HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1924_02_01 II� '�.,.. ... ,w - .,•c:r �y f„Q,.IIVI ,"�'AS`'. " '. "�s''Fd " ,. `''',"�''d'F'r . y'r'`'"�L7.',.f•u "y,>"?." ".•• ,':�......„ -.�. ...-- ,". .,,;s,m,,, .+•--.$„?.+�' '... .•;'7F•... n:- .. r :w+. II '"„"�::�..�. - .:rS••° ..,G„ .•. , - - :"r. 'a_`:" t:,,•,.s`ty. i. . n• r s r l� ' C_ K, .I-3��-R N i VOID. L1I1� . . - FI KERI�3 G9 ONT•, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1924 .- -, No. 21 - t�sidfsllrslrual'OLateisa• Geot 'E. faker _: _GREEN RIVER. BROCK ROAD. GREENWOODh The Greet River Dramatic Club io-� How did you come thfough the cold }��! (vr Med"I tend Riving their drama. entitled spell? I'Willowdale."on the evening of Feb. The Titus family have moved to a -- El. FORSYTH,Oph.D., Direvtor - 20 Full part farm in Uxbridge township. They. x. the F particulars later. o R.o tometrieal Atisoctation of Ontario. Reg. _. - will be missed.ered l..__... , pp �/� 31ILLS Association. Eyes American Optometrical To. Avoid Mistakee WHITEVALE. - Some of our heal juvenile- sports Phoci 2804, Eyes examined by appointment- ,' went robbing bees'nests last Sunday Phone 2604, Claremont,Ont.' Arthur Cggper, o1 Toronto, is spend• and got badiy'stung. Established 1838 NF. TONILINSON,,M, B., Member Sto,n ing a few weeks witty bis-parents here. R. J. Fuller has purchased a quanti- The oldest establiiRsbed industry in r .of the College of Phy sicians @rid surgeons Y 3 Arthur Rogers, of Florida, visited ty of bees from Robd Titus: Mr.Ful. Ontario county, • y of Ontario. Office: that formerly occupied by with hib brother, W. D„ a few days ler has a first-claps apiary and he is the late Dr.R.Brodie,and latterly by Dr, Cald- n making good Rt the business: well. Phone. Ctarentont;Qnt. 23fy LOOk� last week._ Our junior teacher, Miss Nokes. was a ter ar on a a narzoty escape NC. MCKINNON, M.D., L.R.C.S., b called to her home in Uxbridge on recently' froth ser}our injury. His Baker's* Joy • Edinburggh�,r,� member of the.College of LlSte>rl Monday owing to the serious illness of clothes became entangle& in some. Physicians and Stlrgeons.or ontprio liceotiLte her mother: part of the cuttyng-box gears and `''. ,. ,For Bread, of Royal College of Surgeons• Pdinburgh Bpeais;.attention to dsfesses of women and ' The Ladies' Aid of .the Wh?tevale but. for. quick thought and .main Not excelled b ANY OTHER 4 Splendid ChO1Ce strep th be would have been seriouel y BRAND Children. OS1oe and residence,Brougham. TO Ba Uf PhonO Methodist Churt�vill hold their reg- g _ y ChuiropracE c. . 'giaph8• ular heating at the home of Mrs. D. injured. Moral-Cover up 811 exposed Satisfaction guaranteed or R. Beat.pn-on Thursday, Feb; 7th. at 3 shafts and gears. YOUR MONEY BACK. b.. R. GORDON Mr,KAY=Chiro rr+c= It don't matter Who makes P• m. `Mord for Roll Call, "Come." P Tea will-be served from 5 until all have DtAr. Office hours-2.30 to s.OO end 7.00to BROUGHAM. Kissimi Flour 8.00 and by,appointment. Phone 320. Brock the Itecord, oqr Oval been served. A.. good programme+is , Street, Whitby, 81y� - being provided. Admission,25 and 15' Hugh and Mrs. Mecbin called on T, For Pastry. Horn Phonograph cents, ` and ere, Brown oil Tuesday. More KISSIMI FLOUR sold in On. Legai, - a Citizens'League is still,enthusi- tarso County than .any other s _ will play it. HIGHLAND CREEK. asci ally working on the fire engine brand'of pastry flour., There is a A�Q,a E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and sebeme. The stage,carpenter.and the reason. •Solicitor,Notary Public Etc. Money to e . The regular monthly meting of the scenic artist are busy preparing for can. South wins,Court House, Whitby. 251yHighland Creek Women's Institute the great show an-the 15th. For sale iii Pickering by M; ,S. Chap.. ILLIAM J. BEATON,B. A..Bar- Sto* uffville Ont, was held at the home o1 Mrs. D..Stotts Miss B. Smirensou and Fred Steven- man. �rister Solicitor member of the firm ofon Friday; Jan'. 25th. .An interesting son Have moved to their residence in Farmers will always find a Market 4 . R;ckman,benison.l`osterandBeatom Toronto and instructive talk on library work the village . We welcome. Wm. A. for their wheat at Highest price., Genera!Trusts Building,83 Bay Street.Torobto. g „. Telephone Main%I and 962. ' and'books was given by Miss :Bina Knox and family to. our village,he Phone for price. .. .� Morisson, librarian of our public libr- having purchased and taken posses- _ DentaE J. H. _ Beal may' The talk was -especially inter- @fon otg3lr:Stevenson's farm; uJ ?ng to the ladie=, as their aim this Brou ham Public Librar held their Barley Wanted DM R. HARRY 13UMON, Dentist, year is to raise funds to build a new annual meeting on. `the evening of - 1 - T� Furserut Director library building in this community. Jan. 22nd. The library Board elected wiiaby. Office-Adam's Terrace, Byron 1 11 b held u �• �� �R�'�r E St.North. Phone 124. (Gas extraction when Socia evenings wt a el d ring for 1924 is composed as follows:,Pres., �desi:eslJ. .. slit _ ares the winter and the interest and-SUP- Luther 3liddleton; Sed'y% .John P)3i;- DR, D. C. Smith, Denti9t, Stuff• License(l L•'�1iLaliner port of the community is hoped for,as lips t TreKs„ Mrs. Axford : Librar?ae,' the taste far good reading should be N;rs. T. C. Brown; }Inns in Boar d e, Honor Graduate of Chicago and To- R R, , rohto (Iniversiiies and the Royal College of 3IOTOR HE_iRSE cultivated in every home. The first Dr, bis s !`Surgeons. Phoneotnce 1 lh Res; en:.e social evening will be held in Febru- er. Mia; E. Annis- L.'Q Bison, Dere a R K. JIiller, i4liss 5eafalon,.'T. 'Q Br 10 �, No outsid appointments. 4fSly CLAREMO1�.Te OW. ary. -Notice will be Riven later as to %�- aad'Fred Cassie. Received from all BLAKE B. BEATON. D. D. S., date and amusements. yoyrces $81.(?). '.Espend'ed fin book. Graduate of the Royal Colelge of Dental o-y t38.5$;light and rent Iii 00, inCidPntah. Sureeony and University of Toronto. Office DUNBARTON. 5,tota,81.00.-•. Numbesof books io -° over W.M. Pringle's hardware store. o4hitby. Officahours 9 to 12;.1 to b.30: Iad..'phons_8. Il ray C(A. •I�umber of brinks cireti. m Bell phone 220: 441y BASKETS FOR SALE The anneal meeting of the Dunbar- fisted during year, 651• Number cif+ -- - --• - - -- - -- ton congregation was held Tuesday members beginning 193,4-families B, Veterinary evening. Jan, 22nd, and was fairly single members 11. 1 The u:uderaig$ed wishes to notify the _ The 'Universal �u public that he has pus��r us�ed from the well attended. F.ttcouraging reports r_ _ n E G.>�ERSLAKE. B. V. Sc. Honor W. from the various or enizationat @how- .Graduate of ila;venitp of Toronto. All eaecutora o! the latae G. Barnes R �• HiG11LAND CREEK, '•-r�E6W�S1�',' Mia,C211Z1® i all the basket and basket material in ed a revenue for all purposes of 83W., eases given prompt and a�reful attention,Phone ` Doe of Our Prgdnetions) 8002, Claremont. 321y atOCk and will be able to furnish fruit The following Items are included; 1'14 re wV be'a, social evening witty S ---- baskets on the shortest rlotice apd at Treasurer's report for current revenue dancing,ia�'alley.Ha;l here on- We{i' �E'sell Si111e Rite-Lite Lens„tOe curlent prices. Write or phone. $18'25, Missions $354. W. 31.9. a�qd nesday; Feb•..St b. Splendid.®psis :f all.rnaMes of cars-the beep bus{strRil i�et<>aa;� Mission• Band.$270 and bales, Ladiek' will by ft4rtttinbed and a good't}azt#,ig •�--ig the market for -- T Aid 45"7. Sunday School. $?15, o assured to ai}who may ettd, (�epts the Ce... �... . . ,. �'Rrh1S PENNOCK _ ., y _ _ T V. RICHARDSO'�7- Real Es which $1tt0 was for Missions and 820 7o cents,ladies please prnv' e:• FOIA SALE* tate, Insarance,Cooveyaneiag. Notary GREEN RIVER, - - UNTARIO for Benevolences, Dominion. Alliance Wm, bfort•iah is now 3a•poewfisl n �. Public,Etc.,Pickering,Out. 311y 39tf. $46, Bible Society $97,••Erskine--Creme 'otthis'bran new 4615000 store prew],X ' �lefavy Wagon„ ` terp Committee $262. After the te__'-The bnfldinR Is fitted wlth alt op-to R�gpt FPOSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer', ports were adopted various matters date conventenr„es,including elerrator Sett,of Iron Harrows . for Ooaastee of York sad oaeaefa Ana of interest to the congregation were etc. It would, be difficult to Sad a - tion sales of all kinds aeeelrued to on shorass discussed... It was generally agreed triore' modern store property outside All in• Rood shape - notice. Address Grata River P.O., out. . ., r �ood a - that the church interior Should be of the large cities. The Public Libr-. .Woodworking and'General 'D T R.BEATON TOWNBHIP OLERK decorated in the near future. A ary Board hacle semred'and•are now BiacksmithinR. o 000vepanow, Oommisdonar for wring strong committee was appointed to In possession of Mr. Morrish's old store , ftsdavta, Aseoaneans. sen. Kong to loan otudv the matter and get estimates of premises,. W. H. JACKSON, Brock Road oa Qn°pertt' Laaat a >�arr,.,� > .. Flooringthe cost o[ the world. Their finding. A sad death,.took place in our vil .Pickering, Out. anew s, One. 1h- •, which Is expected at as early date, isge on Wednesday of last west,when _.DTAVID A. PCdH-Live stock nuc- wilt be anxiously awaited by the con- one of our oldest residents,. Enos tioneer. Graduate of C. M. Jones' School., We can Supply yon with the gregrAlon. spring met his death by hanging. e Chicago.. Lifetime experience with pedigreed best brands on the market in with, The deceased who was }a his with ` Astack. Block and ung work. All kinds of sale• and ua:rt. rut red•and white Oak, year, bad the misfortune to fall and HereYou ' Are yrpmptty atxended to. Terms reasonable. Phony q WHITEVALE. ado Claremont. 181y Beech, Birch and Maple. sustain painful •injuries to his head. 7111, 11AW, LICENSED AU U- Our business is not confined to The Wh?tevale Mission Circle•of the causing a derangement of his*mind, TIONEER,tor York.Qntsrio and Durham hardwood flooring only Ei>3 we car- Ba phist Church will meet in the church fmm which he, never,recovered, but r Countid.All kinds of sales.promptly.attended ry a large and well assorted stock on Tuesday, Feb. 6th. A. T.Pacparine nothing of a rush nature was ever sus- Cement,. to. Terms reasonable. Dew for sales may be eeted b his i•elativeit. His funeral f artangcdat NEWS'Officv. Bell and Indepea- of rough and dressed wall boards, from Quebec: will speak in the evaa P y en his dent phones. Whitby.Ont. Sty roofings, etC. ing at 8 o'clock. ook place on Saturday, when- - „� About 135 friends of the WbTtevale li red in St. MargureL'--a - - Coal body toes ' user TIME Td BLE-Piokering Station �•� p��� f'"� �•� Wonian's Institute enjoyed-a 6hickeq-. 'Cemetery; = f r T.R. Train@ going East ane as follows • i v • pie supper served by the Institute - s No. 10 Mail 7.57 A Id. - members in the I., 0.0. F:Hall oa ":,,Lumber',- Friday 28 Local.. -2m P.M• LUMBER YARD Friday evening. After supper was GREENWOOD. f 8U Loce[ 4.25 P.;til over a Ten�tT ---- PP p program was g}ren by Miss Pengelly spent a few days last �r $undag train, 8.27 A.1I. talented members of the Iaetit�erte and Sh in gh! community, assisted a stirs Leis week with friends in Toronto. Trains going W•sl��+ai as follows- y. y Mrs. Broadbent still.,rontinues in a No. 29 Loral . 10.50 A.U T 1�� Richardson,of Toronto,;and E. LPW= serious condition. owing to., a cancer ]Read, R:oofi'n 11 27 Loost- 2.44 P. hi, D. A. 'M__0 DUE Rett. of LocUU-Bill, who bas.befriend- . .• ' 9 Mail .- 9 05 P,M. ed the Institute on man rerious on her neck. y .P Walter Wilson spent a couple of "$ands train, ✓ 8.43 P. M. oc�rasion& and is alwitys very much ' -:;arid Lath } y " Funeral Director = Qpi,ree;wtetl, an'd to make the en'o dsyq in Tororrto last week with Wal is according to Standard J y' [ciliac �IrA:Washington, time. l.te;ensed Bmaah�er ment of the Pvening complete. the We extend our sympathv-to Mrs - ' Institute was blghly honored-in hn`v-. Emerson on the sodden death of her !�1 .,Up Motor Equipment iog as its chairman air old �Vhitevale sister,Mrs.W,Logtes:.of-Hiintsril'e. �p c r' Telt ♦1'��b'a Shrubs Etc. boy, in the person of Trrontn's poptt_ The Lvdip9.Aid n,et at. the hatne rif F••• A. R E E ►? O R_�_ Successor to lar Chief of Police, B. J. Dickson• wbu Mrs. Fred�DiSriey on Thursday afte:••� - - - Having secured thea en^ for E:D. in his address made it known that he Th.._a-A,tts--a fair'-Attendapce, • Zf�CVZ'= X-M2LZ g y CHAS. BEIERL: - �IARKHASI tvaslnter � _ Smith Fi Son. Ltd., Nur:erymen, s c.rnvidcri4ig the 'icy condition of the of Wiuoull On't. lt.ute_not oniy in our little branch, roods. ` sre to take orders for' all - of which we are prnnd to say'Airs: i'he vmrng People of the neighbor- D.ictacxt' is ,ti irernher,,hut cif the, hood have;heen skating on.'tbepond kinds o2 FiuitTrees,Smdll Qruits, -- ------- --- wtu,)P Province. ��'hitecale Bracch duiinfi-the last' cvicek -or f'wo!' Tlic / =� Ornamental Shrubs Etcices. at Fla o Br our bird'these +snit tarso it Honjes" liety f;o,nis t- h *s open rink at the cornF r ��kerin"ge..4. lowest .Possible prices, rite Institute and sign fie Community msG.> hesomPthiiZR,ofhertj Special rates for large quantitivsv. spirit: IlrYf and Jlra. I�it'vey='en#e tissued _ ' . 28tf F and Marvel ---l-�'°►�'� soma. tiTty of the.?'utintt lxuple nue: SINCF.1If{ BA\QCIST evPnipg -recently on the occa-s?nnof NN, J. Ch.i=80i, Pickers _ _ their youngest son's hirthday. Ni- . Flour ThP ecinmittee io ch:irKe of the ban- It's to env fill thot.obghty- .Pnj wed ,��* 31 - - and--: -Points- rtitet that i= tieing teniiered to W. F,. thermelves., .lir, and: Ir,. ,-Rameye� �. tows ll:,r he obtained fi i. you Grocer. r,'ti. 3inr.lair,h. C„ JI., P. P., hate :ireexceuent entertainers whi,e•they - been successful -in sicurmg,H:)n, G. iveec. ably, a5sisted by Rrs. Robert a.. FOR SALE,. A[,SQ_ Eroal�lin Flour Milli �I;• 6nrdnn, H;n. Charles .Ste�c,irt, •Ilarcey. flf Ttrrento; apd' 'Bliss K. F' r,]To+rring Qrir,.�1 tele. LP f R i+:rb Ron-T; A. Line and Hon, George Pi 1Z ehster• gt:+i:t grinder, VPr;ot ,Ei3 inti, i rr+i : CI3:(iS: R'ILSO\, ProLt. •• (*r.thain as g'ite=ts and speakees at flip The curt ices on the Greeutrorrd air• a +w rinser Foot lift ricin low, Li,rP' _ _.__' banquet. In addition there will be reit for'Feb, Srd are :-Greenwoocr sic StOr� g R P r -.- - - - ... - spine speakers (�_' Crown,gang:nlor ,..3Z'f p kers from the Prcvinrial 10,30 a, rid.,, uarterly.:5aciament�sai;• - Und 40 ft extension ladder:, ! ,Ii•t•mawhose nanies wcill lie an�novacea vire ttlsir rereptioir of memfiPre,_.S1tr.•. Hravv to im wyfion; Slart Now io Equip Yourself .f lr'.'er. With t}iis a rray. of pl:o-min-ert 'da S�'hool of 3 P. un. .Kinsale,7'p firs, .� men pre=ent and with W,.A.�Drvden g of a' Sainfly Soul." Sery ices t ` Axl: '. BiS11Q Grea;3 0oC1 for a ? as (,'h:,irr�lan and Toastmaster, this at Mt. %iorr.an,d Broueham_are.with- �' should he Nn historical affair in the drawn, (�ii> rt.erly Olti'cial �ia�rd,will + l'3_f` _PLnne Pick 711 POSITION of TRUSS nblie life of this` cntnm+tntE and, lit. ineetgGzeen Yfiorl J4tfh�thb i9t'Chuini?' Care.that CO1Cl p y -- - f rct of the-Pt rlvracEv--Ott�g +3 �F•-p' --P' �!�lt3TT gevPre weather. the' committee have S"oung Peoptes'•League at. the Parana- tirc - e+ S14t@�U ,decided to hold the. in Jtte S Y. age nn «rednesday evening. Feh..Bth, W := Bust P�emeaies mane ♦ r {��, ,{�; 'E�.�!L-i'A' \I. C_A_ l7=haws and have fixed t}te' at8 o'clock. ., .. _ aW Prirc of the banquet• tickets at $2 00. Lloyd R ilson teff on "$aturdav'for • '• r- Yonge R Charles Sts.Toronto' in Addition to.'the speakers, a program •Necc'Ynrk to•.re.xtme his work there. 3CtuT�'C� will be 'found rain Cho lIl afLnrnsicalnnmbers has been arryng- It,is gr tifying to know that Lloyd, PP9. Is well known throughout Canada ed,and altogether,a most ehjnyahle ,.tlthoug}}hpldinW a, l.trcrative position, ,.., for superior, training for positions evening is.looked for: ,As the, seating with the'BhlrAllt Motor Co. stud a�zid AYD FL XI�ING capacity,is 1?tuited to about 250, all the allnrementq of the big city,did In 011r 8t0Ie : - is Pt'Ivate Secretaries, Stenogra'- are _ lam prepared to do Chopping and -pliers,Typists, Acrountants, Con". �trPti to procure their @ticket§ t the' tieing sR me t comfort and his a moPher -- Oat Flaking-evet"y day but ltyercial Tearbers, etc. brndnates earti'est possible date, as the eeatswill %who. htis been ill for some months, y Saturday, he aflntied in the order in which the came home and remained with her No E. McEWEN, j y -- -in keen demand. Enter any time. _ - NEWS ;Stonehoats'For Salq Write for catalogue. apPlinations are received. Tickets for some three orf to monthq. It is maybe received fror�l__either_-ofthe also satisfastc�ry to know shift his �T fotl,owing•,Tae. Richardson or Wm. position has-been-kept opwi for him, 1r eterinar" Burgeon w� John F. Basle$rl Varen�nt fiij. J. Eaiott, Principal Gormley, Remember the date Feb,I which is not only a credit to himself, KurnCRoate No.2 �t the 5th'. •�i also to his Pmplorer, ��jClLT'Z71P �31LM0 'r y � ..+°'' ..•• .. .`.. :. .:.. r .' .. r=�.,. w.z •C. �' ''.p "''''. '�"-a"a ")+i:.,•B yI:K+' 7`ti:� �n• s:�3'� t t't �''SL.N .`! ,..,`A+ ,.t.,.... 'h` T;;,v; �.,.,v..r. ^^-a,�.-ea:XN.c+.-.i'. :M.h ,n..y". •r.-y,.. k: sry� '�:"�� hry�;n' .n5t+it'�.(` 5:"i.'aa+. !, v r u n , 4 7- °Tie �:conom� R ' Opportunity a high-class man to secure es � t ,. For usive belling rf�hU for the'Lamoota "Savie' coal saving device, Thous-T n a ! ` --r-- et-$aalrs"-sow-la �e ii:. Of Canada. They are guaranteed to' aave 25 to 60 per cent. of the coal «-BY LLIdY IIIACLEOD 8.11NS used for either furnaces•or ranges, u . . Wf This is a machine, not a worthless chemical. Exclusive territory to now being allocated to responsible me hoan quality--dome capital ' (Copyright Thomas Al1sa). an ility�.to direct a selling,foroe CHAPTER XVIII.-(Cont'd.) requ red This is a genuine pro- CHAPTER _ Within two hours the man 'from pow o for a high-class man for whIt was ile heowaae bwin back from through Tia Buttes had talked with the tads- ry Act quickly. Write -- ��EN T� � � 8'h senge r boy,refreshed his memory with Lor fu�particulars to Victory J the golden flelda 'summer, that Bus-1 a tip and learned that the message apeelalty Company. 1SS Yonge at., 1 a 1 h e s rAter is;u m b e r O. C is pad it picion of his cawtn hit Kirby like•Cunningham had sent from•the City Toronto, Ont — Delicious l Tr7 its' a blow in the face. Facts began to Club had been addreeaed to ,his ' yes per po�slt/i4d. marshal themselves in his.mind, an nephew Jack. — _ irresistible phalanx of them. . James dams i do n think we wan*the-- was the only man except his brother, t. you The Opt. : `f If.'there Were Dreams`#�O Set- who benefited esti b the death of CHAPTER, damn name of my brother's wife dragged r The fields were bleak and sodden, IL there were dreams to sell, his uncle. N onIq was this true; "ColRE CLE", JA�>z" through the mud?" Do I not know full well the land promoter had to die noon to "VVhy should it be dragged through Not a wing •Jack Cunningham, co-heir with the mud-if you're all innocent?" Or note enlivened the depressing What 1 would buy? - help James, just how soon Kirby James of his uncle's estate, was busy, "Because gossips cackle-and peo- wood Hopes deal dglitsive spell meant to find out. Phyllis .and a companion had been in the victim's in the office he had inherited settling ple never forggeet. If there was some Its happy tale to tell, apartment either at the time of his up one of the hundred details that evidence a ainst her and against A soiled and sullen, stubborn snow- g i?a drift stood Joy's fleeting sigh. death or immediately afterward. That had been left at loose ends b the James-no clatter how little-twenty Beside the roadway. Winds came companion might have been James;Promoter's sudden death -He �wked years from now people would still I would be young again; 1 u at the entrance of Lane, whisper that the had killed his uncle' ' muttering and '+tot Jack. James had lode the R � y Youth's madding bliss and bane, sheets with the writing left by the "What do You want?" he asked for the fortune, though couldn't be etorni to be,and brought the.chilly g sharply. proved. You know that." • } would recapture; ' Ja anew'valet Horikawa. The rage „ „ , - stin� he had_vented on his clerk might ens- "Want a talk with you. Just as they're goin to whisper_ - Though it were keen with Paint wit i 'Ot icebergs in their breath, Stalled - "Well, I don't care to talk with you. about Rose McLean if I don't clear cable 'mooed All else seems void and Yalu ily have been a blind, When James, rorth plaintive pleadings 'for the To that fine rapture. `" P gong to 1a b y was too knew he w gUl Golden to look t art-yon doing r anyhow. I things up No, Jack You've got the the marriage re star, he had at to the boy to tell you I ae busy wrong idea. What we want to do 18 earth's green food', once tried to forestall him-by destroy- to see you." for us all to jump in an' find the man I would be glad once more, "That's'what he said," Kirby op- who' did.it, Then all gossip against No gleam,no hint of hope is eaythfng. s! Ingthe information. .. r slip through an open door Kirby tried to fight off his suspic-,ened his slow, whimsical smile on us stops. Into Life's glory.; _ ions. He wanted to believe in his Jack. "But I'm right busy, too: 'So (To be Continued.) The sky was blank and ashen,like the I brushed him aside an' walked in" • . Keep -hat•1 spent of yore, cousin. In his own way he bad been Fish That $hOuta: face In dealing with this forceful cousin Ot some poor wretch. who drains Find what I lost before, kind to him. He had gone on his bond of his Jack had ion since lost his Hear an old story. to ked him out of prison after he g Processor C. H. Greene, of the IIni- life's cap too Last, y 1? p indolent insole ce of manner. "You Yet swaying, to and fro, as if to Piing I had tried to conceal the fact of is n versity of Missouri, recently described As it one dap befell, existence at the coroner's inquest But can walk out again, then. I'll not About chilled nature its little,arms of talk," he snapped. to a number of scientists a newly die- , doubts began to gnaw at the Wyorn , covered illuminated fish, whose habf- Breaking Death's frozen spell, �., grace, man's confidence in"him. Had James Kirb drew up a chair and seated Love should draw nigh;- y tis Monterey Bay California. The ,r 19miling with promise in the wintry _ befriended him merely to be in a posi- himself. "When Uncle James sent a ' ' blas i )s there were dreams to sell -k�--elos�-talon-Amu ung-m -fish sheuts when pursuing its Prey. The optimistic willow spoke of spring: o not know too well v g Each fish, , according :--,, he discovered. Had he wanted to rooms at once on the avenin of the ng to Professor -Ella Wheeler Wilebz What I would buy? be close enough to throw him off the twenty-first, what did he want to tell Greene, is illuminated with hundreds -Louise Chandler Moulton. track with the wrong suggestions? you?" The steady eyes of the cattle- of phosphereacent lights, and, when The young cattleman was ashamed man bored stray�t into those of Cun- �C;ard-Index to Long Life. ♦ _ - o! himself for his doubts. Brit he ningham. bearing down oNi smaller fish, is able Dr. Charles Mayo, the American Hints for Tired Musician& could not down them. His discove ! "Who said he sent a messenger for to make distracting noises by, driving ssrgeon, suggested in an address at marriage. ? the gaseous ughacontents narrow its swimming ,Chicago . that every man should be The Lew cases of musicians nervous who Of the mama gid the ately into m u" ' bladder through a narrow membrane have suffered menial and nervous' It gut his cocain James definitely into' It doesn't matter who sat now. from one aide to the other. physically examined by. a doctor oa the list of the suspects. I There are two-witnesses. t did . lain birthday and the results. noted on breakdowns seem to excite some who As soon as he reached,dawn he call-j he want?" +o- 1 - w do not realize that all intense Intellec- -ed at the law.offices of Irwin, Foster "That's my business." An Excusable Error. tual workers are liable to nervous and & ,Warren. The member of the firm ,So you-say, Pal beginnin' to won- The story described its.heroine as a When: the doctor has finished the der it it lenR the business of the State X annual examination of a_patlent he brain disorders, if proper care is not he wanted to see was in. dumpling of a woman. The teacher aril sap: -':I find your heart scores one taken' "I've been to Golden, Mr. _Faster," Of��Colorado, too." used and asked for description of Brain bankruptcy is a common com- be said when he was alone with that What do mesa?" a ri hundred, but yogi kidnaps score only ' yyoonn a woman of that kind. E plaint. Creative workers pour out gentleman. "Now I. wast to ask you "I mean that Uncle sent for you "She would be rather tall-and thin," eventy. 'So'far as I can Izdge you a ynestion," because he had �t found out your M their soul wealth in.,such lavish man- brother and Miss Harriman were mar- on a pupil: The tea.:r . ! will die in 1933 of a,kidney trouble, ner that there comes Aime when the -The lawyer looked at him, smiling .• aasamiag you continue as pori are ward Both of the mss Canning- vied•"- thought the child was teasing sail now." These data would be written treasury is empty. It is a horrifying hams had, been clienfa bf his. Jack flashed.a startled look at Mrn. looked angry. "No."she snapped. "the ' `on the card. realization. Usually those who are "I make m living vin to 1 ad--It seemed to him his cousin showed lady would be short and plump-Iike complaining of the immense amount ? g g t . Dr. Mayo continued: "Suppose, how- vice," he said. �an uncanny knowledge at times. "Yon, a dumpling"of work they do and what they pro- "I don't want legal advice just think so." 'Oh, pas," said the 'youngster with liver, thit you turn your'pencil, erase .. •• "He wanted to tel! a that he was and write in.3943. Ten pears duce,are not the ones to suffer meatal now,• Kirby answered. I want to in' to cut relief;"I was thinking of a noodle." breakdowns. It fd the mea and the ask you if yon know whether my,�go your brother out of his will mean much to you, and-you make ew that James and Miss Har- wanted an leave you sole heir. An he woman who Is so absorbed to the work t, wanted u to let James know it right WOMEN! DYE FADED up, your mind to earn them. " ya that all ratioaai ideas of conserving riman were married- aw�n�y e "How can you make your seventy Faster lcwked out of the window THINGS NEW AGAIN ' per cent. kidneys last an additional psychic energy.are lost. He has no and drummed with his finger-tips on Kirby was guessing, but he judged - Asa yeanT time to think of himself, and 'rarely � desk. "yes," he said at last. he bad scored Jack got up and be- "You learn that.you mist change does so until he finds this wreck of his "He knew?" gan to ace the room. He was.plainly �e Or�1tA# Any WO111, Sha& 'mind and body about him. Then it is "Yea." agitated. your habits',. So to bed at a regular „ " Look here. Wh by Garment Ot Drapery. obtaia_more aleep, Change your often too tate will extricate himself. "'I you.know when he found out. to Wyoming and mind don't own busi- .t f ..food habits, prott;ct••ycatrx if agalast 1Mnaicians will be�tnteree.ted to learn I can gnawer that, too. He found nen? You're.not in this. It's none that there is a the advanced that out on the avenin of 'the twenty- flaecuons, sad ts>4e better care of ore his death. I of your aSair. What are on stayin D�8RI0�1d (t the mind is made u. of as infinite flre��°o days be ye out of eJ jJJe yourself when yon have a cold. You p' told•him-aftei dinner at the City hese for hounding the iii s' ' Qecide•'that. the gams is worth the number of minute substances carious-. Club." ` James and tris?" - 1y defined. With every thought orig- "you had just found it out your- "None of my business! That's good, _ Candle Take `your..Grater and ,ruD Jack. An' me out on bond charged Ont'Ee word'kidneys" fasting !a the brain the energy in- self Y" �- volved destroys one or more of.these "That afternoon." with the murder of Uncle James. I'd Each 15-cent package of "Diamond go, oa.LOY�oae year,"happy In ., say it was wife come o! m business. the prospect:.of a particles. Fresh particles prepare to How did you decide that the James y 9 y . Dyes" contains directions so simple gain of tea years. take their place if the conditions are Cunningham mentioned in the license I'm gonna stick to the job. Make rip that any woman can dye or tint any -Another birthday-coined round. You ou saw was the younger one?" your mind to that. old, worn, faded thing new,even if she go't-o a ca x, a outyour cardnormal anA bodIn y e gw-g3vert' _._ leave tie as-never pe before. nose any' and again.read It, or,'ia other words, sleep and diversion are the great re. "How did my-uncle take the news Jack irritably. "You act as though s�,orative. Musicians are often entire �" color at drug store. yon undergo.another ezaminatfon. You wben- you told him. yu thought we were s pair of mor- - - -- "wase,-In consequence, the old entries(ly too parsimonious in these-matters. "He took it standing," the lawyer derers." and'mate new Ouse. You may cur-I They work themselves to the limit and said "Didn't make any fuss, but "If you have nothin' to conceal, Roller skates were first patented by {then wonder why they have to go to looked like the Day of Judgment for why do,you block my way, Why Merlin, a_Flemish musical instrument cher modify'some of your waps•ot Ily- doctors' for disagreeable pills, which the man who had betrayed him,"- aren't you frank an'.open? Why did maker, who settled in London in 1769: Ing, or;having found those of the°past oftea.oaly palliate the trouble at best. 6.What did he do?" you steal-that record at Golden? Why t' pear .satisfactory, plan to .continue .. IC is not the sleep they lose to-nigbt or Wreta a note and called fors mea- did James lose tbe Jap'a conlession- Minird's Ll'ntenent for Dandruff " - - - to deliver it:" +.....-Why did-he----- to-morrow night but the long eumula- did_ e tive-loises that do the mischief. tor' Kirby asked collognfilly. Set Mina liicLean to disappear?- An- Ladybirds are bred in Italy and "I dont know. Probabl the com- swer those quee� to my satislaa rattce to produce the larvae which o ,, o parry has a record fall calla If w ti n before you about ice boffin F you can find the-boy who delivered she in with suspicions against you." • destroy insect pests of the vines. '<"'Source of.the Nile. : ' message." ` Jack do t slammed a fiat down on he The question-,,of the source of the "I'll get busy rt$$ht away:" corner of the desk. 'I'm not' going to Murosan PLAYS ReriNso Nile .is at once the oldest and ,the Foster hesitated then volunteered i answer anytquestionai I'll say you've Naos n at o go piece-of information. I dont got a nerve. You're the man char •rNs YOUNG COUNTRY aCMOOLMA'AN." / suppose you ow your uncle j European to lay claim to having die- cent for me next day and told sae to to be tried for it You've got a rope RjtliiO A°derae. 226 MeeKq it; Ohara covered the true source was James draft' a new will for him and gat it round your neck right this minute- S�l AL X - Bruce. The Scotch explorer believed ready for.his sipaatore." and -you go around high and mighty ' that the middle one _ of the three "Did you do it. tryingto throw augpicion on mea that Thousand branches, called the Blue Nile. was. "Yes. I handed.it to him the alter there s ao evidence against." +:the'ttue river. It was later disco*ered noon of the day he was killed....It was '+'Yu said you had a'qua I ebelie a Cooking USeSe j that the westernmost branch, called found unsi ed among his papers P your uncle that night-no, the White Nile, was the true Nile. r his t The old will still you called it a difference of opinion, Far SOUP&, sauces,gravies,savouty stands. at the inquest. What was that dis- dishes,meat ;allies, beef,tea, and Gave It Away-Then. The ancients .were,right and Bruce „ ., Leavin f]ie property to James agreement about? restoring the flavortoleftoverdishes. "You say:he glues away a great sea} was wrong. and Jack? "Find outl I'll never tell you." g • of.-Money on'a charitable occasion?" ' Many explorers Bought to trace the "yam„ "Was it because you tried to defend "Yes."� White Nile to its source, but the great. "And the new will?" James to him-tried to get him to "WRIT,' I've' seen him give away est discovery of all,that the Nile really, ' "Except for some bequests and ten forgive the treachery of his fiancee mousy Only on, a chair,.•a table and a rises in south latitude and crosses the thousand for a fountain at the city and his nephew?" s : pack of cards occasion." equator,-was made by Captains Grant park, the whole fortune was to go to Again Jack shot at him a look of �� + - and Speke,' who in 1868 discovered •Jack• prrpltzed and baflSed wonder: That l Mlnard's Liniment-Nears,CUts:.•. "So that if he had lived tworify-'brown, indominatble fac V BES Like Victoria Nyanza. four hours longer James would have I which was so much strength of pur- in tins of a,i1S;so--4 100 "Quack" doetora'to the number of. been disinherited," {pose and so much keenness of appre- a t ;nearly•'2Er�D00 are believed to be prac- - Foster looked.at him out of eyes.hension, began to fill him with alarm. r "Eit?iiig in.'the United States; 'they ob- that told nothing of what he 'Was This man let no.obstacles stop him. thinking. 'That's the situation ex- He would go on till he'had uncovered tait'i,their diplomas by purchase from actly" the whole tangle,they were tryinir to '-� irastitntiona with "high-sounding but- Kirby made no further comment, keep hidden. OYS " „itieanitigless names., L �/' r )� nor did the lawyer. I "For God's sake, man, stop�'afiis _ 1 snooping k you l You'll get off TWIN VER. j We'll back you. . There's nowhere NURSESnearly enough evidence to convict you. W " An- XJAYL0111Let it go at that, implored Jack. ,AASH 'BOARDS The Toronto Hospital for sneer- "I can't do that. I've got to .clear ftt>1aS1®Ail 1 COY °blew. to-Affiliation With Bellevue and my name. Do you think I'm villin' Yl eMnranrs++ Army 'Goods.Store tkt d _ Aleiiife4 Ho■ s, ye New Y9V eits back to m friends with a oRers a three rears' Course of Trani- to Bb y Outwes?TcZ���''.S Ir.RR to y Oona women luvtat the re- Scotch verdict hangin' over me? 'He Staple Goods. _ NO Cause at All. �ylred education and desirous_of h.- — Friend-'A man ham Just gotten coming nurses This Ha.pitaZ has rove it.' Come clean, Jack! Are AA�lAlelr+tpiRlAV*rM4Aa 8J lleeil ►�#. Eaa# �Oi01�#O edepted the eft;.t-hour stem, Tha to p Q s divorced -because his wife hasn't pupils receive uniforms of the eehoot, you and James in this thing? Is that a Send for Price List. Post Free i �sT n��site and tram Ne TorlielYoe g fop my inves- - } spoken'.t him for a year." why you want iris to d l$SUE NO. 6- 24. - 4 z. INOW Read 11�eekton Great Heavens, that's no w,- r information spplr to- ttss ti ations? y' - - caiise for divorce!" �•'^o.�nt�nAcnt "NO of COtirae we'r4 not] But - r ,{,'1 ., .r .. , ,. :' 'r,-, .,,.. Fh'...,:,{ .Se t' �'. 7' ,.• "�iM•'1`, ••'vK":b-' `�'Pfi .,.{ ,'•�["•�`',M'.'' n:. '��v„!a{. ,a+`'4'.5.. •. .'M„ i.a�,n•.,5. y,, t„�:y�� 'may'. �.. `ti L� e 2 � Y"S`�47+. ik, . w. . �:kw+..,it... ;. n..,.".. •A ...•If .".... y- .. .'+ir' S.b,.i e,.x�,. .D• '_r t `.v�" •T•'.• .-+•n+r."_:•n :Gi�` 1 � yq..,.� '.' '�..;�✓rt�r-.-.,� .w+,�+ <- •/!:',':'X. .._ .. - ..d - S. i-��'.•...�.-^* ,,,•,,x� p -`,leen. ti. 1be leek's Markets ;;first "Labor Cabi'net ' .in' Britain's History , ,,. -0• Manitoba wheat-No. 1 Northern, off , Manitoba Data•-No. 8 CW, 46c; No. t ; y ,' �•'; : _ _ extra feed, 45c. s Ontario barebarley-Nominal. ey 65 to 67c� c All the above track, bay porta. � y �. : ti American corn-No. 2 yellow, 96c. � ; B • tyuckwheat-No. 2 72 to 75c. Ontario e-No. 3. 72 to 74c. Peas Sample, $1.45 to $1.50. Millfeed-Del., Montreal freights, e f % 4> m. -ba 3 included: Bran el n 28• _ ,.-•: - g to $ _ ' shorts, per ton, $30; mPddlings, $36; - - od fee urT2-10. - ntario wheat-No. 2 white, 95 to I T 98c, outside �^ Ontario,No. 2 white oats-40 to 42c: --+�-- '-'•Ontario torn-Nominal. --- --- - - : Ontario flour-Ninety per ceht pat„ �.• In jute bags, Montreal, prompt ship- went, $4.60; Toronto basis, $4.60; "bulk IMboard, $4.25. i Man. flour-lat pats, in jute sacks, $6.20 per barrel; 2nd pats., $5 70. t `^ Hay-Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton, track, Toronto, $14.50. to $15;. No. '2, $14.60; No. 8, $12.50; mixed, $12. Straw-Car lots, per ton, $9. ,m , Cheese-New, large, 21% to 22c; � s 'twins, .22 to 22%e; triplets, 22% to 23c; Stilton, 24 to 25c. Old, large, y ` 25 to 30c; twin, 29 to 31c; triplets, ;' A 80 to 32c. '". . Honeq-60.19. tins, 11 to 12c per .; " ., y ID.; 10-1b. tins 11 to 12c; 5=19, tins, 12 to 13c; 2%1b.' tins, 13 to 14c; comb honeyy, r dozen, No. 1. $3.75 to $4; s LORD HALDANE C, WEDGWOOD WM. ADALiSON SIR S. OLIVER LORD PARMOUR f` No. 2, .29 to $3.50. p� r imp. ;PHILIP SNOWDEN . JOHN WHEATLEY LORD. CHELMSFORD C. P. TREVELYAN ` . Maple grodncts-Syrup, per, : gaL, $2.50, per &gal• tin, . 240 per New British Labor Cabinet.' Col. Josiah Wedgwood--Chancellor of 1.; maple sugar, lb., 25c. Butter-Finest creamery prints, 46 A despatch from London says:- the Duchy of Lancaster.owett-Commiashoaer of o 47c; No.'h creamery,48 to 45c; No. The new Labor Cabinet as officially Works.' c 42 to 48c. r announced, !oma owe: ea on ` 1i58 to" m ; fresh extras, loose, 66 to Sec for Forel Affairs. sto.57cr fresh firsts, b0 6; extras, extras, rotary 8n Man• � � storage, in cartons, 44c; extras, 41 to John Robert Glyaes-Lord Privy seal . 42c; firsts, 86 tor84c; seconds, 29 to and Deputy Leader in the House of ; x - y u 21.c. Commons. y ea atc from London says':- Live s:- Live poultry-Sprinngg chickens, 4 Lord Parmoor-Lord President of the M s �r4 P � y lbs. and over, 28c; chickens, E to 4 r� ¢�% � > _ That London's climate; for all its tog, IDs., 22c• hens, over b lbs., 22c; d0. Council f k ' longevity 4 to 5 lbs. 15c- do 3 to 4 lba. 15c- Viscount Haldane--Lord Chancellor. is conducive to eon vi cannot be gainsaid in the face of statistics pro- roosters, 16; duckfings, over 5 lbs., Philip Snowden-Chancellor of. the. i 19c do, 4 to 5 lbs., 18c; fur Exchequer. Y sentea in-the deaths column of the r keys f London Times. Of twenty-seven per- young, 10 lbs. and up, 22c. Arthur Henderson-Secretary for -: } Dreased` poultry-­5sr chickens, Home Affairs. -- sons whose death notices appeared on p one day, the aggregate age was 1,9924 4 lbs. and over 80c; chickens, 8 to 4 J. H. Thomas Secretary for the.Col- lbs,, 2&; hens. over 6 lbs:, 28c; do, onies. . w _ - years, or an average of ?8 years. 91z- 4 to 6 lbs., 24c• do 8 to 4 lbs., 18c; StepheA Wath-Secretary for War. f roosters, 18c; uckfin teen of these'were more than ?0,.in- gs, over 5 lbs eluding twelve 80 years old or more, . 84c; do, 4 to 6 lbs., 26c; turkeys, Sir, Sydney Olivier-Head of the In- 10 lbs. and u 28 to 8$c than Office. : t o of 98 and one 91. young. p, ; -g�a6 c: p Brig.-Gen. Christopher Thompson- _r x _ Beans---Canadian, handpicked, lb. Air Minister. Yukon is armest � 7c p mea, Viscount Chelmsford-Fust Lord t SCCtIOn of Canada' _ hmoked meats-Hams, med., 25 to the Adm 27e; cooked hare, $7 to 89z• smoked Sydney We e-aident of the Boars ~ rolls, 19 to Sec; cottage rolls, 22 to of Trade ' A despatch from Dawson City,Y.T.. 84c; breakfast bacon, 25 to 27c;u aper John Wheatle --Minister of Health. - - : '. sial brand breakfast bacon, 30 to 8 y says: The Yukon is experieticiag the Noel Buxton-Minister of A cul- mildest winter weather is the memory one backs, bless, 30 to 85a d of the oldest inhabitant. This monde' w Curemeats-Long clear bacon, 50 tune• to 70 lbs., $18.50; 70 to 90 lbs., $18; William Adamson.-Secretary for $`; ,., the thheermometerveld around - 90 lbs. and a , $17- lightweight roils, Srntland. s; zero y sacontrastedp gg ze i wi re previous n in barrels, 7; &;vywelght rolls, C. 'P. Trevelyan-President of the t Januariea when it ran the seals bo- Board o!-Education. --- _ tween 40 and bel g - Lard'-Pure tierces, 17 to 17 ic; temperatures 70 Mow. is the _.-tubs, -17% to 18c;pails, 18 to IKe! Thomas Shaw-Minister of Labor, _ _ _ rints, 19 to 20c; shortening tierces, Vernon Hartshorn-Postmaster-Goa- - RAMSAY M,>CDONALD Yukon and parts o!Alaska since early t4% to 15'A c; tubs, 15 to 15%c; pails, oral last sunpmer. 15% to 16c; prints, 17% to 18c. ' Heavy steers, choice, $7 to $7.50; butchers steers, choice, $6.25 to $6.75, - do, good, $6.75 to 6; do, med., $4.76 to $5; do, com., $4.25 to $4.50; butcherOEM heifers, choice, $6 to $6.75; da, met, - r . - _ •a - butcher cows, choice, $4.75 to $5; do, med., $3.50 to $4; canners and cut- ' to-a, $1,25 to $2; butcher bulls,choice, r. 1 $4.25 'to $6.25; do, com., $2 to $3: y '+ "" w; '�pM. feedinlr steers, good, $5.50 to $6.50; do, fair, $4 to $6; stockers, good. $4 41 `. to $4.76; do, fair, $3.60 to $4; milkers and s ringers, $70 to -$100; calves, t ehoiee $9 to q y t11; , coin., $b to $7; do, grassers. 3 r 4 to $4.50; lambs, choice ewes, $13 $14; do, bucks, $10.50 to $11; do, } : gulls, $7 to$S; sheep,light ewes, $6.50 t& $7.64; do, fat, heavy, $4 to $4.50;-do,culla,$2 to 8; hogs, fed and water- - r • -----T ed, $&50 to $9; do, f.o.b., $8 to $8.50; do, country points, $7.75-to $8.26;-do' selects, $9.35 to $9.90. Oats-Can. west,, No. 2, 55 ,to _ arm •66c; do, No. 3, 52% to 53c; do, extra No 1 te�.51c; do, No. 2 local white, ; 48% to 49c, Flour-Man. spring wheat ata„ late, 6.20; 2nds, $5.70; .strong hg aersT-p -winter pats., choice, $6.65 to $6.71 • rolled oats, bags, 90 The $3.05- bran, $28.25; shorts, „{ Ig125. Mi�dlings, $37.25. Hay, per , ton; car lots, $lb to $16. Butter, Jio. 1 pasteurized,- 43 to R 48%c; do, o. 1 creamery,42 to'42%c. - .-.Eggs, storage extras, 40c; do, storage 4irsts, 8bc; do, storage seconds, 28 to w�' ,. Fairly good veal calves,-$10; med. ­THOMAS SHAW A. HENDERSON. SIDNEY WEBB J R. CLYNES \` 99 to $9.50; lambs, $10 ane V. HARTSHORN STEPHEN WALSH F. W. JO-WETT NOEL, BUXTON J. H. THOMAS 10.50; sheep, 5.50 to $"fit hogs, $8.85 s to $9; com. airy type sows andi bologna buUs, $2.50 to $3;1 canners, 'DEADLOCK IN BRITISH Society and the railway managers:re-I The next step to be taken in the she can in future finance ns bulk , ;1.50. garding the finding of the Wages'strike will be action by the near Labor,her requirements'. As a conaeQaeaos - RAILWAY STRIKE Board, from which the managers re-:minister, Tom Shaw, and"the Tradds it was said, the surplus investment ac, Blind Have Smallest fused to depart, although they assert;Union Congress's mediating .coni-' count of the United States wife re*. Newspaper in World Strike Pay About £7,000 Per that, they would consider cases of in-;mittee. ceit�e fess opportunity than before for s Da Next Move V to- P g 4' work in Canada; t it will still la►a dividnal hardahi anion the men if b y- P C-inada-Able to Finance more to that country than Canada will- . A despatch from Londcn says: the strike were called off. al y Government. I loan to American Industrtea.. The am lest newspaper in the world It is said to be costing t�e Asso-; Bulk of Her Requirements % - +� has made its appearance A 'despatch from London says:-A!ciated Society about £7,000 daily toi ppe here. It is I Winrii a Man.-Manitoba bee• deadlock has .been reached in the;pay the strikers. The members are. A despatch from Ivey; York says:-I, P g published by the National Institute, strike of the Associated Society of reticent about their..resources, but .it; The fact that Cansda was able-lo-ab-i-keepers last year produced'8,041,713 for the Blind as a weekly and is print- pounds' of honey, compared with 1� Locomotive Engineers Firemen. is believed that the payment of the sorb wifhout foreign assistance the _-'ed in Dr. Moons embossed type. It is + heavy Government flnaacin of 1923 800,000 la$t year and less than 1,-. palled The Moon and is made -up.-of The managers of the railways an- strikers wages is s severe drain upon g rix pages measuring 11 inches by 14, nounced that they would not reply to the exchequer of the organization. I and the latest big issue it $50,0bond'0 I production 0 ponds`in e w The average oontainins only 760 words. a letter sent them by J.-Bromley, sec- It was asserted at the headquarters' of Canadian National Railways boons production per hive was private pounds. rotary 'of the Associated Society, in- of the National Union of Railwaymen is interpreted ,by New York bond Only two of the old private flrnss forming them that he regretted-Ant that it had been learned from several dealers 'as an event of more than`pass- who are solely bankers now :~main IA The skin of .the human palm yIn the strike must continue. provincial centres that many of the'', Ing significance. It allows, they sug- London.' The oldest, Child h Co., is seventy-six times as thick as that of There is a fundamental difference members of the union, who had joined geeted, that Canada has grown in Fleet Street,was founded in 1999,and the eyelid.' of principle between the Associated' the strike bad returned to wore.. financial importance to a Dotal where the othbr, Hoare Co., to lA7iC. W. ' .'!w ,i :.: "%.. ,. -..,. ._ ... ,.' ..: .: •K r ;i •�,'�:,r?tF -:.'y.,, ;x; c7 "",^.�'1,i,�"• 'k,�k«`:"�sw� "S,��. �i.» '.va ''�.,afli • -. s •.,"�;.y..r1r :G�" � �•"t'` ' �. ^,.. :..,� 7.k,.xe' ...r ct�; '�?�:a' 'L+S:m..• � 1p:�ro, ":+�vF-i ar..£, � +e.�'.'1 -' •n"°t�.r y5° EDITOR. • "FAESH FROZEN FISH LETTERS TO THE ELM DALE MILLS 7-.: sia.-Having resigned the position vSHOKED AND DRIED FISH TMRULS of Assessor., I wish to�express my sin- .,.1FXC=71P cere gratitude to the people of Pick- advance. sija per year.; $1.60 it paid in. Bring township fbr their many acts of .g,vbwript�o� o the Britain .11ruted States and Creat ki,d,eo,,Lnd hospitality during Brit $2 00 th eleven years of service. Wheat or any grain taken in. . By your help and good cheer •the R S h .,excange for Flour. work has been very ple"tog' tome. AOHN MURKAR, -roptleter. Meeting with old friends and forming P, Ws have Brau, Shorts, Cho SALMON - CISCOES ' the Acquaintance of many new ones WHITE FISH Some of the-md6apleasure is memory. __—jOil Cake Meal. NOTES.AND COMMENTS. will be a lasting y happy smiles of the ADDIS and FILLETT wee folks in anticipating a bright new all kinds of grain. ' A case of mach Interest to tag for the dog wtil not be forgotten. !vision Porridge Oats.. I wish to thank the present and Dgil"" Po motorists came before a d tin a village Herring in Western On- past Reeves and Councillors for the ,Royal Household Flour,­ Caiined --,Salmon, Sardines, court appotatnaents given also acknow� "!46ria st short time agii. Wbl.., ledging aCream,of to West Flour. deep sense I gratitude for MY Rome - assistance rendered by our mostefil drivitionlongthe highw, ,tient Clerk. Mr. D. R. Benton. .'CHOPPING EVERY fro of &11 Bpcessor -BE NDS of Canued­Fruits. and -Vegetablek, Peas; 'Corn, eattin lk&d inBeing with my sur ST BRA 'It I wish him every success,and .. ..,­' - ' A hope he WEEKDAY .:prochlog auto, witE Beane, Pampkin,-Raspberries, Plnms, Pineapple may ea"-tl� well SO I llax%_ -.Tomatoes, Your, that a collision occurred in which sincerely, car was badly Aamaged. The EDw.kRD WILL 3ON N• 0i 'SaIM Don't. Xse Some, ,White Fish on "this week ' owner of the car entered an action � J D-UNSARTON. :`.'for damages. The Judge held ANNOUNCING The C. S. E. T. boys met as usual fqr that there was no negligence on mid-week'meeting on Friday evening- J. RICEIARDSON, ...'GROCER DOMINION OF CANA11i the part of the defepdant, as.tbe It has been reported that a great on the bighvv�ay many pet-pie do not understand the REFUNDING LOAN 1923 cattle nature of the C.-S: E. T. work. Itis a. %here being a by-law in the town- four-fold program;based on Luke 2:52: DS .5 PER BUNDS @hip Jesus .increased in wisdom, in allowing cattle to, run at --And .. , FARM L'A N D S stature and, in favor with Qod find large. We believe theke is a law man." The Canxdian Standard EM-on thp stFttute books making it ciency Training envelops the four 20 year Bonds.price 99.25, to yield To buy or sell your farm, consult the Farm Lands Department of large, sides of life. intellectual, physical.de. 5 14 per cent. The'United farmers Co,operative Company, illegal for cattle to run at li t1oual and social, moulding the lives 5- year Bonds, ptice. 99. to yield but municipalities ca of the boys so that vve way have bet- 5.23 percent. n override v' Limited. the law-by the passing of a*,by- ter Christian citizenship. The work jC. N. R.) Canaidan National Railway law nullifying the Proviocial law. is divided into two groups. Trail Ran- (seven year) first runrtgage Deben.. A. J. kLLISON, Representative, Pickering, Phone Pick. 1508 gore for boys from twelve tofiftein,' tures maturing Hav 8, 1930. Price We think (here is great injustice. and Tuxis for boys fifteen and over. A $70 per thousand,or,$1000 invested in'this law. If a team of horses Trail Ranger is trying*6 be the kind pow increases to $1,751.40 at ma- public of-boy described in the words Trail turity. run away on is Rangers.T-frue, R-reverent, A-ambi- Phone or wire orders at our "through no negligence of the dri- tlaul..I-intilligent.I�Ioval, R-resource- expense. Stock ver, the owner of the horses is:re. ful. A-active. N-haturil, 01-gein-ei-mis. Better E-earnest, R-reliable, S-strong. The ----D�YZES&ROUERS, sponsible 'for any damage that name Tuxis which is applied to the Phone 2%J OR the same expenditure of time, and But it cattle, in a program for older boys is a worCdr_koi­a-- - 2tf-- Whitby.. Oat. energy may be done. ed to describe the dbfect In view. It feed,you get bigger returns on pur"red cattle township where a by-law is in begins with T, which stands for train- than on scrub stock. If you need financial help to rge, . _R ur sub- ' . force allowing thein to run at la ins, and endp with. S. which ends for enew o ice. TheX in the centre improve your stock, consult the local Manager of tin A1:1to cmii.* aery 8 tur car, according t� Greek letter "Chi" which ion, f or 119724 _damage to the c en- Christ. The program is U vari-Ilt-d", scrip. semi" -this ruling, there is no war L,f,rg. STANDARD SERVICE Is #ss#aNs9iPPr*dmew4' tra],JT. and I.-you and.I training for TOW covering damages. This is a case THE r �. Itab:Xone wishes to getfur service where the low can be amended to ther,informatiiin or literature on this • the advantage of all. hoys work get in touch with Edward STAND�ARD BANK Brown. R. F. D. 1-Pickering. Ger- or CANJU3& an. Rooehank. u aid Qo7 An number of County Council . 0 A L W. F.Law,Manager-7" IN MEMORIAM. have pAss.ed resolutions ourtailips: Pickering Branch, riditures oi2 the county roads, LARD-In loving memnry of Dell Whitby Branch, C. A. McClellan, Manager expe Burton.wife of David W. Lawson. I have�been appointed sole agent among there being Ontario Couu past Detrait. who died Jan.27th. 1921. . for Royal Smokeless Coal fns The demand during thethis' There la some, one who misses you district. also other grades of coal -few years for better roads has led Badly. from $8.00 up. k I Coal is'preferred itoa very heavy expenditure on And finds the years long since -you Royal Smo e e weak; for eco and 'The News highways. necesAtating the -9 ma now for iour There.is someone who thinks of you 12tf -0s, thus placing da0y, issue of debentui the county very heavilyin debt. But tries to bebrar-e and content. DONALD MUNRO,,PICKEKING The general depression through. -Hnxh^nd. .5. out. the country has made itneciee- Hardware �.�oreeringNO TA sary for municipal bodies to adopt 0- Bootana Shot Repalriu' policy of retrenchment. While I have impounded'in My pound at the.re is to be a curtailment in ex- lot'5, concession S.Township of'Pick- Also harness'repai ring-at the new oditurea on the roads, it doer. two years. old,and unifes prr�viouslv post office. not menu that , the roads will be replevied"or redeemed. I %ball on the ering a red #Lad white heifer.ahout stand, opposite the Best work nianship.guarantee.d. Poultry' �t)Ods An 19,24. at the to ninth day of FahruAry. on boar of t Charges moderate, neglected. Itis the intention two o'clock,,sell at my premi- ig eat repair, for it i X.JACKSON", that it i-w folly to allow the roads Pound-keeper PluKEkING, ONt. o ucers r keep the roads in- a'* fair state of see. by public auct Ion to the hi h WATSON a adrattted by-all bidder. ..W THOMAS E 2iN22 get into a statef neglect. In nothing else. is the saying more, LAYING MEAL AND BOGS" Xrue tban 4titeii in time Rave.Q .000- R. CAR OWNER n1ySTER_SHELL _____M.ICA GRIT 'nine'than in the case of toad build. ROYAL PTRPLE LICE POWDER 'The Provinci•a government in- the ONE TRIAL will convince you that these goods are the beat on the tends to follow .the .sante 9 THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS are over market. also :policy iti regArd to the building of now is the time to get pour car overhatil- ovindal highways. They will Do not"�wait until you. need your car in the .,Royal Purple Calf Meal for youbk calves -pr I •-spring. when you acrd I have Stock Specific-the best tonic for hotses and cattle. be quite. justified in expending Get it done now w thuney to the extent of the rev- the tirue. No job too large or too small on any 0 0-0 .0 0 cane from the sale of motor make ofca�r. but owing to the 7 present WORK GUARANTED lirenaeP, .:. . � 7,�.. '. 17 S. BALSDON - PICKERING -bard bines it would be unwise to GET OUR PRICES go, tench beyoud'this If the. THEY ARE RIGHT -_--D3yney.1S AVailable itshould be Tabes,tK=Acciss&rIes, Tires'and T vised to lighten the burden of the good s;totl of Par 7=1 people. The present depression i* Gas, Oils and Greases. KERING all classes, none T3 y • atm­e_r_. -Jiu—si t IKERING more than the f --f 1-AR RIQ____ - AGE5 -EA7r ., men are unanimous in the opinion ------------ Phone 4900 - CHAS. B. .SPENCER, PROPRIETOR- that not for a -number of- yeari bas money been so difficult to se- Late of the Davidson Motor Co., Whitby, Ont. RonndRoast or Steak, 1.$- 2&per lb . - 10, cure as it now is. Merchants*re- Surloin Roast or Steak, ... ... .29c 6. port that their sales have -fallen orterhouse Roast or Steak, 28C P 18C .down greatly, and the back ac Rump Roast.... counts were never mor difficult to --_,_Fin6 Rib Roast, we There i's a feeling that collect. Travellers' Cheques He,%vy Rib Roast, better times are ahead of uia,' ap t ilder R 16 and 18c here is a probability that biisiness Shot oast. will soon be more brisk. lu the PEOPLE travelling on long or short journeys will find it most . . . 14c :PotRoast, c meantime.it is tip to all to econorn- to carry The Dorhinion Bank Travellers' Cheques. 9 convenient Brisket, to buil, Aze'as far as possible. d 25e They are negotia�li anywhere in the'worl and can be obtained Leg�of Pork,. 25c this Bank u of Pork, at any Branch Of Loi r. -liver Shotildet Roast of Pork, :Green X91s I ITM 28C Pork Chops, LOGS WAN I Eb "Pure Pork- Sausage., 25c • 9" -1 will•pay, delivered at mill, for ft ENM SAM 25c limited number as follows:- No. P. LYND. Manager. Finest Breakfast Bacon, piece, No. I Basswood, $30.00.per bI WHITBY BRANCH, 66 sliged, 88C 215 00 No.2 BROOKUN BRANCH, E. C. CROSS. Manager. . 'Mild Cared Cottage Rolls (half or whole), 32c • Sound Dead Basswood �20 00 No. I Soft Elm 30.00 45c Back Bacon, No.2 20.00. 'Cooked Ham,— 55c S"nd Dead Rica 15,00 INSURANCE-Life, Fire_Anto, Accident, Si6knesq. —'No. I Rock Elm 25c .40.00 Mimielpal, Corporation. Weiners,.. ------- M No. 2 GE LOANS on Farm Properties. ... 15c `MORTGAGE !lead-Qheese,-._ 'No. I See. Growth Pine 25.00 REAL ESTATE-Farm find Residential. Easy First and Domestic Shortening-. 3 lbs 55 cvntw� Custom sawing done at usual. cents; 5 lbs 90 Turning, shaping and wood repair- lb Prints 18-,cental inz of all descriptions. W. a, B A ,R K E R Fresh Trout sad'WBite Fish Every Friday 0&t'Fliking and Chopp every day. CHAS. A;--?WHITE, PICKERING KEIR- ING prints Friday 8 ay '8 "e DO. .K Successor to late W. 0 W. VT. 'REID C ERIXG Barn� TIC ill, Cot 'phonp 84*-30 or wrrlp U11-int 'R Te'-'-n2 r!kL,�riry `-2,13 13ex 40 oil • 60 CLAREMONT. Mrs. m. Birkett, of• Balsam, -visited ith her parents', Richard CLEANINQ - PRESSING - Mrs. Chidlow was In Toronto on and Mrs. Ward l S C I Monde Set week. Bring aloac oussuits-to be cleaned I "h Monday. Miss Myrtle Thompson, of To- sad pressed. Satisfaction guaranteed W. G. Bingham is re-decorating Tonto, spent the weekend here at .Q,hsrgea moderate. y the Masonic Hall. the home of her parents, �R�u.sad JAMES BRISCOE. yo , the - {' is our 'Rev. E. and Mrs. Osborn were Mrs. Thompson. gP is the city on Tuesday. p ..Opposite D.Taylor's Bakery ORD s Mrs Hamlin, of Agincourt, and Claremont,' Oat. James Evans is somewhat under is 0 T T 0- ws,e the weather these days. MTA. Uliver, ,af purchester, were �" ` LIMEDT.P. $hick and James Allathe guests of.Mrs. John Fleming _. __ _ T were P. Pickering onesAUfor a few days lash week. u Qs►SKET QM Gordon'Gregg is nursing a Monday. Miss Margaret McLellan, of To. SecondeeHand T,Me I_ Gordon :The hocks stick did rpoto University, accompanied by y two lady friends, spent'over San- Ladies'and Gent's Wool-Under: it day with her parents at the Pulper wear for winter wear F� Yard shipped two car- 7 - - �! a: loads of"cattle to the city on Mon- Sunday last was the coldeat day Ladles' Silk and Wool Hose day this year with a temperature of ''i"HI3!a the grocery store - Cultivator men sweaters and Woo l&zi _ l!► = Nelson Sanderson,- -of-.Toronto.--nearly:20 degrees below- zero As - _ — - where the promise Is ---.,-.Nelson ipent the week end at his home a-reetttt c;�the ttrten�bt8 .there krpt.- Your order•will be New Flannel�ttea and Flannelette tiers, - - was a large number of empty pews and delivered on time. You weak in Toronto,with' her sister, in e c urc a s tines and grey . Two rinks of our cdrlers cqm• - that every article of food Mabel. (Dr.) Tomlinson used of.,D A. Scott, R. Sense, T. for Sale Y -" purchased here will meet A good .-range of Yarns and.. . spent a P. Shirk; Fred Evans, W. G. Bing- "with your approval Why Sweater Wools few days last week with friends hart, M Morgan, R. E. Forsyth not give us a chance to in the city.. and Thos.•Birkett went to Peter- Cher@„• prove this to you. A full lige of Fresh Groceriest,it , A. D. Peters, of Port Perry, born this week to take'part in the p } lowest prices called on a number of Claremont bonspiel. We wish them success, Highest prices paid for It :. riende on Tuesday. i Mrs. A. J. Chandler, of Tomato, Next Sunday is Combiuuion Sun- J. R TheXton10110NE prodabe M r, -spent the week-end with her par-:' ap nt the Baptist Church. The • D A SCOTT, ` eats, J. H. and Mrs. Beal. pa- will continue the study of PICKERING • A. , _ Gordon Bashb , we are glad }o Christ's After Supper Discourse ��'QO y - CLAREMONT - ONTARIO reports. is now considerably_ im• with His Disciples, the particular ' it roved and !@ able. to .leave hie subject for next Sunday morning . `rd• being ­Yet a Little While I am Harness Rep'a=* * g T. Caster shipped a carload of With You," Let every member ' MID '- WINTER make an earnest effort to be pres- Having resumed m bap from Locant Hill and,another g y business to Clare- _ ent at the communion service to mont. T res ectfull s __. ,—__.GOODS ' load from Claremont onj Tuesday p y nitric the patron- . • , of this week. ''remember the Lord's death until age of the farmers of the our. f Wm. Stanbur , who is attend. He come." In the evening the sub- rounding,community. New Specials and .Price re- ,Y jest will be "The Christ of the I am prepared to repair harness and dnctions. Seasonable and "_; Ing a business college in Toronto, Homeless," the second in the series collars as well as boots and shoes. spent Sngday at the home of his Heavy rubbers re-bottomed. maeh.wanted merchandise : parents here. on The All Sufficient Saviour.'.' .' ��� �' OW, �� $ t A fancy dress and racing carni- Remember the public meeting M=6 .,M 3C3^ S to clear. ,, _ val ander the management of the to be held in the Masonic Hall-tLis at the "Cotner Shoe Store," CEDAR GROVE Hocks boots for young.-men, Claremont Junior Hockey Club Friday) evening -to consider the y ,r will beheld in the Claremont rink question of pur�hasiag a chemical Claremont, Out, boys and ladies. boa Tuesday evening, Feb. 5th. A tire engine. ` A re4iresentative of T 7�� - Sweater Coats .for young. men. _ - special in is extended to the Bic•kle Fire Engine Company, �1• A. P E R K I N S and boys—Y neck—colors, white � r. ,contestants from other localities. of Woodstock will be present to N..00s.S Whin and blue and all bine. .A good band will be in attendance give 811 iIIform tioa .in regard to (THE DECORATOR) , and good prizes will be given. * their fire engines which are being SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR Ladies' felt boots'and overshoes g p For every description of Painting, at less than manafactared ri The annual meeting of the Un- used so extensively all over -the paper-Hanging, Interior ¢. in �•tioa Church was held on Monday country. About a year ago Pick- Decoratingand GOOD DdAPLE}_ E1JM, *. �� ��' w ��l 1. ,evening last under most favorable ering Tillage purchased a Blekle 'Hardwood Finishing, WHITE ASH, BASSWOOD J p �j L copditions of road@, and weather. chemical fire engine, and since Beet Workmaneblp. Prompt Service.' A sumptuous banquet was provid• that time it has been called out to Prices moderate. AND PINE ZAGS. ' ed by the ladies from 8 p. m. to 8, fires ten times, and has already phone or .write Coal.,-to which a laf a crowd did am le saved from destruction property -Coal L g p Gerrhrd 61 Torrena Ave., • REE$OR. ustice. as well as en oy an hour of in value several times' the cost of , I A-E - -_ - + d 7 081•. M (!I ll i Torotste @octal fellowsbip. At 8 o'cioek tie the engine,and the brick building Phone 8M0 R. R. Markham,OUT. annual business was. opened, the in which itis housed. Nota word -- --.- _ - - Herd and Soft G''oal Of the Rev. 9. McLellan residing. The _of adaerse.critieiem of the police = e8 y eS nail ray x}l he argasi- trustees for making the purchase _ best tluaht attoirs were the best in the hie has-been heard as all are agreed ' that it was a wise action. The - - _ hand cx ter-pf the church. The tree m _ THOS. A. LAW, er'k i"iboks showed a handsome residents of Brougham where this � THOS.1V balance after all obligations had engine was summoned at the re- been met. The gross receipts were cent fire are loud in its prsdses. PiGs�D=i��', 0=t. - 84583, divided as follows:: Trews The police trustees have the power urer's receipts. $3114; Sabbath to make the purchase without the School, $890, $280 of which was sanction MII,K IS MCf1YYY ion of the. ratepayers, but -given to missions and benevolen they wish to hear their.-voice, in t rAK$ CARE OF M ce; W. N. S., $550; Mission Band, consequently the matter, and are conse uentl Whether Iowa are on pasture or in $209; Ladies'Aid,$421. Four re• anzions.that every ratepayer in • - the barn, dirt, &articles of straw, and tiring members of the Managing the village and in the immediate The �,�•a�u}�On oteer foreign matter will stick to the 1° Board were re-elected. M. E. Mor• viciaitp attend this meeting and V �a - hair on the udders and flanks and un- Ran, treasurer; Dr. Tomlinsa4t, hear_the inatter discussed and to - • lees care is exercised. will fall into the secretary, and D. A. Scott and voice their opinian. - pail atm$king time and sontamlastaa_ —_ -Jobe Scott auditors. A heart «�. TQ Your Fuel Wor' hes the milk. ` y This can be-largely-overcome by note of appreciation was given the tN EMORIAM. There are dollars !ya� about your farm in waste wood which clipping the hair on the cow's udders pastor and all the offieers of the ' a Toronto Saw vrilt readily tura into coalmving fuel. It's one and Banks. It's no difficult task. It _ !g On Sa societies. LrT r dear oyer lentos memory of of � � money-makers I-know of and I care recommend it costs very little. Clip regulaely. A On Saturday morning Jan. 19th our dear mother,Margaret Ann Y ' as a table solution of foil worries. All-steel little time thus spent will prove a .. the death of Melissa.Alice Coates. Little,whodiedJaa.28tt+, 1922. liiglily P Y - 1&rgefactor in making money from K :. :wife of Wm. R. Coates, occurred We who loved you sadly miss you, • construction---strongly braced--Malt to last. Will operate best your dairy. As it dawns another year, w;�a TORONTO to run efficiently on gasoline or It's a to brush and wife dirt from : .. at her late borne, Huntsville.aged Bey _ In our tenets hours of thinking, a cows'udders and Banks after the -27, pears. Mrs. Coates had been ketene- Y Thoughts of you are always near: have been cll d. ailing for about four months with The Toronto Saw is only one theYxYkmB.PmPo+i- 11Pr diabetes, but, was not thought to —Annie sad C. A. tions is the Toronto F" Fquipaient line. Let's talk over the The product a the healthy-cow can - -be serious. She oras taken end- otl�when you re in towh. or write to me for literature• be thodseasily spoiled for use by careless : methods.•`- Spotted milk means a denly worse on Friday-and passed yYhitevale money lees to you. iawap Saturday at 2 30 a. m. De- ° - Milk sours because of ' bacterial ..ceased bad been married for nin . .W. R. EMERSON, ."Whitby P�14De 3084 growth. Bacterial are the.smallest m3onths. The sad news of her The Service Garage form of plants and grow rapidly. in •••+sickness having come to Clare- milk. Some kinds of bacteria are !moat on Friday p. m. her two - • harmful and cause disease. Market* Oyer)hauling, Painting, all kinds milk should be as nearly as possible ieiaterq, Mrs. D. A. Pugh soil Miss :Jennie Morn, took the train for repairing done. ' Ignition free from all bacteria.—From a.bead. Huntsville and arrived at her late - a specialty. 1 ing'Farm Paper.. _ ,residence a few minutes after she Your old Ford top re-covered F. M. Cooper C18lemon had passed away. . On Saturday, for $13.00. _ :at 8 P. m., at her late resideriee, Be & Poynter The Piltei7II — there was held• a.• funeral service � �n • • - Cg +, -con nated bw the Rev. Mr, Skene which was largely attended by - _ O ut O V • a&Ce Committee ____ the public and by the members of - o nadian Leather Com- _ • - The object of this Association is to pany's BBnd, of• which her bus - (h �' - lessen stealing elonaprosecnte,. . band is a member. The funeral G th@'i Bas met ather parents' residence' on FORTIFY ; 'Tuesday. Jan. 22nd, service being ,. " Members having�o�ty stolen oorumomil -conducted by Rev. Mr. Orsborn, ' }` • YOURSELF Beginning Saturday " ,•August 25th' callsimm•diatel- with'wyy member ' .. 6AINST _ of E:.rdtive Oommitles. assisted by Rev. Mr. McLellan; �;� N _ Mr.. Orstxiro taking for his text TpE Membership too a $1.00.` Luke 24 c 8; "He is not here, but is `'' •f COLD. Leave 'Pickering 'Leave Toronto risen," which he delivered in a °� 'rioketr m@iz•hr�r,-do troo �„•�Pr■erieeat or; very impressive manner to w let ' " T" gatllbriag of aurrowing friends,tl a -1 7 45 a m (Daily) , , 0 � • --M Ezac, Com.—L. D.ar Hanka, i S.Palm � d • • • . er, Donald Mariro. Pickering. eceased having been a great • + favorite with all �n who had the NOW THAT the win. 15 M Daily ext pt Sundays :� M m J-,R, 'thextOdi W. J• Clarke ple8sure `of her , acclnaintance. ' ter time is with its p. and olidays } •Vit p. presid•at,; a.eiet•n ''b Among the many floral tribntE a again, fortify yourself?a- were wreaths from the AnttloCana• R 9' 00 p Sundays and } ss�� p . Alan Leather Company's Band, ainst the elements. Make. • HoIidaya only �•cJ0 P. In• -� S` the Ladies Aid of the Baptist . sure that the food that you . Ch rch,BooH- manager the A. take' into your system to .: 'Standard Time} g e C. N. palatable and nourisbing. R. Telegraph Co., Peterboro. In• Order our bread and our torment took place in'the Union _ ®�"���� Cemetery, Claremont. The pall pastry and after each meal - X1.00. Intermediate points --bearers were Cliff Soden{ Norman you will express your gra• :Return trip from Pickeringp -Graham, Morgan Hill, Maitland tificatiun, Anderson, Fred E and-M4g - - -- O , - rgan. There are left to kept all materials and design 7 -. ke 1 id,toot. I1 will w You mourn her lose a sorrowingbna- _ _ ■ - call at our works and inspect ons aloe$ y hand and her parents,D. . and Bus stops ateGordon House. Passen;ers taken on obtain psis. Don't be mi.ha fi y agents we do not ediploy III t -- ' \� atri lilt. iy we ban, and do tbrow Off s Mrs. Morgan. ve sisters, Mrs. D. �� O i`. , y-po A• Pugh, Mrs. Leslie Feaeby of �� i�j�L �a oommoostoa of 10 per 061A., b•yo wY ;. Uxbridge, firs. A. E: Ormerod of � ��r *•^ certainly save by purchasing from ns. Greenwood. Jennie and Laura at ,jBAKE Y; ti •ailsolloi 0L home. two brother°. Roy Morgan ,. PHONE 900 yr -CALL ALCUTTS —GARAGE , r J. T. MATRESO of Claremont, and Alex E. Dilor- gan of Torontc. , Phone Ind. 200 OMceind Works, Whitby,Onlssl¢' ' p. .. w.o- ,..� a ."r -^ ,' .:r' :.• y,,. n h•'.T rM,. i.• �. I •,t 'f �,�a�ir,ssy `�+'A-�.a., e.T< �' .1 yy�'ff��.�`^'nl' 7'Y, ,,, %..•R:^ �.;�',gy' '�" . .., ,' .. ro .. ,. R!.. `r.?+r•a .p '�' .�n t- '.xu,.r+d°.,,�y+a �.; k- .k.�`xk.'f ,,,. - ..•' .,�;,?_•+ ._f[N�.)rk...'�` T. 4 C d.;, ..4rR ; •r S-,'Q+.,5.. -� �^;�'...: .:.';.' ''.wF ,' '''G^,w•,•wfi'.°-�•', 'r' ".'S' �.✓ 'F�' ,x�.A,;: w -. °". J,..._ '°"S: -.,�.- 'f. .,�,. ..+,w7A:..N•-•:'u•w�«fiO.�..e.s ;,�.'.. .: ,. '._ ...,.�.:..., ,'r .,,... ..•.'. ..;�L�. - A.. .a: -� . ,pr, ... J r it _ mliture to'stand undisturbed for sev- —AND THE WORST IS YE T.T CO1V-Z . : -� _ era? hours. Then, carefully pour the ..- Ouse 1 gasoline into a second container, tak- s _ ^ � ,,tj " ing care not to disturb the water and ' - o sediment at the bottom; and the ie- = At - f'. covered gaso]Iae will serve for clean- � : -- -- ----- _ -` Ing again. .- " In order-te prevent the water and a .41 HER FATHER'S'WORDS. could strike an average. make this sediment from. entering the second }ZuS {��rrtvt=l-r It was Martha's last night at home- a, Martha's heart was beating hard as• rY sacra- as a motion. container it will be ne"Ma, !yp COOW NC - She had.known.of_course_that it would flee a.�mall quantity o! the gasoline, _ taoRwA�-*uric' r' be hard' to, leave her father, even she sat down. Then to her-gstonish-p but"the movement the water, when WED IN -� y ment her motion passed, and the dual pouring, can easily be detected and though Aunt Ellen was- cowing to P ' P.. g' yam' s �- "°' keep.honse for him, but she had never were finally put at ten dollars. f no difficulty should be experienced in M¢s.C-rt�lMES n; b As they left the meeting'hal! ;keeping the'fluids separated. Sal_soda LA►tOLAOY �t - iealized-Just how, it.-would he till.the.- "1 - _ — .' time came. It was queer how difficult dozen girls stopped-to-thank-her, and•dissolved in the same-same .sa the _ suddenly Martha remembered herr go washing powder also makes a odit wan to tsik-, toth were - - `� 1¢ I the clock struck ten, end Martha a e s wor se ng sosolution + turned to her father.. CRANBERRY GAMER, should be.thoroughly-mixed with the "I—I didn't know that it was going gasoline to obtain best results. S° Cranberries are as good in games-ae :• : .' to be likg thiel" -she cried. "I don't m sauce. _Be sure to use firm red' A, MODEL EASY TO DEVELOP 1 -feel-w bit like a•college girl, father- berries for the following games; AND ECONOMICAL OF y - tr I feel about five years old, and some- First a large glass of cranberries MATERIAL - J' ,Q ,hick."' is shown. Each child makes a guess "I feel as if the world were coming as to how many berries are in the "bo as ,end," her father replied. He &lass. The one'who guesses nearest r ' bat Martha saw with a ions smilin _ g to the right number becomes leaden ' : ;_-. '., ._ _ .- � Pang that he looked old. . "I wish I for the next game. '' _- , . could say things, dear, the things that The children sit in a row with their -your zgother would have said. I don't•hands laid together in an upright yo- know "much about girls. Only -I'm sition on their Iaps. The leader; with, pretty. sure of one .thing. 'You may a cranberry between her hands, which? Leel strange •and lonely. at first" are laid together'just as those of the sY little country girl among so many other players, goes down the line slip- who-have had all sorts of things; yet ping her hands between those of the t. _ --the real things.of life are always the w. Mme, no matter how the outward car- other children. .Into one pair of hands .' • _ li a' the cranberry. When she S'•' `> .cnmstances differ. 'Courage and hon- she s p ry has finished she says, - "Cranberry, esty and kindness are current every- cranberry, who has the cranberry?" •• - (� k where. In the end, being-sterling, The child.who was farthest from.the Y g b. they most win the things of biggest ,' � •��'; value 'in life." right count in the guessing game mast _. , , , " guess who has the bevy R .7' . I r.•-----� That sounds like you, fathe=r- I- •a • __ . .. For another_ jolly game line. the I'll try to remember," said Martha children rip In two rows having equal - — -- — y' was-different from as } thing Martha had ever expert- numbers in each. Give the first child . r• ;- patterns is in pockets made for the In each.row a handful of cranberries. u and hung on the closet door i isnced In her high-school a1asp there At a van signal each child sea purpose g I had been nine girls; at colla a was'her Pea of the sewing room Use a piece of I STORIES OF WELL Be ah her cranberries to the next in line, : : La s class of four hundred Certain i� cretonne or any.desired material, a using only one hand and trying not 'iii{ ,� little narrower than the door and long - .girls' were popular at.once-athletic t , girls,-girls with beauty, money or a to lent any berries drop. If any'ben- { , enough to .hold about four rows of KNOWN PEOPLE ries.fall she mast pick Cheam up and gift for leadership. Martha was only , '•�' '; • pockets. . Make the pockets wide one of the unnoticed ones. give them to the next player before X r g -. the passing can go on. In this way enough so that when held a little fnIi. When the question of clans dues they will be about six inches wide; Our Unpolitical Prince. a Claire Jocelyn toren the.hamar moat be'passed down the they can be lour or air inches fon yn ty- g' d asked a friend recently what his ' -five dollars, and Claire had enthnsiae- Iiae and back again. The side gtatting They may be bound all around and all the berries back first wins. 'lam r politica were. He looked perplexed, "e followers. Martha began to calcis- then stitched on, or just bound at' and replied: "I'm either-a Canaerva- A berry-stringing contest may wind r s `e; could she afford to pay s0 mach. . the teP� five or a Liveral or•-a Labor Man" * m t fun. The ons who strings the ? �a `• , Then-something caught her � -'- .�. �'stterns:tor garrcenta for each Which was his way of aaytng. he had' ' noon—the dismayed eyes of a most berries is a. given time ie the •4263. Figured percale was chasm member,of the family may be placed -?sial dressed girl whose name she winner. ' for this practical apron. with rick in separate packets, or patterns of the uvea it up f= i Y g! P P Pa P P of course, I looked superior and got know. For a n%ment Martha - - - ' rack braid for. trimming. One could same kind may'be put together:- The passed him by. There are few mea ' P*' •u:ht hard; she so lou to be -CLEANING GASOLINE. . hate n or cambric or sateen. lower pockets ave'also very eonven-! I' Gasoline used in the dry cleaning Sham who map own to no political t mind •,-tg-the girls -who counted for g The style is also good for .rubber- seat for bits of lace,trimmings, thread without losing caste. One of them fa rn - Y amething in the class. To have any- of garments st home is often thrown finished fabrics and for crepe. and embroidery ebtton. the Prince of Wales. Ire think that she was r and r- away because of the dirt contained. The Pattern is cut in one size.-Pe "I am not allowed to know anything mean might spoil her chances. This can be removed and the gasoline M�ym, It requires`1% yard-of 82 - ` about politics;'•he,said the other day.' ;let that girl's, eyes! - again purified for future cleaning in inch-material. BETTES-LOOHING CURTAINS, •That is ons of the greatest privileges "• Martha got suddenly .to her feet , very simple manner. Pattern mailed to any address oa In hanging window curtains of net, i possess." "Madam Chairman," she said, ' -it! For,each gallon of 98301111e to be receipt of 15c in silver by the Wilson muslin, scrim, Swiss or any light ma- - Perhaps Perhaps the only real difference.be, seems to me that the only fair wa i settled, dissolve two ounces of com- Publishing Company, 73 West'Ade-Ade- - 7 y g P Y. serial, slip each curtain over the rods tween the Prince and his pople to that 7. is to.have each girl write on a, slip i mon washing Powder in a half Pint-Of wide St, Toronto. Allow two,weeks at the top of the window, turn up.he pretends not to know anything about of paper the sum that she can afford hot water• Stir this into the gasp- for receipt of pattern; even with sill and baste the hem with)politics when he-does, while we pre- to pay. It isn't easy to say it out i line while'still warm--becareful to fine thread 'so it will Tsang perfectly l tend to_kuow all. about politica when - ' , i y ;PATTERAF POC- ETS.- h fond sometimes but we could all-write, do#his awn from--time-tire, sad pre- even. Before washing pall out basting we don't. :it. From the amount on the all we ferably out-of- doors-and allow the The most.convenient place to keep thread, as the curtains will doubtless 1 _ - — shrink �Plfen ready to hang.turn the, to Lauder's Wake. hem as before, but this time it can be Benno Moiseiwitach, the famous stitched in, as curtains do not-shrink ptanist,.has no tremors regarding him- - efter the first washing, i! properly self now, but once he was exceedingly r done. I nervous. He- confesses that,his most 7. s' trying, experience,occurred before he - ' 1VIek t Sea y was due to spear at a concert at Devonshire Park. Eastbourne, some - --- -- Few dangerscomp people undergone•by a hardships ara ago. Har Lauder was the OPrn. —and beforehim. sad 8rio�'ta=ihn-.c pianist was impressed by longing to RofHce cavy Navy -who a i%eiot Lauder''s name on the post- tive handful of r en be the •�� the N o work • •fti year in and year out surveying coast- en-:---so much bigger than his own. ,vines and mappingthe little-known , "I.wanted to see this man who was. :. depths o1 the ocean. so big and so popular," says Moll , The Hydrographic Department of w h "1 w _ fisc . as afVd for my playing. the British.Admiralty,hai.eight sloops I almost wished ff was not playing at " constantly employed in the tank of a ir. 'keeping the seas charted. and forty of i tt' y 'friend and I stood.in the wings M d 70 under the con : to'watch Harry Lender's performance. liters an 0 men are • : - - trot o1 a rear-admiral. 11 thoul he was wonderful, but alt The bed of the ocean and the out-f the time I was'afraid that, when he - - v-- s' ' lineschanf r goy that-for 8theconstantly of ,bad finished, the'people-would go, and r. _ Low O that they would rake no poticE of my - to aeatir t d -• revpsed-and oro p1�� suddenly, flourishing his big quant intervals. d maps have to be _ : 1 • h up t e•1{� y - letick; Harry Lauder turned to us and bis-: i. .-The lover price of Ford cars and automobile; ; e mer t d ass -begin--;�naorn Were.ah n ea: trucks has been one of the great manufacturer extend their *ole islands have either appeared or '(het away, you boys! Do you dynamic foicgs in the develop- business into new and profitable disappeared in the course of a few hear? ' yn �' hours. Falcon Island. near-the•Ton.I .It was only part of his stage bust-, i Anent of motor transportation. fields by means ca motor delivery, gas, for instance', was.first discovered ' near;' concludes the Pianist, "but I the farmer carries 1118 fresh and charted in 1885, yet although the thought he meant us, and I was so masa of rock included cliffs rising fol- R Since January 1920' the average produce tQ the best markets With '' ly 150 1t above the ocean level,it torr- frightened that Ii turned and ran out price of Ford products has as ta8t as z could p .' none of the old-time hardshl pletely disappeared shortly atter- • dropped 38% and Ford prices �:- wards. In x908 a volcanic disturbance are now the lowest in the history and delay and all for a very once more brought the island to-the the spoken wore. ._ s shall initial investment, notice or the surveyors, but-before the Before you express an,opinion of a of the industry. and of the gear it had disapp���r��-• man's words,you really ought `to see' again.' }his face while he utters them. I have, ' And because-Ford prices are so, Fifty out of every hundred* small berries reading on Wild- ., low, the work_ er and,his family . cars-,and trucks In Canada are stretchee of coast are frequently met mvaiha asey teeth apvi�pose nshtie ' �" en the innumerable. benefits Fords with showers of stones or even'bullets remarking:'"This pudding's n.g:' And y spy —dile t O the public 1 c :. from suspicious 'Inhabitants. Again,�."Iwonderwhat expression Mr.. Israel and 'delights of Darning an appreciagon of Ford value., - much of the work has to be carried Zangwill wore when he said to as : a•. out from small' boats, which may be American audience: away from the parent ship for a week '-,you New Yorkers are Iazy and in- : See Any Authorized Ford Dealer or more at a time. consequential. You are also vulgar. K An Qfticer and half men, de Your million dollar drives typify this, tailed to work along a portion of,the..•your million,dollar temples are as rut " Chinese coast, encamped on a rock one gar as your Sunday papers. Your im- _ _ night. Soo after daybreak a oruiser migration policy is a cruel muddle. Soon a - _ 1111 ` came along "d began using this tem- ••Still,you are the best half educated ! - - porary refuge as a target for gunery poople in the world. q practise. ' Se er 1 shells found their Reminiscent, this, of the youth who - mark before the' men were able to applied for a job as oftice'boy, and said ' ~ make it kn�n that the rock web in- on his return: 1 CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS _ " h&piled, _ -"He told me my Writing was rotten, "' !and Lhat my boots were dirty, and that, ,� I Half the mischief 'in the world is my collar was a disgrace, and that I pi I done by listening to gossip,—Mr. Wil- looked like a first-class liar, and en- berforce (the London, magistrate), gaged me to start next l�iarday:4' s `•• ... a�..;y,• : y, ':: ri' :.;':... - ..f - rr -°0.,:4`0 �RS,.e �: :.a•e. .,i�''c'f.wy'Yarx:°- �;.°:ip' .d;*� M �." �Jt +.<t' X' ,,.r-.. 7L$^. :ee-6h;';qF"-^''`'""' .�,. �y.. ,..'S�- :, •ti.. '4'a: d l -�,"`' z• r ., . 4.. :•. •�.,.-k, .. 1.,rti-, ., <`f'"yf•F'.1.! i. ' i{ s.- .r.An""f`Y� � �' ._,a,y' ...+-' .✓ .Yiy K", 4 ._4..Sy.�w� � :-y M"'"Fn. .•T)..�. YAa" +S. l _ 's Orders 4rom Hindquarters. EASY CKS -q C16 A�te>rt:eeri!ll1�i► Murphy, a am cavalry recruit, was, j -FOR SALE given one 'of the worst horses in the No.406 ' ttoop. _ •A Cardj Iyflttry. GvO �oOD WILL SL9,SS,STDV73 "Remember;" said the sergeant, "no, � length. Car lots. Reid -Nros4 • Bothwell; Oat •• one 1s allowed' fo dismount• without - - orders." Murphy wae`.no eooa_er in the sed- - The Chusfiiny Bfow. ` Grown people have lots of disap- �• _ * Qle than the horse busked -,1ynd ,c •: Mlirphy went over his head. _ _ _ pointmenta, but none of them cam• EDRO — " pares to that which a little fellow feels T- E � Murphy;".yelled the sergeant,.'you: ._: -- •• ��� - _ - '+ when the clerk informs him that shoesdismounted. J like'hin big brother's are:.not made In _ The ORANGE PEKOE QUALIT3� makes `;I did, sergeant." 1 sizes small enough for him. Did you have orders. : ♦ •'I did." finer tea and more of it = "Prom headquarters;' Keep Mlnard'e Liniment In ilia howwop '�•--- "No, sor; from hiadquarters:' - ,. --- — of the Goods _... _ rr ��IRM ICATION11 SO NERVO[ S SHE ,� ® ® � Aman,wanted w ring tl the par cels orate at a rallwa station "Is that the parcels office?" - - red"when"h®hes=nth -ours h — r. x. This clever method of discover, i e in- . - girl's voice over the wire.e d tit S .EEEP Ing•a card selected by a spectator q "No" �� ' 71 Provincial Board of health. Ontario -� she replied, eweatly. I m may be combined with some'other „ Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer Questions on Public Health mat, trick to very food effect.• How- the goods! A.Quebec Woman Found Relief ever, standing by Itself, It is•an tern through this comma How- "dress him at Bpadlaa souse. Bpadtas excellent little inyaterp. Don't lot us manntactnre imagin- Creacent. Toroata and Wants Others to BIIOW. Place the ace, two spot, three a sins, but concentrate on the sins y - Mrs. Donald M. McLeod, F.pringhill, spot and four spot of any suit on we know to be'real.—Bishop Welldo;; Que., was a victim of great nervous- the Lop of the pack. Ask a ,pee- - Measles appear to be' somewh•tti The two serious complications =re tator to cut the cards and look at more prevalent in Ontario thin year broncho- ammonia and tuberculosis, nese until she found the right remedy, p p the top card of .the lower cut. � :- than it was last year. Recent reports but other complications are the in- and is now-anxious that others shall While he In doing. this, pick up . show that up till the Ond of Novem- Lection of eyes and ears. profit by her experience. Mrs. Mc- the upper cut and deal the fourASjL her .,there. were 10,081 cases as Cees- Here are some simple facts one Leod says:—"Some years ago I be- Roo Carse in a row. Oak the epeo- jLRIN Pared with 8,950 cased during the en- ought to know.about measles:—It is came run down and grew so nervous tator to place his card on any of tire year 1922. Of course this disease the most infecdou3 of the communi- that my life was, a burden to myself the Lour cards (which are, of comes in waves every three years or cable diseases of childhood. Nearly and 'all around me. Every night I course, face down) and on this so, but measles would never thin the every child that is exposed takes this would wake up with a choluria fabling, card deal as many cards,as he BQWan of Imltatlonst ;m headway it does if. quarantine.•mess- disease. It is often contracted be- likes, Se is then to deaf as many ores wepe stric9y adhered to. Until}tweet' five and fifteen years of age, numb all over and my heart beating at ash likes on each of the other a ppublic consciousness is awakened to but is moat common duru;g the first an alarming rate. I world romp up thia fact we will still have outburLts r five ears of life. The general death end walk the floor and declare I was Cather the packs -of cards to- � of measles. Many parents adopt an l rate of this disease is not less 'than dying. Then I would have sinking gather. The trick,now is to grid L.-=.S 'inexplicable- attitude with legard to tour per-cent. of all cases. spells, and all day long would be so the selected card. As you know . Aiseases of this kind. Because it m Whn the disease starts the child the tour cards you dealt oa the I dizzy that I `would -stagger like a YEis =f• the usual experience' of child life to begins to sneeze and cough, the eyes R encounter measles and other-diseases become red and watery and there is drunken' person. I was afraid to be table you know the card which he of childhood, i left alone, anal my condition was ter- DIaced. You will look for the these pazenta take the sometimes a chill. A rash usually ap- }}��omt of view of "the sooner over, the pears in about four days from the rible. I was then taken to the Sher- card you know and the next one fetter," and exercise little care to onset,be nning on the face neck and brooks hospital, but the treat"ut -will be the card selected. _ prevent these ailments. In,fact they I head and frequently extending to the there did me no good and I came back (OliP this out and Paste it, with almost act-as if they would like.the trunk, arms and legs. The eruption home so weak that I could hardly D1=lie aeries, is a aclrapl►opJe,� children to take measles and have begins with small reddish spots ap- cross the floor. I could not take care 4 done with'it. npeearing in groups that have a tea- of my children, and my mother did so, Such an' idea is simply preposter- dency to form irregular crescents. Everybody thontfht I was dying, and I The Tree's Hcal'f-Beni. s, Has a tree a soul? Has it a - •Dna. With proper care and foresight,� Since measles i8 so highly common- was lust waiting and wondering when per• IInisss You see the name "Savin - children need encounter little sick- .*cable and since a high death-rate at- sonallty? These apparently absurd n Gess. tend@ complications therefrom, it is the end would come. At this stage my Cross" on package 'or on tablets you. .. p attention was directed' to Dr. Wil- questions are provoked by Sir J. C. a" not getting the genuine Bayer L- Children'need no more have child important that one should-prevent or Rose's recent lecture to the Royal- rens' diseases than a dog need have postpone this disease aa'long as nos- Hama' Pink Pills, and I 4ot a supply paras proved sate by millions and pre- society-of Medicine on the heart-bests Bless," is the terse way one writer sable, for the highest mortality occurs at once.' By the time I bad used live scribed by phYstefsas ore= treaty- �{ of the tree. uta it. Parente are sadder and wiser in children under two years of age. boxes I felt mach better, could eat iliacs yam toe pp His experiments show that a definite Colds Beadaebe often. orhen their offspring have Quarantine may not Completely better, and sleep better, and Telt al- either died from measles, or-incurred stampon+ m--rlee but if the aran- active tissue extends through every Toothache Lumbago - 94u most like s new woman. I continued some rmanent disability as an af-I tine is effective @sad if parents will, tree..* The cellular pulsations of this Nearids Rheumatism pe ty a Dills for some time farther, an'fl � ` �;• • termath of the disease For it is the guard their children against infection Wsue'to regular sequence by their llleoralafa Pain. Pala am now a strong and health, woman. complications, and troubles that often the number of cases would be very pumping action came the movement Iecdpt "Heyer Tablets of Aspirin' I I advise s[S run-down women to try follow an attack of measles that cause considerably reduced, and there wouldf the sap. When these pulsations are only. Each unbroliea package eon. ' such a heavy toll' of disability and be many Iess sufferers from the ser- Dr. Williams'' Pink PlIIa as I am sure arrested they can be rtevlved b d roves dissctions. Hand? hoses death. i sous after-effects of the disease. they will do for others what they-have y drugs, bins D - 4 done for me." by blows, or.by massage. In Bengal of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drag. �w y The new bales tax will not increase the sugar-canes are actually milked. gram also sell bottles of 24 and lot. g GUTHE BABY the price of'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,.- The pulsation of.the cell is ultra- Aspirin is the trade mark (registered = �1�� COLDS as the company pays the ,tax. You mlaro@copic, but Sir J. C. Bose has in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Af>��INST COLDS gh y detected 1t,�by his electric robe in Cir. Yoaoaceticsddestes of 8alfcylicacld. can still obtain the pills through as th,/ p medicine dealer'st 60 Dents a hoz, or Coit•wi a recording galvanometer. While it is well known that Aspirin ' means Bayer *anufacture, to assist by mall, post paid, at this price. from �y agent which quickens the heart- beat o! the animal also quickens the the public against imitations, the Tab- The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. er Company will be stain •�'.� To guard the baby against colds Brockville, Oat. heart-beat of the tree. The life of the lea o! Hay g nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- tree is as wonderful as the life of mea. ad with their isasrtl tease mask. Ws :! J lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative' -HaYs,r Class' ' that will keep the little one's stomach Tears in the House u 0 and bowels working regularly. It is a Tears In the house and a lake upon Children should be taught to live [] Q recognized fact that why re the stom- the laws, dangerously. By reducing lite to a H OA Lt.7 E ach and bowels aro in good order that Peter in a business o! insurance and safety Bret paddy and Pattie In a parents might produce long-11ved chil- Remove the danger of bronchitis by r p•�r colds will not exist; that the hdalth of Det; dren, but they will have no character. gargling with Minard's in water. the little one will be goo" cad that he Barging and bickering ever since the —Dr, Crichton Hitler. An enemy to germs. rill thane and be 1zaPDy. The new .. dawn; - tfimreyrnood Stili On. -- - sales tax will not increase the price of Who'd have a boy or girl when holt- u_`�� *!Hasn't their honeymoon ended Baby's Own Tablets, as the company ays are wet?. Mot ert Give Sick Baby a , Yet?" . pays the tax. .You can still ' btain the u�ihlt)r>dti Fig ,gylUpy' ng yet-she still believes every- Tablets through any.medicine dealer Tear in the,house and a hubbub to thing he hes to say." at 26 cents a box,or by mail,post ps•!d. the hall, "armless Laxative to Clean Lhres and `00 O� " -- from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co... Seart-ache and merriment • �. making Bowels of Baby or Child. - =�lo Buch Perso Brockville, Ont. life a seat! "Damn,'° snarled the eneral,�"why • - 1n a whirlwind, kissing,one sad )Oven eoastipa- jM can't . you be - more careful?. You all; should have addressed this leiter to Who'd have a li a ish bilious.sic. tcall* ..: the intelligence Officer and V girl to Tawe her fah, es sick colloyou've �- at her bed! Babies and Child- ,gone and addrebsed It to the Inteili- ren love to take . igent officer.- Don't you know there iii Tears in-the house, be there Heaven ttnuine "Califon r ' +� ..zo such officer-r' overhead! _ afa ft Syrup.' *`� '� BACK ACHED ' { �� "Never weep for me, dear; (Sod is No other :axative �� Ask for Minenre and take no•etMh -F-� _ ever kind." regulates the tea. = 1 , Ah! but the loneliness, now the last der little bowels, - -TERRIBLY:Egypt has 166 daily and weekly The Proliminary_Btep. t7aa fled! to nicely. It �c " - Of these ninety-four - newspapers. 'You say Brown is fitting hi&s'elf - Who'd be the withered-•feat- the' sweetens the stomach and starts the -• — : are in Arabic, six in other Oriental` wind has left behind? ' liver and bowels acting' without gr* to become aft Americas atateaman?" lug. Contain@ no narcotlq or Booth- • a Teifs HOW S W languages,, sixty-three. in .European "Oh, Yee; he's Just left for c year in w" Ing drags. Sal "C arta tics" to your � . B� ' tongues, and three in combinations of Moscow, you know.,, - Pay your, out-of-town accounts by FOoa ReW T L ata L Eastern- and Western languages. Dominion )gess Money Otdem -� r�-�tenetlsl I& � Cairo is responsible for 105, ATexan- From - silt Doors g asdBe "Cailforaia Pig �kha s Veget" r, , country fifteen. In fact, Cairo, with The modern alchemist no longer Eagle hunting 1s a dangerous sport, Chatham,, Ont.—"I took Lydia E. a population of between 600,000 and dreams of transmuting the baser met- and one-not oftes, indulged in nowa- Pinkham` egetable Compound for a 700,000, has twenty-four daily news- als into gold; he is more concerned days- Some years ago,a climber In the 'run-down condition after the birth of papers, thus far ontstsippinQ London. with the possibility of extracting from Alpe was' looking' for eagles' nests ,\� my baby boy. I had terribie•pains and backache, and was tired and weak, not t the waters r the ocean the vast tqutn-6 be when he was attacked by two parent �r fit to do my work and care for my three ,•GIRLS 1 A GLEAMY MASS Lity o! the previous metal known to be birds. Being.abltged toylet go his hold little children. One day I received your oF BEAUTIFUL.HAIR held in solution in them. he tell a great distance'and was se= Tittle Book and read it,and gave np tak As a matter of fact, it was•rum ored verely injured. The birds continued l ^ ing the medicine I had and began taking ,•, „ recently that a proflt-sble method of to attack untll one was shot. .J the Vegetable Compound. I feel much S5-Cent Danderine 5o Im- doing this had been discovered, and Not long ago a' thrilling fight be• better now and am vest ashamed to tell } Proves 11feless, Neglected that.Germaa7 might pay her raper&. tween a man and ii eagle took,place it what it woman-think-feels as recommendas.done for me. I do" tion debts Ili sea-water gold. on a Scottish moor: Seeingan eagle ! r te' The rumor,however,"was remsture. with a rabbit-trap danglinfrom hits �T —Mrs• J. R. McM,►Iaoiv, 2t53 Harvey s D p g to St.,Chatham, Ont. r An abundance of It has been, calculated that there is foot, the man tried to attract the bird Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- juxuriant.hair full one ounce of gold is every 51,000 tons so that he might remove the trap. Mls- pound, made from roots and herbs,has 41 .of gloss, gleams of sea-water. And this gold is not in taking his intention, the-eagle swoop- fornearlyfiftyyearsbeenreatoringsick, Ya:. simple solution but in what is known ed down upon him and he.only escaped ailing women to-health and strength. It and..'life shortly p relieves the-troubles which cause such follows a genulue as the "colloidal" state, thus render- by diving,into the heather. Then, as symptoms as backache,painful periods, toning up of neg. I•ing Its extractioA a very difficult and the eagle circled round in readiness t' , Irregularities, tired, worn-out leelings ., 4ecteg scalps-with. costly matter. for another attack, the man hit it.with YoID► Cumplenon - a andnervousness.Thisinshowna¢sinand d_iend;ble "Dan• At present, indeed, the cost of pro- a branch: The bird reeled and fell "'C again by such letters as 111ra.Zi�cMahoa Y' dghhg,�• during' gold from sea-water is, about dead. WRCIIC� writes, as well as by one woman telling Falling h a 1 r. twenty times tike market price. another. These women know, and are ftebing'stalp and O _ _ ___ _ Bathe with Cnticurs Soapand•bot willing to tell others•what it did for =.the dandruff Is .-,_Surely Not. - D A water to free the pores of them; therefore, it is surely' worth t cor'"cted immediately. Thin,' dry, "I am sorry to'iaf*rm you that your URS New>t�yes and follow with a gentle app.*cation ypu�trial- �"- wiap7 or fading hair m quickly iavigor• eon James has been playing truant," as eau p„ g of�IIfa fitment to soothe and Women who suffer should write to the 7 heal. They are ideal for the toilet, Lydia E.Pinkham 1KedicineCo.Cobour -,ated, taking' on •new strength, color said the teacher to-the )toy's another; i)Zissa,QaMbyteadmm a le also Cuticum Talcum-for pow- f and youthful beauty. "Dauderine•' is -"I don't believe it!" cried the indig- Marine 1. >Reme deria and min Ontario, fora free, co of ,ydin E. VR and 1ltoralas- gu g Pink�am e Private Tt-Boog npod delightful on the hair; a refreshing, sant parent. "If he has; he ,didn't � ��• �"+�•T'k"�`• Sold am Peculiar to Women." ' O ;-atimulating.' tonic - not sticky or learn' tt at home. We never 'play ITow"vr4s ckmCMa ass�4- �u"g'outth6Mmtnion.UnadianDepot: - yrs Write for Free BreCa-Boot Lynam,40bd 741 St.Peal SL,W.,Itsetml.' - ' malas 8"Buntr cs—rasttrl4irNl.0-im at. *e Awes without ora& I SS U E'N o. 6—'24. greasyf Any-drugstore. dards.' _ , &.,.'�• �•,.. ;r, .: ^_ �..,. _�, .. `.->'�._<,.., - Y� ...a:" "3,�„Y>:r 'Awa ,e.n v:✓'. � *.1 , .:.,,,r`,r�,•.+�.•.ry.,r a'g., . :,.,, : :" :�,,;..,e..ya. :�,y ;,+ ./ `�"rK' :r � .�• ..1x:,,,�., :!;;F. .'t "`r- .'e =l"�` a.x .r ,,,<,, +r, � _a ee;, a, •' '' �.. - .:., rax. ,.-7, a'a r 2 � a"✓F'". � ,,�, , .. �ray;r;,�,.. .. r - k '• s a `,r«•-s .+SY, 'baa ir• _ +�.•• - y e• 71 UNEARTQN T�-t ;-James AHtiwhhy of Clat'emont: :._. D, - LQ� LISMS. s gut'SundR ith J. R. and Mrs. p. _y_.I _--... - -- - - Aliseea Ulna and 11larjvrier An�tir - T,heahro. a endCn u week est T rune:' '�, # e Ci AIL l P R Y � 1 z _ -Dc.Henry will be here as usu• Mises Dv11a Burns, of Toronto, spent -. -Arthur Pearson spent a'wee • al' next Tuesdny•t-o•.a•Ltend to rile the weekend with her tnolhAr• �•',*,R� - - at L. Salter tt. . professional d.u.ties. * Nve alto; leased tel see Rev.•J.,F. r '' -Bide-wheel pul er for sale b {{�l �. d p y -�Vauted-Young girl fur•light Clugsi;ou ikble to reou►ne his profess- _'_ J. R. Thextou, Pickering. * work in Excelsior Mill. Apply at ional duties. _ -Levi Salter spent a few days Rose Excelsiur Mill, Piekeriag. *�' On Wednesday, Feb. 8th the Sun- J. LadieB Heather o clocked nand with friends in Taunton. -Dr.!Ing in A. sadleir, Dentist, the b semen day School, lVdlan including evettdle lnlad la}Yj finest English hosiery"; reg. . =Anson and Mrs. Pharr,of Coul ra�t'icIn in Toronto, will be here the Horne basement tot, asociableDepartment are invited to tics, spent a few days„with the y from 7.3u to lU,3U. $Alter and Prouse families. in his office on Thursday from 10 g f a. m: to 5 n. m., as usual. Geryild and Mrs, Gowan hlireinvitod --John Boyer has been in YESryy -The'Quarterly Meeting of the the youuR people of the community to 2.00, 1,75 .and 1.50} for i pt-)or health during the past week Friends took place here on Sun• skate at Rosebank on Saturday even- -i and ler ander the doctor's care. day. A large uuml2@r were Pres- Ing. They alaa'invite them to their r -tq -The township council will poi home for coffee following.' 1.4e7 1.2,7 and 1.00: ' 'meet on Monday asst, at 1 p. m., ant from distant fats, including g . 1. ' Marianne Wood, of Ithaca,N, Y., The.following officers were elected -for the transaction of g6neral others from Newmarket and other at the meeting on Monday evening: Just'a few add -lines clearing up. `-business. arts of Ontario.' Pres.-Ed. Brown, Vice-Pres.-Aloin '-Donald Munro is-ezpeeti p-.__.__._� McGlpsban,_Sec.-Treas.-Hilda Mbrr• __ = =this week a carload of No. 1 chest- -At the slt�ln'-R of-fLe Qt�un iron, �cunmittee�-1 ibses Haddon and On n11SE3 nut coal• carload f him your Council last: week: the an al Cynthla Burne, Atthur Mitrbell and Dot c at once. * grant of $1500 to the Oshawa Hos` Albert Shaw. -Born, at the Victorian Order pi al was reduced to $1000. The •CARD OF THANKS. _ reason given for the reduction was — f of Nurses' Hospital, Whitby, on in keeping with #lie pricy of re- •�en s Sweaters and Sweater , 'Wednesday, Jab. 30th, to Everett P . l wish'to thank my friepds and tela aid Mrs: Bryant, a spa. trenchment. The separation pro- tive•a for their kindness and floral trib.. ,- ' ceedings tnaphave influenced some uteu in coy recent sad bateavement. Sweater Coats, reg: 5.50, 'for 3.!5. -The Methodist Ladies Aid 'af.the metnbeis. j Wm. R. Coates, _ will hold the-February meeting lit -On Friday night last a most --»- Pullovers and V necks, reg.,3..50, for 2,00. the home' of Mrs. Thos. Lavw delightful evening was spent in CARD OF THANKS. 'Wednesday,Feb.6th, at 8 pt in the school house,-When the mein- _ 1 only Mackinaw Float, size 42, reg. 9.00, for 7.00 Arrangements have been made berg of Doric Lodge, No. 424, A. We desire_t9 express our sincere t ; for the annual sleigh ride and sup- F. & A M.', entertained their thanks for the many floral tributes x onlyBoy's Tweed Suit, size 32, reg. 12.00, for 8.50 " per in connection with the Meth friends to an "At Home." Alar a and kind expressions r- symppathy•in y g the sad pasaipg of our daughter and odist 9. S. for this{Friday) even number of invitations .were sent sister.- �j I'�1 -Ing. „ out but on account of the exceed. . D. M. and Mrs. Morgan and Family- Fred a' Bunting, Pickering --Special gale - 'wVhitehall inglp cold night. a few of .these Established11857. Chocolates, reg. 60c., at reduced were unable to be present: The SALE REGISTER. grief), 49c. in 1 Ib. lots only, ori members o€' the lodge spared'no Batnrday. Feb, 2nd. , -Calk in and Gins to make the evening a most WEDNESDAY FEB. 20TH-important eta pound at Pickeribg Bak- p credit sale of. registered Shorthorn R P * enjoyable one for their guests, and and grade cattle. registered Bhrop- -• e 'eTy everything was done, to make it a shire sheep. Clydesdale horses. -Miss Ida Bunting{, who is vie sociable event in every sense of Yorkshire pigs,poultry,implements -rhe I - ore ! iting in Toronto during the win ter months, spent a few dare the term. For about couple of etc.-, at lot llf. con. 8, Pickering. 'the4) toriiag the past week at her home hours all indulged in progressive property of Frank Boden. Write euchre and other games. in which for cartaifigue. Sale at 12 o clock. --here, returning -to the city on all entered most heartily: This Bee bills. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. `Sunday. was followed by a projrratn of un- - .A Big List of.. -The sympatliv of the con• usual excellence: The Warahipful Nevy ddvereiaeinents. mnnity is extended to Petep,and Master. W. Bro. Dr..Y. E, Cart- Mrs. Neale, of the- Kingston road wrigbt, occupied the chair in big ROOD, 1�O'%V9-APavv with nia, ND . Ey NDS0 DDS A east, on the death of their- infant moethaPPy mannor. The Orch• �forsale. R.J.Fleming,R.R;No.1, whit- - which took place on Satur• by, dap, after•a very brief illness. extra and Quartette.of Composite - t ^ -The fall of several inches of Lodge. Whitby. braved` the ele- f, OBBLERS FOR :S'ALi:-The 'Of Season-able Goods meats and delighted the audience T bronze kind: Apply to J.Williams.Simc« n clean up. snow, followed by the very mild t►ith their selections with which P°,rill R.R.1, Pickering .f121 al - ' weather of a week ago, has great- they were most liberal. The urch- FOR'' SALE-Crnteb Collie pups. - ly improve sleighing, and a4 extra included piano, violin, SaSa tt,orotsah-bred Sable,4weeks old,`readY to - - is result a number are taking ad• go. Fred Bunting,Pickering. 13tf Men's Heavy Dark Grep Winter Trousers,nit? Sus strip@, °+vantage of the good Sleighing by Phone, banjo and drum. The _-- ood ualit sizes 34 too reg price 400 per pain, € quartette, which is compo ed of OR SFR`ICE-Pure bred Yc+rk- / +•, g q y' f laying in a suprlly of fire'wood. q a e i gin a t a 08. sect trained singers, sang la a ttlost °tilt QI'hrte boar,Featherston bred Jghn g g -Services in Pickering Meth- pleasing manner nod tcercet•hiltllly Phinias,tot zz,eoa_s.Pickerisig.' 27 a_adist Church next Sunday as fail• the OR'SALE-l5 pigs weighing about idea's-Heavy Park Grep- Trouserer_vthipcord a , sizes appreciated. Mr..Bocr-man, 30 lbs.each. Apply to bicCultou h. ---Wand 88,.reg price 6 00, going at 489>don't'miss this -"=lows : 10 80 a. m•, Sacrament of nsirtefte,-`and Mr. Rowe, of tris � e the Lord's Supper; 9 p. m., S. S. q R.R.No.3, Aaremont. Phone Clare 1605. 22 '.19argaln�it's exeQptlooaL _ orchestra, also wan g solos in:excel' session, ; 7 p. m,, Regular Service. lent voice. In addition to .the j ALEMen'ssow and face young Men's Heavy Ribbed all wool Undershirts, sizes 86, 88 earl Radley service at 2.30 M. The Whitby entertainers. Mise Lonie +4'vim,7 weeks old. Apply at lot .2 ton• r t�a00 rlltliie, going at 1.2D. X. Pickering. w_J.Marriwn,R.R.No.«,Picker- ``Quarterly Official Board will meet Puckrin gave rreveral readings and lag. 21-z2 '• . , - on Monde evening, the 4th, ; men's all-wool Drawers, heavy-'rib, size $4, 2.00 value, Y F. T. Bunting apd F. W. Law IDERMAKINt3-I ani pronated to going ai 1.29. -There kill be a meetinst of the gave vocal solos, aecompatipd by make cider eve Tuesday and Friday and _ Pickering Education Association Miss Hattie Law at Elle pi no, all by appointment. GeA• .Cammack,'Phone Piek. Men's Medium Weight Drawers. Penman's, sizes 86 and 38 I the Pickering continuation of which were heartily Encored. leis`- sir • 125 value, going at 79 rents= '1 t wbool on Monday evening, Feb. During -the evening lunch W". OR :SALE-Gond reliable general 4th. All- of' file executive are Served which included coffee, sari 'FOR horse.light wagorl and harness, Tor Men's Fleece-lit,ed Q.atvere. sizes-4G 'and , regu.l _ ,00, kr her ar 1 especially requested to be present L, the t. a fort use for acme. Applyto. r tri(sheB, Cake andie.e Cream; which Len Burmngham;Contractor,Fairport. Phone Rol at iJ cents. -to discuss the advisability of coo- all enjoyed. . Tile- members of the Pick x712. _ 2an Kiddies' I,nitation Ffie Gauntlets; regular 1.00, going at k _: tinning this Association and to lodge wish to ex-presa to their WANTED-Cont general or nurse- half price, 50 cents. compl@te arrangements for the hretbrea from the Whitby lodge �' maid for private home in Windsor. Exper- ppening of the new school. their appreciation of the part fence preferred but not essential. For farther :'Men's Heavy Snag-proof, 2;buekle Rabber's, red sole, reg x Y. particulars apply Government Employment Ser- _- -� very enjoyable social even- thev.played in slaking the affair vice,osl,a.ra.oat.. 22 $.50, snips at 2 80. . y " Ing was spent on Friday last is each a success. which they did 'S Felt foxed Lace B le, sizes 5 and the town hall by the members and without charge: also they wish �`OR SALE-Chean: all kinds of ?, regular 3.a5 r wagons,harness,and all kinds of farm im- r friends of St. George's Church. to,than the local talent for their- plement.in good order. Also se•eralheavy and going at 2.98. Mrs- Willett. president of the generous and highly appreciated tight P id orhid ook s a d wool.alsorlive Doul- Ladies' Bedroom Slippers. colacfy.fancy colors, 'sizes 4, 6 Women st Guild, and Mrs. Sier services. A't the conclusion of the try. H.Herman.StouHville. Phone 1903 17tf and 6, 2.00 values, going at 1:29, were the hostesses for the even- program a number remained -to ,lug. The prizes' for the card spend an hour pleasantly in a FOR SALE ' Ladies' Bedroom Slippers, pretty shades of felt,with fanep games were Iron by the following: social dance.. The guests are also im, reg 1.40, going at 98 cehte. 1s't Ladies'. Hiss Nellie Sier 2nd very grateful to the lodge for the �.Gilson 3i b. p. Gas Fnrpiae with tr 'Ladies.' Mrs. T. Mansfield ;.Booby very pleasant. evening they pro- shifting.-pulleys, belts and hangers, ;Bpye 1 buckle plaid top, felt sole, Slippers, 18 2, reg 1.75, prize. Miss Isabelle Squires ; 1st vided for them. nearly new; o Good Cutter, Demo- 1 cen s.' t y alt, Cu De o gong at 93 t _ - crest`Vagon. Harness, Buggy, (food Gents', George Downing ; 2.od ---W�1 rHY. ariveiand 1 Pair of Platform Scales. Booby Red Felt S rf+, one res I - _ iris' li a st eatber' sole }2 2 . :Gents', Norman Banks ; — 1;25, going at a price, •cents. -< Prize, Fred Stork. Refresh W. R..3iEE. Butcher, _ p ts George Baird, of Reach townslfi�, 21-24 Highland Creeli „ were served by the young people, was apprehended late Saturday night Child's Red Fclt SlipPers,-aizes 8, 9 and 10, reg-1.15, going lifter which a. very pleasant hour •by peov.Constable Taylor, of Whit- at 69 cents. was spent in dancing• b and charged with ahopbrekkingBEATTY -,-A deputation of loeotnotis a 54 theft. Hail of'$1400 was accepted . O y, s $rue a®d White ."Scarf. and Cap" set, and the case set down for bearing on One only, Girl engineers warted upon Premier STAfiD3 FOIi TS)✓ DEBT wool, 2.00 valii€, going at 1.49. ' _ Ferguson' the other day asking -Fcid+iy, Feb: Isr, nt Whitby. The _ what legislation be introduced at socident relates to the.hwrness which - g' was stoles From O'Boyle'a farm, MFr- awe HAPMAN the approaching session making it tie, and advertised in an Oshawa C compulsory for all motor vehicles paper. Througb this medium the •' • tostop before crossing a level- barness was recot eyed and the arrest "•crossing. A very large nuulber of subsequently made. _ " ZUaccidents; many of which proved, Charged with causing bodily.in ur• fatal, have occurred at Ievel cross ' les co the late Col.J:E. Farewell,I .C,, � + BUNDY'S �lase, and in nearly every case late (',town Attornty of Ontario Cn., _by negligent and reckless driving, W. 11JJ r they were due to carelensnrss,• Gordon, ,Kingston Mitts; was found ` • simply because the drivers did net, guilty and fined 9725 00 and costs. .=Pn = take file precaution to as lice magistrate Willis prPs'ided, Col, �! to a certainty that no trains were -Grierson prosecute:i and .R'. E. Dty, Approaching.. There .are ' rr,Any of Kingston,defended. Fine was paid: Litter Csirrierc, Hay Carriers, �� crossings in Pickering which are The cane tasted horn I a.n,.to 11 p.m• Door Tracks, CowM -ul -R - E_decidedl'yp dangerous .betaine in on Fiiday, 25tb inst. The Pro�iticial Pntnps, _ npproaehin� a train eannuE be Police D"apt..brought' several expert . Bow ls. Pressure Sy-tens Etc.' - lseen until it is el>>e;to trio Cross meehasnics to prove different points in It aill,pay•.yon to get my pric>s on ��^''11 y' the case. • abovehefc,rt•bn}infit;ses�here' the Fan1C)t1S l�'L�Id 'Water_Pake, -Ing J. Peer, L!tngly Ave.. 'torontrr_ ap- �� —The annual m?sting of St. Feared heforr' Police JlagistrMe J.].. FRANK J. PI MUSE Andrew's Church wn4 hpld on VV at Whitby,' on Fridity islet. PICKRRTNG, ONT 1RI0 — j•-,1n '.bite aYjiel• �'1L1LS• —T - " - Tuesday eC�ing with ati fair fit• charged under Sec. 28Z of theCriauinal tell Rev. P- F. G+trditler, Carle i. 'e. reckless driving causing ' _ trodily harm to flap `Dip Gannon, ,�ickerin ~-- the pastor,'oeconied the chair an(1 sr., of WIlithy; The+ Zt`c et}ent happen• pptt M. S. Chapman noted agsecretasry•. ed on the night of Nov, th last and Lead, ;Er 1.iQ��r _Storo ! on ' pound cf f u�'esco will covey The tretssnrer, Thufi,as n yew•, the rTefendatrt was uprebended by- by r — _ - presented his report shaving that Provincial 01TIcer Taylor, of «'pithy, _ _.seVe��Gv -fij e✓ square feet. all obligations had been met and Feet .was proceeding noeth nn the Our. stnek rntnnri�es everything in Brook- there was a sill halanceon hand. Provincial Hist sagln Ards Brook• leather Koudy:,rid our prices'The Session report. Fthowed pro lin and when near Fleard's gravel pit +rr±ser-anti to alms. �llt`unglll i '7: and 5 lt• packages he was on the weal or wrong side of up ,in t� ,_'gres9 with a.slight Additi6ti'to the the road, Ouming south on his•r.ight J•ceryl.Llug for.the horse: at membership, . The reports fro'n, gide ,was Josehn Heard,,cif. Whitby, Blankets, $3.00 up, heavy e - -the various church organizations but be seas travelling without enc Card a+n if;tetot Don- is motor truck. Neither --Halters, AQc. up, all leather det a Color Va d• were all very sats y lights on h D Op in and b 1 Rid Mhnro and W. IT. Westney, patty saw the other until about 4 feet Trunks-Club Cases ti 7 whose terms as members of the apart. Gannon sustained two broken ;Harness and boots repairs read all atiOt this r Board to managers hard expired, iibeRnc}internal injuries•to his liver 1 ll were re sleeted, and' the 'other and kidneys. Evidence was givpn for —'Our.repairing service is were officers trete. all ,e•elegted, A the crown by Prov,Constahle Ta ylor ' . ' unexcelTed, . and orlon Gibson, Whitby.. Peer s T anitary finigli• d covlmittee Wats appointed to make did no"Ctleny beinir on the strong side CECIL BRADLEY --­.-. — arrangements'for a social• evening of the road, but stated chat if Heard - ' fit an eartp date, and the gales- had find lights no acr:ident.vould have garners maker, ` ' Picke�in� tion of holding-an anniversary happened. Fined $10 and costa. tot �undy l.'fr in the hands of the Sex•'146,2.00. Fine paid. Damage to Peer'sPICKERI�Ia, - ONTARIO J, H b biu:.l d1AJ We B.aard of Managers. i c,-,�•$577,00. r. .rT