 1St• turkeys, g > y 0. Y P PP 4 to b lbs., to $5.75. Rolled oats __,_dation dist a large part, if not,all o! Canada moat urgently ,needed at that i (young, 10 lbs. and u 22c. choice, $6.66 y� p ba 90 lbs., 3.05. Bran $28.25• shorts, FF Dressed poultry-Sprint chickens,t $ r rte, �- !k be expended to the Dominion. time. These included lumber, rriiIk Adolfo De La Huerta. i4 lbs. and over•30c; chickens, 3 to 4 $30.25• • Middlings, $8625.` Hsy, Per 7:- It T"he central purpose of Japan's bor- products and blankets„Bo prompt and The rebellion of -.Adolfo De La f Tbs., 25c; hens; oven 5 Ibtt., 28c do, ton, car lots, $16. r i - -=-rdwi.g to reconstruction, and-for that effective was the response of Can= Huerta has collapsed. The rebel lead-(4 to 5 lbs., 24c• do 3 to 4 lbs., I8c; Butter, No., 1 pasteurized, 414 to' �: this county is in an advan- adians in that time of stress that the er, with several friends, has fled the g 42t; do, No. 1 creamery, 41 to 41 c; y roosters, 8c; uck in a, oyer 5 lbs., �ag us positiofi to meet the Island Japanese are eager to show their country for parts unknown, aboard a 24c; do, to b lbs., 25c: turkeys, do, seconds, 40 to 40%e- Eggs, stor- gr y gig young. 10 lbs. and up, 28 to 8_c; age extras, 42c; do,storage firsts,86e; �'; Empire's needs. AIready, it is under- gratitude b arranging to expend ateamer... _Hie troops are evacuating a 22c. do, storage seconds 30c• do fresh ex- sea ,; a number of lumbering firms in most of the private loan to be raised Vere Cruz,Insurgent base, and streamBeans-Csnadisn, handpicked, lb., tray, 60cg do, freak Brats, ti0e. British a as ae rnin ti 6 IN 'boa been approached on the subject anadian-goods. P" rimes, 6illc. Potatoes, per bag. can lots. $lea :, Y. ., 7,p,,,. ...; a q-..r,.. r,, ry,.. ,.,. ;• ' 'fir;�' { ;,Ty ,.., m.M^ :i nWc;,; ,,'?«_, �q<.:� ;r�'w ,"i. k. y°N ".;+".� tw.a• ? , .e,. i,y"1• 9 y" .t.x�:r. 7 t ,,4YR,S,. ..t t..- .s�,.ti 'S, '--•YS of g. 'A.- 's +t+� 1 •f: ii.k-t.-., .+4aa:r�a•a. yx ......�,., ,'.M..v..+•a. �. +.r.:y.- ., � .:;...drorc .s-Za,.. .7+.« n..•�v''.',,,,i - .'�'°r rib., ."•':'.k.'" _ .c'�a"'y :'�.:: f:. IT I Y;S /^t� � T ��•aaT�. Gormley is at ',Novar•at -Miss Hilda Bryant is improv. _ ' L1JC11L117 IYi present an relieving duty. t� in nicely, after her recent serious ' -Lloyd Shirley epent over Stin• illness. dap at the Lotus of his parents -Remember this is the last day �re . -A supper and Olde T me con' here. on which you can sport laet%yetrr's AV N.w -.:cert will be given in the Methodist The Pickering Coal Co. have license plates oa your ear. - _ church,'March 7th. -church, M Potter spent last week on hand all kinds of hard coal at =James Richardson is off dtrtp r $14.50Dr. eHenr • will be here as Rens at tof blood-poisoning atened lth an in one&of w P * _ renewing, old $cgtlatntanees , iny _ `Darlington tow hip. al neat Tuesda to attend to his his arms. -The police trustees will meet professional dukes. * -Wanted-Girl for light work ! �%� ' in regular session on Monday even- -Born,on Satut•day, Filb. 9th, in Excelsior Mill. Nage guaran- Boys Black *1; "regi Feb.18th,at 8 o'clock,'in the to-Ceorge and Mrs.- Grills. of the tee of $1.7.5- per day piece work. new fire;ball. Kingston road east, a-son. Apply at Rose Excelsior Mill. * Becher'BODES : � t `ti y -Miss. Hallett, who is'ia -J hn S. Balsdon ie in Hatilil- -Snow•ehovelling has been a " the employ of Jae. Riehkrdsou, is ton tlzia week attending a meeting pleasant diversion of a number of Awa below cost. '�'•: off duty owing to Illness. Mise of the Hardware Merchants'Asso• our' residents during the .pRst .9 — ' F77-Susie-Stanley is filling.-thel-posi. .Cistion-of - - week.----A--tiumber,__liowenu. re_- �{ li Eig pr-;,,e 5 nn 90im • tion for the grease£'. -Dr. E. A. Sadleirl Dentist, frain tom in u ging in t e pass- r - •r r -A. T. and Will: and practicing in Toronto, will be here time. at half price, sizes 1, 21 3, their wives, of Belleville, have re- 1v his• office on Thursday from 10 -Mrs. Bootb, of Tlllaonburg, 4, 5 and 42, $2x49. k turned home after spending sev• a M. to 6 D. 1v., 88 usual, * a-rrived-on Saturday to visit her eral days in Pickering last week -Parenfs of S. S. No. 4 west daughter, Mrs. W. F. Law,who owing to the death and funeral of who plan to start, their children ]las been confined to her house for „i - the former's father. "to school this'year lire requested several weeks eiitFering from a Onlp_ one pair -John Fleming and J. H. Evans to send 'there rafter. the Easter severe attack of the flu. We are police trustees,of Claremont, were v aline. The young scholars 'Riad to report that she is now re Men's Black ``.here one day last week inspecting can a ,handled to much better covering. -.our fire engines and fire hall. advan age when they commence — Leather Leggings'' Since their visit here Claremont school at the same titne.eticli year SALE REGISTER. purchasing a chem- and Easter time fits in beat "— ~ leaf fire p f a similar menu- the school curriculum. MONDAY, FEB. 18th.-Auction sale of (�rOOd 'quality, buckle,top, has decided c►a fac it:al fire engine u ; BecotnP a me -The Kingston road wag never Yarm stock, itoplemente, furniture, M�pEa �7 to clear at 98e. tuber of the Public are y g •etc.,at lot 1, con. 4, $carboro, (Pick- _ -' - in,worse condition than it is at eying toivnline);the pi'bperty of W. e for fou library and'have the privilege and N presena. making motoring very J. Clark. Sale at one o'clock sharp. , 'pleasure of enjoying 18Q0 books' difficult. It is' full of ruts and See bills. Fred Poitili, auctioaeer. dealing wi • ma and hollows which makes it WEDNUISDAY, FEB. a=lmpor an ' -Huey-Pull-over 9weater� variety of good colors- the latest fiction and magazines, anything but pleasant for those credit eals of registered Shorthorn and sizes, reg,price 8,25, 4.00, 4.00, going out at $3.19 all for the atla+fidl 'sum of. 50 cents who are compelled -'to travel over and grade cattle. registered 8brop- per year: -Call at McEwen's for the toad.There is not likely to shire- sheep. Clydesdale horses. Boys' Sweaters-nigger brown-sizes 28, 80 and 82, worth R"- partictilare: be any improvement until the Yorkshire pigs,poultry,implements 2,50, now only $1.50. -Mrs. J. D. Remmer'was takes etc.. at let ie. con. S. Pickering, the _ -' warm Run gets In its work. roperty of Frank Soden. Write $ Only; Men's Pure Flannel Khaki Shirts, sizes' 16 and to the General Sosaitali Toronto, p + an Thursday afternoon ]alit'week -Mira Florence Down, teller of for catalogue._._8ale at 12 o clock. 16 1.2,good.value at 2 26-they re going oat at $1:69 where she ay afternoon en a eucceasful the Pickering Branch of the See bills.. Wm. Maw and D. A, operation. Her many friends are Standard Bank, who has been"-•off Pugh,, auctioneers. _ :Ladies' Silk acd Wool Combination Underwear-only two p�e�tion. ker that the opera• duty-for the; past -six weejts on $ATCRDAY, FEB. 23RD—Auction sale left-sizes 86 and 38,reg. price 4.50, sale price $3.79, account of a fracture of her'left of school building and contents,also 'tion has been successful and that ' Phe i9 making rapid' progress Lo- arol, sustained by falling on the out-houses,aide-wally, board fence' 1 Only. Ladies' Swan Brand Combination dainty silk s icy pavement, returned 9n Satur- etc.,ln tkie village of Claremont. shoulder straps-knee length, a rare bargain at $2.79.' ward recovery. day from the home of her pareute, Bale At one. gee bills. David A. __. -As we go to press we learn Pugh,,auctioneer, a�enap in Dress Goods-40 inch Honte-spiia-in dark Land Rev., J. Z4. ..and Mrs. Down, of. that John Gormley, son of the late Yarker, and has resumed work in WEr�NEBDAY, i�IARCHSTii-Important . shade, splendid for childFen's wear,:reg. 85 cents per i 'Thomas and Ann Gormley, died the bank. credit sale of registered Clydesdale -A heap fall ofanow occurred and ping at f33 cents per yard. this (Thursday) motyninR lit, his horses, registered shorthorn cattle yard, home. Church et., after a few y Rbrop 0 .1 cheep, implements,, seed t \ hears' illness. The funeral will onSaturday night and Sunday, �L con..4, -60 inch Fleavp Ttveed pepper and silt effect, will stand - y grain,paultrp etc., at tot:. � - - take place at 3 o'clock, Saturday which wasaceompanied by a high Pic@eying, the property of Cleo. E. all kinds of Rear, reg. 3.50 per pard, clearing pii(e iN : ' wind. As a result many of thePugh. Stile2'3 at 10 sharp. - See i;l,So ger yard. to the Methodist cemetery. north and south roads became bilis. Fred Postill. auctioneer.;; s The Pickerip:g Educational impassable. until the drifts were TUESDAY: MARcm 4Ti3-Auction We 1 End of yard Linolenm. pretty de4ig'n, about 3 1 'p yards Association heirs the annaax ,shovelled out. Motor traffic is of farm stock, ifl,plrments etc:, at in length, reg. 1.00 per yard,-pours at 70c yet- yard: . meet- Ing in the school house on Monday now confined to the Kingston lot 25.con. 9,Pickerin{i, the proper• leveeing. owing to the severe road on which traffic has con• tv of .R Psttereon. Sale. at one - x weather the attendance was.emall tiaaed uninterrupted, all hough o'clock sbarp, See Iii11s:. David A M . :_so C HARMAN and all of .the sections were -not the roads alfe very heavy. Pugh•auctioaeer. - represented, but business was dis• -The man whose lot is not to be ` . -' posed of in an enthusiastic man- envied is the country doctor, Frio ddvsrftsenae+sta. i ner with the result that this year's whose protessional'duties call him ,OHHLERB FOR SALE-Two - ' greetings maybe looked -forward out for several miles in the coup Qobblors, last_priPg birds. Apply to Evans to as as an educational treat. The try in a cold stormy wintry--night ward+cl.r.tanar. 23 following of emrs were elected : when tGe roads are in an almost Og BALE•-20" tone of good tlm-. Stooking Pres., E. L• Chapman , let Vice• im stable condition. It may be F otby hay at lot 29.con.1,Pickering. A pecia = Pres.. 4. W. Barker; Zrd Vice- that be has just Rot homeandply to Ttomas)icGiashan,Dunbsrton. • 22-Y8 Free., A. J. Taylor; Sec 9y, Mrs into a warm comfortabe bed after McXwen;Treas., F. Purdy'. OR BALE-Praised Hay at lot 21, -Afters month's illness at St. being out in the cold -for several VOR line,Pickering. Phone 1?,ck 3716.or Michael's Hospital, TOrOIIto, a hours when a telephone ring comes apply=o D.McNeil. R.R.2,Pickering. 28-24 Ladies' Heather Hosiery ClOCkBd and sweet young lite came to as early in and summons him on another WELL DIGGER or driller wanted � y trip. Still be obeys the summons, �! at lot 82 S.F.con Pickering (Kingston closing in the death of Mrs. :Jae• gad t0 edge from Lia a stance Road at Rouge x'131�}, Apply to R. S. McFar- t O'Connor, of Orillis►. Her cheer- j ppe lane,R-R.IVa 2;bickering 2x_23 plain, finest English hosiery, reg. fel dlepoeition endeared her to all he seems to enjoy the especience. SEED WHEAT FOR SALE of the _ �'(� ' who knew her. especially to her Marquis variety. free from all fou, seeds• at ,s00 •75 and 1•VV, for `— borrowing husband and twoo 1N MEMORIAM. i1.00 1y to bush.,. at tot ice9. F.. ,P Pickone-Ping.ck f A ply to R.C.Storlt.'Pickering. 'Phone Pic _ children who will deplore the lose Tomia-In loving memory of our dear skis, 23-25 1.45, .25 and 1.00 ` of a loving wife and mother. She mother. Mrs. Robt. Toms; who FOR SALE-Pare bred Tamworch _ is also survived b her father, passed away,Feb. 24th, 1922 pigs,weaners,also white sow and 8 dobe Le►rkin, of Whitevale, mind More and'more each,day.we.miee her, cutter•teaming wagon.setaeiglts. tot as >s : : Just a fe W odd lines clearing up. one sister, Josephine, her mother Friends may think the wound is Pickering. Phone e07 Matvrsa. Fred i<,aeey. p healed. Highland Creek P.O. 23 2. ""having predeceased her g number But they little know that sorrow CTRAY'ED--Prow the premises of �On t �n1.�8 it. 4•. of years. The funeral service was Lie _witl:icoar hearts concealed. ►7 held at 'St. Michael's Cathedra --� undersigned. lot 8; Base line; Pickering, a -- + large•white Yorkshire sow,on or about Feb.8th. er which Her loving face we'll oe'er forger, Any information as to its whereabouts will be Interment was made at Pickering Though years inay pass away; . thankfully"received by Cecil Pascoe.R.R.No. 1. 'The late Mrs. -O'Connor was a The lose of her we sadly feel, �i=by. �. Men's Sweaters' and _Sweater Coats _ As keen as that first day._ OR BALE-Cheap all kinds of "niece of Mrs. Thos._Walsh. Mother,Son and Daughters. F wagons,b#rnesa.and at)•kinds of farm im- -Daring the peat year Picker a enttsl.in good order. Also several heavy and .f3weater Coats, reg. 5.50, for 3.75. -Ing Fire Company have been In '°CARD OF THANKS. �s = , es and cook stoves and heaters. High- _ the lime-light a Dumber of times _ est pn«pu d for hides and wool, also live Pool- g try. ii.Herman,stouffvin..Phone 1908 z7tr -- - pnllo�ers and Y necks, reg.3.50, for 2.00 T -- by'-lay-of rendering sasistance to a with to, our deep.gra- "ring — _ _.those w13o= i , ut not or itude to the many friends for their 1 only Mackinaw:Coat,,.size 42, reg. 9.00, for 7.00 a good many years have they kind expressions of'nympathy and the done anything that was advBEATTY many floral tributes in our recent + ped in advance So in view of these bereavement by the death of nue dear STANDS FOR THE BEST . oIIly BOy�B Tweed Suit, size 32, reg. 12.00, for 8.50. facts thev.take the liberty to an Hoyte. _ The Fainilp, eta P' k in father.the lata John ...facts that on the eveniaR of F T. B • _ . red Bunt � a Friday. Feb. 49th. they soil}, with , 'I'BPiDBRS WANTED � O -the assistance of talented friends -, -- ----- -__-- _._F.etablished 18b7 _ -------from Picketing village and town- r • ship, give a high class and amuse Tendert will r received ra n Mar. - '15th.for file work of decorating Duo �.ing entertainment. The Company ' barWII Presbyterian church. Work r ` • •' , have jest completed the cooetru p y BUNDY'S -,- �HARDWARE tion of a second fire truck, having to p ti done earl in May. For further spent about $400 of their own particulars apply to Rev, J. F. Clug• pe sloe, Dumbarton, chairman, or Mrs. ' -money doing same, and they.are - . y Cnat. Annie, R. R, 2,-Pickering,secre- - - '" �• -' - -short a few articles to complete tart'of Decorating Committee. 24tf . the obi so therefore, they are AUCTION BALE OF LANDS looking forward to a big night on Litter' Carriers, Hay Carriers, _ IN THE the_ 29th. Feil particulate by -- Pumps, Door Tracks; Cow _bills later. Bo Is. Pressure Systema Etc.t� -The formal opening of our ToWD ship of Uxbridge It will pap you to get my prices on new school will take place on Fri. COUNTY OF ONTARIO. above before buying elsewhere. _ The Famous Cold. Water' Paste, day, Feb. 22nd next. . The build-. FRANK J PROII$E Ing will be thrown open for in There will be offered for sale by auc- • spection of the public daring the PICKERING, ONTARIO ln,Whlte and TlljtB afternoon, when the teaching tion (subject to' a reserve bid)by the - _ ata$ will be on hand to answer' undersigned auctioneer at his rest• yPickering ;�r� questions and to explain an fee• deuce: GLEN MAJORc on the First t!]le pound Of Mures Will cover g . P Y day of Mareb.IN4, at the hour of 2 I - t desired. During the even- o'clock in the afternoon, the following Leather Goods Stoxo ! Ing, from 8 to 10 o'clock, an at= lander , tractive program will be rendered;. The East Quarter of Lot number one seventy-five square feet. including addressee by prominent in the Sixth Concession of the Town. Our stock comprises evervtbing in _ w speakers interspersed with musical ship of Uxbridge, containing Fifty(50) leather goods and our prices v�j and other selections for the enter-. acres more or lees. are second to none., Put�uplin 1, 2 and 5 lb. packages On the property is said to be a;frame _ teiinment of those present- The barn, The property is well_watered Everything for the horse. ` `-- Women's Inetitote have generous- by springs.' There are about seven $lankets, $2.90 tip. heavy - a -• yry 1p volunteered to serve light t e- acres of timber on the said lands. Halters,90c. up,all leather `'Drop i11 and get' a COIOr Card and t eahments,. sem style, to , Red an E di the balance per ce secured by a R b p Trunks-Club Beige-Suit Cases the trhe ustees well estarAono�eff ria an additional a er cene, in ed days s Tr Harness sed boots repairs _ 4 y 1? leaaan t. mortgage for 5 years ate per cent. per -; -read' all about this to snake the evening P annum, ng service ie Errands of outlying sections era Or the purchaser may pay Our repsiri cash. unexcelled. a especially invited to-avail them- Dated the 12th dap of February, sanitary finlslr•j . . Selves of'bbis opportunity to in- lg24, film •� elan new schooL.-aad_:the - C+�L _BRAD ect _ • to.date facilities provided for the A. E.CHRISTA, , Auctioneer _ Harness maker, r1u � 1,�j �j111 9econdarp education of their child- Whitby, Ont. 23-24 - J.r 1,, ,, xea• ` Solicitor for Vendors I PICKERING, ONTARIO l • • 9 .Y, s r' .r � �. 'a �'"i++S 'a. ,y ,�.. *,.t $, / :r''�a n f':�9 "•�` r�,. �:'M• !rX'!-..•..,jp f; ,i•» ��,it.. m tyw•. y.R.', ':a '.,�a-....� �.h� u•,7»4„ 3 "^+,+x,:•..''+f'